g GEPS Oil & GasNuovo Pignone INSTRUCTION , OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL (MS5002D) Volume I Description & Operation NUOVO PIGNONE JOB CUSTOMER N.P. SERIAL NUMBER SERVICE PLANT LOCATION NAME OF PLANT : : : : : : 160.5810÷16 MEHRAS G06887÷89-G06921-G06868÷70 TURBOCOMPRESSION AGHAJARI AGHAJ.GAS INJ.PLANT MANUFACTURER : GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Via F. Matteucci, 2 50127 Florence - Italy Telephone (055) 423211 Telefax (055) 4232800 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. 1-1 g GEPS Oil & Gas INSTRUCTIONS MANUAL Status and description of the revisions Nuovo Pignone Stato di revisione Revision Status Data Date Eseguito Prepared Controllato Checked Approvato Approved Descrizione della revisione Description of the revisions 00 01-04 G.D.S. ISSUE © 2001 Nuovo Pignone S.p.A., tutti i diritti riservati NUOVO PIGNONE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION Questo documento include informazioni confidenziali e di proprietà di Nuovo Pignone e non può essere riprodotto, copiato, o fornito a terza parte senza il preventivo consenso scritto di Nuovo Pignone. I destinatari accettano di prendere ogni ragionevole precauzione per proteggere tali informationi da uso non autorizzato o dalla loro divulgazione. © 2001 Nuovo Pignone S.p.A., all rights reserved NUOVO PIGNONE PROPRIETARY INFORMATION This document includes proprietary and confidential information of Nuovo Pignone and may not be reproduced, copied, or furnished to third parties without the prior written consent of Nuovo Pignone. Recipient agrees to take reasonable steps to protect such information from unauthorized use or disclosure. 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 01/01 160.5810÷16 P. 1-1 g GEPS Oil & Gas After Sales Service Nuovo Pignone Introduction to Nuovo Pignone after-sales service Nuovo Pignone organization is structured in such a way as to guarantee a comprehensive and effective after-sales service for its machinery. Here is briefly described the organization of the company, based on its experience as a manufacturer and on a continuos effort to meet customers needs. Being aware of the importance of maintenance in all operational activities, Nuovo Pignone deals with its various aspects from the design stage, through: - the use of design criteria that enhance maintainability, - the continuos research of innovative solutions to improve availability, - the selection of components and advanced technologies to enhance equipment maintenance, - the inspection procedures and topics, to be used in connection with a detailed schedule of maintenance operations, - the choice of the spare parts to be kept in stock, optimizing investment cost vs plant downtime. In late years Nuovo Pignone after-sales service has also been brought up-to-date to guarantee the best support to its customers. In more details: - worldwide, where Nuovo Pignone has been operating for tens of years, the structure consists of a service network which is the natural expansion of the "Customer Service Division" in Florence. There are localized Service Units and authorized Service Shops at strategic points of the world, to cover areas where plants with Nuovo Pignone machinery are located. - in Florence, ( Headquarters) specialized depts. which are active from the receipt of the enquiry, to the issue of the offer and, in case of an order, to the management of all activities connected with the job, up to its completion. This organization, available for all customers, ensures a qualified interface to refer to for any requirements in connection with operation/maintenance of machinery. The names and address for localized Service Units and authorized Service Shops are available at GE POWER SYSTEM WEB SITE (URL: selecting from its home page the following choices: Business sites/GE Nuovo Pignone/Sales Organization (complete URL: . In the section “Service” of this page are available the names and addresses of localized Service Units divided into geographical areas. In the above indicated web site, in the section “New Units” are available the names and addresses of the Branch Offices Abroad divided into geographical areas. 09-01-E After-Sales Service P. 1/1 MOD. INPR/SVIL/D.L./P.F. 06/01 g GEPS Oil & Gas After Sales Service Nuovo Pignone Nuovo Pignone has been managing for many years special after sales "Support Packages". These packages typically include: - diagnostic analysis of machines in operation - consultancy in scheduling maintenance based on operational requirements - field maintenance - refurbishing of worn components - original spare parts supplies - technical expertise in updating machines Product engineering departments are staffed with experts in analysing machinery operating data, who provide users with technical consulting services aimed at optimizing use of equipment. The entire service organization guarantees users get the most suitable maintenance to restore original design conditions and the total information relevant to all technological innovations introduced in Nuovo Pignone's products as applicable to the installed machinery. Full flexibility allows us to adapt each maintenance contract upon User's needs.Service Agreements in force today, range from "On call" basis to "Global Service" 09-01-E After-Sales Service P. 2/2 MOD. INPR/SVIL/D.L./P.F. 06/01 g GEPS Oil & Gas Job: 160.5810÷16 Nuovo Pignone VOLUME INDEX The complete instructions of the gas turbine are subdivided into volumes as follows: G.T. DESCRIPTION & OPERATION....................................................................... Vol. I G.T. MAINTENANCE............................................................................................... Vol. II ILLUSTRATED PARTS BREAKDOWN (GAS TURBINE)........................................................................................................ Vol. III AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT & INSTRUMENTATION............................................. Vol. IV BATTERY CHARGER PANEL & DC DISTRIBUTION PANEL .................................................................................... Vol. V UNIT CONTROL PANEL (INSTRUCTION)....................................................................................................... Vol. VI REFERENCE DRAWINGS & DOCUMENTS OF THE JOB .................................................................................... Vol. VII 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. I-1 g GEPS Oil & Gas Job: 160.5810÷16 INDEX Nuovo Pignone Page 1. CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ 1-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1-1 EQUIPMENT DATA SUMMARY......................................................... 1-3 PERFORMANCE CURVE..................................................................... 1-7 RECEIVE STAGE EQUIPMENT........................................................... 1-8 INSTALLATION.................................................................................... 1-9 TURBINE TWO SHAFT DIAGRAM................................................... 1-19 2. DESCRIPTION................................................................................................... 2-1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 GENERAL.............................................................................................. 2-1 TURBINE BASE..................................................................................... 2-1 TURBINE SUPPORTS .......................................................................... 2-2 ACCESSORY BASE AND SUPPORTS ................................................ 2-3 3. COMPRESSOR SECTION ............................................................................... 3-1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 GENERAL.............................................................................................. 3-1 COMPRESSOR ROTOR ....................................................................... 3-1 COMPRESSOR STATOR...................................................................... 3-2 INLET CASING..................................................................................... 3-2 COMPRESSOR CASING...................................................................... 3-3 COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE CASING............................................... 3-3 4. DCOMBUSTION SECTION ............................................................................. 4-1 4.1 4.2 4.3 GENERAL.............................................................................................. 4-1 COMBUSTION WRAPPER (SHORT) .................................................. 4-1 COMBUSTION CHAMBERS ............................................................... 4-2 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. I-1 ..........................................................3 GENERAL...........4 8..................F.............................. 8-2 LUBRICATION.......................... 7-1 7........................................................................................................2 8...........5 GENERAL...................................................................................................1 9....................5 5................ 8-3 9...................................................................................................2 5........ 6-2 G................... COUPLING......6 GENERAL................................................................................ 5-1 FIRST STAGE NOZZLE ................................................................................ INPR/SVIL/ P..............................................................5810÷16 P.................................................................................4 5...... 8-2 CONTINUOUSLY LUBRICATED LOAD COUPLING......................... GEARS .............................................................................................g GEPS Oil & Gas 5.... 7-1 8........ 9-1 INLET COMPARTMENT..................... 8-2 NON LUBRICATED LOAD COUPLING................................... 8-1 CONTINUOUSLY LUBRICATED ACCESSORY GEAR COUPLING............3 GENERAL.....2 9.... 9-1 AIR INLET ................... 8-2 TOOTHWEAR .......................................... 5-1 TURBINE STATOR .................................................. 5-3 TURBINE ROTOR AND WHEELS ......................................................................... 6-3 7............... 9-2 01-04-E MOD...............................................................................................3 8............... 5-1 5..........................3A 8...................2 6................................................................................................. I-2 ..................... 8-1 8.......................................................... 6-1 6.............................. Nuovo Pignone Page TURBINE SECTION ............................ 9-1 9..................E BEARING PUBLICATION...........................................1 8. 6-1 LUBRICATION.. 5-2 SECOND STAGE NOZZLE..........................................1 ACCESSORY GEAR ASSEMBLY ...................................................1 6........3 5............................1 5.................... 12/00 160...... 5-3 6..................................................... INLET AND EXHAUST SYSTEM...... BEARINGS ... 5-2 DIAPHRAGM ASSEMBLY.............. .................................................... STARTING SYSTEM (ELECTRIC STARTING MOTOR).................................... 10-2 TORQUE CONVERTER ASSEMBLY ...... LUBE OIL SYSTEM .................................. 10-3 RATCHET SYSTEM OPERATION....... 11-3 PROTECTIVE DEVICES ...................8 GENERAL..................................... 12-1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ..................4 12.........................................................................4 11............................................................................................. 11-3 GAS STRAINERS ............................................................................................1 11............................. 10-1 10..................................... 9-3 VENTILATION SYSTEM................................................. 11-2 GAS STOP/RATIO AND CONTROL VALVE..............5 10................1 12.......................................7 INLET DUCTING AND SILENCING..................... 11-1 11.. 11-1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ...................6 9.......................... 12-3 EMERGENCY LUBE OIL PUMP.................1 10............................6 12...................2 12...................................................................................................g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Page 9.......7 12..... 12-1 LUBE OIL TANK AND PIPING ...............................2 11......... 12/00 160.................................................................. 10-2 HYDRAULIC RATCHET SYSTEM.. 9-3 EXHAUST PLENUM................... 10-1 START-UP FUNCTIONS AND SEQUENCES...................................6 10....................................5 9................................................................... 12-3 MAIN LUBE OIL PUMP ..............3 10................................. 11-5 12... I-3 .......7 GENERAL....... 11-4 OFF-BASE FUEL GAS SKID........................................... GAS FUEL SYSTEM ................ 10-1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ..........4 10..................F............................................3 12.........5810÷16 P......... 12-2 LUBE OIL PUMPS.........................................5 12..............4 9.........................................6 GENERAL................................................... 9-3 10...................................................................................... INPR/SVIL/ P....2 10................................................................................. 12-4 VALVES.................................. 12-3 AUXILIARY LUBE OIL PUMP.... 10-3 STARTING JAW CLUTCH ..............................3 11.........5 11.......... 12-1 12........................ 12-5 01-04-E MOD.... 10-4 11....... 9-2 EXHAUST SYSTEM AND SILENCER.................................... ........... 12-8 PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE PROTECTIVE DEVICES ............................ 13-1 14........ 14-4 15...11 12........................................................................3 14.......................4 GENERAL............ HYDRAULIC SUPPLY SYSTEM................................................................ 15-2 AIR EXTRACTION FOR START-UP AND SHUT-DOWN AXIAL COMPRESSOR PULSATION PROTECTION..............................................3 GENERAL..................................................................................13 12.................9 12..........................14 LUBE OILTEMPERATURE CONTROL .............................................2 15.........................................................................4 GENERAL.. 15-1 COMPRESSOR HIGH PRESSURE SEAL LEAKAGE AIR ............................................ 16-2 01-04-E MOD.........................................2 14. 13-1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ........ 16-1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION ..............................1 14............................ 14-2 INLET GUIDE VANE CONTROL ASSEMBLY .........................................1 13......12 12...............................2 GENERAL. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM (CO2 ) ........... 12-12 LUBE OIL VAPOUR SEPARATOR.............................. 14-1 14... 12-12 13........................1 15............................2 16................................g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Page 12.......... 15-1 15........................ 13-1 13.1 16......................................... CONTROL AND TRIP OIL SYSTEM ............................... 14-1 SECOND STAGE NOZZLE CONTROL........ INPR/SVIL/ P............. 15-2 16.................................................. 12-9 HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE SOM 17366/4 ..... 14-1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION .................... 12/00 160...............3 15........ 12-11 COOLER(S) ..................F............................ 16-1 16............................................... 16-1 FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM OPERATION...............5810÷16 P... I-4 .................................... 12-7 OIL FILTERS ............................10 12.... 15-1 TENTH STAGE EXTRACTION AIR.............................. COOLING AND SEALING AIR SYSTEM .... ......... 17-1 GENERAL OPERATING PRECAUTIONS ........................................... 17-8 CHECKS DURING START UP AND INITIAL OPERATION ....... OPERATION ..........4 17.F. INPR/SVIL/ P........5810÷16 P................ 12/00 160.....2 17... 17-13 01-04-E MOD............................ 17-7 STANDBY POWER REQUIREMENTS ....... 17-1 PREPARATIONS FOR NORMAL LOAD OPERATION ................................5 17................................... I-5 ........................................... 17-10 ROUTINE CHECKS DURING NORMAL OPERATION..........6 17..............1 17........................7 OPERATOR RESPONSIBILITY ............... 17-8 CHECKS PRIOR TO OPERATION ............ 17-1 17.3 17....................g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Page 17........... 12/00 160.1.F.3 Gas turbine The gas turbine is that part of the mechanical drive gas turbine. is attached to the forward end of the gas turbine base.5810÷16 P. in which fuel and air are processed to produce shaft horsepower. The firststage or high-pressure turbine wheel drives the compressor rotor and the shaft driven accessories.1. exclusive of control and protection devices. The second stage or low-pressure turbine wheel drives the load compressor. 3 and 4 support the second-stage turbine wheel and the load shaft. mechanical drive gas turbine is a machine that is used to drive a centrifugal load compressor. One air inlet compartment.1 INTRODUCTION 1. 1 and 2 support the compressor rotor and the first-stage turbine wheel. Bearings Nos.g GEPS Oil & Gas 1. 1-1 . The gas turbine incorporates a four-bearing design that utilizes pressurelubricated elliptical and tilting pad journal bearings. 1. The purpose of unconnected turbine wheels is to allow the two wheels to operate at different speeds to meet the varying load requirements of the centrifugal compressor. The fourbearing design assures that the critical speeds of the rotating parts will be higher than the turbine operating speed range. Inside the air inlet compartment. 01-04-E MOD. The air compressor rotor has 17 stages. The gas turbine has two mechanically independent turbine wheels. a self-cleaning inlet air filtration system attenuates the high frequency noise and an inertial air separator removes foreign particles from the air before its admission into the turbine. It also permits rapid starting.2 General The Model Series 5002 two-shaft. loading and stopping. with ducting. CONTENTS Nuovo Pignone 1. Bearings Nos. INPR/SVIL/ P. combustion will remain continuous inside the chambers). expand first through the high-pressure turbine. A high voltage spark ignites the fuel-air mixture (once ignited. long-shank buckets. Both turbine wheels have precision-cast.4 Gas Turbine Operating Principles A starting device initially accelerates the compressor/high pressure turbine to 20% speed. where fuel is delivered under pressure. it allows close clearances between the turbine wheel buckets and the rotor bladesfor i creased efficiency of the turbine component parts and n higher output of the turbine. The gases also spin the low-pressure turbine before exhausting. the low-pressure turbine rotor will begin to rotate and both turbine rotors will accelerate to operating speed.5810÷16 P. extracted from the tenth-stage of the compressor. in turn. This innovation effectively shields the wheel rims and bucket bases from the high temperature of the main gas stream. Atmospheric air is drawn into the compressor and sent to the combustion chambers. The hot gases increase the speed of the compressor/high pressure turbine rotor. The products of combustion. thus rotating the load. 12/00 160. As the pressure begins to rise. then through the low-pressure turbine and finally are exhausted to atmosphere.F.1. high pressure and high temperature gases. Air.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone In addition. The rotor spins in a counterclockwise direction when viewed from the inlet end. i creases the compressor disn charge pressure. The MS-5002. This. INPR/SVIL/ P. Thermocouples monitor wheelspace temperatures. 01-04-E MOD. As the expanding gases pass through the high-pressure turbine and impinge on the turbine buckets. i. they cause the turbine to spin.e. and leakage air from the compressor high-pressure seals cool the turbine wheels. 1-2 . two-shaft turbine at this site is designed to operate on fuel gas. A separately fabricated outer shell contains the compressor discharge air. thus rotating the compressor and applying a torque output to the driven accessories. The turbine casings are split for easier disassembly. 1. .................Axial flow..................................................................Counterclockwise Type of operation ..................................Mechanical drive Cycle..............................................................2 (two ..........................................5100 rpm high pressure and 4670 rpm low pressure Control.........................................Overspeed.........................................................17 Compressor type ................Variable TURBINE SECTION Number of turbine stages ... 1-3 .. heavy duty Casing split ..................... 12/00 160......Continuous Shaft speed........ overtemperature......5810÷16 P........................2 EQUIPMENT DATA SUMMARY GENERAL DESIGN DATA Nuovo Pignone Gas ...Mark VI SPEEDTRONIC solid-state electronic control system Protection (basic types).............................................F................................MS-5002D Gas turbine application.......................................shaft) Casing split ..................Reduction gear with ratchet Sound attenuation......................g GEPS Oil & Gas 1....Horizontal flange Inlet guide vanes type......................... vibration and flame detection Cool down mechanism.................................... INPR/SVIL/ P...............Simple Shaft rotation........turbine model series.....................Variable 01-04-E MOD......................................................Inlet and exhaust silencers to meet site requirements COMPRESSOR SECTION Number of compressor stages...Horizontal First-stage nozzles.Fixed area Second-stage nozzles................... ....... self-equalizing Inactive thrust ......................... ultra-violet type BEARING ASSEMBLIES Quantity.... elliptical No............4..Journal...... selfretracting Flame detector.......... INPR/SVIL/ P.....Tapered land No............................Active and inactive thrust and journal................ 