Valves and Instruments

March 30, 2018 | Author: Rommel Heredia Tejada | Category: Valve, Actuator, Gas Technologies, Mechanical Engineering, Building Materials


Description Valves & Instruments SPC1006                                            Printed in USA 3/2014. Copyright 2014 Spirax Sarco, Inc. 13th Edition SPIRAX SARCO, INC. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood, SC 29016 t: 800.883.4411 or: 803.714.2000 f: 803.714.2222 Valves & Instruments Product Handbook Valves & Instruments Product Handbook 13th Edition 1 Copyright © 2014 by Spirax Sarco, Inc. Spirax Sarco Valves & Instruments Product Handbook Thirteenth Edition All rights reserved. No part of this publication covered by the copyrights hereon may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical without written permission of Spirax Sarco, Inc. Printed in the United States of America 3/2014 2 Spirax Sarco has a broad range of products tailored to meet the vast needs of steam and process fluid users everywhere. For years, Spirax Sarco has fulfilled these needs and today strives to improve this technology as we are in the 21st Century. Steam technology contributes to our way of life in the manufacturing of just about everything we eat, drink, wear or use whether in our homes or the facilities in which we work. Steam is the prime carrier of heat in process industry, as well as an efficient means of space heating, and it is also gaining importance as a sterilizing medium. Spirax Sarco is committed to the development and use of steam and for over 90 years the company’s vast knowledge of steam applications in conjunction with its wide product range has become an integral part in energy conservation in industry as well as commercial applications throughout the world. Today, the Spirax Sarco companies employ more than 3,700 people around the world giving total customer support through 105 Spirax Sarco sales offices and offices in 37 countries – all of these in close contact with engineers and designers of plants. This close knit relationship assures customer satisfaction everywhere and in- turn ensures the adaptability of the Spirax Sarco factories in the United States, North and South America, Europe, the Far East and Africa to the ever-changing world around us. Spirax Sarco is committed to quality and excellence now and into the future. The best choice for reliable equipment to fulfill the needs of steam and process fluid users with the right price, at the right place and time. To contact your local Spirax Sarco Representative, call: Toll Free 1-800-883-4411 3 gas or liquid) pressure at which the product will operate properly. The product may or may not operate properly at these maximum conditions. pressure shell design conditions. the internal parts may be damaged or destroyed.PMO • Maximum Operating Temperature PMO is the maximum fluid (steam. An explanation of Pressure Shell Design Conditions and Limiting Operating Conditions follows: Pressure Shell Design Conditions: • PMA . For example. PMA is usually given at three temperatures: • Cold • Maximum Allowable Saturated Steam Temperature • Maximum Allowable Temperature There is only one value for maximum allowable temperature (TMA).Maximum Allowable Temperature These are the maximum pressures and temperatures to which the pressure shell (body. Because the maximum allowable pressure depends on the temperature. Quoting only the cold PMA without mentioning the corresponding temperature could be misleading.How To Use This Book Accepted international designations for limiting conditions are used throughout this catalog. PMA and TMA are strictly safety related. Depending on the type of product. there is no one value for PMA. It is sometimes permissible to exceed the maximum allowable conditions temporarily. the downstream pressure is assumed to be O psig. Depending on the type of product. cover. 4 . They have very little to do with the actual operation of the product. the corresponding pressure range is given in this literature.Maximum Allowable Pressure • TMA . or any combination of these factors. neoprene o-rings). PMO may or may not be related to temperature. internal materials (e.) of the product may be safely and permanently exposed. Unless otherwise indicated. etc. but the pressure-retaining components will not break or become permanently distorted. Limiting Operating Conditions: • Maximum Operating Pressure . bolting. it usually varies with the actual operating pressure.g. An example on the opposite page graphically illustrates limiting conditions. Maximum operating temperature may depend on superheat tolerance. a cold hydraulic test at 1-1/2 times the cold PMA is usually permitted. Operating Temperature PMA (at Saturated Steam Temperature) 309 psig / 424°F 400 90°F Pressure Shell Design Conditions Saturated Steam 200 Temperature °F PMO — 304 psig Pressure PSIG 100 200 PMA (cold) 362 psig / 0-248°F 300 400 5 . 90˚F of Superheat at Operating Pressures below 282 PSIG 362 PSIG/0-248˚F 309 PSIG/424˚ F 188 PSIG/752˚F TMA 752°F / 0-188 psig 752°F/0-188 PSIG PMA (at TMA) 188 psig / 752°F 600 90°F of Superheat at 282 psig 437°F at 304 psig Max.Example of Limiting Conditions BPT21 Steel-Bodied Balanced Pressure Thermostatic Steam Trap Limiting Operating Conditions Maximum Operating Pressure (PMO) Maximum Operating Temperature Pressure Shell Design Conditions PMA (Maximum Allowable Pressure) TMA (Maximum Allowable Temperature) 800 304 PSIG 437˚F at 304 PSIG. 6 . 277 Engineering Data Model Designation Index 278 288 7 .267 268 .155 156 .239 240 .VALVES & INSTRUMENTS Product Handbook MASTER TABLE OF CONTENTS Control Valves table of contents Globe Control Valves Linear Actuators Positioners & Switches Controllers.209 Boiler Controls table of contents Level Controls Level Alarms Boiler Blowdown & CCD Bottom Blowdown 211 212 .229 231 .173 174 .189 190 . Transmitters & Sensors Piston Actuated Valves 9 12 -91 92 . Control Valves INDEX Control Valves for temperature. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. temperature and flow to obtain optimum conditions. Getting maximum productivity from any fluid control system requires accurate and reliable control of pressure. Blythewood. pressure and flow control.. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 8 . Spirax Sarco.. and KLA Two-port Control Valves 50 TI-P183-02-US Steri-Trol Clean Service ‘S’ Series Control Valves 1/2" (DN15) to 4" (DN100) 59 TI-F12-21-US CE43 1" (DN25) to 4" (DN100) Carbon Steel Cage Design. Two Port Control Valves 78 TI-F12-20-US CE83 1" (DN25) to 4" (DN100) Alloy Steel Cage Design. Two Port Control Valves 86 TI-F12-22-US C Series Valve Spares 89 TI-F12-23-US C Series Valve Options 90 Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Two Port Control Valves 14 16 84 TI-F12-33-US CE63 5" (DN125) to 8" (DN200) Stainless Steel Cage Design. Two Port Control Valves 82 TI-F12-34-US CE63 1" (DN125) to 4" (DN200) Stainless Steel Cage Design.. e Glob l tro Con s e Valv 12 TI-1-622-US PM Series Pneumatic Actuators for B Series Control Valves TI-1-620-US B Series 1/2" to 2" 2-Way and 3-Way Bronze Control Valves TI-S24-70-US SPIRA-TROL 1/2" to 4" ASME Two-port LEA. Two Port Control Valves 80 TI-F12-25-US CE83 5" (DN125) to 8" (DN200) Alloy Steel Cage Design.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 9 . Two Port Control Valves 76 TI-F12-24-US CE43 5" (DN125) to 8" (DN200) Carbon Steel Cage Design. Inc. Illus. Blythewood. KFA and KLA Control Valves 30 TI-P378-02-US SPIRA-TROL 6" and 8" KEA. LFA and LLA Control Valves 18 TI-S24-71-US SPIRA-TROL 1/2" to 4" ASME Two-port KEA.Control Valves INDEX Control Valves Table of Contents Tech. KFA. TI-1-618-US Model / Description Steam Sizing Chart Page No. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Illus. Model / Description Page No.Control Valves INDEX Control Valves Table of Contents Tech. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 10 124 169 ... Inc. Blythewood. TI-P327-01-US TN 2000 Series Pneumatic Piston Actuator for 6" and 8" SPIRA-TROL Control Valves 92 TI-P357-30-US PN9000 Series Pneumatic Actuators for SPIRA-TROL K and L Series Control Valves 98 TI-P320-57-US PN1000 Series Spring Extend Pneumatic Actuators for 2-1/2" to 4" L & K Series Valves 106 TI-P320-56-US PN1000 Series Spring Extend Pneumatic Actuators for 6" and 8" K Series 108 TI-P357-23-US PN1000 Series Spring Extend Pneumatic Actuators (for C Series) 112 TI-1-518-US Belimo NV Series Electric Actuator 120 TI-1-519-US Belimo AFB Series Electric Actuator 122 TI-P358-25-US AEL5 Series TI-P358-28-US Accessories for AEL5 Series TI-P358-07-US EL5600 Series Electric Actuator for 1/2" to 4" K & L Series Valves TI-P358-09-US EL5650 Series Electric Actuators 6" to 8" K Series Valves 140 TI-P358-06-US Accessories for EL5600 Series Actuators 144 TI-P358-23-US AEL6 Series 146 ar Line rs ato Actu 132 136 TI-1-523-US Rotork CVL Electric Actuator for SPIRA-TROL Control Valves 152 TI-1-610-US PP5 Pneumatic Positioner 156 TI-1-611-US EP5 Electro Pneumatic Positioner ISP5 Intrisically Safe E/P Positioner TI-P343-36-US SP400 Electropneumatic Smart Valve Positioner TI-P343-34-US SP500 Electropneumatic Smart Valve Positioner TI-P370-19-US SP300 Pneumatic Positioner TI-P343-07-US IPC4A Convertor TI-1-609-US MPC2 High Efficiency Compressed Air Filter/Regulator 170 TI-1-616-US Stonel Position Transmitter 172 TI-1-617-US Stonel Limit Switch 173 s& oner i t i s Po ches Swit 158 160 162 164 Spirax Sarco. itters sm Tran .. Inc. Blythewood. Illus. s r trolle Sensors Con & TI-P323-28-US SX80 Process Controller TI-P323-30-US SX90 Process Controller TI-P322-06-US EL2270 & EL2271 Temperature Probes TI-P322-02-US EL2600 Pressure Transmitter and ‘U’ Syphons TI-P373-13-US PF6 Series Stainless Steel Piston Actuated On/Off Valves TI-P373-14-US PF51G Bronze Piston Actuated On/Off Valves TI-P373-04-US Type DM Solenoid Valves for use with Piston Actuated Valves TI-8-500-US Typed MDM Banked Pilot Valves for use with Piston Actuated Valves 174 176 180 186 188 n Pisto d ate Actu es Valv 190 198 207 208 Spirax Sarco.Control Valves INDEX Control Valves Table of Contents Tech. TI-P320-47-US Model / Description PN600 Series Pneumatic Controllers Page No. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 11 . 2) Draw a horizontal line from 100 psi absolute At the intersection with 20 psi pressure drop. psia Pressure drop P1 .01 standard to allow for practical everyday use without significant sacrifice in accuracy. piping geometry factors. and outlet velocities. To find Cv value for non critical flow application. Example 2. 3) At the crossing point with the 500 lb/hr horizontal line read off the Cv value required.03 .P2.e. Cv 3. This chart is for example only.647 (P 1) Valve Coefficient Upstream Pressure. having prior determined whether the flow is critical or sub-critical. psia Downstream Pressure. lb/h Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. The following equations have been adapted from the ISA S75. How To Use the Chart Example 1.e. How to Use Formula Proceed by calculating the required Cv from given flow data.1= ∆P (P 1+P 2) Cv = P1 = P2 = ∆ P = w = w 1. To find Cv value for critical flow application. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. In practice. Steam Demand 500 lb/hr Upstream Pressure 85 psi guage 100 psi absolute Downstream Pressure 65 psi quage 85 psi absolute 1) Draw 500 lb/hr flow line. Cv 13 4) Select valve size required from the appropriate valve type technical information sheet. 3) At the crossing point of these two lines.81 (P /2) 1 Critical Flow When ∆P is greater than . Steam Demand 1500 lb/hr Upstream Pressure 55 psi guage 70 psi absolute Refer to Selection Chart Opposite. For Steam Service Subcritical Flow When ∆P is less than . 12 TI-1-618-US 3.Control Valves Globe Control Valves Steam Sizing Chart Determining the Value Cv Cv calculation is an interactive process requiring knowledge of valve dynamics.8 4) Select valve size required from the appropriate valve type technical information sheet. read off the Cv value required. At this intersection drop a vertical line. i. psia Flow Rate. 1) Draw 1500 lb/hr flow line (A-B) 2) Draw a horizontal line from 70 psi absolute to critical pressure drop line (C-D). A complete chart for sizing is overleaf. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.81 (P /2) 1 For Saturated Steam Cv= w Cv= 2. draw a vertical line. i. this sizing chart is based on emperical values and will cater for most applications. we reserve the right to change the specification. . Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. Inc.Globe Control Valves Control Valves Steam Capacity Chart Spirax Sarco. Blythewood.03 13 . 2003 TI-1-618-US 3. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. we reserve the right to change the specification. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. any of the Spirax Sarco range of positioners can be mounted with the optional spindle adaptor (part no. Spring-to-extend spindle.13 . While many of these actuators will be operated directly by a 3-15 psig control 3 = 60 sq. Actuators are available with an optional. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. A full stainless steel version is also available on special 3 Spindle travel 2 = ¾” 2 Spring range 0 = 3-15 psig 1 = 3-9 psig 2 = 9-15 psig 0 Spring action E = Spring extend R = Spring retract E Manual override H = Handwheel Available Spares Diaphragm kit Spring Kit Spindle seal kit Example: 1 x PM320E pneumatic actuator. 14 TI-1-622-US 11. Available Types and Options Standard version with corrosion resistant paint finish.Control Valves Globe Control Valves PM Series Pneumatic Actuators for B Series Control Valves Description PM Series compact multi-spring diaphragm actuators are available in three sizes to suit the requirements of our ½” to 2” B Series control valves at various pressures. top-mounted hand-wheel. Spring-to-retract spindle. 3578000). Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Technical Data Ambient temperature range -4F to 230°F Maximum air pressure 60 psig Stem travel ¾” Air supply connection ¼” NPT Materials Diaphragm housing Carbon Steel Yoke Ductile Iron Diaphragm Reinforced Nitrile Gaskets Neoprene Springs Steel (50CR4V2) Bolts and nuts Carbon/alloy steel Selection Guide Type PM PM PMS Actuator size 2 = 36 sq. Full stainless steel version to special 7 = 109 sq. Control Valves PM Series Pneumatic Actuators for B Series Control Valves Note: The actuator must be fully vented to achieve the differential pressures shown below. If the control system does not allow the actuator to be vented, please contact Spirax Sarco for assistance. Spring Retract Closes B Series 2-way valve and closes top seat of B Series 3-way valve on loss of air. Model Net Spring Range (psig) Min. Air Pressure (psig) 3 - 15 6 - 18 3-9 9 - 15 3 - 15 6 - 18 3-9 9 - 15 3 - 15 6 - 18 3-9 20 23 20 20 20 23 20 20 20 23 20 PM220R PM221R PM222R PM320R PM321R PM322R PM720R PM721R 1/2” Cv 6 250 250 250 250 3/4” Cv 3.5 250 250 250 250 Cv 8 149 250 149 250 Cv 6 250 250 250 250 1” Cv 13 Cv 8 83 130 205 250 83 130 250 250 165 250 250 250 165 250 250 250 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” Cv 20 Cv 13 Cv 28 Cv 20 Cv 50 Cv 28 44 114 44 184 91 209 91 250 187 250 187 75 197 75 250 157 250 157 250 250 250 250 26 76 26 126 60 144 60 228 128 250 128 37 107 37 177 84 202 84 250 180 250 180 13 45 13 77 35 88 35 141 78 175 78 Globe Control Valves Maximum differential pressures for ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class IV and VI shut-off 21 71 21 121 54 138 54 222 123 250 123 Spring Extend Opens B Series 2-way valve and closes bottom seat of B Series 3-way valve on loss of air. Model Net Spring Range (psig) PM220E Air Pressure (psig) 3 - 15 1/2” Cv 6 250 250 250 3/4” Cv 3.5 250 250 250 Cv 8 149 250 250 Cv 6 250 250 250 1” Cv 13 Cv 8 83 130 164 250 250 250 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” Cv 20 Cv 13 Cv 28 Cv 20 Cv 50 Cv 28 18 44 75 26 37 13 21 20 91 157 60 84 34 54 25 208 250 143 201 87 137 30 250 250 226 250 140 221 PM320E 3 - 15 18 250 250 165 250 91 157 60 84 35 54 20 250 250 250 250 170 250 116 163 70 110 25 250 250 250 250 159 250 Approximate dimensions and weights (inches and pounds) Actuator Model Diameter D H1 H2 PM200 9.25 9.31 16.67 20 PM300 11.22 11.6 22.66 42 PM700 15.43 14.7 27.52 49 Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 Weight TI-1-622-US 11.13 15 Control Valves Globe Control Valves B Series 1/2" to 2" 2-Way and 3-Way Bronze Control Valves Description The B Series is a light-industrial bronze control valve range for pressure, flow and temperature control of steam, gases and liquids. Available in 2-Way and 3-Way body configurations for modulating control with PM Series pneumatic actuators or Belimo NV or AF Series electric actuators. For enhanced control, any of the extensive range of Spirax Sarco positioners may be fitted to pneumatic actuators. Technical Specifications Body sizes 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 2" Body material ASTM B62 Connection Screwed NPT Body rating 400 psig @150°F / 250 psig @ 400°F (ASME B16. 15 Class 250) Characteristic 2-Way: Equal Percentage or Linear 3-Way: Linear Rangeability 50:1 Temperature range -20° to 400°F Metal Seating ANSI/FCI 70-2, Class IV (2 Way and 3 Way Valves) Leakage Rate PTFE Soft seating ANSI/FCI 70-2, Class VI (2 Way Valves only) Operating Range 1 3 2 4 5 6 7 Materials 8 No. Part Material 1 2 3 4* 5 6 7* 8 Stainless Steel Steel Brass PTFE/EPDM Cast Bronze Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Cast Bronze Locknut Bonnet Nut Gland Nut Stem Seal Body Seat Head and Stem Plug Spare Parts Available spare parts are indicated by * in materials list above. ASTM B16 ASTM ASTM ASTM ASTM B62 A561 303 A561 303 B62 Detail of Soft Seal Option Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. In the interests of development and improvement of the product, we reserve the right to change the specification. 16 Detail of 3-Way Option TI-1-620-US 11.11 A B C Size End to Bottom to Centerline to End Centerline Actuator Shoulder D Actuator Shoulder to end of steam (closed position) Globe Control Valves Dimensions and Weights (inches and pounds) Control Valves B Series 1/2" to 2" 2-Way and 3-Way Bronze Control Valves Weight 1/2" 3.5 2.5 1.4 90 4 3/4" 3.5 2.5 1.4 90 4 1" 4.25 3 1.5 90 4.8 1-1/4" 5.3 3.8 2.0 90 10 1-1/2" 5.3 3.8 2.0 90 10 2" 6.6 4.5 2.3 90 17 Control Valve Selection Guide Valve Size 1/2", 3/4", 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2", 2" 2" Valve Series B Series B L = Linear E = Equal percentage M = Mixing linear (3-way) E Design standards tions A= ANSI/ASTM specifica- A Body Material 5 = Bronze Connections 1 = Threaded NPT Seating option G = Soft seal (PTFE) Cv To be specified Connection Type To be specified Valve Characteristic D 5 1 C 50 NPT B 2" B E A 5 1 Cv 50 NPT How To Order A Example: 1 x 2" BEA51 Cv 50 NPT. Control Valve with PM720R actuator. Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-1-620-US 11.11 17 Control Valves Globe Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA, LFA and LLA ½" to 4" Description SPIRA-TROL is a range of two-port single seat globe valves with cage retained seats conforming to ASME standard. These valves are available in three body materials in sizes ranging from ½" to 4". When used in conjunction with a pneumatic or electric linear actuator they provide characterized modulating or on / off control. LEA valve LEA valve PTFE packing Bellows seal with with Sizes and pipe connections Body material Cast iron Connections Type Size range Screwed NPT LEA31 ½", ¾", 1", 1¼", 1½" and 2" Flanged ASME class 125 LEA33 1", 1½", 2", 2½", 3" and 4" Carbon steel Flanged ASME class 150 LEA43 ½", ¾", 1", 1½", 2", 2½", 3" and 4" Stainless steel Flanged ASME class 150 LEA63 ½", ¾", 1", 1½", 2", 2½", 3" and 4" Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. In the interests of development and improvement of the product, we reserve the right to change the specification. 18 TI-S24-70-US 2.14 Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA, LFA and LLA ½" to 4" LEA Equal percentage (E) - Suitable for most modulating process control applications providing good control at all flowrates. LFA Fast opening (F) - For on / off applications only. LLA Linear (L) - Primarily for liquid flow control where the differential pressures across the valve are constant. Globe Control Valves SPIRA-TROL valve characteristic - options: Important note: Throughout this document, reference has been made to the standard LEA control valve. With the exception of trim type, the LEA, LFA, and LLA control valves are identical. SPIRA-TROL valve options: PTFE chevron seals Standard Stem sealing Bellows / graphite secondary seals (D) Zero emissions and high temperature applications Graphite packing High temperature applications Metal-to-metal 431 stainless steel - standard 316L stainless steel Seating Soft seating Up to 392°F - PTFE for Class VI shut-off Hard facing 316L stainless steel with Stellite 6 facing - for more arduous applications Bonnet type Standard bonnet Trim Extended bonnet for large pipe lagging or hot / cold applications Standard trim Low noise and anti-cavitation trim (see TI-S24-59) SPIRA-TROL valves are compatible with the following actuators and positioners: Electric EL7200, AEL5 and AEL6 series Pneumatic PN1000, PN9000 and PN2000 series PP5 (pneumatic) or EP5 (electropneumatic) Positioners ISP5 (intrinsically safe electropneumatic) based electropneumatic) SP300 (digital communications) SP400 and SP500 (microprocessor Refer to the relevant Technical Information sheet for further details. Standards Designed in accordance with EN 60534. This product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the mark when so required. Technical data Plug design Leakage Parabolic Balanced and Unbalanced Class IV Metal-to-metal Unbalanced (optional) Class V Soft seal Balanced Class IV Unbalanced Class VI Equal 50:1 Rangeability Linear 30:1 Fast 10:1 Travel ½" - 2" ¾" 2½" - 4" 1 " Typical flow characteristic curves 100 Fast opening This product is available with certification to EN 10204 3.1. Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order placement. Flow % Certification Linear 50 Equal percentage 0 0 50 Valve opening % Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco, Inc. 2003 100 TI-S24-70-US 2.14 19 8M Steel ASTM A194 Gr. except FULL PEEK soft seat Reinforced exfoliated graphite Stainless steel Glass filled PTFE. Inc. B8 M2 Steel ASTM A193 Gr.4" Bonnets nuts Set screws 28 Standard bonnet studs Type LEA31 and LEA33 LEA31 and LEA33 LEA31 and LEA33 LEA31 and LEA33 LEA43 LEA43 LEA43 LEA43 LEA63 LEA63 LEA63 All versions LEA63 All others All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions All versions LEA63 All others All others LEA63 All others Material Cast iron ASTM A126B Ductile iron ASTM A395 Ductile iron ASTM A395 Carbon steel ASTM A216 WCB or A105N Cast steel ASTM A216 WCB Carbon steel ASTM A105N Cast steel ASTM A216 WCB Carbon steel ASTM A216 WCB or A105N Stainless steel ASTM A351 CF8M Stainless steel ASTM A351 CF8M Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel A351 CF8M Carbon steel A216 WCB Stainless steel Reinforced exfoliated graphite Stainless steel Stainless steel. LFA and LLA ½" to 4" Globe Control Valves Materials Body material No. 15.2" 2½" .2" 2½" . Blythewood. 1 Part Body Cast iron 2 Bonnet 2a 1 Bonnet extension Body Carbon steel 2 Bonnet Stainless steel 2a 1 2 2a 2b Bonnet extension Body Bonnet Bonnet extension Bellows 2c Extended bonnet 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * 10 * 11 * 12 * 13 14 * 15 * 16 * 17 * 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Stem lock-nut Bonnet gasket Seat retainer Valve seat ring Seat gasket Valve plug and stem Lower stem guide Lower stem wiper Packing guard washer Spring Packing spacer Chevron packing set Outer 'O' ring Upper stem guide Inner 'O' ring Gland nut Scraper ring Actuator clamp nut Bellows assembly Bonnet extension gasket Top plate (bonnet extension only) Lower spindle bearing housing Lower spindle bearing Spindle lock and anti-rotation nut All versions 27 ½" . 19 Not used Spirax Sarco. 17. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. except Nitronic bush option Viton Stainless steel PTFE Plated carbon steel Stainless steel Reinforced exfoliated graphite Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel ASTM A194 Gr.14 . 2H Steel 8. 11. B7 Graphite packing High temperature packing 9 16 14 Lower and upper stem guide All versions Stellite 6 Grafoil packing All versions Graphite rings 10. 12. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 20 TI-S24-70-US 2..4" ½" . except Nitronic bush option PTFE Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel PTFE Viton Glass filled PTFE.8 Stainless steel ASTM A193 Gr.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA. Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. Inc. LFA and LLA ½" to 4" 18 9 14 28 27 16 Bonnet with graphite packing 1 6 7 5 LEA valve with PTFE packing 14 LEA valve with extended bonnet (E) 2a 2b 2c Extended bonnet (E) 22 LEA valve with bellows seal (D) Spirax Sarco.18 19 8 17 20 15 16 14 27 13 12 2 11 10 9 4 3 Globe Control Valves 3 Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA.14 21 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.. 2003 TI-S24-70-US 2. Blythewood. 0 7.1 0.01 0.0 6.0 50.Option E 450°F Bellows 450°F Minimum operating temperature Note: For lower operating temperatures consult Spirax Sarco Maximum differential pressures See relevant actuator Technical Information sheet.0 90.0 88.1 0.0 1.Option H 450°F Extended bonnet with PTFE chevron .0 8.0 Linear 2.5 5.88 3. Pressure bar g The product must not be used in this region.0 14.0 85.0 90.0 Full port Standard trim ¾" Reduced trim 1 Linear Microflute 1.0 18.8 3.5 6.0 2.0 33.0 14.0 48..0 6.14 .5 12.0 Linear 1. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 22 -20°F 300 psi g TI-S24-70-US 2.LEA31 and LEA33 cast iron valve body Flanged ASME class 125 Temperature °F Screwed NPT Temperature °C Pressure psi g Steam saturation curve Note: When the process fluid temperature is sub-zero and the ambient temperature is below 41°F.2 0.0 50.5 18.0 136.0 190.0 16.5 13.0 18.0 48.Option E 450°F Extended bonnet with graphite packing .0 75.5 8.0 32.0 130.01 0.0 Reduced trim 3 Equal % 1.0 45.Option P or N 450°F PTFE soft seat .For low noise and anticavitation Cv please see TI-S24-59 Pressure / temperature limits .0 36.0 16.5 0. Inc.0 0.07 0.0 7.07 0.5 12.0 Linear Fast opening Equal % 5.1 0.0 9.07 0.5 0.2 0.5 5.01 Notes: . LFA and LLA ½" to 4" Globe Control Valves Cv values Valve size ½" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4" Equal % 5.0 120.0 18.0 45.0 53.0 18.0 190.0 5. Blythewood.0 210.0 120.0 53. PTFE soft seated valves are limited to a maximum operating temperature of 392°F.0 7.0 33.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA.5 6.0 36.2 0.0 30.5 8.Special Cv on request .0 85.0 75.5 0.0 8.8 2.0 30. the external moving parts of the valve and actuator must be heat traced to maintain normal operation.0 130.Option G 392°F See the SPIRA-TROL selection guide on page 18 for the full list of available options Graphite packing .0 16.0 9. ASME 125 Body design conditions Maximum design pressure 200 psi g @ 150°F Maximum design temperature 450°F @ 125 psi g Minimum design temperature -20°F Standard packing PTFE chevron .5 13.0 38.0 38.8 2. Maximum operating temperature ..5 12.0 50.5 12.0 Reduced trim 2 Equal % 1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.Option D Maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: Spirax Sarco.0 18.0 16.0 1. ASME 150 Body design conditions Maximum design pressure 285 psi g @ 100°F Maximum design temperature 800°F @ 80 psi g Minimum design temperature Maximum operating temperature See the SPIRA-TROL selection guide on page 18 for the full list of available options -20°F Standard packing PTFE chevron .Bellows sealed valves (Option D) are limited to A .Option P or N PTFE soft seat . the external moving parts of the valve and actuator must be heat traced to maintain normal operation. Maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: -20°F 428 psi g For valve operating above 572°F extended bonnet is recommended for actuator suitability. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.A.Option E 482°F Extended bonnet with graphite packing . Temperature °F Flanged ASME class 150 Temperature °C Pressure / temperature limits .Option G 482°F 392°F Graphite packing .Option D Minimum operating temperature Note: For lower operating temperatures consult Spirax Sarco Maximum differential pressures See relevant actuator Technical Information sheet. PTFE soft seated valves are limited to a maximum operating temperature of 482°F. Blythewood. Spirax Sarco.14 23 . High temperature graphite packing is required for use in this region.Option H 800°F Extended bonnet with PTFE chevron .A on the LEA43 chart) 572°F .        Pressure psi g        A  Steam saturation curve          A    Pressure bar g       Please note . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-70-US 2.. Inc. LFA and LLA ½" to 4" Note: When the process fluid temperature is sub-zero and the ambient temperature is below 41°F. Note: Soft seated valves cannot be used in this region..LEA43 carbon steel valve body Globe Control Valves Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA.Option E 800°F Bellows (A . The product must not be used in this region. Flanged ASME class 150 Temperature °C Pressure / temperature limits .LEA63 stainless steel valve body           . Option E 482°F Extended bonnet with graphite packing . LFA and LLA ½" to 4" Note: When the process fluid temperature is sub-zero and the ambient temperature is below 41°F.Option P or N PTFE soft seat . Note: Soft seated valves cannot be used in this region.Option E 1 000°F Bellows (A .Bellows sealed valves (Option D) are limited to A . High temperature graphite packing is required for use in this region. ASME 150 Body design conditions Maximum design pressure 275 psi g @ 100°F Maximum design temperature 1 000°F @ 20 psi g Minimum design temperature Maximum operating temperature See the SPIRA-TROL selection guide on page 18 for the full list of available options -58°F Standard packing PTFE chevron . Spirax Sarco. Maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: 413 psi g For valve operating above 572°F extended bonnet is recommended for actuator suitability..Option D 482°F 572°F PTFE packing -20°F Graphite packing -58°F See relevant actuator Technical Information sheet.Option G 392°F Graphite packing .. Inc.A. the external moving parts of the valve and actuator must be heat traced to maintain normal operation. Blythewood.14 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 24 TI-S24-70-US 2. PTFE soft seated valves are limited to a maximum operating temperature of 482°F.A on the LEA63 chart) Minimum operating temperature Note: For lower operating temperatures consult Spirax Sarco Maximum differential pressures .    Pressure psi g         A   Steam saturation curve     A           Please note .Option H 1 000°F Extended bonnet with PTFE chevron . Temperature °F Globe Control Valves Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA. Pressure bar g The product must not be used in this region. Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA.25" 6½" 1¾" 4" 4" 7¼" 4" 9" 13. LFA and LLA ½" to 4" Dimensions for the SPIRA-TROL two-port control valve Screwed Valve size Flanged NPT A B Globe Control Valves approximate in inches LEA valves C C1 A1 C1 D E F Thread Bellows Extended seals bonnet ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4" 6½" 1¾" 4" 4" 7¼" 4" 9" 13. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-70-US 2.. Inc. Blythewood.38" 8" 11¾" 7 " 14½" 16.14 25 .25" 7¾" 2¼" 4" 4" 7¼" 4" 9" 13.94" 8" 10½" 7 " 14½" 16.25" 8½" 2¼" 5" 5" 8¾" 5" 10½" 13.94" 10½" 3" 5" 5" 10" 5" 10½" 13.38" 8½" 13¾" 8½" 15" 17" 2¾" 3" M8 M12 E D E E D D F C C1 B A A1 Screwed version Flanged version Bellows sealed or extended bonnet version Weights for the SPIRA-TROL two-port control valve approximate in lbs Valve size ½ ¾ 1 1¼ 1½ 2 2½ 3 4 LEA31 LEA33 LEA43 LEA63 16 16 22 25 31 33 16 18 30 29 31 38 84 91 132 16 18 30 31 36 38 78 89 124 16 18 30 31 36 38 78 89 124 Additional bellows and Extended bonnet 10 12 21 28 Spirax Sarco.94" 9¼" 2½" 5" 5" 8¾" 5" 10½" 13.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. 0 AEL51. AEL52.50 13¾" 59.50 +15...50 +15.75 +8.75 G +8.5 AEL56 and AEL66 9" 30" 44.0 Actuator range F Spirax Sarco. Blythewood. AEL62 and AEL63 7" 18" 11.50 5½" 2  " 5½" 2  " 15⅞" 2  " 15⅞" F Weight With handwheel lbs J H +13.5 AEL55 and AEL65 7" 22" 22.14 .75 +8.50 Dimensions / weights for the EL and AEL actuator ranges approximate in inches and lbs G Weight inches inches lbs EL7200 series 4" 18½" 6.25 8⅞" 37. AEL53. Inc.0 AEL54 and AEL64 7" 19" 15.00 10⅞" 6A" 11⅞" 11⅞" 12⅞" 15  " 13⅜" 15  " 2  " 8⅞" 13.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA.00 Actuator +5. LFA and LLA ½" to 4" Globe Control Valves Dimensions / weights for the PN actuator range approximate in inches and lbs Actuator range F G H J Actuator inches inches inches inches PN1500 and PN2500 PN1600 and PN2600 PN9100E and variants PN9100R and variants PN9200E and variants PN9200R and variants PN9320E and variants PN9320R and variants PN9330E and variants PN9330R and variants 16" 18  " lbs 46" 121. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 26 TI-S24-70-US 2.00 46" 154.50 +15.50 13¾" 59. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. LFA and LLA ½" to 4" Globe Control Valves A SPIRA-TROL .. G. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. C1 Stem packing and gasket B. and state the size and type of valve including the full product description of the product. How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares'.. G C PTFE to Graphite conversion kit Plug stem and seat kit (No gaskets supplied) PTFE soft seat seal C C1 C2 D.L series The spare parts available are shown in solid outline. E H B.Spare parts Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA. How to fit spares Full fitting instructions are given in the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the spare. G. C B.14 27 . Blythewood. G. Inc. as this will ensure that the correct spare parts are supplied. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-70-US 2. Parts drawn in broken line are not supplied as spares. Note: When placing an order for spare parts please specify clearly the full product description as found on the label of the valve body. C2 Soft seat set H1 Specify if reduced trim. C1 Available spares C2 Actuator clamping nut Gasket set (Non-bellows sealed) Stem seal kits PTFE chevrons Graphite packing A B. D Soft seat arrangement H1 B H E G Spirax Sarco. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 28 TI-S24-70-US 2. and state the size and type of valve including the full product description of the product. as this will ensure that the correct spare parts are supplied. G Stem seal kit Graphite packing and gasket set Plug stem and seat kit (No gaskets supplied) Bellows seal assembly PTFE soft seat seal Soft seat set C2 D. A Available spares Actuator clamping nut A Gasket set (Non-bellows sealed) B. How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares'. F D3 B Soft seat arrangement H E G Spirax Sarco. Blythewood. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. C Note: When placing an order for spare parts please specify clearly the full product description as found on the label of the valve body...14 . LFA and LLA ½" to 4" Spare parts SPIRA-TROL . Parts drawn in broken line are not supplied as spares. E F H H1 Specify if reduced trim. How to fit spares Full fitting instructions are given in the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the spare.Control Valves Globe Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA.L series with bellows seal The spare parts available are shown in solid outline. Blythewood. 2½".2 - Cvs 12 - Flanged ASME Class 150 How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco SPIRA-TROL 1" LEA43PTSUSS. 1¼". 1".. 2". 3" and 4" L = L series 2-port control valve Valve series Valve characteristic Flange type Flow = Equal percentage F = Fast opening L = Linear A = ASME Blank = under T = over Connections Connections Stem sealing Seating Type of trim Trim balancing Bonnet type Bolting Finish E E Blank 3 = Cast iron = Carbon steel 6 = Stainless steel 1 = Screwed 3 = Flanged 4 3 P = PTFE H = Graphite N = PTFE / Nitronic bush (½" to 2" only) D = Bellows T = 431 stainless steel G = PTFE soft seat S = 316L stainless steel W = 316L with stellite 6 facing S = Standard trim A1 = 1 stage anticavitation A2 2 stage anticavitation P T S P1 = 1 stage low noise cage P2 = 2 stage low noise cage P3 = 3 stage low noise cage U = Unbalanced B = Balanced (only available LEA series) S = Standard E = Extended U S S = Standard bolting Blank = Standard finish N = Nickel plated 2 = .Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard LEA.2 Cvs 12 two-port control valve having flanged connections. 1½"..2 Series L A 4 = Globe Control Valves SPIRA-TROL selection guide: S Blank 0. Spirax Sarco. Inc.2 Cvs To be specified Cvs 12 Connection type To be specified Flanged ASME Class 150 Selection example: 1" - L E A 4 3 P T S U S S . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-70-US 2.14 29 . LFA and LLA ½" to 4" Valve size ASME standard = ½". 1150 Northpoint Blvd. ¾". 4". 2½".14 . 2½". 3". 1". In the interests of development and improvement of the product. ¾". 2". ¾". 2". 1½" and 2" ½". ¾". When used in conjunction with a pneumatic or electric linear actuator they provide characterized modulating or on / off control. 1¼". ¾". 1½" and 2" ½". 1". 1½" and 2" ½". 1". 1½". 3" and 4" 6" to 8" ½". 1". ¾". 2½". KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Description SPIRA-TROL is a range of two-port single seat globe valves with cage retained seats conforming to ASME standard. 1¼". 30 TI-S24-71-US 2. 1".Control Valves Globe Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. ¾". 1½". KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Sizes and pipe connections Body material Connections Screwed Carbon steel Screwed ASME 300 ASME 150 and ASME 300 NPT Socket weld Flanged SG iron NPT Socket weld Flanged Stainless steel Type Flanged ASME 300 ASME 150 and ASME 300 ASME 125 and ASME 250 KEA41 KEA42 KEA43 KEA43 KEA61 KEA62 KEA63 KEA63 KEA73 Size range ½". KEA. 1¼". 2". These valves are available in three body materials in sizes ranging from ½" to 8". 1½" and 2" ½". 1". Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. 1¼". we reserve the right to change the specification. 3" and 4" 6" and 8" 1". 1½". 6" and 8" Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Spirax Sarco.1. KFA. KLA Linear (L) . KFA Fast opening (F) . high temperature applications and thermal fluids Bellows / graphite secondary seals (D) Zero emissions and high temperature applications Metal-to-metal Seating Soft seating Hard facing Bonnet type Standard bonnet Trim Standard High temperature applications 431 stainless steel . Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order placement. Important note: Throughout this document.14 31 . This product fully complies with the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the mark when so required. Standards Designed in accordance with EN 60534. Certification This product is available with certification to EN 10204 3.options: SPIRA-TROL valve options: PTFE chevron seals Graphite packing Stem sealing Bellows  / PTFE (B) Zero emissions and thermal fluids Bellows  / graphite (C) Zero emissions. AEL5 and AEL6 series Pneumatic PN1000. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-71-US 2. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" KEA Equal percentage (E) .standard 316L stainless steel .Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. Globe Control Valves SPIRA-TROL valve characteristic .. the KEA. PN2000. and KLA control valves are identical. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.½" to 4" only Up to 392°F . With the exception of trim type. Blythewood.For on / off applications only.Primarily for liquid flow control where the differential pressures across the valve are constant..PTFE for Class VI shut-off 316L stainless steel with Stellite 6 facing . Inc.for more arduous applications Extended bonnet for large pipe lagging or hot / cold applications Standard trim Low noise and anti-cavitation trim (see TI-S24-59) SPIRA-TROL valves are compatible with the following actuators and positioners: Electric EL7200.Suitable for most modulating process control applications providing good control at all flowrates. PN9000 and TN2000 series PP5 (pneumatic) or EP5 (electropneumatic) Positioners ISP5 (intrinsically safe electropneumatic) SP300 (digital communications) SP400 and SP500 (microprocessor based electropneumatic) Note: Reference the product specific Technical Information sheet for further details. reference has been made to the standard KE or KEA control valve. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Technical data Plug design Parabolic Balanced (6" and 8" only) Class IV Unbalanced Class IV (Class V is optional) Balanced (6" and 8" only) Class IV Unbalanced Class VI Metal-to-metal Leakage Soft seal Equal 50:1 Rangeability Linear 30:1 Fast 10:1 (½"- 2") (¾") Travel (1½"-  4") (1 ") (5"-  8") (2¾") Typical flow characteristic curves 100 Flow % Fast opening Linear 50 Equal percentage 0 0 50 100 Valve opening % Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 32 TI-S24-71-US 2.14 .Globe Control Valves Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. Blythewood. Inc.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-71-US 2. 15.. 11. Inc. 12. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.14 33 .. Part 1 Body 2 Bonnet 2a 2c 1 2 2a 2c 1 2 2a 2c 2b 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 * 10 11 * 12 * 13 14 * 15 * 16 * 17 * 18 19 Bonnet extension Extended bonnet Body Bonnet Bonnet extension Extended bonnet Body Bonnet Bonnet extension Extended bonnet Bellows Stem lock-nut Bonnet gasket Seat retainer Valve seat ring Seat gasket Valve plug and stem Lower stem guide Lower stem wiper Packing guard washer Spring Packing spacer Chevron packing set Outer 'O' ring Upper stem guide Inner 'O' ring Gland nut Scraper ring 20 Actuator clamp nut Material ½" to 2" 2½" to 4" High temperature packing 9 16 14 Cast steel Forged steel Cast steel Cast steel Cast steel ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A105N ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A216 WCB Stainless steel ASTM A351 CF8M Stainless steel ASTM A351 CF8M KEA6_ Others 21 Bellows assembly 22 Bonnet extension gasket 23 Top plate (used on bonnet extension only) 24 Lower spindle bearing housing 25 Lower spindle bearing 26 Spindle lock and anti-rotation nut 27 and 28 For nuts and studs.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. 17 and 19 Not used Spirax Sarco. Blythewood. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Body material Type Carbon steel KEA41 KEA42 KEA43 Stainless steel SG iron KEA61 KEA62 KEA63 KEA71 KEA73 All versions No. see page 8 * Graphite packing Globe Control Valves Materials . KE71 and KE73 Stainless steel Lower and upper stem guide Stelite 6 Grafoil packing Graphite rings 10.½" to 4" SG iron ASTM A395 Cast steel ASTM A216 WCB Stainless steel Stainless steel Reinforced exfoliated graphite Stainless steel Stainless steel Reinforced exfoliated graphite Stainless steel Glass filled PTFE PTFE Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel PTFE Viton Glass filled PTFE Viton Stainless steel PTFE Stainless steel Plated carbon steel Stainless steel Reinforced exfoliated graphite Stainless steel Stainless steel Stellite 6 or stainless steel for KE43. Inc. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Globe Control Valves KEA valve with extended bonnet (E) KEA valve with graphite packing 3 18 9 14 2c Extended bonnet (E) 16 KEA valve with PTFE packing 3 18 19 8 17 16 20 15 28 14 14 27 13 12 2 11 10 9 4 2a ½" .4" KEA with bellows seal (B) and (C) 2b 22 1 6 7 5 KEA valve with bellows seal (D) Spirax Sarco.14 .. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 34 TI-S24-71-US 2. Blythewood.. Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA..14 35 .. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 Globe Control Valves Materials . Blythewood.6" to 8" TI-S24-71-US 2. Inc. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Body material Type Carbon steel KEA43 Stainless steel KEA63 SG iron KEA73 All versions No. Part Material 1 Body Cast steel ASTM A216 WCB 2 Bonnet Cast steel ASTM A216 WCB 1 Body 2 Bonnet Stainless steel ASTM A351 CF8M SG iron ASTM A395 1 Body 2 Bonnet 3 Plug and stem assembly Stainless steel 4 Cage Stainless steel 6 Valve seat ring Stainless steel 9 Bearing Stellite 10 Spacer (not used in DN125 valves) Stainless steel 11 Gland nut Stainless steel 14 Washer Stainless steel 15 Bonnet gasket Stainless steel / graphite 16 Seat gasket Stainless steel / graphite 20 Stem nut Stainless steel 21 Standard bonnet nut KEA43 KEA63 KEA73 High temperature bonnet nut 22 PTFE gland versions High temperature gland versions Balanced versions Standard stud KEA43 KEA63 KEA73 Carbon steel ASTM A194 2H Stainless steel ASTM A194 8M Carbon steel ASTM A194 2H Stainless steel DIN ISO 3506 A2 Carbon steel ASTM A193 B7 Stainless steel ASTM A193 B8M2 Carbon steel ASTM A193 B7 8 Spring Stainless steel 12 Chevron packing set PTFE 17 Stem 'O' ring Viton 18 Bonnet 'O' ring Viton 26 Gland packing Graphite 3a Plug and stem assembly Stainless steel 29 Cage Stainless steel 31 Balanced seal Graphite Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 36 TI-S24-71-US 2. 1150 Northpoint Blvd..Globe Control Valves Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA.14 . Inc. Blythewood. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" ½" to 8" unbalanced valve 20 17 11 18 12 14 2 8 15 9 10 3 4 1 16 6 6" and 8" balanced valve 22 21 4 31 3a Spirax Sarco.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Body material No.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA.B7 KEA6 _ Steel ASTM A193 Gr. B7 28 27 KE valve Spirax Sarco. Part 27 Standard bonnet studs All versions 28 Standard bonnet studs Globe Control Valves Materials . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-71-US 2.14 37 ..2H KEA4_ Steel ASTM A193 Gr.. B8 M2 KEA7 _ Steel ASTM A193 Gr. Inc.Nuts and studs ½" to 4" Material KEA4_ KEA6 _ KEA7 _ Steel ASTM A194 Gr. Blythewood. 0 16.8 2.5 12.14 .0 8.10 0.10 0.0 6 Linear 1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.0 16.20 0.07 0.20 0.07 0.8 3.8 6 9 18 1.0 Full port Standard trim Reduced trim 5 Microflute (1") (1¼") (6") (8") 190 433 679 190 456 749 136 210 456 749 48 85 130 336 433 33 48 85 130 336 433 18 36 50 90 154 271 13 18 36 50 90 154 271 6. Inc.01 0.01 0.5 8.0 16 33 Linear Reduced trim 2 Equal % 2.20 0.5 8.01 0.07 0.07 0. Blythewood.50 0.10 0.5 5.0 Linear 1.0 1.5 12.07 0.0 7.5 13 Linear 1.01 0.0 Reduced trim 4 Equal % 1.0 6 0.0 8.0 Linear 5.0 1.10 0.8 3.01 0.20 0.10 0.5 6.5 12.0 30 45 75 120 16.07 0.5 12.0 Linear 1. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 38 TI-S24-71-US 2.0 30 45 75 120 Fast opening 5.01 (5") Note: For low noise and anti-cavitation Cv please see TI-S24-59 Spirax Sarco.5 Reduced trim 3 Equal % 1.20 0. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Cv values Valve size (½" ) (¾") (1½") (2") (2½") (3") (4") Equal % 5.5 6.50 0..50 0.0 32 50 88 Reduced trim 1 Equal % 2..0 9 14 18 38 53 120 191 6.0 7.5 5.5 18.10 0.20 0.8 6 9 18 Equal % 1.Globe Control Valves Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA.0 9 14 18 38 53 120 191 1.0 18 1.8 2.0 7. B A .. the pressure / temperature limits of the bellows must be read in conjunction with the valve pressure / temperature limits shown above. KEA42 and KEA43 (Carbon steel) Notes: 1. Body design conditions ASME 150 and ASME 300 284 psi g @ 100°F 740 psi g @ 100°F 800°F -20°F 392°F ASME 150 (6" to 8" only) ASME 300 Maximum design pressure Maximum design temperature Minimum design temperature PTFE soft seat (G) Standard packing PTFE chevron 482°F Maximum operating temperature Extended bonnet (E) with PTFE chevron Graphite packing (H) 800°F Extended bonnet (E) with graphite packing Note: We recommend that an extended bonnet (E) with graphite packing is used where valve operation is above 572°F. Maximum differental pressures         Pressure psi g    Steam saturation curve   Bellows D Temperature °C              Pressure bar g  Pressure psi g               Steam saturation curve       Pressure bar g             Temperature °F    Pressure psi g    Temperature °F Temperature °C Bellows C Temperature °C The product must not be used in this region. The product must not be used in this region. KLA series two-port control valves are supplied with the PTFE stem sealing option. 3. Flanged ASME 150. Maximum operating temperature . the external moving parts of the valve and actuator must be heat traced to maintain normal operation. Where the process fluid temperature is sub-zero and the ambient temperature is below 41°F. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 1 100 psi g TI-S24-71-US 2.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. Spirax Sarco.D Flanged ASME 300 and screwed NPT and SW. -20°F See relevant actuator Technical Information sheet Maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: Warning: If the valve is fitted with a bellows it must be removed if hydraulic testing is to be done. Bellows B  Temperature °F Note: When selecting a valve with a bellows sealed bonnet.KEA41. the pressure / temperature limits of the bellows must be read in conjunction with the valve pressure / temperature limits shown above. 2. KFA and KLA ½" to 8"    A  Pressure psi g     E Steam saturation curve     E D   C   Pressure bar g            B    Temperature °F Temperature °C   A . Graphite stem sealing is required for use in this region.. When selecting a valve with a bellows sealed bonnet. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.14 39 . As standard the KEA. KFA. Globe Control Valves Pressure / temperature limits .Bellows only     Steam saturation curve          Pressure bar g      Minimum operating temperature Note: For lower operating temperatures consult Spirax Sarco. Inc. Blythewood. Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Temperature °C  A    D        .  Pressure psi g        E  Steam saturation curve E   C   B   . B Flanged ASME 300 and screwed NPT and SW.14 . When selecting a valve with a bellows sealed bonnet. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 40 TI-S24-71-US 2. Where the process fluid temperature is sub-zero and the ambient temperature is below +41°F. Maximum operating temperature . Graphite stem sealing is required for use in this region.5 psi g Warning: If the valve is fitted with a bellows it must be removed if hydraulic testing is to be done. As standard the KEA.KEA61. the pressure / temperature limits of the bellows must be read in conjunction with the valve pressure / temperature limits shown above.C Flanged ASME 150. KFA. KEA62 and KEA63 (Stainless steel)  A . the external moving parts of the valve and actuator must be heat traced to maintain normal operation. Inc. Pressure bar g Bellows D Pressure bar g Minimum operating temperature Note: For lower operating temperatures consult Spirax Sarco. 2. Pressure psi g Steam saturation curve Temperature °F Steam saturation curve Temperature °C Pressure psi g Temperature °F Temperature °C Bellows C Pressure bar g PTFE packing -20°F Graphite packing -58°F Maximum differental pressures See relevant actuator Technical Information sheet Maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: 1 087. Spirax Sarco.   D   Pressure bar g Temperature °F Globe Control Valves Pressure / temperature limits . A . Notes: 1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. Body design conditions Maximum design pressure Maximum design temperature Minimum design temperature ASME 150 and ASME 300 275 psi g @ 100°F 720 psi g @ 100°F 1 000°F -58°F 392°F ASME 150 (6" to 8" only) ASME 300 PTFE soft seat (G) Standard packing PTFE chevron 482°F Extended bonnet (E) with PTFE chevron Maximum operating temperature Graphite packing (H) 1 000°F Extended bonnet (E) with graphite packing Note: We recommend that an extended bonnet (E) with graphite packing is used where valve operation is above 572°F. KLA series two-port control valves are supplied with the PTFE stem sealing option. the pressure / temperature limits of the bellows must be read in conjunction with the valve pressure / temperature limits shown above.. The product must not be used in this region. 3.Bellows only Temperature °C Bellows B Pressure psi g Steam saturation curve Temperature °F Note: When selecting a valve with a bellows sealed bonnet. Blythewood. When selecting a valve with a bellows sealed bonnet. KLA series two-port control valves are supplied with the PTFE stem sealing option. ASME 250 750 psi g Spirax Sarco. 3. Body design conditions ASME 125 and ASME 250 200 psi g @ 150°F 500 psi g @ 150°F 450°F -20°F 392°F ASME 125 ASME 250 Maximum design pressure Maximum design temperature Minimum design temperature Maximum operating temperature PTFE soft seat (G) Standard packing PTFE chevron Graphite packing (H) Extended bonnet (E) with PTFE chevron Extended bonnet (E) with graphite packing 450°F Maximum operating temperature . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-71-US 2. A . Where the process fluid temperature is sub-zero and the ambient temperature is below +41°F. 2.14 41 .. -20°F Note: For lower operating temperatures consult Spirax Sarco.Bellows only Steam saturation curve            Pressure bar g     Temperature °C Pressure psi g        Steam saturation curve              Bellows D     Temperature °C Pressure psi g             Pressure bar g  Pressure psi g    Steam saturation curve                 Pressure bar g Minimum operating temperature      Temperature °F    Temperature °F Temperature °C Bellows C  Bellows B  Temperature °F Note: When selecting a valve with a bellows sealed bonnet. Inc. The product must not be used in this region. As standard the KEA. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood. the external moving parts of the valve and actuator must be heat traced to maintain normal operation.. Maximum differental pressures See relevant actuator Technical Information sheet ASME 125 300 psi g Maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: Warning: If the valve has a bellows it must be removed if hydraulic testing is to be done. KFA.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA.F Flanged ASME 250 and screwed NPT and SW. Globe Control Valves    Temperature °F Temperature °C Pressure / temperature limits .G Flanged ASME 125. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" A       Steam saturation curve     Pressure psi g      G E    A . the pressure / temperature limits of the bellows must be read in conjunction with the valve pressure / temperature limits shown above. the pressure / temperature limits of the bellows must be read in conjunction with the valve pressure / temperature limits shown above.KEA71 and KEA73 (SG iron) F    Pressure bar g     Notes: 1. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 42 TI-S24-71-US 2.25" 10½" 19.38" 17" 21 1/5" M30 21 7/8" 24½" Bellows sealed or extended bonnet version E D Screwed version Flanged version E E D D F C C1 B A A1 Spirax Sarco.94 M8 14½" 3" M12 14½" 15" 4 7/8" 19. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Dimensions for the SPIRA-TROL two-port control valve approximate in inches Valve size Screwed Flanged NPT KEA valves A B C A1 C1 D 6½" 1¾" 4" 6½" 1¾" 4" 7¾" 2¼" 4" 8½" 2¼" 5" 9¼" 2½" 5" 8¾ 9¼" 5" 10½" 3" 5" 10" 10½" 5" 8" 7¼" F Thread Bellows Extended ASME ASME 125 250 and and 150 300 ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4" 5" 6" E 7½" 4" 7½" 4" 7¾" 4" 5" 10½ 11½" 7 " 11¾ 12½" 7 " 13¾ 14½" 8½" 17¾" 185/8" 11" 213/8" 223/8" 13½" 2¾" seals bonnet 9" 13..Globe Control Valves Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA.14 . Blythewood.. Inc. . KFA and KLA ½" to 8" KEA valves Valve size KEA43 KEA63 KEA73 KEA41 KEA42 KEA61 KEA62 Additional bellows and Extended bonnet Globe Control Valves Weights for the SPIRA-TROL two-port control valve approximate in lbs Additional balanced KEA71 ½" 16 16 16 16 ¾" 18 18 18 16 1" 20 20 20 22 1¼" 31 31 29 25 1½" 36 36 31 31 2" 38 40 38 33 2½" 78 78 84 3" 86 89 91 4" 124 124 132 10 12 21 5" 28 35 4. Blythewood. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-71-US 2.14 43 . Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.4 6" 286 286 286 35 7 8" 462 462 462 35 22 Spirax Sarco..Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. 50 +15. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Globe Control Valves Dimensions / weights for the PN actuator range approximate in inches and lbs Actuator range and variants F G H J inches inches inches inches Actuator lbs PN1500 and PN2500 46" 121.75 G +8.50 +15. Inc.75 +8.50 +15.0 EL3500 SE and SR 5¼" x 6¼" 11" 6. Blythewood. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. AEL52.25 87/8" 37.50 13¾" 59.00 107/8" 6A" 117/8" 117/8" 127/8" 15  " 133/8" 15  " PN9100R PN9200E PN9200R PN9320E PN9320R PN9330E PN9330R PN9400 20½" 2  " 5½" 2  " 5½" 2  " 15  " 2  " 15  " 87/8" 13.. AEL53.5 AEL56 and AEL66 9" 30" 44.0 AEL51.50 13¾" 59.00 PN1600 and PN2600 185/16" 46" 154.75 +8.0 AEL54 and AEL64 7" 19" 15.00 +5.0 AEL55 and AEL65 7" 22" 22.50 583 +116. AEL62 and AEL63 7" 18" 11.14 .00 475 Top mounted handwheel Dimensions / weights for the EL and AEL actuator ranges approximate in inches and lbs Actuator range F G F Weight inches inches lbs EL3500 5¼" x 6¼" 9½" 3. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 44 TI-S24-71-US 2.50 28¼" TN2277E 21" 34" TN2277NDA 21" 34" 13" 13" J With handwheel lbs 16" PN9100E F Weight H Actuator +13.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA.00 561 +103..0 J H Actuator G Side mounted handwheel Spirax Sarco. E (No gaskets supplied) PTFE soft seat seal H D * Specify if reduced trim.2 Cvs 12 control valve.K series Actuator clamping nut Gasket set (Non-bellows sealed) PTFE chevrons A B. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Globe Control Valves A SPIRA-TROL two-port control valve ½" to 4" The spare parts available are shown in solid outline.Spare parts Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Example: 1 . G D1 D2 C Stem seal kits PTFE to Graphite conversion kit C1 Graphite packing C2 * Equal percentage trim D. E and seat kit (No gaskets supplied) Linear trim D2.. How to fit spares Full fitting instructions are given in the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the spare.. Parts drawn in broken line are not supplied as spares. and state the size and type of valve including the full product description of the product.14 45 . How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares'. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-71-US 2. Blythewood. Soft seat arrangement B H E G Spirax Sarco. C1 C2 C Available spares .PTFE stem seal kit for a Spirax Sarco 1" SPIRATROL two-port KEA43 PTSUSS. as this will ensure that the correct spare parts are supplied. E (No gaskets supplied) Plug stem Fast opening trim D1. Note: When placing an order for spare parts please specify clearly the full product description as found on the label of the valve body. Inc. D. E How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares'.. E (No gaskets supplied) Unbalanced (No gaskets supplied) D.2 Cvs 433 control valve. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 46 TI-S24-71-US 2.. Available spares . G D5 A.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. C5 C4 C3 Note: When placing an order for spare parts please specify clearly the full product description as found on the label of the valve body. Inc. H J E G Exploded view of soft seat arrangement Spirax Sarco.K series Balanced Gasket set Non bellows sealed Unbalanced D4 B. How to fit spares Full fitting instructions are given in the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the spare. G PTFE chevrons C3 PTFE to Graphite Stem seal kit conversion kit C4 (DN15 to DN100) Graphite packing Plug stem and seat kit A C5 Balanced A.PTFE stem seal kit for a Spirax Sarco 6" SPIRA-TROL two-port KEA43 PTSBSS. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.14 . and state the size and type of valve including the full product description of the product. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Globe Control Valves Spare parts SPIRA-TROL two-port control valve Balanced and unbalanced 6" to 8" The spare parts available are shown in solid outline. as this will ensure that the correct spare parts are supplied. D3 B Example: 1 . Parts drawn in broken line are not supplied as spares. B. Blythewood. and state the size and type of valve including the full product description of the product. E (No gaskets supplied) Bellows seal assembly F PTFE soft seat seal H * Specify if reduced trim.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" SPIRA-TROL two-port control valve with bellows seal . How to fit spares Full fitting instructions are given in the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the spare. G C3 * Equal percentage trim D6.K series Actuator clamping nut Gasket set (Bellows sealed) Stem seal kit Graphite secondary seal and gasket set A B. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. Note: When placing an order for spare parts please specify clearly the full product description as found on the label of the valve body.Type D ½" to 4" Globe Control Valves Spare parts C3 The spare parts available are shown in solid outline. Blythewood.14 47 . E and seat kit (No gaskets supplied) Linear trim D8.2 Cvs12 control valve. A Available spares .. Inc. D6 B Soft seat arrangement H E G Spirax Sarco. E (No gaskets supplied) Plug stem Fast opening trim D7. How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares'. F D7 D8 Example: 1 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-71-US 2. Parts drawn in broken line are not supplied as spares. as this will ensure that the correct spare parts are supplied.Graphite stem seal kit for a Spirax Sarco 1" SPIRA-TROL two-port KEA43B TSUSS. PTFE stem seal kit for a Spirax Sarco 1" SPIRATROL two-port KEA43B TSUSS.Types B and C ½" to 4" The spare parts available are shown in solid outline. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" A Globe Control Valves Spare parts SPIRA-TROL two-port control valve with bellows seal . Parts drawn in broken line are not supplied as spares. How to fit spares Full fitting instructions are given in the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the spare. C1 C2 C Note: When placing an order for spare parts please specify clearly the full product description as found on the label of the valve body. Blythewood. Inc. D10 D11 B Soft seat arrangement D9 B H E G Spirax Sarco. and state the size and type of valve including the full product description of the product. E Bellow seal assembly * PTFE soft seat seal B B F F H Specify if reduced trim.2 Cvs12 control valve. as this will ensure that the correct spare parts are supplied. 1150 Northpoint Blvd... G PTFE chevrons C Stem seal kits PTFE to Graphite conversion kit C1 Graphite packing C2 Plug stem and seat kit * Equal percentage trim (No gaskets supplied) D9. E Fast opening trim (No gaskets supplied) D10.K series Actuator clamping nut A Gasket set (Bellows sealed) B. Available spares . Example: 1 . E Linear trim (No gaskets supplied) D11.14 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 48 TI-S24-71-US 2. How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares'.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA. 14 49 . Blythewood. KFA and KLA ½" to 8" Valve size Valve series ASME standard = ½". 4". Spirax Sarco. Inc. 10" and 12" 1" K E F L = = = = K series 2-port control valve Equal percentage Fast opening Linear K A Valve characteristic Flange type Flow Body material Connections Stem sealing Seating Type of trim Trim balancing Bonnet type Bolting Finish E A = ASME Blank T 4 6 7 1 2 3 B C D H P G S T W A1 A2 P1 P2 P3 S B U E S H S Blank N 2 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = under over Carbon steel Stainless steel SG iron Screwed Socket weld Flanged Bellows / PTFE secondary seals Bellows / graphite secondary seals Bellows / graphite secondary seals Graphite PTFE PTFE soft seat 316L stainless steel 431 stainless steel 316L with stellite 6 facing 1 stage anti-cavitation 2 stage anti-cavitation 1 stage low noise cage 2 stage low noise cage 3 stage low noise cage Standard trim Balanced (available for 6" and 8" valves only) Unbalanced Extended Standard High temperature Standard Standard ENP coating . 5". 6". SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-S24-71-US 2. 1¼". ¾".2 Series Cvs To be specified Connection type To be specified Globe Control Valves SPIRA-TROL selection guide: Blank 4 3 P T S U S S . 2". 8".Control Valves SPIRA-TROL Two-port Control Valves ASME Standard KEA.2 Cvs 16 two-port control valve having flanged ASME Class..2 Cvs 16 Flanged Class 300 Selection example: 1½" - K E A 4 3 P T S U S S . 1½". 1". 2½".. 3".2 - Cvs 16 - Flanged Class 300 How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco SPIRA-TROL 1½" KEA43PTSUSS. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. PN9400 and TN2000 PP5 (pneumatic) or EP5 (electropneumatic) ISP5 (intrinsically safe electropneumatic) Positioners SP400. With the exception of trim type.options: KEA Equal percentage modified (E) . When used in conjunction with a pneumatic or electric linear actuator they provide characterised modulating or on / off control. These valves are available in two body materials in sizes 6" and 8".Primarily for liquid flow control where differential pressure across the valve is constant.Suitable for most modulating process control applications providing good control at all flowrates.for more arduous applications Bonnet type Standard bonnet Trim Plug design Leakage Standard trim Low noise cage Parabolic Metal-to-metal Class IV Unbalanced Class VI Balanced Class IV Soft seal Electric EL5600 series. 500 (microprocessor based electropneumatic) SP300 (digital communications) Refer to the relevant Technical Information sheet for further details. Rotork CVL Pneumatic PN1000. KFA and KLA Two-port Control Valves Description SPIRA-TROL is a range of two-port single seat globe valves with cage retained seats conforming to ASME standards. the KEA. KFA and KLA control valves are identical.For on / off applications only.standard Soft seating Seating Hard facing PTFE for tight shut-off 316L stainless steel with Stellite 6 facing .Control Valves Globe Control Valves SPIRA-TROL 6" and 8" KEA. KLA Important note: Throughout this document. SPIRA-TROL valve options: PTFE seals Standard Stem sealing Graphite packing High temperature applications Metal-to-metal 431 stainless steel . KFA Fast opening (F) . reference has been made to the standard KEA control valve. Linear (L) . Sizes and pipe connections Connections Flanged ASME 150 and ASME 300 Flanged ASME 125 and ASME 250 Travel 6" and 8" 50:1 2¾" Typical flow characteristic curves      . SPIRA-TROL valve characteristic . Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Size range 6" and 8"  6" and 8"       Valve opening % Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. 50 Rangeability SPIRA-TROL two-port control valves are compatible with the following actuators and positioners: Type Body material KEA43 Cast steel KEA73 SG iron Technical data Flow %   TI-P378-02-US 08. we reserve the right to change the specification.13 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood. KFA and KLA Two-port Control Valves TI-P378-02-US 08.13 51 .KE43 KE73 All versions PTFE gland versions High temperature gland versions Balanced versions No.. 2H 8 Spring Stainless steel 12 Chevron packing set PTFE 17 Stem 'O' ring Viton 18 Bonnet 'O' ring Viton 26 Gland packing Graphite 3a Plug and stem assembly Stainless steel 4 Cage ENP / stainless steel 31 Balanced seal Graphite Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. Inc. 2H 22 Standard stud ASTM A295 Gr. 2003 Globe Control Valves Type Control Valves SPIRA-TROL 6" and 8" KEA. Inc.. Part Material 1 Body Cast steel ASTM A216 WCB 2 Bonnet Cast steel ASTM A216 WCB 1 Body SG iron ASTM A395 2 Bonnet SG iron ASTM A395 3 Plug and stem assembly Stainless steel 4 Cage Stainless steel 6 Valve seat ring Stainless steel 9 Bearing Stellite 10 Spacer Stainless steel 11 Gland nut Stainless steel 14 Washer Stainless steel 15 Bonnet gasket Stainless steel / graphite 16 Seat gasket Stainless steel / graphite 20 Stem nut Stainless steel 21 Standard bonnet nut ASTM A295 Gr. Control Valves SPIRA-TROL 6" and 8" KEA.