Vocab@Vic Handbook



Vocab@VicCurrent trends in vocabulary studies Conference Handbook Wednesday 18 – Friday 20 December 2013 Rutherford House, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand www.vocab.org.nz Welcome Thank you to our Sponsors Kia ora, gidday, and a very warm welcome to Vocab@Vic! Many thanks to the following organisations for their generous support of our conference. We encourage all delegates to support them, now and in the future. We are very glad you could join us for this special pre-Christmas conference here at Victoria University of Wellington. We’re looking forward to three full days of time together to talk about all kinds of vocabulary research and pedagogy, amongst other things. If you are a visitor to our capital city, we hope you take some time to look around Wellington. Ask us if you’d like some suggestions on things to do and see here that you might not be able to do anywhere else. It wouldn’t be an Aotearoa/ New Zealand experience without a walk by the water, an ice cream or two, fish and chips, some good wine and beer, and other local delights. A little tip from us about Wellington – leave your umbrella at home. Conference Partner We’re grateful for the support of our sponsors. We couldn’t have had the conference without Paardekooper and Associates. Thanks again for making this first Vocab@Vic conference come to life. The Vocab@Vic Conference Planning Committee Major Sponsors Vocab@Vic 2013 Conference Planning Committee FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Te Wāhanga Aronui Back row: Averil Coxhead, Anna Siyanova, Stuart Webb, Peter Gu, Irina Elgort Front row: Paul Nation, Frank Boers 2. Vocab@Vic 3. If you indicated on your registration form that you have a special dietary requirement. please check with the registration desk for availability.000 acres of farmland.  Boomrock is named for the sound of the waves thundering against the 250-metre cliffs and the echo back out across the expansive sea. Poster Sessions Rydges Wellington 75 Featherston Street T: +64 4 499 8686 Storage Bags and coats can be stored at the registration desk during the conference. A message board will be located by the registration desk. Check this board regularly for messages. a lodge which is situated on 8kms of stunning coastline. social events. a three course meal. followed by an opening speech from Professor Neil Quigley. Join us for a fabulous evening at Boomrock.co. Feel free to ask us any questions about the programme.nz Please be considerate to other conference delegates and speakers by turning mobile phones off during sessions. Victoria University of Wellington. A ticket to the dinner includes pre-dinner drinks and nibbles. Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research). There will be a cash bar with EFTPOS facilities.nz Co-op shuttles +64 4 387 8787 www. located on the ground floor of Rutherford House. lunches and afternoon teas will be held in the mezzanine floor. 4. please liaise with the registration desk regarding the collection of meals.co. 4:15pm – 9:15pm Entry is by ticket only Conference Rooms Mobile phones Professor Piri Sciascia. Posters will be on display throughout the conference in the trade area on the mezzanine floor. Ticket in hand.General Conference Information Conference Events Conference Venue Messages Mihi Whakatau and Welcome Conference Dinner Rutherford House. and transport to and from the conference dinner venue.taxis. All day car parking buildings closest to the venue are provided by Wilson Parking. and will remain open throughout the conference. InterContinental and Downtown Backpackers. After a short overview of the conference from the planning committee. Sponsored by Taxis & Shuttles Wellington Combined Taxis +64 4 384 4444 www.co-opshuttles. Pipitea Campus. buses will return you to the following hotels: Rydges. Complimentary WiFi tokens are available at the registration desk. If you have registered to attend the dinner. If you haven’t purchased a ticket to the Conference Dinner and would like to attend. we’ll move on to the nibbles and refreshments in the Trade Exhibition area. Registration Desk The registration desk will be located on the mezzanine floor of Rutherford House. your ticket will be located behind your name badge. Ibis Wellington  153 Featherston Street T: +64 4 496 1880 Intercontinental Hotel  2 Grey Street T: +64 4 472 2722 Downtown Backpackers 1 Bunny Street T: +64 4 473 8482 Vocab@Vic 5. Boomrock sits high above the Tasman Sea and is surrounded by 3. Buses will depart from Boomrock at 8:30pm. items are left at your own risk. Victoria University of Wellington. Below are the contact details for the official conference accommodation providers. a few refreshments. you will not be able to board the bus. welcoming guests on the morning of the first day and wishing the conference well. Victoria University of Wellington. These have a 2 hour time-limit at a rate of $4 per hour. New Zealand. Wellington. . meet outside the front of Rutherford House at 4:15pm.nz FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES Te Wāhanga Aronui Name badges WiFi Accommodation Name badges should be worn at all times for entry into conference sessions.co. Conference Organiser www. Ibis Wellington. venue or other information. Conference sessions will be held in Lecture Theatres RHLT2 and RHLT3. At the conclusion of the dinner. Catering All morning teas. Although this area is staffed at all times.paardekooper. will give a mihi whakatau (an informal speech in Te Reo Maori). Thursday 19 December. Cnr Bunny Street and Lambton Quay. Parking at the venue There is limited street car parking on the streets surrounding the conference venue. Pro Vice Chancellor (Maori). If you do not have a ticket. the trade exhibition and social events. as there is no paging system at the conference. Opening and welcome reception Wednesday 18 December. amongst the trade exhibition. Presenters will be available to discuss their posters during lunch break on Thursday 19 December. 5:40pm – 7:00pm Join us to celebrate the opening of Vocab@Vic 2013. We will go by bus directly to Boomrock. distributors. Ker. RHLT2 Opening plenary by Paul Nation. and reaction time The lexical profile of academic spoken English Lunch. J. The translation frequency effect in L2 word recognition The developing literate lexicon in L1 secondary school academic writing Opportunity to move to the other room Horst. N. Yamanishi. The organisation is respected worldwide for its commitment to advancing knowledge. Mezzanine Floor RHLT3 We invite you to explore the sponsor exhibits and learn about new products and services and perhaps new things about old products and services! Use this opportunity to keep up with the latest industry information and innovations.cambridge. Mezzanine Floor Mihi whakatau by Prof Piri Sciascia. and more. Dang. & Li. I. evidencebased professional development. Mezzanine Floor Sponsored by Victoria University of Wellington Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences The Vocab@Vic Conference Planning Committee express their thanks and appreciation to the following organisations for their contribution to the conference. & White. The notion of shared vocabulary: Size and theoretical relevance Opportunity to move to the other room Racine. S. practitioners and learner representatives to enhance the effectiveness of tertiary teaching and learning. Teacher perceptions of vocabulary teaching and learning Frequent multi-word sequences in English-medium textbooks of engineering core courses Opportunity to move to the other room Mizumoto. Today’s educators use Compass to find direction in English education! We are pleased to support Vocab@Vic and the work of educators in New Zealand and around the world. Vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension: A meta-analysis Opportunity to move to the other room Zhong. education. Capturing and representing asymmetries in Japanese EFL learners’ mental lexicon Lexical text coverage of medical texts written in English Opportunity to move to the other room Akbari. 10:55 – 11:15am 10:50 – 10 :55am Nigel McQuitty. M. RHLT2 Schmitt. 8:00am – 6:30pm 9:00 – 9:30am 9:30 – 10:00am 10:00 – 10:30am Room Programme�Day�1�-�Wednesday�18�December�2013 Trade Exhibition and Exhibitors . M. N. N. or visit: www. H. Fraser. Vocab@Vic 7. M. ELT Sales and Marketing Manager. L2 vocabulary teaching: What do teachers actually do? Lexical diversity in Japanese EFL learners’ spoken and written production Opportunity to move to the other room Hestetraeet. and our products are used by people in nearly every country in the world to learn and teach the English language. B.com Twitter: @CompassELT • Facebook: www. K.facebook. and much more. Why students make little effort in learning L2 vocabulary Ultra-dark matter: How lexical superlatives supplement their grammatical equivalents Welcome Reception. skill books. Nomura. M. Pinchbeck. Aizawa.F. Incorporating a self-regulated learning approach into vocabulary learning courses A novel approach to medical program assessment using vocabulary profiling Opportunity to move to the other room Manalo.Ako Aotearoa Champions of tertiary teaching and learning in Aotearoa. Our work towards this vision focuses on building strong and collaborative relationships with tertiary organisations. Quero. A.com • www. Gonzalez. J. funding teaching and learning projects. associations.nz 6. See our advert in this handbook for more information about our strategic initiatives. learning. W. T. and fans in over 50 countries. Guo. R.. A. Victoria University of Wellington Sponsored by Cambridge University Press Morning tea. vocabulary size.. D.akoaotearoa. L. strategic forums. T. & Urano. & Lin. Mezzanine Floor RHLT2 RHLT3 Hulstijn.org/elt 10:30 – 10:50am Cambridge University Press is one of the world’s leading English language teaching publishers. Strategic initiatives that support our vision – our work with the sector involves. The dynamic interface between receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge Better predictor of reading comprehension: Lexical coverage or vocabulary size? Opportunity to move to the other room Sugino. S.ac. The heated exchange of (loan) words between Japan and America The relationship between vocabulary size and diversity in L2 writing Opportunity to move to the other room Jiang. and welcome by Prof Neil Quigley.Compass Media Compass Media is a global leader in ELT publishing with a network of educators. providing high quality. L.Stand 2 . Size and depth of vocabulary: A review of the research Opportunity to move to the other room Elgort. M.I. we’ve developed innovative e-learning solutions designed to enrich products and prepare for new 21st-century classrooms. Y. Comparing the trends of development in L2 and L1 mental lexicon. White. Qian.org • www. and research. T. J. It was founded on a royal charter granted to the University by Henry VIII in 1534 and has been operating continuously as a printer and publisher since the first Press book was printed in 1584. N. J. Mezzanine Floor RHLT2 RHLT3 Newton. N. H. Victoria University of Wellington. Australia and New Zealand nmcquitty@cambridge. New Zealand Our vision is the best possible educational outcomes for all learners. With a focus on the future. Connect with us!: info@compasspub.. We provide a full list of products including vocabulary material. F. Priming and profiles in first and second language word association Power of the Vocabulary Levels Test for predicting writing proficiency Opportunity to move to the other room Daulton. & Aoani. Victoria University of Wellington.com/CompassPublishing Stand 3 .Cambridge University Press Registration desk open. & Webb. L2 vocabulary learning at different proficiencies: Do the rich really get richer? Stand 1 . C. K. course books. She loves me/she adores me: Cognates and reading comprehension Vocabulary profiling of Canadian High School Diploma exam expository writing Afternoon tea.compasspub. G. Hsu. Anthony. test prep. readers. 5:40 – 7:00pm 5:15 – 5:35pm 5:10 – 5:15pm 4:50 – 5:10pm 4:45 – 4:50pm 4:25 – 4:45pm 4:20 – 4:25pm 4:00 – 4:20pm 3:30 – 4:00pm Room 3:10 – 3:30pm 3:05 – 3:10pm 2:45 – 3:05pm 2:40 – 2:45pm 2:20 – 2:40pm 2:15 – 2:20pm 1:55 – 2:15pm 1:50 – 1:55pm 1:30 – 1:50pm 12:30 – 1:30pm Room 12:10 – 12:30pm 11:40 – 11:45am 11:45am – 12:05pm 12:05 – 12:10pm 11:20 – 11:40am 11:15 – 11:20am Sheppard. & Iso. managing national Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards. M. & Henning. .. J. A lot of banks: can collocates tell them apart? Morning tea. Strong. & Wu. Matsushita. Mezzanine Floor RHLT2 RHLT3 Stengers. M. D. C. Do textual enhancement techniques increase incidental learning of collocation? The function of stems in a vocabulary test Buses depart Rutherford House for Conference Dinner Conference Dinner . & Deconinck.: Partial word knowledge: Insights from an analysis of word learnability Sheppard. S. M. : A new General Service List: Celebrating 60 years of vocabulary learning Zhao. Vocabulary learning measured by Involvement Load Hypothesis and Technique Feature Analysis: An automated version of Nation’s VLT for studies with bilinguals Which accounts for a more comprehensive model? Opportunity to move to the other room McLean.M. R. Gauging the memorability of alliteration and assonance in phrasal expressions Freeware vocabulary profile and simplification tool for mid-frequency reader creation Opportunity to move to the other room Vasiljevic.. L. & Koyama.: Chinese learners’ perception of second language vocabulary learning strategies Gharibi. Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches in Second Language Vocabulary Teaching Providing exposure to spoken vocabulary through multimodal storytelling interaction Opportunity to move to the other room Tegge. G. T. Ruegg. Yu. Kamimoto. Eyckmans. Effects of learner-generated illustrations on comprehension and recall of L2 idioms How do we evaluate a group of words in gaining text coverage? Afternoon tea. M. K. F. Mid-frequency vocabulary: Is it there? Is it recycled? Opportunity to move to the other room Tono. RHLT2 RHLT2 Benson. S.8. C. R. Eyckmans. Coelho. C. The questions of learners’ use of a corpus-based system for collocation learning Introducing the Online Graded Text Editor (OGTE) Opportunity to move to the other room Lindstromberg. C. Measuring word-form and word-meaning link: a new vocabulary-size test format Polysemy and the language learner Opportunity to move to the other room Kent. Gu. J. B. Mezzanine Floor RHLT3 Altalhab. M. Fujieda.: Multiple-choice testing of productive vocabulary Wu. Four input-retrieval patterns and incidentally oriented vocabulary learning during reading Opportunity to move to the other room Boers. & Ueno. A. F. Testing word-recognition ability of East-Asian learners of English Lunch.Boomrock Lodge RHLT2 Brown. Registration desk open. Gyllstad.J. The semantics of word combinations – Learners’ processing of collocations and free combinations Sampling biases and implications for better wordlist creation Opportunity to move to the other room Siyanova-Chanturia. S. H. H. P. Quality and quantity of learner collocation: A longitudinal perspective What kind of vocabulary is in course books and graded readers? Opportunity to move to the other room Cobb. Mezzanine Floor RHLT3 White. T. Music mnemonics and vocabulary learning – Using Songs in the Classroom The effects of extensive reading on learners’ lexical richness Opportunity to move to the other room Van Hees.: Bilinguals’ L1 vocabulary knowledge: The case of young Iranians in New Zealand Lin. Y. H.: A study of vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary learning strategies Browne. J. Mezzanine Floor RHLT2 RHLT3 Hu. T. J. Does adding pictures to glosses promote uptake of new words? Learning technical vocabulary with Wikcab Opportunity to move to the other room Nakata. Pedagogical implications of known-and-unknown word combinations Creating corpus-informed word lists for a college radiology ESP program Opportunity to move to the other room Thomson. Noticing and acquiring lexical bundles with schematic linguistic representation Creating an Advanced Practical Word List Lunch. Fraser. S. Horst. Mezzanine Floor RHLT2 RHLT3 Barcroft. T. K. RHLT2 Conference close. S. Reflecting on the validity of vocabulary assessments Afternoon tea. G. C. & Stengers. D. Parent. & Brown. Vocab@Vic 9. J. Folse. N. Chang.: Assessing vocabulary knowledge in primary schools: Evaluating what’s available Franken. J. H. K.: Metaphor and collocation: Teaching collocations from a cognitive perspective Van Hees. F. S. Warren. Three approaches to an operational definition of collocation 4:45 – 4:50pm 4:50 – 5:10pm 5:10 – 5:20pm 4:25 – 4:45pm 4:20 – 4:25pm 4:00 – 4:20pm 3:55 – 4:00pm 3:35 – 3:55pm 3:05 – 3:35pm Room 2:45 – 3:05pm 2:40 – 2:45pm 2:20 – 2:40pm 2:15 – 2:20pm 1:55 – 2:15pm 1:50 – 1:55pm 1:30 – 1:50pm 12:40 – 1:30pm Room 12:20 – 12:40pm 11:50 – 11:55am 11:55am – 12:15pm 12:15 – 12:20pm 11:30 – 11:50am 11:25 – 11:30am 11:05 – 11:25am 10:35 – 11:05am Room 10:15 – 10:35am 10:10 – 10:15am 9:50 – 10:10am 9:45 – 9:50am 9:25 – 9:45am 9:20 – 9:25am 9:00 – 9:20am 8:30am – 5pm Room Registration desk open.. Mezzanine Floor RHLT2 RHLT3 Hananto. T. A. The vocabulary knowledge gap in primary schools: Professional development for teachers Learning Vocabulary from Graded Readers: Text Levels and Learning Rates Morning tea.. Browne. P. Eyckmans. & Nation. Mezzanine Floor Poster presentations: Fan. P. Z. Collocations: hard to get and easy to forget Opportunity to move to the other room Hu. J. Improving L2 idiom learning through attention to form or to meaning? The Incidental acquisition of technical vocabulary through texts Opportunity to move to the other room Webb. T. Suzuki. J. & Boers. Does gradually increasing spacing increase second language vocabulary learning? Preliminary description of CLIL vs. Coulson. A. J. Are six new versions of the VST all created equal? Opportunity to move to RHLT2 Closing plenary by Paul Nation. B. H. Lwin. Mezzanine Floor RHLT2 RHLT3 Laufer. B. Q. Teaching and learning vocabulary through reading at Saudi Universities Opportunity to move to the other room Jiang. Agustin Llach. H. Y. Victoria University of Wellington. Bricklayer: A computerized vocabulary assessment instrument Methods of learning phrasal verbs: A Cognitive Linguistic approach Opportunity to move to the other room Coxhead. Can form-meaning motivation foster L2 word recall? An exploratory study. Anthony. Investigating university students’ vocabulary sizes and the VST Vocabulary or grammar: What’s being taught in Spanish 101? Opportunity to move to the other room Yuen. A. Waring. Y. P. A. H. & Cobb.. J. M. & Boers. traditional EFL learners’ vocabulary profiles Opportunity to move to the other room Deconinck. S. Ryan. & Wang. Investigating a Rasch-based validation of the ELPA vocabulary test “Digging Deep”: Analysing task potential to increase vocabulary retention Opportunity to move to the other room Read. M. L. K. Student perspectives on using Lextutor in the classroom Programme�Day�3�-�Friday�20�December�2013 4:15pm 5:15 – 8:30pm 3:35 – 3:55pm 3:30 – 3:35pm 3:10 – 3:30pm 2:40 – 3:10pm Room 2:20 – 2:40pm 2:15 – 2:20pm 1:55 – 2:15pm 1:50 – 1:55pm 1:30 – 1:50pm 12:40 – 1:30pm 12:40 – 1:30pm 12:20 – 12:40pm 11:50 – 11:55am 11:55am – 12:15pm 12:15 – 12:20pm 11:30 – 11:50am 11:25 – 11:30am 11:05 – 11:25am 10:35 – 11:05am Room 10:15 – 10:35am 10:10 – 10:15am 9:50 – 10:10am 9:45 – 9:50am 9:25 – 9:45am 9:20 – 9:25am 9:00 – 9:20am 8:30am – 5:00pm Room Programme�Day�2�-�Thursday�19�December�2013 . The effects of different tasks on EFL learners’ collocation learning Corpus design and the creation of medical English wordlists Opportunity to move to the other room Kasahara. F. Boutorwick. J. & Siyanova-Chanturia. C. S. as opposed to general vocabulary. Chinese University of Hong Kong Aizawa. signs. 2010:93). Nation. defining new words in English and using Arabic. Neda (University of Canberra.com). Thursday 19 December. antwebid@gmail. maria-del-pilar. This showed that the correlation between reading comprehension and text coverage did not differ much from that of reading comprehension and vocabulary sizes. paper Akbari. these vertically and horizontally integrated programs pose a new challenge for medical program administrators. and reaction time. 4:45 . and similar amounts of borrowings. Room: RHLT3. paper Altalhab. traditional EFL learners’ vocabulary profiles The present paper presents a comparative study of the lexical profiles of young CLIL and traditional EFL learners. it looks at the vocabulary teaching techniques employed by the teachers involved in this study.5:05pm. 11:55 . text coverage or vocabulary size. Paul.05) for reading comprehension and text coverage and .ac. In addition. This means that more advanced learners. Tatsuo (Reitaku University. Sylven 2010).ac. we present recent changes to a freeware.nz) Freeware vocabulary profile and simplification tool for mid-frequency reader creation Many studies have reported on the effective use of graded readers in developing a learner’s depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge. (McKimm. [email protected]:15pm. medical programs have been divided into two distinct stages. Learners attended the 4th level of Primary school. associations. The findings revealed that the teachers were “textbook-centralised” with a high dependence on the textbook since they did not use any materials outside the textbook.agustin@unirioja. the adaption results in changes to only a few hundred words in a novel. vocabulary size. This online vocabulary test was established by the authors to estimate the vocabulary size of the learner based upon the JACET 8000. In the pre-clinical stage. They made a link between the strategies they used most often and their level of competence in employing these strategies. Maria Pilar (Universidad de La Rioja. 