Vaughan Classroom Ingles Intensivo - Avanzado

March 21, 2018 | Author: swim35 | Category: Languages



VAUGHANCL ASSROOM I ngl ésI nt ens i vo Avanz ado Contents PAGE 02 Translation Booklet 3 PAGE 18 Vocabulary Booklet 3 PAGE 46 Presentations and Public Speaking PAGE 63 Cloverdale’s Characters PAGE 68 Sudoku Inglés PAGE 73 Most Common Irregular Verbs PAGE 74 Pronunciation of Common Regular Verbs PAGE 75 Common Errors by Spanish Speakers Translation Booklet 3 Vaughan LIST 1 - There + to be S Y S T E M S 1. Puede que haya habido un malentendido. There may have been a misunderstanding. 2. Quiero que haya una azafata en la reunión. I want there to be a hostess at the meeting. 3. Tráeme lo que haya. Bring me whatever there is. 4. No queda nada por hacer. There’s nothing left to do. 5. Parece haber varias versiones. There seem to be several versions. 6. No habrá fiesta esta noche. There won’t be a party tonight. 7. ¿Cuándo habrá una reunión sobre esto? When will there be a meeting on this? 8. ¿Va a haber otra fiesta como la última? Is there going to be another party like the last one? 9. Jamás ha habido alguien como ella. There’s never been anyone like her. 10. Ha habido varias tormentas últimamente. There have been several storms lately. 11. ¿Por qué no había gente cuando llegué allí? Why weren’t there any people when I got there? 12. Podría haber habido un accidente. There could have been an accident. 13. Debería haber habido un guardia de seguridad. There should have been a security guard. 14. Me trajeron todo lo que había. They brought me everything there was. 15. No hay ni la mitad de lo que antes había. There isn’t even half of what there used to be. 16. ¿Ha habido quejas últimamente? Have there been any complaints lately? 17. No habría quejas si Pepe estuviera aquí. There wouldn’t be any complaints if Pepe were here. 18. ¿No debería haber un índice? Shouldn’t there be an index? 19. ¿Ha habido llamadas para mí? Have there been any calls for me? 20. ¿Hubo heridos? Were there any injuries? 21. ¿Hay problemas? Are there any problems? 22. ¿Habrá alguien esperándome? Will there be anyone waiting for me? 23. ¿Hay alguna posibilidad? Is there any chance? 24. ¿Ha habido algún cambio? Has there been any change? 25. ¿Ha habido algunos cambios? Have there been any changes? c Vaughan Systems, 2004. Reservados todos los derechos. PAGE 3 me habría ido. lo habría comprado. Si no hubiera perdido mi empleo. I would’ve modified it. we would’ve left without you. ¿Qué habrías hecho si te hubiera pasado a ti? What would you have done if it had happened to you? 21. 2. If Hannibal had defeated the Romans. 9. habrías comprendido todo. ¿qué habrías hecho? If there had been a fire. If you’d sent invitations. If you’d warned us. Si yo le hubiera hablado. what would you have done? 10. 16. Si lo hubieras guardado. ¿Quién habría convocado la reunión si hubieras estado enfermo? Who would have called the meeting if you had been ill? 22. podríamos haber salido antes. habrías podido usarlo. 18. 14. ¿lo habría comprado? If he’d had more money. 23. you would’ve understood everything. If you’d seen him. Si nos hubieras advertido. habría venido más gente. If it hadn’t snowed. If the meeting had lasted longer. If I’d spoken to him. Si no hubiera nevado. 25. we wouldn’t have these problems now. Si Aníbal hubiera derrotado a los romanos. I would’ve left. lo habríamos comprado. Si el dinero hubiera sido mío. 17. If you’d studied English as a child. habría dimitido. he wouldn’t have complained. I would’ve resigned. 13. Si hubiera habido un incendio. 3. Si hubiera hecho viento. el mundo sería diferente hoy. 8. 19. more people would’ve come. Si mi espalda no me hubiera dado tantos problemas. we could’ve left sooner. no lo habríamos mandado. ahora no tendríamos estos problemas. lo habría modificado. Si hubieras mandado invitaciones. Reservados todos los derechos. Si hubiera habido uno más. c Vaughan Systems. the tank wouldn’t have exploded. If the money had been mine.Past or third conditional Vaughan S Y S T E M S 1. no lo habría gastado. If I hadn’t lost my job. I would’ve bought it. habría sido distinto. the world would be different today. Si ella me hubiera mirado. 12. habríamos salido sin ti. 5. De haber durado más la reunión. Si no hubieras encendido un cigarro. ahora sabrías mucho más. 11. If she’d looked at me. habría ido con vosotros. If the machine had worked as it should. If you hadn’t lit a cigarette. If it had taken you longer. Si hubieras tardado más. 24. Si le hubieras visto. 6. If I’d been in your position. If they hadn’t sold it. you would’ve been able to use it. habríamos pasado más frío. 15. 4. PAGE 4 . el tanque no habría estallado. If my back hadn’t given me so many problems. we would’ve been colder. 7.LIST 2 . I wouldn’t have spent it. Si él hubiera tenido más dinero. Si hubieras estudiado inglés de niño. would he have bought it? 20. we would’ve bought it. If it had been windy. yo le habría sonreído. If you’d given it to me. it would’ve been different. Si me lo hubieras dado. I would’ve smiled at her. we wouldn’t have sent it. no se habría quejado. 2004. I would’ve gone with you. If you’d kept it. Si no lo hubieran vendido. Si yo hubiera estado en tu situación. Si la máquina hubiera funcionado como debe. If there had been one more. you’d know much more now. 15. 10. Pareces enfadado. Pareces enfadado. You look like a movie star. Pareces una persona pesimista. 2. Pareces enfadado. Pareces pesimista. Os parecéis. I feel like doing something. You talk like a movie star. 3. ¿Cómo es esta empresa? What’s this company like? 18. You talk as if you were a movie star. ¿Se parecen a nosotros? (En la forma de ser) Are they like us? 21. ¿A quién me parezco? Who do I look like? 17. Hablas como una estrella de cine. 9. 7. ¿Se parecen a nosotros? (Físicamente) Do they look like us? 20. ¿Cómo es la gente en Rusia? What are the people like in Russia? 19. (Según tus palabras) You sound pessimistic. You look alike. ¿Qué aspecto tiene un bosque después de un incendio forestal? What does a forest look like after a forest fire? 24. 11. No me apetece hacer nada. ¿Cómo eres cuando estás enfadado? What are you like when you’re angry? c Vaughan Systems. 2004.Verbs with & without “like” S Y S T E M S 1. Tengo ganas de hacer algo. 8. 16. ¿Se visten como nosotros? Do they dress like us? 22. You sound like a pessimistic person. ¿Qué aspecto tiene la casa? What does the house look like? 23. (Por tu tono) You sound angry. 6. 14. I don’t feel like doing anything. Pareces una estrella de cine.Vaughan LIST 3 . You look better. ¿Qué aspecto tienes cuando te levantas por la mañana? What do you look like when you get up in the morning? 25. (Por tu aspecto) You look angry. PAGE 5 . Os parecéis el uno al otro. 13. Tienes mejor aspecto. ¿Cómo es el marido ideal? What is the ideal husband like? 4. (Por todos los conceptos) You seem angry. Hablas como si fueras una estrella de cine. Reservados todos los derechos. You look like each other. 12. ¿A qué suena? What does it sound like? 5. ¿Has hecho reservas? Have you made reservations? 8. 6. Esto no tiene sentido. 7. (Moral) You’ve done a good deed. (Getting better) 18. I’m going to make a fortune. Él hace maravillas con muy pocos recursos. 23. Hemos dispuesto que te recojan en el hotel. (Fueron invitados. Make the most of your time. Voy a hacer una fortuna. Has hecho una buena obra. 24. It doesn’t make any difference. Do your homework. ¿Cuándo vas a tomar una decisión? When are you going to make a decision? (También “take”) 12. (Progresando) You’re doing better. Don’t make so much noise. Estás haciendo progresos. Don’t make excuses. He does wonders with very few resources.) 21.) They can’t make it. 13. 25. Da igual. 14. 16. Don’t do anything. 3. You’re making progress. 22. No te burles de mí. Hago ejercicio todas las mañanas. Concertemos una cita para el martes. 10. I have to make a choice between one or the other. Reservados todos los derechos. Aprovecha tu tiempo. c Vaughan Systems. no la guerra. 9. Haz las tareas de la casa. 2. ¿Quién va a lavar los platos? Who’s going to do the dishes? (Wash) 20. not war. Let’s make an appointment for Tuesday. Tengo que elegir entre el uno o el otro. PAGE 6 . 5. Vas mejor ahora. No pongas excusas. Haz tus deberes.Vaughan LIST 4 . (It doesn’t matter. ¿Qué tal? How are you doing? 15. No hagas nada. The explosion did a lot of damage to the façade. This doesn’t make any sense. 2004. Do the housework. 19. Don’t make fun of me. Haz el amor. I do exercises every morning. Make love. 11.Make / Do S Y S T E M S 1. 4. We’ve made arrangements for you to be picked up at the hotel. No pueden estar. La explosión hizo mucho daño a la fachada. No hagas tanto ruido. 17. 20. 12. I’ll be ready. 2004. No le he visto últimamente. I’ve never been there. Él me dijo que nunca había ido allí. Te pregunté si la conocías. Yesterday he told us we had to do it like he had done it the day before. Ayer nos dijo que teníamos que hacerlo como él lo había hecho el día anterior. I haven’t seen him lately. Estaré listo. (The class has ended. He told us they might do it. 19. The class is over. PAGE 7 . 16. Ella me preguntó cómo me iban las cosas. Ella me dijo que estaba intentando localizarle. Le maté.Vaughan LIST 5 . 8. 24. I’m dying. 25. 23. 13. ¿La conoces? Do you know her? 2. She told us she hadn’t seen him lately. You have to do it like I did it yesterday. c Vaughan Systems. Nos dijo que se estaba muriendo. 5. ¿Quién dijo que la clase había terminado? Who said the class was over? (The class had ended?) 15. Nadie me dijo que él quería que yo lo hiciese. 21. 3. Él me dijo que estaría listo. She asked me how things were going. I’m trying to locate him. She told us he had killed him. Ella nos dijo que no le había visto últimamente. 10. He told me he’d never been there. We only have one sentence left. Él me dijo que solo nos quedaba una frase. 7. He told me he’d be ready. Me estoy muriendo. Nobody told me he wanted me to do it. They may do it. Estoy intentando localizarle. 6. Puede que ellos lo hagan.) 14. Solo nos queda una frase. He told us he was dying. Ella nos dijo que él le había matado. Reservados todos los derechos. La clase ha terminado. 4. 18. He told me we only had one sentence left. Él nos dijo que puede que ellos lo hicieran. I asked you if you knew her. 9. 11. 17. ¿Cómo te van las cosas? How are things going? 22. She told me she was trying to locate him. I killed him. Nunca he ido allí. Tienes que hacerlo como yo lo hice ayer.Indirect & reported speech S Y S T E M S 1. Llevo tres años viviendo aquí.Present perfect vs. 19. I’ve been with my girlfriend three times this week. No estuve con ella la semana pasada. Me llamaron el lunes pero desde entonces no me han llamado. No he dormido mucho esta noche. Han estado aquí. 24. I saw three movies last week.) 7. No le pedimos ayuda el mes pasado. They’ve been here. I was with my girlfriend. 13. They were here until two days ago. ¿Dónde lo has puesto? Where did you put it? (Siempre en pasado) 20. We haven’t asked him for help lately. Reservados todos los derechos. (Siempre en pasado) 21. but I haven’t read any today. I haven’t seen him today. 14. He estado con mi novia tres veces esta semana. 10. I’ve been living here for three years. ¿Qué han dicho? What did they say? (Siempre en pasado) 8. 11. No le he visto hoy. Vi tres películas la semana pasada. (Siempre en pasado) 23. I didn’t sleep much last night. Estuvieron aquí hasta hace dos días. I lived in Texas for 20 years. ¿Qué has hecho hoy? What have you done today? 6. 12. Leí dos informes ayer. Past S Y S T E M S 1. 5. Le vi hace tres segundos. 15. She came yesterday but she hasn’t come today. Viví en Texas durante 20 años. I wasn’t with her last week. PAGE 8 . ¿Dónde has estado? Where have you been? 16. ¿Cómo han reaccionado? How did they react? (Siempre en pasado) 22. I’ve seen three movies this week. They told me to come here. 4. (Siempre en pasado) 17. 2. pero no he leído ninguno hoy.Vaughan LIST 6 . Últimamente no le hemos pedido ayuda. They called me on Monday. He visto tres películas esta semana. ¿Qué hiciste esta mañana? What did you do this morning? (Ya es por la tarde. Ella vino ayer pero no ha venido hoy. He estado con mi novia. but since then they haven’t called me. 25. Me han dicho que venga aquí. 2004. 3. I read two reports yesterday. c Vaughan Systems. I saw him three seconds ago. We didn’t ask him for help last month. ¿Qué dijeron cuando te vieron? What did they say when they saw you? 9. 18. Ojalá fuera mío. 6. I wish I didn’t have such a big nose. 21. I wish my wife had married someone else. I wish it were true.Wish & hope statements S Y S T E M S 1. Ojalá estuviera más preparado. I wish it weren’t so difficult to find work. Ojalá pudiera hacerlo como él lo hace. I wish it rained more. 23. I wish I had known. I wish you had been here when they arrived. Ojalá fuera verdad. Ojalá mi mujer se hubiera casado con otra persona. Ojalá no tuviera una nariz tan grande. 