Uzbek Glossary

March 29, 2018 | Author: koncsekkrisztian | Category: Verb, Lexicon, Noun, Grammatical Number, Word



AN UZBEK GLOSSARYCompiled by Hervé Guérin 1 To all those who helped me with that glossary © 2002-2005 Hervé Guérin Last updated: 1 November 2005 2 Contents Arrangement and Usage ........................................................................................... i The object of this glossary ...............................................................................................................i What this glossary does not deal with ..............................................................................................i General arrangement.......................................................................................................................i First column....................................................................................................................................ii Second column.............................................................................................................................. iii Third column.................................................................................................................................. vi Fourth column................................................................................................................................ vi Materials used for this glossary ..................................................................................................... vii Basic Concepts......................................................................................................... 1 Entities and Existence.....................................................................................................................1 Relations ........................................................................................................................................5 Category and Order ........................................................................................................................9 Quantity and Numbers ..................................................................................................................15 Space and Time ...................................................................................................... 22 Size ..............................................................................................................................................22 Shape...........................................................................................................................................24 Location........................................................................................................................................26 Time and Duration ........................................................................................................................31 Events and Evolution ....................................................................................................................37 Forces and Motion.................................................................................................. 45 Motion ..........................................................................................................................................45 Forces and Effects........................................................................................................................52 Processes.....................................................................................................................................54 Matter and Nature ................................................................................................... 62 Properties.....................................................................................................................................62 Substances...................................................................................................................................68 Nature ..........................................................................................................................................73 Life and Humans..................................................................................................... 78 Vital Functions ..............................................................................................................................78 Body.............................................................................................................................................84 Plants ...........................................................................................................................................89 Animals ........................................................................................................................................94 Humans........................................................................................................................................98 Health and Medicine ...................................................................................................................100 Perception and Cognition .................................................................................... 107 Perception ..................................................................................................................................107 Mind ...........................................................................................................................................110 Knowledge..................................................................................................................................117 Meaning and Spirit................................................................................................ 126 Opinion.......................................................................................................................................126 Meaning .....................................................................................................................................131 Communication...........................................................................................................................140 Art ..............................................................................................................................................144 Spirit...........................................................................................................................................149 Character and Emotions ...................................................................................... 154 Character....................................................................................................................................154 Emotions ....................................................................................................................................159 Action and Modality.............................................................................................. 168 Will, Ability and Necessity ...........................................................................................................168 Acts and Results.........................................................................................................................173 3 Circumstances............................................................................................................................183 Manner .......................................................................................................................................187 Attitudes ................................................................................................................ 192 Behaviour ...................................................................................................................................192 Feelings......................................................................................................................................198 Self-Image ..................................................................................................................................203 Authority .....................................................................................................................................206 Appraisal ....................................................................................................................................210 Community............................................................................................................ 213 Family.........................................................................................................................................213 Social Life...................................................................................................................................218 Society .......................................................................................................................................223 State and Politics........................................................................................................................230 Conflict and Justice.............................................................................................. 234 Conflict .......................................................................................................................................234 Justice ........................................................................................................................................241 Work and Possession .......................................................................................... 245 Possession and Exchange..........................................................................................................245 Work and Production ..................................................................................................................250 Economy ....................................................................................................................................260 Daily Life (I) ........................................................................................................... 267 Housing ......................................................................................................................................267 Objects and Tools.......................................................................................................................274 Clothing ......................................................................................................................................286 Daily Life (II) .......................................................................................................... 293 Food...........................................................................................................................................293 Transport ....................................................................................................................................303 Leasure ......................................................................................................................................308 Locutions .............................................................................................................. 311 Forms of Address .......................................................................................................................311 Greetings....................................................................................................................................313 Leave-taking...............................................................................................................................315 Introductions...............................................................................................................................316 Invitations ...................................................................................................................................317 Requests ....................................................................................................................................319 Apologies....................................................................................................................................320 Agreement and Disagreement ....................................................................................................321 Thanks .......................................................................................................................................323 Congratulations and Wishes .......................................................................................................324 Phone Conversation ...................................................................................................................326 Miscellaneous.............................................................................................................................327 Proper Names ....................................................................................................... 330 Places and Peoples ....................................................................................................................330 4 Arrangement and Usage The object of this glossary To make it easier for the student of the Uzbek language to acquire its basic lexicon. To achieve that, lexical items are presented according to their semantic relationships, and their syntactic category and behaviour are indicated as well. Such a glossary will of course prove useful only in the context of a steady practice of the language, with regular use of other oral or written materials. This is all the more true that no example of use in context has been given here. What this glossary does not deal with - Phonetic features possibly not reflected in current spelling (eg. dialectal distinctions between /o/ and /ö/, /u/ and /ü/, consonant assimilations). - Etymological origins of the lexical items (Turkish stock, Iranian, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and western languages). - Antonymy relationships between lexical items. General arrangement Principles Lexical items, words and compound expressions are grouped into larger semantic fields. Each semantic field comes with a table, each line of which containing a head-word and lexical items derived from it. The tables are made out of 3 columns. The first column contains the head-word and its derived lexical items, the second column their syntactic conditions of use, and the third column their meaning expressed in English. In the html pages, links toward other acceptances of the word or its derivations are given on the right side of the table. Lexical items The lexical items which have been selected are mainly words, root words or derived words, but may also be compound expressions as well as some of the most used collocations. For example: TUG'tug'ilv.t tug'ilish tug'ilgan kun(+i) adj give birth to be born birth birthday innate, hereditary, inborn Gatherings tug'ma TUG’- is a transitive verb, and is also the word root from which two other words are derived by lexical suffixation, tug’il- and tug’ma. tug’ilish is not a proper lexical item, but is a nominal deverbative derived from the verb tug’il-, and to which corresponds in English a word as such (birth). Very few of this last kind of derivations are included in the glossary. tug’ilgan kuni is a compound expression, frequently used, which corresponds also to a single word in English. i Lexical items derived from a given head-word are grouped together in a single line in the table, as far as they belong to the same semantic field. The most basic or common words are marked in bold face (e.g. tug'il-). Semantic domains Several semantic fields (or domains) have been distinguished, each of them making up a table. These semantic domains may be themselves grouped into fields at a superior level, up to that of the HTML page. The divisions and subdivisions defining the semantic domains are following the general lines adopted in current thesaurus. A lexical item may very often pertain to only one semantic domain. For instance, BULBUL, nightingale, appears in only one semantic domain, namely ‘Animals’. But quite frequently also, a given lexical item will pertain to several distinct semantic domains. An example is SABZI, carrot, which appears in the two following semantic domains, ‘Plants’ and ‘Food’. Rather than selecting arbitrarily the unique domain where to place such a lexical item, both semantic domains are kept for the item. A given lexical item may have several correlated yet distinct meanings, which can pertain to different semantic domains. For instance, YUZ has as a first meaning, (human) face, belonging to the semantic domain ‘Body’, and as a derived meaning, surface, face, belonging to the domain ‘Shape’. Crossreferences between different occurrences of a same lexical item are implemented by hypertext links. Within a given semantic domain, items are grouped as much as possible according to their semantic proximity. These semantic domains are relatively large groupings, which may be in turn divided into several sub-domains (realms). These divisions are materialized by empty lines in the table. A given word may appear in two different realms within a same large semantic domain. For instance, KECHA has two distinct meanings, night and yesterday, both in the domain ‘Time’, appearing then in two distinct domains. Links are cross-referencing these two meanings. It must be clear that any grouping and sorting according to semantic criteria is more or less arbitrary. Selected lexical items The basic vocabulary has been selected, with a distinction between two levels, items or meanings of an item marked in bold face being the most basic or common. Without any frequency list, such a selection is highly subjective. A common meaning of an item is marked in bold face only in the table corresponding to its semantic domain. When such a meaning appears in an other semantic domain, it is not marked so. First column The first column contains Uzbek head-words with words derived from when selected. A head-word appears at the beginning of the cell, and if a root word, written in capital letters. A head-word may itself derives from a head-word appearing elsewhere in the glossary. Derived words follow, written in lower case. Only words appear in first column. Relevant grammatical derivations, expressions and collocations appear in second column, these being more or less specific uses of the word in first column. The basic criterion for determining what is a word is simply its spelling, a word being written in one piece. ii excepted when these did not bring anything by themselves. but may be also the case of some adjectives or nouns. passive/reflexive and causative derived verbs have been most often selected. more for space reasons than anything else. excepted when their meaning had something more with respect to the basic reciprocal/cooperative meaning brought by the corresponding suffix. opposite) appear in the same line as the headword. separated by a /. direct object.). written in second column and in lower case. book and MAKTAB. they are both written in capital letters in the same line.g. these affixes being not productive as such in Uzbek. iii . but in second column. fame). etc. school). For some of these words. For instance: PESHANA / PESHONA. and there are also cases of prefixation (use of Persian prefixes). The most common derived word from a given head-word have been selected. Same handling for compound-words. some of them derived from a same Arabic root. They are written in lower case.t meas neg adjective or adverb adjective adverb name number postposition pronoun intransitive verb transitive verb measure negative 2) When the word may function as the head of a syntactic unit (clause. For the verbs in particular. the arguments’ marking is mentioned. indirect object. MASHHUR. Second column The second column contains basically a description of how words listed in first column are used in the language.g. These two forms being quite different. KITOB. famous and SHUHRAT. derived from two or more root words(e. These two types of affixation are handled in the same way and written in lower case.g. inside and outside). Irregular possessive suffixation are also mentioned on two distinct lines. The same is done with words from western origin (e. In Turkic languages.Derived and reduplicate terms (e. Different forms of a same word are written on two distinct lines. This is more often the case for verbs (with subject. noun phrase…) with one or several dependant arguments. lexical derivation is made by means of suffixation. Words from Arabic are also part of the Uzbek vocabulary. They appear in a separate line. v. 1) The word’s grammatical category (in Uzbek) is first mentioned: ad adj adv n num post pron v. Distinctions between core and peripheral arguments are not made. but for others such a grouping is made (e.g. suffixation or infixation. For instance BURUN (burn+i) or ASHYO (ashyo+i). the semantic proximity between them is not strong enough for them to be grouped in the same line (e. Reciprocal/cooperative verbs have almost never been selected. EKONOMIST).g. EKONOMIK. qarama-qarshi. by prefixation. the word is replaced by ‘~’. room replace X. place to sleep place. change into X turn X into Y. Compounds verbs formed with qil. transform X into Y place to sit. Natures of arguments are: N V A num C Noun phrase Verb phrase Adjective number Clause Cases are: +ni +ga +da +dan +ning direct object / accusative dative locative ablative genitive A noun may bear a pronominal suffix. Y. as well as the direct object of a transitive verb when it is basically its only argument. This is noted using its value in the 3rd singular person: +i pronominal suffix (+si if the noun ends with a vowel) The pronominal suffix may combine with casual suffixes: +ida.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ n NX+ning o'rn+ini bosgive X to Y. and when marking of the arguments occurs on the same line that the grammatical category these are separated by ’|’.The subject of a verb is generally not mentioned.are supposed intransitive. In order to save space. +iga.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. take the place of X Some additional considerations: iv . grant X to Y turn into X. For instance NX+dan references a nominal phrase referenced as X in the English translation (column 3). seat.are supposed transitive if no specific argument is specified. beginning with core arguments. Those formed with bo'l. An argument appears in the following form: nature of the argument + reference of the argument + case. etc. Arguments are referenced as X. Examples: BERAYLANaylantirO'RIN (o'rn+i) v. in the ablative | NX+ga ~ v. Z. closely related to a given lexical item. but the notation NX+ning is systematically used. In some cases. Example as following: BILv. comprehend unknowingly without being sure. watch examine notice d) Some other expressions.t | N(ish)X+ni ~ v. more correct but taking slightly more space.(et-) (transitive verbs). and this can be also a nominal deverbative (or verb noun). nominal phrases with a noun dependant does not always use the genitive case. comprehend know how to X know that X 3) Compound expressions a) For some lexical items derivations obtained through pure grammatical devices may be listed if presenting some interest for that glossary. NX without more precision may very well refer also to a nominal phrase headed by a verb noun. desire X know. the notation VX+ish is then used. even if one should notice that very often such compound verbs with qil. and in the second one. hastily know-how b) Many compound verbs are formed from nouns compound with bo’l.t bilmay / bilmasdan bilar-bilmas bilish know. even if such expressions are strictly speaking not part of the lexicon. it bears the accusative case suffix. In the first case. may figure under its heading. reference might be made to the deverbative and its type: N(ish)X notes a nominal phrase which can also be a verbal noun in -ish.(intransitive verbs) or qil. instead of NX(+ning). In the same way. Nominal phrases are headed by a noun.wish X. which appear in first column.The direct object is in Uzbek as in the other Turkic languages marked differently according to whether it is specific/definite or not.t VX+ishni ~ VX+ganini ~ want X.are synonymous with the verbs derived from the noun through suffixation -la. v . c) Some expressions using verbal auxiliaries are used commonly enough to appear also in that glossary. and must immediately precede the verb. Such verbs appear also in second column. The notation of these possibilities is not systematic. The notation NX+ni is systematically used for marking the direct object. instead of NX(+ni). For instance: KO'Rv. This has been kept restricted as much as possible. Example: XOHLABILv. does not bear casual marking. N(gani)X notes a nominal phrase which can also be a verbal noun deriving from a past participle followed by a pronominal suffix.t | N(gain)X+ni ~ ko'rib turko'rib chiqko'rib qolsee X observe. They are written in lower case. that argument appears between brackets in the translation. vi . as well as compound words from two different roots. Y or Z argument their contents begin with ‘=’. In this case. doubt (about people) (X) be suspicious of Y suspect X. Example: GUMON n NY+dan NX+ning ~+i bor NX+dan gumon qilsuspicion. These translations may contain references to arguments of the syntactic core whose the lexical item is the nucleus. These appear within brackets. When those elements precise the nature of an X. doubt X In the translation some additional elements may help interpreting the translation. Fourth column The fourth (invisible) column contains links to other references to the lexical item in other parts of the glossary. Arguments referenced are those mentioned in second column (X. distinct meanings of a same lexical item. Abbreviations sb sth swh o. as rendered by translation(s) in English. with the verb in the infinitive form. It may happen that for some verbs an argument not subject in Uzbek and as such referenced in second column is the subject of the English translation. the second column may also contain reduplicated derived terms (intensive). or may precise the nature of a given argument. Z).s. rather than to appear in distinct lines will be on a same line. Y.For instance: AZOB n azob tortazob chekNX+ga ~ bersuffering suffer suffer torture X 4) As seen previously. separated by ‘. esp fig l/f somebody something somewhere oneself especially figuratively literal and figurative (meaning) In some cases. Third column The third column contains the meaning(s) of lexical items and related expressions.’. Toshkent. Balci.Materials used for this glossary Uzbek-English dictionary: Natalie Waterson. Moskva 'rus tili' nashriyoti. Uhres. Uzbekistan Online Forum. Dunwoody Press. J. Audio-forum.geocities. 1995 English-Uzbek-Russian reference book: LM.cfm?less=1&id=1 Pouvoir. Awde. Khakimov. 1980. Ibragimov. Mixailova. http://www. Hikmatullaeva. U. Dirks. Toshkent. 1981 O'zbekcha-ruscha lug'at: S. 1988 Uzbekskiy yazik dlya vzroclix: N.htm Uzbek dictionary & phrasebook: N.U. Oxford University Press. J.X. Toshkent o'qituvchi. Kakharov et al. 1996 Central Asia phrasebook: J. V. 1996 Uzbek to English Dictionary: Karl Krippes. http://cassandra. 1998 O’zbek tili.A Kissen. translate uz. http://uzland. 1995 Dictionary of the Turkic languages: Kurtulush Öztopçu et al. English-Uzbek dictionary: Kamran M.sprex. 1994 Colloquial Uzbek: Kurtulush Öztopçu. 1989 Fransuzcha-ruscha-o'zbekcha lug'at: M. tillar sahifasi UzLand. Sharq nashriyot-matbaa aksiyadorlik kompaniyasi. Raxmatullayev. 2001 Teachionary Uzbek Word Sets.M. don et réseaux en Ouzbekistan post-soviétique: Boris-Mathieu Pétric. Hippocrene books. U. Hippocrene books. 2002 vii . London Routledge. O'zbek tilining izohli lug'at: Z.html Dictionnaire Ouzbek-Français: B.T Triskulov et al. W. l'Harmattan. Toshkent. chet elliklar uchun amaliy kurs: Yu. Mairufov.nuu. Toshkent o'qituvchi. 1994 Modern literary Uzbek: Khayrulla Ismatulla. 1994 Guide parlé français-ouzbek-russe: Toshkent o'qituvchi. Akobirova. 2002 Uzbek-English dictionary (latin): A. Kh. 1999 Zangari Kema Uzbek-English dictionary: W. Azizxonova. Qorayeva. Lonely Planet Publications. 2001 Hozirgi o'zbek tili faol so'zlarning izohli lug'ati: A. PUF. Mansurov. Sh. http://www. Indiana University. Paiziev. 