Vscope Note 6 - Downhole Tool Setup.v1

May 28, 2018 | Author: hendri sulistiawan | Category: Computer File, Tab (Gui), Databases, Parameter (Computer Programming), File Format



SETTING UP VSCOPEFOR A DOWNHOLE TOOL 3-Channel Downhole Tool Setup VibraScope v2.4.70 Abstract Setting Up Vscope for a 3-channel Downhole Geophone Seismic Source www.SeismicSource.com Stacking Shots in Vscope Table of Contents 1 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 3 2 Setting Up Vscope Software ...................................................................................... 4 2.1 Start Vscope .................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.2 The New Project ............................................................................................................................................ 5 2.3 Set the Options for Vscope ....................................................................................................................... 6 2.3.1 General Tab .............................................................................................................................................................. 7 2.3.2 Auto Save Tab ......................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.3.3 File Export Tab......................................................................................................................................................... 9 2.3.4 Stack Tab ................................................................................................................................................................ 10 2.3.5 Filter Tab ................................................................................................................................................................. 11 2.3.6 Roll Tab ................................................................................................................................................................... 12 2.3.7 Lock Tab.................................................................................................................................................................. 13 3 Setting Up the DAQlink Seismographs .................................................................. 14 3.1 Set the DAQlink Parameters .................................................................................................................. 14 3.1.1 Acquisition Tab .................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.1.2 Trigger Tab ............................................................................................................................................................ 16 3.1.3 Analog Output Tab ............................................................................................................................................ 17 3.1.4 GPS Tab ................................................................................................................................................................... 18 3.1.5 Calibration Tab ..................................................................................................................................................... 19 3.1.6 Advanced Tab ....................................................................................................................................................... 20 3.2 Update all DAQlinks.................................................................................................................................. 21 4 Data Acquisition – Stacking Data ............................................................................ 22 4.1 Setting up Vscope ..................................................................................................................................... 22 4.2 Data Acquisition ......................................................................................................................................... 24 4.2.1 First Pop in Stack ................................................................................................................................................. 24 4.2.2 Next Pop ................................................................................................................................................................. 26 4.2.3 Another Pop .......................................................................................................................................................... 27 4.2.4 Last Pop and Saving Stack .............................................................................................................................. 28 4.2.5 Continuing Acquisition ..................................................................................................................................... 30 4.3 Stacking Options in the Memory Window ....................................................................................... 31 4.3.1 Restarting the Shot Point................................................................................................................................. 31 4.3.2 Save Current Stack.............................................................................................................................................. 32 4.3.3 Voiding Bad Records and Restacking Data .............................................................................................. 33 4.3.4 Reviewing Pops during Acquisition ............................................................................................................. 36 4.3.5 Recalling Data from the Database ............................................................................................................... 37 4.3.6 Deleting Pops from Database ........................................................................................................................ 39 4.3.7 Appending Traces in Time............................................................................................................................... 40 Seismic Source Company page 1 of 42 Stacking Shots in Vscope 5 Details ......................................................................................................................... 