
April 2, 2018 | Author: Gaurav Singh | Category: Course Credit, University And College Admission, Curriculum, Academic Term, Internship



15/04/2013VIT Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. Preamble Scope Admission Academic System 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 5. 6. Semester Curriculum Syllabus Course Plan Course Flowchart Course Types Programme Duration Structure of the Programmes 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Course Credits Minimum Credit Requirement Credit Distribution Course Distribution Faculty Adviser Bridge Courses Minimum/ Maximum Credit Limits for Course Registration Registering for Backlog Courses Add/Drop of Courses Course Withdrawal Course Prerequisites 7. Course Registration 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 8. 9. Attendance Assessment/ Evaluation 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 Class Based Learning Questions based on HOTs Eligibility for Examinations Grading System Absolute and Relative Grading Evaluation for Laboratory only Courses Evaluation of Courses having Embedded Laboratory Perusal of answer sheets, Revaluation and Declaration of results Calculation of Grade Point Average Absence from an Exam 1/30 15/04/2013 VIT 9.11 9.12 9.13 Semester Grade Sheet and Consolidated Grade Sheet Academic Malpractice Promotion and Termination 10. Audit Course 11. Registering Post Graduate level courses 12. UG Research Experience 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 13.1 13.2 13.3 URE001 URE002 URE003 URE004 ‘Minor’ credential ‘Honours’ credential Double Major credential 13. Additional Learning 14. Course Substitution 15. Grade Improvement 16. Credit Transfer 17. Course Equivalence 18. Honours Club 19. Time Limit for Programme Completion 20. Award of Degree 21. Modification in Regulations Annexure – 1 List of Programmes under FFCS Annexure – 2 Minimum credit requirements for various programmes Annexure – 3 List of University Core courses for various programmes Annexure – 4 Criteria for registering UE and Audit courses Annexure – 5 CBL/PBL/RBL Assessment Procedure Annexure – 6 Assessment Procedure of a Lab/ Project Course Annexure – 7 Grading Procedure Annexure – 8 Clearing of a Backlog/ Arrear course Nomenclature AY CAT CAM CAMP CBL Fast track Academic Year Continuous Assessment Test Continuous Assessment Marks Challenging Assignment and Mini Project Class Based Learning Normally only one unit of class/ tutorial/ lab will be conducted per day. However, under fast track, more than one unit of class/ tutorial will be conducted per day and more than one unit of lab will be conducted per week. 2/30 15/04/2013 VIT FFCS Grand Total Marks PBL PC PE Programme RBL SET Conference TEE UC UE UG University Fully Flexible Credit System™ As shown in Annexure - 7 Project Based Learning Programme Core Programme Elective A degree with a major specialization in an Engineering/ Technology discipline offered by the University Research Based Learning VIT International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology Term End Examination University Core University Elective Under Graduate VIT University, Vellore, India Academic Regulations Version 2.10 1. Preamble Present day student is much different from the students of the past in many ways. Students like to make decisions on their own and like to plan their future by themselves. But student aspirations on one hand and the demands of the work place on the other have become highly diverse. Employers expect students to have multi-disciplinary competency, leadership skills and be Information and Communication Technology (ICT) ready. The present rigid, cohort system of learning offers little flexibility to students in selecting the courses of their choice and helps little in becoming a well-rounded personality. As part of continuous improvement in providing quality education, VIT University is taking the next step in this direction by introducing the Fully Flexible Credit System (FFCS™) into its academic curriculum. By this, the students can register courses of their choice and alter the pace of learning within the broad framework of academic course and credit requirements. They can register courses according to their interest and academic ability in completing them. FFCS allows students in deciding their academic plan and permits students to alter it as they progress in time. Students will have the option of choosing courses from a ‘basket of courses’ within each classification. Ample options are given to choose interdisciplinary courses from other Engineering Schools which will help the student to develop additional skills. Slow learners will also benefit since important courses will be made available in both semesters, so that students can re-register the course they missed to clear in the subsequent semester. Suitable provisions are included to reward academically sound students. Another milestone in implementing FFCS is moving from a fixed time table to a slot based timetable. Under this, a student will be able to choose the time he/she wants to attend a theory class/ lab. Thus, combining FFCS with a slot based timetable, students can make their own time table and each student in a class may have a different timetable of his/her own. FFCS offers not only wide choices for students to build their own curriculum, but also enhances their skill in planning. A Faculty Adviser helps a student in identifying the courses based on programme requirement, course prerequisites, student’s ability and interest in various academic disciplines. In order to make the learning more effective, Project Based Learning (PBL) is introduced in which the student applies the course principles by carrying out challenging projects as part of the course. 2. Scope The rules and regulations stated herein shall be called “FFCS Academic Regulations Version 2.00” in its complete form and in short as “FFCS Regulations 2.00”. These regulations are applicable to all students 3/30 Tech. Unless otherwise specified explicitly. Academic programmes under FFCS shall be decided by the Academic Council and the list of programmes currently under FFCS is given in Annexure . The complete Academic Regulations Version 2. For the programmes offered by the VIT Business School. considering the less number of days available during the summer vacation. Curriculum of a programme contains courses grouped under various heads. Minor modifications have been carried out as per the procedure outlined in Section 21 on 15th August 2012 and named as Version 2.Tech. 3.4.Version 1.1 Semester All programmes under FFCS shall adopt a Semester system. The “B. will be offered considering the demand for such courses of needy students. Academic System 4. For all the other programmes. “FFCS Regulations Version 1. if and only if. 4. The minimum qualifications essential for admission to various programmes of the University will be stipulated and indicated in the Admissions brochure released before the commencement of admission to programmes. the dates of which will be announced separately. University Core. Though courses will be offered during Summer semester to help students to clear their backlog. Similarly.00 was approved by the 27th Academic Council (held on 27th July 2012). programmes shall undergo a national level competitive examination (VITEEE) conducted by the University once in a year.1. the dates of which will be announced separately. Selected students will be admitted to various programmes based on counseling. it is not binding on the University to offer courses during Summer. subject to the availability of faculty and resources. separate Regulations were approved by the Standing Committee of the Academic Council held on 7th August Each programme Curriculum shall have a version number tagged to the AY to which it is applicable and subsequent changes in the Curriculum shall be indicated by a change in curriculum version number appropriately.10. into various programmes of the University. Admission All students admitted to various B. Selected students will be admitted to various programmes based on counseling. Programme Core and Programme Elective. An optional Summer semester. Like Fall and Winter semesters. A summer semester is normally offered under a fast track mode. FFCS Regulations .htm#_Toc331065862 4/30 . a separate semester Grade Sheet will be issued for the courses registered during the Summer semester also.10” was approved by the 20th Academic Council. Normally the Fall Semester will be from July to December and Winter Semester from December to May. all rules and regulations applicable to a course offered during a regular semester is applicable to the course offered during the Summer under fast track also. Any change in the Curriculum should be recommended by the Board of Studies of the programme concerned and submitted to the Academic Council by the Chairperson of the Board of Studies https://academics. 4. all students admitted to various M. programmes shall undergo a national level competitive examination (VITMEE) conducted by the University once in a year. from May to July. University Elective. There will be two semesters in an academic year. These courses will be offered to a student in a pre-determined manner in each semester. Students are expected to take courses offered in each semester and clear them subject to various conditions as prescribed in this Regulation.vit. Each programme shall have a Programme Manager and the Programme Manager is deemed to own the curriculum. viz. students will be admitted based on their merit and their meeting the admission criteria.Tech.2 Curriculum Each programme contains a prescribed course structure which is generally called Curriculum. admission criteria for various research programmes of the University will be stipulated and indicated in the Admissions brochure released before the commencement of admission to Research Programmes.15/04/2013 VIT admitted during the AY 2012-13 and subsequently. Degree Programme Regulations 2008. Similarly. he/she has successfully cleared/ completed all the courses prescribed in his/her programme curriculum. each group explained in detail under Section” was originally approved by the 18th Academic Council. A student is considered to have completed the degree programme. Hence such courses will be categorized under Research Based Learning (RBL). PC and PE).in/Academic_Regulations. Structure of the Programmes https://academics. but their specific requirements will be as laid down and approved by the Academic Council separately.4 Course Plan A course plan consists of a list of lectures/ experiments carried out in each instructional class/ lab by the course teacher during the semester as per the LTPC of the course. syllabus revision number (version).. course objectives.vit. 4. modification. with details like mode of delivery. 15 lecture/ tutorial classes or a minimum of 30 hours of laboratory work should be put in within the regular semester period or in a summer semester period specified in the Academic Calendar of the University. Theory and Lab embedded and Project. Course Committee is considered to be the owner of a Course. etc. if the course has an embedded lab component. PE and UC are connected through prerequisites shall be shown and made part of the curriculum.requisite requirements may also be included inside various shapes.htm#_Toc331065862 5/30 . it is mandatory for the course teacher to teach the course as specified in the syllabus in total. School Directors may nominate the members or alternate them periodically. mini project. 4. Programme Duration The minimum duration of a programme generally students are expected to take to meet various requirements of programmes offered by the University is given in Annexure – 2. Necessary pre-. A few faculty adopt project based learning approach in their UG courses and such courses will be categorized under Project Based Learning (PBL). course title. two year M. date on which the Board of Studies has recommended the syllabus and the date on which it was approved by the Academic Council. and the mode of evaluation adopted. 4. A Course Committee consisting of a minimum of three faculty members who have taught/ are teaching the course shall be created and the syllabi of that course will be assigned to the Course Committee for content creation. short and detailed description of the topics the student will be exposed with timestamps. They may be grouped to indicate the proposed semester of offering. from time to time. etc.15/04/2013 VIT concerned for approval. An increment by one indicates a major change and minor changes will be indicated by a change in the number after the decimal.Tech. 5. degree will be awarded only upon the completion of the minimum duration of the programme. 4. 