Voltus Quick Start

May 10, 2018 | Author: Nguyen Hung | Category: Trademark, Library (Computing), Copyright, Electronic Engineering, Digital & Social Media



Quick Start GuideVoltus IC Power Integrity Solution ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/161 ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America Cadence Design Systems, Inc., 2655 Seely Avenue, San Jose, CA 95134, USA Trademarks: Trademarks and service marks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. contained in this document are attributed to Cadence with the appropriate symbol. For queries regarding Cadence's trademarks, contact the corporate legal department at the address shown above or call 800.862.4522. All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. Restricted Print Permission: This publication is protected by copyright law and international treaties and contains trade secrets and proprietary information owned by Cadence. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this publication, or any portion of it, may result in civil and criminal penalties. Except as specified in this permission statement, this publication may not be copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any way, without prior written permission from Cadence. Unless otherwise agreed to by Cadence in writing, this statement grants Cadence customers permission to print one (1) hard copy of this publication subject to the following conditions: 1. the publication may be used only in accordance with a written agreement between Cadence and its customer; 2. the publication may not be modified in any way; 3. any authorized copy of the publication or portion thereof must include all original copyright, trademark, and other proprietary notices and this permission statement; 4. the information contained in this document cannot be used in the development of like products or software, whether for internal or external use, and shall not be used for the benefit of any other party, whether or not for consideration Disclaimer: Information in this publication is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Cadence. The information contained herein is the proprietary and confidential information of Cadence or its licensors, and is supplied subject to, and may be used only by Cadence's customer in accordance with, a written agreement between Cadence and its customer. Except as may be explicitly set forth in such agreement, Cadence does not make, and expressly disclaims, any representations or warranties as to the completeness, accuracy or usefulness of the information contained in this document. Cadence does not warrant that use of such information will not infringe any third party rights, nor does Cadence assume any liability for damages or costs of any kind that may result from use of such information Restricted Rights: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in FAR52.227-­­14 and DFAR252.227-­­7013 et seq. or its successor. ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/162 Table of Contents 1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 4 2. Data requirements .................................................................................................... 4 3. Installation and documentation ................................................................................ 5 4. Analysis Preparation – Library Generation................................................................ 6 6. Static Power Analysis ................................................................................................ 8 8. Dynamic power and rail analysis ............................................................................. 11 9. Early Rail analysis (ERA) .......................................................................................... 13 10. Additional Topics ..................................................................................................... 15 11. Additional Resources............................................................................................... 16 ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/163 1. Introduction The Voltus IC Integrity Solution (Voltus) is an integral part of the Silicon Signoff & Verification (SSV) Solutions offer by Cadence. Voltus delivers unprecedented performance and industry endorsed sign-­­off power and IR drop analysis for the world’s largest and most complex designs. Voltus can be used throughout the entire design flow to identify possible IR drop issues before signoff. From silicon prototyping and floorplanning, all the way down to optimization and signoff, the seamless integration with Innovus System, Tempus Timing Signoff Solution (Tempus), and Sigrity help improve productivity and convergence. The Quick Start Guide will demonstrate the basics of generating power-­­grid library, and running a power and IR drop analysis using TCL scripts. For GUI and more advance flow, please download the official training kit. 2. Data requirements The following are a list of input files required for Voltus Mandatory design data o QRC techfile and technology LEF file o LEF and layermap o Timing/Power Libraries (.lib) o Verilog o SDC or TWF o DEF o SPEF Recommended design data o SPICE sub-­­circuit netlist/model with XY coordinates for design components o GDS and layermap for design components Optional design data o Common Power Format (CPF) / View Definition File o Package model o Power pads o VCD/FSDB ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/164 3. Installation and documentation Product Installation • See