Vastu Tips for Diagonal Plot

April 2, 2018 | Author: hunky11 | Category: Angle



Vastu Tips for Diagonal PlotThe plots in and which the major directions fall in the corners are known as diagonal plots. As a result the magnetic meridian instead of passing through the centre of the plot makes an angle of 45 degree with the main axis of the plot. From residences to commercial complexes, any kind of building can be built on diagonal plots. Vastu Shastra suggests certain tips that will be instrumental in harmonizing the plot with the surrounding nature. The diagonal plots can have roads on North-East, the North-West, the South-East and the South-West sides. Amongst these plots with road on the North-East side are very considered auspicious by Vastu Shastra. The North-West and the South-East ones are of medium level. The ones in the Southwest are useful for certain business ventures but these should never be taken for residential purposes.The diagonal plots with roads on two, three or four sides give mixed results However the South-West side should not be used as entrance. Utility for the Road 1.North-East Road: Residence, Temple, school, Library, shop and factories 2. North-West Road: Residence, Agricultural purpose, Showroom for vehicles and Garage. 3. South-East Road: Hotels, Residence, Courts, business run by women, entertainment, factories etc. WHICH PLOTS ARE NOT GOOD? 4. South-West Road: Hardware, tyre, permit room, accident hospitals and orthopedics.  In the diagonal plots the building constructions should not be oblique or diagonal to the plot. Every construction should be parallel to the direction of the plot as well as the adjacent roads. Do not build the roads in the North direction. However the money earned will not stay for a long span of time. construction should never be oblique.  In the diagonal plot the well or the boring should be located in the North-East direction. electric shops. The South-West wall should be high.East direction must have the maximum of open space in a diagonal plot. In front of the road on the west side the gate of the compound wall should be constructed. It is because the magnetic meridian is not passing through the centre. He keeps on shifting from one job to the other. Even within the compound wall no curve or oblique cut should be there.  While constructing the compound wall of diagonal plots only the North-East wall should be light and made of bricks. The benefits are of medium level. The compound gate can be constructed at this place. The building should be constructed in the South-West part.  Curved roads adjacent to the diagonal plots should always be avoided. A person staying in such a plot faces instability.  The gate of the compound in a diagonal plot should in the South-West direction  Even if there is some fault in the construction of the building on a diagonal plot the loss is reduced from 100 % to 50 %. North. jewellery business run by women etc. there should not be any door of the compound wall or the building in front of the well. Wells at improper places should be filled up and closed after proper worship. If oblique construction is done the benefits of Vastu Shastra cannot be fully reaped.  If the Northern angle of a diagonal plot is of 88 degree and the Eastern angle of 92degree it leads to increase in wealth but the fame is limited. thick and made of stone. If the diagonal plot has a South- West road then the gate of the wall compound should be in the West. Even if the plot is diagonal. Form making it useful converts the plot to a rectangular one.  The Western and the Southern angles of a plot should always be right angle (90)degree. When the magnetic meridian is passing through the middle . Wealth is earned but does not stay long.  If in a diagonal plot both the angles on the east and the North sides measure 92 degree it gives rise to a pentagonal plot. Avoid purchasing such plots. The entrance gate should open towards the North. The North-West approach road gives medium level mixed benefits. It should not be more or less than 90degree. In such cases it is essential that the Southern and the Western angles should be of 90degree.  For a diagonal plot the North-East approach road is very auspicious. The compound wall on the North-East side should have the lowest height. If the well is in the East or the North it would be quite helpful. If at all purchased it is essential to make all angles of 90degree  If in a diagonal plot both the East and the North angles measure 88degree then in such a pentagonal plot the North-East direction is totally cut which leads to many calamities. The profits or losses of Vastu Shastra are of medium level.  With the East side of a diagonal plot being 88 degree and the North 92degree one will get fame and publicity. Instead of a wall even a barbed wire fencing can serve the purpose.East and the North .  The South-East approach road is beneficial to some extent for hotels. The South .West wall should be made of bricks and have a downward slope from the South to the East and from the West to the North. If it is in the North Block it gives 80 % results. It is more profitable to have the strong room in the North block. Good or medium level benefits can be obtained. However it should not be used for residential purposes. Vastu Shastra does not consider the basement quite auspicious.  