ValmetSP Manual

March 28, 2018 | Author: Yousef Alipour | Category: Electrical Connector, Calibration, Pipe (Fluid Conveyance), Nature



T00111EN2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter Operating and Installation Instructions for: valmetSP MA valmetSP PA 4 - 20 mA + HART® Profibus PA Contents: 1 PUTTING INTO OPERATION 1.1 Mechanical installation 1.2 Electrical connections 1.3 Setting up the transmitter 2 TRANSMITTER FUNCTIONS (MENUS) 2.1 MAIN MENU 2.2 MEASUREMENT 2.3 CONFIGURATION 2.4 CALIBRATION 2.5 Sample taking and processing 3 MAINTENANCE AND DIAGNOSTICS 3.1 Troubleshooting 3.2 Error messages 3.3 Checking the operation of force measurement and current output 3.4 Replacing the sensor 4 APPLICATIONS 4.1 Applications of different sensor types 4.2 Choosing materials for wetted parts 4.3 Constructional features WARNING! Before disconnecting or installing the transmitter, ensure that the process pipe is empty and depressurized. Observe the safety instructions specified for the process. 5 AVAILABLE valmetSP types 6 DELIVERY CONTENT 7 SPARE PARTS 8 PROFIBUS PA We reserve the right for technical changes without prior notice. Metso Automation Oy Field Systems Lentokentänkatu 11, P.O. Box 237 FIN-33101 TAMPERE, Finland Tel. +358 20 48 3170, Fax +358 20 48 3171 Appendixes: - Technical Specifications (T00112) - Turbulence Reducer (W4730198) Software: - PA support files (A4770032) valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 1 PUTTING INTO OPERATION WARNING ! Before installing the process coupling, make sure that the process line is empty and depressurized ! 1.1 MECHANICAL INSTALLATION 1.1.1 Points of importance in installation • The pipe’s inside diameter must be at least 100 mm, and flow velocity must be as shown in the APPLICATION chapter. If required, the pipe diameter can be altered so as to achieve the desired flow velocity. • Pulp flow must not rotate. • The pipe should have sufficiently long straight sections of uniform diameter both upstream and downstream from the transmitter (Fig. 1.1.1a). If not available use Turbulence Reduser, FlowTR. See appedix. Note: FlowTR improves measurement stability and accuracy in all applications especially when the pipe diameter exceeds 200 mm. • The transmitter must be mounted at 90O angle to the pump axis and on the side of the line indicated in Figure 1.1.1a, i.e. on the side where the pulp is discharged from the pump. NOTE! The direction of a pipe bend downstream from the transmitter has no effect. Minimum lengths of straight pipe sections without turbulence reducer FlowTR: L1min = k x D; L2min = 0.3 x L1min + 250 mm 4 D = 250 mm, Cs = 3 %, v = 2 m/s L1min = 8.5 x 250 = 2125 mm L2min = 0.3 x 2125 + 250 = 887 mm v = 5 m/s 3 2 L2 400 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 k 87 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Example L2 NOVE pneum 1 valmetSP 0.5 valmetSP L1 L1 D D NOVE manual 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 101112 131415 16 Consistency % Figure 1.1.1a Determination of coefficient k as a function of pulp consistency and flow velocity (see Fig. 1.1.2a) 1.1.1 T00111EN 2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter L2 D B2 L1 L1 L2 1.5 x L1 L2 E E L2 L2 B1 L' A C L1 Turbulence Reducer: FlowTR L1 90o axis F valmetSP Valve and pump axes parallel Section E-E Figure 1.1.2a Preferred mounting locations for valmetSP in pipework 1.1.2 Selecting the mounting location Mounting locations: 1. A, 2. B1, 3. B2, C and D. Important considerations: A. This is the preferred location in terms of the control loop’s lag time. If the required length of straight pipe (L1 + L2) is not provided, you can use Turbulence reducer FlowTR-P Pipe(Fig. 1.1.2b) that can be welded in place immediately after conical expansion. NOTE! The transmitter should be mounted at 90° angle to the pump axis (section E-E). If the vertical section is shorter than the FlowTR P pipe or if you want a better alternative, proceed to B1. B1. In this alternative you install the transmitter on the side of the line to prevent possible air from disturbing the measurement. Notice that straight section L1 before the transmitter is 50% longer than in alternative A. If the straight section is too short, you can use FlowTR P pipe or proceed to alternative B2 or C. B2. This method may be considered if the straight length of horizontal pipe is too short for alternative B1. Installation on the top side of the pipe always requires careful consideration, because a substantial buildup of air in the pipe may affect the measurement accuracy. We do not recommend this installation method. C. You may consider this option when horizontal and vertical sections before the transmitter are too short. The double bend before the measurement point will cause problems when L’ < L1. The whirling flow produced by the double bend has to be eliminated with FlowTR P pipe. In addition, you have to consider the control loop’s lag time, which is considerably longer in this alternative than in alternative A. D. In this method you install the transmitter on the side of a pipe bend’s outer curve. Distance from pipe bend is L1. Measurement lag: refer to C. Other considerations: F. If you have to install a globe valve or butterfly valve between pump and transmitter, the valve’s axis must be parallel to the pump’s axis to eliminate whirling flow. The valve manufacturer’s specifications must be taken into account. Note! The pipe diameter must not be changed at distance L2 between the pump outlet cone and the transmitter mounting location. 1.1.2 3 x 2 18 A4730188V1 125 150 200 250 139.2e.6 x 4 406.1. 40 mm pipe.1. 500 508.7 x 2 168.3 .1.0 x 4 16 12 16 10 A4730189V1 A4730190V1 A4730180V1 A4730181V1 For different process line sizes: DN Material: AISI 316 L 300 323.2d. 25 mm pipes for max. on-line installation is not suitable for unscreened pulp. Applications of different blade types) are measured with sensor option UL. Recommended installation order is shown in Fig.1. the transmitter for high consistencies. This installation is illustrated in Figure 1. et lm va Low consistencies (valmetSP UL)Low consistencies (see Section 4. You should be able to limit the flow velocity between 0. Use FlowTR Pipe in main line installations. 32 mm pipes for max.4 x 5 10 10 A4730183V1 A4730184V1 Figure 1.To measure extremely low consistencies as accurately as possible we recommend a bypass installation that will provide the required flow velocity and stabilized flow. is installed on the small-diameter pipe section following the stock pump. The bypass line is connected to the process line with dia.1 m/s and 1 m/s. In that case you will not need a separate deflector in front of the sensor. D D Figure 1.1. This will ensure sufficient flow velocity. such as a flowmeter and control valve. In digester blow line installations you have to use the blow coupling shown in Figure 1.3d.1. Do not use a deflector with the UL blade. See Figure 1.A SP H L or d High consistencies (valmetSP HL) valmetSP HL. This pipe section usually includes other devices. see the appendix.3 x 2 219. 2% Cs consistency.1 x 3 273.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter Option: NOVE process coupling on back side of FlowTR Pipe 900 300 A s valmetSP process coupling Flow A 1500 DN Dxs Pmax/bar Product n:o 100 114. To protect the blade.2d. At higher than 3% Cs consistencies you use a dia. 3% Cs consistency.9 x 4 10 A4730182V1 350 400 355.6 x 5 711.2 x 6 6 6 A4730186V1 A4730187V1 View A . the deflector plate supplied with the transmitter must always be installed in highconsistency applications where standard process coupling is used.1. NOTE! Due to the risk of plugging.1. and with dia.2d Installation of valmetSP HL (4 to 16% consistency range) after MC pump 1.2b Turbulence Reducer FlowTR P Pipe. 1.0 x 5 8 A4730185V1 600 700 609. 1.2e Low-consistency measurement with bypass line (valmetSP UL) ςς1. 1000 min. 1500 FLOW Figure 1.4 .T00111EN 2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter <2 %Cs: DN25 pipe <3 %Cs: DN32 pipe >3 %Cs: DN40 pipe DN100 A B 40 min.1. it is advisable to reinforce the mounting of the process coupling with a reinforcing ring (Fig.1. **) For below 150 mm pipe: 75 mm Figure 1.Make a dia. Install the backflow deflector in line with the coupling’s center line. 95 **) *) 79 90 120 L4 71 90O ±0. but exclude the deflectors. 5 mm holes to facilitate installation. you weld the process coupling exactly at right angles (90° +0.3c. 71 mm hole in the pipe.3f. .Weld the coupling at 4 points on the pipe.3a.1. Cut a 9 mm by 182 mm bevelled hole in the pipe for the deflector.g. .3 Installation of process couplings and deflectors valmetSP LL/LS/GL/RL/HL Using the welding guide shown in Fig. and round the edges of the hole. Weld the coupling. when process pressure exceeds 10 bar and/or there is exceptionally strong vibration. when stopping or starting the process).1. for type HL: L3 = L4 = 150 mm and for type HL with blow line process coupling SB: front deflector is not used. 1. In exceptional cases.2b).1. you may insert a piece of wire through the holes. Weld 95 **) L3 120 4 Weld Flow *) This optional deflector must be ordered separately. for instance. 1.3b).1. . The deflectors must be centered exactly in line with the process coupling. When installing in the actual process line use FlowTR P Pipe (Fig.5 22 4 Weld Procedure: . 1. 1.5°) to the pipe as shown in Fig. 1. Deflector’s inlet to the pipe should also be reinforced in the same way.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 1.2e): Install the process coupling as described above.1. Remove all burrs from the hole. The deflectors have dia.Attach the welding guide to the process pipe with mounting straps. . 1.1. The deflector downstream from the blade is only installed in applications with a risk of back flow that might damage the sensor (e.Attach the process coupling to the welding guide. . L4 = 150.1.Equalize the height adjustment at both ends of the guide to ensure that the guide is supported steadily on its end pieces and will not rock on the coupling.1.Remove the guide and complete the welding. Place the coupling on the pipe and draw the outline of the coupling’s bore on the pipe. Then cut out the mounting hole.3a Installation of valmetSP LL/LS/GL/RL/HL valmetSP UL Installation in bypass line (Fig.5 . valmetSP WS Install the process coupling as shown in Figure 1. Deflector distances L3 and L4 for types LL/LS/GL/RL: L3 = L4 = 300 mm. Regulations concerning pressurized vessel installations must be observed when welding the coupling. bar 25 25 25 T max.1. o C 100 100 100 180 h mm 5 5 6 Io mm 32 50 60 Weld D mm **) 303 NOTE! If the pipe’s wall thickness is greater than that given in the table.1. 6 mm s Weld Io 420 90 h R 54 115 85 D = pipe’s inside diameter s = pipe’s wall thickness Io = width of reinforcing ring h = thickness of reinforsing ring 250 400 500 s mm 4 6 7 p max. Deflector is not used with JL.1.1. FLOW *) Plate thickness 4 mm **) Plate thickness 8 mm Figure 1.3b Reinforcing the process coupling 1. 60 95 4 Weld valmetSP JL Installation of the process coupling on fiberglassreinforced plastic pipe is illustrated in Figure 1.3c Installation for valmetSP WS process coupling Figure 1.T00111EN 2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter valmetSP HL in digester blow line installations Install the blow line coupling with single bevel weld at right angles against the pipe.3e.3d. First make a bevelled hole in the pipe.6 .the thickness of the reinforcing ring can be correspondingly smaller.1. as shown in Figure 1. See that the deflector is exactly in line with the pipe’s center line. Then laminate the process coupling carefully on the pipe in accordance with lamination instructions. The coupling’s lower edge should be level with the pipe’s inner wall. *) 120 R min. Mounting of valmetSP 6 Place PTFE gasket in the groove on the transmitter’s coupling flange (Fig. Before tightening the screws.valmetSP Blow line process coupling SB T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter welding 45 90O ±0. Process coupling 2.1. Apply 25 Nm torque to tighten the screws. Attach the transmitter to the process coupling with mounting clamp. Use a ruler placed against the bottom of the aligning slot to align the sensor. Plug 5. 1. 1. Deflector plate Figure 1. Gasket 3.1. Note! When required.1.7 .5 Ø90 Figure 1. Aligning slot 6. ensure that the transmitter’s sensor blade is parallel to the direction of flow (+1o).1.1. Mounting clamp 4.3f Process coupling welding guide 70 *) FLOW 80 3 1 *) Plate thickness 4 mm Figure 1. the process coupling can be shut with a blind flange.3g Mounting parts for valmetSP 1.3e Installation for valmetSP JL process coupling TJ.1.3g).3d Installation of valmetSP HL in digester blow line 4 65 26 2 Lamination 3 45O 50 5 Figure 1. DVCC 3. LOOP+ Making the connections: · Open the connection box cover. 1. The connections are made on the current and binary terminals in the operator unit.1c.2. is supplied with the transmitter.2. length 10 m. You may also install a longer or shorter cable. The load resistance refers to the sum of the resistances of the current loop’s test resistors. The transmitter can also be used without the operator unit.2. 1. cable resistance.2 mV RMS max.1 16 . · Impedance: 500 to 10. Shield 8.25 + shield 2x + shield 5x O = Option Cable 1. valmetSP PA Figure 1. CS in 7.      Recipe To open the connector. Shield 9. Figure 1. Description O O Operating unit cable 4-20mA to system Recipe selection Sampler status Type 6x0. 1. Connect the groundings in accordance with the control system’s instructions. TXDA 4. 2.2.2. 3.1a and b.000 Hz 2. and power supply resistance. CS + 6. 4-20mA cable (2) connected to operating unit.2 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS 1. · Insert the cable (2) through the inlet (third from the left). Cable 10.20 mA Figure 1.2. · Noise: 500 to 10.2 Vpp max. · Make the connections as shown in Figure 1.2.000 Hz 10 Ω max. · Replace the cover. Wiring connections are shown in Figure 1.T00111EN 2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter Optional connection for cable 2 is shown in Fig.1a valmetSP MA’s wiring connections: Normal connection. Tighten the inlet nut and ensure that the inlet is properly sealed. 4. LOOP-      1.1 Power supply and wiring valmetSP MA Wiring connections are shown in Figures 1. 1. TXDB 5. DGND 2.2. The following additional requirements are applied to the power supply if HART® communications are in use: · Minimum load resistance: 250 Ω · Ripple: 47 to 125 Hz 0.1c shows the load resistance as a function of supply voltage. The transmitter’s minimum supply voltage is determined by the load resistance. in which case you perform calibration through HART® interface.Notice the change in the connection of cable 1 in the operator unit: Move the wire from terminal 6 to terminal 11. push lever about 5mm  Sampling signal Refer to NOVE’s instructions  + 12345678 3 OOOOXXXX 2 OOXXOOXX 1 OXOXOXOX - O Switch open X Switch closed 1 2 3 + 12 13 14 4 1 2 3 4 .1a.1b.1d shows the test meter connections of HART® user interface.2. Leave an extra loop of cable outside the transmitter as reserve and to conduct drain water out. but we do not recommend a cable longer than 30 m. is supplied with the transmitter. You may also install a longer or shorter cable. 