Version Policies and Configuration Requirements for IP-Based GSM-20110421-A-V1.3

March 23, 2018 | Author: cloudsun | Category: Internet Protocols, Communications Protocols, Gsm, Network Packet, Data Transmission



GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration RequirementsINTERNAL Doc. Code Confidential ity Level Product Department INTERNAL Product Name Product Version Delivery Issue GSM GBSS9.0/12.0 GSM/UMTS Department V1.25 GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements Prepared by GSM/UMTS Department Delivery Date 2010-07-01 Reviewed by Reviewed by Approved by Date Date Date 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 1 of 28 GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 2 of 28 Ma Hongbin Ma Hongbin 2010-08-06 V1. Description of configuration of CN software parameters added.0 key problems updated.0 key problems added.0 added. Ma Hongbin Ma Hongbin Guo Wei Ma Hongbin 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 3 of 28 . 3. Recommended wireless network (WN) product versions and CN product versions updated.6"GBSS 12. Link related to the workaround guide and some comments updated. 2. 1.15 Ma Hongbin 2010-12-15 V1. Description of GBSS12. Configuration requirements for GBSS12. Document name changed. 6. GBSS9. UMG version updated. 6. 8. Recommended core network (CN) product versions and BSC versions updated. 5. 2. Version requirements for GBSS12. 1. 3. List of parameters for interconnecting CN products to the WN products added. 7.10 Description Author 2010-07-01 2010-07-29 Draft completed. 1. Requirements for the IPCLK Server version added. Recommended BSC versions interconnected to the NSN in A over IP updated. 4. Section 3. Configuration descriptions of FR/HR AMR TrFO software parameter added. Descriptions of GSM HR Toc added. 4.0 versions updated.20 2010-12-20 2011-3-10 V1. Document panoramic view added. Precaution/restriction description added. 5.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL Change History Date Revision Version V1.25 1. Description of interconnection of Aover-IP products and products of other vendors added.0 added. Description of GBSS9.12 Ma Hongbin 2010-09-19 V1. 2.21 V1.00 V1. 7. 2.0 Network Problem Avoidance Guides" added. Description of A over TDM/IP dualstack application added. GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 4 of 28 . ....................................2 Version Requirements on WN.12 2..............2 Configuration Requirements on CN (Huawei).......17 2......................................................................................................18 2..........................................................................................................3 BSC Software Parameter Setting (GBSS 12....................................................................................................0 A over IP)............................0 IP.........................................................2 BSC Software Parameter Setting (GBSS 9.........................................................3 BSC Software Parameter Setting (GBSS 12.............................................9 1.....................9 1.............15 2...................................21 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 5 of 28 .....................12 2.............10 1................................17 2........................................11 1.....2 Configuring the AMR Rate Set (Standard Protocol in A over IP)..............................1 IP to GBSS 9......................................9 1...........................4 Configuring Other Software Parameters on CN (Standard Protocol in A over IP).....0 A over IP)................................................................20 3......................................................................................................................1 General Policies.................20 3...................10 1..................................15 2......1 Configuration Requirements on WN............................2 BSC Software Parameter Setting (GBSS 9...............17 2.............1..............3 Configuring TrFO Compatible with AMR FR/HR (Standard Protocol in A over IP)..........................3 Configuring TrFO Compatible with AMR FR/HR (Standard Protocol in A over IP)............................................................................................3 Version Requirements on CN (Huawei)..........2 GBSS 8..................................4 Version Requirements for IPCLK Server (Huawei)............20 3........................................0 A over IP).........................................12 2...17 2..................................................................................................................4 Version Requirements for IPCLK Server (Huawei)..............................................1 Upgrading GBSS 8...0/12.........2..11 2 Configuration Requirements..............12 2......................................................................................19 2....................................2 Version Requirements on WN.................2 Configuration Requirements on CN (Huawei)....3 Version Requirements on CN (Huawei)...................................................................0 A over IP)........12 2.........1 Configuring the Protocol in A over IP (Standard Protocol in A over IP)..............9 1...........1 Configuration of Speech Version and Rate Set (GBSS 9.........1 General Policies................2...........2...........................19 3 Precautions.....2.........................1 Configuration Requirements on WN................0 