17. Ojalá no fuera tan difícil encontrar trabajo. 10. I wish I knew English. I hope it rains tomorrow. Ojalá lloviera más. Ojalá vengan. Ojalá hubieras estado aquí cuando llegaron. I wish it were mine. PAGE 9 . Ojalá mi jefe me apoyara más. Ojalá fuera rico. 12. I wish I knew important people. Ojalá no fumaras tanto. 4. Ojalá sea verdad.Vaughan LIST 7 . Ojalá fuera real. 7. I hope they come. I wish my wife were like yours. Ojalá conociera a gente importante. 19. I hope it’s true. I wish I were rich. I wish my boss supported me more. c Vaughan Systems. Reservados todos los derechos. I wish you could be with us. I wish we had seen it. I wish you didn’t smoke so much. I wish I didn’t have to go with them. Ojalá tuviera mucho dinero. I wish I could do it like he does. Ojalá lo hubiera sabido. 8. I wish I were more prepared. Ojalá no tuviera que acompañarles. Ojalá mi mujer fuera como la tuya. Ojalá llueva mañana. 2004. 18. 25. I wish it hadn’t rained so much. 5. 20. 16. Ojalá supiera inglés. Ojalá lo hubiéramos visto. 9. Ojalá pudieras estar con nosotros. I wish I had a lot of money. 24. 15. 2. 11. 13. 3. Ojalá no hubiera llovido tanto. 22. 14. I wish it were real. I don’t like to think about those things. Try to understand everything they tell you. I’m thinking about doing it but I haven’t decided. 12. Tengo intención de trabajar hasta que me muera. you’ll like it. 13. c Vaughan Systems. Procura entender todo lo que te dicen. ¿Cuándo piensas hacerlo? When are you planning to do it? 2. Procura estar allí puntualmente. No me gusta pensar en esas cosas. 11. ¿Has pensado alguna vez en jubilarte? Have you ever thought about retiring? 18. 6. Se me ha ocurrido una manera de resolverlo. Piénsalo. Pruébalo. ¿Qué piensas hacer? What are you planning to do? 7. PAGE 10 . 19. Try it. 24. ¿A quién se le ocurrió esta genial idea? Who thought of this great idea? 21. Tengo intención de hacerlo mañana. te gustará. I intend to do it tomorrow.LIST 8 . 15. No pienso hacer nada. 14. ¿Cuándo piensas llamarle? When are you planning to call him? 22. I’m not planning to do anything. I’ll try. ¿Por qué no intentas descansar un poco? Why don’t you try to get some rest? 25. We’re planning to take them to the Prado Museum. I don’t intend to think about it. ¿Por qué no intentas llamarle? Why don’t you try calling him? (To call) 4. Lo intentaré. ¿Qué planes tienes para este fin de semana? What plans do you have for this weekend? 23. Reflexiona sobre ello. No tengo intención de reflexionar sobre ello. Estoy pensando en hacerlo pero no he decidido. 2004. ¿Qué opinas? What do you think? 8. ¿Qué opinas de él? What do you think of him? 10.Plan / Try / Intend / Think about-of Vaughan S Y S T E M S 1. I intend to work until I die. 17. Try to be there on time. 16. 20. 5. 3. Reservados todos los derechos. I’ve thought of a way to solve it. Think it over. ¿Qué estás pensando? What are you thinking? 9. Think about it. Pensamos llevarles al Museo del Prado. Un abrelatas es para abrir latas. To be able to communicate with people. Esta máquina es para controlar el proceso. Vinieron aquí para hablarnos del proyecto. 25. I want it to improve my English. Llevo un reloj para saber la hora. 5. 8. I’m here to help you. This is an opportunity to improve your English. 2. I don’t know what it’s for. ¿Qué carretera debo coger para ir a Valencia? What highway should I take to go to Valencia? 23. Revísalo para asegurar que no haya errores. Lo hicimos para mejorar nuestra imagen. 6. Creo que es para separar las páginas. To do it. Look it over to make sure there aren’t any mistakes. Este dinero es por ser un buen niño y por ayudar a tu hermana. 20. Un reloj es para saber la hora. In order to improve productivity. hemos decidido implantar un sistema nuevo. we’ve decided to implement a new system. These lists are for improving your English. This machine is for monitoring the process. We did it to improve our image. Con el fin de mejorar la productividad. This is important for your future. 4. This money is for being a good boy and for helping your sister. PAGE 11 . Estas listas son para mejorar tu inglés. I think it’s for separating the pages. Reservados todos los derechos. 11. 9. I need the report. 19. Para poder comunicarme con la gente. 2004. ¿Para qué es esto? What’s this for? 17. 10. ¿Qué tengo que hacer para convencerle? What do I have to do to convince him? 22. Instalamos esta máquina para controlar el proceso. 7. 24. 3. This is an opportunity to improve your English. Para hacerlo. Hice estas listas para mejorar tu inglés. 16. ¿Para qué quieres mejorar tu inglés? What do you want to improve your English for? 15. This is important for your future. ¿Para qué quieres esto? What do you want this for? 13. 14. I wear a watch to know the time. necesito el informe. I made these lists to improve your English. A watch is for telling the time.Vaughan LIST 9 . They came here to speak to us about the project. No sé para qué es. We installed this machine to monitor the process. Estoy aquí para ayudarte. Lo quiero para mejorar mi inglés. 12.In order to/for S Y S T E M S 1. A can opener is for opening cans. 18. c Vaughan Systems. 21. Esperábamos mucha más gente. We were expecting a lot more people. 15. Espero que no tengas que esperarle mucho tiempo. Espero que no estés esperando un niño. Pedro. I hope Morgan doesn’t forget the appointment. I hope you don’t have to wait for him for a long time. ¿Qué puedes esperar de una persona como Morgan? What can you expect from a person like Morgan? 23. Espero con ilusión tu carta. 13. 20. And I hope my people expect a lot from me too. Esperábamos tener un hijo pero ahora sabemos que estamos esperando una hija. Esperamos (con ilusión) conocer a tu nueva esposa. I’m looking forward to your letter. We were waiting for them until 3 o’clock. We’re looking forward to meeting your new wife. We got tired of waiting for them. No esperábamos que te casaras tan rápido. Espero una llamada en unos 20 minutos. 2004. Y espero que mi gente espere mucho de mí también. Hola. 25. ¿Qué esperabas? What did you expect? 5. Peter. They were expecting more from you. ¿Cuándo esperas que llegue el informe? When do you expect the report to arrive? 12. I don’t like having to wait. Estábamos esperándoles hasta las tres. 9. Nos cansamos de esperarles. 19. We were hoping to have a son but now we know we are expecting a daughter. PAGE 12 . No me gusta tener que esperar. No te esperaba. Espero que sepas lo que haces. 8. Espero que a Morgan no se le olvide la cita. 22. 16. 21. 10. 6. Espérame. ¿A quién estás esperando? Who are you waiting for? 3. I’m expecting a call in about 20 minutes. You expect a lot from your people. 14. Les esperábamos a las tres. I hope you’re not expecting a baby.LIST 10 . I hope everything turns out okay. Reservados todos los derechos. We were expecting them at 3 o’clock. Esperas mucho de tu gente.Hope / Wait / Expect / Look forward to Vaughan S Y S T E M S 1. 7. 18. I hope you know what you’re doing. 11. I wasn’t expecting you. Espero que todo salga bien. Esperaban más de ti. Hi. 4. c Vaughan Systems. We didn’t expect you to get married so quickly. Wait for me. 24. Espero (con ilusión) tu contestación. 17. 2. I’m looking forward to your answer. The car was so expensive that I didn’t buy it. It was such an expensive car that I didn’t buy it. Estoy aprendiendo inglés para poder mejorar mi posición. 22. Conforme avanzas. I’ve never seen such a stubborn man. Él habla como si supiera lo que pasó. Era un coche tan caro que no lo compré. Son listas tan aburridas que me deprimo. I’m here as a kind of advisor. Lo hacemos para que ellos no se quejen. 11. 23. 19. Nunca he visto a un hombre tan testarudo. I’m speaking to you as a member of the advisory committee. Era una película tan mala que me fui. 4. He talks like a child. you will have to conform to more rules. PAGE 13 .So-such / So that / Like-as S Y S T E M S 1.Vaughan LIST 11 . El coche era tan caro que no lo compré. He talks as if he knew what happened. 3. te darás cuenta de que es fácil. Trabajo como profesor. I’m learning English so that I can improve my position. They are like us. Son tan altos como nosotros. Gano dinero para que tú lo puedas gastar. 21. That film was so bad that I left. Estoy aquí como una especie de asesor. I’ve come here so that you can help me. tendrás que cumplir más reglas. It’s as if we were without gravity. 20. Él habla como un niño. Estoy aquí como representante de Pedro. 17. 2. 15. Él habla como yo. 2004. 18. I work like a slave. He venido aquí para que me puedas ayudar. c Vaughan Systems. 7. It was such a bad film that I left. 10. 16. Esa película era tan mala que me fui. 12. I earn money so that you can spend it. Es como si estuviéramos sin gravedad. We do it so that they don’t complain. 5. They are such boring lists that I get depressed. Trabajo como un esclavo. 25. They are as tall as we are. 6. 13. I work as a teacher. Nunca he tomado una paella tan buena. Estas listas son tan aburridas que me deprimo. I’m here as Peter’s representative. Os hablo como miembro del comité asesor. 9. 14. As you advance. Reservados todos los derechos. 8. A medida que te hagas más mayor. As you get older. These lists are so boring that I get depressed. Son como nosotros. I’ve never had such a good paella. 24. you will realize that it’s easy. He talks like me. más tarde llegarás. the sooner you arrive. 7. 6. no aprenderás más. No matter how much you give her. 25. más la quiero. Por muy alto que seas. you won’t arrive on time. 4. No matter how tall you are. the later you’ll arrive. the more you’ll learn. 23. the worse it tastes. 14. Reservados todos los derechos. the more I love her. peor sabe. Cuanto más trabajas. you won’t do it better. the more you earn. Por mucho que le regales. the better. mejor. no lo aceptarán. The more I teach you. the team won’t hire you. you won’t be able to buy it. The later you come. más aprendes. The richer you are. the drunker I get. más aprenderás. The more I see her. más gracioso me pareces. 8. Cuanto antes mejor. The fewer cigarettes you smoke. Cuanto más despacio conduzcas. 18. Por muy bien que lo escribas. 13. 9. the funnier you seem to me. you won’t learn any more. the better. 12. 19. 16. Cuanto más rápido conduces. 24. más pronto llegas. 3. No matter how often you do it. c Vaughan Systems. The bigger a tomato is. Cuanto más fumo. she won’t pay any attention to you. Cuanto más te enseño. no lo harás mejor. Cuanto más grande es un tomate. no podrás comprarlo. menos toserás. 15. No matter how many classes you receive. No matter how well you write it. mejor hablas. más me emborracho. The more I get to know you. Cuanto más la veo. The more you study. the better. Por muy a menudo que lo hagas. Te respaldaré pase lo que pase. 2004. Por muy rápido que conduzcas. the more problems you have. más problemas tienes. Por mucho que ganes. 10. Cuanto más rico eres. 20. 22. ella no te hará caso. No matter how hard you study. no aprenderás más. Por muchas clases que recibas. The more you study these lists. 11. mejor. The more I smoke. No matter how much you earn. The more you work. The faster you drive. No matter how fast you drive. Cuanto más bebo. the more you learn. I’ll back you up no matter what happens. más ganas. Cuantos menos cigarros fumes. the better you speak. The sooner. 17. más toso. the less you’ll cough. Cuanto más te conozco. el equipo no te contratará.The more… the more / No matter Vaughan S Y S T E M S 1. 21. no llegarás a tiempo. they won’t accept it. the more I cough. Cuanto más estudias. Cuanto más tarde vienes. Cuanto más estudies estas listas. 5. The less you go there. Cuanto menos vayas allí. The slower you drive.LIST 12 . Por mucho que estudies. you won’t learn any more. PAGE 14 . 2. The more I drink. lo haré. 23. It’s even harder than I thought. c Vaughan Systems. Aunque tengo el dinero. Even if he were a friend of mine. I’m not planning to invite him. Even if they refuse to finance us. Voy a verle a pesar de que estás en contra de la idea. I’m going to go even though it’s raining. 18. Everyone started laughing. 6. 13. Aunque fuera amigo mío. no la suelo beber.In spite of / Despite / Although / Even though / Even if / Even / Not even Vaughan S Y S T E M S 1. 17. Aunque se niegue a financiarnos. I’ll do it. I’ll do it in spite of the fact that they don’t agree. I’m going to see him despite the fact that you’re against the idea. They haven’t even called me. Aunque me dieras un millón de dólares. 25. Ni siquiera estoy listo. 14. I’m going to go in spite of the weather. no te lo daría. 5. Even if I had the money. I wouldn’t invite him. Voy a ir a pesar de que está lloviendo. 3. Voy a ir a pesar del tiempo. I wouldn’t give it to you. I don’t even know him. They didn’t even visit us. Aunque no están de acuerdo. 2. 21. I’m going to go even if it rains. PAGE 15 . incluso el profesor. 