V-31P0-0001-A-0011_2_001_hydrostatic test procedure for pipeline.pdf

May 11, 2018 | Author: pertmaster | Category: Calibration, Pipeline Transport, Celsius, Thermometer, Pressure



Total Sheet32 ENGTP Item Number : : : : : : : : Document Title : PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING Vendor's Name Owner’s Name Purchaser Plant Location Project Name P / Order No. Equipment / Material Name GROUPEMENT BIR SEBA JGC CORPORATION, JGC ALGERIA S.p.A Bir Seba, Algeria BIR SEBA FIELD DEVELOPMENT PROJECT 0-6092-P-31P0-001 PIPELINE WORKS BIR SEBA PROJECT (JOB No. : 0-6092) FC ISSUE PURPOSE : RESULT CODE : A, C, R, F ( NEXT STATUS : FA, FR, FI, FC, AB ( A AB ) ) RESUBMISSION DATE : After Completion Work) ( RESPONSIBLE DEPT./PERSON : (JALG PPL/JA CST) Review Date : ( 13-Dec-2013 ) A: Approved without Comment; C: Approved with Minor Comment R: Not approved. Resubmit Incorporating Comments; F: Not Subject to Review Approval or review hereunder shall not be construed to relieve Supplier / Subcontractor of his responsibilities and liability under the Contract. JGC DOC. NO. ORIG. PURCHASE ORDER NO. SERIAL REV. V- 31P0-0001-A 0011 2 Rev Issue Date Issue Purpose Description of Revision 0 15-Jun-13 FA ISSUED FOR APPROVAL 1 15-Nov-13 FA ISSUED FOR APPROVAL 2 5-Dec-13 FC ISSUED FOR CONSTRUCTION A R D 0 2 IN6-DEC 13 1 Sheet PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT Written by Full name R.BOUZID Checked by M.AMARA V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 1 To 31 Approved by K.MOKHNACHE Visa Date 30/11/2013 30/11/2013 30/11/2013 PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT DR20A 13 IN EC16-D Date Revision Index Author Subject 30/11/2013 15/10/2013 15/04/2013 02 01 00 ENGTP ENGTP ENGTP IFC IFA IFA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. V-31P0-0001-A-0011 PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 2 To 31 Revision N° Date of revision Modify By Change 01 15/10/2013 AMARA FA 02 30/11/2013 AMARA FC SUMMARY 1- PURPOSE 2- DEFINITIONS 3- CODES AND STANDARDS 4- SAFETY 5- SPECIFIC REQUIRMENTS 6- ENVIRONMENTAL 7- RESPONSIBILITIES 8- TEST PROCEDURE 9- PROCEDURE FOR TESTING FACILITY AREA DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 3 To 31 1. PURPOSE This Procedure defines the minimum requirements for the flooding, cleaning, gauging, hydrostatic pressure testing of the Bir Seba Phase 1 pipelines and ancillaries. This procedure includes: - Test Procedure for pipeline section. - Equipment and personnel. - Cleaning. - Gauging. - Water Supply and flooding. - Hydrostatic Pressure Testing - Water disposal and drying 2. DEFINITIONS The definitions below refer to terms used in this method of statement. 1) Client: SH-PVEP-PTTEP 2) Contractor: JGC 3) Subcontractor: GTP 4) ARH: The Algerian Governmental authority responsible for verifying and validating certain piping system tests, and registration of piping systems. 3. CODES AND STANDARDS As a minimum, flooding, cleaning, gauging, hydrotesting of the pipelines shall be in accordance with the following specifications, international codes and standards: - Algerian Regulations for Oil and Gas line - S-000-13P0-0009: SPECIFICATION FOR PIPELINE FLOOODING, GAUGING AND HYDROTESTING. DR20A 13 IN EC16-D - S-000 -13P0-0011: SPECIFICATION FOR PIPELINE CONSTRUCTION - API 5L: SPECIFICATION FOR LINEPIPE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. V-31P0-0001-A-0011 PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT - ASME 31.4: Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 4 To 31 LIQUID TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS FOR HYDROCARBONS AND OTHER LIQUIDS - ASME B31.8: GASTRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION PIPING SYSTEMS - API 1104: - API1110: WELDING OF PIPELINS AND RELATED FACILITIES. RECOMMENDED PRACTICE FOR THE PRESSURE TESTING OF THE PRESSURE TESTING OF LIQUID PETROEUM PIPELINES 4. SAFETY - All Individual tasks mentioned in this Procedure will be subject to individual risk assessment and tool box talks by Supervisor on-site before work commences on a daily basis. - All personnel should be trained in safety regulations and wear appropriate PPE (Safety Helmets, Gloves, Safety Boots, Safety Glasses, Coveralls, Face Shields, etc.). - All vehicles and equipment shall be checked prior starting work on a daily basis. - All personnel using vehicles on the project shall comply with Project Policy on use of Vehicles and shall wear seat belts and comply with applied speed limits. All personnel including Supervisors assigned to carry out the activities of this Construction Procedure shall undertake the HSE Induction & Training courses and receive HSE Passport prior mobilization to site. - All drivers and machine operators shall be assessed by GTP Safety Department spot witnessed by Company’s Safety Department, and undergo the job qualification and training. competent equipment operators shall be accepted to work. Only qualified All operators must have a valid certificate of competence issued by GTP Safety Department. 