The basement can be located in the North-East direction on a diagonal plot. The dining room in a diagonal building is the best suited in the West block where it can generate 100% positive energy. If these are constructed in such positions then it will surely lead to huge financial losses. If the toilet is part of it then that should be situated in the West block. The platform of the kitchen should be L type. It should be at least one foot away from the corner and should not be kept in an oblique position. The best results can be acquired if the study room is in the West block (100%). The children`s bedrooms should never be in the South Block. While drawing it the length and the of breadth of the plot should also be kept in mind. however there is no harm even if is located in the North or the East Block. Hence it is better if there is no basement on a diagonal plot. It is acceptable in the North and the East blocks too. It is tolerable if it is in South-East of the East or the West blocks. Such a position will give 100% result. However it should never be in the South block. of the plot proper results cannot be obtained. For . In case of the diagonal plot the principal axis should be drawn at the centre of the plot. It is tolerable in the East block too. Taking into consideration the rectangular block of the diagonal plot the principal axis should be drawn at the centre of the plot. If it is in the west block it gives 80 % results.  In the diagonal septic tank or water storage tank should not be situated in front of the compound gate otherwise it would lead to many difficulties. If it is not possible the South block can also provide 90 % results while the west block gives 80 % results. It can be only used as godown. As a result special care must be taken for it. Here the safe should be kept in the west side and it should open towards the North. The girls` bedrooms should be in the East Block. The most favorable position for the living room is in North Block. It should never be in the East or the North blocks. Bathrooms are best situated in the North Block. However more open space should be left in the North-East side. Ideally in a diagonal building the bedroom should be in the West block. In the South-East block the store room should be situated. It should be in the West block (100 %) or the South Block (80 %). The Puja Room of the diagonal building should be in the East block where it leads to a 100 % result. Therefore. Never place it in the South block. a diagonal plot can be profitable because the losses are also less. Separate toilets in the diagonal plot should never be in the East or the North Block. In a diagonal plot the kitchen should be in the east block of the plot. Kitchen is an important unit in any building. However it should never be in the South Block. The plot needs to be divided into 4 blocks. The main building should be constructed in the South and the West blocks. The waste storage room of a diagonal building should be built in the South. But it must be kept in mind that the dining table should never be round. It should always be square or rectangular in shape. The East and the North blocks should be kept open. In the South block it is acceptable too (90%). egg shaped or obliquely cut. Never place it in the South Block as it leads to conflicts and arguments. However there is no such hard and fast rule that it has to be in this shape. Vastu Shastra has laid down rules for the construction of the units that are located within the plot. The temple can also be placed in the North Block but it should never be in the West or the South blocks. Hence do not close any corner. it is little difficult to explain. Directions As per Vastu ShastraThis is a simple directional property or directions. let us know we are ready to provide some more clarified explanation. it comes in the middle of the plot. he may loose maximum percentage of land only for this directional purposes. These are also called as "non directional".open passage there are the East and the North sides. "dikdosh" properties. these two sides are considered auspicious. if he done like that. It is far better. Southwest corners. your one minute email may help our society. "Vidisha". "skewed". a shed. Vidisha. thanks in advance. keep the Eastern. Please observe that only the corners are shown in a house property. This image shows the corner names not the directions. It is also not bad. then how he build all lots or houses according to the directions. "Vidikku". How to find the property whether it is inclined or tilted.West space. now we are discussing on it. Observe these below images : For best understanding purpose we published some images one after another with light description. The South -West direction does not come in any corner of this plot. "Inclined". Dikmud. direction less ) Corners | Plots | Houses | Sites | Home | Properties: VastU for Skewed Plots or Non-Aligned or twisted out of shape. Vastu Shastra for Skewed Plots | Inclination Sites : Vastu for Skewed. if it is in the middle of the South-West. South and there are 4 corners namely Northeast. You are aware that there are only 4 directions like East. Steps to the platform can be constructed. in this link we discuss about such information. "Bent". if the staircase is in a corner. As per the rules of Vastu Shastra all the four corners of a diagonal plot must be open. While constructing the first floor of the Diagonal Plot. this is a toughest subject. trust you may understand. but we tried hard to explain with images. In the diagonal plot construct a verandah or platform only on the East. Bend. Inclination. Northwest. North. Only the properties or land is not marked according to the directions. North-Eastern and Northern parts open for the construction of a terrace. North-East and North sides in one straight line. "Dikmud" or "Dikmood". The directions never changes or never turns. Southeast. "Tilted". "irregular