22. lo construimos.LIST 13 . Even though I have the money. Reservados todos los derechos. lo construiremos. Ni siquiera nos visitaron. I’m not planning to give it to you. I’m going to go in spite of the fact that it’s raining. 8. 11. Aunque es amigo mío. even the teacher. Voy a ir aunque llueva. 2004. Even though they refused to finance us. Todo el mundo se puso a reír. no pienso invitarle. we built it. Lo construiremos a pesar de su negativa. I’m not even ready. I don’t usually drink it. I’m going to see him despite your opinion. Ni siquiera podíamos hablar con él. Ni siquiera la lluvia me detendrá. 16. we’ll build it. Ni siquiera me han llamado. We’ll build it despite their refusal. no lo haría. Voy a verle a pesar de tu opinión. 19. 4. no le invitaría. Not even the rain will stop me. We couldn’t even talk to him. Even if you gave me a million dollars. 20. Even though he’s a friend of mine. Although I like beer. Aunque se negaron a financiarnos. Es incluso más difícil de lo que pensaba. no pienso dártelo. 10. 7. Lo haré a pesar de que no están de acuerdo. Aunque me gusta la cerveza. Voy a ir aunque está lloviendo. 15. 9. I wouldn’t do it. Aunque tuviera el dinero. Even though they don’t agree. 24. 12. Ni siquiera le conozco. Casi ninguno de ellos fuma. Ninguno de ellos dos fuma. 3. Ninguno de los dos tomaron parte. (There aren’t any left. How many nuns are there in this company? None. 24. Tanto Pepe como Paco tomaron parte. Todo el mundo sabe que ninguno de los libros ha sido traducido. 19. I want either the red one or the green one. not both. 8. La mayoría de la gente aquí fuma. 11.Most / None / All / Both / A few / Either / Neither S Y S T E M S 1. Quite a few of them came to the party. Few of them smoke. I have a few questions to ask you. Neither of them took part. Tengo unas cuantas preguntas que hacerte. Both of them smoke. Bastantes de ellos vinieron a la fiesta. 10. 14. 5. 9. Neither of them smokes. La mayoría de las veces lo hago yo mismo. 2. No quiero ni el uno ni el otro. I don’t want either one. Reservados todos los derechos. ¿Cuántas monjas hay en esta empresa? Ninguna. Muchos de ellos comparten tu opinión. Many of them share your opinion. Most of the time I do it myself. None of them showed up. I want neither the red one nor the green one. Ninguno de ellos tres fuma. More or less half of them earn more than I do. 7. 25. Some of them smoke. Ninguno de ellos hicieron acto de presencia. Los dos fuman. All of them smoke. 2004. Todos ellos fuman. Pocos de ellos fuman. None of them smoke. 20. 13. c Vaughan Systems. We have quite a few sentences left. PAGE 16 . Most people here smoke. Más o menos la mitad de ellos gana más que yo. Everyone knows that none of the books have been translated. A few of them smoke. 21. 17. 16. No queda ninguno. There are none left. 22. Either one is okay. Hardly any of them smoke. Both Pepe and Paco took part. 6. Algunos de ellos fuman. 12.) 15. Quiero o el rojo o el verde. no los dos. No quiero ni el rojo ni el verde.Vaughan LIST 14 . Unos cuantos fuman. Cualquiera de los dos valdría. Nos quedan bastantes frases. (Neither one of them…) 23. 4. 18. It’s been done several times. PAGE 17 . No se vende a menudo. That subject isn’t taught here. 2004. Reservados todos los derechos. 16. 10. 7. Esa asignatura no se enseña aquí. 23. It’s not being bought. It hasn’t been lent to anyone. 15. 8. It’s done twice a week. It could be done. It can be done. 13. It would have been done if there had been time. No se está comprando. Siempre se ha hecho a mano. Se ha hecho varias veces. Tiene que hacerse. It was done yesterday. 2. 19. 17. Antes se hacía mucho. Siempre se hace a mano. It’s being done. 25. Se puede hacer. It’s always been made by hand. c Vaughan Systems. It used to be done a lot. 6. 21. It wasn’t stolen. Se hace dos veces por semana. Se va a hacer. It may be done. No se robó. Puede que se haga. It should be done. No se ha prestado a nadie. 3. It has to be done. Se hizo a mano. 12. Se hará en un futuro próximo. It was being done when the lights went out. Debe hacerse. Antes se hacía mucho. Se estaba haciendo cuando se fueron las luces. Se podría hacer. 5. 22. 9. Se hizo ayer. 20. Se haría si hubiera tiempo. It was made by hand. It must be done. It will be done in the near future. It’s always made by hand. It used to be done a lot.Vaughan LIST 15 . It isn’t sold often. 4. Se está haciendo. Debería hacerse. 11.The passive voice S Y S T E M S 1. 14. 18. It would be done if there were time. It’s going to be done. Se habría hecho si hubiera habido tiempo. 24. Vocabulary Booklet 3 . 22. My daughter is going on 17. This armchair takes up a lot of space. Esa chica está detrás de mí desde hace un mes. La reunión seguirá unos 10 minutos más. Reservados todos los derechos. He went on talking for hours. I have to go back to the office. ¡A por ello! Go for it! 17. Él siguió hablando horas y horas. My alarm clock didn’t go off this morning. 23. We wound up talking about the price of apples. As time goes on. A medida que pasa el tiempo. La bomba estalló antes de que pudiera llegar la policía. 13. When you go into the room. Mi hija está cerca de cumplir los 17 años. I came down with the flu. Terminamos hablando del precio de las manzanas. Tienes que entrar por aquella puerta. I’m going to take my wife out for a walk. 11. this will take it out. Let’s go on to the next item on the agenda. me doy cuenta de lo mucho que ella significaba para mí. The bomb went off before the police could arrive. 20. The sun went down at 7:00. I realize how much she meant to me. The meeting will go on for about 10 more minutes. 2. 19. no digas nada. 3. Nobody has taken over yet. 7. 12. 5. I don’t want to go into that matter. 18. Voy a bajar a la primera planta. Caí enfermo con gripe. He’ll take up a lot of your time. 9. Si eso no quita la mancha. Voy a llevar a mi mujer a pasear. Me llevo bien con ella. 2004. PAGE 19 . If that doesn’t take out the stain. Yo te subiré hasta el despacho del presidente. Nadie ha asumido el control todavía. 6. You’re not going about it right. I’ll take you up to the president’s office. c Vaughan Systems. 8. No lo estás haciendo bien.Phrasal verbs (1) S Y S T E M S 1. No quiero entrar en esa cuestión. 15. 25. Mi despertador no sonó esta mañana. Este sillón ocupa mucho espacio. You have to go in through that door. don’t say anything. 14. I get along with her very well.Vaughan LIST 16 . 24. 4. 16. Pasemos al siguiente punto del orden del día. Él te absorberá mucho de tu tiempo. Tengo que volver a la oficina. Cuando entres en la sala. 21. esto la quitará. I’m going to go down to the first floor. 10. El sol se puso a las 7:00. That girl has been after me for a month. Reservados todos los derechos. La revista se publica mensualmente.000 euros. 5. Come back… I need you. 4. 10. Let’s go over it one more time. Nos has metido en un buen lío. 2. Ve al grano. Se ha despegado el sello. 25. The magazine comes out monthly. Tengo que preparar el presupuesto. 7. stop by. I have to draw up the budget. c Vaughan Systems. Se pusieron en huelga. Let’s get together again sometime. No puedes volver atrás. The total comes to 3. ¿Qué letra viene después de la K? What letter comes after K? 6. I saw him when he was coming out of the elevator. Ensayémoslo una vez más. 24. Se ha apagado el incendio. I’m counting on you. 22. It boils down to a question of money. 23. That went out of fashion years ago. 18. (Por sí solo) The fire has gone out.Vaughan LIST 17 . (Drop by. Come by my house before going there. ¿Por qué no vienes a mi casa a tomar una copa? Why don’t you come over to my place to have a drink? 21. Solo tres de las 10 fotos salieron bien. Pasa por mi casa antes de ir allí. Cuento contigo. pass by) 8. Get to the point. 15. They went on strike. Only three out of the 10 photos came out well.You can’t back out. 11. 2004. ¡Venga! ¡Vamos! Come on! 16. Vamos a vernos otra vez en algún momento. 12. It comes down to a question of money. The stamp came off. 3. Este tipo de bolígrafo resulta muy útil. The presentation came out very well.Phrasal verbs (2) S Y S T E M S 1. 19. 13. La presentación salió muy bien. Se reduce a una cuestión de dinero. Eso pasó de moda hace años. 20. Vuelve… te necesito. This kind of pen really comes in handy.000 euros. ¿Cómo vamos a salir de este lío? How are we going to get out of this mess? 14. You got us into a real mess. ¡Baja de ahí! Come down from there! 9. Le vi cuando salía del ascensor. 17. El total asciende a 3. Se reduce a una cuestión de dinero. PAGE 20 . Te respaldaré. 11. 17. ONU significa “Organización de Naciones Unidas”. 2. We’ll work it out. stands for “United Nations”. 16. El rumor se difundió rápidamente. Watch out for pickpockets. ¿Me la arrancas? I can’t tear out this page. You should watch out for your own interests. Pongámonos a trabajar. The U. Derribaron la casa. Voy a dejar de fumar. 21. The rumour got around quickly. 23. 22. I have the ability to see into the future. Don’t use up all the battery today. Sus planes fracasaron.N. Ten cuidado con los rateros. Don’t tear up that photo. The factory gave off a horrible smell.Vaughan LIST 18 . 25. 19. Can you tear it off for me? 12. Tenemos que idear algo y rápido. Destacas entre la gente de tu edad. Let’s get to work. Can you tear it out for me? 13. I’m going to give up smoking. I’ll back you up. It’s a photo of my ex-girlfriend and I want to tear it up. Me aseguraré de que ella esté allí puntualmente. You stand out among the people of your age. 15. 24. They tore down the house. 2004.Phrasal verbs (3) S Y S T E M S 1. No consumas toda la batería hoy. No rompas esa foto. Deberías vigilar tus propios intereses. I’ll see to it that she’s there on time. No puedo arrancar esta pegatina. No puedo arrancar esta página. 10. Tengo la capacidad de ver el futuro. ¿Qué has averiguado? What did you find out? (Usamos el pasado. Lo solucionaremos. I like to walk around the factory. We have to think something up fast. 4. Tengo muy poca información en que basarme. Me gusta pasear por la fábrica. Their plans didn’t work out. Reservados todos los derechos. I have very little information to work on. 7. 14. ¿Me la arrancas? I can’t tear off this sticker. 9. 5. 3. I’m going to the station to see them off. 18. 20. Es una foto de mi ex novia y quiero romperla. La fábrica despedía un olor horrible. Voy a ir a la estación a despedirles. ¿He omitido algunos verbos compuestos? Have I left out any phrasal verbs? c Vaughan Systems. PAGE 21 .) 8. 6. La situación exige una solución creativa. ¿Qué tienes puesto? What do you have on? 19. 15. 6. 25. I had to start over. We have 10 lamb chops left over. 11. We’ve paid off our debts. c Vaughan Systems. His face lit up.Phrasal verbs (4) S Y S T E M S 1. 14. This will open up new business opportunities for us. Deberíamos retrasar la fecha. I grew up in a dangerous neighborhood. Morgan has hit on an idea that could solve the situation. 10. ¿No podemos adelantar la fecha? Can’t we move up the date? 9. 17. 7. Los precios se estabilizarán para mediados de año. 16. Terminémoslo ya de una vez. Quisiera señalar lo importante que es este tema. 8. Books were lying around everywhere. ¿Cuándo vas a devolverme el dinero? When are you going to pay me back? 13. I would like to point out how important this subject is. 24. Había libros tirados por todas partes. This will free me up to do other things. Pepe abrirá la reunión con una breve presentación. Tuve que hacerlo de nuevo. Reservados todos los derechos. We should move back the date. Él siempre salta de un tema a otro. No debemos disminuir los esfuerzos. We mustn’t let up. Hemos saldado nuestras deudas. 4. 2. ¿Podemos posponer la reunión hasta mañana? Can we put off the meeting until tomorrow? 23. No deberías dejar pasar una oportunidad como esta. Tuve que empezar de nuevo.Vaughan LIST 19 . You shouldn’t pass up an opportunity like this one. Quieren que yo presente mi dimisión. Pepe will lead off the meeting with a brief presentation. Me crié en un barrio peligroso. PAGE 22 . Morgan ha dado con una idea que podría resolver la situación. 18. They want me to hand in my resignation. Let’s get it over with. 12. Esto nos abrirá nuevas oportunidades de negocio. 5. 21. He always jumps from one subject to another. Esto me liberará para hacer otras cosas. 2004. 20. Se le iluminó la cara. Prices will level off by mid-year. Nos sobran 10 chuletas de cordero. The situation calls for a creative solution. ¿Dónde hemos parado antes del descanso? Where did we leave off before the break? 3. I had to do it over. 22. That doesn’t account for what happened. 22. He rushed in. Tira eso. 16. 20. El plan se vino abajo. Try to calm them down. Le echaron de la reunión. You have to allow for unforeseen expenses. Céntrate en tu trabajo. We have to crack down on that kind of behavior. Esto ocupa demasiado espacio. No puedo distinguir el uno del otro. You shouldn’t rush into that. 11.000. No cuentes conmigo. said hello. Debemos seguir adelante con el plan. me saludó y se fue corriendo. 