5. SPECIFIC REQUIRMENTS - High pressure hose, tubing, and small diameter piping used to connect the test instruments to the pipeline under test shall be restrained to prevent whipping of loose ends in the event of failure under pressure. - GTP shall obtain the approval of Client 10 days prior to start pressurization. The client/contractor will inform ARH as required. - During pressurizing, the responsible in charge of test shall ensure that no unauthorized person approaches within 15m of the test head and temporary piping. - During the test, all construction around the test section shall be stopped. - Leaking flanges shall be tightened only after the pressure in the test section is reduced to a safe level. DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT - V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 5 To 31 Before any other work is permitted on the test section under pressure or any associated connections, the pressure shall be reduced to a safe level. - Where practical, test equipment sites shall be kept away from public highways, depots and other inhabited areas. The boundaries of the test equipment sites shall be defined by marker tape or a fence. Notices stating “Danger – Pipeline under test” in Arabic, English and French, shall be erected at road crossings and any location where third party presence may be expected. - When testing takes place, patrols shall be provided to watch potential hazard points where third party risk is involved; in particular road crossings block valve stations, above ground installations and points of public access. Testing shall not commence until client/contractor receives confirmation that GTP has taken the following precautions: - Confirmation that persons working in the vicinity of the pipeline section have been notified that hydrostatic testing is to be carried out. - Confirmation that the local police and other authorities who may be affected have been notified in writing that testing is to be carried out. - The pressurization pump, pressure let down valve and test equipment shall be located in a safe area. - No construction work shall be allowed in the vicinity of the pipeline, test end, and manifolds during pressure testing. - Pre-tested temporary pigging facilities or test heads shall be installed in compliance with this procedure and at suitable locations with due regard to safety. Block Valve Stations will be tested separately from the main pipeline tests and testing criteria shall meet project requirements. 6. ENVIRONMENTAL Disposal of test water shall be at an approved location by Client and local authorities. At the completion of all Hydrotesting, the hydrotest water will be discharged back to the approved area by client/contractor. The test equipment sites shall be left in a clean condition and free from debris. All waste Debris and sediment from the pipeline will be disposed of in accordance to project waste management procedures. 7. RESPONSIBILITIES Testing shall be carried out by experienced specialists. A Hydrotest Supervisor will be nominated and approved by Company. He shall be on site throughout the testing duration. The Hydrotest supervisor will employ sufficient experienced personnel to enable all aspect of testing to be fully supervised DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 6 To 31 Hydrotest Supervisor Responsible of the Following activities: - Preparation and implementation of all plans required to complete all associated processes. - Ensuring plant and equipment is maintained in good order - Ensuring initial cleaning, gauging, watering, hydrostatic pressure testing, dewatering and drying is carried out safely and under the correct condition. - Implementing Method Statements, Work Instructions and Procedures and Drawings affecting Initial Cleaning, Gauging, Watering and Hydrostatic Pressure Testing, Dewatering, Final Cleaning & drying. 8. TEST PROCEDURES 8.1 Equipment - Water filling pump. - Test pump. - Pigs - Water tankers. - Trucks. - Filling/ Pressurizing flow meter and temperature probes for measuring and recording continuously the flow and the temperature of the line fill water. - Temporary pig launchers and receivers – for cleaning, gauging, filling and dewatering operation. - Communication equipment – for communication between the various locations of the test section. - Light vehicles - Air Compressor. - Chart Recorder (pressure/temp.) & pressure gauges. DR20A 13 IN EC16-D - Pressure Dead weight - Calibrated tank. - Fabricated Cleaning & Test Heads. - Temporary piping, hoses, valves, tanks, and fittings. - Test Cabin ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 7 To 31 8.2 Test Pack The test packs shall be prepared and maintained by Test Supervisor and shall contain the following documents: - Technical information of the pipeline. - Marked up P&ID drawing showing test limits. - Pipeline Alignment drawings (line profile). - Welding clearance certificate - Letter of hydrotest procedure approval (ARH) - Water Analysis - Chemical certificates - X-ray report for the test heads - Test head test report - Volume calculation - Test pressure calculation - Cleaning, gauging and filling reports. - Instruments calibration certificates. Instrument listing. - Stabilization, pressurization and air content check reports - Proces-verbal de l’epreuve - Dewatering report - Originals of all recorder charts. - Pressure and temperature charts - Volumes of water added. - Leak locating (if carried out). 8.3 Line Sectioning Condition The pipeline shall be divided in section considering: DR20A 13 IN EC16-D - Profile of line (elevation) - Construction Characteristics ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 8 To 31 - Fluid Density - Water filling Point - Special point (where dedicated and specialized activity are requested) - Maximum section length to be tested shall be 30 Km Furthermore follow requirements shall be considered according with Algerian Regulation. 8.4 Pipeline Hydrotest Data 8.4.1 Maximum Pipeline Test Pressure The maximum test pressure shall be determinate as for the formula below: Pu = 2 S Ee / D Where S: Maximum acceptable stress for metal (S=90% SMYS for Algerian regulatory) E: SMYS (Specified Minimum Yield strength) in bar. e: Nominal thickness in mm D: Outside diameter mm The contents density for hydrotest will be 1000 Kg/m3. Hydrotesting shall be performed at ambient temperature. 