1:55 . Vocabulary has been given a prominent role in CLIL approaches. . We will first explain the concept of Mid-Frequency Readers.2:15pm.54 (p < . the low L2 proficiency of learners may also play a significant role in the results obtained.edu.46 (p < . This study investigated the trend of development in the L2 mental lexicon (ML) from the three dimensions of associations. and symptoms of a particular theme. Room: RHLT3.Nation@vuw. students would study subjects in biological and natural sciences in a traditional classroom environment.Abstracts (in alphabetical order by presenter surname) Agustin Llach. It examines the VLSs identified by students as the most useful and the strategies students felt competent in using while reading. paper Anthony. where students would learn general medicine and surgery and begin to specialize. aizawa@cck. paper Wednesday 18 December. Room: RHLT3. 12:10 . Wednesday 18 December. They employed diverse vocabulary teaching techniques with a focus on techniques such as using synonyms.11:40am. The immigrant students aged 6-17 undertaking mainstream education in the L2 (English) participated in this study. 2010). CLIL instruction contributes positively to vocabulary learning and development as well as to enhancing use of vocabulary learning strategies (Dalton-Puffer 2008. As for vocabulary size. Results are interpreted in terms of the young age of the learners which might impose certain cognitive constraints that override hours of instruction and the beneficial communicative nature of the CLIL approach. and researchers. Sultan (King Saud University. it was suggested that knowledge of passage-specific vocabulary. 2006). Kazumi (Tokyo Denki University. however. Very similar results were obtained: similar global lexical profile. and the ability to communicate occurs through the meaning of words. we will introduce our freeware software tool and show how it can be easily used by authors. However. before discussing some of the limitations of the approach. tiso@reitaku-u. We then show how vocabulary profiling can be applied in the evaluation of a medical program in Hong Kong. The main purposes of this study were to determine whether the L2 ML had a similar trend of development to the first language (L1) ML if the L2 was learned in similar circumstances to the L1. but research has shown that unassisted comprehension of texts requires a vocabulary size of around 8000 word families (Nation. may be a better indicator of successful reading comprehension. and traditional learners to 419. The impacts of age and environment for language learning were also discussed. The findings were discussed in the broader context of children’s cognitive and linguistic development. Furthermore. In recent years. 11:20 . vocabulary size.e. We also compared learners’ writings in terms of writing quality and measured their vocabulary sizes. often attached to a working hospital.jp). word origin. the task of locating which words to adapt and finding suitable replacements can involve many tens of hours of laborious work unless a software tool is employed. considering different aspects about vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) since existing VLSs studies have mainly focused on “the frequency of use” (Schmitt. together with their little CLIL experience. Teachers were asking students to deploy particular strategies rather than teaching them how these strategies can be used effectively. The first step in this approach is to identify the vocabulary associated with key concepts.dendai. However. The findings also demonstrated large similarities between the L2 and L1 ML of students aged 15-17. Room: RHLT3. Two reading texts (400 words length) with ten multiple questions were prepared for this study. The actual text coverage was calculated by taking the number of unknown words in the list from the results of the self-report and multiplying it by the number of occurrences of such words in the passages. Neda. Recently. Iso. ensuring that important content is not overlooked or taught repeatedly across themes. who have completed a traditional graded reading program. They finally read two texts and answered twenty reading comprehension questions. in which the pre-clinical and clinical stages are less distinct (‘vertically integration’) and knowledge and skills across traditional content areas are grouped together into themes or panels (‘horizontally integration’). paper 10. and instances of phonetic spelling. Typically. have no suitable materials to bridge the 50006000 word family gap to reach the level of native-speakers. The findings of this study revealed a relatively similar trend of development for the L2 and L1 ML with small differences between them.jp) A novel approach to medical program assessment using vocabulary profiling Better predictor of reading comprehension: Lexical coverage or vocabulary size? Traditionally. Participants were fifty-two Japanese learners of English at an engineering university. This study investigates which is the better predictor for reading comprehension. L1 influence in lexical production. averaged 9-10 years and had Spanish as their L1.12:30pm. By using JACET 8000.es) Preliminary description of CLIL vs. paper Anthony. many universities have begun adopting an integrated program design. Next.. i. and phonetic spelling. In this paper. CLIL learners had been exposed to 700 hours of English. 9:00 . Friday 20 December. Laurence (Waseda University. Most graded reader schemes end at around the 3000 word-family level.sa) Teaching and learning vocabulary through reading at Saudi Universities The present research examines two issues: first. In this paper. CLIL learners use the FL as a vehicle for content transmission. The students used a range of VLSs and employed the strategies that they thought were “fast” and “easy” to use. and reaction time Words are an important component of language in second language (L2) learning since words carry meaning. beyond-2000 frequency band words used in each text and their word tokens were analyzed and made into a list. Laurence (Waseda University. Finally. By using these data. diseases. nine teachers of vocabulary and reading subjects were interviewed and their classes observed. The resulting correlation coefficients were . We scrutinized the writings of 72 CLIL and 68 non-CLIL traditional EFL learners for frequency bands of words [email protected]) Non-presenting author: Andrew Burd. L1 adaptation types.05) for reading comprehension and vocabulary size. we will outline interesting areas for further research and suggest planned extensions to the software tool. This would be followed by a clinical stage. antwebid@gmail. Writing quality assessment shows that traditional EFL learners obtain significantly better assessments than their CLIL peers. multiplatform vocabulary profiling tool that allows Mid-Frequency Readers to be created easily and quickly. learners were asked to take the VLT Flash to estimate their vocabulary size. Mid-Frequency Readers are a new concept in graded reading that are designed to address this issue. learners’ vocabulary size and their text coverage of the texts were calculated. Paul (Victoria University of Wellington. teachers.edu. these traditional programs have been criticized for overloading students with content and separating medicine knowledge from medical practice both temporally as well as geographically. Friday 20 December. CLIL and traditional learners do not differ significantly in their lexical knowledge of high frequency words. we propose that vocabulary profiling of medical terminology can allow administrators to identify which key items are under-emphasized or overemphasized in medical programs. Vocab@Vic 11. we show how this vocabulary can be extracted from medical textbooks and course materials. Using the example of dermatology.au) Comparing the trends of development in L2 and L1 mental lexicon.ac. However. One hundred and fifty students majoring in English from six colleges in four different universities completed a semi-structured questionnaire and twenty-two of them were interviewed. Room: RHLT3. and whether the L2 ML could resemble the L1 ML at some age. They identified specific benefits from using certain VLSs in relation to providing accurate and diverse information about new words and retaining these words. They tended to avoid complex strategies that require deep mental processes. Second. Room: RHLT2. Mid-Frequency Reader texts are very slightly simplified and/or modified versions of the original with low frequency words removed or replaced by words at the target level. A Word Association Task and a yes/no Lexical Decision Task were utilised in order to elicit associations and measure vocabulary size and reaction time respectively. Wednesday 18 December.9:20am. Although the corpus used was small by today’s standards (only 2.g. they were given approximately 30 minutes to compose a summary/response to the story. All treatments included a dictation of alliterative / assonant items and controls. Friday 20 December. (2) a corpus-based approach. Large positive effects of alliteration and assonance were obtained only after directing the learners’ attention to the presence of the sound pattern. a slippery slope) or assonance (e.10:10am. Without such intervention only small and short-lived effects were observed. the list was the remarkable culmination of nearly 2 decades of pre-computer era corpus research and a series of meetings and discussions with corpus linguists and experienced EFL and ESL teachers around the world. 1995). “Internet” or “cell phone”. Frank (Victoria University of Wellington. Belgium. presents learners with 30 noun cues and asks for three collocates in response to each. It has been asserted in several publications that glosses with a picture added to the verbal clarification of the word’s meaning are particularly effective in that regard (Al-Seghayer.ac. This presentation will discuss the materials used in the treatment.ac.edu) Four input-retrieval patterns and incidentally oriented vocabulary learning during reading Previous research indicates that allowing learners to retrieve target words on their own improves intentional second language (L2) vocabulary learning (e.. Culligan and Phillips. However.9:20am. The intention is that these responses can then be rated and the quality of learners’ knowledge of collocations determined. Each of 6 target words (e. We then report data from new experiments where we gauged adult L2 learners’ (total N > 130) recall of the form as well as the meaning of glossed words after conditions with or without pictures added to the verbal clarifications. Room: RHLT2.jp) Three approaches to an operational definition of collocation Collocations have prompted much discussion in L2 research in recent years. Seventy-five Spanish-speaking intermediate learners of L2 English read an English text for meaning. however. The NGSL is based on a carefully selected 273 million word subsection of the Vocab@Vic 13. LR statistics have been found to correlate with other productive vocabulary-assessing measures including holistic composition profiles and discrete-point vocabulary size tests. These learners had been instructed to look for alliteration / assonance in the stimuli. The present study expanded on Barcroft’s study by comparing four patterns of input (target words translated) and retrieval (blanks in which to write target L2 words). as it is widely assumed that ‘catchy’ sound patterns such as alliteration help phrases stick in memory. On the 60th anniversary of the publication of this list. [email protected]. gains were 34. Two intact classes of third and fourth year students at an International University in Japan received 8 hours of in-class time instruction over one week with the goal of using the web program Lextutor to critically analyse the most appropriate written text for their vocabulary level. Before the treatment. paper Browne.Boers@vuw. there are virtually no studies that have investigated the effects of extensive reading on learners’ LR. even though research has suggested ER to be an effective method for improving productive vocabulary knowledge. 9:00 . Thursday 19 December.nz). the idea of collocation must be operationalised and strictly defined.jp) Student perspectives on using Lextutor in the classroom This presentation will report on the explicit use of Lextutor by students to critically analyse written texts. Boers. we report eight more recent experiments (total N > 300) designed to gauge and compare the effect of alliteration and assonance on EFL learners’ recall of phrasal expressions with and without instruction drawing participants’ attention to the sound patterns. June (Ghent University. The instrument. Charles (Meiji Gakuin University.com) A new General Service List: Celebrating 60 years of vocabulary learning In 1953. Results indicated greater gains for IRI and IRR than III (control) group and greater gains in IRI than in IIR with no significant differences between IRI and IRR. Paul. Room: RHLT2.9% in IRR and 42. Anna.. Group 3 (n = 19) received pattern IRI. dbrown@lang. 9:50 . A questionnaire was given to analyse the student’s perspective on both the treatment and use of Lextutor. These findings suggest that retrieval strengthens developing lexical representations while interacting with input in an identifiable and telling manner. 11:05 . McNamara & Healy. june. . barcroft@wustl. Yoshii. Indeed. Empirically.g. Frank. small talk) (Boers and Lindstromberg. in which lists from dictionaries of collocations have been combined.9:20am. Kost. Dale (Osaka University. LexCombi (Barfield. 2007) in order to understand their vocabulary level. 2002). Joe (Washington Univesity in St. 2006.11:25am. That suggestion is further explored in the third part of our presentation. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four groups based on input (I) – retrieval (R) patterns. Anna (Victoria University of Wellington. 1973.ac. Yeh & Wang. paper Benson. Each week the students read one graded reader. 1999. we (Browne. Lindstromberg and Boers (2008a. and were followed by unannounced recall tests. None of the experimental trials yielded data that showed an advantage of having a picture with the gloss.be) Non-presenting author: Seth Lindstromberg. In the first part of our presentation we re-assess the evidence presented in those publications.nz). and yet it has proven difficult to pin down a definition of collocation. Room: RHLT2. As compared to III (control). First language (L1)-to-L2 and L2-to-L1 posttests were administered. in other words. Group 2 (n = 19) received pattern IIR. Michael West published a list of important vocabulary words known as the General Service List (GSL). explicit instruction in using Lextutor was given in class. the term for a variety of statistics that attempt to quantify the degree to which a writer is using a varied and large vocabulary. Paul (Victoria University of Wellington. Barcroft (2011) also demonstrated benefits of retrieval on incidentally oriented L2 vocabulary learning during reading: gains were obtained when learners viewed target words translated once and were then allowed to retrieve them twice.nz). Results show unstable fluctuations over the 10 weeks. 2003.. Group 1 (control) (n = 19) always viewed Spanish translations of the target words (pattern III). Finally. 9:00 . Stuart (Kanda University of International Studies. the results of the questionnaire and pedagogical implications from the study.. paper 12. 2009: 114). Thursday 19 December. After reading. Siyanova-Chanturia. as compared to viewing them three times without being cued to retrieve them. LR. using the responses of native speakers of English and of advanced L2 users of English to define acceptable responses. Frank (Victoria University of Wellington. suggesting a 10-week ER treatment may be insufficient for notable increases in learners’ writing quality. Group 4 (n = 19) received pattern IRR. Friday 20 December. 2001. Frank. Louis. and (3) a norms-based approach. 11:30 . and reflect on the implications of each approach. Dr. paper Boers.11:50am.0% in IRI.5 million words) and is of course missing many modern high frequency words such as “email”. b) report small-scale experiments where EFL learners indeed recalled alliterative / assonant items better than control items. Students then picked 5 written texts to analyse using Lextutor and subsequently presented their results. looking both at where the lists overlap and at how and why differences arise between them. [email protected]@vuw. paper Brown. and so the attested effect may well have been task-induced. Kent Gauging the memorability of alliteration and assonance in phrasal expressions It has been estimated that up to 20% of English phrasal expressions manifest alliteration (e. Warren. smidgen) appeared 3 times in the text. Yoshii & Flaitz. We conclude that capitalizing on the mnemonic potential of alliteration and assonance for phrasal expressions learning hinges on conscious attention.g. constitutes an insightful avenue for examining productive vocabulary knowledge in second language acquisition. Room: RHLT2.Siyanova@vuw. This suggests that pictures in marginal glosses distract from the form of the words that are clarified in them.ac. This presentation will report on the trialling of three approaches to operationalising collocation: (1) a dictionary-based approach. consider the possiblity of combining the lists in different ways. Friday 20 December. 2013) would like to introduce a New General Service List (NGSL). Room: RHLT2. the current study tracked 13 EFL students’ LR over 10 weeks for any systematic changes in two commonly-used LR measures: lexical variation and lexical density. that condition consistently generated poorer post-test recall scores for the form of the words. 1:55 . To address this gap. where we report data from an eye-tracking experiment (N > 20) in which we compared the amount of attention that readers give to words in glosses with and without incorporation of pictures. stuart-b@kanda. & Lenzini. paper Boutorwick. 2009).g.ac.kuis. Room: RHLT3. Eyckmans. Friday 20 December. Hilderstone College. In order to do this it is thus necessary to judge the acceptability of the learners’ responses. the students were administered the vocabulary size test (Nation and Beglar. TJ (Kwansei Gakuin University.Boers@vuw. This presentation will discuss three approaches to an operational definition of collocation in the context of the refinement of an instrument designed to elicit the productive collocational knowledge of learners of English. Royer. This could be encouraging news for ESL/EFL learners.nz) Does adding pictures to glosses promote uptake of new words? Marginal glosses are a common means to facilitate learners’ uptake of words from a text. academic and low frequency words. involving multiple searches of corpora using different criteria. Foss.2:15pm. The presenter will discuss the similarities and differences between the lists of acceptable collocations produced.com) The effects of extensive reading on learners’ lexical richness This presentation will discuss the results of a case study examining how EFL learners’ written lexical richness (LR) is affected by extensive reading.ac. In this presentation. The students then received explicit instruction on aspects of analysing written texts such as high frequency. browne@gol. Room: RHLT3. such an analysis can reliably match texts and learners to achieve specific reading goals. poster Browne. D. both of which originate in testing for English L1 reading disability. Language Testing 18(1). 94%. Like the GSL before it. The data from the 46 participants was used to check for equivalence of the tests across variables including the first language of the test takers. Room: RHLT2. 