Varahamihira- Marriage Compatibility.pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: Ravan Sharma | Category: Planets In Astrology, Superstitions, New Age Practices, Hindu Astrology, Ancient Astronomy



1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility2   More    Next Blog» Create Blog   Sign In Varahamihira The pages here would contain articles on various topics of Jyotish. Please visit regularly as I shall update these pages frequently. I express my gratitude to Sri Jagannath Center (SJC) & Pt. Sanjay Rath, my Guru for helping me advancing in my Jyotish Studies. We d n e s d a y,   O c t o b e r   0 6 ,   2 0 0 4 Marriage Compatibility About Me Introduction Marriage compatibility is an important contribution of Jyotish to the world as only it can Varahamihira foresee any problems in the married life of a couple and can precisely determine which Its difficult to say who I am. area shall the problem root from. This is done with kuta matching as enumerated by Different people see me in Harihara in his immortal classic Prasna Marga. However, it is not possible to match all the so many different ways. kutas and here we must appreciate that nothing in this world is perfect and we need to From my perspective, I am a compromise at various places. Compromises may be made in various kutas, however it soul trapped inside the should not be made in the five important kutas namely vasya, mahendra, yoni, Janma Rasi world of illusion! and lord of the Janma Rasi. There are three more kutas, which are to be considered very View my complete profile important, viz., gana, dina and stree‐deergha. Besides this the Brahmins should also consider Gotra Kuta. Blog Archive Jyotish Resources ►  2015 (9) Barbara Pijan There are two kinds of Kuta, one which contribute points towards the 36 point scheme and Lama ►  2012 (1) the other does not. The Kutas which contribute to the 36 point schemes are Nadi, Rasi, Freedom Cole Gana, Graha Maitri, Yoni, Dina, Vasya and Varna in the decreasing order of importance, ►  2011 (2) PVR Narasimha with nadi kuta contributing the maximum of 8 points and Varna Kuta contributing the ►  2009 (2) Rao minimum of 1. Even though these kutas can be used for getting a mathematical value of ►  2008 (30) Sagittarius relative compatibility, what is more important is to understand the nature of Publications ►  2006 (3) compatibitlity. Thus, the kutas which do not contribute to the kutas need not be ignored Sanjay and checked for various aspects of marital relationship. ►  2005 (11) Prabhakaran ▼  2004 (85) Sanjay Rath ►  November (1) Sarbani Sarkar Point based Kuta ▼  October (7) Sohamsa Sri Jagannath The maximum point that can be attained in each of the kutas are mentioned against each Gemstones in Center Jyotish I of the kuta in brackets. Visti Larsen The 12 Houses of Zodiac‐ From BPHS 1. Nadi Kuta: (8) Badhakasthan a& Compatibility of physiological aspects Badhakesh Kantak Sani & Nadi means several things but in reference to astrology, it signifies pulse or nervous energy Sade Sati indicating the physiological and to a certain extent hereditary factors. The Hindu medical Ghataka works enumerate three Nadis or humours, viz., Vatha (wind), Pitha (bile) and Sleshma Chakra (phlegm). A boy with a predominantly windy or phlegmatic or bilious constitution should Marriage not marry a girl of the same type. The girl should belong to a different temperament. The Compatibili three Nadis are ruled by the different constellations as follows: ty Transit II: Transit from Arudha ►  September (21) ►  August (9) 1/21 1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility ►  July (15) ►  June (32) Categories Nakshatra (4) Praśna (4) Calendar (2) Aditi (1) Aprakash Graha (1) Arudhapada (1) Ashlesha (1) Chakras (1) Principle: If the constellation of the groom and bride fall in different columns, then Concepts (1) agreement between the couple will be good. If the stars of the bride and groom fall in the Education (1) first of last column, it is passable, however they should not fall in the middle column. Lost Horoscopy (1) Mundane Astrology (1) Nakshatra Pada Kuta Pranapada (1) Principle: If Nadi Kuta is not present on the basis of the Nakshatras, then the same may be Punarvasu (1) reckoned taking into account the Nakshatra Padas. Thus, the different quarters will be Sarpa (1) governed by the three humors (Nadis). Beginning from Aswini 1, the counting should be done forwards and backwards in threes as given below:. Trisphuta (1) Upagraha (1) sambandha (1) In the example considered above, both the constellations fall in the middle line and hence Nadi Kuta is completely absent. 2. Rasi Kuta: (7) Happiness, auspiciousness and harmony in marriage Principle 1: The male born in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Rasis from that of the female should not enter into wedlock. If both have the same Janma Rasi, marriage can only be done provided both are not of the same Janma Nakshatra. This means that the Janma Rasi of the man should not be in the Adrisya portion from the Janma Rasi from the woman. From any sign, the Adrisya (Invisible half) are the Lagna (beyond the cusp) to the 7th (before the Cusp), for practical purpose this can be taken as 2nd to 6th. Madhavacharya has given more specific effect of the placement of the male’s Janma rasi in the unfavorable positions from the females Janma rasi. They are as follows: 2nd: Loss of Money 3rd: Sorrow 4th: Quarrels and Misunderstanding 5th: Loss of Children 6th: Diseases, Danger and Separation Principle 2: Along with the placement mentioned above, the placement in the 8th and 12th from the Janma rasi of the Women is not favorable. This is understandable, that the Dusthana placement of the man’s rasi from that of women’s cannot be favorable for conjugal happiness as they would either be inimical or indifferent from each other. Principle 3: Even if the lords of the man’s and woman’s rasis are foe, if they are 7th from each other, this can be accepted as very good. 2/21 If the Janma Rasi of both the man and women have vasya and do not have vedha. 3. If there is compatibility or there is stree‐deergha.