Vmware Realtime Issues Question & Answers

April 2, 2018 | Author: 428vijaykumar | Category: Virtual Machine, System Software, Operating System Technology, Software, Computer Data



Real Time Scenario Based VMware Questions, 100%originally created out of my experience. For Answer Key, click here. 1. A User is unable to deploy a virtual machine from OVF package within vCenter Server. Error: “Failed to deploy OVF package: Permission to perform this operation was denied.” What is most likely the issue? a. OVF Package is corrupted b. OVF Package is of different version than vCenter Server c. User does not have privilages to deply virtual machines d. User does not have access to vCenter Server 2. Which of the following component is responsible for Authentication in vCenter Server a. VMware vCenter Server Service b. VMware Platform service Controller c. VMware Content Library Sevrice d. VMwareProfile Driven Storage Service 3. VMware Directory Service fails to start, which log file would you check? a. vds.log b. vapi.log c. vdir.log d. vmdir.log 4. VMware Inventory Service fails to start, which log file would you check? a. vds.log b. ds.log c. vpxd.log d. vminventory.log 5. VMware vCenter Server Service fails to start, which log file would you check? a. vds.log b. vcss.log c. vpxd.log d. sso.log 6. ESXi SSL Certificates are about to expire & you have been given task to replace them. In which directory would you find ESXi SSL Certificates on a vSphere 6.x ESXi host? a. /etc/vmware/ssl/ b. /etc/ssl/vmware/ c. /var/vmware/ssl/ d. /var/ssl/vmware/ 7. One of the Virtual Machine user has complained about poor disk performance. Which log on the storage would you check for storage related issues? a. hostd.log b. auth.log c. vmkernel.log d. vpxa.log 8. Which of the below command you you choose to list all the LUN & show mapping of NAA ID to Datastore? a. esxcfg-scsidevs -m b. esxcfg-scsidevs -c c. esxcfg-volume -l d. esxcfg-volume -c 9. Which command would list VMID of virtual machines? a. vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms b. vim-cmd vmsvc/vmid c. vim-cmd vm/getallvms d. vim-cmd vm/vmid 10. vMotion fails at 14% with error: "The vMotion migrations failed because the ESX hosts were not able to connect over the vMotion network." What could be the underlying issue? a. More than one vMotion port groups configured on source or destination ESXi host. b. No vMotion port groups configured on source or destination ESXi host c. MTU size set to 9000 on vMotion port group. d. vMotion port group Subnet mismatch. 11. One of the production virtual machines 'SQLVM' goes down & then fails to power-on with a message: There is no more space for firtual disk SQLVM.vmdk. What would be the most appropriate step to fix the problem: a. vMotion other VMs from same cluster as SQLVM b. SvMotion other VMs from same cluster as SQLVM c. vMotion other VMs from same datastore as SQLVM.vmdk d. SvMotion other VMs from same datastore as SQLVM.vmdk 12. Your Company's development team has asked you to provision NVIDIA Graphics Acceleration on few development VMs. ESXi host is already installed with required hardware but NVIDIA VIB is not. Which of the following would install the VIB: a. esxcli software vib install -v /path_to_vib/nvidia_vib b. esxcli software vib set -v /path_to_vib/nvidia_vib c. esxcli software vib install -n /path_to_vib/nvidia_vib d. esxcli software vib set -n /path_to_vib/nvidia_vib 13. You have recently made some changes to the VMX file of a virtual machine named 'PRODSERVER' but the changes are not visible in virtual machine 'Edit Settings'. How would you reload that VMX file? a. vim-cmd vmsvc/reload PRODSERVER b. vim-cmd vm/reload PRODSERVER c. vim-cmd vmsvc/reload <VMID> d. vim-cmd vm/reload <VMID> 14. What command would you use to find MAC ID of ESXi host that owns the lock on a VMDK a. vmktools -D /vmfs/volumes/UUID/VMDIR/LOCKEDFILE.xxx b. esxtools -D /vmfs/volumes/UUID/VMDIR/LOCKEDFILE.xxx c. vmkfstools -D /vmfs/volumes/UUID/VMDIR/LOCKEDFILE.xxx d. vmtools -D /vmfs/volumes/UUID/VMDIR/LOCKEDFILE.xxx 15. What would the command 'vmkload_mod -s megaraid_sas' display? a. megaraid_sas module relese date b. megaraid_sas module version c. megaraid_sas module logs d. megaraid_sas module author 16. You have been asked to increse security hardening on ESXi hosts so that no user