8.4.2 Minimum Pipeline Test Pressure The Minimum pipeline test pressure shall be calculated as per table 1. Table 1 pipeline hydrotest pressures (note 1) Pipeline Export Pipeline system Zone la/l Zone lll Oil 1.20 1.10 Gas 1.50 1.176 1.50 1.176 Trunklines and Gathering DR20A 13 IN EC16-D Flowlines ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 9 To 31 Note 1: A standard pressure test involves testing to the lower of a not less than pipeline Design Pressure multiplied by the values in given in table 1, or a pressure that produces a hoop stress level equivalent to 90 % SMYS. Refer to Attachment-3 for Pipeline Hydrotest Table 8.5 Flooding Of Water 8.5.1 Water Supply Plan Water source shall be identified, the type and location with approved water analysis and water treatment recommendation. Batching pig shall be used during water filling. Prior batching pig introduction, the line will be injected with sufficient volume that will keep sealing downstream of the pig. In this case the pipeline profile drawing shall be reviewed to determine the maximum volume that will be injected before pig insertion. Test water shall be filtered through 150 µm filters to remove particles prior to being introduced to the pipeline. As much as possible, the test water will be reused for another test section or segment until such time that the result of water analysis don’t allow the reinjection for another test section or segment. A water supply plan detailing the filling quantity of each pipeline section, storage pond locations, sequence of filling from one pipeline section to the next should be provided before the beginning of activities. 8.5.2 Water Analysis and Dosing Requirements Water shall be analyzed by an independent testing laboratory. The water analysis, Together with recommendations on water treatment, shall be submitted to JGC for approval. Water treatment shall include the introduction of corrosion inhibitor, oxygen scavengers and biocide .Oxygen scavengers shall be chemicals based on sodium sulphite. The minimum water treatment shall achieve: 1. PH in the range of 7.0 to 8.0 2. Dissolved oxygen less than 1.0 parts per million 3. Limit corrosion of steel to 0.1 mm per year. The following information will be provided to JGC 1. Type of chemical, inclusive of generic name, propriety name, concentration, total quantities DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 10 To 31 2. Dosing rates and the concentration required 3. How the concentration are to be tested 4. Material safety data sheets for all chemicals 5. Disposal method. 8.6 Test Equipment Contractors shall supply all equipment necessary to complete the cleaning, gauging and Hydrotesting. The equipment used for testing shall be certified and approved prior to use. Equipment is included but is not limited to the following: Testing Station A shelter to protect the instrumentation and test personnel from the weather shall be provided. Tanks, Hoses and Fitting High pressure hose, tubing, and small diameter piping shall be restrained to prevent whipping of loose ends in the event of failure under pressure. All hoses shall be fitted with whip check safety cable for restraining hose if the coupling becomes loose and all couplings are to be fitted with coupling safety retaining pins. Material for Water Filling Company will supply raw water at designated point of the water wells. Contractor shall supply all other equipment necessary to use this water for testing activity Road tankers, hoses, pipes, fittings, evaporation ponds including construction and reinstatement, tanks filling pump and all the other materials needed for to perform the test will be supply by Contractor. Pressurizing pump Contractor shall provide pressurizing pump which shall be able to deliver the volume of water required to pressurize the pipeline at a rate of approximately 1bar per minute. The pump shall be equipped with a stroke counter and have a known volume per stroke for maintaining the pressure in the pipeline. Injection and Dosing Pumps Injection and dosing pumps to inject chemicals shall be provided by Contractors DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 11 To 31 Meters Contractors shall provide a meter to measure the volume of water pumped into the pipeline for pressurizing. This meter shall have an accuracy of better than ±1 % and a sensitivity of better than 0.1 % of the estimated volume required to the pipeline to test pressure. Instruments Contractor shall submit to Company the current calibration certificates for the instruments to be used during the test. All calibrations shall be nationally and internationally recognized standards. Contractor shall supply and install all instrument lines required for testing.  All lines shall be either high pressure tubing or hose. Dead weight testers having an accuracy of 0.1 bar and a sensitivity of 0.05 bar intervals of pressure and have a current calibration  Portable pressure recorder shall be, pressure element range with a full scale deflection between 133 % and 200 % of test pressure, spring-wind, chart drive, capillary or felt pen inking system. The recorder shall be dead weight tested immediately prior to use. The recorder shall not be moved after being tested. One of the recorders is to be used for pressurizing.  Calibrated test pressure gauges, min 150 mm diameter with a full scale deflection between 133% and 200 % of test pressure, accuracy of better than 0.5 % of full scale deflection and have a current calibration certificate signed by an independent calibration authority.  