v2 Led Lcd Screen Panel Repair MIRKO

May 21, 2018 | Author: Roberto Carlos | Category: Operational Amplifier, Capacitor, Amplifier, Computer Monitor, Liquid Crystal Display



Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 2 You CANNOT give this E-book away for free. You do not have the rights to redistribute this E- book in internet or no matter where it is. Copyright @ All Rights Reserved Warning! No part of this E-book/guide may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, printing, recording, or transmitting by any informational storage or retrieval system without expressed written, dated and signed permission from the author. You cannot alter, change, or repackage this document in any manner. Disclaimer And/ Or Legal Notices The reader is expressly warned to consider and adopt all safety precaution that might be indicated by the activities herein and to avoid all potential hazards. This E-Book is for INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES only and the author do not accept any responsibilities or liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author cannot assume any responsibility for any loss, injury, errors, inaccuracies, omissions or inconvenience sustained by anyone resulting from this information. Most of the repair tips and solution given should only be carried out by suitable qualified electronics engineers/technicians. Please be careful as all electrical equipment is potentially dangerous when dismantled. Any perceived slights of policy, specific people or organizations are unintentional. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 3 Limit of Liability/ Disclaimer of Warranty: The author and publisher of this E-book and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this program. The authors and publisher make no representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this program. They disclaim any warranties (expressed or implied), merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. The reader is expressly warned to consider and adapt all safety precautions that might be indicated by the activities here in and to avoid all potential hazards. By following the instructions contained herein, the reader willingly assumes all risks in connection with such instructions. The authors and publisher shall in no event be held liable for any loss or other damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages. As always, the advice of a competent legal, tax, accounting or other professional should be sought. No this parts of this E-book/Guide/Manual shall be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, printing and recording or otherwise . Any unauthorized use of this material is prohibited. All product illustration, product names and logo are trademark of their respective manufacturers. If you have any information regarding the illegal reselling or duplication of the E-book, please report it to [email protected] for your reward. If you want to buy the Test Equipment and Tools please visit to the page here: http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/tools All these tools and equipments will help you in troubleshooting and repairing the electronics devices. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 4 Thank You for Contribution Here is to thank you to Mr. Vladimir, Mr. Xiang (升沃机械), Mr. Marian, Mr. Jonathan, Mr. Ji Chun, Mr. Ganesh and Mr. Huang. Because they had contributed the good repair information in part of this repair guides. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 5 Table of Contents How to Use This Repair Guide ........................................................................10 Isolate the LED/LCD TV Screen Problem Made Easy ....................11 The Good Tools .......................................................................................11 The Knowledge of How to Troubleshoot and Repair TV Panel…... .13 Types of LCD/LED TV Screen Problem............................................... 13 How to Use the LCD/LED Panel Tester Correctly ............................ 16 How to Know Which LVDS Cable is Suitable to this TV Panel? ......18 You Must Know Why Repair LED TV Screen Unsuccessfully ....19 A Good Workbench and Tools will Help to Increase Successful Repair Rate........................................................................................................20 Terminology of the T-CON Board and LCD/LED Panel PCB .....21 Procedure to Repair Samsung LCD/LED Panel without External Gate COF......................................................................................................... 27 About Samsung Panels...........................................................................27 General Considerate Regarding Samsung Panel by Disconnecting Gate Drivers Signals .........................................................................................31 Steps You Have To Do When Repairing a Samsung Panel................34 Samsung Panel Screen Repair Case .....................................................35 (4.1) Panel Screen: LTA260AP02 T-CON: 260AP02C2LV0.2 Level Shifter IC: IC8-AG32AE2 ......................................35 (4.2) Panel Screen: LTA320AB02 and LTF320AB01 T-CON: 320AB02CP2LV0.3 http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ .......................................3 (BN41-01687A) ...........6) Panel Screen: LTF400HM03 T-CON: S100FAPC2L v0..................10) Panel Screen: LSY320AN02 TCON: 320KSB_S2LV0..5 and 320AP04S4LV1.........52 (4....50 (4..........................com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 6 Level Shifter IC: 2x AG16BG.41 (4. 400HR42S4LV0B ....3 Processor: BD8193MWV..........39 (4...............7) Panel Screen: LSF320HJ01 T-CON: 2013_TCON_FOX_FT1 (BN41-01939) ....................3............03256H (F 60M B4C2LV0....43 (4........7....Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]) Panel Screen: LTJ400HM05 T-CON: 400HR42S4LV0A.8) Panel Screen: LTY320AP04 and LTZ320AP04 TCON: 320AP04S4LV1...... Gamma MAX9694E ...................13) Panel Screen: LTJ400HV01-J T-CON: SH120PMB4SV0...........59 (4.......3) Panel Screen: LTJ400HM03 B T-CON: S100FAPC2LV0.67 http://www.....46 (4.3... LTA320HM03 T-CON: LJ94......12) Panel Screen: LTF320HM01. 6) ............55 (4...............64 (4..............3..38 (4....com/screen-repair-v2/ ........47 (4......................4) Panel Screen: LTF320AP11 T-CON: S100FAPC2LV0......9) Panel Screen: LTA400HW03 J TCON: SH120PMB45V0.5) Panel Screen: LTJ400HM07 T-CON: S100FAPC2L v0...2......LCDRepairGuide.........3 ..................... Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 7 COF BoardView List (aka COF Bypass Modification) ...................70 LCD Panel TAB/COF Equivalent List ..................................................94 T-CON Board P-GAMMA IC & DC-DC IC Programming Method............................................................................................................ 104 How do I know the GAMMA IC & DC-DC IC is programmable type? .................................................................................................................105 How to Programming/Write the T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC- DC IC?..............................................................................................................106 These 5 Pins of T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC You Must Know.................................................................................................................107 T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC Programming Tutorials.108 RT809F Software Programming Programmable IC Process ..........114 T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC Read/Write Pins List .....115 Download the T-CON Board P-GAMMA IC & DC-DC IC Data/Firmware ................................................................................................117 Troubleshooting & Repairing Hisense RSAG7.820.5129 T-CON Board............................................................................................................... 119 T-CON Board Circuit Structure.........................................................119 Panel Control Signals & Mini-LVDS Timing Chart Waveform .....120 Control Signals DC Voltage Range.....................................................121 Critical T-CON Board Output Voltage Values .................................121 RSAG7.820.5129 T-CON Board Module Features ...........................121 Introduce Module Features & Their Common Faults in T-CON ..123 Other Common Faults in this T-CON Board ...................................128 LCD/LED TV Display Problem Repair Tips ...................................134 http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 8 BONUS-A: LG LED/LCD TV Interconnect Schematic Diagrams 32LS3500-Interconnect_2012_Interconnect ………….………..148 37LK450-Interconnect_2011_Interconnect ……………….……155 42CS560-Interconnect_2012_Interconnect ……….…….………163 42LG60-Interconnect2_2008_Interconnect …………….………170 42LG60-Interconnect_2008_Interconnect ………………….…..172 43LJ5000-Interconnect-Mainboard_2017_Interconnect ……….174 47LV4400-Interconnect_MB Built-In T-con_Interconnect…… 178 49UH6100-Interconnect_2016_Interconnect ……………………184 55UF7600-Interconnect-Mainboard_2015_Interconnect ……....185 65UH5500-Interconnect-Mainboard_2016-2017_Interconnect…191 BONUS-A: T-Con Board Schematic/Circuit Diagrams HISENSE RSAG7.820.5129 T-CON Board Schematic………..….….195 HISENSE RSAG7-820-4159 T-CON Board with LED32K16 TV HE315DH-B11…………………………………..……………….203 SKYWORTH 5800-TCON6-0P10 T-CON Board Schematic………..208 BONUS-B (This bonus NOT listed in this Ebook, it’s on the Download Page) * Collection of LG T-CON Board Testing Point & Voltages (Over 120 pages) * T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC Firmware’s * T-CON Board EEPROM Data/Firmware’s http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 9 Highly recommended other great related repair information for you: With all these great repair information, it will help and improve your skills in troubleshooting and repairing OLED/LED/LCD/Plasma TV quickly and easily: (Please click on the ebook cover to get more details) http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com http://www.LCD-Television-Repair.com (LCD/LED TV service manuals & etc) http://www.Plasma-Television-Repair.com (Plasma TV service manuals & etc) Other Great Electronic Repairing Ebooks: http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 10 How to Use This Repair Guide 1) Yes, this repair guide not only can save you time and money, it also can help to earn more profit from repairing LCD/LED panel. Because of LCD/LED Panel is the most expensive spare part inside the TV and Monitor. If we can repair it, so the profit is quite high to compare repairing other section like PSU in TV. 2) With the help of LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide (V1), when you read this ebook, it will improve your knowledge and repairing skills quickly and easily. Because all the basic theory of how Panel working was written inside the LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide (V1). Highly recommend to grab this ebook too. 3) If you don’t want to start from the basic theory, but just want to solve your TV display problem, you can direct refer to the chapter you’re interesting. So it will directly to show you what’s wrong on this type of display symptom. Also the LCD and LED Backlight is not writing in this ebook, because I had wrote a lot this title in my V2, V3, V4 and V5 LED/LCD TV Repair Tips ebook series. 4) When I’m mention “LCD” word in this ebook, actually it is included the “LED” at the same time. So I don’t write too many LED word in this ebook to save more space and reduce some file sizes in this ebook. 5) After you have finished reading this repair guide, I believe that you will have the confident to repair LCD/LED TV Panel now. It is because of we know how the LCD/LED Panel is working, why this display symptom is occur and also know how to troubleshooting it! The LCD/LED Screen is the most expensive cost of the TV. Normally when the Panel is beyond repair, this TV will no point to continue repair. Either replaces a new or working Panel with reasonable price, or just selling their PCB board as it to the used spare part market. Nowadays, repairing the LCD/LED Panel has a high profit margin in TV or Monitor repair! http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ A tester to test the T-con + Panel is working or not. this tester can test Mainboard output video signals LVDS to VGA and see the result on its own LCD screen or connect it to a monitor to see the display result.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 11 Isolate the LED/LCD TV Screen Problem Made Easy How to isolate the LED/LCD TV screen problem easily? I’ve received lots of this type of question from the TV repairer. The tester like picture below: b) LVDS convert to VGA Tester .com/screen-repair-v2/ .This type of tester have two design.LCDRepairGuide. So this tester can generate and send the Testing Color Bar to the Panel through T-con Board. Normally. This tester is looks like the picture below: http://www. And my answer is: 1) The Good Tools a) LCD/LED Panel Tester . one is their tester build in the LCD screen and another one is need to connect to a monitor to see the video output is normal or not.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. LCDRepairGuide. It also same as the LVDS convert to VGA Tester. Because of this tester can support to the latest 2K~4K TV Panel. the display result can see on its own LCD screen or connect to a VGA monitor. Please see on the picture below: The item (b) & (c) tester also use for TV mainboard repair. Because the mainboard just supply the voltage input and their LVDS output just connects to the Tester and you will know this Mainboard can output a good display or not. http://www. .com/screen-repair-v2/ .This type of tester is more expensive than the above two.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 12 c) V-by-One converts to LVDS (also to VGA) for 4K TV Mainboard. 3) White Display Normally this type of problem is the T-con or Panel damage. then change the T-con board to solve this problem.com . http://www. If the backlight lit but no display. If the T-con VCC input voltage missing. So to confirm the problem is on Mainboard or Panel. the TV Mainboard can output a perfect display on its LCD screen there. If cannot modify. then use the volt meter to check their T-con board VCC supplies input voltage.com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 13 2) The Knowledge of how to Trobleshoot and Repair TV Panel So from the TV screen symptom. 2) Display Upside Down & Painting Display Problem Normally this type of problem is causing by their setting in between Mainboard and their T-con board. If the Vcc has 12V or a similar voltage. All these knowledge you can learn from my previous ebooks like: V3 & V4 LED/LCD TV Repair Tips and LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide. If you use the LVDS convert to VGA Tester. please visit to http://www. Types of LCD/LED TV Screen Problem 1) No Display (Grey Screen: you can feel that their backlight is lit) This type of screen problem. Also we can use the other two testers too. For more details of these ebooks. you need to trace it back to mainboard. So the solution is to login to TV service mode (Mainboard) to change their Panel setting. you will know what the TV or panel problem is.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. We can use the LCD/LED Panel Tester to checking their T-con + Panel are working or not. Or you can modify their T-con like inside the LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair ebook.LCDRepairGuide. that’s mean the problem is on T-CON board or Panel. you need to see their backlight is lit or not.LCDRepairGuide. It is also same problem too.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. 6) Whole Screen of Vertical Colors Lines (Static or Dynamic) Most of the time. If OSD Menu normal. If you use the LVDS convert to VGA Tester. 5) Display Double Images/ Jittering or Jumping Normally this type of problem is the T-con or Panel damage. that’s mean the problem is on the Mainboard. this type of screen problem is causing by their T-con. If their OSD Menu can show a perfect image on the screen. If you’re not sure. you can call out their TV OSD Menu. the TV Mainboard can output a perfect display on its LCD screen there. If still same problem. you will know the result directly. you can try call out their OSD Menu to see it is normal or not. then you needs to use the LCD Panel Tester or another two testers to testing this TV.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 14 4) Display Slow Motion Normally this type of problem is the T-con or Panel damage. 9) Abnormal Display (Not mention the above) This type of screen symptom. Or just use the LCD Panel Tester to testing it. 8) One or Several Horizontal/Vertical Bar or Lines on Screen Normally this type of problem is causing by their TV Panel. 7) Screen Display Divided to Several Section or Display Content Opposites This type of problem is causing be their T-con board EEPROM firmware abnormal.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ . that’s mean the problem is in the Mainboard there. the TV Mainboard can output a perfect display on its LCD screen there. http://www. If you use the LVDS convert to VGA Tester. the screen will flashing or display not sharp (like low level contrast screen). the screen will become slow motion or abnormal display. VAA/VDA(~17V) If these voltage missing or abnormal. VDD (3.3V).Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. VGL If these voltage missing or abnormal.com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 15 Notes: If these voltage lines abnormal on T-CON Board.LCDRepairGuide. http://www. c) Vcom If this voltage missing or abnormal. what will happen on TV Screen? a) Vin (12V). b) VGH. the screen will no display. it is not user friendly for the TV repair!! When you bought the above LCD Panel Tester package. When you want to testing the 32. 40. 55 inches TV panel with this tool. http://www.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 16 How to Use the LCD/LED Panel Tester Correctly Nowadays. this tester will not help much in TV Panel repair. Because of the seller not put all type of the LVDS cables to standard package of LCD/LED Panel Tester.com/screen-repair-v2/ . 42. Please look at the picture below: The above LCD Panel Tester is a standard package only. 47. The seller put their advertisement say this Tester can support LCD Panel from 10 inches until 55 or higher inches too! But from the above picture to see that. you will feel the lack of the LVDS cables to testing the above TV Panel. 37. you must ask the seller to purchase extra LVDS cables like: 8-bits Single & Dual Channels types. It is cheaper than the LVDS Convert to VGA & V-By-One Panel Testers. 39. 50.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. and also for the 10-bits Single & Dual Channels LVDS cables. Unfortunately. they bought the wrong package of this LCD/LED Panel Tester. So I will recommend you when purchase this type of LCD/LED Panel.LCDRepairGuide. So lots of the TV repairer purchased this type of Panel Tester. the LCD/LED Panel Tester is a must have tool to repair an LCD/LED TV. com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 17 Especially this type of connector LVDS cable: http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. If just wrong doing the above either one. One more thing is make sure the TV backlight is working properly. it is shows their cable type already is 8-Bits and 1 Channel LVDS cable like picture below: Important Note: 1) Make sure that the T-CON Vcc input voltage pins are connected correctly to LCD/LED Panel Tester. if not. 2) Also choose the correct LCD Panel voltage values for the TV Panel need to test. http://www.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 18 How to Know Which LVDS Cable is Suitable to this TV Panel? That’s easy to just refer to back to their LCD Panel specification sheet.com/screen-repair-v2/ .LCDRepairGuide. afterward you will regret. it can damage and burn the LCD/LED TV Panel!!! So be careful on this part. and then you will know what type of LVDS cable of this Panel (T-con board) use. If not you can’t see anything on TV screen. Below is an example Panel datasheet of AUO T315XW02 VC. Inside the “”General Description” section there. Because he never finish check the VGH yet. he told me that the VGH voltage normal even measure until the X-COF pins there. we know that different people even learn from a same book. But I forgot to tell him that LCD Panel has 3 x external Gate COF and also need to check too. Finally. I asked him. So the member emails me about this problem and I told him to checking the VGH voltage. Then I asked him to check again. Luckily. http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]. when he check the Gate COF-1 (COF BoardView or my previously call it as Bypass Modification) and found that VGH voltage missing! So he connects a wire from T-con board VGH point to the Gate COF-1 VGH point.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 19 You Must Know Why Repair LED/LCD TV Screen Unsuccessfully Repair LCD/LED TV Panel is a challenging job. After next day. Normally it is causing by their abnormal VGH voltage. For example: An LCD TV with display slow motion problem. his TV Panel problem solved! From the above story. that’s mean repair the TV Panel successful rate will increase at the same time too! But I received several members email said they hard to successful repair the TV Panel. the entire TV repairers don’t do this mistake again. So next email.com/screen-repair-v2/ . So we always need to find and learn the good & helpful TV Panel repairing information to improve our skills. When the skills improved. he replied my email and said all voltages on the T-CON board are normal. but get a different result! Hopefully. did you check the VGH voltage until to the X-COF pin there? He said no. So I encourage him try again. Finally. So he feels like this TV Panel is beyond repair and need to return back to customer. I found that they have a same mistake to learn the knowledge of repair TV Panel. These things and tools will helps to you: 1) A clean workbench with the proper lighting.com/screen-repair-v2/ .LCDRepairGuide. a good environment workbench with the entire necessary tools standby to use will help to increase the successful TV panel repair rate. 8) TV Panel repairing information like: Panel datasheet specification info. LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide (V1.0) and this ebook also. 2) Magnifier 3) LCD/LED Panel Tester 4) LCD & LED Backlight Tester 5) Sharp & Fine tip Needle Soldering Iron 6) Universal ISP Programmer 7) Good sharp knife and etc accessories. http://www.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 20 A Good Workbench and Tools will Help to Increase Successful Repair Rate Yes. Panel schematic diagram and my ebooks: V3. V4.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. The VDA voltage is generated by DC-DC Converter circuits. This negative voltage is supply to Gate Driver Board. The feature of VGH voltage is to supply to the Gate Driver Board as a “Switch ON” feature. Gate-Off Supply. and STVP high-voltage driver outputs. VGOFF.8V (VDD18) was using the VDD 3. VON. This VDA voltage is about 14V ~20V and it will depends on 13V~ 25V Avdd. So it will depend on the T- con design and it’s not much on the market. the CKV_. so that the next data can shows on that TFT cells.LCDRepairGuide.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 21 Terminology of the T-CON Board and LCD/LED Panel PCB No. and STVP high-voltage driver outputs. CKVB_. Supply Input. 4.3V voltage to convert. VDD is the logic supply input for the scan 3. VDA. VGON.5V (VDD25) and 1.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. When VGL negative voltage is supply. Source Driver Board and Gate Driver Board. circuits and reaching to the Source Driver Board Vsource http://www. Marking Description Remark Code (Typically) 1. Typically is - 5V~ -7V. It is use to supply to the GAMMA Vdda. CKV_. the VGH voltage on TFT cells will “Clear” by VGL voltage. This VDD voltage is output from the DC-DC IC or using an Dvdd external Voltage Regulator IC to generate. VDDG This VGH (VGate High) voltage was generated by DC-DC circuits. (Commonly Bypass to GND with a minimum 1uF ceramic capacitor. VOFF. Bypass to GND with a minimum 1uF ceramic capacitor. Bypass to GND through a minimum 0. After VDD voltage generate it is supply to Timing Control section. their T-con board design. 3.3V Vlogic. 2. VON is the positive supply voltage for the 20V~ 35V VGH. driver. It is 3. Gate-On Supply. Some T-con board will use a higher voltage as - 15V or a lower voltage as -1V.com/screen-repair-v2/ . And their voltage is about 20V ~30V but it will depends on the T-con board design. It can switch on the TFT cells in LCD Panel and display shows. VDD. CKVB_. is -5V ~ VEEG The VGL (VGateLow) voltage was generated by the DC-DC -8V) section too. Vddd.3V and other voltages like 2.1uF capacitor. The VGL voltage is as “Switch Off” feature. VOFF is the negative supply voltage for -5V~ -12V VGL. When enabled. BGND Amplifier Ground 7. CPV3 controls the timing of the CKV3 and CKVB3 outputs. Further. CPV2 Vertical Clock Pulse Input. 9. which change state (by first sharing charge) on its falling edge. STVP High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. (if VDD is 16V. CPV1 controls the timing of the CKV1 and CKVB1 outputs. GND Ground/ Logic Ground 8.com/screen-repair-v2/ . http://www. CKV2 is high impedance whenever CPV2 and STV are both low. which change state (by first sharing charge) on its falling edge. When enabled. CKV1 is high impedance whenever CPV1 and STV are both low. STVP is connected to VOFF when STV is low and is connected to VON when STV is high and CPV1 is low. CKV3 High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. Further. STV Vertical Sync Input. CKV3 toggles between its high state (connected to VON) and its low state (connected to VOFF) on each falling edge of the CPV3 input. which change state (by first sharing charge) on its falling edge. The rising edge of STV begins a frame of data.LCDRepairGuide. Normally their voltage is nearly half of the VDD voltages. CKV1 CKV( Clock Signal). CPV1 CPV (Clock Pulse Vertical) -Vertical Clock Pulse Input. CKV1 toggles between its high state (connected to VON) and its low state (connected to VOFF) on each falling edge of the CPV1 input. 12. 13. CKV2 High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. When both STV and CPV1 are high. STVP is high impedance. CKV3 is high impedance whenever CPV3 and STV are both low. 14.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 22 VCOM Common Voltage.High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. 15.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Source connection of the internal step-up regulator power switch. CPV2 controls the timing of the CKV2 and CKVB2 outputs. AGND Ground 6. 11. CKV2 toggles between its high state (connected to VON) and its low state (connected to VOFF) on each falling edge of the CPV2 input. PGND Power Ground. CPV3 Vertical Clock Pulse Input. Further. then VCOM is about 7V) 5. 10. The STV input is used to generate the high-voltage STVP output. 16. When enabled. CKVCS3 CKV3 Charge-Sharing Connection.High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. CKVCS2 CKV2 Charge-Sharing Connection. sharing charge between the capacitive loads on these two outputs. CKVB1 is the inverse of CKV1 during active states and is high impedance whenever CKV1 is high impedance. 18. CKVB1 CKVB (Inverted Clock Signal). sharing charge between the capacitive loads on these two outputs. sharing charge between the capacitive loads on these two outputs.LCDRepairGuide. 21. CKVB2 High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. CKVCS1 connects to CKVBCS1 whenever CPV1 and STV are both low (to make CKV1 and CKVB1 high impedance) to allow CKVB1 to connect to CKV1. 22. Connect to VMAIN http://www. CKVBCS3 CKVB3 Charge-Sharing Connection. CKVBCS2 CKVB2 Charge-Sharing Connection.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. 20. CKVB3 is the inverse of CKV3 during active states and is high impedance whenever CKV3 is high impedance. CKVBCS1 connects to CKVCS1 whenever CPV1 and STV are both low (to make CKV1 and CKVB1 high impedance) to allow CKV1 to connect to CKVB1. sharing charge between the capacitive loads on these two outputs. 26. 23. CKVBCS2 connects to CKVCS2 whenever CPV2 and STV are both low (to make CKV2 and CKVB2 high impedance) to allow CKV2 to connect to CKVB2. CKVBCS3 connects to CKVCS3 whenever CPV3 and STV are both low (to make CKV3 and CKVB3 high impedance) to allow CKV3 to connect to CKVB3. CKVB2 is the inverse of CKV2 during active states and is high impedance whenever CKV2 is high impedance. CKVCS3 connects to CKVBCS3 whenever CPV3 and STV are both low (to make CKV3 and CKVB3 high impedance) to allow CKVB3 to connect to CKV3. sharing charge between the capacitive loads on these two outputs. 19. CKVCS1 CKV1 Charge Sharing Connection. 24. 25. CKVB3 High-Voltage Scan-Drive Output. CKVCS2 connects to CKVBCS2 whenever CPV2 and STV are both low (to make CKV2 and CKVB2 high impedance) to allow CKVB2 to connect to CKV2. CKVBCS1 CKVB1 Charge-Sharing Connection.com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 23 17. sharing charge between the capacitive loads on these two outputs. BOOST Operational Amplifier Supply Input. If OE remains high long enough for the resistor to charge the capacitor up to the OECON threshold. Reference voltage is 1. 33. 31. 35. the OE signal is masked until OE goes low and the capacitor is discharged below the threshold through the resistor. OECON Active-Low Output-Enable Timing Input. Bypass to AGND with a minimum of 1µF ceramic capacitor.24V nominal. 36. Drive EN high to start up the Scan IC after a delay time. GON Gate-On Supply. http://www.24V (1 + R1/R2). 32. 28. CKV_ and CKVB_ leave the floating charge-sharing state on the rising edge of OE. 34. and STVP_ high-voltage driver outputs. COMP Compensation Input for Error Amplifier. GON is the positive supply voltage for the CKV_.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 24 (Figure 2) and bypass to BGND with a 1μF or greater ceramic capacitor. Connect external resistor-divider midpoint here and minimize trace area. Bypass IN to AGND (pin 34) with a 1μF or greater ceramic capacitor. Connect a series RC from COMP to AGND. which is set by a capacitor at DLY. FB Feedback Input. DISH VOFF Discharge Connection. Connect a capacitor to adjust the delay. Set VOUT according to: VOUT = 1. 27. Connect inductor/catch diode here and minimize trace area for lowest EMI. EN Enables the Scan IC. so that when VDD falls. Pulling DISH below ground activates an internal connection between VOFF and GND. LX Switching Node.LCDRepairGuide. and STVP_ high-voltage driver outputs. CKVB_. 30. Bypass to AGND with a minimum of 1µF ceramic capacitor. OE Active-High Gate-Pulse Output Enable.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. OECON is driven by an RC-filtered version of the OE input signal.com/screen-repair-v2/ . 38. CKVB_. VOFF is discharged. Typically. 29. DLY Startup Delay Setting. GOFF Gate-Off Supply. IN Step-Up Regulator Supply Input. Typical values are 180k and 470pF. rapidly discharging the VOFF supply. DISH is capacitively connected to VDD. NEG Operational Amplifier Inverting Input 37. GOFF is the negative supply voltage for the CKV_. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 25 39. External loads up to 10mA can be powered. VCOM Operational Amplifier Output 43. IOUT is equal to the current through RSET.22μF or greater ceramic capacitor. Furthermore. Therefore.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. WPN Active-Low. and thus a large current is produced at the moment in which the gate of TFT on gate driver circuit is activated. However. For example. the technique of XAO function (power off control) is mostly used at present. Sink-Current Adjustment Input. write-protect inputs on other devices. SET Full-Scale.LCDRepairGuide. XAO function means that XAO is set to low level when the display is turned off. WPP Write-Protect Output. much charge on the capacitor will be discharged since the voltage of power supply is maintained only by the capacitor and all TFT at low level will function at the same time. 44. 40. Connect a resistor. 42. This large current may cause the trace on gate driver circuit to burn. POS Operational Amplifier Non-inverting Input 41. and VCOM calibrator. When WPN is low. the gate voltage of all TFT are all shifted to VGH. I2C commands are ignored and the VCOM calibrator settings cannot be modified. Bypass VL to GND with a 0. XAO In order to solve the problem of image-retention effect of TFT-LCD. This regulator powers internal analog circuitry for the step-up regulator. RSET. from SET to GND to set the full scale adjustable sink current that is VBOOST / (20 x RSET). the common method of using XAO function is to send XAO signal into logic control circuit and to convert low level to high level output through level shifter.com/screen-repair-v2/ . and thus all outputs of the gate driver will be shifted to high level at the same time and all TFT will be turned on. VDD voltage will also decrease rapidly and http://www. OUT connects to the resistive voltage-divider at the op amp input POS (between BOOST and GND) that determines the VCOM output voltage. After the display is turned off. WPP is the inverse of WPN. op amp. Write-Protect Input. The charge stored on the CS can thus be discharged and the image- retention effect can be eliminated. IOUT lowers the divider voltage by a programmable amount. VL 3. 46. OUT Adjustable Sink-Current Output.3 v. 45. It can be used to control active-high.3V On-Chip Regulator Output. the logic low level is set to 0˜3. when the pulse of XAO reaches. Two clock signals GSC of a gate driver IC occur in a horizontal synchronous interval. POL Polarity Reverse 51. 47. GSC Gate Shift Clock. and a GSC gate pulse is generated with each clock signal GSC of the gate driver IC.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. The gate start pulse has to occur so as to operate the gates 48.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 26 thus causes the conversion of the level shifter to fail and the XAO function to lose efficacy. SOE Source Output Enable 53. the reset signal enabling the GOE signal. SSP Source Start Pulse http://www. the filtering circuit permitting a GOE mask time of the GOE signal to be longer than about 16 msec and reducing an impulse of the clock signal. 49. GSP Gate Start Pulse 50.