1991 Uzbek-English. Toshkent o'qituvchi. l'Asiathè 2001 Parlons Ouzbek: Saodat Doniyorova. Hojiyev et al. int yo'q bo'lib ketv. be available existence. leave disappear.Basic Concepts Entities and Existence NARSA n bir narsa har narsa hech narsa n n n NX+ning ~+i GAP n hech gap yo'q katta gap nima gap? adj. object some thing everything nothing thing(s). goods object. vanish. happen become X. n n v. be created make appear. business. articles (for use). affair (to talk about) nothing much. get X become v. exist existence non-existent. job matter. emptiness nothing be. task X's affair. absence existing. | NX ~+ib adj adj | NY+ning NX+i ~ adj | NY+da NX ~ bor bo'ln adj NY+ning NX+i ~ NY+da NX ~ yo'q bo'ln adj mavjud bo'ln n paydo bo'lpaydo qilv. vanish cause to vanish. thing matter. get lost | NX/AX ~ NX/AX ~+ib qolv. absent (Y) have not X (possession) (Y) have not X (with it) disappear. being appear produce be visible. never mind. thing work. come into kelib chiqbunday kelib chiqadiki CX sodir bo'lv. lack non-existence. present (Y) have X (possession) (Y) have X (with it) be present. emerge happen it follows that X happen v. no problem big event what has happened? useless(ness). empty. business. vanish disappear. affair. erase BUYUM PREDMET ISH BEKOR BO'L- BOR borlik YO'Q yo'qlik MAVJUD mavjudlik mavjudot PAYDO ko'rin- SODIR YO'QOLKETO'CHo'chir- 1 .t yuz berBUNYOD CHIQbunyod bo'lbunyod qilv. job. create come out. get X as (a) X existent. appear. emerge happen appear. appear. available exist. availability nature. invisible disappear. fate accidental. in the event of in the event of X. take away. disaster. destiny luck. get wasted absent. opportunity impossible probable(ly). absolute(ly) certain. fortune. exact(ly) definite(ly). fate fate (of sb) possible (Y) be possible for X (whose existence is) possible possibility impossible possibility possibility. future adj g'oyib bo'lg'oyib qiladv n baxtsiz ~ ko'ngilsiz ~ n halokatga uchraadj n n n n adj adv n n n n n n n adj adj | NX VY+ishi ~ bo'lishi mumkin (bo'lgan) n adj n n adj ad n har ehtimolga qarshi n ad get lost. possibility just in case probability clear(ly). vanish cause to vanish.t conj conj CX+gan taqdirda 2 . inevitable define. mishap accident. fix if if. remove being invisible. disastrous event. wreck meet with an accident accidental. casual by chance miracle adventure fate. obvious(ly) precise(ly). mishap accident. secretly event. incident. lot.KUYG'OYIB g'oyibona HODISA v. incident fact process chance. happening accident. possible(ly) probability. case sky fate fate. in case of X halokat halokatli VOQEA FAKT JARAYON TASODIF tasodifiy tasodifan MU'JIZA SARGUZASHT TAQDIR FALAK PESHANA / PESHONA TOLE (tole+i) QISMAT MUMKIN mumkinlik nomumkin IMKON imkoniyat imkonsiz EHTIMOL ehtimollik ANIQ MUQARRAR belgilaAGAR MABODO TAQDIR adj v. definite. impression influence X. yield a result as a result effective(ly). conclusion as a result of X have. esp. assessment. conclusion in accordance with X. in consequence of X therefore. for that reason because of X. cause. circumstances conditions under these conditions depending on the circumstances for X (sake/purpose). with results vain. because because. yield. considering that. state (of sb. condition circumstances environment. with sth). production.t n. product. position. because of X therefore. result output. without results produce. without results result. as. thanks to X. consequently UCHUN TUFAYLI SABAB sababli sababsiz CHUNKI MODOMIKI ZERO / ZEROKI keltirASL MANBA (manba+i) bog'liq TA'SIR ta'sirli ta'sirlaNATIJA natijali natijasiz OQIBAT oqibatli oqibatsiz MAHSUL mahsulot YAKUN yakunlayakunlovchi BINOAN BINOBARIN 3 . by reason that. provoke lead to X origin. surroundings condition (necessary for sth) provided that. in order to X for X (reason). original source. due to X without reason because since. totalize final. since bring about. status situation.HOL n bu holda har holda n n n n n conj n shart-sharoit bunday sharoitda sharoitga qarab post | N(ish)X ~ post | N(gani)X ~ shuning uchun post | NX ~ n N(ishi)X+ga ~ bo'lnima sababdan shu sababdan adj | N(gani)X ~ ad conj conj conj v. cause cause. on account of X reason. state.t n N(gani)X ~+sida natija bernatijada ad ad n adj adj n n n v. in the event of conditions (of. sth) circumstances under the circumstances whatever the circumstances condition. end effective.t NX+ga olib keln n adj | NX+ga ~ n NX+ga ~ ko'rsatadj v. origin dependent (on X) influence. effect. act upon result. total assess. state (of sth. adj post | NX+ga ~ conj AHVOL HOLAT VAZIYAT MUHIT SHART basharti SHAROIT condition. provoke X for what reason for this reason for the reason of X. product result. of sb) condition(s). with results ineffective(ly). act upon X influential influence. XULOSA n conclusion. result 4 . summary. Relations BILAN BIRGA birgalik HUZUR YOLG'IZ DOIR OID JIHAT QARAbog'liq bog'labog'lam bog'lanALOQA aloqasiz aloqador MUNOSABAT munosabatsiz munosabatdor o'zaro ARALASH ARALASHaralashtiraralashma QORISHqorishtirqorishma BIR post | NX ~ adv adv | NX bilan ~ n | NX bilan ~+da n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga ad post | NX+ga ~ post | NX+ga ~ n v. mingle mix X with Y. interfere in X mix X with Y mix up X (together) mixture mix together. pertain to X dependent (on X) tie. connect with X unrelated related to X relations. about X pertaining to X. side. reciprocal mixed. communication with X link to X. | NX+ga ~ v. confuse X mixture X (and Y) are one. connections with X unrelated to X related to X mutual(ly). field depend on X. fasten v. bundle be tied. and X together together with X in connection with X. link contact. reciprocal(ly) bog'lanish n | NX bilan ~ NX bilan ~ bog'laadj adj | NX+ga ~ n | NX bilan ~ adj | NX bilan ~ adj | NX bilan ~ ad ikki tomonga qarashli adj v. together with X presence in presence of X alone. confuse X with Y mix up X (with each other).t | NX+ni NY bilan ~ NX+ni (bir-birlari bilan) ~ n NX (NY) ~ NX (NY) bir xil bir xillik BIRDAY YA'NI KABI SINGARI YANGLIG' ad conj post | NX ~ post | N(gani)X ~ post | NX ~ post | NX ~ with X. relating to X aspect. namely like X as if X similar to X like X 5 . single concerning X. the same X (and Y) are the same identity identical(ly) that is to say. related to X. by means of X.t | NX+ni (bir-biriga) ~ n v. be bound together relation. relate to | NX+ga ~ adj | NX+ga ~ v. composite get mixed up with X take part in X.t n v. solitary.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. precisely as if (X) exactely like Y as if X example give an example give an example for example. upside down contrary. conflicting opposed to X contradiction to the contrary GO'YOKI / GO'YO MISOL conj | ~ CX n misol ko'rsatmisol keltirmisol uchun adv adv conj adj adj | NX+dan ~ post | NX+dan ~ ad adv n. another different from X (in nature) change.t v. against opposite against X.t adj post | NX+ga ~ NX+ga qarshi qo'yn qarama-qarshi qarama-qarshilik MASALAN CHUNONCHI HAMDA BOSHQA boshqacha BOSHQATDAN TASHQARI G'AYRI ZIYODA O'ZGA O'ZGARo'zgarto'zgartirQARSHI qarshilik TESKARI adj | NX+ga ~ ad n teskarisi(ga) AKS aksincha ZID ZIDDIYAT QAYTAGA adj conj adj | bir-biriga ~ adj | NX+ga ~ n adv 6 .int v. against X inside out. identically exactely. substitute opposing. alike similarity to X imitate X | N(gani)X+ga ~ adj | NX+ga ~ n | NX+ga ~ v. alter replace. besides X other. opposing contrast contrary to X opposed to X. in addition to X. for instance for example as well as other. same. out of X's scope other than | NX+ga ~ o'xshatish NX+dek bo'lib ko'rinadj adv adv NX ~ NY be like X.O'XSHAo'xshash o'xshashlik o'xshatko'rinAYNI AYNAN XUDDI v. opposite on the contrary contrary. alien not X. counteron the contrary contrary. contrary to X contrast with X opposition opposite. reverse. contradictory. another different from X apart from X different(ly) again exterior. more than X | NX+ga ~ v. identical exactly. alter change. resemble X it seems/looks as if X similar to X. adv NX+dan ~ adj ~ AX post | NX+dan ~ adj adj | NX+dan ~ v. outside other than X. adverse. for instance for example. simulation look like X like. alter change. deserving X farqli farqlafarqlanTAFOVUT qaraganda KO'RA NISBIY NISBATAN SOLISHTIRsolishtirma CHOG'ISHTIRTAQQOSLA- post | NX+dan ~ adj post | NX+ga ~ v.t v. it is necessary to X (be) relevant to X. Y X although Y. suitable for X. exemplary example.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. model original copy copy copy copy.t | NX+ni NY bilan ~ adj v. CY conj | CX ~ CY conj | CX ~ CY n n | NX bilan NY orasida ~ NX+ni NY bilan farq qilNX+ni bir-biridan farq qiladj v. X whereas Y X although Y. matching X suitable for X.t | NX+larni bir-biriga ~ v. meas asl nusxa n kopiya oln NX+ga taqlid qiladj n N(ish)X+ga to'g'ri keladj | N(ish)X+ga ~ (bo'l-) adj | NX+ga ~ post | NX+ga ~ n v.t adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ (bo'l-) QIYOS qiyosiy qiyoslaNAMUNA namunali O'RNAK NUSXA KOPIYA TAQLID taqlidiy taqlidchi MUNOSIB MUVOFIQ muvofiqlik muvofiqlashmuvofiqlashtirLOYIQ 7 . adj adj n n. fit X. model n post | NX+ga ~ post | N(ishi)X+ga ~ but but but although X. example sample model.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ NX+larni bir-biriga ~ taqqoslab ko'rn NX+ni NY+ga qiyos et-/qiladj v.t n. reasonable in accordance with X suitability adapt adapt suitable for X. sample. imitation copy X. imitate X imitative imitator it is suitable to X. X whereas Y difference differences between X and Y distinguish X from Y distinguish Xs from each other different distinguish differ difference in comparison with X according to X considering X in comparison with X relative compared with X with regard to X compare X with Y comparative compare X with Y compare Xs with each other compare X with Y compare Xs with each other compare comparison compare X with Y comparative compare model.LEKIN AMMO BIROQ GARCHI HOLBUKI VAHOLANKI FARQ conj conj conj conj | ~ v. fill Y with X BOP nobop MOS moslashmoslashtirishSIG'sig'dir- 8 .YARAyarashyaroqli yaroqsiz YOQtegishli kelish- v. be appropriate for X be useful. of no | NX+ga ~ kelv. appropriate to X shapely. inappropriate match. useful for X unsuitable. relevant to X belonging to X come together be v. befit X well-suited. well-proportioned suitable. be satisfying to X appropriate to X. helpful for X suit X. harmony matching X.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ be fit for | NX+ga ~ v. suit X. fit X adapt adapt fit into X make X fit into Y. appropriate | NX+ga ~ adj | NX+ga ~ v. suitable. suit | NX+ga ~ v.t v. useless suit X. harmonizing with X match | NX+ga ~ kelishgan adj adj n adj | NX+ga ~ | NX+ga ~ adj | NX+ga ~ adj v. structure system systematic build.t adj n adv num n v.t n order put X into order put X into order disorganize in order disorderly disorderliness disorderly messy starting from X draw up. v. constituent. found. making | NX+dan ~ n n NX ~+ida NY bor adj tashkil bo'ltashkil toptashkil qil-/etn v. construct (l/f) be constituted. composition X is composed of Y v.Category and Order TARTIB n NX tartibga keltirNX tartibga soltartibni buzadj adj n adj ag'dar-to'ntar TORTIB TUZtuzilish tuzum SISTEMA sistematik QURqurilqurilma TARKIB tarkibiy TASHKIL post | NX+dan ~ v. establish form. absolutely one a unity unit unite unite.t adj v. made up of X structure. wholly. domain branch out consisting of X. all v. combine alliance. union unite unite combination. structure system.t v. be made up organize. plain. make composition. form. complicated consisting of X.t n n n adj v. composed. naive get simple simplify whole. composition structure. integrity completely. be made up be composed. component be composed. compound tartibli tartibsiz tartibsizlik betartib TARMOQ tarmoqlaIBORAT MURAKKAB murakkablik murakkablashmurakkablashtirSODDA soddalashsoddalashtirBUTUN butunlik butunlay BIR birlik birlashbirlashtirbirlashma BIRIKbiriktirbirikma 9 . make up branch. network branch. be composed of X complex. composed of X complexity get complicated complexify.t n v. make-up.t adj | NX+dan ~ NX+dan ~ bo'ladj adj | NX+dan ~ n v. composed of X consist of v. complicate simple simple. be divided room section. group collection.t v. gathering. total add. collect. gather together gather. pile of Xs group group group part (of a whole/ a group). support X united. part. gather. small piece whole and parts n. split dispatch isolate.TO'P to'plato'plam to'planto'plashYIG'yig'indi yig'ishtiryig'im KOLLEKSIYA QO'SHqo'shilqo'shma JAM jamlaTO'DA to'dalashGRUPPA gruppalaQISM qisman BO'Lbo'linbo'lma bo'lak bo'lakcha AYIRayricha ayrim ayirma AJRAajralajrat- n. apart row. flock. group be gathered. line. portion partial(ly) separate divide X in Y be separated.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ adj adv adj n v. group a (whole) series of X align X align line up. gathering collection add X to Y include X to Y be added to X. participate to X agree to X. some particularity. particular certain. gang of Xs flock. clean up collection.t n n | NX+ga ~ adj n jam qilv. specially special.t v. break up v. column set. split.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ group. meas v. partition part piece of X piece of X small part.t n | NX+lar ~+si v. compilation. tidy v. corpus gather up. be groupped qatorlaqatorlash- 10 . stand side by side ALOHIDA QATOR ad n bir qator NX NX+ni qator qo'yv. difference break up divide.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ NX+ni NY+ga ~+ib qo'yv.t | NX+ni numY+ga ~ v. compound addition. separate X from Y special. take away X from Y. group collect.t n v. put in order. collect group of Xs.t n ad n n ~ NX n | NX ~+i n butun va bo'laklar v. be included to X join X.t n v.t v. meas v. gather collection. heap v. separate X from Y separate(ly). separate separately. apart. plus. swarm of Xs heap. exterior. surface appearance. heap up list.h. appearance. front place. scenery. style particular. gist understand X's meaning peculiarities TABIAT TABIIY SUN'IY yasama XARAKTER xarakterli xarakterlaxarakteristik MAZMUN mazmunan mazmundor MAG'IZ (mag'z+i) MOHIYAT SHAKL shakllanshakllantirshaklan FORMA ko'rinish QIYOFA SIRT TURUQ TUS USUL n adj adj adj n adj v. Nature nature. essentially substantial essence. pile up. heap up pile up. essence form. way of (Xing). character natural artificial. manner method (of Xing). view appearance.b. unique specific to X character. shape manner. artificial. (va boshqalar) v. typical characterize characteristic sense content. shape in shape in content and form form appearance. particular especially. particularly personal.t n n g'aram qilv. essence.SAF XONA UYuyum G'ARAM g'aramlaRO'YXAT n n v. looks scene. significance special. line rank. manner (of X).q. way form. false character characteristic. point in essence.t adv shaklan va mazmunan n n | (tashqi) ~ n n n n n | VX+ish ~+i XOS xosiyat MAXSUS XUSUSAN XUSUSIY xususiyat adj NX+(ning o'z+i)ga ~ n adj adv adj n 11 . (va hoqazo) v. face exterior. column (in a table) pile up. (va shu kabilar) row. heap stack. take shape form.k. procedure form. expression appearance. (et cetera) and so on and so on nature. private characteristics.t n v. quality. pile. heap v.t n n adv adj n NX+ning ~+ini chaqn n v. man-made man-made. put together pile. register etc. standard level. degree stage. highest part high (fig. similar sort. principal in principle. sort.) high (l/f) height kind. sort of X. high quality low grade. characteristics characteristic quality as X qualitative high grade. basis. type Y kind of X. kind of X sort X sort sort tribe.t n character. type of X all kinds of X all kinds.t adj n num/pronY ~ NX NX navlarga ajratn v. essence TUR turli turlaturdosh NAV SORT sortlaTOIFA ASOS asosiy asosan NEGIZ PRINSIP TAG n n | NX+ga ~ NX+ga ~ soladj adv post | NX+ga ~ n n n 12 . kind Y sort of X. according to X base. poor quality separate(ly). sort same different. basically in accordance with X. particularly X unique. set basis. foundation. fundamental. apart special(ly). foundation principle bottom. phase top. ground reason for X. particular(ly) especially X. the only one degree level up to X's standard level. basis for X lay the foundations of X basic. various. substance. various variety kind.XISLAT SIFAT sifatli sifatsiz ALOHIDA AYNIQSA YAGONA DARAJA darajali SAVIYA BOSQICH YUQORI YUKSAK yuksaklik XIL n n NX ~+ida bo'lib adj adj ad adv | ~ NX adj n adj | NX/AX ~ n n n adj adj n n num/pronY ~ NX har ~ NX+lar xilma-xil xilma-xillik n bir turli adj har ~ NX+lar turli-tuman turli-tumanlik v. lowest part root. diverse all kinds of X diverse diversity sort uniform. category. race class. basis. main. detailed in detail. all. simplicity rule. customarily. collectivize in general. official regularity norm normal exception exclude without exception exception. main secondary odatlanODDIY oddiylik QOIDA qonuniyat MUNTAZAM muntazamlik NORMA NORMAL ISTISNO istisnosiz MUSTASNO KIRNODIR NOYOB SIYRAK siyraklik siyraklash- 13 . unimportant high. common. regular extraordinary ordinariness. public. outstanding rare. normal as usual rare. make a habit of X ordinary. chief. detailed important import importance significance. unique sparse(ly) rare(ly). important insignificant. seldom rarity rarefy UMUM umumiy umumiylik umumlashtirumuman ODAT n adj adj n v.t adv umuman aytganda n odatda odatdagi odatdagidek odatdan tashqari v.TAFSIL tafsilot tafsilli tafsiliy batafsil MUHIM muhimlik AHAMIYAT ahamiyatli ahamiyatsiz OLIY BOSH n tafsil qiltafsil qilib n adj ad ad adj muhim bo'ln n N(ish)X+ga ~ berahamiyati yo'q adj adj adj n. supreme head. importance attach importance to X it does not matter significant. | N(ish)X+ga ~ adj g'ayri oddiy n n n adj n n adj n istisno qiladj n mustasno qilbundan mustasno NX+ga kirmaadj adj ad n v. universal universality generalize. uncommon get used to X. top. public general. regulation law (regular pattern) regular. the public whole. basically in short habit custom. usually ordinary. systematic regular. highest. common. usage habitually. exclusion exclude apart from this X excluded rare. adj ikkinchi orindagi detail detail in detail detail detailed in detail. G'ALATI g'alatilik G'AROYIB FAVQULODDA HATTO adj n adj ad adv | ~ NX strange. peculiar strangeness. unusual(ly) even X 14 . strange. curious extraordinary(ly). peculiarity extraordinary. lessen. usually main part.) adv ancha-muncha (with neg. rich be abundant abundance. plentiful be abundant abundance.) adv v. majority abundant. diminish reduce. operation) majority everybody. a while a little. advantage in excess ko'plik ko'payko'paytirko'paytirish ko'pchilik ko'pgina ANCHA 15 . large quantity v. another increase be left over. plentiful. a bit more or less. slightly at least small quantity decrease. in excess more than X more.t orttirib yuboradj numX+dan ~ adv n adj quantity. profusion abundant. multiply multiplication (arithm. plenty. very much plenty of at most abundance. growth increase. greatly (not) very much most. diminish minority a little. a lot of very. profusion few. majority mostly. v. very much a great deal numerous very many. many people a fair amount / number many.Quantity and Numbers MIQDOR KO'P n katta miqdorda adj adv n ko'p sonli ko'pdan-ko'p juda ko'p ko'p deganda n v. multiply increase.t n n adv adj (mostly with neg. too much superiority. a bit. surplus increase exaggerate extra. grow less. amount in large quantities many. to a certain degree at least X not even X again ko'payish v. small (quantity) a little.t n adv adv ozmi-ko'pmi adv | ~ numX ~ numX ham (with neg. quite a lot of (rather) much.) AKSAR aksari aksariyat MO'L mo'llik / mo'lchilik SEROB serobgarchilik OZ ozlik ozayozayt/ ozaytirozchilik ozmuncha ozgina LOAQAL YANA ORTorttirortiq ortiqlik ortiqcha n adv n adj mo'l bo'ln adj serob bo'ln adj oz-moz oz deganda n v. grow. t n NX+dan ~ tortv.t n. besides X on (top of) X in addition to X more other than X. gather together in total gather. ascend (l/f) elevation. reduce default. outside other than X. lacking little. a fair number a little. more than X grow rise. increase increase few.t adj adv kam bo'ljuda kam kamdan-kam kamdan-kam uchraydigan n kamlik qilv. pro bir necha pro bir qancha pro bir muncha adv bir talay bir oz / biroz adj n jam qiladv v. shortage lack decrease. enough be sufficient | NX+ga ~ n adj yetarli bo'ladj | NX+ga ~ NX+ga kifoya qilv. increase adj adj | numX+dan ~ v. little (quantity) short. be sufficient for X attain X.OSHoshiq ko'tarilYUKSALyuksaltirTASHQARI UST ZIYOD ziyoda O'So'stirKAM v. ascend. ascend (l/f) rise. be sufficient how much. adv NX+dan ~ NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga adv post | NX+dan ~ | N(ish)X uchun ~ v. go | NX+ga ~ yuksalish v. some addition.t adj rise. sufficient for X be enough. collect every kamlik kamaykamaytirkamchilik YETyetishyetishmaslik yetarli KIFOYA kifoyalanNECHA QANCHA MUNCHA TALAY QITTAK JAM jami jamlajamiki 16 . not enough seldom too few rare lack. how many several this much v. get less decrease. arrive to X(=location) be enough. total add. a little much. shortcoming lack X reach X. small. be sufficient for X be enough. too much more than X rise. how many several. plus. development raise (l/f) exterior. some how v. catch up with X be sufficient insufficiency sufficient. be not enough lack. many a fair amount. in addition to X. some somewhat. a bit a little. small piece piece of X. total assess. completely.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ n NX+ni NY+ga taqsim qilv. quite absolutely. portion piece.t adj adv adv gir-gir 17 . complete(ly). lump share. be divided part piece of X piece of X small part. divide X by Y distribute X to Y. complement absolute. supplementary addition (operation) | NX+ga ~ v. splinter of X. complete absolutely.t | NX+ni numY+ga ~ n v. complete(ly) supplement. be included to X additional. total(ly) full(y). operation) be separated.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ n v. compound result. entire.t v. n ~ NX n | NX ~+i n n | ~ NX n | NX ~+si v. completely. separately one by one.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ NX+ni NY+ga ~+ib qo'yn v. all entirety. one after another whole. any one by one. one after another unity unit some (unspecified). ample. operation) be added to X. splinter of X. divide X by Y be distributed among X separate divide X in Y division (arithm. exactly completely. totally. one (about one) some (unspecified). scrap piece of X. fill Y with X capacity include Y into X distribution distribute X to Y. sufficient(ly). totalize fit into X make X fit into Y.QO'SHqo'shish qo'shilqo'shimcha qo'shuv qo'shma YAKUN yakunlaSIG'sig'dirsig'im kirgizTAQSIM taqsimlataqsimlanBO'Lbo'lish bo'linbo'lak bo'lakcha PARCHA parchalaBURDA burdalaCHAQMOQ HISSA DONA BIR v.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. separately only (adj) one by | NX+ga ~ adj n adj n | NX+ga ~ v. absolutely full(y).t v.t n n meas num bitta-bitta bittalab birdan-bir birma-bir n adj adj birin-ketin add X to Y include X to Y addition (arithm. bit of X slice X break up. tear to pieces piece.t n | ~ NX NX+ni burda-burda qilv. all around birlik BIROR BIRON / BIRONTA BUTUN butunlik butunlay to'la to'liq to'liqlaMUTLAQ mutlaqo ROSA adj n adv ad ad v. break up. crumble piece of X. item one a one by one. scrap split. integrity completely. assessment. a bit a little bit almost. everybody some. much HECH YOLG'IZ FAQAT NUQUL XOLOS JUDA G'OYAT nihoyatda YOMON ENG O'TA QADAR XIYLA / XILA NISBIY DARAJA darajali SAL adj n adj | NX/AX ~ adv | ~ AX(+roq) adv | ~ VX VX+ishiga sal sal kam numX salgina sal-pal adv adv ad relative degree level up to X's standard a little. totally completely. utterly completely. very amount. some . almost X a little bit a little. terribly. nearly PICHA JINDAK DEYARLI / DEYARLIK 18 . whole X all everything. totally totality complete(ly). or other this or that this or that no only. utterly most (superlative) excessively. slightly a little. total(ly) all the totality of X. too very much. certain some. too much. somewhat.TAMOM tamomiyla batamom tamoman YOPPASI HAMMA BARCHA BARI BA'ZI FALON n adv adv adv n yoppasiga adj NX+ning ~+si adj n adj adj falon-pismadon falon-tugan adj ad adv | ~ NX+gina adv | ~ numX NY adv adv adv | ~ AX juda ham AX adv | ~ AX adv ad uchiga chiqqan adv adv n bir qadar shu / bu / u qadar adv end. to excess. somewhat. to such an extent relatively greatly. too much extremely. relatively so. slightly X nearly X. finish completely. solely. merely only X only X Y only only. slightly X a little. severely extremely. that's it very. to a high degree extremely extremely. quantity to a certain degree.. almost X nearly X.. t | NX+ni ~ n adj adj son-sanoqsiz n adj v. about X all-round near by X. close to X close to X. around X.t v. consider that X have X counted enumeration. approximate. fierceness intense. at the same time equal. estimated about X. medium an average of Y Z per X | NX bilan NY ~ adj adv ad n | NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga adj adj | NX+ga ~ adj | numX+ga ~ adj adv | ~ numX adv | ~ numX adj v. approximately X rough. approximately X nearly X. about X.t CX deb ~ v. approximately X strong. fierce high low (in) average. digit.TENG tenglik tenglatenglashBARAVAR BABBARAVAR ATROF atrofli YAQIN taxminiy taxminan QARIYB QATTIQ qattiqlaSHIDDAT shiddatli BALAND PAST o'rtacha BOSH SON sonli SANAsanatsanoq sanoqli NOMER nomerli nomerlaRAQAM NOL BIR IKKI UCH TO'RT BESH OLTI YETTI SAKKIZ TO'QQIZ adj | NX+ga ~ adv n v. same at the same time around X around X. innumerable number numbered number numeral.t n adj ad adj ad NX+ning boshiga numY NZ n adj v. counting cardinal countable countless. same together. numeral numeric count at last X.t n num num num num num num num num num num equal to X equally equality equalize (X and Y) be equal equal. figure zero one two three four five six seven eight nine 19 . roughly X. intense intensify intensity. O'N o'nli YIGIRMA O'TTIZ QIRQ ELLIK OLTMISH YETMISH SAKSON TO'QSON YUZ MING MILLION MILLIARD JUFT juftlaDYUJINA TOQ KASR kasrli YARIM (yarm+i) yarimta yarimla- num adj num num num num num num num num num num num num n, meas adj v.t meas adj n adj num n | NX yarmi numX ~ n yarimlab qolyarimlab ketn n n n | NX+ning numY ~+i n adj n n adj adj adj v.t v.t | CX deb ~ n n n n n | NX+ga ~ ten decimal twenty thirty fourty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety hundred thousand million milliard, billion pair, couple even (number) merge dozen odd, uneven fraction fractional half half X X and a half half divide in half (whose) half remain take half quarter eighth per cent Y per cent of X per cent, percentage double, paired double, couple arithmetic, calculation, computation account, count, score can be counted on one's fingers countless countless calculate at last X, consider that X addition (arithm. operation) subtraction (arithm. operation) multiplication (arithm. operation) division (arithm. operation) minus reach X(=quantity) CHORAK nimchorak FOIZ PROTSENT qo'sha qo'shaloq HISOB hisobli hisobsiz behisob hisoblaqo'shish ayirish ko'paytirish bo'lish OLUV YET- 20 CHEK chekli cheksiz cheklacheklanCHET chetlaHAD (had+di) behad NIHOYAT nihoyatda benihoyat / benihoya O'RTA o'rtacha MIYONA O'LCHAo'lchano'lcham o'lchov o'lchagich TORTTAROZI TERMOMETR GRADUSNIK BAROMETR MATEMATIKA GEOMETRIYA ALGEBRA n adj adj v.t n v.t n haddan oshib ketadj haddi-hisobsiz n adv ad n, adj ad adj v.t n n n v.t | NX+ni (tarozida) ~ n n n n n n n limit, boundary, limitation limited, finite unlimited, infinite restrict, limit, confine be limited side, limit, outskirts near the limits, boundaries of limit, bound overstep the limits unlimited, infinite countless limit, end extremely endless(ly), extremely centre, middle; central (in) average, medium middle, average measure be measured standard; measure unit measurement, measure gauge, measure instrument weigh X scales thermometer thermometer barometer mathematics geometry algebra 21 Space and Time Size KATTA kattalik kattalashkattalashtirkattakon ULKAN YIRIK yiriklashKICHIK kichiklik kichiklashkichiklashtirKICHKINA MAYDA BO'Y bo'yli UZUN uzunlik UZAYuzaytirQISQA qisqalik qisqarqisqartirKALTA KENG kenglik kengaykengaytirEN enli ensiz POYON bepoyon bepoyonlik TOR torlik toraytoraytiradj n v.t adj adj adj adj n v.t adj adj n NX+ning ~+i uzun adj bo'yga yetkan adj n v.t adj n v.t qisqartirish adj kalta qiladj n v.t n adj adj n ad n adj n v.t big, large grand; eldest, elder grown up size, largeness get bigger make bigger, enlarge huge, immense elder huge, large large, big, bulky prominent get larger, get bigger small, little younger smallness grow shorter shorten very small, little, tiny small size, length, height tall tall, with a given size grown up long length lengthen, extend lengthen, extend short (space and time) brief, concise shortness get shorter, be reduced shorten, reduce reduction short shorten broad, wide, vast, spacious extensive, wide-spread breadth, width get broader, get wider broaden, widen width, breadth wide, broad narrow limit, boundary limitless, boundless, infinite(ly) immensity, infinity narrow, tight narrowness be reduced, become less reduce 22 QALIN qalinlik qalinlaqalinlatYO'G'ON yo'g'onlik yo'g'onlashYUPQA yupqalik yupqalanyupqalashtirINGICHKA BALAND balandlik balandlashbalandlatPAST pastlik PASAYpasaytirCHUQUR chuqurlik chuqurlashchuqurlashtirSAYOZ sayozlik sayozlashSAFH HAJM KVADRAT KUB kubik METR KILOMETR MILLIMETR SANTIMETR GEKTAR QARICH QULOCH LITR adj n v.t adj n adj n v.t adj ad n v.t adj n n v.t adj n v.t adj n adj n dengiz safhi n n, adj n adj meas kub metr kvadrat metr meas kvadrat kilometr meas meas meas meas meas meas thick dense (solid) thickness get thicker thicken thick, stout, fat, big thickness, stoutness, fatness get thicker, stouter thin thinness get thinner make thinner thin, slender fine high height get higher make higher low bottom lowness lower, decrease, come down lower, decrease deep depth deepen (l/f) deepen (l/f) shallow shallowness get more shallow surface, area sea-level volume, capacity, area square cube cubic metre cubic metre square metre kilometre square kilometre millimetre centimetre hectar (hand) span two outstretched arms litre 23 Shape SHAKL shakllanshakllantirNO'QTA CHIZchiziq chiziqli QATOR qatorlaqatorlashSAF YUZ yuza yuzaki BET BURCHAK burchakli UCHBURCHAK TO'RTBURCHAK to'rtburchakli XOCH YOY yumaloq yumaloqladumaloq AYLANaylana aylanma qayrilqayrilma DOIRA doiraviy HALQA SHAR GRADUS n v.t n v.t n adj n v.t n n adj ad n n adj | numX ~ n n adj n n adj v.t adj dum-dumaloq n adj n n adj n n meas form, shape manner, way form, take shape form, shape point, dot (l/f) draw, sketch line ruled, lined row, line, column align line up, stand side by side row, line face surface, face open, surface superficial(ly) (l/f) surface, face corner, angle with X angles triangle square square cross arc, bow round, circular round round, circular completely round turn round; revolve, rotate circle circular turn turning, corner circle circle, sphere, limits circular ring globe, sphere degree (angles) degree (temperature) straight right, correct, true straight away, directly straight away perfectly straight fold layer layer TO'G'RI adj adv to'g'riga to'ppa-to'g'ri burma QAT qatlam n n n 24 QAVAT qavatli qavatlaTEKIS notekis tekislaSIMMETRIK SIMMETRIYA PARALLEL yotiq TIK TIKKA ko'tarma QIYA qiyalik EGegilEGRI QING'IR qing'irlik UCH uchli uchlaQIRRA OYOQ OG'IZ (og'z+i) n qavatma-qavat adj v.t ad adj v.t adj n adj adj adj tik turadj adj n, adj n v.t adj egri-bugri adj n n adj v.t n n n layer, stratum, ply pile, stack layered, stratified pile up, stack up smooth(ly); level irregular, uneven level symmetric symmetry parallel horizontal; leaning to one side, fallen straight, steep stand up straight upright, straight rising, steep slope; sloping slope, incline bend, bow bend, bow bent, crooked crooked, twisted crooked crook point, end, extremity sharp, pointed sharpen edge, ridge, facet extremity, end, completion mouth, opening, aperture 25 with place appropriate. specific spot place. be situated at X find a place for X in Y. lay aside find a place in X. space space outer space occupy (place. position elsewhere just right. area.