Portable recording thermometers, 0 °C to 60 °C range, chart with 24 hour Min. recording time  To be used for the record of buried pipeline skin temperature and soil temperature, the sensor shall be at least located at every 05 Km of the pipeline on the buried section of pipe. Direct reading or electrically operated thermometers shall be capable of measuring to less than 0.1 °C with a resolution and stability of 0.05 °C or less. Thermometers, -5 °C to 60 °C range, 0.1 °C increments, 350 mm long to be used for ambient and test header temperature measurements. Other instrumentation High pressure pump should have relief valve for not exceeding design pressure of Pump. Ambient thermometer with 1°C of accuracy should be present. DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 12 To 31 Communication Equipment Contractor shall supply, install and maintain a communication system such that all personnel involved in cleaning, gauging and Hydrotesting of the pipeline are in contact with each other and are in contact with personnel working on the construction of the other pipelines. Test Head The Contractor shall provide the section end with special heads which can be opened for the injection and drainage of test water, launching and reception of pigs. The special heads (or traps) shall be sized in accordance. The heads will be tested a pressure at least 1.1 times the test pressure of the line for a duration 4 hours. The heads shall be accompanied by the relevant test certificate. The test heads shall be typically constructed using pipe suitable for the required pressure range. The test heads shall be tested in yard witnessed by company and client. Butt welds attaching the temporary test header / launcher / receiver to the pipeline shall be completed by qualified welder using qualified welding procedures and be fully radiographically tested using radiographic techniques. Probes for Temperature Detection Suitable temperature probes shall be installed in order to detect the pipeline temperature. The probes for measurement of the pipeline temperature shall not be less than 3 (2 at both ends and one in the middle). They shall be buried as close as possible to the (lateral) pipe. The probe for the measure of the inlet water will be installed at the pump discharge or suction or anywhere on the supply line to the pipe. 8.7 Sequence of Operation Generally, the following sequence of operation shall be followed for the hydrostatic pressure test of any pipeline after release for testing by QC department: - Installation of temporary pipe-work and pumping facilities. - Initial Cleaning and Gauging. - Water filling. - Temperature Stabilization. - Pressurization. - Pressure Test. DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. V-31P0-0001-A-0011 PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 13 To 31 - Depressurizing. - Dewatering. - Final cleaning and drying. - Removal of temporary pipe-work and facilities. - Final tie-in of pipeline to facilities where possible. 8.8 Pipeline Initial Cleaning/Calibrating/Water filling Prior to hydrostatic pressure testing, the pipeline, or sections of the pipeline, shall be initially cleaned and gauged to ensure removal of construction debris and loose scale and check that the pipeline section is free of deformations and/or obstructions. 8.8.1 Initial Cleaning The first pig driven through the cleaning section shall be a cleaning pig. The pig shall be propelled by air at a speed of not less than 0.5 m/s and not more than 1.2 m/s. The acceptance criteria for pipeline initial cleaning shall be satisfaction of CLIENT/CONTRACTOR based on each pig train shows a diminishing trend in recovery of debris and the last pig of the initial cleaning train removes negligible debris. 8.8.2 Gauging The section to be tested must be gauged by the passage of a pig equipped with a plate of calibration of aluminum. This pig will be propelled using a compressor. The plate of calibration will be checked by owner during the forwarding and the reception and will be marked in order to identify it (reference of the line, launching date). In the case of the received plate is damaged, another calibration must be made for confirmation. In the case of the plate is deteriorated with each passage, the place of damage of the line shall be detected and repaired. The speed of the pig should not exceed 1.2 m/s A report of calibration must be established at the end of each operation and signed by the two parts. The diameter of the plate is as follow: d= 0.95 * ID d: Diameter of the plate of calibration in mm DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 14 To 31 ID: Minimum internal diameter of the line in mm The smallest inside diameter of the line will be considered 8.8.3 Line Filling Test water shall be filtered to remove 99% of particles of 150 microns and larger prior to been introduced to the pipeline. The section is filled by using 2 bi directional or mono-directional pigs (4 seal each). In front of the first pig a water quantity corresponding to 5-10% of section volume will be filled. Between the first and second pig there will be a batch of water approx. corresponding to 10% of section volume having the scope of slowing the pig and preventing the possible inlet of air into the pipe (rear to the pig). During filling , all measures shall be taken regarding volume and temperature .To ensure pig constant run and outlet of air during the filling, the pressure in the receiving test head will be kept at 1-2.5 During the filling , the quantity of water used to propel the pigs shall be metered , so that approx . Location of the pig can be calculated at any time, indicating a possible obstruction if it becomes stuck, or abrupt and significant pressure fluctuation occurs as a minimum, the following parameters shall be recorded by contractor during filling operation: - Volume of water pumped into pipeline prior to launching pigs. - Volume and flow rate of water behind last pig. - Temperature of filling water. - upon completion of the flooding ,the pipeline is to be locked in and the water is to be stabilized for a minimum of 24 hours before hydrotesting and the pipe wall temperature shall be within 1 ºC of the ground temperature measured at both ends of the pipeline . 