8. I can’t tell them apart. Necesitamos conseguir que se comprometan con una fecha. 9. c Vaughan Systems.000 dólares. Él entró corriendo. We should push ahead with the plan. 2004. The meeting dragged on forever. 17. Throw that away. 6. I’m dying to see her. 24. We need to pin them down to a date. 7. 23. Keep me posted. This book deals with Third World problems. Count me out. Me muero por verla. Quiero sondearle sobre el tema. and then rushed out. He’s built up a good reputation. Focus on your job. Explícame eso una vez más. 18. 14. Tenemos que tomar medidas enérgicas contra esa clase de comportamiento. The overall bill amounts to $1.Vaughan LIST 20 . 21. 10. Tengo ganas de hacer otra cosa. 4. 25. I want to feel him out on the subject. Reservados todos los derechos. 13. 19. 5. Run that by me one more time. PAGE 23 . Este libro trata de los problemas del Tercer Mundo. They kicked him out of the meeting. 2. It never crossed my mind. 12.Phrasal verbs (5) S Y S T E M S 1. Intenta calmarles. Tienes que dejar un margen para gastos imprevistos. The plan fell through. 15. Él se ha hecho con una buena reputación. This takes up too much space. 3. No deberías decidir eso de forma precipitada. I feel like doing something else. Eso no explica lo que pasó. Mantenme informado. Nunca se me ocurrió. La factura global asciende a 1. La reunión no acababa nunca. no tengo más que decir. Que yo sepa. 15. where Pepe is? 8. As a general rule. I made an in-depth analysis of the subject. 5. Él siempre está de mal humor los lunes. 19. Concerning that subject. Me voy de esta empresa para siempre. we are forced to call off the show. Además de estos problemas. Si me pagas por adelantado. John is by far the best in the class. 4. El nivel de vida en mi país es muy alto. He’s always in a bad mood on Mondays. no han hecho nada todavía. 17. estamos en quiebra. En el mejor de los casos. 22. Due to unforeseen circumstances.Vaughan LIST 21 . 9. Utiliza las cifras preliminares por ahora. 7. If you pay attention in class. The cost of living is very high here. hay otros también. we will receive the third prize. Voy a la clínica un día sí y otro no.Common expressions (1) S Y S T E M S 1. no fumo en clase. pueden hacer lo que quieran. I have nothing more to say. el mejor de la clase. recibiremos el tercer premio. Como regla general. 2004. Use the preliminary figures for the time being. a la larga aprenderás mucho. 16. As far as I’m concerned. En cuanto a mí. there are others too. nos vemos obligados a cancelar el espectáculo. En cuanto a ese tema. con mucha diferencia. we’re bankrupt. by any chance. 25. ¿No sabrías por casualidad dónde está Pepe? You wouldn’t know. Hice un análisis en profundidad del tema. Lo harán siempre que les respaldes. 14. 20. In any case. 6. 12. Te daré un toque mañana por la mañana. I don’t smoke in class. (Por teléfono) I’ll give you a ring tomorrow morning. I go to the clinic every other day. 2. At best. I’ll give you a discount. I’ve already spoken to him at length about the matter. Debido a circunstancias imprevistas. eventually you’ll learn a lot. If you pay me in advance. Reservados todos los derechos. c Vaughan Systems. En resumidas cuentas. PAGE 24 . 18. creo que deberías hablar con tu jefe. I think you should talk to your boss. 3. He’s always in a good mood on Fridays. In short. Si prestas atención en clase. 10. te haré un descuento. En todo caso. they can do whatever they want. they haven’t done anything yet. Ya he hablado con él detenidamente sobre el asunto. 21. 24. I’m leaving this company for good. Siempre está de buen humor los viernes. El coste de la vida es muy alto aquí. 11. 13. In addition to those problems. The standard of living in my country is very high. ¿Quién es el encargado de este proyecto? Who’s in charge of this project? 23. As far as I know. They’ll do it as long as you back them up. Juan es. En nombre de la Dirección. we’ve managed to keep the grass in good condition. 15. Las cosas están empezando a escapar a nuestro control. hemos logrado conservar el césped en buenas condiciones. I did it on purpose. In theory. Lo hice a propósito.Common expressions (2) S Y S T E M S 1. I was self-employed. 22. En términos generales. Me siento algo fuera de lugar aquí. 6. En teoría. A pesar de la escasez de agua. Things are starting to get out of control. the business is going very well. 19. In the long run. A la larga. It took me a long time to break the ice with him. ¿Crees que vale la pena? Do you think it’s worth it? 18. 11. Antes de entrar en esta empresa. Trae tu agenda por si acaso. It doesn’t matter whether you’re tall or short. 2004. Aquello fue la gota que colmó el vaso. 12. el año ha sido bueno. Da igual que seas alto o bajo. En términos de beneficios. 17. 10. 9. I agree with you. I want to thank all the employees for the excellent results. Bring your diary just in case. 20. quiero expresar su agradecimiento a todos los empleados por los excelentes resultados. I’ve decided to cancel it. por favor? Could you give it to me in writing please? 8. They arrived safe and sound. 16. Sin duda tienes noticia de los cambios recientes. We’ve lost contact on account of a misunderstanding. I had an accident on the way to the office. In terms of profits. 5. yo era autónomo. On the whole. I’ll be back in 15 minutes. I feel somewhat out of place here. On behalf of the management. Hemos perdido el contacto debido a un malentendido. todos saldremos ganando. 25. That was the last straw. ¿Me lo podrías dar por escrito. I agree with the plan. En vista de los problemas. 23. estoy de acuerdo contigo. Prior to joining this company. estoy de acuerdo con el plan. he decidido cancelarlo. In spite of the water shortage. In view of the problems. 24. 21. go over your notes. Llegaron sanos y salvos. el negocio va muy bien. the year has been good. 13. PAGE 25 . ¿Quién lleva la voz cantante aquí? Who runs the show here? c Vaughan Systems. Estaré de regreso en 15 minutos. 14. 3. To a certain extent. repasad vuestros apuntes. 4.Vaughan LIST 22 . 7. we will all come out ahead. Estoy dispuesto a hacer lo que sea siempre que sea legal. Reservados todos los derechos. 2. I’m willing to do anything as long as it’s legal. Mientras tanto. Tardé mucho en romper el hielo con él. No doubt you’ve heard about the recent changes. In the meantime. Hasta cierto punto. Tuve un accidente camino de la oficina. 3. Siempre les confundo. Sigamos en contacto. Ganaremos más tiempo si se lo mandamos por fax. Whereas I like chocolate ice cream. Tengo la costumbre de pensar en voz alta. Tenemos que recurrir a financiación ajena. We’ll gain more time if we fax it to them. Every company has its ups and downs. No iré a no ser que vengas conmigo. The project got off to a good start. 6. I won’t go unless you come with me. PAGE 26 . 23. Personally. No podemos contratar a más gente por ahora. El proyecto empezó con mal pie. Tarde o temprano. 12. Let’s stay in touch. Ten presente que deben estar listos para mañana. I was in touch with him yesterday. Tengo algunos cabos sueltos que atar primero. Si tienes que competir con él. no me fío de él. 20.Vaughan LIST 23 . 7. I have to go back and start from scratch again. We can rule out the second alternative. 11. I don’t trust him. 25. 21. Podemos descartar la segunda alternativa. No puedes confiar en él para las cosas importantes. 4. Sooner or later. 9. 10. Mientras que a mí me gusta el helado de chocolate. 15. my wife likes vanilla ice cream. I can’t get rid of this cold. 2004. 19. 24. no tienes posibilidad. You have to set an example in front of the people. a mi mujer le gusta el helado de vainilla. The project got off to a bad start. You run the risk of losing your job. I have to tie some loose ends first. c Vaughan Systems. No puedo deshacerme de este resfriado. you don’t stand a chance. El proyecto empezó con buen pie. Corres el riesgo de perder tu empleo. Se parecen mucho. 14. 22. Keep an eye on him. They look a lot alike. Tienes que dar ejemplo delante de la gente. You can’t rely on him for important things. If you have to compete with him. te arrepentirás de haberlo hecho. We have to resort to outside financing. 13. Reservados todos los derechos. Vigílale. Estuve en contacto con él ayer. I have the habit of thinking out loud. you’ll regret having done it. We can’t hire any new people for the time being. 5. I’ll have to pull some strings to get that. 2. 8. Keep in mind that they must be ready by tomorrow. Let me give you an example.Common expressions (3) S Y S T E M S 1. Tendré que recurrir a enchufes para conseguir eso. 16. I always get them mixed up. Toda empresa tiene sus altibajos. 18. Personalmente. Tengo que volver atrás y partir de cero otra vez. Déjame ponerte un ejemplo. 17. ¡Qué follón! What a mess! 2. Things have gone beyond my control. 20. 25. I sent her to see you so that you could meet her. creo que deberíamos llamarles. My sales have grown by word-of-mouth. He’s so absent-minded that he forgot his birthday. 10. A propósito. 8. ¿Hasta dónde llegamos con esto ayer? How far did we get with this yesterday? 6. We’re ahead of the competition. Las cosas han ido más allá de mi control. Estoy harto de estas listas. He’s. hemos ganado todos los partidos. The game was called off because of the weather. no hubo llamadas. La mandé a verte para que la conocieras. Mis ventas han crecido por el “boca a boca”. Es tan despistado que se le olvidó su cumpleaños. I’m aware of the possible repercussions. c Vaughan Systems. My speech caused the opposite effect. According to my secretary. puedo traer a Juan para echarte una mano. Al contrario. 19. Según mi secretaria. I’m mixed up as to who is who. Estoy confundido en cuanto a quién es quién. Reservados todos los derechos. PAGE 27 . Lo haré en seguida. 23. Estoy harto de estas listas. 24. I can bring John to give you a hand. 3. In any event. Hasta ahora. creo que conseguiste lo que querías. Mi discurso causó el efecto contrario. 15. I’ve had it. So far we’ve won every game. Le gusta correr riesgos. 21. 2004. We’ll contract them provided they deliver the merchandise before Christmas. without a doubt. ¿ha venido Paco hoy? By the way. 4. On the contrary. 18. 14. El partido fue cancelado debido al tiempo. Ya es el colmo. the most intelligent person here. there weren’t any calls.Common expressions (4) S Y S T E M S 1. Estamos por delante de la competencia. Él es sin duda la persona más inteligente aquí. 12. En cualquier caso. I’m fed up with these lists. 22. 17. If need be. I’m not going to deal with him anymore. 5. No voy a tratar más con él. 9. I’ll do it right away. Soy consciente de las posibles repercusiones. 13. I’ll do it first thing in the morning. Les contrataremos a condición de que entreguen la mercancía antes de Navidades. I’m sick and tired of these lists. 7. I think we should call them.Vaughan LIST 24 . I think you achieved what you wanted. 11. Si es necesario. has Paco come today? 16. Lo haré a primera hora de la mañana. He likes to take risks. Tenemos tiempo de sobra. 21. You’ve made a praiseworthy effort. PAGE 28 . 2004. Otherwise. 13. She has a lovely voice. I’m a little near-sighted. I’m very pleased with the results. It’s a very mild climate. They did a lousy job. 4. Tu mesa de trabajo está muy desordenada. 7. There’s something loose in the envelope. Esta es una situación extraña. 5. 19. 24. It was a painful experience for everyone. This is an odd situation. 3. It’s been a meaningful experience.We have plenty of time. Pepe es una persona extrovertida. I won’t be able to help you. You’re mistaken. De otro modo. no te podré ayudar. Has hecho un esfuerzo digno de elogio. It’s a very lonely place. Soy un poco miope. Mi jefe es una persona muy voluble. This information can be misleading for people. El tornillo está demasiado flojo. No te preocupes. Reservados todos los derechos. 11. 12. You look pale. 14.Ya han tomado una decisión. 9. Don’t be so naïve. 6. 15. Hay algo suelto en el sobre. Te veo pálido. La música está demasiado alta. These figures are totally meaningless to me. Ella tiene una voz encantadora. Tenemos unos asuntos urgentes que atender.Adjective enrichment (1) S Y S T E M S 1. Estas cifras no significan nada para mí. Tenemos tiempo de sobra. 22. They’ve already made a decision. Don’t worry.Vaughan LIST 25 . The screw is too loose. Estás equivocado. 23. Es un clima muy templado. Ha sido una experiencia significativa. Es un lugar muy solitario. The music is too loud. c Vaughan Systems. 18. My boss is a very moody person. Your desk is very messy. It’s pointless to go on. Fue una experiencia dolorosa para todo el mundo. Esta información puede despistar a la gente. Tienes que hacerlo así. 2. You have to do it this way. 20. No seas tan ingenuo. 25. 16. 10. Pepe is an outgoing person. Estoy muy satisfecho con los resultados. Es inútil continuar. 17. 