Visions on the Path of Lucifer

March 22, 2018 | Author: Napoleon Fernandez | Category: Satanism, Magic (Paranormal), Witchcraft, Satan, Devil



To Honour Lucifer Satan, Our Master and His Demons. Hails the Powers of Sitra Ahra !About the author of this text which is raw and unedited at this time to represent the raw primal forces it may represent: I would like to say that i am a very spiritual person. Usually by this medium I focus on the Phylosophy and practice of Satanism, also on Metal Music related to the occult, these things are the most important in my life, Concerning Musick I find Metal, to be an excellent form of Devil worship when those lyrics and the musical pieces sounds comes from true devotion to the Lord of Darkness, as mantra prayers, accompanied of hellish riffs, and strident sounds. Same with books and occult material, Personally I have starved many times or saved money i could use on other things, to buy records or books from people I sense are dedicated to the path. I know, of course, many artists and writers, just use Satanism (devil worship) as shock effect or just to make profit out of this, and they are atheists and some of them, atheists, xtians, Jews or Muslims in their private life. Those People, I do not care or mind their business, they are rotten fruits pick up from the soil of materia, which taste sweet to low race of Abel. Paradoxically I am not a musician or an ordained Satanic priest. My devotion, study and practice has been a personal path I have kept mostly to myself for more than 22 years dedicated to witchcraft and the occult, not with the purpose, of material wealth , fame, carnal gratification or some beyond human power, but to honour, praise and adore Lucifer Satan and His Demons. Also, I am not a born-again Satanist, which means my Satanism is not as a form of rebellion or I come from the abrahamic religions or I was baptized xtian as i child since my father was a hougan and witch doctor who did not believe in the power of catholic priest, and my mundane family are mostly "submarine christians". Neither, the form of Satanism I practice has been influence by American Carnival entertainer and occult author Anton S. Lavey, who philosophy is nothing more than reverse Christianity( atheist principles to oppose spirituality) with mundane materialistic ideologies. My personal, definition of Satanism is: a spiritual path and tradition (something you may create yourself by constant disciplined practice) with the purpose to worship the Devil and His Demons, building a personal relationship with them, and this include the practice of mantra yoga (prayer), Bakthi Yoga, Ghana Yoga (Transcendental Magick), Dark sorcery, Blood Sacrifices, Energetic offerings be it from sex orgasms, from strong outburst of emotions, body fluids specially the kalas..., this constitutes the internal practices. Living an adversarial way, where we hold our individuality and Independence as sacred, renouncing to any secular bond, adopting a life style or stand which often is different than our cultural, societal or ethical environment. A high grade of maturity and self knowledge is required in which build our own morals and boundaries. This constitutes briefly the external aspect. In Synthesis this is dynamic path, of re-manifestation, actually I ask myself everyday or night after a ritual or meditation what Satanism is ? and What or Who Satan is ? How I can get closer To Him? Or How I can Comprehend His essence and being? About my purpose in this temporal incarnation within this fragile shell ? In my personal opinion we update our knowledge by our practice, exercise of the intellect, by embracing the Darkness within and the Darkness we update our computer software using and example the reader, may be familiarized with. Back to my background, so people may know me better, I come from occultism, medieval grimoire practice, traditional witchcraft... Unlike, most people i have met, I am influenced by the theosophical teachings of Blavatsky, The typhonian current of Kenneth Grant, Swedish author magician Thomas Karlsson, and Russian traditional Satanist Valentin Scavr. On Musick, by bands like Hypocrisy (early days with Masse Broberg as vocalist), Rotting Christ, Emperor, Enthroned, Dissection.. and Death or thrash metal Bands like Possessed, Morbid Angel, Death, Deicide, Slayer, Kreator, Acheron, Sodom, Master...and some Heavy Metal as well. I wish this may suffice and clear some misunderstandings that may arise, with people who like to judge others by stereotypes, geographical location or ethnicity. -Ad Maiorem Satanas Luciferi Gloriam ! One of the questions I am mostly asked, is how to kill the "Dayside Ego", concerning this matter one of the spiritual teachers we have closer and is excellent to this subject if we know how to apply the esoteric principles he teaches, is Carlos Castaneda. One of the first steps on killings the "Dayside Ego' which is one of the principles in the Anticosmic Current, is by losing self importance, Do things for the sake of doing them, without expecting anything in return from the Cosmos, the Gods, or from other Humans. thus, you shall be starting to align yourself energetically with the essence of Chaos and Darkness. Remember at your best your subjective world comes into alignment with objective reality and you become realistic and accepting of life. I hold Father Satan as the true and primordial God who represents both Light and Darkness, born out of Chaos as Ahriman, not a creature created by the Jewish God or the God of any monotheistic bungus/religion. The Demiurge (YaweyH) what ever He is an egregore, the fantasy of dillusional man to control others, a force in nature, or the Creator of this Materialistic prison called matter/maya is far less powerful than the Master. The Fairy tale of some rebelious angel of God is just used because the Mononeitic religions just want to put their "god" all powerful and give him power he does not have over the spiritual world, same with the charlatan of Jesus, who was nothing more than a deceiving man and is worshiped as the son of god. Whoever stregthen their "Self" is her or his own god or goddess. Find Satan within your heart, within your mind, within Nature and as He is revealed Himself to His chosen Ones. All depends on your spiritual level of perception, but know that by the blood of your veins the gates may be opened, and a small world shall unfold a larger one. Oh Children of Cain blast away the portals unveil the raptures of the Kingdom When men are really and intensely in love with women, or women with men, they feel a kind of natural annoyance in the presence of all those whom they do not love. Exactly the same state of impatience, in regard to things that are not loved, Because the Lover and the recipient of its Love are in Union Mystica, turning everything secular, be it materialistic possessions, family, fame, carnal pleasures and their lives itself insipit. Notwithstanding a higher love beyond any sensual or form binding love is the One we aspire to have Between us and Master Satan. "In contradiction of what Christianity is trying to assure us, Satan is not the Lord of Flesh, filth and deception or the deceiver of mankind, but the one who elevates people from the emptiness of their ignorance.” Johannes Nefastos, The Cathechism of Lucifer. Satan is not The God of Flesh or the God of this world, neither Satanism is the religion of the Flesh or Hedonism, but, Satanism is a Pure and True spiritual Path. Some present Satan as the Jewish Ha-Shaitan an enemy of mankind or acreature Jehovah use to tempt people, or some being who wants our souls, or turture was in some Lake of Fire, becasue He is Evil...nothing is further from the Truth. This is similar to what is presented by most Metal and Rock bands and the myths from the monotheistic/Abrahamic religions and their books or dogma. In other Hand there is Right Hand Path Satanism, one that seems outbreaking in our occult community like a pest, in which the Figure of Satan or other less offensive epithet is used to denote some benign being who just wish to help mankind, an elemental faerie, some rebellious spirit... And the concept of Satanism and its practice is very naive. In this RHP Satanism; Satan is no more than a substitute of "jesus" or "Yawey" and even of some pagan divinity who loves mankind and work stiring up rebellion and discontent on humans toward the " supreme creator" or the status quo in society. For others Satan is just a symbol, to fight for what they according their solipsistic view is right and must be accepted. The Figure of Lilith under any deific mask is the matron saint of the delusional and sexually frustrated youngsters or even adult guys, who use fantasy and self deceit to satisfy their concupiscence, due to the inability of mating in the real world. This rose colored or new age "satanism" is what is mostly found on blogs or in the internet environment. This RHP Satanism which in many times is just black Halloween disguised Wicca, is lead by individuals who just look for number of members, please the mob, make money through donations and fees, or enjoying the civil benefits of using the oxymoron term "church". In most cases the actual individuals behind all this Facade are or act in real life exactly like the Jesus Freaks or they are Christians in denial who use this just a method to retrieve some lost sheep from the herd, because they know people cannot endure long in this kind of bogus spirituality, and the followers will return to Christianity as born-again Christians. This is in order to illustrate this second aspect. The aim is the purification of these contradictory principles (LHP and RHP), and often the abandonment of them, because true Satanism is not based on the teachings of the monotheistic religions (books, dogmas, traditions and creeds), the perception of the mundanes or uninitiated ones, what secular voices say, something which may be pinned down under humane paradigms. But, a continual work in the study and practice of the occult sciences, the will to contemplate the divine essence behind many masks, to direct our bakthi to the void of Darkness and to become One with the Master. A path which starts within ourselves, as we retrieve the Promethean Fire form our hearts. Hell or Hades is nothing more than the calyborn body of man, as we apprehend all Pain and Suffering through this material form, and the five senses which represent the five points of the pentagram, and the six internal senses represented by the Hexagram. The Essence of this Aeon is Chaos, the understanding that every Human Being is unique and Has an Unique Destiny, the work which begins with initiation is finding that destiny and attempting to live it. What has been put a bout Thelema, the Do what thou wilt, motto is about the fulfillment of that destiny, not about living an amoral life or being a criminal or anything that maybe perceived as evil, unless that it is your de facto destiny, but, about being true to ourselves and the pursue of the goals that will upgrade our lives in harmony with Nature and Satan as it is one of the major tenets of Satanism that every individual has the potential to be divine, and accomplish in life more than he or she could have realized, when began this Journey. Various people have asked me which is my stand concerning Laveyanism or the oxymoron "atheistic satanism" ? in a few words, first, i would like to know the difference between a Mundane and a Laveyan, since both pursue the same goals in life? Also the difference between a Laveyan and Christian, Jew or muslim, since Laveyans follow the teachings of a dead man, Anton S Lavey who played a similar roll as Jesus or Mohamed or Moses, one gave the "satanic Bible" other the Thalmud, other the Q'uran...Laveyanism is nothing more than reverse christianity, because that is what they do, contradict christianity I.E. Christians believe in the spirit they believe in the carnal, christians believe in after life the do not...And the so-called satanic rituals, a rip off from the book of Abremelin the Mage which is mostly christian magick and the use of enochian language, which is the language of the angels. This was sound like Lavey was disciple of the demiurge (however you want to call the creator force or being of this material world) and use the epithet 'satan" and 'satanism" to confuse people and make them to love the putridness of matter even more. By destroying spirituality man turns closer to God and further from Satan. Who is the pure emanation from the black light holding the divine essense from the Deus Asconditus ( or the primordial chaos, the void, or the womb of Tiamat) to those who are not versed on gnosticism and prefer to use other mythos to represent this model. One of the questions I am mostly asked, is how to kill the "Dayside Ego", concerning this matter one of the spiritual teachers we have closer and is excellent to this subject if we know how to apply the esoteric principles he teaches, is Carlos Castaneda. One of the first steps on killings the "Dayside Ego' which is one of the principles in the Anticosmic Current, is by losing self