A over IP).............................18 2.........................1.....1.....................................................................................1 Configuring the Protocol in A over IP (Standard Protocol in A over IP)...................17 2....9 1..................................................0/12..............1 A IP Precaution Bulletin..2 Configuring the AMR Rate Set (Standard Protocol in A over IP)...............................................................................................................2..........1...............0 A over IP)....2...................0 IP..............GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL Contents 1 Commercial Version Policies.................................................2.............................1.......................................................................................................................................12 2....................................1..........12 2.........................4 Configuring Other Software Parameters on CN (Standard Protocol in A over IP)............................................................17 2...........................1 Upgrading GBSS 8.....................................1 Configuration of Speech Version and Rate Set (GBSS 9....................2.................................................1 IP to GBSS 9........ .4 GBSS 12...................2 GRAN&CN Parameter Check..............................................................27 3....................26 3...........................................28 4..........0)................................26 3..............................................0 Network Problem Avoidance Guides...............................6 GBSS 12................................................................................................................................9 A over IP Interworking with Competitors' Products..............................0 IP Precaution Bulletins and Key Problems....1 SRAN IP transmission document collection.......................................................................................................................................................................................26 3....................................................7 A over IP Restrictions on Early BTS Products like BTS30 and BTS312...................8 TOC in GSM_HR (GBSS 9..............0 A over IP)............................................................................0)...........1 A IP Precaution Bulletin....................................0 Network Problem Avoidance Guides..........................................................21 3........................0 IP Precaution Bulletins and Key Problems.........................7 A over IP Restrictions on Early BTS Products like BTS30 and BTS312....................................................................1 SRAN IP transmission document collection..................................................28 4............................................................................................................GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL 3......26 3......................................2 GRAN&CN Parameter Check...........................................25 3........................................................0 IP Precaution Bulletins and Key Problems....................................................5 GBSS 9..................0 A over IP)........................................5 GBSS 9......................... 28 4...............9 A over IP Interworking with Competitors' Products..............21 3..........3 GBSS 9...........27 4 Attachment..............2 GBSS 8.......................................................8 TOC in GSM_HR (GBSS 9...................................27 3..............................................3 GBSS 9........................................6 GBSS 12..28 4...........................................................................................26 3.................................................................................................................0 Network Problem Avoidance Guides......10 A over TDM/A over IP Dual-Stack Mode (GBSS12.........10 A over TDM/A over IP Dual-Stack Mode (GBSS12...26 3...21 3.................26 3....................0 Network Problem Avoidance Guides.....25 3............................................................26 3.....................28 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 6 of 28 ..............................4 GBSS 12.........................................................................................27 3..........................................0 IP Precaution Bulletins and Key Problems. ...................15 Configuring the protocol in A over IP...............................17 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 7 of 28 ...............................GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL Figures Querying reserved parameter 3..................... ................................................................................16 Bit 8 in software parameter P13...............0 IP precaution bulletins and key problems..........................21 GBSS 9.22 GBSS 12................................................................................................................25 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 8 of 28 ................19 GBSS 9..................14 Bits 0 to 13 in reserved parameter 3..................13 Bits 14 to 15 in reserved parameter 3...............................18 Bit 9 in software parameter P13..........0 IP key problems...........................0 IP precaution bulletins...................GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL Tables Bits 0 to 13 in reserved parameter 3................ 