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ .A timing controller supplying a gate operation enable (GOE) signal to the gate driver. and a filtering circuit connected to the reset circuit. GOE Gate Operation Enable. SSC Source Sampling Clock 52. a reset circuit supplying a reset signal to the timing controller. the screen will not respond to any procedure described here. http://www. I will refer only on repairing gate problems of fault in Samsung screen panels. but it will depend on your screen panel type. and the data driver converts image data into data voltages and then applies the converted data voltage to a data line.LCDRepairGuide. The procedure has a rate of success of 0-90%. the tools you use and the knowledge you’ve learn from my previous ebook (Also included this chapter too). In this file. The gate driver applies to a gate line a gate signal that turns a pixel on and off. even the screen panel will work but a thin line may appear randomly on screen. You have to accept that sometimes. Generally. About Samsung Panels A display device includes multiple pairs of field generating electrodes and an electro-optical active layer interposed there between.com/screen-repair-v2/ . sometimes.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 27 Procedure to Repair Samsung LCD/LED Panel without External Gate COF This chapter will help you repair a Samsung 2008-2013 type panel screens that use gate circuits embodied in glass screen cell (chip on glass COG). also can apply to other brands of panel repair. But the knowledge you learn from this chapter. The display device typically includes a gate driver and a data driver. Also. one of the pair of field generating electrodes is connected to a switching element to receive an electric signal and the electro-optical active layer converts electric signal into an optical signal to display images.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. 1. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 28 “We are interested only in gate signal circuit. http://www. using ASG technology (Amorphous Silicon Gate).com/screen-repair-v2/ . On Samsung panels.LCDRepairGuide. Gate driving circuits can be mounted .(TCP) tape carrier package or printed on glass . this is the one that faults and need to be fixed” The gate signals are processed by the scan driver circuits and amplified by the level shifter to analog signals.(COG) chip on glass. which are outputted as the gate pulses for scanning the display panel.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. gate driving circuits were replaced since 2008-2009 with gate drivers on glass mounted transistors. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 29 Each gate line has a block circuit glass mounted transistors called SR. and sequentially apply on voltages to gate lines G1- Gn. The gate driver receives clock signals CKV and CKVB and the start signal STVP.com/screen-repair-v2/ .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. The display area 300 is represented by the resistor Rp and the capacitor http://www.LCDRepairGuide. made using ASG technology. owing to the fact that is on glass.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 30 Cp. with glass printed connections. STVP1 and CKV2. The gate voltage output from each line block SR1-SRn is analog transmitted through the gate line corresponding. the gate lines G1-Gn. CKVB2. the repair is impossible.com/screen-repair-v2/ . and when a component of one SR block faults. you can partially or totally repair the faults. CKV1. However. As show below. CKVB and STVP. CKVB1. with some trickery made on command signals of gate driver’s blocks. and the sum thereof is represented by one resistor Rp and one capacitor Cp. we will have 2 gate drivers blocks and 2 sets of signals. we will have only one set of signals: CKV. CKV and phase opposition CKVB signal. and the liquid crystal capacitor CIc and storage capacitor Cst . For a small screen.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. each of this signals sets will command a gate driver on down or upper side of the screen. http://www. and start STVP signal.LCDRepairGuide. The SR blocks are connected between. STVP2. are synchronizing the gate outputs to screen lines. respectively have the resistance and capacitance. For a bigger screen. Half of screen. third gate signal will command upper side of screen even lines. depending on each situation. fourth gate signal lower side of screen even lines. General Considerate Regarding Samsung Panel by Disconnecting Gate Drivers Signals This method also called as “Cut-Off Modification” in my previous ebook “LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide”. you cannot disconnect it. 3 or 4 sets of signals.Vertical flickering image on all screen or upper or lower half of the screen . In this case. etc) are made in various ways. so we need to cut in either signals sets. the image has lines on it. (2.On whole screen are horizontal lines where image is reversed or static.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] side of screen odd lines. . can also to have a certain color or fail of color. half of screen. one way it is as below: .. on PCB (printed wire board) connected to screen. .A part of the screen is darker and with lines. STV and OE.CKV4. doubled or static image. there are gate drivers on both sides of the screen. thru left and right PCB.On area where image is not right.. . This signals will go on both sides of the screen. you can disconnect one side first. or one by one.com/screen-repair-v2/ .. but you can try to disconnect the input signal – CPV. On large screen panels. http://www.LCDRepairGuide. 2.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 31 The fault can be visible on whole screen. called LEVEL SHIFTER or SCAN DRIVER. the command of 4 blocks gate drivers (CKV1. upper or lower. starting with 32 inch.In an area of the screen. can be mounted on T-CON drivers. . second gate signal . or image stop. or in glass screen.Doubled image on all screen.1) The generating circuit for gate drivers..First gate signal will command upper side of screen odd lines. (2. A fault screen will display in many ways: . and we can have 2.2) When level shifter is in glass cell. the other half will be correct displayed. . on vertical. (2. like CPV.LCDRepairGuide. STV and OE.3) First of all you have to check is: where is the LEVER SHIFTER IC. (2.4) When you cut CKV. is a separate IC. and if not. the level shifter circuit is not integrated in t-con processor. especially on small size screens (15-32”). by finding check points CKV CKVB and STVP.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. http://www.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 32 check if any improvement. like in picture below: But latest t-con boards have the same IC for LEVEL SHIFTER and DC-DC source. disconnect other side and re-connect first one. (2. you have to be sure that the disconnection will be made to screen direction.5) The T-CON processor generates only low voltage gate signals.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Usually the LEVER SHIFTER is on TCON board or on T-CON PCB attached to the screen glass cell. (2.6) Sometimes there are 2 or 3 LEVEL SHIFTER IC. CKVB and STVP signals on printed wire circuit. there are several situations when connection with level shifter is between check points and screen. so cutting the printed wire circuit near this check points to be with no result. 7) Generally. In example below. you have to remove also CKVB2 signal. (2. In this case. Level Shifter IC have on outputs. and RM7-CKVB3 . means that you have a fault in right side of the cell. (2. means that you have a fault in left side of the cell. some zero ohms resistors that connect Level Shifter to right/left screen cell. RM2 connects to screen CKV1 signal. http://www.11) Sometimes.10) On some screens. or left/right connection to screen on PCB (if only one board attached to screen cell). you have to check the printed wire circuit from T-con to both left/right PCBs. for example.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 33 (2. on left/right PCB. if screen configuration permits.com/screen-repair-v2/ . RM3-CKV2. re-connect the left FFC and disconnect right FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. (2. If still a fault image. you can first remove this resistors and check if any improvements.9) If you have a T-con apart from screen cell. The best way to repair is to cut the signals near screen. cutting some signals only from left or right will solve the image problems but cutting same signals from both right / left connection to screen to generate more errors. so. you have on left/right PCB. If you have now on right part of the screen a normal image. RM1 connects to screen the STVP signal. first step is to find which part of the screen is fault.8) Sometimes. CKVB and STVP. (2.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. some zero ohms resistors. just remove those resistors for groups that fault. when you remove output of CKV2. RM4-CKV3. Disconnect left FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. RM5-CKVB1.LCDRepairGuide. You should remove on signal groups. in connection to panel for all signals CKV. If you have now on left part of the screen a normal image. RM6-CKVB2. if image still have thin lines. a small raise of VOFFE negative voltage will remove faults of the screen.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 34 (2. so the cut has to be made with some distance from data driver flexible circuit. CKVB1 and STVP signals.7) After connecting CKV1 and CKVB1 with a thin wire.CKVn.com/screen-repair-v2/ . try to disconnect CKV2 and CKVB2 (with STVP disconnected) and make same steps as for CKV1 and CKVB1 (3.6 and 3.5) when disconnect the printed wire board near screen entrance..6-3. (3.. 3. and so on. (3.9) If we have also CKV3.6) First disconnect. make the same procedure as CKV1 and CKVB1. disconnect the CKV1.3) First.. CKVB and STVP signals scan between positive voltage VONE and negative voltage VOFFE.. or try to connect to VOFF. or finding the outputs CKV1. CKV1 and CKVB1. (3. http://www.8) If no improvements..1) identify the Level Shifter generator. you have to be sure that you will be able to solder this wires. try also to ground this 2 points. (3.7.. OE and STV check points.STVPn check points.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]). and STVP1. CKVB3 and CKV4 and CKVB4.12) As I explained in previous presentation. after that CKV2. by finding the inputs CPV. the CKV.4) Disconnections will be made so the wires from screen panel to be “on air” (3. (3. CKVB1. Sometimes. (3. described on 3. by cutting the printed circuit.2) Check the VONE and VOFF voltages and note the values. CKVB2.LCDRepairGuide.CKVBn. Steps You Have To Do When Repairing A Samsung Panel (3. (3. just strap the wires coming from screen panel CKV1 and CKVB1 with a thin wire. (3. CKVB2 and STVP2. You have to advice the client about this. VON and VOFF voltages Output signals that controls 2 gate drivers are CKV1. CPV2. http://www. you'll have a thin line in the area where gain glass circuit is failure . (3.2 Level Shifter IC: IC8-AG32AE2 Level shifter receives from processor this low voltage signals: OE.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]) Panel Screen: LTA260AP02 T-CON: 260AP02C2LV0. and ask him to put in balance the final result of this procedure against the cost of a new panel screen. one by one in pairs (CKV1 and CKVB1. and so on). CKVB1 and STVP1.11) It is possible that. respectively. re-connect the former signals to panel screen.LCDRepairGuide. Samsung Panel Screen Repair Case (4.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 35 (3. for example.12) Sometimes. and from DC-DC source. even the image is correct displayed. CKV2.10) If.this cannot be repairable.com/screen-repair-v2/ . sometimes only by disconnecting pair 1 and 4 to have a normal screen. but by disconnecting all 4 pairs to have a fault image. by disconnecting CKV3 and CKVB3 we have a normal screen display. 4. STV and CPV1. and check all combinations possible to have a normal picture. Sometimes. If there is no image. instead of GND. where indicated in picture.LCDRepairGuide. CKV1 and CKVB1.com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 36 Clock signals are starting from T-con Board. You can do that by lowering the resistor connected between REF and FBN of bias power supply IC7. Be patience. strap on the check point on component side only CKV1 and CKVB1 If still image fault. If fault solved but after a while appears some vertical white lines in an area with a static image. and you don't have to open the screen panel. like a channel logo. you have to connect strapped pair to VOFF. Have TPS65160 schematic below: http://www. and raise a little the VOFF with minus 3-5v. cut and disconnect on printed side. First.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. just rebuild the CKV1 and CKVB1 connections on printed side. you need to disconnect also STVP1 (2) signal. proceed identical with CKV2 and CKVB2. VOFF. Usually there is a problem with Von voltage.LCDRepairGuide. VON. Check all voltages – AVDD. bias power supply TPS65160 fault.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 37 Another fault. Change T-con or replace memory.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Change T-con or replace IC. SDRAM – IC4 EM638325TS-7G is fault. All voltages are correct. VCC. Another fault: Black screen. over all image there are vertical thin colored lines. after a while will appear vertical colored lines.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. http://www. If there is still connection to the level shifter IC.com/screen-repair-v2/ . You can see where the fault is by checking left/right margin of the screen with a magnifier lens. ICS1 and ICS2. http://www. CKVB2 and STVP1 (2) on side with gate block fault (left or right) . CKVB1.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. CKV2.2) Panel Screen: LTA320AB02 and LTF320AB01 T-CON: 320AB02CP2LV0. cut the circuits between ICS1 . or a microscope. or connect with an wire to Voff.CKV1 and CKVB1. First. instead of GND. and follow the same procedure. make a similar procedure with ICS2.LCDRepairGuide. try to strap CKV1 and CKVB1. before strapping CKV1 and CKVB1. You will see a burned glass circuit. we have 2 versions of repairing it. a) On T-con board: There are 2 gate drivers and clock signals are outputted by 2 level shifter IC's. connect to the ground. you have to connect strapped pair to VOFF. If image still fault. but on still images there are some white vertical artifacts’. right near resistors. as shown in image below. in the area where screen faults. by disconnecting CKV2 and CKVB2. If image is correct. ATTENTION! Make sure the connection between check point and ICS1 is opened with diode instrument. you can burn it by connecting to the ground or Voff. If image still faults. Reconnect CKVB1 and CKVB2 to ICS1.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 38 (4. located on T-con board.3 Level Shifter IC: 2x AG16BG On this panel. b) On PCB connected to glass screen panel Cut the connections CKV1. If you have now on right part of the screen a normal image. http://www. On the right side (with problems) just remove the CKV1 and CKVB1 resistors RM2 and RM5 and see any improvements.LCDRepairGuide. First step is to find which part of the screen is fault.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. If you have now on left part of the screen a normal image.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 39 (4. re-connect the left FFC and disconnect right FFC between T- con and left PCB and power the TV.3 Screen is flickering and has a part/all the screen with doubled image.3) Panel Screen: LTJ400HM03 B T-CON: S100FAPC2LV0. If still a fault image. Disconnect left FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. means that you have a fault in left side of the cell. means that you have a fault in right side of the cell.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Sometimes. strap with a wire. noticeable on lighter/darker images. RM1 see picture. on check points. http://www. check. see if lines are now correct displayed. CKV2 with CKVB2. Try to connect the strapped pair that not works on GND or Voff. and repeat procedure with CKV3 with CKVB3. If still no improvements. remove CKV2 and CKVB2 resistors RM2 and RM6.LCDRepairGuide. You will have a normal picture now.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. remove CKV3 and CKVB3 resistors RM3 and RM7. the image will be correct but a/some thin line/s will be displayed sometimes on screen. that means pair 1 and 2 have no problems. If not.com/screen-repair-v2/ . but sometimes. Sometimes. You can also raise Voff voltage with 3~5 volts to minus and the line will disappear. on side with problems.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 40 If not. and if not. You can do that by changing the input resistors from FBN input of BiasPS/Level Shifter ICD1 – SM4109. remove STVP resistor. Strap with a wire. Now you will have a clean image. you will have. it will be better to put back the resistors for the blocks pair that have no problem. on check points. CKV1 with CKVB1. if you have a bigger problem on cell circuit. a little ODD/EVEN lines distance. check if any improvements. For example if only by disconnecting CKV3 and CKVB3 will solve image problem. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. as in image below: http://www.3 Processor: BD8193MWV. VOFFE= -11.4) Panel Screen: LTF320AP11 T-CON: S100FAPC2LV0. CKVB2 and STVP are outputted to screen cell thru 4 resistors. CKVB1.com/screen-repair-v2/ . CKV2. 0 ohms.LCDRepairGuide.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 41 (4.5v Gain signals CKV1. Gamma MAX9694E Panel screen used in Samsung LE32D450G1W TV VONE = 28v. A very often fault found with this type of panel: Image is ok only on lower part of the screen.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Replace it. need to use the Universal Programmer to write the good firmware into it before solder back to PCB. when faulty SR gate run too hot. CKVB1. with another one.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 42 When all image is colorless or with hue of green/red pale. and upper side is discolored and full of visible horizontal lines. so you can add a thermal sponge pressed by metal rim. http://www. from left or right side of the screen (check after you remove the metal rim that covers the screen). the fault is from NVM EEPROM IC. as in picture below: The reason for this fault is a fried connection of a SR gate block. or you can cut the signals CKV1. 24C64WP. CKV2.LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. CKVB2 and STVP only on fault side. The repair procedure: The fault starts after a few minutes. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] (BN41-01687A) Fault: The thin horizontal stripes were at the top of the screen. Cause of the defect: burned SR block in the higher right/left corner of the panel.com/screen-repair-v2/ . http://www.5) Panel Screen: LTJ400HM07 T-CON: S100FAPC2L v0.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 43 (4.LCDRepairGuide. noticeable on lighter/darker images.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Now you will have a clean image. RM5 RM6 and RM7. strap with a wire. If you have now on left part of the screen a normal image. RM4. a little ODD/EVEN lines distance. but sometimes. http://www. on check points CKV2 with CKVB2. Sometimes. on check points.LCDRepairGuide. means that you have a fault in right side of the cell. If still a fault image.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. If not. You will have a normal picture now. Check if any improvements if connect all pairs of check points on fault side on GND or Voff. you will have. Strap with a wire. RM3. see if lines are now correct displayed. if you have a bigger problem on SR circuit. check. The right side (with problems) resistors are RM2. CKV1 with CKVB1. re-connect the left FFC and disconnect right FFC between T-con and left PCB and power on the tv. If you have now on right part of the screen a normal image. the image will be correct but a / some thin line (s) will be displayed sometimes on screen.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 44 Repair procedure: Disconnect left FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. on side with problems. and repeat procedure with CKV3 with CKVB3. means that you have a fault in left side of the cell. double vertically. Repair procedure: Disconnect left/right FFC cable between T-con and left/right PCB one by one. Remove on pairs (CKV1 and CKVB1 and so on). begins to trembling.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. strap pairs coming from screen. on check points (CKV1 with CKVB1.LCDRepairGuide. If needed.com/screen-repair-v2/ .3 Fault: 15 .30 minutes of good image. and check which part is fault. If you check on strips of glass with your fingers. Left PCB: http://www.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 45 (4. and so on). CKV2 and CKVB2. the 7 resistors from fault side RM1-RM7.6) Panel Screen: LTF400HM03 T-CON: S100FAPC2L v0. You can also try to strap pairs to GND or Voff and see if better picture. you will find that hot broken drivers are on one of the left/right bar. and the lines will disappear.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 46 Right PCB: On example below. Just Strap CKV1-CKVB1 pair. and connect it to GND or VSS. Some thin lines can appear sometimes. by removing corresponding resistors. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ . and the image came back to normal. was enough to cut CKV1-CKVB1 pair on fault side.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. thru left/right PCB and extreme left/right flexible data driver circuit.7) Panel Screen: LSF320HJ01 T-CON: 2013_TCON_FOX_FT1 (BN41-01939) Fault: Horizontal lines are partial or whole of the screen. http://www. thru left/right FFC cable.com/screen-repair-v2/ . this way you can easy check which part is fault. Level shifter IC is connected to left/right gate blocks. thru some zero ohms resistors fitted on T-con. Repair procedure: Disconnect one by one the left/right FFC cable between T-con and left/right PCB and start the tv.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 47 (4.LCDRepairGuide. but they are covered with paint and are very close to PCB's through-holes. CKV2-CKVB2.LCDRepairGuide. CKV3-CKVB3 and start signal STVP have check points on each side.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 48 The clock signal pairs CKV1-CKVB1.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ . Right PCB: Left PCB: http://www. so cutting the circuits is an hard operation. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 49 The easiest way to repair the panel is to cut all 7 signal connectors from FFC cable, only on the side with fault, on T-con side. If any horizontal thin lines remains over normal displayed image, clean the paint from check points on PCB side with fault, and strap with a wire the pair check points CKV1- CKVB1, see if lines disappeared. If not, connect the strapped to GND or Voff. Repeat procedure with pairs CKV2-CKVB2, and CKV3-CKVB3 for best results. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 50 (4.8) Panel Screen: LTY320AP04 and LTZ320AP04 TCON: 320AP04S4LV1.5 and 320AP04S4LV1.7 Fault: Image trembling, double vertically, horizontal lines are partial or whole of the screen. T-CON board is not detachable, and signals to left/right gate blocks, is transmitted thru left/right flexible data driver circuits. So, it's almost impossible to check which gate is fault. Usually, the right part faults more often, so you can start to disconnect signals from there. You must cut the connections between PCB's through-holes and check points, so the check points to remain connected to panel, as in picture. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 51 Disconnect first the pair CKV1-CKVB1 and STVP and power the tv and check if any improvement. If not, try to strap CKV1-CKVB1. Check again. Try to connect CKV1- CKVB1 to GND. Disconnect the pair CKV2-CKVB2 and power the tv and check if clear display. If not, try to strap CKV2-CKVB2. Try to connect CKV2-CKVB2 to GND. If CKV2-CKVB2 faults, try to rebuild connection for pair CKV1-CKVB1. Your goal is to have best image you can achieve. Sometimes a thin horizontal line will be displayed even you have a perfect image. You can not eliminate this failing. The line is not noticeable from normal view distance, but its position depends on the position of faulty SR gate block. On image below, the line is very close to lower part of the screen. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 52 (4.9) Panel Screen: LTA400HW03 J TCON: SH120PMB45V0.3 Fault: Image trembling, double vertically, horizontal lines are partial or whole of the screen. Repair procedure: Disconnect left FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. If you have now on right part of the screen a normal image, means that you have a fault in left side of the cell. If still a fault image, re-connect the left FFC and disconnect right FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. If you have now on left part of the screen a normal image, means that you have a fault in right side of the cell. On upper image, there is a problem in the right side gate screen driver. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ RM1 see picture. remove STVP resistor.com/screen-repair-v2/ .LCDRepairGuide. remove CKV2 and CKVB2 resistors RM2 and RM6. If still no improvements. remove CKV3 and CKVB3 resistors RM3 and RM7. If not. http://www.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 53 On the side with problems remove from PCB the resistors RM1-RM7. in this order: first remove the CKV1 and CKVB1 resistors RM2 and RM5 and see any improvements.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. and if not. check if any improvements. In example bellow. For example if only by disconnecting CKV3 and CKVB3 will solve image problem.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. http://www. the image will be correct but a / some thin line (s) will be displayed sometimes on screen. that means pair 1 and 2 have no problems. if you have a bigger problem on cell circuit. or else you can burn the LEVEL SHIFTER IC from T-CON. the pair CKV3. but sometimes. see if lines are now correct displayed. If not. on check points. on side with problems. strap with a wire. by raising the value of the resistor connected between FBN input of BiasPS/Level Shifter ICD1 . you will have. a little ODD/EVEN lines distance. CKV1 with CKVB1. Sometimes.LCDRepairGuide. You can also raise Voff voltage with 3~5 volts to minus and the line will disappear.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 54 You will have a normal picture now. You have to do this on T-con Board. noticeable on lighter/darker images. on check points. but only if corresponding resistors were removed. Strap with a wire.CKVB3 was strapped Connect check points by pair. CKV2 with CKVB2. and repeat procedure with CKV3 with CKVB3.com/screen-repair-v2/ . check. it will be better to put back the resistors for the blocks pair that have no problem. Sometimes.RT9979 and VOFFE. Try to connect the pair that not works on GND or Voff. 2 Fault: Screen is flickering. and signals to left/right gate blocks. so.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. It's only one data driver flexible circuit. have a part/whole of the screen with doubled image.LCDRepairGuide. T-CON board is not detachable.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 55 (4.10) Panel Screen: LSY320AN02 TCON: 320KSB_S2LV0. http://www. it's almost impossible to check which gate is fault (left/right). is transmitted thru extreme left/right flexible data driver circuit.com/screen-repair-v2/ . white ghosting on part / whole screen. Vcom and Vcst.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ . The IC's have same configuration. http://www. Vss. There are several connections that you have to cut on fault side: CKV1-CKVB1. or SM4151. so you can now know which side is fault.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. The LEVEL SHIFTER is integrated in DC-DC source drive IC2 . you will see burned circuits on glass. if you detach and reverse the cell glass.RT69068. CKV2-CKVB2.3V or 5v.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 56 But sometimes. the only difference is the Vreff voltage (pin18) 3. will cut signals on both sides of the screen. RD9. so the check points to remain connected to working side of the panel.com/screen-repair-v2/ .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]. as in picture. RD11. Repair Procedure: On fault side. you must cut the connections to left/right side. CKV1 and CKV2 have 2 outputs on each side to double the current and to avoid LEVEL SHIFTER overheating. RD10. RD14. connects the other side of the cell with gate signals. RD13. RD12 and RD40. so cutting the connections between resistors and through-holes. PCB's through-holes. If no burned circuits http://www. as in picture.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 57 The connections from LEVEL SHIFTER and left/right gate blocks are made thru some 10 ohms resistors. between PCB's through-holes and panel. and remove RD9. and check if CKV1. as in picture: Attention: It's a very difficult procedure. solder back the resistors. remove RD10.com/screen-repair-v2/ .CKVB1 pair creates problems. If not.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Do not try it. RD14 and RD13. microscope or a power magnifier lens! Now you will have a clean and almost perfect image like the picture below: http://www. First.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 58 on reverse side of the cell. first try to find out which pair creates problems on screen.LCDRepairGuide. RD11 and RD 12. if you don't have the good tools like: a thin & sharp knife/cutter. Cut only pair with problems. and see if CKV2-CKVB2 pair creates problems. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 59 (4.11) Panel Screen: LTJ400HM05 T-CON: 400HR42S4LV0A. If you have a point where fault starts. You can find the resistors in the left side of level shifter IC . If you cannot see any burned blocks. R5 and R131 are in parallel connection for CKV1. There are several connections that you have to cut on fault side: CKV1-CKVB1. so we have to make a big effort to find out where is the fault.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. R5 and R131 (zero ohms) for pair CKV1- CKVB1 that connects LEVEL SHIFTER IC with both left-right SR blocks. so you will see burned circuits on glass and you can now know which side is fault. even with a microscope or magnifier. This operation is very hard (the screen is 40 inches). upper side is discoloured and have visible horizontal lines. You can detach and reverse the cell glass. CKV3-CKVB3 and STVP.LCDRepairGuide. We don't have resistors on CKV-CKVB left-right pair signals.com/screen-repair-v2/ .SM4109. R2 and R127 are connected parallel for CKVB1 signal. follow this step: a) Remove resistors R2. so do not try this if you don't have 2 clean and large tables. This operation is very hard and the t-con is attached to cell glass thru data drivers. R127. 400HR42S4LV0B Fault: Screen is flickering. covered with some bubble wrap or white paper. have a part/whole the screen with doubled image. CKV2-CKVB2. as in image below: http://www. First step is to find which part of the screen is fault. you can try to see if a burned SR block can be seen on fault side. com/screen-repair-v2/ . solder back the resistors from 2nd pair and remove CKV3 and CKVB3 resistors R9+R134 and R11+R136.LCDRepairGuide. http://www. solder back the resistors from 1st pair and remove CKV2 and CKVB2 resistors R7+R132 and R8+R133. If still no change. If not. power up the tv and check if any improvements.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 60 Power on the tv and check if any improvements on screen. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. we will disconnect the signal from left side of the screen (if you could see with a magnifier where is the fault.LCDRepairGuide.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 61 b) We know now which pair creates the fault on screen. cut connections on fault side) We will disconnect left side because we have more space to re-connect the signals if there is no problem on this side. solder back all resistors and let's find on what side (left or right) is the defective SR block. cut signals as in image below: http://www.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Cut the signals’ corresponding that goes on left side of the screen: IF PAIR CKV1-CKVB1 faults. for example CKV1-CKVB1 pair is fault. If. cut signals as in image below: IF PAIR CKV2-CKVB2 faults. and the fault is on the right side. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 62 IF PAIR CKV3-CKVB3 faults. On upper PCB's through-holes are connected all signals to right side of the cell: http://www. the analogue gate outputs from fault side will be opened. Just clean with a cutter the green paint from upper side that goes in screen and solder a thin wire from GND to both inputs. ATTENTION! Connect the fault screen inputs to GND.LCDRepairGuide. try to connect the pair that not works on GND or Voff. check with diode measurement instrument for any shorts from outputs of LEVEL SHIFTER IC to GND (check on all re-soldered resistors and GND). but some thin line (s) will be displayed on screen. On left side. only if this inputs were disconnected from LEVEL SHIFTER IC. and the lines will disappear from the image. If the image is ok now. noticeable on lighter/darker images. cut signals as in image below: There is a 50 % chance that the left side of the cell to be fault. are connected with back circuits to LEVEL SHIFTER IC. we have check points for all LEVEL SHIFTER signals CKV- CKVB1-3 signals.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Before connecting the power. Lower PCB's through-holes.com/screen-repair-v2/ . as in image bellow. Now the SR blocks are closed by connecting to GND. LCDRepairGuide.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 63 If the right side is fault. cut the signals from right side from back of the t-con PCB or near right inputs as in images. we have to re-connect the left inputs of the screen to signals and cut the right side of corresponding pair signals.com/screen-repair-v2/ .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. On example below. on left side clean with a cutter the paint where initially were cut the signals. Also. add some thermal paste and solder a thin wire. http://www. if CKV1-CKVB1 pair faults. There are 2 x Level Shifter IC's.com/screen-repair-v2/ .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]) Panel Screen: LTF320HM01. LTA320HM03 T-CON: LJ94. flickering.03256H (F 60M B4C2LV0. This panel have 4 pairs of high voltage scan drive gate signals: CKV1-4 and inverse signals CKVB1-4. 6) Fault: Image trembling.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 64 (4. double vertically or horizontal lines are on whole/partial of the screen. http://www.LCDRepairGuide. MAX17121E. LCDRepairGuide. re-connect the left FFC and disconnect right FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 65 Have above the simplified schematic diagram for MAX17121E and pin configuration. means that you have a fault in right side of the cell. If you have now on left part of the screen a normal image. Repair procedure: Disconnect left FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. If still a fault image. http://www. If you have now on right part of the screen a normal image.com/screen-repair-v2/ . means that you have a fault in left side of the cell.