39-41. This version uses Nation’s BNC/COCA word family lists.10:35am. most students performed poorly on the test and those with lower English proficiency performed as if they were dyslexic. Room: RHLT3. (2001: 59). AWL. G. paper Chang. Room: Mezzanine Floor.1:50pm. 2000) and definitions retrieved from WordNet (Miller. Further. Two studies will be reported. Friday 20 December. and (2) combining different words that in fact have a single meaning and are processed as a single unit (a lot.more than 1. Its power can probably be increased. The second test was a replication of a study (Wydell and Kondo.ac. MA: Heinle and Heinle. P. Friday 20 December.g. who had previously read 25 graded readers up to level two. The more they read. After interviews with the participants. and 80% for level three texts. Charles Browne and Rob Waring.com which pulls together as many relevant resources as possible for those who are interested in online gradedreading and vocabulary learning. Boston. etc. Friday 20 December. In the results. 38(11). and testing. or a lot and a lot. 34(2). ‘Frequency’ can be cut finer by considering what is frequent to particular groups of learners. Averil (Victoria University of Wellington. and 95% of the words learned were retained after a three-month period for both text levels. A total of 126 target words were tested (51 and 75 from levels one and three). yet there are few recognized. coulson@unii. implementation and validation of an automated version of Nation’s VLT (Vocabulary Levels Test) (Nation. is considerably weak. respectively.com) Introducing the Online Graded Text Editor (OGTE) This presentation introduces the online. each having active and passive components. Students were given a pre-test. The results show that with the meaning-matching test method. Coelho.coxhead@vuw. paper Coxhead. their gender. created by Drs. Work on the frequency modification with regard to French learners will be discussed in the presentation by Horst et al. For ease of identification. to make such distinctions reliably? With what increase in power of the analysis? Two years’ work incorporating the Sharp BNC-based Just-the-Word collocational database within Vocabprofile will be presented. Business lists.com) An automated version of Nation’s VLT for studies with bilinguals This research concerns the modeling. Similar in function to the wonderful VocabProfile tool available on Tom Cobb’s website. Users can also set certain words (e. References: Coxhead. 1990). While some may be dyslexic. and Clapham. Lucas (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG). One aspect of lexical knowledge is knowing what a word looks like (passive) and how it is spelled (active). the OGTE is less focused than VocabProfile on the ANALYSIS of texts and much more focused on helping teachers and authors to be able to EDIT and WRITE texts.tw) Learning Vocabulary from Graded Readers: Text Levels and Learning Rates This study explores text levels and vocabulary learning rates. Secondary school students (age 12-18) in Japan and Korea were given a new version of this test.10:35am. Friday 20 December. 4:25 – 4:45pm. A first guess ‘how’ is to train computers to recognize and assess the collocates of particular words. 1:30 . proper nouns) to be ignored in the analysis so they do not affect the detailed statistics or analysis presented. and Schmitt. averil. 213-238. 1995: WordNet: A Lexical Database for English. as well as their age and level of education. by refining the concepts of frequency and word. the OGTE allows users to set the intended difficulty of the text they want to simplify (or create) from 16 levels of lexical difficutly based on the ERF Scale (Extensive Reading Foundation). The retention rates however were similar for both text levels and also for both test methods. 1:30 . Items such as “gohousesing” had to be divided with pencil strokes (e. Causes and appropriate pedagogical responses are discussed. Thirty-one students. 2000: A New Academic Word List. For validation purposes each set is presented alternately with one of those from Schmitt et al. the web app graphically colors all words that are outside the set level and words not appearing in the word lists at all.g. cobb. Miller. Anna C-S (Hsing-Wu University. Soon. Nation. The lexical items are chosen randomly from the word lists given a set of rules to constitute consistent sets. especially in Japan. the acquisition rates were 92% and 85% for level one and level three. such as presenting each set individually and allowing restricted response time. and the retention rates were the same. We will then consider whether these six versions can be considered parallel forms in light of individual scores and pair comparisons. Japanese high-school students’ ability on this test started regressing after age 15. Room: RHLT2.g.ac.ca) A lot of banks: can collocates tell them apart? The Range or Vocabprofile family of text analysis computer programs (which analyze a text according to the frequency of its words in a corpus) has had a major impact on ESL reading. Jacobson. Can a program use the frequent collocates of bank and bank. 12:20 . Students’ receptive vocabulary knowledge was tested through a meaning-matching method. the easier it was for them to acquire vocabulary knowledge. In its current beta form. the main implication is that word decoding skill. TOEIC. A. is part of their free website called ER-Central. The test was given to Japanese university students at distinct proficiency levels.1:30pm. generally respecting the considerations stated by Schmitt et al. paper Cobb. ‘Word’ can be cut finer by (1) dissociating different words that happen to share a common word form (bank). . being created automatically upon access of each test-taker. My talk will look at ways to achieve the word modification. were asked to read five level one readers and then to read five level three readers in 13 weeks. materials selection/creation. post-test. paper Coulson. N. annachang@livemail. Room: RHLT2. the researcher found that continuous reading was the key to their higher learning rates. A. this interim list is seen as a starting point for discussion and debate with corpus linguists and experienced EFL and ESL teachers about what words should be added/deleted . Indeed. The unusually high learning and retention rates surprised the researcher. reliable methods for its assessment in classrooms. Tom (Université du Québec à Montréal. however. In conjunction with a frequency based vocabulary test. go/house/ sing) as rapidly as possible. For the contextualized translation method test. and a three-month delayed post-test. Koreans. This talk will begin by outlining the VST before moving on to the development of the new tests.tom@sympatico. Thursday 19 December.000 version of Nation’s Vocabulary Size Test. students’ vocabulary learning rates were about 83% for level one texts. C. free-to-use. Twenty-one low frequency words from both text levels were further tested with the contextualized translation method. whether they were currently studying at university or not. users will also be able to select from additional word lists such as the GSL and NGSL. to accomplish its intended task of measuring the ability of activation of lexical items and avoiding much guessing or deduction. 55–88. Thursday 19 December. The overall results show that students’ learning rates for reading level one graded readers were slightly higher than reading level three texts in both test methods. 1995). Room: RHLT3. Communications of the ACM. In the results. The test is applied via the internet. and proposals for empirical testing with learners. 10:15 . David (University of Niigata Prefecture. Meaning and Use. whose L1 writing system is much closer to English than Japanese. Other special features were added. which involves training computer programs to distinguish contexts rather than items. Users then paste their own text into the web page which calculates the frequency and level of each word in the text. 2003) on a Japanese-English bilingual severely dyslexic in English. The VLT consists of sets of six words and three definitions distributed on five levels of progressively lower frequency of occurrence on the language. One is based on the word-chain methodology (e. in certain contexts). 1995). 10:15 . the Academic Word List (Coxhead.1:50pm. Forty six native and non-native adult speakers of English took all versions of the test.a website dedicated to refining this list will be introduced at the end of the presentation. TESOL Quarterly. Schmitt. 2001: Developing and exploring the behaviour of two new versions of the Vocabulary Levels Test. aiming to uncover possible correlations between linguistic experience of bilinguals and their scores on the test. open-source Online Graded Text Editor (OGTE) webpage for writing and editing graded materials. Users edit the text by removing out-of-level words and the web app re-analyses the text automatically. Thursday 19 December. (2001)’s revised version. paper Vocab@Vic 15. browne@gol. showed stronger performance. Implications for teaching and further testing will conclude the paper. paper 14. Dr. such as L2 words already known in L1. Nation (2001) divides vocabulary into categories of Form. 12:40 .nz) Are six new versions of the VST all created equal? This paper will report on the development and trialling of six forms of a 20. lucascoelho@gmail. Charles (Meiji Gakuin University. The tool.jp) Testing word-recognition ability of East-Asian learners of English This presentation will examine proficiency in high-frequency word-reading skill of learners whose first language does not use the Roman alphabet.5 billion word CEC (Cambridge English Corpus) and uses the power of modern computers and corpus analysis software to help create a list of high-frequency words that provides a higher coverage of texts with fewer words than the original GSL.12:40pm. We will then look at each of the variables above and their effect on the equivalence of the tests. word recognition is a critical component of reading comprehension. 1990: Teaching and learning vocabulary. Room: Mezzanine Floor. this paper presents findings of a preliminary investigation into what is actually taught in first-year Spanish classes at a large university in the U. listening comprehension. academics. . Implications of these findings for L2 vocabulary learning will be discussed. breadth and accessibility to core lexical items.41% coverage of academic spoken English. 12:40 . In this presentation. Meanwhile. Helene (Department of Applied Linguistics Free University of Brussels (VUB). clustering in culturally salient areas highly relevant to ‘sophisticated’ individuals. respectively.21%. higher proficiency but not lower proficiency adult L2 participants were able to access abstracted meanings of incidentally learned words in a speeded semantic judgment task. keith. Irina (Victoria University of Wellington.S. helene. Thursday 19 December. Along with this lexical flood have come nearly half of the top-3000 word families of the British National Corpus (BNC).Eyckmans@telenet. In addition. in order to explain their ratings.000 word families to reach 95% and 98% coverage of academic spoken English. 12:10 .folse@gmail. however. Room: RHLT2.com) The heated exchange of (loan) words between Japan and America Fan. Horst.Dang. 2:20 . by exposing cross-lexical connections and/or generating creative associations. as can been in the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). 2007. Room: RHLT3. June (Department of Linguistics Ghent University (UGent). Na (Macquarie University. there are relatively few Japanese words in English.12:40pm. gairaigo@hotmail. ngocyen1011@gmail. many if not most language courses still focus on grammar over vocabulary. Michael. Room: RHLT2. proficiency level. & Dufour. learners drew on cross-lexical associations most frequently (50%). This study investigated (a) the lexical demands of academic spoken English and (b) the coverage of the Academic Word List (AWL) in academic spoken English. typically filling lexical gaps intrinsically related to Japan and therefore of narrow use. Room: RHLT3. Eyckmans.be). qualitative. Transcripts show that. and knowledge of the most frequent 8. paper Friday 20 December. 1:55 . While we in TESOL focus on English. Its coverage in each sub-corpus ranged from 3. This tally was closely followed by sound-symbolic associations (38%). Friday 20 December. 12:20 . in order to arrive at an in-depth understanding of their depth and breadth of VK. where referential values were assigned to the intrinsic sound or shape of a word. the present paper explores whether FMM can be harnessed to speed up discrete L2 vocabulary learning. paper 16.12:30pm. Given the preponderance of evidence supporting increased emphasis on increasing students’ lexicons. learners with knowledge of proper nouns and marginal words will need a vocabulary of 3. results from two experimental studies will be used to provide evidence of quantitative and qualitatively differences in the outcomes of intentional and incidental L2 vocabulary learning. paper Deconinck.000 to 13. Afterwards.nz) Non-presenting author: Stuart Webb. What is the status quo of vocabulary knowledge (VK) and vocabulary learning strategies (VLSs) of Chinese non-English major students at tertiary level? What is the role played by individual and overall variables (e.00% coverage of academic spoken English. Sometimes these loanwords reach the lexical mainstream.com) In Japan. 2008). 2004. Forster. Naturally the Japanese greatly depend on these cognates in their English production. Recent neurolinguistic studies suggest that there are qualitative differences in lexical processing. In stark contrast to these research findings and related learner needs.com) Elgort.g. In the first study. Kroll. Physical Sciences and Social Sciences. Each day.000 word families plus proper nouns and marginal words to reach 98% coverage. may help to integrate new words faster in long-term memory. irina. Vocab@Vic 17. as L2 processing involves more extended activity of the neural system for less proficient than more proficient bilinguals and native speakers. bureaucrats and marketers. The computational tool Coh-Metrix will be adopted to analyze the essays written by them using lexical indices related to depth. Keith (University of Central Florida.1:30pm. and these borrowings play a prominent role. English (and pseudo-English) words are unilaterally adopted by various individuals such as students. Victoria University of Wellington Can form-meaning motivation foster L2 word recall? An exploratory study. if possible. The AWL accounted for 4. Tokowicz. Frank (Ryukoku University. Unfortunately teachers and academics in Japan either ignore these cognates or acknowledge them disparagingly. There is also evidence from psycholinguistic studies that the learning of meaning proceeds differently for less and more proficiency bilinguals (Finkbeiner. paper Wednesday 18 December.000 and 8. or both? Studies in applied linguistics suggest that there is a quantitative effect. Word Associates Test (WAT) being carried out along. A study of vocabulary knowledge and vocabulary learning strategies Wednesday 18 December. Stengers. julie. with brain areas related to cognitive control involved in the former (Autalebi. with Vocabulary Size Test (VST). Our post-test results indicate that cross-lexical and sound-symbolic associations were equally successful in fostering both form and meaning recall. and they are open to information on loanwords’ efficacy. poster Folse.000 word families plus proper nouns and marginal words provided 98. with more proficient bilinguals being able to learn more new words from reading (Pulido.deconinck@ehb. Wednesday 18 December. often through dissemination by the mass media. and recognition and recall at especially advanced levels of vocabulary. English borrowing is the juggernaut of lexical growth. paper Daulton. june. Nicol. we would expect that foreign language courses would emphasize vocabulary.05% coverage. and the resulting cognates facilitate various aspects of vocabulary acquisition: aural recognition and pronunciation. Julie (Department of Applied Linguistics. The results showed that knowledge of the most frequent 4. If known words can basically be defined in psycholinguistic terms as form-meaning-mappings. and how do they think VLSs affect their VK accumulation? This session purports to illuminate their VK construction mechanism in relation to the aforementioned variables. Thi Ngoc Yen (Victoria University of Wellington.2:40pm. With the help of the AWL. this paper intends to invite a total of 360 second-year and third-year non-English majors from three Chinese universities of different areas.be) Non-presenting author: Frank Boers. we designed a think-aloud protocol where upper-intermediate Dutch-speaking learners of English (N=30) were invited to evaluate the potentially motivated nature of the connection between word form (new) and word meaning (known) of 14 novel words. Yet Japanese is considered a major source of loanwords. We suggest that the FMM rating task.000 word families plus proper nouns and marginal words and 5. To operationalize this. The notion of form-meaning motivation (FMM) in cognitive linguistics refers to the idea that a retrospective explanation can be sought for why a lexical unit in a specific language comes in a particular form or with a particular meaning. Life and Medical Sciences.82% to 5. there are many more students of Spanish as a foreign language in the United States than there are ESL learners. spelling. & Nakamura. Based upon Cochran’s (1977) formula for sample size.000 word families plus proper nouns and marginal words provided 96. Based on the design of a study of the extent to which vocabulary was taught in an academic prep intensive English program. fannamq@gmail. The researchers analyzed the vocabulary in 160 lectures and 39 seminars from four disciplinary sub-corpora of the British Academic Spoken English (BASE) corpus: Arts and Humanities. which will inform curriculum developers and other stakeholders and shed light on both vocabulary teaching and learning.ac.000 to 5. 1998). and foreign language learners acknowledge the severe lexical gap they face. a follow-up qualitative semi-structured interview will be administered for purpose of triangulation.elgort@vuw. and to explain each evaluation. A fuller picture of the VK and VLSs of Chinese EFL leaners at tertiary level will be made possible through the findings.be). in contrast to the flood of English words in Japanese. Cobb & Meara. In the second study. The vocabulary size necessary to reach 95% coverage of each sub-corpus ranged from 3. vocabulary learning strategy use) to a comprehensive exploration of the flora and fauna of the landscape of their VK? What are the Chinese EFL students’ perception of their VK and VLSs. retention of spoken and written input. To confirm the quantitative results of the study. Victoria University of Wellington L2 vocabulary learning at different proficiencies: Do the rich really get richer? The lexical profile of academic spoken English What is the role of lexical proficiency in learning new words in a second or foreign language? Is its effect on learning quantitative. 10:55 . Room: RHLT2.com) Vocabulary or grammar: What’s being taught in Spanish 101? Research has clearly established the need for learning a tremendous number of vocabulary items. Free University of Brussels (VUB). a VLS questionnaire will also be implemented. gender.2:15 pm. 2002).11:15am.stengers@ehb. and their uses are circumscribed. deliberate learning using bilingual flashcards resulted in high quality lexical-semantic representations for higher but not lower proficiency adult German-English bilinguals. even though there were no differences in their ability to connect meaning and form in a pen and paper test. discipline. participants were unexpectedly tested on their form and meaning recall of the new words. referring to soundalike or lookalike words in the target or other known language(s). paper In addition. Room: RHLT3. Room: RHLT2. Japan. It is also a theoretical attempt at fine-tuning our understanding of midfrequency vocabulary from the perspective of advanced learners. To address this limitation.2:40pm. I collected information (through semi-structured interviews) about the participants’ age. the present paper reports the findings of a quantitative study that examined the extent to which vocabulary size and lexical diversity contributed to writing scores on 172 native and advanced non-native English speakers’ academic essays. Melanie (Salem State University. This presentation focuses on the creation of an Advanced Practical Word List (APWL). data-driven. Suzuki. paper 18. comparatively fewer studies have examined how words are actually used to achieve writing quality. Gharibi. and other factors that are believed to influence development and attrition of vocabulary knowledge. To this end. Results revealed that lexical diversity had a significantly greater impact on writing score than vocabulary size in both native and non-native speaker essays. and 3) the key medical texts and seminal research articles in each of the major areas. The APWL comprises words from a wide range of frequency levels. In order to investigate receptive vocabulary knowledge. China. . We ascertained 1) the various. Wang.ac. while they are a necessarily alternative for written mode tests when participants are illiterate in their L1. Gu. Peter (Victoria University of Wellington. and 3) research journal articles. Liang. leading eventually to the creation of a set of lexically-based materials. medical sub-disciplines encountered in the different years of university study. Room: RHLT3. Furthermore. Sixty advanced non-native speakers and 40 native speakers of English were asked to identify the words that were known to them. 12:40 . we conducted interviews and surveys enabling us to build up an accurate picture of learners’ requirements. But in fact. Pedagogical implications of the lists as a tool for developing ESP reading materials will be discussed. 