8. We have some pressing matters to attend to. Hicieron un trabajo chapucero. Él es propenso a salirse por la tangente. It’s been a rewarding experience. I’m scared of anything that runs along the floor. Ha sido una experiencia gratificante. 16. Don’t be selfish. 10. Soy autónomo. We’ve achieved something remarkable. Fue una decisión prudente y sensata. Es refrescante recibir buenas noticias por una vez. I want to see the raw data. 14. She’s a very self-confident person. Pepe is a reliable person. It’s refreshing to receive good news for a change. Él es una persona muy inquieta. Reservados todos los derechos. 18. Soy reacio a llamarles hasta que no tengamos más información. Ella tiene una lengua muy afilada. 6. Ella es una persona ingeniosa. 22. Don’t be shy. He’s prone to go off on tangents. 24. 3. He’s a self-reliant person.Vaughan LIST 26 . 8. 7. Quiero ver los datos en su estado bruto. He’s a very restless person. It’s too risky. I’m proud to be a member of this organization. 13. 4. Estoy orgulloso de ser miembro de esta organización. No seas egoísta. It’s reassuring to know that Pepe is handling the project. 21. 5. Él es una persona muy egocéntrica. 25. I’m self-employed. 11. Es tranquilizador saber que Pepe está llevando el proyecto. Me asusta cualquier cosa que corra por el suelo. It was a wise decision. 2. PAGE 29 . 9. 12. Pasé un período difícil hasta aprender este trabajo. He’s a very self-centered person. I’m reluctant to call them until we have more information. She’s a resourceful person. Eres muy hábil con la gente. 15. Él es una persona independiente que consigue las cosas por sus propios recursos.Adjective enrichment (2) S Y S T E M S 1. Ella es a veces maleducada con sus subordinados. ¿Por qué eres tan tímido? Why are you so self-conscious? 20. 19. No seas tímido. Hemos conseguido algo extraordinario. You’re very skilful with people. I had a rough time until I learned this job. 23. c Vaughan Systems. Pepe es una persona que hace bien lo que se le encarga. 2004. Es demasiado arriesgado. She has a very sharp tongue. Ella es una persona con mucha confianza en sí misma. 17. She’s sometimes rude to her subordinates. La comida es muy sabrosa. It was due to unavoidable circumstances. Sales have risen steadily since Morgan took over the department. 24. 3. It’s been a very stressful day. 22.Adjective enrichment (3) S Y S T E M S 1. Las cosas marchan sin sobresaltos. 2004. 19. franca y recta. Has hecho un trabajo maravilloso. Es una tarea que consume mucho tiempo. La habitación está un poco cargada. 11. It’s unfair to say that. You’ve done a thorough job. I received an unexpected visit. 4. 10. 21. The room is a little stuffy. Tienes que ser más discreto en reuniones como esa. 8. It’s unlikely. You’ve done a terrific job. 14. There’s been a slight change in my plans. 25. Ha sido un día muy estresante. We have to follow a very tight schedule. Estás haciendo progresos continuos. c Vaughan Systems.Vaughan LIST 27 . Se debió a circunstancias inevitables. This is only a tentative plan. Eres un jefe duro. Es improbable. Esto solo es un plan provisional. 9. You have to be more tactful in meetings like that one. 13. It’s a unique opportunity. Él es una persona sincera. Quiero ser esbelto como tú. Es injusto decir eso. Tenemos que seguir un programa muy apretado. 7. 20. Todavía nos quedan unos asuntos que rematar. He’s trustworthy. 23. 6. 18. Has hecho un trabajo concienzudo. The food is very tasty. Tu jefe está muy disgustado con tu actitud. He’s a straightforward person. You’re making steady progress. Reservados todos los derechos. 12. Things are running smoothly. 2. 5. It’s surprising how well they speak English. It’s a time-consuming task. I want to be slim like you. Las ventas han subido de manera constante desde que Morgan se hizo cargo del departamento. Es sorprendente lo bien que hablan inglés. 16. PAGE 30 . Ha habido un ligero cambio en mis planes. Él es de fiar. Your boss is very upset with your attitude. Es una oportunidad única. 15. Recibí una visita inesperada. We still have some unfinished business left. You’re a tough boss. 17. PERMISIVO LENIENT 11. TERREMOTO EARTHQUAKE 7. MARCHA ATRÁS REVERSE 14. MEZCLA BLEND 4. TRIUNFAR TO SUCCEED 24. 2004. ENCABEZAMIENTO HEADING 9. Reservados todos los derechos. CARACTERÍSTICAS FEATURES 8.Vaughan LIST 28 S Y S T E M S 1. EGOÍSTA SELFISH 15. AGRADECER TO APPRECIATE 19. ORIENTAR TO ORIENT 22. DESHACERSE DE TO GET RID OF 21. AL PARECER APPARENTLY 3. POR LO VISTO. PAGE 31 . RANURA SLOT 16. SUBVENCIÓN SUBSIDY 17. PERFIL PROFILE 13. VENIDERO UPCOMING c Vaughan Systems. LA VÍA LÁCTEA THE MILKY WAY 18. TENER ÉXITO. UN BOCAZAS A LOUDMOUTH 2. NO OBSTANTE NEVERTHELESS 12. SUBVALORAR TO UNDERRATE 25. DANES DANISH 6. EN MEDIO IN THE WAY 10. CUMPLIDO COMPLIMENT 5. OXIDARSE TO RUST 23. CUMPLIR CON TO COMPLY WITH 20. Reservados todos los derechos. LOS JUEGOS OLÍMPICOS THE OLYMPIC GAMES 18. 2004. TENSIÓN SANGUÍNEA BLOOD PRESSURE 4. PROMETIDO / A FIANCÉ 8. ECONÓMICAS ECONOMICS 7. UN RECORDATORIO A REMINDER 2. SOLICITANTE APPLICANT 3. BRONCEADO SUNTAN 17. RENTABILIDAD PROFITABILITY 13. GUARDERÍA DAYCARE CENTER 6. ESPERANZA DE VIDA LIFE EXPECTANCY 11. CANDIDATO. ACERTIJO RIDDLE 14. ASPIRADORA VACUUM CLEANER c Vaughan Systems. ARDOR (DE ESTÓMAGO) HEART BURN 9. REGALAR (POR NO QUERER) TO GIVE AWAY 21.VALORAR TO ASSESS 19. VIDA NOCTURNA NIGHT LIFE 12. DESATAR TO UNTIE 25.Vaughan LIST 29 S Y S T E M S 1. PREOCUPADO CONCERNED 5. ANTIGÜEDAD (EN UNA EMPRESA) SENIORITY 15. DAR EJEMPLO TO SET AN EXAMPLE 23. RESUMIR TO SUM UP 24. INPRECISO INACCURATE 10. PAGE 32 . SUPERAR TO OVERCOME 22. TOSER TO COUGH 20. CARACOL SNAIL 16. EVALUAR. LA CRUZ ROJA THE RED CROSS 18. AFILAR. FLOTA FLEET 8. RIVALIDAD RIVALRY 14. PERDER TIEMPO (MALGASTAR) TO WASTE TIME 25. EXCEDENTE SURPLUS 17. FECHA TOPE. RESPALDAR TO BACK UP 19. Reservados todos los derechos. DESBORDAR TO OVERFLOW 22. VIABILIDAD VIABILITY c Vaughan Systems. PAGE 33 . MOLESTO BOTHERSOME 4. ARREGLO SETTLEMENT 15. PROBABLE LIKELY 11.Vaughan LIST 30 S Y S T E M S 1. BLANDURA SOFTNESS 16. HEREDERO HEIR 9. APOYAR. ACUERDO. EFICAZ EFFECTIVE 7. PLAZO DEADLINE 6. CHOCAR TO CRASH 20. AGRADECIDO APPRECIATIVE 3. BLOC PARA NOTAS NOTEPAD 12. CONCIENZUDO CONSCIENTIOUS 5. RENDIRSE TO SURRENDER 24. UN CONTRATIEMPO A SETBACK 2. CADA VEZ MÁS INCREASINGLY 10. PROMETEDOR PROMISING 13. HACER EL GANSO TO GOOF OFF 21. 2004. SACAR PUNTA TO SHARPEN 23. ENSANCHAR TO WIDEN 25. CONSUMIDOR CONSUMER 5.Vaughan LIST 31 S Y S T E M S 1. PAGE 34 . REALEZA ROYALTY 14. LANGOSTA (DE MAR) LOBSTER 11. EFICACIA EFFECTIVENESS 7. INUNDACIÓN FLOOD 8. REDUCIR TO CUT BACK 20. CUANTO ANTES MEJOR THE SOONER THE BETTER 18. QUEJARSE TO GRIPE 21. SONDEO SURVEY 17. BARRER TO SWEEP 24. DESAMPARADO HELPLESS 9. DE MENTE AMPLIA BROAD-MINDED 4. RECORTAR. ACORTAR TO SHORTEN 23. INDEMNIZACIÓN POR DESPIDO SEVERANCE PAY 15. INGENIO INGENUITY 10. ENCUESTA. AGRIO SOUR 16. APROPIADAMENTE APPROPRIATELY 3. SORDO DEAF 6. ORGULLOSO PROUD 13. Reservados todos los derechos. DERROCAR TO OVERTHROW 22. PULPO OCTOPUS 12. ESTAR EN MEDIO TO BE IN THE WAY 19. ACENTO ACCENT 2. 2004. CÍRCULO VICIOSO VICIOUS CIRCLE c Vaughan Systems. 2004.Vaughan LIST 32 S Y S T E M S 1. CONSIDERAR TO DEEM 20. CHISPA SPARK 16. GOMA ESPUMA FOAM RUBBER 8. ECHAR LA SIESTA TO TAKE A NAP 24. CISNE SWAN 17. LOGÍSTICA LOGISTICS 11. PASÁRSELO BIEN TO HAVE A GOOD TIME 21. CHIRIMBOLO CONTRAPTION 5. MARIONETA PUPPET 13. LESIONADO INJURED 10. SER GORDO TO BE OVERWEIGHT 19. RUINAS RUINS 14. DUDOSO HESITANT 9. SUSPIRAR TO SIGH 23. VERGONZOSO SHAMEFUL 15. ALIENTO ENCOURAGEMENT 7. FALLECER TO PASS AWAY 22. RESOLVER TO WORK OUT 25. VOLCAN VOLCANO c Vaughan Systems. BUROCRACIA BUREAUCRACY 4. GAMA. PAGE 35 . EN CAMBIO ON THE OTHER HAND 12. EN CONSECUENCIA ACCORDINGLY 2. Reservados todos los derechos. ÁNIMO. EL ESTADO DEL BIENESTAR THE WELFARE STATE 18. SURTIDO ARRAY 3. ENCANTADO DELIGHTED 6. POR AHORA. GRITAR TO YELL 25. PAGE 36 . JEREZ SHERRY 15. ANZUELO. INSINUAR TO INSINUATE 21. PICANTE. SI NO OTHERWISE 12. BUITRE VULTURE c Vaughan Systems. GARFIO HOOK 9. EXIGENTE DEMANDING 6. INCORPORARSE TO SIT UP 23. LOCURA INSANITY 10. COMODIDAD CONVENIENCE 5. DERROTAR TO BEAT 19. SUDOROSO SWEATY 17. EXIGIR TO DEMAND 20. CONDIMENTADO SPICY 16. DE OTRO MODO.Vaughan LIST 33 S Y S T E M S 1. 2004. QUE YO SEPA AS FAR AS I KNOW 3. CATÓLICO CATHOLIC 4. IRSE AMONTONANDO TO PILE UP 22. FONDO. AGUANTE ENDURANCE 7. GANCHO. RON RUM 14. A LARGO PLAZO LONG-TERM 11. PRECISIÓN ACCURACY 2. DE MOMENTO FOR THE TIME BEING 8. Reservados todos los derechos. TOZUDO THICK-HEADED 18. BASTANTES QUITE A FEW 13. PARECERSE A (FORMA DE SER) TO TAKE AFTER 24. REHEN HOSTAGE 9. PORTAVOZ SPOKESMAN 16. LEAL LOYAL 11. ABRUMADOR OVERWHELMING 12. REZAR TO PRAY 22. INVOLUCRACIÓN INVOLVEMENT 10. IMPLICACIÓN. MANTENERSE EN FORMA TO KEEP FIT 21. GARANTÍA (SOBRE UN PRODUCTO) WARRANTY c Vaughan Systems. ALTO EL FUEGO CEASE-FIRE 4. COMPLETO Y ESMERADO THOROUGH 18. Reservados todos los derechos. PREVISIÓN FORESIGHT 8. CONVINCENTE CONVINCING 5. DESPLEGAR TO DEPLOY 20. 2004. TRANQUILIZADOR REASSURING 13. PEZ ESPADA SWORDFISH 17. TRISTEZA SADNESS 14. RESBALAR TO SLIP 23. ASUMIR EL MANDO TO TAKE OVER 24. DOBLAR TO BEND 19. ESCASEZ (TEMPORAL) SHORTAGE 15. TALÓN DE AQUILES ACHILLES HEEL 2. VISIÓN DE FUTURO.Vaughan LIST 34 S Y S T E M S 1. DINAMARCA DENMARK 6. PAGE 37 . DOLOR DE MUELA TOOTHACHE 25. NOVIAZGO FORMAL ENGAGEMENT 7. ASFALTO ASPHALT 3. NO TIENE SENTIDO IT DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE 10. CHANTAJEAR TO BLACKMAIL 19. PALA SHOVEL 15. QUINCENA FORTNIGHT 8. APLAZAR TO PROCRASTINATE 22. DESAFÍO CHALLENGE 4. LUJOSO LUXURIOUS 11. ADQUISICIÓN ACQUISITION 2. PAGE 38 . RECREO RECREATION 13. ¿POR QUÉ? HOW COME? 9. RETO. RASGAR. PAPELERA WASTE BASKET c Vaughan Systems. ODIAR TO DESPISE 20. ANDAR CON DILACIONES. MANTEL TABLECLOTH 17. A TODA COSTA AT ALL COSTS 3. 2004. ESMERO THOROUGHNESS 18. ECHAR A PATADAS TO KICK OUT 21. AHORROS SAVINGS 14. Reservados todos los derechos. RONCAR TO SNORE 23. MERECEDOR DESERVING 6. EMPRENDEDOR ENTERPRISING 7. OSTRA OYSTER 12. POLICÍA COP 5. PASTA DE DIENTES TOOTHPASTE 25. ROMPER (TELA. PAPEL) TO TEAR 24. CÓNYUGE SPOUSE 16.Vaughan LIST 35 S Y S T E M S 1. DISPOSITIVO DEVICE 6. PENSAR EN VOZ ALTA TO THINK OUT LOUD 24. DETENIDAMENTE AT LENGTH 3. RICO WEALTHY c Vaughan Systems. VALOR DE MERCADO MARKET VALUE 11. ENTORNO. ESTANCADO STAGNANT 16. REFERENCIA REFERRAL 13. PAGE 39 . ELABORAR. Reservados todos los derechos. RESOLVER TO SOLVE 23. 2004. HUMILDE HUMBLE 9. VENTAJOSO ADVANTAGEOUS 2. FAROLEAR TO BLUFF 19. LORO PARROT 12. ADINERADO. TALONARIO DE CHEQUES CHECKBOOK 4. ¡MENOS MAL! IT’S A GOOD THING ! 10. CONFECCIONAR TO DRAW UP 20. MEDIO AMBIENTE ENVIRONMENT 7. CABEZA DE TURCO SCAPEGOAT 14. ASUSTADO FRIGHTENED 8. MANSO TAME 17. PROPORCIONAR TO PROVIDE 22. TÍMIDO SHY 15. CORCHO CORK 5. TORNEO TOURNAMENT 25. DESPEDIR (EN MASA) TO LAY OFF 21. CONSIDERACIÓN THOUGHTFULNESS 18.Vaughan LIST 36 S Y S T E M S 1. AMENAZA THREAT 18. CAPRICHOSO WHIMSICAL c Vaughan Systems. AGUANTE STAMINA 16. TENGO UN HAMBRE QUE NO VEAS I’M STARVING 9. LAGUNA GAP 8. ALARGAR TO LENGTHEN 21. ESPANTAPÁJAROS SCARECROW 14. NO VALE LA PENA IT’S NOT WORTH IT 10. NÓMINA PAYROLL 12. FONDO. COLCHÓN MATTRESS 11. TIRAR TO SPILL 23. AGUA DE GRIFO TAP WATER 17. LAMENTABLE REGRETFUL 13. 2004. A EXPENSAS DE AT THE EXPENSE OF 3. DARSE DE BAJA TO DROP OUT 20. PAGE 40 . Reservados todos los derechos. COSTOSO COSTLY 5. DERRAMAR. LISTA DE VERIFICACIÓN CHECKLIST 4. DAR UN PUÑETAZO TO PUNCH 22. PECADO SIN 15. HERVIR TO BOIL 19. CONSEJO. CHALET ADOSADO TOWNHOUSE 25. BRECHA.Vaughan LIST 37 S Y S T E M S 1. DE VEZ EN CUANDO EVERY NOW AND THEN 7. AMENAZAR TO THREATEN 24. DECEPCIONADO DISAPPOINTED 6. ASESORAMIENTO ADVICE 2. INTENTO ATTEMPT 3. TUMBARSE TO LIE DOWN 21. MOSTRADOR COUNTER 5. Reservados todos los derechos. BOTAR TO BOUNCE 19. ACOMODADO AFFLUENT 2. PAGE 41 . SILBATO. PLAN SCHEME 14. FIABILIDAD RELIABILITY 13. SEMEJANTES PEERS 12. REUNIR LAS CONDICIONES TO QUALIFY 22. TIRAR (A LA BASURA) TO THROW AWAY 24. 2004. DESORDENADO MESSY 11. UN DÍA SI Y OTRO NO EVERY OTHER DAY 7. PITO WHISTLE c Vaughan Systems. SABROSO TASTY 17. CONSTANTE Y EQUILIBRADO STEADY 16. UMBRAL THRESHOLD 18. TEÑIR TO DYE 20. DESEQUILIBRIO IMBALANCE 9. CHISMORREO GOSSIP 8. MARFIL IVORY 10. UN ESCÉPTICO A SKEPTIC 15. RIZAR EL RIZO TO SPLIT HAIRS 23. REMOLQUE TRAILER 25.Vaughan LIST 38 S Y S T E M S 1. DESANIMADO DISCOURAGED 6. BARBILLA CHIN 4. INAPROPIADO IMPROPER 9. DESCUBRIMIENTO DISCOVERY 6. POSIBILITAR TO ENABLE 20. Reservados todos los derechos. HACER COSQUILLAS TO TICKLE 24. VOLANTE STEERING WHEEL 16. REACCIONAR TO REACT 22. RENDIDO EXHAUSTED 7. OBJETIVO AIM 2. PROMOCIÓN (ESCOLAR) GRADUATING CLASS 8. APUÑALAR TO STAB 23. ESCEPTICISMO SKEPTICISM 15. DIGNO DE ELOGIO REMARKABLE 13. POR SI ACASO JUST IN CASE 10. CONTRIBUYENTE TAXPAYER 17. BUENA SALUD FÍSICA PHYSICAL FITNESS 12. CRIAR. AGOTADO. PERIODO DE PRUEBA TRIAL PERIOD 25. DOLOR DE ESPALDA BACKACHE 3. TRONO THRONE 18. ESPERAR CON ILUSIÓN TO LOOK FORWARD TO 21. 