should be able to perform operations against the ESXi host directly & force all operations to be performed through vCenter Server only. This should be done for all users except two VMware Admin users. What is the best solution for this sceanrio? a. Enable LockDown Mode & add two VMware admins in LockDown mode Administrator Users list b. Enable LockDown Mode & add two VMware admins in LockDown mode Exception Users list c. Put ESXi into Maintenance Mode & add two VMware admins in Maintenance Mode Administrator Users list d. Put ESXi into Maintenance Mode & add two VMware admins in Maintenance Mode Exception Users list 17. Which of the following does not look like a normal virtual machine file? a. VSWAP b. VMSD c. VMSS d. VMSN 18. Which of the following statement is false? a. VMDK Virtual disk files, is descriptor file of FLAT.VMDK b. VMX is virtual machine configuration file, which stores virtual machine settings. c. VMSS snapshot state file, which stores the running state of a virtual machine d. NVRAM file, which stores the state of the virtual machine BIOS. 19. In your daily health check reports you find an ESXi host as Not Responding in vCenter Server, what could be a probable cause? a. VMs on the ESXi host are not responding b. ESXi host is unable to communicate with vCenter Server c. vCenter Server Serice is not respoinding d. ESxi host is in maintence mode. 20. vCenter Server service is not starting & you see an error: 'vCenter Appliance root Partition 100% full due to Audit.log files not being rotated'. What steps would solve this issue? a. Delete Audit cron job & recreate a new one. b. Delete Audit logs manually & restart cron job c. Delete /var/* d. Delete /etc/audit/* 21. Which of the statement most accurate? a. RDM disk gets space allocated to it at creation time b. Eager Zeroed Thick disk gets space allocated zeroed out. c. Lazy Zeroed Thick creation time is more than Eager Zeroed Thick d. Thin disks does not allow over provisioning 22. Which of the following cases is qualified for VMware FT a. Virtual machines configured with peroidic snapshot backups b. Virtual machines configured as linked clones c. Virtual machines with I/O filters d. Virtual machines with DRS host affinity rules 23. Your orginization has recently acquired a small firm & AD Teams have established two way trust between domains. How would you add the new domain to vCenter Server? a. Web Client > Administration > SSO > Identity Sources > '+' > Identity source type - Active Directory b. Web Client > Administration > SSO > Identity Sources > '-' > Identity source type - Active Directory c. Web Client > Administration > SSO > Permissions > SSO > Identity Sources > Domain Trusts > Add New Domain d. Web Client > Administration > SSO > Permissions > SSO > Identity Sources > Add New Domain 24. Your orginization has recently acquired a small firm & you have been given task to install vCenter Server 6.X in two sites & users should be able to manage both vCenter Servers from one single view. Which solution can help you achieve this? a. Connected vCenter mode b. Enhanced Connected vCenter c. Linked Mode d. Enhanced linked mode 25. For a new project you are required to deploy vCenter Servers in multiple sites with automated PSC resiliency. Which type of PSC deployment will you choose? a. Embedded PSC b. External PSC c. Embedded PSC with load balancer d. External PSC with load balancer 26. Production team has asked you to make a virtual machine running in vSphere 6.x environment immune to physical ESXi host failure? What is the maximum number of SMP that VM can have? a. 1 b. 2 c. 4 d. 8 27. Which of the following cannot be used to add an Identity source in SSO a. AD as LDAP b. Forest as LDAP c. Local OS d. None 28. What would adding this 'svga.vgaOnly=TRUE' in VMX file result? a. Reduce the memory overhead of VM b. Add graphics and SVGA functionality c. Remove the settings that allow BIOS to enter VGA mode. d. None 29. What is the use of Content Library? a. Store Virtual Machines Descriptions b. Store performance reports of VMs, ESXi & vCEnter Server c. Store Templates to deploy VMs d. Store Media/ISO files 30. Which of the statement is false? a. Subscribed content library is subscribed to a published content library b. You can only sync the subscribed library with the published library to see up-to-date