shaped". "Bend". If a builder has one acre of land. (Tilted. . West. "cornered". Some times it is not possible to align according to the directions. but the platform must be kept intact. South-West and West sides. godown or lumber room can be constructed by taking the support of 4/9th parts of the compound wall only in the South . having any inconvenience. The staircase should either be in the South block (100%) or in the West block (80%). its impossible. Please note one point before reading this articles. Non-Diagonal. Most of the visitors saying and appreciating by saying our efforts are elaborately gone to depth levels and explaining our thoughts and views. bent. Construction should be done in the Southern. All are seems to be right here and exact places. The articles including heavy materials should be stored in the south and the west part. Now coming to the point the road is northeast road. Next time when ever you may visit properties. Vastu Shastra Directional HousesThe 8 directions (4 directions and 4 corners) are shown in a house property. . Before buying these types of plots or houses. but particularly in some cities or towns the sites are like this only.House. Now you can easily identify the directions and corners in a house here. buyers are strictly advised not to go directly without Vastu expert opinion on such properties. please observe these skewed properties. This image helps you lot in finding the corners or directions of a property. East is not in East area. Seems to be the above image and this image are same. check the dimensions to have good future. Before taking any decision it is better to have experts advise. Be cautious before buying these types of plots or houses. Like wise the properties are situated in several areas. Now we are discussing on the roads and properties which have directions or corners. before saying that they must observe whether their property is according to this type or not. it has changed to northeast corner. otherwise he may not stand as a winner. we are observing only a house and background the directions and corners are slightly shown. Don't read the below para. In these types of properties. If any body is planning to buy these type of properties he/she must shown the property to one Expert Vastu Consultant.Observe carefully the below images. but East has changed to Southeast cornered area. This images helps you how to find out the directions and corners on a property . If the dimensions (measurements) are correct according to skewed vastu shastra then you may buy otherwise don't go for register them. Vaasthu Shastra Directional PropertiesIn this image.SubhaVaastu. first observe the image and check the above one. Directions-Corners-PropertiesHere we can observe the directions and corners. for more info read at first para for more info on this subject). Almost this image is also same as above images. Total 8. please observe the changes here. For example in Delhi you can find large number of (www. Here the directions and corners are clearly shown with full names of such directions. Some body simply says that their property is northeast corner one. Generally we may not find out these types of properties in all cities or towns. most of the images are seems to be same but difference is there. Now the directions changed (Please note that directions never changed. Before taking any decision it is better to have expert vastu consultant advise and then only take the decision. They remain same and Directions never changes. Be cautious before buying these types of plots or houses. check the dimensions to have good future. This website is providing only information on Vastu Shastra. no changes. the northeast and southwest measures may be more than southeast and Northwest measures. so consult an expert vastu pandit and decide on your purchases. This is only for your understanding purpose. Before buying these types of plots or houses. We strongly request you before going to buy the properties. Skewed Directions Vastu ShastraNow check the angle and degrees. If the dimensions (measurements) are correct according to skewed vastu shastra then you may buy otherwise don't go for register them. This property is called Northwest road property. In all types of skewed plots. the "X" axis and "Y" axis are at right places. Skewed Directions Vastu ShastraThis image is same as above. and its called as skewed one. Background the axis lines have not changed. Observe the East and North directions here. They never changed. Road is towards Southeast corner side. The site has tilted. at any time. By reading this you may know some thing more information on skewed properties and may take the decision on your purchases. This site tilted to 45°. it is always better to show it with one expert vastu consultant for secured future. These below images helps you how to find the skewed properties at your interested land. Skewed Directions Vastu Shastra Now we are observing a house within the skewed land area. Be cautious before buying these types of plots or houses. Human errors may occurs in our narration. images etc. residents are advised to check the measurements. This property is called Southwest road property. . There may be corrections required for this page. Here the degrees are remain same. Pleas note that directions never change. only change appeared here is we changed the directions East and North for your understanding purpose only. Road is towards Southwest corner side. Skewed Directions Vastu ShastraNow we marked the "X" axis as North Direction and "Y" axis as the East Direction. This is a site which has 90°. Be cautious