VI IP (SY)080411021410

March 27, 2018 | Author: yesh_t4000 | Category: Numerical Control, Machining, Finite Element Method, Linear Programming, Operations Management



Theory Papers Max.Marks-100 Min.Marks-35 Duration-3hrs.Unit 1 Operations Management (OM): Definition, history, industrial and IT revolution (ERP); tangible and service products continum, employment shift from agriculture, manufacturing to service; customer orientation; basic process formats on product volume-variety graph; concept of raw process time, critical WIP, bottle neck thruput and cycle-time with example of Penny-Fab-1,2; Littles law, best and worst case performance, thruput and cycle time formula in practical-worst-case; criteria of performance, decision area business strategy, environment scan, SWOT, Porters’ five forces, core competency, competitive priorities of cost, quality, time and flexibility, order winners; production strategy of Make To Order-MTO, MTS and ATO (assemble to order); productivity, standard of living and happiness. Unit 2 Product:-Life Cycle and PLC management; design steps, evolution and innovation, traditional v/s concurrent design, form and functional design, simplification and standardization, differentiation/ mass customization, modular design, design for mfg and environment (DFM, DFE), technologies used in design. Service characteristics and classification based on people-things v/s direct-indirect service actions, service triangle of customer, provider and system; technical and functional (delivery) service quality and other service performance factors, Valerie’s service quality model; globalization of services. Unit 3 Processes: transformation and value addition, selection based on cost, quality and flexibility considerations; reliability, bath-tub curve, series and parallel components, MTBF; availability and maintainability, preventive maintenance, TPM; value analysis; replacement models; Quality-definition, Taguchi loss function, cost of quality, chain action of improving quality to productivity to motivation and low cost; product and process specs; the funnel-marble experiment and variance reduction, process capability, six sigma and its implementation by DMAIC, QFD, TQM and ISO-9000. Unit 4 Plant-facilities: Impact of organization strategies on choice of region and site, existing or new organization, decision-affecting factors for location, load distance, dimensional and factor analysis methods, Brown-Gibson model, foreign locations, non-profit govt. services (health, school) locations. facility layout objectives and factors, basic layouts, merits and optimization; subjective relationship ranking method, computer programs CRAFT and 3-d modeling; problems of inventories flow and operators in process layout and inflexibility in product layout, flexible cellular layout, group technology; capacity and equipment selection, importance of spare capacity to reduce Q-length and cycle time. Unit 5 Programs/ procedures of production control (PPC): corporate and production planning process, aggregate plan, master production schedule and material planning; matching supply to demand fluctuations over time horizon, Forecasting elements, time series, regression, causal and Delphi methods; use of LP in aggregate plan and HMMS model, assembly line balancing, elemental task, station time and cycle time, balance delays; sequencing, Johnson method for n-job 2/3 m/c, NP hard job-shop sequencing, heuristic dispatch rules; synchronous mfg, TOC, drum-buffer-rope and focus on bottleneck as control point; JIT lean mfg, Kanban and CONWIP shop floor controls, Kaizen. References: 1. Chary SN; Production and Operations Management; TMH 2. Hopp W and Spearman M; Factory Physics; TMH 3. Gitlow Howard et al; Quality Management; TMH 4. Khanna RB; Production and Operations Management; PHI 5. Vollman, berry et al; Manufacturing planning and control for SCM; TMH. 6. Chase Richard B et al; Operations management; SIE-TMH Course Interdisciplinary DID-2 Title Operations Management Course Contents Code Credits-4C AU/IP/ME/TX L T P 601 3 1 23 Quality Management. variability and shapes. D. c and u charts. use of control charts in evaluating past. do.Marks-35 Duration-3hrs.definition. Taguchi loss function. aids and barriers to quality mgt. Operations management. historical perspective. TQM and ISO 9000. present and future trends. teamwork. producer and consumer risk. diagnosing a process. Ishikava. defect detection and prevention. Unit 4 Process diagnostics: Between and Within Group variations.. interrelationship. Unit 2 Process. TPM and quality awards. periodic and persistent