vit ece 1st year syllabus

April 2, 2018 | Author: pranavateja12399 | Category: Semiconductors, Ordinary Differential Equation, Array Data Type, Integral, P–N Junction



SYLLABUS 1st SemesterI year 1st semester subjects: 1. Engineering Chemistry 2. Computer Programming and Problem Solving 3. Basic Electrical Engineering 4. Effective English 5. Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations 6. Workshop Practice 7. Semiconductor Physics corrosion and its control.5. pitting. properties and applications of PVC. Zeolite.Students will be familiar with the fundamentals of water technology. Scale and sludge.Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18. into articles  :      862 . Bakelite and Urea formaldehyde.2012           CHY101  ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY  L  T  P  C  3  0  2  4  Version No. Industrial Polymers       8 hours  Thermoplastics. Treatment of municipal water. EDTA(numerical problems). Alkalinity (Priniciple. Metal cladding – Definition.   Objectives  . Galvanising.Teflon. mixed bed deionizer. Priming and foaming. Galvanic(Galvanic series)]. Units of Hardness (numerical problems). Unit I Hardness of water :  Disadvantages of  Hard water:  Estimation of  Hardness:  Softening methods:  Water Technology       8 hours  Hard and soft water.To impart technological aspects of modern chemistry . transfer and extrusion methods. Lime soda (numerical problems). Ion exchange. Injection. Calgon and Carbonate conditioning.1 Course  Prerequisites:  Basic Chemistry of 12th standard or equivalent. thermosetting plastics: Industrial Preparation. procedure and estimation) Internal conditioning: Phosphate. Applications of polymers in domestic and engineering areas. Protective coatings – Electroplating . corrosioncontrol.electrodialysis. Tinning. Methods of degradation of polymers. Expected Outcome  . types of fuels and their applications. Physical & Chemical vapour deposition. Factors influencing corrosion. Desalination:   Unit II Corrosion:  Corrosion control:  Unit III Classification of      polymers:  Moulding of plastics       Compression. Corrosion & corrosion control      8 hours  Types –dry and wet corrosion. Caustic embrittlement. recent trends in electrochemical energy storage devices. reverse osmosis. Process and applications. Boiler corrosion. causes of corrosion – Forms of corrosion [Differential aeration.To lay foundation for application of chemistry.Nylon6.  1. Desalination of brakish water .6. . Vishal Publishing Co. Jain and M. B.R. Unit IV Fuels:  Fuels and Combustion     8 hours  Classification of fuels. Seminar.Solid oxide fuel cells. & Rajaram J.3.. “A Text book of Engineering Chemistry” S.  Reference books  1. 2006. NewDelhi. Sharma. 15th Edition. 27th Edition.   2. Characteristic of a good fuel. McGraw Hill Publishers. New Delhi. Dara. David Linden. Quizzes. Advanced Primary batteries . Jain.2012 Conducting Polymers:  Mechanism of conduction using Poly acetylene as example: Types of Conducting polymers (intrinsic and extrinsic) with examples. P. 2004. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company. liquid and gaseous fuels: Calorific value – Defintion of LCV. Proximate and ultimate analysisi of coal Combustion . Nickel-Cadmium secondary batteries Nickel-Metal hydride and Lithium-ion secondary batteries Hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells . Puri and L. Biodiesel – sources and applications. 3. Mode of Evaluation:  Written Examinations.C. “Chemistry in Engineering & Technology”. HCV. Kuriacose J.Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.measurement of calorific value using bomb calorimeter (numerical problems).solid. S. NewDelhi. 2006. Knocking & anti-knocking for petrol and diesel (octane number & cetane number). 2002. “Engineering Chemistry”.Lithium and alkaline primary batteries Lead-acid. 2.. S. Dhanpat Rai Publishing Co. 1996.Calculation of air quantities for complete combustion of fuel (problems) Cracking of crude oil. “Hand Book of batteries”. 1.R. 11th Revised Edition. Combustion:  Liquid Fuels:  Biofuels  :    Unit V Electrochemical  energy systems:  Conventional Primary  batteries:  Conventional  secondary batteries:  Advanced secondary  batteries:  Fuel cells:  Text books  1. Electrochemical Energy systems     8 hours  Basic concepts of electrolytic and electrochemical cells . Dry cell. Edition No. Assignment.C. Recommended by the Board of    studies on:  Date of approval   by the academic  Council:  863 .5. Chand & Co Ltd. “Principles of Physical Chemistry’. Vol. Surprise tests. Unit V  STRUCTURES AND UNION  4 hours  Declarations . Unit I  INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS AND ALGORITHMS  6 hours  Parts of a computer – Overview of operating systems. multi-dimensional arrays. passing parameters by value and reference. 4.         