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ n n n n n n v. adv NX+dan ~ ichki-tashqi stand n bu/shu/u yer+da/ga/dan qayer+da/ga/dan har yer+da/ga/dan hech yer+da/ga/dan allaqayer+da/ga/dan adj adj n boshqa joy+da/ga/dan joyida NX+ga ~ solNX+ga ~ qilv. there where everywhere nowhere somewhere local local place (l/f).int | NX+ga ~ v.t v. found put up X at Y. install X at Y settle down in X. be (swh). seat. external exterior.t v. smoothly make room for X make room for X lay up. in addition to X. territory zone emptiness. set up X in Y. space place. besides X inside and outside yerlik MAHALLIY JOY joylajoylashjoylashtirO'RIN (o'rn+i) o'rinli o'rinsiz O'RNATO'RNASHo'rnashtirPUNKT MAKON MAYDON ZONA bo'shliq FAZO TUTICH ichki ICHKARI TASHQI TASHQARI 26 . place to sleep place. establish oneself find a place for X in Y. stop. location) interior. put X in Y point.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ n NX+ning o'rn+ini bosNX+ning o'rniga o'rin olo'rin tutadj adj | numX ~ adj v. outside other than X. stay (at) land place (l/f) here. take the place of X instead of X take place. inside inside X.t n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga adj n. justified with X seats with no room establish. reasonable. put X in Y place to sit.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ | NX+ga ~ v. take a seat occupy a seat with room.Location TURYER v. room replace X. settle down in X be located at X. adv adj n. field. internal inside outer. location. site. in X inner. t n. interspace occupy. sidedly that way which way this way surroundings. central among X. vicinity around X around X. midst among X interspace. middle (in) average. be connected to X circle circle. field aspect. neighbourhood. surface n post | NX+ga ~ har tomondan adj | numX ~ adj o'sha yo'l qaysi yo'l shu yo'l exterior. outward limit. opposing surroundings. adj NX+ning ~+sida/dan/ga n ad n NX+ning ~+sida/dan/ga NX bilan NY+ning ~+si n v. encircle be surrounded by X surround be surrounded surrounding. have frontiers with X have frontiers with X border on | NX+ga ~ n n n n adj v. about X around here side (one of two opposite sides) | NX bilan ~ adj | NX bilan ~ v. medium interspace. boundary. environment side. field centre (location and organization) central centralize. concentrate centralize. frontier put limits border X. way (direction) towards from all directions. surroundings surrounding wrap n CHEKKA O'RAo'ralQURSHAqurshalqurshov 27 . between X centre. encircle v. party | NX bilan ~ v. sphere. middle. distance between X and Y interval. populate. outskirts in the environs of X surroundings. encircling ATROF n n | NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga yaqin atrofda n tarafma-taraf TARAF TEVARAK n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga tevarak-atrof n adj v. appearance. frequent side. concentrate centre.t o'rab olo'rab turv.SIRT sirtqi CHEK CHEGARA chegaralachegaralanchegaradosh TUTASHDOIRA SOHA JIHAT MARKAZ markaziy markazlashmarkazlashtirO'RTA o'rtalik o'rtacha ORA oralik oralaTOMON tomonli tomonlama n adj n n v. edge. limits domain. from all sides X sided sided. roll up surround. middle.t v. limit. side.t v. limitation boundary. approach X put X near to Y. tight(ly) squeeze up. merge clustered. approximately X near X bring closer the one nearby | NX+dan ~ | NX+dan ~ v. seldom far from X. there here and there edge. proximity come near X. distant (very) far away. piled up sparse(ly) rare(ly). go far away from X move away from X. get nearer. beside X on X. thick(ly). by the side of X adjacent to X. close this side of X over there beyond adj ad adj | NX+dan ~ n v. bank walk along. distance move away from | NX+dan ~ v. come near X side here. move X near to Y neighbour neighbourhood dense(ly). close to X close to X.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ n n ad n ad | NX+ga ~ v. far off | NX+dan ~ n | NX bilan NY orasidagi ~ yonlab yondosh YONBOSH yonboshlaYONDOSHYOQ side (immediate vicinity) near X. take away X from Y far from X. distance move away from X.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ adj olisda v. distant long (time) in the distance. go along near. ridge. distant. remote remoteness. over X bank. edge near by X.YON n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga yonma-yon adv | NX+ni ~ adj | NX+ga ~ n | NX+ga ~ n bu/u yoq+da/dan/qa u yoq bu yoqqa n v. compact(ly) close(ly). far away. go far away from X move away X from Y. go far away from X move away X from Y far. intimately closeness.t adv NX+dan ~+da/dan/ga adv NX+dan ~+da/dan/ga n adj | NX+ga ~ adj | numX+ga ~ NX+ning yaqin+ida/dan/ga bir-biriga ~ keltiryaqindagi yaqindan n v. about X. tight(ly) density closeness close(ly).t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ adj | NX+dan ~ uzoqda uzoqdagi uzoqdan n v. next to X parallel side lie on one's side reach X. distant from a distance remoteness. approach X. far off go far away from X distance between X and Y YOQA yoqalaBERI NARI LAB YAQIN yaqinlik yaqinlashyaqinlashtirQO'SHNI qo'shnichilik ZICH zichlik JIPS jipslashG'UJ SIYRAK YIROQ yiroqlik yiroqlashyiroqlashtirUZOQ uzoqlik uzoqlauzoqlashuzoqlashtirOLIS olislaMASOFA 28 . with X side by side along the edge of v. above X peak.OLD oldingi OLG'A QOSH HUZUR ORQA n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga oldinda oldinga adj adv n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga n NX+ning ~+sida/dan/ga ~+da/dan/ga orqadagi n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga adj adj qarshima-qarshi ad teskarisi(ga) adj. forwards front forward(s) eyebrows in presence of X. n chap tomon+da/dan/ga chap qo'l adj adj. before X. essence under X. back part behind X behind / from behind / backward(s) behind back. n o'ng tomon+da/dan/ga o'ng qo'l adv post | NX+ga ~ n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga adj n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga adj ostin-ustin qil- front. substance. top on the top of X. crosswise across X top. on X. bottom under X lower pile one on top of another turn upside down at X. above X upstairs uphill bottom. beneath X high KET ORT ortqi QARSHI TESKARI CHAP SO'L O'NG KO'NDALANG UST ustki OST ostki UZRA TEPA tepalik TAG post | NX ~ n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga tepada n n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga BALAND ad 29 . basis. back part behind X back behind X back opposite opposite each other inside out. upside down inside out left on the left left hand (side) left right on the right right hand (side) across. in presence of X in front ahead. on the top lower part. front part in front of X. in front of X presence in presence of X back. surface on (top of) X in addition to X about X upper. lowest part root. as far as X until X. below top. downstairs bottom. adj adj n n n post | NX ~ post | NX+ga ~ post | NX ~ post | NX ~ adv post | NX+ga ~ low bottom below. in direction of X towards X X after X(=time unit) throughout X. in connection with X throughout. end. till X. all over X. to X. facet top. all along X in accordance with X. lower. source through X. all along up to X. highest part high (fig. lowest part low (l/f) edge. bottom. peak point.) above above high (l/f) height lower. all over. oriental west western. ridge. extremity head beginning. occidental north northern south southern south-west south-east north-west north-east YUKSAK yuksaklik QUYI TUBAN QIRRA UCH BOSH OSHA qarab SARI bo'yicha oralab QADAR SHARQ sharqiy G'ARB g'arbiy SHIMOL shimoliy JANUB janubiy n adj n adj n adj n adj janubi-g'arb janubi-sharq shimoli-g'arb shimoli-sharq 30 . getting through X in accordance with X towards X.PAST pastlik pastki YUQORI adj n pastda pastdagi n adj n adj yuqorida yuqoridagi adj n n. up to X east eastern. lower. below downhill bottom. period of time at that time interior. in X Y within (the space of) X Y(=time unit) vaqtli bevaqt vaqtincha BARVAQT CHOG' ZAMON zamonaviy zamonaviylik zamonaviylashtirzamondosh DAVR davriy ERA KEZ PAYT DAQIQA DAM BIRPAS LAHZA MUDDAT muddatli muddatsiz ORA 31 . at some time contemporary.Time and Duration VAQT n o'z vaqtida vaqt+i bor vaqt+i yo'q har vaqt bu/shu/u vaqtda bir vaqtda bo'ladigan NX+ga vaqt ketadj adj adv adj n bu/shu/u chog'da N(gan)X chog'+ida n ne zamon bir zamonlar adj n v. premature temporarily early in advance time at this/that time when X time. era periodic era time. in time have time have no time everytime at this/that time simultaneous X take time early temporary not at the right time. epoch. minute a moment. instant a moment. time (quite short) at this/that moment minute. date. a minute continually. in a short time. moment when formerly. incessantly moment. time limit on time before the set time with a period of short term long term unlimited interspace. middle. moment some time moment. midst interval of time. inside for X Y(=time unit). modern modernity modernize contemporay time. shortly a moment. a minute in a moment.t n n adj n n kezi kelganda n bu/shu/u paytda n n bir dam dam-badam n bir pas bir pasdan keyin bir lahza bir lahzada bo'ladigan n muddatda muddat+idan oldin adj qisqa muddatli uzoq muddatli adj n shu orada ICH MOBAYNIDA n numX Y ichida post | numX Y ~ time on time. a minute instantaneous time. (short) moment moment. period of time. term with a time limit.t UZAYuzaytir- 32 . future future prospect. at v. determined unlimited be present. a long time ago for a long time lengthen. adj v. just now (in the past) then since then come. arrive (here) next (unit of time) future in future next (unit of time).SIKL O'To'tgan o'tkazo'tkizO'TMISH MUHLAT muhlatli muhlatsiz HOZIR n v. currently just now (in the past) just now (in the past) temporarily. extend hozircha hozirgi ENDI HALI BOYA KELKELASI KELAJAK KELGUSI BO'LAJAK ISTIQBOL DARROV DARHOL v.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ v. just now just now.) just now (in the past) recently. future at once. shortly (in the future) recently (in the past) for a short time (in the past) shortly. modern time present time. only now at present. contemporary. modern present time. before long (in the future) shortly. close to X the one nearby the next one soon. for the moment adj n. at once soon soon near by X. holiday) make X pass through Y lead past past (from the past) in the past time limit. n o'tmishda n adj adj adj | ~ (bo'l-) adv hozirgina adv adj hozirgi davr hozirgi vaqt hozirgi zamon adv endigina endilikda adv adv o'shanda o'shandan beri cycle pass pass (time) past.t v. be ready now. immediately immediately.t adj. currently still. extend lengthen. modern time present time. adj kelajakda adj adj n adv adv tez orada tez kunda YAQIN adj | NX+ga ~ yaqindagi yaqinda yaqindan beri yaqin orada yaqin vaqt ichida ANCHA UZOQ n anchadan beri adj | NX+dan ~ uzoq o'tgan zamonda uzoq vaqtdan beri v. not yet (with neg. current. last (unit of time) spend (time. before long (in the future) a long time for a long time (in the past) long (time) once upon a time. modern time now. century.QISQA OZ ozmuncha KALENDAR MILOD adj adj adv n n miloddan burun miloddan keyin n o'rta asrlar adj n n n yil bo'yi yildan yilga har yilgi bu yil(+i) kelasi yil(+i) o'n yil o'tgan yil(+i) yangi yil n adj | numX ~ n n adj n adj adj n n adj adj n adj adj n adj adj qishin-yozin n n bu oy kelasi oy o'tgan oy oyma-oy adj n n n n n short (space and time) few. age middle ages age-old contemporary cycle of 12 years.D. A. yearly this year next year decade last year new year anniversary X years' long season season.C. a while calendar beginning of Christian era B. small (quantity) a little. time seasonal spring for spring spring early spring summer for summer summer autumn for autumn autumnal winter for winter winter all the year round quarter moon month this month next month last month monthly monthly monthly salary January February March April ASR asriy asrdosh MUCHAL YIL yillik FASL MAVSUM mavsumiy BAHOR bahori bahorgi KO'KLAM YOZ yozlik yozgi KUZ kuzlik kuzgi QISH qishlik qishki KVARTAL OY oylik YANVAR FEVRAL MART APREL 33 . used to calculate age year all year long from year to year annual. daytime during the day daytime night midnight pass the night night last night CHISLO SANA TARIX tarixli HAFTA haftalik SHANBA YAKSHANBA DUSHANBA SESHANBA CHORSHANBA PAYSHANBA JUMA KUN kunda kundalik kunli KUNDUZ kunduzgi TUN tunatungi 34 . days. life sun all day all day on X(=day of the week) the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow the day before yesterday one day everyday in the day. after adj o'tgan tun May June July August September October November December a period of 40 days (esp. daily. date (Y(=month)) the Xth date. wedding) the 40 warmest days in summer the 40 coldest days in winter day of the month. per day daily daily day.MAY IYUN IYUL AVGUST SENTABR OKTABR NOYABR DEKABR CHILLA n n n n n n n n n yoz chillasi qish chillasi n n | numX+inchi chislo (NY) n n adj | numX+inchi NY ~ n bu hafta hafta oxiri kelasi hafta o'tgan hafta adj n n otdix kuni n n n n n n kun bo'yi kuni bilan NX kuni avvalgi kun birisi kuni ilgarigi kun bir kuni har kuni adv adj adj n kunduzi adj n yarim tun v. year history date (dated) Y(=month) the Xth week this week week-end next week last week weekly Saturday Sunday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday day time. early morning early morning (before dawn) before dawn before dawn day and night from early morning till late at night midday. adv adj n. adv n yarim kecha adv adj kecha-kunduz o'tgan kuni TUSH tushki KECH kechki KECHQURUN kechqurungi OQSHOM KECHA kechasi kechalik KECHA kechasi ARAFA BUGUN bugungi ERTA ertaga ERTASIGA / ERTASI n n. noon (at) forenoon. (in the) morning (in the) afternoon midday. sunset night midnight at night night night and day the day before yesterday night yesterday yesterday morning last night eve (of the end of Ramadan or other day) today this morning this evening today's tonight morning tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow morning tomorrow night the day after tomorrow. early dawn. late (in the) evening (in the) evening evening (in the) evening. adv kecha ertalab n. adv adj kechki payt n. noon at noon noon (in the) afternoon noon afternoon late (in the) evening evening.TONG n tong payti tong ottong otishi ad n erta bilan n. adv ertaga ertalab ertaga kechasi adv 35 . adv adj n n saharda saharlab erta-kech ertadan kechgacha dawn. adj n n. daybreak at dawn day break at dawn early morning in the morning (in the) morning morning. the next day ERTA ERTALAB ertalabki AZON SAHAR PESHIN n peshindan ilgari peshindan keyin n tushda tush vaqti tushdan keyin adj tushki payt ad n. adv bugun ertalab bugun kechqurun adj bu kechasi n n. bugun-erta INDIN indinga n adv erta-indin SOAT n ~ numX ~ numX+da ~ numX+dan numYta o'tdi ~ numX+dan numY minut o'tdi ~ numX+dan numYta o'tganda ~ numX+dan numY minut o'tganda ~ numYta kam numX ~ numY minuti kam numX ~ numYta kam numX+da ~ numY minuti kam numX+da ~ numX yarim ~ numX yarimda adj soatli MINUT minutli DAQIQA SEKUND sekundli SONIYA n adj n n adj n today or tomorrow the day after tomorrow the day after tomorrow in a day or two hour clock. (short) moment second in seconds second 36 . watch it is X o'clock at X o'clock it is Y past X it is Y past X at Y past X at Y past X it is Y to X it is Y to X at Y to X at Y to X it is half past X at half past X hourly minute (in minutes) minute minute. stay get X (with changed state. unforseen) start to X (intensive) change. start to X (intensive. earlier a long time ago a long time ago a long time ago formerly forward (Y(=time duration)) before X X(=time duration) ago come before. suddenly) backward go. come into being. alter replace. leave get X. earlier in advance.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ NX+ning o'rn+ini v.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ n NX+ni ayirbosh qilNX+ni NY+ga ayirbosh qiladj | VX+ib ~ adj | NX/AX ~ NX/AX ~+ib qolv. get X remain.t o'zgartirish AYLANaylantirO'RIN (o'rn+i) ALMASHalmashtirAYIRBOSH v. go ahead previous. transform X into Y replace X. substitute change. invariable change. happen become o'zgarish o'zgarmas | NX+ga ~ v.) for Y exchange change X. transformation turn into X.Events and Evolution BO'Lv. v. take the place of X alternate.t v. be in front progress. alter change. exchange X(= money. get X become v. fixed stabilize follow X back. follow one another change X for Y. replace X exchange X for Y | VX+ib ~ adj v. spoor follow X one after the other one after another first.t | VX+a ~ | NX+ga ~ n NX+ning orqa+sidan born NX+ning ~+idan borizma-iz ketma-ket OLDIN adv N(gani/ish)X+dan (NY) ~ bundan NX ~ oldinda oldindan adj oldingi davrda oldingi vaqtda oldingi zamonda adv N(gani/ish)X+dan (NY) ~ adv | bundan NX ~ ilgari bolv. back part follow X track. transformation v. constant established. earlier previous. etc. trace. earlier QOLqoloq KET- O'ZGARo'zgarto'zgartir- BARQAROR barqarorlashtirERGASHORQA IZ oldingi ILGARI ilgarilailgarigi 37 . change into X turn X into Y. first of all (Y(=time duration)) before X X(=time duration) ago previously. alter change. BURUN burundan burungi AVVAL avvalo avvalgi ILK DASTLAB dastlabki KEYIN adv adv | N(gani/ish)X+dan (NY) ~ adv | bundan NX ~ adv adj adv N(gani/ish)X+dan (NY) ~ bundan NX ~ adv adj adj adv adj bir yo'la adv post | N(gani/ish)X+dan (NY) ~ keyinda keyindan adv adj n post | N(gani/ish)X+dan (NY) ~ adj adj post | N(gani/ish)X+dan (NY) ~ formerly (Y(=time duration)) before X X(=time duration) ago first. finish X(=time duration) after (Y(=time duration)) before X endless | N(ish)X+ga ~ v. firstly previous. radio) host guide | VX+a ~ N(gani)X+dan boshlab n n v. primary simultaneously after. source at first. later end. initial first initial. afterwards. prior first. start Xing go down. earlier first. start adj adv adv v. firstly (Y(=time duration)) before X X(=time duration) ago first. firstly | NX+ga ~ post | N(gani)X+dan ~ post | NX+dan ~ boshlaboshlov boshlovchi boshlanboshlang'ich aslan AZALDAN kirishTUSHBERI BUYON 38 . next head beginning.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ v. start X since X. from X for the last X(=time duration) ever since X for the last X(=time duration) BOSH n boshida boshidan v. line v. next. next. ultimate X(=time duration) after (Y(=time duration)) after X keyinchalik keyingi SO'NG so'ngsiz so'nggi SO'NGRA NAVBAT n navbatdagi turn queue. at first all through the ages. descend fall to X. afterwards following. starting beginner (TV. always set about X. at the beginning from the start begin. primary originally. former. later on (Y(=time duration)) after X X(=time duration) after following. from X beginning. start X with Y start to X since X. later (somewhat) later on subsequently. all over rivojlanish v. perfection development. arrive (here) persisting to X. lie down be Xing (progressive) stand keep Xing (habitual.) until now. momentarily) move (forward).) as soon as X still. continuously. not yet (with neg. continue to X usually do X. evolution bo'ylab DAVOM post | NX ~ n n | NX ~+ida davom et-/qilNX davom etNX+ni davom ettiradj ad adj adv oldi-keti v. progress. lengthy continuous(ly).t evolution development develop development develop 39 . progressing develop. continuing to X'yicha post | NX ~ post | N(gani)X ~ throughout | VX+a ~ / VX+averadv hali ham davomli UZLUKSIZ MUTTASIL tinimsiz YOTTUR- YUR- KELBERHALI HAMON HANUZ SARI adv adv | VX+gan ~ adv hanuzgacha post | NX ~ VX+gan+i ~ VY borgan sari VX adj taraqqiy qil-/ettaraqqiy qildir-/ettirn v. altogether lie. all along X in accordance with X. so far X after X(=time unit) the more X the more Y more and more X developing. in connection with X ever since X over the whole length/period continuation for X(=time duration). VX+ib ~+ib v. not yet (with neg. advance (cause to) develop development. phase climax. progress. not yet (with neg. uninterrupted without n n n avj oln TARAQQIY taraqqiyot taraqqiylashPROGRESS BOSQICH AVJ KAMOLOT / KAMOL EVOLYUTSIYA RIVOJ rivojlanrivojlantir- n n v. incessantly from beginning to end. go (forward) keep VX+ib ~+a VX+ib ~+ib VX+ib ~+ib VX+ib ~+a v. repetitive) keep Xing ( | VX+ib ~ v. in X's time continue last for X(=time duration) continue X prolonged. high point reach its climax maturity.) just now (in the past) still still. advancement develop progress level. grant X to Y persisting to X. regularly come.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. degree stage. continuing to X give X to Y. uninterrupted(ly) v. final at the end of X at last last at last. decay decline. decay lag behind. switch to X stop wait. eradicate. decay weaken decline. crash stop Xing stop (cause to) stop. decline VX+ib ~ bora-bora adv birdaniga adj bexosdan adv adv hash-pash deguncha v. conclusion. slow down decline.t v.t susayish v. interrupt (cause to) stop X. till | VX+ishdan ~ n v. suddenly move. X!.t adj v. decline. fade Xing.ilgarilaILG'OR TANAZZUL INQIROZ SUSAYsusaytirQAYTBORBIRDAN BEXOS TO'SATDAN DAF'ATAN KO'CHTO'XTA- (boshqa) NX+ga ~ v. complete liquidate. stop a while stop. finish off get finished be finished. well adj n n inqirozga uchrav. unexpectedly suddenly. finish (school) complete eliminate. as far as X until X. up to X end. migrate shift to (another) X. be completed finish. CX! v. to'xtab qolv. so. be completed finish.t v. go ahead advanced. non-ending stop uninterruptedly stopping tinmay n post | NX+ga ~ n. complete finish X v. finally at last. wipe out graduate from. last. complete to'xtash to'xtatto'xtovsiz TINtinish QADAR OXIR oxirgi AXIR TUGAtugatTUGAL tugallatugallanBITbitirbitkaz- 40 . progressing uninterruptedly gradually suddenly suddenly sudden suddenly. X! be finished. adj NX+ning ~+ida oxiri adj adv ~. to v. outstanding regression. finish. depression.t VX+ib ~ v. X!. diminish. incessantly. pause up to X. interrupt X v. abruptly suddenly in a flash. perpetual.t NX+ni to'xtatib qo'yad v. halt. unexpectedly. leading. just cause to go back. conclusion end. very often all the time.t adv n NX+ga ~ bern n n n bu gal n bu daf'a n bu safar adv v. always as always. often frequently. completion time (occurence of an event/action) time (occurence in time) time (occurence in time) this time time (occurence in time) this time time (occurence in time) this time once. repeatedly repeat be repeated.t v. afresh again over and over again. over and over repetitive repeat repeat again more. happen again adv adv adv adv post | NX ~ adv har doim har doimgidek adv adj adv hamma vaqt har vaqt tez-tez tez-tez VX+ib tur- tamomiyla batamom tamomlatamoman XOTIMA OYOQ MARTA MAHAL GAL DAF'A SAFAR BIR qaytarQAYTA qaytalaqaytalanyangidan yangicha / yangichasida TAKROR takroriy takrorlatakrorlanYANA yanada BOSHQATDAN TAG'IN SAYIN DOIM doimo doimiy HAMISHA end. often 41 . another again and again again again every X(=time unit) always. totally end. constantly. turn back repeat again. adv adv adv takror-takror adj v.t adv qaytadan qayta-qayta v.t v. afresh anew. in a new way again (and again). complete extremity. finish total. end. complete completely. whole be finished. always always everytime frequently. utterly completely. be completed finish. complete completely. continually. as usual always permanent all the time. repeatedly repeatedly. totally finish. finish. anew.TAMOM n tamom bo'ltamom qiladv adv v. int VX+ib ~+a VX+ib ~+ib v. quietly. plenty. from time to time occasionally. fast slowly. ~ CY goh-goh ora-sira ahyon-ahyonda o'qtin-o'qtin many. gradually very slowly slowness YUR- O'TIRBA'ZAN GOH / GOHO ALLAQACHON SIRA SUR'AT TEZ adv hech qachon adv (with neg. permanent(ly) forever perpetuate. most often often eternity for all eternity eternal(ly). accelerate quicken. go (forward) keep Xing.) never v. deft. eternity eternal(ly).KO'P ko'pincha ABAD abadiy abadiylashtirabadiyat MANGU mangulik UMRBOD TUR- adj adv adv n to abad ad v. a lot of VX+ib ~+ib VX+ib ~+a v. occasionally. from time to time occasionally. for life.) n ad tezda tezdan tez bo'ltez-tez n tezlik bilan v. effective quickly. tempo quick(ly). speed up. everlasting forever eternity lifelong. momentarily) move (forward).int | VX+ib ~ adv ba'zi vaqtda adv ~ CX.t n ad n adv v. fast frequently. from time to time from time to time already. sometimes Y sometimes. regularly sit. accelerate quicken. very much often mostly. rapidly. immortalize immortality.t v. fast. continue to X usually do X. speed up. long ago never (with neg. often speed immediately quicken. repetitive) keep Xing (progressive. speed up. occasionally sometimes sometimes X. accelerate quick. forever stand keep Xing (habitual. sit down continue to X (for some time) v. urgently hurry up quickly.t adj adv adv asta-asta n tezlik tezlatezlashtirtezlattezkor ILDAM ASTA astalik 42 . efficient. occasionally sometimes. speedy quickly in immediate future. not quiet restless. precocious early early first. emergency hurriedly. still speed. rush haste get hurried hurry. initial early late be late be late be late for X(=action) be delayed X(=duration) be late Xing delay delay. quickness speed up. accelerate hurry. speed up press in a hurry hurry rush hour early morning early. hasten urgency. quietly slowness slow down slow down slow down very quietly. stillness silent. fast. gradually quiet(ly). hurry in haste hasten.t v.SEKIN sekinlik sekinlasekinlashtirsekinlatOHISTA tinch tinchlik tinchsiz notinch JIM JIMJIT / JIM-JIT jimjitlik SOKIN sokinlik SUKUNAT sukunatli JADAL jadallik jadallaSHOSHshoshilshoshilinch shoshiltirshoshirshoshtirOSHIQ- ad sekin-sekin n v. silent very quiet.t v. gradually slowly. hasten. ad shoshilinchda v. silent stillness. in time ERTA ertagi vaqtli BARVAQT ILK KECH KECHIK- ad n adj adj adj adj ad kech bo'lkech qolv.t v. postpone X until Y on time. silence still. still. silence shoshilish shoshilishda | NX+ga ~ | NX ~ kechikib VX kechikish v.t shoshib-pishib v. silent quietness.t asta-sekin adv ad n adj adj ad adj n adj n n adj n adj n v.t | NY+ga NX+ni ~ o'z vaqtida kechiktir- 43 . quickness shoshish shoshib qolv. peaceful(ly). speeded-up speed. calm(ly) quietness. not quiet quiet(ly). calmness restless. still. speed up hasten. stillness. quiet(ly) very slowly. hastily urgent(ly) hurried(ly).int pik vaqti slow(ly). out-of-date have become worn. replace be renewed. in fashion out-of-date.t v. ancient oldness.orqada qololdinga yurYANGI yangilik yangilayangilanESKI eskilik eskireskirteskicha QADIM qadimgi asriy tengdosh MODA adj yap-yangi n v. outdated wear out (clothes) old-fashioned. fresh very new.t adj eski-tuski n qadimdan qadim(gi) zamon adj adj adj | NX bilan ~ n modadagi modadan chiqqan n adj n be slow be fast new. be replaced old. out-of-date old and shabby. worn-out antiquity from ancient times ancient times ancient age-old the same age as X fashion fashionable. ancientness get old. novelty renew. historical eskirib adj n v. very fresh new thing. worn-out. chronicles TARIX tarixiy yilnoma 44 . old-fashioned history date historic. vibrate shake. immobile immobility chiqib ketmovement.Forces and Motion Motion HARAKAT n harakatga kelharakatga keltiradj n v. shiver shake. shift X to Y mobile. sway v.t v. drive driver.t v. tremble shake. tremble shiver with X. leave disappear.t v. depart go out. leave harakatsiz harakatsizlik harakatlanharakatlantirharakatchan harakatchanlik SILJIsiljitQO'ZG'Aqo'zg'alQIMIRLAqimirlatSURsuril- 45 . sway n NX+ni ~+ga kelv. mobile mobility move.t n v.t v. drive set in motion.t adj n v. drive be moved. surge.t v. tremble from X move. cause move. migrate shift to (another) v. change place. ride. set off move. operator v. tremble.