4-20mA cable (2) connected to transmitter.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter Connecting the system cable to transmitter instead of operator unit: 2 '*1' 6KLHOG '9&& 6KLHOG 7. but we do not recommend a cable longer than 30 m.1d valmetSP (mA) HART® connections.2.Move the wire from terminal 6 to terminal 11 in the operator unit. 4.Replace the connection box plug in the transmitter with a gland packing and O ring. 3. 3.1c Load capacity Figure 1.2. 2.2 . . Cable +           1. These are supplied with the transmitter.'% &6 /223 /223 - 4 .25 + shield 2x + shield 5x O = Option Cable 1. push lever about 5mm 3 OOOOXX XX 2 OOXX OOXX 1 OXOXOXOX O Switch open X Switch closed 1 2 3  Sampling signal Refer to NOVE’s instructions  + 12 13 14 16 3 1 Figure 1.1b valmetSP MA’s wiring connections: Optional connection.20 mA . length 10 m. Description O O Operating unit cable 4-20mA to system Recipe selection Sampler status Type 6x0.'$ &6LQ 7.2.56% CS W Load resistance ENTER ESC SAMPLE HART R 1050 850 500 Operating zone 250 0 12 18 23 30 35 V Supply voltage V Load resistor min 250 Ω Figure 1.2. 1. Recipe 12345678 To open the connector. 10.1c valmetSP PA's wiring connections. Shield 2.2. 1. TXDB 7. nc 4. DGND 5. + 6 V             + - 2 1 Signal Figure 1. FRS . GND 3. FRS + 9.3 3 Sampling signal Refer to NOVE’s instructions . nc 6.2. TXDA 8.T00111EN 2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter 1. 3b valmetSP Calibration 1: Base curve corresponding to selected sensor and pulp type.) 1.56% CS QUICK SETTING-UP GUIDE: CONFIGURATION AND CALIBRATION When the transmitter is connected to the process for the first time. The procedure is divided to three parts: 1. and the transmitter must first be configured and calibrated in the actual process conditions. The other functions provide useful additional features.3 SETTING UP THE TRANSMITTER 3. Use the arrow keys to view and/or select an option and to change numerical values. 3: Two-point calibrated base curve. but they are not necessary in basic measurement. 3. optimized in terms of pulp type and sensor blade. Defining the transmitter’s basic details. Adapting Metso Automation’s laboratorydefined calibration curves. not a standby transmitter installed to replace e. Press [ESC] and [⇓] to access the CONFIGURATION menu. depending on the command. The following is a description of the simplest procedure (A) for a transmitter where the sensor blade has been mounted by the supplier (i.3a valmetSP’s operator unit The operator unit consists of five pushbutton keys and an 8character liquid crystal display.e. which gives a detailed description of the Calibration. The appended Tables show the procedure for setting up a transmitter taken into operation for the first time. ENTER ESC SAMPLE HART 5 Figure 1. The Tables show the required keystrokes and the corresponding displays. This is the first parameter to be adjusted in the configuration menu. Consistency %   P2  &6 samples &6 P2 Shear force N Figure 1. More detailed instructions for the menus are found in the chapter Transmitter Functions (Menus). 2: Single-point calibrated base curve. This procedure enables an already calibrated consistency measurement. Use the SAMPLE key to take a sample. i.g. Press ENTER to accept an option or command. it will operate on default values set by the manufacturer.e. (The effects are exaggerated to make them clearer. Press ESC to go to the next higher menu level or to the previous step. Selecting the pulp types to be measured (A3). 2. to the actual process conditions (A6). configuration (A1 and A2). Diagnostics and Measurement menus. The defaults are not sufficient. Configuration. The text LOWER RA (= lower range-value) is displayed. PROCEDURE A1.1 . Switch on the transmitter. Press [ENTER].3. however. Steps A1 through A6 below describe the actions in more detail. a faulty transmitter)..valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 1. The text CONFIGUR is displayed. 2 . A5. The transmitter is now ready for measurement. screened. bagasse and other agro fibers. If you cannot get the desired pulp type. However. Even if there is filler. TMPL Thermomechanical pulp. RCFS Recycled fiber. A3. ensure that the correct blade type has been configured and that the transmitter is equipped with that blade type. ROCCU Recycled fiber. The sequence is as follows: ENTER / [⇓⇑] / ENTER / ENTER. GW Groundwood. Pressing [ENTER] will display the selected parameter’s current value. Press [⇓] to select CALIBRATion.T00111EN 2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter A2. sampling and 2-point calibration will make the correction for an unknown filler content. 1. and accept the selection with [ENTER]. e. You accept the P1 and P2 parameters as they are (default values 1. until you finally reach the MEASUREMENT menu.00% as ash content. SWB Bleached softwood chemical pulp.00 and 0. RMPH Refiner mechanical pulp. Pulp types: The following list describes all pulp types offered by the menu. birch pulp or eucalyptus. freeness more than 200ml CSF. ROCCS Recycled fiber. The text NEW RECI will be redisplayed after you have accepted all selections and the SAVE OK? prompt with [ENTER]. TMPH Thermomechanical pulp. This is the default. You can also later add new recipes or change existing ones. pine and other softwood pulps. e. If you do not want to change the value. Press [ESC] to go to the MEASURE menu. when filler content changes the transmitter must be recalibrated on the basis of sampling and laboratory analysis. freeness more than 200ml CSF. unscreened (OCC). Selected sensor type will exclude some of the pulp type options. On the other hand. freeness less than 200ml CSF.00. Corresponding output display 0-100% instead of consistency. In practice. Use the arrow keys to display the text RECIPE. Merely changing the filler content from the operator unit will not suffice if the initial filler value was incorrect at calibration time. provided that you do not want to change the ash content later without sampling and laboratory analysis. Pressing [ESC] always displays the previous higher menu level. contains debris. In most applications it is sufficient to define zero filler content and to create a separate recipe for each pulp type and ash content combination. HWU Unbleached hardwood chemical pulp. The displayed consistency value is derived on the basis of the measured shear force from the base curve for the selected pulp type and sensor type saved into the transmitter’s memory. You can select another parameter with the arrow keys. main pulp type. HWB Bleached hardwood chemical pulp. CTMP Chemithermo-mechanical pulp. Check and. The text NEW RECI is now displayed. RCFU Recycled fiber. unscreened. You can then repeat step A3 for the desired number of recipes. RMPL Refiner mechanical pulp. Press [ENTER] to go to that submenu. packing board (OCC). and replace it with one of the recipe numbers created in step A3. change at least the following: LOWER RA (lower range-value) ¤) UPPER RA (upper range-value) ¤) BLADE TY (blade type) MOUNTING (mounting orientation) ¤) Only for SMART-PULP (mA) The other parameters are additional features which you do not necessarily have to touch.g. SWU Unbleached softwood chemical pulp. including pressure groundwood. if required. temperature correction. In the recipe you select the recipe number (1 to 8). each of which can be calibrated separately on the basis of sampling and laboratory analysis. packing board. Press [ESC] to go up to the CONFIGUR menu. it can be changed later and obtain the correct measurement result without sampling. which you can change with the arrow keys. and filler (ash) content if required.0 is recommended if you do not know the exact ash content. and accept the selection with [ENTER]. Mechanical pulps are softwood pulps. if the original filler content was known and was entered into the recipe at the beginning.3. respectively). press [ESC] to display the parameter’s name. Pressing [ENTER] will save the new value. you may accept 0. The manufacturer’s default values are sufficient for normal operation. 0. screened. A4. Use the arrow keys to go to the CONSISTENCY (CS) display. freeness less than 200ml CSF. You next create at least one new recipe in the NEW RECIpe submenu.g. ULIN Unlinearized 0-30 N shear force range without You can create 1 to 8 recipes. Default curve (unlinearized shear force signal). (Base curve = 1. pipe orientation and transmitter’s position on it. ¤) Only for valmetSP MA Table 1.3 A3 can be performed for all recipes.xx%Cs RECIPE1 CONFIGUR E. ESC [⇓] A2 ENTER ENTER [⇓⇑] ENTER ENTER [⇓] ENTER MEASURE ENTER To main menu.00% Cs. default blade type Should be the same as in installed transmitter. Back to main menu. A4 Change active recipe to measurement menu. HOR TOP Default value.0% ASH0.g. sampling and laboratory analysis not required.3. 0-30 N = 0-100%.0).ENTER 5. 1. Most of the cases at least single-point calibration is needed to remove offset between laboratory and transmitter output.00%Cs Default value 5.nn%Cs Measured consistency Keystroke Disp. ENTER h. 1).0% P1 1. Recipe’s dominant pulp type. accept it. recipe number 1 can be accepted.0). ENTER [⇓⇑] To configuration menu. Consistency reading from base curve. [⇓⇑] Default value 2.00% Cs. go to next Table and continue from A6. Curve slope factor. If correct. The measurement menu. RECIPEn' SAVE OK? BLADE TY A3 CALIBRAT NEW RECI [⇓⇑] ENTER Description Active recipe which is to be calibrated.000 SAVE OK? CALIBRAT MEASURE x.000 P2 0.hh%Cs Correct value. Give filler content (0.text [⇓] (start-up display). ESC ENTER ENTER MOUNTING ————————————————Configuration of mounting position. NEW RECI RECIPE1 RECIPEn ULIN xxxxx ASH0.valmetSP Keystroke A1 T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter Disp. 2. A5 . ENTER ————————————————LOWER RA ¤ ) Consistency (%) corresponding to 4 mA. SAVE OK? NOT CALIB x. correct blade type If type was not correct.0% is recommended if the laboratory command is used). Blinking warning for uncalibrated recipe. If only one recipe (e. Curve offset (base curve = 0.hh%Cs SAVE OK? ENTER LOWER RA ENTER ————————————————UPPER RA ¤ ) Consistency (%) corresponding to 20 mA.text Description n.3a valmetSP Start-up calibration and configuration: menu texts and keystrokes.00%Cs ENTER CONFIGUR [⇓⇑] Correct value. h.g. [⇓][⇓] [⇓][⇓][⇓][⇓] ENTER ESC SAVE OK? UPPER RA [⇓⇑] ENTER ENTER desired mounting ENTER [⇓⇑] ENTER ENTER ESC [⇑⇑] ENTER ENTER HORizontal TOP/SIDE VERtical UP flow ENTER SAVE OK? MOUNTING [⇓][⇓][⇓] CONFIGUR [⇓][⇓][⇓] BLADE TY ———————————————— Blade type and material. If base curve is not ———————————————— Back to main menu. CALIBRAT MEASURE To Measurement menu. press [ESC] to exit the menu. (Table 1. press [ENTER] to accept the END SAMP text. Keystroke ESC Press [ESC] to move upwards through the menus until the text MEASURE is displayed. 2 by pressing [⇓] until the text 2. Now the text 2.CS mm. and press [ENTER] to accept the value. Enter the laboratory result for Sample No. 2.xx Give filler content if known. After taking the actual sample from the pipe. [⇓][⇓] ENTER [⇓] ENTER ENTER The text NEW RECI is displayed again.0 even if there is ash. end averaging. The last results are always retained in memory. Analyze at least your sample’s consistency in laboratory. No.CSn. Save in non-volatile memory. Press [⇓] and [⇓] to display the text CALIBRAT. Pressing [ENTER] will start average value calculation for Sample No. 1. If the transmitter’s reading does not correspond to the actual consistency in the pipe. NOTE! The recipe to be calibrated must be active (see A4).mm Not required in single-point calibration.0% ASH 0. the same on which the samples were taken and which you want to calibrate. The text ASH 0. you have to perform sampling and laboratory analysis and calibrate the recipe on the basis of the results. [⇓] ENTER ENTER You can also activate average value calculation for Sample No. and by accepting this selection with [ENTER].1 measured by valmetSP. SAVE OK? USE 1ST SAVE OK? LABORATO Is 1st sample used for singlepoint calibration? Yes.nn is the To calibration mode. The text 1.CSn. If not. A6 CALIBRATION BY MEANS OF SAMPLING Disp.0 %. CALIBRAT NEW RECI SAMPLING 1. Press [ENTER] to confirm this selection.3. 1. provided that the content remains constant.nn% is displayed. where samples are averaged.CS yy. 1. In most cases the filler content setting can be 0. In single-point calibration.e. LABORATO Go to Laboratory results menu. i. The menu text SAMPLING is displayed again.. SAMPLING Process sample in lab. Since the sampling can be repeated the desired number of times.START END SAM The sampling menu.yy Enter consistency sample’s lab result. 1. Description NOTE! Ensure that the recipe you are calibrating is active (see A4). zz. ENTER ENTER ENTER ESC ESC ENTER Then use the arrow keys to get the correct recipe number. Press [ENTER] to save.0% ENTER The blinking text END SAMP indicates that averaging for Sample 1 or 2 is in progress. A single sample. Press [ENTER] to accept the filler content. The 1st sample. The text SAVE OK? is displayed. enter it with the arrow keys. 1.START is displayed. Press [ENTER] to accept the recipe number. Back to main menu.T00111EN 2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter A6.0% is displayed.CS xx.3b). same as the average of Sample No.4 . is sufficient for single-point calibration. keep the default value 0.3b valmetSP Start-up calibration and configuration: menu texts and keystrokes II. ENTER ESC Now the text 1.nn% is now displayed. The displayed default number should be correct unless the recipe number has been changed since sampling. RECIPE 1 The recipe to be calibrated? ASH 0.xx Take sample from pipe. you can accept the unused sample’s value as it is. 2. If you know the filler content. and press [ENTER] to accept the value. text 1. Accept the selection by pressing [ENTER].g.START is displayed. e. n. Table 1. [⇓⇑] MEASURE [⇓⇑] ENTER ENTER ENTER You can repeat the taking of Sample 1 and 2 the desired number of times. Calculate new calibration. Press [ENTER] to confirm this selection.CS xx. Press [⇓] to display the text SAMPLING. Press [⇓] to display the menu text LABORATO.zz%CS Calibrated measured value. Use the arrow keys to change the reading in accordance with the laboratory result. Sample’s average consistency. the symbol is C.N or USE BOTH (= 2-point calibration) with the arrow keys. Press the SAMPLE key to start sample taking. Pressing the SAMPLE key A.N is displayed. The change in P2 is the same as the detected difference. mounting orientation and damping) to the new transmitter. In that case you just press [ENTER] to accept the USE 1. Press [ENTER] to the SAVE OK? prompt. you can eliminate it directly with zero offset by changing the P2 value (see Table 1.