Vedic Astrology_ Birth Yogas or Nitya Yogas

March 20, 2018 | Author: Shree Bhaskar Shastri | Category: Hindu Astrology, Yoga, Astrology, Prediction, Vedas



VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS 0 More Next Blog» Create Blog Sign In VEDIC ASTROLOGY ABOUT M Y BLOG VEDIC ASTROLOGY By the Grace of Lord ,I am sharing with you my knowledge of Hindu Vedic Astrology through this blog. Hindu Vedic Astrology has been followed in India from ancient times. Rishi Munis of India were able to predict the future accurately with the help of Astrology.Today Hindu Vedic Astrology is widely accepted in the world but as some Astrologers do not have accurate knowledge of Hindu Vedic Astrology their predictions about a person goes incorrect & therefore people have lost their trust from this ancient science of prediction. Since Hindu Vedic Astrology is heritage of India , we should try to understand at least the basic concepts of astrology. This will protect us from fake astrologers .The remedial measures suggested in my blog are as per Lal Kitab ,Vedic Astrology & Numerology. BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS Birth Yogas or Dina Yogas or Nitya Yogas or Surya Siddhant Yogas are 27 Yogas which are based upon the angle ° distance between the Sun and the Moon in the Lagan Chart ( Lagan Kundali ) .If we take 360° and divide by 27 = 13°20' ( some write 13.33°). So for each 13.33° a Yoga is formed. When you were born, your MOKSH GUPTA 1 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS http://mokshaastrology. M Y WEB PAGE www. It is the combination of the Sun + Moon .com OR astroassistance@my OR 2) Sun's Longitude + Moon's Longitude Check the resulting value with the List of Birth Yogas given below CONTENT PROCEDURE OF CALCULATING THE LONGITUDE OF SUN OR MOON The Longitude of Sun or Moon can be calculated for the purpose of determining Birth Yoga by using my formula .in/2009/05/birth-yogas-or-nitya-yogas-. temperament & other characteristics of the individual . birth took place in one of these Yogas .blogspot.. METHODS FOR CALCULATING THE BIRTH YOGA OR NITYA YOGA : 1) (Sun's Longitude + Moon's Longitude) divided by 13°20' The resulting quotient tells you about the Yoga in which your birth took place. TO GET BETTER UNDERSTANDING .myselfmoksha . 1) Longitude of Sun / Moon in Specific Sign + ( 30 X N0-of signs before the sign in which Sun /Moon is placed ). PLEASE GO THROUGH THE BELOW EXAMPLE BIRTH YOGAS CHANDRA KUNDALI DINA YOGAS DIVORCE GANA GUN MILAN GURU CHANDAL YOGA JANAM RASHI KAAL SARP YOG KARTARI YOGAS KUJA DOSH 2 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM .. The Nitya Yogas help Astrologers in predicting general behavior .Out of the 27 Nitya Yogas 9 Yogas are considered inauspicious ( unfavorable ) .com CONTACT DETAILS astroassistance@re diffmail... .... First Sign . KUNDALI LAGAN KUNDALI LAGAN RASHI LAL KITAB REMEDIES MANGLIK DOSH NAAMAKSHAR NADI NADI DOSH As you can see in the above Lagan Kundali . Therefore Longitude of Sun in this case is 29 * .in/2009/05/birth-yogas-or-nitya-yogas-.. the longitude of Sun is 29 * & it is in Aries Sign ie..... MY MAGAZINES SCAN ASTROLOGY LONGITUDE OF MOON USING THE ABOVE FORMULA : 24 + 30 x 4 ( The Longitude of Moon is 24 * & it is in Leo Sign .. Since Leo is the Fifth Sign there are 4 signs before Leo ) ...VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS http://mokshaastrology... Similarly the longitude of Moon is 24 * & it is in Leo Sign ie Fifth Sign ... Therefore Longitude of Moon in this case is DIET MAGAZINE M Y BLOGS LAUGH OUT LOUDLY NUTRI RECIPES BY 3 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM .... Now by using the above mentioned formula we will calculate the Longitude of Sun & Moon for determining Birth Yoga NAKSHATRAS NAV GRAH NAVMASA KUNDALI NITYA YOGAS NUMEROLOGY PERSONAL ANALYSIS RAHU KAAL RASHI SCISSORS YOGAS SURYA SIDDHANTHA YOGAS VARNA YONI Longitude of Sun / Moon in Specific Sign + ( 30 X N0-of signs before the sign in which Sun or Moon is placed ) LONGITUDE OF SUN USING THE ABOVE FORMULA : 29 + 30 x 0 ( The longitude of Sun is 29 * & it in Aries Sign ..blogspot............... Since Aries in First Sign there are no signs before Aries ) ........ 