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility Riders: 1. Gana Kuta: (6) Increase of affection & bond with time between the partners Principle: The Nakshatra are divided into three categories of Deva. Purva‐ashadha. We shall study the vasya and vedha dosha later. Sorrow is a part and parcel of human birth and this should not be taken as a criterion for marriage dissolution. Deva (divine). Manusha (human). then the man born in the 6th and 8th there from can be taken as an optional measure. Nara and Rakshasa. Magha. Moola. Rohini. the blemish can be reduced.. the objection of a boy of Nara gana marrying a girl of Rakshasa gana can be safely ignored. 4. The same Janma Rasi is allowed as long as the couples don’t have the same Janma Nakshatra. Harihara does not attach much blemish to the 3rd and 4th house positions for the Janma Rasi of the male from that of the female as this shall neither indicate poverty. 3. However. However. Janma Nakshatra: b. Aslesha. Ardra or Bharani. When the women is born in an odd Janma Rasi. nor serious quarrels leading to estrangement nor loss of children. Shatabhisaj. Their compatibility is given below: The Gana of the Nakshatras There are three levels of analyzing this compatibility. marriage is permissible provided it is not Jyestha. if the lords are inimically disposed. Deva represents piety. Chandramsa Nakshatra: Find the Nakshatra of the Chandra Navamsa for the boy and girl. 5. nameloy: a. then the 6th and 8th position of the man’s rasi from the woman’s one can be accepted. the man born in the 6th should be rejected and the 8th can be accepted. if the lord of those rasis are mutually friendly. Astrologically three Ganas (temperaments of natures) are recognised viz. Dhanistha.html 3/21 . If she is born in even Janma Rasi. Manusha is a http://varahamihira.blogspot. and Rakshasa (diabolical). the blemish intensifies. goodness of character end charitable nature. Lagna Nakshatra: c. 2. If the Janma Rasi is of the male is not in a favorable place from the Janma Rasi of the Female. Hasta. if they happen to be the same. while Rakshasa suggests dominance. If marriage is brought about between prohibited Ganas there will be quarrels and disharmony. If both are in female Nakshatra. the couple will have financial stability. self‐will and violence. There are two kinds of Yoni Kuta: 1.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility mixture of good and bad. Yoni Kuta: (4) Prosperity and financial stability Principle: If the girl is born in a female Nakshatra and the boy is in a male. Psychological disposition Principle 1: If the lords of the Janma Rasi of both are mutual friends or are owned by one planet. Graha Maitri Table 5. there will be loss of wealth. But marriage between a Rakshasa man and a Deva or Nara girl is passable. Hence one born in a Deva constellation is not able to get on well with a person born in Rakshasa constellation. So that the couple would always welcome an opportunity for separation and divorce. which are to be avoided for Yoni Kuta § Cow and Tiger. A difference in beliefs and dogmas cannot always be overbalanced by sexual compatibility. – BV Raman BV Raman opines that Nara or a Deva man should not marry a Rakshasa girl unless there are other neutralizing factors. Principle 2: The mutual placement of the lords of the Janma rasi of the couples should determine the extent of the compatibility. Graha Maitri: (5) Life style & objectives of life. it is to be rejected. A distaste for piety and religious disposition cannot be easily associated with piety and religious nature.html 4/21 . If both are in the male Nakshatras. 4. These different natures are indicated by the birth. Nakshatra Yoni Hostile animals. constellation. http://varahamihira. the match is favorable. The following table shows the extent of match between different yoni.blogspot. the 27 Nakshatras are divided into three groups of nine each.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility § Elephant and Lion. Principle 3: The farther the Janma Nakshatra of the boy from the Girl’s Nakshatra. the better it will be for him for their happiness. whereas 108th is the 12th from the Moon sign. § Monkey and Goat. Dina Kuta: (3) Length of married life Principle 1: This is based on the Navatara Chakra of the female chart. Aquarius. whereas the 88th pada is 20 padas before the woman’s Janma Nakshatra pada. 88th Navamsa is the 4th Navamsa from the Navamsa Moon. The man’s Nakshatra in the 3rd (Vipat). Leo: Pasu § Gemini. The maximum is 4 and minimum is 0 2. § Cat and Rat There is various extents to which the Nakshatra yoni match. In the Navatara chakra. § Horse and Buffalo. § Serpent and Mongoose. § Dog and Hare. the 10th to 18th Nakshatra from the Janma Nakshatra is known as the Karmarsha group and the 19th to 27th Nakshatra is known as the Adhanarksha. Sanjay Rath says: http://varahamihira. Principle 2: The man born in the 88th or 108th Navamsa from the Navamsa Moon of the women is not auspicious. The 6th (Saadhana) Nakshatra is also inauspicious. Pisces : Pakshi § Cancer.html 5/21 . Sagittarius: Nara Compatibility of Rasi Yoni § Pasu + Pasu – Good § Pasu + Nara – Fair § Pasu + Pakshi /Reptile – Bad § Human + Pakshi /Reptile – Bad 6. The first group of 9 is called as Janmarsha. however. Libra. starting from the Janma Nakshatra. Virgo. not as bad as the 3rd/ 5th or 7th. Pt. Rasi Yoni: § Capricorn. 5th (Pratyak) or 7th (Naidhana) from the Janma Nakshatra of the woman is harbinger of troubles and shows 108th Pada is just the pada before the Moon’s Nakshatra pada. Taurus. Scorpio: Reptile § Aries. Varna Kuta: (1) Ideals and Principles that drive the couple’s life Principle 1: The six nakshatras beginning from Ashwini to Ardra. http://varahamihira.5 and 7 from Janma rasi are considered very unfavorable. Dina Kuta means mating of charts or compatibility for 'day to day living and sharing of happiness and sorrow'. If the Janma rasi of the man and woman happens to be the Vasya rasi of each other. 8.html 6/21 . Gemini – Virgo – This is 4th – 10th from each other Cancer – Scorpio – This is 5th – 9th from each other. Vasya Kuta: (2) Affection and love between the partners This indicates the degree of magnetic control or amenability the wife or husband would be able to exercise on the other. Hasta to Jyestha and Moola to Shatabhisaj in the regular order represent the Brahmins. This is the basis for the dina kuta matching. Dina Kuta is based on the Navatara chakra which is all too well known for astrologers. The point is that when two people marry then they should be supportive of each other during the days of worry and troubles. This is also one of the reasons why marriage between couples having the same janma naksatra was not encouraged.