12/00 160.................Gas fuel type 1 per chamber Spark plugs .. tilting pad 01-04-E MOD.................................................................... electrode type. spring-injected........ 2 bearing assembly (located in the compressor discharge casing)..............12 multiple combustors........................ reverse flow type Chamber arrangement.................................................................Tilting pad.... all contained in one assembly Journal........................................Journal.............................................5810÷16 P...................F................. 1 bearing assembly (located in inlet casing assembly) ...........g GEPS Oil & Gas COMBUSTION SECTION Nuovo Pignone Type................................... 1-4 ...4 Lubrication...Pressure lubricated No.........2............................................... 3 bearing assembly (located in the exhaust frame)........................................Elliptical Active thrust ............Concentrically located around the compressor Fuel nozzle......................... .............F.....................23530LTS lts Bearing header pressure......Electric Motor Reduction gear type...........Tilting pad....................Petroleum base Total capacity.Tilting pad.....Natural gas Fuel control signal.............25 PSI (1.................................. 1-5 .......... all contained in one assembly Journal.......................... INPR/SVIL/ P................................................................................................. self-equalizing Inactive thrust ..................SPEEDTRONIC * turbine control panel Gas stop........Electrohydraulic servo control LUBRICATION SYSTEM Lubricant .... ratio and control valve ............. 4 bearing assembly (located in the exhaust frame).................................Active and inactive thrust and journal................................................g GEPS Oil & Gas BEARING ASSEMBLIES (continued) Nuovo Pignone No................5810÷16 P................ 12/00 160..............................................Freestanding with hydraulic device ratchet FUEL SYSTEM Type..72 Bar) 01-04-E MOD............................. non-equalizing STARTING SYSTEM Starting device.Tilting pad Active thrust ..................................... .. INPR/SVIL/ P...................................... 1-6 ........................ 12/00 160.....Shaft-driven................ variable displacement axial piston Auxiliary hydraulic supply pump ....................................Motor driven........12 micron filtration.... centrifugal sump type Emergency lube pump................................Dual Cartridge type.......... gear-rotor type Hydraulic supply filter(s) Type..................................................................................... centrifugal sump type Filter (Lube fluid) Type.....Motor-driven.... inorganic fiber HYDRAULIC SUPPLY SYSTEM Main hydraulic supply pump............. submerged....................F.Accessory gear-driven..............Dual with transfer valve Cartridge type........... vertical submerged.............. ...............5 micron filtration................inorganic fiber 01-04-E MOD..............................g GEPS Oil & Gas LUBRICATION SYSTEM (continued) Nuovo Pignone Main lube pump.......................Motor-driven.........................5810÷16 P. integral with accessory gear Auxiliary lube pump ..........Full flow Quantity.............................Full flow/with transfer valve Quantity........................................................................... vertical......... 1-7 .3 PERFORMANCE CURVE See volume “Reference Drawings”. INPR/SVIL/ P.g GEPS Oil & Gas 1.5810÷16 P. 12/00 160.F. Nuovo Pignone 01-04-E MOD. 2 Uncrating of equipment Before uncrating the equipment. Any damage to the equipment shall be immediately reported to the carrier and to our service representative. it should be stored carefully. back and side covers. 1. then the front. weather-tight building or enclosure. preferably in a clean. 01-04-E MOD.5810÷16 P. INPR/SVIL/ P.g GEPS Oil & Gas 1.F.4.1 Storage of equipment Nuovo Pignone If the equipment is not to be installed immediately. remove the crate top cover. 1-8 .4 EQUIPMENT RECEIPT 1. it is strongly recommended that adequate protection be provided to avoid mechanical damage and atmospheric corrosion. 12/00 160. To uncrate the equipment.4. Protect the sleeve inside to prevent any cement from inserting between the bolt and the sleeve.6 Position the anchor bolts aligning them in accordance with the design levels and anchor the sleeves (see FIGURE 1-2) to the reinforcement iron bars.5 If no metallic template is available.1.2 The civil works building management must visibly mark level zero on the base using a leveled and walled plate. 1.5810÷16 P.1. leave parallelepiped pockets in the base. 1.F.4 By accurate chipping and cleaning. These two wires serve to align the bolts and to determine their height with respect to the zero level. the suction filter axis and the metal cladding axis.1. if any (making them visible by marked or similar plates).5. whose sizes must be appropriate to the size of the bolt. lay two harmonic-steel wires (0.1 When grouting anchor bolts separately from the main casting. 1.5. 1-9 . 1. keeping them stretched with counterweights.5. dress the walls and bottom of the pockets to ensure perfect adherence between the pour and the existing base.5.5 INSTALLATION Nuovo Pignone Subject: POSITIONING AND GROUTING OF ANCHOR BOLTS AND SUBPLATES POSITIONING OF GAS TURBINE BASES This document describes the major operations to be carried out for positioning and grouting the subplates and anchor bolts as well as the procedures for positioning the gas turbines on their bases.1. INPR/SVIL/ P. which should be previously left in the pockets. Perform casting "B" (see FIGURE 1-3).5.5.5-mm thick) parallel to the unit axis.1 Positioning and grouting anchor bolts and subplates 1. 1.g GEPS Oil & Gas 1.1.3 The civil works building management must indicate the machine reference axes on the base and. 1. 01-04-E MOD.1. perpendicularly to them. 1. 12/00 160. 11 Level the subplates with a ruler and a precision level or an optical level.1. using point "0" of the base as reference.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone 1. loosen the bolts and re-lock it to 8 kg/m tightening torque.1. let the base settle for some days..5. then remove the leveling screws. Then. otherwise correct with appropriate shims. etc. 28 kg/m).5. 1.10 mm.5.12 After 72 hours (unless otherwise specified).16 Leave the base locked for 24 hours.9 Check again bolt alignment and correct the centerline values by bending the bolt if necessary or by inserting metal shims between the bolt and the sleeve.5.1. lock them with the anchor bolt (see FIGURE 1-2). If any clearance is found.. 1.13 Protect the subplates with protective grease.1. 1.1. Fill in the form provided (see FIGURE 1-5). INPR/SVIL/ P. 1. If using different or accelerating cements.5810÷16 P. accurately clean the subplates. 01-04-E MOD. at the same time.5.8 Wait for the cement to shrink following the standard procedures concerning cement castings in relation to ambient temperature and humidity. add shims.15 Once the base has been positioned.5.1. then. then check again and. 1.10 Position the subplates laying them on the first-casting cement using screws and leveling plates screwed in the three nuts that are already present in the subplates.14 Using the probes.5.1. measure the clearance between the plate and the shim pack. 12/00 160. 1. check with a magnetic comparator that the base has not sunk by more than 0. 1. 1.F. 1-10 .1. removing any traces of cement. if required. tighten the bolt nuts to the tightening torques indicated on the drawing (usually.1.5.5. oxide. the civil works building management shall indicate the shrinkage times. 2. tape length: 20 m.5.5.5. length 50 mm. 1.F.6 2 Outside micrometer caliper.250 mm. length of sides: 200 .5. INPR/SVIL/ P.2. 0 to 25 mm.5. 12/00 160.5 1 1. 1-11 .5810÷16 P. 1.g GEPS Oil & Gas 1.2 Equipment required 1. Ø 0.1 1 Nuovo Pignone Ruler with scraped control planes.5. Square levels.03 per mm per meter. JOHNSON blocks 20x20x50 1.5.4 1 1.03 mm.2. sensitivity: 0.2.5 mm.5.3 Harmonic steel wire.2. length: 5 m. Steel metric measuring tape. admissible tolerance: + 0.2.2 2 1.7 Thickness gauges L = 200 mm 01-04-E MOD.2. Write down the values on the appropriate forms. 300 mm height. 1.3.2 Then.5. Prepare the shim packs required to reach the level indicated on the foundation drawing (take into account the thickness of spherical washers and the differences resulting from the check described at para.4 Positioning the base on the foundation insert the spherical washer and apply the shim pack onto each bolt. As an indication. 1.5. check the actual position (height) of the subplates starting from point zero. 12/00 160.3. lower the base until it rests on the shims. the cement must have appropriately set.1. however.5810÷16 P.2 1.1).3.5. 1.1 After placing the turbine base over the foundation at approx. 1-12 .5.3 Positioning the gas turbine base on the foundations 1. specific instructions shall be provided depending on the material used.1. the minimum time required is 10 days after casting. Using a ruler and a water level.3 1.4. 01-04-E MOD.1 Check the centerlines of the anchor bolts and write the relevant values on the appropriate forms.5.1 Preparing the foundation 1. As an indication.F. The turbine can be let down onto the foundation 40 days after starting the bolt and subplate positioning operation. the operations related to positioning and grouting of bolts and subplates require at least 30 days.g GEPS Oil & Gas NOTES A) Nuovo Pignone Before loading the subplates with the static weight of the turbine.5.1. B) 1.5.5. INPR/SVIL/ P. INPR/SVIL/ P. in the case that pockets have been made for anchor bolts and subplates. Standard-cement casting after positioning the anchor bolts. Grouting with unshrinking cement from inside the sleeve up to the base "0" level. 1-13 . with unshrinking cement. 12/00 160. *** FIGURE 1-2- **** FIGURE 1-3- 01-04-E MOD. Form for dimensional check of anchor bolts by diagonals. Subplate and sleeve casting. Positioning of anchor subplate.g GEPS Oil & Gas ILLUSTRATIONS 1 TO 5 FIGURE 1-1 FIGURE 1-2 FIGURE 1-3 - Nuovo Pignone Typical drawing of foundation kit.F. Subplate identification with reference to foundation drawing.5810÷16 P. FIGURE 1-4 - FIGURE 1-5 - NOTES * FIGURE 1-2 ** FIGURE 1-2 Do not grout the sleeve inside. The dashed line indicates the base casting. INPR/SVIL/ P.g GEPS Oil & Gas .BACKING PLATE FOR LIFTING SCREW .F. 1-14 .ANCHOR SUBPLATE .5810÷16 P.FOUNDATION KIT - Nuovo Pignone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 .WASHER .TURBINE BASE .SHIM PACK . 12/00 160.KEEP PLATE 10 .LIFTING SCREW FIGURE 1-1 01-04-E MOD.SPHERICAL WASHER .SLEEVE .ANCHOR BOLT . 5810÷16 P. 12/00 160.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIGURE 1-2 01-04-E MOD. 1-15 . INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 5810÷16 FIGURE 1-3 P. 12/00 160. 1-16 .F.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P. _____________ E. 1-17 . _____________ N1. _____________ F. _____________ M. _____________ H.g GEPS Oil & Gas SURVEY OF HEIGHT BY: Nuovo Pignone RULER AND PRECISION LEVEL _____________(1) OPTICAL LEVEL__________________________(2) SUBPLATE IDENTIFICATION WITH REFERENCE TO FOUNDATION DRAWING A. _____________ B. _____________ I.5810÷16 P. 12/00 160. _____________ D1. _____________ C. _____________ H1. _____________ E1. _____________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ FIGURE 1-4 01-04-E MOD. _____________ M1. _____________ G. _____________ I1. _____________ D. _____________ F1. _____________ G1. _____________ N. _____________ A1. _____________ L. _____________ C1.F. _____________ L1. _____________ B1. INPR/SVIL/ P. _____________ C. _____________ Y. 12/00 160. _____________ B. _________ X.5810÷16 P. _____________ D. _____________ C1. 1-18 . _____________ B1. _____________ H1.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FORM TO BE USED FOR THE DIMENSIONAL CHECK OF ANCHOR BOLTS BY DIAGONALS NOTE: THE ELEVATED LEVEL VALUE OF THE ANCHOR BOLTS REFERRED TO THE PLANT'S "0" POINT WILL BE PROVIDED BY THE CUSTOMER TYPICAL DRAWING A. _____________ E. _____________ G1. _____________ F. _____________ F1. _____________ E1. _____________ H. INPR/SVIL/ P. _________ (Y-X) Subplates without anchor bolts FIGURE 1-5 01-04-E MOD. _____________ D1. _____________ G.F. _____________ A1. 5810÷16 P.6 Nuovo Pignone TWO-SHAFT TURBINE DIAGRAM (SYMPLE CYCLE) FIGURE 1-6 BLOCK DIAGRAM OF A SIMPLE-CYCLE. INPR/SVIL/ P. TWO-SHAFT GAS TURBINE 01-04-E MOD.F. 1-19 . 12/00 160.g GEPS Oil & Gas 1. systems and components that comprise the gas turbine. 12/00 160. INPR/SVIL/ P.1 Details about orientation Throughout this manual. It forms the bed upon which the vertical supports for the turbine are mounted.1.2 TURBINE BASE The base that supports the gas turbine is a structural steel frame.F. and in the Parts Lists and Drawings Volume for detailed information on the gas turbine component parts. Machine pads. and to the right and left sides of the gas turbine and its components. the air inlet of the gas turbine is the forward end. GAS TURBINE DESCRIPTION Nuovo Pignone 2. facilitate its mounting on the site foundation. The forward and the aft ends of each component are determined in like manner with respect to its orientation within the complete unit. Refer to the instructions in this volume.5810÷16 P. 01-04-E MOD. fabricated of I-beams and plates. 2. two on each base side. in line with the first two structural cross members of the base frame. Machine pads are present on the top of the frame to mount the turbine supports.1 GENERAL Component identification This section of the manual describes the various assemblies.g GEPS Oil & Gas 2. reference is made to the forward and aft ends. Standing forward and looking aft determine the right and left sides of the turbine or of a particular component. 2. By definition. three on each side of the base bottom. while the exhaust stack is the aft end. There are lifting trunnions and supports. 2-1 . The base frame consists of two longitudinal wide flanged steel beams with three cross members. in the Inspection and Maintenance Volume. This houses the gib key. INPR/SVIL/ P. The forward support is a steel plate with a keyway that accommodates a square post in the foundation.1 Gib key and guide block The middle cross member has a gib block welded to it. two centerline supports are present under the forward and middle cross members of the turbine base. there is a longitudinal fixed point of the turbine from which it can thermally expand forward and aft.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone The left and right longitudinal I-beams and the forward and aft cross members of the turbine baseare fabricated along the webs. These supports prevent lateral or rotational movement of the gas turbine. In order to prevent misalignment of couplings and strain on piping between the bases due to thermal expansion. 01-04-E MOD. The exhaust frame support plate is bolted to the aft cross member. The support at the middle cross member of the turbine base is a steel plate with a four-inch diameter hole. but allow axial movement dueto thermal expansion of the turbine during operation. load coupling and load equipment. They form lube oil drain channels for the turbine bearing. 2-2 . The lube oil feed piping is contained within the longitudinal channels. support the gas turbine. This plate accommodates a steel pin to prevent movement of the base in all directions. which is an integral part of the lower half exhaust frame. yet permit vertical expansion of the exhaust frame. this prevents lateral movement of the base centerline due to thermal expansion. one under the inlet casing and the other under the exhaust frame casing. that bear against the gib.F. 12/00 160.3. The inlet support plate is bolted to the forward cross member of the turbine base.5810÷16 P. forward and aft. This key is held securely in place with shims. In this arrangement. 2. 2.3 TURBINE SUPPORTS Two flexible support plates. 4 ACCESSORY BASE AND SUPPORTS Nuovo Pignone The accessory base is a structural assembly fabricated with steel I-beams and plates. 2-3 . The interior of the accessory base forms a self-contained lube oil tank. Four lifting trunnions and supports are provided near each corner of the base. The tank bottom plates are positioned at a slight angle that slopes toward two drainpipes and plugs at one base side. it provides a mounting platform for the accessory drive gear. 01-04-E MOD. are also provided to prevent misalignment due to thermal expansion. INPR/SVIL/ P. similar to those present on the turbine base.F. 12/00 160. Lube oil heat exchangers and filters are contained inside the lube oil storage tank.g GEPS Oil & Gas 2. Machine pads or sole plates. the starting device and other accessories.5810÷16 P. located at the base bottom. facilitate base installation onto the site foundation: Two centerline supports. the variable inlet guide vanes and two exit guide vanes. INPR/SVIL/ P. tie bolts and the compressor rotor blades. Each wheel and the wheel portion of the forward stub shaft have broached slots around their periphery. a series of alternate rotating (rotor) and stationary (stator) airfoil-shaped blades compress it in stages. 01-04-E MOD. The forward stub shaft provides the forward and aft thrust faces and the journal for the No. a stub shaft. They are held together with tie bolts. Here. 1 bearing oil seals and the compressor air seal (see Fig. the rotor is dynamically balanced to a fine limit. Air is also extracted from the compressor to cool the turbine and to seal the bearing lube oil. In the compressor. the stator blades guide the air so that it may enter the following rotor stage at the proper angle. designed to compress the air efficiently at high blade tip velocities. The wheels and stub shafts are assembled to each other with mating rabbets for concentricity control.5810÷16 P. air is confined to the space between the rotor and stator blading. The rotor blades are inserted into these slots and held in axial position by spacers.2 COMPRESSOR ROTOR The compressor rotor is an assembly composed of sixteen wheels. The compressed air exits through the compressor discharge casing and flows to the combustion wrapper and the combustion chambers. It includes sixteen compression stages. These blades are airfoilshaped. 3-1 . COMPRESSOR SECTION Nuovo Pignone 3.1).F. 12/00 160. which are in turn staked at each end of the slot.1 GENERAL The axial flow compressor section consists of the compressor rotor and casing.g GEPS Oil & Gas 3. 3. After assembly. Selective wheel positioning permits to reduce balance correction. 3. The rotor blades supply the force needed to compress the air in each stage. F. INPR/SVIL/ P. smooth acceleration of the turbine avoiding compressor surge (pulsation). Its prime function is to uniformly direct air into the compressor. They support the rotor at the bearing points and constitute the outer wall of the gas path annulus. the vanes are set at a 44-degree position.5810÷16 P. 3-2). c.3 COMPRESSOR STATOR Nuovo Pignone The stator (casing) area of the compressor section is composed of three major sections: a. The casing bore is maintained at close tolerances with respect to the rotor blade tips for maximum efficiency (see Fig. The inlet casing also transfers structural loads from the adjoining casings to the forward support. 01-04-E MOD. 3. The latter is bolted and doweled to the lower half of the casing forward side.4 INLET CASING The inlet casing is located at the forward end of the gas turbine. 12/00 160. form the primary external structure of the gas turbine.g GEPS Oil & Gas 3. 1 bearing assembly. At start-up. Seven airfoil-shaped radial struts and seven axial tie-bars maintain the inner bell mouth in correct position to the outer one. Hydraulic oil is utilized to activate the inlet guide vanes through a large ring gear and multiple small pinion gears. in conjunction with the turbine shell. They permit fast. 3-2 . flanged and bolted to the casing lower half. This bearing has a separate lower housing half. Inlet casing Compressor casing Compressor discharge casing These sections. b. The casing also supports the No. Both the struts and tie-bars are cased in the bell mouth walls: The aft end of the inlet casing houses the variable inlet guide vanes. which is the closed position. The compressor discharge casing consists of two cylinders: one is an extension of the compressor casing.6 COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE CASING The compressor discharge casing is the rear portion of the compressor section. The fifth to tenth stator blade stages are installed in dovetail grooves machined in the wall of the compressor casing. 01-04-E MOD. 3. The stator blade and ring assemblies are then installed in dovetail grooves machined in the wall of the compressor casing. 2 bearing.F. They prevent these assemblies from rotating in the stator grooves and from falling down when the upper half of the casing is lifted.5 COMPRESSOR CASING Nuovo Pignone The compressor casing contains the first ten compressor stator stages. It is the longest single casing. while the other is an inner cylinder that surrounds the compressor rotor.5810÷16 P. It builds both the inner and outer walls of the compressor diffuser and joins the compressor and turbine stators. It also supports the first-stage nozzles of the turbine. 12/00 160. They prevent the stator blades from rotating in the stator grooves and from falling down when lifting the upper half of the compressor casing. The first four stages of stator blades in the compressor casing are assembled in slotted semi-circular rings. which serve to lift the gas turbine off its base. This converts some of the compressor exit velocity into added pressure. The compressor discharge casing has the function to balance compressor surges. The inner cylinder houses the supporting structure of the No. Eight radial struts flare out to meet the large diameter of the turbine shell. 