6.3 Syllabus A course syllabus is a document that explains what a student is going to study in that course. For one course credit. Student Project.1). are grouped under ‘Project type’ of courses. course prerequisites (if any).Sc. Separate course plans need to be prepared for the theory and laboratory portions of any course. Lab only. Any subsequent modifications carried out with the approval of the Academic Council will be indicated by a change in the syllabus version number. expected outcome.5 Course Flowchart A flowchart describing how various courses under PC. LTPC (explained in Section co. and MCA programmes shall focus on carrying out a project which will result in a SET Conference publication. Industrial Internship. Each course will have a course code. UE. All courses offered to M. Project Work.6 Course Types Courses may be classified as Theory only. Comprehensive exam. over a minimum period of 2 years. anti. The general rules and regulations stipulated in this document is also applicable to the double and dual degree programmes offered by the University and other special programmes announced by the University. However. All programmes come to an end when the student earns the minimum course and credit requirements as specified by the programme curriculum concerned. reference material used. suggested text and reference books. etc. Courses taught based on traditional classroom methods will be categorized under Class Based Learning (CBL). Courses like seminar. Once approved by the Academic Council. Standard pictorial representation may be adopted to indicate various types of courses (UC. 3. it is possible for a student to reach the minimum credit requirements without completing the courses under UC/PC or without meeting the credit requirements under UE/PE.htm#_Toc331065862 6/30 . Under such circumstances. UC courses may be added or removed from time to time by the Academic Council. etc.1. one instructional unit of tutorial and one laboratory based instructional unit.vit. Japanese. 6.3. 6.2 Programme Core (PC) Courses listed under Programme Core of a curriculum are mandatory to the specific programme.2 Minimum Credit Requirement The minimum credit requirement for the completion of the programme for students admitted during various Academic Years shall be as given in Annexure . like French. The list of courses under UC for various programmes is given in Annexure . it is mandatory for the student to complete all courses under UC and PC and also to meet the credit requirements under UE and PE to become eligible for the degree. Tutorial (T) or Practical (P) and indicated as its LTPC. 6. Example: UC specifies that each student should take a foreign language course(s) for 2 credits. Student Project. UC courses may be listed by a specific course code and course title. all delivered within a calendar week. Science. Further. 6.4 Course Distribution The curriculum of each programme contains courses that are grouped into University Core (UC).1 University Core (UC) Courses listed under University Core are mandatory to all similar degree programmes listed under Annexure . Students https://academics. One Course Credit shall consist of a minimum of 15 Instructional Units offered during a semester. a minimum credit requirement may be fixed to be met by taking one or more courses offered in a basket under UC. These courses are basic in nature and are expected to enhance student’s knowledge in various disciplines apart from his/her own discipline. A minimum of 100 minutes per week of laboratory session/ practical or field work/ training/ project or a combination of these will also be considered as one Instructional Unit or one credit.4. Due to various features of FFCS. Co/Extra Curricular Activity and Comprehensive Examination are part of UC requirements. Spanish. delivered as Lecture (L). This can be met by taking any course offered from a basket of foreign language courses.4. German. the student has to meet the course and credit distribution also as specified under Section 6. University Elective (UE). Each course carries a fixed number of credits (C). Industrial internship. The number of Instructional units delivered each week forms the basis of LTPC of a Course. Programme Core (PC) and Programme Elective (PE). 6. though the student has met the minimum credit requirements. Humanities and Management disciplines as shown below: Discipline Engineering Science Humanities Management Percent share of minimum credit requirement 64 20 8 8 A maximum of 3 % deviation in credits is permitted in each discipline.15/04/2013 VIT This section outlines the course and credit requirements of various programmes to become eligible for the completion of the degree.1 Course Credits A class room instruction/ tutorial of 50 minutes duration per week shall be considered as one Instructional Unit or credit.2.3 Credit Distribution Course credits shall be distributed among the Engineering. Example: An LTPC of 2-1-2-4 means 2 instructional units based on class room lecture. In few cases. 0 can be declared as a University Elective by the programme. a report along with a completion certificate from the Industry where he/she had received the training is to be submitted to the Training Coordinator of his/her programme for evaluation within 10 days of the commencement of the semester in which the student has registered for the industrial internship. they may not have a prerequisite other than that appear under UC.Tech. Students not willing to take any UE course shall be permitted to take PE course(s) that are not yet studied. the industrial internship report and performance of the student during the related viva voce. students get exposure to academic environment which is different from the environment. Students who have successfully completed their training are required to register for industrial internship in the semester following the https://academics. 6.Sc. This can be availed as a combination of smaller course credits also.4. students get an opportunity to study courses which are more advanced or applied or specialized than the basic courses he/she studies as part of core courses listed under their programme curriculum..g): 6 credits of UE requirement can be met by taking two 3 credit courses or three 2 credit courses. programmes Number of credits under UE 6 credits 3 credits A list of University Elective courses will be declared in priori and / or at the beginning of each semester by the Schools. This gives an opportunity for students to satisfy their aspirations in other disciplines also. To provide an opportunity to students to take interdisciplinary the Training Coordinator may award a performance grade. B. industry. PE courses need not be restricted to his/ her major specialization.4.. Such an UE course cannot be a course listed under their curriculum UC/PC as a required course. 6. At the end the training.5 Experiential Learning Industrial Internship: During their tenure in the University. since they register 3 courses instead of 2 courses. Other programme students can take the same as their UE if they meet the conditions specified in Annexure – 4. PE courses play a crucial role in offering ‘Minor/ Honours’ specialization. viz. To get this exposure. Each Programme Manager will identify a Training Coordinator who will assist the students in identifying the industry and getting necessary approval through correspondence. Programme B. Only a course that forms a part of a curriculum of a programme listed under Section 2. which carries 2 credits under University Core.S. wherein they are expected to be placed. Hence courses under UE may be PC or PE for a given programme but UE courses for students from other programmes. 6. (5 year Integrated) programmes M. These courses will generally provide an in-depth knowledge of a specific sub-field the student has taken as his/her major specialization. B. This training can be availed in a single stretch of four weeks or in two stretches of two weeks duration each. he/she may be permitted to complete the same after the end of four year term.Com.Sc.4 Programme Elective By taking Programme Elective courses.htm#_Toc331065862 7/30 .ac. Since UE courses offered by a particular programme are expected to be taken by other discipline students. Students need not pay any additional Course Registration charges. such identified courses will also be listed under PE courses. the student is expected to maintain a log of their activity and learning. instead. Based on entries made in the activity log. any time after two years of study. M. An Audit course already cleared by the student cannot be credited again under the UE option. (SE).vit.. The number of credits a student is permitted to take under UE shall be as given below. If a student could not undertake the industrial training during the four year period due to valid reasons. M. During the training. all students should undergo four weeks of industrial internship in a reputed industry in their respective branch. No substitution of a PC course is permitted. BCA. M.Sc.3 University Elective (UE) Students can take any course as their UE. (e. without any additional payment. subject to the eligibility criteria specified under Annexure – 4.Tech.15/04/2013 VIT have to complete all the courses listed under PC to become eligible for the degree. A course that is not part of any programme curriculum can also be specified as a UE course by declaring it suitable to a specific degree programme..4. Various time limits specified for monitoring and evaluation of performance of the student. experimentation & analysis. there will be an external guide with the industry/ organization of work and an internal guide within the School the student belongs. fabrication of new equipment. the student may opt for a guide outside their School also. viz.15/04/2013 VIT completion of their entire industrial internship period. After the end of their pre-final semester TEEs. Through the project work. Members of the Committee will be nominated by the Director of the programme School the student belongs. the individual project report of each student in that group shall have different project title to bring out the individual’s contribution to the group project. The following weightage is assigned at each stage of Student Project evaluation. Submitting a project that was bought (purchased)/ borrowed/ submitted in another University/ Institution shall be considered as examination malpractice and will be awarded an ‘N’ grade and the student has to register again and clear the student project in a subsequent semester. or academic/ research institution. in an industry. with the permission of Programme Manager. by applying the knowledge they have gained in the courses/ labs they have undergone so far. Failure/ absence in the final viva-voce examination results in re-registration of the project. modeling & simulation. Depending on the nature of the project work. an individual student or a group of students may carry out the project within the University or outside. Of the 50% weightage. in or related to the specialization of the programme the student undergoes. The Project Work may be a work based on theoretical analysis. 25% goes to project report evaluation by the Guide and 25% goes to the Viva voce examination conducted by the External Examiner. 10 calendar days before the viva voce exam 3 Review (Final) rd Submission of draft Project Report to Internal Guide 5% Each student will be assigned a faculty member as guide within their School. In suitable cases. Guide and Co-guide (wherever applicable) and an oral examination will be conducted. to be announced by the University in each semester. External Examiner. should be strictly followed. students are expected to prove their analytical ability and practical skills. Student Project: Students are expected to carry out an innovative project work during their final semester of study for the credits prescribed under UC of their curriculum. or a combination of these. prototype design. Students are expected to decide on the specific project area and title. three Internal Experts. In case of projects outside the University.htm#_Toc331065862 8/30 . Activity 1s t Review (acceptance of project title) 2nd Review Weightage 5% 40 % 50 % Remarks To be held after the completion of 7th semester TEEs To be scheduled during the CAT-I period of non-final year students To be scheduled during the TEE period of non-final year students as Viva Voce examination by the Project Monitoring etc. and carry out substantial portion of the literature survey during the end of their pre-final semester. a presentation will be made to the “Student Project Monitoring Committee” constituted by Schools concerned. In case of group project. correlation and analysis of data. The final project report will be evaluated by a panel of examiners consisting of Programme Manager/ Division Leader as Chairman of the Committee. private/ government organization. Though Student Project is expected to be registered during the final semester of the programme period. courses of project type (viz. The Comprehensive Examination shall be conducted at a time after a student completes all his/her courses successfully and only the Student Project is yet to be completed. Credits for Student Project/ Masters Thesis 20 20 20 20 20 10 Minimum % of credits to be earned for registration 85 60 85 65 75 75 7. carrying 2 or 3 credits. B.Tech. may also be evaluated on the same pattern. M. Student Project can be registered in a semester other than the final. or a position within the first 20% ranks in VITMEE. The Course Registration will be carried out on a specific day as declared by the University in advance. Comprehension of a student in his/her field of specialization will be evaluated in the form of a written test. In case of students having only backlog courses.. Course Registration It is mandatory for all students to register every semester till the end of his/her study.. Performance Grades will be awarded proportional to their percentile or rank. the comprehensive knowledge the student has gained so far in all the courses he/she had undergone.Sc. Students of some Undergraduate programmes may also carry out their projects along with regular courses specified in their curriculum.S. the above condition may be relaxed based on the recommendation of the Faculty Adviser and Comprehensive Examination may be conducted before the completion of 20 credit Student Project or along with it. shall be exempted from appearing the Comprehensive Examination. BBA Comprehensive Examination: Comprehension examination is conducted to evaluate the students analytical ability.Com. Registration of Project Work is not permitted during a fast track semester or Summer semester. (5 year Integrated) M. except for M.15/04/2013 VIT Submission of Synopsis Thesis corrections/ modifications to be informed to students by Guides - 7 calendar days before the viva voce exam 3 calendar days before the viva voce exam Submission of Project Report in its final form One instructional day before the viva voce exam The format of Student Project report should be in accordance to the format prescribed by the University.