Vastu Shastra Related to Agriculture

April 2, 2018 | Author: Arun Kumar | Category: Forms Of Energy, Radiation, Light, Shiva, Mandala



Vastu Shastra Related to Agriculture, Vastu Shastra, Agriculture is dependent on the five basic elements of nature. The principles of Vastu Shastra can be conveniently put to use for choosing agricultural land, for building a farm-house or while sowing the seeds. It is believed that it will lead to an impressive result as far as agricultural production is concerned.  If the advises of the Vastu Shastra are to be followed then the agricultural land with a road on the South should be avoided.  Passages linking two agricultural lands should not be constructed.  Agricultural land should have slope towards the East or the North directions. But it should not be towards the West or South direction.  The agricultural land should never be multilevel. It is necessary that that the plot is leveled. However if it has multileveled blocks the slope should be slanted towards the East or the North sides. If the land blocks have a downward slope towards the South or the West expenditure at the residences exceeds the income.  The agricultural plot should be square or rectangular in shape. It should not have a cut in the South-East or the South-West direction. By building a soil or brick wall that is a raised boundary of at least two to three feet or a compound wall this should be removed to make the plot regular in shape.  On the West or the South sides of the agricultural land tall trees can be planted as these will prove beneficial.  While sowing any crop it should be in the East-West direction. Here the plants will receive adequate sunlight.  Underground water storage, tanks boring and other structures should be located in the NorthEast direction of the North or the East sides. Wells should not be situated in the North-West, South-East or the South-West directions as it will lead to huge losses. Drainage for supplying water to the crops should be built from South to North.  The farm house or the hut in the field should be in the South-West side. The farm houses generally belong to the land owners.  The huts or residences for the agricultural laborers should be in the South-East or the West directions.  The cattle pen should be in the West or the North-West directions. This will give a boost to the income of the family.  While tying the pet animals their faces should be in the Northern direction. If it not possible then they should face the East.  Pet animals should never be tied in the South, North-East, or the South-West direction.  A high thick compound wall 10 to 20 feet in length and 6 feet in height should be in the South and West sides of the South-West direction of the field. A full fledged wall compound or a raised platform in the West and the South directions will also prove beneficial. There should never be a compound wall or a raised platform in the East or the North directions as well. A wire compound is also permissible.  New seeds should be sowed on an auspicious day with the chanting of hymns. Sowing should not be done on Tuesdays or Saturdays. While sowing a new crop the recitation of Gayatri Mantra or Surya Mantra can be very helpful. It is always fruitful to invoke the blessings of god before setting out for an important task.  The process of sowing should start from South-East direction and then move onto the South, South-West, West, North-West, North-East and East in a clockwise direction. The reaping of the crop should start from North-West, North, North-East, East, South-East, South, South-West and then West. This, too, should be done clockwise.  A sacred fire pit should be prepared in the South-East direction and some grains of the first reaping should be offered to Lord Agni. Some of the grain should be given to the pet animals as well. Some ears of the new crop should be kept in the East and worshipped with Tamarind and kunku. If a New Moon day occurs during the reaping season then a coconut should be broken in the field while facing the east. This needs to be done in the evening. The pieces of this coconut should be kept at the centre of the field and the four major corners of the field. The following day these pieces should be collected and thrown on the dung hill.  If possible on all the New Moon days a marking nut, lemon, seven chillies and a lemon should be tied on the main entrance of the field and the farm house to ward off evil powers.  The equipments that are used in the field should always be kept in the South-West corner or the Southern direction. Never keep them in North-East, North or East directions. The ideal place for the thrasher machine, the bullock cart and other vehicles is the North-West or the North direction. These should not be kept in the North-East corner.  When the ready crop is taken out to the market for sale it should be taken out from either the North, East or the North-West directions. This will result in quick sale and good income. If the crop is taken out from the North - East gate both the sale and the payment will be delayed. If the crop is taken out of the South-West gate it will not get a good price. If the crop is taken out of the South-East gate it leads to loss and troubles.  The fodder is to be kept in the South or South-West direction of the field. Dung cakes or the ash should be kept in the South-East direction while the fertilizers and chemicals, important for the crops, should be kept in the Western corner.  If subsidiary crop is to be taken along with the main crop the subsidiary crop should be grown in the West or the South direction.  While ploughing the field for a new crop it will be beneficial if it begins from the South-East and then clockwise move onto the North-East direction.  If the agricultural business is done on a large scale the heaps of grain are to be raised in the West direction. The packing and dispatching office can be located in the North-West part of the West side. Tractors, trucks etc. which carry the grain should be parked with their faces towards the North or the East.  Proper worship should take place before the first sack of a crop is kept.  As far as floriculture is concerned Red and Pink flowers should be planted in the East; White and Yellow flowers in the North, the Dark Blue and Blue-Black flowers in the South while the Blue and Violet flowers should be planted in the West.  There should never be a mound at the centre of the field. Tall trees, flowers or crops should not be planted here.  As for as possible there should not be any pits in the field. In case they are, they should be located in the East or the North direction.  Mounds on the South or the West direction are permissible.  To the East of the field a row of black basil plants should be planted. These are good for the crops.  For horticulture the short trees should be planted in the East or the Northern blocks and tall trees in the South or the West block. Amla, tamarind, lemon or thorny trees should be planted in South block; guava in the east; custard apple in the North; Pomegranate in the West and mango, coconut, jamblum (Indian berry), Kauth and others in the South.  While taking a banana crop in the field on the eastern side or the Northern Side of the NorthEast direction at least ten feet should be kept vacant. It should also be remembered that in a square field of 9x9 feet bananas should not be planted at the center.  If grapes seeds are planted then they should be from South to North directions. While sprinkling water the same direction needs to be followed.  Fire for warming should never be set up at the centre, the North-East and the North directions.  While working in the field, reaping or giving manures to the field one must face towards the East or the North. Never face Southwards.  Scare crows should be placed in the South and the West directions.  Temples should not be constructed in the field. In case it is there it should be in the West. The idol should face the East. Idols of Maruti, Shani, Mhasoba, Munjya, Pirbaba and Asra should not be installed in the field. According to Vastu Shastra the idols of Ganesh, Shivpind, Gurudatt, Shri Ram, Shri Krishna, Vishnu and Laxmi can be consecrated here. However, all the rituals should be followed properly and regularly.  Only the fields on the North or the East side should only be purchased for agricultural purposes. Adjacent fields on the South or the West of an existing agricultural land should not be purchased under any circumstances. However if it is necessary it should be purchased or taken in somebody else`s name. The field owner should not purchase it in his own name. If some part of the field is to be sold, the part lying on the West or the South should be sold.  The plot with river or canal on the North or East sides should be purchased. If the river or the canal is on the South side economic loss is imminent. If the well is in the South-West corner of the field there are chances of the field owner`s accident, illness or suicide. A well in the SouthEast block can make the field owner go bankrupt. If the well is in the North-West block grain can be stolen or it may also lead to enmity.  A well in the West is acceptable. But here a wall should be built in the East of this well. The height of the wall should be slightly more than the height of the well. If a motor or pump is installed on the well it should be installed in the South-East direction. Instead of covering it completely some space for the passage of air and light should be kept. The drains or the tanks built near the well has to be in the Northern section. Tanks built for drinking water for animals should be in the Western block.  The stairs or ladder for entering the well should be in the West or the South directions.  If an overhead tanks is built for water to drip or sprinkling of water in the field, it should be built in the West direction. Overhead tanks, well and electric pole should not obstruct the main entrance of the farm house.  Electrical appliances like generator, transformers or electric poles in the field should be in the South-East corner or in the West direction. The electric poles of the government should not pass through the centre of the field.  The modem laboratory of the big farm houses should be situated in the West side.  If fisheries are to be set up in the field, it should be in only half the field and in the East or the North direction. But do not build it in the Southern block.  If Goat farm is to be set up it should be in the West or the South block.  Poultry farms should be set up in the Western block of the field.  If nursery is to be set up in the field it should be in the East or the West directions. Grow taller and big trees in the south and west direction. since agriculture is related to soil. the length should be in north-south axis and the shorter side in the east-west axis. bore wells. Bunds built on the south and west direction of the land should be higher than that of east and north. Even the animals should not be put to any work. sunlight.e. make the southwest of the land higher with rock blocks or dump soil in that area. Grow fruit-yielding trees and smaller trees in the north and east direction. Make the land slope from north to east to get a good yield. .  No work should be done after sunset in the field. Build a pump house in the southeast comer of the agricultural land. should be in the northeast comer. air and space and these are considered as panchabhutas for the Vaastu. Wells. it is advantageous to the farmer. Preferably. ponds etc. it is better to have it in the southwest comer. so that you get sufficient water for the agricultural land. Navgraha Pooja is advisable too.  Cactus or other plants giving out white liquid should not be planted in the East or the North directions.  When a new farm is purchased proper Bhoomi Puja should be done. Some of the principles to get good results are as follows: Agricultural land should be divided into a rectangular shape with breadth and length ratio 1:2 i. If possible. If you want to construct a farmhouse or godown. Reap the rich yields with Vaastu Vaastu also offers some guidelines for agricultural land. If these are followed. As far as the watchman of the field is concerned he should live in the North-West of the West or South-East of the East or South directions. water. Residence for the watchman should not be given a room in the South-West direction. grow eucalyptus or any other medicinal plant on the western side of the land. It can incur huge losses for the owner of the farm. 13 Do the sowing or planting on Tuesday or Saturday. 20 Start the field preparation work for sowing or planting south-east to the north-east clockwise. 5 Square or rectangular land is good. dark-blue. 2 Allowing passage through own agriculture land to others’agriculture land is inauspicious. if planned. white and yellow in north. 9 If a farm house or hut is planned. 18 Keep the fodder in south or south-west side. This will help fetch better price.astu Sastra Effect on Agriculture 1 Agriculture land with road in south is considered inauspicious. 11 Tie the animals facing north or east with preference to north. plant red and pink flower plants in east. . 12 Under no circumstance the animals should be tied facing south. east or north-west side. north-east. 16 Keep the implements in south-west. 19 Keep the fertilizer and pest management items in west side. 8 Regulate the flow of water from west to east or from south to north to have beneficial effects. and blue-black in south. north or east side. 3 Slope towards east or north is good. should be located at west or north-west side. 6 Tall trees on west and south are good omens. south-east or south-west is bad omen. 15 Begin the crop reaping from north-west to north and end clockwise at west. 17 Ensure the crop is removed from the land through north. 21 In case of floriculture cultivation. it should be located at south-west side. 10 Cattle shed. blue and violet in west. 7 Well or pond in north-west. 14 Sowing or planting should be started from south to south-west and ended clockwise at northeast. 4 Multi-level land is not good. What is Vaastu? Vaastu is mentioned within Vedic texts.22 Mount or tall tree in the centre of the field is inauspicious. Nothing could ever equal the creation of the universe. 30 Nursery for sale purpose. whirling at high speeds and seemingly suspended in air. 31 Avoid work of any nature after sun set. 24 In horticulture cultivation plant short trees in east or north. 27 In case of fisheries utilize only half the land in east or north direction. 25 In case of grape cultivation do it from south to north. coconut. one story about Vaastu insists that along with the Vedas. There are some forms of energy which we can see or feel like ordinary light and sound. THE WORD VAASTU. who then passed it on to Vishwakarma. 26 Working or reaping should be done facing east or north. neutrons. who was known as the celestial architect. We live in an energy world. tall trees in south or west. Vaastu existed before Lord Brahma created the universe. While giving manures. 23 Row of black basil plants in east end side is good. tamarind. protons etc. means “a dwelling or site. Looking at mythology. lemon or thorny trees in east. As our sense . but its actual evolution is as difficult to trace as the origins of the Vedas. At the cellular level everything is pure energy. although all subsequent architecture should attempt to match the beauty. utility and durability of this divine creation. Lord Brahma needed the finest architect to design a perfect master plan. east or west is best. pomegranate in west. Under no circumstance it should be in south direction. custard apple in north. follow the same pattern. which is derived from the Vedas. Any part of our body also would appear the same when viewed through an electron microscope. 