veloci q

April 3, 2018 | Author: Rishabh Makhija | Category: Business Process, Six Sigma, Risk Management, Audit, Quality (Business)



The Questionnaire Velociq-101------------------------------------------------------------------------------1. A Process defines basically : Answer : ...Choose...A running Program Who is doing what when and how to reach a specific goal A new procedure to be implemented All of the above 2. ISO, CMM, Six Sigma are Answer : ...Choose...Quality models Tools Programming LanguagesCoding Standards 3. The International Standard for Quality Assurance – ISO 9001 emphasizes on : Answer : ...Choose... a. Process Quality (rather than product Quality) b. Product Quality c. Both (a) and (b) d. Critical Component quality 4. Maintenance Process Model is best suited for Answer : ...Choose...Problem resolution on existing software products Interface modification due to changes in hardware or software environment Minor functional enhancements or performance improvement of the existing software All of the above 5. In Wipro which model representation of CMMI was adopted Answer: Choose... 1. Rank model 2. Linear model 3. Staged model 4. Process area model 6. Achieving the goal of means your product will be defect free to an extent of: Answer : ...Choose... a. 13.5 defects per million opportunities b. 3.4 defects per million opportunities c. 4.4 defects per million opportunities d. 4.3 defects per million opportunities 7. _______ is a process of examining whether the process conforms to the defined quality system: Answer : ...Choose...(Doubt) 1. Audit 2. Assessment 3. Testing Review 8. All Configuration Audit issues are recorded in -------------- and tracked to closure: Answer : ...Choose... 1. Software Configuration Audit Report (SCAR) 2. Software Configuration Order Form (SCOF) 3. Baseline Record 4. PMR 9. The process followed in the software development project should be: Answer : ...Choose...Client specified processes Processes as described in velociQ. Tailored ODC specific processes Any One of the above 10. Which of this is a planned mechanism for Defect Prevention? ...V-Process Model Maintenance model Rational Unified Process Model 2I Process Model 12.. Customer feedback 4. The FS document may address Answer : .Choose..Choose..Choose. veloci-Q has a ____ -tier architecture Answer : ... CUT. CUT & ITRS. Look Ahead Meetings(doubt please check while answering) 2.... __________________ is a mechanism of maintaining the mapping between requirements and products resulting from the requirements.Choose. You are a Project Engineer who has just joined Wipro.. Deviations from the stated processes that are identified during the audit are recorded as Answer : .Choose.. Organisation’s Customer Focus should meet the needs and expectations of: Answer : .. Design & CUT 23.Design document Requirements Traceability Functional design Test cases 20.. Which of the following can be used to validate the design Answer : . IT..RS. Which of the below statements is incorrect on shared vision Answer : ..Choose...PDB Treasure House Guidelines Navigator 13. Design.. .. 1... The prevention activities coming out of a LAM is documented in Answer : .Choose. Six Sigma measures defects based on: Answer : .Choose. Where would you go? Answer : . All of the above 11. Answer : . Design.. Which phases of SDLC can be sources for errors? Answer : ....Proof Of Concept Voice Of Customer (VOC)LOC Function points 17... _______ is a monthly mechanism to track metric trends..Choose.Answer: . Design....Choose. PDMR and PMR reviews 3.......the team’s decision Wipro’s Senior management’s perception Customer’s perception number of defects in the project 14.Contingency plan Mitigation Plan Defect Prevention Report Risk Tracker 21.........WBS DMADVETVX SDLC 25.....Team members of the project should participate while evolving shared vision Shared vision is evolved from individual goals and objectives Shared vision is documented in the project plan Customer needs are considered while evolving project shared vision 24........Choose.Choose. The set of actions to be taken to minimize the occurrence of Risk is documented as part of Answer : .The customers and end users People in the Organisation Suppliers and partners All of the above 19. You want to know all your responsibilities as defined by veloci-Q for your role. ST & ATRS.Non-Conformances Process