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ adj | NY uchun NX ~ v. set in motion yo'q bo'lib ketv. cause to shiver shake. move. stroll v. vanish need to take/spend X for Y drive v.t v. set off move. chase away go out. stroll move (forward). set v. move twirling yurish v. flutter shaking. switch to X transfer. exit leave. set in motion (boshqa) NX+ga ~ v. trembling shake. be in motion | NX+dan ~ v. stir up. give rise to. change place move arouse. all over the place shake quake. on the move walk. move action g'ir-g'ir SILKIT/ SILKIsilkinTITRAtitratDIRILLALARZA larzanglaQALTIRAKO'CHko'chirko'chma YURyurgizyurgizuvchi KEZKETketkazCHIQv.t v. shift move. go (forward) walk. roam. int v. rotate turn into X. incline to X deviation deviate from X. at/into X lean over | NX+dan ~ v. swamping seethe.t NX tushirib ~ adj n v. halt. spill out | NX+dan ~ v.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ v. directly flow get spilled cause to | NX+dan ~ NX+dan ayrilib ket- oqib tushv.t v. interrupt advance towards X direction. foam (l/f) whirlpool (l/f) blow (wind) blow (wind). | NX+ga ~ v.s. diverge from X deviate X from Y turn one's face to X. v. for a stroll go for a walk. put aside leave X. toshib ketn n | jo'sh urn v. spill out overflow.t adj OQoqizoqim TOSHtoshqin GIRDOB ESYELHILPIRAtashlanOG'og'ishog'ishtiryuzlanAYLAN- aylana aylantiraylanma 46 . go along straight straight away. set out departure send set off. blow (in the wind) throw jo'nab ketjo'nab ketish v. what is left stop | NX+ga ~ og'ish v.t ravona bo'lyo'lga tushv. lose X leave X break up leave v. go away leave X get separated from X.t n v. flow. for a stroll circle turn circular AJRAQOLqoldirqoloq qoldiq TO'XTAto'xtatYO'NALyo'nalish yo'naltiryoqalaTO'G'RI v. steer walk along. course current. stay lose X(=opportunity. upset stream. revolve.t | NX+dan ~ | NX+ga ~ n v. v. ability) v. trend guide. face X turn round. put aside X backward rest. directly straight away. stop a while (cause to) stop.JO'NAjo'natRAVONA ULOQayril- v.t | NX+ga ~ v. start out set off move away. stay. trend (l/f) overflow. change into X go for a | NX+ga ~ aylanib yuraylanib keln v. twirl around flap.t adj adv to'g'ridan-to'g'ri v. set off v. separate from X v. int v.t adj v. elude | N(ish)X uchun ~ v. turn back come back go back return refrain from X | NX+ga ~ v. return repeat borish-kelish | NX+ga ~ | NX+dan ~ v. catch up with X transmit. round trip reach kelish v. turn back send back. fade cause to go VX+ib ~ n v. reach X in time run into X. overtake X be enough. | NX+ga kelib ~ NX+ga ~+ib kelNX+ga ~+ib borNX+ning orqa+sidan yetib borv. cause.t v. take a turn twist. circular turn over reach X go (and arrive) Xing. deliver pass on. be sufficient for X attain X.BURburilburaburama QAYIRqayrilqayrilma O'GIRYUMALAyumalatyumaloq DUMALAdumalatdumaloq TO'NTARBORborilKELkelishkeltir- | NX+ga ~ v. coming come together | NX+ga ~ v. appropriate to X let come bring. corner turn roll roll round. boundaries of flee. convey. progressing uninterruptedly go to X (impersonal) come. twist twist.t v. reach X catch X up.t chetlab o'tv. deliver get to X. fetch bring | NX+ga ~ qaytib kelqaytib ketqaytish v. arrive (here) | NX+ga ~ v.t yetkazib | NX+ga ~ v.t adj v.t v. provoke come and go. reach an agreement on X be suitable. arrive to X(=location) arrive to X (here) arrive to X (here) get to X.t turn turn. wring turn away turn v. approach. screw spiral. pass on.t adj v. be turned.t yetishyetkazULGURTO'QNASHchetlaQAYT- qaytar- 47 . somersault roll | NX+ga ~ v.t v. circular roll (head over heels). collide with X (l/f) near the limits. get on X(=vehicle) climb up climb up go over X. cross pass. ascend X go out. descend fall.t n v.t chiqarib ol- chiqish chiqar- CHIQ- v. board X(=vehicle) fall in/on X(=bad situation) cause to descend. exit go up. begin reach | NX+ga ~ NX+ga ~(+ib qol-) v. extract go v.t v. ascend (l/f) 48 . land (planes) KECH- kechirkechik KIR- kirish kirishkirgizkiritCHIQ- n v. emerge go up. cross cross passage pass.t v. set out. get out.t tushirib qo'ytushirib yubor- tushir- QO'N- v. depart come out. leave go out. rise. entry enter together bring v. experience passage enter come. step on tushib kettushib kelv. lay down let fall down let fall down alight (birds).int | NX+dan ~ NX+dan kechib o'tv. pull out. climb up. drop go down come down get off X(=vehicle) get in X. tread on X forgive X give up X. transmit make X pass through Y make / let pass make / let pass cross X. climb over X rise.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ o'tkazib qo'yo'tkazib yuborv. leave exit. rise. emit. put down.t | NX+dan ~ v. enter in X(=age) enter X(=organization) entrance. (cause to) drop let down. exit v. introduce let enter. way out take out. development raise (l/f) go down. ascend X get into yuksalish v.t v. exhale take | NX+dan ~ v. ascend (l/f) elevation. put out take out. cross X pass. pass through X go through. lead | NX+ga ~ pass pass through X. abandon X cross v. appear. draw into. bring in go | NX+ga ~ balandga chiqyuqoriga chiq- OSHko'tarilYUKSALyuksaltirTUSH- v.O'T- o'tkaz- | NX+dan ~ o'tib keto'tib kelkesib o'to'tish joyi | NX+ga ~ chiqib ketchiqib keln v. climb up. int v. settle down. get v. turg'izO'TIRo'tirish o'tirishO'TQAZ/ O'TQIZ- tizzalaENGASHYOTyotqizyotiq CHALQANCHA tiz cho'kv. live (swh). throw | NX+dan ~ v. rise from X lift. stay (at) stand up. push down tread on. stop.t adj adv chalqanchasiga v. collapse stand adj v. stroll on foot go on foot on foot v. fleet-footed v. leap jump over X jump. make rise sit. sit down party.s.t yugurish v. fallen on one's back on one's back walk. lie down settle down.YIQIL- v. make run around gallop.t v. leap jump. stride step forward press.t n | chordana qur- YIQITQULATUR- fall down. race make run. be defeated be thrown down by X fall down. stay (for some nights) lay down lay out. be (swh). meeting sit together let sit down sit cross-legged kneel (down) be kneeling bend v. leaning to one adv piyoda yuradv n qadam bosqadam qo'yn v. run over step forward. pace step forward step forward step. tumble down v.t | NX+dan ~ yiqilib tushv. stoop lie. march forward underfoot tread on X run running. cause to fall down topple. v. run NX+dan sakrab o'tsakrash v. spread out IRG'I- 49 .t olg'a bosoyoq ost+i NX+ning oyoq ost+i qil- YURPIYODA YAYOV QADAM ODIM odimlaBOS- YUGURyugurtirCHOPchopqir SAKRA- v. stay (at) dwell. fall over throw down. social gathering. defeat n v. t kuzatib qo'yv. send off see sirg'anib v. | NX+dan ~ NX+dan ~+ib ket- QUVquvlaO'ZYETQOCH- 50 . leap forward. send off.HATLASAPCHITIRMASHO'RMALASIRG'ANTOYSUZ- v. pass overtake X overtake X. clamber up X climb up X crawl. slide down slip slip swim sail. pursue overtake. slither slip.t v. accompany. navigate swim swimming swimmer dive fly flight fly away let fly. launch (aero)plane flight fly drive (vehicle) drive away. slither | NX+ga ~ tirmashib chiqv. overtake X flee X. pass | NX+dan ~ NX+dan ~+ib ketNX+ga ~+ib borv. expel plough driver show the way guide see off. send off be accompanied accompany. see off be accompanied follow X follower follow X v. chase catch up overtake. run away from X escape v. accompany. skip climb X. get ahead of X catch X up.t n n parvoz suzib yursuzish n ormalab toyib ketv.t quvlab yetv. pursue X follow.t n yo'l(ni) ko'rsatyo'l(ni) ko'rsatib bor- jump jump over X throw o. evade X suzuvchi SHO'NG'IUCHuchiruchqich PARVOZ HAYDAhaydovchi KUZATkuzatilUZATuzatilERGASHergashuvchi IZ v. spoor follow X follow the tracks of | NX+ga ~ n NX+ning orqa+sidan born NX+ning ~+idan borNX+ning ~+iga tushv. NX+dan hatlab o'tv.. slide down uchish uchib ketv.t quvib yetquvib o'tib ketv.s. contain transfer. transmit send send boshlakeltirTASHI- tashilELTko'chirko'chiruvchilik UZATo'tkazYUBORjo'nat- 51 .t v. bring carry away be carried.t n v. fetch carry.t NX+ni olib borNX+ni olib kelNX+ni olib ketNX+ga ~+b borv. hand over.t tashib keltirtashib ketv. take X away take. move. shift X to Y copy (writing) transportation.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v.t v. take. take X away. transport transfer. v. take to X bring. move across carry.OL- v. give pass pass.t uzatib yuborv.t v.t take take X.t v. deportation pass. take X to bring X take X. transfered carry. v. more feeble weak. fierce tense. firm hard (l/f) strong. weighty strengthen. might powerful. weak powerless. fierceness intense.t v. strain. support lean Y on/against X lean on/against X (l/f) support (of action) prop up. powerful strength weak. fierce tension reaction balance. strong strong. intensify weak. power. stress power. powerless weakness get weaker weaken gain strength strengthen. feeble energy watt kilowatt be pressed. equilibrium prop up. oppressed pressure | NX+ga ~ n ko'tarib turstrength. strong. strength powerful. intensify strain tension.t n adj adj n n n v. weak v.t NY+ni NX+ga suyab qo' n adj v.t kuch-quvvat n adj n adj v. not very powerful strengthen power.Forces and Effects KUCH kuchli kuchlilik kuchsiz kuchsizlik kuchsizlankuchsizlantirkuchaykuchaytirkuchanQUVVAT quvvatli baquvvat quvvatsiz bequvvat kamquvvat quvvatlaQUDRAT qudratli ZO'R zo'rayZAIF zaiflik zaiflashnimjon ENERGIYA VATT KILOVATT bosilbosim QATTIQ qattiqlaSHIDDAT shiddatli keskin keskinlik REAKSIYA MUVOZANAT SUYAsuyansuyanch n NX+ga kuch+i yetadj n adj n v. intense intensify adj n v. strength power. strength forceful. kuchanish n adj adj adj adj adj v. covered. support 52 . feebleness get weaker. adj n meas meas v. mighty force.t v. robust powerless.force be in one's power to X strong. feeble (l/f) weakness. work (keep) function(ing). work (keep) function(ing). support.t NX+ni NY+ga tirab qo'yn v. support lean X on/against Y prop. work(ing) function. work(ing) 53 .t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. stake yurib tur- lean X on/against Y lean on/against X rely on X support (of action) prop ishlab turv.TAYAtayantayanch TIRATIRGOVUCH ishlaYUR- | NX+ga ~ n v. take v. move occupy (place.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. seize X by Y catch. cast throw off. be held hold X by Y. at/into X throw. use. get.t v. be seized hold get caught take ushlanib tutv. gathering pick (and break the stem) lift. steep load Y on to X. stand bear. ascend (l/f) rising. carry rise.t | NY+ni NX+ga ~ v. fling fire (weapon).t ko'tarib yurv. grab hold. be overloaded with X transfer. set put forward. give put down. seize. support hold (up). grab. acquire n v. location) hold to. endure. shift X to Y carry.t v. sustain.t hold. set down. capture. pick up bear.t olib tashlaNX+ga ~ OTotiluloqtirirg'itQO'Y- adj v.t v. pick.t olib qo'yqo'yib yubor- SOL- v. cast off put.t terib olv. be obtained cause Y to take / get X grab.t qo'lga olv. conquer pick up. keep be caught. carry through catch. collect pick up be picked up picking.Processes TUTv. grasp touch. lay down drop put.t 54 .int | NX+ga ~ v. be cast throw. grab be taken. cast. raise. throw away abandon. keep (l/f) catch. transfered throw.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ ushlab olushlab turv. cast aside remove throw o. move.t | NY+ga NX+ni ~ bosib olv.t v. shoot be v. transported. transport be carried.t v. overload X with Y be loaded on to X. seize. place tutilUSHLAushlanILINOLolinoldirBOSTERterilterim UZKO'TARko'tarilko'tarma yuklayuklanko'chirTASHItashilTASHLA- tutib oltutib turv. shove push.t. v. soak X in Y sink in X kneel down. introduce take v.t v. feel touch X. suspend X on Y hang (up) X on Y hang (up) on X hang (up) on X hanging.t | NY+ga NX+ni ~ bring in. place find a place for X in Y. pull | NX+ga ~ | NX+ga ~ v. take out pull out. draw (l/f) extract. extract be taken out.t v.joylashtiro'rnashtirtushir- v. give a push.t v.t v.t n v.t chiqarib olv.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ NX+ni NY+ga osib qo'yv. impulse. be extracted pull. drag attract. put X in Y install. put X in Y cause to descend.t v. allow X to touch Y tortma SUG'URYULSUDRAsudralITARTURTturtki PAYPASLA/ PIYPASLATEGtegiz- 55 . come into contact with X hit X. lay down catch pour.t v.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. pull up drag be dragged.t qo'lga tushir- find a place for X in Y.t to'kib yuborv. impetus grope.s. drag o. (cause to) drop let down. be lost in X(=thoughts) drown lower QUYTO'Kto'kilOQSHIMAG'DARag'darma OSosilosma osig'lik ILBOTbotirCHO'Kcho'ktir/ cho'kirkirgizchiqarchiqarilTORT- v. pull out. draw out drawer extract.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ NX+ni NY+ga ilib qo'yv. put out take out. put down.t adj v.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ joylashtirib qo'yv.t v. hit (and wound X) (Y) receive X. go down sink X into Y.t tortib oltortib chiqarn | NY+ga NX ~ v. pour out pour out. suspended hanging. empty shed | NX+ga ~ v. suspended hang (up) X on Y hang (up) X on Y sink in X. repel nudge. get spilled get spilled absorb. draw into.t v.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. upside down hang (up) X on v. lead into. draw out pull out. push push oqib tushv. soak up turn NX+ga ~+ib ketv. (Y) get X let X touch Y. squat down be deep in | NX+ga ~ NX+ga osilib turadj adj v. upset inside out. covered. grip tightly squeeze up. applause clap. kick beat kick out. knock bang o. beaten.t v.t ad v. strike v.t CHAPAK BOS- bosilbosim IZ EZezilQISqisilSIQJIPS jipslajipslashOLG'IR CHAQQIRSILLA- bosib tashlav. merge grasping. drive in shake off. adj v. hammer X into Y press X to Y.t qoqib kirgizv.t v. shaken knock X. crunch TAQILLAtaqillatSHARAQ sharaqlaSAVAsavalaQOQ- v. wring out close(ly). spoor crush. be squeezed press.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ qoqilQADA- SHAPALOQ n shapaloq urshapaloq yen chapak chalv. oppressed pressure track. pinch. be squeezed squeeze. press X against Y sew X(=button) on Y slap (in the face) struck a slap in the face get a slap in the face 56 . scutch v.t n NX+ga ~ berzarba ye- beat. repress be crushed.t v. trace.t n v. squeeze be v. flap drive in be knocked.s. spread over oppress.t v.t v.t v. lash. stack tread on.URurilTEPtepkilaZARB / ZARBA v. shake out. whip knock (door). quiet down crush. strike strike a blow at X be struck (a blow) be knocked (smoothly) knock (smoothly) rattle rattle beat. push down print pile up.t v. run over n n v. grip v. pat hammer. beat (drum).t v. give a beating blow. applaud press.t v. overcome calm down. flatten be pressed. tight(ly) squeeze. squeeze oppress. gripping crack crackle. t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ twist. taut v.t v.t n 57 . pliable bent. creased crumple. loose soften.t v.t v. crooked crooked. strewed rub. get pricked drill.t v.s.t shishib adj v. stretch out elastic stretched out. prick get stabbed.s. without substance. stretch for X stretch n v. draw out stretch.t n bo'rtib ketv. bow rigid. be spread spread. crease bend.t v. prolong stretch.t v. pliable fold fold twist (thread) stretch out reach out for X.t v. loosen slacken.t v.t v. screw wind up get twisted fold egilmaydigan adj adj egri-bugri v. spread (l/f) be spread out.t v.buraburalburma QAYIRTAX taxlaG'IJIM g'ijimlaEGegilegiluvchan EGRI BUKbukilbukiluvchan buklabukim ESHUZATINTILCHO'Zcho'zilcho'ziluvchan cho'ziq TARANG BO'SH bo'shashbo'shashtirbo'shatSHISHshishirBO'RTbo'rttirYOYyoyilyoyiq SURKA- v. smear polish spread X on Y. twisted v. fold bend.t bo'shatib yuborv. loosen swell swell swell swell swell swell spread | NX+ga ~ v. be folded supple. stiff flexible.t v. scratch scratch ( adj adj adj adj v. opening ISHQALAishqalanQASHLAqashlanSANCHsanchilTESHteshilteshik v.t adj v. make hole get a hole hole.) stab. slacken. wipe.t v.t v.t v. smear X on Y rub rub o. elongated v. lose strength soften relax. wring fold fold crumpled.t n adj v. bow bend. a pit pit dig deeper. spoilt. n v. be fractured break. chop finely.t adj n n v. cavity. chop shear cut off.t qazib chiqarv. crumble split. shear scrape clean buzilbuzuq parchalaparchalanburdalaBOSAJRAajral- ajratKESkesilkesim QIYTILtilintilim TO'G'RAARCHIQIRQIRQ- QIRTISHLA- v. dissolute. stir pit. destroy.t n v. break up. destroyed.t v. chop. cut out be cut. get cut down slice cut out. plant bury (corpse) cover be buried. engraving dig. a pit dig a hole. demolish be | NX bilan ~ ajralmas v. skin grate. crumble. eject bury. hole dig a hole. engrave carving.t v. fall break up divide. out of order unprincipled.t buzib qo'yv. tear to pieces collapse.t 58 . drill. cut down cut off.t qirqib ol- v. slice be cut. licentious split. crack dig. disintegrate break up. fracture broken. ruined. out of order be spoilt. sliced slice shred. lose X separate from X.t v. | NX+dan ~ v. break up get separated from n v.t v.t v. cut peel. split dispatch cut. covered break. corrupted broken. scrape shave cut adj v.KAVAK KAVLACHUQUR chuqurlik O'Yo'yma QAZIKO'Mko'milSINsindirsiniq siniqlik BUZ- n v.t n chuqur qazichuqur kavlan v. cut (into) cut (lengthways). divorce X inseparable divide. v. corrupt upset spoil.t v.t bosib v. ruin spoil. shattered fragment fragment break.t v.t v.t v. excavate extract. int portlash v. adhere to X closed. snap continuous(ly). close (eyes. disclose open v. obstacle create an obstacle put up a fence / barrier ochilochiq YOPyopilyopishyopiq yopiqliq / yopiqli YUMBERK QAMABEKILBEKIT- TO'Sto'siq v. cut open break through crack. hide close. uninterrupted(ly) split. be open open openly. discover.t n g'ov bo'lg'ov sol- BO'G'G'OV 59 . break. obstacle hinder X.t n NX+ga ~ bo'lto'siq qo'yv. meas v. shut. frankly close. break off.t v.t adj v. round adj v. create an obstacle to X put obstacle in the way tie up. clearly.t v. explode slice. encircle be shut.t bekitib qo'y- chop cut off. disclose open. be closed.t adj adv v. be shut stick to X. tear up get torn torn.t v. shut shut … up.CHOPUZuzilUZLUKSIZ YORyorilYAPROQ YIRTyirtilyirtiq YANCHTUYPUFLAPORTLAportlatportlovchi TORTmaydalaOCH- v.t v. torn up pound thresh pound blow blow out explode explosion explode. surround. blow out explosive explosive grind break to bits. block | NX+ga ~ adj adj v. block barrier.t yorib o' n.t v. lock hide block (up) bar.t v. shut closed. dam up. open out. barrier.t ochib qo'yochib yuborv.t v. mouth) closed. grind open uncover. snap off pick (and break the stem) cut.t adj portlovchi moddalar v. shut cover up. covered ad v.t puflab o' v.t v. be locked shut. | NX+dan ~ v. spread out distribute X to Y o'ralBOG' bog'labog'lanULAulanTUGtugilTUGUN YECH- CHOK TIQtiqilyopishyopishtiryopishqoq yopishqoqlik YELIM yelimlaYUQBO'Lbo'linAYIRayrilAJRAajratTARQA/ TARQALtarqattarqalashtarqoq TARAL/ TARAtarashtarat- n chok etv. be bound together relation. separate X from Y leave X break up leave X. scatter disperse.t | NX+ga ~ n. tied knot untie. block get stuck. meas v. be tied.t v. take away X from Y.t v. be divided remove.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ o'rab olo'rab turv.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ adj n n v. joint tear. separate from X get separated from X. scatter scatter. tie together. bind. glue stick stick. connect be joined. separate X from Y disperse. encircle surround. get blocked stick to X. share X among Y be separated.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ v. tie get knotted.QOP qoplaqoplaqoplanO'RA- n. be connected knot. undo take off (clothes) resolve (problems) seam.t v.t yelimlab qo'yv.t v.t v. link join.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ 60 .t sack. bag cover put in sacks be covered with X wrap n v.t v. | NX+ga ~ v. scatter scattered disperse. bunch tie. lose X isolate. gum adj v. roll up v. weave wind X on Y surround. scatter disperse.t | NX+ni numY+ga ~ NX+ni NY+ga bo'lib berv. meas | NX+dan ~ v. tear off stick.t v.t v. spread out v. stain separate divide X in Y distribute X to Y. encircle be wrapped with X wind on X v. fasten be | NX bilan ~ bog'lanish v. adhere to X stick X to Y sticky stickiness glue.t | (bir-biriga) NX+ni ~ v.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ v. SOCHsochilSEPsepil- v. send out be scattered. splash scatter be sprayed.t v.t scatter. sprinkled. sprinkle. v. splashed be scattered 61 . sent out spray. spread. t be filled with X full(y).t bo'm-bo'sh adj v.t | NX+ni (tarozida) ~ meas meas meas meas meas meas n gazsimon jism qattiq jism suyuq jism adj n adj v. v. weighty v. hard serious. replete dark. total(ly) X Y(=container) full of Z fill X with Y fill X with Y fill X with Y full(y).int | NX+ga ~ ad to'la numX NY NZ v. be free empty. complete(ly) capacity full. space become empty.t | NX+ni NY bilan ~ v. sufficient(ly). watery liquid. empty (l/f) shrink. solution thick (liquid) thicken. weight become heavy get worse (l/f) make heavy light (l/f) very light get lighter (l/f) lighten.t adj yep-yengil v.Matter and Nature Properties TO'Lto'la to'ldirto'latto'liq to'lalik TO'Q BO'SH bo'shliq bo'shabo'shatPUCH puchaypuchaytirOG'IR og'irlik og'irlashog'irlashtirYENGIL yengillashyengillashtirVAZN VAZMIN TORTGRAMM MILLIGRAMM KILOGRAMM / KILO SENTNER TONNA MISQOL JISM v. people). ample.t n adj v. hundredweight ton about 4 grammes body gas solid liquid liquid. clear completely empty hollow. wither shrink. vacant (space) v. get thicker thicken SUYUQ suyuqlik QUYUQ quyuqlashquyuqlashtir- 62 . make lighter (l/f) weight heavy weigh X gramme milligram kilogram quintal.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ ad n adj adj n v.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. void free (time. complete(ly).t adj n v. rich (colour) empty. grave v. wither heavy. consolidate adj adj n v. unbreakable fine. thick.ERIeriteritma QAYNAqaynatqaynoq bug'lantomchi tomchilaQATRA KO'PIK ko'pikli ko'piklapufakcha QALIN QATTIQ qattiqlik QOTYUMSHAyumshatyumshoq yumshoqlik MAYIN bo'shashbo'shashtirO'TKIR o'tkirlik o'tkirlao'tkirlashO'TMAS PUXTA puxtalik puxtalashtirMUSTAHKAM mustahkamlamustahkamlanMAHKAM mahkamlamahkamlanUSTUVOR NOZIK noziklik noziklash- v. tricky fineness. adj adj n v. firm thorough. soften.t v. be refined 63 . mild mellow. delicacy become fragile.t adj n adj v. pacify v. strong.t n v. fragility. meas qatra-qatra n adj v. n. firm tighten. cutting n adj adj n v. fragile refined. meas v. firm.t adj n v. get hard turn soft. consolidate tighten. delicate. smart.t v. dissolve solution boil (l/f) boil boiling. touchy. consolidate strengthen. become mellow soften ease. light adj v. durable. froth. fresh (bread) bug'lanish n. strengthen. proper(ly) firmness consolidate strong. consolidate firm.t adj v. sensitive delicate. melt. lose strength soften sharp. mildness soft. clever.t adj v. foam bubble thick dense (solid) solid.t v. dribble drop drop by drop foam. strengthen. alert sharpness sharpen sharpen blunt strong. thaw dissolve melt. boiled evaporate evaporation drop drip. firm hard (l/f) hardness harden. lather frothy froth. consolidated strengthen. humidity wet damp. clear pure cleanness. cleanliness purity clean pure (l/f) dirty impure (l/f) clean pure (l/f) dry. polish get polished slippery clean pure cleanness purity clear. fragility v. clear.t adj n n v. pliable elastic smooth(ly). wet delicate. level very smooth smooth very smooth smoothness smooth. dampness soak. wither dry. moisture humidity. limpid. devoid of content completely dry. dry out wither dry. mild. soaked fresh (fruits. arid empty. dry off.t v. arid wet. fond rigid. get moist 64 . moist. dried. moist. stiff flexible. pure transparent. pliable supple. limpid. dry completely dry. clear clean. fragile delicacy. steep get wet. silken gentle. humid.t adj qup-quruq n adj qoq-quruq adj n v. clarity. pure clearness. pureness limpid.MO'RT mo'rtlik MULOYIM egilegiluvchan bukiluvchan cho'ziluvchan TEKIS SILLIQ silliqlik silliqlasilliqlashSIRPANCHIQ SOF soflik tiniq tiniqlik ZILOL SHAFFOF TOZA tozalik POK nopok POKIZA QURIquritquruq quruqlik QURG'OQ HO'L ho'llik ho'llaNAM namlik namlanamlan- adj n adj egilmaydigan adj adj adj ad tep-tekis adj sip-silliq n v.t adj adj n adj n adj adj adj n adj adj adj v. mild. arid dryness arid. vegetables) wetness. burning heat. cool(ness) coolness freshen o. tepid warmth. frosty to'ngib qolv.t adj n n v. freeze very cold (like ice).int v.s (up). forge get warm warm (up) warm (l/f).int v.t ad iliq-miliq n adj. turn cold get cold.t v. soak X in Y sovub muzdek v. tepidity cool. (up) warm (up). sultry temperature X's temperature rise X's temperature fall temperature degree (temperature) X degrees (of temperature) X degrees (of temperature) X degrees below 0 X degrees below 0 degree (angles) degree (temperature) X degrees (of temperature) X degrees (of temperature) X degrees below 0 X degrees below 0 thermometer get warm warm v. get cooler get cold. tepid (rather) v. adj adj v.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ adj n NX+ning ~+i ko'tarilNX+ning ~+i pasayn meas numX daraja issiq numX daraja iliq numX daraja sovuq minus numX daraja meas numX gradus issiq numX gradus iliq numX gradus sovuq minus numX gradus n v. hot weather heat get hot hot.ZAX zaxlaSUG'ORsug'orilbotirDIM TEMPERATURA adj n v.t v. be frozen (make) freeze freeze freeze (make) freeze HARORAT DARAJA GRADUS gradusnik ISIisinisitISSIQ issiqlik QIZIqiziq JAZIRAMA toblaILIilitiliq iliqlik SALQIN salqinlik salqinlasalqinlashSOVUsovutsovuq SOVQOTMUZ muzlamuzlatTO'NGto'ngdir- 65 . frosty cold frost get cold.t v. refresh o.t adj n v. turn cold cool (down) cold.t damp dampness become damp water. heat (up) hot heat. heated. irrigate give water to be irrigated sink X into v.s. n n v. burning scorching. turn pale whiten. grow dim rangli rangsiz rangdor TUS OLA OQ oqish oqaroqlaoqart/ oqartiroqimtir OPPOQ QORA qorayqoraytir/ qoraytqoramtil TO'Q OCH O'CH- adj adj v. completely black pitch black. manner multi-coloured. grow dark darken. steel gray v. whitewash whiten. completely black turn black. 