importance, Do things for the sake of doing them, without expecting anything in return from the Cosmos, the Gods, or from other Humans. thus, you shall be starting to align yourself energetically with the essence of Chaos and Darkness. I am content to see the support the "occult community" at least the virtual one, has given to validity of same-sex marriage, and advocating the equality of civil rights, that is good since, homosexuality is a crime in the Abraham religions, we in the LHP oppose. In the Same manner, i advocate the same support and respect fro those who are in Long Distance relationships. People need to understand, for many of us is impossible to find a suitable partner in our local area, thus a long distance relationship seems the only option. True love goes beyond physical barriers, time and space or societal, cultural or religions obsolete paradigms, but, it is a sublime feeling that reaches out further than any frontier of perception both from the objective and subjective. I hold Father Satan as the true and primordial God who represents both Light and Darkness, born out of Chaos as Ahriman, not a creature created by the Jewish God or the God of any monotheistic bungus/religion. The Demiurge (YaweyH) what ever He is an egregore, the fantasy of dillusional man to control others, a force in nature, or the Creator of this Materialistic prison called matter/maya is far less powerful than the Master. The Fairy tale of some rebelious angel of God is just used because the Mononeitic religions just want to put their "god" all powerful and give him power he does not have over the spiritual world, same with the charlatan of Jesus, who was nothing more than a deceiving man and is worshiped as the son of god. Whoever stregthen their "Self" is her or his own god or goddess. Find Satan within your heart, within your mind, within Nature and as He is revealed Himself to His chosen Ones. All depends on your spiritual level of perception, but know that by the blood of your veins the gates may be opened, and a small world shall unfold a larger one. Oh Children of Cain blast away the portals unveil the raptures of the Kingdom ! When men are really and intensely in love with women, or women with men, they feel a kind of natural annoyance in the presence of all those whom they do not love. Exactly the same state of impatience, in regard to things that are not loved, Because the Lover and the recipient of its Love are in Union Mystica, turning everything secular, be it materialistic possessions, family, fame, carnal pleasures and their lives itself insipit. Notwithstanding a higher love beyond any sensual or form binding love is the One we aspire to have Between us and Master Satan. It has been said Fear is the mind killer, but indeed the mind killer is Emotion, the Black Adept must be Cold, Cotemplative and Cunning. We curse in silence, voiceless mantra from the void of Chaos which direct our most poisonous Hate toward the Source of Creation itself. We re-shape ourselves at the image of Satan the Master, not at the image of the childish Demiurge (YawHey) who advocates blind violence and destruction among his own creations. This is a Point I would like to Clarify about the Star of Azazel, and the release of Fosforos, as it has been stated, "it is the quintessence of both the Left Hand Path and the Right Hand Path" , this does not mean on any way it is a mixture of Christianity or Budhism (a purest form of RHP) and what has been termed as Satanism or Luciferianism as some people may misinterpret. Since the Star of Azazel is a Gnostic Satanic organization, the purification of the LHP and RHP is in Satanism itself. In this context the perception of the Left Hand Path towards the figure of Satan is: a very negative entity who advocates amorality, indulgence in any kind of carnal debauchery and hates humanity except for handful of "evil people" who serve him. This is similar to what is presented by most Metal and Rock bands and the myths from the monotheistic/Abrahamic religions and their books or dogma. In other Hand there is Right Hand Path Satanism, one that seems outbreaking in our occult community like a pest, in which the Figure of Satan or other less offensive epithet is used to denote some benign being who just wish to help mankind, an elemental faerie, some rebellious spirit... And the concept of Satanism and its practice is very naive. In this RHP Satanism; Satan is no more than a substitute of "jesus" or "Yawey" and even of some pagan divinity who loves mankind and work stiring up rebellion and discontent on humans toward the " supreme creator" or the status quo in society. For others Satan is just a symbol, to fight for what they according their solipsistic view is right and must be accepted. The Figure of Lilith under any deific mask is the matron saint of the delusional and sexually frustrated youngsters or even adult guys, who use fantasy and self deceit to satisfy their concupiscence, due to the inability of mating in the real world. This rose colored or new age "satanism" is what is mostly found on blogs or in the internet environment. This RHP Satanism which in many times is just black Halloween disguised Wicca, is lead by individuals who just look for number of members, please the mob, make money through donations and fees, or enjoying the civil benefits of using the oxymoron term "church". In most cases the actual individuals behind all this Facade are or act in real life exactly like the Jesus Freaks or they are Christians in denial who use this just a method to retrieve some lost sheep from the herd, because they know people cannot endure long in this kind of bogus spirituality, and the followers will return to Christianity as born-again Christians. This is in order to illustrate this second aspect. The aim is the purification of these contradictory principles, and often the abandonment of them, because true Satanism is not based on the teachings of the monotheistic religions (books, dogmas, traditions and creeds), the perception of the mundanes or uninitiated ones, what secular voices say, something which may be pinned down under humane paradigms. But, a continual work in the study and practice of the occult sciences, the will to contemplate the divine essence behind many masks, to direct our bakthi to the void of Darkness and to become One with the Master. A path which starts within ourselves, as we retrieve the Promethean Fire form our hearts. Hell or Hades is nothing more than the calyborn body of man, as we apprehend all Pain and Suffering through this material form, and the five senses which represent the five points of the pentagram, and the six internal senses represented by the Hexagram. Know that the keys and the works thereon and study and learn the means of power. Find that Power is The Abyss of Darkness I dwell before eternity, I come and I guide thee, but prove thy allegiance to me, as i come to empower and give guidance to those who are mine. Born through the depths of the abyss where the fire is within us through our essence, through our forms born in the light, living through the worms eating the corpses, devouring the false light of Jehovah. We worship ourselves as a vessel of Angra Manyu, who dwells in earth as a painful void, this earth represents our clayborn bodies, We worship the fire serpent within, the Kundalini as a Symbol of Satan with us. The purification vessel from any stain by the sacred fire of mortification of the flesh. In Satanism or Luciferianism different aspects both from Light and Darkness are practiced, both abstinece through the mortification of the senses to gather energy for our sorcerous purposes and the indulgence in the pleasures on the flesh to release this energy to affect this worldly fixed perception, what Castaneda called assemblage point movement or what chaos magicians called Paradigm shift. Probably I may discuss about the Black Fast and the practice of fasting within Satanism. This elements are not christian or from any "modern" religion, But it has been practiced by anyone with the will for spiritual knowledge and power since the beginning of Mankind. Let us not be blinded by Ignorance or Hate and May we shall open our eyes to the truth. Tho those who search for a guru or spiritual teacher :“Fools dwelling in darkness, wise in their own conceit, and puffed up with vain knowledge, go round and round staggering to and fro, like blind men led by the blind” The world is full of these. Everyone wants to be a teacher, every beggar wants to make a gift of a million dollars! Just as these beggars are ridiculous, so are these teachers. Since I consider part of my duty to educate in the Occult community regardless, people agree or disagree which I do not care. I must Say right now we are in Ostara season or Vernal equinox, the celebration of Fire, the internal one within our hearts, the Kundalini and the Fire of Nature, the vivifying forces, which correspond to spring and this season. One of the biggest transvestism and misconception created in modern times, specially due to the Christian influence was to add fire celebrations to Samhain or Halloween with fire glowing squashes and punkins. originally those were death related feast to honour the ancestor and the powers of Thanatos, under any archetype this may be embraced, according ethos and cultural background. Authors like Jules Michelet, clearly points out this fire feast of Halloween was moved from spring to Winter/ end of the fall season. As LHP practitioners we should not educate ourselves by the mundane media or by our webbrowsers. The Black Adept Knows the way of power is through sacrifice and hard work, nothing is granted to us, as we, ourselves hold the powers to shape our fate according our Luciferian Will. One of the biggest drains of energy for the Black Magician is instant gratification, Our technology and vitual enviroments is always avid of providing energy sucking vortexes for instant gratification from porn sites to waste sexual power, to social networks to release anger, frustration and to satifisfy the ego with hollow boasting and receiving praises from others via "likes". As Black Magicians we take what works and leave the rest, we use what has been proven effective in our Dark Sorceries and may serve our sinister purposes of self-deification. In our Journey in course of our lives we may get involved into various Sorcery Traditions, Magical Initiatory schools and Religions with the purpose of increasing our power. Notwithstanding, We recognize that almost every tradition or spiritual path of religion that has been revealed to the public or is practice by common people "the mundanes" often work two hands. In our case, we only focus in the Darkest aspects which are akin with the Left Hand Path, and invert, corrupt and manipulate the rest thus creating our own Dark Sorcery Method, one which synchronize with our Khabit/shadow self and less with the Masks we often adopt to interact with the "mob." In the Paradigm of Chaos Magick this is what shall forge our weapon upon Azazelian fire to fight the adversarial cosmic forces which hinder the manifestation of our will. Indeed, we are all Warriors in a constant battle and strive to overcome the Will/Desire of the Universe, every sentient being and specially the fellow Humans which may be against our sorcerous Will. "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy."-Darth Vader. "He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad."-Mathew !2:30 Average Ones are locked in conflicts between opposing forces that cannot be reconciled. They keenly feel the struggle between good and evil, the flesh and the spirit, the ideal and the real. As Satanist we surpass this odious energy draining dichotomies, by vibrating our physical, mental and astral bodies into a frequency above the average human beings do, Thus the whole attention is in one single focal point, to empower our will as a flaming sword of conquest that breaks the false barriers this same forces have created, thus shaping our universe according our own true Will, this alchemical esoteric process starts within the Heart. "The Only Master I worship is Lord Lucifer the son of the Dragon, and guardian of the Primal Craft of the preterhuman Dark Sorceries. Not, the christian devil, the air elemental of the fairies adorers, not the Jewish fallen angel, or the planet Venus of the occultists and Greek philosophers. Those obsolete paradigms from the children of Adam and academic philosophers are things of decadent Aeons. The children of the Serpent can see through the eyes of the Black Dragon and behold the ultimate truth." Much have been won but there is still much territory to win, wish to see schools dedicated to the study of the occult and the paranormal where witchcraft and magick be taught, as a chemistry or biology class in our mundane school where the weak science/magick of the children of Adam is taught. With all their resources they have not been able to place a man further than the moon, or make somebody live further than 124 years, transmute lead into gold, make diamonds out of coal or bring brought somebody out of death after four days...Let us ponder in how insignificant is the science of man. We live on very interesting times, indeed. For what people usually sacrificed their lives to keep secret, shared on monasteries, and in the catacombs, many were tortured and burned alive and on recent year was found in some secret order in which initiations cost one's weight in gold. All these is shared nowadays openly on a social network. maybe the world really ended on 12 21 2012 but we are not aware of it, and continue living in some alternative reality. Who knows. Never underestimate the healing powers of nature, specially trees have a great ability to absorb and transform our pain, sorrows..illness of both of the body or soul. Every time you feel yourself full of toxic energies go to the forest or close to trees, let all that flow out of you. Also having a plant like a cactus or Aloe Vera it will magically protects you from the poisonous emanations from others, be it the envy or the evil eye. The problem with most occult authors, specially in the United States is they do not believe what they preach, even the so-called modern demonolators or worshipers of elementals. Suggest the dubious term ¨you most actively participate with magick to work¨ this is merely the influence of laveyan atheism influence on insecure people. The true Dark sorcerer or sorceress, casts as spell for example in order to get a job raise and do not go to much his or her boss for a raise, he just go to sleep or forget about the matter and leave the spirits do their work, this is the way of the Bokhor, the shaman, the witch and the True Satanist. Not of some blackclad media clown, teaching some self help hogwash i get at school at human resource management class from a guy who does not even know who Aleister Crowley or Anton Lavey are. This lack of faith, devotion and lack of real power to alter the environment and the consciousness of others, just makes me think how this snake oil sellers are putting into the masses useless watered down modifications of the Sacred art of the Devil, and they do not do it to keep the secrets sealed, because most of them are spiritual handicaps who cannot even use Magick to affect their own lives. But, do it just with the purpose grab people¨s money, same as the catholic priests who grabs the offerings or the evangelical pastor who takes the tithing. They are just all followers of cults of ego gratification, who do not even know what of who they and their followers worship, and by manipulating naive ones, not only inflate their ego but their pockets too. In my opinion in the long term this only will damage the seekers of occult knowledge and power and as they grow disillusioned, shall come back to the abrahamic religions, where by a simple prayer more tangible results are achieved, than offering your blood to an elemental who has been Christianized with the name of the ancient Gods and Goddesses, who are now sold as Demons to rebellious people with a childish attitude willing to swallow any trend that may piss off their parents, society or their families or just keep the empty mask of being different. May we outgrowth this cloak of ignorance and search for our highest aspiration which is the wisdom of the Black Dragon. I could formulate advanced hypothesis on the esoteric level which will require a high grade of gnosis to understand, as i consider every phenomena on the material world have an occult energetic origin that affects both matter and the psyque. This is in respect to the unexplainable animosity and resentments form the parts of some devoted ones to the worship of elementals (on the Christianized version:Demonic entities) towards me. But, analyzing this individuals from the behavioral sciences apparently the issues resurface from their will or desire of putting poseurs, delusional people or fakes above those who are true to themselves and to the Lord of Darkness. Applying some hermetic principles this is logical, if these people worship and place on the highest levels elementals, fairies, rebellious angels...Above the Master and the true Demons of Sitra Ahra, they will behave on a similar way with those who share their Black Flame, the acosmic seed of Apep or essence of Tiamat. Fearing and rejecting them while accepting lesser beings as their gods or goddesses. I wish this would be an example for pondering and reflection in those who possess the will or dare to walk the path of Satanism, the Antinomian path of the Serpent, I will use myself as an example as we are meant to lead this way, I personally do not put above anybody or anything above the Devil and those I sense the Black Flame within them. I do not care Mother or Father, relatives or acquaintances, bloodline family means nothing or those who share with us in our secular life endeavors. Our loyalty, love and eternal pact is towards the Dark Gods and those with the will, power and strength to hold their acosmic fire and see the Dark Gods are truly Evil, Dark and Antinomian, that they are really Dark as the Darkness we behold in the tunnels of Set, and not on different shades of gray as they are put to be sold or marketed to the sheep or subhuman dross which clayborn nature cannot without the fire of the Black Dragon and need some external being to Hold them as a mother god (matron) or father god (patron) or try to put the Master Lucifer Satan as some elemental on the cardinal eastern point of the element Air. --χαλάζι μαίνεται χάος One of the Questions the Neophytes most often ask is: How Do I know that I am a Satanist ? This is one of the most meaningful question the true aspirant may ask Hirself. In my own personal, experience i do not believe, I chose the Left Hand Path but the Left Hand Path chose me, We are born Satanists, even we harness our "otherness: by the practice of the dark arts and living a sinister life. How do i know that am I of Satan and His Demons? this is one of the hardest things to put into words. It is an unspeakable feeling of Harmony and compatibility between our inner Black Flames and the acosmic essence of the Demons. We feel deep inside of us something, that is harmonious or disharmonious, with the beings we invoke during rituals. We also can tell we are not compatible with the Demiurge and his archangelic servants, and never feel the impulse of following Him or the religions that worship and honour him, most of of them in foolishness and hypocrisy. The more we advance in the path, the more we recognize Satan and his Demons do not exist inside of us or in our minds, as atheistic people without real spirituality or vision try to put, to compensate their blindness and lack of soul development. We also recognize our Black Flames does not belong to this world, this nature or creation. This is impossible to explain to those who does not Have this gift of the Master, so, this has been only revealed to the initiated ones. I must say most Human beings has not the Black Flame alive, their love for the material world, vanity and ego worship, along the re-incarnations the soul experiment, because the Demiurge (IHWH) uses this to make us forget our true origin. Another thing, very few people have actual contact with the Demonic entities of Sitra Ahra, even they may work with their elemental forms, which is what the Pagans, Demonolators and Dark Witches, often do. Also, I know from experience most magicians/karcist does not work with the demons, but with fallen angels, which were some spiritual beings born out of the bastard White Light, who liberated themselves from the hypnotic hold of the Demiurge and now serve Master Lucifer-Satan, and fight the cause of the Black Light, to dissolve the cosmos, including themselves into the fulness of the Plerona, then every soul, energetic impulse, and spirit shall return as rain drops of water into the primordial Ocean of the acasual. As it was before they were separated by the foolishness of the chief Archont, who the Jews call Jehovah and the Sumerian called Enki, and many other names every culture has used for the "creator force/s being/s" of the Material cosmos. As it was in the beginning , thus it shall be in the end. Hate God The Lord of This World, Hate the ego, Hate the Flesh, Hate the matter, Hate hypocritical human love, Hate thy Life, Worship Spirit Alone. In all cultures which has dark esoteric traditions, there is the concept that in the MLO is called "Shackles Trade beast." This concept is a metaphor and symbol of the anti-cosmic impulse, which is dormant and hidden in the depths of every human soul.--Liber Azerate, By Magister Nemidial, Current 218. There are Only Seven Chrakras in the Human Body, not Ten as the new agers and Kabbalist say, The Tree of life is the body of the Demiurge IHWH. And the reason why traditional Satanic systems such as the ONA uses the tree of Wyrd with only Seven Spheres and Celtic runic systems. The Klippoth which represent the body of Satan, is of assyro-summerianbabilonian also found in the Draconian/aAtalntean traditions origin and has nothing to do with the Jewish Kabbalah and the tree of life/Lie. This is my stand, The Phylosophy doctrine, ideology and dogma presented by Anton Lavey and his Church including the bastard offspring it produced, has nothing to do with Satanism/Luciferianism. Any initiate in the LHP or Black Magick knows well, Hedonism, self instant gratification, egotism, and Indulgence which are the Cornerstones of the "church of Satan" or church of Lavey, are highly detrimental and the best ways for energy waste of pranic force and weakening of the shadow (Khaibit). Without enough storing and deployment of this force during ritual, no sorcery, magick or witchcraft is effective or lead to result, regardless the individual uses his own psychic influence or use the aid of the spirits. I n My Opinion, Howard Satnton Levey (Anton Lavey) was just an instrument the Hands of the Demiurge YHWH the same God of the abrahamic religions the Laveyans hypocritically pretend to hate and deny His existence. In order to miss lead people, and make handicaped Magical aspirants. I have never seem the difference between a Laveyan and a mundane, both follow the same course in their life. Just the Laveyans, like spooky halloween costumes, wear the symbols the Occult to show off, and desecrate them since they are unworthy, besides of using some hogwash of Angelic and Demonic nonsense. Most people who call themselves "Theistic Satanists or Devil Worshipers" are indeed Theistic Laveyans: People who follow the same idiocy and reverse Christianity of Lavey, but pretend to Believe and worship Lucifer-Satan. Most theistic Laveyans wrongly believe That Master, is the Lord of Flesh, of Matter, the bringer of Suffering and insanity and also in the christian fairytale That the Master and His Demons are rebelious angels created by the Demiurge who later rebelled and as punishment the demiurge (Jehovah) sent them to earth. If Lavey worshiped and communicated with the Devil as some propagandist/mind manipulators such Michael A. Aquino affirms, was indeed with one of the servants of Jehovah or with Jehovah himself to instruct him in how to deceive and lie to people, specially to reach those who in an act of childish rebellion have left the religions of their parents, and the ego-deceived ones who believed to be Gods and Goddesses. I believe most people specially in the United States specially fear to "remark" this is beacuse of fear and some pretentious "patriotism" they feel proud that "Satanism' was invented in their country by an American, denying this was just the repackaging of the same putridness of the Abrahamic religions and the enslaver Jehovah (YHWH). A) There is not such thing a Atheistic or non-Theistic Lucferianim or Satanism, those are oxymoron words used by ignorant people who are dabblers in the occult of just want to mock what they do not understand on their undeveloped minds and souls. B) Lucifer and Satan are just two epithets to denote the Master and serve more to denote a kind of practice or focus than a particular ideology, Luciferianism, not the magickal hogwash out of Crowley's plagiarism and The reconstruction or some failed sorcery system from some ancient civilization or new age ideas to deceive the mundanes, born out of fear to be attacked by the laughs of the skeptics and religious fanatics of the religion of mundane science or some harm to the precious "self", since those people are copycats of the idiocies of magians like Lavey. C) Luciferianism and Satanism are the same, the former just differentiates in the focus on the bright, beautiful, venusian aspect of the Master, since the Master is a Multi-Masked entity and the brightly reflection of His divine self in our inner Black Flames. And the Later, focus on His Dark aspect and His opposition to the cosmic Demiurge YHWH. The Master is Both Light and Darkness. D) Magick, Left hand Path and Luciferianism/Satanism are not the same. 1-The Magician: may work both with the divine and the infernal, the powers of his or her psique, and use various models, also with the Tree of life and the nightside tree or (which I personally doubt) with the Klipphotic Tree. The magician is often a Jack of all trades. Magick is most cases "subjective" or delusional, since indeed the work of the magus regardles his or her grade is to ape the work of the Demiurge. 