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility 1. The transit in naksatra 3. To understand the working of Dina Kuta you have to study the janma and lagna naksatra of the couple and determine their compatibility in both the janma naksatra i. On the other hand if dina kuta is not present from lagna naksatra then they cannot agree on major issues and should be advised to respect the views of their partner instead of getting into meaningless arguments. the bride shall dearly love the groom and vice versa. the rasi of the bride and groom becomes the Vasya rasi of each other. 3.e. If dina kuta is not present in the janma naksatra matching then the couple will never really become very close to each other and they will not be of any support to each other during difficult days and sharing will be low. Moon naksatra as well as lagna naksatra. 7. Principle: If the Janma rasi of the man is the vasya rasi of the women’s Janma rasi or vice versa. The Vasya rasi for different rasis are given hereunder: In the following cases. Punarvasu to Uttara. The word dina simply means day and refers to the day to day living and sharing. The transit of the natal Moon on the various naksatra is judged to give favorable and unfavorable results to the mind and its perception of the various events. then the affection among them is the strongest. Thus. then the vasya kuta prevails. That is the reason why dina kuta is necessary. For example on a day when the Moon is in the 3rd from janma naksatra of the boy and he is sorrowful then this should be strong for the bride and she should be able to support him to tide over the difficulties. If the groom’s rasi happens to be the vasya rasi of the bride. it is known as Upendra. Longevity Principle: If the Girl is born in the 4th Nakshatra from that of the Boy. Principle 2: Anuloma and Pratiloma: If one of them is Anuloma and other belongs to one of the other four castes. this is rejected is one of them is Pratiloma and the other one belongs to the rest four. it is permissible. However. it is auspicious.html 7/21 . it is not permissible. if she is born in the 7th. Kuta without points 9. the results are as follows: § Kantha – Widowhood § Kati‐ Poverty § Pada‐ Distant Travels § Siro‐ Death § Kukshi – Loss of children 12. Stri Deergha: Long life to the Husband Principle: The male Nakshatra should be more than 15 stars away from that of the female. If the Nakshatra fall in the same category. if the woman’s caste is higher than that of the man. Sudra. it is then it is the best. Other factors like Navamsa have to be considered. Anuloma and Pratiloma caste. long life of the male is not supported. Well‐being. However.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility Kshatriya.. then it is passable.blogspot. 11. Rajju Kuta: The Asterism can be classified into 5 categories namely: Principle: If the Nakshatra of the couple do not fall in the same category. Mahendra gives wealth and Upendra gives children. Vaishya. If that is not so. 10. Vedha: Obstacles in Married life http://varahamihira. If the man and the woman belong to the same caste. if the man belongs to the higher caste than that of the woman. Otherwise. Rider: This consideration can be ignored if Rasi Kuta and Graha Maitri is there. Mahendra Kuta: Blessings in the married life. § Aridra and Sravana § Punarvasu and Uttarashadha. Vedha will prevail. The male and female Nakshatras along with their yoni are given hereunder: http://varahamihira.. Vihanga Kuta: Dominance of one partner over other Principle: If the Nakshatra of the couple indicate the same bird. 13. § Purvaphalguni and Uttarabhadrapada. § Krittika and Visakha. the couple will have sexual compatibility. If the gotras are different. § Rohini and Swati. If both are in female Nakshatra. Gotra Kuta: For prosperity of the lineage after marriage Principle: If the boy and the girl belong to the same Gotra.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility Principle 1: The Nakshatra of the couple should not fall in the vedha group as mentioned below. § Uttaraphalguni and Purvabhadrapada. § Aslesha and Moola. Crow. § Aswini and Jyeshta. Principle 2: Even if there is other agreement such as Vasya. it is acceptable. it brings disaster to the lineage. one bird shall dominate over the other in the descending order of Peacock. § Makha and Revati. § Mrigasira and Dhanishta. then the lineage shall prosper. Bharandhaka 15. Otherwise. Cock. § Hasta and Satabhisha. 14. Yonyanukulya: Sexual compatibility Principle: If the girl is born in a female Nakshatra and the boy is in a male. § Pusayami and Purvashadha. etc. § Bharani and Anuradha. it is to be rejected. If both are in the male Nakshatras. it is auspicious.html 8/21 . Thus for such cases. it forebodes a death in the family or there will be no male issues 18. it is good. Similarly. in the Moon’s astakavarga of the boy. If he is twice old. If they are different. it is equally good. if the Janma Rasi of the Girl falls in a sign which. it results in sorrow. Ashtakavarga: Mental Compatibility Principle 1: if the Janma Rasi of the groom falls in the sign which. if he is older only by a few years. the results are as follows: Fire+ Air – Favorable Earth +Other – Favorable Water+ Fire – Bad Nakshatra Bhuta: Psychological nature Rasi Bhuta: Spiritual nature. it is favorable. it is considered as good.html 9/21 . it is passable. http://varahamihira. Bhuta Kuta: Prevailing element in the personality. the family shall become extinct. If the bride is older. has more bindus. in the Moon’s astakavarga of the girl’s chart has more bindu. 17. Vayanukulya: Continuation of Lineage Principle: If the groom is 3 times older than the bride. Principle: If the Nakshatra of the couple are of the same bhuta.blogspot.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility Uttara‐ Phalguni. If the total after adding 13 does not come to 32. Mrgashira. Principle 2: Count from the Janma Nakshatra of the couple to Aswini. Shatabhisaj.html 10/21 . Add to this sum 13. If this is reverse. Magha. 