29 For poultry farm. If you look at any material matter through an electron micro scope. west side is auspicious. mango and the like in south. A popular legend claims that Lord Brahma gave the knowledge of Vaastu to the Hindu god Shiva. you will see closely held electrons. Vaastu science explains the interaction of various forms of energy in a structure. 28 In case of goat farm it should be in west or south side. and spiritually uplifting environments. The basic elements. of all human beings. Thus we ourselves are a part of this energy field. For example. which helps them to sustain themselves. a cool breeze on a hot day is very pleasant but on a chilly day is quite uncomfortable. An energy field is created by cumulative action of thoughts culminated at various levels – individuals. Even alterations or remodeling in a preexisting structure. Although we classify various forms of energy as heat. building design. serve as a counter-force that offers us protection from these negative sources In the process of enclosing an open space. But they are as much real as the other forms we perceive. When it is consumed by humans and animals it is converted into muscular energy. Further any form of energy under a set of circumstances produces a sense of comfort or uneasiness in an organism. prosperity. Vaastu takes all of these factors into consideration and creates a space where there is a beneficial interaction between the vibrations of the occupants and the positive vibrations that are allowed to flow with minimum interference throughout the building and its dwelling. but on a hot day is decidedly uncomfortable. groups. we do not perceive the other forms of energy like ultraviolet rays or infrared rays or supersonic sounds. In Nature the conversion of one form of energy to other is a continuous process. or trap negative energies inside the building. Thus we see that for any energy to have the best effect on a living person it is necessary that it is supplied at a level which the organism cherishes. Music played on an instrument helps a person to relax and eases his tension. There are some forms of energy which we can see or feel like ordinary light and sound. Thus we conclude –“Vaastu is a Science that harmonizes our architecture with nature's energies and creates beautiful. A glowing heart on a chilly night has a soothing and cozy effect. communities. Basically Vaastu is all about the interaction of various forms of energy in a structure. We loosely term places which have a calming effect . from adding a room to introducing a new color scheme or shifting around the furniture. As matter is also considered a form of energy. etc. As you are aware the whole universe is one expanding mass formed at the time of the big bang. Thus the light energy of the sun is used by the plants to produce food which is in the form of mechanical energy. and construction”. harmonious. we do not perceive the other forms of energy like ultraviolet rays or infrared rays or supersonic sounds. Vaastu is a complete and all comprehending science which covers every aspect and detail of site planning. As matter is also considered form of energy. For example. Vaastu sages understood the potential harm connected to these fields. on the other hand. The expansion still goes on churning out more and more galaxies and star systems. spiritual awareness and the best possible creative potential. Vaastu structures are designed in all aspects to support health. Thus we ourselves are a part of this energy field. magnetic.operate in a limited spectrum. electric etc. But they are as much real as the other forms we perceive. From all these astral bodies various types of radiations are being emitted. light. or even remove the harmful vibrations that dilute our positive vibrations and wear us down. geo-biologists have been studying the impact of electric and magnetic fields that they claim can interfere with our health and deplete our energy. In recent years. this energy field is associated with human psyche and has continuous influence on it throughout one’s life. construction can also disrupt access to sunrays and the free flow of positive energies. Vaastu guidelines settle. As our sense operate in a limited spectrum. the sun’s energy is absorbed by the plants to prepare the food which is later taken by animals and humans. each can be converted to other and hence all forms of energy are fundamentally the same. This healthy flow of positive vibrations complements the vibrations that exists within the pulsating human form. relationships. we can easily see that all we perceive as matter or energy is in fact energy only. can have profound repercussions that effect the flow of energies and their relationship to the interior space and our own energies. inspiring. allocated their appropriate space in a site and in construction. we can easily see that all we perceive as matter or energy is in fact energy only. All radiations are again a form of energy. but the continuous noise of passing traffic can set the nerves of a person on the edge. block. Sound. Take the family in an ‘negative’ atmosphere and you find that for no fault of their they undergo tension and mental torture. . The house brings cheer to you and you in turn bring cheer to others because you are cheerful. Light. wealth. A family in such an atmosphere is a happy family and everything in their lives goes so smoothly that we come to the conclusion that they are blesses. their approach is positive and the plans are put into faultless execution ensuring an all-round growth of the enterprise. It is not the wall colors or the polished flooring. stinking offices where you start counting your minutes to get out at the first opportunity. makes our approaches positive and hence positive results automatically follow. Thus if we are successful in creating this ‘good atmosphere’ inside a structure we will succeed in ensuring the health and happiness of the inhabitants. While a human being thrives in a positive atmosphere he is bogged down by negative emotions in a ‘negative’ atmosphere. industry or a business center. It is not the painting on the wall or the Persian carpet on the floor. Many a time we classify various structures as having ‘good’ or ‘bad’ atmosphere. The basic principles of Vaastu enable us to achieve balance among these. Carbohydrates. The same principles apply for a shopping establishment.on us as ‘atmosphere’. Fats etc. our body receives Internal Energies in the form of Proteins. The body is tense. We all react to the rhythm inherent in the sun’s daily movement and to its more subtle annual changes. Then we have to redirect our Energies instinctively as well independently. It is not the lighting or ventilation. pleasure. In your house it searches for a specific place where it will curl to relax. When the harmony among these elements is disturbed our energies get disintegrated in different directions leading to anxiety. It is not the gentle music or the comfortable furniture. The sun also has its universal rhythm that connects to all life forms and sustains us. Air. Vaastu recognizes that our dwellings should reflect the rhythm of the universe and our connection to it. all because of this ‘atmosphere’ which either is positive or negative. and External Energies in the form of Heat. The mind is tense leading to strained relationships which forms a vicious cycle around them and aggravates all kinds of sufferings. If someone asks us to explain the term ‘atmosphere’. Fire. dull classrooms. sacred temples. the workers are cheerful. Automatically you relax and are at your witty best. A ‘positive’ atmosphere brings out the best in us. to attain a healthy body and a happy mind leading to health. to achieve balance between Internal/External Energies. A plant. Vaastu is basically all about creation of this subtle conductive atmosphere in a structure. You have entered houses where you find the atmosphere pleasant. for instance. which affect our climate and seasons. Water and Earth. Wind and so on. waterfalls and lakesides. Dogs and cats are endowed with this instinctive ability to find the right atmosphere. And then there are those gloomy houses. In all these places. prone to illness of one type or other. People throng to holy places. sensitive and measured. Nature brings its own rhythm to the home. But we all know that it exists and varies from place to place. Principle of Vaastu Since the whole universe is a composition of five basic elements: Space. It is probably instinctive and lies beyond comprehension. Through these. This atmosphere makes us think positively. giving more agility of body & mind for a better life. dark laboratories. If you have a pet you will notice how sensitive it is to what we call atmosphere. It cannot be measured or compared with other entities. Your responses are cheerful. affluence and accomplishments. Everyone coming under the influence of this atmosphere feels likewise. we may be at a loss for words. We are certainly not as sensitive as they are but all the same we are affected by the atmosphere of a place to some degrees. nervousness and ill health and our peace of mind is shattered. sea beaches. Our mind is calm and relaxed and the body feels healthy and strong. Take it away from that place but it will return again and again to the same place. has its cycle of life. careful. Still we understand the term ‘atmosphere’ and nod our head wisely although we are unable to explain it. presumed that change would occur in architecture along with an individual’s growth in personal awareness and society’s advancement in technology. Man is a social entity. Vaastu’s principal concern with the interrelationship of organisms and their environments believably makes Vaastu the oldest holistic architectural discipline and the pioneer to the contemporary science of ecology.All the Vaastu theories involving the elements. fulfillment of desires and bliss. the pollution problem can be warded off to a great extent. and universal forces were applied from the time of the Vedic Age to the foundation of design and architecture for structures. right over its navel. By reading that story one knows why the worship of the Vaastu Purusha is necessary before beginning construction of any building. Whatever the scenario. creating a dismal shield. Vaastu’s guidelines are constantly environmentally sound. Why Vaastu? One of the prime objectives for using Vaastu at home is to ensure prosperity. vibrations. Whatever adverse effects are being experienced in the natural environment whether caused by atomic explosion or new chemical factories are a cause of concern for all and apprehension about them has also been expressed internationally. Vaastu purusha. The practitioner should know that any alteration in the relationship between the existing energies and the interior space could influence the harmony of the elements. This influence affects the occupants of the building. Each deity represents a function or a necessary piece in the grand machine that keeps the universe in working order. solar dynamics. They’re words that help you lead happy and prosperous life. Vaastu principles that were formed in accordance with the geographical condition guide us how to utilize the energy from natural sources for human welfare via the buildings. and. in Hinduism. even the minutest energies prevalent in the atmosphere have been evaluated and incorporated in Vaastu principles. and also determined city planning. But with use of Pyramids the alterations and demolitions in the building can be avoided. All would go well. such as the Manasara or the Mayamatam. Our great Vaastu texts. Brahma gave the form a name. Once there existed a thing that lacked form and name. Therefore. which is considered the center of the body. An architect was supposed to be creative. happiness. it is always best to apply Vaastu principles. nothing but misfortune would be the fruit of such labor. If we design our houses in accordance with the natural laws. Vaastu Purush is present in each and every plot whether it is big or small. Brahma sat on the spirit’s center. Lord Brahma turned the formless thing into a spirit whose face was pressed into the ground. is acknowledge as the source of all creation – providing the life-sustaining link between a mother and her child. the message of appeasement in this myth reminds us too obey . Only when Vaastu purusah was appeased would the spirit bless and protect the construction. whose groups form the world. the elements and energies within an interior space are not. Although this may not appear to make sense financially but the initial investment is often essential for the future growth of our families. The shield so alarmed the gods that they grabbed hold of this formless thing and forced it down to the earth. He has a fixed and peculiar body. This nameless and formless things suddenly blocked both the sky and the earth in every direction. Brahma instructed the other deities to sit on the rest of the creature so that it could never escape. and said that if Vaastu purusha was not appeased before the start of construction on any plot of land. That’s why no two Indian temples are exactly identical. also. There is an interesting story in the MATSYA PURAN (a book of Hindu religion) in which the birth of Vaastu Purush is narrated. The Shastras are not a loop around your neck. and building is a unit of city whose groups formulate the city. Appeasement of Vaastu purusha also means the appeasement of all the gods who are holding down the spirit. In certain circumstances one may have to go for major structural changes or even vacating a property. His head remains hanging down and his body is spread all over the length and breadth of the ground. One must remember that while the external elements and energies are inherently constant. revere and respect all phenomena. ROG 26. VARUN 22. “Oh. “Let it be so. He got possession on all the three worlds and first he was ready to eat the terrestrial world (Bhooloka). While fighting with demon. So he began to make penance to appease Lord Shiva and get a boon from him. Shiva and the demons (Rakshasas) also were terrified and caught hold of the devotee encircling him. DWARPAL 19. Shiva was very much tired and began to sweat profusely. INDRA 5. GRUHKSHAT 13. to your heart’s content. We must always remember that everything is interconnected. MRIGA 17. ANOTHER VIEW Long long ago Lord Shiva fought against the demon named Andhakasur and killed him. VITYA 12. The Vaastu purusha mandala is the blueprint that ensures environmentally sound and spiritually harmonious constructions and interior designs. out of whom 32 from without and 13 from within caught hold of the devotee. Forty five celestial beings. animate. SUGRIV 20. DITI. You will be known as ‘VAASTU PURUSHA’. So lie down her on the ground changing your position once in three months. NAG 27. AGNI 10. PUSHPADEVTA 21. The devotee prayed to Shiva “Oh Lord! Please permit me to eat away all the three worlds. said to the Gods. YAKSHMA 25. ‘Ashadha’ and ‘Sravana’. PRAJANYA 3. GANDHARVA 15. i. The thirty two celestial beings are:1. BHARSH 8. who construct building and temples. SHESH 24. ASUR 23. the celestial beings said. BRUNGRAJ 16. Since then the worship of Vaastu-Purusha has been in vogue and it has become compulsory for those who want to construct any kind of building. Vaastu turns every building into a holy space befitting its occupants. ISH 2. KUBER 30. He looked very cruel. Tat Tvam Asi or Thou Art That. in the direction where you lay your head and back and those who lay foundation stone without worshipping you or without satisfy you with ‘Homa’ and the like. Whatever side you may turn. YAMA 14. looking towards the north the months of ‘Jyestha’. Brahma.e. you will have to lie down on the left side