144*...... OR 2) LONGITUDE OF SUN + LONGITUDE OF MOON Therefore .... Unfavorable. Sobhana Yoga : > 53*00' to 66*40' Your Ad Here 6.... ) LIST OF BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS : POWERED BY 1.....29 + 144 / 13. Atiganda Yoga : > 66*40' to 80*00' . Vishkumbha Yoga : 0* to 13*20' . Ayushman Yoga : > 26*40' to 40*00' 4. 2..20 = 13.blogspot. Priti Yoga : > 13*20' to 26*40' 3..1 which corresponds to VYAGHATA YOGA in the below list of Birth Yogas ....... Soubhagya Yoga : > 40*00' to 53*20' 5. DIETICIAN MOKSHA RARE PHYSICAL DEFORMITIES DISEASES & THEIR NON-MEDICO TREATMENT AROUND THE GLOBE IT'S TALE TIME TEARS OF JOY & SORROW MY POEMS NAV RATAN MOKSHA'S SKETCHES MY VIEWS & THOUGHTS DID YOU KNOW ? LAUGH OUT LOUDLY NOW WE WILL CALCULATE BIRTH YOGA BY USING ABOVE MENTIONED TWO METHODS : 1) LONGITUDE OF SUN + LONGITUDE OF MOON / 7.1 ( The quotient is 13..........29 + 144 + 173 * ( The resulting value falls in the range of VYAGHATA YOGA which is 160*00' to 173*20' .20 Therefore . Unfavorable..VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS http://mokshaastrology..... Sukarmana Yoga : > 80*00' to 93*20' 4 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM ......... Unfavorable...blogspot. Vajra Yoga : > 186*40' to 200*00' . Unfavorable. Variyan Yoga : > 226*40' to 240*00' 19. Unfavorable. 8. Siddhi Yoga : > 200*00' to 213*20' 17.... Ganda Yoga : > 120*00' to 133*20' .VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS http://mokshaastrology. Brahma Yoga : > 320*00' to 333*20' Unfavorable. Shoola / Sula Yoga : > 106*40' to 120*00' . Subha Yoga : > 293*20' to 306*40' 24. Harshana Yoga : > 173*20' to 186*40' 15.. Unfavorable.. Unfavorable. Siddha Yoga : > 266*40' to 280*00' 22. Dhruva Yoga : > 146*40' to 160*00' 13.. ULTIMATE SOUL-MATE PAGE VIEWS 10.. Vyatipata Yoga : > 213*20' to 226*40' . Dhriti Yoga : > 93*20' to 106*40' 9.. Vriddhi Yoga : > 133*20' to 146*40' 12. 11. 18. Parigha Yoga : > 240*00' to 253*20' .. Sadhya Yoga : > 280*00' to 293*20' 23.. Indra / Mahendra / Aindra Yoga : > 333*20' to 261533 5 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM . Shiva Yoga : > 253*20' to 266*40' 21.. 20. 14. Shukla Yoga : > 306*40' to 320*00' 25. 16. Vyaghata Yoga : > 160*00' to 173*20' .. Vaidhriti Yoga : > 346*40' to 360*00' .. 2. Their birth yoga favors a happy family life. 3. Vishkumbh Yoga : Though astrology considers it inauspicious but natives born in this yoga may possess best qualities and good fortune. 4. Not only this. inquisitive and work in a sporty spirit.. They are usually very beautiful and intelligent.VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS They are physically strong and in a combat they have the capability to defeat enemies. Ayushman Yoga : Native of this yoga will have a long life that means he will taste the happiness of life for a longer period in comparison to others. 346*40' 27.. This yoga creates a tendency of getting attracted to the opposite sex and 6 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM . This yoga makes the natives very intelligent. They are born with wealth and do not face financial problems. They are beauty worshipers. They are very fond of poetry and music.blogspot. Saubhagya Yoga : A native who is born with this yoga truly carries the meaning of this yoga.. People praise their qualities as they have various inborn talents in them. Preeti Yoga : The name itself indicates that its natives will be lively. This yoga creates in them a leaning towards the opposite sex and they develop good relationship with them. Unfavorable. the natives can easily influence people with their personality and have a big social circle. That means they get an amazing fortune. They are clever and know how to achieve success in life. They do not have to face any financial problems as they are financially secure. 1. He has a temperaments which is not so good for his family’s honor. They live a peaceful family life and achieve success in the society.VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS http://mokshaastrology. He 7 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM .blogspot. 9.. 5. He is very prudent in doing tasks and completes them almost perfectly. This yoga makes them compassionate and caring towards people. 8. 