2004. VALOR.VALENTÍA COURAGE 5. PAGE 42 .Vaughan LIST 39 S Y S T E M S 1. TIJERAS SCISSORS 14. EDUCAR TO BRING UP 19. ENGAÑOSO MISLEADING 11. ALMEJAS CLAMS 4. PERMITIR. MAYORISTA WHOLESALER c Vaughan Systems. SOBRESALIR. VERGONZOSO DISGRACEFUL 6. ESTEREOTIPO STEREOTYPE 16. SABIO WISE c Vaughan Systems. 2004. TUMBA GRAVE 8. APRETADO TIGHT 18. GLOBO BALLOON 3. TIERNO TENDER 17. NÉCORA CRAB 5. CARTERISTA PICKPOCKET 12. RATERO. JUICIOSO. FLACO SKINNY 15. SOBRESALIR TO STAND OUT 23. DESTACAR. EXIGIR TO CALL FOR 19. ELIMINACIÓN REMOVAL 13.Vaughan LIST 40 S Y S T E M S 1. PRECIPICIO. PARECERSE A TO LOOK LIKE 21. TRAMPOSO TRICKY 25. PRUDENTE. ANDAR DE PUNTILLAS TO TIPTOE 24. EXPERIMENTADO EXPERIENCED 7. NEGARSE A TO REFUSE 22. DESTORNILLADOR SCREWDRIVER 14. NUDO KNOT 10. Reservados todos los derechos. CANGREJO. ALIANZA ALLIANCE 2. DESTACAR TO EXCEL 20. MONOPOLIO MONOPOLY 11. EN UN APRIETO IN A PINCH 9. PAGE 43 . ACANTILADO CLIFF 4. DIGNO DE CONFIANZA TRUSTWORTHY 25. EXPERTO KNOWLEDGEABLE 10. ENDURECER TO TOUGHEN 24. ESFUMARSE TO FADE AWAY 20. GENIAL TERRIFIC 17. CHOQUE CRASH 5. PISTA. HASTA CIERTO PUNTO TO A CERTAIN EXTENT 18. SIN VALOR WORTHLESS c Vaughan Systems. TRAMPA PITFALL 12. CALUMNIA SLANDER 15. SOLTAR. CALMARSE TO CALM DOWN 19. GAVIOTA SEA GULL 14. CEBADA BARLEY 3. 2004. INSATISFECHO DISSATISFIED 6. RESERVADO RESERVED 13. EN CUALQUIER CASO IN ANY CASE 9. Reservados todos los derechos. LIBERAR TO RELEASE 22. FABULOSO. FECHA DE CADUCIDAD EXPIRATION DATE 7. SEGUIR EN CONTACTO TO STAY IN TOUCH 23. AVARO GREEDY 8. PAGE 44 . PALO STICK 16. ALMENDRA ALMOND 2. BURLARSE DE TO MAKE FUN OF 21. INDICIO CLUE 4. ESCOLLO. HIPOTECA MORTGAGE 11. PELIGRO.Vaughan LIST 41 S Y S T E M S 1. SIMPÁTICO AMIABLE 2. LENGUA MATERNA MOTHER TONGUE 11. CHULETAS DE CORDERO LAMB CHOPS 10. DIRECTRICES GUIDELINES 8. ATRAPAR TO TRAP 24. DESMAYAR TO FAINT 20. BONITO TUNA 25. RESPONSABLE DE IN CHARGE OF 9. ALCANZAR (DESDE ATRAS) TO CATCH UP 19. ENCHUFE PLUG 12. RESCATAR TO RESCUE 22. ROÑOSO STINGY 16. Reservados todos los derechos. NEGRERO SLAVE DRIVER 15. INSTALACIONES FACILITIES 7. PAGE 45 . COSECHA. HERIDO WOUNDED c Vaughan Systems. SEMILLAS SEEDS 14. DE CARÁCTER FUERTE RESILIENT 13. 2004. CARBÓN COAL 4. LOS ARABES THE ARABS 17. ALBORNOZ BATHROBE 3. HACER USO DE TO MAKE USE OF 21. APESTAR TO STINK 23. LOGRAR TO ACHIEVE 18. UN INCONVENIENTE A DRAWBACK 6. CULTIVO CROP 5.Vaughan LIST 42 S Y S T E M S 1. ATÚN. Presentations & Public Speaking Telephoning and conference calls Vocabulary for dealing with questions Interview evaluation sheet Vocabulary for business English . Connecting someone Can you hold the line? Can you hold on a minute/moment? Hold please. c Vaughan Systems.. Reservados todos los derechos.. 2004... Asking for someone Is Maria there/in? Could you put me through to Extension 123? Can I have Extension 123? I'll just put you through.? Is this the Customer Service Department? Could I speak to.. How can I help you? (Not 'I am Sonia!') Excuse me. who's calling please? Asking who is on the telephone May I ask who's speaking? Who shall I say is calling? (Not 'Who is this?') Could you please tell me the number of your Madrid branch? Asking for a number Could you give me the number of the Human Resources department? Do you have the number for. PAGE 47 .Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S TELEPHONE EXPRESSIONS This is Sonia. Answering a call Sonia speaking. 2004. Could you repeat that please? Problems with the line I think there's some interference on the line. Just to confirm. could you call back later? Taking a message Leaving a message Can/Could/May I take a message? Would you like to leave a message? Could I leave a message for her? Could you pass on a message to Sonia for me please? Have I got this straight? Have I got that right? Checking information Let me just check the details. PAGE 48 .. you are arriving on the 27th... When someone is not available Maria's out/away at the moment. I'm sorry. You're breaking up – do you have a land line I could call you on? c Vaughan Systems.. this connection is terrible. Reservados todos los derechos. is that right? I'm sorry. I think we got cut off just then. The line is busy.Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S TELEPHONE EXPRESSIONS I'm afraid Maria is not available at the moment. Talk to you again soon. you can reach me on my mobile/ my extension is 8893. 2004. Add any further sentences you can think of… c Vaughan Systems. PAGE 49 . Is there anything else I can help you with? Ending a call Very nice to talk to you. If there's anything else. Reservados todos los derechos.Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S TELEPHONE EXPRESSIONS Thank you for calling. g. 2004. I can understand your concern but.Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S EXPRESSIONS FOR DEALING WITH QUESTIONS Do you mind if I ask you whether… Could you tell me if… Asking Questions – Polite I’d be interested to know… I’d like to know … Would you mind telling me/us about… Please do/ Go ahead/Certainly. Giving Reassurance There is no need for concern on that point.’ Contradicting a Statement Question E. we expect to have completed the work by next week. You need have no worries on that front. haven’t we?” If you want to contradict a statement question. Reservados todos los derechos. I’m glad you asked me/raised that.” I'd like to reassure you about that.. . we’re right on target. . Answering Polite Questions That’s a good point. E. That’s an interesting question.“The project won’t be finished on time?” Or “We’ve underestimated the budget. haven’t we? Actually.g.“We’ve underestimated the budget.. PAGE 50 . use ‘actually’ or ‘as a matter of fact. Add any further sentences you can think of… c Vaughan Systems.” Or “The project won’t be finished on time? As a matter of fact. Statement Questions Make a statement with a question intonation or a question tag. Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S INTERVIEW EVALUATION SHEET 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. c START OF THE INTERVIEW * Verbal Communication (What is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Non-verbal Communication (How it is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Verbal Communication (What is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Non-verbal Communication (How it is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Verbal Communication (What is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Non-verbal Communication (How it is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Verbal Communication (What is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Non-verbal Communication (How it is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Verbal Communication (What is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Non-verbal Communication (How it is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Verbal Communication (What is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Non-verbal Communication (How it is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Verbal Communication (What is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Non-verbal Communication (How it is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Verbal Communication (What is said) 1 2 3 4 5 * Non-verbal Communication (How it is said) 1 2 3 4 5 TELL ME A BIT ABOUT YOURSELF HOW DID YOU FIND OUT ABOUT THIS POSITION? ACHIEVEMENTS STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES WHAT ARE YOUR LONG-TERM CAREER PLANS? WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE YOU? Vaughan Systems, 2004. Reservados todos los derechos. PAGE 51 Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S VOCABULARY FOR BUSINESS ENGLISH Let’s get down to business. Beginning Shall we make a start? I’d like to begin by… There are three points I’d like to make. As you’ll see from the agenda… Ordering To begin with… I suggest we take this item first. Let’s start by looking at the issue of… Turning to… Introducing a new point Moving on to… Turning our attention to… Let’s now focus on… In addition… Adding Additionally We should also think about… Let me give an example… Giving an example To illustrate this point, let’s consider… Let’s look at the case of… A case in point is… c Vaughan Systems, 2004. Reservados todos los derechos. PAGE 52 Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S VOCABULARY FOR BUSINESS ENGLISH On the one hand,... but on the other hand... Although..., we must remember that... Weighing up an idea Even though..., we should still bear in mind that... In spite of..., I still think that... Despite the fact that..., we mustn’t forget that... By and large... All in all... Generalising Most of the time... On the whole... In general... Generally speaking... Let me emphasize... Emphasizing Can I just draw your attention to...? I’d like to point out... I’d prefer... to... Stating preference I’d rather... I tend to favour... as opposed to... Let me wrap up by saying... Concluding Let me conclude with... I would like to conclude my comments by... c Vaughan Systems, 2004. Reservados todos los derechos. PAGE 53 Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S VOCABULARY FOR BUSINESS ENGLISH What do you think? Asking for an opinion What’s your opinion? What’s your position on...? What are your views/ thoughts on...? I strongly/firmly/really believe that... I really feel that... Giving a strong opinion I am (absolutely) convinced... There can be no question that... It’s quite/crystal clear that... I’m certain/positive that... In my opinion, we should… As I see it… Giving an opinion As far as I’m concerned… From my perspective/point of view… In my view… As far as I know/ am able to judge... Giving a weak opinion It strikes me/ seems to me that... I would say that... I think it could be argued that... I see what you mean. Commenting on opinions That’s an interesting point. That does need to be considered. c Vaughan Systems, 2004. Reservados todos los derechos. PAGE 54 I’m in total agreement/accord. Relevance We’re getting off the point. Let’s hear from… So. I agree. I’m of exactly the same opinion. Strong agreement I entirely agree with you. to sum up… If I could just sum up the discussion… In short… Summarizing In brief… The main points that have been made are… The matter as it stands is… Just to review the main points so far… I’m 100% behind you. I think we are in agreement on that. PAGE 55 . Reservados todos los derechos. 2004. I think you’re right. Shall we get back to the point? We haven’t heard from… I’d like to get your view… Giving someone the opportunity to speak Can we hear what…has to say? I would like to invite…to present his views on… Would you care to comment? I think…would like to make a point.Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S VOCABULARY FOR BUSINESS ENGLISH Perhaps we’re missing the point. Neutral agreement I see your point. c Vaughan Systems. I agree with you. but… I’m not against it. but… I agree with you on the whole. but… I can see what you’re getting at. but it could be argued/said that… I totally/completely disagree with you. but… Polite disagreement I can see why you think that. You must be joking/ kidding! Frankly… Polite strong disagreement To be blunt… Bluntly… With (all due) respect… I really can’t agree with you about… I can’t say I share your views on… Tentative disagreement I’m not convinced about… I think we need more time to consider… There are two sides to the argument… I understand your point.Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S VOCABULARY FOR BUSINESS ENGLISH I agree. but… Up to a point. PAGE 56 . I don’t agree at all. Strong disagreement You’re completely in error/mistaken. What you are saying is unfeasible/ impossible. I couldn’t agree less. I could never agree to that. Tentative agreement I would tend to agree with you on that. 2004. I agree in principle. but… c Vaughan Systems. Reservados todos los derechos. ... There's absolutely no cause for concern about.....Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S VOCABULARY FOR BUSINESS ENGLISH There are other considerations which must be taken into account. I can assure you..? Asking questions Do you realize/know that…? Wouldn’t you agree that…? Shouldn’t we consider…? I was wondering if you’d looked at…? I have some reservations about... For example… Adding information Seen from one angle/perspective/point of view… I wonder if you’ve considered… There are certain aspects we must bear/keep in mind… I don’t know if you’re aware of… Have you considered…? Has it occurred to you that... Expressing concern or reservation I'm (rather/a little/somewhat) concerned/worried about. 