only. ADITI 32. BHALLAT 29. from ‘Bhadraspada’ to ‘Kartik’ you lie down putting your head in the eastern direction and your feet towards the West. You may trouble and even devour those people who construct the aforesaid buildings and temples etc. who is the source of creation – in other words. How long shall I be like this.” The devotee’s joy knew no bounds. During the months of ‘Marashira’. He was very hungry. dig wells and tanks on the side towards which you see and in the direction towards which you hold your feet. The design and construction of a site must maintain harmony and order. being arrested like this.” Shiva said. Then the Vaastu-Purusha was quite satisfied. you lie down towards the South. AKASH 9. and that the essence of all creation is a part of the essence of the Supreme Creator. SATYA 7. in this position hanging my head down like a prisoner? What shall I eat? Listening to those words. PITR 18. SHAIL 31. Vaastu Purusha.the Vedic law of nature by following the Vaastu guidelines. looking towards West and feet towards the East. PUSHA 11. “Today is Bhadrapada Shukla Triteya Saturday and ‘Visakha Star’. JAYANT 4. Then the Celestial (Devatas). SURYA 6. All these 32 celestial being are out of the limits of the devotee whereas the following 13 beings are within his limits:- . MUKHYA 28. put your head towards the north and the feet towards the South & look towards the east. ‘Pushami’ ‘Magha’. You will tease the people. A man was born of the drops of Shiva’s sweat. Celestial Beings! You have all caught hold of me and tied me on all the sides. JAYA & SHAKRA – on the hairs grown AVANTSA – heart. A good number of mandalas have four gateways. Repeated chanting of the mantra evokes the divine presence of the deity. APA 2. and it is at this moment that one gains access to the deepest wisdom that is guarded and protected inside the pure realm. SURGRIV 7 BHRISH – shanks: APA – face. RUDRA & RAJYAKSHAMA – left arm. PUSHA & ARYAMA – wrist. This is the time when it starts moving on its mission gradually. PRITHVIDHARA 12. At sunset it cools down and directs its rays towards the moon for its nightreign. SAVITA 3. PRTHWIDHARA & ARYAM. during this period.a scorching and devastating state of sun. the devotee lay down there only. Since then. VIVASWAN 8. ASUR & SESHA – left side. we compromise our well-being and show disrespect for all creation. During the period the sun lies in the South-East zone. As part of the process. for the first 2-2. a representation of the Hindu view of the universe. the sun lies exactly above the head i. MITRA 10. SAVITRA & SAVITA – right arm. After giving out all its radiation. The individual meditated on the outer circles to prepare for the transformation that allows him insight into the layers of wisdom. and it holds much of the wisdom contained in the practice of Vaastu. a mandala serves as a tool and guide to enlightenment. These gates lead to the pure realm within.chest. The Vaastu purusha mandala was not created as an object of meditation. This is the reason why the south is called the direction of Yama (Lord of death). VIVASWAN & MITRA – stomach. It lies in the east direction and its primary energies and good for existence of all life-forms. The next three house it start radiating more and more energy in the environment and is called the state of Agni (fire). it is said that if we ignore the important principles conveyed through the diagram. and names signifying their characteristics are essentially the different images and projections of the sun and the moon in their daily traverse through the sky. providing negative effects. MARICHI 6. DWARIKA & MRIGA – ankles. Being bound like that. the sun provides energy for promotion of life. VISHNU 9.e. This is called Yama. we can create a nurturing home and nurturing place to work. . the Vaastu purusha mandala is a Vedic architectural blueprint – the key to Vaastu success. VAASTU PURUSHA MANDALA The gods assigned to particular directions. SAVITRI 7. This is called Gagan. he has been lying there surrounded by celestial beings are thus he has called ‘the God of Vaastu’ or ‘VAASTU PURUSHA’. The next three hours in its third phase. GANDHRVA & PURAMADAN – on the knees.5 hours. the following three hours the sun rules over the entire horizon with the complete command. YAMA & VARUNA – thighs. APAVATSA 13. RUDRA 11. These celestial being laid force on the different limbs of the devotee and sat on them as shown below: ISH (AGNI). VITATHA & GRAHAKSHAT – right side. which is usually associated with the deity who is portrayed within the sacred realm. BRAHMA – on the heart. East-South-West is considered as the solar kingdom and West-North-East is called the lunar kingdom. held inside the square temple. On the other hand. INRAJYA 4. it is however. one in each of the four cardinal directions. in South-mid horizon. a complete glow and aura of the sun starts coming out with its full force and energy. BRAHMA. On a deeper level. the individual chants a particular mantra connected to the mandala. In sum.head. During sunrise. a state associated with sorrow due to Sun’s access thermal activity and its location in the South-West. on the feet. RUDRA 5.1. By paying careful attention to this diagram. While retiring in the night. It is considered to be the most auspicious and holy of all direction. west and north. Harsha and Musha. Shaila. The Sanskrit word Purusha means “the unseen spirit or energy. East is the direction where the sun rises while the north is identified by the point where the Dhruva stat is seen in the sky. Nairutya (south-west). WEST The sun sets in the west which is why it is considered inauspicious to begin any work facing the west. all other directions can also be identified easily. akash (sky). Therefore. Ishanya (north-east). Nandi. Therefore. Therefore. and Vayavya (north-west). NORTH-EAST Among the sub directions. Sugriva. Satya (truth) and Lords Indra. the pooja room or the place of worship . Bhringaraja. They have been divided into four other directions viz. is presumed to be the lord of the south direction. Even when installing a deity in a temple. we need to remember that the Sanskrit word Vaastu meand “land or site”. the exact point of the eastern direction is rather difficult to locate because the sun shifts towards the north and the south in Uttarayana (northward shift) and Dakshinayan (southward shift). one must place one’s feet towards the north and one. the entrance of a house in the eastern direction is considered as the ‘Door of Victory’. Therefore. it is considered to be unauspicious to begin any undertaking in this direction. parjanya (rain). The west is also presumed to be the abode of Lord Pushpadanta. certainly becomes prosperous. It is worth noticing that the feet of dead people are pointed in the direction of the south. “When these two words are brought together. NORTH The north is supposed to be the direction of Lord Kubera. the north-east is supposed to be the direction of the gods and deities. Houses with entrance doors in the south bring ill-luck to the occupants. The traditional faith is that the owner of a house which has the entrance facing north. It is believed that God has manifested in this direction. Jayanta. Every direction has its own significance which should be explained by thoroughly as it forms the very basis of the Vaastushastra. The phrase means the cosmic spirit of the land or site.s head in the direction of the south so that one gets to see the north immediately on waking up in the morning and is blessed by Lord Kubera. Westwards beginnings bring failure in any undertaking. it is invariably faced towards the east which is presumed to be the abode of the sun. Placed on the ground. Lord Varuna lives in this direction. where Purusha extends life to Vaastu. the king of gods. the deity of prosperity. deities like Diti. The south is stated to be the abode of the Gandharva. However. the magnetic strip in the compass stabilizes in the north-south direction due to the magnetic force of the earth which helps us define the location of all the directions. the Lord of Death. EAST East is the direction supposedly belonging to Lord Indra. How to identify directions Let us primarily think of the directions. it is taught in conservative families in India.To understand the Vaastu Purusha Mandala. Pittar and some other deities. The north is also considered to be the direction which emanates solutions to any problem. It denotes 360 degrees and the southern and northern directions are indicated correctly the magnetic strip. south. Urdhwa (skywards) and Adhastha (downwards) are the two other additional directions identified in certain of our scriptures. SOUTH Yama. It can be carried with one to any place as it occupies hardly any space. There are four main directions – east. Therefore. Aditi. the most reliable way to identify the east is to use a compass which is easily available at an affordable price. they create a new concept: Vaastu Purusha. Agneya (south-east). agni (fire). Naga have made the north their home. The sun rises in the east and it is a well-practiced tradition among Indians to start the day’s work only after paying tribute to the sun god which brings success in the work undertaken. and Grihakshata. Apart from Lord Kubera. and so one becomes prosperous like him. should also serve to prevent the escape of the beneficial energies that travel in an arc from the northeast. such as clematis. If you have good the house. It is traditional advice to situate the kitchen of the house in this direction. if you want complete privacy from an adjacent property. create a hedge of berries or flowering shrubs. SOUTH-EAST The God of Fire (Agni). the sun god who rules over the east. should be kept in the north-eastern direction. morning glory (hummingbirds love morning glory). which belongs to Yama. Plant tall trees or a dense hedge using bushes and shrubs that suit the climate in your area. which is the realm of Soma. fence. Instead. hydrangea. A beginning from this direction. coriander (coriander can thrive in partial shade). of any work. Create a garden with plants that ascend to the center on either side to bless this deity who brings us enlightenment. and wisteria: and some that are evergreen (ivy) or bloom in the winter (winter jasmine). is a wonderful place to grow medicinal plants and fragrance plants or shrubs where just the scent can make you feel good. marigolds (butterflies love marigolds). Gangadhar and so on. it is believed. Select seasonal flowering plants and evergreens to suggest the cycle of life. is supposed to be the lord of this direction. such as cucumbers. electronic gadgets and appliances should be kept in the south-eastern direction. put up a fence and grow flowering vines that also include edible climbers. flowering chamomile (roman chamomile makes a wonderful ground cover). roses. havanas and other similar religious rituals. have made the north-east their abode. South • Plants in the south. honeysuckle. Therefore. peace and progress for the residents. • Near the eastern edge of the property. fire must be applied from this direction. the lord of health. Wind originates from this direction and flows towards the east. Significance of directionsNorth • The north. plant colorful flowers. the owner of this direction. At the base of the fence. plant strawberries. The scriptures also tells us that while performing yagnas. and honeysuckle. the entrance of a house should never face south-west. This is the direction also believed to be favoured by Lord Hanuman. it is believed. lilacs. • Built a stone wall. Jeeyan. it is stated in the ancient scriptures to be the direction of demons and unsatiated spirits. For immediate and certain success. SOUTH-WEST The lord of this direction is supposed to be Nirruta. • Reject trees that block the sunrise. It is taught in the ancient scriptures that by performing Agni pooja one becomes like Agni – bright and powerful. Deities like Neelakantha. this direction is chosen as the point of beginning in any undertaking. snapdragons. Good choices include holy basil. a heavy iron object should be placed in this direction. the lord of death. or trellis and cover it with vines – some that flower. placed between the east and the south. In many . NORTH-WEST Lord Varuna is stated to be the ‘Swami’. yields auspicious and successful results. West • Tall trees on your property should also be in the west to help retain the positive energy. lavender (lavender repels moths). For ensuring their durability. East • Honor Surya. Atindriya. If the entrance of a house is placed in this direction it herablds prosperity. Since this is the direction which is sandwiched and hence influenced by the south on one side and the west on the other. Shasishekhara. • Shrubs and hedges along the northern edge of the property or near the home add privacy. homas. These plants help hole in the positive energies that flow in from the northeast quadrant. Place a small aloe plant on the kitchen counter so that you can break off a piece and use its therapeutic powers in case you burn or cut yourself while cooking. • If the kitchen is in the southeast and receives good sun. The northeast is the element of water. Fire is manifested in the sun. Northwest – Air • The northwest belongs to the element of air. which sustains all life and helps plants thrive. wool. This will bless the element and its deity. Northeast – Water • The northeast quadrant of your home or workplace or individual rooms belongs to the element of water and is gateway to the gods. • If you lack a window or sunlight in the southeast. such as evergreen ivy and pachyasandra and winter jasmine. that hang from a basket. cotton. • If you don’t have a window or environment for plants that need care. this is an appropriate location for an herbal garden on shelves in the window. camelhair – or a jute or grass mat in one of the center spaces in the home or workspace CHOICE OF LAND One must be cautious while selecting land for constructing a house. or erect a fence and cover it with shade-loving creeper and climbers. The center should be left empty so that spiritual power flows in every direction. • If you lack a window or sunlight. such as cherry tomatoes. you will be honoring the element of this quadrant. An appropriate way to honor this element through the presence of nature is to place natural tiles of an area rug made of natural fiber – silk. keep a terracotta pot filled with holy basil. Land where there . Consider ferns and trailing plants that hang from. The soil and the pot. celebrate the earth element. Instinctively. place a lamp with an organic base in this quadrant and keep the lamp lit to honor fire. establish a dense hedge with shrubbery that suits your climate. Place plants here that are leafy and rustle of there is a breeze from an open window or fan. which should be made of clay. the sacred plant that is associated with spiritual growth in India. Southwest – Earth • The southwestern quadrant in your home. • For privacy. • If the kitchen in is in the northeast and has a sunny window. and vegetables. Sacred Center – Space The center of any interior area belongs to the element of space and Brahma. trees in the west can also help block the wind. Southeast – Fire • The southeast quadrant in your home or workplace or in an individual room belongs to the element of fire. consider getting dried flowers that are feathery. containers. one should not feel scared or afraid while observing the land. • If you lack a window or sunlight in this quadrant. workspace. Complement the holy basil with a window box containing yellow nasturtium and blue pansies (the colors of peace and meditation).climates. put out a vase of flowers or a bowl of water filled with petals. Put edible nasturtiums and violets or just strawberries in a window box. If there is a window with good