2-The so called Left Hand Path or western or Americanization of the LHP, championed by people like Michael A. Aquino his Temple and others inspired by similar ideas, is just a reversion of eastern mystism, such as Budhism or Taoism, the childish intent of elevating the humanape to some godhood, is exactly as the one in the Abrahamic religions, The self-deification of the "black magicians" is the same as the salvation of the Christians or the Celestial place of the Muslims. 3- Luciferianism/Satanism is the path of devotion, worship and sacrifice to the Master, even if a person be Luciferian and work in the development of His soul, spirit and Black Flame (atma, Buddhi , Manas) must recognize Lucifer-Satan as the creator of His Black Flame and the Bringer of wisdom , Light and liberation from the Illusions of this world. E) The Satanist or Luciferian never works:with angelic entities or celestial intelligences, archetypes of the Demiurge, god or goddesses of light or magical system connected to the Tree of Life, which is the body of YaWeYH, the body of man only has seven spheres that is why traditional Satanic system such as the the Sevenfold way works with the tree of Wyrd, there are only Seven Chackars in the body , regardless what the new age charlatans affirm, to mix with the filthiness of the Jewish Kabbalah. F) My personal opinion about the Church of Lavey or so-called "church of Satan" and his teachings and literature, To me the work of Howard Staton Levey has not substance or have had any significance, but are works of reverse christianity, Plagiarism, and some idiotic self-worship. Experts in mind and media manipulation like the Magian of Michael A. Aquino has stated that that Lavey really worship and believed in Satan privately but, did not afrimed to the public for fear of being harmed and to his family, that is the most absurd thing i have ever heard, Christian fanatics, jews, muslims, or some not ask, if the person is "symbolic or atheistic satanist" or if the person is a Devil worshiper, to attack him or her or his relatives. All they care is that person even wear something related to the 'enemy ' of their God. Personally, myself i have had physical attacks for the way i dress or the music i listen and friends who are atheists and just wear "devil related insignias have has similar issues. To be Honest, Lavey was an instrument in the Hads of the Demiurge YaweyH, in order to confuse people and reach certain rebelious individuals with another Hue of the filthiness of the christian Believes. I Lavey and his followers worshiped "Satan" it was surely an archangel of Jehovah, telling them lies such our Lord represents , materialism, carnality and hedonism...since these beings know well this things are detrimental fro the energetic and soul evolution of Man. Also the desecration of the dark occult symbols by Lavey reflect this clearly. Also, the Theistic Laveyans, belive in the christian fairytale that the master is rebellious entity or some force in nature created by YHWH. In few words, Anton Lavey is the biggest traitor of Satanism, well i see some people now adays trying to surpass him.. G) People such as Crowley, Kenneth Grant, Peter Carrol, Don Webb, Aquino, Phil Hine, Donald Michael Karig...are Magicians and should not be put as Luciferians or Satanists, in any of their writings, speeches, records or their Lives there is evidence of tru devotion and worship to the Master, but the self or ego worship of the Black Magians. While people such as Michael W. Ford who use the psychological magical model (Jungian archetypes, rebaptized as deific masks), E. A Koetting who uses the energetic magical model and some mormonic concepts, and so many media occult dabblers who want take the occult as a hobbie to extra income, are magicians , but of the marketing and how to make people listen what they want them to listen, so they may be compared more to Criss Angel than to the formers who often has dedicated their lifes to the Dark arts. H) My personal and honest opinion about Michael W. Ford ( Pen name) since, so many people comes around with the same subject, and it is not my style to talk on people's back criticize the work of others, slander or those actions of undeveloped souls...He does a great job promoting Himself, repackaging wit anew name the ideas of Lavey, and Reviving like jesus dead and failed ancient sorcery system and dead cults..., well the american market love "variety". That is one side of the Coin, the other is He promotes, and inspire people to study the occult, do some "sorcery" or "magick (Hollywood do it as well), also write, books, has many musick projects, and make self-help videos...Also, knows how to deflect well, the attacks of his envious opponents. I personally, do not believe any initiate in the sevenfold way of the ONA, would affirm the Church of Lavey and its offspring the Temple of Set are satanic or left hand path, or stating Demons exist or are created by people's consciousness or are part of the self is ludicrous..But well, maybe that is part of the show. I) I must clarify, my intention has always been of outlining certain metaphysical truths and principles, to support the path of Satan, fight the yoke of the abrahamic religions, the powers of the Demiurge which manifest in so many ways, denounce scams from people and organizations who not only vampyrize people' pockets but steal and use their pranic energies to fullfil the desire and goals of the Leaders and founders in the priesthood. Those are often the ones who has changed the slogan "believe in Jesus" or Hail Jesus for "Believe in Yourself" or Hail Yourself". F) As it has been stated before, On the Magician, the true Magician, is not adabller neither take magick as a hobbie, But lives his or her life dedicated day and night to the great work, often has no day job, family, interest for the carnal or materialistic things or social life...True Magick is a sacerdocioum of thelemic devotion, a shamanic calling to serve and do the work of forces, spirits, energies both connected to the self (theurgia0 and those connected to the Ego (Goetia) what is often wrongly named White and Black magick. His Living is often made out of His or Her own work or things connected to it. in some societies belongs to very low social castes, to show the unimportance to the things of the world. J) The Satanist or Luciferian often, also practice a from of magick, sorcery or withccraft, but what really makes an individual to be a Luciferian or Satanists, is his or her devotion, the practice of Bhakti Yoga and Ghana Yoga to LuciferSatan (other names related to the master, May be use in personal practice of course) and His Demons. Some, may start perceiving Satan in a vague from in the beginning, if the soul is not well developed and the spiritual senses opened, but as the consciousness advances perceives Satan and his Demons as more what they really are, and more detached from the self and consciousness. To me the Satanist is a grown up Luciferian, who practice the acts of adoration, sacrifices and worship as the ultimate sign of soul and spiritual development and inmolation of the self and Ego, recognizing the Master and his Demons have never existed as part of his or her consciousness or self but as External Beings, respect, love, try to apprehend and follow their path with a pure heart and intention. May the Dark Star of Satan cast its Darkness, and the internal light of the Lucifer-Christos burn within. Hail our Father, our Master, everything for Thy Glory and the Kingdom of Hell. “Slavery to State and men has disappeared only to make room for slavery to things and Self , to one's own vices and idiotic social customs and ways .... Where, then, is the Wisdom of our modern age?" --H.P. Blatvasky, Lucifer, September, 1890 I believe this not only applies to our corrupted society leaders, but to the charlatans and scams who want to sell self-worship as some from of spirituality or magick. Even man claims some "freedom" from the religious dogmas of the religions who follow the Demiurge IHWH, is still "idiotically" chained to His world, by materialism, skepticism, atheism and the religion of mundane science and technology. That is why, i put my trust in what is true in what shall last in the Aeons without end, on Satan our Lord & Master, and His Demons. "Morals are nothing more than love and wisdom" Concerning my own system of magick, and i would like to shed some light on the subject. First, I am a very skeptical person, my believes are not founded on teleological data, blind "faith" or something acquired from others, teachers, orders, organizations, books, lectures..but on actual experience, proven methods and the knowledge about the entities from Invocation to physical manifestation and not some mental or roll playing of self masturbatory delusions where the karcist/magus believe hirself to be the entity. To me paranormal phenomena is not some "fantasy" or superstitious believe, but actual and proven phenomena, which defies the weak cognition of the materialistic man and his weak mundane science. I do not believe Man possess any supernatural or magickal power, as the new age followers like to make the mob to believe, putting the human ape into some pedestal. I believe all is done through the influence of the spirits or "inorganic intelligences". even if we use the Psychological Magickal Model( post Jungian Archetypes or deific masks), so wide spread specially by American dabblers. snake oil sellers and pseudo-warlocks, or the Energetic MagicKal model of the Neo-pagans and Ceremonial Magicians. I see the body of Man, the Adam Kadmon or microcosmos as similar to the moon, a dead rock, with a weak magnetic power or gravitational field, but this "rock" can reflect energy or even this energy can be absorbed and stored. What we perceive by our consciousness is just a reflection of the external reality, producing a vibratory movement or stimulus in our physical senses, thus the impression of the consensual reality is born and reproduced, passed or imposed into others. In the same way, the astral body or Kaibhit, when polished and purified can reflect the energies emanated from the spiritual entities on other planes of existence. Man when has mastered himself, his emotions and pranic energy of the fire serpent, may use this fire serpent as a "mirror" to direct and control the energies which the spiritual intelligences produce, and the Magus is exposed during ritual or magickal practice. This explain how magick, sorcery and witchcraft can be accomplished without "commanding" or direct intervention of a spiritual entity (demon, god, goddess, lwa, Exu, Elemental, Angel..) even this methods is often used for celestial intelligences. this can clearly explain the mechanism of the psychological and energetic model of magick. In the Case of entities which are earth bound such as the Goetic Demons, Lwas or Shades of the Dead(necromantic arts) are usually willing to directly aid the humans in their endeavors. Myself, I am traditional and practice the Sorcery of the Children of Cain not the white light magick based on the Tree of Life taught to low race of Abel Or the Christians stained filthiness found in most grimoires or modern Magical Orders(i do not need to cite names). As it has been said Sorcery or antinomian magick is "individualized Chaos", thus the advanced Black Magician uses his or her own system.In over 25 years of actual practice this has been taken to another Level, For Example, if i need to perform a ritual for a certain goal, i do not use a ritual written by other, and even one written by myself as the variables changes on each scenario, what I do is Invoking the Entities in this case Demons, since I am a Satanist, contact the ones which has build a relationship of trust with me, besides my Guardian Demon to whom i made a pact a very early age of this life, then, they will guide me and instruct me directly from the astral realms on the ritual, elements, tools, planetary hours, mudras, mantras, spells...etc. This explain why my system is based on actual spirituality, a path of worship, sacrifice and devotion. Many may ask, how that purification, that many sages have talked about is achieved ? The answer is not living a sanctimonious life of hypocrisy how the priest of the Abrahamic religions and the false teachers who engross their pockets by charging fees to ingress people in their "social clubs" do, But by living a righteous and honest life, being true to ourselves and being true to others, so the light may pass through without distortion, and Above all by purifying our thoughts, emotions, acts, words and deeds by focusing on the Divine. The Magus need to learn an be able "of seeing" the essence behind the forms, and the causes not the effects. The internal Light of the Lucifer-Christos and the Black Star of Satan-Ahriman, always be the keys of our Great Work. I know i may confuse, an arise a burning sensation (indeed that is a