
March 16, 2018 | Author: Fenil Desai | Category: Button (Computing), Computer File, System Software, Technology, Computing



Windows Applications  To achieve .net provides a base class library called as system.windows.Forms.dll Control: It is a user interface element which is used for providing interaction between the user and the application. This control is also a class. Control [class] Properties Methods Events    Property : it is used to set or get the values from a private or protected members of the control. Methods: these are predefined instructions which are supported by the control. Events: these are actions which are allowed on a control. Note: in order to provide the definitions for the events,event handlers are used Form     Form :- It acts like a canvas or a parent control which maintains all other controls required for user interaction. Properties: 1] Accept Button – Gets or sets the button on the form that is pressed when the user uses the Enter key. 2] Cancel Button – Indicates the button control that is pressed when the user presses the ESC key. 3] Opacity – Background is visible. 4] StartUpPosition – The location where Common Properties for all the controls     Name  used to provide an unique identity for the controls. Text  to set or get the value from the controls. Anchor  used to specify the resize property. Dock  used to specify the fill mode        TextBox: t is used to accept a single line,multiline or password character input. Properties for TextBox Charactercasing used to specify the input case. Maxlength  to restrict the size of the input. Multiline  if set to true then input can be accepted in multiple lines. Password char  used to accept the input as a password character. ScrollBars  used to set the scrollbars for the textbox control. Button : used to generate the action.   Radio Button Control it is used to select one item among the collection of list items. Note: when ever a control is placed within another control then they share a relationship which is called an Form containment Containment Button roperty : Checked  returns true if the radio button select lse returns false.   Group control  It is used to logically group the controls together. Picture Box Control  It is used to project the images on to the form.   Property  Image  accepts image object which has to be projected on the form.] Methods  Image.RotateFlip  it is used to rotate the contents of the image I.e Pixel Values. RotateFlip(RotateAngleFlipDirection) 90 180 270 none X Y XY none    Image.FromFile  It is used to define an image object based on the fie passed by the user. Image.Save used to save the contents present in the picture box control as an image. Refresh  it is used to refresh the picture box control with the new pixel information    OpenFileDialog Control  It is used to project the Dialog box to select a file which is already existing. SaveFileDialog Control  It is used to specify a file name which is not existing in order to save the contents with the specified file name.  Note: if the user specifies a file name which is existing then the system will prompt the user to replace the existing file. Properties for OpenFileDialog control and SaveFileDialog controls are same.They are as follows   Filter  It is used to filter the files while displayng the file names in the dialog box based on the specified file extensions.  FileName  It is used to get the name of the file provided or selected in the dialog box control.  CheckBox Control used as a decision making control or it can be used to select more then one item from the collection  Property Checked  returns true if the item is selected else returns false  Combo Box Control it is used to search an item from a collection of list items.     Properties Items  maintains the collection of list items. SelectedItem  returns the selected item from the items collection. { note  you don’t have SelectedItem.Value / SelectedItem.Text in C# as in asp.net} SelectedIndex returns the index no of the selected item  Combo Box is of 3 types  Simple combo Dropdown combo    It is an editable control and the search will take place if the combo box is expanded. It is an non editable control which allows to select an existing item from the list control if the combo box is been expanded.  Dropdown list 
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