7. Shobhan Yoga : A native of this yoga is beautiful and attractive. His family may perhaps have to suffer many problems due to this. Atigand Yoga : This yoga is counted amongst the inauspicious yogas. His or her spousewill be very attractive and will possess good qualities. He will be interested in religious texts and may know how to perform yajna.. Dhriti yoga blesses them with sound health. A Native born with this yoga may cause difficulties and problems for his or her mother. People usually love them for their behavioral qualities and kind-heartedness. Sukarma Yoga : Natives born in this yoga believe in religious works. They don’t get excited quickly and make their decisions only after giving things a long and hard thought. Sukarma yoga gives the person a magnificient fortune.. They are excellent workers and have decent and simple nature. Dhriti Yoga : This yoga is an auspicious yoga. Natives of this yoga are very patient. Normally people of this yoga are talented and wise. This auspicious yoga will give the nativefull satisfaction from the children’s 6.. Shool / Sula Yoga : Astrology says that a person who is born in this yoga has a religious nature. Person born with this yoga may be slightly aggressive. they may find beautiful people irresistible. They may worry too much about their health and may have to face some real health problems in their 11. The influence of this yoga is not limited to the native only but it is seen in the character of his wife and son also as they will possess a good attitude. Natives of Gand yoga have a short stature with a big head.VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS http://mokshaastrology. He or she is very focused in whatever they do. 13. The person gets love from almost every sphere of society for her composed nature and is blessed with a long life. This Yoga gives physical strength along with an affluent life. Vyaghat Yoga : Persons born in this yoga are expert in doing various works. Harshan Yoga : Astrology considers this yoga very auspicious.blogspot. 14. Their birth 8 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM . It is said that natives of this yoga are very fortunate. Even thoughit gives so many good qualities and happy moments this yoga has malefic part too as the native may have an unhappy life. For these qualities in their character they become famous and achieve success in their life. may acquire great knowledge about religious things but he also has the material desire in him as this yoga makes him good in collecting wealth too. 10.. Dhruva Yoga : A person born in this yoga has a calm nature. This yoga gives prosperity and imparts some fine character traits in the native’s nature. 12. Their proficiency in multiple activities is appreciated in the society. Gand Yoga : People born in this yoga may lead a problematic life. They are very talented and skilled people. They are physically very strong and love to indulge in lavish activities.. Vridhhi Yoga : Natives of this yoga have an attractive physique and nature. They are beautiful people and lead a happy life. yoga makes them meritorious and scholarly in various subjects. This yoga can cause health problems. They are determined and have the strength to stand by their convictions. Variyan Yoga : The characteristics of the natives of this yoga are that they are very good in music. Vajra yoga makes its natives very courageous and strong. They can achieve quick success if they try a career in these fields. Normally they don’t have to face financial crisis. The physical power and the stamina which are obtained from this yoga make the natives very skilled in physical endeavours. The compassionate nature makes them help and donate to disabled and poor people. They are well-respected in the society for these qualities.. 15. 18. Siddha Yoga : If a person’s yoga is Siddha yoga then he will be proficient in every occupation.VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS http://mokshaastrology. 17.. He has a dedicative and attentive nature and is normally capable to do almost everything with equal skill. Vyatipat Yoga : Natives born in this yoga experience a very problematic childhood. They face many difficulties in their formative days of life. Vajra Yoga : The characteristic of this yoga is that it gives immense strength to its native especially to the hands. The natives’ interest in creative fields and the urge to perform in them is the specialty of this 9 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM . They are also experts in handling weapons. They begin to receive happiness and joyous moments in their youth days and finally they achieve success in life. 16. Gradually their experiences of life develop a unique quality of transforming sorrow in to happiness.blogspot. They are expert in the Shashtras. dance and other art They have abundant wealth and never face any financial problem throughout the 10 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM . Patience is a special characteristic trait in them and they wait for the fruits of their labor with out much worry. They worship the related god for this purpose. 