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 52 TI-P378-02-US 08. Blythewood. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. KFA and KLA Two-port Control Valves Globe Control Valves 20 17 11 18 12 14 8 2 10 15 9 3 4 1 16 6 DN150 unbalanced valve 22 21 4 31 3a DN150 balanced valve Spirax Sarco. Inc.13 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. KFA and KLA Two-port Control Valves Pressure / temperature limits Temperature °F E    Steam saturation curve   *  E   B    C     Temperature °F A    A Globe Control Valves KEA73 (SG iron) KEA43 (Cast steel) E  Steam saturation curve    *    C E   D     Pressure psi g Pressure psi g A .C Flanged ASME (ANSI) 300 and screwed NPT and SW.13 53 .E Valves fitted with bellows are limited to a maximum bellows rating of 230 psi @ 572°F. KFA.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL 6" and 8" KEA. A . Graphite stem sealing is required for use in this region.. 2003 8" 679 749 749 433 433 271 271 191 191 604 535 410 310 TI-P378-02-US 08.E Valves fitted with bellows are limited to a maximum bellows rating of 230 psi. * If fluid temperature is below 0°F then the ambient conditions must be at or above 41°F. ASME (ANSI) 250 ASME (ANSI) 150 ASME (ANSI) 300 ASME (ANSI) 125 ASME (ANSI) 250 276 psi g @ 100°F 740 psi g @ 100°F 200 psi g @ 150°F 500 psi g @ 150°F 800°F 450°F -20°F -20°F 482°F 392°F 800°F 482°F 800°F 572°F -20°F -20°F 1100 psi g 300 psi g 750 psi g Cvs values Size Travel 6" Full port Trim 1 Trim Reductions Trim 2 Trim 3 Low noise trim Full port Reductions Trim 1 Trim 2 Trim 3 Equal % Linear Fast opening Equal % Linear Equal % Linear Equal % Linear Linear Linear Linear Linear 433 456 456 336 336 154 154 120 120 351 298 234 178 2¾" Spirax Sarco. E . Inc..C Flanged ASME (ANSI) 125. E . A . KEA4_ Body design conditions KEA7_ ASME (ANSI) 150 KEA4_ Maximum design pressure ASME (ANSI) 300 ASME (ANSI) 125 KEA7_ ASME (ANSI) 250 KEA4_ Maximum design temperature KEA7_ KEA4_ Minimum design temperature KEA7_ Standard packing PTFE chevron PTFE soft seat (G) Graphite packing (H) Maximum operating temperature Extended bonnet (E) with PTFE chevron Extended bonnet (E) with graphite packing Bellows (B) KEA4_ Minimum operating temperature KEA7_ Maximum differential pressures: See relevant actuator Technical Information sheet KEA4_ Maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: a bellows it must be removed ASME (ANSI) 125 Warning: If the valve is fitted with KEA7_ if hydraulic testing is to be done. Blythewood. Inc.B Flanged ASME (ANSI) 150. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. Note: As standard the KEA.D Flanged ASME (ANSI) 250 and screwed NPT. A . The product must not be used in this region. KLA series two-port control valves are supplied with the PTFE stem sealing option. 13 . Inc.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 54 TI-P378-02-US 08. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood.. KFA and KLA Two-port Control Valves Dimensions / weights for the SPIRA-TROL (approximate) in inches and lbs Globe Control Valves A Valve size ASME 125 and 150 ASME 250 and 300 B C 6" 17¾" 18 " 11" 4 " 8" 21 " 22 " 13½" 4 " Weight D Balanced Unbalanced 286 312 462 486 M30 D C B Flanged version A Dimensions / weights for the actuator range (approximate) in inches and lbs Actuator range F G PN1600 and PN2600 18 PN9400 and variants 20½" " H Weight J Actuator With handwheel 46" - - 339 + 103 - 28¼" - 583 + 116 TN2277E and variants 21" 34" 13" 13" 561 + 103 TN2277NDA and variants 21" 34" - - 475 - EL565 8¾" 31 /8" - - - 97 3 F J H F Actuator J H G Actuator G Top mounted handwheel Side mounted handwheel Spirax Sarco.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL 6" and 8" KEA. . Parts drawn in broken line are not supplied as spares. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. as this will ensure that the correct spare parts are supplied.2 Cv 433 control valve. Blythewood. E and seat kit (No gaskets supplied) Linear trim D2. Inc.13 55 . E (No gaskets supplied) PFTE soft seal H Soft seat conversion kit J * Specify if reduced trim. D B How to fit spares Full fitting instructions are given in the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the spare. Note: When placing an order for spare parts please specify clearly the full product description as found on the label of the valve body. and state the size and type of valve including the full product description of the product. Inc.SPIRA-TROL (unbalanced valve) The spare parts available are shown in solid outline. 2005 TI-P378-02-US 08.Control Valves SPIRA-TROL 6" and 8" KEA. KFA and KLA Gasket set B.. H J E G Exploded view of soft seat arrangement Spirax Sarco. Example: 1 . C2 C1 C Available spares .PTFE stem seal kit for a Spirax Sarco 6" SPIRA-TROL two-port KEA43 PTSUSS. E (No gaskets supplied) D2 Plug stem Fast opening trim D1.KEA. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. KFA and KLA Two-port Control Valves Globe Control Valves Spare parts . How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares'. G PTFE chevrons Stem seal kits Graphite packing PTFE to Graphite conversion kit C C2 C1 D1 * Equal percentage trim D. G PTFE chevrons Stem seal kits Graphite packing PTFE to Graphite conversion kit C1 C C2 C1 D1 * Balanced equal percentage trim A. KFA and KLA Two-port Control Valves Spare parts . Inc. B. Note: When placing an order for spare parts please specify clearly the full product description as found on the label of the valve body. H J E G Exploded view of soft seat arrangement Spirax Sarco. D.2 Cv 433 control valve. E and seat kit (No gaskets supplied) Balanced linear trim A. E (No gaskets supplied) PFTE soft seal H Soft seat conversion kit J A * Specify if reduced trim.SPIRA-TROL (balanced) The spare parts available are shown in solid outline. Blythewood. D2.PTFE stem seal kit for a Spirax Sarco 6" SPIRA-TROL two-port KEA43 PTSBSS.. D1.13 . Example: 1 . as this will ensure that the correct spare parts are supplied. C2 C Available spares .KEA. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 56 TI-P378-02-US 08. and state the size and type of valve including the full product description of the product.Globe Control Valves Control Valves SPIRA-TROL 6" and 8" KEA. How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares'.. KFA and KLA Gasket set A. B D A G How to fit spares Full fitting instructions are given in the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the spare. Parts drawn in broken line are not supplied as spares. E (No gaskets supplied) D2 Plug stem Balanced fast opening trim A. 2 Cvs To be specified Cvs 433 Connection type To be specified ASME 150 Selection example: 6" - K E A 4 3 P T S U S S . Inc.2 2 = .13 57 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P378-02-US 08..2 Cvs 433 two-port control valve having flanged ASME 150 connections. KFA and KLA Two-port Control Valves Valve size 6" and 8" 6" Valve series K = K series 2-port control valve K E = Equal percentage (not available for low noise option) Valve characteristic F = Fast opening (not available for low noise option) L = Linear Design code A = ASME Globe Control Valves SPIRA-TROL selection guide: E A T = Flow over Flow direction Blank = Flow under 4 = Carbon steel Body material 7 = SG iron Connections 3 = Flanged Stem sealing P = PTFE T = 431 stainless steel Seating G = PTFE soft seat W = 316L with stellite 6 facing Type of trim S = Standard trim Trim balancing B = Balanced Bonnet type S = Standard Bolting S = Standard 4 3 P H = Graphite T S P = Low noise cage (Linear balanced trim only) U U = Unbalanced S S H = High temperature Series . Blythewood. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Spirax Sarco.2 - Cvs 433 - ASME 150 How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco 6" SPIRA-TROL KEA 43PTSUSS..Control Valves SPIRA-TROL 6" and 8" KEA. Blythewood.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 58 .Control Valves Globe Control Valves Spirax Sarco.. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Important note: Throughout this document. Technical data Plug design DN15 to DN100 Leakage Metal-to-metal IEC 534-4 Class IV Soft seal IEC 534-4 Class VI Parabolic Rangeability Equal percentage 50:1 Linear 30:1 Travel DN15 to DN50 (½" to 2") DN65 to DN100 (2½" to 4") ¾" 13/16" Surface finish Internal (Mechanical or electro polished) External 16 Ra < 24 Ra Sizes and end connections Connections* Size range DN15. DN65. 2". Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. SAL and SHL control valves are virtually identical.3A. 1¼".Stainless steel Soft seal .options: SAE SHE Equal percentage (E) . DN32. PNS4000. Available types SA Two-port angle pattern design SH Two-port horizontal pattern design SQ Three-port design Valve characteristics . PN9000E and Pneumatic PN9000R series PP5 (pneumatic) or EP5 (electropneumatic) Positioners ISP5 (intrinsically safe electropneumatic) SP300 (digital communications) Refer to the relevant actuator Technical Information sheet for further details.DN15 (½") to DN100 (4") Description STERI-TROL 'S' series are 316L stainless steel.Control Valves Globe Control Valves STERI-TROL Clean Service 'S' series Two-port and Three-Port Control Valves .options: S V Metal-to-metal (as standard) . DN20. the SAE. TI-P183-02-US 1. DN80 and DN100 Tube * end / butt weld. FDA.3A and FDA approved White Viton . Valve stem sealing . ¾". DN50.Suitable for most modulating process control applications good control providing at low flowrates. They are designed for mixing / diverting fluids (three-port only). 3A and USP 26 Class VI approved sealing materials. Valve seating . 1½".Designed in accordance with 3A’s and EHEDG. pure steam and process fluids. two-port and three-port control valves. DN40. With the exception of the trim type and porting arrangement. flanged and sanitary clamp* ½". FDA and USP 26 Class VI approved The STERI-TROL can be used with the following actuators and positioners: Electric AEL5 PNS3000. SAL SHL SQL Linear (L) . Approvals and certification Compliant to ASME BPE 2002. we reserve the right to change the specification. 1".Primarily for liquid flow control where the differential pressure across the valve is constant. SHE. The valve is operated by a pneumatic actuator and may be interfaced with a control system using any of the Spirax Sarco range of positioners. reference has been made to the standard SAE control valve. DN25. Surface finish certificate available on request. 3" and 4" *Note: Other end connections are available. 2½".options: E V EPDM (as standard) . EN 10204 type 3.1 certificates supplied as standard.14 59 . If you require a pipe end connection which has not been mentioned within this document.White Viton to provide a tight shut-off. screwed. and for on  /  off and modulating control of clean steam. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. please contact Spirax Sarco sales office for further advice and information regarding availability. Part Material 1 Diaphragm housing Stainless steel 304 13 Yoke Stainless steel 304 2 Diaphragm Reinforced nitrile rubber 14 Gasket Non asbestos fibre 3 Diaphragm plate Pressed steel 15 Fixing screwed Stainless steel 4 Springs Spring steel 16 Housing bolts and nuts Stainless steel 5 Spindle Stainless steel 17 Top adaptor Stainless steel 6 Lock-nut Stainless steel 18 Lock-nut Stainless steel 7 Spacer Zinc plated steel 19 Bottom adaptor Stainless steel 8 'O' ring Rubber 20 Connectors Stainless steel 9 Spring guide Zinc plated steel 21 Connectors bolts and nuts Stainless steel 10 Diaphragm clamp Zinc plated steel 22 Travel indicator Aluminium 11 Bearing Bronze 23 Cap (with vent hole) Nickel plated brass 12 'V' ring Rubber 24 Spacer Zinc plated steel Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.14 . Inc. Blythewood...Materials Globe Control Valves Control Valves 23 4 1 16 2 3 7 10 6 PNS3000 series 8 15 12 14 11 5 8 10 3 7 4 1 9 2 PNS4000 series 16 24 15 14 11 12 PNS3000 and PNS4000 series actuators No. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 60 TI-P183-02-US 1. Part Material No. Gr. 8.. 8. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood.8 23 Hex. 8. Inc. 8.8 24 Nut Carbon steel (plated) Gr.Control Valves PN 9000 series actuators Part Material 1 Yoke SG iron 2 Upper diaphragm housing Carbon steel (plated) 3 Diaphragm plate Aluminium 4 Diaphragm Reinforced NBR 5 Spring Spring steel 6 Spindle Stainless steel 7 Washer Carbon steel (plated) 8 Spacer Carbon steel (plated) 9 'O' ring Viton 10 Connector Carbon steel (plated) 11 Adaptor Carbon steel (plated) 12 Collar Carbon steel (plated) 13 Clamp front Stainless steel 14 Clamp rear Stainless steel 15 Scale Stainless steel 16 Vent plug Brass 17 Bearing PTFE / steel composite 18 Seal Polyurethane 19 Pan head screw Carbon steel (plated) 20 Nyloc nut Carbon steel (plated) 21 Bolt Carbon steel (plated) Gr.14 61 . 8. head screw (short) Carbon steel (plated) Gr. head screw (long) Carbon steel (plated) Gr. 8..8 28 Washer Carbon steel (plated) 29 Screw Carbon steel (plated) 30 Gasket Reinforced graphite 31 Lower diaphragm housing Carbon steel (plated) 32 Lifting eye Cast steel Globe Control Valves No. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P183-02-US 1.8 25 Lock-nut Carbon steel (plated) 26 Socket head screw Carbon steel (plated) Gr.8 16 2 5 28 22 and 23 3 4 7 31 30 PN9000 6 15 19 and 20 26 and 27 1 21 32 24 8 9 29 17 18 25 10 12 13 and 14 11 Spirax Sarco.8 22 Hex. 8.8 27 Nut Carbon steel (plated) Gr. SH and SQ control valves No.14 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood.. stem and soft seal Stainless steel 316L 30 27 Bonnet Stainless steel 316L 28 Body seal White Viton or EPDM Stainless steel 316L and white Viton or EPDM 29 Stem seal White Viton or EPDM 30 Stem bushes PTFE-FC 31 Seal washer White Viton or EPDM 32 Body clamp Stainless steel 304 27 30 32 28 29 25 26 SQ 3-port control valve SH 2-port control valve 31 30 31 30 27 27 30 29 30 32 28 29 32 28 26 25 25 32 28 32 28 26 25 26 Spirax Sarco.Control Valves Globe Control Valves SA 2-port control valve SA. Part Material 25 Body Stainless steel 316L Stainless steel 316L 31 26 Valve plug.. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 62 25 TI-P183-02-US 1. 3) 12 (10) 19 (16) 29 (25) 42 (36) 74(63) Equal percentage Reduction 1 - 4.3) 12 (10) 19 (16) 29 (25) 42 (36) 74 (63) and linear Reduction 2 - - 4.9 (1.7 (4) 7.855 1 /8" .4 (6.4 (6.3) 12 (10) 19 (16) 29 (25) 42 (36) 74 (63) Reduction 3 - - - 4. Micro-filter and Equal percentage trim not available for the SQ 3-port control valve.14 63 .63) 1.7 (4) 7. Viton (V) stem seals must be selected for use in this region.5) Cv(UK) = Cv (US) x 0..Control Valves Pressure / temperature limits 212 Steam saturation curve 122 14 24 58 87 116 145 174 203 Globe Control Valves Temperature °F 338 302 232 Pressure psig The product must not be used in this region.0) 1. Blythewood..4 (6.4 (6. Lower Cv (Kv) values are available to special order. Inc.3) ¾" (20 mm) 12 (10) 19 (16) 29 (25) 42 (36) 74(63) 13/16" (30 mm) 117 (100) 187 (160) Micro-flow trim for all valves < = 1" (DN25) (SA and SH only) Micro-flow trim Travel Trim size Linear characteristic For conversion: Cv (Kvs) Kv = Cv (US) x 0.3) 12 (10) 19 (16) 29 (25) 42 (36) 117 (100) 187 (160) 117 (100) Cv (Kv) values (SQ model) Valve size Flow characteristic Cv (Kvs) by valve size and trim reduction ½"(DN15) ¾"(DN20) 1"(DN25) 1¼"(DN32) 1½"(DN40) 2"(DN50) 2½"(DN65) 3"(DN80) 4"(DN100) Travel Linear Standard 4.4) 3 ¾" (20 mm) /16" ¼" ¼" 3/8" .17 (1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Maximum differential pressure 14°F See following pages Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: 348 psig Cv (Kv) values (SA and SH models) Valve size Flow characteristic Cv (Kvs) by valve size and trim reduction ½"(DN15) ¾"(DN20) 1"(DN25) 1¼"(DN32) 1½"(DN40) 2"(DN50) 2½"(DN65) 3"(DN80) 4"(DN100) Travel ¾" (20 mm) 13/16" (30 mm) Standard 4.4 (6.833 Notes: 1.9 (2. 2.6) 2. Spirax Sarco.7 (4) 7.74 (0. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P183-02-US 1.47 (0. Note: the EPDM (E) stem seals are limited to 302°F Body design conditions PN16 Maximum design pressure 232 psig @ 248°F Maximum design temperature 662°F @ 145 psig Minimum design temperature -4°F Maximum operating temperature EPDM (E) 302°F Viton (V) 338°F Minimum operating temperature Note: For lower operating temperatures consult Spirax Sarco.7 (4) 7.7 (4) 7. 45 1/2" 4 4..18 15 . Blythewood. Inc.45 3 .30 30 .14 .18 15 .Control Valves Globe Control Valves Maximum differential pressures for Class IV shut-off SA and SH valves PNS3000 spring-to-extend actuators Actuator PNS3220 PNS3320 PNS3326 PNS3420 PNS3426 PNS3430 PNS3436 Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Spring range 3 .18 15 .30 30 .50 Positioner required Optional Yes Yes Optional Optional Yes Yes Optional Optional Yes Yes Yes 3/4" Maximum differential pressure Class IV (psi) 203 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 116 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 58 218 232 145 232 232 232 232 232 - 29 131 232 87 218 232 232 203 232 - 15 87 218 44 145 232 232 145 232 - 44 116 15 73 232 232 73 174 - 87 232 232 Spirax Sarco..18 6 .15 6 .18 15 .4 1" 10 12 1 1/4" 16 19 1 1/2" 25 29 2" 36 42 2 1/2" 63 74 3" 100 117 1 3/16" 4" 160 187 58 174 232 44 116 232 PN9000 spring-to-extend actuators Actuator PN9120E PN9126E PN9123E PN9220E PN9226E PN9223E PN9320E PN9330E PN9336E PN9337E Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Spring range 6 .60 3 .4 1" 10 12 1 1/4" 16 19 1 1/2" 25 29 2" 36 42 2 1/2" 63 74 3/4" Maximum differential pressure Class IV (psi) 3" 100 117 1 3/16" 4" 160 187 120 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 59 203 232 232 232 232 232 - 20 103 232 232 186 232 232 232 - 58 58 165 232 112 232 232 - 35 35 110 232 73 186 232 - 55 184 33 99 232 - 49 155 29 100 17 67 1/2" 4 4.15 6 .15 6 .30 36 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 64 TI-P183-02-US 1.18 3 .18 15 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.15 6 .45 6 .15 6 .7 Positioner required Optional Optional Optional Optional Yes Optional Optional Yes Optional Yes 3/4" 6 7.60 3 .7 3/4" 6 7.18 15 . 15 Yes 60 3 .60 Yes PN9220R 3 .15 Optional 20 3 .15 Yes 45 3 ..15 Yes 45 3 .15 Yes 45 3 .18 Yes PN9336R 15 .7 3/4" 6 7.18 Optional PN9226R 15 .18 Optional PN9330R 6 .4 1" 10 12 1 1/4" 16 19 1 1/2" 25 29 2" 36 42 2 1/2" 63 74 3/4" Maximum differential pressure Class IV (psi) 3" 100 117 1 3/16" 4" 160 187 17 67 148 229 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 203 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 103 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 58 219 232 232 165 232 232 232 232 232 - 35 148 232 232 110 232 232 186 232 232 - 77 184 232 55 184 232 99 232 232 - 49 155 232 232 29 100 218 232 3/4" 6 7. Blythewood.15 Optional 20 3 .15 Yes 30 3 .30 Yes PN9223R 30 .15 Optional 20 3 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.30 Yes PN9123R 30 .15 Yes 60 1/2" 4 4.14 65 .60 Yes PN9320R 3 .15 Optional 6 .30 Yes PN9337R 36 .15 Optional 6 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P183-02-US 1.15 Yes 30 3 .50 Yes 1/2" 4 4..18 Optional PN9126R 15 .4 1" 10 12 1 1/4" 16 19 1 1/2" 25 29 2" 36 42 2 1/2" 63 74 3" 100 117 1 3/16" 4" 160 187 232 232 73 232 232 44 Globe Control Valves Control Valves Maximum differential pressures for Class IV shut-off SA and SH valves PN9000 spring-to-retract actuators Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Actuator Spring Positioner range required PN9120R 3 .15 Optional 6 .PNS4000 spring-to-retract actuators Actuator PNS4220 PNS4320 PNS4420 PNS4430 Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Spring Positioner Air range required pressure required 3 .15 Optional 20 3 .15 Yes 30 3 .7 3/4" Maximum differential pressure Class IV (psi) 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 232 232 232 116 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 232 232 116 Spirax Sarco.15 Yes 45 3 .15 Yes 30 3 . Inc. .30 Yes 30 .30 Yes 36 ..18 Optional 15 . Inc.18 Optional 3 .15 Optional 6 .18 Optional 6 .18 Optional 15 .18 Optional 15 .50 Yes 3/4" Maximum differential pressure Class VI (psi) 102 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 58 232 232 160 232 232 232 232 232 - 15 102 232 58 174 232 232 160 232 - 15 87 218 44 145 232 232 131 232 - 58 145 29 102 232 232 102 218 - 29 73 15 44 160 232 44 116 - 58 189 232 Spirax Sarco.4 1" 10 12 1 1/4" 16 19 1 1/2" 25 29 2" 36 42 2 1/2" 63 74 3/4" Maximum differential pressure Class VI (psi) 3" 100 117 1 3/16" 4" 160 187 175 175 232 232 232 232 - 122 122 232 232 216 232 - 44 44 132 232 87 219 232 - 33 33 107 232 70 180 232 - 19 19 74 232 46 128 232 - 33 122 19 64 196 - 32 107 25 86 54 1/2" 4 4.15 Optional 6 .30 Yes 30 .15 Optional 6 .18 Optional 15 .14 .45 Yes 1/2" 4 4.Control Valves Globe Control Valves Maximum differential pressures for Class VI shut-off (soft seat seal only) SA and SH valves PNS3000 spring-to-extend actuators Actuator PNS3220 PNS3320 PNS3326 PNS3420 PNS3426 PNS3430 PNS3436 Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Spring range Positioner required 6 .7 3/4" 6 7.18 Yes 15 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.60 Yes 3 .7 3/4" 6 7. Blythewood. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 66 TI-P183-02-US 1.45 Yes 6 .18 Optional 15 .15 Optional 6 .45 Yes 3 .4 1" 10 12 1 1/4" 16 19 1 1/2" 25 29 2" 36 42 2 1/2" 63 74 3" 100 117 1 3/16" 4" 160 187 44 145 232 29 87 232 PN9000 spring-to-extend actuators Actuator PN9120E PN9126E PN9123E PN9220E PN9226E PN9223E PN9320E PN9330E PN9336E PN9337E Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Spring range Positioner required 6 .60 Yes 3 . 7 3/4" 6 7.50 Yes 1/2" 4 4.18 Yes 15 .15 Yes 3 . Inc.18 Optional 6 ..15 Optional 6 .15 Yes 3 .15 Yes 3 .15 Yes Air pressure required 20 30 45 60 20 30 45 20 30 45 20 30 45 60 1/2" 4 4. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. Blythewood.18 Optional 15 .60 Yes 3 .15 Yes 3 .15 Yes 3 .4 175 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 122 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 1" 10 12 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 16 25 36 63 100 19 29 42 74 117 3/4" 1 3/16" Maximum differential pressure Class VI (psi) 44 175 232 232 132 232 232 219 232 232 - 33 144 232 232 107 232 232 180 232 232 - 19 100 232 232 74 232 232 128 232 232 - 48 122 196 33 122 232 64 196 232 - 32 107 232 232 25 86 190 232 3" 100 117 1 3/16" 4" 160 187 232 232 58 232 203 44 4" 160 187 54 122 190 Globe Control Valves Control Valves Maximum differential pressures for Class VI shut-off (soft seat seal only) SA and SH valves PN9000 spring-to-retract actuators Actuator PN9120R PN9126R PN9123R PN9220R PN9226R PN9223R PN9320R PN9330R PN9336R PN9337R Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Spring Positioner range required 3 .15 Optional 6 .30 Yes 30 .15 Optional 6 .60 Yes 3 .15 Yes 3 .15 Yes 3 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.PNS4000 spring-to-retract actuators Actuator PNS4220 PNS4320 PNS4420 PNS4430 Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Spring Positioner range required 3 .15 Optional 3 .15 Yes 3 .15 Yes 3 .14 67 .18 Optional 15 .15 Optional 3 . 2006 TI-P183-02-US 1.7 3/4" 6 7.30 Yes 30 .30 Yes 36 .. Inc.15 Optional 3 .4 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 10 16 25 36 63 12 19 29 42 74 3/4" Maximum differential pressure Class VI (psi) 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 232 218 174 73 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 232 232 87 Spirax Sarco.15 Optional 3 . 45 Yes 6 ..18 Optional 15 .18 Yes 15 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 68 102 232 116 TI-P183-02-US 1.4 1" 10 12 1 1/4" 16 19 1 1/2" 25 29 2" 36 42 2 1/2" 63 74 3" 100 117 1 3/16" 4" 160 187 58 174 73 44 116 44 PN9000 spring-to-extend actuators Actuator PN9120E PN9126E PN9123E PN9220E PN9226E PN9223E PN9320E PN9330E PN9336E PN9337E Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Spring range Positioner required 3 .30 Yes 3 .15 Optional 6 .60 Yes 3 .50 Yes 3/4" Maximum differential pressure Class IV (psi) 160 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 29 131 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 15 58 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 29 145 232 87 218 232 232 232 232 - 15 102 218 58 145 232 232 145 232 - 44 116 29 87 232 232 73 189 - Spirax Sarco.18 Optional 15 .15 Optional 6 .7 3/4" 6 7.15 Optional 6 .4 1" 10 12 1 1/4" 16 19 1 1/2" 25 29 2" 36 42 2 1/2" 63 74 3/4" Maximum differential pressure Class IV (psi) 3" 100 117 1 3/16" 4" 160 187 232 232 232 232 232 - 203 232 232 232 232 - 103 232 232 186 232 232 - 58 165 232 112 232 232 - 35 110 232 73 186 232 - 55 184 33 99 232 - 49 155 29 100 17 67 1/2" 4 4.30 Yes 30 .15 Optional 6 .15 Optional 6 . Globe Control Valves PNS3000 spring-to-extend actuators Actuator PNS3320 PNS3326 PNS3420 PNS3426 PNS3430 PNS3436 Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Spring range Positioner required 3 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.18 Optional 6 .Control Valves Maximum differential pressures for Class IV metal seated SQ valves For pure control applications providing control across the full valve opening range but not guaranteeing shut-off to a greater level than the minimum flowrate based on the valves 30:1 turndown.30 Yes 36 .45 Yes 1/2" 4 4.18 Optional 15 ..18 Optional 15 .30 Yes 30 .14 .7 3/4" 6 7.18 Optional 15 . Blythewood.60 Yes 3 . Inc. 4 – 1.0 – 4.2 1...4 – 1.0 2.5 Positioner required Optional Yes Yes Optional Optional Yes Yes Optional Optional Yes Yes Yes 3/4" Maximum differential pressure Class IV (psi) 102 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 232 - 58 232 232 160 232 232 232 232 232 - 15 102 232 58 174 232 232 160 232 - 15 87 218 44 145 232 232 131 232 - 58 145 29 102 232 232 102 218 - 29 73 145 44 160 232 44 116 - Spirax Sarco.For pure control applications providing control across the full valve opening range but not guaranteeing shut-off to a greater level than the minimum flowrate based on the valves 30:1 turndown.0 0.2 – 1.2 – 1.4 – 1.4 – 1.0 – 4.4 1" 10 12 1 1/4" 16 19 1 1/2" 25 29 2" 36 42 2 1/2" 63 74 3" 100 117 1 3/16" 4" 160 187 44 145 58 29 87 44 Globe Control Valves PNS4000 spring-to-retract actuators PN9000 spring-to-retract actuators Actuator PN9120R PN9126R PN9123R PN9220R PN9226R PN9223R PN9320R PN9330R PN9336R PN9337R Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Spring range 0.7 Positioner required Optional Optional Yes Optional Optional Yes Optional Yes Yes Yes 3/4" 6 7. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 58 189 87 TI-P183-02-US 1.0 0.2 1.4 1" 10 12 1 1/4" 16 19 1 1/2" 25 29 2" 36 42 2 1/2" 63 74 3/4" Maximum differential pressure Class IV (psi) 3" 100 117 1 3/16" 4" 160 187 232 232 232 232 232 - 203 232 232 232 232 - 103 232 232 186 232 232 - 58 165 232 112 232 232 - 35 110 232 73 186 232 - 55 184 33 99 232 - 49 155 197 232 29 100 128 193 17 67 86 131 1/2" 4 4.0 0.2 0.2 – 1.0 – 2.4 – 1.4 – 1.7 3/4" 6 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.2 1.8 – 1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.8 – 1.0 – 3. Inc.2 1.5 – 3.2 – 1.5 1/2" 4 4.0 0.0 2.14 69 .2 1.2 1. Blythewood.0 2.0 – 2.5 0.0 – 3.4 – 1.0 0.0 0. Control Valves Maximum differential pressures for Class IV metal seated SQ valves Actuator PNS4320 PNS4326 PNS4420 PNS4426 PNS4430 PNS4436 PNS4534 PNS4634 Valve size Kv Cv Travel (inches) Spring range 0.0 – 2.0 – 3. 8 11.8 Sanitary clamp and screwed 4.24 5.8 12.61 1.0 18.6 26.8 9.80 - 15.71 9.8 11.6 7.63 5.86 2.71 2.4 5.39 3.73 3.27 15.92 2.0 26.5 7.76 2.14 16.96 7.69 2.4 7.29 37.47 6.6 24.9 28.94 3.7 41.5 6.7 24.Control Valves Globe Control Valves Valve dimensions (approximate in inches) Valve Size 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" Tube end A 2.4 4.8 14.2 34.40 75.94 3.00 Weight with handwheel - 29.86 2.4 Model SH Tube Flanged End PN6 3.35 Valve weights (lb) Valve size 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" Sanitary clamp and screwed 3.5 6.24 12.9 29.98 1.65 14.1 16.76 3.4 17.82 2.65 2.72 57.6 12.29 0.7 8. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.29 59.06 52.63 5.29 59.80 3.24 14.39 4.0 Sanitary clamp and screwed 5.5 34.24 12.69 13.78 3.43 3.35 4.4 7.31 B 0.24 9.70 49.4 40.3 3.4 17. Actuator type F G H Weight Actuator range PNS3200 and PNS4200 series 8.8 9.0 4.65 4. Blythewood.27 15.4 PNS3000/4000 actuator dimensions and weights (approximate) in inches and lb.5 8.1 13.31 3.6 6.7 9.24 13.88 0.29 1.33 2.24 13.86 2.89 6. Inc.6 24.09 PN9100R and variants PN9200E and variants PN9200R and variants PN9320E and variants PN9320R and variants PN9330E and variants PN9330R and variants 11.98 2.71 3.33 3.73 13.9 11.5 49.84 PNS3300 and PNS4300 series PNS3420 and PNS4420 series PNS3430 and PNS4430 series PNS3530 series PNS3630 series 11.64 44.69 1.3 F G H J Weight PN9100E and variants 11..67 15.86 2.29 4.08 0.6 8.41 83.86 3.43 2.12 4.9 13.5 7.3 3.63 13.5 18.22 6.00 2.67 0.29 5.3 6.20 Weight with Handwheel 26.40 53.3 Flanged PN10 PN16 5..41 49.98 16.29 4.18 13.20 2.65 14.1 44.61 1.5 6.71 10.29 59.3 5.27 2.7 11.1 15.0 55.1 15.2 16.9 12.33 3.92 6.94 2.8 46.78 4.14 .2 2.24 13.2 34.63 4.6 36.47 4.45 5.1 Flanged PN10 PN16 5.10 1.76 2.92 6.24 2.40 75.71 13. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 70 Flanged PN10 PN16 TI-P183-02-US 1.0 14.29 2.24 2.14 2.3 20.8 27.0 12.33 3.92 1.10 3.4 41.7 27.40 53.29 59.40 67.4 18.8 Model SQ Tube Flanged end PN6 4.94 5.0 14.86 3.9 13.57 2.12 Connection and Dimensions Sanitary Flanged Dimensions common to all connections clamp A and B A and B B1 C D E 1.2 58.69 Spirax Sarco.76 2.2 15.84 3.9 11.06 1.41 24.61 6.74 7. PN9000 actuator dimensions and weights (approximate) in inches and lb.3 17.88 3.1 41.24 12.22 6.06 2.67 15.2 19.46 4.40 67.7 26.71 14.5 6.6 22.18 13.7 52.12 14.47 4.92 2.5 37.7 8.4 37.4 4.61 4.6 9.29 37.9 13.2 22.4 5.6 8.63 1.53 9.7 9.85 4.49 6.70 12.0 15.67 7.5 38.4 22.33 6.3 17.27 2.2 4.86 18.53 14.92 Threaded A and B 2.60 91.7 9.78 10.2 Model SA Tube Flanged end PN6 2.00 44.0 27.98 6.12 14.65 3.5 20.20 18. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Inc..F Control Valves J Globe Control Valves H G Actuator and SA valve C B A D SQ valve SH valve C C E E B B1 A D A D Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P183-02-US 1.. Blythewood.14 71 . Blythewood.14 .. Globe Control Valves Connection Specification Code DIN 11850 (Series 2) OO ISO 2037 / SMS 3008 OA EN ISO 1127 OB BS 4825 (Pt 1) OC ASME BPE OD Butt weld ASME BPE (Tri-clamp ®) AO Sanitary clamp BS 4825 (Pt 3) BO ISO 2852 CO DIN 32676 SO ANSI B 16.5 FA DIN 2633 FD EN 1092 PN6 FE EN 1092 PN10 FF EN 1092 PN16 FG DIN 11864 T1 Form A GS Aseptic-thread DIN 11864 TI Form B GT (fitted on pipe) DIN 11887 (11851) GU SMS 3008 GV DIN 11864 T1 Form A BS DIN 11864 T1 Form B BT DIN ISO 228 XG NPT ANSI-Bl. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.Control Valves Connection codes The codes specified below represent a small selection of pipe end connections that are available. 20. Inc. If the connection required is not specified below please contact Spirax Sarco.1-1983 XN ANSI 150 Flanged PN16 With smooth sealing face Aseptic-clamp and nut Screwed connection Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 72 TI-P183-02-US 1.. 2". 3A and USP 26 Class VI approved) V Centre face dimensions (A) 0 = Standard 1 = Other please specify (mm) 0 Centre face dimensions (B) 0 = Standard 1 = Other please specify (mm) 0 Internal surface finish 0 = Standard 16 Ra micron mechanically polished 1 = 16 Ra micron electropolished 2 = Other please specify Globe Control Valves Ordering a control valve 0 Cv To be specified (non standard Cv to special order) 4•7 Ordering a: PNS pneumatic actuator Type PNS = Pneumatic stainless steel PN or PNP pneumatic actuator PN = Pneumatic epoxy coated PNP = Pneumatic electroless nickel plated (ENP) PNS Series and action 3 = 3000 multi-spring (spring-to-extend) 4 = 4000 multi-spring (spring-to-retract) 9 = 9000E multi-spring (spring-to-extend) 9 = 9000R multi-spring (spring-to-retract) 3 Diaphragm size 2 3 4 1 2 3 3 Travel 2 = ¾" 3 = 13/16" 2 = ¾" 3 = 13/16" 2 0 = 3-15 psig (6-18 psig) 3 = 30-60 psig 6 = 15-30 psig 7 = 36-50 psig 0 Spring range 0 = 3-15 psig (6-18 psig) 6 = 15-45 psig Option Blank = Standard H = Handwheel * *Not available in stainless steel Blank = Standard H = Handwheel * Ordering example: 1 off Spirax Sarco STERI-TROL type ½" SAE6SOSV0004 and 1 pneumatic actuator type PNS3320. 1½". Blythewood. Inc. ¾".Control Valves How to order Valve size ½". 3" and 4" ½" Valve series SA SA = Two-port angle pattern design SH = Two-port horizontal design SQ = Three-port valve design Valve characteristic E = Equal percentage (SA and SH models only) L = Linear E Body material 6 = 316L stainless steel 6 Connection standard See previous page SO Seating option S = Stainless steel V = White Viton (FDA. 3A and USP 26 Class VI approved) S Stem and body sealing option E = EPDM (FDA and 3A approved) V = White Viton (FDA.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P183-02-US 1. 1¼". Having a spring range of 6 to 18 psig. Spirax Sarco. 2½". 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. 1".14 73 . top adaptor connectors. 19.Control Valves Spare parts The available spares are identified by the part numbers listed below. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 74 TI-P183-02-US 1. 30 and 31 Valve stem seal set (excluding bonnet seal) EPDM (packet of 3) SA. 8 and 12 22 4 and 16 17. bolts and nuts) Part number 8 and 12 2. 18. Globe Control Valves Available spares for the SA. When placing an order for spare parts.. 20 and 21 29. 4 16 2 8 12 31 30 18 17 22 20 21 19 30 29 28 31 30 26 30 28 29 28 26 Actuator and SA valve SH valve Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SH and SQ models Bonnet seal Valve Viton (packet of 3) 28 26 Plug and stem 28 (Equal percentage or Linear) Spare parts ordering example: 1 off Valve stem seal set for a STERI-TROL DN15 SAE6SOSV0004 two-port control valve. Inc. included 3 off longer hex. 1 off Stem seal kit for a type PNS3320 pneumatic actuator having a spring range 6 to 18 psig. Blythewood.. head bolts and nut on some spring range) Linkage kit (lock-nut.14 . always specify the actuator or the valve model (shown on the data plate) and the name of the part as described below. SH and SQ control valves and the PNS3000 and PNS4000 series actuators Description Stem seal kit ('O' ring and 'V' ring) Diaphragm kit (diaphragm 'O' ring and 'V' ring) Actuator Travel indicator Spring kit (set of springs. Inc. 26 and 27 Globe Control Valves Control Valves Available spares for the PN9000 series actuators 5 4 30 17 9 18 15. included 3 off longer hex. Blythewood. 13.Description Part number Stem seal kit 17.14 75 . 19 and 20 Spring kit Set of springs.. 19 and 20 26 and 27 10 13 and 14 Spirax Sarco. 14. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P183-02-US 1. top adaptor connectors. 18 and 30 Diaphragm kit Diaphragm 'O' ring and 'V' ring Actuator Travel indicator 'O' ring and 'V' ring 4 and 9 15. bolts and nuts 5 10.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. head bolts and nut on some spring range Linkage kit Lock-nut. 2-1/2". Sizes and pipe connections 1". graphite packing and bellows. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. 50. linear and fast opening flow characteristic options. cage trim. and PN100 (Raised face with ANSI faceto-face dimension). Part 1 Body 2 Bonnet 3 Valve plug 4 Valve cage 5 Valve seat 6 Valve stem 7 Valve plug sealing rings 8 Lock-nut 9 Mounting nut 10 Gland spring 11 Gland seal 12 Bonnet gasket 13 Bonnet studs 14 Bonnet nuts 15 Stuffing box studs 16 Stuffing box nuts 17 Stem scraper 18 Stuffing box bush 19 Stuffing box ring 20 Valve stem wiper 21 ‘O’ ring Material Carbon steel ASTM A216 WCB Carbon steel ASTM A216 WCB Stainless steel AISI 431 hardened Stainless steel AISI 316 ENC Stainless steel AISI 431 Stainless steel AISI 316 PTFE and graphite or graphite Stainless steel AISI 316 Zinc plated carbon steel Stainless steel AISI 302 PTFE chevron or graphite Reinforced exfoliated graphite Carbon steel ASTM A 193 B7 Carbon steel ASTM A 194 2H Carbon steel ASTM A 193 B7 Carbon steel ASTM A 194 2H Glass filled PTFE Stainless steel AISI 316 Stainless steel AISI 316 Fluoelastomer Fluoelastomer Limiting conditions Body design conditions ANSI 600 Standard PTFE chevron stem seals 14°F to +482°F (-10°C to +250°C) Standard bonnet 14°F to +572°F (-10°C to +300°C) Graphite packing stem seals Design temperature Extended bonnet 14°F to +797°F (-10°C to +425°C) Graphite sealed balanced plug (Class IV) 797°F (425°C) PTFE sealed balanced plug (Class VI) 356°F (180°C) Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: (ANSI 600) 2220 psi g (153 bar g) Maximum differential pressure See relevant actuator TI Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Compatible actuators and positioners: PN1000 series. Balanced or unbalanced to ANSI Class IV. 1-1/2".11 . spring-to-open PP5 (pneumatic) Positioners EP5 (electropneumatic) SP400/SP500 (smart electropneumatic) SP300 (smart electropneumatic) Refer to the relevant Technical Information Sheet for further details. hard faced. ANSI 300. See ‘C’ series valve options Technical Information Sheet TI-F12-23-US. 65. 8 15 19 20 21 16 18 9 11 10 17 13 14 6 12 4 2 1 7 3 5 Options Equal %. 3" and 4" (DN25. PN63. ANSI 600 (Raised face or ring type joint). 80 and 100) flanged to ANSI 150. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. Class IV Metal-to-metal seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class IV & V Hard face stellite ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class VI PTFE soft seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 CE valves Equal percentage CF valves Fast opening CL valves Linear CM valves Modified characteristic (special) 50:1 Equal percentage 30:1 Linear 1" and 1-1/2" (DN25 and 40) 3/4" (20 mm) 2" (DN50) 13/16" (30 mm) 2-1/2" and 3" (DN65 and 80) 1-1/2" (38 mm) 4" (DN100) 2" (50 mm) Materials No. Technical data Plug design Trim design Leakage Flow characteristic Rangeability Travel Unbalanced plug PTFE sealed balanced plug Graphite sealed balanced plug Cage trim with equal percentage. 2". 40. 1". ASME VIII standards in sizes 1" to 4" (DN25 to DN100) available with ANSI and PN flange connections. we reserve the right to change the specification.Control Valves Globe Control Valves CE43 1" (DN25) to 4" (DN100) Carbon Steel Cage Design. Two Port Control Valves Description The CE43 series is a range of carbon steel two port. Stem seal PTFE chevron. soft seat. V or VI Plug shut-off. fast opening (on/off) Trim characteristics. low noise and anti-cavitation (single and multi-cage). When used in conjunction with a pneumatic linear actuator the ‘C’ series valve will provide characterised modulating or on/off control. PN25. PN40.34. 1-1/2" and 2" socket weld. PN16. spring-to-close Pneumatic actuators PN2000 series. control valves conforming to ANSI B16. 76 TI-F12-21-US 08. linear. Installation The valve should be installed in a horizontal pipeline with the direction of flow as indicated by the arrow on the valve nameplate.90 4" (DN100) 216 (185) 0.. B-J ANSI 300. 50. 65. Blythewood.94 1-1/2" (DN40) 35 (30) 0. Spare parts See TI-F12-22-US Spirax Sarco. Size Equal % Cv (Kvs) FL 90 425 A 600 300 Steam saturation curve 400 200 0 Valve flow coefficients at 100% lift C 0 H 200 D 400 E J F 200 G K 100 0 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Pressure psig Temperature ° C Temperature ° F Operating range for body material and flange type only. B-H ANSI 150. 40. Inc.11 77 .PN100 B C C1 Extended bonnet Bellows sealed bonnet 1" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 7-3/4" 9-1/4" 10-1/2" 11-1/2" 12-1/2" 14-1/2" (197) (235) (267) (292) (317) (368) 8-1/4" 9-7/8" 11-1/4" 12-1/4" 13-1/4" 15-1/2" (210) (251) (286) (311) (337) (394) 2-1/2" 3" 3" 3-3/4" 4-1/8" 5" (62) (80) (80) (95) (105) (128) 5-1/2" 7" 7-3/16" 8-1/4" 8-1/4" 9-3/4" (141) (179) (183) (209) (209) (247) 10" 11-1/2" 11-5/8" 13-1/2" 13-1/2" 15" (255) (293) (296) (344) (344) (382) 15" 16-1/2" 18-7/8" 20" 20" 25" (380) (419) (480) (506) (506) (634) C1 C B A Weights (approximate) in lbs and (kg) Valve size 1" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 Weights 29 48 59 92 130 213 (13) (22) (27) (42) (59) (97) 1" (DN25) 19 (16) 0. 3" and 4" Valve size DN25. 1-1/2". Two Port Control Valves TI-F12-21-US 08. Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.855 Sizing Please consult Spirax Sarco. A-D PN25. 2". 80 and 100 2" Valve series C = Cage trim C Valve characteristic Linear Equal percentage Fast opening Modified equal percentage E Carbon steel 4 L = E = F = M = Body material 4 = Connections 3 = 4 = P = Stem sealing H = options B = T = Seating options G = W = C = Type of trim P = A = 1 = Number of 2 = stages 3 = Other = B = Trim balancing U = S = Bonnet type H = L = 0 = Reduced trim 1 = 2 = 3 = Flanged Socket weld (1". A-G PN100.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. A-C N16. 2004 Globe Control Valves 97 Control Valves CE43 1" (DN25) to 4" (DN100) Carbon Steel Cage Design.PN40 ANSI 600 PN63 . for further details see TI-F12-23-US ‘C’ series valve options. 2-1/2". A-F PN63. 1-1/2" and 2") PTFE chevron Graphite Bellows AISI 431 hardened PTFE soft seat Hard face AISI 316 Standard cage Noise reducing perforated cage Anti-cavitation cage One Two Three To be specified Balanced Unbalanced Standard Extended for high temperature Extended for low temperature No reduction 1 reduction 2 reductions 3 reductions 3 P T C 1 U S 1 Cv To be specified Cv 35 Connection type To be specified ANSI 300 2" C E T 4 3 P C 1 U S 1 Cv 35 How to order Example: 1 of 2" CE43 PTC1US1 Cv35 flanged to ANSI 300. The actuator position will depend on the type fitted to the valve.94 3" (DN80) 130 (111) 0.797 0 B 10 20 Pressure barg 40 50 60 30 70 80 Cv (US) for single stage trims (Kvs shown in brackets). Full instructions are supplied with the product.833 Kvs = Cv (US) x 0.94 2" (DN50) 63 (54) 0. For conversion Cv (UK) = Cv (US) x 0.89 Three reduced Cv are available for equal percentage and linear trims. B-J ANSI 600. Note: See limiting conditions for stem and plug limitations. The product must not be used in this region. Dimensions (approximate) in inches and (mm) Valve size A ANSI 300 PN25 .94 2-1/2" (DN65) 95 (81) 0. A-E PN40. ‘C’ series valve selection guide 1". 8 15 16 18 9 11 19 20 21 10 17 13 14 6 12 4 2 1 7 3 5 Options Equal %. soft seat. Balanced or unbalanced to ANSI Class IV. Two Port Control Valves Description The CE43 series is a range of carbon steel two port. Technical data Unbalanced plug Plug design PTFE sealed balanced plug Graphite sealed balanced plug Trim design Cage trim with equal percentage. and PN100 (Raised face with ANSI face-to-face dimension). Sizes and pipe connections 5".34. Stem seal PTFE chevron. Class IV Metal-to-metal seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 Leakage Class IV & V Hard face stellite ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class VI PTFE soft seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 CE valves Equal percentage Flow CF valves Fast opening characteristic CL valves Linear CM valves Modified equal percentage 50:1 Equal percentage Rangeability 30:1 Linear 5" and 6" (DN125 and 150) 2-1/2" (65 mm) Travel 8" (DN200) 3" (75 mm) Materials No.Control Valves Globe Control Valves CE43 5" (DN125) to 8" (DN200) Carbon Steel Cage Design. cage trim. fast opening (on/off) Trim characteristics. 6" and 8" (DN125. PN16.11 . In the interests of development and improvement of the product. spring-to-open PP5 (pneumatic) Positioners EP5 (electropneumatic) SP400/SP500 (smart electropneumatic) SP300 (smart electropneumatic) Refer to the relevant Technical Information Sheet for further details. When used in conjunction with a pneumatic linear actuator the ‘C’ series valve will provide characterised modulating or on/off control.6 bar g) Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: (ANSI 600) 2220 psi g (153 bar g) Maximum differential pressure See relevant actuator TI Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. linear and fast opening flow characteristic options. graphite packing and bellows. 78 TI-F12-24-US 08. See ‘C’ series valve options Technical Information Sheet TI-F12-23-US. PN63. control valves conforming to ANSI B16. 1500 and 200) Flanged to ANSI 150. V or VI Plug shut-off. Part 1 Body 2 Bonnet 3 Valve plug 4 Valve cage 5 Valve seat 6 Valve stem 7 Valve plug sealing rings 8 Lock-nut 9 Mounting nut 10 Gland spring 11 Gland seal 12 Bonnet gasket 13 Bonnet studs 14 Bonnet nuts 15 Stuffing box studs 16 Stuffing box nuts 17 Stem scraper 18 Stuffing box bush 19 Stuffing box ring 20 Valve stem wiper 21 ‘O’ ring Material Carbon steel ASTM A216 WCB Carbon steel ASTM A216 WCB Stainless steel AISI 431 hardened Stainless steel AISI 316 ENC Stainless steel AISI 431 Stainless steel AISI 316 PTFE and graphite or graphite Stainless steel AISI 316 Zinc plated carbon steel Stainless steel AISI 302 PTFE chevron or graphite Reinforced exfoliated graphite Carbon steel ASTM A 193 B7 Carbon steel ASTM A 194 2H Carbon steel ASTM A 193 B7 Carbon steel ASTM A 194 2H Glass filled PTFE Stainless steel AISI 316 Stainless steel AISI 316 Fluoelastomer Fluoelastomer Limiting conditions Body design conditions ANSI 300 and ANSI 600 Standard PTFE chevron stem seals 14°F to +482°F (-10°C to +250°C) Standard bonnet 14°F to +572°F (-10°C to +300°C) Graphite packing stem seals Design temperature Extended bonnet 14°F to +797°F (-10°C to +425°C) Graphite sealed balanced plug (Class IV) 797°F (425°C) PTFE sealed balanced plug (Class VI) 356°F (180°C) (ANSI 300) 1110 psi g (76. linear. hard faced. PN40. we reserve the right to change the specification. low noise and anti-cavitation (single and multi-cage). ANSI 600 (Raised face or ring type joint). ASME VIII standards in sizes 5" to 8" (DN125 to DN200) available with ANSI and PN flange connections. Compatible actuators and positioners: Pneumatic actuators PN1000 series. PN25. ANSI 300. spring-to-close PN2000 series. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. 0 Control Valves CE43 5" (DN125) to 8" (DN200) Carbon Steel Cage Design. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. Full instructions are supplied with the product.85 (DN200) Three reduced Cv are available for equal percentage and linear trims. Two Port Control Valves 5" C E 4 3 P AISI 431 hardened PTFE soft seat Hard face AISI 316 Standard cage Noise reducing perforated cage Anti-cavitation cage One Two Three To be specified Balanced Unbalanced Standard Extended for high temperature Extended for low temperature No reduction 1 reduction 2 reductions 3 reductions T C 1 B S 0 Cv To be specified Cv 293 Connection type To be specified ANSI 300 5" C E 4 3 P T C 1 B S 0 Cv 293 ANSI 300 5" 6" 8" Valve size DN125 DN150 DN200 How to order Example: 1 off 5" CE43 PTC1BSO Cv 293 flanged to ANSI 300. Size Equal % Cv (Kvs) FL Pressure bar g 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 103 300 Steam saturation curve A 800 90 600 200 100 400 0 200 0 C 0 H D 200 400 E F J 600 800 1000 1200 Pressure psi g G K 1400 The product must not be used in this region. 200 A PN25 .Operating range for body material and flange type only.PN40 (425) (473) (568) Valve series C = Cage trim ANSI 600 18" 20" 24" E = Equal percentage PN63 . Cv (US) for single stage trims (Kvs shown in brackets). For conversion Cv (UK) = Cv (US) x 0.85 (DN125) 6" 386 (330) 0.833 Kvs = Cv (US) x 0. The actuator position will depend on the type fitted to the valve. 2004 TI-F12-24-US 08. Installation The valve should be installed in a horizontal pipeline with the direction of flow as indicated by the arrow on the valve nameplate. Inc..PN100 (457) (508) (610) F = Fast opening Valve 6-1/2" 7" 8-1/4" B characteristic L = Linear (165) (178) (210) M = Modified equal percentage 11-3/8" 13-6/16" 14-5/8" C Body material 4 = Carbon steel (290) (339) (370) Extended 16-11/16" 18-11/16" 19-14/16" 2 = Butt weld (5" to 8") Connections C1 bonnet (425) (474) (505) 3 = Flanged P = PTFE chevron Bellows sealed 27" 29" 30-1/4" Stem sealing H = Graphite bonnet (690) (739) (770) options B = Bellows T = Seating options G = W = C = Type of trim P = A = 1 = Number of 2 = stages 3 = Other = B = Trim balancing U = S = Bonnet type H = L = 0 = 1 = Reduced trim 2 = 3 = C1 C B A Weights (approximate) in lbs and (kg) Globe Control Valves Valve flow coefficients at 100% lift Note: See limiting conditions for stem and plug limitations. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Inc.. 6" and 8" Valve size ANSI 300 16-3/4" 18-5/8" 22-3/8" DN125. for further details see TI-F12-23-US ‘C’ series valve options.855 Sizing Please consult Spirax Sarco. A-C PN16 A-D PN25 A-E PN40 A-F PN63 A-G PN100 B-J ANSI 300 B-H ANSI 150 B-K ANSI 600 Dimensions (approximate) in inches and (mm) Temperature ° C Temperature ° F 1004 B 10 5" 293 (250) 0. Weights 264 396 660 (120) (180) (300) Spare parts See TI-F12-22-US Spirax Sarco.85 (DN150) 8" 560 (480) 0.11 79 . 150. ‘C’ series valve selection guide 5" 6" 8" Valve size DN125 DN150 DN200 5". Blythewood. Inc. and PN100 (Raised face with ANSI face-to-face dimension). 80 TI-F12-20-US 08. spring-to-open PP5 (pneumatic) Positioners EP5 (electropneumatic) SP400/SP500 (smart electropneumatic) SP300 (smart electropneumatic) Refer to the relevant Technical Information Sheet for further details. Two Port Control Valves Description The CE83 series is a range of alloy steel two port. When used in conjunction with a pneumatic linear actuator the ‘C’ series valve will provide characterised modulating or on/off control. PN16. 80 and 100) Flanged to ANSI 150. ANSI 300. Balanced or unbalanced to ANSI Class IV. linear. 40. PN25. PN40. PN63. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.34. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. linear and fast Trim design opening flow characteristic options. 15 Compatible actuators and positioners: Pneumatic actuators PN1000 series. ANSI 600 (Raised face or ring type joint). 1-1/2". 3" and 4" (DN25. V or VI Plug shut-off. cage trim. 50. spring-to-close PN2000 series. Class IV Metal-to-metal seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 Leakage Class IV & V Hard face stellite ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class VI PTFE soft seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 CE valves Equal percentage Flow CF valves Fast opening characteristic CL valves Linear CM valves Modified equal characteristic (special) Rangeability 50:1 Equal percentage 30:1 Linear 1" and 1-1/2" (DN25 and 40) 3/4" (20 mm) Travel 2" (DN50) 1-3/16" (30 mm) 2-1/2" and 3" (DN65 and 80) 1-1/2" (38 mm) 4" (DN100) 2" (50 mm) Materials No. 2". 65. hard faced. 1". See ‘C’ series valve options Technical Information Sheet TI-F12-23-US. fast opening (on/off) Trim characteristics. Stem seal PTFE chevron. 1-1/2". graphite packing and bellows. 2-1/2". and 2" socket weld. Technical data Unbalanced plug Plug design PTFE sealed balanced plug Graphite sealed balanced plug Cage trim with equal percentage. 17 Sizes and pipe connections 1". ASME VIII standards in sizes 1" to 4" (DN25 to DN100) available with ANSI and PN flange connections. soft seat.Control Valves Globe Control Valves CE83 1" (DN25) to 4" (DN100) Alloy Steel Cage Design. 8 16 18 9 11 19 20 21 10 13 14 6 12 4 2 1 7 3 5 Options Equal %. low noise and anti-cavitation (single and multi-cage).11 . we reserve the right to change the specification. control valves conforming to ANSI B16. Part 1 Body 2 Bonnet 3 Valve plug 4 Valve cage 5 Valve seat 6 Valve stem 7 Valve plug sealing rings 8 Lock-nut 9 Mounting nut 10 Gland spring 11 Gland seal 12 Bonnet gasket 13 Bonnet studs 14 Bonnet nuts 15 Stuffing box studs 16 Stuffing box nuts 17 Stem scraper 18 Stuffing box bush 19 Stuffing box ring 20 Valve stem wiper 21 ‘O’ ring Material Alloy steel ASTM A217 WC6 Alloy steel ASTM A217 WC6 Stainless steel AISI 431 hardened Stainless steel AISI 316 ENC Stainless steel AISI 431 Stainless steel AISI 316 PTFE and graphite or graphite Stainless steel AISI 316 Zinc plated carbon steel Stainless steel AISI 302 PTFE chevron or graphite Reinforced exfoliated graphite Alloy steel ASTM A 193 B16 Alloy steel ASTM A194 GRD4 Alloy steel ASTM A 193 B16 Alloy steel ASTM A194 GRD4 Glass filled PTFE Stainless steel AISI 316 Stainless steel AISI 316 Fluoelastomer Fluoelastomer Limiting conditions Body design conditions ANSI 600 Standard PTFE chevron stem seals 14°F to +482°F Standard bonnet 14°F to +572°F Graphite packing stem seals Design temperature Extended bonnet 14°F to +1004°F Graphite sealed balanced plug (Class IV) 1004°F PTFE sealed balanced plug (Class VI) 356°F Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: (ANSI 600) 2250 psi g Maximum differential pressure See relevant actuator TI (-10°C to +250°C) (-10°C to +300°C) (-10°C to +540°C) (540°C) (180°C) (155 bar g) Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Two Port Control Valves For conversion Cv (UK) = Cv (US) x 0.94 2" (DN150) 63 (54) 0.11 81 .94 1-1/2" (DN125) 35 (30) 0. The product must not be used in this region. Globe Control Valves Valve flow coefficients at 100% lift Note: See limiting conditions for stem and plug limitations. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco..89 Three reduced Cv are available for equal percentage and linear trims.PN40 (197) (235) (267) (292) A (317) (368) ANSI 600 8-1/4" 9-7/8" 11-1/4" 12-1/4" 13-1/4" 15-1/2" PN63 . for further details see TI-F12-23-US ‘C’ series valve options. A-C PN16 A-D PN25 A-E PN40 A-F PN63 A-G PN100 B-J ANSI 300 B-H ANSI 150 B-K ANSI 600 Dimensions (approximate) in inches and (mm) 1" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/4" 3" 4" Valve size DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 ANSI 300 7-3/4" 9-1/4" 10-1/2" 11-1/2" 12-1/2" 14-1/2" PN25 .. Full instructions are supplied with the product. 1-1/2". 65. 2") P = PTFE chevron H = Graphite B = Bellows T = AISI 431 hardened G = PTFE soft seat W = Hard face AISI 316 C = Standard cage P = Noise reducing perforated cage A = Anti-cavitation cage 1 = One 2 = Two 3 = Three = To be specified B = Balanced U = Unbalanced S = Standard H = Extended for high temperature L = Extended for low temperature 0 = No reduction 1 = 1 reduction 2 = 2 reductions 3 = 3 reductions 3 Equal percentage Fast opening Linear Modified equal percentage P T C 1 U S 1 Cv To be specified Cv 35 Connection type To be specified ANSI 300 2" C E T 8 3 P C 1 U S 1 Cv 35 ANSI 300 How to order Example: 1 off 2" CE83 PTC1US1 Cv 35 flanged to ANSI 300.94 2-1/2" (DN125) 95 (81) 0. 3" and 4" Valve size DN25.833 Kvs = Cv (US) x 0. 40. Inc.92 3" (DN200) 130 (111) 0. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Size Equal % Cv (Kvs) FL Temperature ° C Temperature ° F Pressure bar g 10  20 30 40  50  60  70  80 90 0   1" (DN125) 19 (16) 0. 1-1/2". The actuator position will depend on the type fitted to the valve. Cv (US) for single stage trims (Kvs shown in brackets). 80 & 100 Valve series C = Cage trim C Valve characteristic E = F = L = M = E Body material Connections Stem sealing options Seating options Type of trim Number of stages Other Trim balancing Bonnet type Reduced trim 8 = Alloy steel 8 3 = Flanged 4 = Socket weld (1". 50. 2004 2" TI-F12-20-US 08. ‘C’ series valve selection guide 1". Inc.Operating range for body material and flange type only. Spare parts See TI-F12-22-US Spirax Sarco. 2-1/2".PN100 (210) (251) (268) (311) (337) (394) 2-1/2" 3" 3" 4-3/4" 4-1/8" 5" B (62) (80) (80) (95) (105) (128) 5-1/2" 7" 7-3/16" 8-1/4" 8-1/4" 9-3/4" C (141) (179) (183) (209) (209) (247) Extended 10" 11-1/2" 11-5/8" 13-1/2" 13-1/2" 15" C1 bonnet (255) (293) (296) (344) (344) (382) Bellows sealed 15" 16-1/2" 18-14/16" 20" 20" 25" bonnet (380) (419) (480) (506) (506) (634) C1 C B A Weights (approximate) in lbs and (kg) Valve size Weights 1" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/4" 3" 4" DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 29 48 59 92 130 213 (13) (22) (27) (42) (59) (97) Installation The valve should be installed in a horizontal pipeline with the direction of flow as indicated by the arrow on the valve nameplate.855 Sizing Please consult Spirax Sarco. Inc. Blythewood.90 4" (DN200) 216 (185) 0. 2".    1004 540   800  400  600  300    400 200  100 200          0  0  0           200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Pressure psi g Control Valves CE83 1" (DN25) to 4" (DN100) Alloy Steel Cage Design. Part 1 Body 2 Bonnet 3 Valve plug 4 Valve cage 5 Valve seat 6 Valve stem 7 Valve plug sealing rings 8 Lock-nut 9 Mounting nut 10 Gland spring 11 Gland seal 12 Bonnet gasket 13 Bonnet studs 14 Bonnet nuts 15 Stuffing box studs 16 Stuffing box nuts 17 Stem scraper 18 Stuffing box bush 19 Stuffing box ring 20 Valve stem wiper 21 ‘O’ ring Material Alloy steel ASTM A217 WC6 Alloy steel ASTM A217 WC6 Stainless steel AISI 431 hardened Stainless steel AISI 316 ENC Stainless steel AISI 431 Stainless steel AISI 316 PTFE and graphite or graphite Stainless steel AISI 316 Zinc plated carbon steel Stainless steel AISI 302 PTFE chevron or graphite Reinforced exfoliated graphite Alloy steel ASTM A 193 B16 Alloy steel ASTM A 194 GRD4 Alloy steel ASTM A 193 B16 Alloy steel ASTM A 194 GRD4 Glass filled PTFE Stainless steel AISI 316 Stainless steel AISI 316 Fluoelastomer Fluoelastomer Limiting conditions Body design conditions ANSI 300 and ANSI 600 Standard PTFE chevron stem seals 14°F to +482°F (-10°C to +250°C) Standard bonnet 14°F to +572°F (-10°C to +300°C) Graphite packing stem seals Design temperature Extended bonnet 14°F to +1004°F (-10°C to +540°C) Graphite sealed balanced plug (Class IV) 1004°F (540°C) PTFE sealed balanced plug (Class VI) 356°F (180°C) (ANSI 300) 1125 psi g (77. low noise and anti-cavitation (single and multi-cage).34. V or VI Plug shut-off. Two Port Control Valves Description The CE83 series is a range of alloy steel two port. fast opening (on/off) Trim characteristics. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. ANSI 600 (Raised face or ring type joint). spring-to-open PP5 (pneumatic) Positioners EP5 (electropneumatic) SP400/SP500 (smart electropneumatic) SP300 (smart electropneumatic) Refer to the relevant Technical Information Sheet for further details. PN16. linear and fast opening flow characteristic options. 82 TI-F12-25-US 6. ASME VIII standards in sizes 5" to 8" (DN125 to DN200) available with ANSI and PN flange connections. we reserve the right to change the specification. 1500 and 200) Flanged to ANSI 150.6 bar g) Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: (ANSI 600) 2250 psi g (155 bar g) Maximum differential pressure See relevant actuator TI Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. linear. PN25. cage trim. Stem seal PTFE chevron. See ‘C’ series valve options Technical Information Sheet TI-F12-23-US. and PN100 (Raised face with ANSI face-to-face dimension). 7 3 5 Options Equal %. ANSI 300. 6" and 8" (DN125.07 . PN40. 8 15 16 18 9 11 19 20 21 10 17 13 14 6 12 4 2 1 Sizes and pipe connections 5". When used in conjunction with a pneumatic linear actuator the ‘C’ series valve will provide characterised modulating or on/off control.Control Valves Globe Control Valves CE83 5" (DN125) to 8" (DN200) Alloy Steel Cage Design. soft seat. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Technical data Unbalanced plug Plug design PTFE sealed balanced plug Graphite sealed balanced plug Trim design Cage trim with equal percentage. graphite packing and bellows. Compatible actuators and positioners: Pneumatic actuators PN1000 series. Class IV Metal-to-metal seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 Leakage Class IV & V Hard face stellite ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class VI PTFE soft seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 CE valves Equal percentage Flow CF valves Fast opening characteristic CL valves Linear CM valves Modified equal percentage 50:1 Equal percentage Rangeability 30:1 Linear 5" and 6" (DN125 and 150) 2-1/2" (65 mm) Travel 8" (DN200) 3" (75 mm) Materials No. Balanced or unbalanced to ANSI Class IV. spring-to-close PN2000 series. hard faced. PN63. control valves conforming to ANSI B16. Pressure bar g 30 40 50 60 Control Valves CE83 5" (DN125) to 8" (DN200) Alloy Steel Cage Design.833 Kvs = Cv (US) x 0.Operating range for body material and flange type only. Inc. Blythewood. 6" and 8" Valve size ANSI 300 16-3/4" 18-5/8" 22-3/8" DN125. 2004 83 . Full instructions are supplied with the product. B 10 20 70 80 90 Steam saturation curve 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Pressure psi g 103 540 400 300 200 100 0 1400 The product must not be used in this region. ‘C’ series valve selection guide 5" 6" 8" Valve size DN125 DN150 DN200 5".85 (DN200) Three reduced Cv are available for equal percentage and linear trims. for further details see TI-F12-23-US ‘C’ series valve options. The actuator position will depend on the type fitted to the valve..85 (DN125) 6" 386 (330) 0.85 (DN150) 8" 560 (480) 0. Installation The valve should be installed in a horizontal pipeline with the direction of flow as indicated by the arrow on the valve nameplate..PN40 (425) (473) (568) Valve series C = Cage trim ANSI 600 18" 20" 24" E = Equal percentage PN63 . 264 396 660 Weights (120) (180) (300) Spare parts See TI-F12-22-US TI-F12-25-US 6. Size Equal % Cv (Kvs) FL 5" 293 (250) 0. Inc. Two Port Control Valves 5" C E 8 3 P T = AISI 431 hardened G = PTFE soft seat W = Hard face AISI 316 C = Standard cage P = Noise reducing perforated cage A = Anti-cavitation cage 1 = One 2 = Two 3 = Three = To be specified B = Balanced U = Unbalanced S = Standard H = Extended for high temperature L = Extended for low temperature 0 = No reduction 1 = 1 reduction 2 = 2 reductions 3 = 3 reductions T C 1 B S 0 Cv To be specified Cv 293 Connection type To be specified ANSI 300 5" C E T 8 3 P C 1 B S 0 Cv 293 ANSI 300 5" 6" 8" Valve size How to order DN125 DN150 DN200 Example: 1 off 5" CE83 PTC1BSO Cv 293 flanged to ANSI 300. For conversion Cv (UK) = Cv (US) x 0.855 Sizing Please consult Spirax Sarco. Inc.PN100 (457) (508) (610) F = Fast opening Valve 6-1/2" 7" 8-1/4" B characteristic L = Linear (165) (178) (210) M = Modified equal percentage 11-3/8" 13-6/16" 14-5/8" C Body material 8 = Alloy steel (290) (339) (370) Extended 16-11/16" 18-11/16" 19-14/16" 2 = Butt weld (5" to 8") Connections 3 = Flanged C1 bonnet (425) (474) (505) P = PTFE chevron Bellows sealed 27" 29" 30-1/4" Stem sealing H = Graphite bonnet (690) (739) (770) options B = Bellows Seating options Type of trim Number of stages Other Trim balancing Bonnet type Reduced trim C1 C B A Weights (approximate) in lbs and (kg) Globe Control Valves Valve flow coefficients at 100% lift Note: See limiting conditions for stem and plug limitations. A-C PN16 A-D PN25 A-E PN40 A-F PN63 A-G PN100 B-H ANSI 150 B-J ANSI 300 B-K ANSI 600 Dimensions (approximate) in inches and (mm) Temperature ° C Temperature ° F 0 1004 800 600 400 200 0 Cv (US) for single stage trims (Kvs shown in brackets). 150. 200 A PN25 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.07 Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. 3" and 4" (DN25. Compatible actuators and positioners: Pneumatic actuators PN1000 series. 84 TI-F12-34-US 08. and PN100 (Raised face with ANSI face-to-face dimension). ANSI 600 (Raised face or ring type joint). 80 and 100) Flanged to ANSI 150. 50. ANSI 300. Two Port Control Valves Description The CE63 series is a range of stainless steel two port. soft seat. PN25. Sizes and pipe connections 1". spring-to-close PN2000 series.5 bar g) Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: (ANSI 600) 2160 psi g (149 bar g) Maximum differential pressure See relevant actuator TI Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.11 . low noise and anti-cavitation (single and multi-cage). 1-1/2". ASME VIII standards in sizes 1" to 4" (DN25 to DN100) available with ANSI and PN flange connections. hard faced. and 2" socket weld. control valves conforming to ANSI B16. 8 15 16 18 9 11 19 20 21 10 17 13 14 6 12 4 2 1 7 3 5 Options Equal %. 2". linear. graphite packing and bellows. we reserve the right to change the specification.Control Valves Globe Control Valves CE63 1" (DN25) to 4" (DN100) Stainless Steel Cage Design. See ‘C’ series valve options Technical Information Sheet TI-F12-23-US.34. 8M Glass filled PTFE Stainless steel AISI 316 Stainless steel AISI 316 Fluoelastomer Fluoelastomer Limiting conditions Body design conditions ANSI 300 and ANSI 600 Standard PTFE chevron stem seals -20°F to +482°F (-29°C to +250°C) Standard bonnet -20°F to +572°F (-29°C to +300°C) Graphite packing stem seals Design temperature Extended bonnet -20°F to +1004°F (-29°C to +540°C) Graphite sealed balanced plug (Class IV) 1004°F (540°C) PTFE sealed balanced plug (Class VI) 356°F (180°C) (ANSI 300) 1080 psi g (74. Balanced or unbalanced to ANSI Class IV. B8M Stainless steel ASTM A194 Gr. 2-1/2". cage trim. V or VI Plug shut-off. PN40. 1". Stem seal PTFE chevron. When used in conjunction with a pneumatic linear actuator the ‘C’ series valve will provide characterised modulating or on/off control. fast opening (on/off) Trim characteristics. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. PN16. Class IV Metal-to-metal seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 Leakage Class IV & V Hard face stellite ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class VI PTFE soft seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 CE valves Equal percentage Flow CF valves Fast opening characteristic CL valves Linear CM valves Modified equal precentage Rangeability 50:1 Equal percentage 30:1 Linear 1" and 1-1/2" (DN25 and 40) 3/4" (20 mm) Travel 2" (DN50) 1-3/16" (30 mm) 2-1/2" and 3" (DN65 and 80) 1-1/2" (38 mm) 4" (DN100) 2" (50 mm) Materials No. 1-1/2". spring-to-open PP5 (pneumatic) Positioners EP5 (electropneumatic) SP400/SP500 (smart electropneumatic) Refer to the relevant Technical Information Sheet for further details. 8M Stainless steel ASTM A193 Gr. Technical data Unbalanced plug Plug design PTFE sealed balanced plug Graphite sealed balanced plug Trim design Cage trim with equal percentage. PN63. 40. 65. Part 1 Body 2 Bonnet 3 Valve plug 4 Valve cage 5 Valve seat 6 Valve stem 7 Valve plug sealing rings 8 Lock-nut 9 Mounting nut 10 Gland spring 11 Gland seal 12 Bonnet gasket 13 Bonnet studs 14 Bonnet nuts 15 Stuffing box studs 16 Stuffing box nuts 17 Stem scraper 18 Stuffing box bush 19 Stuffing box ring 20 Valve stem wiper 21 ‘O’ ring Material Stainless steel ASTM A351 CF8M Stainless steel ASTM A351 CF8M Stainless steel AISI 431 hardened Stainless steel AISI 316 ENC Stainless steel AISI 431 Stainless steel AISI 316 PTFE and graphite or graphite Stainless steel AISI 316 Zinc plated carbon steel Stainless steel AISI 302 PTFE chevron or graphite Reinforced exfoliated graphite Stainless steel ASTM A193 Gr. B8 Stainless steel ASTM A194 Gr. linear and fast opening flow characteristic options. for further details see TI-F12-23-US ‘C’ series valve options. Size Equal % Cv (Kvs) FL The product must not be used in this region. 40. 2". Spare parts See TI-F12-22-US Spirax Sarco..92 3" (DN200) 130 (111) 0. 1-1/2". A-C PN16 A-D PN25 A-E PN40 A-F PN63 A-G PN100 B-H ANSI 150 B-J ANSI 300 B-K ANSI 600 Dimensions (approximate) in inches and (mm) Valve size ANSI 300 A PN25 .PN40 ANSI 600 PN63 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Installation The valve should be installed in a horizontal pipeline with the direction of flow as indicated by the arrow on the valve nameplate. The actuator position will depend on the type fitted to the valve. ‘C’ series valve selection guide 1".94 2-1/2" (DN125) 95 (81) 0.90 4" (DN200) 216 (185) 0.855 Sizing Please consult Spirax Sarco. 65.PN100 B C Extended C1 bonnet Bellows sealed bonnet 1" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/4" 3" 4" DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 7-3/4" 9-1/4" 10-1/2" 11-1/2" 12-1/2" 14-1/2" (197) (235) (267) (292) (317) (368) 8-1/4" 9-7/8" 11-1/4" 12-1/4" 13-1/4" 15-1/2" (210) (251) (268) (311) (337) (394) 2-1/2" 3" 3" 4-3/4" 4-1/8" 5" (62) (80) (80) (95) (105) (128) 5-1/2" 7" 7-3/16" 8-1/4" 8-1/4" 9-3/4" (141) (179) (183) (209) (209) (247) 10" 11-1/2" 11-5/8" 13-1/2" 13-1/2" 15" (255) (293) (296) (344) (344) (382) 15" 16-1/2" 18-14/16" 20" 20" 25" (380) (419) (480) (506) (506) (634) C1 C B A Weights (approximate) in lbs and (kg) Valve size Weights 1" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/4" 3" 4" DN25 DN40 DN50 DN65 DN80 DN100 29 48 59 92 130 213 (13) (22) (27) (42) (59) (97) 1" (DN125) 19 (16) 0. 