0 applies to commercial delivery in only the SingleRAN mode and is restricted from the GSM-only mode. Commercial Version Policies 1. GSM BTS:  Outside China: BTS3000V100R009C00SPC087 and later versions are recommended for the BTS3900.0 and GBSS method=showMMDetail&f_id=GSM201009130022).0.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL 1 1. 4. 2.0 BSC: BSC6900V900R011C00SPH732 and later versions In the A over IP scenario. with an existing IP GBSS 8. After changing the Abis-over-TDM interface to the Abis-over-IPoE1 The preceding policies have been adopted at the GSM SPDT meeting and incorporated in the Sales Strategy of GSM IP Transmission V1.1 to GBSS 9.0 and later versions are required in the A over IP or Abis over IP scenario. 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 9 of 28 . such as AMR at the A over-IP interface. No more software is provided for those products to support new functions. GBSS 12. GBSS 9. BSC6900V900R011C00SPH732 and later versions are recommended for interworking with NSN products. According to the version policies of the product line. Early BTS products like BTS30 and BTS312 have passed their end of marketing (EOM) and last order date of spare parts (LODSP).1 releases are presented. GSM BTS3000V200R009C00SPC002 and later versions are recommended for the BTS3012. No more GBSS 8. the BTS3012 interworks with BSC6900V900R011C00SPH752 and later versions. 1.0 are recommended for IP-based commercial delivery in the GSM-only mode. BSC versions interworking with other competitors' CN products will be released later. if any.1 General Policies GBSS 9.0 (available at http://3ms.1 system. 3.huawei.2 Version Requirements on WN GBSS 9. To solve a problem. upgrade the system from GBSS 8. In the A over IP + Abis over TDM. GSM BTS:  Outside China: BTS3000V100R012C00SPC042 and later versions are recommended for the BTS3900. SingleRAN MBTS: BTS3900V100R002C00SPC200 and later versions In the A over IP scenario. A over IP + Abis over IP.  In china: BTS3000V300R009C00SPC021 and later versions are recommended for the BTS3900 and and A over TDM + Abis over IP scenarios.  SingleRAN MBTS: BTS3900V100R003C00SPC350 and later versions BTS3900V100R003C00SPC350 is expected to be released in mid-April in 2011. BTS3000V100R012C00SPC042 is expected to be released in mid-April in 2011.huawei.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL BSC6900V900R011C00SPH752 is expected to be released at the end of May in 2011. BTS3900V100R002C00SPC310 and later versions are recommended for the SingleRAN MBTS. GSM BTS3000V200R009C00SPC002 and later versions are recommended for the BTS3012. 1.3 Version Requirements on CN (Huawei) MSC: CPCI V100R008C03SPH209 (outside China)/CPCI V100R007C05SPH209 (in China)/ATCA V200R008C03SPH209 and later versions UMG: V200R008C03SPH110 and later versions 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 10 of 28 .0 BSC: BSC6900V900R012C01SPH510 and later versions In the A over IP scenario. For more patch releases. GBSS 12. BSC versions interworking with other competitors' CN products will be released later. the BTS version must match the BSC version. BSC6900V900R012C01SPH510 and later versions are recommended for interworking with NSN products. especially in the A over IP + Abis over TDM scenario. In china: BTS3000V300R009C00SPC021 and later versions are recommended for the BTS3900 and BTS3012. BTS3900V100R002C00SPC310 is expected to be released at the end of May in 2011. see The Suggestion for Installation of Version and Patch of Wireless Product posted monthly at http://support. In the Abis-over-IP scenario. This section lists only the minimum version requirements on the CN in the A over IP scenario. When implementing an A over IP project on an existing network.0 does not support the private IPCLK server any longer and supports only IEEE 1588 V2. The BTS3900 in GBSS 9.  2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 11 of 28 .GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL   In the A over IP scenario. the IPCLK server version must match the BTS version of the BTS3900/BTS3012 in GBSS 9.   This version supports only IEEE 1588 V2 and does not support the private IPCLK protocol. check the actual version requirements on the CN against the CN project implementation procedures.0. 1. the CN version must match the WN version.4 Version Requirements for IPCLK Server (Huawei) IPCLK Server: IPCLK1000 V100R002C01SPC200 and later versions This version applies to IPCLK1000 V1 and V2 hardware platforms. 2 BSC Software Parameter Setting (GBSS 9.1 Configuration of Speech Version and Rate Set (GBSS 9. Subsets in other bitmaps are not allowed.40 kbit/s.…. Command: SET GCELLCCACCESS:CELLID=0. including FR (full-rate version 1). ACTCDSETF=4_75KBIT/S-1&5_15KBIT/S-0&5_90KBIT/S-1&6_70KBIT/S0&7_40KBIT/S-1&7_95KBIT/S-0&10_2KBIT/S-0&12_2KBIT/S-1.0 A over IP) 1. For transmission configurations. and BSC/BTS IP GSM Deployment Guide. the BSC sends the Internal Handover Request 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 12 of 28 .1. and 4. 7. IDTYPE=BYID.40 kbit/s.1. 5. GBSS Reconfiguration Guide. 2. EFR (full-rate version 2). 2.0 A over IP) Internal Handover Request Message Switch During AMR handover between FR and HR. Command: SET GCELLCCAMR:CELLID=0. RATECTRLSW=ALG1. 5. 2. and 4. All MSCs and BSCs are configured with AMR full-rate (FR) codec set 1 (12. and HAMR (half-rate version 3).75 kbit/s) and AMR half-rate (HR) codec set 1 (7.20 kbit/s.