
March 17, 2018 | Author: Bogdan Adascalitei | Category: Projectile Weapons, Military Equipment, Armoured Fighting Vehicles, Combat Vehicles, Vehicles



VersiuniSoviet Union BRDM-2UM in Yad la-Shiryon Museum, Israel, 2005. 9P122 "Malyutka" in Saint Petersburg Artillery Museum. Polish 9P133 at the Centrum Tradycji Polskich Wojsk Pancernych in aga , Poland. distinguished by its turret. Final production model had two additional turret periscopes. is unusual in that it has no top hatch opening.9P137 "Flejta" in Saint Petersburg Artillery Museum.5 si 7. It was also known under designations BTR40PB. one on top of turret and the other one on the left hand side of the turret and a TNA-2 navigation apparatus.[9] . The conical turret. which mounts two machine guns (14. Modelul final avea doua periscoape aditionale in turela.basic reconnaissance vehicle. BTR-40P-2 and GAZ 41-08. the driver. and the co-gunner. BTR-40P-2 si GAZ 41-08 Afghanistan y BRDM-2 converted into an improvised fire support vehicle with a complete 57 mm rocket pod and pylon from aircraft or helicopter mounted upside down on the turret roof.62 mm).62 mm) este diferita prin faptul ca nu are trapa sus. Turela conica cu doua mitraliere (14. y y BRDM-2 . unul deasupra si unul pe partea stanga si un aparat de navigare TNA2. 9P31 Strela-1 in Saint Petersburg Artillery Museum. Versiunile beta aveau guri de ventilatie in forma de ciuperca deasupra compartimentului motorului. It also has a land navigation system that gives co-ordinate readings.5 mm and 7. Late Production version had mushroom-type vents on top of engine compartment. Era de asemenea cunoscut sub numele de BTR-40PB. iese in evidenta prin turela s-a care este aceeasi ca si cea motata pe BTR-60PB. This model carries a crew of four: the commander. Acest model are un sistem de navigare care ofera citirea coordonatelor. 9P148 "Konkurs" in Saint Petersburg Artillery Museum. the gunner.[ BRDM-2 ± vehicul de recunoastere de baza. which is the same as that mounted on the BTR-60PB. BRDM-2 modified for usage by Estonian Police. side hatches. next to the driver's hatch. reworked turret with square extrusion on side.30E2 of 155 hp for a range of 900 km. It was recently developed by Cuba. slat-type armour over vision ports. a new NBC protection system.[9] Alesiya ± BRDM-2 modificat pentru uzul civil ca masina amfibie de transport BRDM-2MB1 . boxed-in exhausts. There's also an IR spotlight on top of the .Upgraded model with Renault DCI 4C turbocharged diesel engine with power of 162 hp (121 kW). Estonia y BRDM-2 Politsei . six MB smoke grenade dischargers.Upgraded BRDM-2 with new diesel engine D245. The firing ports also have been removed. new day/night vision devices and an NSVT 12.[9] LOT-B sau BRDM-2/99 ± Model imbunatatit cu motor turbo-diesel Renault DCI 4C de 162 cp. The armament has been removed and a police lighting array was placed on top of the turret along with a cover. GPS.30E2 de 155 cp cu autonomie de 900 km.y BRDM-2 convertit intr-un vehicul de suport cu foc cu un lansator de rachete de 57 mm si un turn de la avion sau elicopter montat invers pe deasupra turelei [edit] Belarus y y y y Alesiya . The turret has been removed and a M-38/43 120 mm mortar has been mounted in the modified crew compartment. The vehicle doesn't have the belly wheels.7 mm heavy machine gun. A fost recent dezvoltat in Cuba. Conversia este facuta de Centrala de Reparatii 140 in Borisov [edit] Bosnia and Herzegovina y y BRDM-2 based tank destroyers converted into APCs. It is also known as BRDM-2NG.[9] BRDM-2 convertit in platforma mortar. Tureta a fost eliminata si un mortar M-38/43 de 120 mm a fost montat in compartimentul pentru echipaj modificat.[9] Distrugatoare de tancuri bazate pe BRDM-2 convertite in APC-uri [edit] Cuba y y BRDM-2 converted into a mortar platform. Trei cutii mari cu munitie si echipament sunt localizate in spatele deschiderii de pe acoperis (plafonul superior) [edit] Czech Republic y y LOT-B or BRDM-2/99 (lehký kolový obrn ný transportér) . Three large boxes with ammunition and equipment are located behind the roof opening. The vehicle also has a small radio antenna on the left hand side of the hull. The conversion is carried out by the 140th Repair Plant in Borisov.[10] BRDM-2MB1 ± BRDM-2 imbunatatit cu motor diesel D245.Modified BRDM-2 for civilian usage as an amphibious armoured truck. [9] o SPW-40P2 M/F . o SPW-40P2 (Ch) .62 mm PKT coaxial general purpose machine gun. It was intended to be used for fire support. BRDM-2 Politsei ± BRDM-2 modificat pentru a fi utilizat de politia estoniana.[9]  SPW-40P2UM fitted with 2x5 mechanical launcher systems for the FLG 5000 illuminating rockets that were operated from outside the vehicle. Trapele pentru executarea focului au fost eliminate. It was used by commanders of reconnaissance platoons and companies. Armamentul a fost eliminat si o sirena de politie a fost plasata deasupra turelei. This vehicle is used by New Iraqi Army.NVA designator for BRDM-2Rkh. Acest vehicul este utilizat de Noua Armata a Iraq-ului [edit] Israel y y BRDM-2 converted into an ATGM launcher vehicle with its turret replaced by a pintle mount for TOW-type ATGM launcher.locally developed command version with telescopic mast.