content c. Only an administrator of the Subscribed library can add, modify, and remove contents from the Subscribed library d. Only an administrator of the published library can add, modify, and remove contents from the published library 31. ESXi firewall is confugured to accept SSH handshake under ruleset 'sshRuleset'. What can be achieved by running a command like - 'esxcli network firewall ruleset allowedip add --ruleset-id sshRuleset --ip-address 192.XXX.1.0/24' a. Allow access to port 80 of ESXi host from a specified subnet b. Allow access to port 80 of ESXi host from all subnets c. Allow access to port 22 of ESXi host from a specified subnet d. Allow access to port 22 of ESXi host from a all subnets 32. Does a vMotion port group need a dedicated VMKNIC? a. Yes b. No c. Optional d. N/A 33. What is the use of command 'vicfg-vmknic'? a. Configuring VMkernel NICs (virtual network adapters) b. Configuring ESXi physical NICs (Physical Uplinks) c. Configuring VM vNICs (virtual network adapters) d. Not a valid command 34. What is the use of command 'vicfg-nics' a. Configuring VMkernel NICs (virtual network adapters) b. Configuring ESXi physical NICs (Physical Uplinks) c. Configuring VM vNICs (virtual network adapters) d. Not a valid command 35. Which of the following does not need a VMKNIC? a. FT Port Group b. VM Port Group c. vMotion Port Group d. Management Port Group 36. While setting up vDS (Virtual Distributed Swithc) you want to aggregate the bandwidth of physical NICs on ESXi hosts, which method would you choose? a. LACP/Teaming on vDS b. Traffich Shaping on vDS c. VLAN on vDS d. None 37. What is the intention behind running a command like - 'for i in `esxcli storage nmp device list | grep '^naa.60*'` ; do esxcli storage nmp device set -- device $i --psp VMW_PSP_RR; done' a. Setting Path Selection Policy for multiple LUNs with NAA ID starting with naa.60XXX to round robin. b. Setting Native Multipath Policy for multiple LUNs with NAA ID starting with naa.60XXX to round robin. c. Setting Path Selection Policy for all LUNs except with NAA ID starting with naa.60XXX to round robin. d. Setting Native Multipath Policy for all LUNs except with NAA ID starting with naa.60XXX to round robin. 38. Which of the statement is true for Dependent Hardware iSCSI Adapter? a. It allows your host to connect to the iSCSI storage device through standard network adapters. b. This type of adapter can be a card that presents a standard network adapter and iSCSI offload functionality for the same port. c. The iSCSI offload functionality has independent configuration management that assigns the IP, MAC, and other parameters used for the iSCSI sessions. d. None 39. Which of the following feature can allow WWNs to be assign directly to each VM? a. Soft Zoning b. Storage I/O Control c. N-Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) d. RDM (Raw Device Mapping) 40. Block size on a VMFS datastore is a limiting factor for? a. Maximum file size in datastore b. Amount of space a file occupies in datastore c. Both A & B d. None 41. Which of the following module is responsible for activating passive paths to storage a. NMP (Native Multipathing Plug-In) b. PSP (Path Selection Plug-In) c. SATP (Storage Array Type Plug-In) d. PSA (Pluggable Storage Architecture) 42. which of the statement is false? a. VMW_PSP_MRU - The host selects the path that it used most recently. b. VMW_PSP_FIXED - If the host uses a default preferred path and the path's status turns to Dead, a new path is selected as preferred. c. VMW_PSP_RR - The host uses an automatic path selection algorithm rotating through all active paths when connecting to active-passive arrays, or through all available paths when connecting to active-active arrays. d. None 43. Multiple users are complaining that they are receiving emails after delayed period of time. After troubleshooting you have found that a 3D rendring application running on a VM on another ESXi host is exerting high IOPS to the same datastore as Mail Server. Which feature of vSphere can mitigate this problem? a. Storage DRS - Fully Automated b. Storage IO Control c. Increasing Storage Queue Depth d. Increasing free space on datastore by adding more storage 44. A client has requested to increase disk size of a Vm from 100GB to 500GB, also he has requested keep a backout