8.8.4 Temperature Stabilization When filling is achieved and after having checked that the pressure is 1 bar in the higher section of pipeline, the thermal stabilization phase will start. Temperature reading will be taken along the line in these sequences: a) After the completion of filling activity, 0 hour. b) After 8 hours c) After 16 hours d) After 20 hours DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 15 To 31 e) After 24 hours The temperature stabilization will be considered achieved when the average temperature reading in the last 8 hours will not exceed 2ºC and in the last 4 hours will not exceed 1 degree Celsius. Normally the stabilization is reached in 24 hours time and the checking will be done in the last 4 hours, the difference of average temperature shall be done less or equal to 1 degree Celsius. This phase will be defined according to the five steps for temperature readings above mentioned. Company has to approve this phase. Pressure and temperature charts will be installed during the test period. 8.8.5 Pressurization Before pressuring, isolation from all other pipeline sections and completion of test for temporary piping shall be confirmed when the thermal equilibrium stabilization is reached, the pipeline can be pressurized. The operation shall be recorded in the test report. This operation shall be kept under control by hydrostatic balance (Dead weight tester) and master gauge. The steps for pressurizing the pipeline shall be: -pressurize test section recording added volume and pressure at increments of 5 bars up to 50% of test pressure and 2 bars thereafter . The volume of water required for each 2 bars pressure rise in the pipeline section up to the test pressure shall be logged and a pressure volume (p/v) plot developed. Stop pressurizing at 50%, 70% and 90% of the test pressure. Hold for 30 minutes and compare with theoretical p/v plot. Determine volume of residual air and if excessive, refill pipeline. If the p/v curve plot becomes ‘half slope’ pressurization shall stop, test section isolated and company shall be notified. On reaching test pressure, check for premature end point and hold at least 3 hours or until reasonable temperature stabilization can be demonstrated. Dead weight readings shall be taken at fifteen (15) minutes intervals. Should there be no changes in pressure as indicated by dead weight readings during this period of time. Contractor shall proceed with the test with the agreement of company. During this period, contractor shall inspect all flanges and fittings to ensure that no leaks are present. Should any leak be found, such leaks shall be rectified and the test section repressurized to the required pressure and allowed to stabilize prior to commencement of test. DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. V-31P0-0001-A-0011 PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 16 To 31 8.8.6 Test Pressure The test procedure shall include the following steps: - From the commencement of the test, ambient, ground and pipe surface temperatures and pressure reading are to be made and recorded every 15 minutes for first 3 hours. At 3 hours, check temperature / volume correlation and assess the likelihood of a leak. Pressure readings shall be made using a deadweight tester. - After the first 3 hours, measure and record ambient, ground and pipe surface temperatures and pressure readings every 30 minutes. Add or bleed water from test section as required, to maintain test pressure within specified tolerances, accurately measuring and recording volume of water added or bled from test section - Every 5-6 hours check for temperature / volume correlation and assess the likelihood of a leak. After the 24 hours test period determine the (Unaccountable volume change) and assess the likelihood of a leak. -at the end of the test, 45.5 liters (10 gallon) draw-off shall be made and the pressure drop which occurs recorded. 8.9 Diagrams 8.9.1 Theoretical Pressurization Diagram Before starting the test the contractor shall draw up the theoretical pressurization diagram with the pressure (in bar) in the ordinates and the theoretical water quantities (in liters) in the abscissas. 8.9.2 Actual Pressurization Diagram It shall be drawn up during the pressurization phase on the same paper as the theoretical one, utilizing for the pressure the value read in the hydrostatic balance and for the water quantities those measured by the positive-displacement meter. DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 17 To 31 8.9.3 Pressure diagram During the test pressure , it is necessary to draw up the diagram of pressure tend versus time indicating in the ordinates the pressures read in the hydrostatic balance for every change of 0.1 bar and the relevant value of the corrected pressures . 8.9.4 Pressure Record during Hydrotest The pressures reading during hydrotest, the temperature and the corrected pressure, if any, shall be recorded on a diagram or on a log. 8.10 Limit of Hydrotesting The pressure test shall be considered successful when the pressure has been held for 24 hours with no signs of leakage and the pressure variation is within ±0.2 % of the test pressure. If any leaks are found CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for locating and rectifying the leaks, and retesting the system in accordance with this procedure. After the test has been completed the system shall be depressurized and left full of the chemically inhibited hydrotest water. 