sun. Our choice of land should not fall on any area which was used as a cremation ground earlier or where cremations are taking place nearby. grow an indoor herbal garden that includes holy basil. or individual room is a good place for dense ferns or potted trees on the floor if windows provide enough sun. display an organic object that is created from clay. and each time you water these plant. Roads in the eastern and western directions of the house prove to be beneficial for the inmates and it is considered to be a fairly good location. A road on the eastern or the northern side of the house is always auspicious for their residents. The well-being of a person also depends on various other factors such as the number of roads around the plot. sides as well as in the northern and southern aspects of a house are ordinarily beneficial for the occupants. . Now fill up the pit with the same earth which was taken out the earlier day. If the water level in the pit is found too have been reduced considerably and the bottom is seen to be parched. Comparatively. is also not good with reference to the strength of the house. then the land is supposed to be favorable for constructing a house. Much depends on the colour of the land also. It is considered to be the best location for a house if roads run in the northern and eastern directions. the occupants of the house built on such land become happy. The land with the taste of honey heralds poverty and unhappiness for the inmates of the house built on it. A road in the direction the south is not good at all. the owner of the house on it possibly invites poverty and unhappiness.used to be a water body earlier and has been reclaimed now. A simple experiment is advised for examining the quality of land before buying it. the land is of comparatively inferior quality. the house on it invariably brings good luck and prosperity for traders. a road on the western side of the house is less auspicious. Drop a flower into the dip. The smell of the land can certainly provide some important hints about its nature and the possible repercussions it would have on the house and its occupants. The following tips will come in handy in this regard. Similarly. the house inspires bravery among the family members. should be dug in the land under your consideration. And if the soil smells of food. Red coloured land brings monetary windfall with little effort by the owner. one should keep oneself from choosing such land for the construction of one’s house. One should meticulously study this aspect also before purchasing the property. Fill up the pit with water. Yellowish land provides to be beneficial for traders. the number of roads which end near the plot. TASTE Every soil has a peculiar taste which also comes to our help to determine the quality of the land. while if the soil stinks or tastes sour. The owner of such land also becomes benevolent and kind-hearted. whitish soil immediately brings monetary benefits to the owner of the house which has been constructed on it. SMELL The smell of land also helps us determine its quality. then the land is taken as of comparatively inferior quality. If the pit is found to be holding water even the next day. width and depth should be of two feet). If the soil tastes sweet. Any land which has remained uncultiavated for too long should also not be bought for constructing a house as it makes the owner toil relentlessly throughout his wife without peace and prosperity. the direction in which the roads are vis-à-vis the plot and so on. Better stay away from buying such property. If it smells like blood. the owner of the house build on it remains happy and contented. Roads towards the northern and western. On quality as even after lot of effort the owner can seldom achieve the financial targets which he sets for himself. If the flower moves in circle. If the soil tastes hot like chilli. If the pit is full and earth is found to be in surplus the land is considered to be of good quality. according to the Vaastushastra. Therefore. It is considered mist inauspicious to have roads in the southern and western directions. then the land is extraordinarily good for housing. the owner turns out to be brave. If it smells like ghee. A pit of the size of two cubic feet (its length. if one finds the pit short of earth. Similarly. proves to be immensely beneficial for the house owner. with its lower part running towards the west or the north. Similarly. monetary and educational losses are believed to be certain in the family of the owner. western or the southern directions. if the hillock is either on the north-west or the west and the slope is towards the west and the south-east respectively. If the hillock or a small hill is situated to the eastern or south-eastern side of the plot and if its bottom is running towards the west or the north-west. if there are roads in the east. The owner living in such a house is found to be perennially ill. He will enjoy all kinds of prosperity. If the hillock is in the north-west or northern direction and its slope is running towards the south or the south-east. with the slope in the direction of the southeast. It is auspicious to have a house with roads in the north. east or south. the owner become prosperous and if it is towards the north. But if the slope is towards the west. Any house which has a hillock on its south-eastern side with the slope towards either the south-west . brings happiness for the owner and his family. with its slope running towards either the north-east or the east. The house is thought to produce ordinary benefits if it has roads in the northern. means that the owner of the house either gets involved in crimes like murder or becomes a victim of murder. It is considered to be very auspicious and beneficial for the owner of a house if the house is situated on the land which has a slope descending from either the west or the south towards either the east or the north or the north-east. A person gets everything but happiness if he chooses to stay in a house which has a hillock to its south-west or south-east or in the northern direction with the slope running towards either the northwest or the eastern directions. A person invites losses and grave problems from all sides if he stays in a house which has a hillock in its north-eastern. A house surrounded by roads from all the direction is supposed to be the very best location. A hillock in the direction of the south or the south-east. the owner is rewarded with additional monetary benefits. south and west of the house then it is believed to be of ordinary quality. On the other hand. then the owner can hardly sleep soundly at night as he is always involved in some dispute/quarrel or the other. If the slope is towards the east. He loses his fortune. Similarly. HILLS AND SLOPES Slopes of land as well as the hills and hillocks where a house is going to be constructed. south-western or north-western side. the chances of the owner turning lunatic or going mad are very strong. sons and livestock. The family tree of a person stops growing if he lives in a house which has a hillock in either the northern or the eastern side with its slope towards the west. the slopes should not be towards the south as it invites death and sorrow for the occupants of the house. then the house owner attains long life and his family become erudite and learned. the hillock located in a western direction on the plot. The hillock on the southern side of the house with its slops running in the direction of the south-west.Auspicious is the house which is surrounded by roads from all sides except the south. carry immense significance as far as the Vaastu Shastra is concerned. The hillocks around the plot of land where a house is built often changes the equation. A Square shapes plot is always the best choice. . While a cut in the plot in the north-western direction is good. Bhadrasan shaped land is always beneficial for the owner. is believed to be of excellent quality as far as the fortunes of the owner are considered. A Rectangular plot of land also proves to be beneficial but all its corners should be perfectly perpendicular to each other. Any land with slopes towards the east. It is auspicious and beneficial to have a cut in the plot in the southeastern or the south or the south-western directions. The plot is also auspicious but comparatively less beneficial if it has a cut towards the western direction. A square shaped plot is always good as it ushers in happiness in the life of the owner. All round losses are certain for the one who lives in a house which has a hillock in the east. is always auspicious and beneficial.or the north. It is always better to have a plot the north-south length of which is more than the east-west length. Similarly. the southeast or the north-eastern direction. If there is a slope in the center of the plot where the house is built. the north or the north-east. It certainly offers good fortune to the owner of the house built on it. will prove to be very useful. A small plot sandwiched between two large-sized plots should be avoided as the owner becomes poorer and poorer. The following tips therefore. The owner of the house becomes immensely happy and religious minded if the house has a hillock in its south-western direction with its slope running towards either the south-east or the north-west. Therefore. with a slope towards the west. one must consider the shape of the land before making plans to construct a house. The cuts in the plot are also significant in Vaastushastra. A house built on such a plot brings peace and prosperity for the owner. THE SHAPE OF THE PLOT The shape of the plot of land also carries significance in Vaastushastra. The plot should not be circular in shape as it heralds poverty and penury in the life of the owner of the house constructed on it. if there is a small hillock in the center of the plot with slopes on all sides. Achieving remarkable heights in one’s chosen vocation is possible if a person stays in a house with a hillock on the south-western or western side sloping towards the east. All round progress of a person is certain if he is fortunate enough to live in a house which has a hillock either in the south-west or the south-eastern direction with the slopes towards the north. the owner encounters ill-fortune if he chooses a plot which tapers towards the east. The owner of the house built on such a plot always succeeds in all his endeavours. The prosperity of the owner either halts or deteriorates if he lives in a house which is built on a plot with a tapering end towards the north-east. it is not good if the cut is in the northern side of the plot. then the owner becomes penniless. he invites major monetary losses. then the occupant becomes prosperous. The north-eastern side of the plot should instead be broader. A trader becomes immensely successful in his profession if he lives in a house with a hillock on its north or north-western side sloping towards the south. While on the other hand. North faced plot on one side of the road – This plot is good for the family people. Besides this. There is a strong possibility of a person going mad or turning lunatic. An ‘L’ shaped plot should be avoided for constructing a house as the house never ushers in mental peace for the owner. The middle class people are very happy here. There is only one way here. Due to changes in direction and roads the results of the plots falls differently on the landlord. Egg shaped land is always good as the house constructed on it makes its occupants rich in character and education. is always auspicious. If the plot is without any particular shape. A house built on such a plot spells unhappiness and fear of the residents. Different plots on one road. Gomukhi plots are those where the front portion is shorter and narrower than the hind portion. unhappiness and relentless labour in the life of its occupants. A shapeless plot. It is better to split the plot into two pieces. South faced plot with passage on the two sides – This plot is of good category. the plot is also good for T. (the shape of which like the face of a cow) ushers is prosperity in the life of the owner who builds his residence on such a plot. if the broader part of the plot of his residence is towards the north-west. . a plot without any particular shape. This plot is good for the businessman. Demonic traits in a person surface if he lives in a house built on the land which is broader towards its south-western end. ill-fortune and discontent in the future.A Gomukhi plot. Besides these. South faced plot with passage on the four sides – This plot is best for the pan shop. South-faced plot on one side of the road – South is to the door of God of death. The new generation gets very prosperous on this plot. it is always better to divide it to give a different and favorable shape to the two smaller plots in order to avoid unhappiness. Therefore do not buy this type of plot as far as possible. A person always lives in fear and is constantly worried if he lives in a house constructed on a plot with its south-eastern portion broader than the rest. Shapeless or weird shaped plots should never be purchased even if they are available at cheaper rates. is not good as a house built on it brings poverty. A broad portion on the north-eastern side of the plot spells prosperity for the owner. the qualities of these plots depend upon the direction and the roads. PLOTS AND ROADS AROUND Many types of direction faced plots are found due to different roads and directions.V. on the other hand. Here there is only one road. A Vygahramukhi plot (the shape of which is like the face of a tiger). and Radio traders. The person living here has become famous doctor. South faced plot with passage on the three sides – This plot is said to be the best for the Iron trades. There is only one way here. East plot with passage on the three sides – This plot is best for family. Wayava or North-West faced plot on one side of the road – This is not a good plot. hotel. East faced plot with passage on the two sides – This plot is best for family and also for medicine shop. This plot is equally good for businessman and family man. The people residing on this plot get profit from all avenues. The people residing here has to travel too much.East faced plot with passage on one side of road – This plot is not good from the entrance point of view. There is only one way here. as it is very profitable. This is profitable both for the family people and the businessman. nursing faced home and school. There is only one way here. The people residing on this plot remain healthy throughout their life. The lord Indra lives here. Among the East facing plots this plot is unique. Ishan is said to be the place of Ishan or worship. There is only one way here. This plot is good only for cottage or resorts. East faced plot with passage on the four sides – This plot is best for the big business. hotels etc. Therefore. This plot gives unhappiness and unrest. East faced plot on one side of the road – This plot is said to be of best quality. Ishan or North-East faced plot with passage on the two sides – This is an ordinary type of plot. Wayava or North-West faced plot with passage on the four sides – This plot is not of good type. color factory. . North faced plot with passage on the three sides – This plot is said to be the best for the business. West faced plot on one side of the road – This plot is good for the family life. I have myself seen only one or two of this type of plots. Ishan or North-East faced plot with passage on the four sides – This is best for the businessman. For Picture hall hotel and restaurant this plot gives good results. There is only one way. Ishan plot with one road is not good. There is only one way here. business and small