plan to restore VM to its original 100GB state should there be any disk corruption / unexpected issues after the disk expansion. Select the best way to achieve the requirements. a. Take snapshot of VM & increase VMDK size from 100GB to 500GB b. Create Clone of VM & increase VMDK size from 100GB to 500GB of original VM c. No backout plan as the VM cannot be restored after disk is expanded. d. Create a new 500Gb VMDK after removing the old 100GB disk. 45. Which of the feature determines the amount of cluster capicity that is reserved for VM failovers? a. HA Admission Control b. HA VM Monitoring c. DRS Fully Automated mode d. DRS Rules 46. New ESXi hosts have arrived & you are required to decommission old ESXi hosts. You have created a new cluster exclusively for new ESXi hosts but the VM are failing to migrate with CPU compatibility errors. Choose the best option from below. a. Enable DRS with fully automated mode & put old ESXi into Maintenance mode so that the VMs auto migrate. b. Enable Enhance vMotion (EVC) which allows vMotion between different CPU ESXi hosts. c. Enable NX/XD flag of VMs d. Power-off VMs & migrate to new ESXi hosts 47. Which of the below key would open ESXi Banner screen on DCUI? a. F1 b. ALT+F1 c. F11 d. ALT+F11 48. A customer has installed two PSCs in the same Single Sign-On domain & each PSC is registered with a single instance of vCenter Server. Which of the below statement is true for this scenario? a. Both of the vCenters would be managagle from one view VI client or Web client b. Both of the vCenters would be managagle from one view only in Web client as only PSC is registered with each other & not vCenter server to each other. c. Both of the vCenters would be managagle from one view only in VI client as only PSC is registered with each other & not vCenter server to each other. d. This type of configuration is not supported by VMware. 49. For performance troubleshooting you are tracking a virtual machines performance every day. Now you need to find on which ESXi host the VM was runing five days ago, which log file will you check? a. hostd.log b. vmkernel.log c. vm.log d. vmware.log 50. In what state a virtual machine will be in if its entery is present in VCDB (vCenter Database) but the VM is not registered to any ESXi host? a. Disconnected b. Not-Responding c. Orphaned d. Unregistered 51. One of the LUNs of a datastore was mistakenly presented to a RHELinux physical server. How would you check the VMFS partition is still intact? a. partedUtil getptbl "/vmfs/volumes/naa.xxx" b. partedUtil getptbl "/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.xxx" c. partedUtil setptbl "/vmfs/volumes/naa.xxx" d. partedUtil setptbl "/vmfs/devices/disks/naa.xxx" 52. ESXi host has gone into disconnected state & you are unable to SSH into ESXi host, how would you check its vmkernel.log for errors a. DCUI > Alt+F2 b. DCUI > F2 c. DCUI > Alt+F12 d. DCUI > F12 53. While creating a new VMK Port Group you need to choose a HBA adapter of ESXi host, which of the following status will show if the HBA is unused by an other VMK port Group? a. Offline b. Unknown c. Unbound d. Unused 54. which of the following will show which VIBs will be installed or removed and if ESXi reboot or not. a. esxcli --server=server_name software vib install --testrun b. esxcli --server=server_name software vib install --test-run c. esxcli --server=server_name software vib install --dryrun d. esxcli --server=server_name software vib install --dry-run 55. What is the use of command 'esxcli storage core plugin list --plugin-class=MP' a. List NMP (Native Multipathing Plug-In) b. List PSP (Path Selection Plug-In) c. List SATP (Storage Array Type Plug-In) d. List PSA (Pluggable Storage Architecture) 56. Which of the followng PSP module requires to select next available path manually in case the active path goes inaccessable; if the active path was explictly choosen at the time of configuration? a. VMW_PSP_MRU b. VMW_PSP_FIXED c. VMW_PSP_RR d. None 57. While upgrading VMFS3 to VMFS5, you see an error 'Unable to Upgrade Filesystem: File system on device /vmfs/devices/disks/<device> cannot be online upgraded now because it is being used by some legacy host'. What is the pobable cause for this error? a. VMFS3 cannot be online upgraded to VMFS5 b. VMFS3 Datastore is not in maintenance mode c. VMFS3 