Volume 3 Electrical and Mechanical Specifications



AEB-695-07 REV.00 OFFICE BUILDING (3B + G + M + 9) FOR MR. ALI MOHD. JAIDAH AT B-RING ROAD, DOHA JADEED, STATE OF QATAR OFFICE BUILDING (3B+G+M+9) FOR MR. ALI MOHD. JAIDAH PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS VOLUME 3 – ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL SECTION – 11 INTERGRATED BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 1 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 SL NO. TITLE OF SPECIFICATIONS PART-1 GENERAL SCOPE OF WORK RELATED WORK QUALITY ASSURANCE SUBMITTALS WARRANTY TECHNICAL SUBMITTAL PART-2 PRODUCTS NETWORKING COMMUNICATIONS DDC SUPERVISORY CONTROLLER DDC & HVAC MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CONTROLLER DDC & HVAC MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CONTROLLER RESIDENT SOFTWARE FEATURES LOCAL USER DISPLAY PERSONAL COMPUTER OPERATOR WORKSTATION HARDWARE WORKSTATION OPERATOR INTERFACE FIELD DEVICES MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES INTERGRATION FOR FIRE ALARM / LIFE SAFETY INTERGRATION OF OTHER SYSTEMS / EQUIPMENTS PART-3 EXECUTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT SEQUENCE OF OPERATION POINT SCHEDULE MATRIX-1 / 0 SCHEDULE START-UP AND COMMISSIONING MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 2 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 ELECTRICAL WIRING AND MATERIALS CONTROL AIR AND SENSING LINES PERFORMANCE COMMISSIONING, TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE TRAINING GENERAL NOTES PART- 4 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS PART- 5 SCHEDULE OF APPROVED MANUFACTURERS MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 3 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 INTEGRATED BUILDING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM PART- 1 GENERAL The Building Automation System (BAS) manufacturer shall furnish and install a fully integrated building automation system, incorporating direct digital control (DDC) for energy management, equipment monitoring and control, and subsystems with open communications capabilities as herein specified. Provide open communications system. The system shall be an open architecture with the capabilities to support a multi-vendor environment. To accomplish this effectively, system shall be capable of utilizing standard protocols as follows as well as be able to integrate third-party systems via existing vendor protocols. System shall be capable of BACnet communication according to ASHRAE standard SPC-135A/95. System shall be capable of OPC server communications according to OPC Data Access 2.0 and Alarms and Events 1.0. System shall be capable of LonWorks communication using the LonTalk protocol. The system shall not be limited to only use open communication protocols, but also be able to integrate a wide variety of third-party devices and applications via existing vendor protocols and through the latest software standards. The intent is to either use the Operator Workstation provided under this contract to communicate with control systems provided by other vendors or to allow information about the system provided in this contract to be sent to another workstation. This allows the user to have a single seat from which to perform daily operation. The installation of the control system shall be performed under the direct supervision of the controls manufacturer with the shop drawings, flow diagrams, bill of materials, component designation or identification number and sequence of operation all bearing the name of the manufacturer. The installing manufacturer shall certify in writing, that the shop drawings have been prepared by the equipment manufacturer and that the equipment manufacturer has supervised their installation. In addition, the equipment manufacturer shall certify, in writing, that the shop drawings were prepared by their company and that all temperature control equipment was installed under their direct supervision. C. All materials and equipment used shall be standard components, regularly manufactured for this and/or other systems and not custom designed specially for this project. All systems and components shall have been thoroughly tested and proven in actual use for at least two years. D. BAS manufacturer shall be responsible for all BAS and Temperature Control wiring for a complete and operable system. All wiring shall be done in accordance with all local and national codes. This contractor shall furnish and install an interface to provide integration of fire alarm and life safety system information into the BAS for centralized alarming, monitoring, maintenance reporting, graphical display, and historical data collecting. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 4 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 F. The chiller equipment supplier shall provide proof of experience with integration of the type outlined in this specification. The supplier shall provide individuals experienced with the installation and start-up of equipment relating to integration. 1. 1 SCOPE OF WORK A. Mechanical works including the installation of all wells, valves, taps, dampers, flow stations, etc. furnished by BAS manufacturer. B. Electrical works including : 1. 220/240 VAC power to all BAS an/or Temperature control panels 2. Wiring of all power feeds through all disconnect starters to electrical motor. 3. Wiring of any remote start/stop switches and manual or automatic motor speed control devices not furnished by BAS manufacturer 4. Wiring of any electrical sub-metering devices furnished by BAS manufacturer. C. IBMS shall cover C.1- the following items Control Valves Flow Switches Flow Meters Pressure and Temperature Sensor Wells and Sockets Automatic Dampers Terminal Unit Controls : Pressure Transmitters Temperature Transmitters Power Transmitters Thermostats Sensors Controllers Smoke Detectors C.2 - the following equipments Chillers Chilled water re-circulation pumps Chilled water pressurization package Impulse car park ventilation system Stairwell/liftwell pressurization system Escape route pressurization system Treated fresh air handling units Toilet / pantry extract fans Split a/c units Smoke clearance vents Domestic water booster sets Hot watercirculation pumps Sump pumps Fire pumps (electric, diesel, jockey) Water tanks Fan coil units MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 5 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 1.2 RELATED WORK A. General and Special Conditions B. Mechanical works specifications C. Electrical works specifications 1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. The BAS system shall be designed and installed, commissioned and serviced by manufacturer employed, factory trained personnel. Manufacturer shall have an in-place support facility in QATAR with technical staff, spare parts inventory and necessary test and diagnostic equipment. Distributors or licensed installing contractors are not acceptable. The manufacturer shall provide full time, on site, experienced project manager for this work, responsible for direct supervision of the design, installation, start up and commissioning of the B.M.S. The BAS specialist shall be regularly engaged in the manufacturing, installation and maintenance of BMS systems and shall have a minimum of ten (10) years of demonstrated technical expertise and experience in the manufacture, installation and maintenance of B.M.S. systems similar in size and complexity to this project. A maintained service organization consisting of at least ten (10) competent servicemen for a period of not less than ten years and provide a list of 10 projects, similar in size and scope to this project, completed within the last five years. B. Materials and equipment shall be the catalogued products of manufacturers regularly engaged in production and installation of automatic temperature control systems and shall be manufacturer's latest standard design that complies with the specification requirements. All BAS peer-to-peer network controllers, central system controllers and local user displays shall be UL Listed under Standard UL 916 / 873. G. The manufacturer of the building automation system shall provide documentation supporting compliance with ISO-9002 (Model for Quality Assurance in Production, Installation, and Servicing) and ISO-140001 (The application of well-accepted business management principles to the environment). The intent of this specification requirement is to ensure that the products from the manufacturer are delivered through a Quality System and Framework that will assure consistency in the products delivered for this project. This system shall have a documented history of compatibility by design for a minimum of 15 years. Future compatibility shall be supported for no less than 10 years. J. This contractor shall provide proof of experience with integration to fire alarm/life safety systems. Provide individuals experienced with the installation and startup of equipment related to this type of integration. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 6 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 1. 4 SUBMITTALS A. Submit (3) complete sets of documentation in the following phased delivery schedule: 1. Valve and damper schedules 2. Equipment data cut sheets 3. System schematics, including: Sequence of operations Point names Point addresses Interface wiring diagrams Panel layouts. System riser diagrams 4. Auto-CAD compatible as-built drawings B. Upon project completion, submit operation and maintenance manuals, consisting of the following: Index sheet, listing contents in alphabetical order Manufacturer's equipment parts list of all functional components of the system, Auto-CAD disk of system schematics, including wiring diagrams Description of sequence of operations As-Built interconnection wiring diagrams Operator's Manual Trunk cable schematic showing remote electronic panel locations, and all trunk data List of connected data points, including panels to which they are connected and input device (ionization detector, sensors, etc.) Conduit routing diagrams 1.5 WARRANTY A. Provide all services, materials and equipment necessary for the successful operation of the entire BAS system for a period of one year from the date of handing over of the system. B. The adjustment, required testing, and repair of the system includes all computer equipment, transmission equipment and all sensors and control devices. C. The on-line support services shall allow the local BAS subcontractor to dial out over telephone lines to monitor and control the facility's building automation system. This remote connection to the facility shall be within 2 hours of the time that the problem is reported. This coverage shall be extended to include normal business hours, after business hours, weekends and holidays. If the problem cannot be resolved on-line by the local office, the national office of the building automation system manufacturer shall have the same capabilities for remote connection to the facility. If the problem cannot be resolved with on-line support services, the BAS manufacturer shall dispatch the appropriate personnel to the job site to resolve the problem within 3 hours of the time that the problem is reported. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 7 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 1.6 TECHNICAL SUBMITTAL A. Technical submittals shall be prepared in accordance with these specifications. Four (3) copies of the proposal shall be submitted for approval. The technical submittal shall include the following data/information as a minimum. The order of listing here is not intended to indicate, nor should it be construed to indicate, the relative importance of the data/information: 1. Information on organizational capability to handle this project (management, personnel, manufacturing, single source responsibility, etc.) 2. Information on training program to demonstrate specification compliance. 3. System Configuration as Proposed: a. Describe system architecture including a schematic layout with location and type (model number) of all control panels. b. Describe system operation, functions and control techniques. c. Modularity. d. Provisions against obsolescence due to technological advancement. e. Provide hardware and software data sheets on interfaces third party systems (e.g. chiller). 4. Technical data to support the information on the hardware configuration. 5. Detailed description of all operating, command, application and energy management software provided for this project. 6. A signed certificate stating the Contractor "has read the performance and functional requirements, understands them and his technical proposal will comply with all parts of the specification." 7. Other requirements for inclusion in the technical proposal are located throughout this specification. 8. Line by line specification concordance statement. PART- 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 NETWORKING COMMUNICATIONS 2.1.1 The design of the BAS shall network operator workstations and stand-alone DDC Controllers. The network architecture shall consist of multiple levels for communication efficiency, a campus-wide (Management Level Network) Ethernet network based on TCP/IP protocol, high performance peer-to-peer building level network(s) and DDC Controller floor level local area networks with access being totally transparent to the user when accessing data or developing control programs. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 8 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 System shall have the capability to communicate with a BACnet network over Ethernet or BACnet/IP (according to Annex J). The intent is to use the system provided under this contract to communicate with control systems provided by other vendors. A PICS must be provided describing the BACnet, ANSI/ASHRAE 135-95, implementation. Minimum system functionality must include monitoring, commanding, and alarming for daily operator functions from a common workstation. System shall have the capability to be an OPC Client and Server for dynamic communication with OPC Clients or Servers over an Ethernet network. At a minimum, the following must be supported: Data Access 1.0 (96), 1.0A (97) and 2.0 (11/98) Alarms & Events 1.0 (1/99) Peer-to-Peer Building Level Network: 1. All operator devices either network resident or connected via dial-up modems shall have the ability to access all point status and application report data or execute control functions for any and all other devices via the peer-to-peer network. No hardware or software limits shall be imposed on the number of devices with global access to the network data at any time. 2. The peer-to-peer network shall support a minimum of 100 DDC controllers and PC workstations 3. Each PC workstation shall support a minimum of 4 peer to peer networks hardwired or dial up. The system shall support integration of third party systems (fire alarm, security, lighting, PCL, chiller, boiler) via panel mounted open protocol processor. This processor shall exchange data between the two systems for inter process control. All exchange points shall have full system functionality as specified herein for hardwired points. Field panels must be capable of integration with open standards including Modbus, BACnet, and Lon works as well as with third party devices via existing vendor protocols. 6. Telecommunication Capability: a. Auto-dial/auto-answer communications shall be provided to allow Supervisory Ethernet DDC Controllers to communicate with remote operator stations and/or remote terminals via telephone lines, as indicated in the sequence of operations. b. Auto-dial Supervisory Ethernet DDC Controllers shall automatically place calls to workstations to report alarms or other significant events. The auto-dial program shall include provisions for handling busy signals, "no answers" and incomplete data transfers. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 9 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 c. Operators at dial-up workstations shall be able to perform all control functions, all report functions and all database generation and modification functions as described for workstations connected via the network. Routines to automatically answer calls from remote Supervisory Ethernet DDC or HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall be inherent in the Supervisory Ethernet Controller. The use of additional firmware or software is not acceptable. The fact that communications are taking place with remote Supervisory Ethernet DDC or HVAC & Mechanical Equipment Controllers over telephone lines shall be completely transparent to an operator. Multiple modems shall be supported by Supervisory Ethernet DDC or HVAC & Mechanical Equipment Controllers on the Peer-to-Peer Network to ensure continuous communication to workstation. 7. Intranet/Internet access Web Based Operator Interface The BAS shall be an inherent web based graphical interface that allows users to access the BAS data via the Internet, extranet, or Intranet. The interface shall use HTML based ASP pages to send and receive data from the BAS to a web browser. A web server computer will be supplied. The web server shall use Microsoft’s IIS server 4.0 with Windows NT4, or IIS 5.0 with Windows 2000, and support browser access via Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher), or Navigator Netscape 6.0 (or higher). All information exchanged over Internet shall be optionally encrypted and secure via SSL (provided by Owner). Access to the web interface may be password protected. A users rights and privileges to points and graphics will be the same as those assigned at the BAS workstation. An option will exist to only allow users “read” access via the web browser, while maintaining “command” privileges via the BAS workstation. Commissioning of the Web interface shall not require modification or creation of HTML or ASP pages. All graphics available at the BAS graphical workstation shall be available to users via a web browser. The web-based interface shall provide the following functionality to users, based on their access and privilege rights: Logon Screen – allows the user to enter their user name, password and Domain name for logging into the web server. Alarm Display – a display of current BAS alarms to which the user has access will be displayed. Users will be able to acknowledge and erase active alarms, and link to additional alarm information including alarm messages, and informational and memo text. Any alarm acknowledgements initiated through the web interface will be written to the BAS central workstation activity log. Graphic Display – Display of system graphics, including animated motion, available in the BAS workstation will be available for viewing over the web browser. Software that requires creation of dedicated “web” graphics in order to display them via the browser interface will not be acceptable. A graphic selector list will allow users to select any graphics to which they have access. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 10 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 Graphic displays will automatically refresh with the latest change of values. Users will have the ability to command and override points from the graphic display as determined by their user accounts rights. Point details – users will have access to point detail information including operational status, operational priority, physical address, and alarm limits, for point objects to which they have access rights. Point Commanding – users will be able to override and command points they have access to via the web browser interface. Any commands or overrides initiated via the web browser interface will be written to the BAS central workstation activity log. g. The web server licensing options will allow concurrent access by (5), browser connections. h. Internet connections, ISP services, as well as necessary firewalls or proxy servers shall be provided by the Owner as required to support the web access feature. 2.2 DDC SUPERVISORY CONTROLLER This level communication shall support a family of application specific controllers and shall communicate with the peer-to-peer network through DDC Controllers for transmission of global data. The controller shall be Web-enabled, Ethernet-based controller that monitors and supervises networks of field-level building automation controllers that typically control HVAC equipment, lighting, security and building access. The controller shall provide features including alarm and event management, trending, archiving, energy management, data exchange, scheduling, dial features, and password protection through its embedded Web-based User Interface. Should support Bacnet and Lon communication protocols. This network may utilize BACnet or the EIA standard 709.1, LonTalk protocol for peer-to-peer communication and integration of 3 rd party LonMark devices. 2.3 DDC & HVAC MECHANlCAL EQUIPMENT CONTROLLERS The DDC & HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall reside on the Building Level Network, and shall be Lonmark or BACnet compliant. DDC & HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall use the same programming language and tools. DDC & HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers which require different programming language or tools on a network are not acceptable. DDC & HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers which do not meet the functions specified in Section 2.4.1 and Section 2.5 for DDC Controllers or Section 2.4.2 and Section 2.5 for HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers are not acceptable. 2.3.1 DDC CONTROLLER MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 11 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 A. DDC Controllers shall be a 16-bit stand-alone, multi-tasking, multi-user, real-time digital control processors consisting of modular hardware with plug-in enclosed processors, communication controllers, power supplies and input/output point modules. Controller shall be Lonamrk or BACnet compliant. Controller size shall be sufficient to fully meet the requirements of this specification and the attached point I/O schedule. Each controller shall support a minimum of three (3) Floor Level Application Specific Controller Device Networks. B. Each DDC Controller shall have sufficient memory to support its own operating system and databases, including: 1. Control processes 2. Energy management applications 3. Alarm management applications including custom alarm messages for each level alarm for each point in the system. 4. Historical/trend data for points specified 5. Maintenance support applications 6. Custom processes 7. Operator I/O 8. Dial-up communications 9. Manual override monitoring C. Each DDC Controller shall support firmware upgrades without the need to replace hardware. D. Provide all processors, power supplies and communication controllers so that appropriate point input/output termination module and wiring. E. DDC Controllers shall provide a RS-232C serial data communication ports for operation of operator I/O devices such as industry standard printers, operator terminals, modems and portable laptop operator's terminals. DDC Controllers shall allow temporary use of portable devices without interrupting the normal operation of permanently connected modems, printers or terminals. F. As indicated in the point I/O schedule, the operator shall have the ability to manually override automatic or centrally executed commands at the DDC Controller via local, point discrete, on-board hand/off/auto operator override switches for digital control type points and gradual switches for analog control type points. 1. Switches shall be mounted either within the DDC Controllers key-accessed enclosure, or externally mounted with each switch keyed to prevent unauthorized overrides. 2. DDC Controllers shall monitor the status of all overrides and inform the operator that automatic control has been inhibited. DDC Controllers shall also collect override activity information for reports. G. DDC Controllers shall provide local LED status indication for each digital input and output for constant, up-to-date verification of all point conditions without MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 12 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 the need for an operator I/O device. Status indication shall be visible without opening the panel door. H. Each DDC Controller shall continuously perform self-diagnostics, communication diagnosis and diagnosis of all panel components. The DDC Controller shall provide both local and remote annunciation of any detected component failures, low battery conditions or repeated failure to establish communication. I. Isolation shall be provided at all peer-to-peer network terminations, as well as all field point terminations to suppress induced voltage transients consistent with: RF-Conducted Immunity (RFCI) per ENV 50141 (IEC 1000-4-6) at 3 V Electro Static Discharge (ESD) Immunity per EN 61000-4-2 (IEC 1000-4-2) at 8 kV air discharge, 4 kV contact Electrical Fast Transient (EFT) per EN 61000-4-4 (IEC 1000-4-4) at 500 V signal, 1 kV power Output Circuit Transients Isolation shall be provided at all peer-to-peer panel's AC input terminals to suppress induced voltage transients consistent with: IEEE Standard 587-1980 Supply Line Transients Voltage Sags, Surge, and Dropout per EN 61000-4-11 (EN 1000-4-11) J. In the event of the loss of normal power, there shall be an orderly shutdown of all DDC Controllers to prevent the loss of database or operating system software. Non-volatile memory shall be incorporated for all critical controller configuration data and battery backup shall be provided to support the real-time clock and all volatile memory for a minimum of 60 days. 1. Upon restoration of normal power, the DDC Controller shall automatically resume full operation without manual intervention. 2. Should DDC Controller memory be lost for any reason, the user shall have the capability of reloading the DDC Controller via the local RS-232C port, via telephone line dial-in or from a network workstation PC. Provide a separate DDC Controller for each AHU or other HVAC system as indicated. It is intended that each unique system be provided with its own point resident DDC Controller. 2.3.2 HVAC MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CONTROLLERS A. HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall be a 12-bit stand-alone, multi-tasking, multi-user, real-time digital control processors consisting of MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 13 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 modular hardware with plug-in enclosed processors. Controllers shall be Lonmark or BACnet compliant. B. Each HVAC Mechanical Controller shall have sufficient memory to support its own operating system and databases, including: 1. Control processes 2. Energy management applications 3. Alarm management applications including custom alarm messages for each level alarm for each point in the system. 4. Historical/trend data for points specified 5. Maintenance support applications 6. Custom processes 7. Operator I/O 8. Remote communications C. HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall provide a RS-232C serial data communication port for operation of operator I/O devices such as industry standard printers, operator terminals, modems and portable laptop operator's terminals. D. HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall provide local LED status indication for each digital input and output for constant, up-to-date verification of all point conditions without the need for an operator I/O device. E. Each HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller shall continuously perform self-diagnostics, communication diagnosis and diagnosis of all components. The HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller shall provide both local and remote annunciation of any detected component failures, low battery conditions or repeated failure to establish communication. F. Isolation shall be provided at all peer-to-peer network terminations, as well as all field point terminations to suppress induced voltage transients consistent with: RF-Conducted Immunity (RFCI) per ENV 50141 (IEC 1000-4-6) at 3 V Electro Static Discharge (ESD) Immunity per EN 61000-4-2 (IEC 1000-4-2) at 8 kV air discharge, 4 kV contact Electrical Fast Transient (EFT) per EN 61000-4-4 (IEC 1000-4-4) at 500 V signal, 1 kV power Output Circuit Transients Isolation shall be provided at all peer-to-peer panel's AC input terminals to suppress induced voltage transients consistent with: IEEE Standard 587-1980 Supply Line Transients Voltage Sags, Surge, and Dropout per EN 61000-4-11 (EN 1000-4-11) G. In the event of the loss of normal power, there shall be an orderly shutdown of all HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers to prevent the loss of database or operating system software. Non-volatile memory shall be incorporated for all critical controller configuration data and battery backup shall be provided to support the real-time clock and all volatile memory for a minimum of 72 hours. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 14 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 1. Upon restoration of normal power, the HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller shall automatically resume full operation without manual intervention. Should HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller memory be lost for any reason, the user shall have the capability of reloading the HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller via the local RS-232C port, via telephone line dial-in or from a network workstation PC. 2.4 DDC & HVAC MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT CONTROLLER RESIDENT SOFTWARE FEATURES A. General: 1. The software programs specified in this Section shall be provided as an integral part of DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers and shall not be dependent upon any higher level computer for execution. 2. All points shall be identified by up to 30 character point name and 16 character point descriptor. The same names shall be used at the PC workstation. 3. All digital points shall have user defined two-state status indication (descriptors with minimum of 8 characters allowed per state (i.e. summer/winter)). B. Control Software Description: 1. The DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall have the ability to perform the following pre-tested control algorithms: a. Two-position control b. Proportional control c. Proportional plus integral control d. Proportional, integral, plus derivative control e. Automatic tuning of control loops C. DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall provide the following energy management routines for the purpose of optimizing energy consumption while maintaining occupant comfort. Start-Stop Time Optimization (SSTO) shall automatically be coordinated with event scheduling. The SSTO program shall start HVAC equipment at the latest possible time that will allow the equipment to achieve the desired zone condition by time of occupancy. The SSTO program shall also shut down HVAC equipment at the earliest possible time before the end of the occupancy period, and still maintain desired comfort conditions. The SSTO program shall operate in both the heating and cooling seasons. It shall be possible to apply the SSTO program to individual fan systems. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 15 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 The SSTO program shall operate on both outside weather conditions as well as inside zone conditions and empirical factors. b) The SSTO program shall meet the local code requirements for minimum outside air while the building is occupied. Event Scheduling: Provide a comprehensive menu driven program to automatically start and stop designated points or groups of points according to a stored time. It shall be possible to individually command a point or group of points. For points assigned to one common load group, it shall be possible to assign variable time delays between each successive start or stop within that group. The operator shall be able to define the following information: Time, day Commands such as on, off, auto, and so forth. Time delays between successive commands. There shall be provisions for manual overriding of each schedule by an appropriate operator. It shall be possible to schedule events up to one year in advance. Scheduling shall be calendar based. Holidays shall allow for different schedules. 3. Enthalpy switchover (economizer) .The Energy Management Control Software (EMCS) will control the position of the air handler relief, return, and outside air dampers. If the outside air dry bulb temperature falls below changeover set point the EMCS will modulate the dampers to provide 100 percent outside air. The user will be able to quickly changeover to an economizer system based on dry bulb temperature and will be able to override the economizer cycle and return to minimum outside air operation at any time. 4. Temperature-compensated duty cycling. a) The DCCP (Duty Cycle Control Program) shall periodically stop and start loads according to various patterns. The loads shall be cycled such that there is a net reduction in both the electrical demands and the energy consumed. 5. Automatic Daylight Savings Time Switchover: The system shall provide automatic time adjustment for switching to/from Daylight Savings Time. 6. Night setback control: The system shall provide the ability to automatically adjust setpoints for night control. The Peak Demand Limiting (PDL) program shall limit the consumption of electricity to prevent electrical peak demand charges. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 16 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 PDL shall continuously track the amount of electricity being consumed, by monitoring one or more electrical kilowatt-hour/demand meters. These meters may measure the electrical consumption (kWh), electrical demand (kW), or both. PDL shall sample the meter data to continuously forecast the demand likely to be used during successive time intervals. If the PDL forecasted demand indicates that electricity usage is likely to exceed a user preset maximum allowable level, then PDL shall automatically shed electrical loads. Once the demand peak has passed, loads that have been shed shall be restored and returned to normal control. D. DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall be able to execute custom, job-specific processes defined by the user, to automatically perform calculations and special control routines. 1. A single process shall be able to incorporate measured or calculated data from any and all other DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers on the network. In addition, a single process shall be able to issue commands to points in any and all other DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers on the network. Database shall support 30 character, English language point names, structured for searching and logs. 2. Processes shall be able to generate operator messages and advisories to operator I/O devices. A process shall be able to directly send a message to a specified device or cause the execution of a dial-up connection to a remote device such as a printer or pager. 3. DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller shall provide a HELP function key, providing enhanced context sensitive on-line help with task- orientated information from the user manual. 4. DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller shall be capable of comment lines for sequence of operation explanation. E. Alarm management shall be provided to monitor and direct alarm information to operator devices. Each DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller shall perform distributed, independent alarm analysis and filtering to minimize operator interruptions due to non-critical alarms, minimize network traffic and prevent alarms from being lost. At no time shall the DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers ability to report alarms be affected by either operator or activity at a PC workstation, local I/O device or communications with other panels on the network. 1. All alarm or point change reports shall include the point's English language description and the time and date of occurrence. 2. The user shall be able to define the specific system reaction for each point. Alarms shall be prioritized to minimize nuisance reporting and to speed MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 17 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 operator response to critical alarms. A minimum of six priority levels shall be provided for each point. Point priority levels shall be combined with user definable destination categories (PC, printer, DDC Controller, etc.) to provide full flexibility in defining the handling of system alarms. Each DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller shall automatically inhibit the reporting of selected alarms during system shutdown and start-up. Users shall have the ability to manually inhibit alarm reporting for each point. 3. Alarm reports and messages will be directed to a user-defined list of operator devices or PCs based on time (after hours destinations) or based on priority. 4. In addition to the point's descriptor and the time and date, the user shall be able to print, display or store a 200 character alarm message to more fully describe the alarm condition or direct operator response. 5. In dial-up applications, operator-selected alarms shall initiate a call to a remote operator device. F. A variety of historical data collection utilities shall be provided to manually or automatically sample, store and display system data for points as specified in the I/O summary. 1. Any point, physical or calculated may be designated for trending. Any point, regardless of physical location in the network, may be collected and stored in each DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers point group. Two methods of collection shall be allowed: either by a pre-defined time interval or upon a pre-defined change of value. Sample intervals of l minute to 7 days shall be provided. Each DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller shall have a dedicated RAM-based buffer for trend data and shall be capable of storing a minimum of data samples. All trend data shall be available for transfer to a Workstation without manual intervention. 2. DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall also provide high resolution sampling capability for verification of control loop performance. Operator-initiated automatic and manual loop tuning algorithms shall be provided for operator-selected PID control loops as identified in the point I/O summary. a. Loop tuning shall be capable of being initiated either locally at the DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller, from a network workstation or remotely using dial-in modems. For all loop tuning functions, access shall be limited to authorized personnel through password protection. G. DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall be capable of automatically accumulating and storing run-time hours for digital input and output points and automatically sample, calculate and store consumption totals for analog and digital pulse input type points, as specified in the point I/O schedule. The peer to peer network shall allow the DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers to access any data from or send control commands and alarm reports directly to any other DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller or combination of controllers on the network without dependence upon a MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 18 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 central or intermediate processing device. DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall send alarm reports to multiple workstation without dependence upon a central or intermediate processing device. The peer to peer network shall also allow any DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller to access, edit, modify, add, delete, back up, and restore all system point database and all programs. The peer to peer network shall allow the DDC and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers to assign a minimum of 50 passwords access and control priorities to each point individually. The logon password (at any PC workstation or portable operator terminal) shall enable the operator to monitor, adjust and control the points that the operator is authorized for. All other points shall not be displayed on the PC workstation or portable terminal (e.g. all base building and all tenant points shall be accessible to any base building operators, but only tenant points shall be accessible to tenant building operators). Passwords and priorities for every point shall be fully programmable and adjustable. J. When part of a LonWorks network, the DDC or HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller shall have a common database server for all LonWorks network information embedded. This embedded LonWorks network database server maintains a dynamic, real time representation of the LonWorks network including connections/bindings, node status, and configuration properties. A PC must NOT be required for this database. K. LonMark Terminal Equipment Controllers Provide LonMark certified ASC for control of each piece of equipment, Controllers shall provide a selection of control applications performable through configuration (not programming) of the device without violating the LonMark certification. Controllers shall operate in stand-alone mode as needed for specific control applications if network communication fails Controller must include a FTT-10A transceiver for communication on the LonWorks network at 78.8K bps. Controllers shall include all point inputs and outputs necessary to perform the specified control sequences. Inputs shall be universal for support of 0-10V, 100k therm, 4-20mA or dry contact. Controllers shall include spare inputs/outputs not used in the application to wire accessories. Packaging shall be such that field wiring can be performed prior to the installation of the controller. Board terminations shall be detachable from controller to facilitate troubleshooting, repair, and replacement. Utilize standard configuration parameter types (SCPT’s) for all product configuration parameters. Do not use network variable for this purpose. A common Network Management Tool must be used for all LTECs and 3 rd party Lonmark devices connected to the LonWorks FLN. This tool will perform all node addressing, network setup and maintenance for the network regardless of device manufacturer. Shall include the following minimum services: device installation, device configuration, device diagnostics, field programming, device maintenance, MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 19 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 network variable binding, network variable browsing, network variable monitoring. Shall include all software modules necessary for complete network management, installation, and maintenance. Shall support multiple service tools in a client/server network fashion. If a manufacturer specific management tool is necessary, it shall be used only for application programming. It should be used for configuring and installing the device ONLY and not for any network function. All LonMark ASC sensors, LonMark ASCs, and DDC Controllers with a LonWorks FLN must provide the Network Management Tool access to the entire LonWorks FLN via a RJ-11 port. L. Digital Energy Monitors: 1 Provide three phase digital watt-meters with pre-wired CTs. All watt-meter electronics shall be housed within the CTs. CTs shall include sizes capable of mounting directly on a power bus. Diagnostics visible to the installing electrician (without a operator tool) shall indicate: proper operation, mis- wiring or low power-factor, device malfunction, and over-load condition. The meters shall include the following: a. The device shall be UL Listed, and shall comply with ANSI C12.1 accuracy specification. The minimum CT/meter combined accuracy shall be no greater than 1% of reading over the range of 5% to 100% of rated load. The meter shall not require calibration The wattmeter shall directly connect to power from 208 through 480 with no potential transformer. In-line fuses for each voltage tap phase shall be included. The wattmeter CTs shall be split-core and at minimum be sized to accommodate loads ranging from 100 to 2400 Amps. The CTs shall be volt-signal type, and shall not require shorting blocks. The wattmeter shall reside directly on the Floor Level Network along with other FLN devices. Data transferred shall include kW & kWH Consumption Demand Power Factor Current Voltage Apparent Power Reactive Power 2.5 LOCAL USER DISPLAY Where specified in the sequence of operation or points list, the controllers on the peer to peer building level network shall have a display and keypad for local interface. A keypad shall be provided for interrogating and commanding points in the controller. A. The display shall use the same security password and access rights for points in the display as is used in the associated controller. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 20 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 B. The LCD display shall be a minimum of a 2 line 40 character display. The LCD display shall include the full point name, value (numeric, digital or state text), point priority and alarm status on one screen. The LCD shall dynamically update the value, priority, and alarm status for the point being displayed. The display shall be mounted either on the door of the enclosure or remote from the controller 2.6 PERSONAL COMPUTER OPERATOR WORKSTATION HARDWARE A. Personal computer operator workstations shall be provided for command entry, information management, system monitor, alarm management and database management functions. All real-time control functions shall be resident in the DDC Controllers to facilitate greater distribution, fault tolerance and reliability of the building automation control. 1. Provide workstation(s) of equal capability located at . 2. Workstation shall consist of a personal computer with minimum 256MB RAM, hard drive with 3.0 GB available space, video card capable of supporting 1024 × 768 resolution with a minimum of 65536 colors (Windows NT) or 16 Bit color (Windows 2000), CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, or DVD-ROM Drive, mouse and 101-key enhanced keyboard. Personal computer shall be a Windows XP, 2000 or NT4 Compatible PC and shall include a minimum 933MHz Pentium-III processor. 3. The PC monitor shall support a minimum display resolution of no less than 1024 X 768 pixels. Separate controls shall be provided for color, contrasts and brightness. The screen shall be non-reflective. B. Provide an Epson FX-870 or equivalent printer at each workstation location or on the network (Ethernet) for recording alarms, operator transactions and systems reports. Provide a color printer for printing of dynamic trend graph report, Excel reports, graphics and any other screen displays. Printer shall include as a minimum Okidata Microline 590 or equivalent. Alarm Display shall list the alarms with highest priority at the top of the display. The alarm display shall provide selector buttons for display of the associated point graphic and message. The alarm display shall provide a mechanism for the operator to sort alarms. Intranet/Internet access 1. Web Based Operator Interface The BAS shall be an inherent web based graphical interface that allows users to access the BAS data via the Internet, extranet, or Intranet. The interface shall use HTML based ASP pages to send and receive data from the BAS to a web browser. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 21 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 A web server computer will be supplied. The web server shall use Microsoft’s IIS server 4.0 with Windows NT4, or IIS 5.0 with Windows 2000, and support browser access via Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher), or Navigator Netscape 6.0 (or higher). All information exchanged over Internet shall be optionally encrypted and secure via SSL (provided by Owner). Access to the web interface may be password protected. A users rights and privileges to points and graphics will be the same as those assigned at the BAS workstation. An option will exist to only allow users “read” access via the web browser, while maintaining “command” privileges via the BAS workstation. Commissioning of the Web interface shall not require modification or creation of HTML or ASP pages. All graphics available at the BAS graphical workstation shall be available to users via a web browser. The web-based interface shall provide the following functionality to users, based on their access and privilege rights: Logon Screen – allows the user to enter their user name, password and Domain name for logging into the web server. Alarm Display – a display of current BAS alarms to which the user has access will be displayed. Users will be able to acknowledge and erase active alarms, and link to additional alarm information including alarm messages, and informational and memo text. Any alarm acknowledgements initiated through the web interface will be written to the BAS central workstation activity log. Graphic Display – Display of system graphics, including animated motion, available in the BAS workstation will be available for viewing over the web browser. Software that requires creation of dedicated “web” graphics in order to display them via the browser interface will not be acceptable. A graphic selector list will allow users to select any graphics to which they have access. Graphic displays will automatically refresh with the latest change of values. Users will have the ability to command and override points from the graphic display as determined by their user accounts rights. Point details – users will have access to point detail information including operational status, operational priority, physical address, and alarm limits, for point objects to which they have access rights. Point Commanding – users will be able to override and command points they have access to via the web browser interface. Any commands or overrides initiated via the web browser interface will be written to the BAS central workstation activity log. g. The web server licensing options will allow concurrent access by (5), (10), (25), (50), (100) browser connections. h. Internet connections, ISP services, as well as necessary firewalls or proxy servers shall be provided by the Owner as required to support the web access feature. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 22 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 2.7 WORKSTATION OPERATOR INTERFACE A. Basic Interface Description 1. Operator workstation interface software shall minimize operator training through the use of user-friendly and interactive graphical applications, 30- character English language point identification, on-line help, and industry standard Windows application software. Interface software shall simultaneously communicate with and share data between any combination of dedicated, modem autodial, and Ethernet-connected building level networks. The software shall provide, as a minimum, the following functionality: a. Real-time graphical viewing and control of the BAS environment b. Reporting c. Scheduling and override of building operations d. Collection and analysis of historical data Point database editing, storage and downloading of controller databases. Utility for combining points into logical Point Groups. The Point Groups shall then be manipulated in Graphics, trend graphs and reports in order to streamline the navigation and usability of the system. f. Alarm reporting, routing, messaging, and acknowledgment g. “Collapsible tree,” dynamic system architecture diagram application: Showing the real-time status and definition details of all workstations and devices on a management level network Showing the real-time status and definition details of all DDC and HVAC Mechanical Controllers at the building level Showing the status and definition details of all field-level application controllers h. Definition and construction of dynamic color graphic displays. i. Online, context-sensitive help, including an index, glossary of terms, and the capability to search help via keyword or phrase. j. On-screen access to User Documentation, via online help or PDF-format electronic file. k. Automatic database backup at the workstation for database changes initiated at DDC Controller operator interface terminals. l. Display dynamic trend data graphical plot. Each plot must be capable of supporting 10 pts/plot minimum Must be able to command points directly off dynamic trend plot application. Must be able to plot both real-time and historical trend data n. Transfer trend data to 3 rd party spreadsheet software 2. Provide a graphical user interface that shall minimize the use of keyboard through the use of a mouse or similar pointing device, with a "point and click" approach to menu selection and a “drag and drop” approach to inter- application navigation. Selection of applications within the workstation software shall be via a graphical toolbar menu – the application toolbar menu MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 23 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 shall have the option to be located in a docked position on any of the four sides of the visible desktop space on the workstation display monitor, and the option to automatically hide itself from the visible monitor workspace when not being actively manipulated by the user. 3. The software shall provide a multi-tasking type environment that allows the user to run several applications simultaneously. BAS software shall run on a Windows XP, 2000 or NT 32 bit operating system. Standard Windows applications shall run simultaneously with the BAS software. The mouse or Alt-Tab keys shall be used to quickly select and switch between multiple applications. The operator shall be able to work in Microsoft Word, Excel, and other Windows based software packages, while concurrently annunciating on- line BAS alarms and monitoring information. a. Provide functionality such that any of the following may be performed simultaneously on-line, and in any combination, via adjustable user-sized windows. Operator shall be able to drag and drop information between the following applications, reducing the number of steps to perform a desired function (e.g., Click on a point on the alarm screen and drag it to the dynamic trend graph application to initiate a dynamic trend on the desired point): 1. Dynamic color graphics application 2. Alarm management application 3. Scheduling application 4. Dynamic trend graph data plotter application 5. Dynamic system architecture diagram application 6. Control Program and Point database editing applications 7. Reporting applications b. Report and alarm printing shall be accomplished via Windows Print Manager, allowing use of network printers. 4. Operator-specific password access protection shall be provided to allow the administrator/manager to limit users’ workstation control, display and data base manipulation capabilities as deemed appropriate for each user, based upon an assigned password. Operator privileges shall "follow" the operator to any workstation logged onto (up to 999 user accounts shall be supported). The administrator/manager shall be able to grant discrete levels of access and privileges, per user, for each point, graphic, report, schedule, and BAS workstation application. And each BAS workstation user account shall use a Windows 2000/NT user account as a foundation. 5. Dynamic Color Graphics application shall include the following: Must include graphic editing and modifying capabilities A library of standard control application graphics and symbols must be included Must be able to command points directly off graphics application Graphic display shall include the ability to depict real-time point values dynamically with animation, picture/frame control, symbol association, or dynamic informational text-blocks MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 24 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 Navigation through various graphic screens shall be optionally achieved through a hierarchical “tree” structure Graphics viewing shall include zoom capabilities Graphics shall automatically display the HAND status of points that have been overridden by a field HAND switch, for points that have been designed to provide a field HAND override capability. Advanced linking within the Graphics application shall provide the ability to navigate to outside documents (e.g., .doc, .pdf, .xls, etc.), internet web addresses, e-mail, external programs, and other workstation applications, directly from the Graphics application window with a mouse-click on a customizable link symbol. 6. Reports shall be generated on demand or via pre-defined schedule, and directed to CRT displays, printers or file. As a minimum, the system shall allow the user to easily obtain the following types of reports: a. A general listing of all or selected points in the network b. List of all points currently in alarm c. List of all points currently in override status d. List of all disabled points e. List of all points currently locked out f. List of user accounts and access levels g. List all weekly schedules and events h. List of holiday programming i. List of control limits and deadbands j. Custom reports from 3 rd party software k. System diagnostic reports including, list of DDC panels on line and communicating, status of all DDC terminal unit device points List of programs List of point definitions List of logical point groups List of alarm strategy definitions List of DDC Control panels Point totalization report Point Trend data listings Initial Values report User activity report 7. Scheduling and override Provide a calendar type format for simplification of time and date scheduling and overrides of building operations. Schedule definitions reside in the PC workstation, DDC Controller, and HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller to ensure time equipment scheduling when PC is off-line -- PC is not required to execute time scheduling. Provide override access through menu selection, graphical mouse action or function key. Provide the following capabilities as a minimum: a. Weekly schedules b. Zone schedules c. Event schedules – an event consists of logical combinations of equipment and/or zones d. Ability to schedule for a minimum of up to 365 days in advance MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 25 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 Additionally, the scheduling application shall: a. Provide filtering capabilities of schedules, based on name, time, frequency, and schedule type (event, zone, report) b. Provide sorting capabilities of schedules, based on name, time and type of schedule (zone, event, report) c. Provide searching capabilities of schedules based on name – with wildcarding options 8. Collection and Analysis of Historical Data a. Provide trending capabilities that allow the user to easily monitor and preserve records of system activity over an extended period of time. Any system point may be trended automatically at time-based intervals (up to four time-based definitions per point) or change of value, both of which shall be user-definable. Trend data shall be collected stored on hard disk for future diagnostics and reporting. Automatic Trend collection may be scheduled at regular intervals through the same scheduling interface as used for scheduling of zones, events, and reports. Additionally, trend data may be archived to network drives or removable disk media for future retrieval. b. Trend data reports shall be provided to allow the user to view all trended point data. Reports may be customized to include individual points or predefined groups of selected points. Provide additional functionality to allow predefined groups of up to 250 trended points to be easily transferred on-line to Microsoft Excel. DDC contractor shall provide custom designed spreadsheet reports for use by the owner to track energy usage and cost, equipment run times, equipment efficiency, and/or building environmental conditions. DDC contractor shall provide setup of custom reports including creation of data format templates for monthly or weekly reports. B. Dynamic Colour Graphic Displays 1. Create colour graphic floor plan displays and system schematics for each piece of mechanical equipment, including air handling units, chilled water systems and hot water boiler systems, and room level terminal units, shall be provided by the BAS contractor as indicated in the point I/O schedule of this specification to optimize system performance, analysis and speed alarm recognition. 2. The operator interface shall allow users to access the various system schematics and floor plans via a graphical penetration scheme, menu selection, point alarm association, or text-based commands. Graphics software shall permit the importing of AutoCAD or scanned pictures for use in the system. 3. Dynamic temperature values, humidity values, flow values and status indication shall be shown in their actual respective locations within the system schematics or graphic floor plan displays, and shall automatically update to represent current conditions without operator intervention and without pre-defined screen refresh rates. Provide the user the ability to display real-time point values by animated motion or custom picture control visual representation. Animation shall depict MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 26 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 movement of mechanical equipment, or air or fluid flow. Picture Control shall depict various positions in relation to assigned point values or ranges. A library (set) of animation and picture control symbols shall be included within the workstation software’s graphics application. Animation shall reflect, ON or OFF conditions, and shall also be optionally configurable for up to five rates of animation speed. Sizable analog bars shall be available for monitor and control of analog values; high and low alarm limit settings shall be displayed on the analog scale. The user shall be able to "click and drag" the pointer to change the setpoint. Provide the user the ability to display blocks of point data by defined point groups; alarm conditions shall be displayed by flashing point blocks. Equipment state or values can be changed by clicking on the associated point block or graphic symbol and selecting the new state (on/off) or setpoint. State text for digital points can be user-defined up to eight characters. 4. Colors shall be used to indicate status and change as the status of the equipment changes. The state colors shall be user definable. 5. Advanced linking within the Graphics application shall provide the ability to navigate to outside documents (e.g., .doc, .pdf, .xls, etc.), internet web addresses, e-mail, external programs, and other workstation applications, directly from the Graphics application window with a mouse-click on a customizable link symbol. 6. The windowing environment of the PC operator workstation shall allow the user to simultaneously view several applications at a time to analyze total building operation or to allow the display of a graphic associated with an alarm to be viewed without interrupting work in progress. 7. Off the shelf graphic software, Microgafx Designer or Corel Draw software, shall be provided to allow the user to add, modify or delete system graphic background displays. A clipart library of HVAC application and automation symbols shall be provided including fans, valves, motors, chillers, AHU systems, standard ductwork diagrams and laboratory symbols. The user shall have the ability to add custom symbols to the clipart library. The clipart library shall include a minimum of 400 application symbols. In addition, a library consisting of a minimum of 700 graphic background templates shall be provided. The Graphics application shall include a set of standard Terminal Equipment controller application-specific background graphic templates. Templates shall provide the automatic display of a selected Terminal Equipment controller’s control values and parameters, without the need to create separate and individual graphic files for each controller. C. System Configuration & Definition MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 27 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 1. A“ Collapsible tree,” dynamic system architecture diagram/display application of the site-specific BAS architecture showing status of controllers, PC workstations and networks shall be provided. This application shall include the ability to add and configure workstations, DDC Controllers or HVAC Mechanical Equipment controllers, as well as 3 rd -party integrated components. Symbols/Icons representing the system architecture components shall be user-configurable and customizable, and a library of customized icons representing 3 rd -party integration solutions shall be included. This application shall also include the functionality for real-time display, configuration and diagnostics of dial-up modems to DDC Controllers. 2. Network wide control strategies shall not be restricted to a single DDC Controller or HVAC Mechanical Equipment controller, but shall be able to include data from any and all other network panels to allow the development of Global control strategies. 3. Provide automatic backup and restore of all DDC controller and HVAC Mechanical Equipment controller databases on the workstation hard disk. In addition, all database changes shall be performed while the workstation is on- line without disrupting other system operations. Changes shall be automatically recorded and downloaded to the appropriate DDC Controller or HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controller. Changes made at the user-interface of DDC Controllers or HVAC Mechanical Equipment Controllers shall be automatically uploaded to the workstation, ensuring system continuity. 4. System configuration, programming, editing, graphics generation shall be performed on-line. If programming and system back-up must be done with the PC workstation off-line, the BAS contractor shall provide at least 2 operator workstations. 5. Point database configuration shall be available to the user within a dedicated point database editor application included in the workstation software. The editor shall allow the user to create, view existing, modify, copy, and delete points from the database. The point editor shall also allow the user to configure the alarm management strategy for each point. The editor shall provide the option for editing the point database in an online or offline mode with the DDC Controllers. a. The workstation software shall also provide the capability to perform bulk modification of point definition attributes to a single or multiple user-selected points. This function shall allow the user to choose the properties to copy from a selected point to another point or set of points. The selectable attributes shall include, but are not limited to, Alarm management definitions and Trend definitions. D. Alarm Management MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 28 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 Alarm Routing shall allow the user to send alarm notification to selected printers or workstation location(s) based on time of day, alarm severity, or point type. Alarm Notification shall be presented to each workstation in a tabular format application, and shall include the following information for each alarm point: name, value, alarm time & date, alarm status, priority, acknowledgement information, and alarm count. Each alarm point or priority shall have the ability to sound a discrete audible notification. Alarm Display shall have the ability to list & sort the alarms based on alarm status, point name, ascending or descending alarm time. Directly from the Alarm Display, the user shall have the ability to acknowledge, silence the alarm sound, print, or erase each alarm. The interface shall also have the option to inhibit the erasing of active acknowledged alarms, until they have returned to normal status. The user shall also have the ability to command, launch an associated graphic or trended graphical plot, or run a report on a selected alarm point directly on the Alarm Display. Each alarm point shall have a direct link from the Alarm Display to further user- defined point informational data. The user shall have the ability to also associate real-time electronic annotations or notes to each alarm. Alarm messages shall be customizable for each point, or each alarm priority level, to display detailed instructions to the user regarding actions to take in the event of an alarm. Alarm messages shall also have the optional ability to individually enunciate on the workstation display via a separate pop-up window, automatically being generated as the associated alarm condition occurs. Alarm Display application shall allow workstation operators to send and receive real-time messages to each other, for purposes of coordinating Alarm and BAS system management. Remote notification of messages Workstation shall be configured to send out messages to numeric pagers, alphanumeric pagers, phones (via text to speech technology), SMS (Simple Messaging Service, text messaging) Devices, and email accounts based on a point’s alarm condition. There shall be no limit to the number of points that can be configured for remote notification of alarm conditions and no limit on the number of remote devices which can receive messages from the system. On a per point basis, system shall be configurable to send messages to an individual or group and shall be configurable to send different messages to different remote devices based on alarm message priority level. Remote devices may be scheduled as to when they receive messages from the system to account for operators’ work schedules. System must be configurable to send messages to an escalation list so that if the first device does not respond, the message is sent on to the next device after a configurable time has elapsed. Message detail shall be configurable on a per user basis. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 29 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 During a ”flood” of alarms, remote notification messages shall have the ability to optimize several alarms into an individual remote notification message. Workstation shall have the ability to send manual messages allowing an operator to type in a message to be sent immediately. Workstation shall have a feature to send a heartbeat message to periodically notify users that they have communication with the system. Always visible non-obtrusive alarm display An alarm display must be active and visible to the operator at all times, regardless of what other workstation applications the operator is involved in. This display shall provide an overview of the system status including fire, security, and building automation events. This display shall display a textual description of the highest priority event on the system as well the point status and indication of when the point last changed state. This display shall indicate whether the highest priority event has been acknowledged. When a new alarm is received at a workstation, the operator shall be informed of the new event through an audible and visual notification without application focus being drawn away from the application that the operator is currently working with. Acknowledgement Operators shall be allowed to acknowledge events in any order, regardless of their priority, or which system (fire, security, automation) they reside on. The interface shall clearly display whether a point has been acknowledged and who it was acknowledged by. When a point has gone in and out of trouble repeatedly, an operator shall be permitted to acknowledge every change of state in a single operation rather than having to explicitly acknowledge every change of state. E. Workstation Communications 1. Provide automatic dial-up communications for buildings as specified. Automatic dial-up communications shall include the following features as a minimum: a. Dial-Out 1) Manual dial-out from the workstation to remote networks shall be accomplishable using only a mouse to select and request the desired remote connection. b. Dial-In 1) Alarms shall automatically dial into the workstation for display at the workstation monitor and for hard copy printout at the associated event printer. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 30 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 2) Alarms shall, at the operator's option, dial into a stand-alone modem-printer to provide for real-time alarm printouts even when the workstation is off-line (such as when it is being used to run operator-selected 3rd party software). 3) Trend data from remote networks shall be scheduled for automatic updating to the workstation at operator-selected times. The operator shall also have the option of manually collecting trend data at any time. 2.8 FIELD DEVICES A. Provide instrumentation as required for monitoring, control or optimization functions. All devices and equipment shall be approved for installation in the City of Doha B. Room Temperature Sensors Digital room sensors shall have LCD display, day / night override button, and setpoint slide adjustment override options. The setpoint slide adjustment can be software limited by the automation system to limit the amount of room adjustment. Temperature monitoring range +20/120°F -13° to 49°C) Output signal Changing resistance Accuracy at Calibration point +0.5°F (+/- 0.3°C) Set Point and Display Range 55° to 95° F (13° to 35°C) 2) Liquid immersion temperature: Temperature monitoring range +30/250°F (-1°/121°C) Output signal Changing resistance Accuracy at Calibration point +0.5°F (+/-0.3°C) 3) Duct (single point) temperature: Temperature monitoring range +20/120°F (-7°/49°C) Output signal Changing resistance Accuracy at Calibration point +0.5°F (+/-0.3°C) 4) Duct Average temperature: Temperature monitoring range +20° +120°F(-7°/+49°C) Output signal 4 – 20 mA DC Accuracy at Calibration point +0.5°F (+03°C) Sensor Probe Length 25’ L (7.3m) Outside air temperature: Temperature monitoring range -58°+122° F(-50ºC to +50ºC) Output signal 4 – 20 mA DC Accuracy at Calibration point +0.5°F (+/-0.3°C) C. Liquid Differential Pressure Transmitter Ranges 0-5/30 inches H20 0-25/150 inches H20 0-125/750 inches H20 Output 4 – 20 mA DC Calibration Adjustments Zero and span MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 31 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 Accuracy +-0.2% of span Linearity +-0.1% of span Hysteresis +-0.05% of span Differential pressure: Unit for fluid flow proof shall be Penn P74. Range 8 to 70 psi Differential 3 psi Maximum differential pressure 200 psi Maximum pressure 325 psi 2. Unit for air flow shall be Set point ranges: 0.5” WG to 1.0” WG (124.4 to 248.8 Pa) 1.0” WG to 12.0” WG (248.8 to 497.6 Pa) Static pressure sensor: Range 0 to .5” WG (0 to 124.4 Pa) 0 to 1” WG (0 to 248.8 Pa) 0 to 2” WG (0 to 497.7 Pa) 0 to 5” WG (0 to 1.2 kPa 0 to 10” WG (0 to 2.5 kPa) Output Signal 4 – 20 mA VDC Combined static error 0.5% full range Operating Temperature -40º to 175º F (-40C to 79.5ºC) F. Air Pressure Sensor: Range: 0 to 0.1 in. water (0 to 24.9 Pa) 0 to 0.25 in. water (0 to 63.2 Pa) 0 to 0.5 in. water (0 to 124.5 Pa) 0 to 1.0 in. water (o to 249 Pa) 0 to 2.0 in water 90 to 498 Pa) 0 to 5.0 in. water (0 to 1.25 kPa) 0 to 10.0 in.water (0 to 2.49 kPa) Output signal 4 to 20 mA Accuracy +1.0% of full scale G. Humidity Sensors: Range 0 to 100% RH Sensing Element Bulk Polymer Output Signal 4 – 20 mA DC Accuracy At 77°F(25ºC) + 2% RH Pressure to Current Transducer Range 3 to 15 psig (21 to 103 kPa) or 3 to 30 psig (21 to 207 kPa) Output signal 4 – 20 mA Accuracy + 1% of full scale (+ 0.3 psig) Control Valves (all control valves shall have electric actuators). MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 32 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 Electric Control Rangeability 40:1 Flow Characteristics Modified. Equal percentage Control Action Normal open or closed as selected Medium Steam, water, glycol Body Type Screwed ends 2” and smaller, flanged Valves 2½” and larger Body Material Bronze Body Trim Bronze Stem Stainless Steel Actuator 0-10 VDC, 4-20 MA or 2 position 24 VAC/120VAC All automatic temperature control valves in water lines shall be provided with Characterized throttling plugs and shall be sized for minimum 25% of the system pressure drop or 5 psi, whichever is less. Positive positioning relays shall be provided on pneumatic control when required to provide sufficient power for sequencing. Two position valves shall be line size. J. Damper Actuators 1. Electric control shall be direct coupled actuators. 2. Damper actuators shall be Brushless DC Motor Technology with stall protection, bi-directional, fail safe spring return, all metal housing, manual override, independently adjustable dual auxiliary switch. a) The actuator assembly shall include the necessary hardware and proper mounting and connection to a standard ½” diameter shaft or damper blade. 3. Actuators shall be designed for mounting directly to the damper shaft without the need for connecting linkages. 4. All actuators having more than 100 lb-in torque output shall have a self- centering damper shaft clamp that guarantees concentric alignment of the actuator’s output coupling with the damper shaft. The self-centering clamp shall have a pair of opposed “v” shaped toothed cradles; each having two rows of teeth to maximize holding strength. A single clamping bolt shall simultaneously drive both cradles into contact with the damper shaft. 5. All actuators having more than a 100 lb-in torque output shall accept a 1” diameter shaft directly, without the need for auxiliary adapters. 6. All actuators shall be designed and manufactured using ISO900registered procedures, and shall be Listed under Standards UL873 and CSA22.2 No. 24-93 l. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 33 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 2.9 MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES Thermostats Room thermostats shall be of the gradual acting type with adjustable sensitivity. They shall have a bi-metal sensing element capable of responding to a temperature change of one-tenth of one degree. (Provide all thermostats with limit stops to limit adjustments as required.) Thermostats shall be arranged for either horizontal or vertical mounting. In the vertical position thermostat shall fit on a mullion of movable partitions without overlap. Mount the thermostat covers with tamper-proof socket head screws. Firestats: Provide manual reset, fixed temperature line voltage type with a bi-metal actuated switch. Switch shall have adequate rating for required load. Current Sensing Relay: Provide solid-state, adjustable, current operated relay. Provide a relay which changes switch contact state in response to an adjustable set point value of current in the monitored A/C circuit. Adjust the relay switch point so that the relay responds to motor operation under load as an “on” state and so that the relay responds to an unloaded running motor as an “off” state. A motor with a broken belt is considered an unloaded motor. Provide for status device for all fans and pumps. 2.10 INTEGRATION FOR FIRE ALARM/LIFE SAFETY General: Provide a software driver that will provide a supervised link from the fire alarm system. Integration between the fire alarm system and the BAS is intended to allow single seat operation for basic monitoring functions. Interface shall be UUKL Listed for smoke control Interface shall be UL Listed under UL 864 categories UOJZ, UOXX, UUKL, UDTZ, and QVAX, UL 1076 category APOU, and UL 916 category PAZX. Testing and software configuration shall be provided as required during startup and commissioning. Any break in communications between the fire and BAS systems shall be annunciated at each system. Upon restoration of communications, the interface shall automatically refresh fire alarm point status. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 34 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 Provide any miscellaneous equipment required by the building automation system, such as trunk interfaces, modems, etc. to support the connection between the fire alarm systems and BAS. The interface shall include a driver that provides communications from the fire alarm/life safety system to the building automation system. Each point will be mapped into the BAS so that they can be monitored and alarmed as though they were native to the BAS. See the point schedule in Part 3 for a list of points that are to be integrated into the BAS. Hardware All components required to provide integration shall be common to the BAS or fire alarm system. No third party hardware shall be allowed. No special hardware used only for integration purposes, or hardware not integral to the either the BAS or fire alarm system shall be allowed. All hardware used for interfacing the automation system to the fire alarm system must be UL Listed for smoke control under UL 864 category UUKL. Software The interface shall provide a supervised link from the fire alarm system to the BAS. System administrators shall be able to configure the system to prevent operators from changing, reconfiguring, acknowledging or resetting the fire alarm system such that the fire alarm system remains the primary fire command station if desired. The fire alarm system labels for each point shall be displayed as the alarm message text for each point in alarm. The interface shall report the following data from the fire alarm system for basic monitoring: Normal point status Alert for dirty for each point Status activity Activated under test Trouble (open/short) Supervisory Alarm Points that are mapped through the interface shall be able to be accessed by standard applications in the BAS such as programming, alarm routing, graphics, and scheduling. The following reports shall be provided at the BAS workstation: Maintenance report History report of point and operator activity Test report, storing test results and status for each test detector Operators shall be allowed to schedule reports to run unattended with their outputs directed to the operator screen, to a printer, and/or to a file. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 35 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 Operator messages shall distinguish between the active state and trouble conditions on any point (alarm, supervisory, security, etc.). Remote Access The interface shall support either the ability of an operator to connect to the system via dial-up telephone connections or via the internet in order to perform diagnostics. The interface shall prevent an operator from affecting the operation of the fire alarm system, or interfering with fire alarm system programming remotely. 2.11 INTEGRATION OF OTHER SYSTEMS/EQUIPMENT The following sub-systems shall be integrated to the IBMS: Security system (BACnet, ODBC link) UPS (Modbus, Lon, SNMP) Lifts (hardwired points) Generators (Modbus, hardwired) MV Panel (Modbus, hardwired) Dry transformer-temperature only Motor control centers. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PROJECT MANAGEMENT Provide a designated project manager who will be responsible for the following: Construct and maintain project schedule On-site coordination with all applicable trades, subcontractors, and other integration vendors Authorized to accept and execute orders or instructions from owner/architect Attend project meetings as necessary to avoid conflicts and delays Make necessary field decisions relating to this scope of work Coordination/Single point of contact 3.2 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION Job specific - per job requirements to be submitted for approval of Engineer by the Contractor. 3.3 POINT SCHEDULE MATRIX - I/0 SCHEDULE The contractor shall coordinate with the Engineer/ end user representative to determine the preference for naming conventions, etc. before entering the data in to the system. 3.4 START-UP AND COMMISSIONING MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 36 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 A. When installation of the system is complete, calibrate equipment and verify transmission media operation before the system is placed on-line. All testing, calibrating, adjusting and final field tests shall be completed by the manufacturer. Verify that all systems are operable from local controls in the specified failure mode upon panel failure or loss of power. Provide any recommendation for system modification in writing to owner. Do not make any system modification, including operating parameters and control settings, without prior approval of owner. After manufacturer has completed system start-up and commissioning. Joint commissioning of integrated system segments shall be completed. 3.5 ELECTRICAL WIRING AND MATERIALS A. Install, connect and wire the items included under this Section. This work includes providing required conduit, wire, fittings, and related wiring accessories. All wiring shall be installed in conduit. B. Provide wiring between thermostats, aquastats and unit heater motors, all control and alarm wiring for all control and alarm devices for all Sections of Specifications as applicable C. Provide 120 volt, single phase, 60 hertz emergency power to every B.M.S. DDC Controller panel, HVAC/Mechanical Equipment Controller, PC console, power supply, transformer, annunciator, modems, printers and to other devices as required. It is the intent that the entire building management system except terminal equipment shall be operative under emergency power conditions in the building. The power supplies are to be extended in conduit and wire from emergency circuit breakers. D. Provide status function conduit and wiring for equipment covered under this Section. E. Provide conduit and wiring between the B.M.S. panels and the temperature, humidity, or pressure sensing elements, including low voltage control wiring in conduit. F. Provide conduit and control wiring for devices specified in this Section. G. Provide conduit and signal wiring between motor starters in motor control centers and high and/or low temperature relay contacts and remote relays in B.M.S. panels located in the vicinity of motor control centers. H. Provide conduit and wiring between the PC workstation, electrical panels, metering instrumentation, indicating devices, miscellaneous alarm points, remotely operated contractors, and B.M.S. panels, as shown on the drawings or as specified. I. All wiring to be compliant to local building code and the NEC. J. Provide electrical wall box and conduit sleeve for all wall mounted devices. 3.6 CONTROL AIR AND SENSING LINES MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 37 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 1. Air lines cannot be hidden within duct insulation. All piping and tubing shall be properly supported using straps, cleats, or hangers as approved. Use of wire will not be permitted. Where this specification permits the use of plastic tubing for some parts of the piping system, and where the control manufacturer has obtained such approval, multiple virgin polyethylene tube, with a molecular weight of not less than 25,000 and a melt index of not more than .3 dg./min., positioned adjacent and parallel to each other and contained in an overall jacket of flame retardant polyethylene compound sheath complying with UL94 vertical burning test may be supplied. The sheath may be excluded in panel piping. Pressure rating: 160 psi/72 degrees F. Ambient temperature rating: 100 to 175 degrees F. In bundled tubing, individual lines shall be identified by numbers at 2" intervals or by color. Tubing shall be supported with pipe rests or other supporting methods as to prevent the lines from stress conditions. 2. Tubing passing through or buried in concrete shall be hard drawn copper in rigid steel conduit. 3. Air tubing run exposed in mechanical equipment rooms shall be hard drawn copper. 4. Air tubing in finished areas shall be run concealed. 5. Air tubing for high pressure mains (over 20 psig) shall be copper. 6. Single Tube Polyethylene plastic tubing will be permitted in lieu of copper, except for high pressure mains or smoke control, in the following locations: a. Within thin wall electric conduit (EMT). b. Within control panels. 7. Air piping associated with smoke control functions shall be hard drawn copper only. 3.7 PERFORMANCE A. Unless stated otherwise, control temperatures within plus or minus 2 o F humidity within plus or minus 3% of the set point and static pressure within 10% of set point. 3.8 COMMISSIONING, TESTING AND ACCEPTANCE A. Perform a three-phase commissioning procedure consisting of field I/O calibration and commissioning, system commissioning and integrated system program commissioning. Document all commissioning information on commissioning data sheets which shall be submitted prior to acceptance MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 38 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 testing. Commissioning work which requires shutdown of system or deviation from normal function shall be performed when the operation of the system is not required. The commissioning must be coordinated with the owner and construction manager to ensure systems are available when needed. Notify the operating personal in writing of the testing schedule so that authorized personnel from the owner and construction manager are present throughout the commissioning procedure. 1. Prior to system program commissioning, verify that each control panel has been installed according to plans, specifications and approved shop drawings. Test, calibrate and bring on line each control sensor and device. Commissioning to include, but not be limited to: a. Sensor accuracy at 10, 50 and 90% of range. b. Sensor range. c. Verify analog limit and binary alarm reporting. d. Point value reporting. e. Binary alarm and switch settings. f. Actuator ranges. g. Fail safe operation on loss of control signal, electric power, and network communications. B. After control devices have been commissioned (i.e. calibrated, tested and signed off), each BMS program shall be put on line and commissioned. The contractor shall, in the presence of the owner and construction manager, demonstrate each programmed sequence of operation and compare the results in writing. In addition, each control loop shall be tested to verify proper response and stable control, within specified accuracy's. System program test results shall be recorded on commissioning data sheets and submitted for record. Any discrepancies between the specification and the actual performance will be immediately rectified and retested. C. After all BMS programs have been commissioned, the contractor shall verify the overall system performance as specified. Tests shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Data communication, both normal and failure modes. 2. Fully loaded system response time. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 39 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 3. Impact of component failures on system performance and system operation. 4. Time/Date changes. 5. End of month/ end of year operation. 6. Season changeover. 7. Global application programs and point sharing. 8. System backup and reloading. 9. System status displays. 10. Diagnostic functions. 11. Power failure routines. 12. Battery backup. 13. Smoke Control, in concert with Fire Alarm System testing. 14. Testing of all electrical and HVAC systems with other division of work. D. Submit for approval, a detailed acceptance test procedure designed to demonstrate compliance with contractual requirements. This Acceptance test procedure will take place after the commissioning procedure but before final acceptance, to verify that sensors and control devices maintain specified accuracy's and the system performance does not degrade over time. E. Using the commissioning test data sheets, the contractor shall demonstrate each point. The contractor shall also demonstrate all system functions. The contractor shall demonstrate all points and system functions until all devices and functions meet specification. F. The contractor shall supply all instruments for testing and turn over same to the owner after acceptance testing. 1. All test instruments shall be submitted for approval. Test Instrument Accuracy: Temperature: 1/4F or 1/2% full scale, whichever is less. Pressure: High Pressure (psi): ½ psi or 1/2% full scale, whichever is less. Low Pressure: 1/2% of full scale MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 40 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 (in w.c.) Humidity: 2% RH Electrical: 1/4% full scale G. After the above tests are complete and the system is demonstrated to be functioning as specified, a thirty-day performance test period shall begin. If the system performs as specified throughout the test period, requiring only routine maintenance, the system shall be accepted. If the system fails during the test, and cannot be fully corrected within eight hours, the owner may request that performance tests be repeated. 3.09 TRAINING A. The manufacturer shall provide factory-trained instructor to give full instruction to designated personnel in the operation of the system installed. Instructors shall be thoroughly familiar with all aspects of the subject matter they are to teach. The manufacturer shall provide all students with a student binder containing product specific training modules for the system installed. All training shall be held during normal working hours of 8:00 am to 4:30 PM weekdays. B. Provide 20 hours of training for Owner's designated operating personnel. Training shall include: Explanation of drawings, operations and maintenance manuals Walk-through of the job to locate control components Operator workstation and peripherals DDC controller and ASC operation/function Operator control functions including graphic generation and field panel Programming Operation of portable operator's terminal Explanation of adjustment, calibration and replacement procedures Student binder with training modules Since the Owner may require personnel to have more comprehensive understanding of the hardware and software, additional training must be available from the Manufacturer. If such training is required by the Owner, it will be contracted at a later date. 3.10 GENERAL NOTES 1. The electronic controls packaged with the chiller equipment shall directly communicate with the direct digital control (DDC) system. The Building control system shall communicate with the chiller equipment to read the information and change the control set points as shown in the points list, sequences of operation and control schematics. 2. The chiller equipment supplier shall provide all hardware and software necessary to integrate the chiller controls with the Building control network. The following lists the major integration components that must be supplied by the successful chiller equipment supplier: MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 41 Section 11.0-BMS System Rev 0 3. The chiller equipment supplier shall provide proof of experience with integration of the type outlined in this specification. The supplier shall provide individuals experienced with the installation and startup of equipment relating to integration. PART 4 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS BMS-01 : BMS Schematics BMS-02 : BMS Schematics BMS-03 : BMS System Architecture PART 5 SCHEDULE OF APPROVED MANUFACTURERS All the materials supplied under this contract shall be from one of the manufacturers listed below or alternatively from any equal and approved manufacturer. Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer and his decision shall be binding for make of each item before ordering the same. SIEMENS- BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES, INC (DESIGO BANCET BMS) HONEYWELL- CONTROLS (EBI, EXCEL 5000 BMS) JOHNSON CONTROL (METASYS EXTENDED ARCHITURE BMS) SECTION – 19 PLUMBING INSTALLATION PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 1 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 SL NO. TITLE OF SPECIFICATIONS 19.1.00 Plumbing General 19.1.01 Site 19.1.02 Site Conditions 19.1.03 Definitions 19.1.04 Scope of Works 19.1.05 Compliance with Specifications & Regulation 19.1.06 Plumbing System 19.1.07 Program 19.1.08 Contract Drawings 19.1.09 Working Drawings 19.1.10 Co-ordination of Drawings 19.1.11 Material Submittals 19.1.12 Material Inspection 19.1.13 Alternative Materials 19.1.14 Setting out of Works 19.1.15 Safety 19.1.16 Contractor‟s License 19.1.17 Service Connection & Permits 19.1.18 Damage to Plant and Materials 19.1.19 Protective Finishes 19.1.20 Works Test and Inspection 19.1.21 Operation and Maintenance Manuals 19.1.22 As Built Drawings 19.1.23 Period of Maintenance PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 2 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 19.2.00 PLUMBING MATERIALS 19.2.01 General 19.2.02 Installation, Storage & Protection 19.2.03 Pipe Supports 19.2.04 Pipe Sleeves 19.2.05 Valves and Stop Cocks 19.2.06 Strainers and Drain Cocks 19.2.07 Float Ball Valves 19.2.08 Trench Excavation 19.2.09 Under Ground Cold Water Services 19.2.10 Pipework Insulation 19.2.11 Cold Water Storage Tanks 19.2.12 Hot Water Service Heaters 19.2.13 Hot Water Circulating Pump 19.2.14 Water Filters 19.2.15 Domestic Hot & Cold Water Pump Sets 19.2.16 Pressure Reducing Valve 19.2.17 Sterilization of Water Services 19.2.18 Portable Fire Extinguishers 19.2.19 Swimming Pool 19.2.20 Testing and Commissioning 19.2.21 Schedule of Approved Manufacturers 19.2.22 Schedule of Drawings PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 3 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 19.1.01 SITE B-RING ROAD, DOHA, STATE OF QATAR 19.1.02 SITE CONDITIONS Unless otherwise specified, all the Plumbing Materials & Equipments shall be capable of withstanding the following site conditions: Maximum Ambient Temperature: 50 Deg.C (Dry Bulb) in Summer & 8 Deg.C (Dry Bulb) in Winter Altitude : Sea Level Maximum Relative Humidity : 95 % Maximum Wind Velocity : 140 Kms. per Hour Prevailing Wind : North and North Westerly Storms : Dusty Sporadic and Irregular Annual Rainfall : 50mm between January & April 19.1.03 DEFINITIONS The following terms and abbreviations used in these specifications / drawings shall mean : Site : The Locations where the works are to be carried out. Contractor : The Main Contractor KAHRAMAA : Qatar General Electric and Water Corporation QCS : Qatar Construction Specification BS : British Standard Specifications CP. : British Standard Code of Practice Tender Drawing : The Drawing on which the tender is based and the schedules therein. Working Drawings : The Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the purpose of execution of work at site. As Built Drawings : Which is the true record of the actual work carried out at site. Works : To include the provisions for al the materials and works to be PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 4 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 Carried out by the contractor as per these specifications and for the satisfactory completion of the installation. Approved : Shall mean APPROVED by the Engineer in writing. Submitted : Shall mean SUBMITTED to the Engineer in writing. Accepted : Shall mean ACCEPTED by the Engineer in writing. Provide : Shall mean, supply, Install, Test & Commission. Install : Shall mean Install, Test & Commission. Furnish : Shall mean supply only Concealed : Shall mean Hidden from normal sight in the shafts, ceiling spaces, walls, slabs or partitions. Exposed : Shall mean visible to building occupants in spaces, which may be reached without the use ladders or any other temporary means of access. 19.1.04 SCOPE OF WORK This write-up covers in brief the scope of works under the “ Utilities & Services Design Works” conceived under this contract and narrates various scope of works to be considered for the design, procurement, installation and all the equipment materials based on the approved working drawing, Testing and Commissioning for plumbing, drainage and fire fighting to the new building and shall cover the following facilities.  Water supply, storage and distribution system  External Services works. EXTERNAL SERVICES WORKS  Cold water system network from the cold water storage tanks and cold water pressure pumps shall be handled to different consumption points at toilets and kitchen areas within the buildings. 19.1.05 COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATION & REGULATIONS The contractor shall supply all materials which shall be new and in new condition. The contractor shall supply all the necessary skilled and unskilled labours under the supervision of competent Engineers to complete the works in accordance with the programme . PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 5 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 The installation of the works covered in this section shall be in accordance with this specification and with the requirements of the relevant authorities, KAHRAMAA (Water Division) and fire department and to the relevant B.S specification. i. The equipments shall conform to the British Standard specifications & codes of practice (current editions including all amendments). ii. If the Contractor wishes to use materials of installations or equipments other than the specified ones and conforming to different standards, then a written approval from the Engineer shall be obtained. However the Engineer reserves the right for such approval/s. iii. Any apparatus, appliance, material or work not shown on the contract drawings but mentioned in the specification or vice versa, or any incidental accessories or work necessary to make the work complete and perfect in all respects and ready for operation, even if not particularly specified shall be supplied and installed or carried out by the contractor without any additional costs. iv. Clarification shall be obtained from the Consultant in writing for any such cases at the tendering stage. In case of any discrepancy arises afterwards during the construction, the consultant‟s decision shall be final and binding on all such matters. v. In case of any ambiguity or discrepancy in the project specification, the government published specifications (QCS) shall be adapted. vi. It is the responsibility of contractor to study the specification in detail and clear all doubts or issues that need clarification in order to execute the job. The tender drawings are guide lines and the contractor must prepare the detailed shop drawings and get approval from consultant prior to the execution of job at the site, No delay or any compromise on the specification or quality of work is accepted on any account. Any apparatus, appliance, material or work not shown on the contract drawings but mentioned in the specification or vice versa, or any incidental accessories or work necessary to make the work complete and perfect in all respects and ready for operation, even if not particularly specified shall be supplied and installed or carried out by the contractor without any additional costs. Clarification shall be obtained from the Engineer in writing for any such cases at the tendering stage. In case of any discrepancy arises afterwards during the construction, the Engineer‟s decision shall be final and binding on all such matters. 19.1.06 PLUMBING SYSTEM WATER SUPPLY a. Hot &Cold Water System The Cold water system shall consist of concrete water tank located at the basement of the bldg, which act as the main storage tank coming from Municipality for the entire PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 6 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 building. A dedicated lift pump set (duty-standby) will fill the roof water tanks (day tanks) for the entire compound. A complete pipe works shall feed the internal cold water supply distribution network in the in the building. The booster pump at the roof shall pump water supply for 9 th – to 8 th floor, while another parallel supply water line will be via gravity flow for 7 th floor and below. Individual water heaters are utilized of capacity also as stated in the tender drawings. b. Providing of Fire Extinguishers All the portable fire extinguishers shall be installed as shown in the tender drawings and as explained and specified elsewhere. All the materials used shall have approval from the local Civil Defence and Fire Departments. 19.1.07 PROGRAMME The Contractor shall produce the work program based on CPM (Critical Path Method or Bar chart, indicating the time required for various activities and operations to complete the project in time. The following points shall be highlighted in the Program: 1 Mobilization 2 Drawings and Material Submittals 3 Approvals 4 Equipment Deliveries 5 First Fix 6 Main & Sub-Main Piping Works 7 Second Fix 8 Fixing of accessories 9 Testing 10 Commissioning & Handing Over 19.1.08 CONTRACT DRAWINGS The Plumbing tender drawings related to this project have been listed in the Schedule of Drawings enclosed with the specifications. The tender drawings have been prepared to show the tenderer the principal equipment and general arrangement required for the project. Drawings do not indicate every detail of the work. It is the Contractor‟s responsibility to check the positions / locations at site. All dimensions are tentative and shall be checked with the Architectural and Structural drawings. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer in writing at the time of tender. Particular attention shall be paid to the positioning of draw offs, valves, and other accessories, in relation to the Interior finishes and locations of various appliances. The Contractor is deemed to have studied the services drawings based on all the local PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 7 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 regulations and have included in his prices for all builders work associated with these drawings. 19.1.09 WORKING DRAWINGS The contractor shall prepare the working drawings in a scale of 1:50 for plans, 1:5 for details and 1:200 for site plan, and submit them for the Engineer‟s approval. The contractor shall project the following in the above drawings : i. Actual pipework routes boxes indicating the sizes of all branches, bends and other accessories and fittings. ii Typical connection details of the various Plumbing requirements of appliances, like Water Closets, Wash Basins, Faucets, Bidets, Sinks etc., iii Sections and Elevations of Installations with co-ordination details in respect to the other services Installations like, Electricals, Air-conditioning & Ventilation and Drainage. iv Levels, Center Lines of the pipework installations and the details of supports. 19.1.10 CO-ORDINATION OF DRAWINGS The Main contractor shall produce working drawings for building works required for the services showing the integration of all the services i.e., Electrical, Mechanical and Drainage systems. The Main contractor shall ensure that all the working drawings are properly coordinated before submitting to the Engineer for approval. All the services shall be installed in such a manner so as to avoid conflict with each other and maintain the clearances required between each of them as per the prevailing regulations. 19.1.11 MATERIALS SUBMITTALS The materials offered for approval shall be strictly in accordance with the specifications and tender drawings. The contractor shall submit in triplicate, the technical literature for each item of the equipment, he intends to use for the project, to the Engineer for the necessary review and approval. If in case the technical literature is not available, then a sample shall be submitted: in the absence of either of these, typed technical data shall be submitted duly supported by telex / letter of the manufacturer for confirmation. In case of items involving aesthetic, sink taps, Showers, Draw offs etc., samples must be submitted for approval along with the materials submittals. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 8 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 Each copy of the submittals shall be numbered and signed with the technical literature clearly highlighted, indicating the model, type and capacity of the equipment offered. The Engineer shall retain two for copies and return one, either Approved or Not Approved, to the contractor. The contractor shall maintain and submit a status report every month, of all the Materials submittals of the Plumbing Materials & Equipments in the following proforma to the Engineer : i. Submittal Number ii. Type of Material iii. Manufacturer / Local Agent iv. Date of Approval v. Date of Order / Order Number vi. Mode of Delivery ( Air, Land or Sea ) vii. ETA on Site viii. Status as on date of Report a Equipment Supply All the equipments for the project shall be procured only through the appointed local agent in Qatar, who shall be the authorized agent and be able to supply the spare parts etc., for the items anytime in the future. The contractor shall mark the same clearly on the submittals (item No. iii. above). In case of any item/s required to be purchased abroad directly, for valid reasons, then the contractor shall mention the same in the submittal and obtain approval from the Engineer specifically. b Equipment size and Delivery Each item of equipment shall be delivered to site in sections suitable for installations in position designated, bearing in mind the location, type of structure, construction program and the method of access. c Design references Any design, for any of the systems, detailed on the Tender drawings, which requires amendment or differs from that available at the time of construction, due to the change in the manufacturer‟s range of production or availability etc., The contractor shall discuss the matter and obtain a readily available alternative from the Engineer. Accordingly, the contractor shall make a fresh submittal based on the Engineer‟s advise and obtain approval to provide the revised system. In such cases, no cost consideration will be applicable, as the contractor is deemed to have studied the drawings and specifications thoroughly as well as obtained clarifications during the tender stage, before submitting his quotation for the execution. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 9 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 19.1.12 MATERIALS INSPECTION The contractor shall inform the Engineer within one week upon receipt of all the materials at the site and arrange for the inspection of the same. Any material used at site which is not approved earlier specifically shall stand rejected without notice. Any item on supply differs from the one shown on the submittal catalogue copy or the sample submitted, will also be rejected at site. In such cases, the contractor shall make a fresh submittal for the item and obtain approval from the Engineer. Any time delay caused due to the above shall be on the Contractor‟s account. The contractor will have to remove the rejected materials from the site and replace with approved materials at his own expenses. In the event the contractor fails to do so, the client will have the liberty to carry out such works from other agencies and debit the ensuing amount to the Contractor. Materials Storage The contractor shall be responsible for the safe keeping and storage of the materials at site and provision of such covering as may be necessary to ensure that on completion, all items are handed over in sound condition with all protective finishes undamaged. 19.1.13 ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS Equipments and Materials used as the basis for the design are listed in the Schedule of Manufacturer‟s. The tenderer shall submit alternative proposals for any of the equipment or material for the Engineer‟s consideration. Only in case if the specified item/s are not available due to valid reasons. Only in such cases, the alternatives will be considered by the Engineer, before the tender is accepted and the Engineer‟s decision will be final regarding the matter. In case the alternatives are accepted, the acceptance of the same will be confirmed in writing by the Engineer. During the execution of the contract, no alternative equipment, materials or fittings will be permitted other than the approved and the contractor is fore- warned that any item provided by him which is not upto the specification, must be replaced at his own expense. In cases where time will not permit, then such replacements shall be at the client‟s convenience, but nevertheless at the Contractor‟s expenses etc., 19.1.14 SETTING OUT OF WORKS The locations of Sink taps, showers, draw offs and their piping routes, etc., as indicated on the tender drawings is tentative and may require some variation to suit the site requirements. The exact positions must be checked and shown on the detailed working drawings as indicated on the detailed Architectural drawings and co-ordinated with furnishing and other services. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 10 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 19.1.15 SAFETY The contractor shall maintain all the safety procedures at site to protect man-power and machinery. The Main Contractor shall provide all the means to achieve the Safety standards required and protect the manpower, materials and equipments at any point of time. 19.1.16 CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE The Main contractor shall ensure that the Sub-Contractor appointed for Plumbing works shall be one of the approved to carryout and maintain such work. The Contractor shall submit the qualifications and experience particulars of the Mechanical Engineer, Foreman and technicians (plumbers) to be employed on the project and obtain approval from the Engineer. Once the approval is obtained, the contractor shall not replace the staff from site. In case the same becomes necessary, re- approval should be obtained and the new staff shall continue with the old staff for a minimum period of 30 days before the later is withdrawn from the site. In such cases, the proposed replacement personnel shall have a minimum of 5 years local experience. Any application with less than 5 years of experience will be rejected by the Engineer. 19.1.17 SERVICE CONNECTION & PERMITS The contractor shall obtain all necessary permits prior to commencement of work and obtain current record drawings of existing services already installed. All applications for permits etc., shall be made in writing to the authorities, a minimum of 7 days prior to the execution of the work. The Contractor is fully responsible for obtaining the necessary permits from the authorities for his work site as well as for any connected works to others. All statutory permits from Fire, Water and Sewerage Department are secured by the Engineer. The plumbing contractor shall however coordinate all inspection works and liaise with the State departments regarding all pipework and payment of fees, etc., when connecting city water mains connections to the mains. The contractor is required to produce certificates of approval of all materials and equipment by the relevant authorities when requested by the Engineer The plumbing contractor shall coordinate connection works of water/sewer and fire to the city mains with relevant local authorities of works. 19.1.18 DAMAGE TO PLANT AND MATERIALS Any plant or material which is damaged by any means whatsoever, shall not be used in the works. Should the contractor wish to rectify such damage in order to utilize the plant or materials in the permanent works, the matter shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer, who in turn shall conduct a proper survey after which the necessary instructions will be issued. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 11 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 Only after obtaining a written permission from the Engineer, shall any remedial work be carried out. Any damaged Plant or Material allegedly brought to a “as-new” condition following such a procedure, shall only be accepted after the technical appraisal & discretion of the Engineer, whose decision in such matters shall be final and binding. 19.1.19 PROTECTIVE FINISHES The protective finishes must be provided on all materials and Equipments used in this contract to ensure that no deterioration is caused by the interaction of local climatic conditions. All materials shall be inspected by the contractor or his representative before shipment to ensure that finishes are in accordance with the specifications. 19.1.20 WORKS TEST AND INSPECTION Provision shall be made by the contractor for the Engineer or Engineer‟s representative to witness hydraulic tests as specified elsewhere, of major pipe work executed by the contractor. The Engineer will advise the contractor at the time of commencement of the contract the list of works that are to be inspected and the contractor shall give the Engineer the required notice in the required Inspection form, of the date on which the plant or work will be ready for testing. The Engineer will signify his intention to attend the tests or accept the contractor's test sheets. The contractor shall supply all the Inspection Forms and Test certificates in original to the Engineer / Client at the time of handing over the project. 19.1.21 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS The contractor shall provide Three copies in the form of bound documents the operating instructions and maintenance manuals indicating the following : a. Step by step operating procedures. b. Preventive maintenance schedule. c. Technical literature. d. Spare parts list e. Manufacturer's name, address, telex no., Fax no. telephone no., and contact person.- Local as well as overseas. f. Work test certificates, if any. g. Routine Test results carried out at site. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 12 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 19.1.22 AS BUILT DRAWINGS After the working drawings have been approved, no alteration to the drawings shall be carried out without the consent of the Engineer. These changes shall be supported by sketches and incorporated on the “AS-BUILT” drawings which are to be submitted to the Engineer within one month of completion of the project. Two sets of process negatives along with three sets of drawings shall be submitted after approval of the Engineer for onward submission to the client. 19.1.23 PERIOD OF MAINTENANCE The contractor shall guarantee the entire Plumbing System installed against Faulty / improper materials and or workmanship for the period of maintenance of 400 days (Four Hundred) from the date, the installation is tested, commissioned and accepted by the Engineer. Also where longer guarantee or warranty periods are otherwise declared, for any equipment or materials such longer terms shall apply. The Contractor shall submit a single guarantee for whole of the works, which states that all parts of the work are in accordance with the contract documents during the period of maintenance, the contractor shall repair any deficiencies, within 24 hours of notification at no additional cost to the contract. In case if the Contractor fails to attend to any such faults as mentioned above within the specified time, then the client shall make own arrangements to rectify the fault but nevertheless at the Contractor‟s expense. 19.2.00 MATERIALS DOMESTIC HOT AND COLD WATER SERVICES 19.2.01 GENERAL Hot and Cold water services within the building shall comply with British Standard code of practice BS 6700: 1987 CP 342 : Part 2 : 1974. All hot water pipes shall be insulated with manufacturer sleeves and sizes to be same as the pipe size of PP-R pipes. All pipe work fittings, valves and other components forming the piping installation shall be erected such that they can be dismantled and are accessible for repair and replacement. Where valves and equipment are fitted, unions and flanges shall be provided as appropriate for the diameter pipe work in order to allow valves and equipment removal. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 13 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 All pipe work shall be erected such that it may be vented and drained satisfactorily. All low points in the system shall have drain cocks fitted and high points shall have air bottles or automatic air vents. All cold and hot water pipes exposed to the sun at roof or inside shafts shall be insulated with fibreglass 48 KM/kg and with weather proof / sun proof insulation protective material. Contractor to carry out thermal expansion for PP-R pipes subject to temperature difference. a) Copper Pipes All exposed pipe work on roof and inside shafts shall be copper tube to British Standard BS 2871 Part 1 : 1971 Table "X" and all fittings shall be copper or copper alloy to BS 864 : Part 2 : 197 1and All tube and fittings shall be stamped with the British Standard kite mark and copper alloy fittings shall carry a CR mark. The jointing of copper pipe work shall be by means of dezincification resistant integral solder ring fittings. All pipes inside the toilets shall be PP-R polypropylene type with authority‟s approval and to be as per standards. b) Polypropylene PP-R Fittings Fittings shall be both welding fittings and metal fittings. All metal inserts shall be in dezincification resistant brass. Joining between pipes and fittings shall be made by melting the parts. Locations where pipe is to be connected to equipment, PP-R fittings with metal insert shall be used. Polypropylene valves shall be used where available with manufacturers in their product range. All the components inside the valve in contract with water shall be dezincification resistant brass. For those valves (type and sizes) which are not available in the PP-R pipe manufacturer range, shall be made dezincification resistant brass as described in clause „b‟ below. All components of polypropylene pipe systems shall be suitable for a working pressure of 6 bars at 70º C for 50 years life expectancy. The whole polypropylene piping installation including supports shall be carried out strictly in accordance with manufacturer‟s recommendations. The contractor shall make allowance for expansion in the pipework. The whole PP-R installation shall be guaranteed for a period of 5 years. 19.2.02 INSTALLATION, STORAGE & PROTECTION All pipework, fittings and accessories shall be installed strictly in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and due allowance made for thermal movement.. All pipework, fittings and accessories shall be obtained from one manufacturer only, who shall be nominated by the contractor in writing and approved by the Engineer prior to ordering any materials. Materials from different manufacturers shall not be incorporated into the system. All pipework, fittings and accessories shall be stored in properly ventilated well supported racked storage sheds. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 14 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 All pipework shall be erected to present a neat and orderly appearance arranged to or at right-angles to the structural member of the building, giving maximum headroom and not obstructing window or doorways. Pipes shall bend round piers, projections and into recesses forming part of the structural works whether so indicated on the drawings or not. Pipework shall be erected such that there is a minimum of 50 mm clear below to the finished floor level and at least 25 mm clear to the finished wall face. All pipework which is to be insulated shall allow space for each pipe to be insulated around its whole circumference. Adequate clearance shall be provided between insulated pipework running together and adjacent to walls and floors. Clearances between insulation and floor and insulation and wall shall be as for bare pipework. No joints shall be formed in the thickness of walls, floor slabs or roof slabs. No pipework shall be chased into floor slabs, roof slabs or walls. During the installation period open ends of pipework shall be capped off using purpose-made plugs or blank counter flanges. Pipework shall be kept free of dirt and other foreign debris at all times. All pipework fittings, valves and other components forming the piping installation shall be erected such that they can be dismantled and are accessible for repair and replacement. Where valves and equipment are fitted, unions and flanges shall be provided as appropriate for the diameter pipework in order to allow valves and equipment removal. All pipework shall be erected such that it may be vented and drained satisfactorily. All low points in the system shall have draincocks fitted and high points shall have air bottles or automatic air vents. 19.2.03 PIPE SUPPORTS, BRACKETS AND HANGERS All pipework shall be adequately supported in such a manner as to permit free movement due to expansion, contractions, vibration or other changes in the system. Supports shall be arranged as near as possible to joints and changes of direction. Spacing of supports shall comply with Table 13 contained in British Standard BS 5572 : 1978. Vertical rising pipes particularly in shafts shall be adequately supported at the base to withstand the total weight of the riser. Under no circumstances shall branches from vertical rising pipes be the means of support for the vertical pipework. Pipework up to and including 65 mm diameter shall be supported clear of the structure with cast brass brackets. Where exposed to view, bright finish brass hospital brackets shall be used with brawl plugs and brass screws. All multi runs of pipework within false ceilings or service shafts shall be supported on purpose designed proprietary brackets suitable for carrying more than one pipe run, and shall be secured using expanding plugs or other purpose designed fixing devices. Softwood plugs shall not be allowed. All purpose designed proprietary brackets shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval prior to ordering. All Steel hangers and supporting brackets shall be painted with one coat of red oxide and one coat of Galvanizing paint. The spacing of supports where not specified must not exceed the spacing given in the following schedules. Where one support carries more than one pipe diameter the spacing shall be that specified for the smallest diameter. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 15 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 Maximum spacing of supports Nominal size Support spacing of pipes Vertical pipes Horizontal pipes 54 mm 3.0 m 2.7 m 42 mm 3.0 m 2.4 m 35 mm 3.0 m 2.4 m 28 mm 2.4 m 1.8 m 26 mm 2.4 m 1.6 m 15 mm 1.8 m 1.2 m 19.2.04 PIPE SLEEVES Pipe sleeves shall be supplied where pipework passes through walls, floors, footings and waterproofed membranes. Sleeves shall be built in the correct locations at the time required by the main contractor. The inside diameter of all sleeves shall not be less than 15 mm larger than the outside diameter of the pipe passing through. Where pipes pass through buried walls or footings, sleeves shall be 25 mm larger than the outside diameter of the pipe passing through. The space between the pipe sleeve shall be neatly packed using asbestos string or rope to prevent the passage of noise, vermin or smoke . Sleeves shall not protrude beyond the finished surface. Where pipework is exposed to view and passes through wall or floor, chromium plated copper pipe flanges of the correct pipe diameter shall be fitted. 19.2.05 VALVES AND STOPCOCKS All valves and stopcocks shall comply with the regulations of the Ministry of Electricity and Water, Water Department and shall be dezincification resistant. Valves shall be provided as shown on the drawings and detailed below or similar and approved. All valves shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and approval obtained in writing prior to ordering. All valves shall be fitted in readily accessible positions. They shall be of even thickness throughout, clean and smooth from scale. All stuffing boxes shall be packed with material specially selected and recommended by the manufacturer for the particular service in which each valve is used. Non-return valves shall be screwed BSPT or flange BS 4504 : Part 2 in accordance with the valve schedule in this specification. All non-return valves shall be suitable for both vertical and horizontal mounting and shall be fitted in readily accessible positions. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 16 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 19.2.06 STRAINERS AND DRAIN COCKS All strainers shall be fitted in a readily accessible position and adequate access shall be allowed for maintenance and cleaning of strainer basket. All strainers shall be manufactured by specialists and have a stainless steel 80 mesh screen basket. All drain cocks shall be of the same manufacture and be in accordance with BS 2879. Generally drain cocks shall be provided at all low points in the system and other points where necessary and as directed by the Engineer. 19.2.07 FLOAT BALL VALVES Float ball valves on the mains shall be of equilibrium type, full bore, 6 bar medium/high pressure to BS 1212 Part 1. Float ball valves shall be of delayed action type if specified or shown on drawings. The fixing components and members for delayed action ball valves shall be stainless steel. 19.2.08 TRENCH EXCAVATION Excavation work shall be executed in whatever ground conditions that may be encountered to the line and levels as detailed on the drawings. The contractor shall be responsible for the stability of all excavations and any claim arising from accident or damage to the public, adjoining property or labour on site. The contractor shall provide all necessary steel sheeting, timber supports, strutting and shoring to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. Any slip or fall shall be immediately made good by the contractor at his own expense and the contractor shall take sole responsibility for any claim for damages arising out of inadequate support of excavations. All excavation shall be maintained dry and free from water. To achieve this the contractor shall, without additional charge, provide all necessary pumping equipment, sumps, drains and soakaways. The contractor shall also be responsible for operating, running and maintaining all equipment at all times to ensure excavations are free from water. All obstructions shall be broken out and voids and soft spots filled with concrete grade 15 or as otherwise instructed by the Engineer at the Contractor's expense. Granular Bedding Pipework shall be laid on a granular bed with a minimum cover above the crown of the pipe as follows : 1. Pipe lines 600 mm cover when there is no traffic on the ground above the pipeline. 2. Pipe lines 1000 mm cover when there is traffic on the ground above the pipe line. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 17 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 The granular bedding shall comprise grave, stone chippings or crushed stone to pass 12 mm sieve and be retained on a 5 mm sieve mixed with free draining course sand, in the ratio of two parts crushed stone or gravel to every one part of sand. Bedding material shall not contain more than 0.3% sulphate nor shall it be obtained from locations where 0.1 % sulphate is present in the ground water. Bedding shall be laid 150 mm deep along the length of the trench and compacted prior to work commencing on the pipe laying. After pipe laying, inspection and testing, a further 300 mm of bedding material shall be compacted by hand above the uppermost crown of the pipe line along its entire length. The bedding material shall span the entire width of the trench and shall be laid in not more than 150 mm deep layers, each layer being compacted by hand. Laying of Pipelines and Fittings All underground pipelines shall be laid to true levels in straight lines to even gradients shown on the drawings. Pipeline laying shall not commence until the Engineer has inspected and approved the granular bed and trench. Care shall be taken when laying pipes that no bedding material or building debris is pushed into the barrel of the pipe of fitting. Backfilling Excavations After compaction of granular bed and surround, the trench shall be backfilled using selected excavated material free from all rocks, large hard objects and builders debris of greater than 40 mm. Backfilling shall take place immediately after the specified operations proceeding it have been completed and shall be in layers of 150 mm, each fully compacted over the full width of the trench. Power rammers and vibrators shall be used compact backfilling when the cover over the crown of the pipe exceeds 0.5 meters. 19.2.09 GROUND COLD WATER SERVICES Underground cold water services shall comply with British Standard Code of Practice CP 310 : 1965, CP 2010 : Part 1 : 1966 and CP 2010 : Part 3 : 1972. All pipework up to and including 67 mm diameter shall be copper tube to BS 2871 : PART 1 : 1971 TABLE "Y" . The tubes entire length shall be coated with a continuous, seamless, polyethylene sheathing which shall be green in colour to British Standard BS 1710 : 1975. All fittings shall be to British Standard BS 864 : Part 2 : 1971 Type 'B'. 19.2.10 PIPEWORK INSULATIONS All thermal insulation shall comply with British Standard BS 5970 : 1981 and BS 5442 : 1977. All domestic hot and cold water pipes which are exposed to sun shall be insulated. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 18 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 Thermal insulation to pipework shall be carried out by specialists and strictly in accordance with this specification. No thermal insulation shall be applied to pipework prior to pressure testing and inspection by the Engineer giving clear instructions for further insulation applied. In order that tests may be made of the thickness of insulation to be applied to each pipe size, plant and equipment, the contractor shall allow for the cost of cutting away one section for each size of pipe, plant and equipment for inspection by the Engineer. If the insulation proves to be of the thickness specified, then the cut section shall be made good and the whole installation completed. Should any cut section show a deficiency of thickness, further sections shall be cut at the direction of the Engineer for inspection. If a deficiency of thickness or any other defects are found, the contractor shall remove the whole of the insulation installed or as the Engineer directs and then shall supply, deliver and apply new insulation complying with the specification and restore it to the satisfaction of the Engineer. This work shall be carried out at the contractor's own expense. Thermal insulation shall be applied to all valves, strainers, non-return valves, draincocks, automatic air vents and bosses for gauges/test points. Insulation of these components in the pipework system up to and including 65 mm diameter pipework shall be carried out using sectional insulation cut to suit and of the same size as the line pipework. No insulation shall be concealed within false ceilings or vertical and horizontal builders works shafts prior to inspection and approval by the Engineer. Thermal insulation shall be 25 mm thick with a density of 64 kg/m2 rigid fiberglass sections as set down in British Standard Specification BS 5422 : 1977. The sections shall be covered with flameproof calico lapped and pasted down using approved adhesive and secured using aluminium bands at 1.2 m centres. All piping, branching off to fixtures chased in the floors or wells shall be insulated with 10 mm thick flexible fiberglass insulation covered with plastic tape applied spirally. Where exposed to view, the insulation shall be painted with two coats primer and one finishing coat rubberized paint to an approved colour prior to the fixing of aluminium bands at 1.2 m centres. The finishing colour shall be to British Standard BS 1710 : 1975, identification of pipelines complete with direction arrows. 19.2.11 COLD WATER STORAGE TANKS Cold water storage tanks shall be manufactured to British Standards and comply strictly with the Water Department's Regulations of the State of Qatar. The following tank may be used: a. - Underground Reinforced Concrete Storage Tanks The following design criteria shall be observed during construction: a- there shall be one manhole to be positioned as follows: i- one will be located in such a position to have easy access to the float valve b- stainless steel or GRP ladder shall be provided for access to the tank. c- vent pipe with insect guard shall be provided. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 19 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 d- water level controls(low level electric float switches interlocked) for pumps shall be provided. e- In case of overflow, warning system shall be provided either by level switch or by other approved means. f- manholes shall be provided with at least 100mm upstaged concrete and double sealed to prevent leakage. g- isolating stop-valves shall be provided in the supply and delivery lines h- Approved non-toxic epoxy coating, resisting fungus growth shall be used on all internal surfaces. i- Approved tanking membrane for water tightness shall be used on external Surfaces. The tanks shall be provided to the capacities, dimensions and locations shown on the drawing. Each tank is to be fixed on a base, which supports the whole of the tank. The details of the tank base are to be approved by the Consultant before any installation work begins. b. Roof Tanks Polyethylene tanks complete with bolted inspection cover and with gunmetal pipe connections pre-molded in position. The tanks shall be suitable for ultra violet light and comply with the National Water Council of the United Kingdom and/or the Water Department of the State of Qatar. 19.2.12 HOT WATER SERVICE HEATERS Individual Water Heater Water heater shall be thermal - electric, individual constructed from heavy gauge high carbon steel tank with allaying at 2cm CFC free compact foam insulation and to be glass-lined. Insulation between inner and outer container shall be of CFC – free, flame Retardant pure-foam of minimum 30 mm thickness, according ti ISO – standard 3582. Internal surface to be glass lined. The water heater shall be of pressurized type, horizontal or vertical type above false ceiling, suitable for a working pressure of 8 bar and tested for 16 bar. The heating element constructed to BS 3456 shall be from zinc-plated, copper sheathed resistance wire, embedded conifer rod type immersion type protected against stress cracking and pitting corrosion complete with thermostat of 20 Amps. minimum rating and an additional safety temperature limiter for protecting the water heater against over heating. The heating element shall be brazed on to a screw - on immersion type apparatus plate. The loading of water heaters shall be 1.5 kw each for capacities of 50 litres and 2 kw for capacities for 80 ltrs, 240v, 50 Hz. single-phase supply. The Water heater shall be complete with pressure relief valve (preset according to allowed working pressure), non-return valve and temperature gauge. - Glass lined heaters of approval make can be accepted as alternative. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 20 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 The centrifugal circulating pump shall be driven by an electric motor preferably of 220 volts, single phase, 50 Hz electric supply. Motors shall not exceed 2900 rpm. 19.2.13 WATER FILTERS Water Filters Filters shall be provided below kitchen/pantry sink for taste/odor & sediment removal. Sizes to suit the water demand and installed at the location(s) even not marked in the drawings. 19.2.14 COLD WATER PUMP SETS a) COLD WATER LIFTING PUMP SET The cold-water lifting pump set shall be self priming pump set and shall be of the centrifugal type for the duty/standby stated on the drawings and shall comprise duplicate pumps, one running and one standby. Each pump shall be direct run with drip-proof electric motors. Each pump shall be provided with isolating valves on each inlet and outlet, together with a strainer on each suction line and non-return valve fitted on each delivery line. One number membrane tank of fabricated steel construction housing a removable butyl rubber bag complete with lock shield gate valve shall be incorporated. 2 Nos. pressure switch and 2 nos. pressure gauges shall be installed in pipe work. Automatic control of the pressure set shall be by means of high/low level float switches located in the high-level storage tanks and pressure switches. The pressure switches shall be arranged to start the pressure set to refill the high-level cold-water storage tank. A low-level float switch shall be incorporated in the ground level cold-water storage tank and arranged such that it prevents the pump set operating in the event of no water. Provision shall also be made within the controls for a duty pump selector switch. This selector switch shall allow duty pump No. 1 and duty pump NO. 2 to be changed over. Pump casings shall be manufactured from high-density cast iron to BS 1452 with stainless steel shafts to BS 970 and high-grade stainless steel impellers to BS 1400. Pump motors shall be totally enclosed fan cooled, drip-proof squirrel cage, conforming to British Standards and shall be suitable for continuous operation in temperatures of 50 deg. C. Motor speed shall not exceed 2900 rpm and shall be suitable for running in ambient temperatures of 50 deg. C. The electrical control panel cubicle shall be manufactured from mild steel sheet, finished in stove enamelled hammer finish and fitted with all motor starter, fuse gear, PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 21 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 door isolator, selector switches, indicator lights and all relays, timers, etc. to provide sequence control. Interconnecting pipework headers and manifolds shall be fabricated from copper tube fittings as previously described. PVC and galvanized mild steel shall not be permitted. b) COLD WATER BOOSTER PUMP SET The cold-water pressure (booster) pump sets shall be a packaged set and shall be of the multi stage horizontal type for the duty/standby stated on the drawings and shall comprise duplicate pumps, one run and one standby. Each pump shall be direct run with drip-proof electric motors. Each pump shall be provided with isolating valves on each inlet and outlet, together with a strainer on each suction line and non-return valve fitted on each delivery line. One number membrane tank of fabricated steel construction housing a removable butyl rubber bag complete with lock shield gate valve shall be incorporated. 2 Nos. pressure switch and 2 nos. pressure gauges shall be installed in pipe work. Automatic control of the pressure set shall be by means of pressure switches. The pressure switches shall be arranged to the primary water at the desired pressure. A low level float switch shall be incorporated in the lower level cold water storage tank and in the roof water tanks and arranged such that it prevents the pump set operating in the event of no water. Provision shall also be made within the controls for a duty pump selector switch. This selector switch shall allow duty pump No. 1 and duty pump NO. 2 to be changed over. Pump casings shall be manufactured from high-density cast iron to BS 1452 with stainless steel shafts to BS 970 and high-grade gunmetal impellers to BS 1400. Pump motors shall be totally enclosed fan cooled, drip-proof squirrel cage, conforming to British Standards and shall be suitable for continuous operation in temperatures of 50 deg. C. Motor speed shall not exceed 1440 rpm and shall be suitable for running in ambient temperatures of 50 deg. C. The electrical control panel cubicle shall be manufactured from mild steel sheet, finished in stove enamelled hammer finish and fitted with all motor starter, fuse gear, door isolator, selector switches, indicator lights and all relays, timers, etc. to provide sequence control. 19.2.15 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE Wherever is required even not shown on the tender drawing, it is the contractor‟s responsibility to provide the system - a pressure reducing valve(s) if the distribution system available pressure is above in relation to the fixture pressure requirement being offered. This is to prevent damaged and leaks that may cause and fault that may arise due to over pressure since note that location of fixtures are installed in different levels throughout the building. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 22 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 19.2.16 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE Wherever is required even not shown on the tender drawing, it is the contractor‟s responsibility to provide the system - a pressure reducing valve(s) if the distribution system available pressure is above in relation to the fixture pressure requirement being offered. This is to prevent damaged and leaks that may cause and fault that may arise due to over pressure since note that location of fixtures are installed in different levels throughout the building. 19.2.17 STERILIZATION OF WATER SERVICES All pipework, fittings and storage tanks shall be sterilized starting with the external water supplies, storage tanks and finally the water distribution system. No sterilization shall be carried out until the system has been flushed out and approval received in writing from the Engineer to commence sterilization. The following procedure shall be adopted for sterilization of the water distribution systems: a. Flush out all tanks, pipe works, etc. b. Recharge all water systems adding sufficient sterilization chemical to a concentration of 1-2 parts per million. The concentration shall be confirmed by using a measuring instrument approved by the water department. c. Starting with the draw-off point nearest the cold water storage tank, each draw-off point shall be opened until chlorine odour is present at each draw-off. d. When all draw-off points have discharged chlorinated water, the cold water storage tanks shall be recharged adding sufficient sterilization chemical to give the correct concentration of 1-2 parts per million of chlorine. The system shall then remain charged for a minimum period of one hour. e. The water shall then be chemically analyzed. Should no residual chlorine be found, the test shall be repeated until satisfactory results are obtained. f. Drain down all storage tanks and pipework, flushing out tank and pipework, and run the system clean prior to retesting of the water to ensure no residual chlorine is present. g. Finally a sample of tank water shall be taken to the Water Department for testing. The results of these tests shall be forwarded to the Engineer for his approval. 19.2.18 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS The contractor shall supply and install portable fire extinguishers, fire blanket in the kitchen, pantries, electrical room, plant room even not shown on the drawings. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 23 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 The fire extinguishers shall be of dry chemical ABC type of 4.5 Kg. capacity, with a rugged brass operating valve, large size operating lever, full vision pressure gauge, discharge hose and heavy duty drawn steel cylinder with hard, scratch resistant finish. Where fire extinguishers are located in electrical rooms, plant rooms they shall be complete with wall mounting brackets. 19.2.19 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING General Setting Out of Work and Commissioning The contractor, having ensured that water, electricity and other necessary supplies are available, shall set to work the completed works or part thereof, at the instruction of the Consultant and make the necessary adjustments to ensure correct functioning. After the installation or part thereof has been set to work and adjusted, the contractor shall demonstrate its operation, at a time selected by and to the satisfaction of the Consultant. Test shall be in accordance with British Standard Code of Practice BS 6700 : 1997. The test shall demonstrate: - a. That equipment provided complies with the specification in all particulars and is of adequate capacity for its full rates of duty. b. That all items of plant and equipment operate sufficiently quietly to meet the specified requirements. c. That all instruments, protection and control devices, etc., are correctly calibrated and accurate. d. That all water systems are properly balanced, vented, and operates satisfactorily under test pressure. The details of method of carrying out the recording of tests shall be agreed with the Consultant. The Client's representative and the consultant shall be at liberty to be present at test and to participate in the tests. This shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibilities for carrying out the tests satisfactorily. The contractor shall make all the records during the tests and on completion thereof, shall provide the Consultant with a test report and record both in triplicate. The contractor shall also provide all test instruments, together with skilled supervision and adequate labor for carrying out the tests. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 24 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 Pipe work Pressure Testing All pipework services shall be subjected to a test of 500 kN/m2 or one and half times working pressure whichever is the greater, for not less than 24 hours. Where pipework is tested in sections, all valves shall be blanked off temporarily using plugs or blank flanges. The valve wedge shall not be used to retain the water. The pipework services shall be charged with water allowing all air to escape and avoiding shock or water hammer. The test pressure gauge shall be mounted within the pipework system with a loop and cock and shall be calibrated such that the test pressure falls above its mid-range. The contractor shall carry out his own test first to ensure there are no leaks prior to requesting the Consultant to witness the test. The witnessed test shall be maintained for a minimum of 4 hour without measurable loss and without further pumping. Pipework main laid in ground shall be tested for 24 hours and leakage shall be measured by the quantity of water pumped into the main under test. Leakage shall not exceed five litres per 25 mm of pipe diameter per 1750 meter length of pipe for 33 meters head pressure in a period of 24 hours. The Consultant shall witness all pipework tests. The contractor shall give the Consultant a minimum of 24 hours notice of all tests. The contractor shall also provide test sheets set out in an agreed manner of each pipework section to be tested. 19.2.20 SCHEDULE OF PREFERRED MANUFACTURES & SUPPLIERS 1) Copper Pipes YORKSHIRE,UK WEDNESBURY, UK MUELLER, UK. 2) Copper Fittings Capillary with Integral Solder YORKSHIRE,UK MUELLER, UK. CONEX 3) Valves CONEX PEGLER, UK NEWMAN HATTERSELY, UK 4) Sectional Water Tanks BALMORAL AQUASTOW NIKKO LG YSI HITANK BFG 5) Water Heater ATLANTIC (FRANCE) AO SMITH,USA INVENTUM ZENITH PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 25 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 6) Water Pumps EBARA WILO SPP PULLEN (UK) 7)Polypropylene Pipes and fittings BANNINGER KUNSTSTOFF COPREX ARIETE UPONOR 8) Water Filter NORTHSTAR CARESS METITO (USA) 11) Fiber Glass Insulation KIMMCO AFICO ARABIAN FIBER GLASS 12) Control Valves GRINNELL (USA) TYCO FLOW CONTROL (USA) POTTOR ELECTRICS (USA) 14) Pipe Fittings INTERFIT (FRANCE) ANVIL (USA) VICTAULIC (USA) 15) Pressure Reducing Valves CRANE, GRINNELL NIBCO 19.2.21 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS PLUMBING INSTALLATIONS 1 PL-01 SITE PLAN-PLUMBING LAY-OUT 2 PL-02 3 rd BASEMENT FLOOR -PLUMBING LAY-OUT 3 PL-03 2 nd BASEMENT FLOOR -PLUMBING LAYOUT 4 PL-04 1 ST BASEMENT FLOOR - PLUMBING LAYOUT 5 PL-05 GROUND FLOOR – PLUMBING LAYOUT 6 PL-06 MEZZANINE FLOOR PLUMBING LAYOUT 7 PL-07 1ST FLOOR FLOOR PLUMBING LAYOUT 8 PL-08 2 ND TO 5TH FLOOR PLUMBING LAYOUT 9 PL-09 6 TH TO 7 TH FLOOR PLUMBING LAYOUT PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 26 Section 19.0-Plumbing Installation Rev 0 10 PL-10 8TH FLOOR PLUMBING LAYOUT 11 PL-11 9 TH FLOOR PLUMBING LAYOUT 12 PL-12 MAIN ROOF FLOOR PLAN & APEX ROOF-PLUMBING LAYOUT 13 PL-13 TOILET DETAILS-PLUMBING LAYOUT 14 PL-14 STANDARD DETAIL - PLUMBING LAYOUT SECTION – 20 DRAINAGE INSTALLATION PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 1 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 SL NO. TITLE OF SPECIFICATION 20.1.00 DRAINAGE GENERAL 20.1.01 Site 20.1.02 Site Conditions 20.1.03 Definitions 20.1.04 Scope of Works 20.1.05 Compliance with Specifications & Regulations 20.1.06 Drainage System 20.1.07 Program 20.1.08 Contract Drawings 20.1.09 Working Drawings 20.1.10 Co-ordination of Drawings 20.1.11 Material Submittals 20.1.12 Material Inspection 20.1.13 Alternative Materials 20.1.14 Setting out of Works 20.1.15 Safety 20.1.16 Contractor’s License 20.1.17 Permits 20.1.18 Damage to Plant and Materials 20.1.19 Protective Finishes 20.1.20 Works Test and Certificate 20.1.21 Operation and Maintenance Manuals 20.1.22 As Built Drawings 20.1.23 Period Of Maintenance PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 2 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 20.2.00 DRAINAGE SYSTEM NETWORK 20.2.01 Pipes and Fittings 20.2.02 Above Ground Pipes 20.2.03 Below Ground & External Drainage Pipes 20.2.04 Rain Water System Pipes 20.2.05 Pipes & Fittings Installation and Inspection 20.2.06 Manholes 20.2.07 Manhole Covers and Gully Gratings 20.2.08 Soakaways 20.2.09 Septic Tank 20.2.10 Protection of Drainage Pipes 20.2.11 Testing and Commissioning 20.2.12 Schedule of Approved Manufacturers 20.2.13 Schedule of Drawings PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 3 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 20.1.01 SITE B RING ROAD , DOHA, STATE OF QATAR 20.1.02 SITE CONDITIONS Unless otherwise specified, all the Drainage Materials & Equipments shall be capable of withstanding the following site conditions : 1 Maximum Ambient : 50 Deg.C (Dry Bulb) in Summer Temperature & 8 Deg.C (Dry Bulb) in Winter 2 Altitude : Sea Level 3 Maximum Relative Humidity : 95 % 4 Maximum Wind Velocity : 140 Kms. per Hour 5 Prevailing Wind : North and North Westerly 6 Storms : Dusty Sporadic and Irregular 7 Annual Rainfall : 50mm between January & April 20.1.03 DEFINITIONS The following terms and abbreviations used in these specifications / drawings shall mean: Site : The Locations where the works are to be carried out. QCS : Qatar Construction Specifications BS : British Standard Specifications CP. : British Standard Code of Practice Tender Drawing : The Drawing on which the tender is based and the schedules therein. Working Drawings : The Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the purpose of execution of work at site. As Built Drawings : Which is the true record of the actual work carried out at site. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 4 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 Works : To include the provisions for al the materials and works to be carried out by the contractor as per these specifications and for the satisfactory completion of the installation. Approved : Shall mean APPROVED by the Engineer in writing. Submitted : Shall mean SUBMITTED to the Engineer in writing. Accepted : Shall mean ACCEPTED by the Engineer in writing. Provide : Shall mean, supply, Install, Test & Commission. Install : Shall mean Install, Test & Commission. Furnish : Shall mean supply only Concealed : Shall mean Hidden from normal sight in the shafts, ceiling spaces, walls, slabs or partitions. 20.1.04 SCOPE OF WORKS The scope of works consists of furnishing, installing, commissioning and testing the complete foul, waste and storm water drainage systems along with all associated manholes, septic tanks, and soakaways as indicated on the contract drawings, and in accordance with this specification and the requirements of section 20 of the QCS and shall be installed to BS 8301 : 1985 (formerly CP 304) . The contractor shall provide all supervision, labour, materials, equipment, machinery and any other items necessary to complete the systems in all respects. The drainage system shall include the following : 1. uPVC soil, waste, vent, rainwater pipes as shown on drawing and specified elsewhere. 2. Floor drains, floor gulleys, gully traps, overflows, bottle traps as shown on drawings and specification 3. Manhole, Septic Tank, Manhole Covers, Gully Grating, Steps & Soakaways. 20.1.05 COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATION & REGULATIONS The contractor shall supply all materials which shall be new and in good condition. The contractor shall supply all the necessary skilled and non-skilled labour to complete the works in accordance with the program of works. The installations shall comply with the following regulations : i. The installation of works shall be as per the latest edition and publication of Sewerage Division, State of Qatar. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 5 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 ii. The equipments shall conform to the British Standard specifications & codes of practice (current editions including all amendments). iii. If the Contractor wishes to use materials of installations or equipments other than the specified ones and conforming to different standards, then a written approval from the Engineer shall be obtained. However the Engineer reserves the right for such approval(s). iv. Any apparatus, appliance, material or work not shown on the contract drawings but mentioned in the specification or vice versa, or any incidental accessories or work necessary to make the work complete and perfect in all respects and ready for operation, even if not particularly specified shall be supplied and installed or carried out by the contractor without any additional costs. Clarification shall be obtained from the Engineer in writing for any such cases at the tendering stage. In case of any discrepancy arises afterwards during the construction, the Engineer’s decision shall be final and binding on all such matters. 20.1.06 DRAINAGE SYSTEM The Drainage system includes various, uPVC pipeworks including all the necessary fittings and fixtures for the safe disposal of Soil, Waste and Rain Water from the project site, along with the provisions of various Manholes and Holding tanks,(upon availability) finally connected to the Municipal Drainge and Disposal system in the vicinity. The scheme for the drainage system is detailed and provided in the Contract drawings for handling and disposal of : a) Soil Water b) Waste Water c) Rain Water 20.1.07 PROGRAMME The Contractor shall produce the work program based on CPM (Critical Path Method or Bar chart, indicating the time required for various activities and operations to complete the project in time. The following points shall be highlighted in the Program : 01 Mobilization 02 Drawings and Material Submittals 03 Approvals 04 Equipment Deliveries 05 First Fix 06 Main & Sub-Main Piping Works 07 Second Fix 08 Fixing of accessories 09 Testing 10 Commissioning & Handing Over PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 6 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 20.1.08 CONTRACT DRAWINGS The Drainage tender drawings related to this project have been listed in the Schedule of Drawings enclosed with the specifications. The tender drawings have been prepared to show the tenderer the principal equipment and general arrangement required for the project. These drawings do not indicate every detail of the work. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to check the positions / locations at site. All dimensions are tentative and shall be checked with the Architectural and Structural drawings. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer in writing at the time of tender. Particular attention shall be paid to the positioning of Floor Gullies, Drains,and other accessories, in relation to the Interior finishes and locations of various appliances. The Contractor is deemed to have studied the services drawings based on all the local regulations and have included in his prices for all builders work associated with these drawings. 20.1.09 WORKING DRAWINGS The contractor shall prepare the working drawings in a scale of 1:50 for plans, 1:5 for details and 1:200 for site plan, and submit them for the Engineer’s approval. The contractor shall project the following in the above drawings : i. Actual pipework routes boxes indicating the sizes of all branches, bends and other accessories and fittings. ii Typical connection details of the various drainage systems of appliances, like Water Closets, Wash Basins, Faucets, Bidets, Sinks etc., iii Sections and Elevations of Installations with co-ordination details in respect to the other services Installations like, Electricals, Air-conditioning & Ventilation and Plumbing. iv Levels, Center Lines and Slopes/Gradients of the pipework installations. 20.1.10 CO-ORDINATION OF DRAWINGS The Main contractor shall produce working drawings for building works required for the services showing the integration of all the services i.e., Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing and Drainage systems. The Main contractor should ensure that all the working drawings are properly coordinated before submitting to the Engineer for approval. All the services shall be installed in such a manner so as to avoid conflict with each other and maintain the clearances required between each of them as per the prevailing regulations. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 7 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 20.1.11 MATERIALS SUBMITTALS The materials offered for approval shall be strictly in accordance with the specifications and tender drawings. The contractor shall submit in triplicate, the technical literature for each item of the equipment, he intends to use for the project, to the Engineer for the necessary review and approval. If in case the technical literature is not available, then a sample shall be submitted: in the absence of either of these, typed technical data shall be submitted duly supported by telex / letter of the manufacturer for confirmation. In case of items involving aesthetic, like Floor Gullies, Floor Clean Outs, Manhole covers ( if located Inside of Building) etc., samples must be submitted for approval along with the materials submittals. Each copy of the submittals shall be numbered and signed with the technical literature clearly highlighted, indicating the model, type and capacity of the equipment offered. The Engineer shall retain two for copies and return one, either Approved or Not Approved, to the contractor. The contractor shall maintain and submit a status report every month, of all the Materials submittals of the Drainage Materials & Equipments in the following proforma to the Engineer: i. Submittal Number ii. Type of Material iii. Manufacturer / Local Agent iv. Date of Approval v. Date of Order / Order Number vi. Mode of Delivery ( Air, Land or Sea ) vii. ETA on Site viii. Status as on date of Report a Equipment Supply All the equipments for the project shall be procured only through the appointed local agent in Qatar, who shall be the authorised agent and be able to supply the spare parts etc., for the items anytime in the future. The contractor shall mark the same clearly on the submittals (item No. iii. above). In case of any item/s required to be purchased abroad directly, for valid reasons, then the contractor shall mention the same in the submittal and obtain approval from the Engineer specifically. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 8 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 b Equipment size and Delivery Each item of equipment shall be delivered to site in sections suitable for installations in position designated, bearing in mind the location, type of structure, construction program and the method of access. c Design references Any design, for any of the systems, detailed on the Tender drawings, which requires amendment or differs from that available at the time of construction, due to the change in the manufacturer’s range of production or availability etc., The contractor shall discuss the matter and obtain a readily available alternative from the Engineer. Accordingly, the contractor shall make a fresh submittal based on the Engineer’s advise and obtain approval to provide the revised system. In such cases, no cost consideration will be applicable, as the contractor is deemed to have studied the drawings and specifications thoroughly as well as obtained clarifications during the tender stage, before submitting his quotation for the execution. 20.1.12 MATERIALS INSPECTION The contractor shall inform the Engineer within one week upon receipt of all the materials at the site and arrange for the inspection of the same. Any material used at site which is not approved earlier specifically shall stand rejected without notice. Any item on supply differs from the one shown on the submittal catalogue copy or the sample submitted, will also be rejected at site. In such cases, the contractor shall make a fresh submittal for the item and obtain approval from the Engineer. Any time delay caused due to the above shall be on the Contractor’s account. The contractor will have to remove the rejected materials from the site and replace with approved materials at his own expenses. In the event the contractor fails to do so, the client will have the liberty to carry out such works from other agencies and debit the ensuing amount to the Contractor. a Materials Storage The contractor shall be responsible for the safe keeping and storage of the materials at site and provision of such covering as may be necessary to ensure that on completion, all items are handed over in sound condition with all protective finishes undamaged. The material storage, handling & protection at site shall be strictly as per Q.C.S. 20.1.13 ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS Equipments and Materials used as the basis for the design are listed in the Schedule of Manufacturer’s. Only in case if the specified item/s are not available due to valid reasons. Only in such cases, the alternatives will be considered by the Engineer, before the tender is accepted and the Engineer’s decision will be final regarding the matter. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 9 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 In case the alternatives are accepted, the acceptance of the same will be confirmed in writing by the Engineer. During the execution of the contract, no alternative equipment, materials or fittings will be permitted other than the approved and the contractor is fore- warned that any item provided by him which is not upto the specification, must be replaced at his own expense. In cases where time will not permit, then such replacements shall be at the client’s convenience, but nevertheless at the Contractor’s expenses etc., 20.1.14 SETTING OUT OF WORKS The location of Floor Drains/Gullies, routes, Manholes etc., as indicated on the tender drawings is tentative and may require some variation to suit the site requirements. The exact positions must be checked and shown on the detailed working drawings as indicated on the detailed Architectural drawings and co-ordinated with furnishing and other services. 20.1.15 SAFETY The contractor shall maintain all the safety procedures at site to protect man-power and machinery. The Main Contractor shall provide all the means to achieve the Safety standards required and protect the manpower, materials and equipments at any point of time. 20.1.16 CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE The Main contractor shall ensure that the Sub-Contractor appointed for Drainage works shall be one of the approved to carryout and maintain such work. The Contractor shall submit the qualifications and experience particulars of the Mechanical Engineer, Foreman and technicians (plumbers) to be employed on the project and obtain approval from the Engineer. Once the approval is obtained, the contractor shall not replace the staff from site. In case the same becomes necessary, re-approval should be obtained and the new staff shall continue with the old staff for a minimum period of 30 days before the later is withdrawn from the site. Insuch cases, the proposed replacement personnel shall have a minimum of 5 years local experience. Any application with less than 5 years of experience will be rejected by the Engineer. 20.1.17 PERMITS The contractor shall obtain all necessary permits prior to commencement of work and obtain current record drawings of existing services already installed. All applications for permits etc., shall be made in writing to the authorities, a minimum of 7 days prior to the execution of the work. The Contractor is fully responsible for obtaining the necessary permits from the authorities for his work site as well as for any connected works to others. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 10 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 20.1.18 DAMAGE TO PLANT AND MATERIALS Any plant or material which is damaged by any means whatsoever, shall not be used in the works. Should the contractor wish to rectify such damage in order to utilize the plant or materials in the permanent works, the matter shall be brought to the attention of the Engineer, who in turn shall conduct a proper survey after which the necessary instructions will be issued. Only after obtaining a written permission from the Engineer shall any remedial work be carried out. Any damaged Plant or Material allegedly brought to a “as-new” condition following such a procedure, shall only be accepted after the technical appraisal & discretion of the Engineer, whose decision in such matters shall be final and binding. 20.1.19 PROTECTIVE FINISHES The protective finishes must be provided on all materials and Equipments used in this contract to ensure that no deterioration is caused by the interaction of local climatic conditions. All materials shall be inspected by the contractor or his representative before shipment to ensure that finishes are in accordance with the specifications. 20.1.20 WORKS TEST AND INSPECTION Provision shall be made by the contractor for the Engineer or Engineer’s representative to witness hydraulic tests as pecified elsewhere, of major pipe work executed by the contractor. The Engineer will advise the contractor at the time of commencement of the contract the list of works that to be inspected and the contractor shall give the Engineer the required notice in the required Inspection form, of the date on which the plant will be ready for testing. The Engineer will signify his intention to attend the tests or accept the contractor's test sheets. The contractor shall supply all the Inspection Forms and Test certificates in original to the Engineer / Client at the time of handing over the project. 20.1.21 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS The contractor shall provide three copies in the form of bound documents the operating instructions and maintenance manuals indicating the following : a. Step by step operating procedures. b. Preventive maintenance schedule. c. Technical literature. d. Spare parts list e. Manufacturer's name, address, telex no., Fax no. telephone no., and contact person. - Local as well as overseas. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 11 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 f. Work test certificates, if any. g. Routine Test results carried out at site. 20.1.22 AS BUILT DRAWINGS After the working drawings have been approved, no alteration to the drawings shall be carried out without the consent of the Engineer. These changes shall be supported by sketches and incorporated on the “AS-BUILT” drawings which are to be submitted to the Engineer within one month of completion of the project. Two sets of process negatives alongwith three sets of drawings shall be submitted after approval of the Engineer for onward submission to the client. 20.1.23 PERIOD OF MAINTENANCE The contractor shall guarantee the entire Drainge System installed against Faulty / improper materials and or workmanship for the period of maintenance of 400 days (Four Hundred) from the date, the installation is tested, commissioned and accepted by the Engineer. Also where longer guarantee or warranty periods are otherwise declared, for any equipment or materials such longer terms shall apply. The Contractor shall submit a single guarantee for whole of the works, which states that all parts of the work are in accordance with the contract documents during the period of maintenance, the contractor shall repair any deficiencies, within 24 hours of notification at no additional cost to the contract. In case if the Contractor fails to attend to any such faults as mentioned above within the specified time, then the client shall make own arrangements to rectify the fault but nevertheless at the Contractor’s expense. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 12 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 20.2.00 DRAINAGE SYSTEM NETWORK 20.2.01 PIPES AND FITTINGS All uPVC pipes and fittings shall be manufactured under a BS 5750 and BS 5572, to BS 4514 for Internal above ground, and BS 4660 for the internal under ground installations, and shall comprise the whole range of integrated system of same manufacturer allowing the easy plumbing of an installation. All external under ground pipes shall be uPVC and manufactured under BS standards. The system shall comply with appropriate British Standards and bear the Kitemark. Applicable sub-sections of Section 20 of Qatar Construction Specifications (QCS) shall be applied to all drainage works. 20.2.02 ABOVE GROUND PIPES Soil, Waste and Overflow Systems Reference should be made to the following Codes and Standards : BS 3943 : 1979 Specification for plastic waste traps BS 4514 : 1983 Unplasticised PVC soil and ventilating pipe fittings and accessories. BS 5254 : 1976 Polypropylene waste pipe and fittings BS 5255 : 1976 Plastic waste pipe and fittings BS 5572 : 1978 Code of Practice for Sanitary pipework (formerly CP 304) CP312 : 1973 Plastic pipework (Thermoplastic material) Part 1 & 2 Materials and colour : pipes and fittings shall be in uPVC in gray, white or rustic brown. Socketed fittings shall be solvent-welded with plain ended pipes. Seal ring expansion joints shall be provided where required. The system shall be compatible with buried drain system. Weathering Apron (solvent- weld socket) shall be solvent-welded to the soil, waste, vent pipes for weather flashing around pipe at roof. Adjustable, plastic coated steel holderbats shall be used to support pipes or secure fittings. Galvanized mild steel support bracket with packing piece shall be used for horizontal pipes. Smaller pipes and fittings shall be secured to wall by zinc-plated steel brackets. Floor gully inlet shall be in uPVC with stainless steel / bronze covers. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 13 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 20.2.03 BELOW GROUND DRAINAGE PIPES (uPVC Buried Drain System) The uPVC pipes and fittings shall comply with BS EN 1401-1:1998(formerlyBS 4660) and BS EN1401-1:1998(formerly BS 5481), comprising complete drainage system, compatible to soil waste and rainwater system and where appropriate shall bear the Kitemark. Materials and Colours : buried drain system pipes and fittings shall be uPVC with polypropylene seal retaining caps. Underground fittings shall be coloured golden brown, approximately to BS 381 C : number 414. Seal retaining caps and seal rings are black. Rodding eyes shall be provided where required. uPVC solvent weld socket seal / lip and lip seal / lip seal shall be used. Where necessary, lip seal / lip seal slip coupling shall be used. Solvent Cements Solvent cements should comply with either BS 6209 for non pressure pipework or BS 4346 : Part 3 for pressure pipework. Sealing Rings Sealing rings should be made from natural or synthetic rubber complying with BS 2494. 20.2.04 RAIN WATER SYSTEM PIPES As shown on drawings rain water system in uPVC complying with BS 4576, BS EN 12200-1:2000 and bearing the Kitemark shall be provided. UPVC rainwater systems shall be in gray as approved by the Engineer. All joints should remain watertight under working conditions. Pipes inside the building should be capable of withstanding the watertightness of a positive pressure of 38 mm water gauge for at least 3 minutes. Rainwater pipes should be firmly supported without restricting thermal movement. Rainwater pipes shall not be encased in concrete columns structural walls and it is important rainwater pipes in casing or ducts are accessible for maintenance, repair and replacement. Relevant regulations of BS 6367, BS EN 12056-3:2000 shall be followed to ensure good performance of the rainwater system. BS 5414 UPVC soil and vent pipes fittings and accessories and BS 4576 UPVC rainwater goods may be used for rainwater system. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 14 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 Roof and balcony outlets shall be made uPVC complying with the BSCP308 : 1974 and the Building Regulations 1976. The rainwater outlets shall incorporate a circular grid domed outlets secured with brass crews and washers. All outlets are either 178 or 406 mm in diameter. Self coloured, smooth, gloss and moulded, gray colour to BS 5252 : 1976, 10 A.07. When jointing UPVC pipes a gap should be left between spigot end of pipe and shoulder of socket that it enters in order to allow for thermal movement. UPVC pipes shall be with solvent weld sockets usable with seal ring adapter. All rainwater pipes from upper roofs shall be free discharge lower roof,and lower roof discharges to soakaways at ground level. 20.2.05 PIPES AND FITTINGS. INSTALLATIONS & INSPECTION A. Pipe Supports, Brackets and Hangers All pipework shall be adequately supported in such manner as to permit free movement due to expansion contraction, vibration or other changes in the system. Supports shall be arranged as near as possible to joints and changes in direction. Spacing of supports shall comply with Table 13 contained in British Standard BS 5572 : 1978 Code of Practice for sanitary pipework. Vertical stacks shall be adequately supported at the base to stand the total weight of the riser. Under no circumstances shall branches from vertical rising pipes be the means of support for the vertical pipework. High temperature PVC waste pipework 32 mm, 40 mm and 50 mm shall be supported using two piece holderbats screwed to the wall using round head zinc plated wood screws. Brackets shall be galvanized steel and be rigid. Where soil and ventilation pipes are suspended from the underside of slab, they shall be held rigid in position. Single angle iron supports may be used for pipework up to 500 mm from underside of slab. Double angle iron supports shall be used for pipework 500 mm, 1000 mm from the underside of the slab. All supports shall be proprietary brand and manufactured from galvanized steel. Double angle iron braces shall be installed on both single and double angle iron supports at 6 metre centres of vertical and horizontal runs of pipework and anchored as necessary. B. Rodding Eyes Rodding and cleaning eyes shall be provided as indicated on the contract drawings and as required. C. Roof Termination PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 15 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 All soil ventilation pipes shall terminate 300 mm above the point of exit from the services duct. D. Jointing Jointing of uPVC and high temperature PVC shall be "O" ring and solvent welded. Prior to jointing all pipework fittings and accessories shall be thoroughly cleaned. Pipework shall be cut square, end chamfered and swarf and dust removed. Prior to jointing pipes and fitting should be checked for correct position and alignment and marked to ensure accurate assembly. Where 'O' ring joints are to be used pipes shall be marked for insertion depth "O" ring placed in ring seal prior to application of small quantity of lubricant or petroleum jelly around the chamfered spigot end. The pipe shall then be inserted into the socket joint finally adjusted to the correct insertion depth. Where solvent joints are to be used, special care shall be taken to ensure both spigot and socket are free from all dirt, grease and swarf. Solvent cement shall then be applied liberally and evenly to both socket and spigot prior to inserting spigot into socket. The joint shall immediately be cleaned of surplus solvent with a dry cloth around newly formed joint. Jointing of W.C outlet to UPVC pipework shall be by means of either a straight or bent connector as required complete with rubber seal ring and suitable connection for W.C spigot outlet. E. Laying Rigid Pipe Each pipe immediately before being laid shall be carefully brushed out and inspected for defects. Pipes with flexible joints, except concrete protection is provided as specified hereafter shall be laid on a well compacted bed of granular bedding material extending for the full width of the trench and with sufficient material at the side to permit the pipes to be worked into the granular material and firmly supported to true line and level. Sufficient space should be left to enable the joints to be made tested and inspected but the contractor shall ensure that at least three quarters of the pipe length is fully supported. After the pipeline has been tested and approved by the Engineer the trench shall be carefully filled to 300 mm above the crown of the pipe with granular material. F. Laying Plastic Pipe All operations involving the laying, bedding, jointing, backfilling etc., of pipes plastic materials shall be strictly in accordance with the manufacturers recommendations subject to the approval of the Engineer. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 16 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 G. Setting Out and Pipe Alignment All pipes and pipelines shall be laid to the lines and depths shown on the drawings or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. All pipelines shall be laid accurately to line and gradient so that, except where otherwise specified, the finished pipeline is in a straight line in both horizontal and vertical planes. Where shown on the drawings or other wise permitted by the Engineer small changes of direction shall be achieved by deflection at joints within the maximum permitted by the manufacturer. Where the angle of the bend required is greater than that obtainable by joint deflection then manufactured bends of the appropriate degree shall be used. Manufactured bends shall only be used where shown on the drawings or where otherwise permitted by the Engineer. All pipelines forming part of a drainage system shall be laid to the specified line and levels so that every pipeline lies in straight line in both horizontal and vertical planes between successive manholes on the line. Every pipe shall placed in position individually and shall be set out accurately to the line and level required. All setting out to line and level of both pipelines and individual pipes shall be achieved by methods approved by the Engineer. Where pipelines of constant gradient are to be laid the contractor shall provide, fix and maintain at such points as may be directed by the Engineer properly painted sight rails and boning rods of pre-determined measurement for the boning in of individual pipes to correct alignment. The sight rails shall be situated vertically over the line of pipes or immediately adjacent to and there shall at no time be less than three sight rails in position on each length of pipeline under construction to any other gradient. If the contractor wishes to propose an alternative method of controlling pipeline alignment, he shall submit his proposed method to the Engineer for approval. INSPECTIONS Written notice on prescribed form shall be given for the purpose of inspection, measurement and testing for each of the following cases : i. Setting out completed ii. Excavations completed iii. Beddings Laid iv. Drainage Laid and ready for testing v. Drainage bedding cover complete and compacted vi. Backfilling complete and compacted with ground level finish complete and ready for final testing. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 17 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 20.2.06 MANHOLES CEMENT AND CONCRETE A. Cement All cement used in all classes of concrete for drainage and sewerage works whether above or below ground level shall be sulphate resistant cement complying with BS 4027. Cement mortar shall consist of sulphate-resisting cement and sand gauged by volume in suitable boxes in the proportions given in Section 20 of QCS. Unless otherwise specified cement mortar shall be SRC Class No. 1. The ingredients of the mortar shall be mixed in an approved mechanical mixer or shall be mixed together dry on a clean wooden stage until the mix is homogeneous in colour. Water shall then be added through a rose in sufficient quantity to give no more than stiff workability. The whole shall then be turned until perfectly mixed. Mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of mixing and shall not be remixed or worked up again after it has stiffened. Any mortar that has commenced to set shall be removed from the works. Rendering to manhole benching shall comprise a 12 mm thick layer of approved epoxy mortar. MANHOLES A. General Manholes shall be provided at all changes in direction gradient or diameter. The manholes shall be of the sizes and grades indicated on the Contract drawings and fully comply with CED regulations and QCS Section 20. B. Blockwork Manholes Blockwork manholes shall be constructed on the drain lines in the positions and to the dimensions indicated on Drawings or as directed on site by the Engineer. The type of construction for each chamber shall be as indicated on the Contract Drawings. Concrete blocks used for chamber construction shall be manufactured with sulphate resisting cement and shall comply with the requirements of QCS Section 20-5-1. Hollow concrete blocks shall be filled solid with concrete Grade SRC 20. Each manhole shall be built on a minimum of 75 mm thick blinding of grade SRC 25 concrete which shall be laid on a dry clean firm foundation free from unsound material. If PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 18 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 the bed of the excavation is wet the top surface of the blinding shall be coated with an approved waterproofing material. Foundation base slabs shall be cast in-situ Mass concrete foundation, slabs shall be of concrete Grade SRC 20. Reinforced concrete foundation slabs shall be of concrete Grade SRC 30. Internal and external faces of the blockwork walls shall be finished with 12 mm thick SRC mortar rendering Class 1. All internal faces of manhole chambers except benching and vitrified clay channel fittings shall be painted with one primer coat and tow final coats of black bitumen coating water proofing solution to BS 3416, type 1 or equal and approved. All exterior faces of manhole chambers shall be protected with 1000 gauge polythene membrane with hardboard protection against damage during backfilling. Where indicated on the Drawings, manhole cover frames shall be supported on solid precast concrete bricks, manufactured from Grade SRC 30 concrete. Reinforced cover slabs shall be provided where manhole access opening are less than the internal dimensions of the manhole chamber. The cover slabs shall be mounted by ductile or cast iron manhole covers and frames of the quality specified. The covers in roads and paved areas shall be accurately set on precast concrete brick-work to the level and slopes of the roads or pavements. Manhole inverts shall be constructed of half section vitrified clay channels. Half section vitrified clay channel branch bends shall be used for branch connections. Benching in manholes shall be carefully formed according to the number, diameter and positions of the incoming and outgoing pipes. The benching in the manholes shall have vertical sides extending from the vitrified clay channels at least to the level of the crown of the highest pipe. The benchings shall be sloped towards the channels at a gradient of 1 in 10 or as otherwise detailed on the drawings. The benching shall be rendered with a 12 mm thickness of epoxy mortar rendering. The ends of all pipes entering and leaving the manhole are to carefully cut to shape to suit the internal dimensions of the manholes, and shall project through on the inside, the benching being continued round the pipe to form a fillet. 20.2.07 MANHOLE COVERS AND GULLY GRATINGS Manhole covers and frames shall comply with BS 497:1976 and shall be of the sizes and types as shown on the contract drawings. In general, manhole covers and frames shall be one of two types, as follows unless otherwise specified. Heavy Duty to BS 497 Grade A PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 19 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 Medium Duty to BS 497 Grade B Heavy Duty All manholes installed in roadways or trafficked areas shall be heavy to BS 497 Grade A. Reference M.A 60. The cover and frame shall be made from ductile iron and the cover shall be of the loosely- bolted double triangular type with three point suspension to provide stability under load. Medium Duty All manholes installed external to buildings, but not in roadways or trafficked areas, shall be medium duty to BS 497 Grade B1. The over and frame shall be of grey or ductile iron and the cover shall be either rectangular or circular as specified in the Manhole Schedule. Such manholes shall incorporate a single seal between cover and frame. Following flushing out and testing of the drainage system, the sealing groove shall be filled with grease to provide an airtight seal. The cover and frame shall be made from grey iron and shall incorporate a double seal between cover and frame. Following out and testing of the drainage system, the sealing grooves shall be filled with grease to provide an airtight seal. In those areas where it is required to accept a tilled floor finish, the manhole covers shall be of the recessed type. In kitchens or other areas subject to washing-down manhole covers and frames shall have stainless steel edging and trim. Double cover units shall be provided where specified in the Manhole schedule. The contractor shall provide two sets of lifting key for each type of manhole. Manhole covers and frames shall be as approved. Step Irons Step irons shall be manufactured from galvanized malleable cast iron and shall comply with BS 1247 and be of the general purpose or precast concrete manhole pattern as applicable. The tail length shall be 230 mm for both manhole types. 20.2.08 SOAKAWAYS Soakaways shall be constructed using precast concrete manholes rings 1800 mm diameter and shall have a minimum depth of 2.5 metres below invert of entry pipe and constructed to BS 5911: Part 1.3 The precast concrete rings shall be from sulphate resisting cement to British Standard 4027:1980. The precast rings shall be a minimum of 100 mm thick with 75 mm diameter perforations, space 30 mm vertically and 410 mm horizontally with each symmetrically PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 20 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 staggered. The bottom ring shall be set on a cast in situ concrete base of a minimum 150 mm thick from concrete with a 300 mm diameter bore hole lining sleeve cast in centrally as shown on the drawings. All rings shall be bedded in cement mortar and the soakaways shall be surrounded by granular material. All soakaways shall also comply with “Developer Drainage Guide” published by the Ministry of Public Works Civil Engineering Department. Sewerage Division where applicable. The granular infill shall extend 500 mm each side of the precast and 1500 mm each end. The entire void surrounding the precast rings shall be filled in layers of 300 mm each layer, tamped by hand. The soakaway cover slab shall be reinforced precast concrete with cast iron cover and frame as shown in the manhole schedule and complying to British Standard BS 497. Step irons shall be cast into side of the precast rings at 300 mm centres vertically, with the first one being 450 mm below the cover level. All step irons shall be galvanized and comply to British Standard BS 1247 : 1975. A minimum of two coats of paint shall be applied. 22.2.09 HOLDING TANK The construction of holding tank shall be in accordance with BS : 8007, 1987. All cement shall be sulphate resisting and comply with BS :4027, 1980. All reinforced concrete base slab walls and cover slab shall be cast in situ using grade 25 concrete and comply with BS:8110, Part 1, 1985. The tanks shall be constructed to take into account the ground conditions, strictly in accordance with the structural engineering details. Holding tank shall be painted internally with epoxy mortar or pitch epoxy (2 coats) and externally with one coat of bituminous emulsion paint. A 600x600-mm access manholes shall be provided at the end, with heavy duty manhole covers as detailed in the schedule of manholes. Galvanized step irons to BS: 1247, 1975 shall be provided at 30 mm centers both vertically and horizontally, the first being 450 mm below cover level. The inlet and outlet foul sewer shall be cast iron and have a puddle flange located within the holding tank wall. The inlet shall be via a cast iron inlet tee complete with access cap. A scum board shall be located at the outlet end of the tank as detailed in the drawings and a 100 mm cast iron holding tank vent, complete with insect guard, shall be provided. 20.2.10 PROTECTION OF DRAINAGE PIPES A. Concrete Protection to Pipelines All underground drainage pipework shall be surrounded with 150 mm thick Grade SRC 20 sulphate resisting concrete, along its entire length in the following locations :- 1. All drainage below buildings or structural elements 2. All drainage with less than 600 mm cover. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 21 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 3. Drainage with a cover of between 600 mm and 1200 mm where there is vehicular traffic over the ground above the drain line. 4. Elsewhere as indicated on the Contract drawings. The required depths of concrete bed and height of concrete backfill shall be as indicated on the Contract drawings. Where a concrete bed and surround is specified, a minimum of 75 mm blinding of concrete Grade 25 shall first be laid over the full width of the trench. The pipes shall be laid jointed and supported on precast concrete blocks which shall be separated from the barrel by 25 mm thick timber packing. After the pipeline has been tested and approved by the Engineer the top of the concrete bed shall be thoroughly cleaned and additional concrete Grade SRC 20 carefully placed and compacted under and around the pipe to a height of at least 150 mm above the crown of the pipe. Where pipes with flexible joints are to be surrounded 13 mm thick fiberboard or polystyrene sheets shall be fixed at the pipe coupling joint extending for the full cross section of the remaining concrete bed and surround, and accurately cut to fit the profile of the pipe. B. Pipelines Protection From Extraneous Material The pipelines shall at all times be kept free of extraneous material and when work is not is progress the open ends of the pipeline shall be securely plugged with an approved watertight plug or stopper. Claw type plugs or any type liable to damage the pipe will not be approved. The contractor shall clear the inside of each fitting and pipe length immediately prior to jointing and shall swab all fittings and pipe lengths to remove all dirt sand or other matter that may contaminate the pipeline. The entire absence of foreign matter from the completed line shall be a condition precedent to acceptance. C. Trenches All trenches excavation shall comply fully with all the relevant clauses of QCS Section 20- 2 and this specification,Trench depths shall be sufficient to allow the installation of the required pipe bedding, granular or concrete as specified. Generally the depth of cover shall not be less than 600 mm unless otherwise indicated on the contract drawings. Trench width shall be in accordance with the following table : Nominal Minimum Maximum Pipe Bore Width Width mm mm mm PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 22 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 100 430 630 150 490 690 200 560 760 The maximum and minimum widths shall apply from the bottom of the trench to 300 mm above the crown of the pipe. Should the trench be excavated to a depth greater than is required in the opinion of the Engineer. The contractor shall fill in the bottom of the trench to the required depth with concrete or other such materials as the Engineer may direct. In the case of trench excavations made in roads, footpaths, verges, central strips or within 5 metres of buildings the contractor will be required to execute the works so as to minimize damage and disturbance. Vertical trench side will generally require support by timbering or other suitable means. Under-cutting of trench sides will not be permitted. D. Granular Bedding Material for Rigid Pipes. Granular bedding material for rigid pipes shall consist of gravel or broken stone and shall be a suitable "all in" ballast or stone. For pipes up to 1200 millimeters nominal bore the material shall be graded 12 millimeters to 5 millimetres all passing 12 millimetres and not more than 20 percent passing 5 percent millimetres B.S sieve. E. Backfilling Excavation After compaction of the granular bed and surround or completion of concrete surround, the trench shall be backfilled using selected excavated material free from all rocks, large hard on objects and builders debris of greater than 40 mm. Backfilling shall take place immediately after the specified operations preceding it has been completed and shall be in layers of 150 mm. each fully compacted over the full width of the trench. Power rammers and vibrators shall be used to compact backfilling when the cover over the crown of the pipe exceeds 0.5 metres. 20.2.11 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING All drain pipes shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of BS 8301 and the requirements of Section 20 – 5.3.1 of the Q.C.S. The Engineer shall witness all drainage tests. The contractor shall give the Engineer a minimum of 24 hours notice of all test. The contractor shall also provide test sheets set out in an agreed manner for each drain section to be tested. The contractor having ensured that water, electricity and other necessary supplies are available shall set to work the completed works or part thereof, at the instruction of the Engineer and make the necessary adjustments to ensure correct functioning. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 23 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 After the installation or part thereof has been set to work and adjusted, the contractor shall demonstrate its operation at a time selected by and to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Tests shall be in accordance with British Standard BS 6700 : 1987. The tests shall demonstrate : a. That equipment provided complies with the specification in all particulars and is of adequate capacity for its full rates of duty. b. That all items of plant and equipment operate quite sufficiently to meet the specified requirements. c. That all instruments protection and control devices etc, are correctly calibrated and accurate. d. That all drainage runs satisfy the required water tests. The details of method of carrying out the recording of tests shall be agreed with the Engineer. The Client's representative and the Engineer shall be at liberty to be present at tests and to participate in the tests. This shall not relieve the contractor of his responsibilities for carrying out the tests satisfactorily. The contractor shall make all records during the tests and on completion thereof shall provide the Engineer with a test report and record, both in triplicate. The contractor shall also provide all test instruments together with skilled supervision and adequate labour for carrying out the tests. A. Proving Tests. All under slab, underground drainage, soil and waste system shall be cleaned down and thoroughly flushed out to remove all dirt within each pipework system. After each system has been flushed and each draw off fitting opened and the drainage, soil and waste system shall be checked for satisfactory rate flow. Particular attention shall be given to groups of sanitary fittings to ensure satisfactory flow when a number of fittings are flushed and air not drawn into the system via any trap. B. Water Test All drains shall be tested before backfilling immediately after the drain has been properly laid on the correct trench bed and after joining materials has had time to set. A water test pressure of 1.3 m head above the soffit of the drain shall be applied at the high end, but not more than 2.4 m head at the low end. The test shall be carried out on lengths of drain not less than half the distance between manholes, all to be agreed with the Engineer on site. The lower end of the drain shall be plugged and the higher end shall have a stand pipe not less than 1.2 m high. The drain shall be filled, taking care to eliminate trapped air. After repair of leakage due to defective pipes, joints and plugs the drain under test shall be left for one hour to allow water absorption by pipes and fittings. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 24 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 The loss of water over a period measuring vessel at intervals of ten minutes and noting the quantity of water required to maintain the original level in the stand pipe. For drains up to 300 mm diameter, the water quantity added shall not exceed 0.06 litre per hour per 100 linear metres per millimeter of nominal bore of the drain under test. All drains shall be tested for a second time as described above after correct bedding cover and selected backfill have been consolidated and the finished surface complete. C. Air Test A gauge in the form of a "U" tube shall be connected to the plug fixed at one end of the length to be tested and all junctions and connections to the sewer on drain shall be plugged. Air shall then be pumped in from the other end of the drain under test until a pressure equal to 100 mm of water is indicated on the gauge. Without further pumping the pressure shall not fall more than 25mm during a period of five minutes. Air tests shall be carried out after 3 p.m. and all pipework shall be shaded from the sun at all times. Should an air test fail a water test shall be carried out as described in this specification. D. Profile Test A hardwood ball of an approved profile shall be drawn through all foul drains from manhole to manhole and through branch foul drains before soil pipes, gullies and W.C's are filled. The diameter of the ball or profile shall differ from the nominal internal diameter of the pipe by not more than 6 mm or by not more than 45% of the nominal internal diameter of the pipe whichever is the greater difference. During commissioning all manhole cover shall be removed and water flow tests shall be carried out to ensure that the drains are flowing at their designed capacity and that they are free of debris. E. Manhole Test All manholes shall tested in accordance with the requirements of BS 8301 and the requirements of Section 20 of Q.C.S. The Engineer shall witness all manhole tests. The contractor shall give the Engineer a minimum of 24 hours notice of all tests. The contract shall also provide test sheets set out in an agreed manner for each manhole to be tested. All concrete manholes cast in situ and precast concrete manholes shall be water tests by plugging all necessary connections and filling the manhole with water to a minimum height of 600 mm above the top of the benching. Water shall be added at ten minute intervals until absorption has ceased. No change of water level shall occur for an uninterrupted period of three hours. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 25 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 20.2.12 SCHEDULE OF APPROVED MANUFACTURERS DRAINAGE: Item Manufacturer uPVC Pipes HEPWORTH, KEY TERRAIN MARLY uPVC Fittings HEPWORTH, KEY TERRAIN MARLY Rain Water Outlet WADE FROST SMITH HEPWORTH M.H. Cover STANTON SAUDI CAST GLYNWED Floor Gully, Cover WADE ACO FORST SMITH Sump Pump AURORA NOCCHI EBARRA PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 26 Section 20.0-Drainage Installation Rev 0 20.2.13 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS DRAINAGE SYSTEM DR-01 Site Plan –Drainage Layout DR-02 Third Basement Floor - Drainage layout DR-03 Second Basement Floor - Drainage Layout DR-04 First Basement Floor Drainage Layout DR-05 Ground Floor Drainage Layout DR-06 Mezzanine Floor Drainage Layout DR-07 First Floor Drainage Layout DR-08 Second to Fifth Floor Drainage Layout DR-09 Six to Seventh Floor Drainage Layout DR-10 Eight Floor Drainage Layout DR-11 Ninth Floor Drainage Layout DR-12 Main Roof Plan –Drainage Layout DR-13 Second Roof Plan – Drainage Layout DR-14 Drainage Standard Detail Layout SECTION – 21 ELECTRICAL INSTALLATION PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 1 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 SL NO. TITLE OF SPECIFICATIONS 21.1.00 GENERAL 21.1.01 Site 21.1.02 Site Conditions 21.1.03 Definitions 21.1.04 Scope of Works 21.1.05 Compliance with Specification and Regulations 21.1.06 Electrical Supply System 21.1.07 Program 21.1.08 Contract Drawings 21.1.09 Working Drawings 21.1.10 Co-ordination of Drawings 21.1.11 Material Submittals 21.1.12 Material Inspection 21.1.13 Alternative Materials 21.1.14 Setting out of Works 21.1.15 Safety 21.1.16 Contractor's License 21.1.17 Permits 21.1.18 Damage to Plant and Materials 21.1.19 Protective Finishes 21.1.20 Labels and Identification 21.1.21 Works Test and Certificates 21.1.22 Operation and Maintenance Manuals 21.1.23 As Built Drawings PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 2 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.1.24 Period of Maintenance 21.2.00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION 21.2.01 Transformer 21.2.02 M. V. Panel 21.2.03 Bus-Bar Riser 21.2.04 Sub-Main Switch Boards 21.2.05 Distribution Boards 21.2.06 Air Circuit Breakers 21.2.07 Moulded Case Circuit Breakers 21.2.08 Miniature Circuit Breakers 21.2.09 Fuses 21.2.10 Fuse Switches and Isolators 21.2.11 Single core Wires & Armored Cables 21.2.12 MICC Cables & Fire Rated Cables 21.2.13 Conduits and Conduit Fittings 21.2.14 Cable Trunkings & Cable Trays 21.2.15 Electrical Ducts 21.2.16 Lighting Fixture 21.2.17 Wiring Accessories 21.2.18 Fire Alarm System 21.2.19 Central Battery and Emergency Pack up for Lighting 21.2.20 Voice Alarm Systems 21.2.20 Communication System 21.2.21 CCTV System. 21.2.22 Standby Generator 21.2.24 Uninterruptible Power Supply System (U.P.S.) PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 3 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.2.25 Lightning Protection System 21.2.26 Earthing and Bonding 21.2.27 Testing and Commissioning 21.2.28 Warranty and Guarantee 21.2.29 Spares 21.2.30 Schedule of Approved Mounting Heights 21.2.31 Schedule of Approved Manufacturers 21.2.32 Schedule of Light Fixtures PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 4 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.1.01 SITE For Site Location, refer to the Project Specifications. 21.1.02 SITE CONDITIONS Unless otherwise specified, all the Electrical Equipments shall be capable of withstanding the following site conditions : 1 Maximum Ambient : 50 Deg.C (Dry Bulb) in Summer Temperature & 8 Deg.C (Dry Bulb) in Winter 2 Altitude : Sea Level 3 Maximum Relative Humidity : 95 % 4 Maximum Wind Velocity : 140 Kms. per Hour 5 Prevailing Wind : North and North Westerly 6 Storms : Dusty Sporadic and Irregular 7 Annual Rainfall : 50mm between January & April 21.1.03 DEFINITIONS The following terms and abbreviations used in these specifications / drawings shall mean: Site : The Locations where the works are to be carried out. Contractor : The Main Contractor QGEWC : Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation SED : State Electricity Department Q-TEL : Qatar Public Telecommunication Corporation QGEWC Regulations : Regulations issued by the Ministry of Electricity & Water regarding the installation of Electrical equipment, Wiring & Air-conditioning of residential and commercial Buildings (Latest Edition). IEE Regulations : Regulations for Electrical Installations issued by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (Latest Edition). PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 5 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 BS : British Standard Specifications CP. : British Standard Code of Practice Tender Drawing : The Drawing on which the tender is based and the schedules therein. Working Drawings : The Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the purpose of execution of work at site. As Built Drawings : Which is the true record of the actual work carried out at site. Works : To include the provisions for al the materials and works to be carried out by the contractor as per these specifications and for the satisfactory completion of the installation. Approved : Shall mean APPROVED by the consultant in writing. Submitted : Shall mean SUBMITTED to the Consultant in writing. Accepted : Shall mean ACCEPTED by the Consultant in writing. Provide : Shall mean, supply, Install, Test & Commission. Install : Shall mean Install, Test & Commission. Furnish : Shall mean supply only Concealed : Shall mean Hidden from normal sight in the shafts, ceiling spaces, walls, slabs or partitions. Exposed :Shall mean visible to building occupants in spaces, which may be reached without the use ladders or any other temporary means of access PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 6 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.1.04 SCOPE OF WORKS The scope of works under this contract includes the supply, installations, testing and commissioning of the electrical materials and equipment as per the specifications drafted in these sections and the drawings. The contractor shall provide complete installation of the project and other associated works such as supporting structures, ancillary works etc. A brief description of electrical works is as follows:  Transformer  MV Panel  Bus-Bar Riser  Sub-Main Switch Boards, Distribution boards, ELCBs, Isolators, etc.  Wires and Cables  Conduits and conduit fittings  Trunking and Trays  Wiring accessories  Lighting fixtures  Telephone system.  Fire alarm systems.  Central Battery / Emergency Pack for lighting.  CCTV system.  Standby Generator  Uninterruptible Power Supply system.  Lightning Protection system.  Earthing and bonding system.  Voice Alarm Systems PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 7 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.1.05 COMPLIANCE WITH SPECIFICATION & REGULATIONS The contractor shall supply all materials which shall be new and in new condition. The contractor shall supply all the necessary skilled and non-skilled Labour to complete the works in accordance with the program of works. The installations shall comply with the following regulations: i. The installation of works shall be as per the 6th edition and publication of QGEWC regulations and 16th edition of IEE regulations. In case of contradiction, QGEWC regulations shall take precedence. ii. The equipments shall conform to the British Standard specifications & codes of practice (current editions including all amendments). iii. If the Contractor wishes to use installations or equipments other than the specified ones and conforming to different standards, then a written approval from the consultant shall be obtained. However the consultant reserves the right for such approval/s. iv. Any apparatus, appliance, material or work not shown on the contract drawings but mentioned in the specification or vice versa, or any incidental accessories or work necessary to make the work complete and perfect in all respects and ready for operation, even if not particularly specified shall be supplied and installed or carried out by the contractor without any additional costs. Clarification shall be obtained from the Consultant in writing for any such cases at the tendering stage. In case of any discrepancy arises afterwards during the construction, the consultant‟s decision shall be final and binding on all such matters. 21.1.06 ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SYSTEM The following supply system is prevailing in the state of Qatar. Supply : Alternating current Voltage : 415 volts on 3 phase and 240 volts on Single phase Frequency : 50 cycles per second (Hz) Number of wires : 4(3phases+1 neutral) + Earth conductor. Neutral : Full capacity as phase solidly earthed at MV Panel or Main switchboard. Voltage tolerance : Plus or Minus 6% NOTE :- All the equipments and accessories shall be rated for 240 or 415 volts, 50 Hz, AC. No alternatives will be permissible i.e., 220 / 380 volts or 115/220 volts equipments will be summarily rejected. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 8 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Throughout this specification and on the Drawings, the following ranges of nominal voltages (r.m.s values of a.c.) are used and defined as follows : Extra Low Voltage : Normally not exceeding 50 Volts between the Conductors or to the Earth Low Voltage : Normally exceeding Low voltage but not exceeding 250 Volts between Conductors and the Earth Medium Voltage : Normally exceeding 250 Volts but not exceeding 650 Volts, whether between the Conductors or between any Conductor and Earth. High Voltage : Normally exceeding 650 Volts between Conductors or between any Conductor and Earth 21.1.07 PROGRAMME The Contractor shall produce the work program based on CPM (Critical Path Method or Bar chart, indicating the time required for various activities and operations to complete the project in time. The following points shall be highlighted in the Program: 1 Mobilization 2 Drawings and Material Submittals 3 Approvals 4 Equipment Deliveries 5 First Fix 6 Main & Sub-Main Distribution Equipment 7 Second Fix 8 Fixing of Light Fixtures 9 Testing 10 Commissioning & Handing Over 21.1.08 CONTRACT DRAWINGS The electrical tender drawings related to this project have been listed in the Schedule of Drawings enclosed with the specifications. The tender drawings have been prepared to show the tenderer the principal equipment and general arrangement required for the project. These drawings do not indicate every detail of the work. It is the Contractor‟s responsibility to check the positions / locations at site. All dimensions are tentative and shall be checked with the Architectural and Structural drawings. Any discrepancy shall be brought to the attention of the consultant in writing at the time of tender. Particular attention shall be paid to the positioning of Lighting points in relation to the furniture and equipments. The Contractor is deemed to have studied the services drawings based on all the local regulations and have included in his prices for all builders work associated with these drawings. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 9 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.1.09 WORKING DRAWINGS The contractor shall prepare the working drawings in a scale of 1:50 for plans, 1:5 for details and 1:200 for site plan, and submit them for the Consultant‟s approval. The contractor shall project the following in the above drawings: i. Actual conduit routes with circular junction boxes indicating the size of conduit, number and size of wires it is carrying, where it is rising up or bending down etc. ii. Separate drawing shall be prepared for each small power and lighting. iii. Reflected ceiling plans showing coordinated services, light fittings and other ancillary equipment such as fire alarm, A.C diffusers etc., with respect to the ceiling. iv. Mounting arrangement of light fittings, cables, cable trays, trunking etc. v. Sectional views for coordinating the electrical wiring and other services i.e., Air-conditioning, Drainage & Plumbing to the Consultant‟s requirements. 21.1.10 CO-ORDINATION OF DRAWINGS The Main contractor shall produce working drawings for building works required for the services showing the integration of all the services i.e., Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing and Drainage systems. The Main contractor should ensure that all the working drawings are properly coordinated before submitting to the consultant for approval. All the services shall be installed in such a manner so as to avoid conflict with each other and maintain the clearances required between each of them as per the QGEWC Regulations. 21.1.11 MATERIALS SUBMITTALS The materials offered for approval shall be strictly in accordance with the specifications and tender drawings. The contractor shall submit in triplicate, the technical literature for each item of the equipment, he intends to use for the project, to the consultant for the necessary approval. If in case the technical literature is not available, then a sample shall be submitted: in the absence of either of these, typed technical data shall be submitted duly supported by telex / letter of the manufacturer for confirmation. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 10 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 In case of items involving aesthetic, like light fittings, wiring accessories, smoke / heat detectors, etc., samples must be submitted for approval along with the materials submittals. Each copy of the submittals shall be numbered and signed with the technical literature clearly highlighted, indicating the model, type and capacity of the equipment offered. The consultant shall retain two for copies and return one, either Approved or Not Approved, to the contractor. The contractor shall maintain and submit a status report every month, of all the Materials submittals of the Electrical Equipments in the following proforma to the consultant: i. Submittal Number ii. Equipment / Model Number iii. Manufacturer / Local Agent iv. Date of Approval v. Date of Order / Order Number vi. Mode of Delivery ( Air, Land or Sea ) vii. ETA on Site viii. Status as on date of Report a Equipment Supply All the equipments for the project shall be procured only through the appointed local agent in Qatar, who shall be the authorized agent and be able to supply the spare parts etc., for the items anytime in the future. The contractor shall mark the same clearly on the submittals (item No. iii. above). In case of any item/s required to be purchased abroad directly, for valid reasons, then the contractor shall mention the same in the submittal and obtain approval from the consultant specifically. b Equipment size and Delivery Each item of equipment shall be delivered to site in sections suitable for installations in position designated, bearing in mind the location, type of structure, construction program and the method of access. c Design references Any design, for any of the systems, detailed on the Tender drawings, which requires amendment or differs from that available at the time of construction, due to the change in the manufacturer‟s range of production or availability etc., The contractor shall discuss the matter and obtain a readily available alternative from the Consultant. Accordingly, the contractor shall make a fresh submittal based on the Consultant‟s advice and obtain approval to provide the revised system. In such cases, no cost consideration will be applicable, as the contractor is deemed to have studied the drawings and specifications thoroughly as well as obtained clarifications during the tender stage, before submitting his quotation for the execution. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 11 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.1.12 MATERIALS INSPECTION The contractor shall inform the consultant within one week upon receipt of all the materials at the site and arrange for the inspection of the same. Any material used at site, which is not approved earlier specifically, shall stand rejected without notice. Any item on supply differs from the one shown on the submittal catalogue copy or the sample submitted will also be rejected at site. In such cases, the contractor shall make a fresh submittal for the item and obtain approval from the Consultant. Any time delay caused due to the above shall be on the Contractor‟s account. The contractor will have to remove the rejected materials from the site and replace with approved materials at his own expenses. In the event the contractor fails to do so, the client will have the liberty to carry out such works from other agencies and debit the ensuing amount to the Contractor. a Materials Storage The contractor shall be responsible for the safe keeping and storage of the materials at site and provision of such covering as may be necessary to ensure that on completion, all items are handed over in sound condition with all protective finishes undamaged. The material storage, handling & protection at site shall be strictly as per Q.C.S respective sections. 21.1.13 ALTERNATIVE MATERIALS Equipments and Materials used as the basis for the design are listed in the Schedule of Manufacturer‟s. The tenderer shall submit alternative proposals for any of the equipment or material for the Consultant‟s consideration. Only in case if the specified item/s are not available due to valid reasons. Only in such cases, the Consultant will consider the alternatives, before the tender is accepted and the Consultant‟s decision will be final regarding the matter. In case the alternatives are accepted, the Consultant will confirm the acceptance of the same in writing. During the execution of the contract, no alternative equipment, materials or fittings will be permitted other than the approved and the contractor is fore-warned that any item provided by him which is not upto the specification, must be replaced at his own expense. In cases where time will not permit, then such replacements shall be at the client‟s convenience, but nevertheless at the Contractor‟s expenses etc., 21.1.14 SETTING OUT OF WORKS The location of switches and sockets as indicated on the tender drawings is tentative and may require some variation to suit the site requirements. The exact positions must be checked and shown on the detailed working drawings as indicated on the detailed Architectural drawings and coordinated with furnishing and other services. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 12 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.1.15 SAFETY The contractor shall maintain all the safety procedures at site to protect manpower and machinery. The temporary supply either generated or obtained from supply authorities shall be effectively earthed and protected with suitable earth leakage circuit breaker. The socket outlets used for construction shall be weather proof, industries type with suitable plugs etc., The cables and socket outlets shall be protected against mechanical damage at site. The assembly of the socket outlets shall be properly wired and mounted on purpose made racks fabricated out of sheet steel and angle iron. These racks shall be securely fixed on the wall at convenient places and shall also be earthed. Wooden racks will not be allowed to be used for this temporary supply. The cables shall also be properly supported on the wall. Only those wires used for the final connections from the socket outlets to the tools will be allowed to lie on the floor preferable projected against mechanical damage. The Contractor shall provide single line wiring scheme for the approval of the Consultant and carry out the works strictly in accordance with QGEWC Regulations. 21.1.16 CONTRACTOR’S LICENSE The Main contractor shall ensure that the Sub-Contractor appointed for Electrical works shall have the valid license from the QGEWC. The grade of license shall also be in accordance with the total load of this project. A copy of the License shall be submitted to the Consultant. The Contractor shall submit the qualifications and experience particulars of the Electrical Consultant, Electrical Foreman and Electricians to be employed on the project along with their QGEWC license copies, and obtain approval from the consultant. Once the approval is obtained, the contractor shall not replace the staff from site. In case the same becomes necessary, re-approval should be obtained and the new staff shall continue with the old staff for a minimum period of 30 days before the later is withdrawn from the site. In such cases, the proposed replacement personnel shall have a minimum of 5 years local experience. The consultant will reject any application with less than 5 years of experience. 21.1.17 PERMITS The contractor shall obtain all necessary permits prior to commencement of work and obtain current record drawings of existing services already installed. All applications for permits etc., shall be made in writing to the authorities, a minimum of 7 days prior to the execution of the work. The Contractor is fully responsible for obtaining the necessary permits from the authorities for his work site as well as for any connected works to others. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 13 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.1.18 DAMAGE TO PLANT AND MATERIALS Any plant or material that is damaged by any means whatsoever shall not be used in the works. Should the contractor wish to rectify such damage in order to utilize the plant or materials in the permanent works, the matter shall be brought to the attention of the Consultant, who in turn shall conduct a proper survey after which the necessary instructions will be issued. Only after obtaining a written permission from the Consultant shall any remedial work be carried out. Any damaged Plant or Material allegedly brought to a “as-new” condition following such a procedure, shall only be accepted after the technical appraisal & discretion of the Consultant, whose decision in such matters shall be final and binding. 21.1.19 PROTECTIVE FINISHES The protective finishes must be provided on all materials and Equipments used in this contract to ensure that no deterioration is caused by the interaction of local climatic conditions. The contractor or his representative before shipment to ensure that finishes are in accordance with the specifications shall inspect all materials. 21.1.20 LABELS AND IDENTIFICATION All main switches, isolating switches, distribution boards and main switch boards shall have labels fixed to the outside by means of four small round-head screws, labels of not less than 50x12 mm. high, engraved with 6 mm. or more, black lettering to indicate the purpose of the switch or distribution board. The labels shall be of white / black / white Trifoliate. The minimum height of lettering for switchgear equipment shall be 6 mm. Each distribution board shall be provided with type-written circuit chart on cartridge paper protected overall by thin Perspex sheet and fixed to the inside of the door. The circuit list shall give the number and details of points served by each circuit and the rating of the fuse or circuit breaker. Sample lists shall be submitted to the Consultant for approval before installation. Each underground cable shall have its size and feeder‟s name engraved / punched on an aluminium strip 12 mm wide of 16 gauge thickness and shall be tightened on each end where cables enter / come out of the trench or soil. All the accessible switchboards and distribution boards shall be provided with warning plates “DANGER - 440 VOLTS” having 8 mm red letter on white vitreous enamel plate. 21.1.21 WORKS TEST AND CERTIFICATE Provision shall be made by the contractor for the Consultant or the Client or the Client's representative to witness tests of major items of equipment at manufacturer‟s works. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 14 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 The Consultant will advise the contractor at the time of commencement of the contract the list of equipment to be inspected and the contractor shall give the Consultant the required notice of the date on which the plant will be ready for testing. The Consultant will signify his intention to attend the tests or accept the contractor's test sheets. The contractor shall supply all the test certificates in original to the Consultant / Client at the time of handing over the project. 21.1.22 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS The contractor shall provide six copies in the form of bound documents the operating instructions and maintenance manuals indicating the following: a. Step by step operating procedures. b. Preventive maintenance schedule. c. Technical literature. d. Spare parts list e. Manufacturer's name, address, telex no., Fax no. Telephone no., and contact person. - Local as well as overseas. f. Work test certificates, if any. g. Routine Test results carried out at site. 21.1.23 AS BUILT DRAWINGS After the working drawings have been approved, no alteration to the drawings shall be carried out without the consent of the Consultant. These changes shall be supported by sketches and incorporated on the “AS-BUILT” drawings, which are to be submitted to the Consultant within one month of completion of the project. Two sets of process negatives along with three sets of drawings shall be submitted after approval of the Consultant for onward submission to the client. 21.1.24 PERIOD OF MAINTENANCE The contractor shall guarantee the entire Electrical System installed against Faulty / improper materials and or workmanship for the period of maintenance of 400 days (Four Hundred) from the date, the installation is tested, commissioned and accepted by the Consultant, after the availability of the QGEWC mains Electric Supply at site. Also where longer guarantee or warranty periods are otherwise declared, for any equipment or materials such longer terms shall apply. The Contractor shall submit a single guarantee for whole of the works, which states that all parts of the work are in accordance with the contract documents during the period of maintenance, the contractor shall repair any deficiencies, within 24 hours of notification at no additional cost to the contract. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 15 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 In case if the Contractor fails to attend to any such faults as mentioned above within the specified time, then the client shall make own arrangements to rectify the fault but nevertheless at the Contractor‟s expense. 21.2.00 ELECTRICAL SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION 21.2.01 TRANSFOMERS The Contractor shall include Supply & installation - Dry type transformer rating 1600 KVA, 11KV/ 415V 3-Phase, 4-Wire, 50 Hz, complete with all accessories and complying with the exact specifications and requirements of “KAHRAMAA”. The detailed specifications shall be obtained from “KAHRAMAA” by the Contractor. The Contractor shall obtain specific approval from “KAHRAMAA”, before procuring the Transformer. After installation of the transformer, the testing and commissioning shall be carried out as per “KAHRAMAA” regulations and shall be approved by the authorities. The contractor in co-ordination with KAHRAMAA shall lay the single core secondary cables from the transformer to the MV Panel incomer. 21.2.02 M V PANEL a General The MV Panel installed in MV room at the substation shall receive electric power from the transformer substation and distribute power to the equipment as listed in the schematic diagrams. The MV panel shall be of form 3B Type 2 in constructions. The panel shall have facility for Top/ bottom entry of all the cables as per project requirement. The Panel manufacturer shall take the above matter into consideration during panel construction. Tthe main horizontal busbars shall be placed on top part of the panel having its own enclosure and vertical drop down to be taken from the main bus bar. The outgoing cables shall be tapped from the vertical drop downs only. The panel shall have adequate space for the termination of the cables and facility shall be made from connecting parallel cables to the outgoing MCCBs. The electricity supply shall be 415 volts, 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hs. alternating current. The switchgear and busbar system comprising of three phase and neutral fully shrouded and insulated busbars incorporating withdraw able motorized and manual main Air Circuit Breakers and MCCB‟s shall be of cubical type having a minimum fault rating of 44 kA for 3 seconds. The ratings shall apply to the whole Panel board including main air-circuit breaker, main busbars, MCCB‟s etc. Panel board shall be manufactured in accordance with the following: 1. BS 5486, which outlines the requirements for electrical power switchgear and associated apparatus. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 16 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 2. MEW regulations for the installation of electrical wiring, electrical equipment and air conditioning equipment, sixth Re-issue January 1992. b Panel Construction The Panel board shall be suitable for front and back access only to give complete accessibility as far as cabling and termination are concerned. 1. Panel Board shall be flush fronted, metal clad protected type enclosure, suitable for indoor use in the form of freestanding floor mounted cubicle. The cubicle shall be sectionalized as required to facilitate transport and erection. The height shall be not more than 2200 mm. MV panel shall have a steel frame chassis at the bottom. 2. Panel Board shall be rigidly built using a minimum of 2.6-mm. thick sheet steel in conjunction with an angle iron base frame. A folded metal frame construction may be acceptable in lieu of an angle iron base frame subject to the Consultant's approval. Removable panels shall be a minimum of 2 mm. hinged / gasketed / lockable and totally dust proof to IP 54. c Panel finish 1. The finish shall be hard, smooth, blemish free and durable prior to painting, all external welds and any rough areas be smoothed and all surfaces shall be free from rust, scale of grease. Rustproof steel works are to be used in the construction; otherwise the panel shall be treated with passivity‟s agent, such as phosphoric acid. 2. All internal surfaces shall have a minimum of three coats of paint. The first shall be an approved anti-rusting priming coat and the final coat shall be white gloss enamel. 3. All external surfaces shall have a minimum of five coats of paint. The first two undercoats shall be applied, with each coat being rubbed smoothed when dry before the application of the next coat of paint. At least two final coats of stove enamel paint, gloss or semi-matt finish shall be applied. 4. The finish color with the appropriate BS color code number shall be selected from the manufacturer's range at the time of approval of the manufacturer's drawings. All busbars shall be 3 phase and full neutral and shall comply with BS 159. They shall be of high conductivity rectangular section, hard-drawn copper, electrolytic grade suitably marked and color-coded in accordance with BS 159. The short circuit ratings of the bus bars shall be as stated above. All the busbars shall be provided with bolts, nuts, and pressure type flat washers and spring washers at all joints. The jointing of busbars shall be carried out by special torque wrench to the pressure recommended by the relevant BS PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 17 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 The Panel board shall be so arranged that the bus bars are accessible without removing any ACB, fuse switch, isolator or MCCB. Insulators for busbar supports shall be non-hygroscopic and of non-aging material and shall be able to withstand the designed fault current referred above. The interconnections shall be of copper busbars for 400 amperes and above. The lower sizes may be PVC insulated flexible multi-strand copper conductors of required capacity. These connections shall be so arranged that they do not obstruct the access to cable terminations. The Panel board shall be complete with all-necessary sealing chambers and cable connecting (glanding) plates to terminate all incoming and outgoing cables. Where single core cables are required to enter the switchboard, a removable brass gland plate shall be provided. Cable boxes, glands and lugs shall be supplied and installed as applicable for each main or sub main cable entering or leaving the cubicle. Cable glands shall be as near to the terminations as possible but enough space shall be allowed to terminate cables. Cable glands shall be of brass and compression type to suit the size of cable. Control wiring within the cubicle shall be in accordance with BS 6004 or BS 5467 and shall be neatly arranged and cleated. Cleats shall be fixed to the Panel board structure at sufficient intervals to avoid cable sag. Adequate cable loops must be allowed to accessories on doors to avoid cable stretch. Control wiring within the switchboards shall be a minimum 2.5 sq. mm and protected by HRC fuses of 20A mounted directly on the busbars in an accessible location. The busbar shroud shall be extended around the fuse bases to prevent accidental contact with the busbars while replacing the fuses. The neutral busbars shall be linked to the earth busbars. These links shall be removable. The earth bar shall be a minimum of 300 sq. mm and continuous throughout the length of the panel. Under no circumstances, a common earth/neutral bar will be accepted. All earth bars shall be so mounted that there is no restriction to cable access by the structure. The Panel board manufacturer shall be deemed to have included in his price for compliance with MEW regulations for all internal wiring, connections, earthing tapes, meters and instruments etc. Contractor shall provide BMS linking facility in coordination with the specialist contractor. D.C Supply PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 18 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 30 D.C supply is required for tripping of the LV ACBS through D.C shunt trip for restricted earth fault relay. Contractor to provide for this unit complete with trickle charger and long life batteries. The unit shall be designed to operate on 240V, 1 phase, 50 Hz A.C supply and for continuous duty at an ambient temperature of 50 deg. C and 98% relative humidity. The capacity of the unit is to be determined by the manufacturers and based on number of trip units. 21.2.03 BUS - BAR RISERS (Trunking) The Bus-bar risers including the accessories, used for the project shall conform to BS EN 60439-2 (IEC 439) and with the relevant provisions of the 16th edition of the Wiring regulations BS 7671. The 5 bar 3-phase Bus-bar risers shall be constructed to the British standards requirements; with Extruded aluminium housing and side flanges and be suitable for both Horizontal and Vertical Installation. The entire system shall conform to BS EN 60529 for ingress protection to IP 42 as a minimum. All the Phase and Neutral conductors shall be of copper and of same size and rating as mentioned in the drawings and shall be supported individually within the housing of the riser and insulated by high di-electric strength sleeves. The Copper conductors shall be hard drawn and of high conductivity to BS 1432 and rated at 660V with required current ratings specified in the drawings and elsewhere. Interlocking covers shall be provided on the tapping faces with the use of High di-electric strength Insulating material. The Bus-bar risers shall be suitable of operating at an ambient of 50 Deg.C, and suitable derating factors shall be considered during the selection, and the temperature rise shall not exceed 55 deg.C, when the Bus-bar riser is carrying the full load current continuously. The prospective short circuit rating of the busbars shall be at least 40KA when protected by HRC fuses of equal rating to the bus-bars and the system‟s short time rating shall not be less than 20kA for 1 second. The trunking (bus-bar risers) shall be mounted as shown in the drawings with suitable universal brackets, suitable expansion fittings shall be installed, if required to take care of the expansion of the bus-bars under varying load and ambient temperature conditions. The Incoming feed arrangements shall be of End feed type as mentioned in the drawings, with suitable load break switches, suitable cable glands and sockets. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 19 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Suitable fire barriers of intumescing compound shall be installed when the bus- bar riser passes through the floors and fire integrity for at least 2 hours shall be maintained. The outlet connection provisions in the busbar riser shall feature a fully automatic safety shutter at each tap-off point (at least 6 tap-off outlets per 3 meter length as standard), and the shutter shall be actuated by the insertion of the tap-off boxes, and shall operate only if the boxes are fitted in correct way, and the safety shutter shall close automatically upon removal of the tap-off boxes. Required safety feature to ensure non-reversibility of the tap-off boxes shall be provided in the shutter actuator. The Tap-off boxes shall be complete with, fuse or fuse switch or miniature circuit breaker or moulded case circuit breaker or earth leakage circuit breaker / protective devices of suitable ratings as mentioned in the drawings. FACTORY TESTING The manufacturer on each piece of busbar trunking shall carry out the following tests before it leaves the factory:  3.5kV Dielectric Test for 4 seconds.  1000V Megger Test A Factory Certificate of Testing and Inspection shall be submitted to the Consulting Engineer. SITE TESTING  Before installation each piece of busbar trunking shall be Megger tested at 1000V  On completion of the installation each busbar run shall be Megger tested at 1000V  A temperature heat rise test in accordance with the manufacturer‟s recommendation/procedure shall be carried out on site. All test results shall be recorded and submitted to the Consultant Engineer for approval. 