V6.2.0 - ITM for Databases - Microsoft SQL Server Agent - User’s Guide

March 28, 2018 | Author: Hưng Nguyễn Văn | Category: Microsoft Sql Server, 64 Bit Computing, Databases, Windows Server 2003, Operating System



Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent®  Version 6.2.0 User’s Guide SC32-9452-01 Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent ®  Version 6.2.0 User’s Guide SC32-9452-01 Note Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in Appendix H, “Notices,” on page 193. This edition applies to version 6.2 of IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent (product number 5724-B96) and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions. © Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005, 2007. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. Log and Space Information workspace . . . . . . . . .Contents Tables . . . . . Databases Information workspace . MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity workspace . . . . . MS SQL Job Summary attributes . . . . . . . MS SQL Database Detail attributes . MS SQL Statistics Detail attributes . . . . . . © Copyright IBM Corp. . . . . . . . . User interface options . . . Enterprise Servers Overview. 34 . 34 . . . . . . . MS SQL Process Detail attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii Chapter 1. . 2005. . . . . 40 40 42 46 48 49 50 52 53 54 56 57 58 60 61 64 66 67 70 73 76 78 79 iii . . . . . . . . . More information about attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . MS SQL Problem Summary attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . . MS SQL Server Detail attributes . Server Statistics workspace . . MS SQL Services Detail attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 View real-time data that the agent collects . . . . . Server Locking workspace . SQL Text for Process ID workspace . Starting and stopping the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server . . . . 5 . . . . . . 32 MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability Weekly workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 . . Server Configuration workspace . . . . . . . Granting permissions . . Configuration . Enterprise Server Statistics workspace . MS SQL Statistics Summary attributes . 16 Chapter 3. . 33 . . . . . . . MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability workspace. . . . . . . . . Process Holding Lock SQL Text workspace . . . . . . . . . . . MS SQL Server Summary attributes . . . . . . 8 . . . 36 36 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 Chapter 5. . . . . . . Organization of the predefined workspaces . . . . . . More information about workspaces . . . . Setting up the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server in a cluster environment . . . . . . . . . . MS SQL Database Summary attributes . . . . . . . . . . 39 About attributes . . Customize your monitoring environment . . . . . . . New in this release . . . MS SQL Lock Resourcetype Summary attributes MS SQL Problem Detail attributes . MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance Daily workspace . Features of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server . . . . MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity Daily workspace . . . . MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance Hourly workspace . . . Processes workspace . . . . . . . MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance Weekly workspace . . 27 27 27 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 . . . 1 . 39 . . . . . . . . . 13 . 1 . . 33 . . Configuration settings . . . . . . Attribute groups and attributes for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server . . 5 Requirements for the monitoring agent . . . . . . Collect and view historical data . . . . . . . Enterprise Server Locking workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . Attributes reference . . . Enterprise Database Summary workspace Enterprise Errorlog Alerts workspace . 32 . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . . 2007 . . Reconfiguration . . . 31 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MS SQL Device Detail attributes . MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability Hourly workspace . . . MS SQL Filegroup Detail attributes . . Workspaces reference . . . . MS SQL Lock Summary attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MS SQL Server Overview. . . . . . 2 . MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance workspace . . . . . . . . Basic installation and configuration . Errorlog Alerts workspace . MS SQL Server Enterprise View attributes . . MS SQL Configuration attributes . . . . . . Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent . Investigate an event . . . 12 . . . . . . . . . MS SQL Remote Servers attributes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 . . 27 About workspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MS SQL Lock Conflict Detail attributes . . Components of Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server . . . . Overview of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server . 25 Chapter 4. Monitor with custom situations that meet your requirements . . . 24 . . . Enterprise Processes Summary workspace Enterprise Server Summary workspace . . . . . . . . . 35 . . . . MS SQL Job Detail attributes . . MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity Hourly workspace . . . . 3 Chapter 2. . . . . 21 22 22 23 . . . . . 7 . . . MS SQL Process Summary attributes . . 1 IBM Tivoli Monitoring overview . MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability Daily workspace . . . . Server Summary workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Recover the operation of a resource . . . MS SQL Lock Detail attributes . . How to use a monitoring agent . . . . . . . . . . MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity Weekly workspace . . . . . 36 . . . Rebuild Fragmented Indexes action . . . 101 . . . . . . MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Used_Warn . . . . . . MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Active_Warn . . . MS_SQL_IO_Disk_Errors_Crit . 99 . . Situations reference . . . 98 . . . . Take Action commands reference . Upgrading your warehouse with limited permissions . MS_SQL_ProcessLockSleep_Warning MS_SQL_ProcessOthSleep_Warning . . . . 99 . . . . . . . .MS SQL Table Detail attributes . . . MS_SQL_Cache_Ave_FreePage_Warn . . . . 101 . . MS_SQL_Pct_IO_Warning . . . . MS_SQL_Cache_Max_FreePage_Crit . . 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 104 104 Chapter 7. . . . . . MS_SQL_Fragmentation_Crit . 98 . . MS_SQL_IOERR_Startup_Warning . MS_SQL_Network_Read_Rate_Crit . . . . . . . . . . . . . MS_SQL_Pct_CPU_Yields_Warning . Start SQL Server action . . MS_SQL_Cache_Max_FreePage_Warn MS_SQL_Client_Cnt_Pct_Used_Crit . . 102 . 105 . . MS_SQL_Process_Blocked_Warning . iv . . . . . . . . . 101 . . MS_SQL_Block_Critical . . . . MS_SQL_DB_Freespace_Warning . . . . . . 101 . . 101 . . More information about situations . . . . . MS_SQL_Rem_Serv_Stat_Critical . . . . MS_SQL_IOError_Curintvl_Warning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 . . MS_SQL_DB_Num_Errors_Warning . More information about policies . 121 Tables in the warehouse . . . . . . . . . 101 . . . Policies reference . . . . 105 105 . . 126 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . . . . . . 126 Determining the predefined workspace to use 126 Relationship to the attribute groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MS_SQL_Failed_Jobs_Crit . . . MS_SQL_Network_Write_Rate_Warn MS_SQL_Num_Process_Blocked_Crit MS_SQL_Num_Process_Blocked_Warn MS_SQL_Oldest_Transaction_Crit . MS_SQL_Total_Locks_Critical . . . . . . . . . . 110 . . . . . . . 95 About situations . . . . 121 . . MS_SQL_Repl_Latency_Crit . . 99 . . . Update Space Usage Information action . 101 . . . 100 . . . . . User ID and password combinations . . 117 . . . . . MS_SQL_DB_free_space_critical . 100 . . MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Used_Crit . . 100 . MS_SQL_Log_Freespace_Critical . . . . . . . MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Active_Crit . . . . . . . MS_SQL_Status_Inactive . . . . . . . . 99 . MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Used_Crit . . . Upgrading for warehouse summarization . . . . . . MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Active_Warn . . . . . . . . 125 Displaying information for databases . . . . MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Active_Crit . . . . . . . . . Dump Transaction Log action . . . 115 . . . . . . 122 Appendix B. . . . Refresh Query Optimizer Statistics action . . . . . . . . . . . 101 . . MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Used_Warn . . . . . . . . . MS_SQL_Block_Warning . . . . . . . . . . MS_SQL_Error_Warning . . . . 98 . VMS SQL Server Enterprise View attributes Disk capacity planning for historical data . . . . . . . MS_SQL_LogonPct_Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . user . . . . 107 . . . . . . . . . . . 100 . MS_SQL_Cache_Hit_Ratio_Warn . . Predefined policies . . . . . . . . MS_SQL_PCT_MAX_Locks_Critical . . 101 . . . . 98 . . . 98 . . . . . . . . Workspaces . . 113 . . MS_SQL_Status_Critical . . . . . 99 . . 119 About policies . 99 . MS_SQL_DB_Status_Crit . . . . . . . . . . . Stop SQL Server action . 101 . . 99 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 . . . . . 100 . 100 . . 105 About Take Action commands . . MS_SQL_Total_Locks_Warning . . . . . . . . MS_SQL_Oldest_Transaction_Warn . . . 99 . . . Dump Database action . MS_SQL_Log_Space_Pct_Used_Warn MS_SQL_Log_Suspend_Warning . 98 . MS_SQL_Cache_Ave_FreePage_Crit . . . MS_SQL_Cache_Hit_Ratio_Crit . MS_SQL_Repl_Latency_Warn . MS_SQL_Log_Space_Pct_Used_Crit . MS_SQL_Processes_Stop_Warning . . . Effects on summarized attributes . . . 98 . . . . . . . . 96 . . . MS SQL Text attributes . 106 . 100 . . . . . 98 . 125 Determining which category of workspaces to use 125 Determining where to find the information you need . 106 . . . . MS_SQL_Opt_Stats_Age_Crit . . . . . . . MS_SQL_DB_Freespace_Critical . . MS_SQL_ErrorLog_Size_Warning . . . . 95 . MS_SQL_DB_Space_Pct_Used_Warn . . . . MS_SQL_Log_Freespace_Warning . . . . . 98 . . . . Database Check-up and Tune-up action . . MS_SQL_Fragmentation_Warn . . MS_SQL_DB_Error_Status . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 . . . 119 119 119 119 Appendix A. . 121 . 102 MS_SQL_PCT_MAX_Locks_Warning MS_SQL_ProbAge_GT_Warning . . . . . . More information about Take Action commands Predefined Take Action commands . . . . . . . . MS_SQL_Opt_Stats_Age_Warn . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 . . . . . MS_SQL_LogonPct_Crit . . . 96 . . MS_SQL_Client_Cnt_Pct_Used_Warn . . . . . . 100 . 101 . 81 83 84 86 91 Chapter 6. Predefined situations . . . . . . MS_SQL_CPU_Critical. . . . . . . . . . MS_SQL_Collection_Status_Warning . . 99 . . . . . . . . . . . . VMS SQL Remote Servers attributes . MS_SQL_CPU_Warning . . . . . . . 98 . . . . . MS_SQL_Device_Free_PCT_Warning . . . . . 98 . . MS_SQL_Processes_Bad_Warning . 99 . . . . . . . . . . 100 . 100 . . . . 101 . MS_SQL_Pct_Block_Warning . . MS_SQL_DB_Space_Pct_Used_Crit . 98 . . . 99 . . . . MS_SQL_DB_Suspect_Crit . . . . . . . . . . . . . MS_SQL_Network_Read_Rate_Warn MS_SQL_Network_Write_Rate_Crit . . . . . . 100 . MS_SQL_Process_Infected_Warning . . 117 Chapter 8. . . . . . . . . Situation problem determination . . . . . Installation and configuration problem determination . . . . . . . . . 162 162 162 163 163 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 167 168 169 . . . . . . . . Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available . . . . . . . Typical scenarios . . . 130 . . . . 184 . Documentation library Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server Prerequisite publications. . 174 177 . Using IBM Support Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . 193 Appendix E. . . 184 . . . Accessibility . . . . . . . . 133 134 134 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Typical scenarios . Objective . . . . . After you finish . . . . . Problem determination for remote deployment Workspace problem determination . . 131 . . . . 197 Contents v . . Agent problem determination . . . . . . . . . . 161 . . . . Related publications . . . . . . 130 . . . . . . . Principal trace log files . . . 133 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Support for problem solving . . 185 189 library . . 191 . . . . . . 133 . . Built-in problem determination features . . . . . . . . Typical scenarios . . . . 157 Collection processes . . 128 . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 128 . . 160 Problem classification. . 130 130 . . . . . . Receiving weekly support updates . . . . 185 . . . . 184 . . IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping . . . . Displaying information for processes . . . . . . . . . . Determining the predefined workspace to use Relationship to the attribute groups . . . . 194 Gathering product information for IBM Software Support . . . 158 Attribute groups that gather data from operating system or MS SQL Server files . . . . . . . . . Determining the predefined workspace to use Relationship to the attribute groups . . 139 Appendix D. . . . . . Magnifying what is displayed on the screen . . . . 178 . Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available . Before you begin . Problem determination 161 Trademarks . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 132 . . . Trace logging . . . 191 Navigating the interface using the keyboard . . . . Appendix F. . . . . Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available . 157 Attribute groups that gather data from Microsoft SQL Server SELECT statements and stored procedures . . . . . . . . . . 180 183 . . . . . . . . . . . 135 . . . . . . . . . Contacting IBM Software Support . . . . 128 . . . Problems and workarounds . . . . . . . . Notices . . . . . . . . . 189 189 190 190 Appendix G. Obtaining fixes . . . . . . . . . Typical scenarios . . . . . . . . Overview of log file management . . . . 191 Appendix H. . . . . . .Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available . Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server data collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Displaying information for error log alerts. . . . . . . . 127 . . 136 Appendix C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Determining the predefined workspace to use Relationship to the attribute groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Take Action command problem determination Problem determination for SQL Server . . . . . 129 . . . . 135 . . Background Information . Procedure . . . . . . . Example tasks and predefined workspaces available . Typical scenarios . . Enabling detailed tracing in the collector trace log Option one: modify the settings file . . . . . . Option two: modify the environment variables Setting RAS trace parameters . . . . Examples of trace logging . . . . . . . . . . . 127 . Displaying information for Microsoft SQL servers Determining the predefined workspace to use Relationship to the attribute groups . . . Other sources of documentation . . Displaying information for locks . . . . . . 161 Index . . 183 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . . Data that is accessed by attribute groups that gather data from operating system or Microsoft SQL Server files . . . . Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available for processes . Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots . . . 16 View real-time data . . 38. . . Key aspects of data gathering for attribute groups . . . . . 52. . . . 44. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. . . Supported operating system and application versions for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server . . . . . . . . . Take Action commands problems and solutions . . . . . 29. . 130 Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available for locks . . 46. 40. . . . . . . Trace log files for troubleshooting agents Problems and solutions for installation and configuration on UNIX and Windows systems Problems and solutions for installation and configuration of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server . 5. . . When data is collected and cache duration for attribute groups . . . . . . . 115 Index and table updates . . Determining the workspace to use for processes . 26. . . . . .Tables 1. . . . 128 Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available for error log alerts . Workspaces for processes and the relationship to attribute groups . . . 48. . . . . 22 Recover the operation of a resource . . . . 128 Workspaces for error log alerts and the relationship to attribute groups . . . . . 131 © Copyright IBM Corp. 53. General agent problems and solutions Remote deployment problems and solutions Workspace problems and solutions . . . . . . . 126 Workspaces for databases and the relationship to attribute groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34. . . 26 Capacity planning for historical data . General problems and solutions for uninstallation . . 35. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41. 127 Determining the workspace to use for error log alerts . . 15. . . . Problems with configuration of situations that you solve in the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window . . . . . . . 42. . . . . . . 121 Additional columns to report summarization information . . . . . . Specific situation problems and solutions Problems with configuring situations that you solve in the Situation Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31. . . . 22. . . 132 133 133 134 135 135 140 157 158 160 161 164 170 172 173 174 177 178 180 181 182 183 183 183 vii . 28. . 122 Determining which category of workspaces to use . . . . . 16. 2. . . . 25. 19. . . . . . . 5 Memory. . 14 Interfaces for starting and stopping the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server locally and remotely . 21. 50. . 32. 4. . disk space. . . Determining the workspace to use for servers Workspaces for servers and the relationship to attribute groups . . . . . 7. 20. 129 Determining the workspace to use for locks 130 Workspaces for locks and the relationship to attribute groups . . . . . . 2007 30. . . . 11. . 125 Determining where to find the information you need . 126 Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available for databases . . . SQL Server problems and solutions . . . 8 Names and descriptions of configuration settings for each interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37. . . . . . 45. 6. . . . . . . . . . 23 Customizing your monitoring environment 23 Monitor with custom situations . Information to gather before contacting IBM Software Support . . . . . 117 Time periods and suffixes for summary tables and views. . . . 33. . . 114 Index and table updates . . . . 25 Collect and view historical data . 17. . . . 24. . . 14. . . 47. . . 39. . . . . . 23. . Example tasks and predefined workspaces available for servers . . . . . 92 User ID and password combinations 106 Index and table updates . . 10. . . . . 12. . 3. . . . . 2005. 27. . . . . . . 9. . . . 8. . . . 51. . . . . . and other requirements for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server . . . . . . . . . . 13. Problems with configuration of situations that you solve in the Workspace area . . 125 Determining the workspace to use for databases . . . . 43. 36. . . . . . 6 Additional authorization . . . . . 49. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Investigating an event . . . . . . . . . . viii IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . and to perform basic actions with Microsoft SQL Server. v Gather comprehensive data about system conditions. The monitoring agent provides a comprehensive means for gathering exactly the information you need to detect problems early and prevent them. The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server is an intelligent. It assists you in anticipating trouble and warns system administrators when critical events take place on systems. This monitoring agent provides the following benefits: © Copyright IBM Corp.Chapter 1. and automate manual tasks. It also provides useful historical data that you can use to track trends and to troubleshoot system problems. Overview of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server provides you with the capability to monitor Microsoft SQL Server. v Establish your own performance thresholds. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring publications listed in “Prerequisite publications” on page 189 for complete information about IBM Tivoli Monitoring and the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. remote monitoring agent that resides on managed systems. v Use policies to perform actions. schedule work. v Trace the causes leading to an alert. database and system administrators can set threshold levels as desired and can set flags to alert them when the system reaches these thresholds. 2007 1 . You can use IBM Tivoli Monitoring to do the following: v Monitor for alerts on the systems that you are managing by using predefined situations or custom situations. Information is standardized across all systems so you can monitor hundreds of servers from a single workstation. IBM Tivoli Monitoring overview IBM Tivoli Monitoring is the base software for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. 2005. IBM Tivoli Monitoring provides a way to monitor the availability and performance of all the systems in your enterprise from one or several designated workstations. Features of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server offers a central point of management for distributed databases. the Tivoli Enterprise Portal permits you to monitor and resolve performance issues throughout the enterprise. With the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. This chapter provides a description of the features. The Tivoli Enterprise Portal is the interface for IBM Tivoli Monitoring products. and interface options for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. components. You can easily collect and then analyze specific information using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal interface. By providing a consolidated view of your environment. the following enhancements have been made since version 6. v Improves system performance by letting you integrate. v Scales and ports to new Windows® operating systems. and resources across your environment. you can collect and monitor data across systems. v Increases profits by providing you with real-time access to reliable. server. v Enhances efficiency by monitoring different Microsoft SQL Server versions on separate systems and networks from a single PC screen. The monitoring agent gathers and filters status information at the managed system rather than at the hub. and manage your system. and mission-critical applications. accurate. monitor.v Simplifies application and system management by managing applications. Depending on your configuration. better-informed operating decisions. operating systems. network. These alerts notify your system administrator to limit and control database usage. you have an environment that contains the client. console.baroc file to support TEC event mapping v Enabled for IBM® Tivoli® License Manager reporting Components of Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server After you install the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server (product code "koq" or "oq") as directed in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. The monitoring agent sends an alert when conditions on the system network meet threshold-based conditions. and timely information you need to effectively perform your job.2 of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server helps you to monitor and to gather the consistent.1: v Additional supported operating systems as listed in “Requirements for the monitoring agent” on page 5 v Additional application versions as listed in “Requirements for the monitoring agent” on page 5 v New attribute groups – Microsoft® SQL Filegroup Detail – Microsoft SQL Job Summary – Microsoft SQL Job Detail – Microsoft SQL Lock Resource Type Summary – Microsoft SQL Services Detail v New or changed attributes in the following attribute groups – – – – Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft Microsoft SQL Database Detail SQL Lock Summary SQL Problem Detail SQL Process Detail – Microsoft SQL Server Summary – Microsoft SQL Statistics Summary v Updated koq. and monitoring agent implementation for IBM Tivoli Monitoring that contains the following components: 2 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . You can view data gathered by monitoring agents in reports and charts for the status of your distributed database systems. eliminating unnecessary data transmission and sending only data that is relevant to changes in status conditions. New in this release For version 6. up-to-the-minute data that allows you to make faster. When the status of an event is updated because of IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console® rules or operator actions. Chapter 1. v Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server that is placed between the client and the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and enables retrieval. enter the URL for a specific Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client installed on your Web server. and analysis of data from the monitoring agents. the update is sent to the monitoring server. and the updated status is reflected in both the Situation Event Console and the Tivoli Enterprise Console event viewer. v Tivoli Enterprise Console event synchronization component for synchronizing the status of situation events that are forwarded to the event server. For more information. Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop client interface The desktop interface is a Java-based graphical user interface (GUI) on a Windows or Linux® workstation. These agents collect and distribute data to the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. which acts as a collection and control point for alerts received from the monitoring agents.v Tivoli Enterprise Portal client with a Java-based user interface for viewing and monitoring your enterprise. which collects and distributes data to a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. To collect information to store in this database. install the Warehouse Summarization and Pruning agent. manipulation. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Event management application Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window The window for the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services utility is used for configuring the agent and starting Tivoli services not already designated to start automatically. or Microsoft SQL database. To start Tivoli Enterprise Portal in your Internet browser. see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. User interface options Installation of the base software and other integrated applications provides the following interfaces that you can use to work with your resources and data: Tivoli Enterprise Portal browser client interface The browser interface is automatically installed with Tivoli Enterprise Portal. you must install the Warehouse Proxy agent. Oracle. To perform aggregation and pruning functions on the data. Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. and collects their performance and availability data. v Operating system agents and application agents installed on the systems or subsystems you want to monitor. The data warehouse is located on a DB2®. v Tivoli Data Warehouse for storing historical data collected from agents in your environment. v Monitoring agent. Overview of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server 3 . v Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. 4 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . com/software/sysmgmt/products/ support/Tivoli_Supported_Platforms. The bit level in the columns for the Microsoft SQL Server versions refers to the monitored application. Supported operating system and application versions for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server Operating system versions Microsoft SQL Server versions 2000 Enterprise and Standard Editions 2005 Enterprise and Standard Editions Windows 2000 Server (32-bit) 32-bit 32-bit Windows 2000 Advanced Server (32-bit) 32-bit 32-bit Windows Server 2003 Data Center Edition (32-bit) 32-bit 32-bit Windows Server 2003 Data Center Edition (x86-64) 32-bit 32-bit 64-bit Windows Server 2003 Data Center Edition SP1 for Itanium® (64-bit) Not supported 64-bit © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005. Table 1 shows which application versions run on the different operating system versions. the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server has the requirements listed in Tables 1 and 2. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent This chapter contains information about the following topics and procedures relevant to the installation and configuration of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server: v “Requirements for the monitoring agent” v “Configuration” on page 7 – “Granting permissions” on page 8 – – – – “Basic installation and configuration” on page 12 “Reconfiguration” on page 13 “Configuration settings” on page 13 “Starting and stopping the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server” on page 15 – “Setting up the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server in a cluster environment” on page 16 Requirements for the monitoring agent In addition to the requirements described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. Table 1.html. 2007 5 .ibm. Note: For the most current information about the operating systems that are supported. This monitoring agent supports monitoring for a maximum of 16 instances of the application versions of MS SQL Server running on the same system. see http://www-306.Chapter 2. Table 1. v 2 MB agent support files installed on the management server and 1 MB for agent support files installed on the portal server v Agent depot 195 MB (agent deployment image on the management server) v Trace logging: 50 MB per agent instance v Historical data disk space: see “Disk capacity planning for historical data” on page 91. 4 MB if other agents such as the OS agent are already installed. Table 2. Memory. and other requirements for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server Operating system Windows Memory v 32 MB RAM v 150 MB virtual memory. 6 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Supported operating system and application versions for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server (continued) Operating system versions Microsoft SQL Server versions 2000 Enterprise and Standard Editions 2005 Enterprise and Standard Editions Windows Server 2003 Enterprise Edition (32-bit) 32-bit 32-bit Windows Server 2003 Enterprise x64 Edition (x86-64) 32-bit 32-bit 64-bit Not supported 64-bit Windows Server 2003 Standard Edition (32-bit) 32-bit 32-bit Windows Server 2003 Standard x64 Edition (x86-64) 32-bit 32-bit 64-bit Windows Server 2003 for Itanium (64-bit) Note: For all operating systems. This monitoring agent has the requirements listed in Table 2. the monitoring agent is a 32-bit binary. plus 5 MB for each agent instance Disk space v 132 MB for monitoring agent product files if no other agent is installed. disk space. Table 2. v This monitoring agent requires that the following performance objects are enabled: – System – Process – Thread – Memory – Physical Disk – SQLServer:Buffer Manager – SQLServer:General Statistics – SQLServer:Locks – SQLServer:Databases – SQLServer:Cache Manager – SQLServer:Memory Manager – SQLServer:Replication Dist. Memory.“Using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal” on page 12 .“Using the Managed Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window” on page 12 . and other requirements for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server (continued) Other requirements v For remote administration. v Grant permissions for Microsoft SQL Server. ″Installing monitoring agents.“Using the tacmd command line” on page 12 v “Reconfiguration” on page 13 v “Configuration settings” on page 13 v “Starting and stopping the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server” on page 15 Chapter 2. – SQLServer:Replication Logreader – SQLServer:Replication Merge – SQLServer:Access Methods If you have a named SQL Server instance.″ use the agent-specific configuration information provided in this chapter. IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Windows OS Agent must be installed and running. Configuration When performing the steps to install and configure the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server as described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. v The SQL Server must be configured for the SQL Server authentication mode. v Run the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server services under an account with Windows Administrator authority. Agent-specific information is provided for the following procedures: v “Granting permissions” on page 8 v “Basic installation and configuration” on page 12 – “Local” on page 12 .“Silent installation” on page 12 – “Remote” on page 12 . then SQLServer is replaced with MSSQL$instance_name. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent 7 . disk space. See “Granting permissions” on page 8. which is the minimum authority required. Table 3. The procedure described in this section includes creating a Microsoft SQL Server user ID and granting permission to the new user ID. These authorities are listed for each Take Action command in Chapter 7. workspace. Granting permissions The Microsoft SQL Server user ID must have access to the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. v Optional authorization roles Each Take Action command has a separate set of authorization roles that are required for the SQL Server credentials to pass to the Take Action command.v “Setting up the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server in a cluster environment” on page 16 Never attempt to start the monitoring agent until you have completed the configuration steps appropriate to installation of the monitoring agent. Additional authorization Attribute Table Detail attribute group: All attributes in group Navigation item. The monitored attributes in Table 3 require additional authorization for the SQL Server ID used to configure the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server.” on page 105. configure the SQL Server ID used by the monitoring agent with the corresponding authorization. – Server roles: No special Server Role is required. “Take Action commands reference. The SQL Server ID used to configure this monitoring agent must have the following SQL Server authorities: v Required authorization roles – Database roles: Public access is required for each database that is being monitored. view None predefined Situation Authorization v MS_SQL_Fragmentation _Warn Database Role: db_owner (for each database) v MS_SQL_Fragmentation _Crit —OR— v MS_SQL_Opt_Stats_Age _Warn Server Role: System Administrator v MS_SQL_Opt_Stats_Age _Crit 8 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . If you want to monitor any of these attributes. SQL Text for Process ID.Table 3. Additional authorization (continued) Attribute Server Detail attribute group: Navigation item. workspace. view None predefined Situation Authorization v MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_ Active_Warn Database Role: db_owner (on default database associated with the SQL Server ID) v Procedure Buffers Pct Active v MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_ Active_Crit v Procedure Buffer Pct Used v MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_ Used_Warn v Procedure Buffers Total v Procedure Cache Pages v MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_ Used_Crit v Procedure Cache Pct Used v MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_ Active_Warn v Procedure Cache Pct Active v MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_ Active_Crit —OR— Server Role: System Administrator v MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_ Used_Warn v MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_ Used_Crit SQL Text attribute group v Server Locking. Process Holding Lock None predefined Server Role: System Administrator v SQL Text Server Locking. Process Holding Lock SQL Text. Blocking Process v SQL Text Server Locking. SQL Text for Process ID. SQL Text for Process ID. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent 9 . SQL Text Chapter 2. Waiting Process v SQL Text Processes. Before beginning this procedure. Use the procedure for the SQL Server that you are configuring. SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005. You must have the Database administrator authorization role to perform the procedure to grant permissions. perform this procedure between the steps for installing and configuring. workspace. 10 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Job Summary attribute group —OR— Database Role (msdb database): public An SQL Server Agent proxy account must also be defined. If you are configuring locally. view Situation Authorization Job Detail attribute group None predefined None predefined Server Role: Server Administrators This authorization enables data collection for all SQL Server jobs. —OR— Database Role (msdb database): SQLAgentOperatorRole (SQL Server 2005 only) The agent can collect job data on all SQL Server jobs. If you are configuring remotely. Additional authorization (continued) Attribute Navigation item. perform the appropriate installation procedures in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. —OR— Database Role (msdb database): SQLAgentUserRole (SQL Server 2005 only) The agent can collect job data only on the jobs that this SQL Server ID owns. perform this procedure after installing and configuring. The agent can collect job data only on the jobs that this SQL Server ID owns.Table 3. —OR— Database Role (msdb database): SQLAgentReaderRole (SQL Server 2005 only) The agent can collect job data on all SQL Server jobs. ” on page 105. you might need additional authority.” on page 105. 2. 5. In the Tree tab. Click OK to display the Confirm Password window. 10. Type a password in the Password field. “Take Action commands reference. 4. Type a password in the Password field. click SQL Server authentication. 3. click SQL Server authentication. select the check box for each database that you currently have in order to give permission to each selected database.Procedure for SQL Server 2000 1. See the Take Action command descriptions inChapter 7. 11. In the Authentication area. “Take Action commands reference. 4. When you finish the procedure. Select the Server Roles option. see Table 3 on page 8. 13. Chapter 2. Select the General Folder option. 11. If you are running a Take Action command. 6. 8. 5. Click Start → Programs → Microsoft SQL Server 2005 → SQL Server Management Studio. type the SQL Server user ID to be used to connect to the SQL Server. 9. Retype the password you typed for the user ID. See the Take Action command descriptions in Chapter 7. Click OK to display the new user ID in the Logins list. In the ″Specify which databases can be accessed by this login″ area. Note: If you are running a Take Action command. 2. check public to establish minimum permission. In the Tree tab. Retype the password you typed for the user ID. Click OK to display the new user ID in the Logins list. see Table 3 on page 8. configure the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server so you can start the monitoring agent and begin monitoring your Microsoft SQL Server application. 12. In Database Roles for database_name. select Logins in the Security folder (Console Root → Microsoft SQL Servers → SQL Server Group → WindowsName → Security → Logins). Click OK to display the Confirm Password window. 8. 6. type the SQL Server user ID to be used to connect to the SQL Server. select Logins in the Security folder (Console Root → WindowsName → Security → Logins). 7. Right-click Logins and select New Login. 12. 10. In the Authentication area. In the General tab Name field. 9. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent 11 . In the ″Specify which databases can be accessed by this login″ area. select the check box for each database that you currently have in order to give permission to each selected database. Select the User Mapping option. Click Start → Programs → Microsoft SQL Server → Enterprise Manager to display the SQL Server Enterprise Manager window. 7. 3. Also. Procedure for SQL Server 2005 1. Right-click Logins and select New Login. Click the Database Access tab. you might need additional authority. Also. For example: 12 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . "Deploying non-OS agents. use the steps in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide.” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. use the agent-specific configuration information in this section and in Table 4 on page 14 for the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window. "Performing a silent installation of IBM Tivoli Monitoring. use the procedure. use the agent-specific configuration information in this section and in Table 4 on page 14 for the following interfaces: v Tivoli Enterprise Portal v tacmd command line Using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal: To deploy this monitoring agent remotely using the command line. use the settings in Table 4 on page 14 for the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Database Server Properties tab and the Agent tab Run as information. Use the -t or --type TYPE parameter to specify the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server that you are configuring: OQ. use the steps in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. Also. “Deploying through the command line. Using the tacmd command line: To deploy this monitoring agent remotely using the command line.Basic installation and configuration You can install and configure the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server locally or remotely using a GUI or command line. The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference has complete information about the tacmd addSystem command. Local If you are installing and configuring locally.” in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. use the procedure. Using the Managed Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window: After you select the databases that you want to monitor in the Configure Database Agents window. “Deploying through the portal. the following fields are populated in the Database Server Properties window: v Server Name v Database Version v Home Directory v Error Log File You must enter your login and password in the Login and Password fields using only ASCII characters in the fields in this window. In the New Managed System Configuration window." Also. see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. use the agent-specific configuration information in Table 4 on page 14 for the tacmd addSystem command." Also. ″Installing monitoring agents. Silent installation: If you are performing a silent installation using a response file. Specify the properties with the -p or -property option." Remote If you are installing and configuring remotely. When reconfiguring. v Tivoli Enterprise Portal See Table 4 on page 14 for the configuration settings.db_password=sapwd DBSETTINGS. Configuration settings Table 4 on page 14 contains a list of the configuration settings for each of the interfaces where you can specify these settings and a description of each setting. Local If you are reconfiguring an instance locally.db_ver=8.0. Reconfiguration If you need to reconfigure the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. See Table 4 on page 14 for the configuration settings. use one of the following interfaces: v tacmd command line Use the configureSystem command. use the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window.db_login=sa DBSETTINGS. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference Guide for complete information about this command.194 DBSETTINGS. ensure that the steps for installing the monitoring agent in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide were completed. When typing the command.db_home=c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL DBSETTINGS.tacmd addSystem -t OQ -n Primary:myhostname:NT -p DBSETTINGS. Chapter 2.db_errorlog=C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\LOG\ERRORLOG INSTANCE=MyServer The parameters in the example are shown on separate lines for clarity. enter the information for the property that you are changing as well as the INSTANCE property. Remote If you are reconfiguring remotely. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent 13 . type all of the parameters on one line. 8 See the application versions in —OR– Table 2 on page 6 for valid 9 values. 14 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . The default home directory path for the default SQL Server 2000 instance is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL. must be between 2 and 32 characters in length. Use only ASCII characters.db_ Server Version1 ver=Version SQL Server version. A named SQL Server 2000 instance has a default home directory path in the format C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\ MSSQL$instance_name. If the SQL Server instance being monitored is the default SQL Server instance and the hostname is popcorn. which mysqlserver in this field. otherwise use If the SQL Server instance the instance name. where instance_name is the SQL Server instance name. Names and descriptions of configuration settings for each interface Interfaces where configuration settings are specified Manage Tivoli Enterprise™ Monitoring Services window Tivoli Enterprise Portal Description Examples tacmd command line Server Name Database INSTANCE= Server Instance InstanceName Name1 Name of the SQL Server instance that is to be monitored.db_ Server User Id1 login=UserId SQL Server user ID to be used to connect to the SQL Server. being monitored is a named instance with the instance The name must be short name of mysqlserver and the enough to fit within the total hostname is popcorn. Login Database DBSETTINGS. Home Directory Database DBSETTINGS. Password Password 1 DBSETTINGS. Use the hostname if the SQL Server being monitored is the default instance. enter managed system name. enter popcorn in this field. Database Version Database DBSETTINGS. See “Granting permissions” on page 8 for more information.db_ password= Password Password for the SQL Server user ID Use only ASCII characters.Table 4.db_ Server Home home= Directory Path1 HomeDirPath Install directory Server instance monitored. db_ errorlog= ErrorlogPath Fully qualified location and name of the SQL Server Error Log The default error log path for the default SQL Server 2000 instance is C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\LOG\ERRORLOG. explicitly sets the user ID for the monitoring agent to the LocalSystem account: _WIN32_STARTUP_. LocalSystem the agent instance is to run Use this account2 If selecting this option complete the following fields as described: v Password and Confirm password: password 1 2 The ID and passwords must have Windows Administrator authority for the system on which the monitoring agent is to run..Table 4. and select Change Startup. See “Granting permissions” on LocalSystem=1. LocalSystem property. to set the ID under which the agent instance is to run. Names and descriptions of configuration settings for each interface (continued) Interfaces where configuration settings are specified Manage Tivoli Enterprise™ Monitoring Services window Error Log File Tivoli Enterprise Portal Database Server Error Log File1 Description Examples tacmd command line DBSETTINGS. _WIN32_ STARTUP_. the default ID used by the InteractWithDesktop property monitoring agent. Password —or— v Account: ID _WIN32_ under which STARTUP_. The following tacmd command property. A named SQL Server 2000 instance has a default error log path in the format C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$instance_name\ LOG\ERRORLOG.. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent 15 . where instance_name is the SQL Server instance name. the The LocalSystem account is _WIN32_STARTUP_. Chapter 2. Right-click the agent instance. must also be set. _WIN32_STARTUP_. page 8 for information about the required user ID When setting the permissions. Username and _WIN32_ STARTUP_. Database Server Properties tab Agent tab Run as area Starting and stopping the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server Table 5 on page 16 shows which interfaces you can use on Windows operating systems locally or remotely to start the monitoring agent. see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference. or restart the MS SQL Server instance named Primary. The information provided here is specifically for installing and setting up the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server in a Microsoft Cluster Server environment. Requirements You can set up a cluster environment for Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition and Microsoft SQL Server 2005. Tivoli Enterprise Portal See the "Working with monitoring agents. The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide contains an overview of clustering. the tacmd command is used to start. The instance is on a Windows system where myhostname is the short hostname for the system on which the monitoring agent is running: v Local – tacmd startAgent -t oq – tacmd stopAgent -t oq – tacmd restartAgent -t oq v Remote – tacmd stopagent -t oq -n Primary:hostname:NT – tacmd startagent -t oq -n Primary:hostname:NT – tacmd restartagent -t oq -n Primary:hostname:NT For information about using the tacmd commands." "Starting and stopping a monitoring agent" in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide for information about using the Tivoli Enterprise Portal to start or stop the monitoring agent. tacmd command line In the following examples. the following three additional steps are required for the cluster environment: 16 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . stop. In addition to installing and setting up the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. Setting up the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server in a cluster environment To use this monitoring agent in a Microsoft Cluster Server environment requires special configuration.Table 5. Interfaces for starting and stopping the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server locally and remotely Local Remote v Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services v Tivoli Enterprise Portal v tacmd startAgent v tacmd startAgent v tacmd stopAgent v tacmd stopAgent v tacmd restartAgent v tacmd restartAgent Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services Enter only ASCII characters in the fields for the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window. IBM Tivoli Monitoring requires that monitoring agents are installed in the same directory path as the OS agent. CTIRA_HOSTNAME. each instance must be configured with a CTIRA_HOSTNAME. 3. 2.Collector SQLTEST Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server – SQLTEST2 Chapter 2. consider that the managed system name is comprised of three parts: CTIRA_SUBSYSTEM_ID. By setting the CTIRA_HOSTNAME for all agents in the cluster to the same name. and CTIRA_SUBSYSTEM_ID is set to the Microsoft SQL Virtual Server name. you can navigate to all of the monitoring agents for that cluster in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Installing and configuring the monitoring agent Install the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server on each node in the cluster where it is possible for the Microsoft SQL Virtual Servers to run. Therefore. When deciding on the value for CTIRA_HOSTNAME. Each Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server is comprised of two Windows Services: KOQAGENTx and KOQCOLLx. The CTIRA_SUBSYSTEM_ID is used to distinguish the multiple instances of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. each instance of the monitoring agent must be configured with common CTIRA_HIST_DIR that points to a shared disk directory. By default for the Microsoft SQL Server Agent. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent 17 . instance cluster resources to control the monitoring agents must be created. Storing history at the Tivoli Enterprise Management Server puts a higher burden on that server. Setting CTIRA_HIST_DIR If history for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server is configured to be stored at the monitoring agent. where x is the agent instance number. Also. Example of Windows Services names: Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server – SQLTEST Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server . Set the CTIRA_HOSTNAME environmental variable to the name of the Microsoft Cluster Server cluster for all monitoring agents running in that cluster. Creating a monitoring agent cluster resource Set each Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server startup parameter to manual so the cluster resource can control the starting and stopping of the monitoring agent. After these parameters are set for each Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. and CTIRA_NODETYPE.v Setting CTIRA_HOSTNAME to a common value for all monitoring agents (usually the cluster name) v Setting CTIRA_HIST_DIR to a common disk location if history is stored at the monitoring agents (if history for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server is configured to be stored at the monitoring agent) v Creating a monitoring agent cluster resource in the Resource Group of the Virtual Server3 On Windows systems. CTIRA_NODETYPE is set to MSS. If history is stored at the Tivoli Enterprise Management Server. the name is limited to 31 characters. 1. Setting CTIRA_HOSTNAME Because there can be multiple instances of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. each node in a cluster must have installed all monitoring agents (on the nodes system disk) that are required to support the cluster applications that can run on that cluster node. setting CTIRA_HIST_DIR is not required. 19. do not add any dependencies on history disk. Click Finish. do not add any dependencies on history disk. Complete the following information: Name: KOQCOLL0 Resource Type: Generic Service 13. accept the default of all Available Nodes. If the agent cluster resource is not offline when the agent config utility attempts to take the agent offline. In the Generic Service Parameters window. 9. accept the default of all Available Nodes. 20.Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server . 11. 17. 7. In the Dependencies window. In the Generic Service Parameters window. 3. you must take the agent cluster resource offline to make configuration changes or edit the agent variables on the node from which the agent cluster resource runs.Collector SQLTEST2 Creating a resource Use 1. 12. 18. 10. 4. and then click New > Resource. In the Possible Owners window. and then click New > Resource. 16. Repeat these steps for the other instances of the monitoring agent in the cluster environment. Click Advanced. In the Dependencies window. When finished with the configuration changes for the monitoring agent. Clear the Affect the group check box. Group: SQLTEST In the Possible Owners window. Bring the two agent resources online. 6. bring the agent cluster resource back online. Select the group for the Instance that is being worked > SQLTEST. In the New Resource window. Right-click the group. Click Advanced. Clear the Affect the group check box. Right-click the group. complete the fields as follows: Name: KOQAGENT0 Description: Resource type: Generic Service Group: SQLTEST 5. Making configuration changes After control of the agent cluster resource is given to the cluster server. 2. 14. the following steps to create a resource: Click Start > Administrative Tools > Cluster Administrator. complete the fields as follows: Service name: KOQAGENT0 Start Parameters: -Hkey “KOQ\610\SQLVS1” 8. 18 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . complete the fields as follows: Name: KOQCOLL0 Start Parameters: -Hkey “KOQ\610\SQLVS1” Click Finish. the cluster server notices that the monitoring agent went offline and attempts to bring the monitoring agent back online. 15. The SQL server and the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server both support multiple instances running on the same node, one agent does not interfere with another while running on the same node. When the SQL Resource Group is moved from node to node, the server down situation event fires. This event is caused by the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server coming online faster than the SQL server. When the SQL server comes online the event clears. Do not use the Start and Stop Take Action commands for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server because they conflict with the actions taken by the cluster server. Chapter 2. Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent 19 20 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide Chapter 3. How to use a monitoring agent After you have installed and configured a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent and the agent is running, you can begin using this agent to monitor your resources. The following sources of information are relevant to installation and configuration: v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference v Chapter 2, “Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent” in the user’s guide for the agent that you are installing and configuring This chapter provides information about how to use a monitoring agent to perform the following tasks: v “View real-time data that the agent collects” v “Investigate an event” on page 22 v “Recover the operation of a resource” on page 22 v “Customize your monitoring environment” on page 23 v “Monitor with custom situations that meet your requirements” on page 24 v “Collect and view historical data” on page 25 For each of these tasks, there is a list of procedures that you perform to complete the task. For the tasks, there is a cross-reference to where you can find information about performing that procedure. Information about the procedures is located in subsequent chapters of this user’s guide and in the following publications: v IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide View real-time data that the agent collects After you install, configure, and start the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent, the agent begins monitoring. Table 6 contains a list of the procedures for viewing the real-time data that the monitoring agent collects through the predefined situations. The table also contains a cross-reference to where you can find information about each procedure. Table 6. View real-time data Procedure Where to find information View the hierarchy of your monitored resources from a system point of view (Navigator view organized by operating system type, monitoring agents, and workspaces). IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Navigating through workspaces″ (in ″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″ chapter) View the indicators of real or potential problems with the monitored resources (Navigator view). © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2007 21 Table 6. View real-time data (continued) Procedure Where to find information View changes in the status of the resources that are being monitored (Enterprise Message Log view). IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Using workspaces″ (in ″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″ chapter) Chapter 4, “Workspaces reference,” on page 27 in this guide View the number of times an event has been IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Using opened for a situation during the past 24 workspaces″ (in ″Monitoring: real-time and hours (Open Situations Account view). event-based″ chapter) Chapter 4, “Workspaces reference,” on page 27 in this guide Chapter 6, “Situations reference,” on page 95 in this guide Manipulate the views in a workspace. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Using views″ (in ″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″ chapter) Investigate an event When the conditions of a situation have been met, an event indicator is displayed in the Navigator. When an event occurs, you want to obtain information about that event so you can correct the conditions and keep your enterprise running smoothly. Table 7 contains a list of the procedures for investigating an event and a cross-reference to where you can find information about each procedure. Table 7. Investigating an event Procedure Where to find information Determine which situation raised the event and identify the attributes that have values that are contributing to the alert. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Opening the situation event workspace″ (in ″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″ chapter, ″Responding to alerts″ section) Review available advice. Chapter 4, “Workspaces reference,” on page 27 in this guide Notify other users that you have taken ownership of the problem related to an event and are working on it. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Acknowledging a situation event″ (in ″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″ chapter, ″Responding to alerts″ section) Remove the event from the Navigator. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Closing the situation event workspace″ (in ″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″ chapter, ″Responding to alerts″ section) Recover the operation of a resource When you find out that a resource is not operating as desired, you can control it manually or automatically using Take Action commands. 22 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide ″Workspace views″ section) v ″Take action: Reflex automation″ (in Situations for event-based monitoring″ chapter. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: v ″Custom workspaces″ v ″Table and chart views″ Chapter 3.” on page 105 in this guide Take multiple actions on system conditions automatically using a policy. v ″Workflows window″ Chapter 8. Table 9. Table 9 contains a list of the procedures for customizing your monitoring environment and a cross-reference to where you can find information about each procedure. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Situations for event-based monitoring″ chapter v ″Customize a situation″ v ″Create a situation″ v ″Specify an action to take″ v ″Distribute the situation″ Chapter 7. ″Event-based monitoring overview″ section) v "Take action" (in "Designing customized responses" chapter) Chapter 7.Table 8 contains a list of the procedures for recovering the operation of a resource and a cross-reference to where you can find information about each procedure. How to use a monitoring agent 23 . IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: v ″Other views″ (in ″Custom workspaces″ chapter. or computers using a policy. “Take Action commands reference.” on page 119 in this guide Customize your monitoring environment You can change how your monitoring environment looks by creating new workspaces with one or more views in it. “Take Action commands reference. “Policies reference.” on page 105 in this guide Take an action on a system condition automatically by setting up a situation to run a Take Action command. agents. Customizing your monitoring environment Procedure Where to find information Display data in tables or charts (views) in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Table 8. Recover the operation of a resource Procedure Where to find information Take an action on a resource manually. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Policies for automation″ chapter v ″Creating a policy″ v ″Maintaining policies″ Take actions across systems. Chapter 6. Customizing your monitoring environment (continued) Procedure Where to find information Display an overview of changes in the status IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Message of situations for your monitored resources log view″ (in ″Situation event views: (Message Log View). IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″What the enterprise workspace shows″ (in ″Monitoring: real-time and event-based″ chapter. “Situations reference. “Attributes reference. situation event console and graphic″ chapter) Specify which attributes to retrieve for a table or chart so you can retrieve only the data you want by creating custom queries. or create new situations to detect possible problems. you can create custom situations to detect problems with resources by creating an entirely new situation. modify the values in situations. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Creating custom queries″ (in ″Table and chart views″ chapter) Chapter 5. You can specify the following information for a situation: v Name v Attribute group and attributes v Qualification to evaluate multiple rows when a situation has a multiple-row attribute group (display item) v Formula v v v v v v v v v 24 Take Action commands Run at startup Sampling interval Persistence Manual or automatic start Severity Clearing conditions Expert Advice When a true situation closes IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .” on page 39 in this guide Build links from one workspace to another.” on page 95 in this guide Determine whether to run situations as defined. or when you need to monitor conditions not defined by the existing situations. message log.Table 9.” on page 95 in this guide Monitor with custom situations that meet your requirements When your environment requires situations with values that are different from those in the existing situations. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: v ″Link from a workspace″ (in ″Custom workspaces″ chapter) v ″Link from a table or chart″ (in ″Table and chart views″ chapter) Identify which predefined situations started running automatically when you started the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. ″Using workspaces″ section) Chapter 6. “Situations reference. v Available Managed Systems v Whether to send a Tivoli Enterprise Console event v Event severity Table 10 contains a list of the procedures for monitoring your resources with custom situations that meet your requirements and a cross-reference to where you can find information about each procedure. Table 10. Monitor with custom situations Procedure Where to find information Create an entirely new situation. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Creating a new situation″ (in ″Situations for event-based monitoring″ chapter, ″Creating a situation″ section) Chapter 5, “Attributes reference,” on page 39 in this guide Run a situation on a managed system. IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Situations for event-based monitoring″ chapter v ″Associating situations with navigator items″ v ″Distribute the situation″ (in ″Customizing a situation″ section) v ″Starting, stopping or deleting a situation″ Collect and view historical data When you collect historical data, you specify the following configuration requirements: v Attribute groups for which to collect data v Collection interval v Summarization and pruning of attribute groups v Roll-off interval to a data warehouse, if any v Where to store the collected data (at the agent or the Tivoli Enterprise Management Server) Table 11 on page 26 contains a list of the procedures for collecting and viewing historical data and a cross-reference to where you can find information about each procedure. Chapter 3. How to use a monitoring agent 25 Table 11. Collect and view historical data Procedure Where to find information Configure and start collecting short-term data (24 hours). IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide: ″Historical reporting″ (in ″Table and chart views″ chapter) Configure and start collecting longer-term data (more than 24 hours). View historical data in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Create reports from historical data using third-party reporting tools. IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide “Disk capacity planning for historical data” on page 91 in this guide Filter out unwanted data to see specific areas of interest. 26 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide Chapter 4. Workspaces reference This chapter contains an overview of workspaces, references for detailed information about workspaces, and descriptions of the predefined workspaces included in this monitoring agent. About workspaces A workspace is the working area of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal application window. At the left of the workspace is a Navigator that you use to select the workspace you want to see. As you select items in the Navigator, the workspace presents views pertinent to your selection. Each workspace has at least one view. Some workspace views have links to other workspaces. Every workspace has a set of properties associated with it. This monitoring agent provides predefined workspaces. You cannot modify or delete the predefined workspaces, but you can create new workspaces by editing them and saving the changes with a different name. More information about workspaces For more information about creating, customizing, and working with workspaces, see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide. For a list of the predefined workspaces for this monitoring agent and a description of each workspace, refer to the Predefined workspaces section below and the information in that section for each individual workspace. For additional information about workspaces for this monitoring agent, see Appendix B, “Workspaces,” on page 125. Organization of the predefined workspaces The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server Agent provides predefined workspaces. Workspaces can be accessed either from the Navigator tree item or by selecting links within another workspace. Each Navigator tree item has a default workspace. This is the workspace that is displayed by default when that Navigator tree item is selected. Other, non-default, workspaces can be associated with (and accessed from) a Navigator tree item. To access one of the non-default workspaces, right-click the Navigator tree item and select Workspace, and the list of all workspaces associated with that Navigator tree item will be displayed with a check mark on the left of the currently displayed workspace. Some predefined workspaces are not available from the Navigator tree item, but are accessed by selecting the link indicator next to a row of data in a view. Left-clicking a link indicator selects the default workspace associated with that link. Right-clicking a link indicator displays all linked workspaces that can be selected. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2005, 2007 27 If there is only one instance of Microsoft SQL on a computer, the Navigator tree has one item for the Microsoft SQL workspaces: MS SQL – instance. When you click this item, a default workspace is displayed. If there are multiple instances of Microsoft SQL on a computer, the Navigator tree has an item for Microsoft SQL with items for the instances under it. When you click the Microsoft SQL item, no workspace is displayed. When you click one of the instances, other workspaces are displayed. In the following list of predefined workspaces for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server, the highest level bullet is the Navigator tree item. The first indention represents workspaces that are directly available from that Navigator tree item (by selecting the Navigator tree item, right-clicking, hovering over Workspace, and selecting the desired workspace). Subsequent indentations represent workspaces that are accessible using links on the workspace under which they are indented. For example: v Navigator tree item – Workspaces available directly from the main Navigator tree item - Workspaces available from links on the above workspace The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server provides the following predefined workspaces, which are organized by Navigator item: v Microsoft SQL Server Navigator item This Navigator item is available only when more than one Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server instance is configured and running on the same system. v SQL Server instance name Navigator item This Navigator item is available only when more than one Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server instance is configured and running on the same system. v v v v v 28 – MS SQL Server Overview workspace – Enterprise Servers Overview workspace Microsoft SQL Server - SQL Server instance name Navigator item This Navigator item is available only when exactly one Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server instance is configured and running on the system. – MS SQL Server Overview workspace – Enterprise Servers Overview workspace Databases Navigator item – Databases Information workspace - Log and Space Information workspace – Enterprise Database Summary workspace Errorlog Alerts Navigator item – Enterprise Errorlog Alerts workspace – Errorlog Alerts workspace Server Locking Navigator item – Enterprise Server Locking workspace – Server Locking workspace - Process Holding Lock SQL Text workspace - SQL Text for Process ID workspace Processes Navigator item – Enterprise Processes Summary workspace – Processes Information workspace IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide MS SQL Historical Summarized Capacity Daily v MS SQL Historical Summarized Capacity Hourly v MS SQL Historical Summarized Performance – MS SQL Historical Summarized Performance Weekly .Server Configuration workspace The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server also has the following historical workspaces. Workspaces reference 29 .SQL Text for Process ID workspace v Servers Navigator item – Enterprise Server Statistics workspace – Enterprise Server Summary workspace – Server Statistics workspace – Server Summary workspace . which are accessed from the Enterprise Navigator item when historical data collection is enabled for this monitoring agent and the Warehouse Proxy Agent and Summarization and Pruning Agent are configured and running: v MS SQL Historical Summarized Availability – MS SQL Historical Summarized Availability Weekly .MS SQL Historical Summarized Availability Daily v MS SQL Historical Summarized Availability Hourly v MS SQL Historical Summarized Capacity – MS SQL Historical Summarized Capacity Weekly .. Databases Information workspace Databases Information is a predefined workspace that displays information about the databases for the server.MS SQL Historical Summarized Performance Daily v MS SQL Historical Summarized Performance Hourly The remaining sections of this chapter contain descriptions of each of these predefined workspaces. These workspace descriptions are organized alphabetically. The predefined workspace contains the following views: Chapter 4. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Databases Summary table view that displays summary information for the databases (such as the error status and the options being used in your environment) v Databases Summary bar chart that displays data from selected columns from the Databases Summary table view (such as the minimum percentages of freespace in the database and the error log) v Databases Detail table view that displays specific information for a database (such as the name of the database and the owner) v Database Detail bar chart that displays data from selected columns in the Database Detail table view (such as the percentages of freespace in the database and log) Enterprise Database Summary workspace Enterprise Database Summary is a predefined workspace that displays an overview of SQL server database activity. v Databases Summery table view that displays summary information for the databases (such as the error status and the options being used in your environment) v Percent Data Freespace bar chart showing the percentage of freespace in the database from the column in the Database Summary table view Enterprise Errorlog Alerts workspace Enterprise Errorlog Alerts is a predefined workspace that displays an overview of information about the error log for each SQL server in your environment. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Process Summary table view that displays information about the processes (such as the number of processes and the statuses) v CPU Percent that displays information from selected columns in the Server Summary table view v Processes Blocked bar charts that displays the number of processes blocked by locks Enterprise Server Summary workspace Enterprise Server Summary is a predefined workspace that displays an overview of activity for your SQL servers. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Server Locking table view with overview information (such as the total number of locks) v Server Locking bar chart that displays information about selected columns in the Server Locking table view (such as the total number of locks and the total number of processes being blocked by those locks) Enterprise Processes Summary workspace Enterprise Process Summary is a predefined workspace that displays overview information about the processes for the SQL server. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Alert Summary table view with overview information (such as the size of the error log) v Alert Summary bar chart showing the total number of errors from the column in the Alert Summary table view Enterprise Server Locking workspace Enterprise Server Locking is a predefined workspace that displays overview information about locks for all the SQL servers in your environment. The predefined workspace contains the following views: 30 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Server Summary table view that displays summary information about the SQL servers (such as the name and status) v Remote Servers table view that displays summary information about the remote SQL servers (such as the name and status) v CPU Utilization bar chart that displays information from selected columns in the Server Summary table view Enterprise Server Statistics workspace Enterprise Server Statistics is a predefined workspace that displays statistical information about the SQL servers in your environment. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v CPU Percent bar chart view that displays the Microsoft SQL server CPU percentage usage for every monitored Microsoft SQL server v Lock Analysis bar chart view that displays the total number of locks and the total number of processes blocked (waiting for a lock) for every monitored Microsoft SQL server v Statistics Summary bar chart view that displays the number of physical reads and writes for every monitored Microsoft SQL server Errorlog Alerts workspace Errorlog Alerts is a predefined workspace that displays information about the error log alerts. grouped by server instance v Problem Summary Over Time by Server (average over months). high and total. This workspace consists of the following three views: v Availability by Server (average over months). Workspaces reference 31 .v Server Statistics table that displays the statistical information (such as the physical reads per second) v Server Statistics bar chart that displays information from selected columns in the Server Statistics table view (such as the physical reads and writes per second) Enterprise Servers Overview Enterprise Servers Overview is a predefined workspace that displays an overview of the health of every Microsoft SQL server. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Alerts Summary table view that displays summary information for the error logs (such as the size of the error log and the number of errors during the interval) v Alert Summary bar chart that displays information about selected columns in the table view that displays summary information v Alerts Detail table view that displays specific information for an error (such as the severity level of the error) MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability workspace shows the availability information by server averaged over the number of months that you specify in the Time Span dialog. which shows the average percentage of time that the system has been available since startup. which shows individual averages that include the following information. per server: – Error messages – Error messages with a severity of 17 or higher – Error messages with a severity level of less than 17 that have occurred v Client Usage by Server (average over months). which shows the following information per server: – Average percentage of maximum user connections that are in use – Average percentage of client workstation connections in use Chapter 4. client usage. summarized by day v Client Usage (daily). This workspace consists of the following five views: v Availability (daily). This workspace consists of the following five views: v Availability (hourly). and process summary information by hour for a managed server. summarized by day. high and total. summarized by day: – Error messages – Error messages with a severity of 17 or higher – Error messages with a severity level of less than 17 that have occurred v Database Summary (daily). The information includes the maximum and average statistics information for the following types of databases: – Databases in read-only status – Databases in DBO-only status – Databases that can be accessed by only one user at a time – Databases that have errors v Process Summary (daily). which shows the percentage of time that the system has been available since startup. which shows information about databases on the managed server. database summary.MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability Daily workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability Daily workspace shows the availability information. summarized by hour: – Error messages – Error messages with a severity of 17 or higher – Error messages with a severity level of less than 17 that have occurred 32 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . summarized by day: – Percentages of blocked processes – Percentages of stopped processes – Percentages of processes in lock sleep MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability Hourly workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability Hourly workspace shows the availability information. summarized by hour: – Average percentage of maximum user connections in use – Average percentage of client workstation connections in use v Problem Summary (hourly). high and total. which shows the percentage of time that the system has been available since startup. summarized by hour v Client Usage (hourly). which shows the following information. and process summary information by day for a managed server. summarized by day: – Average percentage of maximum user connections in use – Average percentage of client workstation connections in use v Problem Summary (daily). problem summary. which shows the following information. which shows the following maximum and average statistics information. which shows the following information. client usage. database summary. problem summary. which shows the following information. high and total. which shows the percentage of time that the system has been available since startup. which shows the following maximum and average statistics information. client usage. which shows information about databases on the managed server. summarized by week v Client Usage (weekly). The information includes the maximum and average statistics information for the following types of databases: – Databases in read-only status – Databases in DBO-only status – Databases that can be accessed by only one user at a time – Databases that have errors v Process Summary (hourly). This workspace consists of the following five views: v Availability (weekly).v Database Summary (hourly). Workspaces reference 33 . which shows the following information. which shows the following maximum and average statistics information. summarized by week. summarized by week: – Percentages of blocked processes – Percentages of stopped processes – Percentages of processes in lock sleep MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity workspace shows the percentage of system resources used for the time span that you specify in the Time Span dialog. summarized by hour: – Percentages of blocked processes – Percentages of stopped processes – Percentages of processes in lock sleep MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability Weekly workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Availability Weekly workspace shows the availability information. and process summary information by week for a managed server. database summary. which shows information about databases on the managed server. summarized by hour. The information includes the maximum and average statistics information for the following types of databases: – Databases in read-only status – Databases in DBO-only status – Databases that can be accessed by only one user at a time – Databases that have errors v Process Summary (weekly). summarized by week: – Average percentage of maximum user connections in use – Average percentage of client workstation connections v Problem Summary (weekly). problem summary. which shows the following information. summarized by week: – Error messages – Error messages with a severity of 17 or higher – Error messages with a severity level of less than 17 that have occurred v Database Summary (weekly). This workspace consists of the following three views: Chapter 4. which shows the minimum percentage of free space in the database and the minimum percentage of free space in the transaction log for the database. summarized by day v Freespace by Database (daily). summarized by hour v CPU Usage (hourly). which shows the percentage of CPU usage for the following during the time span that you specify in the Time Span dialog: – SQL server – I/O operations – All processes on the host v Lock Capacity by Server (average over months). which shows the percentage of CPU usage for the following. summarized by hour v Freespace by Database (hourly). which shows the percentage of CPU usage for the following. summarized by hour. summarized by day v CPU Usage (daily). which shows the total number of locks that can still be taken out and the number of locks that are blocking other processes. which shows the total number of locks that can still be taken out and the number of locks that are blocking other processes during the time span that you specify in the Time Span dialog MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity Daily workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity Daily workspace shows the percentage of system resources used. summarized by hour: – SQL server – I/O operations – All processes on the host 34 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . summarized by day: – SQL server – I/O operations – All processes on the host v Lock Capacity (daily). which shows the average of the lowest percentage of free space in the database and the average of the lowest percentage of free space in the transaction log. which shows the minimum percentage of free space in the database and the minimum percentage of free space in the transaction log for the database. summarized by day. which shows the average of the lowest percentage of free space in the database and the average of the lowest percentage of free space in the transaction log.v Freespace by Server (average over months). summarized by day MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity Hourly workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity Hourly workspace shows the percentage of system resources used. This workspace consists of the following four views: v Freespace (hourly). which shows the average of the lowest percentage of free space in the database and the average of the lowest percentage of free space in the transaction log during the time span that you specify in the Time Span dialog v CPU Usage by Server (average over months). This workspace consists of the following four views: v Freespace (daily). minimum. minimum. summarized by week v CPU Usage (weekly). which shows the ratio of data cache hits to total requests. This workspace consists of the following four views: v Freespace (weekly). indicating the effectiveness of the data cache during the time span that you specify in the Time Span dialog v Cache Buffers by Server (average over months). which shows the average. indicating the effectiveness of the data cache. which shows the total number of locks that can still be taken out and the number of locks that are blocking other processes. which shows the percentage of CPU usage for the following. which shows the number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the data cache as well as the number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the procedure cache during the specified time period MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance Daily workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance Daily workspace shows the cache information and resources. which shows the number of cache buffers in the free buffer pool and the average number of buffers that the LazyWriter scanned when searching the data cache for an unused buffer to replenish the free buffer pool during the specified time period v Cache Size (KB) by server (average over months).v Lock Capacity (hourly). which shows the minimum percentage of free space in the database and the minimum percentage of free space in the transaction log for the database. Workspaces reference 35 . summarized by day. summarized by hour MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity Weekly workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Capacity Weekly workspace shows the percentage of system resources used. summarized by week: – SQL server – I/O operations – All processes on the host v Lock Capacity (weekly). and maximum ratios of data cache hits to total requests. summarized by week MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance workspace shows the average cache information and resources for the time span that you specify in the Time Span dialog. Chapter 4. This workspace consists of the following three views: v Cache Hit Ratio by Server (average over months). which shows the average of the lowest percentage of free space in the database and the average of the lowest percentage of free space in the transaction log. which shows the average. This workspace consists of the following three views: v Cache Hit Ratio (daily). summarized by week v Freespace by Database (weekly). summarized by week. and maximum numbers of cache buffers in the free buffer pool and average. summarized by day v Cache Buffers by Server (daily). which shows the total number of locks that can still be taken out and the number of locks that are blocking other processes. minimum. and maximum number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the data cache as well as the average. which shows the average. which shows the average. and maximum number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the data cache as well as the average. and maximum numbers of buffers that the LazyWriter scanned when searching the data cache for an unused buffer to replenish the free buffer pool. This workspace consists of the following three views: v Cache Hit Ratio (hourly). which shows the average. and maximum numbers of cache buffers in the free buffer pool and average. and maximum number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the procedure cache. summarized by hour v Cache Buffers by Server (hourly). and maximum number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the procedure cache. indicating the effectiveness of the data cache. minimum. which shows the average. and maximum numbers of buffers that the LazyWriter scanned when searching the data cache for an unused buffer to replenish the free buffer pool. minimum. minimum. which shows the average. and maximum numbers of buffers that the LazyWriter scanned when searching the data cache for an unused buffer to replenish the free buffer pool. minimum. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v CPU Percent bar chart view that displays the Microsoft SQL server CPU percentage usage v Cache Utilization bar chart view that displays the data cache and procedure cache sizes 36 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .minimum. and maximum number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the procedure cache. minimum. minimum. summarized weekly. minimum. which shows the average. and maximum ratios of data cache hits to total requests. indicating the effectiveness of the data cache. minimum. summarized by day v Cache Size (KB) by server (daily). minimum. summarized by week MS SQL Server Overview MS SQL Server Overview is a predefined workspace that displays an overview of the health of the Microsoft SQL server. and maximum numbers of cache buffers in the free buffer pool and average. summarized by day MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance Hourly workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance Hourly workspace shows the cache information and resources. summarized by week v Cache Size (KB) by server (weekly). summarized by hour v Cache Size (KB) by server (hourly). and maximum number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the data cache as well as the average. and maximum ratios of data cache hits to total requests. which shows the average. summarized by week v Cache Buffers by Server (weekly). minimum. summarized by hour. This workspace consists of the following three views: v Cache Hit Ratio (weekly). minimum. summarized by hour MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance Weekly workspace The MS SQL Server Historical Summarized Performance Weekly workspace shows the cache information and resources. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Server Summary table view that displays summary information about the SQL servers (such as the name and status) Chapter 4. space being used. type. and size of the device) v Device Size bar chart that displays data from selected columns in the Devices table view (such as the size and percentage of free space for the device) Process Holding Lock SQL Text workspace Process Holding Lock SQL Text workspace is a predefined workspace that displays information about a process that has a lock on the database. and devices for the selected database. Workspaces reference 37 . The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Log and Space Information table view that displays information about the transaction log and space usage (such as the size of the log and the number of devices) v Data and Log Size bar chart that displays data from selected columns in the Log and Space Information table view (such as the size a freespace for the database and log) v Devices table view that displays information for the devices (such as the name. and infected Microsoft SQL server processes Log and Space Information workspace Log and Space Information is a predefined workspace that displays information about the transaction log. stopped Microsoft SQL server processes. blocked Microsoft SQL server processes. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Process Summary table view that displays information about the processes (such as the number of processes and the statuses) v CPU Percent bar chart that displays data from selected columns in the Process Summary table view (such as the percentages of CPU being used by the system and the application) v Process Summary bar chart that displays data from selected columns in the Process Summary table view (such as the total processes and total processes blocked) v Process Detail table view that displays information about specific processes (such as the usage and time) Server Configuration workspace Server Configuration is a predefined workspace that displays information about the configuration of the SQL servers. including the total number of Microsoft SQL server processes.v Errorlog Alerts bar chart view that displays error message counts. You access this workspace from the Server Locking workspace. including the total number of error messages and a count of the high severity error messages v Percent Freespace bar chart view that displays the minimum database data free space percentage and minimum database log free space percentage for the Microsoft SQL server v Processes Summary bar chart view that displays counts of various Microsoft SQL server processes by type. Part of the information displayed is the SQL command that the process is executing. Processes workspace Processes is a predefined workspace that displays information about the processes for SQL servers. current. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Statistics Summary table view that displays summary statistics for the SQL servers (such as the number of active connections) v Statistics Summary bar chart and IO Summary bar chart that display data from selected columns in the Statistics Summary table view v Statistics Detail table view that displays each statistic for the selected SQL server (such as the name of the statistic and the average. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Lock Conflict table view that displays information about the locks conflicts (such as the type of lock and the ID of the process holding the lock) v Lock Detail table view that displays information about specific locks (such as the type of lock and the cursor associated with the lock) v Event Console and Take Action views Server Statistics workspace Server Statistics is a predefined workspace that displays statistical information for SQL servers. and maximum value for the statistic) Server Summary workspace Server Summary is a predefined workspace that displays an overview of the SQL server activity for your environment. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v Server Summary table view that displays summary information about the SQL servers (such as the name and status) v CPU Utilization bar chart view that displays data from selected columns in the Server Summary table (such as the percentage of CPU being used by the server) SQL Text for Process ID workspace SQL Text for Process ID is a predefined workspace that displays information about the SQL text string for the selected process. The predefined workspace contains the following views: v SQL text table view that displays detailed information about the SQL text strings (such as the total CPU time) v Event Console and Take Action views 38 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . minimum.v Cache Utilization bar chart that displays data from selected columns in the Server Summary table view (such as the size of the caches for data and procedures) v Server Options table view that displays performance information about the selected server (such as the status and the size of the data and procedure caches) v Server Configuration table view that displays information about specific configuration values (such as the name and value for the parameter) Server Locking workspace Server Locking is a predefined workspace that displays information about the locks for SQL servers. Chapter 5. v Situations You use attributes to create situations that monitor the state of your operating system. such as the amount of memory usage or the message ID. When you start a situation. You use the Query editor to create a new query. the Tivoli Enterprise Portal compares the values you have assigned to the situation attributes with the values collected by the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server and registers an event if the condition is met. Some of the attributes in this chapter are listed twice. with the second attribute having a ″(Unicode)″ designation after the attribute name. refer to the Attribute groups and attributes section in this chapter. 2005. 2007 39 . and descriptions of the attributes for this monitoring agent. More information about attributes For more information about using attributes and attribute groups. Attributes are organized into groups according to their purpose. modify an existing query. The attributes in a group can be used in the following two ways: v Chart or table views Attributes are displayed in chart and table views. © Copyright IBM Corp. see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide. You are alerted to events by indicator icons that appear in the Navigator. Attributes reference This chapter contains information about the following topics: v Overview of attributes v References for detailed information about attributes v Descriptions of the attributes for each attribute group included in this monitoring agent v Disk space requirements for historical data About attributes Attributes are the application properties being measured and reported by the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. a list of the attributes in each attribute group. A situation describes a condition you want to test. or application. The chart and table views use queries to specify which attribute values to request from a monitoring agent. or apply filters and set styles to define the content and appearance of a view based on an existing query. For a list of the attributes groups. database. These Unicode attributes were created to provide access to globalized data. Partition 40 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .Attribute groups and attributes for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server This monitoring agent contains the following attribute groups: v v v v v v v MS MS MS MS MS MS MS SQL Configuration SQL Database Detail SQL Database Summary SQL Device Detail SQL Filegroup Detail SQL Job Detail SQL Job Summary v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v MS SQL Lock Conflict Detail MS SQL Lock Detail MS SQL Lock Resource Type Summary MS SQL Lock Summary MS SQL Problem Detail MS SQL Problem Summary MS SQL Process Detail MS SQL Process Summary MS SQL Remote Servers MS SQL Server Detail MS SQL Server Enterprise View MS SQL Server Summary MS SQL Services Detail MS SQL Statistics Detail MS SQL Statistics Summary MS SQL Table Detail MS SQL Text VMS SQL Remote Servers VMS SQL Server Enterprise View IBM Tivoli Monitoring provides other attribute groups that are available to all monitoring agents. which are listed alphabetically. for example. Config Parameter The name of the configuration parameter. The following sections contain descriptions of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server attribute groups. MS SQL Configuration attributes The MS SQL Configuration attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor the configuration of a SQL server. The attributes in these common attribute groups are documented in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Help. for example Universal Time and Local Time. Each description contains a list of attributes in the attribute group. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. This attribute is not available for use in situations. and run values. for example. Parm Type The type of configuration parameter. 1000. Advanced 2 Configuration parameter is advanced. Otherwise. queries. 2147483647. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. Unknown -1 Configuration parameter is unknown. Dynamic_and_Advanced 3 Configuration parameter is dynamic and advanced. The value was initially specified in the sysconfigures system table. where: MM Month Chapter 5. Run Value The value the SQL server is using for the configuration parameter.group. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. for example it is available for reports. 1. Minimum Value The minimum value that can be specified for the configuration parameter. 1000. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 12 characters. If the configuration parameter is dynamic. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 12 characters. a server restart is not required. Attributes reference 41 . Otherwise. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description Dynamic 1 Configuration parameter is dynamic. and workspaces. queries. for example. Maximum Value The maximum value that can be specified for the configuration parameter. Voyager. for example. and to compare the initial setting to the maximum. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. for example it is available for reports. for example. Use the parameter name to track the performance of a particular configuration parameter. Monitor this value to track its effect on performance. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The sysconfigures and syscurconfigs system tables store the configuration parameters. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Static 0 Configuration parameter is static. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 12 characters. Config Value The value for the configuration parameter. and workspaces. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 12 characters. for example. minimum. MS SQL Database Detail attributes The MS SQL Database Detail attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor the performance and usage of databases. Each database name is unique. Database Growth Percent The percentage of growth for the database from the last sample to the current sample. Each database name is unique. The product calculates this percentage from the maximum available free space for the database and the amount of space already allocated for the database. The value format is a decimal number with two decimal places allowed. 42 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . The value includes the megabytes of free “data only”. KOQ3. The value format is a decimal number with two decimal places allowed. The SQL server also assigns each database its own identification number. for example. Data Freespace The number of megabytes (MB) of free space in the database. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. 20.00.m. Database Maximum Growth Size The maximum size to which the database can grow in MB. January 25. Server The name of the SQL server. 10. CFS_SVR5. Database Name (Unicode) The name of the database. Consider using the alter database command to expand the database size. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters.DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. 50. Active Transactions The number of active transactions for the database. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Use this attribute to warn you when you need to extend the database. Database Space Percent Used The amount of space (in megabytes) used in the database as a percentage of total space allowed. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 384 bytes. for example. Data File Names The names of all physical files for data that make up this database. Database Name The name of the database.00. The SQL server also assigns each database its own identification number. If you run out of space.00. you can no longer use the database. for example. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. for example. 2002 at 8:00 a. Data Freespace Percent The percentage of maximum available free space for the database. for example. Data Size The number of megabytes (MB) allocated for the data only segments of the database. for example. KOQ3. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description Available 0 Database is available. Attributes reference 43 .01 indicates May 1. 02. Use the create database command to establish this identifier. DBO Only Access Indicates whether the database has a status of DBO only. for example. Use the create database command to establish this identifier. for example. A database with an error status has a status of suspect. where: YY Year MM Month DD Day For example. 2156. DB Owner (Unicode) The SQL server-assigned user ID for the owner of the database. The dump transaction command copies the uncommitted transactions in the transaction log. 2002. This value does not apply to Microsoft SQL Server version 7.05. DB ID The ID for the database. Check the status bits in the sysdatabases table to determine the cause of the error. This value is stored in the sysdatabases table.MM. Not_Available 1 Database is unavailable. Use this attribute to warn that the database has become unavailable. you cannot access it. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description No No Database does not have an error status. The format is YY.Database Status Reports when the database is unavailable. Refer to this date to determine when the latest backup of the transaction log was made. DBO.DD. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 72 bytes. If a database is offline. crashed. Chapter 5. or recovery. Use the database consistency checker (dbcc) to verify the database integrity. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description No No Database can be access by authorized users. Dump Tran Date The timestamp that indicates the date and time the dump transaction command was last executed for the database. DB Owner The SQL server-assigned user ID for the owner of the database. Yes Yes Database has an error status. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 12 characters. Error Status Indicates whether the database has an error status. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters. Yes Yes Database has a status of DBO only. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description No No Free space accounting is enabled. Information about free space is inaccurate when free space accounting is turned off. The value includes the number of megabytes allocated for the transaction log on the “log only” partitions. Log Space Percent Used The percentage of the transaction log that is full.00. Various types of transactions. Evaluate the need to truncate the transaction log to prevent it from filling up. Voyager. Log Maximum Growth Size The maximum size to which the log can grow in MB.Free Space Accounting Suppressed Indicates whether the free space accounting option is enabled for the database. Yes Yes Free space accounting is disabled. queries. Use this attribute to set an alert based on a percent full threshold. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. for example. 500. The appropriate size for a transaction log depends on how the database is used. Log Freespace The number of megabytes (MB) of free space in the transaction log for the database. Last Database Size The database size in MB from the previous sample. When the log has filled up all of its allocated space. Use the no-free-space-actg option and the checkpoint command to speed recovery. for example it is available for reports. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. Otherwise. effect sizing. type of transactions. for example. The value includes the number of megabytes of free space on the “log only” partitions.00. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. then spawn a task to dump or truncate the transaction log or to do both. Log Freespace Percent The percentage of free space in the transaction log for the database. The no-free-space-actg option turns off free space accounting on non-log segments only. 8. such as mass updates and bulk copying in can involve extensive logging. transactions that require logging are rejected. The value format is a decimal number with two decimal places allowed. This attribute is not available for use in situations. for example. and workspaces. and number of users. Several factors. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The value format is a decimal number with two decimal places allowed. such as the number of transactions. Log Size The number of megabytes (MB) allocated for the transaction log for the database. 20. The following values are valid: 44 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Log File Names The names of all physical files for logs that make up this database. Various types of transactions. No time is needed to count free space for non-log segments. for example. No CKPT After Recovery Indicates whether a record for the checkpoint is added to the transaction log when the database is recovered. such as mass updates and bulk copying in can involve extensive logging. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Use this attribute to determine up to which point in time the transaction log can be truncated and backed up. Yes Yes No CKPT After Recovery option is enabled. Otherwise. Oldest Open Transaction The age (in minutes) of the oldest open transaction in the database transaction log. Bottlenecks cause delays in the published transactions reaching the subscriber database. Use this attribute to discover if there are any bottlenecks in the replication process. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description No No Database is read and write database. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. Bottlenecks cause delays in the published transactions reaching the subscriber database. and workspaces. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Replicated Transaction Rate The rate per second at which transactions have been read out of the publication database transaction log and delivered to the distribution database. Bottlenecks cause delays in the published transactions reaching the subscriber database. Use this attribute to discover if there are any bottlenecks in the replication process. queries. Replicated Transactions The number of transactions in the publication database transaction log that are marked for replication but have not yet been delivered to the distribution database. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. for example it is available for reports. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute Chapter 5. Yes Yes Database has a status of read-only. Replication Latency The number of milliseconds between the time a transaction marked for replication is entered into the publication database transaction log and the time it is read out of the log and delivered to the distribution database. Use this attribute to discover if there are any bottlenecks in the replication process. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. Attributes reference 45 . Read Only Access Indicates whether the database has a status of read only.External value Internal value Description No No No CKPT After Recovery option is disabled. A database with a status of single user can only be accessed by one user at a time. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. The value format is an integer in the range 1-128. Single User Access Indicates whether the database has a status of single user. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. Suspect Database Reports whether a database is marked as suspect. Yes Yes Select Into/Bulkcopy option is enabled. January 25. Otherwise. For example. Current Interval The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous sample and the current sample.m. A sample contains the data that IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Microsoft SQL Server collects about each SQL server. MS SQL Database Summary attributes The MS SQL Database Summary attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor summary information about SQL server databases. Yes Yes Database has a status of single user. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description No No Select Into/Bulkcopy option is disabled. Voyager. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. for example. This attribute is not available for use in situations. 4. New data becomes available if a new interval has occurred and data has been refreshed at the CMS hub. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. CFS_SVR5. Server The name of the SQL server. Select Into Bulkcopy Enabled Indicates whether the select into/bulkcopy option is enabled for the database. The value format is an integer.SS Second For example. Use this attribute to warn you that a database cannot be loaded. 46 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . The valid values include True and False. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Total Devices The number of devices allocated for the database. for example it is available for reports. for example. queries. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description No No Database can be accessed by multiple users. for example. 2002 at 8:00 a. and workspaces. 90. Transactions per Second The number of transactions started for the database per second. The value format is an integer. for example it is available for reports. for example.Minimum Pct Data Freespace The lowest percentage of free space in data only and data and log segments on a device allocated to a database. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. Total DBs Read Only The number of databases with a status of read only. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. Set alerts for abnormal conditions. 2. 5. January 25. queries. Minimum Pct Log Freespace The lowest percentage of free space in log only and data and log segments on a device allocated for the database transaction log. Attributes reference 47 . Set alerts for abnormal conditions.m. The value format is an integer. Total Databases The number of databases for the SQL server. Evaluate the possibility of adding more space to the database.00. for example. for example. This attribute is not available for use in situations. and workspaces. The amount of space needed by the database depends on its anticipated activity. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. A database with a status of database owner can be accessed only by users with DBO authority. Total DBs in Error The number of databases with an error status. for example. 5. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. Otherwise. for example. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. for example. 5. crashed. The value format is an integer. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. For example: CFS_SVR5. The value format is an integer. or recovery. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. Evaluate the possibility of expanding the log. 2002 at 8:00 a. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. 5. Total DBs DBO Only The number of databases with a status of DBO only. The value format is an integer. Server The name of the SQL server. 5. Chapter 5. A database with an error status is a database with a status of suspect. for example.00. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. The amount of space needed by the transaction log depends on the type and quantity of the transactions and the frequency of backups. 10. Total DBs No Free Space Accounting The number of databases that have the free space accounting option disabled. The value format is an integer. The value format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed. for example. The value indicates the type of data that is stored on the device. Database Name The name of the database. Each database name is unique. indexes. and recoverability issues. Adequate space is required to support database and system administration activities. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 384 bytes. Log_file 1 Device stores the transaction log for the database. logs. Use this value when analyzing the amount of free space. KOQ3. for example. Device Type Indicates the type of device allocated for the database. Refer to this value when estimating space needed for tables. Device Name The name of the device allocated for the database. 10. for example. indexes. DATA_1.00. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 384 bytes. logs.00. 15. Device Name (Unicode) The Device name. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. Databases are frequently spread across several devices due to size. Log_and_database_file 3 Device stores data and the transaction log for the database. for example. The value format is alphanumeric string with a maximum 30 characters. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. 20. Device Free Space Percent The percentage of free space on the device. A database with a status of single user can be accessed by only one user at a time. performance. Database Name (Unicode) The Database name. Device Size The number of megabytes (MB) on the device. The logical name of the device is stored in the name column of the sysdevices table. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description Database_file 2 Device stores data for the database. 48 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . The valid value is No_Data. Use the device name in storage-management commands. Adequate space is required to support database and system administration activities. The SQL server also assigns each database its own identification number.Total DBs Single User The number of databases with a status of single user. Set alerts for abnormal conditions. for example. 2. Device Free Space The number of megabytes (MB) of free space on a device. The valid values include No_Data. and system administration. MS SQL Device Detail attributes The MS SQL Device Detail attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor the usage and performance of devices. Refer to this value when estimating space needed for tables. and system administration. for example. Set alerts for abnormal conditions. The value format is an integer. Refer to the logical and physical names of the device that is being mirrored.Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. Otherwise. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Physical Device Name (Unicode) The Name of the physical device. MS SQL Filegroup Detail attributes The MS SQL Filegroup Detail attribute group provides details about the filegroups for each database in the SQL Server instance. Server The name of the SQL server. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters. for example it is available for reports. Database Name The name of the database. Attributes reference 49 . queries. The mirror device duplicates the contents of a primary device. for example. Filegroup ID The filegroup identification number. The value format is the version in the format version. Chapter 5. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. DATA_1. Mirror Device Name The name of the mirror device for the database. Otherwise. 2002 at 8:00 a. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute.release. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. for example. for example. for example. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. for example. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Voyager. CFS_SVR5. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. queries. Valid values include Not_applicable. January 25.0.m. and workspaces. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 192 bytes. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. for example it is available for reports. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. 10. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Physical Device Name The name of the physical device allocated for the database. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. and workspaces. Server Version The version of the SQL server. /dev/rsd2g. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. Server The name of the SQL Server. This attribute is not available for use in situations. and workspaces. Filegroup Space Percent Used The amount of space (in MB) used in the filegroup as a percentage of total space allowed. queries. Current Status The current job status. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. Filegroup Name The name of the filegroup. MS SQL Job Detail attributes The MS SQL Job Detail attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor SQL Server jobs. queries. for example it is available for reports. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute.Filegroup Max Growth Size The maximum amount of space (in MB) that the filegroup can grow to. Otherwise. Otherwise. 2002 at 8:00 a. Host Name The host on which the SQL server resides. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. and workspaces. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. for example it is available for reports. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Filegroup Size The size of the filegroup in MB. This attribute is not available for use in situations.m. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. January 25. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. A job is in one of the following states: 50 External value Internal value Executing 1 Waiting_for_thread 2 Between_retries 3 Idle 4 Suspended 5 Performing_completion_actions 7 Unknown -1 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. Jobs ID The SQL Server job ID. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. for example. Chapter 5. If the job has not been run at all. Otherwise. If there is an error retrieving the job information. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. Voyager. Attributes reference 51 . Job Category Name Job category name for the job. Jobs Name The SQL Server job name. and workspaces. the Last Run Timestamp value is ’N/P’. Job Category ID Job category ID for the job. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Job Status Current status of the job. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Failed 0 Succeeded 1 Retry 2 Canceled 3 In-progress In-progress Unknown 5 or -1 Last Run Outcome The last job execution status. queries.Enabled Whether or not the job is enabled to run. The following values are valid: External value Internal value No 0 Yes 1 Unknown -1 Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. Job Error Code Error code for the last completion of the job. for example it is available for reports. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Failed 0 Succeeded 1 Canceled 3 Unknown 5 or -1 Last Run Timestamp The timestamp of last job execution. Job Duration The amount of time it took for the job to complete (in seconds). the Last Run Timestamp value is ’N/P’ (Not Present). The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. and workspaces. MS SQL Job Summary attributes The MS SQL Job Summary attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor jobs. Max Jobs Failed Interval Maximum number of failed jobs across all samples since the agent was started. queries. Otherwise. Server The name of the SQL Server. for example it is available for reports. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. its Next Run Timestamp is ’N/C’ (Not Configured). queries. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. for example. for example it is available for reports. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS.m. Otherwise. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Max Running Jobs Interval Maximum number of running jobs across all samples since the agent was started. queries. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. and workspaces. Voyager. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. Jobs Failed Current Interval The number of failed jobs for the current sample interval.Next Run Timestamp The timestamp of the next scheduled job execution. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. Jobs Failed Since Startup The number of failed jobs since the agent was started. January 25. 52 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . 2002 at 8:00 a. If there is an error retrieving the job information. This attribute is not available for use in situations. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Otherwise. for example it is available for reports. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. and workspaces. the Next Run Timestamp values is ’N/P’(Not Present). Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. This attribute is not available for use in situations. If a job is not scheduled to run. This value does not apply to Microsoft SQL Server version 7. 12. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. Some blocking processes can become stranded. For more information on a blocking process. for example. query the sysprocesses and use the sp-lock procedure. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. The SQL server also assigns each database its own identification number. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters. 2002 at 8:00 a. The value format is an integer. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. Client User ID ID of the user who executed the command. for example. Chapter 5. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. for example it is available for reports. queries. Voyager. and workspaces. Database ID ID of the database that is locked. Investigate situations in which a process is being blocked for an extended period of time. ACCT_1.m. Attributes reference 53 . Each database name is unique. January 25. Client Group ID The group ID of the user executing the process. for example. Database Name The name of the database. Server The name of the SQL Server. for example. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. Otherwise. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 384 bytes. Blocking Process ID The identifier for the process that is blocking a request for a lock. Database Name (Unicode) The name of the database. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters.Running Jobs Current Interval The number of running jobs for the current sample interval. MS SQL Lock Conflict Detail attributes The MS SQL Lock Conflict Detail attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor detailed information about a selected lock conflict. This attribute is not available for use in situations. KOQ3. queries. Database ID The ID of the database that is locked. Database Name (Unicode) The name of the locked database. The following values are valid: NULL_Resource. for example. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. Otherwise. CFS_SVR5.m. for example. This attribute is not available for use in situations. 2002 at 8:00 a. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. DB12. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. and workspaces. for example it is available for reports. 21. File. Heap_or_Btree. The format is an integer. Key. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. Requestor Process ID The ID of the blocked process. This attribute is not available for use in situations. and workspaces. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. for example it is available for reports. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. Metadata. Converting. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 16 characters. The following values are valid: Granted. Waiting. Extent. 54 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. MS SQL Lock Detail attributes The MS SQL Lock Detail attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor detailed information about lock contention by lock type. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 16 characters. for example. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Table. Server User ID The ID of the server user.Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. queries. The format is an integer. Allocation_Unit. Database Name The name of the database that is locked. The value format is an integer. Page. Database. January 25. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Lock Request Status E Enumeration that identifies the Lock Request Status. Otherwise. Lock Resource Type E Enumeration that identifies the Lock Resource Type. Index. Voyager. Application. Server The number of the SQL server. RID. for example. for example CFS_SVR5. Table Name (Unicode) Name of Table being locked. for example it is available for reports. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Otherwise. The value format is an integer. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. queries. Process Holding Lock The ID of the process holding the lock. Server The name of the SQL server. The following values are valid: Value Description NULL Sch-S Schema stability Sch-M Schema modification IS Intent Shared SIU Shared Intent Update IS-S Intent Shared-Shared IX Intent Exclusive SIX Shared Intent Exclusive S Shared U Update IIn-Nul Intent Insert-NULL IS-X Intent Shared-Exclusive Chapter 5. The value format is an integer. Type Indicates the type of lock on the resource that is being requested. Page Number The page number of the table being locked. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server.Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 384 bytes.m. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 16 characters. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. Table Name The name of the table being locked. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. 2002 at 8:00 a. Attributes reference 55 . and workspaces. This attribute is not available for use in situations. January 25. Value Description IU Intent Update IS-U Intent Shared-Update X Exclusive BU Used by bulk operations UIX Update Intent Exclusive RangeS-S Shared Key-Range and Shared Resource RangeS-U Shared Key-Range and Update Resource RangeI-N Insert Key-Range and Null Resource RangeI-S Key-Range conversion lock RangeI-U Key-Range conversion lock RangeI-X Key-Range conversion lock RangeX-S Key-Range conversion lock RangeX-U Key-Range conversion lock RangeX-X Exclusive Key-Range and Exclusive Resource MS SQL Lock Summary attributes The MS SQL Lock Summary attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor the number of database locks that are currently open. Exclusive Extent Locks The number of granted Exclusive Extent locks. Exclusive Intent Locks The number of granted Exclusive Intent locks. Exclusive Locks The number of granted Exclusive locks. Exclusive Page Locks The number of granted Exclusive Page locks. Exclusive Table Locks The number of granted Exclusive Table locks. Extent Locks The number of granted Extent locks. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters; for example, Voyager. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Otherwise, this attribute is available to use like any other attribute, for example it is available for reports, queries, and workspaces. Intent Locks The number of granted Intent locks. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Otherwise, this attribute is available to use like any other attribute, for example it is available for reports, queries, and workspaces. Page Locks The number of granted Page locks. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. A sample is the data the product collects 56 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide about the SQL server. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS, where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example, 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday, January 25, 2002 at 8:00 a.m. Server The name of the SQL Server. Shared Intent Locks The number of granted Shared Intent locks. Shared Locks The number of granted Shared locks. Shared Page Locks The number of granted Shared Page locks. Shared Table Locks The number of granted Shared Table locks. Table Locks The number of granted Table locks. Table Lock Escalations per Sec The number of times that the locks on a table were escalated. Update Extent Locks The number of granted Update Extent locks. Update Page Locks The number of granted Update Page Locks. MS SQL Lock Resourcetype Summary attributes The MS SQL Lock Resourcetype Summary attribute group provides information about locks on individual resource types. Host Name The host on which SQL server resides. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Otherwise, this attribute is available to use like any other attribute, for example it is available for reports, queries, and workspaces. Lock Requests per Second The number of new locks and lock conversions per second requested from the lock manager. Lock Resource Type An enumeration of the resources that the SQL Server can lock. The following values are valid: External value Internal value NULL_Resource 1 Database 2 File 3 Index 4 Chapter 5. Attributes reference 57 External value Internal value Table 5 Page 6 Key 7 Extent 8 RID 9 Application 10 Metadata 11 Heap_or_Btree 12 Allocation_Unit 13 Object 14 Lock Timeouts per Second The number of lock requests per second that timed out, including requests for NOWAIT locks. Lock Wait Time The total wait time (in MS) for locks in the last second. Number Deadlocks per Second The number of lock requests per second that resulted in a deadlock. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Otherwise, this attribute is available to use like any other attribute, for example it is available for reports, queries, and workspaces. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS, where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example, 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday, January 25, 2002 at 8:00 a.m. Server The name of the SQL Server. MS SQL Problem Detail attributes The MS SQL Problem Detail attribute group contains attributes that you can use to display detailed information about a selected error. Error ID The ID of the error message. The value format is an integer; for example, 2520. The unnumbered errors with text explanations are written to the SQL server message logs. 58 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide Error SPID The ID of the session on which the event occurred. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Otherwise, this attribute is available to use like any other attribute, for example it is available for reports, queries, and workspaces. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters; for example, Voyager. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Otherwise, this attribute is available to use like any other attribute, for example it is available for reports, queries, and workspaces. Message Age The number of minutes that have elapsed since the error occurred. The value format is an integer; for example, 2. Monitor this value to track current messages. Message Issuer The source of the error message. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters; for example, JSMITH. Message Text The message text. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Otherwise, this attribute is available to use like any other attribute, for example it is available for reports, queries, and workspaces. Message Text (Unicode) The message text. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Otherwise, this attribute is available to use like any other attribute, for example it is available for reports, queries, and workspaces. Message Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the error occurred. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS, where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example, 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday, January 25, 2002 at 8:00 a.m. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Otherwise, this attribute is available to use like any other attribute, for example it is available for reports, queries, and workspaces. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS, where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute Chapter 5. Attributes reference 59 Error Log Size The number of bytes in the error log file. Age of Last Error The number of minutes that have elapsed since the last error message occurred. for example. 50000. Voyager. The value format is an integer. CFS_SVR. queries. for example. MS SQL Problem Summary attributes The MS SQL Problem Summary attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor summary information about SQL server errors. for example. 19. for example. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. The value format is an integer. Otherwise.SS Second For example. where: 60 MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . and workspaces. for example. 22. 90. for example. New data becomes available if a new interval has occurred and data has been refreshed at the CMS hub. SQL State Code The SQL state value for the error message. The value format is an integer in the range 10 through 24. 37. The value format is an integer in the range 10 through 24. Maximum Sev Level The level of highest severity encountered since the SQL server started. The value format is an integer. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. January 25. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. for example it is available for reports. 2. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. A sample contains the data that IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Microsoft SQL Server collects about each SQL server. Maximum Sev Current Interval The error message of the highest severity level encountered during the current interval. The value format is an integer. for example. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Severity Level Indicates the severity level of the error. for example. 2002 at 8:00 a. Current Interval The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous sample and the current sample.m. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. Server The name of the SQL server. Maximum Sev Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the error message with the highest severity level occurred. 2002 at 8:00 a. for example. Chapter 5. 3. Total Error Messages The number of error messages that have occurred since the SQL server was started. for example.m. for example.For example. The value format is an integer. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. The value format is an integer. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. query the sysprocesses and use the sp-lock procedure. for example. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. and workspaces. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters. 1. Total Errors Other The number of error messages with a severity level of less than 17 that have occurred since the SQL server was started. This attribute is not available for use in situations. This value does not apply to Microsoft SQL Server version 7. January 25. Blocking Process ID The identifier for the process that is blocking a request for a lock. queries. Server The name of the SQL server. Client Group ID The group ID of the user executing the process. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. Total Errors Current Interval The number of error messages that occurred during the current interval. The value format is an integer. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. for example. Some blocking processes can become stranded. The value format is an integer. 12. 3. MS SQL Process Detail attributes The MS SQL Process Detail attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor detailed information about a selected SQL server process. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Attributes reference 61 . January 25. Otherwise. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters. Total Errors High Sev The number of error messages with a severity level of 17 or higher that have occurred since the SQL server was started. CFS_SVR5. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. for example. for example. Investigate situations in which a process is being blocked for an extended period of time. 2. for example it is available for reports. 2002 at 8:00 a. For more information on a blocking process.m. ACCT_1. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. This attribute is not available for use in situations. The SQL server also assigns each database its own identification number. Rocket. If you increase the network packet size. Client Process ID The ID the client assigned to the process. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 16 characters. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. CREATE VIEW. The default size is 512 bytes. Command The name of the command being executed by the process. OS Process ID The Microsoft Windows thread ID. for example. 1024. for example. Duration How long. Voyager. in seconds. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. relative to all other SQL Server processes. Client User ID The ID of the user executing the process. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 16 characters. Each database name is unique.Client Host Name The name of the host for the client. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. for example. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. and workspaces. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. Database Name (Unicode) The database name. J_Kelly. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 16 characters. Host Name The name of the computer running the SQL server. 80. Login Name ID used by the process to log into the SQL Server. Otherwise. for example it is available for reports. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 384 bytes. Network Packet Size The number of bytes allocated for the network packet for the process. NT User User name associated with the process. for example. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 48 bytes. KOQ3. for example it is available for reports.00. Current CPU Percent Used Relative percent of the CPU used by this SQL Server process compared to all other SQL Server processes. Command (Unicode) The name of the executing command. queries. for example. This dynamic information is from the sysprocesses table. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. the process has been running. for example. confirm that configuration settings for memory and user connections provide sufficient memory for the SQL server. amc_2236. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. The memory required for each connection is the equivalent of three times the network packet size. for example. queries. and workspaces. Set alerts for processes using an abnormal amount of CPU. The value format is an integer in the range 512 through 424288. for example. 62 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Otherwise. Database Name The name of the database. CFS_SVR5. ISQL. Log suspend Process is suspended by the log transaction. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. Bad status Process has errors. Sleeping Process is sleeping Stopped Process is stopped. 30. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. The following values are valid: Value Description Alarm sleep Process is waiting for an alarm Background Process is a Microsoft SQL Server process. Running Process is running. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 10 characters. for example. Program Name The name of the program (front-end module) for the process. Send sleep Process is waiting on a network send. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. 42168. 2002 at 8:00 a. January 25. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters. for example. Time Blocked If the process is being blocked. the number of seconds that the process has been blocked.m. for example. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS.Process ID The ID of the process. S. Lock sleep Process is waiting for a lock to be released. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. for example. Recv sleep Process is waiting for a network read Runnable Process is in the queue. Server The name of the SQL server. Chapter 5. The value format is an integer. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 8 characters. Infected Process is infected. for example. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. Program Name (Unicode) The Program Name. Attributes reference 63 . Server User ID The SQL server-assigned ID for the user executing the process. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 384 bytes. Process Status Indicates the status of the process. This attribute is not available for use in situations. This value is based on information from the sysprocesses table. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. Current Interval The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous sample and the current sample. Voyager. Use this value to check for processes that use abnormal amounts of CPU time.00. 64 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . 60. The value format is an integer. The value includes accesses to hard disk for physical reads and physical writes. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. A sample contains the data that IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Microsoft SQL Server collects about each SQL server. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. MS SQL Process Summary attributes The MS SQL Process Summary attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor summary information about processes. 90. Bad processes are often associated with a process ID problem. for example. 4. The value format is an integer. for example. This value is based on the statistics collected by the SQL server. New data becomes available if a new interval has occurred and data has been refreshed at the CMS hub. 2. Percent Processes Infected The percentage of processes with a status of infected. The value format is an integer. for example. queries. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. 10. for example. the process has used on the host since the process started. Otherwise. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. The value includes all processes currently in a waiting state. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. for example it is available for reports. Total Memory Alloc KB The number of KB allocated for this process. An infected process is associated with a serious error condition. 2.Total CPU Time The amount of CPU time.00. This attribute is not available for use in situations. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters.00. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Percent Processes Blocked The percentage of processes that are being blocked. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. Transaction Name The name of the transaction for the process. and workspaces. queries. This value is based on information from the sysprocesses table. for example. for example. This value is based on information from the sysprocesses table. for example it is available for reports. Total Disk IO The number of accesses to hard disk since the process started. based on the number of pages in the procedure cache. for example. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. Otherwise. in seconds. A negative number indicates that the process is freeing memory allocated by another process. Percent Processes Bad The percentage of processes with a status of bad. Data Base Reorganization. and workspaces. for example. Total Log Suspend The number of processes with a status of log suspend. 25. The value includes background processes. 20. Attributes reference 65 . or send sleep.00. for example. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. Total Other Sleep The number of processes with a status of othersleep. A process with a status of log suspend is a process that cannot complete until there is free space in the transaction log. processes for applications. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. The value format is an integer. January 25. or send sleep. 1. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Server CPU Percent Application The percentage of CPU time the SQL server processes are using on the host. 50. for example. 2. for example. for example.Percent Processes Locksleep The percentage of processes with a status of locksleep. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. Total Processes The number of processes. lock sleep. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server.00. This value includes background processes. 2. recv sleep. recv sleep. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. for example. 2002 at 8:00 a. for example. Percent Processes Stopped The percentage of processes with a status of stopped. This value is based on information from the sysprocesses table. The value includes processes with a status of alarm sleep. CFS_SVR5.00. Server CPU Percent Application The percentage of CPU time the SQL server application processes are using on the host. The value format is an integer.m. Server The name of the SQL server. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. and user processes.00. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. 10. This value is based on information from the sysprocesses table.00. The value format is an integer. processes for applications. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. Chapter 5.00. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. 10. for example. This value is based on information from the sysprocesses table. Percent Processes Sleeping The percentage of processes with a status of sleep. for example. Percent Processes Othersleep The percentage of processes with a status of alarm sleep. for example. for example. and user processes. The processes are waiting to obtain locks on resources. 20. for example. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 12 characters. SERV_ID. Connection Level The connection level for the remote SQL server. 90.Total Processes Bad The number of processes with a status of bad. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. Network Name The name of the network for the remote SQL server. The value format is an integer. 1. and workspaces. Remote Server Status The status of the remote SQL server. Remote Server ID The ID of the remote SQL server. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. for example. and workspaces. for example. Total Processes Infected The number of processes with a status of infected. for example. The value format is an integer. 1. If the SQL server is not a Microsoft SQL Server Secure SQL server. for example. The value format is an integer. Total Processes Locksleep The number of processes with a status of locksleep. New data becomes available if a new interval has occurred and data has been refreshed at the CMS hub. for example. 2. for example. the value is 0. 1. The value format is an integer. The value format is an integer. 3. Voyager. for example. Total Processes Stopped The number of processes with a status of stopped. for example. REM_NET. Remote Server Name The name of the remote SQL server. Total Processes Blocked The number of processes that are being blocked. The value format is an integer. for example. for example. A sample contains the data that IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Microsoft SQL Server collects about each SQL server. MS SQL Remote Servers attributes The MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor summary information about remote SQL servers. REM_SVR5. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. A process with a status of locksleep is a process waiting for a lock on a resource to be released. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 12 characters. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. Otherwise. queries. This attribute is not available for use in situations. A process with a status of infected is a process that cannot be completed. Otherwise. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. 66 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . for example it is available for reports. This attribute is not available for use in situations. The value format is an integer. Current Interval The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous sample and the current sample. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 16 characters. for example it is available for reports. queries. 5. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Attributes reference 67 . this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. 1000. queries. 73. SQL_Error_Log. for example it is available for reports. for example. It also contains startup and system information. MS SQL Server Detail attributes The MS SQL Server Detail attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor detailed information about a selected SQL server.m. The error log contains the fatal error and kernel error messages issued by the SQL server. Otherwise. Error Log Name The name of the file that contains the error log for the SQL server. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. and workspaces. Error Log Name (Unicode) The name of the file that contains the error log for the SQL server (Unicode). 50000. The value format is an integer. for example. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. for example it is available for reports. This attribute is not available for use in situations. for example it is available for reports. 2002 at 8:00 a. Current Locks The number of current locks for the SQL server. for example. The value format is an integer. Otherwise. This attribute is not available for use in situations. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. The value format is an integer. and workspaces. for example. The error log tracks fatal and kernel errors. Check the error log for message content and details. for example. Server The name of the SQL server. and workspaces. Otherwise. The value format is alphanumeric with a maximum of 64 characters. queries. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Error Log Size The number of bytes in the error log file. The cache is sometimes referred to as the buffer cache. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. Voyager. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. CFS_SVR5. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 392 characters. The SQL server uses the data cache to store data and index pages.Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. Data Cache Size The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the data cache memory. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. for example. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. queries. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Chapter 5. January 25. The value format is an integer. 10. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Procedure Buffers Percent Active The percentage of slots with a procedure that is currently executing. you can increase this limit. This value is a configuration parameter. Use the attribute to see the current size of the procedure cache. for example. and workspaces. Use this attribute to see how much of the cache these procedures use in relation to the cache size as a whole.00. 2000. The value format is an alphanumeric string.5. A used procedure buffer can be active or not active. AIX. for example. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. This number is a fixed number based on the procedure cache that is allocated. Procedure Buffers Percent Used The percentage of slots that have a procedure in them. The value format is an integer. Procedure Cache Percent Active The total size of the procedure cache in pages. for example it is available for reports. Otherwise. 20. The value format is an integer. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. for example.release. The size of the procedure cache can fluctuate depending on the activity of other database server processes that might require procedure cache slots. such as query plans. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. This value does not apply to Microsoft SQL Server version 7. The value format is an integer. Procedure Cache Pages The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the procedure cache. OS Type The operating system for the SQL server. The value format is an integer. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute to see how much of the cache currently executing procedures use in relation to the cache size as a whole. for example 1000.00. 2. A procedure buffer is considered used when it is associated with a procedure cache entry. Procedure Cache Percent The percentage of cache memory the SQL server uses for the procedure cache. The SQL server uses the procedure cache to compile queries and store procedures that are compiled. OS Version The version of the operating system for the SQL server. Percent Max Locks The percentage of locks on resources of the maximum number of locks allowed by the SQL server. Use this attribute to see how much of the cache currently executing procedures use in relation to the cache size as a whole. Setting a higher limit for the maximum number of locks does not impair performance. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. The value format is the version in the format version. for example. Procedure Buffers Total The number of procedure buffers that are in the procedure cache. 68 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . The value format is an integer.Max Locks Allowed The maximum number of allowable locks. If your operations exceed the number of available locks. Use this attribute to see how much of the cache is being used by currently compiled procedures in relation to the cache size as a whole. for example. Procedure Cache Percent Used The percentage of the procedure cache that has procedures in it. queries. The value format is an alphanumeric string. ServerThe name of the SQL server. Attributes reference 69 .0. January 25. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description Active Active or 1 SQL server is active. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. Unknown Unknown or 0 SQL server status is unknown. The value format is the version in the format version. Chapter 5.release. Startup Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the SQL server was started. Inactive Inactive SQL server status is inactive. SQL Server.m. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. Server Version The version of the SQL server. for example. Time Since Startup The number of minutes that have elapsed since the SQL server was started. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. The value format is an integer. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. The format is YYY/MM/DD HH:mm:SS. 360. Server Type The type of SQL server. 10. The value format is an integer. for example.m. for example 1000. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. CFS_SVR5. for example. The SQL server uses the procedure cache to compile queries and store procedures that are compiled. January 25. for example. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server.Procedure Cache Size The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the procedure cache. 2002 at 8:00 a. 2002 at 8:00 a. Server Status Indicates the status of the SQL server. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub.MS SQL Server Enterprise View attributes The MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor the SQL servers in your enterprise. Current Logons The number of logons and connections that are currently active. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description Unknown Unknown Data collector is unknown. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. The data collector is the part of the product that collects information about the SQL server. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. The value format is an integer. Voyager. where: 70 MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The value format is an integer. Database Max Locks The name of the database with largest number of locks. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 32 characters. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 32 bytes. The value format is an integer. IO Errors Current Interval The number of disk errors in the current interval. Error Log Size The size in bytes of the error log. Database Max Locks (Unicode) The name of the database with largest number of locks. Database Max Blocks (Unicode) The name of the database blocking the largest number of processes. for example it is available for reports. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. Database Max Blocks The name of the database blocking the largest number of processes. Inactive Inactive Data collector is inactive. Maximum Sev Timestamp The timestamp of the of the error message with the highest severity level since startup. Age of Last Error The age in minutes of the last error encountered. The value format is an integer. for example. Collection Status Indicates the status of the data collector. Otherwise. and workspaces. Maximum Sev Level The highest severity level of an error message since startup. queries. m. Evaluate the possibility of adding more space to the database. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. Minimum Pct Data Freespace The lowest percentage of free space in data only and data and log segments on a device allocated to a database. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. The value format is a decimal number 0. 2002 at 8:00 a. January 25. Set alerts for abnormal conditions. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed.00. queries. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. The value format is a decimal number in the 0.m.00. Attributes reference 71 . The value is format is a decimal number in the range 0. The amount of space needed by the database depends on its anticipated activity. and workspaces. Minimum Pct Log Freespace The lowest percentage of free space in the log.SS Second For example. CFS_SVR5. The value format is a decimal number with 2 decimal places. Server The name of the SQL server. 10. for example it is available for reports. The value is a decimal number with 2 decimal places. Otherwise.00 to 100. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. January 25. for example. Pct Max Locks The percentage of locks on resources of the maximum number of locks allowed by the SQL server. for example. Chapter 5. Setting a higher limit for the maximum number of locks does not impair performance.00. for example. Percent Process Block The percentage of total processes in conflict. If your operations exceed the number of available locks.00 through 100. This attribute is not available for use in situations. 5.00. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. 2002 at 8:00 a. you can increase this limit. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server.00. Percent Max Logons Active The percentage of the maximum user connections that are currently active. Physical Reads per Second The number of physical reads per second during the current interval. Physical Writes per Second The Number of physical writes per second during the current interval.00 through 100. The value format is an integer. The value format is the version in the format version. Table Max Locks (Unicode) The name of the table with largest number of locks. Total OS CPU Percent The percentage of CPU time being used by all processes on the host. The value format is an integer.00 through 100. Total Locks The total number of locks for the server.Server CPU Percent The percentage of CPU time the SQL server process is using on the host. The value format is an integer. Inactive Inactive SQL server is inactive. The value format is an integer.00.00. The value format is an integer. The value format is a decimal number in the range 0. Total Databases The number of databases for the SQL server. Total Processes The total number of processes. for example. 40. 10. Server CPU Percent System The percentage of CPU being used by system processes for the server. 10. The value format is an integer.0. for example. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 32 characters. Server Version The version of the SQL server.00. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. for example.00 through 100. 360. Table Max Locks The name of the table with largest number of locks.00. Total Processes Blocked The total number of processes blocked. Unknown Unknown or 0 SQL server status is unknown. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 32 bytes. Time Since Startup The number of minutes that have elapsed since the SQL server was started. for example.release. Total Lock Conflicts The total number of processes involved in lock conflicts. for example. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description Active Active or 1 SQL server is active. 20. 72 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . The value format is a decimal number in the range 0. Server CPU Percent Application The percentage of CPU being used by application processes for the server. Total Errors High Sev The total number of messages with a severity of 17 or higher since the server was started. The value format is an integer. Server Status Indicates the status of the SQL server. Cache Hit Ratio The current ratio of data cache hits to total requests. Unknown Unknown Data collector is unknown. Also. A low number of free buffers might degrade server performance. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute to check the effectiveness of the data cache. The value format is an integer. Use this attribute to check the effectiveness of the data cache. The value is in seconds even though the column name would imply milliseconds. Chapter 5. If Microsoft SQL Server must read a large number of buffers to find a free one. CPU Percent Idle The percentage of time that a database server has been idle during the current monitoring interval. CPU Idle Delta The difference in the CPU Idle between the current and the previous samples. A low value indicates optimal performance.MS SQL Server Summary attributes The MS SQL Server Summary attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor summary information for SQL servers. Cache Free Buffers The current number of cache buffers in the free buffer pool. CPU Usage Delta The difference in the CPU Usage between the current and the previous samples. The value format is an integer. CPU Idle Sec The time (in seconds) that the SQL Server has been idle since it was last started. the returned value must be approximately 95% or greater. Use this attribute to gauge how much of the CPU resource the database server uses so that you can allocate resources more efficiently. The value format is an integer. The data collector is the part of the product that collects information about the SQL server. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description Inactive Inactive Data collector is inactive. Attributes reference 73 . Collection Status Indicates the status of the data collector on a remote node. Use this attribute as an alert when the number of buffers is getting low. For optimal performance. Cache Average Free Scan The average number of buffers scanned by the LazyWriter when the LazyWriter searches the data cache for an unused buffer to replenish the free buffer pool. Checkpoint Pages per Sec The number of pages flushed to disk per second by a checkpoint or other operation that require all dirty pages to be flushed. server performance might degrade. The value format is an integer. you can use this attribute to determine how resource-intensive certain operations are. Cache Maximum Free Page Scan The maximum value for the number of buffers scanned by the LazyWriter when the LazyWriter searches the data cache for an unused buffer to replenish the free buffer pool. 1000. 90. The SQL server uses the procedure cache to compile queries and store procedures that are compiled. Otherwise. Procedure Cache Size The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the procedure cache. Page Reads per Sec The number of physical database page reads that are issued per second. intelligent indexes. for example. The lazy writer eliminates the need to perform frequent checkpoints to create available buffers. Current Interval The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous sample and the current sample. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. either by using a larger data cache. aged buffers and make them available to user processes. Readahead Pages per Sec The number of pages read in anticipation of use. Data Cache Size The number of kilobytes (KB) allocated for the data cache memory. Otherwise. for example. Repl Distribution Delivered Cmds per Sec The number of distribution commands delivered per second to the Subscriber. or by changing the database design. This attribute is not available for use in situations. for example it is available for reports. The value format is an integer. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. This statistic displays the total number of physical page reads across all databases. Setting a higher limit for the maximum number of locks does not impair performance. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. for example. and more efficient queries.00. The value format is an integer. The SQL server uses the data cache to store data and index pages. Page Writes per Sec The number of physical database page writes issued.CPU Usage Sec The time (in seconds) that the CPU has spent working since the SQL Server was last started. The value format is an integer. New data becomes available if a new interval has occurred and data has been refreshed at the CMS hub. A sample contains the data that IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Microsoft SQL Server collects about each SQL server. The value is in seconds even though the column name would imply milliseconds. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. queries. If your operations exceed the number of available locks. Because physical IO is expensive. you can increase this limit. Lazy Writes per Sec The number of buffers written per second by the buffer manager lazy writer. The lazy writer is a system process that flushes out batches of dirty. for example. you might be able to minimize the cost. 10. Percent Max Locks The percentage of locks on resources of the maximum number of locks allowed by the SQL server. queries. and workspaces. and workspaces. for example. 1000. Voyager. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. This attribute is not available for use in situations. The cache is sometimes referred to as the buffer cache. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. 74 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . for example it is available for reports. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Server The name of the SQL server. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday.Repl Distribution Delivered Trans per Sec The number of distribution transactions delivered per second to the Subscriber. updated. and deleted) per second from the Publisher to the Subscriber. Repl Merge Downloaded Changes per Sec The number of rows merged (inserted.m. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. Repl Logreader Delivery Latency The current amount of time (in MS) elapsed from when transactions are applied at the Publisher to when they are delivered to the Distributor. Repl Logreader Delivered Trans per Sec The number of Log Reader Agent transactions delivered per second to the Distributor. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. If the value is not zero. Attributes reference 75 . The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. The value format is an integer. CFS_SVR5.00. You also can use this attribute to determine how I/O resource-intensive certain operations are. Server CPU Percent The percentage of CPU time the SQL server process is using on the host. Chapter 5. for example. 20. Repl Merge Conflicts per Sec The number of conflicts per second that occurred in the Publisher or Subscriber upload and download. for example. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. Repl Merge Uploaded Changes per Sec The number of rows merged (inserted. January 25. Use this attribute to gauge how much of the CPU resource the database server uses for I/O so you can allocate resources more efficiently. Server CPU Pct IO The percentage of time used for I/O operations during the current monitoring interval. Repl Logreader Delivered Cmds per Sec The number of Log Reader Agent commands delivered per second to the Distributor. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. and so on. 2002 at 8:00 a. the time it takes for transactions to be delivered to the Distributor and applied at the Subscriber. updated. the value might require notifying the losing side. Repl Distribution Delivery Latency The distribution latency (in MS). overriding the conflict. and deleted) per second from the Subscriber to the Publisher. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. 0. it returns 0.) Use this attribute to show the number of blocking locks active during server activity. 10. This attribute can indicate that processes are being held up through lock contention rather than hardware performance issues. Use this attribute to show the number of locks active during server activity. Total Blocking Lock Requests The total number of current locks blocking other processes. In Microsoft SQL Server Version 8. 76 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description Active Active or 1 SQL server is active.00. for example. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. Use this attribute to alert you when scheduled tasks have failed. Server Type The type of SQL server. Stolen Pages The number of pages used for miscellaneous server purposes. The first time you retrieve this attribute. Total Locks Remaining The total number of locks that can still be taken out. SQLServerAgent Failed Jobs Reports any jobs run by the SQLServerAgent service that have failed in the last monitoring interval. The value format is an alphanumeric string. Unknown Unknown or 0 SQL server status is unknown. Stolen Pages Growth The growth of the number of stolen pages between the current sample and previous sample.Server Status Indicates the status of the SQL server. Total Server Memory The total amount of dynamic memory (in KB) that the server is using currently. The value format is an integer. for example. The next time you retrieve it. you can have the number of locks configured automatically. The value format is an integer. The maximum number of locks is configurable. These jobs include replication and user-defined jobs. see the Microsoft SQL Server Books online. Time Since Startup The number of minutes that have elapsed since the SQL server was started. 360. SQL Server. MS SQL Services Detail attributes The MS SQL Services Detail attribute group provides details about the services that make up the SQL Server.0. A blocking lock must be released before other processes requesting competing locks can progress. Server Version The version of the SQL server. for example. it returns the total number of SQLServerAgent failed jobs found in the system history tables since the first run. Total OS CPU Percent The percentage of CPU time being used by all processes on the host. Inactive Inactive SQL server status is inactive. for example. The value format is an integer. The value format is an integer. The value format is the version in the format version. such as maintenance or backup tasks. (For more information on locks.release . 40. queries.Host Name The host on which SQL server resides. Attributes reference 77 . 2002 at 8:00 a. This attribute is not available for use in situations. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Service State Current service state. Otherwise. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. and workspaces. Service Name The service name for the SQL Server. and workspaces. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example.m. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Automatic 1 Manual 2 Disabled 3 Unknown -1 Chapter 5. Server The name of the SQL Server. for example it is available for reports. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. for example it is available for reports. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Stopped 0 Start Pending 1 Stop Pending 2 Running 3 Continue Pending 4 Pause Pending 5 Paused 6 Unknown -1 Service Start Mode Defined start mode for the service. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Otherwise. queries. This attribute is not available for use in situations. January 25. queries. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. This attribute is not available for use in situations.Service Status Current service status.00. Otherwise. The value format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed. This is a cumulative value for the statistic. 78 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Current Value The value for the statistic during the current interval. for example. This value indicates the norm for the statistic during the current interval. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. for example. The value format is an integer. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. for example. Voyager. 5. and workspaces. The following values are valid: External value Internal value OK 0 Error 1 Degraded 2 Unknown 3 Pred Fail 4 Starting 5 Stopping 6 Service 7 Service Type The service type for this service to the Microsoft SQL Server. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The following values are valid: External value Internal value SQLServer 1 SQLAgent 2 DTC 3 Analysis(OLAP) 4 Search 5 ADHelper 6 Browser 7 DTS 8 SQLWriter 9 Unknown -1 MS SQL Statistics Detail attributes The MS SQL Statistics Detail attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor detailed information about SQL server statistics. Average Value per Second The average value per second for the statistic since the SQL server was started. 40. for example it is available for reports. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. The value format is an integer. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Client Count The number of client workstations currently connected to the database server. Statistic Name The name of the statistic. Otherwise. January 25. for example. The value format is an integer. for example. MS SQL Statistics Summary attributes The MS SQL Statistics Summary attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor summary information about SQL server statistics. physical_reads. connections.Maximum Seen The greatest value per second for the statistic since the SQL server was started. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. For example. this attribute returns a value of 80%. Total Since Startup The total of all the values for the statistic since the SQL server was started. for example. packets_received. for example. This attribute is not available for use in situations. 10. Attributes reference 79 . This is a benchmark value. Minimum Seen The smallest value per second for the statistic since the SQL server was stated. and workspaces. 9000. which can result in server access problems. Name_of_the_statistic. The following values are valid: CPU_busy. The value format is an integer. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 32 characters. for example it is available for reports. packets_error. The value format is an integer. physical_writes. 2002 at 8:00 a. Client Count Percent Used The number of client workstations currently connected to the database server and returns the ratio percentage of the number of possible connections. queries. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters.m. cpu_busy. I/O_busy. if you have 10 client connections and eight are currently in use. Chapter 5. This attribute is also useful for tracking client access patterns. Running out of client connections can result in server access problems. Server The name of the SQL server. CFS_SVR5. I/O_errors. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. idle. Use this attribute as an alert when you are running out of client connections. 2000. The value format is an integer. This is a benchmark value. for example. packets_sent. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. This is a configuration value for the SQL server. The value format is an integer. Current Logons The number of active connections (logons).00. The value format is an integer. 50. Disk IO Current Interval The number of times the SQL server accessed hard disk during the current interval. Max User Connection Allowed The maximum number of active connections (logons) allowed for the SQL server. When this statistic is high. 90. in packets per second. Otherwise. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The value format is an integer. 50. The value format is an integer. Percent Max Logons Active The percentage of active connections (logons) of the maximum number of active connections allowed for the SQL server. for example. for example it is available for reports. When this statistic is high. IO Errors Since Startup The number of I/O errors that have occurred when the SQL server accessed hard disk since startup. 5. Network Write Rate The rate at which tabular data stream (TDS) packets are written to the network. A sample contains the data the product collects about each SQL server. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. use the select @@max_connections command. Voyager. The value format is an integer. for example. The value format is an integer. To determine the number of connections that can be configured for the SQL server. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. for example. for example. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. This attribute is not available for use in situations. for example it is available for reports. for example. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server.Current Interval The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous sample and the current sample. it indicates heavy network traffic. for example. it indicates heavy network traffic. The value format is an integer.00. and workspaces. 2. 1. and workspaces. in packets per second. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Percent IO Errors Current Interval The percentage of the accesses to hard disk that had errors occur during the current interval. queries. 100. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. queries. This statistic is an indicator of network throughput. The value includes access to hard disk for physical reads and physical writes. New data becomes available if a new interval has occurred and data has been refreshed at the CMS hub. Otherwise. for example. IO Errors Current Interval The number of I/O errors that occurred when the SQL server accessed hard disk during the current interval. for example. Network Read Rate The rate at which tabular data stream (TDS) packets are read from the network. 80 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . 50. for example. This statistic is an indicator of network throughput. The value format is an integer in the range 5 through 2147483647. 5. MS SQL Table Detail attributes The MS SQL Table Detail attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor tables within one or more databases. Physical Writes per Second The average number of physical writes per second during the current interval.00. CFS_SVR5. Physical Reads per Second The average number of physical reads per second during the current interval.00. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Use this attribute to gain an overview of high and low access periods and to warn you of impending availability problems. 2002 at 8:00 a. for example. Total OS IO Percent Busy The percentage of I/O the SQL server used during the current interval of all the I/O used since the SQL server was started. 5. Database Name The Database name. The valid values include No_Data. Database ID ID number of this database. 20. The value format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS.Percent User Connections Remaining The current number of remaining user connections as a percentage of the maximum number of available user connections for the database server. Total Logons per Second The average number of active connections (logons) per second during the current interval. for example. for example. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed.m. The format is an integer. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. Total OS CPU Percent Busy The percentage of CPU seconds the SQL server has used during the current interval of all the CPU seconds used since the SQL server was started.00. The value format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. Chapter 5. 15.00. Server The name of the SQL server. for example. The value format is an integer.00. The value format is a decimal with two decimal places allowed. for example. Attributes reference 81 . January 25. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. for example. 25. Total Logouts per Second Total number of logout operations started per second. Index\ID The ID number of this table index. for example it is available for reports. The valid values include No_Data. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. The format is an integer. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. Use this attribute to ensure that queries base their query plans on up-to-date information. The valid values include No_Data. The format is an integer. queries. 2002 at 8:00 a. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. and workspaces. Voyager. Server The name of the SQLServer. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. The format is an integer. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. they might be inefficient. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. Performance degradation is due to non-contiguous table reads that require additional extent switches. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. Index\Name The table index name. January 25. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. Table ID ID number of this table. This attribute is not available for use in situations. queries. This attribute is not available for use in situations. You can monitor the growth of individual tables and compare the actual growth to the expected growth. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. Table Name The Table name. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute.Fragmentation The degree of fragmentation for the table. Use this attribute to determine if fragmentation is reaching a level that causes performance degradation. Otherwise. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. Use this attribute to determine how much of the database space is used by a table. and workspaces. The format is an integer. Optimizer Statistics Age The time (in minutes) since statistics were updated for the table. If query plans are based on old information. Otherwise. for example it is available for reports. for example. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 32 characters Space Used (MB) The amount of space (in megabytes) used by the specified table. 82 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .m. Database Name The name of the database. queries. The SQL server also assigns each database its own identification number. Sleeping Process is sleeping Stopped Process is stopped. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. A sample is the data the product collects Chapter 5. for example. for example it is available for reports. Database Name (Unicode) The Database name. Otherwise. Infected Process is infected. Runnable Process is in the queue.MS SQL Text attributes The MS SQL Text attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor information about SQL text strings associated with a selected process. Each database name is unique. Send sleep Process is waiting on a network send. queries. Lock sleep Process is waiting for a lock to be released. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 10 characters. Client Process ID The process ID assigned by the host client. KOQ3. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. for example it is available for reports. Voyager. for example. for example. The following values are valid: Value Description Alarm sleep Process is waiting for an alarm Background Process is a Microsoft SQL Server process. This attribute is not available for use in situations. and workspaces. Recv sleep Process is waiting for a network read. Otherwise. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. Attributes reference 83 . this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 16 characters. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 16 characters. Process Status Indicates the status of the process. Log suspend Process is suspended by the log transaction. 42168. and workspaces. Client Host Name The host name of the client where the command was issued. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 384 bytes. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Running Process is running. Process ID The ID of the process that is requesting or holding the lock on the resource. Bad status Process has errors. and workspaces. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 255 characters. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. for example it is available for reports. for example. Text The SQL text for the process.m. New data becomes available if a new interval has occurred and data has been refreshed at the CMS hub. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. This value is based on the statistics collected by the SQL server. CFS_SVR5. Connection Level The connection level for the remote SQL server. Voyager. for example. Server The name of the SQL server. If the SQL server is not a Microsoft SQL Server Secure SQL server. Total CPU Time The amount of CPU time. VMS SQL Remote Servers attributes The VMS SQL Remote Servers attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor summary information about remote SQL servers. To create a situation. 60. queries. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Text (Unicode) The SQL text for the process. The value format is an integer. January 25. This attribute is not available for use in situations. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. 90. Current Interval The number of seconds that have elapsed between the previous sample and the current sample. this attribute is available to use like 84 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . for example. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. This attribute is not available for use in situations. To create a situation. 2002 at 8:00 a. for example. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. queries. and workspaces. Otherwise. for example it is available for reports. The value format is an integer. Otherwise. This attribute is not available for use in situations. and workspaces. the process has used on the host since the process started. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub. queries. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. Use this value to check for processes that use abnormal amounts of CPU time. for example. Otherwise. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. the value is 0. To create a situation. in seconds.about the SQL server. Otherwise. for example it is available for reports. The value format is an integer. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. A sample contains the data that IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Microsoft SQL Server collects about each SQL server. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. 3. This attribute is not available for use in situations. Network Name The name of the network for the remote SQL server. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Otherwise. CFS_SVR5. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. for example. queries. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 12 characters. To create a situation. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Attributes reference 85 . queries. queries. This attribute is not available for use in situations. To create a situation. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. Otherwise.any other attribute. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. To create a situation. REM_SVR5. This attribute is not available for use in situations. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. This attribute is not available for use in situations. and workspaces. To create a situation. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. Remote Server Name The name of the remote SQL server. and workspaces. for example it is available for reports. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. for example it is available for reports. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Otherwise. and workspaces. To create a situation. for example it is available for reports. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. queries. for example it is available for reports. Otherwise. SERV_ID. January 25. This attribute is not available for use in situations. and workspaces. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 12 characters. and workspaces.m. Otherwise. Otherwise. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. Otherwise. Remote Server Status The status of the remote SQL server. A sample is the data the product collects about the SQL server. This attribute is not available for use in situations. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. This attribute is not available for use in situations. for example. and workspaces. Remote Server ID The ID of the remote SQL server. To create a situation. for example it is available for reports. queries. this attribute is available to use like any Chapter 5. for example. for example it is available for reports. and workspaces. Server The name of the SQL server. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. for example it is available for reports. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. 2002 at 8:00 a. To create a situation. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. queries. To create a situation. for example. REM_NET. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 16 characters. queries. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. queries. VMS SQL Server Enterprise View attributes The VMS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group contains attributes that you can use to monitor the SQL servers in your enterprise. Otherwise. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. To create a situation. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. queries. and workspaces. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. queries. Database Max Blocks (Unicode) The name of the database blocking the largest number of processes. To create a situation. Current Logons The number of logons and connections that are currently active. Inactive Data collector is inactive. use the MS SQL Remote Servers attribute group. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 32 bytes. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 32 characters. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. and workspaces. for example it is available for reports. Database Max Blocks The name of the database blocking the largest number of processes.other attribute. and workspaces. To create a situation. Age of Last Error The age in minutes of the last error encountered. 86 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. queries. Otherwise. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. queries. and workspaces. Otherwise. for example it is available for reports. Unknown Data collector status is unknown. Database Max Locks The name of the database with largest number of locks. The data collector is the part of the product that collects information about the SQL server. for example it is available for reports. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Otherwise. for example it is available for reports. To create a situation. Database Max Locks (Unicode) The name of the database with largest number of locks. queries. The following values are valid: Active Data collector is active. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The value format is an integer. To create a situation. The value format is an integer. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. and workspaces. Otherwise. and workspaces. To create a situation. for example it is available for reports. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. queries. Otherwise. and workspaces. Collection Status Indicates the status of the data collector. for example it is available for reports. for example it is available for reports. To create a situation. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. Otherwise. Evaluate the possibility of adding more space to the database. and workspaces. queries. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. for example it is available for reports. January 25. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. and workspaces. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. To create a situation. The value format is an integer. Otherwise. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. for example it is available for reports. for example. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Minimum Pct Data Freespace The lowest percentage of free space in data only and data and log segments on a device allocated to a database.00. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 64 characters. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The value format is an integer. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. Hub Timestamp The time when this data was inserted at the hub.Error Log Size The size in bytes of the error log. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. Maximum Sev Timestamp The timestamp of the of the error message with the highest severity level since startup. for example it is available for reports. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. for Chapter 5. 2002 at 8:00 a. Maximum Sev Level The highest severity level of an error message since startup. and workspaces. for example it is available for reports. Otherwise. Otherwise. Otherwise. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. The amount of space needed by the database depends on its anticipated activity. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. Voyager. and workspaces. for example it is available for reports. To create a situation.m. To create a situation. queries. To create a situation. for example. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. and workspaces. To create a situation. queries. queries. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. IO Errors Current Interval The number of disk errors in the current interval. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. Otherwise. Host Name The name of the system running the SQL server. and workspaces. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. To create a situation. queries. Set alerts for abnormal conditions. Otherwise. queries. for example it is available for reports. Attributes reference 87 . This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. 5. and workspaces. for example it is available for reports. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. and workspaces. queries. If your operations exceed the number of available locks. and workspaces. you can increase this limit. To create a situation. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection.example it is available for reports. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group.00. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. A sample is the data the product collects 88 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . and workspaces. queries. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. and workspaces.00. for example it is available for reports. Otherwise. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. Otherwise. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. and workspaces. for example. queries. The value format is a decimal number 0. queries. The value is format is a decimal number in the range 0. Physical Reads per Second The number of physical reads per second during the current interval. and workspaces.00. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. To create a situation. queries. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. and workspaces. for example it is available for reports. for example it is available for reports. for example it is available for reports. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. Physical Writes per Second The Number of physical writes per second during the current interval. To create a situation. Sample Timestamp The timestamp that indicates the date and time the product collected the sample for the SQL server. Percent Max Logons Active The percentage of the maximum user connections that are currently active. Otherwise. Setting a higher limit for the maximum number of locks does not impair performance. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. To create a situation. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. Percent Process Block The percentage of total processes in conflict.00 to 100.00 through 100. The value format is a decimal number with 2 decimal places. To create a situation. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Originnode The key for the table view in the format serverid:hostname:MSS. 10. queries. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group.00 through 100. queries. queries. Pct Max Locks The percentage of locks on resources of the maximum number of locks allowed by the SQL server.00. Minimum Pct Log Freespace The lowest percentage of free space in the log. for example it is available for reports. Otherwise. for example it is available for reports. Otherwise. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The value is a decimal number with 2 decimal places. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. Otherwise. The value format is a decimal number in the 0. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. To create a situation. Otherwise. To create a situation. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. To create a situation. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed.00. Server Status Indicates the status of the SQL server. for example it is available for reports. where: MM Month DD Day YY Year HH Hour mm Minute SS Second For example. and workspaces. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. Otherwise. and workspaces. 2002 at 8:00 a.00 through 100. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. for example it is available for reports. The following values are valid: External value Internal value Description Active Active or 1 SQL server is active. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 30 characters. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. queries. Server CPU Percent System The percentage of CPU being used by system processes for the server. The value format is a decimal number in the range 0. The value format is a decimal number in the range 0. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection.00 through 100. queries. 01/25/02 08:00:00 indicates that the product collected the data from the SQL server on Friday. for example. and workspaces. Otherwise. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Server The name of the SQL server. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. queries. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. 20. CFS_SVR5. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. To create a situation. To create a situation.m. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group.00. Attributes reference 89 .about the SQL server. To create a situation. for example it is available for reports. and workspaces. for example. Otherwise. Otherwise. Server CPU Percent The percentage of CPU time the SQL server process is using on the host. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Inactive Inactive SQL server is not active. Server CPU Percent Application The percentage of CPU being used by application processes for the server. Unknown Unknown or 0 SQL server status is unknown. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. Otherwise. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. Otherwise. queries. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. for example it Chapter 5.00. for example it is available for reports. To create a situation. January 25. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. for example it is available for reports. and workspaces. The format is MM/DD/YY HH:mm:SS. To create a situation. queries. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. for example it is available for reports. Total Errors High Sev The total number of messages with a severity of 17 or higher since the server was started. and workspaces. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. To create a situation. 40. queries. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. Table Max Locks (Unicode) The name of the table with largest number of locks. 10. Time Since Startup The number of minutes that have elapsed since the SQL server was started. for example. Server Version The version of the SQL server. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. Otherwise. and workspaces. Otherwise. The value format is an integer. for example. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. queries.00. queries. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. The value format is an integer. The value format is a percentage with two decimal places allowed. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group.0. To create a situation. for example it is available for reports. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. To create a situation. Otherwise. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. To create a situation. 90 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .release. for example it is available for reports. Otherwise. To create a situation. for example. The value format is an alphanumeric string with a maximum of 32 characters. Valid values include text strings with a maximum of 32 bytes. Otherwise. Total Databases The number of databases for the SQL server.is available for reports. queries. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. The value format is the version in the format version. To create a situation. and workspaces. To create a situation. Otherwise. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. and workspaces. Table Max Locks The name of the table with largest number of locks. Total Lock Conflicts The total number of processes involved in lock conflicts. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. The value format is an integer. Otherwise. queries. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. and workspaces. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. The value format is an integer. queries. for example it is available for reports. The value format is an integer. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. for example it is available for reports. for example it is available for reports. 10. Total OS CPU Percent The percentage of CPU time being used by all processes on the host. and workspaces. 360. for example. and workspaces. queries. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. queries. and workspaces. To create a situation. Total Locks The total number of locks for the server. for example it is available for reports. Otherwise. This estimate can be used for warehouse disk space planning purposes. because it is the number of instances of data that the agent will return for a given attribute group.Table 12 on page 92 provides the following information required to calculate disk space for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server: v DB table name is the table name as it would appear in the warehouse database. Attributes reference 91 . if the attribute group is configured to be written to the warehouse. Otherwise. v Bytes per instance (agent) is an estimate of the record length for each row or instance written to the agent disk for historical data collection. for example it is available for reports. and depends upon the application environment that is being monitored. To create a situation. if the attribute group is configured to be written to the warehouse. The value format is an integer. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. for example it is available for reports. v Bytes per instance (warehouse) is an estimate of the record length for detailed records written to the warehouse database. Chapter 5. queries. This estimate can be used for warehouse disk space planning purposes. Required disk storage is an important factor to consider when you are defining data collection rules and your strategy for historical data collection. Otherwise. this attribute is available to use like any other attribute. v Bytes per summarized instance (warehouse) is an estimate of the record length for aggregate records written to the warehouse database. if your attribute group is monitoring each processor on your machine and you have a dual processor machine.for example it is available for reports. Total Processes Blocked The total number of processes blocked. To create a situation. The IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide contains formulas that can be used to estimate the amount of disk space used at the agent and in the warehouse database for historical data collection of an attribute group. queries. To create a situation. Disk capacity planning for historical data Disk capacity planning for a monitoring agent is a prediction of the amount of disk space to be consumed for each attribute group whose historical data is being collected. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. v Expected number of instances is a guideline that can be different for each attribute group. and workspaces. The value format is an integer. if the attribute group is configured to be written to the warehouse. Calculate expected disk space consumption by multiplying the number of bytes per instance by the expected number of instances. Aggregate records are created by the Summarization agent for attribute groups that have been configured for summarization. Detailed records are those that have been uploaded from the agent for long-term historical data collection. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. queries. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. For example. This estimate can be used for agent disk space planning purposes. and workspaces. use the MS SQL Server Enterprise View attribute group. the number of instances is 2. Total Processes The total number of processes. This attribute is not available for use in situations or for historical data collection. and workspaces. and then multiplying that product by the number of samples. Table 12. Capacity planning for historical data Bytes per instance (agent) Bytes per instance (warehouse) Bytes per summarized instance (warehouse) Attribute group DB table name Configuration KOQSCFG 313 310 347 43 rows for each monitored SQL Server instance Database Detail KOQDBD 2527 2734 3641 1 row for each database in each monitored SQL Server instance Database Summary KOQDBS 266 288 559 1 row per monitored SQL Server instance Device Detail KOQDEVD 1416 1463 1653 1 row for each device for each database data file plus one row for each device for each database transaction log file for each monitored SQL Server instance Filegroup Detail KOQFGRPD 1004 1053 1243 1 row for each database in each monitored SQL Server instance Job Detail KOQJBD 1124 1135 1211 1 row for each database in each monitored SQL Server instance Job Summary KOQJOBS 248 244 374 1 row per monitored SQL Server instance Lock Conflict Detail KOQLOCK 678 681 718 1 row for each lock conflict in each monitored SQL Server instance Lock Detail KOQLOCKS 1078 1087 1124 1 row for each lock in each monitored SQL Server instance Lock Resource Type Summary KOQLRTS 240 280 509 1 row for each database in each monitored SQL Server instance Lock Summary KOQLOKSU 292 311 984 1 row per monitored SQL Server instance Problem Detail KOQPROBD 804 808 845 1 row for each SQL Server message in each monitored SQL Server instance Problem Summary KOQPROBS 278 277 437 1 row per monitored SQL Server instance Process Detail KOQPRCD 958 999 1231 1 row for each database process in each monitored SQL Server instance Process Summary KOQPRCS 302 417 1225 1 row per monitored SQL Server instance 92 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide Expected number of instances . Table 12. Attributes reference 93 . Capacity planning for historical data (continued) Bytes per instance (agent) Bytes per instance (warehouse) Bytes per summarized instance (warehouse) Attribute group DB table name Expected number of instances Remote Servers KOQSRVR 284 281 318 1 row for each remotely connected server connected to each monitored SQL Server instance Server Detail KOQSRVD 600 685 1277 1 row per monitored SQL Server instance Server KOQSRVRE Enterprise View 1616 1784 2622 1 row for each database in each monitored SQL Server instance Server Summary KOQSRVS 422 668 2214 1 row per monitored SQL Server instance Services Detail KOQSRVCD 620 628 665 1 row for each database in each monitored SQL Server instance SQL Text KOQSQL 2997 3017 3105 1 row for each database in each monitored SQL Server instance Statistics Detail KOQSTATD 280 281 318 10 rows for each monitored SQL Server instance Statistics Summary KOQSTATS 306 434 1230 1 row per monitored SQL Server instance Table Detail KOQTBLD 1404 1440 1618 1 row per table index for every database in each monitored SQL Server instance For more information about historical data collection. Chapter 5. see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide. 94 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Software updates will write over any of the changes that you make to these situations.Chapter 6. the situation occurs for all of the databases. Situations are used to monitor the condition of systems in your network. Note: The predefined situations provided with this monitoring agent are not read-only. You can manage situations from the Tivoli Enterprise Portal by using the Situation editor. The IBM Tivoli Monitoring agents that you use to monitor your system environment are shipped with a set of predefined situations that you can use as-is or you can create new situations to meet your requirements. the right frame opens with the following tabs: Formula Condition being tested Distribution List of managed systems (operating systems. About situations A situation is a logical expression involving one or more system conditions. Expert Advice Comments and instructions to be read in the event workspace Action Command to be sent to the system Until Duration of the situation IBM Tivoli Monitoring situations are distributed to managed systems and the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server only has one type of managed system. references for detailed information about situations. You can examine and. 2005. Do not edit these situations and save over them. clone the situations that you want to change to suit your enterprise. You can display predefined situations and create your own situations using the Situation editor. Instead. change the conditions or values being monitored by a predefined situation to those best suited to your enterprise. the SQL server instance. and descriptions of the predefined situations included in this monitoring agent. the situation obtains all rows of data for the attribute group that is used by that situation. The left frame of the Situation editor initially lists the situations associated with the Navigator item that you selected. or applications) to which the situation can be distributed. © Copyright IBM Corp. When a situation is distributed to an SQL server instance. 2007 95 . If all database rows are returned. if necessary. Situations reference This chapter contains an overview of situations. Predefined situations contain attributes that check for system conditions common to many enterprises. subsystems. When you click a situation name or create a new situation. Using predefined situations can improve the speed with which you can begin using the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. You can add one or more situation filters so that the situation evaluates only the desired database or database table targets. For a list of the predefined situations for this monitoring agent and a description of each situation. refer to the Predefined situations section below and the information in that section for each individual situation. add the name of the database you want to monitor. More information about situations The IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide contains more information about predefined and custom situations and how to use them to respond to alerts. add filters to modify the situation. to the situation so that the situation only monitors the Northwind database. such as Database Name = ″Northwind″. For example.To restrict a situation to evaluate only a subset of data rows. Predefined situations This monitoring agent contains the following predefined situations: v MS_SQL_Block_Critical v MS_SQL_Block_Warning 96 v v v v v v v MS_SQL_Cache_Ave_FreePage_Crit MS_SQL_Cache_Ave_FreePage_Warn MS_SQL_Cache_Hit_Ratio_Crit MS_SQL_Cache_Hit_Ratio_Warn MS_SQL_Cache_Max_FreePage_Crit MS_SQL_Cache_Max_FreePage_Warn MS_SQL_Client_Cnt_Pct_Used_Crit v v v v v v v v v MS_SQL_Client_Cnt_Pct_Used_Warn MS_SQL_Collection_Status_Warning MS_SQL_CPU_Critical MS_SQL_CPU_Warning MS_SQL_DB_Error_Status MS_SQL_DB_FreeSpace_Critical MS_SQL_DB_FreeSpace_Warning MS_SQL_DB_Num_Errors_Warning MS_SQL_DB_Space_Pct_Used_Crit v v v v v v v v v v v MS_SQL_DB_Space_Pct_Used_Warn MS_SQL_DB_Status_Crit MS_SQL_DB_Suspect_Crit MS_SQL_Device_Free_PCT_Warning MS_SQL_Error_Warning MS_SQL_ErrorLog_Size_Warning MS_SQL_Failed_Jobs_Crit MS_SQL_Fragmentation_Warn MS_SQL_Fragmentation_Crit MS_SQL_IO_Disk_Errors_Crit MS_SQL_IOERR_Startup_Warning IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . v v v v v v v MS_SQL_IOError_Curintvl_Warning MS_SQL_Log_Freespace_Critical MS_SQL_Log_Freespace_Warning MS_SQL_Log_Space_Pct_Used_Crit MS_SQL_Log_Space_Pct_Used_Warn MS_SQL_Log_Suspend_Warning MS_SQL_LogonPct_Crit v v v v v v v v MS_SQL_LogonPct_Warning MS_SQL_Network_Read_Rate_Crit MS_SQL_Network_Read_Rate_Warn MS_SQL_Network_Write_Rate_Crit MS_SQL_Network_Write_Rate_Warn MS_SQL_Num_Process_Blocked_Crit MS_SQL_Num_Process_Blocked_Warn MS_SQL_Oldest_Transaction_Crit v v v v v v v MS_SQL_Oldest_Transaction_Warn MS_SQL_Opt_Stats_Age_Crit MS_SQL_Opt_Stats_Age_Warn MS_SQL_Pct_Block_Warning MS_SQL_Pct_CPU_Yields_Warning MS_SQL_Pct_IO_Warning MS_SQL_PCT_MAX_Locks_Critical v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v MS_SQL_PCT_MAX_Locks_Warning MS_SQL_ProbAge_GT_17_Warning MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Active_Crit MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Active_Warn MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Used_Crit MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Used_Warn MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Active_Crit MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Active_Warn MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Used_Crit MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Used_Warn MS_SQL_Process_Blocked_Warning MS_SQL_Process_Infected_Warning MS_SQL_ProcessLockSleep_Warning MS_SQL_ProcessOthSleep_Warning MS_SQL_Processes_Bad_Warning MS_SQL_Processes_Stop_Warning MS_SQL_Rem_Serv_Stat_Critical MS_SQL_Repl_Latency_Crit MS_SQL_Repl_Latency_Warn MS_SQL_Status_Critical MS_SQL_Status_Inactive MS_SQL_Total_Locks_Critical MS_SQL_Total_Locks_Warning Chapter 6. Situations reference 97 . MS_SQL_Cache_Max_FreePage_Warn Declares a warning condition if the average number of cache buffers scanned to find a free buffer exceeds the warning threshold. 98 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . MS_SQL_Client_Cnt_Pct_Used_Warn Declares a warning condition if the percentage of client licenses being used exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_Client_Cnt_Pct_Used_Crit Declares a critical condition if the percentage of client licenses being used exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Block_Critical Declares a critical condition if the number of processes in conflict is greater than or equal to 60. MS_SQL_Collection_Status_Warning Declares a warning condition if the status of the collector is not Active.The remaining sections of this chapter contain descriptions of each of these predefined situations. MS_SQL_Cache_Max_FreePage_Crit Declares a critical condition if the average number of cache buffers scanned to find a free buffer exceeds the critical threshold. The situations are organized alphabetically. MS_SQL_Cache_Ave_FreePage_Crit Declares a critical condition if the average number of cache buffers scanned to find a free buffer exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Block_Warning Declares a warning condition if the number of processes in conflict is greater than or equal to 20. MS_SQL_CPU_Critical Declares a critical condition if the percentage of CPU usage is greater than or equal to 80 and elapsed time since the SQL server was started is at least 10 minutes. MS_SQL_Cache_Hit_Ratio_Warn Declares a warning condition if the ratio of data cache hits to total data requests exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_Cache_Hit_Ratio_Crit Declares a critical condition if the ratio of data cache hits to total data requests exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Cache_Ave_FreePage_Warn Declares a warning condition if the average number of cache buffers scanned to find a free buffer exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_DB_Freespace_Critical Declares a critical condition if the percentage of freespace on the database is less than or equal to 10. MS_SQL_ErrorLog_Size_Warning Declares a warning condition if the error log size is greater than or equal to 10000 bytes. MS_SQL_DB_Space_Pct_Used_Crit Declares a critical condition if the percentage of space used in the database compared to the total space allowed exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Device_Free_PCT_Warning Declares a warning condition if the percentage of freespace on the device is less than or equal to 10. MS_SQL_Error_Warning Declares a warning condition is the number of SQL Server errors during the current interval is greater than 0.either due to error or due to being taken offline. MS_SQL_DB_Status_Crit Declares a warning condition if the database is unavailable . MS_SQL_DB_Suspect_Crit Declares a critical condition if the database is in an inconsistent state because it cannot be restored.MS_SQL_CPU_Warning Declares a warning condition if the percentage of CPU usage is greater than or equal to 60 and less than 80 and elapsed time since the SQL server was started is at least 10 minutes. Situations reference 99 . Chapter 6. MS_SQL_DB_Error_Status Provides an alert if the database has a serious error. MS_SQL_DB_Space_Pct_Used_Warn Declares a warning condition if the percentage of space used in the database compared to the total space allowed exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_DB_Num_Errors_Warning Declares a warning condition if the number of databases with an error status is greater than 0. MS_SQL_DB_Freespace_Warning Declares a warning condition if the percentage of freespace in the database is less than or equal to 20 and greater than 10. MS_SQL_Fragmentation_Warn Declares a warning condition if the percentage of fragmentation exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_Log_Suspend_Warning Declares a warning condition if the number of processes in log suspend is greater than or equal to 1. MS_SQL_Fragmentation_Crit Declares a critical condition if the percentage of fragmentation exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Log_Freespace_Critical Declares a critical condition if the percentage of freespace in the log is less than or equal to 10.MS_SQL_Failed_Jobs_Crit Declares a critical condition if the number of jobs run by the SQLServerAgent service that have failed over the last monitoring interval has exceeded the critical threshold. 100 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . MS_SQL_Log_Space_Pct_Used_Warn Declares a warning condition if the percentage of space used by the transaction log compared to the total allocated transaction log size exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_IO_Disk_Errors_Crit Declares a critical condition if the number of SQL Server read/write disk errors exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_IOERR_Startup_Warning Declares a warning condition if the number of IO errors since startup is greater than or equal to 10 and the percentage of IO errors is greater than or equal to 5. MS_SQL_IOError_Curintvl_Warning Declares a warning condition if the percentage of IO errors during the current interval is greater than or equal to 80. MS_SQL_Log_Freespace_Warning Declares a warning condition if the percentage of freespace in the log is less than or equal to 20 and greater than 10. MS_SQL_Log_Space_Pct_Used_Crit Declares a critical condition if the percentage of space used by the transaction log compared to the total allocated transaction log size exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_LogonPct_Crit Declares a critical condition if the number of current user connections as a percentage of the available user connections has exceeded the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Pct_Block_Warning Declares a warning condition if the percentage of processes in conflict is greater than or equal to 50. MS_SQL_Network_Read_Rate_Crit Declares a critical condition if the rate (packets per second) of Tabular Data Stream (TDS) packets being read from the network exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Num_Process_Blocked_Warn Declares a warning condition if the number of blocked processes exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_Network_Read_Rate_Warn Declares a warning condition if the rate (packets per second) of Tabular Data Stream (TDS) packets being read from the network exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_Oldest_Transaction_Crit Declares a critical condition if the age (in minutes) of the oldest transaction in the database’s transaction log exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Network_Write_Rate_Crit Declares a critical condition if the rate (packets per second) of Tabular Data Stream (TDS) packets being written from the network exceeds the critical threshold. Chapter 6. MS_SQL_Oldest_Transaction_Warn Declares a warning condition if the age (in minutes) of the oldest transaction in the database’s transaction log exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_Network_Write_Rate_Warn Declares a warning condition if the rate (packets per second) of Tabular Data Stream (TDS) packets being written from the network exceeds the warning threshold.MS_SQL_LogonPct_Warning Declares a warning condition if the percentage of active logins is greater than or equal to 90. MS_SQL_Num_Process_Blocked_Crit Declares a critical condition if the number of blocked processes exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Opt_Stats_Age_Crit Declares a critical condition if the time (in minutes) since the table statistics were last updated exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Opt_Stats_Age_Warn Declares a warning condition if the time (in minutes) since the table statistics were last updated exceeds the warning threshold. Situations reference 101 . MS_SQL_ProbAge_GT_Warning Declares a warning condition if the age of the last error is 30 minutes or greater and the highest severity level is greater than or equal to 17. MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Active_Crit Declares a critical condition if the percentage of active procedure buffers (buffers containing procedure(s) actively being executed) to total available procedure buffers exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Pct_IO_Warning Declares a warning condition if the percentage of time spent for IO operations is greater than or equal to 90.MS_SQL_Pct_CPU_Yields_Warning Declares a warning condition if the percentage of CPU yields is greater than 75. MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Active_Crit Declares a critical condition if the percentage of the procedure buffer cache with currently executing procedures exceeds the critical threshold. 102 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . MS_SQL_PCT_MAX_Locks_Critical Declares a critical condition if the number of locks reaches or exceeds 80 percent of the maximum locks allowed. MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Active_Warn Declares a warning condition if the percentage of active procedure buffers (buffers containing procedure(s) actively being executed) to total available procedure buffers exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Used_Crit Declares a critical condition if the percentage of used procedure buffers to total available procedure buffers exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Used_Crit Declares a critical condition if the percentage of used procedure buffers to total available procedure buffers exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_PCT_MAX_Locks_Warning Declares a warning condition if the number of locks ranges from 60 to 80 percent of the maximum locks allowed. MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Active_Warn Declares a warning condition if the percentage of the procedure buffer cache with procedures in it exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_Proc_Buffs_Used_Warn Declares a warning condition if the percentage of used procedure buffers to total available procedure buffers exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_ProcessLockSleep_Warning Declares a waning condition if the percentage of processes in locksleep is greater than or equal to 10 and the number of processes in locksleep is greater than or equal to 5. MS_SQL_Processes_Stop_Warning Declares a warning condition if the number of stopped processes is greater than or equal to 5 and the percentage of stopped processes is greater than or equal to 5. MS_SQL_Repl_Latency_Crit Declares a critical condition if the time (in milliseconds) between the time a transaction marked for replication is entered into the transaction log and the time the transaction is read out of the log and delivered to the distribution database exceeds the critical threshold. MS_SQL_Rem_Serv_Stat_Critical Declares a critical condition if the remote server has a status of Inactive. Chapter 6. MS_SQL_Processes_Bad_Warning Declares a warning condition if the number of bad processes is greater than or equal to 1.MS_SQL_Proc_Cache_Used_Warn Declares a warning condition if the percentage of the procedure buffer cache with currently executing procedures exceeds the warning threshold. Situations reference 103 . MS_SQL_Process_Infected_Warning Declares a warning condition if the number of infected processes is greater than or equal to 1. MS_SQL_Status_Inactive Initiates an action if the SQL server is inactive. MS_SQL_Process_Blocked_Warning Declares a warning condition if the percentage of blocked processes is greater than or equal to 25 and the number of blocked processes is greater than or equal to 5. MS_SQL_Status_Critical Declares a critical condition if the SQL Server status is not active. MS_SQL_Repl_Latency_Warn Declares a warning condition if the time (in milliseconds) between the time a transaction marked for replication is entered into the transaction log and the time the transaction is read out of the log and delivered to the distribution database exceeds the warning threshold. MS_SQL_ProcessOthSleep_Warning Declares a warning condition if the number of processes in other sleep is greater than or equal to 2 and the percentage of processes in othersleep is greater than or equal to 50. MS_SQL_Total_Locks_Warning Declares a warning condition if the number of locks reaches or exceeds 200. 104 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .MS_SQL_Total_Locks_Critical Declares a critical condition if the number of locks reaches or exceeds 4000. see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide. the command executes when the situation becomes true. About Take Action commands Take Action commands can be run from the desktop or included in a situation or a policy. refer to the Predefined Take Action commands section below and the information in that section for each individual command. you can use a Take Action command to send a command to restart a process on the managed system or to send a text message to a cell phone. More information about Take Action commands For more information about working with Take Action commands. Tivoli Enterprise Portal receives return code feedback. and automate manual tasks. Advanced automation uses policies to perform actions. When included in a situation. For example. 2005. A Take Action command in a situation is also called reflex automation.Chapter 7. When you enable a Take Action command in a situation. After an activity is completed. schedule work. and advanced automation logic responds with subsequent activities prescribed by the feedback. you automate a response to system conditions. which are listed alphabetically. references for detailed information about Take Action commands. and descriptions of the Take Action commands included in this monitoring agent. Predefined Take Action commands This monitoring agent contains the following Take Action commands: v Database Check-up and Tune-up v Dump Database v Dump Transaction Log v Rebuild Fragmented Indexes v Refresh Query Optimizer Statistics v Start SQL server v Stop SQL server v Update Space Usage Information The remaining sections of this chapter contain descriptions of each of these Take Action commands. A policy comprises a series of automated steps called activities that are connected to create a workflow. The following information is provided following the description of each Take Action command: © Copyright IBM Corp. Take Action commands reference This chapter contains an overview of Take Action commands. 2007 105 . For a list of the Take Action commands for this monitoring agent and a description of each command. If any argument requires an embedded space. DBCC CHECKCATALOG. DBCC NEWALLOC. and DBCC CHECKIDENT.Authorization role The required authorization role. Destination systems Where the command is to be executed: on the Managed System (monitoring agent) where the agent resides or on the Managing System (Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server) to which it is connected Usage notes Additional relevant notes for using the Take Actions Note: See the Windows Help or the Microsoft SQL Server Books On-line system for additional information. marks ) A given string The windows authentication information associated with the agent process (service) is used when connecting to the server. Blank (use Blank (use The windows authentication information associated double quotation double quotation with the agent process (service) is used when marks ) marks ) connecting to the server. formatting considerations. and so on for the Take Actions. plus any required Microsoft SQL Server permissions Arguments List of arguments. If a blank string is used for specifying the user ID. a Take Action uses the Windows user ID and password to establish the connection. Table 13 describes possible combinations for specifying the user ID and password. Each argument is positionally dependent and mandatory. the connection to the server is established using Windows authentication. – DBCC CHECKDB checks each table to ensure that the following statuses are true: 106 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Database Check-up and Tune-up action Performs a series of regular maintenance tasks to correct inconsistencies in the database and tune the performance of the system. Blank (use The user ID string and blank password are used double quotation when connecting to the server. The arguments for the MS SQL Take Actions are organized according to their respective positions on the GUI. if any. If you do not specify an explicit user ID and password. User ID and password combinations User ID Password A given string A given string A given string Blank (use double quotation marks ) Outcome Both strings are used for user ID and password when connecting to the server. The Database Check-up and Tune-up Take Action includes the following tasks: v Runs DBCC CHECKDB. User ID and password combinations All Take Actions for this monitoring agent can optionally use an explicit user ID and password when connecting to the MS SQL Server. the argument must be enclosed in double quotation marks. Table 13. for the Take Action with a short description and default value for each one. The default value is 30..Page offsets are reasonable. Take Action commands reference 107 . – DBCC CHECKCATALOG identifies inconsistencies between system tables and checks the validity of the last checkpoint. v Rebuilds fragmented indexes and runs UPDATE STATISTICS to ensure that the query optimizer is using the most recent information. . Arguments SQL Server Name (sql_server_name) SQL Server instance name Database Name (database_name) Name of the database Fragmentation Limit (fragmentation_limit) Value for the index fragmentation limit. a temporary backup device.Indexes are in proper sorted order. .Index and data pages are correctly linked. SQL Server ID (sql_server_id) Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login ID. The Dump Database Take Action does the following tasks: v Provides a way to check the database integrity before backing up to ensure that the backup is viable v Provides a way to designate an existing backup device.Data information on each page is reasonable.All pointers are consistent. the index is rebuilt. or the previous backup device when possible Chapter 7. When the actual index fragmentation percentage is greater than the entered number. see Table 13 on page 106. Authorization role Microsoft SQL Server permissions are sysadmin or db_owner. . see Table 13 on page 106. . v Drops and reloads stored procedures. – DBCC CHECKIDENT corrects disrupted identity column values that can result from ungraceful shutdowns or unlogged operations. v Runs DBCC UPDATEUSAGE to ensure more accurate space usage statistics. SQL Server Password (sql_server_password) Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login password. Destination system Managed system Usage notes Not applicable Dump Database action Performs a full database backup. v RETAINDAYS specifies how many days to retain the backup. Arguments SQL Server Name (sql_server_name) SQL Server instance name Database Name (database_name) Name of the database Backup Device (backup_device) Name of the backup device. Any existing password is ignored. 108 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . use either a Microsoft SQL Server variable or literal text. Using it on a single tape that belongs to an existing striped backup set makes the entire backup set useless. Note: The available backup options vary by version of Microsoft SQL Server. DESCRIPTION=’text’ Specifies a description for the backup set. The maximum length is 255 characters. This value is ignored when the Use Last Backup Device argument is 1. Backup Options (backup_options) A comma-separated list of options. and all media contents are invalidated.536 unless overridden. Verification consists of reading header information to ensure that the backup set is complete and all volumes are readable. The default value is a full backup. Use this option on complete backup sets only. FORMAT or NOFORMAT Writes the media header on all volumes used for the backup and rewrites the backup device. you can append to a previous backup or overwrite it. v Writes some statistics on the backup procedure along with the header information on the backup device to a log file. Data structure in the backup volume is not verified. Authorization role Microsoft SQL Server permissions are sysadmin. You can specify the type of backup to perform. the size is set automatically unless overridden.v Provides a way to specify a list of backup options. or db_backupoperator. v Checks the readability of the backup after it is complete. For all options that take a argument. An existing media header is overwritten. db_owner. For example. Only one of the following options may be used: v EXPIREDATE specifies the expiration date. the default size is 65. You can use the following options: BLOCKSIZE=number Sets the block size to use when writing the backup. DIFFERENTIAL Specifies a differential backup rather than a full backup. The default value is a blank. When writing to disk or tape. EXPIREDATE=date or RETAINDAYS=number Specifies when the backup file can be overwritten. When writing to PIPE. v The backup media is encrypted. if the existing MEDIANAME on the backup media does not match. The default value is BLANK. You can specify SKIP to override this condition. The backup does not overwrite if it encounters any of the following conditions: v The media contains unexpired backup sets. The maximum length is 128 characters. SKIP can be used with INIT. Use Last Backup Device (use_last_backup_device) You can use the same backup device that you used the last time you backed up the database. The default value is NOSKIP except where otherwise noted. NOINIT means the backup is appended to the previous backup. The default value is BLANK. if any. INIT or NOINIT INIT means the backup overwrites any previous backup on the backup device. When specified. NOSKIP can be used with FORMAT to override its default behavior. SQL Server attempts to restart the backup where it was interrupted. If the database fails the integrity checks. NEWALLOC. MEDIANAME=’text’ Specifies the media name for the backup. MEDIADESCRIPTION= ’text’ Specifies a description for the media set. You can specify SKIP to override this condition. RESTART Use this option when restarting a backup operation that was interrupted. NAME=’text’ Specifies the name of the backup set. v The backup media is password-protected. The default value is NOINIT. Specify 1 for this argument if you want to use the Chapter 7. The default value is 10. Validate Database Integrity (validate_db) Runs DBCC CHECKDB. CHECKCATALOG. The media header is preserved. STATS=percent Specifies how often to write a progress message. Take Action commands reference 109 . They do not have to be specified separately. which can save time. v An explicitly given backup set name does not match the name on the backup media. UNLOAD or NOUNLOAD Use this option for tape devices only. The default value is NOUNLOAD. SKIP or NOSKIP SKIP disables the checking for name match and expiration date of all backup sets on the media. UNLOAD specifies rewinding and unloading (ejecting) the media when the backup is complete. the backup is not performed. which is expressed as a percent complete. the backup fails. and CHECKIDENT to determine if the database is corrupted.Using FORMAT implicitly sets INIT and SKIP. The maximum length is 128 characters. you can append a backup to a previous backup or overwrite the previous backup. For example. Dump Transaction Log action Backs up. you must provide the name of the backup device. see Table 13 on page 106. a temporary backup device. all the logged transactions could be lost. v Because the Take Action could fail and return a warning.” which clears the log and decreases the total time that is required to back up the database. Data structure in the backup volume is not verified. truncates. Arguments SQL Server Name (sql_server_name) SQL Server instance name Database Name (database_name) Name of the database 110 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . If you specify 0. or db_backupoperator. However.previous backup device. The backup options available vary according to the version of Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server ID (sql_server_id) Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login ID. this monitoring agent must have rights on the remote machine and cannot be running under the local system account. Authorization role Microsoft SQL Server permissions are sysadmin. Verification consists of reading header information to ensure that the backup set is complete and all volumes are readable. back up a transaction log using the “Dump Transaction Log action. do not make master backups to striped devices. SQL Server Password (sql_server_password) Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login password. if the database backup is not done immediately or if it fails. Destination system Managed system Usage notes When using this Take Action. v Checks the backup’s readability after the backup is complete. or backs up and truncates a database’s transaction log. and the integrity of the database is not validated. db_owner. consider the following information: v To do backups to remote machines. This Take Action does not truncate the log before backing up the database. v Writes some statistics about the backup procedure and writes the header information on the backup device to a log file. or the previous backup device when possible. You can specify the type of backup to perform. see Table 13 on page 106. v Provides a way to specify a list of backup options. v Before backing up a database. The Dump Transaction Log Take Action does the following tasks: v Provides a way to designate an existing backup device. The maximum length is 255 characters. MEDIADESCRIPTION= ’text’ Specifies a description for the media set. When writing to disk or tape. This value is ignored when the Use Last Backup Device argument is set to 1. v The backup media is encrypted. Using FORMAT implicitly sets INIT and SKIP. You can specify SKIP to override this condition. The default value is a full backup. the default size is 65. The media header is preserved. Using it on a single tape that belongs to an existing striped backup set renders the entire backup set useless. You can specify SKIP to override this condition. The default value is BLANK. For all options that take a argument. The default value is a blank. Chapter 7. NOINIT means the backup is appended to the previous backup. EXPIREDATE specifies the expiration date. Any existing password is ignored. The maximum length is 128 characters. INIT or NOINIT INIT means the backup overwrites any previous backup on the backup device. Take Action commands reference 111 . the size is set automatically unless overridden. When writing to PIPE. Only one of these options may be used. Use this option on complete backup sets only.536 unless overridden. use either a Microsoft SQL Server variable or literal text. DIFFERENTIAL Specifies a differential backup rather than a full backup. An existing media header is overwritten and all media contents are invalidated. if any. The backup does not overwrite if it encounters any of the following conditions: v The media contains unexpired backup sets. Backup Options (backup_options) A comma-separated list of options. v An explicitly given backup set name does not match the name on the backup media. You can use the following options: BLOCKSIZE=number Sets the block size to use when writing the backup. RETAINDAYS specifies how many days to retain the backup. They do not have to be specified separately. The default value is NOINIT. v The backup media is password-protected. FORMAT or NOFORMAT Writes the media header on all volumes used for the backup and rewrites the backup device. DESCRIPTION=’text’ Specifies a description for the backup set. EXPIREDATE=date or RETAINDAYS=number Specifies when the backup file may be overwritten.Backup Device (backup_device) Name of the backup device. The default value is NOUNLOAD. but does not truncate it. and the integrity of the database is not validated. SQL Server Password (sql_server_password) 112 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . you must provide the name of the backup device. expressed as a percent complete. which can save time. STATS=percent Specifies how often to write a progress message. When specified. the backup fails. The default value is BLANK. If you specify 0. but does not back it up. RESTART Use this option when restarting a backup operation that was interrupted. Specify 1 for this argument if you want to use the previous backup device. SQL Server ID (sql_server_id) Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login ID. but does not back it up. Use Last Backup Device (use_last_backup_device) You can use the same backup device that you used the last time you backed up the database. Use this option only when the transaction log and the data are on separate device fragments. Dump Options (dump_option) Specifies how to backup and/or truncate a transaction log. if the existing MEDIANAME on the backup media does not match. The maximum length is 128 characters. This operation is not logged. UNLOAD or NOUNLOAD Use this option for tape devices only. which is used when log is full. UNLOAD specifies rewinding and unloading (ejecting) the media when the backup is complete. SKIP can be used with INIT. SQL Server attempts to restart the backup where it was interrupted. Truncating the log clears it of all non-active transactions. NAME=’text’ Specifies the name of the backup set. v TruncateNoLog. The default value is 10. This operation is logged. It is the only choice when the log is full. NOSKIP can be used with FORMAT to override its default behavior.MEDIANAME=’text’ Specifies the media name for the backup. Use one of the following valid choices: v backup backs up the transaction log. v BackupAndTruncate backs up the transaction log and truncates it. The default value is NOSKIP except where otherwise noted. truncates the transaction log. v Truncate truncates the transaction log. SKIP or NOSKIP SKIP disables the checking for name match and expiration date of all backup sets on the media. Note: The dump option names should be passed literally as strings when issuing this Take Action. see Table 13 on page 106. If the actual fill factor is greater than the number you enter. this Take Action rebuilds the index using the specified fill factor. use zero. Arguments SQL Server Name (sql_server_name) SQL Server instance name Database Name (database_name) Name of the database Table Name (table_name) Updates the indexes for a specified table or for all tables. observe the following information: v If the media fails. If blank. When you dump a transaction log. Rebuild if fragmentation % greater than (fragmentation_limit) Rebuilds the index when the index reaches this percentage of fragmentation. The Dump Transaction Take Action backs up only the transaction log and not the data. To rebuild the indexes under all circumstances. you are doing a database backup. The backup option provides up-to-the-minute media recovery when the master database and the log portion of the user database reside on undamaged database devices and when only the data portion of the user database is damaged. If the actual index fragmentation percentage is greater than the number you enter here. Authorization role Microsoft SQL Server permissions are sysadmin or db_owner. truncating it. or both. You can specify the level of fragmentation that triggers reindexing. Specify the backup option to back up the master database log on its own. May have an empty string value. it updates all indexes. or all indexes. When you dump a database. To rebuild with the same FILLFACTOR used in the previous rebuild. you could be backing it up. Index Name (index_name) Updates indexes of a particular name that you specify in this field. Take Action commands reference 113 . specify zero. this argument updates indexes for all tables. Fill Factor (fill_factor) Specifies how full you want the new page to be.Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login password. v The “Dump Database action” on page 107 backs up both the data and the log. Destination system Managed system Usage notes When using this Take Action. Enter a value that is the percentage of the page to be filled. specify backup so that the transaction log can be dumped even if the database is inaccessible. leaving 80 percent free. see Table 13 on page 106. entering 20 means that you want to fill one-fifth of the page. Leaving some space on a Chapter 7. Rebuild Fragmented Indexes action Rebuilds clustered and non-clustered indexes on tables. The default value is 30 percent. If this argument is blank. the Take Action rebuilds the index. For example. May have an empty string value. Table data is directly related to the clustered index because it is the leaf level of the index. Table 14 shows how entries in the Table Name and Index Name arguments determine which indexes and tables are updated. Entered Y Blank (use double quotation marks “”) - Updates all indexes on the specified table. Entered N Blank (use double quotation marks “”) - Error. Entered N Entered Y Error. Outcome Destination system Managed system Usage notes You can improve table fragmentation only if the table has a clustered index that can be rebuilt. remember that the database takes up more disk space. see Table 13 on page 106. see Table 13 on page 106. Specified index does not exist. SQL Server Password (sql_server_password) Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login password. If you specify a low fill factor. Specified index does not exist. Blank (use double quotation marks “”) - Entered Y Updates all indexes on the specified table Blank (use double quotation marks “”) - Entered N Error. Specified index does not exist. Index and table updates Table Name Table Exists Index Name Index Exists Entered Y Entered Y Updates the specified index on the specified table. Specified index does not exist. 114 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .page can improve the performance on clustered indexes. Blank (use double quotation marks “”) - Blank (use double quotation marks “”) - Updates all indexes. Entered N Entered N Error. The Take Action first checks the clustered index (INDID = 1). Entered Y Entered N Error. Specified index does not exist. Table 14. SQL Server ID (sql_server_id) Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login ID. Rebuilding the clustered index reorders the data pages and causes all other indexes to be rebuilt. SQL Server Password (sql_server_password) Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login password. you might still want to run this Take Action. If a table has no clustered index or the clustered index is not fragmented (non-clustered index fragmentation). Authorization role Microsoft SQL Server permissions are sysadmin or the table owner. Table 15. May have an empty string value. Index and table updates Table Name Table Exists Index Name Index Exists Entered Y Entered Y Updates the specified index on the specified table. Entered Y Entered N Error. Arguments SQL Server Name (sql_server_name) SQL Server instance name Database Name (database_name) Name of the database Table Name (table_name) Updates the indexes for a specified table. It checks the non-clustered indexes for fragmentation. Entered N Entered Y Error. this argument updates indexes for all tables. SQL Server ID (sql_server_id) Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login ID. which the Take Action automatically rebuilds on an individual basis if necessary. it updates all indexes. Table 15 shows how entries in the Table Name and Index Name arguments determine which indexes and tables are updated. Non-clustered indexes have an INDID > 1. If this argument is blank. Entered Y Blank (use double quotation marks ″″) - Updates all indexes on the specified table. see Table 13 on page 106. If blank. Specified index does not exist. Specified index does not exist. May have an empty string value. Specified index does not exist. Refresh Query Optimizer Statistics action Refreshes the optimizer statistics for all indexes on a table or for a specific index and forces every affected stored procedure to recompile before it is run again. see Table 13 on page 106. Index Name (index_name) Updates the specified indexes. Entered N Entered N Error. Outcome Chapter 7. Take Action commands reference 115 . Specified index does not exist. If you must have stored procedures based solely on system tables that were dropped and recreated. This Take Action uses that service name as the default. use the “Database Check-up and Tune-up action” on page 106. Authorization role None Arguments MS SQL Server Windows Service Name The Windows service name of the MS SQL Server instance you want to start. Index and table updates (continued) Table Name Table Exists Index Name Index Exists Entered N Blank (use double quotation marks “”) - Error. the instance name is MSSQLServer. Blank (use double quotation marks “”) - Entered Y Updates all indexes on the specified table.Table 15. Outcome Destination system Managed system Usage notes This Take Action is limited by the sp_recompile stored procedure. Start SQL Server action Starts any or all of the SQL Server services. To start a named MS SQL Server instance. Blank (use double quotation marks “”) - Entered N Error. If you have a non-default instance name. For example. The default service name that the default SQL Server instance uses is MSSQLSERVER. Destination system Managed system Usage notes Not applicable 116 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . all stored procedures based on that table are recompiled. If you update a single index on a table. Blank (use double quotation marks “”) - Blank (use double quotation marks “”) - Updates all indexes. Specified index does not exist. replace net start MSSQLSERVER with net start MSSQL$instancename in the command area. The command starts an instance of SQL Server. By default. you cannot use sp_recompile with system tables. set the value of this argument to the service name that is associated with the named SQL Server instance. The default service name that the default SQL Server instance uses is MSSQLSERVER. If blank. Authorization role None Arguments MS SQL Server Windows Service Name The Windows service name of the MS SQL Server instance you want to stop. Arguments SQL Server Name (sql_server_name) SQL Server instance name Database Name (database_name) Name of the database Table Name (table_name) Updates the space usage information for a specific table or for all tables. Exists Does not exist Error. you can add /Y to stop dependent services too if they are running (for example.Stop SQL Server action Stops any or all of the SQL Server services. If you are using a non-default instance name. By default. which you specify in this field. Table 16. set the value of this argument to the service name that is associated with the named SQL Server instance. or all indexes. the instance name is MSSQLSERVER. Update Space Usage Information action Corrects inaccuracies in the sysindexes table that can cause incorrect space usage reports by the sp_spaceused system stored procedure. replace MSSQLSERVER with MSSQL$instancename. Take Action commands reference 117 . Index and table updates Index name Table Name Outcome Exists Exists Updates only the specified index on the specified table. Specified index does not exist. Chapter 7. Authorization role Microsoft SQL Server permissions are sysadmin or db_owner. none of the SQL services is stopped. If this argument is blank. Table 16 shows how entries in the Table Name and Index Name arguments determine which indexes and tables are updated. To stop a named MS SQL Server instance. The command stops the instance of the SQL Server. This Take Action uses that service name as the default. If the dependent service SQLServerAgent is running and /Y is not added in the command. Destination system Managed system Usage notes In the command. this argument updates indexes for all tables. net stop MSSQSERVER /Y). Index Name (index_name) Updates the space usage information for indexes with a particular name. it updates all indexes. You can use this Take Action to synchronize space usage counters in sysindexes for accurate usage information. Specified table does not exist. double quotation double quotation marks “”) marks “”) SQL Server ID (sql_server_id) Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login ID. RESERVED. see Table 13 on page 106. and corrects the USED. Specified table does not exist. Does not exist Does not exist Error. double quotation marks “”) Does not exist Exists Error. This action is based on the DBCC UPDATEUSAGE statement. Destination system Managed system Usage notes This Take Action does not create a report to show whether any corrections to the sysindexes table should be made. It does not maintain size information for nonclustered indexes. Specified table does not exist.Table 16. Blank (use Blank (use Updates all indexes. and DPAGES columns of the sysindexes table for any clustered indexes on U (user-defined table) or S (system table) object types. Index and table updates (continued) Index name Table Name Outcome Exists Blank (use Updates all indexes on the specified table. Does not exist Blank (use Error. 118 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . see Table 13 on page 106. double quotation marks “”) Blank (use Exists double quotation marks “”) Updates all indexes that share the specified name. Blank (use Does not exist double quotation marks “”) Error. Specified table does not exist. SQL Server Password (sql_server_password) Note: For information about specifying the SQL Server login password. For a list of the policies for this monitoring agent and a description of each policy. MS_SQL_DB_free_space_critical This policy provides actions to take on low free space on the MS SQL server. Instead. More information about policies For more information about working with policies. 