vocabulary bank.pdf

May 22, 2018 | Author: Geli Gestido | Category: Entertainment (General), Wellness



Unit 1 phrases with gefto get home = to arri ve at your home I usualty get home from school at about five o'clock. to get together = to meet with other people My friends and I get together on Sundays to play footbal I i n the park. to get a [phone] call I got fi ve cal l s l ast ni ght whi l e I was worki ng. to get si ck,/i l l When we were on hoti day, my si ster got si ck because she drank water from the tap. to 8et somewhere,/anywhere = to improve, to maKe protress I started l earni ng Spani sh l ast year, but l ' m not getti ng anywhere so I thi nk l ' [[ stop. Uni t 2 sport I a st adi um The stadi um hol ds 60,000 peopl e. a champi onshi p He won the champi onshi p for the fifth time. TO SCOre He scored a great goat. a goal ./poi nt In footba[[, you score goal s, and i n basketba[[ you score points. to draw They drew, three-all. to get hot/cold/warm It's getting reatly cold now - [et's go back into the house. to get hungry/thirsty lm getting hungry. Can we have lunch soon? to 8et going = to start (something) ,/ to leave Look - i t' s al most ten otl ock. I thi nk we shoul d get goi ng, or we' [[ be [ate. to get a,/the chance l ' m reatl y busy now, but l ' t[ phone you i f I get a chance. to 8et pleasure (from) I' m not very good at tabl e tenni s, but I get a l ot of pleasure from playing it. a reserve I di dn' t pl ay - I was a reserve to substitute He was substi tuted after 30 mi nutes. a record It's a new wortd record! to hold a,/the record He hol ds the record for the marathon. to break a record She broke the worl d record for the .|00 metres. VOCABULARY BANK Unit 4 North American and British English North Ameri ca Bri tai n North Ameri ca Unit 5 talking about people' s age F North Ameri ca baggage luggage l i ne queue VOCABULARYBANK Eil 5 faucet l 0 gas 3 movie theater crnema drapes curtai ns 4 vacation hoti day a the Fal l autumn 12 hood adul thood = the ti me of l i fe when you are an adul t Adul thood bri ngs responsi bi ti ty. chi l dhood = the ti me of l i fe when you are a chi td She di dn' t have a very happy chi l dhood. adolescence = the time of life when you are a teenager/adolescent Some peopl e thi nk adol escence i s the best ti me of your [i fe! /outh = the ti me of l i fe when you are young My grandmother says the world was very different in her youth. to get,/grow old(er) My dad always says he isn't worried about getting older. to be getting on = to get,/grow old He was a good footballer when he was 25, but hei tettint on a bit now. under age = too young to do something (because of a taw) You have to be 16 to watch that film - and I'm only 15, so l'm under age. to come of age = to reach the age when you are legatly an adult ' In Britain, people come of age when they're 18. to look [your] age = to look the age that you really are He l ooks l i ke he' s 20, but real l y hes 40! He doesn' t l ook hi s age at al l . to act [your] age = not to behave as if you were a child (or younger than you reatty are) Oh, Jimmy - you're not six years old any more! you're 15! Act your age! bonnet f f i r t/rts s(anno/' Uni t 5 - verb and noun have I an acci dent James i s i n hospi tal - he had an acci dent i n hi s car. 2 a probl em I have a probl em - I want to buy that shi rt, but I haven' t got any money. 3 an i dea We di dn' t know what to do - but then Al i ce had an i dea. 4 a meal Last ni ght we a[[ went out to a restaurant and had a real l y ni ce meal together. Uni t 7 - di sasters '| to be on fire pairs make 5 a suggestion = to suggest Can I make a suggesti on? Why don' t we go to the ci nema tonight? 6 an offer = to offer I di dn' t want to setl my bi ke, but somebody made me an offer of €100, so I sol d i t. 7 a deci si on = to deci de I don' t know whi ch one to buy, but I need to make a deci si on qui ckty. 8 progress = to get better My German is getting better and better - l ' m maki ng a l ot of progress. take 9 a test / an exam = to sit a test My mother took her dri vi ng test last week and she passed! 10 [your] ti me = not to do somethi ng qui ckl y We aren't [ate, so we can take our ti me and not hurry. a break = to stop work for a short ti me We worked for three hours, and then we took a break and had some coffee. an i nterest [i n] = 51l o* i nterest We real l y l i ke our teacher because she takes an interest i n al l of us. 4 to put a fire out A fi re engi ne came and the fi remen put the fire out. 8 to be homel ess 2 to set fire to 3 to catch fire 5 to crack It was terri bl e - when they went home, they saw that thei r house was on fire. Duri ng t he demonstrati on, some peopl e set fire to a car. 6 to col tapse It was so hot and dry that trees i n the forest caught fire. The floods destroyed food, and many peopl e were starvi ng. A stone hi t the window and cracked the gl ass. The earthquake was so stronS that many bui l di ngs col l apsed. Thousands of peopb were homel ess after the earthquab destroyed their nouses. 14 VOCABULARY BANK 7 to be starving Unit 8 - houses,/homes I 2 the top floor the second floor [US:thi rd fl oor] the first floor [US:second fl oor] the ground fl oor [US: first floor] 5 6 7 8 9 10 the attic the roof a bal cony ai r-condi ti oni ng central heati ng the basement Uni t 9 - t hi nki ng t knowledge Her knowledge of African countries is amazing. 