datastore is connected to ESXi 6.x hosts with diffrent builds d. VMFS3 datastore has a Vm performing SvMotion 58. Which of the statement holds good for vswif? a. A Phyiscal NIC card on an ESX host b. A virtual NIC that is used on a port group c. The virtual NIC that is used by the service console d. None of the above 59. Your Company's Build team requires 5 virtual machines of size 100GB each (OS included). Since these VMs will host company's core services the build team has requested that the underlying entire disk space be reserved, provide fast IOPS & unavailable for use by other virtual machines & redily available. What would be your choice of VMDKs? a. Thin Disk b. Thick Disk Eager Zero c. Thisk Disk Lazy Zero d. None 60. Which statement is most likely to be true? a. VPXA is deamon on ESXi host & VPXD is a service on vCenter server b. VPXD is deamon on ESXi host & VPXA is a service on vCenter server c. VPXD is responsibe for remote connection to ESXi host d. VPXA is responsibe for remote connection to vCenter Server 61. ESXi host logs are getting rolled over very fast & your Supervisor has asked you to configure a remote syslog server with IP & port 514 . How would you achieve it? a. esxcli system syslog config set --loghost='tcp://' b. esxcli system syslog config set --loghost='udp://' c. esxcli syslog system config set --loghost='tcp://' d. esxcli syslog system config set --loghost='udp://' 62. Which VMware vCLI commandlet would you use to get SSH service status on an ESXi hst a. Get-ESXSSHService b. Get-ESXHostService c. Get-HostService d. Get-VMHostService 63. Which command would you choose to monitor the VMDK snapshot consolidation a. egrep -d 'ls -luth | grep -E "delta|flat|sesparse"' b. monitor -d 'ls -luth | grep -E "delta|flat|sesparse"' c. watch -d 'ls -luth | grep -E "delta|flat|sesparse"' d. vmkwatch -d 'ls -luth | grep -E "delta|flat|sesparse"' 64. What is the maximum number of vCPUs aggregated across all fault tolerant VMs on a host? vCPUs from both Primary VMs and Secondary VMs count toward this limit. a. 2 b. 4 c. 8 d. 16 65. What is considered as Ingress Source traffic in vSphere 6? a. traffic that is going out of a virtual machine towards the VDS b. traffic that is going in a virtual machine from the VDS c. traffic that is going out of a physical switch towards the VDS d. traffic that is going in a physical switch from the VDS 66. Users are complaining that opening the remote console of virtual machines there are receiving error: 'Unable to connect to the MKS: Could not connect to pipe \\. \pipe\vmware-authdpipe: The system cannot find the file specified.' What is most likely the cause? a. Port 443 is blocked between source machine & vCenter Server b. Port 900 is blocked between source machine & vCenter Server c. Port 901 is blocked between source machine & vCenter Server d. Port 902 is blocked between source machine & vCenter Server 67. What is the correct way to install VMware tools manually on a RPM based linux distribution a. VM Edit Settings > Install VMware Tools > Mount VMware tools ISO > Unzip VMTools package > CD to vmware-tools > ./vmware-install.pl b. VM Edit Settings > Install VMware Tools > Mount VMware tools ISO > Unzip VMTools package > CD to vmware-tools-rpm > ./vmware-install.pl c. VM Edit Settings > Install VMware Tools > Mount VMware tools ISO > Unzip VMTools package > CD to vmware-tools-distrib > ./vmware-install.pl d. None 68. A new project has come in & the build team has requested to extend the expiration policy of the vpxuser password to 180 days. Which configuration parameter would you choose to achieve it? a. vSphere Web Client > Configure > Advanced Settings > VimPasswordExpirationInDays b. vSphere Web Client > Configure > Advanced Settings > VimExpirationPasswordInDays c. vSphere Web Client > Configure > vpxuser > VimPasswordExpirationInDays d. vSphere Web Client > Configure > vpxuser > VimExpirationPasswordInDays 69. During troubleshooting for performance issues you have identified a few VMs with high IOPS that are choking available throughput to storage. What measure can fix this problem? a. CPU Shares b. Memory Shares c. Datastore Shares d. vDisk Shares 70. Users of vphere.local domain have agreed to limit the number of previous password reuse to 20 in Platform Services Controller. Which password policy parameters