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. when is a TV logo on dark images. and so on with pair 3 and 4.com/screen-repair-v2/ . The easiest way to cut signals is to cut corresponding FFC terminals.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. http://www. on T- CON side. but removing end terminals 13 and 18 from FFC cable. and from right CON1 thru PCB's through-holes and back connections.CKVB signals on T-Con Board. first cut pair 1 of CKVB1-CKVB1. Strap on fault side PCB that the input cell (glass) connections by pair: first CKV1 with CKVB1. Connect this pair to ground or Vss or Voff. For example. Sometimes. If no any improvements. some thin lines will appear on area where SR gate block fault and especially. but you cannot cut the CKV. The signals are going from Level Shifter IC's to RIGHT FFC connector CON1. just repeat procedure with pair 2. signals are going to left connector CON2. Check every time if lines will go or not. cut pair 2 of CKVB2-CKVB2.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 66 There are 4 pairs of signals that commands gain SR Blocks. but removing end terminals 12 and 17 from FFC cable.LCDRepairGuide. on fault side. If still no improvement. if you need to cut signals from CON1. 3 and 4. http://www. D series. re-connect the left FFC and disconnect right FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. NOW WE KNOW WHICH GATE DRIVER FAULTS (LEFT OR RIGHT). Class 6-8 (EX: UE40D6530). If still a fault image. Repair procedure: First step is to find which part of the screen is fault. If you have now on left part of the screen a normal image. only on fault side. so we will step in with repair.3 Fault: Image trembling. means that you have a fault in right side of the cell. means that you have a fault in left side of the cell. If you have now on right part of the screen a normal image.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 67 (4. there is a problem in the right side gate screen driver. On upper image.13) Panel Screen: LTJ400HV01-J T-CON: SH120PMB4SV0. horizontal lines on all/partial screen USED ON Samsung 3D TV.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Disconnect left FFC between T-con and left PCB and power the tv. double vertically. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. remove from PCB the resistors RM1-RM7. If still no improvements. RM1 see picture. remove STVP resistor. If not. remove CKV2 and CKVB2 resistors RM2 and RM6. remove CKV3 and CKVB3 resistors RM3 and RM7. in this order: first remove the CKV1 and CKVB1 resistors RM2 and RM5 and see any improvements. and if not. http://www.LCDRepairGuide. check if any improvements.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 68 On the side with problems.com/screen-repair-v2/ . by raising the value of the resistor connected between FBN input of BiasPS/Level Shifter ICD1. that means pair 1 and 2 have no problems. on check points. and strap with a wire check points CKV1- CKVB1 to GND. USUALLY. Vladimir for his contribution of this useful chapter. CKV2 with CKVB2.C RT9979 and VOFFE. Thank you for Mr. Sometimes. Connect check points by pair. you will have. Strap with a wire. Try to connect the pair that not works on GND or Voff. it will be better to put back the resistors for the blocks pair that have no problems. You can also raise Voff voltage with 3-5 volts to minus and the line will disappear. see if lines are now correct displayed. http://www. on check points. noticeable on lighter/darker images. the image will be correct but a / some thin line (s) will be displayed sometimes on screen. Sometimes.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 69 You will have a normal picture now.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. If not. CKV1-CKVB1 pair faults so will be enough to remove corresponding resistors. if you have a bigger problem on cell circuit. but sometimes. You have to do this on T-con Board. or else you can burn the LEVEL SHIFTER IC from T-CON. For example if only by disconnecting CKV3 and CKVB3 will solve image problem.LCDRepairGuide. and repeat procedure with CKV3 with CKVB3. CKV1 with CKVB1. on side with problems. strap with a wire. but only if corresponding resistors were removed. check.com/screen-repair-v2/ . a little ODD/EVEN lines distance. 1mm): Normally use it in Laptop mainboard repair. at least it can help you to see the Gate signals & voltage lines clearly. Even they have the TAB Bonding Machine in their workbench.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 70 COF BoardView List In my previous ebook: LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide. Especially some panel broken cases. If that panel Gate signals & voltage lines opened circuit in the half way of it. So I decided to call it as “COF BoardView”. If you need to increase the success rate to repair the panel through this method. 3) Thin copper wire (0. So we can use this COF BoardView to connect back their signals and voltage lines from T-con board to their Gate COF. I called it as: TAB/COF Bypass List. Causing some Gate signals & voltage lines broken. This repair information is quite important to the TV Panel repairer. like the panel glass crack their edge side of the Gate lines. the TAB Bonding Machine also cannot help. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] matter what brands or type of this magnifier. I think it is similar like the Laptop schematic BoardView file. you need to have these tools before start to repair the panel: 1) A good and sharp/fine needle tip of Soldering Iron and quality flux. But for more accurate to describe this feature for the TAB/COF photo. 2) Magnifier. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 71 1) COF P/N: 5253-ACBPQ Panel Model: .com/screen-repair-v2/ . com/screen-repair-v2/ .LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 72 2) COF P/N: 8651-A CBD7 Panel Model: http://www. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 73 3) COF P/N: 8656-B CBJV Panel Model: http://www.LCDRepairGuide. com/screen-repair-v2/ .LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 74 4) COF P/N: 8656H-C502 Panel Model: http://www. LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 75 5) COF P/N: 8656-M CY40 Panel Model: http://www.com/screen-repair-v2/ . LCDRepairGuide.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 76 6) COF P/N: 8656-M CY61 Panel Model: http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ . com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 77 7) COF P/N: 8656-M CYA7 Panel Model: http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ .LCDRepairGuide. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 78 8) COF P/N: D10C30G023-CF0C1SSR Panel Model: LTA460HT-LH2 http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 79 9) COF P/N: MT3807VC Panel Model: http://www.LCDRepairGuide. LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 80 10) COF P/N: NT39530H-C5203B Panel Model: http://www. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 81 11) COF P/N: NT39530H-C5204A Panel Model: http://www. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ .LCDRepairGuide.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 82 12) COF P/N: NT39538H-C1260A Panel Model: http://www. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 83 13) COF P/N: NT39565H-C5253A Panel Model: http://www.com/screen-repair-v2/ .LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 84 14) COF P/N: NT39567H-C525B Panel Model: http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. LCDRepairGuide.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 85 15) COF P/N: NT61203H-C5604A Panel Model: http://www.com/screen-repair-v2/ .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 86 16) COF P/N: NT61227H-C1217B Panel Model: http://www.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 87 17) COF P/N: RM76112FD-032 Panel Model: http://www. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 88 18) COF P/N: RM76151FH-061 Panel Model: T420HW04 V0 http://www.LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ . com/screen-repair-v2/ .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 89 19) COF P/N: RM76153FJ-0A1 Panel Model: T315HW07 V7/120Hz http://www. com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 90 20) COF P/N: RM76311FC-805 Panel Model: http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 91 21) COF P/N: RM76320FB-61A Panel Model: HV320WHB-N80 http://www.com/screen-repair-v2/ .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]. 5 http://www.com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 92 22) COF P/N: SSD3272/3U2R4 Panel Model: PANDA 38.LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 93 23) COF P/N: SW8003 K Panel Model: http://www.LCDRepairGuide. then you cannot just replace one COF only (for example Y1). If you can find the original part number of this Y-COF.LCDRepairGuide. PCB board and troubleshooting time. if this TV Panel has 3 Gate COF (Y1. Y2 & Y3). But it can use as an equivalent COF. This will also same as the X-COF/TAB (Source Driver Board) too. http://www. so the other two Y-COF no need to replace. dismantle the TV cover. it will quite frustration. a very thin of the horizontal line or half horizontal top more brighter than the bottom half horizontal area. Note-1: 1) Some of the replacement COF maybe a bit longer than original COF.com/screen-repair-v2/ . So this TAB/COF Equivalent List is to let repairer easily to find out the suitable replacement TAB/COF IC for their Panel repair. just need to readjust their pins position to the right place and you need to cut out some unused area before bonding the TAB into glass & PCB board. you need to replace the other Gate COF together with the equivalent part number Gate COF. that’s mean. Even they have the expensive TAB Bonding Machine in their workbench.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 94 LCD Panel TAB/COF Equivalent List This equivalent list is to let you easily find out a replacement TAB or COF IC when the original TAB/COF is not available or no stock. you need to replace together with another same part number 2 Y-COF (Y2 & Y3) also. So the repairer will waste lots of time and money or even reduce the repair income too. but the part is not available or no stock. For example. Because we use lots of time to bring in this TV. It is a common issue for the TAB Bonding Machine owner. 2) If after replace one of their Gate COF and showing an abnormal display.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. if the failure COF IC is not available or no stock. 8154-ECBL6 NT39935H-L5206B 11. D160252NL-051 S6C2792-52 http://www. 8033-DCYOE NT39911H-C1275 10. 8154-ECBML S6C2774-54U 12.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 95 No. 8159-CCBQ NT39980H-C5256A 8159-ACBPU 15. 8033-DCY0D NT399658H-C1294A 8. 8031-DCV17 VSM21074A 7. D160132RNL-092 S6C1125-65 S6C1125-61 19.LCDRepairGuide. 8020-A CH23C S6C1127-51B 4. 8019-FCCA0 S6C1162-52 2. 8157-BCBNM 8157-BCBOD 14. 8157-BCBNM 8157-ACBMX 13. 8020-GCBJ4 NT39646H-C5103A 5. 8674-BCC96 S6CG221-51 D 18.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ . 8656-CYOB NT39538H-1272A 16 8658-GCYOU RM76730FA-603 17. 8031-DCBKO NT39962H-C5107A 6. TAB/COF Part Number Equivalent Part Number 1. 8033-GCY07 NT39658H-C1294A 9. 8019-KCBCX LH16B5D2 3. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. D160418NL-054 RM92165FC-0CC 24. D160987NL-055 D160987NL-052 S6C2A72-52U 30. D160975NL-051 D160962NL-051 D160975ANL-051 D160975NL-058 28. D160418ANL-051 RM9216FB-0AN 23. D160998NL-053 D160998NL-054-C1 RM92150FB-095 http://www. D160971NL-055 NT39662H-C02D5D 26. D160987NL-052 S6C2A72-52U D160987NL-055 29. D160994NL-054 D160994NL-051 NT39931H-C02F7A 32.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 96 20. D160962NL-51 NT39381H-C0265 NT39386H-C0265A D160975-051 25. D160407NL-055-C1-0A D160407NL-056 22. D160407NL-056 D160407NL-055-C1-0A 21. D160994NL-051 NT39931H-C02F7A D160994NL-054 31. D160975ANL-051 RM92120FA-038 RM92122FA-058 NT39921H-C02B7H 27. D10D4SS8310A-CFOC1LX LS08S2M7-C3LX 37. LH16B5D2 8019-KCBCX 39. LS08S6HT3A-C3LX LS08S6HT1-C2LX MT3728VC 47. D160998NL-054-C1 D160998NL-053 34.com/screen-repair-v2/ . DB7899A-FL01U DB7899-FS05U 35. LH16DD01 LH165V138 40. LS08S2M7-C3LX SS8310-C1LX LS08S6HT3A-C3LX M http://www. DB7899-FL02U LS08S6HE11-C4LX 36. LS0306M1-C2LX MT3807VC T7C89A1 43. LS08S6HH3-C2LX LS08S6HHT1-C2LX 45.LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. D10D4SS8310-CFOC2LX LS08S201-C3LX L 38. LS0610BT1-C2LX MT3725VB 44. LS08S6HT1-C2LX MT3728VC LS08S6HT3A-C3LX LS08S6HH3-C2LX 46. LH16DD07 NT39990H-C6003A SSD3258UR1 41. LH163T06 LH163Y06 G0054-C1TS 42.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 97 33. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. NT39809H-C1455 NT39808H-C14A4A MT3102A-VE 65. MT3197B-VA MT3197B-VC 50.com/screen-repair-v2/ . NT39538H-1272A 8656-CYOB 61. MT3728VC SS8303A-C2SS N 56.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 98 48. NT39810H-C5215A S6C27A7-52B 8157-CCBP4 66. MT3407VC NT39338H-C2005A 52. MT3113VA NT39610H-C2006A 49. NT39338H-C2005A MT3407VC 57. NT39386H-C0265A D160962NL-051 58. NT39530H-C5203A NT39538H-C5203A 60. NT39610H-C2006A MT3113VA 62. NT39686H-C5117A 8033-DCB02 64. MT3728VC LS08S6HT1-C2LX LS08S6HT3A-C3LX 55. NT39389H-C0255 D160985NL-052(Perfect replacement) 59. NT39658H-C1294A 8033-GCYO7 63. MT3411VD NT39329H-COF1433 53. MT3725VB LS0610BT1-C2LX 54. MT3197B-VC MT3197B-VA 51. NT39812H-C1261A S6C27A7-51V http://www.LCDRepairGuide. NT39981H-C02J5C NT39981H-C02J1C RM92160FE-OAD 84.LCDRepairGuide. NT39911H-C1275A 8033-DCYOE 68.com/screen-repair-v2/ . NT39962H-C05D5D D160971NL-055 78. NT39658H-C1294A 8033-GCY07 81. NT39981H-C02J1C NT39981H-C02J5C RM92160FE-OAD 85. NT39935H-C5213A NT39935H-C5226A 73. NT39962H-C5107A 8031-DCBKO 82.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. NT39935H-C5226A NT39935H-C5213A 74.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 99 67. NT39985H-C02M9A RM92161FD-OAS http://www. NT39921H-C02B7H RM92120FA-038 RM92122FA-058 D160974NL-051 70. NT39938H-1272A 8656-COYB 76. NT39935H-L5206B 8154-ECBL6 75. NT39980H-C5256A 8159-CCBQ 83. NT39981H-C02M2A NT39918H-C02K6A 71. NT39941H-C02J4A RM92160FB 79. NT39931H-C02F7A D160994NL-054 D160994NL-051 72. NT39918H-C02K6A (Long) NT39918H-C02M2A 69. NT39941H-C0217B RM92150FB-095 80. NT39941H-C0217B RM92150FC-0CC 77. NT39985H-C02P1A RM92161FB-OAN 87.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 100 86. RM92150FB-095 NT39941H-C0217B D160998NL-053 94. NT39985H-C02M4A LS0896BD3-CBLX 88. RM92160FG-OAF RM92160FE-OAD(Perfect replacement) 96. NT39990H-C6003A LH16DD07 R 90. NT39986H-C0265A D160962NL-051 89. RM92160FE-OAD NT39981H-C2J1C NT39981H-C02J1 95. RM92161FB-OAN RM92161FA-OAM D160418ANL-051 RM39985H-C02P1A 98.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ . RM92161FA-OAM RM92161FB-OAN 97. RM92161FB-OAS RM92161FE-OBO http://www. RM92122FA-058 RM92120FA-038 D160974ANL-051 NT39921H-C02B7H 93. RM92120FA-038 RM92122FA-058 D160974ANL-051 NT39921H-C02B7H 92.LCDRepairGuide. RM76730FA-603 8658-GCYOU 91. S6C1127-51B 8020-A CH23C 110.com/screen-repair-v2/ . S6C1162-52 8019-FCCA0 111. RM92161FD-OAS NT39985H-C02M9A NT39985H-C02M9A RM92161FF-0C0 100. RM92312FC-80D RM92312FC-80B 106. use another one) S6C2709-51D S6C2710-84 http://www. S6C2141-51C 8109F-CBF6 113. S6C2709-51B S6C2732-51H X1(If can’t. RM92165FC-0CC D160418NL-054 103. S6C2141-51C S6C2274-82B 112. RM92165FK-0CU NT39985H-C028A 104.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. S6C1125-65 D160132RNL-092 S6C1125-61 109. RM92370FB-801 RM92370FA-809 107.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 101 99.LCDRepairGuide. RM92161FE-OBO RM92161FB-OAS 102. RM92312FC-80B RM92312FC-80D 105. RM92161FF-0C0 RM92161FD-OAS NT39985H-C02M9A NT39985H-C02M9A 101. RM92370FA-809 RM92370FB-801 S 108. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 102 114. S6C2709-51D S6C2709-51B S6C2709-51H S6C2709-61 S6C242-51U 115. S6C2732-51H S6C2732-61 S6C2732-51B 116. S6C2732-51H S6C2709-51B 117. S6C2732-51H CXD3826F1-1 118. S6C2732-52 S6C2732-52G 119. S6C2732-52 S6C2732-61 (Can replace -52, but a bit long) 120. S6C2732-52G S6C2732-52 121. S6C2732-61 S6C2732-51H 122. S6C2741-81XN S6C2771-04 123. S6C2772-52 S6C2775-51 S6C2775-21 S6C3101-53 124. S6C2774-54U 8154-ECBML 125. S6C2792-52 D160252NL-051 126. S6C2792-54 D160252NL-051 127. S6C2792-54 S6C2792-52 128. S6C2792-61 S6C2B91-64 129. S6C2A72-52U D160987NL-052 D160987NL-055 http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 103 130. S6C27A7-51V NT39812H-C1261A 131. S6C2B91-54 S6C2B91-51 132. S6C2B91-61 S6C2B94-61 S6C2B91-63 133. S6C2B91-63 S6C2B94-1 S6C2B91-61 134. S6C2B94-61 S6C2B91-61 S6C2B91-63 135. S6CG221-51 8674-BCC96 136. SS8303A-C2SS MT3728VC 137. SS8310-C1LX LS08S2M7-C3LX 138. SSD3258UR1 LH16DD07 V 139. VSM21074A 8031-DCV17 Notes: - Again, if after replaced the TAB or COF, the display show something abnormal, for example one of the Y1 COF (Gate Driver side) replaced. But the display showing half horizontal top more brighter than the half horizontal bottom, in this case, you need to replace another Y2 and Y3 (If their Y COF IC have Y1, Y2 & Y3). Also same as the X TAB (Source Driver Board) too. - If the equivalent TAB IC is a bit bigger than the original, you need to cut out some unused area before bonding the TAB into glass & PCB board. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 104 T-CON Board P-GAMMA IC & DC- DC IC Programming Method Do you know, why repair some T-CON board after replaced their GAMMA IC or DC-DC IC, the T-CON board will change to other screen problem? This is because of these IC having built-in the ROM or EEPROM to save the configuration data (or firmware) to control its operation of the IC. So when we repair the T-CON board and replace a new GAMMA or DC-DC IC without this firmware inside, so this new IC also not working on a T-CON board! That’s why after replaced the new IC for the T-CON board, but it still got another problem will appear. Here is a Programmable type P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC list: Normally what will happen when the new IC replace without writing firmware into their IC? The T-CON board of this TV after replaced this type of programmable IC without writing (programming) their firmware into it and it will happen to the symptom like: Screen becomes white display, display distortion or bad grey scale. So with this type of symptom after replace the P-GAMMA or DC-DC IC, you need to write their firmware into the new IC through a RT809F ISP Universal Programmer. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 105 How do I know the GAMMA IC & DC-DC IC is programmable type? This is a good question. Every year, the manufacturers will production new part number of P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC. So how do I know which IC is a programmable type P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC? The answer is: 1) Check their IC datasheet file, normally the datasheet IC description there will write it as a “Programmable” xxxxxx IC. 2) The IC datasheet pins description there if you found have these pins: SDA & SCL inside the IC. You can refer to picture below: 3) The DC-DC IC, look at each output voltages their feedback circuit has resistive divider or not. If this IC output voltage feedback circuit didn’t have the resistive divider, then this IC is a Programmable type DC-DC IC. 4) For the GAMMA IC, look at their IC corresponding components. If you found several series connection resistive divider is around the GAMMA IC, so this GAMMA IC not a programmable type IC. If around this GAMMA IC you can’t find any series connection resistive divider, then this is a P-GAMMA IC, programmable type IC. http://www.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ Even it is the same programmable IC. How to Programming/Write the T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC? 1) First.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 106 5) If you’ve bought the RT809F programmer.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. it’s a Programmable type IC! Note: These IC are no need to write/programming the firmware into the IC: TPS65160. TPS65162. that’s mean. TPS65161. Even the Programmable IC and T-CON board both same. Just use the LVDS cable with 51-pins connector like picture below to DIY it: 3) Please prepare the working “firmware” to write it to the IC you want. you need to buy a RT809F (or H) ISP Universal Programmer (you can order it at: http://www.lcdrepairguide. http://www. If you found this IC was in the IC list there.com/screen-repair-v2/ . but the T-con Board is using in different inches Panel. TPS65167 and so on. just simply look at the software there.LCDRepairGuide.com/tools/ ) and install it correct in your computer or laptop. 2) You need to create a “cable” and DIY it to suitable for your Programmer to connect to the T-CON board. But the IC firmware must use the same T-CON & Panel. so the firmware is cannot be used. so that the RT809F programmer can continue and successful to write the firmware into the programmable IC. b) Ask the other repairer to help on the forum site or social media. 4) BKSEL/BANKSEL This pin is control to select which memory bank be use. please refer to the list.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 107 If the programmable IC & T-CON board both same.com/screen-repair-v2/ . So where to get this programmable IC “firmware”? a) You can use the Programmer to copy it from a good T-CON board. is about 3. These 5 Pins of T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC You Must Know 1) SDA Serial Data Input/Output 2) SCL Serial Clock Input 3) A0/WP Two-wire Serial Interface address select pin. For the correct voltage range of programmable IC. then you can give it a try. If these pins are in abnormal voltage range. DVDD. VS. http://www. but not guarantee.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]. VSD & VCC Make sure these voltage supply pins are in normal voltage range. Connect to either logic 1 (active high. normally connect to GND) to select bank 0. c) Buying this “firmware” online. if you can find who are selling it.3V) to select bank 1 or logic 0 (Active low. it will affect the programmer to programming the IC. select memory bank 0 or 1. This pin must be active low or connect to ground (GND). same Panel size but different Panel model number. 5) AVDD. This GAMMA IC inside ROM has two BANKS. IC BUF16821 pin-16= AO must connect to GND (use multimeter/ohm meter to measure it). The BUF16821 IC pin-14= SCL and pin-15= SDA usually is connect to the T-con Board LVDS connector pin-4= SDA and pin-5= SCL. Use a DIY 51-pins LG32~52 inches LVDS cable with 51-pins connector.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Normally just use 1 BANK only.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 108 T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC Programming Tutorials For the programmable IC pins configuration. http://www.LCDRepairGuide. one side connect to RT809F programmer socket pin-6= SCL. 1) BUF16821 P-GAMMA IC The T-CON board 6870C-3500C is come with this BUF16821 IC. pin-17= BKSEL (default setting is connected to ground). please refer to the IC specification datasheet or the list: “T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC Read/Write Pins List”. This T-CON board is usually using in LG 32~55 inches TV.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. and then just use it (also for the other Programmable IC tutorials too). pin-5= SCL and connect the GND pins. After that. this cable is connects to the RT809F programmer and do the write/programming IC. http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. The DIY LVDS cable Vcc input one side connects to 12V DC Power Supply. Attention: Actually you can just use the cables direct connect to their IC pins and supply the Vcc 12V to their T-con Vcc input. Another side is connecting to the T-CON Board LVDS connector VCC input pin/s.LCDRepairGuide.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 109 pin-7= SDA. Another side is connected to T-CON board LVDS connector (for T-con board 6870C-3500C) pin-4= SDA.com/screen-repair-v2/ . pin-8= GND. Notes: a) Please refer to their Panel datasheet or T-CON Board LVDS connector for the correct VCC voltage values & pins configuration (also for the other Programmable IC tutorials too). So it will depend on which method you’re feeling better to use. This DC-DC IC inside has built-in an EEPROM with a limitation allow to WRITE 16 times only.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 110 b) This BUF16821 IC has a limit times to their each BANK to write/programming. c) If unsuccessful to write/programming the IC.com/screen-repair-v2/ . then we can disconnect their BKSEL pin from ground (GND) and connect it to 3V (active high). please double check the above connection and also their VS and VSD voltage range is in the normal values or not.LCDRepairGuide. But read/copy is unlimited times to the IC. the RT809F software will show “Checksum Error” message on screen and it is because the IC itself has blocking it. The TPS65175 & TPS65168 also use the same method like TPS6178 IC to do write/programming the programmable IC. So for the new BANK. The connection of the T-CON board (SDA & SCL lines) and RT809F Programmer is same as the BUF16821 IC. we can continue to write/programming another 16 times again. Maximum per BANK is limit to 16 times. When the IC reached 16 times to write/programming. This T-CON board is usually using in LG 32~55 inches TV. The IC will automatically change to another BANK to save the data. If this IC has two BANKS. Notes: a) Please refer to their Panel datasheet or T-CON Board LVDS connector for the correct VCC voltage values & pins configuration (also for the other Programmable IC tutorials too). 2) TPS65178 DC-DC IC The T-CON board 6870C-0401B is come with this TPS65178 IC. http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. 24V VCOM: 8V http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] VDD: 16V VGH: 25.3V Vcore: 1. IC will reset to their default voltage output setting like below: VCC: 3.com/screen-repair-v2/ . If not.3V d) The TPS65168 IC after click on “Restore” button. When this IC TPS65178 connected successfully on RT809F.8V VDD: 16V VGH: 25.3V Vcore: 1. the software can help this IC reset to their default voltage output setting like below: VCC: 3.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 111 b) Because of this TPS65178 has 1 EEPROM built-in.7V VGL: -5.8V VGL: -5V VCOM: 7. c) Inside the RT809F software. so don’t write/programming this IC more than 16 times. if click on this “Restore” button. you will found a button call “Restore”.LCDRepairGuide. But reading IC is unlimited times to use. it will cause the write/programming fail or checksum error appear and can’t write/programming the new data/firmware into it. com/screen-repair-v2/ .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 112 http://www. But the pin number is a bit different. The connection of the T-CON board (SDA & SCL lines) and RT809F Programmer is same as the BUF16821 IC. Also don’t forget to provide 12V to their VCC input pin/s.LCDRepairGuide. This GAMMA IC inside has built-in an EEPROM (260-bits) with a limitation allow to WRITE/PROGRAMMING not more than 300 times only.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ . The DIY 51-pins LVDS cable connector pin-2 is SDA. http://www.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 113 3) ISL24837A P-GAMMA IC The T-CON board: Sharp RUNTK_5317TP_0075FV is come with this ISL24837A IC. This T-CON board also can use the 51-pins LVDS cable to do the write/programming as usually using in LG 32~55 inches TV. pin-3 is SCL and pin-1 is GND. 3) Click on the AUTO ISP button. it will show “Checksum” ok/success. 5) After select Programmable IC. 4) Choose the correct Programmable IC part number and click OK. Good luck! http://www.LCDRepairGuide. 9) So you can remove all the cable and connector and put it back the T-CON board to TV and give it a try.com/screen-repair-v2/ . it will detected the programmable IC and it will pop-up a screen with Programmable IC list.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 114 RT809F Software Programming Programmable IC Process 1) Connect the RT809F Programmer with T-CON Board through DIY 51- pins LG32~55 Inches LVDS Cable.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. You can refer to the above Programmable IC tutorial. Click on the “WRITE” button to write/programming Programmable IC. Double check all the connection and supply the correct voltages to the VCC pin/s. 6) After finished successful reading the Programmable IC. 2) Open RT809F software. click on the “OPEN” button and go to the computer folder to select the correct part number (also other part number/model same information). click on the “READ” button to start reading the Programmable IC data/firmware. 7) If you want to WRITE/PROGRAMMING the programmable IC. 8) If finished successful to write/programming the Programmable IC. you can click on the “SAVE” button to copy this data/firmware into your computer or laptop. Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. TQNF 32 15 14 Pin-16= WP G1422.29 connect to GND AUO. TQNF 32 15 14 Pin-16= WP G1422.2H connect to GND CHIMEI CM601 QFN 24 4 3 5 CM602 QFN28 4 3 5 SMGE SM4051D VQFN 56 21 20 SM4053B VQFN 56 21 20 SIW SW5084A VQFN 56 21 20 INTERSIL ISL24873A QFN 32 12 13 http://www.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 115 T-CON Board P-GAMMA & DC-DC IC Read/Write Pins List IC IC Part IC Package Pin: Pin: Pin: Pin: Manufacturer Number SDA SCL BKSEL A0 (to GND) TPS65175 VQFN 56 21 20 TPS65178 VQFN 48 28 27 TPS65168 VQFN 40 29 28 BUF08630 VQFN 20 1 20 9 2 TI BUF08821 HTTSSOP20 10 9 12 11 BUF8821B HTTSSOP20 10 9 12 11 BUF08832 HTTSSOP20 10 9 12 11 BUF16821 HTTSSOP28 15 14 17 16 BUF22821 HTTSSOP38 19 18 21 20 MAX9668 TQFN 20 1 20 2 MAX9669 TQFN 28 3 2 4 MAX9672 TQFN 28 3 2 4 MAXIM MAX9673 TQFN 28 3 2 4 MAX9674 TQFN 28 3 2 4 MAX9679 TQFN 24 4 3 6 MAX9696 TQFN 24 3 2 4 DS3501 MSOP 10 1 10 Pin-4 &5 DS3502 MSOP 10 1 10 Pin-4 &5 AUO AUO.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ . VCC= 2.DVDD= 2. AVDD= 9~20V DS3501 MSOP 10 3.23.6V 9~20V CHIMEI CM601 QFN 24 2. TQNF 32 Digital Supply= Analog Supply= G1422.VS= 9~20V MAX9668 TQFN 20 3.6V 9/10/20.3V Analog Supply= 12V SM4053B VQFN 56 Digital Supply =3. and then writing/programming the firmware into this IC.VS= 9~20V BUF08832 HTTSSOP20 8.5V 6.5V 6.DVDD= 2.VS= 9~20V BUF22821 HTTSSOP38 17.19.6V 9~20V AUO.5V 9. VSD= 2~5. VSD= 2~5.22.7~3.DVDD= 2.32.7~3.7~3.21.25.VAA= 9~20V CM602 QFN28 2.DVDD= 2. VCC= 2.15.6V 8.7~3. VSD= 2~5.7~3.DVDD= 2.27. So you can try the T-CON problem solved or not. Digital Supply 21.DVDD= 2. AVDD= MAXIM 9~20V MAX9673 TQFN 28 5. Analog =3.7~3.3V Analog Supply= 12V BUF08630 VQFN 20 3.5V 12.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 116 IC IC Part IC Package Other IC Pin/s Manufacturer Number TPS65175 VQFN 56 Digital Supply =3. http://www.3V Analog Supply= 12V TPS65178 VQFN 48 Digital Supply =3.15. VSD= 2~5. VSD= 2~5.com/screen-repair-v2/ .5~15.3V Analog Supply= 12V TPS65168 VQFN 40 Digital Supply =3.7~3.LCDRepairGuide.VS= 9~20V BUF16821 HTTSSOP28 13.26.7~3.6V 9/10/20.5V AUO AUO.2H 2. But it is needed to confirm it is not the IC shorted first.VS= 9~20V TI BUF08821 HTTSSOP20 8. AVDD= 9~20V MAX9672 TQFN 28 5.AVDD= 9~20V MAX9669 TQFN 28 5.5V 9.5~15.3V Analog Supply= 12V INTERSIL ISL24873A QFN 32 29.DVDD= 2.6V 9/10/20. TQNF 32 Digital Supply= Analog Supply= G1422.DVDD= 2. V+ = 4.5V 9.5V DS3502 MSOP 10 3.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. you can try to writing their firmware into it first without replace a new one.6V 8.VAA= 9~20V SMGE SM4051D VQFN 56 Digital Supply =3. AVDD= 9~20V MAX9674 TQFN 28 5.5V 8.7~5.6V 8/21/22. AVDD= 9~20V MAX9679 TQFN 24 2.VS= 9~20V BUF8821B HTTSSOP20 8.7~3. AVDD= 9~20V MAX9696 TQFN 24 5.6V 7/22.DVDD= 2.29 2.6V 9/10/20.7~3. V+ = 4.5V 7.3V Analog Supply= 12V SIW SW5084A VQFN 56 Digital Supply =3.3V Supply= 15V Tips: If the T-CON board problem causing by P-GAMMA or DC-DC IC.7~5.7~3. VSD= 2~5.6V 8. BIN MAX9668_LC320EXN-SEA1-K31 6870C-0414A 2011_11_04 MAX9668_LG LC420WUN-SCA1 6870C-0310C 2010_01_19 MAX9668_LG LC420WUN-SCA1_T-CON_6870C-0310C MAX9669_CHIMEI-E150630-V460H1-C11 http://www.C1 CM602_CHIMEI INNOLUX_V236H3-CS3-C_CM602 DS3501_LG LM240WU3-TLC1_6870C-0221A EPM3064A_LC370WX1_T-CON_6870C-0060G ISL24837A_SHARP_RUNTK_5317TP_0075FV_T-CON MAX9668_LC320EXN 6870C-0370A 2010_11_03 MAX9668_LC320EXN_6870C-0370A.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 117 Because this type of programmable IC also like the normal EEPROM IC.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]. Here is the firmware list: AUO-G1422.com/screen-repair-v2/ .2H_T315HW07_VB BUF8821B_LC320WXN-SBA1_6870C-0238B BUF16821_LG T-CON Board_6870C-3500C BUF16821B_LC320WUD_T-CON_6870C-0249C BUF16821B_LG_LC420WUE Panel PCB CM601_CHIMEI INNOLUX_V390HJ1-CE1_CM2805A CM601_CHIMEI INNOLUX_V420HJ1-P01_REV. their data will easy to lost due to any environment issues too. Download the T-CON Board P-GAMMA IC & DC-DC IC Data/Firmware I’ve attached some of the T-CON Board P-GAMMA IC & DC-DC IC data configuration/firmware files at Bonus-B section there. After that.2 TPS65175A_LG T-CON Board_6870C-0471D TPS65178A_LG Panel with T-CON_6870C-0401B ATTENTION: This is very important! Before you do the write/programming programmable IC.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. you can write a new data/firmware into the programmable IC. T-CON Board p/n and same “Inches” of the LCD/LED Panel (or model).com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 118 MAX9674_CHIMEI-E150630-V460H1-CPE5 SM4051D_LG500DUE-SFR1_6870C-0452A SM4053B_LG T-CON Board_6870C-0488A SW508A_LG T-CON Board_6870C-0480A TPS65168_LG Panel with T-CON_6870C-0369C_VER0. Also find the data/firmware with correct programmable IC part number. you MUST first to “COPY” and save their original data/firmware into your computer/laptop.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ . http://www. 820. but their program/firmware is different only.LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. T-CON Board Circuit Structure http://www. HE500HF-B52 and HE500HFR-B52. HE460HFR-B51. The RSAG7. All the above TV is using this T-CON board.5129 T-CON board is widely used in these HISENSE TV Model: HE390GF-B51.820.5129 T-CON Board This T-CON board schematic diagram was included in this ebook.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 119 Troubleshooting & Repairing Hisense RSAG7.com/screen-repair-v2/ . 2~3.9 GMB12 2.8~5.7 GMB4 10.9 GMA2 13.2~2.8~3.8~10.2 VDDD1 3.8 AVDD1 15.4~11.0~2.com/screen-repair-v2/ .1~1.1 GMB10 4.2 GMA13 2.0~4.0 GMA7 7.5~3.0 GMA8 7.6~11.9 1.7~1.6 VGH 28 ~ 31 GMA6 8.8~5.6~7.9 GMB14 0.8 GMA11 4.3~0.5~16.0~ -10.0 GMB6 9.0 GMA9 6.4 GMB1 14.2 VGL -9.7 VCOM 6.8 3.1~15.5 GMA14 0.9 GMB7 7.3 GMA1 15.1 GMB9 4.8V 1.1 1V 0.4~12.2~3.8 VSS -6.6 GMA5 10.4 GMA12 3.4 GMA10 4.7 GMB2 12.7~11.8~7.3~6.3~10.1 GMB3 11.5V 2.3V 3.0~7.9~1.6~0.2~6.8 Panel Control Signals & Mini-LVDS Timing Chart Waveform Timing Control Waveform: http://www.0 GMB5 10.0~4.4~7.1 GMA4 11.3 GMB8 6.2V 1.3 GMB11 4.7~9.8~12.