Visum Et Repertum (Uc)

March 17, 2018 | Author: Aan Sucitra Hollan Fm's | Category: Clinical Medicine, Health Sciences, Wellness, Public Health, Health Care



VISUM ET REPERTUMpada KORBAN HIDUP Forensic and Legal Medicine Department Faculty of Medicine Hasanuddin University Visum et Repertum DEFENITION HISTORY LEGAL GROUND FLOW CHART VER FORM Definition Visum et Repertum (VeR)  latin Visum : that which is seen or appear et : and Repertum : discover “Written report about what was seen and discovered for the sake of justice ” . History • January 26th. Emperor of Austria (three of them were doctors) . 1732 • Written by Johann Flückinger • The case of Arnond Paole in the Village Medvegya (Medveđa or Medvedja) of Serb • Signed by no less than five officers in the Army of Charles VI. Legal Ground Article 133 Indonesian Criminal-law Procedural Code clause (1) clause (2) Article 184 Indonesian Criminal-law Procedural Code clause (1) Article 187 Indonesian Criminal-law Procedural Code . keracunan ataupun mati yang diduga karena peristiwa yang merupakan tindak pidana.Dalam hal penyidik untuk kepentingan peradilan menangani seorang korban baik luka. ia berwenang mengajukan permintaan keterangan ahli kepada ahli kedokteran kehakiman atau dokter dan atau ahli lainnya . yang dalam surat itu disebutkan dengan tegas untuk pemeriksaan luka atau pemeriksaan mayat dan atau pemeriksaan bedah mayat .Permintaan keterangan ahli sebagaimana dimaksud dalam ayat (1) dilakukan secara tertulis. Keterangan terdakwa. Surat. c. e. Petunjuk. Keterangan saksi. Keterangan ahli.Alat bukti yang sah ialah: a. . b. d. c. yang memuat keterangan tentang kejadian atau keadaan yang didengar. adalah: a. Surat keterangan dari seorang ahli yang memuat pendapat berdasarkan keahliannya mengenai sesuatu hal atau sesuatu keadaan yang diminta secara resmi dan padanya. disertai dengan alasan yang jelas dan tegas tentang keterangannya itu. . dilihat atau yang dialaminya sendiri. Surat lain yang hanya dapat berlaku jika hubungannya dengan isi dari alat pembuktian yang lain. b. Berita acara dan surat lain dalam bentuk resmi yang dibuat oleh pejabat umum yang berwenang atau yang dibuat dihadapannya. dibuat atas nama sumpah jabatan atau dikuatkan dengan sumpah.Surat sebagaimana tersebut pada pasal 184 ayat (1) huruf c. Surat yang dibuat menurut ketentutan perundang-undangan atau surat yang dibuat oleh pejabat mengenai hal yang termasuk dalam tata laksana yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya dan yang diperntukkan bagi pembuktian sesuatu hal atau sesuatu keadaan. d. Penyidik adalah: (a) Pejabat polisi negara Republik Indonesia (b) Pejabat pegawai negeri sipil tertentu yang diberi wewenang khusus oleh undang-undang . Flow Chart for VeR Report Autopsy Request FORENSIC AND MEDICOLEGAL DEPARTMENT Autopsy Warrant Plennary disscussion Autopsy preparation Autopsy performed Visum et Repertum Report . External Examination Request FORENSIC AND MEDICOLEGAL DEPARTMENT Examination Warrant Plennary disscussion Examination preparation Examination performed Visum et Repertum Report . SPV PASIEN RUMAH SAKIT DOKTER FORENSIK PERAWATAN LAPORAN VISUM ET REPERTUM . HARI I PASIEN PERAWATAN RUMAH SAKIT HARI II SPV DOKTER FORENSIK LAPORAN VISUM ET REPERTUM . HARI I PASIEN PERAWATAN RUMAH SAKIT MEDICAL RECORD DISCHARGE (KELUAR RS) LAPORAN VISUM ET REPERTUM PASIEN RESUME MEDIK HARI 17 DOKTER FORENSIK SPV HARI 19 . HARI I PASIEN SPV HARI 4 PERAWATAN RUMAH SAKIT MEDICAL RECORD HARI 17 LAPORAN VISUM ET REPERTUM RESUME MEDIK DOKTER FORENSIK KONDISI STABIL . . identitiy of the examiner. The circumstances surrounding the victim’s wound Report Anamnesis.VeR form Projustitia VeR is a legal document. supporting examination Summary All the significant finding that according to the examiner can support the conclusion Conclusion The mechanism written as the cause of damage should be selected from the current established understanding in the medical field Closure Date and place where VeR report were released. Identity of the victim as stated by the SPV. highly confidential and for the sake of justica Introduction The date and time the examination request letter (SPV) were made and received. external examination. VeR was made based on the examiner knowlegde and Professional Oath . The examination time and place. Identity of the requesting party. internal examination. highly confidential and for the sake of justica .Projustitia VeR is a legal document. The circumstances surrounding the victim’s wound The victim’s identity should be double checked with the label attached to the part of the victim (on deceased victim) . Identity of the victim as stated by the SPV. The examination time and place. Identity of the requesting party.Introduction The date and time the examination request letter (SPV) were made and received. Report Anamnesis. External examination. Supporting examination Written down all we have seen and discovered (every findings). using the simplest language possible for layman (for those who have no medical background) . The description should be written as clear as possible For deceased victim:  External Examination  Internal Examination  Supporting Examination . For living victim:  Anamnesis  Physical Examination  Supporting Examination  Management / Medication  Last medical condition . Summary All the significant finding that according to the examiner can support the conclusion The findings should be arranged in a patobiologic and mechanistic order Summary is a scientific subjectivity . .Conclusion The mechanism written as the cause of damage (using CODamage form based on Proximus Morbus Approach) should be selected from the current established understanding in the medical field. Closure Date and place where VeR report were released. VeR was made based on the examiner knowlegde and Professional Oath . identitiy of the examiner. otot dan pembuluh darah : Trauma akibat benda tajam bermata satu (anak busur) II :- .A-3 A-2 A-1 B A-1 A-2 A-n : Luka tusuk pada lengan kiri atas : Kerusakan jaringan kulit. contributing to the damage.A-n A-4 A-3 A-2 A-1 B A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-n : Current damage : The cause preceded the 1 : The cause preceded the 2 : The cause preceded the 3 : Underlying cause of damage II : Other significant condition. but not directly related to A (Current damage) .
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