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL 2 Configuration Requirements This chapter describes only speech configuration parameters in the A over IP scenario.….1 Configuration Requirements on WN 2. see the GSM Initial Configuration Guide.90 kbit/s.0/12. HR (half-rate version 1). FAMR (full-rate version 3).75 kbit/s). VOICEVER=FULL_RATE_VER1-1&FULL_RATE_VER2-1&FULL_RATE_VER31&HALF_RATE_VER1-1&HALF_RATE_VER2-0&HALF_RATE_VER31&FULL_RATE_VER5-0. IDTYPE=BYID. Speech versions are configured in cell properties.90 kbit/s. All cells are configured with the same speech version and rate set. 60. bits are numbered 0 to 15 from right to left. If the rate set after handover is a compatible subset of the rate set before handover. 1. 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 13 of 28 . informing the CN of the AMR change. set bit 13 in reserved parameter 3 to 0. 40. the handover occurs with codec conversion. AMR handover occurs as specified in the protocol. CMCC sets the dynamic TRX adjustment switch dynamically. To enable the function. 2. Otherwise. set bit 13 in reserved parameter 3 to 1. 80.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL message to the MSC. Figure 1. The default is 40. To disable the function. In reserved parameter 3. Bit 8 1: By using the MM NULL message 0: By transmitting four consecutive IDRQ messages Type of ID in IDRQ Transmitting MM NULL in IDRQ? Protocol version supported by Packet Assignment Command Bit 9 Bit 10 Bit 11 1: IMSI 0: IMEI 1: Yes 0: No 1: R6 0: R7 DTM IDRQTEST IDRQTEST TC ensures the correctness of this parameter. IDRQTEST Bit 12 1: Sets the dynamic TRX adjustment switch dynamically to keep original processing. call drop may occur and call release may become slow. AMR handover occurs with codec conversion if the rate set after handover differs from the rate set before handover.1 Bits 0 to 13 in reserved parameter 3 Reserved Parameter 3 0xFFFF Initial JitterBuffer length (corresponding to JttTime) IDRQ-compatible solution Bits 0–7 [20. 0: Sets the dynamic TRX adjustment switch dynamically to force call handover. This parameter is set for compatibility with TrFO on the CN in A over IP Bit 13 1: In the A over IP scenario. In this case. 0: In the A over IP scenario. the handover occurs within the BSC. The BSC controls this function by using bit 13 in reserved parameter 3. 100]: initial JitterBuffer length Other values are invalid. FR AMR. If a value beyond the allowed range is entered. If this parameter is set to Speech version in originating cell preferred. and HR. 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 14 of 28 . EFR. When this parameter is set to BSC Strategy. the BSC selects the speech version in the speech version priority sequence carried in the MSC assignment. SPC720 This parameter indicates the strategy by which the BSC selects the speech version during intraBSC handover in the A over IP scenario. If speech version selection is enabled in the BSC6000. speech quality may be improved but TrFO may be unavailable. set this parameter to 0.1 Bits 14 to 15 in reserved parameter 3 Reserved Parameter 3 0xFFFF Speech version selection strategy during intra-BSC handover Bits 14–15 0: MSC strategy 1: BSC strategy 2: speech version in originating cell preferred Value 0 is recommended. set this parameter in the BSC6900 according to the speech version selection switch in the BSC6000. the system sets the parameter to 0 automatically. FR. Figure 1. If this parameter is set to MSC Strategy.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL Speech Version Selection Strategy During Handover in A over IP Scenario The BSC controls the speech version selection strategy during intra-BSC handover by using bits 14 to 15 in reserved parameter 3. If this parameter is set to BSC Strategy. HR AMR. the BSC selects the speech version in the originating cell. When upgrading the BSC from BSC6000 to BSC6900. set this parameter to 2 in the BSC6900. set this parameter to 2. the BSC selects the speech version in this priority sequence: FR AMR-WB. When upgrading the BSC6900 from a version earlier than BSC6900V900R11SP720 to BSC6900V900R11SP720 or a later version. If the terminating cell does not support the speech version in the originating cell. the BSC selects the speech version in the speech version priority sequence carried in the MSC assignment. If speech version selection is disabled in the BSC6000. HR AMR. that is.0 A over IP) Internal Handover Request Message Switch During AMR handover between FR and HR. however. s14. s5. and s0 Where s1 is the optimal configuration recommended in the protocol. Figure 3. s5. set this parameter the same as the value before the upgrade. s2. 3. Figure 3. s9. s7. informing the CN of the AMR change. s3. FR AMR. and HR. FR. s2. s8.3 BSC Software Parameter Setting (GBSS 12. EFR. The BSC controls this function by using bit 13 in reserved parameter 3. In addition.1. set bits 13 to 15 in reserved parameter 3 to 0.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL 1. s9. MSC Strategy. 2. the BSC selects the speech version (including the rate set) in the originating cell after intra-BSC handover. If Speech Version Selection Strategy During Intra-BSC Handover is set to Speech version in originating cell preferred. s4. the BSC selects the speech version in the speech version priority sequence carried in the MSC assignment. In the case of upgrade. s12. To query the parameter. 