disturbances. References: 1. wild. unstable and stable process capability studies and examples. change concepts and waste elimination Unit 5 Process improvement: Performance and technical specifications. sampling. single. M. policy setting and review. Production and Operations Management. Quality Planning and Analysis Sharma P. Chase Richard B et al. multi-universe. measures of central tendency. np . TQM. cross functional teams and coordination. funnel-marble experiment. count and classification charts. conformance and performance. SIE-TMH Chary SN. 3. quality. act). chain action of improving quality to productivity to motivation and low cost. TMH 24 . cost of quality. and R charts. Quality is still free. attributes enumerative and variables analytic studies. kp rule for stable and chaotic processes. study of out-of-control evidences. operating characteristic (OC) curve. Sultanchand Crosby Philips. control chart patterns-natural. measurement of key indicators. level-shift. attribute and variable improvement studies. study. TQM. Oppenheim et al. construction and interpretation of p . double and multiple/sequential sampling plans. New Amer Library Naidu Babu and Rajendran. attribute control charts. cause-effect.definition. New age International pub. creating vision and initiating transformation. establishing programs for education and self improvements. variation and feedback. Gitlow HS. information technology and Business Process Re-engineering (BPR). theoretical invalidation of AS. flowchart of policy mgt and relation with daily mgt. 6. Deming’s theory of mgt. Unit 3 SQC-Control charts: basic discrete and continuous distributions. size and central value theorem. control chart structure. 4. goalpost and kaizen view. PDSA cycle(plan. 5. 2.Category Departmental Core DC-12 Course Contents Title Code Credits-4C Total Quality AU/IP 602 L T P Management 3 1 and SQC Theory Papers Max. points. Unit 1 Evolution of total quality management. cycle. brainstorming. attribute-process and variable-process capability studies. systematic and matrix diagrams. quality of design. process plotting and stability. Inspection: acceptance sampling(AS).lot formation. fourteen points and variance reduction.rules of adjustment and its effects. relationship and other out of control patterns. 7.Marks-100 Min. quality mgt leader. TMH Juran J. Gear shaping. methods of thread production. 5. components & accessories. Boston. shaper operations. 4. diving head and indexing mechanism of it. single point cutting tools. 25 . gear shaving. broaches and broaching machines. generating process. radial and universal drilling machines. Study of center less grinding machine/ tool and cutter type grinding machine. basics of CD-ROM players. centre-less grinding. Unit V: Mechatronics: Introduction to control systems. Lindberg – Materials & Processes of Manufacture.Marks-100 Min.specification. electromagnetic type. tool signature and nomenclature Unit II: Grinding: Types of grinding machines. specifications.II 7. Knight WA. Manufacturing processes and systems. PLC. Munoz J and Oswald PF. Unit IV: Shapers: Classification and specifications. horizontal and universal type machines. Study of radial drilling machine and preparing a job on it. principle parts. milling cutters. 3. capstan & turret lathes. Hazra Chowdhary. depth of cut. various operations on lathes. Unit III: Milling: Vertical. CRC-Taylor and francis 4. 8. Wiley India 2. applications. specifications and classifications of milling machines. transfer function. drilling . gear cutting. step turning. procedure for writing transfer function. universal dividing head plain and different indexing. Groover MP. machining time. grinding wheels. Surface qualities. References: 1. thread cutting and knurling . magnetic type. analog control.Marks-35 Duration-3hrs. gear grinding gear testing. Work shop technology by Raghuvanshi-Vol-II 9. 6. PHI 3. expand it): 1. drilling time. Drilling & Broaching: Fixed spindle. causes for surface irregularities. Manufacturing processes. cylindrical and internal grinding. tool layout. Fundamentals of modern manufacturing. wheel turning and dressing without eccentricity. equipment used for rating surfaces. signal flow diagram. Workshop Tech. Boothroyd G. transducers and other sensors. Metal Processing. CLA value. Study of horizontal/ universal milling machine. lathe.Category Departmental Core DC-13 Course Contents Title Code Credits-6C Metal Cutting IP/ ME 603 L T P and CNC 3 1 2 machines Theory Papers Max. Kaushish JP. introduction to electronic components like switches. Production Processes by HMT List of Experiment (Pl. Unit I: Lathe: Classification of machine tools and their basic components. 