3-3 . INPR/SVIL/ P. The compressor casing is equipped with two large integrally cast trunnions. The tapered annulus between the outer cylinder and the inner cylinder of the discharge casing builds the diffuser. Locking keys are installed in a groove machined on the left and right side of the horizontal joint flange of the casing upper half. they position the two cylinders concentrically. Long locking keys are installed in grooves machined on the left and right side of the horizontal flange of the casing upper half. situated at midpoint between the forward and aft turbine supports. They are the primary load bearing members in this portion of the gas turbine stator.g GEPS Oil & Gas 3. e. i.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone The compressor discharge casing contains the remaining six of the stator blade stages. INPR/SVIL/ P..F. 12/00 160. These are composed of simple blades installed in dovetail grooves machined in the wall of the compressor discharge casing. 3-4 . 01-04-E MOD.5810÷16 P. stages eleven to sixteen. Locking keys are installed in grooves m achined in the horizontal joint flanges of the casing upper half. and the two exit bladed guide vane rows. They prevent the blades from rotating and the stator blades from dropping out of the grooves when lifting the upper half of the discharge casing. VIEW OF COMPRESSOR H. 3-5 .5810÷16 P.F. INPR/SVIL/ P. 3.P.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG. 12/00 160. TURBINE ROTOR ASSEMBLY 01-04-E MOD.1 . 3.F.MODEL 5002 COMPRESSOR CASING AND H. TURBINE ROTOR ASSEMBLY 01-04-E MOD.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG. 12/00 160.2 . 3-6 .5810÷16 P. INPR/SVIL/ P.P. 12/00 160.1). feeds the fuel into each combustion chamber liner. When ignition occurs in one of the two chambers. One fuel nozzle. which receives the discharge air from the axial flow compressor and transfers it to the combustion chambers. COMBUSTION SECTION Nuovo Pignone 4. 4. four flame detectors. twelve outer combustion casings. twelve crossfire tubes. The MS5002D gas turbines utilize combustion wrappers of different design lengths: short wrappers and long wrappers.5810÷16 P. . the hot combustion gases flow through the crossfire tubes to ignite the fuel-air mixture in the other chambers. It is a welded enclosure. Both upper and lower wrapper halves are assembled to the aft section of the compressor discharge casing. The combustion wrapper is a welded fabrication. and miscellaneous hardware and gaskets. twelve combustion cap and liner assemblies.g GEPS Oil & Gas 4. INPR/SVIL/ P. two ignition transformers. two spark plugs. which surrounds the aft section of the compressor discharge casing and receives the discharge air from the axial flow compressor (see Fig. mounted on the combustion chamber cover and extending into the liner.F. 01-04-E MOD. twelve transition piece assemblies. the forward flange is bolted to the aft flange of the compressor discharge casing (see Fig.2 COMBUSTION WRAPPER (SHORT) The combustion wrapper supports the twelve combustion casings and encloses the twelve transition pieces. The aft flange of the wrapper assembly is bolted to the forward vertical flange of the turbine shell. 4. The combustion casings are positioned externally on the short wrapper assemblies and internally on the long wrapper. twelve fuel nozzles. Spark plugs initiate the combustion of the fuel and air mixture. 4-2).1 GENERAL The gas turbine combustion section comprises the combustion wrapper. 4-1 . To identify them.1 Spark plugs Spark plugs with retracting electrodes initiate the combustion of the fuel and air mixture. During operation. Combustion casings are numbered from one to twelve. 10). installed in four of the chambers.F. The remaining chambers are without spark plugs and are fired with flame from the fired chambers through interconnecting crossfire tubes. 12/00 160. 01-04-E MOD. Flame detectors. mounted on the combustion chamber covers. send a signal to the control system indicating that ignition has occurred (see Figs. 4-2 .5810÷16 P. They receive power from ignition transformers. INPR/SVIL/ P. which is clamped to the first-stage nozzle assembly. The resulting hot gases flow down the liner and into the transition piece. Fuel nozzles. (No. it is necessary to look downstream from the turbine inlet and to count counter clockwise from a twelve o'clock position. crossfire tubes interconnect each cap and liner.3.1 and 42). extend into the chambers and provide fuel for combustion. This high pressure air flows into the liner. air flows into the combustion wrapper and into the annular space between the combustion chamber' liners and flow sleeves. 9 and No.g GEPS Oil & Gas 4. where it is mixed with fuel and ignited. 4. Two spark plugs are installed in each of two combustion chambers. 4.3 COMBUSTION CHAMBERS Nuovo Pignone All twelve combustion chambers (flow sleeves and cap and liners) are assembled inside the combustion wrapper. 01-04-E MOD.g GEPS Oil & Gas 4. containing a gas -filled detector. it is essential that the control system receive an indication of the presence or absence of flame. supplied by the amplifier. a flame monitoring system is used.F.. the ionization of the gas in the detector allows conduction in the circuit.2 Ultraviolet flame detectors Nuovo Pignone During the starting sequence. The ultraviolet flame sensor consists of a flame sensor. The gas within this flame sensor detector is sensitive to the presence of ultraviolet radiation. which are installed on four adjacent combustion chambers. if voltage is re-established to the four sensors defining the loss (or lack) of flame. shut down the turbine. For this reason. is applied across the detector terminals. 4-3 . For detailed operating and maintenance information covering this equipment. a signal is sent to a relay panel in the turbine electronic control circuitry where auxiliary relays in the turbine firing trip circuit. refer to the Component Description following this gas turbine text. and of an electronic amplifier.3. A DC voltage. 12/00 160. The FAILURE TO FIRE or LOSS OF FLAME is also indicated on the annunciator: If only one flame detector sensor senses a loss of flame. Conversely. After the establishment of flame. which is emitted by a hydrocarbon flame. This consists of four sensors. etc. which activates the electronics to give an output defining flame. INPR/SVIL/ P.. the absence of flame will generate an opposite output defining "no flame". which is mounted in the turbine control panel. If flame is present. starting means circuit. the control circuitry will cause an annunciation of this condition only.5810÷16 P. Detailed inspection and maintenance information on the fuel nozzles and other combustion system components is included in the Maintenance section. which results in more complete combustion and essentially smoke-free operation of the unit. 4. to the unfired chambers.3. INPR/SVIL/ P.3 Fuel nozzles Nuovo Pignone Each combustion chamber is equipped with a fuel nozzle that emits a metered amount of fuel into the combustion liner. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. Gaseous fuel is admitted directly into each chamber through metering holes located at the outer edge of the fuel nozzles tip. The liner cap imparts a swirl to the combustion air. 01-04-E MOD.3.g GEPS Oil & Gas 4.F. 4-4 . These tubes enable flame to propagate from the fired chambers. containing spark plugs.4 Crossfire tubes Crossfire tubes interconnect the 12 combustion chambers. 4-1 . INPR/SVIL/ P.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG.AIR & GAS FLOW THROUGH COMBUSTION SECTION OF SIMPLE CYCLE GAS TURBINE 01-04-E MOD. 12/00 160.F.5810÷16 P. 4-5 . COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE CASING & NO.F. 2 BEARING ASSEMBLY 01-04-E MOD. 12/00 160. 4-6 . 4-1a . INPR/SVIL/ P.5810÷16 P.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG.COMBUSTION WRAPPER. 12/00 160. 4.F.TYPICAL LOUVER-COOLED LINER 01-04-E MOD. 4-7 . INPR/SVIL/ P.2 .5810÷16 P.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG. INPR/SVIL/ P. The inner wall of the turbine casing is insulated from the hot gas path parts. The control ring. the high-temperature gases from the combustion section are converted into shaft horsepower. in this way. 12/00 160. the second-stage diaphragm and air seal. air seal and inter-stage gas path parts. The turbine casing houses the following assemblies. Externally. and the second-stage nozzle partitions and shrouds. 5-1 . referred to as low-pressure turbine. the first-stage turbine wheel. referred to as high-pressure turbine. the first-stage nozzle. except at the necessary nozzle and shroud locating surfaces. In addition. the second-stage variable vane nozzle and the second-stage turbine wheel. the inner and outer wall segments of the inter-stage gas path. is supported on rollers mounted on the outside wall of the turbine casing. 5. All stator parts have been fabricated so that they can be split in half horizontally to facilitate maintenance. the section includes the diaphragm assembly.2 TURBINE STATOR The turbine casing is a main structural member of the gas turbine assembly.g GEPS Oil & Gas 5.1). TURBINE SECTION Nuovo Pignone 5.F. Eduction holes in the casing flanges mate with holes in the vertically jointed forward flange of the exhaust frame. This section comprises the following components: the turbine shell.1 GENERAL In the turbine section. which build the gas flow path from the combustion chamber through the turbine wheels to the exhaust frame: the first-stage nozzle partitions and shrouds. Ambient air is induced through these holes to cool the aft end of the turbine casing and the exhaust frame struts in the exhaust path (see Fig.5810÷16 P. it helps carry off the heat radiated from the gas path outer wall. which operates the second-stage variable-angle nozzle partitions. Compressor discharge air leaks past the first-stage nozzle segments into the space between the insulated wall of the turbine case and the outer wall of the inter-stage gas path. bolts fix its forward end to the struts of the compressor discharge casing and its aft end to the exhaust frame. 01-04-E MOD. 5. A clamping arrangement in the turbine casing supports the ring in the gas path.5810÷16 P. Links connect levers. 5. The partition shafts are installed in the turbine casing in a way to maintain minimum clearances between the partitions and the shrouds when the turbine is at operating temperature (see Fig.3).4 SECOND-STAGE NOZZLE The second-stage nozzle is composed of partitions (turning vanes). The nozzle-retaining ring is split into halves on the horizontal plane. 01-04-E MOD. Compressor discharge air from the combustion wrapper flows around the retaining ring into the hollow nozzle partitions and cuts through the bleed holes into the exhaust gas path. INPR/SVIL/ P. which form a variable-angle nozzle in the gas path annulus just forward of the second-stage turbine wheel.F. This airflow cools the nozzle airfoils (see Fig. which are contained between an inner and outer sidewall.3 FIRST-STAGE NOZZLE Nuovo Pignone The first-stage nozzle assembly consists of nozzle segments assembled in a retaining ring.2). The nozzle segments have airfoil-shaped partitions. Shafts protrude through bushings in the turbine casing and turn the partitions in unison. 5. bleed holes drilled through the partition wall near the trailing edge provide air to cool the nozzles. 5-2 . 5. The nozzle partitions are hollow. Another unique design feature allows removal of the lower half of the nozzle assembly without removing the rotor. Bolts hold the halves together. pinned at the ends of the shafts. The nozzle assembly and the arrangement of its support inside the casing are designed to accommodate the effects of thermal growth due to the hot gases and to keep the assembly properly aligned in the gas path. The nozzle shrouds are designed to maintain proper clearances as the partitions are turned. 12/00 160. with posts in a control ring. which is rotated by a hydraulic cylinder.g GEPS Oil & Gas 5. F.g GEPS Oil & Gas 5. It flows through holes. which extend radially through the turbine casing into holes.5810÷16 P. separates the two turbine stages and forms the first-stage turbine aft wheelspace and the secondstage turbine forward wheelspace. A all groove. An air seal. The diaphragm assembly also supports the inner w of the inter-stage gas path. These measure temperature in the first-stage aft wheel space and in the second-stage forward wheel space. drilled in the diaphragm wall.5 DIAPHRAGM ASSEMBLY Nuovo Pignone The diaphragm is supported between the first and second stage turbine wheels by six hollow support pins. Cooling air is fed into the wheelspaces to cool the turbine wheels and to seal the gas path. 12/00 160. machined circumferentially after the aft end of the diaphragm outer wall. which prevent hot gases from flowing into the wheel spaces. The end faces of the diaphragm support thermocouples. which are drilled at an angle through the diaphragm wall just aft of the air deflector groove and intersect the support pin holes. installed in a groove in the diaphragm assembly. The end faces of the diaphragm assembly carry the wheel seals. The diaphragm assembly is a barrel-like member split in half on the horizontal plane. 5-3 . 01-04-E MOD. The source of the cooling air supply to the second-stage diaphragm is discussed in text titled "Cooling and Sealing Air Systems". The thermocouple leads protrude outside the turbine through one of the hollow support pins. Cooling air reaches the second stage diaphragm through the hollow support pins and through the center bore of the first-stage wheel. retains the inner shrouds of the second-stage nozzle assembly and minimizes gas leakage around the nozzle. INPR/SVIL/ P. but are mechanically independent of each other. INPR/SVIL/ P. The second-stage wheel is bolted to a wheel shaft to build the low-pressure/load turbine rotor. Every second cover is a locking cover. the final balance requires a minimum of correction (see Fig. which drives the load (see Fig.g GEPS Oil & Gas 5. 5.4). The first-stage turbine wheel is bolted directly to the compressor rotor aft stub shaft to form the high-pressure rotor assembly. As a result. and the second-stage or low-pressure turbine rotor. 5-4 . whose head is staked in place. The buckets are retained in place by a twist lock. 01-04-E MOD. The two turbine rotors are located in line in the turbine section. pine-tree shaped dovetails. assembled in a bearing housing that is bolted to the aft end of the exhaust frame. The load turbine shaft contains an overspeed bolt assembly that trips the gas turbine control system mechanically in case of overspeed.5). Two bearings support the load turbine rotor: the No.1 Turbine buckets The turbine buckets are assembled in the wheels in axial. thus allowing the two turbines to operate at different speeds. 5.F. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. and the No.6.6 TURBINE ROTOR AND WHEELS Nuovo Pignone There are two separate turbine rotors in the gas turbine: the first-stage or high-pressure turbine rotor. 5. Cover plates are installed over the bucket shanks. 3 journal. bearing located in the forward end of the exhaust frame. which drives the axial-flow compressor and the shaft-driven accessories. The rotor assembly is balanced previously with the overspeed bolt assembly installed in the shaft before final installation. 4 journal and thrust bearing. INPR/SVIL/ P. 12/00 160.F.1 . 5.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG.TURBINE SHELL ARRANGEMENT 01-04-E MOD. 5-5 .5810÷16 P. FIRST STAGE NOZZLE .5810÷16 P.2 . 5. 5-6 . INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 12/00 160.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG.VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 01-04-E MOD. 2ND STAGE NOZZLE CONTROL RING ASSEMBLY 01-04-E MOD. 5-7 .F.3 .5810÷16 P. INPR/SVIL/ P. 12/00 160.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG. 5. F. 5-8 . 12/00 160.4 . INPR/SVIL/ P.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG. 5.VIEWS OF LOW-PRESSURE (LOAD) TURBINE ROTOR ASSEMBLY 01-04-E MOD.5810÷16 P. 5810÷16 P.F. 5-9 . INPR/SVIL/ P.EXHAUST FRAME AND BEARING ARRANGEMENT 01-04-E MOD. 12/00 160. 5.5 .g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG. g GEPS Oil & Gas 6. 1 and No. 2. 3 and No. 1 is located in the compressor inlet casing. INPR/SVIL/ P. Bearing No.1 GENERAL The gas turbine unit has four main bearings. Bearing No. The bearings are numbered 1. 12/00 160. The table below lists the bearing types used in the different locations of the gas turbine. The Gas Turbine Arrangement drawing shows the location of these bearings. Bearing No. 1 Kind Journal Thrust (active) Thrust (inactive) Journal Journal Journal Thrust Thrust Type Elliptical Tilting pad (six pads) Self-equalizing Tapered land Elliptical Tilting-pad (five pads) Tilting-pad (five pads) Tilting-pad (eight pads) self-equalizing Tilting-pad (four pads) non-equalizing Publication GEI-41020C GEI-41018B GEI-41019B GEI-41020C GEK-28100 GEK-28100 GEI-41018B GEI-41018B 2 3 4 01-04-E MOD. 6-1 . No. while bearings No. 2 in the compressor discharge casing. The instructional bulletins. Bearings No.5810÷16 P.F. 3 and 4. bolted to the exhaust frame inner barrel. which support the compressor and turbine rotors. 2 support the compressor/high pressure turbine rotor. 4 are contained in separate bearing housings. 4 support the low pressure/load turbine rotor. referred to in the table. 3 and No. BEARINGS Nuovo Pignone 6. give detailed i formation on the bearings and are included in the n “Equipment Publications” section under "Bearing". The oil seals are designed with double rows of teeth with an annular space between them.F. INPR/SVIL/ P.2 LUBRICATION Nuovo Pignone One lube oil header supplies lube oil for pressure lubrication of all main gas turbine bearings. is double piped. which contains the journal and thrust bearing components. The oil seals are labyrinth packings. and thence return it to the lube oil tank. The second header runs aft inside the lube oil drain channel. The oil seals are installed in the bearing housings in a way to leave only a small clearance between the packing teeth and the rotor shaft. Pressured sealing air is fed into this annular space to restrain the lube oil from seeping out of the bearing housing and spreading along the rotor shaft. The thermocouples provide for indication of oil temperature on the temperature indicator in the turbine control panel. Flow sights and thermocouples are installed in the drain piping from each bearing. where control of oil seepage along the rotor shaft is required. which is fabricated along the web of the left Ibeam member on the turbine base. 6-2 . This header is contained inside the lube oil tank. All lube oil to the bearings is filtered and supplied at a controlled temperature and pressure. in effect. Thus.g GEPS Oil & Gas 6. The lube oil system is shown on the Schematic Piping Diagram in the “Reference Drawings” volume. 01-04-E MOD. the oil feed piping is completely enclosed. installed in the bearing housings outboard from the journal or thrust bearing assemblies. 12/00 160. This connects with a second header in the turbine base. The flow sights provide a visual check of the oil flow through the bearings. Oil seals and deflectors help direct the flow of lube oil from the bearings into the bearing drains.5810÷16 P. which is fabricated in the accessory base. Some of this sealing air returns with the oil to the lube oil tank and is vented to atmosphere through the lube oil tank vent. and the system. Branch oil feed and drain piping connect the header and drain channel to each bearing housing. INPR/SVIL/ P. BEARING PUBLICATIONS GEI-41018B GEI-41019B GEI-41020C GEK-28100 Nuovo Pignone 01-04-E MOD.g GEPS Oil & Gas 6.E.F.3 G. 6-3 . 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The accessory gear is located on the accessory base. It is positioned on the horizontal joint of the casing and connects the starting motor with the gas turbine rotor. This device mechanically dumps the oil from the trip circuit and shuts down the gas turbine unit when the speed of the first-stage turbine exceeds the limit prescribed (by G. It contains the gear trains necessary to provide gear reductions to drive the accessory devices at the required speeds. include the main hydraulic supply pump and the main lube oil pump. The gear casing is split.g GEPS Oil & Gas 7. 7-1 . Interconnected shafts are arranged in a parallel axis in the lower casing: except for the lube oil pump shaft. 7-1-2).1 ACCESSORY GEAR ASSEMBLY The accessory gear assembly is a gearbox coupled directly with the turbine rotor. The starting clutch assembly is located at the outboard (forward) end of the main accessory gear shaft. Additional d escriptive information on the clutch is presented in this section under “Starting System”. the accessory gear transmits torque from the starting motor gas expander turbine to the gas turbine. The accessories. It serves to drive the turbine-driven accessory devices. INPR/SVIL/ P. The accessory gear is lubricated from the pressurized bearing header supply and is drained by gravity to the lube oil reservoir.) in the Control Specifications. One overspeed tripping mechanism for the high-pressure turbine is mounted on the exterior of the casing. at the horizontal plane. into an upper and a lower section for maintenance and inspection purposes. all centerlines are located on the horizontal joint of the casing (see Fig. 01-04-E MOD.5810÷16 P. which actuates the trip upon overspeed.F. is installed in the main shaft. GEARS Nuovo Pignone 7. The clutch is automatically disengaged when the expansion turbine is shut off and the gas turbine has reached self-sustaining speed.E. During startup. driven by the accessory gear assembly. 12/00 160. The overspeed bolt. 5810÷16 P. The pump suction and discharge passages are cored on the bottom surface of the casing. A splined quill shaft connected with the lower drive gear drives it. which run in a shaped cavity in the wall of the accessory drive gear casing. For more detailed information. see the “Auxiliary Equipment” volume. 01-04-E MOD. The pump gears are contained in babbitt-lined cast-iron bushings. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. The pump consists of steel gears. which are located at the ends of the pump cavity. 12/00 160. 7-2 .g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone The main lubricating oil pump is located on the inboard wall of the lower casing half. g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG.5810÷16 P. INPR/SVIL/ P. 12/00 160.CUTAWAY VIEW OF ACCESSORY DRIVE GEAR WITH NO.F. 7-1 . 7-3 . 4 SHAFT AND MAIN LUBE PUMP SHOWN 01-04-E MOD. 1 SHAFT (WITH CLUTCH) 01-04-E MOD.CUTAWAY VIEW OF ACCESSORY DRIVE GEAR SHOWING NO.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone FIG. 7-4 . INPR/SVIL/ P.5810÷16 P. 12/00 160.F. 7-2 . when the two connected shafts are parallel. The couplings used on this turbine are two: (a) and (b) the other connects the turbine shaft with the load equipment. angular and a combination of both).5810÷16 P. (c) Parallel misalignment occurs. compensate for all three types of misalignment (parallel. 