2. If Speech Version Selection Strategy During Intra-BSC Handover is set to BSC Strategy. is recommended for this parameter. the BSC selects the AMR rate set in the following priority sequence: FR: s1. If Speech Version Selection Strategy During Intra-BSC Handover is set to MSC Strategy. Value 0. s6. That is. s4. s10. set reserved parameter 3 to decimal 8191 (hex 0x1FFF) by using the following command: SET OTHSOFTPARA: BSCRESERVEDPARA3=8191. the BSC sends the Internal Handover Request message to the MSC. If the terminating cell does not support the speech version in the originating cell. the BSC selects the speech version after intra-BSC handover in this priority sequence: FR AMR-WB. In reserved parameter 3.1 shows a query result example. bits are numbered 0 to 15 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 15 of 28 . s10. and s0 HR: s1. the BSC selects the speech version after intra-BSC handover in the speech version priority sequence carried in the MSC assignment. s8. s3. run the following command: LST OTHSOFTPARA: LstFormat=VERTICAL. Run this command to query reserved parameter 3.1 Querying reserved parameter 3 Therefore. set bit 13 in reserved parameter 3 to 1. call drop may occur and call release may become slow. 60. the handover occurs within the BSC. 100]: initial JitterBuffer length Other values are invalid. 2. Otherwise. 40. 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 16 of 28 . IDRQTEST Type of ID in IDRQ Bit 9 IDRQTEST Bit 12 1: Sets the dynamic TRX adjustment switch dynamically to keep original processing. In this case. To disable the function. To enable the function. This parameter is set for compatibility with TrFO on the CN in A over IP Bit 13 1: In the A over IP scenario. If the rate set after handover is a compatible subset of the rate set before handover. Bit 8 1: By using the MM NULL message 0: By transmitting four consecutive IDRQ messages 1: IMSI 0: IMEI Transmitting MM NULL in IDRQ? Protocol version supported by Packet Assignment Command Bit 10 Bit 11 1: Yes 0: No 1: R6 0: R7 DTM IDRQTEST TC ensures the correctness of this parameter. Figure 1. CMCC sets the dynamic TRX adjustment switch dynamically. the handover occurs with codec conversion. 1. 0: In the A over IP scenario. set bit 13 in reserved parameter 3 to 0. 0: Sets the dynamic TRX adjustment switch dynamically to force call handover.1 Bits 0 to 13 in reserved parameter 3 Reserved Parameter 3 0xFFFF Initial JitterBuffer length (corresponding to JttTime) IDRQ-compatible solution Bits 0–7 [20. The default is 40. 80.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL from right to left. AMR handover occurs with codec conversion if the rate set after handover differs from the rate set before handover. AMR handover occurs as specified in the protocol. 2 Configuring the AMR Rate Set (Standard Protocol in A over IP) On the CN. SpeechVerStrategyInAss=MSC_STRATEGY.2 Configuration Requirements on CN (Huawei) 2. Run the following command to set this parameter to MSC Strategy: SET AITFOTHPARA: CNNODEIDX=XX. configure HR AMR and FR AMR as S1.1 Configuring the Protocol in A over IP (Standard Protocol in A over IP) The A over IP interface in BSC6900V900R011 is specified in a standard 3GPP protocol. In the MSC.1 Configuring the protocol in A over IP 2. Network-supported HR AMR list = D(7400bit/s) = F(5900bit/s) = H(4750bit/s) Network-supported FR AMR list = A(12200bit/s) = D(7400bit/s) 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 17 of 28 . Figure 1. configure BSC Bearer Type as IPSTD (IP Type of standard).2.2.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL Set reserved parameter 3 by using the following command: SET OTHSOFTPARA: BSCRESERVEDPARA3=57343. 2. Speech Version Selection Strategy During Handover in A over IP Scenario Set the speech version selection policy during intra-BSC handover by using SET AITFOTHPARA. 1 Bit 8 in software parameter P13 Software Parameter ID 13 Bit Change Description Service Pack 8 Switch for TrFO compatible with AMR FR/HR  V200R008C03SPH106 1: Disables TrFO compatible with AMR FR/HR. BTS3000V100R009C00SPC081 (outside China)/BTS3000V300R009C00SPC021 (released in the first quarter of 2011 in China) and later versions support this function.40 kbit/s. FRAMRR=RATE4751&RATE515-0&RATE590-1&RATE670-0&RATE740-1&RATE795-0&RATE1020&RATE122-1. and 4.90 kbit/s. When enabling this function. Before enabling the function.75 kbit/s). TRNST=SCTP. If any existing BTS does not match the function. 5.90 kbit/s.    Optimization Parameters for TrFO Compatible with AMR FR/HR (UMG) This parameter applies to the following two scenarios: 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 18 of 28 . As specified in "Internal Handover Request Message Switch" in section 2. the version released in the first quarter of 2011 and later versions support this function.  This function must match the WN version.3 Configuring TrFO Compatible with AMR FR/HR (Standard Protocol in A over IP) Switch for TrFO Compatible with AMR FR/HR (UMG) Figure 1. In the case of BTS3900.1.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL = F(5900bit/s) = H(4750bit/s) Command: MOD MGW: MGWNAME="PNHMGW01". In the case of BSC.75 kbit/s) and AMR HR codec set 1 (7. This is the default. BSC6900V900R011C00SPH728 and later versions support this function. run MOD SET to configure AMR FR codec set 1 (12. 2. 7.  In A over IP scenario.20 kbit/s. In the case of BTS3012.2.0 A over IP)". ensure that the BSC and BTS support the function.40 kbit/s. 0: Enables TrFO compatible with AMR FR/HR. set bit 3 in reserved parameter 3 to 1.2"BSC Software Parameter Setting (GBSS 9. and 4. do not enable the function. 5. HRAMRR=RATE4751&RATE515-0&RATE590-1&RATE670-0&RATE740-1&RATE795-0. disable Internal Handover Request message switch. 