(SE). under special circumstances.vit. programmes wherein it will be carried out for a minimum duration of 8 to 9 months. for courses that he/she is going to study in the semester through a Course Registration process. mini project. the guide will evaluate the project. However. Students having 80 percentile or above in GATE. M. can be carried out during fast track or Summer semester. etc. at least one member from other programme offered by the School and at least one member from another School. Students having any Project Credits and Minimum credit requirement to register Student Project/ Masters Thesis Programme B. viva voce or online exam.Tech.htm#_Toc331065862 9/30 .Sc. a Comprehension Examination Committee constituted for each programme shall have the Programme Manager as its Chairperson with three members in the rank of Senior Professor/ Professor associated with the programme.Tech. etc. provided the student has earned a minimum percentage of credits as indicated below. his/her ability to apply such knowledge in various situations. MCA BCA. In case of viva voce exam. Courses of project type but less than 20 credits. M.). Students doing their projects abroad can participate in the reviews through video conferencing. Instead of the “Student Project Monitoring Committee”. B. respectively. The project work should be executed for a minimum period of one Semester to qualify for the credits specified under UC of their curriculum. the student may be permitted to register a maximum of 12 credits with the approval of Faculty Adviser. a student carrying out the last registration of his/her programme will be permitted to register less than 16 credits in order to meet the minimum credit requirements for the completion of programme. Students having backlogs or under probation may get advice for pacing the programme. 7. However. However. Generally students will be offered more courses than what a normal student is expected to take. If a student fails to register courses in any semester.2 Bridge Courses During the first semester of all programmes offered by the University. The number of credits a student can register during a Summer semester shall be between 6 and 8. Courses having ‘N’ or ‘W’ grades will not be considered as ‘backlog/ arrear’. to compensate his/her inadequacy. all earlier course evaluation marks shall be treated as cancelled/ reset. Since slot timetable is adopted. 7. Under no circumstances a student.4 Registering for Backlog Courses A course having an ‘F’ grade will be considered as a backlog or arrear course and it can be cleared by writing the ‘arrear’ exam conducted centrally. Approval of Faculty Adviser is necessary for a student to undergo Course Registration. Students under FFCS shall be permitted to write an arrear exam of a course only once. each student will be assigned a Faculty Adviser by the School concerned. However. late registration for a maximum of 10 calendar days from the commencement of the semester may be permitted only with the approval of the School Director concerned and on payment of a late Registration fee as specified by the University. When a course is re-registered. will be permitted to cross these limits. students will be advised to register all courses listed under “Courses Offered” for their specific programme. even though a letter grade of ‘F’ is awarded to indicate the failure.1 Faculty Adviser Upon joining the University. if the semester has already advanced beyond 25% of instructional days. Depending on academic and non-academic resources available to each programme. whether regular or timed-out. courses offered may vary. Depending on the proficiency in language and other necessary fundamental disciplines.htm#_Toc331065862 10/30 .15/04/2013 VIT outstanding dues to the University shall not be permitted to register. If the student fails The Faculty Adviser will discuss with the student on his/her academic performance in previous semester(s) and suggest the number and nature of courses to be registered in the ensuing semester. or 2 courses. the student has to reregister the complete course again to clear.3 Minimum/ Maximum Credit Limits for Course Registration The number of credits most students are expected to register in a semester will be 23 (Average Academic Load) so that they complete the programme within the specified duration of the programme. These courses will be recommended based on a screening test conducted by the University or based on the subjects student had completed during his/her previous qualifying school level. a student shall not be allowed to register for courses in a semester. There is no minimum number of credits fixed for course registration during Summer. failure in courses of ‘project’ type is treated as ‘incomplete’ and needs re-registration to clear the same. as recommended by his/her programme curriculum. However.2. Students will get a chance to make their own plan of study by changing the pace with which they study (fast/slow).ac. For valid reasons. the credits will not be counted towards the minimum credit requirements for the completion of the programme as specified in Section 6. 7. However. within the framework of that programme curriculum. students can choose their own slots from multiple slots offered for the same course. in special cases. his/her studentship with the University is liable to be cancelled.vit. the student may be asked to undergo some special courses (bridge courses). a student can register for a maximum of 27 credits or a minimum of 16 credits in a regular semester (other than during Summer). Though the credits and grades obtained will be counted for the CGPA calculation. 7. since lab is only a component of the course. If a student fails in a course due to lack of marks in the lab component of an embedded course. The list of courses offered by each programme will be announced prior to the registration. As long as the equivalency of both courses (arrear and TEE course) remains valid.5 Add/Drop of Courses A student can add to or drop from the registered courses within first 5 instructional days from the commencement of a regular semester. as specified by the University time to time. only one arrear examination will be given per semester. Annexure – 8 depicts the procedure adopted in clearing a backlog/ arrear course. single arrear attempt and one year duration to clear an arrear are allowed before a course is compulsorily re-registered. Only those courses that stand registered at the end of Add/Drop process will be considered as final for that semester. However. Along with a regular TEE. then. d. Also. The method of handling changes in syllabus during subsequent registration of the same or equivalent course is explained in Section 17. No arrear exams will be offered after the commencement of Fall/Winter semesters. If the student fails to clear the course(s) within one year time. or its equivalent FFCS/ Non-FFCS course. subject to the availability of resources and the minimum/ maximum number of credits required to be registered in a semester as specified in Section 7. he/she has to reregister the course(s) again and clear it. for a backlog course registered again in view of clearing the backlog or registering a course again since that course was withdrawn by a student in a previous semester or registering a UE/PE for the first time which will be substituted for a UE/PE taken in a previous semester but withdrawn subsequently (change of UE/PE or course substitution). However. equivalent FFCS courses and for different versions of the same course.15/04/2013 VIT to clear the course during that attempt. 7. to plan a slower pace. This condition is applicable to both nonFFCS to FFCS courses. the total credits available for registering the first time courses will be “Average Academic Load minus total Re-registered credits”. Students have to pay a Re-registration students under FFCS having five or more arrears are brought under the following conditions. In order to prevent students accumulating backlogs/ arrear courses. then. will be permitted to write. The courses thus dropped will not appear in the semester Grade Sheet of the student. as arrear examination. The maximum number of arrear exams a timed-out student is permitted to write in a semester shall be restricted to 27 credits. other than those required for placement purposes. students having an arrear in the same course of the same or older version. Winter and Summer The ‘dropped’ https://academics. Hence. Further. to make students take their arrear attempts serious. efforts will be made to offer as many courses as possible during Fall. Admitted in the AY 2011-12 and subsequently Admitted in the AY 2010-11 Admitted in the AY 2009-10 Admitted in the AY 2008-09 5 or more 6 or more 7 or more 8 or more To provide an early opportunity for students to clear their backlog of courses. It is compulsory to Re-register the arrear courses first. No separate arrear examination will be given to students who fail in Summer semester courses. students from an earlier syllabus version need to write the current version for which the TEE is conducted. e. they have to clear their arrear courses within one calendar year.3. When the result of a previous exam (arrear/ regular/ re-registration/ TEE) of a course is not yet declared by the University. c. b. it is necessary to restrict the credits a student registers in a semester in relation to his/her performance in previous semesters.htm#_Toc331065862 11/30 . he/she has to re-register the course again and clear it. a. as given below. before registering new courses. Maximum number of arrear courses that can be accumulated before a student is brought under the above conditions is fixed based on their year of joining. Maximum credits permitted for registration during a semester shall be the Average Academic Load as defined in Section 7. They have to take their arrear exams along with their previous Winter semester arrears (during the Winter vacation). since their results may be declared when the Fall semester is in session. during subsequent course registration(s). another option/ attempt will not be given to a student to write another exam (arrear/ regular/ re-registration/ TEE) for the same course. eligible to write the TEE and also has written the TEE of a prerequisite course. the student can withdraw his/her Course Registration from the course. Subsequently. or leave of absence (OD) for organizing events/ seminars/ workshops/ GraVITas/ Riviera/ competitions/ participation in co-curricular/ extra-curricular events/ NSS & NCC camps. a course may have an anti-requisite and/ or co-requisite. personnel. Add/ Drop is only an option given to the student. Withdrawal from a CBL/PBL/RBL course is permitted subject to meeting the minimum credit requirements as specified in Section 7. Similarly. will also require additional payment. the student is likely to lose attendance in those courses added during the add/drop period and no compensation/ transfer of attendance shall be permitted. Add/Drop provision is not available for the courses registered during Summer Registered backlog courses cannot be withdrawn. Generally the student is expected to have cleared all the prerequisite courses at the time of Course Registration. no reimbursement will be made. Withdrawal is also permitted from a PBL/RBL course within five instructional days after the announcement of the first evaluation marks by the course teacher. This stand is adopted so that the student can make further progress towards earning credits and his/her progress need not be pulled down by backlog courses.vit. Computerized attendance monitoring system will be adopted for posting the attendance by the faculty. Research Scholars are exempted from course prerequisite conditions while registering FFCS courses along with regular students. a student is permitted to maintain an attendance of 75% (i.6 Course Withdrawal If a student feels that his/her performance in CAT-I of a registered course is not satisfactory. Any alternative course (from a basket of courses) registered in a subsequent semester in lieu of a withdrawn course. without producing any proof for the absence. Course Withdrawal will be open to students for five instructional days. Students who had received an ‘F’ grade in a prerequisite course are also permitted to register the next level course by assuming that they had attained the required ‘exposure’ by attending that course.15/04/2013 VIT courses can be taken either in a subsequent semester or in when the results are declared by the University and if the student is awarded an ‘F’ grade in the course which was a prerequisite course. the University will announce suitable days for carrying out Course Withdrawal. While exercising this option. but the result for the course is not yet declared (but not withheld) by the University. In case the student has met the minimum attendance as stipulated in Section 8. any other (valid or otherwise) reason. but will not be counted for the calculation of GPA of that semester. the student is permitted to register a higher level course having this course as prerequisite. This 25% absence includes medical.htm#_Toc331065862 12/30 . casual. 