12/00 160. one connects the accessory drive gear with the turbine shaft. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. but not in the same straight line. Axial movement is when one or both shafts are displaced along their axis (centerline). when the shafts are neither parallel nor in the same straight line. compensate for any axial movement of the shafts so that neither exerts an excessive thrust on the other. 01-04-E MOD. Combined misalignment occurs. COUPLING Nuovo Pignone 8.1 GENERAL The basic functions of the flexible gear-type couplings used on this turbine are to: (a) (b) connect two rotating shafts in order to transmit torque from one to the other. 8-1 .g GEPS Oil & Gas 8. Angular misalignment occurs. when two shafts are in the same straight line but their centerlines are not parallel. In the continuous-lubrication coupling.5810÷16 P. 8. adapter shafts and a center shaft. and permit axial movement of the turbine in relation to the load equipment. lube oil is discharged from the turbine bearing header into the coupling teeth through nozzles. This allows for all three types of misalignment.2 Nuovo Pignone CONTINUOSLY LUBRICATED ACCESSORY GEAR COUPLING The coupling is a continuously lubricated flexible gear-type device. The sleeve at the turbine end is bolted directly to the turbine rotor. except that its male teeth are machined into the distance piece and the sleeves are bolted directly to the turbine and shaft flanges of the load equipment.4 LUBRICATION Whenever gear-type flexible couplings are used.F. 01-04-E MOD. The sleeve at the accessory gear end is bolted to a flange (hub). The oil is then caught by the coupling guards and returned to the lube oil tank in the turbine base. 8. which has been shrinkfitted and keyed to the accessory gear shaft. which interface with the load compressor and the load turbine rotor shafts. The teeth mesh with the female ones of a sleeve at each end to transmit torque. The adapter shaft. and also provide support for the flexible diaphragms. assembled to the ends of the center shaft. 12/00 160. 8. 8-2 .g GEPS Oil & Gas 8.3A NON-LUBRICATED LOAD COUPLING (IN ALTERNATIVE TO CONTINUOUSLY LUBRICATED LOAD COUPLING) The non-lubricated coupling consists of flexible diaphragms. It employs a hub with male teeth fitted at each end of a distance piece. lubrication is a major contributor to their long life. includes flanges. The diaphragm sections provide the flexibility needed to compensate for the nominal misalignment between the load equipment and the load turbine rotor. The male teeth are crowned and can slide fore and aft within the female spline. INPR/SVIL/ P.3 CONTINUOUSLY LUBRICATED LOAD COUPLING The design of this coupling is similar to that of the coupling that connects the accessory gear with the turbine rotor. 8-3 .g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Couplings with one-half micron filters can be disassembled. 8. The pattern of tooth wear can provide maintenance information calling for action. 01-04-E MOD. cleaned and inspected. characterized by short scratch-like lines or marks on the surface of the teeth. If the filter cartridges are not changed at regular intervals. deposits can build up on the coupling teeth and limit the action of the coupling. Under continued normal conditions of operation. Abrasive wear. The greater the misalignment. indicates that the lube system is not clean and oil is carrying particles into the coupling teeth.F. characterized by the removal of metal and the formation of cavities.5 TOOTH WEAR During the initial operation of gear-type couplings. An abnormally wide wear pattern in the axial direction is indicative of excessive running misalignment. This condition is the result of particles being centrifuged out of the oil and onto the coupling teeth. the greater the wear rate. INPR/SVIL/ P. the rate of wear will be small. 12/00 160. Corrosive wear is indicative of lubricant contamination or highly active additives.5810÷16 P. may indicate torsional oscillations in the coupled system. minor imperfections will be smoothed out and the working surfaces will take on a polished appearance. since the number of teeth in contact decreases with increasing angularity. Surface fatigue. 9-1 . it is necessary to treat the atmospheric air entering the turbine and remove contaminants. This must be done under various temperature. Therefore.1 GENERAL Gas turbine performance and reliability is a function of the quality and cleanliness of the inlet air entering the turbine.F.g GEPS Oil & Gas 9. Hot exhaust gases produced as a result of combustion in the turbine are ducted through the exhaust system before being released to the atmosphere. fitted with specially designed equipment and ducting. INPR/SVIL/ P. Inlet air enters the inlet compartment and flows to the inlet plenum and then into the turbine compressor through the parallel overhead ducting. INLET AND EXHAUST SYSTEM Nuovo Pignone 9. with built-in acoustic silencers and trash screen. 12/00 160. the compartment and ducting are connected to the turbine inlet plenum This system combines the functions of filtering and silencing the inlet air with the function of directing the air into the turbine compressor.5810÷16 P. humidity and contamination conditions. 01-04-E MOD. 9. The exhaust flow must meet certain environmental standards of cleanliness and acoustic levels depending on site location. has the function to modify the quality of the air and make it more suitable for use in the unit.2 AIR INLET The air inlet system consists of an elevated air inlet compartment and inlet ducting with silencing equipment. The air inlet system. The elevated ducting arrangement provides a compact system and minimizes pickup of dust near the ground level All the external and internal surface areas exposed to the airflow are coated with a protective corrosion preventive primer. for most efficient operation. INPR/SVIL/ P. 01-04-E MOD. The perforated sheet used in the silencers and line ductwork is made of steel and requires no maintenance. The vertical parallel baffle design is specifically tuned to eliminate the fundamental compressor tones and to attenuate the noise of other frequencies. a silencer module and sections of inlet ducting.4 INLET DUCTING The air inlet ductwork connects the inlet compartment to the inlet plenum. This compartment contains a first stage self-cleaning filtration unit and a second high-efficiency type filter. Silencing is provided by the use of vertical baffles. The self-cleaning filter system contains highefficiency media filter cartridges that are cleaned sequentially by pulses of pressurized air during turbine operation. a 90-degree elbow.g GEPS Oil & Gas 9.5810÷16 P. the baffles are made of acoustically perforated sheets of encapsulated low-density insulating material. Proper filtration maintenance is required to ensure that this protection is maintained.F.3 INLET COMPARTMENT Nuovo Pignone The inlet compartment. 12/00 160. It includes the acoustically treated plenum at the gas turbine compressor inlet. 9-2 . which is an all-weather enclosure. the interior wall of the ducting and the plenum chamber are lined with the same type of treatment. is located off-base and connected to the inlet ducting. The gas turbine compressor supplies discharge air to the selfcleaning inlet filters for use as pulse air during the cleaning cycle. The filtration unit is required to provide adequate protection for the turbine unit from the environmental conditions existing at the turbine site. 9. In addition. The inlet support structure is made of galvanized carbon steel with multiple coats of protective paint. One component of the system is the exhaust plenum.5.5810÷16 P. 01-04-E MOD. A wrapper covers the top and side and serves to enlarge the plenum volume. extending from the side of the turbine base. 9. diffuser and turbine vanes. 9-3 .5 EXHAUST SYSTEM Nuovo Pignone 9. Insulation in the plenum fabrication provides thermal and acoustical protection. Both compartments are fitted with thermally insulated side panels and roofs. A silencing section is installed between the transition duct and the exhaust duct system.6 EXHAUST PLENUM The exhaust plenum is a rectangular box-like structure that takes the turbine exhaust gases.7. it then forces the exhaust gases out of the side opening into the transition duct. It is located at the aft end of the turbine base and encloses the exhaust frame.1 General The accessory and turbine compartments are equipped with a ventilation system.g GEPS Oil & Gas 9. are redirected and released to atmosphere. INPR/SVIL/ P.7 VENTILATION SYSTEM 9. 12/00 160.F. to which an expansion joint and transition duct are vertically mounted. these gases are then ducted to the silencers and then vented to atmosphere.1 General In the exhaust section the gases. 9. which have been used to power the turbine wheels. 01-04-E MOD. The ventilation system consists of two separate fans driven by their respective motors.5810÷16 P. the temperature inside the turbine compartment increases and reaches the set point of the RTD (TT-BA-1÷3) switch (26BA). turbine compartment and coupling compartment. positioned in the filter chamber. 12/00 160. by the pressure of the CO2 discharge.F. 2) installed in the pressurized and cooled ventilation ducting after the inlet filter compartment. positioned on the inlet/outlet ducts of the ventilation system. b) 9. for any reason. These are mounted on the turbine compartment (TT-BA-2).7. located on the UCP). accessory compartment (TT-BA-1) and coupling compartment (TT-BA-3). Two set points are provided on each gas detector (set on the control of each gas detector. INPR/SVIL/ P. one fan provides ventilating air during normal turbine operation. manual dampers. one for 30% LEL (alarm indication on Mark V or Mark VI CRT ) and one for 60% of LEL (trip executed by Mark V or Mark VI panel). These are located inside the accessory compartment. The ventilating air exits from the turbine and coupling compartments through the upper opening of each compartment. The other operates as a stand-by fan and starts when. held open by the fans of the ventilation system.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone The accessory and turbine compartments are pressurized and cooled by ventilation fans (88BA-1.2 Gas Detection System Four gas detectors are provided on the Gas Turbine. Two types of dampers are foreseen for the safety of the ventilation system: a) gravity dampers. 9-4 . they are closed automatically by the fire fighting system. it must be rotated or cranked by accessory equipment. The starting clutch assembly and the clutch engaging cylinders are mounted on the accessory gear assembly. 12/00 160. a torque converter with ratcheting mechanism. The torque converter input shaft drives the charge pump. which supplies turbine lube oil to the torque converter. several supplementary components are required for sequencing and operating the turbine starting system. the output gear and the starting clutch drive the gas turbine through the accessory gear. A spring-loaded check valve. maintains a positive oil pressure on the charge pump during operation.5810÷16 P. 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P. The charge pump. In addition. These are detailed in the following system functional description. Initially.2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION During the starting sequence.g GEPS Oil & Gas 10. The starting system components also permit slow-speed rotation of the turbine for cooling-down purposes after shutdown. provides the cranking torque and speed required to start up the turbine. A flexible coupling permanently couples the accessory gear with the turbine compressor shaft. The components of the electric motor starting system include: an induction motor. after building up the lube oil operating pressure. The torque converter transmits the electric motor output torque to the gas turbine accessory gear through a reversing gear. the electric starting motor.1 GENERAL Before the gas turbine can be fired and started. 10-1 . a starting jaw clutch and a hydraulic ratchet system. operating through a torque converter. STARTING SYSTEM (ELECTRIC STARTING MOTOR) Nuovo Pignone 10. the torque converter.F. Oil returns to the turbine lube oil tank through drains. An electric induction motor. 10. the charge pump receives oil for the torque converter charge pump from the lube oil header. installed in the discharge line of the lube oil header. draws the oil from the turbine lube oil tank through a filter. This oil at higher pressure flows from the hydraulic ratchet pump through a filter to the self-sequencing module. the starting equipment accomplishes three primary functions: it sets the gas turbine rolling (breakaway from standstill). 10-2 . it further accelerates it to self -sustaining speed (a speed at which the gas turbine develops net positive power output).g GEPS Oil & Gas 10. When the electric starting motor is energized. When pressurized. The torque converter output is directly proportional to the difference between input and output speeds (maximum slip). the converter demands power from the motor and supplies power to the gas turbine through the starting clutch. 01-04-E MOD. The torque converter and reversing gear speed ratios were picked to crank the gas turbine at firing speed. The ratchet system may supplement the breakaway torque.3 STARTUP FUNCTIONS AND SEQUENCES Nuovo Pignone The starting system provides both cranking and turning power during the gas turbine startup and shutdown cycles. INPR/SVIL/ P. its output torque starts from zero and increases as the torque converter is filled with oil by the charge pump. mounted on the reversing gear.5810÷16 P. The self-sustaining ratchet device. 12/00 160. In the starting cycle.F. starts when it receives pressure oil from the hydraulic self-sequencing control valve module. finally. it accelerates the gas turbine to firing speed. two pilot operated valves that control the flow to the rotary actuator. independent of the output load. the valve module controls the starting clutch engagement and the hydraulic self-sequencing operation of the rotary actuator. The power absorption of the pump rotor varies as the cube of the input speed. and one limit switch. a pump assembly.5810÷16 P. The module includes one ON/OFF solenoid valve. INPR/SVIL/ P. 01-04-E MOD. a control valve module. a relief valve and filters. The torque converter consists of a driven pump rotor that supplies oil to a hydraulic turbine connected with the input shaft of the output gear.4 TORQUE CONVERTER ASSEMBLY Nuovo Pignone This assembly includes the torque converter. This assembly pumps lube oil from the unit bearing header to the inlets of the relief valve and to the control valve module. the hydraulic ratchet mechanism and an output gear unit. The hydraulic ratchet mechanism is a rack-pinion rotary actuator connected with the input shaft of the output gear through a roller-ramp type one-way clutch. motor.F. The output gear unit connects the ratchet mechanism and the output side of the torque converter with the starting clutch. 10. The converter loop drains during shutdown to unload the converter for engine startup. one modulating backpressure valve that maintains adequate pressure to the clutch engaging cylinders. Pressurized oil from the converter loop lubricates the gear unit and the clutch in the ratchet mechanism. Drain oil from the assembly returns to the lube oil reservoir by gravity.g GEPS Oil & Gas 10.C. The pump rotor requires rated motor horsepower at rated speed.5 HYDRAULIC RATCHET SYSTEM The components of the ratchet system include: a rotary actuator/one-way clutch mechanism in the torque converter assembly. The hydraulic ratchet pump assembly is made up of a D. 12/00 160. In the system. driving the pump. 10-3 . The cycle terminates in the forward stroke position to lock the clutch in engaged position.C. If breakaway is not achieved within three minutes.7 STARTING JAW CLUTCH A starting clutch connects the output shaft of the torque converter assembly to the main shaft of the accessory gear. Because of the one-way clutch in the ratchet mechanism. 01-04-E MOD. The electronic control panel automatically sequences the unit cooling down process. The system is designed to maintain the clutch engaged at all times. Hydraulic cylinders engage the clutch (oil supplied by the ratchet control valve module). it is not possible to turn the sliding clutch hub backwards except during a reset stroke of the ratchet mechanism. motor and the solenoid valve are energized for continuous operation until breakaway is achieved. oil from the lubrication system reaches the starting clutch. 10-4 . With the starting system at maximum power. the ratchet mechanism is operated through one complete cycle. except when the gas turbine is running. Once every three minutes. When the gas turbine reaches a predetermined speed. horizontally oriented hydraulic cylinders. The action of the ratchet system normally serves to achieve breakaway of the unit rotor system during the unit startup sequence. A starting clutch solenoid valve actuates two parallel.g GEPS Oil & Gas 10. INPR/SVIL/ P. the ratchet system is de-energized.F. 12/00 160. This causes the ratchet mechanism to operate continuously as the hydraulic self-sequencing control automatically shifts the oil flow between forward and reset strokes of the ratchet mechanism. 10. A torque generated in the torque converter and/or ratchet mechanism maintains the clutch engaged. return springs in the cylinders disengage it.5810÷16 P. These move the sliding clutch into engagement with the stationary clutch hub. the D. the solenoid valve is de-energized by the 33HR-1 speed relay and dumps the hydraulic oil to drain.6 RATCHET SYSTEM OPERATION Nuovo Pignone With the pump in operation and solenoid valve energized. e. The fuel gas system comprises the following major components: a. located in the accessory area.Ratio/valve L. 11-1 . INPR/SVIL/ P. control servo valves. Stop ratio valve-control servo valve (90SR). c.T. d. j.g GEPS Oil & Gas 11. Fuel gas strainer. Gas valve control LVDTs (96GC-1/2). Fuel gas trip valve (VH5-1). Pressure gauges. k. pressure gauges and the distribution piping to the combustion fuel nozzles. g. The major component of a fuel gas system is the gas stop/ratio and control valve assembly. acceleration and loading requirements for gas turbine operation.1 GENERAL The fuel gas system is designed to deliver fuel gas to the turbine combustion chambers at the proper pressure and flow rates in order to meet all starting. Fuel gas low pressure alarm switch (63FG-1). Associated with this gas valve are a vent valve. Stop . See the schematic piping diagram. Fuel gas vent valve (20VG-1).5810÷16 P. i.D. b.F. h. Gas control valve-control servo valve (65GC).V. Pressure transmitters (96FG-2A/B/C). (96SR-1/2) 01-04-E MOD. FUEL GAS SYSTEM Nuovo Pignone 11. f. 12/00 160. Gas stop ratio valve and control valve (SRV-1. GCV-1). The fuel gas stop ratio valve shuts off the flow of fuel to the turbine whenever required. INPR/SVIL/ P.5810÷16 P. electro hydraulically operated valves. The gas valve (gas stop ratio and control valve) meters and controls fuel gas to provide the required flow of gas to the turbine combustion system. It also controls pressure ahead of the fuel gas control valve. A SPEEDTRONIC control signal activates the fuel gas control valve to admit the proper amount of fuel required by the turbine for a given load or speed. 11-2 . Both the gas stop ratio valve and the gas control valve are single-action. 12/00 160.g GEPS Oil & Gas 11. This enables the gas control valve to control fuel flow over the wide range required under various turbine starting and operating conditions. 01-04-E MOD. The fuel gas stop ratio and control valve consists of two independent valves (one stop ratio valve and one control valve) assembled together in one housing.2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Nuovo Pignone A strainer cleans fuel gas as it comes from the supply piping before flowing through the gas valve and into the gas manifold piping.F. g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone 11.3 GAS STOP/RATIO AND CONTROL VALVE (SRV-GCV) The gas control valve (GCV-1) part of the gas/stop ratio and control valve provides a fuel gas metering function to the turbine in accordance with its speed and load requirements. The position of the gas control valve (hence fuel gas flow to the turbine) is a linear function of a fuel stroke reference voltage (FSR) generated by the SPEEDTRONIC control system. The control voltage generated either shifts the electro hydraulic servo valve to admit oil or to release it from the hydraulic cylinder. This will position the gas control valve in a way to supply the fuel gas required for a given turbine speed and load situation. The gas stop ratio valve(SRV-1) is similar to the gas control valve. Its plug, however, has a steeper taper in order to provide the high gain necessary to maintain good pressure control. The ratio function of the stop ratio valve provides a regulated inlet pressure for the control valve as a function of turbine speed. The SPEEDTRONIC pressure control loop generates a position signal that positions the stop ratio valve by means of a servo valve-controlled hydraulic cylinder. This provides the required intervalve pressure. In the fuel gas system, the gas stop ratio valve provides a positive fuel shutoff when required by either normal or emergency conditions. Trip oil pressure acts on the piston end of a spool and activates a fuel gas trip valve. When the trip oil pressure is normal, the fuel gas trip valve maintains a position that allows hydraulic oil to flow between the control servo valve and the hydraulic cylinder. In this position, normal control of the stop ratio valve is allowed. If the trip oil pressure should drop below a predetermined limit, a spring in the trip valve shifts the spool to interrupt the flow path of oil between the control servo valve and the hydraulic cylinder. Hydraulic oil is dumped and the stop ratio valve closes, shutting off the flow of fuel gas to the turbine. 11.4 GAS STRAINERS Parallel gas strainer units are installed upstream of the turbine base fuel inlet connection point to facilitate on-site maintenance requirements. Connection of the fuel gas supply is made at the purchaser’s connection in the supply line ahead of the gas strainers. These remove foreign particles that may be in the incoming fuel gas. A blow-down connection on the bottom of each strainer body serves for periodic cleaning of the strainer screen. Cleaning frequency depends on the quality of the fuel gas used. The strainer should be cleaned shortly after full turbine load has been attained for the first time and after any disassembly of the purchaser’s fuel gas line. 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. 