industries. Here there is only one pathway. The people residing here will live every peacefully. Ishan or North-East faced plot with passage on the three sides – This plot is good for family. There is only one way here. North . Agnaya or South-East faced plot on one side of the road – This plot is profitable for Iron. There is only one way here. Wayava or North-West faced plot with passage on the three sides – This plot is of ordinary type. which will give common result to the family living there. hot machines welding. This plot is very valuable and is very rare to find. West faced plot with passage on the three sides – This plot is best for the business.North faced plot with passage on the two sides – This plot is best for the family people. Wayava or North-West faced plot with passage on the two sides – This plot is of good quality and here is only one way. North faced plot with passage on the four sides – This plot is of best category. There is only one way here. West faced plot with passage on the two sides – This plot is considered in the best category. cinema hall. lime factory. foundry. Nairithya or South-West faced plot with passage on the two sides – This plot is of ordinary type. The second generation should not live here. BUIDING PLANNING The building should be either symmetrically in the center of the plot or nearer to South and West sides. North-East and North zones should not be higher or raised. There is only one way here. Roof Slope If the roofs are slopping they should be systematically. The level in the central zone should neither be low or raised. Similarly. If the slope is on a single side it should be towards the East or West to go get the best shading conditions. T. There is only way here.Agnaya or South-East faced plot with passage on two sides – This is best for iron foundry and machinery. There is only one way here. This plot is not suitable for family. There should be symmetry in the projection/elevations. factory. South and West parts of building should be highest keeping terrace or North and East sides. Shape The shape of the house should be rectangular as far as possible.e. The central area can have split levels. There is only one way. width : depth should be either 1:1 or 1:2. Building Height Preferably the building should have the same height at all parts. There is no plot better than this plot for running a nursing home. They can even get mad. Nairithaya or South-West faced plot with passage on the four sides – This plot is best for the first generation. Agnaya or South-East faced plot with passage on three sides – This plot is good for businessman and is best for bar owners. It is good for business but not fruitful for family. The door should not be too . Nairithaya or South-West faced plot with passage on the three sides – This plot is very good for the businessmen. leaving more open space on North and East sides. Family should not live here because theft will be there. Telephone Bhawan or for big factories. There is only one way here. There will be good sale of apparatus related to the doctor’s operation. There should not be any reductions except balconies & porch in the square or rectangular shape of the building. West. they will be destroyed in the litigation. The North-East or North or East sides should never be higher than South and West sides. servant will always go away. the levels in East. People residing here always feel a peculiar and bad smell which means there is something which is akin to some dead animal’s foul smell. Size/Shape of the Doors Normally.V. For bar there is no plot better than this. There is only one way. South. Bar on this plot will fetch a lot of money to the owner. If there is a nursing home here. Or the South-West. Size of the Building In general. Agnaya or South-East faced plot with passage on four sides – This plot is best for the electricity foundation. If they stay here. the width of the door should be half of the height of the door. South-East. the ratio of sides – i. the plot-owner will become very rich. Floor Levels The floor level in the South-West. Nairithaya or South-West faced plot on one side of the road – This plot is not good. North-West zones should not be sunken or low. This plot gives sadness. West: Bath. kitchen. too low. bed rooms. fire and bedrooms. South-West: Master bedroom. North or West: Staircase. Women’s chambers. Junior Members bedroom: Towards the North or East the Master bedroom. North-West: Suitable for all. Brahmasthan (Central Zone of the Building) The central Zone of any building should be free from any obstruction due to wall. Entrance According to Vaastu. bedroom. Guest/Girls bedroom: In the North-West zone. Bedrooms The various bedrooms should be provided in below given zones:Master bedroom : In the South-West direction or nearest to South-West. study. wherein. drawing rooms. if the sun rays do not enter the home in there’s any constriction against the free passage.high. The number of risers should be an odd number. In our urban reality this might not to be possible for most of us. or too narrow. boy’s rooms. Pooja Room Pooja place should be provided in the North-East corner of the house. Pooja. the facing should be towards South or East. North-East: Pooja. column/pillar and beam. bedrooms. which was the internal courtyard. the entrance of a building can be placed on any side facing any direction (only cardinal direction) provided a small calculation known as Ayadi is made to connect the perimeter or width of the building to the occupier. The facing of W/C should be either towards the North or towards the West. cowshed. first aid. The turnings should be in clockwise (Right Hand) direction while climbing up as shown in the diagram. South: Guest room. toilet or bedrooms. girls music and dancing rooms. To make maximum use of daylight many of the activities like entertaining. Arches above doors are appropriate. Toilets The W/C should not be provide above or under Pooja. traditional houses in the subcontinent incorporate the open areas as living space. kitchen. The alternative is to leave the energy point unbuilt (neither with a column nor wall) and allow the space to freely mingle with the entire built form. Fire should not be placed under or above. too wide. cooking happened in the open and the orientation of the house is of prime importance. South-East: Suitable for all. Head side of the bed should be kept in the South or East directions. Center of the House: Coutryard. The central portion can be seen as a hall. On emerging at the upper floor. dining. kitchen with ventilator. PREFERRED LOCATION OF VARIOUS SPACES East : Bath. there was a division of private and public space centered round a brahmasthan. part courtyard or two storeyed rooms. Fire Place/Kitchen Provide a fireplace in the Southeast corner as the best location. the house will not give good results as the health will deteriorate as the air would not have been purified by the sun’s rays. North: Store. bedrooms. Square doors should be avoided. . Vaastu Shastra defined this concept. Also there should not be any fixture/fire/power/toilet/life/staircase etc. dining. Vaastu in inner planning Earlier. According to Vaastu. drawing room. pooja. Staircase The Staircase should be provided in West or North sides of a building. study. Progeny and other Success. The generator. The second gate must be placed in the state ucchasthana for West facing home. The gate and floor slope must be from South to North from West to East. should never be placed in North-East. The septic tank must be dug in ucchasthana of either in North or East. The A. If possible the second door must be placed in the North-East in North. The owner’s master bedroom should be in the South-West. The main door of the house should be in the North-East in East and if possible another door must be placed in the Northern side for East. meter board and kitchen must be placed in South-East. latrine should be constructed in the building South-East.GENERAL RULES OF VAASTU The Southern and Western side compound wall should be thicker and higher than the Northern and Eastern compound wall. Building should be leaving more space in East and North than West and South. The roof and floor slope must be from South to North or flow West to East. South-east If lower than north-east. For West facing home gate should be in West. EFFECTS FOR LEVELS PLOT Directions Low High East Good Health. For South facing home gates should be in South-East in South. The building portion of Southern and Western side should be higher than Northern and east sides. The main door of the home must be placed in North-West in West. it creates If higher than north-east and north- . The overhead tank should be in the South-West. Loss of spouse. South or in the West. North-West. The gate should be in North-East for East facing house. Balconies may be built in the East and North sides. Bath-room. of the family. The stair-case in clockwise direction must be constructed in Southern and Western sides. Member. The main door of the home in South facing must be placed in South-East in South. Wealth Longevity. Kitchen can also be constructed in the North-East. The well and the underground water storage (sump) must be dug in the North-East in East or in the North-East in North. High trees should be grown in the Southern-Western portion of the compound.C. • Small plants and green lawns are recommended at the eastern and northern sides. • Loft or mezzanine floor should be in the western. • Big trees are recommended to be planted and grown in the southern and western sides of the plot. Prosperity. Worst situation in every sphere. As far as possible the table should be away from the walls. it should wind up in the clockwise direction. should be against the west and southern walls. Financial gain. • Entrance to the shop is ideally from the north-east portion. • The next person in authority (manager) should occupy the chamber in the south or west. • Do not design staircase of a building in the north-east portion. • Toilets should not be in the north-east corner. North-west If Lower than north-east enemity. • Thorny trees should not be grown in the site. all Will have to face innumerable Round prosperity and popularity problems and the worst situations In every sphere of life. • Number of trees should be even. • The cashier should not sit in the north-east or north-west corners • The chief of the office should occupy the chamber in the south-west corner and should face north while sitting. • The number of steps in a staircase should be an odd number so that if you start climbing the steps with the right foot. • The cashier should sit facing north or east. • Room between north-east and east as well as between north-east and north can be used for studying. of inmates popularity name and fame. If higher than north-east it ensures Litigations lower than south-west success in business & ensures And south-east good. • The study desk should be aligned so that you face east while studying. Ensures all-round prosperity. the number of exposed columns also should be even. He should face north while occupying room in the southern side and should face east while occupying the room in the west. Profit in business. The table should be at the south-west corner of the room. • Southern or south-western portions of the building are ideal for locating staircase. Facing north is also acceptable. southern or south-western sides. West Causes ill health and loss of name Ensures all-round prosperity. • Counters should be designed in such a way that the salesmen face either east or north and the customers face west or south. causes diseases Good for health and wealth & and financial problems. • When columns are exposed for architectural purposes. • Heavy items of machinery should be kept in west. • If there are landings or turnings in a staircase. North-east Ensures good health-wealth. And fame. . • Show cases. South Restricts growth. south and south-west sides only. If higher is very bad North Good for health wealth and Ill effects all round. VAASTU TIPS • Columns in a building should be in even numbers. Door to the chamber should be in the north-east corner. death etc. • Columns in the north-east corner should not be circular.fear of fire and enemies. Ill health. • The steps should climb from east to west or from north to south. South-west Will be the cause for bad habits. It is also west it ensures financial gains and bad for women and male children. has to face Prosperity in general. you will reach the higher floor on the right foot itself. These locations are suitable for meditation also. racks etc. Sites of triangular.East and South. • Drinking water taps or kitchen sinks should be fixed at the North-East corner of the kitchen. Site with deflected North South axis is not good but deflection up to degrees is tolerable. its surroundings. North-East corner of the site should be the lowest. Octagon or Polygon shapes or of irregular shapes are not good and should be avoided. 11. 4. In square or rectangular shapes sites. • The cooking platform or stove should be placed in such a way that one faces East while cooking MORE VAASTU TIPS FOR BETTER LIVING 1. Soil conditions. a. Hexagon.. Elevated West ushers in name.. Elevated East means loss of progeny and depressed. . criminal mind and rivalry. Sites with mounds.• All other staff members should sit facing east. 8. Site should slope from South to North from West to East. South-East higher than South-West is bad. North-West lower than North-East cause rivalry. should considered when selecting the site. making it possible for the water to flow out through that corner. Elevated South-West ensures all round progress fame.East and East or between South . Lower than North-West and North-East will cause accidents. its texture. storage racks etc. d. 9. hills. Site should be square in shape. 6. • The store room must be located between South . grinding stone. Angle of South-West corner should be 90 degrees. • According to the Vastu Shilpa Shastra. 3. circular shapes. Elevated North drives away wealth and depressed North brings in wealth. 10. b. Location of Site. colour. Sites can also be rectangular in shape. 5. that of North East can be less than 90 degrees. North-West corner should be little higher than North-East followed by South-East. c. but it should not higher than South-East and South-West. Depressed South-West causes prolonged sickness. should also be considered. and those of North-West and South-East can be little more than 90 degrees. higher than North-East and North-West brings in wealth. Rectangular shaped site too ensures all round prosperity and good results. those with five corners. fame and good children and depressed West results in ill health and loss of children. Elevated South ensures good health and prosperity and depressed. long life and fame. East means wealth. tall buildings in West and South should be selected and sites with the same in East and North should be rejected. ill health and misery. the North South and East West axis should be in alignment with the boundary. 2. b. North-West higher than North-East means all round success and wealth. • Southern and Western sides are the best chosen places in a kitchen for placing items like refrigerator. c. load bearing capacity whether filled up or natural etc. South-West corner should be the highest a. 7. Square shaped site ensures all round prosperity and good results. environment etc. and from South-West to North-East. kitchen can be in the North -West or South-East corner of a house. premature death and various other problems. South causes sickness and poverty. . 16. site with road in West is not bad. lake in North-East direction. a. South – South East or South East is not good and has to be rectified by cutting off the extended portion by building a compound wall or by fencing. East North – East. 18. but site with road in South should be utilized cautiously. 