Improvement Proposal Process Improvement and Process Development Creation of Work Plans 16.. Which Lifecycle model emphasizes preparation of plans for validation during the early Life Cycle stages itself? Answer : .234 Multi-dimensional 22. Each phase /activity of a life cycle model is represented in veloci-Q by the ____________ Criteria Answer : .Choose..Choose.. exceptions of metrics and ensure Process Improvements in the Business Unit Answer : . IT & STRS.QICs Look Ahead Meetings PIP Board meetings Quality meet 15....Choose. CUT.Choose.Functional requirements of the system Interface requirements Environmental constraints All of the above 18. Project Plan 2.ISO 9001:2000 CMM CMMI Six Sigma 36. Defect Prevention Report 4.Prioritize customer requirements Select requirements Analyze customer requirements Requirements traceability 27.. Project level internal assessment at PPA stage should be carried out with ..Choose.Choose.... MRM(Management Review meetings) 4. Voice Of Customer (VOC) can be used to Answer : . but no level of CMMi 38. PMR 2.Functional testing Module testing Unit testing System testing 32..Choose....Risk identification Team members Project name None of the above 37. Taxonomy based checklist is used for Answer : .Choose.. Wipro Technologies is assessed as a CMMI 5____Organization Answer : ..Deviation from a stated process Failure of ISO certification Deviation of coding standard Observation 35.. A NCR (Non Conformance Report) signifies : Answer : ... A “Surveillance audit “is conducted by: Answer : .Choose...Choose......Choose.Choose.Choose. PDMR 3..Choose. The data and information of all previously executed projects are in the: Answer : .. in a project following V process model – the activity to define acceptance Test Plan is recommended as part of Answer : ... Choose the odd one: One of the process models NOT suitable for Development Answer : .SQA and SEPG Technical manager External certification agency Project Managers coordinated by SEPG 34.DMAIC DSSS +Veloci-Q TQSS 31..... sub modules are tested and test case verification is done Answer : .. Which of the following is not a management review mechanism..Choose..Project data bank PIP DB Treasure house Navigator 28......... Risk Plan 26....Repeatable stage Optimizing stage Iterative stage Defined stage 29.Lessons learnt and best practices Individual performance Process Improvement Proposals Conformance of requirements 30......Green Belt Champion Black Belt Yellow Belt 39..1.. Which of the following certifications mandate the use of Audits as a periodic check on compliance? Answer : ...Choose.Choose.. The CMMI level 5 stage is termed as a : Answer : . Project Performance Analysis (PPA) is an exercise which examines : Answer : . The Six Sigma methodology we use for new product/ process development: Answer : .Choose. PIP(Process Improvement Proposal) board meeting 41. As per veloci-Q. where senior management reviews performance of projects/ organization with respect to Quality? Answer : .453It is assessed at CMM only...Choose.. QIC(Quality Improvement Council) 3.(Doubt) 1.... The role of a person who facilitates the six sigma team project to align with the methodology is: Answer : .RS phase Design Phase Acceptance Testing Phase Project Planning phase 33. This is the testing procedure according to which modules.Iterative model n Waterfall Development model V-Process model Conversion/ Porting Process Model 40.. 24 2.Choose... team feels the customer should have that application they are developing 48. contains the list of software items To explain the project closure norms After the final test case is executed On acceptance of the release 46.... 23 4.. A project can be initiated based on Answer : .. V-Process Model 2. 28 45. Which Lifecycle model emphasizes preparation of plans for validation during the early Life Cycle stages itself? Answer: .Choose... 2I Process Model 54.. The Assessment methodology defined by SEI for the CMMI model is Answer : ..Choose. In the execution of maintenance projects each trigger from the customer is recorded in a: Answer : .Choose.CMMi PA Rating review checklist SCAMPI checklist PPR Project Data & Metrics report 42.. ______________ in the CM process represents the snapshot of a set of deliverables at a given point in time.. How many Process Areas are there in: Answer : ..Answer : . CBAIPI 2.Choose.. PVPDCAQ 43.Specific Task teams PIPs Six Sigma projects...... 