manifestation of the Black Flame) in those who follow me. By presenting opposites elements of ideologies from the Right Hand Path (The Thosophy of Blatvasky, Eastern Mysticsm, Christian gnostism, Traditional Witchcraft & Magick..) and The Left Hand Path ( The Synister way of ONA, Anticosmic Luciferianism, The Cult of Death and Infernal Necromancy, The Typhonian, Draconian and Yuggothian Tradition, Chaos Sorcery..) By purifying and unifying this aspects by the Great Work of Infernal/internal Alchemy the True aspirant or Black Adept will built By his or her own efforts. The Pillar of Power, Wisdom and Power, as the guiding beacon monolith in the path of Satan, The Master. Since, I know well that Gnosis can be given or served in a plate, neither can be obtained by Books, Gurus or the wisdom found in Orders and esoteric Temples created to blind and empty the pockets of those who crave for a quick fix of divine power, to inflate their ego. The work is Yours Brothers and Sisters, no one can save us or raise us from our fallen state and the imprisonment of our souls and spirits by God, Ha Shem, OLudumare, this world of illusions and veils of Maya... The Advance practitioner of the Dark Arts know that there is Right Hand Path or Left hand Path, but only the Path of Lucifer Satan, the Master. There are many ways and roads according the nature of the individual, but only only one thing remains as and Unmovable Rock, those who has the black Flame are recognized by their Worship and Devotion, walking without fear. those who Follow, the Will of Satan, The powers of Hell, and the Powers of Darkness. Actually around 90% of the individuals who pursue "Satanism" do it for some satisfaction of the Ego, or the attainment of some power. To me the Satanist follow Satanism for only One reason: pure immaculated Love (Buddhi) to Satan and His Demons, to fulfill the Will of Hell and the powers of Hell. But, in order to please the Public I will share this note on Magick. I just do not want to Paraphrase Alleister Crowley as 90% or more authors do. I believe this is the most meaningful quote i can ever share, an the one who has apprehended this is a true Adept, knowing the secret of secrets revealed to the initiated ones in the mysteries. Those who has ear to listen, listen and those who has eyes to see, see. "As God creates, so man can create. Given a certain intensity of will, and the shapes created by the mind become subjective. Hallucinations, they are called, although to their creator they are real as any visible object is to anyone else. Given a more intense and intelligent concentration of this will, and the form becomes concrete, visible, objective; the man has learned the secret of secrets; he is a Magician."-Isis Unveiled, Volume 1 This Is a very interesting excerpt from the Current 218, when it was the MissanThropic Luciferian Order (MLO) and shows how the current is not bound itself to form or structure, “I see many so-called Left Hand Path, Satanic, Magical organizations so afraid of "dying" or losing their reputation to the public that they even modify or present a watered down version of their philosophies to the public. That is mostly latent in the American organization which still fear the witch hunt and satanic panic of the 80's. If Satanism or LHP is diluted, sugarcoated to please the profane, is the same or worst that the Abrahamic religions. salt without taste. The Left Hand Path which often accompanies Satanism, must be presented to the mundanes a it is Evil, Cruel, a way to kill the emotions in the Human Ape, and overcome dualities, indifferent to suffering or pain and Those putrid emotions called love to life and to living things, and that disease called Faith must be eradicated. Not being bound by the Laws of man and his society or the Divine Laws of the Demiurge. The Satanist is the herald of Chaos, that at all times should personify might, darkness and sinister gnosis. That which doesn’t make us stronger kills the spirit, and we must therefore constantly strive for progress and anti-cosmic evolution. MLO have for example a completely different structure and build-up today than we had say four years ago. We keep on changing and developing with every day that passes, but our goals will always be the same. Chaos = Evolution. Those who doesn't become stronger must die in order to make way for the mighty.” " Satanism is elitists. It does not compromise – its tests, ordeals, methods and character-building experiences are severe and will never be made easier to make them acceptable to more people or easier to undertake."-- The Hard Reality of Satanism, Anton Long “Far beyond the heavenly radiance the cenobites of misery share the gospel in a poisonous communion. Brothel of a thousand young. What monstrous horrors lie buried beneath the cavernous depths of your psyche?”—Svartidaudi. Atheism is not a sign of development in the consciousness of man, but a sing of stagnation of the psyque and laziness of both the spirit and the intellect. The Atheists often cling on the wimps of science and technology which are often spread by the media. This science and technology of the profane is often filtered by those of the government and fro those who are in power, they fear what they cannot control and procure to keep the masses under the yoke. 'Give up thy life, if thou wouldst live." The Voice of the Silence, Page 18 Compare to John 12:25 "Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life." Also to the Seventh Commandment of the Cathechism of Lucifer " Hate Life, see Vanity in all Creation." And the Tenth "Despite Humanity, make yourself one with the Master". Many may ask, but HOW this may be achieved...Blatvasky offers some hints in Practical Occultism: "Meditation, abstinence in all, the observation of moral duties, gentle thoughts, good deeds and kind words, as goodwill to all and entire oblivion of Self, are the mos efficacious means of obtaining knowledge and preparing for the reception of higher wisdom." "The more the body is exhausted, the freer is the spiritual man, and the more vivid the impressions of our soul's memory." "Spiritual culture is attained through concentration. It must be continued daily and every moment to be of use. Meditation has been defined as “the cessation of active external thought” . Concentration is the entire life-tendency to a given end." “Look at every path closely and deliberately, then ask ourselves this crucial question: Does this path have a heart? If it does, then the path is good. If it doesn't then it is of no use to us.” ― Carlos Castaneda The Church of Lavey (the so-called satanism of the profane) and the Church of Jesus Christianity) are exactly the same..Both represent the weakness within man to Apprehend and Worship the essence of the Master, thus creating aberrations like these, which only mock the occult, the rituals and the symbols. Brutish Hedonism and atheism (the church of Lavey and other similar groups) and Christianity (hypocritical and deceitful fake spirituality) are just the two sides of the same coin. One is just the horrified reflection of the other projected in a mirror. The product of Man losing his connection with Nature, the Forces of nature (spirits visible and invisible), the connection with Himself, and above all with Satan, The God before all Gods. The Gospel of Master Lucifer cannot be preached or proselytize, because the honour to be able to worship Satan is one of the highest level of attainment in the human being, this is not granted by grace, neither obtained by study or can be bought or sold. It is a privileged won by the true aspirant hirself, it often implies much suffering, sacrifices, devotion, patience..and True Will, Only the Satan knows true desires in man. The knowledge to follow the path is given by cruel Lessons, as the road of Darkness is not the same for each individual, only Satan Himself is the giver of the ordeals. The Methods of Satan are cruel and painful, for Satan is cruel and never indulge in weakness. Neither Master Satan, need the masses to follow him or the descendants of the low race of Abel. Human is disease, which is to be cured on the path of Satan. Many misunderstand this passage, communicated to the servants of Hell...The destruction of Humanity must start by ourselves. This is the essence of the Satanism of the Left hand Path, The annihilation of the Human. Death takes care of the animal body of man, but we must take care of the soul. Both, the body and the soul are of God and are abominations in the eyes of the Devil. As it was revealed to Faust by the Demon Mephisto during his pact: For Satan has not other servants, besides the devoted to Him, reject light, acquire Darkness, reject Christ (jesus) and acquire the AntiChrist (beast)...and eternity, shall duel within thy heart enlighten by flame. PRAISE BE THE LORD, AS WE KNEEL BEFORE YOUR ALTAR AND SPILL OUR BLOOD TO HONOUR THEE, WE SHALL CROSS THE ABYSS GRASPED BY YOUR MIGHTY BLACK WINGS. AVE SATANA ! Concerning if the number 666 belongs to Satanism while others attribute the number 616, i would like to briefly bring some light into this subject. Both Numbers have a special meaning and attributions to Satanism/Dark Occultism. The 666 is the number of the Demon Sorath, the adversarial ray of the sun, which counters the solar god (the Demiurge) as He presents on this Aeon. But, i cannot teach Klipphotic concepts to the uninitiated ones, so i will leave it here. The 666 is also the Number of the Antichrist, the "alogos" or the spirit of Satan incarnated in man, the symbol of the children of Satan, which is the reason many Satanist use this number tattooed or scarified upon their skin. Also, as it has been explained before the 666 contains the number 72 corresponding to the wider angle of the pentagram, and the 72 demons of the shehamphorash concealed, this is unlocked by simple gemantric operation. Concerning the number 616, six is the number of the union of spirit and matter, the two triangles, thus the number of man, the Demiurge created Man on the six day, even this just allegoric, the number six is connected in this case to the Material/spiritual and labour in this world, while the number One is connected to the Divine Monad. The One between the two sixes represents the entrapment of the divine monad within matter, the two sixes. By a simple operation we deduce the following: 6+1+6=13, the number thirteen is often attributed to the Baphomet, the Devil of the Templars and a symbol of Devine wisdom, then if we add the 1+3+4. Four is the Sacred and Secret number of the Christos, which represents the crucifixion of the spirit in matter "the cross". The 616 is often used by the followers of Luciferianism. As it has been stated Luciferianism if stripped down of Superstition and witchcraft or sorcery is exactly the same as Gnostic Christianity. The 666 is more used by the Satanists those who oppose in one way or the other to the Demiurge (IHWH) and the ludicrous creeds and religions. While the 616 is more often used by the Luciferians who focus more on the internal god, or the Lucifer-Christos. Luciferianism and Satanism is the same, the difference is just on focus and perspective in the adherents of these systems/paths. Lucifer is Satan, these epithets just represents the bright and illuminated faces of the Master, And those who separate them are the ones who try to reach knowledge by the teachings of the profanes and mundanes who eyes are blinded by illusions and the putridness of the materia, and do not search for true Gnosis which is obtained by hard work, pondering, rituals, spells, meditation on symbols..and unlocking the gates of perception. So, we may perceive the voiceless sound and invisible signs of the God of the Forbidden Light. "The wheel of the Good Law moves swiftly on. It guides by night and day. The worthless husks it drives from out the golden grain, the refuse from the flour. The hand of Karma guides the wheel; the revolutions mark the beatings of the Karmic heart."