4. BITVAL=0. In the A over IP scenario. such as loss of frame. BIT=9.4 Configuring Other Software Parameters on CN (Standard Protocol in A over IP) Configure other software parameters on the CN according to sections 2. if inter-cell handover occurs on a call over a gateway (due to an AMR rate change) when the calling listens to the ringback tone or intelligent tone. SET UPPARA: RC2CMR=OPEN. MODTYPE=BIT. the CMU sends a rate decrease request to the . In the A over IP UP scenario. 2.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL Scenario 1 Assume that you set bit 9 in software parameter P13 to 0. 2. previous rate mismatch problems affecting speech quality are prevented. 2. and 2. 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 19 of 28 . Therefore.3. splitting the VPU changes the audio playing rate.9 in the A over IP Reconstruction Guide available at http://support. CMR2RC=OPEN. 0: Enables the function. a rate decrease request is sent to the VPU.huawei. During handover from non-TrFO to TrFO compatible with AMR FR/HR in the A over IP scenario. and missing words. 2.5. the intermittent time is decreased and the calling is exempted from intermittent tones. The VPU then decreases the rate to the initial.8. MOD SFP: ID=P13. during call handover from non-TrFO to TrFO.7. V200R008C03SPH110 Scenario 2 Assume that you enable UP optimization by using SET UPPARA. The speech quality is optimized.3.1 Bit 9 in software parameter P13 Software Parameter ID P13 Bi t 9 Change Description Service Pack Default: 1 1: Disables the function and keeps original processing. Figure 1. Therefore. set the IP clock protocol type to PTP (IEEE 1588 V2) for the BTS.  2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 20 of 28 . change the reference clock source type to internal clock (free-run) for the BTS.1 (as described earlier) before upgrading the BTS3900/BTS3012 to GBSS 9. In the Abis-over-IP scenario. if the BTS interworking with the BSC6900 connects multiple calls to the network. Set the reference clock source type to IP_Time (IP clock) and the IP clock protocol type to PTP (IEEE 1588 V2) for the BTS. upgrade the BTS3900/BTS3012 to GBSS 8. BTS3900/BTS3012 versions earlier than BTS3900V300R008C11SPC039/BTS3012V300R008C12SPC026 have a defect. upgrade the sites to BSC6900 and matching BTS versions.0. Precautions 3. In the Abis-over-IP scenario. 7. On the iManager M2000.1 IP to GBSS 9. upgrade the BTS3900/BTS3012 to BTS3900GSM V300R008C11SPC039/BTS3012V300R008C12SPC026 or a later version beforehand. After the upgrade. In the Abis-over-IP scenario. Upgrade the IPCLK server to a recommended version. an exception may occur on the BTS. upgrade the CN. The BTS needs to be reset at the near end. check with the CN engineers whether the MSC and UMG on the CN support the standard A over IP protocol. The procedures and key points are listed as follows: Before upgrading the BSC6000 to BSC6900V900R011. Upgrade the BSC6000 to BSC6900V900R011.0 IP To provide the A over IP or Abis over IP interface on existing sites. 6. change BSC Bearer Type to IPSTD (IP Type of standard) in the MSC. 2.1 Upgrading GBSS 8. Upgrade the iManager M2000 to iManager M2000 V200R009.  3. If the CN version does not match the requirements. 5. 4. upgrade the BTS to recommended versions in one click.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL 3 1. Therefore. Before the upgrade. after upgrading the BTS3900/BTS3012. 0 IP Precaution Bulletins and Key Problems Figure 1. In the A over IP scenario.0.1 A IP Precaution Bulletin See the GSM BSC6000 Precaution Bulletin on Silence in Conversation in AMR-Enabled A over IP Scenario and Version Policies in IP-Based Scenario-20100529-A-V1[1].2 GBSS 8.3 GBSS 9. the BTS fails to start.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL 3. BSC6900 2 Disable RTP compression. Set the ARP table aging time to 5 minutes or less for the peer transmission device. 3. BTS3900 4 BTS3900 V100R009C00SPC 087 and earlier versions V100R002C00SPC 230 and earlier versions 5 If the change from Abisover-TDM to Abis-overIPoE1 is complete in hardware but incomplete in software. BTS3012 BSC6900V900R01 1C00SPH735 and earlier versions BTS3012V200R00 9C00SPC002 and earlier versions BSC6900V900R01 1C00SPC752 and later versions 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 21 of 28 . In the VLAN scenario. UDPMUX in RTP header compression causes loss of packet in the (available at http://support. the BTS fails to set up an IP link dynamically. Change the BTS data configuration s immediately after you change the BTS BSC6900 V900R011C00SPH 735 and earlier versions V100R009C00SPC 087 and earlier versions V100R002C00SPC 230 and earlier versions V900R011C00SPH 750 and later versions V100R009C00SPC 088 and later versions V100R002C00SPC 310 and later versions V100R009C00SPC 088 and later versions V100R002C00SPC 310 and later versions 3 Set the MRU to less than 1500 for the peer transmission device. the TMU in the BTS3012 reports a software alarm repeatedly every about 22 minutes.2 GBSS 9.huawei. Every time when the alarm is Problem Preventiv e Measure Disable RTP compression.0 IP key problems No. after Abis-over-TDM changes to Abis-over-IP. In the IPoE1 scenario. UDPMUX in RTP header compression causes data service creation failure. the BTS3012 is reset. NE Faulty Version Number V900R011C00SPH 735 and earlier versions Solution Version Number 1 In the A over IP scenario. if the LCP request received from the peer carries no MRU or an MRU equal to or greater than 1500. affecting the MOS. such as the handover KPI. GOUc or UOIc board are switched over or faulty. Or. the call is dropped. GOUc or UOIc boards.