8.11 Test For Air Content For sealing test, the presence of air in the section to be tested is a factor which influence the calculation results; this why a test of presence of air is carried out before undertaking the sealing and resistance test. For that we tap a V1 volume of the section. It results a pressure fall Pm measured with the barometric balance. Then we compare it with the fall theoretical pressure Pc which would have caused the same sampling in absence of the air in this section. Pressure (P) in each point (x) on the line Px = P high point + 0.1 (Altitude high point – Altitude point x) Volume: V= pi / 4 (Dext – 2e) ² * L DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. V-31P0-0001-A-0011 PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 18 To 31 Dext = external diameter of pipe e = thickness of pipe L = length of the line Test Air Content Calculation sheet m (liter) V(liter) X (bar -1) D (mm) E e.average (mm) m ∆Pc = _______________ V(X+D/ (E*e)) ∆Pm/∆Pc  90% Conclusive test ∆Pc: the calculated pressure variation X: compressibility coefficient of water measured at the pressure and temperature at the end of test D: External diameter of the line E: young s modulus e: thickness of the line m:Volume of tapped water in (liters) V: Total volume of Section (m3) 8.12 Strength test When the test section reaches a stable condition, it shall then be subject to a strength test of a suitable duration If the variation of pressure increases by 0.3 bars or decreases by 1 bar, the later must be adjusted with the test pressure by depressurizing or by increasing the pressure of test. The test results would be considered positive if the pressure had maintained a constant value during all the planned time, except for the changes justified by the temperature variations. DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 19 To 31 The pressure recorder shall record continuously the pressure at the test head. During the strength test the following measurements shall be taken and recorded - Line pressure (dead weight tester) every 01 hour - Line temperature every 01 hour -Soil temperature every 01 hour -Air temperature every 01 hour -volume of added water per occurrence -volume of bled water per occurrence Calculation sheet (B)ºC.10-6 X D (mm) E (Bars ) e average (mm) f df/f B * ∆T ∆Pc = -------------------- ∆T= f x ∆θsol (X+D/(E*e)) P = ∆Pm – ∆Pc= (P1-P2)- ∆Pc H = I ∆ Pc I *df/f+0.2 *K*f B K= -----------------------(X+D/ (E*e)) Formula advised by ARH B* ∆T +1000 * ∆V/V ∆Pc = -------------------------------------0.89 * (r/e)moy +X ∆Pc: Fall of theoretical pressure in (bar) ∆T: variation in initial and final temperature of test water ∆V: water added or removed during test r: Internal radius of pipe en mm DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 20 To 31 B: difference between the coefficients of thermal expansion of the water and of steel, pressure and temperature measured at the end of the test df: empirical coefficient (0<f<1) P: difference between the measured pressure drop and the calculated pressure after thermal correction H: tolerated margin of error P<H sealed line Conclusion: conclusive test The test will be considered satisfactory if the pressure will have maintained a constant value for the duration of test which is 24 hours except the change due to the temperature variation -0.3 ≤ ∆Pc- ∆Pm ≤ 0.3 (bar) ∆Pm=Pi-Pf (Initial Pressure-Final Pressure) 8.13 Depressurizing After acceptance by the client of the strength test, the pressure shall be bled down gradually at a rate not exceeding 1 bar/min. until 40% of the test pressure achieved. Continue depressurizing at a rate of 2 bar/min. until it reaches a pressure of 1 bar at the high point of the section. Excessive vibration due to high flow rate shall be avoided. 8.14 Dewatering The Dewatering operation shall be carried out as hereafter described. Upon completion of this phase, the Contractor shall completely depressurize the section and remove the test heads. The dewatering pressure should be equal to the hydraulic pressure in the end of test section but increased by 2 bars. It must be maintained for the duration of the draining phase of the water used for the test. Dewatering should be carried on (if possible) in the opposite sense of filling operation and it will be achieved by pushing with air one of 4 cup batching pigs used for filling water operation. When the pig will be arrived to test station, the line will be depressurized from air until a pressure not less than 2 bar, then the second pig used for filling operation will be pushed until the discharge point. Water will be dismantling in dedicated evaporation point. The emptying is accepted by the Company’s Representative when the pigs no longer bring any water to the terminal head. DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 21 To 31 8.15 Drying (for Gas Line) After wiping down the line, the passage of dry air in the internal surfaces is necessary to prevent hydrate formation during operation. This operation covers the gas export line. This operation using a foam pig propelled with dry air. Result of drying operation will be documented and sign by all parties concerned. 9. PROCEDURE FOR TESTING FACILITY AREA 9.1 Cleaning / Flushing Piping systems should be cleaned until become completely free of water, dirt, limestone and other loose debris. Volumetric meters, filters and mass flow meters shall be removed and pup pieces should be installed. All instruments and instrument probes, safety valves and regulators of heat and pressure control valves shall be; removed, closed with blind flanges, or isolated from the mains before rinsing. The piping containing check valves will have the disc of the valve retainer removed. The temporary supports should be used properly to absorb the weight on any equipment when the line is disconnected. The minimum velocity of the rinse water should be 3 m / s. The rinse water for the carbon steel must have less than 500ppm by weight of chloride. 9.2 Test Pressure 9.2.1 Methods of testing: Piping systems shall be tested by hydrostatic pressure except piping and tubing of regulated air (air tool). Setting the pneumatic testing is recommended for all pipes and all regulated air pipes ( by instrumentation service). 9.2.2 Pressures required for the tests. Hydrostatic pressure tests must be at least be equal to 1.5 times the Design pressure. Pressure tests shall be kept for 02 hours. 