29. 14. 21. North.. public place. court litigation etc. mental disturbance and loss of name and fame. a. Extension to East South East causes thefts. Site with its corner extending to West North West. wealth and prosperity. quarrel etc. North East. Location of tanks. marriage halls. East. East. burial or cremation grounds. Nallah or River in the East and North with the Water flowing from West to East and from South to North will ensures beneficial results. and to South. 25. Extension to North. North East brings in name. 19. 27. South West or South –West is the worst and has to be rectified or rejected. Site with road in North and West is also good and similarly the site with road in East and South is also good but it is better for ladies organizations. 28. fire accidents. 17. Site with its corner extending to West South West or South. 24. 30. fame and popularity.12. a. Roads should slope from South to North from West to East and not vice versa. 13. Extension to West North West results in bad habits and financial habits and financial difficulties. Plot should not be in the neighborhood of any religious place. North. Road in South should be higher than the site or on level with the site but not lower than the site. Road in the East should be lower than the site or in level and not higher than the site. A Stream. Site with roads in North and East is good. 26. Roads in the three sides except in the South too will ensure prosperity. South East unnecessary fight. Site with roads in West and South is of last category. North East or North – East will be very much advantageous. Corner of the site extending to North. North West or North – West too is not good and has to be rectified. Roads in all the four sides of the site will be an ideal proposition. North East. ponds. 15. Road in West should be higher than the site or in level with the site but not lower than the site. Road in North and East is very good. off the site too will ensure better results. 20. hospitals. Site with its corner extending to East – South East. a. wasteful expenditure. Addition or extension of site by buying a new piece of land should be only in North. South West will cause sorrow. Extension to East North East ensures good health. Road in North should be lower than the site or in level with the site and not higher than the site. Extension to South. 22. misery. b. 23. are good. Site with North. 48. Sites with big boulders. South West. When such Veedi Shoolas are in unfavorable positions. 52. Veedi Shoola or road or lane which runs right into the face of the site perpendicularly should be only in favorably (Uchchastaan) position and not on unfavorable (Neechastaan) position. which is sandwiched between who big plots. 34. 50.31. and hills or where murder or burial had taken should be avoided. In case of Agricultural Lands. East South East. Veedi Shoola from South. 41. then such big trees like Ashwath (Peepul). chamfered the worst. 53. that portion has to be cut off to get rid of its evil effects. West South West or South _ West. Every property must have a compound wall at least of about 5’0” height and the gate should be located in the favorable position only. ENTRANCE 49. 47. South West is bad. Small building sites where lot of open spaces cannot be left around the building. Tea and other kinds of estates the same principle are applicable. Gate should never be fixed in the center of the boundary. North East corner only. South . North and North _ East. North East is good but from the North. 40. VEEDI SHOOLA 42. When the road is in East the gate should be in East North East only. Veedi Shoola from North. 32. care should be taken to select only those towards East.East corner rounded off. 36. Grass etc. Veedi Shoola from East North East is good but from East South East is bad. may damage the building. South. flowering plants. When road is in South the gate should be in South or South East only. Huge extensions unfavorable zones should be cut off by fencing. While selecting the site for building a farm house in the agricultural land or estate the above mentioned rules should observed and the site shall have a compound wall or fencing around it. 43. Veedi Shoola from West North West is good but from West South West is bad. South East or South _ East. 46. North West or North _ West is bad and has to be avoided. 54. cut off. Fruit Trees. Veedi Shoola from Center of Plot will have both good and bad effects. Sites with fertile earth. When the road is in North the gate should be in North. 45. 39. Addition or extension of site by buying a new piece of land towards West. 35. should not be there. North West is bad. Sites with rounded off. 33. Coffee. Sites with other corners cut can be used with limited success. is not good and should be avoided. or West North West. cut off or chamfered corners are not good. 38. Mango. . South. 44. When buying a new piece of land away from the existing site too. 37. South East is good but from South. When the road is in West the gate should be in West North West only. 51.. North. Any site. Pump house too should not touch the compound wall in North and East. 60. tanks. North West or South West zones and it should not touch the compound wall in North and East. Over head tank. 72. Other Water bodies like swimming pool. South East and West North West. 67. 66. SHAPE OF ROOMS 71. Entrance portico. Septic tank or gobar gas plant should be located in North or East side of the plot but they should be in East or North (Center). 75. should be far as possible in North – East zone. When entrance from North-East is not possible then it can favorable directions like South. entrance lobby. Well or bore well should be in North-East corner of the plot. Well should not touch the building and it should not be inside the building. it should not be so big as to be an obstruction in the North-East. 73. Well can be circular in shape below the ground level. pooja room etc. when cannot be located in South-West corner of plot or building. UNDERGROUND WAYER TANKS 61. 59. LOCATION OF WATER ELEMENT 56. 65. 57. one big and one small can be fixed in the favorable zones. 64. SEPTIC TANK 68. Cover slab of the underground tank should not protrude above the ground level. it can be located in some other corner provided another structure heavier and taller than that is built in the South-West corner. ponds. 74. Underground water storage tank or sump tank should be located in the same fashion as the well. Over head water tanks should never be located in the South-East zone either in the plot or over the terrace of the building. 62. be located in SouthWest and North – West but avoid water tanks over ground in the South-East zone.. Well should not be located in any other zones like South East.55. 58. More than one gate i. its shape should be square. 69. Buildings should be as far as possible Square or Rectangle. North East or East North East corner but should not be on the imaginary line joining South-West corner and North-East corner of the plot. Over ground tanks containing water or other liquid can unavoidable cases. No part of Septic tank or Gobar gas plant should protrude above ground level. fountains which are normally below the ground level should also be in the North-East corner similar to well or sump. 63. To have one open courtyard in the center is always advisable. 70. Over head tank should be in the South-West corner of the plot or of the building over the terrace and it should be the highest structure in the site. but should be square above the ground. Should be either in North. Bathroom where only bathing takes place can be in East or between East and North –East. Septic tank or gobar gas plant should not touch the compound wall in North or East.e. . and rectangular shapes in unavoidable circumstances are allowed. 86. Bedrooms with attached toilets in the North – East corner is dangerous. South – West corner and Western side only. Heavy items like fridge. it may cause cancer. Do not let the toilet door face the kitchen and dining hall. Newly married couple in any case should not use the North East bed rooms. Kitchen cannot under any circumstances come in North – east quarter or the building or in South – West corner of the building. Only bedroom in the North – East corner. Storage racks and lofts either in kitchen or store should be against South and West wall and North and East walls should be avoided. Cooking should always be done facing East. 80. 78. Level of the floor of kitchen when located in South – East and North – West outside the building should be more than the house floor level. Bedroom in the South – East corner is dangerous. Water should flow out from the North – East corner of kitchen. . or next to toilets. tumour. 85. Kitchen should be in South –East corner and unavoidable circumstances can be in North-West corner.. 82. in the South – East corner of the kitchen whether the kitchen is in South – East or North – West. Bedroom in the South – West corner should be used by the master of the house. Bedrooms in the Eastern and Northern sides too are not good. Kitchen when located outside the Building should come in the South – East zone of the plot or in the North – West zone of the plot but should not touch the compound wall in East and North. should also be located in the South and West side of the kitchen or store. Cooking facing North and South is prohibited. a. Kitchen in the North – East will burn out everything. North – West corner bed room can be used by daughters and guests. BED ROOM VAASTU Bed rooms should be in Southern side. Southern and Western side bedroom should be used by sons. may be in unavoidable circumstances used by old people. Kitchen should not be in front of. When the building has more than one storey and there are two bedrooms in the South – West corner. 77. 79. 83. Bedroom can also be in the North – West corner but should not be used by the master or the bread earner of the house. North –East corner of the Kitchen should have a sink or a water source. a. Store room should be located between South – East and East. 84. grinding stone etc. mental degradation and financial difficulties and unexpected death. 81.KITCHEN 76. Family members in their own house should not sleep with their head towards West. Stone. Sleeping with the head towards East ensured enlightenment. All the wardrobes and heavy articles in the bedroom should be towards West or South. Sleeping with their head towards North may result in problems connected with heart and brain and may cause even death. No furniture or cupboards. Living Rooms and Drawing rooms too can be located as per the convenience and the location of the entrance. Adults should sleep with their head towards South. Photos of ancestors should be placed in the South – West corner of the house. One should get up from the bed touching the ground first with his/her right foot and them walk towards East or North. shelf or any heavy items should touch the Eastern and Northern side wall. moghul garden. As far as possible East and North wall should be left free. Guests should sleep with their towards West. d. at any place should sleep with his/her head towards North. Granary storage should be in the North West. e. Sleeping with the head towards South ensures long life. Facing North during eating is prohibited. But can be kept in South – East and North – West corner and South – West corner too should be avoided. b. table. rock garden should be in the South West corner of the building. They can also sleep with their towards East. sofas or any such item should not be below any beam or attic. Children should keep with their head directed towards the East. the master of the house should use the one in the ground floor. Dining Hall should be located in Western side but can be in other side according to the convenience and the location of the kitchen. During traveling too one should keep his head towards in the ground floor and the other in the first floor. dining table. No one at any cost. West and South while eating. . But living room and drawing room should occupy more of the central zone of the building where center courtyard is not provided. In the bedroom when locating the Cot/Bed more space should be left towards East and North. One should face East. TV or telephone should not be located in the North – East corner of any room. Sofas and other sitting arrangements should be such that family members always face East and North and the Guests face West and South. Sleeping with the head towards West in their own house causes sorrow and unhappiness. sculpture. Bed. TOILETS Toilets when within the house should be between South and South – East. Medicine Chest should be in the North – East corner and one should face North – East while taking medicine. South and South – West. c. Pooja Room should be in the North – East zone. Steps should lead one from North to South and from South to West. 98. 17. 92. South – South West. 3. 94. As far as possible staircase should be away from the wall on the Eastern and Northern side at least by 3 inches. Worshiper too can face any direction except South..e. Toilets should not be located in the North – East zone under any circumstances. 99. 95. It should never be on East West axis. 90. West North West and North. 89. .e. The termination of steps in the first floor should be in the favorable position only i. When the building has more than one storey. Water closets should be on North South axis. East North East. POOJA ROOM 96. similarly number of risers in the steps to the house too should be odd i. Door to the Pooja should have double shutters and four frame. 1. East and North but never South. Deity should face West. Toiled should not touch North or East side compound Wall. When toilets are built outside the house they can be located in the South – East and North – West corner. 21 etc. it should be located in East – South East. 100. North East. Staircase and lifts should be in Southern side. 19. only a bathroom where only bath is taken can be located in the Eastern side.. But here too boiler or firewood ovens to heat water should be avoided. South. After reaching the mid landing the staircase can take any direction. 97. West and North – West. South – West corner or Western side. 93. When the staircase is located outside the building. In unavoidable circumstances toilets can be located in North West and South – East corners. Here boiler or firewood ovens can be used. 91. West South West and North – North West so that the movement is from North to South and East to West. Slope of the toilet should be towards North – East corner. 5 etc. Wash basins and mirrors should be fixed to the Northern or Eastern side wall. Staircase and lift should not be in North – East zone at all. South East. but in the South – East corner of the Toilet. STAIRCASE AND LIFTS 87. the Pooja Room should be in the ground floor.e. 88. Clothes Washing can be in the South – East corner of the house or Plot. should not be located in the South – West corners. Movement on the staircase from ground to first floor should be as far as possible in clockwise direction. respectively. Number of risers in a staircase should be odd i.West and South – West. 123. 118. East and North – East corner. 102. 119. Building in both Eastern side and Northern side and leaving South – West corner vacant is very bad. 112. They should be in North – West corner or West. 120. house on fire.rather than in the first floor. 103. It should be noted that North – East corner of living room should be vacant and clean and it is better to hang a picture of a deity there which has to face West. 117. 111. it can be less than that of Ground floor. dogs and cats can be reared in the house. One can build on the Southern side and can leave Northern side vacant. 