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL Figure 1. and user experience. BTS3000V300R009 C00SPC010 and earlier patch releases in BTS3000V300R009 C00 BTS3000V200R009 C00SPC002 and earlier patch releases in BTS3000V200R009 C00 BTS3000V100R009 C00SPC077 and earlier patch releases in BTS3000V100R009 C00 BTS3012: BTS3000V200R0 09C00SPC015 and later versions BTS3900: BTS3000V100R0 09C00SPC079 and later versions 2 SE0000455 059 SingleRAN BSC6900V900R01 1 Precaution Bulletin on Turning Off the Global Route Switch in newly deployed BSC690020100514-A-V1. leading to a negative impact on KPIs. or the FG2c.0 Versions earlier than BSC6900V900R011 C00SPC720 BSC6900V900R 011C00SPC720 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 22 of 28 .3 GBSS 9. if the incoming BSC Handover Request carries the IMSI IE. GOUc/. services are unavailable when ports on the FG2c. In A over IP scenarios. or UOIc board is switched over or faulty.0 The alarm is generated in each BTS get clock from IPCLK Server. Therefore.0 If the new BSC6900 with the FG2c. Precauti on Bulletin Number SE0000467 716 Name Description Involved Version Solution Version 1 SingleRAN & GSM Precaution on Reference Clock Abnormal Alarms Generated on the sites which get Clock from IPCLK Server20100726-A-V1. some services are unavailable.0 IP precaution bulletins No. the handover from any surrounding BSC to this BSC fails. Versions earlier than BSC6900V900R011 C00SPC720 BSC6900V900R 011C00SPC720 3 SE0000457 683 SingleRAN BSC6900V900R01 1 Precaution Bulletin on Incoming BSC Handover Failure in AOIP Scenarios20100527-A-V1. however. part of the SCTP links carried on the route may be disrupted when the output port state of one route changes (such as port switchover.0 In the Abis-over-IPoFE scenario. the BTS may fail to be activated. port physical state change and etc). The clock protocol type is set to PTP (IEEE 1588 V2).GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL No. is disabled. The failure cause indicates such information.0 If the routes of two interface boards in one BSC6900 subrack have the network segment inclusion relationship. The clock protocol type mismatches the license setting. if the BTS extracts a clock from other than the IP clock source and does not apply for the license for IEEE 1588 V2 clock over IP. The license for IEEE 1588 V2 clock over IP (per TRX). Precauti on Bulletin Number SE0000453 578 Name Description Involved Version Solution Version 4 SingleRAN BSC6900V900R01 1 Precaution Bulletin on Disruption of Parts of SCTP Links and IP Path-20100504A-V1. whether newly deployed or transformed from the Abis-over-TDM scenario. SingleRAN BSC6900 Precaution Bulletin on Verifying the Validity of Network Parameters in IP-Based Mode20100811-A-V1. switchover or failure in the board that is carried on the port. In the case that the following three Versions earlier than BSC6900V900R011 C00SPC710 BSC6900V900R 011C00SPC710 5 SC0000597 479 SE0000470667 All versions Network configuration constraints 6 SC0000612 850 Precaution Bulletin on Activation Failure in Abisover-IP BTS That Uses Non-IP Clock Source and That Does Not Apply for License for IEEE 1588 V2 Clock over IP Versions earlier than BSC6900V900R011 C00SPC728 BSC6900V900R 011C00SPC728 7 SE0000457 684 SingleRAN BSC6900V900R01 Versions earlier than BSC6900V900R011 BSC6900V900R 011C00SPH711 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 23 of 28 . As a result. (3) The active Ethernet port is on the standby board or the active and standby FG2a/GOUa boards are switched. This problem is related only to the GBTS. If the GBTS is reset. BTS3000V300R009 C00SPC001 BTS3000V100R009 C00SPC068 and earlier versions BTS3000V300R0 09C00SPC011 and later versions BTS3000V100R0 09C00SPC072 and later versions 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 24 of 28 . (2) A static IP address is set for the GBTS. Precauti on Bulletin Number Name Description Involved Version Solution Version 1 Precaution Bulletin on the Startup Failure in the GBTS Carried on FG2a or GOUa after GBTS Reset20100527-A-V1. The NodeB does not have this problem. C00SPH711 8 SC0000576 899 SingleRAN BTS3900&GSM BTS3000 GBTS Precaution Bulletin on Link Setup Failure During Static-IP-based IPoFE Transmission in VLAN Scenario -20100421-A-V1.0 conditions are met: (1) IP transport is applied on the Abis interface (Abis over IP).0 If the GBTS uses a static IP address during IPoFE transmission in a VLAN. the GBTS fails to set up a link. If the GBTS uses a DHCP-assigned IP address or carries out IPoE1 transmission.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL No. and the packets intended for the static IP address are transmitted from the FG2a/GOUa board. the problem does not occur. the GBTS services are disrupted. it fails to start because the DHCP process fails. Set the ARP table aging time to 5 minutes or less for the peer transmission device. NE Faulty Version Number V100R012C00SPC03 9 and earlier versions V100R003C00SPC32 0 and earlier versions Solution Version Number V100R012C00 SPC042 and later versions V100R003C00 SPC350 and later versions 1 In the Abis-over-IPoFE VLAN scenario. UDPMUX in RTP header compression causes data service creation failure. the BTS fails to set up an IP link dynamically. BTS3900 2 BSC6900 BSC6900V900R012C 01SPH510 and earlier versions 3 Disable RTP compression. if the LCP request received from the peer carries no MRU or an MRU equal to or greater than 1500. affecting the MOS.