— H. P Blatvasky, The Voice of the Silence. On Baneful Dark Sorcery and my system of Magick, unlike other magical systems which uses the powers within the magician, or uses natural energetic forces like in ceremonial magick. I use the traditional spiritual system similar of Kimbanda, Makunkunlan, Palo and Ifa...The ritual is done and sent to the Target. People need to understand magick works on common sense and under spiritual laws, the spirits (Demons) has never been human, and they do not have human feelings or emotions as some dillusional people who claims to be married to some demon do. The Demonic entities will kill, make sick physically and mentally the target or the relatives could be his or her breed, mother, father...anything to cause pain and suffering to the target or collateral damage. This work is carried by the Elemental spirits (demons0 or by the shades of the Dead, since i also practice Nefarious art of Necromancy, the shades of the dead are more effective on baneful magick, because they may carry poisons to the target which correspond to Ars Veneficium or they may vampyrize ( steal pranic energy from the victim) specially during sleep. Usually people quake to work with the spiritual magick model, simply because it takes much hard work, sacrifices, offerings and even ordeals to win the trust of the spirits, also the Magus/Karcist must be born under the proper star, and be a person consecrated to the Art. True Black Arts practice is a sacerdocium, the magus is consecrated to his art day and night, usually has not wife, children neither mundane job as he is dedicate day and night to the craft, the magus only have decendency to pass his legacy/wisdom. That is why a do not believe in the dabbler or people who takes the Dark arts as a hobbie, i would gladly defy them to a duel. When we commit to the Devil, there is not turning back, the human in us is long gone and a dead shadow. Our craft is secret and concealed. This things of stupid people attacking and slandering me is good to happen, so i may use them as example to teach the Truth, and open the eyes and ears, to those who has the will to see and listen. True Faith is not the dogma of any ideology, But Faith is true spiritual power , the powers to crystallize thoughts and work wonders, to cause phenomena paranormal phenomena and miracles, because that Power is not in the brain but in the heart of Man. And the way to attained is Purification of Thoughts, Will, and Pure Love (Buddhi). What thought to be impossible becomes possible. For the Benefit of My readers, and seems various people has been questioning about this, i will put the concept of the Right Hand path from a modern a realistic perspective and how is defined by most esoteric schools of thought. The following excerpt is taken from the Crystal Tablets of Set in a section written by Dr. Michael Aquino. Regardless, slightly dichotomies in the modern occult community, due to personal motives which want to present their ideas as "new" or 'better'. The Temple of Set and its adherent defines RHP: "The Right Hand Path (RHP) Involves the intentional effort to dissolve or merge the self into the Objective Universe. Followers of the Right Hand Path are those who stated goal is egocentric abortion into the objective Universe (which they confuse with the universe as a whole). They wish to harmonize their actions with it, attune their intellect and emotions to what they consider the God of Universal consciousness, and thus partake of the immortality and divinity presumably characterizing that consciousness. This is the Theoretical Nirvana of the Buddhist, The Jainist and the Hindu; the "salvation" of the Christian." My second purpose or goal has been to teach that Satanism is very spiritual Path, it must be pursue with the aspiration of developing a personal relationship with Satan and His Demons. Not the acquisition of some power or materialistic ends. Satanism is not a from of Magick, Wichcraft or Sorcery neither LHP even some satanist also practice these things. But this problem is not only in Satanism, I see people getting into Kimbanda, Voodoo, Palo, Ifa...just to acquire some magical power or some hidden knowledge or something related to the Ego. That is part of the Materialistic mentality of this putrid world of illusions and imprisonment in the consensual reality. If an individual wish to engage in Voodoo or Kimbanda must be done with pure heart and intention because he or she wants to worship the Lwas or the Exus thus developing a relationship in which they will reveal their mysteries themselves. In my experience in Satanism i have noticed that more than 90% of people who chose Satanism is not with the intention of Worshiping and Honoring Satan which is very deplorable. There is only ONE Satanism the one which focus, believe and worship Satan, this the basic tenet, but the practices, theory, and system varies according the Tradition, Nature, Alignments of the Individual or the Coven, Lodge, Order...which is often secret or concealed. Satanism has existed since the Dawn of Time, but often practiced solitary or among some secret society or brotherhood. Only in this modern Times Satanism has been uncovered to a certain extend and some of the teachings that were concealed has been revealed. The Use of the Oxymoron Church, has never been part of Satanism, neither the intention to become a mass religion accepted my the mundanes or to charge fees or royalties for memberships has ever existed. We feel, know and recognize that we live in the accursed world of the dreaded Demiurge and his lackeys, ruled by corrupted laws, and Hypocrisy...We trust none, except our brothers and sisters we feel also carry the Black Flames still alive, and Lucifer Satan, the Master. "The more a man's life is shaped by the collective norm,the greater is his individual immorality"--Carl Jung. The Left hand Path is not only the rejection of moral, social, and religious values which rule the mundane world. On the Left Hand it is a spiritual concept associated with the way "towards the within," the pursue of self-salvation or "self-deification" how the Temple of Set followers put it. Distinct from and seemingly easy paths offered to masses by monotheistic religions. On a more philosophical context every Man is own Lucifer-Christos, no one besides ourselves is able to raise or ascend us. This is where the putridness of the Abrahamic Religions specially "Christianity" begins by acknowledging Jesus or other man as the savior or redeemer, since Christians are lazy, fearful and weak it is better to hitchhike a ride to immortality and eternal bliss by worshiping a guy in across and following some stupid dogma, than forging the path of ascension and immortality by ourselves. The Difference between a Satanist and a Member of the Church of Lavey is clear. The Satanist is always willing to put the Will of Satan first and above his or her Ego. A Satanist is always willing to sacrifice anything including his own life for Satan, the Master. A Laveyan would never risk his or her life "selfpreservation" for Satan. Or put Satan before and above, materialism(Jobs, family, possessions..). The Black Flame burns within the Satanist, giving to her or him the gnosis, Lucifer is his or her Chaos Father the creator of their Black Flames. Laudate Dominus Satanas Luciferi ! "Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in Satan will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. "- Ave Satana ! In the past the Sacred Occult Wisdom "sophia" was hidden by its scarce availability to the public and by keeping "silent" thus it has been by many aeons. Nowadays on this New Aeon. the Sacred Occult Wisdom hides it self by the overextended exposure to the public, and the layers and layers of debris that is often presented to the masses, as occult wisdom or sorcery/witchery/magick... In most cases is the hogwash of dabblers to make a dime or two by paraphrasing the material found in books and scripts and sell it to the pigs of Materalism and lovers of the Delusions of this "world". Most people are too lazy to read and deep ponder on them in order to grasp its gnosis. In the past to acquire a magickal text or some occult teaching cost a fortune or the harsh initiation into a esoteric order which may cost the life of the aspirant, the completion of many ordeals, prove of knowledge and real magickal ability, and most of all to possess/develop a personal relationship with the Patron or matron entity of the Order. Nowadays everything is at our fingertips, even the texts from the esoteric orders of this Aeon can be bought for cheap or the texts download in the web of technology. But, no Gnosis or Real Power has been ever obtained by reading or hearing in itself, since gnosis is the wisdom that transcends the carnal senses, "it is communicated by the spirit to the spirit" iMHO, one of the best way to transmit or share gnosis is though sigils both visual or acoustic. Which after pondering and meditation will raise the proper state of spirit, body and mind on the individual so gnosis may be apprehended. On Magick and Witchcraft, no power is obtained neither exercised by sitting all day reading strange texts or philosophizing, but by actual practice, experiences that may test our devotion, breaking paradigms and even the laws of man or the Demiurge, going to the extremes... Actually Magick and Witchraft has no Aeons, and those division of time and space are very abstract and part of our "sleepiness" itself. Actually one of the most effective ways of Power is using systems from past Aeons, Barbaric or Lost practices into magick, reviving the atavistic energies and a disharmonious/harmonious effect produces, then 'miracles". Search True Wisdom and Power by elevating the inner fire, by making it harmonious, the Sacred Union Mistica between the Lucifer-Christos, the inner Master of the initiate, with the Outer Master Satan Lucifer, the bringer of Darkness and Light, thus surpassing Duality. All wisdom and power from teachers, guides, mentors is unperfect and weak be it from: Humans, Spirits, Gods, Goddesses, Elemetals, Archangels, Shades of the Dead... Only Satan, the Master holds the Light/Power/Gnosis of the One and unknown Divinity. "According the hermetic teachings and the Gospels, the Sophia or divine wisdom, felt in to earth and hid within a prostitute or "woman of whoredom" this refers more to worldly wisdom that sexual promiscuity, which explains why Jesus chose Mary of Magdala as his wife. Jesus being a Black Magician lusted for that divine wisdom and searched for it to complete his powers. In Same The Magus, who lives a live of isolation, celibacy, pondering and practice of the Dark Arts is suggested to mate a Whore, thus the sacred alchemy is achieved by the union of opposites the wisdom of the spirit (Magus/ hierophant) and the wisdom of the materia (high priestess). " "My Lord, will all the men who know the mystery of the magic of all the rulers of all the æons of the Fate and of those of the sphere, in the way in which the angels who transgressed have taught them, if they invoke them in their mysteries, that is in their evil magic, to the hindering of good deeds,--will they accomplish them henceforth from now on or not? " The Christ answered and said unto Mary: "They will not accomplish them as they accomplished them from the beginning, because I have taken away a third of their power; but they will raise a loan from those who know the mysteries of the magic of the thirteenth æon. And if they invoke the mysteries of the magic of those who are in the thirteenth æon. They will accomplish them well and surely, because I have not taken away power from that region, according to the command of the First Mystery."--From the Gospel of Mary. I know there are people that gets irritated by content from the Holy Bible and the Gospels, well I am not a reverse christian neither somebody who is into Satanism or the Occult as some kind of rebelion. Since my focus is still wisdom and truth as an ideal, it must be understood, among the seekers of the hidden Light: --Most of the teachings from the Holy Bible are a rip off from other philosophies and esoteric teachings taken by the Jews and "roman church Fathers". --The New Testament contains many teachings and symbologies from the Egyptian and Greek illuminated teachers who are wrongly put on the mouth of jesus and his apostles. --The historical Jesus of the so-called christians if that personage ever lived, is not the Christ of the Gnostics. --Master Satan Lucifer in his ineffable and almighty sapience concealed many of the wisdom delivered unto Man within the holy bible, The Q'uran, the Vedic and budhic texts, and many of the texts of the so-called RHP religions. --Master Satan Lucifer is not bound, constricted or compelled by any higher being or power as the Christians and Magans teach neither the so-called Demiurge YHWH has any power over Him or his servants both spirits or humans. --The Influence of the energy of the Master can searched, purified, apprehended and used from all the creeds, sorcery traditions, spiritual systems, religions..spread across the planet and history. Those who possess the Black Flame, guided by the internal Lucifer-Christos may know hat is from the Master and what is not. "What is of the Christ and Wat is of the Caesar." The difference of the whimsical phylosophies and ideologies of man, the distortion and manipulations of the Demiurge YHWH, and what comes from Satan, the Master. One of the motives has been to dispel the LIE, that there is such thing as "atheistic satanism". There is not Satanism without Satan, the Master, understood as a Sentient Real entity that exists outside human Consciousness. What has been presented to the western civilization as Left Hand Path is a hoax, inverting a phylosophy or ideology is not LHP, Left Hand Path is just a tantric magickal technique and a model to explain the energy flow both in the microcosm (man) and the Microcosm (cosmos). Every man and woman may apprehend Satanism according the development of his and her own gnosis, soul development, and inherent nature. Which may be perceived as different from a relativistic view, but in essence are the same, just levels that from a higher view conform a pyramid, but that pyramid of wisdom mus be