5. machining time. tapper turning . methods of forming gears. quick return mechanism. 6. surface. rms. 2. CNC machines. To study a sapping machine to learn about working of quick return mechanism. To cut a spur gear on milling machine using rapid indexing method. speed feed. Gear Cutting: Die casting. broaching principle. To make a complicate job on lathe machine with all operations like turning. Wiley India. servo motors. Fundamentals of machining and machine tools. automated part program generation. forces in m/c. canned cycles of CNC milling machine. CNC Programming Manual MIRAC 5. application issues in rapid prototyping. Category Departmental Core DC -14 Unit 2 Computer Assisted Part Programming: The APT System. thermal analysis. Production System & CIM. electrochemical m/c: classification. Unit 3 Rapid Prototyping: fundamental of rapid prototyping. position and motion control. applications. Unit 4 Modern Machining Process: Introduction and classification. References: 1. design. surface machining methods. Science. constructional features of NC machines. programming words. List of Experiments (Pl. adaptive control. 6. Gcodes and M-codes for CNC lathe.H. tool material. basic circuitry. application & limitation. Zeid. CAD/CAM Theory & Practice. geometry statements. mechanics of cutting. T. macro definitions. principles.I.H. chemical engraving. dielectric fluid. electrochemical grinding. computations. Electron Beam m/c: theory.Marks-100 Non conventional Min. decisions and looping. pocket machining methods. McGraw-Hill 4. Groover. cutting tool design. Unit 5 Electrical Discharge M/c (EDM): Mechanisms of metal removal. mechanics of metal removal. accuracy and surface finish. micro-drilling by laser. 7. metal removal. optimization analysis. solid based rapid prototyping system. economic considerations. Industrial Manufacturing Process. transducer. cutting speed and accuracy.Numerical Control: Concepts and types. introduction to multiaxis programming. application & limitations. Unit 1. chemical blanking. EIA codes. micro fabrication and nanofabrication technologies. Standard Publishers.M. Plasma Arc M/c: Non-thermal generation of plasma. P. Production Process 3. continuous path part programming. effect of parameters. rapid prototyping technologies. Metal working. 2. abrasive jet m/c: principles. subscripted variables. electro-chemistry of process. Ghosh & Malik. m/c accuracy. dynamics and hydrodynamics of process. process capability. Rowe. engineering analysis and planning. effect of parameters. Arnold. liquid based rapid prototyping system. process parameters. part programming and debugging. tool feed mechanism.Study and operation of non-conventional machines 26 . ultrasonic m/c: principles. chemical m/c: chemical milling. CNC. metal removal rate. choice of electrolytes. application & limitations. expand it): 1.Manual and computer assisted programming for machining parts on CNC lath and milling machines 2. evaluation of metal removal rate. CNC canned cycles. Pandey & Singh.Course Content Title Code Credits-6C Theory Papers NC machines and IP 604 L T P Max. DNC and machining center. Numerical Control Programming in APT Irvin H Kral Prentice Hall 5. Avitzur. elements of process. analysis for optimization. CNC Programming Manual TRIAC. principles and process parameters. machine axis definition. characteristics and limitations of macro. surface finish.Marks-35 3 1 2 machining Duration-3hrs. Introduction to nano-technology. process parameters. design of velocity transformers. absolute and incremental programming. micro fabrication process. Production Engg. Laser Beam m/c: features. programming of CNC machines MIRAC and TRIAC. metal removal rate. deburring and honing: principles and process parameters. various parameters. application & limitation. . node numbering rule. convex sets. Ramnath & Co. 8. Operation Research.. activity and event times. risk and uncertainty. maximin and minimax principles. graphical and algebraic methods of solution. TMH 3. Text Book of Operation Research. macMillan Pub. References: 1. Optimization.assignment model.. history and development of OR. S.. Suggested List of Experiments (Pl. Chand. saddle point. model building. Operation Research. revised simplex. D.. transshipment. Hira & Gupta. Meerut. decision making models under certainty. Bellman’s principle. expand it): Use computer and software to solve problems contained in the syllabus 27 . Unit 5 Network (NW) models for projects: Activity and event presentation on NW. J. probability of completing project in estimated times. two persons zero sum games. Kedarnath. Operation Research. salesmen problem. unbalanced. degeneracy unbalanced problems. 