19. The reverse is also holds true. Check the reminder for the following results: X= Reminder [(Groom+Bride+15‐32)/5] 1‐ Acquisition of children 2‐ Death of one of the couple 3‐ Prolonged illness 4‐ Prosperity 5‐ N. Kakshya: Each sign is divided into 8 Kakshas of 3d 45m each lorded by Saturn. the chart matching becomes meaningless. Mercury. then the counting should be made from Janma Nakshatra to Aswini. Purva‐Phalguni. Uttara‐Ashadha. If they fall in the 2nd group namely. Aya‐vyaya: Income and Expenditure Principle: Count from the Nakshatra of the bride to that of the groom. Uttarashadha. 20. Check the reminder for the following results: 1‐ Prosperity 2‐ General progress 3‐ Calamities 4‐ Acquisition of wealth 5‐ Disasters Principle 3: If the Janma Nakshatras of the groom and the bride fall in the first group namely Ardra.blogspot. Hasta. Anuradha. Multiply this number by 5 and divide the product by 7. If the counting is again made from the Janma Nakshatra of the groom and the same calculation is repeated. In this case. Add the two figures and deduct the sum by 5. If the aya is greater than vyaya. there will be great progress. if they fall in the 3rd group‐ Aswini. marriage brings all round prosperity. Purva‐Ashadha. Moon and Lagna. Divide the difference by 5. Chittanukulya: God's will This is the over‐riding power of God and when two people are in love. If they are normal people then their affection should be tested with time and if one is spiritual then his/her falling in love for marriage and children has a divine purpose and is beyond the normal rules of Jyotish compatibility. http://varahamihira. 21. The reminder is Vyaya or expenditure. Rna‐Dhana: Overall marital happiness Principle 1: Count from Aswini to the Janma Nakshatra of the groom as well as the bride and total them up. the couple will experience poverty. Mars. Rohini. From this total figure subtract 32. Jupiter. Purva‐Bhadrapada. Moola. the compatibility is good. Swati. they should be encouraged to enter wedlock. Dhanistha. the reminder indicates “aya” or gain or income. expenditure and debts shall follow the marriage. If the Janma rasi of the boy falls in the sign of the lord of this Kaksha. Bharani. Jyestha. Krttika. However. prosperity shall follow immediately after marriage. Venus..1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility Principle 2: Find out the Kaksha in which the Moon is found in the girl’s horoscope. as there is the will of God in this. Sravana and Revati. since the couple has expressed their love for each other. Chitra. Sun. Naisargika dasa etc and through transits would be given in another article. The absence of Stree‐Deerga may be ignored if Rasi Kuta and Graha Maitri are present. Dina and Mahendra Kutas are present. 2. The 2nd of Upapada rules the longevity of the marriage. Marriage should happen when Jupiter aspects or transits the 2nd from Upapada. The Upapada and AL should be placed in Kendra or Trine or 3/11 to each other. 2. Garga opines that under the above circumstance. common Janma Rasi would be conducive to the couple provided they are born in different constellations. the Janma Rasis of the Janma Nakshatras of the bride and bridegroom would be the same. The matching criteria for upapada is given below‐ 1. then the marriage can be in serious troubles. then count 1oth from the sign again to arrive at the final upapada.html 11/21 . Marriage should normally occur in an odd year of the male and even year of the female. ______________________________________ Marriage date 1. 3. Incase the reverse http://varahamihira. it need not be considered if the couple has their Janma Rasis disposed in one and seven from each other. 4. Otherwise. one can ignore certain incompatibilities in the Kuta. if present. 5. The matching of Upapada is very crucial as this shows. ______________________________________ Special Considerations Exceptions the Kuta matching The following are the salvaging factors.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility ______________________________________ Upapada Matching Upapada is the arudha of the 12th house in any horoscope. the 6th and 8th Rasis there from are friendly. The Lagna of the bride should be in trine or 7th from the Upapada or in the paka upapada and vice versa. If the Rasi of the girl is odd. 2. Rajju Kuta need not be considered in case Graha Maitri. The Rasi and Rajju Kuta prevail 7. 3. The same planet is lord of the Janma Rasis of both the mate and the female 8. According to Narada. This is also true if the lord is debilitated and aspected by malefics. Though Graha Maitri is by far the most important. 1. one who is committed to follow you for the whole lifetime or at least for the duration of the marriage. Upapada tells a lot about the spouse. Common Janma Rasi: Views differ as regards the results accruing from the Janma Rasis being common. this shows lack of harmony in the relationship. Special attention is paid by astrological writers to such exceptions and we shall throw some light on them for the edification of our readers. the asterism of the boy should precede that of the girl if the marriage is to prove happy. Otherwise this forebodes troubles. Finding the marriage date using dasas such as Vimshottari. The evil due to the birth of the bride in a Rakshasa gana star may be ignored if Janma Rasi being 2nd and 12th. 9th and 5th or 6th and 8th. 4. the lords of the Rasis are the same or are mutual friends. This is computed by counting as many houses from the 12th lord as the lord gained from the 12th house. Narayana.blogspot. The lords of the Janma Rasis of the couple are friends Common Janma Rasis and Nakshatras In many cases. If the upapada falls in the 12th or the 6th how the images of the partners are related to each other and hence has a strong say on the marital affairs and harmony. If the 2nd house or the lord is afflicted by malefics such as nodes. The evil due to Nadi Kuta can be ignored subject to the following conditions: ‐ 6. If the Rasi of the girl is even the 2nd and 12th there from become friendly. The various results related to upapada can be studied from jyotish classics such as Brhat Parashara Hora Shastra or Upadesha Sutras of maharishi Jaimini. The remedy of all marriage troubles is to fast on the day ruled by the Upapada lord. Rasi. provided the man's constellation is preceding the girl's. Krittika. however. In fact. Brihaspati and Bhrigu. Swati. mind and Venus. Hasta. Uttarabhadra and Revati. http://varahamihira. _____________________________________ The Kuja Dosha A person suffering with Kuja Dosa is vulnerable to physical abuse from the partner. Anuradha. It is unfortunate that throughout South India especially in the Tamil areas. Nakshatra and Pada gets cancelled if the couple are born in the first quarter. Moola. 