2008. Miho (Kyoto College of Medical Science. Thursday 19 December. and keyness.jp).ac. Thursday 19 December. range. Thursday 19 December.12:15pm. The relationship between vocabulary size and diversity in L2 writing Thursday 19 December. Although we have had some previous success in compiling wordlists which provide good coverage of medical texts. hirosuzu@ tokai-u. however. collocations. a list of words of high practical utility in the daily lives of people living in an Englishspeaking environment. Nevertheless. we know little about students’ use of such technological tools. the corpus from which they were derived may not have included the subjects and text types most relevant to our students. Participants in the study are thirty Persian-English bilinguals who have been living in NZ for different lengths of time. the results indicate that it is not enough to simply teach vocabulary words in the L2 composition classroom. called FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition). A variety of English for academic purposes (EAP) and ESP word lists have been generated in the past through a range of methods (Coxhead. peter.com) Creating an Advanced Practical Word List Many advanced non-native users of English may function well in their respective domains of work but encounter many embarrassments for not having the right words for daily communication purposes. & Ge. Hiroshima University. In this presentation. 2009). Three contemporary dictionaries were used in the initial development of the APWL. key words were extracted based on frequency.nz) The questions of learners’ use of a corpus-based system for collocation learning The last decade has seen significant possibilities through technological tools (including the web. Thus. Productive L1 vocabulary knowledge is measured by using a verbal fluency task. Seven native speakers were then asked to rate the usefulness of the initial word list. gonzalezmelaniec@gmail. Ward. khadij. In my presentation I report and discuss the extent to which each of these factors is correlated with the participants’ scores on the two vocabulary tests in my study.nz). Keiso Tatsukawa. auditory tasks have not been used in any attrition studies yet.1:30pm.ac. shaoqun@ waikato. While there has been a growing trend in research investigating word lists. koyama@nitech. However. Koyama. Additional findings demonstrated that vocabulary size had only a moderate relationship to lexical diversity. From each corpus. adequately addressed in our own studies. Yukie (Nagoya Institute of Technology. college English instructors are responsible for designing curricula and providing materials that anticipate students’ future careers. Our ultimate aim is to provide university learners of medical English with the means.gharibi@vuw. Room: RHLT3. a picture is presented on a computer screen and the participant is asked to listen to recorded L1 words and tell me the name of the corresponding picture.ac. it was lexical diversity that promoted an essay into the higher score range. mfujieda@kyoto-msc. Shaoqun (University of Waikato. Margaret (The University of Waikato. 2) the precise contents of the medical syllabus and the materials used. English reading texts will fall short of providing fundamental profession-specific vocabulary.ac. The paper evaluates whether the questions above have been. achieving this is usually far from easy for the non-specialist English teacher.jp). Simon (Hiroshima University.ac. Room: RHLT3. particularly in a “difficult”. This affordance is beyond what Johns (1990). their use of L1. Chen (Jiangxi Normal University. and corpus-based system for collocation learning. To compile such a specialised corpus. an auditory picture-word matching task is used. and those of other researchers working in this tradition. Fraser. and wide-ranging. although the overwhelming majority fall between the 5th and the 11th thousand frequency bands in the BNC-20. recent research on academic discourse has positioned word study as a leading method to improve learner writing. Wednesday 18 December. The present study goes further emphasizing the vocabulary students need exposure to. 2000. These three word lists were compared and analyzed in terms of semantic relationships and degrees of overlap in order to reflect the paths of learners’ specialized content knowledge. Three specialized corpora were compiled from sources targeting audiences with different levels of specialized knowledge: 1) patient education information for ordinary people. 1:30 – 1:50pm. the participants are asked to produce as many words as possible from a particular semantic category such as animals and food in a short time span. or can be. The APWL should be an important practical aid for advanced learners in an English-speaking context. Hiroko (Tokai University. yuzhong09@hotmail. If English for specific purposes (ESP) materials introduced as primary sources of language input are selected or developed according to students’ English proficiency rather than their knowledge of the content.gu@vuw. to efficiently acquire the most useful lexis and phraseological/rhetorical patterns of their discipline. teachers must make decisions on which words warrant instructional time and how to help learners deploy these words effectively in production. As a result. 2009). Wu. We expect these lists to provide the basis of a highly relevant and practical English syllabus.12:40pm.com) We report on the initial stage of a collaborative research project between the Institute for Foreign Language Research and Education and the Faculty of Medicine at Hiroshima University. In this task. via a highly specialised corpus and wordlists. specifically corpus-informed graded ESP word lists in the field of radiology.Franken. [email protected]) Non-presenting author: Wang. Based on these criteria. a key role of post-secondary education in an EFL context is supporting students to fully participate as bilingual specialists in professional discourse communities (Fukui et al. Outcomes from this study suggest that variation of mid-range vocabulary may play a more important role in writing proficiency than the use of infrequent terms that signal a larger productive lexicon. We show how this information informed the design stage of our medical English corpus. multidisciplinary field like medicine. paper Although vocabulary has long been an important criterion for assessing second language (L2) writing proficiency. Khadij (Victoria University of Wellington. selecting the most appropriate texts is of primary importance. 867 word families have been identified by all native speakers as of high practical value but were unknown to most of the advanced non-native speakers in this study. paper Fujieda. and lexical sequences. Room: Mezzanine Floor. In this task. Hiroshima University Corpus design and the creation of medical English wordlists Gonzalez. [email protected]) Thursday 19 December.. probably envisioned when he advocated for students to become language “research workers”. vocabulary size did initially facilitate writing scores at the lower score levels. 2:20 . 11:30 . These words are known to most native speakers of English. length of residence in NZ. 12:20 .nz) L1 Vocabulary Knowledge: The case of young Iranian bilinguals in New Zealand My study investigates L1 vocabulary knowledge in young Iranian bilinguals in New Zealand. digital library software) to expose students to large amounts of language data that is searchable and browseable for vocabulary. 11:55 . an early proponent of data driven learning.11:50am. poster Non-presenting authors: Walter Davies. but are unknown to most advanced nonnative speakers. but to also guide learners in how to employ these words in a varied manner within their writing. who will often rely on informed guesswork.jp) Creating corpus-informed word lists for a college radiology ESP program In this age of English as a global lingua franca. their attitude toward L1 maintenance. To my knowledge. we discuss the perennial questions: How do we know students are using them? How can we know how they’re using them? How can we tell if their use makes a difference? We share the challenges and limitations that we as researchers have experienced in our development and evaluation of a self-access. paper Vocab@Vic 19. 2) texts from introductory university textbooks. range. The study is based on a three-stage combination of pre-observation interviews. the researcher wishes to propose that for EFL engineering novices.000 of the most frequent lexical bundles of two to six words were ultimately selected and compiled into the EEPL.Hestetreet@if.” and “evaluation. marcella. Lewis (2000) pointed out that both native speakers of a language and successful advanced learners of a foreign language have a high level of “collocational competence. this study also investigated to what extent tasks with consistent and inconsistent rankings between Involvement Load Hypothesis and Technique Feature Analysis contribute to L2 vocabulary learning.” “search. 2000). the teachers were asked to elaborate on and explain key episodes observed in the lessons. Totally. lay-technical or crypto-technical words) may not be found in any of the most frequent multi-word sequences in the same corpus. Bases on the double-task three scoring systems are possible to give credits to partial word knowledge: (1) Word-Form Score: based on the first task only. either their synonyms /simple definitions or their meanings in Indonesian. In particular. followed by form-focused activities to strengthen the form-meaning connections (Laufer &Girsai. 9:25 – 9:45am. The EEPL was derived from a corpus containing 4. Room: RHLT3. Wednesday 18 December. 3:35 . 2007. paper Hu. Therefore. One theoretical approach to the study of word combinations assumes a continuum of semantic transparency.4:45pm. Friday 20 December. Of these three types. a lexical decision task was used to assess both L1 and advanced L2 speakers’ reaction times to free combination items versus collocational items. and vice versa. Rott.gyllstad@englund. Hulstijn. no differences were detected. Friday 20 December.e. Therefore. word-form and word-meaning) at once. on the other hand. Torill.1:50pm.lu. To gain better insight into and also more precise definitions of the involvement load indexes and technique feature factors. generation. there is now a growing body of research that highlights the importance of word combinations such as collocations. Department of English and Philosophy Idaho State University The semantics of word combinations – Learners’ processing of collocations and free combinations Even though vocabulary studies have traditionally been focused on single words. The intention was to access the teachers’ theoretical rationale for their teaching. technical.com) The effects of different tasks on EFL learners’ collocation learning It has been widely recognized that much of our ‘vocabulary’ consists of different kinds of prefabricated chunks (Lewis. whereas free combinations are largely considered unproblematic. . paper Hu. they noticed that some vocabulary learning activities with a lower ranking by the involvement load hypothesis have a higher rating with technique feature analysis.73% of the running words in the engineering textbook corpus. Room: RHLT2. collocations were seen as word combinations where one of the constituent words is either used in a delexical. Room: RHLT2. The aims of the pre-observation interviews included to find out how vocabulary was promoted in the teachers’ educational background and how it is promoted in their own teaching and in their schools. The present study is designed to investigate to what extent drawing learners’ attention to the target collocations via textual enhancement techniques plus different form-focused activities would facilitate their receptive and productive knowledge of collocations. Torill Irene (Department of foreign languages. The teachers were asked about their approach to English teaching and that of the school. Recent research has further indicated that mere exposure does not guarantee language acquisition for EFL learners. collocations are often seen as a major hurdle for second language (L2) learners. Hsueh-chao Marcella (Overseas Chinese University. from the most transparent category – free combinations – through collocations. to the least transparent category – idioms. Nation and Webb (2011) further proposed a technique feature analysis with five elaborate criteria (i. the better the retention. 2007). Henrik (Lund University.hu@gmail. 2001.” The Involvement Load Hypothesis assumes that the greater the involvement in a given task. it can measure two different word knowledge strengths (i. marcella. The preliminary findings suggested that Technique Feature Analysis appears to be more sensitive in terms of its ranking in predicting vocabulary learning. henrik. The results of study will be discussed with regard to L2 acquisition theory and implications for teaching. and knowledge of meaning recognition. 1. 4:25 .uib. five criteria were applied: frequency. learners need to attend to the connections between new lexical forms and their meanings so as to make elaboration by associating the word with its existing knowledge sources or maintaining it in working memory for rehearsal (Ellis. 2010.57 million running words of one hundred college textbooks across twenty engineering subject areas. Wenhua (I-Shou University. dispersion and cohesiveness of word groups for meaningful units as well as comprehensible units that do not span two syntactic constituents. hananto. and retention) to compensate for the inadequacy inherent in the Involvement Load Hypothesis. Their attributes may be approached from technicality in terms of subject relatedness and how they are used in context. It requires learners to do two things at once: supplying (1) the missing letter and (2) the number indicating the meaning of the target word. classroom observation and follow-up interviews. participants will be given the same four tests assessing their productive knowledge of collocation. the present EEPL and the EEWL (Engineering English Word List) in the literature may be mutually complementary in facilitating lexical mastery in engineering academic texts. Specifically.net) Frequent multi-word sequences in English-medium textbooks of engineering core courses This research aimed to establish a pedagogically useful list of multi-word sequences for EFL engineering undergraduates. If. paper Hsu. One of the findings in this research was that the most frequent engineering-related words (i. 4:25 . [email protected]) Non-presenting author: Brent Wolter. called the Engineering English Phrase List (EEPL). then they should be processed more slowly (and perhaps with less accuracy) than free combinations. and finally reading a text with L1 glossed and highlighted collocations followed by fill-in-the-blanks activities.no) Teacher perceptions of vocabulary teaching and learning This talk presents a qualitative study of vocabulary teaching and learning in English language classrooms in four primary schools in Norway. retrieval. technical or figurative sense. (2) Word-Meaning Score: based on the second task only. The exercise scores so far show that the wordform scores are significantly higher than the word-meaning scores indicating that learners may know the word-forms without necessary knowing their meanings. However.e. They accounted for approximately 25. Three tasks with varying levels of attention will be included in this study: reading a text with L1 glossed and highlighted collocations. especially their choices concerning the teaching of vocabulary. namely linking vocabulary to the field of teacher cognition. how they themselves had been taught vocabulary. An attempt to operationalize the construct of attention is Laufer and Hulstijn’s (2001) Involvement Load Hypothesis. This paper focuses on its unique format combining the most sensitive gap-filling format and multiple-choice format. paper Hestetraeet. Laufer & Waldman. 1994. Pulido. The present study was designed to determine if the assumed greater difficulty of collocations has psychological validity. how they teach vocabulary and how they think learners best develop their vocabulary. Room: RHLT2.com) Vocabulary learning measured by Involvement Load Hypothesis and Technique Feature Analysis: Which accounts for a more comprehensive model? L2 vocabulary development through reading is a complex process in which various components are involved and integrate with one another. 2011). Preliminary findings will be discussed. Furthermore. most foreign language learners of English with the intermediate language proficiency lack this collocational competence.edu) Measuring word-form and word-meaning link: a new vocabulary-size test format This paper reports the development of a three-year goverment-funded vocabulary project in Indonesia focusing on monitoring the progress of vocabulary learning using software developed in the project. motivation. University of Bergen.3:55pm. However. The program automatically generates various exercise formats based on the target words and the meaning given. 11:30 – 11:50am.hu@gmail. One week prior to and two weeks after the study. The underlying assumption was that if collocations are indeed more difficult to process.fip@uph. Thursday 19 December. 1:30 .4:45pm. this research explored how these frequent multi-word combinations relate to the engineering field. productive knowledge of meaning. paper Hananto.. In the study. Effective learning integrates the concept of noticing and attention into a language course for collocational knowledge development. which proposes that retention of new words depends on the degree of “need. knowledge of collocation recognition. Room: RHLT2. paper 20.e. among which the single most important kind is collocation. then it may have implications for our understanding of how collocations are stored and processed. whereas free combinations where seen to consist of words used in their literal sense. Through the program Collocate plus manual checking. noticing. Hananto (Universitas Pelita Harapan. Vocab@Vic 21. The aim is to compare four 7th grade teachers’ perceptions of the teaching and learning of vocabulary. sub-technical.hinet.Gyllstad. Hsueh-chao Marcella (Overseas Chinese University. Wednesday 18 December. reading a text with L1 glossed and highlighted collocations followed by multiple-choice exercises. (3) Word-Form & Word-Meaning Score: based on both the first and second tasks. Room: RHLT3. Thursday 19 December. In the post-observation interviews. The VST adopts a multiple-choice format with each item being made up of a stem and four options.38 for the original group and [email protected]:50pm.05 level. intermediate L2 speakers replicated the TFE but advanced Chinese ESL speakers showed no such effect. HLC concerns all other language knowledge and use. used in the aural/oral modes. also aims at validating the test. Learners must rank their knowledge for a list of words. A subsequent multiple-choice test elicited actual word knowledge.jp) Pedagogical implications of known-and-unknown word combinations This paper is a full report of several studies on the effect of known-and-unknown word combinations for intentional vocabulary learning. including processing differences between language perception and language production. Results show that means were 50. This paper deals with the following three points: (a) the mechanism of learning words in known-and-unknown word combinations. Nan (University of Maryland. These findings strengthen the argument for explicit vocabulary teaching which has been put forth in relevant literature. Alan Libert. Interference errors in L2 word use that have been considered as evidence for L1 involvement can be a result of conceptual transfer.jp) The function of stems in a vocabulary test Nation and Beglar (2007) recently developed the Vocabulary Size Test (VST). j.3:05pm. arguing that all theories of language acquisition must account for the acquisition of BLC. either bottom-up or top-down. 9:25 . but differed in the frequency of their Chinese translations. 