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]~14.0~ -7.4 ~2.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 120 Test Voltage Test Voltage (V) Test Voltage (V) Point (V) Point Point 1.3 GMB13 2.0 2.4~13.7~12.4~4.4 GMA3 11.LCDRepairGuide. 8 ±0.8 ±0.15 ~ 0.3V 3.1V 3.2 ~ 1.0V VDDD 3.9 CPV GSC 0.3 TP SOE 0.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] LC LC 2~3 Critical T-CON Board Output Voltage Values Test Point Standard Values Voltage (V) Tolerance VCC_PANEL 12 ±1.2 ~ 0.5V RSAG7.LCDRepairGuide.15V VGL -5.820.5 POL POL 1.0 ~ 1.8V 1.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 121 Control Signals DC Voltage Range Control Signal PCB Marking DC Voltage (V) STV GSP 0.3 ±0.15V AVDDA1 15. 1.5129 T-CON Board Module Features http://www.8 ±0.3 ±0.5 DATA .2V 1.com/screen-repair-v2/ .25V VGH 29 ±1.002 ~ 0. N24 or NN5 CON firmware (25B40 or F40) http://www. DDR DDR buffer NN2 F.0V NN14 1. Level Shifter Gate driving NN19 (RT8922) HC_L1~ HC_L6 signals I.33V (MP1484) C.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ . NT71790 T-CON IC NN1 E. Gamma Generate NN7 GMA1~GMA14\ Circuit GM1~GM14 & (IML7991D) VCOM VCOM voltage B. Flash Memory save T.LCDRepairGuide.3V NN12 3. DC-DC Generate 1. DC-DC Generate 3.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 122 Module Features Location Testing Point A.3V (MP1484) D. 85 ±0.LCDRepairGuide. http://www. that’s mean the problem is NN7 failure. b) Display compares to normal display more darkness: One or more of their Gamma voltages is 0V. If their voltage is 0V. First check the VDD_OP1 is it in 15. c) Left or Right side of the Screen their display darkness. If yes. then check the VCOM & GM1~GM14.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 123 Introduce Module Features & Their Common Faults in T-CON 1) Module -A => Generate the Gamma & VCOM voltage Common Fault: a) White Screen: Because the VCOM voltage abnormal or NN7 failure.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] normal voltage range.com/screen-repair-v2/ . 0V core voltage to T-CON IC.3V: It could be their NN12 dry solder joint. http://www.0V no voltage: Normally is their NN14 dry solder joint or failure or RN234 & CN144 damage.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ .LCDRepairGuide. 3) Module-C => 12V convert to 3. b) 1.3 Voltage Module This module provides the T-CON board 3.0V This module provides the 1. Common Fault: a) 1. RN235 & CN102 failure.3V Common Fault: a) No 3.0V voltage out of their normal tolerance range: Normally is causing by the CN39 or RN6 failure.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 124 2) Module-B => 12V convert to 1. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 125 b) 3.com/screen-repair-v2/ . T-CON IC Common Fault: a) NN1 dry solder joint b) IC NN1 & NN2 chip defective http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. 4) Module D & E => Is T-CON IC and DDR buffer IC.LCDRepairGuide.3V Voltage out of the normal range: Commonly it’s their CN2 or RN2 failure. LCDRepairGuide. then this IC is abnormal.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 126 5) Module-F => GOA Signal Control IC How to know this IC is working or not? Use multimeter/voltmeter to measure the LC_L1 point. that’s mean this IC is working normally.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. If not.com/screen-repair-v2/ . 6) Module-H => Panel Voltage Generated Circuit (VDDD/AVDDA1/VGL) http://www. if the voltage range is in between 25V and -6V change. that’s mean the IC NN3 is damage and need to replace. the inductor noisy. screen display has horizontal line interference: Normally it is the CN212 failure. http://www. Check the NN3 pin-15 & 16 both pins is it short circuit.com/screen-repair-v2/ .LCDRepairGuide.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 127 Common Fault: a) VDDD/VDDA/VGL no output voltage.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. 7) Module-I => Flash Memory to save the T-CON IC Firmware Common Fault: a) Flash memory NN5 failure Will affect screen no display (but the backlight is lit). b) NN5 IC lost firmware Will affect screen no display (but the backlight is lit). If yes. The TV screen is no display but the backlight is lit: NN3 IC damage causes the VDDD/VDDA/VGL no output voltage. b) When connect to Panel. LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 128 Other Common Faults in this T-CON Board 1) Dry Soldering Joint or Pins Shorted Display Symptom Problem Location Failure Reason Left side screen no XSN3 connector dry display or abnormal solder joint display Right side screen no XSNN4 connector display or abnormal pins shorted display Left side screen NN19 or NN21 dry abnormal display solder joint Display Grey Scale NN1 damage abnormal http://www. com/screen-repair-v2/ . If their ITO line/s defective inside the screen glass then this type of problem is beyond repair.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]. Description Display Symptom Vertical Line Horizontal Line Vertical Block/Bar Horizontal Block/Bar http://www. unless you’ve TAB bonding machine.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 129 2) Gate/Source COF Problem (Glass Cell Problem) This type of screen problem is not repairable. the screen is normal. Check the IC NN19 or NN21 pins have dry soldering joint or not. the screen bottom display has horizontal line/s (1 or 2 lines) jumping.LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. This is because of the TV when in high density signals.com/screen-repair-v2/ . And causing the T-CON IC output TE & STV signals time interval is 1.RT8922) failure also can causing this type of screen problem. The Panel itself defective or the T-CON board Module-F (NN19 or NN21. their LVDS output signals is not standard type. 4) The bottom of Screen have some horizontal line/s jumping When the TV is in PC25 or HDMI mode.84ms (~1840us). If soldering ok and just replace this IC.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 130 3) GOA Horizontal Lines on the screen This GOA horizontal line evenly spaced (vertical 6 pixels). But in other TV Mode. but the original design is requirement is 147us! Use the oscilloscope to check the STV and TE signals and found like picture below: http://www. this type of screen problem is causing by the T-CON IC.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 131 So the solution to solve this problem is updating the NN5 IC firmware to the latest version of LCM_T-TP_161240_B007.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/screen-repair-v2/ . Especially the production before 1240. their T-CON IC is the common fault.LCDRepairGuide. http://www. 5) Display Grey Scale Abnormal Mostly. Need to replace it with a good one.LCDRepairGuide. that’s mean this TVS is damage by ESD already. Or you can just remove this damage TVS and without connect anything.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Screen will show the Red. Green & Blue Display Non-stop Testing Mode Normally this problem is causing by their TVS (FN2/FN3/FN4/FN5/FN6) damage. is the ohm values to GND is lower than 1K ohm. The TV should be ok now! 7) Display Abnormal in DTV Mode http://www.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 132 6) After Power On TV. power on the TV.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Use the Multimeter testing this TVS. com/screen-repair-v2/ .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. 8) No Display/ Grey Display (Backlight Lit) a) The PMU circuit abnormal (Module H). LC. then it is T-CON IC failure. http://www.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 133 This problem is causing by the T-CON IC NT71790.LCDRepairGuide. Replace NN3 IC. the output voltage range is about 6.0V. then this IC is Ok. Replace Gamma IC (iML7991D).7V~ 7. Because of this IC is BGA package type. so we can use the oscilloscope to check their STV. Especially the T- CON Board production batch before 1240. if not. If Gamma IC output voltage abnormal. c) NN1 dry soldering joint inside the bottom of this T-CON IC. TP. If these signals got output. b) Gamma circuit abnormal (Module-A). POL & etc control signals waveform to confirm the T-CON IC is ok or not. NN3 (AAT1133) abnormal and causing the VDDD/AVDDA1/VGL no output or output abnormal voltages. 36V only.com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 134 LCD/LED TV Display Problem Repair Tips 1) TV Model: Changhong LT32710 LCD TV T-CON Board: T-con (CHIMEI) section was built-in TV Mainboard Mainboard Chassis: LS23 Symptom: Screen Fully of Vertical Color Bars Repair/Solution: This LCD TV T-CON section was built-in the TV Mainboard.5V. R348 and R272 is the VDD sampling resistors and feedback to U26 pin-15 to control the VDD voltage output. L24. After checking these component and found the R348 (24K ohm 1%) http://www.5V was generate by DC-DC IC U26 pin-18 through D55.5V. Check their T- con section each output voltages from U26: TPS65161 (DC-DC IC) and found their VDD25 output voltage is just 1.LCDRepairGuide. After that the R339. CA44 filter and get VDD 2. This VDD 2.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Normally this VDD voltage should be 2. VDD and VDA are all normal. 14.5V).5V. Finally this TV screen problem solved! 2) TV Model: Changhong LT37710 LCD TV Mainboard Chassis: LS23 Panel Model: LG Panel Symptom: Display is not clear and slow motion problem.com/screen-repair-v2/ .5V (normal is 23V) and VGL: -3. The Vin. 24 and pins-8. 13.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 135 ohm values increase to 40K ohm! Replace this resistor and the VDD output voltage is back to normal 2. first check their T-con board each output voltages from DC-DC circuit.4V (normal is -5.LCDRepairGuide. 10. These two voltage lines are generating by U26 DC-DC IC (TPS65161) pins-11. http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. But the VGHP is: 15. Repair/Solution: As usual. 13 & 24 generating the VGL voltage output. Check their corresponding components all looks good.2 (same as A60HM01C2LV0 use LTA460HM04 Panel) Panel Model: LTA460HM04 http://www. Parallel connect with a 10uF/50V electrolytic capacitor to CA39 and another one to C40. Suspect their filter capacitor lost their capacitance and causing this TV screen problem. Power on the TV and problem solved! Removed the CA39 and CA40 found one of its capacitance was drop to 2uF and another one is totally opened circuit! 3) TV Model: Changhong LED46760 LED TV T-CON Board: A60MB4C2V0. the pins-8. 10.LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 136 The U26 IC pins-11. 14 is generating the VGH voltage output.com/screen-repair-v2/ . com/screen-repair-v2/ .6V. This TV Panel T-con board is using the A60MB4C2LV0. VSS: -7. So confirm the problem was on the T-CON board. VOFF: -11V. Check each output voltage lines with their ohm values and found the VOFF line a bit low. the T-CON each output voltages are back to normal as: AVDD: 148V. Reconnect back the both FPC cables and power on the TV. Use the LCD/LED Panel Tester check and found that’s the LCD Panel or T-CON board problem. It also can see some irregular vertical bars. CD21 capacitor. When removed the filter cap. Remove the both FPC cables and power on the TV.4V. Repair/Solution: This TV backlight is steady lit and no any flashing. all their voltage back to normal now! Measure CD21 and found it has 0.5V (normal is 15V). The AVDD & VOFF voltages still same problem.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. everything is ok now.2 like picture below: Check the T-con board voltage: VCC: 12V. Replace a good CD21 capacitor. VOFF: 0V (normal is -5V~ - 8V).7uF. http://www. First check and measure the VOFF line corresponding components.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 137 Symptom: Display full of horizontal lines with bright and dark flashing. VDD: 3. the other VSS and VON also abnormal voltage reading.3V.5uF only. the original values is 4. Vcore: 1. VON: 27.2V. AVDD: jumping in between 7V~14.LCDRepairGuide. H320HC-YB30 Symptom: No Display.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. LE32A720. LE32A910.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 138 4) TV Model: Haier LE32A700.0 Panel Model: H320EHC-BB2. Grey Screen http://www. LH32E10 LED TV T-CON Board: HV320WXC-200-X-PCB-X0.LCDRepairGuide.com/screen-repair-v2/ . 1V V14 3.7V XAO 3.3V V8 8.5V POL 1.2V VGH 26.7V V10 7. Note: VGH voltage abnormal. C241.LCDRepairGuide.5V VOFF -7. BOE HV320WXC-200 T-CON Board Testing Points Voltage Test Point Voltage Test Point Voltage VDDIN 12V V2 15.3V LV3N 1.5V TP 0.5V V13 4.5V OUT3078 7.0V LV1N 1.2V LV2P 1. the TV is back to normal now.02V LV0P 1. commonly was causing by MOSFET opened circuit.6V V12 5. Check their T-CON board and this PCB board was built-in the Panel glass. Found the VGH voltage line is 0V only! Continue to check their corresponding components especially smd filter capacitor C240.1V LV2N 1. After replace with a good SMD capacitor. C242.3V LCXN 1.7V SDA 2.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 139 Repair/Solution: The TV backlight is lit normally.6V V18 0.2V VON 24.28V V7 10.3V CPV 1.7V DVDD 3.2V VCOM 7.1V V4 12.8V SCL 2.4V LV3P 1.2V LV0N 1.com/screen-repair-v2/ .9V V5 11.1V V16 2.3V LCKP 1.5V LV1P 1.1V http://www. capacitor shorted/leakage or shorted DC-DCIC.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Found the C240 shorted circuit. C243 & D2.2V V11 6.41V V3 13.28V V6 10. com/screen-repair-v2/ .0 Panel Model: H320EHC-BB2.LCDRepairGuide. Repair/Solution: Most of the time this model of Panel come with the problem mention the above is causing by abnormal VGH voltage in VGH line. LE32A720. LE32A910. LH32E10 LED TV T-CON Board: HV320WXC-200-X-PCB-X0.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. For Gate COF: 8659-F The Gate COF VGH point missing their voltage here: http://www. After that check their first Gate COF and found VGH voltage missing.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 140 5) TV Model: Haier LE32A700. So first step is check the VGH line until the X-COF contact pin there still has the VGH: 27V. H320HC-YB30 Symptom: Display White Screen or Blue Screen without any characters on screen. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 141 Just connect a wire from T-CON Board VGH voltage line to this COF VGH point.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] Panel Model: Symptom: Various problems occur in this T-CON Board. http://www.com/screen-repair-v2/ . LE48M6000. LE48AL88 & LH48UH3200 LED TV T-CON Board: Samsung 13NVB_S60TMB4C4LV0. The TV Panel is back to normal now. For Gate COF: 8659-M 6) TV Model: Haier LE48A5000. com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 142 Repair/Solution: Because of their SMD filter capacitors often have leakage or shorted circuit on the T-CON Board.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]. 7) TV Model: Konka LED42R7000PD LED TV T-CON Board: Panel Model: Symptom: Interference Stripes on the Screen http://www. Suspect the LVDS connector (XS501) pins dry solder joint problem. The sound and the other features are working properly. http://www. Trace it back these signal lines until the Main Chip N501 (MSD6I982BX). the vertical bars will slowly increase their quantity. this TV is ok now. 8) TV Model: Skyworth 32L08HR LCD TV T-CON Board: V315B3-L01REV. Their vertical bars are not fixed and it will change randomly.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. After finished re-solder (reflow) the N501. re-solder the N501 video signals output pins. So the problem is on the Mainboard. After a while.com/screen-repair-v2/ . Check their Mainboard LVDS connector output signals with oscilloscope and found several pairs of video signals is missing. Again.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 143 Repair/Solution: Use the LCD/LED Panel Tester to testing it and found their screen Panel is ok. but stills same problem. Re-solder all the connector pins.C1 Panel Model: Symptom: Display become white screen and has some vertical bars.LCDRepairGuide. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 144 Repair/Solution: Use the LCD/LED Panel Tester testing it and found the problem is on the T- CON or Panel. Check the T-CON board each output voltages. http://www.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. and found the VGH is just has 0.44V only! So the problem is on the VGH voltage line.com/screen-repair-v2/ .LCDRepairGuide. If you want to buy the Test Equipment or Tools please visit to the page here: http://www. Check the QP7 pin-2 has 2. All the vertical bars are gone and the TV display back to normal now.com/screen-repair-v2/ . From the above schematic diagram. Solder a wire from QP7 pin-6 to GND and then power on the TV. http://www. And generate the same display problem like the above TV screen problem too.com/tools All these tools and equipment will help you in troubleshooting and repairing the electronics devices. Because this QP7 6-pin SMD type is not available in my stock. so just use a normal 3-pin N-Channel SMD 2N7002 solder to the correct pins. So confirm the problem is QP7 one of their MOSFET was opened circuit.1V! So suspect the QP7 one of the N-Channel MOSFET has opened circuit.LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. the QP8 pin-G (Gate) is control by QP7 (2N7002DW. Check the QP8 pin-S (Source) has 22. it will pull it down 2~3V of the VGHP voltage.LCDRepairGuide. but QP7 pin-6 has 22.3V and it is normal. when its leakage.45V. Finally this problem solved! Note: This T-CON board their VGHP voltage line filter capacitor CP19 or CP43. 2 x N-Channel MOSFET 6-pins SMD and marking code is: 702).com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 145 The VGH voltage is output from the P-Channel MOSFET QP8 pin-D (Drain). com Please visit the Resources Page to get more useful repairing information at: http://www. please join the LED/LCD Television repair membership.com *For searching the training manuals.com/screen-repair-v2/ .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 146 Complete Flat Screen TV Troubleshooting & Repairing Ebooks: Please visit to: http://www.com/newsletter/Recommend. service manuals or schematic diagram.html http://www.LCDRepairGuide.Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail.LCD-Television-Repair.LCDRepairGuide.lcd-television-repair. highly recommended: Http://www. .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a V2-LCD/LED Screen Panel Repair Guide 147 Bonus-A LG OLED/LED/LCD TV Interconnect Schematic Diagrams 32LS3500-Interconnect_2012_Interconnect …………..208 http://www..………170 42LG60-Interconnect_2008_Interconnect ……………………..820.174 47LV4400-Interconnect_MB Built-In T-con_Interconnect…… 178 49UH6100-Interconnect_2016_Interconnect …………….172 43LJ5000-Interconnect-Mainboard_2017_Interconnect ……….5129 T-CON Board Schematic…………….…...………..……………163 42LG60-Interconnect2_2008_Interconnect ……………..Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail..……184 55UF7600-Interconnect-Mainboard_2015_Interconnect …….148 37LK450-Interconnect_2011_Interconnect ……………….com/screen-repair-v2/ .……151 42CS560-Interconnect_2012_Interconnect ………..185 65UH5500-Interconnect-Mainboard_2016-2017_Interconnect…191 T-Con Board Schematic/Circuit Diagrams HISENSE RSAG7..203 SKYWORTH 5800-TCON6-0P10 T-CON Board Schematic………….195 HISENSE RSAG7-820-4159 T-CON Board with LED32K16 TV HE315DH-B11…………………………………………………….LCDRepairGuide.. +3.5V_DDR 3 2 1 4 1 PWR_ON 0V 3.5V Must be To Front IR 2 1 Q403 Driver IC403 P201 *0% to 100% +2.5V 3 OUT 1 0V 1.22V~3.11V White to Black - 220V C110 35uF Service if Power OUT 2 5-7 n/c n/c n/c n/c + F101 Error OUT 4 9 OUT 3 0V 1.47V OL A1 A2 6.56V Q102 10 OUT 4 0V 1.48V T101 11 n/c n/c n/c n/c P401 to SMPS P201 D601 393.18V 1 11.72V 1 the on state.15V 1.38V~8.43V 2. IC5601 +1.38V~8.56V 4 OUT 2 0V 1.5V_ST 21 12V 0V 12.5V (Stby) 3.44V J2 Pin Label Stby Run Diode Check OUT 3 Pin 9 with only PWR_ON arriving.47V OL L504 L506 E B A1 A2 4.41V OL 18 19 1.96M Ω Volume (+) 1. C 9-12 3.87M Ω CH (Dn) 1.10V_VDDC DDR Micro / 22 3.22V to 3. n/c Driver Board).5V p/p ERROR_OUT Pin 24: Is not used (4) L201 A_DIM Pin 20: Is not used (Fixed Voltage).68V D603 LED BLOCKS (4) LED BAR ON THE LEFT FRONT 5-8 - Pin Label Stby Run Diode Check Gnd J2 Pin 1 (41V) for LED Blocks 9-12 0.59V 2.32V 3.31V Diode 1 Test = 2.75V P501 HDMI 1 HDMI 2 Volume (-) 11.19V 23 n/c n/c n/c OL 13 A_DIM n/c n/c OL IC502 D201 22 P_DIM 0V *0. Q209 2 n/c n/c n/c n/c C219 100uF - 24. 11 or 12 . SIF 24.34V Pin Label STBY Run Diode Check C Processor +5V_USB Jumper Disconnect P401 on Main Board.38V~8. 24. 18 3.19V Hot 3.56V OL OUT 1: Drives the Top LED Block 13-15 Gnd P201 "SMPS Board" To P401 "MAIN Board" OUT 2: Drives the 2nd from Top LED Block 6-10 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd 16 n/c T501 Main IC501 PIN LABEL STBY RUN Diode OUT 3: Drives the 2nd from Bottom LED Block 11 ERROR n/c n/c OL 17 2. A1 21 12. This should force the SMPS to 19 9 IR C waveforms on Main 12.38V~8. 41V Backlight Power.4V 1.4. + N L 13-15 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Q405 G C Pins 27-30 IC104 IC1000 2.32V 3. OUT 4 Pin 10 11. Q801 C C D821 5.4V the Shield is 0V 3.1V P201 3.22V. SCL Backlights are on.55V 3.6V IC102 P202 removed for 10.51V 100V (5) P_DIM Pin 22 can vary according to incoming video IRE level and OSD Backlight setting D201 Warning: Return 24.55V 3.37V backlight block.54V 5 KEY 2 3.3V_TU 5-8 Gnd 4 KEY 1 3.99M Ω Input 0.05V 1 +3. 41V (2) INV_ON Pin 18: Turns on the Backlights.36V 1.15V B Q403 L406 Pin No Load Note: STBY 3.5V VCC Pin Diode Check J1 LED Driver 12 n/c 0V 41.51V 3 PWR_ON SK100 B E IC408 Q402 2 1 Q409 Driver 5-8 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd IC409 1 PWR_Det Q401C P705 LVDS E B AC 2-4 24V 0V 24.0V IC1201 IC1450 23 n/c A P2401 IC101 IC401 USB_OCP SMPS TEST 1 : Forcing SMPS On.15V 1.10 4 3 2 1 OUT 1 106. resistance: Open ( Voltage 3.75V HDMI Hot Swap Additional p/n: EBR75097911 3. DIF (P) 1 Sensor_SCL 0.6V A Input 0.34V 7 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Interconnect AUDIO Amp Q802 +1.54V P2401 "MAIN Board" To J1 "IR Board" D200 Video +5V_Normal Remove AC Power. All Voltages should be produced.5V_ST 3.6V TH101 17 12V 0V 12. 24V to the Backlight LED 17 12.8V_TU 2-4 3 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd L503 L505 D822 8. White to Black Ground F100 Cold 20 A_DIM 0V 0V OL 23 n/c 24 OL 3.02V OL the Screws when 24.18V 9.71V 0V 2.01V TUNER PINS P/N: EBR75097902 3 24Mhz Test 1 (24V and 12V to Main. Range 0.8V_TU 1.02V OL Ground R252 applied.02V OL PDIM 5. 24V to the Main and 24V to the LED Driver board.1V To the Panel Key 1 or 2.15A/250V 19 12V 0V 12.02V OL Pins 3. IF AGC To all Speakers All TU3700 10.48V 0. +1.36V 1.22V OL 21 2. 20 0V 10 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd See LVDS E B Q501 Serial Flash X201 IC3703 Apply AC Power. 0V Gnd R251 24V INV_ON U201 D602 Readings 24.72V Resistance Voltage 12V Pins 27 ~ 30 and JK801 JK802 Volume (+) 17.9.75V 1-5 24V 0V 24.52V 3.87M Ω Volume (-) 1.35V C 7.76V 1 B+ 0V 41.63V INV_CTL C Q407 BD101 9-12 3.54V 2 Sensor_SDA 0. 10.19V OUT 4: Drives the Bottom LED Block P/N: EAY62512301 24 ERROR 0V 0V OL LED BLOCK TEST 12 INV_ON 0V 3.1V J2 LVDS TDSS-H101F Intelligent Sensor Interface Key 2 Line J1 or P2401 pin 5 J1 See DC Voltages for Main Board on Resistance Voltage CH (Up) 17.56V 1.17V LVDS Video Signals To SPK Component / Composite 1 JK1001 OK 0.44V OL 1 OL C610 450V 68uF + J1 "LED Driver" to P202 "SMPS" 2-4 2.34V 3.75V Page 3 of Interconnect Diagram CH (Dn) 11. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] For Voltages LF102 LF101 Hot 18 INV_ON 0V 3. CVBS 1 3.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 32LS3500 INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM To the Panel’s LED Backlights J2 LED Block Ground Pulses Off OUT 1 Pin 3 J2 "LED Driver" to "The Panel" (1) OUT 4 OUT 3 OUT 2 OUT 1 PWR_ON Pin 1: Turns on 12V. No Key Pressed. INV_ON is not needed).17V J1 LVDS Power 6M Ω Power 0.99M Ω Enter 0.66V L601 Error and A_DIM are not used. SDA Disconnect AC Power. (Special Note: This set turns on the backlights 180Hz On OUT 2 Pin 4 24.52V Gnd Q2011 + Output from the Video Processor IC100.3V_Normal S G IC407 +1.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] Ω CH (Up) 1.41V OL SeeP201 SMPS 106.5V_Normal present when AC applied. Diagram E B 2.54V 3.22V-3.41V 8 LED_R Page 3 of 2 2 2. 24 0.54V 3. Reset 13-16 Gnd 6 3. AUDIO Mute A2 Jump pin 1 (PWR_ON) to pin 9. DIF (N) Key 1 Line J1 or P2401 pin 4 pins 12. (Providing the 41V is present J2 pin 1) 22 2.37V 16 n/c n/c n/c OL P401 EEPROM D S E B ommercial C .47V) .22V OL Using a 220Ω resistor one end on Ground 20 OL IC503 The other end on any of the OUT lines will turn on the 14 P_DIM 0V *0.51V Q210 41.44V OL (3) 10.15V 1. 42V (Mute to IC501) [A] E 0V (Gnd) D 3.39V (In) [15] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (n/c) [5] 0.47V +3.32V (+5V_Normal) E Gnd E 0V (Gnd) E Gnd [C] 5.07V (SS) IC407 (+1.3V_Normal D 11.63V (POWER_ON/OFF_1) S 3.39V (USB1_CTL) [5] 3.73V ) (DOut1) [3] 0V (n/c) [4] 0.14V (Pull_Up) Q402 Power On/Off Q407 PANEL_VCC Q802 HDMI 1 D822 DDC_SCL2/SDA2 Pin Switch Pin Drives Q409 Pin Hot Swap Pin Pull Up .24V (Out1) [7] 0V (Gnd) [7] Do not Measure [1] 0V (Gnd) [7] 0V (n/c) [7] 5.3V_ST [5] 0V (n/c) [6] 12.02V (INV_CTL) B 0.79V (Enable) C 3.34V (/SPI_CS) [8] 0V (n/c) Pin Regulator [8] 1.80V (Reset) [14] (-5.34V (Hold) [2] 12.02V (Mute_Ctl) [C] 0V C 0V0.48V (In) +3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] (Ctrl) to Q402 C 3.24V (Out2) [8] 3.8V_TU [11] 0V (DN1) Pin Flash Memory [1] 0V (Gnd) [12] 1.6825V (Reset) [2] 8.07V (Enable) G 1.24V (In1) [3] 0V (Gnd) [3] Do not Measure [3] 3.3V_Normal Q403 +3.05V (Ctrl) G 0.48V (In) +3.66V (HPD2) [A1] V (5V_HDMI_1) C 0.04V (ROut1) [1] 3.54V (Out) [16] 0V (SPI_SCK) Q400 +3.4V (In) +3.16V [3] 3.36V (n/c) IC401 +5V_Normal [10] 1.34V (n/c) [8] 0V (n/c) [9] 2.5V_DDR) [7] 1.3V_ST [1] 0V (Gnd) [1] 3.7V ) (C2-) [6] 5.24V (In2) [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 3.23V (Out) [10] 5.3V_ST [9] 0V (WP) [2] 0V (n/c) [10] 0V (n/c) IC402 .3V_ST S 12.10V_VDDC IC408 Power_Det IC1000 RS232 Data IC1450 5V Short Protection Pin EEPROM Pin Regulator Pin 12V Pin Buffer Pin for USB [1] 0V (Gnd) [1] 3.4V (In) [7] 0.19V (FLG) [6] 3.3V_Normal [3] 3.61V (BOOT) [1] 0V (Gnd) [13] 0V (RIn1) [2] 3.4V (EN) +3. _ST [11] 0V Pin Regulator [4] 3.15V (SPI_SDO) For Output.3V_ST [2] 3.99V (Out) E Gnd [A-C] 0V (Gnd) Q401 Power On/Off Q405 Inverter On/Off Q801 HDMI 2 D821 DDC_SCL1/SDA1 Pin Driver for Q402 Pin Switch Pin Hot Swap Pin Pull Up B 0.04V (HDMI HS) [A2] 5.3V_Normal [12] 0V (n/c) [1] 0V (Gnd) [5] 0V (Gnd) [13] 0V (n/c) [2] 2. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]_ [3] .4V (B+) [8] Do not Measure [2] 3.33V (In) +3.4V (SDA) [5] 0V (Gnd) IC409 Power_Det [5] V (V+) [5] 5.58V (Reset) [8] 3.4V (In) +3.0V (EN) [6] 0V (n/c) [7] 2.8V (FB) [15] 0V (SPI_SDI) [8] 1.3V_Normal Q409 PANEL_VCC Q501 Audio Mute D200 SOC_Reset Pin Driver for Q403 Pin Switch Pin Switch Pin Inputs to pin 14 IC501 Pin Speed Up B 0.24V (EN) 3.0V (In) [13] 4.8V (FB) [15] 3.4V (INV_On) C 0.67V (In) +12V [3] 3.23V (Out) IC3703 +1.33V (In) +3.3V_ST [3] 0V (Gnd) [14] 0V (n/c) [2] 1.95V (COMP) [16] 3.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 32LS3500 Main Board Component Voltages IC104 Micro IC403 +1.34V (C1+) [1] 0V (Gnd) [2] 0V (Gnd) [2] 3.23V (Out) Pin Regulator [12] 0.47V (In) +3.41V (Out) +3.81V (In) +24V [9] 3.0V (In) +12V B 0.34V (C2+) [4] 3.25V (C1-) [3] 5.36V (SS) [14] 0V (n/c) [3] 3.4V (SCL) [6] Do not Measure Pin 24V [6] (-5.8V (V+) [2] 5.3V_ST [16] 3.79V (n/c) IC5601 Serial Pin +5V_USB [11] 1.5V (Out) [6] 3. use L406 [1] 3.66V (RL_ON) B 0. 3V_ST B 0.65V (Pannel_Ctl) B 0.32V (5V_HDMI_1) 2 3.4V (In) +3.04V (HDMI HS) [A2] 5.14V (Pull_Up) . Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] (+5V_Normal) 3 3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] (Out) PWR_ON E Gnd E Gnd [C] 5.53V (EN) to Q409 C 0.66V (HPD1) [A1] 5.35V (Ctrl) from Q401 C 0.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 1 3. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 32LS3500 LVDS P705 WAVEFORMS P705 Pin 6 Main or J2 Interface P705 Pin 7 Main or J2 Interface P705 Pin 9 Main or J2 Interface P705 Pin 10 Main or J2 Interface 2uSec per/div 360mV p/p 2uSec per/div 412mV p/p 2uSec per/div 444mV p/p 2uSec per/div 392mV p/p P705 Pin 12 Main or J2 Interface P705 Pin 13 Main or J2 Interface P705 Pin 15 Main or J2 Interface P705 Pin 16 Main or J2 Interface 2uSec per/div 420mV p/p 2uSec per/div 456mV p/p 2uSec per/div 460mV p/p 2uSec per/div 392mV p/p P705 Pin 18 Main or J2 Interface P705 Pin 19 Main or J2 Interface LVDS CABLE WAVEFORMS: Waveforms taken using SMTP Color Bar input. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. 2uSec per/div 460mV p/p 2uSec per/div 460mV p/p . All readings give the Scale 100mV and 2uSec per division Time Base related to scope settings. 12 Q402 Not On in STBY Turned on by +3. 11.3V_Normal IC1000 3 L404 1 Q402 PWR_ON Commercial 2 Remote IC407 IC407 Not On in STBY To Front Q403 Turned on by +3.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 32LS3500 Main Board +3.10V_VDDC Micro AVDD_NODIE IC403 Not On in STBY Video R143 S/T_SCL Turned on by +3.5V_ST L2403 L413 POWER_ON/OFF_1 Key 2 Pin 5 IC403 IC101 L206 Key 1 Pin 4 L2402 R2405 +1.5V_ST Distribution +3. IC407.5V_ST Input: Pins 9. Q403 Voltage Distribution To IC501 see “Other Voltage Distributions” X201 Runs in Standby Pin 14 LG TRAINING CENTER Page 4 of Interconnect Diagram October 2012 32LS3500 LCD TV .3V_Normal Processor R149 Mute C200 S/T_SDA E B IC5601 Serial Flash C C200 is SOC_Reset X201 AUDIO Mute 24Mhz For IC403.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]_Normal D Q403 Not On in STBY Turned on by +3. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. 10. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 32LS3500 Main Board +12V Distribution PWR_ON Q402: Turned on by Q401 turned on by IC101 RL_ON. see +3. RL_ON 2 1 Gnd R401 2 R406 C B USB IC408 R448 PWR_Det Q402 Ctrl.21 (For power to Q402. PANEL_CTL from IC101 via Q407 +5V_USB 4 L406 1 +5V_Normal L425 IC101 To pin 1 L401 Micro L1451 USB Video +5V_Normal IC401 IC1450 Processor +5V_Normal USB_OCP +5V_USB X201 24Mhz DDC_SCL1/SDA1 Pull Up D821 A1 A2 C A1 A2 DDC_SCL2/SDA2 Pull Up D822 C LG TRAINING CENTER Page 5 of Interconnect Diagram October 2012 32LS3500 LCD TV . +12V Output pin 1 to SMPS. Turns on 12V and 20V.19.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. Input: Pins 17.5V_ST Voltage Distribution) Panel_VCC To T-CON L412 R439 12V out Pins 48-51 P401 Panel_VCC Q409 R440 P703 LVDS S E B PWR_ON Panel_VCC Q407 R430 3 L402 +3.5V_ST Q402 Q409 Ctrl. see +3.5V_ST Voltage Distribution) Input: Pins 2 ~ 4 P401 PWR_Det PWR_ON 3 L407 +3. Output pin 1 to SMPS. R482 AUDIO Amp L501 IC501 22 +24V_AMP 23 24 37 38 39 L504 L506 L503 L505 P501 LG TRAINING CENTER Page 6 of Interconnect Diagram October 2012 32LS3500 LCD TV .com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 32LS3500 Main Board +24V Distribution NOTE: 24V is the label. (For power to Q402.56V +24V PWR_ON:Q402: Turned on by Q401 turned on by IC101 RL_ON. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. but the Voltage is actually 24. Turns on 12V and 20V.5V_ST Q402 2 1 E Gnd C B RL_ON 2 R406 R401 3 Q401 1 Q402 Ctrl. 3V_TU L227 R4019 AVDD25_PGA 11 6.3V_Normal +3. SDA R208 MODEL_OPT_2 L219 TU3700 5.3V_Normal L404 +3.8V_TU R4027 L204 MODEL_OPT_4 R182 MODEL_OPT_5 TUNER PINS URSA5_RESET L211 1.3V_Normal R141 From Q403 AMP_SDA R140 AMP_SCL R145 I2C_SDA R144 I2C_SCL LG TRAINING CENTER Page 7 of Interconnect Diagram October 2012 32LS3500 LCD TV .5V_Normal IC403 L415 DDR Micro IC403 Turned +1.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 32LS3500 Main Board Other Voltage Distributions After all voltages are +3. 11. Reset MODEL_OPT_0 R211 L229 3. IF AGC R1660 L3703 1 10.3V_Normal IC1201 IC101 +2.5V_ST R433 IC402 E D AVDD_DRO 2 R428 +3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]_Normal MIUVDDC POWER_ON/ L228 OFF_1 IC3703 2 2 3 R206 IC501 L502 AVDD_AU33 MODEL_OPT_3 +1. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. Collector pulled up by Q405 B E 18 IC407 Turned on by +3. SCL MODEL_OPT_1 AVDD2P5_MOD 4. DIF (N) R1612 COMP2_DET +3.10V_VDDC Video Q403 Turned on Processor on by by Q400 +3. 10. +1.3V_TU 9.+3. n/c R226 AVDD2P5 2.8V_TU Sensor_SDA R160 Sensor_SCL +3. Q405 is turned Q405 turns on Off supplying INV_ON backlights to the power supply (via INV_CTL P401 EEPROM IC104 pin 18) turning on the From Q403 C backlights.5V_DDR AVDD_MIU Q400 G 3 2 1 See +3.5V_ST Input: Pins 9. 12 turned on on the Main board. SIF IF_AGC_MAIN R161 7.3V_Normal through INV_CTL R419 R419 L420 IC407 L1209 +1. DIF (P) AV_CVBS_DET 11.5V_ST Voltage Distribution B C S Q403 L1202 Primary distribution of +3. This should force the Backlights to come on. SCL 1.93V OL Q802 RS232 Data 4.3V from the VCC Test point (Left side of L202) to IC501 IC502 T5 Q107 The T-CON will product patters on the screen.53V 550KΩ Power 0.09V 0V OL OL 9 10 18 If it goes high again on the 5th attempt to fire the T9 7 8 7 8 17 12V 0.SUSYJK/ Pin Label STBY Run Diode Check P703 IC102 NAND FLASH 2 To Backlight Q101 DDR 6 5 CUSYLH Q104 T4 p/n: EAY60869307 IC101 Saturn 3 2 1 D602 7 1 For Voltages F601 Video Q408 1. the set shuts off. SDA waveforms see Key 1 & Key 2 Voltage and Resistance Chart with buttons pressed. 53 VDD 16V pins 35.3V 3. IF AGC OL 15 SDA 3.33V 3. IF n JK1104 (PC) TU3702 DU51 12 16.37 29) [7.56V 8. 5V P501 D822 Resistance Function Voltage Resistance Function Voltage LED_B 0V 0V 2. It is a fixed Voltage.5V_ST in 12V in 7 6 Hot IC104 EEPROM MAIN BOARD 5V_USB in IC102 Q102 Saturn p/n: EBT61525901 CUSDLH P202 "SMPS Board" To CN1 "Ballast Board" Gnd DU54 Other SMPS: L415 p/n: EBT61542101 CUSDLH Ballast IC3703 37LK450- UB. 10 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd 1 2 3 Tuner Clock 6.52V 3.33V D107 D100 odd Pins.18V] J103 16 & J105 45 Jump pin 18 (INV_ON) to pin 9.23V 12. 7.29V 1 NEC_EEPROM SCL 2.62V 21 2.02V 0.29V 1. 1. Goes back low when they come on.53V 3.23V 12. 1.46V~3.83V 11.3V SMPS P201 Front pins on SMPS P201 Front pins on D203 VDD 16V P201 "SMPS Board" To P401 "MAIN Board" P401 to SMPS P201 TEST 1 connector are connector are U201 Pin Label STBY Run No Load Diode Check Pin Diode Warning: Over 23 24 TEST 2 23 24 odd Pins. HDMI 3 7 6 3 Other Main Boards Used in the 37LK450 Q105 C162 Gnd Q602 EEPROM D804 X201 4 OL 12V Pins 1 ~ 4 and D825 GB p/n: EBU61376604 CUSYLH/SUSYJK 450V 68uF D824 + Q101 LVDS Video Signals IC1001 Q805 p/n: EBT61542109 CUSYLH/SUSYJK To Backlight T2 +.69V 7 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd J1 1.5V_Normal Gnd To Backlight 7 1 DU53 Pin Diode Check Q602 6~10 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Serial Flash 3 3.3V 1 Q201 3.48V 3. NC 12 LED_R 0V 0V 2. It is output from the Video Processor.09V 17 2. 25.3V DU61 (5) P-DIM Pin 22 Will vary according to OSD Backlight DU15 DU62 PWR_ON PWR_ON 5~8 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd 22 OL setting. DU59 DU64 24V 3 4 24V 24V 3 4 24V 9~12 3.18V] J103 16 & J105 45 Attach 44 first. P/N: EAY62170001 Page 3 of Interconnect Diagram Q402 RL_ON Switch DU14 12V Source DU56 IC408/IC409 Power Det (Set up SMPS in Test 2 mode).14V Front IR R-R+L-L+ EIDID HDMI 2 6 3. IF p Q102 OL G 17.5V_ST 9 10 3. 