4th. there are several elements of much more importance than Kuja Dosha. Krittika) the Pada of the bride should relate to the preceding sign. viz. Poorvashadha.g. Strinam bharthru vinasamcha bharthunam strivinasanam. Aswini. However. 7th and 8th houses in the horoscope of the female. The stanza runs thus: Dhana vyayecha pathale jamitre chashtame kuja. Mrigasira and Makha. BV Raman ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ The position of Venus and Mars is very important in judging marital relations. being one and the same. in regard to Satabhisha. For example. 12th. Poorvashadha and Uttarashadha. Hasta. Such unfavorable situation goes under the name of Kuja Dosha. Sravana. the author of Muhurtha tattva goes to the extent of saying that in cases of common Janma Rasi. the constellation of the girl proceeds that of the boy. Common Janma Nakshatras is not recommended if the Nakshatras happens to be Swati. So far as our humble experience goes it is only in the Kerala Sastra that mention is made of Kuja Dosha. the death of the husband will occur. Pushya. a little stronger from the Moon and still more powerful from Venus. the dosha is counteracted by the conjunction of Mars with Jupiter or Mars with the Moon. Astesha. similar situation in the husband's horoscope causes the death of wife. the evil becomes nullified if the Padas are different. Chitta. sexual relations. However.. viz. Mrigasira.html 12/21 . e. It must be noted that in determining marriage adaptability between two parties. The effect would be ordinary if the common Janma Nakshatras are Aswini. Pubba. Dhanishta.) the sign for the first two quarters should be that of the bridegroom. etc. This means: ‐ "If Mars is in the 2nd." The Lagna represents body.. same Janma Nakshatra and Pada. the alliance should be rejected. If. much is made of the so‐called Kuja Dosham and this bugbear has been the means of destroying the happiness of many families by preventing marriages otherwise very eligible and anxiously wished for. Lagna. Destructive Constellations Certain parts of Moola. Moon and Venus. And the evil influence accruing from the bad position of Mars is only one of the several elements.blogspot. Mars whose element is fire rules marriage. If the Janma Nakshatra belongs to two signs (e.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility holds good (Stree‐purva). Here again certain ancient authors hold that even though the Janma Nakshatras are same.. Jyeshta. Uttara. The couple should not have the same Janma Rasi. the bride should have her Janma Rasi in Mesha and the bridegroom in Vrishabha. i. Visakha. the houses have to be reckoned with reference to all the three. Aslesha. it follows that the sacerdotal fire gets extinguished soon.g. Punarvasu. the Kutas or adaptability need not be applied at all. or by the presence of Jupiter or Venus in the ascendant. Therefore. The dosha (evil) is considered weak when it exists from Lagna. Aridra. Bharani.. Satabhisha and Poorvabhadra . if Krittika is the common Janma Nakshatra. Jyeshta and Visakha are destructive constellations § Moola (first quarter) for husband's father § Aslesha (first quarter) for husband's mother § Jyeshta (first quarter) for girl's husband's elder brother § Visakha (last quarter) for husband's younger brother. Makha. are approved in case of Rohini. This view is supported by other sages. Common Janma Nakshatra: This is a further extension of the principle of common Janma Rasi. Chitta. the common Janma Nakshatra belongs to two signs equally (e. Krittika. the Moon. Where he is badly situated or associated in the horoscope of a male or female. the evil given rise to by virtue of common Janma Rasi.. The Janma Nakshatras of the bride and bridegroom. Virgo and Libra are the best. would constitute a formidable force in rendering the Lagna strong. Makha. Atiganda. The rest are not auspicious. Some sages opine that marriages can be celebrated in Pushya and Chaitra provided the Sun is in Capricorn and Aries respectively. § The following yogas should be rejected: Vyatipata. Hasta. Anuradha. the dosha gets cancelled. The most important considerations however are (1) The 7th house must be unoccupied by any planet (2) Mars should not be in the 8th (3) Venus should not be in the 6th (4) Lagna should not be hemmed in between malefics (5) Malefics should not occupy Lagna (6) The Moon in the election chart should not conjoin any planet Apart from the above. Mars produces no dosha whatsoever. Taurus. Vishkambha.. Vajra. And Tuesday should be invariably rejected. Swati. § The best asterisms are Rohini. Sagittarius and Aquarius are middling. 8th. Constellations not mentioned here are unsuitable and they should be avoided. Sunday and Saturday are middling. Mercury or Venus in Lagna. Uttarashadha. Mrityu. etc. The calculation of Panchaka and Tarabala would be given in another article. Leo. In Aquarius and Leo. of course. the usual Hence the position of Mars in these houses is supposed to produce this peculiar dosha or evil. Uttarabhadra and Revati. If Mars is placed in the signs mentioned below corresponding to different houses. There are. 5th. Elements of Muhurtha Chart: In the election of a Muhurtha for marriage. many good combinations which assure marital felicity and much importance need not be given to Kuja Dosha. The best lunar days are the 2nd. Thursday and Friday are the best. 12th and 6th should be rejected. The fourth rules sukha or happiness. The seventh indicates husband and eighth represents longevity of the wife or husband. § Vishtikarana must invariably be discarded.blogspot. malefics in the 3rd or 11th. The first quarter of Makha and Moola and the last quarter of Revati are inauspicious and they should be rejected. there shall not be any dosa: § 2nd ‐ Gemini and Virgo § 12th ‐ Taurus and Libra § 4th ‐ Aries and Scorpio § 7th ‐ Capricorn and Cancer § 8th ‐ Sagittarius and Pisces. § Monday.html 13/21 . Moola. Phalguna. The rest are inauspicious. Jupiter. Cancer. as many of the 21 dosha are possible and should be avoided. § The following lunar days. ______________________________________ Fixing the Marriage Muhurtha § The lunar months of Magha. Soola.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility The second house signifies family. 