42 Seismic Source Company page 2 of 42 Stacking Shots in Vscope 1 Introduction This document provides instructions for setting up DAQlink seismographs and Vscope software for recording data from a three-channel downhole geophone. This includes enabling only the first three channels in the DAQlink to decrease the amount of data recorded. This saves hard disk storage space, makes network transfers faster, and also makes data processing easier. Downhole data is typically recorded at a higher sample rate, so this document shows a ¼ millisecond sample rate as the default setting. It also assumes that a weaker source, i.e. a sledgehammer, so the highest preamp gain has been selected. To decrease noise, often multiple hits are recorded for a common level. This document includes details on stacking multiple hits for a level or a source point. A DAQlink at Work  Note the three-channel downhole cable is connected directly to the DAQlink  Also note the optional Wi-Fi unit, providing the connection to the computer  The yellow case in the photo is the seismograph’s battery Seismic Source Company page 3 of 42 Stacking Shots in Vscope 2 Setting Up Vscope Software Start Vscope and create a new project. 2. The new project will contain the parameters and data of this project.1 Start Vscope Starting Vscope  Start Vscope  Check the network connections to the seismograph Seismic Source Company page 4 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope 2.2 The New Project Opening a New Project  Use “File”  “New Project…” to create the new project  Select “Seismic” as the project mode Seismic Source Company page 5 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope 2. Check the “Auto Export Single Records to File” Seismic Source Company page 6 of 42 . check the “Auto Save” settings.3 Set the Options for Vscope Selecting VibraScope’s Parameters  Use “Options”  “Preferences” to access Vscope’s options  For example. please use the WinPcap option. Seismic Source Company page 7 of 42 .3.1 General Tab Setting Vscope’s General Parameters  All the menus shown in this document have been shown in the “Advanced Mode”.  Unless otherwise instructed. Stacking Shots in Vscope 2. Stacking Shots in Vscope 2.3. and the folder to which those files are saved.2 Auto Save Tab Setting Vscope’s Auto Save Parameters  This tab controls which files are saved.  For stacking. save records to both “Database” and “File” Seismic Source Company page 8 of 42 . the file type saved. Use a format that is compatible with your processing software.3. Seismic Source Company page 9 of 42 .3 File Export Tab Setting Vscope’s File Export Parameters  These options control the name and format of the files saved to the hard disk. Stacking Shots in Vscope 2. 4 Stack Tab Setting Vscope’s Stack Parameters  Check the “Auto Stack Records” option  Save the stacked Data to both “Database” and “Files”  This example stacks four individual pops  Check the “Confirm Before Stack” option Seismic Source Company page 10 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope 2.3. 3. and do not affect the raw data. or the files saved to disk. Stacking Shots in Vscope 2. Seismic Source Company page 11 of 42 .5 Filter Tab Setting Vscope’s Filter Parameters  The filters in this tab are used exclusively for data display. 6 Roll Tab Setting Vscope’s Roll Parameters  When setting geometry values in the traces headers this option assists in updating source and receiver station numbers during acquisition. Stacking Shots in Vscope 2. Seismic Source Company page 12 of 42 .3. Seismic Source Company page 13 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope 2.7 Lock Tab Setting Vscope’s Lock Option  This option help prevent accidental parameter changes during data acquisition.3. Stacking Shots in Vscope 3 Setting Up the DAQlink Seismographs Start Vscope and create a new project.1 Set the DAQlink Parameters Enabling DAQs and selecting unit 1452 for updating  Use “Auto Detect”  Enable all the DAQs shown by clicking on their enable boxes  Highlight one of the units  Use “DAQ Settings” to double-check its parameters Seismic Source Company page 14 of 42 . 3. The new project will contain the parameters and data of this project. Dividing 500 by the sample rate (in milliseconds) provides the Nyquist frequency. and “16” for shallow or distant sources  Set the sample rate.1 Acquisition Tab Setting a DAQs Acquisition Parameters  Set the “Gain” levels. The Nyquist must be greater than the highest frequency recorded  Low Cut Filter removes low frequency noise. larger values for lower frequencies and smaller datasets.1. Stacking Shots in Vscope 3. use “1” for large. a suggested value is roughly the geophone frequency divided by five  Standalone Mode lets DAQlink record without computer connected to it Seismic Source Company page 15 of 42 . smaller values for higher frequencies but larger data files. “4” for weaker ones. powerful sources. 1.  Setting the Auto Start option depends on how the crew is planning on operating Seismic Source Company page 16 of 42 .2 Trigger Tab Setting a DAQs Trigger Parameters  A trigger type of “TimeBreak” means a contact closure on the trigger port will start the system  Pulse Edge determines which end of the pulse starts the DAQlink. Stacking Shots in Vscope 3. “Positive Edge” is the front of a positive pulse. Too large of value and the seismograph will not detect the pulse. and “Negative Edge” is the trailing one.  “Level” controls the point at which the trigger is picked on the pulse. Stacking Shots in Vscope 3.3 Analog Output Tab Setting a DAQs Analog Output Parameters  Do not set any parameters in this menu unless directly instructed by SSC personnel! Seismic Source Company page 17 of 42 .1.  Set the GPS Port Baud Rate to 19. Please wait until the GPS acquires its lock. Stacking Shots in Vscope 3. but without latitude and longitude.1. then the GPS does not yet have a satellite lock. and a full GGA can be fetched via the “Get Position” button. then either the GPS is disconnected or set up with the wrong baud rate.200 so the GPS and seismograph can communicate Seismic Source Company page 18 of 42 . o If the GGA string is shown.4 GPS Tab Setting a DAQs GPS Parameters  Use the “Get Position” button to check to ensure that the GPS is working o The latitude and longitude should be displayed o If the GGA string is not shown. Stacking Shots in Vscope 3.1.5 Calibration Tab Setting a DAQs Calibration Parameters  Do not set any parameters in this menu unless directly instructed by SSC personnel! Seismic Source Company page 19 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope 3.  Do not reset the oscillator value! Seismic Source Company page 20 of 42 . The seismograph will now begin overwriting old data.  