9.2.3 Testing of special points. Crosses of major wadis, main road and railways are considered special items and will therefore undergo a test with which the test pressure is that of Zone I. The test shall be performed out of the trench. The tests shall be considered satisfactory if, during the two (02) hours of test no pressure variation is observed, unless such variation is due to the influence of temperature. DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 22 To 31 The cleaning and calibration of these sections will be performed with the line section after connection. These sections will be tested again with the main line once connected. 9.2.4 Test Validity At the end of the tests and for each line tested, an official report will be prepared and which includes in particular:  The definition of sections  The dates and duration of tests  The Initial Pressure  The final pressure  The initial and final temperature  The characteristics of the tested section, thicknesses, length, diameter and grade  The localization of the points of measurements of pressure, the date and the hour of each test. DR20A 13 IN EC16-D  The Pressure diagram, the temperature diagram  The table of the recordings of pressures and temperatures  Observations. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 23 To 31 Attachment1: Typical Pipeline Pressure Test Equipment Layout Schematic DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 24 To 31 Attachment 2: Aboveground & Underground Temperature Probe Placement and Insulation DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT Pipe Size mm Zone Ia/I/III - Wall Thick. mm A REQ Design Press. bar 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 323.8 323.8 323.8 323.8 323.8 323.8 323.8 323.8 Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone Ia Zone III Zone I Zone III 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 9.53 12.70 9.53 12.70 9.53 10.31 7.92 11.13 8.74 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 45.00 80.00 80.00 91.00 91.00 ATTACHMENT3: LINEPIPE HYDROTEST PRESSURE TABLE - Wellhead PCWBS - Wellhead Name - Line PCWBS - Line Name - Line No. Pipe Size in 1 B 211 BRS-11 (Prod-36) B 111 BRS FL39 6"-PL-03901-D1FS 6 2 B 212 BRS-6b B 113 BRS FL11 6"-PL-01101-D1FS 6 3 B 213 BRS-12 (Prod-16) B 112 BRS FL15 6"-PL-01501-D1FS 6 4 B 214 BRS-9 (Prod-25) B 114 BRS FL22 6"-PL-02201-D1FS 6 5 B 215 BRS-14 (Prod-27) B 115 BRS FL26 6"-PL-02601-D1FS 6 6 B 216 BRS-18 (Prod-18) B 116 BRS FL33 6"-PL-03301-D1FS 6 7 B 217 BRS-8 B 212 BRS FL12 6"-PL-01201-D1FS 6 8 B 311 BRS-16 (Prod-13) B 214 BRS FL20 6"-PL-02001-D1FS 6 No. Category - Flowline 9 B 312 BRS-13 (Prod-32) B 215 BRS FL27 6"-PL-02701-D1FS 6 10 B 313 BRS-21 (Prod-01) B 211 BRS FL38 6"-PL-03801-D1FS 6 11 B 111 BRS-22 (Prod-51) B 216 BRS FL41 6"-PL-04101-D1FS 6 12 B 112 BRS-17 (Prod-14) B 213 BRS FL43 6"-PL-04301-D1FS 6 13 B 113 BRS-10(Prod-34) B 313 BRS FL13 6"-PL-01301-D1FS 6 14 B 114 BRS-20(Prod-42) B 311 BRS FL19 6"-PL-01901-D1FS 6 15 B 115 BRS-15(Prod-54) B 314 BRS FL25 6"-PL-02501-D1FS 6 16 B 116 BRS-19(Prod-45) B 312 BRS FL40 6"-PL-04001-D1FS 6 17 B 230 GS-2 B 240 BRS TL02 12"-PL-10226-D1FS 12 BRS TL03 12"-PL-10326-D1FS 12 Trunkline 18 B 330 GS-3 B 340 19 C 110 BRS GS01 C 110 Gas Export BRS GS01 12"-PG-26004-F1G 12 20 C 210 BRS OL01 C 210 Oil Export BRS OL01 12"-PL-12054-F1E 12 A R D 0 2 N C I 16-DE 13 V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 25 To 31 B REQ Ope. Press. bar C REQ Factor =D/B - D REQ Test Pressure Bar E REQ Max. Test Pressure bar F REQ Yield Strength MPa G REQ Tensile Strength MPa H REQ Allowable Stress MPa I 1 Minus Tolerance mm J REQ For Check =E-D bar 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 41.0 64.0 64.0 66.0 66.0 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.5 1.176 1.2 1.1 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 67.50 52.92 120.00 94.08 109.20 100.10 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 370 256 192 256 192 208 159 224 176 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 520 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 374 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.19 1.59 1.19 1.59 1.19 1.29 0.99 1.39 1.09 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 302.5 317.1 188.5 139.1 188.5 139.1 88.0 64.9 114.8 75.9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. V-31P0-0001-A-0011 PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 26 To 31 10-INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN FOR HYDROTEST: ABREVIATIONS I : Execution of Inspection M : Monitoring of works / QC activities W : Witness of inspection or work R : Review of inspection report F : Full, ex, “FW” means “Full Witness”, “FI” means “Full Inspection” P : Preparation of inspection report S : Spot, ex, “SW” means “Spot Witness”, “SI” means “Spot Inspection” A Approval of inspection report N ° Inspection description Reference document 1 Submit the procedure and the plan for hydrostatic test of the pipeline S-000-15400009 2 Analyze of the water to be used S-000-15400009 3 Chemicals (corrosion inhibitor, oxygen scavenger, biocide and a fluorescent Dye) 4 Inspection points ARH frequency GT P JG C CA FI/P FI/ A FW/ A R/A Each section FI/P FI/ A FW/ A R Each section S-000-15400009 FI/P FI/ A FW/ A R Each section Mechanical completion Dossier S-000-15400009 FI/P FI/ A FW/ A R Each section 5 Verify that the test equipment and facilities are approved and calibrated S-000-15400009 FI/P FI/ A FW/ A R Each section 6 Execution of the hydrostatic test S-000-15400009 FI/P FI/ A FW/ A FW/ A Each section 7 Flooding and pigging operation S-000-15400009 FI/P FI/ A FW/ A FW/ A Each section 8 Hydrostatic Testing S-000-15400009 FI/P FI/ A FW/ A FW/ A Each section 9 Leak Testing S-000-15400009 FI/P FI/ A FW/ A FW/ A Each section 1 0 Dewatering S-000-15400009 FI/P FI/ A FW/ A FW/ A Each section 1 1 Documentation (Test Reports) S-000-15400009 