2. 4. slack and floats. Jain Bros. duality in LP. graphical method. A. forward and backward recursion. use of software to solve LP and DP problems. dummy activity.Category Interdisciplinary DID-3 Title Operation Research I Course Content Code IP 605 Credits-6C Theory Papers L T P Max. work breakdown structure. 5.. 7.. big-M-method. Delhi. Sharma JK. process of OR. Unit 3 Decision and Game theory: Decision tree. solution by transforming into linear programming problem Unit 4 Dynamic programming: Characteristics of dynamic optimization model. K. transportation. forward and backward pass calculations of earliest/ latest start/ finish time. traveling sales man and miscellaneous problem. unrestricted variables. Hillier and Lieberman Introduction to OR. Jain Bros. Sharma S. rectangular. parametric linear programming. critical path. Taha H. simplex method. time scaled NW. summary and detailed blowup NW. Unit 1 Linear Programming: Introduction. degeneracy in LPP. S. single and multiple goal programming algorithms. branch and bound algorithm.. activity-cost tradeoff and crashing of NW. dominance. linear programming– formulation. two-phase method. typical problems. PHI. cutting plane algorithm.Marks-35 Duration-3hrs. Chitale A. 6. Delhi.hungarian method. sensitivity analysis. Unit 2 Allocations in LPP. resource leveling and critical chain. Banerjee B. Negi. use of PERT for activity duration uncertainty.Marks-100 3 1 2 Min. Operation Research.optimality test. Rao S. OR Theory and Application. manageable work units. Bombay. Business Publicity. introduction to integer programming. Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin FEM. Finite Element Analysis. 1-2-3-d elements and length of elements.analytical. Practical Finite Element Analysis. bearing and shrink fit simulations. experimental. shear. classical design for infinite life and design for warranty life.Marks-30 Min. Unit 2 Types of analysis in CAE. Pune. buckling.Reddy an introduction to finite element method.Marks-15 Practical in CAD/CAM lab covering following topics: Unit 1 Methods to solve engineering problems. 686 Budhwar Peth. quality checks for tetra meshing. their merits and comparison. PHI. torsion. Finite to Infinite. dynamic. free edge. Finite Element Analysis. TMH 7. importance of meshing. chain-bumping-stages vs concurrent-collaborative design cycles. fatigue.Category IT 5 Course Contents Title Code Credits-3 C Computer Aided IP/ME 607 L T P Engineering (CAE) 3 Practical Max. TMH 8. introduction to weld. computer as enabler for concurrent design and Finite Element Method (FEM). Unit 4 Three-dimension meshing and elements. 6. case studies. duplicate node and shell normal. theory and programming. comparison between tria and quad elements. only 3 DOF. mechanical systems with mass. warranty yard meetings and functional roles.Seshu P. force stiffness and displacement matrix. distortion.) 28 . Schaum series. boundary conditions. The finite element Method. stress-strain. Practical applications of FEA in new design.Martin and Grahm. 2. damper and spring. use of morphing technique in FEA. 5. crash NVH and CFD. References: 1. Introduction to finite element Analysis (Theory and App. et al. stiffness constant K for tensile. jacobian. bending and torsion. design for manufacturing (DFM) aspects in product development. Textbook of Finite Element Analysis. how to do meshing. climatic conditions and design abuses.Krishnamoorthy. review of normal. analytical and FEM solution for single rod element and two rod assembly. Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) and design. effect of mesh density and biasing in critical region. quality checks. special elements and techniques. brick meshing and quality checks. degree of freedom (DOF). thermal. TMH 4. Introduction to finite element Method . Unit 3 Two-dimension meshing and elements for sheet work and thin shells.Zienkiewicz. types of forces and moments. TMH 3. optimization/ cost-cutting and failure analysis. process and product optimization. bolt. tri-axial stresses.Desai Chandrakant S et al. static (linear/ non linear).Gokhle Nitin. floating and fixed trias. post processing techniques Unit 5 Review of linear optimization. discretization into smaller elements and effect of size/ shape on accuracy. CAE and test data correlations.Buchanan. moment of inertia. stretch. algorithm for tria to tetra conversion. numerical.
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