1. Release note is prepared : Answer : ..Prior to the release .Client specified processes Processes as described in veloci-Q. do what you say" belongs to Answer : .Choose.. TM’s preference to develop his favourite application 2. What is the 3rd level in CMMI called? Answer : ..Choose. The process followed in the software development project should be: Answer: .. Maintenance model 3....Process guidelines Project Procedures Tailoring Guidelines Life Cycle models 53. The vital few problems identified from the Organization level Defect Prevention activities are tracked to closure by initiating Answer : .. wants his team to understand a technology 3.. the contract signed by the customer 4... As per veloci-Q organization structure...the Project Manager BS7799 ISO CMMI 49..Choose.Choose.. Answer : . SCAMPI 3. Tailored ODC specific processes Any One of the above 50.Change Request MRP MR Change control Register 55.Choose.. Rational Unified Process Model 4. 18 3..(doubt) 1. the QC in a project reports to Answer : ..Baselines Configuration Audits Configuration Items CCB 51.... In CMMI the Level 2 stage is described as ..Choose.....Choose.Managed Defined Optimized Controlled 47.. 1.Choose. Any of the above 52...Choose... The philosophy of "say what you do.PM TM SQA M b and c 44.... 1.. Which of the following would help us in deriving the projects specific process from the organization’s standard process? Answer : .. Business Development Manager 4. ___________ methodology involves breaking of the requirements into modules with information on Interface Requirements between the modules.. TM All team members entire team along with SQAM and customer 58. The 'Three Times Estimate' technique involves Answer : ..This is a deviation from the stated process This does not need closure This is a suggestion for improvement It could be a potential for non-conformance in future 61.... Project monitoring reviews are conducted : Answer : . maintenance.. Six Sigma d..Choose.... Execution Process Plan 3. Presales staff 66. testing(these are Project types not models) (doubt) etc b.Choose.. The following is not a section of the project plan template : Answer : .. a. RUP c. Which of these is not true regarding an Observation recorded during an audit Answer : .....Choose..Choose.Managed Repeatable defined optimized 56...High Level design Top Down design Coupling Cohesion 60... On a monthly basis 2.... Prior to start of the project. Whenever we have a client release 3..Choose.QC/TL) Answer : . V-process model. Answer : .Voice Of Customer (VOC)Testing template QFD DPMO 63....QFD Pugh Matrix FMEA none of the above 65.. Which of the following templates are for ensuring detailed requirement elicitation? Answer : .. 1.Choose.PM. Who is responsible for approving the estimate? Answer : .good idea .. Resource Plan 2. PDMR (Doubt) 4.. iPAT.Choose. All of the above 62. PM...Answer : . By the SQA Team periodically 57. Estimating using three different techniques 2.... Development. Estimation done by three people independently .. 1.Choose..he can get familiar with our estimation guidelines it is a must to plan better on execution of the project verify estimation and address differences if any all of the above 59. In the external audit meeting 4. 2i. customer and TM PM... 1.Choose.....Choose. veloci-Q. The different categories of Lifecycle models are Answer : . Release review process involves ANS : (TM. a. Project Vision 64.. QC. service.. Technical Manager 3. Project Manager 2. the PM should estimate Answer : .Choose..Choose. 1. Different Design approaches can be evaluated using Answer : . ..Coverage of all phases of the selected life cycle To define the ETVX for the phases and activities of the tailored process SEPG sign off of the tailored process all of the above 74. Voice of Customer 2.... 1.Probability and Impact Mitigation and Contingency Probability and Mitigation Contingency and Impact 76. Estimating at three points in time proposal stage.Choose. Specifying the "Pessimistic". While tailoring the processes to meet the project needs.. Which of these are used to identify the Risks in the project? Answer: ... FME ... a and b 4.... Customer feedback ratings 3.Choose... The set of actions to be taken when the perceived risk becomes a reality is documented as part of Answer : ..Elicit parameters that are critical to quality from customers Collect data and metrics Track performance All of the above 69.3..Choose.Choose. Objectives of customer focus is to: Answer : .. Customer Satisfaction survey is conducted to Answer : .... The Six Sigma technique/tool recommended for use for Risk Analysis is Answer : .....181002745 78.Choose.TRUE FALSE None of the above All of the above 71. 