22.VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS http://mokshaastrology. They don’t act at the spur of a moment and will only make well-thought decisions. 21. and enjoy the fruits of family life. intelligent and talented. With their varied knowledge they become famous and earn honor for themselves and their family. They have an attractive and an intelligent spouse and will also have enough wealth to live a comfortable life. 20. They are very determined and rest only after achieving their goal. Shiva Yoga : Native of this yoga are very intelligent and work for the welfare of people. They are above any material desire and selflessly devote themselves to other people’s problems. Natives who have this yoga are very beautiful. Shubh Yoga : As the name suggest it is actually a very auspicious yoga. The inputs of this yoga can be seen in their personality as they are very talented and wise. yoga. Siddha Yoga : Astrology says that people born in this yoga have a fetish for performing tantra-mantra.. This yoga makes them strong and powerful individuals. They have a true heart and the inborn wisdom in their character gains respect from the society.blogspot. 23. They are soft spoken people. Paridh Yoga : The natives of this yoga are intelligent and possess knowledge of many subjects. Sadhya Yoga : This yoga makes the character of the native determined and confident. Vaidhriti Yoga : This yoga gives cheerfulness and positive energy to its native. Their birth yoga gives them financial security. P OSTE D B Y MOK SH LA B E LS: B IRTH Y OG A S.g. she is a very laborious and able Brahma Yoga : Astrology considers that this yoga is very auspicious for the natives born in it. They are very generous donators and deeply respect learned and religious people. But this yoga has a malefic side as it may limit the longevity of the native. They rule people’s heart with their bright personality. He or she performs the assigned task with a sporty spirit.VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS http://mokshaastrology. 27. Aindra / Mahindra / Indra Yoga : Natives born in this yoga have a good fortune.. DIN A Y OG AS. SU RY A SIDDHAN THA Y OG A S Newer Post Home Older Post 11 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM . They are very educated people and have a courageous soul. life. Besides this they are very proficient in other topics too. His nature has some nice qualities e. 25. They enjoy their family life to its fullest. Shukla Yoga : Natives of Shukla yoga are expert in almost every art form. but they may not get the credit they deserve for this. They are very fond of poetry and may become poets themselves.. 26.blogspot. N ITY A Y OG A S. 24.. They have deep faith in god and possess a pious heart. The Yoga will make the person very helpful and generous. They gain knowledge from Vedas. According to astrology these people are very wealthy and have some of the finest personality traits. I NFO CERA . I N P AS T W AS AS S O CI ATED WI TH I BI BO . REPO RTS . S TO RI ES .in/2009/05/birth-yogas-or-nitya-yogas-.. I T I S M Y P LEAS URE TO I NTRO DU CE M Y S ELF TO Y O U . H AVE BEEN REWARDED M ANY TI M ES FO R WRI TI N G ARTI CLES .VEDIC ASTROLOGY: BIRTH YOGAS OR NITYA YOGAS http://mokshaastrology. RECI PES & S K ETCH ES . EBLO GS . V I E W MY COMP LE TE P ROF ILE 12 of 12 9/20/2012 7:19 PM . ABOUT WRITER MOK SH H ELLO . GRO UN D REP O RTS . P O EM S . DI ETM AG ETC & ALS O ACTI VELY PARTI CI P ATED I N VARI O U S TELEVI S I O N & RADI O S H O WS .blogspot. I AM A DI ETI CI AN H O WEVER FRO M P AS T FEW Y EARS I AM ACTI VELY I N VO LVED W I TH M ED I A & CO M M UNI CATI O N .. Y U WI E . CI AO . LAS T BUT NO T LEAS T LO O K I NG FO RWARD TO WO RK WI TH M O RE WEBS I TE ADM I NS & M AGAZ I NE EDI TO RS . WH ATI EXP ECT . 4 I N DANWO M AN . REVI EWS . BY THE GRACE O F ALM I GHTY .
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