10th. viz. there are antidotes which are not generally known to the rank and file of Hindu astrologers. from the 11th day (dark half) to New Moon. Ganda. Panchaka. Riktha Thithis. or by the presence of Jupiter or Venus in the ascendant. Vaisakha and Jyeshta are good. Uttara. Dhruva. 11th and 13th (of the bright half). The following are some of the special http://varahamihira. The dosha is counteracted by the conjunction of Mars and Jupiter or Mars and the Moon. Granting that Kuja Dosha is a factor whose occurrence should not be ignored. If Kuja Dosha obtains in the horoscopes of both the bride and bridegroom. § Among the zodiacal signs Gemini. 3rd. should be looked into. Kartika and Margasira are ordinary. Wednesday.. the twelfth represents comforts and pleasures of bed. Mrigasira. 7th. Vyaghata and Parigha. blogspot. 2004 8:56:00 AM Sarajit Poddar said. Jupiter in the 10th and the Sun and Mercury in the 11th‐Vishnu Priya Yoga. Regards Sarajit Thursday. Jupiter in the 6th.. 2004 10:31:00 AM http://varahamihira. Dear M. Thank you very much for the appreciation. 7. Jupiter in the 11th ‐ Ardhama Yoga. Venus in Lagna. Venus in Lagna. Dear Sarajit. October 07. Yours Dewavrat Buit Thursday. Mercury.. This is the most comprehensively written artilce on marriage maching.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility combinations which are supposed to fortify the marriage election chart: 1.html 14/21 . Jupiter in the 4th.. October 10. 3. I shall do my best to put more such articles on the net for the benefit of the Jyotishas. Simply the best. Venus in Lagna. Excellent post. Muhurtha‐ BV Raman Posted by Varahamihira at 11:23 AM 36 comments: dewavrat buit said. Venus and Jupiter in Lagna elevated or otherwise strong ‐ Jaya Yoga. I feel encouraged with such comments from a knowledgeable person like you.. The articel is very informative. 2004 5:56:00 AM Sarajit Poddar said.. Mercury in the 2nd and Saturn in the 11th ‐ Samudra Yoga. Prasna Marga 2. 9.Imran. Best regards Sarajit Sunday. Venus in the 8th and the Sun in the 11th ‐ Mahendra Yoga. Dear Sarjit. Mars in the 3rd. 8. Venus in the 9th.Imran Saturday. M. Jupiter in the 12th. Jupiter in the 12th ‐ Maharshi Yoga.. Venus in the 2nd. 6. October 07. 2004 10:02:00 AM Anonymous said. References: 1. Congrats once again.. 2. Dear Dewavrat. Saturn in the 6th.. Thank you very much for the encouraging words. 4. October 09. the Sun in the 10th and Mars in the 11th ‐ Pushya Yoga. Jupiter in the ascendant. 5. the Sun in the 8th and Saturn in the 6th ‐ Sreenatha Yoga. Jupiter and Venus in Lagna ‐ Vijaya Yoga. I have ever found on internet. Saturn in the 2. Sir. Dear Sarajit.India(76e46. Your article on marital compatibility is the best I have ever seen anywhere on the net and it came as a divine help for me during the time when I am looking forward to marry in near future. November 02. 2004 6:31:00 AM Anonymous said. November 08.India(81e26.. 2004 10:12:00 AM http://varahamihira. In the section: Common Janma Rasi. youhave mentioned that if the constellation of the boy preceedes the girls then its all right. I think its a wonderful article that you have posted here. 2004 11:40:00 PM Anonymous said.Gal:15/12/78.21n13). so does that mean people with this combination can never be happily married ? Birth details for your reference are Boy:27/7/76. lagna and the third one. i am in deep mental trouble. Reema. But given just oone table.html 15/21 .. November 08.. gotra is baschasha & her is kashayapa. Hello. I have few questions regarding the same and will be glad if you can answer those for me.p@gmail. My girlfriend and me have the same rasi(kanya) and same nakshatra(hasta). This combination suffers from rasi and nadi dosas. How does one know the different nakshatras ‐ janma..30n44).6:25am. i would be highly obliged for life if u could advise at this critical juncture of life regards sandip Monday. now can we both marry or it is forbidden? i am hearing that my‐to‐be‐mom‐in‐law is beginning to hint of separating. Sameer Monday.k.. May Sri Vishnu bless you.. 2004 7:17:00 PM Anonymous said. Your blog is a lovely place to hangout and learn the divine knowledge of Jyotish.blogspot. WHich constellation are you referring to and how do we know if its preceeding or not? Also. I am born in Cancer rasi and Pushya Nakshatra and I am looking forward to marry a girl with Gemini rasi and Mrigsira Nakshatra. you mentioned there are three ways of analyzing gana kuta. Would appreciate if you could let me know. How about longevity aspect in the overall compatibility ? Thanks. Thank you for posting frequently and sharing your knowledge with us.. October 25. We live in the world of maya so can Upapada matching take importance over guna matching ? 3. kindly advise me at sandip. I had a question Namaste Sarajit. Are there any remedial measures to even out the dosas in marital compatibility ? 4.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility Anonymous said. Thanks Monday.5:20am. our rich heritage and put an end to the empty talk of those who claims the scientific temperment and with half baked knowledge. Sir. which is better shown by the Kutas which are used for matching. How do we factor in non‐matching upapada lagna since there are no points. this matching doesnot work.. The upapada changes for each subsequent marriage to the 8th house from its previous place. Your post is quite comprehensive and helpful. This means that the house which contains the lord of one native's upapada can be matched against the lagna of the other native in trines and sevenths? I request some more clarity in this matter. Please Please Pls kindly clarify my doubt. Preethi Monday. your painstaking sincere efforts to compile from the renouned work of our great sages is really commendable one. You mention about the place for compromise.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility Anonymous said. It shows which persons shall exactly be involved in the marriage. 2005 2:44:00 PM Preethi said. Upapada Lagna does not have a point scale.. You have really distilled the essential teachings.. April 11. Amala gaura das Monday. Thank you so much. to which I belong.But it has left me rather depressed because I have mars in the 7th house in the sign of Aries itself and the 8th house is occupied by Kethu.Will it be difficult for me to get married.blogspot. Thank you very much for the appreciation. you find in the horoscopes of a married couple. This is a wonderful writing on this important subject. dear Mr Sarajit.. So it is more that finding the right match. 