1. obtain feedback on delivery by Wipro 2.....Choose. Which of these set of parameters are used for Risk Quantification in Risk Plan? Answer : .Choose. Customer Satisfaction surveys 4.Choose....Choose.Create a feedback form and send it Use template in veloci-Q as a feedback form.. obtain feedback on the engagement with Wipro 3. The threshold value of Risk Score beyond which the Mitigation and contingency plans need to be documented is Answer:. Corrective and Preventive Action Plan should be drawn for: Answer : ..Choose.. which of the following should be ensured Answer : . We take customer complaint seriously Answer : ... "Optimistic" and "Most probable" Values for an activity 4..Risk Identification checklist Stake holder inputs Past project data All of the above 75. after requirements analysis and after design....Contingency plan Mitigation Plan Defect Prevention Report Risk Tracker 77..(correct but doubt) 67.Choose. tailor the feedback form by including project specific questions Call the customer and obtain feedback An acceptance mail from the customer post project completion will suffice 70.Choose.. Customer complaints received 2.Requirements and constraints Costs and benefits Risks All of the above 68.. 1.. All of the above 73.. Selection criteria for design alternatives can be based on Answer : . The mechanism for obtaining customer feedback at project closure as per veloci-Q is: Answer : ... none of the above 72. .. PDMR(Project data and metrics report) 2.Choose.. A Functional specification review involves one of the following: Answer : .To monitor the project performance To take appropriate decisions based on measured values To monitor individual performance To revise plans 81.Choose. waiting for its occurrence and doing the post mortem study Identifying potential nonconformities and stops the non conformitis before occurring 88.. Requirements Volatility 3..Choose... Which of the below situations recommends an RCA? Answer : . What is re-work in a development project? ..3. Variation between planned effort and actual effort+ effort to go PM's effort allocated to the Team member Projected effort and planned effort Actually consumed effort only 80.. None of the above 84.. Code review Identification and testing of sub modules Validation of the work items with the environment 86. What is the monthly mechanism to record and track metrics of the project? Answer : .Choose.Choose.Audit results.. The effectiveness of the Quality Management System is continuously improved through Answer : .... Work Plans 3.. performance... Pugh Matrix 79..Choose. CSATs. What does function point estimation mean: Answer : .Fire Fighting Identifying the necessary action as soon as the non conformities occurred Identifying the problems. Quality Policy Answer : .. Effort Deviation means Answer : .Choose...... CRs Index 4....A standard method to measure size of software projects A Metric for effort calculation A review technique / mechanism An experimental method to calculate project delivery time 85... Requirements Change Index 2. Which of this is not the intended use of Metrics? Answer : . 1..The following factors like safety.. Which metric is used for tracking change in requirements? Answer : . (Actual Ans: Difference b/w actual effort and planned effort expressed as % of planned effort) a.Choose. Preventive action is different from corrective action in terms of Answer : . reliability are considered....Should not be shown to the customer as it is very confidentialis prepared for the Mission Quality Group is used to rate the Mission Quality Group performance every year states a clear commitment to quality and consistent with organization goals 89.Choose. Company audit reports Quality group recruitments Individual Performance appraisals 87. PMR(Project Monitoring Review) 4. ASR(Account Status Report) 83.. ARCA 4. 