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter The text USE 1. Standby transmitter can then be made operational with minimum effort.3. . the text LABORATO is now displayed.Wait at least 3 seconds. It will be sufficient to enter the other transmitter’s recipe data (pulp type.When you use a NOVE sampler equipped with a switch via which a 24V voltage is applied to binary input 4 when NOVE is closed. LAB – measured average. upon which the display again starts showing the current measured value. we recommend the DIAGNOSTics menu’s TRIM F function (see the Diagnostics chapter) before installing the transmitter in the process. Consistent force measurement enables the new transmitter to be calibrated so that it will operate identically with the replaced transmitter without sampling and laboratory analysis.Take a sample. CALIBRATION WITHOUT SAMPLING If you detect a difference between the transmitter’s reading and analyzed consistency.The transmitter starts averaging the measured consistency and displays the average consistency value. . and you can go to the MEASURE menu by pressing [ESC] [ESC] [ENTER]. in the sampling position. i.N command.Press SAMPLE. filler content. You can change it to USE 2. Configuring and calibrating a standby transmitter used to replace a faulty transmitter (B) B. The specified zero offset takes effect when you accept the SAVE OK? prompt.5 . .3a).00%Cs.e. .A symbol at the right-hand side of the display shows the state of binary input 4 as follows: . If the new transmitter’s blade has been replaced by the customer or if there is otherwise reason to suspect an error in shear force measurement. it is recommendable to write down all recipes (pulp type. To perform two-point calibration you have to perform sampling in the CALIBRAT/SAMPLING menu. In most cases you use only one sample (Sample 1) to perform single-point calibration on the basis of it. If you have proceeded correctly. When NOVE is open. Use the arrow keys to change the P2 value. the symbol is O and the consistency display shows 0. filler. sensor blade type. The transmitter is now calibrated. When calibration has been completed. after which you can return directly to the MEASURE menu. upon which: . This will make the transmitter’s operation consistent with other corresponding valmetSP transmitters. 1. and the P1 and P2 parameters) and configuration (lower and upper range-values. P1 and P2) as well as the configuration. The average measured value for the sampling time is now saved in memory for valmetSP’s single-point calibration. In other words. Unit name remains in HART® interface SMART-PULP With the UP and DOWN keys you can select the desired submenu. The options are 3. You can return to the main menu with the LEFT arrow key. change the transmitter’s mounting 1. it displays the following menu: SMART-PULP:tag Online 1 Measurement 2 Configuration 3 Calibration 4 Diagnostics Rem. Besides this damping.xx%Cs You can exit this menu with the LEFT arrow key.6 . as long as you remember that sensor blade type and mounting orientation must be defined in configuration mode before proceeding to calibration. On the menu’s third line you can read and. You will have to change certain values through submenus 1 and 2. the transmitter has mechanical silicone-oil damping. If recipes have not been programmed. This can only be changed from the transmitter’s operator keys. while UppRnge defines the consistency corresponding to 20 mA. in its memories or in A/D conversion.xx%Cs 5 Min span xx.3. you can go there with the RIGHT arrow key (->). The order in which you change the values has no significance in configuration. This will open the following menu: SMART-PULP:tag Configuration 1 Range values 2 Detailed config 3 Device info 275 HART® user interface (refer to section 1. which indicates that force measurements are faulty.g. you must first select the Configuration menu. with the RIGHT arrow key. “Min span” defines the minimum permissible difference between upper range-value and lower range-value. The transmitter will run this current if it has found a fault e. These two values must be specified! LSL and USL define the recommended minimum and maximum consistencies corresponding to the selected sensor type and pulp type. Pressing the RIGHT arrow key on the menu’s second line will display the alarm current in milliamps. Pressing the RIGHT arrow key at 2 Detailed config will display the following menu: SMART-PULP:tag Detailed config 1 Damping 2 Alarm current 3 Mounting 4 Blade type 5 Blade material You can use the RIGHT arrow key to adjust damping between 1 and 60 seconds. Submenu 3 is optional.2 for wiring) LSL and USL have no significance. the transmitter will run the specified alarm current if it is not able to measure reliably and to run the current corresponding to the actual consistency.xx%Cs 4 USL xx. If you are taking the transmitter into use for the first time.T00111EN 2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter Only for valmetSP MA calibration with 275 HART® user interface with SMART-PULP command set When the 275 user interface with valmetSP programming facility is connected to valmetSP’s supply lines.xx%Cs 3 LSL xx. LowRnge defines the consistency corresponding to 4 mA. When the menu is selected. Upper and lower limits are determined separately for each pulp type and sensor type (refer to the APPLICATION chapter). for which reason minimum damping is 2 seconds.7mA and 22.5mA.xx%Cs 2 UppRnge xx. Pressing the RIGHT arrow key at 1 Range values will display the following menu: SMART-PULP:tag Range values 1 LowRnge xx. The programming unit gets the values from the transmitter. Cannot be changed. Increasing or decreasing the recipe’s P2 offset parameter changes the input correspondingly. When you press F2. Cannot be changed. VU indicates upward flow in vertical pipe. These affect the calibration curves and the sensor blade’s own weight which is taken into account in shear force calculation. 9 Software rev Software revision. On the menu’s fourth and fifth lines you can read and. Cannot be changed. Cannot be changed. You do not have to touch P1 and P2 in a normal situation where calibration is done with the Calibration menu’s Sampling and Lab Results commands. You can create 1 to 8 recipes. Cannot be changed. Cannot be changed. Sampling/Lab Results calibration also takes into account the effect of filler content on zero level and curve slope. HU indicates the upper side of a horizontal pipe and HS the side of a horizontal pipe. You first select the recipe number with the RIGHT arrow key. curve slope correction factor P1 and offset correction factor P2. Cannot be changed. provided that the configuration is also identical. with the RIGHT arrow key. entering these four parameters into the recipe will make the new transmitter behave identically with the replaced transmitter. 3 Model Transmitter’s model: SMARTPULP. Can be changed by user. this display allows you to change the pulp type. This will open the following display: SMARTPULP:CIC-2200 Recipe n 1 Pulp 2 Fillers 3 P1 4 P2 Pressing the RIGHT arrow key at 3 Device info will open the following menu: 1 Poll addr Transmitter’s HART address (default: 0). Hardware rev Circuit boards’ revision. 2 Manufacturer Manufacturer: Metso. When required.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter orientation. the data is transferred to the transmitter and the text box disappears. filler (ash) content. You can also omit the filler content (Fillers) in normal situations where a separate recipe is created for each combination of pulp type and filler content.3. 8 characters. Press the LEFT arrow or ENTER to exit the menu. 6 Message User-defined 32-character text in free format. the text box SEND is displayed at the bottom of the display. press the RIGHT arrow key on line 1. You can exit this menu with the LEFT arrow key. If the Diagnostics menu’s TRIM F function has been performed on the transmitter after installing the sensor blade. Final asmbly num Year/week in transmitter’s serial number. Date User-defined date in free format. Can be 0 to 15. SMARTPULP: tag Calibration 1 New recipe 2 Sampling 3 Lab results 4 Special grade 5 Tempr calibrations To create a new recipe. Device code Device’s option codes.7 . Pressing the RIGHT arrow key at 2 Sampling opens the following two options: 1. You define the P1 and P2 parameters when you replace a faulty transmitter with a spare transmitter and do not want to perform sampling and laboratory analysis. You can add new recipes and revise existing ones at any time. Descriptor User-defined 16-character text in free format. 7 Universal rev HART® revision supported by transmitter. 4 Sensor s/n Serial number. Cannot be changed. 5 Tag User-defined measurement point code. 8 Fld dev rev Internal revision number. select the desired line with the cursor and then press the RIGHT arrow key. change the sensor blade’s type and material. This means that the programming unit contains altered data which has not yet been sent to the transmitter. Pressing the RIGHT arrow key at 3 Calibration in the main menu will open the following menu: When you have changed the required parameters and returned to this menu. To change an item. Single-point calibration only changes the P2 offset parameter on the basis of the difference between LAB and sample average. Two-point calibration (USE 2. The transmitter will then return the following text to the display: The 4 Special grade option allows you to enter 16 different consistency levels and the corresponding deviations detected between the transmitter’s measured consistency and actual consistency. Pressing the F4 key after sample taking will end the calculation. The order in which you enter the consistencies is free from software version 1.3. You can repeat the sampling the desired number of times.T00111EN 2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter 1 Start sample 1 2 Start sample 2 With these options you can start average consistency and standard deviation calculation for sample 1 or 2. Notes 1. Pressing the RIGHT arrow key at 3 Lab results will enter the laboratory results: recipe number. These are indicated with the text ON.xx%Cs Shear force xxx g Pressing the RIGHT arrow key at 4 Diagnostics in the main menu will open the following menu: Pressing F4 (OK) will return you to the previous menu. 2 Device status indicates what faults the transmitter has detected in its own operation.xx%Cs Deviation xx.2 onwards. valmetSP: tag Sampling results of Sample n: Average xx. so that the calibration curve will pass through both laboratory points.N) changes both P1 (slope) and P2 (offset). In connection with HART® communications the faults are normal and do not require any actions.8 . The transmitter will remember the latest samples 1 and 2. The 5 Tempr calibrations option allows you to calibrate the temperature indications to actual temperatures. 1 Loop test 2 Device status 1 Loop test allows you to force the transmitter to the desired output current value in order to test the current loop. calibration method. You do not have to define all 16 consistency levels and deviations. ash (filler) content and consistency(-ies). Press F4 (OK) to accept the values. * Descriptor Date Device code Final asbly num* Range values Detailed config... Process tmp. OK Diagnostics #1 %Cs #1 Offset ... Housing tmp. #16 %Cs #16 Offset Sensor Process Housing Loop test Device status 1. AO mA Shear F.* Hardware rev.3.. Start sample 1 Start sample 2 Recipe n:o Use frst /sec /both Filler % Enter lab.* Fld dev rev. . .. cons.. % of range Damping Alarm current Mounting Blade type Blade material Poll addr Manufacturer* Model* Sensor ser.n:o* Tag Message Universal rev.* Software rev. Device info Configuration Calibration Recipe 1 . span PV %Cs Active recipe Sensor tmp... calib. Recipe 8 New recipe Sampling Lab results Special grade Tmpr.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 275 software tree Calibration with 275 HART® user interface with valmetSP command set (valmetSP DLL) Measurement Low Rnge Upp Rnge LSL USL Min.9 * = Fixed Pulp Ty Filler % P1 P2 .. 2.1 valmetSP’s main menus ASH% can only be changed in the NEW RECIpe and LABORAT menus. DIAGNOSTics (Chapter 3) MEASURE CONFIGUR [enter] Consistency % %CS Milliamps MA ¤) % of span % Shear force G or N Sensor temp.1 . You can select the following main functions with arrow keys from the main menu: 1. through binary inputs). S F or C Process temp. Figure 2. GRADE ( MESSAGES MA-LOCK ¤) TRIM-F TRIM-MA ¤) DIG INPT COMMUNIC )  [enter] [enter] SAVE OK? [enter] [esc]  [esc] ¤) Only for valmeSP MA [enter] #) For valmetSP PA HART-ADD is changed to: ADDRESS Return to previous option or menu level Accept (OK) Moving in menu or changing a parameter value. CALIBRATion 4.g.1 MAIN MENU Operations and calibration from valmetSP’s own operator keys You can always get to the main menu by pressing ESC a sufficient number of times. Active recipe (= RECIPE n) must be correct before calibration. H F or C [enter] [enter] ¤) [esc] RECIPE n LOWER RA¤) UPPER RA ¤) DAMPING LANGUAGE UNITS MOUNTING PASSWORD HART-ADD #) BLADE TY ALRM TYP ¤) TAG TMTRTYPE TMTRVERS ASH % [enter] SAVE OK? [enter] CALIBRAT DIAGNOST [enter] [enter] NEW RECI SAMPLING LABORATO SP. P F or C Housing temp. MEASURE 2. You can switch on remote selection by selecting recipe 0 from the operator terminal. The letter r in front of the number refers to remote selection (e. CONFIGURation 3.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 2 TRANSMITTER FUNCTIONS (MENUS) 2. Blinking display indicates that calibration has not been done for the recipe in question. The text NOT CALIB displayed after selection of recipe number indicates the same thing.e. Display in per cents (%) of span. you have to select 0 as recipe number from the operator keys. it is possible to exceed the specified upper range-value in configuration. Four (4) optional consistency measurement displays or three (3) optional temperature measurement displays are available.