FI/P FI/ A A FW/ A Each section DR20A 13 IN EC16-D Applicable form Certificate from laboratory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 27 To 31 11- Hydrotest Checklist Form Prior To Water Filling Line n°:_________________ from: ___________km________ to:_________km Description Yes No Remarks Visual inspections of welds Radiographic examination Holiday test Hydrotest Instrumentation approved Cleaning and gauging Test head installation Water supply plan approved ENGTP JGC Name: __________ __________ Signature: __________ __________ Date : __________ __________ DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT V-31P0-0001-A-0011 Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 28 To 31 FLOODING AND HYDROSTATIC TESTING CERTIFICATE OF HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TEST CONTRACTOR No: ________________DATE: __________ CONTRACTOR: __________________ THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SYSTEM SECTION DESCRIBED BELOW AS HYDROSTATICALLY PRESSURE TESTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS OF THIS SPECIFICATION. CONTRACTOR: PIPELINE LOCATION: FROM _________________TO _____________SERVICE_____________ TESTING LOCATION: _______________________________________________ PIPE WALL THICKNESS: _________________IN DIAMETER: __________IN LENGTH:________ PRESSURE AT START OF HOLDING PERIOD: _________________ BAR PRESSURE AT END OF HOLDING PERIOD: ___________________ BAR TEMPERATURE OF TEST MEDIUM AT START OF HOLDING PERIOD: ___________ºC TEMPERATURE OF TEST MEDIUM AT END OF HOLDING PERIOD: _____________ºC DURATION AND CAUSE OF LEAK (IF ANY) ______________________________________ _____ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ TOTAL WATER BLED-OFF DURING HOLDING PERIOD: _______________ HOURS PRESSURE REMAINING IN SYSTEM UPON COMPLETION OF ALL TEST OPERATIONS: __________BAR SIGNATURES: SIGN: PRINT NAME: DR20A 13 IN EC16-D ENGTP ______________ JGC ______________ CA ______________ ARH ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. V-31P0-0001-A-0011 PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 29 To 31 FLOODING AND HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC PRESSURE TESTING LOG CONTRACTOR No: ____________________ DATE: ___________ LOCATION: FROM _______________TO___________ SERVICE____________ PIPE WALL THICKNESS: ____________IN DIAMETER: ____________ IN LENGTH: _________ CONTRACTOR: _____________________________________________________ TESTING LOCATION: ________________________________________________ TEST PRESSURE REQUIRED: __________________________BAR MAXIMUM PRESSURE RECORDED: _____________________BAR MINIMUM PRESSURE RECORDED: _____________________BAR ELEVATION OF TESTING LOCATION ABOVE MSL: ________________ m DURATION OF HOLDING PERIOD: ________________ HOURS REMARKS: ________________________________________________________ TIME (HOU) ATMOS TEMP (ºC) B’METRIC PRESSUR E (mbars) SOIL TEMPS (ºC) TESTING MEDIUM TEMP LOC DEAD WEIGH TESTER READING (BAR) NOTES LOC SIGNATURES: SIGN: PRINT ENGTP _____________ NAME: ______________ DR20A 13 IN EC16-D JGC ________________ CA ARH _____________ ______________ _________________ _____________ ______________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. V-31P0-0001-A-0011 PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 30 To 31 FLOODING AND HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF PIPELINE PIPELINE PRESSURISATION LOG CONTRACTOR No_______________: DATE:________________ LOCATION: FROM___________ TO_____________ SERVICE___________ PIPE WALL THICKNESS:____________ IN DIAMETER_______: IN LENGTH:_________ CONTRACTOR:_______________________________________________________ PRESSURING LOCATION:______________________________________________ CHEMICAL ADDITIVES: 1) TYPE: ____________DOSAGE PPM 2) TYPE:____________ DOSAGE PPM 3) TYPE:____________ DOSAGE PPM TEST PRESSURE: ______________BAR THEORETICAL ADDITIONAL WATER VOLUME FOR PRESSURISATION:_______ _____LITRES REMARKS:______________________________________________________________ TIME (HOURS) PUMP DISCHARGE PRESSURE (BAR) WATER FLOWMETE R READING (L/s) CUMULATIVE VOL CHEMICALS ADDED (LITRES) DEAD WEIGHT TESTER READING (BAR) DEAD WEIGHT TESTER READING (BAR) SIGNATURES: ENGTP JGC SIGN : ____________ ________________ PRINT NAME: ______________ _______________ DR20A 13 IN EC16-D CA ____________ ARH ______________ ______________ _______________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge. V-31P0-0001-A-0011 PROCEDURE OF PIPELINE HYDROSTATIC TESTING BIR SEBA PROJECT Date : 15/04/2013 Page : 31 To 31 FLOODING AND HYDROSTATIC TESTING OF PIPELINE PIPELINE FLOODING LOG CONTRACTOR No:________________ DATE:___________________ LOCATION:FROM ____________TO ___________SERVICE_________ PIPE WALL THICKNESS:____________ IN DIAMETER:__________ IN LENGTH:______ ESTIMATED PIPELINE VOLUME:____________________ m3 CONTRACTOR:_________________________________________ FLOODING LOCATION:___________________________________________ CHEMICAL ADDITIVES: 1) TYPE: ________________DOSAGE PPM 2) TYPE: ________________DOSAGE PPM 3) TYPE: _______________ DOSAGE PPM PIG TYPE(S):_____________________________________________________________ REMARKS:______________________ TIME PUMP DISCHARGE PRESSURE WATER FLOWMETER READING (BAR) (L/s) (HOURS) CUMUL TIVE VOL WATER PUMPED (LITRES) OBSERVED FLOWRATE CUMULATIVE VOLUME OF CHMICALS INJECTED (LITRES) NOTE (L/s) 1 2 3 SIGNATURES: ENGTP JGC SIGN: ____________ ________________ PRINT NAME: ____________ ________________ DR20A 13 IN EC16-D CA ARH _________________ ______________ _________________ ______________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This document is the exclusive property of GTP. It should not be diffused externally without the written authorization of the person in charge.
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