[9] Withdrawn of service.[9] BRDM-2 convertit in vehicul lansator ATGM ?!?! acronim nu stiu pt ce ?!?! cu turela inlocuita de un cadru cu doua aruncatoare ATGM tip TOW [edit] Hungary .NVA designator for BRDM-2UM. Only one vehicle was modified in 1987. BRDM-2 armat cu doua mitraliere grele ZPU-2 cal 14.62 mm BRDM-2 armed with ZPU-2 twin 14.NVA designator for BRDM-2. o SPW-40P2UM .signals vehicle with R-123MT radio and TNA-3 navigation system. The vehicle has two rear view mirrors. Only one vehicle was modified in 1987.[9] BRDM-2 inzestrat cu armament de 23 mm in locul mitralierei grele de 14. Este destinat pentru suportul cu foc si aparare anti-aeriana. There are two periscopes in the left side of the turret.[9] o SPW-40P2(K) .5 mm KPV heavy machine gun and a 7.y turret.[9] [edit] Iraq y y y y BRDM-2 armed with 23 mm gun with top handle and cylindrical flash eliminator instead of 14.5 pt lupta antiaeriana (in locul turelei). Its intended to be used for fire support and air defense. Prezinta doua periscoape pe partea stanga a turelei.  SPW-40P2UM fitted with 2x4 mechanical launcher systems for the FLG 5000 illuminating rockets that were operated from within the vehicle.5 mm si un PKT de 7.5 mm antiaircraft heavy machine guns instead of a turret. Also the hull has been stretched. A fost retras din serviciu. Vehiculul are doua oglinzi retrovizorii. It was also known under designation SPW BRDM-2. [edit] East Germany y SPW-40P2 (Schützenpanzerwagen) . There's a small hatch in the rear most probably used to make repairs Morozov upgraded version with SMD-21-08 diesel engine with power of 145 hp (108 kW). Unele sunt inzestrate cu o turela tip BTR-80.BRDM-2PPM ± BRDM-2 covertit in vehicul de lupta si salvare.BRDM-2 converted into a fire and rescue vehicle. Obloanele blindate de pe parbrizul din fata si trapele pt foc au fost eliminate. sistem GPS etc.BRDM-2 converted for civil use. original pe benzina.245-9 de 136 cp). Doua dintre luminile pt condus au fost eliminate. roti noi. Used by Hungarian unit of ISAF. Versiunea selectata de rusi pt fortele armate este produsa de Arzamas y BRDM-2PPM . armament nou si usi laterale. Doau ferestre au fost adaugate pe colturile din fata ale calei. GPS etc. Alte 4 ferestre au fost adaugate pe fiecare parte a calei (doua pe fiecare parte).[9] BRDM-2 vehicul blindat de cercetare cu doua oglinzi retrovizorii. The armoured shutters on the front windshields and firing ports have been removed. It also has new transmission system and new . inlocuita de o super-structura indeajuns de inalta incat un om adul tsa poata sta in picioare inauntru. Another four windows have been added on each side of the hull (two per each). Este folosit de unitatile ISAF din Ungaria RUSSIA y BRDM-2M . There are actually several upgrades with this designator. The version that was selected by the Russian armed forces is made by Arzamas BRDM-2M ± versiune modernizata ce prezinta cateva imbunatatiri. tall enough to have an adult man standing inside Uba ± BRDM-2 convertit pentru uz civil. The turret has been replaced with some kind of crate. Toate au motorul. new armament and side doors. Two windows have been added on front corners of the hull. All of them have the original gasoline engine replaced by a diesel engine (GAZ-562 of 175 hp or Steyr D. two of the driving lights have been removed. [edit] Ukraine y BRDM-2D or BRDM-2SMD . inlocuit cu unul diesel (GAZ-562 de 175 cp sau Steyr D.y y BRDM-2 armoured scout car with two rear view mirrors. Partea din fata a calei a fost complet reconstruita. Slovakia y y BRDM-2 fitted with a new engine. There are two side hatches.[1] BRDM-2 inzestrat cu motor nou.Modernised version. Rotile de pe burta au fost eliminate. six MB smoke grenade dischargers on the back of the turret and some are additionally fitted with a BTR-80 style turret. new wheels.245-9 of 136 hp).[9] . The front of the hull has been completely rebuilt as it was replaced by a tall superstructure. y Uba . Turela a fost inlocuita inlocuita. Exista doua trape laterale si o trapa mica in spate folosita cel mai probabil pentru a executa reparatii rapide. Belly wheels have been removed. upgrade from NRMZ with IVECO 138 hp diesel engine and side doors. Este inca in stadiul de prototip. It is fitted with the MILES laser-tag system and the whoopie light to indicate if the vehicle is hit. In service. A fost prezentat pentru prima data in 2005. For the first time presented in 2005. BRDM-2DI .y y y radio equipment. [edit] United States of America y y BRDM-2 used by US Army in OPFOR role. Este inca in uz. BRDM-2DI ± upgradat de la NRMZ cu motor diesel IVECO de 138 cp si usi laterale. Rotile de pe burta au fost eliminate si au fost adaugate trape laterale. Prototype.[1][13] BRDM-2D sau BRDM-2SMD ± versiune imbunatatita cu motor diesel SMD-21-08 de 145 cp. Este inzestrat cu sistemul MILES de marcare laser si lumina indicatoare in cazul in care vehiculul este lovit . Are de asemenea sistem nou de transmisie si echipament radio nou. BRDM-2 folosit de armata SUA cu rol in OPFOR. The belly wheels have been removed and side hatches added.
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