Vastu to Prevent Theft

March 30, 2018 | Author: vikasvikasdixit | Category: Door, Kitchen, Luck, Happiness & Self-Help, Religion And Belief



Vastu To Prevent TheftHouses which don’t conform to Vastu norms are sometimes find them in situations like theft. Main door including other doors of house signifies and signals about your being theft in future and home owner must take special care of doors. Location, size and number of door are the matter of concern in every house and anyhow they should be given attention in order to make your home safe. Vastu elucidates some basic principles that belong to home door placement, size and number so that there is no risk of theft and ill involve. So turn your house according to Vastu set of rules to safeguard from ill risks of robbery. Some basic Vastu rules for home door are as follows:               Do not place your valuables and cash in North-west corner as it enhance chances of robbery. Do not give your servants South-west area of home as it changes the tendency of servants to commit robbery and poses threat to danger. Entrance or main door must be bigger than the other doors of houses. Total number of doors should be count in even number such as 2, 4, 6, 8, and 12 but avoid ten doors because having ten doors is inauspicious. The main door should have two opening shutters. Single door in East or North is good while South is inauspicious. Doors should not be in straight line. Keep pictures or decorative pieces of sacred symbol Om, Swastik, Laxmi, and Ganesh. Avoid keeping Ganesh idol in the outside door in such a way that when you enter you see Ganesh idol. Instead keep in interior so that when you move out of the main door you encounter Ganesh idol. Make sure there is no obstruction in the front/main entrance. Avoid slanted, circular or sliding gate. Doors should be placed in correct direction so that there is no risk in future. If any of door especially main door is placed in direction then there are some frequent complications that one has to bear for instance- robbery, enmity, diseases, downfall, loss of money and loss of offspring etc. Do not hang any evil picture as it signals destruction. Doors can have picture of Laxmi seated on lotus flower with accompanying elements. Vastu for success Success is what everybody wants in every sphere of life and following Vastu rules is the way to succeed in life. Vastu compliant surroundings render all round success by making the living or workplace supportive. Eventually studies conducted in science retort positive surroundings of home and office contribute in success of inmates and workers. A place become positive with inflow of good vibes that usually comes from right direction. A Vastu compliant workplace with everything at right place and direction can surely render desirable results. Vastu lays down some rules and principle which should be followed at home and workplace efficiently to yield effective results and ending success. Some basic tips of Vastu for success are:     North is the direction for unending success, development and growth, one should be conversant with this direction for over-all success in life. Always face North or East while eating, working, sitting and watching TV etc. Sleep with head towards South and foot towards North. Do not obstruct the North-east and East region of your house or office. If there is any obstruction such as dumping stuff or junk material lying here, then clear it immediately. so it is important to keep this direction energetic and positive so as to sustain good energies that help raise wealth. Other than kitchen in this portion electrical equipment. Avoid any drainage or septic tank in South-east portion because it can bring misfortune like theft. But if there is no kitchen in South-east then it should be free from any other construction such as living room for couple or other. North-east or Eshaan corner must be freed from any construction and if possible construct worship room while if it is not then keep this place clean and open. Other best suited purpose for which South-east corner can be used are for making electrical slot. Vastu for Wealth Vastu and wealth is synonymous as one (Vastu) works well for the other (Wealth) and we can also say where things are according to Vastu wealth inflow will be unending. A Vastu compliment home can prosper you with good wealth. Extension in South-east portion leads to heavy debts. Workers should not sit under exposed beam. boilers etc but can’t be used for any other useful purpose. loss of wealth. Wrong construction or any defect in South-east corner gives rise to problems in women occupant. bedroom. Explore some important Vastu tips to increase wealth:   North is centre of Lord Kubera. In office workers should face North while working. For good wealth energies should be supportive at specific direction that can give a boost to your finances. living place should be constructed with Vastu corresponding direction supportive for wealth. tension.    Do not leave space in West and South and if your entrance is in West or South then ensure that there is no open space for balcony. Avoid any kind of extension in Southern part as it can bring bad luck. fire accident and other problems.          