before buying these types of plots or houses. Road is towards Northwest corner side.This property is called Southeast road property. This property is called as Northeast corner or Northeast direction property. it is only an attempt to explain on this subject. Skewed Directions Vastu ShastraThe house is in perfect fitting and it has exactly 90°. please do comment on this link. only site or house has tilted. We can do inform every thing with your kind co-operation.Skewed Directions Vastu ShastraThis site tilted to 135°. Skewed Directions Vastu ShastraThis site turns to 45°. Now the property has changed here for your convenience purpose. The degrees shown here is almost approximately.www. skewed property is a biggest . Skewed Directions Vastu ShastraNow this is a gif file which shows you the house or property skewed towards northeast or southeast sides (directions or corners. At background the directions are remain same. Thanks . Vastu Shastra is a ocean. Check the axis points here. For your convenience again we changed the directions for your understanding purpose. this subject. please check the background. This moving image is for your understanding purpose. it is highly appreciated if you support this website and sharing the knowledge with our beloved society.) Please wait here for 5 seconds and observe the image changes here. It happens due to road wrong formations. this is tilted or skewed property. (you are well aware that directions never change). This site is called as Southeast property or house. Road is towards southeast corner (direction).Team . At background the directions have not changes. For this property is has perfect East and North points (again remember that directions never changed). Skewed Directions Vastu ShastraNow take a house or property and we will compare with changed or tilted degrees positions.SubhaVaastu. This site turns to 135°. the East and North directions are remain same. now we are discussing on it. This is a simple directional property or directions. "Inclined". "irregular shaped". let us know we are ready to provide some more clarified explanation. direction less ) Corners | Plots | Houses | Sites | Home | Properties: VastU for Skewed Plots or Non-Aligned or twisted out of shape. he may loose maximum percentage of land only for this directional purposes. "dikdosh" properties. your one minute email may help our society. "Bent". Inclination. Observe these below images : For best understanding purpose we published some images one after another with light description. Northwest. they may be cheap and due to their wrong guidance you may loose several benefits in the future. The directions never changes or never turns. You are aware that there are only 4 directions like East. bent. Bend. If your consultant is intelligent and knowledge gentlemen. . Dikmud. then how he build all lots or houses according to the directions. If a builder has one acre of land. "Tilted". "Vidisha". having any inconvenience. Southwest corners. Vidisha. "Vidikku". before showing properties. Some times it is not possible to align according to the directions. "skewed". These are also called as "non directional". Southeast. North.Generally now the residents are showing their properties to Vaastu Consultants. it is little difficult to explain. trust you may understand. All are seems to be right here and exact places. it is better to check Vasthu consultants knowledge. South and there are 4 corners namely Northeast. this is a toughest subject. Only the properties or land is not marked according to the directions. Don't approach quacks in the market. Most of the visitors saying and appreciating by saying our efforts are elaborately gone to depth levels and explaining our thoughts and views. but we tried hard to explain with images. thanks in advance. West. "cornered". its impossible. Be cautious before selecting your vaasthu consultant. How to find the property whether it is inclined or tilted. Please note one point before reading this articles. "Dikmud" or "Dikmood". if he done like that. Non-Diagonal. Vastu Shastra for Skewed Plots | Inclination Sites : Vastu for Skewed. "Bend". he can catch all issues in your interested property and will guide you accordingly. (Tilted. in this link we discuss about such information. This image shows the corner names not the directions. Total 8. most of the images are seems to be same but difference is there. . Observe carefully the below images. Here we can observe the directions and corners. Please observe that only the corners are shown in a house property. please observe the changes here. Now you can easily identify the directions and corners in a house here. Seems to be the above image and this image are same. . first observe the image and check the above one. Now the directions changed (Please note that directions never changed. The 8 directions (4 directions and 4 corners) are shown in a house property. East is not in East area. for more info read at first para for more info on this subject). it has changed to northeast corner. This images helps you how to find out the directions and corners on a property .House. Don't read the below para. In this image. but East has changed to Southeast cornered area. Almost this image is also same as above images. In these types of properties. Like wise the properties are situated in several areas. . buyers are strictly advised not to go directly without Vastu expert opinion on such properties. we are observing only a house and background the directions and corners are slightly shown. Next time when ever you may visit Delhi. Before buying these types of plots or