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 2. the measurement may be affected by flow velocity if the actual consistency in the process goes above the recommended maximum limit. ASH XX. mA output signal.e. C = °C and F = °F Pulp temperature.1b). Configuration is usually done only once.00. the transmitter is provided with the typical default configuration and recipe. fillers. in configuration it is possible to specify e. When delivered. However.8% Cs and its maximum span corresponds to 30 N shear force. the transmitter is usually calibrated to indicate total consistency. or from the LABORATO menu in calibration mode (recommended when entering Lab results for samples). i. The consistency percentage display can be activated after configuration and recipe selection. You should also take into account that the transmitter’s minimum span is 0. pulp type selection.g. C = °C and F = °F RECIPE X Recipe selection. valmetSP does not measure ash. before installing the transmitter.XX% ¤) XXXX Pulp’s consistency percentage (see note above).XX%CS XX.2 MEASUREMENT transmitter’s memory.X H XX. When defining the upper and lower range limits you have to take into account the measurable minimum consistencies and recommended maximum consistencies specified for each sensor/pulp type (see Fig.XXMA ¤) XX. depending on the selected sensor/pulp type. N = Newtons (NOTE! The displayed shear force is the force already corrected for process temperature. In configuration you define and program the application’s invariable basic parameters. However. provided that the consistency will not in actual fact drop below the specified measurable minimum. This is done by making the required sensitivity and/or zero offset correction in the calibration curve. NOTE! When performing calibration. Calibrations are saved permanently in the XX. This can be changed directly from the NEW RECI menu. Default factory calibration: P1 = 1.X P XX. 0% Cs as the lower range-value regardless of warn- 2.00 and P2 = 0. If you want to use remote selection through binary inputs (see Electrical Connections). ¤) Only for valmetSP MA 2. the recipe to be calibrated must be active (currently selected).3 CONFIGURATION ings. These can be selected with arrow keys: The output for uncalibrated measurement (pulp type ULIN) is shown in per cents of maximum span (30N). C = °C and F = °F Electronics temperature. i.X Force sensor’s temperature. In the same way. Shear force G = grammes.2 .) S XX. 4.X% The ash (filler) content defined in calibration. However. Default: the language of the country in question. Selections 1-15 define fixed 4mA current output.. If span is too wide (>30N). Warning if less than the measurable lower limit: refer to above text. GL etc. VER UP = vertical pipe... E. Accept the selection with ENTER. either letters or numbers. then select the next character. LANGUAGE The display’s language. 000 defines no password protection. ALRM TYP ¤) Alarm. (Currently selected character is indicated by an apostrophe at the upper left corner. Swedish. Default: the supplied sensor. #) HART® address: 0-15. upward flow.) Select a character with arrow keys.8%Cs). or English. i. which can be changed in the same way as TAG. which you cannot change. TMTR VERS Manufacturer’s version code. UNITS Shear force unit: either G = gram or N = Newton.999. ¤) Only for valmeSP MA #) For valmetSP HART-ADD is changed to: ADDRESS. Default: 0. Temperature unit: either C = °C or F = °F. HOR SIDE = side of horizontal pipe. PASSWORD 000. Either 3. approx. In that case you have to lower the upper limit and/or raise the lower limit. Default value is 126.g.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter LOWER RA ¤) Lower range-value in % Cs. DAMPING Damping the fluctuation of the output signal. Default: HOR TOP. Options: HOR TOP = upper side of horizontal pipe. HART-ADD ¤) .7 mA. TITANium and HASTElloy. 1 to 60 seconds. If the password is other than 000.3 . UPPER RA ¤) Upper range-value in % Cs. the prompt PASS = 0 will be displayed when you change other parameters.e. Define at least the minimum value required to damp harmful fluctuation. Default: 3. TMTRTYPE Transmitter’s type code. Up to 8 characters. SMART-PULP will not accept the upper limit. Available options: Finnish. French and German. and material: AISI. which is the bus address of the PA device. Span may also be too narrow (<0. 2 s damping is provided if you define 1 s. TAG Measurement point’s tag code. JL. Default: 5% Cs. in which case you have to raise the upper limit and/or decrease the lower limit. Default: C-G.7 mA or 22 mA output can be selected to indicate transmitter failure. Warning if higher than the recommended upper limit: refer to above text. Default: code of delivered transmitter. Default: 000. 2.0% Cs. normal installation with a single transmitter. LL-SS-SS. To answer the prompt. If you forget your password. You can move forward from this parameter after handling all the required characters. the protection can be canceled with a specific number combination. English. Default: 2. BLADE TY Blade type: LL. Only the mechanical. MOUNTING Mounting position. give the correct number combination with the arrow keys and then press ENTER. % Figure 2. In sample-based calibration valmetSP will itself calculate corrections P1 and P2 in accordance with laboratory results and samples.3b).valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 2.4a valmetSP Calibration 2. SP GRADE (Special grade correction for recipe No. NEW RECI (New Recipe) 3. The Calibration menu contains the following 4 submenus: 1. Binary inputs. The original curve’s P1 = 1 and P2 = 0. 1. or as two-point calibration where you also define the curve’s slope correction P1 (see Fig. The tuning is done either as single-point calibration to define the zero offset P2. operations are carried out through menus. LABORATO (Laboratory) 2. The calibration curves. 1) General description In the transmitter’s post-installation calibration you tune the selected calibration curve for the pulp to be measured on the basis of consistency samples.4 RECIPE 8 Pulp type Filler % Slope factor P1 Zero offset P2 Operator Terminal. You do not have to make any mechanical settings. HART® ACTIVE RECIPE . SAMPLING (Take Sample) 4.3 has been completed before you start calibration.4a shows the calibration principle. Calibration data is preserved in memory even if power is not switched on. Figure 2. experimentally defined in Metso Automation’s laboratory. You can take the desired calibration into use either directly from the transmitter or with remote selection through binary inputs or HART®. Calibration curves for most of the applicable pulp types are saved in valmetSP’s memory for each blade type. represent consistency (% Cs) as a function of the shear force (N) acting on the sensor. You can save precalibrations for 8 pulps or pulp mixes in the transmitter’s memory. LL GL LS RL JL WS UL Consist. Ensure that the configuration described in section 2. Calib curves/ Pulp types HL Shear force N Selection of sensor-specific set of calibration curves RECIPE 1 Pulp type Filler % Slope factor P1 Zero offset P2 Recipe definitions Sampling Consistency analyses and calibration Selection of active recipe Pulp type Filler % Slope factor P1 Zero offset P2 Calibrations etc. You can save 1-8 calibrations for different pulp types in the transmitter’s memory.4 CALIBRATION After installation you calibrate the transmitter for each pulp type. in measurement. START [enter] END SAM [enter] [enter] [enter] %CS n [enter] CHNG CAL [enter] [enter] SAVE OK? [enter] USE FRST USE SCND USE BOTH OFFSET n [enter] SAVE OK?*) 2. the consistency reading will increase by 0.GRADE [enter] [enter] [enter] SAVE OK? [enter] [esc] [esc] [esc] *) Or PASS= (Enter password if in use). you can make the required zero correction without other calibration measures. CS % 2. if you increase the value of P2 by 0. START [enter] END SAM [enter] 1. CS % 1.1. For example.CS % 2. i. F G SP.CS % [enter] 1.valmetSP NEW RECI [enter] CALIBRAT Recipe number 1-8 [enter] RECIPE n Pulp type [enter] PULPTYPE Filler content % [enter] ASH Calibration parameter 1 Calibration parameter 2 Accept changes T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter [enter] P1 [enter] P2 [enter] SAVE OK *) [enter] SAMPLING LABORATO [enter] RECIPE n ASH % 1. F G 2. when you do the calibration.4b valmetSP Calibration menu 2.e. NOTE! Since valmetSP only measures the fiber consistency. including the P1 and P2 values calculated by valmetSP after execution of the LABORATO menu. In other words. It is recommendable to write down the CONFIGUR and CALIBRAT/NEW RECI values of configured transmitters.5 .4. Figure 2. Sd % 1. Sd % 2. The recipe number must be the same in the MEASURE and CALIBRAT menus.1% Cs. variations in filler content after calibration will cause a corresponding error in total consistency measurement where filler is involved. [enter] Return to previous option or menu level Accept (OK) Moving in menu or changing a parameter value. when a faulty transmitter is replaced the new transmitter can then be made identical with the old one by entering the same values in the Configuration menu and the Calibration menu’s NEW RECI submenu. For example.1 The NEW RECIpe menu NOTE! The pulp type to be calibrated must be active. 2. the SAVE OK? prompt will be replaced by the PASS= prompt. The codes of the available pulp types are given below in the Pulp Types table. (Two-point calibration is recommended. RMPL Refiner mechanical pulp. screened. Single-point calibration is in most cases sufficient in consistency control applications. HWB Bleached short-fibered chemical pulp. PULPTYPE Select the pulp type. unscreened (OCC). contains debris. The samples should preferably be taken at so-called setpoint consistency. NOTE! Mechanical pulps are softwood pulps. packing board (OCC). SWB Bleached long-fibered chemical pulp. freeness more than 200ml CSF. valmetSP helps you in sample taking by calculating the average consistency value and standard deviation for the sampling period. ULIN Unlinearized 0-30 N shear force range without temperature correction.) ASH % Gain. bagasse and other agro fibers. The value of P2 changes in accordance with the zero offset.g. CTMP Chemithermo-mechanical pulp.g. Corresponding output display 0-100% instead of consistency. including pressure groundwood. ensure that the correct blade type has been configured and that the transmitter is equipped with that blade type. ROCCU Recycled fiber. birch pulp or eucalyptus. screened. You can select suitable pulp types for each sensor type (BLADE TY) with the arrow keys.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter RECIPE n Enter the recipe number. SAVE OK? or PASS= After pressing ENTER to accept the SAVE OK? prompt you return to the NEW RECI level in the menu. unscreened. The calculation formula: P2 = LAB – sample average P1 = unchanged 2. In normal calibration use the default P1 = 1. The sample(s) can be handled as follows: Two calibration alternatives: 1. Answer the prompt by toggling for the correct password with the arrow keys. The slope of the curve does not change. e. Pulp types: The following list describes all pulp types offered by the menu.6 . HWU Unbleached short-fibered chemical pulp. In normal calibration use the default P2 = 0. valmetSP is able to calculate and remember two samples. TMPL Thermomechanical pulp. pine and other softwood pulps.4. Possible numbers: 1 to 8. e. P1 Curve slope correction factor. which converts the blade’s shear force to consistency signal. If you cannot get the desired pulp type. if the proportions of different components are equal. P2 Offset term (zero correction). then press ENTER. 2. ROCCS Recycled fiber. Single-point calibration In this calibration the selected curve. freeness more than 200ml CSF. Selected blade type will exclude some of the pulp type options. If password protection is in use.2 The SAMPLING menu NOTE! When calibrating Recipe 1 the SP GRADE calibration table must be erased. In single-point calibration you can also take two samples and use the one taken while the process was steadier. RCFU Recycled fiber. RMPH Refiner mechanical pulp. In normal calibration use the default P1 = 1. GW Groundwood. SWU Unbleached long-fibered chemical pulp. is moved in the direction of consistency so as to effect a zero offset at the calibration point to eliminate the difference between measured consistency and sample consistency. packing board. freeness less than 200ml CSF. RCFS Recycled fiber. freeness less than 200ml CSF. while the value of P1 (slope factor) stays unchanged. TMPH Thermomechanical pulp. This is the default value. A pulp mix is defined on the basis of the dominant pulp component. you are free to specify the pulp mix on the basis of any one of them. USE FRST Accept single-point calibration with first sample. You do not change this unless a more specific value is obtained from laboratory.25).XX% and 2.00%Cs. 2. IMPORTANT: In two-point calibration the difference between the consistency points must be at least 25%. 1.When you use a NOVE sampler equipped with a switch via which a 24V voltage is applied to binary input 4 when NOVE is closed. in the sampling position.FXXXXG are the same as above. The curve is adjusted to pass through two consistency points.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 2. the symbol is C. or press arrow key to go to the next option. F XXXXG Shear force corresponding to the displayed consis USE BOTH Accept two-point calibration with both samples. valmetSP will issue a warning against calibrating at less than 25% consistency difference by blinking the USE BOTH text (0.XX%. The NO SAMP message indicates that no sample(s) 2. valmetSP calculates new values for P1 and P2. 1.8 < Cs2/Cs1 < 1. Press an arrow key to proceed. is moved in the direction of consistency so as to effect a zero offset and to change the slope of the curve. activate the LABORATO submenu from the Calibration menu: RECIPE n Select the number of the recipe you want to calibrate. However. SAVE OK? Press ENTER to accept the new calibration for the selected recipe. or press arrow key to go to the previous options. If password is in use. tency. The average consistency reading for the sampling period is saved in memory. the display blinks as a warning of possible error. Taking a second sample is not compulsory in singlepoint calibration. CS X.CSX. calculated from the lower point. . When NOVE is open. Blinking Sd display indicates that standard deviation for the sampling period was more than 5% of the sample average. ASH X.3 The LABORATO menu When laboratory results are available.XX% See above. check from the MEASURE menu that the recipe to be calibrated is active. Press an arrow key to proceed. the displayed symbol is O and the consistency display shows 0. 2.SdX. The calculation formula: P1 = (2 Cs LAB – 1 Cs LAB) / (2 Cs SAMPLE – 1 Cs SAMPLE) P2 = 1 Cs LAB – (P1 x 1 Cs SAMPLE) 2 START Start taking a second sample. you can still accept the calibration. If required. repeat the procedure for one or both samples. Sd X. CHNG CAL Select the calibration method. This is to prevent possible sampling and consistency analysis errors from having a noticeable effect on the slope of the curve. Two-point calibration In this calibration the selected curve.3. 