
May 28, 2018 | Author: Chida Gowda | Category: License, Trademark, Copyright, Intellectual Property, Copyright Law



Veeam Backup PowerShellVersion 9.0 Reference January, 2016 © 2016 Veeam Software. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form by any means, without written permission from Veeam Software (Veeam). The information contained in this document represents the current view of Veeam on the issue discussed as of the date of publication and is subject to change without notice. Veeam shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. Veeam makes no warranties, express or implied, in this document. Veeam may have patents, patent applications, trademark, copyright, or other intellectual property rights covering the subject matter of this document. All other trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Veeam, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Important! Please read the End User Software License Agreement before using the accompanying software program(s). Using any part of the software indicates that you accept the terms of the End User Software License Agreement. 2 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 CONTENTS CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................ 3 CONTACTING VEEAM SOFTWARE..................................................................................................... 14 GETTING STARTED............................................................................................................................. 15 UNDERSTANDING VEEAM CMDLETS .................................................................................................................................16 USING GET-VBRCOMMAND .............................................................................................................................................17 USING GET-HELP................................................................................................................................................................18 EXAMPLES OF USE ..............................................................................................................................................................19 POWERSHELL REMOTING...................................................................................................................................................20 VEEAM POWERSHELL CMDLETS ....................................................................................................... 21 ADD-HP3SNAPSHOT ........................................................................................................................................................22 ADD-HP3STORAGE ...........................................................................................................................................................24 ADD-HP4SNAPSHOT ........................................................................................................................................................26 ADD-HP4STORAGE ...........................................................................................................................................................28 ADD-NETAPPHOST ...........................................................................................................................................................30 ADD-NETAPPSNAPSHOT ..................................................................................................................................................32 ADD-VBRBACKUPREPOSITORY ........................................................................................................................................34 ADD-VBRBACKUPTOTAPEJOB.........................................................................................................................................39 ADD-VBRCLOUDGATEWAY..............................................................................................................................................44 ADD-VBRCLOUDGATEWAYCERTIFICATE ........................................................................................................................46 ADD-VBRCLOUDPROVIDER..............................................................................................................................................47 ADD-VBRCLOUDPUBLICIP...............................................................................................................................................50 ADD-VBRCLOUDTENANT .................................................................................................................................................51 ADD-VBRCOPYJOB ...........................................................................................................................................................54 ADD-VBRCREDENTIALS ....................................................................................................................................................56 ADD-VBRENCRYPTIONKEY ...............................................................................................................................................59 ADD-VBREPBACKUPCOPYJOB ........................................................................................................................................61 ADD-VBRESX ....................................................................................................................................................................64 ADD-VBRESXI ...................................................................................................................................................................66 ADD-VBRFAILOVERPLAN .................................................................................................................................................68 ADD-VBRFILETOTAPEJOB................................................................................................................................................71 ADD-VBRHVBACKUPCOPYJOB .......................................................................................................................................75 ADD-VBRHVBACKUPJOB .................................................................................................................................................78 ADD-VBRHVCLOUDHARDWAREPLAN ............................................................................................................................80 ADD-VBRHVCLOUDREPLICAJOB.....................................................................................................................................82 ADD-VBRHVCLUSTER .......................................................................................................................................................85 ADD-VBRHVHOST ............................................................................................................................................................87 ADD-VBRHVJOBOBJECT ..................................................................................................................................................89 ADD-VBRHVPROXY ..........................................................................................................................................................91 ADD-VBRHVREPLICAJOB .................................................................................................................................................93 ADD-VBRHVSCVMM .........................................................................................................................................................96 ADD-VBRLINUX .................................................................................................................................................................98 ADD-VBRSCALEOUTBACKUPREPOSITORY .................................................................................................................. 101 ADD-VBRSMBV3CLUSTER ............................................................................................................................................ 103 3 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 ADD-VBRSMBV3HOST.................................................................................................................................................. 105 ADD-VBRTAPEGFSMEDIAPOOL .................................................................................................................................. 107 ADD-VBRTAPEMEDIAPOOL .......................................................................................................................................... 110 ADD-VBRTAPESERVER ................................................................................................................................................... 115 ADD-VBRTAPEVAULT .................................................................................................................................................... 117 ADD-VBRVCENTER ......................................................................................................................................................... 119 ADD-VBRVCLOUD.......................................................................................................................................................... 121 ADD-VBRVCLOUDBACKUPCOPYJOB ........................................................................................................................... 123 ADD-VBRVCLOUDJOB ................................................................................................................................................... 126 ADD-VBRVCLOUDVC .................................................................................................................................................... 128 ADD-VBRVIBACKUPCOPYJOB ...................................................................................................................................... 131 ADD-VBRVIBACKUPJOB ................................................................................................................................................ 134 ADD-VBRVICLOUDHARDWAREPLAN........................................................................................................................... 136 ADD-VBRVICLOUDREPLICAJOB ................................................................................................................................... 138 ADD-VBRVIJOBOBJECT ................................................................................................................................................. 141 ADD-VBRVIPROXY ......................................................................................................................................................... 143 ADD-VBRVIREPLICAJOB ................................................................................................................................................ 145 ADD-VBRWANACCELERATOR ..................................................................................................................................... 150 ADD-VBRWINSERVER .................................................................................................................................................... 152 ADD-VNXHOST .............................................................................................................................................................. 154 ADD-VNXSNAPSHOT ..................................................................................................................................................... 156 ADD-VSBHVAPPLICATIONGROUP ................................................................................................................................ 157 ADD-VSBHVJOB............................................................................................................................................................. 159 ADD-VSBHVVIRTUALLAB .............................................................................................................................................. 162 ADD-VSBJOB .................................................................................................................................................................. 163 ADD-VSBVIAPPLICATIONGROUP ................................................................................................................................. 166 ADD-VSBVIRTUALLAB ................................................................................................................................................... 168 CLEAR-VBRWANCACHE ............................................................................................................................................... 170 CONNECT-VBRSERVER ................................................................................................................................................... 172 CONNECT-VSBHVVIRTUALLAB ..................................................................................................................................... 174 CONNECT-VSBVIRTUALLAB........................................................................................................................................... 176 COPY-VBRJOB ................................................................................................................................................................ 178 DISABLE-VBRCLOUDGATEWAY .................................................................................................................................... 180 DISABLE-VBRCLOUDTENANT ........................................................................................................................................ 182 DISABLE-VBREPJOB ...................................................................................................................................................... 184 DISABLE-VBRHVPROXY ................................................................................................................................................. 186 DISABLE-VBRJOB ........................................................................................................................................................... 188 DISABLE-VBRJOBGUESTFSINDEXING........................................................................................................................... 190 DISABLE-VBRJOBSCHEDULE ......................................................................................................................................... 192 DISABLE-VBRJOBVSSINTEGRATION ............................................................................................................................. 194 DISABLE-VBRREPOSITORYEXTENTMAINTENANCEMODE ........................................................................................... 196 DISABLE-VBRTAPEDRIVE ............................................................................................................................................... 198 DISABLE-VBRTAPEPROTECTION.................................................................................................................................... 200 DISABLE-VBRVIPROXY ................................................................................................................................................... 202 DISABLE-VSBJOB ............................................................................................................................................................ 204 DISABLE-VSBJOBSCHEDULE.......................................................................................................................................... 205 4 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 DISCONNECT-VBRSERVER ............................................................................................................................................. 206 EJECT-VBRTAPEMEDIUM............................................................................................................................................... 207 ENABLE-VBRCLOUDGATEWAY ..................................................................................................................................... 209 ENABLE-VBRCLOUDTENANT ......................................................................................................................................... 211 ENABLE-VBREPJOB........................................................................................................................................................ 213 ENABLE-VBRHVPROXY .................................................................................................................................................. 215 ENABLE-VBRJOB............................................................................................................................................................. 217 ENABLE-VBRJOBGUESTFSINDEXING ............................................................................................................................ 219 ENABLE-VBRJOBSCHEDULE........................................................................................................................................... 221 ENABLE-VBRJOBVSSINTEGRATION .............................................................................................................................. 223 ENABLE-VBRREPOSITORYEXTENTMAINTENANCEMODE ............................................................................................ 225 ENABLE-VBRTAPEDRIVE ................................................................................................................................................ 227 ENABLE-VBRTAPEPROTECTION..................................................................................................................................... 229 ENABLE-VBRVIPROXY .................................................................................................................................................... 231 ENABLE-VSBJOB ............................................................................................................................................................. 233 ENABLE-VSBJOBSCHEDULE ........................................................................................................................................... 234 ERASE-VBRTAPEMEDIUM .............................................................................................................................................. 235 EXPORT-VBRBACKUP ..................................................................................................................................................... 237 EXPORT-VBRLOGS.......................................................................................................................................................... 239 EXPORT-VBRTAPEMEDIUM ........................................................................................................................................... 242 FIND-VBRHVENTITY ....................................................................................................................................................... 244 FIND-VBRVCLOUDENTITY ............................................................................................................................................. 246 FIND-VBRVIDATASTORE ................................................................................................................................................ 249 FIND-VBRVIDATASTORECLUSTER................................................................................................................................. 251 FIND-VBRVIENTITY ........................................................................................................................................................ 253 FIND-VBRVIFOLDER ....................................................................................................................................................... 256 FIND-VBRVIRESOURCEPOOL ........................................................................................................................................ 258 FIND-VBRVISTORAGEPOLICY ........................................................................................................................................ 260 FIND-VSBHVVIRTUALLAB.............................................................................................................................................. 262 FIND-VSBVIRTUALLAB ................................................................................................................................................... 264 GET-HP3SNAPSHOT....................................................................................................................................................... 266 GET-HP3STORAGE ......................................................................................................................................................... 268 GET-HP3VOLUME .......................................................................................................................................................... 269 GET-HP4CLUSTER .......................................................................................................................................................... 271 GET-HP4SNAPSHOT....................................................................................................................................................... 273 GET-HP4STORAGE ......................................................................................................................................................... 275 GET-HP4VOLUME .......................................................................................................................................................... 276 GET-NETAPPHOST.......................................................................................................................................................... 278 GET-NETAPPSNAPSHOT................................................................................................................................................. 279 GET-NETAPPVOLUME .................................................................................................................................................... 281 GET-VBRAPPLICATIONRESTOREPOINT ......................................................................................................................... 283 GET-VBRBACKUP ........................................................................................................................................................... 286 GET-VBRBACKUPREPOSITORY ...................................................................................................................................... 288 GET-VBRBACKUPSESSION ............................................................................................................................................. 290 GET-VBRCLOUDDATASTORE ........................................................................................................................................ 292 GET-VBRCLOUDGATEWAY............................................................................................................................................ 294 5 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 GET-VBRCLOUDGATEWAYCERTIFICATE....................................................................................................................... 296 GET-VBRCLOUDHARDWAREPLAN ............................................................................................................................... 297 GET-VBRCLOUDPROVIDER ............................................................................................................................................ 299 GET-VBRCLOUDPROVIDERNETWORKAPPLIANCE ....................................................................................................... 301 GET-VBRCLOUDPUBLICIP ............................................................................................................................................. 302 GET-VBRCLOUDSERVER ................................................................................................................................................ 303 GET-VBRCLOUDSERVERNETWORKINFO....................................................................................................................... 305 GET-VBRCLOUDTENANT ............................................................................................................................................... 307 GET-VBRCLOUDTENANTNETWORKAPPLIANCE........................................................................................................... 309 GET-VBRCLOUDVLANCONFIGURATION ..................................................................................................................... 311 GET-VBRCOMMAND ...................................................................................................................................................... 312 GET-VBRCONFIGURATIONBACKUPJOB ........................................................................................................................ 314 GET-VBRCREDENTIALS .................................................................................................................................................. 315 GET-VBRDEFAULTGATEWAYCONFIGURATION............................................................................................................ 316 GET-VBRENCRYPTIONKEY ............................................................................................................................................. 317 GET-VBREPJOB .............................................................................................................................................................. 319 GET-VBREPPERMISSION................................................................................................................................................ 321 GET-VBREPSESSION ...................................................................................................................................................... 323 GET-VBRFAILOVERPLAN................................................................................................................................................ 325 GET-VBRFILESINRESTOREPOINT ................................................................................................................................... 328 GET-VBRHVPROXY ........................................................................................................................................................ 330 GET-VBRHVREPLICAREIPRULE ..................................................................................................................................... 332 GET-VBRHVSERVERNETWORKINFO .............................................................................................................................. 333 GET-VBRINSTANTRECOVERY ......................................................................................................................................... 335 GET-VBRJOB ................................................................................................................................................................... 336 GET-VBRJOBOBJECT ...................................................................................................................................................... 338 GET-VBRJOBOBJECTVSSOPTIONS................................................................................................................................ 340 GET-VBRJOBOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................... 342 GET-VBRJOBPROXY ....................................................................................................................................................... 343 GET-VBRJOBSCHEDULEOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 345 GET-VBRJOBVSSOPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................ 347 GET-VBRLOCALHOST ..................................................................................................................................................... 349 GET-VBRREPLICA ........................................................................................................................................................... 350 GET-VBRREPOSITORYEXTENT ....................................................................................................................................... 352 GET-VBRRESTOREPOINT................................................................................................................................................ 354 GET-VBRRESTORESESSION ............................................................................................................................................ 356 GET-VBRSERVER ............................................................................................................................................................. 357 GET-VBRSERVERSESSION .............................................................................................................................................. 359 GET-VBRSESSION ........................................................................................................................................................... 360 GET-VBRSQLDATABASE ............................................................................................................................................... 362 GET-VBRSQLDATABASERESTOREINTERVAL................................................................................................................ 363 GET-VBRTAPEDRIVE ...................................................................................................................................................... 365 GET-VBRTAPEJOB .......................................................................................................................................................... 367 GET-VBRTAPELIBRARY................................................................................................................................................... 368 GET-VBRTAPEMEDIAPOOL ........................................................................................................................................... 370 GET-VBRTAPEMEDIUM.................................................................................................................................................. 372 6 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 GET-VBRTAPESERVER .................................................................................................................................................... 375 GET-VBRTAPEVAULT ..................................................................................................................................................... 377 GET-VBRTASKSESSION .................................................................................................................................................. 379 GET-VBRTOOLKITDOCUMENTATION ............................................................................................................................ 381 GET-VBRVIPROXY .......................................................................................................................................................... 382 GET-VBRVIREPLICAREIPRULE ....................................................................................................................................... 383 GET-VBRVISERVERNETWORKINFO ............................................................................................................................... 384 GET-VBRVIVIRTUALSWITCH .......................................................................................................................................... 386 GET-VBRWANACCELERATOR....................................................................................................................................... 387 GET-VNXHOST ............................................................................................................................................................... 388 GET-VNXSNAPSHOT ...................................................................................................................................................... 389 GET-VNXVOLUME .......................................................................................................................................................... 390 GET-VSBAPPLICATIONGROUP ...................................................................................................................................... 391 GET-VSBHVVIRTUALLAB ............................................................................................................................................... 392 GET-VSBJOB ................................................................................................................................................................... 393 GET-VSBJOBOPTIONS.................................................................................................................................................... 394 GET-VSBJOBSCHEDULEOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................. 395 GET-VSBSESSION ........................................................................................................................................................... 396 GET-VSBTASKSESSION .................................................................................................................................................. 397 GET-VSBVIRTUALLAB .................................................................................................................................................... 399 IMPORT-VBRBACKUP ..................................................................................................................................................... 400 IMPORT-VBRTAPEMEDIUM ........................................................................................................................................... 402 MOVE-VBRTAPEMEDIUM .............................................................................................................................................. 404 NEW-VBRBACKUPTOTAPESCHEDULEOPTIONS .......................................................................................................... 407 NEW-VBRBACKUPWINDOWOPTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 409 NEW-VBRCLOUDFAILOVERPLANOBJECT..................................................................................................................... 411 NEW-VBRCLOUDPROVIDERNETWORKAPPLIANCE ...................................................................................................... 413 NEW-VBRCLOUDTENANTHWPLANOPTIONS .............................................................................................................. 415 NEW-VBRCLOUDTENANTREPLICATIONRESOURCES ................................................................................................... 417 NEW-VBRCLOUDTENANTRESOURCE............................................................................................................................ 419 NEW-VBRCLOUDVLANCONFIGURATION.................................................................................................................... 421 NEW-VBRCONFIGURATIONBACKUPSCHEDULEOPTIONS............................................................................................ 423 NEW-VBRDAILYOPTIONS .............................................................................................................................................. 426 NEW-VBRFAILOVERPLANOBJECT ................................................................................................................................. 428 NEW-VBRFAILOVERPLANPUBLICIPRULE ..................................................................................................................... 431 NEW-VBRFILETOTAPEBACKUPPOLICY ........................................................................................................................ 432 NEW-VBRFILETOTAPEOBJECT ...................................................................................................................................... 434 NEW-VBRFULLBACKUPTOTAPEPOLICY ....................................................................................................................... 436 NEW-VBRHVCLOUDHWPLANDATASTORE ................................................................................................................. 438 NEW-VBRHVREPLICAREIPRULE .................................................................................................................................... 439 NEW-VBRJOBOPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 441 NEW-VBRJOBSCHEDULEOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 443 NEW-VBRJOBSCRIPTOPTIONS ...................................................................................................................................... 444 NEW-VBRJOBVSSOPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 446 NEW-VBRMONTHLYOPTIONS ....................................................................................................................................... 449 NEW-VBRNOTIFICATIONOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 451 7 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 NEW-VBRTAPEGFSMEDIASETPOLICY......................................................................................................................... 453 NEW-VBRTAPEGFSSCHEDULEOPTIONS...................................................................................................................... 455 NEW-VBRTAPEMEDIAPOOLRETENTIONPOLICY .......................................................................................................... 459 NEW-VBRTAPEMEDIASETCREATIONPOLICY ............................................................................................................... 461 NEW-VBRVCLOUDVAPPRESTORESETTINGS ................................................................................................................ 463 NEW-VBRVICLOUDHWPLANDATASTORE .................................................................................................................. 466 NEW-VBRVIREPLICAREIPRULE...................................................................................................................................... 467 NEW-VSBJOBOPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................. 469 REMOVE-HP3SNAPSHOT ............................................................................................................................................... 470 REMOVE-HP3STORAGE .................................................................................................................................................. 472 REMOVE-HP4SNAPSHOT ............................................................................................................................................... 474 REMOVE-HP4STORAGE .................................................................................................................................................. 476 REMOVE-NETAPPHOST .................................................................................................................................................. 478 REMOVE-NETAPPSNAPSHOT ......................................................................................................................................... 479 REMOVE-VBRBACKUP .................................................................................................................................................... 480 REMOVE-VBRBACKUPREPOSITORY ............................................................................................................................... 482 REMOVE-VBRCLOUDGATEWAY .................................................................................................................................... 484 REMOVE-VBRCLOUDHARDWAREPLAN ........................................................................................................................ 486 REMOVE-VBRCLOUDPROVIDER .................................................................................................................................... 488 REMOVE-VBRCLOUDPUBLICIP ..................................................................................................................................... 490 REMOVE-VBRCLOUDTENANT........................................................................................................................................ 491 REMOVE-VBRCLOUDVLANCONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................. 493 REMOVE-VBRCREDENTIALS ........................................................................................................................................... 494 REMOVE-VBRDEFAULTGATEWAY ................................................................................................................................. 495 REMOVE-VBRENCRYPTIONKEY...................................................................................................................................... 496 REMOVE-VBRFAILOVERPLAN ........................................................................................................................................ 498 REMOVE-VBRHVPROXY ................................................................................................................................................. 500 REMOVE-VBRJOB ........................................................................................................................................................... 502 REMOVE-VBRJOBOBJECT .............................................................................................................................................. 504 REMOVE-VBRREPLICA .................................................................................................................................................... 506 REMOVE-VBRRESTOREPOINT ........................................................................................................................................ 508 REMOVE-VBRRESTORESESSION .................................................................................................................................... 510 REMOVE-VBRSERVER ..................................................................................................................................................... 512 REMOVE-VBRTAPELIBRARY ........................................................................................................................................... 514 REMOVE-VBRTAPEMEDIAPOOL.................................................................................................................................... 516 REMOVE-VBRTAPEMEDIUM .......................................................................................................................................... 518 REMOVE-VBRTAPESERVER............................................................................................................................................. 519 REMOVE-VBRTAPEVAULT .............................................................................................................................................. 521 REMOVE-VBRVIPROXY................................................................................................................................................... 523 REMOVE-VBRWANACCELERATOR ............................................................................................................................... 525 REMOVE-VNXHOST........................................................................................................................................................ 527 REMOVE-VNXSNAPSHOT............................................................................................................................................... 528 REMOVE-VSBAPPLICATIONGROUP ............................................................................................................................... 529 REMOVE-VSBHVVIRTUALLAB........................................................................................................................................ 531 REMOVE-VSBJOB............................................................................................................................................................ 533 REMOVE-VSBVIRTUALLAB ............................................................................................................................................. 535 8 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 RESCAN-VBRENTITY ....................................................................................................................................................... 537 RESET-HVVMCHANGETRACKING ................................................................................................................................... 540 RESET-VBRCLOUDTENANT ............................................................................................................................................ 542 RESET-VBRJOBOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 544 RESET-VBRJOBSCHEDULEOPTIONS .............................................................................................................................. 546 RESET-VBRJOBVSSOPTIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 548 RESET-VSBJOBOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 550 RESTART-VBRINSTANTRECOVERY ................................................................................................................................. 552 SET-NETAPPHOST .......................................................................................................................................................... 554 SET-VBRBACKUPREPOSITORY ....................................................................................................................................... 556 SET-VBRBACKUPTOTAPEJOB........................................................................................................................................ 560 SET-VBRBACKUPWINDOWOPTIONS ............................................................................................................................ 564 SET-VBRCLOUDFAILOVERPLANOBJECT....................................................................................................................... 566 SET-VBRCLOUDGATEWAY ............................................................................................................................................ 568 SET-VBRCLOUDPROVIDER............................................................................................................................................. 570 SET-VBRCLOUDPROVIDERNETWORKAPPLIANCE ........................................................................................................ 573 SET-VBRCLOUDTENANT ................................................................................................................................................ 575 SET-VBRCLOUDTENANTNETWORKAPPLIANCE ........................................................................................................... 579 SET-VBRCLOUDTENANTRESOURCE .............................................................................................................................. 581 SET-VBRCLOUDVLANCONFIGURATION ...................................................................................................................... 583 SET-VBRCONFIGURATIONBACKUPJOB ......................................................................................................................... 585 SET-VBRCREDENTIALS ................................................................................................................................................... 588 SET-VBRDEFAULTGATEWAY ......................................................................................................................................... 591 SET-VBRDEFAULTGATEWAYCONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................ 592 SET-VBRENCRYPTIONKEY .............................................................................................................................................. 593 SET-VBREPPERMISSION ................................................................................................................................................ 595 SET-VBRFAILOVERPLAN ................................................................................................................................................ 598 SET-VBRFAILOVERPLANOBJECT ................................................................................................................................... 601 SET-VBRFILETOTAPEJOB............................................................................................................................................... 603 SET-VBRHVCLOUDHARDWAREPLAN ........................................................................................................................... 607 SET-VBRHVCLOUDREPLICAJOB.................................................................................................................................... 609 SET-VBRJOBADVANCEDBACKUPOPTIONS .................................................................................................................. 612 SET-VBRJOBADVANCEDHVOPTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 615 SET-VBRJOBADVANCEDNOTIFICATIONOPTIONS ........................................................................................................ 617 SET-VBRJOBADVANCEDOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 619 SET-VBRJOBADVANCEDSTORAGEOPTIONS ................................................................................................................ 622 SET-VBRJOBADVANCEDVIOPTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 624 SET-VBRJOBOBJECTVSSOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................ 626 SET-VBRJOBOPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 629 SET-VBRJOBPROXY ........................................................................................................................................................ 631 SET-VBRJOBSCHEDULE.................................................................................................................................................. 633 SET-VBRJOBSCHEDULEOPTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 637 SET-VBRJOBVSSOPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 639 SET-VBRREPOSITORYEXTENT ........................................................................................................................................ 641 SET-VBRSCALEOUTBACKUPREPOSITORY .................................................................................................................... 643 SET-VBRTAPEGFSMEDIAPOOL .................................................................................................................................... 646 9 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 SET-VBRTAPEGFSSCHEDULEOPTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 649 SET-VBRTAPELIBRARY ................................................................................................................................................... 653 SET-VBRTAPEMEDIAPOOL ............................................................................................................................................ 655 SET-VBRTAPEMEDIUM .................................................................................................................................................. 660 SET-VBRTAPESERVER ..................................................................................................................................................... 662 SET-VBRTAPEVAULT ...................................................................................................................................................... 664 SET-VBRVICLOUDHARDWAREPLAN............................................................................................................................. 666 SET-VBRVICLOUDREPLICAJOB ..................................................................................................................................... 668 SET-VBRVIREPLICAJOB .................................................................................................................................................. 671 SET-VNXHOST ................................................................................................................................................................ 675 SET-VSBJOBOPTIONS .................................................................................................................................................... 677 SET-VSBJOBSCHEDULE .................................................................................................................................................. 679 SET-VSBJOBSCHEDULEOPTIONS .................................................................................................................................. 682 START-VBRCONFIGURATIONBACKUPJOB .................................................................................................................... 684 START-VBRFAILOVERPLAN ............................................................................................................................................ 685 START-VBRHVINSTANTRECOVERY ................................................................................................................................ 688 START-VBRHVINSTANTRECOVERYMIGRATION ............................................................................................................ 691 START-VBRHVREPLICAFAILBACK .................................................................................................................................. 693 START-VBRHVREPLICAFAILOVER .................................................................................................................................. 695 START-VBRHVRESTOREVM........................................................................................................................................... 697 START-VBRINSTANTRECOVERY ..................................................................................................................................... 700 START-VBRJOB ............................................................................................................................................................... 703 START-VBRLINUXFILERESTORE ..................................................................................................................................... 705 START-VBRQUICKBACKUP ............................................................................................................................................ 709 START-VBRQUICKMIGRATION ...................................................................................................................................... 710 START-VBRREPOSITORYEXTENTBACKUPEVACUATION ............................................................................................... 713 START-VBRRESTOREVIRTUALDISKS .............................................................................................................................. 715 START-VBRRESTOREVM ................................................................................................................................................ 718 START-VBRRESTOREVMFILES ....................................................................................................................................... 721 START-VBRSQLDATABASERESTORE ............................................................................................................................ 723 START-VBRTAPECATALOG ............................................................................................................................................ 726 START-VBRTAPEINVENTORY.......................................................................................................................................... 728 START-VBRVCLOUDINSTANTRECOVERY....................................................................................................................... 730 START-VBRVCLOUDRESTOREVAPP .............................................................................................................................. 732 START-VBRVCLOUDRESTOREVM .................................................................................................................................. 735 START-VBRVIREPLICAFAILBACK ................................................................................................................................... 738 START-VBRVIREPLICAFAILOVER ................................................................................................................................... 741 START-VBRWINDOWSFILERESTORE ............................................................................................................................. 744 START-VBRZIP ................................................................................................................................................................ 746 START-VSBJOB ............................................................................................................................................................... 749 STOP-VBRINSTANTRECOVERY ....................................................................................................................................... 751 STOP-VBRJOB ................................................................................................................................................................. 753 STOP-VBRLINUXFILERESTORE....................................................................................................................................... 755 STOP-VBRREPLICAFAILOVER ......................................................................................................................................... 756 STOP-VBRVIREPLICAFAILBACK ..................................................................................................................................... 758 STOP-VBRWINDOWSFILERESTORE ............................................................................................................................... 760 10 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 STOP-VSBJOB ................................................................................................................................................................. 762 SYNC-HP3STORAGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 764 SYNC-HP3VOLUME ........................................................................................................................................................ 766 SYNC-HP4STORAGE ....................................................................................................................................................... 768 SYNC-HP4VOLUME ........................................................................................................................................................ 770 SYNC-NETAPPHOST ....................................................................................................................................................... 772 SYNC-NETAPPVOLUME .................................................................................................................................................. 773 SYNC-VBRBACKUPCOPYJOB ......................................................................................................................................... 774 SYNC-VBRBACKUPREPOSITORY .................................................................................................................................... 776 SYNC-VBRBACKUPTOTAPEJOB .................................................................................................................................... 778 SYNC-VNXHOST ............................................................................................................................................................. 780 SYNC-VNXVOLUME........................................................................................................................................................ 781 UNDO-VBRFAILOVERPLAN............................................................................................................................................ 782 VEEAM POWERSHELL OBJECTS ...................................................................................................... 784 PSCRYPTOKEY................................................................................................................................................................. 785 VBRAPPLICATIONRESTOREPOINT ................................................................................................................................. 786 VBRBACKUPSESSION...................................................................................................................................................... 787 VBRBACKUPTOTAPEJOB ............................................................................................................................................... 788 VBRBACKUPTOTAPESCHEDULEOPTIONS .................................................................................................................... 790 VBRBACKUPWINDOWOPTIONS .................................................................................................................................... 791 VBRCLOUDCERTIFICATE ................................................................................................................................................ 792 VBRCLOUDDATASTORE ................................................................................................................................................. 793 VBRCLOUDFAILOVERPLAN............................................................................................................................................ 794 VBRCLOUDFAILOVERPLANOBJECT .............................................................................................................................. 795 VBRCLOUDGATEWAY .................................................................................................................................................... 796 VBRCLOUDIP .................................................................................................................................................................. 797 VBRCLOUDPROVIDER .................................................................................................................................................... 798 VBRCLOUDPROVIDERDATASTORE................................................................................................................................ 799 VBRCLOUDPROVIDERREPLICATIONRESOURCE ............................................................................................................ 800 VBRCLOUDPROVIDERRESOURCE .................................................................................................................................. 801 VBRCLOUDSERVER ......................................................................................................................................................... 802 VBRCLOUDSERVERNETWORKINFO ............................................................................................................................... 803 VBRCLOUDTENANT........................................................................................................................................................ 804 VBRCLOUDTENANTHWPLANOPTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 805 VBRCLOUDTENANTNETWORKAPPLIANCE ................................................................................................................... 806 VBRCLOUDTENANTREPLICATIONRESOURCES ............................................................................................................. 807 VBRCLOUDTENANTRESOURCE...................................................................................................................................... 808 VBRCONFIGURATIONBACKUPJOB................................................................................................................................. 809 VBRCONFIGURATIONBACKUPSCHEDULEOPTIONS...................................................................................................... 810 VBRDAILYOPTIONS ........................................................................................................................................................ 811 VBRDATABASERESTOREINTERVAL ................................................................................................................................ 812 VBRDATALOCALITYEXTENT .......................................................................................................................................... 813 VBRDEFAULTGATEWAY ................................................................................................................................................. 814 VBRDEFAULTGATEWAYCONFIGURATION .................................................................................................................... 815 VBRENCRYPTIONOPTIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 816 VBREPJOB ...................................................................................................................................................................... 817 11 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBREPPERMISSION ........................................................................................................................................................ 818 VBRFAILOVERPLAN ........................................................................................................................................................ 819 VBRFAILOVERPLANOBJECT ........................................................................................................................................... 820 VBRFAILOVERPLANPUBLICIPRULE ............................................................................................................................... 821 VBRFILETOTAPEBACKUPPOLICY .................................................................................................................................. 822 VBRFILETOTAPEJOB ...................................................................................................................................................... 823 VBRFILETOTAPEOBJECT ................................................................................................................................................ 825 VBRFULLBACKUPTOTAPEPOLICY ................................................................................................................................. 826 VBRGLOBALMEDIAPOOLOPTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 827 VBRHVCLOUDHARDWAREPLAN................................................................................................................................... 828 VBRHVCLOUDHARDWAREPLANDATASTORE .............................................................................................................. 829 VBRHVCLOUDPROVIDERNETWORKAPPLIANCE .......................................................................................................... 830 VBRHVCLOUDVLANCONFIGURATION ........................................................................................................................ 831 VBRJOB ........................................................................................................................................................................... 832 VBRJOBSCRIPTOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................ 833 VBRLOGITEM .................................................................................................................................................................. 834 VBRMONTHLYOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 835 VBRMULTISTREAMINGOPTIONS ................................................................................................................................... 836 VBRNOTIFICATIONOPTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 837 VBRPERFORMANCEEXTENT ........................................................................................................................................... 838 VBRREPOSITORYEXTENT ................................................................................................................................................ 839 VBRSCALEOUTBACKUPREPOSITORY ............................................................................................................................ 840 VBRSESSION.................................................................................................................................................................... 841 VBRSQLDATABASE........................................................................................................................................................ 842 VBRTAPEDRIVE ............................................................................................................................................................... 843 VBRTAPEGFSMEDIAPOOL............................................................................................................................................ 844 VBRTAPEGFSMEDIASETOPTIONS................................................................................................................................ 845 VBRTAPEGFSMEDIASETPOLICY................................................................................................................................... 846 VBRTAPEGFSSCHEDULEMONTHLYOPTIONS .............................................................................................................. 847 VBRTAPEGFSSCHEDULEOPTIONS................................................................................................................................ 848 VBRTAPEGFSSCHEDULEQUARTERLYOPTIONS ........................................................................................................... 849 VBRTAPEGFSSCHEDULEWEEKLYOPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 850 VBRTAPEGFSSCHEDULEYEARLYOPTIONS................................................................................................................... 851 VBRTAPELIBRARY ........................................................................................................................................................... 852 VBRTAPEMEDIAPOOL.................................................................................................................................................... 853 VBRTAPEMEDIAPOOLRETENTIONPOLICY .................................................................................................................... 855 VBRTAPEMEDIASETCREATIONPOLICY ......................................................................................................................... 856 VBRTAPEMEDIUM .......................................................................................................................................................... 857 VBRTAPESERVER............................................................................................................................................................. 859 VBRTAPEVAULT .............................................................................................................................................................. 860 VBRTENANTFAILOVERPLAN .......................................................................................................................................... 861 VBRVICLOUDHARDWAREPLAN .................................................................................................................................... 862 VBRVICLOUDHARDWAREPLANDATASTORE ................................................................................................................ 863 VBRVICLOUDPROVIDERNETWORKAPPLIANCE ............................................................................................................ 864 VBRVICLOUDVLANCONFIGURATION .......................................................................................................................... 865 VBRVIDATASTORECLUSTER........................................................................................................................................... 866 12 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRVISTORAGEPOLICY .................................................................................................................................................. 867 VBRVIVIRTUALSWITCH .................................................................................................................................................. 868 OBSOLETE CMDLETS ....................................................................................................................... 869 ADD-VBRBACKUPJOB (OBSOLETE) ............................................................................................................................... 870 ADD-VBRJOBOBJECT (OBSOLETE) ................................................................................................................................ 872 ADD-VBRREPLICAJOB (OBSOLETE) ............................................................................................................................... 874 ADD-VBRTAPEFILESJOB (OBSOLETE) ........................................................................................................................... 876 ADD-VBRTAPEVMJOB (OBSOLETE) ............................................................................................................................. 878 ADD-VSBAPPLICATIONGROUP (OBSOLETE) ................................................................................................................ 881 EJECT-VBRTAPEDRIVE (OBSOLETE)............................................................................................................................... 883 EXPORT-VBRCONFIGURATION (OBSOLETE).................................................................................................................. 885 FIND-VBRDATASTORE (OBSOLETE)............................................................................................................................... 886 FIND-VBROBJECT (OBSOLETE) ...................................................................................................................................... 888 FIND-VBRRESOURCEPOOL (OBSOLETE) ....................................................................................................................... 890 FIND-VBRTAPECATALOG (OBSOLETE) .......................................................................................................................... 891 FIND-VBRTAPECATALOGVERSION (OBSOLETE) ........................................................................................................... 892 GET-VBRTAPEBACKUP (OBSOLETE) .............................................................................................................................. 894 GET-VBRTAPEMEDIAPOOLOPTIONS (OBSOLETE)....................................................................................................... 896 IMPORT-VBRCONFIGURATION (OBSOLETE) .................................................................................................................. 897 REMOVE-VBRBACKUPSESSION (OBSOLETE) ................................................................................................................. 899 REMOVE-VSBSESSION (OBSOLETE) ............................................................................................................................... 901 START-VBRREPLICAFAILOVER (OBSOLETE) .................................................................................................................. 903 START-VBRTAPERESTORE (OBSOLETE) ......................................................................................................................... 905 START-VBRTAPERESTOREFILES (OBSOLETE) ................................................................................................................ 907 13 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 CONTACTING VEEAM SOFTWARE At Veeam Software we value the feedback from our customers. It is important not only to help you quickly with your technical issues, but it is our mission to listen to your input, and build products that incorporate your suggestions. Customer Support Should you have a technical concern, suggestion or question, please visit our Customer Center Portal at to open a case, search our knowledge base, reference documentation, manage your license or obtain the latest product release. Company Contacts For the most up to date information about company contacts and offices location, please visit Online Support If you have any questions about Veeam Backup PowerShell, you can use the following resources:  Full documentation set:  Community forum at 14 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 GETTING STARTED Veeam Backup & Replication comes with PowerShell extension — a snap-in to Microsoft Windows PowerShell 2.0. The Veeam Backup PowerShell snap-in allows you to do almost all operations that are available in the user interface. Veeam PowerShell cmdlets mirror actions you can perform via Veeam Backup & Replication UI. Keep in mind that actions performed with PowerShell have the same force as actions performed via Veeam Backup & Replication: for example, if you delete a job with a PowerShell script, the job will be removed from the Veeam Backup & Replication database, and you will not be able to undo changes. Starting Veeam PowerShell Sessions You can run the Veeam PowerShell sessions from the Veeam backup server (locally) or from a remote machine. The remote machine must have the Veeam Backup & Replication Console installed. The Veeam PowerShell component is installed by default as a part of the Veeam Backup & Replication or the Veeam Backup & Replication Console. You can open the PowerShell console from the Veeam Backup & Replication main menu. In this case, the Veeam PSSnapIn is added automatically. You can run Veeam PowerShell commands from any Windows PowerShell session, for example from the Windows PowerShell console installed on your machine. To start the session, do the following: 1. To get access to the Veeam Backup & Replication cmdlets library, you need to add the PSSnapIn. Run the following command: PS C:\PS> Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin 2. Connect to local or remote Veeam backup server. See Connect-VBRServer. Note: If your machine is running Microsoft Windows 2008, make sure that the Microsoft Windows PowerShell 2.0 is installed on your machine. To download Microsoft Windows PowerShell, use the following link: 15 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Understanding Veeam Cmdlets The Veeam cmdlets are developed to behave like other Microsoft Windows cmdlets. Each cmdlet is a simple single-function command that is a specialized .NET class implementing specific actions. Most of the cmdlets have parameters that pass additional data to the command. The cmdlets and their parameters are named after the Microsoft naming conditions. Working with Veeam PowerShell cmdlets and scripts in many respects depends on your imagination, skills and expertise in Windows PowerShell 2.0. To learn more about Windows PowerShell 2.0 and its basics, use the book by Dr. Tobias Weltner: Microsoft Master-PowerShell. Note: Veeam Support team does not write PowerShell scripts on demand. Platform Some Veeam cmdlets differ for VMware and Hyper platforms. A prefix indicates the platform: 'Vi' stands for VMware, and 'Hv' stands for Hyper-V. A Vi-cmdlet will not work for Hyper-V instances, and vice versa. For example, Add-VBRViBackupJob creates a backup job for VMware VMs, but if you need to back up Hyper-V VMs, you need Add-VBRHvBackupJob. Some cmdlet work for both platforms, like Get-VBRJob. You can additionally check the platform in the Applies to section on the online help page for each cmdlet. Input and Output As an input, the cmdlets expect objects, and they output objects. The objects mostly represent instances of the backup infrastructure: VMs, jobs, job settings, failover plans and so on. See Veeam PowerShell Objects for objects properties. The objects can be part of a pipeline. You can use the cmdlet help to understand what kind of input is needed. The cmdlets have syntax that shows the whole set of parameters available in the cmdlet and what each parameter expects as input. For example, Add-VBRHvProxy has the following syntax: Add-VBRHvProxy -Server <CHost> [-Description <String>] [-MaxTasks <Int32>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] That means that to add a new Hyper-V proxy, you need to indicate a server that will act as the proxy, the description of the new proxy and a number of tasks that the proxy can perform simultaneously. Some cmdlets have two or more parameter sets. For example, restore cmdlets offer a 'simplified' parameter set for restoring to original location, while the parameter set for restoring to another location allows to indicate the target server and other detail and these parameters are mandatory for this set. Note: Since Veeam Backup & Replication v5 uses Windows PowerShell 2.0, scripts that you have created with previous versions of Veeam Backup & Replication which used Windows PowerShell 1.0 may not work. 16 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Using Get-VBRCommand The Get-VBRCommand cmdlet returns the list of cmdlets available in the Veeam PowerShell SnapIn. Note: This cmdlet is available only in sessions started from Veeam Backup & Replication main menu. You can additionally filter the list of commands using Name, Noun or Verb parameters: 17 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Using Get-Help The Get-Help cmdlet is a Microsoft cmdlet that works for Veeam PowerShell SnapIn as well. Get-Help <cmdletname> displays a full description of the specified cmdlet along with its syntax and full parameter description. Note: The online help is always a more accurate source of information than the help integrated in the product. The online help is updated regularly and contains all fixes based on customers' feedback. 18 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Examples of Use In this example, we will review how to restore a VM to another location by means of the Veeam PowerShell script. To let you get most out of this example, each command will be illustrated by the action from the Veeam Backup & Replication UI that provides the result similar to execution of the PowerShell script. To restore a VM, you will need the Start-VBRRestoreVm cmdlet. The cmdlet has two parameter sets: to restore to the original location or to another location. The parameters of the cmdlet allows you to choose various restore details, but for a basic restore the following settings will be enough:  The restore point: choose the restore point to restore the VM to a particular date.  The target server: choose the server where the VM will be registered.  The target resource pool: choose the resource pool on the target server where you want to restore the VM. We will get all these objects and save them to variables: 1. To get the restore point, we will need first to get the backup job that processed the VM. Get the backup job and save it to a variable: PS C:\PS> $backup = Get-VBRBackup -Name "Daily Server Backup" Then get the restore point of this backup. Remember that the backup contains all VM processed by the job, so use the -Name parameter to indicate the name of the needed VM. The command returns the list of the restore points. We will need the last one and we will save it to another variable: PS C:\PS> $restorepoint = Get-VBRRestorePoint -Backup $backup -Name "vdi001" | Select -Last 1 2. Now you will need to get the server. Save it to yet another variable: PS C:\PS> $server = $server = Get-VBRServer -Name "" 3. And now we need to get the resource pool on this server. We will save it to the variable, too: PS C:\PS> $resourcepool = Find-VBRViResourcePool -Server $server -Name "Webservers" 4. Finally, we can start the restore. We will need the saved variables: PS C:\PS> Start-VBRRestoreVM –RestorePoint $restorepoint –Server $server –ResourcePool $resourcepool 19 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 PowerShell Remoting Veeam PowerShell supports remote execution of cmdlets and scripts. That is, you can run cmdlets and scripts directly on the Veeam Backup & Replication, or against remote computers. A remote session can be started on one remote computer, or a number of remote computers at a time. To enable PowerShell remoting:  Install the WinRM Service.  Enable PowerShell remoting. Start Windows PowerShell 2.0 as an administrator and type in Enable-PSRemoting To learn more about PowerShell remoting and its configuration, see: 20 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VEEAM POWERSHELL CMDLETS Veeam PowerShell allows you to perform almost all operations that are available with the Veeam Backup & Replication UI. See the topics below to get help with performing backup and restore tasks with your command line. 21 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-HP3Snapshot Short Description Creates a HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage snapshot. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE 3PAR StoreServ Syntax Add-HP3Snapshot -Volume <CSanVolume> [-Name <string>][-Description <string>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP3Volume Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a snapshot of the selected HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage volume. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Volume Specifies the HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage volume for which you want to take snapshot. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the snapshot. False Named False False Description Specifies the description of the snapshot. False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 22 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command creates a snapshot of the "Vol 01" volume. The snapshot is named "vol_SS_01". The target volume object is obtained with Get-HP3Volume and piped down. The description is "Vol 01 snapshot". PS C:\PS> Get-HP3Volume -Name "Vol 01" | Add-HP3Snapshot -Name "vol_SS_01" -Description "Vol 01 snapshot" Example 2 This command creates a snapshot of the "Vol 01" volume. The snapshot is named "vol_SS_01". The target volume object is obtained with Get-HP3Volume and assigned to the $volume variable beforehand. The description is "Vol 01 snapshot". PS C:\PS> Add-HP3Snapshot -Volume $volume -Name "vol_SS_01" -Description "Vol 01 snapshot" 23 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-HP3Storage Short Description Adds HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE 3PAR StoreServ Syntax Add-HP3Storage -UserName <string> -Password <string> [-Name <string>] [Description <string>] [-Url <string>][<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-HP3Storage -Credentials <CCredentials> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [-Url <string>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds the selected HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage to Veeam Backup & Replication. When you add a storage to your management console, Veeam Backup & Replication automatically rescans the storage infrastructure. To rescan the storage infrastructure manually, run Sync-HP3Storage or Sync-HP3Volume. When adding a storage, you will need to provide either username/password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter UserName Description Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the storage. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False False Named False False True Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the storage. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Credentials Specifies credentials you want to use for authenticating with the storage. If you use the Credentials scenario, the -User and 24 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 -Password parameters must be omitted. Name Specifies the storage IP address or DNS name. Description Specifies the description of the storage. True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Url Specifies the HPE 3PAR Web Services API URL. The HPE 3PAR Web Services API delivers a programming interface for performing storage management tasks with HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage systems. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage with IP address specified in the -Name parameter. The username is "Administrator" and the password is "Password". The URL is PS C:\PS> Add-HP3Storage -UserName "Administrator" -Password "Password" Name -Description "SAN Storage" -Url Example 2 This command adds a HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage with IP address specified in -Name parameter. The credentials object is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $creds variable beforehand. The URL is PS C:\PS> Add-HP3Storage -Credentials $creds -Name Description "HPE 3PAR Storage" -Url 25 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-HP4Snapshot Short Description Creates a HPE StoreVirtual storage snapshot. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE StoreVirtual Syntax Add-HP4Snapshot -Volume <CSanVolume> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>][-ApplicationManagedShapshot] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP4Volume Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a snapshot of the selected HPE StoreVirtual storage volume. Alias Add-VBRHPSnapshot Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Volume Specifies the storage volume you want to take snapshot of. True Named False False Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the snapshot. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Description Specifies the description of the snapshot. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Application Indicates if the VM on the target volume should be quiesced to bring VM data to a consistent Managed state. Shapshot If omitted, Veeam Backup & Replication will create a point-in-time snapshot. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 26 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command creates a snapshot of the "Vol 01" volume. The snapshot is named "vol_SS_01". The target volume object is obtained with Get-HP4Volume and piped down. The application-managed snapshot is enabled. The description is "Vol 01 snapshot". PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Volume -Name "Vol 01" | Add-HP4Snapshot -Name "vol_SS_01" -ApplicationManagedShapshot -Description "Vol 01 snapshot" Example 2 This command creates a snapshot of the "Vol 01" volume. The snapshot is named "vol_SS_01". The target volume object is obtained with Get-HP4Volume and assigned to the $volume variable beforehand. The application-managed snapshot is enabled. The description is "Vol 01 snapshot". PS C:\PS> Add-HP4Snapshot -Volume $volume -Name "vol_SS_01" ApplicationManagedShapshot -Description "Vol 01 snapshot" 27 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-HP4Storage Short Description Adds HPE StoreVirtual storage to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE StoreVirtual Syntax Add-HP4Storage -DnsOrIpAddress <string> -UserName <string> -Password <string> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-HP4Storage -DnsOrIpAddress <string> -Credentials <CCredentials> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds the selected HPE StoreVirtual storage to Veeam Backup & Replication. When you add a storage to your management console, Veeam Backup & Replication automatically rescans the storage infrastructure. To rescan the storage infrastructure manually, run Sync-HP4Storage or Sync-HP4Volume. When adding a storage, you will need to provide either username/password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Alias Add-VBRHPStorage Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters DnsOr IpAddress Specifies the string with a full DNS name or IP address of the storage. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False UserName Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the storage. False Named False False False Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the -Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for 28 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 authenticating with the storage. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the -Credentials parameter must be omitted. Name Specifies the name of the management group the storage belongs to. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the storage. False Named False False True Named False False False Named False False If you use the Credentials scenario, the -User and -Password parameters must be omitted. Description Specifies the description of the storage. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a storage with IP address The username is "Administrator" and the password is "Password". PS C:\PS> Add-HP4Storage -DnsOrIpAddress -UserName "Administrator" -Password "Password" -Description "HPE Storage" Example 2 This command adds a storage with IP address The credentials object is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $creds variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-HP4Storage -DnsOrIpAddress -Credentials $creds Description "HPE Storage" 29 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-NetAppHost Short Description Adds NetApp storage. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-NetAppHost -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -UserName <String> Password <String> [-IsHTTP [<Boolean>]] [-Port <Int32>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-NetAppHost -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -Credentials <CCredentials> [-IsHTTP [<Boolean>]] [-Port <Int32>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds the selected NetApp storage to Veeam Backup & Replication. When adding a storage, you will need to provide either username/password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the storage IP address or DNS name. Description Specifies the description of the storage. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False False Named False False True Named False False True Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. UserName Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the storage. If you use username/password scenario, Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the storage. If you use username/password scenario, Credentials parameter must be omitted. IsHTTP If set to TRUE, HTTP protocol will be used to connect to the NetApp storage. Otherwise, 30 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 HTTPS protocol will be selected. By default, HTTPS is used. Port Sets a port used to connect to the NetApp storage. By default, port 443 is used. Credentials Specifies the CCredentials object containing the credentials record you want to use for authenticating with the storage. False Named False False True Named False False If you use credentials scenario, User and Password parameters must be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a NetApp storage with IP address The username is "Administrator" and the password is "_Password_". PS C:\PS> Add-NetAppHost -UserName "Administrator" -Password "_Password_" Name -Description "NetApp Storage" Example 2 This command adds a NetApp storage with IP address The credentials object is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $creds variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-NetAppHost -Credentials $creds -Name Description "NetApp Storage" 31 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-NetAppSnapshot Short Description Creates storage snapshot. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-NetAppSnapshot -Volume <CSanVolume> [-Name <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-NetAppVolume Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a snapshot of the selected NetApp volume. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Volume Specifies the CSanVolume object containing the SAN volume you want to take snapshot of. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the snapshot. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 32 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command creates a snapshot of the "Vol 01" volume. The snapshot is named "vol_SS_01". • Run Get-NetAppHost to get the host where the volume is located. Save the result to the $apphost variable. • Run Get-NetAppVolume with the $apphost variable to get the volume. Pipe it down to AddNetAppSnapshot. PS C:\PS> $apphost = Get-NetAppHost -Name "NetApp Store" PS C:\PS> Get-NetAppVolume -Host $apphost -Name "Vol 01" | AddNetAppSnapshot -Name "vol_SS_01" 33 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRBackupRepository Short Description Adds a new backup repository. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRBackupRepository [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] [-Server <CHost>] [-MountServer <CHost>] -Folder <String> -Type <CBackupRepositoryInfo+EType> [-ImportIndex] [-ImportBackup] [RotatedDrive] [-VPowerNFSFolder <String>] [-UseFc] [-DDServerName <String>] [-LimitConcurrentJobs] [-MaxConcurrentJobs <Int32>] [-LimitDatarate] [DataRateLimit <Int32>] [-AlignDataBlocks] [-DecompressDataBlocks] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRBackupRepository [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] [-Server <CHost>] [-MountServer <CHost>] -Folder <String> -Type <CBackupRepositoryInfo+EType> [-ImportIndex] [-ImportBackup] [RotatedDrive] [-VPowerNFSFolder <String>] [-UseFc] [-DDServerName <String>] [-UserName <String>] [-Password <String>] [-LimitConcurrentJobs] [MaxConcurrentJobs <Int32>] [-LimitDatarate] [-DataRateLimit <Int32>] [AlignDataBlocks] [-DecompressDataBlocks] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRBackupRepository [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] [-Server <CHost>] [-MountServer <CHost>] -Folder <String> -Type <CBackupRepositoryInfo+EType> [-ImportIndex] [-ImportBackup] [RotatedDrive] [-VPowerNFSFolder <String>] [-UseFc] [-DDServerName <String>] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [-LimitConcurrentJobs] [-MaxConcurrentJobs <Int32>] [-LimitDatarate] [-DataRateLimit <Int32>] [-AlignDataBlocks] [DecompressDataBlocks] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds a new backup repository to Veeam Backup & Replication. When adding a backup repository, you may need to provide username/password or credentials to authenticate with the source server. This cmdlet provides three scenarios for each case including no authentication. To add a scale-out backup repository, run Add-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository. 34 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the new backup repository. False Named False False Description Specifies the description of the backup repository. False Named False False True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False True Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Type Specifies the type you want to assign to the repository:       Server CifsShare DataDomain ExaGrid HPStoreOnce LinuxLocal WinLocal Specifies the host where the backup repository you want to add is located. Use this parameter to explicitly set the host for the following repository types: — For the WinLocal type: indicate the Windows based server where you want to create the backup repository or to which you want to connect the rotated drives. — For the LinuxLocal type: indicate the Linux based server where you want to create the backup repository or to which you want to connect the rotated drives. — For the CifsShare, DataDomain or HPStoreOnce types: indicate a Windows based server that to which the storage appliance is connected and which will be used as a gateway server. Default: This server. Mount Server Used to enable the vPower NFS. Specifies the host where the NFS service must be installed. By default, the vPower NFS folder is created on the mounted host. If you want to locate the vPower NFS folder elsewhere, use the VPowerNFSFolder parameter to set the path. Folder Specifies the full path to the folder where you want to store the backups. 35 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Import Index If indicated, the guest OS file system index will be imported automatically. False Named False False Import Backup If indicated, the existing backups located on the repository you are adding will be imported automatically. Otherwise, you will need to import the backups manually. False Named False False Rotated Drive Indicates if the repository you want to add is a rotated drive (removable media). False Named False False VPower NFSFolder Specifies the path to the vPower NFS root folder. False Named False False DDServer Name Specifies the Data Domain server name according to the connection mode: False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If set, the backup blocks size will be aligned by a 4Kb block boundary. Data alignment provides better deduplication on storage systems with fixed block size. False Named False False Decompress If set, backup data blocks will be decompressed DataBlocks before storing the backup to the repository. Decompression helps to achieve a better False Named False False To enable the vPower NFS, the MountServer parameter must be set. — If EMC Data Domain works over TCP, enter a full DNS name or IP address of the EMC Data Domain server. — If EMC Data Domain works over Fibre Channel, enter a name of the Data Domain server starting with a 'DFC-' prefix, for example, "DFCDataDomain690". Limit Concurrent Jobs Indicates if the number of concurrent jobs using this repository must be limited. Max Concurrent Jobs Used for setting maximum value for the LimitConcurrentJobs parameter. Use the MaxConcurrentJobs parameter to set the maximum value. Specifies the maximum allowed number of concurrent tasks for the backup repository. Accepts int type. Permitted values: 1 to 99. Limit Datarate Indicates that the total speed of writing data to the backup repository disk must be restricted. Use the DataRateLimit parameter to set the maximum value. Data Rate Limit Used for setting combined data ingestion rate for the LimitDatarate parameter. Specifies the combined data ingestion rate for the repository. Accepts int32 type. Permitted value: 1 to 1024 (MByte/s). Align Data Blocks 36 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 deduplication ratio. UserName Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the backup repository host. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the backup repository host. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Credentials Specifies credentials you want to use for authenticating with the backup repository host. If you use the Credentials scenario, the User and Password parameters must be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a Windows server as a new backup repository named "Win2012Repo". No authentication is used. All repository settings are used as set default. • The server to add is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand. • The folder that is used as the backup repository is located on "C:\Backup Repository". • The server type is set to "WinLocal". Add-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Win2012Repo" -Server $server -Folder "c:\Backup Repository" -Type WinLocal Example 2 This command adds a Windows server as a new backup repository named "Backups Vol 01". The authentication with the server is provided with the credentials record. • The server to add is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand. • The folder that is used as the backup repository is located on "C:\Backup Repository". • The server type is set to "WinLocal". • The -ImportBackup parameter is set to adopt the existing backup files. • The Max concurrent tasks number is set to 6. • The credentials to authenticate with the source server are obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $Administrator variable beforehand. Add-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Backups Vol 01" -Server $server -Folder "C:\Backup Repository" -Type WinLocal -ImportBackup -MaxConcurrentJobs 6 Credentials $Administrator 37 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 3 This command adds an EMC DataDomain storage appliance as a backup repository. The DataDomain storage is connected over the TCP. The storage appliance is connected to an explicitly set gateway server. • The folder path is set to "DataDomain://". • The DataDomain appliance is set with the IP address. The "DFC-" prefix is not set to enable the connection over TCP. • The server type is set to "DataDomain". • The host that will be used as the gateway server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand. • The Username/Password is used to get access to the appliance. Add-VBRBackupRepository -Folder DataDomain:// -Type DataDomain -DDServerName -Server $server -UserName sysadmin Password Pa55word Example 4 This command adds backup repository on a rotated drive connected to a Windows server. • The server type is set to "WinLocal". • The "Rotated Drive" switch parameter is used to enable the rotated drive repository technology. • The host to which the rotated drive is connected is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand. • The folder path is "F:\Repo". Add-VBRBackupRepository -Name RDX -Type WinLocal -RotatedDrive -Description "Rotated drive" -Server $server -Folder F:\Repo 38 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRBackupToTapeJob Short Description Creates backup to tape job or a GFS job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  For creating a job targeted to a simple media pool: Add-VBRBackupToTapeJob -Name <String> [-Description <String>] [EjectCurrentMedium] [-ExportCurrentMediaSet] -FullBackupMediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPool> [-IncrementalBackupMediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPool>] [ExportDays <DayOfWeek[]>] [-FullBackupPolicy <VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy>] [-ScheduleOptions <VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions>] [-Object <Object[]>] [ProcessIncrementalBackup] [-UseHardwareCompression] [-WaitPeriod <TimeSpan>] [-WaitForBackupJob] [-NotificationOptions <VBRNotificationOptions>] [-JobScriptOptions <VBRJobScriptOptions>] [CopyFromLatestFull] [-AlwaysCopyFromLatestFull] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]  For creating a GFS job: Add-VBRBackupToTapeJob -Name <String> [-Description <String>] [EjectCurrentMedium] [-ExportCurrentMediaSet] -GFSMediaPool <VBRTapeGFSMediaPool> [-ExportDays <DayOfWeek[]>] [-FullBackupPolicy <VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy>] [-ScheduleOptions <VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions>] [-Object <Object[]>] [ProcessIncrementalBackup] [-UseHardwareCompression] [-WaitPeriod <TimeSpan>] [-WaitForBackupJob] [-NotificationOptions <VBRNotificationOptions>] [-JobScriptOptions <VBRJobScriptOptions>] [CopyFromLatestFull] [-AlwaysCopyFromLatestFull] [-GFSScheduleOptions <VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMediaPool New-VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy New-VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions Get-VBRJob Get-VBREPJob New-VBRNotificationOptions New-VBRJobScriptOptions New-VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions 39 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions Get-VBRBackupRepository Return Type VBRBackupToTapeJob Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new backup to tape job or a GFS job. Target the job to a simple or a GFS media pool respectively. The backup to tape job archives backups that were produced by particular backup or Endpoint jobs or stored on particular backup repositories. Use the Object parameter to set a backup job or a backup repository as source to the tape job. Note: If you choose to archive data from backup repositories, the backup to tape job will process only the backups that were created with backup jobs configured on this Veeam backup server. Imported backups and configuration backups will be skipped from processing. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name you want to assign to the backup to tape job. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False True Named False False False Named False False Accepts string type. Description Specifies the description of the backup to tape job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Eject Current Medium Indicates that the tape(s) will be automatically ejected from drive after the job finishes. Export Current MediaSet Indicates that the tapes belonging to the media set will be automatically placed to Import/Export (Mail) slot for further export. Use the ExportDays parameter to set days on which you want to export tapes. The ejected tape is moved to a standard library slot. If you use this parameter, but do not set the ExportDays parameter, the tapes will be exported every day. Full Backup Media Pool Specifies the media pool where you want to store full backups produced by this tape job. Incremental Backup Media Pool Used to set media pool for the ProcessIncrementalBackup parameter. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPool object, GUID or string type. Specifies the media pool where you want to store incremental backups produced by this 40 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 tape job. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPool object, GUID or string type. GFSMedia Pool Specifies the target GFS media pool. ExportDays Used to set days for exporting tapes for the ExportCurrentMediaSet parameter. True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts VBRTapeGFSMediaPool object, GUID or string type. Specifies days on which the tapes written by this tape job will be automatically exported: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. FullBackup Policy Specifies virtualized synthetic full backup for tape settings. Accepts VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy object. Schedule Options Specifies backup to tape job schedule. By default, the following settings are applied: Enabled: False. Type: Daily. DailyOptions: Type: SelectedDays, Period: 18:00, DayOfWeek: Saturday. MonthlyOptions: Period: 22:00, DayNumberInMonth: Fourth, DayOfWeek: Saturday, Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. ScheduleOptions: From Sunday to Saturday, from 00:00 to 23:00, Enabled: True. JobId: Null. Object Specifies the backup job or backup repository that will be the source for this tape job. Accepts CBackupJob, VBREPJob or CBackupRepository objects. You can assign multiple jobs or repositories to this object. Process Incremental Backup Indicates that this tape job will archive incremental backups. Use the IncrementalBackupMediaPool parameter to specify a separate media pool for storing incremental backups. If you do not set the IncrementalBackupMediaPool parameter, incremental backups will be stored to the media pool the you set for full backups. UseHardware Indicates that tape library must perform Compression hardware compression for archives. Do not use this option for archiving Veeam backups or other already compressed files. 41 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 WaitPeriod Used to set time period for the WaitForBackupJob parameter. False Named False False Specifies the time period for which the tape job must wait for the source backup jobs to finish. Can be set to 1-777 minutes. Accepts TipeSpan, integer or string types. WaitFor BackupJob Indicates that the tape job must wait for the source backup job to finish. Use the WaitPeriod parameter to set the time period. False Named False False Notification Options Specifies the email notification options. False Named False False JobScript Options Specifies scripting options. False Named False False CopyFrom LatestFull Indicates that on the first run the tape job must copy only the latest backup chain. Otherwise,on the first run the job will copy all restore points produced by the source backup job(s) that are available on disk. False Named False False AlwaysCopy FromLatest Full Indicates that on each run the tape job must copy only the latest backup chain. Otherwise, on each run the tape job will copy all restore points produced by the source backup job(s) that are available on disk. False Named False False GFS Schedule Options Specifies the schedule settings for the GFS media pool. False Named False False Accepts VBRNotificationOptions object. Accepts VBRJobScriptOptions object. Accepts the VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 42 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This example shows how to create a tape job that has a backup job as source. The tape job will use the same media pool to back up full and incremental backups. 1. Run Get-VBRJob to get the backup job that will be the source. Save the job to the $sqljob variable. 2. Run Get-VBRTapeMediaPool to get the media pool. Use the same media pool to write full and incremental backups. Save the media pool to the $mediapool variable. 3. Create an object containing the job schedule. First run New-VBRDailyOptions to set the day and time. Save the result to the $dailyoptions variable. Then run NewVBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions to create the schedule object. Save the schedule to the $scheduleoptions variable. 4. Run Add-VBRBackupToTapeJob to create the tape job. Use the saved variables. PS C:\PS> $sqljob = Get-VBRJob -Name "SQL 1 Backup" PS C:\PS> $mediapool = Get-VBRTapeMediaPool -Name "SQL Backups Media Pool" PS C:\PS> $dailyoptions = New-VBRDailyOptions -DayOfWeek Friday -Period 23:00 PS C:\PS> $scheduleoptions = New-VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions DailyOptions $dailyoptions -Enabled PS C:\PS> Add-VBRBackupToTapeJob -Name "SQL to Tape" -Description "SQL archive" -Object $sqljob -FullBackupMediaPool $mediapool ProcessIncrementalBackup -IncrementalBackupMediaPool $mediapool -ExportDays Monday -ScheduleOptions $scheduleoptions 43 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRCloudGateway Short Description Adds a new cloud gateway. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Add-VBRCloudGateway [-Description <string>] [-Server <CHost>] [-IpAddress <ipaddress>] [-IncomingPort <int>] [-NATPort <int>] [-NetworkMode <VBRGatewayNetworkMode> {Direct | NAT}] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Return Type VBRCloudGateway Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a cloud gateway. Parameters Parameter Description Description Specifies the description of the cloud gateway. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Server Specifies server that will perform the role of a cloud gateway. You can select any server added to Veeam Backup & Replication on assign the cloud gateway role to the Veeam backup server itself. Accepts CHost object. Accepted server types: Windows, Local. Default: Local. IpAddress Specifies an external IP address of the NAT or network interface gateway. Accepts IPAddress object or string type. Incoming Specifies a port that will be used by the Veeam 44 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Port backup server to connect to the gateway. Accepts int type. Permitted values: 1 to 65535. Default: 6180. NATPort Specifies a port on the NAT gateway used for listening to connections from users and passing cloud commands from users to the SP Veeam backup server. False Named False False False Named False False Accepts int type. Permitted values: 1 to 65535. Default: (for Direct) null, (for NAT) 8080. Network Mode Specifies the network mode: Direct, NAT. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a new cloud gateway with a direct network connection. • The server that will be used as the cloud gateway is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$server' variable beforehand. • The external network gateway IP is • The port that will be used by Veeam Backup & Replication to connect to the gateway server is '6260'. • The network mode is set to 'Direct'. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRCloudGateway -Server $server -Description "Gateway directly connected to Internet" -IpAddress -IncomingPort 6260 -NetworkMode Direct Example 2 This command adds a new cloud gateway in the local network behind the NAT gateway. • The server that will be used as the cloud gateway is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$server' variable beforehand. • The external NAT gateway IP is • The port that will be used by Veeam Backup & Replication to connect to the gateway server is '6180'. • The port that will be used by the NAT gateway is '7180'. • The network mode is set to 'NAT'. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRCloudGateway -Server $server -Description "Gateway behind NAT" -IpAddress -IncomingPort 6180 -NATPort 7180 -NetworkMode NAT 45 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRCloudGatewayCertificate Short Description Sets the SSL certificate on the service provider side. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRCloudGatewayCertificate -Certificate <VBRCloudCertificate> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudGatewayCertificate Detailed Description This cmdlet sets the SSL certificate on the service provider side. This certificate will be used to authenticate with the users. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Certificate Specifies the certificate you want to use. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 46 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRCloudProvider Short Description Adds a new service provider. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Add-VBRCloudProvider -Address <string> -Credentials <CCredentials> [Description <string>] [-Port <int>] [-Appliance <VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance[]>] [-VerifyCertificate] [CertificateThumbprint <string>] [-InstallManagementAgent] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Get-VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance Return Type VBRCloudProvider Detailed Description This cmdlet adds a new service provider to Veeam Backup & Replication. You can add several providers using one cloud gateway to your Veeam backup console. The providers' credentials must have different user names. Parameters Parameter Address Description Specifies a full DNS name or IP address of the cloud gateway configured on the service provider side. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts string type. Description Specifies the description of the service provider. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Port Specifies the port over which user’s Veeam backup server will communicate with the cloud gateway. 47 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Accepts int type. Permitted values: 1 to 65535. Default: 6180. Credentials Specifies credentials for the user account registered on the service provider Veeam backup server. True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts CCredentials object. Appliance Specifies the appliance on the user side that will be used for the partial failover. Accepts VBRHvCloudProviderNetworkAppliance object. Verify Certificate Indicates if the SSL certificate must be verified by the thumbprints. Use the CertificateTumbprint parameter to set the thumbprint that will be compared to the SSL certificate thumbprint. Certificate Thumbprint Specifies the thumbprint that will be compared to the SSL certificate thumbprint. Accepts string type. Indicates that the service provider must Install Management manage the Veeam backup server under the Backup as a Service agreement. Agent The cmdlet will install the Veeam Managed Backup Portal agent on the Veeam backup server. Force If set, the command will skip the certificate verification if the verification fails. False Named False False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 48 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command adds a cloud service provider to Veeam Backup & Replication using default settings. • The service provider IP address is ''. • The credentials record to authenticate with the user account is obtained with GetVBRCredentials and assigned to the '$credentials' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRCloudProvider -Address "" -Credentials $credentials Example 2 This command adds a cloud service provider. A custom port is used for connection and the SSL certificate thumbprint verification is enabled for the service provider. • The service provider IP address is ''. • The description is "Cloud gateway for SP". • The port that will be used for enabling connection between the user's Veeam backup server and the cloud gateway is set to '6252'. • The credentials used to authenticate with the service provider is obtained with GetVBRCredentials and assigned to the '$credentials' variable beforehand. • The VerifyCertificate parameter is used to enable the SSL certificate verification with thumbprints. The thumbprint is 'e6 c0 e5 1a db 73 0c 13 b3 c3 74 d4 ee 93 ab d0 08 3f 7a a8'. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRCloudProvider -Address "" -Description "Cloud gateway for SP" -Port 6252 -Credentials $credentials -VerifyCertificate CertificateThumbprint "e6 c0 e5 1a db 73 0c 13 b3 c3 74 d4 ee 93 ab d0 08 3f 7a a8" 49 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRCloudPublicIP Short Description Adds public IP address or a pool of IP addresses. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax Add-VBRCloudPublicIP -FirstIpAddress <ipaddress> [-LastIpAddress <ipaddress>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRCloudIP Detailed Description This cmdlet adds a single IP address or a range of IP addresses to the public IP address pool. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters FirstIpAddress Specifies a single IP address or the first IP address of the range that you want to add. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline) False LastIpAddress False Named False False Specifies the last IP address of the range that you want to add. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 50 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRCloudTenant Short Description Creates a new cloud user account. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Add-VBRCloudTenant -Name <string> -Password <string> [-Description <string>] [-EnableLeaseExpiration] [-LeaseExpirationDate <datetime>] [Resources <VBRCloudTenantResource[]>] [-HashedPassword] [-EnableThrottling] [-ThrottlingValue <decimal>] [-ThrottlingUnit <VBRSpeedUnit> {MbitPerSec | MbytePerSec | KbytePerSec}] [-ReplicationResources <VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands New-VBRCloudTenantResource Return Type VBRCloudTenant Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new cloud user account. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name you want to assign to the user account. Accepts string type. The user name must meet the following requirements: • • • • The maximum length of the user name is 128 characters. It is recommended that you create short user names to avoid problems with long paths to backup files on the cloud repository. The user name may contain space characters. The user name must not contain the following characters: \/:*?\"<>|=; as well as Unicode characters. The user name must not end with the 51 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Required Position True Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False False period character [.]. Password Specifies the password you want to set to the user account. True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts string type. Description Specifies the description of the user account. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Enable Lease Expiration Indicates that the user account must use lease expiration settings. Lease Expiration Date Used to specify the lease expiration date for the EnableLeaseExpiration parameter. Use LeaseExpirationDate parameter to set the lease expiration date. Accepts DateTime structure. Default: 23:59:59.9999999, 31.12.9999. Resources Allocates backup resources to the tenant. You must set the Resources or the ReplicationResources parameter, or a combination of both, to create a tenant. Accepts the VBRCloudTenantResource object. You can assign multiple resources to this object. NOTE: When you assign multiple resources settings to one user account, the resources must have unique Repository Friendly Names and they must use different repositories. Hashed Password Indicates that you submit the hashed password. The hashed passwords are stored in Veeam backup database. Use this parameter, for example, to restore user accounts. Enable Throttling Indicates that the network throttling must be enabled to limit the maximum throughput of traffic. Use the ThrottlingValue and ThrottlingUnit parameters to set the maximum value. Throttling Value Used to set the value for the EnableThrottling parameter. Indicates the maximum throughput value. Throttling Unit Used to set the value for the EnableThrottling parameter. Specifies the measure units for the ThrottlingValue parameter: MbitPerSec, MbytePerSec, KbytePerSec. Default: MbytePerSec. Replication Resources Allocates replication resources to the tenant. You must set the Resources or the 52 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 ReplicationResources parameter, or a combination of both, to create a cloud user. Accepts the VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a user account with lease expiration settings enabled. • The user name is "ABC Company" and the description is the "User account for ABC company". • The EnableLeaseExpiration parameter is used to enable the lease expiration settings. The lease expiration date is set to 12.30.2015. • The password is set to "pass123". • The resources settings object is created with New-VBRCloudTenantResource and assigned to the '$resources1' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRCloudTenant -Name "ABC Company" -Description "User account for ABC company" -EnableLeaseExpiration -LeaseExpirationDate "12/30/2015" Password pass123 -Resources $resources1 Example 2 This command adds a user account without lease expiration settings. • The user name is "ABC Company" and the description is the "User account for ABC company". • The password is set to "pass123". • The resources settings object is created with New-VBRCloudTenantResource and assigned to the '$resources2' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRCloudTenant -Name "ABC Company" -Description "User account for ABC company" -Password pass123 -Resources $resources2 53 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRCopyJob Short Description Creates a new VM copy job. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRCopyJob [-Name] <String> [-Type] <CDbBackupJobInfo+ESourceType> Server <CHost> -Folder <String> [-FileName <String>] -SourceServer <CHost> -Objects <String[]> [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRCopyJob [-Name] <String> [-Type] <CDbBackupJobInfo+ESourceType> [FileName <String>] -Objects <String[]> [-Description <String>] -Repository <CBackupRepository> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new job that copies the selected VM(s) to another location. With a VM copy job, you can create a fully-functioning copy of a VM that will require no manual editing and adjustments. VM copying can be helpful if you want to move your datacenter, mirror your production environment to test lab storage, etc. Note that when you create a copy job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job. Run Set-VBRJobSchedule to set schedule for the job. Run Copy-VBRJob to create a copy of a job. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the new copy job. True 1 False False Type Specifies the string with the type of the created copy job which defines how VM data is retrieved: True 2 False False  VDDK – Virtual Disk Development Kit (VMware vStorage API): used for VM 54 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1      backup jobs data. Files: used for file backup data. Backup: not supported (legacy mode). Hyper-V: not supported (legacy mode). VCB: not supported (legacy mode). NET: not supported (legacy mode). Server Specifies the host where the created copy should be stored. True Named False False Folder Specifies the string with full path to the folder where the created VM copy should be stored. True Named False False FileName Specifies the string with the file name for the created VM copy (by default, a copied file is given the same name as the VM). False Named False False True Named False False SourceServer Specifies the server where the target files for file copy job are located. Accepts CHost object or string (host name). Objects Specifies the string with the name(s) of VM(s) that you want to copy. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Description Specifies the description of the copy job. False Named False False True Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Repository Specifies the backup repository to which you want to place the copied VMs. You cannot use scale-out backup repository as target to the VM copy job. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 55 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRCredentials Short Description Creates a credentials record. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRCredentials -User <String> -Password <String> [-Description <String>] [-Type <VBRCredentialsType>] [-SshPort <Int32>] [-ElevateToRoot] [-AddToSudoers] [-RootPassword <String>] [-PrivateKeyPath <String>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRCredentials [-Description <String>] -Credential <PSCredential> [Type <VBRCredentialsType>] [-SshPort <Int32>] [-ElevateToRoot] [AddToSudoers] [-RootPassword <String>] [-PrivateKeyPath <String>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new credentials record for authenticating with the instances of your virtual infrastructure. You can add Windows or Linux credentials records including authentication using the Identity/Pubkey method. You can add a new credentials record by indicating strings for user name and password (unprotected mode), or by supplying a PSCredential object. Parameters Parameter User Description Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the instances of your virtual infrastructure. Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False Note that you should use DOMAIN\USERNAME usernames format for all hosts except ESX/ESXi hosts. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the instances of your virtual infrastructure. True Named False False Description Specifies the description for the credentials record. This parameter in non-mandatory, False Named False False 56 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 although it is recommended to input this value to make the credential records easily identified. Credential Specifies the credentials you want to add. False Named False False Type Specifies the credentials type: Linux, Windows, LinuxPubKey. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Default: Windows. SshPort Used for Identity/Pubkey authentication method. Specifies the number of the SSH port that you want to use to connect to a Linux server. Permitted values: 1 to 65535. Default: 22. ElevateToRoot Used for Identity/Pubkey authentication method. Indicates that non-root users are provided with root account privileges. AddToSudoers Used for Identity/Pubkey authentication method. Indicates that the user account is added to sudoers file. Default: (if the ElevateToRoot parameter is set to False) False. RootPassword Used for Identity/Pubkey authentication method. Indicates that the root password is used for authentication. PrivateKeyPath Used for Identity/Pubkey authentication method. Specifies the path to the private key. Use this parameter to specify the private key for the LinuxPubKey option of the Type parameter. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 57 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command creates a new Windows credentials record for the administrator. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRCredentials -Type Windows -User Administrator -Password "Password_1" -Description "Administrator Credentials" Example 2 This command adds a credentials record for the administrator. Get-Credential is used to enter the username and password in the secure mode. PS C:\PS> Get-Credential | Add-VBRCredentials -Description "Administrator Credentials" Example 3 This command adds a Linux credentials record for the administrator. The credentials record will use the 23 SSH port. The root password privileges are given to the user. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRCredentials -Type Linux -User Administrator -Password password -SshPort 23 -ElevateToRoot -AddToSudoers -RootPassword rootpwd Example 4 This command adds a Linux Pubkey credentials record for the 'User1'. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRCredentials -Type LinuxPubKey -User user1 –Password password -PrivateKeyPath c:\temp\deneb.ppk 58 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBREncryptionKey Short Description Creates encryption key. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBREncryptionKey [-Password] <securestring> [[-Description] <string>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type PSCryptoKey Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new encryption key. This cmdlet accepts SecureString type. Use Microsoft PowerShell standard capabilities to convert your password into the SecureString. Parameters Parameter Password Description Specifies password you want to use to encrypt data. Required Position Accept Wildcard Characters True 0 True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False 1 False False Accepts SecureString type. Description Specifies description of the new encryption key that you can further use to search encryption keys. Accept Pipeline Input <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 59 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command creates a 'Veeam Administrator' encryption key. The password is turned into a SecureString by running ConvertTo-SecureString and assigned to the '$securepassword' variable. PS C:\PS> $plainpassword = "VeeamPassword" PS C:\PS> $securepassword = $plainpassword | ConvertTo-SecureString AsPlainText -Force PS C:\PS> Add-VBREncryptionKey -Password $securepassword -Description "Veeam Administrator" 60 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBREPBackupCopyJob Short Description Creates an Endpoint backup copy job. Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  For direct data transfer: Add-VBREPBackupCopyJob -Backup <CBackup[]> -DirectOperation [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [-Repository <CBackupRepository>] [<CommonParameters>]  For data transfer with WAN accelerators: Add-VBREPBackupCopyJob -Backup <CBackup[]> -SourceAccelerator <CWanAccelerator> -TargetAccelerator <CWanAccelerator> [-Name <string>] [Description <string>] [-Repository <CBackupRepository>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackup Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRWANAccelerator Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a backup copy job for Endpoint backups. The backup copy job is copying Endpoint backup files from the source backup repository to the target backup repository. The backup copy job runs continuously synchronizing the backup repositories in user-defined time periods. The cmdlet provides two parameters sets that can be used for on-site and off-site modes: • Direct data transfer You can create a backup copy job using direct operation. With this method, the job sends the data directly to the target backup repository without performing data deduplication. This mode is recommended for on-site backups, or off-site backups using fast connections. • Data transfer with WAN accelerators To transfer the data efficiently to to the off-site location, you can use the WAN accelerator technology. WAN accelerator is a backup infrastructure component that optimizes file transfer via WAN by means of data deduplication. The role of a WAN accelerator can be assigned to a dedicated Windows-based machine (physical or virtual). You should always use a pair of WAN accelerators set on source and target sides. This mode is recommended for offsite backups. To create and run a backup copy job using WAN accelerators you need to have source and target WAN accelerators created. Run Add-VBRWANAccelerator to create a WAN accelerator. WAN optimization is available only in Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise Plus Edition. 61 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Note that the backup copy job is created in disabled state. Run Enable-VBRJob to start the job running on the defined schedule. Return Type CBackupJob or VBREPJob Parameters Parameter Backup Description Specifies the existing Endpoint backup(s) you want to copy. Required Position Specifies the name you want to assign to the backup copy job. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False True Named False False True Named False False You can assign multiple backups to this object. Name Accept Pipeline Input You can input string up to 255 symbols. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will assign a default backup copy job name. Description Specifies the description of the backup copy job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Repository Specifies the backup repository to where you want to copy the data. Accepts the backup repository object or string type (repository name). If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will use the default backup repository. Direct Operation Used to set the direct data transfer. Enables direst operation method sending the data directly to the target backup repository without performing data deduplication. If you select the direct operation mode, the -TargetAccelerator and SourceAccelerator parameters should be omitted. Used to set data transfer with WAN Source Accelerator accelerators. Specifies the WAN accelerator on the source side. Remember to set the pair of source and target WAN accelerators. If you select the mode using WAN accelerators, the -DirectOperation 62 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 parameter should be omitted. Used to set data transfer with WAN Target Accelerator accelerators. True Named False False Specifies the WAN accelerator on the target side. Remember to set the pair of source and target WAN accelerators. If you select the mode using WAN accelerators, the -DirectOperation parameter should be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a backup copy job using the direct operation method. • The Endpoint backup is obtained with Get-VBRBackup and assigned to the '$EPbackup' variable. • The target backup repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the '$repository' variable. PS C:\PS> $EPbackup = Get-VBRBackup -Name 'Backup Job Mediaserver' PS C:\PS> $repository = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name 'WinLocal' PS C:\PS> Add-VBREpBackupCopyJob -Name "Mediaserver Endpoint" -Description "Mediaserver Endpoint Backup Copy Job" -Backup $EPbackup -DirectOperation Repository $repository Example 2 This command creates a backup copy job using WAN accelerators. • The Endpoint backup is obtained with Get-VBRBackup and piped down. • The target backup repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the '$repository' variable. • The source and target WAN accelerators are obtained with Get-VBRWANAccelerator and assigned to $wansource and $wantarget variables accordingly. PS C:\PS> $repository = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name 'WinLocal' PS C:\PS> $wansource = Get-VBRWANAccelerator -Name "Backup WAN Sydney" PS C:\PS> $wantarget = Get-VBRWANAccelerator -Name "Backup WAN London" PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackup -Name 'Backup Job Mediaserver' | AddVBREPBackupCopyJob -Name "Mediaserver Endpoint" -Description "Mediaserver Endpoint Backup Copy Job" -Repository $repository -SourceAccelerator $wansource -TargetAccelerator $wantarget 63 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRESX Short Description Adds an ESX host to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRESX [-Name] <String> [-User] <String> [-Password] <String> [-Port <Int32>] [-SSHUser <String>] [-SSHPassword <String>] [-SSHPort <Int32>] [SSHEnable] [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRESX [-Name] <String> [-Port <Int32>] [-SSHUser <String>] [SSHPassword <String>] [-SSHPort <Int32>] [-SSHEnable] [-Description <String>] -Credentials <CCredentials> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds ESX servers to the Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. ESX servers are virtual infrastructure servers hosting the virtual machines of your virtual environment. You need to add the ESX servers to Veeam Backup & Replication to be able to manage your virtual infrastructure via Veeam Backup & Replication console. You may add an ESX/ESXi host, vCenter Server or Linux server (use corresponding command for each). If you are planning to use an ESX host being a part of the vCenter hierarchy, we recommend adding the corresponding vCenter Server instead of a single ESX host to ensure more flexibility and convenience at work. When adding a new ESX server, you will need to provide either username and password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter Description Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the string with a full DNS name or IP address of the ESX host. True 1 False False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the ESX host. True 2 False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the -Credentials parameter must be omitted. 64 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the ESX host. True 3 False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the -Credentials parameter must be omitted. Port Sets the integer specifying the number of the Web service port used to connect to the ESX host. By default, port 443 is used. False Named False False SSHUser Specifies the string with the user name of the account used for service console connection to the host (recommended). False Named False False SSHPassword Specifies the string with the password of the account used for service console connection to the host (recommended). False Named False False SSHPort Sets the integer specifying the number of the service console port (recommended). False Named False False SSHEnable Set this parameter to TRUE if you want to use service console connection for the added ESX host (recommended). False Named False False Description Specifies the description of the ESX server. False Named False False True Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the ESX server. If you use the Credentials scenario, the -User and -Password parameters must be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds the ESX host with IP address. The username is "root" and the password is "qwerty". Add-VBRESX –Name –User root –Password qwerty Example 2 This command adds the ESX host with IP address. The credentials to authenticate with the host are obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $Administrator variable beforehand. Add-VBRESX –Name -Credentials $Administrator 65 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRESXi Short Description Adds an ESXi host to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRESXi [-Name] <String> [-User] <String> [-Password] <String> [-Port <Int32>] [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRESXi [-Name] <String> [-Port <Int32>] [-Description <String>] Credentials <CCredentials> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds ESXi servers to the Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. ESXi servers are virtual infrastructure servers hosting the virtual machines of your virtual environment. You need to add the ESXi servers to Veeam Backup & Replication to be able to manage your virtual infrastructure via Veeam Backup & Replication console. You may add an ESX/ESXi host, vCenter Server or Linux server (use corresponding command for each). If you are planning to use an ESXi host being a part of the vCenter hierarchy, we recommend adding the corresponding vCenter Server instead of a single ESX host to ensure more flexibility and convenience at work. When adding a new ESXi server, you will need to provide either username and password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter Description Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the string with a full DNS name or IP address of the ESXi host. True 1 False False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the ESXi host. True 2 False False True 3 False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for 66 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 authenticating with the ESXi host. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Port Sets the integer specifying the number of the Web service port used to connect to the ESXi host. By default, port 443 is used. Description Specifies the description of the ESXi server. False Named False False False Named False False True Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the ESXi server. If you use the Credentials scenario, the User and Password parameters must be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds the ESXi host with IP address. The username is "root" and the password is "qwerty". Add-VBRESXi –Name –User root –Password qwerty Example 2 This command adds the ESXi host with IP address. The credentials to authenticate with the host are obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $Administrator variable beforehand. Add-VBRESXi –Name -Credentials $Administrator 67 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRFailoverPlan Short Description Creates failover plan or cloud failover plan. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  For creating a failover plan: Add-VBRFailoverPlan -Name <string> -FailoverPlanObject <VBRFailoverPlanObject[]> [-Description <string>] [-PrefailoverCommand <string>] [-PostfailoverCommand <string>] [-EnablePublicIpRule] [<CommonParameters>]  For creating a cloud failover plan: Add-VBRFailoverPlan -Name <string> -CloudFailoverPlanObject <VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject[]> [-Description <string>] [-PrefailoverCommand <string>] [-PostfailoverCommand <string>] [-EnablePublicIpRule] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands New-VBRFailoverPlanObject New-VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject Return Type VBRFailoverPlan Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a failover plan or a cloud failover plan. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the failover plan. True Named False False Failover PlanObject Specifies the VM(s) you want to add to the failover plan. True Named False False Accepts VBRFailoverPlanObject. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. 68 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Description Specifies the description of the failover plan. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False True Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Prefailover Command Specifies the path to the script you want to automatically run before failing over to replicas. Veeam Backup & Replication provides a 10 minute timeout for the script. In case the script does not run successfully or timeout ends, the failover is not performed. Postfailover Specifies the path to the script you want to automatically run after failing over to replicas is Command complete. Veeam Backup & Replication provides a 10 minute timeout for the script. In case the script does not run successfully or timeout ends, the failover proceeds disregarding script failure. Cloud Failover PlanObject Specifies the VM(s) replicated to cloud. These VMs will be added to the cloud failover plan. Accepts VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Enable PublicIp Rule If set, the failover plan will use the public IP rules configured in the VBRFailoverPlanObject or VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 69 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command creates a failover plan for a group of a DNS server and two Microsoft Exchange servers named "MS Exchange Group Failover". The VMs are assigned to the '$DNS', '$MSExchange01', '$MSExchange02' variables by running New-VBRFailoverPlanObject beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRFailoverPlan -Name "MS Exchange Group Failover" FailoverPlanObject $DNS, $MSexchange01, $MSExchange02 -Description "Failover plan for the mail servers group: DNS Server, MS Exchange 01 Server, MS Exchange 02 Server" Example 2 This command creates a failover plan for a group of a DNS server and two Microsoft Exchange servers named "MS Exchange Group Failover". The VMs are assigned to the '$DNS', '$MSExchange01', '$MSExchange02' variables by running NewVBRFailoverPlanObject beforehand. The VM objects are first consolidated into a massive named '$"MS_Exchange_Group"'. PS C:\PS> $"MS_Exchange_Group" = $DNS, $MSexchange01, $MSExchange02 PS C:\PS> Add-VBRFailoverPlan -Name "MS Exchange Group Failover" Description "Failover plan for the mail servers group: DNS Server, MS Exchange 01 Server, MS Exchange 02 Server" -FailoverPlanObject $"MS_Exchage_Group" 70 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRFileToTapeJob Short Description Creates file to tape job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRFileToTapeJob -Name <String> [-Description <String>] [EjectCurrentMedium] [-ExportCurrentMediaSet] -FullBackupMediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPool> [-IncrementalBackupMediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPool>] [ExportDays <DayOfWeek[]>] [-FullBackupPolicy <VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy>] [-IncrementalBackupPolicy <VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy>] [-Object <VBRFileToTapeObject[]>] [-UseVSS] [-UseHardwareCompression] [NotificationOptions] [-JobScriptOptions] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMediaPool New-VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy New-VBRFileToTapeObject New-VBRNotificationOptions New-VBRJobScriptOptions Return Type VBRFileToTapeJob Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new file to tape job. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name you want to assign to the file to tape job. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts string type. Description Specifies the description of the file to tape job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Eject Current Indicates that the tape(s) will be automatically ejected from drive after the job finishes. 71 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Medium The ejected tape is moved to a standard library slot. Export Current MediaSet Indicates that the tapes belonging to the media set will be automatically placed to Import/Export (Mail) slot for further export. Use the ExportDays parameter to set days on which you want to export tapes. False Named False False True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If you use this parameter, but do not set the ExportDays parameter, the tapes will be exported every day. FullBackup MediaPool Specifies the media pool where you want to store full backups produced by this tape job. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPool object, GUID or string type. Incremental Backup MediaPool Used to set media pool for the ProcessIncrementalBackup parameter. Specifies the media pool where you want to store incremental backups produced by this tape job. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPool object, GUID or string type. If you do not specify a media pool, incremental backups will be stored to the media pool the you set for full backups. Export Days Used to set days for exporting tapes for the ExportCurrentMediaSet parameter. Specifies days on which the tapes written by this tape job will be automatically exported: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. FullBackup Policy Specifies virtualized synthetic full backup for tape settings. Accepts VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy object. Default: Type: Daily DailyOptions: Type: SelectedDays, Period: 18:00, DayOfWeek: Saturday MonthlyOptions: Period: 22:00, DayNumberInMonth: Fourth, DayOfWeek: Saturday, Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Enabled: False Incremental Backup Policy Specifies incremental backup settings. Accepts VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy object. Default: Type: Daily. DailyOptions: Type: SelectedDays, Period: 72 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 18:00, DayOfWeek: Saturday. MonthlyOptions: Period: 22:00, DayNumberInMonth: Fourth, DayOfWeek: Saturday, Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Enabled: False. Object Specifies the source file system object. False Named False False False Named False False UseHardware Indicates that tape library must perform Compression hardware compression for archives. Do not use this option for archiving Veeam backups or other already compressed files. False Named False False Notification Options Specifies the email notification options. False Named False False JobScript Options Specifies scripting options. False Named False False Accepts VBRFileToTapeJob object. You can assign multiple files to this object. UseVSS Indicates that the VSS (Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy) must be used. Default: True. Accepts VBRNotificationOptions object. Accepts VBRJobScriptOptions object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 73 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command creates a file to tape job that backs up the "Payroll Reports" folder. The job runs once a month and creates only full backups. • Run Get-VBRServer to get the server where the files are located. Save it to the $server variable. • Run Get-VBRCredentials to get the credentials to access the Fileserver08. Save the credentials to the $creds variable. • Run New-VBRFileToTapeObject. Use the $server and the $creds variables to create the object for the job. • Get the media pool with the Get-VBRTapeMediaPool and save it to the $mediapool variable. • Run New-VBRMonthlyOptions to create the monthly options object and save it to the $monthlyoptions variable. • Create the job schedule with New-VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy. Use the $monthlyoptions. Save the result to the $policy variable. • Create the tape job. Run Add-VBRFileToTapeJob and use the saved variables. PS C:\PS> $server = Get-VBRServer -Name "" PS C:\PS> $creds = Get-VBRCredentials -Description "Fileserver08 Adminisrator" PS C:\PS> $object = New-VBRFileToTapeObject -Server $server -Path "D:\Summary Reports\Payroll Reports" -Credentials $creds PS C:\PS> $mediapool = Get-VBRTapeMediaPool -Name "File Backup Media Pool" PS C:\PS> $monthlyoptions = New-VBRMonthlyOptions -DayNumberInMonth Last DayOfWeek Sunday Period 22:00 PS C:\PS> $policy = New-VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy -Type Monthly MonthlyOptions $monthlyoptions -Enabled PS C:\PS> Add-VBRFileToTapeJob -Name "Payroll Reports to Tape" -Description "Finance reports: summary reports" -Object $object -FullBackupMediaPool $mediapool -FullBackupPolicy $policy 74 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRHvBackupCopyJob Short Description Creates a Hyper-V backup copy job. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Add-VBRViBackupCopyJob. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  For data transfer with WAN accelerators: Add-VBRHvBackupCopyJob [-Name <String>] [-Entity <IHvItem[]>] [-Backup <CBackup[]>] [-BackupJob <CBackupJob[]>] [-Repository <CBackupRepository>] -SourceAccelerator <CWanAccelerator> -TargetAccelerator <CWanAccelerator> [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]  For direct data transfer: Add-VBRHvBackupCopyJob [-Name <String>] [-Entity <IHvItem[]>] [-Backup <CBackup[]>] [-BackupJob <CBackupJob[]>] [-Repository <CBackupRepository>] -DirectOperation [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRWANAccelerator Find-VBRHvEntity Get-VBRBackup Get-VBRJob Get-VBRBackupRepository Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new Hyper-V backup copy job. To add the VMs for the backup copy job, you can add VMs, backups or backup jobs. Veeam will use this data to copy the backups of the needed VM. You can transfer data in the following ways: • Using WAN accelerators. This mode is recommended for off-site backups. To create and run a backup copy job using WAN accelerators you need to have source and target WAN accelerators created. Run Add-VBRWANAccelerator to create a WAN accelerator. WAN optimization is available only in Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise Plus Edition. 75 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 • Directly. With this method, the job sends the data directly to the target backup repository without performing data deduplication. This mode is recommended for on-site backups, or off-site backups using fast connections. Use an appropriate parameter set for each way. Note that the backup copy job is created in disabled state. Run Enable-VBRJob to start the job running on the defined schedule. Parameters Parameter Description Specifies the WAN accelerator on the source Source Accelerator side. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named False False True Named False False True Named False False Remember to set the pair of source and target WAN accelerators. If you select the mode using WAN accelerators, the DirectOperation parameter should be omitted. Specifies the WAN accelerator on the target Target Accelerator side. Remember to set the pair of source and target WAN accelerators. If you select the mode using WAN accelerators, omit the DirectOperation parameter. Direct Operation Enables direct operation method sending the data directly to the target backup repository without performing data deduplication. If you select the direct operation mode, omit the TargetAccelerator and SourceAccelerator parameters. Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the backup copy job. False Named False False Entity Specifies the VM(s) that you want to add to the backup copy job. False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Backup Specifies the existing backup(s) to set the VMs that you want to add to the backup copy job. You can assign multiple backups to this object. BackupJob Specifies the existing backup job(s) to set the VMs that you want to add to the backup copy job. You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Repository Specifies the backup repository to where you want to copy the VM data. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will 76 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 use the default backup repository. Description Specifies the description of the backup copy job. False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a backup copy job that will use WAN accelerators: • The source and target WAN accelerators are obtained with Get-VBRWANAccelerator and assigned to $wansource and $wantarget variables accordingly beforehand. • The VMs to copy are obtained with Find-VBRHvEntity and assigned to the $vms variable beforehand. • The repository to where the VM data will be copied is obtained with GetVBRBackupRepository and assigned to the $repository variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRHvBackupCopyJob -SourceAccelerator $wansource TargetAccelerator $wantarget -Name CopyJob1 -Entity $vms -Repository $repository Example 2 This command creates a direct backup copy job that will copy backups to the default backup repository: • The name of the job is "DC CopyJob". • The backup job named "DC Backup" with the VMs to be copied is obtained with GetVBRBackup and piped down. • The Repository parameter is omitted. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackup -Name "DC Backup" | Add-VBRHvBackupCopyJob DirectOperation -Name "DC CopyJob" 77 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRHvBackupJob Short Description Creates a new Hyper-V backup job. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Add-VBRViBackupJob. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRHvBackupJob [-Name <String>] [-BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] -Entity <IHvItem[]> [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository Find-VBRHvEntity Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new Hyper-V backup job. Note that when you create a backup job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job. Run Set-VBRJobSchedule to set schedule for the job. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the backup job. False Named False False Backup Repository Specifies the backup repository where the created backup should be stored. False Named False False True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will use the default backup repository. Entity Specifies the VM(s) you want to back up. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Description Specifies the description of the backup job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. 78 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command creates a backup job named "Exchange Backup". The VMs to backup are obtained with Find-VBRHvEntity and piped down. The backup repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the $Repository variable beforehand. The description is "Hyper-V Exchange Backup". PS C:\PS> Find-VBRHvEntity -Name Exchange* | Add-VBRHvBackupJob -Name "Exchange Backup" -BackupRepository $Repository -Description "Hyper-V Exchange Backup" 79 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan Short Description Creates a Hyper-V hardware plan. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax Add-VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -Server <CHost> [-CPU <Int32>] [-Memory <Int32>] [-NumberOfNetWithInternet <Int32>] [-NumberOfNetWithoutInternet <Int32>] -Datastore <VBRHvCloudHardwarePlanDatastore[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer New-VBRHvCloudHWPlanDatastore Return Type VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new hardware plan for Hyper-V environments. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name you want to assign to the hardware plan. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False Description Specifies the description of the hardware plan. False Named False False Server True Named False False Specifies the Hyper-V host. The resources of this host will be exposed to the user by the hardware plan. Accepts the CHost object or string (name of server). CPU Specifies the quote of CPU resources you want to assign to the hardware plan (MHz). False Named False False Memory Specifies the quote of memory resources you want to assign to the hardware plan (Mb). False Named False False 80 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Number OfNetWith Internet Specifies the number of networks with access to the Internet that you want to assign to the hardware plan. False Named False False Number OfNet Without Internet Specifies the number of networks without access to the Internet that you want to assign to the hardware plan. False Named False False Datastore Specifies the array of the datastores that will be used for storing user data. False Named False False Accepts VBRHvCloudHardwarePlanDatastore object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 81 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRHvCloudReplicaJob Short Description Creates a new Hyper-V cloud replication job. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRHvCloudReplicaJob -Server <VBRCloudServer> -Datastore <VBRCloudDatastore> -Entity <IHvItem[]> [-Name <string>] [-Suffix <string>] [-Description <string>] [-SourceRepository <CBackupRepository[]>] [BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] [-EnableNetworkMapping] [SourceNetwork <VBRHvServerNetworkInfo[]>] [-TargetNetwork <VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo[]>] [-SourceWANAccelerator <CWanAccelerator>] [SourceProxy <CHvProxy[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudServer Get-VBRCloudDatastore Find-VBRHvEntity Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRHvServerNetworkInfo Get-VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo Get-VBRWANAccelerator Get-VBRHvProxy Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new Hyper-V cloud replication job. Cloud replication creates a VM replica on a cloud host and maintains it in synch with the original VM. Note that cloud replication does not support replica from backup. When you create a replication job, you can configure the following additional settings: • Network mapping: this option allows you to configure network mapping rules if the production site and the cloud host uses separate virtual networks. Use the EnableNetworkMapping parameter to enable the network mapping and the SourceNetwork and the TargetNetwork parameters to select the networks. • Proxy server: this options allow you to assign a particular proxy server for the data transfer. Use the SourceProxy parameter to set the proxy. • WAN accelerators: this options allow you to use the built-in WAN accelerators to optimize the data transfer. Note that WAN accelerators must work in pair, so you can use the WAN acceleration only if the cloud provider has a WAN accelerator on the target side. Use the SourceWANAccelerator parameter to set the source WAN accelerator. 82 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 • Ri-IP rules: this option allows you to configure different IP addressing scheme for the production site and the cloud host. You need to create an object containing the re-IP rules beforehand by running New-VBRHvReplicaReIpRule. Then pass the created object to the ReIpRule parameter of this cmdlet. Note that when you create a replica job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job manually. Run Set-VBRJobSchedule to set schedule for the job and run it automatically. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the string with the name of the created replication job. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False False True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will give the default job name. Entity Specifies the VM(s) that you want to replicate. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Server Specifies the cloud host where the created replica should reside. Accepts the VBRCloudServer object. Datastore Specifies the cloud disk volume to which you want to replicate. Accepts the VBRCloudDatastore object. Suffix Specifies the suffix that will be appended to the name of the VM you are replicating. This name will be used to register the replicated VM on the target server. If omitted, the replicated VMs will have the '_replica' suffix by default. Source Repository Used for building replica from backup files. Specifies the backup repository that will be used to read the VM data from the already existing backup chain. You cannot specify cloud repository. Backup Repository Specifies the backup repository which will be used to store replica metadata files. If not set, the default backup repository will be used. Description Specifies the description of the new job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Enable Network Indicates that the network mapping must be used. 83 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Mapping Use the SourceNetwork and the TargetNetwork parameters to set the network mapping rules. Source Network Used to set the source network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the production network to which VMs added to the job are connected. Use the TargetNetwork parameter to set the target network. NOTE: the number of the source and the target networks must be the same. Target Network Used to set the target network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. Specifies the network in the DR site to which VM replicas must be connected. Use the SourceNetwork parameter to set the source network. NOTE: the number of the source and the target networks must be the same. Source Proxy Specifies the source proxy that will be used by the job. Default: Automatic selection. Specifies the WAN accelerator configured in Source the source site that will be used for data WAN Accelerator transfer. Note that you can set the source WAN accelerator only if the cloud provider has a target WAN accelerator configured. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 84 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRHvCluster Short Description Adds a Hyper-V cluster to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRHvCluster -Name <String> -User <String> -Password <String> [Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRHvCluster -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -Credentials <CCredentials> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds Hyper-V clusters to the Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. If you include your virtual machines in clusters, you need to add the clusters to Veeam Backup & Replication to be able to manage your virtual infrastructure via Veeam Backup & Replication console. When you add a cluster, you start managing the VMs that are part of the cluster automatically. When you remove a Hyper-V cluster from Veeam Backup & Replication managing console, the VMs that are part of the cluster are removed too. If you want to manage individual VMs with Veeam Backup & Replication, you need to add them as standalone Hyper-V hosts. Run Add-VBRHvHost to add a standalone Hyper-V host to Veeam Backup & Replication. When adding a new Hyper-V cluster, you will need to provide either username and password or credentials. This cmdlet provides parameter sets for both scenarios accordingly. When you provide authentication with the Hyper-V cluster, you get equal rights for all clustered VMs. Parameters Parameter Description Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the string with the DNS name of the added Hyper-V cluster. True Named False False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the Hyper-V cluster. True Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. 85 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the Hyper-V cluster. True Named False False False Named False False True Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Description Specifies the description of the Hyper-V cluster. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the Hyper-V cluster. If you use the Credentials scenario, the -User and -Password parameters must be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a new Hyper-V cluster named "HYPCLUSTER01" using username and password. The user name is "Administrator", and the password is "Password". The description is "Hyper-V Cluster 01". Add-VBRHvCluster -Name "HYPCLUSTER01" -User Administrator -Password Password -Description "Hyper-V Cluster 01" Example 2 This command adds a new Hyper-V cluster named "HYPCLUSTER01" using credentials. The credentials object is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $Administrator variable beforehand. The description is "Hyper-V Cluster 01". Add-VBRHvCluster -Name "HYPCLUSTER01" -Description "Hyper-V Cluster 01" Credentials $Administrator 86 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRHvHost Short Description Adds a Hyper-V host to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRHvHost -Name <String> -User <String> -Password <String> [Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRHvHost -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -Credentials <CCredentials> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds Hyper-V host to the Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. If a Hyper-V host is part of a cluster, add the Hyper-V cluster instead of standalone Hyper-V host. Run Add-VBRHvCluster to add a Hyper-V cluster. When adding a new Hyper-V host, you will need to provide either username and password or credentials. This cmdlet provides parameter sets for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter Description Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the string with the DNS name of the added Hyper-V host. True Named False False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the Hyper-V host. True Named False False True Named False False False Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the Hyper-V host. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Description Specifies the description of the Hyper-V host. 87 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the Hyper-V host. True Named False False If you use the Credentials scenario, the User and Password parameters must be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a new Hyper-V host named "HyperVExchange" using username and password. The user name is "Administrator", and the password is "Password". The description is "Hyper-V Exchange host". Add-VBRHvHost -Name "HyperVExchange" -User Administrator -Password Password -Description "Hyper-V Exchange host" Example 2 This command adds a new Hyper-V host named "HyperVExchange" using credentials. The credentials object is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $Administrator variable beforehand. The description is "Hyper-V Exchange host". Add-VBRHvHost -Name "HyperVExchange" -Credentials $Administrator Description "Hyper-V Exchange host" 88 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRHvJobObject Short Description Adds a new object to a Hyper-V job. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Add-VBRViJobObject. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRHvJobObject -Job <CBackupJob> -Entities <IHvItem[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Find-VBRHvEntity Detailed Description This cmdlet allows to add VM(s) to an existing job. You can run this cmdlet with any kind of jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job(s) you want to add the VM(s) to. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named False False True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Entities Specifies the VM(s) you want to add to the job. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 89 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command adds a VM named "VM01" to the job represented by $job variable. First the job object is got and assigned to $"Backup Hv Job" variable. The VM object is obtained with Find-VBRHvEntity and piped down. PS C:\PS> Find-VBRHvEntity -Name VM01 | Add-VBRHvJobObject -Job $"Backup Hv Job" Example 2 This command adds a VM represented by $Vm variable to the job represented to $"Backup Hv Job" variable. The variables are assigned beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRHvJobObject -Job $"Backup Hv Job" -Entities $Vm 90 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRHvProxy Short Description Adds a Hyper-V backup proxy to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Add-VBRViProxy. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRHvProxy -Server <CHost> [-Description <String>] [-MaxTasks <Int32>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet adds a Hyper-V backup proxy server to the Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. When you add a proxy, you set a role to a Microsoft Windows server. To add a new proxy, you need to have the server added to your Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. Run Add-VBRWinServer to add a Microsoft Windows server. Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the server which will act as a HyperV backup proxy. Description Specifies the description of the Hyper-V proxy. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. MaxTasks Sets the integer specifying the number of concurrent tasks that can be assigned to the proxy simultaneously. If not set, the number of tasks will be set to 2 by default. 91 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a new proxy. The server that will act as the proxy is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. The description is "Local Backup Proxy". The max concurrent tasks number is set to 6. Get-VBRServer -Name "HyperV Local Server" | Add-VBRHvProxy -Description "Local Backup Proxy" -MaxTasks 6 Example 2 This command adds a new proxy. The server that will act as the proxy is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable. The description is "Local Backup Proxy". The max concurrent tasks number is not set to enable the default value. Add-VBRHvProxy -Server $server -Description "Local Backup Proxy" 92 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRHvReplicaJob Short Description Creates a new Hyper-V replication job. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Add-VBRViReplicaJob. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRHvReplicaJob -Server <CHost> -Entity <IHvItem[]> [-Name <string>] [Path <string>] [-Suffix <string>] [-Description <string>] [SourceRepository <CBackupRepository[]>] [-BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] [-ReIpRule <VBRHvReplicaReIpRule[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Find-VBRHvEntity Get-VBRBackupRepository Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new Hyper-V replication job. You can select a data source from which VM data must be read:  Actual VM: Veeam Backup & Replication will copy an actual VM from production storage. The created replica will mirror an actual VM state. Use the Entity parameter to indicate the VMs you want to replicate.  Replica from backup files: Veeam Backup & Replication will build a replica from backup files stored on a backup repository. The created replica will be in the latest state the VM is available in backups. Use the Entity parameter to indicate the VMs you want to replicate and the BackupRepository parameter to set the repository from where the backup files must be read. Note that when you create a replica job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job manually. Run Set-VBRJobSchedule to set schedule for the job and run it automatically. 93 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name you want to assign to the replication job. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will give the default job name. Server Specifies the Hyper-V host where the created replica should be stored. True Named False False Path Specifies the Hyper-V volume where the created replica should be stored. True Named False False Entity Specifies the VM(s) that you want to replicate. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Suffix Specifies the suffix that will be appended to the name of the VM you are replicating. This name will be used to register the replicated VM on the target server. If omitted, the replicated VMs will have the '_replica' suffix by default. Description Specifies the description of the replication job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Source Repository Used for building replica from backup files. Specifies the backup repository that will be used to read the VM data from the already existing backup chain. Accepts CBackupRepository object. You cannot specify cloud repository. Backup Repository Used for building replica from backup files. Specifies the backup repository that will be used to read the VM data from the already existing backup chain. Accepts CBackupRepository object. ReIpRule Specifies the re-IP rules. Accepts VBRViReplicaReIpRule object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 94 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command creates a job that replicates an SQL02 server. The replica is located on another host. • The VM to replicate is obtained with Find-VBRHvEntity and piped down. • The host to locate the replicated VM on is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$targetserver' variable beforehand. • The replica is created with the suffix "_replicated". • The description of the job is "SQL02 replication". PS C:\PS> Find-VBRHvEntity -Name "sql02" | Add-VBRHvReplicaJob -Name "SQL02 Replica job" -Server $targetserver -Path "c:\Replicas" -Suffix "_replicated" -Description "SQL02 replication" Example 2 This command creates a replica of an SQL server from backup. The replica is located on another host. • The VM to replicate is obtained with Find-VBRHvEntity and assigned to the '$sql02' variable. • The host to locate the replicated VM on is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$targetserver' variable beforehand. • The replica will be built from the SQL02 backup files that are located on a backup repository. The repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the '$repository' variable beforehand. • The description of the job is "SQL02 replication". PS C:\PS> Add-VBRHvReplicaJob -Name "SQL02 Replica job" -Server $targetserver -Path "c:\Replicas" -Entity $sql02 -Description "SQL02 replication" -SourceRepository $repository 95 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRHvScvmm Short Description Adds a SCVMM server to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRHvScvmm -Name <String> -User <String> -Password <String> [Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRHvScvmm -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -Credentials <CCredentials> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds SCVMM (Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager) server to the Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. When adding a new SCVMM server, you will need to provide either username and password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter Description Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the string with the DNS name of the added SCVMM server. True Named False False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the SCVMM server. True Named False False True Named False False True Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the SCVMM server. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the SCVMM server. If you use the Credentials scenario, the -User and 96 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 -Password parameters must be omitted. Description Specifies the description of the SCVMM server. False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds the SCVMM server using a username and a password. Add-VBRHvScvmm -Name "SCVMM1" -User "Administrator" -Password "Password" Description "SCVMM Server" Example 2 This command adds the SCVMM server using credentials. The credentials record is obtained with GetVBRCredentials and assigned to the $SCVMMAdministrator variable beforehand. Add-VBRHvScvmm -Name "SCVMM1" -Description "SCVMM Server" -Credentials $SCVMMAdministrator 97 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRLinux Short Description Adds a Linux server to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  For authenticating with the Linux host with Username/Password: Add-VBRLinux [-Name] <string> [-SSHUser] <string> [-SSHPassword] <string> [-SSHPort <int>] [-Description <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]  For authenticating with the Linux host with credentials: Add-VBRLinux [-Name] <string> -Credentials <CCredentials> [-SSHPort <int>] [-Description <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds a Linux server to Veeam Backup & Replication. The Linux server must have SSH and Perl. When adding a new Linux server, you will need to provide either username and password or credentials. To add a Linux host using an SSH key fingerprint, run this cmdlet with the Confirm parameter. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the string with a DNS name or IP address of the Linux server you want to add. True 1 False False SSHUser Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the Linux server. True 2 False False True 3 False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the -Credentials parameter must be omitted. SSHPassword Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the Linux server. 98 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 If you use the Username/Password scenario, the -Credentials parameter must be omitted. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the Linux server. True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If you use the Credentials scenario, the -User and -Password parameters must be omitted. SSHPort Provide an integer specifying the Web service port number used to connect to the Linux server console. Default: 443 Description Specifies the description of the Linux server. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 99 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command adds the Linux server with the IP address using a username and a password. The user name is "Administrator" and the password is "Password". Add-VBRLinux -Name "" -SSHUser "Administrator" -SSHPassword "Password" -Description "Linux host 01" Example 2 This command adds the Linux server with the IP address using credentials. The credentials record is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $"Linux Administrator" variable beforehand. Add-VBRLinux -Name '" -Description "Linux host 01" -Credentials $"Linux Administrator" Example 3 This command adds the Linux server with the IP address using an SSH key fingerprint. • The user name is "Administrator" and the password is "Password". • The Web service port is set to "22". • The Confirm parameter is used to verify the connection with SSH key fingerprint. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRLinux -Name "" -SSHUser "Administrator" SSHPassword "Password" -SSHPort 22 -Confirm Confirm Are you sure you want to perform this action? Performing operation "Add-VBRLinux" on Target "" "SSH key fingerprint: ssh-dss 1024 7a:64:8d:7d:12:72:e9:e1:28:42:94:51:55:65:13:7a Do you trust this server?". [Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [S] Suspend [?] Help (default is "Y"): Y 100 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository Short Description Adds a new scale-out backup repository. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository -PolicyType <VBRScaleOutBackupRepositoryPolicyType> {DataLocality | Performance} Extent <CBackupRepository[]> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [UsePerVMBackupFiles] [-PerformFullWhenExtentOffline] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRepositoryExtent Return Type VBRScaleOutBackupRepository Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a scale-out backup repository. You can create a repository with a selected policy:  With the DataLocality policy, the dependent backups are placed to the same extent (for example, restore points of one VM).  With the Performance policy, Veeam distributes backups in order to provide better performance. With this policy, you can additionally configure extents to store only full backups, only incremental backups or full and incremental backups (default). Run SetVBRRepositoryExtent to set the backup placement mode. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the scale-out repository. Required Position Specifies the description of the scale-out repository. Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will assign a default scale-out repository name. Description Accept Pipeline Input If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. 101 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Policy Type Specifies the policy for the scale-out repository: DataLocality/Performance. True Named True (ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Extent Specifies the backup repository or repositories.The cmdlet will add these repositories as extents to the scale-out repository. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts the CBackup object, GUID or string (repository name). You can add multiple repositories to this object. UsePerVM BackupFiles If indicated, the job will store each VM's data to a separate backup file. Otherwise, each restore point will contain all VMs in job. Default: True. PerformFull If indicated, the job will create an WhenExtent active full backup if the extent with previous backup file is offline. Offline Otherwise, the job will fail to create an increment. Default: False. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command creates a performance scale-out repository. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository -Name "Veeam Performance ScaleOut Repository" –PolicyType Performance –Extent “Backup Repository 1”, “Backup Repository 2” 102 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRSmbV3Cluster Short Description Adds an SMB3 cluster to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRSmbV3Cluster -Name <String> -User <String> -Password <String> [Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRSmbV3Cluster -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -Credentials <CCredentials> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds an SMB3 cluster to the Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. If you include your virtual machines in clusters, you need to add the clusters to Veeam Backup & Replication to be able to manage your virtual infrastructure via Veeam Backup & Replication console. When you add a cluster, you start managing the VMs that are part of the cluster automatically. When you remove a Hyper-V cluster from Veeam Backup & Replication managing console, the VMs that are part of the cluster are removed too. If you want to manage individual VMs with Veeam Backup & Replication, you need to add them as standalone SMB3 servers. Run Add-VBRSmbV3Host to add a standalone SMB3 server to Veeam Backup & Replication. When adding a new SMB3 cluster, you will need to provide either username and password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. When you provide authentication with the Hyper-V cluster, you get equal rights for all clustered VMs. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the full DNS name or IP address of the SMB3 cluster. True Named False False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the SMB3 cluster. True Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. 103 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the SMB3 cluster. True Named False False False Named False False True Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Description Specifies the description of the SMB3 cluster. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the SMB3 cluster. If you use the Credentials scenario, the -User and -Password parameters must be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a new SMB3 cluster named "SMBCLUSTER01" using username and password. The user name is "Administrator", and the password is "Password". The description is "Hyper-V SMB Share Cluster 01". Add-VBRSmbV3Cluster -Name "SMBCLUSTER01" -User "Administrator" -Password "Password" -Description "Hyper-V SMB Share Cluster 01" Example 2 This command adds a new SMB3 cluster named "SMBCLUSTER01" using credentials. The credentials object is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $Administrator variable beforehand. The description is "Hyper-V SMB Share Cluster 01". Add-VBRHvCluster -Name "SMBCLUSTER01" -Description "Hyper-V SMB Share Cluster 01" -Credentials $Administrator 104 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRSmbV3Host Short Description Adds an SMB3 host to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRSmbV3Host -Name <String> -User <String> -Password <String> [Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRSmbV3Host -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -Credentials <CCredentials> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds an SMB3 host to the Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. If an SMB3 host is part of a cluster, add the SMB3 cluster instead of standalone SMB3 host. Run Add-VBRSmbV3Cluster to add an SMB3 cluster. When adding a new SMB3 host, you will need to provide either username and password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter Description Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the string with the DNS name of the added SMB3 host. True Named False False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the SMB3 host. True Named False False True Named False False False Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the SMB3 host. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Description Specifies the description of the SMB3 host. 105 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the SMB3 host. True Named False False If you use the Credentials scenario, the User and Password parameters must be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a new SMB3 host named "SMBShare010" using username and password. The user name is "Administrator", and the password is "Password". The description is "Hyper-V SMB Share Host 01". Add-VBRSmbV3Host -Name "SMBShare010" -User "Administrator" -Password "Password" -Description "Hyper-V SMB Share Host 010" Example 2 This command adds a new SMB3 host named "SMBShare010" using credentials. The credentials object is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $Administrator variable beforehand. The description is "Hyper-V SMB Share Host 01". Add-VBRSmbV3Host -Name "SMBShare010" -Description "Hyper-V SMB Share Host 010" -Credentials $Administrator 106 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRTapeGFSMediaPool Short Description Creates a new GFS media pool. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRTapeGFSMediaPool -Name <string> -Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]> [Description <string>] [-Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]>] [-MoveFromFreePool] [EnableEncryption] [-EncryptionKey <VBREncryptionKey>] [-NextLibOffline] [NextLibDrivesBusy] [-NextLibNoMedia] [-WeeklyOverwritePeriod <int>] [MonthlyOverwritePeriod <int>] [-QuarterlyOverwritePeriod <int>] [YearlyOverwritePeriod <int>] [-WeeklyMediaSetPolicy <VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy>] [-MonthlyMediaSetPolicy <VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy>] [-QuarterlyMediaSetPolicy <VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy>] [-YearlyMediaSetPolicy <VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeLibrary Get-VBREncryptionKey New-VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy Return Type VBRTapeGFSMediaPool Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new GFS media pool. The media sets are created with default settings. Run New-VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy to set other options for media sets. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the media pool. True Named False False Library Specifies the tape library, or a number of libraries, whose tapes will be used in this media pool. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False You can add several libraries and use them to switch to another library in case the primary library is offline, has no available drives or no available tapes. Use the 107 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 NextLibOffline, NextLibDrivesBusy and/or NextLibNoMedia parameters to manage the libraries. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Veeam will switch to the nest library in order they are added to the VBRTapeLibrary object. Accepts VBRTapeLibrary object, GUID or string type. Medium Specifies the tape(s) you want to add to the media pool. False Named False False False Named False False You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. Description Specifies the description for the created media pool. If not set, Veeam will enter date and time of creation by default. MoveFrom FreePool If set, the media pool will be replenished by tapes from the Free media pool. False Named False False Enable Encryption Indicates that Veeam Backup & Replication will encrypt data archived to tape. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Use the EncryptionKey parameter to specify the encryption key you want to use to encrypt the data. EncryptionKey Used to set the encryption key for the EnableEncryption parameter. Specifies the encryption key you want to use to encrypt the data. NextLib Offline If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary library is offline. Default: true. NextLib DrivesBusy If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary library has no available drives. Default: true. NextLib NoMedia If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary library has no available media. Default: true. Weekly Overwrite Period Indicates the data retention period for the weekly media set. 108 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Accepts Int values (weeks). Monthly Overwrite Period Indicates the data retention period for the monthly media set. Quarterly Overwrite Period Indicates the data retention period for the quarterly media set. Yearly Overwrite Period Indicates the data retention period for the yearly media set. Weekly MediaSet Policy Indicates settings for the weekly media set. Monthly MediaSet Policy Indicates settings for the monthly media set. Quarterly MediaSet Policy Indicates settings for the quarterly media set. Yearly MediaSet Policy Indicates settings for the yearly media set. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts Int values (months). Accepts Int values (months). Accepts Int values (years). Accepts VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy object. Accepts VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy object. Accepts VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy object. Accepts VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 109 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRTapeMediaPool Short Description Creates a new media pool. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRTapeMediaPool -Name <string> -Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]> [Description <string>] [-Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]>] [-MoveFromFreePool] [MoveOfflineToVault] [-Vault <VBRTapeVault>] [-EnableEncryption] [EncryptionKey <VBREncryptionKey>] [-MediaSetCreationPolicy <VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy>] [-MediaSetName <string>] [-RetentionPolicy <VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy>] [-NextLibOffline] [-NextLibDrivesBusy] [-NextLibNoMedia] [-EnableMultiStreaming] [-SplitJobFilesBetweenDrives] [NumberOfStreams <int>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeLibrary Get-VBRTapeMedium Get-VBRTapeVault Get-VBREncryptionKey New-VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy New-VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy Return Type VBRTapeMediaPool Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new custom media pool. Run Add-VBRTapeGFSMediaPool to create a GFS media pool. Parameters Parameter Description Require d Positio n Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Character s Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the media pool. True Named False False Library Specifies the tape library, or a number of libraries, whose tapes will be used in this media pool. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipelin e False You can add several libraries and 110 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 use them to switch to another library in case the primary library is offline, has no available drives or no available tapes. Use the NextLibOffline, NextLibDrivesBusy and/or NextLibNoMedia parameters to manage the libraries. ByPropertyName) You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Veeam will switch to the nest library in order they are added to the VBRTapeLibrary object. Accepts VBRTapeLibrary object, GUID or string type. Description Specifies the description for the created media pool. False Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam will enter date and time of creation by default. Medium Specifies the tape(s) you want to add to the media pool. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. MoveFrom FreePool If set, the media pool will be replenished by tapes from the Free media pool. False Named False False MoveOffline ToVault Indicates that the tapes that go offline must be automatically moved to a vault. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Use the Vault parameter to specify the vault to which you want to move the tapes from this media pool. Vault Used to set vault for the MoveOfflineToVault parameter. Specifies the vault to which you want to automatically move the tapes. You can use one vault for several media pools. Accepts VBRTapeVault object, GUID or string type. Enable Encryption Indicates that Veeam Backup & Replication will encrypt data archived to tape. Use the EncryptionKey parameter to specify the encryption key you want to use to encrypt the data. Encryption Key Used to set the encryption key for the EnableEncryption parameter. 111 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Specifies the encryption key you want to use to encrypt the data. MediaSet Creation Policy Specifies the settings of media set you want to apply to this media pool. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If omitted, the media creation policy will be set to 'Never' by default. Accepts VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy object. MediaSet Name Specifies the new name you want to assign to the media sets created in this media pool. If omitted, the media set name will be set to "Media set %date%” by default. Accepts string type. Retention Policy Specifies the retention settings you want to apply to this media pool. If omitted, the media set name will be set to 'Never' by default. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolic y object. NextLib Offline If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary library is offline. Default: true. NextLib DrivesBusy If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary library has no available drives. Default: true. NextLib NoMedia If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary library has no available media. Default: true. Enable MultiStreamin g Indicates that the media pool can use several drives simultaneously. Use the NumberOfStreams parameter to set the maximum number of drives that can be used. Use the SplitJobFilesBetweenDrives parameter to indicate if the multistreaming will be used to split data between tape jobs or between source backup jobs. 112 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 SplitJobFiles BetweenDrives If set, one tape job will use multiple drives to write data. Drives will process source backup jobs one by one. False Named False False False Named False False Otherwise, one drive will be used for one tape job. Number OfStreams Used to set value for the EnableMultiStreaming parameter. Indicates the maximum number of drives that the media pool can use. Default: 2. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a media pool named "Monthly Full Backups" with default settings. • Get the library in which the media pool is created with Get-VBRTapeLibrary and pipe down. • Use the MoveFromFreePool parameter to make the media pool replenishable. • Omit other parameters. The media set policy and retention policy will be set to default. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" | AddVBRTapeMediaPool -Name "Monthly Full Backups" -MoveFromFreePool 113 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command creates a media pool named 'AD Backups Encrypted'. The offline tape will be moved to vault. The tape archive will be encrypted . The media set creation policy and the retention policy will be configured beforehand. • The description of the new media pool is set to 'Active Directory Encrypted Backups'. • The library in which the media pool is created is obtained with Get-VBRTapeLibrary and assigned to the '$HPtapelibrary' variable beforehand. • The tapes that will be included to the media pool are obtained with Get-VBRTapeMedium and assigned to the '$media' variable beforehand. • The MoveOfflineToVault parameter is used to move the tapes to vault. The target vault is obtained with Get-VBRTapeVault and assigned to the '$vault' variable beforehand. • The EnableEncryption parameter is set to encrypt the data. The encryption key that must be used is obtained with Get-VBREncryptionKey and assigned to the '$securepassword' variable beforehand. • The custom policy for creating media sets is configured with NewVBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy and assigned to the '$mediasetpolicy' variable beforehand. The media set name is set to "AD Daily %date%". • The custom retention policy is configured with New-VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy and assigned to the '$retentionpolicy' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRTapeMediaPool -Name "AD Backups Encrypted" -Description "Active Directory Encrypted Backups" -Library $HPtapelibrary -Medium $media -MoveOfflineToVault -Vault $vault -EnableEncryption -EncryptionKey $securepassword -MediaSetCreationPolicy $mediasetpolicy -MediaSetName "AD Daily %date%" -RetentionPolicy $retentionpolicy 114 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRTapeServer Short Description Adds tape server to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRTapeServer [-Description <string>] [-Server <CHost>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Return Type VBRTapeServer Detailed Description This cmdlet adds a tape server to the Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. Parameters Parameter Description Description Specifies the description of the tape server. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False False False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Server Specifies the server you want to use as a tape server. If not set, Veeam backup server will be used. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 115 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command adds a server named 'WindowsServer01' as a tape server. The server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. The description is set to "Sydney Office tape server". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServer -Name WindowsServer01 | Add-VBRTapeServer Description "Sydney Office tape server" Example 2 This command adds a server represented by the '$tapeserver' variable as a tape server. The server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRTapeServer -Server $tapeserver 116 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRTapeVault Short Description Creates a tape vault. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRTapeVault -Name <String> [-Description <String>] [-Protect] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRTapeVault Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new tape vault. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name you want to assign to the vault. Description Specifies the description of the vault. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Protect Indicates that all tapes moved to this media vault automatically get lifelong overwrite protection. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 117 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command creates a vault named "Sydney Remote Storage". PS C:\PS> Add-VBRTapeVault -Name "Sydney Remote Storage" -Description "Veeam backups offsite" 118 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRvCenter Short Description Adds a vCenter Server to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRvCenter [-Name] <String> [-User] <String> [-Password] <String> [Port <Int32>] [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRvCenter [-Name] <String> [-Port <Int32>] [-Description <String>] Credentials <CCredentials> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to add a vCenter Server to Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Description Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the string with a full DNS name or IP address of the vCenter Server. True 1 False False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the vCenter Server. True 2 False False True 3 False False True Named False False Note that the user name should be in "DOMAIN\USERNAME" format. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the vCenter Server. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the vCenter Server. If you use the Credentials scenario, the -User and -Password parameters must be omitted. 119 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Port Sets the integer specifying the number of Web service port used to connect to the vCenter Server. False Named False False False Named False False Default: 443 Description Specifies the description of the vCenter Server. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds the vCenter Server named "vc25.domain.local" using a username and a password. The user name is "Administrator" and the password is "Password". Add-VBRvCenter -Name "vc25.domain.local" -User "Domain\Administrator" Password "Password" -Description "vcdev25 vCenter Server" Example 2 This command adds the vCenter Server named "vc25.domain.local" using credentials. The credentials record is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the '$vc_administrator' variable beforehand. Add-VBRvCenter -Name "vc25.domain.local" -Description "vcdev25 vCenter Server" -Credentials $vc_administrator 120 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRvCloud Short Description Adds a vCloud Director server to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRvCloud [-Name] <string> [-User] <string> [-Password] <string> [-Url <string>] [-Description <string>][<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRvCloud [-Name] <string> -Credentials <CCredentials> [-Url <string>] [-Description <string>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds a new vCloud Director server to Veeam Backup & Replication. When adding a new vCloud Director server you will need to provide either username/password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the full DNS name or IP address of the vCloud Director server or any cell in the vCloud Director infrastructure. True 0 False False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the vCloud Director server. True 1 False False True 2 False False True Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the vCloud Director server. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the vCloud Director server. If you use the Credentials scenario, the -User and -Password parameters must be omitted. 121 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Url Specifies the URL you want to connect to the vCloud Director Web API with. False Named False False Description Specifies the description of the new vCloud Director server. If not set, the user name who created the server and the date and time of creation will be added by default. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a new server named "vCloudDirectorServer" having the https://vclouddirectorserver:443 URL address. The username is "Administrator" and the password is "password". PS C:\PS> Add-VBRvCloud -Name "vCloudDirectorServer" -User Administrator Password password -Url https://vclouddirectorserver:443 -Description "vCloud Director Server" Example 2 This command creates a new server named "vCloudDirectorServer" having the https://vclouddirectorserver:443 URL address. The credentials are obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $Administrator variable beforehand. The -Description parameter is not set to get the default description created. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRvCloud -Name "vCloudDirectorServer" -Credentials $Administrator -Url https://vclouddirectorserver:443 122 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRvCloudBackupCopyJob Short Description Creates a vCloud backup copy job. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRvCloudBackupCopyJob [-Name <String>] [-Entity <IItem[]>] [-Backup <CBackup[]>] [-BackupJob <CBackupJob[]>][-Repository <CBackupRepository>] SourceAccelerator <CWanAccelerator> -TargetAccelerator <CWanAccelerator> [Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRvCloudBackupCopyJob [-Name <String>] [-Entity <IItem[]>] [-Backup <CBackup[]>] [-BackupJob <CBackupJob[]>][-Repository <CBackupRepository>] DirectOperation [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>][-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackup Get-VBRJob Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRWANAccelerator Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new vCloud backup copy job. The vCloud backup copy job uses a cloud repository as the target. To add the VMs for the backup copy job, you can add VMs, backups or backup jobs. Veeam will use this data to copy the backups of the needed VM. You can transfer data in the following ways: • Using WAN accelerators. This mode is recommended for off-site backups. To create and run a backup copy job using WAN accelerators you need to have source and target WAN accelerators created. Run Add-VBRWANAccelerator to create a WAN accelerator. WAN optimization is available only in Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise Plus Edition. • Directly. With this method, the job sends the data directly to the target backup repository without performing data deduplication. This mode is recommended for on-site backups, or off-site backups using fast connections. Use an appropriate parameter set for each way. Note that the backup copy job is created in disabled state. Run Enable-VBRJob to start the job running on the defined schedule. 123 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the backup copy job. False Named False False Entity Specifies the VM(s) you want to copy. False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False True Named False False True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Backup Specifies the existing backup from where the VMs to copy are derived. You can assign multiple backups to this object. BackupJob Specifies the existing backup job from where the VMs to copy are derived. You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Repository Specifies the target backup repository to where you want to copy the VM data. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will use the default backup repository. Specifies the WAN accelerator on the source Source Accelerator side. If you select the mode using WAN accelerators, the -DirectOperation parameter should be omitted. Specifies the WAN accelerator on the target Target Accelerator side. If you select the mode using WAN accelerators, the -DirectOperation parameter should be omitted. Description Specifies the description of the backup copy job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Direct Operation Enables the direst operation method sending the data directly to the target backup repository without performing data deduplication. If you select the direct operation mode, the TargetAccelerator and -SourceAccelerator parameters should be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 124 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command creates a backup copy job named "vCloud CopyJob1" with the following parameters: • The source and target WAN accelerators are obtained with Get-VBRWANAccelerator and assigned to $wansource and $wantarget variables accordingly beforehand, • The VMs to copy are obtained with Find-VBRvCloudEntity and assigned to the $vms variable beforehand, • The repository to where the VM data will be copied is obtained with GetVBRBackupRepository and assigned to the $repository variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRvCloudBackupCopyJob -SourceAccelerator $wansource TargetAccelerator $wantarget -Name CopyJob1 -Entity $vms -Repository $repository Example 2 This command creates a direct backup copy job with the following parameters: • The name of the job is "DC CopyJob", • The backup job named "DC Backup" with the VMs to be copied is obtained with GetVBRBackup and piped down, • The -Repository parameter is not set to copy the VMs to the default backup repository. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackup -Name "DC Backup" | Add-VBRvCloudBackupCopyJob DirectOperation -Name "DC CopyJob" 125 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRvCloudJob Short Description Creates a vCloud Director backup job. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRvCloudJob -Entity <IItem[]> [-Name <string>] [-BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] [-Description <string>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Find-VBRvCloudEntity Get-VBRBackupRepository Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new vCloud Director backup job. You should always use vCD backup jobs to back up VMs managed by vCloud Director. If you back up VMs managed by vCloud Director using a regular backup job, Veeam Backup & Replication will perform backup at the level of the underlying vCenter Server and will not capture vApp metadata. As a result, you will not let you restore a fully functioning VM to vCloud Director. Note that when you create a backup job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job. Run Set-VBRJobSchedule to set schedule for the job. Parameters Parameter Entity Description Specifies the VM(s) you want to backup. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named True False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the backup job. False Named False False Backup Repository Specifies the backup repository object where the backup files will be stored. If not set, the files will be stored in Veeam Backup & Replication default backup repository. False Named False False False Named False False Description Specifies the description of the new backup job. 126 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a new vCloud Director backup job with the following parameters: • Job name: "vCD Backup Job 1". • $vm: the VM to backup. • $brepository: the backup repository to store the backup files. • Description: "vCloud Director Backup Job". PS C:\PS> Add-VBRvCloudJob -Entity $vm -Name "vCD Backup Job" BackupRepository $brepository -Description "vCloud Director Backup Job" Example 2 This command creates a new vCloud Director backup job with the following parameters: • Job name: "vCD Backup Job 2". • Description: "vCloud Director Backup Job". • The VM named "vCloud Server" is obtained with Find-VBRvCloudEntity and piped down. • The -BackupRepository parameter is not set to enable use of the default backup repository. PS C:\PS> Find-VBRvCloudEntity -Name "vCloud Server" | Add-VBRvCloudJob Name "vCD Backup Job 2" -Description "vCloud Director Backup Job" 127 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRvCloudVC Short Description Adds vCenter Server managed by vCloud Director to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRvCloudVC [-vCloudServer] <CHost> [-VCInfo] <CVcdVcInfo> [-User] <string> [-Password] <string> [-Name <string>] [-Port <int>] [-Description <string>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRvCloudVC [-vCloudServer] <CHost> [-VCInfo] <CVcdVcInfo> -Credentials <CCredentials> [-Name <string>] [-Port <int>] [-Description <string>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Find-VBRvCloudEntity ([-Vc]) Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds a new vCenter Server to Veeam Backup & Replication console. The vCenter Server is registered as a part of vCloud Director . When adding a new vCenter Server, you will need to provide either username and password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters vCloudServer Specifies the vCloud server you want to connect a vCenter to. True 0 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False VCInfo Specifies the vCenter Server you want to connect to the vCloud. True 1 False False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the vCenter Server. True 2 False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the -Credentials parameter must be omitted. 128 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the vCenter Server. True 3 False False True Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the -Credentials parameter must be omitted. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the vCenter Server. If you use the Credentials scenario, the -User and -Password parameters must be omitted. Name Specifies the DNS name or IP address of the vCenter Server you want to connect. False Named False False Port Specifies the web-service port number. If not set, the default port number 443 will be used. False Named False False False Named False False IMPORTANT: When you customize the port number, you should make sure that you set this port on the vCenter Server/ESX(i) host settings first. Description Specifies the description of the vCenter Server. If not set, the default description containing the username of the user who created the record and date and time of creation will be used. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a new vCenter Server with the following parameters: • The vCenter will be registered on the server with IP address. The server object is piped to the cmdlet. • The new vCenter Server is obtained with Find-VBRvCloudEntity ([-Vc]) and assigned to $vc variable beforehand. • The username is "Administrator" and the password is "Password". • The new vCenter name is "vCenter Server 1". • The -Port parameter is not set to enable the default 443 web-service port number. • The -Description parameter is not set to enable the default description. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServer -Name | Add-VBRvCloudVC -VCInfo $vc User Administrator -Password Password -Name "vCenter Server 1" 129 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command adds a new vCenter Server with the following parameters: • The server where the new vCenter will be registered is represented by $s variable. • The new vCenter Server is obtained with Find-VBRvCloudEntity ([-Vc]) and assigned to $vc variable beforehand. • The $creds variable contains the Administrator credentials record. • The new vCenter name is "vCenter Server 2". • The -Port parameter is set to 456 to set the connection through web-service port number 456 instead of default 443 port. • The -Description parameter is not set to enable the default description. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRvCloudVC -vCloudServer $s -VCInfo $vc -Credentials $creds -Name "vCenter Server 2" -Port 456 130 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRViBackupCopyJob Short Description Creates a VMware backup copy job. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Add-VBRHvBackupCopyJob. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  For data transfer with WAN accelerators: Add-VBRViBackupCopyJob -SourceAccelerator <CWanAccelerator> TargetAccelerator <CWanAccelerator> [-Name <string>][-Entity <IViItem[]>] [-Backup <CBackup[]>][-BackupJob <CBackupJob[]>] [-Repository <CBackupRepository>][-Description <string>][<CommonParameters>]  For direct data transfer: Add-VBRViBackupCopyJob -DirectOperation [-Name <string>] [-Entity <IViItem[]>] [-Backup <CBackup[]>] [-BackupJob <CBackupJob[]>] [-Repository <CBackupRepository>] [-Description <string>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRWANAccelerator Find-VBRViEntity Get-VBRBackup Get-VBRJob Get-VBRBackupRepository Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VMware backup copy job. To add the VMs for the backup copy job, you can add VMs, backups or backup jobs. Veeam will use this data to copy the backups of the needed VM. You can transfer data in the following ways: • Using WAN accelerators. This mode is recommended for off-site backups. To create and run a backup copy job using WAN accelerators you need to have source and target WAN accelerators created. Run Add-VBRWANAccelerator to create a WAN accelerator. WAN optimization is available only in Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise Plus Edition. • Directly. With this method, the job sends the data directly to the target backup repository without performing data deduplication. This mode is recommended for on-site backups, or off-site backups using fast connections. 131 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Use an appropriate parameter set for each way. Note that the backup copy job is created in disabled state. Run Enable-VBRJob to start the job running on the defined schedule. Parameters Parameter Description Specifies the WAN accelerator on the source Source Accelerator side. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named False False True Named False False True Named False False Remember to set the pair of source and target WAN accelerators. If you select the mode using WAN accelerators, the DirectOperation parameter should be omitted. Specifies the WAN accelerator on the target Target Accelerator side. Remember to set the pair of source and target WAN accelerators. If you select the mode using WAN accelerators, omit the DirectOperation parameter. Direct Operation Enables direct operation method sending the data directly to the target backup repository without performing data deduplication. If you select the direct operation mode, omit the TargetAccelerator and SourceAccelerator parameters. Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the backup copy job. False Named False False Entity Specifies the VM(s) that you want to add to the backup copy job. False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. You can create a job without source and link it to a backup job after. Backup Specifies the existing backup(s) to set the VMs that you want to add to the backup copy job. You can assign multiple backups to this object. BackupJob Specifies the existing backup job(s) to set the VMs that you want to add to the backup copy job. You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Repository Specifies the backup repository to where you want to copy the VM data. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will use the default backup repository. 132 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Description Specifies the description of the backup copy job. False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a backup copy job that will use WAN accelerators: • The source and target WAN accelerators are obtained with Get-VBRWANAccelerator and assigned to $wansource and $wantarget variables accordingly beforehand. • The VMs to copy are obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and assigned to the $vms variable beforehand. • The repository to where the VM data will be copied is obtained with GetVBRBackupRepository and assigned to the $repository variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRViBackupCopyJob -SourceAccelerator $wansource TargetAccelerator $wantarget -Name CopyJob1 -Entity $vms -Repository $repository Example 2 This command creates a direct backup copy job that will copy backups to the default backup repository: • The name of the job is "DC CopyJob". • The backup job named "DC Backup" with the VMs to be copied is obtained with GetVBRBackup and piped down. • The Repository parameter is omitted. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackup -Name "DC Backup" | Add-VBRViBackupCopyJob DirectOperation -Name "DC CopyJob" 133 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRViBackupJob Short Description Creates a new VMware backup job. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Add-VBRHvBackupJob. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRViBackupJob [-Name <String>] [-BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] -Entity <IViItem[]> [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository Find-VBRViEntity Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VMware backup job. Note that when you create a backup job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job. Run Set-VBRJobSchedule to set schedule for the job. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the string with the name of the created backup job. False Named False False Backup Repository Specifies the backup repository where the created backup should be stored. False Named False False True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False If not set, the default backup repository will be used. Entity Specifies the VM(s) that you want to back up. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Description Specifies the description of the backup job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. 134 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command creates a backup job named "Exchange Backup". The VMs to backup are obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and piped down. The backup repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the $Repository variable beforehand. The description is "VMware Exchange Backup". PS C:\PS> Find-VBRViEntity -Name Exchange* | Add-VBRViBackupJob -Name "Exchange Backup" -BackupRepository $Repository -Description "VMware Exchange Backup" 135 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRViCloudHardwarePlan Short Description Creates a VMware hardware plan. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax Add-VBRViCloudHardwarePlan -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -Server <Object> [-CPU <Int32>] [-Memory <Int32>] [-NumberOfNetWithInternet <Int32>] [-NumberOfNetWithoutInternet <Int32>] -Datastore <VBRViCloudHardwarePlanDatastore[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Return Type VBRViCloudHardwarePlan Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new hardware plan for VMware environments. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name you want to assign to the hardware plan. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False Description Specifies the description of the hardware plan. False Named False False Server True Named False False Specifies the ESX(i) host or cluster. The resources of this host or cluster will be exposed to the user by the hardware plan. Accepts the CHost (standalone host) or CViClusterItem (cluster) object. CPU Specifies the quote of CPU resources you want to assign to the hardware plan (MHz). False Named False False Memory Specifies the quote of memory resources you want to assign to the hardware plan (Mb). False Named False False Number OfNetWith Specifies the number of networks with access to the Internet that you want to assign to the False Named False False 136 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Internet hardware plan. Number OfNet Without Internet Specifies the number of networks without access to the Internet that you want to assign to the hardware plan. False Named False False Datastore Specifies the array of the datastores that will be used for storing user data. True Named False False Accepts VBRViCloudHardwarePlanDatastore object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 137 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRViCloudReplicaJob Short Description Creates a new VMware cloud replication job. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRViCloudReplicaJob -Entity <IViItem[]> -Server <VBRCloudServer> Datastore <VBRCloudDatastore> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [Suffix <string>] [-BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] [-SourceRepository <CBackupRepository[]>] [-EnableNetworkMapping] [-SourceNetwork <VBRViNetworkInfo[]>] [-TargetNetwork <VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo[]>] [SourceProxy <CViProxy[]>] [-SourceWANAccelerator <CWanAccelerator>] [DiskType <EDiskCreationMode> {Source | Thick | Thin}] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Find-VBRViEntity Get-VBRCloudServer Get-VBRCloudDatastore Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo Get-VBRViProxy Get-VBRWANAccelerator Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VMware cloud replication job. Cloud replication creates a VM replica on a cloud host and maintains it in synch with the original VM. Note that cloud replication does not support replica from backup. When you create a replication job, you can configure the following additional settings: • Network mapping: this option allows you to configure network mapping rules if the production site and the cloud host uses separate virtual networks. Use the EnableNetworkMapping parameter to enable the network mapping and the SourceNetwork and the TargetNetwork parameters to select the networks. • Proxy server: this options allow you to assign particular proxy server for the data transfer. Use the SourceProxy parameter to set the proxy explicitly or leave the default (Automatic selection). • WAN accelerators: this options allow you to use the built-in WAN accelerators to optimize the data transfer. Note that WAN accelerators must work in pair, so you can use the WAN acceleration only if the cloud provider has a WAN accelerator on the target side. Use the SourceWANAccelerator parameter to set the source WAN accelerator. 138 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 • Ri-IP rules: this option allows you to configure different IP addressing scheme for the production site and the cloud host. You need to create an object containing the re-IP rules beforehand by running New-VBRViReplicaReIpRule. Then pass the created object to the ReIpRule parameter of this cmdlet. Note that when you create a replica job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job manually. Run Set-VBRJobSchedule to set schedule for the job and run it automatically. Parameters Parameter Entity Description Specifies the VM(s) that you want to replicate. Required Position Specifies the cloud host allocated by the service provider under the hardware plan. The replicas will be created on this host. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Server Accept Pipeline Input Accepts the VBRCloudServer object. Datastore Specifies the cloud datastore to which you want to replicate. Accepts the VBRCloudDatastore object. Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the cloud replication job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will give the default job name. Description Specifies the description of the new job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Suffix Specifies the suffix that will be appended to the name of the VM you are replicating. This name will be used to register the replicated VM on the target server. If omitted, the replicated VMs will have the '_replica' suffix by default. Backup Repository Specifies the user backup repository that will be used to store replica metadata files. If not set, the default backup repository will be used. Source Repository Used for building replica from backup files. Specifies the backup repository that will be used to read the VM data from the already existing backup chain. You cannot specify cloud repository. Enable Network Indicates that the network mapping must be used. Use the SourceNetwork and the 139 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Mapping TargetNetwork parameters to set the network mapping rules. Source Network Used to set the source network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the production network to which VMs added to the job are connected. Use the TargetNetwork parameter to set the target network. NOTE: The number of the source and the target networks must be the same. Target Network Used to set the target network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. Specifies the network in the DR site to which VM replicas must be connected. Use the SourceNetwork parameter to set the source network. NOTE: The number of the source and the target networks must be the same. Source Proxy Specifies the source proxy that will be used by the job. Default: Automatic selection. Specifies the WAN accelerator configured in Source the source site that will be used for data WAN Accelerator transfer. Note that you can set the source WAN accelerator only if the cloud provider has a target WAN accelerator configured. DiskType Specifies the disks that you want to replicate: Source, Thick, Thin. Default: Same as source. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 140 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRViJobObject Short Description Adds a VM to a VMware job. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Add-VBRHvJobObject. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRViJobObject -Job <CBackupJob> -Entities <IViItem[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Find-VBRViEntity Detailed Description This cmdlet adds VM(s) to an existing job. You can run this cmdlet with any kind of jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to add the VM(s) to. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named False False True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Entities Specifies the vM(s) you want to add to the job. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 141 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command adds a VM named "VM01" to the job represented by $job variable. First the job object is got and assigned to $job variable.The VM object is piped down. PS C:\PS> Find-VBRViEntity -Name VM01 | Add-VBRViJobObject -Job $job Example 2 This command adds a VM represented by $Vm variable to the job represented to $job variable. The variables are assigned beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRViJobObject -Job $job -Entities $Vm 142 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRViProxy Short Description Adds a VMware backup proxy to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Add-VBRHvProxy. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRViProxy -Server <CHost> [-Description <String>] [-MaxTasks <Int32>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet adds a VMware backup proxy server to the Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. When you add a proxy, you set a role to a Microsoft Windows server. To add a new proxy, you need to have the server added to your Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. Run Add-VBRWinServer to add a Microsoft Windows server. Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the server which will act as a VMware backup proxy. Description Specifies the description of the VMware proxy. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. MaxTasks Sets the integer specifying the number of concurrent tasks that can be assigned to the proxy simultaneously. If not set, the number of tasks will be set to 2 by default. 143 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a new proxy. The server that will act as the proxy is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. The description is "Local Backup Proxy". The max concurrent tasks number is set to 6. Get-VBRServer -Name "VMware Local Server" | Add-VBRViProxy -Description "Local Backup Proxy" -MaxTasks 6 Example 2 This command adds a new proxy. The server that will act as the proxy is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable. The description is "Local Backup Proxy". The max concurrent tasks number is not set to enable the default value. Add-VBRViProxy -Server $server -Description "Local Backup Proxy" 144 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRViReplicaJob Short Description Creates a new VMware replication job. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Add-VBRHvReplicaJob. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRViReplicaJob -Server <CHost> -Entity <IViItem[]> [-Name <string>] [Datastore <CViDatastoreItem>] [-StoragePolicy <VBRViStoragePolicy>] [ResourcePool <CViResourcePoolItem>] [-Folder <CViFolderItem>] [-Suffix <string>] [-BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] [-Description <string>] [-EnableNetworkMapping] [-SourceNetwork <VBRViNetworkInfo[]>] [TargetNetwork <VBRViNetworkInfo[]>] [-SourceProxy <CViProxy[]>] [TargetProxy <CViProxy[]>] [-SourceWANAccelerator <CWanAccelerator>] [TargetWANAccelerator <CWanAccelerator>] [-RestorePointsToKeep <int>] [SourceRepository <CBackupRepository[]>] [-ReIpRule <VBRViReplicaReIpRule[]>] [-DiskType <EDiskCreationMode> {Source | Thick | Thin}] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Find-VBRViEntity Find-VBRViDatastore Find-VBRViStoragePolicy Find-VBRViResourcePool Find-VBRViFolder Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo Get-VBRViProxy Get-VBRWANAccelerator New-VBRViReplicaReIpRule 145 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VMware replication job. You can select a data source from which VM data must be read:  Actual VM: Veeam Backup & Replication will copy an actual VM from production storage. The created replica will mirror an actual VM state. Use the Entity parameter to indicate the VMs you want to replicate.  Replica from backup files: Veeam Backup & Replication will build a replica from backup files stored on a backup repository. The created replica will be in the latest state the VM is available in backups. Use the Entity parameter to indicate the VMs you want to replicate and the SourceRepository parameter to set the repository from where the backup files must be read. When you create a replication job, you can configure the following additional settings:  Storage policy profile: you can apply a particular VMware storage policy profile to virtual disks of the replica VM. Use the StoragePolicy parameter to set the profile.  Network mapping: this option allows you to configure network mapping rules if the production site and DR site uses separate virtual networks. Use the EnableNetworkMapping parameter to enable the network mapping and the SourceNetwork and the TargetNetwork parameters to select the networks.  Proxy servers: this options allow you to configure particular proxy servers for the data transfer. Use the SourceProxy and the TargetProxy parameters to set the proxies.  WAN accelerators: this options allow you to use the built-in WAN accelerators to optimize the data transfer. Use the SourceWANAccelerator and the TargetWANAccelerator parameters to set the WAN accelerators. Note that WAN acceleration is available only in the Enterprise Plus edition.  Ri-IP rules: this option allows you to configure different IP addressing scheme for the production and the DR sites. You need to create an object containing the re-IP rules before hand by running New-VBRViReplicaReIpRule. Pass the created object to the ReIpRule parameter of this cmdlet. Note that when you create a replica job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job manually. Run Set-VBRJobSchedule to set schedule for the job and run it automatically. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the string with the name of the created replication job. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will give the default job name. Server Specifies the host where the created replica should be stored. True Named False False Entity Specifies the VM(s) that you want to replicate. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. 146 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Datastore Specifies the datastore to which you want to replicate. False Named False False Storage Policy Specifies the VMware storage policy profile that must be applied to the replica virtual disks. False Named False False Resource Pool Specifies the resource pool to which you want to replicate. False Named False False Folder Specifies the folder to which you want to replicate. False Named False False Suffix Specifies the suffix that will be appended to the name of the VM you are replicating. This name will be used to register the replicated VM on the target server. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If omitted, the replicated VMs will have the '_replica' suffix by default. Backup Repository Specifies the backup repository that will be used to store replica metadata files. If not set, the default backup repository will be used. Description Specifies the description of the new job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Enable Network Mapping Indicates that the network mapping must be used. Use the SourceNetwork and the TargetNetwork parameters to set the network mapping rules. False Named False False Source Network Used to set the source network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the production network to which VMs added to the job are connected. Use the TargetNetwork parameter to set the target network. NOTE: the number of the source and the target networks must be the same. Target Network Used to set the target network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. Specifies the network in the DR site to which VM replicas must be connected. Use the SourceNetwork parameter to set the source network. NOTE: the number of the source and the target networks must be the same. Source Proxy Specifies the source proxy that will be used by the job. Default: automatic selection. Target Proxy Specifies the target proxy that will be used by the job. 147 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Default: automatic selection. Specifies the WAN accelerator configured in Source the source site that will be used for data WAN Accelerator transfer. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Remember to set the pair of source and target WAN accelerators. Default: not set. Specifies the WAN accelerator configured in Target the target site that will be used for data WAN Accelerator transfer. Remember to set the pair of source and target WAN accelerators. Default: not set. Restore Points ToKeep Specifies the number of restore points that will be kept. Permitted values: 1 to 28. Default: 7. Source Repository Used for building replica from backup files. ReIpRule Specifies the re-IP rules. Specifies the backup repository that will be used to read the VM data from the already existing backup chain. Accepts VBRViReplicaReIpRule object. DiskType Specifies the disks that you want to replicate: Source, Thick, Thin. Default: Source. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a new job named "DC Replication Job" replicating a VM named "DC". • The VM to replicate is obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and piped down. • The server and the resource pool to locate the replica are obtained with Get-VBRServer and Find-VBRViResourcePool and assigned to the $server and $pool variables accorgingly beforehand. • The replica is created with the suffix "_replicated". • The description of the job is "DC Replication Job". PS C:\PS> Find-VBRViEntity -Name "DC" | Add-VBRViReplicaJob -Name "DC Replication Job" -Server $server -ResourcePool $pool -Suffix "_replicated" 148 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command creates a new job named "DC Replication Job" replicating a VM represented by the $vm variable. • The VM to replicate is obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and assigned to the variable beforehand. • The server where the replica will reside is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand. • The datastore and the resource pool to locate the replica are obtained with FindVBRViDatastore and Find-VBRViResourcePool and assigned to the $datastore and $pool variables accorgingly beforehand. • The replica is created with the suffix "_replicated". • The description of the job is "DC Replication Job". PS C:\PS> Add-VBRViReplicaJob -Name "DC Replication Job" -Server $server Entity $vm -Datastore $datastore -ResourcePool $pool -Suffix "_replicated" -Description "DC Replication Job" 149 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRWANAccelerator Short Description Creates a new WAN accelerator. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRWANAccelerator -Server <CHost> [-Description <String>] [-CachePath <String>] [-CacheSize <UInt32>] [-CacheSizeUnit <ESizeUnit>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new WAN accelerator. WAN accelerator is an architecture component that optimizes file transfer via WAN by means of data deduplication. The role of a WAN accelerator can be assigned to a dedicated Windows-based machine (physical or virtual). For best performance you should set a WAN accelerator on both source and target sides. Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the server where WAN accelerator will be created. Note that you can create WAN accelerator on Microsoft Windows servers only. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Description Specifies the description of the WAN accelerator. False Named False False CachePath Specifies the path to the folder where WAN accelerator will be created. False Named False False CacheSize Specifies the cache folder capacity value in UInt32 format. Accepted values: 1 to 65535. False Named False False CacheSize Unit Specifies the measure unit for the cache folder capacity. The valid values are GB and TB. False Named False False 150 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a new WAN accelerator on the Veeam backup server: • The Veeam backup server is obtained with Get-VBRLocalhost and piped down. • The description of the new WAN accelerator is "WAN Accelerator 01". • The folder path where the new WAN accelerator will be created is c:\WAN. • The cache size capacity is set to 100GB. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRLocalhost | Add-VBRWANAccelerator -Description "WAN Accelerator 01" -CachePath "c:\WAN" -CacheSize 100 -CacheSizeUnit GB Example 2 This command creates a new WAN accelerator with the following parameters: • The server where the WAN accelerator will be created is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand. • The description of the new WAN accelerator is "WAN Accelerator 02". • The folder path where the new WAN accelerator will be created is c:\WAN. • The cache size capacity is set to 150GB. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRWANAccelerator -Server $s -Description "WAN Accelerator 02" -CachePath "c:\WAN" -CacheSize 150 -CacheSizeUnit GB 151 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRWinServer Short Description Adds Windows server to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VBRWinServer -Name <String> -User <String> -Password <String> [Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRWinServer -Name <String> [-Description <String>] -Credentials <CCredentials> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds a Windows server to the Veeam Backup & Replication managing console. When adding a new Windows server, you will need to provide either username and password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter Description Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the string with the DNS name of the Windows server you want to add. True Named False False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the Windows server. True Named False False True Named False False False Named False False If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the Windows server. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the Credentials parameter must be omitted. Description Specifies the description of the Windows server. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. 152 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the Windows server. True Named False False If you use the Credentials scenario, the -User and -Password parameters must be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a new Windows server named "WinServer" using username and password. The user name is "Administrator", and the password is "Password". The description is "Windows File Server". Add-VBRWinServer -Name "WinServer" -User Administrator -Password Password Description "Windows File Server" Example 2 This command adds a new Windows server named "WinServer" using credentials. The credentials object is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $Administrator variable beforehand. The description is "Windows File Server". Add-VBRWinServer -Name "WinServer" -Credentials $Administrator -Description "Windows File Server" 153 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VNXHost Short Description Adds EMC VNX storage to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: EMC VNX Syntax Add-VNXHost -Type <VBRVNXHostType> {VNXFile | VNXBlock | VNXe} -UserName <string> -Password <string> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [CredentialsScope <VBRVNXBlockCredentialsScope> {Global | Local | LDAP}] [WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VNXHost -Type <VBRVNXHostType> {VNXFile | VNXBlock | VNXe} -Credentials <CCredentials> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [-CredentialsScope <VBRVNXBlockCredentialsScope> {Global | Local | LDAP}] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds the selected EMC VNX storage to Veeam Backup & Replication. When you add a storage to your management console, Veeam Backup & Replication automatically rescans the storage infrastructure. To rescan the storage infrastructure manually, run Sync-VNXHost or Sync-VNXVolume. When adding a storage, you will need to provide either username/password or credentials. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Type Specifies the type of the VNX storage: VNXe, VNXBlock, VNXFile. True Named False False UserName Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the storage. True Named False False Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the storage. True Named False False Name Specifies the storage IP address or DNS name. False Named False False 154 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the storage. True Named False False False Named False False Credentials Used to authenticate with the VNXBlock. Scope Specifies the credentials scope: Global, Local, LDAP. False Named False False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False Accepts CCredentials object. Description Specifies the description of the storage. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 155 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VNXSnapshot Short Description Creates a EMC VNX storage snapshot. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: EMC VNX Syntax Add-VNXSnapshot -Volume <CSanVolume> [-Name <string>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VNXVolume Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a snapshot of the selected EMC VNX storage volume. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Volume Specifies the storage volume you want to take snapshot of. True Named False False Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the snapshot. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 156 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VSBHvApplicationGroup Short Description Creates a Hyper-V application group for SureBackup job. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Add-VSBViApplicationGroup. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VSBHvApplicationGroup [-Name <String>] [-VmFromBackup <CHvVmItem[]>] [RestorePoint <COib[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]>] Related Commands Find-VBRHvEntity Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new Hyper-V application group. This cmdlet provides two scenarios. You can add VMs to your application group either by searching for existing VMs or by adding a restore point containing the VMs you need. Note that you can set the order the VMs in the application group will be powered on when the SureBackup job starts. This may be important if any of the applications must be started prior to other. The VMs are powered in the order they were added to the VM object in this cmdlet. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the application group. False Named False False VmFrom Backup Specifies the VM(s) you want to add to the application group. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Restore Point Specifies the restore points of the VMs you want to add to the application group. You can assign multiple restore points to this object. 157 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a new application group named "Microsoft Exchange Appgroup".The VMs that should be included into the application group are obtained with Find-VBRHvEntity and piped down. The VMs are obtained in the order they must boot when the SureBackup job starts. PS C:\PS> Find-VBRHvEntity -Name "DC", "DNSServer" | AddVSBHvApplicationGroup -Name "Microsoft Exchange Appgroup" Example 2 This command creates a new application group "MailServer Appgroup". The restore point object is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VSBHvApplicationGroup -Name "MailServer Appgroup" RestorePoint $restorepoint 158 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VSBHvJob Short Description Creates a Hyper-V SureBackup job. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Add-VSBJob. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VSBHvJob [-Name <String>] -VirtualLab <CHvSbVirtualLab> [-AppGroup <CSbAppGroup>] [-LinkedJob <CBackupJob[]>] [-Description <String>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBHvVirtualLab Get-VSBApplicationGroup Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet adds a new Hyper-V SureBackup job. You can use a linked job to bring the target VM(s) to the job, or an application group containing the required VMs, or a combination of both according to your virtual infrastructure objectives. Note that when you create a SureBackup job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VSBJob to start the created SureBackup job. Run Set-VSBJobScheduleOptions to set schedule for the SureBackup job. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the SureBackup job. False Named False False VirtualLab Specifies the virtual lab you want to use for verification. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False AppGroup Specifies the application group you want to use to provide the copy of the production environment of the verified VM. False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False If you do not use an application group, make 159 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 sure that the -LinkedJob parameter is set. LinkedJob Specifies the backup, replication or copy job containing the VM you want to verify. False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False If you do not use a linked backup job, make sure that the -AppGroup parameter is set. You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Description Specifies the description of the new SureBackup job. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a new Sure Backup job named "Exchange SureJob" using a virtual lab, an application group and a linked job. The VM to verify is obtained by searching for the backup job named "Exchange Backup Job" with Get-VBRJob, and piped down. The virtual lab and the application group objects are obtained with Get-VSBHvVirtualLab and Get-VSBApplicationGroup and assigned to $VLab01 and $"Exchange Appgroup" variables accordingly beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Exchange Backup Job" | Add-VSBHvJob -Name "Exchange SureJob" -VirtualLab $VLab01 -AppGroup $"Exchange Appgroup" Example 2 This command creates a new Sure Backup job named "Exchange SureJob" using a virtual lab, an application group and a linked job. The virtual lab and application group objects are obtained with Get-VSBHvVirtualLab and Get-VSBApplicationGroup and assigned to $VLab01 and $"Exchange Appgroup" variables accordingly beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VSBHvJob -Name "Exchange SureJob" -VirtualLab $VLab01 AppGroup $"Exchange Appgroup" Example 3 This command creates a new Sure Backup job named "Exchange SureJob" using a virtual lab and an application group. The virtual lab object is obtained with Get-VSBHvVirtualLab and piped down. The VM to verify is included into the application group, the application group object is obtained with GetVSBApplicationGroup and assigned to the $"Exchange Appgroup" variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBHvVirtualLab -Name "Exchange VLab 01" | Add-VSBHvJob -Name "Exchange SureJob" -AppGroup $"Exchange Appgroup" 160 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 4 This command creates a new Sure Backup job named "Exchange SureJob" using a virtual lab and a linked job. The virtual lab object is obtained with Get-VSBHvVirtualLab and assigned to $VLab01 variable beforehand. The VM to verify is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the $"Exchange Backup" variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VSBHvJob -Name "Exchange SureJob" -VirtualLab $VLab01 LinkedJob $"Exchange Backup" 161 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VSBHvVirtualLab Short Description Creates a Hyper-V virtual lab. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Add-VSBVirtualLab. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VSBHvVirtualLab -Name <String> -Server <CHost> -Folder <String> [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new Hyper-V virtual lab. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the virtual lab. True Named False False Server Specifies the Hyper-V host where the virtual lab should be created. True Named False False Folder Specifies the path to the folder where the redo log files of the virtual lab will be stored. True Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command creates a new virtual lab named "Exchange VLab 01". The server where the virtual lab will be located is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand. The folder path to store the redo files is c:\VirtualLabs. PS C:\PS> Add-VSBHvVirtualLab -Name "Exchange VLab 01" -Server $server Folder "c:\VirtualLabs" 162 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VSBJob Short Description Creates a VMware SureBackup job. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Add-VSBHvJob. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VSBJob [[-Name] <String>] -VirtualLab <CViSbVirtualLab> [-AppGroup <CSbAppGroup>] [-LinkedJob <CBackupJob[]>] [-Description <String>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBVirtualLab Get-VSBApplicationGroup Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VMware SureBackup job. To add VMs that you want to verify to the SureBackup job, you can use an application group containing the list of VMs, or link a backup job which will act as a VM container. Note that if you link a backup job, the SureBackup job will verify all VMs added to the linked job. When you create a SureBackup job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VSBJob to start the created SureBackup job. Run Set-VSBJobScheduleOptions to set schedule for the SureBackup job. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the SureBackup job. False Named False False VirtualLab Specifies the virtual lab you want to use for verification. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False AppGroup Specifies the application group you want to use to provide the copy of the production environment of the verified VM. False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty False 163 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 If you do not use an application group, make sure that the -LinkedJob parameter is set. LinkedJob Specifies the backup, replication or copy job containing the VM you want to verify. Name) False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False If you do not use a linked backup job, make sure that the -AppGroup parameter is set. You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Description Specifies the description of the new SureBackup job. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a new Sure Backup job named "Exchange SureJob" using a virtual lab, an application group and a linked job. The VM to verify is obtained by searching for the backup job named "Exchange Backup Job" with Get-VBRJob, and piped down. The virtual lab and the application group objects are obtained with Get-VSBVirtualLab and Get-VSBApplicationGroup and assigned to $VLab01 and $"Exchange Appgroup" variables accordingly beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Exchange Backup Job" | Add-VSBJob -Name "Exchange SureJob" -VirtualLab $VLab01 -AppGroup $"Exchange Appgroup" Example 2 This command creates a new Sure Backup job named "Exchange SureJob" using a virtual lab, an application group and a linked job. The virtual lab and application group objects are obtained with Get-VSBVirtualLab and Get-VSBApplicationGroup and assigned to $VLab01 and $"Exchange Appgroup" variables accordingly beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VSBJob -Name "Exchange SureJob" -VirtualLab $VLab01 -AppGroup $"Exchange Appgroup" Example 3 This command creates a new Sure Backup job named "Exchange SureJob" using a virtual lab and an application group. The virtual lab object is obtained with Get-VSBVirtualLab and piped down. The VM to verify is included into the application group, the application group object is obtained with GetVSBApplicationGroup and assigned to the $"Exchange Appgroup" variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBVirtualLab -Name "Exchange VLab 01" | Add-VSBJob -Name "Exchange SureJob" -AppGroup $"Exchange Appgroup" 164 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 4 This command creates a new Sure Backup job named "Exchange SureJob" using a virtual lab and a linked job. The virtual lab object is obtained with Get-VSBVirtualLab and assigned to $VLab01 variable beforehand. The VM to verify is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the $"Exchange Backup" variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VSBJob -Name "Exchange SureJob" -VirtualLab $VLab01 LinkedJob $"Exchange Backup" 165 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VSBViApplicationGroup Short Description Creates an application group for SureBackup job. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Add-VSBHvApplicationGroup. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VSBViApplicationGroup [-Name <string>] [-VmFromBackup <CViVmItem[]>] [VmFromReplica <CViVmItem[]>] [-RestorePoint <COib[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Find-VBRViEntity Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet creates an application group containing virtual machines that the application server is dependent on. You can add to the same application groups VMs from backups and VMs from replicas. All VMs from the application group must have at least one valid restore point created by the time the SureBackup job starts. Note that you can set the order the VMs in the application group will be powered on when the SureBackup job starts. This may be important if any of the applications must be started prior to other. The VMs are powered in the order they were added to the VM object in this cmdlet. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the application group. False Named False False VmFrom Backup Used for adding VMs from backup. False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, Specifies the VM(s) that you want to add to the application group. Veeam Backup & Replication will search for backup jobs that contain the specified VMs and use the most recent restore points of them. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. VmFrom Used for adding VMs from replicas. 166 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Replica Specifies the VM(s) that you want to add to the application group. Veeam Backup & Replication will search for replication jobs that contain the specified VMs and use the most recent restore points of them. ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Restore Point Specifies the particular restore points of the VMs you want to add to the application group. False You can assign multiple restore points to this object. Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a new application group named "Microsoft Exchange Appgroup". The VMs that should be included into the application group are obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and piped down. The VMs are obtained in the order they must boot when the SureBackup job starts. PS C:\PS> Find-VBRViEntity -Name "DC", "DNSServer" | AddVSBHvApplicationGroup -Name "Microsoft Exchange Appgroup" Example 2 This command creates a new application group "MailServer Appgroup". The restore point object is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VSBViApplicationGroup -Name "MailServer Appgroup" RestorePoint $restorepoint 167 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VSBVirtualLab Short Description Creates a VMware virtual lab. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Add-VSBHvVirtualLab. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Add-VSBVirtualLab [-Name] <string> [-Server] <CHost> [-Datastore] <CViDatastoreItem> [-ProductionNetwork <VBRViVirtualSwitch>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Find-VBRViDatastore Get-VBRViVirtualSwitch Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VMware virtual lab. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Specifies the string with the name you want to assign to the virtual lab. True 1 False False Server Specifies the ESX(i) host where the virtual lab should be created. True 2 False False Datastore Specifies the datastore on which redo logs for tested VMs should be stored. True 3 False False False Named False False Production Specifies the virtual switch connected to the production network. Network Accepts VBRViVirtualSwitch object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 168 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command creates a new virtual lab named "Exchange VLab 01". The server where the virtual lab will be located is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand. The datastore to store the redo files is obtained with Find-VBRViDatastore and assigned to the $datastore variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Add-VSBVirtualLab -Name "Exchange VLab 01" -Server $server Datastore $datastore 169 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Clear-VBRWANCache Short Description Removes data from WAN accelerator global cache. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise Plus Syntax Clear-VBRWANCache -Accelerator <CWanAccelerator> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRWANAccelerator Detailed Description This cmdlet clears WAN accelerator global cache. You may need to clear the global cache, for example, if the data gets corrupted. Parameters Parameter Description Accelerator Specifies the WAN accelerator you want to clear the cache of. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command clears cache of WAN accelerator named "WAN 01". The accelerator is obtained with Get-VBRWANAccelerator and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRWANAccelerator -Name "WAN 01" | Clear-VBRWANCache 170 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command clears cache of the WAN accelerator represented by the $"accelerator01" variable. The accelerator is obtained with Get-VBRWANAccelerator and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Clear-VBRWANCache -Accelerator $"accelerator01" 171 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Connect-VBRServer Short Description Connects to Veeam backup server. Syntax This cmdlet provides three parameter sets.  To connect as a current user: Connect-VBRServer [-Server <string>] [-Port <int>]  [<CommonParameters>] To connect using credentials: Connect-VBRServer -User <string> -Password <string> [-Server <string>] [Port <int>] [<CommonParameters>]  To connect using a PSCredential object: Connect-VBRServer -Credential <pscredential> [-Server <string>] [-Port <int>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Get-VBRLocalhost Get-VBRCredentials Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet creates connection with a local or remote Veeam backup server. The connection starts a Veeam PowerShell session during which you can perform all operations available with Veeam PowerShell. If you do not specify the server, you connect to the local Veeam backup server. Within one session, you can connect to one Veeam server. To connect to another Veeam server, you need to close the current session. Run Disconnect-VBRServer to stop session with the current Veeam server. Run Get-VBRServerSession to get information about the current session. 172 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the Veeam server to which you want to connect. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False True Named False False True Named False False True Named False False Default: localhost. Port Specifies the port for connection. Default: 9392. User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the remote server. Note that you should use DOMAIN\USERNAME usernames format. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the Veeam server. Credential Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the Veeam server. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command connects to the server using User/Password authentication. PS C:\PS> Connect-VBRServer -Server "" -User "Administrator" Password "Password" 173 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Connect-VSBHvVirtualLab Short Description Connects an existing Hyper-V virtual lab. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Connect-VSBVirtualLab. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Connect-VSBHvVirtualLab [-VirtualLab] <CHvLabShortInfo> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Find-VSBHvVirtualLab Detailed Description This cmdlet connects an existing Hyper-V virtual lab to Veeam Backup & Replication console. When you add a new host to your Veeam Backup & Replication console, the virtual labs that are registered on it are not added automatically. Use this cmdlet to add the virtual labs to your Veeam Backup & Replication console. Parameters Parameter Description VirtualLab Specifies the virtual lab you want to connect to your Veeam Backup & Replication console. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command connects a virtual lab named "Exchange VLab 01". The virtual lab to connect is obtained with Find-VSBHvVirtualLab by looking for the specific virtual lab by name on the server represented by the $server variable. The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Find-VSBHvVirtualLab -Server $server -Name "Exchange VLab 01" | Connect-VSBHvVirtualLab 174 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command connects a virtual lab represented by the $VLab01 variable. The virtual lab object is obtained with Find-VSBHvVirtualLab and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Connect-VSBHvVirtualLab -VirtualLab $VLab01 175 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Connect-VSBVirtualLab Short Description Connects an existing VMware virtual lab. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Connect-VSBHvVirtualLab. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Connect-VSBVirtualLab [-VirtualLab] <CVirtualLabDescriptor> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Find-VSBVirtualLab Detailed Description This cmdlet connects an existing VMware virtual lab to Veeam Backup & Replication console. When you add a new host to your Veeam Backup & Replication console, the virtual labs that are registered on it are not added automatically. Use this cmdlet to add the virtual labs to your Veeam Backup & Replication console. Parameters Parameter Description VirtualLab Specifies the virtual lab you want to connect. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command connects a virtual lab named "Exchange VLab 01" to Veeam Backup & Replication. The server where the virtual lab is located is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Find-VSBVirtualLab -Server $server -Name "Exchange VLab 01" | Connect-VSBVirtualLab 176 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command connects a virtual lab represented by the $VLab01 variable. The virtual lab object is obtained with Find-VSBVirtualLab and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Connect-VSBVirtualLab -VirtualLab $VLab01 177 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Copy-VBRJob Short Description Clones an existing job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Copy-VBRJob [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet clones an existing job. You can use the cloned job, for example, as a template, as it retains all settings of the primary job. The cloned job is created with the name of the primary job with '_clone<clone sequence number>' suffix. You can run this cmdlet with backup, replication and copy jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to clone. Repository Specifies a new backup repository that will be used by the cloned job as a target. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command clones the jobs named "DHCP Replica Job" and "DHCP Backup Job". The jobs are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "DHCP Replica Job", "DHCP Backup Job" | CopyVBRJob 178 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command clones the job represented by the $job variable. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Copy-VBRJob -Job $job 179 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBRCloudGateway Short Description Disables a selected cloud gateway. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Disable-VBRCloudGateway -CloudGateway <VBRCloudGateway[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudGateway Return Type VBRCloudGateway Detailed Description This cmdlet disables a selected cloud gateway. Disabling a gateway temporarily suspends all operations on it. Run Enable-VBRCloudGateway to enable a disabled cloud gateway. Parameters Parameter Cloud Gateway Description Specifies a cloud gateway you want to disable. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRCloudGateway object. You can assign multiple gateways to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 180 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command disables a cloud gateway represented by the '$cloudgateway' variable. The cloud gateway is obtained with Get-VBRCloudGateway and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Disable-VBRCloudGateway -CloudGateway $cloudgateway Example 2 This command disables a cloud gateway with the IP address. The cloud gateway is obtained with Get-VBRCloudGateway and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudGateway -Name "" | DisableVBRCloudGatewaya 181 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBRCloudTenant Short Description Disables a cloud user account. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Disable-VBRCloudTenant -CloudTenant <VBRCloudTenant[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudTenant Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet disables a cloud user account. Disabling a user account temporarily prevents the user from using their account recourses. Run Enable-VBRCloudTenant to enable a disabled account. Parameters Parameter Cloud Tenant Description Specifies the user account you want to disable. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRCloudTenant object. You can assign multiple accounts to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 182 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command disables two cloud user accounts represented by the '$CloudUser1' and '$CloudUser2' variables. The cloud user accounts are obtained by Get-VBRCloudTenant and assigned to the variables beforehand. PS C:\PS> Disable-VBRCloudTenant -CloudTenant $CloudUser1, $CloudUser2 Example 2 This command disables the ABC company cloud user account. The cloud user account is obtained by running Get-VBRCloudTenant and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudTenant -Name "ABC Company" | Disable-VBRCloudTenant 183 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBREPJob Short Description Disables Endpoint job. Syntax Disable-VBREPJob -Job <VBREPJob[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBREPJob[] Detailed Description This cmdlet disables a Veeam Endpoint backup job. When you disable a job, you temporarily put it on hold. The job and its settings are not deleted from Veeam Backup & Replication. You can enable the job at any time by running Enable-VBREPJob. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the name of the Endpoint backup job you want to disable. Required Position True You can assign multiple names to this object. Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command disables an Endpoint job represented by the '$MediaserverEP' variable. The job is obtained with Get-VBREPJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> $MediaserverEP = Get-VBREPJob -Name 'Backup Job Mediaserver' PS C:\PS> Disable-VBREPJob -Job $MediaserverEP 184 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command disables an Endpoint job named 'Backup Job Mediaserver'. The job is obtained with Get-VBREPJob and piped down. Get-VBREPJob -Name 'Backup Job Mediaserver' | Disable-VBREPJob 185 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBRHvProxy Short Description Disables a Hyper-V backup proxy. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Disable-VBRViProxy. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Disable-VBRHvProxy -Proxy <CHvProxy[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRHvProxy Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to disable a Hyper-V backup proxy. The disabled proxy is not used by any job. You can enable the poxy at any time by running Enable-VBRHvProxy. Parameters Parameter Proxy Description Specifies the Hyper-V backup proxy you want to disable. Required Position True Named You can assign multiple proxies to this object. Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command disables the selected Hyper-V proxy. The needed proxy object is obtained with GetVBRHvProxy by selecting the proxy with name containing "Hyper-V" and piped down. Get-VBRHvProxy -Name *Hyper-V* | Disable-VBRHvProxy 186 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command disables the selected Hyper-V proxy represented by the $proxy variable. The proxy is obtained with Get-VBRHvProxy and assigned to the variable beforehand. Disable-VBRHvProxy -Proxy $proxy 187 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBRJob Short Description Puts a selected job on hold. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Disable-VBRJob -Job <CBackupJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet puts a selected job on hold. The job and its settings are not deleted from Veeam Backup & Replication. You can enable the job at any time by running Enable-VBRJob. You can run this cmdlet with backup, replication and copy jobs. Run Stop-VBRJob to stop the job once without disabling it. Parameters Parameter Job Description Required Position Specifies the job you want to disable. You can assign multiple jobs to this object. True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command disables jobs named "Backup Job 01" and "Backup Job 02".The jobs object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01", "Backup Job 02" | DisableVBRJob 188 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command disables the job represented by the $job variable. The job object is obtained with GetVBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Disable-VBRJob -Job $job 189 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBRJobGuestFSIndexing Short Description Disables job guest file system indexing option. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Disable-VBRJobGuestFSIndexing [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet disables guest file system indexing in the selected job. The guest file system indexing settings are not deleted. Guest file system indexing is cataloging guest VM files during backup. The index will be used if you run file-level restore from your Enterprise Manager console. Indexing is not required for restore from Veeam backup server. You can run this cmdlet with backup and replication jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to edit. You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command disables the guest file system indexing option in jobs named "Backup Job 01" and "Backup Job 02". The jobs object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01", "Backup Job 02" | DisableVBRJobGuestFSIndexing 190 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command disables the guest file system indexing option in the job represented by the $job variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Disable-VBRJobGuestFSIndexing -Job $job 191 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBRJobSchedule Short Description Disables job schedule. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Disable-VBRJobSchedule -Job <CBackupJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet disables job schedule. The schedule settings are not deleted. When you disable a job schedule, you can launch the job manually by running Start-VBRJob. You can run this cmdlet with backup, replication and copy jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job(s) you want to disable. You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 192 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command disables the job named "Backup Job 01". The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01" | Disable-VBRJobSchedule Example 2 This command disables the job represented by the $job variable. The job object is obtained with GetVBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Disable-VBRJobSchedule -Job $job 193 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBRJobVSSIntegration Short Description Disables job VSS settings. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Disable-VBRJobVSSIntegration [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet disables the VSS settings in the selected job. The VSSs settings are not deleted form the job. VSS (Volume Shadow Services) is a Windows OS service allowing to copy files of running applications that can be modified at the moment of copying. The VSS-aware applications typically are Active Directory, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Exchange, Sharepoint, etc. To create a transactionally consistent backup of a VM running VSS-aware applications without shutting them down, Veeam Backup & Replication uses application-aware image processing. It allows backup the data fully and consistently. You can run this cmdlet with backup and replication jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Required Position Specifies the job you want to edit. You can assign multiple jobs to this object. True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 194 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command disables the VSS options in jobs named "Backup Job 01" and "Backup Job 02". The jobs object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01", "Backup Job 02" | DisableVBRJobVSSIntegration Example 2 This command disables the VSS options in job represented by the $job variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Disable-VBRJobVSSIntegration -Job $job 195 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBRRepositoryExtentMaintenanceMode Short Description Disables maintenance mode for an extent of a scale-out backup repository. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Disable-VBRRepositoryExtentMaintenanceMode -Extent <VBRRepositoryExtent[]> [-RunAsync] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRepositoryExtent Return Type VBRSession Detailed Description This cmdlet disables maintenance mode for a selected extent or extents of scale-out backup repositories. You can disable the maintenance mode that was enabled with EnableVBRRepositoryExtentMaintenanceMode. When you disable the maintenance mode, the extent(s) return to normal operation. With one command, you can disable the maintenance mode for multiple extents. Parameters Parameter Extent Description Specifies the scale-out repository extent that you want to turn into the maintenance mode. You can pass multiple extents with different policies and of different scale-out repositories. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True (for string type) False Named False False Accepts VBRRepositoryExtent object, ID or string (name of the backup repository that is used as extent). You can assign multiple extents to this object. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. 196 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 197 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBRTapeDrive Short Description Disables a selected tape library drive. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Disable-VBRTapeDrive -Drive <VBRTapeDrive[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeDrive Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet disables a selected tape library recording drive. When you disable a drive, Veeam Backup & Replication stops using it for read or write operations. You can disable a drive, for example, for maintenance. Run Enable-VBRTapeDrive to enable the drive. Parameters Parameter Drive Description Specifies the drive you want to disable. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRTapeDrive object. You can assign multiple drives to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 198 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command disables one drive of the selected library. Run Get-VBRTapeLibrary to get the library. Pipe it to Get-VBRTapeDrive and select the last drive in the list. Pipe this all to Disable-VBRTapeDrive. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" | GetVBRTapeDrive | Select -Last 1 | Disable-VBRTapeDrive Example 2 This command disables a drive represented by the $drive variable.  Run Get-VBRTapeLibrary to get the library. Save it to the $library variable.  Run Get-VBRTapeDrive with the $library variable to get the drives of this library. Select the first drive. Save it to the $drive variable.  Run Disable-VBRTapeDrive with the $drive variable. PS C:\PS> $library = Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" PS C:\PS> $drive = Get-VBRTapeDrive -Library $library | Select -First 1 PS C:\PS> Disable-VBRTapeDrive -Drive $drive 199 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBRTapeProtection Short Description Disables protection set for tapes. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Disable-VBRTapeProtection -Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]> [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMedium Return Type VBRTapeMedium[] Detailed Description This cmdlet disables protection that was previously enabled for tapes. You can disable protection of tapes that are both online or offline. When you disable protection, the tape retention period returns to media pool settings. Parameters Parameter Medium Description Specifies the tapes for which you want to disable protection. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 200 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command turns off protections for the tapes named "00140009" and "00140010". • Run Get-VBRTapeMedium to get the tape and save it to the $tape variable. • Run Disable-VBRTapeProtection with this variable. PS C:\PS> $tape = Get-VBRTapeMedium -Name "00140009","00140010" PS C:\PS> Disable-VBRTapeProtection -Medium $tape 201 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VBRViProxy Short Description Disables a VMware backup proxy. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Disable-VBRHvProxy. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Disable-VBRViProxy -Proxy <CViProxy[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRViProxy Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to temporarily disable a VMware backup proxy. The disabled proxy is not used by any job. You can enable the proxy at any time by running Enable-VBRViProxy. Parameters Parameter Proxy Description Specifies the VMware backup proxy you want to disable. You can assign multiple proxies to this object. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 202 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command disables the selected VMware proxies named "VMware Backup Proxy 01", "VMware Backup Proxy 05". The proxies are obtained with Get-VBRViProxy by selecting by names and piped down. Get-VBRViProxy -Name "VMware Backup Proxy 01", "VMware Backup Proxy 05" | Disable-VBRViProxy Example 2 This command disables the selected VMware proxy represented by the $proxy variable. The proxy is obtained with Get-VBRViProxy and assigned to the variable beforehand. Disable-VBRViProxy -Proxy $proxy 203 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VSBJob Short Description Puts a selected SureBackup job on hold. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Disable-VSBJob -Job <CSbJob[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Detailed Description This cmdlet puts a selected SureBackup job on hold. The job and its settings are not deleted from Veeam Backup & Replication. You can enable the job at any time by running Enable-VSBJob. Run Stop-VSBJob to stop the job once without disabling it. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the SureBackup job you want to disable. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 204 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disable-VSBJobSchedule Short Description Disables a selected SureBackup job schedule. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Disable-VSBJobSchedule -Job <CSbJob[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Detailed Description This cmdlet disables a selected SureBackup job schedule. The schedule settings are not deleted. When you disable a job schedule, you can launch the job manually by running Start-VSBJob. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job. The cmdlet will disable the schedule of this job. Required Position True You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 205 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Disconnect-VBRServer Short Description Ends current session with Veeam backup server. Syntax Disconnect-VBRServer [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Detailed Description This cmdlet ends the current local or remote session with Veeam backup server. The session can be started, for example, with Connect-VBRServer or from the UI. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command terminates the current connection to the Veeam backup server. PS C:\PS> Disconnect-VBRServer 206 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Eject-VBRTapeMedium Short Description Ejects tape from drive. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Eject-VBRTapeMedium [<CommonParameters>] -OREject-VBRTapeMedium -Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]> [<CommonParameters>] -OREject-VBRTapeMedium -Drive <VBRTapeDrive[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMedium Get-VBRTapeDrive Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet ejects tape that is located in drive. The ejected tape is moved to a standard library slot. You can eject a tape that is known to be located in drive, or eject a tape located in a selected drive, or eject tapes in all drives managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. This cmdlet provides three scenarios for each case. Parameters Parameter Medium Description Specifies the tapes which you want to eject. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Drive Specifies the drive from which you want to eject tape. Accepts VBRTapeDrive object, GUID or string type. 207 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 You can assign multiple tapes to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command ejects tape named "00140009". 1. Run Get-VBRTapeMedium to get the tape and save it to the $tape variable. 2. Run Eject-VBRTapeMedium with this variable. PS C:\PS> $tape = Get-VBRTapeMedium -Name "00140009" PS C:\PS> Eject-VBRTapeMedium -Medium $tape 208 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBRCloudGateway Short Description Enables a disabled cloud gateway. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Enable-VBRCloudGateway -CloudGateway <VBRCloudGateway[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudGateway Return Type VBRCloudGateway Detailed Description This cmdlet enables a selected cloud gateway that was previously disabled. Parameters Parameter Cloud Gateway Description Specifies a cloud gateway you want to enable. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRCloudGateway object. You can assign multiple gateways to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 209 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command enables a cloud gateway represented by the '$cloudgateway' variable. The cloud gateway is obtained with Get-VBRCloudGateway and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Enable-VBRCloudGateway -CloudGateway $cloudgateway Example 2 This command enables two cloud gateways with the and IP addresses. The cloud gateways are obtained with Get-VBRCloudGateway and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudGateway -Name "", "" | Enable-VBRCloudGateway 210 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBRCloudTenant Short Description Enables disabled cloud user accounts. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Enable-VBRCloudTenant -CloudTenant <VBRCloudTenant[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudTenant Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet enables selected cloud user accounts that were previously disabled. Parameters Parameter Cloud Tenant Description Specifies the user account you want to enable. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRCloudTenant object. You can assign multiple accounts to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 211 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command enables two cloud user accounts represented by the '$CloudUser1' and '$CloudUser2' variables. The cloud user accounts are obtained by Get-VBRCloudTenant and assigned to the variables beforehand. PS C:\PS> Enable-VBRCloudTenant -CloudTenant $CloudUser1, $CloudUser2 Example 2 This command enables the ABC company cloud user account. The cloud user account is obtained by running Get-VBRCloudTenant and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudTenant -Name "ABC Company" | Enable-VBRCloudTenant 212 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBREPJob Short Description Enables a disabled Endpoint job. Syntax Enable-VBREPJob -Job <VBREPJob[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBREPJob[] Detailed Description This cmdlet enables a Veeam Endpoint backup job that was previously disabled. When you disable a job, you put it on hold until you enable it with this cmdlet. You can disable a job by running Disable-VBRJob. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the name of the Endpoint backup job you want to enable. Required Position True You can assign multiple names to this object. Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 213 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command enables an Endpoint job represented by the '$MediaserverEP' variable. The job is obtained with Get-VBREPJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> $MediaserverEP = Get-VBREPJob -Name 'Backup Job Mediaserver' PS C:\PS> Enable-VBREPJob -Job $MediaserverEP Example 2 This command enables an Endpoint job named 'Backup Job Mediaserver'. The job is obtained with Get-VBREPJob and piped down. Get-VBREPJob -Name 'Backup Job Mediaserver' | Enable-VBREPJob 214 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBRHvProxy Short Description Enables a Hyper-V backup proxy that was previously disabled. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Enable-VBRViProxy. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Enable-VBRHvProxy -Proxy <CHvProxy[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRHvProxy Detailed Description This cmdlet enables a Hyper-V backup proxy that was previously disabled. You can disable a proxy by running Disable-VBRHvProxy. Parameters Parameter Proxy Description Specifies then object of the Hyper-V backup proxy you want to enable. You can assign multiple proxies to this object. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 215 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command enables all proxies with names starting with "Hyper-V Proxy 1...". The proxies are obtained with Get-VBRHvProxy by filtering with "*" search condition and piped down. Get-VBRHvProxy -Name "Hyper-V Proxy 1*" | Enable-VBRHvProxy Example 2 This command enables the Hyper-V proxy represented by the $proxy variable. The needed proxy is obtained with Get-VBRHvProxy and assigned to the variable beforehand. Enable-VBRHvProxy -Proxy $proxy 216 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBRJob Short Description Enables a disabled job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Enable-VBRJob -Job <CBackupJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] a[<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet enables a disabled job. When you disable a job, you put it on hold until you enable it with this cmdlet. You can disable a job by running Disable-VBRJob. You can run this cmdlet with backup, replication and copy jobs. Run Start-VBRJob to start a job once. Parameters Parameter Job Description Required Position Specifies the job you want to enable. You can assign multiple jobs to this object. True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 217 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command enables the jobs named "Backup Job 01" and "Backup Job 02". The backup jobs are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01", "Backup Job 02" | Enable-VBRJob Example 2 This command enables the job represented by the $job variable. The job object is obtained with GetVBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Enable-VBRJob -Job $job 218 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBRJobGuestFSIndexing Short Description Enables job guest file system indexing option. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Enable-VBRJobGuestFSIndexing [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet enables guest file system indexing in the selected job. Guest file system indexing is cataloging the guest VM files during the backup. Indexing helps you recognize files stored on guest VM. If you backup your VMs without guest file system indexing option, you will not be able to perform guest OS files restore. You can enable the guest file system indexing settings in case you have these settings set beforehand. Use this cmdlet to enable the indexing option that was disabled with DisableVBRJobGuestFSIndexing. You can run this cmdlet with backup and replica jobs including vCloud jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Required Position Specifies the job you want to edit. You can assign multiple jobs to this object. True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 219 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command enables the guest file system indexing option in jobs named "Backup Job 01" and "Backup Job 02". The jobs are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name Name "Backup Job 01", "Backup Job 02" | EnableVBRJobGuestFSIndexing Example 2 This command enables the guest file system indexing option in the job represented by the $job variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Enable-VBRJobGuestFSIndexing -Job $job 220 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBRJobSchedule Short Description Enables job schedule. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Enable-VBRJobSchedule -Job <CBackupJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>][-WarningVariable <String>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet enables job schedule. You can enable the job schedule in case you have the schedule set beforehand. Use this cmdlet to enable the job schedule that was disabled with Disable-VBRJobSchedule. You can run this cmdlet with any kind of jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Required Position Specifies the job(s) you want to edit. You can assign multiple jobs to this object. True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 221 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command enables the schedule for jobs named "Backup Job 01" and "File Copy Job 02". The jobs are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01", "File Copy Job 02" | EnableVBRJobSchedule Example 2 This command enables the schedule for job represented by the $"Backup Job 01" variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Enable-VBRJobSchedule -Job $"Backup Job 01" 222 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBRJobVSSIntegration Short Description Enables job VSS settings. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Enable-VBRJobVSSIntegration [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet enables the VSS settings in the selected job. VSS (Volume Shadow Services) is a Windows OS service allowing to copy files of running applications that can be modified at the moment of copying. The VSS-aware applications typically are Active Directory, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Exchange, Sharepoint, etc. To create a transactionally consistent backup of a VM running VSS-aware applications without shutting them down, Veeam Backup & Replication uses application-aware image processing. It allows backup the data fully and consistently. You can enable the VSS settings in case you have these settings set beforehand. Use this cmdlet to enable the VSS settings that were disabled with Disable-VBRJobVSSIntegration. You can run this cmdlet with backup and replica jobs including vCloud jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Required Position Specifies the job you want to edit. You can assign multiple jobs to this object. True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 223 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command enables the VSS option in the job named "Backup Job 01" and "Backup Job 02". The jobs are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01", "Backup Job 02" | EnableVBRJobVSSIntegration Example 2 This command enables the VSS option in the job represented by the $"Backup Job 01" variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Enable-VBRJobVSSIntegration -Job $"Backup Job 01" 224 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBRRepositoryExtentMaintenanceMode Short Description Enables maintenance mode for an extent of a scale-out backup repository. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Enable-VBRRepositoryExtentMaintenanceMode -Extent <VBRRepositoryExtent[]> [-RunAsync] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRepositoryExtent Return Type VBRSession Detailed Description This cmdlet enables maintenance mode for a selected extent or extents of scale-out backup repositories. With one command, you can switch to maintenance mode multiple extents: the extents can be of mixed policies and belong to several scale-out repositories. Parameters Parameter Extent Description Specifies the scale-out repository extent that you want to turn into the maintenance mode. You can pass multiple extents with different policies and of different scale-out repositories. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True (for string) False Named False False Accepts VBRRepositoryExtent object, ID or string (name of the backup repository that is used as extent). You can assign multiple extents to this object. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. 225 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 226 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBRTapeDrive Short Description Enables a selected tape library drive. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Enable-VBRTapeDrive -Drive <VBRTapeDrive[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeDrive Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet enables a selected tape library recording drive that was previously disabled. You can disable a tape drive by running Disable-VBRTapeDrive. Parameters Parameter Drive Description Specifies the drive you want to enable. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRTapeDrive object. You can assign multiple drives to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 227 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command enables one drive of the selected library. Run Get-VBRTapeLibrary to get the library. Pipe it to Get-VBRTapeDrive and select the last drive in the list. Pipe this all to the Enable-VBRTapeDrive. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" | GetVBRTapeDrive | Select -Last 1 | Enable-VBRTapeDrive Example 2 This command enables a drive represented by the $drive variable. 1. Run Get-VBRTapeLibrary to get the library. Save it to the $library variable. 2. Run Get-VBRTapeDrive with the $library variable to get the drives of this library. Select the first drive. Save it to the $drive variable. 3. Run Enable-VBRTapeDrive with the $drive variable. PS C:\PS> $library = Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" PS C:\PS> $drive = Get-VBRTapeDrive -Library $library | Select -First 1 PS C:\PS> Enable-VBRTapeDrive -Drive $drive 228 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBRTapeProtection Short Description Sets overwrite protection for selected tapes. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Enable-VBRTapeProtection -Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]> [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMedium Return Type VBRTapeMedium[] Detailed Description This cmdlet sets software overwrite protection for selected tapes. Protection overrides the retention settings of the media pool to set a lifelong retention period for the selected tapes . You can set protection for both online or offline tapes that contain data. The protection can be switched off at any time. The retention settings will be changed to the value set for the media pool. Run Disable-VBRTapeProtection to switch off the protection. Parameters Parameter Medium Description Specifies the tapes for which you want to set protection. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 229 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command sets protections for the tape named "00140009". 1. Run Get-VBRTapeMedium to get the tape and save it to the $tape variable. 2. Run Enable-VBRTapeProtection with this variable. PS C:\PS> $tape = Get-VBRTapeMedium -Name "00140009" PS C:\PS> Enable-VBRTapeProtection -Medium $tape -PassThru 230 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VBRViProxy Short Description Enables a VMware backup proxy that was previously disabled. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Enable-VBRHvProxy. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Enable-VBRViProxy -Proxy <CViProxy[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRViProxy Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to enable a VMware backup proxy. You can disable a proxy by running Disable-VBRViProxy. Parameters Parameter Proxy Description Specifies the VMware backup proxy you want to enable. You can assign multiple proxies to this object. Required Position True 0 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 231 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command enables the selected VMware proxy named "VMwareProxy". The needed proxy is obtained with Get-VBRViProxy and piped down. Get-VBRViProxy -Name "VMwareProxy" | Enable-VBRViProxy Example 2 This command enables the selected VMware proxy represented by the $proxy variable. The needed proxy is obtained with Get-VBRViProxy and assigned to the variable beforehand. Enable-VBRViProxy -Proxy $proxy 232 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VSBJob Short Description Enables a disabled SureBackup job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Enable-VSBJob -Job <CSbJob[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Detailed Description This cmdlet enables a disabled SureBackup job. When you disable a job, you put it on hold until you enable it with this cmdlet. You can disable a job by running Disable-VSBJob. Run Start-VSBJob to run a disabled job once. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to enable. Required Position True Named You can assign multiple jobs to this object. Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 233 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable-VSBJobSchedule Short Description Enables a SureBackup job schedule. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Enable-VSBJobSchedule -Job <CSbJob[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Detailed Description This cmdlet enables a SureBackup job schedule. You can enable the job schedule in case the schedule is pre-configured for a selected job. You can enable the schedule that was was configured in a disabled state or that was disabled with DisableVSBJobSchedule. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job. The cmdlet will enable schedule for this job. Required Position True You can assign multiple jobs to this object. Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 234 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Erase-VBRTapeMedium Short Description Erases data from tape. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Erase-VBRTapeMedium -Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]> [-Long] [-Wait] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMedium Return Type VBRBackupSession Detailed Description This cmdlet erases data from the selected tapes. The tapes are moved to the Free media pool. The cmdlet provides two scenarios for erasing options:  Short: only the tape data header is cleared. The tape becomes available for overwriting. Short erase is a quick procedure.  Long: all data is cleared from tape. This procedure requires more time. You cannot run erase for the following tapes:  Offline tapes  Tapes used by any jobs  Tapes with software or hardware protection. Parameters Parameter Medium Description Specifies the tapes which you want to erase. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Long If indicated, the long (full) erase process is performed. Otherwise, Veeam Backup & Replication runs the 235 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 short erase procedure. Wait Indicates that the command waits for the erase process(es) to complete before accepting more input. False Named False False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command runs short erase on the tape named "00170010". 1. Run Get-VBRTapeMedium to get the tape and save it to the $tape variable. 2. Run Erase-VBRTapeMedium with this variable. PS C:\PS> $tape = Get-VBRTapeMedium -Name "00170010" PS C:\PS> Erase-VBRTapeMedium -Medium $tape Example 2 This command runs long erase on the tape named "00170010". 1. Run Get-VBRTapeMedium to get the tape and save it to the $tape variable. 2. Run Erase-VBRTapeMedium with this variable. Use the Long parameter. PS C:\PS> $tape = Get-VBRTapeMedium -Name "00170010" PS C:\PS> Erase-VBRTapeMedium -Medium $tape -Long 236 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Export-VBRBackup Short Description Exports a backup or restore point files to a selected folder. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Export-VBRBackup [-Backup] <CBackup> [-Dir] <String> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORExport-VBRBackup [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Dir] <String> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackup Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet copies a selected backup files to a user-specified directory. You can copy a whole backup file or select backups for a specific job object. The job objects are VMs, VM containers, datastores or resource pools. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Backup Specifies the backup file you want to export. True 1 False False Restore Point Specifies the job object (i.e. a VM) for which you want to export the backup files. True 1 False False Dir Specifies the path to the folder where you want to copy the files to. True 2 False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 237 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command exports the backup file represented by the $"AD backup" to the folder "C:\Export". The backup file to export is obtained with Get-VBRBackup and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Export-VBRBackup -Backup $"AD backup" -Dir "C:\Export" Example 2 This command exports the backup file for a specific VM represented by the $"AD_local" to the folder "C:\Export". The backup file to export is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Export-VBRBackup -RestorePoint $"AD_local" -Dir "C:\Export" 238 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Export-VBRLogs Short Description Collects system logs for export. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Export-VBRLogs -Server <CHost[]> -FolderPath <String> [-Compress] [-From <DateTime>] [-To <DateTime>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORExport-VBRLogs -Job <IJob[]> -FolderPath <String> [-Compress] [-From <DateTime>] [-To <DateTime>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORExport-VBRLogs -Entity <IVmItem[]> -FolderPath <String> [-Compress] [-From <DateTime>] [-To <DateTime>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORExport-VBRLogs -Backup <CBackup[]> -FolderPath <String> [-Compress] [-From <DateTime>] [-To <DateTime>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Get-VBRJob Get-VSBJob Find-VBRViEntity / Find-VBRHvEntity Get-VBRBackup Detailed Description This cmdlet collects system logs. You can use this cmdlet to collect logs you can send to the Veeam support. The log files are written to the folder you specify in this cmdlet. This cmdlet provides syntax for getting logs for hosts, jobs, entities or backups. You can get logs for all kind of virtual host, any jobs including SureBackup jobs, all entities including datastores, clusters, replicas, etc., or any backup. 239 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the server(s) from which you want to collect logs. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Note that selected servers must be running and reachable over the network. You can assign multiple servers to this object. From Specifies the start date to collect the logs for export. Enter the date in format set in your workstation Date and Time settings. False Named False False To Specifies the end date to collect the logs for export. Enter the date in format set in your workstation Date and Time settings. False Named False False Job Specifies the job(s) you want to collect logs for. You can get logs for all kind of jobs. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False FolderPath Specifies the destination folder to which the logs will be exported. True Named False False Compress False Named False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. Entity Specifies the VM(s) you want to collect logs for. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Backup Specifies the backups you want to collect logs for. You can assign multiple backups to this object. If set, the log files will be archived. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 240 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command starts collecting log files from the server represented by the $server variable. The destination path is C:\Logs. The period for collecting data is July, 21, 2013 - July, 25, 2013. The data compression is enabled. Run Get-VBRServer to get the source server. PS C:\PS> Export-VBRLogs -Server $server -FolderPath "C:\Logs" -Compress From 7/21/2013 -To 7/25/2013 Example 2 This command starts collecting log files for the SureBackup job named "DC SureJob". The job is obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. The destination path is C:\Logs\SureBackup Logs. The period for collecting data is not set to collect all the data for the job. The data compression is enabled. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "DC SureJob" | Export-VBRLogs -FolderPath "C:\Logs\SureBackup Logs" -Compress Example 3 This command starts collecting log files for the VM named "DC" for May, 2015. The VM is obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and piped down. The destination path is C:\Logs. The data compression is enabled. PS C:\PS> Find-VBRViEntity -Name "DC" | Export-VBRLogs -FolderPath "C:\Logs" -Compress -From 5/01/2015 -To 6/01/2015 241 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Export-VBRTapeMedium Short Description Moves tape to Import/Export slot. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Export-VBRTapeMedium -Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]> [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMedium Return Type VBRBackupSession Detailed Description This cmdlet exports selected tapes to the Import/Export slot. You need to to run the exporting procedure if you want to take the tapes out of the tape library. Note: Import/export commands are available only for the devices that support corresponding operations and include I/E slot. Parameters Parameter Medium Description Specifies the tapes which you want to export. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Wait Indicates that the command waits for the import session(s) to complete before accepting more input. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 242 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command exports tape named "00170008". 1. Run Get-VBRTapeMedium to get the tape and save it to the $tape variable. 2. Run Export-VBRTapeMedium with this variable. PS C:\PS> $tape = Get-VBRTapeMedium -Name "00170008" PS C:\PS> Export-VBRTapeMedium -Medium $tape 243 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRHvEntity Short Description Looks for Hyper-V hosts, VMs and volumes. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Find-VBRHvEntity [-Server <CHost[]>] [-HostsAndVMs] [-Name <String[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORFind-VBRHvEntity [-Server <CHost[]>] [-Hosts] [-Name <String[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORFind-VBRHvEntity [-Server <CHost[]>] [-HostsAndVolumes] [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet returns Hyper-V hosts, VMs and volumes managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of all Hyper-V objects in your virtual environment or look for instances directly by name. Run Get-VBRServer to get the list of the Hyper-V hosts. Return Type CHvHostItem CHvVmItem 244 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the host you want to look for entities on. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple servers to this object. HostsAnd VMs Views results as hosts and VMs. False Named False False Hosts Views results as hosts. False Named False False HostsAnd Volumes Views results as hosts and volumes. False Named False False Name Specifies the name of the entity you want to get, or search conditions. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for all Hyper-V objects registered on server named "Hyper-V Host". The server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Name "HvHost" | Find-VBRHvEntity Example 2 This command looks for Hyper-V hosts and VMs registered on Hyper-V servers named "HvHost 01" and "HvHost 02". The servers are obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Name "HvHost 01", "HvHost 02" | Find-VBRHvEntity HostsAndVMs Example 3 This command directly looks for the Hyper-V server named "HvExchange". Find-VBRHvEntity -Name "HvExchange" 245 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRvCloudEntity Short Description Looks for vCloud Director entities. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Server <CHost[]>][-Full][-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Server <CHost[]>][-VApp][-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Server <CHost[]>][-Template][-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Server <CHost[]>][-VmTemplate][-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Server <CHost[]>][-OrganizationVdc][-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Server <CHost[]>][-StorageProfile][-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Server <CHost[]>][-Datastore][-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Find-VBRvCloudEntity [-Server <CHost[]>][-Vc][-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet looks for vCloud Director entities. You can get the whole list of vCloud entities, or the list of specified entities (i.e. vApps), or narrow down the output by filtering by name. Return Type CVcdSystemItem CVcdOrganizationItem CVcdOrganizationVdcItem CVcdVappItem CVcdVmItem CVcdOrgVdcStorageProfile CVcdDatastoreRestoreInfo CVcdVcInfo 246 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the server(s) where the entity to look for is located. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple servers to this object. Full View results as the list of all vCloud entities. False Named False False VApp View results as vApps. False Named False False Template View results as vApp templates. False Named False False VmTemplate View results as VM templates. False Named False False Organization Vdc View results as Organization vDCs. False Named False False StorageProfile View results as storage profiles. False Named False False Datastore View results as datastores. False Named False False Vc View results as vClouds. False Named False False Name Specifies the name(s) of the entity. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 247 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for all vCloud entities registered on the server represented by $server variable. The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Find-VBRvCloudEntity -Server $server -Full Example 2 This command looks for the vCloud entities registered on the server with IP address. The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. The output is filtered by name containing "SQL". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServer -Name "" | Find-VBRvCloudEntity -Name *SQL* Example 3 This command looks for the vApps registered on the server named "vCloud Server". The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServer -Name "vCloud Server" | Find-VBRvCloudEntity -VApp Example 4 This command looks for the datastore named "Datastore 04" registered on the server represented by $server variable. The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Find-VBRvCloudEntity -Server $server -Datastore -Name "Datastore 04" 248 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRViDatastore Short Description Looks for VMware datastores. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  For looking for datastores connected to a specific host: Find-VBRViDatastore -Server <CHost> [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for datastores compatible with a specific storage policy: Find-VBRViDatastore -StoragePolicy <VBRViStoragePolicy> [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Find-VBRViStoragePolicy Detailed Description This cmdlet returns datastores connected to the specified ESX(i) host or that are compatible with a particular VMware storage policy profile. With both parameter sets, you can narrow down your search by indicating a datastore name. Return Type CViDatastoreItem 249 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Server Specifies the ESX(i) host. The cmdlet will return the datastores connected to it. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Storage Policy Specifies the VMware storage policy profile. The cmdlet will return datastores compatible with it. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name Specifies the name of the datastore you want to get, or search conditions. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of datastores connected to the ESXi hosts. The servers are obtained with Get-VBRServer, sorted by "Type" and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Type ESXi | Find-VBRViDatastore Example 2 This command looks for the datastores connected to the ESXi host named "ESXiHost". The server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. The list of datastores is narrowed down to the datastore named "MSExchange" and datastores with names starting with "LocalStore_0". Get-VBRServer -Name "ESXiHost" | Find-VBRViDatastore -Name "MSExchange", "LocalStore_0*" Example 3 This command looks for the datastore named "MSExchange" connected to the server represented by the $server variable. The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. Find-VBRViDatastore -Server $server -Name "MSExchange" 250 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRViDatastoreCluster Short Description Looks for datastore clusters. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides 2 parameter sets.  For looking for datastore clusters on a selected server: Find-VBRViDatastoreCluster -Server <Object> [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for datastore clusters with a selected storage policy: Find-VBRViDatastoreCluster -StoragePolicy <VBRViStoragePolicy> [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Return Type VBRViDatastoreCluster Detailed Description This cmdlet returns a list of datastore clusters. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the name of the datastore cluster you want to get. False Named False False Server Specifies the host or cluster. The cmdlet will return the datastore clusters created on this host or cluster. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Storage Policy Specifies the VMware storage policy profile. The cmdlet will return datastores clusters compatible with it. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False 251 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 252 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRViEntity Short Description Looks for VMware entities. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Find-VBRViEntity [-Server <CHost[]>] [-HostsAndClusters] [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORFind-VBRViEntity [-Server <CHost[]>] [-VMsAndTemplates] [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORFind-VBRViEntity [-Server <CHost[]>] [-DatastoresAndVMs] [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORFind-VBRViEntity [-Server <CHost[]>] [-HostsAndDatastores] [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORFind-VBRViEntity [-Server <CHost[]>] [-ResourcePools] [-Name <String[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORFind-VBRViEntity [-Server <CHost[]>] [-Servers] [-Name <String[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORFind-VBRViEntity [-Name <String[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [-Tags] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet returns VMware objects connected to the specified ESX(i) host. You can get the list of all VMware entities registered in your virtual VMware environment or narrow down the search results to specific objects, or look for instances directly by name. Run Get-VBRServer to get the list of the VMware hosts. 253 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Return Type CVcItem CViFolderItem CViDatacenterItem CEsxItem CViClusterItem CViResourcePoolItem CViVmItem CViVirtualAppItem CViFolderItem CViDatacenterItem Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the entity you want to get, or search conditions. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Server Specifies the ESX(i) host you want to look for entities on. False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False HostsAnd Clusters Views results as hosts and clusters. False Named False False VMsAnd Templates Views results as VMs and templates. False Named False False Datastores AndVMs Views results as datastores and VMs. False Named False False HostsAnd Datastores Views results as hosts and datastores. False Named False False ResourcePools Views results as resource pools. False Named False False Servers Views results as VMware hosts. False Named False False Tags Views results as tags. False Named False False Use the Name parameter to specify the tag name. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 254 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of hosts and clusters connected to the ESXi hosts named "ESXiHost 01" and "ESXiHost 02". The servers are obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Name "ESXiHost 01", "ESXiHost 02" | Find-VBRViEntity HostsAndClusters Example 2 This command looks for the list of resource pools connected to the ESXi host named "ESXiHost". The server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. The list of resource pools is narrowed down to the resource pools with names starting with "Veeam". Get-VBRServer -Name "ESXiHost" | Find-VBRViEntity -ResourcePools -Name Veeam* Example 3 This command looks for the list of VMs having a VMware tag named "Mac OS" within a particular host. The host is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$server' variable beforehand. Find-VBRViEntity -Server $server -Tags -Name "Mac OS" 255 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRViFolder Short Description Looks for folders on a specified ESX(i) host. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Find-VBRViFolder -Server <CHost> [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet returns folders on a specified ESX(i) host. You can get the list of all folders on the specified ESX(i) host or look for instances directly by name. Return Type CViFolderItem Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Server Specifies the ESX(i) host on which you want to look for folders. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name Specifies the name of the folder you want to get, or search conditions. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 256 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for all folders located on the ESXi host named 'Server01'. The server is obtained with Get-VBRServer, sorted by name and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Name "Server01" | Find-VBRViFolder Example 2 This command looks for a folder named 'Weekly_Reports' located on the ESXi host named 'Server01'. The server is obtained with Get-VBRServer, sorted by name and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Name "Server01" | Find-VBRViFolder -Name "Weekly_Reports" Example 3 This command looks for folders named 'Weekly_Reports' and 'Monthly_Reports' located on the ESXi host named "Server01". The server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to '$server01' variable. PS C:\PS> $server01 = Get-VBRServer -Name "Server01" PS C:\PS> Find-VBRViFolder -Server $server01 -Name "Weekly_Reports", "Monthly_Reports" 257 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRViResourcePool Short Description Looks for resource pools on the specified ESX(i) host. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Find-VBRViResourcePool -Server <CHost> [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet returns resource pools on the specified ESX(i) host. You can get the list of all resource pools on the specified ESX(i) host or look for instances directly by name. Return Type CViResourcePoolItem Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Server Specifies the ESX(i) host you want to look for resource pools on. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name Specifies the name of the resource pool you want to get, or search conditions. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 258 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of resource pools located on the ESXi hosts. The servers objects are obtained with Get-VBRServer, sorted by "Type" and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Type ESXi | Find-VBRViResourcePool Example 2 This command looks for the resource pool named "ResourcePool_05" connected to the ESXi host named "ESXiHost". The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Name "ESXiHost" | Find-VBRViResourcePool -Name "ResourcePool_05" 259 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRViStoragePolicy Short Description Looks for storage policy profiles. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Find-VBRViStoragePolicy -Server <CHost> [-Datastore <CViDatastoreItem>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORFind-VBRViStoragePolicy -Server <CHost> [-Datastore <CViDatastoreItem>] [Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORFind-VBRViStoragePolicy -Server <CHost> [-Datastore <CViDatastoreItem>] [Id <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Find-VBRViDatastore Return Type VBRViStoragePolicy[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns VMware storage policy profiles created on a vCenter Server. You can get the list of all storage policy profiles on the specified server or look for profiles directly by name or ID. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Server Specifies the vCenter Server where the storage policy profiles are created. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Datastore Specifies the datastore. The cmdlet will return storage policy profiles compatible with this datastore. False Named False False Name Specifies the name of the storage profile you want to get. False Named False True 260 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Id Specifies the ID of the storage profile you want to get. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command returns all storage policy profiles registered for the Veeam.Local host. The host is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$server' variable. PS C:\PS> $server = Get-VBRServer -Name "Veeam.Local" PS C:\PS> Find-VBRViStoragePolicy -Server $server Example 2 This command returns storage policy profile named "Virtual SAN Default Storage Policy" registered on the Veeam.Local host. The host is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Name "Veeam.Local" | Find-VBRViStoragePolicy -Name "Virtual SAN Default Storage Policy" Example 3 This command returns all storage policy profiles registered for the Veeam.Local host. The host is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$server' variable. PS C:\PS> $server = Get-VBRServer -Name "Veeam.Local" PS C:\PS> $datastore = Find-VBRViDatastore -Name "VeeamDatastore" PS C:\PS> Find-VBRViStoragePolicy -Server $server -Datastore $datastore Name "Virtual SAN Default Storage Policy" 261 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VSBHvVirtualLab Short Description Looks for virtual labs created on the specified Hyper-V host. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Find-VSBVirtualLab. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Find-VSBVirtualLab [-Server] <CHost> [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet returns virtual labs created on the specified Hyper-V host, both registered in Veeam Backup & Replication and not. You can get the list of all virtual labs on the specified Hyper-V host or look for instances directly by name. Run Connect-VSBHvVirtualLab to add the unregistered virtual labs to Veeam Backup & Replication. Return Type CHvSbVirtualLab Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Server Specifies the server on which you want to look for virtual labs. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name Specifies the name of the virtual lab or search conditions. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 262 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of all virtual labs created on the Hyper-V server named "Hyper-V Host". The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServer -Name "Hyper-V Host" | Find-VSBHvVirtualLab Example 2 This command looks for the virtual labs with names starting with "Hv" on the server represented by the $server variable. The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Find-VSBHvVirtualLab -Server $server -Name Hv* 263 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VSBVirtualLab Short Description Looks for virtual labs created on the specified ESX(i) host. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Find-VSBHvVirtualLab. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Find-VSBVirtualLab [-Server] <CHost> [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet returns virtual labs created on the specified ESX(i) host, both registered in Veeam Backup & Replication and not. You can get the list of all VMware virtual labs on the specified ESX(i) host or look for instances directly by name. Run Connect-VSBVirtualLab to add the unregistered virtual labs to Veeam Backup & Replication. Return Type CVirtualLabDescriptor Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Server Specifies the server on which you want to look for virtual labs. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name Specifies the name of the resource pool you want to get, or search conditions. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 264 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of all virtual labs located on the ESXi hosts. The servers are obtained with Get-VBRServer, sorted by "Type" and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServer -Type ESXi | Find-VSBVirtualLab Example 2 This command looks for the virtual lab named "MailServer_VLab" connected to the ESXi host named "ESXiHost". The server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServer -Name "ESXiHost" | Find-VSBVirtualLab -Name "MailServer_VLab" 265 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-HP3Snapshot Short Description Returns HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage snapshot. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE 3PAR StoreServ Syntax Get-HP3Snapshot [-Name <string[]>][<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-HP3Snapshot [-Name <string[]>] [-Volume <CSanVolume[]>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP3Volume Detailed Description This cmdlet returns HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage snapshots. You can get the list of all storage snapshots, or look for a specific snapshot name or volume. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the snapshot you want to get. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False True False Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Volume Specifies the volume(s) for which you want to get the snapshots. You can assign multiple volumes to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 266 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of all snapshots. PS C:\PS> Get-HP3Snapshot Example 2 This command looks for snapshots of the specific volumes. The list of volumes is obtained with GetHP3Volume, the first three volumes are selected and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP3Volume | Select -First 3 | Get-HP3Snapshot 267 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-HP3Storage Short Description Returns HPE 3PAR StoreServ storages. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE 3PAR StoreServ Syntax Get-HP3Storage [-Name <string[]>][<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns HPE 3PAR StoreServ storages. You can get the list of all HPE 3PAR StoreServ storages or narrow down the output by the storage name. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the storage you want to get. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of all HPE 3PAR StoreServ storages. PS C:\PS> Get-HP3Storage Example 2 This command looks for the list of storages with names starting with "HPE Store". PS C:\PS> Get-HP3Storage -Name "HPE Store*" 268 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Get-HP3Volume Short Description Returns HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage volumes. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE 3PAR StoreServ Syntax Get-HP3Volume -Storage <CHp3PARHost[]> [-Name <string[]>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP3Storage Detailed Description This cmdlet returns HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage volumes. You can get the list of all HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage volumes in your storage system, narrow down the output by the volume name or specify a cluster or a storage within which you want to look for the volumes. Parameters Parameter Storage Description Specifies the storage(s) within which you want to look for the volumes. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False True You can assign multiple storages to this object. Name Specifies the name of the volume you want to get. You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 269 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the volume named "HPE Store" in the storage named "HPE Store 01". The storage object is obtained with Get-HP3Storage and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP3Storage -Name "HPE Store 01" | Get-HP3Volume -Name "HPE Store" Example 2 This command looks for the volume named "HPE Store" in the storage represented by the $"HPE storage" variable. The storage object is obtained with Get-HP3Storage and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-HP3Volume -Storage $"HPE storage" -Name "HPE Store" 270 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-HP4Cluster Short Description Returns HPE StoreVirtual storage clusters. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE StoreVirtual Syntax Get-HP4Cluster -Storage <CHpP4Group[]> [-Name <string[]>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP4Storage Detailed Description This cmdlet returns HPE StoreVirtual storage clusters. You can get the list of all storage clusters in your storage system, or narrow down the output by the cluster name or a specific storage. Alias Get-VBRHPCluster Parameters Parameter Storage Description Specifies the storage within which you want to look for the clusters. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False True You can assign multiple storages to this object. Name Specifies the name of the cluster you want to get. You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 271 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of clusters in the storage named "HPE Store 01". The storage object is obtained with Get-HP4Storage and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Storage -Name "HPE Store 01" | Get-HP4Cluster Example 2 This command looks for the list of clusters in the storage named "HPE Store 01". The storage object is obtained with Get-HP4Storage and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Cluster -Storage $"HPE Store 01" 272 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-HP4Snapshot Short Description Returns HPE StoreVirtual storage snapshots. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE StoreVirtual Syntax Get-HP4Snapshot [-Name <string[]>][<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-HP4Snapshot [-Name <string[]>] [-Volume <CSanVolume[]>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP4Volume Detailed Description This cmdlet returns HPE StoreVirtual storage snapshots. You can get the list of all storage snapshots, or look for a specific snapshot name or volume. Alias Get-VBRHPSnapshot Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the snapshot you want to get. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False True False Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Volume Specifies the volume(s) you want to get the snapshots of. You can assign multiple volumes to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 273 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for snapshots of the volume named "HPE Vol01". The volume is obtained with Get-HP4Volume and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Volume -Name "HPE Vol01" | Get-HP4Snapshot Example 2 This command looks for the snapshots of the volume represented by the $vol variable. The volume is obtained with Get-HP4Volume and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Snapshot -Volume $vol 274 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-HP4Storage Short Description Returns HPE StoreVirtual storages. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE StoreVirtual Syntax Get-HP4Storage [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns HPE StoreVirtual storages. You can get the list of all storages, or narrow down the output by the storage name. Alias Get-VBRHPStorage Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the storage you want to get. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of all storages. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Storage Example 2 This command looks for the list of storages with names starting with "HPE Store". PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Storage -Name "HPE Store*" 275 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Get-HP4Volume Short Description Returns HPE StoreVirtual storage volumes. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE StoreVirtual Syntax Get-HP4Volume [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-HP4Volume -Cluster <CHpP4kCluster[]> [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-HP4Volume -Storage <CHpP4Group[]> [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP4Storage Get-HP4Cluster Detailed Description This cmdlet returns HPE StoreVirtual storage volumes. You can get the list of all storage volumes in your storage system,narrow down the output by the volume name, or specify a cluster or a storage within which you want to look for the volumes. Alias Get-VBRHPVolume Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the volume you want to get. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False True False Named False False False Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Cluster Specifies the cluster within which you want to look for the volumes. You can assign multiple clusters to this object. Storage Specifies the storage within which you want to 276 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 look for the volumes. You can assign multiple storages to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of volumes with names starting with "HPE Store" within the cluster named "Cluster 1". The cluster object is obtained with Get-HP4Cluster and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Cluster -Name "Cluster 1" | Store*" Get-HP4Volume -Name "HPE Example 2 This command looks for all volumes in the storage named "HPE Store 01". The storage object is obtained with Get-HP4Storage and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Storage -Name "HPE Store 01" | Get-HP4Volume Example 3 This command looks for volume named "HPE Vol01" in the storage represented by the $storage variable. The storage object is obtained with Get-HP4Storage and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Volume -Storage $storage -Name "HPE Vol01" 277 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-NetAppHost Short Description Returns storages. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-NetAppHost [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Detailed Description This cmdlet returns storages. You can get the list of all storages added to your virtual infrastructure or narrow down the output by storage name. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the storage you want to get. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for all available storages. PS C:\PS> Get-NetAppHost Example 2 This command looks for the "NetApp Store" storage. PS C:\PS> Get-NetAppHost -Name "NetApp Store" 278 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False Get-NetAppSnapshot Short Description Returns storage snapshots. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-NetAppSnapshot [-Name <String[]>] [-Volume <CSanVolume[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-NetAppVolume Detailed Description This cmdlet returns storage snapshots. You can get the list of all storage snapshots, or look for a specific snapshot name or volume. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the snapshot you want to get. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Volume Specifies the CSanVolume object containing the volume(s) you want to get the snapshots of. You can add multiple volumes to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 279 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of all snapshots. PS C:\PS> Get-NetAppSnapshot Example 2 This command looks for snapshots of a specific volume. 1. Run Get-NetAppVolume to get all NetApp volumes. Select the last volume in the list. Save the result to the $vol variable. 2. Run Get-NetAppSnapshot with the saved variable. PS C:\PS> $vol = Get-NetAppVolume | Select -last 1 PS C:\PS> Get-NetAppSnapshot -Volume $vol 280 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-NetAppVolume Short Description Returns storage volumes. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-NetAppVolume [-Name <String[]>] [-Host <CNaHost[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-NetAppHost Detailed Description This cmdlet returns storage volumes. You can get the list of all storage volumes of your virtual infrastructure or narrow down the output by volume name, or specify a cluster or a storage within which you want to look for the volumes. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the volume you want to get. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Host Specifies the host on which you want to look for the volumes. You can assign multiple hosts to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 281 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command looks for the volume named "NetApp Volume 01" in storage "NetApp Store". 1. Run Get-NetAppHost to get the storage where to volume is located. Save the result to the $netappstore variable. 2. Run Get-NetAppVolume with the saved variable. PS C:\PS> $netappstore = Get-NetAppHost -Name "NetApp Store" PS C:\PS> Get-NetAppVolume -Name "NetApp Volume 01" -Host $netappstore 282 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint Short Description Returns restore points created with the VSS-aware image processing enabled. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides four parameter sets.  For looking for all restore points with VSS-aware image processing enabled: Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint [<CommonParameters>]  For filtering the restore points by name: Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]  For filtering the restore points by application: Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint [-Name <string[]>] [-Exchange] [ActiveDirectory] [-SharePoint] [-SQL] [-Oracle] [<CommonParameters>]  For filtering the restore points by ID: Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint [-Id <guid[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRApplicationRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet returns restore points of backups that were created with the VSS-aware image processing enabled. 283 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Name Filters the restore points by name of the backup job. False Named False False Exchange If indicated, the cmdlet will return the restore points of Microsoft Exchange VMs. False Named False False ActiveDirectory If indicated, the cmdlet will return the restore points of Microsoft Active Directory VMs. False Named False False SharePoint If indicated, the cmdlet will return the restore points of Microsoft SharePoint VMs. False Named False False SQL If indicated, the cmdlet will return the restore points of Microsoft SQL Server VMs. False Named False False Oracle If indicated, the cmdlet will return the restore points of Oracle VMs. False Named False False Id Filters the restore points by ID. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command returns all restore points of backups containing Microsoft SQL VMs. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint -SQL Example 2 This command returns a specific restore points of a Microsoft SQL VM named "crm_db". Get the restore points of the VM and save it to the $crmdb variable. Select the third restore and save it to the $restorepoint variable. PS C:\PS> $crmdb = Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint -SQL -Name "crm_db" PS C:\PS> $restorepoint = $crmdb[2] Example 3 This command returns the most recent restore point of a Microsoft SQL VM named "crm_db" and saves it to the $crmdb variable. PS C:\PS> $crmdb = Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint -SQL -Name "CRM-db" | Sort -Descending | Select -First 1 284 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 4 This command looks for a specific restore point by the ID. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint -Id 4d39c279-f15c-4fd3-9b325f4e65f221b2 285 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRBackup Short Description Returns backups. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRBackup [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns backups stored in the Veeam Backup & Replication database. The cmdlet returns backups that were created by backup jobs, backup copy jobs, vCD jobs and Endpoint backup jobs. You can get the list of all backups registered in the database or look for backups created by certain jobs by job names. Note: The Veeam backup contains all restore points for all VMs that are processed by the job. Return Type CBackup Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the backup, backup copy or Endpoint backup job that produced the backups you want to get, or search conditions. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 286 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False Example 1 This command looks for all backups stored in the database. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackup Example 2 This command looks for the backups named "vCloud Webservices Backup" and "Exchange Backup_imported". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackup -Name "vCloud Webservices Backup", "Exchange Backup_imported" 287 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRBackupRepository Short Description Returns backup repositories. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRBackupRepository [-Name <string[]>] [-ScaleOut] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns backup repositories managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of all backup repositories, get scale-out backup repositories or look for instances directly by name. Return Type CBackupRepository Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the backup repository you want to get, or search conditions. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False True False Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. ScaleOut If indicated, the cmdlet will return scale-out backup repositories. If not indicated, the cmdlet will return standalone backup repositories. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 288 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for all standalone backup repositories managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. Get-VBRBackupRepository Example 2 This command looks for all scale-out backup repositories managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. Get-VBRBackupRepository -ScaleOut Example 3 This command looks for the standalone backup repository named "Backups Vol2" and for standalone backup repositories with names starting with "Local". Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Backups Vol2", "Local*" Example 4 This command looks for scale-out backup repository named 'Veeam Performance Scale-Out Repository'. Get-VBRBackupRepository -ScaleOut -Name "Veeam Performance Scale-Out Repository" 289 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRBackupSession Short Description Returns backup sessions that have been run. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRBackupSession [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns backup, replication and backup copy sessions that have been run. You can get the list of all backup, replication and backup copy sessions, or look for instances directly by name. Run Get-VBRTaskSession to get the list of all tasks performed during the specific backup, replication or backup copy session. Run Get-VSBSession to get the list of SureBackup sessions that have been run. Return Type CBackupSession Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the backup session you want to get, or search conditions. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False The name of the session is a name of the job. You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 290 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Example 1 This command looks for the list of all backup sessions. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackupSession Example 2 This command looks for all backup copy sessions. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackupSession -Name *Backup Copy* 291 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCloudDatastore Short Description Returns datastores or disk volumes available by your cloud resources. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides three parameter sets.  For looking for datastores or volumes by name: Get-VBRCloudDatastore [-Name <string[]>]  [<CommonParameters>] For looking for datastores or volumes of a selected cloud service provider: Get-VBRCloudDatastore [-CloudServer <VBRCloudServer[]>] [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for datastores or volumes by ID: Get-VBRCloudDatastore [-Id <guid[]>] [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudServer Return Type VBRCloudDatastore Detailed Description This cmdlet returns datastores (for VMware) or volumes (for Hyper-V) in your cloud resources. 292 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the datastore or volume you want to get. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False False CloudServer Specifies the cloud service provider. The cmdlet will return the datastores or volumes provided by this cloud service provider. False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Id False Named False False Specifies the ID of the datastore or volume you want to get. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 293 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCloudGateway Short Description Returns cloud gateways. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Get-VBRCloudGateway [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRCloudGateway [-Id <Guid[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRCloudGateway [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRCloudGateway[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns existing cloud gateways. You can get the list of all existing cloud gateways or search for instances directly by name or ID. This cmdlet provides syntax for three scenarios accordingly. 294 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Id Description Specifies the ID of the VBRCloudGateway object you want to get. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True Accepts GUID or string type. You can assign multiple IDs to this object. Name Specifies the name of the cloud gateway you want to get or search conditions. You can assign multiple names to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command returns all cloud gateways configured in Veeam Backup & Replication. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudGateway Example 2 This command gets the cloud gateway with the IP address. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudGateway -Name "" 295 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCloudGatewayCertificate Short Description Returns SSL certificate. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRCloudGatewayCertificate [-FromStore] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRCloudCertificate Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the service provider SSL certificate. You can get the SSL certificate that is currently used, or get the SSL certificate saved to your Certificate Store. Parameters Parameter Description FromStore If set, the cmdlet will return the SSL certificate present in the local Certificate Store on this server. If you run the cmdlet without this parameter, it will return the certificate that is currently used. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 296 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False Get-VBRCloudHardwarePlan Short Description Returns existing hardware plans. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax This cmdlet provides three parameter sets.  For looking for all existing hardware plans: Get-VBRCloudHardwarePlan [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for hardware plans by name or by platform: Get-VBRCloudHardwarePlan [-Name <String[]>] [-Platform <VBRPlatform>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for hardware plans by ID: Get-VBRCloudHardwarePlan -Id <Guid[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan VBRViCloudHardwarePlan Detailed Description This cmdlet returns existing hardware plans. You can get the list of all hardware plans or search for instances directly by name, virtuallization platform or ID. 297 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the hardware plan you want to get. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True You can assign multiple names to this object. Platform Specifies the platform of the hardware plan: VMware/Hyper-V. False Named True (by ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False ID Specifies the ID of the VBRViCloudHardwarePlan or VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan object you want to get. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts GUID or string type. You can assign multiple IDs to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 298 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCloudProvider Short Description Returns service providers. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Get-VBRCloudProvider [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRCloudProvider [-Id <guid[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRCloudProvider [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRCloudProvider[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns service providers added to Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of all existing service providers or search for instances directly by name or ID. Parameters Parameter Id Description Specifies the ID of the VBRCloudProvider object you want to get. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True Accepts GUID or string type. You can assign multiple IDs to this object. Name Specifies the name of the service provider you want to get or search conditions. You can assign multiple names to this object. 299 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for all cloud service providers added to Veeam Backup & Replication. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudProvider Example 2 This command looks for the cloud service provider with the IP address. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudProvider -Name "" 300 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance Short Description Returns network extension appliance configured on the user side. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance [-Name <string[]>] [-CloudProvider <VBRCloudProvider[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudProvider Return Type VBRViCloudProviderNetworkAppliance VBRHvCloudProviderNetworkAppliance Detailed Description This cmdlet returns network extension appliance created on the user side. This appliance is used in replica failover scenarios. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the appliance. CloudProvider Specifies the service provider. The cmdlet will return appliances configured by this provider. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 301 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCloudPublicIP Short Description Returns existing public IP addresses. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax Get-VBRCloudPublicIP [-Tenant <VBRCloudTenant>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudTenant Return Type VBRCloudIP Detailed Description This cmdlet returns public IP addresses that are configured by the service provider. You can get all configured IP addresses or the IP addresses allocated to a selected user. Parameters Parameter Tenant Description Specifies the cloud user. The cmdlet will return the IP addresses assigned to this user. Required Position False Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 302 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCloudServer Short Description Returns cloud hosts available by your cloud resources. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides three parameter sets.  For looking for hosts by host name: Get-VBRCloudServer [-Name <string[]>]  [<CommonParameters>] For looking for hosts of a selected cloud service provider: Get-VBRCloudServer [-CloudProvider <VBRCloudProvider[]>] [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for hosts by host ID: Get-VBRCloudServer [-Id <guid[]>] [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudProvider Return Type VBRCloudServer Detailed Description This cmdlet returns cloud hosts that are allocated to you by your cloud resources. 303 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the host you want to get. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False False CloudProvider Specifies the cloud service provider. The cmdlet will return the hosts that are provided by this service provider. False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Id False Named False False Specifies the ID of the host you want to get. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 304 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo Short Description Returns networks available in your cloud resources. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides three parameter sets.  For looking for networks by name: Get-VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for networks of a selected cloud service provider: Get-VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo [-CloudServer <VBRCloudServer[]>] [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for networks by ID: Get-VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo [-Id <guid[]>] [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudServer Return Type VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo Detailed Description This cmdlet returns networks that are allocated to you by your cloud resources. 305 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the datastore or volume you want to get. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False False CloudServer Specifies the cloud service provider. The cmdlet will return the datastores or volumes . False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Id False Named False False Specifies the ID of the datastore or volume you want to get. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 306 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCloudTenant Short Description Returns cloud user accounts. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Get-VBRCloudTenant [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRCloudTenant [-Id <Guid[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRCloudTenant [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRCloudTenant [-Repository <CBackupRepository[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository Return Type VBRCloudTenant[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns cloud user accounts. You can get the list of all existing user accounts, search for instances directly by name or ID or get loud users accounts using a particular backup repository. Use an appropriate scenario for each case. 307 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Id Description Required Position Specifies the ID of the VBRCloudTenant object you want to get. Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts GUID or string type. You can assign multiple IDs to this object. Name Specifies the name of the user account you want to get or search conditions. You can assign multiple names to this object. Repository Specifies the backup repository for which you want to get the user account. Accepts CBackupRepository object. You cannot use scale-out backup repositories. You can assign multiple repositories to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for all cloud user accounts. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudTenant Example 2 This command looks for the ABC company cloud user account by name. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudTenant -Name "ABC Company" Example 3 This command looks for the cloud user accounts using the 'Backups Vol2' backup repository. The backup repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Backups Vol2" | Get-VBRCloudTenant 308 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance Short Description Returns network extension appliances. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax This cmdlet provides three parameter sets.  For looking for all existing hardware plans or for hardware plans with specified name(s): Get-VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for hardware plans by name or by user: Get-VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance [-Name <string[]>] [-Tenant <VBRCloudTenant[]>] [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for hardware plans by name or by hosts: Get-VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance [-Name <string[]>] [-Server <Object[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Return Type VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns network extension appliances. 309 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the appliance. The cmdlet will return appliances with this name. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False True False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False You can specify multiple names. Tenant Specifies the user. The cmdlet will return appliances assigned to this user. You can specify multiple users. Server Specifies the host. The cmdlet will return appliances that uses this host. You can specify multiple hosts. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 310 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration Short Description Returns VLANs. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax Get-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRCloudVLANConfiguration Detailed Description This cmdlet returns configured VLANs. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 311 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCommand Short Description Returns Veeam PowerShell SnapIn cmdlets. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides 3 parameter sets.  For looking for all Veeam cmdlets: Get-VBRCommand [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for Veeam cmdlets by name of the cmdlet: Get-VBRCommand [[-Name] <Object>] [<CommonParameters>]  For looking for Veeam cmdlets by verb or noun the cmdlet uses: Get-VBRCommand [-Noun <Object>] [-Verb <Object>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the list of available Veeam PowerShell cmdlets. If you run this cmdlet without parameters, it will return the list of all Veeam cmdlets in the current session. Note: This cmdlet is available only in sessions started from Veeam Backup & Replication main menu. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accepts Pipeline Input Accepts Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the name of the command. Lists the commands that match the specified name or regular name patterns. False 1 True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True Noun Specifies the noun. Lists the commands using the specified noun False Named True (ByPropertyName) True 312 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 name. Verb Specifies the command verb. Lists the commands using the specified verb name. False Named True (ByPropertyName) <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command returns the list of Veeam cmdlets that perform remove operations. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCommand Remove* Example 2 This command returns Veeam cmdlets with names containing "Zip". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCommand -Name *Zip* Example 3 This command returns Veeam cmdlets with verbs "Get" and "Set". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCommand -Verb Get, Set Example 4 This command returns Veeam cmdlets with nouns containing "Job" and "Zip". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCommand -Noun *Job*, *Zip* 313 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Get-VBRConfigurationBackupJob Short Description Returns the configuration backup job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRConfigurationBackupJob [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRConfigurationBackupJob Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the configuration backup job. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command returns the configuration backup job. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRConfigurationBackupJob 314 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRCredentials Short Description Returns credentials records. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRCredentials [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns credentials managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of all credentials or look for instances directly by name. Return Type CCredentials Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the user name or search conditions. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command gets the list of credentials records containing "Administrator" in the account name. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCredentials -Name *Administrator* 315 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration Short Description Returns configuration of default gateways. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  For looking for default gateways of all cloud service providers: Get-VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration  [<CommonParameters>] For looking for default gateways of a selected cloud service provider: Get-VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration [-CloudProvider <VBRCloudProvider[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudProvider Return Type VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns configuration information on service provider default gateways. You can get information about all gateways of all service providers, or look for a selected service provider. Use an appropriate parameter set for each case. Parameters Parameter Description CloudProvider Specifies the cloud provider for which you want to get the gateway configuration. Required Position False You can add multiple providers to this object. Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 316 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBREncryptionKey Short Description Returns encryption keys. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBREncryptionKey [[-Description] <string>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type PSCryptoKey Detailed Description This cmdlet returns encryption keys managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of media pools within specified library, or search for instances directly by description. Parameters Parameter Description Description Specifies the description of the encryption key you want to get. Required Position False Accepts string type. Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 317 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for all encryption keys. PS C:\PS> Get-VBREncryptionKey Example 2 This command looks for an encryption key with description 'Veeam Administrator'. PS C:\PS> Get-VBREncryptionKey -Description "Veeam Administrator" 318 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBREPJob Short Description Returns Endpoint backup jobs. Syntax Get-VBREPJob [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBREPJob [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBREPJob [-Id <guid[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBREPJob[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns Veeam Endpoint backup jobs stored in Veeam Backup & Replication database. You can get the list of all Endpoint backup jobs or search for instances directly by name or ID. Use an appropriate parameter set for each case. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the Endpoint backup job you want to get or search conditions. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False True False Named False False You can assign multiple names to this object. Id Specifies the ID of the VBREPJob object you want to get. Accepts GUID or string type. You can assign multiple IDs to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 319 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command gets the list of all Endpoint backup jobs. PS C:\PS> Get-VBREPJob Example 2 This command gets an Endpoint backup job named 'Backup Job Mediaserver'. PS C:\PS> Get-VBREPJob -Name 'Backup Job Mediaserver' 320 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBREPPermission Short Description Returns user access permissions for backup repositories used by Endpoint backup jobs. Syntax Get-VBREPPermission -Repository <CBackupRepository> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository Return Type VBREPPermission Detailed Description This cmdlet returns user access permissions for a backup repository that is used as a target by Endpoint backup jobs. Parameters Parameter Description Repository Specifies the repository for which you want to get permissions. Required Position True Accepts the backup repository object or string type (repository name). Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False You can assign multiple repositories to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 321 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for permissions set to a backup repository named 'WinLocal'. The repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the '$repository' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> $repository = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name 'WinLocal' PS C:\PS> Get-VBREPPermission -Repository $repository RepositoryId PermissionType Users IsEncryptionEnabled EncryptionKey : : : : : 88788f9e-d8f5-4eb4-bc4f-9b3f5403bcec Everyone {} False Example 2 This command looks for the 'WinLocal' repository permissions. The repository is obtained with GetVBRBackupRepository and piped down. Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name 'WinLocal' | Get-VBREPPermission RepositoryId PermissionType Users IsEncryptionEnabled EncryptionKey : : : : : 88788f9e-d8f5-4eb4-bc4f-9b3f5403bcec Everyone {} False 322 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBREPSession Short Description Returns Endpoint backup jobs session. Syntax Get-VBREPSession [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBREPSession [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRSession[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns Veeam Endpoint backup job sessions that have been run. You can get the list of all Endpoint backup job sessions or search for instances directly by name. Use an appropriate parameter set for each case. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the Endpoint backup job for which you want to get the sessions. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can assign multiple names to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 323 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Example 1 This command gets the list of all Endpoint backup jobs sessions. PS C:\PS> Get-VBREPSession Example 2 This command gets the list of sessions of an Endpoint backup job named 'Backup Job Mediaserver'. PS C:\PS> Get-VBREPSession -Name 'Backup Job Mediaserver' 324 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRFailoverPlan Short Description Returns existing failover plans or cloud failover plans. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRFailoverPlan [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRFailoverPlan -Tenant <VBRCloudTenant> [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRFailoverPlan [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRFailoverPlan -Type <VBRFailoverPlanType> {Local | Tenant | Cloud} [Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRFailoverPlan [-Name <string[]>] [-Id <guid[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRFailoverPlan[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns existing failover plans or cloud failover plans. You can get the list of all failover plans or search for instances directly by name or ID. 325 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the failover plan you want to get or search conditions. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True You can assign multiple names to this object. Tenant Specifies the cloud tenant. The cmdlet will return the failover plans created by this tenant. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Type Specifies the type of the failover plan: True Named False False False Named True (by ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False    Local: non-cloud failover plans. Cloud: [for cloud user] cloud failover plans. Tenant: [for cloud provider] cloud failover plans created by cloud user. The cmdlet will return the failover plans of the selected type. Id Specifies the ID of the VBRFailoverPlan object you want to add to the failover plan. Accepts GUID or string type. You can assign multiple IDs to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 326 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of all existing failover plans. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRFailoverPlan Example 2 This command looks for failover plan named 'MailServers Failover'. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRFailoverPlan -Name "MS Exchange Group Failover" Example 3 This command looks for a failover plan with a particular ID by piping down the variable containing the ID. 1. The ID is obtained by getting the ID property of the failover plan object and assigned to the '$MSExchangeGroupID' variable. PS C:\PS> $MSExchangeGroup = Get-VBRFailoverPlan -Name "MS Exchange Group Failover" PS C:\PS> $MSExchangeGroupID = $MSExchangeGroup.ID You can view the GUID number of the failover plan object: PS C:\PS> $MSExchangeGroupID Guid ------3247cbb5-b65f-4f93-93aa-e13bdb3001c9 • The '$MSExchangeGroupID' variable is then piped down to the cmdlet. PS C:\PS> $MSExchangeGroupID | Get-VBRFailoverPlan 327 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint Short Description Returns files in a selected restore point. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Name <String[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet returns files in a selected restore point. With this cmdlet, you can get files in restore points created by all types of jobs: backup jobs, backup copy jobs, replication jobs, vCD jobs and Endpoint backup jobs (for Endpoint backups, only volume level backups). You can get the list of all files in a selected restore point or look for instances directly by name. Return Type COIBFileInfo Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the restore points for which you want to get the list of files. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name False Named False True Specifies the name of the file(s) you want to get, or search conditions. You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 328 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command gets the list of files in the last restore point of the backup named "Webservices Backup". The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "Webservices Backup" | Select -Last 1 | Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint Example 2 This command gets the list of files in the restore point represented by the $restorepoint variable. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint -RestorePoint $restorepoint 329 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRHvProxy Short Description Returns Hyper-V backup proxies. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Get-VBRViProxy. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRHvProxy [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns Hyper-V backup proxies managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of all Hyper-V backup proxies or look for instances directly by name. Run Get-VBRJobProxy to get the list of proxies assigned to a specific job. Return Type CHvProxy Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the Hyper-V proxy server you want to get, or search conditions. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 330 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Example 1 This command looks for the list of all Hyper-V proxies. Get-VBRHvProxy Example 2 This command gets the Hyper-V proxies with names containing "Local". Get-VBRHvProxy -Name *Local* 331 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRHvReplicaReIpRule Short Description Returns Hyper-V job re-IP rules. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRHvReplicaReIpRule -Job <CBackupJob> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the list of re-IP rules configured for a selected Hyper-V replication job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the replication job for which you want to get the list of the re-IP rules. Required Position True Named Accepts CBackupJob object. Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the re-IP rules set for the 'Backup Copy Job 1' job. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Copy Job 1" | Get-VBRHvReplicaReIpRule Example 2 This command looks for the re-IP rules set for the job represented by the '$job' variable. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRHvReplicaReIpRule -Job $job 332 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRHvServerNetworkInfo Short Description Returns virtual networks for a Hyper-V host. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRHvServerNetworkInfo -Server <CHost> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the list of all virtual networks to which a selected Hyper-V host is connected. Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the Hyper-V host for which you want to get the list of networks. Required Position True Accepts CHost object or string (host name). Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 333 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of networks of the host represented by the '$server' variable. The host is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> $server = Get-VBRServer -Type HvServer -Name "srv01.veeam.local" PS C:\PS> Get-VBRHvServerNetworkInfo -Server $server Example 2 This command looks for the list of networks to which the "srv01.Veeam.Local" host is connected. The host is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServer VBRHvServerNetworkInfo -Type HvServer -Name "srv01.veeam.local" | Get- 334 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRInstantRecovery Short Description Returns running Instant VM Recovery session. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRInstantRecovery [-Full] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns Instant VM Recovery session running at the moment. You can get the information about the instant recovery sessions in short or detailed view. Return Type InstantRecoveryDetails Parameters Parameter Full Description Specifies the information on sessions and history returned in detailed view. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command gets the list of the instant recovery sessions in short view. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRInstantRecovery Example 2 This command gets the list of the instant recovery sessions in detailed view. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRInstantRecovery -Full 335 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False Get-VBRJob Short Description Returns existing jobs. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRJob [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns jobs stored in Veeam Backup & Replication database. With this cmdlet, you can get the following jobs: • Backup Jobs • Replication Jobs • Backup Copy Jobs • VM Copy Jobs • File Copy Jobs You can get the list of all jobs or look for instances directly by name. Run Get-VBRBackupSession or Get-VBRTaskSession to get the information on job session or session tasks. Run Get-VBRTapeJob to get tape jobs. Run Get-VSBJob to get SureBackup jobs. Run Get-VBREPJob to get Endpoint backup jobs. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the job you want to get, or search conditions. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 336 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Example This command gets the list of backup copy jobs. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name *Backup Copy Job* 337 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRJobObject Short Description Returns objects in a specified job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRJobObject [-Job] <CBackupJob> [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet returns objects in a specified job. The job objects are VMs, VM containers, datastores or resource pools. You can run this cmdlet for backup, replication, backup copy, VM copy or file copy jobs. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Job Specifies the job you want to get the objects of. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name Specifies the name of the job object (i.e. a VM) you want to get, or search conditions. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 338 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the SharePoint VMs in the job named "VM Copy Job 01". The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "VM Copy Job 01" | Get-VBRJobObject -Name *SharePoint* Example 2 This command looks for the VM named "SharePoint" in the job represented by the $job variable. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJobObject -Job $job -Name "SharePoint" 339 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRJobObjectVssOptions Short Description Returns VSS settings of a specific VM in job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRJobObjectVssOptions [-ObjectInJob] <CObjectInJob> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJobObject Detailed Description This cmdlet returns VSS settings set for a specific VM in job. VSS (Volume Shadow Services) is a Windows OS service allowing to copy files of running applications that can be modified at the moment of copying. The VSS-aware applications typically are Active Directory, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Exchange, Sharepoint, etc. To create a transactionally consistent backup of a VM running VSS-aware applications without shutting them down, Veeam Backup & Replication uses application-aware image processing. It allows backup the data fully and consistently. Run Get-VBRJobVSSOptions to get the list of VSS options of a specific job. Parameters Parameter Description ObjectInJob Specifies the VMs or VM containers for which you want to get VSS options. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 340 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the VSS settings of the first VM included in job named "Exchange Backup Copy". The job to look for the VM in is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. The VM is obtained with Get-VBRJobObject by selecting the first VM in the job object list and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Exchange Backup Copy" | Get-VBRJobObject | Select -First 1 | Get-VBRJobObjectVssOptions Example 2 This command looks for the VSS settings of the VM represented by the $vm variable. The VM is obtained with Get-VBRJobObject and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJobObjectVssOptions -ObjectInJob $vm 341 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRJobOptions Short Description Returns job settings for a selected job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRJobOptions [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet returns job settings for a selected job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to get the options of. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of options of the job named "Fileserver Replica". The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Fileserver Replica" | Get-VBRJobOptions Example 2 This command looks for the list of options of the job represented by the '$fileserver_replica_job' variable. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJobObject and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJobOptions -Job $fileserver_replica_job 342 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRJobProxy Short Description Returns proxy servers assigned to a selected job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRJobProxy -Job <CBackupJob[]> [-Target] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet returns source or target proxy servers assigned to a selected job. You will see the notification if the automatic proxy selection is enabled. Run Get-VBRViProxy or Get-VBRHvProxy to get a list of all VMware or Hyper-V proxies managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job for which you want to get the list proxies. Required Position If set, the command returns the list of target proxy servers. If omitted, the command returns the list of source proxy servers. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Target Accept Pipeline Input <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 343 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of target proxies assigned to the job named "Backup Job 01". The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01" | Get-VBRJobProxy -Target Example 2 This command looks for the list of source proxies assigned to the job named "Backup Job 01". The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01" | Get-VBRJobProxy Example 3 This command looks for the list of target proxies represented by the $"Job 1" variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. Get-VBRJobProxy -Job $"Job 1" 344 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRJobScheduleOptions Short Description Returns scheduling settings for a selected job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRJobScheduleOptions [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet returns job scheduling options for a selected job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to get the scheduling options of. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 345 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of schedulling options of the job named "ActiveDirectory Copy Job". The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "ActiveDirectory Copy Job" | GetVBRJobScheduleOptions Example 2 This command looks for the list of options of the job represented by the '$activedirectory_copy_job' variable. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJobObject and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJobScheduleOptions -Job $activedirectory_copy_job 346 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRJobVSSOptions Short Description Returns VSS settings for a selected job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRJobVSSOptions [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet returns VSS settings for a selected job. Run Get-VBRJobObjectVssOptions to get the list of VSS options set for specific objects in a job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to get the VSS options of. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 347 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the list of VSS options of the job named "ActiveDirectory Backup". The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "ActiveDirectory Backup" | Get-VBRJobVSSOptions Example 2 This command looks for the list of options of the job represented by the $ad_backup variable. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJobObject and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJobVSSOptions -Job $ad_backup 348 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRLocalhost Short Description Returns the local server on which Veeam Backup & Replication is installed. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRLocalhost [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the local server on which Veeam Backup & Replication is installed. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command looks for the local Veeam Backup & Replication server. Get-VBRLocalhost 349 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRReplica Short Description Returns VM replicas or cloud VM replicas. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRReplica [-Name <string[]>] [-Type <VBRReplicaType> {Local | Cloud | Tenant}] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns VM replicas or cloud VM replicas managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. You can look for all VM replicas or for replicas created by a particular replication job. With this cmdlet, you call get the replicas that are managed by your backup console. In case you have removed some replicas from the Veeam Backup console, but they remain on disk, you will not be able to get them. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the replica you want to get, or search conditions. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False True False Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Type Specifies the type of the replica you want to get:    Local: non-cloud replicas. Cloud: [for cloud user] cloud replicas. Tenant: [for cloud provider] cloud replicas created by cloud user. The cmdlet will return the replicas of the selected type. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 350 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for all replicas managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRReplica Example 2 This command looks for the replicas created with the "DC Replica" replication job. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRReplica -Name "DC Replica" 351 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRRepositoryExtent Short Description Returns scale-out backup repository extents. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRRepositoryExtent -Repository <VBRScaleOutBackupRepository> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository Return Type VBRRepositoryExtent[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns extents of scale-out backup repositories. Parameters Parameter Description Repository Specifies the scale-out backup repository. The cmdlet will return the extents added to this repository. Required Position True Accepts VBRScaleOutBackupRepository object, GUID or string (repository name). Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 352 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command returns extents of the "Veeam Performance Scale-Out Repository". The scale-out repository is specified by name. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRepositoryExtent -Repository "Veeam Performance Scale-Out Repository" Example 2 This command returns extents of the "Veeam Performance Scale-Out Repository". The scale-out repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Veeam Performance Scale-Out Repository" | Get-VBRRepositoryExtent Example 3 This command returns extents of the "Veeam Performance Scale-Out Repository". The scale-out repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the '$scaleoutrepository' variable. PS C:\PS> $scaleoutrepository = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Veeam Performance Scale-Out Repository" PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRepositoryExtent -Repository $scaleoutrepository 353 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRRestorePoint Short Description Returns restore points. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRRestorePoint [[-Backup] <CBackup[]>] [-Name <String[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackup Detailed Description This cmdlet returns restore points stored in Veeam Backup & Replication database. With this cmdlet, you can get restore points created by all types of jobs: backup jobs, backup copy jobs, replication jobs, vCD jobs and Endpoint backup jobs. You can get the list of restore points of all VMs managed by Veeam Backup & Replication, or get the restore points for a specific backup or for a specific VM. Parameters Parameter Backup Description Specifies the backup. The cmdlet will return available restore points of this backup. Required Position Specifies the name of the VM. The cmdlet will return available restore points of this VM. Accept Wildcard Characters False 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False True You can assign multiple backups to this object. Name Accept Pipeline Input You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 354 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for all restore points of all VMs registered in the database. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint Example 2 This command looks for all restore points of a VM named "MSExchange02" in the backup named "MSExchange Backup". The backup is obtained with Get-VBRBackup and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackup -Name "MSExchange Backup" | Get-VBRRestorePoint Name *MSExchange02* Example 3 This command looks for the latest restore point of a VM named "MSExchange02" in the backup named "MSExchange Backup". The backup is obtained with Get-VBRBackup and piped down. The restore points of the VM are filtered with Sort-Object method by the "CreationTime" property to get the most recent one. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackup -Name "MSExchange Backup" | Get-VBRRestorePoint Name *MSExchange02* | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select First 1 Example 4 This command looks for all restore points of the backup represented by the variable $backup. The backup to look the restore points in is obtained with Get-VBRBackup and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -Backup $backup 355 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRRestoreSession Short Description Returns restore sessions. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRRestoreSession [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns restore sessions stored in Veeam Backup & Replication database. You can get the list of all restore sessions or get the restore sessions of a specific VM or VM(s). Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the VM you want to get the restore session of, or search conditions. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for all restore sessions stored in the database. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestoreSession Example 2 This command looks for the restore sessions of the VMs named "Hv_DNS" and "Hv_DC". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestoreSession -Name "Hv_DNS", "Hv_DC" 356 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Get-VBRServer Short Description Returns hosts connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRServer [-Type <CDBHost+EType>] [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns hosts connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of all hosts or narrow down the output to the servers of specific type, or search for instances directly by name. Run Find-VBRViEntity or Find-VBRHvEntity to look for VMware or Hyper-V virtual objects registered on these hosts. Parameters Parameter Type Description Specifies the server type:                Name Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False True BackupServer: the server where Veeam Backup & Replication is installed. ESX: ESX host. ESXi: ESXi host. HvCluster: Hyper-V cluster. HvServer: Hyper-V host. Linux: Linux server. Local: this server. SanHost: storage system server. Scvmm: Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager server. SmbCluster: Microsoft SMB cluster. SmbServer: Microsoft SMB server. VC: VMware vCloud server. VcdSystem: VMware vCloud Director server. Windows: Windows server. Cloud: cloud server. Specifies the name of the server you want to get, or search conditions. 357 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the server named "Active_Directory". Get-VBRServer -Name "Active_Directory" Example 2 This command looks for the VM named "Hv_DNS" registered on a Hyper-V server. Get-VBRServer -Type HvServer -Name "Hv_DNS" 358 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRServerSession Short Description Returns current session with Veeam backup server. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRServerSession [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Detailed Description This cmdlet returns local or remote session with Veeam backup server. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command returns the current session. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServerSession User ---Administrator Server ----- Port ---9392 359 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRSession Short Description Returns tape jobs sessions. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRSession -Job <VBRJob> [-Last] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRSession -Session <VBRSession> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRSession -Job <VBRJob> [-State <VBRSessionState>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRSession -Job <VBRJob> [-Result <VBRSessionResult>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Return Type VBRBackupSession Detailed Description This cmdlet returns sessions for a selected tape job. You can get all tape job sessions that have been run, update the job session state or filter the sessions by session state or result. Use an appropriate scenario for each case. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Job Specifies the tape job for which you want to get sessions that have been run. True Named True (by ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Last Indicates that the command returns the last session of the specified job. False Named False False Session Specifies the job session for which True Named True (by Value False 360 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 you want to get updated state. FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) State Specifies the session state with which you want to get sessions. False Named False False Result Specifies the session result with which you want to get sessions. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 361 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRSQLDatabase Short Description Returns Microsoft SQL Server databases in restore point. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRSQLDatabase -ApplicationRestorePoint <VBRApplicationRestorePoint> [Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint Return Type VBRSQLDatabase Detailed Description This cmdlet returns Microsoft SQL Server databases in a selected restore point. Parameters Parameter Description Application Specifies the restore point from which you want to get the Restore databases. Point Required Position Filters the databases in the restore point by database name. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False True Accepts VBRApplicationRestorePoint. Name Accept Pipeline Input <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This example shows how to get the last restore point of the "Locations" database on the "crm_db" VM. PS C:\PS> $crmdb = Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint -SQL -Name "crm_db" PS C:\PS> $locations = Get-VBRSQLDatabase -ApplicationRestorePoint $crmdb[0] -Name "Locations" 362 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRSQLDatabaseRestoreInterval Short Description Shows interval of backups available for a selected database. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRSQLDatabaseRestoreInterval -Database <VBRSQLDatabase> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRSQLDatabase Return Type VBRDatabaseRestoreInterval Detailed Description This cmdlet shows date and time of the first and the last available restore point for a selected database. This is reference information that helps you to select an available restore point. Parameters Parameter Database Description Specifies the database for which you want to get the intervals. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 363 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command gets the restore interval for the "crm_db" VM. PS C:\PS> $restorepoint = Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint -SQL -Name "crm_db" PS C:\PS> Get-VBRSQLDatabase -ApplicationRestorePoint $restorepoint[2] | Get-VBRSQLDatabaseRestoreInterval Example 2 This command gets the restore interval for the "Locations" database on the "crm_db" VM. PS C:\PS> $restorepoint = Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint -SQL -Name "crm_db" PS C:\PS> $locations = Get-VBRSQLDatabase -ApplicationRestorePoint $restorepoint[2] -Name "Locations" PS C:\PS> Get-VBRSQLDatabaseRestoreInterval -Database $locations From ---02/11/2014 12:33:39 PM 364 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 To -10/28/2015 12:33:39 PM Get-VBRTapeDrive Short Description Returns tape drives. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRTapeDrive [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeDrive [-Library <VBRTapeLibrary>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeDrive [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeDrive [-Id <guid[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeDrive -Address <int[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeLibrary Return Type VBRTapeDrive[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns tape recording drives. You can also view the model name, the state of the drive and whether it is enabled or disabled. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Library Specifies the tape library that the tape drive belongs to. False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Name Specifies the tape drive name(s), or search conditions. False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True False Named True (by Value False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Id Specifies the ID of the VBRTapeDrive 365 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 object you want to get. FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) Accepts GUID or string type. You can assign multiple IDs to this object. Address Specifies the slot number where the drive in connected. False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for a tape drives in the library named 'HP MSL G3 Series 3.00'. Run GetVBRTapeLibrary to get the library and pipe it down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" | GetVBRTapeDrive Example 2 This command looks for a tape drive named "Drive1". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeDrive -Name "Drive1" 366 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False Get-VBRTapeJob Short Description Returns tape jobs. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRTapeJob [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRBackupToTapeJob VBRFileToTapeJob Detailed Description This cmdlet returns tape jobs created on this Veeam backup server. You can get backup to tape jobs and file to tape jobs. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name(s) of the tape job, or search conditions. Required Position False Named You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command returns the tape job named "Daily WebApp Backup". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeJob -Name "Daily WebApp Backup" 367 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRTapeLibrary Short Description Returns tape libraries. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRTapeLibrary [-TapeServer <VBRTapeServer[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeLibrary [-TapeServer <VBRTapeServer[]>] [-Id <guid[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeLibrary [-TapeServer <VBRTapeServer[]>] [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeServer Return Type VBRTapeLibrary[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns tape libraries connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of all tape libraries, narrow down your search to particular tape servers or search for instances directly by name or ID. Note that tape libraries are added to Veeam Backup & Replication automatically when you add tape server with connected library. Run Add-VBRTapeServer to add tape server. Parameters Parameter Description TapeServer Specifies the tape server on which you want to look for tape libraries. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False True Accepts VBRTapeServer object, GUID or string type. You can assign multiple servers to this object. Name Specifies the name of the tape media library, or search conditions. You can specify multiple names 368 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 separated by commas. Id Specifies the ID of the VBRTapeLibrary object you want to get. False Accepts GUID or string type. Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False You can assign multiple IDs to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command gets a list of all tape libraries connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary Example 2 This command looks for all tape libraries connected to the tape server named 'Sydney_Tape_Server'. The tape server is obtained with Get-VBRTapeServer and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeServer -Name "Sydney_Tape_Server" | Get-VBRTapeLibrary 369 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRTapeMediaPool Short Description Returns media pools. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRTapeMediaPool [-Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeLibrary [-Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]>] [-Id <guid[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeLibrary [-Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]>] [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeLibrary Return Type VBRTapeMediaPool[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns media pools managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. The cmdlet returns simple, GFS and service media pools. You can get the list of media pools that use a specific library, or search for instances directly by name or ID. Parameters Parameter Library Description Specifies the library that the media pool belongs to. Required Position Specifies the ID of the VBRTapeMediaPool object you want to get. Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False Accepts VBRTapeLibrary object, GUID or string type. Id Accept Pipeline Input Accepts GUID or string type. You can assign multiple IDs to this object. 370 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Name Specifies the name of the media pool you want to get. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of all media pools in Veeam Backup & Replication. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeMediaPool Example 2 This command looks for the media pools named "File Backup Media Pool" and "AppData GFS Media Pool". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeMediaPool -Name "File Backup Media Pool","AppData GFS Media Pool" Example 3 This command looks for all media pools in the 'HP MSL G3 Series 3.00' library. The library is obtained with Get-VBRTapeLibrary and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" | GetVBRTapeMediaPool Example 4 This command looks for the media pools named 'AD Full Backup' and 'SharePoint Full Backups' in the 'HP MSL G3 Series 3.00' library. The library is obtained with Get-VBRTapeLibrary and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" | GetVBRTapeMediaPool -Name "AD Full Backup", "SharePoint Full Backups" 371 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRTapeMedium Short Description Returns tapes. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRTapeMedium [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeMedium -Drive <VBRTapeDrive[]> [-Name <String[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeMedium -Id <Guid[]> [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeMedium [-Name <String[]>] -Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]> [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeMedium [-Name <String[]>] -MediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPool[]> [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeMedium [-Name <String[]>] -Vault <VBRTapeVault[]> [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackup Get-VBRTapeMediaPool Get-VBRTapeLibrary Detailed Description This cmdlet returns tapes managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of all tapes, or search for instances directly by name or ID, or get the list of tapes in a particular library, media pool, vault or drive. Use an appropriate scenario for each case. 372 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of tape you want to get. Required Position Specifies the drive in which you want to look for tapes. Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True True Named False False True Named False False True Named False False True Named False False True Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Drive Accept Pipeline Input Accepts VBRTapeDrive object, GUID or string type. Id Specifies the ID of the tape(s) you want to get. Accepts GUID or string type. You can specify multiple IDs separated by commas. Library Specifies the library in which you want to look for tapes. Accepts VBRTapeLibrary object, GUID or string type. MediaPool Specifies the media pool in which you want to look for tapes. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPool object, GUID or string type. Vault Specifies the vault in which you want to look for tapes. Accepts VBRTapeVault object, GUID or string type. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 373 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 The following command gets a tape named "00110001". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeMedium -Name "00110001" Example 2 The following command gets a tape with the barcode "00233400". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeMedium | Where-Object {$_.barcode -eq "00233400"} Example 3 This command looks for the list of tapes belonging to the media pool named "Incremental Backups". The media pool is obtained with Get-VBRTapeMediaPool and assigned to the '$IncrementalBackups' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeMedium -MediaPool $IncrementalBackups Example 4 This command looks for the expired tapes within the Sydney vault. The vault is obtained with GetVBRTapeVault and assigned to the '$Sydney' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeMedium -Vault $Sydney | ?{$_.IsExpired} 374 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRTapeServer Short Description Returns tape servers. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRTapeServer [-Server <CHost[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeServer [-Name <string[]>] [-Server <CHost[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Return Type VBRTapeServer[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns tape servers connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of all tape servers or narrow down the output to the servers of specific type, or search for instances directly by name. Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the host on which you want to look for tape servers. Required Position Specifies the name of the tape server you want to get, or search conditions. Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False True You can assign multiple servers to this object. Name Accept Pipeline Input You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 375 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for all tape servers connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeServer Example 2 This command looks for all tape servers connected to the host named 'Host01'. The 'Host01' server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServer -Name "Host01" | Get-VBRTapeServer Example 3 This command looks for the tape server named 'Sydney_Tape_Server' on the server represented by the '$Host01' variable. The 'Host01' server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeServer -Name "Sydney_Tape_Server" -Server $Host01 376 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRTapeVault Short Description Returns tape vaults. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRTapeVault [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeVault [-Id <guid[]>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORGet-VBRTapeVault [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRTapeVault[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns existing tape vaults. You can get the list of all tape vaults or search for instances directly by name or ID. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the vault you want to get. Required Position Specifies the ID of the VBRTapeVault object you want to get. Accept Wildcard Characters False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True False Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False You can assign multiple names to this object. Id Accept Pipeline Input Accepts GUID or string type. You can assign multiple IDs to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 377 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for a list of all existing vaults. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeVault Example 2 This command looks for a vault named 'Sydney Remote Storage'. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeVault -Name "Sydney Remote Storage" 378 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRTaskSession Short Description Returns tasks performed during a specified session. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRTaskSession [-Session] <CBackupSession> [-Name <String[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupSession Detailed Description This cmdlet returns tasks performed during the specified session. You can get the tasks for backup, replication and backup copy sessions. Run Get-VSBTaskSession to get the tasks for SureBackup session. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Session Specifies the session the tasks of which you want to get. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name Specifies the name of the job object within the session you indicated in the Session parameter the tasks for which you want to get. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 379 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command gets the list of tasks performed for the VMs named "DC" and "DNS" in the backup job session named "Exchange Backup". The backup session is obtained with Get-VBRBackupSession and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackupSession -Name "Exchange Backup" | Get-VBRTaskSession -Name "DC", "DNS" Example 2 This command gets the list of tasks performed for the VMs named "DC" and "DNS" in the backup job session represented by the $"Exchange Session" variable. The backup session is obtained with GetVBRBackupSession and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTaskSession -Session $"Exchange Session" -Name "DC", "DNS" 380 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRToolkitDocumentation Short Description Opens Veeam PowerShell online help. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRToolkitDocumentation Detailed Description This cmdlet opens online Veeam PowerShell Reference on Veeam Help Center in your default browser. 381 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRViProxy Short Description Returns VMware backup proxies. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Get-VBRHvProxy. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRViProxy [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns VMware backup proxies managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. Run Get-VBRJobProxy to get the list of proxies assigned to a specific job. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the VMware proxy you want to get, or search conditions. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of all VMware proxies. Get-VBRViProxy Example 2 This command looks for the proxy named "LocalProxy". Get-VBRViProxy -Name "LocalProxy" 382 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Get-VBRViReplicaReIpRule Short Description Returns VMware job re-IP rules. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRViReplicaReIpRule -Job <CBackupJob> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the list of re-IP rules configured for a selected VMware replication job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the replication job for which you want to get the list of the re-IP rules. Required Position True Named Accepts CBackupJob object. Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the re-IP rules set for the 'Backup Copy Job 1' job. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Copy Job 1" | Get-VBRViReplicaReIpRule Example 2 This command looks for the re-IP rules set for the job represented by the '$job' variable. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRViReplicaReIpRule -Job $job 383 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo Short Description Returns virtual networks for a VMware host. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo -Server <CHost> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Return Type VBRViNetworkInfo[] VBRViDVSNetworkInfo[] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the list of all virtual networks to which a selected VMware host is connected. Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the VMware host for which you want to get the list of networks. Required Position True Named Accepts CHost object or string (host name). Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of networks of the 'srv01.veeam.local' host. The host is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$server' variable. PS C:\PS> $server = Get-VBRServer -Type ESX -Name "srv01.veeam.local" PS C:\PS> Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo -Server $server 384 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command looks for the list of networks to which the 'srv01.veeam.local' host is connected. The host is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServer -Type ESX -Name "srv01.veeam.local" | GetVBRViServerNetworkInfo Example 3 This command looks for a particular network that is connected to the 'srv01.veeam.local' host. • The host is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. The obtained array of networks is assigned to the '$networks'. • The needed network is obtained by addressing the index of the corresponding element of the array and assigned to the '$targetnet' variable. PS C:\PS> $networks = Get-VBRServer -Type ESX -Name "srv01.veeam.local" | Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo PS C:\PS> $targetnet = $networks[5] 385 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRViVirtualSwitch Short Description Returns VMware virtual switches. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRViVirtualSwitch -Server <Object[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Return Type VBRViVirtualSwitch Detailed Description This cmdlet returns VMware virtual switches. Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the ESX or ESXi host or cluster. The cmdlet will return the virtual switches created on this host or cluster. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 386 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRWANAccelerator Short Description Returns WAN accelerators. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VBRWANAccelerator [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet gets WAN accelerators managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. WAN accelerator is an architecture component that optimizes file transfer via WAN by means of data deduplication. The role of a WAN accelerator can be assigned to a dedicated Windows-based machine (physical or virtual). For best performance you should set a WAN accelerator on both source and target sides. You can get the list of all WAN accelerators, or search for instances directly by name. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name(s) of the WAN accelerator, or search conditions. Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of all WAN accelerators. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRWANAccelerator Example 2 This command looks for WAN accelerators with the names starting with "WAN". PS C:\PS> Get-VBRWANAccelerator -Name WAN* 387 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Get-VNXHost Short Description Returns EMC VNX storages. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: EMC VNX Syntax Get-VNXHost [-Name <string[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns EMC VNX storages. You can get the list of all storages, or narrow down the output by the storage name. Parameters Parameter Name Description Required Position Specifies the name of the storage you want to get. False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of all storages. PS C:\PS> Get-VNXHost Example 2 This command looks for storage named "Veeam VNX Storage". PS C:\PS> Get-VNXHost -Name "Veeam VNX Storage" 388 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Get-VNXSnapshot Short Description Returns EMC VNX storage snapshots. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: EMC VNX Syntax Get-VNXSnapshot [-Name <string[]>] [-Volume <CSanVolume[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VNXVolume Detailed Description This cmdlet returns EMC VNX storage snapshots. You can get the list of all storage snapshots, or look for a specific snapshot name or volume. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the snapshot you want to get. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False True False Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Volume Specifies the volume(s) you want to get the snapshots of. You can assign multiple volumes to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 389 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VNXVolume Short Description Returns EMC VNX storage volumes. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: EMC VNX Syntax Get-VNXVolume [-Name <string[]>] [-Host <CVnxHost[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VNXHost Detailed Description This cmdlet returns EMC VNX storage volumes. You can get the list of all volumes, look for a specific volume name or volumes created on a selected host. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the volume you want to get. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False True False Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. Host Specifies the host on which you want to look for the volumes. You can assign multiple clusters to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 390 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VSBApplicationGroup Short Description Returns application groups. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VSBApplicationGroup [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns existing application groups. You can get the list of all application groups, or search for instances directly by name. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the application group you want to get, or search conditions. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of all application groups. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBApplicationGroup Example 2 This command looks for the application group named "MailServer Appgroup". PS C:\PS> Get-VSBApplicationGroup -Name "MailServer Appgroup" 391 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Get-VSBHvVirtualLab Short Description Returns Hyper-V virtual labs. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Get-VSBVirtualLab. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VSBVirtualLab [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns Hyper-V virtual labs that are connected to the Veeam backup console. Run Find-VSBHvVirtualLab to look for virtual labs that are not managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of all virtual labs or search for instances directly by name. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name(s) of the virtual lab, or search conditions. Required Position False Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters 1 False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of all virtual labs created or connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBHvVirtualLab Example 2 This command looks for the list of virtual labs with names starting with "Exchange". PS C:\PS> Get-VSBHvVirtualLab -Name Exchange* 392 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VSBJob Short Description Returns SureBackup jobs. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VSBJob [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns existing SureBackup jobs. You can get the list of all SureBackup jobs or look for specific jobs directly by name. Run Get-VSBSession or Get-VSBTaskSession to get the information on SureBackup session or session tasks. Run Get-VBRJob to look for backup, replication or copy jobs. Parameters Parameter Name Description Required Position Specifies the name of the SureBackup job you want to get, or search conditions. False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of all created SureBackup jobs. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob Example 2 This command looks for the SureBackup jobs named "SureJob 01" and "SureJob 02". PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "SureJob 01", "SureJob 02" 393 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Get-VSBJobOptions Short Description Returns settings of a selected SureBackup job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VSBJobOptions [-Job] <CSbJob> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Detailed Description This cmdlet returns job settings for the specified SureBackup job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the SureBackup job you want to get the settings of. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of job settings for the SureBackup job named "SureJob 02". The SureBackup job is obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "SureJob 02" | Get-VSBJobOptions Example 2 This command looks for the list of job settings for the SureBackup job represented by the $SureJob variable. The SureBackup job is obtained with Get-VSBJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJobOptions -Job $SureJob 394 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VSBJobScheduleOptions Short Description Returns scheduling settings of a selected SureBackup job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VSBJobScheduleOptions [-Job] <CSbJob> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Detailed Description This cmdlet returns scheduling options for a specified SureBackup job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the SureBackup job you want to get the scheduling settings of. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of job settings for the SureBackup job named "SureJob 02". The SureBackup job is obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "SureJob 02" | Get-VSBJobScheduleOptions Example 2 This command looks for the list of job settings for the SureBackup job represented by the $SureJob variable. The SureBackup job is obtained with Get-VSBJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJobScheduleOptions -Job $SureJob 395 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VSBSession Short Description Returns SureBackup sessions that have been run. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VSBSession [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the list of all SureBackup sessions that have been run. Run Get-VSBTaskSession to get the list of all tasks performed during the specific SureBackup session. Run Get-VBRBackupSession to get list of backup sessions that have been run. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the SureBackup session you want to get, or search conditions. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False The name of the SureBackup session is a name of the SureBackup job. You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of all backup sessions. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBSession Example 2 This command looks for the SureBackup session named "Winserver SureJob". PS C:\PS> Get-VSBSession -Name *Winserver SureJob* 396 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Get-VSBTaskSession Short Description Returns tasks performed during the specified SureBackup session. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VSBTaskSession [-Session] <CSbSession> [-Name <String[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBSession Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the list of tasks performed during the specified SureBackup session. Run Get-VBRTaskSession to get the tasks for backup, replication and backup copy sessions. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Session Specifies the SureBackup session the tasks of which you want to get. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name Specifies the name of the SureBackup job within the session you indicated in the Session parameter the tasks for which you want to get. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 397 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command gets the list of tasks performed for the VMs named "DC" and "DNS" in the SureBackup job session named "Exchange SureJob". The SureBackup session is obtained with Get-VSBSession and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBSession -Name "Exchange SureJob" | Get-VBRTaskSession Name "DC", "DNS" Example 2 This command gets the list of tasks performed for the VMs named "DC" and "DNS" in the SureBackup job session represented by the $"Exchange SureJob" variable. The SureBackup session is obtained with Get-VSBSession and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBTaskSession -Session $"Exchange SureJob" -Name "DC", "DNS" 398 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VSBVirtualLab Short Description Returns VMware virtual labs. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Get-VSBHvVirtualLab. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Get-VSBVirtualLab [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns existing VMware virtual labs. Run Find-VSBVirtualLab to look for virtual labs that are not managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. You can get the list of all virtual labs or search for instances directly by name. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the VMware virtual lab you want to get, or search conditions. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command looks for the list of all virtual labs. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBVirtualLab Example 2 This command looks for the virtual labs named "MailServer VLab 01" and "MailServer VLab 05". PS C:\PS> Get-VSBVirtualLab -Name "MailServer VLab 01", "MailServer VLab 05" 399 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Import-VBRBackup Short Description Imports Veeam backups to Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Import-VBRBackup [-Server] <CHost> [-FileName] <String> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet imports Veeam backups to Veeam Backup & Replication database. You can import Veeam backups that were, for example, created on other Veeam backup servers or stored on a repository that is newly added to Veeam backup console. To import backups, you must add the server where they are located to Veeam backup console. The imported backups are registered in Veeam Backup database. You can use them for any restore operation. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Server Specifies the server where the backups are located. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False FileName Specifies the path to the backup you want to import. True 2 False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 400 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command imports the backup named 'SureBackups' from the server named 'Fileserver'. The target server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. The file path is C:\Backups\SureBackups, and the file name is 'SureBackups.vbm'. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRServer –Name “Fileserver” | Import-VBRBackup –FileName “C:\Backups\SureBackups\SureBackups.vbm” Example 2 This command imports the backup named 'SureBackups' from the server represented by the '$server' variable. The target server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. The file path is C:\Backups\SureBackups, and the file name is 'SureBackups.vbm'. PS C:\PS> Import-VBRBackup –Server $server –FileName “C:\Backups\SureBackups\SureBackups.vbm” 401 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Import-VBRTapeMedium Short Description Imports tapes into library. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Import-VBRTapeMedium -Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]> [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeLibrary Return Type VBRBackupSession[] Detailed Description This cmdlet imports tapes newly loaded to a tape library. You need to run importing procedure against all new tapes. Importing moves tapes from I/E slot to library standard slots. Note: Import/export commands are available only for the devices that support corresponding operations and include I/E slot. Parameters Parameter Library Description Specifies the library from which you want to import tapes. Required Position Indicates that the command waits for the import session(s) to complete before accepting more input. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False Accepts VBRTapeLibrary object, GUID or string type. Wait Accept Pipeline Input <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 402 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command imports tapes to the 'HP MSL G3 Series 3.00' tape library. Run Get-VBRTapeLibrary to get the library and pipe it down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" | ImportVBRTapeMedium Example 2 This command imports tapes to a selected tape library. Run Get-VBRTapeLibrary to get the library and save it to the $library variable. PS C:\PS> Import-VBRTapeMedium -Library $library 403 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Move-VBRTapeMedium Short Description Moves tape to media pool or vault. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Move-VBRTapeMedium -Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]> -MediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPool> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] -ORMove-VBRTapeMedium -Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]> -Vault <VBRTapeVault> [WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMedium Get-VBRTapeMediaPool Get-VBRTapeVault Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet moves selected tapes to another media pool or media vault. The cmdlet provides two scenarios for each case: 1. Moving tapes to another media pool. Note the following limitations:  You cannot move tapes that are used by any tape job.  You cannot move protected tapes.  You cannot move tapes to the Retired media pool.  You cannot move tapes from one tape library to another. When you move a tape to any media pool, Veeam Backup & Replication marks this tape as free. Important! 2. Moving tapes to media vault You can move only offline tapes to media vaults. You can configure automatic move to vault in the media pool settings. Run Set-VBRTapeMediaPool to configure media pool. 404 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Medium Description Specifies the tape(s) you want to move. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False True Named False False True Named False False Accepts VBRTapeMedium objects, GUID or string type. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. MediaPool Specifies the media pool to which you want to move the tapes. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPool object, GUID or string type. Vault Specifies the media vault to which you want to move the tapes. Accepts VBRTapeVault object, GUID or string type. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 405 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command moves a tape named '0014001H' to a media pool represented by the '$mediapool' variable. • The needed tape is obtained with Get-VBRTapeMedium and piped down. • The media pool to which you want to move the tape is is obtained with GetVBRTapeMediaPool and assigned to the '$mediapool' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeMedium -Name 0014001H | Move-VBRTapeMedium -MediaPool $mediapool Example 2 This command moves a tape to the Omega media vault. • The needed tape is obtained with Get-VBRTapeMedium and assigned to the '$medium' variable beforehand. • The vault to which you want to move the tape is is obtained with Get-VBRTapeVault and assigned to the '$OmegaVault' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Move-VBRTapeMedium -Medium $medium -Vault $OmegaVault 406 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions Short Description Creates a new VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions [-Type <VBRBackupToTapePolicyType>] [DailyOptions <VBRDailyOptions>] [-MonthlyOptions <VBRMonthlyOptions>] [BackupWindowOptions <VBRBackupWindowOptions>] [-Job <VBRJob>] [-Enabled][WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands New-VBRDailyOptions New-VBRMonthlyOptions New-VBRBackupWindowOptions Get-VBRJob Return Type VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet creates the VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions object. This object contains schedule settings for backup to tape job and is used further to apply these settings to an existing backup to tape job. Parameters Parameter Type Description Specifies the job schedule type: AfterJob: the tape job will wait for the source backup job to complete.  AfterNewBackup: the tape job will periodically check the source jobs for new backups and archive new backups to tape.  Daily: the tape job will run on selected days. Use the DailyOptions parameter to set the days.  Monthly: the tape job will run on selected months. Use the MonthlyOptions parameter to set the 407 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False False months. Default: Daily. Daily Options Used to set days for the Type parameter (Daily option). False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts VBRDailyOptions object. Default: Type: SelectedDays. Period: 18:00. DayOfWeek: Saturday. Monthly Options Used to set months for the Type parameter (Monthly option). Accepts VBRMonthlyOptions object. Default:     Backup Window Options Period: 22:00. DayNumberInMonth: Fourth. DayOfWeek: Saturday. Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Specifies backup windows: the tape job will run within the specified time interval. Accepts VBRBackupWindowOptions object. Default:    Job From Sunday to Saturday. From 00:00 to 23:00. Enabled: True. Specifies the source backup job after which the tape job must run. Accepts VBRJob or CBackupJob objects. Default: Null. Enabled Indicates if this schedule is enabled. Default: False. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 408 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRBackupWindowOptions Short Description Creates a new VBRBackupWindowOptions object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRBackupWindowOptions [-FromDay <DayOfWeek>] [-FromHour <Int32>] [ToDay <DayOfWeek>] [-ToHour <Int32>] [-Enabled] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRBackupWindowOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet creates the VBRBackupWindowOptions object. This object contains the backup window settings. The backup window sets a time period within which the job is allowed to run. The VBRBackupWindowOptions object is used further to apply these settings to existing jobs. Parameters Parameter Description FromDay Specifies the day of week on which the backup window opens. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts DayOfWeek enumeration. Default: Sunday. FromHour Specifies the hour on which the backup window opens. Accepts int32 type. Default: 0. ToDay Specifies the day of week on which the backup window ends. Accepts DayOfWeek enumeration. Default: Saturday. ToHour Specifies the hour on which the backup window ends. 409 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Accepts int32 type. Default: 23. Enabled Indicates if this backup window is enabled or disabled:   False TRUE: jobs are allowed to run within the specified interval. FALSE: jobs are prohibited to run within the specified interval. Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Default: False. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command creates a backup window object that will allow a job to run from 22 PM on Friday to 22 PM on Sunday. The result is saved to the $windowoptions variable. PS C:\PS> PS C:\PS> $windowoptions = New-VBRBackupWindowOptions -FromDay Friday -FromHour 22 -ToDay Sunday -ToHour 22 -Enabled 410 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject Short Description Creates the VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject -RestorePoint <COib> [-BootOrder <Int32>] [BootDelay <Int32>] [-PublicIpRule <VBRFailoverPlanPublicIPRule[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Find-VBRViEntity Return Type VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject object. This object contains the replica that you want to add to a cloud failover plan. It is used then in the Add-VBRFailoverPlan cmdlet. You must create the VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject object for each replica that you want to add to the failover plan. For each replica, you can set the boot order and the delay time. • The boot order indicates the order in which the replicas will start by the failover plan. Make sure you set the dependent VMs to start after the VMs they depend on. • The delay time is an interval between each VM start. Use delay intervals to make sure that some VMs are already running at the moment the dependent VMs start. Parameters Parameter Restore Point Description Specifies the restore point of the cloud replica that you want to add to the cloud failover plan. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False BootOrder Specifies the order number by which the replica will boot. False Named False False BootDelay Specifies the delay time for the replica to boot. False Named False False The delay time is set in seconds. 411 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 If omitted, the delay time will be set to 60 sec by default. If you set boot delay to '0' to a number of replicas, these replicas will start simultaneously. Public IpRule Specifies the rule for mapping public IP and ports to the IP and ports of the replica VM. False Named False You can add multiple rules to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 412 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False New-VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance Short Description Creates a network extension appliance on the user side. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides three parameter sets.  For creating an appliance with default settings: New-VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance -Server <CHost> [-Network <IVBRServerNetworkInfo>] [-IpAddress <string>] [-SubnetMask <string>] [DefaultGateway <string>] [<CommonParameters>]  For creating a VMware appliance with advanced settings: New-VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance -Server <CHost> [-ResourcePool <CViResourcePoolItem>] [-Network <IVBRServerNetworkInfo>] [-IpAddress <string>] [-SubnetMask <string>] [-DefaultGateway <string>] [-Datastore <VBRViDatastore>] [<CommonParameters>]  For creating a Hyper-V appliance with advanced settings: New-VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance -Server <CHost> [-Network <IVBRServerNetworkInfo>] [-IpAddress <string>] [-SubnetMask <string>] [DefaultGateway <string>] [-Folder <string>] [-VLanId <int>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Get-VBRHvServerNetworkInfo Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo Find-VBRViResourcePool Find-VBRViDatastore Return Type VBRViCloudProviderNetworkAppliance VBRHvCloudProviderNetworkAppliance Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a VMware or a Hyper-V network extension appliance on the user's cloud host. This appliance is used in replica failover scenarios. 413 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Server The ESX or a Hyper-V host where you want to create the appliance. True Named False False Network Specifies the service provider network. The appliance will use this network to communicate between the user's production VMs and VM replicas on the cloud host. False Named False False IpAddress Specifies the IP address. This address will be assigned to the appliance. False Named False False Subnet Mask Specifies the subnet mask. This subnet mask will be used by the appliance. False Named False False Default Gateway Specifies the default gateway. This gateway will be used by the appliance. False Named False False Resource Pool Specifies the resource pool where you want to create the VMware appliance. False Named False False Datastore Specifies the datastore where you want to create the VMware appliance. False Named False False Folder Specifies the folder where you want to create the Hyper-V appliance. False Named False False VLanId Specifies the VLAN network provided to the user by the hardware plan. The appliance will use this VLAN to connect to the service provider network. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 414 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRCloudTenantHwPlanOptions Short Description Creates a VBRCloudTenantHwPlanOptions object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRCloudTenantHwPlanOptions -HardwarePlan <VBRCloudHardwarePlan> [EnableWanAcceleration] [-WanAccelerator <CWanAccelerator>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudHardwarePlan Get-VBRWANAccelerator Return Type VBRCloudTenantHwPlanOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VBRCloudTenantHwPlanOptions object. The object contains the cloud user options. Parameters Parameter Description Hardware Plan Specifies the hardware plan. EnableWan Acceleration Indicates that the tenant hardware plan must use WAN acceleration. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan or VBRViCloudHardwarePlan objects. Use the WanAccelerator parameter to set the WAN accelerator. WanAccelerator Specifies the WAN accelerator you want to assign to the tenant hardware plan. 415 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 416 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources Short Description Creates a VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources object containing replication resources. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources -HardwarePlanOptions <VBRCloudTenantHwPlanOptions[]> [-EnableNetworkFailoverResources] [EnablePublicIp] [-NumberOfPublicIp <int>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands New-VBRCloudTenantHwPlanOptions Return Type VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources object. This object contains the cloud user replication resources. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Specifies the hardware plan options. Hardware PlanOptions Accepts VBRCloudTenantHwPlanOptions object. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Enable Network Failover Resources Indicates that the user will be able to use the built-in failover networking management capabilities. False Named False False Enable PublicIp Indicates that the user can use a range of public IP addresses. False Named False False The cmdlet will create a network extension appliance with default settings. Run SetVBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance to customize the appliance. Use the NumberOfPublicIp parameter to set the maximum number of IPs. Default: 0. 417 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 NumberOf PublicIp Specifies the maximum number of public IPs for the user. False Named False Accepts values from 1 to 9999. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 418 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False New-VBRCloudTenantResource Short Description Creates a new VBRCloudTenantResource object containing backup resources. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax New-VBRCloudTenantResource -Repository <CBackupRepository> RepositoryFriendlyName <String> -Quota <Int32> [-EnableWanAccelerator] [WanAccelerator <CWanAccelerator>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRWANAccelerator Return Type VBRCloudTenantResource Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VBRCloudTenantResource object. This object contains the backup resources settings and is used further to apply these settings to a cloud user account. Parameters Parameter Repository Description Specifies the backup repository in your backup infrastructure you want to expose to the user. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False True Named False False True Named False False Accepts CBackupRepository object. You cannot use scale-out backup repositories or cloud repositories. Repository Friendly Name Specifies a friendly name for the cloud repository you want to present to the user. The name you enter will be displayed in the list of backup repositories at the user’s side. Accepts string type. Quota Specifies the amount of space you want to allocate to the user on the selected backup repository. 419 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Permitted value: 1 to 2097151 (GB). Indicates that the backup jobs can use WAN Enable accelerators for transferring data to cloud Wan Accelerator repositories. False Named False False False Named False False Use the WanAccelerator parameter to set the WAN accelerator. Specifies the WAN accelerator for the Wan Accelerator EnableWanAccelerator parameter. Accepts CWanAccelerator object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates an object containing a 10 GB repository quota. The created object is assigned to the '$standard1' variable. • The backup repository from which the cloud resources will be allocated is obtained with GetVBRBackupRepository and assigned to the '$repo1' variable. • The cloud repository is named 'Standard Tier Repository'. • The user quota is set to 10 GB. PS C:\PS> $standard1 = New-VBRCloudTenantResource -Repository $repo1 RepositoryFriendlyName "Standard Tier Repository" -Quota 10 Example 2 This command creates an object containing a 100 GB repository quota. The WAN acceleration is allowed. The created object is assigned to the '$golden2' variable. • The backup repository from which the cloud resources will be allocated is obtained with GetVBRBackupRepository and assigned to the '$repo2' variable. • The cloud repository is named 'Golden Tier Repository'. • The user quota is set to 100 GB. • The EnableWanAcceleration parameter is used to enable using WAN acceleration for data transfer. The WAN accelerator that will be used is obtained with Get-VBRWANAccelerator and assigned to the '$wan' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> $golden2 = New-VBRCloudTenantResource -Repository $repo2 RepositoryFriendlyName "Golden Tier Repository" -Quota 100 EnableWanAccelerator -WanAccelerator $wan 420 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration Short Description Creates a VBRCloudVLANConfiguration object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax This cmdlet provides 2 parameter sets.  For VMware: New-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration -Server <Object> -ViVirtualSwitch <VBRViVirtualSwitch> -FirstVLANWithInternet <int> -LastVLANWithInternet <int> -FirstVLANWithoutInternet <int> -LastVLANWithoutInternet <int> [<CommonParameters>]  For Hyper-V: New-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration -Server <Object> -HvNetworkInfo <VBRHvServerNetworkInfo> -FirstVLANWithInternet <int> -LastVLANWithInternet <int> -FirstVLANWithoutInternet <int> -LastVLANWithoutInternet <int> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Get-VBRViVirtualSwitch Get-VBRHvServerNetworkInfo Return Type VBRCloudVLANConfiguration Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a VBRCloudVLANConfiguration object. This object contains VLAN settings that can be used to provide network to user VM replicas on the cloud host. Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies host or cluster on which you plan to configure a replication target. Required Position True 421 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False ViVirtual Switch Specifies the VMware virtual switch connected to the target host. True Named False False HvNetwork Info Specifies the Hyper-V virtual switch connected to the target host. True Named False False Specifies the first VLAN ID in the FirstVLAN WithInternet range of VLANs you plan to use for providing networks with internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. True Named False False Specifies the last VLAN ID in the LastVLAN WithInternet range of VLANs you plan to use for providing networks with internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. True Named False False FirstVLAN Without Internet Specifies the first VLAN ID in the range of VLANs you plan to use for providing networks without internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. True Named False False LastVLAN Without Internet Specifies the last VLAN ID in the range of VLANs you plan to use for providing networks without internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. True Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 422 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions Short Description Creates a new VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions [-Enable] [-Type <VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleType> {Daily | Monthly}] [-DailyOptions <VBRDailyOptions>] [-MonthlyOptions <VBRMonthlyOptions>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands New-VBRDailyOptions New-VBRMonthlyOptions Return Type VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions object. This object contains schedule settings for configuration backup job. It is used then in Set-VBRConfigurationBackupJob. If you run this cmdlet without parameters, it will create an object with default settings. Parameters Parameter Enable Description If set to TRUE, the job will run automatically by the schedule. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False True or False False Named False False False Named False False If set to FALSE, you will need to run the job manually. Default: TRUE. Type Specifies the type of the schedule: Daily or Monthly. Default: Daily. DailyOptions Used to set the daily schedule. Specifies the daily schedule options. Accepts VBRDailyOptions object. Default: 10:00, everyday. 423 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 MonthlyOptions Used to set the monthly schedule. False Named False False Specifies the monthly schedule options. Accepts New-VBRMonthlyOptions object. Default: 22:00, Forth Saturday, all months. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates an object with default configuration job schedule settings. The object is saved to the '$defaultschedule' variable. PS C:\PS> $defaultschedule = New-VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions Example 2 This examples shows how to set daily schedule for the configuration backup job. The job will run on 5 AM on Saturdays. • Run New-VBRDailyOptions to create an object with settings for the Daily type. Save the result to the "$daily" variable. • Run New-VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions with the saved variable. Save the result to the "$dailyschedule" variable. PS C:\PS> $daily = New-VBRDailyOptions -Period "05:00" -DayOfWeek Saturday PS C:\PS> $dailyschedule = New-VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions -Type Daily -DailyOptions $daily Example 3 This examples shows how to set monthly schedule for the configuration backup job. The job will run on 00:00 the first Friday of each month. • Run New-VBRDailyOptions to create an object with settings for the Monthly type. Save the result to the "$monthly" variable. • Run New-VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions with the saved variable. Save the result to the "$monthlyschedule" variable. PS C:\PS> $monthly = New-VBRMonthlyOptions -Period "00:00" -DayOfWeek Friday -DayNumberInMonth First PS C:\PS> $monthlyschedule = New-VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions Type Monthly -MonthlyOptions $monthly 424 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 4 This command disables the configuration job schedule. The object is saved to the '$disableschedule' variable. PS C:\PS> $disableschedule = New-VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions Enable:$false 425 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRDailyOptions Short Description Creates a new VBRDailyOptions object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRDailyOptions [-DayOfWeek <DayOfWeek[]>] [-Period <TimeSpan>] [-Type <VBRDailyOptionsType>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRDailyOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet creates the VBRDailyOptions object. This object contains the daily schedule settings. You can use this object to set job schedule or policies. Parameters Parameter Day OfWeek Description Used to set days for the Type parameter (SelectedDays option). Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Default: Saturday. Period Specifies the time when the job will start. Accepts TimeSpan type. Default: 18:00. Type Specifies the job schedule type:    Everyday: the job will run daily. WeekDays: the job will run on week days. SelectedDays: the job will run on selected days. Use the DaysOfWeek parameter to set the days. 426 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates schedule with the following settings: every Friday at 23:00. Save the result to the $fridayoptions variable for later use. PS C:\PS> PS C:\PS> $fridayoptions = New-VBRDailyOptions -DayOfWeek Friday -Period 23:00 Example 2 This command creates schedule with the following settings: every day at 20:00. Save the result to the $everydayoptions variable for later use. PS C:\PS> PS C:\PS> $everydayoptions = New-VBRDailyOptions -Type Everyday Period 20:00 Example 3 This command creates schedule with the following settings: on weekends at 18:00. The Period is not set — the command will use the default value. Save the result to the $weekendoptions variable for later use. PS C:\PS> PS C:\PS> $weekendoptions = New-VBRDailyOptions -DayOfWeek Saturday, Sunday 427 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRFailoverPlanObject Short Description Creates the VBRFailoverPlanObject object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRFailoverPlanObject -RestorePoint <COib> [-BootOrder <int>] [BootDelay <int>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORNew-VBRFailoverPlanObject -Vm <IItem> [-BootOrder <int>] [-BootDelay <int>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Find-VBRViEntity Return Type VBRFailoverPlanObject Detailed Description This cmdlet creates the VBRFailoverPlanObject object. This object contains the VM that you want to add to a failover plan. It is used then in the Add-VBRFailoverPlan cmdlet. You must create the VBRFailoverPlanObject object for each VM that you want to add to the failover plan. For each VM, you can set the boot order and the delay time. • The boot order indicates the order in which the VMs will start by the failover plan. Make sure you set the dependent VMs to start after the VMs they depend on. • The delay time is an interval between each VM start. Use delay intervals to make sure that some VMs are already running at the moment the dependent VMs start. 428 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Restore Point Specifies the restore point of the replica that you want to add to the cloud failover plan. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Vm Specifies the VM you want to add to the failover plan. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True BootOrder Specifies the order number by which the VM will boot. False Named False False BootDelay Specifies the delay time for the VM to boot. False Named False False The delay time is set in seconds. If omitted, the delay time will be set to 60 sec by default. If you set boot delay to '0' to a number of VMs, these VMs will start simultaneously. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 These commands create three VBRFailoverPlanObject objects for the group of mail servers: a DNS server and two Microsoft Exchange servers. The DNS server starts first followed by the two Microsoft Exchange servers started with a delay. The servers objects are obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and piped down. • The VBRFailoverPlanObject for the DNS server is assigned to the '$DNS' variable. The boot order is omitted and will be automatically set to 0. The boot delay is set to 0 sec to start the DNS server immediately. • The VBRFailoverPlanObject for the first Microsoft Exchange server is assigned to the '$MSExchange01' variable. The boot order is set to 1, and the boot delay is set to 180 sec. • The VBRFailoverPlanObject for the second Microsoft Exchange server is assigned to the '$MSExchange02' variable. The boot order is set to 2, and the boot delay is set to 120 sec. PS C:\PS> $DNS = Find-VBRViEntity -Name "DNSServer" | NewVBRFailoverPlanObject -BootDelay 0 PS C:\PS> $MSExchange01 = Find-VBRViEntity -Name "MS_Exchange_Server_01" | New-VBRFailoverPlanObject -BootOrder 1 -BootDelay 180 PS C:\PS> $MSExchange02 = Find-VBRViEntity -Name "MS_Exchange_Server_02" | New-VBRFailoverPlanObject -BootOrder 2 -BootDelay 120 429 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command creates the VBRFailoverPlanObject for the server named 'MS_Exchange_Server_01'. • The server object is obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and assigned to the '$vm1' variable. • The VBRFailoverPlanObject is created and assigned to the '$MSExchange01' variable. The '$vm1' variable is used to add the Microsoft Exchange server, the boot order is set to 1 and the boot delay is set to 180 sec. PS C:\PS> $vm1 = Find-VBRViEntity -Name "MS_Exchange_Server_01" PS C:\PS> $MSExchange01 = New-VBRFailoverPlanObject -Vm $vm1 -BootOrder 1 -BootDelay 180 430 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRFailoverPlanPublicIPRule Short Description Creates a VBRFailoverPlanPublicIPRule object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRFailoverPlanPublicIPRule -SourceIp <string> -SourcePort <int> TargetIp <string> -TargetPort <int> [-Description <string>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRFailoverPlanPublicIPRule Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a VBRFailoverPlanPublicIPRule object. This object contains a rule for mapping public IP and ports to the IP and ports of the cloud replica VM. It is used then in the New-VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject cmdlet. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters SourceIp The IP address of the replica. True Named False False SourcePort The port of the replica. True Named False False TargetIp The public IP address. True Named False False TargetPort The public port. True Named False False False Named False False Description The description of the rule. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 431 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy Short Description Creates a new VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy [-Type <VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicyType>] [DailyOptions <VBRDailyOptions>] [-MonthlyOptions <VBRMonthlyOptions>] [Enabled] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands New-VBRDailyOptions New-VBRMonthlyOptions Return Type VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy Detailed Description This cmdlet creates the VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy object. This object contains backup creation schedule settings for file to tape job and is used further to apply these settings to an existing file to tape job. Parameters Parameter Type Description Specifies the backup creation schedule type:   Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False Daily: the target files will be archived on selected days. Use the DailyOptions parameter to set the days. Monthly: the target files will be archived on selected months. Use the MonthlyOptions parameter to set the months. Default: Daily. Daily Options Used to set days for the Type parameter (Daily option). Default:   Type: SelectedDays Period: 18:00 432 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1  Monthly Options DayOfWeek: Saturday Used to set months for the Type parameter (Monthly option). False Named False False False Named False False Default:     Enabled Period: 22:00 DayNumberInMonth: Fourth, DayOfWeek: Saturday, Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Indicates if this schedule is enabled. Default: False. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command creates file to tape job schedule to run on last Sunday on 22:00 every month. The schedule is enabled. PS C:\PS> $monthlyoptions = New-VBRMonthlyOptions -DayNumberInMonth Last DayOfWeek Sunday Period 22:00 PS C:\PS> New-VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy -Type Monthly -MonthlyOptions $monthlyoptions -Enabled 433 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRFileToTapeObject Short Description Creates a new VBRFileToTapeObject object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRFileToTapeObject [-Server <CHost>] -Path <String> [-IncludeMask <String>] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Get-VBRCredentials Return Type VBRFileToTapeObject Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a VBRFileToTapeObject object. This object contains files or directories that you want to add to a file to tape job. Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the host where the files reside. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False Default: Local. Path Specifies the string with the target file path. False Named False False Include Mask Used to select files by mask if a directory is set as a source. False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the string with the mask by which you want to select files from the directory. Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use to authenticate with the host. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 434 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command creates an object for a file to tape job. The object contains a folder on the server named "fileserver08". 1. Run Get-VBRServer to get the server where the files are located. Save it to the $server variable. 2. Run Get-VBRCredentials to get the credentials to access the Fileserver08. Save the credentials to the $creds variable. 3. Run New-VBRFileToTapeObject with the saved variables. PS C:\PS> $server = Get-VBRServer -Name "" PS C:\PS> $creds = Get-VBRCredentials -Description "Fileserver08 Adminisrator" PS C:\PS> New-VBRFileToTapeObject -Server $server -Path "D:\Summary Reports\Payroll Reports" -Credentials $creds 435 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy Short Description Creates a new VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy [-Type <VBRFullBackupToTapePolicyType>] [MonthlyOptions <VBRMonthlyOptions>] [-WeeklyOnDays <DayOfWeek[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands New-VBRMonthlyOptions Return Type VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy Detailed Description This cmdlet creates the VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy object. This object contains schedule settings for creating virtual synthesized full backup for tape and is used further to apply these settings to an existing backup to tape job. Parameters Parameter Type Description Specifies the virtual synthesized full backup creation type:   Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False Monthly: the virtual synthesized full backup is created on selected months. Use the MonthlyOptions parameter to set the months. WeeklyOnDays: the virtual synthesized full backup is created on selected days of week. Use the WeeklyOnDays parameter to set the days. Default: WeeklyOnDays. Monthly Options Used to set months for the Type parameter (Monthly option). Default:  Period: 22:00 436 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1    Weekly OnDays DayNumberInMonth: Fourth DayOfWeek: Saturday Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Used to set days of week for the Type parameter (WeeklyOnDays option). False Named False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 437 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False New-VBRHvCloudHWPlanDatastore Short Description Creates a VBRHvCloudHardwarePlanDatastore object. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax New-VBRHvCloudHWPlanDatastore -DatastorePath <String> -FriendlyName <String> -Quota <Int32> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRHvCloudHardwarePlanDatastore Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a VBRHvCloudHardwarePlanDatastore object that contains a datastore for a hardware plan. This object is used then in the Add-VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan cmdlet. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Datastore Path Specifies the path to the folder where you want to store data. True Named False False Friendly Name Specifies the name of the storage that will be displayed to the user. True Named False False Quota Specifies the amount of disk space that can be used under a hardware plan (Gb). True Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 438 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRHvReplicaReIpRule Short Description Creates a new Hyper-V replica re-IP rule. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRHvReplicaReIpRule [-SourceIp <String>] [-SourceMask <String>] [TargetIp <String>] [-TargetMask <String>] -TargetGateway <String> [-DNS <String[]>] [-WINS <String[]>] [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRHvReplicaReIpRule Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a VBRHvReplicaReIpRule object containing a list of rules for different IP addressing scheme. This object is then further used for creating or modifying replication jobs. Parameters Parameter Source Ip Description Specifies the IP address or the IP addressing scheme of the network in which the source VM is located. You can use the asterisk character (*) to specify a range of IP addresses. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts string type. Default: 172.16.*.*. Source Mask Specifies the mask of the network in which the source VM is located. You can use the asterisk character (*) to specify a range of IP addresses. Accepts string type. Default: Target Ip Specifies the IP address or the IP addressing scheme of the network in which the replica VM will be located. You can use the asterisk 439 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 character (*) to specify a range of IP addresses. Accepts string type. Default: 172.17.*.*. Target Mask Specifies the mask of the network in which the replica VM will be located. You can use the asterisk character (*) to specify a range of IP addresses. False Named False False True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts string type. Default: TargetGateway Specifies the gateway address of the network in which the replica VM will be located. Accepts string type. DNS Specifies the DNS server address. Accepts string type. WINS Specifies the WINS server address. Accepts string type. Description Specifies the description of the re-IP rule. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 440 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRJobOptions Short Description Sets job options. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRJobOptions [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORNew-VBRJobOptions [-ForBackupJob] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORNew-VBRJobOptions [-ForReplicaJob] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet lets you edit job settings of backup jobs, replication jobs or selected VMs. This cmdlet returns the CJobOptions object containing the default settings of the job you want to edit. You can customize any setting that you want to apply to the job. This object is then used in the Set-VBRJobOptions cmdlet. You can edit settings of jobs (including vCloud backup jobs), VMs or replication jobs by running this cmdlet with -ForJob, -ForObject or -ForReplicaJob parameters respectively. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters ForBackupJob Returns the list of the default settings for backup job. False Named False False ForReplicaJob Returns the list of the default settings for replication job. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 441 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command schedules the job named "Backup Job 1" to running every 2 hours. • The object with scheduling settings is assigned to the $NewScheduleOption variable. The "OptionsPeriodically" parameter is set to $True and its value is set to 120 (minutes). • The job to apply the schedule is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the $job variable. • The object is then applied to the job by running Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions with these two variables. PS C:\PS> $NewScheduleOption = New-VBRJobScheduleOptions PS C:\PS> $NewScheduleOption.OptionsPeriodically.Enabled = $True PS C:\PS> $NewScheduleOption.OptionsPeriodically.FullPeriod = 120 PS C:\PS> $Job = Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 1" PS C:\PS> Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions -Job $Job -Options $NewScheduleOption 442 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRJobScheduleOptions Short Description Sets job schedule options. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRJobScheduleOptions [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet lets you edit scheduling settings of jobs. This cmdlet returns the ScheduleOptions object containing the default scheduling settings of the job you want to edit. You can customize any setting that you want to apply to the job. This object is then used in the Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions cmdlet. You can use the ScheduleOptions object with backup, replication or copy jobs. 443 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRJobScriptOptions Short Description Creates a new VBRJobScriptOptions object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRJobScriptOptions [-PreScriptEnabled] [-PreCommand <string>] [PostScriptEnabled] [-PostCommand <string>] [-Day <DayOfWeek[]> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-Periodicity <VBRPeriodicityType> {Cycles | Days}] [-Frequency <uint32>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRJobScriptOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VBRJobScriptOptions object. This object contains settings for running prejob and post-job scripts and is used further to apply these settings to an existing job. Parameters Parameter PreScript Enabled Description Indicates that running a script before the job is enabled (true) or disables (false). Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False Use the PreCommand parameter to set the path to the script. PreCommand Specifies the path to the script that must run before the job. False Named False False PostScript Enabled Indicates that running a script after the job is enabled (true) or disables (false). False Named False False PostCommand Specifies the path to the script that must run after the job. False Named False False Day False Named False False Use the PostCommand parameter to set the path to the script. Used to set value for the Periodicity parameter (the Days mode). 444 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The days of week when the script must run. Periodicity Specifies the script run mode: after a set number of job runs (Cycles) or on set days (Days). False Named False False False Named False False Use the Day and the Frequency parameters to set the values. Frequency Used to set value for the Periodicity parameter (the Cycles mode). The number of job runs after which the script must run. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 445 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRJobVssOptions Short Description Returns default set of VSS options for job or VM in job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides the following parameter sets.  Default VSS settings for backup jobs (including vCloud backup jobs): New-VBRJobVssOptions [-ForJob] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]  Default VSS settings for VMs in job: New-VBRJobVssOptions [-ForObject] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]  Default VSS settings for replication jobs: New-VBRJobVssOptions [-ForReplicaJob] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the CVssOptions object containing default VSS settings for backup jobs, replication jobs or selected VMs. Use an appropriate parameter set for each case. VSS (Volume Shadow Services) is a Windows OS service allowing to copy files of running applications that can be modified at the moment of copying. The VSS-aware applications typically are Active Directory, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Exchange, Sharepoint, etc. To create a transactionally consistent backup of a VM running VSS-aware applications without shutting them down, Veeam Backup & Replication uses application-aware image processing. It allows backup the data fully and consistently. You can modify the settings and use this object to change the VSS settings of a job or VM. Run SetVBRJobVssOptions to apply the VSS settings to a job. Tip: Save the object to a variable when you customize settings: this variable can be used in several jobs. 446 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters ForJob Returns the list of the default VSS settings for backup, replication or copy job. False Named False False ForObject Returns the list of the default VSS settings for VMs. False Named False False ForReplicaJob Returns the list of the default VSS settings for replication job. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This example enables the VSS settings and the Copy only option. 1. Get the default settings: PS C:\PS> New-VBRJobVssOptions -ForJob VssSnapshotOptions : Enabled: [False], IgnoreErrors: [True], IsCopyOnly: [False] WinGuestFSIndexingOptions : Type: [None] LinGuestFSIndexingOptions : Type: [None] SqlBackupOptions : TransactionLogsProcessing: [TruncateOnlyOnSuccessJob], BackupLogsFrequencyMin: [15], UseDbBackupRetention: [True], RetainDays: [15], ProxyAutoSelect: [True] GuestScriptsOptions : Veeam.Backup.Model.CGuestScriptsOptions ExchangeBackupOptions : TransactionLogsProcessing: [TruncateOnlyOnSuccessJob] WinCredsId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 LinCredsId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Enabled : False IgnoreErrors : True AreWinCredsSet : False AreLinCredsSet : False GuestFSIndexingType : None IncludedIndexingFolders : {} ExcludedIndexingFolders : {} LinGuestFSIndexingType : None LinIncludedIndexingFolders : {} LinExcludedIndexingFolders : {} IsFirstUsage : True m_isFirstUsage : True 447 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 2. Modify the VSS settings. • The output is saved to '$o' variable. • The Enabled setting is set to $true. • The VssSnapshotOptions for IsCopyOnly is set to $true. PS C:\PS> $o = New-VBRJobVssOptions PS C:\PS> $o.Enabled = $true PS C:\Users\Administrator> $o.VssSnapshotOptions.IsCopyOnly = $true PS C:\Users\Administrator> $o VssSnapshotOptions : Enabled: [False], IgnoreErrors: [True], IsCopyOnly: [True] WinGuestFSIndexingOptions : Type: [None] LinGuestFSIndexingOptions : Type: [None] SqlBackupOptions : TransactionLogsProcessing: [TruncateOnlyOnSuccessJob], BackupLogsFrequencyMin: [15], UseDbBackupRetention: [True], RetainDays: [15], ProxyAutoSelect: [True] GuestScriptsOptions : Veeam.Backup.Model.CGuestScriptsOptions ExchangeBackupOptions : TransactionLogsProcessing: [TruncateOnlyOnSuccessJob] WinCredsId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 LinCredsId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Enabled : True IgnoreErrors : True AreWinCredsSet : False AreLinCredsSet : False GuestFSIndexingType : None IncludedIndexingFolders : {} ExcludedIndexingFolders : {} LinGuestFSIndexingType : None LinIncludedIndexingFolders : {} LinExcludedIndexingFolders : {} IsFirstUsage : True m_isFirstUsage : True 448 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRMonthlyOptions Short Description Creates a new VBRMonthlyOptions object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRMonthlyOptions [-Period <TimeSpan>] [-DayNumberInMonth <VBRDayNumberInMonth>] [-DayOfWeek <DayOfWeek>] [-Months <VBRMonth[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRMonthlyOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet creates the VBRMonthlyOptions object. This object contains the job monthly schedule settings. You can use this object to set job schedule or policies. Parameters Parameter Period Description Specifies the time when the job will run. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts TimeSpan type. Default: 22:00. Day Number InMonth Specifies the number of week day in month when the job will run: First, Second, Third, Fourth, Last, OnDay. Use the DayOfWeek parameter to specify the week day for this parameter. Default: Forth. Day OfWeek Used to set the week day for the DayNumberInMonth parameter. Default: Saturday. Months Specifies the months on which the job will run: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, 449 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 December. Default: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates the schedule for a job to run on 23:00 on the second Wednesday every month. PS C:\PS> PS C:\PS> New-VBRMonthlyOptions -DayNumberInMonth Second DayOfWeek Wednesday Period 23:00 Example 2 This command creates the schedule for a job to run on 10:00 on the last Sunday of January and July. PS C:\PS> PS C:\PS> New-VBRMonthlyOptions -DayNumberInMonth Last -DayOfWeek Sunday Period 10:00 -Months January, July 450 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRNotificationOptions Short Description Creates a new VBRNotificationOptions object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRNotificationOptions [-EnableAdditionalNotification] [AdditionalAddress <string[]>] [-UseNotificationOptions] [NotificationSubject <string>] [-NotifyOnSuccess] [-NotifyOnWarning] [NotifyOnError] [-NotifyOnLastRetryOnly] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRNotificationOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VBRNotificationOptions object. This object contains custom email notification settings and is used further to apply these settings to an existing job. Email notification can be configured for jobs only in case that the global email notifications are Important! enabled. Note that you cannot enable the global email notifications with Veeam PowerShell. Read more about job notification settings in Veeam Backup & Replication user guide at Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Enable Additional Notification Indicates if the email notification is enabled (true) or disabled (false). False Named False False Additional Address The email address for notification. False Named False False False Named False False UseNotification Indicates that the notifications must use custom settings (true) or global settings Options (false). Use the NotifyOnSuccess, NotifyOnWarning, NotifyOnError and NotifyOnLastRetryOnly parameters to set 451 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 the custom settings. Notification Subject The subject that must be used for creating the notification email. False Named False False NotifyOn Success Indicates if the email is sent if the job finished successfully. False Named False False NotifyOn Warning Indicates if the email is sent if the job finished with warning. False Named False False NotifyOnError Indicates if the email is sent if the job finished with error. False Named False False NotifyOn LastRetryOnly Indicates if the email is sent if the last retry of the job started. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 452 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy Short Description Creates a new VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy [-Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]>] [MoveFromMediaPoolAutomatically] [-Name <string>] [-AppendToCurrentTape] [MoveOfflineToVault] [-Vault <VBRTapeVault>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMedium Get-VBRTapeVault Return Type VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy object. This object contains advanced GFS media set options and is used to apply these options to a GFS media pool. Parameters Parameter Medium Description Specifies the tape(s) you want to add to the media set. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False If set, the media set will be replenished by MoveFrom tapes from the parent media pool. MediaPool Automatically False Named False False Name Specifies the name that must be used for creating media set. False Named False False AppendTo CurrentTape Indicates if the new data is appended to the tape with previously written data. False Named False False False Named False False You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. If set to false, a new tape is used for each backup set. MoveOffline Indicates that the tapes that go offline must 453 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 ToVault be automatically moved to a vault. Use the Vault parameter to specify the vault to which you want to move the tapes from this media set. Vault Used to set vault for the MoveOfflineToVault parameter. False Named False Specifies the vault to which you want to automatically move the tapes. You can use one vault for several media pools. Accepts VBRTapeVault object, GUID or string type. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 454 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False New-VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions Short Description Creates a new VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions [-WeeklyDay <DayOfWeek> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-WeeklyStartAt <timespan>] [-MonthlyKind <VBRGFSMonthlyKind> {DayOfWeek | DayOfMonth}] [MonthlyDayOfWeek <DayOfWeek> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-MonthlyDayOfWeekNumber <VBRDayNumberInMonth> {First | Second | Third | Fourth | Last | OnDay}] [MonthlyDayOfMonth <string>] [-QuarterlyKind <VBRGFSQuarterlyKind> {DayOfWeek | DayOfQuarter}] [-QuarterlyDayOfWeekNumber <VBRDayNumberInMonth> {First | Second | Third | Fourth | Last | OnDay}] [QuarterlyDayOfWeek <DayOfWeek> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-QuarterlyDayOfMonth <string>] [QuarterlyMonthOfQuarter <VBRGFSMonthOfQuarter> {First | Last}] [-YearlyKind <VBRGFSYearlyKind> {DayOfWeek | DayOfYear}] [-YearlyDayOfWeekNumber <VBRDayNumberInMonth> {First | Second | Third | Fourth | Last | OnDay}] [YearlyDayOfWeek <DayOfWeek> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-YearlyDayOfMonth <string>] [-MonthOfYear <VBRMonth> {January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December}] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions object. This object contains GFS schedule and is used to apply the schedule to a tape job. 455 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter WeeklyDay Description For weekly backup. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the day of week when the weekly backup is archived. WeeklyStartAt For weekly backup. Specifies the time when the weekly backup is archived. MonthlyKind For monthly backup. Specifies the type of monthly schedule:   DayOfWeek: The monthly backup will be archived on a selected week day in month, for example, every first Sunday of month. Use the MonthlyDayOfWeek parameter to set the day of week and the MonthlyDayOfWeekNumbe r parameter to set the number of day, for example, "first" (Sunday). DayOfMonth: The monthly backup will be archived on a selected day of month, for example, on the 1st. Use the MonthlyDayOfMonth parameter to set the day. Monthly DayOfWeek For monthly backup. Monthly DayOfWeek Number For monthly backup. Monthly DayOfMonth For monthly backup. QuarterlyKind For quarterly backup. Specifies the day of week for the MonthlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter. Specifies the number of the selected week day, for example, "the first" (Sunday) for the MonthlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter: First/Second/Third/Forth/Last. Specifies the day in month for the MonthlyKind (DayOfMonth) parameter: 1-31/Last. Specifies the type of quarterly schedule:  DayOfWeek: The quarterly backup will be archived on a selected week day, for example, the first Sunday of a quarter. Use the QuarterlyDayOfWeekNumb 456 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1  er parameter to set the number of the week day and the QuarterlyDayOfWeek parameter to set the day of week. DayOfQuarter: The quarterly backup will be archived on a selected day of month, for example, on the 1st of the first month of a quarter. Use the QuarterlyDayOfQuarter parameter to set the day of month and the QuartetlyMonthOfQuarter to set the month. Quarterly DayOfWeek Number For quarterly backup. Quarterly DayOfWeek For quarterly backup. Quarterly DayOfMonth For quarterly backup. Quarterly MonthOfQuarter For quarterly backup. YearlyKind For yearly backup. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the number of the selected day, for example, "the first" (Sunday) for the QuarterlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter: First/Second/Third/Fourth/Last. Specifies the day of week for the QuarterlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter. Specifies the day of month for the QuarterlyKind (DayOfQuarter) parameter: 1-31/Last. Specifies the number of month in quarter for the QuarterlyKind (DayOfQuarter) parameter: First/Last. Specifies the type of yearly schedule:   DayOfWeek: The yearly backup will be archived on a selected week day in year, for example, every first Sunday of year. Use the YearlyDayOfWeek parameter to set the day of week and the YearlyDayOfWeekNumber parameter to set the number of day, for example, "first" (Sunday). DayOfYear: The yearly backup will be archived on a selected day of month in year, for example, on the 1st of January. Use the YearlyDayOfMonth parameter to set the day in month and the MonthOfYear 457 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 parameter to set the month. Yearly DayOfWeek Number For yearly backup. Yearly DayOfWeek For yearly backup. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the number of the selected day, for example, "the first" (Sunday) for the YearlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter: First/Second/Third/Fourth/Last. Specifies the day of week for the YearlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter. YearlyDayOfMonth For yearly backup. Specifies the day of month for the YearlyKind (DayOfYear) parameter: 131/Last. MonthOfYear For yearly backup. Specifies the month for the YearlyKind (DayOfYear) parameter. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 458 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy Short Description Creates a new VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy [-Period <VBRTapeMediaPoolPeriod> {None | Days | Weeks | Months}] [-Type <VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionType> {Never | Period | Cyclic}] [-Value <int>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy Detailed Description This cmdlet creates the VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy object. This object contains the retention settings of media pool. Retention policy sets overwrite protection rules. The rules are set to media pool and are applied to all tapes belonging to this media pool. After the retention period ends, the tape is queued for overwriting. Parameters Parameter Type Description Specifies the data retention type:    Period Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False Never: the data is never overwritten. This option sets a lifelong protection for tapes. Period: the data is protected for an indicated period. Use the Period and the Value parameters to indicate the period settings. Cyclic: the data is not protected. The tapes are overwritten according to the tape rotation settings. Specifies the data retention period. Use this parameter to indicate the time period for the Type parameter:  Required Position None: data is not protected. Tapes are overwritten according to the tape 459 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1    Value rotation settings. Days: indicates that the data retention period is measured in days. Use the Value parameter to indicate the number of days to protect the data. Weeks: indicates that the data retention period is measured in weeks. Use the Value parameter to indicate the number of weeks to protect the data. Months: indicates that the data retention period is measured in months. Use the Value parameter to indicate the number of months to protect the data. Sets the number of days, weeks or month to protect the data. You can enter value between 1 and 999. Use this parameter to indicate the value if you set Period to Days, Weeks or Months. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a set of retention rules setting retention period to 14 days. The new settings are assigned to a variable that can be further used in Set-VBRTapeMediaPool to apply them. • The new retention settings are assigned to the '$newretention' variable. • The Type is set to 'Period', the Period is set to 'Days', and the Value is set to '14'. PS C:\PS> $newretention = New-VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy -Type Period -Period Days -Value 14 Example 2 This command switches off the retention. The new settings are assigned to a variable that can be further used in Set-VBRTapeMediaPool to apply them. • The new retention settings are assigned to the '$noretention' variable. • The Type is set to 'Cyclic'. PS C:\PS> $noretention = New-VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy -Type Cyclic 460 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy Short Description Creates a new VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy [-DailyOptions <VBRDailyOptions>] [-Type <VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicyType> {Never | Always | Daily | Monthly}] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands New-VBRDailyOptions Return Type VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy object. This object contains the set of rules for creating media sets. The media set creation policy in applied to media pools configuration. Parameters Parameter Description DailyOptions Specifies the schedule settings you want to apply to the media set. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False Accepts VBRDailyOptions object. Default: Selected Days, 18 hours, Saturday. Type Specifies the type of policy for creating media sets:     Never: new media sets are not created. All data archived to tape is written to the same media set. Always: new media set is created for each tape job session. Daily: new media set is created on particular days. Use the DailyOptions parameter to set days on which you want the media sets to be created. Monthly: not supported. Default: Never. 461 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a set of media set creation rules allowing to create a new media set for every backup session. PS C:\PS> New-VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy -Type Always Example 2 This command creates a set of media set creation rules. A new media set will be created every Sunday at 22:00. 1. Run New-VBRDailyOptions to configure schedule for creating media sets. Save the result to the $dailyoptions variable. 2. Run New-VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy with this variable. Set the Type parameter to Daily. PS C:\PS> $dailyoptions = New-VBRDailyOptions -DayOfWeek Sunday -Period 22:00 -Type SelectedDays PS C:\PS> New-VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy -DailyOptions $dailyoptions Type Daily 462 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRvCloudVAppRestoreSettings Short Description Creates a set of vApp restore parameters. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRvCloudVAppRestoreSettings [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-vAppName <String>] [-OrgVdc <IVcdItem>] [-PowerUp] [-Reason <String>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Find-VBRvCloudEntity ([-OrganizationVdc]) Detailed Description This cmdlet is an assistant command creating a CVcdVAppRestoreSettings object that is further used in the Start-VBRvCloudRestoreVApp cmdlet. This object gathers the parameters of a selected vApp that will be needed for restore. The vApp that you want to restore and its parameters are derived from the specified restore point data. Use the -OrgVdc parameter to set another organization where you want to restore the vApp to. You can customize any of the parameters that are derived from the restore point. For more information, see the Advanced Setup below. Advanced Setup The restore parameters include the settings of the vApp, namely restore point, vApp name, Organization vDC, and VMs included, as well as the settings of the VM: restore point, storage profile, datastore and template. Each of these settings can be reset to user settings allowing to restore the vApp i.e. to another organization, or with another vApp name, or apply other storage profiles to the VMs. When applying different restore settings, it is recommended to set "null" to all VM settings that you leave unchanged to avoid conflicts when restoring the vApp to another infrastructure. For example, if the target organization has no access to the datastore that is originally set for the vApp, PowerShell will terminate your vApp restore job. If you set "null" to all VM settings, Veeam Backup & Replication will apply the default settings of the target organization. Make sure that you set the parameters for all VMs that belong to the vApp, otherwise you will not be able to run the restore job. 463 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the restore point of the vApp you want to restore the vApp to. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False vAppName Specifies the name of the restored vApp. Use this parameter in case you want to restore the vApp with different name. False Named False False OrgVdc Specifies the Organization vDC you want to restore the vApp to. If not set, the vApp will be restored to the original Organization vDC. False Named False False PowerUp If set to True, the vApp will be powered up right after it is restored. Otherwise, you will need to power up the vApp manually. False Named False False Reason Specifies the reason for performing restore of the selected vApp. False Named False False The information you provide will be saved in the session history so that you can reference it later. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 464 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command creates settings for the future restore of the vApp in another Organization vDC. • The $restorepoint variable contains the restore point of the vApp. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. • The $vdc variable contains the Organization vDC object where the vApp will be restored. The vDC object is obtained with Find-VBRvCloudEntity ([-OrganizationVdc]) and assigned to the variable beforehand. • The PowerUp parameter is set to True to start the vApp automatically right after the restore. PS C:\PS> $restoreparams = New-VBRvCloudVAppRestoreSettings -RestorePoint $restorepoint -vAppName "vApp01" -OrgVdc $Org Here you get the $restorepoint variable containing the vApp settings: • vAppOib - the restore point of the vApp, • OrgVdc - the organization vDataCenter where the vApp is registered, • Vms - the list of VMs whithin the vApp, • vAppName - the name of the vApp. vAppOib ------Veeam.Bacvup.. OrgVdc Vms -------Veeam.Backup... {Veeam.Backup... vAppName -------vApp01 You can view the properties of the VMs within the vApp by typing "$restoreparams.vms": • VmOib - the VM restorepoint, • StorageProfile - the VM storage profile, • vCloudDatastore - the datastore that the VM uses, • VmTemplate - the VM template. VmOib ----Veeam... StorageProfile -------------Name: 'Storag... vCloudDatastore --------------Veeam.Backup.CV... VmTemplate ---------- You need to specify the new organization to where you want to restore the vApp. The new organization object is assigned to the $org variable. All other VM parameters are set to null. PS C:\PS> $restoreparams = New-VBRvCloudVAppRestoreSettings -RestorePoint $restorepoint -OrgVdc $Org PS C:\PS> $restoreparams.vms[0].vCloudDatastore=$null PS C:\PS> $restoreparams.vms[0].StorageProfile=$null PS C:\PS> $restoreparams.vms[0].VmTemplate=$null The $restoreparams variable now contains the data needed for the restore and can be used in the Start-VBRvCloudRestoreVApp cmdlet. 465 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRViCloudHWPlanDatastore Short Description Creates a VBRViCloudHardwarePlanDatastore object. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax New-VBRViCloudHWPlanDatastore -Datastore <VBRViDatastore> [-StoragePolicy <VBRViStoragePolicy>] -FriendlyName <String> -Quota <Int32> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Find-VBRViDatastore Find-VBRViStoragePolicy Return Type VBRHvCloudHardwarePlanDatastore Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a VBRViCloudHardwarePlanDatastore object that contains a datastore for a hardware plan. This object is used then in the Add-VBRViCloudHardwarePlan cmdlet. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Datastore Specifies the datastore where you want to store data. True Named False False Storage Policy Specifies the VMware storage policy profile. The datastores with matching profiles will be used. False Named False False Friendly Name Specifies the name of the storage that will be displayed to the user. True Named False False Quota Specifies the amount of disk space that can be used under a hardware plan (Gb). True Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 466 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VBRViReplicaReIpRule Short Description Creates a new VMware replica re-IP rule. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VBRViReplicaReIpRule [-SourceIp <String>] [-SourceMask <String>] [TargetIp <String>] [-TargetMask <String>] -TargetGateway <String> [-DNS <String[]>] [-WINS <String[]>] [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRViReplicaReIpRule Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a VBRViReplicaReIpRule object containing a list of rules for different IP addressing scheme. This object is then further used for creating or modifying replication jobs. Parameters Parameter Source Ip Description Specifies the IP address or the IP addressing scheme of the network in which the source VM is located. You can use the asterisk character (*) to specify a range of IP addresses. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts string type. Default: 172.16.*.*. Source Mask Specifies the mask of the network in which the source VM is located. You can use the asterisk character (*) to specify a range of IP addresses. Accepts string type. Default: Target Ip Specifies the IP address or the IP addressing scheme of the network in which the replica VM will be located. You can use the asterisk character (*) to specify a range of IP 467 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 addresses. Accepts string type. Default: 172.17.*.*. Target Mask Specifies the mask of the network in which the replica VM will be located. You can use the asterisk character (*) to specify a range of IP addresses. False Named False False True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts string type. Default: TargetGateway Specifies the gateway address of the network in which the replica VM will be located. Accepts string type. DNS Specifies the DNS server address. Accepts string type. WINS Specifies the WINS server address. Accepts string type. Description Specifies the description of the re-IP rule. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a new re-IP rule. The created object is saved into the '$reiprule' variable. PS C:\PS> $reiprule = New-VBRViReplicaReIpRule -SourceIp 172.16.*.* SourceMask -TargetIp 172.17.*.* -TargetMask TargetGateway Example 2 This example shows how to set a re-IP rule to an existing replica job. • The re-IP rule is assigned to the '$reiprule' variable that was created in the 'Example 1'. • To set the re-IP rule, the replication job is edited with Set-VBRViReplicaJob. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the '$replicajob' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRViReplicaJob -Job $replicajob -EnableReIp -ReIpRule $reiprule 468 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 New-VSBJobOptions Short Description Sets SureBackup job options. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax New-VSBJobOptions [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet lets you edit job settings of SureBackup jobs. This cmdlet returns the CDRJobOptions object containing the default settings of the SureBackup job you want to edit. You can customize any setting that you want to apply. This object is then used in the Set-VSBJobOptions cmdlet. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command creates a CDRJobOptions object with the following settings: • The EmailNotification is enabled, • The EmailNotificationAddresses is set to [email protected], • The RunningVmsNumber is set to 6, • The other settings are left by default. PS C:\PS> $sureoptions = New-VSBJobOptions PS C:\PS> $sureoptions.EmailNotification = "True" PS C:\PS> $sureoptions.EmailNotificationAddresses = "[email protected]" PS C:\PS> $sureoptions.RunningVmsNumber = 6 PS C:\PS> $sureoptions RunManually ShutdownTestVms EmailNotification EmailNotificationAddresses SnmpNotification LinkWithJobs RunningVmsNumber Validation SkipValidationForAppGroup : : : : : : : : : True True True [email protected] False False 6 False True 469 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-HP3Snapshot Short Description Removes a HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage snapshot. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE 3PAR StoreServ Syntax Remove-HP3Snapshot -Snapshot <CSanSnapshot[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP3Snapshot Detailed Description This cmdlet permanently removes the selected HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage snapshot from your storage system. Parameters Parameter Snapshot Description Specifies the snapshot(s) you want to remove. You can assign multiple snapshots to this object. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the snapshot named "vol1_SS_1". The snapshot object is obtained with GetHP3Snapshot and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP3Snapshot -Name "vol1_SS_1" | Remove-HP3Snapshot 470 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command removes the snapshot represented by the $"snapshot1" variable. The snapshot object is obtained with Get-HP3Snapshot and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-HP3Snapshot -Snapshot $"snapshot1" 471 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-HP3Storage Short Description Removes a HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage storage. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE 3PAR StoreServ Syntax Remove-HP3Storage -Storage <CHp3PARHost> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP3Storage Detailed Description This cmdlet removes the selected HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage from Veeam Backup & Replication. The HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage is not deleted from server. When you remove a HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage, you stop managing it via your Veeam Backup & Replication console. Parameters Parameter Storage Description Required Position Specifies the storage you want to remove. True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the storage named "HPE Store 01". The storage object is obtained with GetHP3Storage and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP3Storage -Name "HPE Store 01" | Remove-HP3Storage 472 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command removes the storage represented by the $"store01" variable. The storage object is obtained with Get-HP3Storage and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-HP3Storage -Storage $"store01" 473 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-HP4Snapshot Short Description Removes a HPE StoreVirtual storage snapshot. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE StoreVirtual Syntax Remove-HP4Snapshot -Snapshot <CSanSnapshot[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP4Snapshot Detailed Description This cmdlet permanently removes the selected HPE StoreVirtual storage snapshot from your storage system. Alias Remove-VBRHPSnapshot Parameters Parameter Snapshot Description Specifies the snapshot(s) you want to remove. You can assign multiple snapshots to this object. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the snapshot named "vol1_SS_1". The snapshot object is obtained with GetHP4Snapshot and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Snapshot -Name "vol1_SS_1" | Remove-HP4Snapshot 474 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command removes the snapshot represented by the $"snapshot1" variable. The snapshot object is obtained with Get-HP4Snapshot and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-HP4Snapshot -Snapshot $"snapshot1" 475 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-HP4Storage Short Description Removes a storage from Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE LeftHand P4000, HPE StoreVirtual VSA Syntax Remove-HP4Storage -Storage <CHpP4Group> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP4Storage Detailed Description This cmdlet removes the selected storage from Veeam Backup & Replication. The storage is not deleted from server. When you remove a storage, you stop managing it via your Veeam Backup & Replication console. Alias Remove-VBRHPStorage Parameters Parameter Storage Description Required Position Specifies the storage you want to remove. True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the storage named "HPE Store 01". The storage object is obtained with GetHP4Storage and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Storage -Name "HPE Store 01" | Remove-HP4Storage 476 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command removes the storage represented by the $"store01" variable. The storage object is obtained with Get-HP4Storage and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-HP4Storage -Storage $"store01" 477 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-NetAppHost Short Description Removes storage. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-NetAppHost -Host <CNaHost> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-NetAppHost Detailed Description This cmdlet removes the selected storage from Veeam Backup & Replication. The storage is not deleted from server where it was created. When you remove a storage, you stop managing it via your Veeam Backup & Replication console. Parameters Parameter Host Description Specifies the storage you want to remove. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command removes the storage named "NetApp Store 01". The storage object is obtained with Get-NetAppHost and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-NetAppHost -Name "NetApp Store 01" | Remove-NetAppHost 478 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-NetAppSnapshot Short Description Removes storage snapshot. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-NetAppSnapshot -Snapshot <CSanSnapshot[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-NetAppSnapshot Detailed Description This cmdlet permanently removes the selected storage snapshot from your virtual infrastructure. Parameters Parameter Description Snapshot Specifies the CSanSnapshot object containing the snapshot(s) you want to remove. Required Position True Named You can add multiple snapshots to this object. Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command removes the snapshot with name "vol1_SS_1". The snapshot object is obtained with Get-NetAppSnapshot and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-NetAppSnapshot -Name "vol1_SS_1" | Remove-NetAppSnapshot 479 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRBackup Short Description Removes selected backups. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRBackup [-Backup] <CBackup[]> [-FromDisk] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackup Detailed Description This cmdlet removes selected backups. You can use the following options:  Remove from database. When you remove backup from database, you remove records about the backup from Veeam database. The backup files remain in repository. You can import such backups later with Import-VBRBackup.  Remove from disk. With this option, the backup is removed from database and from disk. This removal is complete and non-reversible. To remove replicated VM, run Remove-VBRReplica. To remove a backup job, run Remove-VBRJob. This cmdlet removes all restore points of all VMs processed by the job. You should remove backups Important! carefully considering the subsequent backup jobs that may fail to produce valid backup. To remove backup of individual VM(s), run Remove-VBRRestorePoint. With this cmdlet, you can remove backups created by all types of jobs: backup jobs, backup copy jobs, vCD jobs and Endpoint backup jobs. Parameters Parameter Backup Description Specifies the backup you want to remove. Required Position If indicated, the backup will be permanently removed from disk. Otherwise, only the information about the backup is deleted from 480 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False You can assign multiple backups to this object. FromDisk Accept Pipeline Input database. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the backups named "Backup Job 01" and "Backup Job 02" from database only. The backups are obtained with Get-VBRBackup and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackup -Name "Backup Job 01", "Backup Job 02" | RemoveVBRBackup Example 2 This command removes the backups with names ending with "2012" from disk. The backups are obtained with Get-VBRBackup and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackup -Name *2012 | Remove-VBRBackup -FromDisk Example 3 This command removes the backup represented by the $backup variable from disk. The backup is obtained with Get-VBRBackup and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRBackup $backup -FromDisk 481 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRBackupRepository Short Description Removes a specified backup repository from Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRBackupRepository -Repository <CBackupRepository[]> [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackup Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to remove the specified backup repository from Veeam Backup & Replication. When you remove a backup repository, Veeam Backup & Replication unassigns the repository role from the server, so it is no longer used as a backup destination. The actual server remains connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Repository Specifies the backup repository you want to remove. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the backup repository named "Local Repository 01". The repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and piped down. 482 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Local Repository 01" | RemoveVBRBackupRepository Example 2 This command removes the backup repository represented by the $repository variable. The repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the variable beforehand. Remove-VBRBackupRepository -Repository $repository 483 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRCloudGateway Short Description Removes a selected cloud gateway. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Remove-VBRCloudGateway -CloudGateway <VBRCloudGateway[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudGateway Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a selected cloud gateway from Veeam Backup & Replication console. When you remove a cloud gateway, Veeam Backup & Replication unassigns the gateway role from the server, so it is no longer used as a cloud gateway. The actual server remains connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Cloud Gateway Description Specifies the cloud gateway you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRCloudGateway object. You can assign multiple gateways to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False 484 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes a cloud gateway represented by the '$cloudgateway' variable. The cloud gateway is obtained with Get-VBRCloudGateway and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRCloudGateway -CloudGateway $cloudgateway Example 2 This command removes a cloud gateway with the IP address. The cloud gateway is obtained with Get-VBRCloudGateway and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudGateway -Name "" | Remove-VBRCloudGateway 485 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRCloudHardwarePlan Short Description Removes a selected hardware plan. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax Remove-VBRCloudHardwarePlan -HardwarePlan <VBRCloudHardwarePlan[]> [WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudHardwarePlan Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a selected hardware plan. Parameters Parameter Description HardwarePlan Specifies the hardware plan that you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRViCloudHardwarePlan or VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan objects. You can assign multiple hardware plans to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False 486 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 487 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRCloudProvider Short Description Removes service provider. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Remove-VBRCloudProvider -CloudProvider <VBRCloudProvider[]> [-WhatIf] [Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudProvider Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet removes service provider from Veeam Backup & Replication. When you remove a service provider, you become unable to reach your cloud repository. The data stored on the cloud repository remains. You can access it if you add the service provider to the Veeam backup console again. You cannot remove a service provider if its cloud repositories are used by any backup jobs. Important! Parameters Parameter Cloud Provider Description Specifies the cloud provider you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRCloudProvider object. You can assign multiple service providers to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays False Named False False 488 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes all cloud service providers added to Veeam Backup & Replication. The service providers are obtained by Get-VBRCloudProvider and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudProvider | Remove-VBRCloudProvider Example 2 This command removes a service provider represented by the '$CloudProvider1' variable. The service provider is obtained by Get-VBRCloudProvider and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRCloudProvider -CloudProvider $CloudProvider1 Example 3 This command removes the service provider with the IP address. The service provider is obtained by Get-VBRCloudProvider and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudProvider -Name "" | RemoveVBRCloudProvider 489 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRCloudPublicIP Short Description Removes a selected IP address from the public IP addresses pool. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax Remove-VBRCloudPublicIP -CloudIp <VBRCloudIP[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudPublicIP Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a selected IP address from the public IP addresses pool. Parameters Parameter CloudIp Description Specifies the IP address that you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False You can add multiple IP addresses to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 490 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRCloudTenant Short Description Removes cloud user account. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Remove-VBRCloudTenant -CloudTenant <VBRCloudTenant[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudTenant Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a selected cloud user account from Veeam Backup & Replication. The user account is removed permanently. The service provider cannot undo this operation. When you remove a cloud user account that was using WAN accelerators, the WAN accelerators' cache is cleared automatically. Parameters Parameter Cloud Tenant Description Specifies the user accounts you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRCloudTenant object. You can assign multiple accounts to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False 491 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes all cloud user profiles registered in Veeam Backup & Replication. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudTenant Example 2 This command removes two cloud user accounts represented by the '$CloudUser1' and '$CloudUser2' variables. The cloud user accounts are obtained by Get-VBRCloudTenant and assigned to the variables beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRCloudTenant -CloudTenant $CloudUser1, $CloudUser2 Example 3 This command removes the ABC company cloud user account. The cloud user account is obtained by running Get-VBRCloudTenant and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudTenant -Name "ABC Company" | Remove-VBRCloudTenant Example 4 This command removes all cloud user accounts using the 'Backup Vol2' backup repository. The backup repository is obtained by Get-VBRBackupRepository and piped down to GetVBRCloudTenant. The obtained cloud user account are piped down to Remove-VBRCloudTenant. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Backups Vol2" | Get-VBRCloudTenant | Remove-VBRCloudTenant 492 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration Short Description Removes VLAN. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax Remove-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration -Configuration <VBRCloudVLANConfiguration> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a selected VLAN. Parameters Parameter Description Configuration Specifies the VLAN configuration you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts Get- VBRCloudVLANConfiguration object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 493 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRCredentials Short Description Removes a credentials record from Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRCredentials -Credential <CCredentials> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet permanently removes the selected credentials from the database. Parameters Parameter Description Credential Specifies the credentials you want to remove. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command permanently removes the credentials record with name "Administrator". The credentials object is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCredentials -Name “Administrator” | Remove-VBRCredentials Example 2 This command removes the credentials record. The credentials object is obtained with GetVBRCredentials and assigned to $c variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRCredentials -Credential $c 494 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRDefaultGateway Short Description Removes the default gateway. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRDefaultGateway [-Gateway <VBRDefaultGateway>] [-WhatIf] [Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRDefaultGateway Detailed Description This cmdlet removes the default gateway. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Gateway Specifies the default cloud gateway you want to remove. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 495 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBREncryptionKey Short Description Removes encryption key. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBREncryptionKey [-EncryptionKey] <PSCryptoKey> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBREncryptionKey Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a selected encryption key. You cannot remove an encryption key if it is used by any job or set in permissions for repository for Important! Endpoint jobs. Parameters Parameter Description EncryptionKey Specifies the encryption key you want to remove. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True 0 False False Accepts PSCryptoKey object or description (string). WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 496 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command removes the 'Veeam Administrator' encryption key. The encryption key is obtained by running Get-VBREncryptionKey and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBREncryptionKey -Description "Veeam Administrator" | RemoveVBREncryptionKey Example 2 This command removes the 'Veeam Administrator' encryption key. The encryption key is obtained by running Get-VBREncryptionKey and assigned to the '$administratorkey' variable. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBREncryptionKey -EncryptionKey $administratorkey 497 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRFailoverPlan Short Description Removes a selected failover plan or a cloud failover plan. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRFailoverPlan -FailoverPlan <VBRFailoverPlan[]> [-WhatIf] [Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRFailoverPlan Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a selected failover plan from Veeam Backup & Replication console and database. Parameters Parameter Description FailoverPlan Specifies the failover plan you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRFailoverPlan or VBRCloudFailoverPlan object. You can remove multiple objects. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 498 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command removes failover plan named "MS Exchange Group Failover". The failover plan object is obtained with Get-VBRFailoverPlan and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRFailoverPlan -Name "MS Exchange Group Failover" | RemoveVBRFailoverPlan Example 2 This command removes failover plan represented by the '$MSExchangeGroup' variable. The failover plan object is obtained with Get-VBRFailoverPlan and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRFailoverPlan -FailoverPlan $MSExchangeGroup 499 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRHvProxy Short Description Removes a specified Hyper-V backup proxy from Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Remove-VBRViProxy. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRHvProxy -Proxy <CHvProxy[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRHvProxy Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to remove the specified Hyper-V backup proxy from Veeam Backup & Replication. When you remove a backup proxy, Veeam Backup & Replication unassigns the proxy role from the server, so it is no longer used as a backup proxy. The actual server remains connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. Note: You cannot remove a backup proxy that is explicitly selected in any backup, replication or VM copy job. To remove such a proxy, you need to delete all job references to it first. Run Disable-VBRHvProxy to disable a Hyper-V proxy. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Proxy Specifies the Hyper-V backup proxy you want to remove. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False 500 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the proxies named "Proxy 01" and "Proxy 03". The proxies are obtained with Get-VBRHvProxy and piped down. Get-VBRHvProxy -Name "Proxy 01", "Proxy 03"| Remove-VBRHvProxy Example 2 This command removes the proxy represented by the $proxy variable. The proxy is obtained with GetVBRHvProxy and assigned to the variable beforehand. Remove-VBRHvProxy -Proxy $proxy 501 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRJob Short Description Removes a selected backup, replication or backup copy job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRJob [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a selected backup, replication or backup copy job from Veeam Backup & Replication console and database. Run Remove-VSBJob to remove SureBackup jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 502 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command removes the file copy jobs. The jobs to remove are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "File Copy*" | Remove-VBRJob Example 2 This command removes the job represented by the $job variable. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRJob -Job $job 503 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRJobObject Short Description Removes VMs or VM containers from the specified job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRJobObject [-Objects] <CObjectInJob[]> [-Completely] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJobObject Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to remove VMs or VM containers from existing backup, replication or copy job. You can remove the objects from job completely or only exclude them from processing. • If you remove the objects completely, they are deleted from job settings and from Veeam database. Run the cmdlet with the Completely parameter for this. • If you run the cmdlet without the Completely parameter, the job objects are only excluded from processing but remain in job settings. Note that Veeam PowerShell does not allow you to include the excluded objects back to the job, you can do it only with UI. Parameters Parameter Objects Description Required Position Specifies job objects (VMs and VM containers) you want to exclude from processing by job. Completely If indicated, the job objects will be permanently removed from job. Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 2 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 504 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command removes a 'Fileserver03' VM from the Fileservers Backup Job. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob; the VM is obtained with Get-VBRJobObject, the result is piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Fileservers Backup Job" | Get-VBRJobObject Name "Fileserver03" | Remove-VBRJobObject You can check the VM state by running Get-VBRJobObject again. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Fileservers Backup Job" | Get-VBRJobObject Name "Fileserver03" Name ---Fileserver03 Type ---Exclude ApproxSize ---------117.1 GB Location -------tech.veeam.local... Example 2 This command completely removes a 'Fileserver03' VM from the Fileservers Backup Job. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob; the VM is obtained with Get-VBRJobObject, the result is piped down. The Completely parameter is used. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Fileservers Backup Job" | Get-VBRJobObject Name "Fileserver03" | Remove-VBRJobObject -Completely Example 3 This command removes Fileserver03 and Fileserver04 VMs from the Fileservers Backup Job. • The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the '$backupjob' variable. • The VMs in job are obtained with Get-VBRJobObject and assigned to the '$jobobject' variable. PS C:\PS> $backupjob = Get-VBRJob -Name "Fileservers Backup Job" PS C:\PS> $jobobject = Get-VBRJobObject -Job $backupjob -Name "Fileserver03", "Fileserver04" PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRJobObject -Objects $jobobject 505 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRReplica Short Description Removes replicated VMs. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRReplica [-Backup] <CBackup[]> [-FromDisk] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRReplica Detailed Description This cmdlet removes replicated VMs. You can use the following options:  Remove from console. When you remove replica from the Veeam console, you will not delete the VM but only stop managing it with Veeam Backup & Replication. When replica is created, Veeam Backup & Replication maintains it in sync with the original VM by running the replication job. When you delete a replica from your managing console, it is no longer synchronized. The replica VM stays on target host.  Remove from disk. With this option, the replica is removed from database and from target host. This removal is complete and non-reversible. To stop synchronizing a replica without deleting it from the console, you need to disable or delete the corresponding replication job. Run Disable-VBRJob or Remove-VBRJob. This cmdlet removes all VMs in the replication job. To remove individual VMs, run RemoveVBRRestorePoint. Note: When you remove a replica from Veeam Backup & Replication console, you can not bring it back by means of PowerShell. Use replica seeding option in UI to restore a removed replica. 506 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Backup Description Specifies the replica you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple replicas to this object. FromDisk If indicated, the replicated VM will be permanently removed from disk. Otherwise, you only exclude the replica from processing with Veeam Backup & Replication. False Named False False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the replicas named "DC_replica01" and "DC_replica02" from Veeam Backup & Replication. The replicated VMs are obtained with Get-VBRReplica and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRReplica -Name "DC_replica01", "DC_replica02" | RemoveVBRReplica Example 2 This command removes the replicas named "DC_replica01" and "DC_replica02" from disk. The replicated VMs are obtained with Get-VBRReplica and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRReplica -Name "DC_replica01", "DC_replica02" | RemoveVBRReplica -FromDisk Example 3 This command removes the replicated VM represented by the $replica variable from disk. The replicated VM is obtained with Get-VBRReplica and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> $replica | Remove-VBRReplica -FromDisk 507 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRRestorePoint Short Description Removes individual VMs from backup or replicas. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRRestorePoint [-Oib] <COib[]> [-Name <string[]>] [-WhatIf] [Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet removes backup of a selected VM(s) or replica. The backup is removed from disk. If you remove a replica, the replicated VM is removed from infrastructure. If you need to remove replicated VM, run Remove-VBRReplica. This cmdlet removes all restore points of the selected VMs or replicas. You should run removal Important! procedures carefully considering the subsequent backup jobs that may fail to produce valid backup. Parameters Parameter Oib Description Specifies the restore point of the VM. The cmdlet will use this restore point to find data related to this VM and remove it. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple restore point to this object. Name This parameter is legacy and not supported. False Named False True WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False 508 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command removes backup of VM named "Webserver03". 1. Run Get-VBRBackup to get the backup containing this VM. Save it to the $backup variable. 2. Run Get-VBRRestorePoint to get the Webserver03. Save it to the $vm variable. 3. Run Remove-VBRRestorePoint with the $vm variable. PS C:\PS> $backup = Get-VBRBackup -Name "Webservers Backup Job" PS C:\PS> $vm = Get-VBRRestorePoint -Backup $backup -Name "Webserver03" PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRRestorePoint -Oib $vm 509 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRRestoreSession Short Description Removes a restore session. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRRestoreSession [-Session] <CRestoreSession[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestoreSession Detailed Description This cmdlet removes the specified restore session from Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Session Specifies the restore session you want to remove. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the last restore session of the VM named "Fileserver". The restore session is obtained with Get-VBRRestoreSession and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestoreSession -Name "Fileserver 03" | Select -Last 1 | Remove-VBRRestoreSession 510 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command removes the restore session represented by the $session variable. The restore session object is obtained with Get-VBRRestoreSession and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRRestoreSession -Session $session 511 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRServer Short Description Removes a selected server from Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRServer [-Server] <CHost[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a selected server or host (VMware or Hyper-V) from Veeam Backup & Replication. You can remove the following servers:  Backup Server: the server where Veeam Backup & Replication is installed.  ESX: ESX host.  ESXi: ESXi host.  HvCluster: Hyper-V cluster.  HvServer: Hyper-V host.  Linux: Linux server.  Local: this server.  SanHost: storage system server.  Scvmm: Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager server.  SmbCluster: Microsoft SMB cluster.  SmbServer: Microsoft SMB server.  VC: VMware vCloud server.  VcdSystem: VMware vCloud Director server.  Windows: Windows server.  Cloud: cloud server. When you remove a host, you only stop managing it via your Veeam Backup & Replication console. The host is not deleted as well as data stored on it, i.e. the backup files. You can import these backup files later to the Veeam Backup & Replication console by running Import-VBRBackup. Note that when you remove servers from your Veeam Backup & Replication managing console, the backups of the removed hosts stay in the Veeam Backup & Replication database and repository. 512 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Note: A server that has any dependencies cannot be deleted. For example, you cannot delete a server that is referenced by a backup or replication job, or that performs the role of a backup proxy or repository. To remove such a server, you will need to delete all referencing jobs or roles first. Parameters Parameter Server Description Specifies the server you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple servers to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes a Virtual Center named "vCenter01". The server is obtained with GetVBRServer, selected by the Type and Name parameters, and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Type VC -Name vCenter01 | Remove-VBRServer Example 2 This command removes the server represented by the $server variable. The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. Remove-VBRServer -Server $server 513 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRTapeLibrary Short Description Removes a specified tape library from Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRTapeLibrary -Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeLibrary Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a specified tape library from Veeam Backup & Replication. When you remove a tape library, you stop managing it with your Veeam Backup & Replication console. To remove a tape library, mind the following limitations: • Only the libraries in the offline status can be removed. To remove a tape library, you need to physically disconnect it from the tape server first. Alternatively, you can remove the tape server to which the tape library is connected. • You can remove the tape devices that are not used by any tape jobs. If any jobs are using the media pools assigned to the tape device, first redirect these jobs to other media pools. Parameters Parameter Library Description Specifies the tape library you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRTapeLibrary object. You can assign multiple libraries to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that False Named False False 514 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 they want to continue. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes a tape library named 'HP MSL G3 Series 3.00'. The library object is obtained with Get-VBRTapeLibrary and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" | RemoveVBRTapeLibrary Example 2 This command removes a tape library represented by '$SydneyTapeLibrary' variable. The library object is obtained with Get-VBRTapeLibrary and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRTapeLibrary -Library $SydneyTapeLibrary 515 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRTapeMediaPool Short Description Removes media pool. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRTapeMediaPool -MediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPool[]> [-WhatIf] [Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMediaPool Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a selected media pool from Veeam Backup & Replication. Removing media pools has the following restrictions: Important!    You can only delete custom media pools; predefined media pools cannot be deleted. You cannot delete a media pool that contains tapes. To be able to delete such a pool, first move tapes from this pool to other media pools. You cannot delete media pools used by an existing backup/files to tape copy job. In case you definitely have to disable this pool, you should first modify the corresponding job to target another media pool. Parameters Parameter Description MediaPool Specifies the media pool(s) you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False You can assign multiple media pools to this object. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPool object, GUID or string type. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. 516 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the media pool named "Winserver MediaPool". The media pool is obtained with Get-VBRTapeMediaPool and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeMediaPool -Name "Winserver MediaPool" | RemoveVBRTapeMediaPool Example 2 This command removes the media pool represented by the $pool variable. The media pool is obtained with Get-VBRTapeMediaPool and assigned to $pool variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRTapeMediaPool -MediaPool $pool 517 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRTapeMedium Short Description Removes the selected tapes from tape catalog. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRTapeMedium -Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMedium Detailed Description This cmdlet removes the selected tapes and the data written to the tapes from the tape catalog and Veeam backup database. You can remove only offline tapes. Note: You cannot remove protected tapes. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Medium Specifies the tapes you want to remove. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 518 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRTapeServer Short Description Removes a specified tape server from Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRTapeServer -TapeServer <VBRTapeServer[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeServer Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a specified tape server from Veeam Backup & Replication. When you remove a tape server, Veeam Backup & Replication unassigns the tape server role from the server, so it is no longer used as a tape server. The actual server remains connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Description TapeServer Specifies the tape server you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRTapeServer objects. You can assign multiple servers to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 519 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command removes a tape server named "Sydney_Tape_Server". The tape server is obtained with Get-VBRTapeServer and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeServer -Name "Sydney_Tape_Server" | RemoveVBRTapeServer Example 2 This command removes tape servers represented by '$SydneyTapeServer' and '$NewYorkTapeServer' variables. The tape servers are obtained with Get-VBRTapeServer and assigned to the variables beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRTapeServer -TapeServer $SydneyTapeServer, $NewYorkTapeServer 520 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRTapeVault Short Description Removes a specified tape vault from Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRTapeVault -Vault <VBRTapeVault[]> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeVault Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a specified tape vault from Veeam Backup & Replication. When you remove a vault, you do not remove the tapes stored in it. Parameters Parameter Vault Description Specifies the vault you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRTapeVault object. You can assign multiple vaults to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 521 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command removes a tape vault named 'Sydney Remote Storage'. The vault object is obtained with Get-VBRTapeVault and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeVault -Name "Sydney Remote Storage" | RemoveVBRTapeVault Example 2 This command removes tape vaults represented by '$SydneyRemoteStorage' and '$NewYorkRemoteStorage' variables. The vaults objects are obtained with Get-VBRTapeVault and assigned to the variables beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRTapeVault -Vault $SydneyRemoteStorage, $NewYorkRemoteStorage 522 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRViProxy Short Description Removes VMware backup proxy from Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Remove-VBRHvProxy. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRViProxy -Proxy <CViProxy[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRViProxy Detailed Description This cmdlet removes the specified VMware backup proxy from Veeam Backup & Replication. When you remove a backup proxy, Veeam Backup & Replication unassigns the proxy role from the server, so it is no longer used as a backup proxy. The actual server remains connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. Note: You cannot remove a backup proxy that is explicitly selected in any backup, replication or VM copy job. To remove such a proxy, you need to delete all job references to it first. Run Disable-VBRViProxy to disable a VMware proxy. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Proxy Specifies the proxy you want to remove. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False 523 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the proxies named "Proxy 01" and "Proxy 03". The proxies are obtained with Get-VBRViProxy and piped down. Get-VBRViProxy -Name "Proxy 01", "Proxy 03"| Remove-VBRViProxy Example 2 This command removes the proxy represented by the $proxy variable. The proxy is obtained with GetVBRViProxy and assigned to the variable beforehand. Remove-VBRViProxy -Proxy $proxy 524 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRWANAccelerator Short Description Removes a WAN accelerator. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VBRWANAccelerator -Accelerator <CWanAccelerator> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRWANAccelerator Detailed Description This cmdlet removes the selected WAN accelerator. When you remove a WAN accelerator, Veeam Backup & Replication unassigns the accelerator role from the server, so it is no longer used as a WAN accelerator. The actual server remains connected to Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Description Accelerator Specifies the WAN accelerator you want to remove. Required Position True Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the WAN Accelerator named "WANAccelerator 1". The accelerator is obtained with Get-VBRWANAccelerator and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRWANAccelerator -Name "WANAccelerator 1" | RemoveVBRWANAccelerator 525 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command removes the WAN accelerator represented by the $a variable. The accelerator is obtained with Get-VBRWANAccelerator and assigned to the $a variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VBRWANAccelerator -Accelerator $a 526 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VNXHost Short Description Removes a EMC VNX storage from Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: EMC VNX Syntax Remove-VNXHost -Host <CVnxHost> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VNXHost Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a selected EMC VNX storage from Veeam Backup & Replication. The storage is not deleted from server. When you remove a storage, you stop managing it via your Veeam Backup & Replication console. Parameters Parameter Storage Description Required Position Specifies the storage you want to remove. True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 527 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VNXSnapshot Short Description Removes a EMC VNX storage snapshot. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: EMC VNX Syntax Remove-VNXSnapshot -Snapshot <CSanSnapshot[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VNXSnapshot Detailed Description This cmdlet permanently removes a selected EMC VNX storage snapshot from your storage system. Parameters Parameter Snapshot Description Specifies the snapshot(s) you want to remove. You can assign multiple snapshots to this object. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 528 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VSBApplicationGroup Short Description Removes a specified application group from Veeam Backup & Replication. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VSBApplicationGroup [-AppGroup] <CSbAppGroup[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBApplicationGroup Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a specified application group from Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Description AppGroup Specifies the application group you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple application groups to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the application groups named "AppGroup 01" and "AppGroup 02". The application groups are obtained with Get-VSBApplicationGroup and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBApplicationGroup -Name "AppGroup 01", "AppGroup 02"| Remove-VSBApplicationGroup 529 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command removes the application group represented by the $appgroup variable. The application group is obtained with Get-VSBApplicationGroup and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VSBApplicationGroup -AppGroup $appgroup 530 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VSBHvVirtualLab Short Description Removes a Hyper-V virtual lab. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Remove-VSBVirtualLab. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VSBHvVirtualLab [-VirtualLab] <CHvSbVirtualLab[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>][-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf][Confirm][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBHvVirtualLab Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a specified Hyper-V virtual lab from Veeam Backup & Replication console. The virtual lab is not deleted from server where it was created. When you remove a virtual lab, you stop managing it via your Veeam Backup & Replication console. Note that you cannot remove a virtual lab from server with Veeam PowerShell. You can add a removed virtual lab to your console by running Connect-VSBHvVirtualLab. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters VirtualLab Specifies the virtual lab you want to remove from your Veeam Backup & Replication console. True Named True(ByValue, ByProperty Name) False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 531 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command removes a virtual lab named "Virtual Lab 01". The virtual lab object is obtained with Get-VSBHvVirtualLab and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBHvVirtualLab -Name "Virtual Lab 01" | RemoveVSBHvVirtualLab Example 2 This command removes a virtual lab represented by the $vlab variable. The virtual lab object is obtained with Get-VSBHvVirtualLab and assigned to variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VSBHvVirtualLab -VirtualLab $vlab 532 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VSBJob Short Description Removes a specified SureBackup job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VSBJob [-Job] <CSbJob[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a specified SureBackup job from Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the SureBackup job you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False True Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False True <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command removes the SureBackup job named "SureJob 01" and "SureJob 12". The SureBackup jobs are obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "SureJob 01", "SureJob 12"| Remove-VSBJob 533 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command removes the SureBackup job represented by the $surejob variable. The SureBackup job is obtained with Get-VSBJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VSBJob -Job $surejob 534 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VSBVirtualLab Short Description Removes a specified VMware virtual lab. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Remove-VSBHvVirtualLab. Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Remove-VSBVirtualLab [-VirtualLab] <CViSbVirtualLab[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBVirtualLab Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a specified VMware virtual lab from Veeam Backup & Replication. The virtual lab is not deleted from server where it was created. When you remove a virtual lab, you stop managing it via your Veeam Backup & Replication console. Note that you cannot remove a virtual lab from server with Veeam PowerShell. You can add a removed virtual lab to your console by running Connect-VSBVirtualLab. Parameters Parameter Description VirtualLab Specifies the virtual lab you want to remove. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple virtual labs to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False False False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 535 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command removes a virtual lab named "Virtual Lab 01". The virtual lab object is obtained with Get-VSBVirtualLab and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBVirtualLab -Name "Virtual Lab 01" | Remove-VSBVirtualLab Example 2 This command removes a virtual lab represented by the $vlab variable. The virtual lab object is obtained with Get-VSBVirtualLab and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Remove-VSBVirtualLab -VirtualLab $vlab 536 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Rescan-VBREntity Short Description Rescans backup infrastructure components. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  For rescanning a selected component: Rescan-VBREntity -Entity <Object[]> [-Wait]  [<CommonParameters>] For selecting all items of a selected type: Rescan-VBREntity [-AllReplicas] [-AllHosts] [-AllTapeServers] [AllRepositories] [-AllCloudProviders] [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Get-VBRTapeServer Get-VBRTapeLibrary Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRCloudProvider Get-VBRReplica Detailed Description This cmdlet rescans backup infrastructure components added to Veeam Backup & Replication:  Hosts and clusters  Tape servers  Tape libraries  Backup repositories  Cloud providers  Veeam backup database for new replica restore points You can rescan components, for example, after configuration restore. 537 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Entity Description Specifies the component you want to rescan. Required Position   Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline) False Accepts the following objects:     Accept Pipeline Input CHost (host) VBRTapeServer (tape server) VBRTapeLibrary (tape library) CBackupRepository (backup repository) VBRCloudProvider (cloud provider) CBackup (only replicas restore points) AllReplicas If set, the cmdlet will rescan all replicas restore points. False Named False False AllHosts If set, the cmdlet will rescan all managed hosts. False Named False False AllTape Servers If set, the cmdlet will rescan all tape servers. False Named False False If set, the cmdlet will rescan all backup All Repositories repositories. False Named False False AllCloud Providers If set, the cmdlet will rescan all cloud providers. False Named False False Wait Indicates that the command waits for the process to complete before accepting more input. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command rescans servers managed by your Veeam console. PS C:\PS> Rescan-VBREntity -AllHosts Example 2 This command rescans a backup repository named "Win2012Repo". The repository is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackupRepository - Name "Win2012Repo" | Rescan-VBREntity 538 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 3 This command rescans the tape server named "srv01.veeam.local". The tape server is obtained with Get-VBRTapeServer and assigned to the 'tapesrv' variable. The Wait parameter is used to prevent the console from taking input until the rescanning ends. PS C:\PS> $tapesrv = Get-VBRTapeServer -Name "srv01.veeam.local" PS C:\PS> Rescan-VBREntity -Entity $tapesrv -Wait Example 4 This command updates information about the 'Webservices' replica restore points. The replica is obtained with Get-VBRReplica and assigned to the '$webservices' variable. PS C:\PS> $webservices = Get-VBRReplica -Name "Webservices Replica" PS C:\PS> Rescan-VBREntity -Entity $webservices 539 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Reset-HvVmChangeTracking Short Description Clears change tracking data for a specific VM or specific virtual disk (VHD). Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Reset-HvVmChangeTracking [-Server] <CHost> [-VMName <String>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORReset-HvVmChangeTracking [-Server] <CHost> [-VhdPath <String>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet clears and resets change tracking data for a VM or specific virtual disk (VHD). Change tracking data is history of changes kept for each data block. Using the changed block tracking (CBT) mechanism allows to reduce the backup time as the backup process compares the CBT data instead of scanning all data. You may need to reset the change tracking data in case it was corrupted. This cmdlet provides two scenarios. You can reset change tracking for a specific VM or for a specific virtual disk (VHD). Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Server Specifies the server hosting the VM for which you want to reset change tracking data. True 2 False False VMName Specifies the VM for which you want to reset change tracking data. False Named False False VhdPath Specifies the virtual disk (VHD) for which you want to reset change tracking data. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 540 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command resets change tracking data for the VM named "Fileserver". The VM is located on host represented by the $server variable. The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Reset-HvVmChangeTracking -Server $server -VMName "Fileserver" Example 2 This command resets change tracking data for the specified virtual disk. The VM is located on host represented by the $server variable. The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Reset-HvVmChangeTracking -Server $server -VhdPath "C:\Users\Public\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\hv_dns.vhdx" 541 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Reset-VBRCloudTenant Short Description Resets cloud account user license. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Reset-VBRCloudTenant -CloudTenant <VBRCloudTenant[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudTenant Return Type None Detailed Description This cmdlet resets cloud account user license. Parameters Parameter Cloud Tenant Description Specifies the user accounts for which you want to reset the user license. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRCloudTenant object. You can assign multiple accounts to this object. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 542 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command resets licenses for two cloud user accounts represented by the '$CloudUser1' and '$CloudUser2' variables. The cloud user accounts are obtained by Get-VBRCloudTenant and assigned to the variables beforehand. PS C:\PS> Reset-VBRCloudTenant -CloudTenant $CloudUser1, $CloudUser2 Example 2 This command resets the ABC company license. The cloud user account is obtained by running Get-VBRCloudTenant and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudTenant -Name "ABC Company" | Reset-VBRCloudTenant 543 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Reset-VBRJobOptions Short Description Sets job settings to default. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Reset-VBRJobOptions -Job <CBackupJob> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet clears the custom settings of the specified job and restores their default values. Note that the VSS settings (application-aware image processing and guest file system indexing) are not reset with this cmdlet. Run Reset-VBRJobVssOptions to clear the job VSS settings. Run DisableVBRJobVSSIntegration or Disable-VBRJobGuestFSIndexing to temporarily disable the applicationaware image processing and guest file system indexing settings. You can run this cmdlet with any kind of jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to edit. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets default settings to backup jobs named "Fileserver Backup Job 1" and "Fileserver Backup Job 2". The jobs object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Fileserver Backup Job 1", "Fileserver Backup Job 2" | Reset-VBRJobOptions 544 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command sets default settings to the job represented by the '$job' variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Reset-VBRJobOptions -Job $job 545 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Reset-VBRJobScheduleOptions Short Description Sets job schedule settings to default. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Reset-VBRJobScheduleOptions -Job <CBackupJob> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet sets the default scheduling options to the selected job. When you clear the schedulling options of a job, you need to run the job manually. You can run this cmdlet with any kind of jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies job you want to edit. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) True <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets default schedule options to backup jobs named "Fileserver Backup Job" and "Fileserver Copy Job". The jobs object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Fileserver Backup Job", "Fileserver Copy Job" | Reset-VBRJobScheduleOptions 546 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command sets default schedule options to the job represented by the $job variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Reset-VBRJobScheduleOptions -Job $job 547 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Reset-VBRJobVssOptions Short Description Sets job VSS settings to default. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Reset-VBRJobVssOptions -Job <CBackupJob> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet clears the custom VSS settings of the specified job and restores their default values. VSS (Volume Shadow Services) is a Windows OS service allowing to copy files of running applications that can be modified at the moment of copying. The VSS-aware applications typically are Active Directory, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Exchange, Sharepoint, etc. To create a transactionally consistent backup of a VM running VSS-aware applications without shutting them down, Veeam Backup & Replication uses application-aware image processing. It allows backup the data fully and consistently. You can run this cmdlet with any kind of jobs. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to edit. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets default VSS settings to backup jobs named "Fileserver Backup Job 1" and "Fileserver Backup Job 2". The jobs object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Fileserver Backup Job 1", "Fileserver Backup Job 2" | Reset-VBRJobVssOptions 548 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command sets default VSS settings to the job represented by the $job variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Reset-VBRJobVssOptions -Job $job 549 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Reset-VSBJobOptions Short Description Sets SureBackup job settings to default. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Reset-VSBJobOptions -Job <CSbJob> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Detailed Description This cmdlet clears the custom settings of the specified SureBackup job and restores their default values. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the SureBackup job you want to edit. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets default settings to SureBackup jobs named "SureBackup Job 1" and "SureBackup Job 2". The jobs object is obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "SureBackup Job 1", "SureBackup Job 2" | ResetVSBJobOptions 550 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command sets default settings to the SureBackup job represented by the $SureJob variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VSBJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Reset-VSBJobOptions -Job $SureJob 551 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Restart-VBRInstantRecovery Short Description Restarts a failed Hyper-V Instant Recovery session. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Restart-VBRInstantRecovery [-InstantRecovery] <InstantRecovery[]> [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRInstantRecovery Detailed Description This cmdlet restarts a failed Hyper-V Instant Recovery session started with StartVBRHvInstantRecovery. Run Get-VBRInstantRecovery to get the status of the Instant Recovery session. Parameters Parameter Instant Recovery Description Specifies the instant recovery session you want to restart. You can assign multiple instant recovery sessions to this object. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command restarts the last instant recovery session. The needed session object is obtained with Get-VBRInstantRecovery, selected by order and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRInstantRecovery | Select -Last 1 | RestartVBRInstantRecovery 552 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command restarts the instant recovery session represented by the $"Recovery Session" variable. The needed session object is obtained with Get-VBRInstantRecovery and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Restart-VBRInstantRecovery -InstantRecovery $"Recovery Session" 553 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-NetAppHost Short Description Modifies storage. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-NetAppHost -Host <CNaHost> [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] [UserName <String>] [-Password <String>] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [IsHTTP [<Boolean>]] [-Port <Int32>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-NetAppHost Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies a selected storage. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Host Specifies the storage you want to modify. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Name Specifies the storage IP address or DNS name. True Named False False False Named False False True Named False False True Named False False Description Specifies the description of the storage. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. UserName Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the storage. If you use username/password scenario, -Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to 554 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 use for authenticating with the storage. If you use username/password scenario, -Credentials parameter must be omitted. IsHTTP If set to TRUE, HTTP protocol will be used to connect to the NetApp storage. Otherwise, HTTPS protocol will be selected. By default, HTTPS is used. False Named False False Port Sets a port used to connect to the NetApp storage. By default, port 443 is used. False Named False False True Named False False Credentials Specifies the CCredentials object containing the credentials record you want to use for authenticating with the storage. If you use credentials scenario, User and Password parameters must be omitted. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command changes the storage connection from default to HTTP. The storage is obtained with Get-NetAppHost and assigned to the '$netapp' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-NetAppHost -Host $netapp -IsHTTP "True" Example 2 This command changes the port to 80. The storage is obtained with Get-NetAppHost and assigned to the '$netapp' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-NetAppHost -Host $netapp -IsHttp $true -Port 80 555 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRBackupRepository Short Description Modifies a backup repository. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRBackupRepository -Repository <CBackupRepository> [-Name <string>] [Description <string>] [-MountServer <CHost>] [-Server <CHost>] [RotatedDrive] [-EnableVPowerNFS] [-VPowerNFSFolder <string>] [-DDServerName <string>] [-RequireAccessCreds] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [LimitConcurrentJobs] [-MaxConcurrentJobs <int>] [-LimitDatarate] [DataRateLimit <int>] [-AlignDataBlocks] [-DecompressDataBlocks] [UsePerVMFile] [-DDBoostEncryptionType <VBRDDBoostEncryptionType> {None | Medium | High}] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRServer Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies a selected backup repository. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. To modify scale-out backup repository, run Set-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Repository Specifies the backup repository you want to modify. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the new backup repository. False Named False False Description Specifies the description of the backup repository. False Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Server Specifies the host where the backup repository you want to add is 556 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 located. Use this parameter to explicitly set the host for the following repository types: — For the WinLocal type: indicate the Windows based server where you want to create the backup repository or to which you want to connect the rotated drives. — For the LinuxLocal type: indicate the Linux based server where you want to create the backup repository or to which you want to connect the rotated drives. — For the CifsShare, DataDomain or HPStoreOnce types: indicate a Windows based server that to which the storage appliance is connected and which will be used as a gateway server. Default: This server. Mount Server Used to enable the vPower NFS. False Named False False Specifies the host where the NFS service must be installed. By default, the vPower NFS folder is created on the mounted host. If you want to locate the vPower NFS folder elsewhere, use the VPowerNFSFolder parameter to set the path. Rotated Drive Indicates if the repository you want to add is a rotated drive (removable media). False Named False False Enable VPowerNFS Indicates that the repository is accessible by the vPower NFS service. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Use the MountServer and VPowerNFSFolder parameters to set the vPower NFS service. VPower NFSFolder Specifies the path to the vPower NFS root folder. To enable the vPower NFS, the MountServer parameter must be set. DDServer Name Specifies the Data Domain server name according to the connection mode: 557 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1   If EMC Data Domain works over TCP, enter a full DNS name or IP address of the EMC Data Domain server. If EMC Data Domain works over Fibre Channel, enter a name of the Data Domain server starting with a 'DFC-' prefix, for example, "DFCDataDomain690". Require Access Creds Indicates that the administrator credentials are needed to access the shared folder. Use the Credentials parameter to specify the credentials. False Named False False Credentials Specifies credentials you want to use for authenticating with the backup repository host. False Named False False Limit Concurrent Jobs Indicates if the number of concurrent jobs using this repository must be limited. Use the MaxConcurrentJobs parameter to set the maximum value. False Named False False Max Concurrent Jobs Used for setting maximum value for the LimitConcurrentJobs parameter. False Named False False Specifies the maximum allowed number of concurrent tasks for the backup repository. Accepts int type. Permitted values: 1 to 99. Limit Datarate Indicates that the total speed of writing data to the backup repository disk must be restricted. Use the DataRateLimit parameter to set the maximum value. False Named False False Data Rate Limit Used for setting combined data ingestion rate for the LimitDatarate parameter. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the combined data ingestion rate for the repository. Accepts int32 type. Permitted value: 1 to 1024 (MByte/s). Align Data Blocks If set, the backup blocks size will be aligned by a 4Kb block boundary. Data alignment provides better deduplication on storage systems with fixed block size. Decompress If set, backup data blocks will be DataBlocks decompressed before storing the backup to the repository. Decompression helps to achieve a 558 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 better deduplication ratio. UsePerVM File Indicates that the backup repository must create per-VM backup files. False Named False False DDBoost Encryption Type Specifies the native EMC DataDomain encryption level: False Named False False    High Medium None. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 559 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRBackupToTapeJob Short Description Modifies backup to tape job or a GFS job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides three parameter sets.  For modifying all kinds of tape jobs without editing media poos: Set-VBRBackupToTapeJob -Job <VBRBackupToTapeJob> [-Name <string>] [Description <string>] [-EjectCurrentMedium] [-ExportCurrentMediaSet] [ExportDays <DayOfWeek[]> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-FullBackupPolicy <VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy>] [ScheduleOptions <VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions>] [-Object <Object[]>] [ProcessIncrementalBackup] [-UseHardwareCompression] [-WaitPeriod <timespan>] [-WaitForBackupJob] [-NotificationOptions <VBRNotificationOptions>] [-JobScriptOptions <VBRJobScriptOptions>] [AlwaysCopyFromLatestFull] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]  For modifying a tape job targeted to a non-GFS media pool: Set-VBRBackupToTapeJob -Job <VBRBackupToTapeJob> [-Name <string>] [Description <string>] [-EjectCurrentMedium] [-ExportCurrentMediaSet] [FullBackupMediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPool>] [-IncrementalBackupMediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPoolBase>] [-ExportDays <DayOfWeek[]> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-FullBackupPolicy <VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy>] [-ScheduleOptions <VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions>] [-Object <Object[]>] [ProcessIncrementalBackup] [-UseHardwareCompression] [-WaitPeriod <timespan>] [-WaitForBackupJob] [-NotificationOptions <VBRNotificationOptions>] [-JobScriptOptions <VBRJobScriptOptions>] [AlwaysCopyFromLatestFull] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]  For modifying a tape job targeted to a GFS media pool: Set-VBRBackupToTapeJob -Job <VBRBackupToTapeJob> [-Name <string>] [Description <string>] [-EjectCurrentMedium] [-ExportCurrentMediaSet] [GFSMediaPool <VBRTapeGFSMediaPool>] [-ExportDays <DayOfWeek[]> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [FullBackupPolicy <VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy>] [-ScheduleOptions <VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions>] [-Object <Object[]>] [ProcessIncrementalBackup] [-UseHardwareCompression] [-WaitPeriod <timespan>] [-WaitForBackupJob] [-NotificationOptions <VBRNotificationOptions>] [-JobScriptOptions <VBRJobScriptOptions>] [AlwaysCopyFromLatestFull] [-GFSScheduleOptions <VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] 560 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Related Commands Get-VBRJob Get-VBREPJob Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRTapeMediaPool New-VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy New-VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions Get-VBRBackupRepository New-VBRNotificationOptions New-VBRJobScriptOptions Return Type VBRBackupToTapeJob Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies a selected backup to tape job or a GFS job. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the backup to tape job to which you want to apply new settings. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts VBRBackupToTapeJob or TapeJob objects, GUID or string type. Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the backup to tape job. Accepts string type. Description Specifies the description of the backup to tape job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Eject Current Medium Indicates that the tape(s) will be automatically ejected from drive after the job finishes. Export Current MediaSet Indicates that the tapes belonging to the media set will be automatically placed to Import/Export (Mail) slot for further export. Use the ExportDays parameter to set days on which you want to export tapes. The ejected tape is moved to a standard library slot. If you use this parameter, but do not set the ExportDays parameter, the tapes will be exported every day. 561 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Full Backup Media Pool Specifies the media pool where you want to store full backups produced by this tape job. Incremental Backup Media Pool Used to set media pool for the ProcessIncrementalBackup parameter. True Named False False False Named False False True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts VBRTapeMediaPool object, GUID or string type. Specifies the media pool where you want to store incremental backups produced by this tape job. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPool object, GUID or string type. GFSMedia Pool Specifies the target GFS media pool. ExportDays Used to set days for exporting tapes for the ExportCurrentMediaSet parameter. Accepts VBRTapeGFSMediaPool object, GUID or string type. Specifies days on which the tapes written by this tape job will be automatically exported: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. FullBackup Policy Specifies virtualized synthetic full backup for tape settings. Accepts VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy object. Schedule Options Specifies backup to tape job schedule. Default:       Object Enabled: False. Type: Daily. DailyOptions: Type: SelectedDays, Period: 18:00, DayOfWeek: Saturday. MonthlyOptions: Period: 22:00, DayNumberInMonth: Fourth, DayOfWeek: Saturday, Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. ScheduleOptions: From Sunday to Saturday, from 00:00 to 23:00, Enabled: True. JobId: Null. Specifies the backup job or backup repository that will be the source for this tape job. Accepts CBackupJob, VBREPJob or CBackupRepository objects. You can assign multiple jobs or repositories to this object. Process Incremental Backup Indicates that this tape job will archive incremental backups. Use the IncrementalBackupMediaPool parameter to specify a separate media pool for storing incremental backups. If you do not set 562 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 the IncrementalBackupMediaPool parameter, incremental backups will be stored to the media pool the you set for full backups. UseHardware Indicates that tape library must perform Compression hardware compression for archives. Do not use this option for archiving Veeam backups or other already compressed files. False Named False False WaitPeriod False Named False False Used to set time period for the WaitForBackupJob parameter. Specifies the time period for which the tape job must wait for the source backup jobs to finish. Can be set to 1-777 minutes. Accepts TipeSpan, integer or string types. WaitFor BackupJob Indicates that the tape job must wait for the source backup job to finish. Use the WaitPeriod parameter to set the time period. False Named False False Notification Options Specifies the email notification options. False Named False False JobScript Options Specifies scripting options. False Named False False AlwaysCopy FromLatest Full Indicates that on each run the tape job must copy only the latest backup chain. Otherwise, on each run the tape job will copy all restore points produced by the source backup job(s) that are available on disk. False Named False False GFS Schedule Options Specifies the schedule settings for the GFS media pool. False Named False False Accepts VBRNotificationOptions object. Accepts VBRJobScriptOptions object. Accepts the VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command sets a new media pool for the incremental backups. 1. Run Get-VBRTapeMediaPool. Save it to the $newpool variable. 2. Run Set-VBRBackupToTapeJob. Get the job with Get-VBRTapeJob and pipe it down. Use the $newpool variable. PS C:\PS> $newpool = Get-VBRTapeMediaPool -Name "Incremental Backups" PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeJob -Name "Daily WebApp Backup" | SetVBRBackupToTapeJob -IncrementalBackupMediaPool $newpool 563 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRBackupWindowOptions Short Description Modifies the VBRBackupWindowOptions object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRBackupWindowOptions -Options <VBRBackupWindowOptions> -FromDay <DayOfWeek> -FromHour <Int32> -ToDay <DayOfWeek> -ToHour <Int32> -Enabled [-PassThru] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRBackupWindowOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies the VBRBackupWindowOptions object that was created earlier. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Options Specifies the VBRBackupWindowOptions you want to modify. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False FromDay Specifies the day of week on which the backup window opens. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts DayOfWeek enumeration. Default: Sunday. FromHour Specifies the hour on which the backup window opens. Accepts int32 type. Default: 0. ToDay Specifies the day of week on which the backup window ends. 564 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Accepts DayOfWeek enumeration. Default: Saturday. ToHour Specifies the hour on which the backup window ends. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts int32 type. Default: 23. Enabled Indicates if this backup window is enabled or disabled.   TRUE: jobs are allowed to run within the specified interval. FALSE: jobs are prohibited to run within the specified interval. Default: False. PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 565 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject Short Description Modifies a selected failover plan object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject -Object <VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject> [BootOrder <int>] [-BootDelay <int>] [-PublicIpRule <VBRFailoverPlanPublicIPRule[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRFailoverPlan Return Type VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies a selected failover plan object. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Object Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Specifies the failover plan object you want to modify. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False BootOrder Specifies the order number by which the replica will boot. False Named False False BootDelay Specifies the delay time for the replica to boot. False Named False False False Named False False The delay time is set in seconds. If omitted, the delay time will be set to 60 sec by default. If you set boot delay to '0' to a number of replicas, these replicas will start simultaneously. Public IpRule Specifies the rule for mapping public IP and ports to the IP and ports of the replica VM. 566 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 You can add multiple rules to this object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 567 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRCloudGateway Short Description Modifies a selected cloud gateway. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Set-VBRCloudGateway -CloudGateway <VBRCloudGateway> [-Description <String>] [-IpAddress <String>] [-IncomingPort <Int32>] [-NATPort <Int32>] [PassThru] [-NetworkMode <VBRGatewayNetworkMode>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudGateway Return Type Get-VBRCloudGateway Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies existing cloud gateway. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Cloud Gateway Description Specifies the cloud gateway you want to modify. Required Position Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts VBRCloudGateway object. Description Specifies the description of the cloud gateway. Accept Pipeline Input If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Ip Address Specifies an external IP address of the NAT or network interface gateway. Accepts IPAddress object or string type. Incoming Specifies a port that will be used by the Veeam backup server to connect 568 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Port to the gateway. Accepts int type. Permitted values: 1 to 65535. Default: 6180. NAT Port Specifies a port on the NAT gateway used for listening to connections from users and passing cloud commands from users to the SP Veeam backup server. False Named False False Accepts int type. Permitted values: 1 to 65535. Default: (for Direct) null, (for NAT) 8080. Network Mode Specifies network mode: Direct, NAT. False Named False False PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets a new port for the cloud gateway to connect to Veeam Backup & Replication. • The cloud gateway is obtained by Get-VBRCloudGateway and assigned to the '$cloudgateway' variable beforehand. • The new port number is set to '9012'. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRCloudGateway -CloudGateway $cloudgateway -IncomingPort 9012 Example 2 This command sets a new cloud gateway IP address and port to connect to Veeam Backup & Replication. • The cloud gateway is obtained by Get-VBRCloudGateway and piped down. • The IP address is set to '' and the port is set to '8062'. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudGateway | Set-VBRCloudGateway -IpAddress -IncomingPort 8062 569 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRCloudProvider Short Description Modifies service provider. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Set-VBRCloudProvider -CloudProvider <VBRCloudProvider> [-Address <string>] [-Description <string>] [-Port <int>] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [PassThru] [-Appliance <VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance[]>] [VerifyCertificate] [-CertificateThumbprint <string>] [InstallManagementAgent] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Get-VBRCloudProvider Return Type VBRCloudProvider Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies service provider added to Veeam Backup & Replication. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Cloud Provider Specifies the service provider that you want to modify. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFrom Pipeline ByProperty Name) False Address Specifies a full DNS name or IP address of the cloud gateway configured on the service provider side. True Named False False False Named False False Accepts string type. Description Specifies the description of the service provider. 570 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Port Specifies the port over which user’s Veeam backup server will communicate with the cloud gateway. False Named False False True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts int type. Permitted values: 1 to 65535. Default: 6180. Credentials Specifies credentials for the user account registered on the service provider Veeam backup server. Accepts CCredentials object. Appliance Specifies the appliance on the user side that will be used for the partial failover. Accepts VBRHvCloudProviderNetworkAppliance object. Verify Certificate Indicates if the SSL certificate must be verified by the thumbprints. Use the CertificateTumbprint parameter to set the thumbprint that will be compared to the SSL certificate thumbprint. Certificate Thumbprint Specifies the thumbprint that will be compared to the SSL certificate thumbprint. Accepts string type. Indicates that the service provider must Install Management manage the Veeam backup server under the Backup as a Service agreement. Agent The cmdlet will install the Veeam Managed Backup Portal agent on the Veeam backup server. Force If set, the command will skip the certificate verification if the verification fails. False Named False False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 571 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command enables the SSL certificate verification for a service provider represented by the '$CloudProvider1' variable. • The service provider is obtained with Get-VBRCloudProvider and assigned to the '$CloudProvider1' variable beforehand. • The VerifyCertificate parameter is used to enable the SSL certificate verification with thumbprints. The thumbprint is 'e6 c0 e5 1a db 73 0c 13 b3 c3 74 d4 ee 93 ab d0 08 3f 7a a8'. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRCloudProvider -CloudProvider $CloudProvider1 VerifyCertificate -CertificateThumbprint "e6 c0 e5 1a db 73 0c 13 b3 c3 74 d4 ee 93 ab d0 08 3f 7a a8" Example 2 This command sets the cloud gateway port to the default value. • The service provider is obtained with Get-VBRCloudProvider and piped down. • The Port parameter is set to '6180'. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudProvider -Name "" VBRCloudProvider -Port 6180 572 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 | Set- Set-VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance Short Description Modifies a selected network extension appliance on the user side. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides three parameter sets.  For modifying an appliance with default settings: Set-VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance -NetworkAppliance <VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance> [-Server <CHost>] [-Network <IVBRServerNetworkInfo>] [-IpAddress <string>] [-SubnetMask <string>] [DefaultGateway <string>] [<CommonParameters>]  For modifying a VMware appliance with advanced settings: Set-VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance -NetworkAppliance <VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance> [-Server <CHost>] [-ResourcePool <CViResourcePoolItem>] [-Network <IVBRServerNetworkInfo>] [-IpAddress <string>] [-SubnetMask <string>] [-DefaultGateway <string>] [-Datastore <VBRViDatastore>] [<CommonParameters>]  For modifying a Hyper-V appliance with advanced settings: Set-VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance -NetworkAppliance <VBRCloudProviderNetworkAppliance> [-Server <CHost>] [-Network <IVBRServerNetworkInfo>] [-IpAddress <string>] [-SubnetMask <string>] [DefaultGateway <string>] [-Folder <string>] [-VLanId <int>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Get-VBRHvServerNetworkInfo Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo Find-VBRViResourcePool Find-VBRViDatastore Return Type VBRViCloudProviderNetworkAppliance VBRHvCloudProviderNetworkAppliance 573 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies a selected VMware or a Hyper-V network extension appliance on the user's cloud host. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters Network Appliance Specifies the network appliance that you want to modify. True Named False False Server The ESX or a Hyper-V host where you want to create the appliance. True Named False False Network Specifies the service provider network. The appliance will use this network to communicate between the user's production VMs and VM replicas on the cloud host. False Named False False IpAddress Specifies the IP address. This address will be assigned to the appliance. False Named False False Subnet Mask Specifies the subnet mask. This subnet mask will be used by the appliance. False Named False False Default Gateway Specifies the default gateway. This gateway will be used by the appliance. False Named False False Resource Pool Specifies the resource pool where you want to create the VMware appliance. False Named False False Datastore Specifies the datastore where you want to create the VMware appliance. False Named False False Folder Specifies the folder where you want to create the Hyper-V appliance. False Named False False VLanId Specifies the VLAN network provided to the user by the hardware plan. The appliance will use this VLAN to connect to the service provider network. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 574 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRCloudTenant Short Description Modifies cloud user account settings. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a cloud provider license. Syntax Set-VBRCloudTenant -CloudTenant <VBRCloudTenant> [-Name <string>] [Description <string>] [-EnableLeaseExpiration] [-LeaseExpirationDate <datetime>] [-Password <string>] [-Resources <VBRCloudTenantResource[]>] [HashedPassword] [-EnableResources] [-EnableReplicationResorces] [ReplicationResources <VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources>] [EnableThrottling] [-ThrottlingValue <decimal>] [-ThrottlingUnit <VBRSpeedUnit> {MbitPerSec | MbytePerSec | KbytePerSec}] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudTenant New-VBRCloudTenantResource New-VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources Return Type VBRCloudTenant Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies user account settings. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Cloud Tenant Specifies the user account you want to modify. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the user account. False Named False False Accepts string type. The user name must meet the 575 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 following requirements: • • • • The maximum length of the user name is 128 characters. It is recommended that you create short user names to avoid problems with long paths to backup files on the cloud repository. The user name may contain space characters. The user name must not contain the following characters: \/:*?\"<>|=; as well as Unicode characters. The user name must not end with the period character [.]. Description Specifies the description of the user account. False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Enable Lease Expiration Indicates that the user account must use lease expiration settings. Use LeaseExpirationDate parameter to set the lease expiration date. False Named False False Lease Expiration Date Used to specify the lease expiration date for the EnableLeaseExpiration parameter. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts DateTime structure. Default: 23:59:59.9999999, 31.12.9999. Password Specifies the password you want to set to the user account. Accepts string type. Resources Specifies the resources settings for the created user account. Accepts the VBRCloudTenantResource object. You can assign multiple resources settings to this object. NOTE: When you assign multiple resources settings to one user account, the resources must have unique Repository Friendly Names and they must use different repositories. Hashed Password Indicates that you submit the hashed password. The hashed passwords are stored in Veeam backup database. Use this parameter, for example, to restore user accounts or to edit objects returned by Get-VBRCloudTenant. 576 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Enable Resources If set to TRUE, the pre-configured user backup resources will be enabled. False Named False False Enable Replication Resorces If set to TRUE, the pre-configured user account replication resources will be enabled. False Named False False Enable Throttling Indicates that the network throttling must be enabled to limit the maximum throughput of traffic. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Use the ThrottlingValue parameter to set the maximum value. Throttling Value Used to set the value for the EnableThrottling parameter. Indicates the maximum throughput value (Mbps). Throttling Unit Used to set the value for the EnableThrottling parameter. Specifies the measure units for the ThrottlingValue parameter: MbitPerSec, MbytePerSec, KbytePerSec. Default: MbytePerSec. Replication Resources Specifies the replication resources settings for the created user account. You must set the Resources or the ReplicationResources parameter, or a combination of both, to create a cloud user. Accepts the VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources object. PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets a new password for the cloud user account represented by the '$CloudUser1' variable. • The cloud user account is obtained by Get-VBRCloudTenant and assigned to the '$CloudUser1' variable beforehand. • The Password parameter is set to a new value. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRCloudTenant -CloudTenant $CloudUser1 -Password NewPassword 577 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command disables lease expiration settings for the ABC company user account. • The cloud user account is obtained by Get-VBRCloudTenant and piped down. • The EnableLeaseExpiration parameter is set to false to discard the set lease period. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCloudTenant -Name "ABC Company"| Set-VBRCloudTenant EnableLeaseExpiration: $false 578 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance Short Description Modifies the network extension appliance. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  To obtain IP address automatically: Set-VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance -Appliance <VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance> [-Name <string>] [-ProductionNetwork <IVBRServerNetworkInfo>] [-ObtainIpAddressAutomatically] [<CommonParameters>]  To apply user-defined IP address: Set-VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance -Appliance <VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance> -IpAddress <ipaddress> -DefaultGateway <ipaddress> -SubnetMask <string> [-Name <string>] [-ProductionNetwork <IVBRServerNetworkInfo>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance Get-VBRHvServerNetworkInfo Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo Return Type VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies a selected network extension appliance. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. 579 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Appliance Specifies the network appliance you want to modify. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Name Specifies the name of the network appliance. False Named False False Production Network Specifies the network. The appliance will be connected to this network. False Named False False Indicates that the IP address Obtain must be assigned to the IpAddress Automatically appliance automatically. False Named False False IpAddress Specifies the IP address that you want to assign to the appliance. True Named False False Default Gateway Specifies the IP address of the default gateway. The appliance will use this IP address. True Named False False Subnet Mask Specifies the subnet mask. The appliance will use this subnet mask. True Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 580 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRCloudTenantResource Short Description Modifies user's backup resources settings. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRCloudTenantResource -CloudTenantResource <VBRCloudTenantResource> [Repository <CBackupRepository>] [-RepositoryFriendlyName <string>] [-Quota <int>] [-EnableWanAccelerator] [-WanAccelerator <CWanAccelerator>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRWANAccelerator Return Type VBRCloudTenantResource Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies the VBRCloudTenantResource object containing the backup resources for a user. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Description Cloud Tenant Resource Specifies the cloud account user quota settings you want to modify. Repository Specifies a backup repository in your backup infrastructure whose space resources must be allocated to the user. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False True Named False False True Named False False Accepts VBRCloudTenantResource object. Accepts CBackupRepository object. You cannot use scale-our backup repositories or cloud repositories. Repository Friendly Name Specifies a friendly name for the cloud repository you want to present to the user. The name you enter will be displayed in the list of backup repositories at user’s side. Accepts string type. 581 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Quota Specifies the amount of space you want to allocate to the user on the selected backup repository. True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Permitted value: 1 to 2097151 (GB). Indicates that the backup jobs can use WAN Enable accelerators for transferring data to cloud Wan Accelerator repositories. Use the WanAccelerator parameter to set the WAN accelerator. Specifies the WAN accelerator for the Wan Accelerator EnableWanAccelerator parameter. Accepts CWanAccelerator object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 582 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration Short Description Modifies a selected VLAN. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides 3 parameter sets.  For quick adding/removing VLANs: Set-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration -Configuration <VBRCloudVLANConfiguration> [FirstVLANWithInternet <int>] [-LastVLANWithInternet <int>] [FirstVLANWithoutInternet <int>] [-LastVLANWithoutInternet <int>] [PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]  For VMware: Set-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration -Configuration <VBRCloudVLANConfiguration> [ViVirtualSwitch <VBRViVirtualSwitch>] [-FirstVLANWithInternet <int>] [LastVLANWithInternet <int>] [-FirstVLANWithoutInternet <int>] [LastVLANWithoutInternet <int>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>]  For Hyper-V: Set-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration -Configuration <VBRCloudVLANConfiguration> [HvNetworkInfo <VBRHvServerNetworkInfo>] [-FirstVLANWithInternet <int>] [LastVLANWithInternet <int>] [-FirstVLANWithoutInternet <int>] [LastVLANWithoutInternet <int>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCloudVLANConfiguration Get-VBRViVirtualSwitch Get-VBRHvServerNetworkInfo Return Type VBRCloudVLANConfiguration Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies a selected VLAN configuration. 583 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Configuration Specifies the VLAN configuration you want to modify. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False ViVirtual Switch Specifies the VMware virtual switch connected to the target host. True Named False False HvNetwork Info Specifies the Hyper-V virtual switch connected to the target host. True Named False False FirstVLAN WithInternet Specifies the first VLAN ID in the range of VLANs you plan to use for providing networks with internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. True Named False False LastVLAN WithInternet Specifies the last VLAN ID in the range of VLANs you plan to use for providing networks with internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. True Named False False FirstVLAN Without Internet Specifies the first VLAN ID in the range of VLANs you plan to use for providing networks without internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. True Named False False LastVLAN Without Internet Specifies the last VLAN ID in the range of VLANs you plan to use for providing networks without internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. True Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 584 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRConfigurationBackupJob Short Description Modifies the configuration backup job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRConfigurationBackupJob [-Enable] [-Repository <CBackupRepository>] [-ScheduleOptions <VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions>] [RestorePointsToKeep <int>] [-EnableEncryption] [-EncryptionKey <VBREncryptionKey>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository New-VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions Get-VBREncryptionKey Return Type VBRConfigurationBackupJob Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies settings of the configuration backup job. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Enable Description If set to TRUE, the job will be enabled. Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If set to FALSE, you will need to run the job manually. Default: TRUE. Repository Specifies the backup repository where you want to store the configuration backups. You cannot use a scale-out backup repository or an extent as target for the configuration backup job. Accepts CBackupRepository object or string type (repository name). Schedule Options Specifies the schedule for the configuration backup job. 585 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Accepts VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions object. RestorePoints Specifies the number of restore points you want to keep on disk. ToKeep False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts integer type. You can set 1 to 255. Enable Encryption If set to TRUE, the configuration backup will be encrypted. Use the EncryptionKey parameter to specify the encryption key. NOTE: if you have created at least one password in the Password Manager on the backup server, you must enable encryption for the configuration backup. Encryption Key Used to set the encryption key for the EnableEncryption parameter. Specifies the encryption key you want to use to encrypt the data. PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command disables the configuration backup job. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRConfigurationBackupJob -Enable:$False 586 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command modifies the configuration backup schedule and enables encryption. The job is set to run at 00:00 every Saturday. • Run New-VBRDailyOptions to create an object with settings for the Daily type. Save the result to the "$daily" variable. • Run New-VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions with the saved variable. Save the result to the "$dailyschedule" variable. • Run Get-VBREncryptionKey to create an object that contains the encryption key. Save it to the "$encryptionkey" variable. • Run Set-VBRConfigurationBackupJob with the saved variables to modify the configuration job settings. PS C:\PS> $daily = New-VBRDailyOptions -Period "05:00" -DayOfWeek Saturday PS C:\PS> $dailyschedule = New-VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions -Type Daily -DailyOptions $daily PS C:\PS> $encryptionkey = Get-VBREncryptionKey -Description "veeam encryption" PS C:\PS> Set-VBRConfigurationBackupJob -ScheduleOptions $configschedule EnableEncryption -EncryptionKey $encryptionkey 587 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRCredentials Short Description Edits credentials records properties. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRCredentials -Credential <CCredentials> -Password <string> [<CommonParameters>] -ORSet-VBRCredentials -Credential <CCredentials> -Description <string> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet allows editing password or description of a selected credentials record. Select the appropriate syntax for each case. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Credential Specifies the credentials you want to edit. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the instances of your virtual infrastructure. True Named False False Note that you should use DOMAIN\USERNAME usernames format for all hosts except ESX/ESXi hosts. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the instances of your virtual infrastructure. True Named False False Description Specifies the description for the credentials record. This parameter in non-mandatory, False Named False False 588 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 although it is recommended to input this value to make the credential records easily identified. SshPort Used for Identity/Pubkey authentication method. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the number of the SSH port that you want to use to connect to a Linux server. Permitted values: 1 to 65535. Default: 22. ElevateToRoot Used for Identity/Pubkey authentication method. Indicates that non-root users are provided with root account privileges. AddToSudoers Used for Identity/Pubkey authentication method. Indicates that the user account is added to sudoers file. Default: (if the ElevateToRoot parameter is set to False) False. RootPassword Used for Identity/Pubkey authentication method. Indicates that the root password is used for authentication. PrivateKeyPath Used for Identity/Pubkey authentication method. Specifies the path to the private key. Use this parameter to specify the private key for the LinuxPubKey option of the Type parameter. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets a new password for the credentials record with name "Administrator". The new password is "Password_1". The credentials record is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRCredentials -Name "Administrator" | Set-VBRCredentials Password "Password_1" 589 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command sets a new description for the credentials record. The credentials record is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRCredentials -Credential $c -Description "ESXi Host Credentials" 590 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRDefaultGateway Short Description Modifies the default gateway. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRDefaultGateway -Gateway <VBRDefaultGateway> [-IpAddress <string>] [NetworkMask <string>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Set-VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration Return Type VBRDefaultGateway Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies the default cloud gateway. Parameters Parameter Gateway Description Specifies the default cloud gateway you want to modify. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False NetworkMask Specifies the network mask you want to assign to the default gateway. False Named False False PassThru False Named False False Accepts VBRDefaultGateway object. IpAddress Specifies the IP address you want to assign to the default gateway. Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 591 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration Short Description Modifies configuration of default gateways. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration -Configuration <VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration> [-EnableRouting] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration Return Type VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration[] Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies settings of the default gateway. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Configuration Description Specifies the default gateway configuration that you want to modify. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False EnableRouting If indicated, the gateway will provide routing. False Named False False PassThru False Named False False Accepts VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration object. Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 592 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBREncryptionKey Short Description Modifies encryption key. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBREncryptionKey -EncryptionKey <PSCryptoKey> [-Password <securestring>] [-Description <string>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBREncryptionKey Return Type PSCryptoKey Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies encryption key that was created before. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. This cmdlet accepts SecureString type. Use Microsoft PowerShell standard capabilities to convert your password into the SecureString. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position EncryptionKey Specifies the encryption key you want to modify. Specifies the new password you want to apply to the encryption key. Accept Wildcard Characters 0 0 True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False Accepts PSCryptoKey object or description (string). Password Accept Pipeline Input Accepts SecureString type. Description Specifies the new description you want to apply to the encryption key. False Named False False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any False Named False False 593 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 action. Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command modifies description of the 'Veeam Administrator' encryption key. • The encryption key is obtained by running Get-VBREncryptionKey and piped down. • The new description is set to 'Veeam Tape Backup Administrator'. PS C:\PS> Get-VBREncryptionKey -Description "Veeam Administrator" | SetVBREncryptionKey -Description "Veeam Tape Backup Administrator" Example 2 This command sets a new password to the 'Veeam Administrator' encryption key. • The password is turned into a SecureString by running ConvertTo-SecureString and assigned to the '$securepassword' variable. • The encryption key is obtained by running Get-VBREncryptionKey and piped down. PS C:\PS> $plainpassword = "VeeamPassword" PS C:\PS> $securepassword = $plainpassword | ConvertTo-SecureString AsPlainText -Force PS C:\PS> Get-VBREncryptionKey -Description "Veeam Administrator" | SetVBREncryptionKey -Password $securepassword 594 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBREPPermission Short Description Applies user access permissions to backup repositories used by Endpoint backup jobs. Syntax Set-VBREPPermission -Repository <CBackupRepository> [-Type <VBREPPermissionType> {Everyone | NoOne | OnlySelectedUsers}] [-User <string[]>] [-EnableEncryption] [-EncryptionKey <VBREncryptionKey>] [PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBREncryptionKey Return Type VBREPPermission Detailed Description This cmdlet applies user access permissions to a selected repository for writing Endpoint backup jobs data. By default, the backup repositories are configured to have no permissions for writing Endpoint backups. To start using a Veeam backup repository as target for Endpoint backups, you need to change the access permissions to Everyone or OnlySelectedUsers. The OnlySelectedUsers option allows you to submit usernames or names of Active Directory groups. Parameters Parameter Description Repository Specifies the repository for which you want to set permissions. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts the backup repository object or string type (repository name). NOTE: You cannot use cloud repositories for Endpoint backups. Type Specifies the type of the permission: Everyone, NoOne, OnlySelectedUsers. Set the selected users with the User parameter. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will use the permissions type that is currently set for the selected repository. User Used to set users for OnlySelectedUsers option of the Type parameter. 595 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Specifies names of users allowed to use the repository for Endpoint backups, or AD user groups. Accepts string type. Indicates that the repository must Enable Encryption encrypt the Endpoint backups written to it. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Use the EncryptionKey parameter to specify the encryption key. Encryption Used to specify the encryption key for the EnableEncryption parameter. Key Accepts PSCryptoKey object. PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets permission to access WinLocal repository to administrator. • The repository is obtained by Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the '$repository' variable. • The type of permission is set to 'OnlySelectedUsers' and the User parameter is used to indicate the Veeam administrators as permitted users. • The encryption is not set. • The PassThru parameter is set to view the command output. PS C:\PS> $repository = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name 'WinLocal' PS C:\PS> Set-VBREPPermission -Repository $repository -Type OnlySelectedUsers -User "VEEAM\Administrator1", "VEEAM\Administrator2" PassThru RepositoryId PermissionType Users IsEncryptionEnabled EncryptionKey : : : : : 88788f9e-d8f5-4eb4-bc4f-9b3f5403bcec OnlySelectedUsers {VEEAM\Administrator1, VEEAM\Administrator2} False 596 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command enables encryption for WinLocal repository. • The encryption key is obtained with Get-VBREncryptionKey and assigned to an '$encryptionkey' variable. • The repository is obtained by Get-VBRBackupRepository and piped down. • The EnableEncryption switch and the EncryptionKey parameter are used to enable encryption. • The PassThru parameter is set to view the command output. PS C:\PS> $encryptionkey = Get-VBREncryptionKey -Description "Veeam Administrator" PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name 'WinLocal' | Set-VBREPPermission EnableEncryption -EncryptionKey $encryptionkey -PassThru RepositoryId PermissionType Users IsEncryptionEnabled EncryptionKey : : : : : 88788f9e-d8f5-4eb4-bc4f-9b3f5403bcec OnlySelectedUsers {VEEAM\Administrator} True ac87709d-b1a9-4c2e-8d55-557f8e49f639 Example 3 This command sets both user access permissions and encryption for WinLocal repository. • The encryption key is obtained with Get-VBREncryptionKey and assigned to an '$encryptionkey' variable. • The repository is obtained by Get-VBRBackupRepository and piped down. • The type of permission is set to 'Everyone'. • The EnableEncryption switch and the EncryptionKey parameter with the '$encryptionkey' variable are used to enable encryption. • The PassThru parameter is set to view the command output. PS C:\PS> $encryptionkey = Get-VBREncryptionKey -Description "Veeam Administrator" PS C:\PS> Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name 'WinLocal' | Set-VBREPPermission Type Everyone -EnableEncryption -EncryptionKey $encryptionkey -PassThru RepositoryId PermissionType Users IsEncryptionEnabled EncryptionKey : : : : : 88788f9e-d8f5-4eb4-bc4f-9b3f5403bcec Everyone {VEEAM\Administrator} True ac87709d-b1a9-4c2e-8d55-557f8e49f639 597 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRFailoverPlan Short Description Modifies a selected failover plan or cloud failover plan. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRFailoverPlan -FailoverPlan <VBRFailoverPlan> [-Name <string>] [Description <string>] [-FailoverPlanObject <VBRFailoverPlanObject[]>] [PrefailoverCommand <string>] [-PostfailoverCommand <string>] [EnablePublicIpRule] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands New-VBRFailoverPlanObject Return Type VBRFailoverPlan Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies settings of an existing failover plan or cloud failover plan. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Description FailoverPlan Specifies the failover plan or cloud failover plan you want to modify. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRFailoverPlan or VBRCloudFailoverPlan object. Name Specifies the new name you want to assign to the failover plan. False Named False False Failover Plan Object Specifies the VM(s) or cloud VM(s) you want to add to the failover plan. False Named False False False Named False False Accepts VBRFailoverPlanObject or VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject object. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Description Specifies the new description you want to apply to the failover plan. 598 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Prefailover Command Specifies the path to the script you want to automatically run before failing over to replicas. False Named False False Postfailover Command Specifies the path to the script you want to automatically run after failing over to replicas is complete. False Named False False Enable Public IpRule If set, the failover plan will use the public IP rules configured in the VBRFailoverPlanObject or VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject. False Named False False PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a pre-failover script to an existing failover plan named "MS Exchange Group Failover". • The failover plan object is obtained with Get-VBRFailoverPlan and piped down. • The -PrefailoverCommand parameter is set to add the path to the script to the failover plan. • The other settings of the 'MS Exchange Group Failover' plan will remain unchanged. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRFailoverPlan -Name "MS Exchange Group Failover" | SetVBRFailoverPlan -PrefailoverCommand "C:\Users\Administrator\TriggerEmailNotification.cmd" 599 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command adds one more Microsoft Exchange server to the failover plan named "MS Exchange Group Failover". • The new server object is assigned to the '$MSExchangeServer03' variable by running NewVBRFailoverPlanObject beforehand. • The failover plan is obtained by running Get-VBRFailoverPlan and assigned to the '$MSExchangePlan' variable. • The objects of the failover plan (VMs added to the failover plan) are assigned to the '$MSExchangeGroup' variable. The new server object is added to it. • The Set-VBRFailoverPlan command is run with the updated list of failover plan objects and a new description. The other settings of the 'MS Exchange Group Failover' plan will remain unchanged. PS C:\PS> $MSExchangeServer03 = Find-VBRViEntity -Name "MS Exchange Server 03" PS C:\PS> $MSExchangePlan = Get-VBRFailoverPlan -Name "MS Exchange Group Failover" PS C:\PS> $MSExchangeGroup = $MSExchangePlan.FailoverObject PS C:\PS> $MSExchangeGroup = $MSExchangeServer03 PS C:\PS> Set-VBRFailoverPlan -FailoverPlan $MSExchangePlan FailoverPlanObject $MSExchangeGroup -Description "Failover plan for the mail servers group: DNS Server, MS Exchange 01 Server, MS Exchange 02 Server, MS Exchange 03 Server" 600 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRFailoverPlanObject Short Description Modifies the VBRFailoverPlanObject object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRFailoverPlanObject -Object <VBRFailoverPlanObject> [-BootOrder <int>] [-BootDelay <int>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRFailoverPlanObject Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies the VBRFailoverPlanObject object that was created earlier. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Object Description Specifies the VM you want modify. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True BootOrder Specifies the new value for the order number by which the VM will boot. False Named False False BootDelay Specifies the new value for the delay time for the VM. False Named False False Accepts VBRFailoverPlanObject. The delay time is set in seconds. If ommited, the delay time will be set to 60 sec by default. If you set boot delay to '0' to a number of VMs, these VMs will start simultaneously. 601 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets a new boot delay value for the Microsoft Exchange server that was earlier assigned to the '$MSExchange01' variable. • The boot delay is set to 120 sec. • The -BootOrder parameter is omitted to leave the original value unchanged. • The '$MSExchange01' variable is piped down. PS C:\PS> $MSExchange01 | Set-VBRFailoverPlanObject -BootDelay 120 Example 2 This command sets a new boot delay value for the Microsoft Exchange server that was earlier assigned to the '$MSExchange01' variable. • The boot delay is set to 120 sec. • The -BootOrder parameter is omitted to leave the original value unchanged. PS C:\PS> $MSExchange01 = Set-VBRFailoverPlanObject -Object $MSExchange01 BootDelay 120 602 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRFileToTapeJob Short Description Modifies file to tape job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRFileToTapeJob -Job <VBRFileToTapeJob> [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] [-EjectCurrentMedium] [-ExportCurrentMediaSet] [FullBackupMediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPool>] [-IncrementalBackupMediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPool>] [-ExportDays <DayOfWeek[]>] [-FullBackupPolicy <VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy>] [-IncrementalBackupPolicy <VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy>] [-Object <VBRFileToTapeObject[]>] [-UseVSS] [UseHardwareCompression] [-NotificationOptions] [-JobScriptOptions] [PassThru] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeJob Get-VBRTapeMediaPool New-VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy New-VBRFileToTapeObject Return Type VBRFileToTapeJob Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies a selected file to tape job that was created before. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the file to tape job to which you want to apply new settings. Required Position Specifies the name you want to assign to the file to tape job. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False True Named False False Accepts VBRFileToTapeJob or TapeJob objects, GUID or string type. Name Accept Pipeline Input 603 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Accepts string type. Description Specifies the description of the file to tape job. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Eject Current Medium Indicates that the tape(s) will be automatically ejected from drive after the job finishes. The ejected tape is moved to a standard library slot. Export Current MediaSet Indicates that the tapes belonging to the media set will be automatically placed to Import/Export (Mail) slot for further export. Use the ExportDays parameter to set days on which you want to export tapes. If you use this parameter, but do not set the ExportDays parameter, the tapes will be exported every day. FullBackup MediaPool Specifies the media pool where you want to store full backups produced by this tape job. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPool object, GUID or string type. Incremental Backup MediaPool Used to set media pool for the ProcessIncrementalBackup parameter. Specifies the media pool where you want to store incremental backups produced by this tape job. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPool object, GUID or string type. If you do not specify a media pool, incremental backups will be stored to the media pool the you set for full backups. ExportDays Used to set days for exporting tapes for the ExportCurrentMediaSet parameter. Specifies days on which the tapes written by this tape job will be automatically exported: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. FullBackup Policy Specifies virtualized synthetic full backup for tape settings. Accepts VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy object. Default: 604 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1     Incremental Backup Policy Type: Daily DailyOptions: Type: SelectedDays, Period: 18:00, DayOfWeek: Saturday MonthlyOptions: Period: 22:00, DayNumberInMonth: Fourth, DayOfWeek: Saturday, Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December Enabled: false Specifies incremental backup settings. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False UseHardware Indicates that tape library must Compression perform hardware compression for archives. Do not use this option for archiving Veeam backups or other already compressed files. False Named False False Notification Options False Named False False Accepts VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy object. Default:     Object Type: Daily. DailyOptions: Type: SelectedDays, Period: 18:00, DayOfWeek: Saturday. MonthlyOptions: Period: 22:00, DayNumberInMonth: Fourth, DayOfWeek: Saturday, Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. Enabled: False. Specifies the source file system object. Accepts VBRFileToTapeObject object. You can assign multiple files to this object. UseVSS Indicates that the VSS (Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy) must be used. Default: true. Specifies the email notification options. Accepts VBRNotificationOptions 605 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 object. JobScript Options Specifies scripting options. False Named False False Accepts VBRJobScriptOptions object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command sets a new media pool for the full backups. 1. Run Get-VBRTapeMediaPool. Save it to the $newpool variable. 2. Run Set-VBRBackupToTapeJob. Get the job with Get-VBRTapeJob and pipe it down. Use the $newpool variable. PS C:\PS> $newpool = Get-VBRTapeMediaPool -Name "File Backups" PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeJob -Name "File Backup to Tape" | Set-VBRFileToTapeJob -FullBackupMediaPool $newpool 606 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan Short Description Modifies a selected Hyper-V hardware plan. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax Set-VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan -HardwarePlan <VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan> [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] [-Server <CHost>] [-CPU <Int32>] [-Memory <Int32>] [-NumberOfNetWithInternet <Int32>] [-NumberOfNetWithoutInternet <Int32>] [-Datastore <VBRHvCloudHardwarePlanDatastore[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Return Type VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies settings of an existing hardware plan. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Hardware Plan Description Specifies the hardware plan you want to modify. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False Description Specifies the description of the hardware plan. False Named False False Server False Named False False Accepts the VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan object. Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the hardware plan. Specifies the Hyper-V host. The resources of this host will be exposed to the user by the hardware plan. Accepts the CHost object or string (name of server). 607 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 CPU Specifies the quote of CPU resources you want to assign to the hardware plan (MHz). False Named False False Memory Specifies the quote of memory resources you want to assign to the hardware plan (Mb). False Named False False Number OfNetWith Internet Specifies the number of networks with access to the Internet that you want to assign to the hardware plan. False Named False False Number OfNet Without Internet Specifies the number of networks without access to the Internet that you want to assign to the hardware plan. False Named False False Datastore Specifies the array of the datastores that will be used for storing user data. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 608 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRHvCloudReplicaJob Short Description Modifies a Hyper-V cloud replication job. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRHvCloudReplicaJob -Job <CBackupJob> [-Name <string>] [-Datastore <VBRCloudDatastore>] [-Entity <IHvItem[]>] [-Suffix <string>] [-Description <string>] [-SourceRepository <CBackupRepository[]>] [-BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] [-EnableNetworkMapping] [-SourceNetwork <VBRHvServerNetworkInfo[]>] [-TargetNetwork <VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo[]>] [-EnableReIp] [-ReIpRule <VBRHvReplicaReIpRule[]>] [-UseWANAccelerator] [SourceWANAccelerator <CWanAccelerator>] [-SourceProxy <CHvProxy[]>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Get-VBRCloudServer Get-VBRCloudDatastore Find-VBRHvEntity Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRHvServerNetworkInfo Get-VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo Get-VBRWANAccelerator Get-VBRHvProxy Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies an existing Hyper-V cloud replication job. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the replication job you want to modify. Required Position Specifies the string with the name of the created replication job. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False Accepts CBackupJob object. Name Accept Pipeline Input If not set, Veeam Backup & 609 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Replication will give the default job name. Entity Specifies the VM(s) that you want to replicate. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Datastore Specifies the cloud disk volume to which you want to replicate. Accepts the VBRCloudDatastore object. Suffix Specifies the suffix that will be appended to the name of the VM you are replicating. This name will be used to register the replicated VM on the target server. If omitted, the replicated VMs will have the '_replica' suffix by default. Source Repository Used for building replica from backup files. Specifies the backup repository that will be used to read the VM data from the already existing backup chain. You cannot specify cloud repository. Backup Repository Specifies the backup repository which will be used to store replica metadata files. If not set, the default backup repository will be used. Description Specifies the description of the new job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Enable Network Mapping Indicates that the network mapping must be used. Use the SourceNetwork and the TargetNetwork parameters to set the network mapping rules. False Named False False Source Network Used to set the source network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. False Named False False Specifies the production network to which VMs added to the job are connected. Use the TargetNetwork parameter to set the target network. NOTE: the number of the source and the target networks must be the same. 610 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Target Network Used to set the target network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Indicates that the data must be Use transferred via WAN accelerators. WAN Accelerator Use the SourceWANAccelerator parameter to set the WAN accelerator on the source side. False Named False False Specifies the WAN accelerator Source configured in the source site that will WAN Accelerator be used for data transfer. False Named False False Specifies the network in the DR site to which VM replicas must be connected. Use the SourceNetwork parameter to set the source network. NOTE: the number of the source and the target networks must be the same. Enable ReIp Indicates that the re-IP rules must be used. Use the ReIpRule parameter to set the re-IP rules. ReIpRule Specifies the re-IP rules. Accepts VBRViReplicaReIpRule object. Source Proxy Specifies the source proxy that will be used by the job. Default: Automatic selection. Note that you can set the source WAN accelerator only if the cloud provider has a target WAN accelerator configured. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 611 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRJobAdvancedBackupOptions Short Description Customizes advanced job backup settings. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobAdvancedBackupOptions -Job <CBackupJob[]> [-Algorithm <JobAlgorithms> {ReverseIncremental | Incremental }] [TransformFullToSyntethic <bool>] [-TransformIncrementsToSyntethic <bool>] [-TransformToSyntethicDays <DayOfWeek[]> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-EnableFullBackup <bool>] [FullBackupDays <DayOfWeek[]> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-FullBackupScheduleKind <EFullBackupScheduleKind> {Daily | Monthly}] [-Months <EMonth[]> {January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December}] [-DayNumberInMonth <EDayNumberInMonth> {First | Second | Third | Fourth | Last | OnDay}] [-DayOfWeek <DayOfWeek> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet sets advanced backup options for the selected job. You can select backup method: reverse incremental or incremental, and set schedule settings for synthetic full backups. Read more about advanced backup job settings in Veeam Backup & Replication user guide at Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to edit. Required Position Specifies backup method: ReverseIncremental: every backup job run creates a full backup file by merging a previous full backup with recent changes. Incremental: the first job run creates a full backup file, and the subsequent runs 612 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. Algorithm Accept Pipeline Input backups only the changed blocks. TransformFull ToSyntethic Used with incremental backup method. False Named False False False Named False False If set to TRUE, the full synthetic backup will be enabled. Otherwise, you will have to perform full backups manually. Use TransformToSyntethicDays to set the days to perform the synthetic full backups. Transform Increments ToSyntethic Used with incremental backup method. TransformTo SyntethicDays Specifies days to perform synthetic fulls: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. False Named False False Enable FullBackup If set to TRUE, the active full backup will be scheduled. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If set to TRUE, the previous full backup chain will be transformed into the reversed incremental backup chain. Otherwise all created synthetic fulls will remain on disk. Used to save disk space. Use the FullBackupDays, FullBackupScheduleKind, Months, DayNumberInMonth and DayOfWeek parameters to set the full backup schedule. FullBackupDays Sets backup schedule. Specifies days to perform the full backup: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. FullBackup ScheduleKind Sets backup schedule. Months Sets backup schedule. Sets weekly or monthly period to schedule the full backup: Daily, Monthly. Specifies months to perform the full backup: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December. DayNumber InMonth Sets backup schedule. Specifies the period condition for the monthly backup job run: First, Second, Third, Forth, Last. Use this parameter to set the condition for DayOfWeek parameter, i.e. to run the job on first Saturday every month. DayOfWeek Sets backup schedule. Specifies the day of week to run the backup job: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, 613 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Use this parameter to set the day for -NumberInMonth parameter, i.e. to run the job on first Saturday every month. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets the following backup options for the backup job represented by the $job variable: • The backup algorithm is set to ReverseIncremental, • The active full backup schedule is set to monthly. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob, assigned to the variable beforehand and piped down. PS C:\PS> $job | Set-VBRJobAdvancedBackupOptions -Algorithm ReverseIncremental -FullBackupScheduleKind Monthly Example 2 This command sets the following backup options for all backup jobs: • The backup algorithm is set to Incremental, • The synthetic full backup is enabled on every Sunday and Thursday, • The previous fulls are set to rollback to chain of increments to save disk space, • The active full backup schedule is set to every second Sunday monthly. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name Backup* | Set-VBRJobAdvancedBackupOptions Algorithm Incremental -TransformFullToSyntethic $True TransformIncrementsToSyntethic $True -TransformToSyntethicDays Sunday, Thursday -EnableFullBackup $True -FullBackupScheduleKind Monthly DayNumberInMonth Second -FullBackupDays Sunday 614 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRJobAdvancedHvOptions Short Description Customizes Hyper-V job settings. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobAdvancedHvOptions -Job <CBackupJob[]> [-CanDoCrashConsistent <bool>] [-EnableHvQuiescence <bool>] [-UseChangeTracking <bool>] [ExcludeSwapFile <bool>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet sets special options for the selected Hyper-V job. In case you cannot use application-aware image processing, you can enable a Hyper-V quiescence mechanism to backup data that can be changed during the backup. Read more about Hyper-V job settings in Veeam Backup & Replication user guide at Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to edit. Required Position Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. CanDoCrash If set to TRUE, the crash consistent backup will be enabled. Otherwise the VM will be Consistent suspended for a short period of time. Accept Pipeline Input Default: FALSE. EnableHv Quiescence If set to TRUE, the Hyper-V quiescence mechanism will be enabled. Use this mechanism if the application-aware image processing cannot be used. Default: FALSE. UseChange Tracking If set to TRUE, the changed block tracking will be enabled. Default: TRUE. 615 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Exclude SwapFile If set to TRUE, the swap file will be excluded from backup. False Named False False Default: TRUE. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command edits advanced job settings to backup job named "Backup Job 01": • The Hyper-V quiescence is enabled. • The crash consistent backup is enabled. • The changed block data is enabled. • The swap file is excluded form backup. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01" | Set-VBRJobAdvancedHvOptions EnableHvQuiescence $True -CanDoCrashConsistent $True -UseChangeTracking $True -ExcludeSwapFile $True 616 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 - Set-VBRJobAdvancedNotificationOptions Short Description Customizes job notification settings. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobAdvancedNotificationOptions -Job <CBackupJob[]> [SnmpNotification <bool>] [-EmailNotificationAddresses <string>] [EmailNotification <bool>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet sets notification options for the selected job. You can set SNMP and email notifications on job run results. Email notification can be configured for jobs only in case that the global email notifications are Important! enabled. Note that you cannot enable the global email notifications with Veeam PowerShell. Read more about job notification settings in Veeam Backup & Replication user guide at Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to edit. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False If set to TRUE, the SNMP notification will be Snmp Notification sent. You need to have the SNMP notification pre-configured. False Named False False If set to TRUE, the notifications will be sent to Email Notification email address(es). False Named False False Specifies the email address(es) to send the Email Notification email notification. You can specify multiple addresses separated by semicolon. Addresses False Named False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. 617 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets SNMP and email notifications for the backup job named "Backup Job 01". The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01" | SetVBRJobAdvancedNotificationOptions -SnmpNotification $True EmailNotification $True -EmailNotificationAddresses "[email protected]" Example 2 This command turns off the previously set email notification for the backup job named "Backup Job 01". The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01" | SetVBRJobAdvancedNotificationOptions -EmailNotification $False 618 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRJobAdvancedOptions Short Description Customizes advanced job settings. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobAdvancedOptions -Job <CBackupJob[]> [-Periodicity <CDomJobScriptCommand+PeriodicityType>] [-Frequency <UInt32>] [-Enabled [<Boolean>]] [-Days <DayOfWeek[]>] [-CommandLine <String>] [EnablePreScript [<Boolean>]] [-PreJobScript <String>] [EnableIntegrityChecks [<Boolean>]] [-RetainDays <Int32>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet sets advanced options for the selected job. You can set: • Integrity check: Veeam Backup and Replication will check every full backup file for integrity and recovery availability. • Custom data retention period: if a VM included in this job is deleted, its data will be stored for the specified period. When this period ends, the backup files are deleted. The default period is 14 days. • Post job activity: you can specify a command you want to run after the job run, i.e. to sent a job result report. You can schedule this command to run i.e. every second job run or on specific days. Read more about advanced job settings in Veeam Backup & Replication user guide at 619 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to edit. Required Position If set to TRUE, automatic backup integrity check will be enabled. Integrity check process verifies the full backup file integrity to avoid data corruption. Otherwise integrity check in not performed. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. Enable Integrity Checks Accept Pipeline Input Default: TRUE. RetainDays Specifies the integer setting the number of days to keep backup data for deleted VMs. If ommited, the data retention period will be set to 14 days by default. False Named False False Enabled Used to execute a user-defined command after the job run. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False If set to TRUE, the command set in CommandLine will be executed after the job run. You need to schedule the command run periodically with the Periodicity and Frequency parameters, or on specific days with the Days parameter. Command Line Used to execute a user-defined command after the job run. Specifies the command you want to execute after the job run. You can schedule the command run periodically with the Periodicity and Frequency parameters, or on specific days with the Days parameter. Set the Enable parameter to TRUE to enable the command execution. EnablePreScript Indicates that a custom script must be run before the job. Use the PreJobScript parameter to specify the script. PreJobScript Used to specify the script you want to run before job for the EnablePreJobScript parameter. Periodicity Used to set command run schedule. Specifies the command run schedule type: Cycles: the command will be executed in periods set with -Frequency parameter, Days: the command will be executed on 620 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 the days specified with -Days parameter. Frequency Used to set command run schedule to Cycle. False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the integer setting the number of the backup job runs after which the command will be executed. To set the command run to cycle run, set the Periodicity parameter to Cycle. You can also set the daily schedule with the Days parameter. Days Used to set command run schedule to Days. Specifies the days to run the command: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. You can also set the cycle schedule with the Frequency parameter. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command edits advanced job settings to backup job named "Backup Job 01": • The integrity check is enabled. • The data retention period is set to 30 days. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01" | Set-VBRJobAdvancedOptions EnableIntegrityChecks $True -RetainDays 30 Example 2 This command edits advanced job settings to backup job named "Backup Job 01": • The integrity check is enabled. • The data retention is not set to leave the default settings. • The post job activity is enabled to run the "report.exe" command periodically after every fifth job run. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01" | Set-VBRJobAdvancedOptions EnableIntegrityChecks -Enabled $True -CommandLine "report.exe" -Periodicity Cycles -Frequency 5 621 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRJobAdvancedStorageOptions Short Description Customizes advanced job storage settings. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobAdvancedStorageOptions -Job <CBackupJob[]> [-EnableDeduplication [<Boolean>]] [-CompressionLevel <Int32>] [-StorageBlockSize <EKbBlockSize>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Get-VBREncryptionKey Detailed Description This cmdlet sets storage options for the selected job. You can enable backup data deduplication and customize data units compression level and size. Read more about job storage settings in Veeam Backup & Replication user guide at Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to edit. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False If set to TRUE, the data will be deduplicated Enable Deduplication during the backup job run (recommended). Otherwise, no data will be checked for duplication. False Named False False Compression Level False Named False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. Specifies the compression level for the created backup: AUTO _COMPRESSION _LEVEL = -1, NONE _COMPRESSION _LEVEL = 0, DEDUPE _COMPRESSION _LEVEL = 4, OPTIMAL _COMPRESSION _LEVEL = 5, HIGH _COMPRESSION _LEVEL = 6, 622 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 EXTREME _COMPRESSION _LEVEL = 9 Default: OPTIMAL. Storage BlockSize Specifies the integer defining the data blocks size. Larger sized blocks provide faster procession but lower deduplication level. False Named False False 0 = KbBlockSize256, 1 = KbBlockSize512, 3 = KbBlockSize1024, 4 = KbBlockSize2048, 5 = KbBlockSize4096, 6 = KbBlockSize8192, 7= Automatic. Enable Encryption Indicates if the job must use encryption. Use the EncryptionKey parameter to specify the encryption key. False Named False False Encryption Key Used to specify the encryption key for the EnableEncryption parameter. False Named False False Accepts PSCryptoKey object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command edits advanced storage settings for the backup jobs named "Backup Job 01" and "Backup Job 02". • The -EnableDeduplication parameter is set to $TRUE to enable data deduplication, • The compression level is set to none (0), • The storage blocks size is set to Automatic. The jobs are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01", "Backup Job 02" | SetVBRJobAdvancedStorageOptions -EnableDeduplication $TRUE -CompressionLevel 0 -StorageBlockSize 7 Example 2 This command applies the optimal compression level (=5) to all jobs. The jobs are obtained with GetVBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob | Set-VBRJobAdvancedStorageOptions -CompressionLevel 5 623 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRJobAdvancedViOptions Short Description Customizes VMware job settings. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobAdvancedViOptions -Job <CBackupJob[]> [-ExcludeSwapFile [<Boolean>]] [-VmAttributeName <String>] [-SetResultsToVmAttribute [<Boolean>]] [-EnableChangeTracking [<Boolean>]] [-UseChangeTracking [<Boolean>]] [-VMToolsQuiesce [<Boolean>]] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet sets special options for the selected VMware job. Read more about VMware job settings in Veeam Backup & Replication user guide at Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to edit. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False VmAttribute Specifies the custom attributes field name. Name False Named False False SetResults ToVm Attribute If set to TRUE, the job results will be written to custom attributes field of the VM. False Named False False Enable Change Tracking If set to TRUE, the changed block tracking will be enabled. False Named False False Use If set to TRUE, the changed block False Named False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. Exclude SwapFile If set to TRUE, the swap file will be excluded from backup. Default: TRUE. Default: TRUE. 624 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Change Tracking tracking will be used even if CBT is disabled on the ESX(i) host. Default: TRUE. VMTools Quiesce If set to TRUE, the VMware quiescence mechanism will be enabled. Use this mechanism if the application-aware processing cannot be used. False Named False False Default: FALSE. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command edits advanced job settings to backup job named "Backup Job 01": • The VMware quiescence is enabled. • The changed block data is enabled. • The CBT is forced to use despite the ESX host settings. • The swap file is excluded form backup. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01" | Set-VBRJobAdvancedViOptions VMToolsQuiesce $True -EnableChangeTracking $True -UseChangeTracking $True ExcludeSwapFile $True 625 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRJobObjectVssOptions Short Description Customizes job VSS settings. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobObjectVssOptions [-Object] <CObjectInJob> [-Options] <CVssOptions> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORSet-VBRJobObjectVssOptions [-Object] <CObjectInJob> -Credentials <CCredentials> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJobObject New-VBRJobVssOptions ([-ForObject]) Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet applies a set of customized VSS settings to the specific objects in job or sets credentials to authenticate with a specific objects in job. VSS (Volume Shadow Services) is a Windows OS service allowing to copy files of running applications that can be modified at the moment of copying. The VSS-aware applications typically are Active Directory, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Exchange, Sharepoint, etc. To create a transactionally consistent backup of a VM running VSS-aware applications without shutting them down, Veeam Backup & Replication uses application-aware image processing. It allows backup the data fully and consistently. To apply the set of customized settings you need to first create a CVssOptions object which unifies all the VSS options you want to apply to the job object. The CVssOptions object is created with the help of the New-VBRJobVssOptions cmdlet. Run Set-VBRJobVssOptions to set the VSS options to the whole job. 626 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Object Specifies the VMs and VM containers for which you want to change VSS settings. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Options Specifies the option that you want to change. True 2 False False True Named False False Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the guest VM. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command applies custom VSS options to the VM named "AD_01" included in the backup job named "Active Directory Backup". The job object and the VM object are obtained with Get-VBRJob and Get-VBRJobObject accordingly and piped down. The object containing the set of customized VSS options is obtained with New-VBRJobVssOptions ([-ForObject] option) and assigned to the $options variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Active Directory Backup" | Get-VBRJobObject Name "AD_01" | Set-VBRJobObjectVssOptions -Options $options Example 2 This command applies custom VSS options to the VMs running Active Directory represented by the $"AD_VMs" variable. The VMs object is obtained with Get-VBRJobObject and assigned to the variable beforehand. The object containing the set of customized VSS options is obtained with NewVBRJobVssOptions ([-ForObject] option) and assigned to the $options variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRJobObjectVssOptions -Object $"AD_VMs" -Options $options Example 3 This command sets credentials to authenticate with the SQL server included in the SharePoint backup job. The VM object is obtained with Get-VBRJobObject and piped down. The job object to look for the VM in is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the $"SharePoint Backup" variable beforehand. The credentials record to apply to the VM is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $"Administrator" variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJobObject -Job $"SharePoint Backup" -Name "SharePoint_SQL" | Set-VBRJobObjectVssOptions -Credentials $"Administrator" 627 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 4 This command sets credentials to authenticate with the VM represented by the $"SharePoint_SQL" variable. The VM object is obtained with Get-VBRJobObject and assigned to the variable beforehand. The credentials record to apply to the VM is obtained with Get-VBRCredentials and assigned to the $"Administrator" variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRJobObjectVssOptions -Object $"SharePoint_SQL" -Credentials $"Administrator" 628 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRJobOptions Short Description Applies custom job settings. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobOptions [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-Options] <CJobOptions> [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob New-VBRJobOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet applies a set of customized settings to a selected job. To apply the set of customized settings you need to first create a CJobOptions object which unifies all the options you want to apply to the job. The CJobOptions object is created with the NewVBRJobOptions cmdlet. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Job Specifies the job you want to edit. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Options Specifies the set of parameters you want to apply to the job. True 2 False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 629 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command applies custom settings to the backup job named "Backup Job 01". The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. The object containing the set of customized options is obtained with New-VBRJobOptions and assigned to the $options variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01" | Set-VBRJobOptions -Options $options Example 2 This command applies custom settings to the backup job represented by the $job variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob andassigned to the variable beforehand. The object containing the set of customized options is obtained with New-VBRJobOptions and assigned to the $options variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRJobOptions -Job $job -Options $options 630 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRJobProxy Short Description Assigns a specific proxy to a job or enables automatic proxy selection. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobProxy -Job <CBackupJob[]> -Proxy <IProxy[]> [-Target] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORSet-VBRJobProxy -Job <CBackupJob[]> -AutoDetect [-Target] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Get-VBRViProxy / Get-VBRHvProxy Detailed Description This cmdlet assigns a specific proxy to a job or enables automatic proxy selection. When you create a job, the proxy server is set automatically by default. With this cmdlet, you can assign a custom proxy to a job or set the automatic proxy selection back. This cmdlet provides two scenarios for each case. You can run this cmdlet with backup and replica jobs. If you want to set a custom proxy you should make sure that the proxy server is added to Veeam Important! Backup & Replication console, otherwise you will not be able to assign it to the job. The custom proxy server should be configured appropriately. Read more about proxy server settings in Veeam Backup & Replication user guide at Run Get-VBRJobProxy to get the list of proxies assigned to a specific job. 631 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to set proxy to. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. Proxy Specifies the proxy server you want to assign to the job. True Named False False Target If set, the command returns the list of target proxy servers. If omitted, the command returns the list of source proxy servers. False Named False False True Named False False AutoDetect If set, the proxy server selection mode is set to automatic. If you do not set this parameter, you should specify the custom proxy server. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command assigns the custom VMware source proxy to the jobs named "Backup Job 01" and "Backup Job 02". The jobs are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. The proxy to assign is obtained with Get-VBRViProxy and assigned to the $"SourceProxy" variable beforehand. The -Target parameter is not set to enable the source proxy allocation. Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01", "Backup Job 02" | Set-VBRJobProxy -Proxy $"SourceProxy" Example 2 This command assigns the custom Hyper-V target proxy to the job represented by the $job variable. The proxy to assign is obtained with Get-VBRHvProxy and assigned to the $proxy variable beforehand. The -Target parameter is set to enable target proxy allocation. Set-VBRJobProxy -Job $job -Proxy $proxy -Target Example 3 This command sets the automatic source proxy selection mode to the jobs named "Backup Job 01" and "Backup Job 02". The jobs are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. The -Target parameter is not set to enable the source proxy allocation. Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01", "Backup Job 02" | Set-VBRJobProxy AutoDetect 632 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRJobSchedule Short Description Sets job schedule options. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobSchedule -Job <CBackupJob> [-Daily] [-At <datetime>] [-DailyKind <DailyKinds> {Everyday | WeekDays | SelectedDays}] [-Days <DayOfWeek[]> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [<CommonParameters>] -ORSet-VBRJobSchedule -Job <CBackupJob> [-At <datetime>] [-Days <DayOfWeek[]> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [Monthly] [-NumberInMonth <EDayNumberInMonth> {First | Second | Third | Fourth | Last | OnDay}] [-Months <EMonth[]> {January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December}] [-DayOfMonth <string>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORSet-VBRJobSchedule -Job <CBackupJob> [-Periodicaly] [-FullPeriod <int>] [PeriodicallyKind <VBRPeriodicallyKinds> {Hours | Minutes | Continuously}] [-PeriodicallySchedule <VBRBackupWindowOptions>] [-PeriodicallyOffset <int>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORSet-VBRJobSchedule -Job <CBackupJob> [-After] [-AfterJob <CBackupJob>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet sets custom schedule settings to the selected job. You can schedule the job to run: • Daily on specific time, on specific days of week. • Monthly on specific time, on specific days of month, on specific months. • Periodically within specified period of time or continuously. • After a certain job you specify. 633 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to set schedule to. Required Position For daily schedule. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. Daily Accept Pipeline Input Sets job schedule to daily run. At For daily schedule. Specifies the job start time. If not set, the job will start at 10:00 by default. DailyKind For daily schedule. Specifies the days to run the job:    Days Everyday: the job will run everyday, Weekdays: the job will run Monday through Friday, SelectedDays: the job will run on specific days (i.e. Saturdays). Use the Days parameter to set the specific days. For daily schedule. Specifies the days of week to run the job. At For monthly schedule. Specifies the job start time. If not set, the job will start at 10:00 by default. Days For monthly schedule. Specifies the day of week to run the job. Use this parameter to set the day for the NumberInMonth parameter, i.e. to run the job on first Saturday every month. Number InMonth For monthly schedule. Specifies the period condition for the job run: First/Second/Third/Forth/Last. Use this parameter to set the condition for the Days parameter, i.e. to run the job on first Saturday every month. Monthly For monthly schedule. Sets job schedule to monthly run. Months For monthly schedule. Specifies the months to run the job. Periodicaly For periodically run. Sets job schedule to periodical run. 634 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 FullPeriod For periodically run. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Sets the integer specifying value for the time period to run the job. Use this parameter to set the value for the PeriodicallyKind parameter. Periodically For periodically run. Kind Specifies the measurement unit for the time period:    Hours: the job will run periodically in number of hours set in the FullPeriod parameter, Minutes: the job will run periodically in number of minutes set in the FullPeriod parameter, Continuously: the job will run continuously starting right after it has finished. Use this parameter to set the measure unit for the value set in the FullPeriod parameter. Periodically For periodically run. Schedule Specifies the backup window. Accepts VBRBackupWindowOptions object. Periodically For periodically run. Offset Used to set the backup window. Allows to set the exact time for the job start. Specifies the time period (1-59 min). The job will start at the hour set in the backup window plus the indicated period. After For running after a job. Sets job schedule to run after a specific job. AfterJob For running after a job. Specifies the job after which you want to run this job. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command sets a new schedule to jobs named "Backup Job 01" and "Backup Job 05". The jobs are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. The jobs are scheduled to run daily at 23:00 on weekdays. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01", "Backup Job 05" | SetVBRJobSchedule -Daily -At "23:00" -DailyKind Weekdays 635 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command schedules all replication jobs to monthly run. The replication jobs are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. The jobs are scheduled to run every last Saturday at 12:00 in February, May, August and December. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name Replica* | Set-VBRJobSchedule -Monthly -At "12:00" -NumberInMonth Last -Days Saturday -Months February, May, August, December Example 3 This command schedules the job represented by the $job variable to run every 12 hours. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRJobSchedule -Job $job -Periodicaly -FullPeriod 12 PeriodicallyKind Hours Example 4 This command schedules the job represented by the $job variable to run after the SureBackup job named SureBackup Job 01. The SureBackup Job 01 is obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. The backup job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to $job variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "SureBackup Job 01" | Set-VBRJobSchedule -After -AfterJob $job 636 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions Short Description Applies customized job scheduling settings to a selected backup, replication or copy job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-Options] <ScheduleOptions> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob New-VBRJobScheduleOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet applies customized scheduling options to a selected backup, replication or copy job. To customize the scheduling options you need to first run the New-VBRJobScheduleOptions cmdlet. New-VBRJobScheduleOptions returns the ScheduleOptions object containing the set of default scheduling options. Run Set-VSBJobScheduleOptions to set scheduling options to SureBackup job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job for which you want to change the scheduling options. Required Position Specifies the custom scheduling options. Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False True 2 False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. Options Accept Pipeline Input Accepts the ScheduleOptions object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command applies the customized scheduling options to the jobs named "DC Backup" and "DC File Copy". The jobs are obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. The options to apply are set to the $"Schedule Options" variable beforehand by running New-VBRJobScheduleOptions. 637 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "DC Backup", "DC File Copy" | SetVBRJobScheduleOptions -Options $"Schedule Options" Example 2 This command applies the customized scheduling options to the job represented by the $job variable. The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. The options to apply are set to the $"Schedule Options" variable beforehand by running New-VBRJobScheduleOptions. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions -Job $job -Options $"Schedule Options" 638 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRJobVssOptions Short Description Applies custom VSS settings to a selected job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRJobVssOptions [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-Options] <CGuestProcessingOptions> [<CommonParameters>] -ORSet-VBRJobVssOptions [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> -Credentials <CCredentials> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob New-VBRJobVssOptions Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet applies a set of customized VSS settings to a selected job. VSS (Volume Shadow Services) is a Windows OS service allowing to copy files of running applications that can be modified at the moment of copying. The VSS-aware applications typically are Active Directory, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Exchange, Sharepoint, etc. To create a transactionally consistent backup of a VM running VSS-aware applications without shutting them down, Veeam Backup & Replication uses application-aware image processing. It allows backup the data fully and consistently. This cmdlet provides two parameter sets:  Applying changes to the job VSS settings. To apply the set of customized settings you need to first create a CVssOptions object which unifies all the VSS options you want to apply to the job. The CVssOptions object is created with the help of the New-VBRJobVssOptions cmdlet.  Set credentials for the guest OS. To set the credentials, specify the credentials you want to use for the VMs in the job. The credentials will be used for all VMs in the job. Run Set-VBRJobObjectVssOptions to apply VSS settings to specific VMs in job. 639 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Job Specifies the job you want to edit. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Options Specifies the set of parameters you want to apply to the job. True 2 False False True Named False False Accepts the CVssOptions object. Credential Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the guest VM. Accepts the CCredentials object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command applies custom VSS options to the backup job named "Backup Job 01". The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. The object containing the set of customized VSS options is obtained with New-VBRJobVssOptions and assigned to the $options variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "Backup Job 01" | Set-VBRJobVssOptions -Options $options Example 2 This command applies custom VSS options to the job represented by the $job variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. The object containing the set of customized VSS options is obtained with New-VBRJobVssOptions and assigned to the $options variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRJobVssOptions -Job $job -Options $options 640 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRRepositoryExtent Short Description Modifies extents of scale-out backup repositories. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRRepositoryExtent -Extent <VBRRepositoryExtent[]> [-StoreFull] [StoreIncrement] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRepositoryExtent Return Type VBRDataLocalityExtent or VBRPerformanceExtent Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies selected extents of a scale-out repository. You can change the backup placement mode for a selected extent(s) to store only full backups, only incremental backups or full and incremental backups. By default, the extents are created with full and incremental backups placement mode. 641 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Extent Description Specifies the extent you want to modify. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (by ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (by ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRDataLocalityExtent or VBRPerformanceExtent object, GUID or string (name of the backup repository that is used as extent). You can list multiple extents. All extents must belong to the same scale-out repository. StoreFull Used for extents with the Performance policy. If indicated, the extent will store only full backups. Default: False. StoreIncrement Used for extents with the Performance policy. If indicated, the extent will store only incremental backups. Default: False. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command changes the storing mode to store only full backups for the extent named "Backup Repository 1". PS C:\PS> Set-VBRRepositoryExtent –Extent “Backup Repository 1” –StoreFull Example 2 This command enables storing of full and incremental backups on extents “Backup Repository 1” and “Backup Repository 4”. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRRepositoryExtent –Extent “Backup Repository 1”, “Backup Repository 4” –StoreFull –StoreIncrement 642 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository Short Description Modifies a selected scale-out backup repository. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository -Repository <VBRScaleOutBackupRepository> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [-PolicyType <VBRScaleOutBackupRepositoryPolicyType> {DataLocality | Performance}] [Extent <CBackupRepository[]>] [-UsePerVMBackupFiles] [PerformFullWhenExtentOffline] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository (with ScaleOut parameter) Get-VBRRepositoryExtent Return Type VBRScaleOutBackupRepository Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies settings of an existing scale-out backup repository. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Repository Description Specifies the scale-out repository that you want to m odify. Required Position Specifies the name of the scale-out repository. Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will assign a default scale-out repository name. Description Specifies the description of the scaleout repository. Accept Wildcard Characters True Accepts VBRScaleOutBackupRepository object, GUID or string (repository name). Name Accept Pipeline Input If not set, Veeam Backup & 643 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Policy Type Specifies the policy for the scale-out repository: DataLocality/Performance. True Named True (ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Extent Specifies the backup repository.The cmdlet will add this repository as an extent to the scale-out repository. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named True (ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts the CBackup object, GUID or string (repository name). NOTE: If you use this parameter, the cmdlet will apply the extents listed here as the array of extents of the scale-out repository. To add an extent, specify all extents that form the scale-out repository currently plus a new one. To remove an extent, specify the list of currently existing extents except for the one you want to remove. You can add multiple repositories to this object. UsePerVM BackupFiles If indicated, the job will store each VM's data to a separate backup file. Otherwise, each restore point will contain all VMs in job. Default: True. PerformFull If indicated, the job will create an WhenExtent active full backup if the extent with previous backup file is offline. Offline Otherwise, the job will fail to create an increment. Default: False. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a new extent to the scale-out repository. 1. Run Get-VBRBackupRepository to get the repository. Use the ScaleOut parameter. Save it to the $scaleoutrepository variable. 2. Run Set-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository with this variable. List the existing extents and the new repository. PS C:\PS> $scaleoutrepository = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Veeam ScaleOut Repository" -ScaleOut PS C:\PS> Set-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository –Repository $scaleoutrepository – Extent “Backup Repository 1”, “Backup Repository 2”, “Backup Repository 3” 644 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command changes the scale-out repository policy. 1. Run Get-VBRBackupRepository to get the repository. Use the ScaleOut parameter. Save it to the $scaleoutrepository variable. 2. Run Set-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository with this variable. List the existing extents and the new repository. PS C:\PS> $scaleoutrepository = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Veeam ScaleOut Repository" -ScaleOut PS C:\PS> Set-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository –Repository $scaleoutrepository – PolicyType DataLocality 645 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRTapeGFSMediaPool Short Description Modifies GFS media pool. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRTapeGFSMediaPool -MediaPool <VBRTapeGFSMediaPool> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [-Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]>] [-Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]>] [-MoveFromFreePool] [-EnableEncryption] [-EncryptionKey <VBREncryptionKey>] [-NextLibOffline] [-NextLibDrivesBusy] [NextLibNoMedia] [-WeeklyOverwritePeriod <int>] [-MonthlyOverwritePeriod <int>] [-QuarterlyOverwritePeriod <int>] [-YearlyOverwritePeriod <int>] [WeeklyMediaSetPolicy <VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy>] [-MonthlyMediaSetPolicy <VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy>] [-QuarterlyMediaSetPolicy <VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy>] [-YearlyMediaSetPolicy <VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy>] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeLibrary Get-VBREncryptionKey New-VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy Return Type VBRTapeGFSMediaPool Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies GFS media pool. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters MediaPool Specifies the GFS media pool you want to modify. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the media pool. True Named False False Library Specifies the tape library, or a number of libraries, whose tapes will be used in this media pool. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False You can add several libraries and use them to switch to another 646 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 library in case the primary library is offline, has no available drives or no available tapes. Use the NextLibOffline, NextLibDrivesBusy and/or NextLibNoMedia parameters to manage the libraries. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Veeam will switch to the nest library in order they are added to the VBRTapeLibrary object. Accepts VBRTapeLibrary object, GUID or string type. Description Specifies the description for the created media pool. False Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam will enter date and time of creation by default. Medium Specifies the tape(s) you want to add to the media pool. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. MoveFrom FreePool If set, the media pool will be replenished by tapes from the Free media pool. False Named False False Enable Encryption Indicates that Veeam Backup & Replication will encrypt data archived to tape. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Use the EncryptionKey parameter to specify the encryption key you want to use to encrypt the data. EncryptionKey Used to set the encryption key for the EnableEncryption parameter. Specifies the encryption key you want to use to encrypt the data. NextLib Offline If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary library is offline. Default: true. NextLib DrivesBusy If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary library has no available drives. Default: true. NextLib NoMedia If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary library has no available media. Default: true. 647 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Weekly Overwrite Period Indicates the data retention period for the weekly media set. Monthly Overwrite Period Indicates the data retention period for the monthly media set. Quarterly Overwrite Period Indicates the data retention period for the quarterly media set. Yearly Overwrite Period Indicates the data retention period for the yearly media set. Weekly MediaSet Policy Indicates settings for the weekly media set. Monthly MediaSet Policy Indicates settings for the monthly media set. Quarterly MediaSet Policy Indicates settings for the quarterly media set. Yearly MediaSet Policy Indicates settings for the yearly media set. PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts Int values (weeks). Accepts Int values (months). Accepts Int values (months). Accepts Int values (years). Accepts VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy object. Accepts VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy object. Accepts VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy object. Accepts VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 648 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions Short Description Modifies VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions object. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions -Options <VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions> [WeeklyDay <DayOfWeek> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-WeeklyStartAt <timespan>] [-MonthlyKind <VBRGFSMonthlyKind> {DayOfWeek | DayOfMonth}] [-MonthlyDayOfWeek <DayOfWeek> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-MonthlyDayOfWeekNumber <VBRDayNumberInMonth> {First | Second | Third | Fourth | Last | OnDay}] [-MonthlyDayOfMonth <string>] [QuarterlyKind <VBRGFSQuarterlyKind> {DayOfWeek | DayOfQuarter}] [QuarterlyDayOfWeekNumber <VBRDayNumberInMonth> {First | Second | Third | Fourth | Last | OnDay}] [-QuarterlyDayOfWeek <DayOfWeek> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-QuarterlyDayOfMonth <string>] [-QuarterlyMonthOfQuarter <VBRGFSMonthOfQuarter> {First | Last}] [-YearlyKind <VBRGFSYearlyKind> {DayOfWeek | DayOfYear}] [YearlyDayOfWeekNumber <VBRDayNumberInMonth> {First | Second | Third | Fourth | Last | OnDay}] [-YearlyDayOfWeek <DayOfWeek> {Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday}] [-YearlyDayOfMonth <string>] [-MonthOfYear <VBRMonth> {January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December}] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies the VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions object. This object contains GFS scheduling options and is used to set schedule to GFS jobs. 649 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Options Specifies the WeeklyDay For weekly backup. Require d Positio n Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Character s True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipelin e ByPropertyName) False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions object you want to modify. Specifies the day of week when the weekly backup is archived. WeeklyStartAt For weekly backup. Specifies the time when the weekly backup is archived. MonthlyKind For monthly backup. Specifies the type of monthly schedule:   DayOfWeek: The monthly backup will be archived on a selected week day in month, for example, every first Sunday of month. Use the MonthlyDayOfWeek parameter to set the day of week and the MonthlyDayOfWeekNu mber parameter to set the number of day, for example, "first" (Sunday). DayOfMonth: The monthly backup will be archived on a selected day of month, for example, on the 1st. Use the MonthlyDayOfMonth parameter to set the day. Monthly DayOfWeek For monthly backup. Monthly DayOfWeek Number For monthly backup. Specifies the day of week for the MonthlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter. Specifies the number of the selected week day, for example, "the first" (Sunday) for the MonthlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter: First/Second/Third/Forth/Last. 650 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Monthly DayOfMonth For monthly backup. QuarterlyKind For quarterly backup. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False For quarterly backup. Quarterly MonthOfQuarte Specifies the number of month in r quarter for the QuarterlyKind (DayOfQuarter) parameter: First/Last. False Named False False YearlyKind False Named False False Specifies the day in month for the MonthlyKind (DayOfMonth) parameter: 1-31/Last. Specifies the type of quarterly schedule:   DayOfWeek: The quarterly backup will be archived on a selected week day, for example, the first Sunday of a quarter. Use the QuarterlyDayOfWeekN umber parameter to set the number of the week day and the QuarterlyDayOfWeek parameter to set the day of week. DayOfQuarter: The quarterly backup will be archived on a selected day of month, for example, on the 1st of the first month of a quarter. Use the QuarterlyDayOfQuarter parameter to set the day of month and the QuartetlyMonthOfQuarte r to set the month. Quarterly DayOfWeek Number For quarterly backup. Quarterly DayOfWeek For quarterly backup. Quarterly DayOfMonth For quarterly backup. Specifies the number of the selected day, for example, "the first" (Sunday) for the QuarterlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter: First/Second/Third/Fourth/Last. Specifies the day of week for the QuarterlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter. Specifies the day of month for the QuarterlyKind (DayOfQuarter) parameter: 1-31/Last. For yearly backup. Specifies the type of yearly 651 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 schedule:   DayOfWeek: The yearly backup will be archived on a selected week day in year, for example, every first Sunday of year. Use the YearlyDayOfWeek parameter to set the day of week and the YearlyDayOfWeekNum ber parameter to set the number of day, for example, "first" (Sunday). DayOfYear: The yearly backup will be archived on a selected day of month in year, for example, on the 1st of January. Use the YearlyDayOfMonth parameter to set the day in month and the MonthOfYear parameter to set the month. Yearly DayOfWeek Number For yearly backup. Yearly DayOfWeek For yearly backup. YearlyDay OfMonth For yearly backup. MonthOfYear For yearly backup. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the number of the selected day, for example, "the first" (Sunday) for the YearlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter: First/Second/Third/Fourth/Last. Specifies the day of week for the YearlyKind (DayOfWeek) parameter. Specifies the day of month for the YearlyKind (DayOfYear) parameter: 1-31/Last. Specifies the month for the YearlyKind (MonthOfYear) parameter. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 652 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRTapeLibrary Short Description Modifies tape library. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRTapeLibrary -TapeLibrary <VBRTapeLibrary> -Name <string> [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeLibrary Return Type VBRTapeLibrary Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies the name of the selected tape library. Parameters Parameter Description TapeLibrary Specifies the tape library you want to modify. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRTapeLibrary object. Name Specifies the new name you want to assign to the library. False Named False False PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 653 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command modifies the name of the tape library named 'HP MSL G3 Series 3.00' to 'New York Remote Tape'. The library object is obtained with Get-VBRTapeLibrary and piped down. The PassThru parameter is set to get the output and view the details. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" | SetVBRTapeLibrary -Name "New York Remote Tape" -PassThru Drives Enabled Model Slots TapeServerId Type State Id Name Description : : : : : : : : : : {Tape0, Tape1} True MSL G3 Series 24 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Automated Online 2f1fdc3c-8a97-4fa0-b631-74a039e64d5c New York Remote Tape New York office Tape Library Example 2 This command modifies the name of the tape library represented by the $tapelibrary variable. The tape library object is obtained by running Get-VBRTapeLibrary and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRTapeLibrary -TapeLibrary $tapelibrary -Name "New York Remote Tape" 654 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRTapeMediaPool Short Description Modifies media pool. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRTapeMediaPool -MediaPool <VBRTapeMediaPool> -Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]> [-Name <string>] [-Description <string>] [MoveFromFreePool] [-MoveOfflineToVault] [-Vault <VBRTapeVault>] [EnableEncryption] [-EncryptionKey <VBREncryptionKey>] [MediaSetCreationPolicy <VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy>] [-MediaSetName <string>] [-RetentionPolicy <VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy>] [NextLibOffline] [-NextLibDrivesBusy] [-NextLibNoMedia] [EnableMultiStreaming] [-NumberOfStreams <int>] [SplitJobFilesBetweenDrives] [-PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMediaPool Get-VBRTapeLibrary Get-VBRTapeMedium Get-VBRTapeVault Get-VBREncryptionKey New-VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy New-VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy Return Type VBRTapeMediaPool Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies media pool that was created before. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. 655 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Require d Positio n Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Character s MediaPool Specifies the media pool you want to modify. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipelin e ByPropertyName) False Name Specifies the new name you want to assign to the media pool. True Named False False Library Specifies the tape library, or a number of libraries, whose tapes will be used in this media pool. False Named True (by ValueFromPipelin e ByPropertyName) False You can add several libraries and use them to switch to another library in case the primary library is offline, has no available drives or no available tapes. Use the NextLibOffline, NextLibDrivesBusy and/or NextLibNoMedia parameters to manage the libraries. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Veeam will switch to the nest library in order they are added to the VBRTapeLibrary object. Accepts VBRTapeLibrary object, GUID or string type. Description Specifies the description for the media pool. False Named False False Medium Specifies the tape(s) you want to add to the media pool. False Named False False You can assign multiple tapes to this object. Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. MoveFrom FreePool If set, the media pool will be replenished by tapes from the Free media pool. False Named False False MoveOffline ToVault Indicates that the tapes that go offline must be automatically moved to a vault. False Named False False False Named False False Use the Vault parameter to specify the vault to which you want to move the tapes from this media pool. Vault Used to set vault for the MoveOfflineToVault parameter. 656 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Specifies the vault to which you want to automatically move the tapes. You can use one vault for several media pools. Accepts VBRTapeVault object, GUID or string type. Enable Encryption Indicates that Veeam Backup & Replication will encrypt data archived to tape. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Use the EncryptionKey parameter to specify the encryption key you want to use to encrypt the data. Encryption Key Used to set the encryption key for the EnableEncryption parameter. Specifies the encryption key you want to use to encrypt the data. MediaSet Creation Policy Specifies the settings of media set you want to apply to this media pool. If omitted, the media creation policy will be set to 'Never' by default. Accepts VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy object. MediaSet Name Specifies the new name you want to assign to the media sets created in this media pool. If omitted, the media set name will be set to "Media set %date%” by default. Accepts string type. Retention Policy Specifies the retention settings you want to apply to this media pool. If omitted, the media set name will be set to 'Never' by default. Accepts VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolic y object. NextLib Offline If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary library is offline. Default: true. NextLib DrivesBusy If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary library has no available drives. Default: true. NextLib NoMedia If set, the media pool will switch to the next library if the primary 657 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 library has no available media. Default: true. Enable Multi Streaming Indicates that the media pool can use several drives simultaneously. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Use the NumberOfStreams parameter to set the maximum number of drives that can be used. If set, the backup files within one SplitJobFiles BetweenDrives backup set will be written with several drives to several tapes. Otherwise, one tape job will use one drive. Number OfStreams Used to set value for the EnableMultiStreaming parameter. Indicates the maximum number of drives that the media pool can use. Default: 2. PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command instructs the selected media pool to move the offline tapes to a particular tape vault. • Run Get-VBRTapeMediaPool to get the media pool and save it to the $mediapool variable. • Use the MoveOfflineToVault parameter to instruct the media pool to move the offline tapes to a vault. • Run Get-VBRTapeVault to get the target vault and save it to the $vault variable. • Run Set-VBRTapeMediaPool with the saved variables. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRTapeMediaPool -MediaPool $mediapool -MoveOfflineToVault Vault $vault 658 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command adds encryption settings to a selected media pool. • Run Get-VBRTapeMediaPool to get the media pool and save it to the $mediapool variable. • Use the EnableEncryption parameter to instruct the media pool to encrypt the archived data. • Run Get-VBREncryptionKey to get the encryption key and save it to the $encryptionkey variable. • Run Set-VBRTapeMediaPool with the saved variables. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRTapeMediaPool -MediaPool $mediapool -EnableEncryption EncryptionKey $encryptionkey 659 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRTapeMedium Short Description Modifies tape properties. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRTapeMedium -Medium <VBRTapeMedium> [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] [-PassThru] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMedium Return Type VBRTapeMedium Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies properties of a selected tape. You can modify name and/or description of the tape. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Medium Description Specifies tape you want to modify. Required Position True Named Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False or False Name Specifies the new name you want to assign to the tape. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts string type. Description Specifies the new description you want to assign to the tape. Accepts string type. PassThru Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. 660 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command renames the '0014001F' tape into 'SQL 9/2014' and sets a description for it. The tape is obtained with Get-VBRTapeMedium and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeMedium -Name "0014001F" | Set-VBRTapeMedium -Name "SQL 9/2014" -Description "SQL DB monthly full backups: Sept/2014" Example 2 This command renames a selected tape into 'SQL encrypted'. The tape is obtained with Get-VBRTapeMedium and assigned to the '$tape' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRTapeMedium -Medium $tape -Name "SQL encrypted" 661 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRTapeServer Short Description Modifies tape server. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRTapeServer -TapeServer <VBRTapeServer> [-Description <string>] [PassThru] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeServer Return Type VBRTapeServer Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies tape server that was created before. Parameters Parameter Description TapeServer Specifies the tape server you want to modify. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Description Specifies the new description you want to apply to the tape server. False Named False False PassThru False Named False False Accepts VBRTapeServer objects. Indicates that the command returns the output object to the Windows PowerShell console. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 662 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command modifies the description of the tape server named "Sydney_Tape_Server". The tape server is obtained by running Get-VBRTapeServer and piped down. The description is changed to "Sydney_Remote_Tape_Server". The PassThru parameter is set to get the output and view the details. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeServer -Name "Sydney_Tape_Server" | Set-VBRTapeServer -Description "Sydney_Remote_Tape_Server" -PassThru ServerId IsAvailable Id Name Description : : : : : 937f3556-e684-4b33-a8a9-d87d243948f6 True 6d3c4fd8-9d0a-454b-9ef0-32f72d577069 Sydney_Tape_Server Sydney Remote Tape Server 663 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRTapeVault Short Description Modifies tape vault. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRTapeVault -Vault <VBRTapeVault> [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] [-Protect] [-PassThru] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeVault Return Type VBRTapeVault Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies tape vault that was created before. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Vault Description Specifies the vault you want to modify. Required Position Specifies the name you want to assign to the vault. Description Specifies the description of the vault. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False True Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts VBRTapeVault object, GUID or string type. Name Accept Pipeline Input If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Protect Indicates that all tapes moved to this media vault are automatically protected. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 664 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command modifies the name and the description of the vault named "Vault 01". The vault object is obtained by running Get-VBRTapeVault and piped down. The PassThru parameter is set to get the output and view the details. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeVault -Name "Vault 01" | Set-VBRTapeVault -Name "Sydney Remote Storage" -Description "Secondary Sydney Remote Storage" PassThru Location Medium Id Name Description : : : : : Sydney Offsite Storage {} 4be3b4c9-a620-4abd-a68b-b8a697115781 Sydney Remote Storage 02 Secondary Sydney Remote Storage Example 2 This command modifies the name of the vault represented by the $vault variable. The vault object is obtained by running Get-VBRTapeVault and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRTapeVault -Vault $vault -Name "Sydney Remote Storage 02" 665 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRViCloudHardwarePlan Short Description Modifies a selected VMware hardware plan. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Requires a VCP license. Syntax Set-VBRViCloudHardwarePlan -HardwarePlan <VBRViCloudHardwarePlan> [-Name <String>] [-Description <String>] [-Server <Object>] [-CPU <Int32>] [Memory <Int32>] [-NumberOfNetWithInternet <Int32>] [NumberOfNetWithoutInternet <Int32>] [-Datastore <VBRViCloudHardwarePlanDatastore[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [-PipelineVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Return Type VBRViCloudHardwarePlan Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies settings of an existing hardware plan. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Hardware Plan Description Specifies the hardware plan you want to modify. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False True Named False False Description Specifies the description of the hardware plan. False Named False False Server True Named False False Accepts the VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan object. Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the hardware plan. Specifies the ESX(i) host or cluster. The resources of this host or cluster will be exposed to the user by the hardware plan. Accepts the CHost (standalone host) 666 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 or CViClusterItem (cluster) object. CPU Specifies the quote of CPU resources you want to assign to the hardware plan (MHz). False Named False False Memory Specifies the quote of memory resources you want to assign to the hardware plan (Mb). False Named False False Number OfNetWith Internet Specifies the number of networks with access to the Internet that you want to assign to the hardware plan. False Named False False Number OfNet Without Internet Specifies the number of networks without access to the Internet that you want to assign to the hardware plan. False Named False False Datastore Specifies the array of the datastores that will be used for storing user data. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 667 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRViCloudReplicaJob Short Description Modifies a VMware cloud replication job. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRViCloudReplicaJob -Job <CBackupJob> [-Name <string>] [-Entity <IViItem[]>] [-Datastore <VBRCloudDatastore>] [-Suffix <string>] [BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] [-Description <string>] [EnableNetworkMapping] [-SourceNetwork <VBRViNetworkInfo[]>] [-TargetNetwork <VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo[]>] [-SourceProxy <CViProxy[]>] [UseWANAccelerator] [-SourceWANAccelerator <CWanAccelerator>] [SourceRepository <CBackupRepository[]>] [-DiskType <EDiskCreationMode> {Source | Thick | Thin}] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Find-VBRViEntity Get-VBRCloudServer Get-VBRCloudDatastore Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo Get-VBRViProxy Get-VBRWANAccelerator Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies an existing VMware cloud replication job. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. 668 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the replication job you want to modify. Required Position Specifies the string with the name of the created replication job. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False False Named True (by ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts CBackupJob object. Name Accept Pipeline Input If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will give the default job name. Entity Specifies the VM(s) that you want to replicate. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Datastore Specifies the cloud datastore to which you want to replicate. Accepts the VBRCloudDatastore object. Suffix Specifies the suffix that will be appended to the name of the VM you are replicating. This name will be used to register the replicated VM on the target server. If omitted, the replicated VMs will have the '_replica' suffix by default. Backup Repository Specifies the backup repository which will be used to store replica metadata files. If not set, the default backup repository will be used. Description Specifies the description of the new job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Enable Network Mapping Indicates that the network mapping must be used. Use the SourceNetwork and the TargetNetwork parameters to set the network mapping rules. False Named False False Source Network Used to set the source network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. False Named False False Specifies the production network to which VMs added to the job are connected. 669 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Use the TargetNetwork parameter to set the target network. NOTE: the number of the source and the target networks must be the same. Target Network Used to set the target network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. False Named False False False Named False False Indicates that the data must be Use transferred via WAN accelerators. WAN Accelerator Use the SourceWANAccelerator parameter to set the WAN accelerator on the source side. False Named False False Specifies the WAN accelerator Source configured in the source site that will WAN Accelerator be used for data transfer. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the network in the DR site to which VM replicas must be connected. Use the SourceNetwork parameter to set the source network. NOTE: the number of the source and the target networks must be the same. Source Proxy Specifies the source proxy that will be used by the job. Default: automatic selection. Note that you can set the source WAN accelerator only if the cloud provider has a target WAN accelerator configured. Source Repository Used for building replica from backup files. Specifies the backup repository that will be used to read the VM data from the already existing backup chain. DiskType Specifies the disks that you want to replicate: Source, Thick, Thin. Default: Source. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 670 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VBRViReplicaJob Short Description Modifies replication job. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VBRViReplicaJob -Job <CBackupJob> [-Name <String>] [-Server <CHost>] [Entity <IViItem[]>] [-Datastore <CViDatastoreItem>] [-ResourcePool <CViResourcePoolItem>] [-Folder <CViFolderItem>] [-Suffix <String>] [BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] [-Description <String>] [EnableNetworkMapping] [-SourceNetwork <VBRViNetworkInfo[]>] [-TargetNetwork <VBRViNetworkInfo[]>] [-SourceProxy <CViProxy[]>] [-TargetProxy <CViProxy[]>] [-UseWANAccelerator] [-SourceWANAccelerator <CWanAccelerator>] [-TargetWANAccelerator <CWanAccelerator>] [RestorePointsToKeep <Int32>] [-ReplicateFromBackup] [-SourceRepository <CBackupRepository[]>] [-EnableReIp] [-ReIpRule <VBRViReplicaReIpRule[]>] [-DiskType <EDiskCreationMode>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Get-VBRServer Find-VBRViEntity Find-VBRViDatastore Find-VBRViResourcePool Find-VBRViFolder Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRViProxy Get-VBRWANAccelerator Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo New-VBRViReplicaReIpRule Detailed Description This cmdlet modifies an existing replication job. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. 671 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the replication job you want to modify. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts CBackupJob object. Name Specifies the string with the name of the created replication job. False Named False False Server Specifies the host where the created replica should be stored. True Named False False Entity Specifies the VM(s) that you want to replicate. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Datastore Specifies the datastore to which you want to replicate. False Named False False Resource Pool Specifies the resource pool to which you want to replicate. False Named False False Folder Specifies the folder to which you want to replicate. False Named False False Suffix Specifies the suffix that will be appended to the name of the VM you are replicating. This name will be used to register the replicated VM on the target server. False Named False False Backup Repository Specifies the backup repository which will be used to store replica metadata files. False Named False False Description Specifies the description of the new job. False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Enable Network Mapping Indicates that the network mapping is used. Use the SourceNetwork and the TargetNetwork parameters to set the network mapping rules. False Named False False Source Network Used to set the source network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. False Named False False Specifies the production network to which VMs added to the job are connected. Use the TargetNetwork parameter to set the target network. NOTE: the number of the source and 672 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 the target networks must be the same. Target Network Used to set the target network for the EnableNetworkMapping parameter. False Named False False Specifies the network in the DR site to which VM replicas must be connected. Use the SourceNetwork parameter to set the source network. NOTE: the number of the source and the target networks must be the same. Source Proxy Specifies the source proxy that will be used by the job. False Named False False Target Proxy Specifies the target proxy that will be used by the job. False Named False False UseWAN Accelerator Indicates that the data must be transferred via WAN accelerators. False Named False Fals Use the SourceWANAccelerator and TargetWANAccelerator parameters to set the pair of WAN accelerators. Source WAN Accelerator Specifies the WAN accelerator configured in the source site that will be used for data transfer. False Named False False Target WAN Accelerator Specifies the WAN accelerator configured in the target site that will be used for data transfer. False Named False False Restore Points ToKeep Specifies the number of restore points that will be kept. False Named False False False Named False False Permitted values: 1 to 28. Used for building replica from Replicate FromBackup backup files. If set, the job will use the backups in repository to build the replica. Use the SourceRepository parameter to set the repository. Source Repository Specifies the backup repository that will be used to read the VM data from the already existing backup chain. False Named False False EnableReIp Indicates that the re-IP rules must be used. Use the ReIpRule parameter to set the re-IP rules. False Named False False ReIpRule Specifies the re-IP rules. False Named False False False Named False False Accepts VBRViReplicaReIpRule object. DiskType Specifies the disks that you want to 673 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 replicate: Source, Thick, Thin. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 674 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VNXHost Short Description Modifies a selected EMC VNX storage. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: EMC VNX Syntax Set-VNXHost -Host <CVnxHost> [-Description <string>] [-UserName <string>] [-Password <string>] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [-CredentialsScope <VBRVNXBlockCredentialsScope> {Global | Local | LDAP}] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet adds the selected EMC VNX storage to Veeam Backup & Replication. To modify settings, you need to enter the corresponding parameters with new values. The parameters that you omit will remain unchanged. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Host Specifies the storage you want to modify. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Type Specifies the type of the VNX storage: VNXe, VNXBlock, VNXFile. True Named False False UserName Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the storage. True Named False False Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the storage. True Named False False Name Specifies the storage IP address or DNS name. False Named False False Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the storage. True Named False False 675 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Accepts CCredentials object. Description Specifies the description of the storage. False Named False False False Named False False If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Credentials Used to authenticate with the VNXBlock. Scope Specifies the credentials scope: Global, Local, LDAP. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 676 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VSBJobOptions Short Description Applies custom SureBackup job options. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VSBJobOptions [-Job] <CSbJob> [-Options] <CDRJobOptions> [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Detailed Description This cmdlet applies customized job options to SureBackup jobs. To customize the SureBackup job options you need to first run the New-VSBJobOptions cmdlet. NewVSBJobOptions returns the CDRJobOptions object containing the set of default SureBackup job options. You can customize any of these options and apply further to a SureBackup job. Run Set-VBRJobOptions to edit job options of backup, replication or copy job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the SureBackup job for which you want to customize the job options. Required Position Specifies the custom SureBackup job options. Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False True 2 False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. Options Accept Pipeline Input Accepts CDRJobOptions object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 677 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command applies the customized options to the SUreBackup job named "SureBackup Job 01". The job object is obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. The options to apply are set to the $"Sure Options" variable beforehand by running New-VSBJobOptions. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "SureBackup Job 01" | Set-VSBJobOptions -Options $"Sure Options" Example 2 This command applies the customized job options to the SureBackup job represented by the $SureJob variable. The job is obtained with Get-VSBJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. The options to apply are set to the $"Sure Options" variable beforehand by running New-VSBJobOptions. PS C:\PS> Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions -Job $SureJob -Options $"Sure Options" 678 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VSBJobSchedule Short Description Sets SureBackup job schedule options. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VSBJobSchedule [-Job] <CSbJob> [-Daily] [-At <DateTime>] [-DailyKind <DailyOptions+DailyKinds>] [-Days <DayOfWeek[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORSet-VSBJobSchedule [-Job] <CSbJob> [-At <DateTime>] [-Days <DayOfWeek[]>] [-Monthly] [-NumberInMonth <EDayNumberInMonth>] [-Months <EMonth[]>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORSet-VSBJobSchedule [-Job] <CSbJob> [-After] [-AfterJob <CBackupJob>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet sets custom schedule settings to the selected SureBackup job. You can schedule the job to run: • Daily on specific time, on specific days of week, • Monthly on specific time, on specific days of month, on specific months, • After a certain job you specify. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Job Specifies the SureBackup job you want to set schedule to. You can include multiple jobs into this object. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Daily For daily schedule. False Named False False Sets SureBackup job schedule to daily run. 679 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 At For daily schedule. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the SureBackup job start time. If not set, the job will start at 10:00 by default. DailyKind For daily schedule. Specifies the days to run the SureBackup job:    Days Everyday: the job will run everyday, WeekDays: the job will run Monday through Friday, SelectedDays: the job will run on specific days (i.e. Saturdays). Use the Days parameter to set the specific days. For daily schedule. Specifies the days of week to run the SureBackup job. At For monthly schedule. Specifies the SureBackup job start time. If not set, the job will start at 10:00 by default. Days For monthly schedule. Specifies the day of week to run the SureBackup job. Use this parameter to set the day for -NumberInMonth parameter, i.e. to run the job on first Saturday every month. Number InMonth For monthly schedule. Specifies the period condition for the SureBackup job run: First/Second/Third/Forth/Last. Use this parameter to set the condition for the Days parameter, i.e. to run the job on first Saturday every month. Monthly For monthly schedule. Sets SureBackup job schedule to monthly run. Months For monthly schedule. Specifies the months to run the SureBackup job. After After this job. Sets SureBackup job schedule to run after a specific job. AfterJob After this job. Specifies the job after which you want to run the SureBackup job. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 680 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command schedules the jobs named "SureBackup Job 01" and "SureBackup Job 05" to run daily at 23:00 on weekdays. The SureBackup jobs object is obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "SureBackup Job 01", "SureBackup Job 05" | SetVSBJobSchedule -Daily -At "23:00" -DailyKind Weekdays Example 2 This command schedules all SureBackup jobs to run every last Saturday at 12:00 in February, May, August and December. The SureBackup jobs object is obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name *SureJob* | Set-VSBJobSchedule -Monthly -At "12:00" -NumberInMonth Last -Days Saturday -Months February, May, August, December Example 3 This command schedules the SureBackup job named "SureBackup Job 01" to run after the job represented by the $job variable. The SureBackup job object is obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down.. The backup job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to $job variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "SureBackup Job 01" | Set-VSBJobSchedule -After -AfterJob $job 681 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Set-VSBJobScheduleOptions Short Description Applies customized job scheduling options to a selected SureBackup job. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Set-VSBJobScheduleOptions [-Job] <CSbJob> [-Options] <ScheduleOptions> [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob New-VBRJobScheduleOptions Detailed Description This cmdlet applies customized scheduling options to a selected SureBackup job. To customize the scheduling options you need to first run the New-VBRJobScheduleOptions cmdlet. New-VBRJobScheduleOptions returns the ScheduleOptions object containing the set of default scheduling options. You can customize any of these options and apply further to any kind of jobs. Run Set-VBRJobScheduleOptions to set scheduling options of backup, replication or copy job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the SureBackup job for which you want to change the scheduling options. Required Position Specifies the custom scheduling options. Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False True 2 False False You can assign multiple SureBackup jobs to this object. Options Accept Pipeline Input Accepts ScheduleOptions object. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 682 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command applies the customized scheduling options to the SureBackup jobs named "SharePoint SureJob" and "MailServer SureJob". The jobs are obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. The options to apply are set to the $"Schedule Options" variable beforehand by running NewVBRJobScheduleOptions. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "SharePoint SureJob", "MailServer SureJob" | Set-VSBJobScheduleOptions -Options $"Schedule Options" Example 2 This command applies the customized scheduling options to the SureBackup job represented by the $SureJob variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VSBJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. The options to apply are set to the $"Schedule Options" variable beforehand by running New-VBRJobScheduleOptions. PS C:\PS> Set-VSBJobScheduleOptions -Job $SureJob -Options $"Schedule Options" 683 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRConfigurationBackupJob Short Description Starts the configuration backup job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRConfigurationBackupJob [-RunAsync] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands None Return Type VBRSession Detailed Description This cmdlet starts the configuration backup job. Parameters Parameter RunAsync Description Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. Required Position False Named Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command starts the configuration backup job in the RunAsync mode. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRConfigurationBackupJob -RunAsync 684 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False Start-VBRFailoverPlan Short Description Starts failover by failover plan. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRFailoverPlan -FailoverPlan <VBRFailoverPlan[]> [-Wait] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>] -ORStart-VBRFailoverPlan -FailoverPlan <VBRFailoverPlan[]> [-FromDate <datetime>] [-Wait] [-Force] [<CommonParameters>] -ORStart-VBRFailoverPlan -FailoverPlan <VBRFailoverPlan[]> [-Wait] [-Force] [Test] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRFailoverPlan Return Type VBRBackupSession[] Detailed Description This cmdlet starts failover by failover plan. With this cmdlet, you can start a number of failover processes. Parameters Parameter Description FailoverPlan Specifies the failover plan you want to start. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False Accepts VBRFailoverPlan. You can assign multiple plans to this object. FromDate Use this parameter to fail over to a particular restore point. Specifies the date and time to which you want to fail over. Veeam Backup & Replication will find a restore point closest to this moment. If omitted, Veeam Backup & 685 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Replication will fail over to the latest restore point. Wait Use this parameter to manage starting multiple failover processes. False Named False False If indicated, the next failover process will wait for the previous to end. Force Used for cloud failovers to start full failover after the user's site is already partially failed over to cloud replicas. If set, the cmdlet turns off the user appliance without notifying the user. Otherwise, the cmdlet will display a warning. Test If set, the failover runs in test mode. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command starts failover process by failover plan named "MS Exchange Group Failover". The VMs in the failover group are failed over to the latest restore point. • The failover plan is obtained with Get-VBRFailoverPlan and piped down. • The FromDate parameter is omitted to select the latest restore point automatically. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRFailoverPlan -Name "MS Exchange Group Failover" | StartVBRFailoverPlan Example 2 This command starts failover process represented by the '$MSExchangeGroup' variable. The VMs in the failover group are failed over to the latest restore point. • The failover plan is obtained with Get-VBRFailoverPlan and assigned to the '$MSExchangeGroup' variable beforehand. • The FromDate parameter is omitted to select the latest restore point automatically. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRFailoverPlan -FailoverPlan $MSExchangeGroup 686 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 3 This command starts failover processes by failover plans named "MS Exchange Group Failover" and "SQLServers Group Failover". The VMs are failed over to a week ago state. The VM groups are failed over one by one. • The date is obtained with the Date command and assigned to the '$date' variable beforehand. • The failover plans are obtained with Get-VBRFailoverPlan and piped down. • The Wait parameter is used to start the failover processes one after the other. PS C:\PS> $date = date PS C:\PS> Get-VBRFailoverPlan -Name "MS Exchange Group Failover", "SQLServers Group Failover" | Start-VBRFailoverPlan -FromDate $date.AddDays(-7) -Wait 687 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRHvInstantRecovery Short Description Starts Hyper-V Instant VM Recovery. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRHvInstantRecovery [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Server] <CHost> [-Path] <String> [-VMName <String>][-PreserveVmID [<Boolean>]] [-PowerUp [<Boolean>]] [-NICsEnabled [<Boolean>]] [-PreserveMACs [<Boolean>]] [Reason <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet allows to perform Instant Recovery of a Hyper-V VM. The Instant VM Recovery for Hyper-V process creates a copy of a VM in a target location reading data from the directly from a compressed and deduplicated backup file. This cmdlet allows you to use the following options: • Restore the VM to any available restore point, full or increment. Use the RestorePoint parameter to indicate the needed restore point. • Restore the VM to original location or to another location. Use the Server and Path parameters to indicate the target location where the VM will be restored. You can indicate the location of the original VM or any other host available with Veeam backup server that will act as a staging location. If you choose the original location, make sure that the original VM is powered off to avoid conflicts or restore the VM with a new name. Use the VMName parameter to set the new name. • Connect VM to network. Use the NICsEnabled parameter to connect the restored VM to the network. • Power on VM automatically. Use the PowerUp parameter to indicate that the VM must be automatically powered on after restore. • Restore the VM with the original ID or with a new ID. Note that if the original VM keeps running, preserving the ID will cause conflict. Preserving the ID is useful in case the original VM will not be used in future - in this case, Veeam Backup & Replication will recognize the restored VM as its original and perform all backup and other operations that were scheduled for the original VM. The instantly recovered VM runs from a backup and does not provide a wholly functioning service. You need to finalize the successful instant recovery by one of the following steps: 688 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 • Remove the restored VM. You can stop publishing the recovered VM and discard the changes made to it while it was running from backup. To do this, run Stop-VBRInstantRecovery. • Migrate the restored VM to the production. To do this, run StartVBRHvInstantRecoveryMigration. Run Restart-VBRInstantRecovery to restart the Instant Recovery session if it failed for some reason. Run Get-VBRInstantRecovery to view the session status. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the VM restore point to which you want to restore the VM. True 1 True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Server Specifies the host where you want to restore the VM. True 2 False False Path Used to redirect the redo logs. True 3 False False False Named False False PreserveVmID If set to TRUE, the restored VM will get the ID of the original VM. Otherwise, the restored VM will get a new ID. False Named False False PowerUp If set to TRUE, the VM will be powered up right after it is restored. Otherwise, you will need to power up the VM manually. False Named False False NICsEnabled If set to TRUE, the restored VM will be connected to the network. Otherwise the VM will have no network connections. False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the path to the folder where you want to store the changes made to the VM during the Instant Recovery. VMName Specifies the name you want to apply to the restored VM. By default, the original VM name is applied. PreserveMACs If set to TRUE, the restored VM will get the MAC address of the original VM. Otherwise, the restored VM will get a new MAC address. Note that if the original VM keeps running, preserving the MAC address will cause conflict. Preserving the MAC address is useful in case the original VM will not be used in future - in this case, the restored VM will be able to use the MAC settings used by its applications, if any are installed. 689 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Reason Specifies the reason for performing restore of the selected VM. False Named False False False Named False False The information you provide will be saved in the session history so that you can reference it later. Credentials Used to access the VMs stored on shared folders. Specifies the credentials you want to use to authenticate with the shared folder. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command starts Instant Recovery of the VM. • The VM to restore is obtained together with the restore point to which the VM will be restored with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the $rpoint variable beforehand. • The Hyper-V host where the restored VM will be located in obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand. • The file path for redo logs is c:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\Redo. • The VM will be restored with name "New-Exch01". • The -PowerUp parameter is set to $True to enable the VM power up automatically. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRHvInstantRecovery -RestorePoint $rpoint -Server $server -Path "c:\Hyper-V\Virtual Hard Disks\Redo" -VMName "New-Exch01" -PowerUp $True 690 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRHvInstantRecoveryMigration Short Description Performs VM migration to a Hyper-V host. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRHvInstantRecoveryMigration [-InstantRecovery] <InstantRecovery[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>][-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRInstantRecovery Detailed Description This cmdlet migrates a recovered VM to the production host. You finalize the instant recovery of the VM initiated with Start-VBRHvInstantRecovery by migrating the VM to production. Run Stop-VBRInstantRecovery to terminate the recovery session by unpublishing the VM. Parameters Parameter Description Instant Recovery Specifies the session(s) started with the StartVBRHvInstantRecovery cmdlet to finalize migration of a recovered VM to a Hyper-V host. You can assign multiple instant recovery sessions to this object. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command finalizes the current instant recovery session. The session is obtained with GetVBRInstantRecovery and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRInstantRecovery | Start-VBRHvInstantRecoveryMigration 691 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command finalizes the instant recovery session represented by the $"Hv Instant Recovery" variable. The session is obtained with Get-VBRInstantRecovery and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRHvInstantRecoveryMigration -InstantRecovery $"Hv Instant Recovery" 692 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRHvReplicaFailback Short Description Performs failback to the production host. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRHvReplicaFailback -RestorePoint <COib> [-Reason <String>] [RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet stars failing back to the production host after failover to its replica. This cmdlet lets you finalize the replica failover started with Start-VBRHvReplicaFailover by switching back to the production VM with data synchronization. When you perform failback, you switch back to the original VM on the production site. The failback process collects all the changes that were made to the replica while you failed over to it, and implies them to the source VM. This allows you to switch between source and replica VMs without data loss. To switch back to the production VM and discard the changes made to the replica while failover, start an undo failover process. In this case you return to the production VM in the state preceeding failover. Run Stop-VBRReplicaFailover to undo failover. Undo Failback: If you tried to fail back to the original VM but was unable to, because i.e. it was nonfunctional or corrupted, you can undo the failback and return to the working replica. Run StopVBRViReplicaFailback to undo failback. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the replica restore point which you want to fail back. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Reason Specifies the reason for performing a failback. False Named False False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False 693 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command fails back from the VM replica named "WebServer_ replica". The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and piped down. The restore points of the VM are filtered with Sort-Object method by the "creationtime" property to get the most recent one. The reason is "Configuration recovery". The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "WebServer_replica" | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1 | Start-VBRHvReplicaFailback -Reason "Configuration recovery" -RunAsync Example 2 This command fails back from the VM replica represented by the $"WebServer_replica restorepoint" variable. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. The reason is "Data recovery". The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRHvReplicaFailback -RestorePoint $"WebServer_replica restorepoint" -Reason "Data recovery" -RunAsync 694 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRHvReplicaFailover Short Description Fails over a corrupted VM to its replica. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRHvReplicaFailover [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Reason <string>] [RunAsync] [<CommonParameters>] -ORStart-VBRHvReplicaFailover [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Reason <string>] [RunAsync] [-Definite] [<CommonParameters>] -ORStart-VBRHvReplicaFailover [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Reason <string>] [RunAsync] [-Planned] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you fail over a corrupted VM to its successfully created replica. Performing failover is switching to a VM replica in case the original VM is damaged. You can fail over to the latest state of a replica or to any of its good known restore points. In Veeam Backup & Replication, failover is a temporary stage that needs to be finalized: • You can perform failback to recover the original VM on the source host or in a new location. Failback is used in case you failed over to a DR site that is not intended for continuous operations, and would like to move the operations back to the production site when the consequences of a disaster are eliminated. Run Start-VBRHvReplicaFailback to failback to the original VM. • You can undo failover to switch back to the original VM, revert replication operations and discard changes made to the working VM replica. In this case you loose all the changes that were made to the replica while you failed over to it. Run Stop-VBRReplicaFailover to undo failover. You can also undo planned failover. 695 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Restore Point Specifies the replica restore point to which you want to fail over. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Reason Specifies the reason for performing a failover. False Named False False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False Definite Performs permanent failover. False Named False False Planned Performs planned failover. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 696 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRHvRestoreVM Short Description Starts restore of the entire VM. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V For VMware, run Start-VBRRestoreVM. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRHvRestoreVM [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Server <CHost>] [-Path <String>] [-VMName <String>] [-PreserveVmID [<Boolean>]] [-PowerUp] [RegisterAsClusterResource] [-NICsEnabled [<Boolean>]] [-PreserveMACs [<Boolean>]] [-User <String>] [-Password <String>] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Reason <String>] [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet starts restore of the entire VM. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Restore Point Specifies the VM restore point to which you want to restore. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Server Specifies the host where you want to locate the restored VM. False Named False False Path Specifies the path to the folder where you want to restore the VM. False Named False False VMName Specifies the name you want to apply to the restored VM. By default, the original VM name is applied. False Named False False Preserve VmID If set to TRUE, the restored VM will get the ID of the original VM. Otherwise, the restored VM will get a new ID. False Named False False Note that if the original VM keeps running, preserving the ID will cause conflict. Preserving the ID is useful in case the 697 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 original VM will not be used in future - in this case, Veeam Backup & Replication will recognize the restored VM as its original and perform all backup and other operations that were scheduled for the original VM. PowerUp If set, the restored VM will be powered up immediately after the restore. Otherwise, you will have to power up the VM manually. False Named False False RegisterAs Cluster Resource If set, the restored VM will be registered as a part of a cluster in case you restore the VM to a clustered host. False Named False False NICsEnabled If set to True, the restored VM will be connected to the network. Otherwise the VM will have no network connections. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False QuickRollback Indicates that the incremental restore must False Named False False PreserveMACs If set to TRUE, the restored VM will get the MAC address of the original VM. Otherwise, the restored VM will get a new MAC address. Note that if the original VM keeps running, preserving the MAC address will cause conflict. Preserving the MAC address is useful in case the original VM will not be used in future - in this case, the restored VM will be able to use the MAC settings used by its applications, if any are installed. User Specifies the user name you want to use for authenticating with the VM. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the -Credentials parameter must be omitted. Password Specifies the password you want to use for authenticating with the VM. If you use the Username/Password scenario, the -Credentials parameter must be omitted. Credential Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the VM. If you use the Credentials scenario, the User and -Password parameters must be omitted. Reason Specifies the reason for performing restore of the selected VM. The information you provide will be saved in the session history so that you can reference it later. RunAsync 698 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 be performed. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 699 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRInstantRecovery Short Description Starts VMware Instant VM Recovery. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRInstantRecovery [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Server] <CHost> [[ResourcePool] <CViResourcePoolItem>] [-VMName <string>] [-Datastore <CViDatastoreItem>] [-StoragePolicy <VBRViStoragePolicy>] [-Folder <CViFolderItem>] [-PowerUp] [-NICsEnabled] [-Reason <string>] [-RunAsync] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Get-VBRServer Find-VBRViResourcePool Find-VBRViDatastore Find-VBRViFolder Detailed Description This cmdlet starts VM instant recovery. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the restore point to which you want to recover the VM. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False VMName Specifies the name you want to apply to the restored VM. By default, the original VM name is applied. False Named False False Server Used to restore the VM to another location. True 2 False False False 3 False False Specifies the target ESX(i) host where you want to locate the restored VM. You must not specify a vCenter Server in this parameter. ResourcePool Used to restore the VM to another location. Specifies the resource pool where you want 700 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 to locate the restored VM. Datastore Used to redirect the redo logs. False Named False False StoragePolicy Specifies the VMware storage policy profile that must be applied to the restored virtual disks. False Named False False Folder False Named False False Specifies the datastore to which you want to store the changes made to the VM during the Instant Recovery. Used to restore the VM to another location. Specifies the folder where you want to locate the restored VM. PowerUp If set to True, the restored VM will be powered up immediately after the restore. Otherwise, you will have to power up the VM manually. False Named False False NICsEnabled If set to True, the restored VM will be connected to the network. Otherwise the VM will have no network connections. False Named False False Reason Specifies the reason for performing restore of the selected VM. False Named False False False Named False False The information you provide will be saved in the session history so that you can reference it later. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command starts the instant recovery of the VM named "MSExchange". The VM is restored to the original location and to the last restore point. The backup and the restore point are obtained with Get-VBRBackup and Get-VBRRestorePoint respectively and piped down. The server to locate the restored VM is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> et-VBRBackup -Name "MSExchange Backup" | Get-VBRRestorePoint | Select -Last 1 | Start-VBRInstantRecovery -Server $server 701 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command restores the VM to another location and with different settings. The following parameters are set: • The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the $restorepoint variable. • The VM is restored with name "MSExchange_Restored". • The server to locate the restored VM is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable. • The resource pool is obtained with Find-VBRViResourcePool and assigned to the $pool variable. • The datastore is obtained with Find-VBRViDatastore and assigned to the $store variable. • The folder to locate the restored VM is C:\Restored. • The -PowerUp parameter is set to TRUE to enable the auto power up of the restored VM. • The -NICsEnabled parameter is set to TRUE to connect the restored VM to the host network. • The restore reason is "Data recovery". • The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRInstantRecovery -RestorePoint $restorepoint -VMName "MSExchange_Restored" -Server $server -ResourcePool $pool -Datastore $store -Folder "C:\Restored" -PowerUp $TRUE -NICsEnabled $TRUE -Reason "Data recovery" -RunAsync 702 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRJob Short Description Starts backup, replication or copy job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRJob [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-FullBackup] [-RetryBackup] [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to start a created or stopped job. You can start a backup, replication or copy job. This cmdlet allows you to start a job for an ordinary run, force a full backup, or set the job to restart in case it failed. When you create a job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run SetVBRJobSchedule to schedule the job to run automatically. Run Stop-VBRJob to stop a running job. Run Enable-VBRJob to enable a disabled job. Run Start-VSBJob to start a SureBackup job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to start. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False RetryBackup Specify this parameter if you want to restart the job if it failed. False Named False False RunAsync False Named False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. FullBackup Specify this parameter if you want to perform an active full backup. Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. 703 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command starts the jobs named "WebApplications Server Backup" and "Fileserver Copy Job". The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "WebApplications Server Backup", "Fileserver Copy Job" | Start-VBRJob Example 2 This command starts a vCloud backup job right after it the job is created. The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Add-VBRvCloudJob -Entity $"vCloud Server" -Name "vCloud Server Backpup" | Start-VBRJob -RunAsync Example 3 This command performs a full backup for the job named "WebApplications Server Backup". The job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "WebApplications Server Backup" | Start-VBRJob FullBackup Example 4 This command restarts a failed job represented by the $job variable. The job is obtained with GetVBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRJob -Job $job -RetryBackup -RunAsync 704 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRLinuxFileRestore Short Description Starts non-Windows VM guest OS file restore. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides 3 parameter sets.  Basic: Start-VBRLinuxFileRestore -RestorePoint <COib> -Server <CHost> -NetworkInfo <IVBRServerNetworkInfo> [-Reason <string>] [-IP <ipaddress>] [-NetworkMask <string>] [-Gateway <ipaddress>] [-EnableFTP] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [<CommonParameters>]  For VMware: Start-VBRLinuxFileRestore -RestorePoint <COib> -Server <CHost> ResourcePool <CViResourcePoolItem> -NetworkInfo <IVBRServerNetworkInfo> [Reason <string>] [-IP <ipaddress>] [-NetworkMask <string>] [-Gateway <ipaddress>] [-FromNSS] [-EnableFTP] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [<CommonParameters>]  For Hyper-V: Start-VBRLinuxFileRestore -RestorePoint <COib> -Server <CHost> -NetworkInfo <IVBRServerNetworkInfo> [-Reason <string>] [-IP <ipaddress>] [-NetworkMask <string>] [-Gateway <ipaddress>] [-VLanId <int>] [-EnableFTP] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [<CommonParameters>] Use the appropriate syntax for respective platform. Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Get-VBRServer Get-VBRHvServerNetworkInfo / Get-VBRViServerNetworkInfo Find-VBRViResourcePool Detailed Description This cmdlet starts restore of VM guest OS files from 15 file systems such as Linux, Unix, BSD, MacOS and many others. For non-Windows file level restore, an assisting proxy appliance running Linux is used. Veeam Backup & Replication mounts disks of the restored VM to the proxy appliance as virtual hard drives. For Windows OS file restore, run Start-VBRWindowsFileRestore. 705 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 This cmdlet requires finalizing. When you restore all needed files, run Stop-VBRLinuxFileRestore to unmount disks and powers the proxy appliance off. You need to save the restore session to a variable when you run this cmdlet. Otherwise you will be Important! unable to finalize the restore session with PowerShell. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Restore Point Specifies the restore point from which you want to restore the VM guest OS files. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Reason Specifies the reason for performing files restore. False Named False False True Named True (by ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False The information you provide will be saved in the session history so that you can reference it later. Server Specifies the host on which the proxy appliance must be registered. IMPORTANT! When choosing the host for the Novell file system proxy appliance, make sure that it allows running VMs with 64-bit guest OS'es. Network Info Specifies the network settings for the proxy appliance. The proxy appliance must be placed in the same network where the Veeam backup server resides. True Named False False IP Specifies the IP address for the proxy appliance. The proxy appliance must be placed in the same network where the Veeam backup server resides. False Named False False Accepts IPAddress or string type. Network Mask Specifies the network mask for the proxy appliance. The proxy appliance must be placed in the same network where the Veeam backup server resides. False Named False False Gateway Specifies the default gateway for the proxy appliance. The proxy appliance must be placed in the same network where the Veeam backup server resides. False Named False False VLanId Used for Hyper-V platform. False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the VLAN ID for the proxy appliance. Enable Indicates that the FTP access to the 706 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 FTP restored file system will be enabled. Credentials Specifies the credentials to authenticate with the backup share folder. False Named False False Resource Pool Used for VMware platform. True Named True (by ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False FromNSS Used for restore files in Novell Storage services file system. False Named False False Specifies a resource pool to which the proxy appliance must be placed. Indicates that Veeam Backup & Replication will deploy a specific proxy appliance that supports the Novell file system. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This example shows how to start a file restore session for a non-Windows VM in the Hyper-V environment. • The restore session is saved to the '$linuxflr' variable to use it for finalizing in future. • The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the '$restorepoint' variable beforehand. • The host where the proxy appliance will be deployed is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$hvhost01' variable beforehand. • The network in which the proxy appliance will be registered is obtained with GetVBRHvServerNetworkInfo and assigned to the '$targetnetwork' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> $linuxflr = Start-VBRLinuxFileRestore -RestorePoint $restorepoint -Server $hvhost01 -NetworkInfo $targetnetwork 707 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This example shows how to start a file restore session for a non-Windows VM in the VMware environment. • The restore session is saved to the '$linuxflr' variable to use it for finalizing in future. • The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the '$restorepoint' variable beforehand. • The host where the proxy appliance will be deployed is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$esx01' variable beforehand. • The resource pool is obtained with Find-VBRViResourcePool and assigned to the '$resourcepool' variable beforehand. • The network in which the proxy appliance will be registered is obtained with GetVBRViServerNetworkInfo and assigned to the '$targetnetwork' variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> $linuxflr = Start-VBRLinuxFileRestore -RestorePoint $restorepoint -Server $esx01 -ResourcePool $resourcepool -NetworkInfo $targetnetwork 708 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRQuickBackup Short Description Performs QuickBackup. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRQuickBackup -VM <IVmItem[]> [-Wait] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Find-VBRViEntity / Find-VBRHvEntity Detailed Description This cmdlet starts QuickBackup on selected VMs. Quick backup performs on-demand incremental backup for VMs. The VM must be added to a backup job and have at least one full backup. Parameters Parameter VM Description Specifies the VMs for which you want to perform the QuickBackup. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False You can add VMware or Hyper-V VMs. Accepts CViVmItem or CHvVmItem objects. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Wait Indicates that the command waits for the catalog process to complete before accepting more input. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 709 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRQuickMigration Short Description Starts Quick Migration of a virtual machine. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRQuickMigration -Entity <CViVmItem[]> -Server <CHost> [ResourcePool <CViResourcePoolItem>] [-Datastore <CViDatastoreItem>] [Folder <CViFolderItem>] [-StoragePolicy <VBRViStoragePolicy>] [-SourceProxy <CViProxy[]>] [-TargetProxy <CViProxy[]>] [-ForceVeeamQM] [DeleteSorceVmFiles] [-RunAsync] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Find-VBRViEntity Get-VBRServer Find-VBRViResourcePool Find-VBRViDatastore Find-VBRViFolder Get-VBRViProxy Detailed Description This cmdlet starts Quick Migration for a selected virtual machine(s). Quick Migration is a service allowing to promptly migrate a VM between ESX(i) hosts, datastores or both in any state with minimum disruption to business operations and end user access to services. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Entity Specifies the virtual machine(s) you want to migrate. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Server Specifies the destination server to where you want to migrate the VM. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False ResourcePool Specifies the destination resource pool to where you want to migrate the VM. False Named False False Datastore Specifies the destination datastore to False Named False False 710 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 where you want to migrate the VM. Folder Specifies the destination folder to where you want to migrate the VM. False Named False False StoragePolicy Specifies the VMware storage policy profile that must be applied to the virtual disks of the VM. False Named False False SourceProxy False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the source backup proxy(ies). If not specified, Veeam Backup & Replication provides automatic selection of the proxy (recommended). For best migration performance you should deploy at least one source backup proxy. You can assign multiple proxies to this object. TargetProxy Specifies the target backup proxy(ies). If not specified, Veeam Backup & Replication provides automatic selection of the proxy (recommended). For best migration performance you should deploy at least one target backup proxy. You can assign multiple proxies to this object. Force VeeamQM Forces using Veeam Quick Migration. DeleteSorce VmFiles If set, the original VM will be deleted upon receiving the heartbeat from the VM on the target host. False Named False False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False If omitted, migration process will use VMware VMotion given that the migration scenario and VMware licensing allows it. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command starts Quick Migration of the selected VM. • The VM to migrate is obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and assigned to the $vm variable beforehand, • The host to where the VM will be migrated is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand, • The resource pool to where the VM will be migrated is obtained with FindVBRViResourcePool and assigned to the $pool variable beforehand, • The datastore to connect the VM to is obtained with Find-VBRViDatastore and assigned to the $datastore variable beforehand, 711 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 • The folder to where the VM will be migrated is obtained with Find-VBRViFolder and assigned to the $folder variable beforehand. The source and target proxies are not set enabling the Quick Migration mechanism to select them automatically. The -ForceVeeamQM parameter is not set enabling the use of VMware VMotion. The DeleteSourceVmFiles parameter is set to enable the clear up of the original VM files upon successful migration. The -RunAsync parameter is not set. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRQuickMigration -Entity $vm -Server $server -ResourcePool $pool -Datastore $d -Folder $folder -DeleteSorceVmFiles 712 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRRepositoryExtentBackupEvacuation Short Description Evacuates backups from a scale-out backup repository extent. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRRepositoryExtentBackupEvacuation -Extent <VBRRepositoryExtent[]> [-RunAsync] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRepositoryExtent Return Type VBRSession Detailed Description This cmdlet evacuates backups from a scale-out backup repository extent. When you evacuate backups, Veeam moves them to other extents according to the configured policy. Parameters Parameter Extent Description Specifies the scale-out repository extent from which you want to start evacuation. You can pass multiple extents with different policies and of different scale-out repositories. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) True (for string) False Named False False Accepts VBRRepositoryExtent object, ID or string (name of the backup repository that is used as extent). You can assign multiple extents to this object. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 713 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This command evacuates backups from an extent. 1. Run Get-VBRBackupRepository to get the repository. Use the ScaleOut parameter. Save it to the $scaleoutrepository variable. 2. Run Set-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository with this variable. List the existing extents and the new repository. PS C:\PS> $scaleoutrepository = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Veeam ScaleOut Repository" -ScaleOut PS C:\PS> Set-VBRScaleOutBackupRepository –Repository $scaleoutrepository – Extent “Backup Repository 1”, “Backup Repository 2”, “Backup Repository 3” 714 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRRestoreVirtualDisks Short Description Restores physical disks from Endpoint backups to virtual disk formats. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRRestoreVirtualDisks [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Server] <CHost> [Path] <string> -RestoreDiskType <EVirtualDiskRestoreType> {Vmdk | Vhd | Vhdx} [-Files <COIBFileInfo[]>] [-Reason <string>] [-RunAsync] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Get-VBRServer Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to restore physical disks from Endpoint volume level backups and convert them to VMDK, VHDX or VHD format. The data from the backups is restored as a folder to a selected path. You can restore disks to any Windows host added to Veeam Backup & Replication. If the Endpoint backup contains several disks, you can restore specific disks from backup. Use the Files parameter to select the disks to restore. For virtual disks restore, run Start-VBRRestoreVMFiles. Parameters Parameter Description RestorePoint Specifies the restore point from which you want to restore the disks. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False You must select restore points only from Endpoint volume level backups. Server Specifies the Windows host to which the disks should be restored. True 2 False False Path Specifies the path to the folder on the server where the virtual True 3 False False 715 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 disks must be placed. RestoreDisk Type Specifies the format to which you want to convert the resulting virtual disk: VHD, VHDX, VMDK. True Named False False Files Specifies the disks from the backup you want to restore. False Named True (ByName) False By default, all disks from the backup will be restored. Reason Specifies the string with the reason for performing the disk restore. False Named False False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command restores all disks from an SRV03 Endpoint backup to Veeam backup server. The disks are restored to the latest restore point. The resulting format is VMDK. • The Veeam backup server is obtained by Get-VBRLocalhost and assigned to the '$server' variable. • The restore point is obtained by Get-VBRRestorePoint. The restore points are filtered with Sort-Object method by the "CreationTime" property to get the most recent one. The restore point is assigned to the '$restorepoint' variable. • The path to the folder where files will be saved is ''C:\SRV03_Restored'. • The RestoreDiskType is set to 'Vmdk'. • The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> $server = Get-VBRLocalhost PS C:\PS> $restorepoint = Get-VBRBackup -Name "Backup Job SRV03" | GetVBRRestorePoint | Sort-Object -Property CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1 PS C:\PS> Start-VBRRestoreVirtualDisks -RestorePoint $restorepoint -Server $server -Path "C:\SRV03_Restored" -RestoreDiskType Vmdk -RunAsync 716 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command restores selected disks from an SRV03 computer to a Windows server added to Veeam Backup & Replication. The disks are restored to the latest restore point. The resulting format is VHDX. • The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint. First, all Hyper-V backups are selected by filtering all backups with ".BackupPlatform" property. Then, the available restore points are filtered by the 'SRV03' name by '.Type' property. Then the restore points are sorted with Sort-Object method by the "CreationTime" property to get the most recent one. • The target server is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$server' variable. • The path to the folder where files will be saved is ''C:\SRV03_Restored'. • The RestoreDiskType is set to 'Vhdx'. • The disks in the backup are obtained with Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint and assigned to the '$disks' variable. The needed disks 1 and 3 will be restored. • The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> $restorepoint = Get-VBRBackup | Where { $_.IsBackup -and $_.BackupPlatform -eq 'EHyperV' } | Get-VBRRestorePoint | Where { $_.Name eq 'SRV03' -and $_.Type -eq 'Full' } | Sort-Object -Property CreationTime | Select-Object -First 1 PS C:\PS> $server = Get-VBRServer -Type Windows -Name "Veeam_Remote" PS C:\PS> $disks = Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint -RestorePoint $restorepoint PS C:\PS> Start-VBRRestoreVirtualDisks -RestorePoint $restorepoint -Server $server -Path "C:\SRV03_Restored" -RestoreDiskType Vhdx -Files $disks[1,3] -RunAsync 717 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRRestoreVM Short Description Starts restore of the entire VM. Applies to Platform: VMware For Hyper-V, run Start-VBRHvRestoreVM. Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  For restore to another location: Start-VBRRestoreVM [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Server] <CHost> [[ResourcePool] <CViResourcePoolItem>] [[-Datastore] <CViDatastoreItem>] [Folder <CViFolderItem>] [-StoragePolicy <VBRViStoragePolicy>] [-VMName <string>] [-DiskType <EDiskCreationMode> {Source | Thick | Thin}] [-PowerUp <bool>] [-SkipTagsRestore] [-Reason <string>] [-RunAsync] [-QuickRollback] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [<CommonParameters>]  For restore to original location: Start-VBRRestoreVM [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-VMName <string>] [-DiskType <EDiskCreationMode> {Source | Thick | Thin}] [-PowerUp <bool>] [SkipTagsRestore] [-Reason <string>] [-RunAsync] [-QuickRollback] [ToOriginalLocation] [-StoragePolicyAction <VBRStoragePolicyAction> {Current | Stored | Default}] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Get-VBRServer Find-VBRViResourcePool Find-VBRViDatastore Find-VBRViStoragePolicy Find-VBRViFolder Detailed Description This cmdlet starts the entire VM restore. With this cmdlet, you can restore the VM to the original location or to another location. Use an appropriate parameter set for each case. 718 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the VM restore point to which you want to restore. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Server Specifies the host where you want to locate the restored VM. True 2 False False ResourcePool Specifies the resource pool where you want to locate the restored VM. False 3 False False Datastore Specifies the datastore to which you want to connect the restored VM. False 4 False False StoragePolicy Specifies the VMware storage policy profile that must be applied to the restored virtual disks. False Named False False Folder Specifies the folder where you want to locate the restored VM. False Named False False VMName Specifies the name you want to apply to the restored VM. False Named False False By default, the original VM name is applied. DiskType Specifies the disk type you want to apply to the restored VM: Thin, Thick or AsOriginal. False Named False False PowerUp If set, the restored VM will be powered up immediately after the restore. Otherwise, you will have to power up the VM manually. False Named False False Skip Tags Restore If set, the VM will be restored without its VMware tag. Otherwise, the restored VM will keep its original tag. False Named False False Reason Specifies the reason for performing restore of the selected VM. False Named False False The information you provide will be saved in the session history so that you can reference it later. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False QuickRollback Indicates that the incremental restore must be performed. False Named False False ToOriginal Location Indicates that the VM must be restored with original ResourcePool, Datastore and Folder settings. False Named False False 719 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 StoragePolicyAction Specifies the strategy for selecting storage policy profile in case the storage profile of the backed up VM differs from the profile of the original VM. False Named False False Current: the restored VM will be subscribed to the same profile as in backup (if such profile still exists) or to the profile to which the original VM is subscribed (if profile as in backup was removed). Default: the restored VM will be subscribed to the profile that is set as default for the target datastore. Stored: the restored VM will be subscribed to the profile as in backup (if such profile still exists). <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command restores a VM to the original location. • The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the the '$restorepoint' variable. • The storage policy selection strategy is set to Default. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRRestoreVM -RestorePoint $restorepoint -Reason "Test restore" -ToOriginalLocation -StoragePolicyAction Default Example 2 This example starts restore of the VM to another location. • The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the the '$point' variable. • The target host is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the '$server' variable. • The resource pool is obtained with Find-VBRViResourcePool and assigned to the '$rpool' variable. • The datastore is obtained with Find-VBRViDatastore and assigned to the '$datastore' variable. • The PowerUp parameter is set to $TRUE to boot the VM after it is restored. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRRestoreVM –RestorePoint $point –Server $server – ResourcePool $rpool –Datastore $datastore –PowerUp $TRUE 720 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRRestoreVMFiles Short Description Restores VM configuration files. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRRestoreVMFiles [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Server] <CHost> [-Path] <String> [-Files <COIBFileInfo[]>] [-Reason <String>] [-RunAsync] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Get-VBRServer Get-VBRFilesInRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to restore configuration file (.vmx) or virtual disks (.vmdk) of a selected VM. Run Start-VBRWindowsFileRestore to restore VM disks data. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the VM restore point to which you want to restore. True 1 True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Server Specifies the host to which the VM guest files should be restored. True 2 False False Path Specifies the string with the path to the folder where restored files should be saved. True 3 False False Files Specifies the files you want to restore. False Named True (ByName) False False Named False False By default, all files from the VM will be restored. Reason Specifies the string with the reason for performing the VM 721 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 guest OS file restore. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This example allows you to restore all VM guest OS files from the restore point specified in the $point variable and save them on the host specified in the $server variable to the C:\BackupFiles folder. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRRestoreVMFiles –RestorePoint $point –Server $server – Path “C:\BackupFiles” 722 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRSQLDatabaseRestore Short Description Starts Microsoft SQL database restore. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets.  For restoring to the original location: Start-VBRSQLDatabaseRestore -Database <VBRSQLDatabase> [-GuestCredentials <CInternalCredentials>] [-SqlCredentials <CInternalCredentials>] [ToPointInTime <datetime>] [-Force] [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>]  For restoring to another location: Start-VBRSQLDatabaseRestore -Database <VBRSQLDatabase> [-ServerName <string>] [-InstanceName <string>] [-DatabaseName <string>] [GuestCredentials <CInternalCredentials>] [-SqlCredentials <CInternalCredentials>] [-ToPointInTime <datetime>] [-Force] [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRSQLDatabase Return Type VBRSession Detailed Description This cmdlet starts restore of a selected SQL database. Parameters Parameter Database Description Specifies the database you want to restore. Required Position Used for restoring to another location. Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False Accepts VBRSQLDatabase object. ServerName Accept Pipeline Input Specifies the name of the target server. The database will be 723 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 restored to that server. InstanceName Used for restore to another location. False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False False Named False False Specifies the name of the instance. The database will be restored to that instance. DatabaseName Used for restore to another location. Specifies the new name of the database. The database will be restored with that name. Guest Credentials Specifies the user credentials to authenticate with the target server. If not specified, Veeam will use the credentials indicated in the backup job settings. SqlCredentials Specifies the credentials to authenticate with the target SQL instance. If not specified, Veeam will use the credentials indicated in the backup job settings. ToPointInTime Used to restore the database to a specific transaction. Specifies the time of the transaction Force If set, the command will overwrite the existing database with the database from backup. Note: the cmdlet will show no prompt. Wait Indicates that the command waits for the process to complete before accepting more input. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 724 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example This example shows how to restore a database to a selected point in time to the original location. Run Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint to get the "CRM_db" restore point. Save it to the $restorepoint variable. PS C:\PS> $restorepoint = Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint -SQL -Name "crm_db" Select the third restore point from the list and run Get-VBRSQLDatabase with the $restorepoint[2] variable to get the database named "Locations". Save it to the $locations_db variable. PS C:\PS> $locations = Get-VBRSQLDatabase -ApplicationRestorePoint $restorepoint[2] -Name "Locations" Run Get-VBRCredentials to get the credentials to authenticate with the target server. Save it to the $guestcreds variable. Run Get-VBRCredentials to get the credentials to authenticate with the Microsoft SQL instance. Save it to the $sqlcreds variable. PS C:\PS> $guestcreds = Get-VBRCredentials -Name "tech\administrator" PS C:\PS> $sqlcreds = Get-VBRCredentials -Name "sql_administrator" Run Get-VBRSQLDatabaseRestoreInterval to check the available restore interval. Select the time to restore the database. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRSQLDatabaseRestoreInterval -Database $locations Run Start-VBRSQLDatabaseRestore with the saved variables. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRSQLDatabaseRestore -Database $locations GuestCredentials $guestcreds -SqlCredentials $sqlcreds -ToPointInTime "10/28/2015 12:33:39 PM" 725 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRTapeCatalog Short Description Starts tape catalog process. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRTapeCatalog -Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]> [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>] -ORStart-VBRTapeCatalog -Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]> [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeLibrary Get-VBRTapeMedium Return Type VBRBackupSession Detailed Description This cmdlet starts catalog process. Catalog process scans tape contents and registers tapes in the Veeam Backup & Replication database after which Veeam Backup & Replication is able to administrate tape allocation and consumption and track data written to tapes. You can run catalog job for selected libraries or for selected tapes. Parameters Parameter Library Description Specifies the tape library which you want to catalog. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRTapeLibrary object, GUID or string type. You can assign multiple libraries to this object. Medium Specifies the tape(s) you want to catalog. Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. You can assign multiple tapes to this 726 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 object. Wait Indicates that the command waits for the process to complete before accepting more input. False Named False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command catalogs a selected library. Run Get-VBRTapeLibrary to get the library. Pipe it to Start-VBRTapeCatalog. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" | StartVBRTapeCatalog Example 2 This command catalogs tapes named "00140009" and "00140010". 1. Run Get-VBRTapeMedium to get the tapes and save them to the $tape variable. 2. Run Start-VBRTapeCatalog with the $tape variable. PS C:\PS> $tape = Get-VBRTapeMedium -Name "00140009","00140010" PS C:\PS> Start-VBRTapeCatalog -Medium $tape 727 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False Start-VBRTapeInventory Short Description Starts tape inventory. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRTapeInventory -Library <VBRTapeLibrary[]> [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>] -ORStart-VBRTapeInventory -Medium <VBRTapeMedium[]> [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeLibrary Get-VBRTapeMedium Return Type VBRBackupSession Detailed Description This cmdlet starts inventory process. You can run inventory job for selected libraries or for selected tapes. Parameters Parameter Library Description Specifies the tape library which you want to inventory. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False Accepts VBRTapeLibrary object, GUID or string type. You can assign multiple libraries to this object. Medium Specifies the tape(s) you want to inventory. Accepts VBRTapeMedium object, GUID or string type. You can assign multiple tapes to this object. 728 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Wait Indicates that the command waits for the process to complete before accepting more input. False Named False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command inventories a selected library. Run Get-VBRTapeLibrary to get the library. Pipe it to Start-VBRTapeInventory. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRTapeLibrary -Name "HP MSL G3 Series 3.00" | StartVBRTapeInventory Example 2 This command inventories tapes named "00140009" and "00140010". 1. Run Get-VBRTapeMedium to get the tapes and save them to the $tape variable. 2. Run Start-VBRTapeInventory with the $tape variable. PS C:\PS> $tape = Get-VBRTapeMedium -Name "00140009","00140010" PS C:\PS> Start-VBRTapeInventory -Medium $tape 729 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False Start-VBRvCloudInstantRecovery Short Description Starts a vCloud VM instant recovery. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRvCloudInstantRecovery [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-vApp <CVcdVappItem>] [-VmName <String>] [-Datastore <CVcdDatastoreRestoreInfo>] [-PowerOn] [-Reason <String>] [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Find-VBRvCloudEntity Detailed Description This cmdlet performs instant recovery of the selected vCloud VM. You can restore the VM to the original location or to another vApp. To restore the VM to another vApp indicate the desired vApp object for the -vApp parameter. To perform restore to the original location, omit this parameter. The VM that you want to restore and its parameters are derived from the specified restore point data. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the restore point of the VM. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False vApp Specifies the vApp you want to restore the VM to. If omitted, the VM will be restored to the original vApp. False Named False False VmName Specifies the name under which the VM should be restored and registered. By default, the original name of the VM is used. If you are restoring the VM to the same vApp where the original VM is registered and the original VM still resides there, it is recommended that you change the VM name to avoid conflicts. False Named False False 730 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Datastore Specifies the datastore you want to connect the restored VM to. If ommited, the VM will be connected to the original datastore. False Named False False Note: If you restore the VM to another vApp, make sure that the datastore is available in the Organization VCD hosting the vApp to which the VM is restored. PowerOn If set, the VM will be powered up right after it is restored. Otherwise you will need to power up the VM manually. False Named False False Reason Specifies the reason for performing restore of the selected VM. False Named False False False Named False False The information you provide will be saved in the session history so that you can reference it later. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command starts instant recovery for the VM. The VM is restored to the original location with all its settings unchanged. The restore point object is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the $rpoint variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRvCloudInstantRecovery -RestorePoint $rpoint Example 2 This command starts instant recovery for the VM named "VM01". The VM is restored to another vApp and is connected to another datastore. • The VM restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and piped down. The most resent restore point is selected with Select method, • The VM is restored to a new vApp represented by the $vapp variable, the vApp is obtained with Find-VBRvCloudEntity ([-VApp] option) and assigned to the variable beforehand, • The -VmName parameter is omitted to restore the VM with its original name, • The new datastore the VM will be connected to is represented by $datastore variable, the datastore is obtained with Find-VBRDatastore and assigned to the variable beforehand, • The -PowerOn parameter is set to power up the VM automatically right after it is restored, • The reason for restore is "Configuration test", • The RunAcync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -Backup $backup | where {$_.Name -eq "VM01"} | Select -First 1 | Start-VBRvCloudInstantRecovery -vApp $vapp -Datastore $datastore -PowerOn -Reason "Configuration test" -RunAsync 731 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRvCloudRestoreVApp Short Description Starts a vApp restore. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRvCloudRestoreVApp [-RestoreParams] <CVcdVAppRestoreSettings> [PowerUp][-Reason <string>][-RunAsync][<CommonParameters>] -ORStart-VBRvCloudRestoreVApp [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-PowerUp] [-Reason <string>][-RunAsync][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands New-VBRvCloudVAppRestoreSettings Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet starts a restore session for a selected vApp. With this cmdlet, you can restore the vApp to the original location or to another location, or with different settings. To restore the vApp to the original location you only need to indicate the desired restore point. Be careful to specify the restore point of the vApp, not an individual VM which is not a valid value for this cmdlet. Veeam Backup & Replication gets all the information needed for restore from the restore point data. To run restore to another location or with different settings you need to first create a CVcdVAppRestoreSettings object which unifies all the settings options required for restore. The CVcdVAppRestoreSettings object is created with the help of the NewVBRvCloudVAppRestoreSettings cmdlet. See the New-VBRvCloudVAppRestoreSettings topic for detailed instructions for advanced setup options. This cmdlet provides two scenarios for each case. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestoreParams Specifies the CVcdVAppRestoreSettings object containing all settings required for the vApp restore. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False RestorePoint False Named False False Specifies the restore point of the vApp. Used to restore vApp with all the same 732 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 settings unchanged. PowerUp If set, the vApp will be powered up right after it is restored. Otherwise you will need to power up the vApp manually. False Named False False Reason Specifies the reason for performing restore of the selected vApp. False Named False False False Named False False The information you provide will be saved in the session history so that you can reference it later. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command starts a vApp restore. The vApp named "vApp_01" is restored to the original location and with all settings unchanged. The vApp restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the $restorepoint variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRvCloudRestoreVApp -RestorePoint $restorepoint 733 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command restores a vApp to another location. The vApp named "vApp_01" is restored to organization named "Org_02" with all other settings remaining unchanged. To restore the vApp to another organization, you need to first customize the CVcdVAppRestoreSettings object The CVcdVAppRestoreSettings object is obtained with NewVBRvCloudVAppRestoreSettings: The restore point of the vApp is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint by selecting the vApp named "vApp_01" from the backup objects using the Where method. The restore point is piped down to the New-VBRvCloudVAppRestoreSettings cmdlet. The obtained CVcdVAppRestoreSettings object is assigned to the $restoreparams variable. PS C:\PS> $restoreparams = Get-VBRRestorePoint -Backup $backup | Where {$_.Name -eq "vApp_01"} | New-VBRvCloudVAppRestoreSettings Further you need to change the organization in the CVcdVAppRestoreSettings object: The Org.Vdc property of the $restoreparams variable is changed to the target organization named "Org_02". The needed organization is obtained with Find-VBRvCloudEntity ([-OrganizationVdc] option). PS C:\PS> $restoreparams.OrgVdc = Find-VBRvCloudEntity -OrganizationVdc Name "Org_02" Now you need to run Start-VBRvCloudRestoreVApp with the customized $restoreparams variable. The RunAcync parameter is set to bring the process to the background: PS C:\PS> Start-VBRvCloudRestoreVApp -RestoreParams $restoreparams RunAsync 734 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRvCloudRestoreVm Short Description Starts a vCloud VM restore. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRvCloudRestoreVm [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-vApp <CVcdVappItem>] [StorageProfile <CVcdOrgVdcStorageProfile>] [-vCloudDatastore <CVcdDatastoreRestoreInfo>] [-VmTemplate <IVcdItem>] [-VMName <String>] [PowerUp] [-Reason <String>] [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Find-VBRvCloudEntity Detailed Description This cmdlet starts a restore session of a selected vCloud VM. With this cmdlet, you can restore the VM to the original location or to another location, or with different settings. To restore a VM to the original location you only need to indicate the desired restore point. Be careful to specify the restore point of the VM, not the vApp which is not a valid value for this cmdlet. Veeam Backup & Replication gets all the information needed for restore from the restore point data. To run restore to another location or with different settings you need to set the new settings values with the parameters available in this cmdlet. These parameters are not obligatory, so you can type only those that you want to change. You cannot restore multiple VM with one command, to restore several VMs you need to start a restore session for each one. Parameters Parameter Description RestorePoint Specifies the restore point of the VM. If you specify no other parameters of the VM, it will be restored with its initial settings, i.e. the datastore or VM template. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False A multiple VMs object is not valid in this cmdlet. vApp Specifies the vApp where to you want to restore the VM. 735 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Storage Profile Specifies the storage profile you want to apply to the restored VM. False Named False False vCloud Datastore Specifies the datastore you want to use with the restored VM. False Named False False VmTemplate Specifies the template you want to apply to the restored VM. False Named False False VMName Specifies the VM name you want to apply to the restored VM. False Named False False PowerUp If set, the VM will be powered up right after it is restored. Otherwise you will need to power up the VM manually. False Named False False Reason Specifies the reason for performing restore of the selected VM. False Named False False False Named False False The information you provide will be saved in the session history so that you can reference it later. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command starts a vCloud VM restore. The VM is restored to the original location and with all settings unchanged. All the information needed for restore is taken from the restore point represented by the $restorepoint variable. The restore point object is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRvCloudRestoreVm -RestorePoint $restorepoint 736 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command restores a VM to another vApp and with another storage profile. • The VM to restore and the restore point to which it should be restored is represented by the $restorepoint variable. The restore point object is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand, • The vApp object to where the VM will be restored is represented by the $vapp variable. The vApp object is obtained with Find-VBRvCloudEntity ([-VApp] option) and assigned to the variable beforehand. • The storage profile object that will be applied to the restored VM is represented by the $profile variable. The storage profile object is obtained with Find-VBRvCloudEntity ([StorageProfile] option) and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRvCloudRestoreVm -RestorePoint $restorepoint -vApp $vapp -StorageProfile $profile 737 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRViReplicaFailback Short Description Fails back to production host. Applies to Platform: Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRViReplicaFailback -RestorePoint <COib> [-Reason <String>] [RunAsync] [-Complete] [-PowerOn] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet stars failing back to the production host after failover to its replica. This cmdlet lets you finalize the replica failover started with Start-VBRViReplicaFailover by switching back to the production VM with data synchronization. When you perform failback, you switch back to the original VM on the production site. The failback process collects all the changes that were made to the replica while you failed over to it, and implies them to the source VM. This allows you to switch between source and replica VMs without data loss. To switch back to the production VM and discard the changes made to the replica while failover, start an undo failover process. In this case you return to the production VM in the state preceeding failover. Run Stop-VBRReplicaFailover to undo failover. Undo Failback: If you tried to fail back to the original VM but was unable to, because i.e. it was nonfunctional or corrupted, you can undo the failback and return to the working replica. Run StopVBRViReplicaFailback to undo failback. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the replica restore point which you want to fail back. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Reason Specifies the reason for performing a failback. False Named False False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False 738 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Complete If set, the failback will be committed. False Named False False PowerOn If set, the production VM will be powered on after the failback. Otherwise, you will have to power the VM on manually. False Named False False Skip Tags Restore If set, the VM will be restored without its VMware tag. Otherwise, the restored VM will keep its original tag. False Named False False Storage Policy Action Specifies the strategy for selecting storage policy profile in case the storage profile of the backed up VM differs from the profile of the original VM. False Named False False    Current: the restored VM will be subscribed to the same profile as in backup (if such profile still exists) or to the profile to which the original VM is subscribed (if profile as in backup was removed). Default: the restored VM will be subscribed to the profile that is set as default for the target datastore. Stored: the restored VM will be subscribed to the profile as in backup (if such profile still exists). WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command fails back from the VM replica named "WebServer_ replica". The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and piped down. The restore points of the VM are filtered with Sort-Object method by the "creationtime" property to get the most recent one. The reason is "Configuration recovery". The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "WebServer_replica" | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1 | Start-VBRViReplicaFailback -Reason "Configuration recovery" -RunAsync 739 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command fails back from the VM replica represented by the $"WebServer 01_replica restorepoint" variable. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. The reason is "Data recovery". The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRViReplicaFailback -RestorePoint $"WebServer_replica restorepoint" -Reason "Data recovery" -RunAsync 740 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRViReplicaFailover Short Description Fails over a corrupted VM to its replica. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRViReplicaFailover [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Reason <String>] [RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] -ORStart-VBRViReplicaFailover [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Reason <String>] [RunAsync] [-Definite] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] -ORStart-VBRViReplicaFailover [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Reason <String>] [RunAsync] [-Planned] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you fail over a corrupted VM to its successfully created replica. This cmdlet provides 3 parameter sets for the following operations: Performing failover. Performing failover is switching to a VM replica in case the original VM is damaged. You can fail over to the latest state of a replica or to any of its good known restore points. Performing permanent failover. You can perform the permanent failover to permanently move your workload to the target host if the source is nonrecoverable. Your target host should have adequate resources. The replica starts acting like source in this case. Performing planned failover. In this case, the source VM is powered off properly, and the replica is fully synchronized before the failover. The planned failover is used for maintenance or in other cases of planned downtime. In Veeam Backup & Replication, failover is a temporary stage that needs to be finalized. In case your primary VM is unrecoverable, you can perform the permanent failover with this cmdlet. In case you plan to switch to the replica temporarily, you need to take the following steps: • You can perform failback to recover the original VM on the source host or in a new location. Failback is used in case you failed over to a DR site that is not intended for continuous operations, and would like to move the operations back to the production site when the consequences of a disaster are eliminated. Run Start-VBRViReplicaFailback for VMware or Start-VBRHvReplicaFailback for Hyper-V to failback to the original VM. 741 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 • You can undo failover to switch back to the original VM, revert replication operations and discard changes made to the working VM replica. In this case you loose all the changes that were made to the replica while you failed over to it. Run Stop-VBRReplicaFailover to undo failover. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Restore Point Specifies the replica restore point to which you want to fail over. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Reason Specifies the reason for performing a failover. False Named False False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False Definite Performs permanent failover. False Named False False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False Definite Performs permanent failover. False Named False False Planned Performs planned failover. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command fails over to the VM replica named "WebServer_ replica" to its latest restore point. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and piped down. The restore points of the VM are filtered with Sort-Object method by the "creationtime" property to get the most recent one. The reason is "Configuration recovery". The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "WebServer_replica" | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1 | Start-VBRViReplicaFailover -Reason "Configuration recovery" -RunAsync 742 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command starts permanent failover to the VM replica named "WebServer_ replica" to its latest restore point. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and piped down. The restore points of the VM are filtered with Sort-Object method by the "creationtime" property to get the most recent one. The reason is "Configuration recovery". The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. The -Definite parameter is set to perform the permanent failover. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "WebServer_replica" | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1 | Start-VBRViReplicaFailover -Reason "Configuration recovery" -RunAsync -Definite Example 3 This command fails over to the VM replica represented by the $"WebServer_replica restorepoint" variable. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. The reason is "Data recovery". The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRViReplicaFailover -RestorePoint $"WebServer_replica restorepoint" -Reason "Data recovery" -RunAsync Example 4 This command performs the planned failover to the VM replica represented by the $"DC_replica restorepoint" variable. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. The reason is "Tsunami forecast". The Planned parameter is used to leverage the planned failover mechanism. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRViReplicaFailover -RestorePoint $"DC_replica restorepoint" -Reason "Tsunami forecast" -Planned 743 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRWindowsFileRestore Short Description Starts VM files restore. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRWindowsFileRestore [-RestorePoint] <COib> [[-Host] <CHost>] [[ResourcePool] <CViResourcePoolItem>] [[-Folder] <CViFolderItem>] [-Reason <string>] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Get-VBRServer Find-VBRViResourcePool Find-VBRViFolder Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to restore files stored on disks of VM running Windows or from Endpoint backups. This cmdlet mounts the disks of the backed up VM(s) to the Veeam backup server or other server in your virtual infrastructure. The disks are published directly from the backup file. After the disks are mounted, you can copy the needed files to any disk or folder accessible by Veeam backup server. To stop the file restore session and unmount the disks, run Stop-VBRWindowsFileRestore. You need to save the restore session to a variable when you run this cmdlet. Otherwise you will be Important! unable to finalize the restore session with PowerShell. Run Start-VBRRestoreVMFiles to restore VM configuration files. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the restore point of a VM or an Endpoint backup from which you want to restore files. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Reason False Named False False Specifies the string with the reason for performing file restore. 744 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Host Specifies the host to which the snapshot clone/virtual copy must be mounted and on which the temporary VM must be created. False 2 False False Resource Pool Specifies the resource pool to which the temporary VM must be placed. False 3 False False Folder Specifies the folder to which the temporary VM must be placed. False 4 False False Credentials Specifies the credentials to authenticate with the backup share folder. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This example shows how to perform the whole file restore process. 1. 2. A new file level restore session is initiated with by running Start-VBRWindowsFileRestore: • The list of available restore points produced by the backup job 'Job 1' is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and piped down. • The restore points are sorted with Sort-Object method by the "creationtime" property to get the most recent one. • The restore session is assigned to the $result variable. To copy the files, you need to obtain the mount point for the target mounted volume: • The path is obtained with the MountSession.MountedDevices property which helps to map the mounted volumes to drives letters of the original VM. • The mount point is assigned to the $flrmountpoint variable. • The mount point is used to obtain the path to the files. The path is assigned to the $file variable. • The files are copied to the root of C:\ drive. • The file restore session is stopped with Stop-VBRWindowsFileRestore. PS C:\PS> $result = Get-VBRBackup | where {$_.jobname -eq "Job 1"} | GetVBRRestorePoint | where {$ -eq "VM1"} | Sort-Object creationtime Descending | Select-Object -First 1 | Start-VBRWindowsFileRestore PS C:\PS> $flrmountpoint = ($result.MountSession.MountedDevices | ? {$_.DriveLetter -eq (Split-Path -Qualifier $origfile)}).MountPoint PS C:\PS> $file = $flrmountpoint + (Split-Path -NoQualifier $origfile) PS C:\PS> Copy $file c:\ PS C:\PS> Stop-VBRWindowsFileRestore $result 745 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRZip Short Description Performs VeeamZIP on the selected VM. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VBRZip [-BackupRepository <CBackupRepository>] -Entity <IItem[]> [Compression <Int32>] [-DisableQuiesce] [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORStart-VBRZip [-Folder <String>] -Entity <IItem[]> [-Compression <Int32>] [DisableQuiesce] [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository Find-VBRViEntity / Find-VBRHvEntity Detailed Description This cmdlet performs VeeamZIP backup of the selected VM. VeeamZIP is a quick backup procedure always producing a full backup. The VeeamZIP task runs once the time it is created and does not appear in the jobs list. The result backup file is stored in the specified folder and does not appear automatically in the backups list. Run Import-VBRBackup to start managing the backup file with Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Backup Repository Specifies the backup repository where you want to save the backup file. If none is specified, the default repository will be used. False Named False False Entity Specifies the VM for which you want to create a VeeamZIP file. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Compression Specifies then integer number corresponding to the desired compression level: 0 = None. Consider disabling compression 746 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 to achieve better deduplication ratios on deduplicating storage appliances at the cost of reduced backup performance. 4 = Dedupe-friendly. This is the recommended setting for using with deduplicating storage devices and caching WAN accelerators. This setting is used by default. 5 = Optimal (recommended). Optimal compression provides for the best compression to performance ratio, and lowest backup proxy CPU usage. 6 = High. High compression provides additional 10% compression ratio over Optimal, at the cost of 8x higher CPU usage. 9 = Extreme. Extreme compression provides additional 3% compression ratio over High, at the cost of 2x higher CPU usage. DisableQuiesce If set, the VM will be backed up without using the VMware tools quiescence. Otherwise, the applications running on the target VM will be quiesced to provide transactionally consistent backup with use of VMware Tools. False Named False False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False Folder Specifies the full path to the folder on the server where you want to store the created backup file. If omitted, the created backup file will be saved to the C:\backup folder on the Veeam Backup server. False Named False False EncryptionKey Specifies the encryption key you want to use to encrypt the created VeeamZIP file. False Named False False False Named False False Accepts PSCryptoKey object. AutoDelete Specifies the retention settings for the created VeeamZIP file: Never, Tonight, TomorrowNight, In3days, In1Week, In2Weeks, In1Month. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 747 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command starts a VeeamZIP for the VM named "Fileserver01". The VM object is obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and piped down. The backup repository to store the result backup file is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the $"Repository 01" variable beforehand. The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Find-VBRViEntity -Server $server -Name "Fileserver01" | StartVBRZip -BackupRepository $"Repository 01" -RunAsync Example 2 This command starts a VeeamZIP for the VM repersented by the $vm variable. The VM object is obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and assigned to the variable beforehand. The path to the folder where the backup file will be stored is D:\Repository\VeeamZIP. The compression level is set to 4 (Dedupefriendly). The VMware quiescence is disabled. The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Start-VBRZip -Folder "D:\Repository\VeeamZIP" -Entity $vm Compression 4 -DisableQuiesce -RunAsync 748 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VSBJob Short Description Starts a created SureBackup job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Start-VSBJob [-Job] <CSbJob[]> [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to start a created SureBackup job. When you create a job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run SetVSBJobSchedule to schedule the SureBackup job to run automatically. Run Stop-VSBJob to stop a running SureBackup job. Run Start-VBRJob to start a backup, replication or copy job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the SureBackup job you want to run. Required Position Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. RunAsync Accept Pipeline Input <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 749 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command starts the SureBackup jobs named "SharePoint SureJob 01" and "SharePoint SureJob 02". The jobs are obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "SharePoint SureJob 01", "SharePoint SureJob 02" | Start-VSBJob Example 2 This command starts the SureBackup job represented by the $SureJob variable. The job object is obtained with Get-VSBJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Start-VSBJob -Job $SureJob 750 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Stop-VBRInstantRecovery Short Description Stops a running instant VM recovery process. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Stop-VBRInstantRecovery [-InstantRecovery] <InstantRecovery[]> [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRInstantRecovery Detailed Description This cmdlet stops publishing a VM within an instant recovery process. With instant recovery technology, Veeam Backup & Replication starts a VM directly from a backup, incremental or full, without copying it to production storage. You need to finalize the successful instant recovery by either migrating the recovered VM to production or by stopping publishing the recovered VM. To migrate the VM, run Start-VBRQuickMigration. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Instant Recovery Specifies the running instant VM recovery process that you want to stop. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 751 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command stops the last instant recovery session. The needed session object is obtained with GetVBRInstantRecovery, selected by order and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRInstantRecovery | Select -Last 1 | Stop-VBRInstantRecovery Example 2 This command storps the instant recovery session represented by the $"Recovery Session" variable. The needed session object is obtained with Get-VBRInstantRecovery and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Stop-VBRInstantRecovery -InstantRecovery $"Recovery Session" 752 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Stop-VBRJob Short Description Stops a running backup, replication or copy job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Stop-VBRJob [-Job] <CBackupJob[]> [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet stops a running backup, replication or copy job. The job is stopped once, the scheduled job will start the next scheduled time. Run Start-VBRJob to start the job manually. Run Disable-VBRJob to temporarily disable a job. Run Stop-VSBJob to stop a SureBackup job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the job you want to stop. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 753 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command stops the copy job named "SharePoint File Copy Job". The needed job object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "SharePoint File Copy Job" | Stop-VBRJob Example 2 This command stops the copy job represented by the $"SharePoint File Copy Job" variable. The needed session object is obtained with Get-VBRJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Stop-VBRJob -Job $"SharePoint File Copy Job" 754 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Stop-VBRLinuxFileRestore Short Description Finalizes non-Windows VM guest OS file restore. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Stop-VBRLinuxFileRestore -LinuxFlrObject <VBRLinuxFlrObject> [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet terminates non-Windows VM guest OS file restore process started with StartVBRLinuxFileRestore. When you terminate the non-Windows VM guest OS file restore, Veeam Backup & Replication unmounts virtual disks and powers the proxy appliance off. Note that you cannot restore files after the disks are unmounted. Parameters Parameter LinuxFlr Object Description Specifies the Linux file restore process initiated by Start-VBRLinuxFileRestore that you want to stop. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command stops a file restore session initiated with Start-VBRLinuxFileRestore. This example uses the '$linuxflr' variable that contains the object of the restore session. The session object was saved to the variable during the restore session start. PS C:\PS> Stop-VBRLinuxFileRestore -LinuxFlrObject $linuxflr 755 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Stop-VBRReplicaFailover Short Description Undoes the replica failover. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Stop-VBRReplicaFailover [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-RunAsync] [-Force] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to undo the replica failover. This cmdlet lets you finalize the replica failover started with Start-VBRViReplicaFailover by reverting back to the production VM discarding changes. When you undo the failover, you switch back to the original VM, revert replication operations and discard changes made to the working VM replica. In this case you loose all the changes that were made to the replica while you failed over to it. You can select a restore point to revert to. To switch back to the production VM and synchronize the changes made to the replica while failover, start a failback process. Run Start-VBRViReplicaFailback or Start-VBRHvReplicaFailback to fail back to the VMware or Hyper-V production VM respectively. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the restore point of the production VM to recover to. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False Force Indicates that the replica job starts running without waiting for the target host to power off. Otherwise the replica job will start only after the target host is powered off. False Named False False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually False Named False False 756 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 performing any action. Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command stops failover process by reverting to the production VM. The restore point of the replica VM is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and piped down. The restore points of the VM are filtered with Sort-Object method by the "creationtime" property to get the most recent one. The reason is "Configuration recovery". The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. The -Force parameter is set to start the replica job running anyway. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "WebServer_replica" | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1 | Stop-VBRReplicaFailover Reason "Configuration recovery" -RunAsync -Force Example 2 This command stops failover process by reverting to the production VM. The restorepoint of the replica VM is represented by the $"WebServer_replica restorepoint" variable. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. The reason is "Data recovery". The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Stop-VBRReplicaFailover -RestorePoint $"WebServer_replica restorepoint" -Reason "Data recovery" -RunAsync 757 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Stop-VBRViReplicaFailback Short Description Undoes replica failback. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax PS C:\PS> Start-VBRViReplicaFailback -RestorePoint <COib> [-Reason <string>] [-RunAsync] [-Complete] [-PowerOn] [-StoragePolicyAction <VBRStoragePolicyAction> {Current | Stored | Default}] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to undo the replica failback started with Start-VBRViReplicaFailback or StartVBRHvReplicaFailback. If you tried to fail back to the production VM but was unable to, because i.e. it was non-functional or corrupted, you can undo the failback and return to the working replica. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters RestorePoint Specifies the restore point of the replica VM for which you want to undo the failback. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False Storage Policy Action Specifies the strategy for selecting storage policy profile in case the storage profile of the backed up VM differs from the profile of the original VM. False Named False False 758 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Current: the restored VM will be subscribed to the same profile as in backup (if such profile still exists) or to the profile to which the original VM is subscribed (if profile as in backup was removed). Default: the restored VM will be subscribed to the profile that is set as default for the target datastore. Stored: the restored VM will be subscribed to the profile as in backup (if such profile still exists). <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command stops failback from the replica VM named "WebServer_replica". The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and piped down. The restore points of the VM are filtered with Sort-Object method by the "creationtime" property to get the most recent one. The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "WebServer_replica" | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1 | Stop-VBRViReplicaFailback RunAsync Example 2 This command stops failback from the replica VM named "WebServer_replica". The restorepoint to revert to is represented by the $"WebServer_replica restorepoint" variable. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. PS C:\PS> Stop-VBRViReplicaFailback -RestorePoint $"WebServer_replica restorepoint" -RunAsync 759 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Stop-VBRWindowsFileRestore Short Description Stops guest OS file recovery session for VMs running Windows. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides two parameter sets:  To stop the restore session: Stop-VBRWindowsFileRestore [[-FileRestore] <FileRestore>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]  To unmount disks: Stop-VBRWindowsFileRestore [-MountPoint <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet finalizes the restore session initiated with Start-VBRWindowsFileRestore. To finalize the restore session, you can use the following options:  Submit the session object. You need to save the object of the restore session the moment you start the session. If you have saved it to a variable, you can use it with the FileRestore parameter.  Submit the path to any of disks that were mounted during the restore. You need to know a temporary path to at least one of the VM virtual disks that were mounted during the restore session. Note that when you provide path to one virtual disk, as the result of the cmdlet all disk of the VM will be unmounted. This cmdlet provides syntax for both scenarios accordingly. Parameters Parameter FileRestore Description Specifies the running file-level restore session you want to stop. MountPoint Specifies the string with the path to the mounted disk. 760 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Required Position Accept Accept Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False 1 False False False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command stops a file restore session initiated with Start-VBRWindowsFileRestore. This example uses the $result variable that contains the object of the restore session. The session object was saved to the variable during the restore session start. PS C:\PS> Stop-VBRWindowsFileRestore $Result 761 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Stop-VSBJob Short Description Stops running SureBackup job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Stop-VSBJob [-Job] <CSbJob[]> [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBJob Detailed Description This cmdlet stops a running SureBackup job. The job is stopped once, the scheduled SureBackup job will start the next scheduled time. Run Start-VSBJob to start the job manually. Run Stop-VBRJob to stop a backup, replication or copy job. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the SureBackup job you want to stop. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple jobs to this object. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. False Named False False Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 762 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command stops the SureBackup job named "AD SureJob". The needed job object is obtained with Get-VSBJob and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VSBJob -Name "AD SureJob" | Stop-VSBJob Example 2 This command stops the SureBackup job represented by the $"AD SureJob" variable. The needed job object is obtained with Get-VSBJob and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Stop-VSBJob -Job $"AD SureJob" 763 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Sync-HP3Storage Short Description Rescans HPE 3PAR StoreServ storages. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE 3PAR StoreServ Syntax Sync-HP3Storage [-Storage <CHp3PARHost>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP3Storage Detailed Description This cmdlet rescans the selected HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage to synchronize its infrastructure with Veeam Backup & Replication. Rescanning discovers new or checks for deleted volumes and snapshots. Veeam Backup & Replication runs rescan automatically every 3 minutes. You can perform rescan manually if you want to display the newly added or deleted volumes or snapshots. Run Sync-HP3Volume to rescan the selected volumes only. Parameters Parameter Storage Description Specifies the storage you want to rescan. Required Position False Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command synchronizes the storage named "HPE Store 01". The storage object is obtained with Get-HP3Storage and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP3Storage -Name "HPE Store 01" | Sync-HP3Storage 764 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command synchronizes the storage represented by the $"store01" variable. The storage object is obtained with Get-HP3Storage and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Sync-HP3Storage -Storage $"store01" 765 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Sync-HP3Volume Short Description Rescans HPE 3PAR StoreServ volumes. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE 3PAR StoreServ Syntax Sync-HP3Volume -Volume <CSanVolume[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP3Volume Detailed Description This cmdlet rescans the selected HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage volume(s) to synchronize the storage system infrastructure with Veeam Backup & Replication. Rescanning discovers new or checks for deleted snapshots. Veeam Backup & Replication runs rescan automatically every 3 minutes. You can perform rescan manually if you want to display the newly added or deleted snapshots. Run Sync-HP3Storage to rescan the HPE 3PAR StoreServ storage. Parameters Parameter Volume Description Specifies the volume(s) you want to synchronize. You can assign multiple volumes to this object. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command synchronizes the volume named "HPE Vol 01". The volume object is obtained with GetHP3Volume and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP3Volume -Name "HPE Vol 01" | Sync-HP3Volume 766 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command synchronizes the volume named "HPE Vol 01". The volume object is obtained with GetHP3Volume and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Sync-HP3Volume -Volume $"HPE Vol 01" 767 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Sync-HP4Storage Short Description Rescans HPE StoreVirtual storages. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE StoreVirtual Syntax Sync-HP4Storage -Storage <CHpP4Group> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP4Storage Detailed Description This cmdlet rescans the selected HPE StoreVirtual storage to synchronize its infrastructure with Veeam Backup & Replication. Rescanning discovers new or checks for deleted volumes and snapshots. Veeam Backup & Replication runs rescan automatically every 3 minutes. You can perform rescan manually if you want to display the newly added or deleted volumes or snapshots. Run Sync-HP4Volume to rescan the selected volumes only. Alias Sync-VBRHPStorage Parameters Parameter Storage Description Specifies the storage you want to synchronize. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 768 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command synchronizes the storage named "HPE Store 01". The storage object is obtained with Get-HP4Storage and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Storage -Name "HPE Store 01" | Sync-HP4Storage Example 2 This command synchronizes the storage named "HPE Store 01". The storage object is obtained with Get-HP4Storage and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Sync-HP4Storage -Storage $"HPE Store 01" 769 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Sync-HP4Volume Short Description Rescans HPE StoreVirtual storage volumes. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: HPE StoreVirtual Syntax Sync-HP4Volume -Volume <CSanVolume[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-HP4Volume Detailed Description This cmdlet rescans the selected HPE StoreVirtual storage volume(s) to synchronize the storage system infrastructure with Veeam Backup & Replication. Rescanning discovers new or checks for deleted snapshots. Veeam Backup & Replication runs rescan automatically every 3 minutes. You can perform rescan manually if you want to display the newly added or deleted snapshots. Run Sync-HP4Storage to rescan the storage. Alias Sync-VBRHPVolume Parameters Parameter Volume Description Specifies the volume(s) you want to synchronize. You can assign multiple volumes to this object. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 770 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command synchronizes the volume named "HPE Vol 01". The volume object is obtained with GetHP4Volume and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Get-HP4Volume -Name "HPE Vol 01" | Sync-HP4Volume Example 2 This command synchronizes the volume named "HPE Vol 01". The storage object is obtained with GetHP4Volume and piped down. PS C:\PS> Sync-HP4Volume -Volume $"HPE Vol 01" 771 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Sync-NetAppHost Short Description Rescans NetApp storage. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Sync-NetAppHost [-Host <CNaHost>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-NetAppHost Detailed Description This cmdlet rescans the selected NetApp storage to synchronize the infrastructure with Veeam Backup & Replication. Rescanning discovers new or checks for deleted volumes and snapshots. Veeam Backup & Replication runs rescan automatically every 3 minutes. You can perform rescan manually if you want to display the newly added or deleted volumes or snapshots. To rescan the selected volumes only, run Sync-NetAppVolume. Parameters Parameter Host Description Specifies the CNaHost object containing the storage you want to synchronize. Required Position False Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command synchronizes the storage named "NetApp Store 01". The storage object is obtained with Get-NetAppHost and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-NetAppHost -Name "NetApp Store 01" | Sync-NetAppHost 772 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Sync-NetAppVolume Short Description Rescans selected NetApp storage volumes. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Sync-NetAppVolume -Volume <CSanVolume[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-NetAppVolume Detailed Description This cmdlet rescans the selected NetApp storage volume(s) to synchronize the infrastructure with Veeam Backup & Replication. Rescanning discovers new or checks for deleted snapshots. Veeam Backup & Replication runs rescan automatically every 3 minutes. You can perform rescan manually if you want to display the newly added or deleted snapshots. To rescan the storage, run Sync-NetAppHost. Parameters Parameter Volume Description Specifies the CSanVolume object containing the volume(s) you want to synchronize. Required Position True Named You can add multiple volumes to this object. Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command synchronizes the volume named "NetApp Vol 01". The storage object is obtained with Get-NetAppVolume and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-NetAppVolume -Name "NetApp Vol 01" | Sync-NetAppVolume 773 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Sync-VBRBackupCopyJob Short Description Synchronizes backup copy job data. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Sync-VBRBackupCopyJob -Job <IJob> [-FullBackup] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet starts manual data synchronization for the selected backup copy job. The backup copy job runs continuously synchronizing the backup repositories in user-defined time periods. With this cmdlet, you can synchronize the source and the target repositories manually. Parameters Parameter Job Description Specifies the backup copy job for which you want to start manual synchronization. FullBackup If set, the job will create an active full backup. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command synchronizes the "AD Backup Copy" job using pipeline. 1. Run Get-VBRJob to get the job. 2. Pipe it to Sync-VBRBackupCopyJob. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRJob -Name "AD Backup Copy" | Sync-VBRBackupCopyJob 774 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command synchronizes the "AD Backup Copy" job using variable. 1. Run Get-VBRJob to get the job. Save it to the $"ad" variable. 2. Run Sync-VBRBackupCopyJob with this variable. PS C:\PS> $ad = Get-VBRJob -Name "AD Backup Copy" PS C:\PS> Sync-VBRBackupCopyJob -Job $ad Example 3 This command creates an active full for the "AD Backup Copy" job. 3. Run Get-VBRJob to get the job. Save it to the $"ad" variable. 4. Run Sync-VBRBackupCopyJob with this variable and FullBackup parameter. PS C:\PS> $ad = Get-VBRJob -Name "AD Backup Copy" PS C:\PS> Sync-VBRBackupCopyJob -Job $ad -FullBackup 775 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Sync-VBRBackupRepository Short Description Rescans a selected backup repository. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Sync-VBRBackupRepository -Repository <CBackupRepository[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupRepository Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to rescan a specified backup repository for details about backups stored on it. You can perform the repository rescan i.e. in case you have imported or copied backups. Parameters Parameter Description Repository Specifies backup repository you want to rescan. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command rescans the repository named "Local Repository 01". The needed repository object is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and piped down. Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Local Repository 01" | SyncVBRBackupRepository 776 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command rescans the repository represented by the $repository variable. The needed repository object is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the variable beforehand. Sync-VBRBackupRepository -Repository $repository 777 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Sync-VBRBackupToTapeJob Short Description Starts an active full for a selected GFS backup to tape job. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax This cmdlet provides 4 parameter sets.  For creating active full for weekly media set: Sync-VBRBackupToTapeJob -Job <VBRBackupToTapeJob> -Weekly [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>]  For creating active full for yearly media set: Sync-VBRBackupToTapeJob -Job <VBRBackupToTapeJob> -Yearly [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>]  For creating active full for monthly media set: Sync-VBRBackupToTapeJob -Job <VBRBackupToTapeJob> -Monthly [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>]  For creating active full for quarterly media set: Sync-VBRBackupToTapeJob -Job <VBRBackupToTapeJob> -Quarterly [-Wait] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeJob Detailed Description This cmdlet starts an active full for a selected backup period of a GFS backup to tape job. The job must be targeted to a GFS media pool. 778 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Job Specifies the backup to tape job for which you want to create an active full. True Named True (by Value FromPipeline) False Weekly The job will create a weekly full. True Named False False Monthly The job will create a monthly full. True Named False False Quarterly The job will create a quarterly full. True Named False False Yearly The job will create a yearly full. True Named False False Wait Indicates that the command waits for the process to complete before accepting more input. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 779 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Sync-VNXHost Short Description Rescans EMC VNX storages. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: EMC VNX Syntax Sync-VNXHost -Host <CVnxHost> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VNXHost Detailed Description This cmdlet rescans a selected EMC VNX storage to synchronize its infrastructure with Veeam Backup & Replication. Rescanning discovers new or checks for deleted volumes and snapshots. Run Sync-VNXVolume to rescan the selected volumes only. Parameters Parameter Storage Description Specifies the storage you want to synchronize. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 780 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Sync-VNXVolume Short Description Rescans EMC VNX storage volumes. Applies to Platform: VMware Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Storage system: EMC VNX Syntax Sync-VNXVolume -Volume <CSanVolume[]> [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VNXVolume Detailed Description This cmdlet rescans selected EMC VNX storage volume(s) to synchronize the storage system infrastructure with Veeam Backup & Replication. Rescanning discovers new or checks for deleted snapshots. Run Sync-VNXHost to rescan the storage. Parameters Parameter Volume Description Specifies the volume(s) you want to synchronize. You can assign multiple volumes to this object. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 781 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Undo-VBRFailoverPlan Short Description Undoes the failover by failover plan. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Undo-VBRFailoverPlan -FailoverPlan <VBRFailoverPlan[]> [-Wait] [-WhatIf] [Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRFailoverPlan Return Type VBRBackupSession[] Detailed Description This cmdlet undoes the failover process. Undoing failover switches the workload back to source VMs. All changes that were made to the replicas during failover are discarded. To switch back to the production VM and synchronize the changes made to the replica while failover, start a failback process. Run Start-VBRViReplicaFailback or Start-VBRHvReplicaFailback to fail back to the VMware or Hyper-V production VM respectively. Note that failback is not a group process and must be performed for each VM individually. Parameters Parameter Description FailoverPlan Specifies the failover plan you want to undo. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False False Named False False False Named False False Accepts VBRFailoverPlan. You can assign multiple plans to this object. Wait Use this parameter to manage undoing multiple failover processes. If indicated, the next undo failover process will wait for the previous to end. WhatIf Specifies whether the cmdlet writes a message that describes the effects of running the cmdlet without actually performing any action. 782 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Confirm Specifies whether the cmdlet displays a prompt that asks if the user is sure that they want to continue. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command undoes the failover process by failover plan named "MS Exchange Group Failover". The failover plan is obtained with Get-VBRFailoverPlan and piped down. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRFailoverPlan -Name "MS Exchange Group Failover" | UndoVBRFailoverPlan Example 2 This command undoes the failover process represented by the '$MSExchangeGroup' variable. The failover plan is obtained with Get-VBRFailoverPlan and assigned to the variable beforehand. PS C:\PS> Undo-VBRFailoverPlan -FailoverPlan $MSExchangeGroup Example 3 This command undoes failover processes by failover plans named "MS Exchange Group Failover" and "SQLServers Group Failover". The VM groups are processed one by one. • The failover plans are obtained with Get-VBRFailoverPlan and piped down. • The Wait parameter is used to undo the failover processes one after the other. PS C:\PS> Get-VBRFailoverPlan -Name "MS Exchange Group Failover", "SQLServers Group Failover" | Undo-VBRFailoverPlan -Wait 783 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VEEAM POWERSHELL OBJECTS This topic contains the description of properties of the Veeam PowerShell objects. 784 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 PSCryptoKey This object contains the encryption key. Transforms to the VBREncryptionKey object. Properties Property Type Description Id GUID The encryption key ID. Description string The encryption key description. EncryptedPassword string The password in the SecureString format. ModificationDateUtc DateTime Last modification date and time. 785 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRApplicationRestorePoint This object contains the restore point created with the VSS-aware image processing enabled. Related Commands Get-VBRApplicationRestorePoint Properties Property Type Description IsExchange bool Indicates if the restore point contains a Microsoft Exchange VM backup. IsActiveDirectory bool Indicates if the restore point contains a Microsoft Active Directory VM backup. IsSharePoint bool Indicates if the restore point contains a Microsoft SharePoint VM backup. IsSQL bool Indicates if the restore point contains a Microsoft SQL Server VM backup. IsOracle bool Indicates if the restore point contains an Oracle VM backup. DateTime The date and time of creation of the restore point. CreationTime Type VBRRestorePointType The type of the restore point. IsIndexed bool Indicates if the application-aware image processing is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE). IsCorrupted bool Indicates if the restore point is corrupted (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Name string The name of the VM in the restore point. Id GUID The ID of the restore point. 786 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRBackupSession This object contains job session. Related Commands Get-VBRSession Properties The "?" mark indicates that the type property accepts zero values. Property Type Description CreationTime DateTime The date and time of session creation. EndTime DateTime? The date and time of session end. JobId GUID The job ID. Progress int32 The job progress (in percent). Result VBRSessionResult The job result:     RunManually State bool VBRSessionState Indicates if the session was started manually. The session state:           Log VBRLogItem [] 787 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 None Success Warning Failed. Stopped Starting Stopping Working Pausing Resuming WaitingTape Idle Postprocessing WaitingRepository. The session log. VBRBackupToTapeJob This object contains backup to tape job. Related Commands Add-VBRBackupToTapeJob Properties Property FullBackupPolicy Object ProcessIncrementalBackup ScheduleOptions WaitForBackupJobs WaitPeriod Type Description VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy The virtual full backup creation policy. CBackupJob[] or CBackupRepository[] The backup job or backup repository set as the source for the tape job. bool Indicates if the incremental backups must be archived (TRUE) or not (FALSE). VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptio The job schedule. ns bool TimeSpan Indicates if the tape job must wait for the source backup job (TRUE) or not (FALSE). The time period for which the tape job waits for the source backup job. EjectCurrentMedium bool Indicates if the tape currently used by the tape job must be ejected (TRUE) or not (FALSE). ExportCurrentMediaSet bool Indicates if the current media set created by the tape job must be exported when it is complete (TRUE) or not (FALSE). DayOfWeek[] Days on which the media sets must be exported. ExportDays FullBackupMediaPool IncrementalBackupMediaPool UseHardwareCompression NextRun Target Type VBRTapeMediaPool or VBRTapeGFSMediaPool VBRTapeMediaPool The media pool for full backups or the GFS media pool. The media pool for incremental backups. bool Indicates if the tape library hardware compression must be used (TRUE) or not (FALSE). DateTime? The date and time of the next run of the job. Object VBRJobType 788 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The media pool used by the job. The job type: BackupToTape. Property LastResult Type Description VBRSessionResult The last result of the job:     LastState VBRSessionState None Success Warning Failed. The last job state:           Stopped Starting Stopping Working Pausing Resuming WaitingTape Idle Postprocessing WaitingRepository. Id GUID The job ID. Name string The job name. Description string The job description. AlwaysCopyFromLatestFull bool Indicates that on each run the job must copy only the last backup chain from disk (TRUE) or always copy all new restore point (FALSE). GFSScheduleOptions VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions The GFS schedule applied to the job. NotificationOptions VBRNotificationOptions The email notification options applied to the job. VBRJobScriptOptions The script options applied to this job. JobScriptOptions 789 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions This object contains schedule settings for backup to tape job. Related Commands New-VBRBackupToTapeScheduleOptions Properties Property Type Type Description VBRBackupToTapePolicyType The type of the job schedule:     DailyOptions MonthlyOptions BackupWindowOptions JobId Enabled VBRDailyOptions VBRMonthlyOptions VBRBackupWindowOptions GUID? bool 790 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 AfterJob AfterNewBackup Daily Monthly. The job daily schedule settings. The job monthly schedule settings. The job backup window settings. The ID of the job after which this job must run. The job schedule status: enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE). VBRBackupWindowOptions This object contains backup window settings passed to the jobs. Related Commands New-VBRBackupWindowOptions This object does not have user accessible properties. 791 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudCertificate This object contains the cloud SSL certificate. The object is a Microsoft X509Certificate2 class. For more information about the Microsoft X509Certificate2 class, see 792 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudDatastore This object contains the storage resources provided to the tenant on the service provider's cloud server. Related Commands Get-VBRCloudDatastore Properties Property Type Description CloudServerId GUID The cloud server ID. Capacity int32 The provided storage capacity (GB). FreeSpace int32 The free space (GB). Platform VBRPlatform The virtualization platform: VMware/Hyper-V. Name string The storage name. Id GUID The storage ID. 793 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudFailoverPlan This object contains cloud failover plan. Properties Property Type Description PublicIpEnabled bool Indicates if the tenant is enabled to use public IP addresses (TRUE) or not (FALSE). ProviderId GUID The service provider ID. Platform Status VBRPlatform string The virtualization platform: VMware/Hyper-V. The current status of the failover plan:       FailoverPlanObject In progress Undo in progress Completed Ready Failed Undo failed. VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject[] The replica VM added to the cloud failover plan. VMCount int32 The number of VMs added to the failover plan. PrefailoverCommand string The path to the script that must run before failover. PostfailoverCommand string The path to the script that must run after failover. Type VBRFailoverPlanType The type of the failover plan (Local/Cloud/Tenant): Cloud. Id GUID The failover plan ID. Name string The failover plan name. Description sting The failover plan description. 794 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject This object contains cloud replica VMs added to a cloud failover plan. Properties Property ProviderId PublicIpRule Item Type Description GUID The service provider ID. VBRFailoverPlanPublicIPRule[] The public IP addresses maping rules. IItem The cloud replica VM added to a failover plan. BootOrder int Order number by which the VM will boot during failover. BootDelay int Delay time for the VM to boot during failover (seconds). 795 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudGateway This object contains cloud gateway. Properties Property Host Type Description CWinServer The windows server used as the cloud gateway. Enabled bool NATPort int The port on the NAT gateway used for listening to connections from users and passing cloud commands from users to the SP Veeam backup server. IncomingPort int The port used by the Veeam backup server to connect to the gateway. string The external IP address of the NAT or network interface gateway. IPAddress NetworkMode VBRGatewayNetworkMode Indicates if the gateway is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE). The network mode:   Direct NAT. Id GUID The unique cloud gateway identifier. Name string The cloud gateway name. Description string The cloud gateway description. 796 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudIP This object contains the public IP address from the public IP addresses pool. Related Commands Add-VBRCloudPublicIP Get-VBRCloudPublicIP Remove-VBRCloudPublicIP Properties Property Type Description Id GUID The of the public IP address. IpAddress string The IP address. TenantId GUID? If the IP address is assigned to a tenant: the ID of the tenant who uses the public IP address. If the IP address is not assigned to any tenant: NULL. 797 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudProvider This object contains cloud provider. Properties Property Type Description IpAddress IPAddress The IP address of the cloud gateway configured on the service provider side. DNSName string The DNS name of the cloud gateway configured on the service provider side. int The port over which user’s Veeam backup server communicates with the cloud gateway. Credentials CCredentials The credentials for the user account registered on the service provider Veeam backup server. Certificate VBRCloudCertificate Port The SSL certificate used by the cloud provider. ResourcesEnabled bool Indicates if the cloud provider supplies backup resources (TRUE) or not (FALSE). ReplicationPesourcesEnabled bool Indicates if the cloud provider supplies replication resources (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Resources ReplicationResources VBRCloudProviderResource[] The backup resources supplied by the cloud provider. VBRCloudProviderReplicationReso urce[] The replication resources supplied by the cloud provider. Id GUID The cloud provider ID. Description string The cloud provider description. 798 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudProviderDatastore This object contains array of datastores used for storing user data. Related Objects VBRCloudProviderReplicationResource Properties Property Type Description DatastoreAllocatedSpace int32 The allocated space (GB). Name string The datastore name. Id GUID The datastore ID. 799 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudProviderReplicationResource This object contains replication resources provided under a hardware plan. Related Objects VBRCloudProvider Properties Property Type Description HardwarePlanName string The hardware plan. CPU int32 The quote of CPU resources assigned to the hardware plan (MHz). Memory int32 The quote of memory resources assigned to the hardware plan (Mb). VBRCloudProviderDatastore[] The array of datastores used for storing user data. NetworkCount int32 The number of networks with or without access to the Internet assigned to the hardware plan. PublicIpEnabled bool Indicates if the tenant is enabled to use the public IPs (TRUE) or not (FALSE). string[] The public IP addresses assigned to the tenant. bool Indicates if the tenant is enabled to use a WAN accelerator (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Datastore PublicIp WanAcceleratorEnabled 800 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudProviderResource This object contains cloud provider settings. Related Objects VBRCloudProvider Properties Property RepositoryName RepositoryAllocatedSpace WanAcceleratorEnabled Type Description string int bool 801 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The name of the cloud repository presented to the user. The repository quota. Indicates if the WAN accelerator in enabled (TRUE)or disabled (FALSE). VBRCloudServer This object contains the cloud server of the service provider. Related Commands Get-VBRCloudServer Properties Property Type Description CloudProviderId GUID The service provider ID. ApiVersion string The version of VMware vSphere API or Hyper-V server. CPU int32 The quote of CPU resources assigned to the hardware plan (MHz). Memory int32 The quote of memory resources assigned to the hardware plan (Mb). Platform VBRPlatform The virtualization platform: VMware/Hyper-V. Name string The server name. Id GUID The server ID. 802 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo This object contains networks connected to the cloud server of the service provider. Related Commands Get-VBRCloudServerNetworkInfo Properties Property Platform CloudServerId Type Description VBRPlatform GUID The virtualization platform: VMware/Hyper-V. The cloud server ID. Type VBRViNetworkInfoType The network type. Name string The network name. Id GUID The network ID. 803 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudTenant This object contains the cloud tenant. Properties Property Type Description Enabled bool Indicates if the tenant is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE). LeaseExpirationEnabled bool Indicates if the tenant uses lease expiration settings (TRUE) or not (FALSE). LeaseExpirationDate DateTime? The date and time of the lease expiration. Password string Resources VBRCloudTenantResource[] The tenant backup resources. VMCount int The number of VMs in the user repository. LastActive string The date and time of the last user's activity. LastResult string The result of the last session: The tenant password.     None Success Warning Failed. ResourcesEnabled bool Indicates if the backup resources are enabled to the tenant (TRUE) or not (FALSE). ReplicationResourcesEnabled bool Indicates if the replication resources are enabled to the tenant (TRUE) or not (FALSE). ThrottlingEnabled bool Indicates if the throttling rules are enabled to the tenant (TRUE) or not (FALSE). ThrottlingValue ReplicationResources decimal VBRCloudTenantReplicationReso urces The throttling value. The replication resources of the tenant. Id GUID The unique tenant identifier. Name string The tenant name. Description string The tenant description. 804 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRCloudTenantHwPlanOptions This object contains the hardware plan options assigned to a tenant. Related Commands New-VBRCloudTenantHwPlanOptions Properties Property HardwarePlan WanAcceleratorEnabled WanAccelerator Type Description VBRCloudHardwarePlan The hardware plan to which the tenant is subscribed to. bool Indicates if WAN accelerator is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE). CWanAccelerator The WAN accelerator allocated to the tenant. UsedCPU int The amount of CPU resources allocated to the tenant. UsedMemory int The amount of storage allocated to the tenant. DatastoreQuota VBRCloudDatastoreQuota[] 805 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The datastore quota allocated to the tenant. VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance This object contains the network appliance on the tenant side. Related Commands Get-VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance Set-VBRCloudTenantNetworkAppliance The network appliance is created automatically by New-VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources when you enable network failover resources. Properties Property Host Type Description CHost, CViClusterItem The host or cluster where the appliance is created. TenantId GUID The ID of the tenant that uses the appliance. HardwarePlanId GUID The ID of the hardware plan that uses the appliance. IVBRServerNetworkInfo The production network to which the appliance is connected. ProductionNetwork ObtainIpAddressAutomatically bool Indicates if the IP address of the appliance is assigned automatically (TRUE) or user-defined (FALSE). IpAddress string The IP address of the appliance. SubnetMask string The subnet mask assigned to the appliance. DefaultGateway string The default gateway used by the appliance. Platform VBRPlatform 806 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The virtualization platform: VMware/Hyper-V. VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources This object contains the replication resources assigned to a tenant. Related Commands New-VBRCloudTenantReplicationResources Properties Property NetworkFailoverResourcesEnabl ed HardwarePlanOptions PublicIpEnabled NumberOfPublicIp TenantNetworkAppliance Type Description bool VBRCloudTenantHwPlanOptions[] Indicates if network resources are allocated to the tenant (TRUE) or not (FALSE). The hardware plan options assigned to the tenant. bool Indicates if the tenant is enabled to use the public IPs (TRUE) or not (FALSE). int The number of public IPs assigned to the tenant. VBRCloudTenantNetworkApplianc e[] 807 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The network appliances of the tenant. VBRCloudTenantResource This object contains the cloud user backup resources. Properties Property Repository Type Description CBackupRepository The backup repository whose space resources are allocated to the user. RepositoryFriendlyName string The name of the cloud repository presented to the user. RepositoryQuota string The user account quota (MB). RepositoryQuotaPath string The backup repository path. UsedSpace int The space used by the tenant (MB). UsedSpacePercentage int The space used by the tenant. WanAccelerationEnabled WanAccelerator bool The state of the WAN accelerator: (enabled) True/False. CWanAccelerator The WAN accelerator used by the tenant. 808 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRConfigurationBackupJob This object contains the configuration backup job. Properties Property Enabled Repository ScheduleOptions RestorePointsToKeep EncryptionOptions Type Description bool Indicates if the job is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE). CBackupRepository The target backup repository. VBRConfigurationBackupSchedule Options The schedule settings of the configuration backup job. int VBREncryptionOptions 809 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The number of restore points that must be kept. The data encryption options applied to the configuration backup job. VBRConfigurationBackupScheduleOptions This object contains schedule settings of the configuration backup job. Properties Property DailyOptions MonthlyOptions Enabled Type Type Description VBRDailyOptions VBRMonthlyOptions bool VBRConfigurationBackup ScheduleType 810 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Contains the VBRDailyOptions object. Contains the VBRMonthlyOptions object. Indicates if the job schedule is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE). The schedule type:   Daily Monthly. VBRDailyOptions This object contains the job daily schedule settings. Related Commands New-VBRDailyOptions Properties Property Type Type Description VBRDailyOptionsType The type of the job daily schedule:    Period DayOfWeek TimeSpan DayOfWeek[] 811 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Everyday WeekDays SelectedDays. The time when the job runs. The days of week when the job runs. VBRDatabaseRestoreInterval This object contains the date and time of the first and the last available restore point of a database. Related Commands Get-VBRSQLDatabaseRestoreInterval Properties Property Type Description From DateTime The date and time (UTC) of creation of the first restore point for this database. To DateTime The date and time (UTC) of creation of the last restore point for this database. 812 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRDataLocalityExtent This object contains extent of a scale-out backup repository with Data locality policy. Related Commands Get-VBRRepositoryExtent Set-VBRRepositoryExtent Properties Property Id Type Description GUID The extent ID. Extents are not registered in the Veeam database until they are not added to a scale-out repository. The ID of such extent is {00000000-00000000-0000-000000000000}. ParentId GUID The parent scale-out repository ID. If the scale-out repository is not created yet, the ID is {000000000000-0000-0000-000000000000}. Repository Status CBackupRepository VBRRepositoryExtentStatus The backup repository that is converted into the extent. The status of the extent:      813 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Unknown: The extent is not added to any scale-out repository. Normal: The extent is in working mode. Pending: The extent is in process of switching to maintenance mode. Maintenance: The extent is in maintenance mode. Evacuate: The extent is in maintenance mode and is evacuating backups. VBRDefaultGateway This object contains default gateway. Related Commands Get-VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration Properties Property Type Description IpAddress string The default gateway IP address. NetworkMask string The default gateway network mask. Name string The default gateway name. Id GUID The default gateway ID. 814 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration This object contains default gateway configuration. Related Commands Get-VBRDefaultGatewayConfiguration Properties Property Type Description ProviderId GUID The service provider ID. RoutingEnabled bool Indicates if the routing is enabled for the default gateway. DefaultGateway VBRDefaultGateway[] 815 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The list of default gateways. VBREncryptionOptions This object contains the encryption options. Properties Property Enabled Key Type Description bool Indicates if the encryption is enabled. VBREncryptionKey The encryption key used for encryption. 816 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBREPJob This object contains Endpoint job. Properties The "?" mark indicates that the type property accepts zero values. Property Type Description RepositoryId GUID ObjectsCount int IsEnabled bool NextRun DateTime? Target Type LastResult Object The ID of the backup repository used to store Endpoint backups. The number of objects in job. Indicates if the job is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE). Date and time of the next job run. The target repository name. VBRJobType The job type: Endpoint. VBRSessionResult The last result of the job:     LastState VBRSessionState None Success Warning Failed. The last job state:           Stopped Starting Stopping Working Pausing Resuming WaitingTape Idle Postprocessing WaitingRepository. Id GUID The job ID. Name string The job name. Description string The job description. 817 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBREPPermission This object contains user access permissions for backup repositories used by Endpoint backup jobs. Related Commands Get-VBREPPermission Set-VBREPPermission Properties Property RepositoryId PermissionType Type Description GUID The ID of the backup repository used to store Endpoint backups. VBREPPermissionType The type of the repository permission:    Users IsEncryptionEnabled EncryptionKey string[] bool VBREncryptionKey 818 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Everyone NoOne OnlySelectedUsers. Users or user groups allowed to use the repository. Indicates if the Endpoint backup data written to the repository is encrypted (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Encryption key used for encrypting data. VBRFailoverPlan This object contains the failover plan. Properties Property Type Description Id GUID The failover plan ID. Name string The failover plan name. Description string The failover plan description. Platform Status VBRPlatform string The virtualization platform: VMware/Hyper-V. The current status of the failover plan:       FailoverPlanObject VMCount In progress Undo in progress Completed Ready Failed Undo failed. VBRFailoverPlanObject[] The VM(s) added to the failover plan. integer Number of VMs added to the failover plan. PrefailoverCommand string Path to a script run automatically before failover. PostfailoverCommand string Path to a script run automatically after failover. Type VBRFailoverPlanType 819 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The type of the failover plan (Local/Cloud/Tenant): Local. VBRFailoverPlanObject This object contains the VM that you want to add to a failover plan and settings that will be applied when processing the VM during the failover: the boot order and the delay time. Properties Property Item Type Description IItem VM added to a failover plan. Can contain only one VM. VM object must be CViVmItem or CHvVmItem. BootOrder int Order number by which the VM will boot during failover. BootDelay int Delay time for the VM to boot during failover (seconds). 820 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRFailoverPlanPublicIPRule This object contains IP addresses and ports mapping rule. Related Commands New-VBRFailoverPlanPublicIPRule Properties Property Type Description SourceIp string The IP address of the replica. SourcePort UInt16 The port of the replica. TargetIp string The public IP address. TargetPort UInt16 The public port. Description string The description of the rule. 821 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy This object contains schedule settings for file to tape job. Related Commands New-VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy Properties Property Type Description Type VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicyType The type of the job schedule:   DailyOptions MonthlyOptions Enabled VBRDailyOptions Daily Monthly. The job daily schedule settings. VBRMonthlyOptions The job monthly schedule settings. bool Indicates if the job schedule is enabled (TRUE) or disabled (FALSE). 822 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRFileToTapeJob This object contains file to tape job. Related Commands Add-VBRFileToTapeJob Get-VBRTapeJob Set-VBRFileToTapeJob Properties Property Type Description FullBackupPolicy VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy The virtual full backup creation policy. IncrementalBackupPolicy VBRFileToTapeBackupPolicy The job schedule for creating incremental backups. Object VBRFileToTapeObject[] UseVss bool Indicates that Microsoft VSS must be used to place the files that are locked by running applications to tape in a consistent state. EjectCurrentMedium bool Indicates if the tape currently used by the tape job must be ejected. ExportCurrentMediaSet bool Indicates if the current media set created by the tape job must be exported when it is complete. ExportDays DayOfWeek[] The file system object set as the source for the tape job. Days on which the media sets must be exported. FullBackupMediaPool VBRTapeMediaPool The media pool for full backups. IncrementalBackupMediaPool VBRTapeMediaPool The media pool for incremental backups. UseHardwareCompression NextRun Target Type LastResult bool Indicates if the tape library hardware compression must be used. DateTime? The date and time of the next run of the job. Object The media pool used by the job. VBRJobType The job type: FileToTape. VBRSessionResult The last result of the job:     LastState VBRSessionState The last job state:  823 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 None Success Warning Failed. Stopped Property Type Description          Starting Stopping Working Pausing Resuming WaitingTape Idle Postprocessing WaitingRepository. Id GUID The unique identifier of the job. Name string The name of the job. Description string The description of the job. NotificationOptions JobScriptOptions VBRNotificationOptions VBRJobScriptOptions 824 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Email notification options applied to this job. Script options applied to this job. VBRFileToTapeObject This object contains file system objects passed to the file to tape jobs. Related Commands New-VBRFileToTapeObject Properties Property Type Description IncludeMask string The mask for selecting files from a directory. Path string The file or directory path. IsDirectory bool Indicates that the source data is a directory (TRUE) or file (FALSE). Server Credentials CHost The host where the source files reside. CCredentials The credentials to authenticate with the host. 825 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy This object contains schedule settings for creating synthesized full backups for backup to tape job. Related Commands New-VBRFullBackupToTapePolicy Properties Property Type Description Type VBRFullBackupToTapePolicyType The type of the virtual full backups creation policy:   Monthly WeeklyOnDays. WeeklyOnDays DayOfWeek[] The days on which the synthesized full backups for tapes are created. MonthlyOptions VBRMonthlyOptions The job monthly schedule settings. 826 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRGlobalMediaPoolOptions This object contains global media pool settings. Related Objects VBRTapeGFSMediaPool VBRTapeMediaPool Properties Property Type Description NextLibOffline bool Indicates that the media pool must switch to the next managed library in case the primary library is offline. NestLibDrivesBusy bool Indicates that the media pool must switch to the next managed library in case the primary library has no available drives. NextLibNoMedia bool Indicates that the media pool must switch to the next managed library in case the primary library has no available tapes. LibraryId GUID[] 827 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The array of tape library IDs managed by this media pool. VBRHvCloudHardwarePlan This object contains Hyper-V hardware plan. Properties Property Type Description Id GUID The hardware plan ID. Name string The hardware plan name Description string The hardware plan description Datastore VBRHvCloudHardwarePlanDatastor The array of the datastores used for e[] storing user data. CPU int The quote of CPU resources assigned to the hardware plan (MHz). Memory int The quote of memory resources assigned to the hardware plan (Mb). NumberOfNetWithInternet int The number of networks with access to the Internet assigned to the hardware plan. NumberOfNetWithoutInternet int The number of networks without access to the Internet assigned to the hardware plan. SubscribedTenantId GUID[] The IDs of the tenants subscribed to the hardware plan. Host CHost The Hyper-V host whose resources of are exposed to the user by the hardware plan. Platform VBRPlatform 828 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The virtualization platform: VMware/Hyper-V. VBRHvCloudHardwarePlanDatastore This object contains datastore used by a Hyper-V hardware plan. Related Commands New-VBRHvCloudHWPlanDatastore New-VBRViCloudHWPlanDatastore Properties Property Type Description Id GUID The datastore ID. Datastore string The datastore file path. FriendlyName string The name of the storage resources exposed to the user. Quota Platform int The storage resources quota assigned to the user. VBRPlatform The virtualization platform: VMware/Hyper-V. 829 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRHvCloudProviderNetworkAppliance This object contains Hyper-V network appliance on the service provider side. Properties Property Type Description Folder string The file path of the storage the appliance uses. VLanId int32 The VLAN ID. Host CHost The server where the appliance is created. Network IVBRServerNetworkInfo The network to which the appliance is connected. IpAddress string The IP address of the appliance. SubnetMask string The subnet mask assigned to the appliance. DefaultGateway string The default gateway used by the appliance. Platform VBRPlatform The virtualization platform (VMware/Hyper-V): Hyper-V. ObtainIpAddressAutomatically bool Indicates if the IP address of the appliance is assigned automatically (TRUE) or user-defined (FALSE). Name string The appliance name. Id GUID The appliance ID. 830 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRHvCloudVLANConfiguration This object contains the Hyper-V VLAN settings. Properties Property Host VirtualSwitch Platform Type Description CHost The Hyper-V host or cluster used as the replication target. VBRHvServerNetworkInfo The Hyper-V virtual switch connected to the target host. VBRPlatform The virtualization platform: (VMware/Hyper-V): Hyper-V. FirstVLANWithInternet int32 The first VLAN ID in the range of VLANs used for providing networks with internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. LastVLANWithInternet int32 The last VLAN ID in the range of VLANs used for providing networks with internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. FirstVLANWithoutInternet int32 The first VLAN ID in the range of VLANs used for providing networks without internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. LastVLANWithoutInternet int32 The last VLAN ID in the range of VLANs used for providing networks without internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. Id GUID The VLAN ID. 831 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRJob The global object containing Veeam job. Properties The "?" mark indicates that the type property accepts zero values. Property NextRun Target Type Type Description DateTime? Object VBRJobType The date and time of the next job run. Applies if the job has enabled schedule. The job objects. The type of the job:              LastResult VBRSessionResult Job last result:     LastState VBRSessionState None Success Warning Failed Session state:           832 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 BackupToTape FileToTape TapeCatalog TapeEject TapeErase TapeExport TapeImport TapeInventory TapeRescan Backup BackupSync EndpointBackup ConfigurationBackup Stopped Starting Stopping Working Pausing Resuming WaitingTape Idle Postprocessing WaitingRepository VBRJobScriptOptions This object contains job scripts options. Related Commands New-VBRJobScriptOptions Properties Property Type Description PreScriptEnabled bool Indicates if a script must run before job (TRUE) or not (FALSE). PreCommand string The path to the script. PostScriptEnabled bool Indicates if a script must run after job (TRUE) or not (FALSE). PostCommand string The path to the script. Days DaysOfWeek[] The days of week when the script must run (the Days mode). Periodicity VBRPeriodicityType The script run mode: after a set number of job runs (Cycles) or on set days (Days). Frequency UInt 833 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The number of job runs after which the script must run (the Cycles mode). VBRLogItem This object contains a job session log. Created by Properties Property Type Description Id int32 Unique identifier of the log entries. Usn int32 The log entries counter value. Title string The log entry title. Description string Not supported. Time DateTime The date and time of the last modification of the log entry. StartTime DateTime The date and time of the log entry creation. Status VBRLogStatus The log entry status:     834 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 None Success Warning Failed. VBRMonthlyOptions This object contains the job monthly schedule settings. Related Commands New-VBRMonthlyOptions Properties Property Period DayOfWeek DayNumberInMonth Type Description Timespan The time when the job runs. DayOfWeek The days of week when the job runs. VBRDayNumberInMonth The day in month when the job runs:       Months VBRMonth[] 835 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 First Second Third Fourth Last OnDay. The months when the job runs. VBRMultiStreamingOptions This object contains multistreaming options set for a media pool. Related Objects VBRTapeMediaPool Properties Property EnableMultiStreaming NumberOfStreams SplitJobFilesBetweenDrives Type Description bool int bool 836 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Indicates if multistreaming is enabled. The maximum number of drives that can be used by the media pool simultaneously. Indicates if the tape job data will be written with miltiple drives. VBRNotificationOptions This object contains notification options. Related Commands New-VBRNotificationOptions Properties Property EnableAdditionalNotification AdditionalAddress UseNotificationOptions Type Description bool Indicates if the email notification is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE). string[] The email address for notification. bool Indicates that the notifications must use custom settings (TRUE) or global settings (FALSE). Custom settings are:     NotifyOnSuccess NotifyOnWarning NotifyOnError NotifyOnLastRetryOnly. NotificationSubject string The subject that must be used for creating the notification email. NotifyOnSuccess bool Indicates if the email is sent if the job finished successfully (TRUE) or not (FALSE). NotifyOnWarning bool Indicates if the email is sent if the job finished with warning (TRUE) or not (FALSE). NotifyOnError bool Indicates if the email is sent if the job finished with error (TRUE) or not (FALSE). NotifyOnLastRetryOnly bool Indicates if the email is sent if the last retry of the job started (TRUE) or not (FALSE). 837 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRPerformanceExtent This object contains extent of a scale-out backup repository with Performance policy. Related Commands Get-VBRRepositoryExtent Set-VBRRepositoryExtent Properties Property Id Type Description GUID Unique identifier of an extent. Extents are not registered in the Veeam database until they are not added to a scale-out repository. The ID of such extent is {000000000000-0000-0000-000000000000}. You cannot get such objects with GetVBRRepositoryExtent. ParentId GUID Unique identifier of the parent scaleout repository. If the scale-out repository is not created yet, the ID is {000000000000-0000-0000-000000000000}. Repository Status CBackupRepository VBRRepositoryExtentStatus The backup repository that is converted into the extent. The status of the extent:      Unknown: The extent is not added to any scale-out repository. Normal: The extent is in working mode. Pending: The extent is in process of switching to maintenance mode. Maintenance: The extent is in maintenance mode. Evacuate: The extent is in maintenance mode and is evacuating backups. StoreFull bool Indicates if the repository stores only full backups. StoreIncrement bool Indicates if the repository stores only increment backups. 838 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRRepositoryExtent This is a basic object containing scale-out backup repository extent. Related Objects VBRDataLocalityExtent VBRPerformanceExtent Properties Property Id Type Description GUID Unique identifier of an extent. Extents are not registered in the Veeam database until they are not added to a scale-out repository. The ID of such extent is {000000000000-0000-0000-000000000000}. You cannot get such objects with Get-VBRRepositoryExtent. ParentId GUID Unique identifier of the parent scale-out repository. If the scale-out repository is not created yet, the ID is {000000000000-0000-0000-000000000000}. Repository Status CBackupRepository VBRRepositoryExtentStatus 839 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The backup repository that is converted into the extent. The status of the extent. VBRScaleOutBackupRepository This object contains scale-out backup repository. Properties Property Type Description Id GUID Unique identifier of the scale-out repository. Name string The name of the scale-out repository. Description string The description of the scale-out repository. PolicyType VBRScaleOutBackup RepositoryPolicyType The scale-out repository policy: VBRRepositoryExtent The list of extents added to the scaleout repository. UsePerVMBackupFiles bool Indicates if each VM in a job targeted to this repository will be stored as a separate chain of files (full backups and increments). PerformFullWhenExtentOffline bool Indicates if the jobs targeted to this repository will create an active full backup if the extent with previous backup file is offline. Extent 840 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1   DataLocality Performance. VBRSession This object contains Endpoint backup job session. Related Commands Get-VBRSession Properties The "?" mark indicates that the type property accepts zero values. Property ID State Type Description GUID VBRSessionState The session ID. The session state:           Result VBRSessionResult The job result:     JobId GUID Stopped Starting Stopping Working Pausing Resuming WaitingTape Idle Postprocessing WaitingRepository. None Success Warning Failed. The ID of the job. CreationTime DateTime The date and time of session creation. EndTime DateTime? The date and time of session end. 841 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRSQLDatabase This object contains database in backup. Related Commands Get-VBRSQLDatabase Properties Property Type Description RestorePoint GUID The ID of the restore point containing the database. ServerName string The name of the host where the database is located. InstanceName string The name of the SQL instance where the database is created. IsSystem bool Indicates that this is a system database. IsReadonly bool Indicates that the database is read only. CreationTime DateTime The date of creation of the database. Name string The name of the database. Id GUID The ID of the database. 842 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRTapeDrive This object contains a tape library drive. Properties Property Address Type Description int Number of slot where the drive is connected. Device string Tape library to which the drive belongs. Enabled bool Indicates if the drive is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE). IsLocked bool Indicates if the drive is locked by read/write operations (TRUE) or not (FALSE). LibraryId GUID The ID of the tape library to which the drive belongs. Medium VBRTapeMedium The name of the tape currently located in the drive. Model string The drive model name. SerialNumber string The drive serial number. State VBRTapeDriveState Current drive state:   Loaded Empty. Id GUID The drive ID. Name string The drive name. Description string The drive description. 843 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRTapeGFSMediaPool This object contains GFS media pool. Related Commands Add-VBRTapeGFSMediaPool Set-VBRTapeGFSMediaPool Remove-VBRTapeMediaPool Properties Property Type Description Name string The media pool name. Description string The media pool description. LibraryId GUID The ID of the first tape library in the array of libraries managed by the media pool. MoveFromFreePool bool Indicates that the media pool will be replenished by tapes from the Free media pool automatically (TRUE) or not (FALSE). WeeklyMediaSetOptions VBRTapeGFSMediaSetOptions The advanced settings of weekly media set. MonthlyMediaSetOptions VBRTapeGFSMediaSetOptions The advanced settings of monthly media set. QuarterlyMediaSetOptions VBRTapeGFSMediaSetOptions The advanced settings of quarterly media set. YearlyMediaSetOptions VBRTapeGFSMediaSetOptions The advanced settings of yearly media set. EncryptionOptions GlobalOptions VBREncryptionOptions VBRGlobalMediaPoolOptions 844 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The data encryption options applied to the media pool. The global media pool options. VBRTapeGFSMediaSetOptions This object contains GFS media set options. Related Objects VBRTapeGFSMediaPool Properties Property Type Description OverwritePeriod int The data retention period for this media set. The integer indicates the number of weeks/months/years depending on the property where it is used. MediaSetPolicy VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy The advanced media set options. 845 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRTapeGFSMediaSetPolicy This object contains advanced options of GFS media set. Related Commands New-VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy Properties Property Medium Type Description VBRTapeMedium[] The tapes assigned to this media set. MoveFromMediaPoolAutomatic ally bool Indicates if the media set will be replenished by tapes from the parent media pool (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Name string The media set name. AppendToCurrentTape bool Indicates if the new data is appended to the tape with previously written data (TRUE) or a new tape is used for each backup set (FALSE). MoveOfflineToVault bool Indicates if the offline tapes must be automatically moved to a vault (TRUE) or not (FALSE). VBRTapeVault The vault to which the offline tapes are moved. Vault 846 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRTapeGFSScheduleMonthlyOptions This object contains monthly schedule options for tape jobs targeted to a GFS media pool. Related Objects VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions Properties Property Kind Type Description VBRGFSMonthlyKind The type of monthly schedule:   DayOfWeek DayOfWeekNumber DayOfWeek VBRDayNumberInMonth The day of week. The number of the selected day, for example "the first" (Sunday):     DayOfMonth string 847 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 on a selected day in month, for example, the first Sunday of month (DayOfWeek) on a selected date, for example, on the 1st (DayOfMonth). First Second Third Forth/Last. The day in month: 1-31/Last. VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions This object contains schedule options for tape jobs targeted to a GFS media pool. Related Objects VBRTapeGFSScheduleMonthlyOptions VBRTapeGFSScheduleQuarterlyOptions VBRTapeGFSScheduleWeeklyOptions VBRTapeGFSScheduleYearlyOptions Properties Property Type Description WeeklyOptions VBRTapeGFSScheduleWeeklyOpt The weekly backup schedule. ions MonthlyOptions VBRTapeGFSScheduleMonthlyOp The monthly backup schedule. tions QuarterlyOptions VBRTapeGFSScheduleQuarterlyO The quarterly backup schedule. ptions YearlyOptions VBRTapeGFSScheduleYearlyOpti The yearly backup schedule. ons 848 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRTapeGFSScheduleQuarterlyOptions This object contains quarterly schedule options for tape jobs targeted to a GFS media pool. Related Objects VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions Properties Property Kind Type Description VBRGFSQuarterlyKind The type of quarterly schedule:   DayOfWeekNumber VBRDayNumberInMonth The number of the selected day, i.e. "the first" (Sunday):      DayOfWeek DayOfWeek DayOfMonth string MonthOfQuarter VBRGFSMonthOfQuarter First Second Third Fourth Last. The day of week. The day of month: 1-31/Last. The number of month in quarter:   849 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 on a selected week day, for example, the first Sunday of a quarter (DayOfWeek) on a selected date, for example, on the 1st of the first month of a quarter (DayOfQuarter). First Last. VBRTapeGFSScheduleWeeklyOptions This object contains weekly schedule options for tape jobs targeted to a GFS media pool. Related Objects VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions Properties Property WeeklyDay StartAt Type Description DayOfWeek TimeSpan 850 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The days of week when the job runs. The time when the job runs. VBRTapeGFSScheduleYearlyOptions This object contains yearly schedule options for tape jobs targeted to a GFS media pool. Related Objects VBRTapeGFSScheduleOptions Properties Property Kind Type Description VBRGFSYearlyKind The type of yearly schedule:   DayOfWeekNumber VBRDayNumberInMonth The number of the selected day, for example, "the first" (Sunday):      DayOfWeek DayOfWeek DayOfMonth string MonthOfYear VBRMonth 851 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 on a selected week day, for example, the first Sunday of a year (DayOfWeek) on a selected date, for example, on the 1st January of a year (DayOfYear). First Second Third Fourth Last. The day of week. The day of month: 1-31/Last. The month. VBRTapeLibrary This object contains a tape library. Properties Property Drives Type Description VBRTapeDrive[] The tape library drives. Enabled bool Indicates if the drives are enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Model string The model names of the drives. Slots TapeServerId Type int The number of tape slots in the tape library. GUID The ID of the tape server to which the tape library is connected. VBRTapeLibraryType The tape library type:   State VBRTapeLibraryState Automated StandaloneDrive. The current tape library state:   Online Offline. Id GUID The tape library ID. Name string The tape library name. Description string The tape library description. 852 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRTapeMediaPool This object contains media pool. Related Commands Add-VBRTapeMediaPool Get-VBRTapeMediaPool Remove-VBRTapeMediaPool Set-VBRTapeMediaPool Properties Property Capacity Type Description int64 Total capacity of tapes that belong to the media pool (in bytes). VBREncryptionOptions The data encryption options applied to the media pool. FreeSpace int64 Total free capacity of tapes that belong to the media pool (in bytes). LibraryId GUID The ID of the tape library to which the media pool belongs. EncryptionOptions MediaSetCreationPolicy MediaSetName Medium VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy The media sets creation policy applied to this media pool. string The name of media sets cretated in this media pool. VBRTapeMedium The tapes that belong to this media pool. MoveFromFreePool bool Indicates if the media pool can be replenished from the Free media pool. MoveOfflineToVault bool Indicates if the offline are moved to a vault. RetentionPolicy VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPoli cy The retention policy applied to the media pool. Vault VBRTapeVault The vault to which the offline tapes are moved. Type VBRTapeMediaPoolType The media pool type:       MultiStreamingOptions VBRMultiStreamingOptions 853 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Unrecognized Free Retired Custom Imported Gfs. The tape multistreaming options Property Type Description applied to this media pool. GlobalOptions VBRGlobalMediaPoolOptions 854 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The global media pool options applied to this media pool. VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy This object contains the retention settings of media pool. Related Commands New-VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionPolicy Properties Property Type Description Type VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionTyp e The type of the retention period: Period VBRTapeMediaPooPeriod    The retention period unit:     Value int32 855 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Never Period Cyclic. None Days Weeks Months. The value of the retention period. VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy This object contains the set of rules for creating media sets. Related Commands New-VBRTapeMediaSetCreationPolicy Properties Property Type Description Type VBRTapeMediaPoolRetentionTyp e The type of the media set creation schedule:     DailyOptions VBRDailyOptions 856 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Never Always Daily Monthly. The daily schedule settings. VBRTapeMedium This object contains tape. Properties The "?" mark indicates that the type property accepts zero values. Property Type Description Barcode string The tape barcode. Capacity int64 The tape capacity (in bytes). Description string The tape description. ExpirationDate DateTime? The tape expiration date. Tape expires when all backup sets written to it expires. Free int64 The tape free capacity (in bytes). HasBarcode bool Indicates if the tape has barcode. Id GUID The tape ID. IsExpired bool Indicates if the tape is expired and can be rewritten. IsFree bool Indicates if the tape is marked as free. IsFull bool Indicates if the tape is full. IsLocked bool Indicates if the tape is locked in drive, for example, by a tape job. IsRetired bool Indicates if the tape is retired: tapes are retired when they achieve maximum rewrite time or has mechanical breakdowns. LastWriteTime DateTime? LibraryId GUID Location VBRTapeMediumLocation The date and time of last write session. The ID of the tape library to which the tape belongs. The tape current location:    MediaPoolId MediaSet Name GUID VBRTapeMediaSet string 857 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 ID and address of drive ID and address of library slot ID of vault. The ID of the media pool to which the tape belongs. The media set to which the tape belongs. The tape name. Property Type Description PreviousLibraryId GUID? The ID of the library to which the tape belonged previously. PreviousMediaPoolId GUID? The ID of the library to which the tape belonged previously. ProtectedByHardware bool Indicates if the tape is hardware protected. ProtectedBySoftware bool Indicates if the tape is software protected. SequenceNumber int? The sequence number of the tape in media set. 858 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRTapeServer This object contains a tape server. Properties Property Type Description Id GUID The tape server ID. Name string The tape server name. Description string The tape server description. ServerId GUID The ID of the server to which the tape server role is assigned. IsAvailable bool Indicates if the tape server is available (TRUE) or not (FALSE). 859 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRTapeVault This object contains a tape vault. Properties Property Type Description Id GUID The tape vault ID. Name string The tape vault name. Description string The tape vault description. Location string The location of the physical storage that the vault is mirroring. Medium VBRTapeMedium[] 860 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The tapes stored in the vault. VBRTenantFailoverPlan This object contains failover plan of a tenant on the service provider side. Properties Property Type Description TenantId GUID Platform VBRPlatform Status string The ID of the tenant who created the failover plan. The virtualization platform: VMware/Hyper-V. The current status of the failover plan:       FailoverPlanObject In progress Undo in progress Completed Ready Failed Undo failed. VBRCloudFailoverPlanObject[] The replica VM added to the cloud failover plan. VMCount int32 The number of VMs added to the failover plan. PrefailoverCommand string The path to the script that must run before failover. PostfailoverCommand string The path to the script that must run after failover. Type VBRFailoverPlanType The type of the failover plan (Local/Cloud/Tenant): Tenant. Id GUID The failover plan ID. Name string The failover plan name. Description sting The failover plan description. 861 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRViCloudHardwarePlan This object contains VMware hardware plan. Properties Property Type Description Id GUID The hardware plan ID. Name string The hardware plan name Description string The hardware plan description Datastore VBRViCloudHardwarePlanDatastor e[] The array of the datastores used for storing user data. CPU int The quote of CPU resources assigned to the hardware plan (MHz). Memory int The quote of memory resources assigned to the hardware plan (Mb). NumberOfNetWithInternet int The number of networks with access to the Internet assigned to the hardware plan. NumberOfNetWithoutInternet int The number of networks without access to the Internet assigned to the hardware plan. GUID[] The IDs of the tenants subscribed to the hardware plan. SubscribedTenantId Host Platform CHost or CViClusterItem VBRPlatform 862 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 The VMware host or cluster whose resources of are exposed to the user by the hardware plan. The virtualization platform: VMware/Hyper-V. VBRViCloudHardwarePlanDatastore This object contains datastore used by a VMware hardware plan. Related Commands New-VBRViCloudHWPlanDatastore Properties Property Type Description Id GUID The datastore ID. Datastore string The datastore file path. StoragePolicy VBRViStoragePolicy The VMware storage policy profile applied to the datastore. FriendlyName string The name of the storage resources exposed to the user. Quota Platform int The storage resources quota assigned to the user. VBRPlatform The virtualization platform: VMware/Hyper-V. 863 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRViCloudProviderNetworkAppliance This object contains VMware network appliance on the service provider side. Properties Property Datastore ResourcePool Host Network Type Description VBRViDatastore The datastore the appliance uses. CViResourcePoolItem The resource pool the appliance uses. CHost The server where the appliance is created. IVBRServerNetworkInfo The network to which the appliance is connected. IpAddress string The IP address of the appliance. SubnetMask string The subnet mask assigned to the appliance. DefaultGateway string The default gateway used by the appliance. Platform VBRPlatform The virtualization platform (VMware/Hyper-V): VMware. ObtainIpAddressAutomatically bool Indicates if the IP address of the appliance is assigned automatically (TRUE) or user-defined (FALSE). Name string The appliance name. Id GUID The appliance ID. 864 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRViCloudVLANConfiguration This object contains the Hyper-V VLAN settings. Properties Property Host VirtualSwitch Platform Type Description CHost The VMware host or cluster used as the replication target. VBRHvServerNetworkInfo The VMware virtual switch connected to the target host. VBRPlatform The virtualization platform: (VMware/Hyper-V): VMware. FirstVLANWithInternet int32 The first VLAN ID in the range of VLANs used for providing networks with internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. LastVLANWithInternet int32 The last VLAN ID in the range of VLANs used for providing networks with internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. FirstVLANWithoutInternet int32 The first VLAN ID in the range of VLANs used for providing networks without internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. LastVLANWithoutInternet int32 The last VLAN ID in the range of VLANs used for providing networks without internet access to VM replicas on the cloud host. Id GUID The VLAN ID. 865 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRViDatastoreCluster This object contains datastore cluster. Related Commands Find-VBRViDatastoreCluster Properties Property ConnHost Type Type Description CHost VBRViType The host to which the cluster is connected. The datastore cluster type. Reference string The VMware identifier of the datastore cluster. Capacity int64 The datastore cluster capacity. FreeSpace int64 The free space on the datastore cluster. Id string The datastore cluster ID. Path string The datastore cluster infrastructure path. Name string The datastore cluster name. 866 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRViStoragePolicy This object contains the VMware storage policy profile. Related Commands Find-VBRViStoragePolicy Properties Property Type Description Id String The storage policy profile ID. Name String The storage policy profile name. Description String The storage policy profile description. UpdateTime DateTime The date and time of the last storage policy profile modification. GUID The ID of the vCenter Server where the storage policy profile is created. HostId 867 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 VBRViVirtualSwitch This object contains the VMware virtual switch. Related Commands Get-VBRViVirtualSwitch Properties Property HostId Type Type Description GUID VBRVirtualSwitchType The ID of the host where the virtual switch is created. The virtual switch type:   DVS Simple. Id string The virtual switch ID. Name string The virtual switch name. 868 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 OBSOLETE CMDLETS Some cmdlets are obsolete in Veeam Backup & Replication v.9.0. Most of them work so that you do not have your scripts fail, however it is suggested to rewrite your scripts using the new cmdlets. This section contains the cmdlets that are obsolete for the Veeam Backup & Replication v.9.0. 869 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRBackupJob (obsolete) Short Description Creates a new backup job. Note: In Backup & Replication v6 this cmdlet was replaced by Add-VBRViBackupJob and AddVBRHvBackupJob due to multihypervisor support introduced in the new version. The cmdlet will still work but it is advised to rewrite your scripts using new cmdlets for added benefits. Applies to Platform: VMware Syntax Add-VBRBackupJob [-Name] <String> [[-Type] <String>] [-Server] <CHost> [[Folder] <String>] [-FileName <String>] -Objects <String[]> [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to create a new backup job. Note that when you create a backup job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job. Run Set-VBRJobSchedule to set schedule for the job. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the string with the name of the created backup job. True 1 False False Type Specifies the string with the type of the created backup job which defines how VM data is retrieved: False 2 False False VDDK – Virtual Disk Development Kit (VMware vStorage API) VCB – VMware Consolidated Backup (legacy mode) NET – Network backup (legacy mode). Server Specifies the host where the created backup should be stored. True 3 False False Folder Specifies the string with the path to the folder False 4 False False 870 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters where the created backup should be stored. FileName Specifies the string with the file name for the created backup (by default, the backup file is given the same name as the VM). False Named False False Objects Specifies the string with the name(s) of VM(s) that you want to back up. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False Description Specifies the description of the new backup job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This example allows you to create a backup job with the following parameters: • Name of the backup job: jobName • Data retrieval type: VDDK • Variable which contains the target host DNS name or IP address: $server • Path to the backup folder: C:\VmBackups • VMs which should be backed up: vm1, vm2 Add-VBRBackupJob –Name “jobName”–Type VDDK –Server $server –Folder "C:\VmBackups" –Objects vm1,vm2 871 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRJobObject (obsolete) Short Description Adds VMs to existing job. Note: In Backup & Replication v6 this cmdlet was replaced by Add-VBRViJobObject and AddVBRHvJobObject due to multihypervisor support introduced in the new version. The cmdlet will still work but it is advised to rewrite your scripts using new cmdlets for added benefits. Applies to Platform: VMware Syntax Add-VBRJobObject [-Job] <CBackupJob> [-Server] <CHost> [-Objects] <String[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VBRJobObject [-Job] <CBackupJob> [-Server] <CHost> [-Entities] <CEntity[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRJob Get-VBRServer Find-VBRViEntity Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to add VMs or VM containers to existing backup, replication or copy job. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Job Specifies the job you want to add VMs to. True 1 False False Server Specifies the host where the VMs or VM containers you want to add reside. True 2 False False Objects Specifies the string with the name(s) of VM(s) you want to add to the job. True 3 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False True 3 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Entities Specifies the VM(s) or VM container(s) you want to add to the job. You can assign multiple VMs to this object. 872 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command adds a VM named "vm3" to a job represented by $job variable. The VM is located on the server represented by the $server variable. The job object and the server object are obtained with Get-VBRJob and Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variables accordingly beforehand. Add-VBRJobObject –Job $job –Server $server –Objects vm3 Example 2 This command adds a VM named "vm3" to the job represented by the $job variable. The VM is obtained with Find-VBRViEntity and piped down. The VM is located on the server represented by the $server variable. The job object and the server object are obtained with Get-VBRJob and GetVBRServer and assigned to the variables accordingly beforehand. Find-VBRViEntity -Name "vm3" | Add-VBRJobObject -Job $job -Server $server 873 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRReplicaJob (obsolete) Short Description Creates new replication job. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete and is not supported. In Veeam Backup & Replication v6 this cmdlet was replaced by Add-VBRViReplicaJob and Add-VBRHvReplicaJob due to multihypervisor support introduced in the new version. Applies to Platform: VMware Syntax Add-VBRReplicaJob [-Name] <String> [[-Type] <String>] [-Server] <CHost> [Datastore] <Datastore> -Objects <String[]> [-Suffix <String>] [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Find-VBRViDatastore Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you to create a new replication job. Replication is a process of copying a VM from its primary location (source host) to a destination location (redundant target host). Veeam Backup & Replication creates an exact copy of a VM (replica), registers it on the target host and maintains it in synch with the original VM. Note that when you create a replica job, you need to run it manually unless you enable a job schedule. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job. Run Set-VBRJobSchedule to set schedule for the job. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the string with the name you want to assign to the replication job. True 1 False False Type Specifies the string with the type of the created replication job which defines how VM data is retrieved: False 2 False False • VDDK – Virtual Disk Development Kit (VMware vStorage API) • VCB – VMware Consolidated Backup (legacy mode) 874 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters • NET – Network replication (legacy mode) Server Specifies the host where the created replica should be stored. True 3 False False Datastore Specifies the datastore where the created replica should reside. True 4 False False Objects Specifies the string with the name(s) of VM(s) that you want to replicate. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False False Named False False False Named False False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. Suffix Specifies the suffix that will be appended to the name of the VM you are replicating. This name will be used to register the replicated VM on the target server. Description Specifies the description of the replica job. If not set, Veeam Backup & Replication will enter date and time of creation by default. Example This example allows you to create a replication job with the following parameters: • Name of a replication job: Replica1 • Replication type: VDDK • Variable which contains target host DNS name or IP address: $server • Variable which contains datastore name: $datastore • Replicated VM: vm4 Add-VBRReplicaJob –Name “Replica1”–Type VDDK –Server $server –Datastore $datastore –Objects vm4 875 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRTapeFilesJob (obsolete) Short Description Creates a new files to tape copy job. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete. It Veeam Backup & Replication v.8.0 it was replaced by AddVBRFileToTapeJob. The cmdlet will still work but it is advised to rewrite your scripts using the new cmdlet for added benefits. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Add-VBRTapeFilesJob [-Name <String>] -Server <CHost> -Path <String[]> MediaPool <MediaPool> [-MediaPoolIncremental <MediaPool>] [-Description <String>] [-Credentials <CCredentials>] [-Masks <String>] [-IgnoreCase] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Get-VBRTapeMediaPool Get-VBRCredentials Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new job copying files from Veeam Backup & Replication to tape. The tape job looks for changes in the specified files that have been made from the moment of the last tape job run. Note that when you create a copy job, you need to run it manually. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name you want to assign to the new files to tape copy job. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False False You can input string up to 255 symbols. Server Specifies the source server where the files you need are located. True Named False False Path Specifies the path to the folder(s) you need to copy. Use -Masks and -IgnoreCase parameters to select particular files. True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. 876 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameter MediaPool Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Specifies the target media pool that will be used for full backups. True Named False False Specifies the target media pool that will be MediaPool Incremental used for incremental backups. False Named False False Description Specifies the description for the new files to tape copy job. False Named False False Credentials Specifies the credentials you want to use for authenticating with the source server. False Named False False Masks Used to specify search conditions for -Path paramater. False Named False False False Named False False Specifies masks to select files in folders. IgnoreCase Used to specify search conditions for -Path paramater. If set, the search by name will be non case sensitive. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a new files to tape copy job named "Contacts Copy Job". The source server containing the files to be copied is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable. The target media pools for full backups and incremental backups are obtained with GetVBRTapeMediaPool and assigned to $full and $increment variables beforehand accordingly. The source file path is D:\Users\UserInfo\Contacts.xls. Add-VBRTapeFilesJob -Name "Contacts Copy Job" -Server $server -Path "D:\Users\UserInfo\Contacts.xls" -MediaPool $full -MediaPoolIncremental $increment Example 2 This command creates a new files to tape copy job named "Agreements Copy Job" copying .pdf files from the "Signed" folder. The source server containing the files to be copied is obtained with GetVBRServer and assigned to the $server variable. The target media pools for full backups and incremental backups are obtained with Get-VBRTapeMediaPool and assigned to $full and $increment variables beforehand accordingly. The source file path is D:\Agreements\Signed. The mask for selecting files to copy is ".pdf". Add-VBRTapeFilesJob -Name "Agreements Copy Job" -Server $server -Path "D:\Agreements\Signed" -MediaPool $full -MediaPoolIncremental $increment Description "Agreements File Copy Job" -Credentials $Administrator -Masks *.pdf 877 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VBRTapeVMJob (obsolete) Short Description Creates a new backup to tape copy job. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete. In Veeam Backup & Replication v.8.0 it was replaced by AddVBRBackupToTapeJob. The cmdlet will still work but it is advised to rewrite your scripts using the new cmdlet for added benefits. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Add-VBRTapeVMJob [-Name <String>] [-Repository <CBackupRepository[]>] [BackupJob <CBackupJob[]>] -MediaPool <MediaPool> [-MediaPoolIncremental <MediaPool>] [-DisableIncremental] [-HardwareCompression] [-Description <String>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMediaPool Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRJob Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new job that copies VM backups to tape. To be able to create a backup to tape copy job, you need to have existing backups available. You can copy VM backups in two ways: • From backup jobs: the tape job looks for backup files that have been produced by the specified backup job from the moment of the last tape job run, • From backup repository: the tape job looks for all VM backups that have written to the specified backup repository from the moment of the last tape job run. Note that when you create a copy job, you need to run it manually. Run Start-VBRJob to start the created job. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the name you want to assign to the VM to tape copy job. False Named False False Repository Specifies the source backup repository you want to use as the source for the VM backups. False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty False 878 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameter Description Required Position You can assign multiple backup repositories to this object. BackupJob Specifies the backup job you want to use as the source for the VM backups. Specifies the target media pool you want to use for full backups. Accept Wildcard Characters Name) False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False True Named False False You can assign multiple backup jobs to this object. MediaPool Accept Pipeline Input You can input string up to 255 symbols. MediaPool Incremental Specifies the target media pool you want to use for incremental backups. False Named False False Disable Incremental If set, the tape job will copy only the full backup files. Otherwise, the incremental backups will be written to the media pool set in the -MediaPoolIncremental. False Named False False Enables hardware compression option. Hardware Compression Note that if you plan to use hardware compression when recording backups to tape, consider that although it decreases traffic, this option affects performance. False Named False False Description False Named False False Please be careful to set this parameter in case you do not want to store the incremental backups on tape. If it is not set, the incremental backups will be written to the media pool you set for the full backups. Specifies the description of the new VM to tape copy job. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command creates a job named "CRM Backup Copy to Tape" copying files from the backup job named "CRM Backup" to tape. The backup job is obtained with Get-VBRJob and piped down. The target media pools for full backups and incremental backups are obtained with GetVBRTapeMediaPool and assigned to $full and $increment variables beforehand accordingly. The job description is "CRM Backup Copy to Tape". Get-VBRJob -Name "CRM Backup" | Add-VBRTapeVMJob -Name "CRM Backup Copy to Tape" - MediaPool $full -MediaPoolIncremental $increment -Description "CRM Backup Copy to Tape" 879 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 2 This command creates a job named "Local Backup Copy to Tape" copying files from the backup repository named "Local Repository 01" to tape. The backup repository is obtained with GetVBRBackupRepository and piped down. The target media pools for full backups is obtained with GetVBRTapeMediaPool and assigned to $full variable beforehand. The incremental backups are not written to tape. The hardware compression option is enabled. Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "Local Repository 01" | Add-VBRTapeVMJob Name "Local Backup Copy to Tape" - MediaPool $full -DisableIncremental HardwareCompression Example 3 This command creates a job named "Local Backup Copy to Tape" copying files from the backup repository represented by the $repository variable. The backup repository is obtained with GetVBRBackupRepository and assigned to the variable beforehand. The target media pools for full backups is obtained with Get-VBRTapeMediaPool and assigned to $full variable beforehand. The incremental backups are not written to tape. Add-VBRTapeVMJob -Name "Local Backup Copy to Tape" -Repository $repository -MediaPool $full -DisableIncremental 880 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Add-VSBApplicationGroup (obsolete) Short Description Creates a VMware application group for SureBackup job. Note: In Backup & Replication v6 this cmdlet was replaced by Add-VSBViApplicationGroup and AddVSBHvApplicationGroup due to multihypervisor support introduced in the new version. The cmdlet will still work but it is advised to rewrite your scripts using new cmdlets for added benefits. Applies to Platform: VMware Syntax Add-VSBApplicationGroup [-Name] <String> [-Vm] <CVm[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORAdd-VSBApplicationGroup [-Name] <String> [-RestorePoint] <COib[]> [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet creates a new VMware application group. An application group is a component of SureBackup technology providing verification of virtual machines that need other virtual machines or services running, i.e. a domain controller, a DSN server or SQL database. To test such machines for recoverability, you need to create a SureBackup job and provide the copy of the production architecture running in a fenced-off environment that is performed by creating a virtual lab and an application group. The VMs in the application group are started first to ensure the proper testing environment for the primary VM. Note that you can set the order the VMs in the application group will be powered on when the SureBackup job starts. This may be important if any of the applications must be started prior to other. The VMs are powered in the order they were added to the VM object in this cmdlet. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Name Specifies the string with the name you want to assign to the application group. True 1 False False Vm Specifies the VM(s) you want to include into the application group. True 2 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple VMs to this object. 881 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 RestorePoint Specifies the restore points of VMs that should be added to the application group. True You can assign multiple restore points to this object. 2 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This example allows you to create an application group with the following parameters: • Application group name: AppGroup • Variable which contains objects of VMs to be added to the group: $vms Add-VSBApplicationGroup –Name “AppGroup”–VM $vms 882 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 False Eject-VBRTapeDrive (obsolete) Short Description Ejects tape from the selected media drive. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete. The cmdlet will still work but it is advised to rewrite your scripts using the Eject-VBRTapeMedium for added benefits. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Eject-VBRTapeDrive -Drive <TapeDrive> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeDrive Detailed Description This cmdlet ejects tape from the specified drive. The tape returns to its original slot. Run Eject-VBRTapeMedium to eject a specific tape from drive. Run Export-VBRTapeMedium to get a tape out of the library. Parameters Parameter Drive Description Specifies the drive you want to eject. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 883 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command ejects the tape from the drive named "Drive01". The drive object is obtained with GetVBRTapeDrive and piped down. Get-VBRTapeDrive -Name "Drive01" | Eject-VBRTapeDrive Example 2 This command ejects the tape from the drive represented by $drive variable. The drive object is obtained with Get-VBRTapeDrive and assigned to the variable beforehand. Eject-VBRTapeDrive -Drive $drive 884 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Export-VBRConfiguration (obsolete) Short Description Starts configuration backup job. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete. In Veeam Backup & Replication v.9.0 it was replaced by the StartVBRConfigurationBackupJob cmdlets. The cmdlet will still work but it is advised to rewrite your scripts using the new cmdlets for added benefits. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Product Edition: Standard, Enterprise, Enterprise Plus Syntax Export-VBRConfiguration [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet backs up current configuration of Veeam Backup & Replication server. With configuration backup, you can store a copy of your host configuration: your virtual infrastructure, jobs configuration, Veeam Backup & Replication settings and other data. In case the Veeam Backup & Replication host is failed or configuration is corrupted, you can restore configuration with this copy. The configuration backup is job-driven. You can configure settings of the configuration backup job, including schedule, in the main menu of the Veeam backup console. With Veeam PowerShell, you can start a job session but you cannot change the settings. By default, the configuration backup job runs daily. The resulting backup files are stored to the C:\backup\VeeamConfigBackup\%BackupServer% folder on the Veeam backup default repository. You cannot restore configuration with Veeam PowerShell. It is recommended to perform the restore operation with Veeam Backup & Replication UI for full functionality. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command backs up current configuration of Veeam Backup & Replication host. Export-VBRConfiguration 885 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRDatastore (obsolete) Short Description Returns a list of VMware datastores connected to the specified ESX(i) host. Note: In Backup & Replication v6 this cmdlet was replaced by Find-VBRViDatastore due to multihypervisor support introduced in the new version. The cmdlet will still work but it is advised to rewrite your scripts using new cmdlets for added benefits. Applies to Platform: VMware Syntax Find-VBRDatastore [-Server] <CHost> [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet returns a list of all datastores connected to the specified ESX(i) host. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Server Specifies the ESX(i) host you want to get the list of the connected datastores of. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name Specifies the name of the datastore you want to get, or search conditions. False Named False True You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 886 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the datastore named "Store 04" on server named named "VMwareHost". The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Name "VMwareHost" | Find-VBRDatastore -Name "Store 04" Example 2 This command looks for the all datastores located on server represented by the $server variable. The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. Find-VBRDatastore -Server $server 887 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRObject (obsolete) Short Description Returns a list of all VMs and VM containers on the specified ESX(i) host. Note: In Backup & Replication v6 this cmdlet was replaced by Find-VBRViEntity and Find-VBRHvEntity due to multihypervisor support introduced in the new version. The cmdlet will still work but it is advised to rewrite your scripts using new cmdlets for added benefits. Applies to Platform: VMware Syntax Find-VBRObject [-Server] <CHost> [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet returns a list of all VMs and VM containers on the specified ESX(i) host. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Server Specifies the host you want to look for objects on. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name Specifies the name of the object you want to get, or search conditions. False Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 888 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks all objects registered on server named named "VMwareHost". The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and piped down. Get-VBRServer -Name "VMwareHost" | Find-VBRObject Example 2 This command looks for VMs named "VM01" and "VM03" located on server represented by the $server variable. The server object is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the variable beforehand. Find-VBRObject -Server $server -Name "VM01", "VM03" 889 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRResourcePool (obsolete) Short Description Looks for VMware resource pools. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete. In Backup & Replication v6 this cmdlet was replaced by FindVBRViResourcePool. Applies to Platform: VMware Syntax Find-VBRResourcePool [-Server] <CHost> [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet returns a list of all VMware resource pools on the specified ESX(i) host. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Server Specifies the host you want to look for resource pool on. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Name Specifies the name of the resource pool you want to get, or search conditions. False Named False False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 890 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Find-VBRTapeCatalog (obsolete) Short Description Looks for files stored on tapes. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete. The cmdlet will still work in Veeam Backup & Replication v.8.0 but will not be supported in further versions. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Find-VBRTapeCatalog [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet looks for files stored on tapes that are managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. Veeam Backup & Replication stores all data about the backups that were recorded to tapes in the database, and you can view the list of files both while the tapes are online, or after they were removed from the library. The backups or files that were written to tapes with Veeam Backup & Replication are indexed automatically. Run Start-VBRTapeCatalog to index the imported tapes. You can get the list of all files that are stored on tapes or narrow down the output by file name. Run Find-VBRTapeCatalogVersion to look for list of versions of a specific file. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the file to look for or search conditions. Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example This command looks for .vbk files. Find-VBRTapeCatalog -Name *.vbk 891 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Find-VBRTapeCatalogVersion (obsolete) Short Description Looks for versions of files stored on tapes. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete. The cmdlet will still work in Veeam Backup & Replication v.8.0 but will not be supported in further versions. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Find-VBRTapeCatalogVersion [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] -ORFind-VBRTapeCatalogVersion [-CatalogFile <CatalogueFile>] [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Find-VBRTapeCatalog Detailed Description This cmdlet looks for versions of files stored on tapes that are managed by Veeam Backup & Replication. File version is used as a file restore point. You can get the list of all files and their versions that are stored on tapes or narrow down the output by file name or object of file you need. Run Find-VBRTapeCatalog to get the list of files stored on tapes. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name of the file you want to get versions for, or search conditions. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False Named False True False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. CatalogFile Specifies the file you want to get versions for. This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 892 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command looks for the most recent version of file named "Payroll_Marketing.html". The file object is obtained with Find-VBRTapeCatalog and piped down. The needed version is filtered with Select method. Find-VBRTapeCatalog -Name "Payroll_Marketing.html" | FindVBRTapeCatalogVersion | Select -First 1 Example 2 This command looks for versions of file represented by $file variable. The file object is obtained with Find-VBRTapeCatalog, assigned to the variable and piped down. $file | Find-VBRTapeCatalogueVersion 893 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRTapeBackup (obsolete) Short Description Returns the list of backups recorded to tape. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete. The cmdlet will still work in Veeam Backup & Replication v.8.0 but will not be supported in further versions. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Get-VBRTapeBackup [-Name <String[]>] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet returns the list of backups recorded to tape. Veeam Backup & Replication stores all data about the backups that were recorded to tapes in the database, and you can view the list of files both while the tapes are online, or after they were removed from the library. The backups or files that were written to tapes with Veeam Backup & Replication are indexed automatically. Run Start-VBRTapeCatalog to index the imported tapes. Run Get-VBRTapeJob to get the list of the copy to tape jobs. Parameters Parameter Name Description Specifies the name(s) of the backup or search conditions. Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters False Named False You can specify multiple names separated by commas. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 894 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 True Example 1 This command looks for all backups recorded to tapes. Get-VBRTapeBackup Example 2 This command looks for backups named "VM01" and "VM05". Get-VBRTapeBackup -Name "VM01", "VM05" 895 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Get-VBRTapeMediaPoolOptions (obsolete) Short Description Returns settings of a selected media pool. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete. The cmdlet will still work in Veeam Backup & Replication v.8.0 but will not be supported in further versions. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Get-VBRTapeMediaPoolOptions [-MediaPool] <MediaPool> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRTapeMediaPool Detailed Description This cmdlet returns settings applied to a selected media pool. Parameters Parameter Description MediaPool Specifies the media pool for which you want to get the settings. Required Position True Named Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (by Value FromPipeline, ValueFromPipeline ByPropertyName) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 896 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Import-VBRConfiguration (obsolete) Short Description Imports backup of Veeam Backup & Replication server configuration file. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete and not supported in Veeam Backup & Replication v.8.0. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Import-VBRConfiguration -FileName <String> [-DatabaseName <String>] [WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Detailed Description This cmdlet imports configuration file of Veeam Backup & Replication that was previously backed up. With configuration backup, you can store a copy of your host configuration: your virtual infrastructure, jobs configuration, Veeam Backup & Replication settings and other data. You can restore configuration in case the Veeam Backup & Replication host is failed or configuration is corrupted. By default, configuration backups are stored to the C:\backup\VeeamConfigBackup\%BackupServer% folder on the Veeam backup server. You can select any configuration file to restore to. You can restore configuration data to the default Veeam Backup & Replication SQL database or to another database. If you restore to the default database, it is recommended to backup the database first. Run Export-VBRConfiguration (obsolete) to retrieve and export your current configuration. Parameters Parameter FileName Description Specifies the configuration file path you want to restore. DatabaseName Specifies the name of the database into which data from the configuration backup should be imported. Accept Accept Required Position Pipeline Wildcard Input Characters True Named False False False Named False False If not set, the data will be restored to the Veeam Backup & Replication database set by default. <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 897 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command imports a configuration backup file named "VEEAMBACKUP-10-06-2013" to the default database. Import-VBRConfiguration -FileName "C:\backup\VeeamConfigBackup\VEEAMBACKUP\VEEAMBACKUP-10-06-2013" Example 2 This command imports a configuration backup file named "VEEAMBACKUP-10-06-2013" to the database named "ConfigBackup". Import-VBRConfiguration -FileName "C:\backup\VeeamConfigBackup\VEEAMBACKUP\VEEAMBACKUP-10-06-2013" DatabaseName "ConfigBackup" 898 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VBRBackupSession (obsolete) Short Description Removes a specified backup session. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete and not supported in Veeam Backup & Replication v.8.0. Applies to Platform: VMware Syntax Remove-VBRBackupSession [-Session] <CBackupSession[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRBackupSession Detailed Description This cmdlet removes specified backup session from Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Session Description Specifies the backup session you want to remove. You can assign multiple sessions to this object. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 899 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command removes the backup session named "Fileserver Backup". The backup session is obtained with Get-VBRBackupSession and piped down. Get-VBRBackupSession -Name "Fileserver Backup" | Remove-VBRBackupSession Example 2 This command removes the backup session named "Fileserver Backup". The backup session is obtained with Get-VBRBackupSession and assigned to the variable beforehand. Remove-VBRBackupSession -Session $"Fileserver Backup" 900 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Remove-VSBSession (obsolete) Short Description Removes a specified SureBackup job session from Veeam Backup & Replication. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete and not supported in Veeam Backup & Replication v.8.0. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Remove-VSBSession [-Sessions] <CSbSession[]> [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VSBSession Detailed Description This cmdlet removes a specified SureBackup job session from Veeam Backup & Replication. Parameters Parameter Sessions Description Specifies the SureBackup job session you want to remove. You can assign multiple sessions to this object. Required Position True 1 Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 901 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command removes the SureBackup sessions named "Winserver SureJob" and "Mailserver SureJob". The SureBackup sessions are obtained with Get-VSBSession and piped down. Get-VSBSession -Name "Winserver SureJob", "Mailserver SureJob" | RemoveVSBSession Example 2 This command removes the SureBackup job session represented by the $suresession variable. The SureBackup job session is obtained with Get-VSBSession and assigned to the variable beforehand. Remove-VSBSession -Sessions $suresession 902 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRReplicaFailover (obsolete) Short Description Fails over a corrupted VM to its replica. Note: In Backup & Replication v6 this cmdlet was replaced by Start-VBRViReplicaFailover. The cmdlet will still work but it is advised to rewrite your scripts using new cmdlets for added benefits. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Start-VBRReplicaFailover [-RestorePoint] <COib> [-Reason <String>] [Planned] [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Detailed Description This cmdlet allows you fail over a corrupted VM to its successfully created replica. Performing failover is switching to a VM replica in case the original VM is damaged. You can fail over to the latest state of a replica or to any of its good known restore points. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Restore Point Specifies the replica restore point to which you want to fail over. True 1 True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Reason Specifies the reason for performing a failover. False Named False False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False Planned Performs planned failover. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 903 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command fails over to the VM replica named "WebServer_ replica" to its latest restore point. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and piped down. The restore points of the VM are filtered with Sort-Object method by the "creationtime" property to get the most recent one. The reason is "Configuration recovery". The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. Get-VBRRestorePoint -Name "WebServer_replica" | Sort-Object $_.creationtime -Descending | Select -First 1 | Start-VBRReplicaFailover -Reason "Configuration recovery" -RunAsync Example 2 This command fails over to the VM replica represented by the $"WebServer_replica restorepoint" variable. The restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the variable beforehand. The reason is "Data recovery". The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. Start-VBRReplicaFailover -RestorePoint $"WebServer_replica restorepoint" Reason "Data recovery" -RunAsync 904 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRTapeRestore (obsolete) Short Description Starts VM restore from tape. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete. The cmdlet will still work but it is recommended to perform the tape restore operation with Veeam Backup & Replication UI for full functionality. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Start-VBRTapeRestore -RestorePoint <COib[]> -Repository <CBackupRepository> [-Reason <string>] [-RunAsync][<CommonParameters>] -ORStart-VBRTapeRestore -RestorePoint <COib[]> -Server <CHost> -Path <string> [-Reason <string>] [-RunAsync][<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRRestorePoint Get-VBRBackupRepository Get-VBRServer Detailed Description This cmdlet starts restoring VMs from backup copied to tape. You can restore VMs to a chosen backup repository or to a folder on the server you specify. Choose an appropriate syntax for each option. Parameters Parameter Description RestorePoint Specifies the particular restore point(s) of the VM. Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters True Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False You can assign multiple restore points to this object. Repository Specifies the backup repository where you want to restore the VM. True Named False False Reason Specifies the reason for restore. False Named False False Server Specifies the server where you want to restore the VM. True Named False False Path Specifies the path to the folder where you True Named False False 905 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters False False want to restore the VM. RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see Example 1 This command starts restoring a VM named "VM01" to a specified backup repository. • The VM01 restore point is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint. The backup to get the restore point from is represented by the $backup variable. The most recent restore point is selected with Select method and piped down. • The repository to where the VM will be restored is obtained with Get-VBRBackupRepository and assigned to the $repository variable beforehand, • The reason for restore is "Data recovery", • The -RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. Get-VBRRestorePoint -Backup $backup | Where {$_.Name -eq "VM01"} |Select First 1 | Start-VBRTapeRestore -Repository $repository -Reason "Data recovery" -RunAsync Example 2 This command starts restoring a VM to a specified backup repository. • The restore point to which the VM wil be restored is obtained with Get-VBRRestorePoint and assigned to the $rpoint variable beforehand, • The host to where the VM will be restored is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand, • The path to the folder where the VM will be restored is "c:\Restored", • The -Reason parameter is not set, • The -RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. Start-VBRTapeRestore -RestorePoint $rpoint -Server $server -Path "c:\Restored' -RunAsync 906 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Start-VBRTapeRestoreFiles (obsolete) Short Description Starts files restore from tape. Note: This cmdlet is obsolete. The cmdlet will still work but it is recommended to perform the tape restore operation with Veeam Backup & Replication UI for full functionality. Applies to Platform: VMware, Hyper-V Syntax Start-VBRTapeRestoreFiles [-Files <CatalogueFile[]>] [-Version <CatalogueFileVersion[]>] -Server <CHost> -Path <String> [PreserveHierarhy] [-Overwrite <RestoreOverwrite>] [-Security] [-RunAsync] [-WarningAction <ActionPreference>] [-WarningVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>] Related Commands Get-VBRServer Find-VBRTapeCatalog Find-VBRTapeCatalogVersion Detailed Description This cmdlet starts restoring files from backup copied to tape. You can restore file to its most recent state or to any of its backup version. The versions of files are used as restore points. Parameters Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters Files Specifies the files to restore. The most recent file version is used. False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Version Specifies the version of the files you want to restore. False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False Server Specifies the source host where the files to restore are located. True Named False False Path Specifies the path to the files to restore. True Named False False Preserve Hierarhy If indicated, the files and folders will be restored in respect to the original folder hierarchy. Otherwise all files and folders are False Named False False 907 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Parameter Description Required Position Accept Pipeline Input Accept Wildcard Characters restored into a plain sequence. Overwrite Indicates the overwrite options in case the file exists on the target side: False Named False False • None - leave the original file, • Newer - overwrite the file if the restore file in newer, • Always - overwrite the existing file. Security If indicated, the files will be restored with with the original security settings. Otherwise the file/folder security settings will be inherited from parent item. False Named True (ByValue, ByProperty Name) False RunAsync Indicates that the command returns immediately without waiting for the task to complete. False Named False False <CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports Microsoft PowerShell common parameters. For more information about common parameters, see 908 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1 Example 1 This command starts restoring the file named "VM01 Backup Job 1.vbm". The file to restore is obtained with Find-VBRTapeCatalog and piped down. • The host to look for files on is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand, • The file path is "C:\backup\Backup Job 1\VM01 Backup Job 1.vbm", • The -PreserveHierarhy parameter is set to retain the original folder hierarchy, • The -Overwrite parameter is set to Newer, • The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. Find-VBRTapeCatalog -Name "VM01 Backup Job 1.vbm" | StartVBRTapeRestoreFiles -Server $server -Path "C:\backup\Backup Job 1\VM01 Backup Job 1.vbm" -PreserveHierarhy -Overwrite Newer -Security -RunAsync Example 2 This command restores a specific version of the file named "VM01 Backup Job 1.vbm". The file version is obtained with Find-VBRTapeCatalogVersion and assigned to the $fileversion variable beforehand. • The host to look for files on is obtained with Get-VBRServer and assigned to the $server variable beforehand, • The file path is "C:\backup\Backup Job 1\VM01 Backup Job 1.vbm", • The -PreserveHierarhy parameter is set to retain the original folder hierarchy, • The -Overwrite parameter is set to Always, • The RunAsync parameter is set to bring the process to the background. Start-VBRTapeRestoreFiles -Version $fileversion -Server $server -Path "C:\backup\Backup Job 1\VM01 Backup Job 1.vbm" -PreserveHierarhy -Overwrite Always 909 | Veeam Backup PowerShell | Reference | REV 1
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