11-3 g GEPS Oil & Gas 11.5 PROTECTION DEVICES Nuovo Pignone 11.5.1 Fuel Gas Vent Valve (20 VG-1) A solenoid-operated valve 20VG-1 is installed in the vent piping on the casing of the combination gas stop/speed ratio and gas control valve. When the turbine is shut down, any fuel gas that might accumulate in the compartment between the stop/speed ratio and control valve vents to atmosphere through the piping. 11.5.2 Low Fuel Gas Pressure Switch (63FG-1) A low fuel gas alarm pressure switch 63FG-1, installed in the gas piping ahead of the gas stop/speed ratio and control valve assembly, provides alarm protection should the gas pressure drop below the switch setting. The annunciator panel in the control center will display an alarm.. 11.5.3 Pressure Transmitter (96FG) Pressure transmitters, 96FG-2A/B/C, are installed in the fuel system on the fuel gas discharge side of the stop/speed ratio valve, to provide the operational pressure signal to the SPEEDTRONIC control system. 11.5.4 Pressure Gauges Three pressure gauges are provided in the fuel gas piping. The upstream gauge measures the pressure of fuel gas entering the stop/speed ratio valve; the intermediate gauge measures the pressure as it leaves the valve. Finally, the downstream gauge measures pressure of the gas leaving the gas control valve and flowing to the gas manifold. 11.6 OFF-BASE FUEL GAS SKID The combustion gas must reach the turbine free from impurities, in predetermined quantity and at preset pressure, therefore a control console is needed to separate condensate and eliminate solid parts. 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. 11-4 g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone The control skid for processing the combustion gas is composed mainly of a calibrated orifice, a condensate separator, two filters, valves and various monitoring and protecting devices. Gas enters the skid through a calibrated orifice that regulates its quantity and permits to increase its pressure. From the calibrated orifice, the gas flows through the condensate separator, provided with an automatic discharge and safety valve, and through filters that separate solid particles, also provided with relief valves. Finally, the gas reaches the combustion gas system on the turbine base plate. For ratings of the calibrated orifice, the condensate separator, filters, the ranges of set point values for the different equipment and instruments, please refer to the INSTRUMENT LIST. For additional information about the gas control console, please refer to VOLUME “Auxiliary Equipment”. 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. 11-5 Moreover. or setting of the various orifices and control devices are shown on the Device Summary and the Schematic Piping Diagram. Protection devices are incorporated into lube systems. This system includes an oil tank. in volume "Reference Drawings".5810÷16 P. forced feed oil system. The protective devices sound an alarm or shut the unit down if any of the above conditions occur. Refer to HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINES. SOM 17366/4.F. in addition.g GEPS Oil & Gas 12. the turbine accessories and the driven load equipment. the lube oil system supplies oil to the hydraulic supply system. regulated at “24.5 PSI” for the bearing header. 12/00 160. 12.1 GENERAL The gas turbine is lubricated by a closed loop. The nominal capacities and ratings of the pumps. 12-1 . 01-04-E MOD. (see para. LUBE OIL SYSTEM Nuovo Pignone 12. where necessary to protect the equipment against low lubricant supply. Pumps draw lube oil from the oil tank and force it under pressure through the heat exchangers. is discharged from the pumps.2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The system is a closed loop. Pressure. pumps. and the starting system. heat exchangers (oil coolers). oil filters and the bearing header to the bearings. filters and valves. the estimated oil flow to the various components and the approximate rating sizes. The lubrication system is designed to provide an ample supply of filtered lubricant at the proper temperature and pressure for operation of the turbine and its associated equipment.12). low lubricant pressure and high lubricant temperature. 12. forced feed system. INPR/SVIL/ P. miscellaneous devices control and protect the system. the control oil system. Lube oil circulates through the four main turbine bearings. g GEPS Oil & Gas 12. Installed in the tank and mounted on its cover are the lube oil pumps. A pipe. lube oil pump to the lube oil header flows through a water cooler or to an oil/air cooler to remove excess heat and then through a cartridge type filter providing 12-micron absolute filtration. 12/00 160. near the tank bottom. All lubricant pumped by the main or aux. Gaskets prevent leakage at the bolted flanges of this piping.3. Whenever possible. An oil tank fill connection is provided on either side.1 Drains The drain points of the lube oil system are shown on the Schematic Piping Diagram.3 LUBE OIL TANK AND PIPING Nuovo Pignone The lube oil tank is fabricated as an integral part of the accessory base. Welded fabrications of seamless. 12. contained in the “Reference Drawings” Volume.5810÷16 P. The lubricant pumped by the emergency pump bypasses the cooler. stainless steel pipe compose most of the lube oil piping.3. 12. 12-2 . provides a vent to atmosphere for the complete lube oil system. 01-04-E MOD. in the area under the accessory section.2 Flow sights Flow sights are present in the bearing and coupling drains to allow visual check of the oil flow. lube oil filters and the various control and protective devices. Check the oil flow when the lube oil pumps are started prior to every turbine startup. and the Purchaser’s Connection Outline and Notes. A manhole with a bolted-on cover provides access to the tank interior.F. connected to a flanged opening in the drain channel near the aft end of the base. the lube oil feed piping is contained within the oil tank or drain headers. INPR/SVIL/ P. when the main pump cannot supply sufficient pressure for safe operation. Functional information concerning the pumps is included in the following paragraphs. are included in the Device Summary of this manual. driven by a vertical A. Both the auxiliary and emergency pumps are mounted on the oil tank cover. and the emergency pump. motor. One backpressure valve VPR-1 limits the output of this pump to the lube oil system .5810÷16 P. Further information on the pump is included in the Gas Turbine Auxiliary Equipment volumes.g GEPS Oil & Gas 12. Low lube oil pressure switch 63QA-1 or lube oil pressure transmitter 96QA-1 control the auxiliary lube oil pump. motor. The control circuit is operated through the normally closed contacts of the 63QA-1 pressure switch or the 96QA-1 pressure transmitter. located on the base of the accessory gear. driven by the accessory gear. together with the motor ratings. 12-3 .F.C. does not supply sufficient pressure. the auxiliary lube oil pump starts on receiving the start signal.4 LUBE OIL PUMPS Nuovo Pignone The lube oil system utilizes three lube oil pumps: the main pump. 12.5 MAIN LUBE OIL PUMP (ACCESSORY GEAR DRIVEN) The main lube oil pump is a positive displacement pump. The output of each one of the pumps at rated speed. 12. During the turbine starting sequence.6 AUXILIARY LUBE OIL PUMP (AC MOTOR DRIVEN) The auxiliary centrifugal lube pump provides pressure during the starting and stopping sequences of the gas turbine. it is driven by a splined quill shaft connected with the lower drive gear. the main pump. The pressure setting of VPR-1 is given on the Device Summary. At this time.C. 12/00 160. INPR/SVIL/ P. the auxiliary pump. which is driven by the accessory gear. This pressure switch or pressure transmitter also signal alarm conditions in addition to the start function. driven by a vertical D. 01-04-E MOD. Start signals from this transmitter cause the auxiliary lube oil pump to run under low lube oil pressure conditions as happens during startup or shutdown of the gas turbine. This sequence of operations is described in the specific turbine mechanical drive operating instructions included in the “Operation” section of this manual.5810÷16 P. If the main or auxiliary lube oil pumps should resume operation.C. If operating speed is reached and proper lube oil pressure is not established in the system. 12-4 . The emergency pump is used only during turbine shutdown.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone The pump will run until the turbine reaches operating speed.C. since the pump size and the drive motor are incapable of supplying adequate lube oil for normal turbine operation. The pump will continue to run (if A. in the event that the auxiliary pump has been forced out of service or is unable to maintain adequate lube oil pressure. 01-04-E MOD. pressure switch 63QA-1 or 63QA-2 or pressure transmitter 96QA-1 will signal the auxiliary pump to start running. whenever the lube oil pressure in the main bearing header falls below the pressure switch setting. power failure or any other cause. the pump will continue to run (through the contacts of the complete sequence check relay). power is available) throughout the cool down period.7 EMERGENCY LUBE OIL PUMP (DC MOTOR DRIVEN) The emergency centrifugal lube oil pump intervenes to supply lube oil to the main bearing header during an emergency shutdown. the emergency pump will be stopped (automatically) by pressure transmitter 96QA-1. This pump is started automatically by the action of pressure switches 63QT-1/2 or of pressure transmitter 96QT-1A. Should the auxiliary pump fail during the shutdown sequence because of an A. INPR/SVIL/ P. This happens when the lube oil header pressure falls to the point at which the contacts of the switch or of the transmitter are set to close. even though the lube oil header is at rated pressure and the pressure transmitter contacts have opened. the emergency lube oil pump will be started automatically by action of the low lube oil pressure switches 63QT-1/2 or of the pressure transmitter 96QA-1. during which time the control system timer will be in charge of operation. when the lube oil header pressure exceeds the setting of the switch. The emergency lube oil pump will continue to run until the high-pressure shaft comes to rest. 12. When the turbine shutdown sequence is on and the control system timer is on as well.F. 12/00 160. The emergency pump will then be controlled by the control system timer and operated through a cool down period. 5810÷16 P.Reference Drawings” section. settings and descriptions. power is not available after shutdown. INPR/SVIL/ P. 12-5 .8.C. Please refer to the “Device Summary. The gear pump check valve also contains an orifice.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone The emergency pump can be tested for correct start. while the lube oil system is operating normally on the main or auxiliary pump. emergency lube oil pump will operate automatically.1 Cool down Period On units with automatic control. which reports the valve symbols.C. when the lube oil pressure is being supplied by the auxiliary pump.C. 12. auxiliary lube oil pump will automatically continue operation after turbine shutdown for a ten-hour cool down period. 12. cycling 30 seconds on and 3 minutes off.1 Check valves Check valves are present in the discharge piping from each of the lube oil pumps. the control circuits are arranged so that the A. They are also installed in the discharge piping of auxiliary and emergency pumps to prevent lube oil from b eing circulated back to the oil tank through the standby centrifugal pump The check valve mounted in the discharge piping of the main shaft-driven gear pump prevents loss of auxiliary pump pressure to the lube oil system in case of gear pump failure. until a time of 100 minutes on has been accumulated (total cycle time of ten hours). independent of the relating control pressure switches. 12/00 160. 12. which regulates the flow of lubricating oil to the pump gears during the cranking sequence.7.8 VALVES This system uses various types of valves that regulate pressure and control the flow of lube oil. 01-04-E MOD.F. If A. the D. INPR/SVIL/ P. This oil pressure is indicated on a gauge. When closing the test valve. reset the annunciator. 12-6 .F. serves to check automatic startup of the emergency lube oil pump by pressure switches 63QT-1/2 or by pressure transmitter 96QA-1 (start the pump). 12. lube oil pressure falls to the setting of the pressure switch and the auxiliary lube oil pump should start.auxiliary pump start A test valve.8.g GEPS Oil & Gas 12.8.3 Test valve . By opening the test valve. 01-04-E MOD.2 Nuovo Pignone Test valve . mounted on the gauge cabinet. 12/00 160. serves to test the automatic startup of the auxiliary lube oil pump through the signals generated by the low lube oil alarm/pump start pressure switch 63QA-1 or by the pressure transmitter 96QA-1 while the unit is operating normally on the main lube oil pump. open the bleed valve gradually to lower the lube oil system pressure in the piping where the transmitter is mounted. It is possible to run this test while the unit is operating normally on the main lube oil pump or when the turbine is operating or shut down and the auxiliary AC pump is supplying pressure to the lube oil system. The annunciator should indicate a condition of ”Auxiliary Lube Oil Pump Running”. The pressure transmitters with bleed valves are installed after an orifice in the pressure transmitter a piping connected with the bearing lube oil header. connected with the pressure line. the pump continues to run (through the contacts of the complete sequence check relay) until manual shutdown. mounted on the gauge cabinet. This gauge serves to check the pressure points at which the switches operate to indicate a condition of low lube oil pressure on the annunciator and start the emergency pump.5810÷16 P. which signal a bearing header alarm. After completing this test. The test valve is installed in the piping after the transmitters and is normally closed. When performing a test.low lube oil pressure .low lube oil pressure/emergency pump start A test valve. Temperature switches 49QT-1/2/3 switch off the heaters (for setting values. it ensures oil flow to the header in the event of malfunction and closure of the VPR2 valve. Opening the bleed valve further will reduce the oil pressure in the test line piping to the setting of the pressure transmitter 96QT-1. INPR/SVIL/ P. oil pressure returns to normal and the contacts of pressure switches 63QT-1/2 and pressure transmitters 96QT-1A return to their normal condition.4 Regulating valve VPR2 . connected with the lube header. Moreover. to permit limited valve travel and damped regulatory control. 12. the condition of low lube oil pressure will be indicated on the UCP's CRT.75 Bar (25 PSI). Upon closing the bleed valve. 12.F. the latter signals and actuates startup of the emergency pump. 12/00 160. The valve diaphragm. maintain the lubricant at the proper viscosity for turbine startup. immersion heaters 23QT-1/2/3.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone When the oil pressure falls to the setting of pressure switches 63QT-1/2 or of pressure transmitter 96QA-1. refer to the Device Summary in volume "Reference Drawings”).9. The emergency lube oil pump is shut down.9 LUBE OIL TEMPERATURE CONTROL 12.lube oil header pressure regulation A diaphragm-operated regulating valve VPR2 maintains the lube oil pressure in the main oil header at approximately 1. This valve is installed in the lube oil discharge line from the oil filters.8. A bypass orifice is also present in the body of regulating valve VPR2. downstream of the test orifice. 01-04-E MOD.1 Standby heaters During standby periods. Reset the annunciator when the tests are completed. 12-7 . installed in the oil tank. . actuates the valve as required to maintain the specified system pressure level.5810÷16 P. direct the oil flow through either filter and into the lube oil header.1 Main Oil Filter A 12-micron. Only one filter at a time is in service. supplied beforehand. The heater control circuitry is shown on the MK V or MK VI "Sequencing Diagram". Two (dual) filters with a transfer valve. and temperature control settings are noted in the Device Summary included in the “Reference Drawings” volume.C.10.F. it is possible to clean. absolute inorganic fiber filter installed in the lube system just after the lube oil cooler. filtrates all lube oil. INPR/SVIL/ P.10 OIL FILTERS 12. you can put into service one filter and you can take out the second one. motor driven auxiliary lube oil pump always operates during standby heating periods to circulate the oil in the system. worm-driven transfer valve. without interrupting the oil flow to the main lube oil header. thus. By means of the manually operated. 01-04-E MOD. It would be advisable to change filters before the differential pressure gauge indicates a differential pressure of "24 PSI ".5810÷16 P. Dual filters are arranged side by side in the tank. pressure switch 63QQ provide an alarm. 12-8 . inspect and service the second one without interrupting oil flow or shutting down the gas turbine. 12.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone The A. 12/00 160. They are connected with the pump discharge header through a manual transfer valve. installed between the filters. installed in the lubricant header piping.11.5810÷16 P. They cause an alarm to sound and trip the unit should the temperature of the lubricant to the bearings exceed the preset limit. signal an alarm and start the auxiliary pump if the lubricant pressure drops below its predetermined setting. 12/00 160.F. detect low lubricating fluid pressure. 01-04-E MOD. They respond when the line pressure drops to a specified value. If the lube oil level falls below a minimum set point or rises above a maximum set point. 12-9 . 12.1 Oil level gauge and alarm Displacer type liquid level switches are mounted on the lube oil reservoir.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone 12. Temperature switches 26QT-1A/B and thermocouples LT-TH-1A/B are installed in the lubricating fluid header piping. 63QT-1/2 or pressure transmitter 96QA-1.11 PRESSURE AND TEMPERATURE PROTECTIVE DEVICES Pressure switches 63QA-1. INPR/SVIL/ P. A reflex type level gauge is mounted on the side of the reservoir for local level indication. an alarm will sound. Pressure switches 63QT-1/2 or pressure transmitter 96QA-2. The Schematic Piping Diagram lists the maximum and minimum lube oil levels. 63QA-1 Nuovo Pignone Pressure switch 63QA-1 senses lube oil pressure in the lube oil pump discharge header.F. 12/00 160. this switch transmits a signal that starts the auxiliary lube oil pump and displays an annunciator alarm .11. they shut down the turbine on sensing high oil temperature. In the event of low oil pressure.3 High lube oil temperature alarm and trip switches Temperature switches 26QT-1A and 26QT-1B are installed in the main lube oil header to sense high lube oil temperature.5810÷16 P. The control logic is such that two out of the three temperature switches and thermocouples (26QT-1/2. Switches 26QT-1 and 26QT-2 are connected in the master protective s equence circuit.11. INPR/SVIL/ P. 12.2 Low lube oil pressure alarm switches. 01-04-E MOD. LT-TH-1A/B) must sense high temperature b efore the turbine is shut down.g GEPS Oil & Gas 12. 12-10 . 12-11 .12 HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE (SOM 17366/4) 01-04-E MOD.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone 12. INPR/SVIL/ P.F.5810÷16 P. 12/00 160. quantity. It is necessary that all factors contributing to correct lubrication be present and that the entire system be maintained in good order. .LANG. any values relative to oil life are given for reference only. refer to the instructions provided by the manufacturer of that equipment. is of prime importance to the user. The life of the oil itself.SHEET REV. PAGINA .Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE INTRODUCTIONS This publication contains information intended to help the purchaser of a Nuovo Pignone gas turbine and the oil vendor to select the proper grade and quality of lubricating oil for the turbine application. The recommendations in this publication apply to Nuovo Pignone gas turbines only.APPR'D 05/06/89 DATA . temperature and pressure.A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 COMM. For lubrication recommendations for equipment other than Nuovo Pignone. SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE . if it is free from solids has the proper viscosity. The successful operation of gas turbine and driven equipment is vitally dependent upon the lubricating oil system. Any request to use grades or types of oils other than those specified in this publication should be directed to the Nuovo Pignone Field Representative. and is noncorrosive. All right are reserved according to law. DESCRIZIONE .ISSUE PREP'D CONT-CHK'D APP . UTP 004 / I . REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY .JOB ITEM N. The life of the apparatus depends upon a continuous supply of oil of proper quality. Hence.DESCRIPTION A 1/2 This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE.DATE LINGUA . Therefore. the acid number will go down as these additives are used. This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE. medium. it is necessary that the factory review all requests for use of any oil other than the light grade turbine oil. Oils with zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate (ZDDP) are acceptable and are being used in these turbines. The use of these additives may give an initial total acid number much higher than with oils not containing such additives. Eventually as the oil oxidizes. The properties of three grades of oils containing anti-wear additives are listed in Table 1. the neutralization value will gradually increase with age and use. Other additives may be satisfactory. PAGINA . SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE . The preferred oil for Nuovo Pignone's gas turbine is the light grade oil having a viscosity of 140 to 170 SUS* at a temperature of 100°F.15 MG KOH/g.LANG.DESCRIPTION Il presente documento è di proprietà NUOVO PIGNONE. and heavy". equipment changes may be necessary in the lubricating system. If it is necessary to use the medium or heavy grade oil. UTP 004 / I . The properties are summarized in Table 1. After these additives are depleted from the oil. plate out (as they should do) on the internal metal surfaces of the oil system. DESCRIZIONE .Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE RECOMMENDED PROPERTIES GENERAL Three viscosity grades of rust and oxidation inhibited petroleum oils have generally covered the requirements for gas turbines and their load devices. which have acid-like characteristics. . the acid number will increase. Note: Oils with chlorine or other halogen containing additives are not to be used in Nuovo Pignone's gas turbines. All right are reserved according to law.JOB ITEM N. With use.ISSUE LINGUA . but the proper use of these additives should be established between the operator and his supplier. The operator should be aware that ZDDP is a variable product and is less thermally and hydrolytically stable than other materials such as tricresyl phosphate. the TAN will probably decrease as the oil additives. A REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY 2/3 .05 to 0. ANTI-WEAR OILS In some applications the use of anti-wear additives in addition to rust and oxidation inhibitors may be required. After a new oil has been in use for a period of time. or orificing of machine bearings. Oils with tricresyl phosphate (TCP) are preferred.A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 * Saybolt Universal Seconds COMM. A termine di legge ogni diritto è riservato.SHEET REV. pressure regulating system. therefore the operator should discuss his particular application with the supplier of the oil. and they are termed "light. Typical total acid number (TAN) of new oils range from 0. Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE LOW POUR POINT OILS A low pour point oil may be required for some turbines.DESCRIPTION Il presente documento è di proprietà NUOVO PIGNONE. A REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY 3/4 . inhibitor concentration.SHEET REV. This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE. those containing direct oil to air heat exchangers should use an oil with a pour point temperature of at least 20°F below the minimum expected ambient temperature. (petroleum base and a synthetic hydrocarbon) are listed in Table 1.ISSUE LINGUA . Nuovo Pignone makes no recommendation in this regard. UTP 004 / I . this may be based on a combination of factors: acid number. etc. PAGINA .A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 COMM. Generally. The properties of two such oils. All right are reserved according to law.LANG. OIL SERVICE LIFE It is the joint responsibility of the user and the producer of the oil to establish criteria for determining property values for the oil in service. viscosity. SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE . . Usually.JOB ITEM N. DESCRIZIONE . A termine di legge ogni diritto è riservato. other sections of the instruction book discuss the system's operation. The particular arrangement of the system.LANG. respectively for the light. or heavy grades of oil. would be similar when any one of the three oils is used. the bearing header temperature may be i 60°F. medium. DESCRIZIONE . and instructions for the various pieces of equipment included in the system. however. Figure 1 shows the effect of temperature on the viscosity for three different grades of turbine oil.A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 N. For reliable circulation of oil before starting. the viscosity of oil number 2 is 300 SUS.JOB ITEM UTP 004 / I . A termine di legge ogni diritto è riservato. the viscosity of the three oils is the same (150 SUS) when the temperature of oil number 1 is 100°F.ISSUE LINGUA . the viscosity of oil number 1 is 150 SUS. However. A REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY 4/5 . or 90°F. The cooling equipment for the lubricating system is designed to maintain the nominal 130°F (bearing inlet oil temperature) when raw water is available for cooling. SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE . Converting this to temperatures. . the actual operating conditions may be different. and the system settings are shown on the schematic piping diagram for the specific gas turbine.DESCRIPTION Il presente documento è di proprietà NUOVO PIGNONE. the protective devices.SHEET REV. and the viscosity of oil number 3 is 500 SUS. However. maintenance. This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE. etc. PAGINA . The normal bearing inlet oil temperature is 130°F. gears. the sizing is such that for the maximum recorded ambient temperature at the site. All right are reserved according to law. the minimum oil temperature before starting shall be 50°F. provided the oil temperature is adjusted to maintain the desired operating viscosity. because of ambient conditions and/or water temperatures. at this temperature. hydraulic controls. oil number 2 is 126°F and oil Therefore. The protective devices either sound a warning or will automatically shut down the unit if any of these conditions occur. low lubricating oil pressure. when radiator systems are involved. and high lubricating oil temperature. The viscosities of the three oils at 100°F.Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM The lubricating oil system is designed to provide an ample supply of filtered lubricating oil at the proper temperature and pressure for operation of the turbine and its associated equipment. are quiet different. 70°F. the viscosity must be 800 SUS or less. COMM. Protective devices are incorporated into those systems where it is necessary to protect the equipment against low lubricating oil supply. The gas turbine bearings are designed to operate satisfactorily at this inlet oil temperature. the performance of bearings. OPERATING TEMPERATURES Lubricating oil is exposed to a range of temperature while circulating through the gas turbine. Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE With radiator Systems, the nominal 130°F bearing header will be maintained for a high percentage of the operating time. In special cases, other design header temperatures are used as dictated by the load devices. Operating bearing temperature rises are discussed in appropriate sections of the instruction book. Typically, the oil temperature rise from inlet to drain is 25°F to 50°F. If reduction gear is involved, this temperature rise may be 60°F. Some gas turbines have bearings that are in an ambient of hot pressurized air. For these turbines, the bearing housing is so sealed with labyrinths and air flow that the bearing housing and drain space are at approximately atmospheric pressure. This ambient and the sealing air may be 500°F to 750°F. A portion of the lubricating oil will be mixed with a small quantity of hot air and will wash metal surfaces between 500°F to 750°F. The lube oil temperature in the tank will be 25°F to 40°F above the bearing header, and the bulk temperature will be 155°F to 200°F during operation. CORROSION-PREVENTIVE MATERIALS USED FOR SHIPPING Manufacturing procedures provide for corrosion protection by cleaning and treating all metal surfaces contacting the lubricating oil in the lubrication system. The inside walls of the lubricating oil tank are processed at the factory using an oil-resistant paint. The inner surfaces of all lubricating oil piping, bearings, hydraulic control devices, and surfaces of other components In contact with the turbine lubricating oil are coated with a vapor space rust-inhibited lubricating oil which is used as a combination test and shipping oil. The oil and its vapors which remain on the wetted surfaces after the turbine has completed the factory test run serve as a corrosion-preventive agent. This remaining oil is generally compatible with turbine oils, but it is left to the discretion of the purchaser and oil vendor to decide whether the residue of this test oil should be removed by "field flush". At installation it is expected that most of the remaining oil will be removed and the interior of the oil tank Inspected for cleanliness. All exterior finished machine surfaces of parts and assemblies which could be exposed to corrosive conditions during storage and shipment are coated with slushing oil. This material is not compatible with turbine oil and must be removed from all surfaces. (Slushing oil can be removed with petroleum spirits or kerosene) UTP 004 / I - A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 COMM. - JOB ITEM N. SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE - ISSUE LINGUA - LANG. PAGINA - SHEET REV. DESCRIZIONE - DESCRIPTION Il presente documento è di proprietà NUOVO PIGNONE. A termine di legge ogni diritto è riservato. This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE. All right are reserved according to law. A REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY 5/6 Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE CLEANING REQUIRED AT INSTALLATION The reliable operation of controls and machine bearings is dependent upon the cleanliness of the lubricating oil system. During manufacture, considerable care has been taken in processing, cleaning, and flushing this system to maintain cleanliness. Oil filters have been installed to provide filtering of all oil that is used in the system. At installation, the entire lubricating system must be thoroughly cleaned; weld Spatter, metal chips, dirt, and other foreign matter incident to erection and installation of the piping, etc., and any slushing oil which has been applied to metal surfaces contacting the turbine oil, must be totally removed. Any surface, internal or external, contacting the lube oil must be thoroughly cleaned. This is to include any new components to be installed in the system such as, auxiliary oil pumps and oil coolers. If the lubricating oil System becomes contaminated during installation of the gas turbine, it is recommended that the lube oil system, load devices system, and interconnecting piping be flushed with hot oil. During this flush a hot oil and pipe arrangement should be used, and it should be made to by-pass the machine bearings and other critical accessory devices. Careful planning of this flush must be made to prevent any dirt, introduced during the installation, from being flushed into clean, critical devices. The unit lube oil filters should be operative during this flush. For more complete recommendations, refer to ASME Standard LOS-4C1 ASTM-ASME - Recommended Practices for Flushing and Cleaning of Gas Turbine Generator Lubricating Oil Systems. Certain models of Nuovo Pignone gas turbines are equipped with a completely assembled package of the lubricating system and turbine equipment. It may not be necessary to hot-oilflush these at installation, except when the shipping oil has to be flushed out to satisfy the compatibility considerations of the turbine oil. If it should be decided by the purchaser and the oil vendor that a field flush is not required particular care must be taken during installation to maintain cleanliness of this package, the cleanliness of the load devices, and the cleanliness of the interconnecting piping. UTP 004 / I - A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 COMM. - JOB ITEM N. SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE - ISSUE LINGUA - LANG. PAGINA - SHEET REV. DESCRIZIONE - DESCRIPTION Il presente documento è di proprietà NUOVO PIGNONE. A termine di legge ogni diritto è riservato. This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE. All right are reserved according to law. A REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY 6/7 Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE RESPONSIBILITY OF OPERATOR After the unit is installed, and prior to its initial starting, the operator should take all precautions to ensure that: 1. 2. The lubricating system has been thoroughly flushed and/or is clean. The supply of turbine oil is ample for operation of the unit. During operation of the unit, the operator should establish a routine inspection procedure to ensure that: 1. 2. The temperature and pressure levels of the lube oil system are within the limits specified by the instruction book and the piping schematic diagrams. The oil purity is maintained by checking for water leaks, by draining sludge, and by adhering closely to the regulation set forth by the oil vendor for sampling purifying, and replenishing the lube oil supply. RESPONSIBILITY OF OIL VENDOR It is generally recognized that turbine lubricating oil should be a petroleum derivative free from water, sediment, inorganic acids, or any material which, In the service specified, would be injurious to the oil or the equipment. There should be no tendency toward permanent emulsification or rapid oxidation with the formation of sludge. The responsibility of supplying the proper oil for the lubricating system rests with the oil vendor and the turbine operator. This responsibility includes specifications for flushing, purifying, inspection, and treatment of the oil to ensure satisfactory performance of the equipment in service. UTP 004 / I - A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 COMM. - JOB ITEM N. SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE - ISSUE LINGUA - LANG. PAGINA - SHEET REV. DESCRIZIONE - DESCRIPTION Il presente documento è di proprietà NUOVO PIGNONE. A termine di legge ogni diritto è riservato. This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE. All right are reserved according to law. A REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY 7/8 SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE . This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE. "Flash and Fire Points by Cleveland Open Cup". It is reported In increments of 5°F. Since there are more accurate ways of determining these. . distillation to determine volatiles. POUR POINT The pour point is the lowest temperature at which oil will flow.A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 COMM.LANG. FIRE POINT Fire point is the temperature at which the oil in a test cup will continue to burn when tested as indicated under paragraph "Flash Point". It is the temperature at which the fluid contained in a test cup and heated at a constant rate will flash but not burn when a flame is passed over the cup. this is mainly of value as a quality control test. UTP 004 / I . it is usually reported in Saybolt Universal Seconds (SUS or SSU) at a given temperature and determined per ASTM D88. For turbine oils. In the design of lubrication systems consideration is given to the viscosity at which the oil becomes 100 viscous to be pumped. FLASH POINT Flash point is determined per ASTM D92.DESCRIPTION Il presente documento è di proprietà NUOVO PIGNONE. It is determined as the temperature at which the oil contained in a tube with an inside diameter of 30 to 33. All right are reserved according to law..ISSUE LINGUA . "Saybolt Viscosity". DESCRIZIONE .Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE TEST METHODS VISCOSITY The viscosity of an oil is its resistance to flow.SHEET REV.5 mm. It is the time in seconds for 60 milliliters of oil to flow from a container through a calibrated orifice at a specified temperature. It is indirectly a measure of both the volatility of the oil and the flammability of these volatiles. For Nuovo Pignone's gas turbines the viscosity should be less than 800 SUS for proper circulation of the oil before starting. will not flow within five seconds of rotating the tube 90 degrees from the vertical to the horizontal position. A REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY 8/9 . e. PAGINA . A termine di legge ogni diritto è riservato.JOB ITEM N.g. SHEET REV.A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 COMM. UTP 004 / I . This test is used primarily to determine the life of the oxidation inhibitor and does not necessarily indicate the stability of the base oil.. DESCRIZIONE . "Oxidation Characteristics of Inhibited Steam-Turbine Oils". This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE. "Neutralization Number by Color-Indicator Titration".LANG. The total acid number (TAN) is sometimes called the neutralization number (NN) or neut number and also the acid number (AN). The total acid numbers taken from a System over a period of time are a method to follow additive depletion and subsequent decomposition of the base oil. the total acid number should go down in value as the inhibitor is placed out on the surface of the System and then gradually increase as the oil oxidizes.JOB ITEM N. then examined for rust.Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE TOTAL ACID NUMBER The total acid number is the milligrams of potassium hydroxide (KOH) required to neutralize the acidic constituents in a gram of sample. It is determined per ASTM D974. For this reason the total acid number of a new or used oil should not be considered an indication of a tendency of the oil to corrode. It is the time in hours for the acidity to reach 2. All right are reserved according to law. is immersed in the oil for a period of 24 hours. anti-wear additives etc. .ISSUE LINGUA .DESCRIPTION Il presente documento è di proprietà NUOVO PIGNONE. through it and to which water has been added. Turbine oils as well as most other lubricants normally contain additives for oxidation and rust inhibition and other purposes. A REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY 9 / 10 . The ASTM procedure states that there is no general correlation between bearing corrosion and acid numbers.0 milligrams of potassium hydroxide per gram of sample in a sample of oil containing steel and copper wire coiled together and maintained at a temperature of 95°C (203°F) with oxygen passing. A carbon steel rod conforming to ASTM specification Al 08. while held at a temperature of 140°F. In a lubricant containing additives such as rust inhibitors. A termine di legge ogni diritto è riservato. A mixture of 300 ml of oil and 30 ml of distilled water (Procedure A) or synthetic seawater (Procedure B) is stirred. RUST PREVENTION The rust prevention characteristics of the oil are determined per ASTM D665. OXIDATION RESISTANCE This test is run per ASTM D943. Grade 1018. PAGINA . SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE . PAGINA . A termine di legge ogni diritto è riservato.000 RPM. . It is reported as the "pounds per inch of face width" at which the average tooth face scuffing of 22.JOB ITEM N.LANG.Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE LOAD CARRYING CAPACITY The load carrying capacity is determined per ASTM Dl 947.DESCRIPTION Il presente documento è di proprietà NUOVO PIGNONE. This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE. Standard test speed is 10.SHEET REV.A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 COMM. SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE . All right are reserved according to law. A REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY 10 / 11 . A four-square tester is loaded in specified increments. inlet oil temperature is 160°F to 170°F UTP 004 / I . DESCRIZIONE .1/2 percent has been reached.ISSUE LINGUA . ISSUE LINGUA .60 Pass 1000 2000 140 170 43 -25 330 370 0.JOB ITEM N.LANG. SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE .20 Pass 1000 * UTP 004 / I .Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE TABLE I TURBINE OIL PROPERTIES I II III IV Light Grade With AntiWear Add.20 Pass 1000 * 270 325 47 25 350 390 0. This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE.0 Pounds Per Inch 140 170 43 20 330 370 0.20 Pass 1000 * 380 560 55 30 360 400 0. Sec. °F °F °F mg KOH/gm − Hours to TAN of 2.20 Pass 1000 * 140 170 43 -65 450 490 0.A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 COMM.SHEET REV. All right are reserved according to law. V Medium Grade With AntiWear Add.) Viscosity at 210°F (min) Pour Point (max.60 Pass 1000 1750 270 325 47 25 350 390 1. VII Light Grade Low Pour Point VIII Synthetic Hydrocarbon Low Pour Point Property Units Light Grade Medium Grade Heavy Grade Viscosity at 100°F (min. A REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY 11 / 12 .60 Pass 1000 2000 380 560 55 30 360 400 1.) Flash Point (min. VI Heavy Grade With AntiWear Add.) Rust Preventing Characteristics Oxidation Characteristics (min.) Saybolt Universal Seconds Saybolt Univ. PAGINA . .) (max.20 Pass 1000 * 140 170 43 20 330 370 1.DESCRIPTION Il presente documento è di proprietà NUOVO PIGNONE. A termine di legge ogni diritto è riservato. DESCRIZIONE .) Load Carrying Capacity (min.) Fire Point Total Acid Number (TAN) (max. SHEET REV. DESCRIZIONE .LANG.Nuovo Pignone FIRENZE TITOLO – TITLE HYDROCARBON BASE LUBRICATING OIL RECOMMENDATIONS FOR GAS TURBINE UTP 004 / I . PAGINA . SOM 17366/4 0 EMISSIONE . A REPLACES SOSTITUITO DA – REPLACED BY 12 / 12 . .A (1/1) • 171086 •27/10/94 FIGURE 1 COMM. All right are reserved according to law. This document is the property of NUOVO PIGNONE.DESCRIPTION Il presente documento è di proprietà NUOVO PIGNONE. A termine di legge ogni diritto è riservato.JOB ITEM N.ISSUE LINGUA . Level gauge. For this reason. 12.13 LUBE OIL COOLER(S) Nuovo Pignone The lube oil sent to the turbine lube oil header and to the driven machines must have a temperature that guarantees its correct viscosity.13. Valve actuation is controlled by lube oil header temperature to maintain the lube oil temperature at a predetermined value. The lube oil is sent to the cooler installed downstream of the pump and upstream of the lube oil filters. both if emitted into the atmosphere and if induced into the oil circuit. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. this valve allows all oil to by-pass the cooler. 01-04-E MOD. Differential pressure gauge. For this purpose. The water/oil cooler may have either one or two bodies arranged in parallel and utilizing a continuous flow transfer valve. The system is composed substantially of the following elements: Electric motor.1 Temperature regulating valve (VTR-1) A temperature regulating valve (VTR-1) controls the lube oil flow through the off-base cooling unit. which. please refer to “Auxiliary Equipment” volume. the lube oil system includes a water/oil cooler or an air/oil cooler. During turbine start-up. fall back into the oil casing. 12-12 . by the action of the gravity force. a vapour separator is used in order to condense the volatile particles of oil.14 OIL VAPOUR SEPARATOR The vapours produced from heated oil are extremely dangerous.g GEPS Oil & Gas 12. as they are considered highly inflammable. This valve is installed in the feed line to the cooling unit. 12.F. For more information on technical characteristics and maintenance of the oil v apour separator console. Centrifugal fan. This feature permits either cooler to be cut out of service for inspection or maintenance without interrupting oil flow to the machines. INPR/SVIL/ P. The air/oil cooler is a finned tube heat exchanger provided with electric motor driven fans. an accumulator assembly and the hydraulic supply manifold assembly. In addition.2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Regulated. controls hydraulic oil. 12/00 160. system filters.g GEPS Oil & Gas 13.1 GENERAL The hydraulic supply system provides fluid power for operating the control components of the gas turbine fuel system. a motor-driven vane type pump provides the necessary auxiliary backup. pressurized by the main hydraulic pump. it serves to operate the turbine variable inlet guide vanes and the hydraulic trip devices of the turbine protection system. Major system components include: a main hydraulic supply pump. For device settings. HYDRAULIC SUPPLY SYSTEM Nuovo Pignone 13.F. 