South-east facing plots should not be left open from the front. boiler and transformer can be incorporated. To get an increase in your wealth. misfortune and loss of health. still most Vastu consultants do not consider it worst. insomnia and extravagance. Southern portion of area should be teamed with heavy material but never construct scared or pooja room. South-west can have over-head tank and storage room but not worship room. Affect of South-East Plots South-east direction is the governing place of Fire or Agni which is most suitable or ideal for kitchen. . stress and insomnia. For steady. Marriageable boys should never sleep in South-east corner room as it can delay their wedding bells. Wealth is the most important and essential priority in life and without money survival is impossible in all ways. placing generators. or living room especially in South-east. More space should be left in East and North so there is inflow of positive energy coming from morning sunlight. Sleeping in this corner leads to aggressive nature. Fire is one of the important element and essence of our life and to have everything in order this significant direction should be kept at bay from Vastu defects.God of wealth. Houses that face South-east direction are consider average because being the place of ‘agni’ it has to be the position of kitchen. progressive and peaceful life avoid any defect in South-east corner. Therefore. wire. Vastu is not primitive. wire.    Blocking East and North can harness money flow and obstruct in your earning capacity thereby increasing expenses over wealth. do not construct over-head tank in North-east because it is the place for under-water tank. vehicle or pit. it is essential to check your place for direction. To yield good results and prosperity. prosperity and peace because this inquisitive science is based on five elements and eight cosmic directions responsible for life. As we log on to internet by using a password and username similarly our house front gate is a gateway to enter into a new world which gets us happiness and riches of life. Vastu follows some set of principle in order fetch peace and prosperity and positivity. Therefore to trigger up finances it is essential to keep all the clutter away from house. Over-head tank should be made in South-west direction in order to balance the energies surrounding the house and to ward off stress. residential and industrial and revolve around five governing elements or Panchbhootas and ruling directions. Ensure that your house front door and entrance is not obstructed by any pole. bed and even small item like broken glass can hamper peace and prosperity. one can get money only by the means of earning but Vastu say you can reap riches by de-cluttering your house front gate. pleasures and riches of life. Our house is a temple and we can only benefit from this temple if it is kept clean. Apparently keeping this area tidy is essential. Under-water tank is ideally constructed in North-east direction and avoid any under water tank or septic tank in other corners or directions. placement and construction in corresponding to Vastu because any Vastu defect can obstruct your good prospects of prosperity. Establishing a link between a higher energy that is the essence of life is not only useful but vital for every human. it is the belief or mind set that makes it primitive and with the awareness regarding Vastu our new generation has shown a positive response in carrying forward this ancient subject. The principles and norms of Vastu are all same for kind of construction such as commercial. Ideal direction for entrance is East or North and ensure than front entrance or door is not obstructed by irrelevant thing such as pole. especially North-east if ideal entrance is North or East and all the positive energies enter from here. To load your locker with wealth. Wrong placement of rooms. Vastu Advice for Prosperity The concept of Vastu yields impeccable results in the form of peace. The concept of Vastu is universal having been revolving around core elements and natural directions which benefit every human being. The only thing which we have to learn is to believe on ancient science of Vastu which gives out laid norms to follow for happiness and all pleasures of life. Do not congest entrance door as this may block the path of energies and also do not load too many things near the entrance that can take time to bring down happiness. Our front gate is the main gateway of happiness. follow Vastu tips:         To attain prosperity in house it is advisable to determine your entrance or front door direction that has to be according to Vastu because all positive energy arrives from here. Keep the front gate de-cluttered to reap riches of life People say. Kitchen should ideally be constructed in South-East direction. By following Vastu principles we only connect ourselves with higher energy which is similar to connecting with the today’s technology such as internet or using mobile phones to get our work done. pit or other thing. . Today many houses are observed as discontent and far away from happiness and prosperity which is an obvious cause of Vastu defect. Master bedroom is advisable in South-west direction. Entrance Says Many Things About Owner! Entrance of a house predicts many a things