1 CS X. Considerable differences may also occur between different recycled fiber pulps relative to the basic slope of the calibration curve. It is then advisable to wait for the process to become steady and take a new sample. or press arrow key to go to the next or previous option.XX% The filler percentage defined in the NEW RECI menu. Before starting. 2 CS X. Entering the filler content is optional if the transmitter is recalibrated each time the filler content changes. USE SCND Accept single-point calibration with second sample. If the difference between the two samples is less than 25% of the consistency level. The same as 1 START. 1. END SAM The display blinks until you press ENTER again to tell valmetSP that sample taking has been completed. 1 START Press ENTER to start sample taking.XX% Average consistency for the sampling period. you have to enter and confirm the password.7 .XX% Standard deviation. Two-point calibration is recommended when you want accurate measurement over a wide measuring range and/or when you are calibrating a pulp mix or pulp type that does not have a predefined calibration curve in the menu.e. which converts the blade’s shear force to consistency signal. i. Finally press ESC to return to the main menu.XX% The average of valmetSP’s consistency reading at sampling time. Press an arrow key to proceed. or pulp that has a large unknown filler content. Change this in accordance with the total consistency indicated by the laboratory results. 2. 05 3 [ B [ -1.6 Figure 2.9 8 A 7 3 6. the SPecial GRADE menu offers you the chance to correct the curve of recipe No. or P2>1.2 1 [ 2 -1.0.85 2 4.4 shows a calibration example.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter has been taken.9 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 F/N An example of calibration for special pulp type: Selected basic curve A: Sensor RL.0 or <-1.3 -2.8 .3. Pulp RCFS Calibration curve corrected through 4 points: B Table: Calibration points and correction need based on lab samples. erase the SP GRADE calibration table first.85 4 7.9 -2. 9 %Cs 4 7. Figure 2. Point No.1 -1.5. higher shear force would represent lower consistency). The W CAL OUT message warns of a suspiciously large change in the basic calibration curve. For consistencies above the table’s maximum consistency level you apply that maximum’s offset.9 2 4. 2.3 -1. P1<0. The REPEAT CA message asks you to repeat the sample taking.4.6 [ -0. The order in which you proceed is free.1 or >10. Consistency reading/%Cs Consistency offset/%Cs 1 3. because the change in the basic calibration curve would otherwise be unnatural (for example. For consistencies between the table values you apply linear interpolation of the offsets of the next lower and next higher consistencies.05 -0. but you can still accept the calibration.4 2.2 3 6. If the available pulp type curves in some special cases are unsatisfactory even after two-point calibration.4 The SP GRADE menu NOTE! When performing single-point or two-point calibration for Recipe 1. Through the table you enter the known consistency offsets relative to the calibrated curve at the desired consistency levels. or P2>10 or <-10.4. For consistencies below the table’s minimum nonzero consistency level you apply that minimum’s offset. 16-point offset table. P1<0.1 6 5 4 3. 1 through a max.5 or >1. never poured. 6. Such smaller portions should be scooped with a ladle. from a representative depth in the pipe and over a representative time period. 3. Experience has shown that there is no need to recalibrate the transmitter on the basis of a single batch of samples if the difference between the average of the samples and the transmitter’s indication is less than +5% of the reading. Examining the results and recalibrating the transmitter The need for recalibrating the transmitter can be determined if valmetSP accepted the samples and standard deviation between separate analyses was not too great. 2. but the sample should not splash from the receptacle. Always stir the sample with special care when separating a smaller portion from a large sample. You should first allow the sample to flow for a few seconds. and by processing all samples separately and completely. Sample processing In the laboratory it is important to ensure the weighing scales’ accuracy and proper timing during and after drying. Too small flow may dilute the sample. 5. velocity of flow. It is recommendable that the sampler be flushed after each use to avoid clogging and dry lumps. In actual practice this error can be about halved. 1.5 Sample taking and processing It is important that the sample be representative. 7. Representative point in pipe You should observe the sampler’s (e. The sample flow should be as high as possible. Keeping the several samples separate from the very beginning will allow you to determine the time-related representativeness and efficiency of sampling from the standard deviation between the samples. you should try to obtain a representative average to the sample receptacle. so as to eliminate the effects of the water layer near the pipe wall and of its variation with flow velocity. At 3. Representative sample to laboratory Sedimentation will occur if the sample is allowed to remain at standstill even for a short time. and that the sample is transferred in representative condition to the sample receptacle and to laboratory regardless of the sampling time. 4. This means that the sample should be taken from a representative point in the line. A large sample volume or several consecutive smaller portions will help you to obtain such representative average. 2. The TAPPI 240 om-88 Standard ensures +10% repeatability in determination of consistency. the margin of error in the result is rarely better than +5% of the reading. Representative sample to receptacle Critical factors in sample taking include the opening and closing of the sampler. and possible splashing of the sample. Even then the error may be significant when evaluating the efficiency of the measurement or the need for recalibrating the transmitter. and then “scoop” a suitable portion from the flow. Representative depth in pipe The sampler should reach past the pipe wall towards the center of the pipe. NOVE) installation instructions when choosing the mounting location for the sampler. This will prevent the distorting effect of stirring and of taking a partial sample.15% Cs for 3% Cs pulp. Even if the entire sequence from process pipe to laboratory result is carried out in the best possible manner. Representative time period Since there may be considerable momentary consistency variations in the pipe. The transmitter’s output will then approach the laboratory result by half the difference. In recalibration we recommend halving the difference. and a random sample/laboratory error will not have a too large effect.0% consistency level this means +0. The best result will be obtained by taking several samples directly from the pipe to separate receptacles.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 2. You will get more information from several small samples than from a single large one. In particular. you should avoid installing the sampler on the inside curve of a pipe bend.g.9 . Accumulations of pulp on the sensor surface. 3. Considering the total load. The most common causes for this error: . Is the terminal voltage above 11V? Does HART® operate at any current? Disconnect the transmitter’s supply.1 .Remove the transmitter from the process and mount it 3. Measure the output current and see how it corresponds to the output current command. . the transmitter operates in the normal manner ¤).valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 3 MAINTENANCE AND DIAGNOSTICS 3.1 Troubleshooting The transmitter monitors its own operation continuously.Is the current measuring resistor’s rating at least 250Ù. Then use the service stand and weights to see whether valmetSP measures the weights correctly with the TRIM F function. and turbulent flow occurs at the measuring point. Except for the HART® interface. When the text NO MESS is displayed. . Rectifying this fault usually requires factory servicing. . A substantial deviation between valmetSP’s consistency reading and laboratory results.Does the HART® ¤) interface function in the normal manner? Open the electronics housing. on the taper pin and in the inlet cone. Remove the transmitter from the process. Are all 6 wires to the connection box attached to their inlet filters.A change in fiber properties. The transmitter displays the ERASE? valmetSP does not find all faults by itself. In this section we discuss faults not detected by the transmitter. Load the blade with different weights and use the TRIM F function to determine the change in output relative to the applied load.valmetSP has not been installed as instructed.A change in pulp type or mix proportion.Deflect the blade alternately in the plus and minus directions and see whether the output reading returns to the same value at the same load.Flow velocity is below/above the specified limit.2 Error messages Select MESSAGES in the DIAGNOST menu. on the service stand. After initial start-up calibration you should monitor the transmitter’s operation regularly with samples and readjust the Zero when required. . Press [ENTER]. The user’s actions are required in such cases. and describe the measures that should be carried out before contacting the supplier. valmetSP measures in the normal manner and responds to consistency. . . Proceed in the same way to read and remove the rest of the messages. valmetSP operates in the normal manner.There is a double pipe bend upstream from the transmitter. Toggle through the messages with the arrow keys. Any detected faults are shown in error messages that can be read from the transmitter’s own display or from serial I/O (HART® ¤)). ¤) Only for valmetSP MA 3.Open the electronics housing cover and ensure that all wires are firmly attached to the terminal pins. The necessary actions are defined in connection with the error messages. All actions should be recorded in a transmitter-specific log. . However. .Go to the DIAGNOSTics menu and use the MA LOCK ¤) function to apply constant current. 4. press [ESC] to return to the highest level in the diagnostics menu. and the installation does not include a flow straightener FlowTR element to eliminate the resultant strong whirling flow. Press [ENTER] if you want to remove the selected message. . Did HART® become operational? prompt. .The pulp contains fillers whose amount varies. . is the supply voltage sufficiently high? Also measure the voltage and current from the transmitter’s terminal blocks. 2. then reconnect it.Measure the output current and compare the reading to the transmitter’s indication.The pulp type is not suitable for the installed blade type. Faults and actions: 1. . valmetSP does not respond to consistency. . but does not obey the operator keys or the display does not respond. . Does not prevent you from making the selection.3 Checking the operation of force mesurement and current output Since valmetSP displays and communicates the shear force and mA output in digital format. The transmitter gives out two current values. ¤) HART address other than 0. mA output (4mA). FORCE ER Shear force channel faulty.valmetSP . These two points allow the checking and. the transmitter is provided with the TRIM F and TRIM MA ¤) functions for trimming these displays. HIGH CS Consistency (%) defined in configuration is too high.5g per 6 months in shear force. then take a new sample. REPEA CA Asks you to repeat sampling. The TRIM MA ¤) function requires that you connect an accurate ammeter to the transmitter’s output. 3. In two-point calibration the blade’s weight is measured without additional weights and with a measured additional weight (1 to 3 kg). LOW CS Consistency (%) defined in configuration is too low. Stability in force measurement is better than 0. when necessary. correct the readings on the transmitter. This command can be used to check the cabling and current measuring circuits.Warnings and error messages during operation: W. SEN ER Sensor (transducer) temperature channel faulty. The transmitter eliminates the blade’s own weight from the displayed reading. you have to calibrate the transmitter’s force measurement regularly (e. T. because change in basic calibration curve would be unnatural. For example. but if you want to utilize the force information separately you must also calibrate the transmitter’s shear force measurement. ¤) Only for valmetSP MA #) Only for valmetSP PA 3. The need for calibration depends on the individual transmitter.EE ER Memory fault on calibration data. MA LOCK ¤) Locking and forcing the output signal. Blinking Sd display indicates that standard deviation was over 5% of sample average. T. Conversion restarted. PRO ER Process temperature channel faulty.g.5mA. once a year). ADC. HART ERR Higher-level HART® communication error ¤). or P2>10 or <-10. and displays 0 g. MULTIDRO T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter Transmitter is in multidrop mode.25% max.1 or >10. HOU ER Electronics housing temperature channel faulty. When desired. when necessary. higher shear force would represent lower consistency.Less serious faults/errors: These faults will not cause error current: AD ERROR AD converter error. but the calibration can be accepted. If you want a standby transmitter that replaces a faulty one to operate identically with the replaced transmitter without sampling. Normal regular consistency calibration will rectify the effect of the force transducer’s zero drift on consistency measurement. P1<0. Wait for the process to get settled.7mA or 22. corresponding to 7. . as required by modern quality systems. and the base curve is used instead. Blinking recipe text indicates the same. while you measure the actual current precisely and.2 . Using a traceably calibrated ammeter and weights for calibration will provide a traceably calibrated shear force measurement. Does not prevent you from making the selection. you can also calibrate the zero point alone. This command locks the output signal to its present value and displays the mA value. recalibration of the force measurement.Serious faults/errors: The following faults are so serious that the transmitter’s normal operation is terminated and error current (3. per 6 months. COMM. CAL HI This warns about a suspiciously large change in basic calibration curve. In that case you only have to measure the sensor blade’s own weight. depending on the ALARM TYPE selection) gives an error alarm. The TRIM F function requires that you mount the transmitter with the sensor blade pointing directly downwards. NO SAMPLE No sample has been taken. You can then change the mA value with the arrow keys as desired. NO CAL The current recipe has not been calibrated. WRONG PW Wrong password. Blinking USE BOTH indicates that the difference between sample consistencies is less than