would need modification? a. Maximum reuse b. Control reuse c. Limit reuse d. Restrict reuse 71. Which of the below statements are true? a. VMware HA can protect against guest OS failure b. VMware HA can protect against vCenter login failure c. VMware DRS helps distribute network traffic d. None 72. Which of the statement holds good for Consumed memory? a. Maximum amount of memory used by the VM since it was powered-on. b. Amount of memory that is currently actively being used by the VM c. Average of memory used by the VM since it was powered-on. d. None 73. A Space Shuttle launch program requires to increse the default open VMDK storage on ESXi 6.x host from 32 TB to 128 TB due to massive statistical data collection during the launch. Which of the below command would you choose? a. esxcli system settings advanced set -i 32 -o /VMFS3/MaxAddressableSpaceTB b. esxcli system settings advanced set -i 128 -o /VMFS3/MaxAddressableSpaceTB c. esxcli system settings advanced set -i 32 -o /VMFS5/MaxAddressableSpaceTB d. esxcli system settings advanced set -i 128 -o /VMFS5/MaxAddressableSpaceTB 74. You are unable to configure Teaming & Failover to achieve LACP on vDS. What could be the limiting factor? a. Port Mirroring is configured on vDS b. Maximum number of LAG are already configured c. ESXi does not have any VMK port groups d. None of the above 75. Storage team has created & configured a boot LUN with vSphere ESXi 6.x & hard Zonned to all the new ESXi hosts. But the ESXi hosts are unable to boot & stuck at 'Waiting for Boot Device' a. ESXi hosts does not have multipathing configured for boot LUN b. Backend storage is highly over-provisioned c. Boot LUN cannot be shared with multiple ESXi hosts d. Boot LUN cannot be used to boot ESXi 6.x hosts 76. To apply different policies for distributed ports, how would you configure the per-port overriding of the policies that are set at the port group level. a. Distributed Switch > Networks > Distributed Port Groups > Edit Settings > Advanced > Override port policies b. Distributed Switch > Networks > Distributed Port Groups > VM Distributed Port Groups > Edit Settings > Override port policies c. Distributed Switch > Ports > Edit Settings > Advanced > Override port policies d. Distributed Switch > Ports > Edit Settings > VM Distributed Port Groups > Override port policies 77. Which VLAN ID would you choose if you wish to disables VLAN tagging on port group (EST Mode) a. VLAN ID 0 b. VLAN ID 0 c. VLAN ID 4094 d. VLAN ID 4095 78. A virtual machine fails to power on with error: 'An unexpected error was received from the ESX host while powering on VM. Reason: (Cannot allocate memory)'. One ESxi vmkernel.log you see message: 'CPU:WARNING: Heap vmfs: Maximum allowed growth (XX) too small for size (XXXX). Heap vmfs already at its maximum size. Cannot expand.'. What is most likely the cause here? a. VM's Heap Size is too large b. VM's CPU is too large c. VM's memory is too large & ESXi host has run out of Memory to allocate d. VM's VMDK is too large & ESXi host has run out of VMFS heap space 79. Which of the statement holds good for Active memory? a. Maximum amount of memory used by the VM since it was powered-on. b. Amount of memory that is currently actively being used by the VM c. Average of memory used by the VM since it was powered-on. d. None 80. One of the ESXi fails with PSOD. On console you see error: "host LINT1 motherboard interrupt. This is a hardware problem: please contact your hardware vendor." what could have caused this PSOD in ESXi? a. Hard Disk Interrupt b. CPU Non-Maskable Interrupt c. Remote Console MKS Interrupt d. PSU Interrupt 81. One of the datastore is marked inaccessible. In /var/log/vobd.log file, you see errors such as: > VMHBA failed to login to iqn.XXX because of a network connection failure > Login to iSCSI target iqn.XXX failed. The iSCSI initiator could not establish a network connection to the target. What is most likely the issue here? a. port binding with VMkernel ports which are on same subnets b. port binding with VMkernel ports which are on different subnets c. ESXi VMHBA is disabled d. ESXi VMKNIC is disabled 82. Cross vCenter Server vMotion is timing out. Which of the parameter in vpxd.cfg would you