README file at any of these locations: o https://downloads.cadence.com: review the README before downloading the Voltus software o In the software installation o At the top level of your installation hierarchy Environment Setup • Set the installation directory in following environment variables: o PATH: <Install_dir>/<platform>/bin o LD_LIBRARY_PATH: <Install_dir>/<platform>/lib • Set the license variable using CDS_LICENSE_FILE o Example: setenv CDS_LICENSE_FILE 5280@lic_server Starting Voltus IC Integrity Solution software • To start a Voltus session, type the following at the shell prompt: > voltus [-­­log logFileName] [-­­nowin] [-­­init tclFileName] Documentation • Full documentation can be accessed from the Cadence Support website or from the installed software. From the software, you have access to the Cadence online documentation system, which includes documentation library viewing and search capabilities. • You can launch cdnshelp: o By clicking on the Help button in the GUI form o By typing “cdnshelp &” in the Voltus console o Using help on TCL command from command Console ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/165 4. Analysis Preparation – Library Generation Library generation involves modeling the power network, decoupling capacitance, and current draw location/behavior for each of the design components. These libraries are used in power/rail analysis to correctly mimic the behavior of each cell. In Voltus, there are two types of library: Technology Power -Grid library and Cell Power­Grid library. Technology PG library is a minimum requirement for running static/dynamic rail analysis. It contains the extraction tech file, filler/decap/powergate identifications, and a Tech view for every cell. A tech view is a blackbox modeling used for flow verification; the power network consist of LEF power pins, and decoupling capacitance is estimated using area capacitance. Cell PG library is generated to enable more accurate rail analysis. These libraries are generated for standard cells, memories, IOs and custom macros in the design. The Cell PG library contain three types of views for each cell viz. Early, IR and EM. Based on the analysis type and accuracy requirement in rail analysis, Voltus will pick the best view to model the design components. Tip: For standard cells, the PGV model each standard cells with SPICE simulated decoupling capacitances. For macros/IOs/memories, PGV model the design components using SPICE simulated decoupling capacitance, GDS extracted power network, and more accurate current distribution. Refer to Voltus User Guide for more information. The library generation for technology and power-­­grid library is very similar other than additional inputs (spice netlist/model, GDS, etc.) for standard cells and macros. The Quick Start Guide will demonstrate generating a technology library, which can be used to run rail analysis. voltus> read_lef –lef technology.lef <other_design_lefs> voltus> set_pg_library_mode \ -celltype techonly \ -default_area_cap 0.01 \ -filler_cells *FILL* \ -decap_cells *CAP* \ -extraction_tech_file ./qrcTechfile \ -lef_layermap ./lefdef.layermap \ -power_pins {VDD 0.9 VDDG 0.9 VDDI 1.1} \ -ground_pins VSS voltus> generate_pg_library -output ./ You should see a techonly.cl folder generated in local directory. Note: It is recommended not to merge Tech and Cell PG libraries, latest version of Voltus will error out if Tech and Cell library merging is attempted. ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/166 5. Design Loading There are three ways to load design into Voltus to run analysis: • Import Innovus database • Import OA database • Import third party design Import Innovus/OA Database Loading Innovus/OA database into Voltus is simple. Innovus voltus> read_design –physical_data design.enc voltus> read_spef design.spef OA voltus> restore_oa_design OAlibrary design layout \ -physical_data Note: Voltus requires verilog, LEF, SDC, DEF and timing libraries to run analysis. If the database is missing some of the required input, it must be loaded first using setup script or Innovus configuration file. Import Third Party Design Use the following commands to load each of the required input into Voltus: voltus> read_lib -lef tech.lef allcells.lef voltus> read_lib stdcells.lib memories.lib voltus> read_verilog design.v voltus> set_top_module design voltus> read_sdc design.sdc OR read_twf design.twf voltus> read_def design.def.gz voltus> read_spef design.spef.gz Tip: Voltus offers design browser and sanity checks to help verify the completeness of input data. Refer to Voltus User Guide on following commands: • check_design (Check LEF, physical/logical netlists, SPEF data) • checkTimingLibrary (Check missing power tables in .lib) • verify_connectivity (Check power grid integrity) • verify_power_via (Check missing vias) ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/167 6. Static Power Analysis Voltus static power engine offers signoff quality average power calculations. Some of the key features supported by Static Power Analysis include: • Support Timing Window File (TWF) or on-­­the-­­fly timing analysis using Tempus to query slews, constants, external load and clock domain information • Support Common Power Format (CPF) to specify power domains and switch nets • Flexible activity specification using full or partial VCD, FSDB, TCF, SAF files and activity propagation based on user inputs • Power-­­gate support to analyze total and leakage power savings After the design is loaded, set up the power analysis options using the command