21.2.04 SUB-MAIN SWITCH BOARDS The complete sub main switchboard shall be capable of withstanding, without damage, a symmetrical prospective fault current of the system. The switch board shall be of cubicle type suitable for Wall mounting as specified, comprising of incoming and outgoing MCCB‟s as shown on the Electrical schematic drawings. The construction of the Switchboard shall be of FORM - 2 The sub main switchboard shall incorporate all items detailed on the attached drawings and specification and shall be designed such that no operating handle PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 20 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 exceeds a height of 2.10 m from finished floor level. Main incoming isolator shall form part of the unit. The Bus bars shall be of electrolytic copper, PVC sleeved, supported on non- hygroscopic insulating material confirming to BS 159 and suitably de-rated for providing the sleeves. The equipment sizes indicated are the minimum acceptable to the Consultant but manufacturers standard items may be utilized providing that they are not lower rating than those specified. The switchboard shall contain a suitable earth bar to which all items of equipment and cable glands are bonded. The minimum size of this earth bar shall be that of feeder cable. Similarly neutral bar shall be provided of the same cross section as live bars. Door of dead front cover shall be supplied as an integral unit that shrouds all live parts. Blank fillers shall be fitted to fill all unused branch breaker space. The switchboard shall be constructed to conform to the specified requirements of the MEW, relevant British Standard and codes of practice. The drawings of proposed arrangements should be forwarded to the Consultant and MEW for approval prior to commencement of manufacture. The contractor shall be responsible for checking access, builders work, to ensure that the switchboard is constructed and installed as required by the MEW regulations, relevant British Standards and Code of Practice. The rated service short-circuit breaking capacity (ICS) of all outgoing MCCB's shall be equal to or greater than 25 kA/for 3 seconds. All MCCB's in the sub-main switchboards shall be of the selective type to provide full discrimination on the downstream circuit breakers and conform to IEC 947-2, and shall be of triple pole in construction with magnetic and thermal overload protection, de-rated for the ambient temperature of 50 Deg.C. In case the fault level does not match the specified 25kA, the current limiting devices shall be provided in accordance with Table No.1 of MEW regulations. The rating of all MCCB‟s incorporated in the sub-main switchboards are shown in detail on the drawings. All current ratings, shown on drawings, must be for a continuous ambient temperature of 50 deg. C and relative humidity of 95%. All front cover shall have suitable label inscribed to denote the purpose of each item with the label inscribed to show a line diagram of the interconnections between units. All the sub-main boards shall be complete with 3 Nos. of Ammeters of maximum demand indicating types, voltmeter with selector switch, control fuses and 3 Nos. of Indication lamps for the three phases.21.2.04 PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 21 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.2.05 DISTRIBUTION BOARDS 1 General Distribution boards shall conform to B.S. 5486 Part 12/IEC 439 –3 and be suitable for operation on 415 volts, 50 Hz, 3 phase, 4 wire and 240 volts, 50 Hz, single phase A.C. system. The required fault level shall be 10 kA for 3 seconds at 415 volts, at the DB level, as per the QGEWC regulations. These boards shall be factory assembled suitable for flush or surface mounting as indicated on the tender drawings. All boards shall be complete with MCB‟s, ELCB / RCCB‟s, incoming isolators and other accessories as required. The enclosure shall be fabricated from zinc coated sheet steel having adequate gauge to ensure a rigid and robust construction free from distortion. Each enclosure shall be of adequate size to accommodate all components specified and in stove enameled. The enclosure shall be fitted with a sheet steel front panel, which shall be firmly fixed by cheese-head screws. Screw holes shall have a minimum depth of 6mm. The front panel shall be cut neatly to allow, the MCB‟s / RCCB‟s levers to protrude through. The front panel shall however effectively conceal all conductors, contactors, busbars and any other live parts installed within the enclosures. Each enclosure shall be fitted with a rigidly constructed double- hinged sheet steel door. All doors shall be provided with gaskets and fitted with atleast two robust hinges. The busbars shall be electro–tinned copper busbars. Multi-terminal busbars shall be provided for neutral & earth circuits. Each single phase of a three DB shall have its own neutral & earth terminal. Each enclosure shall be fully equipped to accommodate the number of MCB‟s / RCCB‟s of ratings as indicated on the tender drawings. The contractor shall supply the additional breakers of ratings to be agreed with the consultant. Blank shields shall be provided for the rest of the spaces. Distribution boards located remote from the Main Panel, or sub-main boards shall be mounted at a height of not less than 1200mm to the center of the board from the finished floor level and the maximum height from the finished floor level to the top of the board shall be 2200mm. Where single phase distribution boards are specified, they shall be complete with double Pole Isolator and 3 phase distribution boards are specified, they shall be complete with triple Pole Isolator and removable / Demountable neutral link. Common ELCB for distribution boards shall not be accepted. Single-phase distribution boards with ELCB incomer also shall not be accepted. Earth and Neutral bars located in distribution boards shall have the same number of connections as there are for phase connections. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 22 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 All phase and neutral bars shall be sized to carry the full load current of the controlling fuse which shall be of flat tinned copper rigidly mounted, supported on shock resisting, non-hygroscopic, high-grade insulators with high resistance to tracking, not subject to mold growth or termite attack with adequate space and clearances. Connections from the bus bars to the breakers shall be made by using solid circular conductors or insulated and tinned copper strip neatly set and formed. Each connection to or from the phase or neutral bar shall have its own brass fixing screws, washers and locknuts. Each distribution board shall be fitted with an identification label on its front cover. The label shall be suitably inscribed stating the distribution board‟s reference number / rating in volts and amperes and the number of ways in English and Arabic. In addition to the above a reference card shall be fitted inside the distribution board giving details of each circuit, MCB size, cable size, Fed from which SMDB and location etc., The reference cards shall be fixed to the inside of the distribution boards door via a transparent envelope. All live terminals and parts shall be shrouded with insulating materials to ensure that it is impossible for any live part to be touched while withdrawing or replacing the MCB‟s. All distribution boards should conform to IP 30 protection as minimum. The breakers with correct rating shall be fitted in each way to confirm to the size of the sub-circuit conductor connected. All distribution boards and the breakers shall be of one make throughout the whole of the works. 21.2.06 AIR CIRCUIT BREAKERS Air circuit breakers shall be fully withdraw able type, spring charged manually operated closing as shown on the drawing, 3 pole suitable for 3 phase, 415 volts, 4 wires, 50 Hz alternating current supply. ACBs shall be of the horizontal withdraw able, load making and breaking type with the contacts being of the double break pattern with arcing chutes, shutters etc. The main arcing contacts shall be of the high-pressure butt type with wipe and roll action on opening and closing. The main contacts shall be silver alloy. Removable arc chutes shall be fitted together with an air circuit breaker. ACB shall be complete with a mechanical ON/OFF position indicator. ACB shall conform to BS 4752. The short circuit interrupting capacity- service shall be 50- kA minimum. Each circuit breaker shall be enclosed in sheet steel and provided with three phase manual and automatic isolating devices suitably interlocked so as to prevent isolation except when the circuit breaker is in open position. It shall be arranged in such a manner that it will not be possible to withdraw the breaker or PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 23 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 remove the front cover unless the ACB is in the isolated position. Provision shall be made for locking the ACB in this position. Shutters shall be provided to protect the live terminals against accidental touch when the ACBs are in a fully withdrawable position. The ACB shall have solid- state overload and short circuit protection devices along with earth fault trip mechanism. The ACBs shall be equipped with shunt trip of 30 V DC trip mechanisms for tripping the breaker with restrictive earth fault relay to be provided separately with suitable size of CTS. The ACB section of the switchboard shall be in separate cubicle separated from other parts of the switchboard. This section shall not have any outgoing feeders. The gland plate for the incoming cables shall be non-ferrous material with brass compression type glands, earthing tags and shrouds. In case single core PILCA/PVC cables are used, the clamping arrangement is to be supplied. 21.2.07 MOULDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS Contractor to provide MCCB's as indicated on the tender drawings for the outgoing feeders. They shall be triple pole, 415 volts, 50 Hz, with magnetic short circuit and thermal over load protection complying with BS 4752 Part 1. MCCB shall be of interrupting rating as specified in the drawings and conform to the MEW regulations. In case these MCCB's do not meet with required fault level, the current limiting device shall be used in series with them as per MEW regulations Table No. 1. - Moulded case circuit breakers (MCCB) shall comply with IEC 947-2 latest edition and shall be of high quality mouldings with all essential parts treated for corrosion resistance and plated for good electrical conductivity. Over capacity of the MCCBs is not to be less than 125% of the rated amp. rating for 90 minutes. - Where MCCBs are mounted individually, then, enclosure shall be manufactured from heavy sheet steel with removable front plate, and removable gland plates at top and bottom. Knockouts shall not be accepted. 21.2.08 MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (MCB) Miniature circuit breakers shall be of an approved make and comply with IEC 898 and B.S. 3871 Part I with magnetic or temperature compensated thermal overload trips with magnetic short circuit trips. They shall be single pole rated for an ambient temperature of 50 deg. C. on the outside of the enclosure in which the breaker is mounted. They shall be of hermetically sealed type with minimum breaking capacity of 10 KA at 415 V or otherwise indicated on the tender drawings. The frame size of all MCBs shall be identical so that they can be easily interchanged. The MCBs shall be of the din rail mounting type (plug-in type are not acceptable). Circuit breaker dollies shall be of the trip free pattern to prevent closing the breaker on a faulty circuit without resetting and shall also indicate the ON/OFF positions. Standard rating of MCBs shall be used for ease of availability. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 24 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Miniature circuit breakers shall be used for the protection of final branch circuits. These shall be housed in sub-distribution boards. Short circuit rating shall be minimum 10 kA at 415 V. Earth leakage circuit breakers shall be used to protect final branch circuits or sections of sub-distribution boards supplying power to socket outlets, water heaters and domestic appliances. For three phase supply a four pole ELCB shall be used and double pole for single-phase supply, trip setting shall be maximum 30 mA, unless specified otherwise. The ELCBs shall comply with IEC 1008 – 1 MCBs shall be suitable for use without any distinction to be made between supply side & load side. The fault withstands rating for the ELCB's - combined MCB/ELCBs shall not be less than 6 kA. 21.2.09 FUSES High rupturing capacity (HRC) fuses shall be used for overload protection and short circuit protection. In case molded case circuit breakers are used for overload protection then HRC fuses shall serve for short circuit protection. The contractor shall include for the provision of HRC fuses of the maximum rating of all equipment, in compliance with BS 88 for AC 46 Category of Duty and Class Q1 fusing factor. Confirmation of fuse ratings shall be obtained from the Consultant before placing any order. H.R.C fuses provided on this contract shall be supplied by the same manufacturer and be of the same class or type to ensure adequate discrimination and grading throughout the distribution system. Semi-enclosed or re-wireable type shall not be provided or used. Cartridge fuses for use in conjunction with 13 amp. socket and fused plug tops shall be in accordance with BS 1362. 21.2.10 ENCLOSED FUSE SWITCHES AND ISOLATORS A. GENERALLY:  To be metal clad with front operated handles interlocked with enclosure to prevent opening switch in the "ON" position.  Switch shall have "On/Off" indication and means of locking in "Off" position.  Protection class IP65 for outdoors and IP54 for indoor locations.  Load break switch and switch fuses should be „ARC TESTED‟ complete system (along with enclosure) should be type tested from reputed international testing laboratory for degree of protection as well as ARC Testing. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 25 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0  Enclosure should have reliable position indicator. If the contacts are welded together, the handle (front operated) should deviate from ON-Position less than 45 o . B. FUSE SWITCHES AND SWITCH FUSES:  To BS 5419 (IEC 408).  Fuses: to BS 88 bolted type, class Q1, certified for 415V and AC3 duty, rated as indicated.  Fused switch carriages: withdrawable type.  Fuse switches: ASTA certified to 50 kA.  Protection class IP65 for outdoors and IP54 for indoor wet locations. C. DISCONNECT SWITCHES OR ISOLATORS:  Same design as switch fuses, with solid copper links in place of fuses.  Single pole and neutral, or triple pole and neutral.  Ratings: rated fused short-circuit current 50kA RMS.  Protection class IP65 for outdoors and IP54 for indoor wet locations. 21.2.11 SINGLE CORE WIRES AND ARMOURED CABLES PVC INSULATED SINGLE CORE WIRES The PVC insulated non-sheathed wires to be used for lighting and power wiring shall be of 450/750 volts grade conforming to B.S. 6004-1975 and laid in PVC or galvanized conduit/trunking as specified. The wires used at this project shall have stranded copper conductor and sized as indicated on drawings and in accordance with QGEWC regulations. The number and sizes of cables drawn into the conduit/trunking shall not exceed than that given in the appropriate tables of QGEWC regulations. In all cases, it must be possible to withdraw any wire without damage to the remaining cables. The wires to be used shall be colour coded - Red, Yellow and Blue for the respective phase wiring, Black for the neutral wiring and Green/Yellow for the earth conductor. The cables shall be installed on the ' loop-in' system, no joints being made anywhere in the installation. Wires ends shall be stripped with purpose made stripping tools correctly adjusted to suit the conductor size. All terminations to fittings and accessories subject to a temperature rise in excess of 130 deg. F shall be carried out with conductors insulated with heat resisting material such as Butyl Hypalon or Equal. In distribution boards the wires comprising each circuit, sub-circuit or final sub- circuit shall be bound together and neatly wired into position in an approved manner. When wires are installed in trunking the wires of each circuit, sub-circuit or final sub-circuit shall be bound together in an approved manner at 600 mm. intervals. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 26 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 In vertical trunking, wires shall be fixed to prevent stress vertical trunking, wires shall be fixed to prevent stress by weight. Where wires are installed in trunking, the trunking shall be of sufficient cross sectional area, having regard to the number of wires installed so that a space factor of 45% is not exceeded in accordance with QGEWC regulations. The wires shall be of stranded core. To identify the wires, each phase wiring shall be of its own color at both ends and provided with ferrules to identify the circuit number. The wiring for the entire installation shall be carried out using loop system from point to point with no joints made anywhere on the installation. Not more than two ends of wires shall be joined in each terminal of switch/socket or light fitting. The minimum size of wire to be used for lighting circuits shall be 2.5 mm. sq. and for ring circuits, it shall be 4 mm. sq. unless otherwise specified. The core identification ferrules or sleeves shall be of insulating material which shall be white and shall have a glossy finish. The ferrules or sleeves shall be unaffected by oil or damp. Characters shall be suitably marked in black. ARMOURED CABLES The armoured cables shall be sized to comply with the following: i. Derating regulations of QGEWC ii. Switch rating of the load iii. Allowance for 2.5% voltage drop The contractor shall provide armoured cables where-ever specified. These cables shall be designed for 600/1000 volts system. These cables shall be either PVC/SWA/PVC or XLPE/SWA/PVC as indicated on the drawings. Any armoured cable being used at site must bear the manufacturer's name on the outer sheath and voltage rating for which it is manufactured. XLPE/SWA/PVC B.S. 5467 & B.S. 5468 PVC/SWA/PVC B.S. 6346 Cables carrying 3 phase and neutral loads shall be 4 cores, the neutral conductor having the same cross-sectional area of the phase conductors. The minimum internal radius of bends in cables shall not be less than that given in the appropriate Table of the IEE regulations for Electrical Equipment of Buildings. Cables laid above the false ceiling or on the walls shall be fixed on suitable size of clamps (PVC) at an interval of every 1.5 meters on the cable tray or cable ladder. The arrangement of cables and the methods of lying shall approved by the Consultant. Cables shall be laid direct buried in ground with protective covers, drawn into pipes or ducts, laid in troughs or on racks or supported on trays or cleats as may be required by the Consultant, in accordance with the following PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 27 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 clauses. Where cables are installed in areas or locations that may be subjected to direct sunlight, the contractor shall provide suitably approved sunshield made of 20 gauge galvanized steel sheet. Cables buried underground shall be laid at a minimum depth of 600 mm. from the ground level. The cables shall be laid on a cushion of graded and washed builders fine sand of 200 mm. thick and shall be covered with another layer of 200 mm. above it. Cable marking tape shall be installed on the top layer of sand throughout the cable route. A minimum horizontal clearance of 50 mm. shall be maintained between the cables. Cable and joint route markers of approved type shall be provided along the route of buried cables as instructed by the Consultant. Markers shall be installed at all duct and joint positions, all places where the route changes direction and on straight routes at distances not exceeding 100 m. Their provision and installation shall be included in the schedule rate for excavation and reinstatement. Where any part of the cable is buried in the ground, the armouring shall not be used as the earth. Either a separate earth conductor shall be provided or the cable shall be increased by an extra core. Cables crossing the roads/pathways shall be provided with PVC duct of minimum 150 mm. dia., buried at a depth of 800 mm. below ground level and surrounded by concrete layer of 100 mm. thick from all sides, unless otherwise mentioned. The contractor will be responsible for removing and replacing the trench covers, free of charge, during the execution of his work as directed by the Consultant. All single core and multi core main power cables shall be installed in cleats or saddles fixed on vertical routes. Small power cables, those having conductor areas of 16 mm. sq. and less, shall be installed on trays but segregated from other cables on the same tray by a space of 30 mm. All control cables shall be installed on trays. All cable terminations shall be carried out using compression type cable glands designed to adequately secure the steel wire armouring. All armouring and all faces of armour clamps making contact with them shall be thoroughly cleaned during installation and all clamps shall be adequately tightened to ensure good electrical contact. The installation shall be such that there is no discontinuity in the return circuit via the armouring and no local spot or high resistances. Means of earthing the armouring to the main earth electrode at the supply end shall be provided by means of a metallic bond of adequate conductance and the bonding connection shall be as short and straight as practicable. All terminations are to be fitted with PVC shrouds. 21.2.12 MICC CABLES & FIRE RATED CABLES MICC CABLES PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 28 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 MICC/PVC covered cables 600/1000 V grades Conforming to B.S 6207 Part 1, shall be used mainly for the substation wiring. Mineral insulated cables shall have copper conductors with copper sheath and PVC oversheaths. Neoprene sleeving and cold setting compound shall be used with pot seals for normal applications. Terminations shall comply with B.S.6081 Part 1. The temperature classification of the seal shall be “Class 105” unless otherwise indicated or directed by the consultant. Glands shall be Type “Y” and PVC shroud over glands shall be provided when PVC covered cables are used. Before applying a shroud, all bare metal shall be wrapped with pressure sensitive adhesive PVC tape. On three phase circuits, the sleeving shall carry distinction bands identifying the various phases, and for phase and neutral circuits the live or phase a red band shall identify wire. For circuits involving 3 phases, the correct phase identification colour bands shall be used, and the markers shall conform to B.S 1710. Cable shall be fixed to walls or cable tray by means of PVC covered copper clips. Cable clips and/or saddles shall be of the correct type as made by the cable manufacturer, or by special copper saddles for runs of large number of cables. The distance between fixing centers shall follow manufacturer's recommendations and the completed installation shall present a neat, appearance, with all cables held rigidly, all bends and sets neatly formed. Cable rising from the floor in exposed positions shall have some form of mechanical protection for approximately 450 mm. above floor level. This may either be a short length of metal channel (mainly cable tray). Frequent insulation tests shall be made during the course of the work to ensure that pot seals have been installed correctly and in the case of cables buried in the structure a test shall be made as soon as possible after the cables and its protection channel have been covered. While crossing expansion joints, a slight horizontal set-off shall be made in the cable run. FIRE RATED CABLES The Fire Rated Flexible cables conforming to BS 7629 shall be used as shown in the drawing. Thermoplastic LSOH sheathed / insulated cables shall have stranded copper conductors with high performance damage resistant insulation and aluminium / polyester tape screen in contact with adequately sized tinned annealed copper stranded circuit protective conductor. The Fire rated flexible cables shall comply with the following fire performance standards: PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 29 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0  Resistance to Fire : IEC331, BS6387 category CWZ  Smoke Emission : IEC1034, BS7622  Acid Gas Emissions : IEC754, BS6425-1 <0.5% Acid gas  Flame Retardant : IEC332-1,BS4066-1  Reduced Flame : IEC332-3, BS4066-3 Category C Propagation In addition the cables shall have excellent data/signal transmission characteristics, manufactured under ISO9001Quality system and BASEC certified. Cable shall be run in PVC conduits or cable tray / trunkings or run in open execution in the ceiling voids by means of LSOH coated single hole metal fixing clips. Cable clips and/or saddles shall be of the correct type as made / recommended by the cable manufacturer or by special LSOH coated saddles for runs of large number of cables. The distance between fixing centers shall follow manufacturer's recommendations and the completed installation shall present a neat, appearance, with all cables held rigidly, all bends and sets neatly formed, when the cables are run in open execution. Frequent insulation tests shall be made during the course of the work to ensure that pot seals have been installed correctly and in the case of cables buried in the structure a test shall be made as soon as possible after the cables and its protection channel have been covered. While crossing expansion joints, a slight horizontal set-off shall be made in the cable run. 21.2.13 CONDUITS AND CONDUIT FITTINGS General Polyvinyl Chloride Conduits and accessories shall be used for lighting and small power circuit wiring unless otherwise specified. These shall be concealed in the slab, walls, on surface on false ceiling voids or floor screed. In areas where the conduits are exposed to the external weather, galvanised steel conduits and accessories shall be used. Polyvinyl Chloride Conduits and Accessories The Plastic (PVC) conduits shall be of heavy gauge, rigid un-plasticised PVC, of the High impact grade. The impact strength shall be tested in accordance with B.S. 4607. No conduit smaller than 20 mm in diameter shall be used. The Minimum wall thickness for the conduits shall be as follows: 20 mm dia. : 1.8 mm 25 mm dia. : 1.9 mm PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 30 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 32 mm dia : 2.5 mm 38 mm dia. : 2.5 mm 50 mm dia. : 2.5 mm All PVC conduit accessories shall be from rigid un-plasticised PVC of the same manufacturer as that of the conduits. Where a solid fixed joint between conduit and accessory is required, use shall be made of an adhesive recommended by the manufacturer of the plastic conduits selected. When making a joint, care must be taken to ensure that the plastic conduit is thoroughly cleaned at the ends to ensure good adhesion. Flexible joints shall be made using a non-hardening adhesive and shall be used in conjunction with the expansion couplers. Where bends or off-sets are required, these shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer‟s instruction without altering the section of plastic conduit/s. For plastic conduits upto 25 mm diameter, cold bends shall be acceptable. The bends shall be formed with the use of a bending spring obtained from the plastic conduits manufacturer. For large sizes of conduit/s, bends shall be formed by pre-heating the tube before inserting the spring to prevent shrinking. Pre-heating shall be done with a blow lamp or a blow flame, sufficient care shall be taken to avoid physical damages of the conduits (deformation). Any other method of bending can also be considered subject to the approval of the consultant. Deep circular boxes shall be used where more than 10 nos. of 2.5 sq.mm PVC wires are crossing within the box. Plastic conduits shall not be installed in situations where continuous ambient temperature exceeds 50 deg.C or where, for intermittent periods, the ambient temperature exceeds 70 deg.C; badly formed plastic conduits or plastic conduits damaged in any way shall not be permitted. Expansion couplers shall be used on all straight runs of plastic conduits exceeding 6 meter in length. The plastic conduit shall be free to slide within saddles if used on the surface above the false ceiling. Special consideration should be given to fixing of all accessories in situation where the temperature fluctuates excessively. The plastic conduits shall be fixed at 1 meter intervals by spacer bar saddles; draw-in points shall be provided every 8 meter straight runs or after not more than two right angle bends; where such points are provided exclusively for draw-in purpose, they must comprise inspection couplers. The conduit system shall be laid concealed in the concrete slab and the walls. All the lighting conduits shall be laid at the roof level and dropping down to each point and all the power circuit conduits shall be laid in the screed of the floor wherever possible or in the floor slab, based on the British Standard Code of Practice. The Electrical Contractor shall exercise care when installing plastic conduits to prevent interference with or from other services and shall keep at least 300 mm clear of the hot water pipes. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 31 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 No equipment weighing more than 12kg shall be suspended from the circular plastic boxes. For loads more than 12kg in weight purpose made supporting system shall be used with flexible cable and ceiling roses. Where purpose made junction boxes are used to draw the wires, the covers of these boxes shall be of the same finish as that of the switch / socket plates. Where enclosed tungsten luminaires are fixed directly to a PVC high impact circular conduit box, steel insert clips must be used for fixing the luminaries on the box. Galvanized Steel Conduits and Accessories Steel conduits shall be new, heavy gauge, solid drawn, galvanized and shall comply with B.S. 4568 Part 1 and B.S. 31. Each length of the conduit shall bear a stamp guaranteeing it to be as per the specifications. The use of conduits less than 20mm in diameter will not be permitted. All conduit fittings and accessories including screwed couplers, ordinary clips, saddles, pipe hooks, screwed reducers, stopping plugs, locknuts and male and female brass bushes shall comply with B.S. 4568 Part 1 and B.S. 31. Table 2 wherever applicable. All screwed couplers, screwed reducers, and locknuts only shall be used on surface work, Inspection elbows, bends and inspection coupling must not be used. Galvanized steel sheet adaptable inspection boxes shall be provided and fixed in inspection positions where more than two conduits cross. These boxes shall be 150 x 150 x150 mm deep, (inside measure). Where the boxes are fully recessed, they shall be provided with 14 SWG galvanized steel lids, overlapping the boxes 6mm all, around. General Methods of Installation Conduits buried on concrete shall have 37 mm depth of cover over its entire length; conduits buried in plaster shall have 6 mm depth of cover over its entire length. Conduits penetrating through the roof slabs shall be complete with goose neck and sealed. Conduits laid on concrete floor slabs shall be fixed by means of corrugated steel saddles secured by hardened steel pins at 1200mm centers. On pre-stressed concrete floor slabs fixings must be in to the joints between the beams unless otherwise instructed by the consultant. In case “in-situ” applications, the contractor shall ensure that adequate precautions are taken for the secure fixing, positioning, alignment and protection of all conduits and boxes during the construction operation. All conduit outlets or other “in-situ” construction must be plugged with extreme care to prevent ingress of foreign matter and the conduit system from becoming blocked during the building construction. The additional costs resulting from blockage or damage to conduits due to the negligence or lack of attendance. Female brass bushes shall be greased on to all free ends of the conduit. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 32 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Conduit system shall be electrically and mechanically continuous and water tight after the installation. Immediately before wiring, all conduit systems shall be thoroughly swabbed out until dry and clean. No steel conduit installations shall be used as a sole earthing system. Separate earth shall be installed in all cases. All spare ways in junction boxes etc., left for possible future extensions shall be fitted with brass stopping plugs. For wiring purposes, all draw-in and inspection boxes must be installed in readily accessible positions, as agreed by the consultant. No more than two right angle bends or equivalent sets must be made in conduit runs between inspection boxes. On straight runs, inspection boxes must be inserted after each second conduit length. Corners shall be turned by easy bends or sets made cold without altering the section or opening the seams of the conduit. No bend shall have an inside radius of less than three times the external diameter of the conduit. All bends must be machine made. The inside surface of the erected conduit and conduit fittings shall be smooth and free from burrs and other defects. The exposed GI conduits shall be painted with two coats of paint to match with the color of the walls. 21.2.14 CABLE TRUNKING & CABLE TRAYS G. I. Trunking Cable trunking shall be used where it is accessible and can replace numerous sub-circuit conduit runs. A reputed Engineering company shall manufacture all trunking and fittings. Sheet metal cable trunking shall be used throughout in all vertical rising ducts, in the positions detailed on the drawings or for terminating conduits and cables at distribution boards etc. Cable trunking may be used if required in ceiling voids where otherwise large runs of multiple conduits would occur. Cable trunking and fittings shall be in accordance with B.S 4678 and shall be either Class 2 stoved black enamel (BE) or Class 3 galvanized (G) protected as detailed in the following specifications and drawings. All the trunkings installed on the floors shall be stove enamelled. All cable trunking shall consist of butting sections manufactured from Zintec coated high-grade steel sheet of not less than 16 swg. All accessories such as bends, tees, offsets, reducers etc., shall be of the same manufacture and finish. Multi-way trunking shall be divided into the required number of compartments by means of continuous steel sheet separators running the full length of the trunking. Each separator shall be at such a depth that when the trunking cover PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 33 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 is fastened in position there is no gap between the edge of the separator and the inside face of the cover. Separate compartments shall be provided in all tees, angles, reducers etc., to ensure that segregation of the various services is effected as detailed in the specifications and drawings. All tees, reducers and angles for trunking shall have folded and welded corners. All angles formed in wall trunking shall have fillet corners. Adjoining lengths shall be correctly aligned and trunking shall be joined together by means of internal fishplate connector or purpose made coupling pieces depending on the design of the trunking. After joining, there shall be no gap visible between sections of the trunking or between lengths of separators where these are used. Internal fish plate connectors shall be not less than 2.5 mm. thick and attached by means of not less than 4 nos. cadmium plated steel mushroom headed M4 screws for trunking having a total cross sectional area below 5700 mm. sq. and 8 nos. cadmium plated steel mushroom headed M4 screws for trunking having cross sectional areas in excess of 5700 mm. sq. each passing through clearance holes, shame proof washers and buts. Two pairs of screws on either side of the joint shall be connected by tinned copper links with split soldering washers under the nuts to provide electrical continuity across the joints. The nuts shall be located on the outside of the trunking and the tinned copper straps shall be provided across all joints formed by straight lengths, angles, tees etc. All joints shall be securely bolted together and the whole assembly shall be fixed at intervals not greater than 1.2M. The trunking shall be fitted with a continuous lid made from the same material or cover secured to the trunking by means of cadmium plated mushroom head screws spaced not greater than 450 mm. Where trunking terminates in any piece or an apparatus, a proper-flanged coupling piece shall be used, securely bolted to the trunking and to the piece of apparatus. Solid end stops shall be purpose made steel sheet terminal piece. In case of trunking covers, which are cut, the contractor shall ensure that the cut edges are true and match with the adjacent covers. The over lapping of covers will not be permitted, under no circumstance neither will gaps be accepted. Where the trunking passes through walls or floors, sections of cover plate shall be fitted before erection such that the cover plate extends approx. 50 mm. beyond the finished surfaces of the walls or floors. The wiring within the trunking shall be securely held in position by means of suitable clips fitted at regular intervals throughout the run of trunking, separate cable clips being provided for each compartment of the trunking. Where cables are to be enclosed in the same trunking compartment and connected to different distribution boards i.e. single phase and 3 phase power circuits, they shall be distinguished by separating the cables with insulated taping PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 34 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 at intervals of 1.20 meters together with an approved means of identification sleeve adjacent to each taping that clearly denotes the circuit type and reference. The trunking shall also be bonded to each piece of apparatus to which it is directly connected by means of copper bonding strips of 13 mm x 2 mm. and also at each joint and bend. All connections between trunking and/or busbar chambers to each item of switch, switch fuse or distribution boards are to be made direct and without intermediate conduit or conduit couplers. The top and/or bottom plates of the items being connected are to be removed and a suitable dimensioned slot is to be cut to accommodate with cable plus a further 6 mm. all around with similar slot in the appropriate position in the trunking or busbar chamber. A laminated paxolin fillet 5 mm. thick is to be inserted between the item plate and trunking and busbar chamber with a slot 6 mm. smaller all around than the slot cut in the metal parts so that damage to the cable is avoided. All covers shall be easily removable and the trunking shall be properly spaced away from any surface which may prevent this. Dimensions obtained from site shall determine shape of purpose-made pieces of trunking. On-site welding shall not be allowed . Flexible expansion joints shall be provided in trunking runs as necessary. Cable trunking shall have 25% spare capacity for the installation of any future cables. Due precaution shall be taken to ensure that the correct space factor of the fully loaded trunking is provided in accordance with IEE regulations. Cable trunking installed either in voids or on the soffit of exposed ceilings wherever possible shall be installed with the compartments arranged in a horizontal plane with the access lid at the lower edge of the trunking and all conduits connected to the top and sides of the assembly. The cable trunking shall be installed immediately above the false ceiling structure concrete ceiling slab soffit. Conduits used to complete the final section of each circuit from the general trunking system installed in the ceiling voids unless otherwise stated shall emanate from the top of the appropriate compartment of the cable trunking and rise vertically to the structural soffit. The conduits shall be taken then through the structural slab or be arranged to drop vertically to terminate at the various lighting, power, telephone or auxiliary service outlet points. For recessed cables terminating in recessed DBs, a recessed trunking shall be used with cover flush with the outer surface of wall. In case of new cables being installed on the surface of existing wall, surface trunking shall be used. In both cases, cables shall be terminated with glands of appropriate size. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 35 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 The whole of the trunking shall be installed in a workmanship like manner so that it presents a neat appearance and shall ensure that continuous cable access is maintained so that cables may be laid in the trunking and not drawn-in. Undefloor Trunking The trunking shall be 3 compartment type including junction boxes and 3 way outlet boxes for telephone, socket outlet (small power) and computer terminals as shown on the tender drawings. All the under floor trunkings and under floor service outlet boxes used for the installation shall be pre-galvanized and conform to BSEN 10143 of 1993 (formerly BS 2989). The junction boxes, outlet boxes offset units, intersections shall be manufactured of Zinc Alloy die cast and base frame shall be moulded in one piece. The trunkings shall be divided into three equal compartments. The trunking shall be held in position using fixing clips. Trunking lengths shall be supplied with one pair of connectors and one earth continuity link. The intersections shall be supplied with a flyover unit and cover to give a complete unit ready for installation into an in-cavity trunking system. All accessories, compartments and connection shall be of the same manufacturer. Locally made attachment units will not be accepted. Outlet boxes shall be adjustable height type and allowance shall be made for carpet thickness in order to have final even level flooring. The outlet box shall accommodate one twin socket outlet, one telephone outlet and one computer outlet. The conversion packs shall be allowed for in the Tender price and the contractor is to supply and install all the terminal outlets, including the computer outlets at the model and type as requested by the Consultant. The outlet box frame shall be finished with flanged ends to allow insertion of carpet over it. The Main contractor shall do the cement screed under, above and around the system. Additional spare conduits, though not indicated on the drawings, may be requested to be drawn from the junction boxes to the walls at the time of installation for additional outlets. The contractor is to allow for such additions in his tender price since no V.O will be entertained later. Cable Trays The cable trays shall be of the conventional perforated pattern with return flanges manufactured from a minimum of 2 mm or above Aluzink steel. Aluzink is a sheet steel known for it inherent strength with an alloy coating consisting of Silicon (1.6 %). Aluminium (55%) for protection against corrosion and zinc (43.4%) sageguarding the steel. The Aluzink used should be of grade B500A, AZ150 in conformity with grade DX 51D +AZ 150 as per EN 10215. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 36 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Sections of tray shall be jointed together with mushroom head screws, nuts and spring washers. These shall be plated or treated with rust inhibitor. The screws and nuts shall be so arranged to ensure that no projecting screw threads occur on the part of the tray upon which the cables are laid. The cable trays shall be securely fixed to purpose made brackets with space behind to allow the insertion of tools for the tightening up of nuts. The brackets shall be spaced in such a way so as to prevent sagging. The contractor shall ensure that overall tray arrangement is rigid. The contractor shall include for all cable trays necessary to be fixed at the terrace or in the false ceiling. The cable trays shall be of sufficient width to take all cables without crowding and shall allow for possible future additions to the proportions of the present requirements. Cables shall be run single; stacking will not be permitted. Cable trays fixed to walls or flat ceilings shall be installed with the flange outwards or downwards respectively to suit and shall be fixed with an approved fixing with spacing and washers such that the tray is at least 25 mm. from the surface of the wall or ceiling. Earth continuity shall be maintained between each section of cable tray and each total run of tray shall be effectively bonded to the nearest earth continuity conductor. Each length of tray shall be securely bolted to an adjacent length with sufficient overlap to prevent sagging and twisting. Normal bend of not less than 450 mm. shall be used. The method of fixing each run of cable tray shall be approved by the Consultant prior to installation. In all instances, the cable trays shall be supported from the structure of the building. The method of fixing the cable tray and brackets shall be approved by the Consultant before installation. Manufacturer should confirm a guarantee of at least 12 years for the cable trays against any corrosion in Qatar climatic conditions. Wherever the tee or flat bends are required to be used, they shall be factory made. No cutting of tray shall be permitted. Wherever necessary, the same shall be properly painted with the prior permission of the Consultant. Deviation from the straight shall, if possible, be made with purpose made bends. Where purpose made bends cannot be used, the tray may be cut and the bends fabricated on site. All the supports shall be fabricated out of galvanized angle iron or uni-strut channels. If not, the M.S. supports shall be painted with two coats of red oxide and two coats of lacquered paint of approved colour. 21.2.15 ELECTRICAL DUCTS PVC Pipe ducts shall be installed in accordance with the configuration and methods detailed in QGEWC (Electricity) standard drawing SED 884 for road crossings and elsewhere as described on the drawings. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 37 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 PVC pipe duct continuous pathway systems shall be installed in accordance with Qatar National Telephone Service (QNTS) publication, with which the contractor is deemed to be familiar. Electrical Ducts used for Cables etc., shall be of the following types, as per QGEWC regulations & Q-Tel standards and supplied by an approved manufacturer. Material - High Impact Resistant PVC Internal Diameter - 150mm Dia., 100mm Dia., 75mm Dia., 50mm Dia., as specified Minimum Wall thickness - 3.6mm for 150mm Dia., - 2.4mm for 100mm Dia., - 2.4mm for 75mm Dia., - 2.4mm for 50mm Dia., For Telephone Cables - 90mm Dia., Ducts as per Q-Tel Standards. 21.2.16 LIGHT FIXTURES The contractor shall include in his costs for supply, erection, and connection of all specified light fittings complete with suitable lamps in positions specified, unless otherwise directed. No lighting fittings shall be purchased until authorization has been received, in writing from the Consultant. This authorization shall be sought by the Contractor in good time in order to allow the programme of works to continue unaffected. All light fittings shall be of types specified or similar and approved. No alternative light fitting will be considered unless the contractor in writing from the Consultant receives permission. All fluorescent fittings shall be complete low loss epoxy filled ballasts with switch start control gear and power factor correction condensers to give a minimum power factor of 0.9 lagging and control gear noise level shall be limited to 24 dB. The contractor shall provide and fix plain pendants. Each pendant shall comprise of ceiling rose, a suitable length of flexible cord in relation to the mounting height of the fitting and B.S. lamp holder. Lamp holders incorporated in tungsten luminaries shall comply with B.S. 5042 Part 1 in the case of bayonet cap holders and with B.S. 5042 Part 2 where screw type lamp caps are employed. Lamp holders incorporated in fluorescent luminaries shall comply with B.S. 5042 Part 4. Ceiling roses shall comply with B.S 67 and be manufactured from either rigid PVC or bakelite. Wiring from the ceiling rose to the lamp holder shall be carried out using heat resistant flexible cord of minimum size 1.0 mm. sq. The insulated heat resistant flexible cord may be butyl rubber, EP rubber, silicon rubber or glass fibre. A plug and socket type ceiling rose shall be provided for all recessed luminaries, located within each reach of the aperture provided for the luminaries. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 38 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 The light fitting shall not be considered complete without the lamps of specified wattage. The connections between the circuit wiring and fitting shall be effected by means of fixed nylon connector terminal block mounted in the lighting outlet conduit box or ceiling rose above the false ceiling. All metal work shall be bonded to earth. Where surface mounted light fittings are installed, conduit boxes, either of the loop-in type or standard type shall be installed above each fitting position. Extension rings shall be fitted as necessary so that the bottom of the ring is flush with the underside of the ceiling. White break joint rings shall be provided between the fittings and conduit box to mask the joints as deemed necessary by the Consultant. Light fittings designed for mounting on a flush ceiling shall be mounted on a surface outlet box. The contractor shall supply and install a suitable metal support for each fitting. In areas where the ceiling is of the suspended type, the weight of the conduit and light fittings shall under no circumstance be carried by this type of ceiling and suitable two independent fixings shall be provided and installed by the con tractor to carry the weight of the fittings. All lighting fixtures are to be suspended as required by QGEWC regulations. Ensure that the light fittings are adequately ventilated and where appropriate, suitable spacers hall be installed to give a minimum clearance of 6 mm between the fitting and the finished ceiling. All lamps throughout the installation shall be supplied and fixed in position as per this contract. They shall be of the sizes and types specified. All lamps over 150 watts shall be of screwed cap-type. The lamps shall be supplied complete with end caps suitable for the fitting to which it is to be attached. The lamps shall be rated for 240 volts. Unless otherwise specified, lamps shall be coiled coil conforming to B.S. 161, 555, 1853. Fluorescent tubes shall be day light type. Each and every fluorescent light fitting shall be fitted with power factor correction capacitors. All lighting luminaries shall comply with B.S. 4533 and 5225 and fitted with bi-pin and bayonet end caps as necessary. All control gear associated with fluorescent fittings shall comply with B.S. 2818 and 4017 and shall be of the switch start type. Final connections to luminaires shall be by 3 core heat resisting flexible cables connected as previously described. The contractor shall ensure that fluorescent fittings are connected to the three phase distribution boards such that there is no stroboscopic effect or error. With the exception of certain light weight domestic and commercial types of light fittings, no fittings shall be suspended by means of flexible cables. Where light fittings are suspended they shall be by means of purpose made metal supports. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 39 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 External Lighting The contractor shall supply and install all necessary materials and equipment to provide façade, tree and external pathways lighting as shown on the drawings. All excavation, the Building Contractor shall carry out provision of conduits together with the backfilling of trenches, unless other wise stated. The electrical contractor shall include for the necessary liaison with the civil contractor in the instruction for this work. Before excavations are backfilled the Consultant shall be notified in writing that the cable installation is complete in order that an inspection may be made of the cable installation. All cables serving the luminaries shall loop in and out of the fittings and joint boxes. No other tee joints will be permitted. An efficient earth connection shall be made between the metalwork of the luminaries and the wire armouring of the cables. All cables used for the external lighting installation unless otherwise detailed, shall be of PVC/SWA and PVC sheathed type supplied and installed in accordance with the relevant clauses of the particular specification. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 40 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.2.17 WIRING ACCESSORIES i. Switches The switches shall be single pole type of 240 V grade, 10 A X rated. No derating of the switches should required in case of use for Fluorescent or inductive loads. These shall be of robust construction to provide long life of operation. All the cover plates, single pole switches, grid mounted systems and boxes shall conform to BS 3676 and BSEN 60669 –1 and shall operate on downward mode only. Wherever more than one switch is shown on the drawings, they shall be multi-gang and where they are wired with different phases, phase barriers shall be used with the warning label. Switch terminals should be preferably screw less type to avoid any loose contacts. ii. Switched Socket Outlets The socket outlets shall be of switched socket combination type of 13 A rating. These shall be 3 pin, 240 volts with shutters conforming to B.S. 1363. Twin socket outlets shall be used wherever two sockets are shown together unless otherwise mentioned. All socket outlets shall be adequately earthed to terminate direct into outlet and a flying lead shall be installed between outlet and outlet box. The switched socket outlets exposed to external environmental conditions shall be weather proof in galvanized ceiling. The switched socket outlets shall be provided with indicating lamp to indicate the 'ON' status of switch, unless otherwise instructed by the Consultant. All switch socket outlets shall be connected in ring circuits unless otherwise specified. iii. Flex Outlets The flex outlets shall be installed near the equipment like air conditioners, water heaters and exhaust fans. These exhaust fan outlets shall be of suitable rating having three-way terminal blocks and brass screws for direct connection of flexible heat resistant cables. They shall be of robust construction, of approved finish and of very high quality. All flex outlets other than the ones for exhaust fans shall conform to BS 5733. iv. Ceiling Rose Ceiling roses shall be of approved manufacture and be of ivory finish conforming to BS 67. All ceiling roses shall be fitted with integral enclosure and earthing plate or connection to comply with QGEWC regulations and shall be fitted with a break joint ring where used on recessed conduit boxes. v. Double Pole Switch PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 41 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 The switches for window A.C s. water heaters, hand dryer‟s units etc., shall be double pole, 20 or 30 A rating based on the load current. The switches shall have indicating lamps and the covers shall be as stated above. All DP switches shall conform to BS 3676. vi. Time Switches and Contactors The switches shall be photo-resistor type mounted remote from the contactor at the place approved by Client. These photo-resistors shall be equipped with lux adjustment to operate the switch at the desired light level. The electro-mechanical time switch shall be provided. The time switch shall be suitable for solar time adjustment throughout the year. It shall have 12 hours reserve winding so that the power failure up to 12 hours will not change the operating time of the time switch. The contactor shall be of rating indicated on the drawings and shall be 240 volts 50 Hz, 1 phase A.C. coil. It shall conform to relevant British Standard. The contactor shall also provide an override switch to switch on and switch off the lights in the event time fails to operate. 21.2.18 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM General Description The Contractor shall supply, install, test and commission a fire alarm system (analogue addressable) comprising of a main fire alarm control panel, repeater panel, detectors, alarms, wiring ... etc. The main, fire alarm panel and system components shall be interconnected using a multiplex data transmission cable. The main panel, slave and repeaters shall be self contained and capable of Stand - Alone Operation. The fire alarm equipment and installation shall comply with the following Standards: - CDD Civil Defence Department BS 5445 Components of automatic fire detection systems BS 5839 Fire detection and alarm systems in buildings NFPA System of Operation Operation of an analogue addressable detector or break glass call point shall signal to the main panel to indicate the loop, detector. etc. in which the signal was originated, an LED display shall be provided in the main panel. Upon receipt of an alarm signal, the sounders through the system shall sound for 5 seconds in the loop zone where the call originated shall sound continuously. In other loops the processor shall be programmable so that for PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 42 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 each alarm signal the sounder shall remain silent (after the first 5 second pulse) or shall sound intermittently one second on five seconds off. The alarm signal shall alert the Project‟s Staff first to check and respond properly, then in case of a true alarm it should go general. Provision shall be made at the main panel to silence the alarms but the visual indication shall remain until the system is reset. A further call shall not be inhabited whilst the sounders have been silenced. Provision shall also be provided at the main panel to operate the alarm sounders in any loop to indicate that the area should be evacuated. In the event of an alarm call output signals shall be provided to release the automatic doors closers, unlock fire escape exit doors, send a signal to shut down the A/C and ventilation system through the BMS system (if applicable) …... etc. In addition operation of an analogue addressable detector in a lift motor room shall provide a signal to the particular lift or lifts associated with the motor room and dispatch the car to the ground floor. The repeater panels (if applicable) shall incorporate a LED display and shall indicate for each loop on the system the name of the loop where an alarm call has originated. Alarm calls shall be relayed to the Local Civil Defence Department by an auto dial machine with recorded message via a dedicated telephone line. Fire alarm system shall be interfaced and connected to the BMS (if applicable). System of Wiring Fire alarm wiring shall be completely segregated from any other system. All cables associated with the fire alarm installation shall be fire retardant copper cables with a red PVC oversheath. Joints in cables shall be made only at accessories unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer when the joint box shall be detailed on record drawings. All wiring shall be fire retardant/resistant and comply with BS. Sensing loops wires shall not be less than 1.5mm2 for detectors and 2.5 mm2 for alarm loops. Equipment shall all be connected on a two wire fully maintained closed circuit. Fire alarm cables shall be installed in pvc conduits concealed in the building fabric except in plant rooms and service where a surface installation shall be provided. Repeater Panels Repeater panels shall be of analogue addressable type. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 43 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Repeater panels shall each have the number of loops indicated plus two spare and shall incorporate:- - Fault indicators and power on indicator - Loop indicator lights each with two LED's - Lamp test button - Switches - Supervising buzzer for when voice alarms have been silenced - Output signals - Power supply and battery - A module for indication of other repeater alarms. - A 3 position key switch to provide "Evaluation signal" 'normal' and „reset‟. The key shall only be removable in the ' normal' position. The equipment shall be mounted in a single surface mounted sheet metallic box with epoxy powder finish to house the above and the interface equipment. The panels shall comply with EMC requirements (electromagnetic compatibility). The battery shall be heavy duty higher performance with sufficient capacity to maintain the system for 24 hours followed by an alarm condition for 30 minutes. It shall be nickel cadmium or sealed lead calcium acid with a life guarantee for 10 years. The charger shall be the static type, compatible with the battery and capable of fully recharging the battery within 24 hours whilst maintaining the system load. The charger shall incorporate semi-conductor monitoring of the battery voltage and a momentary test switch and voltmeter. Main Control Panel (MFACP) The main control panel shall be an analogue addressable type panel. The panel shall be flush mounted in a polycarbonate or sheet metallic box with epoxy powder finish. The panel shall comply with EMC requirements (electromagnetic compatibility). Digital codes shall be incorporated to allow on site reprogramming and isolation of inputs and outputs. All programming shall be possible on site. The panel shall be complete with a battery and charger unit. SLA free maintenance for 48 hour in normal operation and 1 hour in general alarm. The panel and associated equipment shall have capacity for all alarm and fault signals required in the Contract and shall be capable of future upgrading to serve a 15% extension of the project. MFACP shall contain a microprocessor-based central processing unit (CPU). It shall communicate with & control the following types of equipment used to make up the system: intelligent detectors, addressable modules, transponders, local &remote operator terminals, printers, annunciators, alarm system, and other system controlled devices. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 44 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 MFACP shall perform the following functions: - 1. Supervise and monitor all intelligent/addressable detectors and monitor modules connected to the system for normal, trouble and alarm conditions. 2. Supervise all initiating singalling and notification circuits throughout the facility by way of connection to transponders. 3. Detect the activation of any initiating device and the location of the alarm condition. Operate all notification appliances and auxiliary devices as programmed. 4. Visually and audibly annunciate any trouble, supervisory or alarm, condition on operator‟s terminal, panel display, and annunciators. Operation 1. MFACP shall include a full featured operator interface control and annunciation panel, which shall include a liquid crystal display (LCD), individual, color coded system status LEDs, and an alpha-numeric keypad for field programming. 2. All programming or editing of the existing programming in the system shall be achieved without special equipment or interrupting the alarm monitoring functions of the fire alarm control panel. 3. The system shall include alarm-annunciating system utilizing distributed sounders such that loss of operation by the MFACP will not result in the loss of alarm signal throughout the project. 4. MFACP shall be capable of providing the following features:- Block acknowledge for trouble conditions Rate charger control Control by-time (delay, pulse, time of day, etc.) Automatic Day/Night sensitivity adjust (high/low) Device blink control (turn of detector LED strobe) Environmental drift compensation (selectable ON or OFF) Smoke detector pre-alarm indication at control panel. Smoke detector sensitivity test System status reports Alarm verification, by device, with tally Multiple printer interface Multiple CRT display interface Non-fire alarm module reporting Automatic detector test Programmable trouble reminder Upload/download system database to PC computer Smoke detector maintenance alert Security monitor point PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 45 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Alpha-numeric pager interface On-line or off-line programming Central Processing Unit (CPU) 1. MFACP shall include a central processing unit. The CPU shall comminute with, monitor, and control all other modules within the control panel. Removal, disconnection or failure of any control panel module shall be detected and reported to the system display by the CPU. 2. The CPU shall contain and execute all control-by- event interlock for specific local and network action to be taken if an alarm condition is detected by the system. Control-by-event programs shall be held in non- volatile programmable memory, and shall not be lost even if system primary and secondary power failure occurs. 3. The central processing unit shall also provide a real-time clock for time annotation of all system displays. The time-of-day and date shall not lost if system primary and secondary power supplies fail. Break Glass Contacts Break-glass contacts unit shall be analogue addressable type and shall be flush mounted. It shall have a plastic coated glass cover, which can be broken without the use of a hammer and incorporate a key operated test facility. Fire Alarm Detectors All detectors shall be of analogue addressable type suitable for mounting to a common back base and connected to a two-wire circuit. Heat detectors shall generally be designed to operation on "rate of rise" and a fixed temperature 57C. Where heat detectors are installed in kitchens, plant spaces etc., where rapid temperature changes may occur they shall be fixed temperature type set for 85C. Rate-of rise shall operate between temperature rise 8.25C – 13.5C. Smoke detectors shall be photo-optical type. They shall incorporate green LED's to indicate that the unit is operational. Smoke and heat detectors shall incorporate red LED's to indicate when the unit is in "alarm" state. Where detectors are located in inaccessible positions, a remote indicator light shall be provided to illuminate when the unit is in an alarm condition. This shall be engraved (Fire detector in.). All programming and sitting should be done from the FACP or the base of detector. All fire alarm detectors shall have built in short circuit isolator. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 46 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 All required interface modules shall be provided for mech. Duct smoke detectors, transfer, switches, lifts …etc. Smoke Beam Detectors (Not Applicable) Beam detectors (analogue addressable) provided to operate at high ceiling areas shall comprise a pulsed infra-red light source and a matching receiver unit incorporating a time delay feature (2-5 seconds). The units shall be positioned to provide maximum protection of the area and to be agreed on with the Engineer. Each detector shall be suitable for use on 2 wire alarm circuits. Alarm Unit a. Sounders/Bells Alarm sounders shall be connected through an analogue addressable modular and mounted directly over a flush conduit box at 500 mm. below ceiling level and clearly labeled "Fire Alarm". Sounders shall be the electronic type with an output of approximately 103 dB(A) with a distinctive tone. Sounders for installation outdoors shall be weatherproof. Sounders shall have different selectable toner. b. Buzzers with visual alarm with decorative shape for flats. Buzzers with 15 cd visual alarm shall be provided for specific areas. c. Strobe light shall be provided from mech. Rooms, gym. hall. Lamp Indicators In areas where alarm sounders would be disruptive and in plant rooms, generator house etc. where noise would prevent the sound being heard lamp indicators shall be provided. These shall comprise Xenon flashing indicator housed within a red lens rated at and 8 watts in plant rooms. Door Hold Units (if Applicable) Door hold units shall be 24 V.D.C. fail safe type and shall be integral with the floor spring of the door. Final electrical connections shall be made using heat resisting flexible cable from a flex outlet plate located as close as practical to the door-loaded unit. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 47 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 A door release push button connected in series with the door release coil shall be provided adjacent to each door or pair of doors fitted with door hold units. The button shall be mounted at 1350 mm A.F.F.L. and engraved "Door Close". A separate 24 V.D.C. power supply shall be provided to serve the door hold units and the release signals shall be provided via relays operated from the fire alarm system. Door release Unit (if Applicable) Where doors are normally kept locked for security purposes provision shall be made for these to be released when a fire alarm signal is raised. The release circuits shall be related to the loop and adjacent loops in which an alarm originates. The release mechanism shall comprise a brass keep fitted into the doorframe and related to the door lock. Upon signal from the fire alarm system, a solenoid shall release the lock allowing the door to open. Fireman Telephone Two-way voice communication Fire Telephone system shall be installed as shown in the respective drawings. The system shall comprise of a Central Exchange, Operator Panel and number of Fire Phone Handset Outstations distributed as shown. 2 conductors shall discretely wire each Outstation to the Central Exchange as radial circuit. The system shall be entirely non-blocking and display the status of all fire phone outstations. Response from the Outstations shall be sited on the Operators Panel and shall be latched onto the memory of the system immediately. The Central Exchange and Operating Panel shall have built-in facility for transferring the selected Outstation to the building‟s public address and voice communication system loud speakers. Operator Panel The Operator Panel shall be housed in a extruded Aluminium enclosure, finished in red epoxy painting (red to ral 3020), and shall have a capacity of 80 outstation zones. Fire phone handset and momentary push button corresponding to each Fire Telephone outstation shall be integral to the Operator‟s Panel. A pair of LED‟s corresponding to each Fire Telephone shall be provided to indicate “Outstation Call in” and “Outstation Circuit Trouble”. Momentary Push button station shall facilitate: 1 Initiation of audible alert to selected Fire Phone Outstations. 2 Initiation of audible alert to all Fire Phone Outstations. 3 Testing of Lights and Sounders. 4 Acknowledge fault sounder push button. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 48 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 5 Identify System healthy, System Trouble, A.C Supply healthy and DC charger healthy, through visual display LED indications. the Power supply to the Central Exchange and Operator‟s Panel shall be 240 V, A.C. 50Hz, and the system shall operate on transmission audio frequency of 300 Hz, and the signaling principle shall be loop disconnect. Fire Phone Stations The Outstations shall be housed in a surface mounted Mild steel enclosure with 220º open able door with magnetic catch. The enclosure shall be complete with sounder and termination chamber behind tamper proof fixing plates. Outstation shall be fixed in each floor at the fire escape staircase. Operating and Maintenance Manuals Upon practical completion of the Works, the Contractor shall furnish to the Employer Four copies of a Maintenance Manual relating to equipment and plant forming the Works. The Manual shall be loose-leaf type International A4 size with stiff covers. It may be in several volumes and must be subdivided into sections, each section covering one engineering service system. It shall have ready means of reference and a detailed index. The manual shall contain full operating and maintenance instructions for each item of equipment, plant and apparatus set out in a form dealing systematically with each system. It shall include as may be applicable to the Works the following and any other items listed in the text of the Specification herein after: a. System description. b. Switch operation. c. Procedure for Fault Finding. d. Emergency Procedures. e. Maintenance and Servicing Periods and Procedures. f. Schematic and Wiring Diagrams of Apparatus. g. Record Drawings, true to scale, reduced to International A-4 size. h. List of Primary and Secondary Spares. The manual is to be specially prepared for the Works, and Manufacturers' standard descriptive literature and plant operating instruction cards will not be accepted for inclusion unless exceptionally approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall, however, affix such cards, if suitable, adjacent to plant and apparatus. One spare seat of all such cards shall be furnished to the Employer. Operation, spare-parts, general instructions and safety instructions etc. manuals as well as all technical catalogues, wiring diagrams, drawings and sketches etc. to be submitted by the contractor to the Engineer for approval. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 49 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Testing and commissioning The contractor shall perform all tests required by international standards, the local regulations and manufacturer's recommendations. Test on insulation and continuity as mentioned in the above rules and regulations shall be carried out by the Contractor on the completed installation, as well as all running tests for insulation. The expenses for the above tests shall be included in the tender. All tests must be carried out in the presence of the Engineer or such other person appointed for this purpose, but the Contractor alone will be responsible to the authorities as to the installations' compliance with rules and regulations. The Contractor shall provide precise instruments and all labor for testing. Test results shall be submitted to the Engineer within 14 days of the test, and the Contractor shall issue the Certificate upon completion, as required under the above-referred regulations. Any defects, faults or omissions of the installations made apparent by such test shall be corrected by the Contractor at his own expense. Power supplies needed for all tests shall be provided by the Contractor. Test certificate including factory test procedure for all equipment shall be submitted to the Engineer afterwards. Partial and spot tests on Site shall be carried out during the execution of the Works according to the Engineer's recommendations. In addition the contractor shall perform his own partial and final tests. Final tests should be carried out in the presence of the Engineer, upon the completion of the works. The Contractor must submit to the Engineer a detailed test procedure and time schedule for the test. The contractor shall provided and establish a regular testing method and procedure. The contractor shall provide training for employees of the client, which shall cover all aspects of the system including but not limited to using, running, commissioning, and maintenance. etc. 21.2.19 CENTRAL BATTERY / EMERGENCY PACK FOR LIGHTING SYSTEM The Emergency lighting system and all its components shall be designed & installed to meet the local fire department requirements & the respective EN & BS standards and regulations applicable on the project. The product shall bear CE certification for electromagnetic compatibility. The product shall have a binding agency agreement with a local company in Qatar and the product shall have installation references in Qatar and shall have installations in the Middle East for at least 5 years. Spares/ Engineering support shall be constantly available for the product both during installation/ commissioning as well as PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 50 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 operation period. Local Fire department approval shall be available for the product. Emergency lighting shall fulfill the following functions, Illuminate the escape routes. Indicate the escape route direction clearly Provide EXIT signs on escape doors and routes to such doors. Ensure fire alarm call points, fire fighting equipment and other life saving equipment on the premises are illuminated. Permit operations concerned with safety measures & to shut down all hazardous process Each emergency supply panel shall be used for supply, automatic testing & monitoring of maximum 20 Nos. Escape route, EXIT & Safety on each circuit. Panels should be distributed on the building based on Security Zone or Typical Areas etc., to minimize wiring. Number of panels shall be as per the layout/riser drawings. The system shall be fully addressable type with individual light monitoring facility. Input Voltage: 240V AC Output Mains: 240V AC Output Emergency: 220V DC Battery back up required for Duration of Three Hours under emergency operation, with minimum of 75 -100% light output on connected fittings. Mechanical Construction The battery housing shall be sheet steel, powder coated housing IP21 with removable screwed front, rear & top doors to provide complete access to the batteries. The electronics section shall have IP21 sheet steel enclosure with transparent polycarbonate window. Substation panels shall be with IP54 degree of protection and shall draw their battery supplies from the central battery panels. The electronic compartment shall have large cabling compartments with cable entries from top via four or more undrilled removable metal flange plates. All incoming cables & looping circuits shall be connected on protected & fused terminals as per ENVDE0100. All outgoing luminaries circuits shall be connected direct to relevant components via plug-in type terminals 2.5 sq. mm. Electrical Construction Changeover Module The system shall be built up in a modular format with all modules being plug-in- type encapsulated design. The outgoing circuits shall be fed through changeover modules. Each module is capable of switching two separate circuits with maximum load of 3 Amps or 20 Nos. light fixtures connected to it. Emergency & Exit lights will be connected to each circuit, thereby allowing connection of luminaries of all switching modes, namely Maintained, Non-maintained and Switched Maintained in the same circuit. All the changeover modules will be plug-in type and are no load and short circuit protected with independent fuses PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 51 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 for mains and battery supply and will have LED type status indication for operation & failure. Battery Each panel will have maintenance free sealed lead acid batteries with 10 years service life at 25 0 C and capable of supporting the connected load for 3 hours. The central batteries shall be located in air conditioned room with maximum room temperature of 25 0 C. The room shall be air-conditioned using a re-circulation air-conditioning system without any special battery room ventilation requirement. Where the space required for the batteries does not permit the installation of same in standard enclosure, the batteries shall be installed in a fire rated room, on purpose built support stand / enclosure. Charger Charger module shall be fully encapsulated plug-in type, microprocessor controlled module with temperature controlled voltage charging to IU characteristics. Automatic boost charging facility shall be built in to the system depending on the required total battery capacity. It shall have charging & supervising method via battery monitoring at intervals of 5 minutes or less for failure indication of battery circuit as well as battery charger. The charger shall be designed for a 90% recharge of a fully discharged battery set within 20 hours. Charger shall come complete with earth leakage monitor for battery circuit monitoring. It shall be provided with LED indications for, - Operation - Charger On - Booster On - Mains Operation - Battery capacity > 10%, >50%, 100% - Charging Failure - Insulation fault Charger shall have potential free indicator contacts for, - Charging failure - Fast charge - Insulation fault Charger shall have a push button to simulate earth leakage failures. It shall include plug-in-type terminals as well as the protection fuses for mains & battery accessible via the front plate of the charger Control Module Each panel will have modular plug in type freely programmable control module with 4x20 character contrast controlled liquid crystal display, touch pad keys for programming and monitoring of the panel & constant memory back up with two years logbook facility. It should have separate buttons for Test, Function Test and Battery duration test. Additionally three freely programmable buttons should PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 52 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 be provided to conduct functions as per user‟s priority. Each control module shall be programmable as master / slave to access status of the other panels installed on site. The control module should have the following features, Monitor & control all test cycles & functions Indicate every status of the system & the connected luminaries Display & program the status of each circuit Conduct an Earth Leakage test on each circuit. Luminaries‟ failure will be displayed with text location Communicate and program the function of addressable electronic ballast on every slave luminaries. Programming for the potential free contacts for BMS operation. Programming and status of the Sub circuit monitoring inputs and the associated luminaries. Control Module also displays battery voltage level, withdrawn battery current in test or emergency modes, charge failures, interrupted battery charge circuit, luminaries failure with address with text location, sub circuit or sub distribution board supply failure with address & text location, function test, battery test, earth leakage failure with respect to circuit. Both tests can be manually programmed. The control module has three LED‟s for status indication of mains supply ON/OFF, luminaries or unit failure & battery supply. Failure recognition for each individual safety / EXIT light in conjunction with proprietary electronic ballast including two wire monitoring module without additional data line. Programming of the control module will be possible through a smart card & all the information including the logbook shall be stored on smart card, which is readable on PC directly. An electronically regulated monitoring loop output is included to monitor the mains failure at distribution/sub-distribution board. Sub circuit monitoring shall be carried out from the panel in such a way that emergency lights‟ pertaining to specific areas where power has failed will only be energized. Central monitoring shall be carried through an Open Protocol network. Each central battery/ substation panel shall be fitted with a terminal to facilitate communication to the BMS system / Central monitoring unit via an open protocol to provide the complete panel status. Automatic & Cyclic Function Monitoring & Logging Facility An automatic monitoring and testing facility shall be installed with permanent cyclic charger and battery monitor at intervals of five minutes or less with daily/weekly function test of the complete load supplied from the battery, charger, wiring, luminaries, registration and logging of tests and results. A manually operated test feature shall also be provided in addition to the automatically operated testing feature. The monitoring system and data transfer shall be carried out based on a current multiplexed system in DC mode. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 53 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Central Monitoring Facility When not centrally monitored through a BMS system, a separate central monitoring computer shall be provided for the emergency lighting system. The central monitoring shall be via a central group monitoring hardware & software, monitoring & programming unit. The unit shall be in the form of an IBM compatible PC with monitor, Pentium generation processor, keyboard, mouse and a printer. The unit shall operate with latest visualization software to give detailed address & information of all luminaries connected to system. The program shall be user friendly with visually clear fault indication screens on the monitor. The CG Vision should have the following features, Monitor & control all test cycles & functions Indicate every status of the system & the connected luminaries Display the status of each circuit Luminaire status & failure information will be displayed with text location Log the events on the system in a separate window to facilitate easy access. Sub circuit Monitoring/ Switching Interface Exit lights shall remain in Maintained mode of operation. Dedicated luminaries used for emergency operation shall remain in Non-Maintained mode of operation. Sub circuit monitoring shall be carried out for Non-Maintained lights using 24V-monitoring loop in the panel wired to phase monitoring relays in the relevant Lighting DB‟s, all up to the approval of the Engineer. Where Mains lights in Switched Maintained mode is used for Em. Operation, the switching shall be co-ordinated using fully encapsulated switching interface modules such that the same switch is used for switching Mains and E. Lights. A detailed schematic shall be presented for approval of the Engineer. EMERGENCY PACK The emergency pack for lighting shall consist of individual power packs installed within the light fittings, as shown on the tender drawings. The light fittings to be provided with these power packs have been indicated with a symbol. These power packs shall consist of converter/inverter with nickel-cadmium battery to provide 3 hours operation for one of the lamps in these fittings. The design of the unit shall be such that it can be fitted easily into all types of fittings including batten luminaries. The unit shall have the capability of sustaining high temperature so that it can be accommodated into the fittings with high internal temperature. However, if the internal temperature of the fitting exceeds 50 deg. C, then the provision of mounting it in remote location shall be made. In case of remote mounting, a purpose made remote box shall be provided. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 54 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Charger system shall have solid state constant current with full recharge time of 24 hours. The inverter shall be high frequency transistor oscillator, producing sine wave output. There shall be red light emitting diode type charge indicator and an internal control circuit to prevent the battery from deep discharge. The circuitry shall have two live supplies, one switched and one unswitched. Failure of unswitched supply shall operate the change over circuit. The system shall be suitable for operation on 240 V, 1 ph, 50 Hz., A.C system. 21.2.20 VOICE ALARM SYSTEM 20.1. System Outline The system shall be provided, delivered, installed, tested and commissioned. The system shall cover all areas, as shown on drawings. Terminology for characteristics and measurement techniques of Sound System Equipment shall be in accordance with BS 6840 (IEC 268). The system shall provide background music broadcast to all areas, shown on drawings. 20.2. Performance Music reproduction shall be of good quality and natural sounding. The system shall be free from audible distortion, hum & noise. All switching shall be inaudible. The system shall be able to produce overall average sound levels 15dB(A) above ambient noise levels but not exceeding 95dB(A). The sound levels shall be measured at 1.5m above floor level (1m above floor level) in all normally-accessible areas, using a sound level meter complying with BS EN 60651 (IEC 651) Type 1 or 2, set to 'S' (slow) response and calibrated immediately before the measurements. 20.3. Applications Radio Tuner A rack mounted tuner shall be provided. The tuner shall provide for-set selection of 16 FM stations to program individually in the frequency range of 87.5~108.0MHz. Automatically and manual station searching mode. LCD- and LED display. The tuner shall provide the following minimum performance: 1. Input sensitivity : 1.5 V 2. THD : 0.5 % 3. IF Bandwidth : 250 KHz 4. Antenna Input : 75 5. Output Signal : 0-500 m V Adjustable 6. Power supply : 24 VDC, 100 Ma 7. Signal to noise (S/N) : 60 dB 8. I.F. rejection : 60dB 9. Total harmonic distortion : 1% @ 1kHz PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 55 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Double deck cassette recorder/ player Contractor shall supply, install, test and commission audio recording facilities each unit includes double –cassette, auto-reverse cassette player/recorder as the following specifications: -Contains two separate auto-reverse cassette players/automatically changes from one cassette player to other , with built-in monitor loudspeaker with volume control. - Suitable for table –top or 19” rack mounting with level-limiting circuit, complies with international regulations. - Mains Supply: 240V,50Hz. -Outputs: Headphone output: Signal:3V. impedance:68 ohm. Audio output: Signal :1V±1dB Impedance:<200 ohm Cassette Unit: Tape speed:4.75 cm/s WOW and flutter:0.35% Frequency response:100Hz to 10 kHz (±4dB) Signal to Noise ratio at 40 KHz: 40dB. Cassette Head Cleaner A non-abrasive cassette unit head cleaning cassette shall be obtained. Instructions for cleaning of cassette units shall be included within the system manual. Compact Disc Player A rack mounted compact disc (CD) player shall be provided. The CD player shall provide the following minimum facilities: (a) one-control load and play (b) Continuous repeat of a pre-programmed track selection (c) Latching pause control (d) Visible display of track number and of total playing time on the inserted disc. The CD player shall include a cartridge for pre-loading of 5 or 6 compact discs, with random track selection facilities. The CD player shall provide the following minimum performance: (a) Frequency response 40Hz - 20kHz ±0.5dB (b) Signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio >100dB(A) PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 56 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 (c) Channel separation >85dB (d) Harmonic distortion <0.01% @ 1kHz. Test Input An industry standard socket with gain control (female XLR-3 or standard ¼" jack) shall be obtained for the insertion of external test sources. A latching switch shall be provided on the rack for continuous broadcast of the test message. 20.4. Equipment The system shall include all the equipment either shown on drawings or listed below : - Power amplifier. - CD PLAYER. - AM/FM Tuner - Double deck cassette player. - Desk top goose neck microphone. - Wall mounted loud speakers. - Equipment rack. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 57 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Equipment Rack A standard '19 inch' rack or racks, as detailed in BS 5954, shall be provided to house the equipment. The word 'rack' as used throughout this Specification refers to a single rack or a system of multiple racks, as necessary. The rack shall be of steel construction. The height of the rack shall not exceed 2000mm. A fully demountable rear access panel shall be fitted. Fully demountable side access panels shall be fitted. The rack shall be fitted with lockable castors. Sufficient natural ventilation shall be provided within the rack to permit continuous operation of the equipment, in a room ambient temperature between 10°C and 40°C assuming mechanical ventilation. Equipment shall be installed within the rack in a logical (signal path) sequence. Notwithstanding this requirement, equipment requiring routine operation (e.g. switch & monitor panels) shall be located at a convenient working height. Equipment requiring internal access during commissioning and/or routine testing shall preferably be installed on rack runners. The equipment shall remain fully operational when extended on the runners. Items requiring routine operation shall, where practicable, be installed within the same cabinet. Unused rack space shall be fitted with blank panels. An internal mains power (240V) distribution system shall be provided. Each termination shall be labeled with the equipment item served. All mains terminals shall be shielded from inadvertent touch. A mains power on/off switch indicator light shall be provided on a mains panel at the bottom of the rack. The mains panel shall include a standard 13A or IEC socket for test equipment, etc. This socket shall be independent of the rack power switch and shall be annotated accordingly, i.e. 'UNSWITCHED'. The rack shall be fitted with a transparent or translucent (smoked) lockable door. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 58 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Contact details for the equipment supplier (name, address, telephone and fax numbers) shall be provided on a permanent nameplate affixed in a prominent position on the rack. An integral drawer shall be provided for storage of spares, manuals, etc. An integral pull-out shelf shall be provided as a working surface for test equipment. Power Amplifiers The power amplifier shall be of modular construction and shall exhibit the following minimum features and specifications: A. The amplifier shall be equipped with an adjustable delay switch function to allow for a smooth start of signal feed to the loudspeakers to avoid crackle noise on switching on. B. The final stage shall be short-circuit protected and a thermal switch shall be provided to switch off the amplifier in case of excessive heat that may result from a continued overload. A red front panel LED shall be provided to indicate such an overload. C. The amplifier shall have the facility for the connection of an emergency power supply. D. The amplifier shall be capable of internally monitoring the amplifier output to assure a silent switch off of the loudspeaker system. E. The amplifier shall have the facility to switch the AF signal from a remote location. F. The speaker outputs available from the amplifier shall be suitable for 100V, 70V, 50V and 35 Volt lines. Full power shall be available from the amplifier at all these voltages. G. The amplifier shall exhibit the following technical specifications as a minimum: - Frequency Response 100V/ 50V 2dB : 70 Hz - 15 KHz - S/N Ratio : 60 dB - Distortion Factor 1 KHz 80% load : < 0.2% - Input Sensitivity : 600 mV/ 10K H. The amplifiers shall be sized to provide the specified loud speaker output and area sound levels, with adequate headroom, allowing for appropriate diversity of loudspeaker tapping and loudspeaker line losses. K. No more than 3 amplifier or module output rating shall provided, (e.g. 50W, 100W and 200W), to facilitate interchangeability. No amplifier or module shall have an output <50 W rms or > 250W rms. Amplifier shall be sized for maximum 90% of rated load, to allow for future additional loudspeakers. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 59 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 L. The amplifiers shall be fully protected against short and open circuits and shall include protection against damage to loudspeaker. Fuses (preferably front panel mounted) shall be clearly labeled with rating and type. M. Power „ON\OFF‟ switch and indicators shall be fitted on the front panels. N. Gain controls shall be lockable internal type, preferably with stepped attenuation in 2dB steps. O. Each amplifier shall be clearly labeled with the loudspeaker zone(s) served (for parallel bank amplification, the labeling shall indicate the amplifier number). 20.5. Loudspeakers A. Types: 1. Column Loudspeakers The column loudspeakers shall be of rugged construction decorative type. Simple installation shall be accomplished with supplied mounting brackets. The column loudspeaker shall be for professional application with high reproduction quality for music and speech. The column loudspeaker shall meet the following minimum performance: 1. Handling power : As shown on the drawings 2. Frequency range : 200 ...... 20 KHz 4. With Matching transformer @ 100V B. Interconnections All loudspeakers shall be 100V line working. All loudspeakers shall be supplied with high quality audio transformers. The Transformers shall have a minimum of 3 secondary tapings, with a ratio of at least 4:1 between the highest and the lowest tapings (6dB power factor). Tapings shall be clearly labeled with the wattages. 20.6 Panels Panels shall be permanently and clearly annotated by engraving or epoxy silk- screening. Self-illuminating switches may be permanently annotated by printing inside the lens. Printed designation strips, with clear plastic legend protection strips, may be used as an alternative on the central rack equipment only. All lettering shall be in capitals. Legends shall not be obscured by adjacent indicators or controls, when seen from the normal viewing angle. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 60 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 20.7 Technical Information 20.7.1 General Requirements The following minimum technical information shall be obtained: (a) A list of all proposed equipment items, with technical data sheets or other documentary evidence to show that each item will meet the requirements of the Specification; (b) Details of any minor deviations from the Specification (c) A schematic drawing (d) Details of proposed signal routing arrangements The following minimum technical information shall be obtained prior to the manufacture or delivery of any equipment: (a) Drawings of the racks plus drawings of panels as appropriate, e.g. input panels, alarm panels; (b) Drawings of loudspeaker supports (c) Specifications for all cables to be installed together with full wiring drawings showing the duty, type, route, protection, separation & termination requirements for each cable, including full details of back box requirements. Power supply requirements shall also be shown; (d) A power amplifier schedule (e) Loudspeaker line loss calculations (to show compliance with 0.5dB line loss limit) (f) A Schedule of loudspeaker tapings (g) Samples of any equipment items as required. 20.7.2 System Manual Three copies of a system operation & maintenance manual shall be obtained before the system is tested to demonstrate compliance with the Contract Documents. The manual shall describe system operation (eg zoning, system priority & the use of input panels), routine care, maintenance & testing & simple fault-finding procedures. Settings records for all controls, including pre-amplifier, & amplifier settings, shall be included. Also included shall be a schedule of loudspeaker tapings & a copy of the drawings showing the final sound level measurements. The manual shall also contain a full set of drawings, manufacturers' handbooks for all proprietary items, & a list of the spares. The front page of the manual shall include contact details (name, address, telephone & fax numbers) for the system supplier. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 61 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 A draft copy of the manual shall be obtained before the testing is scheduled to commence. A system layout drawing, framed or otherwise permanently mounted, shall be obtained for installation adjacent to the rack. The drawing shall show the coverage zones, main distribution routes and the locations of all input panels, and loudspeakers. 20.7.3 SPARES An appropriate set of spares shall be provided, including consumable and modular items, which can be swiftly replaced by on-site maintenance staff, and to protect the user from the effects of components going out of production. A list of proposed spares shall be obtained. 20.7.4 Works Inspection Arrange for works inspection of the central equipment rack and remote panels. 20.7.5 Performance Tests Full tests shall be carried out to demonstrate that the works meet the requirements of the contract documents. Upon successful completion of these tests, a full system demonstration test shall be carried out for acceptance purposes. 20.7.6 Maintenance Contract Obtain details of an (optional) Maintenance Contract to extend the maintenance beyond the Defects Liability Period, on an annual basis. 20.8 Wiring Requirements 20.8.1 System Wiring a) CABLES All cables shall have a unique reference number, and shall be clearly and permanently labeled at each end. All cores shall be colour coded or numbered. Loudspeaker cables shall be sized to ensure not more than 0.5dB power loss, assuming an additional future power load of at least +10% on each circuit. B) Connections And Terminations In-line connections shall be limited to the absolute minimum practicable. Any connections shall be within suitable steel junction boxes, permanently annotated 'MUSIC SYSTEM'. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 62 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Connections to equipment racks shall be via marshalling boxes, also annotated 'MUSIC SYSTEM'. The boxes shall be fitted with fixed terminal strips, which shall be permanently annotated with unique circuit reference numbers. Final connections between the marshalling boxes and the racks shall be via suitable flexible cables of sufficient length to gain working access to the rear of the racks. Internal rack connections shall be either hard-wired or via professional type audio connectors, preferably of the latching type. 20.8.2 Electromagnetic Interference All equipment supplied shall be immune from and shall not radiate signals exceeding the limits of BS 800 and BS 6667. Protection shall be provided by means of surge suppressors to any equipment including cables, which may be vulnerable to voltage transients. This shall include the incoming mains connections to the power supply unit. The equipment manufacturers instructions shall be observed in applying the protection. Music system cables shall be segregated from all other cables by at least 300mm in any direction as far as practical. Cables shall only cross at right angles. 21.2.21 TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEM EPABX , telephone equipment and wiring are not included in this contract and will be installed by others. The contractor shall supply and install all manholes, manholes covers, conduits, trunking, Cable trays, MDF, MTF, telephone junction boxes, accessories and outlet. The contract includes for excavation, trenching laying of conduits bends, accessories, backfilling and finishing of all exterior line all in accordance with Q-tel Consultants instructions. The contractor shall supply and install telephone distribution frame boxes as indicated on the drawings. Consult Q-tel planning section for exact dimensions recommended prior to supplying the MDFs & IDFs. Telephone outlets shall be of a line jack type used by the Q-tel and to the approval of the Consultant. Outlet boxes shall be provided where shown on drawings. Telephone outlets for the under floor trunking shall be suitable for the under floor trunking system. Pull boxes shall be provided according to Q-tel regulations and wherever needed to facilitate the pulling-in of wires. Others shall provide all conduits with pull wires to facilitate pulling-in of cables. All internal telephone conduits shall be 25 mm. unless otherwise specified. All distribution boxes shall be connected to each other by minimum 50 mm. PVC conduits, or as shown on drawings. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 63 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 All telephone outlets shall be connected to their nearest distribution frame boxes, a maximum of 3 shall be allowed on one radial circuit unless indicated otherwise. PVC conduit, trunking, boxes and accessories shall comply with the relevant clauses of these specifications. Manhole covers for telephone manholes shall be heavy-duty type of a manufacturer and shape approved by Q-tel. 21.2.22 CCTV SYSTEM Scope of Work Generally the works shall include the supply, installation, testing, commissioning, hand over, training and maintenance CCTV System complete with cameras, matrix for camera, key pad, monitors one for each 8 cameras, power supply unit, enough number of digital video recorders and all needed peripherals, accessories and wiring. General A. All equipment and materials used shall be of last up to date technology and best quality USA, West Europe or Japan made manufactured by a well known international company. B. All systems and components shall have been thoroughly tested and proven in actual use. Indoor/Outdoor CCTV Camera Dome Drive System A. The indoor/outdoor CCTV camera dome drive system shall consist of a discreet, miniature camera dome; variable speed/high speed pan and tilt drive unit with continuous 360 deg. rotation; high resolution, 1/4-inch, color CCD camera; optical and digital zoom, auto focusing, motorized zoom lens; integral receiver; and quick-install mounting. B. The lower dome shall meet or exceed the following design and performance specifications: 1. Diameter: Maximum of 5.9 inches 2. Depth below Back Box: Maximum of 2.75 inches 3. 3. Material: Acrylic, optically clear, with no distortion in any portion of the dome up to +2 above the horizontal 4. Dome Color: Clear, smoked, chrome, and gold versions PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 64 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 5. Trim Ring Connection: Two screws (environmental); snap in place (indoor) 6. Safety Cable Plastic tether 7. Weight Maximum of 1 lb. 5 oz. Variable Speed/High Speed Pan And Tilt Drive Unit A. The variable speed/high speed pan and tilt drive unit shall meet or exceed the following design and performance specifications: 1. Pan Speed Variable between 250 per second continuous pan to 0.1° per second 2. Vertical Tilt Unobstructed tilt of +2 to -92 3. Manual Control Speed 0.1 to 80 per second, and pan at 150 per second in turbo mode. Tilt operation shall range from 0.1 to 40 per second 4. Automatic Preset Speed Pan speed of 250 and a tilt speed of 200 per second 5. Presets Forty preset positions with a 20-character label available for each position; preset programming through control keyboard or through dome system on-screen menu 6. Preset Accuracy +/- 0.25 7. Proportional Pan/Tilt Speed Speed decreases in proportion to the increasing depth of zoom 8. Automatic Power-Up User-selectable to the mode of operation the dome will assume when power is cycled 9. Zones Eight zones with up to 20-character labeling for each, with ability to blank the video in the zone 10. Motor Drive Cogged belt with .9° stepper motor 11. Motor Operating Mode Microstep to .015° steps 12. Motor Continuous duty, variable speed, operating at 18 to 30 VAC, 24 VAC nominal 13. Limit Stops Programmable for manual panning, auto/random scanning, and frame scanning 14. Inner Liner Rotating black ABS liner inside sealed lower dome PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 65 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 15. Pattern One user-defined programmable pattern including pan, tilt, zoom, and preset functions;pattern programming through control keyboard or through dome system on-screen menu 16. Pattern Length One pattern of user-defined length, based on dome memory 17. Auto-Sensing Automatically sense and respond to protocol utilized for controlling unit whether Coaxitron or RS-422 P and D protocols; accept competitors‟ control protocols with the use of optional translator cards 18. Menu System Built-in for setup of programmable functions; multilingual, including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and German 19. Auto Flip Rotates dome 180° at bottom of tilt travel 20. Password Protection Programmable settings with optional password protection 21. Diagnostics On-screen diagnostic system information 22. Display Setup User-definable locations of all labels and displays; user-selectable time duration of each display 23. Azimuth/Elevation/Zoom On-screen display of pan and tilt locations and zoom ratio 24. Compass Display On-screen display of compass heading;user-definable compass setup 25. Video Output Level User-selectable: normal, or high to compensate for long video wire runs 26: Compatibility All dome drives are compatible with all back box configurations 27. Power Consumption Maximum 70 VA 28. Weight Not to exceed 2.4 lb (1.09 kg) B. The high resolution, color CCD camera shall meet or succeed the following design and performance specifications: PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 66 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Color Optic System 1. Image Sensor 1/4-inch 2. Scanning System 2:1 interlaced output 3. Effective Pixels NTSC -- 768 x 494 4. Horizontal Resolution NTSC -- >470 TVL 5. Lens F1.4 (f=4-64 mm optical, 16X optical zoom, 8X electronic zoom) 6. Zoom Speed 4.2 seconds 7. Horizontal Angle of View 43° at 4 mm wide zoom – 3° at 64 mm telephoto zoom 8. Focus Automatic with manual override 9. Sensitivity at 35 IRE NTSC, color: 0.05 lux at 1/2-second shutter speed 10. Synchronization System Internal/ AC line lock phase adjustable via remote control, V-sync 11. White Balance Automatic with manual override 12. Shutter Speed NTSC – 1/2-1/30,000 13. Iris Control Automatic with manual override 14. Gain Control Automatic/Off 15. Video Output 0.714V ± 0.07V (100 IRE ± 10 IRE) 16. Video Signal-to-Noise >46 dB C. Certifications UL and cUL, FCC Class B, and CE Class B Matrix Microprocessor-Based, Video matrix system The System shall be a full featured video matrix switching control system allowing users to view and shall control not less than 16 Cameras and 3 monitors The video control Matrix system is compact self contained matrix unit incorporating video input/output control facilities, camera control functions, multilingual text in picture, video presence detection and alarm handling. The unit features text-in picture facilities for set up menus, video input/output identification, alarm and control text plus time and date view option. Control of cameras functions such as pan and tilt, lens control and other auxiliary functions can be operated from the key board . Alarm handling allows control and use of upto 48 alarm inputs and 6 alarm outputs. The unit is designed in the standard 19” frame for rack mounting . A video presence detector provides indication of a loss of input video signal. Matrix shall be able to be connected with digital video recorder to record cameras outputs. The unit shall be so equipped to allow to the user to set his own configuration and programming with the help of on-screen set-up menus or by use of PC with camera group switching, sequence switching and salvo switching facilities. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 67 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 DIGITAL VIDEO RECORDER A. The digital video recorder shall provide a high quality recorder capable of storage and play back of images from 1 to 16 camera inputs at a simultaneous refreshing recording rate of up to 60 frames per second (NTSC) and shall posses external watchdog system lock-up, duplex operation, Windows ® 98 software, watermarking of each frame, external alarm events, internal video motion detection, and scheduled event recording. B. The digital recorder shall meet or exceed the following design and performance specifications: 1. The digital recorder shall be able to record images continuously, upon motion detection, or according to a time schedule. The recorder shall store video images onto a hard drive varying in size from 30 GB to 480 GB, depending on model.  The processing unit shall operate with a Pentium  IV, 3.6 GHz processor and 512 MB of RAM.  512 MB - RAM 2. The processing unit shall operate with Windows XP software. 3. The digital recorder shall provide NTSC/PAL signal format with a resolution in CIF format of 352 x 240 pixels for NTSC format and 384 x 288 pixels for PAL format. The video shall have a compressed image size of 320 x 240 pixels using an average of 6 KB of memory per image. 4. The digital recorder shall provide 8 or 16 video camera inputs, depending on model, at a refreshing recording rate of up to 160 images per second (simplex mode), NTSC or PAL format. 5. The digital recorder shall function as a recorder and a full-duplex multiplexer, providing video inputs for 8 or 16 cameras, depending on model, and controlling pan/tilt/zoom functions via RS-422 communications. 6. The digital recorder multiplexer portion of the system shall allow for various viewing/recording configurations of full-screen, 4, 8, 12, or 16 cameras. 7. The digital recorder shall provide simultaneous playback viewing while recording live images in full-duplex operation. 8. The digital recorder shall provide up to 24 individual schedules for programming by motion event, alarming input, or continuous recording. 9. The digital recorder shall provide for a hardware watchdog system, which shall be a separate hardware device that monitors the clock on the motherboard of the CPU for lockup of the system. Upon lockup of the system, the recorder shall automatically reboot. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 68 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 10. The digital recorder shall provide four password-protected user levels for setup functions, operation, and system exiting. 11. The digital recorder shall provide built-in motion detection for each camera. Upon detection of motion, the recorder will start recording or increase the recording rate of the system. The operator shall be able to select the camera‟s detection area and the sensitivity of each camera. 12. The digital recorder shall provide eight cameras with a hard-wired alarm point. When activated this input will start the unit recording, or if already recording, increase the recording rate. A pre-alarm recording function shall be available to record images before the alarm sensor has been activated. An alarm history log shall be provided. 13. The digital recorder shall provide eight dry contact alarm outputs to activate external devices. 14. The digital recorder shall provide scheduled time recording groups during a 24-hour period. While in this mode, if a camera detects motion or an alarm is activated, the system shall activate and begin recording the event. 15. The digital recorder shall provide 8 or 16 BNC inputs for video, two 9-pin D-type connectors for COM 1 and COM 2 ports, two 6-pin mini-DIN connectors for a PS/2 mouse and keyboard, a 15-pin D-type port for a PC monitor connection, a 25-pin D-type port for a printer connection, a BNC jack for analog monitor output, and an RJ-45 connector for a network connection. The system shall provide 8 push-in connectors for alarm inputs and 8 push-in connectors for control outputs. 16. The digital recorder shall provide full remote control operation via TCP/IP protocol and RS-422 interfacing to receivers for full control of pan/tilt/zoom functions. 17. The digital recorder shall provide a LAN/WAN connection. Required software or hardware shall be provided for viewing/controlling over the network. 18. The processing unit shall have ISO 9001, FCC, CE, UL, and cUL certifications. 19. The digital recorder shall utilize M-JPEG compression technology. 20. The digital recorder shall provide high quality video recording of at least VHS grade compared to the original video and shall support NTSC- or PAL-formatted video. 21. The digital recorder shall provide a minimum of 16 million color palettes and 256 shades of gray. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 69 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 22. The digital recorder shall provide watchdog capability, automatically starting after an electric failure or operational error without having to change any settings. 23. The digital recorder shall provide a back-up management system to create backups and copies to external devices, (for example, CD or other storage devices), without interrupting hard disk recording. 24. The digital recorder shall provide an internal 3.5-inch floppy drive for exporting short-term events. 25. The digital recorder shall provide up to four 120 GB hard disk drives in the system for extending the recording time. 26. The digital recorder shall provide on-screen programming and operation through a PC keyboard or PS/2 mouse. 27. The digital recorder shall provide the necessary software for image verification of each image recorded. 28. The digital recorder shall provide the capability of being rack mounted in an EIA 19-inch rack or placed on a shelf or desktop. 29. The digital recorder shall measure 7 (H) x 17 (W) x 18 (D) inches. 30. The digital recorder shall have an operating temperature rate of 41°F to 104°F (5° to 40°C). 31. The digital recorder shall operate at a relative humidity rate of maximum 80% non-condensing. Monitors (3) 15” Flat Screen inch colour monitors; 2 no. shall be located in the Control Room+ one at reception counter/G.FL . The remaining monitors shall be used to sequence through the cameras throughout the site. Monitors shall comply with the following technical requirements. 300 lines or better resolution at centre Less than 7% deflection distortion Less than 3% raster distortation Hum Noise less than 45 dB PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 70 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.2.23 STANDBY DIESEL GENERATOR 1.0 GENERATOR SETS 1.01. General Description Generating sets, rated as shown on the drawing for .8 PF, powered by turbocharged Diesel engine running at 1500 RPM and directly coupled to a single bearing alternator, enclosure IP21, Brushless, Synchronous, self-exited , self regulated, insulation and temperature class H, 240/415V , 3 phase ,4 wires , regulated at +/- 1%, 50 Hz. Generator set rating shall be applicable for Continuous Power supply at variable load in lie of commercially purchased power, 10 % overload capacity shall be available for a period of operation The Genset shall be equipped, with set mounted AMF control panel and complete with: - Heavy duty fabricated steel skid type base frame with anti-vibration mountings. - Set mounted radiator with engine driven blower type fan and protecting guards. - 12V Electric starting system with starter motor, heavy duty lead acid batteries mounted into a rack and battery charger alternator. - Residential exhaust silencer , 29 dB attenuation equipped with flanged and supplied loose. - Air, fuel and lubricating oil filters. - Mechanical governor. - Automatic engine shutdown protection for: - Low lub oil pressure - High water temperature - Overspeed - Earth fault - Built in fuel service tank (suitable for 8 Hours operation at full Load) + storage tank for 48 hours. - Jacket water heater - Instruction manuals and electrical wiring diagrams. Engine a. The engine design is to be four stroke cycle, direct injection, turbo charged industrial type. b. The engine shall operate on fuel to BS 2869 : 1983 Class A. c. The overload capacity of the engine is to be 10 % of the full load for one hour in any 12 hours period. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 71 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 d. The engine shall have a flywheel complete with coupling fitted to ensure smooth running of the engine under various load conditions. A flywheel sheet metal guard is to be furnished for full protection of the personnel. e. The engine is to be equipped with a sensitive mechanical speed governor with a hydraulic servo gear for operating the fuel pump control. Cooling System: a. Cooling of engines to be achieved using engine driven radiators. b. Radiators are to be capable of dissipating the required amount of heat from the engine jacket cooling water and the engine lubricating oil, with an ambient temperature of 50 deg. C. c. Radiators are to be rated 130 % of actual load. d. Heat transfer matrix is to be composed of standard, interchangeable, individually removable elements, built-up using brass tubes with copper fins solder bonded together for maximum thermal efficiency and mechanical strength Exhaust System a. Engine exhaust gases are to be ducted from the engine mounted turbocharger outlet flanges to a higher performance type exhaust silencer. b. Exhaust silencer are to be residential type, vertical cylinder with side entry and top outlet. c. Exhaust silencers are to be adequately supported on the unit. d. Exhaust silencer are to be provided with flanged inspection and cleaning points, positioned to allow all parts of their interiors to be inspected and cleaned with appropriate equipment. Alternator a. Alternator are to be specifically suited for direct coupling to the diesel driving engines previously specified. They are to be suitable for mounting on a combined engine / alternator base plate. b. The alternator is to be brushless, self ventilated, three-phase, salient pole synchronous type. The revolving field shall be incorporated on a common shaft, with the excitation system and the rotating diode assembly. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 72 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 c. Alternator rating to be defined on a continuos base in accordance with BS5000 Part 3 and capable of sustaining a 10 % overload for one hour in any 12 hours period. d. Alternator Characteristics are to be as follows: - speed : 1500 r.p.m. - output : net as per schedule kw at 0.3 lagging , after deducting power required by engine auxiliaries. - Voltage and frequency : 415 volts, 3-phase, 50 Hz, with earth neutral through neutral earthing link. - Overload : capable of taking for one hour in every 12 hours , an overload of 10 % at the rated voltage and p.f. of 0.8 without the temperature rise of any part exceeding the limits specified for full load continuos running. - Insulation : Suitable for class “H” to BS 2757 temperature rises at a maximum air inlet temperature of 50 deg.C. e. Low voltage power supply to the automatic voltage regulator and the excitation system is to be made via an auxiliary power wiring connection are to be made at terminal blocks at one location in the unit. f. Alternator is to be fitted with surge suppression equipment to protect the rotating diodes against effect of external faults and faulty synchronizing. g. The alternator should be of single bearing type with solid forged half coupling for bolting to the engine flywheel. h. The alternator bearing is to be of the oil lubricated sleeve type, ring of the disc lubricated and insulated to eliminate the risk of shaft / bearing currents. Alternator Excitation System: a. The excitation system is to be brushless type, the exciter is to be consist of a three phase A.C. generator with revolving armature and a stationary field. Solid state hermetically sealed rectifiers are to be mounted directly on the generator armature. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 73 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 b. The exciter rectifier output shall be directly connected to the revolving generator field windings without brushless, slipring or commutators. Set mounted control panel: Set mounted AMF panel, mounted into a rack to enable easy access for maintenance and enclosed inside a heavy qauge cubicle, complete with: *In Front: - 1 ammeter, DIN 72 - 1 ammeter selector switch, 4 position - 1 voltmeter, DIN 72 - 1 voltmeter phase selector switch 7 position - 1 combined Frequency / Tachometer - 1 hour run meter - 1 test lamps push button - 1 panel front lighting, dia. 28mm - 1 fuel contents gauge - 1 battery condition voltmeter *Controls: -1 emergency stop push button -1 selector switch ( auto/manual/test/stop) with reset facility. -1 selector switch (start/stop) - 2 Nos. Volt free (i.e., 1NO + 1 NC) contacts for status indication *LED‟s Indicators: - battery loading - low fuel oil level - failure to start *Inside : - Contacts for to receive remote order to start - Adjustable timers for automatic sequence: - Starting on mains failure: 0.5 sec. - Stabilization of generator : 0.5-3.0sec. - Connection to the load: 0.5-3.0sec - Mains return: 60-420sec. - Cooling down: 90-900sec. - Engine shutdown on overload or overheat: 30-360sec. - Mains monitoring , 3 phase type. - Static battery charger- (12 or 24) - Jacket water heater outgoing feeder. - Contacts to trip the ATS. - Timers for automatic sequence - Pre-set attempt to start : 3 or 6 - facility on terminal to received remote order to start PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 74 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 - set mounted manual Circuit Breaker, 4 pole , fix pattern, adequately rated, for alternator protection against overload and short circuit. 21.2.24 UNINTERRUPTABLE POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM The contractor shall include for the supply, erection testing, commissioning and setting to work of purposely designed UPS, 415 VOLT, three phase and neutral 50 Hz uninterruptible power supply equipments. The uninterruptable power supply shall be supplied and installed by a specialist contractor. 1.01 DESCRIPTION The Uninterruptable Power Supply (U.P.S) shall be of the static no-break type which when used in conjunction with batteries shall provide a reliable low- maintenance continuous well regulated an uninterrupted AC power supply to the critical load regardless of transients on or disruption to the primary and under all rated load conditions. The U.P.S. shall consist of rectifier/charger inverter, static by-pass switch, maintenance switch, synchronising equipment, protective devices and accessories as required to provide cleans, regulated power to the critical load. The U.P.S shall include all mechanical and electrical devices that shall automatically effect continuity of electrical power within specified tolerances without interruption upon failure or deterioration of the primary power. 1.02 OPERATION Power from the AC supply shall be supplied to the rectifier/charger unit of the U.P.S in service. The rectifier/charger shall be solid state and shall convert incoming AC power to DC power which shall directly supply the solid state inverter unit. The inverter shall convert the DC power into AC power as required to supply the critical load. Failure of the primary AC supply shall automatically result in no-break response whereby input power for the inverter shall be supplied from the batteries with no interruption to or disturbance of inverter outputs in excess of the limits of the specifications. Primary power failure shall instantaneously energise the U.P.S alarm circuit and associated fault indicators. Restoration of the AC supply shall automatically and without interruption or disturbance beyond specified limits reinstate the rectifier/charger output as the source of input power for the inverter unit and for recharging batteries. U.P.S malfunction shall automatically initiate uninterrupted transfer of the load to the by-pass line. 1.03 RECTIFIER/CHARGER PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 75 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 A silicon control rectifier bridge as connected to the input transformer shall rectify the AC input which shall be passed through an inductance and capacitance filter as connected to the DC bus. Control logic shall be provided to effect the necessary control of the firing angles of the rectifier thyristors in order to achieve the required output voltage and current. 1.04 INPUT The primary power for the rectifier/charger shall be provided from the input of the U.P.S. Start-up and shut-down controls shall be provided within the unit. The rectifier/charger shall be designed to accept input voltage over a range of + 6% from normal voltage and with frequencies between + 5% from normal frequency. The input power factor due to the U.P.S shall be approximately 0.8 lagging when the system is operating at full load and nominal input voltage. 1.05 CURRENT LIMITING The rectifier/charger shall provide for input current limiting whereby the critical load and an additional pre-set maximum power level required to recharge the battery shall be taken into account. Thus the input KVA drawn by the system shall be the sum of two components i.e. that due to the critical load and that due to battery charging. 1.06 INPUT POWER WALK-IN The U.P.S modules shall not initially draw from the power restored after an outage except as transformer in-rush current. Input power requirements after a period of approximately 15 seconds, known as walk-in time, shall rise to a level dictated by the power required to drive the critical load and by the additional pre- set power required to recharge the batteries as previously described. 1.07 BATTERY CHARGING The rectifier/charger shall, in addition to supplying power for the load, charge the battery at a sufficient rate to restore the battery from discharge to 95% charge within ten time the discharge period. Charging current shall be voltage regulated and current limited. The rectifier/charger shall, after the battery is recharged, maintain the battery at full charge until the next emergency operation. Automatic battery - equalising charges shall be provided as required. 1.08 INVERTER The inverter shall be a static device of slid state type and shall be capable of accepting the output of the rectifier/charger or battery and of providing an alternating current output. Each phase of the complete inverter shall consist of two inverter switching units, which shall each produce a square wave. Output voltage regulation shall be accomplished by varying the phase angle between the units shall be controlled by a feed-back system. The outputs of the inverter switching units shall be summed by means of a transformer network and shall be phased through a filter to the output terminals. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 76 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 1.09 CURRENT LIMIT The U.P.S shall be capable of supplying 125% of the rated current for 10 minutes, 150% for 10 sec, 200% for 1 sec. and shall be able to withstand a short circuit across the output terminals of 50 KA. 1.10 HARMONIC DISTORTION The total harmonic distortion generated by the U.P.S. when feeding a linear load shall be limited to 2% by the output filter of the inverter unit. There shall be no single harmonic greater than 2%. The U.P.S. shall have a low output impedance to high harmonies in order to minimise harmonic voltage caused by the load. 1.11 BUILT-IN SELF PROTECTION The U.P.S modules shall have built-in self protection against : (i) Over and under voltage power line surges. (ii) Load switching and circuit breaker operations in the distribution system. (iii) Sudden changes in output load exceeding the rating limit. (iv) short circuits at output terminals. The U.P.S shall have built-in protection against permanent damage to the module and to the connected load for all predictable types of failure within the U.P.S and fast acting current limiting devices shall be used to protect against failure of solid state devices. Internal failure in a power converter module shall cause the module to trip off-line and automatically switch to bypass. All failure shall be denoted by visual and audible indications. 1.12 EQUIPMENT EARTHING The U.P.S output AC neutral and by-pass neutral shall be connected and electrically isolated. The U.P.S chassis shall be provided with an equipment earth terminal. 1.13 EFFICIENCY The efficiency of a U.P.S module being defined as the output KW divided by the input KW shall be at least 95% under the following conditions: (i) The module operating at rated load (ii) The battery fully charged and floating on the system (iii) The input voltage within the specifications (iv) The load power factor between unity and 0.8 lagging PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 77 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 1.14 BATTERY ISOLATION The U.P.S shall have a contactor enabling on-load connecting and disconnection of the battery when necessary. A fused switch shall be provided close to the battery terminals for isolation and protection of battery cables. 1.15 STATIC BY- PASS The U.P.S shall be equipped with a static by-pass witch. The switch shall operate in parallel with the by-pass circuit breaker and shall allow an uninterrupted transfer to the by-pass supply in the event of U.P.S module malfunction. The operation of the by-pass shall be inhibited in the event of the by-pass supply being outside the frequency tolerance of the U.P.S module. The single to initiate a transfer shall be simultaneously fed to the static by-pass switch and the mechanical by-pass circuit breaker. The static by-pass switch assembly shall instantaneously connect the load to the by-pass supply. The mechanical by-pass switch in the by-pass line being in parallel with static by- pass switch shall then take over from the static unit while the mechanical circuit breaker in the output of the U.P.S module at the same time opens. The transfer to by-pass may also be initiated manually to allow a premeditated transfer by-pass for maintenance and service purposes and in this case arrangement of overlap switching shall allow the breakers to transfer the load without any interruption in the supply to the critical load. 1.16 CONTROL AND INDICATING PANELS The U.P.S shall be fitted with an integral control and indicating panel. All instrumentation, alarms and indicators required to show the operation of the U.P.S shall be positioned on this panel. The mimic diagram and alarm indication will remain live after tripping of the U.P.S module in order to facilitate the tracing of a malfunction. A single line diagram of the system shall be silk-screened on the control panel. The control, instrumentation and indicators shall be physically located in the proper positions on the single line diagram. A mimic diagram showing a typical module control panel shall be submitted for approval. The control panel shall have provisions for remote annunciation of the status, alarm functions provided through potential free contacts of NO/NC pairs each. 1.17 MEASUREMENT The following measuring instrument shall be provided : 1 DC voltmeter measuring rectifier output voltage 1 DC ammeter, with zero at mid-scale, measuring battery current. 1 DC ammeter measuring rectifier output current 1 AC Voltmeter measuring inverter output voltage PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 78 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 1 AC ammeter measuring inverter output current 1 frequency meter measuring inverter output frequency. 1.18 INDICATING LAMP Neon lamps on the mimic diagram shall indicate the live circuits in the U.P.S and the state of breakers and contactors. 1.19 ALARM INDICATIONS Alarm lamps shall indicate the presence and facilitate the location of a fault in the U.P.S (i) All alarm functions shall be electrically latched in order to indicate transient as well as continuous faults. (ii) All alarm functions shall cause a horn to sound and the simultaneous energizing of a common alarm relay. The displayed alarm indicated shall be as follows : Alarm Action BLOWER FAILURE Alarm only OVER TEMPERATURE Alarm only BATTERY OVER VOLTAGE Switch to by-pass, Trip Module FUSE FAILURE Switch to by-pass, Trip Module BATTERY ALARM Alarm only MODULE OVERLOAD Alarm only, but switch to by-pass with overload sustained OUTPUT VOLTAGE ERROR Switch to by-pass, Trip Module SUPPLY FAILURE Alarm only STATIC BY-PASS OPERATED Switch to by-pass, Trip Module 1 - ALARM TEST This shall illuminate all the alarm lamps 1 - ALARM ACCEPT This shall cancel the horn and the remote alarm but permit re-operation in the event of further fault occurrence. 1 - ALARM RESET This shall enable all alarm functions to be reset when the fault has been cleared. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 79 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 1.20 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The U.P.S shall be capable of withstanding any combination of the following external environment conditions without mechanical or electrical damage or degradation of operations. 1.21 CHARACTERISTICS i) Operating ambient temperature 0 degree centigrade 5 degree centigrade. ii) Non-operating and storage ambient temperature : 20 degree centigrade to + 70 degree centigrade. iii) Humidity : to 100% 1.22 PARTS AND COMPONENTS i) Parts and Materials All materials and parts comprising the U.P.S shall be new and of current manufacture, of a high grade and free from all known defects and imperfections and shall not have been prior service except as required during factory resting. ii) Components All active electronic devices shall be solid state. All semi-conductor devices shall be hermetically sealed. Vacuum tubes shall not be used for any purposes. All relay shall be dust tight. iii) Terminals Terminals shall be supplied for making all power connections. iv) Semi-Conductor Fusing All power semi-conductors shall be fused in a manner which prevents cascade or sequential semi-conductors failures. Indicator lamps denoting blown fuse condition shall be readily observable by the operator without removal of panels or opening of module doors. 1.23 EQUIPMENT CONSTRUCTION AND MOUNTING The U.P.S shall be of modular construction and installed in sheet metal enclosure designed for floor mounting. The U.P.S shall be constructed on a rigid base frame. The modular units shall be mounted where feasible in pullout and/or units swing-out trays. Cable connections to the trays shall be sufficient length to allow for easy access to all components. Modular units shall be firmly mounted inside the enclosure where installation in pull-out or swing-out trays cannot be effected. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 80 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 1.24 VENTILATION Adequate ventilation shall be provided in order to ensure that all components shall operate within environmental rating. A cooling system shall be integral to the U.P.S module as required to dissipate heat as efficiently as possible and with minimum heating of air and parts near heat resources. Air shall be drawn in at the bottom of the cabinet and exhausted at the top. Inlets in the doors shall be fitted with replaceable filters. Temperature sensors shall be mounted on the semi-conductor heat sinks and shall be provided to initiate an alarm of the maximum working temperature is exceeded. 1.25 RADIO SUPPRESSION Radio interference during the operation of the U.P.S shall not be allowed to exceed limits laid down in B.S. 800. INPUT POWER TECHNICAL DATA Voltage 415 V with a limit of +/- 6% Power factor 0.9 Phases Three Phase and Neutral Frequency 50 Hz + 5% Power Walk-in 0-100% in 15 secs. Window 415 (+ 15%) 380 V (-15%) Transient to 415 V (+ 25%) & 380 V (-20%) Harmonics < 25% THD OUTPUT POWER TECHNICAL DATA & SYSTEM RATING Nominal for 24 hrs. daily input healthy 10 KVA Nominal for 10 mins. from battery 10 KVA Overload (per phase) on inverter 125% for 10 mins. 150% for 10 secs. 200% for 1 sec. Power factor 0.8 to unity within the power rating Voltage : Nominal (415 V), 3 Phase Accuracy Balance load : 3.5 % max. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 81 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 50% unbalanced : + 3.5% max. Adjustments : +/- 5% Transient performances : 30% full load step + 10% - 8% max. loss of AC input - 6% Return of AC input + 10% Uninterrupted transfer of critical load from U.P.S to by-pass or vice versa + 10% - 8% max. Response Time : Recovery to 95% in 50 milliseconds nominal voltage in 100 milliseconds Phases Number Three + Neutral Displacement Balance load 120 degree +/- 1 degree 100% Unbalanced 120 degree +/- 2.5 degree Frequency : Nominal : 50 Hz Accuracy : +/- 0.5% Harmonics : Linear load 2% max Non linear load @ crest factor 3 5% Battery Characteristics : Battery voltage range 307 - 436 V Battery Float voltage 436 - (2.27 V/cell) NOTE Batteries shall be sealed lead type with minimum 10 years Life. 21.2.25 LIGHTNING PROTECTION General The Lightning Protection shall be carried out in accordance with B.S. 6651:1999. Air Terminations The type and location of the air terminations shall be as indicated in the drawings, Where indicated, metal framed or metal clad roofs or all of an air PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 82 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 termination shall be bonded across joints between constituent parts. The bonding may be carried out by the specialist roofing contractor but where this is not the case the bonds shall be made as indicated; no drilling of roofing or coping shall be done without the approval of the consultant. Metalwork of structure, ductwork pipes, cowling, air-conditioning equipments, plant handrails and similar components of the building that are exposed at or above the roof level shall be bonded to the nearest air termination. Signal, SMATV aerial is mounted on the structure it shall be bonded to the nearest air termination. Down Conductors The type and location of the of the down conductors shall be as indicated in the drawings. Conductors connecting between a test clamp on the outside of a building and an earth electrode, and conductors interconnecting pipe electrodes, shall be sheathed; but conductors interconnecting copper electrodes may be left bare. Conductors in other locations shall be sheathed. Sheaths shall be of PVC extruded, shrunk on or similarly applied; the colour shall be approved by the consultant. Where the profile of the building consists of an overhang or re-entrant loop to be formed in a down conductor the consultant shall be informed. Metalwork, including pipe work, ductwork and armoured cables, adjacent to down conductors shall be bonded to them unless the distance between them provides adequate isolation. Where reinforcement bars of the concrete structure forms the down conductors, welding of the reinforcement shall be carried out by the building contractor. The electrical continuity of the welded reinforcing bars shall be tested prior and after each pour of concrete is completed. Connection from the down conductors formed by reinforcement steel or the building contractor shall make concrete clad steel frames. The shall comprise stainless steel tape of not less than 20 x 3 mm, welded on to the steelwork. To determine and coordinate the length of the tail to be left for subsequent connection. Joints Joints in conductors shall be kept to a minimum. All contact surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and coated with an anti-corrosive electrical jointing compound suitable for the conductor material. For bi-metallic joints a separate abrasive shall be used to clean the metal surfaces. Joints between conductors of same Metal, other than at test points, shall be made by thermal welding process or by riveting and sweating. Overlap of conductors shall not be less than 100mm. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 83 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Where an aluminium conductor is joined to a copper conductor, one of the following methods shall be used : a) Bi-metal connector formed by friction welding of high purity copper and aluminium. b) The copper conductor shall be completely sheathed for atleast 100 mm of its length with metal strip electrically compatible and Aluminium, and then clamped to the aluminium conductor. Bi-metal joints shall not be made at test points nor between the test point and earth electrode. A test clamp shall be provided for each down conductor, it shall be located 1.2 meter above the finished ground level unless otherwise indicated. Test clamps shall be of cast gunmetal. Bonding connections to other metal parts of the building shall be electrolytically compatible with those metal parts. Screws and rivets shall be phosphor bronze or naval brass or high tensile manganese brass for copper conductors. Joint connections shall be protected by a coating which will form a seal and exclude moisture in all weather conditions. At connections to earth electrodes the coating shall cover all exposed conductors and, in case of earth pipes, the top surface of the flanges. The Protective coatings shall be of waterproof, inert, tenacious materials and of one of the following forms :  Solvent cutback thixotrodic corrosion preventative forming a film of resilent matt petroleum wax.  A fast drying durable rubberised sprayed coating.  A heat shrink clear sheathing. Conductors Earthing conductors, main earthing bars and main bonding conductors shall be of the type, size and conductor materials as detailed in the drawings or approved by the consultant. Tapes shall comply with B.S. 1432 where used to interconnect copper electrodes. The tape may be bare, but for interconnecting pipe electrodes and for all other purposes the tape shall have an extruded PVC sheath. Main earthing bars shall comply with B.S. 1433 and shall be bare. Cables shall comply with B.S. 6004, Table 1, without sheath, unless specified otherwise. Earth Electrodes The type and number of earth electrodes shall be as indicated in the drawings. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 84 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Unless otherwise indicated, earth rods shall be 15mm normal diameter extensible copper clad high tensile steel rods connected together. Copper cladding shall be molecularly bonded to the steel and shall be not less than 0.25mm thick. Driving heads shall be of high tensile steel. Screwed joints shall connect rods by one of the following methods. Threads shall be roll-formed with a minimum thickness of 0.05 mm copper in the roots of the thread; couplers shall be of high strength silicon aluminium bronze alloy and threads shall be counter bored at the ends so that the couplers completely enclose the threads on the rods. The ends of the rods shall be internally threaded; couplers shall comprise a copper ferrule with the phosphor bronze coupler screw; a corrosion inhibiting paste shall be applied to the threads on rods and couplers. Pipe electrodes shall be flanged pipe complying with B.S. 2035 or B.S 4622, 150mm bore and 3000 mm long. Pipe to B.S 2035 shall be shot blasted to remove the scale and rust. Where the earth electrodes are formed with tape shall be to B.S. 1432, of the size, length depth below ground level and layout as indicted in the drawings. Fixing The consultant‟s approval of the tape clips, saddles and holdfasts used shall be obtained before the work is started. The maximum spacings of fixings shall not exceed 600mm. No fixing shall be made into joints in masonry. Saddles and holdfasts shall be of the following materials :  For copper conductors, gunmetal, aluminium -- Silicon bronze or naval brass.  For aluminium conductors -- aluminium and aluminum alloy or Stainless steel. Clips either shall be of metal as above or of outdoor grade polycarbonate or polypropylene with snap-on lids which can not be inadvertently removed. Clips and saddles shall have rounded edges and countersunk screws. Brass components shall not be used. For general areas inside the building screws and nuts shall be of cadmium electroplated steel or stainless steel; outside the building, in plant rooms or other locations they shall be of stainless steel. No shot firing shall be used and no drilling or welding of structural steelwork shall be carried out without the approval of the consultant. Drilling and cutting of the outside fabric of the building shall be carried out only after the consultant has given approval. Inspection Pits Unless otherwise indicated, connection between an earth conductor and its associated earth electrode system shall be in an enclosure. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 85 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Lightweight Inspection pit rated to 5000kg shall be manufactured from high performance polymer, UV stabilized, chemically resistant and with lockable lid . Every connection of an earthing lead to an earth electrode shall be made in an inspection pit measuring 300 x 300 mm and the connections shall be either welded or clamped. Waterproof earth electrode seal shall be used with suitably sized compression rings and seals. Installation of the earth pit shall be properly co-coordinated with the specialist manufacturer to satisfy the project requirement. Integral earth bar shall be used. The enclosure shall be flush with finished floor level. Installation Backfills immediately surrounding electrodes shall have, low specific resistivity and good water retention properties and it shall be well compacted and watered. Where earth electrodes are to be installed through the base slabs of a building, electrode seals shall be provided. As indicated, either the rods shall be driven and the seals fitted before the concrete is poured or the seals handed over to the building contractor for him to incorporate them in the slab and the rods driven at a later date. Harmful ingress of water shall be avoided when driving the rods. Pipe electrodes shall be installed with the flange at the top, in 500 mm diameter bored boles. Electrodes shall be installed vertically in an excavated hole, with a minimum depth of 2000mm below ground level; and 10 ohms ground resistivity. 21.2.26 EARTHING AND BONDING SYSTEM Earthing The contractor shall provide for an adhere to QGEWC regulations very strictly as regards earthing and bonding systems are involved. However, the context of these regulations are highlighted briefly as follows : The M.V. panels connected from the transformers shall have an earth bar of minimum cross-sectional area of 300 sq. mm. running the full length of the panels. Removable neutral and earth links shall be provided in the M.V. panels which shall be of a minimum cross sectional area of 300 sq.m. The earth bar in the m.v panels shall be connected to the earth provided by QGEWC or with independent earth station specially provided for this. Where armoured cables are above ground, the armouring of the cable shall be used as the earthing conductor and in case of armoured cable in ground and back-filled, the armouring is not to be used as a sole means of earthing, but additional means are provided by either of the following : a. A separate single insulated PVC copper cable whose insulation colour shall be green or green and yellow. The cable shall be run along with the main cable and taped to it at regular intervals. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 86 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 b. The inner lead or lead alloy sheath of armoured cable i.e. in case of PILCA or PVC. The outer copper sheath of MICC cables may be used as the earth conductor. This cable shall not be buried in ground directly but in a non-metallic pipe. In case of wiring in conduits, a separate earth conductor of PVC copper of appropriate size shall run. For ring main circuits, the earth conductor shall also complete the ring. Where a means of earthing has not been provided by QGEWC, the consumer's earthing terminal shall be connected by the earthing lead to an effective earth electrode or electrodes, such as copper strip or rod, which shall be buried in the ground at a position as near as practicable to the consumer's earthing terminal. Each electrode shall be driven to a depth such that it penetrates the summer water table by a minimum of 2 meters. Every connection of an earthing lead to an earth electrode shall be made in a pit measuring 300 mm. x 300 mm. The connection shall be either soldered or clamped. The pit shall be filled with sand and a removable cover placed on each pit. Bonding i. Where metal works other than current carrying conductors is liable to become charged with electricity in such a manner as to create a danger, if the insulation of a conductor should occur in any apparatus: a. The metal work shall be earthed in such a manner as will ensure immediate electrical discharge without danger. OR b. Other adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent danger. In a situation which may be normally wet or damp, where electrical apparatus is present and might give rise to danger and where there are substantial exposed metal parts of other services (such as gas and water pipes, sinks and baths), the earth continuity conductor of the electrical installation shall be effectively connected, electrically and mechanically to all such metal parts and to any exposed metal work of the electrical apparatus. A separate green/yellow PVC insulated copper bonding lead shall be taken from the earthing terminal of the water heater and bonded to the metal pipe work on both sides of the pump. Where water pumps are installed a bonding lead shall be taken from the earthing terminal of the local isolator and bonded to the metal pipe work on both sides of the pump. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 87 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 The size of bonding lead shall be the same as the earth continuity conductor of the circuit subject to a minimum size of 2.5 mm sq. 21.2.27 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING General The contractor shall fully test and commission the whole of the electrical installation in accordance with QGEWC/IEE regulations and also in accordance with the following clauses. The test shall be recorded in detail and the results submitted to the Consultant. The contractor shall then demonstrate that the installations are properly commissioned, that they operate in the correct manner and are capable of functioning to accomplish the design intention as outlined herein. Site Tests Site testing of all systems and components comprising the works shall be carried out in the presence and to the complete satisfaction of the Consultant after the contractor has first satisfied himself that the installation is functioning properly. The contractor shall provide all certified instruments, equipment, plant, labour and materials necessary for conducting specified site tests and shall be responsible for and prepared to demonstrate the accuracy of all the test instruments supplied by him. The contractor shall give the Consultant, notice in writing when any portion of the electrical installation is complete. Should the Consultant or his representative not attend within 7 days of receipt of such written notice, the contractor may proceed with the test, however duplicate certified copies of the results obtained shall be forwarded the Consultant. All electrical installations, plant and equipment tests shall fully satisfy the requirements of the Ministry of Electricity and Water, State of Qatar and those laid down in the IEE regulations as issued by the Institute of Electrical Engineers, 16th edition. The contractor shall be deemed to have included in his price for all safety devices etc., as required by QGEWC. Once the contractor has satisfied himself that the installation complies with QGEWC requirements, he shall arrange QGEWC to conduct their own test prior to handing over. Observations shall be made of the operation and performance of the installation and subsequent readjustments shall be made as necessary. Records of commissioning and testing shall be kept and when the contractor has satisfied himself that the installation is functioning correctly, the results shall be comprehensively reported in a bound copy to the Consultant. Maintenance and Servicing PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 88 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 The contractor shall be held responsible and shall replace any defective part of all and every part of the works for the period of the guarantee from the date of the acceptance test carried out by the Consultant. The contractor shall also be held liable for any cost of dismantling or re-erection and making good of any works, which may have to be undertaken in order to replace defective parts. Electrical Tests Following tests shall be carried out by the Contractor. All alarm, control and protective circuits shall be tested for correct operation. All lighting circuits shall be energized and checked to ensure that they are all operational. All single pole switches shall be checked to ensure correct polarity and that the live conductor has been connected. Neutrals must not pass through any switch All motors, plant and any electrical equipment connected with mechanical services shall be checked to ensure that they run freely in the correct direction of rotation and that they run without undue noise or vibration. Test of Continuity of Ring Final Circuit A test shall be made to verify the continuity of all conductors (including the earth continuity conductor) of every ring circuit and all readings shall be tabulated. Insulation Resistance Test Insulation resistance test shall be made before a completed installation or major alteration to an existing installation if permanently connected to the supply. For these tests, large installations may be divided into groups. A.D.C voltage not less than twice the normal voltage of the supply (R.M.S. value of a A.C supply) shall be applied for the measurement of insulation resistance provided that for tests on low voltage circuits, the test voltage need not exceed 500 v. D.C. When measured with all fuse links in place, all switches (including if practicable, the main switch) closed and except where earthed concentric wiring is installed the insulation resistance for whole installation shall not be less than 1 mega ohm. When measured between all the conductors connected to any one pole or phase of the supply and in turn all conductors connected to each other pole or phase of the supply, the insulation resistance shall be not less than 1 mega ohm. Wherever practicable, so that all parts of the wiring may be tested, all lamps shall be removed and all current using apparatus shall be disconnected and all local switches controlling lamps or apparatus shall be closed; where the removal of lamps and/or the disconnection of current using apparatus is impracticable, PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 89 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 the local switches controlling such lamps and/or apparatus shall be open. This test is not applicable to earthed concentric wiring system. Where apparatus is disconnected for the tests, the insulation resistance between the case or framework and all live parts of each item of fixed apparatus shall be measured separately and shall comply with the requirements given in the appropriate British Standard for the apparatus. If there is no appropriate British Standard, the insulation resistance shall be not less than 0.5 mega ohm. Verification of Polarity & Phase Rotation A verification of polarity shall be made to ensure that all fuses and single pole control devices are connected in the phase conductor only. The centre contact of Edison type screw lamp holders is connected to the phase conductor and outer metal threaded part is connected to neutral conductor. Wiring to plugs and socket outlets should be such that they are connected with phase conductor on right when inspected from front. A proprietary type of polarity testing device shall be used for the tests. The complete installation shall be tested to ensure that all main switch gear is connected to give the correct phase rotation. Earth Fault Loop Impedance Test The contractor or others responsible for the work shall test the effectiveness of the earthing of each completed installation by means of an earth fault loop impedance test. This test shall be carried out by using earth fault loop impedance test instrument. General Commissioning The contractor shall: a. Set all units and apparatus to work b. Adjust and set up all automatic controls, regulating devices, measure and adjust any plant under his responsibility, duties and ratings and performance of all components for all items installed separately and integrated into the installation as a whole. c. Record in detail each step and stage of commissioning and test results, reporting the test stages until the tests are satisfactory. d. The contractor shall carry out insulation, continuity, earth loop impedance, switching and sequencing, direction of rotation and all other tests required under the IEE regulations, 16th edition. e. Should the test carried out fail to demonstrate that the plant and equipment is correctly installed and/or functioning correctly, the Consultant shall decide whether such failure is due to negligence upon the contractor's part (including in PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 90 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 this context as defined all his subcontractor's and suppliers) in which case, the contractor shall carry out all remedial works entirely at his own expense. f. After remedial works have been completed the Contractor shall again report to the Consultant for further tests to be carried out. The Consultant's decision as to what constitutes a satisfactory result shall be final. Commissioning & Testing of Distribution System The completed installation or parts thereof shall be subjected to acceptance tests as instructed by QGEWC or the Consultants before being connected to the Supply. The following tests shall be included as applicable: i. Tests as prescribed in the QGEWC regulations. ii. Test in accordance with British Standards and Codes of Practice contained therein. iii. Insulation resistance iv. Earth continuity v. Continuity resistance of conductors and sheathing of each section and the whole installation. vi. Full load tests as required by the Consultant vii. Current injection tests of all over-current devices and residual current operated circuit breakers etc. These tests shall be carried out in the presence of the Consultant. The Contractor shall give 7 days written notice of any intention to carry out any of the tests. 