modify? a. <vMotionTimeoutSeconds>10800</vMotionTimeoutSeconds> b. <blockingTimeoutSeconds>10800</blockingTimeoutSeconds> c. <localTimeoutSeconds>10800</localTimeoutSeconds> d. <remoteTimeoutSeconds>10800</remoteTimeoutSeconds> 83. Few of the datastores have gone inaccessable & on vmkernel.log you see SCSI sense code H:0x0 D:0x2 P:0x0 Valid sense data: 0x4/0x3e/0x3. What is most likely the issue? a. NOT READY/LOGICAL UNIT FAILED SELF-TEST b. NOT READY/LOGICAL UNIT FAILURE c. HARDWARE ERROR/LOGICAL UNIT FAILED SELF-TEST d. HARDWARE ERROR/LOGICAL UNIT FAILURE 84. What woul this command do on a vSphere 6 ESXi host - 'esxcli network ip interface set -e false -i vmk0; esxcli network ip interface set -e true -i vmk0' a. Reset the management network on vmk0 b. Show status of vmk0 c. Show Rx/Tx values of vmk0 d. Create a new management network port group for vmk0 85. What is the correct way to enable IGMP snooping on VDS? a. vSphere Web Client > VDS > Actions > Edit Settings > Advanced > Multicast filtering mode > IGMP/MLD snooping > OK b. vSphere Web Client > VDS > Edit Settings > Advanced > Multicast filtering mode > IGMP/MLD snooping > OK c. vSphere Web Client > VDS > Actions > Edit Settings > Advanced > IGMP/MLD snooping > OK d. vSphere Web Client > VDS > Edit Settings > Advanced > IGMP/MLD snooping > OK 86. After a regular Windows patching on the vCenter Server, the vCEnter Server Service fails to start. The latest vpxd-xxxx.log states "Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (Cannot open database XXXX requested by the login. The login failed.)" Which file would show the runtime correct user name and password used in the ODBC connection. a. c:\programdata\vmware\vCenterServer\cfg\vmware-vpx\vcdb.cfg b. c:\programdata\vmware\vCenterServer\cfg\vmware-vpx\vcdb.properties c. c:\programdata\vmware\vCenterServer\cfg\vmware-vpx\vpxd.cfg d. c:\programdata\vmware\vCenterServer\cfg\vmware-vpx\vpxd.properties 87. You have been asked by your manager to provision 100 VMs for your company's call center department. Here are the requirements: > VMs should contain 40GB for C: (OS) > VMs should contain 50GB for D: (Data), data written on this disk is only useful untill the VM is running. A simple reboot should discard the changes made on this disk. What would be your choice when selectig mode for 50GB VMDK? a. Independent Non-Persistent Mode b. Independent Persistent Mode c. Dependent Non-Persistent Mode d. None 88. Due to space constraints your capicity management team has requested to stop SIOC logging. Which of the below option would stop the logging. a. Misc.SIOLocalLogLevel 0 b. Misc.SIOStorageLogLevel 0 c. Misc.SIOConfigLogLevel 0 d. Misc.SIOControlLogLevel 0 89. CIO of your organization has asked you to design a solution to reduce downtime in case of patching/upgrades without taking down the vCenter Server database. Choose the best option from below. a. Two instances of vCenter Server in MSCS cluster, but only one instance is active at a time. b. Two instances of vCenter Server in MSCS cluster, both instance is active at a time. c. Two instances of vCenter Database in MSCS cluster, but only one instance is active at a time. d. Two instances of vCenter Database in MSCS cluster, both instance is active at a time. 90. A vCenter server in a datacenter hosted inside a submarine requires to use atomic clocks. It is required to reduce all service accounts SSO token time-differnece to be less than 50 milliseconds. Which parameter in SSO configuration needs to be modified? a. Token Policy > Clock Tolerance b. Token Policy > Maximum Deviation c. Token Policy > Holder Token lifetime d. Token Policy > Bearer Token lifetime 91. When you check ESXi cluster memory utilization, the cluster seems to be inbalanced. However DRS shows Standard Deviation <0.02 (Load Balanced). What type of memory metric is DRS considering to show that the cluster is balanced? a. Consumed memory of ESXi hosts b. Active memory of ESXi hosts c. Consumed memory of VMs in each ESXi host d. Active memory of VMs in each ESXi host. 92. A third party software requires frequent provisioning/deprovisioning & Configuration reset of virtual machines. How would you enable the reset of any configuration that is set on per-port level when a distributed port disconnects from a virtual machine? a. Distributed Switch > Networks > Distributed Port Groups > Edit Settings > Advanced > Configure reset at disconnect b. Distributed