7. After finalization of CAT-I marks. the anti-requisite option can be used. If the student had paid for the course he/she is withdrawing. the Registration made for the higher level course will not be cancelled. Since no one is exempted from the minimum attendance conditions stipulated as below.e. students who fail to maintain the minimum attendance criteria will not be permitted to write the next evaluation component of the course (CAT/TEE/Exam component fixed by the course faculty in case of courses under CBL/PBL/RBL) and they will be considered as ‘debarred from writing the exam’. However. There is no reregistration fee for registering a ‘Drop’ course again. in view of its short duration. Under such circumstances. When two courses having almost similar/ same course contents and considered as equivalent are made available to a student to choose. Considering the fact that a student may need leave due to ill-health or to attend some family emergency. absent for 25% of instructional hours) in each course.3. Attendance A student is expected to maintain 100% attendance in all courses. Such withdrawn courses require additional payment for subsequent registrations.7 Course Prerequisites Some courses may have specific prerequisites to be met before a student can register for the course in the current semester. it will be assumed that the student has met the prerequisite condition by obtaining the required ‘exposure’ in that course. The attendance software shall indicate the student status of that exam component as ‘Debarred’ once the student crosses the https://academics. 7. and to prevent students crediting both the courses. Similar to prerequisite. backlog courses registered in the current semester cannot be dropped. Courses withdrawn shall be shown with a ‘W’ grade in the semester Grade Sheet and the Consolidated Grade Sheet. official on duty leave. 8. an independent laboratory course can be coupled to a theory-alone course through a corequisite thereby forcing a student to register both the courses together. they will be subjected to the minimum attendance requirements again. The attendance percentage will be calculated from the ‘date of registration’ into a course to one day before the start of the exam Students who are absent due to prolonged illness or any other valid reason from the classes beyond the 25% absence shall be advised to request for ‘Break of Study’ on medical grounds for a semester as indicated in Section Hence the exemption status may change before any exam component depending on the declaration of results. etc. In RBL courses 20% of marks are set apart for the SET project which will result in a SET Conference publication. 9. However. no retrospective effect will be given to earlier decisions of inclusion/ exclusion from debarred list based on the CGPA the students had at that time. Attendance eligibility criteria for CAT-I Period of calculation of absence From the date of registration into the course to one day before the start of CAT-I exams From the date of registration into the course to one day before the start of CAT-II exams From the date of registration into the course to the start of that exam component From the date of registration into the course to the Last Instructional Day (inclusive) Minimum percentage of attendance required 75% CAT-II 75% Any exam component other than TEE of a course under PBL/ RBL TEE (Theory & Lab. separately) for all courses (CBL/PBL/RBL) 75% 75% The results of students who were debarred due to lack of attendance but wrote the CAT/any exam component/ TEE (theory/ lab) shall be withheld and the student may be considered to have committed an ‘academic malpractice’. TEE shall carry a weightage of 50% and the Continuous assessment (including the project) shall be carried out for the balance weightage of 50%.15/04/2013 VIT minimum attendance requirement.vit. In PBL courses. It is expected that these students will continue to attend all the classes without absence and will not take this as an advantage to skip classes. To encourage students to attend seminars. training programmes. short duration courses offered by specialized institutions. The TEE shall carry a weightage of 25% to 50% and the Continuous assessment shall be carried out for the balance weightage of 55% to 30%. duration of each exam. The minimum attendance criterion is applicable to all courses (CBL/PBL/RBL) and also to Research Scholars registering their ‘taught’ courses.00.00 and above (CGPA ≥ 9. the exemption from the minimum attendance requirement will not be extended to the Nine-point CGPA students. https://academics. maximum marks for which the question paper is set. Students who are ‘debarred’ from writing the TEE component of a course shall be awarded an “N” grade and they have to re-register the course again and clear with a performance grade. conferences.htm#_Toc331065862 13/30 . workshops. when to conduct the exam. students having a CGPA of 9. This may result in extension of minimum time period of completion of the programme as indicated in Annexure – 2. the faculty will decide the number of components of continuous assessment. In view of the short duration of the Summer/ fast track semester. who otherwise shy off availing such benefits due to losing of attendance in various courses. For this purpose. weightage given to each component. Assessment/ Evaluation In both PBL and RBL. etc. the nine-pointers list will be dynamically generated and applied at the time of preparation of debarred list of each exam component (CAT/TEE/ other CBL/PBL/RBL component) of a course. If such students’ CGPA falls below 9. The minimum attendance requirements for various components of evaluation of a course are given below.00) and with no current backlog courses are exempted from the minimum attendance requirements. Initially. Type of Evaluation CAT-I CAT-II 3 Quizzes Assignment Max. CAT-II (15%). 9. 3 Quizzes (Total 15%). Only the theory and laboratory TEEs will be conducted 14/30 . while higher order skills include critical thinking. The marks. other exam components and its weightages to be fixed by class faculty for the balance (55-30%) In both PBL and RBL courses. as defined in the course syllabus/ course plan 100 marks Marks in previous column are converted to 15 marks 15 marks 15 marks (5 marks from each quiz) 5 marks TEE (Theory without a lab component) Total 50 marks 100 marks The total of CAT-I. quiz. The simplest thinking skills are learning facts and recall. Quizzes and Assignment comprises of the 50% Internal Assessment marks. rules that are followed for CBL courses shall be adopted. CBL/PBL/RBL assessment methodology is depicted in Annexure – 5. the TEE will be comprehensive in nature and covers entire syllabus. and shall be followed by a Term End Examination (TEE). seminar. all CAT and TEE question papers shall carry questions based on HOTs to an extent of 30% of the total questions asked in each question paper and the share of HOT questions will be https://academics. GD.7. TEE question papers shall also be moderated.15/04/2013 VIT CBL CBL (CAMP) PBL RBL CAT-I (15%). Selected faculty are also permitted to offer Challenging Assignments & Mini Projects (CAMP) in place of Quizzes and Assignments. scored by students for 50. Quizzes and Assignment as given in the Table below. similar to CBL courses. marks for which the exam is conducted 50 marks 50 marks Each quiz will be conducted for a minimum of 10 marks In the form of a report. All exams. The performance of a student in a theory/ lab course under CBL shall be assessed through a series of Continuous Assessment Tests (CAT). experiment. Hence students having an earlier backlog will be permitted to write the TEE as ‘arrear exam’. 9. TEE (50%) CAT-I (15%). etc. presentation. Project and other exam components and its weightages to be fixed by class faculty for the balance 50% SET project (20%). evaluation and synthesis learnt by students in each course. All Lab Embedded CBL/PBL/RBL courses follow the same ‘grading’ rules as given in Section Class Based Learning Continuous Assessment Marks (CAM) consists of Internal Assessment and one Term End Examination (TEE) for each course offered under CBL. Class-wise relative grading will be adopted while evaluating PBL/ RBL courses. CAM shall have various components like CAT-I and II exams. Challenging Assignment / Mini Project (20%). CAT-II (15%).2 Questions based on HOTs To test skills involving analysis. One of the CAT examinations may be of ‘open book’ type. Assignment (5%). Improvement of marks in any of the examinations is not permitted by a repeat exam or by any other means. The TEE has the balance 50% weightage and corresponds to the External Examination.vit. Students registered into those courses are eligible for ReScaling and Re-TEE as explained in Section 9. questions based on Higher Order Thinking skill (HOTs) is introduced in all CATs and TEE examinations. other than the TEE. Wherever explicit guidelines are not available for PBL/RBL. Quizzes and Assignments. TEE (25-50%). are converted to a scale of 15. TEE (50%) TEE (50%).10. will be conducted by the programme Schools concerned. Each CAT exam will be conducted for 90 minutes and for a maximum of 50 marks. Failed students will be permitted to write arrear exams and are eligible for reevaluation. CAT-II. analysis and problem solving. A Term End Examination for 3 hours shall be conducted for a maximum of 100 marks. A student is declared to have passed in a theory only Course or lab embedded Course only if he/she meets the following conditions: 1. Letter Grade S A B C D E F N W Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 Zero Zero - Remarks Pass in the Course Performance Grades Pass in the Course Pass in the Course Pass in the Course Pass in the Course Pass in the Course Failed in the course by not securing the minimum marks required (or) Malpractice in exams/ Acts of indiscipline Debarred from writing TEE/ Absent in TEE Course registration Withdrawn from a credit/ Audit course 15/30 https://academics. Students who have an ‘F’ grade need not re-register the course again to clear it. if the student wishes.3 Eligibility for Examinations All students who have registered for a particular course are eligible to write the TEE (Theory/Lab) of that course. Students who fail to meet the above pass criteria are awarded an ‘F’ grade and hence considered to have a ‘backlog/ arrear’ course.vit. A single letter grade shall be used to indicate the pass/ fail of a course in total. Should have secured a minimum of 40% marks in the theory TEE alone 2. at the end of the semester. he/she is assigned a ‘Letter Grade’ based on his/her performance over the semester in all the assessments carried out in that course. by incrementing HOTs share by 10% every year. The letter grade and its ‘Grade Point’ indicate the results of both qualitative and quantitative assessment of student’s performance in a course. Arrear courses can be cleared by writing the arrear exams directly and clearing the same with a performance grade. Shortage of attendance 2. Should have secured a minimum of 50% marks out of total marks awarded to the laboratory component alone 3.4 Grading System For every course registered by a student. Acts of indiscipline 3. Should have secured a minimum of 50% marks out of the grand total marks awarded to the course (Annexure – 7).ac. 1. The remarks column describes the circumstance under which the specific grade is offered. The letter grades and their corresponding grade points shall be as given below. There will be no pass/ fail criteria in CATs/ Quizzes/ Assignments/ CAMP/ any other equivalent exam component in courses under PBL/RBL.htm#_Toc331065862 . students should earn a minimum of 50% marks. In case of laboratory/ practical/ seminar/ project courses. However. No separate letter grade shall be indicated/ awarded for a pass/ fail in a lab component of an embedded course or a component of any continuous assessment of a theory course. Withdrawal of a registered course 9.15/04/2013 VIT increased to 70% in stages. he/she is also permitted to re-register that course again. provided he/she is not debarred from writing the exam due to one or more of reasons listed below. Grade ‘W’ is discussed in Section 7. Majority of students scoring very low marks because of either the question paper is tough or the evaluator is very strict.5 Absolute and Relative Grading The letter grade awarded to a student for his/her performance in a course is based on the ‘Relative Grading’ concept. called the ‘Performance Grades’. of 100) >= 90 >= 80 but < 90 >= 70 but < 80 >= 60 but < 70 >= 55 but < 60 >= 50 but < 55 < 50 Relative Grading . 1. They are eligible to apply for Re-TEE as indicated in Section 9. the other grades are finalized as given below. either the question paper is easy or the evaluator is very lenient. and relative to this and depending on the sigma (σ. Annexure – 7 depicts the grading procedure adopted in various course types. the student has to register the course again in a subsequent semester and complete the same with a performance grade. To clear an ‘F’ grade. Due to reasons beyond the control of the student/ University or due to non-academic reasons. This can happen in cases like the theory portion of a lab embedded course is completed in a semester but the experiments could not be completed within the semester. If they fail to write this Re-TEE exam as per the schedule for any reason – medical or non-medical. students should write an arrear exam. The ‘N’ grade will be converted into a performance grade after the student wrote the Re-TEE.vit. standard deviation) value.6 and grade ‘U’ is discussed in Section 10 separately. A. he/she may be permitted to complete the remaining part of the course in a subsequent semester. In this system. 