21.2.28 WARRANTY AND GUARANTEE The contractor shall guarantee for a period of 400 days after the practical completion of the installation that all plant and equipment shall operate free of any defects due to defective material and bad workmanship and that any part found defective during this period shall be replaced free of cost by the contractor. If the defects are not rectified within a reasonable period, the Client may proceed to do so by another agency at the contractor's entire risk and expense without prejudice to any rights of the Client. 21.2.29 SPARES PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 91 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 When making submittals for approval of items of equipment, the contractor shall include a list of manufacturer's spares for 2 years running, further to the Warranty period. These shall be provided, procured and supplied under this contract. Prior to order, the contractor shall prepare in triplicate a submittal listing all spares for each item of equipment, clearly detailing manufacturer's name, address telephone and telex numbers and spare part reference number, together with component cost. The submittal shall be passed to the Consultant for approval and only upon receipt of approval in writing from the Consultant may the final order be placed. Contractor shall also provide the following spares: - 2 sets of Fuses for each type and size used along with fuse holder. - Spare MCBs as per the DB schedule - 10% of lamps of all types (min. 2 nos.) - Two set of lugs for each type & size of cable used. - 1 Set of Contactor for each type of C/O Panels and Motor Control Panels Also the recommended spares for 2 Years standard operation and maintenance for all the following specialized systems shall be included – procured and supplied: a) Fire Alarm System b) PA and Voice Alarm System c) CCTV and Access Control System It should be noted that no spare materials are to be brought on site until the completion of the contract when arrangements for all spares shall be made and formally handed over to the Client or his representative. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 92 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.2.30 SCHEDULE OF MOUNTING HEIGHTS 1. Lighting Switches : 1250 mm. AFFL 2. 20 A DP switch for water heater and : 1250 mm. AFFL water cooler 3. Mirror light : To match with the mirror 4. 13 A socket outlet, computer terminal, : 450 mm AFFL or socket, television outlet 250 mm. above (unless otherwise mentioned) worktop in kitchen and Pantries 5. Cooker control unit : 1600 mm AFFL 6. Cooker low level connection outlet : 450 mm AFFL 7. Telephone outlet : 450 mm AFFL 8. Wall mounting telephone : 1350 mm AFFL 9. Thermostats : 1700 mm AFFL 10. Fire alarm indicator panel : 1500 mm AFFL 11. Fire alarm bell : 2200 mm AFFL 12. Manual call station : 1250 mm AFFL PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 93 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.2.31 SCHEDULE OF APPROVED MANUFACTURERS 1. MV PANEL BIN GHALIB (QATAR) QATAR SWITCHGEAR(Qatar) ABB (UAE) 2. SUB-MAIN SWITCH BOARDS MERLIN GERIN (FRANCE) & MEM (UK) DISTRIBUTION BOARDS BILL TALISMAN (UK) 3 FUSE SWITCHES, SWITCH FUSES ABB STROMBERG-SWEDEN, ISOLATORS SQUARE D (UK) MEM (UK) 4 BUSBAR RISER MEM POWER, BARDUCT 5 CABLES DUCAB (UAE), RIYADH CABLE OMAN CABLE (OMAN) 6 MICC CABLES PYROTENAX BICC, AEI WREXHAM 7 CABLE TRAY DAVIS (U.K) WIBE (SWEDEN) EGA/MK 8 CABLE TRUNKING EGA/MK BARTON (UK) BURNTUBES, DAVIS 9 UNDERFLOOR TRUNKING ACKERMANN MK (UK), SALAMANDRE 10 G.I. CONDUITS, AND FITTINGS BARTON, EGA/MK 11 PVC CONDUITS AND FITTINGS, EGA, DECODUCT CLIPSAL 12 FLEXIBLE FIRE CABLE FP 200 GOLD, PIRELLI, FIRE CELL 13 WIRING ACCESSORIES MK (UK), LEGRAND (FRANCE) MEM(UK) PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 94 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 14 FIRE ALARM EST (CANADA) SIEMENS PYROTENAX GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) 15 EMERGENCY PACK FOR LIGHTING JSB, VENTILUX, FITZGERALD 16 EARTHING W.J. FURSE (UK), AN WALLIS (UK) ERICO 17 SKIRTING TRUNKING M.K., MITA, CLIPSAL 18 SECURITIES, ACCESS CONTROL MOLYNX (UK) CCTV VIDEOTRONIX COMELIT GENERAL ELECTRIC (USA) 19. LIFT OTIS, MITSUBISHI, HITACHI 20. UPS MERLIN GERIN (FRANCE) SAFT (SWEDEN), ALPHATEC (CANADA) 21. LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEM ABB, PHILIPS, PANASONIC MERTEN (GERMANY) 22 MUSIC & SOUND SYSTEM MERLAND (FRANCE) RCF (ITALY) PHILIPS 23. LIGHT FIXTURES RIDI (GERMANY), REGIOLUX (GERMANY) PHILIPS (HOLLAND), THORN (UK) REGGIANI (ITALY), IGGUZINI (ITALY) ERCO (GERMANY), REISS (GERMANY) THORLUX (UK), FITZGERALD (UK), FRANKLITE (UK), EGOLUCE (ITALY) 24. FLEXIBLE CONDUIT KOPPEX, BURN TUBES, BARTON PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 95 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 21.2.32 LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE Type A 2 x 36 watts, surface mounted fluorescent fitting with injection moulded polycarbonate body with surrounding sealing edge and molded on diffuser holding clips with acrylic glass diffuser pearled inside, IP 67 protection, as REGIOLUX POFW2/36W. Type A+E same as above but with emergency pack. Type A1 2 x 36 watts surfaced mounted fluorescent fitting with sheet steel housing opal acrylic diffuser IP 50 protection, as REGIOLUX KLKF 2/36. Type A1+E same as above but with emergency pack. Type A2 2 X 36 watts surface mounted fluorescent fitting with housing made of stiff profiled sheet metal complete with white painted galvanized sheet steel reflector as REGIOLUX ILF2/36+SMR. Type B 2 x 36 watts TCF lamp surface mounted round luminaire with housing made of deep drawn sheet steel ,roud bomb shaped acrylic diffuser with opal structure surface, dia 492mm complete with built in emergency pack for 3 hour duration as REGIOLUX WBRL 2/36 Type C 2 x 26watts ,TC_DE lamp recessed downlight with diecast aluminium body, highly polished anodized, aluminium reflector with safety glass, black powder coated metal ballast box, IP33 with highly electronic ballast as RZB 911009.952.79 Type C+E same as above but with emergency pack. Type C1 2 x 26watts TC-D lamp recessed downlight wiyh polycarbonate body, highly polished metalized polycarbonate reflector with low loss ballast and semi frosted polycarbonate cover, IP 44 as RZB 911052.952+981526.012 Type CH 10 x 18 watts TC-TE lamp pendent luminaire with large spattered effect acrylic bowl on nickel metal work with graphite inlay design. Dia 820mm, drop 1090mm as FRANKLITE PE 33210 FL. Type D 2 x 55 watts TC-L lamp recessed luminaire with sheet steel body powder coated with pearl finished, optical system consist of RAL 9003 powder coated reflector and perforated lamp cover complete with electronic ballast as INDIRECT CSL2. Type D+E same as above but with emergency pack. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 96 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 Type ML 2 x 36 watts TC-L lamp wall mounted mirror light with moulded polycarbonate body and transparent polycarbonate screen with reeded internal texture satin finished with chrome finished endcaps, IP 44 protection as IGUZZINE SIMPLA. Type R Aviation obstruction light, GRP base painted aviation yellow, glass bowl with presuel prism, coloured red. Twin omni directional red low intensity as THORN AVIATION F-22. or equal and approved. Type W 1 x 50 watts MBF lamp wall light with diecast aluminium housing and protective cage, black powder coated finished with opal glass diffuser, IP54 as RZB 58310.713 Type W1 1 x 18watts TC-D lamp wall light with base, protection cage made of die cast aluminium with glass diffuser frosted inside, IP54 protection as RZB 50730.963 Type W2 1 x 75watts HSG/QT lamp wall mounted outdoor light with fixture plate and the structure made in die-cast plated aluminium, prior to process of phosphocromation, in polyester powder , thermically tempered glass, version with lens 8degree and 20degree IP 54 protection as Zelda 712753. W3 2X70 W Hit lamp up down wall light with extruded aluminum body, polyster powder coated finish with tempered. Transparent glass diffuser, IP 54 as ARES VISCA 727200. +E (Stair) Surfaced mounted 1 X 8 Watts, fitting shall have grey plastic, halogen free enclosure with clear cover quick mounting set. Fitting shall allow single monitoring with address. Fitting shall have the automatic out for faigres within the lamp circuit. Switching model can be freely programmable with surface emergency lighting system. IP41 complete with electronic ballast, lamp, etc. as CEAG SL51011.1 or equal and as approved. +E (Basement) Surface mounted 1X 8 watts, light fitting, light grey enclosure and structured cover shall be made of polycarbonate EVG and ENEC test mark certified by independent testing lab, with integrated monitoring facility. Fitting shall single monitoring with address switched for 20 address fitting shall have the automatic cutout for failure within the lamp circuit. Switching models shall be freely programmable with suitable. Emergency lighting system. IP 65 AS CEAG SL 6011.1 CES or equal and as approved. EXIT (Basement Car park) 1 X 8 Watts pendent double sided fluorescent light fitting. Fitting shall have grey enclosure made of 850ºC glow wire resistant, halogen free polycarbonate, clear cover with three self adhesive legend foils, Pendent set with quick mounting set with terminals and distance plates. Fitting shall allow single monitoring with address-switches for 20 PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 97 Section 21.0-Electrical Installation Rev 0 addresses. Fitting shall have the automatic cutout for failure within the lamp circuit. Switching modes shall be freely programmable with suitable emergency lighting system complete with electronic ballast lamp etc. EVG and ENEC test mark, certified from independent testing lab. IN IP54 Construction. Type of legend shall suit the requirements as indicated in the drawing. As “ CEAG STYLE RZ 22021.1 CG-S” or equal and as approved. EXIT (Lobbies) 1 X 8 watts ceiling mounted EXIT luminaries with white rectangular section enclosure, fitting shall have easy reclamping facility. Fitting shall be with single sided silk screened legend panels. Fitting shall allow single monitoring with address switches for 20 addresses. Switching modes shall be freely programmable with suitable emergency lighting system complete with electronic ballast, lamp etc. EVG and ENEC test mark, certified from independent testing lab with integrated monitoring facility. IN IP20 Construction. Type of legend shall suit the requirements as located in the drawing. AS “ CEAG RZ 1708 CG-S “ or equal and as approved. +E (Lobby / Corridors) Recessed ceiling luminaries 1 x 8 watts, enclosure made of steel, bezel painted, structured plastic cover, EVG with ENEC test mark, interacted monitoring facility. Allows single luminaries monitoring with 20 address. Automatic cutout for failure within lamp circuit. Switching mode freely programmable. Complete with electronic ballast, lamp etc. As CEAG SL8011 CGS. Type Exit SECTION 22 AIR CONDITIONING INSTALLATION MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 1 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 SL NO. TITLE OF SPECIFICATIONS 22.1.00 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 22.1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 22.1.02 MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND LOCAL REPRESENTATION 22.1.03 STANDARD OF WORKS 22.1.04 DATA TO BE SUPPLIED WITH TENDER 22.1.05 DRAWINGS, SUBMITTALS, INSTRUCTIONS, MANUAL ETC. 22.1.06 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 22.1.07 TEST AT SITE 22.1.08 COMMISSIONING BY SPECIALISTS. 22.1.09 PRACTICAL COMPLETION MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 2 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 22.2.00 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 22.2.01 BASIS OF DESIGN 22.2.02 DESCRIPTION OF AIR CONDITIONING & VENTILATION SYSTEM 22.2.03 EQUIPMENT OF AIR-CONDITIONING SYSTEM AIR COOLED PACKAGED LIQUID CHILLERS TREATED FRESH AIR HANDLING UNIT FAN COIL UNITS MINI SPLIT AIR CONDITIONING UNIT 22.2.04 CHILLED WATER PUMPS 22.2.05 PRESSURIZATION PACKAGE 22.2.06 VENTILATION EQUIPMENTS ROOF MOUNTED TWIN EXHAUST FAN ROOF MOUNTED SINGLE CABINET FAN WALL MOUNTED FAN PLATE MOUNTED AXIAL FAN IMPULSE CAR PARK VENTILATION SYSTEM STAIRWELL / LIFTWELL /ESCAPE ROUTE PRESSURISATION FANS SMOKE CLEARANCE VENTS 22.2.07 VIBRATION ISOLATORS 22.2.08 TEST HOLES 22.2.09 INSTRUMENTS & GAUGES 22.2.10 INTERFACING WITH FIRE ALARM SYSTEM /BMS SYSTEM 22.2.11 INTER – DISCIPLINE CO-ORDINATION 22.2.12 SHEET METAL WORK 22.2.13 FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS 22.2.14 FLEXIBLE ROUND DUCT 22.2.15 AIR TERMINALS MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 3 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 22.2.16 FRESH AIR INTAKE 22.2.17 DAMPERS 22.2.18 SOUND ATTENUATORS 22.2.19 ACOUSTIC PROVISIONS 22.2.20 PIPEWORK & FITTINGS 22.2.21 INSULATION 22.2.22 BUILDERS WORK 22.2.23 CHILLED WATER TREATMENT 22.2.24 PAINTING & FINISHING 22.2.25 IDENTIFICATION/COLOUR CODING 22.2.26 ELECTRICAL WORKS & CONTROL SYSTEM 22.2.27 WARRANTY 22.2.28 SCHEDULE OF TECHNICAL DATA TO BE SUPPLIED WITH TENDER 22.2.29 COMMISSIONING SHEETS 22.2.30 SCHEDULE & EXPLANATORY NOTES 22.2.31 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS 22.2.32 SCHEDULE OF APPROVED MANUFACTURERS MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 4 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 22.1.00 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS 22.1.01 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT The work under this section of the specification shall include the supply, delivery to site, installation, testing and commissioning, setting to work and Maintenance of the Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Exhaust System of the proposed Mixed use building ( 3B + G + M + 9 ) @ B-ring road ,Doha,Qatar for Mr.Ali Mohammed Jaidah. The contractor shall provide all the materials, labour, cartage, plant and appliances for the supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the work and all other minor and incidental works necessary for the system. Contractor shall guarantee for the efficient performance of various equipment which shall not be less than the specified ratings when working under the operating conditions for the respective items as given in the specifications. It is mandatory to have performance testing under simulated conditions at the factory of prospective suppliers of chillers, pumps and Air handling units etc. prior to shipment. Anything, not specifically mentioned, but necessary for the fulfilment of the guarantee and requirements called for in the contract or necessary for the proper operation of the installations is to be provided by the works contractor without any additional cost. Any discrepancies, omissions, ambiguities or conflicts in or among contract documents, or any doubts as to their meaning should be called to the attention of the Engineers by the works contractor at the time of submitting his tender. The works contractor shall guarantee holding a full set of spare-parts for all of the equipment he intends to supply and install, for a minimum period of two years. In addition, the contractor shall include for the supply of the said spares, which shall be delivered before the issue of the practical completion certificate. The contractor shall submit the lump sum price for the whole works with a breakdown for individual headings as per the Bill of Quantities. No variation claims shall be entertained. Entire A/C & Ventilation works shall be carried out as a single contract. The contractor shall not without the consent in writing of the Engineer assign or sublet his contract or any substantial part thereof other than for raw materials or minor details. Consent for subletting shall not relieve the contractor from any obligation, duty or responsibility under the contract. The contractor shall comply with all bye-laws and regulations of local and other statutory authorities having jurisdiction over the works and shall be responsible for the payment of all fees and other charges and the giving and receiving of all necessary notices. Works shall be carried out in conformity with the specifications and in coordination with the architectural / structural / other services requirements /constraints. The contractor shall submit within seven days from the date of acceptance of the tender, detailed schedules showing the programme and order in which the contractor proposes to carry out the works with dates and estimated completion time for various parts of the work MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 5 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 in the form of bar-chart based on “the critical path method”. Such schedules shall be approved by the Engineer before starting of the work and shall be binding on the contractor. Routine tests for various items of equipment shall be performed at the contractor‟s works, prior to shipment and test certificate furnished. Contractor shall facilitate certified third party to be present during these tests. Contractor shall bear all the expenses thereof. The contractor shall operate, test and adjust all air conditioning, ventilation and exhaust system units, fans, motors, all air handling units provided in connection with this installation and shall make all necessary adjustments and corrections thereof including the adjustment of all regulations, dampers for the purpose of equalizing the flow of air to and through all ducts to each and every outlet and inlet. If the completed plant or any portion thereof before it is taken over or during the guarantee and defects liability period be found defective or fails to fulfil the intent of this specification, the contractor shall on receipt of notice from the Engineer forthwith make the defective plant good. Should he fail to do so within a time considered reasonable by the Engineer, the owner may reject and replace at the risk and expense of the contractor the whole or any portion of the plant, which is defective or fails to fulfil the requirements of the contract. The contractor appointed for A/C works shall have „A‟ Grade Credentials to demonstrate his reputation and sufficient experience in similar nature of jobs to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The contractor shall also submit the qualifications and experience particulars of the A/C Engineer, A/C Foreman and A/C Technicians to be employed on the project along with their Credentials copies, and obtain approval from the Engineer. The following terms and abbreviations used in these specifications shall mean: Engineer : Consultant M/s Arab Engineering Bureau,Qatar. Contractor: The tenderer whose tender has been accepted by the Owner and shall include the tenderers‟ heirs, successors and assigns approved by the owner Subcontractor: The firm or persons named in the contract for any part of the work or any person to whom any part of the work has been sublet with the consent in writing of the Owner / Engineers and shall include his heirs, successors and assigns approved by the owner. Specification: The specification annexed to or issued with these Conditions of Contract Contract: The agreement between the Contractor and owner to be entered into under these conditions and shall include these conditions of contract, specifications, schedules, correspondence, letter of intent of the owner and any subsequent amendment mutually agreed upon. Site: The place or places at which the plant is to be delivered or work to be done by the Contractor and shall include where applicable the lands and buildings upon or in which the works are to be executed and shall also include the place or places at which fabrication and other work will be carried out by the contractor. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 6 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Plant, Equipment, Stores: The plant and materials to be provided and Works and Work or Works to be done by the contractor under the contract Test on Completion: Tests as are prescribed by the specification or as per International standards as applicable, to be carried out before the plant is taken over by the owner. In case, tests are not possible due to climatic conditions at the time of completion, the contractor shall be bound to carry out tests at any time subsequent to the date of completion, but before the end of defects liability period. Inclusions in the list of approved manufacturers do not absolve the supplier/contractor of his obligations to fulfil the detailed specifications in accordance with contract documents. Canvassing in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited and the tenders submitted by the contractor who resorts to canvassing is liable to be rejected. 22.1.02 MAJOR EQUIPMENT AND LOCAL REPRESENTATION The make, model and type of all equipment, materials and accessories proposed to be used in the Project are subject to prior approval of the Engineer. All these equipment and other materials must have an established Local Qatari Agent who shall have complete after-sales service & maintenance facility and also holds adequate spare parts as recommended by the manufacturer. 22.1.03 CODES AND STANDARDS FOR WORKS Unless otherwise specified, all equipment is to comply with the relevant British and American codes of practice as listed below. However, the QCS latest regulations shall take prominence over all other regulations. QCS : Qatar Construction Specification ASHRAE: American society of heating, refrigerating and air conditioning Engineers, USA NFPA : National Fire Protection Association, USA IHVE: The institute of heating and ventilation engineers (UK ASME: American society of Mechanical engineers, USA AMCA: Air movement and control association, USA ARI: Air conditioning and Refrigeration institute, USA ASTM: American society of testing materials, USA AWS: American welding society, USA DW 142: Specification for sheet metal duct work, UK HI: Hydraulic Institute, USA MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 7 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 ANSI: American National standards Institute, USA CIBSE: Chartered Institute of Building services Engineers, UK AABC: Associated Air balancing Council, USA The workmen employed must be accustomed to the highest class of air-conditioning installation. A competent Engineer must be in regular attendance throughout the whole contract. The whole of the installation shall be executed in conformity with the specification, internationally accepted codes of practice and the current QCS regulations. 22.1.04 DATA TO BE SUPPLIED WITH TENDER Technical data of all equipments proposed, performance curves, selection data sheet etc. as applicable. Exclusions and deviations from specification. Guarantee particulars. List of spare parts required for 2 years maintenance. Engineering catalogues. 22.1.05 DRAWINGS, SUBMITTALS, INSTRUCTIONS, MANUALS ETC. General All drawings and material submissions, other information and samples must be supplied to the Engineer as laid in the specifications or as instructed by the Engineer. Shop Drawings to be prepared by the Contractor The Contractor shall prepare and submit for approval, detailed coordinated shop drawings for all equipment or distribution services described herein. Such drawings shall indicate : All civil works, openings, bases, position of sleeves etc. ii. The physical dimensions of the equipment. iii. The sizes of foundation base wherever required. iv. Location of centre bolts to base. v. Position of motors, controls, air duct connections etc. vi. Detailed wiring diagram of all electrical systems. vii. Piping isometric diagram Any other drawing found necessary or requested by the Engineer for co-ordination of works. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 8 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 The work described on any shop drawing submitted shall be properly checked by the Contractor for all clearance, field conditions, maintenance space and proper co- ordination. Equipment layout is to be detailed on drawings showing the exact method of installing and clearly illustrating components to be used in making all connections. All drawings prepared by the Contractor shall be submitted in the form of three sets of blue prints to the Engineer for approval, who in turn, after making his comments will return two sets of the same to the Contractor for necessary revisions if any. Thereafter the Contractor shall submit five sets of blue prints for the Engineer's final approval. Once the drawings are finally approved, the contractor shall submit in reproducible copy negative for Engineer's signature and the same shall be kept on site for execution. It is the Contractor's responsibility to co-ordinate all Mechanical works to match with the existing structure of the building and the proposed arch and interior design of the building including but limited to grilles, equipment, pipes, light fittings, false ceiling layout and other services to allow a completely symmetrical and co-ordinated installation. As Built Drawings The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer a set of 'As-Built' drawings showing the works 'As-Built' together with any other information necessary for operation and maintenance. Four copies of each such drawing shall be supplied. In addition, two sets of copy negatives for each drawing shall be handed over to the client. Material Submittals and Samples Submittals The Contractor shall furnish submittals in triplicate or as required for all the equipments and materials to the Engineer. On award of the contract, the Contractor shall provide a list of the items for which they propose to furnish submittals. All submissions shall be made within 15 days of the award of the contract or earlier as directed by the Engineer. The following information should at least be covered while furnishing the submittals: i. Reference number of the specification clause and BOQ. ii. A comparison of the salient points of the equipment/material offered vis-à-vis specified like capacity, size, model no. Etc. iii. A confirmation that the item offered complies fully with the specifications, drawings and the application in question. Deviations, if any, shall be clearly spelt out and reasons shall be given for the changes proposed. iv. Complete technical literature for the particular item. In case only general catalogues are available, the particular item/features offered should be stated clearly on a separate sheet and also marked on the catalogues. Points not applicable should be struck-off. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 9 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 v. Confirmation that equipment/material proposed can be housed within the space available. vi. General requirement drawings. vii. Samples, wherever required by the Engineer. The approval of a submittal shall not absolve the Contractor of their responsibility to provide equipment's/materials/services conforming to the Specifications, Bill of Quantities and the application in question. The Contractor shall be responsible for the supply, installation, testing, commissioning and proper performance of a complete functional system even though some items may not have been specifically stated in the contract documents. Waivers for deletion/deviation from the Specification, Tender drawings, Bill of Quantities etc., must be requested by the Contractor in writing, stating categorically the change compared to the contract (specified vis-à-vis proposed). The same shall be considered 'waived' only if written specific approval is obtained from the Engineer. The approval of a submittal, any implicit reference or verbal instructions shall not be treated as a waiver. Waivers shall also be subject to reduction in cost and/or time, conditional or unconditional as decided by the Engineer. Material Status Report A material status report shall be prepared by the Contractor and submitted every two weeks or earlier as directed by the Engineer. The report shall indicate the following: i. Description of the material/equipment ii. Name of the manufacturer/supplier iii. Submittals Number iv. Date of submission of submittal v. Date of approval of submittal vi. Order number/date and L.C reference, if any vii. Delivery period and expected arrival date on site viii. Remarks, if any Samples of materials The Contractor shall submit at no extra cost or charge, samples of materials as required by the Engineer for his approval. MANUALS The Contractor shall make provision for the supply of three copies of the Instruction Manuals before issue of Practical Completion Certificate. This manual shall include the following items: i. Complete list of all items of equipment, controls and accessories as actually supplied, including serial nos. & all nameplate details. ii. A set of 'As-Built' drawings showing equipment layout, foundation details, ducting layout and details, electrical wiring & drain piping. The drawings shall show plans and sections necessary to show all required information correctly. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 10 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 iii. A set of manufacturer's catalogues, wiring diagram and installation drawings relevant only to the particular item of air conditioning and ventilation equipment concerned. General catalogues will not be acceptable. iv. Manufacturer's printed spare parts list for all items of equipment. v. Operational description of the air conditioning plant including starting, stopping and seasonal shutdown. vi. Preventive maintenance routine at monthly, quarterly, half yearly and yearly intervals and maintenance procedures for all plant and equipment. The O & M instructions shall be in English. Also a CD Rom containing all above information shall be submitted. STORAGE OF MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT All materials and equipment must be stored and protected properly so as to prevent damage, corrosion, deterioration or dirt penetration. All duct and pipe outlets must be adequately closed to prevent dust and dirt penetration during the course of erection. 22.1.06 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Quality of Equipment and Materials All equipment and materials shall be brand new, of a quality accepted by the Engineer and presenting no dent, damage or breakage during transportation or installation. All metal parts shall be protected on site from rust, corrosion and dirt by properly storing, packing and covering. All rusted parts of metal, subject to the Engineer's approval, shall be cleaned of corrosion products and given two coats of anti-rust paint before installation. Instructions for Operation and Routine Maintenance The Contractor shall provide written instructions in English language as to the method of operation of equipment and the routine maintenance works. (Cleaning of air filters etc.) Three copies of such instructions shall be handed over to the Engineer. Paint, Tags, Nameplates All steel works in connection with supports for ductwork etc., exposed to the elements are to be painted with two coats of an approved rust preventive paint, preferably zinc rich primer and two coats of enamel paint of grey or as approved by the Engineer. All exposed metal surfaces of refrigeration and electrical apparatus, motors, guards, un- insulated ductwork, ductwork brackets, hangers etc., must be painted with one coat of under-coat and two coats of enamel paint finish to approved colour MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 11 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 22.1.07 TEST AT SITE General The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer, one month prior to the date of commencement of the tests, three (3) copies of the complete test procedures to be used. The Engineer shall approve the procedures, method of calculation etc., before any test is carried out. Three (3) copies of the test results shall be furnished to the Engineer for his approval. The Contractor shall supply skilled staff and all necessary instruments and carryout tests of any kind on a piece of equipment, apparatus, part of system or a complete system if the Engineer requests such a test, for determining specified or guaranteed data as given in the specifications or in the schedule of equipment filled in by the Contractor. Any damage resulting from the test shall be repaired and/or damaged material replaced, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer. In the event of any repair or adjustment required to be made, other than the normal running adjustment, the tests shall be void and shall be recommended after the adjustments or repairs have been completed. The test shall not be void due to circumstances beyond the Contractor's control. All testing, balancing and final adjustment shall be in accordance with the provision of the applicable 'ASHRAE' standards Ductwork All branches and outlets shall be tested for air quantity and the total of the air quantities shall be within five percent of fan capacity. Volume control dampers and splitter dampers shall be tested for proper operation. Air balancing shall be carried out by AABC certified independent agency. Equipment All air handling and ventilating equipment, ductwork and air outlets shall be adjusted and balanced to deliver the specified air quantities indicated at each inlet and outlet on the drawings. Where the equipment or systems depend upon controls for proper operation, functioning and performance, the latter shall be operated simultaneously with the equipment or system during tests. If air quantities cannot be delivered without exceeding the speed range of the sheaves or the available horsepower, the Engineer shall be notified before proceeding with the balancing of air distribution system. Other tests as specified under the specific equipment headings are to be completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Electrical Equipment All electrical equipment shall be cleaned and tested on site before application of power as mentioned below: MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 12 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 i. Wire and cable tests. ii. Insulation resistance test, phase to phase and phase to earth on all circuits and equipments using a 500-volt megger. The megger reading shall not be less than one meg.ohm. iii. Earth resistance between conduit system and earth must not Exceed half ohm. iv. Phasing out and phase rotation tests. v. Operating tests on all protective relays, starters, circuit breakers etc., to prove their correct operation before energizing the main equipment. vi. Operating tests on all starters, circuit breakers etc. vii. Any other required as per KAHRAMAA regulations. Test on Completion After finishing the above tests and adjustments, the Contractor shall be responsible for running a reliability trial test for the whole plant installed. The whole of the trial of the plant shall take place during the appropriate seasons when design conditions are met or approximated. The ventilation trial shall take place at any reasonable time subject to the approval of the Engineer. The trial shall last for a period of thirty one (31) consecutive days during which time the whole of the plant shall operate continuously without readjustments or repair to the satisfaction of the Engineer. During the reliability trial test, performance tests shall be conducted on the refrigerating and air conditioning equipment. The test data shall not deviate by more than three percent from the guaranteed capacity data. Temperature readings shall be taken for the entering and leaving air of each air-handling unit. Should any part of the apparatus or system fail to meet with the specification requirements, it shall be adjusted, repaired or replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The complete performance test shall then be repeated. The date of commencement of the above said tests shall be subject to agreement with the Engineer. As soon as all tests prescribed in this clause are carried out satisfactorily in the opinion of the Engineer, a formal letter of completion shall be drawn up in three (3) copies and signed by the Enginee During the maintenance period, the Contractor shall demonstrate that all equipment and apparatus fulfil the requirements of the specifications and he shall operate all fans, refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment for a sufficient time to adjust all dampers, thermostats and controls and shall provide the Engineer with a complete log and report indicating air quantities, fan speed etc. Maintenance Test During the last month of the 400 days Maintenance period, the Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer that all equipment and systems are operating according to the capacities and the manner set down in the specifications. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 13 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 The maintenance test shall include but not limited to. 1. Full maintenance and checking for chillers including refrigerant charge and controllers. 2. Chilled water distribution system including pumps, vibration isolators, balancing of the piping network, chemical dosing charge, system cleaning air venting etc. 3. All airside equipments & distribution duct work including TFAHU/FCU filters, fans, coils, belts and system balancing. 4. Smoke clearance system /stairwell-liftwell pressurisation system /smoke detector in return duct of FCU /car park ventilation system - interfacing with fire alarm system. 5. BMS full checking including interfacing with other LV Systems. The Maintenance Certificate will not be issued to the Contractor until all plant & equipment has been tested to the complete satisfaction of the Engineer. 22.1.08 COMMISSIONING BY SPECIALISTS It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to arrange for the testing and commissioning of complete HVAC works including the hydronic and air balancing by a certified third party as approved by the Engineer. 22.1.09 PRACTICAL COMPLETION The Contractor shall deliver the Operation and Maintenance Manuals along with 'As built' drawings to the Client before practical completion. The completion certificate will be issued by the Engineer after obtaining the “Operation and Maintenance Manuals” and “As Built” Drawings. Recommendation for release or the release of practical completion certificate would not absolve the contractor of his responsibility to provide an installation complete in all respects and in satisfactory working order. If any item is discovered later, during commissioning, maintenance period or at F.C.C stage to be short supplied or not in working order, the contractor shall be liable to make good the same to the satisfaction of the Engineer. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 14 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 22.2.00 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 22.2.01 BASIS OF DESIGN Outdoor Design Conditions Summer: 46° C DB / 30° C WB Winter: 10° C DB / 90% RH Typical conditions of coastal environment prevails with frequent sandstorms. The atmosphere can be salt & sand laden with dust particles down to 2 microns. Indoor Design Conditions (summer) Retail spaces Office areas : 22.5 °C DB / 50% RH Entrance lobby Toilets & Pantries: 24.5° C DB / 50% RH (Indirect cooling) Indoor dry bulb throttling range shall be +/-1 0 C. Space Humidity may vary between 40% and 60%, but is expected to lie within the comfort zone as set by ASHRAE standard. Lighting Load : 20 W / Sq.m Small Power Load : 15 W/ sq.m Occupancy Rate : As per usual norms Fresh Air Rate : Min.1 air change / hour,as per QCS Ventilation rate (Extract rate) Toilets: 10 air changes /hr. Pantry area: 10 air changes /hr. HVAC System Noise Level in unoccupied Spaces Open Offices NC 35 Halls, corridors, lobbies NC 40 Service / support areas NC 40 Note:  Sound level meter of ANSI type 1 or type 2 with octave band filters to be employed for sound level measurements.  Sound level shall be measured within 1m from the source in the unoccupied space.  Measured sound levels shall be interpreted by plotting the values on the NC curves MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 15 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0  The above sound levels shall be achieved by the following methods:  Design of air distribution system to minimize flow resistance and turbulence.  Selection of grilles and diffusers to limit the noise level.  Selecting a fan that generates the lowest possible noise, but still meets the required design conditions for which it is selected.  Design duct connections at both the fan inlet and outlet for uniform and straight air flow.  Selection of suitable sound attenuators for air handling unit supply air main duct and return air main duct.  When possible, locate elbows and duct branch take offs at least four to five duct diameters from each other to minimize flow-generated noise.  Use turning vanes in larger 90° rectangular elbows and branches take offs. Turning vanes provide a smoother transition in which the air can change direction, thus reducing turbulence.  Place grilles, diffusers and registers in occupied spaces as far as possible from elbows and branch take offs.  Minimize the use of volume control dampers near grilles, diffusers and registers in acoustically critical situations.  Roof mounted TFAHU-s/ roof mounted fans shall be mounted on suitable anti vibration springs for isolating from the building structure. Ceiling mounted FCU-s shall be hung from the ceiling using spring type anti vibration hangers having steel frame and helical compression type springs with min. 25 mm deflection.  FCU inlet and outlet and TFAHU outlet shall have flexible connectors. Exhaust fan inlet shall also have flexible connectors.  Acoustic liner with zero fibre migration shall be provided for ductwork of ceiling mounted FCU up to a length of 3.0 meter from the face of the unit. Sound attenuators shall be used for TFAHU supply ducts.  Chillers shall be mounted on cased spring type anti-vibration mounts with 50 mm deflection. Chillers shall be mounted on floating floor foundation.  Chilled water pump sets shall be installed over inertia blocks made out of reinforced concrete or concrete filled welded steel framework. The inertia blocks shall be mounted over cased spring mounts with min. 25 mm deflection. Project Specific Fire and Safety Philosophy Smoke detectors shall be positioned in the return air ductwork of AHU and FCUs.Any fire situation sensed by the smoke detectors shall shut off the relevant unit through the fire annunciation panel. Fire dampers having min. 2 hrs fire integrity shall be provided at the following locations: MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 16 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 All ductwork crossing firewalls.  Supply and return air ductwork at each fire zone crossing.  Ducts entering and leaving shafts.  Ducts through floors and not encased in fire shafts.  Ducts leaving and entering plant rooms.  Suitable fire stop material shall be provided at all fire wall penetrations with fire damper through which duct passes through. Rating for Continuous Service and Local Ambient Conditions The outside air temperature may occasionally rise to 50° C DB. All apparatus and equipments shall be rated for continuous service, twenty four hours a day, year round throughout its normal rated life except for necessary routine maintenance. The contractor shall offer equipment, which is capable of operating at the ambient temperature of 50 0 C DB without any failure. Building Pressurization The building shall be maintained at positive pressure. Toilets and Pantries shall be maintained at negative pressure. Estimated Service Lives of Various HVAC System Components Equipment / Item Median Years Package Chillers 20 Base mounted pumps 20 Ductwork 30 Dampers 20 Roof mounted fans 20 Split A/C units 10 Air terminals (diffusers, grilles, register) 27 Moulded insulation 20 Fan-coil units / AHUs 20 Electric motors 18 Motor starters 17 Valve actuators 10 Electric controls 16 Shell-and-tube heat exchangers 24 Building Performance Mandates HVAC design shall ensure the following building performance mandates:  Thermal performance  Indoor air quality  Acoustical performance (HVAC aspects only)  Fire safety related with HVAC system  Thermal performance shall include the air temperature, humidity, air speed, and controls. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 17 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Indoor air quality shall be achieved in compliance with ASHRAE standard 62.1-2007 Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality. Fresh air intake assembly where provided, shall be complete with sand trap louver; 50 mm thick washable filter and volume control damper to ensure adequate quality and quantity of fresh air to the system. Test method for air filters shall be as per ASHRAE Standard 52.1. Acoustical performance (HVAC aspects ) shall be ensured by proper engineering of the system as a whole. Fire safety related with HVAC System shall be ensured as per the project specific fire and safety philosophy mentioned elsewhere. Principal Design Codes / Standards QCS: Qatar Construction Specifications – Section 22 ASHRAE: American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, USA CIBSE: Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers, UK SMACNA: Sheet Metal and Air -Conditioning Contractors‟ National Association, USA. DW-142: Specification for Sheet Metal Ductwork. ARI: Air -Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute, USA. AMCA: Air Movement and Control Association, USA. ANSI: American National Standards Institute, USA. ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials, USA. AWS: American Welding Society, USA ADC: Air Diffusion Council, USA. AABC: Associated Air Balance Council, USA NFPA: National Fire Protection Association, USA. BSI: British Standards Institution, UK. ASA: Acoustical Society of America, USA. ISO: International Organization for Standardization, Switzerland UL: Underwriters Laboratories, USA. NEBB: National Environmental Balancing Bureau, USA. ISA: International Society for Measurement and Control, USA. NEMA: National Electrical Manufacturer‟s Association, USA. Practices, methods or standards published by the above-indicated organizations shall be used as a guideline for this project. However the minimum requirements as specified in local regulations will be fulfilled 22.2.02 Description of Air -Conditioning and Ventilation System The air conditioning scheme of the project is based on central chilled water system comprising air-cooled chillers, circulation pumps, Treated fresh air handling units, fan coil units, network of ducting, piping, fittings, valves and controls.  3 nos. Air cooled screw chillers and 4 nos.chilled water pumps shall be located on the roof as shown on the plan.  Each office space shall have multiple ceiling mounted ducted type FCU  Entrance lobby/lift lobby in ground floor and office floors will have individual ducted type FCU.  Retail shops in ground floor shall be served by ducted type FCU  Mezzanine floor retail shops and lobby will have cassette type chilled water FCU MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 18 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0  First /second/ third Basement lift lobby shall be served by cassette type chilled water FCU  Chilled water pump room shall be served by decorative type wall mounted chilled water FCU.  2 nos.Central TFAHU located on the roof shall feed fresh air to all FCU s.  Decorative wall mounted split units (DX type)shall serve MV room, Q tel room, lift M/c room, fire command center,fire pump room and domestic pump room.  Toilets in each floor shall be connected to 4 nos. central roof mounted twin extract fan.  Pantry in each floor shall be connected to 3 nos. central roof mounted single cabinet fans.  storage room, pump room and transformer room shall have provision for forced extract system.  Generator exhaust and ventilation system including all connections,ducts,fittings,louvers,filters,etc.shall be as per the rating and make of the Proposed generator.  Basement car park shall have impulse ventilation system for normal exhaust as well as emergency smoke extract.Fresh air intake shall be via the ramp supplemented by a supply fan.The system shall be linked to the fire alarm panel.  Stairwell /liftwell pressurisation system which is linked to the fire alarm panel shall be provided for life safety  Dedicated openable vertical glazed vents shall be provided for smoke clearance from the office space and retail area.Each vertical glazed vent shall be actuator operated and linked to the fire alarm panel.  Escape route pressurization shall be achieved by dedicated fan on the roof. 22.2.03 EQUIPMENTS OF AIR -CONDITIONING SYSTEM AIR COOLED PACKAGED LIQUID CHILLER PART 1 — GENERAL SCOPE Supply, install,testing and commissioning of Microprocessor controlled, screw compressor, air- cooled, liquid chillers of the scheduled capacities as shown and indicated on the Drawings, including but not limited to: 1. Chiller package 2. Charge of refrigerant and oil. 3. Electrical power and control connections 4. Chilled water connections 5. Factory start-up QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Products shall be Designed, Tested, Rated and Certified in accordance with, and installed in compliance with applicable sections of the following Standards and Codes: 1. ARI 550/590 - Water Chilling Packages Using the Vapor Compression Cycle 2. ARI 370 – Sound Rating of Large Outdoor Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Equipment MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 19 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 3. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 15 – Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration 4. ASHRAE 34 – Number Designation and Safety Classification of Refrigerants 5. ASHRAE 90.1 – Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings 6. ANSI/NFPA Standard 70 – National Electrical Code (NEC). 7. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1. 8. ASTM A48 – Gray iron Castings 9. Manufactured in facility registered to ISO 9002 10. OSHA  Occupational Safety and Health Act. 11. Conform to Underwriters Laboratories (U.L.) for construction of chillers and provide U.L listing label. B. Factory Test: Chiller shall be pressure-tested, evacuated and fully charged with refrigerant and oil, and shall be factory operational run tested with water flowing through the vessel. C. Chiller manufacturer shall have a factory trained and supported service organization that is within a 50 mile radius of the site. DELIVERY AND HANDLING A. Unit shall be delivered to job site fully assembled and charged with refrigerant and oil by the Manufacturer. B. During shipment, provide protective covering over vulnerable components. Fit nozzles and open ends with plastic enclosures. C. Protect the chiller and its accessories from the weather and dirt exposure during shipment. D. Unit shall be stored and handled per Manufacturer‟s instructions. PART 2 — PRODUCTS GENERAL A. Mechanical Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating with the General Contractor and all affected Subcontractors to insure proper provisions for installation of the furnished unit. This coordination shall include, but not limited to, the following: 1. Structural supports for the units. 2. Piping size and connection/header locations. 3. Electrical power requirements and wire/conduit and over current protection sizes. B. Description: Supply,Install and commission, as shown on the schedules and plans, factory assembled, charged, and operational tested air cooled screw compressor chiller(s) as specified herein. Chiller shall include, but is not limited to: a complete system with multiple independent refrigerant circuits, semi-hermetic screw compressors, shell and tube type evaporator, air- cooled condenser, R134a refrigerant, lubrication system, interconnecting wiring, safety and operating controls including capacity controller, control center, motor starting components, and special features as specified herein or required for safe, automatic operation. C. Operating Characteristics: 1. Provide low ambient control and high ambient options as required to ensure unit is capable of operation from 0F to 125F ( -18C to 50C ) ambient. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 20 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 2. Provide capacity control system capable of reducing unit capacity to (10% for 2- compressor and below, 7.5% for 3 compressors and above) of full load. Compressor shall start in unloaded condition. Hot gas bypass, shall NOT be acceptable to meet specified minimum load. D. Cabinet: Unit panels, structural elements, control boxes and heavy gauge structural base shall be constructed of galvanized steel. Unit panels, control boxes and structural base are finished with a baked on powder paint. All painted surfaces shall be coated with baked on powder paint which shall be further made weather proof. COMPRESSORS AND MOTORS A. Compressors: Shall be direct drive, semihermetic, rotary screw type, including: muffler, temperature actuated „off-cycle‟ heater, rain-tight terminal box, discharge shut-off service valve, and precision machined cast iron housing. Design working pressure of entire compressor, suction to discharge, shall be 450 PSIG (31 bar). B. Motors: Refrigerant suction gas cooled accessible hermetic compressor motor, full suction gas flow through 0.006” maximum mesh screen, with inherent internal thermal overload protection and external current overload on all three phases. C. Lubrication: External oil separators with no moving parts, 450 PSIG design working pressure. Refrigerant system differential pressure shall provide oil flow through service replaceable, 0.5 micron, full flow cartridge type oil filter internal to compressor. Filter bypass, less restrictive media, or oil pump not acceptable. D. Capacity Control: Compressors shall start at minimum load. Capacity control range from 100% to 10% of chiller full load. Provide Microprocessor control to command compressor capacity to balance compressor capacity with cooling load.Capacity control system shall be both “valve- less” and “step-less” requiring no slide valve or capacity control valve(s) to operate at reduced capacity E. Compressor acoustic enclosure shall be employed. REFRIGERANT CIRCUIT COMPONENTS A. Each independent refrigerant circuit shall include: liquid line shutoff valve with charging port, low side pressure relief device, removable core filter-drier, sight glass with moisture indicator, and electronic expansion valve. B. Chiller manufacturer shall provide independent circuit for each compressor to provide maximum redundancy. HEAT EXCHANGERS A. Evaporator: 1. Direct expansion type (refrigerant in the tubes, water on shell side) shell and tube evaporator with high efficiency copper tubes. Independence refrigerant circuits shall be provided per compressor. 2. Constructed, tested, and stamped in accordance with applicable sections of ASME pressure vessel code for minimum 235 PSIG (16 bar) refrigerant side design working pressure and 150psig (10 bar) water side design working pressure. 3. Shell covered with ¾” (19mm), flexible, closed-cell insulation, thermal conductivity of 0.26k ([BTU/HR-Ft 2 -F]/in.) maximum. Water nozzles with grooves for mechanical couplings, and MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 21 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 insulated by Contractor after pipe installation. 4. Provide vent and drain fittings, and thermostatically controlled heaters to protect to -20F (- 29C) ambient in off-cycle. B. Air Cooled Condenser: 1. Coils: Internally enhanced, seamless copper tubes, mechanically expanded into aluminum alloy fins with full height collars. Subcooling coil an integral part of condenser. Design working pressure shall be 450 PSIG (31 bar). 2. Low Sound Fans: Shall be dynamically and statically balanced, direct drive, corrosion resistant aluminium blades, providing vertical air discharge from extended orifices. Guards of heavy gauge, PVC (polyvinyl chloride) coated or galvanized steel. 3. Fan Motors: High efficiency, direct drive, 3 phase, insulation class “F”, current protected, Totally Enclosed Air-Over (TEAO), with double sealed, permanently lubricated ball bearings. POWER AND ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS A. Power/Control Panel: 1. NEMA (IP65), powder painted steel cabinets with hinged, latched, and gasket sealed outer doors equipped with wind struts for safer servicing. Provide main power connections(s), compressor starters and fan motor contactors, current overloads, and factory wiring. 2. Panel shall include control display access door. B. Multi Point Power (Standard for 4-compressor Units):  Provide multi point power connection to chiller, shall be 3 phase of scheduled voltage (for 4- compressor units). C. Control Transformer: Power panel shall be supplied with a factory mounted and wired control transformer that will supply all unit control voltage from the main unit power supply. Transformer shall utilize scheduled line voltage on the primary side and provide 240V/1 on secondary. D Motor Starters: Motor current at start shall not exceed the rated load amps (RLA), providing no electrical inrush. Across the line, wye-delta, and solid state type starters will not be acceptable. F. Power Factor: 1. Provide equipment with power factor correction capacitors as required to maintain a power factor of 95% at all load conditions. 2. The installing contractor is responsible for additional cost to furnish and install power factor correction capacitors if they are not factory mounted and wired. G. Exposed compressor and fan motor power wiring shall be routed through liquid tight conduit. CONTROLS A. General: 1. Provide automatic control of chiller operation including compressor start/stop and load/unload, anti-recycle timers, condenser fans, evaporator pump, evaporator heater, unit alarm contacts and run signal contacts. 2. Chiller shall automatically reset to normal chiller operation after power failure. 3. Unit operating software shall be stored in non-volatile memory. Field programmed set points shall be retained in lithium battery backed real time clock (RTC) memory for minimum 5 years. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 22 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 4. Alarm contacts shall be provided to remote alert for any unit or system safety fault. B. Display and Keypad. 1. Provide minimum 80 character liquid crystal display that is both viewable in direct sunlight and has LED backlighting for nighttime viewing. Provide one keypad and display panel per chiller. 2. Display and keypad shall be accessible through display access door without opening main control/electrical cabinet doors. 3. Display shall provide a minimum of unit setpoints, status, electrical data, temperature data, pressures, safety lockouts and diagnostics without the use of a coded display. 4. Descriptions in English ,numeric data in English (or Metric) units. 5. Sealed keypad shall include unit On/Off switch. C. Programmable Setpoints (within Manufacturer limits): display language; leaving chilled liquid temperature: setpoint, control range; local or remote control; units of measure; compressor lead/lag; and maximum chilled water setpoint reset temperature range. D. Display Data: Chiller liquid return and leaving temperatures, ambient, lead compressor identification, clock and schedule, (variable) out of range, remote input indication, chilled liquid reset setpoint, and history data for last ten shutdown faults. Compressor suction, discharge, and oil pressures and temperatures, suction and discharge superheats, percent of full-load, operating hours, starts, and anti-recycle timer status. Status Messages for manual override, unit switch off, compressor run, run permissive, remote controlled shut down, no cooling load, daily/holiday shut down, anti-recycle timer. E. Predictive Control Points: Unit controls shall avoid safety shutdown when operating outside design conditions by optimizing the chiller controls and cooling load output to stay online and avoid safety limits being reached. The system shall monitor the following parameters and the maintain the maximum cooling output possible without shutdown of the equipment: motor current, suction pressure and discharge pressure. F. System Safeties: Shall cause individual compressor systems to perform auto-reset shut down; manual reset required after the third trip in 90 minutes. Includes: high discharge pressure or temperature, low suction pressure, high/low motor current, high motor temperature, high pressure switch, high/low differential oil pressure, high oil temperature, low suction superheat, critical sensor malfunction, low or high current, phase loss/single phase power, overload of motor windings, and low voltage. G. Unit Safeties: Shall be automatic reset and cause compressors to shut down if: high or low ambient, low leaving chilled liquid temperature, under voltage, and flow switch operation. Contractor shall provide flow switch and wiring per chiller manufacturer requirements. H. Manufacturer shall provide any controls not listed above, necessary for automatic chiller operation. Mechanical Contractor shall provide field control wiring necessary to interface sensors to the chiller control system. Power/Supply Connections: Terminal Block Power Connection: Power connections shall be made to a Terminal Block with factory provided interconnecting wiring to chiller components. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 23 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Vibration Isolation Vibration isolators will be supplied for field mounting. Isolators will be level adjusting spring type with 2” deflection PART 3 — EXECUTION INSTALLATION A. General: Rig and Install in full accordance with Manufacturer‟s requirements, Project drawings, and Contract documents. B. Location: Locate chiller as indicated on drawings, including cleaning and service maintenance clearance per Manufacturer instructions. Adjust and level chiller on support structure. C. Components: Installing Contractor shall provide and install all auxiliary devices and accessories for fully operational chiller. D. Electrical: Coordinate electrical requirements and connections for all power feeds with Electrical Contractor E. Controls: Coordinate all control requirements and connections with Controls Contractor. F. Finish: Installing Contractor shall paint damaged and abraded factory finish with touch-up paint matching factory finish. NOISE LEVEL The contractor shall include in his pricing all necessary provisions to reduce the noise level from the chillers in order to obtain a quiet environment, the requirement of which shall be as stipulated by the Engineer. TREATED FRESH AIR HANDLING UNIT General The TFAHU shall be weather proof type and modular in construction and shall have sections and capacity as per the schedule. The Sizes and connections of the units shall be selected to fit into the spaces available without affecting the architectural integrity of the building. Manufacturers of the TFAHU shall have ISO 9001 certification and EUROVENT certification. Casing The unit casing shall be of double skinned panels. Casing shall be assembled with self supporting modular panels with an integrated base frame made of aluminium and section along upper sides of units. Sheet metal thickness shall be 1.0 mm. for the inner skin and 1.0 mm. for the outer skin and made from zinc coated steel sheets. Outside of the outer skin shall be plastic coated to a thickness of 0.2 mm. for additional protection. Inside and outside of the panel wall shall be completely smooth. Overall heat transmittance shall not exceed k = 0.59 w/m²k. All casing panels shall be insulated by fibre glass layer of 50 mm. thickness,48 Kg/cu.m MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 24 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 density or equivalent. The sound absorption through the panel shall be Rw = 42 db (weighted sound reduction factor). Panel shall be assembled with special rivets. The inspection side of the coil section panels shall be assembled with bolts and nuts for easy removal of coils. Panel air tightness shall be as per EUROVENT standards. The base frame of the unit shall be made from hot dipped galvanized U-profile. Service doors shall be provided with special gaskets and locking device. Access doors 400 mm. and larger shall be provided with hinges and handles for external and internal opening. Sealant between panels shall be an anti fungicide sealant material. TFAHU manufacturer shall ensure that panel construction shall be without any thermal bridges and shall guarantee that no condensation shall take place on the exterior of the panels. Fan Section Fan shall be double inlet double width aerofoil backward curved centrifugal type. The blades shall be made of galvanized steel. Centrifugal fans shall be statically and dynamically balanced at the factory as complete fan assembly. (Fan wheel, shaft motor, drive and belts). Fans and shaft shall operate well below their critical speeds. If any out of balance is apparent on the site, the Engineer reserves the right to request new factory supplied units to be provided until satisfactory balance is demonstrated. Fan bearing shall be lubricated type with extended Lube lines to terminate outside the fan section. The bearing shall be selected for life of 100,000 hours of operation. FAHU fan and motor drive shall be oversized by at least 20% and shall be fitted with adjustable belt tension arrangement. The air-handling unit shall have internal vibration isolation system by mounting fan, motor and drive assembly on rubber isolators. The fan discharge shall be connected to the air- handling unit casing through canvas connection to prevent vibration transfer. Motor and fan assembly shall be mounted on a common galvanized steel base frame with an easily adjustable motor slide rail. Motors shall be totally enclosed, foot mounted, fan cooled IP54 with class F insulation. Coil Section Cooling coils shall be of cartridge type mounted on Aluminium slide rails for easy resolvability. The number of fins shall be fixed at 12FPI to optimize performance requirements. Coil casing shall be 1.5 mm thick galvanized steel with drain holes on the bottom channels to ensure condensate drainage. Coil tubes shall be heavy guage copper mechanically expanded into aluminium plate fins. All joints shal be silver brazed. Coils shall be designed to utilize the full available unit cross section area and mounted on slide rail to allow for easy removal when required. Coils shall be proof tested at 26 bar (375 psig) and leak tested at 17 bar (250 psig). Coil performance shall be rated in accordance with ARI Standard 410. Drain pans shall be stainless steel either integrated in the insulated base or placed under MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 25 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 the coil within the coil section; drain pans shall be sloped and shall have drain connection to the service side. Filter Section 50 mm. thick aluminium frame permanent washable filter made of many layer of coffered metal mesh ( aluminium ) flat filter having average filtration efficiency 70%, recommended filter replacement Δp = 200 pa , filter class B acc. EN 1886. TFAHUs shall have an additional bag filter section. Bag filter media shall have minimum dust spot efficiency of 55% as determined by opacimetric method. Anti Vibration Mounting TFAHU‟s shall be provided with steel spring type anti-vibration, mounting of minimum 1” deflection FAN COIL UNITS General The fan coil units shall be of size suitable for installation in the space provided and have capacity as indicated in the equipment schedule. The unit shall comply with the following specifications: Description The fan coil unit shall be completely factory built and ductable type/decorative wall mounted/cassette type, as applicable and shall be installed at high level as indicated on drawings. The ducted type unit shall be of double skin construction. Low noise twin fans shall be forward curved, double width, double inlet, centrifugal type, statically and dynamically balanced and mounted on a steel shaft. Fans shall have permanently lubricated, self aligning ball bearings. Fan wheel and housing are to be of galvanized steel. The motor shall be of the totally enclosed type for protection against dust and external particles suitable for operation on 240V, single phase, 50Hz, A.C. supply. The motor shall be fitted with life lubricated bearings having three speed and complete with thermal overload protection. All units shall be provided with OFF-HI-MED-LOW fan speed switch (remote) and air vent. The cooling coils shall be staggered tube type constructed of seamless copper tubes expanded into aluminum fins and shall be factory tested at 225psig air pressure. The coils shall be suitable for the duty requirements as specified in the schedule and shall be minimum 3 rows deep. The coil face velocity shall not exceed 500 fpm. The cooling coils shall be completely drainable type. The integral drain pan shall be fabricated of galvanized steel with closed cell insulation and sealed with mastic for maximum protection against corrosion and sweating. The back side of the panel shall have a filter frame with bottom filter access. The filter MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 26 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 shall be washable type having thickness as recommended by the manufacturer. MINI SPLIT A/C UNIT General The plant required shall consist of air-cooled split type air-conditioning unit of mini-split category - wall mounted type . The unit shall be composed of an indoor unit and an air-cooled outdoor unit for application with R-22 refrigerant The unit offered in the tender shall be by a reputed manufacturer who is represented locally and can provide an efficient maintenance and spare part service The casing shall consist of a heavy gauge steel chassis with sheet metal casing The minimum thickness shall be 12 mm The whole unit shall be protected against corrosion and finished inside and outside with stoned primer and paint. The casing for the inside unit shall be the same as mentioned above or of rigid plastic as supplied by the manufacturer. The fan shall be of the forward curved centrifugal type and be made of aluminium reinforced glass fibre or rigid plastic material. The air filters shall be of nylon fibre glass, fibre material or as supplied by the manufacturer and approved by the Engineer. The filter shall be easily removable for cleaning. The inside unit fan and condenser fan motors shall factory lubricated bearings of the sealed for life type. The motor winding and electrical components shall be impregnated or protected to avoid problems with condensation. The compressor in the outside unit shall be the hermetically sealed pattern complete with resilient mountings. The condenser and evaporator coils shall be formed of copper primary tubes with aluminium fins or copper fins If copper fins are used they shall be electro-tinned after manufacture The fins shall be mechanically bonded to the tubes Aluminium coils shall be guaranteed for five years. The unit shall have control giving three running speeds and an off position. The outlet grille shall be fully adjustable to enable the direction of airflow to be set to the desired direction where the units are floor mounted the supply grilles shall be on the top of the unit. The units shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer‟s recommendations to unit location, refrigerant piping, power and condensate piping. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 27 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Where the units are of the concealed type the Contractor shall ensure adequate access is provided for the removal of a complete unit. The condensate pipe work shall be run to the nearest drain. The units shall meet the specified duties for airflow and cooling capacities. The controls shall include the following: (a) High-low pressure switches (b) Oil pressure protection switch (c) Thermal overload cut-out The units shall incorporate the following accessories: (a) Suction-liquid heat exchanger (b) Inlet strainer (c) Electric crank case heater (d) Refrigerant filter dryer (e) Sight glass (f) Suction and discharge shut off valves (g) Changing, relief and purging valves (h) Gauge connections (i) Spring mounts for compressor The fin spacing for the evaporator and condenser coils shall be in line with the latest MEW regulations The air conditioning unit shall be capable of handling the cooling loads when operating in ambient conditions of 50°C at the medium speed The outdoor unit shall be designed to operate at outdoor ambient temperature of 50°C The sound level shall not exceed 55 dBA at low speed and 60 dBA at high speed when measured at 1 m distance in a room with normal occupancy and furnishing The safety devices for the compressors shall be as per the manufacturer‟s recommendations 22.2.04 CHILLED WATER PUMPS Pumps shall be centrifugal, end suction type. Pumps shall be base mounted, directly connected to their motor through flexible couplings. Pump casings shall be cast iron with bronze or stainless steel impeller, stainless steel shaft, mechanical seal, flexible coupling and cast iron base. Pump impellers and rotating assemblies shall be statically and dynamically balanced at the factory Pumps shall be selected to operate at the point of maximum efficiency and shall not be MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 28 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 selected under any circumstances at the end of its curve. Each pump shall be fitted with the following components: i. 100 mm. diameter suction and discharge pressure gauges, siphons and cocks. ii. Flexible connections on inlet and outlet iii. Check valve on outlet. iv. Isolating gate valve on inlet and outlet. v. Strainer on inlet. vi. Vibration isolators below pump bases The Contractor is expected to cross check the pressure head requirements in conjunction with the water side equipment selected by him and submit the necessary calculations to the Engineer for approval. Pump shall be selected at its maximum efficiency point. The pump will not be approved if selected to operate near the end of its curve. The motor kW should not exceed that indicated in the pump schedule. 22.2.05 PRESSURIZATION PACKAGE The chilled water system shall be a closed pressurized system incorporating a combined pressurization and automatic water make-up unit as indicated on the drawings. The pressurisation unit shall be an integrated unit, factory assembled and tested. The pressurisation unit shall incorporate a break tank, two make-up pumps (one running, one standby), twin expansion vessels, associated pipe work and valves and controls. The expansion vessels shall be of the pre-pressurized diaphragm type manufactured to BS 4814 and shall be subjected to a test pressure of 750 KPa. The twin expansion vessels shall each have a capacity to suit the chilled water network size with a maximum working pressure not exceeding 150 KPa. The controls shall include the following: i. Automatic pump changeover upon failure of duty pump indicated by pump failure light. ii. Manual pump selector switch. iii. Duty pump run light iv. Hours run indicators for pumps v. Low pressure visible and audible alarm MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 29 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 22.2.06 VENTILATION EQUIPMENTS ROOF MOUNTED TWIN EXHAUST FAN The fan unit shall comprise of a duplicate fan assembly complete with motors and drives mounted on a heavy-duty unit base plate by anti-vibration mountings. The fans shall be direct driven with double inlet forward curved centrifugal impellers running on two life-long lubricated bearings. The fan unit shall be fitted with automatic shutters to prevent air re circulation through standby fan and blow back when not in use. The fan unit electric motor shall be manufactured in accordance with BS 5000 and be of the shaded pole or capacitor start and run type suitable for an electrical supply of 240 volts, single phase, 50 Hz and capable of operating in ambient conditions as described earlier. The fan unit shall have air operated flow switches fitted, arranged to change over to the standby fan in the event of the selected fan failing and also to provide a fault signal. The fan unit shall be pre wired with switches and isolators to a single terminal box on the casing. The unit casing shall be constructed from aluminium alloy with centrally positioned inlet spigot and access panel to allow ease of service. Twin roof fans shall be acoustically lined and suitable for mounting on roof and auto change-over panels with duty sharing feature shall be provided at an accessible location. ROOF MOUNTED SINGLE CABINET FAN These fans shall be roof mounted single speed centrifugal cabinet extractors with horizontal outlet suitable for ducted ventilation. They should be capable of exhaust clean air with temperature upto 80 0 C. The fans shall be direct driven and the motor shall be outside the airflow. The fan construction shall have following features: 1. Base frame in galvanized steel sheet 2. Protection guard in steel rod protected against atmospheric agents. 3. Backward curved wheel in galvanized steel sheet with high efficiency and low noise level. 4. Upper cover in techno-polymer, with suitable slots for proper motor cooling. 5. Asynchronous three-phase motor according to international standards IEC 34 – IEC 72 and 89/392 EEC – 89/336 EEC-73/23 EEC, CE marked, IP55, Class „F‟. The fans shall be supplied with back draught gravity shutter, support (counter base to be walled up) and grid (inlet side guard), Optional accessories like outer terminal box and sensor switch to be available. MOUNTED FAN Extract fan shall be suitable for wall mounting . MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 30 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 The fan construction shall be of moulded plastic, unobtrusive with flush inner and outer grille . Motors shall be of the shaded pole induction type enclosed in a aluminium alloy case and protected by a thermal overload cutout. The motor bearings shall be self alignment sealed for life type . The fans shall be provided with a solenoid operated backdraught shutters . the solenoid shall open and close the backdraught damper silently as the fan is switched ON or OFF. PLATE MOUNTED AXIAL FANS General The compact plate axial fan shall have metal fan casing and guard to provide a long lasting robust construction. All parts shall be suitable treated to ensure full corrosion protection. Fan plates and motors shall have a powder coated, highly durable, polyester epoxy paint finish in pastel beige . Guard shall be bright zinc plated. Impeller Assemblies Adjustable pitch aerodynamic impeller shall be provided, made from high quality GRP. These shall be factory set at an angle to provide maximum performance. Hubs shall be made from die cast aluminium alloy (LM24). Assembled impellers are to be balanced to grade. Motors Highly efficient, lightweight induction motors shall be provided; these will have sealed for life, maintenance free ball bearings. Each motor shall be matched to the aerodynamic performance of the impeller. Motors shall be Class F insulated to EN 60034-5, weatherproofed to IP55 and suitable for speed control. They shall have an integral thermal overload protection. The fan shall be suitable for operating temperature of up to +70°C fixed speed and +50°C when used with speed controllers. Electrical connection to the motor shall be provided by an IP55 terminal box fitted to a 550mm long flying lead. Quality Management Units are to be designed and manufactured with procedures as defined in BS EN ISO 9001-2000. EEC Directives shall be met. All units are to be tested to ISO 5801: 1997 (airside performance) and BS 848 pt 2: 1985 (sound performance). MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 31 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 IMPULSE CAR PARK VENTILATION SYSTEM The detailed design, supply,testing and commissioning of underground carpark ventilation system shall be carried out by specialist.  