66 .t adj kul rang adj adj v. very dark colour paint.t v. lighten whitish very white. obscurity darken. darken black. rich (colour) light. dark pitch adj n adj yop-yorug' n adj. obscurity pitch-dark darkness. dark get dull.t n adj v. get dim.YORIyorityoritilYORQIN YORUG' yorug'lik QORONG'I qorong'ilik qorong'ilanqorong'ilatZULMAT XIRA xiralanSIYOH RANG v. light light. hue. dark deep black. illuminate lighting be illuminated bright.t yoritish v. shine light. color appearance. pale (prefix for colour) v. spotted white whitish turn white. very light v. grow pale. make dark obscurity dull. pure white black. (place with) light dark. n qop-qorong'i n v. dye complexion colour X what colour is X? multi-coloured coloured multi-coloured colourless pale coloured shade. ash-grey. darkness. dim.t adj adj adj qop-qora tim-qora adj sim-siyoh n NX+ga rang berNX qaysi rangda? rang-barang adj ko'p rangli adj adj n adj ola-bula yo'l-yo'l xol-xol give light light (up). colourful colourfully patterned striped dotted. bright very bright. turn dark blacken blackish grey. int v. liver-coloured brown golden. rose orange orange yellow strikingly yellow turn yellow turn yellow yellowish blonde. bright red dark red turn v. gilt silver SARIQ SARG'AYsarg'aytir/ sarg'aytSARG'ISH MALLA YASHIL KO'K ko'kish ko'karko'kartirko'kimtir MOVIY ZANGORI adj sap-sariq v. bright green bluish. blush turn red reddish pink.t adj adj to'q sariq qovoq rang red glaringly red. (grass) green bright blue.t adj adj adj yam-yashil adj ko'm-ko'k adj v. greenish sky blue light blue (vivid) navy blue light blue. light brown green bright green (sky) blue. greenish turn green turn green bluish.QIZIL QIZARqizart/ qizartirQIZG'ISH PUSHTI adj qip-qizil to'q qizil adj havo rang adj to'q ko'k adj binafsha rang jigar rang qahva rang tilla rang kumush rang 67 .int v. turquoise purple brown. t n n n n n n n n adj n NX rudasi n NX+ni ~ bosv. precious stone ruby. sapphire diamond emerald chalk marble earthenware 68 . substance element (physical) material (l/f) material(s) (physical / documents) atom nucleus nuclear energy nuclear hydrogen carbon nitrogen acid oxygen metal iron steel gold. cover with gold platinum silver copper tin bronze lead salt mineral mineral ore X ore rust make X rusty rust ruby. golden gold gold golden n n n n n n n matter.Substances MODDA MODDIY MATERIAL ATOM YADRO yadroviy VODOROD UGLEROD AZOT KISLOTA KISLOROD METALL TEMIR PO'LAT OLTIN TILLA ZAR ZARHAL zarhallaPLATINA KUMUSH MIS QALAY BRONZA QO'RG'OSHIN TUZ MINERAL qazilma RUDA ZANG zanglaYOQUT LA'L OLMOS ZUMRAD BO'R MARMAR SOPOL n adj n n n yadro energiyasi adj n n n n n n n n n n n adj v. TOSH toshli toshloq XARSANG QOYA TUPROQ QUM qumli qumloq LOY loyli loylaBALCHIQ balchiqli CHANG changiTO'Zto'zon G'UBOR g'uborli g'uborsiz beg'ubor KUKUN kukunlaPOROSHOK SHISHA BILLUR XRUSTAL CHINNI PLASTMASSA REZINA YELIM PASTA SOVUN SUV n adj n n xarsang tosh n n n adj n n adj v.t n adj n v. submarine n chang-to'zon n adj adj adj n v. gum paste soap X(=fruit) juice water X be flooded running water underwater. rock rock rock earth. irrigate ice full of ice freeze. pure (l/f) powder grind to powder powder glass bottle crystal crystal china plastic rubber glue. soil land. watery water. thin. covered with mud dust get dusty turn to dust dust dusty dust dusty. sands mud clay (used for building) muddy. territory sand sandy sandy place. be frozen SUYUQ SUG'ORMUZ muzli muzla- 69 .int stone. unclear make muddy mud muddy. rock stony stony place boulder.t n adj v. pure clean.t n n n n n n n n n n NX suvi n NX+ni suv bosoqar suv suv osti adj v. dark clean. int v.t v. grow pale.t v. lamp) n n n v.t n v. extinguish ( v.t n v.t v. atmosphere sky weather with air without air fire set a fire catch fire a fire break in X fire (lighten by human) camp fire flame ignite. conflagration burn. vanish put out. erase fire department go out. catch fire spark crackle smoke smoke smoke light ( yonib ketn v. catch alight set on v.t o't o'chirish bo'limi ice.t n n 70 . annoy. get burnt (by fire or heat) burn anger. switch on (lamp) be lit fuel lay out for a fire catch fire burn (fire) give a light (lamp) catch fire fuel light (fire) fire (destructive). lamp) cause to vanish. lamp). frost freeze freeze steam evaporate air. set fire to die v. grow dim n adj adj n o't qo'yo't olNX+ga o't tushn n n v. become extinguished (fire) put out. extinguish (fire) ember(s) ash(es) OLOV GULXAN ALANGA alangalanUCHQUN GURILLATUTATUTUN DUD YOQyoqilyoqilg'i QALAqalanYONyonilg'i yondiryong'in KUYkuydirYALLIG' yallig'lan/ yallig'layallig'lantir/ yallig'latO'CHo'chir- SO'Nso'ndirCHO'G' KUL v.t n v. go out ( v.YAX yaxlayaxlatBUG' bug'lanHAVO havoli havosiz O'T n v. cause trouble flame n v. brilliant (l/f) bright(ly) clear(ly).t n. adj n elektr toki meas meas n n n adj elektr yorug'i oy yorug'i quyosh yorug'i n nur sochquyosh nuri adj adj v. (place in the) sun moonlight NUR nurlik nursiz nurlanYOG'DU SHU'LA RENTGEN PORLAporloq RAVSHAN ravshanlik OFTOB OYDIN 71 . bright electric light moonlight sunlight (light) ray shine sunshine. sunlight luminous. glitter light. electronic (electric) current electric current volt ampere Hertzian wave(s).int n n n rentgen nurlari v. shine light. oil.GAZ gazsimon NEFT neftli BENZIN DIZEL KO'MIR O'TIN YOG'OCH QOG'OZ KARTON SIYOH MOY moyli moylaYOG' yog'li yog'laELEKTR ELEKTRON TOK VOL'T AMPER TO'LQIN MAGNIT YORUG' n adj n adj n n n n n n qalin qog'oz n n n adj v. adj n. ray (light) ray. wooden paper cardboard cardboard ink non-edible oil. gasoline diesel coal firewood wood. shine X-rays X-rays shine (forth) bright. grease oily. greasy grease. greasy oil. shiny dim. wavelength magnet light.t n adj v. grease fat. electric electron. grease edible oil. grease fat. dusky shine. oil electricity. be adj ad n n n gas (combustible) gaseous oil. timber. petroleum oil petrol. oily. clear-cut brightness sunshine. fat. int adj n v. (with) sound silent n shovqin solshovqin qiln shovqin-suron shov-shuv aks-sado n aks etaks ettiradj.yaltirayaltiratyaltiroq yiltira/ yiltillayiltiroq CHARAQLAAKS yalt etv. make noise. sound. voice voice sound. obscurity block the light darkness fall shade.t adj yilt etv. sparkle glittering. din confusion echo QORONG'I SOYA sersoya KO'LANKA TOVUSH tovushli tovushsiz UN OVOZ ovozli ovozsiz SADO BALAND JARANG jarangli jaranglaJIRINGLAYANGRAyangroq G'IJIR g'ijirlaSHOVQIN SURON 72 . shout make noise make noise loud noise. voiced ring. sparkling sparkle. loud grating. shadow sound. silent sound. sparkle v. hubbub. clamor big noise. obscure. jingle ring. clamour. (be) aloud voiced. (with) sound. polish shining. glittering. ring out ringing. yiltirash adj v. din. sparkle glitter. voice make noise noisy. creaking grate. jingle ring. n qorong'i qilqorong'i tushn adj n n tovush qiladj adj n n ovoz(+ini) chiqaradj adj n ad n jarang-jurung adj v. sparkle shine. sparkling glitter. creak noise. glitter. darkness. sonorous noiseless. jingle jingle-jangle sonorous. shine reflection reflect reflect dark. shadow shady shade. uproar big v. sparkle glitter. volume sound. echo loud (voice) ringing. (place in the) sun planet planet satellite moon month full moon new moon moonlight (moon) crescent sky. universe the whole world. the world world. sunlight sunny day sun sunset sunrise sunshine. realm all over the world world space outer space star star-studded sun sunset sunrise sunshine. everybody world. Nature nature. character natural natural science the universe. adj n nature. soil quyoshli KUN 73 . cosmos the universe. heaven sky sky horizon the Earth land place (l/f) underground globe (of the earth) the surface (of the earth) underground land.Nature TABIAT TABIIY tabiiyot KOINOT JAHON OLAM DUNYO dunyoviy FAZO YULDUZ yulduzli QUYOSH n adj n n n n olam-jahon n butun dunyo(+ga) adj n n adj n quyosh botishi quyosh chiqishi quyosh nuri adj n kun botishi kun chiqishi OFTOB PLANETA SAYYORA yo'ldosh OY n n n n n to'lin oy yangi tug'ilgan oy OYDIN HILOL OSMON KO'K FALAK UFQ YER n n n n n n n yer osti yer shari yer yuzi YEROSTI ZAMIN n. swell tog'li TEPA tepalik tepacha ADIR VULQON / VULKAN CHO'QQI DOVON PEREVAL VODIY tekislik CHO'L SAHRO BIYOBON qumlik DASHT VOHA o'tzor o'tloq YAYLOV O'RMON o'rmonli o'rmonzor daraxtzor CHAKALAK chakalakzor G'OR UNGUR DENGIZ OKEAN KO'RFAZ TO'LQIN to'lqinli to'lqinlanto'lqinsimon MAVJ 74 . wood grove. territory (geographical) zone continent mountain. bush bush cave cave sea. wavy wave.TUPROQ MINTAQA QIT'A TOG' n n n n tog' cho'qqisi tog' etagi tog' tepasi tog' tizmalari adj n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n adj n n n n n n n n n n adj v. steppe desert desert sandy land steppe oasis meadow meadow pasture. waste land. ocean ocean gulf. summit (mountain) pass (mountain) pass valley plain desert. mound. soil land. wood wooded wooded place. range summer pasture meadow forest. bay wave(s) with waves be with waves like waves. top. foothills volcano peak. hill small hill adj n earth. wood undergrowth. (large) hill peak foot of a mountain top of a mountain mountain ridge mountainous hill height. swampy basin island peninsula bank. boggy. shore shore.DARYO IRMOQ ANHOR SOY SHALOLA KO'L HOVUZ KO'LMAK BOTQOQ HAVZA OROL QIRG'OQ SOHIL BO'Y bo'ylaPLAJ BULOQ CHASHMA ATMOSFERA atmosferaviy IQLIM iqlimiy HAVO n n n n n n n n n adj n n yarim orol n n dengiz sohili n v. shore stroll along the shore. reservoir pool. cascade lake. hot weather frost hoarfrost light frost turn cold get cool. swamp marshy. bog. bank coast bank. atmosphere sky weather atmosphere fine weather mild weather weather weather report weather (of the day) clear up (of weather) clear (of weather) heat. adj n n n n sovuq tushsalqin tush- SHAMOL shamolli n shamol esadj 75 . be windy windy KUN ochilochiq ISSIQ sovuq QIROV AYOZ n v. pond marsh. pond pool. source spring water spring atmosphere atmospheric climate climatic air.t n n buloq suvi n n adj n adj n havo shari ochiq havo yumshoq havo ob-havo ob-havo ma'lumoti river tributary small river irrigation canal rivulet waterfall. turn cool wind (wind) blow. the bank beach spring. foggy rain rain drizzle rainy shower downpour flash flood snow snow snowy hail hail fall (of precipitation) precipitation dew dew thunderstorm lightning flash (of lightning) lightning rumble (of thunder) rainbow mirage season season. whirlwind typhoon. time seasonal spring spring early spring summer summer hottest part of the summer autumn autumnal 76 .int n tuman tushadj n yomg'ir yog'mayda yomg'ir adj n n n qor yog'adj n do'l yog'v. hurricane storm. penetrating wind breeze storm. become overcast n n n n adj n adj n n adj n n adj wind cold.YEL IZG'IRIN SHABADA BO'RON bo'ronli DOVUL PO'RTANA TO'FON BULUT bulutli bulutlanTUMAN tumanli YOMG'IR yomg'irli JALA SEL QOR qorli DO'L YOG'yog'in SHABNAM SHUDRING MOMAQALDIROQ CHAQMOQ YASHIN GUMBURLAKAMALAK SAROB FASL MAVSUM mavsumiy BAHOR bahorgi KO'KLAM YOZ yozgi SARATON KUZ kuzgi n n n n adj n n n n adj v. fog get misty. tempest stormy storm. get foggy misty. hurricane cloud cloudy cloud n n n n n chaqmoq chaqn v. QISH qishki QAHRATON QURG'OQ qurg'oqchilik toshqin ko'chki n adj qahraton qish adj n n suv toshqini n qor ko'chkisi tog' ko'chkisi yer qimirlash n n n winter winter severe winter arid. swamping flood avalanche avalanche landslide earthquake earthquake scenery. dry drought flood. flooding. view landscape ZILZILA MANZARA PEYZAJ 77 . landscape. living. life live (an amount of time) live (an amount of time) of all one's life go through. spirit alive. revive weak. gender species.t adj n n adj n adj n adj n erkak jinsi xotin jinsi adj jinsiy aloqa jinsiy aloqalar NX bilan jinsiy aloqa qiljinsiy aloqaga kirjinsiy a'zolar n adj adj oy ko'rqon ko'rTUXUM n tuxum qillive. get along life (lived).int yashash n adj adj n hayot-mamot n umr kechirumr suradj v. live (swh) life. experience go through X live. race of fine breed sterile menstruate menstruate egg lay egg(s) TURMUSH TIRIK tirikchilik TIRILtiriltirJON jonli jonsiz jonlanjonlantirnimjon JONIVOR GEN GENETIK ZOT zotdor IRQ irqiy JINS jinsiy NASL naslli naslsiz 78 .t n adj adj v. full of vitality lifeless. revive liven up. living livelihood revive revive v. race masculine gender feminine gender sexual sex sexual relations have sex with X have sex genitals pedigree. feeble creature gene genetic genus. livelihood alive. livelihood life (existence) alive of life vitality (matter of) life and death life-span.t NX+ni boshdan kechirkun kechirn adj n v. lineage purebred race racial v. vivid. soul. existence life (lived). spiritless liven up. come to life. race.Life and Humans Vital Functions YASHAHAYOT hayotiy hayotiylik UMR umrli kechirv. URUG' urug'don BACHADON PUSHT HOMILA homilador homiladorlik TUG'tug'iltug'ma n n n n n adj n bola tashlav.t tug'ilish tug'ilgan kun(+i) adj dunyoga kelolamga kelbola ko'r- seed eggs; spermatozoon testicle womb, uterus embryo generation foetus pregnant pregnancy abort give birth to be born birth birthday innate, hereditary, inborn come to the world come to the world get child(ren) have youngs (of animals) grow rise, go up, ascend, increase growth make grow increase grow grow, grow up start to (of young children) begin to walk start to talk child young (of animals) young age be X years old be X years old get X years old, enter in X (age) get X years old (pass) youth aged X aged feel / look younger make look younger unfinished, incomplete immature, premature grown up grown up flourish, bloom, be in one's prime (l/f) blooming maturity, coming of age come of age old, aged old age grow old grew old bolalaO'So'stirUNULG'AYchiqar- o'sish v.t v.t oyoq chiqartil chiqarn adj n numX ~+da (bo'l-) ~+i numX+da numX ~+ga kirnumX ~+ga to'ln adj | numX ~ katta yoshli v.t adj adj bo'yga yetkan yashnash n voyaga yetadj n qarib qol- BOLA YOSH yoshlik yoshli yosharyoshartCHALA KATTA YASHNAVOYA QARI qarilik QARI- 79 KEKSA keksalik KIRO'Lo'lmas o'ldiro'ldirilo'lim o'lik n, adj n | NX+ga ~ | NX+dan ~ adj v.t o'z o'z+ini o' n n adj old, elderly; old, elderly man / person old age reach X, enter in X(=age) die from X immortal kill, murder commit suicide get killed death corpse, dead body deceased dead (l/f) lifeless, spiritless death, decease die, pass away death, final hour pass away pass away deceased, late die, perish kill accident, disaster, wreck slaughter rot, decay, putrefy rot, decay, putrefy rotten, decayed, putrefied get rotten, get putrid get rotten, get putrid hungry, starving be hungry with an empty stomach hunger get hungry appetite lose one's appetite without appetite full, replete prosperous have had one's fill satiety have one's fill, be replete (l/f) get full one's fill insatiable eat one's fill eat one's fill feed till replete get thirsty get, be thirsty thirsty quench one's thirst thirst thirsty for X thirst for X VAFOT AJAL n vafot et-/qiln dunyodan o'tolamdan o't- MARHUM HALOK halokat SO'YCHIRIchiritchirik SASI- n, adj halok bo'lhalok qil-/etn v.t v.t adj sasib qoladj qorn+i och och qoringa n n ishtaha+si yo'qotad adj qorn+i to'q n to'yib ketto'yguncha to'ymas qorn+i to'yto'yib ovqat yev.t chanqab ketadj chanqoqni bosn adj | NX+ga ~ n | NX+ga ~ OCH ochlik ochiqISHTAHA ishtahasiz TO'Q to'qlik TO'Y- to'yg'azCHANQAchanqoq chanqoqlik TASHNA tashnalik 80 suvsasuvsiraCHO'LLAYEyegizyem BOQtishlaQOPKEMIRG'AJICHAYNAEMemizSO'RYUTyutum HO'PLAho'plam QULTUM ICHichirichimli SUG'ORTUPUK TUPLATUPURSO'LAK / SO'LAKAY HAZM SIYsiydik BO'Q DAM NAFAS v.t v.t n | NX+ga ~ v.t v.t v.t v.t v.t v.t v.t v.t v.t n v.t ho'plab-ho'plab ichn n v.t v.t adj v.t n n n hazm n n n dam chiqarn nafas olnafas chiqarn ovoz(+ini) chiqarn n tovush chiqarn ad get thirsty be thirsty get thirsty eat suffer, endure (blow, attack) force to / make eat fodder, food (for animals) feed X, pasture X bite, bite off bite gnaw gnaw chew, masticate suck cause to suck, breast-feed suck swallow mouthful swallow gulp down, gobble up take little sips gulp, sip sip, gulp drink, ingest make drink drinkable water, irrigate give water to spit, spittle spit spit saliva digestion digest urinate, micurate urine excrement, manure breath, rest, break breathe breath breathe in, take a breathe breathe voice sound, make noise, (be) aloud voice, sound, echo sound, voice enunciate, (be) aloud sound, voice loud (voice) OVOZ SADO TOVUSH UN BALAND 81 QICHQIRqichqiriq CHINQIRchinqiriq BAQIRbaqiriq baqiroq O'KIRFARYOD UVLAHURHUSHTAK SHOVQIN shovqinli shovqinlaSURON SAYRAYUMTO'K- n n n adj n n hushtak chaln shovqin solshovqin qiln n shovqin-suron v.t v.t ko'z yoshi to'kqon to'kter to' n ko'z yoshi n terlab sovqotib isib v.t n v.t adj v.t shout, call crow shout, call howl, yell, scream shriek shout (loudly), yell, scream shout, yell, roar noisy, yelling howl cry loudly shout, wailing howl, wail bark, howl whistle whistle noise, clamour, shout make noise make noise noisy, uproarious be noisy, be in an uproar loud noise, clamor big noise, din; hubbub, uproar sing (of birds) shut, close (eyes, mouth) shed shed tears blood sweat grow pale tear(s) tear(s) weep, cry, sob sweat, perspiration sweat, perspire sweat get cold, freeze get, be cold freshen o.s (up), refresh o.s. get warm get, be hot warm o.s. (up) sting, bite (of insects) sting (of insects) choke, strangle caught in one's throat (voice, ...) cut the throat of BO'ZARYOSH YIG'LATER terlaSOVQOTsalqinlaISIisinCHAQNAYZA BO'G'bo'g'iq bo'g'izla- 82 CHARCHAcharchatcharchoq TOLIQHORIhoriganlik HORDIQ HORG'IN ESNADAM charchab ketcharchagan v.t n charchoqdan horigan n n hordiq chiqaradj n NX+ga ~ berdam oldam olish n orom oln n istirohat qiln farog'at qiln adv n tanaffus qiln uyqu+si keluyquga ketuyqu+si qochuyqu+si o'tad n uxlab qoln v.t o'rn+iga yoto'rn+iga yotqiz- get tired, weary, exhausted get, be tired tired, weary tire, make tired tiredness, weariness be deadtired grow tired get tired, weary, exhausted tired, weary weariness, tiredness fatigue rest tired, weary (appearance) yawn breath, rest, break give X a rest take a breath, have a rest holiday, vacation, leave rest; peace, quietness have a rest comfort, peace, rest rest, holiday rest rest, relaxation, peace, quietness rest, relax rest, relaxation, quietness without respite, continuously, incessantly break, interval to have a break, break off sleep, sleepiness get sleepy go to sleep, fall asleep can not sleep can not sleep without sleep insomnia feel sleepy sleep, go to bed fall asleep wakefulness send to sleep go to bed put to bed snore, snoring snore snore awake, alert wakefulness wake up awakening (l/f) wake (up) wake up wakefulness be awake, step up wakefulness OROM ROHAT ISTIROHAT FAROG'AT tinim tinimsiz TANAFFUS UYQU uyqusiz uyqusizlik uyqusiraUXLAuxlamaslik uxlat- XURRAK n xurrak otxurrak tortadj n uyg'onish v.t uyg'otib qo'yn bedor bo'ln UYG'OQ uyg'oqlik UYG'ONUYG'OTBEDOR bedorlik 83 Body ANATOMIYA TAN BADAN JISMONIY AZAMAT azamatlik CHAYIR ZABARDAST PAHLAVON / POLVON GAVDA gavdali JUSSA jussali BO'Y n n n adj (qora) kuch adj n adj n n n inson gavdasi adj n adj n NX+ning ~+i baland NX+ning ~+i uzun NX+ning ~+i past adj baland bo'yli past bo'yli adj adj adj adj n adj n adj adj adj n n n n, adj bosh suyagi KALLA MIYA n n bosh miya ENSA n anatomy body body; physique, physical physical physical strength vigorous, sturdy vigour, sturdiness muscular, with staying power strong, stout strong man, wrestler figure, stature the human body tall, stout stature stout, large size, length, height tall tall short tall, with a given size tall short tall tall tall fat, corpulent, stout, obese fatness, stoutness, obesity get fat, put on weight thick, stout, fat, big thickness, stoutness, fatness get thin, lose weight thin, slim, skinny thin, slender thin, slim, emaciated get thin, lose weight complexion cell head beginning, source head, chief, top, main skull head brain, marrow brain, mind brain nape of the neck, back of the head bo'yli bo'ychan bo'ydor NOVCHA SEMIZ semizlik SEMIRYO'G'ON yo'g'onlik OZozg'in INGICHKA ORIQ oriqlaRANG HUJAYRA BOSH 84 tongue palate DIMOG' QULOQ JAG' IYAK OG'IZ (og'z+i) n n n n n meas adj LAB DUDOQ TISH n n n aql tishi kurak tish oziq tish qoziq tish sut tishlari adj v. face face. chin chin mouth mouth.t n n n tishli tishlaMILK TIL TANGLAY 85 . face wrinkle(s) cheek eyebrows raise (the eyebrows) eye pupil eyelid eyelash(es) nose blow one's nose sniff nose mood. aperture mouthful oral lip(s) bank.t n ko'z qorachig'i n n n burun qoqburun tort- forehead brow. face turn one's face to X. edge lip(s) tooth wisdom tooth incisor molar tooth canine milk teeth toothed bite. ridge. face X meet with X | NX+ga ~ v. appearance appearance. face | NX bilan ~ n n n n n n n v. forehead temple(s) (of head) face surface.PESHANA / PESHONA MANGLAY CHAKKA YUZ yuzlanyuzlashCHEHRA BASHARA AFT BET AJIN YONOQ QOSH CHIMIRKO'Z QOVOQ KIPRIK BURUN (burn+i) n n n n v. cheeks surface. opening. bite off gum tongue language. humour ear handle (of pots) jaw. arm(s). forearm palm handful handful fist finger toe thumb fore-finger middle finger the little finger hand. back shrug the shoulders shoulder to shoulder underarm. stomach stomach. arm. adj n n n meas meas n n oyoq barmog'i bosh barmoq ko'rsatkich barmoq o'rta barmoq n n meas n meas n throat. paw. talon handful palm and fingers.TUMSHUQ TOMOQ bo'g'iz (bo'g'z+i) KEKIRDAK JIG'ILDON BO'YIN (bo'yn+i) GARDAN TANA KO'KRAK KO'KS EMCHAK QORIN (qorn+i) QURSOQ YELKA n n n beak throat throat neck (of a bottle) n n n n n n n n n n n yelka qisyelkama-yelka n n v. hand paw pinch foot. belly shoulder(s). breast chest. leg QO'LTIQ YONBOSH yonboshlaORQA BEL A'ZO QO'L TIRSAK BILAK KAFT HOVUCH MUSHT / MUSHTUM BARMOQ JIMJILOQ CHANGAL PANJA CHIMDIN OYOQ 86 . small of the back limb the limbs hand(s). breast breast belly. larynx n n n qo'l-ayoq n. arm-pit side lie on one's side back. gullet neck neck. nape of the neck trunk. wrist(s). back part waist. torso chest. hand elbow wrist. wool hairy hair. back part buttocks wing(s) flap wings tail tail skin. birthmark (body) hair. peel. horsehair fur wool hair cut hair have a haircut curly. fluff. claw(s) cut one's nails hoof horn(s) horned horn(s) shell rind. bark mole. mangy beard shave shave grow a beard get shaved bearded beardless moustache have a moustache feather (finger/toe) nail(s). shell JINGALAK KAL SOQOL soqolli soqolsiz MO'YLOV PAT TIRNOQ TUYOQ SHOX shoxli MUGUZ CHIG'ANOQ PO'CHOQ 87 . n n n n qanot qoqn n n adj n n n adj n n n n soch olsoch+ini oldiradj adj n soqol olsoqol qirsoqol qo'ysoqol+ini oldiradj adj n mo'ylov qo'yn n tirnoq oln n adj n n n heel ankle calf (of leg) knee(s) kneel (down) be kneeling thigh fat tail (of a sheep) buttocks back. wavy bald.TOVON TO'PIQ BOLDIR TIZZA / TIZ tizzalaSON DUMBA KET QANOT QUYRUQ DUM TERI PO'ST XOL TUK tukli QIL MO'YNA JUN SOCH n n n n tiz cho'kv. leather leather skin. vertebral column muscle muscular sinew. bowels liver kidney(s) gland VENA YURAK O'PKA OSHQOZON ME'DA ICHAK JIGAR BUYRAK BEZ 88 . artery pulse pulse vein heart courage lung(s) stomach stomach adj n tomir+ini tepishi tomir+ini urishi n n n n n n n n n bone bony skeleton spine. adj n n adj n qon bosim+i adj v. stringy nerve nerves nervous blood blood pressure bloody bleed bloodthirsty vein. sinewy.SUYAK suyakli SKELET UMURTQA MUSKUL muskulli PAY NERV ASAB asabiy QON qonli qonaqonxo'r TOMIR n adj n n n adj n. Plants O'So'stiro'simlik TUP PISHpishirpishiq v. uncooked unripe raw unripe fruit unripe. n n adj n n n 89 . bole branch branchy adj grow make grow plant vegetal plant. splinter thorny. prickle. grain (of cereals) grain corn. time of reaping ripen. wilted. wilt. v. solid harvest season. dried up seed reserved for sowing corn. bush (still growing) get ripe (l/f) get cooked get mature. grain (seed of cereals) stone (of a fruit) kernel spike. withered. ear with ear.t n o'simliklarga oid n. ramification branchy. green (of fruit) fade. bark bark G'O'RA G'O'R / G'O'RA QOVJIRAqovjiroq URUG' urug'li DON donli G'ALLA DANAK MAG'IZ (mag'z+i) BOSHOQ boshoqli ILDIZ TOMIR POYA TANA SHOX shoxli BUTOQ butoqli butoqlaNOVDA TIKAN tikanli ZIRAPCHA PO'ST po'stloq n adj v.t adj n yetilXOM v. experienced ripen ripe strong. stalk adj n adj n adj n n n n adj n n n n n adj n adj v. prickly splinter skin. meas v. wither. grow raw. ramified ramify shoot. young branch v. dry up faded. cereal root(s) root(s) stem. YAPROQ n n. round leaf bud bud flower blossom flower. sapling n adj gul do'koni n meva-cheva adj v. hay. range greenery. for flowers florist blossom. herb grass meadow meadow pasture. young grass dry grass. juniper. chaff hawthorn rose red rose carnation violet tulip marguerite daisy sunflower poppy opium water lily tree young tree. meas n n n n n n n n n n qizil gul n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n leaf sheet (of paper) slice. meas n n n n v. straw straw. plant pine tree fir tree fir tree. flourish (l/f) fruit all kinds of fruit fruit. shrub. spruce willow BARG KURTAK G'UNCHA CHECHAK chechaklaGUL gullaMEVA mevali mevalaSHINGIL QO'ZIQORIN (qo'ziqorn+i) GIYOH O'T o'tzor o'tloq MAYSA XASHAK SOMON DO'LANA ATIRGUL CHINNIGUL BINAFSHA LOLA MOYCHECHAK DASTORGUL KUNGABOQAR KO'KNOR NILUFAR DARAXT KO'CHAT BUTA QARAG'AY QORAQARAG'AY ARCHA TOL 90 .int n. blossom with flowers. with fruit bear fruit bunch mushroom (edible) plant. rush cereals cereals wheat barley maize. greens carrot turnip radish horse-radish. linseed cotton (plant) cotton seed cotton cotton sesame greens. beans. radish pumpkin (inedible) hollow gourd (dish) pumpkin (edible).TERAK QAYIN EMAN CHINOR TUT QAMISH n n n n n n boshoqli o'simliklar don ekinlari poplar birch oak plane tree mulberry tree reed. corn rice (in the husk) rice (husked) flax. greenery grass greens. greenery greens. squash egg-plant tomatoe cucumber cabbage potatoe beetroot beetroot peas. vegetables greens. lentil peas BUG'DOY ARPA MAKKAJO'XORI / MAKKA SHOLI GURUCH / GURUNCH ZIG'IR G'O'ZA CHIGIT PAXTA KUNJUT KO'K KO'KAT n n n n n n n n n oq oltin n n ko'katlar n n n n n n n n osh qovoq SABZA sabzavot SABZI SHOLG'OM REDISKA TURP QOVOQ BAQLAJON POMIDOR BODRING KARAM KARTOSHKA LAVLAGI QIZILCHA MOSH NO'XAT n n n n n n n n n 91 . green vegetables vegetables. early ripening melon water-melon peach apricot apple pear pomegranate fig quince date date-palm.YASMIQ BURCHOQ LOVIYA ISMALOQ SELDEREY SALAT PETRUSHKA PIYOZ SARIMSOQ MURCH GARMDORI QALAMPIR XANTAL ZAYTUN BEDA ZIRA SHIVIT RAYHON YALPIZ QOVUN XAMAK HANDALAK TARVUZ SHAFTOLI O'RIK OLMA NOK ANOR ANJIR BEHI JIYDA XURMO OLXO'RI OLCHA GILOS TOK UZUM QULUPNAY TUT SHOTUT n n n n n n n n n n n n murch-qalampir n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n lentil garden peas haricot beans spinach celery lettuce parsley onion garlic (black) pepper (cayenne) pepper (red) pepper pepper mustard olive clover caraway dill basil mint melon small or unripe melon small. date plum cherry sweet cherry vine. grapevine grapes strawberry mulberry black mulberry 92 . walnut hazelnut peanut chestnut almond pistachio nut KASHTAN BODOM PISTA 93 .APELSIN PO'RTAHOL LIMON BANAN YONG'OQ n n n n n o'rmon yong'og'i yer yong'oq n n n orange orange lemon banana nut. articles. produce (horned) cattle head (cattle) head (cattle) cow bull. swarm of Xs horse herd cattle. ox calf horse mare mare stallion foal. flock of Xs flock. beast domestic animal animal zoo animal wild. yearling mule donkey. possessions. goods. yearling foal. not domesticated herd. livestock property. belongings commodity.Animals HAYVON hayvonot hayvoniy YOVVOYI PODA GALA TO'DA YILQI MOL n uy hayvoni n hayvonot bog'i adj adj n | NX ~+si n | NX ~+si n | NX+lar ~+si n n animal. ass ass's foal sheep ram ewe lamb lamb goat billy-goat kid (goat) camel hump (of camel) pig wild boar QORAMOL BOSH TUYOQ SIGIR BUQA HO'KIZ BUZOQ OT BIYA BAYTAL TOY / TOYCHA QULUN XACHIR ESHAK XO'TIK QO'Y QO'CHQOR SOVLIQ QO'ZI qo'zichoq ECHKI TAKA ULOQ TUYA CHO'CHQA QOBON n meas meas n n n n n n n ayg'ir ot n n n n n n n n n n n n n n tuya o'rkachi n n 94 . ox bullock. herd of Xs(= wild animals) flock. hare hare squirrel mouse rat mole hedgehog lion lion tiger bear wolf fox deer deer. dog cat rabbit. gazelle monkey elephant bird bird hen. chicken cock.IT KUCHUK MUSHUK QUYON TOVUSHQON OLMAXON SICHQON KALAMUSH KO'RSICHQON TIPRATIKAN SHER ARSLON YO'LBARS AYIQ BO'RI TULKI BUG'U KIYIK MAYMUN FIL QUSH PARRANDA TOVUQ XO'ROZ JO'JA O'RDAK G'OZ KURKA INDYUK / INDUK KAKLIK BEDANA BURGUT LOCHIN BOYO'G'LI / BOYQUSH TOVUS OQQUSH TURNA LAYLAK BULBUL n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n dog puppy. rooster chick duck goose turkey turkey partridge quail eagle falcon owl peacock swan crane stork nightingale 95 . KAPTAR / KABUTAR QALDIRG'OCH CHUMCHUQ HAKKA ZAG'IZG'ON KAKKU QARG'A BALIQ ILON KALTAKESAK QURBAQA / BAQA CHO'LBAQA TOSHBAQA TIMSOH AJDAR QURT CHUVALCHANG HASHAROT PILLA PASHSHA CHIVIN ARI ASALARI CHUMOLI QUMURSQA TERMIT KAPALAK CHIGIRTKA QO'NG'IZ SUVARAK TARAKAN BURGA BIT KANA QANDALA O'RGIMCHAK n n n n n n n n n ilon-chayon n n n n n n n qurt-qumursqa n n ipak qurti n n n n ari uyasi n n n n n n n n n n n n n n dove. grub. bee wasp's nest (honey)bee ant (small) ant termit butterfly locust. grasshopper beetle cockroach cockroach flea louse tick bug spider 96 . worm insect silkworm cocoon (of silkworm) fly mosquito fly wasp. pigeon swallow sparrow magpie magpie cuckoo crow fish snake reptiles lizard frog toad turtle. caterpillar insects earthworm. tortoise crocodile dragon worm. lair 97 .CHAYON MIKROB BAKTERIYA VIRUS UYA IN n shilliq qurt n n n n n scorpion snail microbe bacteria virus nest. nest. (spider)web (mouse) hole. lair. soul (counted) person. people individual. person. male (child) boy manliness little boy. adolescent adolescent years young man. room) of/for X persons man. humanity humanist somebody people. kid girl. infant.Humans KISHI n er kishi xotin kishi bir kishi biror kishi adj adj | numX ~ NY ODAM odamiy odamgarchilik ODAMZOD INSON insoniy insoniyat insonparvar BIROV JON NAFAR SHAXS shaxsiy shaxsan CHAQALOQ GO'DAK go'daklik BOLA bolalik bolalarcha O'G'IL (o'g'l+i) n adj n n n adj n n n n meas n adj adv n n go'dak bola n n n bolalik davri ad n adj o'g'il bola o'g'il bolalik KICHKINTOY QIZ qizcha O'SPIRIN o'spirinlik O'SMIR o'smirlik YIGIT yigitlik YOSH yoshlik n n qiz bola n n n n n n n n yoshlar n person. private personally baby. humanity human kind. anybody somebody. youngster young people youth kishilik 98 . person human mankind. fellow man woman somebody. toddler baby infancy child young (of animals) childhood childhood (time of) childish(ly) boy boy. human being humane humaneness. infant baby. adolescent years youth. portion (for someone) a Y (set up. people. person individual. human beings human being. maiden daughter girl (child) little girl youth. teenager teens. young fellow youth young person. anybody (unspecified) human share. adj n adj n. come of age mature. female woman wife womanizer men and women young (married) woman women adj n n. forward maturity man. male virility. adj n n erkak-ayol JUVON QARI qarilik qariya keksalik keksayBOBOY CHOL MO'YSAFID KAMPIR n xotin-qiz n n n qari-qartang n v.yosh-yalanglar KATTA BALOG'AT adj n balog'atga yetbalog'atga yetgan odam v. majority come of age. grow grow. manliness virile. man man. adj n. get old old people old man old man old man old woman yetilYETUK yetuklik ER ERKAK erkaklik / erkakchilik erkakcha AYOL XOTIN xotinparast 99 .int keksaygan n n n n young people grown up come of age. male husband. attain one's majority adult ripen. aged person old age elderly person old people old age grow old. manly woman. make better tuzalib qolv. healthy health. ill fall ill. adj adj adj n n n v. patient sick. ailment sick person. get better cure. disease fall ill. | NX+ga ~ n adj n v. boil. sound health get healthier strengthen. fall sick illness.Health and Medicine SOG' sog'lik sog'aysog'ayt/ sog'aytirSOG'LOM sog'lomlik sog'lomlashsog'lomlashtirSALOMAT salomatlik SIHAT adj n v. fall sick experience X(=bad situation). unwell sickness. | NX+dan ~ n adj kasal bo'lib qoln v. good shape safe and sound health recover hygiene health hygiene hygienic recover (from an illness) recover (from an illness) heal recover from X illness. sick illness. infectious non-contagious epidemic epidemic symptom complication wound.t adj n sog'-salomat n sihat tophifzi sihat sihat-salomatlik GIGIYENA GIGIYENIK tuzaltuzatQUTULKASAL n adj v. ill.t v. well-being v.t adj n v. fall ill with X(=illness) n yarador bo'lyarador qilhealthy health recover from X. perfect well. sickness be n adj adj n | NX+dan ~ v. unwell ill. v. sore wound get wounded wounded get wounded wound kasallik kasallanUCHRATOB betob betoblik betoblanBEMOR XASTA xastalik YUQyuqumli yuqumsiz EPIDEMIK EPIDEMIYA ASORAT YARA yaralayaralanyarador 100 . patient sick. well good.t v. indisposition fall sick sick person. contagious contagious. t n n | NX ~+i NX+ida ~ bor kuchli og'riq og'riq sezadj og'riqsizlantirish v. hurt. break. sunburn burn oneself X have sunstroke sunstroke heal. bruise scar swelling abscess.t n adj n azob tortazob chekhis qilo'z+ini yomon his qilo'z+ini yaxshi his qilmaza+si qochmaza+si yo'q og'ritog'riq og'riqsiz ZIRQIRAzirqiratDARD dardli AZOB 101 . ache sharp pain have a pain painless anesthesia be lat yelat yetkaz- wound be v. hurt.t n yiring bosadj v. cause hurt to damaged.JAROHAT jarohatli jarohatlajarohatlan- n jarohat ko'radj v. be wounded wounded wound get wounded get hurt hurt. infected turn septic. trouble. injure pus turn septic. fever become inflamed become inflamed be painful. boil ampule rash burn. be sore. ache X(=part of body) hurt. pain.t v.impression) feel bad feel well do not feel well do not feel well SHIKAST shikastlaYIRING yiringli yiringlaG'URRA CHANDIQ SHISH CHIPQON AMPULA toshma KUY- adj v. illness | NX+i ~ og'rib qolv. ache cause to be painful sickness. soreness pain in X(=part of body). X ache X(=part of body) hurt. ache fall ill cause to be painful pain. become infected n | gazak olv. n n n n n n kuyish kuyib qolNX+ni oftob uroftob urish YALLIG' yallig'lan/ yallig'laGAZAK OG'RI- n v. injured. become infected | NX+i ~ v. broken. hurt damage. distress suffering. distressing suffering suffer suffer feel (perception. sickly painful. be ill X(=part of body) hurt.sensation. be sore. ache be sick. int n n n n n sariq kasalligi n n v. be nauseous have an indigestion vomit. be sick stomach. nausea).int n ich+i og'riich+i ketich+i o'tich+i qotib qoln n n isitma+si bor isitma+si chiqsovuq qotTUMOV n adj tumov bo'lib qolv. fever have a fever have a fever get very cold cold having a cold catch a cold catch a cold cold (X) catch a cold cough cough sneeze flu. belly (subjective) have a stomach-ache have diarrhea have diarrhea have constipation constipation laxative shamollash NX+ga sovuq tegYO'TAL YO'TALaksirGRIPP QIZAMIQ KO'KYO'TAL ZOTILJAM INFEKSIYA DIFTERIYA BO'GMA QUTURBEZGAK VABO RAK SPID INFARKT FALAJ KARAXT karaxtlik n v.tob+i qochtob+i yo'q bosh+i aylanko'ngl+i aynime'da+si buzilQUSICH v. be mad rabies malaria cholera diabetes cancer AIDS heart attack paralysis get paralyzed numb make numb numbness QABZIYAT SURGI isitma shamolla- 102 . influenza measles whooping-cough pneumonia infection hepatitis diphteria diphteria get quturish n n qand kasalligi n n n n falaj bo'lib qoln karaxt qiln do not feel well do not feel well be dizzy feel ill (vomit. powerless(ly) strength have no strength weak weak. adj n kar-soqov n n v. adj ko'r qiln adj n. hunchbacked blind blind blindness squinting. maimed limp. weakened rheumatism disabled. helpless. mute dumbness deaf mute stammerer stammering stammer mental illness mad. handicapped (person) wheelchair handicap crippled get crippled cripple cripple adj v. squint-eyed deaf deafen deafness deaf deafness ruhiy kasallik v. madman get crazy.QICHIqichishALLERGIYA araqxo'r araqxo'rlik DARMON OJIZ ojizlik ojizona MADOR bemador behol REVMATIZM NOGIRON nogironlik MAYIB v. behave stupidly madness. drunkard alcoholism strength remedy weak. adj jinni bo'ln itch X(=part of body) itch feel itchy itch allergy be allergic to X alcoholic. adj kar qiln adj n n. blind X(=part of body) be weak weakness helpless(ly). walk with a limp limp lame limp humpbacked. insanity CHO'LOQ cho'loqlanOQSAoqsoq oqsoqlanBUKRI KO'R ko'rlik G'ILAY KAR karlik GARANG garanglik SOQOV soqovlik DUDUQ duduqlik duduqlanJINNI jinnilik 103 . | NX+i ~ qichishish n NX+ga (qarshi) ~+si bor n n n adj NX+i ojiz n ad n mador+i yo'q adj adj n adj n. adj nogironlar aravachasi n adj mayib bo'lmayib qiln adj v. mad. poisoned poison (person) get poisoned by X(=food) poison. be healed cure and heal | NX+dan ~ n adj n davolamoq va tuzatmoq n NX+ga shifo topn n n n | NX+ga qarshi ~ n | NX uchun ~ suyuq dori dori qog'ozi n adj n dorivor o'simlik dori-darmon og'riq qoldiruvchi tinchlantiruvchi dori uyqu dori dorigar dorivor VITAMIN ASPIRIN ANTIBIOTIK ZAHAR n n n n zahar ichNX+ga zahar berNX+ni zahar qiladj v. remedy. vaccinate. drug poison (gun)powder medicine against X(=illness) medicine for X(=part of body) syrup prescription pharmacist. cure.t v. toxic pill adv n. chemist medicinal medecine ingredient (medicinal) herb all sorts of medicine painkiller. madness get mad madly. madman feebleness.TELBA telbalik telbalantelbalarcha DEVONA devonalik devonavor adj telba odam yarim telba n v. abnormal. remedy find a remedy for X(=illness). healer prescription medicine. vaccination. shot DAVO bedavo davoladavolovchi davolanSHIFO shifokor RETSEPT DORI n NX+ga davo topdavo berdavo oladj v. curing.t davolash n v. crazy. cure. adj n adv kasal ko'r- crazy. toxic poisonous.t emlash zaharli zaharlazaharlanOG'U og'uli TABLETKA EMLA- 104 . medicine find a remedy. a cure for X(=illness) give medicine take medicine incurable treat. crudely and rashly feeble. spoil X(=food) poisonous. treat (a patient) injection. anesthetic sedative sleeping pill vitamin aspirin antibiotics poison take poison poison X(=person) poison X. cure X doctor. madness madly conduct a medical consultation cure. senseless madman a little touched crude and rash action. heal treatment healer be treated. clinic first-aide post. healer dentist doctor occulist veterinarian dentist doctor doctor surgeon surgery surgeon surgery nurse medical orderly sanitation hospital (poly)clinic dispensary. pharmacy pharmacy pharmacist.igna berUKOL n ukol qilqon quyish SHPRITS RENTGEN RENTGENOGRAMMA PARHEZ n n rentgendan o'tn n parhez tutparhez qilsanitariya salfyetka PREZERVATIV KONTRASEPSIYA OPERATSIYA n n n operatsiya qiloperatsiya qildirn n n n. medical doctor (traditional medicine) medical work. medicine medical medicine doctor. adj n n adj n n tish shifokori n ko'z doktori mol doktori tish doktori n n n n n n n n n n n n meditsina punkti TUG'RUQXONA dorixona APTEKA aptekachi n n n n give an injection injection give an injection transfusion syringe X-rays be X-rayed radiograph avoidance of food. diet diet diet sanitary towel condom contraception operation operate have an operation bandage fillings crown medicine. clinic maternity home/clinic chemist's. chemist BINT PLOMBA KORONKA MEDITSINA TABIB tabiblik TIBBIY tibbiyot shifokor DOKTOR HAKIM VRACH JARROH jarrohlik XIRURG xirurgiya HAMSHIRA SANITAR sanitariya kasalxona POLIKLINIKA / KLINIKA shifoxona 105 . tez tibbiy yordam tez yordam tez yordam mashinasi tibbiy sug'urta emergency medical service first aid ambulance medical insurance 106 . watch X.Perception and Cognition Perception SEZv. watch examine notice be visible. meet observe. appear. point X out to Y.t | N(gani)X+ni ~ o'z+ini yaxshi sezo'z+ini yomon sezv. consciousness conscious consciousness unconscious see X examine. attentive. faint regain consciousness unconscious lose consciousness unconscious lose consciousness vigilant. dream consciousness lose consciousness.t | N(gani)X+ni ~ ko'rib turko'rib chiqko'rib qolv. watchful lose consciousness mind. sensation. have a feeling that X notice X. faint lose consciousness.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. demonstrate indicate X to Y. take care of X depend on | NX+ga ~ feel that X.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ NX+ni NY+ga ~+ib berv. feeling sensitive (l/f) insensitive (l/f) feelings feeling thought. relate to X. gaze at X look out for X look after X. emerge be visible show X to Y show X to Y. watch X sezilsezgi sezuvchan sezuvchanlik sezgir sezgirlik HIS HISSI TUYG'U tuyg'uli tuyg'usiz hushsiz hushsizlanbehush HUSHYOR ko'rinko'rgazko'rsatQARA- NX+ga qarab boqNX+ga qarab tur- 107 .int adj behush bo'ladj o'z+idan ketONG ongli onglilik ongsiz KO'Rn adj n adj v. perceived by X sense (for perception) sensitive sensitiveness sensitive sensitiveness feeling (perception. sensation. perceive X feel good feel bad be felt. point X out to Y look at X. ko'zga ko'rinv. look at | NX+ga ~ n adj n adj n n (o'z+ini) AX his qiladj n adj adj his-tuyg'u KECHINMA HUSH n n hush+idan kethush+idan ketib qolhush+iga keladj v. pertain to X have a look to X observe X. impression) feel X perceptual sense perception. smell smell (X emanate an odour) smell. watch X. fragrance. get putrid stinky.t NX+ga ko'z tashlaNX+ga ko'z tushNX+ni ko'zdan kechir- BOQMO'RALAKUZATkuzatuvchi tikilKO'R ko'rlik ESHITeshitileshituvchi TINGLAKAR karlik GARANG garanglik HID v. watch X.t | N(gani)X+ni ~ v. evil-smelling evil smell n v. gaze at X take care of X. examine look at X. get putrid get rotten. stench PAYQA- v. view glance at X glance at X notice be noticed by X notice. adj kar qiln adj n n NX+ning ~+i kelNX+ning ~+i taratNX+ning ~+i sezadj adj v.t n. look at X observe. look opinion. aromatic fragrance perfume. odorous | NX+ga ~ ko'z+i o'tkir n. smell get rotten. scent (X) smell (X emanate an odour) (X) smell (X emanate an odour) smell X (perceive an odour) scented. adj ko'r qiln v.t n NX+ning ~+i kelv. survey observer stare at X sharp-eyed blind blind blindness hear X listen to be heard listener listen to deaf deafen deafness deaf deafness smell.t n adj xushbo'y hid n | NX+ga ~ v. odourless smell (perceive an odour) scent.NAZAR n NX+ga ~ solNX+ga ~ tashlaNX+ga nazar tushNX+ning nazar+iga tush- glance.t n v. watch. odour. scent sasib qoladj sassiq hid n hidli hidsiz hidlaIS ISKABO'Y xushbo'y ATIR SASISASSIQ sassiqlik 108 . have a look on X glance at X look through. observe examine X. sniff at scent. bring up X peep at X. smell | NX+ga ~ v. OG'RIog'ritog'riq og'riqsiz ZIRQIRAzirqiratDARD dardli hamdard AZOB v. distressful suffering. be sore. soreness pain in X(=part of body). ache. ache X(=part of body) hurt. suffering suffer torture. ache X(=part of body) | NX+i ~ v. hardships. torment suffer from torment suffering. ill-treat toilsome. distress painful. be sore.t v. in hardships in suffering. ache painless be n uqubat ichida uqubat ostida azob-uqubat azob-uqubat tortazob-uqubat chekazob-uqubatli be painful. torment torture. hard azoblaazoblanUQUBAT AZIYAT QIYNAqiynalqiynoq JAFO n aziyat chekv. torment suffer torture. distressing sympathetic towards X suffering suffer suffer torture X cause suffering. | NX+dan ~ n n jafo tortNX+ga ~ ko'rsatNX+ga jafo et-/qiladj jafoli 109 .int v.t n n | NX ~+i NX+ida ~ bor adj v. ache cause to be painful pain.t n adj adj | NX+ga ~ n azob tortazob chekNX+ga ~ berv. torment of X harassment. hardship. distress suffer suffer making suffer. torment suffer harass. | NX+i ~ v. in hardships sufferings. hardship in suffering. X ache X(=part of body) hurt. hurt.t v. pain. hurt. v. ill-treat torture. ache cause to be painful suffering. trouble. smart. wise intelligence. astuteness sly. witty. cleverness intellectual intelligent. marrow brain. wise wise. sensible.Mind ONG IDROK idrokli idroksiz MIYA n n idrok qiladj adj n miya+si qotTAMIZ betamiz ZEHN zehnli zehniy AQL n adj n adj adj n aql+i kam aql+i adashaql+i ozaql+ini yo'qotib qo'yadj n adj adj adj n aql-idrok ESLI ZAKOVAT zakovatli DONO donolik DONISHMAND donishmandlik HIKMAT hikmatli behikmat FAHM fahmli befahm fahmlaKALTAFAHM kaltafahmlik uquv uquvli FAROSAT farosatli O'TKIR ZIYRAK ziyraklik MUG'OMBIR mug'ombirlik hiylagar adj n adj adj n n n n adj adj n adj adj v. wise intelligence (in action). cunning aqlli aqllilik aqliy boaql aqlsiz aqlsizlik 110 . wise stupid. consciousness intelligence. intelligence intelligent. silliness mind. cunning use cunning. sapience wise (of words) without wisdom sharpness. ability talented. foolish get muddled go out of one's mind lose one's reason intelligent. sagacity wise man wisdom. learned. intellect clever. astute shrewdness. intelligent ingenuity. learning wisdom. mind stupid. shrewd keen. bright intellectual intelligence. alert shrewd. grasp stupid.t adj n n adj n adj adj adj n adj n mug'ombirlik qiladj mind. stupid mind. clever. sagacious wisdom. reason perceive sensible. stupid understand. sensibleness sharp. simple. sense. penetration wise. silly stupidity. cunning sliness. mind be at a loss mind. quick-witted silly. reason silly. clever. learning. shrewdness. intelligent unreasonable brain. wisdom intelligent. limited stupidity understanding. simple. pretend sly. vulgarity memory mind keep in mind. stupid foolishly. record memory keep in mind. bear in mind memorize remind (about) remember do not remember remember. smart.t eslab qolv.t yodlab oladv n clever.t eslatib otn n yod+ida tutyod+ida saqlayod olyod bilyod+iga tushyod+iga kelyod+idan chiqyod qilv. skilful. foolish (action. smartness. nimbleness quick. bear in mind keep in mind. come to mind remember. dexterity. foolish stupidity. stupidness. ingenious cleverness. bastard foolish. deftness quick(ly). deft. ingenuity skilful. efficiency. come to mind forget forget to X lose one's head keepsake. memento remember. effectiveness quick. deft skill. deft.epchil epchillik ABJIR abjirlik CHAQQON chaqqonlik tezkor tezkorlik serharakat DAHO GENIY GENIAL AHMOQ ahmoqlik ahmoqona TENTAK tentaklik ABLAH ablahlarcha BEHUDA QO'POL qo'pollik ES adj n adj n ad n adj n adj n n adj adj n adj adj n n adj adv ad adj n n es+ida tutes+ida saqlaesga olib qo'yes+iga soles+ida bor es+ida yo'q es+iga tushes+iga kel(di)es+idan chiq(ar)esdan chiqarib VX es+i ketn v. come to mind remember. effective quickness. bear in mind learn by heart know by heart remember. nimble quickness. stupid. souvenir esdalik eslaeslateslatma YOD yodlayodaki yodgor / yodgorlik 111 . foolish silliness. come to mind forget learn by heart memorize learn by heart by heart keepsake. bear in mind memorize remind mention notes. foolishness scoundrel. foolishness stupid. vulgar coarseness. bear in mind keep in mind. dexterous. smart genious genious of genious stupid. stupidly foolish(ly) coarse. recall. words) silly. deftness. efficient. thinking think of. recollection remember (about) X memory (as a capacity) in memory of X remember memorize memorize remember. mark. have nightmares nightmare imagination. abstract write down. find out think about think over meditate consider together pensive. utopic dreamer dreamy. dream imagine.t o'ylab topo'ylab ko'ro'ylab qo' unutilmas adj n n n tush ko'rNX tush+iga kirv. record note down. thoughtful QAYD KONSPEKT YOZUNUTunutilunutuvchan unutuvchanlik KECHINMA TUSH n qayd et-/qiln yozib qo'yv. inattentive absent-mindedness. consider.ZIKR XOTIRA n NX+da zikr qiln NX+ning ~+si uchun xotira+sida xotira+si tutxotira+si saqlaxotira+siga kelxotira+sidan chiqNX+ni xotira+sidan chiqarnazarda tutko'zda tut- v. consider the interest of anticipate notation. come to mind forget forget X keep in mind. note down forget be forgotten unforgettable bosinqirash n xayol+ida xayol+iga keltirshirin xayol xayol qilxayol surxom xayol adj n adj n n NX+ni tasavvur et-/qiln v.t v. dream adj BOSINQIRAXAYOL xayoliy xayolparast xayolchan xayolkash TASAVVUR O'Y o'yla- o'ylano'ylasho'ychan 112 . consider. inattention feeling thought. have an idea about X thought. thoughtful dreamer imagination imagine. take into account keep in mind. remember fond dream. idle fancy. have in mind guess. view memory in my thoughts imagine. wild dream imaginary. dream thought. dream dream dream dream about X rave. fantasy. register notes. fantasy imagine. summary. make an assumption hypothetical as a supposition hypothesis proof get proved prove prove prove proof. reflect exchange points of view thought.t thought. assume supposition. assume that X suppose. concept theoretical theory theorician practical practice abstract concrete(ly) subjective objective logic logical logical logic basis. suppose do X tentatively. opinion in X's tusmollab VX n VX+ishini taxmin qilv. basis for X estimation. ground reason for X. reflection notion.t n xulosa chiqarxulosa qilv. summarize conclude.t isbotlab bern NX+ga ~ bor NX+ga ~ ko'rsatNX+ga ~ keltiradj adj v. at random supposition. idea think n n adj n n adj n adj ad adj adj n adj adj n n n | NX+ga ~ n chama+sida v. v. reckoning. view about X think think.t n v. guess. reflect on X opinion. supposition guess. hypothesis suppose X. evidence there is a proof to X prove X prove X proved unproved prove conclusion. summarize dalilli dalilsiz dalillaXULOSA xulosala- 113 . result draw a conclusion from conclude.FIKR fikrlafikrlashTAFAKKUR tushuncha nazariy nazariya nazariyachi amaliy amaliyot MAVHUM KONKRET SUBYEKTIV OBYEKTIV MANTIQ mantiqiy LOGIK logika ASOS CHAMA chamalaTUSMOL tusmollaTAXMIN taxminlaFARAZ faraziy farazan GIPOTEZA ISBOT isbotlaDALIL n NX ustida ~ yuritn | NX haqida / to'g'risida ~ fikr qilv. in Xs opinion estimate.t n CX deb faraz qiladj adv n n isbot bo'lisbot et-/qilv. assumption suppose. guess guess. disclose uncover.t adj adv ochilish adj adj | NX+ga ~ oshkora bo'loshkora qiln fosh qilfosh qilinNX+ni ko'zdan kechir- secret.SIR sirli YASHIRyashirinyashirin yashirincha g'oyibona YOPMAXFIY o'g'rincha BEKINBEKITIZLAizlanizlanish QIDIRAXTARTINTItintuv TOP- n sir saqlasir ochsir-siroat adj v. secretly cover up. overt evident. reveal a secret secrets secret.t v. search for (esp. lock hide look for. made public reveal. make public publicity reveal. exposed.t ochib yuborv. | NX+dan ~ | NX+ga ~ v. come out discovery open. look at look out for X observe. earn.t v. conceal hide. find (search and) find (search and) find be found. hide clandestine. disclose.t qidirib topizlab n v. disclose be disclosed. earned find discovery. discover. discover. clear to X be n n kashf et-/qiln v. invention open uncover. survey observer topiltopildiq KASHF kashfiyot OCHochilOSHKORA oshkoralik KO'RQARAKUZATkuzatuvchi v.t n tintuv qilv. detect gain. invent discovery. mystery keep a secret disclose. mysterious hide. secretly. watch.t qidirish v. discovered.t adj adv adv v. seek research look for. disclosed look through. examine examine. covertly hide from X shut. search for search search search. secret stealthily. go through find. consider. disclosed.t v.t n 114 . invention discover. sth lost) be searched for research look for. disclose be revealed. take refuge secret secretly being invisible. get think.t v. question raise a problem (mathematics) problem enigma. inspection examine. investigate be examined.TEKSHIRtekshirish tekshiriltekshiruvchi TERGAtergov SURISHTIRSINAsinalsinov TAJRIBA v. sinalgan n sinovdan o'tkazn NX ustida ~ tajriba qil- examine.t 115 . investigation inquire.t | NX+ni NY bilan ~ NX+ni (bir-birlari bilan) ~ n tahlil qil-/etn masala qo'yn n adj n n adj hal bo'lhal qil-/etv. problem riddle sided. investigator question. examined reliable. research. examined n v.t | NX+ni NY bilan ~ adj v. trace. test on X experiment. test test. check. cross-examine try.t | NX+larni bir-biriga ~ v. experiment experiment.t n | NX bilan NY orasida ~ NX+ni bir-biridan farq qilv. clear up clarify.t n tergov v. test. verify examination. tested.t n haqiqat qilv. tester. cross-examine inquiry. investigated inspector.t v. confuse X analysis analyze problem. sidedly be solved. experiment. settled solve. confuse X with Y mix up X (with each other). experiment. investigate check. test be tried. examine try. experienced trial.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. investigate. clear up SOLISHTIRsolishtirma CHOG'ISHTIRTAQQOSLAQIYOS qiyosiy qiyoslaFARQ farqlaQORISHqorishtirTAHLIL MASALA MISOL MUAMMO muammoli JUMBOQ topishmoq tomonlama HAL YECHyechim haqiqatla- v. test experience experiment. mingle mix X with Y.t v. test compare X with Y comparative compare X with Y compare Xs with each other compare X with Y compare Xs with each other comparison compare X with Y comparative compare differences between X and Y distinguish Xs from each other distinguish mix together. examination. investigate investigate. problem enigmatic enigma.t sinab ko'rv.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ NX+larni bir-biriga ~+b ko'rn NX+ni NY+ga qiyos et-/qiladj v. settle resolve (problems) solution elucidate.t tekshirib ko'rn tekshirish qilv. check research. t v. grasp understand make understand.t n v.t n adj adj n v.oydinlashoydinlashtir/ oydinlatTUSHUNtushuntirtushuncha tushunarli tushunarsiz tushunmovchilik ANGLAanglashilmovchilik fahmlaUQuqtiruquv AQL CHALG'Ichalg'itBASHORAT v. illustrate notion.t v. explain understanding. prophecy 116 . grasp explain. comprehension easy to understand incomprehensible misunderstanding understand misunderstanding understand. anticipate prediction.t n aql+i adashv. concept understanding. resolve understand.t oldindan sezn get explained.t v. get clear make clear. lose the train of thought muddle up sense. ability get muddled get muddled. foresee.t v. expound. data well-educated.t v. famous for X learn by heart recite know by heart learn by heart ignorance remain in ignorance ignorance unknown to X. inform Y of X express X to Y secretly educated. unrefined ignorance. lack of refinement experiment. learning.t | (NX+dan) ~ tanishga o'xshan tanishlar adj | NX+ga ~ adj v. unfamiliar be known be recognized unknown get acquainted with X well-known.Knowledge BILv. news. fool ignorance out of ignorance ignorant. education learned ignorant ignorance of great learning known to certain (known but not specified) (X) know that Y inform Y of X.t VX+ishni ~ VX+ganini ~ bilmay / bilmasdan bilar-bilmas bilish bilish+icha n v. be known make X known to Y. comprehend know how to X know that X unknowingly without being sure. hastily know-how to one's knowledge ignorance reveal itself. tanilmagan v. education | NX bilan ~ adj | NX bilan ~ yod qilyod(dan) aytyod(dan) bilyodlab oln g'aflatda qoln adj | NX+ga ~ adj n adv adj n n adj adj know.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ bildirmasdan n n adj adj n adj adj | NX+ga ~ NX+ga ~ ki CY NX+ni NY+ga ma'lum qiln adj adj adj v. alien to X v. test experience experienced inexperienced bilmaslik bilinbildirbilarmon bilim bilimli bilimsiz bilimsizlik bilimdon MA'LUM ma'lumot ma'lumotli ma'lumotsiz noma'lum TANItanish notanish taniltanishtaniqli yodlaG'AFLAT JAHOLAT YOT NODON nodonlik nodonlarcha JOHIL johillik TAJRIBA tajribali tajribasiz 117 . make X known to Y knowledge. well-read without much learning unknown know. skilled knowledge. be acquainted with recognize (from X) look/sound familiar acquaintance acquaintances familiar with X unknown. prestige famous. experienced experienced. exact(ly) definite(ly). absolute(ly) clarity precision unclear imprecise. well-known become famous become famous | NX+ga ~ v. prestigious fame. glory fame. certain fixed. definite(ly). obvious. inevitable(y) definite.t adj ad turgan gap adj adj n tested. of course possible (Y) be possible for X (whose existence is) possible possibility impossible possibility possibility. strong review. imprecise. well-known fame. clear up. prepare famous. muddle-headed | N(gani)X+ga ~ chamasi CX adv | CX ~ adj | VX+sa ~ ad n adj adj n v. vague unclear. (good) reputation dishonour(able). imprecision vagueness clarify. vague untidy. adj adv adj adj | NX VY+ishi ~ bo'lishi mumkin (bo'lgan) n adj n n adj ad n har ehtimolga qarshi n v.sinalPISHpishiq pishiqlaMASHHUR SHUHRAT OTOQLI sinalgan v. glory famous. distinct certain(ly). examined reliable. obvious(ly) precise(ly). perhaps clear(ly). might. possibility just in case probability be like X. opportunity impossible probable(ly). possible(ly) adj v. experienced get mature. (with) bad reputation certainly. resemble X it seems/looks as if X it seems that X apparently X. make sure clear. vagueness untidiness DONG dongdor DOVRUQ OVOZA badnom ALBATTA MUMKIN mumkinlik nomumkin IMKON imkoniyat imkonsiz EHTIMOL ehtimollik O'XSHACHAMA SHEKILLI KERAK ANIQ aniqlik aniqsiz noaniq noaniqlik aniqlaYAQQOL MUQARRAR TAYIN betayin betayinlik 118 . imprecise vague obscurity. it seems/looks as if X probably. arranged unclear. definitely.t adj n adj NX+ning ot+i chiqnom chiqarn adj n n n. determined. accurate regulate. mistake. false correct. fault wrong. stress indeterminate. erroneous make a mistake n v. put right truth. X? error. tune.t v. indeed to tell the truth in truth. faulse without error / mistake. sincere. reality in truth. workable really. vague. maybe | NX+dan ~ v. incorrect. correct. evidence state a fact. appropriate true(ly). doubt (about people) (X) be suspicious of Y suspect X. it is necessary to X rightness.t n haqli bo'lhaqli emas n haqiqatdan haqiqatdan aytganda adv adv adj adj ad rostini aytganda rostmi? rost! adv n rost gap adj adv | ~ CX? n adj xato qiln adj adj clear(ly). suspicion dubious. reality right(s) be right be wrong truth.RAVSHAN ravshanlanTA'KID ta'kidlaMUJMAL mujmallik BALKI / BALKIM SHUBHA shubhali shubhasiz shubhalashubhalanshubhalantirGUMON dargumon gumondor gumonsiraTO'G'RI ad v. faultless without error / mistake. suspicious (facts. factual to tell the truth really? really! really. no doubt | NX+dan ~ adj to'ppa-to'g'ri N(ish)X+ga to'g'ri keln adj v. fair proper. correct it is suitable to X. people) beyond doubt. false. correctness wrong. put right good. reality.t adj v. indeed as a matter of fact true. dubious about X be suspicious. faultless to'g'rilik noto'g'ri to'g'rilaDURUST durustlaHAQ haqli HAQIQAT haqiqatan darhaqiqat HAQIQIY HAQQONIY ROST rostdan rostlik REAL NAHOTKI XATO xatolik xatosiz bexato 119 . regular. doubt X doubtful. people) surely. indefinite vagueness. mistake. clear-cut become clearer obviousness. real just. suspect suspicious. real(ly). make clear. upright (man or words) perfectly right. sure (facts. be suspicious about X (Y) have doubts about X suspicion. true honest.t adj n adv n adj adj adv v. correct. suspect be doubtful. indefiniteness perhaps. be doubtful about X straight right. indeed truth. facts the truth real practicable.t | NX NY+ni ~ n NY+dan NX+ning ~+i bor NX+dan gumon qiladj adj | NX+dan ~ v. faulty. t adj adj v. practice train. well-read task. usage get used to X. lessons teach be taught teacher.t v.t v. tell lies lie. education. put up with X accustom to X.t n ta'lim-tarbiya lose X(= path l/f) err. correct be mistaken about X lie. trainer. instruction education upbringing. train instructor.ADASHadashtirYANGLISH yanglishsiz YANGLISHYOLG'ON v. guidance teach X. nonsense liar untrue. tell lies pack of lies. education. read reading studies.t | N(ish)X+ga ~ | NX+dan ~ n yolg'on gapiryolg'on so'zlayolg'on-yashiq n adj n | NX+dan ~ adashib qolv. education yolg'onchi YOLG'ONDAKAM ODAT odatlanodatlantirKO'NIKko'niktirko'nikma O'RGANO'RGATMASHQ takroriy takrorlaO'QIo'qish o'qito'qitilo'qituvchi o'quv o'quvchi o'qimishlik o'qimishli mashg'ulot TA'LIM ta'limot TARBIYA tarbiyali tarbiyaviy tarbiyasiz tarbiyalatarbiyachi 120 . get used to X habit learn X. be mistaken about X get lost mislead. educate. studies teach Y to X (X) exercise. study X get used to X. educated educational. lecturer study. falsehood lie. training brought | N(ish)X+ga ~ o'rganish v. lead astray incorrect. instruct X receive education.t n v. erroneous without error.t | N(ish)X+ga ~ n | N(ish)X+ga ~ v. education. get accustomed to X. get used to X get used to X. operation studies