formed (coagula) by the focus on Satan, not the ego or the self. Concerning the inability mankind since to have in this Aeon ruled by materialism and egoism to perceive Spiritual beings and paranormal phenomena, that will be restored in its due time. Not by some external messiah or saviour, neither by some money-grabbing guru, but the true aspirant. The daily practice of simple things such meditation, visualization, astral traveling, manipulation of aural energies is a good beginning. The Satanist worship Master Satan both By acts of Destruction and By acts of Creation, The acts of creation are often Artistic or Intellectual, which manifests in many forms, One is Music. Satanic musicians when create an album its lyrics must be directed to honour Satan and the rhythms must reflect the demonic growls and sounds from Hell. Any artistic creation must reflect the essence of Satan and his demons, some even record during full demonic possession, a feeling and energy that is often transmitted to the listener. Sound and vibration are excellent ways to open the gates to Hell (sitra ahra). The biggest Flaw of the Christians or better said the religion of the Nazarene, is they believe their Jehovah is all powerful and almighty. So they believe, they have the right to force others "the love to Jesus". This childish whim to implant this "love' which is not love, but fear for a tyrant being, even their followers are not sure of His existence, has lead to war, bloodshed, massmurder, torture and confusion...while they think they do the work of god, they just spread the stinky breath of our Lord. In Laveyanism the self or ego, is the Focus. Lavey teaches in his "bible" SELF PRESERVATION IS THE HIGHEST LAW. In Satanism, Satan is the focus, every satanist must build a personal relationship with Satan and His Demons, by exercising the will of Satan in his or her Life. Worshiping/focusing on the self or ego is the same or worst idiocy than focusing/worshiping the god of the abrahamic religions. Demiurge YHWH knew in this Aeon , man would deny and reject him for materialism and some shortsighted understanding of the universe and its forces, which is called science and technology, so he moves and teaches through his puppets than man must focus on himself or herself, and in those who self Hail Thyself, atheism is just part of this disease, of ego intoxication. By worshiping himself, the illusion of the senses, other man (politics) and the material world. Man Just worship Demiurge and give their energies to him, exactly as a christian or Muslim these people ironically claim to detest and avoid their practices. Another trick to put humanity under the yoke, this yoke is matter and the human body itself. Pseudo-occultists like Anton S Lavey his followers believes Satan is the dark aspect of God a hidden force in nature, a concealed worshiper of the Demiuge/God in a more primordial from. Lavey was not and instrument in the hands of Satan, but indeed and instrument in the hand of God, Jehovah to confuse people with his hedonistic and ego-phylosophy, which is sold as LHP. Pseudo-occultist deny that Man may adore or worship God, both using the Left hand Path and the Right Hand Path. When you hail and worship thyself you are doing the same genuflexion and knee bending of the Christians and Muslims, submitting to weakness, which is the flesh. That is why the focus/worship must be on Satan the master, the highest power, untouched by divinity, the great Dragon born from the primordial chaos, which invites those who has still His Black Flames, even trapped in this filthy vessels of clay, the physical body and the soul still burning to become demonic entities of Fire in the after Life. Hail Satan, Make His will your Will, Love and submition to the Master in this temporal life and inthis filthy world is not a sign of weakness, but real strength and power, The Possession of the Demonic Soul within. We who are One with the master do not fear Death or suffering of flesh as Death is for us just anther step in the ladder of ascension, transformation and becoming into higher beings that shall live with the stellar realms. Magick is the science of God and Witchraft the science of the Devil which was taught to women by the Serpent, the manifestation of the Master in the form of Samael, also by the succubus Lilith and the Watchers imparted antinomian sorcery. The difference, Magick is usually male art, (in the occult are not the whims that the material illusion creates, and the soul/ astral body and other layers that conforms the human being are different in the male and the female, regardless what the new age gurus in order to please the public/mundanes affirm). Demiurge YHWH is a very Jealous entity very similar as how the impotent male act, specially if raised in the abrahamic religions. The body ( all aspects, astral, physical, mental..) were affected by the 'FILTH" or venom of Samael within woman, the archetypycal Eve, which decided to use the natural elements of the environment such as plants, animals, and inorganic sources to prepare formulas and the secret spells she leaned by the Demons/elemental spirits which are how the actual demons from sitra ahra or hell manifest in nature to commune with the Witch. Woman used this to alter Nature, herself and manipulate others. Part of this Venom was transmitted to Adam during copulation and blood, sexual kalas...which Eve offered to adam, in other to free him from the yoke of Demiurge and awaken the dormant powers within him, this conforms what the in a very distorted and childish way in the judeochristian tales and what is taught in the Abrahamic monotheistic religion is called ORIGINAL SIN, also explains why many covens of both Traditional witchcraft and Traditional Satanism practice similar practices during the initiation rites of the High Priestess to the males. Witchcraft always uses animal and plants substances as substances from the own body of the witch. In other Hand Magick does not need or require any of this added it has been just added by the new age dabblers of the Holy Art in this Aeon, For the Man, magicals tools and all that paraphernalia I see suggested by new age orders and some texts which just copy some deformed rites from Egypt or from chrsitianity is utterly unnecessary. So-called Magikal stores, Hougans, Root workers...mixed Magick and Witchcraft just to get money with the excise of obtaining certain materials. Actually the purified body of Man is the only and mos perfect instrument fro the work of Magick, where he transforms in a image of the Demiurge YHWH, the architect of the universe or cosmos shaping reality according his will, the main problem is the ego, the ego is of God, and as many of my readers may confirm, Most magicians ( i refer to any successful man in the material world, how Lavey defined the "satanist") Has a BIG EGO which the refer as "focusing on the self" to disguise it. This just will lead to spiritual regression and spiritual weakness in the long term. Another point is the previous topic of the "original sin" i know this has been kept secret from the pubic, and it has been revealed to me by the demons during meditation, not that i read from some "book" or webpage. Is Behind this lies the secret of Catholic and other Brotherhoods Celibacy of the Male, this people prefers to practice homosexuality or other sexual practices like pedophilia. In other to avoid to have sex with women thus, being "contaminated" by witchcraft, the essence of Lilith and the Venom of Samael. in the Muslim/ islamic religions, this explain the role of women and their tabooes concerning sexuality and women in religious services. Note: The inspiration to write this came from a ritual to Lilith and and the Watcher Azazel, so i most credit them. Ave Amma Lilith Mater Sucubarum ! Salve Azazel Mighty Lord of Black Witches ! "ELITISM is about being yourself and defining who You are, not about racial supremacy, Hate against other ethnicity or cultures or reviving the failed idiocy of National Socialism". i may be a very spiritual person but i am not a monk who lives in a mountain, neither some nerd who spend time reading 1001 books or any debris about the occult that appears, most material from the grimoires or the writing's of Crowley are obsolete and distorted of the ancient true mages of Atlantis and Hyperborea which was taken into Egypt later on. concerning the association with Christianity and the Abrahamic religions and the term born-again Satanist, how am i christian when i was not even baptized christian as a baby ? Neither i have ever accepted Jesus bastard son of the Demiurge. I am a Satanist out of personal revelation and demonic manifestation since i was seven years old. Not influences from the idiocies of the "satanic bible " of Lavey and that brutish animalistic anti-spiritual form of reverse Christianity the Americans called "satanism" which is Laveyanism because is the dogma and doctrine of Howard Stanton Levey no of the Lord Lucifer Satan, thus Laveyanism has nothing to do with Satanism. Concerning Magick i did not get into the occult to obtain magical power as 99.99% of people do, but with the purpose of studying and learning the path to get Closer to the Master Satan. Most people get into Satanism with the goal of power or personal gain and rebellion not of worshiping Lord Satan, otherwise they would remain in their society accepted religions adoring YHWH or adoring their own ego in some group as GD. OTO or Thelema...or in some new age stuff about alliens and gods in Flying Discs. Concerning Left Hand Path, probably i will make a video explaining the LHP from the perspective of a black adept and not some theories or eastern mysticsm. I am neither Left Hand Path or Right Hand Path, but of the Devil's path. As very wisely put in the text Fosforos by Frater Nefastos, our Path, Way, Do or Tao is the purification of both systems since only in the unification of the opposites the acosmic Black Flames will be freed and the true light of the Lucifer-Christos will be ignited in the heart of man. Althought the Dark Mask of the master must be kept for the profane and unitiated ones, as the Destructive Force, Horned monster, and the bringer of death and suffering to the world and humanity. The path of the Master is for the elite not for the sheep. Thus was written in the Red Book of Appin " For there is not God besides our lord the Devil and he has not other servants besides the devoted to him..." Serve the Devil or serve the Demiurge YHWH or serve the Ego to be tied by invisible shackles and chains feeling the lashes from the whip as the slaves, the materialist and the atheist are, unlike those from the abrahamic or pagan religions they have blind themselves not to see the Lord they obey by their will or not. Bound by the ego and love to matter the reflection of Jehovah which is. On Atheism: " The Atheist who denies the existence of spirits, God and the Devil is as the ignorant brute who denies the existence of bacteria and microbes and their power over matter, but, this one may come into light by the use of a microscope or magnifying glass. But the Atheist is worst, he or she by childish pride take the plume or pencil before signing his acceptance of paranormal phenomena and spirits and stick it into their eyes plucking then out from their sockets to keep in the blissful ignorance and denying a reality their childish ego just refuse to accept.” "Atheists must keep their heads stuck in the sands of their mundanes science, which they worship as the substitute of the God they were taught to believe in by parents or society, and now rebel against in a childish form. They look for answers in the putridness of matter, the illusion of their brute senses and some "science and technolgy" who has not being able to resurrect, the Disney guy is still waiting for a miracle, not able to make anybody live beyond mere 122 years of age, and not even able to put man beyond the earth's moon, which the skeptical even deny. How and intelligent and wise person put their trust in such manifestation of weakness ?" "He is the invisible Spirit, of whom it is not right to think of him as a god, or something similar. For he is more than a god, since there is nothing above him, for no one lords it over him. For he does not exist in something inferior to him, since everything exists in him. For it is he who establishes himself."