the recommended 25%. T.ERR Serial communication error between operating unit and transmitter #) . Error message Description CPU.EE ER Memory fault on configuration data. In both cases valmetSP finally asks SAVE OK?. The transmitter will then give out a constant current. Use 20 Nm torque to tighten the nut.valmetSP MESSAGES [enter] DIAGNOST T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter MA-LOCK¤) [enter] [enter] show mess [enter] [esc] ERASE? [enter] (NO MESS) [esc] [esc] Return to previous option or menu level.1 valmetSP The DIAGNOST menu Calibration of shear force measurement TRIM-MA ¤) Calibration of current output Select the TRIM F function in the DIAGNOST menu. . then press [ENTER] to accept the reading. TRIM-F [enter] 1. when necessary. the prompt PASS= will replace SAVE OK? Use the arrow keys to enter the correct password and then press [ENTER]. Press [ENTER] if you want to save the results. Ensure that none of the locking medium is allowed to run to the sensor’s taper assembly. Then select 1. valmetSP now knows the actual current corresponding to its output at two different points. WEIGHT [enter] [enter] [enter] [enter] 2. attach a 1-3 kg weight to the sensor blade after accepting the unweighted 1.Finally secure the sensor’s retaining nut with Loctite 270. select and confirm the CHNG CAL command and then the USE FRST subcommand. the same as the applied weight). If you also want to check and. The alignment accuracy must be better than +1°. If you are only recalibrating the zero and do not want to check sensitivity.e.The sensor blade’s retaining nut is secured with Loctite. [enter] Accept (OK). WEIGHT command.First unscrew the nut. and then detach the sensor from its taper joint with an extracting tool. WEIGHT command. Allow the reading to become stable. ¤) Only for valmetSP mA 3. Then use the arrow keys to adjust the displayed value to zero and press [ENTER] to accept the value. WEIGHT [enter] [enter] [enter] [enter] CHNG CAL [enter] TRIM-F [enter] show inpt [esc] SAVE OK? *) [enter] USE FRST USE BOTH [enter] SAVE OK? *) [enter] *) Or PASS= (Enter password if in use). Use the arrow keys to correct the displayed reading in accordance with the actual measured current. Select the TRIM MA function in the DIAGNOST menu. . WEIGHT from the submenu. recalibrate the sensitivity. . Replacing the sensor blade Procedure: . Check the alignment with a ruler placed against the bottom of the sensor’s alignment slot. If password is in use (not 000). Accept this value and then accept SAVE OK and USE BOTH. Then select and confirm the 2. make sure that it is exactly parallel to the direction of flow. and then use the arrow keys to adjust for the correct reading (i.4 NOTE! The reading should be stabilized before you press the arrow keys. A special tool is available for aligning the sensor. The nut can be unscrewed without heating. Allow the reading to become stable. Moving in menu or changing  a parameter value. Repeat the procedure for the second point. The displayed value is close to 0 g. DIG INPT TRIM-MA¤) ¤) Only for valmetSP mA Figure 3. The weight measured by the transmitter is now displayed.3 . 3.When re-installing the sensor. because no weight is attached to the sensor blade and the blade’s own weight has been eliminated. RL. but flow velocity may then affect the measurement or there may be some other disturbances.1a valmetSP transmitter’s blade types and process couplings 1) Std coupling. The effect of flow velocity variations on the accuracy of the measurement result will be negligible on the recommended measurement ranges when the transmitter is installed according to the specified instructions. 3) 2) 4) 5) LL UL JL LS GL RL Figure 4.1 HL WS .g. 4. 1) Figure 4 valmetSP’s typical consistency control application The Consistency Advisor PC program supplied by Metso Automation Oy can also be used to select the best blade. When choosing a blade for a particular application we specify a “window” whose width represents the process’s flow velocity range (e. 1.1b show the flow velocity and consistency ranges best suited for the different blade options and pulp types. The program also calculates and prints the required minimum lengths of straight pipe sections.1 Applications of different blade types valmetSP Dilution water valve valmetSP is supplied with different optional blade types (Fig. The transmitter is installed directly in the stock line (see Fig.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 4 APPLICATIONS Controller (or system) The valmetSP transmitter is used for pulp consistency measurement in the pulp and paper industry. 2. 4).8% Cs). process coupling. UL and LS sensors 4. The specified “window” should fit inside the white area of each diagram. GL. process gasket and deflector plate (deflector is not used with UL and JL sensors). a sensor to suit the process application.2 to 3 m/s). The transmitter will operate outside the area. 2) Coupling for plastic pipe.1a). and whose height represents the consistency range (e. Dilution water PULP TANK 4. Figures 4. 3) HL blow-line coupling 4) WS coupling 5) For LL.g.5 to 2. valmetSP Operating Unit NOVE sampler valmetSP is normally supplied with an operating unit (valmetSP MA operation is also possible without one). on next page) 4.SWB.2 V 5 m/s . HWB and ROCCS 2 1 2 3 V 0 4 m/s 0 For pulp code GW % 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 4 Cs 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 1 2 1 3 4 Cs V 5 m/s (1)+(2) For pulp codes SWU and SWB (2) For pulp codes HWU and HWB 3 4 m/s 9DOPHW638/ % 8 2 2 For pulp code RCFS % 8 Cs 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 For pulp codes RMP and TMP when CSF > 200 ML and CTMP V 5 m/s 0 0 1 2 3 4 For pulp codes RMP and TMP when CSF > 200 ML and CTMP YDOPHW63//YDOPHW63/6 Figures 4.1b Flow velocities/consistency ranges/pulp types for different blade options (cont. RMP.TMP (no CSF limit). % 3 % 6 6 5 5 4 4 1 2 Cs 3 3 Cs 1 Cs 2 2 1 V 0 0 1 2 m/s 1 V 0 0 (1)+(2) For pulp codes SWU. and CTMP (1) For pulp codes HWU.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter Pulp types corresponding to the codes are specified in the appended table. 3 V 5 m/s .HWB. 0 0 1 2 3 4 V 5 m/s (1)+(2) For pulp codes HWU. on next page) 4.GW and RMP and TMP when CSF < 200 ml. Cs % 8 % 8 % 8 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 Cs 4 4 3 5 Cs 4 4 1 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 0 0 1 2 3 4 V 5 m/s 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 V 5 m/s 0 1 2 3 4 V 5 m/s (1)+(2)+(3) For pulp code ROCCS (1)+(3)+(4) For pulp code RCFS (1)+(2) For pulp code CTMP For pulp codes HWU.1b Flow velocities/consistency ranges/pulp types for different blade options (cont. (1)+(2)+(3) For pulp codes ROCCS and RCFS 0 0 1 2 3 4 For pulp codes ROCCU and RCFU 9DOPHW63:6 9DOPHW63*/ Figures 4. For pulp codes SWU and SWB 0 9DOPHW635/ % 8 % 8 7 % 8 3 7 2 6 5 Cs 4 6 6 5 5 Cs 1 4 1 7 2 4 Cs 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 0 0 1 2 3 4 V 5 m/s (1)+(2) For pulp codes SWU and SWB (1) For pulp code RMP and TMP when CSF > 200 ml.HWB and GW (1) For pulp code RMP and TMP when CSF > 200 ml.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter Pulp types corresponding to the codes are specified in the appended table. 7-6.5 3-6 (1. 1:2 9DOPHW63+/ Figures 4.5-5. TMP.7-3 0.5-6) (1.5 1. TMPH CTMP ROCCU RCFU ROCCS RCFS SW unbleached SW bleached HW unbleached HW bleached Groundwood RMP.8-6 1.8-7.7-3 1.1b Recipe code for pulp type Pulp type SWU SWB HWU HWB GW RMPL. OCC.5-6 1-3 (1. CSF > 200 ml (SR < 52) 3) CTMP Recycled fiber.7-8 1.7-8 4-16 4-16 5-16 5-16 5-16 5-16 4-16 4-16 2-8 2-8 4-16 5-16 3) Wood raw material: Spruce Notice when choosing the sensor type: Applications whose consistencies are enclosed in parentheses are not optimum solutions for the specified pulp as regards the sensor type.7-3 1.1b Flow velocities/consistency ranges/pulp types for different blade options Pulp type codes used in Figures.7-6.5 1.7-6.5 (1.7-3 1.5-6. SWB.8-5) 1-3 (1.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter % 16 % 8 3 14 7 6 12 5 1 10 Cs 4 1 3 8 2 Cs 2 6 1 2 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 V 5 m/s (1)+(2) For pulp codes SWU and SWB (1) For pulp codes HWU and HWB 2 0 0 2 4 6 9DOPHW63-/ V 8 m/s (1): For pulp codes HWU.5-5.5-7 1. RCFS.5 3-6 0. ROCCS. RMPL.8-7. (3): Also suitable for this range when flow velocity variations are max.5-6 1. CTMP.5 1.7-3 1.4 JL 1.5 1. they are applicable for other pulp types.5-6 1.5-6) 1.5 1. GW.8-8 1. unscreened Recycled fiber. TMP. RMPH and TMPH. TMPL RMPH. 4. unscreened Recycled fiber.8-6 . OCC. screened Recycled fiber.7-7) (1.5 1.5-6 0.8-5) 1-4 0.7-6. HWB.5 1-3 1-5 1.7-7) (1. 4. TMPL and RCFS (1)+(2): For pulp codes SWU. screened Application ranges of blade types (% Cs) UL LL LS GL RL WS HL 0.8-7.5-6) (1. CSF < 200 ml (SR > 52) 3) RMP.5-5.5 1. Marked with HC Used in applications that contain both chlorine dioxide and peroxide. and the effects of temperature variations are compensated for arithmetically in the electronics. AISI316. marked with Ti Used in applications that contain chlorine or chlorine dioxide. 4. c.valmetSP 4. force transducer and electronics temperatures are measured. Hastelloy C276.2 T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter Materials for wetted parts Metal parts in contact with process medium: a. Gaskets in contact with process medium: Materials: PTFE and special rubber. not marked on parts Used in most applications. Oil damping prevents pipework vibration from affecting the measurement.5 . or “mechanical fuse”. b. at which the pin will flex in case the sensor blade is overloaded. This will prevent damage to the transmitter’s interior. Titanium. 4. The pulp. Deflectors and/or FlowTR minimices the risc of blade failure.3 Constructional features Blade taper pin has a narrowing. Titanium. HL and WS always polished) Wetted part’s materials *) SS AISI316 L (LL/LLP/LS/LSP/UL/ULP/GL/RL/HL/JL) TI Titanium (LL/GL/HL/JL) HC Hastelloy C270 (LL/LLP/LS/HL) Process coupling and its material *) NO No process coupling SS Std. Hastelloy C276 SB Blow line installation for HL blade.valmetSP Consistency Transmitter 5 AVAILABLE valmetSP TYPES Product code T00155 T00156 T00157 T00158 T00159 T00160 T00161 T00162 T00163 T00164 T00165 T00166 T00167 T00168 T00169 T00170 T00171 T00172 T00173 T00174 T00175 T00176 T00177 T00178 T00179 T00180 T00181 T00182 T00183 T00184 T00185 T00186 T00187 T00188 T00189 T00190 T00191 T00192 T00193 T00194 T00195 T00196 valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP valmetSP Type specification selection chart valmetSP MA LL SS SS MA LLP SS SS MA LS SS SS MA LSP SS SS MA UL SS SS MA ULP SS SS MA GL SS SS MA RL SS SS MA HL SS SS MA NO SS SS MA WS SS SW MA HL SS SB MA JL SS TJ MA LL HC HC MA LLP HC HC MA LS HC HC MA HL HC HC MA LL TI TI MA GL TI TI MA HL TI TI MA JL TI TJ PA LL SS SS PA LLP SS SS PA LS SS SS PA LSP SS SS PA UL SS SS PA ULP SS SS PA GL SS SS PA RL SS SS PA HL SS SS PA NO SS SS PA WS SS SW PA HL SS SB PA JL SS TJ PA LL HC HC PA LLP HC HC PA LS HC HC PA HL HC HC PA LL TI TI PA GL TI TI PA HL TI TI PA JL TI TJ Signal MA / PA / Blade type LL/LLP/LS/LSP/JL/UL/ULP/GL/RL/HL/WS/NO Rem. AISI316 L TJ For JL blade. Titanium HC Std. third letter P = polished option (GL.: From DN 100 mm to DN 800 mm For SW: From DN 100 mm to DN 400 mm TI. *) HC and TI are marked on wetted parts 5. Process pipe diameter For SS Std. for fibreglass-reinforced plastic pipe.. RL. HC Std and SB you must trim smooth on site. AISI316 L SW For WS blade.1 T00111EN 2003-06-10 . AISI316 L TI Std. T00111EN 2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter 6 DELIVERY CONTENT Transmitter with sensor blade Operating unit with 10 m transmitter cable Process coupling Mounting clamp assy. Gasket PTFE Deflector or protector plate Standard factory calibrations for different blade types: Blade type Pulp type Calibration range % Cs LL UL JL LS GL RL HL WS SWB HWB SWU RMPH GW ROCCS SWB RCFU 1.0 - 6.0 0.0 - 4.0 1.0 - 6.0 1.0 - 6.0 1.0 - 7.0 1.0 - 7.0 5.0 - 16 1.0 - 8.0 6.1 T00111EN 2003-06-10 valmetSP Consistency Transmitter 7 SPARE PARTS LIST When ordering spares, please quote this document’s number (T00111) and date (2003-06-10), the transmitter’s Type (valmetSP xx xx xx xx xx (see page 5.1), serial number, and the number and name of the required part and for process couplings also the process pipe diameter. Example: T00111, 2003-05-07, valmetSP MA RL SS SS 250 mm No. 0340xxxxx, 116 RL blade (serial number is made up as follows: 03 = year, 40 = week, xxxxx = ordinal number) PART N:o CODE 4 4 4 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 22 23 27 27 27 74 74 76 76 76 81 82 90 91 91 91 93 93 93 103 105 105 105 106 106 106 A4730050 A4730151 A4730152 T00108 T00136 T00137 T00138 T00139 T00140 T00142 T00143 T00144 T00145 T00146 T00147 T00148 T00149 T00151 T00152 T00153 T00106 H3730131 A4730024 A4770024 T00218 T550098 T856240 T546556 T550462 T550395 72900011 72900015 80500860 T1031001 T1031021 T1031026 T550062 T550473 T550605 80001815 T1031215 T1031307 T1031295 T1031008 T1031025 T1031027 DESCRIPTION MATERIAL / INFO Cable assembly 10 m Cable assembly 20 m Cable assembly 30 m O-Ring 83.0X3.0 SHA 70 Transmitter assembly MA SS Transmitter assembly MA SS Transmitter assembly MA SS Transmitter assembly MA HC Transmitter assembly MA HC Transmitter assembly MA TI Transmitter assembly MA TI Transmitter assembly MA TI Transmitter assembly PA /FF SS Transmitter assembly PA/FF SS Transmitter assembly PA /FFSS Transmitter assembly PA /FFHC Transmitter assembly PA/FF HC Transmitter assembly PA /FFTI Transmitter assembly PA /FFTI Transmitter assembly PA /FFTI Cover Mounting plate Operating unit valmetSP MA Operating unit valmetSP PA Operating unit valmetSP FF Bushing PK 13.5-1/2 NPT Bushing PK 13.5-R1/2 Special nut M6 Special nut M6 Special nut M6 Cable gland PG13.5 3-7MM Black Blanket plug PG13.5 Black Gasket Pressing ring LL/LS/UL/GL/RL/NO Pressing ring LL/LS/UL/GL/RL/NO Pressing ring LL/LS/UL/GL/RL/NO Deflector SS Deflector TI Deflector HC O-ring 18X1.5 SHA 70 Pressing ring JL/WS/HL SB Pressing ring JL/WS/HL SB Pressing ring JL/WS/HL SB Pressing ring HL Pressing ring HL Pressing ring HL 7.1 Nitrile, NBR LL/LLP/LS/LSP/UL/ULP/GL/RL/NO HL JL/WS/HL SB LL/LLP/LS HL LL/GL/NO HL JL LL/LLP/LS/LSP/UL/ULP/GL/RL/NO HL JL/WS/HL SB LL/LLP/LS HL LL/GL/NO HL JL DIN 1725 AlMgSiPb DIN 1725 AlMgSiPb DIN 1725 AlMgSiPb Hastelloy Titanium AISI 316 PA 6 PA 6 PTFE AISI 316L Hastelloy Titanium AISI 316L Titanium Hastelloy Nitrile, NBR AISI 316 Titanium Hastelloy AISI 316L Titanium Hastelloy valmetSP PART N:o T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter CODE DESCRIPTION MATERIAL / INFO 111 112 112 113 113 114 114 114 115 115 116 117 118 118 118 120 120 120 120 120 124 124 125 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 126 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 128 129 130 A4770032 T550039 V5500392 T550323 T550930 T541441 V544426 T546560 T552441 T551244 T552560 T551790 T548760 T548961 T550460 T541440 V544425 T546562 V546562P T550510 A4730136 A4770089 V82220000 V551076 V552278 V551249 T500870 V551250 V551251 V552279 V552274 V552275 V552276 V552277 T546544 T550458 T1031041 T1031042 T551787 T1031044 T1031045 T1031046 T1031047 T1031048 V552436 V551865 V523950 Compact disc PA support files Blade UL Blade ULP Blade JL Blade JL Blade LS Blade LSP Blade LS Blade GL Blade GL Blade RL Blade WS Blade HL Blade HL Blade HL Blade LL Blade LLP Blade LL Blade LLP Blade LL Font panel assembly valmetSP MA Font panel assembly valmetSP PA/FF Mounting clamp assembly Process coupling SS DN100 Process coupling SS DN125 Process coupling SS DN150 Process coupling SS DN200 Process coupling SS DN250 Process coupling SS DN300 Process coupling SS DN350-400 Process coupling SS DN500 Process coupling SS DN600 Process coupling SS DN700 Process coupling SS DN800 Process coupling HC Process coupling TI Process coupling SW DN100 Process coupling SW DN125 Process coupling SW DN150 Process coupling SW DN200 Process coupling SW DN250 Process coupling SW DN300 Process coupling SW DN350 Process coupling SW DN400 Process coupling SB Process coupling TJ Plug TOOLS: - V3152005 V 3152002 V549803 V541756 V3152010 235641 Blade removing tool Blade aligning tool Process coupling welding guide Tuning rack Tuning weight set HART® -modem 7.2 AISI 316L AISI 316L Polished AISI 316L Titanium AISI 316L AISI 316L Polished Hastelloy AISI 316L Polished Titanium Polished AISI 316L Polished AISI 316L Polished AISI 316L Polished Hastelloy Polished Titanium Polished AISI 316L AISI 316L Polished Hastelloy Hastelloy Polished Titanium AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L Hastelloy Titanium AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L AISI 316L Titanium AISI 316 3 .0 CS ENTER ESC 130 SAMPLE HART R 93 23 81 74 4 Figure 7 Exploded view for Spare Parts List 7.