about the occupants in the house in terms of nature and especially health. Although some people belonging to old school of thought still rely on auspicious dates to construct their business while others follow Vastu doctrine to keep up their wealthy business. Owner or ailing person should stay in the room far away from main entrance door. frequent health and stomach problems is quite high. Kitchen right in front of entrance either on left or right side is problematic for house mates and there is a probability of lethargy. You can also try the same by tying the string of gold and silver around Ganesh and Laxmi idol for a month or so then placing on the work place. If the problems persist then negative energy can be discarded by using a bowl filled of salt water while to purify aura of ailing person light a candle in the room. Make your Entrance Big for Inflow of Wealth . Today again people have followed a path of ancient set of rules to construct or inaugurate their business and they wouldn’t do any change without consulting a Vastu expert. Therefore bedroom just near the entrance must be avoided to maintain good health recovery. Bedroom near the entrance again brings bad luck for owner or patient if any because in such case goof fortune stuck at outside at the entrance making it hard for patient to recover easily. Having kitchen right in the entrance is a major flaw in the house and in such cases focus on food is very intense. Vastu is an integral part of Indian heritage and has been applied since ages in order to increase wealth and growth of business or improving employee and employer relationship in company. Master bedroom if found near the entrance manifests great fortunes for master via female resources and they would also get good wealth through secret sources. Old practice can’t be completely neglected as Vastu and customs are inter-related hailing from same core. an entrance door adorned with innovative things tells about the rich heritage of ancestor’s who might have enjoyed good fortunes. The front door of house and things projected through the door speaks many things about the house condition and wealth. Entrance door that is in bad condition says nothing much about the house fortune and further can’t be expected much from such house.Prosper your Business with Vastu Tips Indian ritual has its own different way of increasing wealth and prosperity in business while some people’s success is directed towards over-all growth and turnover of factories and retail outlets.       Modern experts do not always recommend shifting but suggest a practical solution to use a door closer that hides the gas stove from the direct vision in front of entrance. For flourished and over-all success of business Vastu suggests tying a string of gold and silver coins around the God of wealth for few days and then wearing it around the neck or placing it at the work place for flourishing business. Even a visible kitchen with exposed gas stove is again puts occupants in the same condition of problem.ancient Vedas. For instance. It is also recommended to have small exit door in comparison to entrance door which should be large. Vastu for Good Behaviour People may feel amaze by listening that a specific direction could be responsible for their erring behaviour! But this is true our behaviour changes with the directions we face during the day to day life. spending some time in this room is going to help a lot. But if the person is very shy & introvert. Vastu guidelines for furniture placement are as follows:        Furniture should be ideally placed in West or South direction. Study table should be kept in East or North. Placement of chairs. Best shapes to be chosen in furniture are square or rectangle. Furniture is important embellishment in our homes that makes the appearance of living place lively and comfortable. Vastu retort that a property should never have doors in one straight line nor should they have same dimensions. triangular or circle. Therefore entrance of any property should be made in such a way that it attracts money and for this Vastu recommends installing a huge entrance door and clean entrance surrounding in the house. In case exit or rear door is large then place a copperstrip across the breadth of the door 3 to 4 inches below. Vastu Furniture Every living and non-living thing on this cosmos gives out energy effecting the lives in different ways. This place should be avoided for living purpose as it tends to make people aggressive and assertive in nature. sofa. However proper orientation and direction for the placement of furniture is another important aspect in order to make the energies flow in sway to harmonize the environment. A plot and its particular sections affect our nature and behaviour in distinctive manner. Always keep furniture away from the wall with the distance of 3 inches so that the positive energy flows properly without obstruction. Dinning table should be placed in North-west position of the kitchen or living room. Science of architecture which is precisely called Vastu-Shastra gives away norms of placement for everything relative to this earth. Keep away the clutter from near the furniture. lacks confidence. Accordingly. spacious entrance ensures good inflow of wealth and prosperity thereby preventing its outflow.Entrance of a house is the pathway of inflow of health and wealth and it is said in Vedas that entrance of house is symbolic of Rahu and exit door is of Ketu. . hence it is better to stay away from this place which is only ideal for kitchen. Avoid irregular shapes in furniture such as oval. Bed in the room should be placed in South-west direction. So find out which portion of house effect us in what way around:  South-east is governed by Fire. table and other things should be in accordance with the Vastu principles so that it benefits the people residing in home. 3. Karma is the significant force of life which says what you sow as you reap and no one can escape from karma. 