SYSTEM DESCRIPTION, FUNCTION AND DESIGN RESPONSIBILITIES. The contractor shall provide a turnkey car park ventilation system that is consistent with the scheme as indicated on the drawings. The proposed scheme utilizes jet fans with supply fan /main exhaust fans located along the perimeter of the car park. The system shall serve both a CO evacuation and smoke extract function. The contractor shall provide a full design proposal that includes the following information for review by the Engineer: The contractor shall carry out smoke tests, eye-witnessed by the consultant, the fire brigade and local government, to prove system function. These tests shall be made at minimum 10 spots throughout the car park, location advised by any of the above mentioned participants. Smoke tests shall be carried out using smoke generators to demonstrate the effectiveness of the system. Full Bill of Materials to be utilized in the system implementation. • Specifications, manufacturer‟s data and performance data for all devices and equipment to be utilized in the system • Control schematics for operation of the system. • All ancillary devices such as roll up doors, motorized dampers, silencers, smoke detectors, CO detectors, etc that are required to ensure proper system operation in both the CO and smoke modes. • All necessary devices that are required to interface with the base building systems such as fire alarm and detection, BMS, etc. The system principles are as follows. • Fully automatic smoke control • Lower air temperatures during fires • No ductwork distribution • Improved fire fighting access • High air movement preventing fire spread • Efficient cross-ventilation • CO Pollution Control SYSTEM DESCRIPTION  The main extract fans shall be axial fans mounted in parallel. All fans shall be located within the shaft as indicated on the drawings. Impulse fans shall be located throughout car park levels to assist the air movement. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 32 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0  Under "normal" ventilation conditions, air shall be drawn through all parts of the car park at a rate equivalent to three air changes per hour. When CO levels rise beyond 25ppm – average value of 15 minutes, the impulse fans shall operate at low speed on the effected floor to mix and dilute the CO gases for extract via the main fans. Should the CO level continue to rise, to 50ppm – average value of 15 minutes, the air change rate shall increase to 6 per hour. Should the CO level continue to rise, to 60ppm – average value of 15 minutes, or 250ppm current value, an acoustic and optical CO-alert shall warn people to leave the car park by escape means. The CO detection system including approved acoustic and optical alert devices are part of the contractor‟s scope of supply.  On detection of smoke, the main fans shall operate at full speed, increasing the airflow to the fire floor. The system has to run in 3 different modes to handle all alert scenarios. The control system shall determine which of the 3 zones and which set of main extract fans are activated dependant on the location of the fire. The basic control principle is to use 2 shaft fans in extract mode and 1shaft fans in air supply mode. Each zone must provide in case of a fire minimum 12air changes per hour.  All the air extracted from the car park shall pass through the fire zone, controlled by the impulse fans.  The distribution and pre-selected operation of the impulse fans on the fire floor shall contain and channel smoke through an air corridor. The air corridor shall be created by the jet streams of the impulse fans, and guided towards the extract point.The averageair velocity within the corridor shall be equal to 12 air changes to overcome the buoyancy effect for a designed fire load of one car on fire, sprinklered.  In compliance with international design codes the main extract fans shall each be rated in combination to extract 50% of the maximum airflow for any given fire zone. All Impulse,supply and Extract Fans shall be rated to withstand a temperature rating of 300°C for a period of 2 hours.  The Car Park Ventilation system shall be a stand alone Life Safety System, combined with Sprinkler.  Automatic smoke curtain shall be used at each basement level ,exit vehicular ramp to prevent from fresh air short circuit.Automatic smoke curtain shall be linked to the fire alarm panel CO-DETECTION  The car park ventilation systems shall be controlled by a CO-monitoring system to optimize efficiency. The Co-monitoring system shall comprise dedicated rack cards mounted with purpose made enclosures.  To decrease sound, generated by the Extract Fans, and to save energy the CO detection system shall operate at least 3 independent CO zones.  CO monitoring devices shall be mounted remotely throughout the car parks. The devices shall be mounted in accordance with the manufacturers guidelines but no greater than 1.5m above FFL. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 33 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0  Danger Signs suspended from the ceiling to stipulated car clearance height are within contractor‟s scope of supply. The Danger Signs shall be illuminated in case of a CO alert.  The contractor should refer to the specific requirements of the CO sensor supplier for quantities of CO-detectors. The minimum design requirement shall ensure a single CO-detector covers a maximum car park area of 400 m2.  CO detection system, LON-Bus  CO level drawing with all sensors + danger signs and acoustic alarm to be provided  CO Sensor, LON-Bus, addressable.  CO centre capable to control the above-mentioned CO zones independently.  All components have to comply with VDI 2053, rev. 2004 - CO detection and alert modes in car parks. SMOKE DETECTION  The Car Park Ventilation system shall incorporate photoelectric smoke / heat detectors.  The photoelectric smoke/ heat detectors shall be capable of detecting smoke/heat from fires. The detectors shall have 360 degree smoke entry.  The Photo-electric smoke/heat detectors shall be U.L listed/LPCB approved.  The design of the optical smoke/heat detectors sensing chamber shall be optimized to minimize the effect of the dust deposits over a period of time  The optical smoke/heat detectors shall incorporate screens designed to prevent all but the very small insects from entering the sensing chamber.  The optical smoke/heat detectors shall include RFI screening and feed-through connecting components to minimize the effect of radiated and conducted electrical interference.  The optical smoke/heat detectors shall incorporate an LED, clearly visible from the outside, to provide indication of alarm actuation.  The optical smoke/heat detectors shall have EMI/RFI shielded electrons.  The optical smoke/heat detectors shall incorporate an LED clearly visible from the outside, to provide indication of alarm and normal conditions.  The detectors shall be capable of being semi -recessed.  The detectors shall be mounted on the loop circuits to conform to NFPA Class A Style 7 wiring.  The heat detectors shall have the option of being provided with integral loop powered sounders.  The fire detection system shall be fully addressable to operate three smoke zones @ first /second/third basement level independently. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 34 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 System Switchboard Supply  System switchboard designed by Car Park Ventilation system manufacturer.  System switchboard for Smoke Extract and CO management system performance criteria shall be as per BS EN 60439-1: 1999  System switchboard fully programmed with all necessary algorithms to operate CO redundancy and fire safety modes as per BS standards.  System switchboard designed to control all fans, dampers and other system components.  System switchboard drawings to be submitted for final approval.  Fully programmed for use Impulse Ventilation System IMPULSE (jet) FANS and SUPPLY/EXTRACT FANS  The jet fans shall have heavy gauge 4.0 mm steel complete with a seawater resistant aluminum impeller including a normal motor with IP 55 rating and class H insulation.  All Impulse ,supply and Extract Fans fire rated 300°C for 2 hours. All fans must be tested and certified acc. to EN 12101-3, class F300. The formal CE sign with it‟s unique number of the notified and certifying body is, as a proof, inevitable.  Impulse Fans shall be uni directional as per attached fan schedule and must be delivered with the following minimum options: Aluminum guide vanes, stainless steel protection grilles, inlet cone at both ends, suction and discharge silencers, colour to be per architectural requirements and a 6-pole lockable working switch including pad lock, rated for 300°C for 2 hours . The working switch casing must therefore be supplied, as a proof, with a certificate of a notified body in the contractor‟s country; the lockable switch might be replaced by isolators in the system switchboard .  Extract Fans shall be uni directional as per attached fan schedule and must be delivered with the following minimum options: Heavy gauge 8.0 mm steel casing, hot dip galvanized, inlet cone at both ends with protection grilles, impeller seawater resistant aluminum and steel reinforced blades, inlet and outlet velocity in forward direction less than 21 m/s (no diffusers), fan efficiency greater than 75%, vibration attenuators – steel spring type – attenuation 90% minimum, mounting brackets, 6 pole lockable working switch including pad lock, rated for 300°C for 2 hours .The working switch casing must therefore be supplied, as a proof, with a certificate of a notified body in the contractor‟s country; the lockable switch might be replaced by isolators in the system switchboard .  Motor acc, to IEC, EN, DIN and VDE, IP 55  Fans shall be noise rated for 60dB (A) on 1m 45deg in the free field.  Fans shall be capable of moving smoke to allow clearance in accordance with smoke extract fans. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 35 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0  Air Flow Rates The air flow rate is in accordance with current building regulations in force, i.e. Building regulations approved document F and as specified in the schedule of drawings.  System Operation Under “ Normal” ventilation conditions and to comply with regulations „F‟ air will be drawn into the car park from the ramp complemented by a supply fan and pushed around the area and towards the extract point where 2 No. main fans would be located. Under “Normal “ Conditions, one main extract fan will operate at low speed, thus providing 3 air changes per hour; CO levels will be monitored continually. On detection of CO levels rising beyond 25ppm, the impulse fans will operate at low speed in the affected area to mix and dilute the CO gases for extract via the main fans. Should the CO level continue to rise to 50PPM, both main fans will operate at low speed to give 6 air changes per hour. The use of CO monitoring equipment will assist with achieving building regulation part 12 for energy efficiency. On detection of smoke, and to comply with document „B‟ two main extract fans will increase to high speed and will provide an air change rate of 12 per hour due to the distribution and selective operation of the impulse fans smoke will be guided towards the main extract point.  Fan Ratings All fans are rated to withstand a temperature of 300º C for a period of at least 2 hrs.  Equipment Overview Scope shall include the supply fan, main extract fans, smoke curtains impulse fans,grills / dampers, suction / discharge ducting, supply of electrical panel, CO detection system, smoke detection system, engineering, commissioning, cabling etc.  Main Extract Fans  Supply fan  Impluse Fans  Sound attenuators  Extract Grillers & smoke tight motorized dampers  Supply grilles with fresh air intake attached with sand trap and motorized dampers.  Automatic smoke curtains  Electrical Panel Switch Board (Inclusive of all required Controls in the system)  CO detection system detectors & panel MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 36 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0  Multi Criteria Smoke Detectors and fire panel  Detailed System Design  Commissioning Fan system, electrical panels, CO and Smoke detection system  Approval Test  Customized CFD analysis for the proposed system .Customised analysis will be a true modelling to show and account for all internal obstructions and structures. Shaft in which the main extract fans /supply fan are located shall be provided with steel grating as an access platform, for periodic maintenance as applicable. STAIRWELL / LIFTWELL/ESCAPE ROUTE PRESSURISATION FANS. Vane axial fans shall be belt driven, Arrangement 9, with the motor attached to the exterior of the fan housing on an adjustable base. Fan housing shall be fabricated from heavy gauge steel with prepunched flanges at both ends. A minimum of seven heavy gauge straightening vanes shall be welded to the fan housing downstream from the rotor. Turned, precision ground and polished steel shafts shall be sized so the first critical speed is at least 25% over the maximum operating speed. Close tolerances shall be maintained where the shaft makes contact with the bearing. Bearings shall be selected for a minimum life (L-10) of 40,000 hours at maximum operating speed and horsepower for each construction level. Rotor blades and hub shall be heat treated cast aluminum alloy A356-T6 with blade bases and hub sockets precision machined. Blades shall be attached to the hub with steel studs and self-locking nuts. Hub shall be positively secured with a steel taper lock bushing keyed to the fan shaft. Rotor blade pitch shall be manually adjustable within horsepower limitations. A blade tip angle scale shall be machined into the base of the master blade and indexed to the hub. All blades shall be adjustable to align with the master blade pitch setting. Fans with a sound trap required shall meet the additional requirements: Construction shall be double walled with two inches of sound absorbing material between the walls. The inner wall shall be constructed of perforated steel. Air performance ratings shall be equal to equivalent size fans with a single wall housing. Each assembled fan shall be test run at the factory at the specified fan RPM and vibration signatures shall be taken on each bearing in the horizontal, vertical, and axial direction. The maximum allowable fan vibration shall be 0.079 in./sec peak velocity, filter-in reading as measured at the fan RPM. Vane axial fans shall be roof mounted type Axial fans for liftwell /stairwell/Escape route pressurisation shall be of fire resistant construction rated at 300 0 C for 2 hours MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 37 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 The fans shall be complete with spring type anti vibration mounting,mounting brackets,matching flange,high temp flexible connector etc. SMOKE CLEARANCE VENTS Dedicated openable vertical glazed vents shall be provided for smoke clearance from the office space and retail area.Each vertical glazed vent shall be actuator operated and linked to the fire alarm panel. 22.2.07 VIBRATIONS ISOLATORS All plant and supports shall be isolated from the building structure and the supports isolated from other items of equipment in such a manner that noise and vibration are not transmitted through the structure. The chillers shall be mounted on floating floor foundations and provided with cased spring type anti-vibration mounts with minimum 50 mm. deflection. The spring mounts shall consist of cast metal telescopic housings with resilient inserts as guides between the top and bottom housings. The mounts shall incorporate built-in levelling arrangement. The bottom plate of the mount shall be fitted with 6 mm. thick synthetic rubber pad to reduce transmission of high frequency noise and vibrations. The metal casing and the springs shall be powder coated for protection against corrosion. The springs shall be colour coded to facilitate identification. Chilled water pump sets shall be installed over inertia blocks made out of reinforced concrete or concrete-filled welded steel framework. The weight of the inertia block shall be at least 1.5 times the total working weight of the pump sets. The inertia blocks shall be mounted over cased spring mounts, as described above, with minimum 25 mm. deflection. Protruding steel lugs/brackets or recesses shall be provided in the inertia base to facilitate installation of spring mounts. Fan-coil units shall be provided with spring type anti-vibration hangers having steel frame and helical compression type springs with minimum 25 mm deflection. The springs shall be located within synthetic rubber cups to reduce transmission of high frequency noise and vibrations. The rubber cup shall be complete with embedded load distribution steel plate and with projection bush to prevent metal-to-metal contact. The metal fame and the springs shall be powder coated for protection against corrosion. The springs shall be colour coded to facilitate identification. Roof mounted TFAHU and roof mounted fans shall be installed on cased spring mounts as described above with minimum 25 mm. deflection. All piping connected to isolated equipment and pipes within mechanical rooms shall be suspended from spring type anti-vibration hangers as described above for at least first three points of support on all sides of the equipment. Pipes running at low level shall be mounted on cased spring mounts. The spring hangers and mounts used for supporting pipes shall have minimum 25 mm deflection. Structural columns or vertical steel pipes used as supports for water pipes shall have extended base plates that rest on rubber pads of adequate load bearing capacity. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 38 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Suitable rubber grommets shall be provided to avoid contact between the base plates and the fixing bolts. The ratings of anti-vibration mounts and hangers shall suit the load distribution data furnished by the equipment manufacturer with adequate margin of safety for weights of water and accessories/fittings connected to the equipment. The vibration isolators shall be installed in accordance with the maker‟s recommendations. The Mechanical Contractor shall ensure that the performance of isolators is suitable for the machinery to be installed. All anti-vibration mounts and hangers shall be subject to the Engineer‟s approval. 22.2.08 TEST HOLES Test holes shall be provided in the horizontal side of the ducts and shall be of 22 mm. dia. Each test hole shall be fitted with an Instrument Test Port having galvanized cast metal body, expandable rubber sealing element and metal wing nut for operation. Test port base shall be seated on soft rubber gasket and riveted to the duct wall. The wing nut shall extend outside the finished insulation so that the duct interior can be accessed without disturbing the insulation. Rubber plugs or stick-on seals shall not be used for closing test holes. The number of test holes shall be as per recommendation of DW142. Test holes shall be provided at the following locations: At fans (in the straight section of duct near to fan outlet) At main supply and return ducts of air handling units/cooling coils At main branches after regulating dampers At any other position as per Engineer‟s requirements 22.2.09 INSTRUMENTS AND GAUGES Stem Type Thermometers Range: 20 to 220 0 F Size: 9” long Location: At inlet and outlet of chillers and air handling units Type: Mercury in glass Thermometer Well Location At inlet and outlet of chillers, air handling units and fan coil units. Purpose To accommodate stem type thermometers Construction Brass body with Plastic cap to prevent ingress of dirt Water Pressure Gauges Size 4” in diameter Components Pig tail and vent cock Location Inlet and outlet of all pumps and chillers, to be selected in a way to ensure needle position at mid-range during operation of the equipment Range 0 to 100 psi, unless otherwise advised by the Engineer MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 39 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 22.2.10 INTERFACING WITH FIRE ALARM SYSTEM / BMS SYSTEM  All starting devices shall be interlocked and shall be shut off upon receiving signal from Fire Alarm Control Panel.  The smoke detector shall be photo electric obscuration type suitable for duct mounting. Adequate number of detectors shall be provided as per NFPA 72 to cover the whole cross sectional area of the duct.  The detector shall be supplied and installed by the Air Conditioning Contractor but relevant wiring shall be supplied and installed under the Electrical Contract.Duct mounted smoke detectors shall shut off the relevant AC unit through the Fire Alarm Panel. In the event of proven fire alarm situation, the whole plant shall be shutdown in proper sequence.  Smoke clearance vents of office /retail premises shall be interfaced with fire alarm panel.  Stairwell/ Liftwell /Escape route pressurisation system shall be interfaced with fire alarm panel.  All components of car park ventilation system shall be fully interfaced with fire alarm panel.  All the HVAC SYSTEM equipments and LIFE SAFETY system equipments shall be interfaced with the BMS. 22.2.11 INTER – DISCIPLINE CO-ORDINATION Apart from full time co-ordination with the main contractor, following co-ordinations with other disciplines shall also be the responsibility of the A/C Contractor  Co-ordination with Electrical for Power Supply / fire alarm interfacing  Co-ordination with Hydraulics for drains locations and water supply.  Coordination with Fire services for fire shutdown, sprinkler etc.  Coordination with the IBMS supplier.  Coordination with the client‟s representative  Coordination with False ceiling contractor.  Coordination with third party certified testing, adjusting and balancing (TAB ) specialists-hydronic as well as air balancing .  Coordination with chilled water treatment specialist  Coordination with acoustical specialist appointed by the contractor for acoustical verification of the project. 22.2.12 SHEET METAL WORK Ductwork and fittings i) General Low velocity ductwork and fittings shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with specification DW142 issued by the HVCA/ASHRAE Standards except where specified hereunder to the contrary. The Works Contractor shall supply and install all the ductwork, sheet metal, supports, MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 40 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 dampers, grilles, diffusers and auxiliaries, as required to complete the various ventilation and air conditioning system. The installation shall be as shown on the Drawings, but the Works Contractor must include for checking site dimension. All supply, return and exhaust air ducts, support members and fittings shall be constructed from new high quality galvanized mild steel sheet and shall conform to the requirements of HVCA, including ASHRAE Standards. All ductwork shall be manufactured and erected by ductwork specialists and shall be installed to run parallel with the building structure and provide a neat arrangement. The ductwork shall be true in section and continuous with air-tight joints, presenting a smooth surface on the inside and neatly finished on the outside. Internal roughness or obstruction to air flow, and sharp edges or corners on the outside of ducts. Fittings or supports will not be accepted. Variations in direction and in the shape of ductwork shall be effected with easy changes to the airflow. The slope of a change in shape, a contraction or an expansion shall not exceed 22.5 degrees on any side. All square bends shall be fitted with turnings vanes of proprietary manufacture. Flanged duct joints shall be used for all circular ducts of diameters 600 mm or greater and all rectangular ducts having any dimension equal or greater than 800 mm. All duct joints shall be made air-tight incorporating pop-riveted seams, approved sealants, gaskets and finished tapes. All excess sealant must be removed before tape is applied. Rectangular ducts having any dimension equal or greater than 400 mm shall be externally stiffened all around the duct. Ductwork test holes shall be provided at air handling units (positioned in a straight section of duct near to the fan discharge) and in all main branch ducts with two or more terminals served from the branch. Test holes shall be 25 mm diameter, suitably strengthened and fitted with an effective removable seal. Open ends of ducts shall be covered during erection with plastic sheeting to prevent ingress of dust and rubbish. Where damage (or rusting) has occurred on galvanized ductwork, the affected section shall be made good by preparing, cleaning and painting with two coats of zinc rich paint and an approved finishing paint. Where damage, in the Engineer‟s opinion, cannot be made good, than a new section of ductwork shall be provided at no cost to the contract. All ductwork supports and hangers shall be painted with two coats of zinc rich paint. The steelwork supports at roof level shall be provided by the Works Contractor and shall be painted with two coats of black bit mastic paint. All ductwork supports and hangers shall be of the angle iron and drop rod type or other approved suspension systems: Neoprene/compressible rubber strip or timber spacers shall be inserted between the ducts and supports to reduce the transmission on noise and vibration and to provide a thermal break. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 41 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Vertical drop rods or angle support members shall be positioned as close to the edge of the duct as possible, but not touching it. The supports shall be outside any insulation, vapour sealing or other finish. Additional supports shall be provided adjacent to dampers, grilles, diffusers, or other similar equipment so as to prevent duct distortion. Maximum support centre shall be 2.4m for any horizontal or vertical ducts and 1.2m for large horizontal ducts whose cross section area exceeds 3 sq.m. On no accounts shall angles, used for ductwork stiffening or joints be used as part of the supports. No ceilings, light fittings or any other equipment shall be supported from the ductwork or the ductwork supports. \ ii) Materials This specification shall apply to ductwork and fittings made from hot dip galvanized sheet or coil to BS 2989 (1992) Grade Z2 Or Z3 with iron-zinc alloy coating type G275 (STANDARD) or equal. iii) Construction a) General The constructional requirements for rectangular ductwork have been established following independent tests, the limits of use being related to the characteristics of rolled steel angle longitudinal beams, cross joints and stiffeners described in this Specification b) Sheet thickness Minimum sheet thickness is 0.6 mm. (0.9 mm for ductwork in pyrotechnical area). c) Longitudinal Seams Sealant shall be used with all longitudinal seams irrespective of the pressure class. The sealant must be included in the seam during manufacture or be applied as an edge sealant. All joints are to be neatly Pop-riveted or spot-welded. No folded seams will be allowed. Connections and fittings Duct connections to grilles and diffusers shall be detailed to manufacturer‟s requirements, and where flexible connections are used, the cross sectional area of the duct is to be maintained throughout the length of the flexible connections. All connections to air handling units and sound attenuators if any shall be made with mating flanges to suit the plant items as delivered to site, and shall be made air-tight with suitable gaskets and washers such that they may readily be removed. Flexible connections shall be fitted to the ducted inlet and outlet of all fans and air MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 42 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 handling equipment i) General constructional requirements. The minimum metal thickness shall be 0.6 mm. In all cases the larger dimensions and/or pressure classification shall determine the sheet thickness and stiffening. ii) Stiffeners The flat side of fittings shall be stiffened in accordance with the construction. On the flat sides of bends, stiffeners shall be arranged in a radial pattern, with the spacing measured along the center line of the bend. iii) Splitters Splitters shall be attached to the duct by bolts or mechanically closed rivets at 100 mm maximum spacing. iv) Turning Vanes Square bends shall be fitted with turning vanes, which shall be securely attached at each end either to the duct or to internal runners, and the runners fastened to the duct by mechanically closed rivets or bolts at 150 mm maximum spacing. For single skin vanes, the maximum length between supports shall be 615 mm and for double skin vanes the maximum length between supports shall be 2250 mm. v) Twin Bends Turning vanes in twin bends in which the width of the straight section and branch differ shall be set so that the leading and the trailing edges of the turning vanes are parallel to the duct vanes. vi) Branches A branch should be taken off a straight section of duct, not off a taper. Connection of branch to duct shall be cleats, rivets or bolts, and sealant shall be used between ducts and branch. vii) Expansion and Contraction Where these are required, an expansion shall be made upstream of a branch connection and a connection downstream of a branch connection. The slope of either an expansion or a contraction should not exceed 22.5% on any side. Where this angle is not practicable, the slope may be increased, providing that splitters are positioned to bisect the angle between any side and the center line of the duct. viii) Access Panels and Doors a) Access panels or doors shall be provided in supply, return and exhaust air MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 43 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 ductwork, false ceiling and builders‟ work shafts, as required to facilitate the routine inspection, maintenance, cleaning and adjustment of air conditioning and ventilation equipment. b) Access panels and doors shall be air-tight when closed, with compressible rubber gaskets around the entire perimeter, and shall generally be of the hinged type. c) Where space limitations preclude the use of hinges, access doors shall be fixed with a minimum of four heavy window type latches. d) For insulated ducts, all access doors shall be of double panel-insulated construction, with the insulation thickness matching that of the surrounding ducts. For un-insulated ducts, access doors may be of single panel construction. All duct access doors shall be mounted in their own separate frames. Hangers and Supports i) General a. Threaded rods hangers shall be electro-zinc coated. b. With a proprietary device, it shall be the responsibility of the Works Contractor to ensure that the device meets the requirements, with sufficient margin of overload and that it is installed in accordance with the manufacturer‟s recommendations. ii) Horizontal Ductwork a) The choice of the lower support shall be dictated by the actual duct section. b) Duct shall be supported by means of U channels and angle profiles. Ducts supported on the roof shall be rigidly supported by means of concrete piers or plinth laid on the waterproof complex. c) All structural support profiles and plates shall be hot dip galvanized 50 microns minimum to BS 729, plus an approved anti-rust grey paint suitable for exposed atmospheric conditions. iii) Vertical Ducts a) The design of support for vertical ducts is dictated by site conditions, and they are often located to concise with the individual floor slabs. b) Vertical ducts should be supported from the stiffening angle of the angle frame, or by separate supporting angles fixed on the duct. c) Air duct passing through roof shall be suitably weatherproofed and aluminium cladded in case of exposed ducts. iv) Heavy Loadings Where heavy equipment is to be applied to the ductwork, supports shall be designed to suit the conditions. Protective finishes i) Metal Spraying Zinc or aluminium spraying shall be to BS 2569 Part 1 (1964) and used only for MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 44 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 remedial works. ii) Paints a) Surface preparation and Paint application Surface preparation of the metal and paint application shall be in accordance with the paint manufacturer‟s recommendations. b) Making Good Welding Damage Galvanizing or other metallic zinc finish damaged by welding shall be suitably cleaned and painted with two coat of zinc-rich or aluminium paint. c) Ducts made from Galvanized Sheet or Coil Ducts made from conventional sheet or coil, do not require further protection when located inside buildings. When located outside the building, one coat of each primer or one coat of calcium plum bate primer shall be applied together with a suitable finishing coat. d) Supporting Members Supporting members made of hot dip galvanized steel 50 microns to BS729 e) External Equipments etc. All external equipment, ductwork, support frames and brackets are to be finished with one undercoat and one top coat. Fire Resistance Ductwork Provide fire resistance ductwork where shown on the drawings. Fire resistant ducting shall be tested as per BS 476 part 24 for stability, integrity and insulation by an independent laboratory and the certificates shall be submitted for approval. Fire resistance rating of the ductwork, when tested from either side, shall not be less than 2 hours for stability, integrity and insulation. The ductwork systems shall be manufactured and installed in accordance with BS5588 part 9 and shall be suitable to class C pressure/leakage classification of DW144. Manufacturer‟s proprietary insulating material tested and certified as per BS 476 can be used for the fire rated ducting. Sprayed coatings, where used, shall be cement spray system with smooth, hard set exterior finish. All joints in the insulation shall be glued using suitable fire rated glues or secured with nails. The jointing method shall be as per Manufacturer‟s standards. Composite panels or ducting shall be fiber-cement reinforced by bonded zinc – coated steel sheet Provide integral fire resisting supports for fire resisting ductwork Provide fire resisting access panels in such ductwork. Fire resisting access panels shall be openable without tools Provide sub ducts where required in accordance with QCS MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 45 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Structural Penetration and waterproofing All duct penetrations of walls; floor and roofs shall be provided with sleeves of length equal to the full thickness of the structure. In concrete walls or slabs, the sleeves shall be galvanized steel of minimum thickness 1.0 mm. In block walls, the openings larger than a hollow block shall be supported by a lintel Each sleeve shall be sized to allow a 22 mm clearance around the duct and any required insulation/finish. It shall be built into the structure using mortar. Subsequently the gap between the duct/insulation and sleeve shall be sealed with mastic. All ducts passing through a roof construction shall be suitably weather proofed. Connections to builder’s work All joints between mating flanges, companion rings and wooden frames shall be fitted with sealing gaskets. Where ductwork is connected to outside louvers, the bottom inside portion of the ductwork should be sloped to drain outside. The inside surfaces of the duct shall also be treated for external exposure for a distance equal to the height of the louver connection, or to the nearest plant item. 22.2.13 FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS Flame proof flexible shall be fitted on all intake and discharge connections of fans and air conditioning units for preventing the transmission of vibration through the ducts to occupied spaces. Flexible connections shall also be provided where ductwork passes across building expansion joints. Flexible connections shall be factory fabricated from chemically impregnated canvas. Connections shall fit closely and be secured in airtight fashion to connections to ductwork, fans and apparatus. The material shall have a penetration time of at least fifteen minutes when tested in accordance with BS 476 and shall remain flexible and without strain or distortion. Flexible connections shall be 150 mm minimum and 250 mm maximum in width. 22.2.14 FLEXIBLE ROUND DUCT Flexible ductwork shall be manufactured with a two ply aluminium inner core, surrounded by 25 mm thickness of 24 kg/m3 density fibre glass, all wrapped in a reinforced aluminium outer jacket. The overall K-factor shall be less than 0.23 Btu. /hr. deg. Ft. Ductwork shall meet the standards of NFPA 90A, and be UL listed or to meet BS 476 and BS 413. Flexible ducts installed in an externally insulated duct system shall be factory insulated with glass fibre insulation not less than 25 mm thick and a density not less than 24 kg/m3, and covered with an acceptable vapour seal. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 46 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Flexible ducts installed in internally (acoustic) insulated duct system, shall be factory insulated with glass fibre insulation not less than 20 mm thick and a density not less than 24 kg/m3, faced on air side with PVC coated glass cloth having an open area not more than 25%, and on room side with material specified above. Flexible duct installation shall be in accordance with manufacture‟s instruction. Joints between factory insulated flexible ducts and field insulated ductwork shall be sealed and taped under this section. Flexible ducts shall be supported at their mid sections if length exceeds 500 mm 22.2.15 AIR TERMINALS i) Ceiling Diffusers Ceiling diffusers shall be of square neck pattern, with a removable core assembly, suitable for a quiet draftless air distribution. Diffusers shall be of extruded aluminium construction and of arctic white baked epoxy powder coat finish as standard. However, the finish shall be subject to the final approval of architect / owner. All diffusers shall have precisely mitred corners mechanically fastened for tight, invisible joints. All supply air directional diffusers shall have an integral opposed blade volume damper to permit equal distribution of air over the entire face of the diffuser. Opposed blade volume dampers shall be constructed of galvanized steel. Frames are 18 GA and the blades of 24 GA materials. Return air diffuser OBD shall be painted black. All supply air terminals shall be complete with compressible rubber gaskets at the flanges to prevent air leakage. Air terminals shall be ARI certified. (ARI 880-89) ii) Linear Diffusers „Straight line adjustable diffusers‟ slad type shall consist of extruded aluminium outer frames, removable snap-in inner assemblies and where ceiling mounting frames are called for, they shall be of extruded aluminium. Where sectional adjoining continuous units are installed, outer frames and/or ceiling mounting frames shall be supplied with concealed alignment strips between sections. Outer frame styles, for either surface or flush to ceiling mounting, shall be furnished to suit the type of ceiling construction. Concealed brackets, accessible by removal of inner assemblies and inner vanes, shall be provided for mounting the outer frames to ceiling mounting frames or the plenum ducts without any visible mounting screws. Each diffuser slot shall have a snap-in, pattern and flow control assembly consisting of a fixed deflecting vane and two adjustable air-flow control vanes accessible from face of diffusers. By adjustment of one or both flow control vanes, it shall be possible to obtain a horizontal, or vertical, discharge air pattern, or to blank-off inactive sections. Horizontal pattern of air-flow may be changed 180 deg. regardless of diffuser mounting orientation, simply by adjusting the flow control vanes. The physical appearance of the face of the diffuser shall not be changed regardless of air pattern or flow control adjustment. Equalizing deflectors of snap-on type, may be supplied for field installation, for lateral MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 47 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 control of air pattern at 90 deg. to the axis of continuous runs of units, or for spread pattern control of single units, as required. They shall be adjustable from diffuser face by removal of inner assembly. Volume control dampers for system balancing shall be installed, as required by the sheet metal contractor in the branch supply ducts to plenum. iii) Grilles and Registers Air grillers approved make, type and model shall be with sizes as indicated on the drawings. They hall be of extruded aluminium construction with sponge rubber gasket behind the frames and nylon bushings at the blades connection to the frame. The Engineer prior to ordering must approve a sample of all air devices. In view of the interior finishes, the architect/engineer shall approve the colour of all the air devices. Supply and return air registers shall have individually adjustable horizontal front blades, vertical rear blades and shall be equipped with opposed blade dampers Exhaust air registers shall be single defection fixed horizontal blades and be equipped with opposed blade volume control damper. Outside air louvers shall be equipped with insect screen. iv) Door Grilles Door grilles shall be of the inverted B-Blades type not permitting vision through the grille blades not more than 12 mm apart. Minimum free area shall be at least 60%. Louver shall be of the adjustable width double frame type with a frame each side of the door. Door grilles shall be fitted where indicated on the Drawings. Door grilles shall be with extruded Aluminium frame and Aluminium blades. 22.2.16 FRESH AIR INTAKE The fresh air intake shall be fitted with external louvers, sand trap louvers, opposed blade volume control damper, aluminium insect wire mesh and bird screen and filter as indicated on the drawings. Filter media thickness shall not be less than 45 mm and shall be washable metallic filter. Louvers shall be with extruded aluminium frame and with aluminium blades of not less than 2 mm thick. Louvers shall have powder coated finish as approved by Architect. Sand louvers shall have double deflection sand passage with separation efficiency of not less than 80% on 20-200 micron test dust and 50% on 1-70 micron test dust. Sand louvers shall be of aluminium sections with 2 mm thick casing and 1.6 mm thick blades. The base of the louver shall have self-emptying sand holes. Where exposed to view, Sand louver shall have powder coated finish as per Architect approval. 22.2.17 DAMPERS a) Volume Control Dampers MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 48 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Volumes control dampers shall be placed in ducts at every branch supply or return air duct connection whether or not indicated on the drawings for the proper volume control and balancing of the system. The dampers shall have sturdy corrosion resistant construction. All dampers shall have multi-leaf double skin, aerofoil section, opposed action blades. Individual blades should not exceed 2200 mm. in length or 175 mm. in width. Double skin blades shall be made out of 22 gauge galvanized steel sheet with seamed edges. Dampers frames shall be galvanized made out of steel sheet. The thickness shall be 18 G for max duct width of 900 mm. & 16 G for duct sizes of width exceeding 900 mm. Blade ends shall be gasketed to minimize air leakage. Damper quadrants shall be of cast metal construction, marked OPEN and SHUT in damper sizes up to 300x150 mm. Single skin blades shall be fabricated from 18 gauge galvanized steel sheet. The control linkage shall be outside the air stream. Clear airflow area equal to the duct size shall be maintained within the damper frame. Maximum clearance between the blades and the frame shall be limited to 3 mm. Indication of damper blade position shall be provided. b) Splitter Dampers At each point of division in a supply duct, where a branch is taken off a trunk, an adjustment, splitter or deflecting damper shall be fitted two gauge heavier than the duct, with operating rod and locking quadrant. These deflecting dampers shall be permanently set and locked in position after completion of the installation and adjustment with length extending through the duct to externally mounted bearing plates. c) Non Return Dampers Non return dampers shall be manufactured similar to duct dampers but shall incorporate additionally, felt rubber or neoprene strips on long edges of blades to ensure positive shut-off and quiet closure. Dampers on fresh air inlets shall be similar edged to prevent ingress of dust and sand particles. d) Fire Dampers Fire dampers with fusible links shall be fixed in ducts at all floor crossings, wall crossings of kitchen and crossings of fire rated walls, irrespective of it being shown on the drawings or not, without any additional cost. Fire dampers shall be of the galvanized steel curtain type. The steel blades of the damper curtain shall fold completely upon themselves and be stacked at one end of the damper outside the air stream. The dampers shall be arranged for vertical or horizontal operation as detailed on the drawings. The damper fusible links shall be rated at 73.8c C. (165F) MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 49 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 The dampers shall be leakage rated class 1 according to UL 555S or equivalent standards and fire rated 2 hours resistance. Both the curtain and fusible link shall be accessible for servicing through air tight inspection doors placed up or down stream wherever possible. Each access door shall be of a minimum size of 250x250 mm. or full duct width on ducts of less than 450 mm Ducting dampers and casings are to be manufactured in strict compliance with UL555 and NFPA 90A. Any necessary fixing frameworks shall be supplied and fitted as recommended by the manufacturer, by the Works Contractor. e) Smoke dampers Smoke Dampers meeting the following specifications shall be furnished and installed where shown on plans and/or as described in schedules. Dampers shall meet the requirements of the latest edition of NFPA 90A, 92A, and 92B. Dampers shall be tested, rated and labeled in accordance with the latest edition of UL Standards 555S. Dampers shall be UL labeled for use in dynamic systems. The damper shall have a dynamic closure airflow rating equal to or greater than the airflow at the damper's installed location and a dynamic closure pressure rating of 4 in. wg. Dampers shall have a UL555S Leakage rating of Class I and a Temperature rating of 350 °F. Dampers shall have a UL555S operational airflow rating equal to or greater than the airflow at its installed location and an operational pressure rating of 4 in. wg. Damper actuators shall be factory mounted and qualified for use with the damper in accordance with UL555S. Damper actuators shall be electric type for 24 volt operation. Manufacturer's submittal data shall indicate actuator space requirements around the damper. All UL555S Dynamic Closure Ratings, Operational Ratings and Leakage Ratings shall be qualified for airflow and pressure in either direction through the damper. UL ratings shall allow for mounting damper vertically (with blades running horizontal) or horizontally. The Damper Manufacturer's submittal data shall certify all air performance pressure drop data is licensed in accordance with the AMCA Certified Ratings Program for Test Figures 5.2, 5.3 and 5.5. Damper air performance data shall be developed in accordance with the latest edition of AMCA Standard 500-D. Damper blades shall be 16 ga. stainless steel 3 Vee type with three longitudinal grooves for reinforcement. Blades shall be completely symmetrical relative to their axle pivot point, presenting identical resistance to airflow and operation in either direction through the damper (blades that are non-symmetrical relative to their axle pivot point or utilize blade stops larger than 0.5 in. are unacceptable). Damper frames shall be stainless steel formed into a structural hat channel shape with reinforced corners. Bearings shall be stainless steel type rotating in extruded holes in the damper frame. Jamb seals shall be stainless steel compression type. f )Motorized dampers Motorized dampers shall be used as indicated in drawings. Motorized dampers shall be provided with feed back signal which will be connected to the BMS. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 50 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 22.2.18 SOUND ATTENUATORS The ductwork of TFAHU/CAR PARK supply/extract fans shall be attenuated to limit the noise level to the values specified in the design criteria. The method of fabrication and supporting ducts should be such as to avoid generation of noise because of air movements or drumming of sheet metal. The silencers shall be provided in the supply and return air ducts as shown on tender drawings. The silencers shall be constructed and tested according to BS 4718 for dynamic insertion loss, self generated noise and aerodynamic performance. The silencers shall be complete with flanges to facilitate their removal for inspection. Externally, the silencers shall be insulated in the same manner as the adjoining air ducting. The contractor shall carry out sound absorption calculations with respect to the characteristics and the duct system to ensure the proper selection of silencers. 22.2.19 ACOUSTIC PROVISIONS  Acoustic liner for duct work of fan coil unit shall be made up of black, strong, durable, dimensionally stable woven glass fabric with zero fiber migration of 15 mm thickness and 48 kg /m3 density up to a length of 3.0 meter from the face of the unit.  The contractor shall provide rubber loaded vinyl sheet-quadzero brand of weight 8 Kg/m2 below the ceiling concealed FCU in the ceiling space to prevent any noise breakout from the equipment irrespective of it being mentioned in the BOQ or not,without any additional cost. 22.2.20 PIPEWORK AND FITTINGS General Each part of the system of piping shall be complete in all details and provided with all control valves and accessories necessary for satisfactory operation. The tender drawings indicate generally the sizes of all main piping but the right is reserved to modify the runs of piping to accommodate conditions during construction. All piping shall be grouped wherever practical and shall be erected to present a neat appearance. Pipes shall be parallel to each other and paralleled or at right angles to structural members of the building and shall give maximum possible headroom. Piping shall not pass in front of door ways or windows and shall be generally arranged so that it is least 2.5 cm. from the finished wall face. Sufficient space is to be allowed for accessibility, servicing and proper insulation works. Sleeves shall be provided for pipes passing through walls or slabs. Pipes shall be pitched for proper circulation and drainage. Run outs shall be graded in such a manner as to prevent air traps being formed within them when the mains expand or contract. Automatic or open vents are to be provided at high points, piped to suitable drains or terminating over expansion tanks wherever possible. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 51 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 All drain piping shall pitch down in the direction of flow. All low points of the system must be fitted with drain valves to allow the complete draining of the system. Bottom of all risers must have dirt pockets of the size of riser and at least 15 cms. Long with a drain valve fitted. All water piping to equipment and valves shall be connected with either flanges or unions for dismantling and removal. All piping shall ream after cutting to remove all burrs. All reduction in sizes of piping in the direction of downward pitch shall be installed with eccentric fittings to maintain a level top. Approved pipe fittings shall be used and bending pipes will not normally be allowed, except that bending of back steel pipes 50 mm. nominal diameter and smaller shall be permitted, where space conditions allow for a bending radius of at least 10 times the diameter of the pipe. A hydraulic pipe bender shall be used to bend all pipes. Bends showing kinks, wrinkles or other malformations will not be acceptable. Cutting and shutting of bends will not be permitted. Piping shall not be installed passing through ductwork or directly under electric light outlets or extend beyond footing lines, as determined by the drawings. In placing pipes through sleeves, near walls, partitions or in chases, care must be taken to provide sufficient space for pipe covering. Where pipes are held in vices, as and when screwing, care shall be taken to ensure that the pipe surface is not damaged. Any pipe work so damaged shall not be fitted. All pipes stored on site shall be kept clear of the ground and where possible stored under cover. Pipes corroded beyond normal „stock-rust‟ condition shall not be used. Special care should be taken to prevent dirt and foreign material entering open ends of pipes during erection. A valve fitted to the open end of a disconnected pipe will not be considered satisfactory to prevent entry of foreign matter. Screwed iron caps or plugs or plastic covers shall be used to seal pipe ends. Wood, rag paper or other make-shift plugs will not be permitted. Before connecting up to return mains, the system of piping must be blown and flushed out. After flushing, all strainers shall be opened and baskets cleaned. Liberal allowances shall be made for expansion and contraction of pipe by means of changes in the direction or by the inclusion of expansion joints in the piping system. Chilled Water Pipes Chilled water pipes shall be mild steel to ASTM or A53; SCH 40 /API 5LScrewed fittings shall be used for 50 mm. pipes and smaller. Welding fittings shall be used for 65 mm. pipes and larger. Branch welds will not be permitted. Screwed fittings shall be 225 lbs, black malleable iron. Welding fittings shall be steel medium duty compatible with the piping. Sufficient number of unions shall be provided near the coils and valves for easy dismantling. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 52 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Welding Where shown on the drawings or specified or directed, welded joints, outlets and flanges shall be used. Care shall be taken to ensure that welding metal or flux does not project into the bore of the pipe. All welds shall be of good clean metal, free from slag and porosity, of even thickness and contour, well fused with the parent metal, hammered on completion and finished smooth. The Engineer reserves the right to have cut for examination 2% of all welds made. The Contractor shall remake the joints at no extra charge. All welded joints (except pipe welded end to end) shall be made by use of forged one piece, welding flanges, caps, elbows, branch outlets and tees of approved make. All such fittings etc., shall be of a type which maintains full wall thickness at all points, ample radius, fillets and proper levels or shoulders at ends. All joint welding may be by the electric arc or acetylene process. Wherever welded piping connections to equipment, valves or other units needing maintenance, servicing or requiring possible removal, the connecting joints shall be by means of unions or flanges. Pressure rating of the flanges shall match the pressure rating of the flanges on the equipment to which the pipe connects. Valves for Chilled Water System In addition to valves, cocks and strainers etc., shown on all drawings, the contractor shall include for the installation of sufficient valves, cocks and strainers to enable the system to operate to the satisfaction of the engineer. No asbestos containing materials shall be employed in any valve. Valves shall bear the BSI Kite mark or equivalent denoting Quality System, accreditation and compliance with British Standards and where no Kite mark scheme exists, valves shall be manufactured under an approved BS5750 Quality System. All castings shall be clean close grained metal free from rough projections. Unless otherwise specified valves of 50 mm nominal bore and under shall have female ends screwed to BS 21 and valves 65 mm nominal bore and over shall have flanged ends. Special care must be exercised in the installation of screwed valves to avoid straining their bodies, and preventing the gate or seat from closing tight. The wrench shall always be applied to the side being attached to the pipe. When attaching pipe to a valve already in place, a second wrench shall be used to hold the valve while the pipe is being tightened. A pipe shall not be screwed so far into a valve as to damage the seat. Flanged valves shall have matching flanges manufactured in accordance with BS4504. Composite flanges to BS4504 should be used when butterfly or other 'inside bolt circle' valves are installed in copper pipe work systems. All flanged valves (all services ) shall be epoxy coated both internally and externally in order to prevent corrosion and pitting, valves shall be suitable for the fluid carried and the temperatures, test and working pressures of the system in which they are installed. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 53 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 All valves which contain copper alloy shall be of gunmetal or capable of withstanding dezincification. All valves on potable water services shall be approved by the Local Water Authority and WRc. As indicated in the drawings minimum the following valves shall be installed. Isolating Valves For sizes up to and including 50 mm shall be bronze (to BS1400 LG2) gate valve to BS5154 PN20 Series B. Valves shall be complete with position indicator and locking device, asbestos free gland packing, with non-rising stem, threaded bonnet, WRc approved, one piece wedge and BS21 taper thread (ISO R7). Valves shall be Kite marked. For sizes 65 mm and above shall be cast iron (to BS1452 Gr 220) gate valve to BS5150 PN16. Valves shall be complete with locking device and open shut indicator, rising stem, outside screw, zinc free bronze trim, wedge facing ring and body seat ring shall be of gunmetal, flanged to BS4504 PN16. Valves shall be Kite marked. Regulating Valves Sizes up to and including 50mm valves shall be of the bronze double regulating, to BS7350 PN20, Series B. WRc approved, lock shield type, DZR rising stem, screwed bonnet, hand wheel operated, micrometer style indicator, Parabolic slotted DZR regulating disk, with double regulating device. The end connections shall be threaded to BS21 Tr (ISO 7) except for the ½" size, which shall be parallel. Valves shall be Kite marked. Sizes 65mm and above, shall be cast iron double regulating valve, to BS7350 PN16, and shall be with non-rising stem and locking device, inside screw, ductile iron bonnet and fitted with EPDM coated regulating disk, double regulating device and indicator, back seating feature, flanged to BS4504 PN16. Valves shall be Kite marked. Manual Commissioning Sets-Balancing Valves For the purpose of balancing water distribution systems accurately (5%), the following commissioning valves must be installed as indicated in the drawings , and where else required for balancing the system. Commissioning sets (balancing valves) shall comprise of a metering station and a close coupled double regulating valve and shall be installed with a minimum of 5 diameters uninterrupted upstream length of straight pipe. Valves shall be as following :- Sizes up to and including 50 mm shall be bronze commissioning set, comprising of (i) Bronze metering station, to BS7350 PN20 Series B and must be fitted with double sealing feature test points (ii) Bronze double regulating valve, to BS7350PN20 series B. Lock shield type, WRc approved, Micrometer style indicator, rising DZR stem, screwed bonnet, Parabolic and slotted DZR regulating disk with ends connections to BS21 Tr (ISO 7) except ½" size which shall be parallel. Valves shall be Kite marked. Sizes 65mm and above, shall be cast iron commissioning set, comprising of MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 54 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 (i) Stainless steel metering station to BS7350 with extension pieces to mount test points (ii) Cast iron double regulating valve to BS7350 PN16, inside screw, non-rising stem and locking device, ductile iron bonnet, and fitted with EPDM coated regulating disk, double regulating device and indicator, back seating feature. Valve shall also be flanged to BS4504 PN16. Valves shall be Kite marked. Strainers Strainers, in addition to where shown on drawings shall be fitted prior to all major items of plant including all pumps, air handling units, control valves, etc. Sizes upto and including 50 mm shall be bronze (BS1400 LG2) "Y" type strainer PN32 Series B. WRC approved, with perforated stainless steel screen 0.75mm diameter holes for 'fine' straining and 22.6% free flow area per the square cm. of element area. Strainer shall be with screwed cap and shall be fitted with gland cock (hose union type) for blow down connection and shall also have drilled and tapped bosses on each side of the body fitted with 2 test points and 2 plugged points. Ends shall be threaded to BS21 (ISO R7). Sizes 65 mm and above shall be cast iron (BS1452 Gr 220) "Y" type strainer to PN16 Series B with perforated stainless steel screen 1.6 mm diameter holes for 'fine' straining and 34% free flow area per square cm. of element area. Strainers shall be with bolted cover and fitted with gland cock (hose union type) for blow down connection and shall have drilled and tapped bosses on each side of the body fitted with 2 test points and 2 plugged points, flanged to BS4504 PN16. Non Return Valves Non-return valves shall be fitted where plant must operated on an automatic changeover basis or where flow reversal can occur. Sizes up to and including 50mm shall be bronze (BS1400 LG2) check valve to BS5154 PN25. Kite marked and WRc approved, horizontal swing pattern with threaded cover, nitrile disk, and shall be suitable for mounting in horizontal and vertical pipe (with vertical flow upwards).end threaded internal BS21 (ISO 7). Bronze double check valves shall be installed to prevent contamination of water caused by back siphonage, back flow and cross connection in supplies such as those to hose taps, cisterns, stand pipes, showers and basins. Sizes 65 mm and above shall be cast iron (BS1452 Gr 220) check valves with lever and air cushion to BS5153 PN16, of the horizontal swing pattern with bolted cover, outside lever and air cushion, zinc-free bronze trim and rubber faced disk and flanged to BS4504 PN16 and shall be suitable for mounting in horizontal and vertical pipelines. Drain/Gland Cocks Drain cocks shall be installed in plant rooms, on major plants. Drain cocks shall be of the hose union pattern gland cock in bronze (BS1400 LG2).WRc approved, asbestos free gland packing and shall be threaded to BS21 complete with captive cap. The plugs shall have square head with a slot to indicated plug position. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 55 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Flow Measurement For the purpose of the flow and temperature measurement and the proportional balancing of water distribution system, the contractor shall provide a digital (microprocessor) flow measurement test set and shall be suitable for portable or bench mounted use. Screwed Joints on Steel Piping Screwed joints shall be clean threaded, pulled up tightly and made with approved joining compound and long strand hemp. After joints have been formed, all surplus hemp shall be cut away and the joints wiped clean. Where pipes are galvanized, care shall be taken to ensure that threads are carefully cut so that the number of exposed threads are minimised. Flanged Joints All flanged joints shall be flush and truly aligned and made with approved brass corrugated rings or compressed asbestos in compositions. Flanges for connection to welded pipe shall be „slip-on‟ or „welding-neck‟ standard steel type, made as called for in the schedules. Flanges or unions shall be provided on straight runs at not greater than 22 m. intervals. Unions Unions are required on pipe sizes 50 mm. and under. Unions shall be ground taper joint type, good for 150 psi working pressure. Direct connection between pipes of dissimilar materials must be avoided to minimize chances of galvanic corrosion. Dielectric unions should be used for connection between steel and copper pipes. Flexible Connections and Expansion Joints Expansion joints shall be fitted in straight lengths of pipe at distances not exceeding 18 metres unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. All flexible couplings and expansion joints must be selected so that the working pressure, temperature and movement encountered will not be more than 75% of that allowable for the joint selected. One side of the joints must have all piping and/or adjacent equipment adequately anchored. The other side must be supported, aligned and guided so as to allow free movement without imposing unnecessary stresses on the joints. Expansion joints shall have integral duck flanges. They shall have individual solid steel ring reinforced with a carcass of highest grade woven cotton or acceptable synthetic fibre. Joints shall be constructed to pipe line size and to meet working pressure conditions, face measurements etc., as designated. They shall be of an arch type construction with the number of arches (corrugations) dependant on projected movement. All joints must be finish-coated with eypalon paint to prevent ozone attach. Split back or retaining rings shall be furnished. Joints size 2” and below shall have threaded malleable iron unions on both sides. All MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 56 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 joints shall be suitable for minimum test pressure of none and a half times the working pressure or 225 ft. of water, whichever is higher. Flexible connections shall be provided to Fans, AHU‟S, FCU‟S, pumps, chillers etc. in order to prevent transmission of vibration to pipe work. Automatic Air Vents At all high points in the system, an automatic air vent shall be fitted. Air vents shall be of the float type. The size and working pressure shall be as per the schedule. Automatic air vents shall be connected to the nearest drain. Air Cocks and Bottles Air bottles shall be formed from 1.5 m. length of pipe one size larger than the pipe being vented. A 15 mm. pipe fitted with 15 mm. needle valve shall be welded into top and taken to low level. These items shall be fitted so that they are not concealed and are readily accessible. Where equipment is cased, vents shall be extended so that they can be operated from the outside of the casing Pipe Supports, Hangers and Anchors All supports and hangers for steel piping shall be ferrous. Supports for copper pipes shall be non-ferrous and chromium plated, wherever specified. Brackets or supports shall be set out so that they do not obstruct the access to valves, flanges or other fittings requiring maintenance. All pipe work shall be supported by means of approved clips or hangers at centres as detailed. In the event of two or more pipes being carried by a single support, the spacing shall be of a shorter interval. All vertical drops shall be supported so as to prevent sagging or swinging. Unless otherwise indicated, pipe changers shall be spaced as follows: 20 to 32 mm. - Not over 2.4 m. apart - 10 mm. rods 40 to 100 mm. - Not over 3.0 m. apart - 15 mm. rods Over 100 mm. - Not over 3.6 m. apart - 22 mm. rods Piping of all equipment and control valves shall be supported to prevent strains or distortions in the connected equipment, valves and control valves. Piping shall be supported to allow for removal of equipment, valves and accessories with a minimum of dismantling and without requiring additional supports after these items are removed. All channels, angles, plates, clamps etc., necessary for fastening of hangers shall be furnished by the Contractor. All hangers shall be properly sized for the pipe to be supported. Oversized hangers shall not be permitted. Details of hangers and supports to be used by the Contractor shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval before fitting. All hangers shall be provided with lock-nuts and have provision for vertical adjustment of pipes. Parallel groups of pipes shall be supported by trapeze type hangers of steel construction. Individual horizontal piping shall be supported by hangers consisting of malleable split rings with malleable iron sockets or steel clevis type hangers or roller hangers where specified. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 57 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Pipe standard with base flange and adjustable type yokes shall be used for pipes supported from the floor. Vertical piping shall have heavy wrought iron or steel clamps securely bolted on the piping with the end extension bearings on the building construction. Piping shall be anchored where required to localise expansion or to prevent undue strain on piping and branches. Anchors shall be entirely separate from hangers and shall be heavy forged or welded construction of approved design. Hangers and supports for cold piping shall have treated hardwood or plastic inserts of approved make or high density insulation capable of withstanding the compression and allowing the hanger to support the pipe without any metal to metal contact. All pipe supports hangers and anchors etc., are to be painted with two coats of an approved rust preventive paint, preferably zinc rich primer and two coats of enamel paint of grey colour or as approved by the Engineer. Pipe Sleeves All pipe openings through walls, partitions and slabs shall have sleeves having an internal diameter at least 25 mm. larger than the outside diameter of the pipe or of the insulation for insulated services. All the building expansion joints shall also be provided with pipe sleeves. The pipe with insulation shall be carried through the walls, floor or roof slab and pipe sleeves around them shall be projected minimum 50 mm. on either sides of the wall, floor and roof slab. Pipes passing through interior partitions shall be provided with sleeves of 22 gauge galvanized sheet steel set flush with finished wall surfaces. Flashing Sleeves Flashing sleeves shall be provided where pipes pass through water proof membranes. Flashing sleeves details shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval, but generally, they shall be provided with an integral flange set into the membrane. The associated pipes shall have flange and shield which shall extend beyond the insert and be sealed with approved mastic. Testing of Chilled Water Pipe work The Works Contractor shall carry out hydraulic and performance tests, under actual conditions, to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer before any thermal insulation is applied. The whole chilled water pipe work system shall be hydraulically tested to a pressure equivalent to one and a half times the maximum working pressure or ten atmospheres, whichever is higher. All flexible/ expansion joints shall be restrained to prevent axial stretch and all control subject to damage shall be isolated at the time of the pressure test. The indicated pressure shall be maintained for 4 hours without further application of pressure and without visible leakage or a drop in the indicated pressure. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 58 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 When a section of pipe work is complete and ready for testing, it shall be plugged and then slowly and carefully charged with water, allowing all air to escape and avoiding all shock or water hammer. The Works Contractor shall make arrangements for all water used in the test to be properly drained away. Pipe work which fails under test, due to pressure loss or visible leakage, shall be relieved of pressure and all faulty joints or other defects made good. Remedial work and test shall be repeated until the systems are tested successfully. If in the opinion of the Engineer, damage has been caused during the remedial work, or faulty materials have been used, the section under test will be condemned. The installation shall then be removed, cleared from site, replaced with new materials and re-tested as specified. The General Works Contractor shall provide the water and electricity supplies necessary for testing purposes. Refrigerant Pipe work & Fittings Refrigerant pipe work shall be refrigerant quality copper tube to BS 2871 Table 2 (Material C106), fully annealed and internally degreased and cleaned, with capillary fittings. Piping shall be supported to prevent strains or distortion in the connected equipment, valves and control valves. Piping shall be supported to allow for removal of equipment, valves and accessories with a minimum of dismantling and without requiring additional supports after these items are removed. All pipe openings through walls, partitions and slabs shall have UPVC sleeves of an internal diameter at least 25 mm larger than the outside diameter of the pipe or of the insulation for insulated services. All building expansion joints shall also be provided with pipe sleeves. The pipe with insulation shall be carried through the walls, floor or roof slab and pipe sleeves through them shall be projected minimum 50 mm on either side of the walls, floor and roof slab. Pipes passing through interior partitions shall be provided with sleeves of UPVC set flush with finished wall surfaces. Joints in copper pipe shall be flanged, flared (up to 19.05 mm O. D. only) or brazed (with or without capillary fittings). Brazing shall be carried out to the requirements of the HVCA Code of Practice – Brazing and Bronze Welding of Copper Pipe and Sheet. Screwed joints shall not be accepted in refrigerant pipes except on the equipment accessories. In such cases the threads shall either be of taper form and used in conjunction with PTFE tape or an anaerobic sealant, or of parallel form associated with machined joint faces and a suitable joint. Copper pipe work shall be used as feed piping for all pressure gauge or similar fittings. Compression fittings shall not be accepted on refrigerant pipe worke. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 59 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Refrigerant pipe work shall not be arranged for running compressors in parallel (i.e. with common suction and/or discharge in pipes). The use of a number of compressors each having an independent refrigerant circuit in a common evaporator shall be permitted provided pressure tests between adjacent refrigerant circuits in the evaporator are carried out during manufacture. The pipe work shall be designed so that oil in the refrigerant leaving the compressor (and passing any oil separator fitted) shall be carried through the system and back to the compressor at the lowest stage of capacity unloading. Pipe work shall be firmly supported and secured to minimise vibration. Vibration eliminators shall be fitted to the compressor suction and discharge pipes to minimise transmission of vibration or noise. All refrigerant equipment shall have a strength and leakage pressure test after manufacture in accordance with the Table below: Refrigerant High Side Test Pressure Low Side Test Pressure KPa KPa R-22 3000 1700 A pressure test equal to the low test pressure quoted in the table of equipment test pressures shall be applied to the refrigerant system after all piping has been fitted. This test shall be in addition to the pressure test on each unit at completion of the manufacture. Provision shall be made for the supply of up to 3 sets of pressure test sheets for each machine and system. It shall be the Works Contractor‟s responsibility to ensure the sheet content and presentation is acceptable to the Engineer. Refrigerant pipe work shall be insulated in accordance with QCS requirements. Manufacturer‟s recommendations shall likewise be considered. The insulated pipe work shall be additionally wrapped with 200 gm/sqm. quality glass cloth and painted with two coats of approved weather proofing compound and finally provided with 0.63 mm aluminium cladding for outdoor piping. PIPE SUPPORTS i. All refrigerant piping shall be supported to prevent deflection, buckling and vibration. ii. Piping shall be supported at all changes in direction and at intervals of not more than 1.2 metres on straight runs. Pipe supports & clamps shall be subject to approval of the Engineer. iii. Pipe work on roofs and floors shall be supported on off-set clamps, floor or rikker stands. The pipe support stands shall be bolted to the concrete slab or steel members. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 60 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 iv. Vertical pipework shall be supported on wall brackets with 'U' bolts or clamps. v. Suspended pipework shall be supported with trapeze hangers with rods suspended from inserts. Condensate drain pipe supports shall be capable of vertical adjustment after installation of piping. vii. All pipework passing through the walls, floors and roof slabs shall be provided with pipe sleeves of adequate size to allow the passage of insulation. The gap shall be sealed with intumescent sealants. Condensate Drain Piping Condensate drains shall be provided in copper pipes to BS 2871 Part 1 Table „X‟ above ground, UPVC class E to BS 3505 for vertical drops in the walls or below ground shall be adequately supported along their length. All condensate drains shall be fitted with 75 mm deep trap with dirt pocket and removable plug provided and extended to the nearest drains as shown in the drawings. Removable plugs shall be provided at every change in direction to allow rodding access. All drain pipes shall be pressure tested at 6.0 meter of water before applying insulation or covering the pipes. Drain test plugs with expandable rubber seal shall be used for the purpose of testing. Condensate drains within the building and on the roof shall be insulated with 10 mm thick rubber foam and weather proofed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. All exposed pipes external to the building shall be painted with two coats of paint matching with the building colour. 22.2.21 INSULATION Scope The work included in this specification consists of furnishing all labour, materials, accessories and equipment necessary for the insulation of all air conditioning systems and mechanical equipment. Said work shall be completed in strict accordance with the insulation section of the specification. General All insulation shall be applied in a workman like manner by skilled workmen regularly engaged in this type of work. Insulation shall be applied to clean and dry surfaces after tests and approvals required by this specification have been completed. On cold surfaces where a vapour barrier must be maintained, insulation shall be applied with a continuous, unbroken moisture and vapour seal. All hangers, supports, anchors, or other projections that are secured to cold surfaces shall be insulated and vapour sealed to prevent condensation. All surface finishes shall be extended in such a manner as to protect all raw edges, ends and surfaces of insulation. All pipe or duct insulation shall be continuous through walls, ceiling or floor openings or sleeves, except where fire stop materials are required. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 61 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Metal shields shall be installed between hangers or supports and the piping insulation. Rigid insulation inserts shall be installed as required between the pipe and the insulation shields. Inserts shall be of equal thickness to the adjacent insulation and shall be vapour sealed as required. Surface Burning Characteristics All insulation shall have surface burning characteristic ratings as tested by ASTM E-84, UL 723 or NFPA 255 not exceeding; Flame Spread 25 Smoke Developed 50 Composite shall include insulation, jacketing and adhesive used to secure jacketing or facing. All accessory items such as PVC jacketing and fittings, adhesive, mastic, cement, tape and cloth shall have the same component ratings as specified above. Cold Piping Insulation Cold piping shall include chilled water piping, refrigerant suction and condensate drain piping. a) General i) Thermal insulation to pipe work shall be carried out by specialists and strictly in accordance with this Specification. No thermal insulation shall be applied to pipe work prior to the witnessing of the pipe work pressure test by the Engineer and authorized in writing by the Engineer giving clear instructions for further insulation to be applied. In order that tests may be made of the thickness of insulation applied to each pipe size, plant and equipment, the Works Contractor shall allow for the cost of cutting away one section for each size of pipe, plant and equipment for inspection by the Engineer. If the insulation proves to be of the thickness specified then the cut section shall be made good and the whole installation completed. Should any cut section show a deficiency in thickness, further section shall be cut at the direction of the Engineer for inspection. If a deficiency in thickness, further sections shall be cut at the direction of the Engineer for inspection. If a deficiency in thickness or any other defects are found, the Works Contractor shall remove the whole of the insulation installed or as the Engineer directs and then shall supply, deliver and apply new insulation complying with Specification and restore it to the satisfaction of the Engineer. This work shall be carried out by the Works Contractor at his own expense. ii) Thermal insulation shall be applied to all pumps, valves, strainers, non-return valves, drain cocks, automatic air vents and bosses for gauges/test points. Insulation of these components in the pipe work system up to and including 50 mm. diameter pipe work shall be carried out using sectional insulation cut to suit and of the same size as the line pipe work. Components within the pipe work system 80 mm. diameter and above, as well as all flanged components up to 50 diameter, shall have purpose made boxes applied. Each valve, strainer and NRV boxes shall be made using 0.67 mm. aluminium sheet with 50 mm. fibreglass MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 62 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 insulation fastened tot he inside of the valve box with approved adhesive. Each valve box shall be hinged along one side with a minimum of three fastening clips on the other side. Samples of boxes shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and approved received in writing prior to installation. iii) No insulation shall be concealed within false ceilings, vertical or horizontal builder‟s work shafts prior to inspection and approval by the Engineer. iv) All fibre glass section insulation shall have a density of not less than 96 kilogrammes/m3 and a thermal conductivity of not greater than 0.037 w/m20 C. All pipe work insulation shall be applied to the pipe work using proprietary brand adhesive approved by the Engineer. b) Pipe Work Exposed and within the plant room. Thermal insulation shall be 50 mm. thick aluminium foiled faced preformed sectional glass fibre and shall be applied to all pipe work, valves, flanges and fittings in accordance with this Specification in a neat and workmanlike fashion. Each joint shall be sealed using 75 mm. wide aluminium foil adhesive tape and the whole covered in 60z heavy duty glass cloth and all joints lapped and sealed with approved vapour seal. Vapour seal, first coat, shall be applied by dipping the cloth into the vapour seal prior to applying to the pipe work insulation. The second coat of vapour seal shall be applied with brush. Finally, the installation shall be finished with a system of 0.67 mm. thickness aluminium smooth polished sheet cladding, cut and formed into sections to suit the extreme outside dimensions of the insulated work for straight runs. Each length of aluminium cladding shall have a “snap-lock” fixing. Cladding sections shall be finally arranged with the longitudinal seams turned away from the normal working area. Bends, tapers, tees, other fittings, valves and pump bodies shall be encased in specially pressed or otherwise formed aluminium single sections. Circular bends over 200 mm. outside diameter may be encased in a maximum of 3 No. equal segmental pressed or formed sections. c) Pipe work within the Building i) Thermal insulation shall be 50 mm thick aluminium foil faced preformed sectional glass fibre and shall be applied to all pipe work, flanges and fittings in accordance with this specification in a neat and workmanlike fashion. Each section shall be secured to the pipe work by applying an approved adhesive of high quality to the surfaces of both pipe work and insulation section. The sections shall be fixed in place immediately. Note that the adhesive shall also applied to the edges of the fibreglass section. ii) All joints shall be sealed using 75 mm. wide aluminium adhesive tape. The insulation shall then be covered with high quality fiber glass cloth of 200 gm/sq.m. quality, sealed with an approved vapour seal. iii) When the pipe work insulation is exposed to view within the building, the insulation shall be finished with one coat of rubberised paint of a colour approved by the Engineer. iv) All pipe work within the plant room shall be finished with a system of 0.67mm thickness aluminium smooth polished sheet cladding. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 63 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 d) Vapour Seal and Adhesives i) The vapour seal material shall be fire resistant, non-toxic, weather resistant and have anti-rodent and anti-fungal properties. Bitumen based products shall not be used. ii) The vapour seal material must be approved by the Engineer in writing prior to use. Duct Work Insulation Conditioned air, for the purpose of this specification, shall consist of air that is cooled. Both supply and return duct work as well as outside air intake ductwork shall be insulated. a) General i) Thermal insulation to ductwork shall be carried out neatly and to a high grade quality by killed workers experienced in the trade, and strictly in accordance with following specification. ii) No thermal insulation shall be applied on any ductwork prior to inspection by the Engineer and a site inspection report signed by the Engineer authorizing the application of thermal insulation. As and when necessary, joints must be left uncovered until tests are carried out successfully. iii) No insulation shall be enclosed in false ceilings, vertical or horizontal builder‟s work shafts prior to inspection and approval by the Engineer. iv) Unless otherwise indicated, all thermal insulating materials used within any building shall, when tested in accordance with BS 476 Part 4, be classified non-combustible. Thermal insulating materials used within any building shall be free from substances which in the event of a fire would generate appreciable quantities of smoke, noxious or toxic fumes. v) All openings in roof slabs and walls for passing ducts shall be sealed and/or weatherproofed suitably. Sleeves shall be provided where ducts pass through masonry walls or partitions. vi) All metal surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned, then treated with an approved corrosion inhibitor before insulation is applied. Note that the inhibitor coating would not be required for galvanized surfaces. vii) Insulation shall be applied to all ductwork, volume control dampers, silencers, mixing boxes, fans, cooler casings and other items of equipment contained within the Specification detailed below. viii) The Works Contractor shall allow for the cost of sampling in-place insulation from ductwork or plants, for inspection by the Engineer. Any sample found not in accordance with the approved material should be replaced at the Works Contractor‟s expenses. ix) All fibreglass rigid slabs shall have a density of not less than 48 kg/m3 and a thermal conductivity not greater than 0.037 W/M2. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 64 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 x) Where specifically stated, insulation shall be additionally secured using screwed thread type plastic hangers glued to the ductwork at 500 mm. centres. The insulation shall be restrained by push-on circular plastic discs terminated below the external surface of the insulation after which any projecting threads shall be cut level with the insulation. Ends and edges of sheets shall be lapped sufficiently and sealed where insulated duct enters or leaves the building. xi) Insulation materials and finishes shall be inherently proofed against rotting, mould and fungal growth and attack by vermin, be non-hygroscopic and in all respects be suitable for continuous use through the range of operating temperatures and within the environment indicated. b) Supply and Return Ductwork within the Building i) Rectangular supply air ductwork within air conditioned zones shall be insulated using 25 mm. rigid fibreglass slabs covered with reinforced aluminium foil. Panels shall be secured to the ductwork by applying an approved high quality adhesive to the surfaces of both the ductwork and insulation panel. Fibreglass matts shall be used for circular ducts instead of fibreglass slabs. Insulation shall also have 25 mm. wide galvanized bands secured at 600 mm. center to center for circular ducts. ii) All insulation joints shall be sealed using 75 mm. wide minimum aluminium tape. The insulation shall then be covered with high quality fiber glass cloth of 200 gm/sq. m. quality and sealed with an approved vapour seal . iii) All supply and return ductwork running in unconditioned space shall be insulated using 50 mm. foil backed rigid fibreglass panels. iv) Exhaust duct traversing conditioned space shall be insulated using 50 mm. foil backed rigid fibre glass panels. c) Vapour Seal and Adhesive i) The vapour seal material shall be fire resistant, non-toxic, weather resistant, and have anti-rodent and anti-fungal properties. ii) Bitumen based products shall not be used. iii) The vapour seal material must be approved by the Engineer in writing prior to use. d) Aluminum Cladding All exposed duct work and pipework on the roof and inside the plant room shall be aluminium cladded with 0.9 mm thick aluminium sheet. 22.2.22 BUILDER’S WORK The Contractor shall carry out the cutting of holes and making them good where pipes, conduits, cable and cable trays are passing through the walls, floor and roof slabs as measured in the Bill of Quantities. The Contractor shall provide cross-over bridges as deemed necessary by the Engineer. Bridges details shall be agreed with the Architect and Engineer. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 65 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Two sets of builders work drawings shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval. 22.2.23 CHILLED WATER TREATMENT Water treatment shall be provided to prevent corrosion, fungal growth, scaling and discoloration. Chilled water treatment shall be carried out by a specialist under the supervision of engineer. A dosing pot complete with all accessories shall be fitted on the chilled water circuit to add corrosion inhibitor chemicals to the system at the time of commissioning and periodically during operation. The pot shall be fabricated out of M.S. sheet suitable for 225 psig working pressure. The pot shall be complete with chemical feed valve, non-return valve, drain valve, water- in and out valves and air cock. The Contractor shall add the first charge of chemical to the system and supply additional chemical adequate, for the operation during Warranty period. Testing chemicals/instruments shall be included in the scope of supply. The dosing pot and all connected pipes and fittings shall be insulated in the same manner as the chilled water pipes. Details of treatment system offered and technical literature shall be included with the tender offer. 22.2.24 PAINTING AND FINISHING All steel work in connection with pipe supports exposed to the elements are to be painted with two coats of a rust preventive paint approved by the Engineer, preferably zinc rich primer, followed by one undercoat and one topcoat. All exposed metal surfaces of air conditioning and electrical apparatus, motors, guards, pipe work, hangers etc. must be galvanized and painted with one coat of under-coat and two coats of enamel paint finish to a colour approved by the Engineer. After completion of the installation, the entire work shall be checked for finish and appearance. Any portion of work found damaged, unpainted or not finished to the satisfaction of the Engineer shall be rectified. 22.2.25 IDENTIFICATION/COLOUR CODING All insulated and non-insulated pipe work and ductwork shall be identified by colour codes indicated and basic colour identification bands to BS 1710 (1984). The safety colour and code indication bands shall be 100 mm. wide between two basic colour identification bands each of length 150 mm. The identification shall be at centres of not more than 6 meters and adjacent to all valves, items of plant, changes in direction and both sides where the pipework passes through walls, floors, etc. and all service access points. Pipe and ductwork sizes, content flow and return (F & R) indication and direction of flow MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 66 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 arrows in black shall be applied on the basic colour identification band as detailed in Tables 1, 2 and Appendix „D‟ of BS 1710 (1984). The safety colour, contents, code and colour identification bands shall be applied by means of self adhesive coloured or printed tape. Flow and return (F& R) and direction of flow arrows shall be in black with letter 25 mm. high on 50 mm. wide white self adhesive tape applied in a continuous band around the pipe insulation. Pipe contents shall be in black lettering 25 mm. on 50 mm. wide clear self adhesive labels. The materials employed shall be as for pipe work identification, i.e. self adhesive plastic. All the lettering and wording shall be in English. Where the pipe work/ductwork contents constitute a hazard, a symbol as given in BS 1710 (1984) should be added to the type colour. The hazard information shall be given as briefly as possible, using commonly accepted forms such as a number indicating which floor of the building. Where the identification of the space is by room number this must be agreed with the user who otherwise may have numbered the rooms differently 22.2.26 ELECTRICAL WORKS & CONTROL SYSTEM ELECTRICAL WORKS General All electrical works and materials shall be as described under the Electrical specifications and shall conform to the regulations of Ministry of Electricity and Water. All electrically operated equipment shall be so designed that it will continue to function without damage to itself or otherwise, if the voltage and/or frequency vary within the following tolerances: i. Voltage - + 6% ii. Frequency - + 0.3% All electrically operated equipment shall be suitable for continuous and prolonged operation within the ambient temperature or exposed condition to the atmosphere where they are installed to operate. Allowance for the local high ambient temperature shall be made by reducing the permitted rise of temperature above ambient or by derating the capacity and ratings Electrical Motors All motors shall be designed to suit the maximum temperature of air passing over the motors and the additional temperature rise caused by exposure to the sun. The type of winding insulation shall, however, be not less than Class „B‟. The motors for exhaust fans shall have the insulation suitable to operate on 500 C ambient temperature. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 67 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 All motors shall be wound for 240 volts, single phase, or 415 volts, 3 phase, 50 Hz, A.C. system. Any motors brought to site not complying with above mentioned voltage and insulation requirements shall not be accepted. Electrical Wiring All power cabling up to and including isolators to the control panels in plant rooms. Pump room, Chiller yard on roof and fan controlled isolator as indicated on the drawing shall be carried out by the Electrical Contractor. The electrical supply shall be terminated into the main incomer of the control panel/isolator. It is the A.C. Contractor‟s responsibility to continue the connections from the isolator up to all the air conditioning and ventilation units. The A.C. Contractor shall be responsible for complete electrical equipment/controls associated with the Air conditioning and Ventilation works. A.C. Contractor‟s scope of works shall include but not be limited to the following: All control wiring necessary conduits, cables, cable trays etc., for the air conditioning equipment, controls and remote emergency push buttons (if required), etc. All HVAC control components such as flow switches, temperature/humidity sensors, thermostats etc., are to be wired to control panel and other associated components using armoured cable on galvanized cable rack/tray. Power cabling from TFAHU/FCU control panel to TFAHU/FCU , control panel to pumps, isolator to chillers, pressurization unit and power cabling from isolators to fans, etc. shall be carried out by the A.C. Contractor. (For continuity, refer electrical drawings and specifications). Specification for conduits, cables, cable trays to conform to electrical specifications. Starters All three phase motors for A.C. units shall be provided with D.O.L./Star Delta starters having the following facilities: To disconnect the supply in the event of power failure or voltage drop To protect the motor from overload in each phase. Start/stop push button. ON/OFF/TRIP indicating lamp. Single phase preventer All three phase starters shall have thermal overload protection in each phase as well as under voltage reset plus two auxiliary normal open contacts. Isolators All electrical drives shall have local isolators, weather proof. Isolators shall be of reputed manufacturers, up to Engineer‟s approval. Earthing All motors starting equipment panels shall have their frames, carcasses and all metal parts effectively and continuously connected to the general mass of the earth. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 68 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Testing All wiring within control panels shall be works checked, prior to despatch, for loose connections, correct terminations and compliance with wiring diagrams. In addition, functional checks shall be carried out in the works to ensure that all interlocking and sequencing is in accordance with the performance requirements of the specification. The Engineer shall be given 7 days written notice of such tests so that he may attend if he so desires. With all control circuits disconnected but with all isolators closed and power fuses fitted, the panels shall be subjected to a voltage test of 2.5 Kv for one minute, across the following points: 1. Phase to phase 2. Phase to neutral 3. Phase to earth 4. Neutral to earth Certified schedules detailing all tests and their results shall be submitted to the Engineer within fourteen days of the test. Approval of Workmanship Standards The standard of workmanship shall comply with the requirements of the Engineer who shall carry out periodic inspection of completed work and work in progress. Any work not to the Engineer‟s satisfaction during such inspection shall be replaced to a standard satisfactory to the Engineer at no cost to the contract for the subsequent inspection. Tags, Colour Coding All equipment shall be properly identified by means of permanent tags. All components shall be labelled in the control panel as per the approved drawings. All wires shall be colour coded in accordance with the Electrical regulations of the Ministry of Electricity & Water. Labelling system shall be agreed with the Engineer. Wiring Regulations All installation shall comply with the Electrical regulations of KAHRAAMA. 22.2.27 WARRANTY The Contractor shall guarantee for a period of 400 days after the practical completion of the installation that all plant and equipment shall operate free of any defects due to defective material and bad workmanship and that any part found defective during this period shall be replaced free of cost by the Contractor. All the compressors shall be guaranteed for a period of 5 years from the date of practical completion. The Contractor shall also guarantee the performance and efficiency of the plant and equipment as per the specifications for a similar period of 400 days after the practical completion and if the services of Contractor‟s personnel are requisitioned during this period, such shall be made available free of cost to the Client. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 69 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 If the defects are not rectified within a reasonable period, the Client may proceed to do so by another agency at the Contractor‟s entire risk and expense without prejudice to any rights of the Client. 22.2.28 SCHEDULE OF TECHNICAL DATA The technical schedules listed hereunder must be filled in and signed by the Tenderer and they must be attached with the offer with complete engineering catalogues for every piece of equipment to enable the Engineer to evaluate each offer. Offers submitted without such information will not be acceptable. Air cooled Chillers Reference :……………………………………………………………….. Quantity :……………………………………………………………….. Manufacturer/Model :…………………………………………………………….. Refrigerant :…………………………………………………………….. Type :…………………………………………………………….. Capacity in TR (Each) :………………………………………………………….. Cooler Flow US GPM : ………………………………………………………….. Chilled Water0F(In/Out) :………………………………………………………….. Scale Factor :………………………………………………………….. Permissible pressure drop :………………………………………………………….. Across cooler (in ft.) Air on Condenser (0 F) :………………………………………………………….. Electrical Characteristics :………………………………………………………….. Type of Compressors :………………………………………………………….. Number of Compressors :………………………………………………………….. Type of Drive :………………………………………………………….. Type of Motor :………………………………………………………….. Class of Insulation :………………………………………………………….. Method of Start :………………………………………………………….. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 70 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 F.L.A. of each :………………………………………………………….. Compressors Inrush Amperes of each :………………………………………………………….. Compressor room Full load Amperes of :………………………………………………………….. each Chiller Operating weight/chiller :………………………………………………………….. Physical dim. of chiller :………………………………………………………….. Overall length, (Ft) :………………………………………………………….. Overall width, (Ft) :………………………………………………………….. Overall height, (Ft) :………………………………………………………….. Total power input (KW) :………………………………………………………….. APLV (KW) :………………………………………………………….. *1/3 Octave band sound data :…………………………………………………………. *Note : ARI 370 shall be applicable. This data must include all of the measurement points and should not be restricted to the average of the data points. Maximum sound pressure Level at 3m from chiller (dba)……………………………………………………………. Chilled Water Pumps Reference :………………………………………………………….. Serving :………………………………………………………….. Type :………………………………………………………….. Quantity :………………………………………………………….. Manufacturer :………………………………………………………….. Model Number :………………………………………………………….. Capacity of each, USGPM :………………………………………………………….. Head, feet :………………………………………………………….. Speed, rpm :………………………………………………………….. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 71 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Power supply :………………………………………………………….. B.H.P. :………………………………………………………….. Motor Type/H.P./Make :………………………………………………………….. Class of Insulation :………………………………………………………….. Net Weight-each pump set :………………………………………………………….. Overall dimension of :………………………………………………………….. foundations Components Flexible coupling :………………………………………………………….. C.I. base plate :………………………………………………………….. Rubber isolators :………………………………………………………….. Pressure gauges :………………………………………………………….. Flexible connections :………………………………………………………….. Mechanical seal :………………………………………………………….. Controls a. Motorised valve Make/Model :………………………………………………………….. Type/Size :………………………………………………………….. Power Supply :………………………………………………………….. Power Consumption :………………………………………………………….. b. Temperature Controls Make/Model :………………………………………………………….. Type :………………………………………………………….. Temperature range :………………………………………………………….. Power supply :………………………………………………………….. Water Pressurization Unit Flexible coupling :………………………………………………………….. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 72 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 C.I. base plate :………………………………………………………….. Rubber isolators :………………………………………………………….. Pressure gauges :………………………………………………………….. Air handling Units Reference :………………………………………………………….. Location :………………………………………………………….. Make/Model :………………………………………………………….. Type :………………………………………………………….. Total cfm :………………………………………………………….. Fresh Air cfm :………………………………………………………….. Casing Construction :………………………………………………………….. Overall Dimension :………………………………………………………….. Cooling Coil :………………………………………………………….. Total Cooling Capacity :………………………………………………………….. Sensible Cooling :………………………………………………………….. Capacity Coil Face Velocity :………………………………………………………….. Coil rows/deep/fins per inch :………………………………………………………….. Water temperature In/Out :………………………………………………………….. Water Flow, USGPM :………………………………………………………….. Air on Coil, DB/WB0 F : ………………………………………………………….. Air off Coil, DB/WB0 F : ………………………………………………………….. Pressure drop through :………………………………………………………….. Coil in W.G. 1/3 Octave band Sound data through :…………………………………………………………. Casing panel Fans MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 73 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Type / Make :………………………………………………………….. Total Static Pressure :………………………………………………………….. B.H.P. :………………………………………………………….. Motor H.P./ Make :………………………………………………………….. Class of Insulation :………………………………………………………….. Miscellaneous Information Type of filters and thickness :………………………………………………………….. Type of Insulation and :………………………………………………………….. density Controls provided :………………………………………………………….. Reheaters Capacity :………………………………………………………… Fan Coil Unit Reference :………………………………………………………….. Make :………………………………………………………….. Type/Model :………………………………………………………….. Location :………………………………………………………….. Sensible Cooling :………………………………………………………….. Capacity (Each) Total Cooling Cap. (Each) :………………………………………………………….. Entering Air Temp. DB,F :………………………………………………………….. Entering Air Temp. WB,F :………………………………………………………….. Air Quantity,CFM :………………………………………………………….. Water Temp. Entering Coil ,F :………………………………………………………….. Water Temp. Leaving Coil ,F :………………………………………………………….. No. of rows deep :………………………………………………………….. No. of fins per inch :………………………………………………………….. Water Flow rate , gpm :………………………………………………………….. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 74 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Water Pressure drop , :………………………………………………………….. Through coil ,Pa Power supply :………………………………………………………….. Motor kW / Make :………………………………………………………….. Overall dimensions :………………………………………………………….. Electric Heaters Cap. :………………………………………………………….. Insulation Manufacturer :………………………………………………………….. Type :………………………………………………………….. Density :………………………………………………………….. Finish :………………………………………………………….. Ventilation/Exhaust Fans Reference :………………………………………………………….. Location :………………………………………………………….. Service :………………………………………………………….. Type :………………………………………………………….. Make :………………………………………………………….. Model :………………………………………………………….. Size :………………………………………………………….. CFM :………………………………………………………….. Static Pressure ,Pa :………………………………………………………….. Motor Rating / Make :………………………………………………………….. 22.2.29 COMMISSIONING SHEETS COMMISSIONING SHEET OF PACKAGED AIR-COOLED CHILLER Project: Chiller Operating Results: Date : Sheet No. of: MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 75 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Plant Ref: Unit Voltage per phase : L1 L2 L3 Current Voltage per phase : L1 L2 L3 Control Voltage : Suction Pressure : Circuit – 1 Circuit - 2 Discharge : Circuit – 1 Circuit - 2 Oil Pressure : Compressor – 1 Compressor - 2 Compressor – 3 Compressor - 4 Oil Level in Compressor at least 1/ 2?: Yes No Is a liquefied line solenoid valve : Operational in each circuit Yes No Do step controls operate satisfactorily : Yes No Do oil safety controls operate satisfactorily: Yes No Is there a remote shut down switch? Does it shut down Chiller or pump : Yes No Super Heat Setting at XV : Circuit – 1 Circuit – 2 System thermostat set point : 0C Ambient temperature : 0C Unit current amps at : A. 100% B. 75% C.50% D.25% Part winding T-D operate properly (If any) Yes No Do lock-out T-D operate properly : Yes No. Crankcase Heater Operation : Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory Antifreeze Thermostat : Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory Sequence Selector Operation : Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory Condenser Fan Motor : Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory Cycling Operation : Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 76 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Pump Down Cycle : Satisfactory/Not Satisfactory Chilled Water Inlet Temperature : 0 F Chilled Water Outlet Temperature : 0 F Chiller Inlet Pressure : bars Chiller Outlet Pressure : bars Certified by ………………. COMMISSIONING SHEET OF CHILLED WATER PUMP SET Project: Pump Operating Results: Date : Sheet No. of Pump Reference and Make : Pump Model No. : Designed Measured Flow rate : Pump Inlet Pressure : Pump Outlet Pressure : Pump Working Head ,FT : Pump RPM : Motor Horse Power : Motor Running Current, AMPS : Starter Overload Setting : Voltage : Water Temperature : Certified by ……………………….. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 77 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 COMMISSIONING SHEET OF AIR HANDLING UNITS Project: AHU Precommissioning Checks: Date : Sheet No. of System Reference : Installation Complete : System Clean and Unobstructed : Inspection Covers Fitted : Balancing Dampers Open : Grilles/Diffusers Open : Fire Damper/Automatic Damper Operational : Chilled Water Lines Insulated : Condensate Drain Line Completed With „U‟ trap with Proper level : Air Components Aligned : Pulley Alignment/Belt Tension : Motor/Fan Bearing Lubricated : Filter in Position and Cleaned : Flexible Connections : Starter Overload Adequate for Load : Control Circuit Operational : Permanent Electrical Supply Available: MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 78 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Certified by ……………………. COMMISSIONING SHEET OF AIR HANDLING UNITS (FAN AND COIL) Project: Results Date : Sheet No. of Location : System/Equip. Ref. : Item Identification Design Measurement Fan Make and Model No. : Fan Type : Motor Pulley Size : Fan RPM : Motor Voltage, Phase, Hz. : Fan Belt Nos., Size : Motor Power : Motor Full Load Current : Motor Running Current : Starter Type : Starter O.L. Sliting : Air Volume Flow Rate : Fan Static Pressure : Air Temperature : Filter Nos., Size : Motorised Valve Operation : OK/Not OK MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 79 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Thermostat Operation : OK/Not OK Condensate Drainage : OK/Not OK Smoke Detector Operation : OK/Not OK Filter Operation : OK/Not OK Chilled Water In : Temperature 0F Pressure Psi Chilled Water Out : Temperature 0F Pressure Psi Air in Temperature : 0F.DB 0F.WB Air Out Temperature : 0F.DB 0F.WB Noise level at 1.0m : Certified by …………………… COMMISSIONING SHEET OF FAN AND COIL Project: Results Date : Sheet No. of Location : System/Equip. Ref. : Item Identification Design Measurement Fan Make and Model No. : Fan Type : Fan RPM : Motor Voltage, Phase, Hz. : Fan Belt Nos., Size : Motor Power : Motor Full Load Current : Motor Running Current : MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 80 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Starter Type : Starter O.L. Setting : Air Volume Flow Rate : Fan Static Pressure : Air Temperature : Filter Nos., Size : Motorised Valve Operation : OK/Not OK Thermostat Operation : OK/Not OK Condensate Drainage : OK/Not OK Smoke Detector Operation : OK/Not OK Filter Operation : OK/Not OK Chilled Water In : Temperature 0F Pressure Psi Chilled Water Out : Temperature 0F Pressure Psi Air In Temperature : 0F.DB 0F.WB Air Out Temperature : 0F.DB 0F.WB Noise level at 1.0m : Certified by ………………... MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 81 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 DUCT VOLUME TEST SHEET Project System Date Sheet No. of Reference Design Vol. Duct Size Duct Area Velocity m3/s mm m2 m/s Velocity Profile (Taken ……………….. Airflow) Units ……………………… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A ______________________________________________________________ B ______________________________________________________________ C______________________________________________________________ D ______________________________________________________________ E ______________________________________________________________ F ______________________________________________________________ G ______________________________________________________________ H ______________________________________________________________ I ______________________________________________________________ J ______________________________________________________________ K ______________________________________________________________ Correction Factor of Meter Total of Velocities Average Velocity Test Volume Design Static Pressure Remarks __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 82 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Certified by ……………………. DUCT VOLUME TEST SHEET (FRESH AIR) Project System Date Sheet No. of Reference Design Vol. Duct Size Duct Area Velocity m3/s mm m2 m/s Velocity Profile (Taken ……………….. Airflow) Units ……………………… 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A ______________________________________________________________ B ______________________________________________________________ C______________________________________________________________ D ______________________________________________________________ E ______________________________________________________________ F ______________________________________________________________ G ______________________________________________________________ H ______________________________________________________________ I ______________________________________________________________ J ______________________________________________________________ K ______________________________________________________________ Correction Factor of Meter Total of Velocities Average Velocity Test Volume Design Static Pressure Remarks __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 83 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 Certified by ……………………. GRILLES AND DIFFUSERS Project System Reference Date Sheet No.of Terminal Location Design Measured Comments No. Free Area Volume Velocity Volume % of m2 m3/s m/sec m3/s Design __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Correction Factor of Meter __________________________________________________________________ Remarks __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Certified by ……………………. MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 84 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 22.2.30 SCHEDULES, EXPLANATORY NOTES i. The schedules have been prepared for the purpose of facilitating selection of equipment and evaluating the tenders. The reference given against each item in the schedules refer to the appropriate reference in the drawings. ii. Technical details of the equipment offered by the Contractor should be furnished, as asked for in the technical schedules enclosed. iii. The external static pressure for fans, where given are approximate and the Contractor will be required to supply equipment to handle the requirements of his installation without extra cost to the contract. iv. Should the Contractor wish to amplify any information to be provided, this should be set out on separate sheets and submitted with his tender together with explanatory manufacturer‟s catalogues, curves and selection charts. v. If the equipment selected by the tenderer should require any special alteration or addition to the architectural or structural work, he must list the requirements separately. 22.2.31 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS Dwg. No. Drawing Title AC-01 3rd Basement Floor HVAC Layout AC-02 2nd Basement Floor HVAC Layout AC-03 1st Basement Floor HVAC Layout AC-04 Ground Floor HVAC Layout AC-05 Mezzanine Floor HVAC Layout AC-06 First Floor HVAC Layout AC-07 Typical 2nd to 5th Floor HVAC Layout AC-08 Typical 6th to 7th Floor HVAC Layout AC-09 8th Floor HVAC Layout AC-10 9th Floor HVAC Layout AC-11 Main Roof HVAC Layout AC-12 Ground Floor Chilled Water Piping Layout MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 85 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 AC-13 Mezzanine Floor Chilled Water Piping Layout AC-14 First Floor Chilled Water Piping Layout AC-15 Typical 2nd to 5th Floor Chilled Water piping Layout AC-16 Typical 6th to 7th Floor Chilled Water Piping Layout AC-17 8th Floor Chilled Water Piping Layout AC-18 9th Floor Chilled Water Piping Layout AC-19 Main Roof Chilled Water Piping Layout AC-20 Chilled Water Riser Diagram AC-21 Treated Fresh Air Riser Diagram AC-22 Toilet / Pantry Exhaust Air Riser Diagram AC-23 Stairwell Pressurization Riser Diagram AC-24 Schedule of Equipments AC-25 Standard Details AC-26 General Notes AC-27 HVAC Life Safety strategy Notes 22.2.32 SCHEDULE OF APPROVED MANUFACTURERS All the materials supplied under this contract shall be from one of the manufacturers listed below.Contractor shall obtain prior approval of the Engineer and his decision shall be binding for make of each item before ordering the same. 1.0 Chillers CARRIER FRANCE TRANE FRANCE YORK MEXICO 2.0 Chilled Water Pumps ITT BELL & GOSSETT USA AURORA USA HOLDEN & BROOK UK CRANE UK 3.0 Pressurisation Package ITT BELL & GOSSETT USA MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 86 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 PATTERSON USA HOLDEN & BROOK UK FLAMCO HOLLAND 4.0 Chemical Dosage Pot & Chemicals HOUSEMAN UK CULLIGAN UK DEARBORN UK 5.0 Air Handling Units VTSCLIMA EUROPE EUROCLIMA ITALY CARRIER EUROPE TRANE EUROPE YORK EUROPE 6.0 Fan Coil Units VTSCLIMA EUROPE EUROCLIMA ITALY CARRIER ITALY TRANE ITALY YORK ITALY 7.0 Split A/C unit CARRIER THAILAND TRANE THAILAND YORK BAHRAIN 8.0 Exhaust Fans GREENHECK USA FLAKTWOODS UK ELTA UK XPELAIR UK NUAIRE UK 9.0 G.I. Sheets JAPAN SOUTH AFRICA EUROPE 10.0 Silencers KMC DOHA ATAI KSA SAFID KSA MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 87 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 11.0 Fire Dampers/Smoke dampers RUSKIN USA ATAI KSA SAFID KSA ACTION AIR UK 12.0 Volume Control Dampers KMC DOHA ATAI KSA SAFID KSA 13.0 Duct & Pipe Supports GRINELL USA SIKLA GERMANY HILTI GERMANY MUPRO GERMANY WEICCO INDIA 14.0 Valves NEWMAN HATTERSELY UK HOLMES UK CRANE UK ECONOSTO HOLLAND 15.0 Strainers MUELLER STEAM EUROPE NEWMAN HATTERSELY UK CRANE UK ECONOSTO HOLLAND 16.0 Chilled Water pipes & Fittings NIPPON STEEL JAPAN TOBUS SPAIN SUMITOMO JAPAN 17.0 Automatic Air Vent FLAMCO,HOLLAND SPIRAXSARCO,USA ECONOSTO ,HOLLAND 18.0 Insulation (Duct & Pipe) AFICO KSA KIMMCO KUWAIT MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 88 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 IZOCAM TURKEY 19.0 Air Terminals KMC QATAR CIACO KUWAIT EUROREGISTER,,UK 20.0 Instruments & Gauges TAYLOR JOHNSON WEISS 21.0 Vibration Isolators WEICCO INDIA MASON USA AMBERBOOTH USA KINETICS USA 22.0 Flexible Joints MASON USA MINIKIN UK KINFLEX USA 23.0 Rubber Foam Insulation RUBATEX USA ARMAFLEX UK GULF-O-FLEX UAE SUPERLON USA 24.0 Duct Flexible Connections DURODYNE USA CONTRACT COMPONENTS LTD. UK AERODUCT,UAE 25.0 Copper Pipes & Fittings YORKSHIRE UK WEDNESBURY UK MUELLERBRASS USA 26.0 Flexible Duct ATAI THERMAFLEX MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 89 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 SUPAFLEX 27.0 Adhesive FOSTER, USA MIRACLE, USA IDENDEN UK 28.0 Vapour barrier FOSTER USA MIRACLE, USA IDENDEN UK 29 Impulse car park ventilation system COLT , EUROPE NOVENCO , EUROPE WOLTER ,EUROPE PSB , EUROPE NUAIRE,EUROPE 30.0 Automatic Air Vent SPIRAX SARCO USA OVENTROP, GERMANY ECONOSTO, HOLLAND MIXED USE BUILDING -IBMS 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07 90 Section 22.0- Air-conditioning Installation Rev 0 SECTION – 23 FIRE FIGHTING INSTALLATION PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 1 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 SL NO. TITLE OF SPECIFICATIONS 23.1.00 FIRE FIGHTING GENERAL 23.1.01 Scope of Works 23.1.02 Design Requirements 23.1.03 Hydraulically Designed Sprinkler Systems 23.1.04 Regulatory Agencies 23.1.05 Submittals 23.1.06 Coordination PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 2 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 23.2.00 PRODUCTS 23.2.01 General 23.2.02 Piping Products 23.2.03 Pipe Supports and Sleeves 23.2.04 General Purpose Valves 23.2.05 Standpipe and Fire Hose Valves 23.2.06 Alarms 23.2.07 Supervisory Devices 23.2.08 System Accessories 23.2.09 Fire Department Connections 23.2.10 Sprinklers and Accessories 23.2.11 Stock of Spare Sprinklers 23.2.12 Cabinets 23.2.13 Fire Hydrant- External 23.2.14 Control Valves 23.2.15 Locks 23.2.16 Monitored Isolation Valve 23.2.17 Portable Fire Extinguishers 23.2.18 Fire Pumps PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 3 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 23.3.00 EXECUTION 23.3.01 Preparation 23.3.02 Installation 23.3.03 Field Quality Control 23.3.04 Cleaning and Flushing 23.3.05 Pre-Commissioning Works 23.3.06 Testing 23.3.07 Painting 23.3.08 Labels and identification 23.3.09 Schedule of Approved Manufactures 23.3.10 Schedule of Drawings PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 4 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 FIRE FIGHTING GENERAL 23.01.00 GENERAL Work covered under this section includes furnishing of material, labor, and equipment to install fire protection system as indicated on drawings and specified herein. Include incidental work necessary to make fire protection system complete, satisfactory, and ready for operation. A specialist Contractor shall execute the complete scope of work under this contract. The Scheme and Selection of equipment and components as shown on the drawings are indicative, all the design parameters are to be cross verified and sized accordingly on a need and requirement basis, by the Specialist Contractor assigned and nominated by the Main Contractor to carryout the job. The Profile of the Specialist Contractor need to be submitted to the Consultant – in charge for the project, prior to the nomination by the Main Contractor, and the Consultant‟s Decision will be final and binding on the Main Contractor. 23.01.01 SCOPE OF WORK The Fire Fighting Services include, but not limited to the following: a) Fire Fighting Pumps b) Hose reel cabinets c) Sprinkler System d) Fire department connections. e) Piping products. f) Pipe supports. g) Pipe sleeves. h) General purpose valves. i) Standpipe and fire hose valves. j) Fire extinguishers k) Alarms. l) Supervisory devices. m) System accessories. and shall be executed as shown on the drawings, and all the equipment and components shall be approved by the Fire Department of State of Qatar and any other statutory bodies as required and confirm to the NFPA Standards. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 5 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 23.01.02 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS System requirements and pipe sizes shall be determined using hydraulic calculations prepared in accordance with NFPA Standards. System requirements to comply with applicable NFPA Standards (as referenced by the authority having jurisdiction). 23.01.03 HYDRAULICALLY DESIGNED SPRINKLER SYSTEMS: Contractor to prepare/submit for approval and be responsible for final hydraulic calculations including accuracy of water supply information. Total demand including hose streams to be calculated with 90% of the available water supply pressure (i.e.; 10% of the pressure reserved as a safety factor). Methods used and information given on hydraulic calculations to meet requirements of NFPA 13 with following exceptions: a. Where pipe sizes are indicated on plans, these sizes may exceed minimum code requirements and shall be sized as indicated. Where pipe routes and/or locations are indicated on plans, locations are suggested for coordination purposes. Other locations/routes are acceptable, coordinate with other trades. b. Calculations of the most hydraulically remote area shall be based on actual floor area covered and the design density (gpm/sq. ft.) shown on the plans. The remote area shall be equal to or larger than the area stated in the design density and shall include all sprinkler heads within that area. c. Floor area covered by sprinkler shall be determined by using distance between sprinkler and wall, or half distance between sprinklers, whichever is greater. Distance to be determined in two directions, parallel with branch line and perpendicular to branch line. Multiply longest parallel distance by longest perpendicular distance. Multiply resultant by four to determine area covered by sprinkler. 23.01.04 REGULATORY AGENCIES Installation shall comply with following: 1. Building and fire safety codes of the authority having jurisdiction. 2. Owner's insurance carrier or Insurance Services Office. 3. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards (as referenced by the authority having jurisdiction and Owner's insurance carrier). 4. Underwriters‟ Laboratories (UL) & FM (Ffactory Mutual) 5. Design documents. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 6 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 23.01.05 SUBMITTALS A. General: Comply with Tender Invitation documents. Special Submittal Requirements: Combine submittals of this Section with Sections listed below to ensure the "design intent" of the system/assembly is understood and can be reviewed together. B. Product Data: Manufacturer‟s specifications and technical data including performance, construction, and fabrication. Submit product data for each manufactured component. C. Shop Drawings: Indicate dimensions, description of materials and finishes, general construction, specific modifications, component connections, anchorage methods, hardware, and installation procedures, including specific requirements indicated. 1. Submit shop drawings for each complete system or assembly of shop-fabricated, field-fabricated, and manufactured components. 2. Special requirements: a. Unless otherwise noted, prepare shop drawings in accordance with requirements for "Working Plans" as described in NFPA Standard 13. b. Certify Shop Drawings by a Professional Engineer registered and currently licensed to practice in Qatar. c. Draw floor plans at 1:100 scale or greater. Submit reproducible copies of all drawings. d. Cloud and key with date to indicate areas that have been changed on all re- submittals. e. Calculations for Hydraulically Designed Systems: 1) Calculations are required for hydraulically designed fire protection systems. 2) Unless otherwise noted, prepare calculations in accordance with requirements of "Hydraulic Calculations Procedures" as described in NFPA Standard 13. 3) Include calculations with submission of Shop Drawings. D. Quality Control: Field Quality Control submittals as specified in Part 3 of this Section. a. Document results of test required by authority having jurisdiction, the Owner's insurance carrier, and listed NFPA Standards. b. Document test results on standard NFPA forms or a form acceptable to the Architect / Engineer. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 7 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 E. Submittal Sequence: 1. First, submit reproducible copies of each shop drawing to Architect/Engineer along with product data and hydraulic calculations. a. All submittals are to be complete. b. All shop drawings, hydraulic calculations and product data shall be included in one submittal. c. Identify all material. 2. Second, submit two sets of the revised shop drawings to the Owner who will forward one copy to their insurance carrier for review. a. Send a copy of transmittal to Architect/Engineer. b. Make changes to shop drawings after these reviews. c. Circle changes to indicate areas that have been changed. 3. Submit the final shop drawings with approvals from the approved agencies to the Architect/Engineer. F - Alternative Materials Equipments and Materials used as the basis for the design are listed in the Schedule of Manufacturer‟s. Only in case if the specified item/s are not available due to valid reasons , with official written apologies from manufacturers for not being able to supply the requested materials. Only in such cases, the Consultant will consider the alternatives, before the tender is accepted and the Consultant‟s decision will be final regarding the matter. In case the alternatives are accepted, the Consultant will confirm the acceptance of the same in writing. During the execution of the contract, no alternative equipment, materials or fittings will be permitted other than the approved and the contractor is fore-warned that any item provided by him which is not up to the specification, must be replaced at his own expense. In cases where time will not permit, then such replacements shall be at the client‟s convenience, but at the Contractor‟s expenses etc. 23.01.06 COORDINATION Coordination with Construction Documents: 1. Refer to drawings for smoke and fire ratings of walls and floors. 2. Refer to drawings for exact location and mounting height of cabinets housing fire department valves and hoses. 3. If shown, sprinklers to be located as noted on architectural and mechanical plans. 4. Architect/Engineer, after reviewing installation, reserves the right to direct the contractor to make minor adjustments in head locations at no additional cost to the Owner. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 8 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 23.02.00 PRODUCTS 23.02.01 GENERAL List products by name and manufacturer as listed in UL Fire Protection Equipment Directory and FM Approval Guide and conform to requirements contained in Contract Documents. Material and equipment to be new and currently listed or approved. Where more than one of any specific item is required, items to be of same type and manufacturer. Products to be UL listed, and preferred FM approved as well. 23.02.02 PIPING PRODUCTS A. General: Only pipe and fitting materials listed in this specification shall be acceptable for use. Extra lightweight steel, schedule 5 steel, non-metallic products, and associated fittings are not acceptable. B. Related Standards: 1. All pipe works shall be Galvanized Sseamless to schedule 40: ASTM A53 2. Fitting manufacturing standards: a. Galvanized threaded fittings, Class 125 pound, and 250 pound: comply with ASTM A53 b. Malleable iron threaded fittings, Class 150 pound, and 300 pound: comply with ANSI B16.3. c. Cast iron flanged fittings, Class 125 pound, and 250 pound: comply with ANSI B16.1. d. Butt welded fittings: comply with ANSI B16.9. e. Flange gaskets: comply with ANSI B16.24. f. Fastener bolts: comply with ANSI B18.2.1. g. Fastener nuts: comply with ANSI B18.2.2. C. Threaded Fittings: 1. Galvanized, 125 pounds: Pipe Size Maximum Working Pressure 1" through 2" 300 psi 2-1/2" through 12" 175 psi 2. Cast iron, 250 pounds: 400 psi maximum working pressure. 3. Malleable iron, 150 pounds: 300 psi maximum working pressure. 4. Malleable iron, 300 pounds: PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 9 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 Pipe Size Maximum Working Pressure 1" through 2" 1500 psi 2-1/2" through 4" 1000 psi 5" and 6" 800 psi D. Flanges and Flanged Fittings: 1. Galvanized, 125 pounds: 175 psi maximum working pressure. 2. Galvanized, 250 pounds: 400 psi maximum working pressure. 3. Flange gaskets: 1/16 inch thick. 4. Bolts and nuts: Bolt length to allow not less than 1/8 inch exposed thread beyond nut. E. Grooved Fittings: 1. For connection to cut or rolled grooved pipe. 2. Pressure rating of fittings to exceed maximum system working pressure. 3. Fittings to be of same manufacturer as couplings. F. Welded Fittings: 1. Butt welded or socket welded branch lets, 3 inches through 12 inches. 2. Pressure rating of fittings to exceed maximum system working pressure. 23.02.03 PIPE SUPPORTS AND SLEEVES Design: Provide in this section in compliance with Section 15140 and NFPA 13 (as referenced by the authority having jurisdiction). 23.02.04 GENERAL PURPOSE VALVES All valves shall be marked with the manufacturer‟s name and the appropriate British or American standard or shall fully comply with NFPA standards. Valves to be FM approved and/or UL listed. A. Indicating Control Valve (O S & Y Gate Valve): 1. Rising indicating stem. 2. 1 inch through 2 inches: screwed ends. 3. 2-1/2 inch through 12 inches: flanged ends. O.S & Y gate valves shall be provided to each branch pipe and, at the locations where the flow is required, either fully open or fully closed, as indicated on the tender drawings or as directed by the Engineer in order to isolate that part of the system in the event of leaks and maintenance, which may arise at the time of commissioning and pressure testing. All main sprinkler system isolating valves shall be listed indicating valves and shall be connected with the tamper switches. All valves controlling water supplies to the sprinkler system including floor control valves shall be accessible to the authorized persons during emergency. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 10 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 Gate valves shall be made of cast iron and tested to 300-psi hydraulic pressure. Valves of 50 mm dia shall be screwed ends and provided with unions on both sides. Valves more than 50 mm dia shall be with flanged ends. Valves shall be manufactured in accordance with NFPA standards. Valves used as drain valve and valves near jockey pump shall be standard gate valves. All other valves shall be UL listed, FM approved O.S & Y gate valves. C. Globe and Ball Valve: Bronze body with screwed ends. D. Check Valve: Bronze body with screwed ends. 1 inch through 2 inches. Listed check valves shall be provided in discharge line of each pump, fire department connection and at other locations in accordance with their listing or as directed by the engineer to prevent reversal of flow. Non-return valves shall be made of cast iron and conform to B.S. 5154. Valves shall be swing pattern, metal-to-metal seat and tested to 300-psi hydraulic pressure. E. Alarm check valves: This shall be NFPA approved to be constructed and equipped to give clear positive audible alarm at any water flow through the sprinkler system equal to or greater than that from a single automatic sprinkler. It shall be suitable for vertical/ horizontal installations as per as the system requirement or as directed by the engineer and for the variable pressure of water supply. Alarm check valves shall be of flanged, designed to withstand up to working pressure of 300 psi. It shall have cast iron body and a clapper hinge, bronze clapper assembly, pilot valve assembly and other moving parts. Alarm check valves shall be complete with retarding chamber 2” main drain valve, up stream and downstream pressure gauge cocks, alarm control and test valves, pressure operated alarm switch to actuate a bell, horn, or siren. Water motor and alarm gong shall be located preferably outside the building at a location to engineer‟s approval. F. Rubber Face Check Valve: Swing type with flanged ends. 2-1/2 inches through 12 inches. G. Wafer or Grooved End Swing Type Check Valve & shall be UL listed FM approval. H. Reduced Principal Zone Backflow Preventer PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 11 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 23.02.05 STANDPIPE AND FIRE HOSE VALVES A. Fire Department Valves: 1. Finish: Chrome plated cast brass. 2. Inlet connection: 2-1/2" female NPT. 3. Outlet connection: 2-1/2" x 1-1/2" chrome plated male IPT outlet adapter, cap, and chain. B. Hose Valves: 1. Finish: Chrome plated cast brass. 2. Inlet connection: 1-1/2" female NPT. 3. Outlet connection: 1-1/2" male IPT thread. 23.02.06 ALARMS (FOR EXTERIOR USE) Electric Alarm Bell: 1. 8 inch diameter gong. 2. Rated for 12 VDC, 24 VDC or 120 VAC. 3. Suitable for exterior use. 4. Minimum sound rating: 80 db at 10'-0". 5. UL Listed. 6. Compatible for use with fire alarm system. 23.02.07 SUPERVISORY DEVICES A. Supervisory (Tamper) Switches: Design Requirements: a. Switches to indicate position of control valve. b. Rated for 120 VAC - 24 VDC. c. Compatible for use with fire alarm system. d. To be connected to the fire alarm system. B. Water Flow Switches: 1. Paddle type for pipe sizes 1-1/4 inches through 2 inches: a. Rated for 175 psi working pressure. b. Two sets 120 VAC - 24 VDC form C contacts. c. Compatible for use with fire alarm system. d. To be connected to the fire alarm system. 2. Paddle Type: For pipe sizes 2 inches through 8 inches, with 0 - 70 second adjustable pneumatic retard. a. Rated for 175 psi working pressure. b. Two sets 120 VAC - 24 VDC form C contacts. c. Compatible for use with fire alarm system. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 12 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 23.02.08 SYSTEM ACCESSORIES A. Combination Test and Drain Connection: 1. Manufactured combination test, drain, and sight glass fitting. 2. 175 psi working pressure. 3. 1/4 inch NPT gauge fitting. B. Pressure Gauges: 3-1/2 inch dial marked in 5 pound increments. 1. 1/4 inch NPT. 2. 175 psi working pressure. Pressure gauges shall be provided on the discharge of the pumps and on wet pipe sprinkler system riser as shown on the drawing. Each gauge shall not be less than 100 mm dia in dial size and shall comprise of a corrosion resistant housing with glass window and brass trim. It shall have accuracy within +/-5% of the full-scale deflection when working at 50 degree C. each gauge shall be provided with a gauge cock. The pressure gauges shall be calibrated in psi or bars, or both. Each gauge shall have a range of 0 to 11/2 times the normal working pressure. C. Automatic Ball Drips: 1/2 inch or 3/4 inch NPT. D. Insert Sight Glasses: 175 psi working pressure. E. Downspout Nozzle (express drain outlet): 1. Wall mounted downspout nozzle. 2. Rough bronze finish. 3. Full line size. Terminate at and provide concrete splash block. 23.02.09 FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS A. Design Requirements: 1. UL Listed. 2. Threads to conform to local fire department standards. 3. Plugs and chains. 4. Pin lug hose thread swivels. 5. Polished brass finish. B. Type 1: Wall Mounted Flush Type Siamese 1. Escutcheon lettered "AUTO SPRINKLER" or as indicated on drawings for each respective system. 2. Double clapper. 3. Size to be 2-1/2 inches by 2-1/2 inches by 4 inches, unless noted otherwise. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 13 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 C. Type 2: Exposed Type: 1. Lettered “STANDPIPE” or as indicated. 2. Double clapper. 3. Size: 2-1/2 inches by 2-1/2 inches by 4 inches unless noted otherwise. Siamese connection assembly shall be installed for the use of Fire brigade, as shown on the drawings. The Siamese connection assembly shall be gun metal with two inlets. Each inlet shall consist of a 65-mm. dia. instantaneous male coupling and a non-return valve and protected with a cap secured by a suitable length of chain. The coupling shall confirm to BS 336. The Siamese connection assembly shall have 100-mm. dia.-flanged outlet for attachment to the wet riser, and equipped with 25-mm.-drain valve to drain the riser. The Siamese connection assembly shall be finished with red color paint. The Siamese connection assembly shall be enclosed inside stainless steel flush mounted box with a labeled wired glass door, located at 1200 mm. above the ground finish level. 23.02.10 SPRINKLERS AND ACCESSORIES A. General: 1. Minimum sprinkler orifice size shall be 1/2 inch. 2. Sprinklers in non-public spaces such as mechanical/electrical equipment, and storage rooms and sprinklers on exposed piping shall have brass finish unless noted otherwise. 3. Sprinklers and escutcheons in finished areas to have polished brass or white finish or finish as noted on plans. 4. Style, size, and temperature rating to be type specifically approved for such use. 5. Thermosensitive glass bulbs to be of all one color for a given temperature classification. 6. For each sprinkler style, all sprinklers to be of same type (fusible link or glass bulb). B. Upright Sprinklers: 1. Thermosensitive glass-bulb or fusible solder/alloy standard response. 2. Thermosensitive glass-bulb quick response. 3. Fusible solder/alloy quick response. 4. Installation style: a. Exposed: No escutcheon C. Pendent Sprinklers: 1. Thermosensitive glass-bulb or fusible solder/alloy standard response. 2. Thermosensitive glass-bulb quick response. 3. Fusible solder/alloy quick response. 4. Installation style: PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 14 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 a. Exposed: No escutcheon. D. Vertical Sidewall Sprinklers: 1. Thermosensitive glass-bulb or fusible solder/alloy standard response. 2. Thermosensitive glass-bulb quick response. 3. Fusible solder/alloy quick response. 4. Normal or extended coverage type is acceptable. 5. Installation style: a. Exposed: No escutcheon. E. Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers: 1. Thermosensitive glass-bulb or fusible solder/alloy standard response. 2. Thermosensitive glass-bulb quick response. 3. Fusible solder/alloy quick response. 4. Normal or extended coverage type is acceptable. 5. Fixed or field adjustable type is acceptable. 6. Installation style: a. Exposed: No escutcheon F. Sprinkler Guards: Metal with red finish. G. Spare Sprinkler Cabinet: Wall mounted. Storage capacity of not less than minimum designated by NFPA 13. H. Sprinkler Wrench: To match style and brand of sprinklers used Sprinklers shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13. These shall be local Fire officer‟s approved, pendant glass bulb sprinklers rated for 79 degree C. for sprinklers mounted in non air conditioned areas and 68 degree C. for sprinklers mounted in air conditioned areas, and suitable for maximum ambient temperature of 50 degree C. sprinklers shall have k factor of 80 with 15 mm (1/2”) MSPT male inlets. Recessed type of sprinklers shall be installed in the false ceilings in order to make the surroundings decorative. There shall be a 2-piece design of the recessed enclosure and mounting plate allows installation of the sprinklers prior to the installation of the false ceiling. Both sprinklers and escutcheon plates shall have chrome finish. Toilet and pantry areas (AHU Plant room) shall be provided with side wall type sprinklers and shall have chrome finish. Samples to be submitted to the consultant for approval. Side sprinkler head to be installed at plant room of swimming pool. 23.02.11 STOCK OF SPARE SPRINKLERS A stock of spare sprinklers shall be provided and stored in a cabinet installed at a suitable location in the basement. The number of spare sprinklers is to be in accordance with NFPA 13, 1994, clause no. 2-2.7 or 20 no. special sprinkler wrench PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 15 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 shall be provided in the cabinet to be used for the removal and installation of sprinklers. 23.02.12 CABINETS Combination Fire Department Valve & Extinguisher Cabinets: 1. Type: Surface mounted. 2. Cabinet: heavy gauge steel. 3. Door and Trim: Weather resistant, one piece, heavy gauge stainless steel. a. Solid door labeled "FIRE DEPT. VALVE" and "FIRE EXTINGUISHER" with vertical black lettering 1-1/2" high. 4. Contains: a. Cast brass 2-1/2 inch fire department valve as specified above with rough brass finish. b. Cast brass 1-1/2 inch angle hose valve with 1-1/2" IPT thread connection. c. Steel hose rack - chrome plated or painted red. d. 200 feet of 1-1/2", single jacket, 100% synthetic lined fire hose. UL labeled 300 lb test. Elk-Lite II hose. e. Brass hose couplings. f. 1-1/2 inch, adjustable fog type nozzle. Brass construction with rubber bumper. g. Space for fire extinguisher (by Owner). a. FIRE HOSE REEL Fire Hose Reel shall be installed where shown on the drawings. The Fire Hose shall be automatic swinging recessed type. Hose reels shall be in accordance with EN694 & EN671-1. The hose reel shall have a 30 meters long of 25 mm. internal diameter reinforced non-kickable rubber hose capable of withstanding a working pressure of 16 bar. The hose shall be wound on a fabricated steel drum with circular side plates. The hose reel shall turn on automatically when 1.5 to 1.8 meters of hose is withdrawn from the real/ drum. The hose reel shall be equipped with shut-off valve for connecting with pipework. The hose nozzle shall be chrome plated brass, JET/SPRAY/SHUT/ OFF nozzle, and shall have a 6 mm orifice. b. FIRE HOSE CABINET The fire hose cabinet shall consist of- a) Cabinet: Cabinet and door leaf shall be made of 1.5 mm stainless steel with all around folded edges, door leafs hinged flush mounted on door frame. Cabinet shall be equipped with vertical wired glass window on front door. The cabinet shall be stainless steel Matt finished. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 16 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 The door shall be recessed type base with aluminum turn handle chrome plated and labeled „Fire Hose Reel‟. b) Fire hose synthetic of 65-mm diameter and 40 m long equipped with brass male coupling for the connection with the landing valve, and with aluminum alloy nozzle and to the fire departments approval The fire hose unit shall include the landing valve specified above. The fire hose unit shall be located at 1400 mm above the finished floor level and shall include both CO 2 type and dry chemical fire extinguisher of the ABC type as specified. 23.02.13 CONTROL VALVES Each control valve set shall comprise the following equipment, plus any other ancillary equipment necessary. 1) Main stop valve 2) Alarm valve 3) Waste & test valve 4) Installation & pressure gauge. 5) All the equipment necessary for the correct functioning of the control valves. 6) Water motor alarm gong. 7) Towns main pressure gauge. 8) Drain manifold from control valves. 9) Pump initiating pressure switches (including wiring) to main booster pump controller. 10) Alarm pressure switches wired to Fire Indicator Panel. 11) Spares Cabinet, complete with sufficient spare sprinklers and spare sprinkler spanner. 12) Brigade booster inlet. 13) Street key to main sluice valve. 14) Block plan of the area of the building serviced by the valve set, showing the complete site and the building outline. 23.02.14 LOCKS PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 17 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 Locks shall be of type suitable for the Qatar Fire Department type key. If a non - brigade key is used on doorways to control valves, pump rooms, etc. a key shall be placed in a box with a brigade lock, adjacent to the door. 23.02.15 MONITORED ISOLATION VALVE Supply and install monitoring switches on all sprinkler and hydrant system isolation valves, to register an alarm if the valves are moved from the fully open position. The switch, means of actuation and power supply shall be of approved manufacture and function. 23.02.16 PORTABLE FIRE EXTINGUISHERS The contractor shall supply and install portable fire extinguishers in the positions shown on the drawings. The fire extinguishers shall be of dry chemical ABC type of 6 Kg. capacity, with a rugged brass operating valve, large size operating lever, full vision pressure gauge, discharge hose and heavy duty drawn steel cylinder with hard, scratch resistant finish. Where fire extinguishers are located in electrical rooms, plant rooms they shall be complete with wall mounting brackets. The cabinet shall be equipped with wired glass window on front door. Cabinet shall be of matt finish. Instructions shall be screen printed on the front door Fire extinguishing 2.5 kg and fire blankets to be added at all kitchens. 23.02.17 FIRE PUMPS The Contractor shall supply and install fire-fighting pumps as shown and detailed on the drawings. Fire pumps and control panel shall be UL listed & FM approval. The fire sprinkler pump/ duty/standby and the Jockey pump, shall be completely fully automatic, factory assembled, skid mounted units includes the following features: - a) One duty pump for Sprinkler system, electrically driven b) One Jockey pump, common for the system, electrically driven c) One Stand-by pump, common for both, diesel engine driven d) Galvanized Steel frame e) Galvanized suction and delivery manifolds with flanged connections f) Isolating valves and flexible connection on suction and delivery for each pump g) Check valves on delivery for each pump h) Strainer on suction for each pump i) Pressure gauges, pressure switches and pressure relief valves PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 18 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 j) One Pressure vessel diaphragm type of 200 liters capacity k) Automatic control panel l) Fire pump set (Duty / standby) to be electrical driven for hose reel and fire hydrant Pump construction shall be in cast iron casing, bronze impeller, steel shaft complete with steel base frame / plate. The motor shall be squirrel cage induction type and rated for continuous operation at ambient temperature not less than 50 Deg. C, totally enclosed fan cooled with insulation class F and IP 54-protection level and rated for 415 volt, 3 phase and 50 Hz. The Engine shall be of 4-stroke mechanical injection air-cooled type with automatic speed regulator and flywheel housing. The Engine shall be provided with double battery kit (12 VDC) and charger, complete with exhaust pipe (insulated) and arranged to discharge outside. The Engine shall be manually switched off. The Control Panel shall consist of the following: - 1 Starter with Overload protection for each motor. 1 Residual current circuit breaker (for each pump) 1 Set timing relays 1 Hand / off / Auto switch for each pump 1 System Mode selector switch 1 Run and Trip Indication Lamps for each motor 3 Indicating Lamps, “Power On”, “Low Water” and “Phase Failure”. 1 Main Neutral Link 1 Cyclic Controller 1 Pressure switch and adjustable setting for each pump 1 Dry run prevention relay and floats switch in feed tank 1 Set of Volt free contacts for BMS interface 1 Multi attempt relay to allow at least 3 attempts for Engine Starting 1 Earth leakage sensor with hooter, mute push button and Indication lamp. The construction of the Panel to be to IP 65 level. The “hand” button shall be spring-loaded and shall override all control circuits exception the overload, so that the selected pump can be checked for performance and operation. The pump sets shall operate under the control of pressure switches The control panel design shall ensure - a) Automatic operation of all pumps under the control of pressure switches and cyclic relay. The duty pump selection switch shall be in “Auto” position. b) Automatic switch over to stand-by pump in case of failure of the duty pump. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 19 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 c) The hand position of H-O-A switches is only foe testing of pump and shall be spring-loaded. Alternatively non-latching push button shall be used for starting pump in HAND mode. d) Dry run protection based on level switch in the feed tank with indication. e) Volt free terminals for remote indications of common fault including low water level in feed tank, and pump on demand. The fire pump set shall be constructed to local Fire department‟s requirements and a certificate stating this shall be provided with the pumps and shall confirm to B.S. and shall be a single stage horizontal split casing centrifugal type. . 23.03.00 EXECUTION 23.03.01 PREPARATION Ensure concrete bases are provided for floor mounted equipment. 23.03.02 INSTALLATION A. Install Fire Protection System in compliance with applicable NFPA standards (as referenced by the authority having jurisdiction. B. Pipe and Fittings: 1. Acceptable pipe connection methods: Schedule 40: Cut grooves or threaded. 2. Acceptable pipe size reducers: a. Reducing fittings. b. Tapered reducers. 3. Companion flanges or reducing grooved couplings are unacceptable. 4. Install piping as follows, unless noted otherwise: a. Parallel to walls. b. Above suspended ceilings. c. Behind walls. 5. Galvanized pipe and fittings: a. Use where exposed to corrosive atmospheres in the following locations: Exterior piping. b. Field paint damaged galvanizing on pipe and fittings. 6. Label piping appropriately. C. Pipe Supports: Install hangers in compliance with Section 15140 and NFPA 13 (as referenced by the authority having jurisdiction). All pipe hangers bolts, nuts, washers and other hardware to be hot dipped galvanized construction for use at the cooling towers. All outdoor PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 20 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 piping to be hot dipped galvanized construction with all threads coated to prevent corrosion from outdoor elements. D. Pipe Sleeves and Seals: Install sleeves and seals in compliance with Section 15140. E. Drains: Provide drainage facilities as follows: a. In accordance with NFPA standards, and as indicated. b. Drain entire system by gravity. c. Drain size not less than 3/4 inch. d. Provide nipple and cap or brass plug for systems or partial systems of 5 gallons or less. e. Provide valve and plug for systems or partial systems of more than 5 gallons. F. Control Valves: 1. Bolt position on lugged butterfly valves to allow removal of downstream piping. 2. Globe or ball valves to be used as shutoff valves for: a. Water piping systems. b. Drain valves. c. Test valves. G. Reduced Pressure (Zone Principal) Backflow Preventer: 1. Size as indicated on plans. 2. Install where shown and in accordance with manufacturer‟s recommendations. H. Standpipe and Fire hose Valves: Mount valves minimum 1070 mm and maximum 1525 mm above finished floor elevation. I. Alarms: Install electric alarms as follows: a. Above fire department Siamese connection or as indicated on plans. b. No less than 2.5 meters above finished grade. c. Coordinate with Division 16 for electrical characteristics. J. Supervisory Devices: 1. Coordinate with Division 16 for electrical characteristics. 2. Provide supervisor (tamper) switch for each control valve. 3. Provide water flow switch for each wet pipe system and where otherwise indicated. a. Locate minimum distance recommended from change in flow direction. b. Field adjust for proper flow retard. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 21 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 K. Combination Test and Drain Connection: 1. Locate in accessible location. 2. Pipe express drain discharge as directed on the drawings. 3. Provide pressure gauge at test connection with brass 3-way valve and test plug. L. Down Spout Nozzle: 1. Verify location with architectural elevations. 2. Provide pipe increaser for connection to nozzle when drain line size is less than available minimum size nozzle outlet. M. Fire Department Connections: 1. Install fire department connections where indicated on plans. 2. Install not less than 1 meter and not more 1.2 meters above adjacent grade. Verify with architectural elevations. N. Sprinklers: 1. Unless noted otherwise, provide sprinkler types as indicated on drawings. 2. Install sprinklers in fittings after piping is in place. 3. Install exposed sprinklers with frame parallel to branch line. 4. Install sprinkler guards where sprinklers are within 2.2 meters of floor, or when subject to injury. 5. Line sprinklers up with themselves. 6. Prior to Date of Substantial Completion, deliver spare heads and wrench and place in spare head cabinet(s). O. Cabinets: Mount cabinets at elevation indicated on architectural drawings. P. Signs: Provide permanent signs to identify: a. Drains. b. Test connections. c. Shut-off valves. d. Risers supplying hydraulically designed systems. e. Each alarm. Q. Power Wiring: Furnished and installed under Division 16. 23.03.03 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Arrange, conduct, and document all performance and acceptance tests required by the applicable NFPA Standards and the authority having jurisdiction. 1. Give sufficient advance notice of time of test (2 week minimum). PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 22 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 2. Test must be witnessed by: a. Owner's fire department and maintenance representative. b. Architect/Engineer representative. c. Authorized inspector. d. Owner's insurance representative. 3. Deficiencies to be corrected at no additional cost to owner. 4. Use new pipe and fittings as necessary to correct leaks. 5. Temporary repairs of leaks not acceptable. 6. Repair water damage caused by leaks or test procedures. B. Conduct tests prior to: 1. Painting. 2. Covering. 3. Concealing in any way. C. Pressure test control valves as follows: 1. While under full system pressure. 2. Open and close each valve. 3. Demonstrate proper operation to owner. D. Test drain valves and test valves as follows: 1. Open to full flow for two minutes. 2. Close to test for tightness. 23.03.04 CLEANING AND FLUSHING Procedure: 1. Clean and flush piping systems and connections in accordance with the applicable NFPA Standards and the authority having jurisdiction. 2. Connect hoses to outlets and discharge to sewer. 3. Discharge water must be free of rust, stain and discoloration. 4. Remove stains caused by discharge. 5. Replace equipment and materials that cannot be cleaned. 6. Provide hoses and hose connections for this work. 23.03.05 PRE-COMMISSIONING WORKS Tubes and all items of equipment shall be delivered stored and maintained in storage with their open ends effectively plugged, capped or sealed. All fittings, valves and sundry items shall be stored in clean bins or bagged and stored in suitable racks. All such stored items shall be maintained under weather proofed cover to be supplied by the contractor until they are ready for incorporation in the works. Particular care shall be taken to ensure that electrical equipment and components are kept clean and dry. Before installations are handed over or subjected to the inspection and tests the entire installation shall be thoroughly cleaned, both internally and externally. PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 23 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 All fire protection installations shall be flushed out with clean water. During the flushing out provision shall be made to exclude any item of plant, which could be damaged by the cleaning operation. The entire operation shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the consultant. 23.03.06 TESTING All paperwork and the whole installation shall be hydraulic pressure tested to twice the normal working pressure or 16.0 bars whichever is greater. The Pressure shall be maintained for a period of not less than 24 hours, and the drop in pressure recorded, and the drop in pressure shall be within the specified limits and as per the relevance British standards. Any equipment fitted not suitable for this pressure test shall be adequately protected from the system during the tests. All leaks are to be immediately repaired and the installations re-tested until the above requirements are obtained. All the required tests are to be performed before application of the paint and valve adjustments made with the pumps in operation. The Consultant‟s decision will be final and binding the contractor. 23.03.07 PAINTING All pipe works for the fire fighting services shall be given one coat of rich primer and two coats of “Post office Red” paint after installation and pressure testing. 23.03.08 LABELS & IDENTIFICATION All items of Fire Protection Services shall be labeled and identified as required, and as per the requirements of the Fire Department. 23.3.09 SCHEDULE OF APPROVED MANUFACTURES- FIRE FIGHTING Hose Reel Cabinets THORN NORSEN UK NOHA NORWAY MOYNE IRELAND NAFFCO UAE Fire Fighting Pumps ARRORA USA ITT USA PATTERSON USA READY BAFFALO USA PEARLESS USA Sprinkler Heads CENTRAL USA TYCO USA PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 24 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 GRINNEL USA VICTAULIC USA Control Valves KIDDE UK MACRON UK GRINNEL USA Landing Valve ANGUS UK EL KHART BRASS USA TYCO USA Fire Extinguisher CHUBB UK NAFFCO UK ANSUL UK ANGUS UK Fire Fighting Pipes SILKTUB ROMANIA BITTERTUB ROMANIA ECONOSTO EUROPE Fire Fighting Fittings CRANE UK (Threaded) FULK UK NIPPON JAPAN Fire Fighting Fittings VICTAULIC USA (Groove Mechanical) GRINNEL USA CENTRAL USA Support System HELTI GERMANY / USA SIKLA GERMANY/ USA FISHER GERMANY/ USA 23.03.10 SCHEDULE OF DRAWINGS FIRE FIGHTING INSTALLATIONS FF-01 3 RD BASEMENT FLOOR FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT FF-02 2 ND BASEMENT FLOOR FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT FF-03 1 ST BASEMENT FLOOR FIGHTING LAYOUT FF-04 GROUND FLOOR FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT FF-05 MEZANNINE FLOOR FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT FF-06 1ST FLOOR FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT FF-07 2 ND -5TH FLOOR FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT PROPOSED MIXED USED BUILDING 695-07 Technical Specifications Arab Engineering Bureau AEB 695-07/2008 25 Section 23.0-Fire Fighting Installation Rev 0 FF-08 6-7 TH FLOOR FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT FF-09 8 TH FLOOR FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT FF-10 9 TH FLOOR FIRE FIGHTING LAYOUT FF-11 FM-200 FF-12 FIRE FIGHTING STANDARD DETAILS & SCHEMATIC RISER DIAGRAM
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