5 1 PWER_ON 0V 3.97V RGB EDID TDVJ-H101F 13. 5 OL Q2405 Q803 IR Q1101 6 OL AC F101 Q2406 Buffers 24MHz Q1105 JK1103 JK1102 1 5 C161 7 Gnd Protection 5A/250V Q1104 1 5 Q703 8 OL A P2401 Q1102 9 0.06V 12.3V_Normal Audio 9. 10.8V_AMP 5.96MΩ Vol + 1.25V] J103 40 & J105 21 MODULE 18) [6. apply power. To Backlight Q801 6 7 A 5 6 5 6 A LVDS 13~16 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd 20 OL (4) A-DIM Pin 20: Is not used.12V 3.7V] J103 35 & J105 27 Apply AC Power.67V 2 Q801 IC802 8 EIDID HDMI 1 2. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] 24.53 Disconnect P401 on Main Board. Q311 3. 11 or 12.37 VCC 3. Red.3V 8) [16V] J103 24.44V] J103 41 & J105 20 17) [VCC 3. when AC applied.3V pins 8.5Ω Input 0.1V 24 ERROR 0V 0V 0V OL 1 2.5V_ST 3. etc. To Backlight 6 (Shock Hazard) Range 0.36V 1.33V pins 47. SIF For Ballast Component Voltages and drive in JK1101 (RS232) IC1101 Q3705 0.5V_Normal in EIDID HDMI Side L601 450V 68uF 1 2 2 Q806 G B Note: Components in Grey are on the X1002 IC1002 + DU12 +- IC804 D S Q701 OL 24V 0.768KHz Micro DS back and are flipped for from view.34V] J103 36 & J105 28 J105 J103 Disconnect AC Power.23V 12. Pin 13 is A_DIM.09V 9-12 1. (Backlights not on).96V 1.3V 3.37V To each Backlight Q505 12V 19 20 12V 19 20 16V VGL -6V F101 (1) PWR-On Pin 1: Turns on 12V. 3. 48 VGHC 23.5V_DDR EEPROM INV On/Off Switch 3 21 L406 T6 C163 USB T102 G S 1 5 1 5 D251 Switch L422 IC1450 D Jump 3.0V 11. 1.23V] J103 38 & J105 30 Gnd Use jumper with needles on each end.06V 12.06V 12.9V 12V 23 n/c n/c n/c n/c OL 2-4 2.83V All pins 12.13V 3.05V A Voltage and Resistance taken with AC applied to the set. 11. 10.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 37LK450 INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM VCC 3.3V] J103 8. IR/SoftTouch Key Board” JK1601 JK1603 T1 10 Gnd L BD101 To Backlight DU52 JK3301 HP 11 Pin Label STBY Run Diode Check Digital Video 18. NC 11 +3. Gnd VGHC 23. 14 1) [15.33V pins 13. Q101 5) [10. This should force the SMPS to the on state.97V Q501 7 6 N JK1604 TUNER 15.17V 24. 9 VDD 16V pins 24.27V 23 Gnd conditions.29V 1.3V_TU in T3 11 DET 0V 0V OL Q1001 IC1401 Q704 J1 "IR Board" To P2401 RUN: 387V IC402 2.56V 3.36.08V 0.24MΩ CH .15V (2) INV-On Pin 18: Turns on the Backlights 15 16 15 16 L201 d d B 12V In 20 A-DIM 0. Must be present U205 U100 Q201 3.16V JK801D821 JK802 550KΩ Menu 0. Pin 11 is Error.69V 1. P401 3 7 6 +- Q405 Q402 5V_USB To Backlight 35V 24V Source D201 Cable J102.5V VCC 3. Q100 StaticHi 17. 3) [13V] J103 39 & J105 22 19) [6.9 & J105 52.3V_NORMAL L509 L508 L507 L506 IC404 Tuner Data 7.2V 2) Gnd Test Gnd 0V 7) [7.18V 2.31V 0V OL 13-16 Gnd 13 14 13 14 1 44 51 1 5 D201 Pins 48~51 (3) Error_Out Pin 24: Goes high when the backlights are 5 11 12 11 12 19 12V 0.9V Note: STBY 3.17V 1.53V 1.09V 19 2.5V_ST 3. Green.5Ω Enter 0. NC Page 4 of Interconnect Diagram Key 1 J1/P2401 Pin 3 Key 2 J1/P2401 Pin 4 9 IR 1.0V To all Speakers 4 KEY 1 3.3V 3.53V 3.53V 5 KEY 2 3. L202 U202 1) 1. then touch Leave Jumper from Test 1 in place.09V OL Debug G 5 Processor S D See Table for P2401 3.3V_Normal Current Sense To Backlight Cold T501 Blue. Remove AC Power.5V_STBY 3.38V 3. All Voltages should be produced.3V backlights. TO TFT MODULE TO2)TFT [15.9V 16 D102 16V V D202 U400 VCC U601 V3D3 3. Reset Q1106 13 14.05V 24. Jump pin 1 (PWR_ON) to pin 9.53V 2.96MΩ CH + 1. 3.5V_ST To Main 18 INV_On/Off 0. VGHC 23.5V 3.29V 1.24MΩ Vol .18V 2. To Backlight U1 12V 12V Gn Gn 21 12V 0.7MΩ Diode Test = OL 2 NEC_EEPROM SDA 3.18V 2. NC 1.14V 1.26 & J105 35.29V .47V] J103 35 & J105 26 28) [7.02V 3.93V Q1103 Q106 P2401 “Main” to J1 “Ft.27V 1~5 1 JK803 2 OL in 14 is P_DIM. 26 VGL -6V pin 50 VGL -6V pin 11 Other U601 Voltages to the Panel SMPS TEST 1 : Forcing SMPS On.3V pins 52.3V 1 2 3 3) 3. P 32.26V_DDR IC1202 DDR 3. 11 or 12 . 24V to the Main and T10 INV_ON 22 P-DIM 0.49V 1. 3 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd No Button pressed Resistance is 16.16V 24 OL T8 5 T7 125V 24V SMPS Page 2 of Interconnect Diagram For Main Component Voltages see See P201 SMPS To Backlight 1 270uF + .3V Gnd 14 SCL 3.2V 0V OL 5-8 Gnd 24V to the Inverter. 1.26V AC DU11 14 OL SK101 In 13 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd IC501 IC1105 Analog 12.2V.67V Audio Amp 3.33V Gnd 2 Apply AC Power.25.46V to 3.15A/250V STBY: 163V 3.36. 1. NC IC801 Tuner B+ 3.8V_TU 6 12 INV_On/Off 0V 3.48V 3.22V] J103 37 & J105 24 21) [1. GND CVBS SIDE A/V Q3703 D1115 Video 10. D101 D105 D108 D201 -3V VGL -6.5V_ST told to come on. incoming video IRE level and Ambient room light CN1 DU57 Hot Gnd LVDS Video Signals 2~4 24V 0.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] 1. NC 1.52V 3. 7V (WP) [7] 4.0V B 0V B 0.24V (In) [13] 4.52V (Out) [D] 0.28V (In) [5] 0V (Gnd) [6] 3.28V [D] 3.34V (Out) [15] 3.3V (B+) Pin Control 1st Driver Pin MUTE Pin Buffer [2] 3.8V (Ctl) C 0V [A2] 5V 3 3.17V [1] 0V (Gnd) [9] 1.2V_TU) G 1.7V [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (Gnd) [5] 3.7V (SCL) [7] 4.68V B 0V B 0.0V (INV_On) IC1101 RS232 IC1450 5V Short Protection E Gnd E Gnd E Gnd IC409 Power_Det Pin Data Buffer Pin for USB Pin 24V [1] 3.7V (Vcc) [8] 4.27V [3] 3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] E Gnd E 3.29V 37LK450 MAIN (BACK SIDE) SIMICONDUCTORS IC104 Microprocessor IC804 EDID Data IC1105 EDID Data Q401 Power On/Off Q803 HDMI 4 D821 5V Routing Pin EEPROM Pin HDMI4 Pin PC Pin Driver for Q402 Pin Hot Swap Pin for IC801 [1] 0V (n/c) [1] 0V (Gnd) [1] 0V (Gnd) B 0.8V [15] 3.32V (PWR On/Off1) [14] n/c Pin HDMI CEC [7] 3.8V_Amp) IC1001 Micro IC1401 Serial Flash Pin Regulator Pin EEPROM Pin Memory Q405 Inverter On/Off Q1102 Head Phone D1115 5V Routing [1] Gnd [1] 0V (Gnd) [1] 0.23V (In) [10] 1.0V Pin Switch Pin MUTE Pin for IC1105 [2] 1.1V [5] 4.2V (Out) E 4.9V Pin HDMI2 [1] 0V (Gnd) [2] 0V (Gnd) [3] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (Gnd) [5] 4.51V [B] 3.34V [C] 4.65V (RL_ON) B 0.3V (SCL) [6] 0V Q406 PANEL_VCC Q1103 Head Phone Q2405 IR [1] 0V (Gnd) [7] 0V (Gnd) [7] 3.3V (In) B 0V [A1] 0V [8] 3.06VV [1] 3.17V [8] 3.86V [7] 5V (Out) B 0.29V (In) [3] 3.0V [3] 3.29V (SCL) [6] 4.26V_VDDC) IC406 (+5V_Normal) Q408 (+1.28V (In) [1] 0V (Gnd) G 3.4V [2] 4.30V (Reset) [8] 3.0V (INV_On) C 0V [A2] IC408 Power_Det [5] 3.3V (USB-En) C 0V C 0V C 0.0V [3] 3.82V [A1] 5V [8] 3.06V [4] 0.98V (Out) Q409 PANEL_VCC Q3703 Tuner CVSB [1] 0V (Gnd) [8] n/c (0V) [8] n/c (0V) Pin Switch Pin (Video) Buffer [2] 0V (Gnd) [9] n/c (3.7V (WP) 1 3.87V [13] 4.7V (Vcc) 2 0.65V [A1] 0V [2] 0V (Gnd) [2] 0V (Gnd) [2] 0V (Gnd) C 0V C 0V [A2] 5.8V [5] 0V [5] 0V (Gnd) [5] 0.68V C 0V C 3.0V [3] 3.86V Q801 HDMI 2 Q1105 Head Phone D822 5V Routing [6] 3.63V B 0V [A1] 0V [3] 0V (Gnd) [14] n/c [3] 0V (Gnd) C 0V C 2.99V (Out) Pin Regulator [8] 0.98V (In) B 0.84V (Enable) C Gnd [4] 0V (Gnd) [11] n/c (3.3V) S 12.7V (WP) [8] 4.7V (SCL) [6] 4.32V (PWR On/Off1) Pin Hot Swap Pin MUTE Pin for IC802 [7] 0V (Gnd) [7] 0.7V [A2] 3.5V_FRC_DDR) Q1001 EDID Write D804 Source Bias Pin EEPROM Pin Regulator Pin Regulator Pin Switch Pin Protect Pin Q806 [1] 0V (Gnd) [1] 3.8V [12] 1.33V (In) C 0.98V (In) Pin Control 2nd Driver Pin MUTE Pin Buffer [2] 3.29V (SDA) [5] 4.3V B 0.7V Pin HDMI CEC [8] 4.17V [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0.32V (In) [G] 0V [S] 3.7V Pin 12V [6] 3.7V (Vcc) .5V_DDR) Pin for USB [11] 1.3V (SDA) [5] 0V E Gnd E Gnd [C] 4.3V [1] 0V (Gnd) [6] 4. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]) [3] 3.96V E Gnd E Gnd E Gnd IC801 EDID Data [6] 0V [6] 4.28V (In) [2] 12.51V (In) C 4.7V (SCL) [13] 0V [2] 1.4V [3] 0V (Gnd) [10] n/c (0V) IC3703 (+1.3V (B+) [3] 3.29V (In) [4] 0.3V (PWR On/Off2_1) [6] 0.23V (In) S 1.5V_Normal) [2] 12.54V [8] 5V (Out) C 0V C 0V [A2] 0V [9] 1.3V [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (Gnd) C 5V3.52V (Out) [2] 0V (Gnd) [5] 0.7V (SCL) Pin Switch Pin MUTE Pin for IC804 [7] 0V (Gnd) [7] 4.3V (In) Pin Pin 25 IC600 Pin (Sound) Buffer [8] 4.3V) Pin Regulator D 12.52V (Out) E Gnd [C] 3.16V (Out) E Gnd [C] 4.8V [6] 3.29V (B+) [8] 4.3V (B+) [8] 3.7V (SDA) [6] 4.33V (Out) Pin Regulator Q802 HDMI 1 Q1106 Head Phone D825 Source Bias [1] 0V (Gnd) [12] 1.30V (Reset) [3] 0V [3] 4.5V (Out) [6] 3.7V IC404 (+1.8V [16] 3.7V (Vcc) [15] 0V (Gnd) B 0.29V [6] 0.29V (B+) [8] 0.2V [16] 3.68V [5] (-5.33V (Out) IC407 (+1.32V (In) B 0.0V B 0V [A1] 0.83V Q805 CEC Remote [7] 4.33V (Out) [1] 3.3V C 3.35V C Gnd IC802 EDID Data E Gnd E 0.79V (Out) [2] 0V (Gnd) [2] 3.7V (SDA) Q402 Power On/Off Q1101 Head Phone D824 5V Routing [6] 3.3V_NORMAL) [7] 0.17V [5] 0.7V (WP) [14] (-5.3V (PWR On/Off2_1) B 0V [A1] 0V [2] 0V (Gnd) [2] 3.3V (B+) B 0.52V (Out) [S] 0V Pin Regulator [3] 0V (Gnd) [11] 1.32V (In) Pin Hot Swap Pin Mute Driver Pin Q805 [2] 12.34V (Out) [16] 3.26V (Out) Q501 AMP_MUTE Q3705 Tuner SIF [7] 4.7V (SDA) [5] 4.87V Q806 CEC Remote [3] 2.82V [A2] 0.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 37LK450 MAIN (FRONT SIDE) SIMICONDUCTORS IC103 HDCP IC403 (+1.0V [3] 0V (Gnd) [3] 0V (Gnd) [3] 0V (Gnd) E Gnd E Gnd [C] 4.31V [B] 3.72V [2] 3.7V IC401 5V Regulator [10] 1.3V [1] 0V (Gnd) Q407 PANEL_VCC Q1104 Head Phone Q2406 IR [1] 0V (Gnd) [2] 5.29V [4] 0V (Gnd) E Gnd E Gnd [C] 3.29V (B+) [3] 0V (Gnd) [3] 0V (Gnd) D 1.63V B 2.98V (Out) Pin HDMI1 [7] n/c (0V) [7] 4.99V (Out) IC405 (+3.4V) [5] 4.0V B 0.33V (In) [4] 0V [4] 3.2V (In) B 3.93V [G] 0V IC402 (+2.7V (SDA) [12] 3. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 37LK450 LVDS P703 WAVEFORMS P703 Pin 11 Main or CN1 Pin 41 T-CON P703 Pin 13 or CN1 Pin 39 T-CON P703 Pin 16 or CN1 Pin 36 and P703 Pin 19 or CN1 Pin 33 T-CON P703 Pin 21 or CN1 Pin 31 T-CON P703 Pin 32 or CN1 20 T-CON Clock (RX~CK-) 2uSec per/div 611mV p/p 2uSec per/div 664mV p/p 2uSec per/div 638mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p 2uSec per/div 716mV p/p P703 Pin 12 or CN1 Pin 40 T-CON P703 Pin 14 or CN1 Pin 38 T-CON P703 Pin 20 or CN1 Pin 32 T-CON P703 Pin 22 or CN1 Pin 30 T-CON P703 Pin 17 or CN1 Pin 33 and P703 Pin 33 or CN1 19 T-CON Clock (RX~CK+) 2uSec per/div 611mV p/p 2uSec per/div 664mV p/p 2uSec per/div 638mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p 2uSec per/div 716mV p/p P703 Pin 23 or CN1 Pin 29 T-CON P703 Pin 27 or CN1 Pin 24 T-CON P703 Pin 29 or CN1 Pin 22 T-CON P703 Pin 35 or CN1 Pin 17 T-CON P703 Pin 37 or CN1 Pin 15 T-CON 2uSec per/div 793mV p/p 2uSec per/div 651mV p/p 2uSec per/div 682mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p P703 Pin 24 or CN1 Pin 28 T-CON P703 Pin 28 or CN1 Pin 23 T-CON P703 Pin 30 or CN1 Pin 21 T-CON P703 Pin 36 or CN1 Pin 16 T-CON P703 Pin 38 or CN1 Pin 14 T-CON 2uSec per/div 793mV p/p 2uSec per/div 651mV p/p 2uSec per/div 682mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p P703 Pin 39 or CN1 Pin 13 T-CON P703 Pin 40 or CN1 Pin 12 T-CON LVDS CABLE WAVEFORMS: Waveforms taken using SMTP Color Bar input.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. All readings give the Scale 200mV and 2uSec per division Time Base related to scope settings. 2uSec per/div 811mV p/p 2uSec per/div 811mV p/p Interconnect page 2 of 4 . 54V 2 1 2) 1.58V 1 1) 0V 3 1) 0V DU57 9) 14.9V E 2 1 3 6 5 Q104 1 3) 0V E) 3.23V B) 0V 1) 0V 1) 0V T7 1 C 1 2 3 2) 24V C) 1.09V DU53 3) 9.61V 6) 3.6V 1) 0V Q106 E B B) 0V 1 3 1 T1 DU52 To Backlight C C) 1.14V 3) 2.26V 3) 0V 3) 2.96V E) 0V 3) 0V 3) 2.6V 3) 24.43V 3 1) 0V 3 1) 0V C 2) 24V C) 9.8V 3 2) 3.48V Q801 3) 8.08V E) 3.63V C161 2 2 1 5 1 5 Q703 Q201 PIN Run D201 PIN Run DU54 PIN Run DU64 PIN Run 1) 15.66V 3) 24.23V To Backlight 35V C163 1 3) 0V B E 3 1 T6 E) 10.36V 2) 8.17V B) 0.29V 3 1) 2.86V B B) 11.91V To Backlight 1 270uF + - DU14 3) 9.12V DU51 7 6 DU11 Interconnect page 4 of 4 August 2011 37LK450 LCD-DV .6V 1 1) 0V C C) 0V 2) 0.12V 15) 0.86V B B) 2.48V 23) 9.58V 2 1 2) 1.9Kv 1 5 Q107 1Q105 PIN Run Q702 PIN Run DU15 PIN Run DU59 PIN Run To each Backlight.66V Warning: Over 2.51V 2) 1.06V 3 2) 1.48V 19) 0V Q102 PIN Run Q311 C PIN Run DU12 PIN Run DU56 PIN Run DU15 DU61 DU63 8) 2.97V 2 2) 1.1V 1 1) 10.49V 1) 2.44V 22) 0V 1 3) B E 6 5 0V E) 0V 3) 0V 3) 2.3V 18) 2.14V B) 11.15V Q102 E) 0V 3) 14.32V T2 1 3) 0V 3) 24.07V E) 0V 3) 0V 3) 2.08V C) 8.9V C) 0.33V 6 7 DU59 DU64 7) 5.49V 3 2) 5.12V E) 0V 3) 2.9V 3 2) 3.41V 21) 1. 1 5 E 1) 10.57V 2 2) 0.12V T4 C 2 7 1 6 5 Q107 PIN Run Q704 PIN Run DU52 PIN Run DU62 PIN Run T3 1 1) 11.41V T5 To Backlight Q107 3) 10.26V To Backlight 10) 14.06V T8 1 12) 0V 24) 14.06V B E C) 0V 1 3 2) 1.12V 14) 1.15V B) 5V 1) 0V 1) 0V Q101 1 2 To Backlight +- 2) 9. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 37LK450 Ballast (Inverter) Drawing 7 6 Q505 U1 BALLAST COMPONENT VOLTAGE TABLE To Backlight T10 U1 PIN Run PIN Run 1 5 D201 Q202 2) 9.7V Q103 PIN Run Q505 PIN Run DU13 PIN Run DU57 PIN Run 7 8A 5 125V F1 24V 1) 11.48V 2 1 2) 0.87V 3) 0V 3) 2.61V 11) 1.6V To Backlight T9 5) 3.52V 2 2) 0V To Backlight 2) 8.27V 2 1) 0V 1) 0V 7 1 Q704 B 1 To Backlight 2) 24V E C) 0V 1 3 2) 0.66V 7 6 DU54 Q106 PIN Run Q703 PIN Run DU51 PIN Run DU61 PIN Run Ballast 1) 0V B B) 3.9V 1 1) 0V 3 1) 0V 2) 24V E C) 0V 3 2) 1.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] 3) 0V 3) 24.03V 1) 0V 1) 0V 1 2) 9.6V 2 3 2) 1.9V 20) 0V 2 DU58 DU62 1) 3.98V Q101 PIN Run Q202 PIN Run DU11 PIN Run DU55 PIN Run 5 1 Q201 3) 9.59V 2 1 2) 1.27V B) 3.12V DU12 Q701 +- C 2 7 6 Q108 PIN Run Q801 PIN Run DU53 PIN Run DU63 PIN Run Q105 C162 1) 3.59V 3) 2.28V 17) 1.66V 3 2) 3.86V E) 11.65V DU56 35V DU13 Q702 C164 Q104 PIN Run Q701 PIN Run DU14 PIN Run DU58 PIN Run C 7 6 +- 1) 3.08V 2 1 2) 1. 26V_DDR Other components using 3.5V_ST To Ft IR Pin 6 Amp Mute JK3301 HP JK1104 (PC) Driver Q501 Q1106 Head Phone Mute Driver +3.5V_ST Pin 9~12 +3.5V_ST R1079 Model_OPT_3 pull up P1001 Debug R1075 Model1_OPT_2 pull up 4 Micom MAIN BOARD R2404 Key1 pull up Reset +3.5V_ST JK1101 (RS232) +3.5V_ST Not On R1009 Model_OPT_1 pull up R1071 Model_OPT_0 pull up +3.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 37LK450 +3.5V_ST in Additional Information 1. DS HDMI 3 CEC Remote 48 IC1002 D825 +3.5V_ST IC1101 RS232 Data HDMI 2 CEC HDMI 1 CEC JK801 JK802 LG TRAINING CENTER 5 August 2011 37LK450 LCD-DV .5V_ST IC1001 EEPROM Q805 HDMI Side CEC +3.5V_DDR 1.5V_ST Voltage Distribution Circuits +3.5V_ST R2405 Key1 pull up +3.5V_ST Not On 1.5V_ST P401 2 1 PWR_ON Switch 3 1. 2.5V_ST R1046 C1010 Note: Components in Grey are on the R1039 +3.5V_ST Q2406 IR Buffers Head Phone Mute Q1105 P2401 +3.5V_ST +3. 2. 1 6 From SMPS Q402 +3. 16 Not On IC403 +3. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]_ST X1002 back and are flipped for from view. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. 19.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 37LK450 +12V Voltage Distribution Circuits IC408 +12V Power Det +12V IC408 IC401 P401 3 21 5V_USB +12V G S Q409 +12V Panel Vcc IC405 +12V Switch From SMPS 12V +5V_Normal Pin 17.3V_Normal MAIN BOARD 6 LG TRAINING CENTER August 2011 37LK450 LCD-DV . 21 +12V +3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Audio Amp 32~35 IC501 +24V L509 L508 L507 49~52 L506 P501 R-R+L-L+ 7 LG TRAINING CENTER August 2011 37LK450 LCD-DV . 3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. 4 MAIN BOARD Note: Components in Grey are on the back and are flipped for from view.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 37LK450 +24V Voltage Distribution Circuits +24V P401 3 IC 409 21 Power Det 24V From SMPS +24V Pin 2. 3V_Normal Pin 3 TU3702 To Ft. R117 +5V_USB USB OCP HDMI Side EDID /PCM_IRQA Pull Up: R132.5V_DDR +1. R1009.3 Pin 8 IC801 HDMI 1 EDID Pins D821 12V L417 IC406 7. IR EEPROM Micro TUNER Pin 6 Pin 8 L217 IC3703 +1.2V_TU AVDD_DMPLL +1.3V_Normal Through R419 to Collector Pin 2 From SMPS P201 pins 9~12 IC104 EEPROM (Saturn) Pin 8 L3702 to P401 JK1103 Optical Out +3.2 L217 +2.26V_TU IC1101 Q1105 Pin 2 Pin 13 RS232 Side_HP_Mute +3.5V_U3_DDR 23 L210 L1203 IC1202 USB Select Pin 3 AVDD_DDR_FRC +3.2 Pin Pin D Pin S 10~12 IC1401 S-Flash Memory Pin 11-12 P401 pin 1 to Q402 IC1002 IC102 NAND Flash Memory SMPS P201 PWR_ON SW Micro L301 Pin 12. 37 Pin 3 Pin 1 Pin 48 VCC1. S/T_SDA R4035 HP_DET: R1155 Micom Model Option 0~3 pull up: Write Protect (WP): IC1401 pin 3 R1403 R1071.3V_Normal L404 L420 L423 +3.8 2. R440 to Q407 S/T_SCL R4043.3V_Normal +3.3V_Normal Pin 13 IC403 AU33 Pin 3 +1. R1075. 3 and 4 to P401 L225 FRC_AVDD L407 FRCVDDC L219 +24V +24V Pin 32. R2405 DSUB_Det: R1146 Panel Power Drivers: R431 to Q406.3V_ST IC407 Q408 L2404 Pin 2 +1.3V_TU P2402 L2403 IC1001 +3.3V_Normal Pin 3 Collector IC101 VDD33 L204 IC404 Video Pin 1 Pin 16 FRC_VDD33_DDR Pin 12 Pin 13 Processor IC402 Pin 1. 29. 23.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]_USB Pin 5.5_Normal L504 +3.5V_FRC_DDR Pin 6 P1402 to Ft. R1079 IC_AGC_MAIN Pull Up: L227 R4019 IR Buffers Q2405. 50.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 37LK450 Other Voltage Distribution Circuits Additional circuits utilizing +3. 33.26V_VDDC AU25 L212 L211 L228 AVDD2P5 From SMPS P201 pins IC501 Audio Amp MIU0VDDC L221 2.5V_ST: Additional circuits utilizing +3. 35 Right CH AVDD25_PGA Pin 49. 10. 52 Left CH LG TRAINING CENTER 8 August 2011 37LK450 LCD-DV . R439. /PCM_Wait Pull Up: R133 Pin Pins D824 I2C Pull Up: R140~R145 Pin 2 7. 34. 36 Pin 14 L3703 +3. IR +5V_TU Pin 1. 51. 19 and 21 to P401 INV_CTL SW SMPS P201 L402 12V L416 IC405 +12V +3.8 L422 +5V_Normal Pin 8 IC802 +5V_Normal HDMI 2 EDID Pin 2 D822 From SMPS P201 Q405 P401 pin 18 to pins 17. Q2406 FRC_RESET: R205 Pins CEC Remote: Q805 AV_CVBS_DET: R1660 L412 Q409 L702 1~4 P703 Pin 8 IC1105 Amp Mute: Q501 SC1/COMP1_DET: R1613 Panel_VCC Pin D LVDS to T-CON D1115 RGB PC EDID Pin S COMP2_DET: R1612 LED_DRIVER_D/L_SCL R2100 / SDA: R2101 L401 IC401 L406 IC1450 Pin 8 IC804 Additional circuits utilizing +5V_Normal: PWM_1&2 Pull Up: R115.3V_Normal: Additional circuits utilizing +12V: Additional circuits utili Reset for Microprocessor: C1010 and R1046 CEC Remote: Q806 IC408 Power_Det: R448 IC409 Power_Det: R482zing +24V: Key 1 and Key 2 pull up: R2401. 24M Ω Volume (-) 1. SMPS Test P201 Open 13 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd IC501 Main 1 2 2 TUNER PINS Remove AC Power. 13-16 Gnd IC503 P201 "SMPS Board" To P401 "MAIN Board" 17 OL Q709 SMPS D601 Pin Label STBY Run Diode Check 1. 17 12.41V See DC Voltages for Main Board on All pins 10. D202 Failure to return both US2 VGL -5. 10. 397V Backlight Power.3V pins 36.3 Ω Input 0. 52 If it goes high again on the 5th attempt to fire the backlights.03V p/p 48KHz TU3700 Disconnect AC Power.5V_Normal To Panel F100 To Front IR A IC1201 IC1450 5A/250V 1 PWR_ON 0V 3. AUSYLHR. Goes back low when they light. VCC 3. 20 1.47V A Test 1 Test 2 OK 19.30V 3.01V Key 1 or 2.41V 4 KEY 1 3.3 Ω Enter 0. 11 +3.01V Input 19.41V 3 B 2 Backlights 3.64V. 3. 12V from SMPS to the 12V fuse.34V 3.00V 3.53V pin 11 HVDD 8.68V CH (Up) 1. Jump 3. 10.8V_TU 7 Gnd C (20V and 12V to Main).3V .3V PVDD 16. VGL -5.96V Open line indicate a Q409 Backlight firing P401 EEPROM 17 12V D S Backlight Drive F501 0V 12. This should force the SMPS to the 9 IR 3.3V (Just left of L2) D5 these to open.46V VCC 3.53V (Use top leg of D202 for easy screws with the shield PVDD 16. IF AGC 4.46V VCC 3.17V P201 P201 To all Speakers 1 3.14V p/n: EBU61719708 p/n: EBT62114904 Apply AC Power. the Ballast shuts off.8V_TU 1.3V UC1 VGH 27.43V on ERROR RUN: 396.5V (Stby) 3. +1.96M Ω Volume (+) 1.3V pin 52 PANEL TEST U3 F4 and F5 are ground D10 D3 L3 remove the LVDS cable.47V Power 540K Ω Power 0.31V OL R403 Bottom leg SMPS TEST 2 : Forcing Backlights On.34V 3. 9-12 3.30V 3.64V 6 3. White.41V 3. 11 or 12 .41V Other p/n (AUSYLUR and AUSYLHR) (AUSYLJR) This should force the Backlights to come on. 8 LED_R 0V 0V OL A1 A2 6. 25 CN5 CN4 VGH 27. Q405 G C 12V out IC1000 P401 3.5V Must be Volume (-) 1.64V Open IC501 22 2.3V pin 9. CVBS Backlights are not on.3V D4 US1 Jump VCC 3. Gnd Gnd Gnd L503 L505 D822 2Msec per/div 8.24M Ω CH (Dn) 1.2Kv E C D L415 P402 2-4 20V 2 0V 21. DIF (N) 18 3. SCL 23 n/c L504 L506 E B A1 A2 4.57V 2.39V Open T704 Cold P2402 +3. 19 12. 11 or 12.3V_Normal 0. 2 to pin 44 on CN1.24V 0.0V Serial Flash 14 S/T_SCL 3.56V 0.) 22 3. SDA Apply AC Power.34V 3.5V_ST 3. n/c Disconnect P401 on Main Board.15A/250V IC104 16 Gnd C Gnd Gnd Open INV_CTL 3 Q407 Pins 48-51 Hot B E IC408 Q402 1 2 PWR_ON Q409 Driver Commercial To Panel 13-15 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd 1 Q40 E Remote BD101 PWR_Det 1C 9-12 3.03V HDMI Hot Swap E B Jump pin 1 (PWR_ON) to pin 9.44V protection EMI Filters.02V 0. 24V (21V) to the Main and 398V to the on board Ballast circuit.27V Open E B Signal TP fault. 10 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd C (AUSYLUR.68V Q801 D821 AUSYLJR.29V 5 KEY 2 3. SIF 21 12. Range 0.3V PWR-On Pin 1: Turns on 12V. No Key Pressed. Pin Diode D201 CN1 1 OL U5 12V T701 T702 T501 Gnd 12V 2-4 2.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] pin 51 (5) C107 C103 P-DIM Pin 22 can vary according to incoming video IRE level and OSD Backlight setting Output from the HVDD 8.84V Page 3 of Interconnect Diagram Front IR / Key Board Diode Test = OL Intelligent Sensor Jumper Jumper J1 Key 1 Line J1 or P2401 pin 4 Key 2 Line J1 or P2401 pin 5 Jumper Resistance Voltage Resistance Voltage Volume (+) 1.95V to 2.3V pin 48.3V_Normal IC407 3 2 1 5-8 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd S G L 1.46V D11 D206 D202 FL5 D2 FL4 access to 12V) removed can cause 1 VCC 3.31V OL 1 10. 13 VCC 3. Reset 24 0. VGH 27.3V pins 24. 5-8 Gnd 2-4 19.65V 9.04V C105 C110 C101 Video Processor IC100. Settings 540K Ω Menu 0.68V Note: STBY 3.53V Open 24 OL R406 Q708 - STBY: 1. All Voltages should be produced.24V See P201 SMPS 3.23V 1.04V pins 38.82V Q403 Driver IC403 +2.8V P703 LVDS Panel_VCC 18 INV-ON/OFF 0V 2. Green and Black patterns P201 LD0 Test L2 12V L1 show on screen.04V HVDD 8.64V LVDS Video Signals removed for Service if Power is going to be applied.29V 7.10V_VDDC DDR Micro P2402 "MAIN Board" To J1 "IR Board" D200 T703 Video +5V_Normal AC In A2 Processor 15 S/T_SDA 3. Pin No Load 12 LED_R 0V 0V OL AUDIO Amp Q802 P/N: EBR75140001 24Mhz +1.95V~2.34V 2.96M Ω CH (Up) 1.34V 3.57V 18 P/N: EAY62769601 L600 24 ERROR 0V 0V Open 19 OL Backlight Drive Q710 See LVDS waveforms on OL 23 n/c n/c n/c Open 20 Signal TP Q602 Page 2 of Interconnect Diagram 21 OL R403 Same as 22 P-DIM 0.57V F501 Q707 21 12V 0V 12. resistance: 15. 39 (2) INV-On Pin 18: Turns on the Backlights (3) Error_Out Pin 24: Goes high (3.35V 0. 67 (1) PVDD 16.91V IC101 IC401 USB_OCP Backlights IC5601 +1.25V on state.13V CH (Dn) 1.04V HVDD 8.27V Open 23 n/c 100uF 450V + 20 A-DIM n/c 1.34V 3.13V present when AC applied. Red.3V pin 9 X1 VGL -5.29V 3 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd 13-16 Gnd 1 Jump pin 18 (INV_ON) to pin 9.1V X201 IC3703 120Hz SMPS TEST 1 : Forcing SMPS On.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 42CS560 INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM VGL -5. 1 Sensor_SCL 0V 3. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]) when the backlights are told to come on.85M Voltage 3. DIF (P) 80% P-DIM 1 11.26V 0. U6 3 F1 P401 to SMPS P201 12V Blue.92V Hot Gnd D204 IC502 5-8 Gnd (Shock Hazard) 9-12 0.04V pins 21. HVDD 8. 22 TO TFT MODULE TO TFT MODULE VGL -5. 26V (COMP) [16] 3.33V (In) +3.25V (Reset) [2] 4.09V (SS) Pin Regulator [14] n/c [3] 3.04V (HDMI HS) [A2] 5.04V (HDMI HS) C 0.3V_Normal Q400 +3.33V (Out) IC402 +2.84V (Enable) E Gnd E Gnd [C] 5.8V_TU [13] 4.25V (SDA) [5] 0V (Gnd) IC1000 Commercial [5] 4.14V (SS) IC407 (+1.33V (In) +3.14V (Pull_Up) .79V (n/c) [5] 0V (Gnd) [6] 12.32V (5V_HDMI_1) S 12.53V (Out) [2] 3.07V (Ctrl) 2 3.3V_ST [2] 3.3V_ST [14] (-5.75V [2] 6V (n/c) [15] 0V (Gnd) [10] 1. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] (ROut1) [7] 0.24V (EN) 3.3V_Normal Pin Driver for Q402 Pin Switch Pin Switch Pin Driver for Q403 B 0.22V (EN) [11] 0V (DN1) [6] 0.28V (In) [2] 12.66V (HPD2) B 0.25V (SCL) [6] Do not Measure Pin Remote [6] 4.96V [6] 3.07V (Enable) C 0V (Ctrl) E Gnd 3 3.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 42CS560 Main Board Component Voltages IC1001 Micro IC403 +1.3V (USB-En) [5] 3.3V_Normal [9] 3.35V (Ctl) G 0.5V_DDR) [12] 0.33V (In) +3.01V (INV_CTL) B 0.8V [7] 2.23V (In) [13] 4.72V [2] 2.98V (Out) [8] 3.68V [A-C] 0V (Gnd) [C] 5.79V (FB) [1] 0V (Gnd) [15] 3.7V ) (C2-) [1] 3.34V (n/c) [3] 0V (Gnd) [4] 1.30V (Reset) [16] 3.35V (In) +12V [3] 4.10V_VDDC IC408 Power_Det IC1450 5V Short Protection Pin EEPROM Pin Regulator Pin 24V.66V (HPD1) [A1] 5.98V (In) [3] 0V (Gnd) [3] Do not Measure [3] 3.0V [A] 0V A2] 5. 12V.25V (In) [7] 0.8V (V+) [8] n/c (0V) [9] 2.33V (In) +3.23V (Out) [5] V (V+) Pin Flash Memory [1] 0V (Gnd) [12] 1.34V (C1+) [7] 4.23V (Out) [6] (-5. 3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] (INV_On) C 0.5V_Normal [3] 3.61V (BOOT) [7] 0V (n/c) [2] 3.27V (Out) +3.34V (C2+) IC5601 Serial Pin +5V_USB [11] 1.3V_Normal [12] 1.33V (In) +3.98V (In) [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 3.3V_ST B 0.36V (n/c) [4] 0V (Gnd) [5] 3.23V (Out) PW R_ON D 3.23V (Out) [4] 3.28V (In) [3] 0V (Gnd) [14] 0V (n/c) [8] 3.29V [8] 1.3V_ST [16] 3.32V (+5V_Normal) C 2.3V_ST [1] 0V (Gnd) [1] 0V (Gnd) [2] 0V (Gnd) [2] 3.2V (In) C 0.25V (B+) [8] Do not Measure [2] 8.3V_ST S 3.33V (Out) Pin Regulator [4] 3.33V (In) +3.54V For Output.33V (In) +3.54V (Out) [6] 2.33V (Out) [1] 0V (Gnd) [5] 0V (Gnd) IC3703 +1.25V (C1-) IC401 +5V_Normal [10] 1.65V (POW ER_ON/OFF_1) C 0.98V (Out) [7] 0V (Gnd) [7] Do not Measure [1] 3. use L406 [1] 3.28V (In) [3] 3.49V (RL_ON) 1 3.16V [3] 3.14V (Pull_Up) E 0V (Gnd) E Gnd Q801 HDMI 2 Q802 HDMI 1 D822 DDC_SCL2/SDA2 Q409 PANEL_VCC Pin Hot Swap Pin Hot Swap Pin Pull Up Pin Switch B 0.33V (In) +3.3V_ST [11] 1.73V ) (DOut1) [9] 1.5V Pin for USB [1] 0V (Gnd) [1] 3.33V (In) Q401 Power On/Off Q402 Power On/Off Q403 +3.23V (FB) [15] 3.3V_ST [10] 5.3V_Normal E 0V (Gnd) D200 SOC_Reset D821 DDC_SCL1/SDA1 Q405 Inverter On/Off Q407 PANEL_VCC Pin Speed Up Pin Pull Up Pin Switch Pin Drives Q409 [C] 0V [A1] [ V (5V_HDMI_1) B 0.24V (EN) +3.86V [8] 0V (n/c) Pin Regulator [13] 0V (RIn1) [8] 0.32V (+5V_Normal) G 1. com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. All readings give the Scale 200mV and 2uSec per division Time Base related to scope settings. 2uSec per/div 811mV p/p 2uSec per/div 811mV p/p . Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 42CS560 LVDS P703 WAVEFORMS P703 Pin 12 Main or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 14 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 16 or CN1 T-CON and P703 Pin 19 or CN1 Pin 19 T-CON P703 Pin 22 or CN1 Pin 22 T-CON P703 Pin 32 or CN1 T-CON Clock (RX~CK-) 2uSec per/div 611mV p/p 2uSec per/div 664mV p/p 2uSec per/div 638mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p 2uSec per/div 716mV p/p P703 Pin 13 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 15 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 20 or CN1 Pin 20 T-CON P703 Pin 23 or CN1 Pin 23 T-CON P703 Pin 17 or CN1 and P703 Pin 33 or CN1 T-CON Clock (RX~CK+) 2uSec per/div 611mV p/p 2uSec per/div 664mV p/p 2uSec per/div 638mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p 2uSec per/div 716mV p/p P703 Pin 24 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 28 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 30 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 35 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 38 or CN1 T-CON 2uSec per/div 793mV p/p 2uSec per/div 651mV p/p 2uSec per/div 682mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p P703 Pin 25 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 29 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 31 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 36 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 39 or CN1 T-CON 2uSec per/div 793mV p/p 2uSec per/div 651mV p/p 2uSec per/div 682mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p 2uSec per/div 654mV p/p P703 Pin 40 or CN1 T-CON P703 Pin 41 or CN1 T-CON LVDS CABLE WAVEFORMS: Waveforms taken using SMTP Color Bar input. 3V_Normal Processor R149 C200 S/T_SDA IC5601 SOC_Reset Serial Flash For IC403.5V_ST D Q403 Not On in STBY Turned on by Output: R2404 L413 POWER_ON/OFF_1 Pin 6 L2403 R2405 IC403 L206 IC101 Key 2 +1.3V_Normal +3.10V_VDDC Micro AVDD_NODIE Key 1 L2401 IC403 Not On in STBY Video R143 L2402 S/T_SCL Turned on by +3. 10.5V_ST Distribution +3. Q403 Voltage Distribution see “Other Voltage Distributions” LG TRAINING CENTER Page 4 of Interconnect Diagram August 2012 42CS560 LCD .com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 42CS560 Main Board +3. 11. IC407.5V_ST Input: Pins 9.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]_Normal IC1000 until 12V arrives 3 L404 Q402 PWR_ON Commercial IC408 1 2 1 Remote IC407 IC407 Not On in STBY To Front P2402 Q403 Turned on by +3. 12 P401 Q402 Not On in STBY Not Activated Turned on by +3. 21 (For power to Q402.5V_ST Voltage Distribution) Panel_VCC To T-CON L412 R439 12V out Pins 48-51 P401 Panel_VCC Q409 R440 P703 LVDS S E B PWR_ON Panel_VCC Q407 R430 3 L402 +3.19. Turns on 12V and 20V. PANEL_CTL from IC101 via Q407 +5V_USB 4 L406 1 +5V_Normal L425 IC101 To pin 1 L401 Micro L1451 USB Video +5V_Normal IC401 IC1450 Processor +5V_Normal USB_OCP +5V_USB X201 24Mhz DDC_SCL1/SDA1 Pull Up D821 A1 A2 C A1 A2 DDC_SCL2/SDA2 Pull Up D822 C LG TRAINING CENTER Page 5 of Interconnect Diagram August 2012 42CS560 LCD . Input: Pins 17. RL_ON 2 1 Gnd R401 2 R406 C B USB IC408 R448 PWR_Det Q402 Ctrl.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 42CS560 Main Board +12V Distribution PWR_ON Q402: Turned on by Q401 turned on by IC101 RL_ON. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. see +3. +12V Output pin 1 to SMPS.5V_ST Q402 Q409 Ctrl.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Output pin 1 to SMPS.5V_ST Voltage Distribution) Input: Pins 2 ~ 4 P401 PWR_ON 3 +3.5V_ST Q402 1 2 E Gnd L407 C B RL_ON R406 R401 Q401 Q402 Ctrl. but the Voltage is actually 21V +20V (21V) PWR_ON:Q402: Turned on by Q401 turned on by IC101 RL_ON. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. Turns on 12V and 20V. (For power to Q402.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 42CS560 Main Board +21V Distribution NOTE: 20V is the label. AUDIO Amp L501 IC501 22 +24V_AMP 23 24 37 38 39 L504 L506 L503 L505 P501 LG TRAINING CENTER Page 6 of Interconnect Diagram August 2012 42CS560 LCD . see +3. n/c R226 AVDD2P5 2. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. Reset MODEL_OPT_0 R211 L229 3.3V_TU MODEL_OPT_2 L227 R4019 AVDD25_PGA 11 6.3V_Normal L404 Turned on by +3. 12 turned on on the Main board. 10.3V_Normal L228 OFF_1 IC3703 2 2 3 R206 IC501 L502 AVDD_AU33 MODEL_OPT_3 +1. DIF (P) AV_CVBS_DET 11. SCL MODEL_OPT_1 AVDD2P5_MOD 4.5V_ST Input: Pins 9.5V_Normal Pin 11 IC403 L415 DDR Micro Turns on the IC403 Not On Video Intelligent Q403 Turned on in STBY +1. Collector pulled up by Q405 B E 18 IC407 Not On in STBY +3.8V_TU R4027 L204 MODEL_OPT_4 R182 MODEL_OPT_5 TUNER PINS URSA5_RESET L211 1. IF AGC R1660 L3703 1 10.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 42CS560 Main Board Other Voltage Distributions After all voltages are +3.+3.5V_DDR AVDD_MIU To Front P2402 Q400 G 3 2 1 IR / Keyboard B C S Q403 L1202 R433 IC402 E D AVDD_DRO 2 R428 +3. SDA R208 L219 TU3700 5.3V_Normal R141 From Q403 AMP_SDA R140 AMP_SCL R145 I2C_SDA R144 I2C_SCL LG TRAINING CENTER Page 7 of Interconnect Diagram August 2012 42CS560 LCD . +1.10V_VDDC Processor Sensor by Q400 Turned on by MIUVDDC POWER_ON/ +3.3V_Normal +3. SIF IF_AGC_MAIN R161 7.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]_Normal through INV_CTL R419 R419 L420 IC407 L1209 +1.8V_TU Sensor_SDA R160 Sensor_SCL +3.3V_Normal Output: L2404 IC1201 IC101 +2. DIF (N) R1612 COMP2_DET +3.3V_TU 9. 11.3V_Normal +3. Q405 is turned Q405 turns on Off supplying INV_ON backlights to the power supply (via INV_CTL P401 EEPROM IC104 pin 18) turning on the From Q403 C backlights. the backlights should turn on and off 4 times.8V Switching Regulator +1.6V 3. 3 12V IC101 P2 IC102 Control B RL-ON (PWR) Control 2.48V Pin 13 -4.3V Switching Regulator A3.3V Pin 8 LD1 assist the backlights with firing in dimly lit rooms.95V In 6.2V 24 SYNC 0V 0V P103 X101 P104 Out 2 3.6V In 6. IC108 IC109 IC110 the T-CON.3V Pin 5.3V from the VCC Test point (Bottom of L2) to pin 44 14 13 If on one side. confirm connectors are OK.3V Function Pin Volts Name Q802 (On Back) Q901 (On Back) 20. F1 (11.86V 20 INV 0V 3.5V) Jump 3.43 IC800 IC807 IC802 (On Back) Q801 (On Back) L2 23.29V Function Pin Volts IC404 uP 3.7.37V) Blue.3V from IC802 Source C 12V Backlight 19 PWR 0V 2. 11 or 12 (5V) to Pin 19 (PWR) using a 10K resistor.3V Regulator 5V Switch U16 11. Look for 45Khz pulse at 8. If 300V present.8V 6 12V 0V 11.83V -4.3V 3.3V Out 1.4.90 US1 3. 4 Low from Q902 st LVDS 1 ” short either pin 9.48V A (26. observe the center leg on the left hand side of ballast transformer 2 (3.6V Out 2 3. then panel defective.26 LD1 L1 Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts Name Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts Gnd Pins 37.3V Pin 86. confirm the Fuse F700 has approx. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] 3.3V Reset Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts setting. 5 (1.6V) 16.38V Pin 80 24.2.3V-BCM) Gnd 2 0.2.15V 5.3V Pin 5.05V) 1 1.19V 3.3VST-MICOM 9V Regulator 1.5 1.5V Gnd source D9 24.55V 6 3.48V Pin 78 6.3V Pin 8 24. If yes.3V 3 Gnd 7 3. if OK.7V) 1 3.25Mhz P101 In 3 5V In 3 5V ST_+5V 5V Switch control to Q801 12V LVDS On control to P900 Pins 1~4 PDIM Pin 22 can vary according to OSD Backlight IC103 Out 2 3.38V C (19.0V 9 5V 5V 5. 22 21 If yes.7V p/p.6V Switching Regulator A2. 300V on both sides.7.38V Pin 12 Common (-3.3.87 3. 24 23 If no pulse.38 11. Red.6 24.6V-BCM 3.3V (A3.3VST-MICOM Gnd 1 0V Gnd E 0V 23 SEL 0V 3.0V Use L801 left side to test output IC805 (On Back) IC405 uP Reset (On Back) 1 16V 0V 16V 2 16V 0V 16V Pins 47~50 Gnd 5 0.3V 100% Gnd 1 0V Gnd In C ST-5V Source 1.2V 6.3V 18 ACD 4V 4.9V -4.6V 5 0V Cathode0V Cathode0V Cathode 9.48V Pin 78 VCOMLOUT 6.6V Anode 11.10 5V On/Off 1 Power Control-3.36V) 2 (3. Jump 12V from the SMPS (P201 pins 5 or 6) to F1 fuse on Plug 10 9 If only ½ the backlights light.15V LVDS Not Used In (+12V) 1 11.2V Switching Regulator A1.8V-NTP) Control B LVDS-Panel-Control Plug 21 ADIM 0.29V) 1 (3.24 D30 T-CON PWB that allows the backlight to make it appear lit. J1 IC402 IC500 *IC805 IC303 IC202 Spk Color bar as the F101 LG Pin 1 ~ 16 Input.38V Gnd 1 0V 3. Gnd U10 C411 Q2 FRONT SIDE OF MAIN PWB The appearance of LD1 when the set is on appears to be lit dimly.3V) 4 (1. replace the Power Supply. 10.3V SET 0FF Lamp Assist SET ON 16V Pin 2.8.3V 4 Gnd Anode 0V Anode 11.08V 5V Switching Regulator 2.90 TFT-Drive (T-CON) 16V Pin 2. 1 (3. check fuse for open.5 2. 