1. In Relative Grading. the grade ‘N’ already awarded will be retained as it is and no second chance will be given to them to write the TEE. It indicates the academic standing of a student in his/her class.htm#_Toc331065862 16/30 .Letter Grade and its range https://academics. 9. E or P. The letter grade ‘F’ will be awarded under the following circumstances. the following two extreme situations which normally upset the students are nullified. Normally the class average mark is taken as midpoint of ‘B’ grade. Absolute Grading – Letter Grade and its range Letter Grade S A B C D E F Marks range ( Letter grade ‘N’ carries ‘Zero’ grade point and to clear the course. If a student fails to write the TEE due to reasons other than the one indicated above shall be awarded ‘N’ grade by treating the course as incomplete. 2.10. grades are awarded to students according to their performance relative to their peers in the same class (class is defined as a unique combination of course-slot-faculty). B. Students who fail to clear a course due to their poor performance in the course 2. Students debarred due to acts of indiscipline/ exam malpractice Students who fail to write the TEE due to valid medical reasons will be initially awarded an ‘N’ grade. if he/she has earned any one of the following grades: ‘S. A combination of absolute and relative grading systems is adopted in converting marks to grades. This will be shown in the Grade Sheet by an ‘N’ grade indicating that the course remains incomplete. Majority of students scoring very high marks because. if a student could not complete the entire course within a semester. D.15/04/2013 VIT U P - Successfully completed an Audit Course Passed in a ‘Pass-Fail’ course A student is declared to have passed/ cleared a course. if the minimum of the grade band exceeds 100%. if the minimum marks corresponding to ‘E’ grade happens to be less than 50. when the class average is high.1. For the courses having only laboratory/ practical work component. Regularity in carrying out Lab Examination/ practicals https://academics.0 σ) and Total Marks <= (Mean . Apart the re-registration option already available. In an arrear exam.vit. If the class strength is less than or equal to 10 in a theory or lab embedded theory course.5σ) Total Marks <= (Mean .6 Evaluation for Laboratory only Courses Lab embedded courses have a laboratory/ practical component along with the theory and/ or tutorial component(s). Continuous Assessment Components Record Mark (based on continuous assessment of Lab/ Practical works. Under such circumstances.5 will be truncated). Marks of other evaluation components are not altered and stored up to two decimal accuracy.0σ) and Total Marks <= (Mean . if the student is eligible for a higher grade under absolute grading method.5σ) and Total Marks <= (Mean + 1.5σ) Total Marks > (Mean – 1. But.1.5σ) Total Marks > (Mean . the lab CAT and lab TEE mark distribution shall be as given below.0. considering regularity and timely submission of lab records).15/04/2013 VIT Relative Grading formula Total Marks > (Mean + 1.htm#_Toc331065862 Marks 20 Term End Components Procedure writing/ tabulation / equation as applicable Marks 15 10 Carrying out the experiment / calculations 25 17/30 .0σ) Letter Grade S A B C D E F All theory only or lab embedded theory courses under CBP/PBL/RBL shall follow class-wise relative grading. absolute grading shall be adopted instead of the class-wise relative grading. 9. courses of ‘project’ type and arrear exams shall adopt absolute grading method. However. then. the grand total marks obtained by the student is “rounded-up” to the next integer (any fraction will move to the next integer) and the same is displayed also. while considering the CAM.2.4 for the Pass/Fail are applicable to relative grading also.5σ) and Total Marks <= (Mean + 0. the student will be awarded ‘E’ grade and declared pass. then the maximum of the grade band shall be reset to 100%. All the conditions stipulated in Section 9. it indicates that the specific letter grade or better letter grade(s) cannot be issued to that class. The final laboratory exam (TEE) shall be conducted for the same duration for which the laboratory/ practical works have been carried out every week during the period of the semester. A few skill based courses may have only laboratory/ practical component without a theory and/ or tutorial component.5σ) and Total Marks <= (Mean . if a student scores any mark equal to or greater than 50.5σ) Total Marks > (Mean .5 and above will be converted to the next integer and less than 0. a fixed “E” grade shall be awarded. The arrear question paper shall be set based on complete course syllabus and not necessarily by the same faculty who earlier offered the course to the student under Faculty Empowerment Programme (FEP) mode.1. students having a backlog in FEP courses conducted during the AY2010-11 are permitted to write arrear exam for 100% weightage (without a CAM weightage) and be graded with ‘absolute’ criteria. If the minimum of the grade band is less than 100% but the maximum has exceeded Similarly. Before calculating the class average and standard deviation. While applying relative grading. then. This grand total is used to compare the grade band minimum and maximum limits that are calculated and displayed as “rounded-off” integer (fraction of 0.0. the better of the two grades will be awarded. marks above 50 may result in ‘F’ grade. then that mark will be set as the minimum mark required to pass the course.0 σ) Total Marks > (Mean . All lab only courses.5σ) with a minimum of 90% total marks Total Marks > (Mean + 0. Assessment procedure of a lab only course and courses of project type is depicted in Annexure – 6. The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA).9 Calculation of Grade Point Average The Grade Point Average (GPA) earned by a student is a quantitative indication of his/her performance in a semester. The final grades awarded to each subject will be announced by the University and the same will be made available to students through the internet. class-wise ‘class mean and standard deviation’ will be calculated and grade bands (range of marks) will be established. the grade points earned is multiplied by the credits for that course. which indicates the overall performance of a student from the time he/she joined the University to a specific semester. The Committee consisting of the faculty who originally corrected the answer script and another faculty in the same field of specialization (to be drawn from the Course Committee) will re-evaluate the paper together. Both GPA and CGPA are calculated at the end of every semester and indicated in the Grade Sheet. the marks entered by the faculty online will be made visible to the students as per the schedule announced by the University.htm#_Toc331065862 18/30 . Letter grade will be awarded as per the class relative ‘grading band’. In courses where the class average is 90% and above. Student Project viva voce exam or Seminar/ Design/ Mini-project courses or a component of exam of type ‘project’ under PBL/RBL. is obtained by calculating the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses registered by the student since the first semester. To make students attend lab classes without fail and to increase the importance given to the lab classes. the TEE answer papers will be re-evaluated by another faculty handling the same course/ taken that course in an earlier semester/ by a faculty drawn from the Course Committee. the Term End Examinations for the theory and lab/ practical will be conducted separately. 9.7 Evaluation of Courses having Embedded Laboratory When a course has a laboratory/ practical component. There is no provision for revaluation in case of Lab/ Practical exams. the faculty may be asked to provide an explanation for the high class average. the best of the two will be considered for grading. The total marks of the course shall be calculated based on the ratio between the theory (including tutorials) and lab credits. and hence an “F” grade will be awarded. without re-calculating the class average and standard deviation again. they have to apply within the time period specified and by paying the prescribed fee. If there is a change in Revaluation and Declaration of results After valuation of CAT/ continuous assessment component of PBL/RBL answer scripts. Any discrepancy will be corrected then and there. Being a rare situation. etc. In case a student is not satisfied with the The marks awarded by the ‘Appellate Committee’ will be final. 9. For each course registered. After expiry of the reevaluation time. letter grades will be awarded based on relative/ absolute grading criteria of a course and then final results will be declared. students desirous of seeing their TEE answer scripts have to apply for the same within the time period specified and by paying the prescribed fee. they will be handed over to students. Subsequently. After the completion of the TEE.vit. Total 10 50 9. The sum of all such grade point-credits product is divided by the total credits registered in that semester to get the GPA of that semester. Re-evaluation option is available for arrear exams also.15/04/2013 VIT Viva voce / Quizzes /Assignment / Mini Projects Total 20 50 Analysis of Results / Graph / Inference. Similarly for revaluation of answer scripts. No separate letter grades shall be awarded for individual theory and lab components of a lab embedded course.8 Perusal of answer sheets. Students who do not earn a minimum of 50% marks (Lab CAM + Lab TEE that carries a total of 100 marks) are declared as ‘failed’ in the lab component. https://academics. a pass/ fail condition is imposed on the lab component of an embedded course. he/she may apply to an ‘Examination Appellate Committee’ with the necessary fees. where. and consequently will be considered as ‘failed’ in the complete (embedded) course also. GPA is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all the courses registered (after add/drop/ withdrawal) by the student during the semester. Subsequently. or retained as ‘F’ grade. P. if a student is not able to appear for the Term End Examination (TEE) of a theory/ lab/ Student Project (final viva voce exam). or due to the marriage of own brother/sister/self. https://academics. If the Committee is satisfied with the claims. except the CGPA and ‘Honours’. writes the same TEE paper set for a maximum of 100 marks. however. grade improvement courses) will be listed semester wise along with the grade points earned (performance and others grades). i includes all the courses registered in all semesters including those in which the student has an ‘F’ grade. either for CAT-I or CAT-II of CBL.10 Absence from an Exam If a student fails to write any Quiz (due to ill-health or any valid/ casual reason). both in the numerator and denominator. Any student who fails to apply for re-TEE in the prescribed manner will be deemed to have failed in the course(s) and has to repeat the course(s) by registering again in subsequent semesters. the student may apply to the ‘Re-Examinations Committee’ chaired by the Vice-Chancellor by submitting an application to the Director of Academics.htm#_Toc331065862 19/30 . U. GPA. The student will be awarded ‘N’ grade in the course he/she failed to write. Re-examinations will be conducted along with other arrear/TEEs or separately. course credits. or any one exam component of a course under PBL/ Under extraordinary conditions. The student. and GP is the grade points earned for that course. due to hospitalization (in-patient treatment) or death of a family member. Pass-Fail (‘P’ grade). CGPA. No re-CAT/Re-exam shall be conducted again to compensate the loss. 9. GPA/ CGPA will be indicated by rounding-up the actual values to two decimal places. If a student fails to write any CAT (CBL) or any equivalent component of evaluation under PBL/RBL courses. If a student had requested for an arrear exam but failed to write the arrear exam will be awarded ‘W’ grade and the same will be indicated in the semester Grade Sheet and Consolidated Grade Sheet. no re-Quiz will be conducted and zero marks will be awarded for that quiz. Even when a course in which an ‘F’ grade was given is cleared in a later semester. the student may be asked to appear before the Committee for presenting the case. The semester Grade Sheet for those students issued an ‘N’ grade on medical grounds.vit. as the case may be. within 14 calendar days immediately after the completion of the TEEs of the programme. he/ she will not be given another chance to write the Re-TEE and the student has to register the course again and clear it. substituted.15/04/2013 VIT is the number of credits for ith course. This will also be counted as an arrear attempt. all students will be issued a Grade Sheet. the student will lose the percentage weightage given to the CAT exam. he/she may apply to the Committee on ‘Re-Scaling of TEE Marks for missed CAT’ chaired by the Vice-Chancellor by submitting an application to the Director. W. will be prepared only after the ‘N’ grade is converted to a performance grade. as applicable to any other student writing the TEE of that course. audit courses and courses taken towards ‘Minor’ or ‘Honours’ are not counted for the calculation of GPA or CGPA of the programme. Academics. the theory TEE marks scored (out of 100) by the student will be multiplied by the weightage assigned to the missed exam component minus 5% and the resultant marks will be considered as the marks scored by the student in the missed exam component of a course. If a student fails to write the Re-TEE on any reason (medical or non-medical). before the start of the next assessment exam (viz. the credits will appear only once. This will reflect the performance of a student during the specific semester. Such cases will be treated as ‘first’ attempt. However. without re-calculating the class average and standard deviation again. if the student had missed the exam due to hospitalization (in-patient treatment). Such a benefit shall be given only once per course.11 Semester Grade Sheet and Consolidated Grade Sheet At the end of each semester. 