2 a bel i ef l t' s my bel i ef that vi ol ence on TV i s a bad thi ng. 3 a thought lt's an interesting idea - have you got any thoughts about it? 4 concentration someone knocked on the door - it broke my concentration. 5 imagination You need a [ot of imagination to write good stories. 6 i nspi rati on A beauti ful sunset was my i nspi rati on for thi s poem. 7 an estimate I think it's going to cost €200 - but that's just my estimate. 8 a guess Sorry, you're wrong - but it was a good guess anyway! 1l to move house "12 to share a room VOCABULARYBANK EI Unit l0 - music and musical instruments the conductor + lyrics 5 percussion te6 Hhl(e rld{Er n& w U L t.6ft Unit ll - medicine an operation medicine a bandage s [to be on] crutches 7 to take [someone's] temperature a prescription = a piece of paper a doctor gives you in order to get medicine I took the prescription to the chemist and got the tablets. allergic [to something] = unable to eat something because it makes you itl lm allergic to cheese - if I eat cheese, I get spots all over my face. to go down with something = 1o get an illness or disease I was feeling fine, but then suddenly I went down with a really bad cotd. to get over [an illness] = to recover and get better My dad got really bad flu - he's OK now, but it took him a week to get over it. I t I 3ss I A i l t i I 4 fto be in / to have (a foot) inl plaster to take [someone's] blood pressure I an orchestra 6 backing singers 7 a recording studio 8 to be on tour 9 an open-air concert e [to be in] a wheelchair VOCABULARY BANK Unit 12 - electrical matters a socket a button 8 a wi re 9 a battery 10 a battery charger Unit 14 - luck I Good luckl A: l've got a very important exam tomorrow. B: Really? Well, good luck! | hope you do well. 2 Bad [uck! A: lt was very close. I nearly won - but in the end, I came second. B: Oh, bad luck! Stil[, secondi very good, isnt it? f [to take] pot luck = to just choose anything, without knowing which is best A: We didn't know which fi[m to go and see, so we just picked one and went in. B: Oh - kind of pot luck, you mean? 4 fto keep your] fingers crossed = to hope that someone has good luck A: I've got a job interview tomorrow - | really want to get the job! B: Well, l'[[ keep my fingers crossed for you. s [to] touch wood = if ll'm/we'rel lucky A: You're going on a picnic tomorrow, aren't you? B: Yes. They say the weather's going to be sunny - touch wood! 6 Some peopl e have al l the l uckl A: My dad's taking me to London tomorrow, so I'm going to miss the test. e: Rea[[y? Wow! Some people have a[[ the luck! | wish I could miss the test too. 7 by chance = not in a planned way A: So, you met Annie yesterday? B: Yes I did. I met her in town by chance. 8 supersti ti ous = bel i evi ng that some thi ngs bri ng good,/bad l uck A: Oh no! l ' ve broken the mi rror! That' s goi ng to bri ng me seven years of bad [uck! B: Oh, don' t be supersti ti ous. l t' s i ust a mtrror. 3 a cable,/lead + a light bulb 5 an extension lead 6 a switch VOCABULARYBANK d Documents Similar To vocabulary bank.pdfSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextMartin Luther KingWriting TipsEnvironment Vocabulary BankWritingExam Writing GuidesFCE ReviewAUGMENTED REALITY abstract.docxESL Writing RubricWritingWriting PromptsFce WritingsWritingFCE Complete_Italian WordlistWriting First HandoutWriting FirstCAMBRIDGEVocabulary for FirstFCE Reading Practice and Grammar ReviewWriting practice first certificate in EnglishEnglish Vocabulary Bank.pdf9780199138074Modelli Writing FCEWriting PromptsHow to Write a Review for New FCE ExamFce Vocabulary Writing ReviewsFceenglish vocabularyCambridge Exams Dec 2014Process Approach to Writing English First Fce From 2015 Writing OverviewMore From Geli GestidoSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel next3 copias - listening viernes.pdfALEMAN EJEMPLO DE TAREA ORAL PARTE 3 NB.pdflUNES+AL+SOL.+FICHAescrita.pdfALEMAN SOLUCIONES NI.pdfparaphrase_me2.pdfreading.pdfparaphrase_me.pdf3 copias - fin de semana reading chicas.pdf3.pdfALEMAN EJEMPLO DE TAREAS NI.pdfsolucionario.pdfArticle Koletnik prueba escrita.pdflectura básico.pdfFRNASoluciones.pdfFRNAEOral.pdfWohnung zum Vermieten Beispiel.pdfNBSoluciones.pdfFRNAEEscrita.pdfFRNIEOral.pdfALEMAN_NIVEL_BASICO_CLAVE_RESPUESTAS.pdfFRNICAuditiva.pdfGuggenheim Museum besuchen - Beispiel.pdfLo SpecchioFRNISoluciones.pdfFRNIEEscrita.pdfFRNICLectora.pdfFRNACLectora.pdfFooter MenuBack To TopAboutAbout ScribdPressOur blogJoin our team!Contact UsJoin todayInvite FriendsGiftsLegalTermsPrivacyCopyrightSupportHelp / FAQAccessibilityPurchase helpAdChoicesPublishersSocial MediaCopyright © 2018 Scribd Inc. .Browse Books.Site Directory.Site Language: English中文EspañolالعربيةPortuguês日本語DeutschFrançaisTurkceРусский языкTiếng việtJęzyk polskiBahasa indonesiaMaster your semester with Scribd & The New York TimesSpecial offer for students: Only $4.99/month.Master your semester with Scribd & The New York TimesRead Free for 30 DaysCancel anytime.Read Free for 30 DaysYou're Reading a Free PreviewDownloadClose DialogAre you sure?This action might not be possible to undo. 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