11:55 .ca) Bricklayer: A computerized vocabulary assessment instrument Jiang. The analyses of the test results revealed that both groups made significant gains in the attainment of English academic vocabulary—both in terms of vocabulary size and in terms of controlled productive vocabulary knowledge. Room: RHLT2. each user’s specific word rankings. Room: RHLT2. The University of Newcastle. distinguishing between basic language cognition (BLC) and higher (or extended) language cognition (HLC). Performance results in a game score. a bilingual Japanese VST form was used. Friday 20 December. the study’s findings indicate that of the two approaches the bottom-up one worked marginally better for this population of EFL learners. Guowu. the nature of L2 lexical acquisition. Wednesday 18 December.3:55pm. intermediate Chinese ESL speakers were found to respond to the HTF words significantly faster than the LTF words while no such TFE was found among native controls. kasahara. paper Friday 20 December.h. Several suggestions will be made in order to make use of learning words in two-word combinations. Room: RHLT2. Thursday 19 December. Some validation studies have since appeared (Beglar 2010. Context was found to be a hindrance rather than a facilitator.4:20pm. Contrary to expectation. . Li. Tadamitsu (Kumamoto Gakuen University. 1996). focussing on the manner in which test items are presented. Guowu (The University of Newcastle. 1990) or depth assessment for a few items (Wesche & Paribakht. I will discuss the relevance of these findings for both generative and usage-based theories of L1 and L2 acquisition.au) Non-presenting authors: Christo Moskovsky. 73% accuracy for unknown words). Chinese ESL speakers were asked to perform a lexical decision task on English words that were matched in frequency. yielding a difference of 2. students performed better on the test without stems than on the test with stems. A total of 110 Japanese EFL university students participated in the study. given Bricklayer’s sensitivity to the overall context. which all native speakers have in common. Guo. However. 1:30 . An important empirical question arising from the model is how small or large vocabulary knowledge in BLC might be. Jan (University of Amsterdam. Vocab@Vic 23. to. paper 22. These results suggest that.60 for the modified group. respectively. but there are concerns about its reliability. it seems that the EFL academic vocabulary course that was specifically constructed for the purposes of the study was quite effective in achieving good learning outcomes. China. including vocabulary-size tests. Room: RHLT3. Additionally.cn). I will first present a model of language proficiency in native and non-native speakers. The mean frequency of their Chinese translations was 801.Jiang@uon. guotm@bnu. and the specifics of the Chinese cultural and educational tradition. However. 1987) relies on self-assessment for large numbers of words. respectively. but the groups differed in that each was only exposed to one method of vocabulary teaching.hokkyodai. The term “combination” in this paper means a two-word collocation of a familiar word and a word that is new to L2 learners.hulstijn@uva. A range of factors are likely to have been responsible for this outcome. 96 and 239 adult native speakers differing in age (from 18 to 82 years old) and level of education (low vs high). Karami. To control for English reading proficiency. (b) effective types of two-word combinations. The items in the productive (study 1) and receptive (study 2) vocabulary tests were selected on the basis of their frequency of occurrence in. This assumption needs to be tested. University of Newcastle. In Experiment 1 (reported at SLRF 2012). making the results highly contextualized. kamimoto@kumagaku. the learners’ proficiency level. Beglar (2010: 104) explains that each item is placed in a short non-defining context. I will report on two studies conducted in the Netherlands. though on a much smaller scale. Stem sentences were omitted to develop a form without stems. BLC is the language. In regards to writing guidelines for stems. The presentation will discuss pedagogical implications and also explore Bricklayer’s sensitivity to partial semantic knowledge. However.Hulstijn. The model’s predictive accuracy was comparable to a checklist assessment (61% accuracy for known words. respectively. Intermediate ESL learners (N = 28) were assessed twice on each of 72 words. A t-test showed that the difference was statistically significant at the . and (c) the effect of this word learning for beginning level L2 learners. Room: RHLT2.edu). Furthermore. 2012. it is well suited to assessing large numbers of words in a computer adaptive environment in which the user is given word lists based on previous performance. 2011) found that attaching a known word to a word to be remembered could help learners to retain and retrieve the meaning of the target word. The checklist test (Meara & Buxton. 4:00 . and part of speech. This study. A logistic regression model was built using the participants’ overall word rankings in Bricklayer. direct evidence of L1 lexical involvement is scarce. This way of learning words puts fewer burdens on learners than learning words in context such as learning new words in example sentences or passages. Several models have postulated that L2 words are linked to their L1 translations at an early stage and this link becomes less activated as one’s L2 proficiency increases. hbk1@sfu. University of Newcastle Bottom-up and Top-down Approaches in Second Language Vocabulary Teaching This paper presents a quasi-experimental study examining the effectiveness of two essentially different types of vocabulary teaching approaches: bottom-up and top-down. An underlying assumption here is that such a stem won’t give away a correct option. a computer game which modifies selfassessment by spot-checking learners’ self-report. Taomei (Beijing Normal University. Learning words in known-andunknown collocations is superior to learning words in isolation (paired-associate learning) in that it gives a clue (a known word) for learners to keep and remember the meaning of the target word. the newly-formed link between the known word and the target word seemed to help the learners to fix the new word into their mental lexicon. Room: RHLT2. Wednesday 18 December. njiang@umd. In the present Experiment 2 where an advanced Chinese ESL speaker group and an English frequency manipulation were added. I will also address problems in estimating shared vocabulary validly and reliably.12:15pm. were randomly distributed to the participants. Thursday 19 December. words are ranked in relation to each other. accuracy for unknown words increased to 87% when considering only low scoring games and accuracy for known words increased to 71% for high scoring games. Nguyen & Nation. Man (University of Maryland. In the encoding phase. Unlike traditional tests in which each item is measured individually. mandyleelm@gmail. A cautious interpretation of the results leads us to propose that the shared active and passive vocabularies of adult native speakers of Dutch amounts to 7000 lemmas. The findings offered new insights on the processes involved in L2 word recognition. the known word appeared to help them to limit the scope of searching the meaning of the target word.edu.22. a corpus of spoken Dutch (9 million words) and a corpus of written Dutch (50 million words). Kiwamu (Hokkaido University of Education. 2011).edu. Two forms of the test.ac. Participants received 48 hours of exposure to EFL academic vocabulary instruction over eight weeks. and the extent to which the findings can be extrapolated to other languages and societies. Vocabulary assessment commonly focuses either on breadth estimates (Nation.6 per million for the high-translation-frequency (HTF) and low-translation-frequency (LTF) conditions.ac. paper Kamimoto. paper Kent. This presentation introduces Bricklayer. 3:35 . Seamus Fagan.3 and 20. and the user’s overall ability level based on game scores. A maximum score possible was 80 points.nl) The notion of shared vocabulary: Size and theoretical relevance In this presentation. who were allocated into two research groups. 2:45 . paper Kasahara. in which we administered a battery of Dutch-language tests. in both of the two instructional approaches. The presentation will report its follow-up item analysis and discuss what the findings may imply. The present study examined L1 lexical involvement in L2 word recognition in terms of a translation frequency effect (TFE). Heidi (Simon Fraser University. length. both groups showed a reliable English lexical frequency effect. Two dimensions of participants’ academic English vocabulary development (reception and controlled production) were measured quantitatively at the start and at the end of the treatment.com) The translation frequency effect in L2 word recognition The representation and processing of lexical knowledge is an integral part of research on vocabulary acquisition. The study involved 120 first-year university students in Hebei province. Kasahara (2010. with or without stems. In the decoding phase.9:45am. paper Jiang. Howarth. and their responses to surveys about the learning strategies they used.Ker. Some key semantic features of lexical superlatives will be explained. or the task they have to perform (Alterberg & Granger. Addressing this issue. and more partial words were produced for the lengths from 9-letters to 12-letters. Room: RHLT2. this study developed an index titled Text Covering Efficiency (TCE) which is the mean text coverage per unit number of words of each group of words. together with patterns of collocation and colligation which are relevant to their use. To solve this problem. such an analysis allows you to say things like. are difficult to acquire and easy to attrite. this study qualitatively examines the verbal. their native language.manalo@gmail. 2000. Batia (University of Haifa.henning@auckland. smarlar.3 times more efficient than learning the advanced common academic words”. Biber et al. Thursday 19 December. suggest that “more effort” did not necessarily equate to the use of deeper processing strategies. emmanuel. Room: RHLT2. tatsuma2010@gmail. 2007).nz) Collocations: hard to get and easy to forget Why students make little effort in learning L2 vocabulary The use of L2 collocations is problematic for learners regardless of years of instruction they received. TCE is a robust index by which different lexical features in different genres can be clarified as well.2:40pm. 11:05 . production of the future tense of regular verbs and correctness judgment of collocations.e. Hasselgren. paper Wednesday 18 December. such a high ratio appears surprising. (2) repeated measures (within-subjects) analysis of variance showed that more completed words were produced when the word length ranges from 6-letters to 8-letters. direct and indirect cross linguistic influence in order to explain why collocations.ac. Thursday 19 December. in the second test. the other of L1 attrition. production of irregular verbs. Many studies have been done on parent-child interactions during shared storybook reading to examine their benefits on children’s vocabulary development. Inviting and allowing children to become involved in the storytelling process by acting out the meanings or representations of certain words was another common interactional strategy used by the three storytellers. Few studies have examined the interactional strategies used by trained storytellers whose storytelling is not typically accompanied by a book but only by their well-coordinated gestures. The study offers implications for leveraging on the multimodal meaning-making potential of storytelling interaction while providing young children exposure to spoken vocabulary which has important links to their language development. The number of L2 users who performed like native speakers was lowest on collocation use and collocation knowledge test. The paper will begin by revisiting the nature of comparison. Liu. A taxonomy will be presented which expands the semantic range of how comparison is traditionally understood to include categories like non-scalar (same / different) comparison (Ker. collocation knowledge and use. We examined the students’ performance in two consecutive tests.edu. 12:40 .sg) Ultra-dark matter: How lexical superlatives supplement their grammatical equivalents Providing exposure to spoken vocabulary through multimodal storytelling interaction Comparatives and superlatives in English are identified most closely with inflected and phrasal forms of adjectives (e. The results showed that on average the students employed a strategy requiring low effort.9:45am. paper Laufer.com) The role of receptive morphological knowledge in partial word written form production has not received proper attention in second language vocabulary research. The course required learning of words from Coxhead’s (2000) academic words list. 2000. Text coverage has been used for evaluating these groups of words (Coxhead. Singapore. better.il) Manalo.sydney. I report on two studies. Nanyang Technological University. and test outcomes likely explain the low cognitive effort the students were making in learning. 5:15 . The results show that besides verbal features. Attrition of collocations was found in the results of both immigrant groups: those who learnt Hebrew and those who remained monolingual. Room: RHLT3.ac.au) Partial word knowledge: Insights from an analysis of word learnability Matsushita. most common). and half of the strategies were of a shallow processing type involving only repetition and rote memorization. Pavlenko. In addition. Against this background. and the students’ scores in the tests. fiction and conversation. alastair. the current paper examined 54 Taiwanese university students’ existing receptive morphological knowledge. Further concordance data from ICE-NZ will then be used to demonstrate that lexical superlatives provide a varied and frequently-used alternative to their inflectional and phrasal equivalents. findings from the ICE-NZ corpus will be reported which demonstrate the important though under-appreciated role lexis plays in comparison in general. These farther results lend support to the contribution of receptive morphological knowledge to partial word production. Henning. Applying a multimodal spoken discourse analysis. Hyland & Tse. 1994. Four areas of L1 were examined: lexical retrieval.2 times more efficient in covering Japanese social science texts than learning other words at the same level. However. 2003. Room: RHLT3. In this study.lwin@nie. . pointed out narrows significantly – hence the analogy with dark matter. An examination of the relationships between the types and difficulty levels of the strategies employed. These findings led to further investigation for understanding the pattern of partial word written form and its relationship between the students’ existing morphological knowledge. and thus it is useful for deciding a more efficient learning/teaching order of words. and (3) non-parametric Friedman test revealed that the participants produced longer partial words for each word length category. 1998. instruction. Nesselhauf. batialau@research. did not acquire Hebrew (L2) with immigrants who acquired Hebrew and with Russian speaking controls in Russia. I will relate the results to the issues of input. 2001. Japanese Literary Words (Matsushita. 2006). Implications of these findings for the teaching of English for Academic Purposes (EAP) will be explored. “Learning the intermediate Japanese Common Academic Words is 6.ac. The result shows that TCE clearly indicates the efficiency in gaining text coverage. clin6708@uni. Preliminary results indicated: (1) the participants’ receptive morphological knowledge was significantly positive moderately correlated with their productive word knowledge. paper Wednesday 18 December. it is not appropriate for comparing the efficiency between grouped words when the numbers of words are different between the groups. nor did it result in better outcomes in the tests. How do we evaluate a group of words in gaining text coverage? Thursday 19 December. The first study compared highly advanced L2 users and native speakers on five areas of lexical proficiency: richness and variation in writing.com).g. one of L2 acquisition. and 8. however. 5:15 .11:25am. academic prose. seems to be less immune to attrition than other language features (Laufer. poster Domain-specific words such as academic words (Coxhead. paper Lin. 1999.nz) Lwin. it makes easier to decide what words should be learned first to read texts in a genre and to examine the lexical features of texts in different genres.haifa. The participants were 84 Japanese undergraduate university students taking a compulsory course in English.ker@vuw. Chen-Chun Camille (University of Sydney. Friday 20 December. vocal and visual features used by three trained storytellers during their storytelling sessions for young children. on the other hand. (1999) found that in a corpus consisting of news. strategy type. we examined whether students make adequate effort in learning second language (L2) vocabulary words. while 71% of the total reported using the exact same strategy as in the first test. Kaszubski. Implications for integrating morphological knowledge into productive vocabulary teaching and learning are provided. 2012) and other types of grouped words. Given the human predilection for expressing ourselves in superlative terms. Room: Mezzanine Floor. Room: RHLT3. The results from further investigation of the students’ partial word production revealed that the students produced longer letter-strings for partial words based on their knowledge of affixes and knowledge of word class. Soe Marlar (National Institute of Education. Marcus (The University of Auckland. Alastair (Victoria University of Wellington. and their productive vocabulary knowledge. These disconnections between effort. A conceptual framework for the case of superlative meanings building on Huddleston & Pullum’s (2002) distinction between absolute and relative superlatives will also be established. only 22% of those students reported using the “more effective” strategy. For example. and considered possible reasons for the amount of effort they use. The influence of cognitive cost on students’ selection and use of learning strategies has not been adequately investigated in previous research. If the frequency of lexical superlatives is taken into account. greatest. The second study compared Russian. more important. comparative forms of adjectives were twice as common as superlative ones. 2000) are often extracted for efficient vocabulary learning in a genre. 2011).5:35pm. 1996. Emmanuel (Waseda University. Vocab@Vic 25. as measured by the tests of word class and word segmentation. TCE enables us to compare many different types of grouped words in many different genres. Granger.edu. the students received bi-weekly tests on selected words. The validity of TCE was tested by applying it to Japanese Common Academic Words (Matsushita. Schmitt.1:30pm. more than other language features. This study investigates how verbal and non-verbal features of storytelling interaction could facilitate young children’s understanding of the meanings of spoken vocabulary items. The children’s verbal and non-verbal responses shows evidence of how these interactional strategies have possibly facilitated their understanding of the meanings of several vocabulary items. facial expressions and voice modulation to help children in making inferences about unfamiliar words in relation to the plot and characters. The use of L1 collocations.speaking immigrants in Israel who remained monolingual. Tatsuhiko (The University of Tokyo. m. 2004). 2:20 . the gap between comparative and superlative adjective forms which Biber et al. 9:25 . 2005. paper 24. elaborate facial expressions and voice modulation. the storytellers used specific types of gestures. such as scaffolding through questioning or providing a synonym. vocabulary size. i.5:35pm. 2010). Sixty-two per cent of the students indicated that they could think of a “more effective” strategy. Therefore. universities and private language schools) and national contexts. 2010). Previous vocabulary research has suggested that a value called D (or Diversity) is a good measure of lexical diversity even for short texts. They also took a multiple-choice vocabulary test as a pretest and a posttest. Canadian urban centres are undergoing a rapid demographic shift. Pedagogically. Also discussed are whether all meanings of a polyseme be taught at once when the word is introduced or if this increases the learning burden. 