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 22 9 81 82 103 103 10 125 120 126 129 90 91 76 105 128 112 113 115 114 116 106 118 117 127 124 27 3. valmetSP Consistency Transmitter 8.0 PROFIBUS PA Device Database File (GSD). Measurement Status and Diagnostics Contents: 8.4 Introduction.3 8. Installation and Overview of GSD file GSD Database Parameters GSD Modules DDLM_Slave_Diag Diagnostics Services T00111EN 2003-06-10 .1 8.2 8. This document explains the GSD file supplied with the Metso Automation valmetSP PA device.1. and the class-2 master is often a laptop computer running configuration software such as Simatic PDM.1 Introduction.2 Installation of GSD file The GSD for valmetSP PA is called MET_063A. 1999”.exe program included on the installation CD-ROM. This type of communications is typically used for device configuration and diagnostics. 8.1. If you use Simatic Manager then the GSD file can be installed by running the DeviceInstall.GSD and can be found from the installation CD-ROM supplied with the device. Cyclical communications are the primary type of communications and are handled by a class-1 master. Each manufacturer of a PROFIBUS class-1 master makes available a configuration tool. The configuring tool reads the device specific GSD file and from it generates a parameter set for the class-1 master that will handle cyclical data exchange with the device. 8. Cyclical data exchange between a class-1 master and slave device to are configured with a device database file ( GSD ).valmetSP Consistency Transmitter T00111EN 2003-06-10 8.0. In addition this document also explains the meaning of the measurement status byte which is included in the cyclical data transfer with a class-1 master.3 Overview of GSD file Every PROFIBUS class-1 master and all field devices with slave functionality have to be described by the manufacturer with a GSD file. 8. 8. Acyclical communications are handled by a class-2 master. normally a DCS or PLC. For full information regarding GSD files see document “EN 50 170 Vol 2 Working with PROFIBUS DP Device Description Data Files GSD Version 1.1. The GSD is loaded into the class-1 master during commisioning of the device. so please refer to that systems documentation for further details.1 .1 How the GSD is used GSD files are used when configuring and commissioning a device on a PROFIBUS DP network. The exact procedure for installation of the GSD file will depend on the system you are using.1. Installation and Overview of GSD File valmetSP PA is a PROFIBUS PA compatible consistency transmitter which conforms to the PROFIBUS-PA Profile for Process Control Devices Version 3.3.1 August 23. Data exchange between a slave device such as valmetSP PA and a master can be either cyclical or acyclical. 5M_supp 1 Device supports 1.6 kBaud 19.00” Device hardware revision Software_Release “1.01” Device software revision Bitmap_Device “Spulp” Name of bitmap file ( *.dib ) used to display the device as a symbol during normal operation 9.5 Mbaud 3M_supp 1 Device supports 3 Mbaud 6M_supp 1 Device supports 6 Mbaud 12M_supp 1 Device supports 12 kBaud MaxTsdr_9.2 below.2_supp 1 Device supports 19.5_supp 1 Device supports 187.2 kBaud 31.75 kBaud 187.2 GSD database parameters Parameters defines in the ValmetSP PA GSD file are explained in the table below.75_supp 1 Device supports 93.5 kBaud 500_supp 1 Device supports 500 kBaud 1.25 kBaud 45.6 60 Maximum station delay time to respond to telegram at 9.45 kBaud 93. o o o o o o supported transmission rates length of input/output data to be exchanged meaning of diagnostic data field device type ( compact.2. Field Name Value Description GSD_Revision 1 Revision code of the GSD file Vendor_Name Metso Device manufacturer Automation Model_Name Smart-Pulp PA Manufacturers model name for the device Revision 1.3.valmetSP Consistency Transmitter T00111EN 2003-06-10 8. 8. modular ) text assignments for symbolic configuring supported services The parameters of the valmetSP PA GSD are more fully explained in section 3.45_supp 1 Device supports 45.6_supp 1 Device supports 9.6 kBaud ( bit time ) 8.2 Contents of the GSD The GSD is an ASCII text electronic data sheet containing the following types of information.0 Device revision Ident_Number 0x063A Device type ( assigned by PNO ) Protocol_Ident 0 Protocol identifier ( 0 = PROFIBUS DP ) Station_Type 0 PA Device type ( 0 = slave ) FMS_supp 0 Indicates whether device is a FMS/DP mixed device ( 0 = DP only ) Hardware_Release “1.1 .1.25_supp 1 Device supports 31. Slave_Family 12 Slave family I/0 Max_Diag_Data_Len 20 Maximum length of diagnostic information User_Prm_Data_Len 0 Maximum length of user parameter data Modular_Station 1 0 = compact station. Table 1.2 kBaud ( bit time ) MaxTsdr_31. allowing the adress to be set via PROFIBUS Fail_Safe 1 Indicates whether the DP Slave accepts a data telegram without data in place of a data telegram with data = 0 in the status CLEARS of the DP-Masters (class 1).25 100 Maximum station delay time to respond to telegram at 31.45 250 Maximum station delay time to respond to telegram at 45. Device database parameters specified for Smart-Pulp PA 8.45 kBaud ( bit time ) MaxTsdr_93.valmetSP MaxTsdr_19.75 1000 Maximum station delay time to respond to telegram at 93.25 kBaud ( bit time ) MaxTsdr_45.2. 1 = modular station Max_Module 1 Defines the maximum number of modules of a modular station Max_Input_Len 15 Maximum length of the input data of a modular station in bytes Max_Output_Len 10 Maximum length of the output data of a modular station in bytes Max_Data_Len 25 Largest total of the length of output and input data of a modular station in bytes.5M 150 Maximum station delay time to respond to telegram at 1.2 Consistency Transmitter 60 T00111EN 2003-06-10 Maximum station delay time to respond to telegram at 19.2 .5 60 Maximum station delay time to respond to telegram at 187.76 kBaud ( bit time ) MaxTsdr_187.5 MBaud ( bit time ) MaxTsdr_3M 250 Maximum station delay time to respond to telegram at 3 MBaud ( bit time ) MaxTsdr_6M 450 Maximum station delay time to respond to telegram at 6 MBaud ( bit time ) MaxTsdr_12M 800 Maximum station delay time to respond t o telegram at 12 MBaud ( bit time ) Min_Slave_Intervall 100 Minimum interval between cyclical data poll cycles ( 1 unit = 100 mS ) Set_Slave_Add_supp 1 The DP device supports the function Set_Slave_Add.5 kBaud ( bit time ) MaxTsdr_500 100 Maximum station delay time to respond to telegram at 500 kBaud ( bit time ) MaxTsdr_1. At a regular interval PLC/DCS sends a read command to the valmetSP PA device.3. The data type of value OUT is a Value & Status Floating point.3 Cyclical data Profile 3.3.valmetSP 8. List of elements of Value & Status Floating Point data structure 8. 8. 0x84. During DCS/PLC configuration of cyclical data exchange. Smart-Pulp PA responds with the current consistency measurement and measurement status.1 .2 GSD modules valmetSP PA has only one function block of type Analog Input. 0x05 Short format is provided for compatibility with older PROFIBUS DP PLCs. the configuration software reads the GSD file and asks the user to select which module should be used. o o Short identifier format: Extended identifier format: “AI Short ID” “AI Long ID” 0x94 0x42. 2. 1. and a one byte status value which indicates the quality of the floating point value.3 T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter GSD modules 8. This module configures the class-1 master to read back the AI function block cyclical value OUT. Element 1 2 Element name Value Status Type Size Float IEEE-754 4 Unsigned8 1 Table 2. Therefore only one module is required.1 Cyclical data exchange Cyclical communications between the PROFIBUS class-1 master ( PLC/DCS ) and valmetSP PA slave device works essentially as follows. Extended identifier format provides additional information about the data types. In the case of in valmetSP PA this value is the percent consistency value. This module is given in two formats as follows. This data structure consists of a four byte floating point value. This communication is configured using GSD modules as described in section 3.3. 8. data type 5 is “Unsigned8” according to the DPV1 specification). 0x08.0 AI function block devices support only one cyclical parameter called OUT. This format only configures the number of input/output data bytes.3. For example bytes 0x08 and 0x05 indicate that data consists of a float value followed by one byte unsigned integer value (data type 8 is “Floating Point”. maintenance required value is not limited value is low limited value is high limited value is constant Table 3. engineering unit violation (unit not in valid set) uncertain. Explanations of what the status value indicates are given in sections 3. go into failsafe position (command) good. configuration error uncertain. The status information below also applies to the temperature sensor values which are also of type Value & Status Floating point.1 Meaning of individual bits in the status byte All possible status byte values and their meanings are shown in the table below. Values actually used in Smart-Pulp PA are shown in bold text. device failure bad.2 Used in Pulp Yes No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No No No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes . initial value uncertain. The status byte is defined according to the table below. These values are only available through acyclical communications. no communication ( no usable value ) bad. sensor conversion not accurate uncertain. sensor calibration good good. where value x = don’t care ( can be 0 or 1 ). no communication ( last usable value ) bad. substituted value uncertain.valmetSP 8.3. sub-normal uncertain. update event ( change of parameters ) good.3. last usable value uncertain.4. Value Quality Additioanal Limit when bits bits bits bits zero 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0x00 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0x04 0 0 0 0 0 1 x 0x08 0 0 0 0 1 0 x 0x0C 0 0 0 0 1 1 x 0x10 0 0 0 0 0 0 x 0x14 0 0 0 0 0 1 x 0 x x x x x x 0x18 0 0 0 0 1 0 x x 0x1C 0x40 0x44 0x48 0x4C 0x50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 x x x x x x x x x x x x 0x54 0 1 0 1 0 1 x x 0x58 0x5C 0x60 0x64 0x80 0x84 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 x x x x x x x x x x x x 0xA0 1 0 1 1 0 0 x x 0xA4 1 x x x x 0 x x x x 1 x x x x 1 x x x x 0 x x x x 1 x x x x x 0 0 1 1 x 0 1 0 1 Meaning Smart- bad bad. simulated value uncertain.2 – 3.3.3. and bad. configuration error bad.3. sensor failure bad. not connected bad. Meaning of bits in Status byte 8.4 T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter Cyclical value status The status byte for OUT provides information about the quality of the process value. 8.4. Primary status values are good.4.4. out of service uncertain uncertain. uncertain. 3. Status will be uncertain.3.Housing temperature AD limit fault .3. 8.3 Uncertain If the consistency measurement status is uncertain this means one of the following.4. o o o The consistency value is more that 20% outside the minimum or maximum value specified for the blade type.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter 8.4. and a critical error occurs. last usable value.4 Bad If the consistency measurement status is bad this means the following.Sensor AD conversion timeout . o The internal diagnostics of valmetSP PA has detected one of the following critical errors . substituted value or uncertain. The consistency value is correct according to the device calibration.3 . process or housing ) is outside of the allowed range.4. One of the temperature values ( sensor. and within the range specified for the selected blade type. Status will be uncertain. conversion not accurate.Sensor temperature AD limit fault . then the OUT value is set to uncertain.CPU memory error .2 Good If the consistency measurement status is good this means the following.Serial communications failure between valmetSP and Operating unit (FBI card) 8.Force sensor AD limit fault .Process temperature AD limit fault . conversion not accurate. 