Switch > Networks > Distributed Port Groups > VM Distributed Port Groups > Edit Settings > Configure reset at disconnect c. Distributed Switch > Ports > Edit Settings > Advanced > Configure reset at disconnect d. Distributed Switch > Ports > Edit Settings > VM Distributed Port Groups > Configure reset at disconnect 93. During troubleshooting for packet loss you found that ESXi/ESX host is set to VST mode & it drops the packets that are lacking a VLAN tag. What could be the issue? a. Physical switch port connect to ESXi host is not set to TRUNK mode b. Port group is assigned a VLAN that is same as the native VLAN ID of the physical switch. c. Native VLAN packets are tagged with the VLAN ID on the outgoing traffic toward the ESXi/ESX host. d. None of the above 94. To benchmark the IOPS/Latency of storage, all paths from vmhba32 needs to be disabled. Which of the following will do the trick? a. esxcli storage core path set --state off --adapter vmhba32 b. esxcli storage core adapter -a vmhba32 --state off c. for i in 'esxcli storage core path list | grep '^vmhba32'` ; do esxcli storage core path set --state off --path $i; done d. for i in 'esxcli storage core path list | grep '^vmhba32'` --state off --path $i; done 95. Your ESXi host is low on CPU/memory resources & you have been given task of choosing best methodology to add a new iSCSI storage array. Which option will you choose? a. Software iSCSI adapter b. Dependent Hardware iSCSI Adapter c. Independent Hardware iSCSI Adapter d. N/A 96. To increse path redundancy to datastores from ESXi 6.X hosts using QLogic HBA, you company have ordered latest Emulex HBA compatible with ESXi 6.X hosts. However you are unable to configure redundant paths to datastores with both old & new HBA, what could be the issue here? a. New Emulex HBAs are not compatible with Storage array b. Mware does not support heterogeneous HBAs on the same host accessing the same LUNs. c. New Emulex HBAs does not support N-Port ID Virtualization (NPIV). d. Emulex HBAs are not compatible with ESXi 6.X hosts. 97. Research division of your organization needs to test legacy software on VMFS3 datastores with 1MB block size. Which of the following statement is correct? a. vSphere6.x does not support VMFS3 b. vSphere6.x does not support datastores with 1MB block size c. VMFS3 datastores cannot be configured wtih 1MB block d. None of the above 98 You are trying to create a 550GB vmdk from an ESXi 6.x on a local 1TB datastore & you see the error 'Failed to create virtual disk: The destination file system does not support large files (12)'. What could be the cause? a. ESXi 6.x does not support files larger then 512GB on local datastores b. ESXi 6.x heap size for local datastores does not support VMKD larger than 512GB c. Datastore has not been upgraded from VMFS3 to VMFS5 & has block size more than 4MB d. Datastore has not been upgraded from VMFS3 to VMFS5 & has block size less than 2MB 99. Which of the following feature enable vSAN to tolerate failures of entire physical racks / Blade Server Chassis / Network link? a. vSAN RAID b. vSAN HA c. vSAN Fault Tolerance d. vSAN Fault Domains 100. You are working with an environment where there is no over-commitment of memory in ESXi hosts. You want DRS to execute recommendation based on ESXi hosts consumed memory only. Which of the below modification would help you achieve that? a. PercentIdleMBInMemDemand = 0 b. PercentIdleMBInMemDemand = 100 c. PercentIdleMBInMemConsumed = 0 d. PercentIdleMBInMemActive = 100 Key File vSphere6 Questions Key Author: Shobhit Mathur | [email protected] 1-C 2-B 3-D 4-B 5-C 6-A 7-C 8-A 9-A 10 - A 11 - D 12 - A 13 - C 14 - C 15 - B 16 - B 17 - A 18 - C 19 - B 20 - A 21 - B 22 - D 23 - A 24 - D 25 - D 26 - C 27 - B 28 - A 29 - C 30 - C 31 - C 32 - A 33 - A 34 - B 35 - B 36 - A 37 - A 38 - B 39 - C 40 - C 41 - C 42 - D 43 - B 44 - B 45 - A 46 - D 47 - D 48 - A 49 - D 50 - C 51 - B 52 - C 53 - C 54 - D 55 - A 56 - B 57 - D 58 - C 59 - B ======== 60 - B 61 - A 62 - D 63 - C 64 - C 65 - A 66 - D 67 - C 68 - A 69 - D 70 - D 71 - A 72 - A 73 - B 74 - A 75 - C 76 - A 77 - D 78 - D 79 - B ======== 80 - B 81 - B 82 - B 83 - C 84 - A 85 - A 86 - B 87 - A 88 - D 89 - A 90 - A 91 - B 92 - A 93 - B 94 - C 95 - C 96 - B 97 - A 98 - D 99 - D 100 - B
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