2004). Wednesday 18 December. Nation. who in turn out-performed arts majors. paper Pinchbeck. Although expanding spacing is often regarded as the most effective practice schedule (e. 11:55 .. If. interval between the treatment and posttest) is shorter than 24 hours (for reviews. we found the VST’s reliability to be high (Chronbach’s alpha = . Wednesday 18 December.jp). In line with Okamoto’s (2007) and Cobb & Horst’s (1999) research in Japan and Hong Kong respectively. The participants completed a questionnaire on self-efficacy in vocabulary learning and vocabulary learning strategies before and after the intervention. Specifically. Nation 2001.. More proficient learners also used more lexically diverse language than less proficient learners.nomura311@gmail. short. Jonathan (Victoria University of Wellington. the VST and other vocabulary size instruments would benefit from further editing. Yamanishi. Room: RHLT2.. 3:35 .g. Victoria University of Wellington Rasch validated (Beglar. Kevin (Korea Maritime University. We will also examine the most frequent words with multiple but unrelated meanings and how this should influence the construction of word lists. Schmitt. 2007) is an increasingly popular measure of decontextualized written receptive vocabulary size. The main effect of the amount of spacing.ac.12:15pm. 2001. Friday 20 December. 1995. [email protected]). should its inclusion on high frequency word lists be adjusted? Friday 20 December. the findings imply that introducing a large amount of spacing between encounters may be more important than gradually increasing spacing.g.) which shows a strong tendency for learners to cling to the familiar meaning even when it results in sentences we might expect would be rejected. While Beglar (2010) indicates that the VST has high internal reliability. This paper reports on a study that addresses this gap through an extensive survey-based investigation into the vocabulary-related practices of teachers in a variety of settings (EFL and ESL.com) Newton. EIKEN is Japan’s most widely used English language testing program which measures English proficiency. the Vocabulary Size Test (VST) (Nation& Beglar. Stuart (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine. Mean VST scores decline progressively from 1st through 4th year students.000-word. 2007). 4:00 .ac. and / or (c) the retention interval (i. urano@hgu. Room: RHLT3.g. 2008) and the range of publications advising teachers on effective vocabulary teaching strategies (e. Hiroyuki (Kansai University. In this study. m. paper Nomura. paper Parent. L2 vocabulary teaching: What do teachers actually do? Friday 20 December.nakata@vuw. Mariko (Kanda University of International Studies. the intervals between encounters are held constant. paper Nakata. The present study examined whether the amount of spacing and retention interval may influence the effects of expanding and equal spacing on second language vocabulary learning.nz) Investigating university students’ vocabulary sizes and the VST Non-presenting author: Stuart Webb. it might be possible to enhance self-efficacy. The students were grouped by year. hiyamani@ kansai-u. Rasch analysis indicates that guessing is inflating participant’s scores.4:20pm. We are in the process of compiling a >2. Geoffrey (University of Calgary. The pedagogical implications of the current study are discussed mainly in terms of incorporating instructions aimed at enhancing self-efficacy and self-regulation in vocabulary teaching and learning. however assigning a written receptive vocabulary size through the VST remains problematic.92).4:20pm.3:55pm.ac.com) Lexical diversity in Japanese EFL learners’ spoken and written production This study investigates the lexical richness of Japanese EFL learners’ spoken and written production from the perspective of lexical diversity. Wednesday 18 December. Vocab@Vic 27. D values for the paired data were calculated using Meara and Miralpeix’s (2007) D_Tools program. For instance. major and hensachi (national ability test results). 2000).. beso293@hotmail. while some studies failed to find any advantage of expanding over equal spacing. Coxhead. (b) the treatment involves a large amount of spacing. and not containing more cognates/loan words than the L1 within the range of vocabulary being tested. 2001.ca) Vocabulary profiling of Canadian High School Diploma exam expository writing This presentation will examine the relationship between vocabulary use and academic success in mainstream grade 12 English Language Arts (ELA) classrooms. Little is known as to how valid D values are for both spoken and written texts from the same learners at the secondary school level. Room: RHLT2.5:10pm. other studies found the superiority of expanding spacing under limited conditions: when (a) feedback is not provided after retrievals. The paper reports on main findings from the analysis of survey responses and looks at how the data corresponds to principles and advice for vocabulary teaching found in the research literature. Koizumi (2007) showed that D was a valid index of lexical diversity for spoken data produced by Japanese secondary school students. one result of which has been a call for academic language to be given a more prominent role in public educational planning across the curricula. paper 26.com) Polysemy and the language learner This presentation discusses the concepts of polysemy and homonymy. Durán. Room: RHLT2. Pre-2 and 2). The type of spacing (expanding and equal) as well as the amount of spacing (massed. The results showed that the two treatment groups showed a steady increase in self-efficacy and vocabulary knowledge compared with the contrast groups. Urano. In the study. Roediger & Karpicke. mizumoto@kansai-u. The gain scores in the questionnaire and the vocabulary test were submitted to ANOVA. being more sensitive. 2010).ac. Only the treatment groups received the intervention which was a self-regulated learning approach. 4:00 .g. Room: RHLT2. being based on less formal corpora. The VST effectively separates participants in line with their lexical ability. the overestimating of learners’ vocabulary sizes due to cognates and guessing remain issues. Hulstijn.newton@vuw. 2007. This study involved two types of courses: (a) an intensive vocabulary learning course and (b) a normal reading and vocabulary learning course. tatsuya.000. the homonym miss is two different words (one a title and the other a verb and its related noun). medium. Results suggested that the type of spacing may have little effect on vocabulary learning regardless of the amount of spacing or retention interval. 2000). The findings from the current study provide empirical evidence suggesting that through a self-regulated learning approach. One hundred and twenty-eight Japanese college students studied 20 English-Japanese word pairs.McLean.jp) Incorporating a self-regulated learning approach into vocabulary learning courses This study aimed to explore the effects of incorporating a self-regulated learning approach into vocabulary learning courses. Significant correlations were found between VST scores and hensachi scores. Nation and Gu.. This paper reports on results from 4. Previous studies have tested the validity of D with respect to the lexical diversity of Japanese EFL learners’ production by using spoken or written data alone. TOEIC scores and TOFEL scores. Room: RHLT3. was significant. however. The present study used spoken and written texts on two different topics produced by 42 Japanese secondary school students who had three levels of EIKEN certification (Grades 3. e.. paper Mizumoto.831 Japanese university student VST tests. 1:55 . Despite the sizable body of recent research on L2 vocabulary teaching and learning (e. Atsushi (Kansai University. and variations of up to 60% in correct responses between consecutive items. not being influenced by text length (e. the ‘sea-inlet’ meaning of sound. A group of 220 learners of English as a Foreign Language from a university in Japan participated in this study. and long) were manipulated. 2007. [email protected]. the data collected in this study posits that Japanese English education is facilitating lexical attrition. Tatsuya (Victoria University of Wellington. Schmitt. there is a distinct lack of research on how teachers actually address vocabulary in their classroom practice. which in turn may contribute to the better development of vocabulary knowledge. etc. It reports on a study conducted with learners encountering high frequency words employing rare meanings (the culinary meaning of cure. see Balota et al. for example. Ken (Hokkai-Gakuen University.e. we hope to refine the construct of general academic language within Canadian secondary education settings (as opposed to post-secondary settings. studies comparing equal and expanding spacing have yielded mixed results. English majors demonstrated greater lexical knowledge than science majors. Richards & Chipere. The results showed that learners’ written texts were more lexically diverse than their spoken texts: the mean D score was about 20 higher in the written texts. Thus.nz) Does gradually increasing spacing increase second language vocabulary learning? Expanding spacing refers to a practice schedule where the intervals between encounters of a given item are gradually increased. 4:50 . D proved to be valid for both modes of short texts produced by Japanese secondary school students. . high schools. The participants were assigned as the treatment groups and the contrast groups in both courses. Unexpected patterns were found in the knowledge students demonstrated: greater knowledge of less frequent 1000-word bands than more frequent word bands.2:15pm. whereas in equal spacing. Ellis. Malvern. and the problems they pose to language learners. Working towards the development of an academic lexical syllabus component within the mainstream K-12 secondary curricular framework. jonathan. D. technical words. Brown.2:15pm. very few studies have been conducted to determine whether cue order has a significant effect on response types or whether respondents continue to adhere to their individual response pattern despite manipulations to cues. David (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. for example. in order to enhance the possibility of learning success. The study found that the tasks in many commonly used textbooks offered too much vocabulary support to learners. 2) writing error data using a detailed coded rubric. two recent research manuals (Schmitt. Scores from these tests were then compared with their scores from UE and the NMET. linda. 52(3). paper Qian. Huckin (Eds. reporting more sophisticated analyses of the technical quality and validity of particular vocabulary measures. 2011) have spelled out standards for the measurement of outcomes in vocabulary research studies in particular.. selective vs.2:40pm. References Laufer.ac. paper Wednesday 18 December. we plan to identify a domain of mid-frequency vocabulary that explains unique variance of both essay quality and general academic success.edu. there has been an upsurge of articles in the major journals Language Testing and Language Assessment Quarterly.1997. individualized forms were created to intentionally prime certain response types at T2. 1999). mid frequency words.12:05pm. Two groups of first-year degree students in a major university in Hong Kong. embedded construct definitions. 2008).grade-12-student written corpus from a large random sample of essays from a provincial diploma ELA exam.2:15pm. Then the results of running through the RANGE program (Heatley. in commonly used reading textbooks and integrated skills course books. Coxhead. Qian. Cherie (Akita International University. Room: RHLT2. 1:55 . The research method and findings will be discussed in detail and practical suggestions for more effective tasks will be given. Coady & T. D.Qian@polyu. and 3) student high-school transcripts.hk) Power of the Vocabulary Levels Test for predicting writing proficiency Racine. writing. Results of the study also suggest that the 5000 vocabulary level is an important threshold for the writing of EFL students at the tertiary level.nz) Reflecting on the validity of vocabulary assessments In his influential volume Assessing vocabulary (2000). The lexical plight in second language reading: words you don’t know. Lexical indexes such as frequency and diversity data and vocabulary profiles then will be generated by aligning essay vocabulary with reference corpora of adult British5 and American7 English as well as an American K-12 textbook and reader corpus. The Vocabulary Levels Test (VLT) has played a useful role in predicting various aspects of EFL learners’ proficiency (Laufer. Betsy (LALS. 1:55 . 2007. Teachers and learners are rightly concerned with identifying and maximizing the potential effectiveness of learning tasks. Konstantakis. for example. 139-152. B. Friday 20 December. Finally this study concludes by reflecting on the most suitable sequence to organise the learning of the most frequent medical words needed for good unassisted reading comprehension of medical texts written in English. thereby avoiding the need for deep involvement with the vocabulary and potentially limiting vocabulary retention.4 million medical corpus of written English has over the 25 thousand British National Corpus/COCA lists. This paper presents an empirical study exploring the extent to which the VLT can predict one aspect of EFL learners’ language proficiency. Use of English (UE) and the National Matriculation English Test (NMET). While no priming effects were observed in the responses of the NNS group at T2. (2008). Wednesday 18 [email protected]. Staehr.quero@vuw. paper 28. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the extent to which tasks. Room: RHLT3. Room: RHLT2. Vocabulary profiles will then be compared to the following associated data: 1) official provincial exam essay scores (holistic rubric). Victoria University of Wellington.com). An analysis of lexical richness (lexical profile. The dominance of the Assessment Use Argument in contemporary thinking about the process of test validation does not necessarily accommodate vocabulary assessment very comfortably.lin@Polyu. S.jp) “Digging Deep”: Analysing task potential to increase vocabulary retention Learning and retaining vocabulary are inherent requirements in the acquisition of any language. paper Quero. gaijira@gmail. cbrown@aiu. Sutarsyah et al. words you think you know and words you can’t guess. Two WA tasks were administered to groups of participants five to eight weeks apart. The paper will review the implications of these developments and consider the current status of vocabulary testing within language assessment. John (University of Auckland. 2002. On the other hand. Staehr. search and evaluation are required in order to complete a task. identifies a strong correlation between learners’ scores from the VLT and those from an English proficiency test.hk). 2001. 2010. learners engage with words more deeply. David. Lin. At the same time however.com) Priming and profiles in first and second language word association One of the assumptions underlying experimental design in word association (WA) research is that the order in which cues are presented will affect respondents’ response patterns. there has been a renewed interest among language testers in diagnosis as a purpose of language assessment. thus facilitating vocabulary retention.3:05pm. proficient language learners’ L2 responses more closely resemble their own L1 responses than they do native speakers’ responses. It was found that VLT’s predictive power for assessing writing performance was considerably lower than that of UE. 11:45 . Vocab@Vic 29. and the potential effects of this on subsequent vocabulary retention. Using a combination of discriminant and regression analytical approaches. 3:10 . Using data gathered at T1. Results will be discussed in terms of second language proficiency and response profile strength. Language Learning Journal. lexical sophistication and lexical variation) in the writing of these two groups of learners added more empirical evidence to this finding. rachaelruegg@gmail. First. Room: RHLT3. and context-independent vs. but significantly higher than that of the NMET. One problem students of English for Specific Purposes encounter when sequencing the vocabulary learning of general high frequency words. 282-307. the cumulative text coverage results of these 25 general lists over the medical corpus are presented. Investigating the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and academic reading performance: An assessment perspective. and that they remain stable even across languages. John (Dokkyo University. To date. Future research will be suggested. D. 2000) some medical word lists on top of the 25 thousand British National Corpus/COCA lists are explained. thus optimizing potential for successful vocabulary retention. paper Read. paper Friday 20 December. termed ‘task-induced involvement’ by Laufer and Hulstijn (2001). The participants were asked to take the VLT and a writing test. 2:45 .) Second Language Vocabulary Acquisition: a Rationale for Pedagogy (pp. However. This study explains the lexical text coverage that a 5. a statistically significant amount of priming was observed in native-speaker responses. context-dependent assessment procedures. Wednesday 18 December. Room: RHLT3.3:30pm.ac. 1999. In addition. 2:20 . In J. We present how this research might be used to develop tools to monitor English academic literacy development for diagnostic purposes and to inform a strategic K-12 academic language pedagogy. Rachael (Akita International University. Ward. however. To minimize such influence on their data. Language Learning. L. Linda (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. academic words. Room: RHLT3. 20-34). Nation & Webb. Little research. consisting of three continua: discrete vs.ac. D. Japan. John Read analysed the gap that existed at that time between vocabulary testing and the mainstream field of language assessment. and Coxhead. (1997). there is growing evidence that response profiles remain relatively stable over time. . Ruegg. (1999). reading and writing. On the one hand. Vocabulary size and the skills of listening. participated in the study. ja. also a long-established high-stakes test. induce ‘deep’ involvement with vocabulary. Canadian Modern Language Review. and low frequency words of their L2 is to be able to acquire an important amount of content-specific words in a relatively short time span (one or two years of their English for Medical Purposes courses). Qian. with particular reference to the issue of the appropriate criteria for validating lexical measures. 67 from Hong Kong and 83 from mainland China. deserve greater attention. Wednesday 18 December.nz) Lexical text coverage of medical texts written in English It is widely accepted that vocabulary learning can be sequenced from focusing first on acquiring the most general and frequent words of the language and then moving progressively to the least frequent ones (Nation. He proposed a simple framework that could help bridge the gap. 36(2). betsy. Laufer and Hulstijn (2001) claim that when need. a well-established proficiency test. two English language tests in the university entrance examinations in Hong Kong and China respectively. The tasks in 10 reading textbooks and 10 integrated skills course books were analysed in terms of the three elements identified by Laufer and Hulstijn (2001). 56(2). (2002). Nation. in order to facilitate more successful vocabulary retention. Assessing the roles of depth and breadth of vocabulary knowledge in reading comprehension. namely. In the process of incidental vocabulary acquisition. opening a new role for lexical measures in the field. These distinctions are still helpful in integrating conventional vocabulary tests into a field that is still dominated by the work on the development of task-based proficiency and achievement tests. That is. Cambridge University Press. comprehensive sampling of vocabulary items. 2000. 1994. Staehr. much has changed in the last decade. This study was designed to measure the influence of priming on WA responses of both native speakers and non-native speakers of English. randomized versions of WA tests. 