80 & 100 2" Valve series C = Cage trim C Valve characteristic E = F = L = M = E Body material Connections Stem sealing options Seating options Type of trim Number of stages Other Trim balancing Bonnet type Reduced trim 6 = Stainless steel Equal percentage Fast opening Linear Modified equal percentage 6 2 = Butt weld (2" to 4") 3 = Flanged 4 = Socket weld (1". Two Port Control Valves TI-F12-34-US 08. For conversion Cv (UK) = Cv (US) x 0. 1-1/2". Full instructions are supplied with the product.94 2" (DN150) 63 (54) 0. 2-1/2".94 1-1/2" (DN125) 35 (30) 0. 50. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. 2004 Globe Control Valves Valve flow coefficients at 100% lift Note: See limiting conditions for stem and plug limitations. 0 B 10 20 A A C 0 H 200 80 90 103 540 400 Steam 300 saturation curve 200 K 100 G D E F J 0 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 Pressure psi g Temperature ° C Temperature ° F 1004 800 600 400 200 0 Cv (US) for single stage trims (Kvs shown in brackets). Inc..Operating range for body material and flange type only.11 85 . Inc. Pressure bar g 30 40 50 60 70 Control Valves CE63 1" (DN25) to 4" (DN100) Stainless Steel Cage Design. Blythewood.89 Three reduced Cv are available for equal percentage and linear trims.833 Kvs = Cv (US) x 0. 3" and 4" Valve size DN25. Inc. 2") P = PTFE chevron H = Graphite B = Bellows T = AISI 431 hardened G = PTFE soft seat W = Hard face AISI 316 C = Standard cage P = Noise reducing perforated cage A = Anti-cavitation cage 1 = One 2 = Two 3 = Three = To be specified B = Balanced U = Unbalanced S = Standard H = Extended for high temperature L = Extended for low temperature 0 = No reduction 1 = 1 reduction 2 = 2 reductions 3 = 3 reductiion 3 P T C 1 U S 1 Cv To be specified Cv 35 Connection type To be specified ANSI 300 2" C E T 6 3 P C 1 U S 1 Cv 35 ANSI 300 How to order Example: 1 off 2" CE63 PTC1US1 Cv 35 flanged to ANSI 300. spring-to-open PP5 (pneumatic) Positioners EP5 (electropneumatic) SP400/SP500 (smart electropneumatic) SP300 (smart electropneumatic) Refer to the relevant Technical Information Sheet for further details. cage trim. 8 15 16 18 9 11 19 20 21 10 17 13 14 6 12 4 2 1 7 3 5 Options Equal %.34. linear. and PN100 (Raised face with ANSI face-to-face dimension). Part 1 Body 2 Bonnet 3 Valve plug 4 Valve cage 5 Valve seat 6 Valve stem 7 Valve plug sealing rings 8 Lock-nut 9 Mounting nut 10 Gland spring 11 Gland seal 12 Bonnet gasket 13 Bonnet studs 14 Bonnet nuts 15 Stuffing box studs 16 Stuffing box nuts 17 Stem scraper 18 Stuffing box bush 19 Stuffing box ring 20 Valve stem wiper 21 ‘O’ ring Material Stainless steel ASTM A351 CF8M Stainless steel ASTM A351 CF8M Stainless steel AISI 431 hardened Stainless steel AISI 316 ENC Stainless steel AISI 431 Stainless steel AISI 316 PTFE and graphite or graphite Stainless steel AISI 316 Zinc plated carbon steel Stainless steel AISI 302 PTFE chevron or graphite Reinforced exfoliated graphite Stainless steel ASTM A 193 B8M Stainless steel ASTM A 194 8M Stainless steel ASTM A 193 B8M Stainless steel ASTM A 194 8M Glass filled PTFE Stainless steel AISI 316 Stainless steel AISI 316 Fluoelastomer Fluoelastomer Limiting conditions Body design conditions ANSI 300 and ANSI 600 Standard PTFE chevron stem seals -20°F to +482°F (-29°C to +250°C) Standard bonnet -20°F to +572°F (-29°C to +300°C) Graphite packing stem seals Design temperature Extended bonnet -20°F to +1004°F (-29°C to +540°C) Graphite sealed balanced plug (Class IV) 1004°F (540°C) PTFE sealed balanced plug (Class VI) 356°F (180°C) (ANSI 300) 1080 psi g (74. Class IV Metal-to-metal seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 Leakage Class IV & V Hard face stellite ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class VI PTFE soft seat ANSI/FCI 70-2 CE valves Equal percentage Flow CF valves Fast opening characteristic CL valves Linear CM valves Modified equal precentage Rangeability 50:1 Equal percentage 30:1 Linear 5" and 6" (DN125 and 150) 2-1/2" (65 mm) Travel 8" (DN200) 3" (75 mm) Materials No. linear and fast opening flow characteristic options. PN16. When used in conjunction with a pneumatic linear actuator the ‘C’ series valve will provide characterised modulating or on/off control. Technical data Unbalanced plug Plug design PTFE sealed balanced plug Graphite sealed balanced plug Trim design Cage trim with equal percentage. See ‘C’ series valve options Technical Information Sheet TI-F12-23-US. PN63. ANSI 600 (Raised face or ring type joint). Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. PN40. Stem seal PTFE chevron. PN25.11 . Compatible actuators and positioners: Pneumatic actuators PN1000 series. ASME VIII standards in sizes 5" to 8" (DN125 to DN200) available with ANSI and PN flange connections. 86 TI-F12-33-US 08. graphite packing and bellows. ANSI 300. Two Port Control Valves Description The CE63 series is a range of alloy steel two port. low noise and anti-cavitation (single and multi-cage). Balanced or unbalanced to ANSI Class IV. hard faced. control valves conforming to ANSI B16. fast opening (on/off) Trim characteristics.5 bar g) Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: (ANSI 600) 2160 psi g (149 bar g) Maximum differential pressure See relevant actuator TI Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. 6" and 8" (DN125. 150 and 200) Flanged to ANSI 150.Control Valves Globe Control Valves CE63 5" (DN125) to 8" (DN200) Stainless Steel Cage Design. spring-to-close PN2000 series. Sizes and pipe connections 5". In the interests of development and improvement of the product. V or VI Plug shut-off. soft seat. we reserve the right to change the specification. Installation The valve should be installed in a horizontal pipeline with the direction of flow as indicated by the arrow on the valve nameplate.833 Kvs = Cv (US) x 0..85 6" (DN150) 386 (330) 0. 200 A PN25 . Temperature ° F 1004  A  800  600 A  400  200 C H  0 0  200 Steam saturation curve D E  400 J F G K  300  200 100  0  600  800  1000  1200  1400 Pressure psi g The product must not be used in this region.85 Three reduced Cv are available for equal percentage and linear trims. Two Port Control Valves T = AISI 431 hardened G = PTFE soft seat W = Hard face AISI 316 C = Standard cage P = Noise reducing perforated cage A = Anti-cavitation cage 1 = One 2 = Two 3 = Three = To be specified B = Balanced U = Unbalanced S = Standard H = Extended for high temperature L = Extended for low temperature 0 = No reduction 1 = 1 reduction 2 = 2 reductions 3 = 3 reductions 5" C E 6 3 P T C 1 B S 0 Cv To be specified Cv 293 Connection type To be specified ANSI 300 5" C E 6 3 P T C 1 B S 0 Cv 293 ANSI 300 5" 6" 8" Valve size DN125 DN150 DN200 How to order Example: 1 off 5" CE63 PTCBSO Cv 293 flanged to ANSI 300. 0  10 B Control Valves CE63 5" (DN125) to 8" (DN200) Stainless Steel Cage Design. 2004 TI-F12-33-US 08. Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood. Size Equal % Cv (Kvs) FL 5" (DN125) 293 (250) 0.Operating range for body material and flange type only. Inc..PN40 (425) (473) (568) Valve series C = Cage trim ANSI 600 18" 20" 24" E = Equal percentage PN63 . ‘C’ series valve selection guide 5" 6" 8" Valve size DN125 DN150 DN200 Valve size 5". 150.11 87 . Weights 264 396 660 (120) (180) (300) Spare parts See TI-F12-22-US Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. Full instructions are supplied with the product. for further details see TI-F12-23-US ‘C’ series valve options. The actuator position will depend on the type fitted to the valve.855 Sizing Please consult Spirax Sarco. Inc. For conversion Cv (UK) = Cv (US) x 0. 6" and 8" ANSI 300 16-3/4" 18-5/8" 22-3/8" DN125. A-C PN16 A-D PN25 A-E PN40 A-F PN63 A-G PN100 B-H ANSI 150 B-J ANSI 300 B-K ANSI 600 Dimensions (approximate) in inches and (mm) Temperature ° C Pressure bar g 20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90 103  Cv (US) for single stage trims (Kvs shown in brackets).PN100 (457) (508) (610) F = Fast opening Valve 6-1/2" 7" 8-1/4" B characteristic L = Linear (165) (178) (210) M = Modified equal percentage 11-3/8" 13-6/16" 14-5/8" C Body material 6 = Stainless steel (290) (339) (370) 2 = Butt weld (5" to 8") Extended 16-11/16" 18-11/16" 19-14/16" Connections 3 = Flanged C1 bonnet (425) (474) (505) P = PTFE chevron Bellows sealed 27" 29" 30-1/4" Stem sealing H = Graphite bonnet (690) (739) (770) options B = Bellows Seating options Type of trim Number of stages Other Trim balancing Bonnet type Reduced trim C1 C B A Weights (approximate) in lbs and (kg) Globe Control Valves Valve flow coefficients at 100% lift Note: See limiting conditions for stem and plug limitations.85 8" (DN200) 560 (480) 0. . Inc.. Blythewood.Control Valves Globe Control Valves Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 88 . Also state the information shown in the ‘C’ series valve selection guide. 3". serial number FR00001. and date code of the valve.Valve seat and valve gasket kit for a 2" CE43PTC1US1 Cv35 valve. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. cage and reduction adaptor) K Note: A ‘valve gasket kit’ should be ordered with the above items. ‘C’ series valve selection guide Valve size 1". 40.Control Valves Globe Control Valves ‘C’ Series Valve Spares Spare parts The spare parts available for the CE43. Date coded M00. 80. 1-1/2". flanged to ANSI 300. 4". are detailed below. 125. 100.07 89 . Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Available spares Actuator clamping nut A Gland seal kit PTFE seal set B Graphite packing set C Valve plug D Valve stem E Graphite gasket F1 Bonnet Spacer F2 Valve gasket kit Spiral wound gasket F3 Seat F4 Adaptor gasket F5 Piston seal kit Graphite G PTFE H Valve seat I Valve cage J Reduction kit (seat. CE63 and CE83 valves. 5". 65. the serial number. How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed ‘Available spares’. we reserve the right to change the specification. ‘C’ Series valve A B or C F1 F2 F3 E D J G or H F4 I How to order example F5 K Note: When placing an order for spares please indicate clearly the model number. and 8" DN25. 1-1/2" and 2") 3 P = PTFE chevron Stem sealing H = Graphite options B = Bellows T = AISI 431 hardened Seating options G = PTFE soft seat W = Hard stellite AISI 316 P T C = Standard cage Type of trim P = Noise reducing perforated cage A= Anti-cavitation cage C 1 = One Number of 2 = Two stages 3 = Three Other = To be specified 1 Trim balancing B = Balanced U = Unbalanced U 1 . serial number and date code (found on the label of the valve body) to ensure that the order is processed quickly. 1" to 8" (DN25 to DN200). S = Standard Bonnet type H = Extended for high temperature L = Extended for low temperature S Reduced trim 1 How to fit spares Cv To be specified Cv 35 Connection type To be specified ANSI 300 Full instructions are given in the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the spare. 150 and 200 2" Valve series C = Cage trim C Valve characteristic L = Linear E = Equal percentage F = Fast opening M = Modified equal percentage E Body material Connections 4 = Carbon steel 6 = Stainless steel 8 = Alloy steel 4 2 = Butt weld (2" to 8") 3 = Flanged 4 = Socket weld (1". efficiently and correctly. 50. 2" C E 4 3 0 1 2 3 = = = = P No reduction 1 reduction 2 reductions 3 reductions T C 1 U S 1 Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. 2". 2-1/2". 6". No other parts are supplied as spares. Cv 35 ANSI 300 TI-F12-22-US 6. 100. 1-1/2". The options relate to valve stem sealing. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. 50. 1-1/2" and 2") P = PTHE chevron Stem sealing H = Graphite options B = Bellows = = = = 4 3 P T = AISI 431 hardened Seating options G = PTFE soft seat W = Hard face AISI 316 C = Standard cage Type of trim P = Noise reducing perforated cage A = Anti-cavitation cage 1 Number of 2 stages 3 Other E One Two Three To be specified T C 1 B = Balanced Trim balancing U = Unbalanced U S = Standard Bonnet type H = Extended for high temperature L = Extended for low temperature S Reduced trim 1 0 1 2 3 = = = = No reduction 1 reduction 2 reductions 3 reductions Cv To be specified Cv 35 Connection type To be specified ANSI 300 2" C E 4 3 P T C 1 U S 1 Cv 35 ANSI 300 How to order Example: 1 of 2" CE43 PTC1US1 Cv35 flanged to ANSI 300. 125. 3". 65. Valve characteristics See typical flow characteristic curves chart opposite The standard characteristic for the ‘C’ series valve is equal percentage (E). 4". 40.07 . 80. trim materials. They are described in (and may be selected from) this TI. we reserve the right to change the specification. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. 6" & 8 Valve size DN25. valve flow characteristics and Cv capacity values. 150 & 200 2" Valve series Valve characteristic Body material Connections C C = L = E = F = M = 4 = 6 = 8 = 2 = 3 = 4 = Cage trim Linear Equal percentage Fast opening Modified equal percentage Carbon steel Stainless Steel Alloy Steel Butt weld (2" to 8") Flanged Socket weld (1".Control Valves Globe Control Valves ‘C’ Series Valve Options Description Fast opening Typical valve flow characteristics Flow % The Spirax Sarco ‘C’ series valve range has a number of available options. however the following options are available: Equal percentage E Linear L Fast opening F Modified equal percentage M Note: Modified special characteristic trims are designed upon request. Valve stem sealing PTFE chevron (P) Design temperature Material 14°F to 482°F (-10°C to +250°C) PTFE chevron Graphite (H) Design temperature 14°F to 572°F (-10°C to +300°C) standard bonnet 14°F to 1004°F (-10°C to +540°C) extended bonnet Bellows (B) Design temperature Material Pressure rating 14°F to 752°F (-10°C to +400°C) Carbon steel housing ASTM 216 WCB ANSI 150 Plug and seat treatment Hardened (T) Design temperature Material Leakage 14°F to 797°F (-10°C to +425°C) Stainless steel AISI 431 ANSI Class IV PTFE soft seat (G) Design temperature Material Leakage 14°F to 356°F (-10°C to +180°C) PTFE ANSI Class VI Hard face (W) Design temperature Material Leakage 14°F to 1004°F (-10°C to +540°C) Hard faced stellite AISI 316 ANSI Class IV or V Single and multiple stage cage Noise reducing perforated cage (P) Design temperature 14°F to 1004°F (-10°C to +540°C) Material Stainless steel AISI 316 ENC Anti-cavitation cage (A) Design temperature Material Stainless steel 14°F to 662°F (-10°C to +350°C) AISI 316 ENC Linear Equal percentage ‘C’ series valve selection guide Valve opening % 1". 2". 5". 90 TI-F12-23-US 6. 2-1/2". In the interests of development and improvement of the product. 5) 15 (13) 30 (26) 45 (39) 75 (64) 95 (81) 145 (124) Reduction 2 10 (8.5) 25 (21. Type of cage trim Flow characteristic One stage standard Fast opening linear and Equal % Travel Full area One stage Modified low noise Equal % Equal % Linear Two stage low noise Modified (Flow under) Equal % 1-1/2" DN40 2" DN50 2-1/2" DN65 3/4" (20mm) 1-3/16" (30mm) 19 (16) 35 (30) 63 (54) Linear Three stage Modified low noise (Flow under) Equal % Equal % 6" DN150 8" DN200 3" (75mm) 2-1/2" (65mm) 95 (81) 130 (111) 216 (185) 293 (250) 386 (330) 560 (480) 95 Reduction 2 35 (30) 63 (54) 95 (81) 130 (111) 216 (185) 293 (250) Reduction 3 19 (16) 35 63 (54) 19 (16) (81) 130 (111) 216 (185) 293 (250) 386 (330) (30) 95 (81) 130 (111) 216 (185) 15 (13) 35 (30) 60 (51) 100 (86) 140 (120) 250 (214) 320 (274) 425 (364) 650 (556) Reduction 1 15 (13) 35 (30) 60 (51) 100 (86) 140 (120) 250 (214) 320 (274) 425 (364) Reduction 2 35 (30) 60 (51) Reduction 3 15 (13) 35 Maximum 85 (73) 120 (103) 15 (13) 30 (26) 15 (13) 55 (47) Reduction 1 15 (13) 30 (26) Reduction 2 55 (47) (30) 100 (86) 140 (120) 250 (214) 320 (274) 60 (51) 100 (86) 140 (120) 250 (214) 200 (171) 250 (214) 360 (308) 530 (453) 85 (73) 120 (103) 200 (171) 250 (214) 360 (308) 15 (13) 30 (26) 55 (47) 85 (73) 120 (103) 200 (171) 250 (214) Reduction 3 15 (13) 30 (26) 55 (47) Maximum 75 (64) 95 (81) 150 (128) 210 (178) 280 (240) 425 (364) 15 (13) 25 (21) 45 (39) 85 (73) 120 (103) 200 (171) Reduction 1 15 (13) 25 (21) 45 (39) 75 (64) 95 (81) Reduction 2 15 (13) 25 (21) 45 (39) 75 (64) Reduction 3 15 (13) 25 (21) 45 (39) Maximum 17 (14.5) 25 (21.5) 95 75 46 (39) Reduction 3 Reduction 2 150 (128) 210 (178) 280 (240) 17 (14. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.5) 15 (13) 30 (26) 45 75 (64) (39) Maximum 7 (6) 10 (8.5) 30 (26) 55 (47) 75 10 (8.5) 30 (26) 55 (47) 7 (6) 7 (6) Reduction 3 Three stage anti-cavitation Linear (Flow over) 5" DN125 63 (54) Reduction 2 One stage anti-cavitation Linear (Flow over) 4" DN100 2" (50mm) 1-1/2" (38mm) Reduction 3 Equal % 3" DN80 Reduction 1 19 (16) 35 (30) Maximum Linear 1" DN25 Maximum Globe Control Valves Cv (Kvs) by valve size and trim reduction Valve side 15 (13) 30 (26) 55 (47) Reduction 1 15 (13) 30 (26) Reduction 2 15 (13) 7 (6) 85 (73) 120 (103) 55 (47) 85 (47) 75 (64) 115 (99) (64) 200 (171) 250 (214) 360 (308) 530 (453) (73) 120 (103) 200 (171) 250 (214) 360 (308) 30 (26) 55 (47) 85 (73) 120 (103) 200 (171) 250 (214) Reduction 3 15 (13) 30 (26) 55 (47) Maximum 15 (13) 26 (22) 43 (37) 65 (56) 115 (98) Reduction 1 15 (13) Reduction 2 85 (73) 120 (103) 200 (171) 155 (133) 230 (197) 400 (342) 26 (22) 43 (37) 65 15 (13) 26 (22) 43 (37) 65 (56) 115 (98) 155 (133) 15 (13) 26 43 Reduction 3 (56) 115 (22) (98) 155 (133) 230 (197) (37) 65 (56) 115 (98) For conversion Cv (UK) = Cv (US) x 0.833 Kvs = Cv (US) x 0.5) 28 (24) Reduction 2 (39) 70 (60) 125 (107) 170 (145) (24) 46 (39) 115 (98) 65 Reduction 1 15 (13) Reduction 1 13 (11) (81) 150 (128) 28 26 (22) 22 (19) 95 70 Maximum 15 (13) Maximum 13 (11) (81) 150 (128) 210 (178) (64) 46 17 (14.5) 28 (24) 46 (39) 70 (60) 125 (107) 170 (145) 250 (214) 440 (376) Reduction 1 17 (14.5) 25 (21...5) 15 (13) 45 (39) 75 (64) Reduction 1 (52) 110 13 (11) 30 (26) 85 (73) 95 (81) 145 (124) 250 (214) 10 (8.5) 28 (24) 43 (37) (56) (60) 125 (107) 170 (145) 250 (214) 26 (22) 43 (37) 65 (56) 115 26 (22) 43 (37) 15 (13) 26 (22) 40 (34) 60 (52) 110 (94) 70 (60) 125 (107) 155 (133) 230 (197) 400 (342) 15 (13) (98) 155 (133) 230 (197) 65 (56) 115 (98) 155 (133) 43 (37) 65 (56) 115 (98) 145 (125) 210 (180) 370 (317) 22 (19) 40 (34) 60 13 (11) 22 (19) 40 (34) 60 (52) 110 (94) 145 (125) Reduction 3 13 (11) 22 (19) 40 (34) 60 Maximum 13 (11) 20 (17) 50 (43) 85 (73) 105 (90) 155 (133) 280 (240) Reduction 2 Reduction 1 13 (11) Reduction 2 35 (30) (52) 110 (94) 145 (125) 210 (180) (94) 20 (17) 35 (30) 50 (43) 85 (73) 105 (90) 155 (133) 20 (17) 35 (30) 50 (43) 85 (73) 105 (90) (17) 35 (30) 50 (43) Reduction 3 13 (11) 20 Maximum 10 (8.5) 30 (26) 55 (47) 75 (64) 115 (99) 200 (171) Reduction 1 10 (8.5) 30 (26) 55 10 (8. Blythewood.Control Valves ‘C’ Series Valve Options Valve capacities Flow coefficient Cv (US) depending on the various trim options .5) 15 (13) 30 (26) 45 (39) 75 (64) 95 (81) Reduction 3 10 (8.855 Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-F12-23-US 6.5) 25 (21.07 91 . Inc.Kvs values are shown in brackets. Control Valves Linear Actuators TN2000 Series Pneumatic Piston Actuators for 6" and 8" SPIRA-TROL Series Control Valves Description The TN2000 series pneumatic piston actuators are designed for use with 6" and 8" SPIRA-TROL control valves. There are three versions available: Single-acting (with spring), Double-acting (with spring) and Double-acting (no spring) for matching the requirements of valves at various differential pressures and in a variety of applications. Technical data Temperature range 5°F to 230°F (-15°C to +110°C) Maximum operating inlet pressure 150 psig (10 bar g) Air supply connection " screwed NPT Actuator travel 2¾" (70 mm) Available types SE = Single-acting, spring-extend SR = Single-acting, spring-retract DE = Double-acting, spring assisted (extend) DR = Double-acting, spring assisted (retract) DA = Double-acting, no spring Optional extra Manual handwheel G J H F TN2277SE Dimensions / weights TN2277SRH (approximate) inches and pounds Actuator range F G H J TN2277SE and variants 34 TN2277DE and variants 34 TN2277SR and variants 34 TN2277DR and variants 34 TN227NDA and variants 34 21 21 21 21 21 47 47 44.5 44.5 - 13 13 13 13 13 Weight Actuator With handwheel 255 + 4.6 255 + 4.6 255 + 4.2 255 + 4.2 216 - Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. In the interests of development and improvement of the product, we reserve the right to change the specification. 92 TI-P327-01-US 11.11 32 Control Valves TN2000 Series Pneumatic Piston Actuators for 6" and 8" SPIRA-TROL Series Control Valves Materials Linear Actuators 21 15 23 3 16 10 31 19 9 29 18 8 5 4 6 30 10 16 15 17 31 2 26 7 22, 27, 28 24 14 11 25 33 12 13 1 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Part Yoke Lower cylinder end cap Upper cylinder end cap Cylinder Piston Spring Spindle Spindle sleeve Lock-nut Bearing and seal insert Indicator plate Top connector Bottom connector Connector Rod seal wiper DU plain bearing Long nut Nut and threaded bar Threaded bar " NPT vent plug (not shown) Cover Scale Nut Lock-nut Cap screw Bolt Pan head screw Nut 'O' ring 'O' ring 'O' ring Spring washer Spring washer M27 M12 M12 M20 M12 M2.5 M12 M10 Material SG iron SG iron BS EN 1563 GJS 400 18U-LT SG iron BS EN 1563 GJS 400 18U-LT Composite tube SG iron Chrome vanadium steel Stainless steel Carbon steel (plated) Carbon steel (plated) Carbon steel (plated) Stainless steel Carbon steel (plated) Carbon steel (plated) Stainless steel Polyurethane PTFE / steel composite Carbon steel (plated) Carbon steel (plated) Carbon steel (plated) LD Polyethylene PVC Stainless steel Carbon steel (plated) Stainless steel Carbon steel (plated) Stainless steel Carbon steel (plated) Carbon steel (plated) Fluorocarbon rubber (Viton) Fluorocarbon rubber (Viton) Fluorocarbon rubber (Viton) Carbon steel (plated) Carbon steel (plated) Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P327-01-US 11.11 93 Control Valves Linear Actuators TN2000 Series Pneumatic Piston Actuators for 6" and 8" SPIRA-TROL Series Control Valves How to use the sizing data: The following tables supply guidance as to the sizing of the TN2000 when it is used on the SPIRA-TROL K and L series control valves. To select a suitable actuator: - Identify the column containing the valve and gland material selected. - Identify the maximum operating pressure condition, including any transient pressures likely to occur, within the selected column. - Read back to the left hand side of the table to identify the suitable actuator for the application. For conditions outside of those illustrated please contact Spirax Sarco. NOTE: DE, DR and DA actuators require a double acting positioner. SE and SR actuators require a single acting positioner. Unbalanced flow under applications Caution 1: Maximum operating air pressure onto the actuator must not exceed 150 psig. Caution 2: DE and DR versions must not exceed 120 psig. Maximum differential pressures for Class IV shut-off Unbalanced valves KEA with PTFE (P) or Graphite stem seal (H) Actuator TN2277SE TN2277DE TN2277SR TN2277NDA Actuator operating air pressure (psig) 60 min. 90 120 105 75 90 105 120 135 150 Valve maximum differential pressure 6" PTFE 8" Graphite PTFE Graphite 33 29 - - 522 685 276 326 407 489 570 652 733 518 681 276 322 403 485 566 648 729 279 371 145 169 215 261 306 352 398 277 369 145 167 212 258 304 350 396 Maximum differential pressures for Class VI shut-off Soft seated unbalanced valves KEA with PTFE (P) or Graphite stem seal (H) Actuator TN2277SE TN2277DE TN2277SR TN227NDA Actuator operating air pressure (psig) Valve maximum differential pressure 6" PTFE 8" Graphite PTFE Graphite 60 min. 110 106 62 60 90 599 595 337 335 120 740 740 429 426 105 362 348 203 203 75 403 399 226 224 90 484 480 272 270 105 566 562 318 316 120 647 643 364 362 135 729 725 410 407 150 740 740 456 453 Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 94 TI-P327-01-US 11.11 Control Valves TN2000 Series Pneumatic Piston Actuators for 6" and 8" SPIRA-TROL Series Control Valves Linear Actuators Unbalanced flow over applications Recommended for On-Off Applications ONLY Caution 1: Maximum operating air pressure onto the actuator must not exceed 150 psig. Caution 2: DE and DR versions must not exceed 120 psig. Maximum differential pressures for Class IV shut-off Unbalanced valves KEA with PTFE (P) or Graphite stem seal (H) Actuator Actuator operating air pressure (psig) Valve maximum differential pressure 6" 8" PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite TN2277SE 60 min. 450 450 251 251 TN2277SR 60 min. 189 185 106 103 60 521 517 291 288 TN2277DR 90 687 683 383 381 120 740 740 476 474 TN227NDA 75 392 388 219 217 90 475 471 265 263 105 558 554 311 309 120 641 637 358 355 135 724 720 404 402 150 740 740 450 448 Maximum differential pressures for Class VI shut-off Soft seated unbalanced valves KEA with PTFE (P) or Graphite stem seal (H) Actuator TN2277SE TN2277SR TN2277DR TN227NDA Actuator operating air pressure (psig) 60 min. Valve maximum differential pressure 6" PTFE 8" Graphite PTFE Graphite 460 455 256 254 105 189 185 106 103 60 521 517 291 288 90 687 683 383 381 120 740 740 476 474 75 392 388 219 217 90 475 471 265 263 105 558 554 311 309 120 641 637 348 355 135 724 720 404 402 150 740 740 450 448 Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P327-01-US 11.11 95 Linear Actuators Control Valves TN2000 Series Pneumatic Piston Actuators for 6" and 8" SPIRA-TROL Series Control Valves Balanced applications Maximum differential pressures for Class IV shut-off Balanced valves KEA with PTFE (P) or Graphite stem seal (H) Actuator TN2277SE TN2277DE TN2277SR TN227NDA Actuator operating air pressure (psig) 60 min. 15 105 75 90 105 120 135 150 DN125 PTFE Valve maximum differential pressure DN150 Graphite PTFE Graphite 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 Actuator TN2277SE TN2277SR TN227NDA 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 Condition Spring thrust Spring thrust 75 psi g 90 psi g 105 psi g 120 psi g 135 psi g 150 psi g 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 DN200 PTFE Graphite 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 Thrust (lbf) 3,150 3,150 10,900 13,140 15,380 17,610 19,840 22,070 TN2000 series selection guide: Type TN Series 2 = 2000 series Actuator size 2 = 993 cm2 Valve travel 7 = 70 mm 7 = with spring Spring rating N = double-acting (no spring) SE = Single-acting, spring-extend SR = Single-acting, spring-retract Action DE = Double-acting, spring assisted (extend) DR = Double-acting, spring assisted (retract) DA = Double-acting, no spring Manual override Selection example:  H = Handwheel (optional) not available for the NDA version TN 2 2 7 7 SE How to order  Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco TN2277SE pneumatic piston actuator. Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 96 TI-P327-01-US 11.11 Control Valves TN2000 Series Pneumatic Piston Actuators for 6" and 8" SPIRA-TROL Series Control Valves Spare parts The spare parts available are common across the range of actuators detailed in this document. 29. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Example: 1 . 27 and 28 Spirax Sarco. Inc. 27. No other parts are available as spares.. A A B C 15. 28 Travel indicator kit 6 Spring Handwheel A EH kit B RH kit C How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares' and state the actuator model. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P327-01-US 11. 31 'O' ring kit 22. 30 and 31 6 22. 30.11 97 . Blythewood. Available spares Linear Actuators TN2000 series selection guide: 15.. 29.'O' ring kit for a Spirax Sarco TN2277SE pneumatic piston actuator. 77 8. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.0 2.2 13. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.0 2.5 5.4 15.9 6 13.2 15. we reserve the right to change the specification.6 6.3 27 59.8 27 59.4°F to 230°F (.77 8.8 13.8 Weights Actuator Handwheel Kg lb Kg lb 6 13.86 12.2 13.0 16.2 15.12 .4 7.4 3.3 27 59.4 15.8 13.4 mm 55 140 68 152 65 152 65 152 65 152 65 152 410 410 PN9337RH H in 2.1 mm 225 225 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 J in 8.8 14.8 13.2 13.8 13.8 11.8 13.1 16.5 17 37.8 13.77 8.2 12.2 15.2 27 59. reference has been made to the PN actuator.6 6.7 6.3 17 37.2 2.4 21 46.8 13.4 15.4 21 46.4 3.77 8.4 3.Control Valves Linear Actuators PN9000 Series Pneumatic Actuators for SPIRA-TROL K and L Series Control Valves Description The PN9000 series actuators are a compact range of linear actuators that are available in 3 diaphragm sizes for matching the requirements of valves at various differential pressures.2 5.20°C to +110°C) PN9100 87 psig (6 bar g) Maximum operating PN9200 87 psig (6 bar g) inlet pressure PN9300 58 psig (4 bar g) Air supply connection ¼" NPT PN9100 20 mm Actuator travel PN922_ and PN932_ 20 mm PN923_ and PN933_ 30 mm J H J H G F F F G G PN9100 Actuator Range PN9100E and variants PN9100R and variants PN9200E and variants PN9200R and variants PN9230E and variants PN9230R and variants PN9320E and variants PN9320R and variants PN9330E and variants PN9330R and variants PN9336E and variants PN9336R and variants PN9337E and variants PN9337R and variants PN9200EH mm 275 275 300 300 360 360 325 325 335 335 335 335 335 335 F in 10.2 mm 170 170 300 300 300 300 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 390 G Dimensions in 6.2 14.0 2.8 11.7 6.77 8.4 15.4 7.4 7.2 15.6 6.7 11.4 3.77 8.8 11.0 2.3 17 37.4 7.8 13.9 8.9 13.4 3.4 15.6 6. 98 TI-P357-30-US 7.8 27 59.4 15.8 15.8 13.4 15.8 27 59. which provides good linearity over the operating stroke.8 11.2 5.2 13.8 10.2 13.8 13. Technical data Temperature range .4 3. Available types Optional extra Suffix E = Spring-extend PN = Standard PNP = Electroless nickel plated Suffix R = Spring-retract Manual handwheel Suffix H Stainless steel bolting Suffix S Important note: Throughout this document.5 2.8 17 37.2 Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.8 13.8 11.3 27 59.3 27 59.8 12.8 13. Each actuator is fitted with a mechanical travel indicator and incorporates a fully-rolling diaphragm. Inc. Blythewood. 8.. 8.8 Gr.8 A2 .12 99 . 8. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Part Yoke Upper diaphragm housing Diaphragm plate Diaphragm Spring Spindle Washer Spacer 'O' ring Connector Adaptor 12 Collar 13 14 15 16 17 18 Clamp front Clamp rear Scale Vent plug Bearing Seal 19 20 Pan head screw Nyloc nut 21 Bolt 22 23 24 Hex. 8. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.70 A2 .70 A2 .70 A2 .70 A2 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P357-30-US 7.70 Gr.70 A2 ..8 A2 . head screw (long) Nut 25 Lock-nut 26 27 Socket head screw Nut 28 29 30 31 Washer Screw Gasket Lower diaphragm housing 32 Lifting eye Linear Actuators Materials PN9000 PNP9000 PN9000S PN9000 PNP9000 PN9000S PN9000 PNP9000 PN9000S PN9000 PNP9000 PN9000S PN9000 PNP9000 PN9000S PN9000 PNP9000 PN9000S Material SG iron Carbon steel (plated) Aluminium Reinforced NBR Spring steel Stainless steel Carbon steel (plated) Carbon steel (plated) Viton Stainless steel Stainless steel Carbon steel Stainless steel Stainless steel 316L Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel Brass PTFE / steel composite Polyurethane Carbon steel (plated) Stainless steel Stainless steel Carbon steel (plated) Carbon steel (plated) Stainless steel Stainless steel Carbon steel (plated) Stainless steel Stainless steel Carbon steel (plated) Stainless steel Stainless steel Carbon steel (plated) Carbon steel (plated) Reinforced graphite Carbon steel (plated) Cast steel Cast steel Stainless steel 316L BS 970 431 S29 BS 970 431 S29 A2 .70 Gr.8 Spirax Sarco.70 Gr.Control Valves PN9000 Series Pneumatic Actuators for SPIRA-TROL K and L Series Control Valves 16 32 2 5 21 28 22 and 23 24 8 9 3 4 7 29 31 30 17 18 6 25 10 12 15 19 and 20 26 and 27 13 and 14 11 1 No. head screw (short) Hex. Stem seal kit for a PN9120 pneumatic actuator. 27 Linkage kit (suitable for Mk1 and SPIRA-TROL valves) How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares' and state the actuator model. 30 Stem seal kit 4. 26. 18.. 19.. 5 4 9 30 17 18 15. 9 Diaphragm kit 15.12 . Inc. Example: 1 . Available spares 17.Control Valves Linear Actuators PN9000 Series Pneumatic Actuators for SPIRA-TROL K and L Series Control Valves Spare parts The only spares available are clearly indicated below and are common for both spring-extend and spring-retract versions. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 100 TI-P357-30-US 7. 20 Travel indicator kit 5 Spring kit 10. Blythewood. 14. 19 and 20 26 and 27 10 13 and 14 Spirax Sarco. 13. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. 60 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 546 519 PN9233E 31 . - Identify the maximum operating pressure condition.30 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 327 154 115 100 72 PN9236E 16-30 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 327 154 115 100 72 PN9222E 9 .30 PN9236E 16 .51 740 740 506 489 309 299 Bellows and PTFE or Graphite stem seal Actuator Spring Range Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 2 1/2” PN9226E 15 .18 740 740 740 740 740 712 646 557 254 215 171 143 PN9330E 6 . within the selected column.12 101 .18 PN9322E 9 . Class VI shut-off - Providing shut-off of the valve to the requirements of BS 5793-4 (IEC 60534-4) class VI. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.30 PN9222E 186 297 126 89 740 55 31 740 673 137 475 170 525 49 34 14 333 156 118 101 74 168 85 46 50 23 30 536 422 63 354 138 422 55 322 208 256 14 14 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 346 307 236 209 9 . Blythewood. For conditions outside of those illustrated please contact Spirax Sarco.60 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 96 36 PN9320E 6 .15 677 460 513 342 315 200 250 162 82 44 49 21 PN9320E 6 .60 PN9336E 15 .18 360 345 360 251 254 139 203 114 62 23 34 PN9322E 9 .15 49 23 24 PN9337E 36 . Inc.30 3” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 185 159 111 94 63 52 180 154 107 91 61 50 360 266 256 141 9 .15 140 PN9123E 30 . - Read back to the left hand side of the table to identify the suitable actuator for the application.PN9000E PTFE or Graphite stem seal Actuator Spring Range Maximum Differential Pressures (psi) 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PN9126E 15 ..15 740 740 740 740 608 493 477 389 180 142 119 91 PN9223E 30 .51 360 360 360 Spirax Sarco.Control Valves PN9000 Series Pneumatic Actuators for SPIRA-TROL K and L Series Control Valves Linear Actuators How to use the sizing data: The following tables supply guidance as to the sizing of the PN9000 when it is used on the SPIRA-TROL K and L series valves. Maximum differential pressures for Class IV shut-off . Two conditions are illustrated in tabular form: Class IV shut-off - Providing shut-off of the valve to the requirements of BS 5793-4 (IEC 60534-4) class IV.60 PN9320E 3 ..18 691 PN9230E 6 .60 740 PN9220E 3 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P357-30-US 7. To select a suitable actuator: - Identify the column containing the valve and gland material selected.15 201 PN9220E 6 .15 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 442 404 305 278 PN9336E PN9332E PN9337E 118 92 68 51 36 26 293 267 180 163 106 95 81 55 44 28 21 11 15 .15 149 PN9223E 30 .15 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 250 212 168 PN9332E 4” 34 PN9233E 31 .30 403 PN9122E 9 . including any transient pressures likely to occur.18 PN9226E 15 .15 157 131 93 76 51 41 36 .30 288 261 176 160 103 93 9 . 30 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 420 381 299 272 PN9236E 16 .15 204 178 130 114 81 71 PN9337E 36 .15 740 740 740 740 740 648 590 501 254 216 181 154 PN9226E 15 .12 .18 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 670 328 289 233 206 PN9322E 9 .15 PN9330E 6 .60 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE 225 178 118 91 39 PN9222E 9 .Linear Actuators Control Valves PN9000 Series Pneumatic Actuators for SPIRA-TROL K and L Series Control Valves Maximum differential pressures for Class VI shut-off . Inc.15 360 145 285 114 190 75 147 58 63 24 44 17 15 . Blythewood...60 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 609 582 PN9233E 30 .51 360 360 360 360 296 285 Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 102 4" 27 PN9226E 360 3" TI-P357-30-US 7.18 128 102 82 65 51 40 15 .PN9000E PTFE or Graphite stem seal Actuator Spring Range Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 1/2” 3/4” 1” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE 1 1/4” 1 1/2” Graph PTFE Graph PTFE 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PN9120E 3 .15 96 13 70 61 PN9336E 15 .30 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 228 189 162 135 PN9236E 16 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.15 61 48 31 24 PN9120E 6 .60 PN9320E 6 .30 PN9223E 30 .30 615 398 485 314 324 210 251 162 108 69 76 49 PN9123E 30 .60 740 740 740 740 690 576 534 446 230 192 164 137 PN9220E 3 .30 227 201 145 128 90 80 PN9337E 36 .60 PN9320E 3 .15 352 135 277 106 185 71 143 54 61 23 43 PN9126E 15 .15 PN9222E 9 .18 21 PN9332E 9 .18 360 360 360 360 360 294 316 227 136 97 97 69 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 324 286 231 204 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 360 360 58 31 37 20 23 12 232 206 148 131 92 82 45 38 28 360 PN9322E 9 .30 PN9223E 30 .18 199 157 104 80 34 PN9125E 6-30 199 157 104 80 34 PN9122E 9 .15 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 516 478 368 340 PN9330E PN9336E 24 24 16 61 34 39 22 24 13 165 139 106 89 66 55 340 313 217 200 135 125 6 .15 740 672 702 531 469 355 363 274 156 118 111 84 PN9320E 6 .60 PN9233E 30 .51 740 740 544 527 339 328 Bellows and PTFE or Graphite stem seal Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) Actuator designation Spring Range PN9123E 30 .15 413 196 326 155 217 103 168 79 72 34 51 24 PN9220E 6 .18 740 687 713 542 477 362 369 280 159 120 113 86 PN9230E 3 .30 334 308 214 197 133 123 PN9332E 9 . 15 PN9330R 6 .15 70 90 30 40 50 PN9220R 3 . Blythewood..18 30 40 50 60 70 90 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 30 40 50 60 70 90 20 30 40 50 60 20 30 40 50 60 450 740 740 740 740 740 640 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 234 712 740 740 740 740 424 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 334 712 740 740 740 740 485 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 163 541 740 740 740 740 314 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 195 448 700 740 740 740 296 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 81 333 586 740 740 740 181 740 740 740 740 740 740 659 740 740 740 740 158 353 549 740 740 740 235 740 740 740 740 740 740 605 740 740 740 740 69 265 460 656 740 740 147 740 740 740 740 740 740 517 740 740 740 740 42 127 211 296 381 550 76 376 675 740 740 740 740 236 740 740 740 740 88 173 258 342 512 37 337 637 740 740 740 740 197 740 740 740 740 20 80 141 201 261 382 44 258 472 685 740 740 740 158 579 740 740 740 Linear Actuators Control Valves PN9000 Series Pneumatic Actuators for SPIRA-TROL K and L Series Control Valves 53 113 174 234 355 17 230 444 658 740 740 740 130 251 371 491 611 740 104 224 345 465 585 740 76 153 230 307 384 537 59 136 213 290 367 521 41 89 137 185 233 329 30 78 126 174 222 318 243 480 716 740 216 453 690 740 147 299 451 602 131 282 434 586 86 180 275 369 75 170 264 359 131 552 740 740 740 Bellows and PTFE or Graphite stem seal Spring Air Actuator Range Pressure 50 60 PN9120R 3 .18 50 60 Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 324 107 234 63 128 14 106 17 20 360 360 360 360 360 266 301 213 104 66 64 37 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 189 151 125 97 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 358 320 245 218 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 184 145 121 94 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 335 307 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 23 143 117 84 67 46 35 263 237 161 144 94 83 360 357 238 221 142 131 360 360 315 298 190 179 360 360 360 360 286 275 360 245 343 172 201 86 162 73 44 21 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 135 109 79 62 43 32 360 346 230 213 137 127 360 360 360 360 232 221 360 360 360 360 326 316 Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.PN9000R PTFE or Graphite stem seal Actuator Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) Spring Air 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" Range Pressure PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PN9120R 3 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P357-30-US 7. Inc.15 PN9220R 3 .15 PN9230R 3 .15 60 70 90 20 30 PN9320R 3 .15 40 50 60 30 40 PN9330R 6 .12 103 ..Maximum differential pressures for Class IV shut-off .15 60 70 90 30 40 50 PN9230R 3 .15 PN9320R 3 . 18 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 20 30 40 50 60 70 90 20 30 40 50 60 20 30 40 50 60 Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 185 146 97 75 31 22 663 446 523 352 349 235 270 181 116 78 83 55 740 740 740 729 602 487 466 377 201 162 143 116 740 740 740 740 740 740 661 573 285 247 203 176 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 370 332 264 236 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 455 416 324 297 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 624 586 445 417 740 636 673 502 450 335 348 259 150 111 107 79 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 450 411 320 293 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 711 534 507 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 721 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 57 31 36 20 22 12 177 151 113 96 70 60 297 271 190 173 118 108 418 392 267 250 166 156 538 512 344 327 214 204 658 632 421 404 262 252 740 740 575 558 358 348 740 740 740 740 740 740 718 629 310 271 221 193 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 642 615 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 52 26 33 17 21 10 289 263 185 168 115 105 526 500 337 320 210 199 740 737 488 472 304 294 740 740 640 623 399 388 Bellows and PTFE or Graphite stem seal Actuator Spring Air Range Pressure PN9120R 3 .15 PN9220R 3 ..15 PN9320R 3 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.15 PN9230R 3 .15 PN9330R 6 .15 PN9230R 3 .12 .15 PN9220R 3 .Linear Actuators Control Valves PN9000 Series Pneumatic Actuators for SPIRA-TROL K and L Series Control Valves Maximum differential pressures for Class VI shut-off . Inc.15 PN9330R 6 .18 40 50 60 70 90 30 40 50 60 70 90 30 40 50 60 70 90 20 30 40 50 60 30 40 50 60 Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 58 45 30 23 360 319 360 252 282 168 218 130 94 55 66 39 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 325 178 140 127 99 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 263 225 187 160 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 308 281 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 258 219 184 156 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 70 43 44 28 27 17 190 164 121 105 75 65 310 284 198 181 123 113 360 360 275 258 171 161 360 360 352 335 219 209 360 360 360 360 315 305 360 360 360 360 355 241 275 186 118 80 84 57 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 182 156 116 99 72 62 360 360 268 251 167 156 360 360 360 360 261 251 360 360 360 360 356 345 Spirax Sarco.15 PN9320R 3 .PN9000R PTFE or Graphite stem seal Actuator Spring Air Range Pressure PN9120R 3 . Blythewood. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 104 TI-P357-30-US 7.. 0 to 2. Blythewood. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P357-30-US 7. Inc.5 to 3.2 to 1.0 to 4.Control Valves PN9000 Series Pneumatic Actuators for SPIRA-TROL K and L Series Control Valves PN = Polyester powder coated (standard) Linear Actuators PN9000 series selection guide: PNP Type           PNP = Electroless nickle plated Series 9 = 9000 series 1 = 100 cm2 Actuator size 2 = 340 cm2 3 = 670 cm2 Valve travel 2 = 20 mm 0 = 0.2 bar) 9 3 3 3 = 30 mm 3 = 2.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.5 bar (PN933_ series only Spring action E = Spring-extend 7 E R = Spring-retract Manual override H = Handwheel (optional) Stainless steel bolting S = Stainless steel bolting (optional) How to order / selection example: 1 off Spirax Sarco PNP9337E pneumatic actuator.4 to 2.4 to 1..0 bar (PN9100 series only) 6 = 1. Spirax Sarco.0 bar (option for 0.0 bar 7 = 2.12 105 .0 bar Spring rating 5 = 0. we reserve the right to change the specification. 106 12 17 TI-P320-57-US 6. Each actuator is fitted with a combined mechanical stroke indicator and anti-rotation guard. Available types Spring extend spindle actuators: PN1500 and PN1600 series. and vice versa. Technical data Temperature range -20°C to +110°C (-4°F to +230°F) Maximum operating pressure 4.Control Valves Linear Actuators PN1000 Series Spring Extend Pneumatic Actuators (for LE/LEA and KE/KEA Valves 2-1/2" to 4") Description A range of single spring linear actuators having 2 diaphragm sizes for matching the requirements of different valves at various differential pressures. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. The actuators are designed for easy conversion from spring extend to spring retract. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Part Diaphragm housing Diaphragm Diaphragm plate Spring Spindle guide Bearing Yoke Housing securing nuts and bolts Spindle Connector Travel indicator Lock plate ‘O’ ring Lock-nut Cap with vent hole Spring location washer Valve spindle adapter Material Carbon steel Reinforced nitrile rubber Stainless steel Spring steel Bronze Hardened steel Cast steel Zinc plated steel Stainless steel Zinc plated steel Stainless steel Zinc plated steel Nitrile rubber Zinc plated steel Nickel plated brass Zinc plated steel Stainless steel 15 1 8 2 16 3 13 5 9 14 7 10 11 Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.07 . without the need for special tools.5 bar (65 psi) Air supply connection PN1500 and PN1600 1/4" NPT 6 4 Materials No. Installation and Maintenance Instructions are supplied with the product. PN1000 series actuator selection table Selection should be made in conjunction with the differential pressure chart shown above and the following code: Actuation PN = Pneumatic PN Actuator action 1 = Spring to extend 1 Diaphragm size 5 5 6 Actuator travel Spring range 2 3 3 = 20 mm (3/4") = 30mm (1-3/16") = 2.. Actuator Spring Positioner Travel range model required PN1523A3 20 mm 30-60 Yes - PN1533A3 30 mm 30-60 Yes 560 PN1653B4 30 mm 30-60 Yes 725 Differential pressures shown Actuator Travel model PN1523A3 20 mm PN1533A3 30 mm PN1653B4 30 mm Maximum differential pressure (psi) 725 - - 725 - - 725 - - - 362 535 - 560 725 725 - - 725 - - - 226 336 below apply to valves with high temperature graphite (H) stem seals and metal-to-metal seats. Dimensions/weights approximate in mm (inches) and kg (pounds) Actuator A B C D E PN1500 405 (16") 513 (20-3/16") 150 (6") 231 (9") 204 (8") PN1600 465 (18-5/16") 515 (20-1/4") 150 (6") 231 (9") 204 (8") Spirax Sarco. Please consult Spirax Sarco.Differential pressures for LE/LEA and KE/KEA series valves and PN1000 series actuators (spring extend) Note: The differential pressures stated in the tables below are limited by the maximum operating pressures of the selected control valve.0 to 4. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. 2003 Weight 55 (121) 70 (154) TI-P320-57-US 6. it may be possible to increase the maximum differential pressure above that shown in the table by special setting of the actuator.07 107 .3 18.3 187 117 74 42 Linear Actuators LE and LEA. set to 30 to 60 psig. Inc. In certain circumstances with a reduced Cv value.0 bar (30 to 60 psi) 2 Yoke type A = Type A for valve sizes: DN65-100 (2-1/2" to 4") A 3 PN 1 5 2 3 A How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco PN1523A actuator. 30 Full Cv 74 2-1/2" 3 4" 20 30 20 30 20 Reduced Cv Full Cv Reduced Cv Full Cv Reduced Cv 42 29. or where reduced valve stroke is acceptable. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. low noise and anti-cavitation trims use Full Cv column. Installation Actuators should be mounted on the valve with the stem in a vertical position. Spring Positioner Maximum differential pressure (psi) range required 30-60 Yes - 725 725 725 - - 725 725 - 30-60 Yes 557 - - - 361 557 - - 224 30-60 Yes 725 - - - 533 725 - - 335 - - 362 560 535 725 725 - - - - 361 557 533 725 725 - - * For fast opening.7 1 17 74 42 29.. Blythewood. Spare parts Information regarding available spare parts is given on TI-P357-20 US. Inc. KE and KEA valve size Travel mm Valve capacity* Control Valves PN1000 Series Spring Extend Pneumatic Actuators Differential pressures shown apply to valves with standard PTFE stem seals or bellows sealed stems with either metal-to-metal or PTFE soft seat. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.Control Valves Linear Actuators PN1000 Series Spring Extend Pneumatic Actuators (for 6" and 8" Spira-Trol Valves) Description A range of single spring linear actuators having 2 diaphragm sizes for matching the requirements of different valves at various differential pressures. The actuators are designed for easy conversion from spring extend to spring retract. Available types Spring extend spindle actuators: PN1600 Technical data 6 Temperature range -20°C to +110°C (-4°F to +230°F) Maximum operating pressure 4. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Each actuator is fitted with a combined mechanical stroke indicator and anti-rotation guard. 108 1 12 17 TI-P320-56-US 08. we reserve the right to change the specification. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Part Diaphragm housing Diaphragm Diaphragm plate Spring Spindle guide Bearing Yoke Housing securing nuts and bolts Spindle Connector Travel indicator Lock plate ‘O’ ring Lock-nut Cap with vent hole Spring location washer Valve spindle adapter Material Carbon steel Reinforced nitrile rubber Stainless steel Spring steel Bronze Hardened steel Cast steel Zinc plated steel Stainless steel Zinc plated steel Stainless steel Zinc plated steel Nitrile rubber Zinc plated steel Nickel plated brass Zinc plated steel Stainless steel 15 8 2 16 3 13 5 9 14 7 10 11 Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.5 bar (65 psi) Air supply connection 1/4" NPT 4 Materials No.11 . and vice versa. without the need for special tools. Actuator Actuator PN1670 PN1676 PN1673 Closed 6 15 30 Open 18 30 60 Max air pressure PTFE 60 60 60 Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 6" 8" Graph PTFE 83 79 32 Linear Actuators Differential Pressures for PN1000 actuator .Class 4 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. Inc.Spring Extend Actuator Actuator PN1670 PN1676 PN1673 Closed 6 15 30 Open 18 30 60 Max air pressure 65 65 65 PTFE 329 281 202 Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 6" 8" Graph PTFE 333 184 285 158 206 113 Spirax Sarco.Unbalanced Flow Under .Control Valves PN1000 Series Spring Extend Pneumatic Actuators (for 6" and 8" Spira-Trol Valves) Differential pressures for KE and KEA series valves and PN1000 series actuators Note: The differential pressures stated in the tables below are limited by the maximum operating pressures of the selected control valve. Blythewood.Unbalanced Flow Over . Inc.Class 6 ..Class 4 .Spring Extend Actuator Actuator PN1670 PN1676 PN1673 Closed 6 15 30 Open 18 30 60 Max air pressure 65 65 65 PTFE 740 740 740 740 Differential Pressures for PN1000 actuator .Balanced .Spring Extend Actuator Actuator PN1670 PN1676 PN1673 Closed 6 15 30 Open 18 30 60 Max air pressure 65 65 65 PTFE 329 281 202 Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 6" 8" Graph PTFE 333 184 285 158 206 113 Graph 187 160 115 Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 6" 8" Graph PTFE Graph Differential Pressures for PN1000 actuator .Spring Extend Graph 30 Differential Pressures for PN1000 actuator .11 109 .Spring Extend Actuator Actuator PN1670 PN1676 PN1673 Closed 6 15 30 Open 18 30 60 Max air pressure 60 60 60 PTFE 28 77 159 Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 6" 8" Graph PTFE 24 43 73 43 155 90 Graph 13 41 87 Differential Pressures for PN1000 actuator .Unbalanced Flow Over .Unbalanced Flow Under .Class 4 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. 2003 Graph 187 160 115 TI-P320-56-US 08.Class 6 . . Dimensions/weights approximate in mm (inches) and kg (pounds) Actuator Actuator diaphragm A B C D E PN1600 465 (18-5/16") 515 (20-1/4") 150 (6") 247 (9-3/4") 250 (9-7/8") Spirax Sarco.0 to 4. set to 30 to 60 psig.0 bar (15 to 30 psi) 3 Yoke type B = Type B for valve sizes: DN150 . Spare parts Information regarding available spare parts is given on TI-P357-23-US. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 110 Weight 70 (154) TI-P320-56-US 08. Inc. Blythewood. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.0 to 2.4 to 1. PN1000 series actuator selection table Selection should be made in conjunction with the differential pressure chart shown above and the following code: Actuation PN Actuator action 1 = Pneumatic PN = Spring to extend 1 Diaphragm size 6 6 Actuator travel 7 = 70 mm 7 Spring range 0 3 6 = 0.2 bar (6 to 18 psi) = 2. Installation and Maintenance Instructions are supplied with the product.0 bar (30 to 60 psi) = 1..11 .200 (6" to 8") B PN 1 6 7 3 B How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco PN1553B actuator.Control Valves PN1000 Series Spring Extend Pneumatic Actuators (for 6" and 8" Spira-Trol Valves) Linear Actuators Installation Actuators should be mounted on the valve with the stem in a vertical position. .Control Valves Linear Actuators Spirax Sarco. Blythewood. Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 111 .. 5 bar) PN2000 44 psi (3. PN2500 and PN2600 ¼" NPT PN2700 ½" NPT Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. These actuators are designed to be used with the C series 2-port control valve. PN1400. PN2400. Each actuator is fitted with a combined mechanical stroke indicator and anti-rotation guard.0 bar) PN1300.07 . In the interests of development and improvement of the product. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. PN1500. PN1400. Description The range of PN1000 and PN2000 series pneumatic actuators are single spring linear actuators (with exception to the PN1700 and PN2700 series) having 5 diaphragm sizes for matching the requirements of different valves at various differential pressures. PN2600 and PN2700 series Spring retract spindle actuators Technical data Temperature range Maximum operating pressure -4°F to +230°F (-20°C to +110°C) PN1000 80 psi (5. Available types: PN1300. PN1600 and PN1700 series Spring extend spindle actuators PN2300. PN2400. PN1500 and PN1600 PN1700 ½" NPT PN2300. PN2500. we reserve the right to change the specification. 112 ¼" NPT Air supply connection TI-P357-23-US 6.Control Valves Linear Actuators PN1000 and PN2000 Series Pneumatic Actuators (for C Series Valves) PN1000 PN2000 Please note: the external profile for the PN1700 and PN2700 is different to the illustrations shown above. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33 Part Material Diaphragm housing Carbon steel Diaphragm Reinforced nitrile rubber Diaphragm plate Stainless steel Spring Spring steel Main spindle guide Bronze Auxiliary spindle guide Bronze Yoke Cast steel Housing securing nuts and bolts Zinc plated steel Main spindle Stainless steel Connector Zinc plated steel Travel indicator Stainless steel Lock plate Zinc plated steel 'O' ring Nitrile rubber Lock-nut Zinc plated steel Cap with vent hole Nickel plated brass Lock-nut Zinc plated steel Valve spindle adaptor Zinc plated steel Auxiliary spindle Stainless steel Spacer Zinc plated steel Hex. head screws Zinc plated steel 'O' ring Nitrile rubber 'V' ring Nitrile rubber 'O' ring Nitrile rubber Housing cover screws Zinc plated steel Housing cover Carbon steel Spring guide Zinc plated steel Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd..PN1300 to PN1600 33 4 23 15 1 16 8 2 3 28 24 27 26 5 25 13 9 7 14 10 11 17 12 PN1700 series spring-to-extend 6 4 15 1 8 16 2 3 5 13 9 7 14 10 11 12 17 PN1300. Inc.PN1000 series Material 1 Diaphragm housing Carbon steel 2 Diaphragm Reinforced nitrile rubber 3 Diaphragm plate Stainless steel 4 Spring Spring steel 5 Spindle guide Bronze 6 DU bearing Hardened steel 7 Yoke Cast steel 8 Housing securing nuts and bolts Zinc plated steel 9 Spindle Stainless steel 10 Connector Zinc plated steel 11 Travel indicator Stainless steel 12 Lock plate Zinc plated steel 13 'O' ring Nitrile rubber 14 Lock-nut Zinc plated steel 15 Cap with vent hole Nickel plated brass 16 Spring location washer Zinc plated steel 17 Valve spindle adaptor Stainless steel 6 32 31 Linear Actuators No. Part Control Valves Materials . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P357-23-US © Spirax Sarco. Inc..07 113 . 2007 Materials . PN1500 and PN1600 series spring-to-extend No.PN1700 6.PN1700 Materials . Blythewood. PN1400. PN2500 and PN2600 series spring-to-retract Materials . Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. head screws Zinc plated steel 'O' ring Nitrile rubber 'V' ring Nitrile rubber 'O' ring Nitrile rubber Housing cover screws Zinc plated steel Housing cover Carbon steel Spring guide Zinc plated steel Spirax Sarco.PN2300 to PN2600 No..PN2700 No. Blythewood.PN2700 Materials . PN2400. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 114 TI-P357-23-US 6..Linear Actuators Control Valves PN2000 series Materials .07 . Part Material 1 Diaphragm housing Carbon steel 2 Diaphragm Reinforced nitrile rubber 3 Diaphragm plate Stainless steel 4 Spring Spring steel 5 Spindle guide Bronze 27 5 6 DU bearing Hardened steel 7 Yoke Cast steel 3 2 24 8 8 Housing securing nuts and bolts Zinc plated steel 9 Spindle Stainless steel 10 Connector Zinc plated steel 11 Travel indicator Stainless steel 12 Lock plate Zinc plated steel 13 'O' ring Nitrile rubber 14 Lock-nut Zinc plated steel 15 Cap with vent hole Nickel plated brass 16 Spring location washer Zinc plated steel 17 Valve spindle adaptor Stainless steel 9 26 13 28 1 16 15 23 4 33 32 6 31 25 14 10 18 9 12 7 17 11 13 2 PN2700 series spring-to-retract 1 3 16 8 15 9 4 5 6 14 7 10 12 11 17 PN2300. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 32 33 Part Material Diaphragm housing Carbon steel Diaphragm Reinforced nitrile rubber Diaphragm plate Stainless steel Spring Spring steel Main spindle guide Bronze Auxiliary spindle guide Bronze Yoke Cast steel Housing securing nuts and bolts Zinc plated steel Main spindle Stainless steel Connector Zinc plated steel Travel indicator Stainless steel Lock plate Zinc plated steel 'O' ring Nitrile rubber Lock-nut Zinc plated steel Cap with vent hole Nickel plated brass Lock-nut Zinc plated steel Valve spindle adaptor Zinc plated steel Auxiliary spindle Stainless steel Spacer Zinc plated steel Hex. See overleaf for Class V shut-off. For extended bonnets and bellows seal read ‘PTFE’ or ‘graphite’ depending on seal chosen. 2007 Spirax Sarco..1" DN25 ¾" (20) Valve size Standard travel in inches and (mm) 1½" DN40 ¾" (20) 2" 2¼" DN50 DN65 1 3/16"(30) 1½" (38) 3" DN80 1½" (38) 4" DN100 2" (50) 5" 6" DN125 DN150 2-1/2"(65) 2-1/2"(65) 8" DN200 3" (75) Linear Actuators ‘C’ series valve Control Valves PN1000 and PN2000 pneumatic actuators closing pressures for 1" to 8" C series valves PN1000 and PN2000 series actuators Maximum differential pressures (psi) Class IV and VI shut-off with: UNBALANCED valves controlled by positioner PTFE chevron or graphite stem seal. Minimum air pressure psig PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Graphite 20 20 20 20 20 29 29 29 29 29 44 44 44 44 44 PTFE 20 20 20 20 20 32 32 32 32 32 61 61 61 61 61 Graphite 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 PTFE 6-18 6-18 6-18 6-18 6-18 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 30-60 30-60 30-60 30-60 30-60 Graphite PN_300 PN_400 PN_500 PN_600 PN_700 PN_300 PN_400 PN_500 PN_600 PN_700 PN_300 PN_400 PN_500 PN_600 PN_700 PTFE Spring Spring Spring Spring Positioner Actuator extend retract extend retract required PN1000 PN2000 PN1000 PN2000 Graphite Maximum differential pressure (bar) for standard valve trim with either graphite or PTFE stem seal PTFE Spring range 72 188 362 377 652 1073 870 1421 1493 - 43 159 333 348 623 1044 841 1377 1493 - 72 145 246 159 290 507 739 391 667 1073 1493 - 58 145 232 145 275 478 725 362 652 1058 1493 - 43 87 159 101 188 333 478 246 435 710 1044 - 29 87 145 87 174 319 478 232 420 696 1029 - 43 87 116 203 290 261 435 652 - 43 87 101 188 290 261 435 638 - 58 72 130 203 188 304 449 - 58 72 130 203 174 304 449 - 72 116 188 275 - 72 116 174 275 - 58 87 174 203 392 58 87 174 203 377 44 58 116 145 261 29 58 116 131 261 29 73 73 145 29 58 73 145 PN1000 and PN2000 series actuators Class IV shut-off with: Maximum differential pressures (psi) BALANCED valves controlled by positioner PTFE chevron or graphite stem seal. Graphite 20 Yes 20 Yes 20 Yes 20 Yes 20 Yes 29 Yes 29 Yes 29 Yes 29 Yes 29 Yes 44 Yes 44 Yes 44 Yes 44 Yes 44 Yes equivalent trim PTFE PN_300 6-18 3-15 20 PN_400 6-18 3-15 20 PN_500 6-18 3-15 20 PN_600 6-18 3-15 20 PN_700 6-18 3-15 20 PN_300 15-30 3-15 32 PN_400 15-30 3-15 32 PN_500 15-30 3-15 32 PN_600 15-30 3-15 32 PN_700 15-30 3-15 32 PN_300 30-60 3-15 61 PN_400 30-60 3-15 61 PN_500 30-60 3-15 61 PN_600 30-60 3-15 61 PN_700 30-60 3-15 61 Note: For reduced trims use the Graphite Spring Spring Spring Spring Positioner Actuator extend retract extend retract required PN1000 PN2000 PN1000 PN2000 Maximum differential pressure (bar) for standard valve trim with either graphite or PTFE stem seal PTFE Spring range TI-P357-23-US 6. Blythewood.07 115 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 PTFE 595 290 1204 856 841 1494 1421 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 - Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE 479 682 1494 1494 1494 - Graphite 319 812 1030 1494 1494 1494 - PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE 261 827 421 377 1494 1320 1015 580 711 392 522 1494 1494 1494 1421 1334 1015 1117 769 1494 1407 1073 725 769 450 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1276 1378 1015 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 1494 diameter. Minimum air pressure psig Graphite 522 1175 1494 1494 - 406 856 1494 1494 - 131 580 1494 1233 1494 - © Spirax Sarco. Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. Inc. For extended bonnets and bellows seal read ‘PTFE’ or ‘graphite’ depending on seal chosen. PTFE chevron or graphite stem seal.. ‘C’ series valve 1" DN25 ¾" (20) Valve size Standard travel in inches and (mm) Minimum air pressure psig 4" DN100 2" (50) 5" 6" DN125 DN150 2-1/2"(65) 2-1/2"(65) PTFE Graphite 29 131 406 276 479 1030 - Graphite 44 145 421 276 493 1044 - PTFE 116 276 725 232 493 827 1494 - Graphite 131 290 725 232 508 841 1494 - PTFE 29 247 479 1146 406 812 1305 - Graphite 58 261 493 1160 421 827 1320 - 0 0 73 73 276 261 131 174 160 319 319 174 711 6968 406 - 131 160 406 - 87 290 87 290 44 189 44 189 - - Spirax Sarco. For extended bonnets and bellows seal read ‘PTFE’ or ‘graphite’ depending on seal chosen. Inc.07 . Blythewood.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 116 8" DN200 3" (75) PTFE 261 696 1030 1494 - Graphite 305 725 1059 1494 - PTFE Graphite Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PTFE 20 20 20 20 20 29 29 29 29 29 44 44 44 44 44 Graphite 20 20 20 20 20 32 32 32 32 32 61 61 61 61 61 PTFE 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 3-15 Graphite 6-18 6-18 6-18 6-18 6-18 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 15-30 30-60 30-60 30-60 30-60 30-60 3" DN80 1½" (38) Maximum differential pressure (bar) for standard valve trim with either graphite or PTFE stem seal Spring Spring Spring Spring Positioner Actuator extend retract extend retract required PN1000 PN2000 PN1000 PN2000 PN_300 PN_400 PN_500 PN_600 PN_700 PN_300 PN_400 PN_500 PN_600 PN_700 PN_300 PN_400 PN_500 PN_600 PN_700 2" 2¼" DN50 DN65 1 3/16"(30) 1½" (38) PTFE Spring range 1½" DN40 ¾" (20) Graphite Linear Actuators Maximum differential pressures (psi) UNBALANCED valves controlled by positioner PTFE Control Valves PN1000 and PN2000 series actuators Class V shut-off with: TI-P357-23-US 6. Spirax Sarco. PN1000 PN2000 D H H D Safety information. - Weight YokeType C 30¾" (780) - . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. - 51 (23) .4 to 1. set to 6 to 18 psig. PN1000 and PN2000 series actuator selection table Actuators can be selected using the differential pressure charts (pages 4 and 5) in conjunction with the following part codes: Actuation PN = Pneumatic Actuator action Diaphragm size Actuator travel Spring range Yoke type Selection example: PN 1 5 2 0 PN 1 = Spring to extend 2 = Spring to retract 1 3 4 5 6 7 = = = = = 10" (250 mm) 12" (300 mm) 16" (400 mm) 20" (500 mm) 24" (600 mm) 5 2 3 4 5 7 = = = = = ¾" (20 mm) 13/16" (30 mm) 1½" (38 mm) 2" (50 mm) 3" (75 mm) 2 0 = 6 to 18 psi (0. Inc.07 117 . .0 to 4. installation and maintenance For full details see the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product. Installation note: Actuators should be mounted on the valve with the stem in a vertical position.2 bar) 3 = 30 to 60 psi (2.0 to 2. Blythewood. 2006 TI-P357-23-US 6..0 bar) 6 = 15 to 30 psi (1. Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.D Actuator H Yoke Type A YokeType B PN1300 and PN2300 11¼" (285) 28" (716) PN1400 and PN2400 13¼" (336) 30" (760) PN1500 and PN2500 16" (405) 31" (785) 31¾" (805) 33¾" (855) 121 (55) PN1600 and PN2600 19" (465) 34" (860) 34¾" (880) 36¾" (930) 154 (70) PN1700 and PN2700 23 " - (589) ..0 bar) 0 A = Type A for valve sizes: 1" to 2" (DN25 to DN50) B = Type B for valve sizes: 2½" to 4" (DN65 to DN100) C = Type C for valve sizes: 5" to 8" (DN125 to 200) A A How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco PN1520A pneumatic actuator. - 73 (33) - 37¾" (1070) Linear Actuators Control Valves Dimensions / weights (approximately) in inches (mm) and pounds (kg) 242 (110) Please note: the external profile for the PN1700 and PN2700 is different to the illustrations shown below. Example for PN2000: 1 Stem seal kit for a PN2520A pneumatic actuator. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Available spares Stem seal kit Spindle 'O' ring and 'V' ring and diaphragm plate 'O' ring B.. No other parts are supplied as spares. C..Control Valves Linear Actuators Spare parts The spare parts available are detailed below. Example for PN1000: 1 Stem seal kit for a PN1520A pneumatic actuator. PN1000 PN2000 B C D A E E A D C B F F J I J G H G Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 118 H I TI-P357-23-US 6. D Diaphragm kit Diaphragm A Spring kit E Set of spring(s) How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares' and state the actuator type. Blythewood.07 . Inc. Blythewood.. Inc.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.Control Valves Linear Actuators Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 119 . These actuators can be used with B Series or SPIRA-TROL L and K Series control valves. the operational status of the actuator is shown by a two color LED under the cover. 24 certified NEMA 2. Inc.Control Valves Linear Actuators Belimo NV Series Electric Actuators for ½" to 2" B Series and SPIRA-TROL L & K Series Control Valves Description The Belimo NV Series actuators are suitable for either two position or modulating control. Additionally. Overload Protection The actuator is protected against short circuiting and reverse polarity. Multi-Function Technology (MFT) An integrated microprocessor allows for a variety of parameters. to be configured in the factory or the field with a PC and Belimo software.5W Electrical Connection 3 ft. 5mm hex or phillips screwdriver Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. The spindle stroke is adapted automatically and is overload protected. UL 873. 2006 TI-1-518-US 08. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.2 No.07 .5mA max Maximum Stroke 3/4" (20mm) NVF24-MFT US 180lbf (800N) Spindle Force NVF24-MFT-E US 180lbf (800N) NVG-24-MFT-US 360lbf (1600N) Position Indication Stroke indicator on yoke Manual Override 3/16" hex. we reserve the right to change the specification. 