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL 3. the BTS3012 is reset. BSC6900 BSC6900V900R012C 01SPC500 and earlier versions V100R012C00SPC03 9 and earlier versions V100R003C00SPC32 0 and earlier versions BSC6900V900 R012C01SPC5 12 and later versions 4 Set the MRU to less than 1500 for the peer transmission device.4 GBSS 12. UDPMUX in RTP header compression causes loss of packet in the BTS.4 GBSS 12. In the A over IP scenario. In the A over IP scenario. after Abis-over-TDM changes to Abis-over-IP. the TMU in the BTS3012 reports a software alarm repeatedly every about 22 minutes. BTS3900 5 BTS3900 V100R012C00SPC03 9 and earlier versions V100R003C00SPC32 0 and earlier versions 6 BTS3012 BSC6900V900R012C 01SPH510 and earlier versions BTS3012V200R009C 00SPC002 and earlier versions 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 25 of 28 . if a transmission delay of more than 10 ms exists between the BTS and the BSC. Disable RTP compression.0 IP Precaution Bulletins and Key Problems Figure 1. Change the BTS data configurations immediately after you change the BTS hardware.0 IP precaution bulletins and key problems No. In the IPoE1 scenario. In the VLAN scenario. the BTS fails to start. Every time when the alarm is reported. Problem Preventive Measure Set the VLAN Property to Hybrid and the PVID to the actual VLAN ID for the peer transmission device. the IP-based BTS may start slowly or fail to start. If the change from Abisover-TDM to Abis-overIPoE1 is complete in hardware but incomplete in software. In earlier versions. Those products have passed their EOM and LODSP. No more functions are developed for the products.0 Network Problem Avoidance Guides See the BSC6900 GU Guide to Avoiding Network Problems (V900R011)-20110224-AV1.huawei. non-speech actionFlag=detailProductSimple&web_doc_id=SE0000479427&doc_type=123-2 ).com/support/pages/kbcenter/view/product. A over IP and AMR are mutually exclusive. 3. 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 26 of 28 . when a customer requires IP-based transmission in an existing BTS30 or BTS312 device.0 (available at http://3ms. Therefore.0&SRAN3. and HR codec. 3. For details.doc (available at http://support. See the Guide for Avoiding Network Problems in GSM9.0 DBS3900&BTS3900&BTS3900A-20110118-A-V1.6 GBSS 12. If an existing BTS30 or BTS312 device cannot be replaced with later ones.7 A over IP Restrictions on Early BTS Products like BTS30 and BTS312 In early BTS products like BTS30 and BTS312.0 GSM IP Sales Strategy of GSM IP Transmission V1. guide the customer to replace the BTS with a later one. or empty IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL 3.7 (available at http://support. changes the GSM_HR length. method=showMMDetail&f_id=GSM201009130022). The TOC byte is added before the payload. see the GBSS9.5. draft-ietf-avt-rtp-gsm-hr-03 (that will be identified as an official standard soon).2 (available at http://support.8 TOC in GSM_HR (GBSS 9.huawei. In this actionFlag=detailProductSimple&web_doc_id=SE0000477371&doc_type=123-2 ).0 A over IP) The draft on the A over IP solution. identifying the frame type as speech frame.5 GBSS 9. this function causes a no-audio problem to an HR channel. FR. This function is available in BSC6900V900R011C00SPH726 and later versions.huawei.huawei.0 Network Problem Avoidance Guides See the BSC6900 GU Guide to Avoiding Network Problems (V900R012)-20110224-A-V1. the BTS supports only actionFlag=detailProductSimple&web_doc_id=SE0000454366&doc_type=123-2 2). remove AMR from the BTS and then deploy A over IP transmission in the The tested version is GBSS 12. Ericsson and NSN have no clear roadmaps in terms of the dual-stack mode.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL 3. Ericsson − − 3. only ZTE announces that their CN products support the dual-stack mode. ZTE − − 3.0. The site involves 10 BTS3900s under the control of one BSC.9 A over IP Interworking with Competitors' Products 1. 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 27 of 28 . (No interworking test or commercial interworking solution has been carried out between ZTE CN products and Huawei BSC products). 4. The tested version is GBSS 12. The A over TDM/A over IP dual-stack solution is a transient configuration for Ainterface transformation. This version is expected to be released in the first quarter of 2011. Currently.0 is deployed.0.0. The site involves 200 BTS3900s under the control of two BSCs. In Turkey VDF. the A over TDM/A over IP dual-stack mode is available in CS9. this interworking solution finds commercial application in Turkey VDF and Sweden Telenor. In Huawei CN products. NSN − − The interworking with NSN products is tested in a lab of Germany IOT in Düsseldorf and in a lab of China Mobile. The interworking with ZTE products is tested in a lab of China Mobile.0 is deployed. 3.0. Do not use the solution for a long term. The A over TDM/A over IP dual-stack mode is available in BSC6900V900R012C01 and later versions. Currently.0) 1. In Sweden Telenor/Tele2. This function must match the CN version.10 A over TDM/A over IP Dual-Stack Mode (GBSS12. Currently. The tested version is GBSS 12. this interworking solution finds no commercial application. GBSS 9. The interworking with Ericsson products is tested in a lab of Germany IOT in Düsseldorf and in a lab of China Mobile. SRAN5. this interworking solution finds no commercial application. 2. 2. Currently. 00. xl sx 2013-7-10 Huawei Confidential Page 28 of 28 .2 GRAN&CN Parameter Check G RAN & CN Param eter Check.GSM IP Version Policies and Configuration Requirements INTERNAL 4 SRAN I P t ransm i ssi on docum ent col l ect i on V1.1 SRAN IP transmission document collection 4. xl sx Attachment 4.
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