16 15 10K 3 (0V) 3 (0V) 3 (0V) Apply AC power to the SMPS.8V (+1. replace Power Supply.79V) 4 (0V) of CN1.8V 4 0V LD1 Blue LED TFT Drive PWB Check Gnd B C E (Gnd) -4. TRU-MOTION P102 PANEL TEST: To run the T-CON without the Main board.15V Gnd 2 0.4.6V) U15 UC1 R436 R430 FL102 3 Gnd 6 0V FL20 Gnd U18 1.15V 10 5V 5. TOUCH Audio SIF Pin 14 NTSC P501 P401 IC407 *IC405 Not Used LED/Push Sw F700 90V in Stand-By Side Control Keys *Grayed out components on the back P100 . J2 IC301 IC404 F700 8A 250V TUNER 1 16 *IC802 X200 (54Mhz) 24Mhz Ballast 5A 250V AC J3 IC900 IC806 X400 TUNER *IC810 IC1000 Q400 Section 5V Pin 3 335V J1 Video Pin 16 ATSC/QAM/ IC800 IC501 E B P200 uP P401 AC In Ft. etc.3V Out 2 1.47V) 3 1.3V D31 16V BACK SIDE OF MAIN PWB Pins Pin FL21 3.3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] Out 1.10 5V Gnd 1 0V Source C ST-5V U14 From F1 ZD2 Gnd On/Off 2 3.5V) C (9. (Right side or Left Side).3V) The T-CON will product patters on the screen.3V C A A (14.29V) 1 (3. panel defective.3 Gnd 6.3V Pin 84 3.37V) 2 (3. Green.3V However there is a small hole in the back panel frame and the 42.5V) FL101 U11 Neg Volt 2 0. 0.8V -4.0V Use any top pin of IC807 to test input 3.3V Control B RL-ON (PWR) P2 "SMPS" to P801 "Main PWB" CN1 CN2 Q8 5V Out (+5V-TU) 3 5.9V 0% to 3.3V Pin 84 1.6V In from IC806 1 8. 3. 20 19 T701. MAIN PWB P800 P900 IC807 IC1201 Pin 24 IC600 IC820 Pin 23 *Q902 *Q901 P2 P801 LD803 IC302 IC304 test point Backlight pulse over IC805 Reset See next page for IC300 1000V p/p (45KhZ) BCM IC100 IC1200 Waveforms for P402 POWER SUPPY Spk Assy.87 4 8 3. 12 11 If no backlight activity.68V 22 *PDIM 0V 3. confirm connectors to backlight OK.3V 24. disconnect both LVDS Backlight 8 7 If normal.6V FL103 3A/125V Pins 25.2V-BCM 7 Gnd Gnd Gnd 8 Gnd Gnd Gnd Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts Name Pins 17.3 D9 Q8 B (0V) U11 U14 Common CN5 CN4 1 Gnd 5 3.3V Regulator Use any top pin of IC820 to test input In 3 3.8.8V In 2 5V In 1 3. With no power applied to the SMPS.3V Pin 8 C C (Gnd) E 2 Gnd 5 Gnd 2 Gnd 6 2.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 42LG60 CIRCUIT INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM TFT PANEL 16V Pin 89. 23 and 24 Out 4 3.3V-BCM Reset by Charge of C431 3 Gnd Gnd Gnd 4 Gnd Gnd Gnd IC806 IC820 Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts 5 12V 0V 11.3V Pin 86.0V On/Off 17 Power Control In 3 5V Gnd E 0V Pin Label STBY Odd Pins Run Pin Label STBY Run 12V In n/c 4 0. jump Pin 20 (INV) to Pin 19 (PWR) IC108 IC109 IC110 Tuner Pin 16 SMTE Color bar In Right 6 5 Observe the Backlights.38V Pin 80 16V Pin 89. 4 (1.2V IC810 (On Back) Q902 (On Back) 13 Gnd Gnd Gnd 14 Gnd Gnd Gnd Pin 21 is a Out 3 9V On/Off 17 Power Control 1.8V-NTP 12V LVDS control to Q901 15 Gnd Gnd Gnd 16 Gnd Gnd Gnd Fixed Voltage IC404 Use L014 left side to test output Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts Left 17 ERR 3. Then they go off. Gnd E 0V Output 5~8 12V 2 1 This turns on the power supply. 4 3 2nd: To test the Backlights.2V) 5 (0V) 5 (2.6 A A (-6.15V 5. 18 17 If no 300V.38V Pin 12 3.3V Out 3 Low to High to B Q400 11 5V 5V 5. Cables CN1 and CN2.48V Pin 13 D10 Q2 LED OFF LED ON LED OFF FL22 D10 6.15V 12 5V 5.1V 1. .1 1 11 ... Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]% L 1V p/p 20uS per/div 805mV p/p 500nS per/div . � Tuner Pin 16 Tuner Pin 14 MOTION BOARD P101 USING SMTP COLOR BAR INPUT Two Waveforms on the Right are Using the Tuner Measurements +/.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. 1 1 • ' rt ¡ . 1 . 11 1 l 1 .. ' •• • -.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Pin 12 Pin 17 SOmV pfp 20mS perfdiv Pin 18 70mV pfp 20mS perfdiv 280mV p/p 50uS per/div 1 11 'l" : ' 1 ..1 • pp p Pin 29 llE:IIII � "' mm:!1111 � • • • Pin 36 50mV p/p 5mS per div 250mV p/p 50uS per/div l 63mV p/p 50uS per/div 200mV p/p 50uS per/div �� LVDS CABLE P900 FROM MAIN BOARD TO TRU.. 95V In 6.15V LVDS 1 0V 3. confirm connectors are OK. IC108 IC109 IC110 If no backlight activity.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 42LG60 :: Interconnect TFT PANEL LD1 Blue LED TFT Drive PWB Check SET 0FF BOOT OK SET ON US1 FRONT SIDE OF MAIN PWB BACK SIDE OF MAIN PWB LED OFF LED ON LED OFF 0V 1.4. jump Pin 20 (INV) to Pin 19 (PWR) CONTROL Tuner Pin 16 SMTE Color bar In Plug 6 5 IC108 IC109 IC110 Observe the Backlights.29V) 1 (3. replace Power Supply.6V Anode 11. check fuse for open.79V) 4 (0V) 2 16 15 10K If no 300V.8V 9 5V 5V 5.3. if OK. confirm connectors to backlight OK.0V On/Off 17 Power Control In 3 5V Gnd E 0V T-CON PWB that allows the backlight to make it appear lit.2V IC810 (On Back) Q902 (On Back) 2 16V 0V 16V 11. 3 (0V) 3 (0V) 3 (0V) 18 17 See back side of If 300V present. 10 9 If only ½ the backlights light.2V) 5 (0V) 5 (2.3V Control B RL-ON (PWR) Out (+5V-TU) 3 5.2.3V Reset Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts Backlight 19 PWR 0V 2.3V) 20 19 T701. 1 (3.68V 20 INV 0V 3.15V 3. 24 23 If no pulse.8V Switching Regulator +1.3V Function Pin Volts Name Q802 (On Back) Q901 (On Back) 15 Gnd Gnd Gnd 14 Gnd Gnd Gnd In 3 5V In 3 5V ST_+5V 5V Switch control to Q801 12V LVDS On control to P900 Pins 1~4 Left 17 ERR 3.0V Use any top pin of IC807 to test input 3. 5 (1. replace the Power Supply.37V) P900 using SMT 22 21 If yes. 4 (1. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. 3 12V Plug 21 *ADIM 0. 4 Low from Q902 23 SEL 0V 3.2V CN5 CN4 5V Switching Regulator 2.3V 100% IC101 P2 IC102 Right 1st” short either pin 9.0V Out 1.7.36V) 2 (3.7V p/p.5V Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts Name Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts The appearance of LD1 when the set is on appears to be lit dimly.10 5V Gnd 1 0V Source C ST-5V However there is a small hole in the back panel frame and the UC1 On/Off 2 3.6V 3. 12 11 If yes.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] Out 2 1.25Mhz P101 LVDS ADIM Pin 21 can vary according to OSD Backlight IC103 * setting.8V (+1.38V P103 X101 P104 Gnd E 0V Output 5~8 12V 24 SYNC 0V 0V 20. PWB OK LED 6 IC701 BCM P402 POWER SUPPY Assy.3V 16 Gnd Gnd Gnd Out 2 3. (Right side or Left Side).5 2.9V 0% to 3.3V) 4 (1.29V) 1 (3. the backlights should turn on and off 4 times. panel defective.8V Out 3 9V On/Off 17 Power Control 1.15V Function Pin Volts IC404 uP 3. 10.6V-BCM 3.3V Regulator 5V Switch Cathode0V Cathode0V Cathode 9.5V) 14 13 If on one side. IC807 Pin 24 G Pin 23 *Q902 *Q901 P2 P801 LD803 IC302 IC304 test point Backlight pulse over IC805 Reset IC100 C300 1000V p/p (54KhZ) Ft. Backlight 2 1 P102 4 3 This turns on the power supply. 300V on both sides.0V Use L801 left side to test output IC805 (On Back) IC405 uP Reset (On Back) TFT-Drive (T-CON) Gnd 5 0. observe the center leg on the left hand side of ballast transformer 2 (3.3V Out 1.2V-BCM In 2 5V In 1 3.8V-NTP) Control B LVDS-Panel-Control 10 5V 5. 11 or 12 (5V) to Pin 19 (PWR) using a 10K resistor.7.15V 5.8V IC800 IC807 IC802 (On Back) Q801 (On Back) Anode 0V Anode 11.3V Switching Regulator A3.8.2V Switching Regulator A1.10 5V On/Off 1 Power Control-3.Fall 2008 78 Schematics 78 .6V In 6.3V Out 3 Low to High to B Q400 Pin Label STBY Run 3A 125V 3 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd 2 0. Then they go off.6V Switching Regulator A2. U16 n/c 4 0.8V-NTP 12V LVDS control to Q901 4 Gnd Gnd Gnd 7 Gnd Gnd Gnd IC404 Use L014 left side to test output Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts 6 12V 0V 11. 4 8 7 If normal. Look for 58Khz pulse at 8.3VST-MICOM Pin Label STBY Odd Pins Run Even Pins Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts Name Out 4 3.15V 5.57V Gnd 1 0V Gnd In C ST-5V Source 1.6V Out 2 3. 0.3VST-MICOM Gnd 1 Gnd E 0V Gnd 0V 13 Gnd Gnd Gnd 12 5V 5.6V 5 12V 0V 11.2V 22 PDIM 0V from IC802 Source C 12V 8 Gnd Gnd Gnd 11 5V 5V 5. nd 2 : To test the Backlights. then panel defective.1V 1. U15 LD1 In from IC806 1 8. confirm the Fuse F700 has approx.5 1.0V 1 16V 0V 16V In (+12V) 1 11.2.3V Regulator Use any top pin of IC820 to test input In 3 3. J1 IC402 IC500 IC303 IC202 Spk Spk *IC805 F101 Pin 1 ~ 16 hz TUNER F700 8A 250V J2 LG 0 *IC802 X200 (54Mhz) IC301 IC404 5V Pin 3 *IC810 IC1000 Ballast 5A 250V AC J3 ATSC/QAM/ IC900 IC806 24M X400 Q400 Video Pin 16 IC501 E B P200 P401 Section 335V J1 Audio SIF Pin 14 NTSC IC800 P401 Not Used uP AC In Ft.19V 3.86V 18 ACD 4V 4.37V) 2 (3.15V Out 2 3.29V Control B RL-ON (PWR) Control 2.3V-BCM) Gnd 2 0. TOUCH P501 IC407 *IC405 LED/Push Sw Side Control Keys *Grayed out components on the back P100 PDP Training .3.3V (A3.3V-BCM Reset by Charge of C431 IC806 IC820 Function Pin Volts Function Pin Volts P2 "SMPS" to P801 "Main PWB" CN1 F1 CN2 9V Regulator 1. com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 42LG60 :: WaveForms 4 2 L G LVDS CABLE P900 FROM MAIN PWB TO CONTROL 6 0 PWB P101 USING SMTP COLOR BAR INPUT LAST TWO WAVEFORMS ARE FROM THE TUNER Measurements +/.Fall 2008 79 Schematics 79 .5% PDP Training . Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. 2017 .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] LED TV MAIN BOARD LAYOUT (Main Board and Component Voltages) Published February 17th.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]) Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a LG 2017 Direct View TV Training 43LJ5000 WebOS 3. com) Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Main Board Picture 65EF9500 (2015) T-CON Section CN8831 CNB1 BA2 CN9 CNK9 February 2017 Page 01 LG .Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. 45V OL 6 n/c n/c n/c n/c IR Pulses 5.23V C UF1 QH2 HDMI1 Drops to 4.41V Gnd Backlight Power UB801 LCB1 DB805 DB1 DB2 6. n/a 2 N/C Measures 56V (Even in Stand-by) with BL disconnected.11V 1. EB UL1 2 VCC 5.02V 2.7V when IR is received 3 IR 5.69V 12. BL Power DB801 cathode Red 1 Backlight Voltage: 125.68V p/p February 2017 Page 02 LG .32V ~ 32V AC CNB1 Backlights Bright to Dark CN8831 (AC) Ground FB1 (5A/250V) LB802 DB4 DB3 In 125.66V 1.14V Gnd UA1 UD1 24MHz Panel_VCC QM2 12V Y1 3.9V Cold Ground Hot QB801 54V CXB1 MOVB1 DB801 3.12V 2. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 43LJ5000 Main Board Component Layout 43LJ5000 (2017) Main Board Color Pin RUN (Voltage) With Backlights unplugged.6V measures 64V Jumps to 150V then slowly bleeds down to 80V.68V 5V (15.06V PCB101 5V_STBY CNB2 N/C Y1 BA2 (SPK)CN9 (LVDS) LD2 QH5 24MHz QM32 All SKP Pins 6.99V CN5 CN10 4 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Component Audio 5 LED 1. Black 3 Backlight Ground Return: 6.63V UD2 UT2 5.31V 53.14V 0.32V OL CN1 N/C CN4 CNK9 Drops to 0V when Power Button is pressed.79V Gnd Ground QB806 QB802 HGnd Bridge Rectifier - 450V 28uF DB103 + 161V 54V Ground HGnd Cold 450V - 28uF Backlight Drive CN13 USB + 161V QB101 50% 36V p/p 2.12V 5.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] p/p 2.60V p/p 1.88V 9.16V CNK9 Main to Ft IR/Joystick PIN LABEL STBY RUN DIODE UR1 QK2 1 Power 3.3V ~ 126.43V Hot LCB4 QB804 DB802 DB105 6.31V Pins 1-4 QM1 LD3 2.02V QM31 QH1 1.89Vdc) DB101 T101 160V 160V 12V F2 HGnd UB102 Gnd 12V HDMI2 HGnd CN3 290V 10.11V 5.32V 3. 31V [1] 0.32V [1] 0.06V [4] Gnd [5] 0V QB802 Backlight QK2 DB101 12V UB102 [6] 0V Pin Driver Power Pin Pin Rectifier Pin [7] 3.88V [6] 6.14V (In) [1] 0.10V [8] 1.79V [B] 0.54V [1] 0.69V [1] 3.81V February 2017 Page 03 .14V (Out) [3] *HGnd [3] 3.3V_Tuner [3] 5.08V [2] 9.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] [1] HGnd [4] Gnd [2] 160V (Out) [5] 9.13V [2] 5.62V [2] Gnd [2] 0V [2] 0.39V [1] 0.22V [3] 0V [2] 4.32V [1] 6.15V [1] 0.49V UR1 Pin QB804 QM1 12V DB103 54V Backlight UB801 1.27V Pin Pin Pin [6] 1.31V [2] 0V [2] 11.46V QB101 SMPS (Switch) [3] Gnd [2] 12V Pin Hot Gnd Reference [3] 5.21V UT2 3.09V Pin Regulator QB806 QM2 DB802 [5] 0.40V [8] 1.68V [1] T101 Pluse [1] 9.12V (In) [1] 0.16V [6] 3.56V [3] Gnd [2] 0.10V [1] T101 Pluse [1] 11.32V [2] 6.33V (Out) QH1 HDMI QM31 Pin Regulator [7] 1.39V [3] 5.32V [3] 3.02V (Out) [2] Gnd [3] Gnd [C] 0V [3] T101 Pluse [3] 2.31V (Out) [E] Gnd [2] 12.98V [7] 1.31V [1] 3.12V [3] Gnd [3] Gnd [3] 11.21V [3] Gnd [3] 12V [3] T101 Pluse [3] Gnd UL1 3.33V (Out) UD1 1. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] Pin Regulator [5] 0.32V [7] 4.61V Pin Regulator [2] 0.40V [2] 12V [2] 54V (Out) [2] 2.01V [1] 0.90V [3] 2.54V Pin Hot Swap Pin [1] 5.13V [3] Gnd [4] 5.08V [3] 1.3V [4] 0.87V [8] 0.59V [4] 5.19V [1] Gnd QH2 HDMI [2] 3.68V [2] 0V [2] 54V (Out) [2] 5.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 43LJ5000 Main Board Component Voltages 43LJ5000 (2014) Main Board PCB101 *Pins 3-4 UF1 EEPROM QB801 Backlight Power QH5 QM32 5V_Switched Pin Hot Gnd Reference Pin Microprocessor Pin Doubler Pin Pin For USB [1] 10.16V [4] *2.5V [1] Gnd Pin Pin Panel VCC Pin Doubler Pin Regulator [2] 3.98V [5] 3.62V [8] 3.31V (Out) Pin Hot Swap UD2 5V_STBY [3] 5.31V [1] 0V [1] 11.52V [2] 5.41V [3] 0.41V [1] 0V [1] 0. 86V~11. Using a 220Ω resistor.67V OL Chassis Ground 70 VBS_Processor 9 L6 *0.62V 3. 35 To the Panel 5 LS_SDA 3. HGnd BL-ON: Starts 8-9 page 5 of the Interconnect diagram.86V~11.67V OL Hot ZD301 U14 U46 +5VSB 7 n/c n/c OL Ground 12V DDR 8 L5 N L USB *0.42V 3.67V OL PC903 Gnd HS4 3 F3 6 L4 TCN2 U48 U8 *0.96V 3.3V. Pin 12 Pin 12 J14 "MAIN Board" to "IR Board" to J1 CN202 Made by TU3 pin 12 (-5V to 26V) Toggles every second Made by TU3 pin 12 (-5V to 26V) Toggles every second Pin Label STBY Run Diode Check 1) Remove AC Power. Video (LRLVRO-2+/-) pins 28-33 Video (RMLVO-2+/-) pins 28-33 4 LS_SCL 3. Video Signal Levels: p/p: Approx: 740mV Light_Sensor_Det 3.86V~11. To the Panel Backlights PWR-ON: Starts 12V 12 (1) P-DIM1 0V 0. 14 (1) P-DIM3 0V 0.69V to 3.47V OL p/n: COV31147501 (Backlights On).86V~11.81V 12. HDMI 2 In RGB/DVI Audio Out Audio VGH_EVEN pin 49 from TU3 VGH_EVEN pin 12 from TU3 (PC) RGB Check 12V (pins 8-9). be (1) sure to first check the customer’s Menu setting for Backlights.47V) p/n: COV31310701 E BE B A2 A1 Q42 B VST pin 47 from TU3 pin 15 VST pin 14 from TU3 pin 15 1) Disconnect Main Board.87V 1.27V 4. the Backlight LEDs should turn on VGH_ODD pin 50 from TU3 VGH_ODD pin 11 from TU3 Test 2 for about 2 seconds and then they turn off. 7.22V 5.82V OL PANEL p/n: COV31311201 8 LED_B 3.3V 3.67V OL C E B Q17 U18 C U13 Q40 U34 C E B B E 12 n/c n/c OL DC Voltages to the Panel DC Voltages to the Panel Q16 Q15 E U32 C 13 VLED developed by on the Main Board. 41 from TP12 VDD pins 20. LED_R 3. 11 BL-ON/OFF 0V 3. Off Output from the Microprocessor. you can remove AC and No Backlights at this time.99V Made by TU3 pin 12 (-5V to 26V) Made by TU3 pin 12 (-5V to 26V) 3) Using 10K resistor. LCN1 White Plug "SMPS Board" To "Panel LEDs" Backlights 8-9 12V 0V 12.86V~11. Confirm P-DIM is approx.67V OL Q600 170V 50V BL_PWR 100V To SPK - 5 R6 *0.3V) Made by TU1 pins 35.2V Outside legs PWR 5 L3 *0.93V) (-4.67V OL 112V 1 TL6 E Q30 Reference BL_On/Off LVDS_VDD B E 10 R1 *0. IR/Intelligent Sensor J1 (pin 2) to BL_On (pin 11).19V 0. 4-7 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd 1 VLED 0V HGnd 50V OL Q800 1-3 - 1-3 +5VSB 5. 27 Video Clock (RMCLK+/-) 34. LED Drive Signal 50 IRE Intelligent Sensor (room light condition).86V~11.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. On and 40V LED Power.6V 1. jump 5V_ST Toggles every second Toggles every second 3 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Ft.72V~3.64V 1. Made by TU3 pin 13 (-5V to 26V) Made by TU3 pin 13 (-5V to 26V) the panel backlights. B C 54MHz TUNE Q29 50V OL D G EB Output from TCN1 Output from TCN2 VCC pins 35. LED SINGLE BLOCK TEST (DIM OR DARK PICTURE AREA): For DC voltages for Main board Turn the Brightness. jump 5V_ST VGL_I pin 48 from TTP 14 VGL_I pin 13 from TTP 14 (pin 1) to PWR_ON (pin 10).3V 3. Toggles every second Toggles every second Disconnect either LCN1 or LCN2.6V HS5 + HS3 3 R8 *0.91V 5V_ST j 19.89V 1 TFT_ back side. 26 from TL1 S 2 R U30 Made by TU1 pins 35.86V~11. Made by diode TD3 (-5V) Made by diode TD3 (-5V) Optical 3) Apply AC power.37V OL Check BL power (50V). 13 (1) P-DIM2 0V 0. 21 from TP12 C C U31 C E D11 C D57 A2 A1 Test 1 Made by TU1 pin 18 (16.36V OL 12 OL components see pages 2.86V~11. 26 (3. 26 (3.67V OL 165V C700 12V 5V_ST L41 D800A HGnd D700 TL4 C E C TQ21 L36 L44 L45 8 R3 *0. 36 from TL1 VCC pins 25. 3V. 23 from TL4 U22 S U43 3 2 1 Q36 B E A1 A2 MAIN BOARD G Made by TU1 pin 8 (7. Check the P-DIM level. 29 from TL4 H_VDD pins 22.86V~11.36V OL 14 OL You can also test each of the 16 blocks functionality by grounding the return path signal (using 220Ω resistor).3V 3. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]~11.24V To SMPS To Spk 4 R7 *0.51V p/p 2.88V) D S Q72 D54 C CN202 D G Q69 B Q18 C VDD pins 40.5mSec the blocks grounding pin on LCN1 or LCN2 while observing the 10 PWR_ON 0V 3. When AC is reapplied. it should rise with the percentage shown on screen. If there is a problem with a load from Pin 13 Pin 13 Y/V Pb Pr L R 10KΩ Check BL power (40V).86V~11.77V) OL 11 OL Interconnect diagram.67V OL CN101 MEDIATEK Video/Micro To Ft.45V Gnd 4 L2 *0.36V OL 13 OL Range 0. 4) Apply AC power. 3 and 4 of the Confirm 50V on C700 +.86V~11.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 47LV4400 INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM CN202 "SMPS Board" To CN4 "MAIN Board" J4 "MAIN Board" To CN202 "SMPS Board" Note: If a particular area is exhibiting a dimmer backlight level than other areas or the overall brightness seems dim.69V~3. VGH_R pin 52 from TU3 VGH_R pin 52 from TU3 1 IR 3.23V LCN2 LCN1 LED Power goes to 4-7 Gnd C800B 101V 50. If not. HDMI 2 *White to Black screen Q71 C B E U53 H814F(A) C H_VDD pins 38.56V 3.67V OL 5A/250V 3.86V~11.42V 3.86V~11.64V Pin Label Run Diode Check PFC R804A 6.86V~11. (-4. 10KΩ Check BLs come on. A V V Input 3 L1 Driver d O I 31 2 *0.95V OL 2) Leave pin 1 to pin 10 connected. developed by on the Main Board.67V OL Q601 BL_PWR TU2 220uF 7 R4 Hot 100V *0. IR J14 ARM Processor U10 12V in 10 L7 *0.88V) Made by TU1 pin 8 (7.27V 0V (4.3V. Note.24V 5.69V~3.67V OL D800B 307V 21.38V 4.86V~11.77V OL 10 OL For LVDS video signal waveforms see picture and each block should turn on maximum.03V 3.67V OL TU3 TQ20 U51 Vol Outside legs 25V Level Q47 U9 C 11 n/c n/c OL R915 Gnd C Q8 Audio Amp Shifter TU14 Q46 B E B E C 12 VLED Bridge 398V 398V Vol TCN1 50V OL V E C DV33 L43 U50 560uF *White to Black screen B 50V T901 HS1 C961 C958 D120 TQ22 LCN2 Black Plug "SMPS Board" To "Panel LEDs" Do not C120A TU13 VCCK D28 C A1 C Enter VO A2 D25 Grayed out C Measure Pin Label Run Diode Check 5V_ST 70 D27 U6 A2 A1 2200uF C 2200uF components A2 A1 U52 10V C 10V BE 1 VLED 50V OL PC901 J9 IC901 are on the Q70 2 n/c n/c OL D950 5V_ST CN202 DDVR L42 F1 HGnd 3.67V OL L801 C701C CH + 6 R5 *0.86V OL .93V) Q37 E C 2) Using 10K resistor.47V) Made by TU1 pin 18 (16.67V OL AC MT5376JFMU Q27 N d I U15 Gnd E +5V_Tuner G C n 11 L8 B Y1 HDMI 1 O *0.24V 5.3V each 450V 450V 450V 68uF 68uF 68uF 2 n/c n/c OL HGnd 20. Pin 10 Pin 9 2 IR_LED_POWER 5. Contrast and Backlights all the way up. video IRE level.24V OL OL 6.37V OL Front IR Video Clock (LMCLK+/-) 26.3V) Q 41 U4 TDVW.67V OL 19. jump any of No Backlights. Raise the percentage and see if the overall brightness PWM Pins 12~14 can vary according to incoming Pin Label STBY Run No Load Diode Check Pin Diode returns to normal.67V OL Ground T601 B B J28 B Q14 E C U21 C C C 9 R2 Hot Ground *0. Follow the P-DIM signal all the way to the SMPS. OSD Backlight setting and then 100% = 3. 37V (WP) [3] 0V (Gnd) [14] 3.28V [15] 12.94V (VCC) [9] 4.92V (W P) G 0V (Gnd) [8] 12.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 47LV4400 Main (Front Side) Flat Pack IC Voltages U6 VCCK (Core PW R) U14 System U30 HDMI U43 RGB (PC) U51 Audio TU14 T-CON Pin Regulator Pin EEPROM Pin EDID Pin Data Buffer Pin Amplifyer Pin EEPROM [1] 5.12V [9] 3.94V (SCL) [28] 12.99V (VCC) [16] 12.14V (Out) [2] 0.3V [5] 1.94V (VCC) [8] 0V (Gnd) [8] 0V (Gnd) [8] 4.77V [6] Gnd [1] 12.19V (Enable) Pin Switch Pin EDID [3] 6V [22] 12.78V (In) [3] 0V (Gnd) [6] 6.14V (Out) [7] 3.99V (SDA) [5] 3.79V (PVCC) In 12.19V [7] 3.05V (Ctrl) [2] 0V (Gnd) [5] 6V [24] 0V (Gnd) [8] 5.3V [12] 2.37V (SCL) [6] 4.2V (In) [8] 3.99V (SDA) [16] 4.25V [5] 4.12V (In) [4] 0V (Gnd) [6] -3.19V [1] n/c [1] 0V (Gnd) [1] 3.92V U8 AV125 (1.94V [3] 2.06V [2] 0V (Gnd) [13] 4.9V [1] 5.64V [2] [3] Gnd [3] n/c [3] 0V (Gnd) [3] 4.8V 0V (Gnd) [2] n/c [2] 0V (Gnd) [2] 3.37V (VCC) [8] 4.79V (PVCC) Pin Regulator [6] 12.30V [1] 12.92V (W P) U50 Audio [18] 6.06V (Left Out) [20] 6.64V (Mute) [1] 0V (Gnd) [2] 0.12V (L Out) [7] 1.3V (R Out) [2] 0.37V (VCC) [8] 4.7V (AVCC) [7] 4.77V (Out) [8] 4.78V (In) [1] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (Gnd) [23] 6.37V [1] 0V (Gnd) [12] 3.56V Pin Regulator (Analog) Pin Flash Pin EDID [11] 4.79V (PVCC) U9 DV33 (Core PW R) [5] 0V (Gnd) [5] 4.92V (W P) [8] 4.93V [5] 5.8V [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 4.18V (Reset) [3] 0V (Gnd) [3] 0.78V (In) [7] 12.3V [14] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0V (Gnd) [15] 3.99V [1] 1.94V (VCC) .98V (L In) [3] 0V (Gnd) [4] 0.07V [6] 4.25V) U18 Serial U31 HDMI [10] 4.25V (Adj) [1] 3.77V (Out) [6] 4.92V (W P) [7] 0V (Gnd) [7] 12.94V (VCC) Pin Op Amp [19] 0V (Gnd) [3] Gnd [1] 6.06V (Left In) [21] 12.2V (In) [3] 12.94V (VCC) U53 Head Phone Audio Out 4.98V [13] 0V (n/c) [3] 3.02V (Right Out) [26] 12.99V [4] 2.8V U21 LVDS Power U32 HDMI [2] 6.02V (Right In) [25] 6.79V (PVCC) Pin Regulator [6] 0V (Gnd) [6] 4.23V (Mute) [10] 0V (Gnd) 3 5.75V U10 +5V_Tuner [5] 12.9V (Out) Pin Amplifyer U22 HDMI U52 DDVR [1] 0V (Gnd) [14] 0V U13 System Pin EDID Pin Regulator [2] 0V (R In) [13] 0V (L In) Pin Reset [1] 0V (Gnd) [1] 3.98V [10] 3.37V (In) [3] 0V (R Out) [12] 0V (L Out) 1 Gnd [2] 0V (Gnd) [2] 1.94V (SCL) [6] 0V (Gnd) [6] 0V (n/c) [6] 4.19V (L Out) [4] 0.37V (In) [3] 3. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] (W P) [8] 5.77V (Out) [7] 4.37V (SDA) [5] 4.3V (R Out) [4] 0.99V [9] 6.37V (WP) [7] 4.57V (n/c) [5] 4.25V 2 5.8V [8] 3.99V (R In) [2] 1.80V (Out) [4] 0V [11] 3.99V (SDA) [7] -1.94V (SCL) [17] 12.94V (SCL) [7] 1.99V (SDA) [6] Gnd [6] 3.99V (SDA) [8] 12.07V (Ctrl) [4] 0V (Gnd) [7] 6.98V [4] 0V (Gnd) [5] 5.57V [8] -0.98V [11] 2.77V (Out) [5] 4.55V (Adj) [5] 3.19V (Enable) [5] 3.06V (VCC) [27] 12.25V (Out) [2] 3.37V (VCC) [7] 4.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] (SCL) [7] 4.85V [2] 12. 68V (In) [E] 0V (Gnd) [3] 6.06V (AMPVCC_OP) [3] -3.0V (HDMI_5V_2IN) [E] 0V (Gnd) [E] 12.7V (Off_Mute) [A1] 0.02V (LED Control) [2] 0V (VCCK) [A2] 0.67V (VCCK) [A2] 0.02V (From Q17) [1] 11.97V (HDMI_5V_Out) TQ22 T-CON Q30 AMPVCC_OP Q69 Line_Out D57 HDMI 5V Pin Write Protect Pin Regulator Pin Mute_Enable Pin Routing [B] 0V (TCON_WP) [B] 12.3V (WP1) [C] 12. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] (AMPVCC_AP) [2] 0.0V (SW) [C] 3.7V (To Q66) [C] 12.03V (Off_Mute) Q14 LVDS_PWR Q37 HDMI3_Hot_Swap D25 Mute_Amp Pin Driver Pin Switch Pin Routing [B] 0.97V (HDMI_5V_Out) Q8 MUTE_AMP Q36 HDMI3_Hot_Swap Q70 Audio_Mute Pin (Audio Mute) Pin Switch Pin 12V / 5V Det [B] 0V (Mute_Amp) [1] 0V (Gnd) [1] 11.85V (Out) [C] 0.71V [1] 0V (Gnd) [A1] 0.0V (HDMI_5V_3IN) [C] 3.6V (CTRLN) [B] 0.23V (Enable) [C] 4.37V (Lineout_Mute) [E] 30.56V (LED Control) [2] 0.04V [C] 0.75V (OPC_CTRL) [1] 0V (Gnd) [A1] 0.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] (CTRLP) [B] 0.0V (HDMI_5V_In) [C] 4.63V (Mute) [2] 0V (3_HOTPLUG) [2] 12.08V (OPWM2) [1] 0V (Gnd) [A1] 0.19V (Mute_Lineout) TQ21 VGL SW Q27 RED_LED Q66 Audio_Mute D54 HDMI 5V Pin (Panel Power) Pin Control Pin 12V Det Pin Routing [B] 0.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 47LV4400 Main (Front Side) Transistor Voltages TQ20 VGH Reg Q17 RED_LED Q47 3V3_Enable D28 Lineout_Mute Pin (Panel Power) Pin Driver Pin Switch Pin Routing [B] 3.03V (Off_Mute) [C] 2.16V (Lineout_Mute) [A2] 0.73V [E] 0V (Gnd) [3] 0V [3] -0.7V (To Q70) [A2] 5.78V (LED Control) [2] 11.19V (3V3_EN) [C] 0.12V ('+5VSB) [E] 0V (Gnd) [E] 0V (Gnd) [3] -0.04V [E] 0V (Gnd) [3] 0V [C] 0V (Mute_Amp) Q16 BLUE_LED Q46 3V3_Enable D27 A_Mute Pin Control Pin Driver Pin Routing [B] 0.04V (U21 Control) [2] 0V (2_HOTPLUG) [A2] 0.06V (A_Mute) [C] 26.03V (HW_Mute) [C] 4.03V (HW_Mute) [E] 0V (Gnd) [3] 0V (To Q47) [C] 0V (A_Mute) .65V (LVDS_PWR_ON) [1] 0V (Gnd) [A1] 0. 62V (VCOM_AVDD) [17] 7.3V (SDA_TPS) [9] 8.44V (CLK5) [20] 0V (EO) [9] 7.88V (HVDD) [8] 15.52V (SW_In) [37] 0V [18] 16.06V (COMP) [32] 1.6V (CTRLN) [4] 8.88V (HVDD) [7] 15.86V (GMA7) [4] 0V (Gnd) [14] 6.84V (VGH) [1] 26.43V (VCOM_FB) [16] 7.83V (VGH_R) [22] 1.44V (CLK3) [18] 7.9V (VGL_FB) [2] -5V (VGL) [14] -5V (DISCHG) [3] 4.75V (P_12V) [20] 30.3V (TCON_Reset) [6] 8. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] (HVDD_ SWB3) [28] 3.24V (GMA15) [9] 0V (Gnd) [19] 2.62V (AVDD) [18] 3.3V (SCL_TPS) .47V (VDD) [38] 12.36V (GMA5) [3] 3.42V (GMA4) [2] 0V (Gnd) [12] 11.06V (CTRLP) [40] n/c TU2 Panel Gamma Pin Pin [1] 3.98V (VL) [21] 26.3V (VCC) [13] 9.3V (VCC_FB) [14] 0V (Gnd) [34] n/c *Toggels every second [15] 12.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 47LV4400 Main (Front Side) Panel Voltage IC Voltages TU1 Panel DC-to-DC TU3 PaneL Converter Level Shifter Pin Pin Pin Pin [1] 4.62V (GCLK) [12] 0.8V (Vcore_Out) [12] *(-5V~26V) (VGH_ODD) [24] 3.73V (SW) [36] 3.45V (VCOM_PG) [15] 4.45V (CLK6) [21] 0V (GST) [10] 0V (Gnd) [30] 1.31V (VCC_SW_Out) [17] 16.73V (SW) [35] 3.44V (CLK2) [17] 0V (Gnd) [6] 12.13V (MCLK) [11] 4.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] (CLK4) [19] 3.31V (VCC_SW_Out) [16] 12.3V (SDA_TPS) [11] 12.63V (GMA16) [10] 13.44V (CLK1) [16] (-5V) (GIP_RST) [5] 12.93V) (VST) [4] 0V (Gnd) [24] 0.98V (VL) [23] n/c [3] 26.81V (HVDD_FB) [29] 3.8V (Vcore_FB) [10] 26.51V (RE) [7] n/c [27] 0V (Gnd) [7] 8.2V (VSENSE) [8] 7.84V (VGH1) [15] (-4.75V (P_12V) [19] n/c [39] 12.03V (GMA12) [5] 6.05V (GMA3) [20] 3.93V (SS) [31] 0V (Gnd) [11] -5V (VGH_F) [23] 1.84V (VGH2) [13] *(-5V~26V) (VGH_EVEN) [2] 1.23V (REVERSE) [13] 0V (Gnd) [33] 3.75V (P_12V) [26] 3.75V (P_12V) [25] n/c [5] 8.01V (GMA14) [6] 6.3V (SCL_TPS) [8] 8.49V (TCOMP) [22] 0. 09V (From Q15) [G] 3.20V (+5VSB) [E] 0V (Gnd) [E] 0.0V (Gnd) [C] 5V (VGA_PLUGPWR) Q29 AV_3V3 Q71 SDA Pin Source Switch Pin Switch [G] 0.0V (SO) [A2] 5.38V (SDA_SW) [D] 2.58V (RGB p9) [C] 5V (WP) [C] 5.0V (Gnd) [D] 5.38V (DV33) [C] 0.0V (Gnd) [3] 5.0V (1_HOTPLUG) [G] 3. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] (Ctrl GPIO0) [B] 0.0V (HDMI p19) [S] 3.38V (SCL_SW) [E] 0.27V (AV_3V3) [D] 5.38V (DV33) [S] 3.0V (VGASCL_SW) .0V (S1 U43 p9) [2] 3.05V (Reg) [C] 0V (Out) [C] 5.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 47LV4400 Main (Back Side) Component Voltages Q15 Controls Q41 VGA (PC) U4 3V3SV Pin Q29 Pin Sorce Select Pin Regulator [B] 0.29V (Out) [E] 0V (Gnd) [E] 0.0V (VGA_11) [1] 2.21V (In) Q18 HDMI Q42 RGB (PC) D11 RGB (PC) Pin Write Protect Pin SO Switch Pin PWR Routing [B] 0.28V (+3V3SB) [S] 3.0V (VGASDA_SW) Q40 HDMI Q72 SCL Pin HOT SWAP Pin Switch [B] 0.0V (VGA_4 Mon ID) [A1] 0.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] (Ctrl) [B] 0. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 47LV4400 LVDS Waveforms TCN1 and TCN2 TCN1 PIN 28 LRLVOP TCN1 PIN 29 LRLVOP TCN1 PIN 30 LRLVOP TCN1 PIN 31 LRLVOP TCN2 PIN 28 RMLVOP TCN2 PIN 29 RMLVOP TCN2 PIN 30 RMLVOP TCN2 PIN 31 RMLVOP 724mV p/p 764mV p/p 760mV p/p 740mV p/p TCN1 PIN 32 LRLVOP TCN1 PIN 33 LRLVOP TCN1 PIN 26 LRLVOP TCN1 PIN 27 LRLVOP TCN2 PIN 32 RMLVOP TCN2 PIN 33 RMLVOP TCN2 PIN 34 RMLVOP TCN2 PIN 35 RMLVOP 752mV p/p 804mV p/p 378mV p/p 350mV p/p . Test 2: Using a 3V jig.81V) P101 n/c Audio D601 IC11200 106V L601 Gnd 23 Gnd B B C HDMI 2 HDMI 3 (7.2V 7.83V Apply AC Power. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] this model for SMPS test mode.14V. Ground: Pins 4. No 2 3 LED+ Pins 3-5 shorted Pins 3 and 5 are jumped together PIN LABEL STBY RUN Diode together on SMPS OL Direct Lit Backlights (LED Array Strips) backlights at this time.41V pin 13 p/n: EBR78925201 p/n: EBR78925201 October 2016 Page 01 LG . Use P2502 side to insert resistors. (1) 1 PWR_ON 0V 3.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 49UH6100 INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM 49UH6100 (2016) Interconnect P2502 "MAIN Board" to "SMPS Board" P201 P801 "SMPS Board" To "LED Backlights" PIN LABEL STBY RUN Diode PIN LABEL RUN Diode (2) 1 No Stand-By Voltages Backlights *0% to 100% DRV_ON 0V 2.81V) Warning Do Not Use Jig CN1 (3. 3) Jump VCC (3.L+ Q3 2 9 D2 UC1 LF102 To Speakers P5800 11 5A / 250V VGH VGL2 GCLK MCLK 10Mhz RS1 VCC18 (1.44V JK3801 JK3800 Hot Swap CN2 Key Voltages CN3 Key Voltages Diode Check (OL) To the Panel To the Panel All 6 screws are M3X5L (Silver) Vcore Pin 33 RS1 Vcore Pin 28 1. Test Set Up On the other side.37V 1. Bottom Center of Set M_Reset 0V pin 7 P_DIM will be 10.81V) HDMI 1 HGnd (-7.5V_WiFi Pin 8 3..14V to Main and 149.29V 0. 14.84V) All Speaker JK5000 Serv Only Optical Access (-7. WOL_PWR_On 0V pin 5.87V C P/N: EAY64388811 AUSWLOR D107 Panel_VCC 4) 1.28V) (Gnd) + C611 460V JK4400 68uF T-CON comes with the Panel VIN: (PANEL_VCC 12V) CN1 From Main - CX101 T-CON is operating.90V) E HVDD (VIN) F1 SPK Ft Right Q5800 Q3001 TH101 LF103 Vcore R111 CX102 5A/125V (1.70V) VCC F1 (12.03V pin 2.11V OL 7 LED+ 169.72V p/p VCC18 Pin 26.0V p/p GCLK 3.56V p/p MCLK 3. 9-10 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd 9 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd In Out Dim to Bright (3) 4-8 13. Test 1 3V JIG: Made from 2 (AA) batteries. Can not use Smart Test Jig on this model for T-CON test. SMART JIG: Other Pin Functions: WiFi_DM 0.90V 13. P_DIM will be 10. 11 Apply AC Power. 1.R+ L. All Voltages should be produced.30V Disconnect P2502 on Main Board. SW300 JTAG RS232C_Debug P100 n/c Gnd 0 Backlight P1 n/c Power IC2500 Gnd +5V_Normal D204 D206 D205 IC2301 D202 13.40V SMPS Hot Hot Processor E B Gnd 3) Hot Gnd Gnd 3) 16.2V 7. use top side of R111.10V PWR_ON IC103 Gnd Gnd Q2503 C Video Main Board 23. 4.8V.54V 1) 1.11V OL according to incoming video IRE level and OSD Backlight To Panel Backlights (Dim to Bright) Gnd Gnd Gnd (1) 11 3 Gnd setting Output from the Video Processor.8V T101 IC102 IC103 C E Q2500 IC100 B IC102 1) 11.5V_WIFI Tuner pins B C 9 Q3302 CN2 2 CN3 LAN From the 1 E SK100 AC VGH-ODD and VGH-EVEN plug pins HDMI 1 back side. For easier contact to pin 23. It will not work.90V (Pins 4-8) Remove AC Power. 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 Toggles between 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 P4100 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 29. Front IR/Joy Stick WiFi 19 Key 2 3. (2) MS (2) MS (Drv_On) 0V 2. Front IR WiFi Module SDA 3.09V to -7. VGH Pin 51 VGH Pin 10 0V 3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. 35 3.40V 1.86V beginning test indicating Standby is OK.50V 4) 20.4V~55. 21 (DRV_ON). This will also force the Backlights to come on. 6 are n/c.4V (3) 12 P_DIM1 0V *0. (Shock Hazard) VDD Pin 37-40 3.09V) (15. 3-4 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd 5 LED. It is then routed PWR_ON 0V 3.18V-3. damage may occur without them.41V pin 12.18V~3. P201 Note: 15 IR 3.96V p/n: EBT64237702 BUSFLJR / BUSFLOR D101 p/n: EAD63787803 Can’t Read To T-CON p/n: EBT64138308 3.11V OL P_DIM#1 Pin 12 and P_DIM#2 Pin 2: Will vary 10 13. 27 U1 SMPS TEST: Forcing SMPS On.63Vdc VCC18 Pin 34.0V~163.12V D203 80V Gnd +1.24V OL 36 Total LEDs.27V 3.03V OL 1 LED.26V PIN LABEL STBY RUN Diode Check Remove AC Power. waveforms EQ: No Waveform (Pins 4-8) rises to 13. 78. PANEL TEST: ROLLING TEST PATTERNS 18 3.6V OL 11 Backlight power goes to 169V. Note: 7. 20. WiFi" 1.03V pin 3. 8.37V OL Test 1: Using a 3V jig. Can not run normal Panel Test by removing Vx1 cable on T-CON and supplying 12V to WiFI_DP 0. 4 Strips with 9 LEDs per/strip.6V pin 7 (3) out P2300 to P201 and sent to the LED Driver IC on the Pin 1 goes to Backlight Driver Q801 (Back of SMPS) 2 N/C n/c n/c n/c 12 N/C n/c n/c n/c Back of the SMPS. Jump 3V to pin 1 (PWR_ON).41V 3. No Connection (Not Used): Pins 9.05V every second.56Vdc Pin 1 Gnd This test requires simple 3V jig. solder two red wires (needle tipped) to the + and one black wire T-CON fuse. 5-8 13. SCL 3.87V The Range is: 0.12V Must be present when AC is applied before 1) With no Power.3V) to pin 23 of CN1. *0% to 100% *Dim to Bright P801 D802 Gnd Can not use Smart Test Jig on D803 D201 L801 13. VGH_ODD Pin 50 CLK1 – CLK8 32. Hot Gnd HVDD Pin 36 Top Legs HVDD Pin 25 KEY VOLAGES P4000 "MAIN" to "Joy Stick. 123.12V Bottom Right (Rear View) (needle tipped) to the – side.5V_ST 3.78V OL P201 "SMPS Board" To P2502 "MAIN Board" Pins 2.41V 3.7V~109. (No Backlights in Test 1) Test 2 11 12 All have similar P201 still inserted.7V to the Backlights).18V-3.20V) 34 81 4 5 7 1 1 VGL1 4 U5 U1 U4 SPK Ft Left 4 5 7 Composite/Component Audio TU6700 BD101 6 F100 15 AC 6 R.05V) GST VDD Source IC4100 VST EQ 8 1 1 3 (-7. (13.58V p/p VDD Pin 21-24 Pin 2 Pin 3 Gnd Gnd VGL1 Pin 45 Bottom Legs VGL1 Pin 16 Gnd Pin 4 VGH_EVEN Pin 49 VGH_EVEN Pin 12 Pin 5 Pin 6 3.0V~163.60V p/p GST 3. 17.29V 1 3. 1 2 Jump + to – on one side.24V.39V 3.01V ~ 28.33.8V . P2502 removed.24V p/p VGH_ODD Pin 11 Pin 7 3. remove CN1 (Vx1 Cable) 2) Jump 12V from SMPS to Fuse F1. (3) P_DIM#1 0V *0. Jump 3V to pin 11 3 For 12V from SMPS use D202 (center leg) Top right hand heat sink.01V) 8 8 3 3 VGH-ODD VGH-EVEN VDD +3.15A / 250V Run: 400V D602 BUSWLOR D109 USB 200V 400V TO MAIN (1.24V OL (1) PWR-On Pin 1: Turns on 13. 10.90V 13.29V OL Backlight Power 169.2V to the Main.40V 1.2V 7.8V. See below. Backlight Power is 160.03V OL (DRV_On) Pin 11: Turns on the Backlights. 6.12V 2 AA (3V) Backlight Power 160.90V 13. RS232 Panel_VCC Supply (1. 0 UHD LCD TV MAIN BOARD INFORMATION Main Board Layout and Voltage Measurements . Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a LG 2015 Direct View UHD Training 55UF7600 WebOS 2.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 55UF7600 Main Board (Photo) 55UF7600 (2015) Main Board Section September 2016 Page 01 LG .com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. N/C Pin 2 is power for the M-Remote / WiFi Board JK3802 E C 1.2V 2 DRV_ON 0V 3. M-Remote/WiFi" D G LAN CEC Q3001 p/n: EBT63990602 AUSYMJR Micro HDMI3 SW3000 p/n: EBT63990603 AUSYMJR PIN LABEL STBY RUN Diode Check Micom Reset SW3000 JK3801 Head RS232 2 3.17V-2. Video.5V_DDR AVDD_3P3 IC200 +3.56V 3.1V_VDDC_CPU Q2301 G S Q2302 C Q400 Backlights.98V Joy Stick pin 3 Audio TU6705 B C E 7. Q2321 DDR-VTT E B IC8100 IC402 USB2 B E Q401 M1_DDR_RESET_N Select (3) P-DIM: controls the backlight brightness.55V 3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] OL Note: With top 3 screws left out of the SPI FLASH DDR IC2700 IC2501 CORE_VID1 Selector board.78V 1.54V Q7101 I2C_SDA6 Buffer Pins 48-51 Q7101 FET Processor Q7102 HTPDAn Driver Q7103 LOCKAn Driver Q7100 FET X600 1 PWR_ON 0V 3.5V_WOL IC2302 13.54V 3.52V 1. USB3 Backlight power goes to 63.8V Out /FRC 100% directly proportional to DC voltage to Backlight SMPS Adj IC2301 JK4500 Q2300 3 1 Q2300 IC102 Head Phone Amp USB1 brightness.52V 1. SIF 14 Key 2 3.5V_WOL 0V 3.51V OL (24MHz) Q7104 HTPDAn Switch Q7102 Q7104 IC4300 Q7105 LOCKAn Switch Q7103 Q7105 +5V_USB_3 Dim to Bright IC2307 12V PWR_Det IC2307 2 3 1 IC600 DDR IC100 JK4300 Panel_VCC (1) PWR_ON: turns on the 12V and 24V lines. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]) IC3000 IC6100 Optical p/n: EBT63818912 AUSYLJR p/n: EAJ63109901 BUSYMJR KEY VOLAGES Q3001 S IC6801 JK5000 JK3803 JK3800 p/n: EAY63729101 BUSYLJR P4100 "MAIN" to "Joy Stick J1.46V OL IC1901 or problem with signal processing. Backlight power goes to 80V.54V 3.3V_Normal USB_+5V To the IC2303 Q402 DDR DDR IC201 3 P-DIM IC2305 3 0V 0.62V.55V OL T-CON 1 2 Q7100 I2C_SCL6 Buffer +1.49V OL WiFi pin 1 Q5800 Mute E B Phone JK3203 TUNER PINS 12 Key 1 C 3.5V_WiFi AcTceUssN TuEneRr JK3202 5.5V 3.89V Joy Stick pin 7 TDJH-H301F +3.52V 1.5V_ST 3. possible causes: LD12901 23-24 GND Gnd Gnd Gnd E B Improper seated or defective Vx1 cable C N/C 18-22 24V 0V 25. +3.83V-3. Joy Stick / Diode Check (OL) IR September 2016 Page 2 LG .1V_VDDC 6 GND Gnd Gnd Gnd DDR_VTT_URSA Heatsink IC13100 5 3. DIF (N) 15 IR 9 JK3200 6.