513-536 Qian. has hitherto extended to comparisons between the VLT’s predicative power and that of high-stakes proficiency tests. the extent to which tasks require depth of processing. researchers routinely create multiple. Thursday 19 December. they require the correct answer to be supplied and. half of the participants were requested to copy the idioms.com) Sheppard. and at the end (Level 3) of an intensive language course. Julie (Vrije Universiteit Brussel. Taken together. Tokyo. This paper describes an experiment that was set up to measure the relative mnemonic effects of enhanced attention to form versus attention to meaning during the acquisition of L2 figurative idioms. speaking. Bransford. using a much smaller sample size.8% of the corpus. paper 30.jp) Stengers.. For L1 there appears to be a linear decrease. 11. Further analysis demonstrated that the mean correlation does not differ depending on the language.ac. Levels of processing versus transfer appropriate processing. in the middle (Level 2). julie. Yoshio (Waseda University. and then match this with the correct option. being able to use the word receptively and productively (i. Room: RHLT3. Thursday 19 December. Semantic and Structural Elaboration in L2 Lexical Acquisition. the ability to use the lexical item fluently The presentation will then report on a critical synthesis of vocabulary studies in which both size and depth have been measured to develop an empirically-based description of the relationship between breadth and depth. In addition non-technical low frequency vocabulary formed another 5. & Franks. The reading material for the semester was used to form the corpus. paper Wednesday 18 December.siyanova@vuw. along with distractors. Analyses revealed that the number of learner collocations was comparable across the three levels. Room: RHLT2. the usual fill-in-the-blank format of question which tests productive vocabulary is not practicable and other approaches must be found. Levels of processing.86.be). The results of the experiment are discussed in light of the levels-ofprocessing theory (Craik & Lockhart 1972). June (Universiteit Gent. While these extremes do exist. Norbert (University of Nottingham. 3:10 . paper Sheppard.M. Therefore if L2 students did not know the technical vocabulary of their discipline and were unfamiliar with the LF vocabulary. 1977) and Barcroft’s transfer-of-processing-resources-allocation (TOPRA) model for lexical learning (2002). In addition. the percentage of unknown vocabulary in their texts would be too high to facilitate much incidental vocabulary acquisition.D. Twenty beginner L1 Chinese learners of L2 Italian wrote a composition at the beginning (Level 1). few studies have investigated the development of L2 collocational knowledge longitudinally. These and other findings will be discussed. While the percentage of technical words and phrases was not high there was a large number (1005) to meet in one semester and their frequency of occurrence was low.3:30pm. further analyses showed a significant qualitative increase in collocation usage. 2001).I. listening. This paper reports the results of a meta-analysis conducted on research investigating the extent to which vocabulary knowledge influences comprehension in both first and second language (L1 and L2) reading. Chris (Waseda University. This paper will report on a corpus study which examined the percentage. developmental progress from no knowledge to full mastery 2. 323-363.3:30pm. Eyckmans.e. i. the testee needs to produce the word first.10:10am. Other L2 proficiencies and L2 backgrounds have. poster Siyanova-Chanturia. A disadvantage of standard multiple-choice vocabulary test items is that. how well the words in the mental lexicon are organized 6. Two competing explanations for these results are discussed. In addition. Japan.deconinck@vub. studies investigating tertiary aged and adult participants reported a significant increase. Fewer still have employed more than a handful of participants. and collocation 4. what does the research show is the typical relationship between size and depth? Some researchers have even suggested there is little real difference between the two constructs in practice (e. suggesting no quantitative increase. paper Schmitt. june. less repetition was observed in Level 3 compositions than in Level 1 compositions. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior.J. We also show that cognitive-style variables may enhance or constrain the proposed mnemonic effects. helene. transform each letter of the word into a number according to the given code. While the ideal case would be where learners have a large lexicon in which each item is well known. A framework for memory research. with adults showing the strongest (ρ= . Helene (Vrije Universiteit Brussel. The results found the sample-size-weighted population correlation to be ρ= . Room: Mezzanine Floor. 10:55 . 10:30 . In order to select a correct answer. 25.000-13. such as multiple meaning senses. Two studies were conducted in order to examine the validity of this style of multiple-choice test. Language Learning.jp). Morris. norbert. all participants were invited to elaborate on the meaning of the idioms. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior. Chris (Waseda University. Studies reporting correlations with primary and secondary school aged participants showed the same pattern as in L1 studies. Room: RHLT2.69.Ryan. 16. The second study.com). 2004). Geraldine (Eastwest College of Intercultural Studies.10:50am. It was concluded that this would make the incidental acquisition of such vocabulary difficult. number and frequency of occurrence of technical vocabulary (both individual words and fixed phrases) in theology books at Masters’ level in order to examine the extent to which the texts provided the lexical input necessary to aid in incidental learning of that vocabulary in a mainstream classroom over a semester by L2 students.000) take a pen and paper test and results are required within a few days.11:15am.schmitt@nottingham. 519-533. 12:40 . Conversely. chris@waseda. Recall was measured after the treatment by means of a gap-fill exercise in which each idiom was presented in context with a keyword missing. Craik.uk) Size and depth of vocabulary: A review of the research It has been common to describe vocabulary knowledge in terms of size and depth since the 1980s.jp) The Incidental acquisition of technical vocabulary through texts Multiple-choice testing of productive vocabulary In the field of EAP the acquisition of the technical vocabulary of a subject is generally consigned to the mainstream classroom with little research on how well such vocabulary can be acquired in those classrooms.044).D. by and large. indicating that further research needs to be conducted. the transfer-appropriate -processing theory (TAP)(Morris et al. & Lockhart. Deconinck. J. eyckmans@ugent. an activity relying mainly on semantically-oriented processing.ac. been disregarded. However.e.5% occurred eight or more times. chris@waseda. s = . 9:50 . multiple-choice testing of productive vocabulary. J. it was determined that age as a factor does have an effect on the correlations.g. (1977). Level 3 compositions contained more frequent and strongly associated collocations than Level 1 compositions. The analysis also determined that a large percentage of the variance in the correlations is yet unaccounted for. learners using extensive rote memorization might be found to have large vocabularies in which all that is known about the individual items is the memorized meanings. The first study included an item analysis of 20 items used in entrance examinations over four years of testing and reports the results in terms of the internal reliability and the construct validity of the testing. writing.stengers@gmail. . they are unable to measure productive knowledge. Barcroft. and that it behaves differently depending on the language. Room: RHLT3. reports the content validity and face validity of the test. s = . (1972). 52 (2). Anna (Victoria University of Wellington. Afterwards. Wednesday 18 December. Vocab@Vic 31. This presentation will first discuss different ways depth of vocabulary knowledge can be conceptualized: 1.057 after accounting for sampling error and other measurement artifacts. Thursday 19 December. geraldineelic@gmail. C. From a corpus of 256.ac.nz) Quality and quantity of learner collocation: a longitudinal perspective The fact that second language (L2) learners have problems with collocation in their written and spoken language is widely attested.. A cohort of 8973 participants was involved. Intermediate L2 English students were presented with online exercises on a set of 25 English idioms that they were unfamiliar with.9% occurred 15 or more times. In a context where a large number of participants (12. whereas the other group of participants was asked to rate the usefulness of the idioms.238 word tokens the study found that technical words and fixed phrases made up 9. A small corpus of L2 Italian was compiled with the aim to investigate the quality and quantity of N+Adj collocations. and significantly lower correlations with tertiary aged and adult participants. However. knowing other word knowledge components.1:30pm. derivative forms. Ueno. Vermeer. it is possible to think of cases where learners have a small lexicon of well-practiced and well-known items. 671-684. and the ability to inference from context) 5. F. This paper reports research which validates one such alternative approach. knowing the form-meaning link of a word 3. while only 16. anna. However. J. the study provides new insights into the development of L2 collocational competence. virtually all studies to date have looked at advanced L2 learners of English. in reading. yueno@waseda. with higher correlations found for studies conducted with primary school aged participants. However. paper Thursday 19 December. (2002).be) Vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension: A meta-analysis Improving L2 idiom learning through attention to form or to meaning? Vocabulary knowledge has long been acknowledged as an important part of the reading process.73% of the corpus. The general reliability and validity of testing productive vocabulary using the code format are discussed and suggestions are made for further revisions. L2 demonstrates a different pattern. 30 studies containing 59 data sets were located through an extensive search of the literature and were entered into a correlational meta-analysis (Hunter and Schmidt. as a result. Room: RHLT2. 3:10 . R.. One solution to this problem is to provide testees with a code where each letter of the alphabet can be matched to a number. In the first series of exercises.S.. In this study. attaining normative categorization of adjectives poses difficulty for them. Like the New Model Corpus on the Sketch Engine. Jannie (Faculty of Education.nz) Tegge. and about vocabulary assessment and how to gain traction on expanding student’s vocabulary knowledge and capabilities. Room: RHLT2. aotani@tokaigakuen-u. The experiment was designed to reflect classroom reality.jp) Sampling biases and implications for better wordlist creation One of the problems of compiling educational wordlists is that word frequency distributions are very skewed and only a handful of very highly frequent words comprise a majority of texts. where the theory-practice interface is core.g. paper Thursday 19 December.ritsumei.businessperson). by limiting the web searches to particular subdomains on the net. Room: RHLT2. This paper will describe the professional development (PD) model being used in some Auckland primary schools to address the vocabulary knowledge gap of teachers. The investigation was carried out using three university groups of Japanese first language speakers with comparable proficiency in English as a foreign language. In this study. both). To ensure a high degree of ecological validity. Knowledge of formulaic language helps second language English speakers to anticipate.10. using the texts to answer meaning focused questions. paper 32. Each group was treated to a different instruction method: bare noticing of the lexical bundles within the text. haidee. The effectiveness of this approach will be discussed and enactment examples will be shown. This statistics provided the word frequency stability scores across corpora. Wednesday 18 December. Naoki (Ritsumeikan University. BNC-clones (c. Room: RHLT2. a newly developed statistical model. On a 3-week delayed post-test. . Lexical bundles are the most common type of formulaic language. In the present study. KOGA Yuya.jp).com) The vocabulary knowledge gap in primary schools: Professional development for teachers Music mnemonics and vocabulary learning – Using Songs in the Classroom Primary school teachers are well aware of the impact of students’ vocabulary knowledge on how well they can comprehend and express in all areas of the curriculum.9:45am. Room: RHLT3. and the first 1. [email protected]:35am. which will cover approximately 80% in written texts of the British National Corpus. 11:45 . this presentation focuses on phrasal verbs because while they are considered to be the most frequently occurring formulaic string. 12:20 – 12:40pm. The methodology and results will be presented and discussed in light of the involvement load hypothesis. at least occasionally. it has been pointed out that Japanese EFL learners are not sensitive to such probabilistic distributions.jp) Non-presenting authors: Kojiro Shojima. Recall of verbatim text and vocabulary was assessed immediately and one week later using a number of tests. but this method had not been tested empirically. The output of the AMISESCAL analysis will be compared across the proficiency levels. Thus. Such asymmetric relations are also observed with adjective and noun pairs. 9:50 . Participants are instructed to judge. delayed post-tests showed no significant difference across the instruction methods. the cognitive linguistic group’s scores were higher than the traditional group. A frequent purpose of using songs is to introduce new or practice previously introduced vocabulary. paper Tono. a precise definition of general EAP and ESP vocabulary is not so straightforward because this mid-frequency vocabulary is susceptible to sampling biases.nonsense) or to the predicative use (e. However.tono@tufs. 10:15 . as teaching material inside the classroom. Participants were intermediate and advanced EFL learners in Belgium.thomson@gmail. and most importantly. the sampling frames were defined based on the British National Corpus.000 words will add only 3-4 percent of the total text coverage. Fraser. and sometimes both uses are possible with subtle changes in meaning. but also its status as a perennial source of confusion. only a handful of studies have investigated ways to enhance methods of teaching and learning phrasal verbs. First. which could be used to better select mid-frequency words which occur fairly consistently at a certain frequency range everytime new texts are selected. including verbatim text recall. 9:25 . the coverage of an additional 1. Implications for developing new wordlists will be discussed based on the results. Japan Capturing and representing asymmetries in Japanese EFL learners’ mental lexicon The priming effect in the word association task as well as such notions as ‘asymmetric collocation’ or ‘directional collocation’ indicate that the probability of either of the collocating pairs occurring after the other is not always equal. such syntactic restrictions are not always clear-cut. Serbia and Germany (N > 150). and produce language more fluently. It will discuss highest impact.g. on the students’ acquisition of and attention to vocabulary. I present an intervention study on the retention of verbatim text and vocabulary when presented in a song as compared to in a poem (no melody) or prose text (no melody. language instructors make use of the appeal that popular music holds and use pop songs. text recognition and tests of receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge. therefore helping second language learners of English to acquire receptive and productive knowledge of lexical bundles is desirable. schoolwide vocabulary focuses and the effects these are having on the teachers’ vocabulary knowledge and practices. both treatment and material were informed by the above-mentioned teacher survey as well as by a corpus study on the lexical profile of songs used for English teaching (Tegge. For example. an experiment was carried out to examine how sampling biases affect the selection of mid-frequency vocabulary for the educational wordlist. Simon (Hiroshima University. Thursday 19 December. some of the adjectives are used both attributively and predicatively (e. 4:00 – 4:20pm. Liu (2012) suggested presenting lexical bundles with schematic linguistic representation for acquisition. Japan. poem or prose format and engaged in classroom activities related to the text. and implications will be discussed. classroom application and future research directions. Corpus linguistic studies provide quantitative data that indicates a large portion of language involves the use of formulaic sequences..ac. This range of mid-frequency words is nevertheless very important for intermediate to advanced learners because it will provide the foundations for EAP and ESP vocabulary. Aotani. Although many types of multiword units fall under the category of formulaic language. Friederike (Victoria University of Wellington.10:10am. This procedure was replicated 10-20 times.12:05pm. which were then presented to learners within two purpose made texts along with Japanese translation.com) Thomson.000 frequency lists were compared across the corpora.g. Noriko (Tokai Gakuen University. Friday 20 December. Room: RHLT2. using a Likert scale. Therefore.ac. baby . paper Friday 20 December. This approach was compared to a traditional method encouraging rote-memorization. adjectives are controlled in terms of their use (attributive. teachers repeatedly stated that “music appears to be an aid to memorising”.asleep). y. noticing the lexical bundles with schematic linguistic representation and as a comparison method. to investigate how Japanese EFL learners at different proficiency levels categorize adjectives. At the same time. Brian (Kwansei Gakuin University. process.. Whereas some estimates calculate that over 50% of language use is formulaic. They listened to and read a text in song. most admit to having limited in-depth knowledge about vocabulary generally.000 . Haidee (Fuji Women’s University. in preparation). The results show promise that aspects of a cognitive linguistic approach are able to contribute to EFL learners’ comprehension of verb-particle constructions.jp). and nouns are either concrete or abstract nouns. Room: RHLT3. The PD model includes iterative cycles of enactment. while some are restricted either to the attributive use (e. gwisno@is. rich . Yukio (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. University of Auckland. Japan. 100 million words with similar text domains) were automatically created. predicative. friederike. In an international teacher survey with over 500 participants in 40 countries (author. after the first 2.Strong. reflection and identification of next steps.com) Methods of learning phrasal verbs: A Cognitive Linguistic approach Noticing and acquiring lexical bundles with schematic linguistic representation The relevance of formulaic language for foreign language teaching and learning stems from not only its pervasiveness in everyday language. we employ AMISESCAL (Asymmetric von Mises Scaling). In this paper I explore the question whether songs have a mnemonic effect that can be used to aid vocabulary learning. Furthermore. Waseda University. j. other studies speculate that nearly four formulaic expressions are produced every minute of spoken discourse. the purpose of this study was to empirically test this instruction method. deconstruction. no metre). the naturalness of word pairs presented randomly and at timed intervals in the order of both Adj-N and N-Adj.000 word (lemma) level. no [email protected]@auckland. in preparation). National Center for University Entrance Examinations. The results show that participants employing a rote-memorization strategy scored significantly lower than the cognitive linguistic group.ac. paper van Hees. However. Friday 20 December. In EFL and ESL teaching.ac. However. total . Pre-tests determined nine target items. Vocab@Vic 33. The immediate post-test results showed that the noticing with schematic linguistic representation group had acquired significantly more productive knowledge of the target lexical bundles than the comparison groups. paper Sugino. This quasi-experimental study applied a cognitive linguistic approach to raising learners’ awareness of the underlying semantic contribution of the adverbial particles to the meaning of the phrasal verbs.. ac. fraser@hiroshima-u. One of the advantages of using AMISESCAL is that it visualizes asymmetric relations among elements on a two dimensional map. com) Effects of learner-generated illustrations on comprehension and recall of L2 idioms Research in cognitive semantics has shown that the dual coding of input (i. Japan. Two tests were used to measure learning. The present study looks at how incidental learning of collocation through reading might be increased using textual enhancement techniques. Room: RHLT2. Marlise (Concordia University. Rebecca (Victoria University of Wellington. The study used a pretest/posttest design.boers@vuw. Room: RHLT2. The results of earlier studies that examined the effects of pictorial elucidation on idiom learning suggest that pictures may facilitate comprehension.concordia. Approximately 40%-60% of the types will be met fewer than 5 times which shows that despite great efforts. Wednesday 18 December. The aim of the analysis is to determine which words are in these texts and what the likely uptake might be from just completing the course books and by adding one or two graded readers a week.provided they can see the connection between ‘contrary’ and ‘contrairement. 