teaching. wrong.t | N(ish)X+ga NY ~ n | NX+dan ~ mashq qilN(ish)X+ni mashq qilmashq qildiradj v. revise (lessons) read study.t | N(ish)X+ni ~ n n n n adj n n NX+ga ~ berta'lim ko'rn n adj n adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ v. training pupil learning. make a habit of X accustom to X. exercise practise X train. false habit custom. training uneducated bring up. educator training. grow accustomed to X learning. exercise revision repeat review. knowledge learned. note. training course education educationist. high school technical college institution of higher learning.t v. attend school start. raised (animals) training period. raise (animals) be brought up (children). alumna middle school. fellow student dictation lecture homework homework material(s) (physical / documents) postscript. breed. interpret commentary. directions be explained lesson. interpretation. elementary school elementary school secondary school university go to school.t n n bolalar bog'chasi n boshlang'ich maktab o'rta maktab oliy maktab maktabga bormaktabga kirn n n n bilim yurti n n n maktabdosh KOLLEJ LITSEY texnikum UNIVERSITET DORILFUNUN FAKULTET 121 . class have lessons teach X(=subject) testbook lesson (l/f) have a lesson. explanation give a commentary on. comment kindergarten school.yetishtiryetishtirilPRAKTIKA MAORIF maorifchi MA'RIFAT ma'rifatparvarlik PEDAGOG pedagogik pedagogiya v. footnote n n n n n n adj n boshlang'ich ma'lumot o'rta ma'lumot oliy ma'lumot bring up (children).int n dars olNX+dan ~ bern n saboq olsaboq bern n n uy ishi uy vazifasi MATERIAL IZOH izohot izohlaSHARH sharhlasharhlovchi ESKARTMA MAKTAB n n n NY+ga NX haqida ~ berv. comment. explain give a commentary on. enlightenment enlightening pedagogue pedagogical pedagogy primary education secondary education higher education explain. scholarship. explain commentator. expound. educator learning. give explanation explain. learn teach classmate. enter school alumnus. be bred. junior high school secondary school. commentary explain X to Y. interpreter footnote. technical college university university faculty tushuntirtushuntirilDARS darslik SABOQ saboqdosh DIKTANT LEKSIYA v. illustrate explanations.t n sharh qilv.t tushuntirish v. experiment. finish (school) diploma. lecturer student student (mainly traditional) teacher teacher (female) student student (female) post-graduate student post-graduate study professor professor. finish graduate graduate from. transport) classroom classmate classroom classroom scholarship (money).t v. degree pupil n v. examine be tried. tests) try. school year schoolmate.INSTITUT AKADEMIK AKADEMIYA tajribaxona LABORATORIYA RASADXONA OBSERVATORIYA SINF sinfdosh sinfxona o'quvxona STIPENDIYA KURS kursdosh IMTIHON n o'quv yurti n n n n n n n n n n n n n n kirish imtihonlari bitirish imtihonlari imtihon topshirimtihon berNX+dan ~ olimtihondan o'timtihondan yiqiladj kontrol ish yozma ish institute educational establishment. assessment written test pass X( | NX+dan ~ v. examined trial. test. teacher. complete graduate. complete graduate from. test finish. master imtihonsiz O'TSINAsinalsinov tugatbitirTAMOM tamomlaDIPLOM o'quvchi o'qituvchi TOLIB TALABA MUALLIM muallima STUDENT studentka ASPIRANT aspirantura PROFESSOR DOMLA v. learning institution academic academy laboratory laboratory observatory observatory class (social. finish (school) finish.t n n n n n n n n n n n n n 122 . examination.t v. experiment. fellow student examination entrance examinations graduation examinations take an examination take an examination examine X(=student) pass an exam fail one's exam without examination test. school. tested. grant course.t n tamom qilv. finish school end. learning having great learning scientific. masterly unskilled qualifications qualified. skilled intellectual 123 . specialist in X expertise literacy literate illiterate illiteracy literate man semi-literate learned man. masterly. masterfully. mastery. survey researcher technical technician. art. trade | NX+da ~ n | NX bo'yicha ~ n n adj adj n n n n n adj n adj adj ilmiy xodim ilmiy izlanish adj adj ilm-fan n tadqiq qil-/etn n adj n n n n n adj adj n adv n adj adj n adj adj. skilled in X mastery. research worker scientific research uneducated craving for knowledge sciences research. handicraft. study. talent skilled skilful. skill technology engineering craft. study. technology technique. academic scientific worker. investigate research. technical ability highly skilled. master worker expert in X. clever skill skilfully.MURABBIY murabbiya USTOZ ustozlik SHOGIRD shogirdlik USTA ustalik IXTISOS ixtisosli ixtisoslanMUTAXASSIS mutaxassislik SAVOD savodli savodsiz savodsizlik savodxon CHALASAVOD MULLA FAN fanniy ILM ilmli ilmiy ilmsiz ilmparvar TADQIQ tadqiqot tadqiqotchi TEXNIK texnika TEXNOLOGIYA injenerlik HUNAR hunarli MOHIR mohirlik mohirona MAHORAT mahoratli mahoratsiz MALAKA malakali ZIYOLI n n n NY+ga NX+da ~ qiln n n adj | NX+ga ~ n n ixtisos oladj v. analysis research. mechanic technique. cleverly skill. skills speciality specialize specialized specialize in X expert. n tutor governess tutor. literate man science scientific science. profession. teacher be Y's teacher in X apprentice apprenticeship foreman. intellect scholar. erudition researcher. field branch. scientist scholarship. scientist (female) scholar.MUTAFAKKIR mutafakkirlik OLIM olima olimlik izlanuvchi DOKTOR HAKIM DISSERTATSIYA ENSIKLOPEDIK ENSIKLOPEDIYA QOMUS SOHA TARMOQ FALSAFA FAYLASUF tabiatshunos tabiatshunoslik tabiiyot MATEMATIK matematika GEOMETRIYA ALGEBRA FIZIK FIZIKA XIMIK XIMIYA KIMYO kimyoviy kimyogar FALAKIYOT falakiyotchi ASTRONOM astronomik astronomiya GEOLOG geologik geologiya BIOLOG biologik biologiya BOTANIK botanika hayvonotshunos hayvonotshunoslik ZOOLOG zoologik zoologiya n n n n n n n n n adj n n n n n n n n n n adj n n n n adj n n adj n n adj n n n n adj n n adj n n adj n n adj n n n n adj n thinker. domain philosophy philosopher naturalist natural science natural science mathematician mathematical mathematics geometry algebra physicist physical physics chemist chemical chemistry chemistry chemical chemist (Middle Ages) astronomy (Middle Ages) astronom astronom astronomic(al) astronomy geologist geological geology biologist biological biology botanist botanical botany zoologist zoology zoologist zoological zoology 124 . dictionary domain. intellectual wisdom. research worker doctor doctor thesis encyclopaedic encyclopaedia encyclopaedia. MEDITSINA TIBBIY tibbiyot ANTROPOLOG antropologiya PSIXOLOG psixologik psixologiya SOTSIOLOG sotsiologik sotsiologiya tilshunos tilshunoslik TARIX tarixchi tarixshunos ARXEOLOG arxeologik arxeologiya JUG'ROFIY jug'rofiya jug'rofiyashunos GEOGRAF geografik geografiya sharqshunos sharqshunoslik EKONOMIK ekonomika EKONOMIST n. adj adj tibbiy ilm tibbiy olim n ijtimoiy fanlar n n n adj n n adj n n n n n n n adj n adj n n n adj n n n adj n n iqtisod fani siyosiy fanlar medicine. medical medical medical science medical scientist medicine social sciences anthropologist anthropology psychologist psychological psychology sociologist sociologic sociology linguist linguistics history historian historian archeologist archeological archeology geographic geography geographer geographer geographic geography orientalist orientalism economic economics economist economics political science 125 . consider. believe that X consider X to be Y. imagine.t | CX deb ~ v. regard X as Y think.t n N(ish)X+ga ko'z+i yetoldindan ko'rISHONishontirishonarli ishonch ishonchli ishonchsiz INONinontirv. idea opinion. imagine. consideration consider sensible. view in one's opinion point of view. believe X to be Y expect be expected surprise see through that X. sure (positive) belief.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ adj n | NX+ga ~ NX+ga ~+i komil bo'ladj adj v. point of view. categorical(ly) think. regard X as Y think. imagine. anticipate believe in X trust X belief. find at last X. believe X to be Y consider X to be Y. look | NX+ga | NX ~ CX deb o'ylaNX+ni NY deb o'ylaNX+ni NY deb bilv. sane unreasonable glance. view about X in one's opinion exchange points of view exchange points of view reflection. consider that X at last X.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ definitely definite(ly). reliable not trustworthy. expect X foresee.Meaning and Spirit Opinion FIKR n n | NX haqida / to'g'risida ~ fikr+icha fikr n mulohaza qiladj adj n nazar+ida nuqtai nazar NX+ni nazar+iga ilma(ko'z) qarash DUNYOQARASH qaraganda KO'RA n post | NX+ga ~ post | N(ish)X+ga ~ post | NX+dan ~ qat'iyan TOPSANAhisoblahisoblano'ylaadv uzil-kesil v. confidence in X be certain of X trustworthy. faith convince X of Y | N(ish)X+ga~ v. opinion world outlook according to X in accordance with X. consider that X be considered as X think. consideration | NX+ga ~ ishonish v.t CX deb ~ v. according to X. because of X in comparison with X fikrlashMULOHAZA mulohazali mulohazasiz NAZAR BILKUTkutilkutilmaganlik 126 . unreliable believe in X convince X of Y thought. opinion don't consider X worth oneself outlook. int v. participate to X agree to X. be convinced of X faithful. approve of dispute. questionable debatable. contend divergence. recognize value.E'TIQOD e'tiqodli qo'shilkelishkelishtirkelishuv kelishuvchilik kelishmovchilik KO'Nko'ndirMAYL ROZI MA'QUL n | NX+ga ~ NX+ga ~+i bor adj v. worth valuable.t bahola- 127 . discord agree with X agree to X(=opinion) persuade. contentious unanimous unanimity unanimously unanimously acknowledge. questionable discuss. n adj adj n yakdillik bilan bir og'izdan e'tirof et-/qil- faith in X. value honour. make reach an agreement agreement compromise disagreement. debate. debate. discord divergent.t qadr-qiymat n NX+ga (AY) ~ berNX+dan (AY) ~ olv. convince of X be won over Y win over X pleased. mark evaluate X (as Y) get a (Y) evaluation. valueless gain in value be worth X worthless worth. receive a (Y) mark in X fix the price evaluate ma'qullaMUNOZARA munozarali munozarasiz munozaralashIXTILOF ixtilofli YAKDIL yakdillik QIMMAT qimmatli qimmatsiz qimmatlanARZIQADR qadrsiz qadrlaBAHO n adj adj | NX+ga ~ v. satisfied with X agree to X agreeable. conviction have faith in X. evaluation. worth grade. reach an agreement on X reconcile. reasonable. admit. suitable agree | NX+ga ~ v.t n n n NX+ning gap+iga kirv. suitable pleasable agree with X find reasonable. value | N(ish)X+ga ~ arzimagan n adj v. controversy | NX+ga ~ v. precious worthless.t | N(ish)X+ga ~ mayl bo'lNX+ni NY+ga mayl et-/qiladj | NX+dan ~ adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ (bo'l-) adj NX+ga ~ bo'lma'qul topv. convinced join X.t n munozara qiladj adj v. value highly. contend debatable. support X come together agree. valueless v. prize value price. value. nice.YARAyaroqli yaroqsiz qoniqarli qoniqarsiz YAXSHI v. well. correct. of high quality wonderful. of no | NX+ga ~ yaramas adj | NX+ga ~ adj adj ad ad yaxshi bo'lVX+gani ~ bo'lyaxshisi yaxshi! n v. useless satisfactory unsatisfactory(ly) good. premature advanced. evil get worse yaxshilik yaxshilayaxshilab yaxshilanSOZ DURUST TUZUK tuzuklik tuzuklaA'LO a'lochi MUMTOZ AJIB AJOYIB SOG'LOM SHINAM SIFAT sifatli sifatsiz MUKAMMAL mukammallik mukammallashtirKAMOLOT / KAMOL CHALA ILG'OR USTUN ustunlik AFZAL afzallik ortiqlik YOMON yomonlash- adj adj n adj | (yuqori) ~ adj adj n v. cozy. accurate correct. regular. kind improve X come at the right moment it would be best very well!. adj adj adj tuppa-tuzuk n 128 . incomplete immature. pleasant. marvellous wonderful. useful for X unsuitable. poor quality perfect. exquisite good. nice quality high grade. good. leading. wonderfully good. high flier of high standard. nice absolutely correct correctness. useless well-suited. great charming do X admirably. wicked. pleasantness correct excellent of high level in quality of high level in quality very good element. suitable. perfection attain perfection in X unfinished. at a high level improve excellent.t adj a'lo darajada(gi) a'lo darajali n adj adj adj NX+ni qoyil qil- be fit for X. advantage bad(ly) bad. high quality low grade. sound comfortable. good! good improve very well. fair proper. be appropriate for X of no use. complete perfection perfect maturity. suit X.t n NX+da kamolga yetadj adj adj NX+dan ~ keln adj | NX+dan ~ n n ad v. fine. outstanding superior surpass X superiority better than X superiority superiority. marvellous.t adv v. right!. trouble faulty. matchless positive. weakness. frightning. tremendous. poor. appropriate justice. main majesty. fit X. prettiness get more beautiful. inappropriate appropriate. defective. good-looking 129 . fearsome incomparable. attractive beautify. pretty.PAST yaramas AYNIdarajali kamchilik ILLAT illatli illatsiz NUQSON nuqsonli O'RTA o'rtachilik O'RTAMIYONA ULUG' ulug'laulug'vor BUYUK YIRIK SHOH HAYBAT haybatli bahaybat beqiyos IJOBIY SALBIY MUNOSIB MUVOFIQ muvofiqlik LOYIQ BOP nobop o'rinli o'rinsiz HAQQONIY haqqoniyat haqqoniyatsizlik GO'ZAL go'zallik go'zallashgo'zallashtirCHIROY chiroyli adj adj v.t n chiroy+iga chiroy qo'shiladj low poor. frightening. suitable for X. justified unappropriate. v. venerate imposing. make more attractive beauty grow more attractive beautiful handsome. bad improper. mediocre worsen. reasonable. affirmative negative it is suitable to X. grand prominent outstanding. weak without defect defect defective centre. middle. deserving X find suitable for X suitable. awe-inspiring formidable. majestic great. reasonable suitability suitable for X. adj | NX/AX ~ n n adj adj n adj n.t adj adj adj adj n adj adj adj adj adj N(ish)X+ga to'g'ri keladj | N(ish)X+ga ~ (bo'l-) adj | NX+ga ~ n adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ (bo'l-) N(ish)X+ga ~ ko'radj adj adj adj adj n n adj n v. poor great. pretty. central mediocrity mediocre. get worse. huge formidable. appropriateness inappropriateness beautiful. matching X suitable for X. fearsome colossal. famous glorify. it is necessary to X (be) relevant to X. shortcoming defect. harm. appropriate unsuitable. attractive beauty. arbitrary just. go bad up to X's standard default. adj n adj adj v. legitimacy. greatness majestic. charming beautiful. critical critical situation seriousness. comely prettiness. main. comeliness pretty. attractive. unimportant secondary serious. weighty v. unattractive ugly. undue 130 . lavishness adj haddan tashqari beauty. nice. splendour. pretty beautiful woman. beauty pretty. important insignificant. charm beautiful. importance attach importance to X it does not matter significant. unattractive ugliness. unattractiveness basic. earnest serious. principal important import importance significance. lavish ugly ugliness ugly. handsome pretty. handsome magnificence. grave. sumptuous.KO'RK ko'rkam ko'rkamlik ko'rkamlashko'rkamlashtirHUSN husndor SULUK JONON BARNO barnolik ko'rinishli HASHAMAT hashamatli XUNUK xunuklik ko'rimsiz badbashara badbasharalik asosiy MUHIM muhimlik AHAMIYAT ahamiyatli ahamiyatsiz JIDDIY jiddiylik jiddiylashOG'IR HAD (had+di) n adj n v.t n adj adj n adj n adj yaxshi ko'rinishli n adj n adj adj adj n adj adj muhim bo'ln n N(ish)X+ga ~ berahamiyati yo'q adj adj ikkinchi orindagi adj jiddiy ahvol n v. splendid. fundamental. handsome beauty embellish beautify beauty. gravity get serious heavy. grave excessive. charm beautiful. sense figurative meaning literate meaning meaningful. grumpy nonsense. concerning X concerning X. not signalized designate. subject title. devoid of content nonsense. talk non-sense.t n adj quruq gap quruq so'z telba-teskari gap BEHUDA ad behuda gaplar behuda so'z BEKOR SAFSATA safsataboz VAYSAvaysaqi adj. absurdity nonsense.s. nonsense useless. emptiness nonsense twaddle. empty words rubbish. nonsensical foolish(ly) nonsense. related to n maza-bemaza gap sotIFODA ifodali ifodasiz ifodalaifodalann ifoda qil-/etadj adj v. adj bu nima degan gap? bu nima degani? anglatMAZMUN quruq v. regarding X about X.t meaning.t v. rubbish talk nonsense expression express expressive inexpressive express express o. signalized unmarked. gossip prattle. about X about X subject theme. interesting meaningless. absurdity useless(ness). signify define. empty. synonymous what does it mean? what does it mean? signify sense empty. regarding X about X. n n n n v. of no significance synonym. about X. mark mark marked.Meaning MA'NO ma'noli ma'nosiz ma'nodosh n ko'chma ma'no to'g'ri ma'no adj adj n. heading mention sign. grumble prattler. fix 131 . empty words nonsense. idle talk post | NX to'g'risida NX to'g'risidagi HAQ DOIR UST MAVZU TEMA SARLAVHA eslatBELGI belgili belgisiz belgilaNX haq+ida post | NX+ga ~ NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga n n n eslatib otn belgi qo'yadj adj v. speech matter. emblematic symbol symbolic signal. adj gap-so'z n | NX bilan ~ v. speech. hint make a sign. mark signal. speak speak X(=language) speak in X(=language) speak in a loud voice speak in a low voice talk together talk together. utterance. signal. gossip ko'rsatko'rsatkich KOD INDEKS GAP gapir- gapirishgaplashgapdon gapdonlik SO'Z so'zsiz so'zlaso'zlanso'zlashso'zlashuv LAFZ BIDIRLAsergap 132 . point X out to Y. decoration mark mark mark down sign. gossip prattler.t n imo qilimo-ishora | bir-biri bilan ~ v.t nishonlab qo'yn n adj n adj n ishora qilv. speak with X talk in X(=language) smooth talker. demonstrate indication n. mark. talk tell. speak to each other. signals show X to | NX+da ~ adj n n NX+ga ~ berso'z olso'zga chiqadj v. emblem symbolic. conversation. n v.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ ko'rsatish n ko'z qisn n n gapga usta v. sign target distinction.NISHON nishona nishonlaALOMAT RAMZ ramziy SIMVOL simvolik ISHORA / ISHORAT ishoralaIMO n n v. affair (to talk about) eloquent talk. secret signal make a | NX tilida ~ baland ovoz bilan gapirpast ovoz bilan gapirv. chatter. omen symbol symbol. narrate talk to o. eloquent eloquence word words.t v. language. talk together speech. promise let X speak take the floor take the floor without saying anything speak. promise v. statement word.s. signal signs. signpost wink code index | NX+cha ~ v. hint signal. spoken words words. OG'IZ (og'z+i) OG'ZAKI DE- meas adj adj v.t | NY+ga CX ~ demak(ki) CX some (of words) oral oral say X to Y, tell Y X, ask Y to X (X in direct speech, esp. imperative) that is to say X whisper whisper whisper mumbling, muttering without saying anything do not talk, be silent, be quiet keep silent stop talking shut up shut one's mouth silence be silent get silent quiet(ly), still, silent keep quiet very quiet, still, silent quietness, stillness, silence silence, stillness silent, still dumb, mute stammerer stammering stammer eloquent fluent(ly), smooth(ly) tell X to Y recite, sing tell Y that X, say X to Y tell X to Y by the way make X known to Y, inform Y of X express X to Y announcement secretly expression, declaration express, declare SHIVIR shivirlaPICHIRLAG'IRING INDAGAP n n g'iring demay | indamaindamay turgapdan to'xtaovoz+ini chiqarmatil+ini qis- SUKUT n sukut qil-/etsukut ketad jim turadj n n adj n, adj n n ad JIM JIMJIT / JIM-JIT jimjitlik SUKUNAT sukunatli SOQOV DUDUQ duduqlik duduqlanRAVON AYT- aytganday bildir- v.t | N(gan)X+ni NY+ga ~ v.t NY+ga CX deb ~ N(gan)X+ni NY+ga aytib beradv v.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ bildirish bildirmasdan IZHOR n izhor et-/qil- 133 XABAR xabarsiz bexabar xabarlaxabarlashxabarchi xabardor xushxabar AXBOROT n xabar berxabar berib qo'yNX+dan ~ olxabar qilyangi xabar adj xabarsiz qoladj v.t n adj xabardor bo'ln n NX+ni NY+ga ma'lum qiln NX+ga ~ berma'lumotlar byurosi n n n adv NX haqida eshitn tasvir qil-/etadj v.t n ta'rif qil- news, information, message pass on a message, inform of pass on a message, inform of hear of X, learn of X report, make know; inform news, information uninformed have no news of uninformed notify, inform keep informed messenger, informer well-informed get informed, be well-informed good news report, communiqué news, information inform Y of X, make X known to Y knowledge, learning, education information, news, report; data give information to X information (office) reference book, directory reference book, directory news, information without trace hear of X, hear about X description, picture, portrait, sketch describe, depict, portray, sketch descriptive describe, depict, portray, sketch be described, depicted, portrayed description definition, specification describe define describe define description describe brief, concise brief(ly), sketchy in detail, fully allegory, metaphor irony metaphoric ironic confirmation, assertion approval, ratification confirm, assert approve, ratify, sanction confirm, assert approve, ratify, sanction be confirmed, asserted be approved, ratified obviousness, evidence state a fact, make clear, stress negation deny ma'lumot ma'lumotnoma SPRAVOCHNIK DARAK bedarak ESHITTASVIR tasviriy tasvirlatasvirlanTA'RIF ta'riflaTAVSIF tavsiflaQISQA qisqacha MUFASSAL KINOYA kinoyali TASDIQ v.t n v.t adj ad adv n adj n tasdiq qil- tasdiqlatasdiqlanTA'KID ta'kidlaINKOR v.t n v.t n inkor qil-/et- 134 TONE'LON DIKTOR NUTQ NOTIQ DOKLAD dokladchi MA'RUZA hisobot | NX+dan ~ n e'lon qiln oldindan aytn nutq so'zlan n doklad qiln n n kirish so'z so'ng so'z so'z boshi deny X, disclaim X announcement, declaration; advertisement announce, declare announcer predict, foretell speech, address make a speech, deliver an address orator, speaker report, lecture, address give a lecture speaker, lecturer lecture, report account, report preface conclusion preface, foreword aforementioned following following, under-mentioned conversation, speech have a discussion, talk converse, talk with X converse, talk, have a discussion speaker, interlocutor speaker, interlocutor lively conversation carry on a lively conversation have a friendly discussion, chat lighthearted talk, conversation carry on a lighthearted talk cause X to converse discussion, debate, negotiation discuss, debate discuss, debate discussion, debate discuss, debate discussion, dispute, debate; argument discuss X, dispute, debate, argue about X discuss X, dispute, debate, argue about X dispute, debate, controversy discuss, debate, contend discuss, debate, contend dispute, debate explanation, argumentation explain, argue declaration memorial, petition argue found, base base o.s. on answer back, reply defiantly boyagi QUYI TUBAN SUHBAT suhbatlashhamsuhbat suhbatdosh GURUNG gurunglashHANGAMA hangamalashGAP MUZOKARA muzokaralashMUHOKAMA BAHS bahslashMUNOZARA tortishtortishuv BAYON bayonot bayonnoma asoslaasoslan- adj quyidagi tubanda n suhbat o'tkazNX bilan suhbat n n n gurung n NX+ni gapga soln muzokara n muhokama qiln NX ustida bahs | NX ustida ~ n munozara n n bayon qiln n v.t gap qaytar- 135 GAP E'TIROZ e'tirozsiz tushunmovchilik anglashilmovchilik XITOB CHAQIRchaqiriq MUROJAAT SO'RAso'roq so'roqsiz SAVOL gap+ini bo'lgapni kesn NX qarshi ~ bildirNX qarshi e'tiroz qiladj n n n xitob qil-/etv.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ n n NX+ga murojaat qil-/etv.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ so'rab biln adj n NX+ga ~+i bor NX+ga ~ berNX+dan ~ so'rasavol qo'yadj n n NX+ga ~ berN(ish)X+ga ~ beradv | NX+ga ~ n n n mish-mish gap fisq-fasod n yolg'on gapiryolg'on so'zlayolg'on-yashiq v.t n n adj uydirma gap adj adj n NX+ga bo'hton qiln n NX+ning ust+ida tuhmat qiln interrupt X interrupt protest, objection object, protest against X object, protest against X without objection misunderstanding misunderstanding exclamation exclaim call X for Y, send for X, summon X call, summons appeal, call, address address oneself to X, make a request to X, call upon X ask X from Y, inquire after X from Y ask for X from Y, request X from Y ask and know question, interrogation without interrogation question have a question for X ask X a question ask X a question ask questions questioning, interrogative questionnaire answer, reply answer, reply to X give permission for X in answer/response to X denouncement, informing; slander informer, telltale; slanderer rumoured, unconfirmed rumour rumors, intrigue; immoral, promiscuous lie, falsehood lie, tell lies lie, tell lies pack of lies, nonsense lie, tell lies liar falsehood made-up, fabricated, invented lies, tale, story false, forged sham, hypocritical false, forged hypocritical slander, calumny slander X slanderer slander, calumny slander X slanderer savolli ANKETA JAVOB javoban CHAQIM chaqimchi MISH-MISH YOLG'ON yolg'onlayolg'onchi yolg'onchilik UYDIRMA SOXTA QALBAKI BO'HTON bo'htonchi TUHMAT tuhmatchi 136 G'IYBAT g'iybatchi TIL n NX haq+ida g'iybat qiln n NX ~+i NX ~+ida NX ~+idagi chet tili ona tili til+i chiqadj n adj n n n n n NX+ni NY+ga tarjima qilNX+dan NY+ga tarjima qiln n n n n talaffuz qiln n n adj n n n n so'zma-so'z n n n lug'at boylig+i n otoqli ot turdosh ot adj | NX ~ adj n otaning ismi n adj | NX ~ n n gossip, tittle-tattle, slander gossip about X, slander X gossip, slanderer language, tongue X language(=country, ethnic group) in X language in X language foreign language mother tongue start to talk (of children) silent linguist multilingual, polyglot multilingualism, polyglottism dialect dialect slang, jargon translation translate X into Y translate from X into Y translator, interpreter translation work phonetic phonetics pronunciation pronounce vowel consonant stress, accent stressed, accentuated grammar sentence talk, conversation, utterance, speech sentence, clause, phrase word words, speech, statement word-for-word vocabulary vocabulary dictionary vocabulary (of sb) (given) name noun proper name common name named X famous, well-known (given) name noun middle name (name) list named X anonymous homonymous tilsiz tilshunos KO'PTILLI ko'ptillilik DIALEKT SHEVA JARGON TARJIMA TARJIMON tarjimonlik FONETIK fonetika TALAFFUZ unli undosh URG'U urg'uli GRAMMATIKA JUMLA GAP SO'Z so'zlik LEKSIKA LUG'AT OT otli OTOQLI ISM ismlik ismli ismsiz ismdosh 137 NOM nomli nomlanomlanFAMILIYA DEATAatalatama FE'L SIFAT RAVISH OLMOSH qo'shimcha EGA to'ldiruvchi kelishik tushlanish IBORA MAQOL MATAL YOZyozilyozishyozishma yozuv yozuvchi yozma HARF n NX+ga ~ berNX+ga ~ qo'yNX nomidagi nom chiqaradj | NX ~ v.t n NX degan v.t | NY+ni NX deb ~ | NX deb ~ n n n n n n n n n n n n n v.t yozib qo'yyozib n n n ad n bosh harf mayda harf n n adj adj n n n n n n n tinish belgilari name (of things, places) name X, give a name to X name X, give a name to X named X become famous named X name be named surname, last name called X, named X call Y X, name Y X be called X, be named Y term verb adjective adverb pronoun suffix subject object case conjugation expression, phrase, idiom proverb saying write write down, note down record, register be written, be spelled correspond, write (exchange writings) correspondence writing, script record, inscription, writing writer, author, letter writer written, in writing letter (of alphabet), character capital letter small letter alphabet alphabet cyrillic (alphabet, writing) latin (alphabet, writing) handwriting, script autograph line (of writing) point, full stop, period comma bracket(s), parentheses quotation marks punctuation marks ALIFBO ALFAVIT KIRILL LOTIN XAT DASTXAT SATR NUQTA VERGUL QAVS QO'SHTIRNOQ 138 recited'roq belgisi savol alomati xitob alomati ko'chirko'chirma O'QIo'qilQIROAT DIKTANT IMLO ORFOGRAFIYA v.t v. chant be read. chant recite. write out copy read recite. chant dictation orthography orthography 139 .t ko'chirib yozib oln n qiroat et-/qiln n n question mark question mark exclamation mark copy (writing) copy out. int n n n buyurtma xat zakaznoy xat adj n rasmli xatjild POSILKA TELEGRAMMA FAKS POCHTA n xat-xabar n n faks apparati n pochta bo'limi pochta indeksi pochta qutisi pochta yashigi n n n n n adj n n jo'natma haqi n adj n n jamoat telefoni telefon budkasi telefon hujrasi telefon kitobchasi telefon kitobi telefon nomeri NX+ga telefon qiltelefon qo'ng'irog'i telefon raqami telefon stansiyasi telefon-avtomat uyali telefon xalqaro telefon contact. mailbox letter-box. shipment postage addressee registered courier. cell phone international (tele)phone aloqachi yozishyozishma MAKTUB XAT xatli OTKRITKA pochtachi pochtaxona pochtalyon AVIAPOCHTA MARKA markali jo'natuvchi jo'natma oluvchi buyurtma YUGURDAK TELEFON 140 . script registered letter registered letter letter postcard postcard parcel mail. mailman post office postman airmail stamp stamped sender sending. written message letter handwriting.Communication ALOQA n | NX bilan ~ aloqa bo'limi aloqa vositasi aloqa yo'llari n v. messenger (tele)phone public (tele)phone (tele)phone booth (tele)phone booth (tele)phone directory (tele)phone directory (tele)phone number (tele)phone to X phone call (tele)phone number telephone center public (tele)phone mobile. mail post office post office postcode letter-box. write (exchange writings) correspondence letter. mailbox post office worker. communication with X post service and telephone service means of