2005. See the description in the next section of this chapter. references for detailed information about policies. refer to the Predefined policies section below and the information in that section for each individual policy. Software updates will write over any of the changes that you make to these policies. After an activity is completed. Policies reference This chapter contains an overview of policies. Do not edit these policies and save over them. For information about using the Workflow Editor.Chapter 8. which are also called activities. You use the Workflow Editor to design policies. This policy is triggered by the MS_SQL_DB_Freespace_Critical situation. clone the policies that you want to change to suit your enterprise. A policy is a set of automated system processes that can perform actions. schedule work for users. Policies are connected to create a workflow. the workflow requires that you select one of the following actions: v Run the kddignor command. Predefined policies This monitoring agent contains the following predefined policy: MS_SQL_DB_free_space_critical. When triggered. You control the order in which the policy executes a series of automated steps. and descriptions of the predefined policies included in this monitoring agent. v Run the kddmail command as follows: Where: database user id Connection user ID © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007 119 . see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide or the Tivoli Enterprise Portal online help. Tivoli Enterprise Portal receives return code feedback and advanced automation logic responds with subsequent activities prescribed by the feedback. Note: The predefined policies provided with this monitoring agent are not read-only. see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide. or automate manual tasks. About policies Policies are an advanced automation technique for implementing more complex workflow strategies than you can create through simple automation. password Password as a sysadmin authority email id E-mail address of the database administrator 120 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Summary table names are based on the raw table name with an appended suffix. ORIGINNODE. How the rows in each table are summarized is determined by a set of attributes in each table that are designated as primary keys. there are two main types of warehouse tables: v Raw tables: These tables contain the raw information reported by a monitoring agent and written to the warehouse by the Warehouse Proxy agent. MS_SQL_DATABASE_DETAIL. Effects on summarized attributes When tables are summarized in the warehouse. Upgrading for warehouse summarization The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server made changes to the warehouse collection and summarization characteristics for some agent attribute groups. however. for example. Table 17. Raw tables are named for the attribute group that they represent. MS_SQL_DATABASE_DETAIL_H. Summarization provides aggregation results over various reporting intervals. Tables in the warehouse For a monitoring agent. There is always one primary key representing the monitored resource. MS_SQL_DATABASE_DETAIL_D. a primary key might be specified for the logical disk name that allows historical information to be reported for each logical disk in a computer. This appendix explains those changes and the implications to your warehouse collection and reporting. days. this primary key is represented internally by the column name. v Summary tables: These tables contain summarized information based on the raw tables and written to the warehouse by the Summarization and Pruning agent. 2007 121 . One or more additional primary keys are provided for each attribute group to further refine the level of summarization for that attribute group. Time periods and suffixes for summary tables and views Data collection time period Summary table suffixes Summary view suffixes Hourly _H _HV Daily _D _DV Weekly _W _WV © Copyright IBM Corp. for example. These changes correct and improve the way warehouse data is summarized. hours. 2005. Warehouse summarization is controlled on a per-table basis. Table 17 contains a list of the time periods and the suffixes for the summary tables and views. and data is minimally summarized based on this value. and so on. and so on. the summary tables and summary views are created to include additional columns to report summarization information.Appendix A. in an OS agent disk attribute group. producing more meaningful historical reports. For example. the external attribute name varies with each monitoring agent. For all agents. for example. The overall effect of these primary key changes is that summarization information is changing. that attribute has new summarization columns automatically added. Additional columns to report summarization information Attribute name Aggregation type Additional summarization columns MyGauge GAUGE MIN_MyGauge MAX_MyGauge SUM_MyGauge AVG_MyGauge MyCounter COUNTER TOT_MyCounter HI_MyCounter LO_MyCounter LAT_MyCounter MyProperty PROPERTY LAT_Property These additional columns are provided only for attributes that are not primary keys. the Summarization and Pruning agent no longer creates summarization values for the attributes. but any existing summarization records do not have values for these new columns. These columns cannot be deleted from the warehouse database. Time periods and suffixes for summary tables and views (continued) Data collection time period Summary table suffixes Summary view suffixes Monthly _M _MV Quarterly _Q _QV Yearly _Y _YV Table 18 shows the expansion to summary columns of some of the most commonly used attribute types.Table 17. v The monitoring agent has added a new attribute group and that attribute group is included in the warehouse. summary views are dropped. Dropping and recreating the views ensure that they reflect the current table structure. As a part of warehouse upgrade. but the previously created column names remain in the table with any values already provided for those columns. These types of table changes must be done for this monitoring agent for one or both of the following conditions: v The monitoring agent has added new attributes to an existing attribute group and that attribute group is included in the warehouse. Table 18. it is used to populate these new column values. The views will be recreated by the Summarization and Pruning agent the next time it runs. In the cases when an existing attribute is changed to be a primary key. Similarly. If these changes result in the old summarization records no longer making sense. you can delete them. Upgrading your warehouse with limited user permissions The IBM Tivoli Monitoring warehouse agents (Warehouse Proxy and Summarization and Pruning agents) can dynamically adjust warehouse table definitions based on attribute group and attribute information being loaded into the warehouse. these columns will not contain values. when the primary key for an existing attribute has its designation removed. but as new data is collected. 122 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . As new data is collected. If you manually created the tables in the earlier warehouse definition. You have two options to effect the required warehouse table changes during the upgrade process: v Grant the warehouse agents temporary permission to alter tables If using this option. you might have granted these permissions initially.Tivoli Management Services Warehouse and Reporting. Appendix A. Upgrading for warehouse summarization 123 .For the warehouse agents to automatically modify the warehouse table definitions. remove the permission to alter tables v Make the warehouse table updates manually If using this option. The chapter that explains warehouse tuning includes a section on creating data tables manually. allow the Warehouse Proxy agent to add the new data to the raw tables. grant the permissions. they must have permission to alter warehouse tables. Then. January 2007. you already have a methodology and tools to assist you in this effort. and then revoked them after the tables were created. refer to the IBM Redbook. You might not have granted these agents these permissions. For a method of obtaining raw table schema. You can use a similar technique to update and add new tables for this warehouse migration. you must determine the table structures for the raw and summary tables. SG24-7290. choosing instead to manually define the raw tables and summary tables needed for the monitoring agents. Or. and allow the Summarization and Pruning agent to summarize data for all affected tables. start historical collection for all the desired tables. 124 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Determining where to find the information you need Type of information you need Databases © Copyright IBM Corp. 125 . Workspaces This appendix includes a summary of the predefined workspaces provided with the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server and describes how to use the data. For more information.. Table 20. see. Process Servers Databases Table 19.. 2007 Provides information on. This appendix gives a high-level description of the groups and categories for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server and tells you where to look for detailed information.Appendix B.. and workspaces. 2005. The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server provides information about each Microsoft SQL server instance you monitor using five categories of default workspaces.. Analyze the performance of your system U U U Evaluate how your tuning decisions affect U the performance of your system Errorlog Alerts Locking If you want to. Your databases (such as log and space information and device usage) “Displaying information for databases” on page 126. Determining which category of workspaces to use U U Get the information you need to tune your system U U Identify and anticipate times of peak usage U U Identify problem areas and bottlenecks in U your system U Monitor database activity U U Select optimum threshold values for situation monitoring U U U U U Determining where to find the information you need The following table describes the workspaces for Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server and indicates the section to use in this guide to find the information you need.. Determining which category of workspaces to use Use the following chart to determine which category in the Navigator to select for a given situation.. historical reports. . a predefined workspace contains data or columns that have similar attributes in an attribute group.Table 20. Displaying information for databases The workspaces for databases provide information to help you monitor the databases for your SQL servers. Table 21. Workspaces for databases and the relationship to attribute groups 126 Workspace Associated attribute group Databases For the Databases Summary table view. The workspaces provide information about databases. For more information. Determining where to find the information you need (continued) Type of information you need Provides information on. Table 22. The tables show the relationship of the workspaces to the attribute groups. both in summary and “Displaying information for detail formats processes” on page 132. see. MS SQL Database Summary For the Database Detail table view.. remote server or statistics for the server (such as options and configuration) “Displaying information for locks” on page 130. MS SQL Database Detail IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .. both in summary “Displaying information for and detail formats error log alerts” on page 128. “Displaying information for Microsoft SQL servers” on page 134. Error log alerts Errorlog alerts. Locks Database locking (such as conflicts and lock processes) Processes Processes. Servers Server. Determining the workspace to use for databases Type of information to display Workspace to use Detailed information about database activity for a specific SQL server Included as a table view in Databases Information about the devices for a selected database Included as a table view in Log and Space Information Information about the transaction log and space usage on a selected database Log and Space Information Overview of the database activity for all the SQL servers Entropies Database Summary Summary information about a selected database Databases Relationship to the attribute groups In most cases. including the following: v Number of databases v Names and IDs of the databases v Number of devices Determining the predefined workspace to use Use the following table to determine which report or predefined workspace to use to access information about the databases. The tasks are listed in alphabetical order.. v Use the MS_SQL_Device_Free_Pct_Warning situation to issue an alert whenever a device reaches the threshold you set for free space. Scenario 1: Do any databases have an error status? Databases with an error status are in a suspect. From these columns. View summary information about the databases in your environment U Know the number of databases in your system U Determine the percentage of free space on a database Log and space information If you want to. Appendix B. Workspaces for databases and the relationship to attribute groups (continued) Workspace Associated attribute group Enterprise Database Summary None (The workspace does not have an associated attribute group. Databases Enterprise database summary Table 23. crashed. or recover state. Use the MS_SQL_DB_Error_Status situation to issue an alert whenever a database has an error status. you can determine the percentage of free space remaining on the device and assess the size in megabytes. Workspaces 127 .) Log and Space Information For the Log and Space Information table view. Scenario 2: Are any devices running short of free space? Maintaining adequate free space on the devices in your system is important. MS SQL Database Detail For the Devices table view.. You can add a new device and expand the database on the new device at your convenience. Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available for databases U U Find out the type of device U U Typical scenarios These scenarios describe some of the many ways you can monitor databases. You can quickly identify any databases with an error status as follows: check the Total DBs in Error column in the Databases workspace.Table 22.. v Check the Device Free Space Percent and Device Free Space (MB) columns by opening the Log and Space Information workspace. MS SQL Device Detail Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available The following table contains examples of tasks. Determining your space needs in advance lets you plan expansion. You can monitor the free space on devices in two ways. Use the table to determine which workspace to use in a given situation. v Check the Log free space Percent column by opening the Log and Space Information workspace. The column shows what percentage of the log is full. You can then check the Log Size and Log free space columns to evaluate the size of the log. 128 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . The tables show the relationship of the workspaces to the attribute groups. v Use the MS_SQL_Log_free space_Critical situation to issue alerts whenever the transaction log is becoming too full. The tasks are listed in alphabetical order. Displaying information for error log alerts The workspaces for error log alerts provide information to help you monitor the error log alerts for your SQL servers. Table 24. MS SQL Problem Summary For the Alert Detail table view. Workspaces for error log alerts and the relationship to attribute groups Workspace Associated attribute group Errorlog Alerts For the Alert Summary table view. Determining the workspace to use for error log alerts Type of information to display Workspace to use Detailed information about each error message for a selected SQL server Included as a table view in Errorlog Alerts Overview of information about the error log for each SQL server Enterprise Errorlog Alerts Summary information about the error messages for the selected SQL server Errorlog Alerts Relationship to the attribute groups In most cases. MS SQL Problem Detail Enterprise Errorlog Alerts None (The workspace does not have an associated attribute group.) Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available The following table contains examples of tasks.Scenario 3: Is a full transaction log preventing an application from running? You can monitor the status of the transaction log in two ways. The workspaces provide information about error log alerts. You can take action to empty the log and avoid the problem. Table 25. including the following: v Size of the error log v Number of error messages with a high severity level v Highest severity level encountered since start up Determining the predefined workspace to use Use the following table to determine which predefined workspace to use to access information about the error log alerts. Use the table to determine which workspace to use in a given situation. a predefined workspace contains data or columns that have similar attributes in an attribute group. v Check the highest severity level for any error message by looking at the Maximum Sev Level column after opening the Errorlog Alerts workspace. you must be authorized and able to use UNIX® commands to review its messages. The reports and workspaces for error log alerts provide a faster and simpler means of detecting severe error messages. Scenario 3: Determine when to prune the error log The error log file continues to grow in size as SQL server continues to append messages to it. Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available for error log alerts U Determine the size of the error log U Find out how many errors have occurred during the current interval View summary information about the error log for an SQL server U U U Typical scenarios These scenarios describe some of the many ways you can monitor processes. This situation issues an alert whenever it detects an error message of severity level 16 or less. v Check for the highest severity level for the current interval in the Maximum Sev Current Interval column by opening the Errorlog Alerts workspace. Periodically. The number in this column indicates what the highest severity level is for the current interval. Workspaces 129 .. pruning the error log saves disk space and makes it easier to find error messages within the file. Prune the file if the number of bytes indicate it is time to reduce its size. You can easily monitor severe error messages in the following ways.) Scenario 2: Monitor less severe error messages You can easily monitor other error messages in the following ways.. Determine the level of severity for a specific error Error log alerts Enterprise error log alerts Table 26. Scenario 1: Monitor severity level 17 error messages To read the error log file. Appendix B. v Use the MS_SQL_ProbAge_LT_17_Warning situation. v Use the MS_SQL_ErrorLog_Size_Warning situation to issue an alert whenever the number of bytes in the file.) – MS_SQL_ProbAge_GT_17_Warning (This situation issues an alert whenever it detects an error message of severity level 17 that is 30 or more minutes old. v Use the following situations: – MS_SQL_Severe_Error_Warning (This situation issues an alert whenever it detects an error message of severity level 17 or higher.If you want to. v Check the Error Log Size (Bytes) column by opening the Errorlog Alerts workspace. You can easily determine if maintenance is needed in the following ways. such as the error ID and text by opening the Errorlog Alerts workspace. v Display details for a message.Scenario 4: Monitor application-generated messages You can easily monitor messages generated by applications in the following ways. 130 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .) Process Holding Lock SQL Text MS SQL Text SQL Text for Process ID MS SQL text Server Locking For the Lock Conflict table view. Table 28. Displaying information for locks The workspaces for locks provide information to help you monitor the locks for your SQL servers. Table 27. The workspaces provide information about locks. Workspaces for locks and the relationship to attribute groups Workspace Associated attribute group Enterprise Server Locking None (The workspace does not have an associated attribute group. Determining the workspace to use for locks Type of information to display Workspace to use Detailed information about a lock on a selected SQL server Included as a table view in Server Locking Information about the lock conflicts for a selected SQL server Server Locking Overview of the lock conflicts for SQL servers Enterprise Server Locking SQL text strings for the process holding the lock Process Holding Lock SQL Text SQL text strings for the selected blocking or waiting process SQL Text for Process ID Relationship to the attribute groups In most cases. MS SQL Lock Detail Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available The following table contains examples of tasks. Use the table to determine which workspace to use in a given situation. The tables show the relationship of the workspaces to the attribute groups. a predefined workspace contains data or columns that have similar attributes in an attribute group. including the following: v v v v Number of locks on processes Number of lock conflicts Percent of locks that resulted in deadlocks Type of lock on a process Determining the predefined workspace to use Use the following table to determine which predefined workspace to use to access information about the locks. MS SQL Lock Conflict Detail For the Lock Detail table view. The tasks are listed in alphabetical order. v Create a situation to issue an alert for a specific message ID. Appendix B.Find out what type of lock is being held on a resource U Identify a blocking process U Know the number of seconds that a process has been blocked U View SQL text strings for a process View summary information about locks in your environment SQL Text for Process ID If you want to.. the cause of a blocked application is another process holding locks on resources. v Review its columns for information that enables you to take action to resolve the problem. They can also reveal improperly indexed tables. Server Locking Enterprise Server Locking Table 29. Scenario 1: Identify the cause of a user being unable to complete a procedure Often. Analyze potential locking problems in a real-time environment in the following ways: v Analyze the data in the following columns in Enterprise Server Locking workspace: – Percent Process Blocked – Total Locks Use this information to identify potential locking problems.. Scenario 2: Simplify procedures for analyzing locking problems Lock conflicts often slow processing and cause applications to hang. This scenario helps you avoid using lengthy traces and tedious analysis methods. The Lock Detail table view in the Server Locking workspace identify such items as the – ID of the blocking process – IDs of the client process and client user – ID and name of the user process – Name of the program – User ID assigned by the server This procedure eliminates the need to set a trace and delivers the detailed information quickly enough to be useful. You can quickly determine if this is the case in the following way: v See if conflicts exist in the Total Locks column by opening the Server Locking workspace. Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available for locks U U Typical scenarios These scenarios describe some of the many ways you can monitor processes. Workspaces 131 . locking process. Scenario 3: Identify deadlocks in your system SQL server automatically eliminates deadlocks by killing one of the processes.v Use the MS_SQL_AVG_Blocked_ Warning and MS_SQL_Max_Blocked_Warning situations to issue alerts whenever the number of locks and their age exceed threshold values. SQL command. The tasks are listed in alphabetical order. Displaying information for processes The workspaces for processes provide information to help you monitor the processes for your SQL servers. (The Lock Detail table view contains detailed information about the processes. You might also want to change the design of applications that repeatedly cause deadlocks. and requestor process by opening the Server Locking workspace. Scenario 4: Perform detailed locking analysis Obtaining detailed information about a locking situation is equally as important as detecting it. transaction. You can easily determine the existence and frequency of deadlocks in two ways. This early detection lets you take proactive action to fix long waits and minimize outages from lock conflicts. do the following: v Check information about the lock. You acquire the information before it is lost to changing conditions. Gathering pertinent information before changing circumstances interfere can be difficult. you might want to resolve deadlocks before they incur overhead. Determining the workspace to use for processes 132 Type of information to display Workspace to use Detailed information about each process running on the selected SQL server Included as a table view in Processes Overview of processes for the SQL servers Enterprise Processes Summary IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . and you avoid interrupting your operations. The workspaces provide information about the following processes: v Number of blocked processes v Percentage of CPU time used by SQL server processes v Percentage of CPU time used by application processes Determining the predefined workspace to use Use the following table to determine which predefined workspace to use to access information about the processes. v Use the MS_SQL_Lock_Blocked_Warning and MS_SQL_Lock_Blocked_Critical situations to issue alerts whenever a blocking lock exceeds the time limit for the threshold. To gather the details about a lock. and other elements. This analysis enables you to capture an immediate snapshot of the locking situation and process details. However. v Check the Total Locks column by opening the Enterprise Server Locking workspace. v Use the MS_SQL_Num_Process_Blocked_Warn situation to issue an alert whenever the number of deadlocks exceeds a threshold limit. client. Table 30.) Use this information to resolve the conflict or modify application design. Use the table to determine which workspace to use in a given situation.) Processes For the Process Summary table view.Table 30. Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available for processes U U Typical scenarios These scenarios describe some of the many ways you can monitor processes. The tables show the relationship of the workspaces to the attribute groups. MS SQL Process Summary For the Process Detail table view. Appendix B. Table 31. Determining the workspace to use for processes (continued) Type of information to display Workspace to use Summary information about the processes running on the selected SQL server Processes SQL text string for a process running on a selected SQL server SQL Text for Process ID Relationship to the attribute groups In most cases.. a predefined workspace contains data or columns that have similar attributes in an attribute group. Workspaces 133 . infected. MS SQL Process Detail SQL Text for Process ID MS SQL Text Example tasks and the predefined workspaces available The following table contains examples of tasks. Workspaces for processes and the relationship to attribute groups Workspace Associated attribute group Enterprise Process Summary None (There is no attribute group associated with this workspace. Processes Enterprise processes summary Table 32. or locked processes U Determine the status of a selected SQL server process U View partial SQL text strings for a process View summary information about SQL server processes SQL Text for Process ID If you want to. Determine the number of blocked.. The columns show the percentage and number of blocked processes.Scenario 1: Are any processes infected? Processes that exceed their CPU grace time are tagged as infected and removed from the processing queues. You might want to resolve the problem by increasing the CPU grace time setting for the infected process. You might want to take action against the processes that are causing the contention. Displaying information for Microsoft SQL servers The workspaces in this group provide information about an SQL server. v Use the MS_SQL_Process_Infected_Warning situation to issue an alert whenever a process becomes infected. Scenario 3: Are any processes bad? You can easily determine if any bad processes exist in two ways: v Check the Percent Processes Bad and Total Processes Bad columns by opening the Processes workspace. Determining the workspace to use for servers 134 Type of information you want to display Workspace to use Detailed information about a selected SQL server Included as a table view in Server Configuration Detailed information about each statistic for a selected SQL server Included as a table view in Server Statistics Information about the configuration of a selected SQL server Server Configuration Overview of remote SQL server activity Included as a table view in Enterprise Server Summary IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . The columns show the percentage and number of bad processes. You can easily determine if any infected processes exist in two ways: v Check the Percent Processes Infected and Total Processes Infected columns in the Processes workspace. You can easily determine if any processes are blocked in two ways: v Check the Percent Processes Blocked and Total Processes Blocked columns in the Processes workspace. in seconds since startup Determining the predefined workspace to use Use the following table to determine which predefined workspace to use to access information about the Microsoft SQL servers. v Use the MS_SQL_Process_Blocked_ Warning situation to issue an alert whenever a process blocks another. Scenario 2: Are any processes blocked? Processes that hold exclusive locks on resources block other processes from accessing these resources. including the following: v Version of the SQL server v Time. v Use the MS_SQL_Processes_Bad_Warning situation to issue an alert whenever a bad process is found. Table 33. The tasks are listed in alphabetical order. Workspaces for servers and the relationship to attribute groups Workspace Associated attribute group Enterprise Server Statistics None (This workspace does not have a corresponding attribute group.) Enterprise Server Summary MS SQL Remote Servers Server Statistics For the Statistics Summary table view. MS SQL Statistics Summary Attributes For the Statistics Detail table view. The tables show the relationship of the workspaces to the attribute groups. Table 34.Table 33. Enterprise Server Statistics Table 35. MS SQL Server Summary For the Server Options table view. Determine the average value reported for a statistic Server Statistics Server Configuration Server Enterprise Server Summary If you want to. MS SQL Server Detail For the Server Configuration table view. Use this table to determine which workspace to use in a given situation.. Example tasks and predefined workspaces available for servers U Determine the data cache or procedure cache size U Determine the duration of the current interval U Appendix B. MS SQL Server Configuration Example tasks and predefined workspaces available The following table contains examples of tasks. MS SQL Statistics Detail Attributes Servers MS SQL Server Summary Server Configuration For the Server Summary table view. Workspaces 135 . a predefined workspace contains data or columns that have similar attributes in an attribute group. Determining the workspace to use for servers (continued) Type of information you want to display Workspace to use Overview of SQL server activity for your environment Enterprise Server Summary Overview of SQL server statistics for your environment Server Statistics Summary information about a selected SQL server Servers Summary information about the statistics for a selected SQL server Enterprise Server Statistics Relationship to the attribute groups In most cases.. . v Use the MS_SQL_Status_ Inactive situation to set up reflex automation. v Check the Server Status column by opening the Servers workspace.. You can then identify which server is not active by checking the Servers workspace. Enterprise Server Summary Table 35. use the following situations to issue alerts when the number of locks in use is getting too high. The column either contains a value of Active if the server is active or is blank if the status is unknown. Example tasks and predefined workspaces available for servers (continued) U U U Determine whether a configuration parameter is dynamic or static U Find out how long it has been since the server started U U Find out how much of the CPU the server is using U U View summary information about SQL servers U View summary information about SQL server statistics View the status of the server and its activity U U Typical scenarios These scenarios describe some of the many ways you can monitor servers using the workspaces provided for the following: v Servers v Server statistics v Remote servers Scenario 1: Is the SQL server up and running? You can monitor the status of an SQL server in three ways. v MS_SQL_Pct_Max_Locks_Warning v MS_SQL_Pct_Max_Locks_Critical 136 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . To monitor the use of locks. You can then identify which server is not active by checking the Servers workspace.Determine the number of active connections U Determine the percentage of maximum locks Determine the server version Server Statistics Server Configuration Server Enterprise Server Statistics If you want to. The system administrator can make copies of this situation and have one automatically call a pager and one automatically send UNIX e-mail if the SQL server is not active. Scenario 2: Is the number of locks in use causing problems? The SQL server prevents users from logging on if the maximum number of configured locks is reached. v Use the MS_SQL_Status_Critical situation to issue an alert whenever the SQL server is not active. This column shows the percentage of CPU time being used by all processes on the host. v Use one of the following situations. Schedule maintenance to increase the configuration parameter for user logons if necessary. – MS_SQL_Server_IO_Error_Curintvl_Warning (This situation issues a warning alert whenever I/O errors for the current interval exceed a threshold.) – MS_SQL_Server_IO_Error_Curintvl_Warning (This situation issues a warning alert whenever I/O errors for the current interval exceed a threshold. v Check the Total OS CPU Percent column in the Servers workspace. – MS_SQL_CPU_Warning – MS_SQL_CPU_Critical Scenario 4: Is the total CPU usage too high? You can monitor the CPU usage by all processes in two ways. This situation issues a warning alert whenever I/O activity exceeds a specified percentage. check the Servers workspace. The values in these columns indicate if I/O activity is the likely cause of slow response time. You can quickly determine if errors are causing this problem in the following ways. For details on the alert. Scenario 3: Is CPU usage by the SQL server too high? You can monitor the CPU usage by the SQL server in two ways: v Check the Server CPU Percent column in the Servers workspace. v Check the Max User Connection Allowed and Pct Max Logons Active columns in the Server Statistics workspace. v Use the MS_SQL_Server_Pct_IO_Warning situation. Appendix B.) Scenario 7: Is the setting for maximum logons causing users problems? If the setting for the maximum number of logons is too low. v Use the following situations to issue alerts when the percentage of CPU used by the SQL server is getting too high. v Use the following situations to issue alerts when the percentage of CPU used by all the processes is too high: – MS_SQL_CPU_Warning – MS_SQL_CPU_Critical Scenario 5: Is high I/O activity causing a slow response time? High I/O activity can slow response time. This column shows the percentage of CPU time the SQL server is using. Workspaces 137 . You can quickly determine if this is the case in the following ways. The values in these columns indicate if a problem exists for user logons. The values in these columns indicate if I/O errors are the likely cause of slow response time. v Check the IO Errors Current Interval and IO Errors Since Startup columns in the Server Statistics workspace. You can quickly determine if I/O activity is causing this problem in the following ways: v Check the Disk IO Current Interval and Total OS Pct Busy columns by opening the Server Statistics workspace. Scenario 6: Are numerous I/O errors causing a slow response time? Numerous I/O errors can greatly slow response time.An alert allows you to take action before the server hangs. users cannot log on. v Use the MS_SQL Server_Rem_Serv_Stat_Critical situation to issue an alert whenever a remote server is not active. This column contains a value of Active if the remote server is active or a value of 0 if it is any other state. 138 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .v Use the MS_SQL_Server_LogonPct_Warning situation. Look in the Remote Server Name column to identify which remote servers are not active. This situation issues a warning alert whenever logons exceed the threshold. v Check the Remote Server Status column in the Remote Servers table view in the Enterprise Server Summary workspace. Scenario 8: Are any remote servers not active? You can determine if any remote servers are not active in two ways. For more information about mapping attribute groups to event classes. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for details. The KOQ_Base event class can be used for generic rules processing for any event from the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event synchronization provides a collection of ready-to-use rule sets that you can deploy with minimal configuration. Each event class corresponds to an attribute group in the monitoring agent. Note: There are cases where these mappings generate events that are too large for the Tivoli Enterprise Console. This is true for both pre-packaged situations and user-defined situations.Appendix C.baroc. See Table 36 on page 140 for attribute group to event classes and slots mapping information. look at the first referenced attribute group in the situation predicate. see Table 36 on page 140. the event class that is sent when the situation is triggered is ITM_MS_SQL_Server_Summary. the event class names and the event slot names are the same. The event class that is associated with that attribute group is the one that is sent. For example. Each of the event classes is a child of KOQ_Base. but some of the event slots are omitted. In these cases. © Copyright IBM Corp. 2007 139 . install_dir/cms/TECLIB for Windows systems and install_dir/tables/TEMS_hostname/TECLIB for UNIX systems). Be sure to install IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event synchronization to access the correct Sentry. 2005. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping Generic event mapping provides useful event class and attribute information for situations that do not have specific event mapping defined. see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide. if the situation is monitoring the originnode attribute from the MS_SQL_Server_Summary attribute group. BAROC files are found on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server in the installation directory in TECLIB (that is. For a description of the event slots for each event class. which is automatically included during base configuration of IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console rules if you indicate that you want to use an existing rulebase. To determine which event class is sent when a given situation is triggered. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Server_Summary attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Server_Summary v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v server_type: STRING v server_status: STRING v server_status_enum: STRING v collection_status: STRING v collection_status_enum: STRING v data_cache_size: INTEGER v procedure_cache_size: INTEGER v percent_max_locks: REAL v server_cpu_percent: REAL v total_os_cpu_percent: REAL v time_since_startup: INTEGER v server_version: STRING v current_interval: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: STRING v description: STRING v koq_value: STRING v cache_average_free_scan: INTEGER v cache_hit_ratio: REAL v cache_maximum_free_page_scan: INTEGER v cache_free_buffers: INTEGER v sqlserveragent_failed_jobs: INTEGER v server_cpu_percent_io: REAL v cpu_percent_idle: REAL v total_blocking_lock_requests: INTEGER v total_locks_remaining: INTEGER v lazy_writes_per_sec: REAL v stolen_pages: INTEGER v stolen_pages_growth: INTEGER v page_reads_per_sec: REAL v readahead_pages_per_sec: REAL v page_writes_per_sec: REAL v checkpoint_pages_per_sec: REAL (Continued on the next page.Table 36.) 140 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class v repl_distribution_delivery_latency: INTEGER ITM_MS_SQL_Server_Summary (Continued) v repl_distribution_delivered_cmds_per_sec: REAL v repl_distribution_delivered_trans_per_sec: REAL v repl_logreader_delivery_latency: INTEGER v repl_logreader_delivered_cmds_per_sec: REAL v repl_logreader_delivered_trans_per_sec: REAL v repl_merge_conflicts_per_sec: REAL v repl_merge_uploaded_changes_per_sec: REAL v repl_merge_downloaded_changes_per_sec: REAL v cpu_idle_ms: INTEGER v cpu_idle_delta: INTEGER v cpu_usage_ms: INTEGER v cpu_usage_delta: INTEGER v total_server_memory: INTEGER Appendix C. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 141 .Table 36. Table 36. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Server_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Server_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v server_type: STRING v server_version: STRING v server_status: STRING v server_status_enum: STRING v current_locks: INTEGER v max_locks_allowed: INTEGER v percent_max_locks: REAL v data_cache_size: INTEGER v procedure_cache_size: INTEGER v procedure_cache_percent: REAL v startup_timestamp: STRING v time_since_startup: INTEGER v error_log_name: STRING v error_log_size: INTEGER v os_type: STRING v os_version: STRING v sample_timestamp: STRING v procedure_buffers_percent_active: REAL v procedure_buffers_total: INTEGER v procedure_buffers_percent_used: REAL v procedure_cache_percent_active: REAL v procedure_cache_pages: INTEGER v procedure_cache_percent_used: REAL v error_log_name_u: STRING 142 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 143 .Table 36. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Database_Summary attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Database_Summary v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: INTEGER v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v total_databases: INTEGER v minimum_pct_data_freespace: REAL v minimum_pct_log_freespace: REAL v total_dbs_in_error: INTEGER v total_dbs_read_only: INTEGER v total_dbs_dbo_only: INTEGER v total_dbs_single_user: INTEGER v total_dbs_no_free_space_accounting: INTEGER v current_interval: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: INTEGER v description: STRING v koq_value: STRING Appendix C. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Database_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Database_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v database_name: STRING v db_id: STRING v db_owner: STRING v error_status: STRING v error_status_enum: STRING v dbo_only_access: STRING v dbo_only_access_enum: STRING v single_user_access: STRING v single_user_access_enum: STRING v read_only_access: STRING v read_only_access_enum: STRING v select_into_bulkcopy_enabled: STRING v select_into_bulkcopy_enabled_enum: STRING v dump_tran_date: STRING v free_space_accounting_suppresed: STRING v free_space_accounting_suppresed_enum: STRING v no_ckpt_after_recovery: STRING v no_ckpt_after_recovery_enum: STRING v data_size: REAL v log_size: REAL v data_freespace: REAL v log_freespace: REAL v data_freespace_percent: REAL v log_freespace_percent: REAL v total_devices: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: INTEGER v database_space_percent_used: REAL v database_status: INTEGER v database_status_enum: STRING v log_space_percent_used: REAL v oldest_open_transaction: INTEGER v suspect_database: INTEGER v suspect_database_enum: STRING v replicated_transaction_rate: REAL v replicated_transactions: INTEGER v replication_latency: INTEGER (Continued on the next page) 144 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .Table 36. Table 36. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class v db_owner_u: STRING ITM_MS_SQL_Database_Detail (Continued) v database_name_u: STRING v log_maximum_growth_size: REAL v database_maximum_growth_size: REAL v last_database_size: REAL v database_growth_percent: REAL v active_transactions: INTEGER v transactions_per_second: REAL v log_file_names: STRING v data_file_names: STRING MS_SQL_Device_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Device_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v server_version: STRING v host_name: STRING v database_name: STRING v database_name_enum: STRING v device_name: STRING v device_size: REAL v device_free_space: REAL v device_free_space_percent: REAL v device_type: STRING v device_type_enum: STRING v physical_device_name: STRING v mirror_device_name: STRING v mirror_device_name_enum: STRING v sample_timestamp: STRING v database_name_u: STRING v database_name_u_enum: STRING v device_name_u: STRING v physical_device_name_u: STRING Appendix C. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 145 . Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Lock_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Lock_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v type: STRING v process_holding_lock: INTEGER v database_name: STRING v database_id: INTEGER v table_name: STRING v page_number: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: STRING v lock_resource_type_e: INTEGER v lock_resource_type_e_enum: STRING v lock_request_status_e: INTEGER v lock_request_status_e_enum: STRING v database_name_u: STRING v table_name_u: STRING MS_SQL_Lock_Conflict_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Lock_Conflict_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v database_name: STRING v database_id: INTEGER v server_user_id: STRING v client_user_id: STRING v client_group_id: STRING v requestor_process_id: INTEGER v blocking_process_id: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: STRING v database_name_u: STRING 146 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .Table 36. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 147 . Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Text attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Text v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v database_name: STRING v client_host_name: STRING v client_process_id: STRING v process_id: INTEGER v total_cpu_time: REAL v process_status: STRING v text: STRING v sample_timestamp: STRING v database_name_u: STRING v text_u: STRING MS_SQL_Process_Summary attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Process_Summary v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v server_cpu_percent_system: REAL v server_cpu_percent_application: REAL v total_processes: INTEGER v total_processes_blocked: INTEGER v percent_processes_blocked: REAL v total_processes_infected: INTEGER v percent_processes_infected: REAL v total_processes_bad: INTEGER v percent_processes_bad: REAL v total_processes_stopped: INTEGER v percent_processes_stopped: REAL v total_processes_locksleep: INTEGER v percent_processes_locksleep: REAL v total_other_sleep: INTEGER v percent_processes_othersleep: REAL v percent_processes_sleeping: REAL v total_log_suspend: INTEGER v current_interval: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: STRING v description: STRING v koq_value: STRING Appendix C.Table 36. Table 36. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Process_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Process_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v process_id: INTEGER v database_name: STRING v process_status: STRING v total_cpu_time: REAL v current_cpu_percent_used: REAL v total_disk_io: INTEGER v total_memory_alloc: INTEGER v blocking_process_id: STRING v os_process_id: STRING v server_user_id: STRING v command: STRING v client_host_name: STRING v client_process_id: STRING v program_name: STRING v client_user_id: STRING v client_group_id: STRING v login_name: STRING v sample_timestamp: STRING v database_name_u: STRING v command_u: STRING v program_name_u: STRING v koq_duration: REAL v nt_user: STRING 148 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Table 36. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Problem_Summary attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Problem_Summary v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v age_of_last_error: INTEGER v maximum_sev_level: STRING v maximum_sev_timestamp: STRING v maximum_sev_current_interval: STRING v total_error_messages: INTEGER v total_errors_current_interval: INTEGER v total_errors_high_sev: INTEGER v total_errors_other: INTEGER v error_log_size: INTEGER v current_interval: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: STRING v description: STRING v koq_value: STRING MS_SQL_Problem_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Problem_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v message_timestamp: STRING v message_age: INTEGER v error_id: STRING v severity_level: STRING v sql_state_code: INTEGER v message_issuer: STRING v message_text: STRING v sample_timestamp: STRING v message_text_u: STRING v error_spid: STRING Appendix C. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 149 . Table 36. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Statistics_Summary attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Statistics_Summary v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v total_os_cpu_percent_busy: REAL v total_os_io_percent_busy: REAL v current_logons: INTEGER v percent_max_logons_active: REAL v total_logons_per_second: REAL v max_user_connections_allowed: INTEGER v physical_reads_per_second: REAL v physical_writes_per_second: REAL v disk_io_current_interval: INTEGER v io_errors_since_startup: INTEGER v io_errors_current_interval: INTEGER v percent_io_errors_current_interval: REAL v current_interval: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: STRING v description: STRING v koq_value: STRING v client_count: INTEGER v client_count_percent_used: REAL v network_read_rate: INTEGER v network_write_rate: INTEGER v percent_user_connections_remaining: REAL v total_logouts_per_second: REAL MS_SQL_Statistics_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Statistics_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v statistic_name: STRING v statistic_name_enum: STRING v current_value: INTEGER v total_since_startup: INTEGER v average_value_per_second: REAL v maximum_seen: INTEGER v minimum_seen: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: STRING 150 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Table 36. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Remote_Servers attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Remote_Servers v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v remote_server_id: STRING v remote_server_status: STRING v remote_server_name: STRING v network_name: STRING v connection_level: INTEGER v current_interval: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: STRING MS_SQL_Configuration attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Configuration v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v config_parameter: STRING v parm_type: STRING v parm_type_enum: STRING v config_value: STRING v run_value: STRING v minimum_value: STRING v maximum_value: STRING v sample_timestamp: STRING Appendix C. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 151 . Table 36. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Server_Enterprise_View attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Server_Enterprise_View v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v collection_status: STRING v percent_max_locks: REAL v server_cpu_percent: REAL v total_os_cpu_percent: REAL v time_since_startup: INTEGER v server_version: STRING v total_databases: INTEGER v minimum_pct_data_freespace: REAL v minimum_pct_log_freespace: REAL v total_locks: INTEGER v total_lock_conflicts: INTEGER v database_max_locks: STRING v database_max_blocks: STRING v table_max_locks: STRING v percent_process_block: REAL v server_cpu_percent_system: REAL v server_cpu_percent_application: REAL v total_processes: INTEGER v total_processes_blocked: INTEGER v age_of_last_error: INTEGER v maximum_sev_level: STRING v maximum_sev_timestamp: STRING v total_errors_high_sev: INTEGER v error_log_size: INTEGER v current_logons: INTEGER v percent_max_logons_active: REAL v physical_reads_per_second: REAL v physical_writes_per_second: REAL v io_errors_current_interval: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: STRING v server_status: STRING v database_max_locks_u: STRING v database_max_blocks_u: STRING. v table_max_locks_u: STRING 152 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 153 . Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Table_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Table_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v database_name: STRING v database_name_enum: STRING v database_id: INTEGER v table_name: STRING v table_name_enum: STRING v table_id: INTEGER v index_name: STRING v index_name_enum: STRING v index_id: INTEGER v optimizer_statistics_age: INTEGER v fragmentation: REAL v space_used__mb: REAL v sample_timestamp: STRING MS_SQL_Lock_Summary attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Lock_Summary v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v exclusive_extent_locks: INTEGER v extent_locks: INTEGER v update_extent_locks: INTEGER v exclusive_intent_locks: INTEGER v shared_intent_locks: INTEGER v intent_locks: INTEGER v exclusive_page_locks: INTEGER v shared_page_locks: INTEGER v page_locks: INTEGER v update_page_locks: INTEGER v exclusive_table_locks: INTEGER v shared_table_locks: INTEGER v table_locks: INTEGER v exclusive_locks: INTEGER v shared_locks: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: STRING v table_lock_escalations_per_sec: REAL Appendix C.Table 36. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Job_Summary attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Job_Summary v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v running_jobs_current_interval: INTEGER v max_running_jobs_interval: INTEGER v jobs_failed_current_interval: INTEGER v max_jobs_failed_interval: INTEGER v jobs_failed_since_startup: INTEGER v sample_timestamp: STRING MS_SQL_Job_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Job_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v job_name: STRING v job_id: STRING v enabled: INTEGER v enabled_enum: STRING v current_status: INTEGER v current_status_enum: STRING v last_run_timestamp: STRING v last_run_outcome: INTEGER v last_run_outcome_enum: STRING v next_run_timestamp: STRING v sample_timestamp: STRING v job_category_id: INTEGER v job_category_name: STRING v job_status: INTEGER v job_status_enum: STRING v job_duration: INTEGER v job_error_code: STRING 154 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .Table 36. IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 155 .Table 36. Overview of attribute groups to event classes and slots (continued) Event slots IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event class MS_SQL_Services_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Services_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v service_name: STRING v service_state: INTEGER v service_state_enum: STRING v service_status: INTEGER v service_status_enum: STRING v service_start_mode: INTEGER v service_start_mode_enum: STRING v service_type: INTEGER v service_type_enum: STRING v sample_timestamp: STRING MS_SQL_Filegroup_Detail attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Filegroup_Detail v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v database_name: STRING v filegroup_id: INTEGER v filegroup_name: STRING v filegroup_size: REAL v filegroup_space_percent_used: REAL v filegroup_max_growth_size: REAL v sample_timestamp: STRING MS_SQL_Lock_Resource_Type_Summary attribute group ITM_MS_SQL_Lock_ Resource_Type_Summary v originnode: STRING v hub_timestamp: STRING v server: STRING v host_name: STRING v lock_resource_type: INTEGER v lock_resource_type_enum: STRING v lock_requests_per_second: REAL v lock_timeouts_per_second: REAL v lock_wait_time: INTEGER v number_deadlocks_per_second: REAL v sample_timestamp: STRING Appendix C. 156 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Table 37 provides information about when the attribute data is gathered (on demand or cyclically) and the cache duration for each Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server attribute group. as it is requested. Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server data collection This section provides information about how the monitoring agent collects data. or historical data collection. 2005. The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server attempts to lessen the possibility of over sampling by maintaining a cache of attribute data for a set length of time. This data is acquired though the use of requests for Perfmon data and SQL database select statements. If the data is sampled within a shorter duration than the interval set for the cache. or historical data collection. This data is primarily gathered on demand. Most of the attributes gathered by the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server come from monitoring data provided by Windows Performance Data. At that time. Other attribute groups contain data that is collected from system information or external Microsoft SQL Server data such as the database instance log. The default refresh or sampling intervals do not put a significant load on the system or the Microsoft SQL server as it gathers the data. Table 37. a situation sampling of attributes. the monitoring agent gathers all attributes in the attribute groups that make up a workspace or situation. a situation sampling of attributes. The Perfmon and SQL data are gathered on a defined cycle while most other attributes are gathered on demand when requested through a workspace refresh. 2007 157 . the cache data is considered fresh and the collector does not acquire new data. When data is collected and cache duration for attribute groups Attribute group When data is collected (cycle time or on demand) Cache duration MS SQL Configuration On demand 90 MS SQL Database Detail On demand 10 MS SQL Database Summary Every 180 seconds No caching MS SQL Device Detail On demand No caching MS SQL Filegroup On demand No caching MS SQL Job Detail Every 180 seconds No caching MS SQL Job Summary On demand No caching MS SQL Lock Conflict Detail On demand No caching MS SQL Lock Detail On demand No caching © Copyright IBM Corp. including the following topics: v “Collection processes” v “Attribute groups that gather data from Microsoft SQL Server SELECT statements and stored procedures” on page 158 v “Attribute groups that gather data from operating system or MS SQL Server files” on page 160 Collection processes The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server gathers data when it is requested by a workspace refresh.Appendix D. When data is collected and cache duration for attribute groups (continued) When data is collected (cycle time or on demand) Cache duration MS SQL Lock Resource Type Summary Every 300 seconds No caching MS SQL Lock Summary On demand No caching MS SQL Problem Detail On demand 60 MS SQL Process Detail On demand 10 MS SQL Process Summary Every 180 seconds No caching MS SQL Problem Summary Every 180 seconds No caching MS SQL Remote Servers Every 60 seconds No caching MS SQL Server Detail On demand 60 MS SQL Server Enterprise View On demand No caching MS SQL Server Summary Every 180 seconds No caching MS SQL Services Detail On demand No caching MS SQL Statistics Detail On demand 300 MS SQL Statistics Summary Every 60 seconds No caching MS SQL Table Detail On demand No caching MS SQL Text On demand No caching Attribute group The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server maintains long-running processes for the monitoring agent that communicates with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server and the collector that drives data collection. Table 38 provides information about how each attribute group collects data (SELECT statements or stored procedures). v For attribute groups that use stored procedures to gather data. sysjobhistory IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . and perform other database instance interactions. Attribute groups that gather data from Microsoft SQL Server SELECT statements and stored procedures Some of the attribute groups gather data from the data that is returned by Microsoft SQL Server SELECT statements. Table 38.Table 37. Short-running processes are used to access system data. or both. the number of individual SELECT statements issued for the group and the tables that are accessed are listed. issue and process the output of Microsoft SQL Server stored procedures. stored procedures. access database instance log file data. the names of the stored procedures are listed. Key aspects of data gathering for attribute groups 158 Attribute group Primary collection mechanism Number of Tables accessed SELECT statements issued Name of stored procedures MSSQL Server Summary 5 serverproperty (’processid’). DBCC SELECT and Perfmon sysprocesses. The table also provides the following information: v For attribute groups that use SELECT statements to gather data. sysusages. @@idle. @@total_read. @@packet_errors. @@total_read. @@connections. @@io_busy. None @@io_busy. @@total_errors. None sysjobhistory. @@io_busy. @@pack_received. syslockinfo MSSQL Lock Summary SELECT and Perfmon 16 syslockinfo MSSQL Job Summary SELECT 3 syscategories. @@total_errors. Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server data collection 159 . @@pack_sent. @@total_write. sysjobs. sysobjects None MSSQL Lock Conflict Detail SELECT 1 sysprocesses None MSSQL Text SELECT 1 sysprocesses None MSSQL Process Summary SELECT 2 sysprocesses None MSSQL Process Detail SELECT 3 sysprocesses None MSSQL Statistics Summary SELECT 1 @@cpu_busy. @@total_write. @@connections. DBCC MSSQL Database Summary SELECT and Perfmon 4 sysdatabases. sysdevices. sysconfigures None MSSQL Server Enterprise View SELECT 1 sysprocesses. sysjobhistory serverproperty (’processid’). Key aspects of data gathering for attribute groups (continued) Attribute group Primary collection mechanism Number of Tables accessed SELECT statements issued Name of stored procedures MSSQL Server Detail SELECT and Perfmon 5 sysprocesses. sysfiles sp_replcounters MSSQL Device Detail SELECT and Perfmon 4 sysfiles. MSSQL Statistics Detail SELECT 1 @@cpu_busy. sysfiles sp_replcounters MSSQL Database Detail SELECT and Perfmon 4 sysdatabases. MSSQL Remote Servers SELECT 1 sysservers None MSSQL Configuration SELECT 1 sysconfigurations. sysscurconfigs. sysjobhistory None Appendix D. @@pack_received. @@idle. @@pack_sent.Table 38. @@packet_errors. None @@io_busy. spt_values None MSSQL Lock Detail SELECT 2 syslockinfo. Data that is accessed by attribute groups that gather data from operating system or Microsoft SQL Server files 160 Attribute group Data accessed MS SQL Problem Summary MS SQL server error log file MS SQL Problem Detail MS SQL server error log file MS SQL Services Detail Windows Services API IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .Table 38. sysjobhistor MSSQL SELECT and Filegroup Detail Perfmon 2 sysdatabases. Key aspects of data gathering for attribute groups (continued) Attribute group Primary collection mechanism Number of Tables accessed SELECT statements issued MSSQL Job Detail 3 syscategories. Table 39. sysjobs. sysfiles None MSSQL Lock Resource Type Summary 0 None None SELECT Perfmon Name of stored procedures Attribute groups that gather data from operating system or MS SQL Server files Table 39 contains information about the attribute groups that gather data from the operating system or Microsoft SQL Server files. Note: You can resolve some problems by ensuring that your system matches the system requirements listed in Chapter 2. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide for general information about the IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment. This appendix provides agent-specific problem determination information. Troubleshooting.emea. Upload files for review to the following FTP site: ftp. Log in as anonymous and place your files in the directory that corresponds to the IBM Tivoli Monitoring component that you use. Problem determination This appendix explains how to troubleshoot the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent. Logging refers to the text messages and trace data generated by the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent.” on page 5. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem determination information. Messages and trace data are sent to a log file. you can right-click the My Computer icon and select Properties to obtain this information. See “Contacting IBM Software Support” on page 185 for more information about working with IBM Software Support.. is the process of determining why a certain product is malfunctioning.) v Sample application data file (if monitoring a file) Operating system Operating system version number and patch level (For example.Appendix E. or problem determination. 2005. Most logs are located in a logs subdirectory on the host computer. 2007 161 . gather the following information that relates to the problem: Table 40. if any. Also see “Support for problem solving” on page 184 for other problem-solving options. © Copyright IBM Corp.ibm. Microsoft SQL Server information v Version number and patch level (Select the About. Gathering product information for IBM Software Support Before contacting IBM Software Support about a problem you are experiencing with this product. “Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent. Built-in problem determination features The primary troubleshooting feature in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent is logging..com. See “Trace logging” on page 162 for lists of all trace log files and their locations. item in the Help menu to see this information. Information to gather before contacting IBM Software Support Information type Description Log files Collect trace log files from failing systems.) Messages Messages and other information displayed on the screen Version numbers for IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version number and patch level of the following members of the monitoring environment: v IBM Tivoli Monitoring v IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent Screen captures Screen captures of incorrect output. v product is the two-character product code.Trace data captures transient information about the current operating environment when a component or application fails to operate as designed. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem determination information. locations. For Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. depends on the source of the trace logging. Trace logging Trace logs capture information about the operating environment when component software fails to operate as intended. and descriptions of RAS1 log files. See the following sections to learn how to configure and use trace logging: v “Principal trace log files” on page 163 v “Viewing trace logs” on page 165 v “Enabling detailed tracing in the collector trace log” on page 166 v “Setting RAS trace parameters” on page 167 Note: The documentation refers to the RAS facility in IBM Tivoli Monitoring as ″RAS1″. The RAS trace log mechanism is available for all components of IBM Tivoli Monitoring. The log file names adhere to the following naming convention: hostname_product_instance_program_timestamp-nn. These logs are in the English language only. and Serviceability) trace log. 162 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Most logs are located in a logs subdirectory on the host computer. as well as describing the logging capabilities of the monitoring agent. Overview of log file management Table 41 on page 164 provides the names. IBM Software Support uses the information captured by trace logging to trace a problem to its source or to determine why an error occurred. the product code is oq.log where: v hostname is the host name of the computer on which the monitoring component is running. See “Trace logging” for more information. Trace logging is always enabled. Availability. IBM Software Support personnel use the captured trace information to determine the source of an error or unexpected condition. The default configuration for trace logging. Problem classification The following types of problems might occur with the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: v v v v Installation and configuration General usage and operation Display of monitoring data Take Action commands This appendix provides symptom descriptions and detailed workarounds for these problems. such as whether trace logging is enabled or disabled and trace level. The principal log type is the RAS (Reliability. and descriptions of trace logs that can help determine the source of problems with agents. Principal trace log files Table 41 on page 164 contains locations. as in the following example: server01_oq_dbinst02_koqsql_447fc59-01. have a similar syntax. file names. it might have log files as follows: server01_oq_dbinst02_koqagent_437fc59-01.log server01_oq_dbinst02_koqagent_537fc59-03. if the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server is started twice. The remaining logs ″roll.log As the program runs. the koqagent program might have a series of log files as follows: server01_oq_dbinst02_koqagent_437fc59-01. a new timestamp is assigned to maintain a short program history. the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server would have agent logs in this format: server01_oq_dbinst02_koqagent_437fc59-01.log server01_oq_dbinst02_koqagent_537fc59-01. For example. Appendix E.log Each program that is started has its own log file.log Other logs.log server01_oq_dbinst02_koqagent_537fc59-02.log where koqsql is the name of a program. Note: When you communicate with IBM Software Support. the remaining logs are overwritten in sequence. Examples of trace logging For example. the RAS log file for the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server might be named as follows: server01_oq_dbinst02_koqagent_437fc59-01.log server01_oq_dbinst02_koqagent_437fc59-03.log server01_oq_dbinst02_koqagent_437fc59-02. See “Examples of trace logging” for details of log rolling. the first log (nn=01) is preserved because it contains program startup information. Problem determination 163 . when the set of numbered logs reach a maximum size. Each time a program is started. v nn is a rolling log suffix. For example. if a Microsoft SQL Server database ″dbinst02″ is running on computer ″server01″." In other words.log For long-running programs. you must capture and send the RAS1 log that matches any problem occurrence that you report. For example. such as logs for collector processes and Take Action commands. v program is the name of the program being run. the nn suffix is used to maintain a short history of log files for that startup of the program.log server01_oq_dbinst02_koqagent_437fc59-02.v instance is the name of a database instance that is being monitored.log server01_oq_dbinst02_koqagent_437fc59-03. v timestamp is an 8-character hexadecimal timestamp representing the time at which the program started. IBM Tivoli Monitoring generates one backup copy of the *. names in column two. The log file is not pruned.LG0 file is located in the install_dir\tmaitm6\ A new version of this file is generated logs path. 164 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide .LG0 to learn the following details regarding the current monitoring session: v Status of connectivity with the monitoring server. every time the agent is restarted. Description Traces activity of the monitoring agent. is kept for historical purposes. A collector trace log file is produced by Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. The *.out to *. The file is located in the install_dir\tmaitm6\logs path. The file is located in Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL the install_dir\tmaitm6\logs path.out log file also exists and contains stderr and stdout messages. New log files are created each time the agent is started. New log files are created each time the agent is started. renamed from *. Note: A hostname_oq_instance_col.out to *. The agent trace log file is named An agent trace log file is produced by hostname_oq_instance_agt. 165 for descriptions of the The collector trace log file is named variables in the file hostname_oq_instance_col.out. See “Enabling detailed tracing in the collector trace log” on page 166 to learn how to change the default behavior of this type of logging. Server. Note: Other logs.LG1. such as logs for collector processes and Take Action commands (if available). have a similar syntax and are located in this directory path.log and are located in the install_dir\tmaitm6\logs path: See “Definitions of Note: File names for RAS1 logs include a variables” on page hexadecimal time stamp.ou1. Trace log files for troubleshooting agents System where log is located On the computer that hosts the monitoring agent File name and path The RAS1 log files are named hostname_oq_instance_program_timestamp-nn. v Situations that were running. One backup copy. is kept for historical purposes.ou1. One backup copy. View .LG0 file with the tag . v The success or failure status of Take Action commands. renamed from *.out.Table 41. log file in the install_dir\InstallITM path. Viewing trace logs Typically IBM Software Support applies specialized knowledge to analyze trace logs to determine the source of problems. On the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server The RAS1 log file is named hostname_cq_timestampnn. or the portal server. The TEPS_ODBC. v program is the name of the program being run. a log with a decimal time stamp is provided: hostname_cq_timestamp.log and hostname_ms_timestamp.log and is located in the following path: See “Definitions of variables” for descriptions of the variables in the file names in column two. you can open trace logs in a Appendix E. the product code is oq. See “Definitions of variables” for descriptions of the variables in the file names in column two. v product is the two character product code. v On UNIX: install_dir/logs Traces activity on the portal server. Note: Trace logging is enabled by default. where nnnnn is the process ID number. v timestamp is an eight-character hexadecimal time stamp representing the time at which the program started. Provides details about the configuration of data warehousing for historical reporting. the name of the file displays a decimal time stamp. Trace log files for troubleshooting agents (continued) System where log is located File name and path Description On the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server On UNIX: The candle_installation. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for more information on the complete set of trace logs that are maintained on the monitoring server. See “Examples of trace logging” on page 163 for details of log rolling. Definitions of variables for RAS1 logs: v hostname is the host name of the computer on which the agent is running.log and hostname_cq_timestamp. * The Warehouse_Configuration. When you enable historical reporting. install_dir can represent a path on the computer that hosts the monitoring server.pidnnnnn in the install_dir/logs path. v On Windows: install_dir\logs Note: File names for RAS1 logs include a hexadecimal time stamp Also on UNIX. On Windows: The IBM Tivoli Monitoring timestamp. v nn is a rolling log suffix. However.pidnnnnn in the install_dir/logs path. a log with a decimal time stamp is provided: hostname_ms_timestamp. Provides details about products that are installed. v instance refers to the name of the database instance that you are monitoring.log and is located in the following path: Traces activity on the monitoring server. The RAS1 log file is named hostname_ms_timestampnn. A configuration step is not required to enable this tracing. v On Windows: install_dir\logs v On UNIX: install_dir/logs Note: File names for RAS1 logs include a hexadecimal time stamp Also on UNIX.log file is located in the following path on Windows: install_dir\InstallITM. For Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server.log file in the install_dir/logs path. the monitoring agent. this log file traces the status of the warehouse proxy agent.log file is located in the following path on Windows: install_dir\InstallITM. v install_dir represents the directory path where you installed the IBM Tivoli Monitoring component. Problem determination 165 . where nnnnn is the process ID number. Unlike RAS1 log files.Table 41. 3. 2. such as Notepad. 5.ctl file. In the Windows Start menu.out file and is 30. 166 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Save the file. new collector log files are created each time you start the agent or when the log file reaches the limit specified by the COLL_WRAPLINES environment variable.000 lines by default (about 2 MB). Use a text editor that is enabled for UTF-8. Save the file. b. On Windows. d. choose Program Files > IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Manage Tivoli Monitoring Service. Logging goes to a collector trace log file that is named in Table 41 on page 164. The file is located in the following path: install_dir\tmaitm6. When you complete an analysis of detailed trace logs.ctl file mentioned in Step 1. Restart the monitoring agent for the database instance that you want to trace.text editor to learn some basic facts about your IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment. The program displays the Select Log File window that lists the RAS1 logs for the monitoring agent. the product creates one backup copy of the collector log file. COLL_NUMOUTBAK By default. Type two semicolons (. You can use the following options to modify collector trace logging. The log file is stored in the following path: install_dir\tmaitm6\logs where install_dir is the path where you installed IBM Tivoli Monitoring. Restart the monitoring agent for the database instance that you have been tracing.. Note: The viewer converts time stamps in the logs to a readable format.) from the beginning of the line that contains trace_all. Option one: modify the settings file Perform the following steps to enable detailed logging for the collector trace log: 1.) at the beginning of the line that contains trace_all. The Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window is displayed. 2. turn off detailed logging as follows. You can also use this viewer to access remote logs. Remove the two semicolons (.. Right-click a component and select Advanced > View Trace Log in the pop-up menu. c. Option two: modify the environment variables You can modify trace logging for the collector log by setting the following environment variables: COLL_WRAPLINES By default. 4. Open the koqtrac. COLL_WRAPLINES defines the number of lines in the col.. Enabling detailed tracing in the collector trace log Collector trace logs are generated by a database monitoring agent. 3. where install_dir is the location of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring component. you can use the following alternate method to view trace logs: 1. Open the koqtrac. a.. because trace logs can consume a large amount hard disk space. Select a log file from the list and click OK. ou1. Do not modify these values or log information can be lost. accept the prompt to stop the agent. A restart is necessary so that the environment variable that you create takes effect. select COLL_NUMOUTBAK. Right-click the row that contains the name of the monitoring agent whose environment variables you want to set. 4. type the number 9. log file name. For example. Select Advanced > Edit Variables in the pop-up menu. each database instance that you monitor could generate 45 to 60 MB of log data. Type a value in the Value field. Before you begin See “Overview of log file management” on page 162 to ensure that you understand log rolling and can reference the correct log files when you managing log file generation. Set the environment variables as follows: 1. The list dialog is displayed. b. Override the variable settings as follows: a. Note: The KBB_RAS1_LOG parameter also provides for the specification of the log file directory. Click Add. In the Windows Start menu. e. Default behavior can generate a total of 45 to 60 MB for each agent that is running on a computer. 5. Setting RAS trace parameters Objective Pinpoint a problem by setting detailed tracing of individual components of the monitoring agent and modules. RAS1 tracing has control parameters to manage to the size and number of RAS1 logs. For example. 2. c. For example. After you finish Monitor the size of the logs directory. 6. d. Problem determination 167 . When only the default settings are in effect. the maximum number of backup files that can be generated. and the inventory control file directory and name. The Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window is displayed. choose Program Files > IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Manage Tivoli Monitoring Service. Use the procedure described in this section to set the parameters. Select the variable you want to modify in the Variable pull-down menu.The file tag is changed from *. Restart the agent. Select OK two times. See the Appendix E.out to *. Background Information Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server uses RAS1 tracing and generates the logs described in Table 41 on page 164. there are no variables displayed. You can configure the product to create up to nine backup files by defining COLL_NUMOUTBAK to be an integer from one to nine. 3. The default RAS1 trace level is ERROR. If the agent is running. The variables are listed after you override them. 2. Default value is 3. Edit the line that begins with KBB_RAS1= to set trace logging preferences. Right-click the icon of the monitoring agent whose logging you want to modify. the logs in Table 41 on page 164 that include a process ID number (PID). For example. . . Edit the line that begins with KBB_RAS1_LOG= to manage the generation of log files: – Edit the following parameters to adjust the number of rolling log files and their size. Restart the monitoring agent so that your changes take effect. for example. 168 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . log file name. Regularly prune log files other than the RAS1 log files in the logs directory. Default value is 5.MAXFILES: the total number of files that are to be kept for all startups of a given program. Use one of the following methods to modify trace options: v Manually edit the configuration file to set trace logging 1.″Procedure″ section to learn how to adjust file size and numbers of log files to prevent logging activity from occupying too much disk space. . Unlike the RAS1 log files which are pruned automatically. Open the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window. 2. Default value is 1. Procedure Specify RAS1 trace options in the install_dir\tmaitm6\KOQENV file. the oldest log files are discarded.COUNT: the number of log files to keep in the rolling cycle of one program startup. Use them only temporarily. Consider using collector trace logs (described in Table 41 on page 164) as an additional source of problem determination information. Note: The KDC_DEBUG setting and the Maximum error tracing setting can generate a large amount of trace logging.PRESERVE: the number of files that are not to be reused in the rolling cycle of one program startup. – IBM Software Support might guide you to modify the following parameters: . the logs can occupy excessive amounts of hard disk space. Once this value is exceeded.LIMIT: the maximum size. set the Maximum Tracing option as follows: KBB_RAS1=ERROR (UNIT:kdd ALL) (UNIT:koq ALL) (UNIT:kra ALL) 3. Default value is 9. other log types can grow indefinitely. while you are troubleshooting problems. 4. v (Windows only) Alternate method to edit trace logging parameters: 1. Note: The KBB_RAS1_LOG parameter also provides for the specification of the log file directory. Open the trace options file: install_dir\tmaitm6\KOQENV. and the inventory control file directory and name. in megabytes (MB) of a RAS1 log file. if you want detailed trace logging. Do not modify these values or log information can be lost. Otherwise. KBB_RAS1=ERROR (UNIT:koq ALL) – Maximum error tracing. Modify the value for ″Maximum Number of Log Files Per Session″ to change the number of logs files per startup of a program (changes COUNT value). Use them only temporarily. This appendix provides agent-specific problem determination information. Click OK. 7. you can set multiple RAS tracing options in a single statement.” on page 5. Problem determination 169 . Otherwise. KBB_RAS1=ERROR (UNIT:koq ALL) (UNIT:kra ALL) 5. 6. 8. KBB_RAS1=ERROR – Intensive error tracing. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem determination information. Note: As this example shows. Problems and workarounds The following sections provide symptoms and workarounds for problems that might occur with Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server: v “Installation and configuration problem determination” on page 170 v “Agent problem determination” on page 174 v v v v “Workspace problem determination” on page 178 “Problem determination for remote deployment” on page 177 “Situation problem determination” on page 180 “Take Action command problem determination” on page 183 v “Problem determination for SQL Server” on page 183 Note: You can resolve some problems by ensuring that your system matches the system requirements listed in Chapter 2.3. Modify the value for ″Maximum Number of Log Files Total″ to change the number of logs files for all startups of a program (changes MAXFILES value). The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server Trace Parameters window is displayed. Modify the value for ″Maximum Log Size Per File (MB)″ to change the log file size (changes LIMIT value). Appendix E. Select a new trace setting in the pull-down menu in the Enter RAS1 Filters field or type a valid string. KBB_RAS1=-none– General error tracing. the logs can occupy excessive amounts of hard disk space. 4. The selections are as follows: – No error tracing. Select Advanced > Edit Trace Parms. Note: The KDC_DEBUG setting and the Maximum error tracing setting can generate a large amount of trace logging. 9. You see a message reporting a restart of the monitoring agent so that your changes take effect. while you are troubleshooting problems. “Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent. (Optional) Click Y (Yes) in the KDC_DEBUG Setting menu to log information that can help you diagnose communications and connectivity problems between the monitoring agent and the monitoring server. The upgrade from version 350 to IBM Tivoli Monitoring handles export of the presentation files and the customized Omegamon DE screens. The previous value of KBB_RAS1 from the OMEGAMON V350 agent is used. You cannot return to the list where you selected components to install. Fix packs for Candle. The problem has no adverse effect on the installation or subsequent operation of the monitoring agent . Note: This problem affects UNIX command-line installations. do not attempt to install any component that is already installed. preserving prior customer settings for this variable. Presentation files and customized Omegamon DE screens for Candle monitoring agents need to be upgraded to a new Linux on z/Series system. Note: The IBM Tivoli Monitoring download image or CD provides application fix packs for the monitoring agents that are installed from that CD (for example. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration on UNIX and Windows systems Problem Solution When you upgrade to IBM Tivoli Monitoring. UNIX. The upgrade software for other agents is located on the download image or CDs for that specific monitoring agent. If you monitor only Windows environments. you would see this problem if you choose to install a product component (for example. and i5/OS®). and you see the following warning: You must exit and restart the installation process. The following message is displayed in the installation log for some Windows agents when upgrading from Tivoli OMEGAMON® V350: <REPLACELINE> Pair missing 1=[KBB_RAS1=ERROR] no 2. There is no workaround. and uninstallation problems: v Operating system problems v Problems with database applications Table 42. However. you might need to apply fix packs to Candle®. a monitoring server) on UNIX. Version 350.you are about to install the SAME version of "component" where component is the name of the component that you are attempting to install. you choose to install a component that is already installed. such as the agents for database applications. If you do not upgrade the monitoring agent to IBM Tivoli Monitoring. configuration. skipped. Version 350. agents. you must upgrade to have all the functionality that IBM Tivoli Monitoring offers. (UNIX only) During a command-line installation. configuration window for the monitoring agent do not show up or are not the correct characters. Non-ASCII characters entered into the Enter only ASCII characters into these fields. are delivered as each monitoring agent is upgraded to IBM Tivoli Monitoring.Installation and configuration problem determination This section provides tables that show solutions for the following types of installation. Linux. the agent continues to work. When you run the installer again. the agents for operating systems such as Windows. WARNING . 170 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . v When you configure the new agent to communicate with TEMS2. A text window is displayed. Text for configuration functions is displayed in English instead of native languages when installing and configuring the monitoring agent. The Warehouse Proxy must be able to access the short attribute names for tables and columns. For example. However.0. if the longer versions of these names exceed the limits of the Warehouse database. When you have problems with browse settings. you can a computer where other agents are right-click the row for a specific agent in the Manage Tivoli Enterprise running as described in this example: Monitoring Services. The Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services is displayed. and select Reconfigure. or attribute file not installed for warehouse agent. go to the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window. and choose the Configure using defaults. you see an error message that includes. None. You successfully upgraded from an OMEGAMON monitoring agent to IBM Tivoli Monitoring.2. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for more information on v Agents are running on computer and reconfiguration. communicating with a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server.Table 42. Confirm the following points: v Do multiple network interface cards (NICs) exist on the system? v If multiple NICs exist on the system. called TEMS2. For example. Right-click the Windows agent and select Browse Settings. Check the agent configuration to ensure that all the values are correctly represented. Copy the attribute files (koq. To view these parameters. when you configure historical data collection. From the resulting window. If a message similar to ″Unable to find running CMS on CT_CMSLIST″ is displayed in the Log file. select and edit the database instance to view its parameters. The monitoring agent does not start in a non-ASCII environment. the agent is not able to connect to the monitoring server. 3. 2.atr) for the upgraded monitoring agent to install_dir\tmaitm6\attrlib on the computer where you have installed the Warehouse Proxy. You must complete configuration of the monitoring agent using English. perform the following steps: 1. called TEMS1. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration on UNIX and Windows systems (continued) Problem Solution A problem can arise when you install You must reconfigure the previously existing agents to restore their and configure a new monitoring agent to communication connection with TEMS1. Ensure that you specify the correct host name and port settings for communication in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment. If requested. select the agent template. Appendix E. the shorter names can be substituted. Version 6. Diagnosing problems with product browse settings. you can forward this file to IBM Software Support for analysis. Click Save As and save the information in the text file. Problem determination 171 . A message similar to ″Unable to find running CMS on CT_CMSLIST″ in the log file is displayed. v You install a new agent on the same computer and you want this agent to communicate with a different monitoring server. Attribute name may be invalid. That way. find out which one is configured for the monitoring server. Click on Start > Programs > IBM Tivoli Monitoring > Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services. all the existing agents are re-configured to communicate with TEMS2. when using the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services GUI on a Windows system. The file is located in the following path: install_dir\tmaitm6. Alert summary report of Tivoli Enterprise Portal shows no information. automatically generates. Confirm that the error log file is correct. version of the target application. you Consult the list of supported versions in the configuration chapter of the reinstall the agent software. IBM Tivoli Monitoring automatically creates a name for each monitoring component by concatenating the subsystem name. If the KOQENV file is missing from the install_dir\tmaitm6 directory. the problem can occur because the logon account that you are using does not have sufficient permissions in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring environment. where install_dir is the location of IBM Tivoli Monitoring. and agent user’s guide for SQL Server. too. Error counts are displayed in the Alert summary report in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Unique names for monitoring IBM Tivoli Monitoring might not be able to generate a unique name for components: ORIGINNODE is truncated monitoring components due to the truncation of names that the product and doesn’t show the product code. the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server must be reinstalled. After running the agent successfully. Truncation can result in multiple components having the same 32-character name. Confirm that you are running a valid collection of monitoring data stops. host name. shorten the subsystem_name portion of the name as described in the steps in the following row: 172 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . like databases. it is recommended that you set up historical data collection for the Alert detail report. Note: When you monitor a multinode systems. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server Problem Solution The procedure for launching the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server Trace Parameters window in “Setting RAS trace parameters” on page 167 fails because no trace settings are available in the Enter RAS1 Filters field. If the error log file is correct. Ensure that the configuration setting of agent’s error log file defines a valid path. Review the information in “Trace logging” on page 162 to ensure that you are consulting the correct log file. however. The length of the name that IBM Tivoli Monitoring generates is limited to 32 characters. IBM Tivoli Monitoring uses a database instance name as the subsystem name.Table 43. For details see Chapter 2. This problem happens when the KOQENV file is missing. Check the time stamp for the reports. as described in “Gathering product information for IBM Software Support” on page 161.” on page 5. Collector trace logs are not receiving error information. and product code separated by colons (subsystem_name:hostname:OQ). gather log files and other information and contact IBM Software Support. error messages are not displayed in the Alert detail report. “Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent. If you have set up historical data collection for Alert summary report. If you are monitoring a supported version of the database application. If this problem happens. 2. uninstallation of IBM Tivoli Monitoring fails to uninstall the entire environment. To view these parameters. Type a new name for an instance name (subsystem name) For Steps 4 . and choose the Configure using defaults. the uninstall process fails. host name. if you cannot find CTIRA_SUBSYSTEM_ID. A second instance in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Navigation tree might be automatically added. 4. Non-ASCII characters are not accepted by configuration panels. Table 44. v Be sure that you follow the general uninstallation process described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide: 1. An error in editing the Registry may cause other system errors. From the resulting window. go to the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window. including the subsystem name. Open the Environment key. regedit. If you do not find CTIRA_SUBSYSTEM_ID. General problems and solutions for uninstallation Problem Solution On Windows. Right-click and select Modify. If this happens. 9.6. clear the old. 8. such as IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases. select the agent template. Exit from the Registry editor. Confirm that the following problems do not exist: v Ensure that you are the only user who is logging into the computer where you are performing an uninstallation operation. and OQ. Select Start > Run. as in the following examples: – Uninstall a single monitoring agent for a specific database. Use only ASCII characters when entering agent-specific configuration information. add it. add it. 2. cannot be longer than 32 characters. Locate the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Candle\KOQ\610\instance_name where instance_name is the Microsoft SQL Server instance name that is associated with the target agent. Problem determination 173 . It is best practice to make a backup copy of the Registry prior to modifying the Registry. Run the Registry editor. 7. offline agent instance navigation item using the Managed System Status workspace of the Enterprise Navigation tree item. select and edit the database instance to view its parameters. contact IBM Software Support. step 6. The monitoring agent does not start in a non-ASCII environment. Restart the agent. Appendix E. If you do not feel comfortable editing the Registry. Type a new instance name (subsystem name). Uninstall IBM Tivoli Monitoring. Uninstall monitoring agents first. Problems and solutions for installation and configuration of the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server (continued) Problem Solution v On Windows: Note: This procedure involves editing the Windows Registry. Type regedit in the field and click OK. Check the agent configuration to ensure that all the values are correctly represented. Select the CTIRA_SUBSYSTEM_ID string attribute. 3. Note: You must ensure that the resulting name is unique with respect to any existing monitoring component that was previously registered with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. 6. 1.Table 43. Keep in mind that the final concatenated name. 5. —OR— – Uninstall all instances of a monitoring product. If another user is performing operations during an uninstall process. Select Physical View and highlight the Enterprise Level of the navigator tree. but not uninstall. Click the Enterprise icon in the Navigator tree. check network connectivity and status of the specific system or application. recycle the monitoring agent. This appendix provides agent-specific problem determination information. These values were stored incorrectly and result in the incorrect display. Right-click Offline managed system. The system experiences high CPU usage View the memory usage of the KOQCMA process. Right-click. A monitoring agent will seem to be down while the portal server is restarting. 2. If a system is offline. use the procedure described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. If you also want to uninstall the monitoring agent.Table 44. 3. If CPU usage seems to after you install or configure Monitoring be excessive. and select Clear offline entry. 3. Use the following steps to remove. 1. 2. then click Workspace > Managed System Status. Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem determination information. Table 45. Agent problem determination This section lists problems that might occur with agents. 174 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . General agent problems and solutions Problem Solution When you edit the configuration for an existing monitoring agent. the values displayed are not correct. 4. The original configuration settings might include non-ASCII characters. Select View > Workspace > Managed System Status to see a list of managed systems and their status. an offline managed system from the Navigation tree: 1. General problems and solutions for uninstallation (continued) Problem Solution The way to remove inactive managed systems (systems whose status is OFFLINE) from the Enterprise Navigation tree in the portal is not obvious. Allow several minutes to pass whenever you restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. A monitoring agent seems to be offline. Enter new values using only ASCII characters. server=’TW06210’.date=’09/21/2006’.hub_timestamp= ’1060921135139000’.out and set LANG=en_US 3.total_pro cesses_bad=’0’.total_other_sleep=’46’.percent_processes_locksleep=’0.percent_processes_stopped=’0.00’.00’.total_processes=’62’. Edit /tmp/env.integration_type=’U’.total_log_susp end=’0’. When the Windows operating system detects a problem in one of its extensible performance monitoring DLL files.situation_eventdata=’~’.19’. Solution This problem can be caused by a wrong data type. it marks the DLL as ″disabled. Then. as shown in the following wtdumprl output: 1~14560~1~1158832838(??? 21 14:00:38 2006) ### EVENT ### ITM_MS_SQL_Process_Summary.current_interval=’193’. odadmin reexec all No performance data is displayed in workspace views. and no data is available for historical logging.originnode=’TW06210:TW06210:MSS’.0 0 ) ON TW06210:TW06210:MSS (Total_Other_Sleep=46 Percent_ \ Processes_Othersleep=74.248993 Follow the Resolution instructions provided in this article (248993) to re-enable any performance monitoring extension DLL files disabled by Windows.percent_ processes_bad=’0.192.adapter_host=’HUB_TPS06072’.situation_displayitem= ’’.origin =’192.hostname=’TW06210’.master_reset_flag=’’.server_cpu_percent_appli cation=’0. For more information.situation_time=’09/21/2006 \ 14:00:37.aspx?scid=kb.cms_port=’3661 ’.168.percent _processes_infected=’0.microsoft.00’ .19)]’. Appendix E.00’.total_processes_blocked=’0’.00’.server_cpu_percent_system=’0.000’.Table 45.00’.total_processes_locksleep=’0’. General agent problems and solutions (continued) Problem Solution Some TEC events from the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server have PARSING_FAILED status in wtdumprl output of TEC server.120’. Problem determination 175 .19’.ENUS.00’.tw.total_processes_stop ped=’0’.percent_processes_othersleep=’74.source=’ITM’.out 2.twnet’. no data is available for situations.percent_processes_blocked=’0.total_processes_in fected=’0’.si tuation_name=’MS_SQL_ProcessOthSleep_Warning’.sub_source=’TW06210: TW06210:MSS’.host_name=’TW06210’.cms_hostname=’tps06072.appl_label=’’.situation_orig in=’TW06210:TW06210:MSS’.severity=’WAR NING’.percent_processes_sleep ing=’74.msg=’MS_SQL_ProcessOthSleep_Warning[ (Total_Other_Sleep>=2 AND Percent_Processes_Othersleep>=50. odadmin environ get > /tmp/env.END ### END EVENT ### PARSING_FAILED~’Line 1: Value does not match type REAL!’ Use the odadmin environ command as follows to set en_US in the oserv environment: 1.situation_status=’Y’. This prevents IBM Tivoli Monitoring agents from gathering data supplied by the disabled DLL. see Microsoft Support Knowledge Base article 248993 at the following Web address: http://support.com/default. restart the monitoring agent.sample_timestamp =’1060921134858000’.″ Any DLL that is disabled cannot provide performance data through the Windows Performance Monitor interfaces (Perfmon or Performance Monitor APIs). SNA. RPC is the mechanism that allows a client process to make a subroutine call (such as GetTimeOfDay or ShutdownServer) to a server process somewhere in the network. Any attribute that does not include ″(Unicode). A Tivoli process derives the physical port for IP.) The physical port allocation method is defined as (BASE_PORT + 4096*N) where N=0 for a Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server process and N={1. 176 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . and SSL as the desired protocol (or delivery mechanism) for RPCs.PIPE. Two architectural limits result as a consequence of the physical port allocation method: v No more than one Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server reporting to a specific Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server HUB can be active on a system image. General agent problems and solutions (continued) Problem Solution A configured and running instance of the monitoring agent is not displayed in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. (This well-known port or BASE_PORT is configured using the ’PORT:’ keyword on the KDC_FAMILIES / KDE_TRANSPORT environment variable and defaults to ’1918’. 