1/2" conduit fitting Runnning Time Motor NVF 74 sec. Available Types Actuator Model NVF24-MFT-US NVF24-MFT-E-US NVG24-MFT-US Valve action in event of power failure B Series SPIRA-TROL CLOSED OPEN OPEN CLOSED STAY-PUT STAY-PUT Materials of Construction No. including control signal type. Input Impedance 500Ω for 4 to 20 mA. 0. 1500Ω for Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Feedback 2 to 10 VDC. 18 GA appliance cable.. NVG 32 sec Runnning Time Spring 30 sec. 0. 1 Operational Display The stroke is physically shown by a travel indicator on the actuator yoke. Component 1 Yoke 2 Base 3 Cover Material Aluminum die casting Aluminum die casting ABS Ambient Limits Storage temperature -40°F to 176°F (-40°C to 80°C) at 5 to 95% RH Ambient temperature 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C) at 5 to 95% RH Maximum valve media temperature 298°F (148°C)* * Equivalent to a saturated steam pressure of 50psig (3.5mA max Control Signal 4 to 20 mA w/ 500Ω resistor (to be specified Pulse Width Modulation (pulse at time of order) width to be specified by customer) Floating Point On/Off 100KΩ for 2 to 10VDC. Turning the wrench clockwise will extend the spindle. IP54 with cable entry down UL 94-5V (flammability rating) Specifications Supply Voltage 24 VAC 50/60 Hz or 24 VDC Transformer Sizing 10 VA (Class 2 power supply) Power Consumption 5. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. Spindle position will be retained until power is applied to the actuator. 3 2 Manual Operation A 3/16" or 5mm Allen wrench can be used to manually operate the actuator. At 3/4" (20mm) stroke Overload Protection Electronic throughout stroke 2 to 10 VDC. 120 © Spirax Sarco. CSA C22.5barg) Agency Listings General Housing Housing Material CE. . For reduced capacity valves.4mm] 2 to 10 VDC (-) Control Signal (+) Blk (1) Red (2) Wht (3) Linear Actuators 24 VAC Transformer Line Volts Control Valves Installation and Wiring 24 VAC Transformer Line Volts 4 to 20 mA (-) 500 Control Signal (+) 2 to 10 VDC (-) Feedback Signal (+) MFT typical 2 to 10 VDC or 4 to 20 mA wiring Blk (1) Red (2) Common + Hot Wht (3) Y 1 Input.Dimensions and Weights The valves should be installed in the horizontal line. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-1-518-US 08.07 121 .. Full instructions are supplied with the product.05" [179mm] 2 to 10 VDC (-) Feedback Signal (+) Common + Hot Y 1 Input. 2 to 10V NVF24-MFT-US NVF24-MFT-E-US Differential Pressures (psi) Note: Due to temperature capability limitations.0" [279.35" [110mm] 7. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. These actuators should never be mounted underneath the valve as condensation can build up and result in a failure of the actuator. Blythewood. B Series 2-Way and 3-Way Control Valves ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class IV Shut-off (metal seated trim) for 2-way valves and Class III for 3-way valves Model 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" NVF24-MFT-US 150 150 150 92 56 34 NVF24-MFT-E-US 150 150 150 92 56 34 NVG24-MFT-US 150 150 150 150 140 88 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class VI Shut-off (PTFE soft-seated trim) Model NVF24-MFT-US 150 150 150 150 87 62 NVF24-MFT-E-US 150 150 150 150 87 62 NVG24-MFT-US 150 150 150 150 150 135 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" SPIRA-TROL L and K Series Control Valves ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class IV Shut-off (metal seated trim) Model NVF24-MFT-US 288 206 109 91 13 - NVF24-MFT-E-US 288 206 109 91 13 - NVG24-MFT-US 725 661 414 327 115 72 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" SPIRA-TROL L and K Series Control Valves ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class VI Shut-off (PTFE soft-seated trim) Model NVF24-MFT-US 500 395 263 204 87 62 NVF24-MFT-E-US 500 395 263 204 87 62 NVG24-MFT-US 725 725 568 440 189 135 Spares No spare parts are available for this actuator range Spirax Sarco. Allow 6" for the cover removal and 16" for complete actuator removal. 2 to 10V Wht (5) U Output. maximum saturated steam inlet pressure is 50 psig. Inc. use the differential pressures for the next valve size down.8kg) See below 4. 2 to 10V NVF24-MFT-US NVF24-MFT-E-US 11. Weight Dimensions 4lb (1. 2 to 10V Wht (5) U Output. 13 . CE acc.5" [190m 9. 122 TI-1-519-US 8. Multi-Function Technology (MFT) An integrated microprocessor allows for a variety of parameters. IP54. The spindle stroke is adapted automatically and is overload protected. Turning the wrench clockwise will extend the spindle. to 2004/108/EC & 2006/95/EC NEMA 2.75" [248mm] Spares No spare parts are available for this actuator range A5" 1 Dimensions and Weights Weight Dimensions AFB24-MFT-US 2xAFB24-MFT-US A 10.5 12. to UL60730-1A/-2-14. Available Types Actuator Model AFB24-MFT-US 2 x AFB24-MFT-US Specifications Valve action in event of power failure B Series SPIRA-TROL Optional* Optional* Optional* Optional* *Power failure action should be specified at the time of order and will determine the actuator to yoke mounting orientation.6 lb See below Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.220 sec Runnning Time Spring <20 sec Overload Protection Electronic throughout stroke 2 to 10 VDC. CAN/CSA E607301:02. 1500Ω for Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Feedback 2 to 10 VDC. 1 Operational Display The stroke is physically shown by a travel indicator on the actuator yoke. to be configured in the factory or the field with a PC and Belimo software. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. 2 Manual Operation A 5mm Allen wrench can be used to manually operate the actuator. 1/2” conduit fitting Runnning Time Motor 70 .5W running. Input Impedance 500Ω for 4 to 20 mA. Enclosure Type 2 7.8 lb 20. 3W holding Electrical Connection 3 ft. 0. Component 1 Yoke 2 Base 3 Cover Material Steel Aluminum die casting Steel Ambient Limits Storage temperature -40°F to 176°F (-40°C to 80°C) at 5 to 95% RH Ambient temperature -22°F to 122°F (-30°C to 50°C) at 5 to 95% RH Maximum valve media temperature 338°F (170°C)* * Equivalent to a saturated steam pressure of 100psig (6. we reserve the right to change the specification.9barg) Agency Listings General Housing Supply Voltage 24 VAC 50/60 Hz or 24 VDC Transformer Sizing 10 VA (Class 2 power supply) Power Consumption 7. 3 Overload Protection The actuator is protected against short circuiting and reverse polarity. These actuators can be used with B Series or SPIRA-TROL L and K Series control valves. 18 GA appliance cable. Spindle position will be retained until power is applied to the actuator.Control Valves Linear Actuators Belimo AFB Series Electric Actuators for ½" to 2" B Series and SPIRA-TROL L & K Series Control Valves Description The Belimo AF Series actuators are suitable for either two position or modulating control.5mA max Maximum Stroke 3/4" (20mm) AFB24-MFT US 230lbf (1023N) Spindle Force 2 x AFB24-MFT US 343lbf (1525N) Position Indication Visual indicator Manual Override 3/16 Allen (supplied) 5mm hex cULus acc. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only..5mA max Control Signal 4 to 20 mA w/ 500Ω resistor (to be specified Pulse Width Modulation (pulse at time of order) width to be specified by customer) Floating Point On/Off 100KΩ for 2 to 10VDC. Materials of Construction No. 0. including control signal type. 2 to 10V Wht (5) U Output.½" PTFE Graph 175 136 404 315 521 407 725 607 PTFE 115 161 371 479 Theoretical Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 1" 1 .¼" PTFE Graph 576 488 725 630 725 726 725 725 1 . one actuator motor should be connected as a 'Master' and the other as a 'Slave' unit. maximum saturated steam inlet pressure is 100 psig.¼" PTFE Graph 376 287 485 370 724 553 725 700 1 .½" Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 367 331 217 263 174 88 49 725 591 476 464 375 175 136 Graph 217 324 410 725 1 .½" PTFE Graph 88 49 203 114 262 147 391 220 PTFE 53 74 170 220 Graph 476 711 725 725 1 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. FB Class IV 150 150 Class VI 150 150 1” RB FB 150 150 150 150 1-1/4” RB FB 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 1-1/2” 2” RB FB RB 118 150 150 150 73 119 115 150 150 150 150 150 122 150 150 150 SPIRA-TROL Series Control Valves Class IV Shut-Off Model AFB24-MFT 2xAFB24-MFT Thrust (N) 1383 2063 PTFE 708 725 AFB24 Cv Full Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 PTFE 708 725 725 725 2X AFB24 Cv Full Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 PTFE 725 725 725 725 ½" ½" ½" Graph 491 725 PTFE 538 725 Graph 491 725 725 725 PTFE 538 681 725 725 Graph 725 725 725 725 PTFE 725 725 725 725 ¾" ¾" ¾" Theoretical Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 1" 1 . connect as shown in the 'Master' schematic.Master Control Valves 24 VAC Transformer The valves should be installed in the horizontal line. Allow 6" for the cover removal and 12" for complete actuator removal..½" PTFE Graph 162 123 374 285 483 368 721 550 PTFE 115 161 373 481 Graph 630 725 725 725 1 . 2 to 10V Wht (5) U Note: Due to temperature capability limitations. For AFB-MFT-US actuators. For 2 x AFB-MFT-US actuators.13 123 . Full instructions are supplied with the product. For reduced capacity valves. These actuators should never be mounted underneath the valve as condensation can build up and result in a failure of the actuator.½" Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 555 485 371 376 287 162 123 725 725 630 576 488 249 210 PTFE 115 177 Graph 367 464 725 725 PTFE 331 495 626 725 Graph 725 725 725 725 PTFE 591 725 725 725 1" PTFE 53 115 1" 2" 2" 2" Graph 25 87 Graph 25 35 82 105 Graph 87 122 282 365 Class VI Shut-Off Model AFB24-MFT 2xAFB24-MFT Thrust (N) 1383 2063 PTFE 725 725 AFB24 Cv Full Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 PTFE 725 725 725 725 2X AFB24 Cv Full Red 1 Red 2 Red 3 PTFE 725 725 725 725 ½" ½" ½" Graph 703 725 PTFE 725 725 Graph 703 725 725 725 PTFE 725 725 725 725 Graph 725 725 725 725 PTFE 725 725 725 725 ¾" ¾" ¾" Graph 555 703 725 725 PTFE 485 725 725 725 Graph 725 725 725 725 PTFE 725 725 725 725 1" 1" Graph 371 554 701 725 1 . Blythewood. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 2" 2" 2" Graph 88 150 Graph 88 123 284 367 Graph 150 210 485 626 TI-1-519-US 8.¼" PTFE Graph 464 375 599 485 725 725 725 725 1 ..¼" 1 . Inc. as shown in the schematic. 2 to 10V 2 to 10 VDC or (+) 4 to 20 mA CCW (L) CW (R) AFB24-MFT-US Linear Actuators Installation and Wiring Slave Blk (1) Common Red (2) + Hot Differential Pressures (psi) Wht (3) Y1 Input. use the differential pressures for the next valve size down.¼" 1 .½" PTFE Graph 249 210 575 486 725 628 725 725 PTFE 177 248 574 725 Spirax Sarco. Blk (1) Common Red (2) + Hot Line Volts Control Signal Ω (-) Wht (3) Y1 Input. The diagram below shows the wiring schematic.¼" PTFE Graph 263 174 340 225 507 336 642 426 1 . CCW (L) B Series 2-Way and 3-Way Control Valves ANSI/FCI 70-2 Class IV Shut-off (metal seated trim) for 2-way valves and Class III for 3-way (mixing) valves Model Thrust (lbf) FB 1/2” RB FB 3/4” RB AFB24-MFT 2xAFB24-MFT 311 464 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 AFB24-MFT 2xAFB24-MFT 311 464 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 CW (R) AFB24-MFT-US Note: Please contact Belimo for other wiring information. K. those ordered with will be fitted with a 1  kΩ potentiometer as standard.14 . K. single phase). and Q Series ½" to 2" EL5970 L Series 2½" to 4" EL5971 K and Q Series 2½" to 4" EL5971 AEL56_ EL5972 Valve adaptor Mounting flange Valve adaptor selection Valve type and size L. 124 AEL56_ EL5945 TI-P358-25-US 1. No.20 mA or 2 .Control Valves Linear Actuators AEL5 Series Electric Linear Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves Materials Description The AEL5 series electric actuators are reversible having linear output. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. in conjunction with an appropriate valve adaptor and mounting flange.10 Vdc control signal . See the associated tables below: Mounting flange selection 2 Actuator Valve type and size AEL51_ AEL52_ AEL53_ AEL54_ AEL55_ L. and Q Series Valve stem AEL51_ AEL52_ AEL53_ AEL54_ AEL55_ ½" to 2" M8 thread AEL6911 AEL6911 AEL6911 AEL6911 AEL6911 2½" to 4" M12 thread Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated Integrated Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. 230 Vac (2-wire. Also available are auxiliary limit switches and anti-condense heater. 24 Vac and 24 Vdc all being suitable for a VMD (Valve Motor Drive) input power signal.10 V or 4 . AEL5 actuators can be ordered with or without a potentiometer. Available types AEL5 actuators are available with 4 supply variants. 115 Vac. QL43. Part Material 1 225 to 1798 lbf Polycarbonate 3147 to 5620 lbf Die-cast aluminium Case 2 Housing Die-cast aluminium 1 2-port SPIRA-TROL or C Series Valves 3-port QL33. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. These actuators can be used with the following valves. The potentiometer can be used in conjunction with the positioner for a 2 .Please note that this option is not available for the 24 Vdc supply variant. See TI-P358-28 for further details on the accessories. actuators can be fitted with a positioner input card that can accept a 4 .20 mA input signal. At extra cost. we reserve the right to change the specification. QL63 and QL73 mixing and diverting valves Note: A mounting flange and valve adaptor is required to mount the actuator to a valve. or as feedback for VMD. 14 125 . Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.54 / (0. following the provisions of directives 89 / 336 / EEC amended by 92 / 31 / EEC and 93 / 68 / EEC (EMC) and 72 / 73 / EEC amended by 93 / 68 / EEC (LVD).5 / 0..5 (for 5620 lbf) Positioner power consumption VA 1 For alternative speed versions please contact Spirax Sarco Approvals This equipment is CE marked and conforms to the following: - EN 50081-1 and EN 50082-2 (EMC) - EN 61010-1/A2 (Safety).2 / (1) IP65 (for outdoor installations provide adequate shelter) 225 (1kN) Ambient limits Motor AEL55_ 50 Hz / 60 Hz / (continuous) Enclosure rating Actuator thrust lbf (kN) AEL54_ 230 Vac (2-wire single phase).5 / 25.620 (25kN) -4°F to 140°F (Caution: -4°F to 122°F with positioner card fitted) Synchronous motor for 225 lbf to 3147 lbf Asynchronous motor for 5620 lbf (Alternative current) or Brushed direct current motor (Direct current) Terminations 1.9 / (41) 37 / 40 / (24) 44 / 47 / (41) 72 / 68 / (41) 53 / 55 / (93) 100 / 86 / (NA) 2 (50mm) 2 (50mm) 2 (50mm) 2 (50mm) 2½ (65mm) 4 (100mm) 0.78 / (0.147 (14kN) 5.25 / 0.5) 1 / 1.6 / (1) 0. (24 Vdc) ±10% Supply voltage Maximal power consumption VA Note: power consumption is relative to 50 / 60 Hz / (continuous) respectively AEL53_ Linear Actuators Technical data 450 (2kN) 1.3 / (1) 0.5 (for 225 to 3147 lbf) and 3 x M20 x 1. Blythewood.5 / 0.798 (8kN) 3.45 / 0. Inc.65 / 0.5kN) 1.5) 0. 24 Vac.6 / (0.5 mm² Manual overide Handwheel Conduit entries 2 x M20 x 1.011 (4. 115 Vac. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P358-25-US 1.Control Valves AEL5 Series Electric Linear Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves Actuator type AEL51_ AEL52_ Supply frequency Stroke in (mm) Actuator speed mm/s Note: Speed is relative to 50 / 60 Hz / (continuous) respectively AEL56_ 25.5) 0.. 0 3/4” 7. Inc.0 3/4” 7.14 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 126 3” 120 13/16" TI-P358-25-US 1.5 1” 12 1-1/4” 16 1-1/2” 30 2” 45 2-1/2” 75 3” 120 13/16" ¾" 4” 190 44 17 44 17 44 17 94 68 94 68 94 68 222 196 222 196 222 196 402 376 402 376 402 376 580 580 580 580 580 580 28 10 28 10 28 10 59 44 59 44 59 44 142 125 142 125 142 125 257 232 257 232 257 232 454 438 454 438 454 438 580 580 580 17 17 17 38 38 38 88 88 88 160 160 160 283 283 283 508 508 508 6 6 6 26 26 26 78 78 78 149 149 149 273 273 273 497 497 497 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 81 54 81 54 81 54 173 145 173 145 173 145 400 373 400 373 400 373 580 580 580 580 580 580 Graphite 115 75 115 75 115 75 242 203 242 203 242 203 563 522 563 522 563 522 580 580 580 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 261 174 261 174 261 174 561 471 561 471 561 471 580 580 580 580 580 580 PTFE 333 228 333 228 333 228 580 580 580 580 580 580 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 507 340 507 340 507 340 580 580 580 Graphite 580 432 580 432 580 432 580 580 580 PTFE 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 Graphite AEL51211 AEL51212 AEL51213 AEL52211 AEL52212 AEL52213 AEL53211 AEL53212 AEL53213 AEL54211 AEL54212 AEL54213 AEL55311 AEL55312 AEL55313 AEL56411 AEL56412 AEL56413 PTFE Voltage Maximum differential pressure psi Actuator Linear Actuators Control Valves AEL5 Series Electric Linear Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves with Bellows and PTFE or Graphite stem seal Valve size Cv Valve travel 1/2” 5.5 1” 12 1-1/4” 16 1-1/2” 30 2” 45 2-1/2” 75 ¾" 4” 190 115 88 115 88 115 88 294 268 294 268 294 268 580 577 580 577 580 577 580 580 580 73 57 73 57 73 57 189 171 189 171 189 171 384 368 384 368 384 368 580 580 580 45 45 45 117 117 117 241 241 241 465 465 465 35 35 35 106 106 106 231 231 231 454 454 454 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 36 9 36 9 36 9 264 236 264 236 264 236 580 558 580 558 580 558 580 580 580 580 580 580 Graphite 51 12 51 12 51 12 370 319 370 319 370 319 580 580 580 580 580 580 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 117 29 117 29 117 29 580 580 580 580 580 580 PTFE 152 38 152 38 152 38 580 580 580 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 228 57 228 57 228 57 580 580 580 Graphite 287 71 287 71 287 71 580 580 580 PTFE 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 Graphite Voltage AEL52211 AEL52212 AEL52213 AEL53211 AEL53212 AEL53213 AEL54211 AEL54212 AEL54213 AEL55311 AEL55312 AEL55313 AEL56411 AEL56412 AEL56413 PTFE Actuator Maximum differential pressure psi Spirax Sarco... 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood.Maximum differential pressures for modulating duties only KEA and LEA 2-port valves with PTFE or Graphite stem seal Valve size Cv Valve travel 1/2” 5. Inc...8 4 21.0 3/4” 7.8 4 103 87 103 87 103 87 218 189 218 189 218 189 416 399 416 399 416 399 580 580 580 2-1/2” 75 3” 120 13/16" Graphite 174 69 174 69 174 69 566 461 566 461 566 461 580 580 580 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 319 145 319 145 319 145 580 580 580 580 580 580 PTFE 431 215 431 215 431 215 580 580 580 PTFE 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 Graphite Voltage AEL51211 AEL51212 AEL51213 AEL52211 AEL52212 AEL52213 AEL53211 AEL53212 AEL53213 AEL54211 AEL54212 AEL54213 AEL55311 AEL55312 AEL55313 AEL56411 AEL56412 AEL56413 PTFE Actuator Maximum differential pressure psi 58 58 58 129 129 129 252 252 252 477 477 477 48 48 48 116 116 116 242 242 242 464 464 464 with Bellows and PTFE or Graphite stem seal Valve size Cv Valve travel 1/2” 5.14 127 .5 1” 12 ¾" 4” 190 PTFE 9 9 9 80 80 80 204 204 204 428 428 428 Graphite Graphite 26 10 26 10 26 10 142 125 142 125 142 125 339 322 339 322 339 322 580 580 580 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 70 70 70 PTFE 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 Graphite AEL52211 AEL52212 AEL52213 AEL53211 AEL53212 AEL53213 AEL54211 AEL54212 AEL54213 AEL55311 AEL55312 AEL55313 AEL56411 AEL56412 AEL56413 PTFE Voltage Graphite Actuator PTFE Maximum differential pressure psi 33 33 33 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 580 278 241 278 241 278 241 580 580 580 580 580 580 187 160 187 160 187 160 506 479 506 479 506 479 580 580 580 57 31 57 31 57 31 236 210 236 210 236 210 545 363 545 363 545 363 580 580 580 Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood.8 4 21.0 3/4” 7.Control Valves AEL5 Series Electric Linear Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves Valve size Cv Valve travel 1/2” 5. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 70 70 70 193 193 193 418 418 418 TI-P358-25-US 1.5 1” 12 1-1/4” 16 1-1/2” 30 2” 45 2-1/2” 75 ¾" 3” 120 13/16" Linear Actuators Maximum differential pressures for class IV shut-off KEA and LEA 2-port valves with PTFE or Graphite stem seal 4” 190 38 38 38 165 128 165 128 165 128 486 447 486 447 486 447 580 580 580 580 580 580 17 17 17 109 81 109 81 109 81 336 309 336 309 336 309 580 580 580 580 580 580 1-1/4” 16 1-1/2” 30 2” 45 Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 149 61 149 61 149 61 445 348 445 348 445 348 580 580 580 580 580 580 46 20 46 20 46 20 174 148 174 148 174 148 354 328 354 328 354 328 580 580 580 580 580 580 21. Blythewood.Maximum differential pressures for Class VI shut off KEA and LEA 2-port valves with PTFE or Graphite stem seal Valve size Cv Valve travel 1/2” 5.0 3/4” 7.14 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 128 73 57 73 57 73 57 189 171 189 171 189 171 384 368 384 368 384 368 580 580 580 45 45 45 117 117 117 239 239 239 465 465 465 35 35 35 106 106 106 229 229 229 454 454 454 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 264 236 264 236 264 236 580 555 580 555 580 555 580 580 580 580 580 580 Graphite 36 9 36 9 36 9 370 332 370 332 370 332 580 580 580 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 117 29 117 29 117 29 580 580 580 580 580 580 PTFE 152 38 152 38 152 38 580 580 580 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 228 57 228 57 228 57 580 580 580 Graphite 287 71 287 71 287 71 580 580 580 PTFE 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 Graphite Voltage AEL52211 AEL52212 AEL52213 AEL53211 AEL53212 AEL53213 AEL54211 AEL54212 AEL54213 AEL55311 AEL55312 AEL55313 AEL56411 AEL56412 AEL56413 PTFE Actuator Maximum differential pressure psi TI-P358-25-US 1.. Inc..5 1” 12 1-1/4” 16 1-1/2” 30 2” 45 2-1/2” 75 ¾" 3” 120 13/16" 4” 190 580 431 580 431 580 431 580 580 580 508 336 508 336 508 336 580 580 580 334 225 334 225 334 225 580 580 580 580 580 580 261 173 261 173 261 173 557 468 557 468 557 468 580 580 580 580 580 580 112 74 112 74 112 74 241 202 241 202 241 202 560 521 560 521 560 521 580 580 580 80 52 80 52 80 52 160 144 160 144 160 144 392 371 392 371 392 371 580 580 580 580 580 580 42 16 42 16 42 16 93 67 93 67 93 67 220 194 220 194 220 194 400 374 400 374 400 374 580 580 580 580 580 580 1-1/2” 30 2” 45 2-1/2” 75 Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 Graphite AEL51211 AEL51212 AEL51213 AEL52211 AEL52212 AEL52213 AEL53211 AEL53212 AEL53213 AEL54211 AEL54212 AEL54213 AEL55311 AEL55312 AEL55313 AEL56411 AEL56412 AEL56413 PTFE Voltage Maximum differential pressure psi Actuator Linear Actuators Control Valves AEL5 Series Electric Linear Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves 59 42 59 42 59 42 141 125 141 125 141 125 255 239 255 239 255 239 454 437 454 437 454 437 580 580 580 36 26 36 26 36 26 87 77 87 77 87 77 160 148 160 148 160 148 283 273 283 273 283 273 580 580 580 3” 120 13/16" 4” 190 with Bellows and PTFE or Graphite stem seal Valve size Cv Valve travel 1/2” 5.5 1” 12 1-1/4” 16 ¾" 115 88 115 88 115 88 294 268 294 268 294 268 580 576 580 576 580 576 580 580 580 Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.0 3/4” 7. 8 73.1 116 13/16" 185.0 16 16 16 54 33 54 33 54 33 149 129 149 129 149 129 284 264 284 264 284 264 438 418 438 418 438 418 580 580 580 1.Control Valves AEL5 Series Electric Linear Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves Linear Actuators Maximum differential pressures for modulating duties only QL 3-port valves with PTFE or Graphite stem seal Valve size 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1-1/4” 1-1/2” 2” 2-1/2” 3” 4” Cv Valve travel 4. Blythewood.0 AEL52_ 18 7 5. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.0 A Spirax Sarco.14 129 .5 1.5 16 16 16 54 54 54 107 107 107 168 168 168 367 367 367 Graphite 6 6 6 33 19 33 19 33 19 102 87 102 87 102 87 196 181 196 181 196 181 303 290 303 290 303 290 580 580 580 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 133 54 133 54 133 54 283 203 283 203 283 203 580 580 580 PTFE 222 93 222 93 222 93 466 336 466 336 466 336 580 580 580 PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 386 174 386 174 386 174 580 574 580 574 580 574 580 580 580 Graphite 386 174 386 174 386 174 580 574 580 574 580 574 580 580 580 PTFE 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 230 115 24 Graphite Voltage AEL51211 AEL51212 AEL51213 AEL52211 AEL52212 AEL52213 AEL53211 AEL53212 AEL53213 AEL54211 AEL54212 AEL54213 AEL55311 AEL55312 AEL55313 AEL56411 AEL56412 AEL56413 PTFE Actuator Maximum differential pressure psi 9 9 9 46 46 46 100 100 100 161 161 161 358 358 358 B Weight C AEL56_ 32 9 11 44.6 29 41..6 ¾" 81 29 81 29 81 29 178 128 178 128 178 128 423 373 423 373 423 373 580 580 580 46 14 46 14 46 14 107 75 107 75 107 75 260 228 260 228 260 228 473 439 473 439 473 439 580 580 580 Dimensions / weights (approximately) in inches and lbs Model A B C AEL51_ 18 7 5..4 11.0 AEL54_ 20 7 6 15.4 9 9 22. Inc.4 10.6 18.6 AEL53_ 18 7 5.6 7.4 10.3 11.5 1. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P358-25-US 1.0 AEL55_ 22. The position of the actuator will depend on the type of valve to which it is fitted and the temperature of the media. How to order example 1 off Spirax Sarco AEL51211JXA electric linear actuator for use with a 4" SPIRA-TROL two-port KEA43 control valve. Spirax Sarco.Linear Actuators Control Valves AEL5 Series Electric Linear Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves Safety information. providing due care is taken.620 lbf (25kN) 2 = 1" (50mm) (AEL51_.2 Cv 7. installation and maintenance For full details see the Installation and Maintenance Instructions (IM-P358-26) supplied with the product. Blythewood. Installation and wiring note: The valve should be installed in the horizontal line.5 Flanged ANSI 150 290 psi 230 Vac 4 .20 mA modulating control signal the appropriate positioner card must be ordered at time of order. Inc. No ecological hazard is anticipated with the disposal of this product..14 .4 in/sec 1 1 = 230 Vac (2-wire..10 Vdc and 0 / 4 .798 lbf (8kN) 5 = 3.0. single phase) Supply voltage 2 = 115 Vac 1 3 = 24 Vac 4 = 24 Vdc (not available for AEL56_) F = Integral 24 V VMD (only for actuators with 24 V supply voltage) Control signal* G = Integral 115 V VMD (only for actuators with 115 V supply voltage) J J = Integral 230 V VMD (only for actuators with 230 V supply voltage) Failure mode Potentiometer X = No mechanical / electrical fail safe device X A = With 1  k Ω potentiometer A S = Without * For 0 / 2 .011 lbf (4kN) 1 4 = 1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.147 lbf (14kN) 6 = 5. it is not recommended that the actuators be fitted directly below the valve or in a wet environment. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 130 TI-P358-25-US 1. AEL53_ and AEL54_ series only) Stroke in (mm) 2 3 = 2½" (65mm) (AEL55_ series only) 4 = 4" (100mm) (AEL56_ series only) Maximum speed (mm/s) 1 = 0 . However. Selection example Control valve Maximum ∆P Electrical supply Control signal Actuator selected Positioner required Valve adaptor Mounting flange ¾" LEA43 PTSUSS. AEL52_.20 mA AEL51211 AEL5961 AEL6911 EL5970 How to order Product A = Actuator A Type E = Electric E Movement L = Linear L Series 5 5 1 = 225 lbf (1kN) 2 = 450 lbf (2kN) Thrust lbf (kN) 3 = 1. Disposal This product is recyclable. Blythewood...Control Valves Linear Actuators Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 131 . Inc. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.3 Auxiliary feedback potentiometer 2000 ohms ¾" to 13/16 " stroke.2 Tandem feedback potentiometer 2 x 1000 ohms 1" maximum stroke. including mounting kit and pinion AEL5952. including mounting kit and pinion AEL5952. Special parts Pinion Pinion Pinion Pinion Pinion 25 teeth with AEL5_ 30 teeth with AEL5_ 50 teeth with AEL5_ 65 teeth with AEL5_ 75 teeth with AEL5_ For For For For For stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke < = ¾" between between between between ¾" to 13/16 " 13/16 " to 1 " 1" to 2½" 2½"" to 2¾" For information on AEL5 series actuators see TI-P358-25 Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. including mounting kit and pinion AEL5952. Please contact Spirax Sarco for further information. including mounting kit and pinion AEL5952.Control Valves Linear Actuators Accessories for the AEL5 Series of Electric Linear Actuators Available types and technical data AEL5961 AEL5962 AEL5963 230 Vac positioner card Power consumption 1 VA 115 Vac positioner card Power consumption 1 VA 24Vac posit ioner card (except for AEL54213 _.5 Auxiliary feedback potentiometer 500 ohms ¾" to 13/16 " stroke. Power consumption 1 VA AEL55313 _ and AEL56413 _) AEL5964 24 Vac positioner card (for AEL54213 _ .20 mA AEL5982 Position transmitter 3 wire 0 / 4 .1 Tandem feedback potentiometer 2 x 1000 ohms ¾" to 13/16 " stroke. Power consumption 1 VA AEL55313 _ and AEL56413 _ actuators only) AEL5951 2 auxiliary limit switches (Electronic card) 5 A . mounting kit and PCB AEL5952 Auxiliary feedback potentiometer 1000 ohms ¾" to 13/16 " stroke. including mounting kit and pinion AEL5954 115 .4 Tandem feedback potentiometer 2 x 2000 ohms ¾" to 13/16 " stroke.20 mA The potentiometer must use its whole range (almost 1 full turn). 132 TI-P358-28-US 1.230 Vac . In the interests of development and improvement of the product.including cams. including mounting kit and pinion AEL5953 Tandem feedback potentiometer 2 x 1000 ohms ¾" to 13/16 " and 13/16 " to 1" stroke. we reserve the right to change the specification.230 V anti-condensate heater AEL5956 24 V anti-condensate heater AEL5981 Position transmitter 2 wire 4 .14 . including mounting kit and pinion AEL5952. To facilitate different actuator strokes replacement pinion kits are available. Blythewood. Inc.250 V and AEL5956 12 .. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.Wiring diagrams (Note: X0. X6. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P358-28-US 1.36 V L N 1 2 3 Retract position AEL5953 2nd output from tandem potentiometer X9 1 2 3 X0 1 2 3 Brown Green White Extend position Retract position Spirax Sarco.14 133 . X4. X8 and X9 refer to termination board location) AEL5952 feedback ptentiometer and AEL5953 1st output from tandem potentiometer AEL5951 auxiliary switches X6 1 2 3 4 5 6 X4 16 14 15 X11 1 2 3 Linear Actuators Control Valves Accessories for the AEL5 Series of Electric Linear Actuators Brown Green White Extend position Extend switch Retract switch Anti-condense heater AEL5954 110 .. X5. 20 mA + x4 / 3 - + 2 .Linear Actuators Control Valves Accessories for the AEL5 Series of Electric Linear Actuators Positioner card layout Positioners input impedance Signal 2-10 V 4.20 mA Resistance 50 kΩ 100 Ω Power Supply (Phase and Neutral) x5 / 1 x5 / 4 x5 / 2 Feedback position x4 / 1 x4 / 2 4 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 134 TI-P358-28-US 1. Blythewood..14 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.10 V - Spirax Sarco. Inc.. Control Valves Linear Actuators Spirax Sarco. Inc... SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 135 . Blythewood. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. 2 Note: A mounting flange and valve adaptor is required to mount the actuator to a valve.2 / 10.5 0.25 0.4 ft.5 mm Manual Handwheel Conduit entries 2 x PG13 3 x PG16 Positioner power consumption 1. EL564_.0 VA 2 * Power consumption is relative to 50 / 60 Hz respectively.lbs (4. See TI-P358-06 US for futher details on the accessories.9 / 12.5 kN) 5. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.20 mA or 2 . 230 Vac.5 0. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. lbs (25kN) Ambient limits - 4° to 140°F (-20 to + 60°C) -4° to 120°F (-20 to +50°C) with positioner card fitted Motor Asynchronous capacitor reversing motor Terminations 1. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.115 Vac and 24 Vac.lbs (2kN) 3. These actuators can be used with the SPIRA-TROL valve range with an appropriate valve adaptor and mounting flange.9 ft.11 .lbs (12kN) 18.3 ft. we reserve the right to change the specification. EL561_.lbs (8kN) 8.Control Valves Linear Actuators EL5600 Series Electric Actuator for 1/2" to 4" K & L Series Valves Description 1 The EL5600 series electric actuators are reversible having linear output.47 ft. Mounting flange selection EL560_.10 Vdc control signals. Actuator EL565_ actuator 1/2" to 2" valves EL5970 2-1/2" to 4" valves EL5971 EL5972 Materials No. or as feedback for VMD.10 V or 4-20 mA input signals.0 Actuator thrust maximum .4 10. EL562_.lbs (1kN) 1.5 0. EL563_. 1 2 Part Case Housing Mounting flange Material Polycarbonate Die-cast aluminum Valve adaptor selection Valve size 1/2" to 2" 2-1/2" to 4" Valve adaptor Actuator type EL560_ EL561_ Valve stem M8 thread EL5901 EL5911 M12 thread EL5902 EL5912 EL562_ Valve adaptor type EL5921 EL5922 EL563_ EL564_ EL565_ EL5931 EL5932 EL5941 EL5942 EL5945 Technical data Model EL560_ EL561_ EL562_ EL563_ EL564_ EL565_ Supply voltage 230 Vac / 115 Vac / 24 Vac + 10% Supply frequency Hz 50 / 60 50 / 60 50 / 60 50 / 60 50 / 60 50 / 60 53 / 53 Power consumption VA* 9. See the associated tables below.6 1.738 ft. The standard version is suitable for VMD (Valve Motor Drive) input power signal. Also available are auxiliary limit switches and anti-condense heater.6 25 /27 (24 V supply 78 / 78 142 / 142 is 36 VA) Enclosure rating I P65 (For outdoor installations provide adequate shelter) Actuator speed mm/s 0. 136 TI-P358-07-US 08.8 ft. The actuators are fitted as standard with 1kΩ potentiometer. This can either be used in conjunction with the positioner for 2 . If required the actuator can be fitted with a positioner input card that can accept 4 . Available types The actuators are available with 3 supply variants. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. and conforms to EN 50081-1 and EN 50082-2 (EMC). following the provisions of directives 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC (EMC) amended by 93/68/EEC (LVD). Blythewood. Inc. 2003 73 188 319 740 56 171 302 729 45 117 199 464 TI-P358-07-US 35 107 188 454 08.Control Valves EL5600 Series Electric Actuator for 1/2" to 4" K & L Series Valves Approvals Class IV Shut-off PTFE and Graphite Stem Seals Actuator EL5601-2-3 EL5611-2-3 EL5621-2-3 EL5631-2-3 EL5641-2-3 EL5651-2-3 Maximum Differential Pressures (psi) ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4" PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 432 215 319 149 185 71 150 61 39 18 740 740 740 718 567 452 445 357 167 128 109 81 47 20 22 5 7 740 740 740 740 740 486 448 337 309 175 149 104 87 58 48 740 470 656 628 354 328 219 202 130 120 740 740 559 533 350 334 212 201 740 740 740 740 478 467 Linear Actuators This equipment is CE marked..11 137 . Inc. EN 61010-1/A2 (Safety). 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. Class VI Shut-off PTFE and Graphite Stem Seals Actuator EL5601-2-3 EL5611-2-3 EL5621-2-3 EL5631-2-3 EL5641-2-3 EL5651-2-3 Maximum Differential Pressures (psi) ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4" PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 644 427 508 337 339 225 262 174 113 74 80 53 42 16 27 10 16 740 740 740 740 721 606 558 469 241 202 171 144 93 67 60 43 37 26 740 740 740 740 560 522 399 372 222 194 142 125 88 78 740 470 718 691 401 375 256 240 160 149 740 740 606 580 388 371 241 231 740 740 740 740 507 497 Class IV Shut-off Bellows Stem Seals with PTFE and Graphite Secondary Packing Actuator EL5601-2-3 EL5611-2-3 EL5621-2-3 EL5631-2-3 EL5641-2-3 EL5651-2-3 Maximum Differential Pressures (psi) ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4" PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 71 740 740 35 740 740 740 740 717 740 629 740 279 727 740 241 688 740 187 506 740 160 479 740 57 237 442 740 31 211 413 740 27 142 274 700 11 126 257 684 81 163 429 71 152 418 Class VI Shut-off Bellows Stem Seals with PTFE and Graphite Secondary Packing Actuator EL5601-2-3 EL5611-2-3 EL5621-2-3 EL5631-2-3 EL5641-2-3 EL5651-2-3 Maximum Differential Pressures (psi) ½" ¾" 1" 1¼" 1½" 2" 2½" 3" 4" PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 283 740 67 740 223 740 52 740 149 740 34 740 115 740 26 740 49 368 740 10 330 740 35 262 582 740 235 554 740 114 293 499 740 88 267 472 740 Spirax Sarco. 5 EL562_ 18. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 138 TI-P358-07-US 08.0 (231) 22. in inches & pounds (mm & kg) Model A B C Weight EL560_ 18.0 (280) 44. Inc.0) (20..1 (460) 6.9 (177) 5.4 (138) 9.0) (10.4 EL563_ 19.1 (460) 6.8 (225) 9..9 (605) 6.Linear Actuators Control Valves EL5600 Series Electric Actuator for 1/2" to 4" K & L Series Valves C Selection example B Control valve 1/2" KEA43 2 port valve Maximum ∆P 200 psi electrical supply 230 Vac Control signal 4 .4 (138) 11.1 (460) 6.0 A (4.9 (227) 11.4 (569) 8.2) (7. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.11 . Blythewood.7 (807) 8.20 mA Actuator selected EL5601 Positioner required EL5961 Valve adaptor EL5901 Mounting flange EL5970 Dimensions and weights approx.9 EL561_ 18.0) Spirax Sarco.9 (177) 5.4 (138) 10.4 EL564_ 22.0 EL565_ 31.8) (5.9 (177) 5.9 (177) 5.9 (150) 15.5) (4. . Inc..Control Valves Linear Actuators Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 139 . Blythewood. 20 mA or 2 .10 V or 4 .Control Valves Linear Actuators EL5650 Series Electric Actuators 6" to 8" Spira-Trol Valves Description The EL5600 series electric actuators are reversible having linear output. Available types The actuators are available with 3 supply variants. 230 Vac. or as feedback for VMD.20 mA input signals. If required the actuator can be fitted with a positioner input card that can accept (4 . EN 61010-1/A2 (Safety). See TI-P358-06 US for further details on the accessories. and conforms to EN 50081-1 and EN 50082-2 (EMC). following the provisions of directives 89/336/EEC amended by 92/31/EEC and 93/68/EEC (EMC) and 72/73/EEC amended by 93/68/EEC (LVD). All the actuators are fitted as standard with 1 kΩ potentiometer. These actuators can be used with the following valves. Also available are auxiliary limit switches and anti-condense heater.5 ft.5 mm Manual override Handwheel Conduit entries 3 x PG16 Positioner power consumption 1 VA 2 Approvals This equipment is CE marked. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.10 Vdc) control signals. The standard version is suitable for VMD (Value Motor Drive) input power signal. 2-port 6" & 8" K Series Valves Technical data Handwheel Model EL5651 EL5652 EL5653 Supply voltage 230 Vac 115 Vac 24 Vac Supply frequency HZ 50 / 60 Hz Power consumption 142 VA Enclosure rating IP65 Actuator speed mm/s 1 mm/s Actuator thrust 18. we reserve the right to change the specification. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. 115 Vac and 24 Vac.11 . in conjuntion with a mounting flange 3581527 and valve adaptor EL5955. Engage button for handwheel This can either be used in conjunction with the positioner for 2 . Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. 140 EL5955 valve adaptor 3581527 mounting flange TI-P358-09-US 08. lbs (25 kN) Ambient limits -4° to 140°F (-20 to +60°C) or -4° to 120°F (-20 to +50°C) with positioner card fitted Motor Asynchronous capacitor reversing motor Terminations 1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.Control Valves EL5650 Series Electric Actuators 6" to 8" Spira-Trol Valves Linear Actuators Maximum differential pressures for Class IV shut off Unbalanced Flow Under KE and KEA (PTFE or Graphite stem seal) Actuator EL5651-2-3 6" 8" PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 130 116 58 58 Maximum differential pressures for Class IV shut off Unbalanced Flow Over KE and KEA (PTFE or Graphite stem seal) Actuator EL5651-2-3 6" 8" PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 203 203 116 116 Maximum differential pressures for Class IV shut off Balanced KE (PTFE or Graphite stem seal) Actuator EL5651-2-3 6" 8" PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 580 580 580 580 KEA (PTFE or Graphite stem seal) Actuator EL5651-2-3 6" 8" PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 740 740 740 740 Maximum differential pressures for Class VI shut off Unbalanced Flow Under KE and KEA (PTFE or Graphite stem seal) Actuator EL5651-2-3 6" 8" PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 203 203 116 116 Maximum differential pressures for Class VI shut off Unbalanced Flow Over KE (PTFE or Graphite stem seal) Actuator EL5651-2-3 6" 8" PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 580 580 580 580 KEA (PTFE or Graphite stem seal) Actuator EL5651-2-3 6" 8" PTFE Graphite PTFE Graphite 740 740 740 740 Spirax Sarco. Inc.. Blythewood.11 141 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P358-09-US 08.. 0" (280) 31.. Inc.75" (807) Spirax Sarco. 2003 TI-P358-09-US 08.20 mA Actuator selected EL5652 Positioner required EL5962 Valve adapter EL5955 Mounting flange 3581527 Dimensions approximate in inches (mm) Weight 44 lbs (20 kg) 8.Control Valves EL5650 Series Electric Actuators 6" to 8" Spira-Trol Valves Linear Actuators Selection example Control valve 6" KEA43 ANSI 150 2 port valve Maximum ∆P 110 psi Electrical supply 115 Vac Control signal 4 .9" (277) 11. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.11 . Inc. Blythewood.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 142 © Spirax Sarco. Control Valves Linear Actuators Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd... Inc. Blythewood. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 143 . 24 V anti-condense heater For information on EL5600 series actuators see TI-P358-07 US and TI-P358-09 US. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.Auxiliary feedback potentiometer 1000 ohms including mounting kit and pinion (fitted as standard) EL5953 .Control Valves Linear Actuators Accessories for EL5600 Series Actuator Available types and technical data EL5961 .115 .230 V anti-condense heater EL5956 . 2003 TI-P358-06-US 09.230 Vac positioner card Power consumption 1 VA EL5962 .24 Vac positioner card (For EL5643 and EL5653 actuator only) Power consumption 1 VA EL5951 .24 Vac positioner card (except for EL5643 and EL5653 Power consumption 1 VA EL5964 . Inc. we reserve the right to change the specification.115 Vac positioner card Power consumption 1 VA EL5963 .Tandem feedback potentimeter 2 x 1000 ohms including mounting kit and pinion EL5954 . wiring and terminals EL5952 .03 . Positioner card Actuator termination board (showing positoner card location) Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.2 auxiliary limit switches 2 off 5 A 230 Vac including cams. mounting kit. 144 © Spirax Sarco. Blythewood.. Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P358-06-US 09.Linear Actuators Control Valves Accessories for EL5600 Series Actuator Spirax Sarco.03 145 . and Q Series 2½" to 4" Valve stem M8 thread M12 thread EL5972 EL5972 AEL62_ AEL6911 Integrated AEL63_ AEL6911 Integrated AEL64_ AEL6911 Integrated AEL65_ AEL6911 Integrated Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.Control Valves Linear Actuators AEL6 Series Smart Electric Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves Materials 1 1 No. 115 Vac.10 Vdc input control signals. we reserve the right to change the specification. 0 / 4 . single phase).20 mA or 0 / 2 . AEL65_ ½" to 2" EL5970 2 ½" to 4" 2 ½" to 4" ½" to 4" EL5971 EL5971 EL5971J Valve adaptor selection Valve type and size ½" to 2" L. Available types 2 The actuators are available with 4 supply variants: 230 Vac (2-wire. 24 Vac and 24 Vdc. Part 1 Case 517 lbf to 1798 lbf 3147 lbf to 5620 lbf 2 Housing 3 Guidance Material Polycarbonate Die-cast aluminium Die-cast aluminium Red brass 2 2 1 1 Description The AEL6 series electric actuators are reversible having linear output. 146 AEL66_ EL5945 TI-P358-23-US 1. See the associated tables below: Mounting flange selection Valve type and size L. K. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.14 . Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. in conjunction with an appropriate valve adaptor and mounting flange: 2 3 3 Control valves 2-port SPIRA-TROL 3-port QL43 and QL73 mixing and diverting valves Note: A mounting flange and valve adaptor is required to mount the actuator to a valve. AEL63_. AEL66_ AEL64_. and Q Series L Series K Series K Series Actuator AEL62_. The standard version is available for VMD (Valve Motor Drive). These actuators can be used with the following valves. K. 14 147 .6 . 24 Vac.Providing shut-off of the valve to the requirements of ANSI/FCI 70-2 class IV.1 / 1995 for safety.AEL6953 (24 Vac) and AEL6954 (115 Vac and 230 Vac) Approvals This equipment is CE marked and conforms to the following: .(non retrofitable for the AEL66_) .Identify the maximum operating pressure condition.Read back to the left hand side of the table to identify the suitable actuator for the application.EEC for low voltage directive.012 (4. .012 (4. Blythewood.20 mA or 0 / 2 .3) *Notes: 1. within the selected column. feedback value. 2.1 mA or 0. maximum resolution 0. 24 Vdc 50 Hz / 60 Hz / continuous AEL6631_ 13 19 57 25 72 65 88 2 (50) 2 (50) 2 (50) 2 (50) 2 (50) 2½ (65) 21/3 (60 *) 0.20 mA or 0 / 2 . QL .2 -2 / 2001 and EN 61000 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.Additional position switches . position set value.4 for EMC.3-port valve: Class IV shut-off .Space heater .EEC regulation 89 / 336 . and 61010 .AEL6951 (NC) and AEL6952 (NO) .7 1. Inc. L and K Series . 115 Vac. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P358-23-US 1.Communication software including data cable .7 1.10 Vdc Drives to torque dependant stop(s) and moves throught the whole valve travel.620 (25) -4°F to 140°F (-20°C to 60°C) Adjustable: 0 / 4 .Control Valves AEL6 Series Smart Electric Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves Actuator type Supply voltage Supply frequency Maximal power consumption VA Note: power consumption is relative to 50 / 60 Hz / continuous respectively Stroke (mm) inches Actuator speed mm/s Note: Speed is relative to 50 / 60 Hz / continuous respectively Enclosure rating Actuator thrust (kN) lbf Ambient limits Analog position set valve input Positioner function Active valve position feedback Automatic commissioning Characteristic curve correction Torque increase Status indication Internal fault monitoring Diagnostics function AEL6221_ AEL6321__ AEL6323_ AEL6421_ AEL6422_ AEL6532_ 230 Vac (2-wire. temperature of electonic board Stores cumulated operation data (motor and total running time.798 (8) 1. For conditions outside of those illustrated please contact Spirax Sarco. including any transient pressures likely to occur. input inccuracy 1% Adjustable up to 150% torque for up to 2. How to use the sizing data: The following tables supply guidance as to the sizing of the AEL6 series actuator when it is used on the SPIRA-TROL K and L series valves. position.Providing shut-off of the valve to the requirements of ANSI/FCI 70-2 class IV.Providing shut-off of the valve to the requirements of ANSI/FCI 70-2 class VI.5) 1..9 0.5 0.2-port valve: Class VI shut-off .5 . .5) 1. Optional extras: .05 V at 2" (50 mm) stroke Adjustable: 0 / 4 .4 Linear Actuators Technical data IP65 (for outdoor installations adequate shelter) 1. Autoscale of set value and feedback in accordance to valve travel Up to 16 interpolation points. . Three conditions are illustrated in tabular form: L and K Series . temperature) 517 (2.EEC for Electromagnetical compatibility and 72 / 23 .5s to break away a valve in the end position 2 LEDs under actuator cover Torque. single phase).AEL6957 . torque. 24 Vac and 24 Vdc models of the AEL6631_ are capable of up to 4" (100 mm) stroke.147 (14) 5.Fault indicator relay . 115 Vac and 230 Vac models of the AEL6631_ have a stroke limited to 21/3 (60 mm).AEL6955 (2.EN 61000 .3 0.AEL6973 ..5% of set value range. To select a suitable actuator: .2-port valve: Class IV shut-off . active value. number of motor starts) and data sets of current values (set value.9 4.10 Vdc Dead-band ajustable between 0. Spirax Sarco.Local control .3 to 14 kN) and AEL6956 (25 kN) .798 (8) 3.Identify the column containing the valve size and gland material selected. Inc... 1150 Northpoint Blvd.Control Valves AEL6 Series Smart Electric Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves Linear Actuators Maximum differential pressures for Class IV shut-off Valve size PTFE ½" Graph PTFE ¾" Graph PTFE 1" Graph 1¼" PTFE Graph 1½" PTFE Graph PTFE 2" Graph 2½" PTFE Graph PTFE 3" Graph PTFE 4" Graph Travel (mm) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 Seat dia (mm) 16 16 18 18 22 22 25 25 38 38 45 45 60 60 75 75 95 95 Seat area (mm2) 201 201 254 254 380 380 491 491 1134 1134 1590 1590 2827 2827 4418 4418 7088 7088 Seat circumference (mm) 50 50 57 57 69 69 79 79 119 119 141 141 188 188 236 236 298 298 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000 Required seating thrust (N) 302 302 339 339 415 415 393 393 597 597 707 707 942 942 1178 1178 1492 1492 Static gland packing friction 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 150 660 150 660 150 660 Bellows Seal (N) 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 Total thrust needed to close valve (N) 402 702 439 739 515 815 493 793 697 997 807 1107 1092 1602 1328 1838 1642 2152 Stem diameter (mm) Stem pressure area (mm2) Recommended pinch for Class IV shut-off (N/m) PTFE or Graphite stem seal Actuator AEL6221 AEL6321 AEL6323 AEL6421 AEL6422 AEL6532 AEL6631 Min thrust (N) 2300 4500 4500 8000 8000 14000 25000 1/2” PTFE Graph 740 740 3/4” PTFE Graph 740 740 740 740 740 740 1” PTFE Graph 681 567 740 740 740 740 Maximum Differential Pressures (psi) 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 534 445 205 167 136 109 740 740 486 448 337 309 740 740 486 448 337 309 740 740 740 740 656 628 740 740 740 740 656 628 740 740 740 740 2 1/2” 3” 4” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 62 36 32 15 13 175 149 104 87 58 48 175 149 104 87 58 48 354 328 219 202 130 120 354 328 219 202 130 120 662 636 416 399 253 242 740 740 740 740 478 467 Bellows and PTFE or Graphite steam seal Actuator AEL6221 AEL6321 AEL6323 AEL6421 AEL6422 AEL6532 AEL6631 Min thrust (N) 2300 4500 4500 8000 8000 14000 25000 Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 287 71 206 35 109 91 13 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 294 256 200 173 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 294 256 200 173 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 2 1/2” PTFE Graph PTFE 67 67 247 247 360 360 35 35 150 150 347 360 41 41 220 220 360 360 Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 148 3” Graph 18 18 133 133 330 360 PTFE 16 16 87 87 210 360 4” Graph 77 77 199 360 TI-P358-23-US 1. Blythewood.14 . . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.14 149 .. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P358-23-US 1. Inc. Blythewood.Control Valves AEL6 Series Smart Electric Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves Valve size PTFE ½" Graph PTFE ¾" Graph PTFE 1" Graph 1¼" PTFE Graph 1½" PTFE Graph PTFE 2" Graph 2½" PTFE Graph PTFE 3" Graph PTFE 4" Graph Travel (mm) 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 30 Seat dia (mm) 16 16 18 18 22 22 25 25 38 38 45 45 60 60 75 75 95 95 Seat area (mm2) 201 201 254 254 380 380 491 491 1134 1134 1590 1590 2827 2827 4418 4418 7088 7088 Seat circumference (mm) 50 50 57 57 69 69 79 79 119 119 141 141 188 188 236 236 298 298 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 8 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 18 18 21 21 28 28 35 35 45 45 Static gland packing friction 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 100 400 150 660 150 660 150 660 Bellows Seal (N) 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 2100 Total thrust needed to close valve (N) 108 408 108 408 110 410 112 412 118 418 121 421 178 688 185 695 195 705 Stem diameter (mm) Stem pressure area (mm2) Recommended pinch for Class IV shut-off (N/m) Required seating thrust (N) Linear Actuators Maximum differential pressures for Class VI shut-off (soft seal) PTFE or Graphite stem seal Actuator AEL6221 AEL6321 AEL6323 AEL6421 AEL6422 AEL6532 AEL6631 AEL6221 Min thrust (N) 2300 4500 4500 8000 8000 14000 25000 25000 1/2” PTFE Graph 740 740 3/4” PTFE Graph 740 740 1” PTFE Graph 740 721 740 740 740 740 Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 646 558 279 241 199 171 740 740 560 522 399 372 740 740 560 522 399 372 740 740 740 740 718 691 740 740 740 740 718 691 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 740 2 1/2” PTFE Graph 109 83 222 195 222 195 401 375 401 375 709 683 740 740 740 740 PTFE 69 142 142 256 256 453 740 740 3” Graph 53 125 125 240 240 437 740 740 PTFE 43 88 88 160 160 282 507 507 4” Graph 33 78 78 149 149 272 497 497 2 1/2” PTFE Graph 1 -25 114 88 114 88 293 267 293 267 360 360 360 360 PTFE 0 73 73 188 188 360 360 3” Graph -16 56 56 171 171 360 360 PTFE 0 45 45 117 117 239 360 4” Graph -10 35 35 106 106 229 360 Bellows and PTFE or Graphite stem seal Actuator AEL6221 AEL6321 AEL6323 AEL6421 AEL6422 AEL6532 AEL6631 Min thrust (N) 2300 4500 4500 8000 8000 14000 25000 1/2” PTFE Graph 360 283 360 360 360 360 3/4” PTFE Graph 360 223 360 360 360 360 1” PTFE Graph 263 149 360 360 360 360 Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph 203 115 87 49 62 35 360 360 360 330 262 235 360 360 360 330 262 235 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 360 Spirax Sarco. .0 7. AEL6532. Blythewood. Mounting Position C B 90° 90° A Spirax Sarco.3 19. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. (approximately) in inches and pounds B C Weight 7 5.1 6. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 150 TI-P358-23-US 1. However. AEL6422. Inc.4 7 5..3 21.14 .9 15.Control Valves AEL6 Series Smart Electric Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves Linear Actuators Dimensions / weights Model AEL6221. it is not recommended that the actuators be fitted at more than 90° from the vertical position or in a wet environment.9 15.4 7 5.9 15.9 10.8 26.0 A 18 18 18 19.4 7 5.9 Safety information. AEL6323. The position of the actuator will depend on the type of valve to which it is fitted and the temperature of the media.9 44. installation and maintenance For full details see the Installation and Maintenance Instructions that are supplied with the product.9 22.0 7 5. Installation and wiring note: The valve should be installed in a horizontal pipeline. AEL6631. AEL6421.9 29. AEL6231.9 22.4 8. 10 Vdc and 0 / 4 .20 mA (supply voltage 3 only) G = 115 V VMD. 0 / 2 .4. AEL64 and AEL66_ series only) 2 = 1.20 mA (supply voltage 2 only) H = 24 V VMD.3) 3 = 1.798 (8) 5 = 3.20 mA (supply voltage 1 only) J Failure mode X = No mechanical / electrical fail safe device S = Super capacitor fail safe (Standard.Control Valves AEL6 Series Smart Electric Actuators for ½" to 4" Control Valves Product A = Actuator A Type E = Electric E Movement L = Linear L Series 6 6 Thrust lbf (kN) 2 = 517 (2.20 mA (supply voltage 2 only) J = 230 V VMD.10 Vdc and 0 / 4 . Spirax Sarco. 0 / 2 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood.1 .23/4 (60 .. AEL63_. There is no requirement for high actuating speed. Inc.1 .5 (AEL63_ series only) 1 1 = 230 Vac (2-wire.1.147 (14) 6 = 5. SSI Offering) S Maximum speed (mm / s) Supply voltage Linear Actuators AEL6 series actuators . 0 / 2 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P358-23-US 1. 0 / 2 .10 Vdc and 0 / 4 .10 Vdc and 0 / 4 .. Selection: 1 off Spirax Sarco AEL6221-2PS electric actuator.102 (4.0 (AEL64_ and AEL65_ series only) 3 = 2.620 (25) 2 Stroke in (mm) 2 = 2 (50) 3 = 21/3 .5) 4 = 1.2.20 mA (supply voltage 1 only) K = 24 V VMD. to have class IV shut-off against a 150 psi differential pressure. the control signal is 4-20mA. single phase) 2 = 115 Vac 3 = 24 Vac and 24 Vdc 1 Control signal F = 24 V VMD.Product nomenclature and selection example: How to order / selection example: Example : A 115 Vac fail safe electric actuator to suit a 1" control valve with PTFE stem seals. 0 / 2 .14 151 .0 (AEL62_.10 Vdc and 0 / 4 .70) (AEL65_ and AEL66_ series only) 2 1 = 0 . C. Div 1. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.1 20 CVL1500 600 1500 2 0. the actuator can be fitted with an optional reserve power-pack. For applications where loss of power requires increased “fail-in-position” capability. 8A/120VAC/30VDC Power consumption Stationary Model 4.the standard actuator operates on a 4-20mA signal and provides 4-20mA position feedback (an auxiliary 24V d/c supply is required to drive this loop).f) Max. Options are available to allow interfacing with HART®.5% full scale Resolution (4-20mA signal) ≥0. Single pole. Anti Back Drive Mechanism – the actuator is capable of resisting any back drive from the valve up to 125% of the rated force. Technical information Status indication relay – a user configurable relay is available for status and availability indication. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. an optional solenoid locking mechanism is available. Groups E.09 .For fail-to-position action on loss of supply. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.1 20 * Time shown is for the maximum actuator stroke. An optional 24 VDC supply can be catered for.25 6 CVL1000 400 1000 2 0. which consists of ‘super capacitors’. 152 TI-1-523-US 12. Ambient temperature Standard -22°F to 158°F -40°F to 140°F Dual Sensor™ technology – two independent position sensors minimize backlash and positional errors. un-restricted modulation.f) Rated thrust (lb. Peak 58. unrestricted modulation duty (S9).D NEMA 4&6.Control Valves Linear Actuators Rotork CVL Electric Actuators For SPIRA-TROL Control Valves Description The Rotork CVL range of electric actuators offers a highly accurate and responsive method of automating our SPIRA-TROL and C Series control valves. which can accept a range of input voltages from 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz. It stores operational data relating to the valve position and load which can be monitored over time. This time is reduced further for valves with a shorter stroke e. Linearity (4-20mA signal) ≥0.G Finish Polyester powder coated Double sealing – provides ingress protection to IP68. lubricated for life with proven durability. stroke (inches) Spindle speed (inches/sec) Full stroke time* (sec) CVL500 200 500 1. Signal voltage drop 7 V @ 20 mA Duty rating S9 (continuous modulation) Valve diagnostics – a data-logger is provided which helps detect potential valve problems before they occur. we reserve the right to change the specification. Area (option) Class I. Features Fast travel speed – the actuator can open or close a valve between 3 seconds for ¾” travel valve and 20 seconds for a 2” travel valve. Profibus or Foundation Fieldbus network control. Groups B. Manual override optional Power supply flexibility – Incorporated within each AC actuator is a switch mode power supply.F.1W @ 110 VAC Reserve power . (option) Enclosure Standard Haz.g.5 0. IP68 Class II. A ½" SPIRA-TROL has a stroke of ¾". when fitted with a CVL500 it will open or close in 3 seconds. Div 1.2W @ 110 VAC Brushless DC motor – highly reliable. Drive-train – simple yet durable spur gear drive. normally open. continuous. thrust (lb. They are full duty rated capable of continuous. This can be configured to indicate a number of parameters. Status relay Full load 32. The reserve power-pack will allow the actuator to move to a predetermined position on power failure. maintenance free and provides full.7W @ 110 VAC Min. They can interface with a number of control signals and communication protocols and are suitable for use in most industrial environments with available hazardous areas enclosures.1% of signal Low temp. Supercapacitors provide power to drive the valve to a safe position in the event of a loss of the power supply. Multiple control signal options . Set-up is achieved through an auto-calibration routine with further configuration completed via software through a Bluetooth® link. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Inc.Control Valves Rotork CVL Electric Actuators For SPIRA-TROL Control Valves Differential Pressures for SPIRA-TROL Control Valves with Rotork CVL Electric Actuators Linear Actuators Class IV Shut-off PTFE and Graphite Stem Seals Maximum Differential Pressures (psi) Actuator 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph CVL500 740 740 740 740 CVL1000 652 538 511 423 195 157 129 102 58 32 29 13 12 740 740 740 740 480 441 332 305 172 146 102 86 57 47 740 740 740 726 535 507 286 260 175 159 103 92 CVL1500 Class VI Shut-off PTFE and Graphite Stem Seals Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) Actuator 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph CVL500 740 740 740 740 CVL1000 740 692 624 535 269 231 192 164 105 79 67 50 42 31 740 740 740 740 554 515 394 367 219 193 140 123 87 77 740 740 740 740 597 570 333 307 213 196 133 122 CVL1500 Class IV Shut-off Bellows Stem Seals with PTFE and Graphite Secondary Packing Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) Actuator 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph CVL500 233 16 162 CVL1000 740 740 740 80 740 CVL1500 45 740 740 702 613 273 234 182 155 55 29 26 740 740 740 740 557 519 385 358 169 143 99 82 54 43 Class VI Shut-off Bellows Stem Seals with PTFE and Graphite Secondary Packing Maximum Differential Pressure (psi) Actuator 1/2” 3/4” 1” 1 1/4” 1 1/2” 2” 2 1/2” 3” 4” PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph PTFE Graph CVL500 234 120 181 92 77 39 55 28 CVL1000 445 228 351 180 740 740 740 740 362 323 258 230 111 85 71 54 44 34 CVL1500 740 740 740 740 646 608 460 433 225 199 144 127 90 79 Spirax Sarco.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-1-523-US 12..09 153 . Blythewood. Alternatively.00 12.2 6.00 TI-1-523-US © Spirax Sarco.672 N) Power Supply Blank – 110/230 VAC D – 24 VDC Control Signal Blank – 4-20 mA H – 4-20 mA + HART H F – Foundation Fieldbus P – Profibus-PA Back-up power Blank – Programmable fail-safe S – Stay-put Manual over-ride Blank – None M – Manual Override (hand wheel) M Enclosure Blank – NEMA 4&6/IP68 X – FM Explosion proof X Temperature rating Blank: -22ºF to 158ºF L – -40ºF to 140ºF For actuators controlled by a 4-20mA analog signal. If a special configuration is required. Inc.3 7..Linear L Size 500 – 500 lb.13 40 CVL1000 ½" to 4" 21.rotork.4 10.51 53 Example: CVL500HCM Electric actuator C B D ¾" NPT Conduit Entry (4) A . The Rotork Enlight software must be installed and is available for free download from the Rotork website at www. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 154 6. if the HART option card is installed. Dimensions and weights (in and lb) Actuator Valve Size A B C D Weight CVL500 ½" to 4" 19.09 .332 Dia.Control Valves Rotork CVL Electric Actuators For SPIRA-TROL Control Valves Linear Actuators Options and nomenclature Commissioning Actuator model range CV – Control valve actuator CV Transmission L .000 lb.448 N) 1500 – 1.f (4.14 6. Inc..00 Spirax Sarco. a HART communicator or PC with HART interface and software can be used.4 10.00 10. 2009 4.14 6.82 8.3 7.95 6.51 53 CVL1500 ½" to 4" 21. Local configuration can be done using a Bluetooth enabled PDA/Smartphone running a windows O/S or a Bluetooth enabled PC.f (2. they will arrive from the factory fully set-up (according to our standard configuration) and ready to install.224 N) 500 1000 – 1150 Northpoint Blvd.00 2.f (6. 2 Mounting Holes 4. we will setup the actuator provided we are given the requirements at the time of the order.500 lb. Blythewood. Control Valves Linear Actuators Spirax Sarco.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 155 . Blythewood.. requiring a 3 . stem friction and diaphragm hysterisis are overcome. 156 TI-1-610-US 1.06 ft3/h at 90 psi (0. guaranteed for any controller output signal and the effects of varying valve differential pressure. How To Specify 1.3 5. The valve position is. Safety covers are provided.5 4. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.8 kg C The positioners can be used with the following actuators: PN9000 and TN2000 Series.4 to 6 barg) .PP5 pneumatic positioner Dimensions (nominal) in inches and millimeters A B C D Weight 7. A mounting kit is supplied with each positioner for mounting either to columns or yoke in accordance with NAMUR Standard. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.4 to 4" (10 to 100mm) Adjustable Less than 0. and varies the pneumatic output signal to the actuator accordingly. B Technical Data Input signal range Output signal range Supply air pressure Stroke range Amplification Hysterisis Enclosure rating Steady State Air consumption Pneumatic connections Ambient conditions 3 .15 psi signal and is for use with linear pneumatic actuators. we reserve the right to change the specification.15 psi (0.5 lb 175 110 165 110 2.5% IP65 13.0 4.3 6.2 to 1 bar) 0 to 100% supply air pressure 20 to 90 psig (1.Control Valves Positioners & Switches PP5 Pneumatic Positioner Description The PP5 positioner is a single acting unit. The positioners can also be used where the controller output signals are of too low a magnitude to be used directly with high pressure actuators.7m3/hr at 6 bar) 1/4" NPT -4° F to 250° F (-20 to 80°C) D A Materials Base plate and cover Die cast aluminum with anti corrosive paint Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.14 . therefore. The positioner compares the output signal from a pneumatic controller (or transducer) with the valve position feedback. 4" Installation Full details are contained in the appropriate Installation & Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product..A fixing kit is available to mount an air filter / regulator to the pneumatic actuator. 2014 TI-1-610-US 1. Blythewood. Inc. diaphragms and orifice Amplifying relay set Block for gauges Supply Output to actuator 2" 51 mm Spirax Sarco. Fixing kit Actuator type FK21 PN9100 Series FK28 PN9200 or PN9300 Series 1.14 157 .. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.2" FK21 / FK28 fixing kit Positioners & Switches Accessories Control Valves PP5 Pneumatic Positioner 1.6" 2. Air Connections (rear view) Air Connections 1/4" NPT Positioner (rear view) Gauge block connections Gauge block 2" 51 mm Spares Gauge Block (front view) Input from controller 4" 100 mm Gauge 0-30 psi output Gauge 0-60 psi output Gauge 0-100 psi output Springs and pneumatic tube set Set of gaskets. B.5 4.06 ft3/h at 90 psi (0.T4 (CESI) (approximate equivalent of FM Class I and II.7 m3/h at 6 bar) Pneumatic connections 1/4" NPT Electrical connections PG 13. 1.ia llc T6.EP5 Electro pneumatic positioner. How To Specify 1. Div.2% span Linearity 1.0% span Hysterisis Less than 0. stem friction and diaphragm hysterisis are overcome.4" to 4" (10 to 100 mm) Sensitivity Less than 0.5 lb 165 110 175 110 30 2. The positioners can be used with the following actuators: PN1000/2000. Dimensions (nominal) in inches and millimeters A B C D E Weight 6. The positioner compares the electrical signal from a controller with the valve position feedback.4 to 6 barg) Stroke range . 158 TI-1-611-US 06.0 5. 9000. and varies a pneumatic output signal to the actuator accordingly. and is for use with linear pneumatic actuators. The valve position is therefore guaranteed for any controller output signal and the effects of varying differential pressure. A mounting kit is supplied with each positioner for mounting to either columns or yoke in accordance with IEC60534-6-1 standards.Control Valves Positioners & Switches EP5 Electro Pneumatic Positioner ISP5 Intrinsically Safe E/P Positioner Description The EP5 is a 2-wire Positioner requiring a 4-20 mA input signal. Groups A. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.5 E A B D C Materials Body and cover Die cast aluminum with anti corrosive paint Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.3 1.T5. C. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.0 4.07 . 3000/4000.3 7. D) Steady State Air consumption 13.5% Input impedence 200 ohms I Max 50 mA Temperature Limitations 0 to 175° F (-15 to +65°C) Enclosure rating IP54 (approximate equivalent of Nema 3 enclosure) ISP4 Intrinsically safe to EEx. we reserve the right to change the specification.8 kg Technical Data Input signal range 4-20 mA Output signal range 0 to 100% supply air pressure Supply air pressure 20 to 90 psig (1. 5 Positioner (rear view) Input from controller Gauge block connections supply air output to actuator Gauge block 2" 51 mm Spares Gauge 0-30 psi output Gauge 0-60 psi output Gauge 0-100 psi output Springs and pneumatic tube set Set of gaskets.Control Valves EP5 Electro Pneumatic Positioner ISP5 Intrinsically Safe E/P Positioner Positioners & Switches Installation Full details are contained in the appropriate Installation & Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Inc. Blythewood. diaphragms and orifice Amplifying relay set Block for gauges Gauge Block (front view) Signal (in ratio of 3-15 psi/4-20mA) 4" 100 mm Supply Output to actuator 2" 51 mm Spirax Sarco. Inc. 2004 TI-1-611-US 06. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco..07 159 . Air & Electrical Connections (rear view) Air Connection 1/4" NPT Cable Connection PG 13.. drastically simplifies and reduces the time required for the mounting procedure. high resolution. vibration insensitivity and extremely low air consumption is guaranteed at steady state. a mounting kit compliant to VDI / VDE 3845 is supplied.S.85 lb Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. The absence of mechanical linkages between the valve stem and the positioner. The pneumatics are based on piezovalve technology .11 . Precise control is maintained through valve position feedback that automatically varies the pneumatic output pressure to overcome the effects of stem friction and flow forces to maintain desired valve position. 160 TI-P343-36-US 02. (Full Scale) Shut-off 1% Shipping weight 4. The SP400 includes many smart functions that can be fully programmed through menu driven software using an integral keypad and LCD alphanumeric data.6 mA Input impedence 280 Ω Minimum air 15 psig above minimum supply pressure spring range pressure Maximum air supply pressure 100 psig Air supply must be dry.20 mA nominal Minimum input signal 3. The SP400 is supplied with a NAMUR standard mounting kit for attachment to yoke or pillar mounted actuators. Moreover the software has been designed to simplify operations as much as possible: commissioning requires just assembling the SP400 to the valve and pressing one button. we reserve the right to change the specification. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.Control Valves Positioners & Switches SP400 Electropneumatic Smart Positioner Description The SP400 smart valve positioner is a loop powered device that is able to drive linear and quarter turn pneumatic valves. high reliability. For quarter turn valves. Valve position feedback is retrieved by means of a non contact technology based on Hall effect.1% F. oil and dust free Air quality to ISO 8573-1 class 2:3:1 Output pressure 0 to 100% supply pressure Linear valves ½" to 4" Stroke range Quarter turn valves 5° to 120° Action Single action / fail vent Operating temperature 14°F to 176°F 5 cfm @ 90 psig Maximum air flow 2. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. Applications The SP400 can be used with the following pneumatic actuators: PN1000 and PN2000 series PNS3000 and PNS4000 series PN9000 series TN2277SE and TN2277SR Optional extras Gauge block Complete manifold block with two two pressure gauges (supply pressure and pressure to the actuator) Materials Part Material Finish Anti-corrosive paint to Case and cover Die cast aluminium RAL5010 Magnet bracket Die cast aluminium For the programmable functions see page 2 SP400 with front cover closed SP400 with front cover removed Technical data Input signal range 4 . For further product data regarding the MPC2 see Technical Information sheet TI-1-609-US. Indication of valve position is provided through a continuous digital display of % travel.5 cfm @ 20 psig Steady state air consumption Less than 0.01 scfm Air connections Screwed ¼" NPT Cable gland M20 Spring clamp terminals for Electrical connections 15 to 32 AWG Enclosure rating IP65 Characteristics Linear Resolution (maximum) 0. A fixing kit is available to mount the MPC2 filter regulator onto the actuator. Air supply The SP400 smart positioner must be provided with a high quality air supply. A 4-20 mA input signal determines the valve set point. A Spirax Sarco MPC2 filter regulator with coalescing filter or equivalent must be used.Therefore. 11 161 . Spirax Sarco..Dimensions A (approximate) in inches B C Control Valves SP400 Electropneumatic Smart Positioner F D E F G Programmable functions Autostroke Automatic commissioning routine Valve type 2-port or 3-port Selectable 0 .8 D 'U' bolts for pillar mounted actuators G C Safety information. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.5% Deadband 3. single action 0 = Not mounted 0 Enclosure 0 = Standard 0 Approvals 0 = Standard 0 24 V power supply 0 = Not mounted 0 Remote sensor 0 = No 0 Extended stroke 0 = No 0 0 = Not mounted G2 = Full scale 30 psig Gauge block G4 = Full scale 60 psig G7 = Full scale 100 psig Selection example: SP400 0 G4 SP400 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 G4 How to order Please include all the required optional extras as described on the first page. A Spirax Sarco MPC2 filter regulator with coalescing filter or equivalent must be used. Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco SP400 000 000 0G4 electropneumatic smart linear positioner equipped with gauge block for full scale pressure of 60 psig. Caution: The SP400 smart positioner must have a high quality air supply. single action 1 = Rotary. installation and maintenance Full details are contained in the SP400 electropneumatic smart positioner Installation and Maintenance Instructions (IM-P343-37) supplied with the product. Blythewood. Positioner nomenclature guide Positioner series SP400 Movement / action Retransmission + software switches 0 = Linear.7 4.0% % travel depending on valve / actuator configuration Control action Direct or reverse action (4-20 or 20-4 mA) OFF range 4-20 mA Split range Low range 4-13 mA High range 11-20 mA 0.2 6. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P343-36-US 02.100% or 100% .0% 5.1 1. Inc.0% Reset Resets all programmed values Input signal Visualisation of input mA signal Available spares Pressure gauge only Pressure gauge Available ranges: 0 to 30 psig.6 4.5% 1.3 1. 0 to 60 psig or 0 to 100 psig Filter plug kit Plug plus 3 off filters and 'O' rings B E A Centre bolt for yoke mounted actuators Positioners & Switches 5..4 4. Therefore.Control Valves Positioners & Switches SP500 Electropneumatic Smart Positioner Description The SP500 smart valve positioner is a loop powered device that is able to drive linear and quarter turn pneumatic valves. high resolution. 162 TI-P343-34-US 6.12 .20 mA valve position retransmission and 2 adjustable software switches Power supply board Allows 4 wire configuration: 2 for 4 . Indication of valve position is provided through a continuous digital display of % travel. mA input signal and valve diagnostics data. Precise control is maintained through valve position feedback that automatically varies the pneumatic output pressure to overcome the effects of stem friction and flow forces to maintain desired valve position. The SP500 includes many smart functions that can be fully programmed through menu driven software using an integral keypad and LCD alphanumeric data. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. PN9000 series.20 mA nominal Minimum input signal 3. oil and dust free Air quality to ISO 8573-1 class 2:3:1 Output pressure 0 to 100% supply pressure Linear valves ½" to 4" Stroke range Quarter turn valves 5° to 120° Action Single action / fail vent Operating temperature 14°F to 176°F 2. high reliability. a mounting kit compliant to VDI / VDE 3845 is supplied. The SP500 smart valve positioner supports optional expansion to include the HART® communication protocol. PM series. PNS3000 and PNS4000 series. and the TN2277SE and TN2277SR Optional extras Gauge block Complete manifold block with two two pressure gauges (supply pressure and pressure to the actuator Retransmission and switch board 4 .S. enabling complete configuration using a PC or handheld device. drastically simplifies and reduces the time required for the mounting procedure. A 4-20 mA input signal determines the valve set point. A Spirax Sarco MPC2 filter regulator with coalescing filter or equivalent must be used.85 lb Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. power supply 50 Ω Minimum air 15 psig above minimum supply pressure spring range pressure Maximum air supply pressure 100 psig Air supply must be dry. Equal % (ratio 1:50) or Characteristics Fast opening (ratio 50:1) Resolution (maximum) 0. we reserve the right to change the specification. vibration insensitivity and extremely low air consumption is guaranteed at steady state.20 mA input signal and 2 for independent 24 V power supply reducing positioner impedance to 50 Ω Enables communication using the HART® HART® board protocol Materials Part Material Finish Anti-corrosive paint to Case and cover Die cast aluminium RAL5010 Magnet bracket Die cast aluminium For the programmable functions see page 2 SP500 with front cover closed SP500 with front cover removed Technical data Input signal range 4 . Applications The SP500 can be used with the following pneumatic actuators: PN1000 and PN2000 series. For quarter turn valves. For further product data regarding the MPC2 see Technical Information sheet TI-1-609-US. (Full Scale) 4 .01 scfm Air connections Screwed ¼" NPT Cable gland M20 Spring clamp terminals for Electrical connections 15 to 32 AWG Enclosure rating IP65 Linear. Valve position feedback is retrieved by means of a non contact technology based on Hall effect.20 mA retransmission 4 . the absence of mechanical linkages between the valve stem and the positioner. Moreover. The pneumatics are based on piezovalve technology . software travel switch status. The SP500 is supplied with a NAMUR standard mounting kit for attachment to yoke or pillar mounted actuators. Valve commissioning is simplified through an autostroke routine and LCD data of programming status. Air supply The SP500 smart positioner must be provided with a high quality air supply. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.5 cfm @ 20 psig Maximum air flow 5 cfm @ 90 psig Steady state air consumption Less than 0.4 mA Standard 280 Ω Input impedence With aux. A fixing kit is available to mount the MPC2 filter regulator onto the actuator.1% F.20 mA retransmit (optional) of valve position Software travel Two software configured 1 x normally closed switches (optional) travel switches 1 x normally open Shipping weight 4. Programmable functions Dimensions Autostroke Automatic commissioning routine Valve type 2-port or 3-port Selectable 0 - 100% or 100% - 0% % travel depending on valve / actuator configuration Control action Direct or reverse action (4-20 or 20-4 mA) Travel limits Setting of minimum and maximum travel limits Signal span 4-20 mA or split ranged (minimum span 4 mA) Positional accuracy Deadband (minimum 0.2% to max. 10% of valve travel) Tight shut-off Fully vent or inflate at preset input signals Linear, = % or fast opening Characteristic input signal to valve travel relationship Travel time Slows down valve opening or closing Software configured travel switch setting Travel switches (range 0 - 100%) Reset Resets all programmed values Calibrate Centering Input signal Visualisation of input mA signal A B C D E F G 5.7 4.4 4.1 1.6 4.3 1.2 6.8 Auto operation / vent Data logging Centre bolt for yoke mounted actuators Option of automatic operation or vent (actuator) whilst reprogramming Diagnostic record of total number of valve strokes and completed hours run time. (approximate) inches Positioners & Switches F Control Valves SP500 Electropneumatic Smart Positioner B E A D 'U' bolts for pillar mounted actuators Available spares Pressure gauge only Pressure gauge Available ranges: 0 to 30 psig, 0 to 60 psig, 0 to 100 psig Filter plug kit Plug plus 3 off filters and 'O' rings Retransmission and switch board 4 - 20 mA valve position retransmission and 2 adjustable software switches Allows 4 wire configuration: 2 for 4 - 20 mA input signal and 2 for independent 24 V power supply reducing positioner impedance to 50 Ω Power supply board G C HART® board enables communication using the HART® protocol Safety information, installation and maintenance Full details are contained in the SP500 electropneumatic smart positioner Installation and Maintenance Instructions (IM-P343-35) supplied with the product. Positioner nomenclature guide Movement / action Retransmission + software switches (optional) SP500 = SP500 SP501 = SP500 with HART® communication protocol 0 = Linear, single action 1 = Rotary, single action 0 = Not mounted R = Mounted Enclosure Approvals 0 = Standard 0 = Standard Positioner series 0 = Not mounted 24 V power supply (optional) P = Mounted Remote sensor 0 = No Extended stroke 0 = No 0 = Not mounted G2 = Full scale 30 psig Gauge block G4 = Full scale 60 psig G7 = Full scale 100 psig SP500 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 G4 Selection example: SP500 0 R 0 0 0 0 0 G4 How to order Please include all the required optional extras as described on the first page. Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco SP500 0R00000G4 electropneumatic smart positioner equipped with retransmission and software switches board plus gauge block for full scale pressure of 60 psig. Caution: The SP500 smart positioner must have a high quality air supply. A Spirax Sarco MPC2 filter regulator with coalescing filteror equivalent must be used. Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P343-34-US 6.12 163 Control Valves Positioners & Switches SP300 Pneumatic Positioner Description The SP300 series is a microprocessor based positioner range that provides fast and accurate positioning of linear and rotary pneumatic actuated control valves. The instrument produces a pneumatic pressure output to accurately position the valve according to the input signal from external controller (4÷20 mA) or from a bus network (Hart, Foundation Fieldbus, Profibus PA). SP300 are compact and easy to maintain and operate. Local calibration and parameter setting can be done without the need for external devices. Position Feedback (Fig. B) The position of the valve is accurately measured using a magnetic sensor based on the “Hall effect", eliminating the need for feedback levers and potentiometers. This non contact feedback arrangement provides many advantages including improved reliability, safer operation, better accuracy and dead band because there are less moving parts subject to wear. Fig B Magnetic Sensor Linear Magnet Operation Output Module (Fig. A) The main parts of the output module are: pilot, servo, Hall effect sensor and output control circuit. The instrument CPU sends an electronic setpoint signal to the control circuit. The control circuit receives an actual valve position feedback signal from a Hall Effect sensor. By comparing the two signals the control circuit applies a voltage to the baffle (piezo) for the right valve positioning. The pneumatic section is based on the well known nozzle-baffle and spool valve technology. Rotary Magnet A piezoelectric disk is used as baffle in the pilot stage. The baffle is deflected upon receiving the voltage according to the required position change. A small variation of the air flow through the nozzle causes a change of pressure in the pilot chamber (pilot pressure). Because pilot pressure is too low, with no flow capacity, it has to be therefore boosted. This is done in the servo section which acts as a transducer. The servo section has one diaphragm in the pilot chamber, and another smaller diaphragm in the spool chamber. The pilot pressure applies a force to the pilot side diaphragm which, at steady state, will be equal to the force that the spool valve applies to the smaller diaphragm. Remote Sensor (optional) Linear Magnet or Rotary Magnet When a change in position is required, pilot pressure increases or decreases as explained for the pilot stage. A change in pilot pressure forces the spool valve up or down changing the output 1 and the output 2 pressure until the desired position is reached. Flow restriction Fig A Magnetic Sensor Pilot Diaphragm Spool Disphragm Air Supply Spool Valve Piezo Baffle Nozzle Pilot Chambe Vent 2 Output 2 Output 1 Vent 1 Spring The mounting arrangement for linear actuators complies with IEC534-6 The mounting arrangement for rotary actuators complies with VDI/ VDE3845 The “Hall effect" sensor can be remotely mounted upto 65 ft from the instrument. This is particularly useful for applications subject to high ambient temperatures or heavy vibration. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. In the interests of development and improvement of the product, we reserve the right to change the specification. 164 TI-P370-19-US 6.07 The communication protocols of all SP300 are industry standard, which means they are easily interfaced with the control system and therefore reduce installation and maintenance costs. SP 301 4 to 20 mA + HART® Valve Positioner The SP301 microprocessor based pneumatic valve positioner operating in a current loop system. It produces a pressure output as required to position a control valve according to a 4 to 20mA input signal. The communications of the SP301 are based on the HART® protocol. Calibration and setting of parameters can be carried out via local adjustment or using portable equipment as a PDA with HART interface or with a PC including HART® software. SP 302 Foundation Fieldbus Valve Positioner The SP302 is a Foundation Fieldbus device. It is a microprocessor based pneumatic valve positioner operating in a Fieldbus system. The SP302 produces a pressure output as required to position a control valve according to an input received over the Fieldbus network. Calibration and setting of parameters can be carried out via local adjustment or using a remote configurator (es. Syscon) SP 303 PROFIBUS PA Valve Positioner The SP303 is a Profibus PA device. It is a microprocessor based pneumatic valve positioner operating in a Fieldbus system. The SP303 produces a pressure output as required to position a control valve according to an input received over the Fieldbus network. Calibration and setting of parameters can be carried out via local adjustment or using a remote configurator (es. PDM Simatic) Specific Technical Features SP 301 Communication Protocol HART® (is superimposed on the current signal) Input Signal Two-wire, 4 to 20 mA controlled according to NAMUR NE43 Specification, with superimposed digital communication (HART® Protocol) Power Supplied by the 4 to 20 mA current. No external supply required. Voltage drop 11 Vdc max / 20 mA (equivalent to 550 W) Mininum current 3.8 mA Reverse Polarity Protection Is provided to prevent internal circuit damage in the event of reversal of the 4 to 20 mA supply signal. SP 302 Communication Protocol Foundation™ Fieldbus. Input Signal Digital only. Foundation™ Fieldbus, complies with IEC 1158-2 (H1): 31.25 Kbit/s and voltage mode with bus power. Voltage drop Bus powered: 9 to 32 Vdc. Quiscent current consumption 12 mA Function Blocs: RES - Resource TRD - Transducer DSP - Display transducer DIAG - Diagnostics Transducer PID - PID Control EPID - Enhanced PID AO - Analog Output ARTH - Arithmetic INTG - Integrator ISEL - Input Selector CHAR - Signal Characterizer SPLT - Splitter AALM - Analog Alarm SPG - Set Ramp Generator TIME - Timer LLAG - Lead-Lag OSDL - Output Selector / CT - Constant Dynamic limiter SP 303 Communication Protocol PROFIBUS PA. Input Signal Digital only. PROFIBUS PA, commplies with IEC 1158-2 (H1): 31.25 Kbit/s and voltage mode with bus power. Power Supply Bus powered: 9 to 32 Vdc / Quiescent current consumption 12mA. Output impedance (from 7.8 to 39 kHz). Function Blocs: PHY - Physical TRD - Transducer DSP - Display AO - Analog Output Common Technical Features Functional Specifications Travel Linear Motion: 1/8" (3 to 100 mm) Rotary Motion: 3 to 120° Rotation angle Output Signal Output to actuator 0 to 100 psig supply air pressure. Single or double action. Pressure Supply 1.4 to 7 barg (20 to 100 psig). Free of oil, dust and water. Indication 41/2-digit LCD indicator and 5 alphanumeric characters. Hazardous Location Certification Explosion proof, weather proof and intrinsically safe from ATEX, CSA, FM. Control Valves Models & Protocols Positioners & Switches SP300 Pneumatic Positioner Temperature Limits Operation: -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C) Storage: -40 to 194°F (-40 to 90°C) Display: 14 to 140°F (-10 to 60°C) operation -40 to 185°F (-40 to 85°C) without damage. Humidity Limits Turn-on Time Update Time 0 to 100% RH. Approx. 10 seconds Approx. 0.2 seconds Flow Characterization Linear, Equal Percentage, Quick Opening, 16 freely selectable points. Through software or locally adjustable. Gain Through software or locally adjustable. Travel Time Through software or locally adjustable. Actual Position Sensing Magnet sensor (non contact) via Hall effect. Performance Specifications Sensitivity / Resolution Repeatability Hysteresis < 0.1 % F.S. < 0.1 % F.S. < 0.1 % F.S. (Full Scale) Consumption 0.25 Nm3/h (0.15 SCFM) at 1.4 barg (20 psig) supply. 0.70 Nm3/h (0.40 SCFM) at 5.6 barg (80 psig) supply. Output Capacity 46.7 Nm3/h (28 SCFM) at 5.6 barg (80 psig) supply. Ambient Temperature Effect 0.8% / 20°C (68°F) of span. Supply Pressure Effect Negligible. Vibration Effect ± 0.3% / g of span during the following conditions: 5 to 15 Hz at 4 mm (1/8") constant displacement; 15 to 150 Hz at 2g; 150 to 2000 Hz at 1g. Reference SAMA PMC 31.1 1980, Sec. 5.3, Condition 3, Steady State. Electro-Magnet Interference Effect Designed to comply with IEC 61326: 2000. Physical Specifications Electrical Connections 1/2" - 14 NPT, Pg 13,5 or M20 x 1,5. Pneumatic Connections Supply and output: 1/4" - 18 NPT. Gauge: 1/8" 27 NPT. Material of construction Injected low copper aluminium with polyester painting or 316 stainless steel housing, with Buna N ‘O’rings on cover (NEMA 4x, IP 67) Weight Without display and mounting bracket: Std. body 2.7 kg (6 lbs) SS body 5.8 kg (12.8 lbs) Add, for digital display: 0.1 kg (0.22 lbs) Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P370-19-US 6.07 165 Control Valves SP300 Pneumatic Positioner Positioners & Switches Local Display Drawing all SP300 positioners are fitted with a digital indicator that allows you to: • read the parameters • set the parameters • read the diagnostic messages • read measured values Configuration / Connection Diagram in 4 : 20 mA + Hart Protocol Magnetic Tool Power Supply For proper operation, the portable equipment requires a minimum load of 250 Ohms between the power supply and transmitter PDA Configuration / Connection Diagram In Foundation Fieldbus or Profibus PA configuration Junction Box Terminator Magnetic Tool Shield Configuration Station Dimensions Valve Positioner Spur Spur Rotary Magnet Linear Magnet Travel Up to 15 mm Up to 30 mm Up to 50 mm Up to 100 mm Dimension A 44 mm 50 mm 109 mm 185 mm Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 166 TI-P370-19-US 5.06 Control Valves SP300 Pneumatic Positioner SP301 1 0 3 3 I2 Note 1: Positioners are always Explosion Proof. Intrinsically Safe. FM and CSA certified: 12-13-14-15suffix are for label identification. Positioners & Switches SP30 Positioner with digital display Sufffix Protocol 1 4 - 20 mA + Hart 2 Foundation Fieldbus *3 Profibus PA Suffix Bracket Mounting Kit ** 0 Without kit *1 With kit (bracket + magnet) Suffix Electrical Connections *0 1/2- 14 NPT A M20 x 1,5 B PG 13,5 DIN Suffix Type of Actuator ** *1 Rotary - Single Action 2 Rotary - Double Action *3 Linear - Single Action 4 Linear - Double Action 5 Other Specify Suffix Indication Gauge 0 Without Gauge 1 With Gauge - input 2 With Gauge - Output 1 *3 With 2 Gauges - input and Output 1 4 With 2 Gauges - Output 1 and 2 5 With 3 Gauges Z Other Specify Suffix Options H1 316 SST Housing and body R1 Remote sensor I2 Explosion Proof (ATEX) I4 Intrinsically Safe (ATEX) J1 Tag on label SZ Specify special application Typical positioner model: 4-20 mA signal+HART protocol - 1/2" NPT electrical connection - single action linear valve -2 gauges - digital indicator - Explosion Proof (ATEX) label Stock Code 3700590 * Standard ** No approval available KMS Bracket / Magnet Kit Suffix Bracket Kit 0 Without Positioner Bracket 1 Universal Rotary 2 Universal Linear (Yoke and Pillar) *3 Linear Spirax Sarco Valves 4 Rotary Spirax Sarco Valves Z Other - Specify Suffix Magnet 0 Rotary *1 Linear Up to 15 mm *2 Linear Up to 30 mm *3 Linear Up to 50 mm 4 Linear Up to 100 mm Z Other - Specify Suffix Mounting Bracket Material *C Carbon Steel Bracket I 316 Stainless Steel Bracket Z Other - Specify Suffix Optional Item SYZ Specify Actuator Model / Company KMS 3 * Standard 2 I 000 Typical Kit model: Stainless Steel bracket for Spirax Sarco linear valve - magnet for up to 30 mm valve stroke - Yoke & Pillar mounting, right side, Stock Code 3700500 Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P370-19-US 5.06 167 Control Valves Positioners & Switches Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 168 ... Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood. 0 3.Control Valves Positioners & Switches IPC4A Convertor Description The IPC4A converter is a two wire.14 169 . In the interests of development and improvement of the product. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. wall mounted.0 6.3 2.2% Safety information.4 scfm (average) 1/8" NPT PG9 0 to 175° F 220 ohms 50 mA 0.7 psig IP54 .5% 0. we reserve the right to change the specification.0 lb B Wall or Pipe Mounting Conections Board Mounting Strips (DIN track) Output Signal Input Air Supply Electrical Connection C A Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. The converter is compatible with Spirax Sarco linear pneumatic actuators series PN5000 and PN6000 and the PP4 pneumatic positioner.15 psi compressed air output signal. Applications The convertor can be used with the following actuators: PN5000 series Actuator types PN6000 series Technical data Input signal range Output signal range Supply air pressure Enclosure rating Air consumption Pneumatic connections Electrical connections Working temperature Input impedence I Max Linearity Hysteresis 4-20 mA 3-15 psi Minimum 20 psi Maximum 50. Materials Base plate Cover Die cast aluminum with anti corrosive paint Reinforced polymer (ABS) Dimensions (approximate) in inches and pounds Air and electrical connections Air connections 1/8" NPT Electrical connection PG9 A B C Weight 3. installation and maintenance Full details are contained in the appropriate Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product. electropneumatic converter requiring a standard 4-20 mA input signal to provide a 3 . TI-P343-07-US 1. 5 65 (nominal) in inches and millimeters B C E Weight 6. for pneumatic actuators and general purpose systems. Part 1 Body 2 Body Finish 3 Bowl 4 Bonnet Assembly 5 Filter Element 6 Valve C Material Aluminum Electrophoretic Epoxy Internal and External Polycarbonate Polycarbonate MicroFibre/Stainless Steel Nitrile A B Pressure Gauge 1-1/2" gauge with face in psi and bar is supplied with each MPC2.Control Valves Positioners & Switches MPC2 High Efficiency Compressed Air Filter/Regulator Spirax Sarco high efficiency oil removing filter/ regulator. 0 Construction Materials No.97 . Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Pressure Range: 0 to 100 psig (0 .7 barg) E Dimensions C (nominal) in inches and millimeters Size A 1-1/2" 1.8 10 50 0 Temperature ˚C Temperature ˚F Limiting Operating Conditions 160 80 100 120 140 20 40 60 (1.7) (4. with accurate pressure control.8) (8.2 kg Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.2) (9.5) (6.D.6 41 1 25 1 lb 0.5 40 B 1.0 37. Model MPC2 Sizes 1/4" Connections 1/4" O. 170 Withdrawal Distance TI-1-609-US 09.6 122 100 50.1) (5.03) 145 Pressure psig (barg) (10) The product should not be used in shaded area.8 47 C R1/8" Dimensions Size A A B 1/4" 2.1 155 1.6) (11.3) (2. we reserve the right to change the specification. Tube Construction Aluminum/Polycarbonate Pressure Range 0 to 100 psig 150 65. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. To provide very high quality compressed air. 97 171 .5 61. 1997 TI-1-609-US 09. there is a maximum recommended air flow rate. will ensure that the element performance maintains the stated high efficiency levels. 7 0 1 Air flow scfm 3 4 2 5 6 C 7 100 80 5 d de 4 en low f 60 m om c 3 um re 40 im ax 2 M 20 1 0 A Primary pressure psig Primary pressure barg 6 0 0 1 2 Air flow dm3/s 3 Bowl Assembly (specify with or without Drain) A.FK21 Fixing Kit Control Valves MPC2 High Efficiency Compressed Air Filter/Regulator Positioners & Switches Spare Parts All MPC2’s come complete with FK21 Fixing Kits to allow direct mounting onto the Spirax Sarco range of PN Pneumatic Actuators. G H Dimensions (nominal) in inches and millimeters E E F G H J 1..0 30.26 0.2 J F B Performance Selection D For any specified primary filtration pressure. C. Keeping within this.5 1.5 32. D How to order Example: 1 Element and ‘O’ ring set for 1/4" SpiraxMonnier Filter/Regulator Type MPC2 Spirax Sarco. Inc.B Element and O Ring Set B. particularly for the removal of oil and water contaminants.2 2. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. Inc.0 8. Blythewood. 1150 Northpoint Blvd..4 1.31 40. NEMA 4.27 Ø/2 . .0 mA .718" Construction Materials Part Cover Features O-Ring Seals Shaft and Drive Internal Fasteners Material Epoxy coated anodized aluminum cover (optional clear Lexan cover) Viton All materials are 303 or 316 stainless steel Stainless Steel . Class II: Groups E. Class II: Groups F & G. Technical Data Model No.75" . 172 TI-1-616-US 09.50" 1/2" NPT* 3/4" NPT 1/2" NPT 4. F. we reserve the right to change the specification. It is mounted on the PN5000/6000 actuators and can provide visual indication if the valve is fully open. you can determine valve wear. 4X and 6 Output Signal Two wire. G. The Stonel Position Transmitter provides a precise 4-20mA signal on a two-wired DC loop to provide exact valve position.38" 3. two solid state sensors are provided for use in AC and DC computer input circuits.718" 6. 4-20mA Recommended Supply 24VDC. 50mA minimum Voltage Range 10 to 40 VDC at terminals Maximum Loading 700 ohms @ 24 VDC Sensors 2XSST Solid State Sensors Electrical Ratings 0.Control Valves Positioners & Switches Stonel Position Transmitter Description The Stonel Limit Switch is for use with the K Series pneumatic control valves and PN5000/6000 actuators.25" Junction Features (1) 3/4" NPT and (1) 1/2" NPT conduit entries Visual Indicator OPEN . PQ5XE2R Installation Full details are contained in the appropriate Installation & Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. Division 1. Additionally.0" Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.5 volts @ 10 mA Drop 7.0 volts @ 100 mA Minimum Current for LED Illumination 2. partially open (0-100%) or partially closed (0-100%).03 .Red Enclosure Rating Factory Mutual and Canadian Standards (Aluminum Cover) approved for: Class I: Groups C &D.3A @ 120VAC (continuous) Temperature Range -40° to 180°F (-40° to 82°C) Operating Life unlimited Maximum Voltage 6.65" . By comparing flow rates over time with your valve position. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.75" . Division 2. Divisions 1 and 2. fully closed.625" 1.75" .Green CLOSED .156 Ø Pins/2 #6-32 Pan Head Screw * The 1/2" Conduit Entry is Located on the Left Side of the 3/4" Conduit Entry * 3.75" . 718" 6. F. G.0 mA 3/4" NPT 1/2" NPT 4. NEMA 4.5 volts @ 10 mA Drop 6.65" . Division 2.625" Function 2 switches Switch Data 2x SPDT.38" 3.75" . partially open (0-100%) or partially closed (0-100%).5 volts @ 100 mA Minimum Current for LED Illumination 2. 1. PQ2SE2R Installation Full details are contained in the appropriate Installation & Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product.718" 3.27 Ø/2 . TI-1-617-US 09. Technical Data Model No.75" Construction Materials Part Cover Features O-Ring Seals Shaft and Drive Internal Fasteners Material Epoxy coated anodized aluminum cover (optional clear Lexan cover) Viton All materials are 303 or 316 stainless steel Stainless Steel . Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.000.75" .0" * The 1/2" Conduit Entry is Located on the Left Side of the 3/4" Conduit Entry .50" 1/2" NPT* . It is mounted on the PN5000/6000 actuators and can provide visual indication if the valve is fully open.156 Ø Pins/2 #6-32 Pan Head Screw Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Division 1. fully closed. Maxx-Guard LED Proximity switches Junction Features (1) 3/4" NPT and (1) 1/2" NPT conduit entries Visual Indicator OPEN . Class II: Groups F & G.25" * . Class II: Groups E.3A @ 120VAC Temperature Range -23° to 180°F (-40° to 82°C) Seal Hermetically Sealed Operating LIfe 5. 4X and 6 Sensors SPDT Electrical Ratings 0.Green CLOSED .03 173 . we reserve the right to change the specification. Divisions 1 and 2. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.000 cycles Maximum Voltage 3.Control Valves Positioners & Switches Stonel Limit Switch Description The Stonel Limit Switch is for use with the K Series pneumatic control valves and PN5000/6000 actuators.Red Enclosure Rating Factory Mutual and Canadian Standards (Aluminum Cover) approved for: Class I: Groups C &D. The Stonel Limit Switch has fully adjustable cams which allow the switches to be set to be actuated at any desired valve travel.75" . Type W30S (optional) Material AISI 316L Connection NPT Maximum pressure PN40 Stainless steel Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.Control Valves Controllers Trans. An optional stainless steel pocket type W30S is available for use with tempertature sensors. RTD Pt100 or thermocouple input signal.290 psi Other options available include:Pneumatic receiver for 3 to 15 psi g input signal.Suffix 'M10') Pressure Control 622 622 Proportional (+ Manual reset) Proportional (+ Manual reset) 0 .14 . In the interests of development and improvement of the product. 572 and 752°F Measuring elements Pressure Bourdon tube Connection Maximum pressure AISI 316L stainless steel NPT +25% of scale range Temperature Bulb and capillary Bulb connection Capillary length Max. Available Types Temperature control Model Control function 662-T5-M5* Proportional (+ Manual reset) 662-T5-M5 Proportional (+ Manual reset) 662-T5-M5* Proportional (+ Manual reset) 662-T5SY-M5 Proportional (+ Manual reset) Scale range 212°F 122 . The range of pneumatic controllers can be used in conjunction with PN5000 and PN6000 series linear actuators and PP4 pneumatic positioners.257°F 663-T5-M5* 663-T5-M5 663-T5-M5* 663-T5SY-M5 212°F 122 .250 psi Scale span options for:122.15 psi output signal with proportional (plus manual reset) or proportional plus integral control action. 212. we reserve the right to change the specification. Other scale ranges available:Pressure (psi) Temperature (°F) Optional pocket type W30S Scale span options up to 7. 167.257°F 77 . & Sensors PN600 Series Pneumatic Controllers Description The PN600 series pneumatic controllers provide temperature or pressure control providing a 3 .257°F Proportional + Integral Proportional + Integral Proportional + Integral Proportional + Integral T5 = Nitrogen filled sensing bulb and capillary SY = Sensing bulb for sterile applications M5 = 5 metres capillary tube (* Option of 10 metres . Electromechanical receiver for 4-20 mA.Sanitary bulb for sterile applications (Option available with spiral bulb for air /gas) NPT 16.5 ft 32 ft (in some ranges) (Other options available) +25% of scale range Pocket . 302.302°F 77 .302°F 77 .290 psi 623 623 Proportional + Integral Proportional + Integral 0 . measured temperature AISI 316L stainless steel . 392.257°F 77 .102 psi 0 .102 psi 0 . 0-10 Vdc. 174 TI-P320-47-US 1.Cylindrical bulb for liquids . Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. 7 (120) . & Sensors Sensor Controller Enclosure rating Scale length Pointers Gauges Control mode Output signal Control action Set point adjustment Accuracy Sensitivity Repeatability Linearity Air supply Air consumption Air connections Ambient temperature limits Mounting Weight Control Valves PN600 Series Pneumatic Controllers E ¾" NPT ¾" NPT No groove on SY sterile bulb G F Connector Pocket (optional replacing standard connector) L ½" NPT ¾" NPT K Controller inches (millimeters) Controller A B C D 7.3 psi . 1999 TI-P320-47-US 1..4 scfm (average) ¼ " NPT 5°F to 149°F Wall or flush panel mounted 7. Inc.5% of range span 20.5% of range span 0.14 175 .2 (210) A D B C Panel cut-out J H Spirax Sarco.6 (16) 8.4 (188) Pocket K L 0.1 to 20 repeats per minute) 2.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.5 psi Direct or reverse action .7 (144) 5.Field reversable Manual adjustment 1% of range span 0.14. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.5 (138) Output signal pressure (bar/psi g) Proportional (5-200% of scale range) Integral (0.7 lbs Controllers Trans.Technical data Dimensions IP54 (Standard) IP55 (Optional) 100mm Measured value .9 .2% of range span 0.8 (202) 5. Inc.3 (136) . Blythewood.5 (13) Panel Mounting Cut Out H J 5.7 (200) Set point .67 (17) Temperature Sensing Bulb E F G 4. 0 (45 mm) +0. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.0" (101 mm) Panel cut-out 1.6 3.VMD (valve motor drive). - Quick codes .7" -0.Control Valves Controllers Trans. A2 and A3).5" (90 mm) 1. suitable for single and multiple set point applications utilising the Spirax Sarco range of pneumatic or electric control valves and electrical and electropneumatic instruments.9" (48 mm) 4.9" (48 mm) 1. - Text messages . & Sensors SX80 Process Controller Description The SX80 controller is a 1/16 DIN panel mounted unit. A2 and A3). mA and voltage for continuous.6 How to order example: 1 off Spirax Sarco SX80 process controller.7" -0. - Auxiliary power supply . SX80 features: - Universal input . Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.13 . relay and logic for switching control.Resistance thermometers. we reserve the right to change the specification. mA and mV. - EMC immunity specification: EN 61326-1: 1997 Industrial locations (including amendments A1. 176 TI-P323-28-US 12. The SX80 has both VMD (3 point) and analogue (4 - 20 mA) outputs in the same unit and features quick start codes for ease of commissioning. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. - Universal output . See overleaf for SX80 Process Controller technical data Dimensions (approximate) in inches (mm) 1.5-digit quick codes enable easy set-up and commissioning of the controllers.For external transmitter requiring 18 Vdc.Scrolling text messages can be configured to alert the user to process conditions. thermocouples. Approvals These controllers conform to the Council Directive 93 / 68 / EEC and the regulations on the essential protection requirements in Electrical Apparatus EN 61010-1: 90 - EMC emissions specification: EN 61326-1: 1997 Class B (including amendments A1.0 (45 mm) +0. 9999 Engineering units or 0.1 to 3000 Engineering units 1 . N.1 .13 177 .9999 Engineering units or 0. 0 . Blythewood. 4 – 20 mA 13.20 mA.9 seconds RTD 3 wire Pt100 DIN 43760 Bulb current 0.1 .9999 Off . J. Inc.6 lb (250 g) Approvals CE Process variable inputs Calibration accuracy < ±0.49 Ω Linear input range -10 to 80 mV Thermocouples K.01 to 300. L.1% reading Input impedance 100 MΩ Number of set points 3 User calibration 2 point gain and offset Transmitter power supply Isolation Output voltage Current Load regulation 300 Vac double isolated 18 V ±15% 30 mA maximum < 1 V over 25 mA Control action Proportional band Integral time Derivative time Error band Auto tuning On-off control Cut back Auto / manual modes 1 .20 mA.2 mA Universal linear mA 4 .01 to 300 %age or 0. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Selectable from keyboard.5 μV with 1. or natural frequency tune.3000 Off . Inc.. custom Sampling rate 4 Hz (250 ms) Cold junction accuracy < ±1°C at 25°C ambient Accuracy linear mA < 0.25% reading ±1 LSD Resolution < 0. Hysteresis from 0.Control Valves SX80 Process Controller Controllers Trans. Relays Isolation 300 Vac double insulated Output range 0 – 20 mA. 4 – 20 mA Resolution 13..6 second filter Input filter Off to 59. T.5 bits Contact rating Maximum 2 A @ 264 Vac resistive Note: Maximum 2 A per terminal limit applies where relays have common terminals (2 amps maximum for terminal AB). B.9999 One shot tune. The controller will automatically select the best method according to the process conditions. 6 W maximum Electrical connections Screw connection terminal block Panel sealing IP65 – plug in from front panel. R.3000 To minimise overshoot on critical processes. 2013 Isolated dc output 300 Vac double insulated 0 – 20 mA. C.01 to 300 %age or 0. & Sensors Technical data General details Mounting arrangement Panel mounted 1/16 DIN Power supply 85 to 265 Vac.0 or 0.5 bits Spirax Sarco. using external shunt resistor 2. Logic inputs (x2) Contact closure Open >1200R Closed <300R Isolation Output range Resolution © Spirax Sarco. NEMA 4X Operating temperature / humidity 0 to 55°C. S. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P323-28-US 12. 5 to 85% RH Atmospheres Not suitable for use in explosive or corrosive atmospheres Electromagnetic compatibity (EMC) EN 61326 Electrical safety BS EN 61010 Installation Category II Weight 0. . commissioned. & Sensors SX80 Process Controller Wiring diagrams Warning: Safe operation of this product can only be guaranteed if it is properly installed. It is the duty of the Company Safety Officer to ensure that the product specific data and Safety information within the supplied IMI has been fully understood and complied with. 2013 L 12. Terminal diagram Digital inputs A and B 1A IO1 Relay output AA LA A Output 3 LB 1B AB Normally open relays Output 4 B Output 2 Analogue + 2A - 2B L Line supply 100 to 230 Vac ±15% 48 to 62 Hz LC AC VI + HE Sensor input R = 2.49Ω V+ N + + V HF R V- - Transmitter power supply 18 V ±15% Pt100 mA RTD mV Thermocouple mV Tc Wiring diagram for connecting a 4 - 20 mA transmitter 1A LA AA 1B LB AB 2A LC AC 2B Transducer supply VI HE +24v V+ V = 10-50 mV N HF i < 30 mA 0v 1 (+) 2 R49 V- (-) 2 i = 4-20 mA 4 Screen 4-20 mA sensor Spirax Sarco. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 178 TI-P323-28-US © Spirax Sarco. used and maintained by qualified personnel as stated in the IMI supplied with the unit..13 . Inc.Control Valves Controllers Trans. Blythewood. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 179 ..Control Valves Controllers Trans. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood. & Sensors Spirax Sarco.. Inc. For connecting via a serial port RS 485 (5 wire).0 +0.For feedback of valve position.The automatic to manual mode can be changed via the key board. up to 64 controllers into a supervisory system. relay and - - - - - - - - - - - - - logic for switching control.VMD (valve motor drive). Ramps .0.5" (90 mm) How to order example: 1 off Spirax Sarco SX90 process controller. or logic inputs. A2 and A3). band. The controller has universal inputs.90. and outputs using PID for close control of industrial processes.Forced output level defined by instrument parameter and activated by a logic input or by writing to the parameter.4 programmable relay outputs for deviation. Approvals These controllers conform to the Council Directive 93 / 68 / EEC and the regulations on the essential protection requirements in Electrical Apparatus EN 61010-1. Remote set point . SX90 features: - Universal input .6 Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. 180 TI-P323-30-US-US 12.7" (45 mm) -0.Control Valves Controllers Trans.0" (101 mm) Panel cut-out 3. A2 and A3). Forced output . mA and voltage for continuous. Potentiometer Input .For retransmission of the process value.The SX90 can operate with local set point.Scrolling text messages can be configured to alert the user to process conditions.8" (96 mm) 3. Auto / man . See the next two pages for SX90 Process Controller technical data Dimensions (approximate) in inches (mm) 1. & Sensors SX90 Process Controller Description The SX90 is a panel mounted 1/8th DIN controller. mA and mV. we reserve the right to change the specification. remote set point. The SX90 controller is for use with the Spirax Sarco range of pneumatic and electric control valves and electrical and electropneumatic instruments.3 logic inputs to provide a variety of selectable functions. or as second analogue output. suitable for constant set point control of systems having fixed pre-programmed set points. - Universal output .For external transmitter requiring 24 Vdc. set value. - EMC immunity specification: EN 61326-1: 1997 Industriallocations (including amendments A1.For cascade control (master/slave) using 2 controllers working together.9" (48 mm) 4.5-digit quick codes enable easy set-up and commissioning of the controllers Serial communications . Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.0 +0. Retransmission .6" (92 mm) .8 3. Auxiliary power supply . thermocouples. or to remotely control the set point. or a choice of 4 set points can be selected. Text messages . Event alarm . Quick codes . - EMC emissions specification: EN 61326-1: 1997 Class B (including amendments A1. Set point . 1. and process alarms. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.13 .There are 2 independent ramps (ramp up and ramp down) for rate of change from one set point to another.Resistance thermometers. Logic inputs . Control Valves SX90 Process Controller Technical data Mounting arrangement Panel mounted 1/8 DIN Power supply 85 to 265 Vac. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. or natural frequency tune. T. 0 .. B. Inc. J.49 Ω Linear input range -10 to 80 mV Thermocouples K. Relays Isolation 300 Vac double insulated Logic inputs (x2) Open > 1200R.20 mA.1 to 3000 Engineering units On-Off control 1 . N.2 mA Universal linear mA 4 .25% reading ±1 LSD Resolution < 0.01 to 300 %age or 0. S.0 or 0. R.1 .1 .9 seconds RTD 3 wire Pt100 DIN 43760 Bulb current 0. Auto tuning Hysteresis from 0. 9 W maximum Electrical connections Screw connection terminal block Panel sealing IP65 – plug in from front panel. Closed < 300R © Spirax Sarco. L. The controller will automatically select the best method according to the process conditions.13 181 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P323-30-US-US 12.9999 Derivative time Off .. 5 to 85% RH Atmospheres Not suitable for use in explosive or corrosive atmospheres Electromagnetic compatibity (EMC) EN 61326 Electrical safety BS EN 61010 Installation Category II Weight 0.1% reading Input impedance 100 MΩ Number of set points 3 plus remote set point User calibration 2 point gain and offset Transmitter power supply Isolation 300 Vac double isolated Output voltage 18 V ±15% Current 30 mA maximum Load regulation < 1 V over 25 mA Control action Proportional band 1 .01 to 300 %age or 0.3000 Cut back To minimise overshoot on critical processes. C. using external shunt resistor 2. custom Sampling rate 4 Hz (250 ms) Cold junction accuracy <±1°C at 25°C ambient Accuracy linear mA < 0.5 μV with 1. 2013 Contact closure Comms Isolation 300 Vac double isolation Hardware EIA 485 5 wire (EIA 422 compatible) Protocol Modbus RTU slave Spirax Sarco.3000 Integral time Off .8 lb (350 g) Controllers Trans. NEMA 4X Operating temperature / humidity 0 to 55°C.6 sec filter Input filter Off to 59.9999 Error band One shot tune.01 to 300. Inc.9999 Engineering units or 0.9999 Engineering units or 0. & Sensors General details Approvals CE Process variable inputs Calibration accuracy < ±0. Blythewood. Auto / manual modes Selectable from keyboard.20 mA. 5 mV for 0 – 10 V input. 13. 300 Vac double insulated. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. 0 – 20 mA Input filter Off to 59. 300 Vac double insulated. Blythewood. Inc.49Ω (Current) Linear input range 0 – 10 V. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 182 TI-P323-30-US-US 12.9 seconds Zero offset User adjustable over full range User calibration 2 point gain and offset Pot input Pot resistance range 100 ..13 .5 bits resolution (<550 Ω) Output 4 Changeover relay contacts Outputs 5 and 6 (VMD) 2 SPST interlocked N/O relays Input filter Off to 59.006% of Span (>14Bits) Sample rate 1 Hz Short circuit pot detection < 25 Ω Open circuit pot detection > 2 MΩ Open circuit wiper detection > 5 MΩ Contact rating Maximum 2A @ 264 Vac resistive Note: Maximum 2A per terminal limit applies where relays have common terminals. 2 μA for 4 – 20 mA Input impedance > 222 KΩ (Volts) 2. Inc.. (2 amps maximum for terminal AB) Outputs SPST N/O contact Output 2 0 – 20 mA.54 V Resolution 0.25% reading ± 1 LSD Sampling rate 4 Hz (250 ms) Resolution >14 bits – 0.Control Valves SX90 Process Controller Controllers Trans. 4 – 20 mA. & Sensors Remote set point input Isolation 300 Vac double isolation Calibration accuracy < ±0.5 bits resolution (<550 Ω) Output 3 0 – 20 mA.10 kΩ Excitation voltage 0. 4 – 20 mA. 13.9 seconds Zero offset User adjustable over full range User calibration 2 point gain and offset Open circuit wiper detection > 5 MΩ © Spirax Sarco.46 to 0. 2013 Output 1 Spirax Sarco. used and maintained by qualified personnel as stated in the IMI supplied with the unit..Control Valves SX90 Process Controller Warning: Safe operation of this product can only be guaranteed if it is properly installed. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P323-30-US-US 12. Blythewood. 4-20 mA PH 3B HB PW 3C HC PL 3D HD VI L HE V+ Potentiometer input Valve position control V Sensor input R = 2. It is the duty of the Company Safety Officer to ensure that the product specific data and Safety information within the supplied IMI has been fully understood and complied with. commissioned.. Inc.49Ω + + R N HF - VPt100 mA RTD mV Thermocouple mV Tc © Spirax Sarco. Terminal diagram Digital inputs C and D 1A 4A AA 4B AB 2A 4C AC 2B 5A RV 5B RI 5C RC Controllers Trans. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. & Sensors Wiring diagrams C IO1 Relay output 1B Output 4 (Changeover relay) D Output 2 Analogue Outputs 5 and 6 LB Digital input B LC + Output 3 Analogue 4-20 mA + Transmitter supply 24 V ±10% - Line supply 100 to 230 Vac 48 to 62 Hz 3A V Remote setpoint input 0-10 V.13 183 . 2013 Digital communications EIA422 Spirax Sarco. 2013 4-20 mA sensor Spirax Sarco.13 . Blythewood.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 184 TI-P323-30-US-US 12. & Sensors Wiring diagram for connecting the 4 - 20 mA transmitter 1A 4A AA 1B 4B AB 2A 4C AC 2B 5A RV LB 5B RI LC 5C RC 3A PH 3B HB PW HC PL HD VI HE V+ Transmitter supply 3C 3D +24v 0v L V = 10-50 mV N HF 2R49 V- i < 30 mA i = 4-20 mA 1 (+) (-) 2 4 Screen © Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Inc. Inc.Control Valves SX90 Process Controller Controllers Trans.. & Sensors Spirax Sarco.Control Valves Controllers Trans. Inc. Blythewood.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 185 .. D 5. The sensing element is a 3 wire device that meets EN 60751: Class A and the transmitter has a 4 . The reason is that the threaded body of the pocket acts as a stand-off. 2.18 .25 . Note: No pocket is available for the miniature EL2270. 9. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. Notes: - The pocket dimension 'F' is 1" shorter than the probe length 'D'. we reserve the right to change the specification.07 . EL2271 The EL2271 is a combined Pt100 sensor and transmitter assembly. The transmitter (only) meets ATEX II 1G EExia IIC / IIB T4 / T5 / T6. Material Maximum temperature EL2270* EL2271 Product Standard Miniature Quick repsonse range and duplex quick response A 3.20 mA input.1 2. 28 1.5 B 5. 2. 3. 1.5 2. The sensing device is an RTD 3 wire device that meets EN 60751: Class A.20 mA output can be connected directly to any temperature indicator.57". Pockets Standard Product Fabricated Solid range drilled nector F 8. and therefore allows adequate clearance between the probe tip and the end of the pocket.57 1.20 mA output. B Enclosure ½" NPT Pocket 26A /F C Probe ½" NPT F Drilled taper version shown dotted ½" NPT (¼" BSPT EL2270 miniature version) D E Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Pockets (thermowells) General Three types of pockets are available: 1. which appears to be incorrect. controller or flow computer that has a 4 .57" insertion length only) is also available for applications such as plate heat exchanger control.53 1. 5 29 E .1 C 3 2. A quick response version (1. This sensor can be connected directly to any temperature indicator or controller that has a 3 wire Pt100 input.Control Valves Controllers Trans.5 3 3 1. Thin wall with a ½" NPT process connection. 4. Transmitters with 3 point calibration are available to special order. with a 1½" sanitary clamp connection (ASME BPE) electro-polished to 16Ra (A Declaration of Conformity is available). The 4 . 4 Hygenic 1½" sanitary clamp conFabricated 1. Contact Spirax Sarco for further details. Drilled taper with a ½" NPT process connection. & Sensors EL2270 and EL2271 Temperature Probes Description Dimensions (approximate) in inches EL2270 The EL2270 is a Pt100 platinum resistance temperature sensor for general industrial use. to 3A sanitary standard. This has a ¼" BSP taper thread.25 *Notes: The quick response EL2270 is only available with an insertion length of 1.4 6 5. 3. The in-head transmitter can be configured to any range from -58°F to 932°F to special order.5 3. - Pockets to suit 9" and 29" probes are for non-flow applications only. 186 TI-P322-06-US 06.3 3. 2. 3. 2. 8 EL2270 and EL2271 A 316 stainless steel 932°F Selection Pockets are sized to suit the probe tip length 'D'. A miniature version of the EL2270 may also be ordered. 2. and are specified as 'pocket to suit a __ inch probe'. Hygienic. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. and a tip length of 1.25 .53". Blythewood. the temperature probe should be fitted with a pocket.2001 Pressure /temperature limits The EL2270 and EL2271 temperature probes can be used in applications where the process temperature is within the following limits.20 mA Output on sensor failure - 23 mA typical Supply - 10 to 30 Vdc 636 W at 24 Vdc Maximum loop resistance 909 W at 30 Vdc ± 0.aluminium alloy . - (Transmitter only) Intrinsic Safety per EN 50020 -58°F … +185°F with T4 Permissible ambient temperature - -58°F … +167°F with T5 -58°F … +140°F with T6 Io = 120 mA Maximum values for connection Uo = 30 Vdc of the current loop circuit - Pi = 800 mW Ci = 6.aluminium alloy .1% / 10 KTAMB Transmitter . For liquids a recommended velocity is 5 ms-1 (28" and 8" non-flow applications only). & Sensors EL2270* EL2271 Product range Note: A quick response version of the EL2270 is also available to order Enclosure KNE . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P322-06-US 06. Pressure and temperature limits of additional pocket. (ANSI 600 rated) Temperature °F Temperature °F Pressure and temperature limits of temperature probe.4 Vdc Po = 37.2% Approvals Ex-protection ATEX II 1G EExia IIC / IIB T4 / T5 / T6 per Directive 94 / 9 /EC ATEX. (ANSI 300 rated) 580 725 932 752 572 392 212 -58 Steam saturation curve 290 580 870 Pressure psig 1160 1450 The product must not be used in this region. Controllers Trans.2 μF (connections + and -) L i = 110 μH Io = 42. 1022 932 752 572 392 212 -58 Steam saturation curve 145 290 435 Pressure psig The product must not be used in this region.. Where greater temperatures and pressures are present.epoxy coated KNE . Inc. 1998 / A2.epoxy coated Probe 316 stainless steel 316 stainless steel Process connection ½" NPT ½" NPT Electrical connection M20 with cable gland fitted to BS 4568 Part 1 M20 with cable gland fitted to BS 4568 Part 1 Enclosure rating IP65 IP65 Control Valves Mechanical data Electrical data -58°F to 932°F Available ranges -58°F to 932°F 32°F to 212°F 212°F to 482°F Output Pt100 to EN 60751: Class A Loop powered 4 . flow velocities must be below 45 ms-1.1 mW Maximum values for connection Group II B: of the sensor circuit Co = 500 μF L o = 50 mH (connections 1 up to 3) Group IIC: L o = 10 mH Co = 20 μF EMC emissions EMC directive 89 / 336 / EEC and susceptibility EN 61326:1997 / A1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. For air and steam applications.Thermal drift measuring deviation per EN 60770 ± 0.6 mA Uo = 6.07 187 ..7 seconds.Maximum ambient temperature 158°F Maximum 185°F (dependant on ATEX requirement) * The EL2270 quick response sensor has a time constant of 1. Spirax Sarco. 4435 Polyamide PA 66 High pressure syphon tube assembly Part Material Tube Carbon steel BS3602: Part. Phosphated Valve Body Brass Handle Phenolic Material Stainless steel Moulded plastic 316L WS 1. we reserve the right to change the specification.3.23. 362 psig 0-580 psig 0-870 psig 0-1450 psig* 0-2320 psig* 0 . Alternatively. Available ranges Calibrated pressure range 0 . and one with a maximum design pressure of 1160 psig.7 psig 0-14. 0-145 psig 0-232 psig. 36 psig 0 .05 of span ≤ 0.07 . & Sensors EL2600 Pressure Transmitter and ‘U’ Syphons Description The EL2600 is a combined pressure sensor and transmitter which is designed for general and industrial use. could damage sensors.1 1987 CFS 360 (zinc plated /passivated). 36 psig 0-58 psig 0-87 psig.45 psig 0 . Process connection For fluids below 212°F the EL2600 may be mounted directly via its ¼" NPT connection.5% ≤ 0.1. a 'U' syphon and isolating valve must be fitted between the EL2600 and the vessel or pipeline. Above 212°F. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Valve Body Carbon steel Seat PEEK /Polymain Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.5 psig 0-23. If pressure peaks are likely to occur in your application. one with a maximum design pressure of 362 psig.Control Valves Controllers Trans. we recommend the use of a pressure snubber. B. 188 TI-P322-02-US 06.62 psig 0-8.2 psig.1% of span IP65 BS EN 61326: 1997 A1 and A2 Table 4 BS EN 61326: 1997 A1 and A2 Table 4 ANNEX A Materials Low pressure syphon tube /valve Maximum design pressure Maximum design temperature Maximum working conditions 362 psig 500°F 304 psig @ 422°F EL2600 Part Body Connector High pressure syphon tube Maximum design pressure Maximum design temperature Maximum working conditions 1160 psig 842°F 870 psig @ 842°F Low pressure syphon tube assembly (Valve ordered separately) Part Material Tube Carbon steel ASTM A 106 Gr. *No 'U' syphon is available for these ranges. a higher range pressure transmitter could be used. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. even of very short (milli-seconds) duration.3626 psig* Overpressure P max (psig) 145 145 29 58 72 145 246 507 1160 1740 2900 4640 7250 11600 Note: High pressure 'spikes' above maximum overpressure. Two syphon tube and valve assemblies are available. though this would mean some loss of signal resolution.2 psig. and a ¼" NPT process connection. therefore maximum operating temperature is limited to 212°F Limiting conditions Pressure /temperature limits EL2600 Minimum operating temperature -22°F -4°F -20°C Maximum operating temperature 212°F (without syphon tube) 176°F 80°C (medium) (ambient) (medium) (ambient) Technical data Sensor type Supply voltage Accuracy Repeatability Hysteresis Protection rating Approvals EMC emissions EMC susceptibility 0 -23 psig to 0 -230 psig 0 -580 psig to 0 -5800 psig Piezorresistive Thin film 10 Vdc to 30 Vdc ≤ 0. It has a 2-wire 4-20 mA current loop. 1 B Safety information. Inc. but we recommend inspection and re-calibration of the transmitter once a year.07 © Spirax Sarco.9 0. with low pressure 'U' syphon and isolating valve.44 D EL2600 C A Controllers Trans. How to order F ¼" NPT parallel (NPSM) High pressure 'U' syphon Example: 1 . Blythewood.25 1. range 0 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.232 psig. 2007 ¼" NPT parallel (NPSM) 189 . Safety note: You attention is drawn to Safety Information Leaflet IM-GCM-10. See the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product. Low pressure 'U' syphon Installation note: It is essential to use a 'U' syphon and valve for temperatures above 100°C to avoid damage to the unit.. & Sensors 'U' Syphon and isolating valve E F G H J K Weight 6.1 1.Spirax Sarco EL2600 pressure transmitter.1 2. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P322-02-US 06.3 2 6 63 2. ¼" NPT E Maintenance note: No specific maintenance is required. Inc. G ¼" NPT H J K Spirax Sarco..4 6 1. installation and maintenance This document does not contain sufficient information to install the product safely.Control Valves Dimensions /weights (approximate) inches and pounds EL2600 A B C D Weight 4. 3NC PF65G .1BD (flow over or under seat) PF61G .3NO PF62G .3BD PF62G . - NO (Normally Open)  These valves are designed for flow under the seat (port 2 to 1). The valve plugs have a PTFE soft seal (G) to provide a tight shut-off.1NC PF62G .1BD PF63G .3NC - PF64G .3BD TI-P373-13-US 05.10 / ISO 65 pipe H version • • • 3 PTFE version • • • • H version • • • 1 PTFE version • • PF65G Sanitary clamp to ISO 2852 2 PTFE version • • • • • • Note: clamp and clamp gasket are not included 3 PTFE version • • • • Available range Butt weld Valve action BSP or NPT PF61G .3NC PF61G 1NO PF62G .2NC PF63G . A pneumatic signal acts on the actuator piston to open or close the valve with a spring return action. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Recommended for pneumatic applications. 190 Sanitary clamp PF65G . A valve position indicator is included on standard and flow regulator models.1NC PF65G .2NO PF64G . Can be used to prevent waterhammer on valve closure in liquid applications. Not recommended for water applications.3NO PF62G .3NO PF64G . Type 2 (63 mm) and Type 3 (90 mm) with the following action options: - NC (Normally Closed) These valves are designed for flow over the seat (port 1 to 2).2NC PF64G . Normally Closed (flow over seat) PF61G .2BD PF63G .1NO NO .10 / ISO 65 pipe or ISO 4200 pipe 3 PTFE version • • • • H version • • • 2 PTFE version • • • • • • PF63G Flanged to ANSI Class 150 or EN 1092 H version • • • (welded on flanges) 3 PTFE version • • • • H version • • • 1 PTFE version • • 2 PTFE version • • • • • • PF64G Socket weld to ANSI B 36.1NC NC .2NC PF61G .2NO PF62G .2NO PF65G .1BD PF65G .1BD BD - Bi-Directional normally closed PF61G . Note: To help prevent the possibility of waterhammer on liquid applications flowing over the seat (port 1 to 2) the pressure should not exceed 15 psig. oil and gases. Optional extras (see ‘Valve selection guide’.1NO PF63G . - BD (Bi-Directional normally closed) These valves are designed for special applications that require flow in both directions and incorporates an anti-waterhammer design for liquid applications flowing under the seat (port 2 to 1).2BD PF64G . pipe connections and actuator combinations Valve Pipe Actuator type connections type 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 1 PTFE version • • PF61G NPT or BSP 2 PTFE version • • • • • • PF62G Butt weld to DIN 11850.2NC PF62G .3NO - PF64G . air. Normally Open (flow under seat) PF61G .2BD PF65G . Valves are available with one of three sizes of actuator: Type 1 (45 mm).3BD Flanged Socket weld (EN 1092 or ANSI) - PF64G .Control Valves Piston Actuated Valves PF6 Series Stainless Steel Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Description A 2-port pneumatically actuated on / off stainless steel valve for use on steam.3NC PF64G .3BD PF64G . water.Flow regulator Sizes.3BD Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. we reserve the right to change the specification. page 7): - Travel switch .2NO PF63G .2BD PF61G .3NO PF65G .2NO PF61G .07 .2BD PF62G .2NC PF65G .3NC PF62G . H version • • • ANSI B 36.1NC PF63G . In the interests of development and improvement of the product.1NO PF65G . 1150 Northpoint Blvd..0 22 31 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 49 2" 60 Spirax Sarco. Inc.) 14°F ∆∆PMX Maximum differential pressure (see page 4) Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: 1..2" conditions Sanitary clamp compatible connections PN10 1/2" .07 191 .5 x PMA (PN rating) PTMX Maximum test pressure is equal to the √∆PMX Technical details Leakage PTFE soft seal ANSI class V1 Flow characteristic Fast opening On/off PF6_G-NC Flow over seat Port 1 to 2 Flow direction PF6_G-NO Flow under seat Port 2 to 1 Flow over seat Port 1 to 2 PF6_G-BD Flow under seat Port 2 to 1 Pilot media Air or water 140°F maximum Actuator rotation 360° Pilot connection Maximum pilot pressure Actuator type and size Type 1 = 45 mm diameter 1/8" BSP 150 psig Type 2 = 63 mm diameter 1/4" BSP 150 psig Type 3 = 90 mm diameter 1/4" BSP 115 psig Cv values Size 1/2" 3/4" 1" Cvs 4.Control Valves PF6 Series Stainless Steel Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Piston Actuated Valves Pressure / temperature limits 375 356 300 212 120 32 14 0 145 230 290 360 435 580 Body NPT. Blythewood.2" PMA Maximum allowable pressure Refer to the graph left TMA Maximum allowable temperature 356°F Minimum allowable temperature 14°F PMO Maximum operating pressure 130 psig @ 356°F TMO Maximum operating temperature 356°F Minimum operating temperature (Note: For lower operating temperatures consult Spirax Sarco.2" design Flanged ANSI 150 1/2" . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P373-13-US 05. BSP butt weld. and socket weld 1/2" .9 9. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 192 AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316 TI-P373-13-US 05. Inc...Piston Actuated Valves Control Valves PF6 Series Stainless Steel Piston Actuated On/Off Valves NC (Normally Closed) NO (Normally Open) 8 8 10 9 10 9 2 2 5 3 6 11 and 12 1 5 6 3 11 and 12 1 4 4 BD (Bi-Directional normally closed) 8 Materials 10 9 2 5 3 4 6 11 and 12 1 No. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood. Part 1 Body 2 Bonnet 3 Plug 4 Valve plug seal 5 Valve stem 6 Stem seals 7 Stem ‘O’ ring 8 Actuator housing 9 Piston 10 Piston lip seal 11 Gasket 12 ‘O’ ring Material Stainless steel Stainless steel Stainless steel PTFE Stainless steel PTFE chevrons Viton Glass filled polyamide Glass filled polyamide Viton PTFE Viton Spirax Sarco.07 . Maximum differential pressures for PF6 piston actuated valves *Notes: 1. Sanitary clamp connections are limited to PN10 pressure rating. Inc. ANSI flange connections are limited to ANSI 150 pressure rating. Blythewood. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P373-13-US 05. 2.07 193 .. 3.. Maximum differential pressure for saturated steam service is 130 psig.Control Valves PF6 Series Stainless Steel Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Piston Actuated Valves DPMX . PF6_G-NC (Normally closed) *Maximum Actuator Flow differential Model Valve size diameter direction pressure (mm) (port 1 to 2) (psig) 1/2" 45 over seat 230 PF6_G-1NC 3/4" 45 over seat 230 1/2" 63 over seat 290 3/4" 63 over seat 290 1" 63 over seat 290 PF6_G-2NC 1-1/4" 63 over seat 230 1-1/2" 63 over seat 230 2" 63 over seat 160 1" 90 over seat 290 1-1/4" 90 over seat 230 PF6_G-3NC 1-1/2" 90 over seat 230 2" 90 over seat 220 PF6_G-NO (Normally open) *Maximum Actuator Flow differential Model Valve size diameter direction pressure (mm) (port 2 to 1) (psig) 1/2" 45 under seat 230 PF6_G-1NO 3/4" 45 under seat 230 1/2" 63 under seat 230 3/4" 63 under seat 230 PF6_G-2NO 1" 63 under seat 230 1-1/4" 63 under seat 230 1-1/2" 63 under seat 230 2" 63 under seat 175 1" 90 under seat 230 1-1/4" 90 under seat 230 PF6_G-3NO 1-1/2" 90 under seat 230 2" 90 under seat 230 Pilot Pressure Minimum Maximum (psig) (psig) 26 150 26 150 22 150 22 150 22 150 41 150 41 150 41 150 15 115 41 115 41 115 41 115 * See Notes at the top of this page Pilot Pressure Minimum Maximum (psig) (psig) 26 150 26 150 22 150 22 150 22 150 22 150 22 150 22 150 15 115 15 115 15 115 15 115 * See Notes at the top of this page PF6_G-BD (Bi-Directional normally closed) *Maximum *Maximum differential differential Actuator Flow pressure Flow pressure Model Valve size diameter direction (port 1 to 2) direction (port 2 to 1) (mm) (port 1 to 2) (psig) (port 2 to 1) (psig) 1/2" 45 over seat 230 under seat 230 PF6_G-1BD 3/4" 45 over seat 230 under seat 100 1/2" 63 over seat 230 under seat 230 3/4" 63 over seat 230 under seat 230 PF6_G-2BD 1" 63 over seat 230 under seat 160 1-1/4" 63 over seat 230 under seat 87 1-1/2" 63 over seat 175 under seat 60 2" 63 over seat 115 under seat 36 1" 90 over seat 230 under seat 205 1-1/4" 90 over seat 230 under seat 175 PF6_G-3BD 1-1/2" 90 over seat 230 under seat 115 2" 90 over seat 205 under seat 73 Pilot pressure Minimum Maximum (psig) (psig) 60 150 60 150 55 150 55 150 55 150 55 150 55 150 55 150 48 115 48 115 48 115 48 115 * See Notes at the top of this page Spirax Sarco. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. 