Use the “Erase Memory” option to clear the seismograph memory and reset the memory pointer. Do this after changing the sample rate to a smaller value / higher rate.1.6 Advanced Tab Setting a DAQs Advanced Parameters  Click on the “Reset DAQ” button to reboot a remote seismograph  Use the “Reset Memory” option to push the memory point back to the start of memory. Stacking Shots in Vscope 3.2 Update all DAQlinks Sending updated parameters to all seismographs  Click on “Yes” to send the updates to all attached DAQlink seismographs Seismic Source Company page 21 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope 4 Data Acquisition – Stacking Data 4.1 Setting up Vscope Select the Memory Option  Click on the “Options” tab  Click on the “Memory” option Arranging Windows in Vscope  The Memory widow appears on the screen  Use the “Vertical Tile” option to arrange the windows for usability Seismic Source Company page 22 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope Vscope ready for Operation  The Memory widow appears on the left  The Trace Data (Seismic Plot) window in the center  The Amplitude Spectra window is on the right  The Status window is across the bottom of the program Seismic Source Company page 23 of 42 . 1 First Pop in Stack Before for the first pop  Click on the “Start” button  “Waiting for Trigger” appears in the status window  Take the Shot! Seismic Source Company page 24 of 42 .2 Data Acquisition 4.2. Stacking Shots in Vscope 4. Stacking Shots in Vscope After the first pop  “Finished Acquisition” appears in the status window  A record has been saved to both the database and as file #62  Data is displayed as both “Seismic Data” and “Amplitude Spectra” Seismic Source Company page 25 of 42 . 2 Next Pop After the second pop  Click on the “Start” button  “Waiting for Trigger” appears in the status window  Take the Shot!  The two-pop stack is shown in the data windows Seismic Source Company page 26 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope 4.2. 2. Stacking Shots in Vscope 4.3 Another Pop After the third pop  Click on the “Start” button  “Waiting for Trigger” appears in the status window  Take the Shot!  The three-pop stack is shown in the data windows Seismic Source Company page 27 of 42 . click on the “Yes” button with the green checkmark Seismic Source Company page 28 of 42 .4 Last Pop and Saving Stack After the final pop  Click on the “Start” button  “Waiting for Trigger” appears in the status window  Take the Shot!  The four-pop stack is shown in the data windows  The “Save Stack” confirmation appears. Stacking Shots in Vscope 4.2. Stacking Shots in Vscope After the final pop  The data file with the four stacked pops is saved as file #66  This data can now be viewed and manipulated with the various tools in Vscope Seismic Source Company page 29 of 42 . 2. Stacking Shots in Vscope 4.5 Continuing Acquisition Continuing Data Acquisition  Click on the “Start” button  Take the Shot!  This restarted the acquisition and stacking process  The data from this pop has been saved. both to the database and as SEG-Y file #67 Seismic Source Company page 30 of 42 . thus restarting data acquisition for this source station Seismic Source Company page 31 of 42 .3. Stacking Shots in Vscope 4.3 Stacking Options in the Memory Window 4.1 Restarting the Shot Point Clear Memory  Clearing the memory removes all pops for the current shot point. and no further pops are required.2 Save Current Stack Saving the Current Stack  If the current stack is deemed acceptable.3. Stacking Shots in Vscope 4. then the current stack came be saved as a file  After saving the current stack. the memory is cleared (see previous option) and acquisition is restarting at the next source station Seismic Source Company page 32 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope 4. the pop with the “Stack ID” of 438 and file number of 78 is a “bad” record because of noise on the line Seismic Source Company page 33 of 42 .3 Voiding Bad Records and Restacking Data The Bad Record  For this example.3. Stacking Shots in Vscope The bad pop is replaced  The “Select” box for the bad file is unchecked  The shot is then re-acquired  Note that even with four pops. the stack count is still at 3 Seismic Source Company page 34 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope The Source Location is finished  The source location is finished as usual  The stacked data is saved at file #81  And data acquisition continues at the next shot point Seismic Source Company page 35 of 42 . 4 Reviewing Pops during Acquisition Reviewing Acquired Data  This option plots the selected record  These records can then be unselected or reselected  And the stack recreated and/or resaved Seismic Source Company page 36 of 42 .3. Stacking Shots in Vscope 4. 5 Recalling Data from the Database Reviewing Acquired Data  This option permanently deletes records from the database  In this example. the noisy record from the previous section has been deleted  This is a permanent action and cannot be reversed! Seismic Source Company page 37 of 42 .3. Stacking Shots in Vscope 4. Stacking Shots in Vscope Reviewing Acquired Data  This option permanently deletes records from the database  In this example. the noisy record from the previous section has been deleted  This is a permanent action and cannot be reversed! Seismic Source Company page 38 of 42 . the noisy record from the previous section has been deleted  This is a permanent action! Seismic Source Company page 39 of 42 .3.6 Deleting Pops from Database Reviewing Acquired Data  This option permanently deletes records from the database  In this example. Stacking Shots in Vscope 4. the data must be exported from the database Seismic Source Company page 40 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope 4. three files are being appended into one  This action happens in time. so the first sample of the appending file becomes the next sample of the append file  This the resulting file is stored in the Vscope database  For use in other software.3.7 Appending Traces in Time Appending Traces  This option appends traces from several Start ID into single traces  In this example. all of the records are two seconds long  The appended traces are six seconds long Seismic Source Company page 41 of 42 . Stacking Shots in Vscope Appended Traces shown in SeiSee  Here is an appended record as seen in SeiSee  In this example. 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