L  T  P  C  2  0  2  3  Expected Outcome:  Students shall be able to 1.Data types – I/O statements – Format specifications – Control statements – Decision making and Looping. To introduce ‘C’ Language that serves as a foundation for the study of different programming languages.nested structures – array of structures – passing structure to functions union.Arguments (formal and actual) – Return type – types of functions. 122 . reversing the digits of an integer. sine function computation.   Unit IV  FUNCTIONS  &  POINTERS  8 hours  Prototype Declaration . Character array – string handling functions – manipulation on strings. compilers.5. counting. Analyze and design problems using various problems solving techniques 3. Unit II  BASIC CONSTRUCTS IN ‘C’  6 hours  Lexical elements – Operators .2012     CSE101 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING AND PROBLEM SOLVING     Version  Course  Prerequisites:  Nil   Objectives:  1. Unit III  ARRAYS  6 hours  Arrays handling in C – Declaration – single dimensional arrays. base conversion and character to number conversion. sorting and searching on single and two dimensional arrays. Formulate and solve computing problems using C programming language.difference between structure and union. introduction to pointers. scope and life time of variables – storage classes. recursive functions. difference between built-in and user-defined functions. Apply algorithmic principles and current techniques for computing and engineering practice. summation of a set of numbers. Algorithms for exchanging the values of two variables. generation of the Fibonacci sequence. Apply the fundamental knowledge of computing algorithms appropriate to the problems 2.Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18. factorial computation. two – dimensional arrays. interpreters and programming languages. To provide an overview of computer algorithms and problem solving techniques 2. Let Us C.Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18. Ashok Kamthane. R. How to Solve it by Computer. Mode of Evaluation  Recommended by the  Board of Studies on    Date of Approval by the  Academic Council    Tests.2012   Text / Reference Books 1. 2. 2001.5. 11th Edition. 3. Jones & Bartlett Publishers.G. Programming in C. 2008. Assignments. Pearson Education. Yeshawant Kanetkar. Dromey. 2001. 2nd Edition. Prentice Hall of India. Seminars 123 . “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals” . Higgabogan. Sessional – Written CAT-I & II and Assignments Final – Written Term . 2007 5. Star and delta connections. co-efficient of coupling and energy concepts – Introduction to Transformers and its working principle Electromechanical equipments Principles of Rotating AC and DC Machines. 2008 1. New Delhi. Kothari D. Fitzgerald. 2009. RC and RLC series and parallel circuits. New Delhi. First Impression.End Examination (TEM) 14-11-2009 19 AC Expected Outcome: Unit I Unit II Unit III Unit IV Unit V Unit VI Text Books Reference Books Mode of Evaluation Recommended by the Board of Studies on Date of Approval by the Academic Council . 2009 2. Emf and Torque in Electric Machines. “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits”. Electrical Engineering-Principles & Applications by. Introduction to three phase systems and the concept of balanced and unbalanced load. M. Thevenin’s & Norton’s Equivalent circuits. Second-order Circuits. Durbin. H. Steady State Sinusoidal analysis AC circuits (single phase) : . Steady State AC circuit analysis for R. Hayt. J . ‘Engineering Circuit Analysis’. McGraw Hill. Allan R. P and Nagrath I. DC steady state.Course Code: EEE105 Version No. 4. J. KCL. Charles K Alexander. Measuring Instruments: Classification and types of Instruments 1. On the completion of this course the student will be able to: • Solve simple DC and AC circuits • Understand network theorems • Understand first order and second order circuits • Understand the basics of electromechanical machines and transformers • Understand the basics of measuring instruments Elementary Circuit Analysis Ohm’s Law. 2002 2. Maximum Power Transfer and Superposition Theorems.. Kemmerly and S. E. Tata McGraw Hill. 9/e Pearson education.2008 3. 2nd Edition . Mesh Current analysis.01 None L 3 T 1 P 0 C 4 This course will provide the student with an overview of the most important concepts in Electrical Engineering. “Basic Electrical Engg”. 5th edn. Basic Electrical Engineering. Grabel. 2008. RL. phasor representation of alternating quantities. RC and RL Circuits with general sources. RL Circuits. Vincent Del Toro. Self and Mutual Inductance. 6/e.E. KVL. Transients First-order RC Circuits.RMS values. Electrical and Electronic technology . L. Course Prerequisites Objectives: BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 1. AC power calculations. Mathew N O Sadiku. Tata McGraw Hill. Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited. Magnetic circuits and Transformers Magnetic Fields and Circuits. Measurement of three phase power. Tata Mc Graw Hill. Pearson Education. W. Series and parallel Resonance condition. Hughes. Hambley. classifications of motors and generators. third edition. Average values. C. Node Voltage Analysis. :  2 Effective English    L     T    P      C  3  0  0  3  Course Pre­ EPT requisites:    Objectives  • to involve learners in participative learning • to introduce them technical communication and related skills.Activity Based : Asking for directions Speaking­ Activity Based: Narrating a story from subjective point of view Grammar – • Voice • Connectives Letter writing –Informal letters Unit No. 3          Listening. 2        Listening. 1          Listening . Expected Outcome  • Students are equipped with the required skills to take up English for Engineers I & II • Write flawless sentences Course Description  Unit No.5.Narrating a short story from objective point of view Grammar – • Prefix & Suffix • Common Errors • Cloze test 7 hrs  1015 .Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18.2012 I  B. Tech Effective English ENG001  Theory  ENG001    Version No.Activity Based : Listening to polite expressions Speaking.Activity Based : Telephonic conversation Speaking.Narrating a short story from subjective point of view Grammar • Sentence Patterns • Tenses • Prepositions Dialogue writing Theory   7  hrs  7  hrs  Unit No. 2012   Date of Approval by  18. Innovate With English.5.Thomson.R. T. Geetha Rajeevan. Strengthen Your Writing. 4          Listening.Activity Based : BBC News / English by Indian speakers Speaking • Narrating a story from objective point of view • Picture-story writing • Conflicting proverbs Letter writing– Letter to the Editor Unit No.2012 Unit No. CUP.V.Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18. A. Foundation. 2001 2. 2010 Mode of Evaluation:  Assignments/CAT I .05. II / Term End Recommended  by  the  Board of Studies on:  14. Orient Black Swan. 2010 5. P. Rodney Huddleston. SSL. 2009 4. A Practical English Grammar.Sasikumar. VIT University 7 hrs  7 hrs  References  1. OUP.Martinet.J.Kiranmai Dutt.Narayanswami. 5         Listening. A course in Listening & Speaking I. English Grammar-An outline. A.2012 the Academic Council:                    1016 .Activity Based : Listening to songs Speaking  • Enacting short stories • Comprehension passages • Hints development • Short story Text Books  Compiled and prepared by the English Division.Samson. V. 2009 3. V.05. Foundation. namely the Multiple integrals. Expected Outcome At the end of this course the students are expected to learn (i) how to evaluate multiple integrals in Cartesian. Unit 3  Vector Calculus                                                               9L+3T hours  Scalar and vector valued functions . Course Prerequisites : Multivariable Calculus and Differential Equations 1.Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18. Unit 4  Ordinary Differential Equations  9L+3T hours  Linear higher order ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients– solutions of homogenous and non homogenous equations.1 L T P C 3 1 0 4 10+2 level Mathematics / Basic Mathematics (MAT001) Objectives This Mathematics course provides requisite and relevant background necessary to understand the other important engineering mathematics courses offered for Engineers and Scientists.scalar and vector potentials-line.Statement of Green’s . Laplace transforms which require knowledge of integration are introduced.evaluation of triple integrals-change of variables between cartesian and cylindrical and spherical polar co-ordinates-beta and gamma functions–interrelation-evaluation of multiple integrals using gamma and beta functions-error function-properties. surface and volume integrals. (ii) the powerful language of Vector calculus with physical understanding to deal with subjects such as Fluid Dynamics and Electromagnetic fields. Cylindrical and Spherical geometries.method of undetermined coefficients – method of variation of parameters – equations reducible to linear equations with constant coefficients 809 . (iii) to solve ordinary differential equations directly and also use transform methods where its possible Unit 1 Mutivariable Calculus 9L+3T hours Functions of two variables-limits and continuity-partial derivatives –total differential– Taylor’s expansion for two variables–maxima and minima–constrained maxima and minima-Lagrange’s multiplier method. Three important topics of applied mathematics.gradient–physical interpretation-total derivative– directional derivative-divergence and curl –physical interpretations-Statement of vector identities . Stoke’s and Gauss divergence theorems -verification and evaluation of vector integrals using them. Vector calculus.2012 MAT101  Version No.5.Jacobians Unit 2 Mutiple Integrals                                                                                9L+3T hours Evaluation of double integrals–change of order of integration– change of variables between cartesian and polar co-ordinates. L.Thomas and R. Higher Engineering Mathematics.2012 Unit 5  Laplace Transforms  9L+3T hours Definition-Laplace transforms of functions-properties of Laplace transforms-initial and final values theorems-inverse transforms-transforms of periodic functions-convolution theorem–step functions. Ltd. O’ Neil Advanced Engineering Mathematics.5.5. Calculus  and  analytical  geometry.Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18. S. impulse functions–the solution of differential equations. 40th Edition. (2011). 9th Edition.Topics in the Chapters:-2.10 Reference Books 1. Mode of Evaluation Recommended by the Board of studies Date of approval by the Academic council             810 . Thomson. 3. 5th Indian Reprint. B. Khanna Publications. Book/Cole.9. (2010). Peter V. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. (2003). 5th Edition. (2002). G. Grewal.B. 2. Text Books 1. Wiley India Pvt.Finney. Erwin Kreyszig.8. 9th Edition. Pearson Education. Butt Joint 3. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 23. To train the students in metal joining process like welding. Expected Outcomes On completion of this course. Soldering and desoldering of Capacitor in PCB. 3.2013] . 2. MIG Welding Unit II Sheet Metal Shop 1. To cultivate safety aspects in handling of tools and equipment. TIG Welding 5. the students will be able to 1. Unit I Welding Shop 1. Unit III Soldering Shop 1. Making of control panel using development of surface.03. Lap Joint 4. Welding and soldering operations. Making of Cone using development of surface. 3. Instruction of BI standards and reading of welding drawings. Soldering and desoldering of Resistor in PCB. To impart skill in fabricating simple components using sheet metal. Fabrication of simple sheet metal parts.10 Pre requisite : Nil Objectives 1.MEE102 Workshop Practice Version No : 1. soldering.4.13 L T P C 0 0 2 1 Proceedings of the 29th Academic Council [26. 3. Soldering and desoldering of IC in PCB. Making of Cube 2. 2. 2. 2. etc. Unit IV Bosch Tools Demonstration of all BOSCH TOOLS Textbooks: Workshop Manual prepared by VIT staff Mode of Evaluation : Tutorials / Class Tests / Lab Exam. CTOs. Formation of J unction. Course Pre­requisites/ Co­   requisites/ anti­requisites :  PHY101   Aim The aim is to understand the basic concepts behind the Semiconductor. 3rd Edition. 804 . Junction capacitance. Carrier Scattering. Transport Equations. Introduction to semiconductor materials and devices. Solid State Electronic Devices. 10 hours  Unit No.Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18. Text Books: 1. S. Carrier D. Quasi Fermi Level. Basic principles of ICs . Tyagi. Unit No. Ionized impurity and Phonon scattering. Schottky contacts. Electrons and holes. Fermi level and Density of States.Zener and Avalanche processes. 2 Carrier Transport Phenomena 9 hours  (Description) Basic governing equations in semiconductors.  4 (Description) Flat band diagram and built-in potential. MESFET 9 hours  Technology of semiconductor devices  Unit No. 2003. 2005. MOS and CMOS types. PHI. Power switching devices . Unit No. 1997. A. Semiconductor Devices. M. McGraw-Hill. 2004. Full depletion analysis. 1 Semiconductor Fundamentals (Description) Formation of energy bands and band diagrams. 3 Junction Theory 9 hours  (Description) PN Junctions. Metal­Semiconductor Junction 8 hours  Unit No. Metal-Semiconductor contacts: Ohmic contacts. Contact potential and Space Charge Phenomena. Direct and indirect band gap. L T 3 0 P 0 C 3 Objectives: Students will learn semiconductor material and device fundamentals from this subject which will help them to get control of semiconductor devices and circuits in future. Thermal Effect. Drift and diffusion of carriers. Semiconductor physics and devices. recombination and injection of carriers. 3. Theory of conductivity. John Wiley & Sons. Biasing of PN Junctions. MOSFET. Ben G Streetman.  5 (Description) Fabrication of semiconductor devices. doping. 4. Prentice Hall of India. Hall effect. Effective mass.5. Breakdown phenomena. Elemental and compound semiconductor.2012   PHY104  Semiconductor Device Physics Version No. Carriers generation. Kanaan Kano.SCRs. Neamen. Bi-polar Junction Transistor. 2. Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. IV relationships. 05. seminar. Mode of Evaluation:  Recommended by the Board of  Studies on  Date of Approval by the Academic  Council      Written examinations.5. 2006. surprise test   08. SZE. Semiconductor Device Fundamentals.2012    805 . Robert F Pierret.Proceedings of the 26th Academic Council held on 18. Physics of semiconductor. 2007. assignments.2012 References: 1. Pearson Education. 2. John Wiley.
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