107. 113. 101. vultures. 124. . Entire building can have a cellar floor but it should slope towards North – East. 122. 114. 108. CELLAR 106. One can build on the Western side and can leave Eastern side vacant. snakes. Cellar can be in the Northern and Eastern sides but should not be in Southern and Western Sides. Pigeons should not be reared in the house but ducks. Cellar should not be in the South – East and North – West corner of the Building. dead and stuffed animals. treed devoid of flowers and fruits. horses etc. 109. cocks. owls and bats. 110. Cellar or basement can be in the Eastern side of the building and not in the Western side. lions. Cellar or basement can be in the Northern side of the building and not in the Southern side. 104. 115. elephant captures. 105. But building on the Eastern and leaving the Western side vacant is bad. All the roof and floor levels should slope towards North. Above the Pooja Room there should neither be a toilet nor a kitchen. Tulsi Plant should be grown in East or North East corner. Building on the Northern side and leaving Southern side vacant is bad. Pooja Room should not be attached to any toilet on any side. but cannot be more. 116. Never hang pictures of animal fights. Also never hang pictures of pigeons. One can build both on Western and Southern sides and leave North – East corner as vacant. Cows shed should be in the West or North – West but should not touch the North side Wall. hunting. Prayer Room and meditation rooms too shall be located in the North – east zone of the building and preferably in the ground floor. Cellar can be in the North – East corner of the building but never in the South – West corner of the building. Height of the First Floor should be equal to that of Ground Floor. parrots. crows. When a building has to have another storey the entire first floor can be built. 121. Doors in the first floor should be in the same position as those in the ground floor. South – West corner can be blocked but not with kitchen or toilets. Rubbish. East North East. Number of trees in a property too should be even. 143.e. 12. 138. 20. Door should not be fixed in the center of the building or at the extreme corner of the building. 6. 135. 30. 10.e. 16 etc. 128. North East. South East it is better to fix another door in the East North East or North. garbage or any kind of mounds opposite a gate or door should be avoided. 133. there can only be two or four in one line.125. outhouses. because these numbers end with zero. 136. they should differ. Main entrance door should be in the exalted position only i. 147. should not be in the North – East corner. 130. 131. Gap between the main building and the blockade in the North West should be less than the gap between the blockade and the compound in the northern side. 141. store rooms. South. Gate or Door should not face any religious place. at least it should be as far as away as double the height of the house.. Three doors falling in one line is not good. North East direction. There should be a gap between those buildings and the main building. 145. Doors and windows should not be in 10. South East and West North West. 127. Blockades or obstructions like servant quarters. specially a Temple. 139. 14. The height of those buildings should be more than that of the main building. Rest of the doors in the house should not be bigger than the main entrance door. When the main door happens to be from the South. 142. 146. 140. 129. 8. beams in the building too shall be even. 132. 4. 137.. in favorable direction. 126. Blockades can be in the South – East and North – West zone but should not touch the compound or boundary in the Eastern and Northern side. 0 numbers through they are even. Those buildings can touch the compound and boundary on the Western and Southern toilets. Two doors/windows opposite each other should be of same width. Number of doors and windows should not be the same in the ground and first floor. No shade of any religious place should fall on the house. 144. The favorable directions are North. 134. Number of doors and windows on each floor should be even i. watchmen’s room etc. Number of columns. . Gap between the main building and the blockades in the South – East should be less than the gap between the blockade and the compound wall in the Eastern side.. 148. 2. When more than one external door is proposed it is better to have one of the doors in the North East. and they should be in alignment. garages. 168. 152. 153. 169. North – East zone of the apartment should not have any toilet or kitchen. 150. Shanka and Padmanidhi emitting coins.. dried-up burnt out trees etc. two sentinels or guards. Atti. Small plants and Lawn can be grown in the Northern and Eastern side. Wood from decayed. Bedrooms should be in South. Transformer etc. shall not be used in buildings. South – West and North – West. road sides. 161.. Better to have all the four side frames to the door or at least the external and Pooja room door should have four frames. Southern and South Western directions. cremation grounds. 163. Wood from auspicious trees like Ashwatha. Never plant trees brought from cemeteries. Movement of people should be in the Eastern and Northern and North Eastern directions and not in Western. 154. For all other details you can refer to the principles mentioned in the earlier pages. 165. 155. 171. Apartments are also like any other residential buildings and the principles of VAASTU as far as the site. Open space should be more in Northern side than in the Western side. Two main entrance doors of two houses opposite each other shall not be in one alignment they should differ. 170. Main entrance to each apartment should be from these favorable positions. side of the roads. South East and West North West. 167. gate. Lakshmi – Lotus seated and being bathed by elephants and Cow with her Calf. Main entrance to the apartment block should be in the favorable position like – North. East North East.149. When the plot has deflected North South axis it is advisable at least to have the building parallel to the North South Direction. 172. 151. Similarly two gates of houses opposite each other too shall not be in one alignment. A dwarfish nurse.. When decorating the main and other doors only permitted motifs should be selected i. Coconut etc. Kitchen should be in the South – East corner of each apartment or in the North – West. 157. Big trees or avenue of trees should be in the Western and Southern side. banks of tanks and rivers shall not be used in the buildings. too shall not be used in buildings. 156. Open space should be more in Eastern side than in the Western side. 159. Using motifs like images of Gods in decoration of doors is prohibited. should be in the South – East corner of the plot. Wood from the trees grown in cemeteries. slope. location of water bodies. are concerned are same. Height of the Building should be more in South West. 162. Generators. South. 164. North East. given or presented by the sick. Less in North East.e.. Image of family deity. . 158. the Astamangala. compound wall etc. 160. 166. Vaastu tips for showrooms 178. 191. When the shop is not rectangle or square in shape. 187. 192. More balconies in North and East than those in South and West. Each shop in a shopping arcade shall be treated as an independent Unit as far as VAASTU principles are concerned. When the shop has only one full opening. 186. the positive or favorable opening should used for the movement of people and goods. South East in South facing shops. West North West in West facing shops and North – North East in North facing shops. 180. colleges and hospitals etc. 179. Facing West in unavoidable circumstances is allowed. 183. Others should face either North or East and no one should face South. 176. 193. . Lofts and mezzanine floors should be in West. In the North facing shops the Cashier should sit in the North – West or South West corner either facing North or East with the Cash box more towards the South or West. North – North East. 182.. No staff members should sit in such a way that their back is towards the proprietor or the chief executive.U. West and South – West. In a commercial complex or office building. C. 190. In West facing shops the Cashier should sit in the South – West corner facing North to East with the Cash box more towards South or West. East North East in East facing shop.. 188. In the East facing shop the Cashier should sit in the South – East or South –West corner facing either North or East and the Cash Box should be more towards South or West. 184. When the building is huge. only positive half of it should be used for the movement of people and goods i.173. mezzanine floors of the individual shops and offices should be in the Western. 189. North and North – East.e. that is. 181. the office executive or proprietor should have his office in the South – West corner and should sit facing North. South or South – West and not in East. The counters should be designed as to have the salesmen or sales girls facing either North or East and the customers facing South or East. East – North East. Extension to other corners is bad and has to be rectified. 177. All the heavy items should be located in the South. extension of the corner to North – East only is good. All the lofts. Staircase block and lift should be in South. South – South East and West – North West. South – West and West. and when L. 185. 175. In case of shops having two big openings then too the same principle should be followed. Southern and South – Western sides and similarly the loading pattern. Toilets should never be in North – East corner of the individuals shop or office. In the South facing shops the Cashier should sit in the South West corner facing North or East with the Cash box more towards the South or West.e. 174. The entire shopping arcade or commercial complex should have its main gate and main door or entry to the complex in the favorable directions i. like those of schools. More windows opening in North and East than in South and West. generator. 209. Even the security room and the pump house shall be away from it. North and East side should be kept vacant and also Northern and Eastern sides shall have more open space than the Southern and Western sides. 212. 199. care should be taken to see that the Northern and Eastern sides and more particularly North – Eastern corner is not blocked. 210.shaped buildings are designed. Toilet blocks should be in South and West but not in East.. 207. its shape. In the factory building North and East side should be with light machines. 213. 196. approach road etc. 197. All the heat generating units or where the fire is involved like transformer. North or North East. should be stored in the North West corner. East North East. North East corner should be vacant and South West corner should have the heavier machine and the loading pattern shall be in the same fashion. West and South should be with heavy machines. Floor of the factory should slope slightly towards North East and the roof should slope from South to North and West to East. Stream of filthy water or stationery dirty water in front of the building is not good. Building a compound wall and locating gates in the proper place is an absolute necessity even though the plots is very big in size. which should conform to the Vaastu principles. 200. Managing Director should have his chamber in the South – West corner and he should face North and others should face North or East. Raw material can be stored outside in the open space but North and East side should be avoided. 208. 204. North East. guest rooms etc. 201. Gate should be in the North. When the administrative block is located in the North East it should be lower than the factory building but no one should show their back towards the main factory building while sitting or working. All the water bodies shall be in North East zone except the over head tank which shall be in South West corner of the plot or of the building and this shall be the tallest structure in the complex. furnance etc. . South. 203.. shall be in the South East corner of the plot or of the building. It should be avoided in the South West corner too. South East or West North West and the main entrance door of the factory too shall be in the same fashion. arc welding. Using old building materials from the demolished buildings should be avoided. 195. 206.. When setting up industrial units utmost care should be taken in the selection of site. 211. boiler. shall be located in the North – West corner or South – East corner of the plot. When separate administrative block is proposed. Commercial Vaastu tips 194. it should be in the South – West corner of the plot but it should be higher than factory building. servants quarters. In no case Northern and Eastern compound wall shall be disturbed by touching of any structure. Goods which are to be quickly disposed off. Staff quarters. slope in different directions. 198. 205. 202. When a canteen is proposed in the industrial complex it shall be in the South East corner or North West corner. Door to his chamber should be from the North East corner of the cabin. Staircase blocks and lift rooms too should not come in the North. 216. 218. 231. 226. 221. Managing Director’s cabin should be in South West corner and he should face either North or East. 233. When the lodging and restaurant sections are managed by the same person care should be taken to see that both the doors are in favorable directions. In the dining hall the tables and chairs should be so arranged that the customers face East – West and South while eating bit not North. Guest should sleep with his head towards West. North and East side can be used for parking. West North West and South. 230. East and South are also permitted but not North side. heat generating elements. If there is a stream. care should be taken to see that the kitchen is located in the South – East and North West corner only and the bar (where alcohol is supplied) does not come in North East zone of the building. Rock garden with water fall can be in the South West corner but there should not be any depression there and also water should not stagnate in the South West corner. water bodies. Entry to the rooms should be from North. 232. 217. 215. 220. 224. Entrance to the reception hall should be in the favorable direction. nallah or river in the North or East of the plot and the water flows from South to North and from West to East it will be very advantageous. Weight bridge can be located in the North West or South East zone. location of gate. 222. East and North East corner. South East. East North East. 229. security room etc. 223. Cashier and receptionist should face North or East and the customer should face South or West. 228. Parking of vehicles too can be in the open space but North East corner shall be left free. 225. 214.particularly North East corner.. shall be according to Vaastu rules as already explained. Water bodies like swimming pool. north and particularly the North East corner. There should be no toilet or AC unit in North-East corner of the room. North East. Principles of selection of site. fountain and water fall etc. Kitchen should be in the South East corner or in the North West corner. Entrance to the reception hall should be in the favorable direction. 219. should be in North East zone only. and if this becomes impossible then the ownership of the restaurant can be changed to facilitate this. 227. 234. When more than one dining hall and kitchen are to be accommodated. Big trees and avenue of trees should be grown in West and South and only lawn and small plants should be grown in East and North. Solar heater should be in the South – East corner of the terrace. Guest rooms in hotel building shall be planned as if they are independent units like shops in the shopping arcade. .. Either in the restaurant or in the reception there should not be any toilet in the East. trees. Shravana (July – Aug) Margashira (Nov – Dec) Pushya (Dec – Jan) and Phalguna (Feb – March) are good months to commence the work. 249. according to the tradition of the family and the religion.235.. 