2005 11:58:00 PM http://varahamihira.. In case.. July 18. In my understanding. It is a very much needed thing.... Sarajit. July 18. Regards Monday.. I have one hearty congrats! RS. It is just one of the place. the Trines are not seen therefrom for the Lagna of the spouse. Dear Amala Gaura Das. where the Lagna of the spouse must be present along with the trines and the 7th from the Upapada Lagna. The definition of marriage for this purpose is a person falling into a relationship with the intention of marriage and continue it till at least one solar year. Is this considered as a Dosha ? Is there no remedy for this and what sort of a horoscoope would be compatible for me ?? My star is swati and lagna is also libra. I have not found a horoscope where this rule has not worked.Ravi Monday. 2005 10:33:00 PM Sarajit Poddar said. What I have given for the upapada is taught by the tradition of Sri Jagannath Center.html 16/21 April 11. 2005 7:02:00 PM Amala Gaura das said. the matching of upapada lagna shows kind of divine will for a couple to come together and get involved in marriage.. So far. just check if you are looking at the right upapada. About the Paka Upapada. so is there any place for compromise with upapada matching? Thanks. Regards. this type of articles will enhance our value system. Did the ancients reject such a match outright? I am also seeing for the first time that the paka upapada can be considered for a positive match.. .blogspot.. March 20. Yours Ganesh Lohia Sunday. September 11..Like what exactly does Janma rashi disposed in one and seven from each other mean???/ Awaiting a reply... hi there. I am part of a developing team having a successful astrology portal (www. If you matched my husband's and my charts.. it still is not close enough to what you have presented.. In order to lead a happy married life. Sunday... Monday. Our best wishes to you in your desire to go deeper in this subject. We tied the matrimonial knot 6 yreas ago.. Yes.those who want more can read"marriage‐matching'astrologically by T. Lovely site over here. a couple need not pass all/most of the 'vedic‐ matching' tests.. 2006 7:14:00 PM Anonymous said. Respected Sir.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility Ganesh Lohia said. The above opinions are my personal ones and do not constitute the same from my company.. our project has a detailed matching compatibility analysis (free for all). To be frank. very good site. While. You have said "Though Graha Maitri is by far the most important. February 24. Hope we shall continue to benefit from such great articles in future too. 2006 11:30:00 PM Vikas said..Can low points in this kuta be ignored by any chance? Awaiting an answer Thanks Buddy Friday. we are loving being married to each other.. http://varahamihira..Needed to know if Graha maitri points have any special significance for please write about that too. 2005 12:53:00 PM Anonymous said.since many of your readers are worried.. While... knowing very well that our horoscopes didn't match.. Thanks Sunday. it was not a love marriage and although we have our differences.. I am humbled by the depth of knowledge that you have put up on Marriage Compatibility. Being practical and seeking reasonable expectations from an arranged marriage has been our marriage saviour. March 05. March 05.html 17/21 ."Could you explain in detail. Thanks again for your research.. Could you give me in whih cases can the graha maitri points can be ignored Please do reply Thanks buddy. the article that I came across today is by all means the most exhaustive and best.last but not the least. 2006 6:17:00 PM Anonymous said. you probably would say 'they suck' according to vedic matching techniques. And NO. Dear you love someone not even god's and separate you. I am talking from personal experience here.Rao (pustak mahal) or better go to astrogyan..but mars dosha is cancelled if it is in its own house or in exalted it need not be considered if the couple has their Janma Rasis disposed in one and seven from each other.. 2006 6:03:00 PM Vikas said. I have myself had little knowledge about this and match it free.... . buh? Why don't we all just figure out whether or not our personalities mesh well with one another.. Thursday.. What can I do to increase the score or to minimise the effects of such low score? Can you please help me? The details of me and my boyfriend are: Girl: 21Oct 1980.. March 25. 5/9.17AM. I would request you to help me with something. Muzaffarnagar (UP) I shall be obliged if you can help me come out of this messy situation. http://varahamihira.. Moon.can u tell me. and 6/8) between four cornerstones of both chart is considered in this method... 2006 10:08:00 PM Anonymous said.. your article has given me enough motivation to read further and understand this science. My email id is swa_ti2110@rediffmail.. January 15. I don't want to loose my love in any condition. a loving heart and a broad mindset is key for any relationship to this astrological superstitious nonsense is what is diluting the essence of Hinduism as a whole.. instead of relying on such rubbish. Since I did not understand much.. 4/ Thanks and regards Swati Thursday.we both are brahmins tooo.. July 13. more than anything.30 AM. Due to this. Dear I want to know some solutions to this problem.the horoscopes. Relationship (3/11.. 2006 8:39:00 PM koolkarmaguy said. This is the widely used traditional method. Cozz. Monday.. only 0.. Thursday. 2006 5:34:00 AM Synchronicity Evangelist said. our rashi maitri score is pretty low.who is astrologically so. Thanks for introducing to this mystical world.. and Venus. we both would gladly love to adopt a couple of kids from any orphanage. his parents are objecting to the marriage. can i challenge my dad. It was a pleasure reading your article. please respond to me rajesh. 2/12.r tearing us apart.knowledgeable.. To base the compatibility and sustainability of a marriage and family on such unreliable means is poisonous. November 02...donnow.. I would say.blogspot. Please help me. I came across your blog and article while researching for Rashi Maitri. My boyfriend's family believes a lot in horoscope matching and got ours matched.. 