8. o o No device error is detected by the internal diagnostics. If the fail safe value is set to either use default value or last usable value.3. This parameter is included in the DDLM_Slave_Diag service only if the PROFIBUS Ident Number is selected to be manufacturer specific (Hexadecimal 63A). q The DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION parameter from the Physical block consists of six bytes of manufacturer specific diagnostics information from the device.valmetSP 8. Diagnostics information is accessed through two parameters of the physical block as follows. In the case of the standard DIAGNOSIS bytes those actually used in valmetSP PA shown in bold text.4 T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter DDLM_Slave_Diag Diagnostics Services If the class-1 master supports the DDLM_Slave_Diag service then specific diagnostics are available from the device in the event of a failure. Indication class A R Explanation Bit reset automatically after 10 seconds Active as long as the reason for the message exists Table 4. Indication classes Byte Bit Description 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Hardware failure. mechanical Motor temperature too high Electronics temperature too high Memory error Failure in measurement Device not initialized Device self calibration failed Zero point error Power supply failure ( electrical. The meaning of the DIAGNOSIS bytes is given in table 5 below. q The DIAGNOSIS parameter consists of four bytes of standard diagnostics information from the device. The meaning of each bit of each byte is defined by the manufacturer and is specific to the device.4. 8..7 0. pneumatic ) Configuration not valid Warm boot carried out Cold boot carried out Maintenance required Characterisation invalid Set to 1 if the ident number of the running cyclic data transfer and the value of Physical Block IDENT_NUMBER_SELECTOR paramater are different Reserved for use with PNO Reserved for use with PNO More diagnosis information is available 2 3 4 4 0. electronic Hardware failure. The meaning of the indication class in tables 5 and 6 is as follows.. Diagnosis parameter bit-enumeration. The meaning of each bit of each byte is defined within the PROFIBUS PA Profile for Process Control Devices Version 3.0 specification.1 .6 7 Indication class Used in Smart-Pulp PA R R R R R R R R R R R A R R R Yes No No No Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No No No R No No No Yes Table 5. 2 .4. invalid value Reserved FBI to device communications timeout Write failed. wrong data type FBI and device parameters not same Unexpected device response Device to FBI checksum error Device to FBI packet response error Sensor temperature AD limit error Process temperature AD limit error Housing temperature AD limit error Sensor temperature value out of range Process temperature value out of range Housing temperature out of range Primary variable out of limits Reserved Device CPU memory error FBI to device checksum error AD conversion timeout error Warm start Configuration changed from local user interface Primary variable AD limit fault R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R Table 6.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter The meaning of the DIAGNOSIS_EXTENSION bytes is given in table 6 below. Diagnosis Extension parameter bit-enumeration. wrong mode Reserved Write failed. All of these are implemented in valmetSP PA. 8. Byte Bit Description Indication class 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Write failed. Metso Automation Oy Field Systems Lentokentänkatu 11.4.O. Box 237 FIN-33101 TAMPERE Finland Tel. +358 20 48 3170.metsoautomation. Fax +358 20 48 3171 8.3 . P.valmetSP T00111EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter MEETS THE COUNCIL OF THE EUROPEAN UNION DIRECTIVE 89/336/EEC FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY REQUIREMENTS. HL and WS always polished) The valmetSP consistency transmitter is used for pulp consistency measurement in the pulp and paper industry.7-6. The transmitter is supplied with an operating unit (mA + HART® version may also be supplied without one).com . Fax +358 20 48 3171.7-3 0.7-8 2-8 2-8 HL JL 4-16 4-16 5-16 5-16 5-16 5-16 4-16 4-16 1.01% consistency variation in screened recycled fiber pulp at 3% consistency when using the RL sensor.5-6) 1.7-8 1.Span Damping time constant: 1 to 60s Factory setting 2 s (type HL: 20 s) valmetSP MA: Output signal Two-wire transmitter (2W): 4-20 mA + HART® Power supply: 18 to 35 VDC Load capacity 18 V / 250 Ω Note! HART® requires min.metsoautomation. Titanium. Box 237. P.5 1.8-5) (1. AISI316 L TI Std. TMP.02 N per 1 bar Process temperature effect: 1% of reading per 10°C Vibration effect: 2 g per 10-2000 Hz: less than ±0.5 3-6 (1. Linearity of force measurement: ±0.01 N corresponds to 0.5% of span Hysteresis: 0.0% consistency when using the LL sensor.7-3 0.5-6 1.PA Slave IEC 61158-2 Power supply: 9 to 32 V DC 22 mA +/.8-6 4-16 5-16 Values in brackets are second choices HART ® is a registered trademark of HART Communication Foundation.5-6 (1.g.5-6) (1.5 (1.5-6) 1.5 1. 250 Ω load resistance valmetSP PA Output signal PROFIBUS .7-6.8-5) (1.5 1. 0-100% RH (no condensate) Process: 0 to 120°C Storage: -50 to 80°C Pulp type SW unbleached SW bleached HW unbleached HW bleached Groundwood RMP. 25 bar If process pressure > 10 bar. Span: Min.01 N Static pressure effect: 0.7% to 16% Cs.7-3 1-3 1-3 1-4 0. 30 N .8-6 1. +358 20 48 3170.005% consistency variation in bleached softwood chemical pulp (e.5) 1.7-3 1-3 1-5 LL LS GL 1.8-7.8-7.0..5 1. CSF > 200 ml (SR < 52) CTMP Recycled fiber.7-7) 1.7-3 0.5 1.5-5. 30 N .zero elevation Zero elevation: Max. CSF < 200 ml (SR > 52) RMP. The transmitter’s operation is based on shear force measurement and it is mounted directly on the process pipe. unscreened Recycled fiber. FIN-33101 TAMPERE Finland Tel.: From DN 100 mm to DN 800 mm For SW: From DN 100 mm to DN 400 mm *) HC and TI are marked on wetted parts PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Consistency range: 0.5 1.5-6.7-6. Process pipe diameter For SS Std. OCC.valmetSP T00112EN 2003-06-10 Consistency Transmitter Type specification selection chart valmetSP Signal MA / PA / Blade type LL/LLP/LS/LSP/JL/UL/ULP/GL/RL/HL/WS/NO Rem. www.5 3-6 1. OCC. Space for later use Wetted part’s materials *) SS AISI316 L (LL/LLP/LS/LSP/UL/ULP/GL/RL/HL/JL) TI Titanium (LL/GL/HL/JL) HC Process coupling and its material *) NO No process coupling SS Std.2 mA Process pressure: max. third character P = polished option (GL.7-6. screened Tested in reference conditions in accordance with IEC60770.8-7. Metso Automation Oy. AISI316 L TJ For JL blade. Hastelloy C276 SB Blow line installation for HL blade.5-5.03 N Examples: .8 %Cs Max.5 1. Application ranges of blade types (% Cs) UL 0.8-8 RL WS (1.0. spruce sulphate) at 3. and a process coupling. see if the coupling’s mounting hole has to be reinforced. Field Systems Lentokentänkatu 11. AISI316 L SW For WS blade.7-7) (1. for fibreglass-reinforced plastic pipe.1 N corresponds to 0. a blade type to suit the specified application. Refer to Operating and Installation Instructions.5-6 1. unscreened Recycled fiber. Environmental conditions Ambient: -20 to 60°C. 0.5-6 1. .5-5. TMP.025 N Repeatability: 0.O. Titanium HC Std. RL.5-7 1. screened Recycled fiber. ENV 50141 79 EMC test standards 71 Consistency Transmitter 95. 8 customised recipes.5 valmetSP Sampling and calibration support Includes calculation of shear force.4 / 8 ValmetSP WS 0.708 242 HL 50 WS 355 Radiated interference: EN50081 .757.1: 1993 Reference standard EN 55022: 1987 / Class B Interference immunity: EN 50082 . Recipe No. ENV 50204. Patents AT E77691 B DE 3780021 EP 0274478 FI 75424 FR 0274478 GB 0274478 SE 0274478 US 4. standard deviation of consistency and average consistency during sample taking.2: 1995 Reference standards EN 61000-4-2. There are max. Document W4730198 FlowTR reduces highly turbulent flow in short straight pipe sections. Each of the 8 recipes can be calibrated Dimensions in mm automatically with 1 or 2 samples. . Recycling of used up units Almost all parts of units are suitable for recycling. through binary inputs or through Profibus PA.1 / 1-3 valmetSP HL 0. -8. each of which contains one Welding guide automatically calibrated pulp type curve We recommend the use of the welding guide shown in the Operating and possible information on filler content. -5. Turbulence Reducer FlowTR . Alternatively the manufacturer takes care of the used up units on a special fee.16 calibration points. Parts materials are specified in documents dispatched with the product. through coupling. 1 can be additionally calibrated with max. Also a separate recycling instructions guide is available from the manufacturer.4 / 4 Other types 0.3 111 15 ENTER SAMPLE 195 6. -11.1 kg Other transmitter types: 5.0 CS ESC 282 Materials Wetted materials: See type specification chart Electronics housing: PTB Mounting clamps and screws: AISI316 Wetted gaskets: PTFE and special rubber material Operator unit: Polycarbonate 5 70 75 232 Operating unit Accessories: Calibration curves and calibration The transmitter is provided with built-in calibration curves and linearisation for all blade types and recommended pulp types. -4.T00112EN 2003-06-10 Permissible velocity of flow (m/s) Min / max valmetSP UL 0.8 kg 106 3.4 / 5 Dimensions Sens. and Installation Instructions for the Active recipe is selected from the installation of a standard process display unit’s operating keys.5 31 80 55 236 HART R Enclosure class Transmitter: IP66 (NEMA 4X) Operator unit: IP65 Weight valmetSP WS: 7. H 194 166 23 133 6. Dimension H (from edge of coupling) LL LS UL GL RL JL JL HL HL 95 70 95 95 95 95 57 60 38 Transmitter Standard coupling Plastic-pipe coupling Standard coupling Blow-line coupling For detailed specification of flow velocities refer to Operating and Installation Instructions. HART® interface. ENV 50140. Sampling time can be synchronised exactly with average value calculation with a sampler provided with switch function (Valmet NOVE). Finland Tel. Fax +358 20 48 3171 www.O. Box 237 FIN-33101 W4730198EN 2003-01-27 . +358 20 48 3170.FlowTR Turbulence Reducer FlowTR Turbulence Reducer Installation and Application Instructions Metso Automation Oy Field Systems Lentokentänkatu 11.metsoautomation. P. figure 3. using FlowTR may improve the measurement accuracy of valmetSP especially with recycled fiber pulps. If back flow hits are to be expected install also back deflector. or replace a 1500 mm long process pipe section with a FlowTR P Pipe. One deflector is included in valmetSP delivery. WS and HL. FlowTR with valmetSP is a potential combination also for challenging pulp mill applications. Plates. 2. See the product numbers for different pipe sizes Don’t install FlowTR too far from the stock pump to avoid too long a measurement lag. Install FlowTR L plates in the existing pipe.0 Installation FlowTR L. FlowTR P. FlowTR can be installed on vertical or horizontal pipes.1 Deflectors. FlowTR P with NOVE process coupling. We recommend FlowTR to be used always for below 2 % fiber consistency levels in main line measurement applications. Pipe. Also in easier applications where it’s possible to follow valmetSP manual installation instructions.0 Types 3. . Install front deflector to protect the valmetSP blade if severe fiber lump hits are to be expected. 3. also above 2 % consistency levels. figures 1 and 2 A pair of turbulence reducer plates with welding guides. Make side installation on horizontal pipe. figure 4 REM 1: Welding rules must be observed in installation. REM 2: FlowTR P wall thickness must not be less than wall thickness of the existing process pipe at an installation point. see Figure 6. except JL. Both deflectors are the same as used with valmetSP.0 Applicability FlowTR makes consistency measurement possible with valmetSP also in the most severe rotating flow conditions close to double pipe curves and similar locations in short straight pipe sections also in case of large pipe sizes. figure 4 A pipe element with turbulence reducer plates and valmetSP process coupling and as an option NOVE process coupling. No specified straight pipe sections. FlowTR is used with all valmetSP types. See the product numbers for different pipe sizes FlowTR N.FlowTR W4730198EN 2003-01-27 Turbulence Reducer 1. as L1/L2 given in valmetSP manual are needed for valmetSP with FlowTR but make use of the available straight pipe sections only. Figure 5 Normally deflector(s) or blade protector plate(s) are not used with FlowTR. 2 H L 5 Plate Figure 2 A B C D E F L / mm H / mm 44 66 82 112 150 160 65 78 87 105 127 133 Tolerance for table dimensions: +/.5 Support 16 21 20 15 40 20 10 Thickness 4 mm 68 900 +/.0 mm .0.4 H 100 H Welded DN Short foot Long foot H-H For left-hand side Long foot H-H For right-hand side Plate 100 125 150 200 250 300 > 300 2xA 2xB 2xC 2xD 2xE 2xF 2xF Support 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x Product n:o A4730191 A4730192 A4730193 A4730194 A4730195 A4730196 A4730196 Figure 1 FlowTR L Parts dimensions 24 Parts material AISI 316 L General tolerance: +/.0.3 mm 5 + 0.2.FlowTR W4730198EN 2003-01-27 Turbulence Reducer FlowTR L 700 +/.0.3 31.2 45 +/. View to downstream (see the flow arrow) Slot for guide prepared for . Right-hand side.FlowTR W4730198EN 2003-01-27 Turbulence Reducer FlowTR L installation DN Dxs X 100 125 150 114.3 x s 80 89 103 200 219. Push Push the support legs against the process pipe wall and slightly weld the feet tips to the pipe surface and after that weld the guides on both sides in 100 mm steps to keep the guides straight.3 x s 139. Installation of FlowTR Pair.Weld .0 x s 80 80 80 600 700 609.Weld valmetSP process coupling.2 x s 80 80 4 mm .9 x s 109 80 350 400 500 355.0 x s 323.7 x s 168. 71mm hole for valmetSP process coupling 903 600 Flow Process pipe D Figure 3 D . X X Long foot Long foot s Left-hand side.weld Rem.6 x s 711.1 x s 124 250 300 273. Distance X to the center of the slot.6 x s 406.4 x s 508. A 900 A Flow A 300 1500 Figure 4 100 .7 x 2 168.0 x 4 323.9 x 4 355.3 x 2 219.2 x 6 18 16 12 16 10 10 10 10 8 6 6 Product n:o FlowTR P **) A4730188 A4730189 A4730190 A4730180 A4730181 A4730182 A4730183 A4730184 A4730185 A4730186 A4730187 FlowTR N ***) T00023 T00024 T00025 T00026 T00027 T00028 T00029 T00030 T00031 T00032 T00033 *) Rem.4 x 5 508.FlowTR W4730198EN 2003-01-27 Turbulence Reducer FlowTR P For different process pipe sizes: DN Material: AISI 316 L DN D x s *) Pmax/bar 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 114.6 x 5 711.1 x 3 273. s must not be les than wall thickness of the existing process pipe at the installation point **) FlowTR P = without NOVE process coupling ***) FlowTR N = NoveTR P with NOVE process coupling valmetSP process coupling D s OPTION: NOVE process coupling on back side of the FlowTR Pipe View A .3 x 2 139.0 x 5 609.6 x 4 406. FlowTR W4730198EN 2003-01-27 Turbulence Reducer Front/Back deflector installation Welded as the turbulence reduser plates Front deflector Back deflector H H Flow H = 95 for Pipe sizes 150 mm and larger H = 75 for Pipe sizes < 150 mm 120 50 50 120 Flow D Figure 5 Installation example of FlowTR with SMART-PULP Figure 6 . W4730198EN 2003-01-27 . Parts materials are specified in documents dispatched with the product.FlowTR Turbulence Reducer Recycling of used up units All parts of units are suitable for recycling. Alternatively the manufacturer takes care of the used up units on a special fee. Also a separate recycling instructions guide is available from the manufacturer.
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