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P. The compensator varies the stroke of the pump to maintain a set pressure at the pump discharge.5810÷16 P. adjustments and design features refer to the Piping Device Summary enclosed in volume “Reference Drawings”. This fluid provides the means for opening or resetting the fuel stop valve. while the main pump is not yet at operating speed. At turbine start-up. the auxiliary pump starts and continues to run until the speed sensor indicates that the minimum governing speed has been reached. driven by a shaft of the accessory gear. Pressure compensator VPR3-1. built in the pump. filtered lube oil from the bearing header of the gas turbine is used as the highpressure fluid necessary to meet the hydraulic system requirements. A gear type pump. an auxiliary supply pump. 13-1 . is the primary pump of this high-pressure oil. 13. The hydraulic supply system filter. the lubricating fluid is first filtered and then sent to the hydraulic pumps. the high pressure fluid flows through the system filter(s) and becomes a high pressure control fluid. A pressure gauge on the assembly reads differential pressure across the manifold. Each pump circuit contains a check valve downstream of its relief valve.5810÷16 P. A hydraulic accumulator assembly with three accumulators is also connected with the high-pressure line of the hydraulic supply system to absorb any severe shocks that may occur when the supply pumps are started. If pressure drops under a predetermined setting of pressure transmitter 96HQ-1B or pressure switch 63HQ-2A. Refer to the Trip Oil System text for further information on the accumulators and their function. a turbine trip is initiated. From a single output connection on the manifold assembly. installed in the output piping from the hydraulic supply manifold. Bleed valves vent any air present in the pump discharge lines. INPR/SVIL/ P. this fluid operates the turbine control and protection system and the turbine components that admit or shut off fuel.F.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone When the main pump is operating and it fails to maintain adequate pressure. 96HQ-1B. prevents contaminants and other wear particles of the pumps from entering the trip devices of the turbine protection system. A second pressure transmitter 96HQ-1C or pressure switch 63HQ-2B provides a backup if 63HQ-1B or 96HQ-2A should fail. Both the main and auxiliary pumps deliver oil to the respective input connections on the hydraulic manifold assembly. this assembly is designed in a way to interconnect a number of small components. 13-2 . One relief valve (VR22) controls the auxiliary pump output pressure while the other (VR21) protects the main hydraulic pump circuit from damage in the event of a failure of the main pump pressure compensator. From the bearing header of the turbine. However. pressure transmitter 96HQ-1A or pressure switch 63HQ-1 sense this condition and the pressure switch gives a signal to start the auxiliary pump. 01-04-E MOD. two air bleed valves and two check valves. 96HQ-1C or 63HQ-1. 63HQ-2A. See Control and Trip Oil System for details. This assembly houses two relief valves. this valve keeps the hydraulic lines full when the turbine is shut down. 63HQ-2B) must sense low pressure before the turbine is tripped. 12/00 160. Hydraulic fluid is pumped to the hydraulic manifold. at least two of the three switches (96HQ-1A. INPR/SVIL/ P. the setting of the differential pressure switch must be significantly below this value to ensure that the hydraulic supply system filter cartridge does not fail. Before operating the transfer valve. 13-3 . 01-04-E MOD. Twin hydraulic supply filters of inorganic fibre with a 5-micron absolute filtration are also installed. After waiting a few minutes for pressure equalization.5810÷16 P. Differential pressure switch 63HF sound an alarm when the pressure drop across the hydraulic supply system filter is of magnitude that requires replacement of the filter cartridge. The valve in the vent line should be cracked open to allow any entrapped air to escape and then tightly closed. it is possible to operate the transfer valve. which is not in use. must be filled with oil and brought to a pressure balanced with the one of the filter in use. 12/00 160. This feature permits machine operation with one filter. For more information concerning the technical characteristics and maintenance of the main and auxiliary hydraulic pumps. Although the filter cartridges are rated to withstand a pressure drop of "5 Bar".g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Differential pressure gauges are installed on the piping of each filter to provide an indication of oil pressure across the filter. please refer to the relative data sheets in Volume “Reference Drawings” and to the relative instruction books in Volume “Auxiliary Equipment”. A manually operated transfer valve is placed in the hydraulic system to allow filter replacement while the machine is running under load. the filter. This is accomplished by slowly opening the needle valve in the 3/4-inch "fill" line between the filters. while the other is being serviced or replaced.F. it flows to the turbine fuel system.2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The hydraulic oil system provides for actuation of the variable inlet guide vanes and variable-angle second-stage nozzle partitions. The size of this orifice limits the flow of lube fluid and ensures adequate capacity for the tripping device without causing starvation of the lube system when the trip oil system is activated. The low-pressure trip circuit oil flows through an orifice to the low-pressure trip circuit. the other systems operate directly on the components of the turbine totally independent of the electrical turbine control panel. The low-pressure trip system is also connected directly with the high and lowpressure rotor overspeed trip devices. The hydraulic trip oil system is the primary protection interface between the turbine control panel and the turbine components that admit or shut off fuel to the turbine. 14. Limit switches 12HA-1 and 12LA-1 provide the related alarm signal. High-pressure oil from the hydraulic supply system serves to pressurize the trip servo valve.1 GENERAL The gas turbine protection system consists of a number of primary and secondary systems. Please refer to MKV or MKVI documentation and to the piping schematic diagram in the “REFERENCE DRAWINGS” volume. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P.F. On the contrary. The fluid flows through a piping orifice to become the regulated oil. The other systems and components are strictly for abnormal and emergency operating conditions requiring shutdown of the turbine. 14-1 . From this point. Some of these protection systems and their components operate through the electrical turbine control panel (SPEEDTRONIC control system).g GEPS Oil & Gas 14. several of which operate at each normal start-up and shutdown. The trip oil system uses low-pressure trip circuit oil taken from the turbine lube oil system. 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P. CONTROL AND TRIP OIL SYSTEM Nuovo Pignone 14. it commands a shutdown of the turbine whenever an overspeed condition occurs. 14-2 . 12/00 160. no-load operation within load rotor speed/temperature limitations and lower heat rate with high loading. To determine the pre-charge pressure within the accumulator. Opening this variable-angle. in turn. INPR/SVIL/ P. The compressor/high pressure turbine speed increases accordingly. The two-shaft turbine design provides: lower starting torque requirements. if necessary. use only dry nitrogen. while limiting the rate of pressure drop whenever the supply pressure falls.mounting plate. 01-04-E MOD. The hydraulic portion of the nozzle control consists of a hydraulic actuating cylinder. high allowable ambient operating levels. this increases the pressure drop and the torque generated by the high-pressure turbine. The low-pressure system is provided also with a solenoid valve 20HD and a manual emergency trip valve. transducers. This action. The piston type accumulators are provided to ensure that sufficient control oil is available to open the nozzle control assembly in the event there is a loss of control oil supply pressure and to meet peak oil demands during transient movement of the cylinder. dump valve. which energizes solenoid valve 20HD and dumps the lowpressure trip oil to drain. the shutoff valve is closed and the bleed valve is open. The primary electronic overspeed protection system releases a trip signal. 14. they provide feedback to the turbine control system and permissive circuitry. second-stage nozzle decreases backpressure on the high-pressure turbine. If recharging is required. The nozzle control ring assembly responds to actuation by a hydraulic cylinder and changes the position of the nozzle partitions as needed.F. The manual emergency trip valve also dumps the low-pressure trip oil. The latter is designed to allow unrestricted entry of oil.3 SECOND-STAGE NOZZLE CONTROL ASSEMBLY The second-stage nozzle divides the available energy between the high-pressure and low-pressure turbines. shutting down the gas turbine. causes the second-stage nozzle to open and the fuel stop valve to close. servo valve.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Redundant pressure switches 63HG-1-2 and 3 are installed in the low-pressure trip system.5810÷16 P. High-pressure hydraulic oil enters this control circuit through a supply check valve and a parallel restriction orifice. and a combined manifold . accumulators. ensuring the trip oil pressure levels required for turbine operation. to be drained in order to check the gas pre-charge pressure and to be recharged. The arrangement of the accumulators allows either one to be shut off from the circuit (this must be done only with machine at a standstill). with similar results. passes first through a parallel check valve and orifice.5810÷16 P. 01-04-E MOD. the servo valve activates the actuator for normal control operation. while limiting the reverse flow of supply oil (through the orifice). oil reaches the accumulator assembly and the nozzle dump valve. Both servo valve control ports are blocked for this condition. INPR/SVIL/ P. 12/00 160. designed to provide a free flow of oil to the nozzle control. With the nozzle dump valve in the normal position (no trip oil pressure applied).F. before entering the manifold assembly. From the orifice-check valve combination.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Hydraulic supply oil. When the trip oil pressure actuates the nozzle dump valve. while the “extend” port (vanes closed) is connected to drain. the manifold supply oil reaches directly the port on the “retract” side of the actuator (vanes open). 14-3 . The nozzle dump valve is designed to sense low-pressure trip oil (OT). INPR/SVIL/ P. forms a closed loop hydraulic position control. 12/00 160. along with a portion of the SPEEDTRONIC control panel. CAUTION THIS SYSTEM MUST NOT BE OPERATED WITHOUT AT LEAST ONE OF THE ACCUMULATORS HYDRAULICALLY CONNECTED IN THE CIRCUIT WITH THE PROPER PRECHARGE PRESSURE. capable of positioning the nozzle. one of its ends is connected with the nozzle ring through a link. when so commanded by the input to the servo valve for either a normal or an emergency turbine shutdown. double extending rod unit. when OT is present. The nozzle control assembly. The hydraulic cylinder is a conventional double acting. in order to check the pre-charge pressure or to service it.5810÷16 P.F. 14-4 . while the opposite end drives dual position transducers.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone The accumulator assembly serves dual functions: it provides hydraulic supply oil to the servo valve during rapid transient of actuator movement and. The SPEEDTRONIC control system uses the output of the transducers as part of the closed loop position control for the nozzles. provides sufficient supply of oil to move the nozzles to the “open” position. 01-04-E MOD. and to allow either control of the hydraulic cylinder by the servo valve. or effectively to bypass the servo valve and cause the hydraulic cylinder to stroke the nozzle full open. The system is designed in a way that permits to isolate one accumulator from the system while this is operating. whenever loss of OT occurs. more importantly. Depressurizing the dump valve in this manner redirects high-pressure control oil (OH) to actuate the nozzle assembly to the fully open position. restricting the airflow. The tenth-stage bleed valves of the compressor bleed air system are open to protect the compressor. An electro hydraulic actuator. the variable inlet guide vanes permit rapid and smooth turbine starts and shutdowns without subjecting the compressor to pulsation at low speed. Rotation of the inlet guide vane control ring on the compressor varies the chord angle of each individual guide vane. the vanes are opened to the high flow position and the tenth-stage bleed valves are closed (refer to the Cooling and Sealing Air System text). INPR/SVIL/ P. During start-up.4 INLET GUIDE VANE CONTROL ASSEMBLY Nuovo Pignone In conjunction with the tenth-stage compressor air bleed system. The cylinder opens the vanes to their normal operating position for loading. fixes the vanes in a closed position until the turbine is at 95% speed. When compressor speed is above the pulsation level.g GEPS Oil & Gas 14. 12/00 160. 01-04-E MOD.F. 14-5 . This pulsation is the result of airflow instability and reversal and can cause turbine damage. the inlet guide vanes are kept in the low flow position.5810÷16 P. operated by high-pressure control oil. 3) the turbine rotor case. b) 11th stage extraction air. exhaust frame and support struts in the inner barrel.1 GENERAL Air is used for cooling the various parts of the turbine section and for pressurizing the bearing oil seals in the gas turbine. this same extraction air is piped through manifolds to cool the turbine shell. 3.2 FIFTH AND ELEVENTH STAGE EXTRACTION AIR The fifth-stage extraction air serves to seal the No. 1.g GEPS Oil & Gas 15. COOLING AND SEALING AIR SYSTEM Nuovo Pignone 15. elbows and transition pieces are designed to utilize the combustion air (compressed air) for effective cooling of these parts. 15. In addition. The cooling and sealing air circuits are shown on the Schematic Piping Diagram. which are incorporated into the various turbine parts and sections. The air-cooled parts of the turbine section consist of: 1) first. obtained from the axial-flow compressor. In general. 2) the first-stage nozzle and retaining ring assembly. is included elsewhere in this manual. c) compressor high-pressure air seal leakage air and d) compressor discharge air.5810÷16 P. and 4 bearings against loss of lube oil.F. The air. The eleventh-stage extraction air serves also to cool the aft wheel space of the first stage turbine wheel. INPR/SVIL/ P.and second-stage turbine wheel forward and aft faces. 01-04-E MOD. 15-1 . consists of: a) 5th-stage extraction air. plus the forward and aft wheel spaces of the second stage turbine wheel. and 4) the exhaust frame and inner barrel support struts. This air is obtained from the gas turbine axial-flow compressor and from the ambient air at the gas turbine site. 12/00 160. These circuits are described more in detail in the following paragraphs. The combustion chamber liners. a description of the cooling and sealing air passages. The air is vented from the bearings to the lube oil tank through the bearing oil drainpipes. 3 COMPRESSOR HIGH PRESSURE SEAL LEAKAGE AIR High-pressure seal leakage air surrounds the bearing housing in the compressor discharge casing and turbine frame cavity.4 AIR EXTRACTION SYSTEM FOR STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN COMPRESSOR PULSATION PROTECTION Axial-flow compressors are subject to pulsation at almost any speed. it seals the gas path as it escapes past the first-stage turbine wheel seals into the combustion gas stream. it flows first through a centrifugal dirt separator. 15. to the actuating piston of the compressor bleed valves (VAB1/2). 15.F. This condition can occur either at a high load or at a high rate of turbine acceleration. which removes any entrained dust particles or other foreign matter that might be injurious to the bearings. Compressor discharge air is piped externally through a porous filter and an air control solenoid valve. This air seals the oil deflectors of the No. In addition.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Before sealing air is piped to the No. 12/00 160. 3. 2 bearing. In order to prevent compressor pulsation when the unit is accelerated during start-up or decelerated during shutdown. This leakage air serves also to cool the forward wheel space of the first-stage turbine. 01-04-E MOD. when operated at a pressure ratio that is high compared to no load. A continuous blow-down orifice is provided in order to clean the separator. There are four 11th-stage extraction connections machined in the compressor casing. 15-2 . air is extracted from the 11th-stage of the compressor and discharged to the exhaust plenum.5810÷16 P. and 4 bearings. it results in large pressure fluctuations. INPR/SVIL/ P. Two of the connections are in the top half of the compressor casing and the other two are in the bottom half. This air is vented from the bearing to the turbine lube oil tank through the bearing oil drainpipe. 1. 20CB-1. In a compressor. g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone During start-up and shutdown. They provide a signal to the turbine control panel annunciator to indicate the valve position. INPR/SVIL/ P. which close and stop bleed air to the exhaust plenum. a signal from the control system actuates solenoid valve 20CB-1.F. solenoid valve 20CB vents the discharge air to the atmosphere.5810÷16 P. 01-04-E MOD. When the turbine speed is above 90%. when the turbine speed is below 90%. The compressor discharge air is then routed to the bleed valves. 12/00 160. Limit switches 33CB-1 and 33CB-2 are mounted on the bleed valves. and the 11thstage air is bled into the exhaust plenum. the bleed valves open. The switches are included within the permissive starting sequence circuitry of the turbine control system. 15-3 . 16.2 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION The carbon dioxide for the gas turbine unit is supplied from a bank of high pressure cylinders to a distribution system. In consideration of the reflash potential of combustibles exposed to high temperature metal. located in the various compartments of the gas turbine unit.1 GENERAL The carbon dioxide (CO2 ) Fire Protection System for the gas turbine unit extinguishes fires by reducing the oxygen content of the air in the compartment from an atmospheric normal of 21 percent to less than 15 percent. which initiate the carbon dioxide discharge. The system design conforms to the requirements specified in the NFPA Pamphlet No. are located on the discharge heads of the pilot cylinders at the cylinder bank. Refer to the schematic diagram located in the volume reference drawings. carbon dioxide reaches the discharge nozzles. 12/00 160. To reduce the oxygen content. solenoid pilot valves.F. a quantity of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) equal to or greater than 34 percent of the compartment volume is discharged into the compartment in one minute. 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P. there follows another extended discharge of CO2 . These are actuated automatically by an electrical signal from the heat-sensitive fire detectors. 12. which are strategically located in the various compartments of the gas turbine unit. The solenoid pilot valves. discharge pipes and nozzles. 16-1 .g GEPS Oil & Gas 16.5810÷16 P. where all system components are shown in the respective compartments. This serves to maintain an extinguishing concentration and to minimize the likelihood of a reflash condition. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM (CO2 ) Nuovo Pignone 16. pressure switches and fire detectors. From here. The system includes CO2 cylinders. This concentration is not sufficient to support combustion. INPR/SVIL/ P. the following paragraphs contain a brief description of its operation and distinctive features.F. either automatic or manual. causing their pistons to move down. Consequently.3 FIRE FIGHTING SYSTEM OPERATION In order better to understand the fire protection system. 01-04-E MOD. When the pilot cylinder valves open.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone It is possible also to actuate the system manually by means of a hand wheel located at the top of each pilot carbon dioxide cylinder. 16. This causes their valves to open and to discharge their contents through the extended discharge pipe network. This concentration is maintained for a prolonged period of time by the gradual addition of more CO2 from the extended discharge compensating for the compartment leakage. will trip the turbine. 12/00 160. pilot pressure is applied to the pistons of the pilot cylinder discharge heads. The pressure developed in the manifold by the pilot cylinder causes the initial discharge cylinder valves to open. thereby discharging their contents into the cylinder manifold and initial discharge pipe network. Should a fire occur in one of the protected turbine compartments. Manifold pressure is also applied to the extended discharge cylinders through a differential pressure check valve. This will energize and open the solenoid valves (45CR-1/2).5810÷16 P. Refer to the system schematic diagram located in the volume “Reference Drawings”. Within a few seconds after actuation. the contacts of the heat-sensitive fire detectors (45FA 1÷4 and 45FT 1÷9) will close and activate an electrical circuit. Two separate discharges are used for the gas turbine unit: an initial discharge and an extended discharge. the pistons move down and open the pilot cylinder valves. The cylinder valves are designed to remain open until the cylinders are empty. sufficient CO2 flows into the compartments of the gas turbine unit to rapidly build up an extinguishing concentration. When the solenoid valves are energized. 