3:10 .van Hees. In the presentation. the retention of information. Vocab@Vic 35. the target collocations were bolded in each occurrence. After 6 years of Junior and Senior High school Japanese learners can expect to ‘know’ (words met 20 times or more) fewer than 500 words plus several hundred partially known words. 9:50 – 10:10am. as seen through ‘lexical sophistication’ levels in secondary school essays. j.nz) Assessing vocabulary knowledge in primary schools: Evaluating what’s available In primary schools in New Zealand. With insufficient classroom time to teach the thousands of single word items. Korea and Mexico. and words like ‘origin’ (French ‘origine’) were translated more accurately than words where the formal resemblance across the two languages is less obvious (e. Zorana (Faculty of Language and Literature at Bunkyo University.3:05pm. Thursday 19 December. As part of a larger study looking at lexical richness features in adolescent written texts.g.000 frequent word families shows that helpful cognates far outweigh false friends.ac.’ and recognize the many other “good friends” available in English. University of Auckland.ac. The results indicated that (a) all three enhanced texts contributed to significantly higher scores on the test of written form than the unenhanced text. Boers.did not consistently show the expected comprehension advantage for the cognate-rich passages. we developed a cognate recognition test and administered it to 350 learners of English in French-medium secondary schools. slave/esclave). Room: RHLT2. ‘love’ vs. Newton. Universite du Quebec a Montreal She loves me/she adores me: Cognates and reading comprehension French-speaking learners of English have a potentially important advantage when it comes to comprehending English texts -. and bolding target vocabulary can increase vocabulary learning (Peters. marlise@education. So while the learners recognized many “easy” cognates.ca) Non-presenting author: Tom Cobb. In version 1 the text was unenhanced.vanhees@auckland. This presentation will review the results of two studies that were conducted to examine whether learner-generated illustrations could serve as a way of integrating images and verbal descriptions so that both the comprehension and the production of idiomatic language are facilitated. Here performance on cognates was higher than on comparable non-cognates. and (b) the two glossed texts contributed to greater knowledge of form-meaning connection than the bolded and the unenhanced versions. paper Webb. paper White. Rott. waring. looking at differences in word use across year levels. claims made about links between lexical sophistication and educational achievement highlight the value of understanding the developing literate lexicon among New Zealand secondary school students.g. but a positive effect on the recall of their linguistic form. Internationally normed vocabulary tools are rarely if ever used and nationally normed vocabulary assessment tools are largely not available. Room: RHLT3. New developments in vocabulary assessment tools for use in New Zealand primary schools will be briefly shared.nz) Do textual enhancement techniques increase incidental learning of collocation? When collocations are repeatedly encountered in a single text. One test measured knowledge of the written form of the collocations. Okayama. From a pedagogical perspective. Stuart (Victoria University of Wellington. we conclude there is scope for training in recognition strategies. jwhite@education. paper Waring.nz). The second study compared the retention of meaning and form of the target idioms when pictures were provided by the instructor with the condition when the learners had to draw their own images after reading verbal explanations. This study contributes to the growing field of later language acquisition research and discusses the New Zealand-based findings in the context of international studies. and evaluates the insights these offer teachers.1:30pm. but contribute little to learners’ retention of linguistic forms and may even interfere with it. a limited range of assessment tools are available and being used to gauge students’ understanding and use of vocabulary. The first study compared instruction through verbal definitions with the condition where verbal instruction was combined with learner-generated pictures. learners’ performance on a second task requiring them to read and translate two short texts – one that was cognate rich and another that was cognate-impoverished -. Room: RHLT3. cognate ‘adore’) in the cognate-low texts. A useful avenue for research is thus finding ways to increase incidental learning of collocation.3:55pm. paper 34. 2013).2:40pm.webb@vuw. The state of affairs will be discussed in light of teachers’ need to know about students’ current vocabulary knowledge in order make student-focused pedagogical decisions.white@vuw. This presentation looks at one aspect of the development of the literate lexicon: the level of low-frequency words used in writing. we explore uses of a new software tool (VPCognate) in overcoming this problem and report findings of a follow-up investigation. frank. promotes the formation of memory traces and consequently. In version 2. While research has focused on acquisition of the core lexicon (the vocabulary first acquired for initial language learning purposes). zoranavasiljevic@yahoo. incidental learning of these items is relatively small (Webb. . development of the literate lexicon typically begins at adolescence. and the other measured knowledge of form-meaning connection. the first occurrence of the target collocations was glossed. Joanna (Concordia University.ac. Frank (Victoria University of Wellington. presentation of both verbal and visual information).nz) The developing literate lexicon in L1 secondary school academic writing One of the major developments in later language acquisition is the attainment of the literate lexicon (the vocabulary used in scholarly texts). Thursday 19 December. Thursday 19 December. 2012.com) What kind of vocabulary is in course books and graded readers? This talk presents data on the vocabulary profiles of over 800 graded readers and 40 textbooks from Japan. & Chang. rebecca. 2:45 . Adding one or two graded readers per week increases the uptake rates by 50-70%. 187 Japanese university students learning English as a foreign language simultaneously read and listened to one of four versions of a modified graded reader that included five encounters with a set of 18 target collocations. The analysis. paper White. As for the use question.3:30pm. particularly for students from low SES communities who have significant gaps in vocabulary in English.ac. less is known about how the literate lexicon grows during adolescence.rob@gmail. 13). Carrying implications for academic success and social status. 2:20 . 11. Jannie (Faculty of Education. Room: Mezzanine Floor. stuart. lexical sophistication measures were applied to the writing samples collected from English classes at three different secondary school year levels (years 9. This may be explained by a preponderance of very frequent non-cognate words (e.e. 3:35 . a time when individuals are cognitively ready and well-placed in a lexically rich schooling environment. offers an interesting and complex picture of the state of the literate lexicon during the secondary school years. The first part of the test focused on single words. The results of the two studies suggest that a combination of visual and verbal clues has a limited effect on retention of the meaning of idiomatic phrases. This paper scopes the field of vocabulary assessment tools available and being used in New Zealand primary schools. Textual enhancement techniques such as glossing. 2007). Our analyses of French-English cognates on the BNC lists of 10. most of their learning will be futile unless supported by a commitment to extensive reading and listening. Thursday 19 December. time to explicitly focus on collocations is lacking. and in the fourth version the first and fifth occurrences of the collocations were glossed. 12:40 . are they able to make use of them? To answer these questions.ca). Wednesday 18 December. In version 3. poster Vasiljevic. Rob (Notre Dame Seishin University. The results differed by country with the lowest uptake rates in Japanese course books and the highest in Mexico. presented by Horst.concordia. But do learners recognize these helpful cognate connections and importantly. Room: RHLT3. teachers can also create a wide variety of learning activities to increase the opportunity for students to encounter and practice the domainspecific technical words. Joanna (Concordia University. Mid-frequency vocabulary: Is it there? Is it recycled? Research showing learners need 98% known-word coverage of texts for effective reading comprehension and that this corresponds to knowing at least 8. and to show the changes in their contribution to productive word use over time. Marlise Yuen. that 1K and 2K words were well represented and were recycled often over three-year textbook sequences. Wikcab provides access to a massive collocation database that is also extracted from the Wikipedia. collocation and association and explores their relationship with productive vocabulary knowledge over time with a multi-task approach. and suggests that the receptive knowledge learners draw upon in their word use varies depending on their level of productive vocabulary knowledge. development and evaluation of a vocabulary assessment tool for tracking test takers’ lexical acquisition over long periods of time.1:30pm.com) Zhong. Concordia University and Université du Québec à Montreal This study is to investigate the construct validity of the English Language Proficiency Assessment (ELPA) Vocabulary Test. Friday 20 December. The findings for the 4K and 5K levels are similar but with even less recycling. reviews related terms and expands their knowledge by reading the Wikipedia articles. as expected.000-word and academic word lists.concordia. We found.ca). Qing (Shaanxi Youth Vocational College. Room: RHLT3. the employment of paralinguistic-related strategies and social strategies are relatively low in learners’ use. 5. which is developed by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology to assess the written receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge of the most frequent 3000-word. many words are used in a limited set of collocations and knowing these is part of what is involved in knowing the words. from the administration of the test which consists of both multiple-choice and gap-fill questions to 1. Tom (Université du Québec à Montreal. poster Thursday 19 December. Room: Mezzanine Floor. only a fifth of these words were recycled ten times or more. The students were freshmen and sophomores with an English score ranging from 60-100(out of a total score of 150) in Chinese Entrance Examination. Thursday 19 December. pragmatics-oriented principle and culture-oriented principle to incorporate cognitive factors to collocation teaching. automatically identifies and highlights terms that have an article in Wikipedia so that students can see the Wikipedia definition of the terms. Vocab@Vic 37. 11:30 .zhao_09@yahoo. In contrast. Room: RHLT2. 12:40 . poster Yu.9:20am. Brenda (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. person fit and item fit of Rasch modelling indicated that this test can be an effective assessment tool to be used with test takers with widely differing levels of written receptive and productive lexical knowledge. We recorded two teachers as they taught three units from the textbooks to determine whether they provided additional support for the mid-frequency vocabulary found in those units. paper Thursday 19 December. 2:20 – 2:40pm. They completed two sets of five different tests capturing five different receptive aspects and productive use of 26 target words with a four-month interval. Participants were 620 Year 8 EFL learners from two secondary schools in China. 11:20 .com. hua. Evaluation of the effectiveness of system in terms of better understanding of the technical vocabulary and related concepts is still ongoing. paper Zhao. Correlation and regression analysis was used to quantify the contribution of each receptive aspect to productive word use.000 frequent English word families raises the question of whether ESL classrooms can provide adequate opportunities to learn these words. identify misfitting items who fail to act as an accurate measure of this construct and evaluate how well this assessment differentiates student ability into statistically distinct strata. We also discuss a new study that considers whether classroom activities address the recycling deficit identified in our textbook analysis. . Data for this study. collocations and the texts.White. An explicit instruction of learning strategy is beneficial to subjects’ understanding of English learning. real strategy understanding and employment is also restricted to subjects’ language proficiency.edu. It examines receptive knowledge of meaning. Preliminary results from incorporating Wikcab into two introductory programming courses have suggested that the students were motivated to learn and the system helped strengthen longer retention of the technical vocabulary than by simply reading the glossaries in the textbook. morphology. definitions. Wikcab takes domain specific texts.11:40am. semantic-oriented principle. Results from item reliability. Implications for vocabulary teaching and learning are discussed in terms of cost-effective time allocation for each aspect in the classroom instruction. while almost all of the families at the 3K level could be found in each of the series we examined. This paper presents the design and evaluation of the Wikcab system that aims to help students learn technical vocabulary productively and effectively.au) Learning technical vocabulary with Wikcab The dynamic interface between receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge Many studies have stressed the importance of technical vocabulary in specialised texts and the difficulty students face when learning the technical terms in order to acquire the subject knowledge. Using the identified terms.ca). And regardless of the differences between individual subject’s English proficiency. jwhite@education. paper Wednesday 18 December.tom@uqam) Investigating a Rasch-based validation of the ELPA vocabulary test Non-presenting author: Juliane Martini. Room: Mezzanine Floor. [email protected]) Metaphor and collocation : Teaching collocations from a cognitive perspective 36. The findings offer a new perspective on the construct of vocabulary knowledge that the relationship between receptive and productive vocabulary knowledge is dynamic. The results were analyzed and then a semi-structured interview was designed based on the results.zhong@sydney. We report this research and results of vocabulary size testing that identified serious deficits in knowledge of mid-frequency vocabulary in this learner population. Findings indicate that learning strategies employed varies as learners English proficiency differ. however. To help students build up collocation knowledge. increases the importance of receptive depth aspects – association and collocation. paper Wu. [email protected]:30pm. Friday 20 December. cobb. Altogether 110 students participated the survey.concordia. 9:00 .805 first-year undergraduate students . alex. form. person-item map.000-word and 10. tries to study the interaction between collocation and metaphor from cognitive perspective. Alex (Waikato Institute of Technology. were analysed by using the Rasch model to compare the difficulty of test items with student ability. person reliability. do target EFL learners really understand “strategies” that they have been taught? The Oxford second language learning strategy inventory was used to survey students’ most frequently used strategies. but what about support for the less frequent vocabulary in the midfrequency zone that more advanced learners with academic goals need to know? To examine the vocabulary available for learning in textbooks designed for Quebec ESL learners in the last three years of their secondary education. qing. Jihong (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. 12:40 .cn) Chinese learners’ perception of second language vocabulary learning strategies It is of great importance to obtain good collocation knowledge for fluent and appropriate language use. we collected a large textbook corpus. wujihongs1997@yahoo. by working on the special collocation problems experienced by Chinese English learners. Learning strategies suggested by researchers include looking up common collocations and paying attention to the use of the words whenever possible. she proposes the motivation-oriented principle. This study also provides useful implications for the design. Results support the claim that meaning and form are two fundamental aspects for productive word use. The present study looks at the internal structure of vocabulary knowledge along the receptive and productive continuum under a multi-aspect framework informed by Nation (2001) and Coxhead (2011. The purpose of the study is to find out: What strategies do target EFL learners use more frequently in terms of English vocabulary learning? Regarding language learning strategy teaching in class. The author of the present paper. Hua Flora (University of Sydney. Cobb. Room: RHLT2. and as productive vocabulary knowledge develops. 2012). Finally. presented by [email protected]:50am. and subjects’ English proficiency is usually directly proportional to their employment of affective strategies. This paper reviews the literature of popular schools of language learning strategy and provides a status quo of Chinese EFL learners’ English study at a tertiary institution. Previous analyses of textbook corpora indicate that opportunities to learn high frequency (1K and 2K) vocabulary are good.hk) (Concordia University. Mac’s Brewbar & Restaurant 16.wetanz.nz/services/walkways/ .1 Things to see and do in Wellington Map Key 16 2 Restaurants Shopping For full details about each map location. Mojo Coffee 10.http://www.wellington.there is an iphone app called Welly Walks too.govt.org/elt/cal Vocab@Vic Rutherford House Vocab@Vic Conference Venue 1. The Lido Cafe 15. Wine Loft 6.nz/using-journey-planner/ 5 Weta Workshop .cambridge.wellingtonnz. .akoaotearoa. visit the conference notice board on the mezzanine floor Supermarket Things to do in Wellington . Wine bar/pub 3 Things to see: Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa -http://www.http://www. 13 14 15 www. Thistle Inn Tavern 2.tepapa. An updated edition of the key reference work in the area of second and foreign language vocabulary studies. Foxglove Bar and Kitchen 12.http://www.metlink.com/sights_activities/must_dos Walking Wellington .nz/pages/default. Café Astoria 8.com/?gclid=CJ7h3LyFyrECFWYbQgodEToAJA 4 Cafe Must do’s .org.wellingtonnz. New World Railway Metro (Supermarket) 5. including: 9 10 11 • Project Funding 12 • Good Practice Publication Grants • Tertiary Teaching Excellence Awards • Professional Development Programme • Publications and resources • The Ako Aotearoa website • Evaluation support Find out more at: www. New Zealand through a diverse range of initiatives. McDonald’s 4.http://www.http://www.cablecarmuseum.co. Kirkcaldies & Stains (Department Store) 7. Wagamama 11.aspx Museum of City and Sea . Nikau Gallery Cafe 14. Vic Books: Pipitea Campus 39.govt.http://www.com/cave/ NEW EDITION 6 Ako Aotearoa strives for the best possible educational outcomes for all learners 7 8 We support individuals and organisations working in tertiary teaching and learning in Aotearoa.nz/museum-of-wellington-city-and-sea/ Getting around Wellington .nz 38. Sweet Fanny Anne’s Cafe 3. Leuven Belgium Beer 9.ac. Made in New Zealand (Souvenirs) 13.
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