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 55UF7600 Main Board Component Layout 55UF7600 (2015) Main Board Section 08 Heatsink Clip P2300 "MAIN Board" to "SMPS Board" P201 X1900 LD12900: Indicates VX1 Signal to (24MHz) T-CON is good if LD12900 is illuminated.25V Joy Stick pin 4 IC4100 pins from the TU 64 01 back 1 Hot 4. Menu. IC13408 PIN LABEL STBY RUN Diode Check Q12900 +1.52V 1. X3000 RS232 P101 Main Board X3000 P3000 (32.80V All Speaker plug pins To (Min) 2.92V OL +3.46V 1.5V_U_DDR Q2501 G S 7-8 3. DIF AGC P5800 side B 2. DIF (P) 3.23V IC407 Clip Q402 M2_DDR_RESET_N P7100 DDR_VTT_1 IC405 IC406 M13507 +5V_Normal 4 P-DIM2 0V 0. IC2309 IC602 DDR Q2302 CPU_VID1 Select (2) INV_CTL: (DRV_ON on SMPS) turns on the IC2300 IC2300 D Q401 Q400 M0_DDR_RESET_N Select +1.54V 3. PWR_ON 2 NVRAM (4) P-DIM2: Fixed Voltage.1V_U_VDDC If Off. P-DIM is actually a PWM signal.5V 3. Controlled C IC401 P2300 IC400 MEMC by Cust. Backlights. SCL_RF HDMI1 Swap 3.98V Joy Stick pin 2 IC5800 MAIN BOARD TU_CVBS HDMI2 9. LD1900 IC2500 DDR P1905 16-17 GND B E CORE_VIDO Selector Gnd Gnd Gnd IC2600 LD12901 turned on by Q12900 C URSA9 D Q2500 Q1901 G S 11-15 12V 0V 11.23V DDR DDR IC13403 +1. Range 0% to To In JK4302 +1.52V 1. SDA_RF 16 3. video looks double image like it's 9-10 GND D Gnd Gnd Gnd IC2900 IC2800 +1.20V (Max) Ft. CVBS Q6502 8.55V 3.3V_LNA_TU Q3300 Pin 16 is power for the IR/Joy Stick Board PP4010000 IR peak/peak 3. 68VDC 3.68VDC 1.42VDC 3.08V / 10uSec X3000 Right Leg P/P Left Leg 0.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] 3.6V / 25nSec 24Mhz 1. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] / 10nSec 1.35VDC Bottom 2.04V / 10nSec X600 Top Left Leg P/P Bottom Right 3.15VDC 856mV p/p September 2016 Page 3 LG .6V p/p X600 Top Left (24MHz) 3.92V p/p Left Leg Bottom Left 3.08mV p/p 856mV / 10uSec Left Leg 24Mhz 0.72V p/p Right Leg X3000 1.04V p/p Bottom Right Leg 24Mhz 1.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 55UF7600 Main Board Crystals Measurements 55UF7600 (2015) Main Board Section X1900 (24MHz) Top Right 2.92V / 25nSec X1900 Top Right Leg P/P 1. 49V (Out) [In] 3.49V (Out) [E] 0.47V Q2501 CORE_VID1 Q7104 HTPDAn Pin Switch [8] 11.26V [3] 3.29V (In) September 2016 Page 4 .57V (Out) [6] 1.63V [3] 0V (WP) [5] 11.40V (Enable) [1] 3.60V [D] [3] 0.76V Pin Regulator Pin Regulator [4] 0.27V [Adj] 0.28V (Enable) Q2301 CPU_VID0 Q7100 I2C_SCL6 [1] 3.64V (In) [C] Do Not Measure Pin Bi-Directional Pin Switch [7] n/c [G] 3.50V [B] 1.50V (Vcc In) IC2302 (+3.84V (Out) Pin Select [C] 0.29V (In) [4] 3.76V (out) [1] 3.31V (Out) [7] n/c Pin IC2309 Pin Driver Pin Switch [8] 3.49V [E] 2.51V (En) [5] 3.97V [6] 1.77V Pin Select Pin Driver [6] 3.85V (Vcc In) [2] Gnd [B] 0.52V [C] 3.29V (Enable) Q2321 Driver for Q7102 HTPDAn IC402 DDR_VTT [7] 3.17V n/c 3.23V [G] 3.5V_U_DDR) [C] 0.04V [4] 0.84V (Vcc In) [8] 11.27V [3] Gnd [3] 0.40V [G] 0.29V (Hold) [C] 1.07V [D] 3.11V (Out) [S] Gnd [S] [4] 3.76V [S] Gnd [S] [2] 3.63V [C] Gnd [5] 3.30V [6] 3.29V [3] Gnd [3] Gnd [3] 0.61V (Out) [B] 0.84V (In) Pin Select Pin Switch [1] 1.0V [8] n/c Q2309 Panel_VCC Q401 M1_DDR_RESET_N [S] 3.50V (In) [5] 1.07V (Out) IC4300 +5V_USB_1 [1] 3.5V_DDR IC13403 (+1.0V IC2307 PWR_Det Q400 M0_DDR_RESET_N [S] Gnd [S] [3] 0. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] (Enable) [3] 5.07V Pin Hot Swap Pin LD12901 [2] 3.66V [G] 0.26V [5] 3.43V [D] 0.05V IC1901 SPI FLASH [1] 11.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] (Enable) [3] 3.29V [G] 3.49V [4] 2.54V [6] 5.76V [2] 0.84V [C] Gnd [1] 5.18V [1] 1.31V [G] 3.29V (SPI_DI) [7] 11.0V 1.02V [4] Gnd [6] 11.31V (Out) [8] n/c [B] 0.30V [8] 1.0V [7] 3.05V [1] Gnd 3.07V [D] 3.18V [7] n/c [4] 2.51V (in) [E] Gnd [S] 0.8V_DDR [2] Gnd Pin Regulator Pin Regulator [3] 3.52V (In) Pin Select Pin Switch Pin Regulator [2] 11.47V (Enable) Pin Switch Pin Buffer [7] Gnd [7] 1.28V (SO) [4] 1.47V (Enable) [6] 3.5V_WOL IC2301 +1.29V (CS) [3] 11.82V (Vcc In) [2] Gnd [G] 3.64V Q3300 HDMI Q12900 Drives [1] 3.31V [G] 0.05V [3] 0.3V_NORMAL) IC13100 DDR_VTT_URSA Pin Regulator Pin Regulator Q2302 CPU_VID1 Q7101 I2C_SDA6 IC201 AVDD_3P3 [1] Gnd [1] 1.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 55UF7600 Main Board (Small) Component Voltages 55UF7600 (2015) Main Board Section Pin Memory Pin Regulator Pin Regulator Pin LD1900 Pin Driver [1] Gnd [1] Gnd [1] 3.23V IC200 +3.84V (Out) [B] 0.56V [8] 3.23V [3] 5.48V [S] 0.76V (out) [1] Gnd [E] Gnd [5] n/c [2] 3.31V [G] 0.52V (in) [G] 3.67V [B] 0V [2] Gnd [2] 11.53V (Out) IC407 DDR_VTT_1 [7] 6.63V [2] Gnd 0.11V (In) [3] 3.80V (FB) [4] 3.96V [2] Gnd IC2303 +1.07V (Out) Pin Regulator [2] 2.07V [D] 0.51V (Vcc In) Q2300 PWR_On Q6502 TU_CVBS [6] 3.52V [8] 3.79V (Out) [5] 0.49V (Enable) Q2500 CORE_VIDO Q7103 LOCKAn [5] n/c [2] 0.36V (Comp) [5] 3.0V [8] n/c [5] Gnd [5] Gnd [D] 0.97V (Comp) [5] n/c [6] 3.84V (Out) [E] Gnd [6] 0V (SPI_CK) [8] 11.84V (Out) Q402 M2_DDR_RESET_N [E] Gnd [B] 0.85V (Vcc In) [B] 0.30V [5] 1.43V (n/c) [C] Gnd [E] Gnd [4] Gnd [4] 0.30V (USB_OCD3) Pin Select Pin Switch [2] Gnd [Out] 1.85V (Vcc In) [C] 0.51V [G] 0.0V Q3001 CEC Q7105 LOCKAn [6] 3.70V (FB) [4] 0.51V [S] Gnd [S] 0.85V (Vcc In) [E] Gnd Pin Memory [2] 11.07V [D] 1.76V (Out) [D] 0.31V (Out) [4] 0.51V (WOL_CTL) [D] 0.60V [7] 6.76V Pin 12V Sense Pin Select [D] 0.64V Pin Switch Pin Select [D] 3.86V (CTL) [B] 0V [E] 0. 53V [39] 3.63V (FB) [11] Gnd Pin Data [4] 4.45V [13] 3.71V [3] 25.35V (In) [16] 5.24V [12] 0V [36] 0V [12] 3.11V [4] 2.5V [30] 0V [6] 1.83V (PG) [14] 11.71V [14] 3.09V [7] 4.72V [38] 0V [14] 0.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 55UF7600 Main Board (Large) Component Voltages 55UF7600 (2015) Main Board Section IC2305 IC3000 IC5800 +5V_NORMAL / +5V_USB Micro Audio Regulator Pin Processor Pin Pin Amp Pin Pin Pin [1] 3.18V (Out) [2] 0V (R In) [9] 3.62V [28] 4.83V (PG) [14] 11.51V (EN) [9] 11.11V (Out) [8] 3.24V) [4] Gnd [11] n/c [7] n/c [15] Gnd [5] 3.71V [37] Gnd IC2501 [17] 3.51V Pin Regulator [6] 4.49V (Mute) [12] 0V (L Out) [8] n/c [16] 3.1V_U_VDDC [5] Gnd [13] Gnd [24] 0.52V (3.63V (FB) [11] Gnd [22] 0V [46] 2.60V [10] 3.09V [44] 0.10V (Out USB2) [24] 0.49V [31] 3.02V (Out) IC6801 [2] 0.11V [3] 2.43V (Freq) [10] Gnd [8] 5.23V [25] 0V [1] n/c [21] 2.51V [34] 3. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] [42] 0.67V (L B+) [11] 5.02V [13] n/c [34] Gnd [13] 3.06V [45] 0V [3] 0.34V) [14] (-5.02V [12] 3.83V (In) [20] 3.30V [21] 5.16V (Out L-) [10] 5.72V [8] 6.28V (USB2 Ctrl) [26] 0.51V [9] n/c [29] Gnd [9] 3.02V (Out) RS232 [3] 0.51V [3] n/c [23] 4.52V [9] n/c [5] Gnd [13] Gnd Head Phone [2] 5.51V [35] 0V [11] 2.83V (12V In) Pin Amp Pin [3] 0V [11] 3.79V (BST) [16] 1.69V [27] 3.67V (R B+) [40] 3.95V (BST) [16] 1.94V [9] 0V [33] 3.53V [5] 3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] [22] 1.51V (Enable) [23] 0.0V [35] 4.03V [4] Gnd [24] 5.09V IC13408 [4] 4.16V (Out L+) [12] 3.5V_ST In) [6] (-3.35V (In) [17] 5.30V (Mute) [33] 2.31V (In) [1] 3.1V [5] n/c [25] 5.16V (Out R+) [1] 25.65V [17] Gnd [38] 1.35V (In) [15] 3.14V [2] 0.51V [16] 4.1V [48] 3.26V [26] n/c [6] Gnd [20] 5.66V [4] 0.31V (3.16V (Out R-) [39] Gnd Pin Regulator [19] 3.51V (EN) [9] 11.34V [7] 0V [27] 5.59V) [14] Gnd September 2016 Page 5 .28V (USB3 Ctrl) [27] 0.46V [29] 0.23V [26] 3.43V [31-32] 18.18V (Out) [1] Gnd [8] 1.45V [14] 3.11V [7] 6.24V [22] Gnd [2] 25.43V (OCP2) [2] 3.1V_VDDC [18] 3.51V [8] 1.51V [15] n/c [36] 3.35V [11] 3.52V [8] 5.33V) [13] 0V [3] 0V (R Out) [10] Gnd [6] (-5.84V (SS) [12] Gnd IC6100 [1] 3.03V (Reset) [16] 0V [40] 3.18V) [13] 0V (L In) [7] (-1.3V_Normal In) [5] (-5.75V [10] 2.51V [32] 3.12V [4] Gnd [18] 11.62V [30] 2.13V [18] 2.87V (VCC) [15] 1.84V (SS) [12] Gnd [23] 0V [47] Gnd +1.11V (Out) [7] 3.51V [2] 1.14V [5] Gnd [19] 5.09V [28] 0.43V (OCP2) [28] Gnd [15] 3.83V (12V In) [7] 4.61V +1.43V (Freq) [10] Gnd [21] 3.51V [37] 0.39V [10] n/c [6] 4.10V (Out USB3) [25] 1.87V (VCC) [15] 1.83V (In) [1] 3.51V [41] 0.29V [43] 0V [19-20] 18.11V (Out) [6] 3. com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] 4K UHD TV MAIN BOARD LAYOUT (Main Circuit Board Layout) . Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a LG 2016 4K UHD Training 65UH5500 WebOS 3. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 65UH5500 Main Board Picture 65UH5500 (2016) Main Section P2501 To Inverter MAIN BOARD EBR82959601 P1 N/C USB HDMI 3 P7100 ToP7100 T-CON HDMI 2 P101 N/C HDMI 1 P4100 To IR/Joystick and WiFi P5800 RF In To Speakers To Speakers HP Optical LAN Component/Composite Audio March 2017 Page 01 LG . com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 65UH5500 Main Board Component Layout 65UH5500 (2016) Main Board Section To Inverter Heat Sink is Not Removable P5201 Main to Inverter CN402 JTAG Pin Label STBY Run Diode P2501 P1 N/C 1 PWR_ON 0. Note: P_DIM Must S G Hot Swap also be active. Optical JK3808 JK3809 PIN LABEL STBY RUN Diode Check LAN HP 2 3. 9: No Connection (Not Used) 1 6 10 1 Pin 3: WOL_PWR_On 0. To IR and +3.36V) HDMI 3 P-DIM is actually a PWM 4.8V Diode Check (OL) RS232 Tuner JK5000 P4100 "MAIN" to "Joy Stick.42V 3.5V_DDR IC2301 D Q2504 Video Processor (Dim to Bright) +1. 10mSec / 1V 5 4 14 4 6 3 March 2017 Page 02 LG . D3305 > Backlights and by average brightness levels of P101 A2 A1 B C Main Board E n/c the Video content.5V_WIFI JK3301 Joystick IC4100 D3308 IC200 ST_A1V0 Q3300 IC101 C A1 B P4100 A2 C E HDMI 3 Q5800 Memory E B Hot Swap Mute To Speakers TU6700 11 1 R.99V when IR Received 4 2 13 3 Pin 13: LED_R (0V) LED Off/TV On.76V p/p signal.24V IR Signal 2 1 11 2 Pin 10: Key2: 0.R+ L.5V_ST 3.34V OL PWR_ON USB 9-10 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Q2503E B IC100 11 DRV_ON 0V 3.86V 11 IR 3.6V.43V 1.2V 10.59V when Power Button Pressed 3. (I2C_SDA6 Buffer) (3) P_DIM (Pin 12) = Controls the backlight 13V to T-CON Pins 44-51 MAIN BOARD C JK3300 brightness.0V 3.48V 13. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] p/p 3 5 12 5 Pin 11: IR: 2.92V P4100 "Main" WiFi Board P4100 "MAIN" IR Board Pins 1.36V 1.42V OL Component / Composite Audio 10 Key 2 3.L+ IC5800 P5800 1. 8.8V IC4400 Panel_VCC IC2303 Note: Backlight Power is 64. P7100 C To T-CON Backlights are not on at this time.4V in STBY.73V 12 3.36V OL S G +1. HDMI 2 Q3301 Range 0% to 100% directly proportional to DC RS232C p/n: EBR82959601 Hot Swap voltage to Backlight brightness.44V 3. (I2C_SCL6 Buffer) E G D Q7100 HDMI 1 Q3302 Backlight power goes to 78V.5V_WiFi 0V 3.91V C (Drives Q2504) LGE6551-CA1 +5V_USB_2 12 P_DIM 0V 0. Backlight power goes to 84. 14: Ground Pin Pin Pin Pin Pins 7. HDMI 1 (1) PWR_ON = (STB) Pin 1: Turns on the Power JK3302 Supply. 5. Controlled by Cust. (0.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] 0.3V) Max Brightness.20V OL 2 N/C 3 n/c n/c n/c 2 1 +5V_Normal JK4400 3 Gnd Gnd Gnd Gnd Q2500 IC2500 USB 4-8 13. (3. D3309 A2 A1 B C (2) DRV_ON (Pin 11): Turns on the Backlights. (3V) LED On/TV Off. S D Q7101 HDMI 2 (Pulse Width Modulation Dimming). WiFi" Audio JK3801 JK3803 Access Tuner pins From the back side.16V~3.44V 3.16V – 3.42V 1.: Menu --> Video -. 44V (EN) [3] n/c [23] 6.79V (W CK) [28] 6.13V (+13V_In) [D] 13.14V (Out) Pin (Panel_VCC) [D] 3.43V (Out) Pin I2C_SDA6 Buffer [15] 0V (Gnd) [G] 3.40V [5] 1.33V (AMP_Reset) IC11200 RS232 [17] Gnd [37] Gnd IC2301 +1.81V (SPK_L+) [3] 0.46V ) (V2-) [6] 1.05V Q5800 Audio Mute Pin HDMI-1 Hot Swap (Pin 19 JK3302) [E] Gnd Pin ("C" To pin 12 IC5800) [B] 0V (HDMI_HPD_CBUS_1) [B] 0.0V (Out) [16] 3.5V_ST) [1] n/c [21] 1.81V (SPK_R+) [2] Gnd [2] 3.52V (V+) [20] 13.02V (In +5V_Normal) [10] 3.49V (EN: POW ER_ON/OFF2_3) [6] 5.5V_ST) [15] 3.53V (Out) [1] 5.3V_ST Q2503 Drives (Controls) Q2504 [S] 3.77V (FB) [3] 0V (C1-) [3] 3.5V_DDR IC4100 +3.3V_Normal) [2] 3.42V (SCL) [31] 13.08V (AUD_SCK) Pin Regulator Pin Regulator [1] 3.42V (SDA) [5] Gnd [5] 0.3V (+3.08V (Out) .38V [4] Gnd [4] Gnd [4] 0.57V [S] 13.39V (In) Q3301 [B] 0.03V (Out) [7] (n/c) [7] 0.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 65UH5500 Main Board IC Voltages 65UH5500 (2016) Main Board Section IC101 NVRAM IC2303 +1.40V (SDATA) [27] 5.11V [5] 3.44V (In 3.83V (FB) [6] 3.03V (Out) [15] n/c [35] 6.62V (PANEL_CTL) Q3302 HDMI-2 Hot Swap (Pin 19 JK3300) [C] 0.37V (Low Active) [E] Gnd Pin Switch [E] Gnd [G] 10.72V (Boot) [9] (n/c) [9] 13.5V_ST) [2] Gnd [2] 1.03V (Bias) [4] 4.5V_ST) [16] 0V [36] 3.2V (13V_AMP In) [40] 3.26V (SS) Pin Regulator [9] n/c [29] Gnd IC200 ST_A1V0 [10] 1.44V (In 3.3V (ROut1) [1] 3.53V (Out) [3] 3.44V (EN) [12] 1.80V (Out) [6] +5.44V (In 3.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] (13V_AMP In) [1] 3.44V (In 3.09V [8] 3.44V (In 3.2V (In +13V) [11] 3.39V (OC) [13] n/c [33] 1.2V (In +13V) [10] (n/c) Q2500 PWR_On [10] 13.22V (SCL) [6] 0.8V IC2500 +5V_Normal Pin Data Buffer [18] 1.40V (In +3.03V (OC) [4] Gnd [24] 5.42V (T_CON_EN) [16] 0V (In) +3.3V_Normal) [8] 0.24V (DVDD) [26] n/c [7] Gnd [7] 0. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] (Out) [2] Gnd [11] 3.07V (VREG5) [4] 0V (C2+) [4] 5.42V (SDA) [30] 1.60V (SS) [5] n/c [6] (-5.5V_WiFI IC5800 Audio Pin Memory Pin Regulator Pin Regulator Pin Amp Pin [1] Gnd [1] 3.31V (C1+) [19] 13.5V_ST) [1] 3.79V (ADJ) [14] n/c [5] 0.39V (In +3.81V (SPK_R-) [38] 1.03V (Out) [8] (n/c) [8] Gnd [8] 9.34V (ITH) [7] 1.3V_Normal) [3] 5.37V (Mute) [32] 13.29V (VDD_PLL) [22] Gnd [3] Gnd [3] Gnd [3] 3.40V (ILIM) [14] n/c [34] Gnd [4] 3.45V (In) Q7100 [13] 0V (RIn1) [2] 279V Q7101 I2C_SCL6 Buffer [14] (-5.81V (SPK_L-) Pin Regulator [11] 1.0V IC4400 +5V_USB_2 [8] 1.2V (13V_AMP In) [2] Gnd [13] 5.06V (Boot) [4] 3.34V (Out) [6] 1.40V (EN) [12] 3.60V (FB) [7] +5.44V (EN: POW ER_ON/OFF1) [2] 5.19V [5] n/c [25] Gnd [6] 3.86V (SS) [5] (-5.46V ) (DOut1) [3] 3.2V (13V_AMP In) [39] Gnd [1] n/c [1] 3.43V ) (C2-) [5] 0.0V (AMP_MUTE) [C] 0V (5V_DET_HDMI_1 and 2) Q2504 Panel_VCC [C] 3.44V (EN Power_On/Off2_2) [2] 0.27V (DIN2) Pin Switch [12] 3.33V [9] 2. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a March 2017 03 .com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. 3V 3.3V_MLVDS_VCCAM-T6 VDD_DDR_33L U7 3.com)Transaction ([email protected]_LVDS-RX-J8 J10 VDD_LVDS_12 CN119 CN121 8 PWMI PWMI 1.3V_MLVDS_VCCAM-P5 3.3V_LVDS-RX-AC7 3.3V_MLVDS_VCCAM-N6 3.3V_DDR-V6 1.2V_VCC-J7 1.3V_MLVDS_VCCAM-R6 T4 3.3V_LVDS-RX-AA6 3.8 GSEL POL_TCON 5 RN173 NC/0R VDD_MLVDS_33 RN174 0R CN118 CN86 7 Terminate GPO_5 T7 B1 BIST GND-T7 BIST B2 LVDS_TYP_TCON RN162 0R VDD_12 H5 LVDS_TYP 100n/16V 7 STV STV_D_TCON VDD_IO_33 AA8 1.4 VDD_DDR_33L V7 B3 CABC_EN STV_D_TCON V1 3.2V_VCC-G5 1 3.2V_LVDS-RX-H8 1.3V_LVDS-RX-W7 3.3V VDD_IO_33 AB8 P7 3 3.3V_LVDS-RX-Y7 N8 1.3V NC/74LVC1G32 VDD_DDR_33L V6 3.3V_MLVDS_VCCAM-P6 CPV 1 CPV 3. 5 4 3 2 1 Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ID: Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]_LVDS-RX-J9 J4 100n/16V EN_2TCON EN_2TCON GNDAM_MLVDS-J4 100p/50V 1 TCON_SYNC1 AB2 H4 2D1G CPV Option SYNC1 1 TTCON_MST_SYNC1 GNDAM_MLVDS-H4 SYNC2 1 TCON_SYNC2 AB3 G4 1 TTCON_Mute_M2S_SYNC2 GNDAM_MLVDS-G4 V4 SYNC3 1 TCON_SYNC3 AC2 1 TCON_SYNC4 AC3 TTCON_Mute_M2S_SYNC3 GNDAM_MLVDS-V4 SYNC4 1 V3 放在正面 Terminate 1 1 Te POL 1 1 POL 1 VDD_IO_33 AC8 TTCON_OSC_SYNC4 3.3V_DDR-U8 GNDAM_MLVDS-N4 3.3V_DDR-U5 RN40 NC/0R STV_U OE2 1 W2 J6 VDD_12 7 Terminate 1 W3 OE2 1.2V_LVDS-RX-H9 GSEL OE1 1 P8 N4 1.7k 4.3V_MLVDS_VCCAM-M5 GNDAM_MLVDS-L1 3.2V_LVDS-RX-J10 M8 J9 VDD_LVDS_12 AB1 GND-M8 1.3V_LVDS-RX-AA7 AC6 VDD_DDR_33L 8 POL GOA1 GOA1 VDD_LVDS_33 1 CPV_2 Y2 GOA1_DE 3.com) j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a TP_TCON RN260 3. February 06.3V_MLVDS_VCCAM-N5 3.3V_VCCIO-Y8 AMLV_4N AMLV_3N AMLV_CKN AMLV_CKP BMLV_0P AMLV_4P AMLV_3P PI 100n/16V RN168 NC/0R POL_TCON 100p/50V 5.2V_VCC-G6 VDD_DDR_33L V5 R7 K8 3.3V TP 8 3 100R 2 MFIO_15 RN263 1k 1 VN5 MAIN1V2 2 VDD_12 10k 8 AMLV_C KN BMLV_4P 8 BMLV_CKN BMLV_18N BMLV_3N8 8 AMLV_CK8P BMLV_CKP BMLV_5N8 8 AMLV_3N8 AMLV_0N AMLV_1N AMLV_2N AMLV_3P8 AMLV_4N 8 AMLV_5N BMLV_0N 8 BMLV_2N 8 BMLV_3P8 BMLV_4N AMLV_0P AMLV_1P AMLV_2P AMLV_4P AMLV_5P BMLV_0P BMLV_18P BMLV_2P BMLV_5P 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 CN33 RN32 RN30 100n/16V VDD_MLVDS_33 VDD_MLVDS_33 VDD_MLVDS_3 VDD_IO_33 D VDD_LVDS_12 D CN30 RN231 PI Resistor Must Close IC Pin CN35 CN36 1u/10V 100R/1% BMLV_CKN BMLV_CKP AMLV_CKP AMLV_CKN BMLV_3N BMLV_0N BMLV_0P BMLV_1N BMLV_2N BMLV_1P BMLV_2P 100n/16V BMLV_3P BMLV_4N BMLV_5N BMLV_4P BMLV_5P AMLV_0N AMLV_1N AMLV_2N AMLV_3N AMLV_4N AMLV_5N AMLV_0P AMLV_1P AMLV_2P AMLV_3P AMLV_4P AMLV_5P 100p/50V MFIO_13 2 3 VDD_DDR_33R PI MAIN3V3 CN1 VDD_IO_33 M2 M6 M1 M5 G1 G2 G3 U2 U3 R1 R2 R3 N2 N1 N3 H2 H1 H3 D2 N5 D1 P2 P3 E2 E1 E3 Y8 T2 T1 T3 F2 F3 L2 L1 J2 J3 NN1B 100n/16V CN114 CN107 RN170 NC/0R GPO_5 BMLV_CKP BMLV_CKN BMLV_5N BMLV_4N BMLV_3N BMLV_2N BMLV_1N BMLV_0N AMLV_5N AMLV_2N AMLV_1N AMLV_0N AMLV_5P AMLV_2P BMLV_5P BMLV_4P BMLV_3P BMLV_2P BMLV_1P AMLV_1P AMLV_0P GPO_5 GNDAM_MLVDS-M2 3.2V_VCC-H7 GNDAM_MLVDS-R4 P4 VDD_LVDS_12 H101.3V 2 A0 VCC 7 VDD_12 VDD_12 VDD_12 3 A1 WP 6 TEST RN36 1k/NC A2 SCL EE_SCL 2 4 5 EE_SDA 2 BIST RN37 1k/NC Vss SDA LVDS_TYP_TCON RN39 1k/NC NC/24LC64I/SN LVDS_BIT RN43 1k/NC CN29 2.3V_MLVDS_VCCAM-T5 3.3V_MLVDS_VCCAM-M6 GNDAM_MLVDS-L2 3.3V_DDR-V8 1 GND-P8 1.3V_MLVDS_VCCAM-R5 3.2V_VCC-H6 TCON GND 100n/16V 7 CPV Y POL_TCON AA2 TP 2 CPV_2 POL C 100p/50V A PWMO AA3 C 8 PWMO PWMO 3.3V_LVDS-RX-AC6 Y6 CN105 CN108 GOA2_CLK VDD_LVDS_33 1 GPO_3 Y3 3.3V_DDR-V5 GND-R7 AA7 VDD_LVDS_33 RN38 0R GPO_4 1 W4 GND-K8 3.3V_LVDS-RX-Y6 100n/16V 100p/50V VDD_DDR_33R MAIN3V3 GPO3 1 GPO_4 GPO_5 VDD_DDR_33L Y4 Y5 U6 L8 GOA3_GPO3 GOA4_GPO4 GOA5_HSYNC 3.3V GNDAM_MLVDS-L3 NT71322_AAC-Final_22 AB6 AC7 J7 H8 H9 G5 J5 K7 W6 Y7 AB5 N6 P5 P6 R5 R6 T5 T6 AC5 AA5 AB4 W8 K6 AA6 AB7 W7 U8 V8 N7 EEPROM RN33RN31 VDD_MLVDS_33 VDD_MLVDS_33 VDD_MLVDS_33 VDD_MLVDS_33 VDD_MLVDS_33 VDD_MLVDS_33 VDD_MLVDS_33 NN6 4.3V_LVDS-RX-AB7 3.3V_LVDS-RX-AB6 VDD_12 H7 R4 3.3V_LVDS-RX-W6 1 3.3V_VCCIO-AA8 LVDS_BIT STV_D_1D1G 2.3V_VCCIO-ABB GND-P7 J8 VDD_LVDS_12 PWMI AA4 3.3V_VCCIO-W8 1 GSEL OE GND-N8 GNDAM_MLVDS-P4 1.3V_DDR-U7 GNDAM_MLVDS-T4 3.4 GPIO_10 GPIO_10 RN113 1k CABC_EN RN44 1k/NC OD_EN RN45 1k/NC 100n/16V UD_SEL RN47 1k EN_2TCON RN49 1k/NC RN50 RN52 RN105 RN53 RN103 RN91 RN90 RN83 B B By pass capacitor VDD_IO_33 VDD_LVDS_12 10k10k10k10k10k10k10k 10k CN110 VDD_LVDS_33 CN87 CN113 CN120 CN106 CN101 100n/25V 100n/25V 100n/25V 100n/25V 100n/25V 100n/25V VDD_DDR_33L VDD_MLVDS_33 VDD_12 CN112 CN111 CN116 CN115 CN99 CN98 100n/25V 100n/25V 100n/25V 100n/25V 100n/25V 100n/25V A A <OrgName> Title <Title> Size Document Number Rev C <Doc> ? Date: Wednesday.2V_LVDS-RX-H10 3.2V_VCC-H5 A2 LVDS_BIT 100p/50V RN239 NC/0R 3.7k VDD_LVDS_12 VDD_LVDS_12 TEST 1 8 EE_SCL EE_SDA RSTN VDD_IO_33 VDD_LVDS_33 VDD_LVDS_33 VDD_LVDS_33 VDD_LVDS_33 VDD_LVDS_33 VDD_LVDS_33 VDD_LVDS_33 VDD_DDR_33L VDD_DDR_33L 3.3V_DDR-U6 NT71790- VCC 5 NN17 GND-L8 CN109 CN117 4 B 1 CPV_1 VDD_12 TP_TCON H6 AA1 1.3V_DDR-V7 CABC_EN A3 OD_EN RN122 0R CPV_2 STV_D/VSYNC OD_EN VDD_LVDS_33 7 CPV CPV_1 V2 A4 UD_SEL OE1 W1 CPV UD_SEL U5 VDD_DDR_33R CN103 CN104 OE1 3.2V_VCC-J5 M4 STV 1 STV TP 1 TP GNDAM_MLVDS-M4 L4 1 1 750TEST GNDAM_MLVDS-L4 EE_SDA GND-N7 EE_SCL GND-K7 M3 GNDAM_MLVDS-M3 L3 RSTN GND-K6 3.3V_VCCIO-AC8 GNDAM_MLVDS-V3 GNDAM_MLVDS-U4 U4 3.2V_VCC-J6 G6 VDD_12 100n/16V STV_U 100p/50V STV_U 1. 2013 Sheet 1 of 9 5 4 3 2 1 . 5V LVDS_RE3+ RN131 100R LVDS_RE3- LVDS_RE4+ RN142 100R LVDS_RE4.5V-F7 E17 VDD_DLL_2.8V MDM1 RN114 22R DDR2_DM1 DDR2_DM1 4 8 MFIO_11 MCLK0 MCLK H20 RP1N3 8 MFIO_12 MFIO_12 VDD_MMU_1.5V GPIO_4 LVDS_RE2+ RN151 100R LVDS_RE2.5V-E8 VDD_OSC_2.3V_MIS 1 1 MFIO0 MFIO4 MFIO6 1 1 1 8 7 2 RN143 1 1 1 10k 8 SCK_Slaver SCK_Slaver 1N4148W 8 SDA_Slaver SDA_Slaver MFIO1 MFIO5MFIO7 RX:NEAR CHIP SIDE RN127 1 RESETN 0R/NC RX_VMM_1.8V LVDSTX_2.0V_CORE-J17 V20 TEST_EN 312TEST Y23 MD06 RP1N4 822R DDR2_DQ6 RX_VMM_1.5V-D8 VDD_OSC_2..0V SPI_DO MD04 4 5 DDR2_DQ4 G9 SPI_DO V21 SPI_CLK LVDSTX_2.8V 1 1 5.11] LVDS_RO4+ RN148 100R LVDS_RO4.8V-J20 K19 MD10 2 7 DDR2_DQ10 VDD_MMU_1. LVDSTX_2.0V_CORE-L17 VCC_1.0V MFIO_2 U13 GND-U12 VCCA_1.8V-F19 GND_CLK-F20 MDQ9 MDM0 MDQ6 GND-F12 OSCO GND-B16 SDA_MASTER-B8 MA12 2 7 DDR2_A12 SCK_SLAVE-A7 SDA_SLAVE-B7 GPIO_15 GPIO_14 VDD_IO_3.com)Transaction ([email protected] LVDS_RECLK+ LVDS_RECLK- ICE-DSU_RX ICE-DSU_TX MFIO_2 MFIO_3 8 1MFIO_4 8 MFIO_5 1MFIO_6 MFIO_7 1 LVDS_RE0+ LVDS_RE1+ LVDS_RE2+ LVDS_RE3+ LVDS_RE4+ LVDS_RE0LVDS_RE0- LVDS_RE1- LVDS_RE2- LVDS_RE3- LVDS_RE4- UART-RX1 UART-TX1 B 2 B GPIO_0 GPIO_1 GPIO_2 GPIO_3 GPIO_4 1MFIO_0 1MFIO_1 3 ICE-DSU_RX SCK_Master RN133 4 ICE-DSU_TX SDA_Master 5 UART-RX1 LVDS_RO38+ LVDS_RO48+ 8 8 8 8 8 8 LVDS_RO38- LVDS_RO0+ LVDS_RO1+ 8- - - 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 LVDS_RO0- LVDS_RO48- LVDS_RO2- LVDS_ROCLK- LVDS_RE0+ LVDS_RE1+ LVDS_RE2+ LVDS_RO2+ 8 8 8 LVDS_RE1- LVDS_RE2- LVDS_ROCLK+ LVDS_RECLK- LVDS_RECLK+ LVDS_RE3+ LVDS_RE4+ 6 LVDS_RO1- UART-TX1 LVDS_RE3 LVDS_RE4 VDD_3.3V_MIS LVDS_ROCLK+ RN130 100R LVDS_ROCLK- LVDS_RO3+ RN135 100R LVDS_RO3..0V_CORE-H18 VDD_OSC_2.5V VDD_OSC_2.0V LVDSTX_2.5V-E7 VDD_MMU_1.5V 7.7k LVDS_RO4+ LVDS_RO3- RN136 4.5V LVDSRX_2.0V_CORE-J18 VCC_1.8 GA_SCL GA_SCL SCK_Master GPIO1G5PIO14 RN165 0R VDD_OSC_2.0V RX_VMM_1.5V MD14 3 6 DDR2_DQ14 VDD_DLL_2. EN25B40EN25F40-100GCP VDD_OSC_2.0V_CORE-H17 SCK_MASTER-C7 VCC_1.8 GPIO_[0. 10u/25V VDD_3.0V MA6 RP1N6 822R DDR2_A6 8 MFIO_5 MFIO_5 RN268 VDD_MMU_1.0V VCC_CORE_1.7k RN138 4.8V-H20 H21 RN19 MDQS1N 822R DDR2_DQS1N F14 MVREF MDQS1 2 7 DDR2_DQS1N 4 DDR2_DQS1 GND-F14 DDR_VREF-H21 K22 MRASN DDR2_DQS1 4 MRAS# MDQS0N 3 6 DDR2_DQS0N 1 MFIO_13 1. 2013 Sheet 2 of 9 5 4 3 2 1 .8V-H19 E21 MA4 2 7 DDR2_A4 MFIO_6 MA1 DDR2_A[0.5V VDD_MMU_1.3V-W9 GPIO_13 GPIO_12 GPIO_11 GPIO_10 GPIO_09 GPIO_08 GPIO_07 VDD_OSC_2.AC16 P11 V10 AC18 AC19 AC21 W10 W16 Y16 W17 Y17 W18 Y18 W19 Y19 AA9 K17 AC9 P12 P13 J18 N12 N13 R12 LVDS_ROCLK+ LVDS_ROCLK- RN124 4.8V-J19 P23 MCAS# J20 MCASN MD13 RP1N1 822R DDR2_DQ13 8 GPIO_13 GPIO_13 VDD_MMU_1.5V-P11 CN148 VDD_IO_3.5V TEST_EN VDD_MMU_1.0V MFIO_15 MFIO_15 AA23 MFIO_14 1 CN145 MFIO_14 AC22 1 MFIO14 OSCI RN132 100R MFIO_13 1 MFIO13 2 MFIO_12 RN110 DDR_72310_1V8 AA22 MFIO_11 1 1 JAM12D 22p/50V VCC_1.3V-AB9 1M ZN1 ICE-DSU_TX ICE- Y20 MFIO_9 GNDA_RX-AA17 MFIO_09 GNDA_RX-W10 H14 W20 MFIO_8 1 GNDA_RX-V10 1 J14 GND-H14 MFIO_08 T14 1 MFIO8 RN156 100R VDD_MMU_1.4.5V GPIO_1 10k SPI_DI 2 CS#_0 VCC 7 SPI_HOLD LVDS_RE0+ RN158 100R LVDS_RE0.8 GA_SDA GA_SDA SDA_Master MDQS1N MDQS0N MDQS1 MDQS0 SCK_Master SDA_Master GPIO_15 1 GPIO_14 1 SCK_Slaver SDA_Slaver VDD_3.5V VDD_3.0V_CORE-K17 MFIO11 LVDSRX_VMM_1.15] 4 1 MFIO_15 MFIO_15 MD00 3 6 DDR2_DQ0 MA4 N21 MA0 MA0 J19 MD07 4 5 DDR2_DQ7 8 LVDS_TYP GPIO_14 VDD_MMU_1.7k 10u/10V CN159 10u/10V CN147 100n/10V CN157 100n/10V CN173 100n/10V CN184 100n/10V CN193 100n/10V CN176 100n/10V CN153 100n/10V CN163 100n/10V CN179 100n/10V CN194 100n/10V CN125 100n/10V CN149 100n/10V CN160 100n/10V CN162 100n/10V CN175 100n/10V CN169 100n/10V CN166 100n/10V CN168 100n/10V CN171 100n/10V CN172 100n/10V CN164 100n/10V CN165 100n/10V CN167 10u/10V CN174 10u/10V CN146 10u/10V CN230 CN126 CN141 CN150 CN155 CN158 CN170 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V <OrgName> Title <Title> Size Document Number Rev C <Doc> ? Date: Wednesday.0V DDR2_BA1 4 1.com) j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a RN164 0R 5.5V GPIO_9 GPIO_10 GPIO_11 VCCA_DDR_1.7k RN125 4.5V-G9 SPI_CK W21 SPI_CS SPI_CS Y9 VCC_CORE_1. 4 WP#_2 CLK 5 10k 0R SPI_DO VDD_DLL_2.8V-K20 D18 C GND-G14 VDD_MMU_1. VSS DI GPIO_5 LVDS_RECLK+ RN116 100R LVDS_RECLK.0V LVDSRX_2. February 06.0V MBA0 RP1N9 822R DDR2_BA0 DDR2_BA0 4 GPIO_12 1 LC MA10 2 7 DDR2_A10 7 LC 1 MA3 MA1 4 3 5 6 DDR2_A3 DDR2_A1 B16 B14 A15 G15 G19 G21 G12 G13 H17 D12 D11 D10 H18 C10 C11 D17 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 E12 E11 E10 B10 B12 B13 B15 A16 B17 B18 A18 A19 B19 B20 B21 A21 A22 B22 F15 F19 F20 F12 F13 W9 GPIO_15 C7 D9 C8 D8 D7 B8 A7 B7 E9 E8 E7 B9 A9 5 GPIO_15 MFIO_0 NN1A RN128 MA7 RP1N8 822R DDR2_A7 D 8 MFIO_0 D MDQ13 MDQ10 MDQ15 MDQ11 MDQ14 MDQ12 VCC_1.0V RESETN MD01 2 7 DDR2_DQ1 RESET# V23 SPI_DI SPI_DI V22 MD03 3 6 DDR2_DQ3 VCC_CORE_1.5V-F9 VDD_MMU_1.8V-E17 P21 MFIO_10 MODT 4 MDM0 RN93 22R DDR2_DM0 8 MFIO_10 DDR_ODT J23 MCLK0N DDR2_DM0 4 MFIO_11 MCLK# J22 VDD_MMU_1.8V DDR_VDD_CLK_1.5V LVDSTX_2.4 STV_D_1D1G MFIO_13 GPIO_9 VDDD NT71790-MEMC MA2 MA11 M23 MA8 M22 L22 L23 MA2 MA11 MA8 CN128 100n/10V RN35 1k 1k CN122 1u/10V MDQS0 MD05 4 RP1N2 5 822R DDR2_DQS0 DDR2_DQ5 DDR2_DQS0N DDR2_DQS0 4 4 3.0V VDD_DLL_2. 5 4 3 2 1 Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ID: Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] J21 MVREF MD11 RP1N5 822R DDR2_DQ11 C DDR_VREF-J21 F8 VDD_DLL_2. CN161 LVDS_RO2+ RN117 100R LVDS_RO2.7k RN141 4.5V CO-LAYOUT DIP 8PIN LN2 GPIO_6 BLM18PG181SN1 GPIO_7 GPIO_8 LVDSRX_2.3V OSCO MDM1 MDM0 MD05 MD02 MD00 MD07 MD13 MD10 MD08 MD15 MD11 MD09 MD14 MD12 MD06 MD01 MD03 MD04 OSCI GPIO_13 GPIO_12 GPIO_11 GPIO_10 RN147 0R GPIO_9 GPIO_8 GPIO_7 1 EE_SCL EE_SCL SCK_Master VDD_MMU_1.7k RN94 4.5V LVDS_RO0+ RN134 100R LVDS_RO0- LVDS_RO1+ RN108 100R LVDS_RO1.8V GND-J14 GND-T14 UART_RX1 UART_TX1 K14 J12 22p/50V GND-M12 GND-M13 GND-N12 GND-N13 GND-R12 GND-J12 GND-K13 GND-P12 GND-P13 GND-K14 GND-L12 GND-L13 GPIO_00 GPIO_01 GPIO_02 GPIO_03 GPIO_04 MFIO_00 MFIO_01 MFIO_02 MFIO_03 MFIO_04 MFIO_05 MFIO_06 MFIO_07 DSU_RX ROCLK+ R14 RECLK+ L14 ROCLK- RECLK- DDR_VDD_CLK_1.3k RN272 MA6 MD02 2 7 DDR2_DQ2 MA6 N22 MA4 DDR2_DQ[0.0V_CORE-K18 VCC_1.3V-Y9 W22 GPIO_06 Y22 GPIO_6 GPIO_05 AB23 GPIO_5 VCCA_DDR_1.8V-K19 MD08 3 6 DDR2_DQ8 L18 K20 MD15 4 5 DDR2_DQ15 G14 VCC_1.7k XSN9 4.3V-AC9 VDD_IO_3.12] 4 MFIO_6 3.3V CN127 100n/10V CN154 100n/10V CN178 100n/10V CN192 10u/10V CN177 10u/10V CN191 A 10u/10V A 10u/10V CN123 10u/10V CN142 10u/10V CN151 10u/10V CN156 10u/10V CN124 RN149 4.0V VDD_IO_3.8 3D_EN F9 VDD_MMU_1.4 GPIO_10 GPIO_10 VCCA_DDR_1.5V-G8 J17 MD12 4 5 DDR2_DQ12 MAIN1V VCC_1.8V VCC_CORE_1.3V_MIS VDD_3.3V_MIS AA12 W12 AB9 W13 W14 W15 K13 L12 L13 M12 M13 L17 Y14 Y12 Y13 Y15 K18 AA17 AB12 LVDS_RO0+ AA13 AB13 LVDS_RO1+ AA14 LVDS_RO2+ AB14 AA15 AB15 AA16 LVDS_RO3+ AB16 AB17 AA18 AB18 AA19 AB19 AA20 AB20 AA21 AB21 T15 AC13 AC14 LVDS_RO4.7k LVDS_RO0- LVDS_RO1- LVDS_RO2- RN137 4.8V MWEN RN126 22R DDR2_WEN DDR2_WEN 4 RN157 0R MBA1 RN129 22R DDR2_BA1 1 EE_SDA EE_SDA SDA_Master VCC_CORE_1.3k MA1 F23 MA3 MA0 3 6 DDR2_A0 MA3 F21 MA7 MCASN 4 5 DDR2_CASN 8 MEMC ON/OFF MFIO_7 MA7 G22 DDR2_CASN 4 MA12 MA12 H22 MA5 MCLK0N RN145 22R DDR2_CLK0N DDR2_CLK0N 8 MFIO_8 MFIO_8 MA5 H23 4 MA9 MCLK0 RN155 22R DDR2_CLK0 MA9 F7 DDR2_CLK0 4 MFIO_9 VDD_DLL_2. RN106 GPIO_0 SPI_CS 1 8 SPI_VCC RN109 100n/10V LN3 NT72312_+2.8V M14 GND-L14 GND-R14 J13 RO0+ RO1+ RO2+ RO3+ RO4+ RE0+ RE1+ RE2+ RE3+ RE4+ RO0- RO1- RO2- RO3- RO4- RE0- RE1- RE2- RE3- RE4- N14 GND-M14 GND-J13 K12 P14 GND-N14 GND-K12 GND-P14 VDD_3.0V-F18 H19 VCCA_DDR_1.8V-D17 VDD_MMU_1. RN77 DOHOLD#_6 6 BLM18PG181SN1 GPIO_2 MFIO_14 SPI_WP 3 SPI_CLK GPIO_3 LVDS_RE1+ RN107 100R LVDS_RE1.0V LVDSRX_2..0V_CORE-L18 VDD_MMU_1.8V-G19 GND_APLL MDQS1# MDQS0# GND-G12 GND-F13 GND-G13 GND-B14 GND-A15 R13 H12 0R/NC MDQS1 MDQS0 T12 GND-R13 GND-H12 H13 MA5 3 6 DDR2_A5 8 MFIO_1 MFIO_1 T13 GND-T12 GND-H13 C23 MA9 4 5 DDR2_A9 GND-T13 DDR_CKE-C23 F17 MCKE 4 U12 VCCA_DDR_1.5V-F8 MD09 2 7 DDR2_DQ9 VDD_DLL_2.5V LVDSTX_2. NN5 CN152 1.3V-AA9 MFIO_10 1 MFIO10 VDD_IO_3.5V-G7 G7 G8 VDD_DLL_2.0V-F17 G20 RP1N7 8 MFIO_2 GND-U13 GND_CLK-G20 B23 MRASN 822R DDR2_RASN MWE# D22 MWEN MA2 2 7 DDR2_A2 MFIO_3 MBA1 DDR2_RASN 4 8 MFIO_3 MBA1 D21 MA11 3 6 DDR2_A11 MBA0 MA8 4 5 DDR2_A8 MFIO_4 MBA0 E22 MA10 8 MFIO_4 VDDD MA10 F18 VCCA_1.5V-D7 MDQ8 MDQ1 MDQ3 MDQ4 OSCI GND_OSC-F15 GND_OSC-G15 MDQ5 MDQ2 MDQ0 MDQ7 MDM1 VDD_MMU_1. 0V_CORE-T21 VCC_1.8V-D20 DDR_VDD_CLK_1.8V-D15 GNDA_RX-W11 Y10 VDD_MMU_1.0V_CORE-U20 VCC_1.0V_CORE-T18 VCC_1.8V-D16 GNDA_RX-Y10 Y11 E19 VDD_MMU_1.8V-E18 Power GND-P16 GND-R15 GND-R16 GND-U14 GND-K21 P16 R15 R16 U14 K21 L21 C G17 GND-L21 M21 VCCA_DDR_1.0V_CORE-U17 VCC_1.5V-F11 LVDSTX_2.5V-N11 G10 G11 VCC_1.0V_CORE-T23 LVDSTX_2.8V-E20 P20 GND-P20 P19 GND-P19 N20 F16 GND-N20 N19 G16 GND_OSC-F16-F16 GND-N19 N9 GND-M10 M16 GND-M15 D13 GND-M16 M20 P9 GND-N10 T8 GND-R10 U11 GND-U10 V9 GND-U11 C18 GND-C17 C19 GND-C18 C20 GND-C19 C21 GND-C20 C22 GND-C21 H15 GND-C22 H16 GND-H15 J15 GND-H16 D14 GND-D13 E13 GND-D14 L9 GND-K10 R8 GND-P10 K16 GND-K15 L15 GND-K16 E14 GND-E13 GND-E14 T11 GND-T10 U9 GND-T11 M9 GND-L10 L16 GND-L15 M15 GND-L16 J16 GND-J15 K15 GND-J16 GND_OSC-G16-G16 M10 GND-M9 N10 GND-N9 R9 GND-R8 R10 GND-R9 U10 GND-U9 GND-M20 K10 GND-K9 P10 GND-P9 C17 GND-V9 T9 GND-T8 T10 GND-T9 L10 GND-L9 M19 GND-M19 NT71322_AAC-Final_22 K9 B B A A <OrgName> Title <Title> Size Document Number Rev C <Doc> ? Date: Wednesday.0V_CORE-U19 VCC_1.5V R18 U16 U17 U18 U19 U20 U21 U22 U23 T16 T17 T18 T19 T20 T21 T22 T23 NN1C R17 LVDSRX_VMM_1.0V_CORE-U16 VCC_1.5V-H11 LVDSTX_2.0V_CORE-T22 VCC_1.5V-R11 P18 VCC_1.0V_CORE-N18 V12 N17 GNDA_RX-V12 V13 M18 VCC_1.5V-K11 LVDSTX_2.0V_CORE-T19 VCC_1.8V-E16 GNDA_RX-AB10 L19 AB11 L20 VDD_MMU_1.8V-D19 NT71790.0V-G17 GND-M21 G18 P22 VCCA_1.8V-L20 GNDA_RX-AC10 AC11 GNDA_RX-AC11 D19 VDD_MMU_1.0V_CORE-R18 VCC_1.8V R20 GND-R20 R19 E20 GND-R19 VDD_CLK_1. GND-N15 GND-N16 GND-P15 N15 N16 P15 C E18 VDD_MMU_1.5V-F10 LVDSTX_2.0V_CORE-P18 V11 N18 VCC_1.8V-E15 AB10 VDD_MMU_1.8V-L19 GNDA_RX-AB11 AC10 VDD_MMU_1. February 06.0V VCCA_1.0V_CORE-U18 VCC_1.0V_CORE-N17 GNDA_RX-V13 VCC_1.com) j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a VCC_CORE_1.0V-G18 GND-P22 R21 GND-R21 R22 GND-R22 R23 D20 GND-R23 VDD_CLK_1.0V_CORE-T17 VCC_1.0V_CORE-U23 H11 N11 U15 R11 K11 F10 F11 L11 J11 LVDSRX_2.5V-G10 LVDSTX_2.0V_CORE-T16 VCC_1.0V LVDSTX_2.0V_CORE-U21 VCC_1.0V_CORE-U22 VCC_1.0V_CORE-M18 V14 M17 GNDA_RX-V14 V15 VCC_1.com)Transaction ([email protected]_CORE-P17 GNDA_RX-V11 VCC_1.5V D RX_VMM_1.0V_CORE-R17 P17 VCC_1.8V-E19 GNDA_RX-Y11 AA10 GNDA_RX-AA10 AA11 E15 GNDA_RX-AA11 E16 VDD_MMU_1.0V D LVDSRX_2.5V-G11 LVDSTX_2. 5 4 3 2 1 Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ID: Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] LVDSTX_2.0V_CORE-T20 VCC_1. 2013 Sheet 3 of 9 5 4 3 2 1 .5V-M11 VCC_1.0V-U15 M11 LVDSTX_2.0V_CORE-M17 GNDA_RX-V15 V16 GNDA_RX-V16 V17 GNDA_RX-V17 V18 GNDA_RX-V18 V19 D15 GNDA_RX-V19 W11 D16 VDD_MMU_1.8V VDD_MMU_1.5V-J11 LVDSTX_2. 2V VSSDL VDDL VIN VOUT 1 10u/16 CN232 100n/16VCN233 A7A9 VDD_3.3CVN43 2k RN111NC/100K VN44 10u/16CVN47 100n/16CVN40 CN32 CN129 2 7 CN46 IN EN 100n/16V 100n/16V 10u/16C CN17 CN136 CN137 CN19 CN23 CN24 CN130 CN132 CN134 3 6 CN39 RN6 RN5 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V SW COMP GND 12k TGND 3.5k 10u/10V 100n/16V CN143 10u/10V 3 4 10u/10V 100n/16V 1 0R/NC ShutD ADJ 2.15] 2 R3 NC F9 DDR2_DQ7 VDD_DDR2_1V8 NC/MP1484 3..3=0.3VCN231 VDD_DM1 J7 J1 3 4 1 1.3V_MIS MP1484 1=0.2k GND GND GND VOUT=0..0 uH DDR2_A0 M8 B9 DDR2_DQ15 VCC-Panel 1 DDR2_A1 M3 A0 DQ15 B1 DDR2_DQ14 10u/10V 1 A1 DQ14 RN55 NC/0R RN235 100k D DDR2_A2 M7 D9 DDR2_DQ13 VDD_3.8k DDR2_A12 R2 10u/10V A12 4 5 DDR2_CLK0 RN13 100R DDR2_CLK0N R8 GND FB DDR2_DQ[0.55k TO-252 RN119 681R RN118 NC AP2127K-ADJ 2 GND GND 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k 10k Vout=1.2.25(1+R162/R236)+0.000055*R162 GND GND 1.3V NN15 选用小封装的 RN95 3. 2013 Sheet 4 of 9 5 4 3 2 1 .3V_MIS VSSQ_77 VDDQ_58 B2C1 2 GND VSSQ_74 VDDQ_59 VOUT VSSQ_78 VDDQ_60 B8C3 10u/16V VSSQ_75 VDDQ_61 D2C7 1 VSSQ_73 VDDQ_62 D8C9 BS_7 2 1 VSSQ_72 VDDQ_63 E7E9 GPIO_0 3 AP1122E C C VSSQ_79 VDDQ F2G1 VDD_DDR2_1V8 4 F8 G3 VSSQ VDDQ_54 CN140 RN12 100n/10V VSSQ_80 VDDQ_55 H2G7 XSN10 1u/10V 1k/1% H8 G9 CN139 P9 VSSQ_81 VDDQ_56 R1 N1 VSS_69 VDD_52 M9 CN100 J3 VSS_68 VDD_51 J9 10u/10V RN9 +V_SW6 1k/1% E3 VSS_67 VSS_66 VDD_50 VDD_49 E1 For Debug Update Code 1V A3 A1 VSS VDD VDD_DM1 RN216 H5PS5162GFR-G7C NC/0R VCC-Panel LN6 10.8k 4 5 GND FB VDD_3.com) j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a DDRII 512Mb/1Gb layout compatible VCC3.3VCN9 CN6 DDR2_A4 N8 D3 DDR2_DQ11 BS SS 26.3V RN115 MAIN3V3 0R 选用小封装的 NC/0R 1k/NC BS_8 GPIO_8 AP1084DGAZ1084D-ADJ MAIN3V3 BS_9 GPIO_9 1.923(1+R10/R11) 9 GPIO_[0.1k A4 DQ11 CN27 DDR2_A5 N3 D7 DDR2_DQ10 100n/16V 100n/16V A5 DQ10 10u/10V RN96 NC/100K NC/10u/16VCN8 DDR2_A6 N7 C2 DDR2_DQ9 10u/16CVN13 CN3 A6 DQ9 2 7 DDR2_A7 P2 C8 DDR2_DQ8 CN10 IN EN 100n/16V DDR2_A8 P8 A7 DQ8 DDR_72310_1V8 CN102 100n/16V 10n/50V DDR2_A9 P3 A8 A8 DDR2_DQS1N DDR2_DQS1N 2 +V_SW4 A9 UDQS#_47 3 6 CN2 RN2 RN3 DDR2_A10 M2 B7 DDR2_DQS1 DDR2_DQS1 SW COMP A10/AP_10 UDQS 2 10k DDR2_A11 P7 B3 DDR2_DM1 CN28 GND TGND A11 UDM DDR2_DM1 2 3..3V MAIN3V3 VDDD VCC3.. 5 4 3 2 1 Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ID: Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] 22u/6.8V NN16 2.923(1+R4/R6) 9 R7 NC_14 DQ7 F1 DDR2_DQ6 NC_15 DQ6 DDR2_DQ5 H9 DDR2_BA1 L3 H3 DDR2_DQ3 10u/10V 2 DDR2_BA1 BA1 DQ3 DDR2_BA0 L2 H7 DDR2_DQ2 2 DDR2_BA0 BA0 DQ2 DQ1 G8 RN10 2 DDR2_RASN DDR2_RASN K7 DDR2_DQ0 0R/NC DDR2_CASN L7 RAS#_44 DQ0 2 DDR2_CASN CN25 2 DDR2_WEN DDR2_WEN K3 E8 DDR2_DQS0N WE#_76 LDQS#_33 DDR2_DQS0N 2 10u/10V L8 F7 DDR2_DQS0 DDR2_DQS0 2 CS#_42 LDQS J2 MAIN1V2 K2 VRef_57 RN11 VDD_DM1 1k/NC RN8 CKE 1k 2 MCKE RN76 2 DDR2_CLK0 DDR2_CLK0 J8 A2 CK NC_82 RN51 2 DDR2_CLK0N CK#_40 NC_83 VCC3.5V B B RN18 BS_6 BS_7 GPIO_6 GPIO_7 3.8*(1+R237/R163) V A A <OrgName> Title <Title> Size Document Number Rev C <Doc> ? Date: Wednesday.11] 1.com)Transaction ([email protected]] 2 CN26 LN1 NC/10.3n/50V 6.8 BS_0 RN14 1k GPIO_0 BS_1 RN15 1k GPIO_1 BS_2 RN16 1k GPIO_2 BS_3 GPIO_3 BS_4 GPIO_4 BS_5 GPIO_5 +V_SW4 NT72312_+2.5V BS_10 GPIO_10 2 3 1 1 5 Vin_2 VOUT 1 1 ADJ BS_11 GPIO_11 VIN VOUT 1 CN227 CN38 CN228100n/16V RN20 RN21 RN22 RN23 RN24 RN25 RN26 RN27 RN28 CN4 RN194 CN226 CN5 RN198 CN229 GND RN34 10u/10V100n/16V 1.3V 0R RN56 0R NN2 3.3n/50V 6.0 uH 1 1V VDD_DM1 1 RN234 100k 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V 100n/10V NN14 CN18 CN22 CN37 CN31 CN131 CN133 CN135 1 8 CN42 RN4 100n/16CVN41 BS SS 22u/6.3V 512Mb:BA2 NC.3V_MIS NN12 D A2 DQ13 D1 DDR2_DQ12 DDR2_A3 N2 1 8 CN7 RN1 A3 DQ12 22u/6. February 06.3V NN13 NC/0R VDD_DM1 100n/16VCN225 22u/6.3V 2 DDR2_A[0.12] DDR2_DQ[0.3CVN45 22u/6. 1Gb:BA2 used RN48 MAIN3V3 VDD_3. 9k 1 GMA2 8 RN60 24.9k 1 RN180 1 GMA3 1 GMA3 RN61 10R CN82 10R 1 GMA3 8 RN54 CN238 CN58 GMA4 1 GMA4 100n/16V 1 GMA4 8 47k 10u/16V 100n/16V GMA5 1 GMA5 1 GMA5 8 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 GMA6 1 GMA6 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 NN8 1 GMA6 8 VCOM_OUT AVDD_24 AVDD_25 AGND_27 AGND_31 EPAD VCOM_FB VCOM_ADJ SET NN7 IML7991ID VCOM_ADJ VCOM_FB VCOM_OUT AGND_27 AGND_31 AVDD_24 AVDD_25 EPAD 1 GMA7 SET GMA7 IML7991ID 24 RN178 10R GMB14 CN55 100n/16V 100n/16V 1 GMA7 8 100n/16V CN83 OUT14 24 RN62 10R GMA14 CN53 CN84 100n/25V GMB1 RN191 10R 1 23 RN192 10R GMB13 CN92 100n/16V OUT14 GMA13 100n/16V CN89 OUT1 OUT13 GMA8 1 1 GMA8 CN57 CN59 100n/25V GMA1 RN63 10R 1 23 RN64 10R CN54 100n/25V GMB2 RN184 10R 2 22 RN193 10R GMB12 CN81 100n/16V GMA8 8 100n/25V GMA2 RN66 10R 2 OUT1 OUT13 22 RN65 10R GMA12 CN60 100n/16V CN88 100n/25V GMB3 RN92 10R 3 OUT2 OUT12 21 RN181 10R GMB11 CN76 CN61 OUT2 OUT12 OUT3 OUT11 100n/16V GMA9 1 1 GMA9 100n/25V GMA3 RN67 10R 3 21 RN68 10R GMA11 CN62 100n/16V CN95 100n/25V GMB4 RN179 10R 4 20 RN88 10R GMB10 CN79 GMA9 8 CN64 4 OUT3 OUT11 20 CN91 5 OUT4 OUT10 19 100n/16V 100n/25V GMA4 RN70 10R RN69 10R GMA10 CN63 100n/16V 100n/16V GMB5 RN150 10R RN186 10R GMB9 CN90 100n/16V GMA10 1GMA10 CN66 GMA5 RN72 5 OUT4 OUT10 19 GMA9 CN93 GMB6 RN176 6 OUT5 OUT9 GMB8 CN70 100n/16V 10R RN71 10R CN65 100n/16V 100n/16V 10R 18 RN190 10R CN77 1 GMA10 8 GMA6 RN73 10R 6 OUT5 OUT9 18 RN74 10R GMA8 GMB7 RN86 10R 7 OUT6 OUT8 17 CN71 100n/16V CN69 100n/16V DVDD VDDD 1GMA11 OUT6 OUT8 OUT7 GMA11 BANK_SEL STATIC_HI BANK_SEL STATIC_HI nWR_23 8 AVDD CN80 GMA12 1GMA12 VDD_GA CN68 DGND AGND CN67 nWR_23 1 GMA12 8 SDA SCL DGND AGND A0 SDA SCL 1u/25V 100n/16V CN237CN236 1 GMA13 8 A0 GMA14 1GMA14 9 10 11 BANK_SEL 12 13 14 15 16 VDD_OP 100n/25V XSN8 1 GMA14 8 100n/25V 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 VDD_OP 100n/25V 100n/25V GMB1 1 GMB1 5 6 1 GMB1 8 4 GA_SDA GMB2 1 GMB2 GA_SDA 3 GA_SCL 1 GMB2 8 CN72 CN73 nWR 1 1 GMB3 8 1u/25V RN139 3. VDD IN+ 6 RN215 0R 1 4 OUT GSEL 1.31k CN185 NC/10u/25V 100n/25V NC/10u/25V 2 VZN1 100n/25V TL431BCDBZR RN87 3 2k NC/100n/25V VCOMADJ RN89 VDD_GA VDD_GA RN185 0R RN58 82k RN187 VCOM 82k RN59 CN85 CN51 CN56 100k GMA1 1 GMA1 CN52 100k 1u/25V 100n/25V 1 GMA1 8 1u/25V 100n/25V RN256 GMA2 1 GMA2 0R VCOMB RN182 24.3k VDDD VDDD 1 GMB5 8 RN80 3.2 NC/10k/1% 0R 1 NC1 EP NC2 8 VDDA 0R 2 7 1 VDD_OP 3 IN.com)Transaction (jk011831@gmail. 