12. but hardwork and certain other measures can yield you sky high future. Favourable dates and colours are good to be followed as astrological birth dates of people can be sometimes lucky for people. 21. not that smart. 14. It is also good for the people who are in creative fields. 24. North-east is good for uncontrollable children & aggressive people and this place makes them calm discarding all negative characteristics and enhances confidence. pole and wires etc are some of the blocks that should be dissolve to remove defects and get lucky in taking every opportunity. luck and helpful company of people. According to Vastu every person should follow some prescribed norms regarding study routine. This doesn’t mean we should stop working to get successful which is also an irresponsible and insensible thought. Vastu Shastra a science of direction not only renders bright future by making your house and environment completely positive but helps in making bright career as well. Luck is probably an essence of life and to get success it is important to do everything in accordance with Vastu. The inmates living here will not be stable in the house and will always on the move. Vastu recommends to find out birth date numbers and colour such as those born on 1. Vastu says more than your intelligence there required various things in life which are: god’s grace. otherwise the control power will vanish gradually. 20. 5. Grabbing right opportunity at the right time is what makes you lucky and to avail that one have to make things favourable at home and office. Avoid resting children in Southwest as it will make them adamant & arrogant.   Vastu advises to deflect blocks at the home and office that blocks your way to your home.lucky day is Thursday. 29lucky day is Monday. There are people who are less educated. read out Vastu guidelines for students and working professional to . find out lucky colour and date for success Not every time it is possible that people who are sharp brained do fair all time in life. 2. this room should not be given to them as they will not be able to concentrate in studies. Although you can’t change your fate for sure. For indispensable career. Luck & success goes hand in hand. 11. But when the kids are small. 10. one must stay in Southwest corner. But being the owner. Divine grace is what required by every human for which it is important to meditate and perform good deeds.lucky day is said to be Sunday. Persons who are in academic fields should spend more time in East rooms to enhance the knowledge. This is not necessary as most of the times you have the luck of your stars while intelligence is hardly a part in success. directional management and few guidelines that can certainly let him/her excel in academic field. Trees. 28. A student or working person should adhere to Vastu principles so as to get successful in life without obstruction.Friday and so on Vastu Advice for Career Excelled career is important for every person and to achieve high sky one should be cognizant of every sphere of life that can yield good results. less intelligent but still doing fairly well in life with plenty of riches.    North-west room is ideal for unmarried children especially girls. 30. 19. To befriend helpful people you have to be helpful and move with right attitude in life. Whether you believe or not but married life could get affected by our wrong placement of home and its objects. Maximum windows in room should be made in East or North direction. Declutter student’s table and there should not be too many books or other things placed on study table because it creates unnecessary stress and distracts mind. research intellectual or an artist should be seated along the back of wall which is considered better location for these persons. To avoid any obstruction in married life. Your seating should be North facing. As we all know human beings and universe is composed of five elements – Air. For students         Study table for students should be in regular shape like square or rectangle with minimal size not too big. A well-lit lamp should be placed on South-east corner of study table. if office is residential. Happiness is the feeding element in any conjugal bond and a basic aspect of Vastu Shastra. Earth and if all the elements are placed at their respective areas then there can never be a problem. North or North-east which are considered best to stack books. Work place or office should not lie next to bedroom. However with the changing lifestyle and independent thinking people have developed