2007 1:49:00 PM Anonymous said. 2006 2:37:00 AM Anonymous said. One of the methods is of considering four cornerstones: Asc.nirvana@gmail. 08.. Hapur (UP) Boy: 08Oct 1979. Sir.. Its a nice comprehensive article covering vital aspects but the thing is i see a incompatibility in the horoscope of me and my girl friend. Recently I read Hart Defauw and Robert Sovobada's Light on Relationships that explains some other time tested methods. September 28.html 18/21 . Marriage compatibility.5.She is dhanista and mine is anuradha. But yes. This is the first time I read something on astrology and frankly could not understand the details of what the article talks about.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility we have not had children yet and if we can't have any for another 3 years. Unfortunately. Sanjana Saturday. Hello. UP. Otherwise this forebodes troubles. July 26. Please Mr sarajit. July 26.. Dear sarajit... Could you please explain the following: "Marriage should normally occur in an odd year of the male and even year of the female. Do yourself some good by doing some activity or atleast sit quiet instead of writing nonsense. would you be kind enough to reply? February 06. Dear Sarajitji. i want to ask question about point 20‐>to calculate income and expenditure my nakshatra is mrigshira and girl's nakshatra is punarvasu janma rashi is gemini for both the expenditure is 18 and income is 2 However. My star is rohini and my partners is also rohini.the individual horoscope has good dhana yoga. my dob is 19/12/1972 time 13. Gautam Tuesday. and her's is the 02/11/1974. time is 10:10 am.If i want to ask any question or have any diffculty in understanding. Thursday.blogspot. warm regards umesh Saturday.Your all articles are wonderful and superb. I hope you better utilize your time and dont waste it like this. 2007 4:34:00 AM http://varahamihira. January 15. should it be 26 years old and 27th running or 27 years old and 28th running. lucknow.. please let us know if we can marry or will we face problems in our marital life. 2007 4:58:00 AM Anonymous said. india. 2007 4:50:00 AM Ritesh said.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility Dear Sarajitji very informative article on marriage compatibility.html 19/21 . " When you say odd year. I think you have lots of time to waste and thus displayed your work here. Ritesh Thursday... Thanks. help us and bless us and pray for us.. we love each other so much and do not wish to part ways.00 bangalore india. Thanks. 2007 8:58:00 PM Gautam said. 2007 4:43:00 PM Anonymous said. I have to appreciate you in your efforts to spread misconceptions and stupidity around. How would nakshatra act for income and expenditure?Pls comment.. People like you are the cause of the backwardness we still see around us. August 04. com Thursday. loving feelings. Have you ever wondered if your love life is affected by something greater? Maybe your love life is not controlled by you at all. clear my doubts by reading the articles posted her. July 03. Use them to add intense passion to your relationship. it is written that principles of astrology do not apply in case of love I look forward to future posts. Viknesh ksviknesh@gmail. madhuri bata Thursday.. February 12.blogspot. may website has host of resources available to you. Thanks a ton sir. I am about to get married to the person i love. need for personal or relationship skills development. http://varahamihira. The post is really very very informative and eye opener.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility Anonymous said. This is a dam good article. Chaitanya Suryadevara Tuesday.marriage counseling san diego Please keep in mind that it is a work in progress. 2008 6:51:00 PM Raghavendra said.. June 29. Discover the personality traits of your partner by exploring your horoscopes embrace them.. 2008 2:40:00 PM Viknesh said. 2010 5:31:00 PM UK Horoscopes said. Really fantastic your blog. I really appreciate the way you had elborated several things.I am always confused regarding astrology. Its a nice feeling to read all this stuff. or relationship problems.. with new resources. Wednesday. Thank you soo much for the effort and time spend.html 20/21 . Dear Sir.. Falling in love can be fun and adventurous and sometimes love can be confusing and challenging. and healthy partnership behaviors that help keep marriages stable and happy. Sir. articles. Tuesday. July 03. Hello Sir. I look forward for more valuable posts like these from you. Now i am able to uderstand.. Much appreciated Regards.. First time i read this type of Article in detail. addiction(s). It's informative.. 2010 7:50:00 PM Melissaharo said. but i do believe in its authenticity. Well explained. Is that true? Are there any exeptions? Please enlighten me on this. I am desperately in need of an answer... and other educational opportunities being added to it regularly.. and do feel it is science beyond the understanding of the modern day scientists and foreigners. 2008 8:35:00 PM madhuri said. According to "Chittanukulya".... The one that gave me immense satisfaction is the article on Marriage Compatibility. Excellent article. Whether you are dealing with mental health issues. Most couples need some help these days with maintaining positive regard.though i don't understand much. June 16. . 2011 2:39:00 AM Anonymous said. Monday. Powered by Blogger.. it is only 4. is it possible for me to join with my partner? Both of us are Dhanishtha Nakshatra.. http://varahamihira. July 19.1/12/2017 Varahamihira: Marriage Compatibility Sunday. Very informative... I am Akshaya I compared mine and my lovers horoscope...blogspot...html 21/21 . Akshaya Tuesday... 2010 7:51:00 PM Akshaya Venkat said. May 17.. thank Please tell me a solution.. With regards..... 2010 8:13:00 AM Anonymous said... May 31.5/10 Which on can i trust. He Born on : 24/08/1991 ‐ 13:24 Me on : 18/01/1991 ‐ 10:10 When I look at the match according to North indian Tradition... Sir. July 11... 2011 10:39:00 PM Post a Comment Links to this post Create a Link Newer Post Home Older Post Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) Simple template. What are your comments or thoughts if the husband is chitra and the wife is anuradha? Tuesday. I am getting 28/36 But while seeing in south indian tradition..nice details..
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