07 .Control Valves PF6 Series Stainless Steel Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Pilot pressure psig 150 PF6_G-NO (Normally Open) PF6_G-1NC flow over seat (1 to 2) 115 90 3/4" 60 1/2" 30 26 0 150 0 60 115 175 1-1/2" 2" 1-1/4" 90 0 60 115 PF6_G-1NO flow under seat (2 to 1) 150 115 90 3/4" 60 1/2" 30 26 0 0 60 115 175 230 1" 3/4" 1/2" 290 Pilot pressure psig Pilot pressure psig PF6_G-3 NC flow over seat (1 to 2) 115 60 41 30 15 0 2" 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 1" 0 60 115 230 PF6_G-2NO flow under seat (2 to 1) 150 175 230 290 1-1/2" 2" 115 1-1/4" 90 1" 60 3/4" 1/2" 30 22 0 0 60 115 175 Media pressure psig Media pressure psig 90 175 Media pressure psig PF6_G-2NO (Normally Open) PF6_G-2 NC flow over seat (1 to 2) 115 60 41 30 22 0 230 Media pressure psig Pilot pressure psig Pilot pressure psig PF6_G-NC (Normally Closed) Pilot pressure psig Piston Actuated Valves Pilot / media pressure relationship PF6_G-3NO flow under seat (2 to 1) 150 2" 115 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 1" 90 60 30 15 0 230 0 60 115 175 Media pressure psig Media pressure psig 230 PF6_G-BD (Bi-Directional normally closed) Pilot pressure psig 3/4" 1/2" 115 90 60 30 0 0 Pilot pressure psig Pilot pressure psig PF6_G-1BD flow over seat (1 to 2) 150 60 115 175 230 Media pressure psig PF6_G-2BD flow over seat (1 to 2) 150 1-1/2" 2" 115 90 1/2" 60 55 30 0 115 0 60 115 175 230 Media pressure psig PF6_G-3BD flow over seat (1 to 2) 2" 1-1/2" 1-1/4" 1" 90 60 48 30 0 1-1/4" 1" 3/4" 0 60 115 175 Media pressure psig 230 Spirax Sarco. Inc... SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 194 TI-P373-13-US 05. Blythewood. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. 20 8.31 6.5 6.3 5.0 4.27 C - 7.60 .47 5.9 9.00 10. Screwed.58 7.13 3 (90 mm) 4.51 8.06 9.29 .79 7.3 6.59 3/4“ 1 (45 mm) 2..0 9.7 4.37 1-1/2" 2 (63 mm) 4.39 5.91 6.88 8.9 5.84 3 (90 mm) 5. socket weld and butt weld) B2 (Sanitary Clamp) and B3 (Flanged) C C 2 1 D A1 (Screwed. † Dimension ‘D’ is for socket weld connections only.28 6.55 8.9 - - - 2 (63 mm) 2.26 9.28 8.50 9.76 6.63 7.3 7.20 2.56 2" 2 (63 mm) 5.3 5.10 7.33 8.1 7.49 10.07 195 .81 7.2 9.06 9.25 8.67 4.97 .16 .12 8.06 9.52 9.0 20.2 7. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.67 9.50 9.20 1.32 4.24 7.16 .2 19. Blythewood.28 2.2 5.93 3 (90 mm) 4.56 7.26 10. for travel switch or flow regulator options (not available for use with the Type 1 actuator).30 1" 2 (63 mm) 3.08 9.00 9.33 9.96 6.0 14.51 8.27 9.93 .65 - 8.2 7.00 8.3 6.49 8.3 7. Sanitary clamp Flanged Valve Actuator socket weld and butt weld (to ISO 2852) EN ANSI size type 1092 150 and size A1 B1 C D† Weight A2 B2 C Weight A3 A4 B3 1/2 “ 1 (45 mm) 2.27 10.93 2.70 2.93 3.31 6..77 8.57 5.39 4.00 10.96 .02 8.89 8.04 6. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P373-13-US 05. socket weld and butt weld) 2 1 Note: Dimension’D’ is for socket weld connections only.85 1-1/4" 2 (63 mm) 4.74 .73 5.80 6.35 7.00 11.55 8.3 5.52 9.91 10.09 7.96 7.88 8.87 7.27" B1 (Screwed.42 8.13 8.29 4. A2 (Sanitary clamp) A3 (EN 1092) and A4 (ANSI) Spirax Sarco.03" 3.85 1.9 4.4 7.08 9.Dimensions and weights (approximate) in inches and lbs.49 6.46 Weight 5.56 6.46 7.0 Piston Actuated Valves Control Valves PF6 Series Stainless Steel Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Notes: * Add 0.42 3 (90 mm) 3.32 3.5 12.73 9.11 4.55 8.02 6.58 4.63 6.95 8.9 5.43 4.12 5.63 8.55 6.5 - - - 2 (63 mm) 2.8 4.0 6.85 .2 15.28 2.5 lbs.4 8.22 7.56 5.52 8.91 9.00 10.8 6.09 7.73 9.06 7.51 .2 13. Inc.49 11.14 9.80 . * Travel switch * Flow regulator 3.47 5.72 . Normally Closed. Power (P) = 30 VA.07 . 1-1/4". Spirax Sarco. date code 120. type and date code (given on the actuator label i.e. Installation note: These valves can be mounted in any orientation. How to order spare seal kits Always order spares by specifying the valve size. 63mm. see the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product. 3/4".5 A.DIN 11850 pipe 2 = Butt weld Note: state pipeline connection when ordering: . with travel switch Spare parts A seal kit is available for all valve and actuator sizes comprising: Piston lip seal. F G 1 G 2 NC 1" I Note: Shaded areas represent fixed parameters Valve selection guide example PF6 1 G 2 NC 1" NPT I SS.ANSI B 36. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 196 TI-P373-13-US 05. Safety information. I = Travel switch Maximum rating: Voltage (V) = 500 V.. The actuator can be rotated 360° in the direction indicated on the product label to facilitate easy pilot mounting connection. Provides manual control of maximum flow through the valve. Available on Type 2 and Type 3 actuators with suffix ‘R’ if this option is required. Blythewood. Optional Available on Type 2 and Type 3 actuators with suffix ‘I’ if this option is required. 120 = week 12. 2" Provides indication of open or closed valve position through a magnetic reed switch with volt free contacts.Piston Actuated Valves Control Valves PF6 Series Stainless Steel Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Valve selection guide Valve type P = Piston valve P Valve F = Fast opening characteristic Body 6 = Stainless steel material 1 = BSP or NPT . valve head seal (PTFE). NPT TravelSwitch How to order Example: 1 of Spirax Sarco PF61G-2NC-1" NPT.. installation and maintenance For full details. stem ‘O’ ring. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.10 / ISO 65 pipe . 1-1/2". year 2000). Current (I) = 0.10 / ISO 65 pipe when ordering 5 = Sanitary clamp ISO 2852 Valve G = PTFE plug seal 1 = 45 mm diameter Actuator 2 = 63 mm diameter type 3 = 90 mm diameter NC = Normally Closed Valve NO = Normally Open position BD = Bi-Directional Valve size 1/2".ISO 4200 pipe Connections 3 = Flanged EN 1092 or ANSI Class 150 (welded on flanges) 4 = Socket weld Note: state pipeline connection ANSI B 36. body seal and ‘O’ ring. R = Flow regulator Can also provide manual shut-off on normally open valves. Example: 1 of Seal kit for a 1" PF61G-2NC. 1".I stainless steel piston actuated on/off valve having NPT connections. Inc. NO and BD series piston actuated valves to provide actuator pilot pressure to open normally closed or close normally open valves. Blythewood. Piston Actuated Valves Control Valves PF6 Series Stainless Steel Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Available types Model Type DM11N 1 DM12N 1 DM13N 1 DM14N 1 DM21N 2 DM22N 2 DM23N 2 DM24N 2 DM31N 3 DM32N 3 DM33N 3 DM34N 3 Actuator 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm 63 mm 63 mm 63 mm 63 mm 90 mm 90 mm 90 mm 90 mm Frequency/ Actuator Line Voltage Connection Connection 230/50 or 240/60 Vac 1/8" BSP 1/8" NPT 110/50 or 120/60 Vac 1/8" BSP 1/8" NPT 24/50 or 24/60 Vac 1/8" BSP 1/8" NPT 24 Vdc 1/8" BSP 1/8" NPT 230/50 or 240/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 110/50 or 120/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 24/50 or 24/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 24 Vdc 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 230/50 or 240/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 110/50 or 120/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 24/50 or 24/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 24 Vdc 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT Spirax Sarco.. For full details refer to the relevant Technical Information Sheet. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P373-13-US 05. The valve is supplied with a DIN connector.. Suitable for air or water operating media.07 197 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.Associated equipment Pilot solenoid Type DM 3-port two way electropneumatic pilot solenoid valve that can be directly mounted (banjo connection) to the PF61G-NC. Sizes. - NO (Normally Open) These valves are designed for flow under the seat (port 2 to 1). Can be used to prevent waterhammer on valve closure in liquid applications. - Flow regulator.3NC • • • • 1 PF51G . Recommended for pneumatic applications. Type 2 (63 mm) and Type 3 (90 mm) with the following action options: - NC (Normally Closed) These valves are designed for flow over the seat (port 1 to 2). 198 TI-P373-14-US 4. Note: To help prevent the possibility of waterhammer on liquid applications flowing over the seat (port 1 to 2) the pressure should not exceed 15 psig.1NC • • • NC - Normally Closed 2 PF51G 2NC • • • • • • (flow over seat) 3 PF51G . It can also be used on lower specification steam applications. pipe connections and actuator combinations Valve Pipe Valve Actuator Sizes type connections action type Model 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 1 PF51G .3BD • • • • Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Not recommended for water applications. - BD (Bi-Directional normally closed) These valves are designed for special applications that require flow in both directions and incorporates an anti-waterhammer design for liquid applications flowing under the seat (port 2 to 1). air. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. oil and gases. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. page 7): - Travel switch. Valves are available with one of three sizes of actuator: Type 1 (45 mm). The valve plugs have a PTFE soft seal (G) to provide a tight shut-off.2NO • • • • • • flow under seat 3 PF51G .2BD • • • • • • (flow over or flow under seat) 3 PF51G . A valve position indicator is included on standard and flow regulator models. Optional extras (see ‘Valve selection guide’.07 .Control Valves Piston Actuated Valves PF51G Bronze Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Description A 2-port pneumatically actuated on / off bronze valve for use on water.1NO • • • Screwed NO - Normally Open PF51G BSP or NPT 2 PF51G . A pneumatic signal acts on the actuator piston to open or close the valve with a spring return action.3NO • • • • 1 PF51G 1BD • • • BD - Bi-Directional normally closed 2 PF51G . we reserve the right to change the specification. 5 x PMA (PN rating) Note: With internals fitted..Control Valves PF51G Bronze Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Piston Actuated Valves Pressure / temperature limits 70 Body Design Conditions Screwed BSP or NPT 1/2" .NO Flow under seat Port 2 to 1 Flow over seat Port 1 to 2 PF51G-BD Flow under seat Port 2 to 1 Pilot media Air or water 140°F maximum Actuator rotation 360° Pilot connection Maximum pilot pressure Actuator type and size Type 1 = 45 mm diameter 1/8" BSP 150 psig Type 2 = 63 mm diameter 1/4" BSP 150 psig Type 3 = 90 mm diameter 1/4" BSP 115 psig Cv values Size 1/2" Cvs 4.2" PMA Maximum allowable pressure 360 psig TMA Maximum allowable temperature 356°F Minimum allowable temperature 14°F PMO Maximum operating pressure 130 psig @ 356°F TMO Maximum operating temperature 356°F Minimum operating temperature (Note: For lower operating temperatures consult Spirax Sarco. test pressure must not exceed √∆PMX Technical details Leakage PTFE soft seal ANSI class V1 Flow characteristic Fast opening On/off PF51G.) 14°F ∆∆PMX Maximum differential pressure (see page 4) Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: 1. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P373-14-US 4. Blythewood.7 8. Inc..07 199 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.NC Flow over seat Port 1 to 2 Flow direction PF51G.8 20 29 46 58 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" Spirax Sarco. .07 .. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 200 TI-P373-14-US 4. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood. Part 1 Body 2 Bonnet 3 Plug 4 Plug seal 5 Valve stem 6 Stem seals 7 Stem ‘O’ ring 8 Actuator housing 9 Piston 10 Piston lip seal 11 Gasket Material Bronze EN1982 CC491K Brass EN 12165 CW617N Stainless steel AISI 316L PTFE Stainless steel AISI 316 PTFE chevrons Viton Glass filled polyamide Glass filled polyamide Viton PTFE Spirax Sarco. Inc.Piston Actuated Valves Control Valves PF51G Bronze Piston Actuated On/Off Valves NC (Normally Closed) NO (Normally Open) 8 8 10 9 10 9 2 2 5 3 6 11 and 12 1 5 6 3 11 and 12 1 4 4 BD (Bi-Directional normally closed) Materials 8 10 9 2 5 3 4 6 11 and 12 1 No. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 Pilot pressure Minimum Maximum (psig) (psig) 73 150 73 150 73 150 55 150 55 150 55 150 55 150 55 150 48 115 48 115 48 115 48 115 TI-P373-14-US 4. Inc.Maximum differential pressures for PF51G piston actuated valves PF51G-NC (Normally closed) Maximum Actuator Flow differential Model Valve size diameter direction pressure (mm) (port 1 to 2) (psig) 1/2" 45 over seat 230 PF51G-1NC 3/4" 45 over seat 230 1" 45 over seat 230 1/2" 63 over seat 290 3/4" 63 over seat 290 1" 63 over seat 290 PF51G-2NC 1-1/4" 63 over seat 230 1-1/2" 63 over seat 230 2" 63 over seat 160 1" 90 over seat 290 1-1/4" 90 over seat 230 PF51G-3NC 1-1/2" 90 over seat 230 2" 90 over seat 220 Pilot Pressure Minimum Maximum (psig) (psig) 26 150 26 150 26 150 22 150 22 150 22 150 44 150 44 150 44 150 15 115 36 115 36 115 36 115 PF51G-NO (Normally open) Maximum Actuator Flow differential Model Valve size diameter direction pressure (mm) (port 2 to 1) (psig) 1/2" 45 under seat 230 PF51G-1NO 3/4" 45 under seat 230 1" 45 under seat 230 3/4" 45 under seat 230 PF51G-2NO 1" 63 under seat 230 1-1/4" 63 under seat 230 1-1/2" 63 under seat 230 2" 63 under seat 175 1" 90 under seat 230 1-1/4" 90 under seat 230 PF51G-3NO 1-1/2" 90 under seat 230 2" 90 under seat 230 Pilot Pressure Minimum Maximum (psig) (psig) 26 150 26 150 26 150 22 150 22 150 22 150 22 150 22 150 15 115 15 115 15 115 15 115 PF51G-BD (Bi-Directional normally closed) Actuator Flow Model Valve size diameter direction (mm) (port 1 to 2) 1/2" 45 over seat PF51G-1BD 3/4" 45 over seat 1" 45 over seat 3/4" 63 over seat PF51G-2BD 1" 63 over seat 1-1/4" 63 over seat 1-1/2" 63 over seat 2" 63 over seat 1" 90 over seat 1-1/4" 90 over seat PF51G-3BD 1-1/2" 90 over seat 2" 90 over seat Maximum Maximum differential differential pressure Flow pressure (port 1 to 2) direction (port 2 to 1) (psig) (port 2 to 1) (psig) 230 under seat 230 230 under seat 100 230 under seat 73 230 under seat 230 230 under seat 160 230 under seat 87 175 under seat 60 115 under seat 36 230 under seat 205 230 under seat 175 230 under seat 115 205 under seat 73 Spirax Sarco.Piston Actuated Valves Control Valves PF51G Bronze Piston Actuated On/Off Valves DPMX . Blythewood...07 201 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 202 TI-P373-14-US 4.Control Valves PF51G Bronze Piston Actuated On/Off Valves PF51G-NC (Normally Closed) PF51G-NO (Normally Open) PF51G-1NC flow over seat (1 to 2) 150 115 90 60 2630 0 1" 3/4" 1/2" 26 0 230 115 60 175 Media pressure (psig) PF51G-2NO flow under seat (2 to 1) 150 115 Pilot pressure (psig) PF51G-2NC flow over seat (1 to 2) 150 115 90 60 45 30 22 1½" 2" 1¼" 60 115 175 230 1" ¾" ½" 2" Pilot pressure (psig) Pilot pressure psig Piston Actuated Valves Pilot / media pressure relationship 1½" 1¼" 1" ¾" ½" 90 60 30 22 290 115 60 Media pressure (psig) 175 230 Media pressure (psig) PF51G-3NC flow over seat (1 to 2) Pilot pressure (psig) 115 2" 90 1-1/2" 60 3630 15 0 0 60 230 175 115 Media pressure (psig) 1-1/4" 1" 290 PF51G-BD (Bi-Directional normally closed) Pilot pressure psig PF51G-2BD flow over seat (1 to 2) 150 2" 115 90 5560 30 0 0 60 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 175 115 Media pressure (psig) 1" 1/2" 3/4" 230 Spirax Sarco. Inc.07 .. Blythewood. 55 3.42 9.85 D 4.07 203 .35 8.87 9.25 5.91 B1 5.36 7.9 4.04" 3.50 9.8 2. Blythewood.80 8.16 8.73 5.56 2.96 7. * Travel switch * Flow regulator 3. Inc.55 4.4 lbs.91 5.77 10.96 2..13 C 5.3 4.87 7.60 7.61 7.22 9.85 6.5 3.56 2.08 8.0 2.4 7.51 8.96 3.2 5.16 8.55 3.06 9. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P373-14-US 4.7 2.73 7.51 Piston Actuated Valves Dimensions and weights (approximate) in inches and lbs.33 4.56 7.27" B1 C 1 2 A1 Spirax Sarco.74 4.55 8.56 5.26 9.87 8.94 5.80 5.67 7.8 6.3 5.3 5. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.94 8.73 4.97 6.33 4.87 9.57 6.79 8.29 7.9 2.35 8.Control Valves PF51G Bronze Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Valve size 1/2 “ 3/4" 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" Actuator type and size 1 (45 mm) 2 (63 mm) 1 (45 mm) 2 (63 mm) 1 (45 mm) 2 (63 mm) 3 (90 mm) 2 (63 mm) 3 (90 mm) 2 (63 mm) 3 (90 mm) 2 (63 mm) 3 (90 mm) A1 2. Weight 1. for travel switch or flow regulator options (not available for use with the Type 1 actuator).3 Notes: * Add 0.. Example: 1 of Seal kit for a PF51G-2NC-1" NPT. type and date code (given on the actuator label i. Optional Available on Type 2 and Type 3 actuators with suffix ‘I’ if this option is required. installation and maintenance For full details. 1-1/4". Spare parts A seal kit is available for all valve and actuator sizes comprising: Piston lip seal. date code 120. see the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product. Provides manual control of maximum flow through the valve. Power (P) = 30 VA. year 2000). 1150 Northpoint Blvd. 1".5 A.Piston Actuated Valves Control Valves PF51G Bronze Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Valve selection guide Valve type P = Piston valve Valve F = Fast opening characteristic Body 5 = Bronze material Connections 1 = Screwed BSP or NPT Valve G = PTFE plug seal 1 = 45 mm diameter (for valve sizes 1/2" to 1") Actuator 2 = 63 mm diameter (for valve sizes 1/2" to 2") type 3 = 90 mm diameter (for valve sizes 1" to 2") NC = Normally Closed Valve NO = Normally Open position BD = Bi-Directional Valve size 1/2". 1-1/2". Safety information. Current (I) = 0. Blythewood.e. Installation note: These valves can be mounted in any orientation. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 204 TI-P373-14-US 4.. Note: Shaded areas represent fixed parameters Valve selection guide example PF6 1 G 2 NC 1" P F 5 1 G 2 NC 1 NPT How to order Example: 1 of Spirax Sarco PF51G-2NC-1" NPT bronze piston actuated on/off valve having screwed BSP connections. 120 = week 12. The actuator can be rotated 360° in the direction indicated on the product label to facilitate easy pilot mounting connection. How to order spare seal kits Always order spares by specifying the valve size. Inc. 2" Provides indication of open or closed valve position through a magnetic reed switch with volt free contacts. I = Travel switch Maximum rating: Voltage (V) = 500 V. stem ‘O’ ring. Available on Type 2 and Type 3 actuators with suffix ‘R’ if this option is required. R = Flow regulator Can also provide manual shut-off on normally open valves. 3/4". valve head seal (PTFE) body seal.07 .. Spirax Sarco. . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.07 205 . Suitable for air or water operating media. NO and BD series piston actuated valves to provide actuator pilot pressure to open normally closed or close normally open valves.Associated equipment Pilot solenoid Type DM 3-port two way electropneumatic pilot solenoid valve that can be directly mounted (banjo connection) to the PF51G-NC. Piston Actuated Valves Control Valves PF51G Bronze Piston Actuated On/Off Valves Available types Model Type DM11N 1 DM12N 1 DM13N 1 DM14N 1 DM21N 2 DM22N 2 DM23N 2 DM24N 2 DM31N 3 DM32N 3 DM33N 3 DM34N 3 Actuator 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm 45 mm 63 mm 63 mm 63 mm 63 mm 90 mm 90 mm 90 mm 90 mm Frequency/ Actuator Line Voltage Connection Connection 230/50 or 240/60 Vac 1/8" BSP 1/8" NPT 110/50 or 120/60 Vac 1/8" BSP 1/8" NPT 24/50 or 24/60 Vac 1/8" BSP 1/8" NPT 24 Vdc 1/8" BSP 1/8" NPT 230/50 or 240/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 110/50 or 120/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 24/50 or 24/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 24 Vdc 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 230/50 or 240/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 110/50 or 120/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 24/50 or 24/60 Vac 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT 24 Vdc 1/4" BSP 1/8" NPT Spirax Sarco. The valve is supplied with a DIN connector.. Inc. Blythewood. For full details refer to the relevant Technical Information Sheet. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P373-14-US 4. Control Valves Piston Actuated Valves Spirax Sarco. Inc.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 206 .. Blythewood. DM32N DM33N. DM24N DM31N.07 1. DM33N and DM34N 1.60 DM31N. and DM14N Form B DM21N.60 DM21N. DM13N.74 1.38 3. NO and BD series piston actuated valves. water or inert gas operating media. TI-P373-04-US 08. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.06 207 . Suitable for air. How to order Example: 1-DM21N Solenoid Valve 240 VAC Coil and/or DIN connector available. DM32N.03 1. DM34N DC 6 AC 9 (holding) AC 14 (inrush) DC 6 AC 15 (holding) AC 30 (inrush) DC 10 Limiting conditions Part Material Body ELNP Niploy coated brass Seal FKM Spare parts (approximate) in inches and lbs. DM12N. Available types Model DM11N DM12N DM13N DM14N DM21N DM22N DM23N DM24N DM31N DM32N DM33N DM34N A ctuator 45mm 45mm 45mm 45mm 63mm 63mm 63mm 63mm 90mm 90mm 90mm 90mm Voltage/Frequency 240/60 VAC 120/60 VAC 24/60 VAC 24 VDC 240/60 VAC 120/60 VAC 24/60 VAC 24 VDC 240/60 VAC 120/60 VAC 24/60 VAC 24 VDC Actuator Connection 1/8" BSP 1/8" BSP 1/8" BSP 1/8" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP 1/4" BSP “IN" Technical details Mounting Banjo connection Manual override Fitted as standard Form B DM11N. DM33N. Type A B C Weight DM11N. DM22N consumption DM23N. DM12N AC 14 (inrush) DM13N. and DM34N DIN 43650 1/8" NPT DM11N to DM14N Pilot media DM21N to DM24N 1/8" NPT connection DM31N to DM34N AC 9 (holding) DM11N. and DM24N Connector Form A DM31N. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. we reserve the right to change the specification. DM22N. consult SSI. DM23N and DM24N 1.Control Valves Piston Actuated Valves Type DM Solenoid Valves for use with Piston Actuated Valves Description A 3 way normally closed electropneumatic pilot solenoid valve that can be directly mounted (banjo connection) to the PF51G.06 0. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. DM23N. DM13N and DM14N 1.06 0. DM32N.84 Ground terminal Maximum media temperature 140°F Minimum media temperature 14°F Protection class IP65 (with connector) Operating pressure 0 .22 3.06 0. DM12N.38 3. and PF61G-NC.150 psig Materials Dimensions / weights B DIN connector (rotatable) C A Note: DM3XN Series shown Installation The valve can be directly mounted (banjo connection) onto the actuator. DM22N. The valve is supplied with a DIN connector and fitted with manual override as standard. DM14N Coil DM21N. 00 1. CL Mounting Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.06" 3 1 .00 1. FKM seals. CL Mounting typ.98" typ. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.9 4 5. solenoid operated.00 4.35" .00 3. They are suitable for air or water media.9 Left Center Right B919CVCM B920CVCM B921CVCM 4 3. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.1 6 7. a strain relief electrical connector with IP65 protection. 1.32" typ. Technical details Construction material: Mounting: Manual Override: Pilot Valve Connections: Electrical Connection: Coil Consumption: Body — Brass Seals — Viton Universal.3 3 4.14 . 208 TI-8-500-US 1.00 3.00 2.3 8 9.00 4. we reserve the right to change the specification.7 7 8. manifold pilot valves that are joined together and supply pressure to operate a correponding number of Piston Actuted Valves. This manifold assembly may be mounted in any posiiton. C Weight Station inches pounds 2 3. Standard for each manifold valve is a manual override button.Control Valves Piston Actuated Valves Type MDM Manifold Pilot Valves for use with Piston Actuated Valves Description A series of 3 way normally closed.5 5 6.38" 2 IN 2.150 psig (approximate) in inches and lbs. any position Accepts #6 machine screws Slotted 180° turn-button 1/8" NPT common “IN" 1/8" NPT individual “OUT" DIN 43650 Form B AC: 9 VA (holding) 14 VA (inrush) DC: 7 W Limiting conditions Maximum media temperature: Minimum media temperature: Protection class: Operating pressure: Dimensions / weights 140°F 14°F IP65 (with DIN connector) 0 . MDM92N-4 MDM 4 Manifold Pilot Valve Assembly (4) station banked assembly 9 N For a remote banked installation NPT port connections 2 120V AC Voltage Available Types Model Number MDM91N-X* MDM92N-X* MDM93N-X* MDM93N-X* Pav Port Actuator Voltage/Frequency Connections 45. Outgoing pilot pressure to connect from the individual “OUT" ports (sides). consult Spirax Sarco.Right 2 Adaptor 3 Coil 4 Connector DIN 43650 TI-8-500-US 1. consult Spirax Sarco. it will be necessry to bush up from 1/8" NPT to 1/4" NPT. Inc. Materials Part No. 63mm** 24V AC 1/8" NPT 45.240VAC 240R .Center Valve . 1/8" NPT for a 45mm or 63mm Piston Actuate Valve.24VAC 225R . 63mm** 24V DC 1/8" NPT * X denotes number of manifold stations. **90mm Actuators. Number may be from (2) to (8) depending on amount of PAV’s requiring service.120VAC 220R . Note: When attaching to the PAV’s with 63mm or 90mm actuator heads. Inc.24VDC 001 Spirax Sarco. 63mm** 240V AC 1/8" NPT 45. Inc. 2014 No. B919CVCM B920CVCM B921CVCM 72415 270R . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.Control Valves Type MDM Manifold Pilot Valves for use with Piston Actuated Valves Installation Piston Actuated Valves The manifold valve assembly can be directly mounted to a system plate in any position. Inc.. Description 1 Valve . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.Left Valve . Order Information Example: MDM92N-4 A (4) station manifold Pilot Valve assembly. 63mm** 120V AC 1/8" NPT 45. 120V AC. For information on additional stations..14 209 . Blythewood. Each “Out" port line to connect to a correponding Piston Actuated Valve actuator. Incoming pilot pressure to connect with the common “IN" port (end). Accurate control of water level/alarm within the boiler or tank while maintaining the proper TDS level of the boiler water. are vital in the boiler room.Boiler Controls for level control/alarm and TDS control. 210 . CP10 & PT2 Plug Tail 242 TI-9-202-US CP 30 Conductivity Probe 244 TI-P403-59-US CP 32 Twin Tip Conductivity Probe 246 TI-P403-91-US BC 3150 Blowdown Controller TI-P403-90-US BC 3250 Controllers TI-P403-60-US BCV 1 & BCV 20 Blowdown Valve TI-9-305-US 3/4" BCV 30 Blowdown Control Valve TI-P403-72-US 1-1/2" BCV 30 Blowdown Control Valve TI-P403-36-US 3/4" BCV 31 Blowdown Control Valve 262 TI-P403-74-US 1-1/2" BCV 31 Blowdown Control Valve 264 TI-9-402-US MS 1 Conductivity Meter 267 TI-P405-40-US BT150 Boiler Blowdown Timer TI-P405-47-US KRV40i TI-P405-45-US ABV40i ols ntr el Co Lev rms l Boi 232 234 236 n dow & D CC 248 252 256 w lo er B 217 220 Ala evel L 216 258 260 wn B m otto B do low 268 272 274 211 . 212 TI-P402-39-US LP 20 Capacitance Level Probe 214 TI-P402-66-US PA 20 Pre-Amplifier TI-P402-132-US LC 1350 Level Controller TI-P402-133-US LC 2250 Level Controller TI-P402-134-US LC 2650 Level Controller 224 TI-9-401-US APS 1 Probe Simulator 228 TI-P403-41-US DS 1000 Digital Display 231 TI-P402-43-US LP 30 Self Monitoring Level Probe TI-P402-81-US LP 31 High Level Alarm Probe TI-P402-135-US LC 3050 Level Controller TI-P403-57-US BCS1 Blowdown System Pipeline Set 240 TI-9-403-US S20 Sensor Chamber. TP20 Temperature Sensor. Illus. Model / Description TI-9-114-US LP 10-4 Level Probe Page No.Boiler Controls INDEX Boiler Controls Table of Contents Tech. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. indicating to the controller that the tip is out of the liquid.LP 10-4 Level Probe Boiler Controls Description The Spirax Sarco LP10-4 level probe is used with Spirax Sarco LC1300 series level controllers to provide on / off level control and alarm functions in steam boilers. Two sets of tips may be connected for a maxmum probe length of 82. and are 39" long. The probe body is grounded through its screwed connection and the boiler or tank normally forms the ground return path. the resistance to ground becomes high. tanks or other vessels. Two sets of tips may be connected for a maximum probe length of 82".4306 Austenitic stainless steel Type 316/ 316L PFA (Per Fluor Alkoxy) PPS (Polyphenyline sulphide) PPS (Polyphenyline sulphide) Thermoplastic elastomer PA (Polyamide) PEEK (Polyaryletherketone) Grade 450G Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.14 . we reserve the right to change the specification. Note: Tips are ordered separately. Part 1 Probe body 2 Probe tips 3 Tip insulation sleeving 4 Lower housing 5 Upper housing 6 Gland support pad 7 Cable gland 8 Tip steady Material Austenitic stainless steel Type 304L/ 1. When the level drops below the tip. 212 TI-9-114-US 1. Caution The probe is not suitable for outside installation without additional environmental protection. Available tip lengths inches (mm) Tips are 39. The LP10-4 probe has four detachable level sensing tips which are cut to length on installation to give the required switching levels. or by providing a separate ground rod or plate. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.4" (1000 mm) long. The four tip probe is particularly suitable where 3-lamp ‘electric gauge glass’ alarm/ level indicators are fitted. When a tip is immersed in conductive liquid it completes an electrical circuit to ground. • Single probe provides all the controls needed on a tank • Suitable for use with steam boilers up to 464 psig (32 barg) • For level control and simple alarm duties • Stainless steel and PFA wetted parts 1 Approvals Level Controls The LP10-4 is also available with a 1" NPT screwed connection. The probe may also be used in concrete or plastic tanks by using one of the tips as a ground return.5" (2095 mm) Pressure / temperature limits Nominal pressure rating Maximum pressure Maximum temperature Maximum ambient temperature Minimum ambient temperature PN40 464 psig (32 barg) 462°F (239°C) 158°F (70°C) -4°F ( -20°C) Technical data Protection rating IP54 Maximum cable length (probe to controller) 98ft (30 m) Maximum sensing depth 82.5" (2 095 mm) Minimum sensing depth 3" (75 mm) Minimum conductivity (when used with an LC1300 level controller) 1µS/cm @ 77°F (25°C) Materials No. .0 Weight 2. as crimp connectors are used. Terminal posts are colour coded for easy identification. Available spares LP10-4 connector set (electrical) Comprising: 6 flat crimp connectors and 2 ring crimps LP10-4 tip mounting kit Comprising: 1 set of 4 tip connectiors. 2014 TI-9-114-US 1. For deep tanks/ boilers.4 1. This product is designed and constructed to withstand the forces encountered during normal use. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. or in a tank which is subject to very turbulent conditions. A minimum 3" (80 mm) nominal bore protection tube is recommended if installing the probe in a boiler. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. Extra connectors are available as a spares kit. Additional environmental protection is needed for installation outdoors. See the Installation and Maintenance Instructions provided with every unit. Conductivity probe with austenitic stainless steel body and probe tips.. A B C D 2. Use of the product for any purpose other than as a level probe could cause damage to the product and may cause injury or fatality to personnel.0 3. then cut to length before installation to give the required switching levels. though boiler water level controls do require periodic testing and inspection which is described in separate literature. The LP10-4 is designed for installation in a 1" NPT threaded flange or cover. suitable for steam boiler operation up to 464 psig (462°F) How to order Example: 1 of Spirax Sarco LP10-4 probe with 39" tip assembly. Maintenance No special maintenance is required. PFA tip insulation. Tip steadies provide lateral support as well as insulation between the tips. The probe tips are screwed to the probe body using the extension connectors and lock-nuts provided. This product contains materials including plastics which can give off toxic fumes if exposed to excessive heat. How to specify Wiring Wiring is straightforward on the LP10-4.14 213 . 8 lock-nuts and 2-tip supports Spirax Sarco.5 Installation Level Controls Boiler Controls This document does not contain sufficient information to install the product safely. Inc. the switching level may be extended to a maximum of 82" by fitting a second probe tip. The wiring loom may be disconnected and removed without disturbing the cable gland by lifting the gland carrier out of the lower housing. as well as to any National or Regional regulations.0 2. Inc. Blythewood.LP 10-4 Level Probe Safety information WARNING Your attention is drawn to Safety Information Leaflet IM-GCM-10. Dimensions / weight (approximate) in inches and lbs. or 59. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. 23. 53.6. The probe is normally installed in a steam boiler or metal tank where it is earthed through the ½" NPT screwed connection. 47. enabling easy removal without the need to disturb the probe. which is supplied separately. 18. in conjunction with a PA20 preamplifier. the boiler or tank forming the earth return path.6. Caution: The probe is not suitable for outside installation without additional environmental protection.5. Pressure / temperature limits Nominal pressure rating (PN40) Maximum pressure 464 psig (32 bar g) Maximum temperature 462°F (239°C) Maximum 158°F (70°C) Ambient temperature Minimum 41°F (5°C) Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of 870 psig (60 bar g) 3 4 Technical data Sensing depth Minimum conductivity Materials No.g. 25.14 .3.6. is screwed to the top of the probe and hand tightened. Austenitic Type 316L stainless steel Stainless steel ASTM A269 Gr. 21. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. 37. It may be used in a non-conductive tank (e. 41. level alarms. It can also be used for adjustable on/off control. and/or outputs to a building management system.5. 316L tube PTFE BS 6564 Grade UA Type 1 Nitrile rubber Polycarbonate Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. The LP20 may be used with one or more controllers or transmitters to provide level control. The PA20 preamplifier (described in separate literature). 1 Available probe lengths (approximate) in inches Level Controls 14. The probe must not be cut to length. we reserve the right to change the specification. plastic or concrete) if an earth rod is provided. 29.2. PA20 Preamplifier connector 5 6 2 Approvals: The LP20 is available with a ½" NPT screwed connection. Description 1 Probe body 2 Cover assembly 3 Probe (sheathed) 4 Probe sheathing 5 'O' ring 6 Name-plate Probe length minus 1" (25 mm) 5 μS/cm or 5 ppm Material Austenitic BS EN 10088-3 stainless steel (1. Note: Probe length includes the 1" (25 mm) 'dead' length at its tip. 35.LP 20 Capacitance Level Probe Description Boiler Controls The Spirax Sarco LP20 is a capacitance probe designed for modulating level control in conductive liquids. 214 TI-P402-39-US 1. 5 21.5 (38) Do not cover the vent and drain holes on the body.3 2. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Maintenance note: No special maintenance is required.3 47.1 3.7 2.4 (10) 0.9 (23) 1. If the probe is to be installed in a boiler shell or a turbulent tank.5 35.LP 20 Capacitance Level Probe Dimensions (approximate) in inches Weights (approximate) in pounds including immediate packaging Probe length 14.6 (16) 0.. Level Controls 6. Installation note: Do not install the probe outdoors without additional weather protection.239°C.5 2. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.5 (13) 0. however require periodic testing and inspection.6 (650) 29. This should be as long as possible. Probe length 18.8 (21) 0. Inc. Blythewood. (L) Probe length 1" (25 mm) 'dead' length Spirax Sarco.8 (20) 0. Probe length in inches (mm) 14. How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco LP20 capacitance level probe with NPT connection.5 (800) 35.6 29.5". 'dead' length) 0.6 18.3 (34) 1. and PTFE probe insulation.2 Weight 1. which is described in separate literature..6 25.5 53.6 59.4 41.9 3. The Table below shows the maximum probe expansion possible 0 .1 (27) 1.5 (750) 31.8 1.8 2.3 M 22 x 1.5 (15) 0.0 2.5 (470) 21. How to specify Capacitance level probes shall be Spirax Sarco type LP20 with stainless steel body. installation and maintenance This document does not contain sufficient information to install the system safely.2 (30) 1.14 215 .4 (900) 37. fit a protection tube. cover assembly and probe. 2014 TI-P402-39-US 1. Boiler water level controls and alarms do.4 37.3 (1050) 47.1 (1500) Maximum expansion in inches (mm) (inc.6 (550) 23.0 (25) 1. See the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the probe for full details.7 Safety information.5 31.2 2.4 (950) 41.1 3.1 3. and at least long enough to cope with expansion of the probe at higher operating temperatures.6 (370) 18.6 23.1 (1350) 59.6 (600) 25.7 (17) 0.2 (1200) 53. They shall be suitable for modulating and on/off level control and be fitted with a screwed connection for attaching a Spirax Sarco PA20 preamplifier.4" (162) Boiler Controls The probe is installed in a ½" NPT female connection.1 2. Inc. 27 A / F ½" NPT The LP20 is available with a ½" NPT screwed connection. Preamplifiers shall have austenitic stainless steel bodies and a screwed connection. It is compatible with all Spirax Sarco voltage input controllers/transmitters. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.Compact. The PA20 has three sensitivity settings.6 lbs (0. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. The preamplifier consists of a tubular austenitic stainless steel body which screws onto the top of the probe. require periodic testing and inspection. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. These are fully described in the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the unit. 216 TI-P402-66-US 1. See the Installation and Maintenance Instructions provided with each unit. . How to specify Preamplifiers shall be Spirax Sarco type PA20 for use with Spirax Sarco capacitance probes. 18 AWG Flying leads Withdrawal distance for cable socket 0. installation and maintenance This document does not contain sufficient information to install the product safely. Material Austenitic stainless steel ASTM A582 303 Polyamide (Glass filled) Silicone rubber Nitrile rubber Safety information. Note: Do not install the probe outdoors without additional weather protection.2" (5 mm) Materials No 1 2 3 4 Ø26 mm Part Body Cable connector Connector gasket 'O' ring Weight approximately .25 kg) including packaging. which is described in separate literature. An 'O' ring is supplied to provide a seal. An 'O' ring is also supplied with the probe.6" (15 mm) 1. Use only one 'O' ring. Limiting conditions Maximum ambient temperature Maximum cable length Technical data Supply voltage Maximum power requirement Output volts range Output impedance 158°F (70°C) 300 ft (100 m) 15 . The connector includes a ½" NPT adaptor for connection to flexible conduit and four 18AWG flying leads. . Boiler water level controls do. selected to suit different probe lengths by wiring variations.Can be removed/replaced without disturbing the probe. Installation note: The PA20 is screwed into the top of the capacitance probe and hand tightened. we reserve the right to change the specification.5" (39 mm) ½" NPT . Spare parts There are no available spare parts for this unit. (500) 20" (1000) 40" (1500) 60" Probe immersed lengths inches (mm) How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco PA20 preamplifier. with a DIN 43650 connector.No maintenance needed.14 . and has a DIN 43650 connector.Suitable for all probe lengths.6 Vdc 100 Ω Voltage check graph Voltage output characteristics/probe immersed lengths.PA 20 Pre-Amplifier Dimensions (approximate) in inches (mm) Description Level Controls Boiler Controls The PA20 preamplifier is used with a Spirax Sarco capacitance probe to amplify the capacitance measured and convert it to a voltage output proportional to the liquid level. Caution: The probe is not suitable for outside installation without additional environmental protection. . 2 3 4. rigididly mounted. Output voltage (V) Maintenance note: No special maintenance is required.36 Vdc 10 mA 1 . Please note that this version will not be marked and is not suitable for Europe. Principal features: . however.1" (105 mm) 1 4 Approvals: The PA20 is with a ½" NPT screwed connection. The controller is suitable for use with virtually all qualities of conductive liquids from salt solutions or boiler water to condensate having an electrical conductivity as low as 1 μS /cm at 25°C. Clamping screw LC1350 Level Controls Principal features: - Level controller with two configurable alarms. control. It is designated as a slave unit.13 217 . The unit can be panel. valve or solenoid. - To prevent unwanted or inadvertent changes being made. - Pump on/off control from two conductivity probes. It has been designed as an on/off level controller for use with the LP10-4 four-tip conductivity probe operating on supply voltages from 110 to 240 Vac. Function AL Inputs The LC1350 input options are: - High alarm or low alarm from a conductivity probe.LC1350 Level Controller Description The Spirax Sarco LC1350 has two alarm channels that can be independently configured high or low to control the water level of a boiler. - A panel mounted external test switch may be fitted if required. Clamping screw Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. A fully detailed EMC assessment has been made and has the reference number UK Supply BH LC1350 2008. LCD display The LC1350 has been type-tested as a level control by meeting the standard: - Vd TÜV requirements for water level control and limiting devices. This action switches a pump or sounds an alarm. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. TI-P402-132-US 10. tank or vessel by operating a pump. Boiler Controls Approvals This product complies with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004 / 108 / EC and all its requirements. The LC1350 is suitable for Class A Environments (e. - LCD shows level change direction.2010). The LC1350 complies with the Low Voltage Directive by meeting the standards of: - EN 61010-1:2010 safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement. - TÜV approved. (464psig @ 462°F) The front panel has a 3-digit LCD screen and moving segments that display the liquid level rising or falling along with a five-button keypad. - Infrared comms. 5 button display OK Other features: - Additional filters can be selected to increase the damping effect for turbulent conditions. (0. industrial). all commissioning parameters are protected with a fixed pass code. Water Level 100 (07. - Universal power supply – 110 Vac to 240 Vac @ 50/60 Hz. Application Typical application - Pump on - Pump off - High alarm - Low alarm example – on/off control of a feedtank: Note: probes can be mounted in external chambers if boiler mounting is not possible. Function / outputs The controller reacts to a change in probe conductivity (open /closed circuit) and energizes / de-energizes a relay. - Interactive safety feature. and laboratory use. tanks or high output boilers operating up to 32 bar @ 239°C. we reserve the right to change the specification. DIN rail or chassis mounted.g. - The product can communicate via an infrared link between adjacent boiler house controllers.64ppm @ 77°F) The LC1350 gives accurate and reliable control under the very different conditions found in vessels. signal connector Cable size 0.13 ..Level probe Switching conductivity (conductivity) 100 m (328 ft) Minimum conductivity 1 µS / cm @ 25°C (K = 0. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 218 TI-P402-132-US 10. Blythewood. 60 shore. Inc. Stripping length 5 . does not exceed the accessible emission limits (AEL) of Class 1 Spirax Sarco.22 (220 KΩ) ) when used with a Spirax Sarco LP10-4 probe.5 W (maximum) General Indoor use only Maximum altitude 2 000 m (6 562 ft) above sea level Ambient temperature limits 0 .5 mm² (12 AWG).55°C (32-131°F) Maximum relative humidity 80% up to 31°C (88°F) decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C (104°F) Overvoltage category III Pollution degree Level Controls Boiler Controls 2 (as supplied) 3 (when installed in an enclosure) . Minimum of IP54.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.LC1350 Level Controller Technical data LC1350 Power supply Mains voltage range 110 Vac to 240 Vac at 50/60 Hz Power consumption 7. Mains and Safety and Approvals may be compromised otherwise.2 mm² (24 AWG) to 2.5 amp) .control circuit / coils Electrical life (operations) 3 x 10 5 or greater depending on load Mechanical life (operations) 30 x 10 6 Physical layer IrDA Baud 38 400 Output infrared Range 10 cm (4") Working angle 15° Eye safety information Exempt from EN 60825-12: 2007 Safety of laser products . Termination Caution: Use only the connectors supplied by Spirax Sarco Ltd. Drive ac – pulsed Contacts 2 x single pole changeover relays (SPCO) Voltage ratings (maximum) 250 Vac Resistive load 3 amp @ 250 Vac Inductive load Output relays 1 amp @ 250 Vac ¼ HP (2. Rising clamp plug-in terminal blocks with screw connectors.6 mm (0.9 amp) @ 250 Vac ac motor load 1 /10 HP (3 amp) @ 120 Vac Pilot duty load C300 (2.16 AWG) Maximum length Input .5 mm² (18 . Environmental Enclosure rating (front panel only) IP65 (verified by TRAC Global) LVD (safety) Electrical safety EN 61010-1 EMC Immunity/Emissions Enclosure Material Polycarbonate Front panel Material Solder Tin / lead (60 / 40%) Suitable for heavy industrial locations Silicone rubber.2") Type High temperature Shield type Screened Level probe cable / wire Number of cores 5 Gauge 1 – 1. Do not cover or obstruct the infrared beam between products. Boiler water level controls and level alarms do. steam boilers operating with limited supervision require two self-monitoring level probes and controllers to provide two independent low level alarms. The unit operates at a potentially fatal mains voltage. Inc. require testing and inspection.95 lb) Boiler Controls 120 mm (4...51") 120 mm (4. 1150 Northpoint is sealed and has no replaceable parts or internal switches.05") LC1350 140 mm (5. and is compulsory in some countries. The LC1350 is not selfmonitoring.72") AL OK How to specify Conductivity level controller to provide on/off control of a pump plus two configurable alarms.13 219 . How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco LC1350 level controller. (0. Dimensions  /  weight (approximate) in mm and g. A high level alarm is also advised. and to have infrared communications. installation and maintenance Warning: This document does not contain sufficient information to install the unit safely. Do not install the product outdoors without additional weather protection. Before attempting to install the unit read the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with it. Blythewood. however. In most countries. No special servicing. Do not attempt to open the product .72") Level Controls 52 mm (2. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P402-132-US 10.LC1350 Level Controller Safety information. Spirax Sarco. preventative maintenance or inspection of the product is required. Weight 430 g. The controller is suitable for use with liquids having an electrical conductivity of 5 µS/cm or 5 ppm. - 4 .LC2250 Level Controller Description The Spirax Sarco LC2250 is a level controller for on/off or modulating control of conductive liquid levels. On/off control: - Pump control. The unit can be be panel.2010). - Input filter for turbulent conditions. It also provides a relay output for high or low level alarms and can provide an isolated 4 . or PA420 capacitance probe. - 0/4-20 mA retransmit. - 4 . LC2250 The LC2250 may be used on boilers. and laboratory use. we reserve the right to change the specification. Water Level 100 (07. A fully detailed EMC assessment has been made and has the reference number UK Supply BH LC2250 2008. - Alarm – high or low. - Two alarm output.6 V or 4 .20 mA retransmission output. The LC2250 is suitable for Class A Environments (e. - A 1 K potentiometer input ~ for Valve Motor Drive (VMD). DIN rail. - Level probe or transmitter 1 . - Two alarm output. when used with an LP20.20 mA. control. - Commissioning parameters are protected with a pass code. Clamping screw The LC2250 has two alarm outputs that can be configured high or low. AL OK Approvals This product complies with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004 / 108 / EC and all its requirements. or vessels operating at up to 32 bar g at 239°C (464 psig@462°F). PA20. Graphic display The front panel has a 3 digit LCD display and a five-button keypad. Modulating control: Modulating valve control using valve motor drive or 4 . It enables the parameters to be passed to a product fitted with RS485 (User). - Infrared communications. - TÜV approvals. The LC2250 complies with the Low Voltage Directive by meeting the standards of: Clamping screw Function - EN 61010-1:2010 safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. industrial). Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. 220 5 button display TI-P402-133-US 10. The product compares the input signals with the Set Point selected by the user. tanks. It then changes its output signal to control the water level in the boiler or tank.20 mA level output is only available when the product is configured for valve motor drive systems. Typical applications Outputs The output control signal can be configured / wired to work with a pump or a modulating control valve. - The LC2250 can communicate via an infrared link between adjacent controllers.13 .20 mA control signals.20 mA level output. Important: Do not cover or obstruct the infrared beam between products.20 mA level output. The LC2250 is designated as a slave unit – no set-up or adjustment is needed. The LC2250 has been type-tested as a level control by meeting the standard: Inputs The product has two inputs to accept the following signals: - Vd TÜV requirements for water level control and limiting devices. or chassis mounted. - Universal power supply – 110 Vac to 240 Vac @ 50/60 Hz. % Level Controls Boiler Controls Principal features: - Level controller for modulating or on/off control of boilers. Note: The 4 . Other features: - An additional filter can be selected to increase the damping effect for turbulent conditions. Note: A solenoid valve may be used instead of a pump.g. 5% FSD over operating range Input technical data Resolution 14 bit (0. Blythewood. 2 (LP20/PA420 4-20mA Transducer) Gauge 1 – 1.20 mA Shield type output Number of pairs cable / wires Gauge Screened 1 0. Boiler Controls TI-P402-133-US 10. Termination Caution: Use only the connectors supplied by Spirax Sarco Ltd.5 mm² (12 AWG).5% FSD over operating range Resolution 14 bit (1 µA .15 mV approximately) Sample time 260 Hz Minimum current 0 mA Maximum current 22 mA Input impedance 11 KΩ Accuracy 5% FSD over operating range Repeatability 2. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.2") Type High temperature Cable / wire Shield type Screened and Level probe connector cable / wire data Number of cores 3 LP20/PA20.13 221 .. Inc.18 AWG) Maximum length 100 m (328 ft) 0 Vdc or 1 V (with OUTRANGE function selected) Minimum voltage Maximum voltage 6 Vdc (absolute maximum = 7 Vdc) Input impedance 28 KΩ Level voltage Accuracy 5% FSD over operating range Repeatability 2.5 W (maximum) General Indoor use only Maximum altitude 2 000 m (6 562 ft) above sea level Ambient temperature limits 0 . Solder Tin / lead (60 / 40%) and signal connector Cable size 0. 1997 Level Controls Rising clamp plug-in terminal blocks with screw connectors.23 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.2 mm² (24 AWG) to 2.5 mm² (18 .. 60 shore.1 mm² (24 .6 mm (0. Stripping length 5 .approximately) Sample time 260 Hz 4 . Minimum of IP54 LVD (safety) Electrical safety EN 61010-1 EMC Immunity/Emissions Suitable for heavy industrial locations Enclosure Material Polycarbonate Front panel Material Silicone rubber.LC2250 Level Controller Technical data LC2250 Power supply Mains voltage range 110 Vac to 240 Vac at 50/60 Hz Power consumption 7. Mains Safety and Approvals may be compromised otherwise. Inc.20 mA Spirax Sarco.55°C (32-131°F) Maximum relative humidity 80% up to 31°C (88°F) decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C (104°F) Overvoltage category III Pollution degree 2 (as supplied) IP65 (verified by TRAC Global) Enclosure rating (front panel only) Environmental 3 (when installed in an enclosure) .16 AWG) Maximum length 100 m (328 ft) Type Twisted pair 4 . 5 amp) . 120 mm (4.control circuit / coils Electrical life (operations) 3 x 10 5 or greater depending on load Mechanical life (operations) 30 x 10 6 Physical layer IrDA Baud 38 400 Range 10 cm (4") Working angle 15° Infrared Level Controls ¼ HP (2.51") Install the product in an environment that minimizes the effects of heat. The product must be installed in a suitable industrial control panel or fireproof enclosure to provide impact and environmental protection. require testing and inspection. %% 140 mm (5. and infrared communications. Blythewood.. Boiler water level controls and level alarms do.72") LC2250 LC2250 The product may be installed on a DIN rail. Do not install the product outdoors without additional weather protection. alarm that can be configured high or low. installation and maintenance This document does not contain sufficient information to install the unit safely. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 222 TI-P402-133-US 10. No special servicing.05") 120 mm (4. vibration. Before attempting to install the unit read the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with it. Weight 430 g. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Exempt from EN 60825-12: 2007 Safety of laser products . The unit operates at a potentially fatal mains voltage. A bezel is supplied.9 amp) @ 250 Vac Eye safety information 1 Safety information.72") AL AL OKOK Do not attempt to open the product .LC2250 Level Controller Technical data LC2250 (continued) Maximum voltage 32 Vdc (no load. a chassis plate. open circuit) Maximum current 25 mA 24 Vdc supply Ripple voltage 10 mV @ 264 V.95lb) 52 mm (2. (0.13 .it is sealed and has no replaceable parts or internal switches. however. Inc. full load Minimum current 0 mA Maximum current 20 mA Open circuit voltage 19 Vdc (maximum) 4 . does not exceed the accessible emission limits (AEL) of Class Dimensions / weight (approximate) in mm and g. How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco LC2250 level controller.. or in a panel cut-out.1% FSD Maximum output load 500 ohm Isolation 100 V Output rate 10 / second Contacts 2 x single pole changeover relays (SPCO) Output technical data Relays Voltage ratings (maximum) 250 Vac Resistive load 3 amp @ 250 Vac Inductive load 1 amp @ 250 Vac Boiler Controls ac motor load 1 /10 HP (3 amp) @ 120 Vac Pilot duty load C300 (2. How to specify Level controller with auto voltage sensing. Do not cover or obstruct the infrared beam between products. Spirax Sarco. A minimum of IP54 (EN 60529) is required. shock and electrical interference. preventative maintenance or inspection of the product is required.20 mA Resolution 0. Boiler Controls Level Controls Spirax Sarco.. Blythewood. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 223 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. It can be designated as either a master unit or a slave unit.13 . tank or vessel. .20 mA level output (isolated). and vessels operating up to 32 bar at 239ºC (464 psi@462ºF). Note: A solenoid valve may be used instead of a pump.LC2650 Level Controller Description The Spirax Sarco LC2650 is a level controller for conductive liquids. 50 0 % SP PV AL OK To prevent unwanted or inadvertent changes being made. Other features An additional filter can be selected to increase the damping effect for turbulent conditions. Inputs / Function The product compares the input signals with the set point selected by the user. EIA 485/Modbus communications. . It also provides relay outputs for high and low level alarms and can provide an isolated 0 .20 mA level output (isolated). and alarm.Two alarm outputs. LC2650 It has two alarm channels that can be independently configured either high or low. 224 5 button display TI-P402-134-US 10. and laboratory use. by operating a pump. .Two alarm outputs. control. The controller is suitable for use with liquids having an electrical conductivity as low as 5 μS/cm or 5 ppm (when used with an LP20 or PA20 capacitance probe).4 .Feed forward from water flowmeter.4 . Vd TÜV requirements for water level control and limiting devices. tanks. Two or three element modulating control: Modulating valve control using a valve motor drive or 4 . Water Level 100 (07. . Modulating control: Modulating valve control using valve motor drive or 4 . The LCD display screen can show either operating information (in run mode). The LC2650 complies with the Low Voltage Directive by meeting the standards of: . The LC2650 has been type-tested as a level control by meeting the standard: . . two or three-element control. - Switchable integral action. The LC2650 can be panel. Inputs can be measured and outputs can be set from the front panel. plus a trend graph.Feedback from steam flowmeter. Infrared communication. Outputs The product control signal can be configured / wired to work with a pump or a modulating control valve.20 mA control signal. It then changes its output signal to control the water level in the boiler or tank.20 mA retransmission output.20 mA level output (isolated). Typical applications: Clamping screw On/off control: . DIN rail or chassis mounted. . Single. 100 Graphic display Level Controls Boiler Controls The front panel has an LCD screen and a five-button keypad. Graphic display of status.4 .20 mA or 4 . Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. we reserve the right to change the specification. valve or solenoid. or a trend graph that displays a record of the variation in level over a set time. . Approvals This product complies with the Electro magnetic Compatibility Directive 2004 / 108 / EC and all its requirements.EN 61010-1:2010 safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement. PV percentage. LCD graphics display and five-button keypad. A fully detailed EMC assessment has been made and has the reference number UK Supply BH LC2650 2008. Applications The product can be configured to control the level of a boiler. In run mode the general data is shown on several consecutive screen displays. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. A test function provides the operator with a diagnostic feature. Clamping screw It provides on/off or modulating control of liquid levels in boilers.2010). Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. . .20 mA control signals. Parameters can be remotely accessed via the RS485 / MODBUS communications. Principal features: - Modulating or on/off control of boiler water level using a capacitance probe.Pump control. . The LC2650 is suitable for Heavy Industrial environments. . all commissioning parameters are protected with a pass code.Two alarm outputs. The LC2650 can communicate via an infrared link between adjacent controllers. . . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P402-134-US 10. Recommended type Delta Crompton Firetuf OHLS Type Twisted pair Shield type Screened 0/4-20 mA output(s) Number of pairs cable/wire Gauge 1 Maximum length 100 m (328 ft) Type EIA RS485 twisted pair Shield type Screened RS485 communication cable / wire Number of pairs 2 or 3 Gauge 0.5 mm² (12 AWG). 60 shore..23 .. Termination Caution: Use only the connectors supplied by Spirax Sarco Ltd.5 mm² (18 . Spirax Sarco.2") Type High temperature Level probe. Boiler Controls 0.LC2650 Level Controller Technical data LC2650 Power supply Mains voltage range 110 Vac to 240 Vac at 50 / 60 Hz Power consumption 7. 2 (LP20 4-20 mA Transducer) Gauge 1 – 1.6 mm (0.1 mm² (24 . Minimum of IP54 Enclosure rating IP65 (verified by TRAC Global) (front panel only) LVD (safety) Electrical safety EN 61010-1 EMC Immunity / Emissions Suitable for heavy industrial locations Enclosure Material Polycarbonate Colour Pantone 294 (blue) Material Silicone rubber. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Mains Safety and Approvals may be compromised otherwise.2 mm² (24 AWG) to 2. Stripping length 5 .16 AWG) Maximum length 100 m (328 ft) Prysmian (Pirelli) FP200. but limited to 600 m. steam meter and water cable / wire Shield type Screened Number of cores 3 (LP20/PA20). feedback.13 225 . FTP (foil) or STP (shielded) cable can be used.23 mm² (24 AWG) Maximum length 1200 m (4000 ft) Recommended type Level Controls Rising clamp plug-in terminal blocks with screw connectors.55°C (32-131°F) Maximum relative humidity 80% up to 31°C (88°F) decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C(104°F) Overvoltage category III Pollution degree Environmental 2 (as supplied) 3 (when installed in an enclosure) .5 W (maximum) General Indoor use only Maximum altitude 2 000 m (6 562 ft) above sea level Ambient temperature limits 0 . Blythewood. Inc.18 AWG) Alpha Wire 6413 or 6414 LAN Cat 5 or Cat 5E ScTP (screened). Front panel Solder Tin / lead (60 / 40%) and signal connector Cable size 0. Blythewood.5 mA Level Minimum recovery level > 4 mA 'out of range' Maximum alarm level > 21 mA alarm-current Maximum recovery level < 20 mA Maximum voltage 24 Vdc (nominal) 24 Vdc Maximum current 25 mA supply Ripple voltage 10 mV.LC2650 Level Controller Technical data LC2650 (continued) Level Controls Boiler Controls Minimum voltage 0 Vdc or 1 V (with OUTRANGE function selected) Maximum voltage 6 Vdc (absolute maximum = 7 Vdc) Input impedance 28 kΩ Level Accuracy 5% FSD over operating range voltage Repeatability 2.20 mA Resolution 1% FSD Maximum output load 500 ohm Isolation 100 V Output rate 10 / second Contacts 2 x single pole changeover relays (SPCO) Voltage ratings (maximum) 250 Vac Resistive load 3 amp @ 250 Vac Output Inductive load 1 amp @ 250 Vac technical Relays ¼ HP (2.maximum) Output rate Up to 10 frames / second Physical layer IrDA Baud 38 400 Infrared Range 10 cm (4") Working angle 15° Exempt from EN 60825-12: 2007 Safety of laser products .9 amp) @ 250 Vac ac motor load 1 data /10 HP (3 amp) @ 120 Vac Pilot duty load C300 (2.13 .control circuit / coils Electrical life (operations) 3 x 10 5 or greater depending on load Mechanical life (operations) 30 x 10 6 Physical layer RS485 4-wire full or 2-wire half duplex Protocol Modbus RTU format RS485 Isolation 60 Vac/dc Receiver unit load (256 devices .5 amp) . Eye safety information does not exceed the accessible emission limits (AEL) of Class 1 Spirax Sarco. full load Minimum current 0 mA Maximum current 22 mA Open circuit voltage 19 Vdc (maximum) 4 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 226 TI-P402-134-US 10.5% FSD over operating range Resolution 14 bit (0. Inc..5 Vdc alarm-voltage Maximum recovery level < 6 Vdc Minimum alarm level < 2.20 mA Accuracy 5% FSD over operating range data Repeatability 2.5% FSD over operating range Resolution 14 bit (1 µA approximately) Sample time 260 Hz Minimum alarm level < 0.15 mV approx) Sample time 260 Hz Minimum current 0 mA Maximum current 20 mA Input Input impedance 110 Ω technical 4 ..2 Vdc Level Minimum recovery level > 1 Vdc 'out of range' Maximum alarm level > 6. Inc.. Boiler water level controls and level alarms do. The product must be installed in a suitable industrial control panel or fireproof enclosure to provide impact and environmental protection. (1. The product may be installed on a DIN rail.51") 120 mm (4. Spirax Sarco can provide suitable plastic or metal enclosures Do not install the product outdoors without additional weather protection.LC2650 Level Controller Safety information. No special is sealed and has no replaceable parts or internal switches.72") Level Controls 52 mm (2.. How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco LC2650 level controller.21 lb) Boiler Controls 120 mm (4. however. The unit operates at a potentially fatal mains voltage. require testing and inspection. preventative maintenance or inspection of the product is required. Caution: before installing and connecting the power ensure there is no condensation within the unit. 2000 TI-P402-134-US 10. installation and maintenance Warning: This document does not contain sufficient information to install the unit safely.05") LC2650 100 50 140 mm (5. Dimensions / weight (approximate) in mm and g. Blythewood. All wiring materials and methods shall comply with relevant standards where applicable. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. Do not cover or obstruct the infrared beam between products. Inc. or in a panel cutout. on a chassis plate. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. A minimum of IP54 (EN 60529) is required.72") 0 % SP PV AL OK How to specify Multi-voltage level controller having two alarms.13 227 . configurable high or low. Spirax Sarco. infrared communication as a master or slave unit. Before attempting to install the unit read the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with it. Do not attempt to open the product . A bezel is supplied. Weight 550 g. The APS 1 has switch settings covering all Spirax Sarco probe types and ranges. and resistors are built in to represent various conductivity probe ranges. One is for connection of a PT 1. so needs no batteries or external power supply.2kΩ.8kΩ. 2. 68Ω. and is quick and easy to use. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. which is used to check the voltage when simulating capacitance probes. 220Ω.8kΩ/15kΩ Capacitance probe range 0-10 Volts output Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Limiting conditions Maximum ambient temperature Protection rating IP 40 Toggle Switches Potentiometer DIN 43650 Connector Selector Switch 130°F (55°C) Technical data Conductivity probe settings 22Ω. and 4mm test sockets are provided for connection of a multimeter.APS 1 Probe Simulator •  A valuable diagnostic aid for Spirax Sarco boiler control installations • Compatible with all TDS/level probes and controllers • No need to fire boiler or alter water levels • No battery or power supply needed CP10 Connector • Easy to operate Test Sockets Level Controls Boiler Controls Description The APS 1 probe simulator is used in place of a level or conductivity probe to verify the correct operation of Spirax Sarco controllers. The unit is fitted with two inputs. we reserve the right to change the specification. A potentiometer provides the variable input to a capacitance controller. It can also be used to diagnose wiring/probe faults. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Full operating instructions are supplied with each unit. 228 TI-9-401-US 12. 6. 680Ω. 2. Switches simulate wet or dry (high or low resistance) conductivity level probe conditions.8kΩ/15kΩ LP 10/EL 9 (High sensitivity) 68kΩ/150kΩ LP 10/EL 9 (Low sensitivity) 6. 22kΩ Level probe settings LP 31 6. or 3 plug tail. avoiding the need to fire the boiler or alter water levels. connected in parallel.8kΩ/15kΩ LP 30 6.13 . It is connected to the level probe or conductivity probe wiring. The APS 1 is powered by the controller under test. and the other is a DIN 43650 connector as used on conductivity and capacitance probes. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.APS 1 Probe Simulator Dimensions (approximate) in inches and millimeters 5.. 2002 229 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Blythewood. TI-9-401-US 12.4" (86) 3.4" (138) Weight 1lb (450g) Level Controls Materials Case Die-cast aluminium Coating Nylon (grey) How to order Spirax Sarco APS 1 probe simulator.3" (110) Boiler Controls 5. Inc.13 Spirax Sarco.3" (85) 4. Inc.2" (132) 3.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. Blythewood.. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 230 .Boiler Controls Level Controls Spirax Sarco. and maintenance Maximum ambient temperature installation 122° F (50°C) Forambient full details see the installation and maintenance instructions Minimum temperature 32°F (0°C) supplied with the product. of the process variable represented by the current flow. It is displaysupplied of TDS for Spirax Sarco TDS blowdown calibrated in percentage units to controllers.0Itatis4 mA.7 mm high LCD 3½ digit 0. Installation note: Materials The DS1000 is fitted in a 3. decimal point. thyristor power units. SarcoanDS1000 is connected in series withofa the 4 .7 mm) high 3½ digit LCD.7mm) high LCD <3 Volt 3-1/2 digit <3±1 Volt 000 counts ± 1000 200 / 2counts 000 counts 200/2000 counts Any position Any position count ± 1±1count 3 readings/second 3 readings/second 63mA (PCB mounted) 63 mA (PCB mounted) IP65 (Front panel only) IP65 (Front panel only) Input Display Display Volt drop Volt drop Zero Zero Span Span Decimal point Rangeability Decimal point Rangeability Accuracy Accuracy Sample rate Sample rate Fuse rating Fuse rating Protection Protection rating rating Level Alarms currentThe loopSpirax to provide LCD display. thyristor power units. instrument it to be scaledsheet in any engineering units if required. LRQ 0963008 DS1000 Digital Display ISO 9001 DS1000 Digital Display Description The Spirax Sarco DS1000 is connected in series with a 4 . in engineering units.TI-P403-41 AB Issue 3 Cert. it needs no external power Pre-calibrated percentage . we reserve the right to change the specification. with a selectable alternative measurement be selected required.73" (92x44) Panel cutout 92 x 44 DS1000 ������ 1. Jumper links andto potentiometers on4the back supplied calibrated in percentage units display 00. or pressure indication. sheet. display 00.Can be scaled for any engineering units. alternative of measurement be of selected if required. Because the instrument is loop powered it needs no external power The DS1000 a 3. . loop to provideby anthe LCD display. in engineering units. electroCase magnetic starters.0 atinstrument 20 mA. electromagnetic For fullIt should details not seebethe installation and maintenance instructions starters.0 at mA.Loop powered 4-20 mA input.7 mmtohigh 3½ digitif LCD. temperature. contacters.31" (8) 93 Weight 200g TI-P403-41-US 1.Pre-calibrated for percentage indication. . conductivity. and allow the special legend supplied with the instrument enables An aperture belowunits the display shows thetounit measurement. It requires less than 3 volts from the loop for operation. or pressure It has many foruses level. How How to to specify specify 4-20mA 4 . No.20 mA processcurrent variable represented current flow.62" x 1.Can be scaled for any engineering units. the An aperture below the display shows the unit of measurement. or motors. How to order example 1 off Spirax Sarco DS1000 digital display. with Principalcase features: a selectable decimal point. Dimensions approximate in inches in (millimeters) Dimensions (approximate) millimetres Panel cutout 3.89" (48) % 48 Made in UK 2. DS1000 is fitted in a 92 x 44 mm and aperture in the boiler panel.20 mA Description Principal features: . A specific application example is to provide a remote display of TDS for Spirax Sarco TDS blowdown controllers. A specific application example is to provide a remote indication. supplied with the product. 70 96 8 In the interests of development and improvement of the product. It hasuses many level. panel mounted and has a .forconductivity. Maximum ambient temperature .5" (12.4 lb (200 g) 3.66" (93) Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Jumper potentiometers on the units back ifofrequired. temperature. � ��������� � Boiler Controls Because instrument isforloop poweredindication.isIthoused requiresinless than x3 1.limits Pressure / temperature . Installation note: Safety installation maintenance Theinformation.62" x 1.78" (96 xthe 48 loop mm) for DIN standard supply.89" volts from operation. DS1000 is housed a 96 x 48 mm DIN standard panel mounted and theThe special legend sheet in supplied with the instrument enables caseunits andofhas a 12. contacters.IP65 front panel seal.73" (92 x 44 mm) aperture in the Front bezel / back panel Nylon 6-glass filled boiler panel. installed adjacent to switch gear.76" (70) Weight 0.20 mAloop looppowered powereddigital digitaldisplay displaywith withlegend legendsheet.14 231 .Loop powered 4-20 mA input. orAluminium motors. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.5" (12.the supply.20 mA 2 wire 4-20mA 2 wire 12. It should not be installed adjacent to switch gear.0 at 20 mA. ������ Materials Front bezel / back panel Nylon 6-glass filled Case Aluminium Technical data (at 20°C) Technical data Input 68°F (20°C) 4 . and 100.IP65 front panel seal. . Minimum ambient temperature 50°C 0°C Pressure / temperature limits Safety information.78" (96) � ���������� . . andof the allow itlinks to beand scaled in any engineering 100. 3. Positively retained probe tip. 232 TI-P402-43-US 1. 5 Pg 11 Cable gland 2 3 1 Approvals: The LP30 is available with a ½" NPT screwed connection.LP30 High Integrity. Description Material 1 Probe body Austenitic stainless steel 2 Cover assembly Austenitic stainless steel 3 Name-plate Polycarbonate 4 Cable socket and Polyamide. It consists of a probe body with a removable cable socket. ensuring a low water alarm signal even under adverse conditions. The comparator tip compensates for any leakage to earth caused by scale.4306) Type 316L Type 316L BS 6564 Grade UA Type 1 Type 302 / 304 Type 316L BS 6105 A4 80 9 Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Under normal operating conditions the probe tip is partially immersed. and the resistance to earth is low. and a separate screw-on probe tip which is retained by a lock-nut and pin. Self-monitoring Low Level Alarm Probe Description Boiler Controls The Spirax Sarco LP30 level probe is used with a Spirax Sarco LC3050 level controller to provide a high integrity. . Caution: The probe is not suitable for outside installation without additional environmental protection.High integrity. glass filled probe connector 5 Connector gasket Silicone elastomer 6 Comparator tip Austenitic stainless steel 7 Primary insulator and PTFE secondary insulator 8 Retaining pin Austenitic stainless steel 9 Probe tip Austenitic stainless steel 10 Lock-nut Austenitic stainless steel BS EN 10088-3 (1.Suitable for pressures up to 0° psig @ 462°F (32 bar g at 239°C). self-monitoring low level alarm signal. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. The earth return path is via the body connection.No maintenance required. and a comparator tip. Principal features: . self-monitoring low level alarm probe. or internal moisture. Level Alarms 4 6 Available tip lengths inches (mm) 19. 59" (1500 mm). dirt.7" (500 mm). 7 10 8 Pressure / temperature limits Nominal pressure rating PN40 Maximum boiler pressure 464 psig (32 barg) Maximum temperature 462°F (239°C) Maximum ambient temperature 158°F (70°C) Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic pressure test of: 870 psig (60 barg) Technical data Maximum probe cable length Cable socket protection rating 164 ft (50m) IP65 Materials No.14 . . causing the controller to give a low level alarm signal. The probe has a level sensing tip (probe tip). In the interests of development and improvement of the product. usually in a steam boiler. When the water level drops below the probe tip the resistance to earth becomes high. we reserve the right to change the specification. 39.4" (1000 mm). . self-monitoring low level alarm probe. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. low level alarm probe with 39. require periodic testing and inspection. Blythewood.7" 39.3" (210) Installation note: The probe is designed to work with a Spirax Sarco LC3050 controller.4) Spirax Sarco. which is described in separate literature.see Spare Parts. Boiler water level controls do. The product is supplied with a spring clearance checking set. 39. No other parts are supplied as spares. Spare parts The spare parts available are detailed below. Refer to separate literature for details. Install the probe in a ½" NPT (½" BSP) female connection.6" (15) Weight (approximate) in lb (kg) including immediate packaging 19. Inc.4" (1000 mm) tip.52 kg) Safety information.2" (55) High integrity self-monitoring low level alarm probes shall be Spirax Sarco type LP30 with austenitic stainless steel bodies and probe tips.4"(1000) or 59"(1500) Available spares LP30 tip retaining pins Stock No. and this must be checked when the probe is installed. They must be used with an appropriate Spirax Sarco controller.6 lb (. 27 A/F ½" BSP taper (R½) connection Maintenance note: No special maintenance is required.61 lb 1.28 kg) (. Note: Do not install the probe outdoors without additional weather protection. Self-monitoring Low Level Alarm Probe Dimensions (approximate) in inches and (millimeters) Withdrawal distance for cable socket 0. See the Installation and Maintenance Instructions provided with each unit. Two probes and controllers are normally fitted in steam boilers. however. and cable socket with Pg 11 cable gland. self-monitoring.LP30 High Integrity. Ø10 (0.7"(500). 19. 2014 TI-P402-43-US 1. PTFE probe sleeving. A protection tube is required for boiler shell or turbulent tank fitting.6" (295) Level Alarms 8.4" 59" (500 mm) (1000 mm) (1500 mm) . Standards require that the tip is at least 14 mm from the protection tube. Warning: It is essential that the probe tip of the LP30 low level alarm probe does not touch any part of the boiler.8 kg) Tip length Probe 1. How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco LP30 high integrity. 4024781 checking set Pack of 10 1 set (2 springs) How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares' and state which product they are for. How to specify 2. 4024780 Spring clearance Stock No. Spare sets are available .21 lb 3. The LP30 is available with a ½" NPT screwed connection. Probe length minus the additional tip length Boiler Controls 11. giving first and second low alarms.55 kg) (.14 233 . and a positively located probe tip. installation and maintenance This document does not contain sufficient information to install the product safely. They must have a comparator tip to compensate for scaling.. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.11 lb Weight (.. Example: 1 off Spring clearance checking set for a Spirax Sarco LP30 high integrity. Inc. and is cut to the exact length required prior to installation. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. we reserve the right to change the specification.4" (1000) and 59" (1500).7" (500).LP 31 High Integrity. In normal operation. self-monitoring alarm for detection of high water levels in steam boilers and other vessels. but can be mounted in an external chamber if regulations permit. 39. the resistance to earth drops. causing the alarm relays in the controller to be de-energised and the alarm to sound. A DIN 43650 cable socket with Pg 11 cable gland is supplied with the unit. The LP31 is designed so that its tip and wiring connection integrity is monitored by the controller. Cable socket 1 2 3 Pg 11 Cable gland 4 5 Approvals: The LP31 is available with a ½" NPT screwed connection. and has a high resistance path to earth. Self-Monitoring High Water Level Alarm Probe Boiler Controls Description The Spirax Sarco LP31 is used in conjunction with an LC3050 controller to provide a high integrity. The LP31 is supplied in three nominal tip lengths. glass filled 4 Cover assembly Austenitic stainless steel 5 Name-plate Polycarbonate 6 Body Austenitic stainless steel 7 Probe tip sleeving PTFE 8 Probe tip Austenitic stainless steel 8 Probe tip BS EN 10088-3 (1. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. 234 TI-P402-81-US 1.4306) ASTM A276 316L Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. The probe is normally installed direct in the boiler shell in a protection tube. the tip is above the water level. Limiting conditions Nominal pressure rating Maximum boiler pressure Maximum temperature Maximum ambient temperature Technical data Maximum probe cable length Cable socket protection rating Minimum conductivity LC1350 LC3050 PN40 464 psi g (32 bar g) 462°F (239°C) 158°F (70°C) Probe body 7 164 ft (50 metres) IP65 1 mS/cm or 1 ppm 30 mS/cm or 30 ppm Materials No. If the water level rises to touch the probe tip. Level Alarms Caution: The probe is not suitable for outside installation without additional environmental protection.14 . causing an alarm signal in the event of a fault occurring. Available tip lengths inches (mm) 6 19. The LP31 can also be used as a simple (non self-monitoring) high or low level probe with an LC1350 level controller. Description Material 1 Cable socket Polyamide. glass filled 2 Flat gasket Silicone rubber 3 Probe connector Polyamide. 1 (0.59) Withdrawal distance for cable socket 0. Maintenance note: No special maintenance is required. Blythewood. High integrity high level alarm probes shall be Spirax Sarco selfmonitoring type LP31 with an austenitic stainless steel body and probe tip. require periodic testing and inspection. Install the probe in a ½" NPT parallel (½" BSP) female connection using PTFE tape.1" (1500 mm) 1. A protection tube is required for boiler shell or turbulent tank fitting. Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco LP31 high integrity.4" (1000 mm) tip. The LP31 has been designed to work with a Spirax Sarco LC3050 controller. which is described in separate literature..3 (0.6" (15) 1. Inc.4" (1000 mm) Weight 1.1" (Ø28) 0.LP 31 High Integrity. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. self-monitoring. PTFE probe sleeving. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.2" (Ø5) Spirax Sarco. Level Alarms How to specify Boiler Controls Spare parts There are no available spare parts for this unit.7"500 mm) 39. 39.5 (0.51) 1.2" (183) 59. 27 A /F How to order The LP31 is available with a ½" NPT screwed connection.4"(1 000) or 59"(1500) 0. Self-Monitoring High Water Level Alarm Probe Dimensions (approximate) in inches and millimeters Weights (approximate) in lb (kg) Tip length 19.67) Safety information. Note: Do not install the probe outdoors without additional weather protection. however. high water level alarm probe with 39. installation and maintenance This document does not contain sufficient information to install the product safely.24" (Ø6) Tip length 19. 2014 TI-P402-81-US 1. They shall be cut to length on installation and be used with an appropriate Spirax Sarco controller..7"(500). Inc. Boiler water level controls do.5" (39) 7. 1. Installation note: The LP31 tip is cut to length and de-burred prior to installation. and DIN 43650 cable socket with Pg 11 cable gland. See the Installation and Maintenance Instructions provided with each unit.14 235 . TÜV approved. Other features The LC3050 can communicate via an infrared link between adjacent controllers. Clamping screw LC3050 The LC3050 is a dual voltage unit. Infrared communications. steam boilers operating with limited supervision require two self-monitoring level probes and controllers to provide two independent low level alarms. LED indication of status. probe cable and controller is carried out every few seconds by internally simulating a fault in the probe. to the boiler or vessel shell. No set-up or adjustment is needed. User products are those fitted with a graphics display. A compensation tip on the probe signals an alarm if the probe should become faulty through water ingress or an internal wiring fault. Principal features: High integrity. The other buttons on the keypad are nonfunctional. In addition the LC3050 meets the EMC requirements of the following standards: . . If a change in water level causes this resistance to change beyond a set limit. 230 Vac or 115 Vac for use with Spirax Sarco high or low level. through the water. The green LED briefly extinguishes every few seconds showing that the automatic cyclic test is being carried out. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. tanks or vessels. we reserve the right to change the specification. Provision is made for the wiring of a remote test button if required. Clamping screw Function / Inputs / Outputs Function The LC3050 is normally configured to warn of a change in level outside normal limits for steam or hot water boilers.Electrical equipment for measurement control and laboratory use . controller. EN 61326-1: 2006 . DIN rail or chassis mounted.LC3050 Level Controller Description The Spirax Sarco LC3050 is a level limiting alarm for use in conductive liquids as a high or a low alarm. Input / output The product accepts inputs from the LP30 low level probe or the LP31 high level probe. With the water level normal the green LED will be lit. A high level alarm is also advised. AL WARNING.EN 61010-1:2001 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement. The product complies with Low Voltage Directive (2006 / 95 / EC) by meeting the standards of: . Dual mains supply. In most countries. A test button is fitted so that a full test of the probe. This signal is normally used to trigger an alarm. The LC3050 has two LED’s. 236 Alarm test button TI-P402-135-US 10.13 . a timer is engaged which alters the state of internal relays after a pre-set delay. Level Alarms Boiler Controls An automatic cyclic test of the probe. 230 / 115 Vac. and the boiler panel will indicate a normal water level. indicating normal and alarm conditions. and is defined as a 'special design water level limiter' in the context of EN 12952-11. The LC3050 is defined as a slave unit. and associated circuits can be carried out. ALARM OK The unit can be panel. The LC3050 has been type-tested as a Special Design Water Level Limiter by meeting the Standard: . EN 12952-11: 2007 . Water Level 100 (07. The LC3050 compares the resistance to earth from the probe.EMC requirements Part 1: General requirements. Outputs can be remotely accessed via the RS485 / MODBUS communications. The LC3050 meets the requirements of the Directive by meeting the Controlling standard: . It is suitable for use with steam or hot water boilers operating up to 32 bar at 239ºC (464psig@462°F). Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. and cut the supply to the burner. by engaging an alarm relay. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. self-monitoring probes can indicate internal faults or water ingress. It enables the alarm status of the LC3050 to be passed to a product fitted with RS485 (user).Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations Part 11: Requirements for limiting devices of the boiler and accessories. Vd TÜV requirements for water level control and limiting devices. and a test button (AL). - Approvals This product complies with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004 / 108 / EC and all its requirements. This product meets all the Requirements of the Directive and is suitable for Class A Environments (eg Industrial).2010). Spirax Sarco high-integrity. self-monitoring low or high level alarm. and is compulsory in some countries. self-monitoring high integrity probes. EN 12953-9: 2007 .Shell boilers Part 9: Requirements for limiting devices of the boiler and accessories. control and laboratory use. Inc.55°C (32-131°F) Maximum relative humidity 80% up to 31°C (88°F)decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C (104°F) Overvoltage category III Pollution degree Environmental Enclosure rating (front panel only) 2 (as supplied) 3 (when installed in an enclosure) .60 Hz Power consumption 230 V / 30 mA or 115 V / 60 mA General Indoor use only Maximum altitude 2 000 m (6 562 ft) above sea level Ambient temperature limits 0 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.. Inc. IP65 (verified by TRAC Global) LVD (safety) Electrical safety EN 61010-1 EMC Immunity/Emissions Suitable for heavy industrial locations Enclosure Material Polycarbonate Front panel Material Silicone rubber.5 mm² (12 AWG).5 mm² (18 .. .2 mm² (24 AWG) to 2.9 amp) @ 250 Vac 1 /10 HP (3 amp) @ 120 Vac Exempt from EN 60825-12: 2007 Safety of laser products . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. does not exceed the accessible emission limits (AEL) of Class 1 Spirax Sarco.6 mm (0.control circuit / coils technical Electrical life (operations) 3 x 10 5 or greater depending on load data Mechanical life (operations) 30 x 10 6 Physical layer IrDA Baud 38 400 Range 10 cm (4") Working angle 15° Inductive load ac motor load Infrared Eye safety information 1 amp @ 250 Vac ¼ HP (2. 2005 Level Alarms Type Boiler Controls Power supply TI-P402-135-US 10. Mains Safety and Approvals may be compromised otherwise.13 237 . Stripping length 5 .16 AWG) Maximum length 50 m (164 ft) Recommended type Prysmian (Pirelli) FP200. Termination Caution: Use only the connectors supplied by Spirax Sarco Ltd. 60 shore.2") High temperature Shield type Screened Number of cores 4 Gauge 1 – 1. and signal connector Cable / wire and connector data Level probe cable / wire Cable size 0.5 amp) . Delta Crompton Firetuf OHLS Input technical data Minimum conductivity 30 µS/cm or 30 ppm at 25°C (77°F) Contacts 2 x single pole changeover relays (SPCO) Relays Voltage ratings (maximum) 250 Vac Resistive load 3 amp @ 250 Vac Output Pilot duty load C300 (2.LC3050 Level Controller Technical data LC3050 Mains voltage range 220 / 240 Vac setting (198 V to 264 V) 110 / 120 Vac setting (99 V to 132 V) Frequency 50 . Blythewood. Minimum of IP54. Solder Tin / lead (60 / 40%) Rising clamp plug-in terminal blocks with screw connectors. LC3050 Level Controller Safety information, installation and maintenance Warning: This document does not contain sufficient information to install the unit safely. The unit operates at a potentially fatal mains voltage. Before attempting to install the unit read the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with it. Caution: before installing and connecting the power ensure there is no condensation within the unit. The product may be installed on a DIN rail, on a chassis plate, or in a panel cutout. A bezel is supplied. The product must be installed in a suitable industrial control panel or fireproof enclosure to provide impact and environmental protection. A minimum of IP54 (EN 60529) is required. Spirax Sarco can provide suitable plastic or metal enclosures Do not install the product outdoors without additional weather protection. Do not attempt to open the product - it is sealed and has no replaceable parts or internal switches. Do not cover or obstruct the infrared beam between products. No special servicing, preventative maintenance or inspection of the product is required. Boiler water level controls and level alarms do, however, require testing and inspection. Dimensions / weight (approximate) in mm and g. Weight 430 g. (0.95 lb) 120 mm (4.72") Level Alarms Boiler Controls 52 mm (2.05") LC3050 ALARM OK 140 mm (5.51") 120 mm (4.72") AL How to specify High-integrity self-monitoring level controller with fail-safe operation and self-testing facilities. LED indication of alarm and safe status. Infrared communications facility. A test button facility shall be provided on the front panel. How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco LC3050 level high-integrity, self-monitoring level controller. Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 238 TI-P402-135-US 10.13 Boiler Controls Level Alarms Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 239 BCS1 Blowdown System Pipeline Set Blowdown from boiler M10 ball valve 1/4" BSP plug BCV1 blowdown valve strainer Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls LCV1 check valve PT2 plug tail CP10 sensor • For TDS systems with probe in pipeline • Complete pipeline kit - choice of controller • Suitable for boiler pressures of 203 psig (14 bar g) • For blowdown rates up to 1,300 lb/h (590 kg/h) S10 sensor chamber M10 ball valve Description The BCS1 pipeline set is a kit of components selected to enable straightforward installation of a TDS control system where the probe assembly is to be mounted in the pipeline, rather than directly in the boiler shell. The BCS1 pipeline set consists of the following items: 1 x S10 sensor chamber ½" NPT. 1 x CP10 sensor and gasket. 1 x PT2 plug tail. (3/8" BSP) 1 x Sensor chamber plug ¼" BSP. 1 x BCV1 solenoid valve 120 V. 1 x LCV1 check valve ½" NPT. 1 x y type cast iron strainer (1/2" NPT, 20 Mesh). 2 x M10 ball valves ½" NPT. Alternative products are available, but not as part of a kit. A controller is also required, and should be selected from the Spirax Sarco range. The BC3150 and BC3250 are all suitable, and offer a choice of features. Full details are available in separate literature. Main features are listed opposite. Materials S10 sensor chamber Stainless steel BS 970 303 S31 CP10 sensor body and pin Stainless steel BS 970 303 S31 PT2 plug tail Brass body Sensor chamber plug Carbon steel BCV1 solenoid valve Brass body, stainless steel seat, PTFE seal. LCV1 check valve Bronze Strainer Cast iron M10 ball valve Zinc plated forged carbon steel See individual product literature for further information. Blowdown to heat recovery system BC1100 • DIN rail or chassis plate mounting. • LED indication of blowdown status. • Potentiometer adjustment of set point and calibration. • Choice of purge duration. • 0 -20 or 4 - 20 mA output. • Selectable ranges (ppm or μS/cm). Also available:-Wall-mounting plastic enclosure with DIN rail. BC3200 • Wall mounting. • Two button commissioning, calibration, and operation. • Selectable ranges (ppm or μS/cm). • Four digit LED display of TDS and system status. • High TDS alarm relay output. • 0 -20 or 4 - 20 mA output. • Patented automatic probe cleaning circuit. • Temperature compensation facility. • Selectable security feature. • Optional front cover lock available. BC3210 • As BC3200, but boiler panel mounting. • Optional lockable cover available. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. In the interests of development and improvement of the product, we reserve the right to change the specification. 240 TI-P403-57-US 12.13 BCS1 Blowdown System Pipeline Set Limiting conditions Safety information Maximum boiler pressure 203 psig (14 bar g). Capacities The capacity of the system is limited by the blowdown valve capacity at various boiler pressures. Boiler pressure psig (bar g) 14.5 (1) 29.0 (2) 58.0 (4) 87.0 (6) 116.0 (8) 145.0 (10) 203.0 (14) Low to medium flowrates (Standard setting*) 60 85 115 130 150 165 200 Medium to high flowrates (High setting*) 175 250 350 385 445 495 590 *At 'Standard setting' the controller is set to open the valve for 10 seconds every 30 seconds. When blowing down at 'High setting' the controller opens the valve continuously. WARNING: Your attention is drawn to Safety Information Leaflet IM-GCM-10, as well as to any National or Regional regulations. The products contained in the BCS1 pipeline set are designed and constructed to withstand the forces encountered during normal use. Use of the BCS1 pipeline set other than for the control of TDS could cause damage to the products and may cause injury or fatality to personnel. The BCV1 valve and CP10 sensor contain PTFE which can give off toxic fumes if exposed to excessive heat. Installation This document does not contain sufficient information to install the product safely. See the Installation and Maintenance Instructions provided with each kit. Available spares Armature and spring set for BCV1 blowdown valve (kit). Stock No. 4034080 How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco BCS1 pipeline set. Weight Boxed kit approximately 8.2 lbs (3.7 kg). 209 V to 264 V 50 to 60 Hz 40 VA (inrush) 16 VA/10 W (hold) IP65 Boiler Blowdown & CCD BCV1 solenoid (blowdown) valve Voltage range Frequency range Power consumption Protection rating Boiler Controls Electrical data Spirax Sarco, Inc., 1150 Northpoint Blvd., Blythewood, SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P403-57-US 12.13 241 S20 Sensor Chamber, TP20 Temperature Sensor, CP10 Sensor and PT2 Plug-tail Cast Iron Valves • Purpose designed sensor chamber for in-line mounting • Simple removal of sensors for cleaning • Allows continuous temperature compensated measurement Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls Description The Spirax Sarco S20 sensor chamber is fitted with conductivity and temperature sensors used to determine the conductivity of liquids. The use of a temperature sensor enables an accurate measurement to be made when the temperature varies, as in the case of condensate return monitoring systems. The hexagonal in-line sensor chamber is screwed 1" NPT. Adjacent radial female screwed connections are provided for:CP10 conductivity sensor (3/8" BSP). TP20 temperature sensor (1/4" BSP). An additional 1/4 “ BSP (1/4" NPT) connection is provided on the other side of the chamber for taking a sample if required. Spirax Sarco can supply a sample cooler for cooling hot samples, or a blanking plug if the connection is not required. S20 sensor chamber CP10 conductivity sensor TP20 temperature sensor Limiting Conditions S20 sensor chamber and TP20 Temperature sensor Maximum pressure Maximum media temperature 160 psig (11 barg) 302°F (150°C) Caution: Do not install the sensor outdoors without additional weather protection. CP10 conductivity sensor Maximum pressure Maximum media temperature Torque rating Fit the sensor chamber in a vertical or horizontal pipeline with suitable isolation valves to allow inspection/cleaning of the sensors. Reducers may be fitted if required. Flow can be in either direction. 464 psig (32 barg) 462°F (239°C) 44 lb./f (60 Nm) The sensors themselves must be horizontal. PT2 Plug-tail Cable temperature range -67 to 248°F (-55 to 120°C) Supplied cable length 50" (1.25m) Maximum voltage 20Vdc, 14Vac Maximum current 10mA PT2 Plug-tail CP10 Sensor Installation The TP20 has a taper thread, and may be installed using PTFE sealing tape if required. The CP10 sensor is provided with an S-type stainless steel gasket for sealing and does not require sealing tape. Fit the sensors to the chamber and tighten. Fit PT2 plug tail (or other Spirax Sarco plug tail) to the CP10 sensor and tighten. Red wire to sensor pin To blowdown controller Insulation Sensor pin 3/8" BSP 24mm AF Nut 1 25mm AF Blue wire grounded via PT2 and CP10 body. Screen Junction box (For connection to conduit) The supply to the Sensor and Plug-tail must be provided by a low voltage limited power source. Spirax Sarco Blowdown controllers provide this type of supply. Flexible metal conduit (M16) can be connected to the PT12 by removing the nut (1) Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. In the interests of development and improvement of the product, we reserve the right to change the specification. 242 TI-9-403-US 08.11 and TP 20 temperature sensor. TP20 Temperature Sensor. In line sensor chamber with conductivity and temperature sensors. Inc. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.. Blythewood. 1/4" BSP blanking plug. Materials S20 sensor chamber Stainless steel ASTM 8582303 How to Order Spirax Sarco’s S20 sensor chamber complete with CP10 sensor. BS 970 303 S31 PT2 Plug-tail Body Nuts Insulator Brass Brass (2off) Polyphenylene Sulphide Resin (glass filled) CP10 conductivity Body Insulator Pin sensor Stainless steel PEEK plastic Stainless steel BS 970 303 S31 BS 970 303 S31 Boiler Controls TP20 temperature sensor Body and probe Stainless steel 316 ASTM A269 Gr.S20 Sensor Chamber. CP10 Sensor and PT2 Plug-tail Maintenance How to Specify The equipment requires no specific maintenance other than periodic inspection and cleaning. Inc. 2001 TI-9-403-US 08. PT2 plug tail. 316 Cable insulation PFA Boiler Blowdown & CCD Dimensions (approximately) in inches 4" Standard length 50" CP10 sensor (shown with PT2 plug tail fitted). CP10 Conductivity Sensor and PT2 Plug-tail. 2-1/4" S-type stainless steel gasket 4-3/4" 1/4" BSP sample connection 50" TP20 temperature sensor 1" NPT Spirax Sarco..11 243 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Limiting conditions Maximum boiler pressure 464 psig (32 barg) Maximum temperature 462°F (239°C) Hydraulic ambient temperature 158°F (70°C) Minimum distance from boiler tubes . The CP30 is supplied in four nominal tip lengths. stock No.49kg) (0. Installation Probes with tip lengths up to 19. 4031280.7" (500mm) tip. 1000mm. we reserve the right to change the specification. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. wiring.11 . 1500mm Weights (approximate) in lb (kg) 11.8" (20mm) Minimum emersion depth (vertical installed probes) 4. or directly in a boiler connection.8". Full instructions on cutting the probe tip to length. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.8" (300mm) tip version 19. 19.1" 300mm. and is cut to the exact length required prior to installation. How to Order Tip shroud Spirax Sarco UL CP30 (1/2" NPT) probe with 19. away from the feed water inlet if possible. 462°F .7" (500mm) 39. 239°C) Easily cut to length All wetted parts in austenitic stainless steel/PTFE Cable socket Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls Description The Spirax Sarco CP30 conductivity probe is used in conjuction with a controller to measure the conductivity or TDS of water.1 (1500mm) tip version 1lb 1lb 1.4". How to Specify Conductivity probe with all wetted parts in austenitic stainless steel and PTFE.(32 barg. 39. 1/2" NPT.59kg) (0.3lb 1.47kg) (0.4" (1000mm) 59.7" (500mm) can be installed vertically or horizontally.7". usually in a steam boiler for the purpose of monitoring and controlling blowdown. The probe may be installed in a Spirax Sarco probe elbow. The probe must be installed in a position where it can sense the conductivity of the boiler water.7" (500mm). and maintenance are given in the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with each unit. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.68kg) Probe tip Available Spares Tip shroud and spring assembly. a screwed flange.5lb (0. 59. 244 TI-9-202-US 08. A DIN 43650 cable socket with 1/2" NPT conduit thread and four 18AWG wires are supplied with the unit.CP 30 Conductivity Probe • • • • Conductivity probe for use with blowdown contollers Suitable for use in steam boilers up to 464 psig. Vertical installation only is recommended for longer lengths. Available Tip Lengths Inches and millimeters 11. 500mm. tip length 19.0" (100mm) Cable socket protection rating IP65 Probe body *Additional environmental protection is needed for outdoor installations. UL1015 105oC. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. glass filled 4 Cover assembly Austenitic stainless steel 5 Nameplate Aluminum foil 6 Body Austenitic stainless steel Type 316Ti W/S No.4571 7 Probe tip Austenitic stainless steel ASTM A276 316L 8 Probe tip sleeving PTFE 9 Tip shroud PTFE 10 Spring Austenitic stainless steel BS 2056 316 S42 11 Flying leads Copper conductor. Inc. ideally on the horizontal center line of the boiler. Blythewood. 1.11 245 . 2001 TI-9-202-US 08. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.5" (39) 1 2 Installation on a probe elbow. PVC insulation 18AWG CSA TEW 105oC...0" (178) 5 Installation on a boiler (screwed or flanged) Boiler Controls 6 1/2" NPT Thread Tip Length 8 9 Vertical installation on a boiler standpipe Materials 10 Terminal box Wiring CP30 Connector Probe tip Approvals UL United States Boiler Blowdown & CCD 7 UL61010 Grounded to probe body No Description Material 1 Cable socket Polyamide. glass filled 2 Flat gaket Silicone rubber 3 Probe connector Polyamide. 3 Probe elbow 4 To blowdown valve 7.Dimensions (approximate) in inches Withdrawal distance for cable socket 0. 600V Spirax Sarco.6" (15) CP 30 Conductivity Probe and millimeters Installation Examples 1. Inc. 246 3 TI-P403-59-US 08. 2276943).7" and 39. or directly into a boiler connection. usually in a steam boiler.Patented scale detection and compensation.4306 302 S26 Type 316 UGINE 4632 Type 316 / 316L 7 6 and 8 (Internal) 9 Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.4" Note: 39. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.Built-in temperature sensor .4" probes can only be installed vertically.4" 10 4.CP 32 Twin Tip Conductivity Probe Description The Spirax Sarco CP32 conductivity probe is used in conjunction with a controller to measure the conductivity (or TDS) of water. .08 .Suitable for use in steam boilers up to 462°F @ 464 psi g . The CP32 is supplied in three nominal tip lengths. a screwed flange. for the purpose of monitoring and controlling blowdown. is able to detect scaling (UK Patent No. 2 (internal) 1 4 Principal features : . 19. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Part Terminal head 'O' ring Cover tube Name-plate Body Spring Insulator Driver tip Sensor tip Rod IP65 0. allowing the probe to continue to sense at its original calibration level. we reserve the right to change the specification. The CP32 has a built-in temperature sensor.8". and when used with an appropriate controller. . Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. This causes any scale on the probe to become porous or fall off. If scale is occuring on a probe. 5 Available tip lengths inches 11. Pressure / temperature limits Maximum boiler pressure Maximum operating temperature Maximum ambient temperature Technical data 464 psi g 462°F 131°F Protection rating (terminal head / cable gland only) Minimum tip distance from boiler tubes Minimum immersion depth (vertically installed probes) Maximum cable length (probe to controller) Minimum conductivity Materials No. it is also accuring inside the boiler. and has a ½" NPT male thread for connection to a Spirax Sarco probe elbow.0" 328 ft 10 ppm Material Aluminium Nitrile rubber Austenitic stainless steel Polycarbonate Austenitic stainless steel Austenitic stainless steel PEEK Austenitic stainless steel Austenitic stainless steel Austenitic stainless steel Type 316L Type 304L 1. Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls WARNING: This feature is not a substitute for adequate boiler water treatment. It also automatically initiates a probe conditioning cycle (UK Patent No. and a competent water treatment specialist must be consulted to avoid a potentially dangerous situation.only one boiler connection needed. 2297843).Twin tip conductivity probe for use in TDS control systems. 4" probes must be installed vertically only. they must also be able to automatically initiate a patented probe cleaning feature. will activate a warning on the controller’s display panel and / or a remote alarm. commissioning and operating instructions.7" probes can be installed vertically or horizontally. Spare parts The spare parts available are detailed below. away from the feedwater inlet if possible.8" tip length. The system must also be able to automatically compensate for any polarisation effects at the sensors.8" and 19.4" lengths. No other parts are supplied as spares. They must incorporate a patented facility to check the sensor tips for scaling.7" and 39. 2008 Weights (approximate) in lb TI-P403-59-US 08.08 247 . Boiler Controls 6.2 19.8. 11. Available spares Enclosure 'O' ring 2 27 A / F ½" NPT How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares' and state which product they are for.8". Installation Note: Do not install the probe outdoors without additional weather protection. M20 4. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. Inc. which gives full wiring.5 Spirax Sarco.3 Warning: This product contains materials including PTFE which can give off toxic fumes if exposed to excessive heat. 19. and have a 1/2" NPT boiler connection.6 39.4 Boiler Blowdown & CCD TDS conductivity probes shall be Spirax Sarco type CP32 with nickel alloy sensor tips and built-in temperature sensor..4" 3.4 How to specify Tip length 11.7 or 39.CP 32 Twin Tip Conductivity Probe Dimensions (approximate) in inches Safety information For full details see the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product. They must be suitable for boiler pressures up to 464 psig and a maximum working temperature of 462°F. How to order Example: 1 of Spirax Sarco CP32. Any attempt to dismantle the probe will result in permanent damage. The probe must be installed in a position where it can sense the conductivity of the boiler water. Tip length Weight 11. CAUTION: 39. They must be available in 11. and periodic cleaning is all that is required. which. if unable to clean the probe.8" 2. 19. Example: 1 off Enclosure 'O' ring for a Spirax Sarco CP32 twin tip conductivity probe. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Inc. twin tip conductivity probe having a ½" NPT connection and 11. The CP32 contains no user serviceable components. When used in conjunction with an appropriate Spirax Sarco controller.. Blythewood.7" 2. Commissioning is carried out using the two lower buttons. If the water conductivity exceeds the Set Point level. The programmed settings are held in non-volatile memory (Flash) and are written to after changing a parameter and pressing the OK key. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. x 1000). the product uses a default temperature of 363°F (145 psig). and laboratory use. - Works with CP10. It works in conjunction with a Spirax Sarco conductivity sensor. CLN AL OK Approvals This product complies with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004 / 108 / EC and all its requirements. - Infrared communications. x 100 - LCD display with direct probe condition indicator. - Vd TÜV Equipment for Water Control 100 (07. a boiler blowdown valve or condensate dump valve. Clamping screw BC3150 x1000 x100 LCD display x10 Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls Principal features: - Blowdown controller with temperature compensation. The BC3150 is suitable for Class A Environments (e. all commissioning parameters are protected with a pass code. The product has no battery. the TDS value is displayed in μS/cm (or ppm if selected). Once fully commissioned. industrial). The front panel has a 3 digit LCD and a five-button keypad. Function All ranges and operating parameters are selected using the software menu. we reserve the right to change the specification. the TDS value shown on the display will alternate with 'bld'. the blowdown may be set to pulsed. If the water conductivity exceeds the alarm level. CP30 or CP32 conductivity probes.13 . The TDS value will alternate with 'Pur'. or for other applications. control. The BC3150 is always an IR slave – No set-up or adjustment is needed. The BC3150 complies with the Low Voltage Directive by meeting the standards of: Clamping screw Inputs The BC3150 can accept a signal from a Spirax Sarco conductivity probe (CP10.For smaller boilers where the capacity of the blowdown valve is relatively high compared to the boiler size. CP30. x 10. This is recommended if the boiler is working at varying pressures. If a Pt100 is not fitted. rather than continuous output. and may be used for remote display of the TDS level or as an output to a computerised management system. The BC3150 can communicate via an infrared link between adjacent controllers. where the temperature may vary. Pulsed output . - Wide range: 1-9990 µS/cm or ppm – (x1. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. It controls TDS (total dissolved solids – salts in solution) by opening and closing a blowdown valve. such as condensate monitoring or coil boilers. The product can be panel. DIN rail or chassis mounted and powered by a 110 to 240 Vac mains supply. and the valve relay will be energised until the conductivity drops below 5% of full scale (FS) below the set point. A fully detailed EMC assessment has been made and has the reference number UK Supply BH BC3150 2008. opening for 10 seconds. Outputs - EN 61010-1:2010 safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement. This feature enables the parameters of this product (OEM) to be passed to a product fitted with RS485 (user).20 mA output is provided as standard. and closing for 20 seconds. - Type approved as a TDS limiter and controller. If the system is carrying out a purge.BC3150 Blowdown Controller Description The BC3150 is a blowdown controller for steam boilers.g. avoiding the risk of triggering a low water alarm. An isolated 4 . This slows the rate at which the boiler water is removed so that the level is not unduly affected.2010). Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. The BC3150 has been type-tested as a TDS controller and limiter by meeting the standard: A Pt100 temperature sensor may be connected to provide temperature compensation (2% / °F). Other features To prevent unwanted or inadvertent changes being made. and the valve relay will be energised until the conductivity drops 3% (FS) below the alarm level. 248 5 button display TI-P403-91-US 10. or CP32). and the valve relay will be energised until the conductivity drops 5% (FS) below the set point. the TDS value will alternate with 'AL' . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.1. Mains Termination Caution: Use only the connectors supplied by Spirax Sarco Ltd. Safety and Approvals may be compromised otherwise.0 range and 0-9990 ranges .90 range .20 mA Number of pairs output Gauge cable / wires Boiler Blowdown & CCD Rising clamp plug-in terminal blocks with screw connectors..5 mm² (18 .. Solder Tin / lead (60 / 40%) and signal connector Cable size 0. Delta Crompton Firetuf OHLS Screened 3 1 .55°C (32-131°F) Maximum relative humidity 80% up to 31°C (88°F) decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C(104°F) Overvoltage category Pollution degree Enclosure rating Environmental (front panel only) III 2 (as supplied) 3 (when installed in an enclosure) . Inc.18 AWG) Maximum length 100 m (328 ft) Recommended type Various Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.13 249 .5 mm² (18 .30 metres (100ft) Maximum length Screened 1 – 1.6 mm (0.5 mm² (12 AWG).1 mm² (24 .10 metres (33ft) 0 .16 AWG) 100 m (328 ft) Recommended type Various Type Twisted pair Shield type Screened 4 .99 range . Boiler Controls 1 0. Blythewood.2 mm² (24 AWG) to 2.2") Type High temperature Shield type Gauge TDS probe 0 . 2001 TI-P403-91-US 10.16 AWG) Recommended type 0-999.23 .9.99.BC3150 Blowdown Controller Technical data BC3150 Power supply Mains voltage range 110 Vac to 240 Vac at 50/60 Hz Power consumption 7. Minimum of IP54 IP65 (verified by TRAC Global) LVD (safety) Electrical safety EN 61010-1 EMC Immunity/Emissions Suitable for heavy industrial locations Enclosure Material Polycarbonate Front panel Material Silicone rubber.5 W (maximum) General Indoor use only Maximum altitude 2 000 m (6 562 ft) above sea level Ambient temperature limits 0 . twisted and connector data Type Shield type Pt100 probe Number of cores cable / wire Gauge Maximum length Prysmian (Pirelli) FP200. Stripping length 5 .100 metres (328ft) Cable / wire High temperature. . Inc. 60 shore. 1°C steps) ± 2.20 mA Resolution 0. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.9 amp) @ 250 Vac 1 /10 HP (3 amp) @ 120 Vac Pilot duty load C300 (2. Blythewood.1% FSD technical Drive: ac – 4 wires data Sensor type Pt100 – Class B or better (With Pt100 not fitted – Range 0 .control circuit / coils Electrical life (operations) 3 x 10 5 or greater depending on load Mechanical life (operations) 30 x 10 6 Spirax Sarco.5% FSD – system accuracy ± 5% compensation Accuracy (TC) Resolution 0.250°C Temperature user programmed temperature 100 .BC3150 Blowdown Controller Technical data BC3150 (continued) Probe types CP10.13 .7 Resolution 0..9 ppm or µS/cm 0 – 9990 ppm or µS/cm 0 – 999 ppm or µS/cm Water conductivity Accuracy µS/cm to ppm conversion ±2.1% FSD Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls Drive: dc – 3 wires Probe cleaning Maximum voltage 32 Vdc Drive Pulsed (1 second on.7 Neutralising factor 0.250°C. CP30 and CP32 0 – 9. Inc.99 ppm or µS/cm Ranges 0 – 99..5 amp) . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 250 TI-P403-91-US 10.1% FSD Maximum output load 500 ohm Isolation 100 V Output Output rate 10 / second technical Contacts 2 x single pole changeover relays (SPCO) data Relays Voltage ratings (maximum) 250 Vac Resistive load 3 amp @ 250 Vac Inductive load ac motor load 1 amp @ 250 Vac ¼ HP (2. 1 second off) Time 20 seconds Minimum current 0 mA Maximum current 20 mA Open circuit voltage 19 Vdc (maximum) 4 .5% FSD (possibly > in high EM locations) Input 0. it is sealed and has no replaceable parts or internal switches. A minimum of IP54 (EN 60529) is required. or in a panel cutout. Blythewood.05") BC3150 x1000 x100 x10 140 mm (5. Caution: before installing and connecting the power ensure there is no condensation within the unit. The unit operates at a potentially fatal mains voltage. How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco BC3150 blowdown controller.. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.13 251 . on a chassis plate. Spirax Sarco. No special servicing. require testing and inspection. Spirax Sarco can provide suitable plastic or metal enclosures Do not install the product outdoors without additional weather protection. Inc. Do not attempt to open the product . installation and maintenance Warning: This document does not contain sufficient information to install the unit safely. however. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P403-91-US 10. The product must be installed in a suitable industrial control panel or fireproof enclosure to provide impact and environmental protection. Do not cover or obstruct the infrared beam between products.. and infrared communications. A bezel is supplied.BC3150 Blowdown Controller Safety information. Boiler water level controls and level alarms do. Before attempting to install the unit read the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with it. The product may be installed on a DIN rail.72") AL OK How to specify Blowdown controller with LCD display and five-button keypad.51") CLN 120 mm (4. preventative maintenance or inspection of the product is required.72") Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls 52 mm (2. Dimensions / weight (approximate) Weight 1 lb 120 mm (4. . LCD graphics display of PV and sequential trend graph.Test function. . Please note that it will not detect contaminants that do not change the conductivity. Function / outputs If the water conductivity exceeds the Set Point.g. A Trend graph screen display appears if the right or left button is pressed in run mode . Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. 50 Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls The front panel has an LCD graphics display and five-button keypad to select. Multi-voltage 110 Vac to 240 Vac. The BC3250 can communicate via an infrared link between adjacent controllers. iii) Three bar graphs. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. opening for 10 seconds. we reserve the right to change the specification. Infrared communications. TÜV approved. ii) Information line. a boiler blowdown valve and.g.13 . and laboratory use.Direct display of probe factor. An isolated 0 . The unit can be panel. and a Pt100 temperature sensor. PV Process Variable highest and lowest recorded value. - AL High Alarm and hysteresis point.BC3250 Blowdown Controller Description The BC3250 is a blowdown controller for steam boilers. Diagnostic / test facility. EIA 485/Modbus communications. to remove precipitated solids from the bottom of the boiler.20 mA output is provided for remote display of the TDS level or as an output to a management system. 100 Graphic display It can operate on a supply voltage of between 110 to 240 Vac @ 50/60 Hz. 0 % In run mode (standard setting) the display is divided into three sections: i) Process variable and control parameters. If a switch box is fitted to the bottom blowdown valve actuator. BC3250 The product works in conjunction with a Spirax Sarco conductivity sensor. the alarm relay will be de-energised until the conductivity drops below the alarm level. for condensate contamination detection. CP30 or CP32 conductivity probe. . SP PV AL OK Clamping screw An additional filter can be selected to increase the damping effect where the probe is fitted directly in the boiler. or sugars. The BC3250 complies with the Low Voltage Directive by meeting the standards of: .salts in solution) by opening and closing a blowdown valve. Function Inputs The BC3250 can accept a signal from a Spirax Sarco CP10. DIN rail or chassis mounted. The BC3250 has been type-tested as a TDS controller and limiter by meeting the standard: - Vd TÜV requirements for TDS control and limiting devices. A fully detailed EMC assessment has been made and has the reference number UK Supply BH BC3250 2008. Principal features: Blowdown controller with bottom blowdown timer. Other features: . e. The BC3250 is suitable for Class A Environments (e. If the water conductivity exceeds the alarm level. The blowdown may be set to pulsed. 0/4 . Water Level 100 (07.EN 61010-1:2010 safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement. The BC3250 can be used on a condensate contamination system. and closing for 20 seconds. It can be designated as either a master unit or a slave unit. 252 5 button display TI-P403-90-US 10. industrial). fats. which show a percentage of full scale of: . Clamping screw It also has a timer that controls a bottom blowdown valve.This displays a record of the variation in TDS over a set time. It controls TDS (total dissolved solids . view. displays the various control states and process units. the valve relay will be energised until the conductivity drops below the Set Point. oils.2006).Commissioning parameters protected with a pass code. SP Set Point and hysteresis point. rather than continuous output.20 or 4 . This avoids the risk of triggering a low water alarm in smaller boilers. a dump valve.20 mA output. Filter for turbulent conditions. Display in µS/cm or ppm. control. This avoids overfrequent valve operation. and change functions. an alarm can be configured to indicate if the bottom blowdown valve fails to close or to lift off its seat. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. - Approvals This product complies with the Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004 / 108 / EC and all its requirements. 18 AWG) 100 m (328 ft) Recommended type various Type EIA RS485 twisted pair Shield type Screened Number of pairs 2 or 3 Gauge 0. Minimum of IP54 Enclosure rating (front panel only) LVD (safety) Electrical safety EN 61010-1 EMC Immunity / Emissions Suitable for heavy industrial locations Enclosure Material Polycarbonate Front panel Solder Color Pantone 294 (blue) Material Silicone rubber.16 AWG) TDS cable / wire 0 .13 253 . FTP (foil) or STP (shielded) cable can be used.5 W (maximum) General Indoor use only Maximum altitude 2 000 m (6 562 ft) above sea level Ambient temperature limits 0 .2 mm² (24 AWG) to 2. Termination Caution: Use only the connectors supplied by Spirax Sarco Ltd.1 mm² (24 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Inc.99 range . 2001 TI-P403-90-US 10. Inc.99. Stripping length 5 .100 metres (328ft) Prysmian (Pirelli) FP200. Spirax Sarco..55°C (32-131°F) Maximum relative humidity 80% up to 31°C (88°F) decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C (104°F) Overvoltage category III Pollution degree 2 (as supplied) IP65 (verified by TRAC Global) Environmental 3 (when installed in an enclosure) . but limited to 600 m. Delta Crompton Firetuf OHLS Type Shield type Screened Pt100 probe cable / wires Number of cores 3 Gauge 1 – 1.23 .5 mm² (18 .30 metres (100ft) Recommended type 0-999.90 range .2") Type High temperature Shield type Screened Number of cores 4 Gauge 1 – 1. twisted Screened 1 0.23 mm² (24 AWG) Maximum length 1200 m (4000 ft) RS485 communication cable / wire Boiler Blowdown & CCD Rising clamp plug-in terminal blocks with screw connectors..5 mm² (12 AWG). Recommended type Boiler Controls Alpha Wire 6413 or 6414 LAN Cat 5 or Cat 5E ScTP (screened).16 AWG) Maximum length 100 m (328 ft) Type Twisted pair Shield type 0/4-20 mA output(s) Number of pairs cable/wire Gauge Maximum length High temperature.5 mm² (18 .6 mm (0.10 metres (33ft) Maximum length 0 . Blythewood. Tin / lead (60 / 40%) and signal connector Cable size 0.0 range and 0-9990 ranges . Mains Safety and Approvals may be compromised otherwise. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.BC3250 Blowdown Controller Technical data BC3250 Power supply Mains voltage range 110 Vac to 240 Vac at 50 / 60 Hz Power consumption 7. 60 shore.9. 00 (0.99 ppm or µS/cm Ranges 0 – 99..250°C {212-482°F}.250°C (32-482°F) (With Pt100 not fitted – user programmed Range Temperature temperature 100 . Inc. does not exceed the accessible emission limits (AEL) of Class 1 Spirax Sarco.BC3250 Blowdown Controller Technical data BC3250 (continued) Probes type: CP10. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 254 TI-P403-90-US 10.9 ppm or µS/cm 0 – 9990 ppm or µS/cm Water conductivity 0 – 999 ppm or µS/cm ± 2. Blythewood.7 default) Input Neutralising factor 0. CP30 and CP32 Minimum ≥ 1 µS @ 25°C (77°F) 0 – 9.control circuit / coils Electrical life (operations) 3 x 10 5 or greater depending on load Mechanical life (operations) 30 x 10 6 Physical layer RS485 4-wire full or 2-wire half duplex RS485 250 Vac 3 amp @ 250 Vac ¼ HP (2.50 – 1.7 Resolution 0.5% FSD – system accuracy ± 5% compensation Accuracy (TC) Resolution 1% FSD Drive: dc – 3 wires Input voltage range 110 – 240 Vac Maximum current input 2 mA maximum Maximum voltage 32 Vdc Burner input Probe cleaning Drive ac /dc /pulsed Minimum current 0 mA 20 mA Maximum current Open circuit voltage 19 Vdc (maximum) Resolution 4 .5 amp) . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.1% FSD technical Drive: ac – 4 wires data Sensor type Pt100 – Class B or better 0 .5% FSD (Poss > if high EMC) Accuracy pH factor 0..13 .20 mA 1% FSD Maximum output load 500 ohm Isolation 100 V Output rate 10 / second Contacts 2 x single pole changeover relays (SPCO) Voltage ratings (maximum) Resistive load Output Inductive load technical Relays ac motor load data 1 amp @ 250 Vac Pilot duty load C300 (2. 1°C steps) Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls ± 2.9 amp) @ 250 Vac 1 /10 HP (3 amp) @ 120 Vac Protocol Modbus RTU format Isolation 60 Vac/dc Receiver unit load (256 devices .maximum) Output rate Up to 10 frames / second Physical layer IrDA Baud 38 400 Range 10 cm (4") Working angle 15° Infrared Eye safety information Exempt from EN 60825-12: 2007 Safety of laser products . installation and maintenance Warning: This document does not contain sufficient information to install the unit safely. preventative maintenance or inspection of the product is required. Boiler water level controls and level alarms do.21 lb 120 mm (4. Dimensions / weight (approximate) Weight 1. however. Spirax Sarco..BC3250 Blowdown Controller Safety information. Before attempting to install the unit read the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with it. vibration.13 255 .51") 120 mm (4. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco BC3250 blowdown controller. Install the product in an environment that minimizes the effects of heat.. a chassis plate. The unit operates at a potentially fatal mains voltage. A minimum of IP54 (EN 60529) is is sealed and has no replaceable parts or internal switches. Blythewood. A bezel is supplied.05") Boiler Blowdown & CCD BC3250 100 50 140 mm (5. Do not attempt to open the product . The product must be installed in a suitable industrial control panel or fireproof enclosure to provide impact and environmental protection.72") 0 % SP PV AL OK How to specify Blowdown controller with integral bottom blowdown timer and infrared comms. No special servicing. The product may be installed on a DIN rail. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P403-90-US 10. Do not cover or obstruct the infrared beam between products. require testing and inspection. or in a panel cut-out. Inc.72") Boiler Controls 52 mm (2. Do not install the product outdoors without additional weather protection. shock and electrical interference. BCV1 and BCV20 valves are identical apart from the orifice size. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. 256 TI-P403-60-US 11. which is protected to IP65 and is suitable for 3 x 1 mm² (18 AWG) cable. the BCV1 having a 3 mm (1/8") orifice and the BCV20 a 6 mm (¼") orifice. They are primarily intended for low and medium pressure boiler blowdown applications. Valves are supplied complete with a mains connector. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.120 V version NPT .120 V version (UL /CSA Listed) Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls Limiting conditions BCV1 Maximum boiler or steam pressure 14 bar g (203 psi g) (Intermittent operation) Medium temperature range -40 to +200°C (-40 to +392°F) Medium Water and steam Maximum ambient temperature 55°C (130°F) BCV1 (UL /CSA) Maximum boiler or steam pressure 9 bar g (130 psi g) Medium temperature range -40 to +180°C (-40 to +356°F) Medium Water and steam Maximum ambient temperature 55°C (130°F) BCV20 Maximum boiler or steam pressure 4 bar g (58 psi g) Medium temperature range -40 to +180°C (-40 to +356°F) Medium Water and steam Maximum ambient temperature 55°C (130°F) Electrical data 230 V version 207 V to 253 V 110 V version 99 V to 121 V 120 V version 108 V to 132 V Frequency 50 .BCV1 and BCV20 Blowdown Valves Description The BCV1 and BCV20 valves are small bore.60 Hz Maximum power consumption 40 VA (inrush) Protection rating IP65 (Nema 4) 16 VA /12 W (hold) Materials Body Brass Soft seal PTFE Internal components Stainless steel Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.110 V version NPT . Available sizes and pipe connections ½" ½" ½" ½" screwed screwed screwed screwed BSP . normally closed valves with a brass body and corrosion resistant internal components. we reserve the right to change the specification.230 V version BSP .11 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd. D B Spare parts ½" BSP /NPT ½" BSP /NPT C Capacities Model BCV1 BCV20 Orifice size 3 mm (1/8") Cv value Solenoid coil 0.156 When used for boiler blowdown purposes. Available spares Armature and spring set (kit).3 0. 2001 TI-P403-60-US 11. BCV20 Solenoid valves shall be Spirax Sarco normally closed.75 (1. How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco BCV1 or BCV20 blowdown valve having screwed NPT connections.5 73 0. Inc. downstream of a steam trap..65) E A The spare parts available are detailed below. 120 V.5 94. low pressure blowdown valve type BCV20 with brass bodies and stainless steel valve seat with a PTFE seal.5) 175 (385) 2 (290) 250 (550) 790 (1738) 4 (580) 350 (770) 1120 (2464) 6 (870) 385 (847) - 8 (1160) 445 (979) - 560 (1232) 10 (1450) 495 (1089) - 14 (2030) 590 (1298) - Boiler Blowdown & CCD For conversion: 6 mm (¼") When the BCV20 valve is used as part of the BCS2 blowdown control system.93) (3.. No other parts are supplied as spares.11 257 . 4034080 Solenoid coil 230 V Stock No. Stock No.57) (4.33) (2.9 Cv (US) = Kv x 1. so the following capacity table applies: Boiler pressure bar g (psi g) Spring Boiler Controls Cv (UK) = Kv x 0. the following capacity table applies: Head across valve m (ft) Cold water capacity kg /h (Ib /h) Hot water capacity with flash steam kg /h (Ib /h) 63 (138) 1 (3) 253 (557) 2 (6) 358 (787) 90 (198) 3 (9) 438 (963) 110 (242) 5 (15) 566 (1245) 142 (312) 10 (30) 800 (1760) 200 (440) How to specify BCV1 Solenoid valves shall be Spirax Sarco normally closed blowdown valve type BCV1 or BCV1 (UL/CSA) with brass bodies and stainless steel valve seat with a PTFE seal. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.87) (1.963 Armature with PTFE valve seat Capacity kg /h (Ib /h) BCV1 BCV20 1 (14. 4034081 Solenoid coil 110 /120 V Stock No. Inc. 4034082 How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares' and state the valve type.72) (2.BCV1 and BCV20 Blowdown Valves Dimensions /weight (approximate) in mm (ins) and kg (Ibs) A B C D E Weight 40 110 74. Spirax Sarco. Example: 1 off Armature and spring set (Stock No. the valve will be controlling a mixture of water and flash steam. 4034080) for a Spirax Spirax BCV20 blowdown valve. Blythewood. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. A valve position indicator is provided. When power is applied to the actuator the valve opens to the position set by the internal limit switch. we reserve the right to change the specification. 139-1982 Canadian Standard Electrically operated valves No. adjustment and maintenance information is provided with the valve. It is generally used with a blowdown controller as part of an automatic TDS control system. Sizes and Pipe Connections 26 27 7 12 13 11 10 25 3/4’’ Flanged ANSI 300 Operation 9 The valve is spring loaded to the closed position. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Full installation. or to . Description 1 Actuator handwheel 2 Manual indicator 3 Seat 4 Washer (seat) 5 Cone 6 Cap 7 Stem 8 Wave spring 9 Gasket 10 Spring 11 Chevron seal set 12 Stuffing box 13 Gasket 15 Plug 16 Gasket 20 Guide bush 22 Gasket 23 Plug 1/4’’ BSP 25 Clamping screw 26 Actuator (without limit switch assembly 27 Limit switch assembly Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Limiting Conditions Maximum pressure 464 psig (32 barg) Maximum temperature 462˚F (239˚C) Maximum ambient temperature 122˚F (50˚C) Protection rating (IP54) 3 4 16 15 8 5 6 22 23 Outdoor installation is not recommended without additional protection. Electrical data 230 V version 187 V. The flowrate is adjusted by limiting the spindle stroke to regulate the number of orifices that are uncovered. A 1/4’’ BSP tapping is provided for a sample cooler.2 No. by repositioning the internal cam.6’’ stroke for medium flowrates.8’’ stroke for high flowrates. which is supplied adjusted to its low flowrate setting of . It can be adjusted to .(24v Version) 3/4" BCV 30 Blowdown Control Valve • Electrohydraulically actuated valve with manual override • Cast steel body with stainless steel internals • Articulated valve cone ensures tight shut-off and correct alignment • Spring closure on power failure • Valve position indicator 1 2 Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls Description The Spirax Sarco BCV30 is an electrohydraulically actuated control valve for the blowdown of steam boilers or other high pressure drop. 258 TI-9-305-US 11.28 V Power consumption 15 VA 50-60 Hz 50-60 HZ Approval (24V Version) UL UL-429 United States Standard Electrically operated ULC C22.11 . is especially designed to minimize seat erosion and ensure consistent tight shut-off. Description No.4’’ stroke.2 V .264 V 24 V version 19. The valve. low flowrate applications. The valve can be opened manually by turning the actuator handwheel clockwise. 12. Spare parts Spare parts are available as listed below.4’’ stroke (10mm) .16.15 3.9. Blythewood.7.41 Valve cone. Inc. Actuator with limit switch assembly 115V Stock No. + Gasket and packing set Note: The adjustable graphite seal system is not currently Approved for use on the UL Listed valve. 4034466 230V Stock No. 4034467 24V (UL) Stock No. 2003 TI-9-305-US 11.45 + Gasket and packing set Adjustable stuffing box kit 115/230V Stock No.10. flanged 3/4" ANSI 300. Inc.22..11 259 .6. Use of the product for any purpose other than a blowdown control valve could cause damage to the product and may cause injury or fatality to personnel. 4034468 Actuator limit switch assembly: 24 (UL) /115/230V versions Stock No. Gasket & packing set 24V (UL) Stock No. seat & stem set 24V (UL) Stock No.5.3/4" BCV 30 Blowdown Control Valve Safety Information Valve Body Cast carbon steel DIN 17245 GS-C25 Bonnet Forged steel carbon DIN 17234 C 22. 4034482 4. as well as to any National or Regional regulations. and approved by Underwriters Laboratory as a Listed Product.15.11..16.7. Installation This document does not contain sufficient information to install the product safely. 4034484 40.20.13. Maintenance It is recommended that the valve is examined annually and parts replaced if necessary. See the Installation & Maintenance Instructions provided with every unit. see Installation & Maintenance Instructions (IM-P403-15).16. For detailed maintenance instructions. No other parts are available as spares.8 Stuffung box Martenistic stainless steel Type 431 Bottom Cover Carbon steel BS 907 230 M07 Internals Martenistic stainless steel Type 431 (Valve cone and seat hardened) Actuator Casing Die cast Aluminum Cover ABS Cylinder/piston Aluminum Dimensions/Weights (approximate) in inches and lbs.8’’ stroke (20 mm) 80 880 1210 1900 102 1015 1565 2540 145 1260 2100 3310 218 1540 2540 3640 290 1720 2760 3750 464 2075 3090 3970 Spirax Sarco.22 4. This product is designed and constructed to withstand the forces encountered during normal use.6’’ stroke (15 mm) . 4034481 115/230V Stock No. UL Listed Valve Sealing Arrangement B 12 13 11 Boiler Controls Materials 20 A D Sample bake-off Boiler Blowdown & CCD 10 45 How to order Example: Spirax Sarco BCV30 blowdown valve. Size A B C D Weight 3/4’’ 6’’ 15-3/8’’ 5’’ 1/4’’ BSP 20 lb. C WARNING Your attention is drawn to Safety Information Leaflet IM-GCM-10. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. 4034419 Blowdown Valve Capacity in lb/h Boiler Pressure Low Flowrates Medium flowrates High flowrates psig . Do not install the valve outside without additional weather protection. 