16-2 . Actuation of the system. they discharge their content through the flexible discharge connectors into the cylinder manifold and the piping network. g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone The differential pressure check valve prevents the CO2 used for extended discharge from entering the initial discharge manifold and piping network. Pressure switch (45CP-1/2), connected with the manifold, serves to perform alarm and shutdown functions. The carbon dioxide flow rate is controlled by the size of the orifices in the discharge nozzles located in the protected compartments. The orifices for the gas turbine compartments initial discharge permit a rapid discharge to quickly build up an extinguishing concentration. . The orifices for extended discharge in the gas turbine compartments are smaller. They permit a relatively slow discharge rate to maintain an extinguishing concentration for a prolonged period of time. By maintaining the extinguishing concentration the likelihood of a fire reigniting is minimized. For installation, inspection and maintenance of the fire protection systems, refer to Vendor instructions in Volume “filter house, ventilation system & fire protection system cabinet”. 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. 16-3 g GEPS Oil & Gas 17. OPERATION Nuovo Pignone 17.1 OPERATOR’S RESPONSIBILITY It is essential that the turbine operators be familiar with: the information contained in the following operating text, the Control Specification (By G.E.), (consult the Control System Settings drawing for the index of Control Specification drawings), the Piping Schematic drawings including the Device Summary, the Reference Drawing section, (consult the Device Summary for the index by model list and drawing number of applicable schematics), the SPEEDTRONIC Elementary, the location and use of indicators and devices mounted on the SPEEDTRONIC panel. The operator must also be aware of the power plant devices, which are tied into the gas turbine mechanically and electrically and could affect normal operation. One should attempt no starts, whether on a new or a newly overhauled turbine, until the following conditions have been met: 1. the requirements listed under CHECKS PRIOR TO OPERATION have been met. ALL GENERAL OPERATING PRECAUTIONS have been noted. 2. 17.2 GENERAL OPERATING PRECAUTIONS 17.2.1 Temperature Limits Refer to the Control Specifications for actual exhaust temperature control settings. It is important to define a “baseline value” of exhaust temperature spread with which to compare future data. This baseline data is established during steady state operation after each of the following conditions: a. Initial start-up of unit 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. 17-1 g GEPS Oil & Gas b. c. Before and after a planned shutdown Before and after planned maintenance. Nuovo Pignone An important point regarding the evaluation of exhaust temperature spreads is not necessarily the magnitude of the spread, but the change in spread over a period of time. The accurate recording and plotting of exhaust temperatures daily can indicate a developing problem. On the MS 5002 units, an average spread of 35°F (19.4 °C) ± 25F (13.8 °C) is expected. If exhaust temperature spread exceeds 60°F (33.3 °C) or a 25°F (13.8 °C) change from the baseline data, one should take corrective action. Turbine wheelspace temperature of 426°C (800°F) indicates the absolute maximum value permissible during operation. The thermocouples are identified together with their nomenclature on the Device Summary. The wheelspace temperature readings should be the average reading of at least two thermocouples, which are located nearly diametrically opposite each other in the wheelspace. If there is a good reason to doubt, one should reject the reading. One should take a reading from another thermocouple (if more than two thermocouples are i stalled). The faulty thermocouple n should be replaced at the earliest convenience. When the average temperature in any wheelspace is higher than the temperature limit set forth above, it is an indication of trouble. High wheelspace temperature may be due to any of the following faults: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Restriction in cooling air lines Wear of turbine seals Excessive distortion of the turbine stator Improper positioning of thermocouples Malfunctioning combustion system Leakage in external piping Excessive distortion of inner exhaust diffuser. 01-04-E MOD. INPR/SVIL/ P.F. 12/00 160.5810÷16 P. 17-2 Pressure variations between these values will result from particulate matter entrapped within the lube oil filtering system. and a check of the external cooling air circuits reveals nothing.75 bar g. 17-3 . If consistently high.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Check wheelspace temperatures very closely on initial start-up. The annular cavity formed by the inner barrel of the discharge casing and the turbine rotor distance piece serves to channel this air internally to the wheel space.F. NOTE: Compressor discharge air. assuming that one has returned all the turbine clearances to normal and corrected all leakage paths.3 Vibration Limits The maximum overall vibration velocity of the gas turbine should never exceed 1. one should use Vibration 01-04-E MOD. There are no orifices to control the airflow.2 Pressure Limits Refer to the Device Summary for actual pressure switch settings. it is permissible to increase the size of the cooling air orifices slightly. Consult with a Nuovo Pignone field representative and obtain his recommendations as to the size that an orifice should be increased. 12/00 160. After a turbine overhaul. If one uses a displacement meter for taking the vibration readings.4 mm) per second (trip set point) in either vertical or horizontal direction. The turbine will trip at 13.2. cools the first-stage turbine forward wheel-space.0 inch (25. If doubt exists regarding the accuracy of the panel meter or if one desires more accurate and specific vibration readings.0 PSIG 1. it is recommended to make a vibration check using vibration test equipment. 17. Lube oil pressure in the bearing feed header has a nominal value of 25. which leaks past the compressor high-pressure air seal.5810÷16 P.52 bar g.7 mm) per second (alarm set point) as indicated on the SPEEDTRONIC panel CRT (VIDEO).2. INPR/SVIL/ P. 17.9 PSIG 0. one should change all orifices back to their original size.5 inch (12. One should initiate corrective action when the vibration levels exceed 0. 01-04-E MOD. that one cannot operate these machines safely beyond the load limits.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Analysis Form GL-139 to find the velocity component of the readings taken at a given speed (or frequency). etc. this reduces reliability and increases maintenance.2. It is practice of Nuovo Pignone to design and build margins of safety into gas turbines to permit meeting the contract commitments and to secure long life and trouble-free operation of the machinery. which is available at lower ambient temperatures (because of ncreased air density) i without exceeding the maximum allowable turbine inlet temperature. any malfunction that occurs as a result of operation beyond contract limits cannot be the responsibility of Nuovo Pignone. however. 12/00 160. The gas turbines are designed mechanically so that. these machines are designed somewhat better than strictly necessary.4 Load Limit Overloading of Gas Turbine .5810÷16 P. coolers. To secure a maximum degree of trouble-free operation. within prescribed limits. considering the great importance of reliability of these turbines to our customers and to industry. always encroaches upon the design margins of the machines. Accordingly. Such operation. As a result. therefore. but Nuovo Pignone believe that such margins of design are required. INPR/SVIL/ P.Facts Involved and Policy. 17. compressor and turbine wheel stresses. 17-4 .F. consequently. Nuovo Pignone designs more than ample margins of safety on turbine bucket thermal and dynamic stresses. one can take advantage of the increased capability over nameplate rating. One cannot say. Adhere to the following procedures to reduce the possibility of outer combustion casing failure: During Operation .Observe inspection intervals on combustion liners. Planned Maintenance . This will result in a corresponding increase in maintenance and. and a combustion inspection performed. the maximum allowable turbine inlet temperature or the maximum allowable exhaust temperature. If the turbine is overloaded so that the turbine exhaust temperature schedule is not followed for reasons of malfunctioning or improper setting of the exhaust temperature control system.5 Combustion System Operating Precautions The operating personnel should be familiar with the following precautions. the load must not be permitted to exceed that limit. If black smoke develops suddenly: The unit should be immediately removed from service. the gas turbine will operate at this load with a lower inlet temperature and the design stresses on the load coupling and turbine shaft will not be exceeded. 17. related to the gas turbine combustion system: 1. and fuel nozzles. in failure of the turbine parts. INPR/SVIL/ P. b.Exhaust temperatures are monitored by the SPEEDTRONIC control system. will be exceeded.2. 17-5 . a.5810÷16 P. transition pieces. Sudden emission of black smoke from MS 5002 (C and D) units may indicate serious combustion difficulties. a.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone When the ambient temperature is lower than that at which the load limit of the gas turbine is reached. The temperature spread is compared to allowable spreads with alarms resulting if the allowable spread limits are exceeded.F. 12/00 160. The exhaust temperature control system senses the turbine exhaust temperatures and introduces proper bias to limit the fuel flow so that neither the maximum allowable turbine inlet temperature nor the maximum allowable turbine exhaust temperature is exceeded. in extreme cases. 2. or both. 01-04-E MOD. Under these conditions. To avoid the above problems. Nuovo Pignone Operating a turbine with too many rejected control and overtemperature thermocouples increases the risk of turbine overfiring and prevents diagnosis of combustion problems by use of temperature differential readings. 12. INPR/SVIL/ P. b. rotor bowing will result in high vibration levels and rubbing that w prohibit startup of the turbine. 12/00 160. Use the normal starting procedure. Do not attempt any reill start unless rotation has been performed for one to two hours minimum.5810÷16 P.2. Within maximum 20 minutes following turbine shutdown. 17. IF THE MALFUNCTION THAT CAUSED THE SHUTDOWN CAN BE QUICKLY REPAIRED. Between the twenty-minute period mentioned above and a total of two hours after shutdown. the gas turbine may be started. a. SINCE LACK OF CIRCULATING LUBE OIL FOLLOWING A HOT SHUTDOWN WILL RESULT IN RISING BEARING TEMPERATURES. 17-6 . one should note the following factors: a. OR IF A CHECK REVEALS NO INTERNAL DAMAGE AFFECTING THE ROTATING PARTS. If there is an emergency shutdown and the turbine is not turned with the ratchet. so as to reduce rotor bowing. MAINTAIN LUBE OIL PUMP IN OPERATION.F.g GEPS Oil & Gas 3. DO NOT TURN THE ROTOR AFTER SHUTDOWN. REINSTATE THE COOLDOWN CYCLE (SEE PARA.6 CAUTION: Cooldown/Shutdown Precautions IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY SHUTDOWN IN WHICH INTERNAL DAMAGE OF ANY ROTATING EQUIPMENT IS SUSPECTED. the operator should keep the number of rejected exhaust thermocouples within following limits: Control Thermocouples Maximum two but no more than one of any three adjacent thermocouples. WHICH CAN RESULT IN DAMAGED BEARING SURFACES. 01-04-E MOD.7). IF SEIZURE OCCURS DURING THE RATCHET OPERATION OF THE GAS TURBINE. 12/00 160. NOTE: 17. THE TURBINE SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN AND R EMAIN IDLE FOR AT LEAST 30 HOURS.3 PREPARATIONS FOR NORMAL LOAD OPERATION These preparations are described in more detail in the following paragraphs.F. INPR/SVIL/ P. THE UNIT SHOULD BE SHUT DOWN AND TURNED WITH THE RATCHET FOR AT LEAST ONE HOUR BEFORE A SECOND STARTING ATTEMPT IS MADE. AS UNDER CONDITIONS ABOVE. 01-04-E MOD. AUDIBLE CHECKS SHOULD BE MADE FOR RUBS. IF THE VIBRATION VELOCITY EXCEEDS 1. OR UNTIL THE ROTOR IS FREE. Nuovo Pignone If the unit has been shut down and not turned at all. CAUTION: WHERE THE GAS TURBINE HAS NOT BEEN ON COOLDOWN OPERATION AFTER SHUTDOWN AND A RESTART IS A TTEMPTED.5810÷16 P. The vibration velocity must be measured at points near the gas turbine bearing caps. HOWEVER. 17-7 . it must be shut down for approximately 24 hours before it can be restarted without danger of shaft bow. THE TURBINE MAY BE TURNED AT ANY TIME DURING THE 30-HOUR PERIOD IF IT IS FREE.g GEPS Oil & Gas c.0 INCH PER SECOND AT ANY SPEED. THE OPERATOR SHOULD MAINTAIN A CONSTANT CHECK ON VIBRATION VELOCITY AS THE UNIT IS BROUGHT UP TO ITS RATED SPEED. 17-8 . 12/00 160. 3. 01-04-E MOD. A standby inspection of the turbine should be performed with the auxiliary lube oil pump operating and emphasis on the following areas: 1. check that all covers are intact and tight. tighten the nut until the collar cannot be rotated by hand. The functions identified by an asterisk are also necessary for unit protection and should not be turned off except for maintenance work on that particular function: 1. The stop collar is similar to a washer and can be rotated freely on unassembled fittings.5810÷16 P. 17. Most tube fittings incorporate a stop collar.5 CHECKS PRIOR TO OPERATION The following checks are to be made before attempting to operate a new turbine or an overhauled turbine.E. which ensures proper torquing of the fittings at initial fitting makeup and at reassembly.g GEPS Oil & Gas 17. During initial assembly of a fitting with a stop collar. Heating and circulating turbine lube oil at low ambient temperatures in order to maintain proper oil viscosity. Inlet and exhaust plenums and associated ducting are clean and rid of all foreign objects. air or lube oil filters have been replaced. It is assumed that the turbine has been assembled correctly. Check that all piping and turbine connections are securely fastened and that all blinds have been removed.). This is the inspection for a proper fitting: the nut should be tightened until the collar cannot be rotated.4 STANDBY POWER REQUIREMENTS Nuovo Pignone Standby AC power is required to ensure the immediate start-up capability of particular turbine equipment and related control systems when the start signal is given. is in alignment and that calibration of the SPEEDTRONIC system has been performed for the Control Specifications (by G.F. INPR/SVIL/ P. 2. All access doors are secure. These collars fit between the body of the fitting and the nut and contact in tightening of the fitting. Where fuel. 01-04-E MOD. the plug should be cleaned. 8. 12/00 160. replaced. that it has been refilled with the recommended quality and quantity of lube oil. etc. Check lube oil piping for obvious leakage. noise or overheating. abnormal vibration. 6. the cooling system should be power flushed until all scale is removed. 10. verify that all filters have been replaced and any blinds. if used. WARNING: DO NOT TEST SPARK PLUGS WHERE EXPLOSIVE ATMOSPHERE IS PRESENT. INPR/SVIL/ P. 9. 7. can be tolerated. check visually that oil is flowing from the bearing drains. If the arc occurs anywhere other than directly across the gap at the tips of the electrodes or if.T. If lube oil flushing has been conducted.5810÷16 P. removed. Check condition of all thermocouples on the C.R. Reading should be approximately ambient temperature. Check spark plugs for proper arcing. 17-9 . 5. such as lube oil pumps. The turbine should not be started unless flow is visible at each flow sight. water pumps. Check for obvious leakage. Verify that the lube oil tank is within the operating level and. it can be moved from this point. Verify the retracting piston for free operation. if the tank has been drained. if necessary.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone 4. Check operation of auxiliary and emergency equipment. Devices requiring manual lubrication are to be properly serviced.F. which might form in the piping during short time exposure to atmosphere. the tip clearance adjusted or. Determine that the cooling medium system has been properly flushed and filled with the recommended coolant. by blowing on the arc. Any fine powdery rust. If there is evidence of scaly rust. Using also the oil flow sights provided. When a unit has been overhauled.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone If it is necessary to use a chemical cleaner. Check the entire fuel system and the area immediately around the fuel nozzle for leaks. At this time. 17-10 . Shut down and investigate if unusual noise occurs. 17. Listen for rubbing noises in the turbine compartment. most automobile cooling system cleaners are acceptable and will not damage the carbon and rubber parts of the pump mechanical seals or rubber parts in the piping. 12/00 160.1 Crank 1.F. 11. and lubrication.6. 2.Operating Sequences prior to operating the turbine.6 CHECKS DURING START UP AND INITIAL OPERATION The following is a list of important checks to be made on a new or newly overhauled turbine with the various modes selected. overheating. INPR/SVIL/ P. vibration. 17. It is recommended to review the Control Specifications . Check for unusual vibration. all annunciated ground faults should be cleared.6. In particular. This inspection should include: checks for leakage. check for leaks at the following points: 01-04-E MOD. Immediate action should be taken to locate all grounds and correct the problems.5810÷16 P.2 Fire 1. unusual noise. A sound-scope or some other listening type device is suggested. 17. those parts or components that have been removed and taken apart for inspection/repair should be critically monitored during the unit startup and operation. It is recommended that units be not operated when a ground fault is indicated. 3 Automatic. 4. 5. 17. Monitor lube oil tank. This time period allows for uniform and stabilized heating of the parts and fluids. Listen for unusual noises and rubbing. 2. no load condition. Monitor the turbine control panel for unusual exhaust thermocouple temperature. 01-04-E MOD. 1. Gas manifold and associated piping.Control System Adjustments. Nuovo Pignone CAUTION: ELIMINATION OF FUEL LEAKAGE IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE AS A FIRE PREVENTIVE MEASURE.g GEPS Oil & Gas Turbine compartment a. Plug and stake sight ports once satisfactory flame conditions are obtained. Use mirrors to view the sight ports in the combustion chambers to visually check that each chamber is fired and that the flame zone is centered within the liner. T tests and checks listed below are to supplement those he also recorded in Control Specification . 3. Continue monitoring for unusual rubbing noises and shut down immediately if noise persists. Manual Allow the gas turbine to operate for a 30 to 60 minute period in a full speed. Monitor for excessive vibration. Record all data for future comparison and investigation. assure that the crossfire tube end is not glowing.F. highest to lowest exhaust temperature spreads and “hot spots” i.e. 12/00 160. 17-11 . wheelspace temperature. header and drain temperatures continually during the heating period.5810÷16 P.6. In addition. 2. combustion chamber(s) burning hotter than all the others. INPR/SVIL/ P. lube oil drain temperature. 17-12 . Check and record wheelspace.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone Refer to the Schematic Piping Diagram . exhaust and control thermocouples for proper indication on the CRT (VIDEO). 01-04-E MOD. Monitor CRT (VIDEO) display for proper operation. Refer to Special Operations section of this text. Flame detector operation should be tested for the Control Specification Control System Adjustments. 12/00 160. vertical and axial data be recorded for: all accessible bearing covers on the turbine turbine forward compressor casing turbine support legs bearing covers on the load equipment. Inc. Utilize all planned shutdowns in testing the Electronic and Mechanical Overspeed Trip System for the Control Specifications . It is suggested that horizontal. At this time. 7.F. 4.) or equivalent with filtered or unfiltered readings.Control System Adjustments. a thorough vibration check is recommended. 6.Summary Sheets for temperature guidelines. 3. INPR/SVIL/ P. Adjust thermostatic valves (VTRs) as required. 5. using vibration test equipment (IRD Mechanalysis.5810÷16 P. INPR/SVIL/ P.P.g GEPS Oil & Gas Nuovo Pignone 17. Oil flow in the accessory gear. Fuel gas pressure downstream of stop/ratio valve (SRV) and upstream of gas control valve (GCV). Differential oil pressure through hydraulic oil supply filters. Fuel gas differential pressure through fuel gas filters. Fuel gas pressure upstream of stop/ratio valve (SRV).F. accessory coupling. Oil pressure differential through lube oil filters. load gear and discharge from bearings through flow sight glasses (if applicable). Oil pressure in the control oil header. 17-13 . Air pressure at axial compressor discharge. load coupling. Oil temperature in the main reservoir. rotor axial displacement. Oil pressure downstream of the lube oil pumps. Temperature in the lube oil header. Oil pressure in the hydraulic oil supply header. Fuel gas pressure in the fuel gas header. Oil level in the main reservoir.5810÷16 P. Oil pressure in the lube oil header.7 ROUTINE CHECKS DURING NORMAL OPERATION To be performed on a regular basis on the running machine. H. 12/00 160. Oil temperature at the inlet and outlet of oil cooler (water or air). Temperature in the bearings. - - 01-04-E MOD. g GEPS Oil & Gas NOTE 1: L. rotor axial displacement. INPR/SVIL/ P. when necessary.P. Air temperature at the axial compressor discharge. 1 radial vibrations. Turbine wheel space temperature 1st stage afterward. 17-14 . Smoke look at the exhaust duct outlet. Unusual rotor noises or rubbings. Turbine wheel space temperature 1st stage forward. 12/00 160. Periodically operate the transfer valve of the lube oil filters. Turbine wheel space temperature 2nd stage forward. Flame look in the combustion chambers. Turbine temperature in the exhaust duct. All data recorded by the instruments or stated in the log sheet by the operator are of no use if they are not compared with the data read previously and if no immediate steps. 4 radial vibrations. Periodically take oil samples from the main reservoir for analysis. Air temperature in the inlet duct. Nuovo Pignone Turbine wheel space temperature 2nd stage afterward.5810÷16 P. NOTE 2: Operating reliability should improve if the User’s personnel receive specific training by attending training courses held by Nuovo Pignone at Nuovo Pignone’s or at the User’s shop. are taken.F. Journal bearing N. 01-04-E MOD. Journal bearing N. Periodically operate the hydraulic oil supply filter transfer valve. The operation data not automatically recorded by the instruments shall be indicated in the log data sheet.
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