--The Apocryphon of Jhon On Magick, Satanism and The Left Hand Path: Along the time as a spiritual teacher one of the most important topics i have tried to teach because it seems the most confusing aspect, specially due to wrong ideas spread without proper insight. This is the fact Satanism, Magick and Left Hand path are not the same, but i must affirm that 90 % or more of all I see that is put as Satanism is Magick or Left Hand Path in a wrong form. The cornerstone of Satanism is developing a relationship with the Master Satan Lucifer and His Demons, the focus on Satanism unlike, Magick or LHP is on Satan not upon the "self" or "man" as man is an insignificant creature in the eyes of Death and the Devil. Satan ( the Hebrew epythet to denote the Master) is apprehended as for what it is: An entity which exist outside human consciousness, like the sun, earth, moon. the stars..even we know the same substance that conforms the stars in the skies are also within us. Satan is multifaced entity which hides a divine essence that must be worship and adore from those who has reached that level or Gnosis or understanding and are not bound by fear and superstitions. In Satanism the Master is the center as we elevate our Black Flames into harmony with his divine essence. Magick is the manipulation of energy according the will, where man is god and god is man, Deus est Homo et Homo est Deus, thus man becomes the demiurge or the architect of her or her own destiny and design. The Left Hand Path or properly put what is defined as LHP in the west is a system of selfdeification, self empowerment and self-realization which may be compared to some physical training of a boxer or fighter before a match. LHP is also the ultivation of the inner Fire Serpent which some perceive as the tantric Kundalini, and raising the serpent above the crown Chackra or in a more advaced term "fusing our consciousness with that fire serpent", thus liberation of the shackles of the Maya or consensual reality. i will this until here to my readers. One of the aspects that differentiates Satanism from other religions or spiritual practices is the embrace of Duality, which most of the new age "gurus" put it as the source of suffering or something to be banished, exactly as the abrahamic religions do. The Master is a Dual Entity in the simplest form to put it for the limited human apprehension, but more a multi-entity "legion'. I often used both epythets Lucifer Satan, which are the appropriated ones for this Aen. Lucifer the beautiful an venusian aspect, the light bringer which stands for Love, intelligence and Sapience, often Reserved for those more advaced in the path. Satan the Hebrew enemy of the tyrant God (YHWH) and his abominable creation, the illusions of this world, and the creeds put in the Heart and Mind of man by the false god and his servants. All other epythets are useless outside ritual, simple because they are not longer symchronize with the mass consciousness and do not serve the purpose of opposition and pure Hate. Satanism represents Hate, not to the subhuman puppets but toward God, the great deceiver and vampyric entity, mockery and disdain toward what is holy for our enemies, their faith, dogma and tradition. Also Hate or opposition towards the manifestation of tyranny and control in the matrix of the consensual reality, for those satanists who like to take their Satanism into a more secular or mundane form. Satanism represents Love, Love toward the Master above all, as the creator of our Black Flames, the giver of Gnosis and liberation. Love toward other Satanists and others who even still shackled to this clayborn form we perceived the Black Flames burning with in them. Satanism is neither Left Hand Path or Right Hand Path, but the path of Satan. I will leave the concept of Luciferianism to the readers, since Luciferianism is indeed very simialr as the secret teachings of the early Christians and Some Forms of Budhism, as the Understood the concept of Lucifer-Christos- Budha. To the neophytes, must be remarked that early christianity or christian Gnosticism is very different than the Hoax and idiocy of modern Christianity, created by Constantine and the Church Fathers with the purpose of continuing worshiping the Tyrant Jehovah (YHWH) specially for power, riches and mass control. In Conclusion, Magick, Left Hand Path and Satanism usually go hand in hand are often practiced in conjunction by the Adept. But they must not be confused or presented one for the other. Satanism is a religion, Magick and LHP are not, and They are means to an end not and end in themselve. Silence veileth the Sphinx' smile Within the hollow idol's breast — To break the God's own wooden robe And add it to the Phoenix' nest. This Secret that is called "The Lie"-. There is no Truth, but Here is All. Not to deceive, but yet to test! --from Qutub, By Andrew Chumbley It has been said that for the ancient shaman, Dark sorcerer/ess the smell of the rain over the soil during a ritual is more powerful and exquisite than the finest Frankincense. I keep a rotting bird on my altar to feed the stench to the Lord of Death, this powerful smell when i am in front of my altar opens the gates within my subconscious mind to the other side, my chamber, myself is one with Death. Hail Tiamat Great Mother Dragon from the watery abyss of the primordial sea. Fill ourselves with thy venom and black Magick to Destroy Enki and his bastard minions, Under any mask the bastard creator god hides, He shall be destroyed. Destruction shall penetrate the very heart of creation ! Words of Satan came expressly to me, His hand was there upon all. We looked, and behold a whirlwind came out. A great cloud, and an infinite fire. So bright! And inside the mist has the colour of blood. And then came darkness. Four living creatures. With rings full of eyes; They went straight forward. Burning coals of Hate. Witnessing the treason. For we're impudent children, angels who shall perish! He was our light and our salvation; Now we dewll in the house of man. The anger stretched forth, over our heads above. Words of Satan came expressly to us. His eye was there upon all; Serve the lord with fear. Rejoice with trembling. The Wheel is upon the earth. And blessed are all men! When they trust in me they trust in the void of the Almighty! Though briars and thorns be with thee, my son has transgressed against Men. May the seven churches burn, and through liars I will stand... Eternally. Hal Lord LUCIFER . Haylel Ben Shachar, The Venusian and most beautiful aspect of Master Satan, which Illuminates with His beauty the heart of man, motivates rebellion, breaking of chains and the search of wisdom, intelligence and Transformation toward the Divine ! Ave Lucifer, Son of the morning ! One of the most debated subject among the occult and in the so-called Satanists or demonolators is if Satan and Lucifer are One and the same entity/being/power or stand for two different entities/beings/powers. I think the confusion comes because most people get their occult wisdom from the wisdom of the profane and not personal Black Magical work. Also, this is probably due to the influence of late Anton S Levey and his Church who copied the Book of the sacred magick of Abramelin, without any insight, just to arm their circus. While others just try to get rid of the "epithet" Satan to avoid the social stigma and affirm the follow "Lucifer" some beneficent angel or pagan god, in order to be accepted by the mundanes and their spiritual blindness and lack of gnosis. To point out my stand concerning this here i remark a brief excerpt from the Temple of The Black Light current 218, which is to my understanding one of the purest forms of true Satanism. Personally, I never take the word of others for granted, since the path is based on our own attainment and demonic revelation, notwithstanding I would invite to read the whole article as it reflects my own views on the subject: " Lucifer is therefore the antithesis and enemy of the limiting and stagnating structures of the cosmos and the eternal adversary of the powers that aim to limit the eternal and unbound becoming of the formless Azoth. Because of all the abovementioned thoughts about the nature of this acosmic power, which we have linked to the forms of Lucifer, it should be clear that this Bringer of Forbidden Light is the very same essence as the Accuser and the Adversary called Satan. For Lucifer must, in order to enlighten, act upon an existing darkness and in order to bring truth he must first dispel the lie. So the very nature and effect of a Lucifer makes him into a Satan of that which he must act as an antithesis of. Satan means 'adversary', 'opposer' and 'accuser'. Satan and Lucifer are therefore not two separate entities/gods/principals/powers, but one and the same essence of Spiritual Fire (Throne of South). The word Lucifer describes our father's effect on those of us who walk on the left hand path and are in harmony with his dark gnosis, while Satan is the word that describes our father's effect/reaction towards that which blots out the acosmic truth and those faithful and blinded slaves of the demiurge that walk on the right hand path of the White Light. Because of this gnosis about the true nature of Lucifer-Satan the name/word Lucifer is often used during those rites that have as their aim to bring forth the blessings and the illumination of the Black Light, while the word/name Satan more often is uttered and called upon within more adversarial and destructive contexts. But both names represent the exact same essence, just seen from two different perspectives. Lucifer-Satan is the Outer Eternal Black Fire whose reflection within the microcosm burns within us in the form of the Black Flame of Spirit. Lucifer and Satan are only two of the many words/names that are used within the Satanic/Luciferian tradition linked to the Firstborn of the Black Light. A few examples of other forms used within the pantheons of the dark traditions that represent the same illuminating and adversarial power we have linked with Lucifer-Satan are: Kingu, Apep, Set, Typhon, Ahriman, Angra Mainyu, Shaitan, Surt, Loke, Exu Maioral, Samael, Lotan, Diabolus, Prometheus and Azerate, which is a word linked to the fullness of the anti-cosmic power of the Nightside." --The Temple of The Black Light, Current 218 (Satanic/ Luciferian Chaos Gnostism magickal order from Sweden). Some people may think i am trying to return the human mentality and conciousness to obscurantism or some shamanic age of susperstitions. When we live with technology, fast food and women with platic boobs or some were born men...etc. Spirits have always existed and shall continue existing either man belive in them or not, by the lack of interaction with this beings humanity has lost their connection with nature and the divine which leads to not knowing what wo/man is, also the lost of the psyquic abilities and perception thus numbing the senses both internal and external, One of the ways to fight the emprisoning consensual reality or "cage of the Demiurge" how i call it, is by having interaction with spiritual beings through sorcery rituals. I know of people who call themselves "satanists" and work with or petition Celestial intelligences or their abrahamic religious name archangels, Satanists are only loyal to Satan and his Demons, Man cannot serve two masters. The Angelic entities are toxic and energy draining for those who carry the essense of the Devil. Myself when i was young and naive dabbling with magick, i conjure and Archangel and the next day had a car acident, also when i have practice the Lesser Banishing ritual of the Pentagram GD style, have felt energy dead and slothful. Unless the person is a hougan which most of them are charlatans who just play with the peoples minds or the person work two hands, most mundanes do. I do not advice the work or relation with Angels. Chaos Gnosticsm is the innards of my belief, so it is anticosmic Satanism, Chaos-Gnostism is inspired by the ancient religion called Gnosticsm which was built on the belief that the cosmic Demiurge- who in different religion is called Yaweh,God, Zeus, Odinn, etc.-Is the evil god in the material creation of the cosmos. The light, the Demiurge is distributing is a false light and unclean lighta metaphor- for a lie and a illusion-and the Demiurge is more of a tyrant than a savior. Thus the cosmic Demiurge is and evil god who enslaves souls and imprison them so that they become nothing more than a shell of clay, blind and unenlightened, while the true Light bringer Lucifer-Loki-Prometheus is the savior who will enlighten you with the authentic light, and will guide you out of the shackles of the Demiurge to finally transcend into the acosmic Chaos. "Beauty is mysterious as well as terrible. God and devil are fighting there, and the battlefield is the heart of man." ~ Fyodor Dostoevsky "In our times of vanity, let forgiveness die, and let penitence restore humility. Indifferent to the judgement of men, confident of the teachings of the Lord, my actions and faith are between me and my god. "~Grey Rigorism, Merrimack. DO, YOUR OWN RESEARCH AND BUILD YOUR OWN GNOSIS BY YOUR OWN SPIRITUAL PRACTICE, I AM NOT THE CHRIST OR BUDHA, I AM MEANT TO DESTROY THE LIE/LIGHT AS SATAN THE DESTROYER, NOT TO BUILD A NEW TRUTH, AS EVERY TRUTH REFLECTED BY MAN IS IMPERFECT AND DISTORTED BY HIS OWN EGO. BUT, BUILD YOUR OWN TRUTH ILLUMINATED BY YOUR OWN LIGHT GUIDED BY THE LUCIFERCHRISTOS AND MASTER LUCIFER-SATAN WHO IS THE GREAT SPIRIT, OUR CHAOS FATHER WHO CREATED OUR SPIRITS/BLACK FLAMES/ATMA, BEFORE THE COSMOS AND MATTER WAS BORN. Ad Mairorem Satanas Luciferi Gloriam ! O Laudate Dominus Satanas. Written from visions and inspirations from the spring solstice to the summer solstice of 2013 (era vulgaris). Napoleon Fernandez _|_ 666 _|_
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