9. Such applications will be scrutinized by the ‘Re-examinations Committee’ and if necessary. or due to death of a family member (father/mother/own brother/sister). The Consolidated Grade Sheet or Degree Certificate will not mention any ‘class’ or whatsoever. supported by adequate evidence or proper medical certificate duly authenticated by the Chief Medical Officer of the University. If a student had failed more than once in a course or substituted a course. re-registered. no new modified grade report for that semester in which the fail grade was awarded will be audited. Student permitted for Re-TEE will be awarded grade as per the class relative ‘grading band’. as the case may be. supported by adequate evidence or proper medical certificate duly authenticated by the Chief Medical Officer of the University. This Grade Sheet will be an accurate log of course activity of a student in each semester and hence all courses registered (including those courses that are awarded F. etc. N. CAT-II or TEE or any exam component of a course under PBL/RBL). and not semester wise GPA. the student will be put on ‘probation’ and will be asked to improve the GPA in the subsequent semester to 4. all the examinations written in that period (i. if the malpractice is proven. They will be permitted to clear those courses in a subsequent arrear exam but not conducted for or during that semester period. if a student under ‘Probation’ is found to come out of ‘Probation’. A student is permitted to register an audit course only if his/her CGPA is equal to or more than 8.3. if a student has already met the PE credit requirements as stipulated in the curriculum. and M. all the regular courses in which the student was eligible to write and attended the TEE of that semester and arrear examinations registered and attended shall be awarded ‘F’ grade. However. audit course cannot be converted to a credit course). earned by the student will also be shown separately/ along with other courses. Till then. subject to the following conditions. with a time stamp of the exam month and year. URE awards. 4.e. (5 year Integrated) programme students can register a maximum of two audit courses only during his/her entire programme. the student needs to pay the course re-registration charges for the course(s) as per the prevailing charges at the end of the programme. if possible) will be advised to drop/ withdraw the course. a ‘W’ grade will be awarded and the CGPA will be recalculated accordingly at the time of issue of the Consolidated Grade Sheet.(SE). 5. or CGPA to 4. Honours and Double Major requirements. CAT-I or II or a component of PBL/RBL) shall be awarded zero marks in all subjects registered in that semester.15/04/2013 VIT The overall performance of a student in all semesters since joining the programme will be shown in a Consolidated Grade Audit. Each case shall be enquired by a ‘Malpractice Committee’ constituted by the University and suitable punishments awarded. the grade awarded will be considered for the semester GPA calculation like any ‘required’ course.Sc. Other programme students can register only one audit course only during his/her entire programme.htm#_Toc331065862 .Tech. At the time of Add/ Drop. then he/she will be permitted to register for new/ first time courses. If a student indulges in malpractice in any component of the Continuous Assessment (like CATs). If the student fails to improve his/her performance in the immediate next semester.50 or above. The student should maintain the minimum attendance conditions specified in Section 8. Such courses should be indicated as ‘Audit’ during the time of Registration itself. A Consolidated Grade Sheet will be issued to a student upon his/her successful completion of the programme or along with the Degree Certificate. On completion of the programme.12 Academic Malpractice Academic malpractice shall be viewed seriously and punished appropriately in order to discourage students indulging such an activity. However. If a student indulges in malpractice in the TEE.Audit Course A student willing to get an exposure of a specific course not listed in his/her programme curriculum. etc. Students registering course(s) that is not a ‘required course’ as per his/her programme curriculum (after considering the UE. 3. https://academics. An Interim Consolidated Grade Sheet can also be obtained at the end of any semester. Minor. However.. A B. Their CAM remains same. if a student reaches a GPA/ CGPA below 4. A Committee under Director of Academics will look into those cases and recommend to the Vice-Chancellor on necessary further action to be initiated.0 at the time of PE. 1. 9. However.vit. Minor/ Honours courses. Since a Consolidated Grade Sheet consolidates semester Grade Sheet details. A course appearing as a UC/PC course in the curriculum of a student cannot be audited (i. his/her studentship is liable to be cancelled. they will be permitted to register for a maximum of 16 credits only. if the student continues with the course.50 or above. Only courses currently offered for credit to other students can be audited. M. all details recoded in the semester Grade Sheets will also be listed.S. then. Late registration is not permitted for an Audit course. a PE course listed in the curriculum and not 20/30 2. 9. Their TEE/ arrear exam earned marks will be re-set to zero. and without undergoing the rigors of getting a ‘good’ grade.50. at any stage of his/her study. if needed.e. may be permitted to register that course as an Audit course. 10. subject to the conditions stipulated in Section 7. Consolidated Grade Sheet will indicate only the CGPA.13 Promotion and Termination All students under FFCS are promoted to their next semester or year of their programme automatically. Additional courses like Audit. as a punishment. 00 at the time of Registration. 7. Then such an award will be recorded in the Grade Sheet in the semester immediately following the semester in which the work was carried out. fails to maintain the minimum attendance requirements.50 and above and who can take extra work load. 9.00 or more are permitted to credit a Post Graduate level course. However. no entry will be made in the Grade Sheet and it will be presumed that the Registration made for URE001 stands cancelled. However.UG Research Experience To provide an opportunity to students who are ambitious in pursuing a career in research or academics. coded as URE001. he/she will be awarded a ‘W’ grade. The student shall carry out a small research and development project during his/her 2nd or 3rd year of under the guidance of a Professor/ Senior Professor for a period of five to six months duration. Withdrawal of an audit course is permitted and the procedure indicated in Section 7.15/04/2013 VIT 6. then. it will not be counted for the purpose of GPA and CGPA calculations. if the faculty is satisfied with the quality and quantum of work carried out by the student.4. 8. URE002 is awarded to truly exceptional quality and quantum of research work carried out by an individual student in lieu of his/her Student Project. the course will be mentioned in the semester Grade Sheet and in the Consolidated Grade Sheet by a ‘U’ An undergraduate student is permitted to register a Post Graduate level course as an audit course only if his/her CGPA is equal to or more than 8. the project work may be referred to a bigger Committee constituted under the Director of the programme School with at least one https://academics. There will be no extra payment for the audit courses. They are independent of each other. no relaxation of conditions indicated in Sections 6. including the summer or winter vacation periods. If the Student Project Evaluation Committee feels that the student has carried out project work substantially higher than what is normally expected from a B. can be audited. At the end of the work. 12. 12.. The list of eligible audit options is listed under Annexure – 4. URE has three components. If a student fails to clear an audit course. students at their graduating year are permitted to register more than one audit course (subject to the payment class indicated above). and not his/her performance grade in the audited course. taken by the student for credit. 11. However. 11.5.vit. there will be no credits or grade points assigned to URE001 and listed in the Grade Sheet with a short title of the work carried out and awarded ‘P’ grade. 12.6 needs to be followed. against his/her UE option only. Students registering an audit course should meet all the assessment procedures applicable for a credited student of that course.2 and 6. Since an audit course has no grade points assigned. or fails to write the TEE.Registering Post Graduate level courses Undergraduate students having a CGPA of 8. will be qualified for this award. an Undergraduate Research Experience (URE) award is constituted. similar to any other student project. a student undertakes the Student Project work under the guidance of a faculty. This can be availed only once by a student for the entire duration of the programme. However. Only if the student obtains any performance grade. 10. the faculty guide may constitute an Evaluation Committee under the Director of the programme School to recommend the award of URE001 to the student.1 URE001 Only students having a CGPA of 8. If the evaluation committee is not satisfied with the work. etc. by treating all such conditions as course withdrawal. URE002 and URE003. no Re-TEE request can be made for audit courses. Only one Audit course can be registered per semester.2 URE002 As indicated in Section 6. 12. student project. The student works with the faculty member with the prior approval of the Director of the programme School and carries out manual registration of URE001.3 is permitted while auditing/ crediting Post Graduate level courses. in his/her major area of specialization (or related discipline). then. If a student does not write the TEE on valid medical/ non-medical reasons.htm#_Toc331065862 21/30 .Tech. withdraws the registration. This will be separately indicated in the Grade Sheet of the student with a short title of the work carried No prior registration is needed for URE002 award. Only projects carried out at VIT will qualify under URE001. A student can receive only one URE004 award during his/her entire programme period. 13. URE003 carries six credits (apart the 20 credits for the regular Student Project getting an ‘S’ grade) and an ‘S’ grade. Students who are academically sound can devote their extra time in each semester by taking additional course load right from their 3rd semester. Considering the quantum and quality of work put-in by the student.00 and above. The research work should be carried out for a minimum period of one year with adequate originality in work. subject to the availability and provision. This will be indicated separately in the Grade Sheet of the student with a short title of the work carried out. URE004 will be shown in the Grade Sheet and Consolidated Grade Sheet with a short title of the work carried out. Student Project Evaluation Committee. Such Student Projects will be evaluated by a separate evaluation committee constituted in line with the M. A maximum of 10 students are permitted to form a single group and carry out a single project. After earning the credits.4 URE004 The objective of URE004 is to bring out the innovative capability of student. the project shall be recommended for URE002 award. In case of group projects. URE002 carries four credits (apart the 20 credits for the regular Student Project getting an ‘S’ grade) and an ‘S’ grade point. through their research funds. Such students. Financial support if any for URE003 may be made available by the concerned faculty members offering the project. and suitable performance grade may be awarded. the project shall be graded like any other regular B. independent of his/ her specialization. the individual performance grades shall correspond to the contribution of that individual to the project as assessed by the URE004 Evaluation Committee. URE004 shall be considered in lieu of a University Elective course and the credits are counted towards minimum credit requirements. Prior manual registration with the approval of Director of the programme School is necessary. still maintaining a CGPA of 9.Tech. given that four credits are awarded with an ‘S’ grade.htm#_Toc331065862 22/30 . No entry will be made in the Grade Sheet about URE003 and it will be presumed that the Registration made for URE003 stands cancelled. If this Committee certifies that the work carried out by the student is exceptional in extent and quality. project work may be recommended for URE003 award. then. The advantage to the student will be that his/her CGPA will improve. then. Mere winning of a prize/ award/ certificate in a competition held by any educational institution/ R&D organization/ industry/ association will not be justifying/ qualifying for URE004 award. The URE004 shall carry 3 credits with a performance grade as recommended by the URE004 Evaluation Committee. such students may apply to the ‘URE004 Evaluation Committee’ (similar to that of URE001) under the Director of programme School which will evaluate the project outcomes and if found to have made significant contribution. and give credit to their ideas and quality and quantum of work carried out at the University. To get credit to their work. may opt to work in an existing research project available in the University which is related to his/her programme of specialization in lieu of his/her Student Project. 