2013 Sheet 5 of 9 5 4 3 2 1 . 5 4 3 2 1 Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ID: Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] GMB5 1 GMB5 RN78 NC/3.3V 1 GMB8 8 GMB9 1 GMB9 1 GMB9 8 GMB10 1GMB10 RN218 nWR 1 GMB10 8 2.2k RN197 1 NC/9.8 1 GMB11 8 3 100R GA_SCL GA_SCL 2.3k GMB4 1 GMB4 100n/25V 1 GMB4 8 RN189 3.3kBANK_SEL RN79 NC/3.2k nWR 8 RN46 100R/NC RN207 BANK_SEL GA_SDA GMB11 1GMB11 GA_SDA 2.3k GMB6 1 GMB6 1 GMB6 8 GMB7 1 GMB7 1 GMB7 8 GMB8 1 GMB8 VCC3.8 5 D RN84 RN85 CN74 GND NC3 D NC/0R NC/10u/25V CN189 MAX9650 CN183CN187 CN188 10.3k RN183 3.8 GMB12 1GMB12 2 GPIO_15 GPIO_15 RN17 47k 1 1 GMB12 8 MMBT3904LT1 GMB13 1GMB13 1 GMB13 8 2 GMB14 1GMB14 1 GMB14 8 VCOM 1VCOM 1 B B A A <OrgName> Title <Title> Size Document Number Rev C <Doc> ? Date: Wednesday.com) j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a VDDA VDD_GA POL_TCON 1 GSEL OP CIRCUIT NN10 VDDA VDD_GA RN221 RN213 9 RN82 VDD_OP 15. February 06.3k RN188 3. 2k GD COMPB 2.0 uH RN203 VDDD RN230 CN216 0R 1 10k 100n/25V 1 layout 特别注意 CN217 CN218 CN220 CN221 VDDD1 RN227 VDN6 0u/10V 10u/10V 10u/10V NC/10n/501V 2 59k CN219 RB160M-30TR 100n/25V 1 CN222 1u/10V VDDD=1.48k ENA1 1M 6.2n/50V CN213 16 AAT16133 SS AVIN VCC-Panel CBOOT 33n/16V SWB1 CN214 7 15 SWB DLY2 DRN VCC FBN VREF VINB RN202 100n/25V CN215 16.7u/10V VGL 1 VN8 VDN7 RN229 2 MMBT23907ALT1 1 2 VGL 1 0R RB160M-30TR 1 1.com) j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 1 2 VDN2 NC/APD340VRTR-G1NC/APD340VRTR-G1 VDN3 2 1 D D CN198 NC/470n/50V 2 CN199 APD340VRTR-G1\TP\JK VDN4 8 NN20 1 RN238 NC/0R NC/100n/50V layout 特别注意 1 7 D1 S1 2 6 D1_5 S2 3 LN510.2u/25V 100n/25V CN234 RN214 100n/25V RB160M-30TR 120R 1 VDN9 BZT52C10 2 A A <OrgName> Title <Title> Size Document Number Rev C <Doc> ? Date: Wednesday.5k VDN8 CN241 CN240 2 1 2.6k CN411 NC/0805/1u/50V AVDD=1.2n/50V C RN217 CN212 30k C 5 17 COMP FBB 30k 2.8k VGH=1.25*(1+(RN189+RN193)/RN196)=15.728V NC/10u/50V NC/470n/50V NC/220p/50V 29 27 26 25 24 23 22 28 RN209 10k RN220 RN400 NN3 ENA2 EPAD GND1 GND1 SW SW RN204 DRP NC/3. February 06.com)Transaction (jk011831@gmail. 2013 Sheet 6 of 9 5 4 3 2 1 . 5 4 3 2 1 Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ID: Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] AVDD1 NC/P2003EVG VGH VGH 16V VCC-Panel V1 1 VDN5 2 VDDA 1 3 AO3401L 1 VS VS RN199 1 1 RN219 3 2 1 CN254 CN255 CN20C 1 N202 NC/0R 0R CN203 RN232 NC/MMBT2907ALT1 2SA2071 CN204 CN205 CN206 2 3 10u/25V 10u/25V 10u/2150Vu/25V 100n/25V 1M VN2 10u/25V 10u/25V NC/220n/50V RN233 1 RN222 CN207 CN208 CN209 51k NC/80.99k 47n/16V 4 18 10.9k 100n/25V 8 9 10 11 14 13 12 LN7 10.25*(1+R298/R302) 1 21 OS FBP RN205 RN210 2 20 AGND FSW 3k 130k RN225 RN236 3 19 FB DLY1 CN210 0R RN223 CN211 RN200 4.25*(1+RN201/R199) VN6 VN7 2 2 1 1 RN224 VSS 2DD1664R-13 0R 2DD1664R-13 3 3 RN208 RN228 VSS 1 6.8k 1 0R B CN223 B RN237 CN224 470n/25V 1k 4.0 uH D2 S3 CN200 RN206 5 4 D2_7 G 10u/25V NC/6. February 06.8 3D_EN 1u/10V LC_L1 1 1 1 CPV STV VSS_XON_R VSS_XON_L RN323NC/0R/0402 ST_R 1ST_R ST_L 1 ST_L 3DEN 1 1 RN324NC/0R/0402 B B 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 VT COMPG PGND REF FBG 3DEN NN21 Terminate 1 30 VST VCE G1 END VIN 1 Terminate Teminate LXG LC 2 29 2 LC LC PMS VCC-Panel RN303 3 28 RN254 RN257 set3 CN245 RN288 0R/0402 Rotate SET1 VDDA 1u/25V 4 27 set2 0R/0402 Ratio SET2 4.99k 100n/50V CN248 RN259NC/0R/0402 6 25 AGND SHD 1u/25V VSS RN262 7 24 VSS GOAL VGON VGH RN261 0R/0402 8 23 VSS_XON_R VSS_XON_R XON NC3 CN268 CN249 CN250 CN251 0R/0402 9 22 100n/50V 1u/50V 1u/50V 1u/50V VSS STH1 ST_R 8 RN264 10 21 RN3000R/0402 VGL VGL VGOFF LC1 LC_R1 8 CKH6 CKH5 CKH4 CKH3 CKH1 STH2 CKH2 NC1 0R/0402 LC2 NC2 RN2670R/0402 CN252 17 18 20 10u/25V 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 RT8922 0R/0402RN270 0R/0402RN266 0R/0402RN269 0R/0402RN302 0R/0402RN304 0R/0402RN271 0R/0402RN265 A A <OrgName> 8 8 HC_R38 HC_R28 HC_R18 8 LC_R2 HC_R6 HC_R5 HC_R4 8 Title <Title> Size Document Number Rev C <Doc> ? Date: Wednesday.4k CN260 RN248NC/0R/0402 6 25 120k AGND SHD 1u/25V VSS RN250 7 24 END VSS GOAL VGON VGH VT RN249 0R/0402 8 23 VSS_XON_L VSS_XON_L XON NC3 CN265 CN267 CN242 CN243 0R/0402 9 22 100n/50V 1u/50V 1u/50V 1u/50V RN240 RN291 VSS STH1 ST_L 8 620k 100k RN253 RN2890R/0402 VGL VGL 10 21 LC_L1 8 VGOFF LC1 CKH6 CKH5 CKH4 CKH3 CKH2 STH2 CKH1 NC2 0R/0402 NC1 RN2770R/0402 LC2 CN261 RN242 RN241 10u/25V 10K 130k 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 RT8922 VDDD C C set1 RN281 10k 0R/0402RN243 0R/0402RN286 0R/0402RN294 0R/0402RN299 0R/0402RN274 RN280 NC/10k 0R/0402RN255 VGL 0R/0402RN244 VDDD 1 1 set2 RN279 10k RB160M-30TR RN278 NC/10k RB160M-30TR VDN11 VDN12 2 8 HC_L28 8 HC_L1 HC_L38 LC_L2 8 8 8 HC_L6 HC_L5 HC_L4 2 VDDD VSS HC_R6 HC_L6 1 HC_R6 HC_L6 1 set3 RN285 NC/10k 1 1 HC_R5 RN315 NC/0R/0402 HC_L5 RN284 10k 1 HC_R5 HC_L5 1 1 1 HC_R4 RN316NC/0R/0402 HC_L4 1 1 HC_R4 HC_L4 1 1 HC_R3 RN317NC/0R/0402 HC_L3 VDDD VDDD 1 HC_R3 1 HC_L3 1 1 HC_R2 RN318 NC/0R/0402 HC_L2 1 1 HC_R2 1 3DEN RN283 NC/10k HC_L2 1 RN282 10k HC_R1 RN319NC/0R/0402 HC_L1 RN251 1 1 HC_R1 1 0R/0402 RN320NC/0R/0402 HC_L1 1 CN266 LC_R2 1 LC_R2 LC_L2 1 1 LC_R1 RN321NC/0R/0402 LC_L2 1 LC_L1 RN275 NC/1k 3DEN 1 1 LC_R1 1 3D_EN RN322NC/0R/0402 2.2k Ratio SET2 4. 5 4 3 2 1 Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ID: Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. 2013 Sheet 7 of 9 5 4 3 2 1 .32k 51k RN258 VCOMADJ RN3010R/0402 5 26 set1 CN253 VcomADJ SET3 4.com) j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a VDDD RN252 CN256 0R/0402 120p/50V CN264 RN298 1u/10V 191k 1 1 CPV STV VDN10 FBG D LN8 10.48k Teminate LXG LC 2 29 2 LC LC PMS VCC-Panel REF RN296 3 28 RN276 RN273 set3 CN246 RN287 0R/0402 Rotate SET1 VDDA 1u/25V 4 27 set2 NC/16.com)Transaction ([email protected] 51k RN247 RN290 VCOMADJ 5 26 set1 CN262 RN293NC/0R/0402 VcomADJ SET3 4.99k RN292 100n/50V 60.0 uH RN246 D VCC-Panel 1 2 VGH 3DEN END REF 0R VT RB160L-90 RN295 CN263 CN259 CN258 100k NC 1u/50V 1u/50V CN257 1u/25V 1u/25V RN245 34 32 31 FBG 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 33 NN19 NC NC COMPG FBG PGND REF 3DEN VT VST END VIN VCE G1 RN297 1 Terminate Terminate 1 30 3. 3V VCC3. 3 4 LVDS_ROCLK. 5 4 Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. LVDS_RE2. 2 5 LVDS_RE4.2 GND VCC MFIO_5 RN314 100R LED_PWM6 39 LVDS_RE3+ 6 AMLV_3NO 6 HC_L1 HC_L1 7 2 MFIO_5 D LVDS_RE3+ 2 LVDS_RE3. 7 HC_R1 HC_R1 80 13 AMLV_1PO BMLV_0NO 80 13 LVDS_RO4. 82 GND 11 AMLV_2PO 82 GND 11 LVDS_RE0. 2 10 10 3 4 I/O3_2 IC1 29 LVDS_RE0+ LVDS_RE0+ 2 ESDA6V8UF 28 LVDS_RE0.2 8 AMLV_CKPO 8 1 6 MFIO_11 LED_PWM7 I/O1_3 IC2 2 MFIO_11 RN364 100R 33 LVDS_RE2+ LVDS_RE2+ 2 9 AMLV_CKNO 9 2 5 32 LVDS_RE2.2 23 LVDS_RO3+ LVDS_RO3+ 2 HC_R2 79 14 AMLV_1NO BMLV_0PO 79 14 LVDS_RE0.3V NC/2.4 1 10 LED_PWM8 PWM8 25 LVDS_RO4+ LVDS_RO4+ 2 3D_EN 2. LVDS_RE1.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a XSN1 55 54 56 53 57 52 CN269 10u/16V XSN3 Layout place Left XSNN4 Layout place Right 58 51 59 50 FN1 MFIO_0 LED_PWM1 60 49 2 MFIO_0 RN313 100R 1 AMLV_5PO 1 HC_L6 HC_L6 7 61 48 VCC-Panel 2 MFIO_1 MFIO_1 RN312 100R LED_PWM2 47 F1206FA3000V032TM 2 AMLV_5NO 2 HC_L5 HC_L5 7 46 MFIO_3 LED_PWM3 2 MFIO_3 RN310 100R 45 3 AMLV_4PO 3 HC_L4 HC_L4 7 44 MFIO_2 LED_PWM4 FN2 2 MFIO_2 RN311 100R 43 RN347 0R BITSEL 4 AMLV_4NO 4 HC_L3 HC_L3 7 LVDS_RE3+ LVDS_RE4+ 42 RN345 0R TEST_EN 1 6 GPIO_13 2 I/O1_3 IC2 2 MFIO_4 MFIO_4 RN305 100R LED_PWM5 41 LVDS_RE4+ LVDS_RE4+ 2 5 AMLV_3PO 5 HC_L2 HC_L2 7 40 LVDS_RE4. 4 LVDS_RO1- C GMB1 3 I/O3_2 IC1 C VDDD 66 27 GMB2 BMLV_5NO 66 27 GSEL ESDA6V8UF GMB2 5 65 28 GMB3 BMLV_5PO 65 28 POLS RN327 10k GMB3 5 64 29 64 29 GMA1 PWM_IN RN331 NC/100R PWM_OUT 63 30 GMB4 GMB14 63 30 GMA2 VCC3. D 38 LVDS_RE3.5x80A RN329 3 1 1 VCC3.2k 2 2. 2 FN4 11 27 RN344 0R 3D_LR_FLAG +1 6 81 GND 12 AMLV_2NO 81 GND 12 I/O1_3 IC2 LVDS_RE1+ 26 RN346 0R 3D_EN GPIO_5 2. LVDS_RO2. February 06. LVDS_RECLK- 30 LVDS_RE1.4 GMB6 5 3 100R 100R 3 H 120Hz L 60Hz 59 34 GMB7 GMB11 59 34 GMA5 LVDS_SEL RN335 1k 1 LD_EN RN352 1k 1 GMB7 5 MMBT3904LT1 MMBT3904LT1 I2C-SDA-MMS RN328 0R 58 35 GMA8 GMB10 58 35 GMA6 GA_SDA 2. LVDS_RO1. 4 LVDS_RE4.5 TP 57 36 GMA9 57 36 GMA7 GA_SCL 1 TP GMA9 5 GSEL1 OL POL 56 37 GMA10 GMB9 56 37 GMB1 VCC3.4 GPIO_6 Glass_Vsync L/R_OUT 1 RN330 100R Layout place L Layout place Right XSN33 XSN44 62 61 COF 62 61 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 VSS_XON_L 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 BMLV_3NO 5 AMLV_CKNO 1LV_CKNO AMLV_CKPO 1LV_CKPO 1 LV_1NO 1 LV_1PO 1 LV_2NO 1LV_0NO 8 AMLV_0NO 6 AMLV_1NO AMLV_3N R1PN12 8 AMLV_3NO 6 AMLV_4NO 8 AMLV_5NO BMLV_5NO 7 AMLV_0PO 7 AMLV_2PO AMLV_3PO 5 AMLV_4PO 7 AMLV_5PO 1LV_0PO BMLV_5PO BMLV_4NO BMLV_4PO 1 LV_2PO BMLV_3PO DP_SEL2 DP_SEL2 HC_L6 HC_L5 HC_L4 HC_L3 HC_L2 HC_L1 LC_L2 VSS_XON_L LC_L1 TP POL GMA10 GMA13 GMA12 GMA11 GMA10 GMA9 GMA14 GMA13 GMA12 GMA11 AMLV_2NO AMLV_1PO GMA8 GMA7 GMA6 GMA5 GMA4 GMA3 GMA2 GMA1 GMA1 GMA9 GMA8 GMA7 GMA6 GMA5 GMA4 GMA3 GMA2 POL 71 BM 8 1 BM 61 BM GMA14 BM RPN14 0R 1 BM HC_L1 HC_L2 HC_L3 HC_L4 HC_L5 HC_L6 7 LC_L2 0R 8 BM 7 BM 51 BM 7 LC_L1 VDDA TP VSS_XON_L 0R 0R 1 1 5 8 6 7 6 5 6 6 5 5 7 8 0RRPN11 R PN16 0R RPN13 0R A A VCOM M VDDD ST_7L 7 ST_L VDD7D VDDA VCO7 7 VSS_XON_L 7 0N0P1N1P2N2P CKCNKP HC_L17 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 HC_L1 HC_L2 HC_L3 HC_L4 HC_L5 HC_L6 LC_L2 LC_L1 LC_L2 HC_L6 HC_L5 HC_L4 HC_L3 HC_L2 RPN15 1 RPN10 AMLV_CKN3 AMLV_CKP4 AMLV_0P 2 AMLV_1N 3 AMLV_1P 4 AMLV_2N 1 AMLV_2P 2 BMLV_0N 3 BMLV_1P 2 1 BMLV_CKP2 3 4 AMLV_0N 1 AMLV_3P 2 AMLV_4N 3 AMLV_4P 4 AMLV_5N 1 AMLV_5P 2 BMLV_0P 4 BMLV_1N 1 BMLV_2N 3 BMLV_2P 4 BMLV_3N 3 BMLV_3P 4 2 1 BMLV_CKN LC_L1 BMLV_5N BMLV_5P BMLV_4P BMLV_4N AMLV_CKN AMLV_1P AMLV_2P BMLV_3P BMLV_4P BMLV_5P AMLV_2N AMLV_3P AMLV_4P AMLV_5P 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AMLV_3N AMLV_4N AMLV_5N BMLV_3N BMLV_4N BMLV_5N AMLV_CKP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 BMLV_1N BMLV_2N BMLV_CKN BMLV_CKP BMLV_1P BMLV_2P AMLV_1N AMLV_0P BMLV_0P AMLV_0N BMLV_0N 1 1 1 1 <OrgName> Title <Title> Size Document Number Rev A2 <Doc> ? Date: Wednesday. 3 LVDS_RE3.5 GMA8 5 2 2 I2C-SCL-MMS RN332 0R 2.2 7 HC_R4 18 I/O1_3 IC2 2 3D_Enable_High 1 1 16 LVDS_RO2. LVDS_RO0.2 HC_R3 78 15 AMLV_0PO BMLV_1NO 78 15 ESDA6V8UF 5 LED_PWM3 1 PWM3 20 LVDS_ROCLK+ 7 HC_R3 1 LVDS_ROCLK+ 2 FN5 4 LED_PWM2 LVDS_ROCLK. 7 LED_PWM5 1 7 HC_R2 3 4 1 PWM5 22 LVDS_RO3. 2 FN6 11 LC_R2 73 20 GMA3 BMLV_CKNO 73 20 LVDS_RO2+ LVDS_ROCLK+ 10 LD_EN 7 LC_R2 GMA3 5 VDDA 1 6 RN354 0R I/O1_3 IC2 9 I2C-SCL-MMS RN342 NC/0R PWM_OUT PWMO 72 21 GMA4 BMLV_CKPO 72 21 PWMO 1 GMA4 5 2 5 8 I2C-SDA-MMS RN343 NC/0R PWM_IN PWMI PWMI 1 GND VCC 5 4 7 RN341 0R LVDS_SEL VSS_XON_R VSS_XON_R 71 22 71 22 LVDS_RO2. LVDS_RE1.3V From SOC to FRC(Function control option) 48 GMB11 48 GMA10 1 1 GMB11 5 VN11 RN339 0R/NC 49 49 VCC3. 2 I/O3_2 IC1 13 LVDS_RO0+ LVDS_RO0+ 2 LC_R1 74 19 GMA2 74 19 ESDA6V8UF 7 LC_R1 GMA2 5 12 LVDS_RO0.3V VCOM GMB4 5 62 31 GMB5 GMB13 5 62 31 GMA3 VDDD GMB5 61 32 GMB12 61 32 GMA4 RN334 RN351 DP_SEL2 RN307 10k 1k 1k RN306 NC/10k VDDA 60 33 GMB6 60 33 VN9 RN333 LVDS_TYP 2 VN12 RN350 GPIO_0 2.7 9 LED_PWM7 1 1 24 LVDS_RO4. 3 3D_Enable_High 6 nWR 5 I/O3_2 IC1 5 RN358 100R RN353 0R L/R_OUT 70 23 GMA5 BMLV_3NO 70 23 2 LED_PWM1 4 RN340 0R GMA5 5 ESDA6V8UF 1 MEMC ON/OFF MEMC ON/OFF 2 3 RN349 0R I2C-SDA-MS ST_R 69 24 GMA6 24 TP LVDS_RO0+ FN7 LVDS_RO1+ 7 ST_R BMLV_3PO 5 69 1 XSN11 2 RN348 0R I2C-SCL-MS GMA6 6 I/O1_3 IC2 1 68 25 GMA7 BMLV_4NO 5 68 25 POL GMA7 2 5 GND VCC 67 26 GMB1 BMLV_4PO 5 67 26 POLS LVDS_RO0. 2 I/O3_2 IC1 37 7 7 LC_L2 LC_L2 7 MFIO_10 RN326 100R 3D_Enable_High 36 LVDS_RECLK+ ESDA6V8UF 2 MFIO_10 LVDS_RECLK+ 2 FN3 35 LVDS_RECLK.3 LVDS_RO4- 7 HC_R6 GMA1 5 4 12 14 LVDS_RO1.3V 1 P GMA10 5 1 POLS 55 38 GMB8 55 38 GMB2 1 54 39 GMA11 5GMA14 54 39 GMB3 RN356 1.5x80A HX0.3V GMB13 5 2N7002 M5 M6 1 4 5 XSN7 HX0. + LVDS_RECLK+ 34 LVDS_RECLK. VDDD I/O3_2 IC1 6 LED_PWM4 21 LVDS_RO3. 2013 Sheet 8 of 9 5 4 3 2 1 . 2 7 HC_R5 2 5 3D_En_H GND VCC XSN6 15 LVDS_RO1+ LVDS_RO1+ 2 HC_R6 75 18 GMA1 BMLV_2PO 75 18 LVDS_RO3.3V M3 M4 I2C-SDA-MS 3 R 2 N337 100R 50 GMB12 GMA11 50 SDA_Slaver 2 GMB12 5 1 1 51 GMB13 GMA12 51 VCC3. 2 GND VCC 2 MFIO_12 MFIO_12 RN309 100R LED_PWM8 31 LVDS_RE1+ LVDS_RE1+ 2 2.5 GSEL GMA11 1k 53 40 GMA12 GMA13 53 40 VN13 RN355 MFIO_8 2 GMA12 5 3 100R 52 41 52 41 GMB4 BITSEL RN357 1k 1 5 GMB14 MMBT3904LT1 42 GMA13 42 GMB5 2 GMA13 5 43 GMA14 43 VN10 RN338 GMA14 5 0R/NC 44 GMB8 GMB8 5 44 GMB6 I2C-SCL-MS 3 2 RN336 100R SCK_Slaver 2 45 GMB9 45 GMB7 GMB9 5 2N7002 46 46 GMA8 1 B 47 GMB10 47 GMA9 M1 M2 B Add: GMB10 5 VCC3.com) 3 2 1 Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. com) Castillo([email protected])Transaction Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 4 3 2 1 Himax Solution D D Panel Type: VA_IPS-alpha 315 Resolution: 1366*768 Scan direction: Dummy Channel: Tcon: HX6710 _Single in/Dual out_ SD1 SD3 SD4 SD6 C C SD: COF_HX8031-N42_684CH*6_ GD: COF_HX8651-FCU29 _256CH*3_ GD1 PWM: TPS65161 P-OP: HX5200 VIN: 12V VDDD: 3.0_100428 DWG NO <OrgName> DATE Size Checked Designer Drawer Rev SHEET 1 A1 <OrgAddr1> < OrgAddr2> <OrgAddr3> < RevCode> 6 " Himax" COP Y RIG H T 2001 . 10 Buyer:JoseTavarez 9 8 7 6 ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 5 Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected] Τ春 筿 そ Title Hisense IPS-alpha T-con board_V1. ALL RIGHTS RE SE RE V D.5V GD3 VDDD_TCON: 3. COP Y ING FORB IDDE N 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .3V VGH: 23V VGL: -8V A VCOM: 6V A Vref: 12.3V VDDM_TCON: 3.3V B B VDDA: 12.3V VDDP_TCON: 3.3V VDDA_TCON: 3. COPYING FORBIDDEN A A 5 4 3 2 1 .00mm D GND XP1 Screw holes 31 1 XP4 VCCI 3 CPV CPV 2 3 2 PP2 STV 3 STV 3 5 GM1 GM1 4 3 1 R5 VDDD 4 5 GM2 GM2 2 5 4 VDDD 6 5 GND 1 GND VGH 5 5 GM3 GM3 3 1 VGH VGL 6 GM4 4 7 6 VGL 5 GM4 7 VCOM 7 5 GM5 GM5 5 8 0603/0R/5% VCOM GM1 GM6 8 6 9 8 5 GM1 GM2 9 5 GM6 GM7 7 9 R24 0402/0R/5% S_SCL Screw Hole 5 GM2 GM3 5 GM7 POL_OUT 10 10 8 10 R23 0402/0R/5% S_SDA S_SCL 3 5 GM3 3 POL_OUT 11 12 11 GND S_SDA 3 Ellipse 5 GM4 GM4 11 3 TP1 TP1 9 RX0N 5 GM5 GM5 12 3 STV STV 10 13 12 PP3 GM6 RX0P RX0N 3 5 GM6 13 11 14 13 RX0P 3 GM7 14 BLV0P 12 15 14 GND R4 5 GM7 POL_OUT 15 3 BLV0P BLV0N 13 16 15 RX1N 1 GND 3 POL_OUT TP1 16 3 BLV0N 14 RX1P RX1N 3 1 3 TP1 17 16 GND RX1P 3 0603/0R/5% 3 BLV1P BLV1P 15 18 17 PWMI 17 RX2N 3 FLV0P FLV0P 3 BLV1N BLV1N 16 19 18 RX2N 3 Screw Hole 18 RX2P Test Pad 3 FLV0N FLV0N 17 20 19 19 BLV2P 18 GND RX2P 3 21 20 Circle 20 3 BLV2P BLV2N 19 1 22 21 RXCLKN PWMO 21 3 BLV2N 20 RXCLKN 3 1 23 22 RXCLKP Test Pad 3 FLV1P FLV1P 22 BCLKP 21 PP4 1 GND RXCLKP 3 FLV1N 3 BCLKP BCLKN 22 24 23 3 FLV1N 23 1 25 24 RX3N R2 24 3 BCLKN 23 RX3N 3 GND 24 26 25 RX3P 1 25 RX3P 3 1 27 26 GND 3 FLV2P FLV2P 26 28 27 R13 0402/0R/5% 0603/0R/5% 3 FLV2N FLV2N 27 25 R12 0402/0R/5% PWM_I 3 VDDD 29 28 PWM_O Screw Hole 28 26 3 30 29 29 27 32 3 FCLKN FCLKN 31 5 GM8 GM8 29 R243 GM9 32 5 GM9 30 32 PWM_I PP5 R230 33 5 GM10 GM10 31 VCOM 34 33 C GND 4.0mm 2 2 0603/100n/25V/X5R 3 I/O3_2 IC1 4 RX1N RX1N ESDA6V8UF 1 1 1206/22u/16V/X5R Test Pad 1206/22u/16V/X5R RX1P GND RX1P 1 SCL SDA GND3 1 XP5 Test Pad 1 1 1 1 S_SDA R29 0402/0R/5% M_SDA M_SDA RX2N S_SCL M_SCL 3 S_SCL 1 S_SDA 1 1 2 R28 0402/0R/5% M_SCL RX2N 1 B 3 R30 0402/0R/5% WP WP 3 3 1 B GND 4 Test Pad 5 GMI2C_SCL GMI2C_SCL5 6 GMI2C_SDA RX2P 7 GMI2C_SDA5 RX2P 1 8 1 9 Test Pad RXCLKN RXCLKN 11 10 1 1 WP Test Pad WP 3 RXCLKP RXCLKP 1 1 Test Pad RX3N RX3N 1 1 Test Pad 春 筿 Τ そ RX3P Title RX3P 1 HE315DH-B11 1 Test Pad DWG NO <OrgName> DATE 2010.13 Size Checked Designer Drawer Rev SHEET 2 A2 D 6 "Himax" COPYRIGHT 2000 .com)Transaction 3 ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. ALL RIGHTS RESEREVD.9. 5 Buyer:JoseTavarez 4 Castillo([email protected]) 2 1 Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a D Distance of the both test pad center is 2.7k 1 1 R3 GND VCOMS VREF VCOMS VREF 0402/0R/5% 0402/0R/5% 34 35 5 5 5 GM11 GM12 GM11 GM12 GM13 32 33 C 1 36 GM13 34 0603/0R/5% R234 VDDD 37 5 GM14 GM14 35 1 N14 Screw Hole 38 VDDA 36 RX0N GM8 39 VCOM 1 5 GM8 37 I/O1_3 IC2 6 Circle 5 GM9 GM9 GM10 40 38 41 VCOM 39 2 5 5 GM10 GM11 42 GND VCC 5 GM11 40 RX0P GM12 43 3 4 5 GM12 GM13 44 I/O3_2 IC1 GM14 45 41 42 5 GM13 ESDA6V8UF 5 GM14 46 VDDA 47 VDDA 48 49 VCOM 50 N12 RX1N RX2N 1 I/O1_3 IC2 6 XP2 51 52 2 5 GND VCC LVDS Test pad XR RX1P RX2P RX0N XL Test Pad ESDA6V8UF RX0N VIN12V 1 1 1 Test Pad N13 1 VIN12V RX0P VCCI F1 RXCLKN 1 6 RX3N I/O1_3 IC2 RX0P 1 1 1 1 3216FF/1206/3A 2 5 C3 GND VCC Test Pad C1 C2 RXCLKP RX3P Distance of the both test pad center is 2. 7K/5% NC/0402/4.7K/5% 0603/1u/16V/X5R L7 BLM18PG121SN1 NC/0402/4.7K/5% NC/0402/4. close to TCON PWM_I 2 PWM_O 2 T33V BCLKP BCLKP 2 BLV2N 2 BLV2P 2 BCLKN 2 R7 RX0P RX0N C78 T18V T33V XTAL_O T18V XTAL_I 0402/100nF/16V/X5R OD_CTL PWM_O GMI2C_SDA 0402/100R/1% M_SDA GMI2C_SCL M_SCL PWM_I R141 BLV2N BLV2P NC/0402/4.3V/X5R 0402/100n/6.7K/5% 0402/100n/6. 5 4 3 2 1 Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a GMI2C_SCL 5 GMI2C_SDA 5 T33V LVDS terminator.7K/5% BCLKN R8 N8 D RX1P RX1N 1 8 D A0 VCC WP 2 A1 WP 7 0402/100R/1% 3 6 4 A2 SCL 5 R9 Vss SDA R74 64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57 56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49 N7 RX2P RX2N 24LC256-I/SNAT24C256N 0402/51K/5% 0402/100R/1% I2C1_SCL GMI2C_SCL VCCIO33 XTAL_I XTAL_O DPWM_I I2C1_SDA GMI2C_SDA VDD_PLL OC_CTL VDD18 DPWM_O RSB2N RSB1N RSB2P RSB1P R18 0603/13K/1% R11 TST_PGM 1 48 PI RESET TEST PI RX3P RX3N T33V 2 S_SCL S_SCL EE_SCL R15 0402/0R/5% M_SCL 2 47 T18V M_SCL 2 S_SDA S_SDA 3 HWRSTN AVDD3V_LV 46 0402/100R/1% 3 RX0N I2C2_SCL PVDD_LV/VDDD_LV18 BLV1N 4 45 R14 0402/0R/5% RX0P I2C2_SDA A/VSSD_LV/PVSS_LV BLV1P R10 EE_SDA M_SDA 2 RX0N RX1N 5 LV0N RSB0N 44 BLV0N BLV1N 2 M_SDA RXCLKP RXCLKN 3 2 RX0P RX1P 6 LV0P RSB0P 43 BLV0P BLV1P 2 2 RX1N RX2N 7 42 FCLKN BLV0N 2 R76 LV1N RSG2N 0402/100R/1% T33V 2 RX1P 8 9 41 40 BLV0P 2 2 RX2N LV1P LV2N RSG2P RSG1N FCLKN 2 0402/4.3V/X5R TGVOFF TOE Size Checked Designer Drawer Rev SHEET 4 VGH_CTL 1 3 A3 D 6 "Himax" COPYRIGHT 2000 .0mm TCON option function Close to TCON HX6710 Power & Decoupling _close to each pin_ T33V T33V T33V T33V T33V T33V T33V T33V T33V T33V V33V_TCON PIN54 PIN47 PIN23 PIN16 R63 R71 R77 1 B 0402/4.7K/5% 0402/4.3V/X5R R236 100R R238 100R TTP1 T33V 2 TP1 2 STV 1 2 POL 3 CLKOUT ICSPCLK 6 POL_OU2T POL CPV LD1117A-1.7K/5% 2 RX2P RX2P 10 39 FCLKP FCLKP 2 R75 LV2P RSG1P FLV2N 2 RXCLKN RXCLKN 11 LVCLKN EVEN_FRAME/FSTH RSG0N 38 FLV2N 2 0402/4.7k 1 C80 DWG NO <D<oO c>rgName> DATE 2010.3V/X5R V18V R21 R73 C11 T18V R68 R70 R72 PIN53 PIN46 PIN21 PIN62 0402/4.3V/X5R NC/0402/4.7K/5% C77 C19 C20 C53 0402/100n/6.8AZ1117H-1.7K/5% 0402/4. ALL RIGHTS RESEREVD.7k Test Pad Test Pad A A 4 5 2 STV VPP COUT 春 筿 Τ そ 1 1 R35 0402/22R/5% PIC12F609-I R241 TCPV 2 POL 2 CPV 1 1 4.3V/X5R Control signal & test pad _Close to TCON_ N9 V18V N11 T33V 1 VDD VSS 8 TP STV VDDD VDD3D VIN VOUT 4 V18V Test Pad Test Pad R235 100R 2 C74 2 7 VOUT 2 TP1 CLKIN ICSPDAT ADJ 1 C5 1 R32 0402/22R/5% R32 1 1 0805/10u/6.7K/5% 2 RXCLKP RXCLKP 12 LVCLKP RSG0P 37 FLV2P FLV2P 2 RX3N 13 36 FLV1N WP 2 RX3N LV3N RSCLKN FLV1N 2 RX3P 14 35 FLV1P WP 3 2 RX3P LV3P RSCLKP FLV1P 2 15 34 FLV0N VSSIO/VSS 16 VSSPHX/VSSLHX RSR2N 33 FLV0P FLV0N 2 HX6710 Crystal PWR_ON VDDLHX33 RSR2P VCCIO33 T33V FLV0P 2 GVOFF RSR0N RSR1N RSR0P RSR1P VDD18 EE_SCL1 EE_WP1 AGEN CPV POL STV WP OE EE_SCL 1 1 TP C7 1 1 C HX6710-B00MLAG 0402/1M3/5% XTAL_O Test Pad Test Pad C 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 EE_SDA1 GND2 2 0402/22pF/50V/X5R Z2 EE_SDA GND R27 JAS14C FSTH C6 Test Pad Test Pad FSTH1 1 XTAL_I T18V T33V TST_AGE VDDD1 TGVOFF 1 1 0402/22pF/50V/X5R T33V 1 TCPV TTP1 1 TOE POL STV Test Pad Test Pad Distance of the both test pad center is 2.7K/5% B R22 R17 R20 R66 R69 0402/4.7K/5% NC/0402/4. COPYING FORBIDDEN 5 4 3 2 1 .com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/X5R0402/100n/6.8 R237 100R R240 4.3V/X5R 0402/100n/6.13 VD8 1 1 0402/22R/5% R213 0402/22R/5% POL POL_OUT 2 R214 1 MMBT3904LT1 0402/100n/6.7 K/5% /5% C13 C12 C54 C56 0603/4.9.7K/5% 2 OD_CTL TST_AGE TST_PGM POL CPV PWM_I GMI2C_SCL GMI2C_S DA RESET NC/0603/1u/6.3V/X5R0402/100n/6.7K/5% 0402/4.3V/X5R0402/100n/6.3V/X5R 0603/1u/6.7k Title VGH_CTL OE HE315DH-B11 STV 3 R242 NC/4.3V/X5R 0402/100n/6. ALL RIGHTS RESEREVD.5K/1% A 2 春 筿 Τ そ Title HE315DH-B11 DWG NO <OrgName> DATE Size Checked Designer Drawer Rev SHEET 4 Custom D 6 "Himax" COPYRIGHT 2001 .com) Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 4 3 2 1 R38 2 1 PWM POWER NC/0805/0R/5% VDDA1 Test Pad VDDA VIN12V 1 R39 L4 LTRH6D28-100 VD1 VD2 AO3401L 13.com)Transaction6 ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 5 Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]/1% GND 2 3 V33V=1. COPYING FORBIDDEN 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 .5V 1 VIN12V +12V 1 2 VFB 2 3 R40 VFB2 VDDA 1206/0R/5% B340 C25 C32 C22 C23 C24 R41 C26 C27 0805/0R/5% R42 0603/100n/25V/X5R 0805/10u/16V/X5R 0603/100n/25V/X5R 0402/0R/5% 0805/10u/16V/X5R 0805/10u/16V/X5R C28 C29 0805/10u/16V/X5R 0603/47K/5% 0805/1u/16V/X5R C30 D 0805/10u/16V/X5R 0805/10u/16V/X5R D 1 0603/100n/25V/X5R R43 0603/100K/5% 2 R44 C31 0402/750K/1% 0402/22p/50V/X7R VDDA=1.213*(1+R219/(R220+R221)) 2 R227 0603/0R/5% R220 1 0402/1.213*(1+R50/(R53+R58)) 1 1 2 1 1 -5.5K/1% B REF 2 C140 0603/220n/25V/X5R 1 VGH 3-State VGH VGHP R223 _High active_ VGH NC/0402/0R/5% N4 VGH 1 1 R225 0603/0R/5% 1 8 VGH_CTL 2 VGH VFLK 7 GND VGH_CTL 3 Test Pad R224 0603/0R/5% VGHM GND 3 DRN NC2 6 R233 4 5 EP NC1 THR VDDD VDDD HA5402P 1 0603/16.146*(1+R44/(R46+R47)) 1 R45 0603/100K/5% 2 R46 0402/68K/1% GD R47 0402/750/1% 2 1 1 R48 0402/0R/5% C34 0402/22n/25V/X7R C33 0402/22n/25V/X7R N3 1 SS 28 C35 0402/22n/25V/X7R C145 0603/470n/25V/X7R 2 FB 27 GD COMP GD VFB 2 1 3 26 C36 0402/10n/25V/X5R SW 4 OS DLY2 25 5 SW1 DLY1 24 REF SW2 REF GND 6 23 GND PGND GND C37 0603/1u/16V/X5R C38 0805/1u/50V/X7R 7 PGND AVIN 22 +12V +12V 8 21 +12V 1 SUP VINB 9 EN2 VINB 20 +12V R49 0402/0R/5% 10 DRP NC 19 C65 2 1 11 18 NC/0603/470n/25V/X7R DRN SWB BAV99LT1 2 C39 0402/100n/25V/X5R 12 17 C40 C41 2NC/0402/0R1/5% 2 FREQ BOOT 13 16 14 FBN EN1 0805/10u/16V/X5R 0805/10u/16V/X5R 15 GND VGHP 3 FBP FBB R59 1 Test Pad 31V VGHP VD7 BD8160 VD3 29 1 R60 0402/0R/5% VFB2 1 C42 0603/470n/25V/X7R C 1 3 2 1 V33V1 2 3.2K/1% 9 R229 R226 R222 0805/2K/1% 0805/2K/1% C142 0603/32.16K/1% 2 VD5 2 R231 C51 C52 C143 R216 0402/560K/1% 21 NC/0603/220n/25V/X5R 0805/10u/16V/X5R 0805/10u/16V/X5R 0603/47K/5% R221 1 FBN 0402/51R/1% 2 1 CLOSE to SD1 R232 1 0402/110K/1% 1 B VGL=-1.4K/1% C141 0805/1u/50V/X5R 1 2 0805/1u/50V/X5R A R215 0603/20.3V C C44 C43 0603/470n/25V/X7R Test Pad 2 BAV99LT1 2 1 V33V 1 1206/10u/25V R50 0402/825K/1% C79 1 C66 0805/1u/50V/X5R +12V C45 L5 LTRH6D28-100 R51 R52 0603/0R/5% 1206/10u/25V FBP V33V V33V_TCON 2 1 R53 R54 FBN 0402/100n/16V/X7R 0805/0R/5% R56 2 0402/0R/5% +12V C46 C47 C48 R57 0603/0R/5% 2 0402/33K/1% VD4 VDDD VDDD R55 0603/47K/5% FBP 0805/10u/10V/X5R 0805/10u/10V/X5R 2 B340 0805/10u/10V/X5R C49 0402/0R/1% VGHP=1.76 V R58 0402/1. 10 Buyer:JoseTavarez 9 8 7 Castillo([email protected]/1% R228 NC/0402/1K/5% VGL VGL 0402/100n/25V/X5R 1 Test Pad C50 1 R219 0402/10n/25V/X7R BAV99LT1 1 R217 0603/0R/5% 0402/2.213*(R231/(R232+R218)) R218 0402/1. 4 4.573 0603/5R1/5% 0603/5R1/5% GM13 TL431BCDBZR 2 GM13 1 1 3 VREF=2.10 R166 R145 P-GAMMA HX5200 G12 25 11 GND G3 G10 GMA12 AGND GM6 2 GM10 2 GM3 G13 VREF 0603/5R1/5% 0603/5R1/5% 26 GMA13 AVDD 10 2 GM6 1 1 6. COPYING FORBIDDEN 5 4 3 2 1 . ALL RIGHTS RESEREVD.com) Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 2 1 HX5200 Power EXT-GAMMA VOLTAGE _ Gamma PROGRAMMING GAMMA PIN9 PIN9 PIN20 PIN20 GM1 VREF VREF G8 G7 G6 G5 G4 1 2 GM1 1 11.77~6.29 A0 VREF 1 VREF1 1 TG2 1 GM11 TG2 1 1 R104 SCL R100 0402/0R/5% R88 0402/0R/5% 2 GM11 1 1 1.0mm 6 "Himax" COPYRIGHT 2000 .2K/1% C57 G6 G13 GM12 2 GM13 2 0805/10u/25V/X5R GM6 1 SDA R101 0402/0R/5% GMI2C_SDA 3 2 VD6 2 GM12 1 1 0.317 G14 9 VREF 27 AVDD_AMP GM7 GMA14 R79 TG1 8 VCOM AGND_AMP 28 GMA15 VCOM_FB 2 GM7 1 1 6.8K/1% GND 4 5 VCOMS 0805/10u/10V/X5R G_SCL1 G_SDA1 GND5 0402/4. 5 Buyer:JoseTavarez 4 Castillo([email protected]/X5R 0402/100n/6.com)Transaction 3 ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]*(1+R88/(R94+R100)) R94 R163 R164 GM14 G7 G14 0603/2.64 G10 23 13 G2 GMA10 GMA2 GM5 C123 C122 G11 24 GMA11 GMA1 12 G1 0805/10u/6.3V/X5R 2 GM5 1 1 8.317 R172 R168 NC/0603/5R1/5% G4 G11 VREF GMA16 VCOM GM8 GM11 2 DVDD GND 29 GM4 2 SDA SCL EP_GND 0603/5R1/5% 0603/5R1/5% 13.66K/1% GM8 GM9 GM10 GM11 GM12 GM13 GM14 C58 0603/100n/25V/X5R C67 C68 C69 C70 C71 C73 C75 2 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R VR1 VCOMS R128 0402/10R/5% NC/2k 3 VCOMS HX5200 Setting N10 RANGE=4.95 R165 R158 1 1 G1 G8 C124 GM2 2 GM8 2 GND C125 C115 C126 GM1 D 2 GM2 1 10.5 A0 2 GM8 1 1 VDDA VREF 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 VREF GM9 2 GM9 1 1 3.946 C R78 R103 G5 R175 G12 R160 GM12 2 C 0805/68R/5% GM10 2 VDDD GM5 SCL SDA TG1 TG2 TG1 0402/0R/5% 0603/5R1/5% 0603/5R1/5% 1 1 2 GM10 1 3.05K/1% GM14 2 Reset IC for XAO function 2 GM14 1 1 0603/5R1/5% GM7 2 0603/5R1/5% R147 R102 VDDD XAO 0603/19R1/1% XAO 0402/10k/5% GAMMA Decoupling C B B GM1 GM2 GM3 GM4 GM5 GM6 GM7 VDDA VCOM Voltage C59 C60 C61 C62 C63 C64 C72 R117 VREF 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 0603/0R/5% R116 VOP 0603/8.58 0603/5R1/5% 0603/5R1/5% D 2 0402/100nF/16V/X5R 1 2 0402/100nF/16V/X5R N1 18 17 16 15 21 20 19 HX5200-A03BDCG GM3 1206/22u/16V/X5R 1 9.28 AVDD GMA8 GMA7 GMA6 GMA5 GMA4 2 GM3 1 AGND 1206/22u/16V/X5R R150 R148 G2 G9 GM4 2 GM9 2 GM2 G9 G3 VDDD 0603/5R1/5% 0603/5R1/5% 22 GMA9 GMA3 14 VDDD 2 GM4 1 1 8.7K/5% VSS INPB A A 1 1 1 HX8902-C02AMAG SCL SDA A0 春 筿 そ 1 1 1 Τ GMI2C_SDA GMI2C_SCL R31 GND HE315DH-B11 0402/0R/5% DATE DWG NO <OrgName> 2010.7K/5% 0402/4.978 R157 R174 GMI2C_SCL 3 0603/8.9.3V 1 8 VOP 1 VDDD VDDD OUTA VDD VCOM R126 2 7 VCOM INNA OUTB R118 VCOMS 0402/10R/5% R25 R26 0603/6.5V 12.13 Size Checked Designer Drawer Rev SHEET 5 Custom D Distance of the both test pad center is 2. com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 1 2 3 4 CN3 CON43 CON42 TCON CON51 FFC_60PIN FFC_60PIN RNF37 22x4 Connector62 BLVN0 1 2 BL0P SHIELD BLVP0 3 4 BL0N 1 Bank2_ Sel 60 61 VSS_XON 60 61 BLVN1 5 6 BL1P 1 POL_TCON0 2 FL0P POL ~ TCON0 59 59 BLVP1 7 RNF34 22x4 8 BL1N A STB_TCON5 FL0N A STB ~ TCON5 58 LC2 58 R BLVN2 1 2 BL2P 1 3 VST_TCON1 TCON1 FL1P VST ~ 57 LC1 3 4 1 4 1 VCE_TCON3 5 FL1N 57 BLVP2 BL2N VCE ~ TCON3 56 56 BLVCKN 5 6 BLCKP TERM~INATE 1 TERMINATE_TCON8 6 TCON8 FL2P 55 HC6 55 BLVCKP 7 8 BLCKN LC ~ 1 LC_TCON7 7 TCON7 FL2N 54 HC5 54 1 3D_EN 8 TCON2 HC4 3D_E~ N 53 53 9 TCON4 CLCKP 52 HC3 52 FLVN0 1 RNF39 22x4 2 FL0P BANK~_SEL_B 1 BANK_SEL_B 10 Bank1_Sel CLCKN HC2 1 SCL 11 51 HC1 51 FLVP0 3 4 FL0N SCL ~ SCL 50 50 FLVN1 5 6 FL1P SDA ~ 1 SDA 12 SDA ST1 49 49 1 nWR WP FLVP1 13 RNF38 7 22x4 8 FL1N L nWR~ 14 WP 48 48 FLVN2 1 2 FL2P LOCK6 47 47 FLVP2 3 4 FL2N ROTATE ROTATE ROTA 46 VCC 5 6 1 15 ~ 46 FLVCKN CLCKP 16 GPIO 45 VCC 45 FLVCKP 7 8 CLCKN 17 B GPIO 44 44 B 18 19 GND 43 VCOM 43 GND 42 42 VGMA14 C23 100nF/50V 20 GND 1 STB_TCON5 GMA14~ 41 41 LVSYNC BLVN0 21 RV0N GMA13~ 1 VGMA13 40 POL_TCON0 40 1 1 3 3 BLVP0 22 RV0P 1 VGMA12 DP_sel LHSYNC GMA12~ 39 39 BLVN1 23 RV1N 1 VGMA11 LDE GMA11~ 38 AVDD 38 BLVP1 24 RV1P 1 VGMA10 LCK GMA10~ 37 37 R7_RXO0-_LV- BLVN2 25 RV2N GMA9 ~ 1 VGMA9 36 36 2 2 4 4 R6_RXO0+_LV+ BLVP2 26 RV2P GMA8 ~ 1 VGMA8 35 35 27 GND 1 VGMA7 GMA7 ~ 34 34 BLVCKN 28 RVCKN 1 VGMA6 VGMA14 R5_RXO1-_LV. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. 14 14 2 4 B 4_RXEC+_LV+ FLVP3 48 LV3P 13 BL2P D B3_RXE3-_LV- FLVN4 49 LV4N ST1 ~ 1 ST1 12 BL2N 13 12 D FLVP4 50 LV4P 1 HC1 B2_RXE3+_LV+ HC1 ~ 11 11 H7 HOLE FLVN5 HC2 B1_RXE4-_LV. GMA1 ~ 28 28 C BLVP4 34 RV4P AVDD VGMA8 R0_RXOC+_LV+ 27 27 BLVN5 35 RV5N VGMA7 G7_RXO3-_LV. GMA6 ~ 33 33 H5 HOLE R4_RXO1+_LV+ BLVCKP 29 RVCKP GMA5 ~ 1 VGMA5 32 VGMA13 32 30 GND 1 VGMA4 VGMA12 GMA4 ~ 31 31 BLVN3 31 RV3N 1 VGMA3 VGMA11 R3_RXO2-_LV- BLVP3 GMA3 ~ VGMA2 30 XL 30 XR R2_RXO2+_LV+ RV3P GMA2 ~ 29 VGMA10 32 C24 1 1 3 29 1 3 BLVN4 33 RV4N 1 VGMA1 VGMA9 C R1_RXOC-_LV. 26 26 BLVP5 36 RV5P VGMA6 2 4 G6_RXO3+_LV+ 25 25 2 4 FLVN0 37 LV0N VGMA5 G5_RXO4-_LV.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail. LV5N HC2 ~ 10 BLCKP 10 LVP5 51 1 F 1 HC3 BLCKN 52 B0_RXE4+_LV+ LV5P HC3 ~ 9 9 1 53 GND 1 HC4 2 3 4 HC4 ~ 8 8 1 54 GND 1 HC5 1 1 3 TP171 ~ 1 55 HC5 ~ HC6 7 TP167 ~ 1 7 1 3 TP170 ~ GND HC6 ~ 1 6 TP151 ~ 6 56 NC 5 12V_PANEL 57 1 LC1 5 . ~ 22 22 H6 HOLE G2_RXE0+_LV+ FLVP1 40 LV1P POL_TCON0 21 VGMA2 21 G1_RXE1-_LV- FLVN2 41 LV2N STB_TCON5 20 VGMA1 FLVP2 42 20 G0_RXE1+_LV+ LV2P 19 19 43 GND 1 VCOM 1 3 VCOM ~ 18 18 1 3 FLVCKN 44 LVCKN BL0P B7_RXE2-_LV. 17 17 FLVCKP 45 LVCKP VCC BL0N B6_RXE2+_LV+ 16 16 46 GND VCC 15 BL1P 15 FLVN3 47 LV3N BL1N 2 4 B5_RXEC-_LV. 24 24 FLVP0 38 LV0P VGMA4 G4_RXO4+_LV+ 23 23 FLVN1 39 LV1N DP_sel 1 DP_sel VGMA3 G3_RXE0-_LV. 2A) 12V_PANEL NR6045T100M D70 (+16V) Q8 22uF/25V 22uF/25V 22uF/25V 22uF/25V 22uF/25V 22uF/25V 22uF/25V AO3407 220nF/25V L-22UH 10uF/16V 10uF/16V 10uF/16V 1N5822 SOT23 0.3V VCC 0 R735 R731 C0603 BZX284C6V2D FMMT3904/PZT3904 SOD-80 10 2K 1% NC C52 C51 FMMT3904/PZT3904 ZD2 VCC C88 C87 D D 1 2 3 4 [email protected] 3 19 SWB FB 1N5822 L-22UH 0.1uF 1N5819 TP NC_3 NC_4 NC_5 NC_6 NC_1 NC_2 1N4448HWS Q6 D9 1N5819 Vg oal R742 VGL NC/FMMT3906 3.1uF C93 10pF 主题:创维5800-TCON6-0P10 TCON板之电源管理电路 C81 VGL VGL VGL=-(VCC-Vfbn)R726/R731+FBN 6 FBB 绘制:袁亚文 CRST 16 C90 0.3K 1% C33 0. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]@1A) 22uF/6.6K 1N4448HWS NC 5.3V 22uF/6.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 1 2 3 4 A A AVDD AVDD L18 VS TP (+15.1uF R176 1uF/[email protected] 1% C84 C83 10 11 12 13 14 SOT23 R726 8 9 R737 5.1uF R701 2 20 R741 VCC VCC VCC BOOT FBP L17 TP 10K NR6045T100M L1 (+3.1uF C RST DLY VGOALVgoal AGND 0.1uF TP FBN=0 日期:2014年8 月6日 D8 10uF/16V C (-9.1K 1uF/50V DO-214AA CTRLN RT9990 COMP C86 NC 0 47K C36 C35 C34 R734 100K GND D69 QFN50P500X500X80-29 5 FBN SS 17 C91 0.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] R732 NC R733 U8 R738 C92 4 18 2.1K NC/1uF SOT23 R174 R779 C85 C82 R740 200 R0402 NC 1uF/16V 1uF/16V 0 Q9 Q7 R0603 C55 0.1uF 25 24 23 22 28 27 26 39K 1% R699 PGND_2 PGND_1 GD SW_2 SW_1 VIN_2 VIN_1 29 PGND C40 B C32 1uF/16V 1 21 B VL CTRLP 3.12A) 7 15 C89 0.1uF C3216 C3216 C3216 C3216 C3216 R739 NC DO-214AA 330K R697 R698 C3216 C78 C79 C73 C74 C75 C76 C77 C94 NC 0 C42 C44 C37 C72 C1 R704 R700 VS 330K NC 0.2nF R736 5. 0K 1% R346 0 AGND DGND STATIC_HI nWR SDA SCL BANK_SEL AD QFT3 R768 4.1uF/25V NC_2N7002 10uF/25V 10uF/25V 10uF/25V 0.1uF/16V 2.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 1 2 3 4 A A R281VS_BUFFER R259 10R R0402 Panel_VDD=16V VS_BUFFER VS_BUFFER GMA14 VGMA14 R771 100K 1% R260 10R L36 GMA13 R0402 VGMA13 0.7K C505 C524 C525 C526 C459 C459 VSD VSD D D 1 2 3 4 .7K NC_2N7002 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 NC/4.7K R774 4.7K R282 VSD L37 VCC QFT4 10R 0.7K R767 BUF_SCL R345 0 VCOM_A VCOM C523 R274 4.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected]/10V NC FB/60R/3A BUF_SCL SCL R283 4.1uF/50V 22uF/50V 100K 1% FB/60R/3A 10K 1% R261 10R GMA12 R0402 VGMA12 R280 GMA11 R262 10R R0402 VGMA11 C496 C462 C463 GMA10 R263 10R R0402 VGMA10 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 33 GMA9 R265 10R VGMA9 VCOM_OUT R0402 VCOM_ADJ VCOM_FB AVDD AVDD AGND SET AGND EPAD GMA8 R266 10R R0402 VGMA8 GMA1 1 24 GMA14 OUT1 OUT14 GMA7 R268 10R R0402 VGMA7 B GMA2 2 23 GMA13 B OUT2 OUT13 GMA6 R270 10R R0402 VGMA6 GMA3 3 22 GMA12 OUT3 OUT12 GMA5 R271 10R R0402 VGMA5 GMA4 4 U9 21 GMA11 OUT4 OUT11 GMA4 R273 10R R0402 VGMA4 GMA5 5 OUT5 iML7991 OUT10 20 GMA10 GMA3 R275 10R R0402 VGMA3 GMA6 6 19 GMA9 OUT6 OUT9 GMA2 R277 10R VGMA2 主题:创维5800-TCON6-0P10 TCON板之伽玛校正电路 R0402 GMA7 7 18 GMA8 OUT7 绘制:袁亚文 OUT8 GMA1 R278 10R R0402 VGMA1 VS_BUFFER 日期:2014年8月7日 17 VSD AVDD DVDD Tuner I2C 3.10uF/50V VS_BUFFER VCOM_A 0.3V to 5V R272 3.7K BUF_SDA SDA R772 C C nWR R770 200K 1% 1uF/50V BANK_SEL_B DGND BUF_SDA VSD R769 NC/4.7K R773 4. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo (jk011831@gmail. 1uF R169 C71 VST VST_TCON1 L114 C63 1uF/50V L3216 VCE VCE_TCON3 10uF/50V VGH VGH C64 1uF/50V TERMINATE TERMINATE_TCON8 (+29.3V 1uF/6.7K NC/4.7K IN5822 10uF/50V 10uF/50V 1uF/50V R226 NC 100K 1% DO-214AA R223 C67 C61 C80 NC C2 C3 SET1 SHD LC1_1 STH1 SET2 SET3 C69 NC 41 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 STH1 22 21 3.7K 4.1uF C53 C54 ROTATE ROTATE R121 0 LC R0402 LC_1 LC_1 CLK INV SET3 Vgoal XON R177 0 VSS_XON Phase SEL SET2 NC/10uF/16V Pre-Charge SEL SET1 NC/1uF/16V C527 C528 3D SEL 3D_EN 0.1uF C56 D5 D5 NC/4.48K 1% R225 SET1 SHD LC1 PMS NC GND LXG SET2 SET3 VGON STH_1 R227 0 R0402 ST1 B R64 0 B 31 20 LC1_1 R0402 LC1 PGND NC 32 19 LC2_1 LC2_1 R71 0 R0402 LC2 FBG LC2 C50 2.7K SOD-80 D D R198 4.7K NC/4.com)Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a 1 2 3 4 L113 L115 L19 22uH CBW3216U800T VCC R73 R117 AVDD 12V_PANEL CBW3216U800T 12V_PANEL VGH NC NC NC NC R 743 NC SHD 1 2 L3216 SMD_10UH_6X6 470 1% 54.7K R30 4. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected]) TP D72 LC LC_TCON7 C66 1uF/50V C65 1uF/50V DP_sel NC/22uF/35V R53 4.1uF/6.99K 1% A A 0.7K NC/4.7K 1N4448HWS 1N4448HWS SOD-80 Vgoal 1 2 3 4 .3V R0402 R196 0 C49 C48 40 11 STH2_1 STH2_1 R0402 TERMINATE VCE STH2 C C VGOFF VCADJ RATIO AGND GOAL R130 0 XON ROT VCC VIN VST R0402 VST_1 VST_1 VSS LC L116 R131 0 10 VCE R0402 VCE_1 VCE_1 CBW3216U800T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 VGL L3216 NC/4.7K 4.7K R194 R193 R195 R192 4.com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo([email protected] 12K 33 COMPG CKH1 18 HC1_1 HC1_1 R201 0 R0402 HC1 R59 NCP15WL683E03RC R62 120K REF 34 REF R208 0 R0402 R66 60.7K ROTATE 0.9K 1% 10uF/16V C0603 C0805 1uF/50V NR6045T100M R 52 R 33 R 36 R 37 CBW3216U800T C68 C70 C62 1uF/50V 4.7K R187 NC/0 R206 NC/0 TERMINATE R118 0 TERMINATE_1 TERMINATE_1 R0402 R129 R135 R209 R207 R128 10uF/16V 4.4K CKH2 17 HC2_1 HC2_1 HC2 R63 130K R61 620K VT 35 U4 16 HC3_1 HC3_1 R210 0 R0402 HC3 VT RT8922 CKH3 R65 100K 36 15 END GND NC QFN40P500X500X80-41 3D_EN 37 14 HC4_1 HC4_1 R212 0 R0402 HC4 SET4 CKH4 VCC L117 主题:创维5800-TCON6-0P10 TCON板之电平移相转换电路 R214 0 VIN 38 VIN CKH5 13 HC5_1 HC5_1 R0402 HC5 CBW3216U800T 绘制:袁亚文 39 VST R217 0 CKH6 12 HC6_1 HC6_1 HC6 L3216 日期:2014年8月9日 0.7K R744 4.7K R27 4.7K R31 4.74V@0. Buyer: Jose Tavarez Castillo ([email protected])Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a Transaction ID: j-p0qn5l7dccb0b1a .com) Buyer:JoseTavarez Castillo(jk011831@gmail.
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