VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF kerala BY abdul sakur.pptx

March 30, 2018 | Author: Abdul Sakur | Category: Roof, Palace, Building, Architectural Design, Nature



SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE, AGI, JAIPURMID TERM - I ELECTIVE -II (VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA ) SUBMITTED BY:SUBMITTED TO:AR. ANUBHAV MITTAL ABDUL SAKUR B.ARCH VII SEM IV YR I N T R O D U The term “vernacular architecture” stands for the art of constructing buildings and shelters which is spontaneous, environment-oriented, community-based knowledge VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA C T I O N LOCATION… K • Located in south-western region of the Indian peninsula E R •Wedged between the Arabian Sea in the west and Western Ghats in the east A L A GEOGRAPHY AND CLIMATE… • equatorial tropical climate • three climatically distinct zones: • eastern highlands (rugged and cool mountainous terrain) • central midlands (rolling hills) • western lowlands (coastal plains) VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA excess of moisture. heavy rainfall.K INFLUENTIAL FACTORS… • control of the indoor environment is basis of traditional architecture •the traditional architecture of kerala evolved through ages by the influence of many factors of which the climate is most important •major problems . intense solar radiation and effect of high temperature VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA E R A L A . governing sciences E N •this makes the spatial planning more perfect to control its environment with maximum comfort in all distinct seasons •a modular concept with four blocks built around an open courtyard strictly adhering to the ancient rules of geometrical grids.CTION… •square or rectangle in plan. proportions and scale C E VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA S . are R oriented strictly to the cardinal directions E S I D •thatchu shastra and vasthu. TYPES OF HOUSES: VEEDU… •range. huts etc.caves. pathinarukettu •shelter to joint-family kinfolk or tharavad (tharavad--kinship system) • consequently huge shelter VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA R E S I D E N C E S . to hamlets. a courtyard house. an I-shaped single rectangular hall house.TYPES OF HOUSES: VEEDU… •five types of spatial house structures • ordinary folks and tribal people/ adivasis (cheri. chala. belongs to landlords • the great mansion Ettuketu and Patinjarukettu (double ettukettu) or much bigger structures. belong to very rich landlords • commoner houses VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA R E S I D E N C E S . belongs to farmers or middle-class non-farmers • Nalukettu. kudi. variyam or pisharam or pumatham) • Ekasala. wattle (bamboo splints woven together and covered with a mud plaster) and red or white mud stripes. wooden poles. mud and local grass or leaves •the walls . sometimes decorated VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA R E S I D E N C E S .THE SINGLE HALL HOUSE • wretched huts and hamlets •one hall divided into inner and living spaces by means of temporary structural dividers •the materials are locally available: bamboo reeds. THE SINGLE HALL HOUSE R E S I D E N C E S VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA . enriched or fronted by a gallery/veranda VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA R E S I D E N C E S . to a house grain storeroom (ara) and a house for grain storage with a treasury building (pattayapura/ pathayapura) •typical single hall partitioned into three arrayed rooms.EKASALA / FARMER’S HOUSE • Farmer’s House • the grain store • designs vary from a small box (pattayam). storage or treasury •beneath the ara.HOUSE •The middle room is thus regarded the most important part which is utilized as ara. there is a semi basement storage room called nilavara •the ara has two doors. one faces the interior and is for daily use while the other side faces the exterior or rare gallery / passageway to get the paddy in VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA R E S I D E N C E S . •Kalavara •the rooms are multifunctional and could be used as bedroom. 7-n R E S I D E N C E S Order of Preference of the four salas VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA .EKASALA / FARMER’S HOUSE •length.1-e. 5-w.owner’s hasta unit • width:length= 1:3 And perimeter calculated •yoni number added. 3-s. EKASALA / FARMER’S HOUSE R E S I D E N C E S • expansion • proportions applicable to core • core extend by passage halls • upwards VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA . as and trisalas R E S I D E N C E S Types of trisalas Types of dwisalas VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA . landlords and the royalty are usually courtyard mansions called nalukettu R E S I D E N C E •The Nalukettu can be multiplied to make a double nalukettu with two courtyards (ettukettu). and a fourfold nalukettu with four courtyards (patinyarukettu) following the needs of spatial extension VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA S .AND M •the houses of brahmins. NADUMUTTAM • CATTUSSALAS R E S I D E N C E S TYPES OF CATTUSSALAS . AND NADUMUTTAM R •the plan or spatial boundaries for certain designs follow patterns that are prescribed in vastu. E S I D SOUTH KERALA E N NORTH KERALA N C E S CHRISTIAN SYRIAN VEEDU TYPICAL LAYOUT OF A NAALUKETTU MUSLIM VEEDU VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA . KETTU AND NADUMUTTAM R E S I D E N C E S CENTRAL KERALA NORTH KERALA SOUTH KERALA VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA . NALUKETTU AND NADUMUTTAM R •the enclosed courtyard . northern and southern verandahs are enclosed or semi-enclosed VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA .‘ankanam’ is usually sunk and therefore called ‘kuzhi (pit) ankanam’ E S I D E N •the protruding roofs of the ‘salas’ form shady verandas and protect the rooms from direct sunlight. keeping them cool even on the hottest of days C E S •western and eastern verandahs are left open. MONER HOUSES R E S I D E N C E S VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA . OUSES R E S I D E N WAYANA D C E S SHANGGHUMUGAM CHENGANNUR VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA . uttaram (wall plate). montayam (ridge).kazhukol (rafters). vala VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA R E S I D E N C E S . hip.STRUCTURES • shingle and bent roof construction •reflects the logic of tropical sloping as seen in the shingle. saddle roof and the span of eaves of the roof slopes •basic structural elements . STRUCTURES R E S I D E N C E S VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA . lighter structures in timber • use of the bent or gabled ridge roof • environment or climate • use of shingle roofs and protruding eaves as response to tropical rain. wind • use of grilled windows and porous walls as response to tropical sun glare VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA C O N C L U S I O N .more massive appearances in laterite construction • it uses hipped roofs.actors •north kerala . wooden carvings and openings •south kerala and central kerala . political influences over the years •building sciences applied. astrology. mathematics. religious values. building technology P a I a c e s a n d T • The palace complex is inside an old granite fortress around four kilometers EE long L • Located at the foot of the Veli Hills.astronomy.COMPLEX • built in 1400. social moves. a part of the Western Ghats • The river Valli flows nearby VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA S M P .1500 •edifices reflecting variety of styles depicting socio. the Southern Palace VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA P a I a c e s a n d T E M P L E S . literal meaning. literal meaning. literal meaning. Mother’s Palace • Nataksala. literal meaning. the Hall of Performance • A four-storeyed building at the centre of the Palace complex • Thekee Kottaram. King’s Council Chamber • Thai Kottaram.Entry • from the west • high door with pitched roof structure abutting it •Progress through succession of courtyards formed by buildings or walls to reach core • The palace complex consists of several structures: • Mantrasala. with coloured mica. including burnt coconut shells. which keep the heat and the dust away • Inside of the council chamber remains cool and dark • Delicate and beautiful lattice work • Floor beautifully done.antrasaIa (CounciI chamber) •Most beautiful parts of the entire palace complex •Has windows. egg white etc • This particular floor finish and texture could not be duplicated in any other construction VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA P a I a c e s a n d T E M P L E S . with a fine and perfect finish • Dark coloured • Made of a mixture of varied substances. with very detailed and beautiful floral designs.Thai Kottaram (Mother’s paIace) •The oldest construction in the entire palace complex • centre piece or focus •basic reference point in relation to which location and openings of other buildings have been determined • Inner courtyard. called ‘nalukettu’ • Sloping roofs from all four sided taper down • Four pillars on four corners support the roof •On the south-west corner there is a small room. VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA P a I a c e s a n d T E M P L E S . the chamber of solitude or ‘ekantha mandapam’ • Intricate wood carvings • Of particular interest is a pillar of single jackfruit wood. for the women of royal household d T E Thekee kottaram (Southern paIace •As old as the ‘Thai kottaram’ •Now. exhibiting antique household articles and curios VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA ) M P L E S .a (HaII of performance) P a I a c e s a n •relatively new building. constructed at the behest of Maharaja Swathi Thirunal. (reign from1829 to 1846) •He was a great connoisseur of arts. it serves as a heritage museum. especially music and dance • Has solid granite pillars and gleaming black floor •There is a wooden enclosure. with peepholes. and was a gift from the Dutch merchants •rooms have built-in recesses in walls for storing weapons like swords and daggers. which included the king’s bedroom • The ornamental bedstead is made of 64 types of herbal and medicinal woods. depicting scenes from the puranas. and also few scenes from the social life of the Travancore of that time •Several rooms just below the worship chambers.worship chamber •Walls covered with exquisite 18th century murals.ntraI buiIding (UPPIRIKKA MALIGA) •Four-storied building is located at the centre of the palace complex •Top floor (called upparikka malika). VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA P a I a c e s a n d T E M P L E S . Well z.Tank v.The old mint d.Dance hall j.King’s residence w.Temple h.Audienc e hall for Europea ns k.Gate b. Bath houses u.Centre for ceremonies c.Hall for performing arts n.Mother palace q.Entrance Porch e.P a I a c e s a n d T E a.Minister m.Small feeding hall r. Woman’s residence y.Palace offices VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA M P Ground Floor Plan L E S .Large feeding hall p.Weapon Store f. Kitchen g. Small feeding hall r.King’s residen ce w. Padmanabhapuram Section.Dance hall j. Kitchen g.Hall for perfor ming arts n. Padmanabhapuram VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA T E M P L E S .Mother palace q.Minister ial audienc e hall m.Temple h.Large feeding hall p.Palace offices P a I a c e s a n d First Floor Plan.Weapon Store f.Gate b.a.Entrance Porch e. Well z. Woman ’s residen ce y. Bath houses u.Tank v.Centre for ceremonies c.Audienc e hall for Europea ns k.The old mint d. Tank v.Weapon Store f.King’s residen ce w.Audienc e hall for Europea ns k. Well z.a.Small feeding hall r.Gate b.Hall for perfor ming arts n. Woman ’s residen ce y. Padmanabhapuram Section.Entrance Porch e.Mother palace q. Kitchen g.The old mint d.Centre for ceremonies c.Palace offices P a I a c e s a n d First Floor Plan.Minister ial audienc e hall m. Bath houses u.Temple h. Padmanabhapuram VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA T E M P L E S .Large feeding hall p.Dance hall j. Padmanabhapur am P a I a c e s a n Elevation. clock tower d T E M P L E VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA S .Roof Plan. Store c. Mother’s Palace VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA S s a n .Verand ah f. Balcony Section. King’s Residence I P a L c E e Section.Courtya rd b.Passag e e.T P E a M a. Room d. THANK YOU VERNACULAR ARCHITECTURE OF KERALA .
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