12. Students who carry out such innovative projects have been winning laurels by participating events held during GraVITas or competitions held at IIT/ IISc/ NIT/ reputed Universities/ Industries within the country and abroad. https://academics. It will be of “open project” concept with 3 credits weightage and can be carried out any time within the programme period. given that six credits are awarded with an ‘S’ grade.15/04/2013 VIT external expert. The advantage to the student will be that his/her CGPA will improve. If the Committee is not satisfied with the research project work carried out by the student.Additional Learning Opportunities exist for students to complement and enhance their learning experience by crediting additional courses in diverse areas.Tech.vit. 12. recommend URE004 award to the student(s).3 URE003 Students who opt for fast track and meet all their course and credit requirements as specified in their curriculum will have less credit load when they reach their 7th semester (only Student Project may be left to be completed). the student(s) registers for URE004 in the next semester. This research oriented project work is expected to result in a high quality journal publication. Student Project work for 20 credits. preferably from a reputed Institution like IIT or IISc. He/she accumulates credits by registering for the required courses. the student may use options like registering the failed ‘Honours’ course again in a subsequent semester (Section 7. the ‘Minor’ courses successfully completed will be converted to ‘UE/ Audit’ courses and indicated accordingly in subsequent Grade Sheets and Consolidated Grade Sheet. This fact will also be reflected in the Consolidated Grade Sheet under a separate heading ‘Honours’ with similar details shown for other credited courses and the CGPA for ‘Honours’ will be indicated at the end of list of courses under ‘Honours’. Such courses can be across the programmes also. the student should have a minimum average CGPA of 7. as indicated in Section 7. Students have to pay extra for all the courses registered for ‘Minor’. the student may use options like registering the failed ‘Minor’ course again in a subsequent semester (Section 7. the ‘Honours’ will be awarded along with the degree. He/she accumulates credits by registering for the required courses. The grades obtained in the courses credited towards the ‘Honours’ award are not counted and shall have no influence on the GPA/ CGPA of the ‘programme’ the student has registered. the ‘Honours’ courses successfully completed will be converted to ‘UE/ Audit’ courses and indicated accordingly in subsequent Grade Sheets and Consolidated Grade Sheet. In case a student withdraws from the ‘Honours’ registration in the middle of the programme. since all minor courses need to be earned as additional courses to his/her programme curriculum. then the student cannot opt for that ‘minor’. each having 3 or 4 credits. If necessary. Minor award will be mentioned in the Degree Certificate as “Bachelor of Technology in (specialization) with Minor in (specialization). Such courses can be across the programmes also. Also. Students have to pay extra for all the courses registered for ‘Honours’. If any of the courses listed under the ‘minor’ option is a course listed under his/her curriculum as UC/PC.” This fact will also be reflected in the Consolidated Grade Sheet under a separate heading ‘Minor in (specialization)’ with similar details shown for other credited courses and the CGPA for Minor will be indicated at the end of list of courses under ‘Minor’. Also. of which at least one course should have a lab component.2 ‘Honours’ credential Additional credits acquired in his/her own major programme discipline entitles a student to get ‘Honours’ All Schools offering various programmes will offer honours in their disciplines. 13.4) or grade improvement (Section 15) to improve grades obtained in a ‘Honours’ course to raise the CGPA to the required level. the minor will be awarded along with the degree. and if the requirements for ‘Honours’ are met within the prescribed minimum time limit of the programme.4) or grade improvement (Section 15) to improve grades obtained in a ‘Minor’ course to raise the CGPA to the required level. the student should have a minimum average CGPA of 7. In case a student withdraws from the ‘Minor’ registration in the middle of the programme. All Schools offering various programmes will offer ‘Minors’ in their disciplines.3. A student has to complete a minimum of five theory/ lab embedded courses. to become eligible for ‘Honours’. A student has to complete a minimum of five theory/ lab embedded courses. Students who wish to acquire a ‘Minor’ can register ‘minor’ courses along with their regular semester course registration. each having 3 or 4 credits.50 in the ‘Minor’ courses registered to become eligible for the Minor award. The grades obtained in the courses credited towards the ‘Minor’ award are not counted and shall have no influence on the GPA/ CGPA of the ‘programme’ the student has registered. https://academics. and will prescribe what set of courses and/or projects is necessary for earning a minor in that discipline.15/04/2013 VIT 13. and if the course requirements for a particular ‘Minor’ are met within the prescribed minimum time limit of the programme. as indicated in Section 7.1 ‘Minor’ credential Additional credits acquired in focused discipline other than his/her major programme discipline entitles a student to get a ‘Minor’ credential.50 in the ‘Honours’ courses registered to become eligible for the ‘Honours’ award.vit.3. and will prescribe what set of courses and/or projects is necessary for earning a honor in that discipline. of which at least one course should have a lab component. Honours award will be mentioned in the Degree Certificate as “Bachelor of Technology in (specialization) with Honours”. Schools should ensure that the student will not be indirectly forced to take courses other than the ones prescribed under that ‘minor’ list as ‘prerequisite’ will be given to students opting for ‘Honours’. to become eligible for ‘Minor’. If necessary.htm#_Toc331065862 23/30 . Schools should ensure that the student will not be indirectly forced to take courses other than the ones prescribed under that ‘honours’ list as ‘pre-requisite’ courses. No relaxation in the maximum number of credits a student can register during a semester. No relaxation in the maximum number of credits a student can register during a semester. Students who wish to acquire ‘Honours’ credential need to carry out ‘honours’ course registration along with their regular semester course registration. will be given to students opting for ‘Minor’. the courses completed and performance credits earned will be transferred as UE/Audit courses under first Major as per the regulations applicable to the first Major. After meeting the stipulated credit requirements.g): B.Course Substitution If a student receives an ‘F’ grade in a PE course. the student is also permitted to choose a PE course from his/her curriculum. two management courses may be offered in a single slot sequentially (one after the other). 14. move from one programme to another. and if the student wishes. in order to improve their CGPA which may help them during their placement.15/04/2013 VIT 13. instead of the UE course that the student had failed to clear. when a student is readmitted from a non-FFCS system to FFCS system.3 Double Major credential Effective from 2012-13 academic year. This course will be treated as another course taken by the student and no relaxation in the maximum number of credits a student can register during a semester.Grade Improvement Students who wish to improve their grades will be permitted to register the same course again during a subsequent Course Registration. (Mechanical & Finance)] (or) a ‘Certificate’ for the Additional Courses completed along with their regular B.htm#_Toc331065862 24/30 . the student has to pay for the substituted course since the student has utilized the opportunity of clearing a course in first attempt. students may claim a Double Major degree [(e. either for a PE or UE. Students at their graduating year or timed out students are permitted to register more than one ‘Grade Improvement’ courses. However. in a subsequent semester and clear the new course. in a subsequent semester and clear the new PE course. he/she is permitted to take another UE course instead of the UE course the student had failed to or get re-admitted into the same programme again. Such a course should be indicated as ‘Grade Improvement’ course during the Course Registration. will be given to students opting for ‘grade improvement’. Management courses will be treated as ‘Additional Courses’ and attracts payment as decided by the University. Only students with no standing arrears will be eligible to opt for the Double Major programmes. To facilitate registering management courses along with regular courses right from their second year of study.2.Tech. the student has to pay extra for registering the course again. Students may give their option for the Double Major during their second semester. and if the student wishes.Tech. Such course substitution option can be exercised only once. However. students admitted into any B. for the entire duration of the programme. In addition to the minimum number of credits required to qualify for a B.Credit Transfer Within the University. and if https://academics. The first Major will be from the programme into which they were admitted. 16.vit. degree to which they were originally admitted. Further. The additional credit requirements of 30 can be met during a regular/ Summer semester. the student has to pay for the substituted course since the student has utilized the opportunity of clearing a course in first attempt. in lieu of PE course the student had failed to clear.Tech.Tech. an additional 30 credits in any one Management area of specialization needs to be earned. In case of withdrawal from the second Major option. he/she is permitted to take another PE course from the same If a student receives an ‘F’ grade in a UE course. 15. Course Substitution is not permitted for UC or PC courses. and the second Major will be from a Management discipline of choice. The final grade considered for CGPA will be the better of the two grades the student had received for the course. If the courses completed have the same syllabi and credits. However. The list of second Major areas of specialization and courses under each second Major shall be approved by the Academic Council separately. Credit Transfer is a convenient way of transferring the courses and credits the student had successfully completed/ earned under the previous non-FFCS system. degree in any Engineering specialization as specified in Annexure . GPA and CGPA will be maintained separately for both Majors and separate Semester Grade Sheets and Consolidated Grade Sheets will be issued. Such an option can be availed only once for a given course and only one course can be registered for course improvement per semester. as indicated in Section 7. The student has to undergo all the class/ lab instructions and exams and will not be permitted to write the exams alone. programme will be provided an option to receive credentials in two ‘Major’ areas of specializations. Course equivalence is applicable to all curricula. Such students will be benefitted by one or more of the following means. No separate classes with the old syllabi will be conducted for the student to clear the backlog. will be admitted into the Honours Club for their meritorious performance. The number of credits thus transferred will be considered for the minimum credit requirements of the programme but not considered for the GPA/ CGPA through 'Course Equivalences‘ already established. subject to the condition that those Universities are recognized and approved for credit transfer by VIT University. After careful study of syllabi. FFCS permits a student to register a course again to clear the backlog.Course Equivalence Regular updating of curriculum and syllabi is essential to reflect the advancement made in various fields. However. Non-FFCS students shall be permitted to Register into a current FFCS course or write arrear exams of FFCS courses.15/04/2013 VIT the course(s)/ its equivalent(s) appear in the programme curriculum into which the student is now admitted. This procedure shall be applied to dual/ double/ twinning programmes wherein the credits are shared between two Institutions. A similar procedure shall be adopted during the time of admission of candidates from other Universities into various eligible programmes of the University. Their admission will be withdrawn if they fail to meet any of the conditions stipulated above. No explicit approval of the Academic Council is needed to this effect. Once a Course Equivalence is established between two FFCS courses. Credits of the original course (of the curriculum) will be considered as ‘earned’. 