2004.. I can't help feeling that.. PAGE 57 ... I/we understand/share/appreciate your concern about.. Reservados todos los derechos. Reassuring Let me assure you. I think we can disregard… Playing something down I don’t think we need to focus too much on… These are minor issues when one considers… c Vaughan Systems.. I'm afraid that. ... Coming back to a point after an interruption Coming back to what I was saying. If you would be so kind as to let me finish... Can I say something here? Sorry to interrupt/ butt in.. Before we begin the discussion.......... I'd like to. Preventing an interruption Just let me finish. Could I come in at this point? If I could just say something here.. PAGE 58 ... Just wait a moment... I'd like to take this opportunity to.Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S VOCABULARY FOR BUSINESS ENGLISH Excuse me. To return to... c Vaughan Systems.. I'll come to that in a moment. If I might just finish.. Joining in If it's alright with everyone... Stopping interruptions before they happen If I could briefly outline three points. 2004. and then I would like to. may I interrupt here? Interrupting Just a moment.. As I was saying. To resume.. Firstly. I have two points I'd like to make Very briefly.. Reservados todos los derechos. I think I have something to add which could be relevant... If I could return to the point I was making... I'd just like to say.. I have a point to make here. . I'd be interested to know.? Is there..Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S VOCABULARY FOR BUSINESS ENGLISH Can/could/may I just ask you... Let me make sure I follow.... Could you run that by us again please? Asking for repetition I'm afraid I don't quite follow.. Reservados todos los derechos... You feel that. Could you repeat that? Would you mind going over that again.. So you're worried about....... Could you go into a little more detail about.? Will there be.? Are you going/planning to. Probing questions Could you tell us a little more about.? What sort of. 2004.? I was wondering if you could.. please? I'm afraid I don't see what you mean..? Asking general questions Could you tell us...? What exactly do you mean by. c Vaughan Systems. You want to.? Let me see if I've understood you..? Paraphrasing You feel that... Perhaps you could tell us.? If I understand you correctly.? Asking closed / leading questions Have you....... Did you. PAGE 59 ......... Sorry. c Vaughan Systems.... There's no doubt. What I was trying to say is that. It's fairly probable that.. You have raised a good point there.Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S VOCABULARY FOR BUSINESS ENGLISH There seems to have been a slight misunderstanding. Probably. It's possible that. Correcting misunderstandings That isn't quite what I meant. there are a lot of issues to consider.... That's an interesting question.. I'm (100%) certain that... Obviously... Giving yourself time to think of an answer I'm glad you asked me that. I'm fairly sure that. There is a possibilty that. That's a difficult question to answer. Being certain I'm (absolutely) sure that. I'm almost certain that. PAGE 60 .... Being unsure It's not impossible that..... Being fairly sure It's quite likely that. Reservados todos los derechos. 2004. perhaps I didn't make myself clear....... We will concede.on the understanding that .provided that. It is highly improbable that.unless.........on condition that.. Reservados todos los derechos. Bargaining I think we could........ Accepting a bargain We wouldn't be prepared to.. I don't think there's any chance that.. Would that be acceptable? Confirming acceptability Does that seem satisfactory? Is that an acceptable compromise? We hope that this will be acceptable..Vaughan Public Speaking S Y S T E M S VOCABULARY FOR BUSINESS ENGLISH It's very unlikely that. Being uncertain I have doubts about. PAGE 61 .. We are prepared to.. Thinking something is unlikely It seems highly unlikely that....if you compromise on. I don't think we could agree to that. unless. We are willing to. We are ready to..... I'm not sure/certain that. 2004... We'd be reluctant to.... c Vaughan Systems.... long as... I'm uncertain about..... There's very little likelihood of.... Appendices Cloverdale’s Characters Sudoku Inglés Most Common Irregular Verbs Pronunciation of Common Regular Verbs Common Errors by Spanish Speakers . What kind of house does André’s family 29. André told her that he had found a new job and that he was earning twice as much as in his last job. Many years ago. What’s the problem? 10. How much does Natasha remember? 13. He moved there with his parents when he was only five years old. Her cousin. André and Natasha have been writing to each other. when André was a child. How much does André remember from that period? 12. When Natasha read the letter. 17. Ever since André started writing to Natasha. Where do they live in Glasgow? working life? 23. What’s her cousin’s name? were together? 15. 2004. Would Natasha like to go? 9. How much more does he earn in his new job? 32. In fact. Reservados todos los derechos. Natasha still remembers a lot of things. She remembers that André was a bad little boy. 1. When will Natasha go to Scotland? 27. Has she ever been outside of Moscow? 36. Petersburg? 34.Vaughan Cloverdale’s Characters S Y S T E M S Natasha Zarakovich Natasha has been thinking about Scotland for the past two weeks. She didn’t like the idea of André paying for the ticket. André Zarakovich. What was Natasha’s reaction when she Did he move there alone or with his parents? 6. but it’s too expensive for her. He is one year younger than Natasha. Since when has André been inviting 31. Will she stay in Scotland for several months? 4. What does André’s father do? 28. he had made a flight reservation for Natasha on British Airways for December 22nd. André’s father is an aeronautical engineer and the family has a nice house in the suburbs of Glasgow. What did he do to Natasha when they 25. He always hit her when they were playing. She’s never been outside of Russia. What didn’t she like about the arrangement? 19. In his last letter. Did he live near Natasha or far from her? 21. Where did André live when he was a young child? have? 30. What did he do with the extra money he is earning? Vaughan Systems. How old was he when he moved to Scotland? 7. He also told her that. However. she’s never been more than 50 kilometers outside of Moscow. he played with Natasha every day in Moscow. How long has she been thinking about Scotland? 3. What kind of boy was André when he was little? c read the letter? 18. When will she go back to Moscow? 5. but she was excited that she was finally going to visit another country. Natasha would like to go. How many times has she traveled abroad? 33. What did André tell Natasha about his 11. How long have they been writing to each other? 26. How far outside of Moscow has she been? 24. he has been inviting her to visit him and his family in Glasgow. Why was she excited? Natasha to Scotland? 20. The return ticket was for January 3rd. For the past five years. How long has he been living in Scotland? 16. How many times has she been to St. PAGE 63 . she couldn’t believe it. has been living in Scotland for 23 years. André only remembers a few things from that period. With what airline did he make a reservation? What has Natasha been thinking about lately? 2. with the extra money in the first two months. 14. They lived next door to each other. What did they do together at that time? 22. How much younger is he than Natasha? 8. Has she ever been to another large city in Russia? 35. How long did she say she was planning to be there? 24. She’s thinking about Karl Polster. It seems strange that the Purchasing Manager of Mercedes should call her so often. What’s Karl’s job in Mercedes Benz? 13. Who is she thinking about? 8. 1. Her family’s estate is worth over 50 million dollars. but Anna is always afraid that men are more interested in her money than in her. What did Karl ask Anna twice about this 4. Anna Barghini received a telephone call from Karl Polster. How does she feel sometimes? 19. What‘s Anna’s situation now concerning 7. She told Karl in their conversation that she was planning to be in Stuttgart for a couple of days at the end of November. She has a feeling that Karl is interested in something more than business. What is she afraid of concerning men? from? in Mercedes? 2. The real negotiations are between her engineers and the technical people at Mercedes. Who did Anna receive a telephone call 11. Anna doesn’t have a serious relationship with any man right now. Why doesn’t she have time for men right now? 21. shortly before lunch. Is Anna having lunch or dinner right now? 15. How long have they been in contact? morning? 5. When did she say she was planning to be there? 25. How old is she? 18. What else did he talk to her about? 6. Are the negotiations more technical or administrative? c men? 16. Reservados todos los derechos. In their conversation this morning. 2004.Vaughan Cloverdale’s Characters S Y S T E M S Ana Barghini This morning. When did she received the call? 12. What does Anna think Karl is interested in? 3. Why have they been in contact? 14. She didn’t say anything when he mentioned his country house. Is Karl’s job more technical or more administrative? 10. he asked her twice when she was planning to visit Stuttgart again. She’s really too busy running her father’s company to worry about men. His job is more administrative than technical. the Purchasing Manager of Mercedes Benz. she’s 27 years old and she sometimes feels a little lonely. He also talked to her about a country house he has in the Black Forest. PAGE 64 . Anna’s having lunch right now in her office. However. How much is her family’s estate worth? 22. What seems strange to Anna about Karl? 9. Who are Anna’s engineers dealing with 20. What is her opinion of Karl? Vaughan Systems. Did she tell Karl that she was planning to be in Stuttgart? 23. Karl is a nice young man and quite handsome. What did she say when Karl mentioned his country house? 17. They have been in contact for several months because Anna’s company is negotiating a large contract to supply car seats for several models produced by Mercedes. He was often quiet and pensive when he was at home. What did Aki find interesting in the article? 6. What did Aki think that his wife would enjoy? 17. he sat down to have dinner with his family. A group of French Protestants called the “Acadians” had gone to Louisiana to escape persecution. Who did he have dinner with? 19. What time did he sit down to have dinner? Vaughan Systems. What did he do after he had finished reading the article? 18. What big city did the article mention? 21. It said that there had been a lot of political corruption in the state during the ‘30’s and ‘40’s. It was 8:30.They had established a special culture in Louisiana and they were called the “Cajuns”. Reservados todos los derechos. What did the article say Louisiana was 15. The article also talked about the city of New Orleans and about the history of Louisiana. What was Aki Morita worried about? 10. which was a deformation of the word “Acadians”. That same night. in a town called Natchez.Vaughan Cloverdale’s Characters S Y S T E M S Aki Morita Aki Morita was worried about his future in Honda. What did he look up in the encyclopedia? 14. What was the name of the culture they established? c 23. She simply thought that he had had a hard day at the office. The only thing that Aki found interesting was the section about the beautiful plantation homes along the Mississippi River. Why had they gone to Louisiana? 9. but she didn’t say anything. When he had finished the article about Louisiana. What had his bosses told him earlier the 11. Aki looked up “Louisiana” in his encyclopedia. What did his wife notice during the meal? 2. 1. PAGE 65 . It said that Louisiana was famous for its French influence. What did she think was the problem? same day? 3. his bosses had told him that he would be the quality manager at a new factory that Honda was building in Louisiana. Earlier that day. Did Aki read about the history or the 22. before saying anything to his family. 2004. He thought that his wife would enjoy visiting that town. What did she say about this? 12. Did Aki tell his family about Louisiana when he got home? 4. What was Aki usually like when he was at home? 16. What group of people did the article talk about? 8. What he read about the political situation in the ‘30’s and ‘40’s? 5. Why was it called the “Cajun” culture? 20. Was Aki usually fun and talkative when he was at home? 24. His wife noticed that he was quiet during the meal. Where were the plantations located? famous for? 7. What book did he get when he got home? economy of Louisiana? 13. It was worth it. who knew Pierre personally. he Peugeot by e-mail. Did the Chairman of Peugeot know Pierre personally? 15.. he this would mean staying up all night. however.The problem was that he had gone to bed at 4:00 a. At 9:00 p.. What did his wife do at 9:00 p. What had happened concerning the meeting? 