set_power_analysis_mode, follow by setting up the activity factors and import any activity files. Start the power analysis using report_power command (sample below) voltus> set_power_analysis_mode \ -method static \ -create_binary_db true \ –write_static_currents true voltus> set_default_switching_activity \ -global_activity 0.15 voltus> set_power_output_dir static_power voltus> report_power -outfile static_power/design.rpt Tip: create_binary_db will create power database that can be used at later time for GUI interactive debug, write_static_currents will generate the current files required for rail analysis Once the static power analysis is complete, static power summary report can be found in the log file (Total Switching/Internal/Leakage Power), detailed report will be written to file specified through ‐outfile. User can generate incremental reports using additional report_power commands for clock domain, power domain/net, hierarchy level, instance/cell/cell types. Voltus GUI offers many more debugging features to analyze power result: • Layout overlay power plots: total power, internal power, switching power, leakage power, frequency domain, transition density and loading capacitance • Static power histograms and pie-charts • Interactive queries and violation browser to debug high power instances Tip: Refer to Voltus User Guide and Voltus Training material on GUI usage ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/168 7. Static Rail Analysis Voltus static rail engine offers static IR drop and ElectroMigration (EM) analysis. The rail analysis by default will also perform power-­­grid integrity, voltage source/resistor/tap current, effective instance voltage, and power-­­gate/package analysis as applicable. Some of the key features supported by Static Rail Analysis include: • Full power-­­grid extraction for DEF, RDL and full-­­chip GDS design • Support extracting manufacturing effects like erosion, wire edge enlargement, temperature, dishing, slotting, cladding, etc. for signoff • Accuracy settings to adjust performance/accuracy tradeoff • Support package model for realistic IR drop behavior Note: 1. Analysis type is picked as per command option used and input data provided 2. Voltus support concurrent Power and rail analysis Once static power analysis is complete, set up the rail analysis options using the command set_rail_analysis_mode, followed by specifying the power domain/nets and pad locations. Start the rail analysis using analyze_rail command (sample below) voltus> set_rail_analysis_mode \ -method static \ -accuracy hd \ -power_grid_library {techonly.cl stdcell.cl} \ voltus> set_power_domain -name All -pwrnets VDD -gndnets VSS voltus> set_pg_nets -net VDD -voltage 1.08 voltus> set_pg_nets -net VSS -voltage 0.0 voltus> set_power_data -format current -scale 1 \ {static_VDD.ptiavg static_VSS.ptiavg} voltus> set_power_pads -net VDD -format xy -file VDD.ppl voltus> set_power_pads -net VSS -format xy -file VSS.ppl voltus> analyze_rail -type domain \ -results_directory static_rail All Note: The technology library (see above techonly.cl) need to be the first power_grid_library input, followed by cell power-grid libraries. Voltus will pick Early view for xd accuracy, IR view for hd accuracy, and EM view for hd accuracy if EM analysis is enabled. If power grid library for a cell is not available, the tech view from the technology library will be used. Once the static rail analysis is complete, all the analysis summary can be found in the log file, and the individual ascii/html report will be outputted to <PG_net> and <PG_net>/Reports directories. A gif plot for each of the analysis is also available under <PG_net> directory. ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/169 The Voltus GUI offers additional debugging features to analyze rail result: • Layout overlay rail analysis plots: IR drop, current density, current across resistors, device tap currents, drop across package, instance based voltage, instance based effective resistance, unconnected grid, etc. • Interactive queries and violation browser to debug IR hotspots • Highlight Least Effective Resistance Path for the instance Tip: Refer to Voltus User Guide and Voltus Training material on GUI usage ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/1610 8. Dynamic power and rail analysis Voltus offers sign­off quality dynamic power and rail analysis. The flow for dynamic is nearly identical as the static flow; instead of analyzing average power/rail drop, dynamic analysis is simulated over a period of time. Dynamic power analysis supports two flows: vectorbased and vectorless. The vectorbased flow uses the waveform activities from VCD/FSDB, while the vectorless flow uses activity propagation with user specified activity level, or partial/full annotation of VCD/FSDB/TCF/SAF files. Dynamic rail supports additional analysis not available in static: • Decap optimization (removal/ECO): Placement/Timing/Leakage/Area aware • Package analysis and die-model generation to take into account the on-chip dynamic switching effects during package design. • Power switch analysis: steady­state On/Off, Power­up or In-rush current, ECO flow • Dynamic IR drop waveform and movies Since the emphases of dynamic analysis is placed on IR drop, Power-up, and Decap analysis, it is common to run dynamic power and rail analysis concurrently. Voltus supports running dynamic analysis using a single analyze_rail command as illustrated below. voltus> set_power_analysis_mode \ -method dynamic_vectorless \ -power_grid_library {techonly.cl} voltus> set_default_switching_activity \ -global_activity 0.15 voltus> set_rail_analysis_mode \ -method dynamic \ -accuracy hd \ -power_grid_library {tech.cl std.cl mem.cl} \ -report_power_in_parallel true \ -decap_opt_method feasibility \ -generate_decap_eco true voltus> set_power_domain -name All -pwrnets VDD -gndnets VSS voltus> set_pg_nets -net VDD -voltage 1.08 voltus> set_pg_nets -net VSS -voltage 0.0 voltus> set_power_pads -net VDD -format xy -file VDD.ppl voltus> set_power_pads -net VSS -format xy -file VSS.ppl voltus> analyze_rail -type domain All ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/1611 Tip1: The report_power and set_power_data commands are not required when running power/rail analysis together (report_power_in_parallel true). This flow is also supported for static analysis but incremental power report generation will not work. Minimum 8 CPUs are required to enable concurrent Power and Rail analysis. Tip2: Voltus Dynamic power analysis also supports Static power analysis in the same run, this can be achieved by adding “-disable_static false” in the power analysis option. Refer to Voltus User Guide for more information. Once the dynamic rail analysis is complete, all the analysis summary can be found in the log file, and the individual ascii/html reports and gif plots will be outputted to <PG_net> and <PG_net>/Reports directories. The Voltus GUI offers additional debugging features to analyze dynamic power/rail result: • Plots instance/total current, composite waveforms, voltage source current, etc. • Layout overlay rail analysis plots: IR drop, Decap Density, Effective Instance Voltage, grid capacitance, device tap currents, drop across package, instance based effective resistance, unconnected grid, etc. • Dynamic IR Drop and Tap Current movies • Interactive queries and violation browser to debug IR hotspots ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/1612 9. Early Rail analysis (ERA) Traditionally ERA was part of Innovus, starting 15.1 Voltus standalone also support this capability. ERA does not need fully routed power-grid because it has the ability to create virtual power connections based on logical connectivity. ERA allows variety of user defined power constraints in interactive manner which enables it to quickly perform rail analysis and check if design meets those power constraints. Figure: Early Rail analysis Flow Preparing for Early Rail Analysis: 1. The design must have power stripes for a net to be analyzed. 2. Instances must be logically connected to the PG net under consideration. 3. The design must be loaded into memory for virtual follow pin routing and virtual via completion. 4. If the design has no instances, a single current region can be automatically created with all current attached to it Tip: Static Power and Rail Analysis without PGV can also be run using the Innovus license. ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/1613 An example TCL command for the Floorplan stage design grid analysis with current regions is as follows: voltus> read_lib -lef full.lef voltus> read_verilog test.v.gz voltus> set_top_module test voltus> read_def full.def voltus> set_rail_analysis_mode \ -method era_static \ -accuracy xd \ -extraction_tech_file qrc.tch \ -era_current_region_file current.region voltus> set_pg_nets -net VDD \ -voltage 1.1 \ -threshold 1.067 voltus> set_power_pads -net VDD -format xy \ -file vdd.pp voltus> set_power_data -format area -power 1 \ -bias_voltage 1 voltus> analyze_rail -type net \ -results_directory early_vdd VDD Viewing Early Rail Analysis results User interface to view analysis result is same as in Innovus and Voltus. For additional information on ERA refer Voltus user guide at: https://support.cadence.com ResourcesProduct ManualsSSV13.2(Latest Version)  Voltus User Guide For “do yourself” refer Voltus RAK (Rapid Adoption Kit) for ERA at ‘Related Solutions’ sections below the PDF. This pdf can be searched with the document title on https://support.cadence.com ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/1614 10. Additional Topics IR drop aware timing analysis with Tempus Voltus static and dynamic rail analysis generates instance voltage file (.iv file) under output (state) directory e.g. domain_25c_dynamic_1/vdd_vss.iv. The instance voltage file is the worse rail-to­rail voltage for each instance, and it can be used to perform IR drop aware delay calculation and timing analysis. During dynamic rail analysis, the effective instance voltage is calculated inside the switching window of the instance to obtain the worst operating voltage between power and ground. To run IR drop aware timing analysis, use following commands: voltus> read_instance_voltage –ir_drop {domain.iv} voltus> report_timing Note: The report_timing command will use the Tempus toolset and requires Tempus license. The IR drop aware delay calculation requires timing libraries with k-factors or timing libraries characterized at same corner with different voltages. Voltus power and rail analysis with Innovus Voltus power and rail analysis use­model is fully integrated inside Innovus System. The analysis TCL commands are identical and the same GUI can be accessed under Innovus “Power” menu. ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/1615 11. Additional Resources Cadence Support https://support.cadence.com 877-­­CDS-­­4911 (877-­­237-­­4911) Cadence User Community http://www.cadence.com/community ©2016 Cadence Design Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10/03/1616
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