24V.5.6.9. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco.42. 4034480 115/230V Stock No. 4034483 3.43. 4’’ stroke. we reserve the right to change the specification. A 1/4’’ plug at the base of the valve may be removed to allow a sample cooler to be fitted (available from Spirax Sarco). The valve can be opened manually by turning the actuator handwheel clockwise. Sizes and Pipe Connections Casting Cylinder/ piston Stem Stuffing box assembly 1-1/2’’ Flanged BS1560 Class 300 Operation The valve is spring loaded to the closed position. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.8" stroke is approximately 2 minutes to open and 8 seconds to close. It can be adjusted to give different flowrates by repositioning the internal cam. The valve. It is generally used with a blowdown controller as part of an automatic TDS control system. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. Stroking time for the full 0. low flowrate applications.8 Stuffing box Martensitic stainless steel/ ASTM A276 assembly graphite seals 316L Bottom Cover Carbon steel BS 970 230 M07 Internals Martensitic stainless steel Type 431 components (valve cone and seat hardened) Guide bush Phosphor bronze BS EN 12163 CW451K Casing Die cast Aluminum Cover ABS Cylinder/piston Aluminum Stem Martensitic stainless steel ASTM A276 431 Limiting Conditions Maximum pressure Maximum temperature Maximum ambient temperature Protection rating 464 psig 462˚F 122˚F IP54 (32 barg) (239˚C) (50˚C) (NEMA 3S) Internal components Electrical data Supply 19 V . which is supplied adjusted to a flowrate setting of 0.28 V Power consumption 16 VA 50-60 HZ Approval UL UL-429 United States Standard Electrically operated ULC C22. Bonnet Guide bush Body Materials Valve Material Body Cast carbon steel DIN 17245 GS-C25 Bonnet Forged steel carbon DIN 17243 C 22. 139-1982 Canadian Standard Electrically operated valves Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. A valve position indicator is provided. is especially designed to minimize seat erosion and ensure consistent tight shut-off. When power is applied to the actuator the valve opens to the position set by the internal limit switch.03 . The flowrate is adjusted by limiting the spindle stroke to regulate the size of the orifices that are uncovered. 260 Bottom cover TI-P403-72-US 07.2 No.1-1/2" BCV 30 Blowdown Control Valve • Electrohydraulically actuated valve with manual override • Cast steel body with stainless steel internals • Articulated valve cone ensures tight shut-off and correct alignment • Spring closure on power failure • Valve position indicator Cover Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls Description The Spirax Sarco BCV30 is an electrohydraulically actuated control valve for the blowdown of steam boilers or other high pressure drop. . 44 Valve head. 6 Safety Information WARNING This product is designed and constructed to withstand the forces encountered during normal use.8" (psig) stroke stroke stroke stroke 72. Maintenance It is recommended that the valve is examined annually and parts replaced if necessary. flanged BS 1560 Class 300 22 How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given above and state the size and flange type of blowdown control valve. 41. 43.. The gland may be adjusted if required as described in the installation and Maintenance Instructions.2" 0. Do not install the valve outside without additional weather protection.0’’ 1/4" BSP 49 Spare parts Spare parts are available as listed below.4" 0. Blythewood. 4034880 C 9.9’’ 7. Use of the product for any purpose other than a blowdown control valve could cause damage to the product and may cause injury or fatality to personnel.5 990 6394 7607 7827 101. 8. 4034419 B 44 43 41 D Sample take-off 42 Boiler Controls 13 40 A Boiler Blowdown valve capacity lb/h Presure 0. 4034881 3. A B C D Weight 7. Inc.5 1212 10032 14222 15765 290 1764 12678 17860 19073 464 2866 18522 22711 24365 Boiler Blowdown & CCD Capacity 9 3 7 4 8 Note: Intermediate flowrate strokes can be set on the 1-1/2 BCV30. 42. seat & stem set Stock No. 24 V.6" 0.5 1047 7276 9040 9922 145 1102 8158 10473 12017 217. 6. See the Installation & Maintenance Instructions provided with every unit. 13.03 261 . Example: 1 off Gasket and stem seal set Stock No. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.1-1/2" BCV 30 Blowdown Control Valve Dimensions/Weights Size 1-1/2" (approximate) in inches and lbs. 7. 4034768 24V (UL) Actuator limit switch assembly Stock No. 22 Actuator with limit switch assembly Stock No. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. Installation This document does not contain sufficient information to install the product safely. Spirax Sarco. Available spares Gasket & stem seal set Stock No. 4034880 for Spirax Sarco 1-1/2" BCV30 blowdown control valve flanged BS 1560 Class 300. How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco 1-1/2" BCV30 blowdown control valve.5" 18. 2003 TI-P403-72-US 07. Inc. 40. 4. No other parts are available as spares. It is normally used with a controller as part of an automatic TDS control system. A ¼" NPT plug at the base of the valve may be removed to allow a sample cooler to be fitted (available from Spirax Sarco).8 Internal components Stainless steel Type 431 (valve cone and seat are hardened) Guide bush Phosphor bronze BS EN 12163 CW451K Diaphragm housing Pressed steel Diaphragm Reinforced NBR Yoke SG iron Spindle Stainless steel Connector Carbon steel Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.8 ASTM A276 316L TI-P403-36-US 11. The actuator has a mechanical stroke indicator and incorporates a rolling diaphragm. The valve. The flowrate is adjusted by limiting the spindle stroke to regulate the number of orifices that are uncovered. and a solenoid valve. which should be free of oil and water. Bonnet Guide bush Pressure /temperature limits  Temperature °C Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls Description   Steam saturation curve  Internal components   Body      Pressure bar g Maximum operating pressure Maximum operating temperature Maximum ambient temperature Minimum ambient temperature Minimum operating temperature Air pressure range Air consumption . (available from Spirax Sarco). It can be adjusted to give 15 mm stroke for medium flowrates. Diaphragm housing Diaphragm Spindle Yoke Connector Stuffing box assembly Sizes and pipe connections ¾" ANSI Class 300 Note: All certification /inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order placement.11 . 262 DIN 17245 GS-C25 DIN 17243 C 22. Operation: The valve is spring loaded to the closed position (spring retract). Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. or to 20 mm stroke for high flowrates. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. is supplied adjusted to its low flowrate setting of 10 mm. we reserve the right to change the specification.¾" BCV31 Blowdown Control Valve The Spirax Sarco BCV31 is a pneumatically operated control valve for the blowdown of steam boilers. When the solenoid valve opens.48 litres    (464 psi g) (462°F) (230°F) (32°F) (32°F) (44 to 87 psi g) (0. though it can also be used for other high pressure drop. which is specially designed to minimise seat erosion and ensure consistent tight shut-off. air is admitted to the actuator causing the valve to open to the selected stroke. and is also held closed by the boiler pressure.normal (20 mm travel) 32 bar g 239°C 110°C 0°C 0°C 3 to 6 bar g 0. The BCV31 requires a regulated and filtered air supply (¼" NPT).017 ft³) Capacities Boiler Blowdown valve capacity kg/h (lb/h) pressure Low flowrates Medium flowrates High flowrates bar g 10 mm stroke 15 mm stroke 20 mm stroke 5 380 (838) 530 (1168) 730 (1609) 7 460 (1014) 710 (1565) 1 150 (2535) 10 570 (1257) 950 (2094) 1500 (3307) 15 700 (1543) 1150 (2535) 1650 (3638) 20 780 (1720) 1250 (2756) 1700 (3748) 32 940 (2072) 1 400 (3036) 1800 (3968) Bottom cover Materials Part Material Body Cast carbon steel Bonnet Forged carbon steel Stuffing box assembly Stainless steel / graphite seals Bottom cover 3. low flowrate applications.1 version Carbon steel BS 970 230 MO7 Forged carbon steel DIN 17243 C 22. The solenoid valve however. 13. 27 (suitable for MK1 and Mk2 valves) How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given above. 2004 15. 6. Parts shown in broken line are not supplied as spares. Example: 1 off Gasket and packing set. 13. 41 packing set 4034682 Valve cone. 14. 7.9 (maximum) 14. 13. 42. 19. 4. 20 15 8 6 TI-P403-36-US 11. Important: Your attention is drawn to Safety Information Leaflet IM-GCM-10. Boiler Blowdown & CCD 30 10 Maintenance note: We recommend that the valve and actuator are examined annually and parts replaced as necessary. 18. 18 Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco ¾" BCV31 blowdown control valve having flanged ANSI 300 connections. 3. 22. 10. 26. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. 27 44 43 13 42 41 40 20 9 3 5 16 4 7 22 Spirax Sarco. and state the size and flange type of blowdown control valve. 44 Stock No. 20 Stock No. 5. for a Spirax Sarco ¾" BCV31 blowdown control valve having flanged ANSI 300 connections. How to order 17. Available spares Gasket and Stock No. Blythewood. 14. must be installed indoors. installation and maintenance For full details see the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product. 19.. 15. 30 Diaphragm kit 4.7 D Weight ¼" NPT 24.11 263 .2 11. as well as to any national or regional regulations. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Spare parts The spare parts available are shown in solid line. 16. Installation note: The valve itself may be installed outdoors without additional protection. 4034682. or adequately protected against outdoor conditions. 43. Inc. stuffing + Gasket and 4034484 box kit packing set Stem seal kit 17. 9. Stock No. 26. Valve seat and + Gasket and 4034683 stem set packing set Adjustable 40. 20 Spring kit 5 Linkage kit 10. 16. 9 Actuator Travel indicator kit 15.7 C 4 B 5 9 17. 8.¾" BCV31 Blowdown Control Valve Dimensions /weight Size DN20 (approximate) in inches and pounds A B C 5. 18 D Sample take-off A Boiler Controls Safetyinformation. Inc.. When the solenoid valve opens. The BCV31 requires a regulated and filtered air supply (¼" NPT).11 .1-1/2" BCV 31 Blowdown Control Valve Description Air connection Diaphram housing Operation: The valve is spring loaded to the closed position (spring retract).normal (20 mm travel)    32 bar g (464 psi g) 239°C (462°F) 110°C (230°F) 0°C (32°F) 0°C (32°F) 2. we reserve the right to change the specification. which is specially designed to minimise seat erosion and ensure consistent tight shut-off. The actuator has a mechanical stroke indicator and incorporates a rolling diaphragm. air is admitted to the actuator causing the valve to open to the selected stroke. Stuffing box assembly Bonnet   Steam saturation curve          Pressure bar g Maximum operating pressure Maximum operating temperature Maximum ambient temperature Minimum ambient temperature Minimum operating temperature Air pressure range Air consumption . and is also held closed by the boiler pressure. though it can also be used for other high pressure drop flowrate applications. and a solenoid valve.606 litres (0.8 ASTM A276 316L TI-P403-74-US 11. 264 DIN 17245 GS-C25 DIN 17243 C 22.5 to 6 bar g (36 to 87 psi g) 1. which should be free of oil and water. Spindle Yoke Connector Sizes and pipe connections ANSI Class 300 Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order placement. (available from Spirax Sarco).565 ft³) Capacities Internal components Body Bottom cover Materials Part Material Body Cast carbon steel Bonnet Forged carbon steel Stuffing box Stainless steel / assembly graphite seals Bottom cover Carbon steel BS 970 230 MO7 Boiler Blowdown valve capacity kg / h (lb/h) pressure 5 mm 10 mm 15 mm 20 mm bar g stroke stroke stroke stroke 5 450 (992) 2 900 (6393) 3450 (7606) 3550 (7826) 7 475 (1047) 3300 (7275) 4100 (9039) 4500 (9921) 10 500 (1102) 3700 (8157) 4750 (10472) 5450 (12015) 15 550 (1212) 4550 (10031) 6450 (14210) 7150 (15763) 20 800 (1764) 5750 (12677) 8100 (17857) 8650 (19070) 32 1 300 (2866) 8400 (18519) 10300 (22708) 11050 (24361) Internal Stainless steel Type 431 components (valve cone and seat are hardened) Guide bush Phosphor bronze BS EN 12163 CW451K Diaphragm housing Pressed steel Diaphragm Reinforced NBR Yoke SG iron Spindle Stainless steel Connector Carbon steel Note: Intermediate flowrate strokes can be set on the 1½" BCV31. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Pressure /temperature limits Temperature °C Boiler Blowdown & CCD Boiler Controls The Spirax Sarco BCV31 is a pneumatically operated control valve for the blowdown of steam boilers. The flowrate is adjusted by limiting the spindle stroke to regulate the size of the orifice that is uncovered. It is normally used with a controller as part of an automatic TDS control system. Note: These items are clearly shown overleaf. The valve. Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. is supplied adjusted to a flowrate setting of 10 mm. It can be adjusted to give different flowrates. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. A ¼" NPT plug at the base of the valve may be removed to allow a sample cooler to be fitted (available from Spirax Sarco). 27 22 How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given above. 9 9 4 3 15. seat and 4034882 stem set Stem seal kit Diaphragm kit Stock No. 19. 13. 20 5 10. installation and maintenance Boiler Controls A 30 Important: Your attention is drawn to Safety Information Leaflet IM-GCM-10.. 44 Available spares 13 41 Gasket and stem seal set Valve Valve cone. Parts shown in broken line are not supplied as spares. 19. Spirax Sarco. 20 3. Inc. 4. 6. The solenoid valve however. 40. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. as well as to any national or regional regulations. 2003 26. Stock No. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. 14 The spare parts available are shown in solid line. 4034880 Actuator Travel indicator kit Spring kit Linkage kit (suitable for MK1 and Mk2 valves) 9. for a Spirax Sarco 1½" BCV31 blowdown control valve having flanged ANSI 300 connections. or adequately protected against outdoor conditions.. must be installed indoors. 30 4. 4034880. Spare parts 13. Installation note: The valve itself may be installed outdoors without additional protection. 17. 44 43 42 40 17. Stock No. 13. Example: 1 off Gasket and stem seal set. Blythewood. 41.8 ¼" NPT 64 C 5 17. 22 17. 43. 14. Inc. 18 B 4 D Sample take-off Safetyinformation. 8. 18 How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco 1½" BCV31 blowdown control valve having flanged ANSI 300 connections.8 15. 42. and state the size and flange type of blowdown control valve. 7. 26. Maintenance note: We recommend that the valve and actuator are examined annually and parts replaced as necessary.9 11.1-1/2" BCV 31 Blowdown Control Valve Dimensions /weight (approximate) in inches and pounds Size A B C D Weight DN40 7.11 265 . 18. 10 Boiler Blowdown & CCD 9 For full details see the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product. 27 7 8 6 TI-P403-74-US 11. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 266 ... Blythewood. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.Boiler Controls Boiler Blowdown & CCD Spirax Sarco. Inc. Specification Ranges 0 to 199. On/off Auto-off timer. A low battery warning indicator is fitted. TI-9-402-US 09. Resolution 0.2" x 5. Battery PP3 or equivalent. Temperature Automatic. Calibration range +/-20%.5" (80 x 147 x 39) 36" (1000) 36" (1000) 1lb (430g) with case How to specify 1 . Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. Range indication Decimal Point and LED above selection key. or condensate samples in order to estimate the level of Total Dissolved Solids. The instrument is supplied in a protective wallet. Accuracy +/-1. Dimensions (approx in inches and millimeters) Instrument Sensor cable Extension cable Weight 3.99mS/cm. Boiler Blowdown & CCD Limiting conditions Maximum recommended sensor operating temperature 113°F (45°C). we reserve the right to change the specification. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.97 267 . The instrument is fitted with a permanently wired carbon electrode sensor with integral temperature sensor. 2%/°C.5% or +/-3 digits (whichever is greatest) at 77°F (25°C). 0 to 1. compensation Reference temperature 77°F (25°C).8" x 1.Spirax Sarco MS 1 Conductivity Meter. Calibration to a master instrument or standard solution is possible using the adjustment screw on the side of the case. 20 turns (approx).1µS/cm.9µS/cm. A plug-in extension lead is also provided to allow ac resistance measurements to be made on installed conductivity probes in order to check their condition. 0 to 19. Sensor PVC cell with carbon electrodes.999mS/cm. jack plug and crocodile clips.MS1 Conductivity Meter • Automatic temperature compensation • Wide selectable range • Automatic switch-off General description Boiler Controls The Spirax Sarco MS 1 is a battery powered conductivity meter designed for use with liquids. or TDS. feed water. It is particularly suitable for measuring the conductivity of boiler water. Extension cable Twin core. Up to three blowdown cycles can be selected in one day. A fully detailed EMC assessment has been made and has the reference number UK Supply BH BT1050 2008.g. BT1050 The front panel has an LCD graphic display and five-button keypad. MON . It can be designated as either a slave or a master unit.13 .FRI. for example. 5 button display OK Three separately adjustable timers. The BT1050 complies with the Low Voltage Directive (2006/95/EC) by meeting the standards of: - EN 61010-1:2010 safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement. Principal features: - Purpose designed for bottom blowdown duties.BT1050 Boiler Blowdown Timer Description Clamping screw The BT1050 is a timer for the control of a bottom blowdown valve. Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Straightforward to commission – quick set-up option. and connected to a two or four wire EIA/TIA-485 multi-drop network. and laboratory use. Clamping screw Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.110 Vac to 240 Vac. control. Up to nine BT1050 (or BT1000) units can be installed and linked for multi-boiler installations. 268 TI-P405-40-US 10. Warns if valve fails to open or close. These allow different blowdown cycle times and durations to be set. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. industrial). The timers can also be used to prioritise boiler blowdown cycles. removing precipitated solids that could otherwise build up and eventually cause damage. Boiler Controls A test function provides the operator with a diagnostic tool. This product is suitable for Class A environments (e. DIN rail or chassis mounted and is powered by a 110 to 240 Vac at 50/60 Hz mains supply. The BT1050 has three timers. It allows the bottom blowdown valve to open. Universal power supply . Graphic display Bottom Blowdown Approvals The BT1050 complies with Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive 2004/108/EC and all its requirements. The BT1050 can communicate via an infrared link between adjacent units. we reserve the right to change the specification. The product can be panel. Timers prevent boilers from blowing down in rapid succession. 5 mm² (18 . Inc.16 AWG) Cable / wire Maximum length 100 m (328 ft) and Recommended type Prysmian (Pirelli) FP200. Cable size 0.6 mm (0.13 269 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 © Spirax Sarco. FTP (foil) or STP (shielded) cable can be used.5 W (maximum) General Indoor use only Maximum altitude 2 000 m (6 562 ft) above sea level Ambient temperature limits 0 .. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.2") Type High temperature Shield type Screened Switch box and Lockout (link) circuit Bottom Blowdown and signal connector Boiler Controls Number of cores 2 Gauge 1 – 1. Spirax Sarco. Termination Caution: Use only the connectors supplied by Spirax Sarco Ltd.2 mm² (24 AWG) to 2.. Inc. 1997 TI-P405-40-US 10. Minimum of IP54 IP65 (verified by TRAC Global) Electrical safety EN 61010-1 Immunity EMC EN 61326: A1 + A2 Annex A Table 1 for industrial locations Emissions EN 61326: A1 + A2 Class A Table 4 Enclosure Material Polycarbonate Front panel Material Silicone rubber. 60 shore.23 mm² (24 AWG) Maximum length 1200 m (4000 ft) Recommended type Alpha wire 6413 or 6414 but limited to 600 m.5 mm² (12 AWG). Stripping length 5 . Solder Tin / lead (60 / 40%) Rising clamp plug-in terminal blocks with screw connectors. Delta Crompton Firetuf OHLS connector Type EIA RS485 twisted pair data Shield type Screened Please note that LAN Cat 5 or RS485 Number of pairs 2 or 3 Cat 5E ScTP (screened). Mains Safety and Approvals may be compromised otherwise.55°C (32-131°F) Maximum relative humidity 80% up to 31°C (88°F) decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C (104°F) Overvoltage category III Pollution degree Enclosure rating Environmental (front panel only) LVD (safety) 2 (as supplied) 3 (when installed in an enclosure) .BT1050 Boiler Blowdown Timer Technical data BT1050 Power supply Mains voltage range 110 Vac to 240 Vac at 50/60 Hz Power consumption 7. Blythewood. communication Gauge 0. Blythewood.BT1050 Boiler Blowdown Timer Technical data BT1050 (continued) Switch box Input Lockout (link) Maximum voltage 32 Vdc (no load.13 .. open circuit) Maximum current 3 mAdc (short circuit) Maximum voltage 32 Vdc (no load. Inc.65g) Clock calendar battery Shelf life 10 year – with battery switch off @ TAMB: 25°C (77°F) Working life 10 year – Mains power on 35 hours / week @ TAMB: 55°C (131°F) Bottom Blowdown Boiler Controls Physical layer IrDA Infrared Baud 38400 Range 10 cm (4") Working angle 15° Exempt from EN 60825-12: 2007 Safety of laser products Eye safety information ~ does not exceed the accessible emission limits (AEL) of class 1 Contacts 2 x single pole changeover relays (SPCO) Voltage ratings (maximum) 250 Vac Output ¼ HP (2.5 amp) .maximum) Up to 10 frames / second AA (PCB tagged) Lithium Thionyl Chloride Type (Lithium content 0. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.control circuit / coils Electrical life (operations) 3 x 10 5 or greater depending on load Mechanical life (operations) 30 x 10 6 Spirax Sarco. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 270 TI-P405-40-US 10.9 amp) @ 250 Vac Load Relays ac motor load Resistive 3 amp @ 250 Vac Inductive 1 amp @ 250 Vac 1 /10 HP (3 amp) @ 120 Vac Pilot duty load C300 (2..5 mAdc Physical layer RS485 4-wire full or 2-wire half duplex Protocol Modbus RTU format RS485 Isolation 60 Vac/dc Receiver unit load Output rate (256 devices .25 Vdc Maximum current 1. open circuit) Maximum pulldown voltage 0. 6") gap is required between multiple controllers for cooling.. Do not install the product outdoors without additional weather protection. In particular. chassis plate. valve malfunction alarm and infrared communications. Only use the screws provided with the product. Installation / environmental conditions: Install the product in an environment that minimises the effects of heat. See the Installation and Maintenance Instructions supplied with the product. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. LCD display. your attention is drawn to the danger of working on a shut down boiler whilst other boilers are operating.51") Bottom Blowdown OK Safety information.. Spirax Sarco. installation and maintenance This document does not contain sufficient information to install the product safely. Blythewood. commissioning and operating instructions. as well as to any national regulations concerning blowdown. Warnings: - Isolate the mains supply before installing the controller as live terminals at mains voltage are exposed. or in a panel cutout. A minimum of IP54 (EN 60529) is required. How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco BT1050 blowdown timer. Attention is drawn to Safety Information Leaflet IM-GCM-10. The product may be installed on a DIN rail. Do not drill the product case or use self-tapping screws. Caution: - A 15 mm (0. vibration. How to specify Blowdown timer with. Inc.13 271 .BT1050 Boiler Blowdown Timer Dimensions/weight (approximate) Weight (0. The product must be installed in a suitable industrial control panel or fireproof enclosure to provide impact and environmental protection.9 lb) 52 mm (2.72") Boiler Controls 140 mm (5. A bezel is provided. which gives full wiring.04") 120 mm (4.72") BT1050 120 mm (4. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P405-40-US 10. three integral timers. shock and electrical interference. 1 227. Two types of key are sold as optional extras and are available as follows: - Standard length key. Note: All certification / inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order placement. ISO mounting in accordance with ISO 5211. and 2-½" Flanged ASME (ANSI) B 16.1. 392 302 212 122 32 20 Steam saturation curve 145 Available flange options: Flange ASME (ANSI) 300 Face-to-face ASME B 16.5 290 435 Pressure psig 740 The product must not be used in this region. 1-¼". flanged ANSI300 with carbon reinforced seats and stainless steel key.2 93.10 Flange thickness ASME B 16.1 psig 500°F @ 0 psig ∆PMX Maximum differential pressure is limited to the PMO Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of 1109 psig Valve coefficients Size 1" 1-¼" 1-½" 2" 2-½" Cv value 34. Body design conditions PMA Maximum allowable pressure Materials 580 TMA Maximum allowable temperature ASME 300 740 psig @ 100°F 500°F @ 0 psig Body and insert Zinc plated ASTM A216 WCB carbon steel Stem seals Antistatic R-PTFE Vented ball Austenitic stainless steel AISI 316 TMO Maximum operating temperature 2-½" Austenitic stainless steel AISI 316 Minimum operating temperature 20°F Note: For lower operating temperatures consult Spirax Sarco Stem 1" . 2". Certification These products are available with certififcation to EN 10204 3. 1-½". Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted. we reserve the right to change the specification.6 46. Note: The standard length key and extended length 'T' bar type key are sold separately. - Extended length 'T' bar type key for use where access to the valve is limited. Pressure / temperature limits 500 Temperature F Bottom Blowdown Boiler Controls The key operated boiler blowdown valve consists of a carbon steel reduced bore ball valve with carbon reinforced PTFE seats and a key operated mechanism in stainless steel. To ensure compliance with boiler regulations the key cannot be removed when the valve is open.2" Martensitic stainless steel Seats Carbon and graphite PDR 0.8 reinforced PTFE AISI 420 Minimum allowable temperature 20°F Maximum operating pressure PMO for saturated steam service 250. Antistatic device complying with ISO 7121 and BS 5351.8 How to specify 1-½" key operated boiler blowdown valve.13 . 272 TI-P405-47-US 08.6 119. In the interests of development and improvement of the product.KBV 40i Key Operated Boiler Blowdown Valve Description Standards These products comply with the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the mark when so required. How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco 1-½" KBV40i key operated boiler blowdown valve having ANSI300 flanged connections. It is recommended that an extended length 'T' bar type key is purchased for valve sizes 2" and 2-½". Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only.5 Class 300. Sizes and pipe connections 1". seat 'O' ring.The ball must be installed with the vent hole on the upstream side of the valve. insert 'O' ring.5 4.4 1.7 14. Parts drawn in broken line are not supplied as spares. 6.4 12. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. How to order spares 2-½" Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares' and state the size and type of ball valve.2 0. A Available spares 2-½" Seats. Example: 1 set of seats.0 'T' bar key D Spare parts . Example: 1 set of seats. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 5 7 6 TI-P405-47-US 08.KBV 40i Key Operated Boiler Blowdown Valve Dimensions / weights Valve Flange size 1" A300 1-¼" A300 1-½" A300 2" A300 2-½" A300 Standard length key Extended length 'T' bar key E (approximate) in mm and kg A B C D 6.4 1. stem 'O' ring. stem 'O' ring.1" to 2" and 2-½" The spare parts available are shown in solid outline. 10 F Insert tool . Standard key E D C Available spares 1" to 2" B Seats.0 9.5 7. use only Spirax Sarco original parts.6 22. insert 'O' ring.Required to aid the How to order spares 1" to 2" Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares' and state the size and type of ball valve.3 10.5 1. Blythewood. Inc.0 7.5 2. lower stem seals and upper stem packing        5.7 5. insert 'O' ring and stem seals for a Spirax Sarco 2" KBV40i boiler blowdown valve. Boiler Controls Not shown removal of the ball valve insert (2)           Ball valve insert (2) (not an available spare).Required to aid the removal of the ball valve insert (2)                    Not shown Caution . 9.5 5.4 1.Before actioning any maintenance programme observe the 'Safety Information' in Section 1 of the Information and Maintenance Instructions IM-P405-48 supplied with the unit. 12 Insert tool . 5 5 6 7 5 Spirax Sarco.0 1.4 1. 10 12 9 8 11 9 Ball valve insert (2) (not an available spare). To ensure correct operation and maintain the warranty.2 5. Please note: You will need to order the Insert tool listed in the table above to aid removal.13 273 . 6.8 2.7 1.1 17. lower stem seals and upper stem packing for a Spirax Sarco DN65 KBV40i boiler blowdown valve Bottom Blowdown Caution . 7.0 1. insert 'O' ring and stem seals        5.2 1.22 33.2 5.5 8. 8..The ball must be installed with the vent hole on the upstream side of the valve.. seat 'O' ring. 11. Please note: You will need to order the Insert tool listed in the table above to aid removal.9 19.5 9.4 E F Weight 0. reduced bore ball valves is fitted with 90° rotary spring return pneumatic actuator.5 Class 300. 274 TI-P405-45-US 08.0002 (N)m 3 / stroke 1-¼" BVA320S/14 0. Principal features: - Automatic timed blowdown minimises wasted heat. 2".110 Vac.SPDT Local regulation may restrict the use of this product below the conditions quoted.6 seconds Clean compressed air Operating media Non-corrosive gas 1" BVA315S/14 0.0. 1-¼".1. Certification These products are available with certififcation to EN 10204 3. which may be directly mounted to the NAMUR (VDI / VDE 3845) interface on the actuator. - Pneumatic actuator for fast response.24 Vac.10 NAMUR mounting holes Flange thickness ASME B 16.230 Vac.1 psig. Available flange options: Flange ASME 300 Face-to-face ASME B 16. In the interests of development and improvement of the product. The pneumatic actuator. A suitable solenoid valve may be selected from the Spirax Sarco MV range. 3-port / 2-way NAMUR mounting solenoid types: MV11 . 1-½". Limiting conditions refer to standard connections only. Note: The BT1050 blowdown timer uses one switch only to indicate 'valve fully closed' or 'valve not fully closed' positions. (which can also be operated with other non-corrosive gases). ensuring that the recommended boiler blowdown cycles occur with minimum heat loss. A standard ¼" BSP 3-way solenoid valve may also be used. for boiler blowdown duties. MV13 . where it is necessary to install the solenoid valve remote from the actuator. A solenoid valve is required. Port 'A' Sizes and pipe connections 1".0006 (N)m 3 / stroke Compressed air 1-½" BVA325S/14 0.24 Vdc Bottom Blowdown Boiler Controls The ABV40i must be installed with the flow in the direction of the arrow on the body. avoiding duplication or omission. and does not indicate that the valve has opened fully.25 . Alternatively. and 2-½" Flanged ASME B 16. and either or both microswitches may be wired to a Building Management System if required. Antistatic device complying with ISO 7121 and BS 5351. moves through 90° to open the valve. It is used in conjunction with a Spirax Sarco blowdown timer to provide timed control of bottom blowdown. we reserve the right to change the specification. MV14 . Note: All certification  /  inspection requirements must be stated at the time of order placement. - Spring return for fail-safe operation. - Suitable for boiler pressures up to 250. ISO mounting in accordance with ISO 5211.0008 (N)m 3 / stroke consumption 2" actuator @ 6 bar g BVA330S/14 2-½" 0.5 Technical data Operating time (full stroke) 0.ABV40i Air Actuated Boiler Blowdown Valves Description The Spirax Sarco ABV40i one piece end entry.13 . MV12 . LSB31 switch box Standards These products comply with the requirements of the European Pressure Equipment Directive 97 / 23 / EC and carries the mark when so required.0011 (N)m 3 / stroke actuator LSB31 switch rating 10 A 250 Vac Protection rating IP67 Switch sensor Mechanical 2 . an air supply may be connected directly to the actuator port 'A' (¼" BSP). A switch box is mounted on the actuator. and has a spring return fail-close operation. Inc. ABV40i air actuated boiler blowdown valve having ANSI 150 flanged connections plus 1 off MV11 solenoid valve 220 / 240 Vac.6 119. 1-¼".1 psig 500°F @ 0 bar g Boiler Controls Minimum operating temperature -20°F Note: For lower operating temperatures consult Spirax Sarco ∆PMX Maximum differential pressure is limited to the PMO Designed for a maximum cold hydraulic test pressure of: ABV40i 1109 psig Actuator 176°F Minimum ambient temperature 32°F Maximum air supply pressure 116 psig Minimum air supply pressure Bottom Blowdown Maximum ambient temperature Depends on operating conditions MV series solenoid Maximum ambient temperature 122°F Minimum ambient temperature 32°F Valve coefficients Size 1" 1-¼" 1-½" 2" 2-½" Cv value 34. 90 degree rotary pneumatic actuator and switch box.8 reinforced PTFE AISI 420 How to specify Air actuated ball valve..nickel plated 'O' ring seals Nitrile rubber Spirax Sarco.anodised Pinion Carbon steel . How to order Example: 1 off Spirax Sarco 1-¼".8 Materials Valve Body and insert Zinc plated ASTM A216 WCB carbon steel Stem seals Antistatic R-PTFE Vented ball Austenitic stainless steel AISI 316 2-½" Austenitic stainless steel AISI 316 Stem 1" .2" Martensitic stainless steel Seats Carbon and graphite PDR 0.6 46.1 227. Blythewood. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. ANSI 300 with carbon reinforced seats.13 275 .ABV40i Air Actuated Boiler Blowdown Valves Pressure / temperature limits ABV40i Temperature °F 500 392 302 212 122 Steam saturation curve 32 -20 145 290 435 Pressure psig 580 739 The product must not be used in this region. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 TI-P405-45-US 08. piston and end caps Aluminium . NAMUR compatible solenoid valve 220 / 240 Vac.. Actuator Body.2 93. Valve Body design conditions ABV40i ASME 300 PMA Maximum allowable pressure ABV40i 740 psig @ 100°F TMA Maximum allowable temperature 500°F @ 0 psig Minimum allowable temperature PMO Maximum operating pressure for saturated steam service TMO Maximum operating temperature -20°F 250. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 276 TI-P405-45-US 08.5 2.3 5.1 4.8 5. No other parts are supplied as spares.5 4. 15 5.7 1-½" BVA325S/14 Class 300 18. Note: all the spares mentioned above are sold together in one spare part kit. 6. Blythewood.3 8. No other parts are available as spares.13 .5 2.5 10. 8. Example: 1 . Spare parts for the BVA300S /14 Bottom Blowdown The available spare parts for the BVA300S /14 are listed opposite. No other parts are available as spares.ABV40i Air Actuated Boiler Blowdown Valves Dimensions / weights (approximate) in inches and pounds Valve size Actuator type Flange A B C D E F G H Weight 1" BVA315S/14 Class 300 16.5 4.8 28.5 4.. Available spares BVA300 series maintenance kit 'O' rings set (NBR) Pinion washers Others 7.9 7.2 8.BVA300 series maintenance kit with 'O' rings in NBR for a Spirax Sarco BVA320S /14 pneumatic actuator. Inc. 14.2 5. 10.3 2-½" BVA330S/14 Class 300 21.5 2. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.4 7.7 3.7 7.5 3.1 5.2 5.0 9.9 5.3 20.8 33.5 5. 12.1 5. Spirax Sarco.6 6. A Boiler Controls Actuator Port A air connection ¼" BSP (G). D C B 5 13 14 15 Exploded view of the spring set 12 11 17 8 6 6 Spare parts 5 16 10 The spare parts available are detailed below.5 11.1 51.0 2.9 5.5 2.6 6.7 6.5 6. Please note: There are no spares available for the switch box. 18 How to order spares 11 17 8 18 7 Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares' and state the nomenclature of the pneumatic actuator that they are intended for.2 14. Before actioning any maintenance programme observe the 'Safety Information' in Section 1 of IM-P405-46 supplied with the unit. 16 13.6 2" BVA325S/14 Class 300 19.8 7.1 10.4 G E F H Spare parts The spare parts available are detailed below..6 5. To ensure correct operation and maintain the warranty.9 1-¼" BVA320S/14 Class 300 17. 11. 17. use only Spirax Sarco original parts. Please note: You will need to order the Insert tool listed in the table above to aid removal. Inc. Example: 1 set of seats. Blythewood.Required to aid the removal of Not shown the ball valve insert (2) Caution . 10 9 9 Ball valve insert (2) (not an available spare). 1150 Northpoint Blvd. 8.The ball must be installed with the vent hole on the upstream side of the valve. 10 Insert tool . Insert tool . Example: 1 set of seats. insert 'O' ring. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 5 7 6 TI-P405-45-US 08.13 277 . insert 'O' ring. Please note: You will need to order the Insert tool listed in the table above to aid removal. 9. 5 5 6 Bottom Blowdown DN65 Spare parts The spare parts available are shown in solid outline. 6. stem 'O' ring. 7.. 6.. Available spares Seats. seat 'O' ring.The ball must be installed with the vent hole on the upstream side of the valve. seat 'O' ring. 12 8 11 How to order spares Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares' and state the size and type of ball valve. lower stem seals and upper stem packing 5. stem 'O' ring. Available spares Seats. lower stem seals and upper stem packing for a Spirax Sarco 2" ABV40i boiler blowdown valve. insert 'O' ring and stem seals for a Spirax Sarco 2" ABV40i boiler blowdown valve. insert 'O' ring and stem seals 5. Parts drawn in broken line are not supplied as spares. 7 5 Spirax Sarco. Parts drawn in broken line are not supplied as spares.Required to aid the removal Not shown of the ball valve insert (2) Caution .ABV40i Air Actuated Boiler Blowdown Valves Valve 1" to 2" Spare parts The spare parts available are shown in solid outline. How to order spares Boiler Controls Always order spares by using the description given in the column headed 'Available spares' and state the size and type of ball valve. 11. 12 Ball valve insert (2) (not an available spare). Engineering Data Engineering Data Spirax Sarco... 1150 Northpoint Blvd. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 278 . Inc. Blythewood. 78 1.53 1.67 298 889 1187 4.4 224 941 1165 12.68 271 909 1180 6.8 234 933 1169 10.31 1.44 302 886 1188 4.60 1.75 250 924 1174 8.89 312 878 1190 3.47 1.3 236 933 1169 10.12 333 861 1194 2.11 .08 Engineering Data Properties of Saturated Steam Spirax Sarco.64 .55 1.74 316 875 1191 3.69 .2 187 966 1153 23.84 282 901 1183 5.57 260 917 1177 7.82 .3 233 934 1167 10.14 2.43 1.28 1.46 246 927 1173 9. Blythewood.92 1.3 220 944 1164 13.47 2.9 230 937 1167 11.00 .75 1.1 198 959 1157 19.9 147 990 1137 51.5 212 949 1161 15..34 .45 1.72 1.7 201 956 1157 18. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 279 .24 1.89 .34 325 868 1193 3.94 267 912 1179 6.3 239 930 1169 9.29 2.6 227 939 1166 11.23 .38 1.89 1. VAC.41 2.3 216 947 1163 14.05 309 880 1189 3.54 2.12 1.81 1.8 180 970 1150 26.24 2.6 251 923 1174 8.08 256 920 1176 7.4 195 960 1155 20.4 200 957 1157 18.59 319 873 1192 3. Gauge Temper- Heat in Btu/lb Specific Pressure ature Volume psig ˚F Sensible Latent Total ft3/lb 25 20 15 10 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 35 36 38 40 42 44 45 46 48 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 225 230 235 240 245 250 255 260 265 270 275 280 285 290 295 300 305 310 320 330 340 350 360 370 380 390 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 900 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 INS.46 322 871 1193 3.82 258 918 1176 7.19 .27 277 906 1183 5. Inc.84 339 857 1196 2.63 1.00 1.56 .4 205 954 1159 17.49 286 898 1184 5.66 1.19 2.3 160 982 1142 39.68 371 373 375 377 380 382 384 386 388 390 392 394 396 397 399 401 403 404 406 408 409 411 413 414 416 417 418 420 421 423 425 427 430 433 435 438 441 443 446 448 460 470 479 489 497 505 513 520 534 546 574 597 618 636 654 669 683 696 344 346 348 351 353 355 358 360 362 364 366 368 370 372 374 376 378 380 382 383 385 387 389 391 392 394 395 397 398 400 402 405 408 411 414 417 420 422 425 428 439 453 464 473 483 491 504 512 529 544 580 610 642 672 701 733 764 804 853 851 849 847 845 843 841 839 837 836 834 832 830 828 827 825 823 822 820 819 817 815 814 812 811 809 808 806 805 803 802 799 796 793 790 788 785 783 780 777 766 751 740 730 719 710 696 686 666 647 600 557 509 462 413 358 295 213 1197 1197 1197 1198 1198 1198 1199 1199 1199 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 1201 1201 1201 1202 1202 1202 1202 1202 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1203 1204 1204 1204 1204 1204 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1205 1204 1204 1203 1202 1201 1200 1198 1195 1191 1180 1167 1151 1134 1114 1091 1059 1017 2.09 2.91 294 891 1185 4.85 243 929 1172 9.8 183 968 1151 25.21 262 915 1177 7.57 1.16 .42 253 922 1175 8.13 .92 336 859 1195 2.14 1.49 1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.74 341 855 1196 2.14 264 914 1178 6.75 .05 2.10 248 925 1173 8.60 2.24 305 883 1188 4.18 290 895 1185 4.20 1.49 .96 1.22 .23 328 866 1194 3.34 2.4 171 976 1147 31.18 1.3 192 962 1154 21.34 1.1 207 953 1160 16.5 190 964 1154 22. Gauge Temper- Heat in Btu/lb Specific Pressure ature Volume psig ˚F Sensible Latent Total ft3/lb 134 162 179 192 203 212 215 219 222 224 227 230 232 233 237 239 244 248 252 256 259 262 265 267 268 271 274 277 279 281 282 284 286 289 291 292 293 295 298 300 307 312 316 320 324 328 331 335 338 341 344 347 350 353 356 361 363 366 368 102 1017 1119 142 129 1001 1130 73.31 261 916 1177 7.44 .60 .69 1.85 1.. Use same formula Spirax Sarco.. Inc.3 Lxt Gallons of liquid to be heated Specific gravity of the liquid Specific heat of the liquid Temperature rise of the liquid ˚F Latent heat of the steam Btu/lb Time in hours Steam Jacketed Dryers lb/h Condensate = 1000 (Wi . Specialized Applications Sterilizers. E.. 4 BTU/HR Latent Heat at Operating Pressure MBH x 1.2 to 2 Sq. Ft. R.g.000 Latent Heat at Operating Pressure *Delete the (1. = Cp = ∆T = L = t = G x s. of tracer GPM lb/h Condensate = x (1. D. the load can be approximately determined by calculations using the following formulae.1) x Temperature Rise ˚F 2 Heating fuel oil with steam lb/h Condensate = Recommended Safety Factors for Steam Traps GPM x (1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Retorts Heating Solid Material Engineering Data lb/h Condensate = W x Cp x ∆T Lxt W = Weight of material — lbs.g. Estimated load 2. Pipe Coils and Radiation lb/h Condensate = A x U x ∆T L A = Area of the heating surface in square feet U = Heat transfer coefficient (2 for free convection) ∆­T = Steam temperature minus the air temperature ˚F L = Latent heat of the steam Btu/lb Note: With Safety Factor by Temp. Application General Control Mains Drainage x 2 — Storage Heaters x 2 — Unit Heaters x 2 x3 Air Heating Coils x 2 x4 Submerged Coils (low level drain) x 2 — Submerged Coils (siphon drain) x 3 — Rotating Cylinders x 3 — Tracing Lines x 2 — Platen Presses x 2 — Rule of Thumb: Use factor of 2 on everything except Temperature Controlled Air Heater Coils and Converters. General Usage Formulae Steam Tracing Lines: Heating water with steam (Exchangers)* Approximate load is 10 to 50 lb/h for each 100 ft. Heating air with steam coils lb/h Condensate = CFM x Temperature Rise ˚F 800 Steam Radiation lb/h Condensate = lb/h Condensate = lb/h Condensate = Safety Safety Factor by Type of Trap Factor Balanced-Pressure Thermo- 2 to 4 static Traps Thermo-Matic ThermostaticTraps 1. Autoclaves.5 Liquid Expansion Traps 2 to 4 Bimetallic Traps 2 to 3 Float and Thermostatic Traps 1.5 to 2. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 280 . Estimated backpressure Any unusual or abnormal conditions must be taken into consideration.Calculating Condensate Loads When the normal condensate load is not known.1) factor when steam is injected directly into water. x Cp x ∆T x 8. and Siphon applications Effect of Backpressure on Steam Trap Capacity % Reduction in Capacity Backpressure Inlet Pressure PSIG % of Inlet 5 25 100 200 25% 6% 3% 0% 0% 50 20 12 10 5 75 38 30 28 23 The condensate load to heat the equipment must be added to the condensate load for heating the material. Blythewood.5 to 2. Cp = Specific heat of the material ∆T = Temperature rise of the material ˚F L = Latent heat of steam Btu/lb t = Time in hours Heating Liquids in Steam Jacketed Kettles and Steam Heated Tanks lb/h Condensate = G = s. Estimated pressure at trap 3.1) x Temperature Rise ˚F 4 The actual safety factor to use for any particular application will depend upon accuracy of: 1.Wf) + (Wi x ∆T) L Wi = Initial weight of the material — pounds per hour Wf = Final wether of the material — pounds per hour ∆T = Temperature rise of the material ˚F L = Latent heat of steam Btu/lb Heating Air with Steam.5 Inverted Bucket Traps 2 to 3 Thermo-Dynamic® Traps 1. 5 22.50 5 6.9 38.25 150 14.2 27..5 11.36 300 20 25 30 37 46 54 68 85 101 111 126 138 154 184 1.9 32.27 1200 51 62 75 97 119 142 185 230 274 301 343 386 430 515 1.135 1600 57 87 117 171 309 415 692 1018 1432 1720 2195 2787 3383 4901 1. Based on Sch.32 600 30 37 44 55 68 82 103 128 152 167 191 208 232 277 1.130 1750 62 94 126 184 333 448 746 1098 1545 1855 2367 3006 3648 5286 1.24 175 15.17 600 32.5 24.8 44 66 93 124 146 191 241 284 396 1.6 29.3 39. multiply load value in table for each main size by correction factor shown.3 48 62 93 132 175 208 271 342 403 561 1.140 1400 52 79 106 155 280 376 627 922 1298 1558 1988 2525 3064 4440 1. Load Due to Radiation and Convection for Saturated Steam *For outdoor temperature of 0˚F.7 35.20 400 27.45 100 12 15 18 22 28 33 41 51 61 67 77 83 93 111 1.2 31.44 10 7. Spirax Sarco.0 14.33 400 23 28 34 43 53 63 80 99 118 130 148 162 180 216 1.0 29.128 1800 63 97 129 189 341 459 765 1126 1584 1902 2427 3082 3741 5420 1. Inc.18 500 30.23 200 16.9 48 77 101 120 157 198 233 324 1.4 20.36 175 16 19 23 26 33 38 53 66 78 86 98 107 119 142 1.0 38. multiply load value in table for each main size by correction factor shown.21 Engineering Data Ambient Temperature 70˚F — Insulation 80% Efficient.6 44 57 86 122 162 192 250 316 372 518 1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.4 27.41 20 8.38 250 18 22 27 34 42 50 62 77 92 101 116 126 140 168 1.8 51 67 100 142 188 222 290 366 431 600 1.8 43 57 83 116 159 241 358 493 590 759 971 1163 1650 1. 80 Above 250 Except Sch.0 17.0 30.7 12.50 60 10 12 14 18 24 27 33 41 49 54 62 67 74 89 1. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 281 .41 125 13 16 20 24 30 36 45 56 66 73 84 90 101 121 1.8 15.22 1800 79 96 117 150 185 221 288 358 425 467 534 600 667 800 1.26 1400 60 73 89 114 141 168 219 273 324 356 407 457 509 610 1.26 125 13.16 800 38 58 77 113 203 274 455 670 943 1133 1445 1835 2227 3227 1.6 37.9 15.3 24.2 9.4 17.4 13.9 38. Condensate Load in Pounds per Hour per 100 ft.32 500 27 33 39 49 61 73 91 114 135 148 170 185 206 246 1.2 46 62 91 126 173 262 389 535 642 825 1033 1263 1793 1.7 52 78 110 145 172 225 284 334 465 1.8 58 83 109 130 169 213 251 350 1.Warm-up and Condensate Load Tables Warm-up Load in Pounds of Steam per 100 ft of Steam Main (based on a start-up timer of 1 hour) Ambient Temperature 70˚F.7 50 67 98 136 187 284 421 579 694 893 1118 1367 1939 1.30 1000 43 52 63 82 101 120 156 195 231 254 290 326 363 435 1.9 11.3 35.7 28.0 25.0 24.3 33.5 22.147 1200 47 72 96 140 253 340 566 833 1172 1407 1796 2280 2768 4010 1. Blythewood.3 51 75 104 143 217 322 443 531 682 854 1045 1182 1.8 20.2 24. 120 5" and Larger Above 800 psi.8 51 69 89 134 191 252 299 390 492 579 807 1.0 19.27 100 12. of Insulated Steam Main S team Pressure 0˚F Pressure Correction (psig) 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" Factor* 10 6 7 9 11 13 16 20 24 29 32 36 39 44 53 1. Sch.29 80 12.156 1000 42 72 86 126 227 305 508 748 1052 1264 1613 2048 2485 3601 1.31 800 36 44 53 69 85 101 131 164 194 214 244 274 305 365 1.25 1600 70 85 103 132 163 195 253 315 375 412 470 528 588 704 1.22 1750 77 93 113 145 179 213 278 346 411 452 516 580 645 773 1.3 26.4 40 55 71 107 152 200 238 310 391 461 642 1.37 40 9.127 *For outdoor temperature of 0˚F.0 43 58 75 113 160 212 251 328 414 487 679 1.21 300 25. S team Pressure 0˚F Pressure Correction (psig) 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" Factor* 0 6..1 47 64 83 125 177 234 277 362 456 537 748 1.22 250 17.9 48 68 90 107 140 176 207 208 1.7 21.8 18.58 40 8 9 11 14 17 20 26 32 38 42 48 51 57 68 1.6 31. 40 Pipe to 250 psi.32 60 11.8 20.9 35.5 23.7 45 61 79 119 169 224 265 347 437 514 716 1. 3 .75 . 1150 Northpoint Blvd.375 1.375 2. 100 low pressure with natural circulation Tank Coils. Steam/Water 225 to 475 Temperature difference 200˚F Reasonable Practical Heat Transfer Rates Tank Coils. natural convection Btu/ft2 h ˚F difference Light Oils Heavy Oils *Fats 30 15 to 20 5 to 10 Immersed steam coil.5 . The following figures will therefore serve only as a rough guide. Total Bare Insulation Loss Loss Steel 1" 2" 3" 90 80 50 130 50 12 6 4 100 160 70 230 70 15 8 6 110 240 90 330 90 19 10 7 120 360 110 470 110 23 12 9 130 480 135 615 135 27 14 10 140 660 160 820 160 31 16 12 150 860 180 1040 180 34 18 13 160 1100 210 1310 210 38 21 15 170 1380 235 1615 235 42 23 16 180 1740 260 2000 260 46 25 17 190 2160 290 2450 290 50 27 19 200 2680 320 3000 320 53 29 20 210 3240 360 3590 360 57 31 22 The above values are for open tanks in 60˚F still ambient air. 300 high pressure with assisted circulation Engineering Data Average Heat Loss from Oil in Storage Tanks and Pipe Lines Position Tank Sheltered Tank Exposed Tank In Pit Pipe Sheltered Line Pipe Exposed Line Oil Temperature Up to 50˚F Up to 80˚F Up to 100˚F Up to 50˚F Up to 80˚F Up to 100˚F All Temperatures Up to 80˚F 80 to 260˚F Up to 80˚F 80 to 260˚F * Heat Transfer Rate in Btu/ft2 h ˚F temperature difference between oil and surrounding air Exposed Insulated 1.4 .35 1.4 . For rough calculations it may be taken that 1 ton of fuel oil occupies 36 . The specific heat capacity of heavy fuel is 0.48 Btu/lb ˚F. Steam/Water 175 to 300 (Temperature difference 100˚F) Tank Coils.45 to 0. Steam/Water 100 to 225 (Temperature difference 50˚F) Tank Coils.45 2. 200 high pressure with natural circulation Tank Coils..325 1. 200 low pressure with assisted circulation Tank Coils.2 — 1.Heat Transfer Calculations Heat Emission Rates from Pipes Submerged in Water Published Overall Heat Transfer Rates Btu/ft2 h ˚F Tank Coils.6 .35 1. medium pressure.2 .5 . SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 282 100 60 30 . natural convection Btu/ft2 h ˚F difference Light Oils (220 SSU at 100˚F) Medium Oils (1100 SSU at 100˚F) Heavy Oils (3833 SSU at 100˚F) Heat Loss from Open Tanks Heat Loss from Heat Lost through Liquid Liquid Surface Tank Wall Temp.4 1. Heat Transfer from Steam Coils Approximately 20 Btu/h per square foot of heating surface per ˚F difference between oil and steam temperature..7 * For maximum heat loss the “surrounding air temperature" may be 25˚F higher or lower according to country and locality.4 ft3. Spirax Sarco.3 .8 . Btu/ft2 h Btu/ft2 h ˚F Evap. Blythewood.575 1. Rad.3 1. Heat Emission Coefficients from Pipes Submerged in Miscellaneous Fluids The viscosity of fluids has a considerable bearing on heat transfer characteristics and this varies in any case with temperature. Inc. medium pressure. Heat Transfer from Hot Water Coils Approximately 10 Btu/h per square foot of heating surface per ˚F difference between oil and steam temperature. Immersed steam coil. 6 .3 3.9 6.38 0.0 0.0 8.5 .000 2 Steam Flow lbs/h Spirax Sarco.8 .0 5. In most cases 1/2" condensate outlet would be adequate but it is usual to make this same size as the steam connection as it simplifies installation. Header Size Number of 1/2" Tracers 3/4" 2 1" 3 to 5 1-1/2" 6 to 15 2" 16 to 30 Recommended Header Size for Condensate Lines Header Size 1" 1-1/2" 2" Number of 1/2" Tracers Up to 5 6 to 10 11 to 25 Steam Pipe Sizing Sizing for Pressure Drop per 100 ft.0 7.9 .0 4. length of tracers to 3/8" size should not exceed 60 ft. between 75 - 150˚F Type C When solidification may occur at temps. Blythewood. between 150 300˚F Number of 1/2" Tracers 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 Number of 1/2" Tracers 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 6 8 10 Product Line Jacket Diameter 2-1/2" 4" 3" 6" 4" 6" 6" 8" 8" 10" 10" 12" Steam Connection 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 1" 1" Length of jacket should not exceed 20 ft. Inc.1 100 200 300 400 500 1.1 1.0 2.83 0. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 283 .. in Schedule 40 Pipe Divide “Allowable Drop" by pressure factor and use chart to select pipe size.19 1/4" 15. below 75˚F Number of 1/2" Tracers 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Type B Where solidi- fication may occur at temps.000 2 3 4 5 10.000 2 3 4 5 1.23 0.45 0.0 .4 2.7 .4 ..0 1" 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 4" 5" 7" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24" 10.92 0.0 6.1 2.0 9.Steam Tracing Designing of Steam Tracing Steam Size Connections for Jacketed Lines Recommended number of 1/2" tracers to meet average requirements Product Line Size 1" 1-1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" 8" 10"-12" 14"-16" 18"-20" Type A General frost protection or where solidi- fication may occur at temps. multiply chart ∆P by factor below Pressure Drop psi/100 ft 3. Larger size tracers should not exceed 150 ft.3 .2 4.70 0.000 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 100.33 0.49 0.0 1.0 5.0 Engineering Data psig factor For other pressures. Based on 100 psig saturated steam 0 2 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 75 90 100 110 125 150 175 200 225 250 300 350 400 500 600 6.2 .000.62 0.55 0.0 1.29 0. Recommended Header Size for Supplying Steam Tracer Lines As a general rule.6 3. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.3 1.5 1. in length. and a lower velocity of 4000 to 6000 ft/min to the receiver encourages gravity separation. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 284 3000 2000 50000 40000 1000 800 D C 6000 5000 4000 25 Engineering Data F 12000 10000 8000 50 V = 2.000-to-6. Process Steam 8000 to 12000 ft/min Heating Systems 4000 to 6000 ft/min Flash Vent Lines 3000 ft/min 10 1 " 14 2" " 16 " Velocity Chart Example Given a steam heating piping system with a 100 psig inlet pressure ahead of a control valve with a capacity of 1. Trap discharge piping contains a bi-phase flash steam/condensate mixture. find the smallest sizes of upstream and downstream piping for reasonable quiet steam velocities.4Q Vs A Where: V = Velocity in ft/min Q = Flow lb/h steam Vs = Sp. This generally results in a valve smaller than the supply piping with still larger downstream pressure piping due to the increase in steam volume (see example below.800 ft/min for 1-1/2" upstream piping. Go over to point E where the 25 psig diagonal line intersects. Actual velocity at G is 5.000 ft/min velocity band. 6" 4" 11-1 1/4" /2" 2 2-1 " /2" 10 Upstream Pressure Piping Sizing Enter the velocity chart above at A for steam flow of 1. Inc.12 30000 20000 Capacity lb/h 0 25 00 2 0 15 25 1 00 1 5 7 10000 8000 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 A E B 0 25 00 2 0 15 25 1 00 1 5 7 600 500 400 50 300 25 0 Steam Velocity Chart 5 100 10 200 Steam Pressure psig (Saturated Steam) Spirax Sarco. Actual velocity at D is about 4. The receiver vent line is sized for the amount of flash vented at atmospheric pressure at a velocity of 3000 to 4000 ft/min. in cu. higher velocities should be avoided unless appreciable superheat is present.Steam Pipe Sizing How to Size Steam Pipes for Various Pressure and Velocity Conditions To select pipe size in long mains and wherever supply pressure is critical. Follow up vertically to C where an intersection with a diagonal line falls inside the 4. ft3/lb at the flowing pressure A = Internal area of the pipe — in2 3/4 " 20000 1/2 " 0 Formula for Velocity of Steam in Pipes: 8" 5" 3" 1" 5 Downstream Piping Sizing Enter the velocity chart at A for 1.000 ft/min velocity band.000 lb/h. Selecting a smaller pipe size results in greater steam velocity and noise level. Vol.000 lb/h of steam reduced to 25 psig.17 2" to 16" 1.. Follow up vertically to F where an intersection with a diagonal line falls inside the 4.500 ft/min for 2-1/2" downstream piping. use the pressure drop chart to assure it is within allowable limits.000 lb/h.30 3/4" & 1" 1. Blythewood. Most saturated steam lines may be sized for a velocity of 4800 to 7200 ft/min. Go over to point B where the 100 psig diagonal line intersects.000-to-6.) Steam Pipe Sizing . Pipe Size (Schedule 40 pipe) Reasonable Steam Velocities in Pipes Velocity ft/min Piping at pressure reducing stations should be sized for the same velocity on both sides of the PRV..23 1-1/4" & 1-1/2" 1. G 1000 Multiply chart velocity by factor below to get velocity in schedule 80 pipe Pipe Size Factor 1/2" 1. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. 8 2.4%.3 18.6 1. multiply the condensate load by the percent flash from step #1 to determine the flowrate.1 350 24.000 ft/min.1 15.000 lb/h x .8 18. flash tank.9 250 20.6 9.1 19.4 11.5 5.4 1. Inc.15 1.000 8000 Factor 1.4 0 15 4.3 24.8 5.0 3.30 1.6 11. Multiply the velocity by the factor to determine whether the velocity is within acceptable limits.8 16.5 1.6 7.1 6.0 18.7 15. If schedule 80 pipe is to be used. “C".3 22.8 7. by weight.0 3.3 6.1 1.2 11.3 14.0 5000 0 10 0 8 60 0 4 0 3 0 2 3000 2000 10 5 0 Flash Steam Flowrate (lb/h) Recommended Service Engineering Data 33 Velocity (ft/min) Pipe Size (schedule 40) 1000 800 500 300 A B 200 0 10 0 8 60 0 4 0 3 0 2 100 80 10 5 0 60 50 40 30 20 10 P c re fla ond ssu sh en re ta sa in nk te (p lin si e g) or Spirax Sarco.2 3.2 0 80 11.8 11.7 3.000 10 Pipe Size 1/2" 3/4" & 1" 1-1/4" & 1-1/2" 2" & 3" 4" to 24" 26" to 30" 5 0 10.9 4.3 17.0 9.6 21.6 11.0 3.1 0 20 4. Blythewood.7 0 125 14.2 14.23 1.1 13.8 10..8 10.4 3. 2.6 9.0 1.5 16.4 5.0 0 10 2.9 22.6 20. While the percentage.7 24. an 1-1/2" schedule 40 pipe with a velocity of approximately 5. With a steam pressure of 160 psig and a flash tank pressure of 20 psig read a value of 12.0 8.2 12.0 19. Condensate Recovery Sizing Velocity (ft/sec) 100 6000 C 66 4000 E 50 30 28" 26 24 " " " 20 18 16 14 12 " " " " " 10 " 6" 8" 5" 4" 3" 2-1 /2" 3000 2" 1-1 1-1 /2" /4" 3/4 " 1" 1/2 " Condensate Return Line Sizing Vent Pipe Sizing 2000 1000 17 D 10 50.1 13. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 285 . inlet pressure to steam trap(s) in psig and return line system pressure.000 ft/min.2 1.4 10.1 4.6 4. Enter Condensate Recovery Sizing chart at the flash steam flowrate of 372 lb/h at “A" and move horizontally to the right to the flash tank pressure of 20 psig “B".4 13. Rise vertically to choose a condensate return line size which will give a velocity between 4.9 2.1 17.5 5.2 15.8 7. In this example.3 7.5 9.0 22.8 21.4 Example: Size a condensate return line from a 160 psig steam trap discharging to 20 psig.2 16. By determining the quantity of flash steam and sizing the return line for velocities between 4.4 12.5 19.1 5. its overall volume in comparison to the liquid is very large.7 8.000 ft/ min.3 10.4 5.6 2.2 16.5 15.7 1.3 12. 3.8 160 16.6 7. 3.8 14. refer to table within body of chart.6 18.4 5. Next.2 9.8 8.Condensate Line Sizing Condensate return lines on the discharge side of steam traps must be able to accomodate the flow of both water and flash steam. The information required for sizing is the condensate load in lb/h.0 5.2 2.2 13.5 4. the two-phase flow within the pipe can be accomodated..3 16. 1.1 10.000 and 6.9 19.3 8.000 600 Flash Tank Diameter Sizing Multiply chart velocity by factor below to get velocity in schedule 80 pipe 0 10 0 8 60 0 4 0 3 0 2 30.000 20.5 11. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.9 400 25.1 7.3 12.124 = 372 lb/h.7 0 40 7.12 1.4 1. Atmo- Pressure sphere Flash Tank Pressure — psig psig 0 2 5 10 15 20 30 40 60 80 100 5 1.3 8.000 and 6.4 2. of flash steam may be rather low.0 23. Percent Flash Steam Produced when Condensate is discharged to atmosphere or into a flash tank controlled at various pressures.9 0 100 13.7 18.0 21.1 1.4 14.7 11.0 17.1 19. Determine percent flash steam produced using table.000 lb/h.0 13.0 200 18. of flash steam produced.3 5.1 0 30 6.1 1.3 9.5 7.7 13.3 0 60 10.2 3.2 15.6 20. Load is 3.2 300 22.7 21. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 286 . Blythewood. It must be large enough to provide adequate separation of the flash and condensate to minimize condensate carry over. the table within the body of the chart can be used to determine whether the velocity will exceed the recommended limit of 600 ft/min.. Diameter Height = 3 x Diameter or 36" minimum Condensate inlet Engineering Data 35% of height Condensate outlet For proper installation of flash vessels. From point “D" continue to rise vertically to “E" to determine the size of vent pipe to give a velocity between 3000 and 4000 ft/ min. the procedure for determining its size is the same. 2. Spirax Sarco. Read tank diameter of 5". Using the calculated flash steam quantity of 372 lb/h enter Condensate Recovery Sizing chart on page 112 at “A" and move horizintally to the right to the flash tank pressure of 20 psig “B". The most important dimension is the diameter. As before. Inc. 1150 Northpoint Blvd. Flash Vessel Sizing Horizontal Flash Vessel Flash Steam outlet or vent pipe Condensate inlet Length Length = 2 x diameter or 24" minimum Diameter Condensate outlet Vertical Flash Vessel Flash steam outlet or vent pipe Flash vessels can be either horizontal or vertical. For flash steam recovery (pressurized receiver) the vertical style is preferred because of its ability to provide better separation of steam and water. Rise vertically to the flash tank diameter line (600 ft/min) at “D". 1. Example: Size a 20 psig flash recovery vessel based on the information in the example on page 582 (condensate line sizing). use the table within the body of chart for schedule 80 pipe. controls and traps refer to Design of Fluid Systems Hook-Ups..Flash Tank and Vent Line Sizing How to Size Flash Tanks and Vent Lines Whether a flash tank is to be atmospheric or pressurized for flash recovery. In this case 2" schedule 40 pipe. If schedule 80 pipe is to be installed. Inc. Blythewood.Steam Trap Selection Guide As the USA’s leading provider of steam system solutions. Because of the wide array of steam trap applications with inherently different characteristics. Spirax Sarco is committed to helping it’s customers design. choosing the correct steam trap for optimum performance is difficult. operate and maintain an efficient steam system. superheat. 1150 Northpoint Blvd.. You have our word on it! 1st Choice 2nd Choice Float & Thermo- Balanced Liquid Inverted Float & Thermo- Balanced Liquid Inverted Application Thermostatic Dynamic® Pressure Bimetallic Expansion Bucket Thermostatic Dynamic® Pressure Bimetallic Expansion Bucket Steam Mains to 30 psig 3 3 to 600 psig 3 to 900 psig 3 to 2000 psig 3 with Superheat 3 Separators 3 Steam Tracers Critical 3 Non-Critical 30-400 psig 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Heating Equipment Shell & Tube Heat Exchangers 3 3 Unit Heaters 3 Plate & Frame Heat Exchangers 3 Radiators Heating Coils General Process Equipment to 30 psig to 200 psig to 465 psig to 600 psig to 900 psig to 2000 psig 3 3 3 Hospital Equipment Autoclaves 3 Sterilizers 3 Bulk Storage Tanks Line Heaters 3 Engineering Data Fuel Oil Heating Tanks & Vats Bulk Storage Tanks Process Vats 3 Vulcanizers 3 Evaporators 3 Reboilers 3 Rotating Cylinders 3 Freeze Protection 3 Spirax Sarco. Waterhammer. corrosive condensate. or other damaging operating characteristics dramatically affect performance of a steam trap. SC 29016 • Phone: (803) 714-2000 • Fax: (803) 714-2222 287 . Spirax Sarco recognizes that no two steam trapping systems are identical. With over 80 years of experience in steam technology.. ........ 90 CP10........................ 186 EL2600............................ 106 PN1000 6" & 8".............. 228 BC3150. 231 EL2270......... 242 SP300................ 156 PT2............................................. 169 KBV 40i.....Model Designation Index ABV 40i..... 256 BCV30 3/4"..... 252 BCS 1........... 278 EP5................................. 256 BCV20.............................. 220 LC2650... 124 AEL6......................... 258 BCV30 1-1/2"..................... 180 TN2000....................... 209 Stonel Position Transmitter .................................................... 120 B Series 1/2" to 2"..................................................... 136 EL5600 Accessories.. 172 SX80.... 236 LP10-4.......................................... 158 IPC4A Converter......................................................................................................... 59 Stonel Limit Switch................................. 208 MPC2............................. 214 LP 30....... 112 PN600 Series.......................................... 132 AEL5....... 188 EL5600..................................... 242 Rotork CVL............................ 30 K Series 6" to 8".................. 244 CP 32....................... 160 SP500..... 262 BCV31 1-1/2".... 152 S20................ 242 ....... 122 Belimo NV Series Electric Actuator......... 98 PP5................ 186 EL2271......... 16 BT 1050........................ 267 PA 20.......................... 212 LP 20.. 242 CP 30..................................... 207 DS1000........................................................................................... 89 C Series Options................................................ 86 C Series Spares....... 240 BCV1.......................................................... 234 L Series................. 92 TP20...... 108 PN1000/2000 for C Series...................................... 14 PN1000 2-1/2" to 4"............... 217 LC2250........................ 198 PF6 (SS).. 12 STERI-TROL 'S' Series....... 140 Engineering Data....................... 176 SX90.............................................. 50 LC1350................................... 264 Belimo AFB Series Electric Actuator...... 174 PN9000.................................................. 248 BC3250............... 82 CE63 1" to 4" Stainless Steel .................... 246 DM.............. 260 BCV31 3/4"..... 164 SP400...................... 232 LP 31................................................................................... 190 PM Series for B Series............................................ 272 K Series ........................... 136 EL5650. 80 CE83 5" to 8" Alloy Steel ...................................................................... 146 APS 1........................................................................ 216 PF51G (Bronze).... 162 Steam Sizing Chart...................................... 275 AEL5 Accessories...................................................................................................................................... 224 LC3050........................................ 84 288 CE63 5" to 8" Stainless Steel ............................. 76 CE43 5" to 8" Carbon Steel ................................. 18 MDM..... 268 CE43 1" to 4" Carbon Steel .................. 78 CE83 1" to 4" Alloy Steel ................................................ 170 MS 1......... NOTES 289 . NOTES 290 . NOTES 291 . 292 . . 714. Blythewood. SC 29016 t: 800. Inc.spiraxsarco.2000 f: 803. Copyright 2014 Spirax spiraxsarco.2222 Valves & Instruments Product Handbook .883. INC.spiraxsarco. 1150 Northpoint Valves & Instruments SPC1006                                            Printed in USA 3/2014.4411 or: 803. 13th Edition SPIRAX SARCO.714.
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