houses. before saying that they must observe whether their property is according to this type or not. Generally we may not find out these types of properties in all cities or towns. Here the directions and corners are clearly shown with full names of such directions. If any body is planning to buy these type of properties he/she must shown the property to one Expert Vastu Consultant. If the dimensions (measurements) are correct according to skewed vastu shastra then you may buy otherwise don't go for register them. This image helps you lot in finding the corners or directions of a property. but particularly in some cities or towns the sites are like this only. Now coming to the point the road is northeast road. Be cautious before buying these types of plots or houses. otherwise he may not stand as a winner. check the dimensions to have good properties. Now we are discussing on the roads and properties which have directions or corners. Before taking any decision it is better to have experts advise. please observe these skewed properties. . Some body simply says that their property is northeast corner one. For example in Delhi you can find large number of (www. This property is called Southwest road property. Road is towards Southwest corner side. the northeast and southwest measures may be more than southeast and Northwest measures. If the dimensions (measurements) are correct according to skewed vastu shastra then you may buy otherwise don't go for register them. This property is called Southeast road property. In all types of skewed plots. Before buying these types of plots or houses. . Road is towards Southeast corner side. residents are advised to check the measurements. Before taking any decision it is better to have expert vastu consultant advise and then only take the decision. Be cautious before buying these types of plots or houses. check the dimensions to have good future. Be cautious before buying these types of plots or houses. Human errors may occurs in our narration. This property is called Northwest road property. Be cautious before buying these types of plots or houses. We strongly request you before going to buy the properties. it is always better to show it with one expert vastu consultant for secured future. Now we are observing a house within the skewed land area. the "X" axis and "Y" axis are at right places. . so consult an expert vastu pandit and decide on your purchases. This website is providing only information on Vastu Shastra. Road is towards Northwest corner side. By reading this you may know some thing more information on skewed properties and may take the decision on your purchases. There may be corrections required for this page. images etc. These below images helps you how to find the skewed properties at your interested land. This is a site which has 90°. Here the degrees are remain same. Background the axis lines have not changed. no changes. The site has tilted. . They never changed. They remain same and Directions never changes. Observe the East and North directions here. Now check the angle and degrees. at any time. and its called as skewed one. Now we marked the "X" axis as North Direction and "Y" axis as the East Direction. This site tilted to 135°. This is only for your understanding purpose. This site tilted to 45°. . Pleas note that directions never change. For your convenience again we changed the directions for your understanding purpose. only change appeared here is we changed the directions East and North for your understanding purpose only. This image is same as above. The house is in perfect fitting and it has exactly 90°. . Check the axis points here. Now take a house or property and we will compare with changed or tilted degrees positions. For this property is has perfect East and North points (again remember that directions never changed). Road is towards southeast corner (direction). This property is called as Northeast corner or Northeast direction property. This site turns to 45°. Now the property has changed here for your convenience purpose. (you are well aware that directions never change). the East and North directions are remain same. At background the directions are remain same. This site turns to 135°. only site or house has tilted. This site is called as Southeast property or house. At background the directions have not changes. this is tilted or skewed property. . please check the background. It happens due to road wrong formations. The degrees shown here is almost Generally now the residents are showing their properties to Vaastu Consultants. please do comment on this link. this subject. they may be cheap and due to their wrong guidance you may loose several benefits in the future. . it is only an attempt to explain on this subject. Don't approach quacks in the market. it is better to check Vasthu consultants knowledge. before showing properties.) Please wait here for 5 seconds and observe the image changes here. Be cautious before selecting your vaasthu consultant. Thanks .Team - www. We can do inform every thing with your kind co-operation. If your consultant is intelligent and knowledge gentlemen. skewed property is a biggest one. it is highly appreciated if you support this website and sharing the knowledge with our beloved society. Now this is a gif file which shows you the house or property skewed towards northeast or southeast sides (directions or corners. This moving image is for your understanding purpose.SubhaVaastu. Vastu Shastra is a ocean. he can catch all issues in your interested property and will guide you accordingly.
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