20. had made? PAGE 66 . By 3:00 a. but he told included a lot of legal terminology and very long received a telephone call from the Chairman of the Chairman not to worry. he had and the verb.? Vaughan Systems. Did Pierre know about this translation when he got home the day before? 9. It letters and a 24. Did he do the translation for a personal client or for a client of the Ministry? 7. How long would he have stayed in bed if he hadn’t had an important translation at the Ministry? 4. Did he start doing this translation when he got home? 10. he had finished the documents. What problem did Pierre have this 11. he began working on a relatively short.m. When Pierre got home at 5:00 p. sentences. he would’ve stayed in bed until at least 10 o’clock. the day before.Vaughan Cloverdale’s Characters S Y S T E M S Pierre Monet Pierre Monet had a terrible time getting up this morning. 2004. By what day did he need to finish this 26. How far had he progressed by 7:00 p.m.000 euros for the job. But he had to get up at 6:30. How much had he already translated by that time? 29. What did the second half of the contract include? 31. Shortly before 4:00 a. and used Pierre received the letters and contract by e- took Pierre almost a minute to find the subject his services for the translation of important mail and began translating. By that time. What translation did he start doing? c translation? 12. contract. What time had he gone to bed the night before? 5. What did the Chairman urgently need Pierre to do? 27. What was his only consolation? 24. By 7:00 p. Reservados todos los derechos. When was the meeting originally scheduled? 19. Pierre knew that contract was quite difficult to translate. How far had he progressed by 3:00 a. What time did he receive the call? 14. How long was one of the letters? morning? 2. The Chairman told Pierre that a finished the two letters.m. Where is Volvo located? 18. What was his feeling about the effort he 25.? 28.m.. 1. What problem did Pierre have with one sentence? 32. his wife made him a thoroughly. What was the problem with the second half of the contract? 30.Within five minutes. When did this client need the translation? 8. Then he went to bed had been moved up to tomorrow. Who did he receive a phone call from? 13. One sentence was so long that it Peugeot. His only consolation was that he he urgently needed Pierre to translate two contract. How did he feel when he went to bed? 23.? 34. How soon did he receive the documents? 37.m. What would this mean for Pierre? 35. How many hours had he spent doing an important translation at home? 6. If he hadn’t had an important translation to do at the Ministry.m. the second half of the would earn almost 1. easy translation about a corporate merger.? 33. Why did he know him? 16. How did he receive them? 38. his normal time to get up. What did he have at the Ministry this morning? 3. At 5:30. The translation needed to be done by the following Monday. he sent it to week with the management of Volvo in Sweden sandwich and a strong coffee. How did he send it to them? 22. Who did the Chairman have a meeting with? 17.m. one of which was four contract and he spent the next hour checking it meeting that was scheduled for the following pages long. He said that had already finished the first six pages of the exhausted.m. He had spent ten hours doing an urgent translation for a personal client of his who needed the translation by 8 o’clock that very morning. What did he tell the Chairman of Peugeot? 36.m.. What did he do between 3:00 and 4:00 a. When did he send the translation to Peugeot? 21.m. He’s 27 years old and works in a large French chemical company. What is his feeling about having a serious relationship with her? 3. When he goes to Seville. They met because of a traffic accident. What did François think about her as compared with the girls in Paris? 25. he’s a little afraid of having a more serious relationship with her because he doesn’t understand the character of the people from the south of Spain. How often does he think about Inés? 21. How old is he? 14. he’s called her three times. he always rents a car to drive to Huelva.The last time he spoke to her. What happened in his relationship with her? 10. Is Inés a gypsy? 11. What can you say about Inés’ physical Pierre Monet? 2. Since then. What opera did he see several years ago? 7. a young soldier fell in love with a gypsy girl from Seville. How does he travel when he’s in Spain? 9. he invited her to visit Paris. François thinks he was lucky to have the accident. What does he hope? the singer in the opera “Carmen”? Vaughan Systems. What do the people from Seville seem 5. He hopes she’ll call him. Where does he work? 16. How often does he call her? c features? 23. Why hasn’t he been able to talk to her again? 28. 2004. But he still remembers the opera he saw several years ago called “Carmen”. How is François Monet related to 13. but sometimes she talked and behaved like the singer who played the role of Carmen in the opera. in Spain. because otherwise he wouldn’t have met Inés. a small city not far from Seville. However. He often travels to Huelva. What did François do the last time he spoke to Inés? 26. especially from Seville. Where does he travel in his job? 17. That’s how he met Inés García.Vaughan Cloverdale’s Characters S Y S T E M S François Monet François Monet is Pierre’s nephew. How many times has he called her since then? 27. but her mobile phone was disconnected each time.They seem like fun people who look for ways to enjoy life. PAGE 67 . 1. Reservados todos los derechos. Inés wasn’t a gypsy girl. He’s even invited her to visit Paris. Does François find her attractive or ugly? 24. Where does he go when he travels to 18. Who did the French soldier fall in love Spain? 8. What has he invited her to do? 22. In the opera. Why is he glad he had the accident? 20. Inés had black hair and dark eyes. Does he work in a Spanish company? 15. What’s his job in the company? like to him? 6. Now he thinks about her every day and calls her as often as he can. He a salesman and he travels to many factories throughout the European Union. The poor soldier had all kinds of problems. François found her very attractive and very different from the girls in Paris. Why is he afraid? 4. What does François remember about 12. How did he meet Inés García? with? 19. Reservados todos los derechos. 2004.SUDOKU INGLÉS 1 c Vaughan Systems. Vaughan S Y S T E M S PAGE 68 . Reservados todos los derechos. 2004. Vaughan S Y S T E M S PAGE 69 .SUDOKU INGLÉS 2 c Vaughan Systems. SUDOKU INGLÉS 3 c Vaughan Systems. Vaughan S Y S T E M S PAGE 70 . 2004. Reservados todos los derechos. Reservados todos los derechos.SUDOKU INGLÉS 4 c Vaughan Systems. Vaughan S Y S T E M S PAGE 71 . 2004. 2004. Reservados todos los derechos.SUDOKU INGLÉS 5 c Vaughan Systems. Vaughan S Y S T E M S PAGE 72 . Reservados todos los derechos. PAGE 73 . is.Vaughan Most Common Irregular Verbs S Y S T E M S am. are was. were been lead led led become became become leave left left begin began begun lend lent lent blow blew blown let let let break broke broken lose lost lost bring brought brought make made made build built built mean meant meant buy bought bought meet met met catch caught caught pay paid paid choose chose chosen put put put come came come quit quit quit cost cost cost read read read cut cut cut ring rang rung deal with dealt with dealt with rise rose risen do did done run ran run drink drank drunk see saw seen drive drove driven sell sold sold eat ate eaten send sent sent fall fell fallen set set set feel felt felt shut shut shut fight fought fought sit sat sat find found found sleep slept slept fly flew flown speak spoke spoken forget forgot forgotten spend spent spent get got got/gotten stand stood stood give gave given steal stole stolen go went gone take took taken grow grew grown teach taught taught have had had tell told told hear heard heard think thought thought hold held held throw threw thrown hurt hurt hurt understand understood understood keep kept kept wear wore worn know knew known win won won c Vaughan Systems. 2004. are the most commonly used. but these.Pronunciation of Common Regular Verbs Vaughan S Y S T E M S There are many more important verbs not listed here. PAGE 74 . Reservados todos los derechos. barring an oversight. 2004. c Hard “d” sound “t” sound “id” sound (additional syllable) Agreed Allowed Answered Appeared Arrived Believed Belonged Called Carried Changed Cleaned Closed Continued Copied Covered Cried Died Earned Enjoyed Explained Followed Gained Happened Joined Listened to Lived Moved Offered Owned Planned Prepared Played Preferred Pulled Rained Raised Received Retired Saved Seemed Served Showed Smiled Snowed Stayed Studied Tried Used Worried Asked Checked Cooked Crossed Danced Escaped Finished Helped Hoped Jumped Laughed Liked Looked Missed Noticed Parked Passed Picked Progressed Promised Pushed Reached Stopped Talked Walked Washed Watched Wished Worked Accepted Acted Added Attended Attracted Avoided Contacted Counted Created Decided Depended on Divided Eliminated Existed Expanded Expected Hated Included Insisted Invented Invited Landed Lifted Lasted Needed Pointed Printed Rented Rested Shouted Started Treated Waited Wanted Wasted Vaughan Systems. 2004. SPANGLISH ENGLISH .Vaughan Common Errors By Spanish Speakers S Y S T E M S The following list outlines some of the most common problems for Spanish speakers caused by direct translation.CORRECT VERSION!! To depend of something To depend on something To spend money in something To spend money on something To pay something To pay for something To buy to someone To buy from someone To work in something To work on something To focus in something To focus on something To know to do something To know how to do something To be related with something To be related to something To be committed with something To be committed to something Near of/from somewhere Near somewhere Close of/from somewhere Close to somewhere To be based in something To be based on something To be responsible of something To be responsible for something To be the guilty (I’m the guilty) To be one’s fault (It’s my fault) According with someone According to someone I must to study I must study (NEVER to) I can to swim I can swim (NEVER to) I will to go I will go (NEVER to) Tell to us Tell us (NEVER to) Ask to him Ask him (NEVER to) c Vaughan Systems. Reservados todos los derechos. PAGE 75 . 2004..Vaughan Common Errors By Spanish Speakers SPANGLISH S Y S T E M S ENGLISH .. The important thing is. PAGE 76 .CORRECT VERSION!! Call to Mary Call Mary (NEVER to) I am agreed I agree Are you agreed? Do you agree? To explain you To explain to you (ALWAYS to someone) To listen me To listen to me (ALWAYS to someone) To listen it To listen to it (ALWAYS to something) To propose them To propose to them (ALWAYS to someone) An important problem A big problem The best important The most important The important is.. To do a purchase To make a purchase To make a travel To make/take a trip To make a question To ask a question To make business To do business To make research To do/carry out research To take a drink/meal To have a drink/meal To arrive to an agreement To come to/reach an agreement To get an objective To reach/achieve an objective To have sense To make sense People is People ARE Persons People We are three There are three of us c Vaughan Systems.. Reservados todos los derechos. PAGE 77 .Vaughan Common Errors By Spanish Speakers SPANGLISH S Y S T E M S ENGLISH .CORRECT VERSION!! Actually (= actualmente) Currently/presently Illusioned (= ilusionado) Hopeful/excited Really (= en realidad) Actually Impressing Impressive How curious! (= Qué curioso) That’s funny/interesting In a future In the future Question (= asunto) Issue/matter To discuss (= disputar) To argue May I take lent your pen? May I borrow your pen? To count a history To tell a story To assist to class To attend class To remember someone to do something To remind someone to do something The competence (= competencia) The competition/competitors Nothing of nothing Nothing at all Particular lessons Private lessons To learn English is funny Learning English is fun Customer fidelity Customer loyalty A familiar car A family car Tonight (= anoche) Last night This night (= esta noche) Tonight All the days Everyday All the day All day (long) c Vaughan Systems. 2004. Reservados todos los derechos. S.Vaughan Common Errors By Spanish Speakers SPANGLISH S Y S T E M S ENGLISH . That’s why.CORRECT VERSION!! During 4 years For 4 years It’s for this reason that.] c Vaughan Systems. PAGE 78 .. 2004... It’s the same It doesn’t matter the same than/that The same as different that Different than I have 21 years I am 21 years old 10% of discount A 10% discount 10 thousands of people 10 thousand people 1 thousand million (= 1. Reservados todos los derechos.000 million) 1 billion [U..A. .¿Qué es Vaughan Classroom? Entra hoy y descubre www.
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