1. Balance sheets.Choose. corrective and preventive actions....Metrics computed as part of the project is better than norm Metrics computed as part of the project is below norm Metrics is equal to the norm All of the above 82. Management Review Sales reports... .Answer : ..Choose. Tools group. The subgroups of the quality group are (Actual Ans :SEPG..Plan. None of the above 96.. Change.. External Agency 3.. SEPG 4. Ability of the product to meet stated or implicit needs of customers 2. Set of process and procedures 3.. AddPlan... Process improvement suggestions are periodically reviewed and evaluated for implementation Answer: .. quality group is Answer: .. Process improvements can be suggested by anyone in Wipro Answer : .Choose.. It is mandatory to take corrective and preventive actions for . Check... Part of a vertical d.. In Wipro.... All of the above 97.. Check.. ActPlan.SQA Group.Choose. A separate group headed by Chief Quality Officer(consists of SEPG..Queries and PIP Audit findings Project Performance Analysis All of the above 100. Change. Define.Choose. Define. Part of project teams b.. stands for Answer : ...Working late night Working on the job repeatedly Reviewing the specifications Bug Fixing 90. None of the above 98.Choose.Choose..provide the project team appropriate reward compute average time it takes for screens to load To record the learning’s from the project for future referencere start the project again at a future date 92. Organizational learning enters Veloci-Q through Answer : . Knowledge Management Group SEPG..Choose.SEPG.. 1.International Organization for Standardization International Systems for Organization International Systems Orientation International Systems Organization 91.Choose. design requirements technical skills 94.. Tools Group) Answer : ..Choose.TRUE FALSE Only Project Managers are eligible None of the above 93.. Add 95. a. Six Sigma and Knowledge Management Group 99.. SQA 2. Do. Do. Quality is defined as Answer : . AidPlan... 1... Prototype helps in validating Answer : ... Six Sigma Group Tools Group. Purpose of Project performance report is to Answer : .Choose.. Six Sigma and Knowledge Management GroupSEPG. Use of checklists and templates 4. SQA Group and Tool Group)... PDCA stands for Answer : .Choose.... Answer : ..Choose.. Answer : . Observations 3.. Customer complaints 4. 6 d...... DPMO stands for Answer : .Choose. Answer : .. 1.. Process Area 4. Audit 3. Review of quality System Interview of customers 4.. Appraisal 2. Normal Distribution 2.. (a) and (c) 101... Questionnaire.. Observation 105.. is a cluster of related practices that are performed collectively to achieve a set of objectives. Assessment 4.. Statistical term that describes the amount of variation in data Answer : . Quality System 2.Choose. Answer : . 1.... Answer : . Six Sigma 2.. An assessment consists of Answer : . Defects per million opportunities 2.. 2.Choose. CMMi model outlines levels of maturity. Documents review and Interviews 3. Six Sigma 108.... 8 102. 1.. All of the above 106... In a six sigma project... Defects per million occasions 3.. the problem owner is Answer : . Channel W 3. 1. Median 3. Derivations per million opportunities 4.. is an initiative that involves measuring and analyzing business processes. Answer : . 3 b....Choose... Pugh Matrix 4. In CMMi context is a collaborative effort to find strengths and improvement areas. Non-conformances 2. 1.Choose. Any of the above 109. 5 c.(Doubt) 1.Choose. Standard Deviation 4.. None of the above 107.Choose. a.Choose.Choose. .. In CMMi level software process is improved in a controlled manner. None of the above 104. 1. Root Cause Analysis 3.125All of the above 103.. Defect Reduction 3.. 1.. Six steps 111.1.Choose..Project Data Bank Veloci-QSix SigmaNone of the above 113. A list of project documents. Development Projects(/conversion or porting projects) 3... Error capture activities 3.. Schedule deviation. Look ahead meetings and root cause analysis are examples of Answer : .. Master list of documents 2. DSSS 4. Maintenance projects 4. Schedule volatility 3. Project Plan 4. 1.Choose. DMAIC 3.... effort deviation..Choose. None of the above 119.Choose... Service projects 2. 1. TMGreen 2. 1. metrics are reviewed by management in Answer : . Quality Plan 116.Choose.Choose. None of the above 115. is a repository of data and learning from closed projects... Cost calculations 4. Any of the above 118..... Answer : . DSSS.. Black Belt 3. 