15} for a non-Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. Attributes do not allow non-ASCII input None. There is no limitation to the number of ephemeral IP. well-known port for the HUB Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. However. v No more that 15 IP..PIPE" is the name given to Tivoli TCP/IP protocol for RPCs. IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6. Tivoli processes can be configured to use TCP/UDP. Tivoli Monitoring products use Remote Procedure Call (RPC) to define and control product behavior. . IP. ″Description (Unicode)″ might support only ASCII characters.PIPE communications based on the configured.. EPHEMERAL endpoints are restricted: data warehousing cannot be performed on an ephemeral endpoint.PIPE processes or address spaces can be active on a single system image. so this architecture limit has been simplified to one Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server per system image. (This is IP. in the Situation Editor. "IP. there is one Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server HUB per monitoring Enterprise.PIPE connections per system image. 2." for example.Table 45. The RPCs are socket-based operations that use TCP/IP ports to form socket addresses. With the first limit expressed above.. This limitation can be circumvented (at current maintenance levels. No more that 15 IP.1 Fix Pack 4 and later) if the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent process is configured to use EPHEMERAL IP. By definition. A single system image can support any number of Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server processes (address spaces) provided that each Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server on that image reports to a different HUB.PIPE implements virtual sockets and multiplexes all virtual socket traffic across a single physical TCP/IP port (visible from the netstat command). this second limitation refers specifically to Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent processes: no more that 15 agents per system image.PIPE processes can be active on a single system image. TCP/IP.PIPE configured with the ’EPHEMERAL:Y’ keyword in the KDC_FAMILIES / KDE_TRANSPORT environment variable). but other instances of the monitoring agent on the same system do appear in the portal. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem determination information. These events are not able to set the cited slot values. This section describes problems and solutions for remote deployment and removal of agent software Agent Remote Deploy: Table 46. an empty command window is displayed on the target computer.” on page 5 for more information on these parameters. You have one of following problems after you use the tacmd addSystem command to perform a remote deployment: Ensure that you have typed the correct values for the parameters in the tacmd addSystem command.2 sending TEC events for IBM Tivoli Monitoring 5. “Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent. to run the command successfully. It is part of the to install Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. ITMMSSQL. General agent problems and solutions (continued) Problem Solution TEC events from IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.sh script on the Tivoli Enterprise Console server with the version of this file from the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server in install_dir/CMS/TECLIB/itm5migr. Problem determination 177 . you must provide correct values for the following parameters: v The Tivoli Enterprise Portal fails to display workspaces for the monitoring agent. Increase the amount of time allowed for remote deployment. Ensure that you have IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.baroc. This problem occurs when the target of remote deployment is a Windows computer.) Appendix E. 2. Remote deployment problems and solutions Problem Solution Remote deployment fails because the process exceeds the communication timeout.2 Event Synchronization installed on your Tivoli Enterprise Console server. installation process and will be dismissed automatically. For example. You are receiving Tivoli Business Service Manager events that cannot be associated because application_oid and application_class are not set. This appendix provides agent-specific problem determination information. Obtain updated baroc files from the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server events. While you are using the remote deployment feature Do not close or modify this window. (See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide for more information on the remote deployment feature.2 for IBM Tivoli Monitoring v5. Problem determination for remote deployment Table 46 lists problems that might occur with remote deployment.baroc.baroc. want to monitor —OR— See Chapter 2.x migrated situations have parsing errors in the TEC server. This problem is caused by IBM Tivoli Monitoring V6.Table 45. and ITMMSSQLResourceModels. as described in the ″Troubleshooting Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Agent problems″ chapter of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide. Replace the MSSQL_send_to_TBSM. Updated baroc files are in TEMS in install_dir/CMS/TECLIB/itm5migr.x migrated situations. 1. v the home directory of the database server v the name of the Microsoft SQL Server that you want to monitor v You see the KDY1008E error message and a return v the name of the Microsoft SQL Server instance that you code of 4. There are updated files for ITMApplications. By setting a more frequent interval for data collection you reduce the load on the system incurred every time data is uploaded.” on page 5 for information on managing this feature including how to set the interval at which data is collected. At that point. Right-click the link to access a list of workspaces to select. v You use the Summarization and Pruning monitoring agent to collect specific amounts and types of historical data. Table 47. You see the following message: KFWITM083W Default link is disabled for the selected object. 1. The credentials must match the options listed in Chapter 2. You must allow time for the monitoring agent to refresh its connection with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server before you begin the remote removal process. Verify the Microsoft SQL Server configuration credentials that you used during configuration of the monitoring agent. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem determination information. Be aware that historical data is not displayed until the Summarization and Pruning monitoring agent begins collecting the data.” on page 5.Table 46. Workspace problems and solutions Problem Solution No data is displayed for the monitoring agent in the workspaces of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. 178 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . See Chapter 2. This problem might happen when you attempt the remote removal process immediately after you have restarted the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. This type of data collection is turned off by default. “Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent. data is visible in the workspace view. Workspace problem determination Table 47 shows problems that might occur with workspaces. By default. Confirm that the computer that hosts the monitoring agent is communicating with the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. You see this message because some links do not have default workspaces. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide to learn how to modify the default collection settings. this agent begins collection at 2 AM daily. “Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent. Attributes associated with a database whose name is 128 characters long or longer are not displayed. This appendix provides agent-specific problem determination information. The database name must be less than 128 characters. Remote deployment problems and solutions (continued) Problem Solution The removal of a monitoring agent fails when you use the remote removal process in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal desktop or browser. 2. please verify link and link anchor definitions. You start collection of historical data but Managing options for historical data collection: the data cannot be seen. v Basic historical data collection populates the Warehouse with raw data. If you want to display SQL test information. When this happens. use the instance name that is in the INI file name: – Unlodctr. The SQL Server ID configured for use by the MS SQL agent requires System Administrators SQL Server Role authorization to access the SQL text data.ini Refer to the following Web sites for assistance: v How to manually rebuild Performance Counter Library values http://support. The Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Serverworkspace views have empty data.exe SQL Server path\ binn\MSSQL$InstanceName.ini – Lodctr. This might require reinstallation of the MS SQL Server instance. Workspace problems and solutions (continued) Problem Solution The following workspace views display column headers.exe MSSQLServer – Lodctr. “Requirements and configuration for the monitoring agent. the RAS1 trace log contains the following error trace message: SQL Server Instance performance data is not enabled! This might be caused by installing the MS SQL Server instance using a Minimum installation setup type. When you want to view monitored data in these views. Use either the Typical or Custom installation setup type.Table 47. If these prerequisite counters are not installed and enabled.microsoft. but no data: Process Holding Lock SQL Text. or by not selecting Performance Counters from a Custom installation setup type. use the workspace links. the monitoring agent is not able to properly collect monitoring data for the target MS SQL Server. Waiting Process SQL Text.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/ all/proddocs/en-us/unlodctr.com/kb/300956 v v LODCTR command reference http://www. Install and configure the performance counters for the target MS SQL Server instance. Problem determination 179 . Refer to the Chapter 2.mspx?mfr=true Appendix E.” on page 5 section in this book.txt file in the TMAITM6\logs subdirectory.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/ all/proddocs/en-us/lodctr.ini v For a named instance of an MS SQL Server.microsoft. See the workspaces chapter of this user's guide for additional information on these workspace views.microsoft. and SQL Text The workspaces containing these views only display valid data when the workspace is accessed from a workspace link. give System Administrators authorization to the MS SQL agent’s SQL Server user ID. To manually rebuild MS SQL performance counters.exeSQL Serverpath\ binn\sqlctr. and there is no hostname_OQ_sql server instance name__regtitls.exe MSSQL$InstanceName. The absence of the target MS SQL Server performance counters causes this problem.mspx?mfr=true v UNLODCTR command reference http://www. Workspace Administrators may access these workspaces directly (without following the correct workspace link) and this will result in no data being displayed for these views. Blocking Process SQL Text. open a command prompt and run the following commands: v For an unnamed MS SQL instance – Unlodctr. Your formulas cannot have mathematical operators. You see the 'Unable to get attribute name' error in the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server log after creating a situation.txt file for the situation and that SEVERITY is specified. Check the RAS trace logging settings that are described in “Setting RAS trace parameters” on page 167. The Situation Editor window is displayed. 3.0049-F60:kfaottev. Monitoring activity requires too many system resources. Regarding the example.UA4>. trace logs grow rapidly when you apply the ALL logging option. you need to ensure that an entry exists in the tecserver. 4.c.Situation problem determination This section provides information about both general situation problems and problems with the configuration of situations. Note: The Situation Editor provides alternatives to math operators. a formula that calculates when Free Memory falls under 10 percent of Total Memory does not work: LT #’Linux_VM_Stats. General situation problems Table 48 lists problems that might occur with specific situations. reduce the number of attributes that you monitor to a smaller set.Total_Memory’ / 10 This formula is incorrect because situation predicates support only logical operators. Select Situations in the pop-up menu."Translate_ResultBuffer") \ Unable to get attribute name for tablename/column \ <UAG524400. Table 48. 180 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Monitoring activity requires too much disk space. If possible. you can select % Memory Free attribute and avoid the need for math operators. For example. The following example shows a typical log entry when you have this problem: (4320916A.1572. See the “Configuring Tivoli Enterprise Console integration” chapter in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide for more information. Specific situation problems and solutions Problem Solution You want to change the appearance of situations when they are displayed in a Workspace view. For a situation to have the correct severity in TEC for those situations which are not mapped. Use the Status pull-down menu in the lower right of the window to set the status and appearance of the Situation when it triggers. Ensure that the agent attribute files are installed on the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for more information about problem determination for situations. if you were monitoring Linux. Select the situation that you want to modify. A formula that uses mathematical operators appears to be incorrect. Right-click an item in the Navigation tree. Note: This status setting is not related to severity settings in IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console. Be aware that the Table Detail attribute group can consume significant system resources because it gathers data from each table and index in each database that you monitor. 1. Situations that you create display the severity UNKNOWN in IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console. 2. For example. Ignored. Table 49. Right-click the situation and choose Start Situation. The Situation Editor view is displayed. The event forwarding function requires an attribute group reference in the situation in order to determine the correct event class to use in the event. for Microsoft SQL Server has been added to the monitoring server. Be sure to consult the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for more general problem determination information. choose the agent whose situation you want to modify. no attribute groups are defined and the event class cannot be determined. as described in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide. v Click the Action tab and check whether the situation has an automated corrective action. An Alert event has not occurred Check the logs. Access the Situation Editor view for the situation that you want to modify. Check the Sampling interval area in the Formula tab. If the not visible in the Tivoli Enterprise situation is absent. but events for the situation are not sent to the Tivoli Enterprise Console server. and workspaces. Problems with configuring situations that you solve in the Situation Editor Problem Solution Note: To get started with the solutions in this section. The product did not distribute the situation to a managed system. This is a limitation of the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server event forwarding function. Problem determination 181 . Right-click the situation and choose Stop Situation. Situations that only monitor other situations do not send events to the event server. Specific situation problems and solutions (continued) Problem Solution Situations are triggered in the Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server. Adjust the time interval as needed. The monitoring interval is too long. Access the All managed servers view. add application support to the server. confirm that application support for Monitoring Agent Portal. and events for many other situations are sent to the event server. A situation fires on an unexpected managed object. The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is properly configured for event forwarding. Choose the situation in the list. If not. Appendix E.Table 48. 2. This condition can occur when a situation is only monitoring the status of other situations. The situation might be resolving so quickly that you do not see the event or the update in the graphical user interface. Click Edit > Situation Editor. 4. In the tree view. . Because the event class cannot be determined. This section provides information for problem determination for agents. None. even though the predicate has been properly specified. Manually recycle the situation as follows: 1. 3. Launch the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Problems with configuration of situations Table 49 lists problems that might occur with situations. 2. Confirm that you have distributed and started the situation on the correct managed system. Note: You can permanently avoid this problem by placing a check mark in the Run at Startup option of the Situation Editor view for a specific situation. perform these steps: 1. no event is sent. The situation for a specific agent is v Open the Situation Editor. When the situation only monitors other situations. The situation did not activate at startup. reports. This action can occur directly or through a policy. Click the Distribution tab and check the distribution settings for the situation. analyze predicates as follows: 1. Problems with configuration of situations that you solve in the Workspace area Problem Solution Situation events are not displayed in the Events Console view of the workspace. check network connectivity and status of the specific system or application. Select Physical View and highlight the Enterprise Level of the navigator tree. The Show formula window is displayed. temporarily assign numerical values that will immediately trigger a monitoring event. 2. A managed system will seem to be down while the portal server is restarting. If a system is offline. 1. 3. A managed system seems to be offline. 2. You do not have access to a situation. b. (Optional) Click the Show detailed formula check box in the lower left of the window to see the original names of attributes in the application or operating system that you are monitoring. Click the Distribution tab and check the distribution settings for the situation. and Navigator Views tab. v The numerical values in the formula match your monitoring goal. the managed object shows a state that normally triggers a monitoring event.Table 49. In the Users area. Confirm the following details in the Formula area at the top of the window: v The attributes that you intend to monitor are specified in the formula. Note: The situation does not need to be displayed in the workspace. Allow several minutes to pass whenever you restart the Tivoli Enterprise Portal Server. 2. v The situations that you intend to monitor are specified in the formula. Click OK to dismiss the Show formula window. 3. 4. select the permissions or privileges that correspond to the user’s role. Applications tab. Table 50. Select View > Workspace > Managed System Status to see a list of managed systems and their status. Note: After you complete this test. For example. 1. Incorrect predicates are present in the formula that defines the situation. Click the fx icon in the upper-right corner of the Formula area. (Optional) In the Formula area of the Formula tab. 182 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . select the user whose privileges you want to modify. Click OK. a. In the Permissions tab. v The logical operators in the formula match your monitoring goal. Problems with configuring situations that you solve in the Situation Editor (continued) Problem Solution The situation does not fire. Note: You must have administrator privileges to perform these steps. It is sufficient that the situation be associated with any workspace. but the situation is not true because the wrong attribute is specified in the formula. 4. In the Formula tab. Select Edit > Administer Users to access the Administer Users window. The triggering of the event confirms that other predicates in the formula are valid. you must restore the numerical values to valid levels so that you do not generate excessive monitoring data based on your temporary settings. Associate the situation with a workspace. c. Take Action command problem determination Table 52 lists general problems that might occur with Take Action commands. If you are unable to perform the Take Action command manually. Table 53. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem determination information. If you do not see a pop-up message advising you of completion. Problems with configuration of situations that you solve in the Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window Problem Solution After an attempt to restart the agents in the Tivoli Enterprise Portal. Monitor the product support Web site for Microsoft SQL Server for updated information on this problem. try to run the command manually. verify that you are using one of the authorizations for Microsoft SQL Server that are listed in Chapter 7. There is metrics might exceed 100 percent values: no known solution. The documentation might list a ″backup and truncate″ option. Take Action commands problems and solutions Problem Solution Take Action commands might require several minutes to complete. Table 52. You must use the following syntax for this option: BackupAndTruncate Problem determination for SQL Server Table 53 lists problems that might occur on the system or application that you are monitoring. Dump Transaction Log Take Action command fails. Problem determination 183 . SQL Server problems and solutions Problem Solution The following Microsoft SQL Server Be aware of this problem as you monitor Microsoft SQL Server. v Procedure Buffers Percent Active v Procedure Cache Percent Active Appendix E. Check the system status and check the appropriate IBM Tivoli Monitoring logs. The Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server is not running. “Take Action commands reference. Allow several minutes. A Take Action command fails with a pop-up message containing a non-zero return value. This appendix provides agent-specific problem determination information. The task fails if you use this option as documented. Check the system status and check the appropriate IBM Tivoli Monitoring logs.Table 51. When each Take Action command runs it generates the log file listed in Table 41 on page 164. the agents are still not running. See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general problem determination information. see the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide for general information on troubleshooting the Take Action command.” on page 105. If you see a log entry containing the ″insufficient authorization″ string. Check the trace log of the Take Action command. Under Download. support. 2. and then click Install. stand-alone application that you can install on any workstation. Under Select a brand and/or product. 4. Start the IBM Support Assistant application. 5. The IBM Support Assistant helps you gather support information when you need to open a problem management record (PMR). and click I agree. Go to the IBM Software Support Web site at http://www. 6. Be sure to read the license and description. select Tivoli. Select your product and click Go. click the name of a fix to read its description and.com/software/ support. you want to resolve it quickly.com/software/support/isa. to download it. Restart the IBM Support Assistant. 2. follow these steps to install the plug-in for your Tivoli product: 1. Under Tivoli. see http://www. and to download the IBM Support Assistant.Support for problem solving If you have a problem with your IBM software. The product-specific plug-in modules provide you with the following resources: v Support links v Education links v Ability to submit problem management reports For more information. optionally. Obtaining fixes A product fix might be available to resolve your problem. which you can then use to track the problem. no plug-in is available yet for the product. you see the Select a product section. Read the license and description. If you don’t click Go. and educational resources. 4. select your product. This section describes the following options for obtaining support for IBM software products: v “Using IBM Support Assistant” v “Obtaining fixes” v “Receiving weekly support updates” on page 185 v “Contacting IBM Software Support” on page 185 Using IBM Support Assistant The IBM Support Assistant is a free. Select Updater on the Welcome page.ibm. Select New Properties and Tools or select the New Plug-ins tab (depending on the version of IBM Support Assistant installed). After you download and install the IBM Support Assistant. 3. the Search within all of Tivoli support section is displayed. If you click Go. If your product is not included on the list under Tivoli. You can then enhance the application by installing product-specific plug-in modules for the IBM products you use. 3. follow these steps: 1. The IBM Support Assistant saves you the time it takes to search the product.ibm. To determine which fixes are available for your Tivoli software product. 184 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . If there is no Download heading for your product, supply a search term, error code, or APAR number in the field provided under Search Support (this product), and click Search. For more information about the types of fixes that are available, see the IBM Software Support Handbook at http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/ handbook.html. Receiving weekly support updates To receive weekly e-mail notifications about fixes and other software support news, follow these steps: 1. Go to the IBM Software Support Web site at http://www.ibm.com/software/ support. 2. Click My support in the far upper-right corner of the page under Personalized support. 3. If you have already registered for My support, sign in and skip to the next step. If you have not registered, click register now. Complete the registration form using your e-mail address as your IBM ID and click Submit. 4. The Edit profile tab is displayed. 5. In the first list under Products, select Software. In the second list, select a product category (for example, Systems and Asset Management). In the third list, select a product sub-category (for example, Application Performance & Availability or Systems Performance). A list of applicable products is displayed. 6. Select the products for which you want to receive updates. 7. Click Add products. 8. After selecting all products that are of interest to you, click Subscribe to email on the Edit profile tab. 9. 10. 11. 12. In the Documents list, select Software. Select Please send these documents by weekly email. Update your e-mail address as needed. Select the types of documents you want to receive. 13. Click Update. If you experience problems with the My support feature, you can obtain help in one of the following ways: Online Send an e-mail message to [email protected], describing your problem. By phone Call 1-800-IBM-4You (1-800-426-4968). Contacting IBM Software Support IBM Software Support provides assistance with product defects. The easiest way to obtain that assistance is to open a PMR or ETR directly from the IBM Support Assistant (see “Using IBM Support Assistant” on page 184). Before contacting IBM Software Support, your company must have an active IBM software maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems to IBM. The type of software maintenance contract that you need depends on the type of product you have: Appendix E. Problem determination 185 v For IBM distributed software products (including, but not limited to, Tivoli, Lotus®, and Rational® products, as well as DB2 and WebSphere® products that run on Windows or UNIX operating systems), enroll in Passport Advantage® in one of the following ways: Online Go to the Passport Advantage Web site at http://www-306.ibm.com/ software/howtobuy/passportadvantage/pao_customers.htm . By phone For the phone number to call in your country, go to the IBM Software Support Web site at http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/ contacts.html and click the name of your geographic region. v For customers with Subscription and Support (S & S) contracts, go to the Software Service Request Web site at https://techsupport.services.ibm.com/ssr/ login. v For customers with IBMLink™, CATIA, Linux, OS/390®, iSeries™, pSeries®, zSeries®, and other support agreements, go to the IBM Support Line Web site at http://www.ibm.com/services/us/index.wss/so/its/a1000030/dt006. v For IBM eServer™ software products (including, but not limited to, DB2 and WebSphere products that run in zSeries, pSeries, and iSeries environments), you can purchase a software maintenance agreement by working directly with an IBM sales representative or an IBM Business Partner. For more information about support for eServer software products, go to the IBM Technical Support Advantage Web site at http://www.ibm.com/servers/eserver/techsupport.html. If you are not sure what type of software maintenance contract you need, call 1-800-IBMSERV (1-800-426-7378) in the United States. From other countries, go to the contacts page of the IBM Software Support Handbook on the Web at http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/contacts.html and click the name of your geographic region for phone numbers of people who provide support for your location. To 1. 2. 3. contact IBM Software support, follow these steps: “Determining the business impact” “Describing problems and gathering information” on page 187 “Submitting problems” on page 187 Determining the business impact When you report a problem to IBM, you are asked to supply a severity level. Use the following criteria to understand and assess the business impact of the problem that you are reporting: Severity 1 The problem has a critical business impact. You are unable to use the program, resulting in a critical impact on operations. This condition requires an immediate solution. Severity 2 The problem has a significant business impact. The program is usable, but it is severely limited. Severity 3 The problem has some business impact. The program is usable, but less significant features (not critical to operations) are unavailable. 186 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide Severity 4 The problem has minimal business impact. The problem causes little impact on operations, or a reasonable circumvention to the problem was implemented. Describing problems and gathering information When describing a problem to IBM, be as specific as possible. Include all relevant background information so that IBM Software Support specialists can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions: v Which software versions were you running when the problem occurred? v Do you have logs, traces, and messages that are related to the problem symptoms? IBM Software Support is likely to ask for this information. v Can you re-create the problem? If so, what steps were performed to re-create the problem? v Did you make any changes to the system? For example, did you make changes to the hardware, operating system, networking software, and so on. v Are you currently using a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to explain the workaround when you report the problem. Submitting problems You can submit your problem to IBM Software Support in one of two ways: Online Click Submit and track problems on the IBM Software Support site at http://www.ibm.com/software/support/probsub.html. Type your information into the appropriate problem submission form. By phone For the phone number to call in your country, go to the contacts page of the IBM Software Support Handbook at http://techsupport.services.ibm.com/ guides/contacts.html and click the name of your geographic region. If the problem you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate documentation, IBM Software Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). The APAR describes the problem in detail. Whenever possible, IBM Software Support provides a workaround that you can implement until the APAR is resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the Software Support Web site daily, so that other users who experience the same problem can benefit from the same resolution. Appendix E. Problem determination 187 188 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide These publications are listed in the following categories: v Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server library v Prerequisite publications v Related publications See the IBM Tivoli Monitoring and OMEGAMON XE products: Documentation Guide. which you can obtain from the following IBM Tivoli Monitoring publications: v Exploring IBM Tivoli Monitoring v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Administrator’s Guide v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Agent Builder User’s Guide v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Command Reference v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide v IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Messages v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Migration Toolkit User’s Guide v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Problem Determination Guide v IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Upgrading from Tivoli Distributed Monitoring v IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide v IBM Tivoli Monitoring: i5/OS Agent User’s Guide © Copyright IBM Corp.ibm. Use the information in this guide with the IBM Tivoli Monitoring User’s Guide to monitor Microsoft SQL Server resources. you must have some prerequisite knowledge. Use the configuration chapter in this guide with the IBM Tivoli Monitoring Installation and Setup Guide to set up the software. Documentation library This appendix contains information about the publications related to the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server.boulder. Prerequisite publications To use the information in this publication effectively. You can find the Documentation Guide in the IBM Tivoli Monitoring and OMEGAMON XE Information Center at http://publib. SC23-8816. click Previous information centers on the Welcome page for the product.com/infocenter/tivihelp/v15r1/. To find a list of new and changed publications. for information about accessing and using publications. click What's new on the Welcome page of the IBM Tivoli Monitoring and OMEGAMON XE Information Center. This user's guide provides agent-specific reference and problem determination information for configuring and using the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server. To find publications from the previous version of a product. 2005. 2007 189 . Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server library There is one document specific to the Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server: IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent User’s Guide.Appendix F. or more directly through your product Web site.redbooks.com/software/support/probsub.ibm.com/software/tivoli/opal OPAL is an online catalog that contains integration documentation as well as other downloadable product extensions.com/ IBM Redbooks®.v IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Linux OS Agent User's Guide v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Universal Agent User’s Guide v IBM Tivoli Monitoring Universal Agent API and Command Programming Reference Guide v v v v v IBM Tivoli Monitoring: UNIX Log OS Agent User's Guide IBM Tivoli Monitoring: UNIX OS Agent User's Guide IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Upgrading from V5.ibm.0 Related publications The following documents also provide useful information: v v v v IBM IBM IBM IBM Tivoli Tivoli Tivoli Tivoli Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Enterprise Console Console Console Console Adapters Guide Event Integration Facility User’s Guide Reference Manual Rule Builder’s Guide Other sources of documentation You can also obtain technical documentation about Tivoli Monitoring and OMEGAMON XE products from the following sources: v IBM Tivoli Open Process Automation Library (OPAL) http://www. which contains a link to Technotes (under Solve a problem).html.1.2 IBM Tivoli Monitoring: Windows OS Agent User's Guide Introducing IBM Tivoli Monitoring Version 6. 190 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . v Redbooks http://www.ibm. This library is updated daily.1. Redpapers. and Redbooks Technotes provide information about products from platform and solution perspectives. Technotes provide the latest information about known product limitations and workarounds. v Technotes You can find Technotes through the IBM Software Support Web site at http://www. 2005. v Magnify what is displayed on the screen. the product documentation was modified to include the following features to aid accessibility: v All documentation is available in both HTML and convertible PDF formats to give the maximum opportunity for users to apply screen-reader software. In addition. you can lower the resolution of the screen to enlarge the font sizes of the text on the screen. Refer to the documentation provided by your operating system for more information. such as restricted mobility or limited vision. © Copyright IBM Corp. Refer to the documentation provided by your operating system for more information.Appendix G. v All images in the documentation are provided with alternative text so that users with vision impairments can understand the contents of the images. to hear what is displayed on the screen. 2007 191 . such as screen-reader software and digital speech synthesizer. Navigating the interface using the keyboard Standard shortcut and accelerator keys are used by the product and are documented by the operating system. v Operate specific or equivalent features using only the keyboard. The major accessibility features in this product enable users to do the following: v Use assistive technologies. in a Microsoft Windows environment. For example. Consult the product documentation of the assistive technology for details on using those technologies with this product. to use software products successfully. Accessibility Accessibility features help users with physical disabilities. Magnifying what is displayed on the screen You can enlarge information on the product windows using facilities provided by the operating systems on which the product is run. 192 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk. Minato-ku Tokyo 106. or service.S. Any reference to an IBM product. EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. or features discussed in this document in other countries. in writing. or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. program. or service may be used. NY 10504-1785 U. program. For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. to: IBM World Trade Asia Corporation Licensing 2-31 Roppongi 3-chome.Appendix H. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. this statement might not apply to you.A. or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product. IBM may not offer the products. INCLUDING. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country or send inquiries. program. in writing. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions. Notices This information was developed for products and services offered in the U. Changes are periodically made to the information herein. therefore. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. program. © Copyright IBM Corp. BUT NOT LIMITED TO. it is the user’s responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product. However. You can send license inquiries. 2005. services. Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION ″AS IS″ WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. 2007 193 .S. Any functionally equivalent product.A. S. OS/390. or both. other countries.A. Sample Programs. DB2. TX 78758 U. Each copy or any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work. using. which illustrate programming techniques on various operating systems. Trademarks IBM. Tivoli Enterprise Console. The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement. serviceability. pSeries. Passport Advantage. Candle. 194 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . Lotus. WebSphere. IBMLink. If you are viewing this information in softcopy form. brands. You may copy. for the purposes of developing. Tivoli Enterprise. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. eServer. AIX®. _enter the year or years_. or function of these programs. cannot guarantee or imply reliability. IBM International Program License Agreement or any equivalent agreement between us. CandleNet Portal.IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. © Copyright IBM Corp. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. the examples include the names of individuals. and zSeries are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States. i5/OS. marketing or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating system for which the sample programs are written. This information contains examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. subject to appropriate terms and conditions. Tivoli. the IBM logo. companies. Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information which has been exchanged. Portions of this code are derived from IBM Corp. must include a copyright notice as follows: © (your company name) (year). To illustrate them as completely as possible. iSeries. the photographs and color illustrations might not appear. including in some cases payment of a fee. Such information may be available. and products. therefore. modify. IBM. should contact: IBM Corporation 2Z4A/101 11400 Burnet Road Austin. Redbooks. OMEGAMON. Rational. and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information contains sample application programs in source language. All rights reserved. Intel Inside. other countries. Intel Inside logo. Appendix H. product. Microsoft trademark guidelines UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Intel Xeon. Microsoft.Intel. other countries. Celeron. Windows. Intel logo. Inc. and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. Other company. and Pentium are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Windows NT. Intel SpeedStep. or both. Intel Centrino logo. or both. Notices 195 . in the United States. or both. and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States. Intel Centrino. Itanium. other countries. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States. 196 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide . 132 example tasks and workspaces 127 scenarios for monitoring 127 workspaces available 126 Databases workspace 126 detecting problems.Index A accessibility 191 agent problem determination 174 trace logs 163 application version requirements 5 attribute groups cache duration for 157 list of all 40 more information 39 new 2 overview 39 that gather data from operating system or MS SQL Server files 160 that gather data from SELECT statements 158 when data is collected 157 attributes more information 39 new or changed 2 overview 39 authorization additional 8 required 8 B built-in problem determination features 161 C cache duration for attribute groups 157 calculate historical data disk space 91 capacity planning for historical data 91 changes attribute groups. 2007 17 configuration (continued) settings 13 tacmd command line 12 Tivoli Enterprise Portal 12 creating user ID 8 customer support See Software Support customizing monitoring environment 23 situations 24 D data collecting 25 trace logs 162 viewing 25 data collection processes 157 data collection for attribute groups 157 data from operating system or MS SQL Server files 160 data from SELECT statements 158 data provider See agent database agent installation problems 170 Database Check-up and Tune-up action 106 Database Version 14 databases attribute groups 126 displaying information 126. 2005. modifying situation values 24 disk capacity planning for historical data 91 disk space requirements 6 documentation See publications Dump Database action 107 Dump Transaction Log action 110 E Enterprise Database Summary workspace 126 Enterprise Errorlog Alerts workspace 128 Enterprise Processes Summary workspace 132 Enterprise Server Locking workspace 130 Enterprise Server Statistics workspace 135 Enterprise Server Summary workspace 135 environment customizing 23 features 1 monitoring real-time 21 real-time monitoring 21 error log alerts attribute groups 128 displaying information 128 example tasks and workspaces 128 scenarios for monitoring 129 197 . new 2 attributes 2 baroc file updated 2 cluster environment creating a resource 18 installing and configuring the monitoring agent making configuration changes 18 requirements 16 setting up the monitoring agent 16 code. Take Action 105 components 2 configuration 5 local 12 Managed Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window 12 parameters 13 procedures 7 remote 12 © Copyright IBM Corp. product 2 collecting data 25 commands tacmd 13 tacmd addSystem 12 tacmd configureSystem 13 tacmd startAgent 16 Take Action 22 commands. collecting and viewing Home Directory 14 25 I IBM Redbooks 184 IBM Software Support See support IBM Support Assistant 184 IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console event mapping 139 optional product 3 IBM Tivoli License Manager 2 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent performance considerations 180 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent User’s Guide workspaces overview 125 information.L error log alerts (continued) workspaces available 128 Error Log File 15 Errorlog Alerts workspace 128 event mapping 139 events investigating 22 workspaces 22 F features. for trace logs IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide 162 27 . obtaining 184 1 G gathering support information granting permission 8 M 161 H historical data calculate disk space 91 disk capacity planning 91 historical data. Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server 189 limited user permissions. Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server files agent trace 163 installation trace 163 other trace log 164 trace logs 162 fixes. upgrading your warehouse with 122 locking attribute groups 130 displaying information 130 scenarios for monitoring 131 workspaces available 130 locks example tasks and workspaces 130 Log and Space Information workspace 126 logging agent trace logs 163. 164 built-in features 161 installation log files 163 location and configuration of logs 162 trace log files 162 Login 14 Manage Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services reconfiguring the agent 13 starting the agent 16 Managed Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Services window local configuration 12 memory requirements 6 messages built-in features 161 modifying situation values to detect problems 24 monitoring inactive remote servers 138 scenarios for databases 127 scenarios for error log alerts 129 scenarios for locking 131 scenarios for processes 133 scenarios for servers 136 monitoring agent using 21 Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server components 2 features 1 monitoring. recovering 22 organization of the predefined workspaces other requirements 7 P Password 14 path names. user 3 investigating an event 22 198 legal notices 193 library. additional attributes 39 policies 119 procedural 21 situations 96 Take Action commands 105 workspaces 27 installation 5 log file 163 more information 21 problems 170 silent 12 instance name 14 instance property 13 interface. viewing the real-time environment 21 MS_SQL_DB_free_space_critical policy 119 N new attribute groups 2 new or changed attributes 2 O OPAL documentation 190 operating systems versions 5 operation of resource. upgrading your warehouse with limited user 122 policies list of all 119 more information 119 MS_SQL_DB_free_space_critical_NAME 119 overview 119 predefined 119 predefined workspaces organization 27 problem determination 161.performance considerations 180 performance objects 7 permission. using attributes 39 Software Support contacting 185 describing problems 187 determining business impact 186 overview 184 receiving weekly updates 185 submitting problems 187 SQL Server problems 183 SQL Text for Process ID workspace 130. granting 8 permissions. 181 submitting problems 187 Take Action commands 183 uninstallation 170 uninstallation logs 163 workspaces 178 problem resolution 184 problems detecting 24 problems and workarounds 169 problems with monitoring SQL Server 183 procedures 21 Process Holding Lock SQL Text workspace 130 processes attribute groups 133 example tasks and workspaces 133 scenarios for monitoring 133 workspaces available 132 Processes workspace 133 product code 2 properties instance 13 publications Monitoring Agent for Microsoft SQL Server 189 OPAL 190 prerequisite 189 Redbooks 190 related 190 Technotes 190 types 189 purposes collecting data 25 customizing monitoring environment 23 investigating events 22 monitoring with custom situations 24 problem determination 161 recovering resource operation 22 viewing data 25 viewing real-time monitoring environment 21 Q queries. viewing 21 Rebuild Fragmented Indexes action 113 reconfiguration 13 recovering the operation of a resource 22 Redbooks 184. recovering operation 22 S SELECT statements 158 Server Configuration workspace 134 Server Locking workspace 130 Server Name 14 Server Statistics workspace 135 servers attribute groups 135 displaying information 134 example tasks and workspaces 135 scenarios for monitoring 136 workspaces 134 Servers workspace 135 situations general problem determination 181 more information 96 overview 95 predefined 96 specific problem determination 180 values. 133 Start SQL Server action 116 starting the monitoring agent 15 when 8 Stop SQL Server action 117 support gathering information for 161 support assistant 184 T tacmd addSystem command 12 tacmd command line reconfiguring 13 remote configuration 12 tacmd configureSystem command tacmd startAgent 16 Take Action commands 22 13 Index 199 . modifying 24 situations. using attributes 39 R real-time data. 169 agents 174 built-in features 161 describing problems 187 determining business impact 186 installation 170 installation logs 163 remote deployment 177 situations 180. 190 Refresh Query Optimizer Statistics action 115 remote configuration 12 remote deployment problem determination 177 requirements application versions 5 disk space 6 memory 6 operating system 5 other 7 resource. upgrading your warehouse with limited 122 using a monitoring agent purposes 21 Warehouse Summarization and Pruning agent warehouse summarization upgrading effects on summarized attributes 121 tables in the warehouse 121 Windows agent installation problems 170 Windows operating systems 5 workarounds 169 agents 174 remote deployment 177 situations 180 Take Action commands 183 workspaces 178 workspaces accessing 27 database examples 127 databases 126 descriptions 125 determining which to use 125 error log alert examples 128 error log alerts 128 event 22 list of all 28 lock examples 130 locking 130 more information 27 organization of predefined 27 overview 27 predefined 27 problem determination 178 process examples 133 processes 132 scenarios databases 127 error log alerts 129 locks 131 processes 133 servers 136 server examples 135 servers 134 where to find information 125 V values. creating 8 user interfaces options 3 user permissions. modifying situations 24 viewing data 25 viewing real-time monitoring environment 21 W Warehouse Proxy agent 3 warehouse summarization upgrading for overview 121 200 IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Microsoft SQL Server Agent: User’s Guide 3 .Take Action commands (continued) Database Check-up and Tune-up 106 Dump Database 107 Dump Transaction Log 110 list of all 105 more information 105 overview 105 predefined 105 problem determination 183 Rebuild Fragmented Indexes 113 Refresh Query Optimizer Statistics 115 Start SQL Server 116 Stop SQL Server 117 Update Space Usage Information 117 target application problems 183 tasks examples for database workspaces 127 examples for error log alert workspaces 128 examples for lock workspaces 130 examples for process workspaces 133 examples for server workspaces 135 Technotes 190 Tivoli Data Warehouse 3 Tivoli Enterprise Console See IBM Tivoli Enterprise Console Tivoli Enterprise Monitoring Server 3 Tivoli Enterprise Portal component 3 configuring the agent remotely 12 reconfiguring agent instance 13 trace logs 162 directories 162 trademarks 194 transport command 183 troubleshooting 161 U uninstallation log file 163 problems 170 Update Space Usage Information action 117 upgrading for warehouse summarization 121 upgrading your warehouse with limited user permissions 122 User ID 14 user ID. .  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