238. 246. Construction work shall commence from South West and progress towards North East. Wednesday. Grahapravesha ceremony should not be performed unless the Building is completed in all respects. Treating the guests and the workers to a tasty and sumptuous lunch.e. Thursday and Fridays are good days to commence the work or any other work like fixing the door or grahapravesha. no one shall use the toilets and sleep in the new house. 245. At the end during Grahapravesha or House warming ceremony. Before the Grahapravesha no cooking shall be done inside the House. 247. Walls in the South and West should be thicker than the walls in the North and East. but the day should be in Shuklapaksha i. 3. For all the important occasions an auspicious moment or Muhurta should be choosen in consultation with the learned priest or astrologer. In the middle when fixing the main door. shall be carried out sincerely and whole heartedly. It should continue from North East to South East and from North East to North West and then to South West. But when the commencement of work can be in Dakshinayana (July 16th to January 14th) Grahapravesha should only be in Uttarayana (Jan 14th to July 15th). 248. 251. At no time the North East should be higher than South West. Monday. 250. 252. 2. Additional mosquito nets should be avoided in the windows in the Northern and Eastern sides. 236. The new house shall be well decorated and well lit for the function and all the rituals connected with the function.. 237. Constructing a New House and performing the Grahapravesha Ceremony is the beginning of a . the site has to be rectified i.e. New Moon day to Full Moon day and not in Krishan Paksha. Vaastu Pooja shall be performed on three occasions: 1. Level of the plot also shall be as per the rules prescribed. 242. 243. shall be the part of the rituals connected with Grahapravesha. extensions if any to the undesirable corners to be cut off by erecting a compound wall. 244. Vaishaka (April – May). 240. presenting those associated with its completion with gifts etc. 239. After determining the perfect directions. Before commencing the work of even designing the building the North South and East West direction should be ascertained by means of Shankunstaapana or Mariner’s compass which normally is the practice now. Excavation work should start from North East corner. 241. At the beginning. Vaastu Pooja and Ganapathi Pooja should be performed in the North East corner of the plot before commencing the construction work. After the function the owners shall not lock the House and get away but continue to occupy and stay in the house and from that very day onwards daily oil lamps front of the deity enshrined in the Pooja room. They can be protected. 255. or lamps. Stainless steel. God shall ever be remembered and daily worshipped. minor and of the intermediate nature they can be corrected by either physical alteration or with spiritual shifting of energies by Pyramids and Yantras. castrol oil shall not be used in Pooja room. Tulsi and Flowers shall not be collected in one plate. One shall not enter the Pooja room for any purpose without washing his face. They need a protection on the upper part of the main door or 2 pyramids at the end of the main gate. hands and legs. prosperous and full of peace not only that his house and working place . 268. Blowing of fire. Copper vessels shall be used where water is involved and Brass items shall be used whre oil is involved. nor they shall be plucked after the sunrays fall on Noon. 254. It has to charged with Pyramid Yantra in the center and in the affected part. Evening and Night is prohibited. 257. Disturbed North – East Zone is dangerous and Toilets and Kitchen in the North – East Zone normally are the common defects observed. When one rents any portion of the building it is better to rent out the Northern Portion and retain the Southern portion. In this age which commenced nearly 5000 years ago people tend to become short lived and they disregard any Spiritual topics and even question the existence of God. Aluminium items shall never be used in pooja room.New chapter in one’s career. Aarti etc. 260. To make one’s life happy.. Tulsi shall not be plucked by using finger nails. 253. One shall not taste anything that is going to be offered to the God and one shall worship him without any preconditions. Silver and Gold items can be used for any purpose. As already explained there can be various defects and more the defects are rectified better the results would be. Doors and Gates in incorrect positions too are equally disturbing and therefore require rectification. good and not rotten. Water used in Pooka room shall be clean and shall not be touched by finger or nail. Without purifying and wearing clean clothes one shall not perform pooja. Depressed South – West corner of the Plot also has tremendous potential to create panic and hence needs to be dealt with. 263. Iron. But a Well and a Bore well will not be closed before another Well or Bore well is dug or drilled and due rituals are performed. it is of paramount importance that if should be according to VAASTU SHASTRA. 261. 266. 264. He may sink or sail according to the depth of Vaastu principles followed. Flowers used in the performance of Pooja shall be of good fragrances. 256. Afternoon. Whether one lives in a rented house or his own. 267. 262. It has to be virtually shifted to correct position. 259. Similarly it is better to rent out the first floor than the Ground Floor. When one builds a Building flouting Vaastu principles he is bound to undergo sufferings and where he realizes his fault it is advisable to rectify the defects very earnestly. energized or virtually shifted to appropriate position by fixing pre-programmed Pyramid – Yantra. 265. by the mouth is a strictly prohibited act. 269. Even if the Building is strictly in accordance with the ancient scriptures. Stolen flowers shall not be used. 258. Kitchen and Toilet in South-West corner too are capable of causing serious damage to the inmates. There are defects of major. the mother the image of Earth and an elder Brother the image of oneself. Through the attachment of his organs to sensual pleasure a man doubtlessly will incur guilt. the Hearth. 278. A householder commits offences through five slaughter houses viz. West or South. 280. 286. a Dacoit. 275. 282. Desisting from excessive eating are the essence of Law concerning Food and eating. But the family where they are not unhappy always propers. the rules of purity. Those two must mot be called into question in any manner. not being honored pronounce a curse. A Thief. but in the long run he is bound to suffer and our ancient Dharma Shastras proclaim many rules of righteous conduct. By Shruti (Relevation) is meant the Veda and by Smriti (Tradition) the institutes of the sacred law. Women must be honored and adorned by their fathers. 273. even if he builds his House according to Vaastu principles. Pranayana (Three suppressions of Breath) before a lesson in VEDA. 276. 272. he will obtain success. the grinding . good advice and various arts may be acquired from any body. 281. perish completely as if destroyed by Magic.should be built according to Vaastu Shastra but also he should earn his living or subsistence in most righteous manner.. but where they are no honored no sacred rite yields results. It further says that a wise man should strive to restrain his organs which run wild among alluring sensual objects like a charioteer with his horses. Collecting food only as much as required for survival. even from a foe a lesson in good conduct. and finally self satisfaction. the knowledge of Law. next the tradition and the virtuous conduct of those who know the Veda further. Excellent wives. who desire welfare. Where women are honored Gods are pleased.. also the customs of holy men. may not live a peaceful life at home. Brothers. 270. 274. Where the female relations live in grief the family soon wholly perishes. Pronouncing the syllable ‘OM’ at the beginning and at the end of a lesson in ‘VEDA’. a Murderer or the one who earns his living in unrighteous manner. constantly paying reverence to the aged etc. Even if he claims to the contrary it may only be a temporary phenomenon. 284. since from those two the sacred law shone forth. though one be grievously offended by them. the Father the image of Prajapati. The Houses on which female relations. Husbands and Brother-in-law. The Teacher. 285. Shastras further proclaim that even from poison nectar may be taken. 287. Man who obeys the law prescribed in the revealed texts and in the scared tradition gains fame in this World and unsurpassable bliss after death. always worshiping Food and eating it without contempt. eating it facing East. 283. and even from an impure substance gold. learning. the Mother and an elder Brother must not be treated with disrespect. It reveals that whole of Veda is the first source of the scared law. 271. Teacher is the image of Brahman. the Father. but if he deeps them under control. 279. are few of Laws concerning studentship 277. 295. 299. The Dharma Shastras further remind that. Regarding the means of subsistence the Shastra says. 301. 302. nor on top of a mountain. One shall not eat dressed in one garment only. the Broom. on the ruins of a temple. 291. on a ploughed land. 300. the house holder shall eat afterward what remains. not to run when it rains. the Pestle and Mortar. nor step over it. not bather naked. 304. nor on reaching the bank of the river. In order to successively expiate these offences. which we prescribed for him without unduly fatiguing his body. not void urine on a road. water and a kind word. the water Vessel by using which he is bound with fetters of Sins. on a mountain. the Sages. 296. 297. or a fire or looking towards the Sun. One shall not place fire under a bed or the like. Whether one be rich or even in distress. 292. He who desires happiness must strive after a perfectly contended disposition and control himself. not let him accept presents from any giver whosoever may be. 290. or in a cowpen. on an altar of bricks. nor by forbidden occupations. the Bali offering that offered to Bhutas (Prahuta). One shall not step over a rope to which a calf is tied. 303. Teaching and studying is the sacrifice offered to Brahman (Ahuta). For the purpose of gaining bare subsistence one may accumulate property by following those irreproachable occupations. Having honored the Gods. let him not torment living creatures. not look at a naked woman. or the least pain to others and live by that except in times of distress. straight forward and honest life. and the Hospitable reception of guests the offering to Men (Brahmyahuta). in water. Nor in holes inhabited by living creatures nor while he walks or stands. One shall void faces and urine in the day time turning towards North at night turning towards South. 294. the Manes and the Guardian Deities of the house. One shall not blow a fire with his mouth. the offering of Water and Food called tarpana. Men. let him not seek wealth through pursuits to which men cleave. and during the twilight in the same position as buy day. Great sages have prescribed the performance or five sacrifies. Let him never void faces or urine facing wind. 289. One must seek subsistence which either causes no. He shall never for the sake of the subsistence follow the ways or the world. and not look at his own image in water. room for resting. not throw any impute substance into the fire and not warm his feet at it.Stone. 305. 293. nor even on an ant hill. the Sacrifice to the Manes (Prasita). Regarding other aspects of life the texts reveal: One shall never look at the Sun when he rises or sets is eclipsed or reflected in water or stands in the middle of the sky. 288. these things never fail in the houses of good men. water or cows. while he is able to perform them. He who neglects not those five great sacrifices. is not tainted by the sins committed in the five places of slaughter. on ashes. 298. the burnt oblation the Sacrifice offered to the Gods (Huta). nor place it when he sleeps at the foot end of his bed. . he shall live pure. 306. nor any other impurity. 313. nor poisonous things. but at last he perished branch and root. Unrighterousness practices in this world does not at once produce its fruit. Let him avoid in anger to lay hold of his own or other men’s hair. No calamity happens to those who eagerly follow auspicious customs and rule of conduct. But let him eagerly pursue that the accomplishment of which depends on himself. knowledge of Supreme Soul. but let him not eat food placed on his lap. abstention from unrighteously appropriating anything. it cuts off the roots of him who committed it. After showing high regards to the fire the texts deal with water One shall not throw urine or faces into water. One should carefully avoid under taking the success of which depends on others. nor blood. truthfulness and abstention from anger from the tenfold law which must ever be carefully obeyed. 311. 327. One shall not eat after sunset any food containing sesamum grains. 319. If the punishment falls not on the offender himself. He shall not go to bed with wet feet. 317. 316. 309. not be a glutton. 318. Therefore let us all delight in truthfulness. nor he who always delights in doing injury to others ever attain happiness in this world. nor clothes defiled by impure substances. but an iniquity once committed never fails to produce fruit to him who wrought it. obedience to the rules of purification. nor frequently dressed in all his garments. self-control. He prosperous for a while through unrighteousness. One shall not bath immediately after meal. utter no disagreeable truth. 325. righteousness. Everything that depends on other gives pain. 310. nor out of one that appears defiled. He shall not clip his nails or hair and not tear his nails with his teeth. obedience to the sacred law and . One shall not eat anything from which oil has been extracted. nor when he is sick. 314. not saliva. He who east while his feet are still wet will attain long life. 315. nor in the middle of the night. 322. it falls on his sons. then he gains great good fortune. 326. the Smoke rising from burning corpse must be avoided. not take any food in the evening if he had his fill in the morning. wisdom. next he conquers his enemies. utter no agreeable falsehood. coercion of the organs. say what is pleasing. 320. He shall eat while his feet are very wet from ablution. everything that depends on oneself gives pleasure and this is the short definition of pleasure and pain. Neither a man who lives unrighteously nor he who acquired wealth by telling falsehoods. not eat out of a broken earthern dish. 321. The morning Sun. One shall not wash his feet in a vessel of white brass. One shall say what is true. that is the eternal law. 312. 308. forgiveness. or strike himself or others on the head. And to those who are always careful or purity and to those who mutter sacred texts and offer burnt oblations. if not the sons at least on his grand sons. 324. not eat very early in the morning not very late in the evening. Contentment. 323. But advancing slowly. 307. one shall never sleep naked. One shall not scratch his head with both hands joined. .scriptures. conduct worthy of an Aryan. and purity and also let us chastise our children according to the sacred laws and scriptures which are of value of ages.
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