1... BeltWhite Belt 110. At organizational level..Management Review Meeting Quality Review Meeting Quality Improvement Council Any of the above 117.Choose.. None of the above 112.Master List of Documents Project Folder Document Bank None of the above 114. Six sigma methodology that is used for reduction of cycle time is Answer : .. a. Cross Functional Process Mapping 2. Effort DeviationCUT productivityOverall ProductivityNone of the above . Schedule deviation 4.Choose.... Defect prevention activities 2... Requirements volatility 2. quality records and customer supplied documents are recorded in Answer : ..Choose.. Appraisal activities 4... Ratio of product size to total project effort is Answer : . Triggers for root cause analysis are documented in Answer : . Reduction of cycle time 2.... Difference between actual end date and planned end date expressed as a % of planned duration is Answer : . Project Dashboard 3. DMAIC and TQSS are six sigma methodologies used for Answer : . field error rate are some of the metrics captured for Answer : .Choose. 1.... .Choose.Choose.... Both (a) and (b) 4.. 1. Project Plan 2..Choose....TM.. SQA 3....Choose.....Choose.. 1. Acceptance criteria should be part of RS Answer : .. Answer : ..Overall ProductivityPhantom Error RatePost Delivery defect rateAny of the above 121. Modification of the approved process to suit the requirements of a project is known as Answer : . PM / TM / SQA 3.... SEPG 2.Risk probability and impact of riskRisk mitigationRisk scheduleNone of the above 129. Either (a) or (b) 123. Either PM or SQA Team members 127. Contract/Proposal 3.. None of the above 124. Veloci-Q .Choose.Organization Shared VisionCustomer & project NeedsOrganizational process performance baselinesAll the above 122. SQA Either PM or SQA TM Tech Lead 128.. SEPG 2..TRUE FALSE Can be part of RS if provided by customer None of the above 126..Risk Management planProject planRisk Identification checklistNone of the above 130. The quality group responsible for process definition. metrics analysis and quality assurance activities at organizational level is Answer : . PM. Inputs for project initiation are Answer : ...Choose... None of the above 125. Tools Group 4. 1. Modification of the approved process to suit the requirements of a project are documented in Answer : ... The mandatory members for review of plan documents are Answer : . The mandatory members for RS and FS review are Answer : . 1. Tools Group 4. The ratio of defected reported during UAT to the size of project is Answer : ..Choose.. Project’s shared vision should be derived from Answer : ... None of the above 131. 1...120. The quality group responsible for process definition.. Project Requirements 2.... is used for tracking and monitoring risks.Choose. Process Approval 3.. 1.Choose.. Process Tailoring 2. PM / TM 2.. Process Deviation 4. metrics analysis and quality assurance activities at vertical/group vertical level is Answer : . SQA 3. Risk quantification is done based on Answer : ...Choose.Choose. .Regression Testing Unit Testing Quality Assurance None of the above 137..Choose......Choose. job cycle monitoring and software upgrades. Rational Unified Process Model 3...Service Process modelRational Unified Process ModelVProcess ModelNone of the above 133. V-Process Model 4.Choose.. Planned and systematic activities performed to provide adequate confidence that an item/product conforms to requirements is Answer : .Wiq Tree Veloci-Q Project Data BankK-net 141.Process Improvement Proposal Change Request Email/Phone All of the above 144.Six Sigma Quality Models Veloci-Q ChannelW 145.. None of the above 136.Software Engineering Institute Wipro Motorola None of the above 138. Bureau of India Standards emphasizes on ...... Answer : ..... Function Point 3. Meet the needs and expectations of customers 2. 1.. None of the above 134. The process model suited for projects with dissimilar service requests is Answer : ..... Wipro’s quality policy is Answer : ..Choose. Practitioners working on projects can suggest process improvements through a Answer : .V-Process model Iterative Process model Production Support process model None of the above 135.. are requests to make changes to baselined work products. None of the above 142..Choose.Choose. are the industry standards and benchmarks for quality..Requirements Maintenance Request (MR)Change Request (CR)None of the above 139..Choose.Choose.Choose..Choose. Wipro’s quality system is known as Answer : . None of the above 132.Change Items Configuration Items Product Items None of the above 140.... Estimation technique where the project activities are broken down into smaller tasks and estimated is Answer : .. Master List of Process 4..... the process model to be chosen is Answer : ... Group that focus on the tools used by projects and the impact of using tools is Answer : . Lines of code 4... Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) 2.3.. 1.Choose. The i model was developed by Answer : ...Tools group SQA SEPGAll of the above 143. Answer : . The data warehousing development process model is derived from Answer : . For a project that involves resolving incidents. 3. 1..Choose. Incremental Iterative Process Model 2... Achieve customer satisfaction by providing defect free products and services on time... Attain CMMi Level 5 compliance 4. Work items that would undergo changes during product life cycle are known as Answer : .Choose.. ... Answer : ... _________ is a technique used for arriving and prioritizing requirements...Choose. _________is used to document the features/functionality to be tested. The two representations in the CMMI Framework are: Answer : .Defect free On schedule Consistent with requirements None of the above 154.Integrated and Staged Integrated and Continuous Staged and Continuous None of the above 151.Choose... do what you sayRecord what you did and check the resultsAct upon the findingsAll of the above 152.Choose. understand project requirements ...Choose. review project progress 2. Small & Frequent releases are practices recommended by Answer : .Choose. intentions and directions for quality initiative are documented in Answer : ...... measured and controlled within an organization is known as Answer : ..Software Process Maturity Procedures Capacity Measurememt Maturity Capability Maturity Model Any of the above 150. 1..Project Quality Process Quality Quality Models Product Quality 146.Say what you do....Change Register Change Control Register Configuration Register Change Request Register 153..Answer : .. Pair Programming.Choose. _________ serves as an important verification activity to ensure the completeness of testing in order to ensure product quality..Choose.... Answer : .Test Plan Test Form Test development Test Design 156..XP model V-Process model 2I process model All of the above 160. Answer : ..Choose. The different types of Reviews are: Answer : .Traceability Requirements Change request All of the above 158... Both a and b 155.. __________ matrix is an aid to trace requirements across different phases of development. ____________ documents all change requests to baselined items...Policies section Procedure section Guidelines section All of the above 148......Pugh matrix Quality Function Deployment (QFD)Voice Of Customer (VOC)All of the above 159.... Answer : ....Policies section Procedure section Guidelines section All of the above 147.Choose. Peer / Online Reviews 3.... managed..Choose..Choose. In Veloci-Q.....Choose. Process artifacts that help to perform project activities in a standard manner are Answer : . Project Monitoring Reviews 4.Choose. Formal / Table reviews 2.. 1.. test strategy and testing methods to be used.. Answer : ..Choose. Project monitoring reviews are conducted to Answer : .. In a project context. Configuration audits are verification mechanisms used to ensure that deliverables are: Answer : .... The philosophy of is based on the key principles like: Answer : .Choose..Choose. who needs to do what is documented in Answer : . The extent to which a specific process is defined.Policies Procedures Checklists and Templates All of the above 149.Unit Testing Integration Testing Test Audit System testing 157.. Choose.. Maintenance 4.3..V-process model Waterfall process model Iterative process model None of the above. Change request 2.Choose.... 1..Defects Bugs Errors All of the above 163. All of the above 161..Choose. ________ is defined as any adverse event that is likely to occur. monitor requirements volatility 4. ________ are mistakes / faults caught during the same phase of SDLC Answer : .. Answer : .. ... Risk 3. request Disaster recovery 162. The process model applicable to projects that involve development of new products or major enhancements to existing products is Answer : ..
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