different habits that are hampering their married life. To save a married life or maintain good married life it becomes essential for every spouse that he/she should make their living place Vastu complaint. Illuminate your southern corner of office which is also apt for maximum lighting. The trend of inculcating designer looks and irregular shape of furnishings or even homes tramples married life of men and women to such an edge that nothing can add a grip. Keep your office desk in regular shape as in square. Vastu for Happy Married Life A happy married life doesn’t only bring contentment but adds joy in life to live it for others without constraints even under the hardships. Any of the beams exposed on office ceiling should not come parallel to your chair. precisely Vastu of a house can have great impact on any married life of inmates. High back chairs are preferred for professionals Avoid sitting with your back exposed to the entrance. Sky. balancing these elements is primary task of every spouse. Brush this room with subtle and light tints to make a student active which also enhance mind power. Sharp edged tables should be avoided in conferences or meeting rooms. One must sit quite far away from the main door in the conference room. Study table should face East or North for better concentration and likewise student sitting on this table should also face East or North. rectangle and avoid circular or any other irregular shape table or desk. Colours have drastic influence on mood and mind. Keep some distant between wall and study table as table should not lie along the wall and some space is given to regulate the flow of energy.excel in life: For professionals             A professional person including writer. The bookshelf should be placed in East. While the entrance in such offices should have distance from the main office. Fire. Vastu Ways for blissful married life . Water. not too small. If we elaborate. While avoid keeping anything in the middle of the room. Keep a crystal on your table to promote monetary flow and for cheerful ambience. When one element of cosmos gets imbalance than certainly other elements create disturbance in a place. Wooden desk are best opt for while glass top-tables can be opted to place in west direction. Vastu measures are conducive for quick recovery and combating chronic disease. precisely a house constructed on basis of Vastu rules attains 3 P’s of life Prosperity. tranquility and understanding in married life. Place gas and sink in the kitchen apart at a minimum distance of 4 feet. Face East or North while eating your meal. North-east is corner for flowing water. South-west portion should be ideally provided to elderly people or main owner of house in order to keep them in good health. Avoid using dark colours on the bedroom wall. Growing bamboo plants in home is inauspicious. so keep some source of water here. Peace and Progress. Green colour is auspicious in North-east. Avoid kitchen in North-east as it tends to create health problems in women.          The Northwest bedroom is best suited for the married couple. . Some houses inherit disease due to constructed in wrong direction and many other Vastu dosh which can only be cured with effective measure. Never sit or sleep under the exposed beam. Place crystals in room near you. A structure made with Vastu accordance yield you maximum benefits and bestows health. Vastu follows some prescribed norms that must be followed in a house to achieve good health and wealth. Avoid any kind of clutter in the bedroom Avoid having mirrors in the bedroom. Avoid constructing kitchen and toilet together and ensure that both the place have maximum distance from each other. Here are enumerated some Vastu principles to keep your health in good condition:                Always sleep with head towards South or East. Generally principles of Vastu are followed in such a way that the occupants suffering from prolong illness or some defect cures organically or naturally as soon as the directions are altered. Always have a perfect square/rectangle shaped bed. Keep the bed three inches away from the wall.Loving married life is what every person is seeking for and adhering to Vastu principles can render positive results. Use a single mattress in the bedroom. There should be no room or any other functional place over or below kitchen and toilet. make sure it is in pair. wealth and harmony. If you install any artifact/ pillows. keep mobile phones and any other gadget away from bed. rose quartz gives peace. Every house has one or other Vastu defect or dosh and many occupants who are unaware of this concept of Vastu don’t really understand the reason behind prolong illness of people living in that house. Place under the staircase should be used for storage but avoid making any usable place here such as kitchen. Vastu Advice for Health Vastu of a living place is all about procuring good health and all-round prosperity. toilet etc. Do not keep exposed mirrors in home and cover all mirror including laptop screen and TV screen etc. so avoid it. To have sound sleep. Also keeping iron stuff beneath the bed creates health problems for people. An ideal kitchen should be located in South-east.
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