18. When the student registers a course next time. Hence there will be no need to explicitly mention ‘Credit Transfer’ in their Consolidated Grade Sheet. the performance grades will also be transferred to their current curriculum and hence will be counted towards their GPA/ CGPA. A recommendation to this effect shall be forwarded by the School Director to the Director of Academics for effecting the credit transfer.htm#_Toc331065862 25/30 . Only such courses and credits that are completed and performance grades awarded will be transferred.vit. 17. Hence students need to do only one course in that basket to meet their credit requirement. present and past. Grade Sheet and Consolidated Grade Sheet will indicate the original course code and title only and not the equivalent course the student has registered or written as the arrear exam. only those courses that were completed and credits earned will be mapped to the courses demanded by the programme curriculum into which the admission is sought and hence considered for credit transfer. However. Based on the recommendations of the Course Committee. the number of credits to be earned cannot be altered and all conditions specified in Section 6 need to be adhered.Honours Club Students who maintain a CGPA of 9. All different versions of the same course are considered equivalent. both the syllabi are considered to be equivalent and the student has to undertake the new syllabi currently offered to the first time registrants only. there could be some modifications carried out in the syllabus of course(s). never debarred for lack of attendance in any CAT/ any component of continuous assessment/ TEE or indiscipline. the Course Committee may identify new courses considered equivalent to the courses that were dropped from the curriculum for various reasons. If the changes effected are marginal. place and Country)’ and no breakup of courses will be listed. having no ‘F’ grade to their credit. The credits thus transferred will be indicated as total credits at the bottom of the Consolidated Grade Sheet as ‘Total Credits Transferred from (Name of the Institute. then the programme School into which the student is seeking admission/ transfer may work out an equivalence of credits that are to be transferred with valid supporting documentation. Director of the programme School shall declare such courses as equivalent and the same may be recommended and forwarded by the Board of Studies to the Academic Council for its approval. if there is a credit difference to the equivalent course. it is assumed that the student has earned the credits under FFCS by credit transfer. various curricula using those courses will be automatically updated by putting both the courses into a single basket. If the system adopted in the other University is different from that of FFCS. Since the credit transfer takes place within the same University. any changes in curriculum will be applicable to the students admitted latter and the earlier batches continue to follow the curriculum existed at the time of their joining the programme only. During that time. · given preference while the University sponsors students to attend seminar/ conference/ https://academics.25 and The degree will be conferred on the student during the subsequent Convocation. Such cases will be brought to the notice of the Academic Council by the Director of Academics. 20. if any student is debarred / suspended for want of attendance or acts of indiscipline for one or more semester(s). In such cases the time limit for programme completion will be extended by the period of break of study. in which the student has graduated along with minor/ honours if earned by the student. or ‘Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering with Minor in Electrical Engineering’. No separate intimation in this regard will be sent to the student. he/she has to pay a semester continuation fee prescribed from time to time and the balance fees paid will be adjusted in the subsequent semester. An official order will be issued by the Registrar clearly stating the conditions therein. In case of any dispute arising in interpreting the rules. it shall not be considered as break of study. Such an option can be availed only once for the entire programme duration. Under no circumstances. if a student has few backlog courses yet to be cleared even after the completion of the above said time limit.Time Limit for Programme Completion For various programmes. he/she has to pay the re-registration fee for each course. Notwithstanding anything mentioned herein. when the student registers those courses again in a subsequent semester. the fees paid will not be refunded and/or adjusted in the subsequent semester. 21.10 and all the previous Circulars/ Orders/ Notes issued by the University on issues dealt herein. and the same may be forwarded to the Director.vit. and specializations if any.Modification in Regulations FFCS Regulations Version 2. However. only the interpretation given by the Academic Council (or) the Academic Policy Committee will be considered as final and binding. A candidate may be recommended by the Director of a programme School to temporarily break the study for a maximum period of one year for valid reasons such as accident or hospitalization due to prolonged ill health. If a student drops a semester after commencement of the semester. However. However. the ‘minimum period of study’ (n) a student is expected to study to complete his/her programme is given in Annexure .in/Academic_Regulations. delete or modify these regulations time to time. Example: ‘Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering’. If the student drops the semester prior to the commencement of the semester. Courses registered by the student will be ‘dropped’ and removed from the Registered Courses list and hence not indicated in the Semester Grade Sheet also. or ‘Bachelor of Technology in Electrical Engineering and with Specialization in Microelectronics’ or ‘Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering with Honors’. the student will be permitted to complete all the course and credit requirements specified in the curriculum.2. The degree certificate will indicate the relevant branch. Annexure – 1 List of Programmes under FFCS https://academics.00 replaces FFCS Regulations Version 1.Award of Degree After successful completion of the course and credit requirements as specified in the programme curriculum and upon meeting the minimum credit requirement as specified in Section 6. No formal approval of the Academic Council is required for the cancellation of such studentships.2. a Provisional Certificate will be issued to eligible students by the Controller of Examinations. with an additional grace period of three years from the year of joining the University under that programme (‘n+3’). the Academic Council (or) the Academic Policy Committee headed by the Vice-Chancellor of the University has the right to add.15/04/2013 VIT · · · workshop issued a Certificate of Merit given a Cash award or scholarship for the subsequent semesters engaged in minor academic related activities 19.htm#_Toc331065862 26/30 . the period of study shall be extended beyond (n+3) period and thereafter his/her studentship stands cancelled Academics for approval. Tech. No. (Bi otechnol ogy) B. 24. 45. (Computer Appl i ca ti ons ) M.Tech.Tech.Sc.Sc. (Sens or Sys tems Technol ogy) M.Tech.Sc. 14. (Bi omedi ca l Engi neeri ng) B.Tech. (Mecha troni cs ) M. 21.Com. (Computer Sci ence) M.e.Tech. (Mecha ni ca l wi th Speci a l i za ti on i n Energy Engi neeri ng) B. (Informa ti on Technol ogy .Tech. (Pha rma ceuti ca l Chemi s try) M.Tech. (Softwa re Technol ogy) 42. 16.Sc.Tech. (El ectroni cs ) M. (Appl i ed Mi crobi ol ogy) M. 32.vit.S (Informa ti on Technol ogy) B.Tech. 12. 46.Tech.Tech. 36. (Bi otechnol ogy) M.Tech. 35. 20. (El ectroni cs a nd Ins trumenta ti on Engi neeri ng) M.15/04/2013 VIT S. 1. 19. 23. (Energy a nd Envi ronmenta l Engi neeri ng) M. Programme B. 17.Tech. 37.Tech. (Na notechnol ogy) M.Tech. 11.Tech. (Mecha ni ca l wi th Speci a l i za ti on i n Automoti ve Engi neeri ng) BCA .Sc. (El ectri ca l a nd El ectroni cs Engi neeri ng) B. (Chemi ca l Engi neeri ng) B. (Chemi s try) M. 41. (Automoti ve Engi neeri ng) M. 29. (Bi oi nforma ti cs ) B. 25. 3. 22.Sc. (VLSI Des i gn) M. 9. (Ci vi l Engi neeri ng) B.Sc.Tech. (Informa ti on Technol ogy) B.Sc. 53. 49. 7. (Computer Sci ence a nd Engi neeri ng) B. (El ectroni cs a nd Communi ca ti on Engi neeri ng) B. 4. 39. 31. (Ma nufa cturi ng Engi neeri ng) BBA . AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2009-10 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2008-09 AY 2009-10 AY 2010-11 AY 2009-10 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2010-11 AY 2011-12 AY 2011-12 AY 2011-12 AY 2011-12 AY 2011-12 https://academics. (Computer Sci ence a nd Engi neeri ng) MBA – Ma s ter of Bus i nes s Admi ni s tra ti on M. 44. 30. 51. 40.Tech.Tech.Tech. (Automoti ve Engi neeri ng wi th s peci a l i za ti on i n Engi ne Technol ogy) M. 52. (Power El ectroni cs a nd Dri ves ) M. 6. (Automoti ve El ectroni cs ) M.Ba chel or of Computer Appl i ca ti ons MCA .Tech. 18. 28. 43. (CAD / CAM) M. 2. (Communi ca ti on Engi neeri ng) M.Tech. 47.Sc. 48.Ba chel or of Bus i nes s Admi ni s tra ti on Brought under FFCS 26.Tech. 38. 50.Tech. 34. (Bi omedi ca l Engi neeri ng) M. 13. (Softwa re Technol ogy) M.Tech. 27.Sc.Tech. (Ma nufa cturi ng Engi neeri ng) M. (Mecha ni ca l Engi neeri ng) B. (Computer Sci ence) M. 10. (Mul ti medi a a nd Ani ma ti on) B.Ma s ter of Computer Appl i ca ti ons B.f.Networki ng) M. (Bi otechnol ogy) – 5 yea r Integra ted M.Tech. (Bi omedi ca l Geneti cs ) M. 8.Tech. 15.Tech. (Mecha ni ca l wi th Speci a l i za ti on i n Chemi ca l Proces s Engi neeri ng) B. Integra ted) B.Sc. 5. (Bi otechnol ogy) M. (Softwa re Engi neeri ng) M. (Softwa re Devel opment a nd Ma na gement) MBA (5 Yr. (Structura l Engi neeri ng) M.htm#_Toc331065862 27/30 . 33.Sc.Tech. ac.Tech.Tech. No.Sc.15/04/2013 VIT Annexure – 2 Minimum credit requirements for various programmes Programme B. B.. of credits 3003 3003 2002 3003 2023 2023 Area Humanities Humanities Humanities Science Engineering Engineering Applicable to students admitted during AY 2008-09 onwards (18th AC) AY 2008-09 onwards (18th AC) AY 2008-09 onwards (18th AC) AY 2008-09 onwards (18th AC) AY 2008-09 onwards (18th AC) AY 2010-11 onwards 28/30 https://academics.Tech. M.Tech. (5 year Integrated) MCA BCA. 1.Sc.Tech.Com.1 List of University Core courses for B. and M. 3. 2.. M.Sc. BBA Annexure – 3 3. .S. 4. Period of Minimum Minimum Admission credit period of during requirement Study AY 2008-09 180 4 years and AY 200910 AY 2010-11 182 4 years and subsequently AY 2008-09 AY 2009-10 and subsequently AY 2009-10 and subsequently AY 2010-11 and subsequently AY 2008-09 and subsequently AY 2010-11 and subsequently AY 2010-11 and subsequently 70 73 220 86 220 130 130 2 years 2 years 5 years 2 years 5 years 3 years 3 years Remarks Approved by 15th Academic Council Including 2 credits added under UC towards extra/co-curricular activities approved by 20th Academic Council Approved by 15th Academic Council Approved by the 18th Academic Council Approved by the 20th Academic Council Approved by the 20th Academic Council Approved by the 16th Academic Council Approved by the 20th Academic Council Approved by the 20th Academic Council M.(SE) M. M. B.S. CHY104 CSE101 (or) ITE101 Course Codes ENG101 ENG102 Course Title English for Engineers – I English for Engineers – II Foreign Language (from a basket of courses) Environmental Studies Computer Programming and Problem Solving (or) Problem Solving in C LTPC/ No. B. (SE) programmes S. 3 List of University Core courses for M.2 List of University Core courses for English 2. Programmes S. Mathematics (from a basket of courses) 3. Student Project (one full semester) Total credits under UC No. 9.htm#_Toc331065862 29/30 .Tech.Sc. 10. of credits 2 4 (3-1-0-4) 3 (2-0-2-3) 20 29 Annexure – 4 Criteria for registering UE and Audit courses https://academics. Computer Applications (from a basket of courses) 7.15/04/2013 VIT 6. No. Programmes Course 1. 8. of credits 1022 3104 20 credits 26 Area Humanities Science Engineering Applicable to students admitted during AY 2009-10 onwards (20th AC) AY 2010-11 onwards (20th AC) AY 2008-09 onwards (15th AC) 3. MATxxx PHYxxx CHYxxx HUM121 (or) MGT301 XXX498 XXX497 Mathematics (or from a basket of courses) Physics (or from a basket of courses) Chemistry (or from a basket of courses) Ethics and Values (or from a basket of courses) Comprehensive Examination Co/Extra-curricular Activity Total credits under UC 4 4 4 2023 (or) 3003 2 2 33 Science Science Science Management Engineering - (20th AC) AY 2008-09 onwards (18th AC) AY 2008-09 onwards (18th AC) AY 2008-09 onwards (18th AC) AY 2008-09 onwards (18th AC) AY 2008-09 onwards (18th AC) AY 2010-11 onwards (20th AC) 3. Course Codes ENG601 MAT XXX699 Course Title Professional and Communication Skills Mathematics (or from a basket of courses) Masters Thesis Total credits under UC LTPC/ No. 1.vit. 2. 11. 3. Sc.htm#_Toc331065862 30/30 . M.Tech.Sc.Sc (2 Year) M.) MCA UG (3 year) Research Courses B. (2 Year) M.Tech. MS (SE) M.vit. MS (SE) M. M. (5 Year Integ.Sc.15/04/2013 VIT Students from programmes listed below can take/ cannot take UE/ Audit courses from the programmes listed on the Right side B. (5 Year Integrated) MCA UG (3 year) Research Courses √ X √ X √ X # X # √ # # # # X √ √ X √ X √ X # X X X √ √ √ √ # X X X √ X √ X √ X X X √ √ # √ # X X X √ X √ X √ X X # X # X # X √ Eligible NOT eligible Eligible with conditions as per Sections 6 and 10 √ X # Annexure – 5 CBL/PBL/RBL Assessment Procedure Annexure – 6 Assessment Procedure of a Lab/ Project Course Annexure – 7 Grading Procedure Annexure – 8 Clearing of a Backlog/ Arrear course
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