communication means of communication communications worker correspond. message telegram fax fax machine post. timetable map map bookshop bookshop library librarian catalogue catalogue publication. book in X volumes volume in X volumes manuscript collected works. pamphlet article. ring X up long distance call international call dial dial line the Internet e-mail electronic mail e-mail book written. edition publish be published publisher publishing house publisher LINIYA INTERNET n n elektron maktub elektron pochta elektron xat KITOB kitobiy kitobcha kitobxon BROSHURA MAQOLA OBZOR MATN TEKST SITATA BOB PARAGRAF JILD jildli TOM tomli QO'LYOZMA MAJMUA MUNDARIJA JADVAL XARITA KARTA n adj n n n n n n n n sitata keltirn n n adj | numX ~ n adj | numX ~ n n n n n n kitob do'koni kitob magazini KUTUBXONA kutubxonachi KATALOG NASHR n n n katalog tuzn nashr et-/qilnashr etil-/qilinnashr etuvchi n n nashriyot nashriyotchi 141 . leaflet. collection. series table of contents table. commentary text text quotation. review. book booklet reader (person) booklet. citation quote chapter paragraph volume. paper survey.QO'NG'IROQ n mahalliy qo'ng'iroq mamlakatlararo qo'ng'iroq NX+ga qo'ng'iroq qilshaharlararo qo'ng'iroq xalqaro qo'ng'iroq nomer terraqam ter- bell local call international call telephone to X. drawing. snap photographer photographic photografy camera film (for camera) picture. take a photograph of X take a photograph of X take a photograph of X illustrated caricature. writing archives microphone record. journal journalist newspaper editor correspondent. strip cartoons photocopy cinema film go to the cinema film-maker. photograph paint X's portrait. printing press circulation. photograph take a photograph of X have one's photo taken illustrated image.BOSbosma bosmaxona MATBAA MATBUOT TIRAJ GAZETA gazetachi JURNAL jurnalist RO'ZNOMA MUHARRIR MUXBIR yozuv ARXIV MIKROFON PLASTINKA KASSETA VIDEOKASSETA CD-DISK / CD MAGNITOFON MAGNITOPLYONKA VIDEOMAGNITOFON FOTO FOTOGRAF fotografik fotografiya FOTOAPPARAT PLYONKA / FOTOPLYONKA RASM rasmli SURAT v. painting. movie theater suratli KARIKATURA KSEROKS KINO kinochi KINOKAMERA KINOTEATR / KINO 142 . moviemaker (cine-)camera cinema. cartoon comics. disk. journalist record. picture. edition newspaper journalist newspaper seller magazine.t bosib chiqarbosilib chiqn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n adj n n n n NX+ni ~+ga olrasmga tushadj n NX+ning ~+ini olNX+ni ~+ga olNX+ni ~+ga tushiradj n hajviy suratlar n n NX+ni ~+ga olkinoga born n n print publish. inscription. edition printing house printing house press. compact disk tape recorder tape video (player) photo. plate cassette (audio. video) videotape CD. portrait. bring out be published publication. t n v. movie cartoon (radio) broadcast (radio) broadcast be broadcasted radio. television set (television) program (magazine) television broadcast television (set and programs) be showing.FILM MULTFILM eshittireshittirish eshittirilRADIO RADIOAPPARAT RADIOSTANSIYA TELEVIZOR TELEDASTUR TELEVIDENIYE n n v. data processing Information Technologies program program program programmer calculator abacus count/reckon on the abacus printer card credit card file (paper) file (computer) exhibition. program) (television) broadcast (television) programs (TV. wireless broadcast listen to the radio radio. exhibit festival museum ko'rsatilko'rsatuv boshlovchi KANAL VIDEO VIDEOFILM VIDEOKAMERA KOMPUTER INFORMATIKA PROGRAMMA DASTUR dasturladasturlovchi KALKULATOR CHO'T PRINTER KARTOCHKA KARTOTEKA FAYL ko'rgazma FESTIVAL MUZEY 143 .int n radio orqali eshittirradio tinglan n n n n televideniye orqali ko'rsatoynan jahon v. show put on display. radio) host channel video video (film) video camera photocopier computer Information Technologies. radio set radio station television.t n n n cho't tashlan n kredit kartochkasi n n n ko'rgazma qo'yn n film. be on ( n ko'rsatuvlar programmasi n n n n n nusxa apparati n n axborotlar texnologiyasi n n v. carving sculpt. poet writer woman.Art SAN'AT n san'at galereyasi tasviriy san'at n n adj adj n n adj n yaxshi did yomon did v. | NX bilan ~ n n v. carver sculpture. fine fine.t chizish n rasm chizNX+ning ~+ini soladj n n n n NX+ning ~+ini olsurat soln n n n haykal yasahaykal qurn n n n n n n n n adj adabiy asar n n n art artistic skill. paint X illustrated artisan-painter. photograph paint X's portrait. take a photograph of X draw artisan-painter. elegant fineness. artist painting. visual arts image. decoration draw. adornment adornment. carve sculpt. photographer painter. photograph draw.t | NX+ni NY bilan ~ v. carve sculpter. exquisite. poetess writing (as an occupation) literary literary work literature man of letters literary critic san'atchi san'atkor BADIIY NAFIS nafislik NAFOSAT nafosatli DID BEZAbezalbezak ZIYNAT CHIZRASM rasmli rasmchi RASSOM rassomlik SURAT suratchi suratkash NAQQOSH HAYKAL haykaltarosh haykaltaroshlik ARXITEKTOR ARXITEKTURA HUSNIXAT XATTOT ADIB adiba adiblik adabiy adabiyot adabiyotchi adabiyotshunos 144 . drawing. picture. sculpture. scribe writer. drawer engraver. sketch drawing picture. paint draw X. adorn X with Y be decorated with X decoration. elegance graceful. drawing. portrait. elegance grace. painter statue. elegant taste good taste bad taste decorate. carving (activity) architect architecture calligraphy calligraphier. ability art gallery fine art artist artist artistic. photographer painter. narrative annals. metre ode epic. poetry poetry poet poetess poetic poem poetical poetry couplet. joke prose prose novel short novel essay diary biography episode theater comedy musical comedy drama USLUB balandparvoz MUALLIF AVTOR qalamkash yozuvchi SHE'R she'riyat SHOIR shoira shoirona POEMA POETIK POEZIYA BAYT QOFIYA QASIDA DOSTON dostonchi BAXSHI HIKOYA hikoyachi QISSA yilnoma ERTAK AFSONA afsonaviy MASAL LATIFA PROZA NASR ROMAN NOVELLA OCHERK BIOGRAFIYA EPIZOD TEATR KOMEDIYA DRAMA 145 . tale tell a story storyteller story. letter writer poem. story folktales legend legendary fable anecdote. emphatic author author effective writer writer. author. epic reciter bard. manner grandiloquent. tale. verse poetry rhythm. poem. tale bard. chronicles tale. writings work of art masterpiece style of writing style. narrator of epic poetry story.ASAR n san'at asar shoh asar n adj n n n n n n n n adj n adj n n n n n n n n hikoya aytn n n n xalq ertaklari n adj n n n n n n n qo'yin daftari n n n n muzikali komediya n work. classical) keep time (with the rhythm) play (a musical instrument) musical instrument musical instrument instrumentalist minstrel musical instrument play an instrument. melody n n n n n n musiqa asbobi n n klassik muzika rok muzikasi xalq muzikasi adj n n adj n n n v.PYESA O'YIN O'YNAo'ynalPARDA SAHNA ESTRADA ROL REPETITSIYA MUSIQA musiqachi MUZIKA n n v. tune (traditional. sing harmony. melody tune. tune in harmony.t n cholg'u asbobi n n n soz chalv.t v. used by shamans) ghijjak (similar to the violin) dulcimer muzikali muzikachi muzikashunos MUSIQIY JAZ ESTRADA KUY kuylaOHANG hamohang ohangdor NAVO TARONA MAQOM CHALCHOLG'U cholg'uchi OQIN SOZ sozlasozchi SOZANDA TOR torli DUTOR TANBUR RUBOB DO'MBIRA QO'BIZ G'IJJAK CHANG 146 . melody.t n adj adj n n n maqom qilv. traditional) string (of a musical instrument) stringed dutar (2 strings) tanbur (3 or 4 strings) robab (5 strings) dombira (stringed) qobiz (stringed.t n n n adj n n n n n n n play play act be acted. harmonious (l/f) harmonious. be performed act stage stage role rehearsal music musical instrument musician music classical music rock 'n' roll folk music musical musician musicologist musical jazz pop music melody. melodious tune. play music tune musician musician (playing. tune hum. NOG'ORA CHILDIRMA DOIRA KARNAY NAY naychi SKRIPKA PIANINO GITARA AKKORDEON ASHULA ashulachi HOFIZ XONANDA QO'SHIQ qo'shiqchi LAPAR YALLA AYTaytilKOMPOZITOR KOMPOZITSIYA BASTAKOR RAQS RAQQOS raqqosa O'YIN O'YNADISKOTEKA TOMOSHA tomoshabin SPEKTAKL KONSERT BALET OPERA SIRK DASTUR REPERTUAR REJISSOR n n n n n n n n n n n ashula aytashula aytuvchi n n n n qo'shiq aytn n n v. play. loitering watch. match dance. schedule (film) director 147 . nightclub spectacle. entertainment) (member of the) audience n n n n raqs qilraqsga tushn n n o'yinga tushv.t n n NX+ni tomosha qiln n n konsert hali n n opera zali n n n n drum tambourine tambourine suona horn flute flutist violin piano guitar accordion song sing (songs) singer singer (modern songs) singer (traditional songs) singer (traditional songs) song sing (songs) singer song (sung in turns by young girls and men) (lighthearted and naughty) song recite. sing be recited. showing concert concert hall ballet opera opera house circus program (spectacle. be sung composer composition composer dance dance dance dancer dancer (female) dance game. enjoyment. enjoy X(=spectacle. entertainment fun. stroll. show. join in the dance dance discotheque.t v. event) repertoire. performance. ARTIST artistka AKTYOR AKTRISA qiziqchi n n n n n artist. actor. actress. movie star actress actor actress clown 148 . belief yuksalish v. faith.t adj v. mental state in good spirits. v. conviction have faith in X. mental spiritual. be convinced of X faithful. n adj n adj diniy bayram adj n n n adj n | NX+ga ~ NX+ga ~+i bor adj n n n adj n n xudoyi berxudoyi qillife. faithful religious faith. ascend (l/f) elevation. non-believer faith in X.devout sacrifice make a sacrifice to God make a sacrifice to God jonli jonsiz RUH ruhli ruhiy MA'NAVIY ma'naviyat ILHOM ilhomlanilhomlantirilhombaxsh YUKSALyuksaltirVIJDON vijdonli vijdonsiz vijdonan MADANIY madaniyat madaniyatli madaniyatsiz madaniylashSIVILIZATSIYA KLASSIK DIN diniy dinsiz dinsizlik dindor IMON imonsiz E'TIQOD e'tiqodli ATEIST DAHRIY XUDO xudosiz xudoparast XUDOYI 149 . spiritless soul. full of vitality spiritual. development raise (l/f) conscience with a conscience conscienceless in all conscience cultural cultured. civilized culture.t n adj adj adv adj n adj adj v. enlightenment inspire be inspired be inspired inspire inspiring rise. civilization cultured. moral (eg support) spirituality inspiration. belief religious religious holiday non-believer agnosticism believer. convinced atheist atheist God atheistic believer.Spirit JON n jonga kirjon berjon+i chiqadj adj n adj adj adj n n NX+ga ~ berilhom olv. spirit revive give one's life die alive. living. with little culture become civilized civilization classical religion. vivid. full of vitality lifeless. refined uneducated. pray for X bless X bless X blessed be blessed blessing. pray for X bless X. pray X short prayer blessing. genie demon. genie. Paradise Hell Hell prayer (esp. foresee the next world (after death) Heaven. Islam) pray pray prayer mat place for prayers bow to X.TANGRI OLLOH PARVARDIGOR FARISHTA PARI ARVOH DEV ALVASTI JIN IBLIS SHAYTON MUQADDAS PAYG'AMBAR AVLIYO n n n n n n n n n n n adj n n adj avliyolik qiln n n n n namoz o'qinamoz qiln n v. creator. ghost giant. propitious nice. devil Satan. permission say a short prayer give permission for X say a short prayer Amen In the name of God | NX+ga ~ n fotiha o'qiN(ish)X uchun ~ berfotiha qil- God God God. worship pray worship place. sacred prophet saint saintly prophesy. religious service. ogre evil spirit evil spirit. the Devil holy. good wishes give good wishes. good deed auspicious. temple prayer. satisfactory prayer for the dead OXIRAT JANNAT JAHANNAM DO'ZAX NAMOZ namozlik namozgoh SIG'INFOTIHA OMIN BISMILLOH IBODAT ibodatxona DUO n n n ibodat et-/qiln n NX+ga ~ berNX+ni duo qilNX+ga ~ berNX+ga baraka qiladj muborak bo'ln adj n BARAKA MUBORAK XAYR xayrli JANOZA 150 . provider angel fairy spirit. sorcerer witch. witchcraft wizard. fortune-teller prediction. bewitch wizard. mysticism QARG'ATALQIN talqinchi VA'Z JODU jodugar jodugarlik SEHR sehrli sehrlasehrgar AFSUN KINNA TUMOR tumorcha KO'ZMUNCHOQ TASBEH FOL v. witchcraft magic bewitched bewitching cast a spell on. sorcerer magician spell evil eye evil eye talisman (triangular shape) small talisman necklace. bracelet to ward off the evil eye rosary prediction. adj adj n n n. adj n. prophecy miracle. curse sermon preach preacher sermon sorcery. tell the future Islam the Muslim religion islamism specialist of Islam muslim muslim muslim attitude Sunna (practices based on Muhammad's) sunni shia sufism.t n talqin qil-/etn n n n jodugar kampir n jodugarlik qiln adj v. witchcraft perform sorcery sorcery.SADAQA n sadaqa bersadaqa so'raxayr-ehson xayr-ehson berxayr-ehson qilxayr-sadaqa xayr-sadaqa berxayr-sadaqa qil- alms sacrifice give alms beg for alms alms give alms give alms alms give alms give alms swear at.t n n n yomon ko'z n n n n n fol ochfol ko'rfol boqn n n karomat qiln islom dini n n n. adj n folbin BASHORAT KAROMAT ISLOM islomiyat islomshunos MUSULMON musulmonlik musulmonchilik SUNNAT SUNNIY SHIA TASAVVUF 151 . prediction perform a miracle. divination tell fortunes tell fortunes tell fortunes shaman. sorceress sorcery. SO'FI VAHHOBIY vahhobiylik QUR'ON HADIS SHAR'IY SHARIAT HALOL HAROM n. offerings victime. heretic alms (prescribed by Islam) wakf (religious foundation) sacrifice. unbeliever. adj n n n adj n adj adj harom et-/qilharom etil-/qilinn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n qurbon bayram qurbon hayit n qurbonlik bern ro'za hayit n sufi. martyr feast of the Sacrifice feast of the Sacrifice animal for the fest of the Sacrifice make a sacrifice fast end of the Ramadan Ramadan MASJID MADRASA XONAQOH UMMAT OXUN MULLA ULEMA MO'MIN ESHON IMOM QOZI MUFTI MUAZZIN SHAYX PIR MURID XALIFA OTIN BANDA SAYID KOFIR ZAKOT VAQF QURBON qurbonlik RO'ZA RAMAZON 152 . literate man ulema. adj n. person (of God) descendant of Muhammad pagan. the community of muslims man learned in religion mullah (muslim theologian) learned man. mystic Wahhabi Wahhabism Koran Hadith (the sayings of Muhammad) lawful (according to the Shariat) Shariat (religious law of Islam) permitted. learned in muslim theology (muslim) believer ishan (ecclesiastic) imam (prayer or spiritual leader) qazi (muslim judge) mufti (arbiter in islamic law) muezzin (calling for the prayer) sheikh (head of a religious order) pir (head of a religious sect) disciple. religious) teacher servant. follower caliph mullah's assistant (woman. religion) honest(ly) forbidden (by religion) forbid (by religion) be forbidden (by religion) mosque madrasah (islamic college) prayer hall monastery umma. permissible (moral. idole idolator mythology HIJRAT XRISTIAN xristianlik KATOLIK PRAVOSLAV pravoslavne CHERKOV RUHONIY ROHIB YAHUDIY SINAGOGA BUDDO HINDU MAZHAB mazhabchi BUT butparast MIFOLOGIYA n n. follower of a sect icon. shrine scenic spot. adj katolik dini n. historical site remembrance.XATNA HAJ ZIYORAT ziyoratgoh ZIKR n n n n n zikr tush- circumcision hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca) pilgrimage saint's tomb. recollection reciting (performed by sufis) perform reciting emigration the Hegira christian christianism christianity catholic catholicism orthodox orthodoxy church priest monk jew judaism synagog bhudda bhuddaism hindu hinduism sect member. adj xristian dini n n. adj n n n n n. adj yahudiy dini n n buddo dini n hindu dini n n n n n 153 . disposition character having a X character disposition. patient delicate. be patient lose patience patient impatient impatience impatient 154 . dynamic. undecided stubborn. vigourous without any energy display vigour. resoluteness perseverance v. full of vigour will. firmness. tenacity stubborn. zeal strive to X. endure. temper behaviour energy. character. endeavour to X energetic. patience hardy. bestir oneself raise sb's spirit.t v. bear patiently. willpower. cheer sb up energetic. tenacious stubbornness. determination wilful. put up with X endurance. obstination stubborn persist perseverance. resolute irresolute.t adj n adj adj n adj adj adj n adj n n akslik qiln adj n sabot-matonat v. willpower determined. resolution. irresolute determination. determined lacking willpower.Character and Emotions Character FE'L XARAKTER xarakterli XULQ G'AYRAT g'ayratli g'ayratsiz g'ayratlang'ayratlantirserg'ayrat IRODA irodali irodasiz qat'iyat qat'iyatli qat'iyatsiz QAYSAR qaysarlik O'JAR o'jarlik akslik SABOT sabotli MATONAT KO'TARCHIDAchidam chidamli chidamsiz chidamsizlik SABR sabrli sabrsiz sabrsizlik besabr n n adj | AX ~ n n N(ish)X uchun g'ayrat qiladj adj v. willpower. impatient impatience patience have patience. tenacity | NX+ga ~ n adj adj n n sabr qilsabr+i tugaadj adj n adj character. dynamic. stand endure. tenacious firmness. obstinate stubbornness. loaf around idle. assiduity lazy. anxiously. whim act out of capriciousness.TOQ TOQAT toqatli toqatsiz toqatsizlik toqatsizlanbetoqat betoqatlik betoqatlanINTIZOR intizorlik BARDOSH bardoshli tirishqoq tirishqoqlik YALQOV yalqovlik yalqovlashDANGASA dangasalik XUSHYOQMAS ERINerinchaq ERKA erkalik erkalaerkalanINJIQ injiqlik injiqlanXARXASHA NOZ nozli nozlanISHONishonch OPTIMIZM OPTIMISTIK toq bo'ltoq qolman toqat qiltoqat+i bitadj adj n v. lazy be lazy to X be unwilling to X. impatiently awaiting X await X eagerly. diligent. bone idleness laze around. anxiously. lazy fellow spoilt. lose patience impatient impatience lose patience eagerly. reluctant to X | N(ish)X uchun ~ adj. confidence in X lose confidence optimism optimist optimistic 155 . act coquettishly. assiduous diligence. impatiently oblige to wait waiting (with impatience) patience. be patient patient hardworking. wayward caprice. be capricious whim. languid. pampered capricious. bone-idle laziness. caprice be flirtatious.t adj n | NX+ga ~ ishongan ishonish n | NX+ga ~ ishonch+ini yo'qotn n adj lose patience lose patience patience have patience lose patience patient impatient impatience get impatient. be capricious coquettish simper trust X confident confidence (positive) belief. idle. endurance v. be overfussy caprice. whim. bear patiently X have patience. n adj n erkalik qilv. squeamishness act out of capriciousness spoil (children) act like a spoiled child be spoilt. nagging keep on about adj n | N(ish)X+ga ~ v. pampered (of children) n xarxasha qiln noz et-/qiladj v. idleness laze around adj n dangasalik qiladj v. idle laziness. adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ N(ish)X+ga ~ bo'lintizor qiln n NX+ga ~ berbardosh qiladj adj n adj n v. abnormal. mad childish(ly) strong. hot-tempered quick-tempered. cool down calm down. solid TAJANG ASAB asabiy asabiylik asabiylashJINNI jinnilik TELBA adj n NX+ning ~+ini chiqarNX+ning ~+iga tegadj n v. behave stupidly madness. calmness. quietness troubled. carefulness heavy even-tempered rest. adj jinni bo'ln adj NX+dan telba bo'ladj | telba-teskari ad adj bolalarcha pishiq 156 . calm(ly) ad n tinchlik saqlaadj v. irritable v. sober. not quiet restlessness quiet(ly). set sb's mind at rest restless. nervy nerves make X nervous get on X's nerves nervous nervousness lose one's cool mad. not quiet worry calm down. peaceful(ly). calm. calmness. cool down calm down. indifferent cold blood.t adj n ad adj n ad n adj n adj adj n ad qon+i qiziq achchig'+i tez achchig'+i yomon pessimist pessimistic pessimism calm. silent quietness. serenity calm down. calmness peace keep cool restless. still. soberness. set one's mind at rest calm down. irritable ko'ngl+i tinchiv. silent very quiet. irritable quick-tempered. get serene quiet(ly). stillness. silence quiet(ly). peace. indifference quick(ly). gentleness. unquiet cold-blooded. still. serene keep calm n. senseless get crazy about X nonsensical. gentle(ly). speedy v.PESSIMIST pessimistik PESSIMIZM XOTIRJAM xotirjamlik xotirjamlantinch tinchlik tinchsiz tinchsizlantinchitinchittinchlantinchlantirnotinch notinchlik JIM JIMJIT / JIM-JIT jimjitlik OSOYISHTA osoyishtalik VAZMIN OROM oromsiz SOVUQQON sovuqqonlik TEZ n adj n adj xotirjam bo'ln v. cool down calm down. cool down calm down.t ko'ngl+ini tinchitv. insanity crazy. madman get crazy. fast. calm(ly). careful(ly) quietness. courageous.JIDDIY jiddiylik jiddiylashBAMA'NI bama'nilik TUYG'U tuyg'uli tuyg'usiz sezgir sezgirlik NOZIK noziklik QO'POL qo'pollik QO'RS qo'rslik DAG'AL dag'allik YURAK yurakli yuraksiz DOVYURAK JUR'AT jur'atli jur'atsiz DADIL dadillik dadillanJASUR jasurlik jasurona JASORAT jasoratli jasoratsiz MARD mardlik mardlarcha ER erlik BOTIR botirlik botirlarcha QAHRAMON qahramonlik qahramonona qahramonlarcha adj n v. sensibleness sense perception. critical adj n n adj adj adj n adj n adj n adj n adj n n NX+da ~ yo'q adj adj adj n adj adj ad n v. bravery grow bold brave. bravely hero. bold. feeling sensitive (l/f) insensitive (l/f) sensitive sensitiveness fine. courageous manliness hero heroic. courageously manly. rude coarseness. earnestness get serious serious. brave heroism. bravery bravely. delicate. tricky fineness. coarse rudeness. delicacy coarse. daring show bravery. grave. determination daring. courageously bravery. audacious timid. courageous courage. coarseness rude. daring bravely. coarseness courage X be a coward bold. adj n adv n jasorat ko'rsatadj adj adj n adv n. vulgar rough. coarse rudeness. fragility. touchy. daring bravery. bravery heroically. heroic heroism heroically heroically 157 . vulgarity roughness. rudeness rude. courageous timid. sensation. coward. indecisive bold(ly). fragile refined. courage. adj n adv adv serious. coward intrepid. adj n n adj n adv n. brave daring. earnest serious. daring timorous. brave(ly) boldness. sensitive delicate. sensible seriousness. fearful brave. courage brave. courage. QO'RQqo'rqmas qo'rqoq qo'rqoqlik tortinchoq tortinchoqlik UYAT uyatchang uyatchanglik v. shyness shame. brave coward. fear X fearless. bashful timidity. sense of modesty 158 . fearful cowardliness. cowardice shy. | NX+dan ~ adj adj n adj n n adj n be afraid of X. sense of shame bashful. shy timidity. spirits. depress rouse oneself. event) v. n adj ko'ngl+i ko'tarilko'ngl+i yarim(ta) MA'YUS ma'yuslik ma'yuslanma'yuslantirma'yusona adj n v. dishearten dispiritedly RUH ruhli ruhsiz ruhsizlanruhsizlantirruhlanruhlantirKAYF kayfiyat kayfsiz kayfsizlanDIMOG' 159 .t adj n NY+ga AX ~ qoldirn ruh+i tushib ketruh+ini ko'tiradj adj v. dispirit. dispirited. out of sorts get demoralized. emotion. mental state get | NX+ga ~ NX+ga ~+ib ketn NY+ga AX ~ qoldiradj v. in a good mood feel disappointed amuse X mood. get excited move. raise one's moral mood. be moved touch. be lost in X(=thoughts) influence. lose heart keep one's spirit up in good spirits. feelings. cheerful (moment.t adv heart (fig).t v. reflections make a X impression on Y soul. to oneself excitement. full of vitality in low spirits. humour drunkenness. trouble heart (fig) heart and soul with all one's heart in one's heart. emotion. event) having a X heart unhappy (moment. impression make a X impression on Y influential be touched.t n kayf+i chog' kayf+i yaxshi kayf+i uchNX+ga kayf qiln adj v. disheartened despair despair. moved impression(s). agitation get excited excited be v. disheartened drive to despair. in a good mood be in good spirits. move easily touched. bestir oneself stimulate. proud take fresh heart be depressed dejected. state of v. effect. state of mind in low spirits be in low spirits mood. spirit.t v. get dispirited. spirit happy. enjoyment be in good v. excite get excited sink in X be deep in X.Emotions KO'NGIL (ko'ngl+i) ko'ngilli ko'ngilsiz ko'ngilsizlik DIL n adj adj | AX ~ adj n n jon-dil jon-dil+i bilan ich-ichidan HAYAJON hayajonli hayajonlanhayajonlantirQAYNACHO'KTA'SIR ta'sirli ta'sirlanta'sirlantirta'sirchan TAASSUROT n hayajonga keladj v. low-spirited demoralize. humour v. pleasant atmosphere taste nice to X (l/f) | NX+ga ~ n VX+ib lazzat qilv. rest pleasure enjoy oneself. pleasing unpleasant. be satisfying to X please | NX+ga ~ v. peaceful. satisfy satisfaction be satisfied with X satisfy be satisfied satisfaction satisfactory unsatisfactory(ly) satisfaction. loitering have fun. amuse oneself. rest pleasant. be satisfied with X satisfactory satisfy satisfactorily sweet (l/f) sweetness. jolly | VX+ib ~ n VX+ib ~ tophuzur qil-/etadj v. distraction | VX+ib ~ n adj v. comfort. refinement charming. peace. comfortable get pleasure. enjoy Xing pleasure. comfort. comfortable enjoy. attractive (of a woman) sweetheart. rest | NX+ga ~ v. take a stroll at X like X like huzur-halovat ko'ngl+i ochko'ngil ochish satisfied. comfort.t adj adj adj adj adj n n adj adj n adj 160 . appreciate X be pleasing to X. appeal to X suit X. charming. peace. darling (of a woman) sweetheart. attractive (of a woman) enchanting. get pleasure. unpleasing pleasant (person) pleasant charming. enjoyment. get | NX+dan ~ adj v. refined TOMOSHA n NX+ni tomosha qilN(ish)X+ni yaxshi ko'rN(ish)X+ni xush ko'r- YOQyoqtiryoqimli yoqimsiz yoqimtoy SO'LIM DILBAR DILDOR DILKASH LATOFAT latofatli v.t ko'ngildagidek adj n n v. be pleased with X please. deliciousness (l/f) nice.t n n adj ad n adj v.MAMNUN mamnuniyat QONqondirQONIQqoniqish qoniqarli qoniqarsiz QANOAT qanoatli qanoatlanqanoatlanarli qanoatlantirKO'NGIL (ko'ngl+i) SHIRIN shirinlik shirinchilik TATILAZZAT lazzatlanROHAT rohatli rohatlanHUZUR huzurli huzurlan- adj N(gani)X+dan ~ bo'lmamnun qiln v. stroll. have fun recreation. patience content with one's lot be content with X. comfort. darling (of a woman) charming. pleased be satisfied with X. flavour pleasure enjoy X enjoy X pleasure comfort. rest enjoy Xing enjoy. enthusiastic be full of zest. interest enjoy Xing. pleasant. bewitch fascination MAYL RAG'BAT rag'batlanrag'batlantirXUSH n | NX+ga ~+i n v. charming beautiful woman. taste please X please X taste. dissatisfied displeasure. liking. pleasing liking. passionless be passionate passionate passion passion.t adj n adj adj n adj | maftun bo'lmaftun qiln 161 .int n adj adj v. be with keen pleasure v. dissatisfaction pleasable please X prefer X to Y prefer X to Y inclination. interest enjoy Xing do not feel well boring. flavour delight. marvellous. strong desire. nostalgic separation nostalgia attract v.t adj n NX+ga ~+i kelNX+ga ~+i bor n VX+ib maza qilmaza+si qochadj n VX+ib ~ oladj v. charming attractive. be motivated interest. nostalgia longing.t zavq-shavq n n v. beauty be fascinated. wish inclination.ROZI rozilik norozi norozilik MA'QUL adj | NX+dan ~ rozi qiln adj n adj NX+ga ~ tushN(ish)X+ni NY+dan yaxshi ko'rN(ish)X+ni NY+dan afzal ko'r- pleased. desire be interested. desire passionate desireless. draw X to Y attract. charm attractive. satisfied with X please. great charming attractiveness. aspiration towards X.t n adj n NX+ni NY+ga jalb et-/qil- MAZA bemaza ZAVQ zavqli zavqlanSHAVQ shavqli shavqsiz shavqlanshavqlantirISHTIYOQ EHTIROS SOG'INsog'inch sog'inchli FIROQ TORTAJOYIB JOZIBA jozibali jozibador JONON MAFTUN maftunlik v. long for longing. be bewitched fascinate. draw (l/f) wonderful. tedious mood to enjoy. eagerness passion miss. motivate good. satisfy (a person) satisfaction displeased. delight in Xing passionate. int | NX+dan ~ v. jest joke. delight in X be interested in X. loathing. wear out boring.t adj adj NX+dan ~ bo'lbezor qiljondan to'yNX+ga ko'ngl+i teg- QIZIQ qiziqchilik YUMOR yumorist yumoristik HAJV hajviy HAZIL hazillashhazilkash adj n n n adj n adj n hazil qilv. despise X be repelled by X. loathing be repelled by X.QIZIQ qiziqchilik QIZIQqiziqish qiziqtirqiziqarli qiziquvchi MAROQ maroqli HAVAS havaslanhavaskor BARIBIR BIRDAY LOQAYD loqaydlik FARQ befarq adj n v. keen on X interest with interest interesting interest. jest joke. hate X | NX bilan ~ n | NX+ga ~ (katta) qiziqish bilan v. hobby wish. jest joker NAFRAT nafratli nafratlanJIRKANjirkantirjirkanch YIRGANZERIKzeriktirzerikarli BEZOR n NX+ga ~ bilan qaraadj v. loathe be fed up be tired of X amusing. loathe X. jest be interested in X. be keen on X do X with relish. amateur. exciting arouse interest curious about. satire | NX+dan ~ v. diletant all the same (for X) all the same (for X) indifferent indifference difference no difference. tedious.t n v. be disgusted by X repel. revulsion. enjoy | ~+ib CX n ad | NX+ga ~ ad | NX+ga ~ adj n n farqi yo'q adj N(ish)X+ni yomon ko'rNX+ni ko'ra olma- | N(ish)X+ga ~ v. disgust hate X. fascinate interesting. comic humour.t adj qiziqarli qiln | NX+ga ~ n maroq bilan adj n N(ish)X+ga havas qilv. satiric joke. desire X be interested in | NX+dan ~ v. delight in X interest in X with (great) interest | NX+dan ~ v. be disgusted by X be fed up with X. funny joke. with gusto fan. wearisome disgusting. disgust disgust. jest humour humorist humorous. dislike X dislike X. strange amusing. despise X hatred hate X. enjoy Xing. loathe X. it doesn't matter indifferent hate X. funny joke. tired of X be bored n 162 . be fed up with X disgust. loathesome be disgusted at X. int adj | NX+ga ~ (bo'l-) hayron qolhayron qoldirhayron qiln adj int | ~ CX adj v.t v. make a fool of o. astonishment. dishearten hope that X hopeful desire. aspiration. extraordinary it is very surprising. hope. be disconcerted be n CX deb ~ bog'laVX+ish uchun ~+i bor NX+dan ~+ini uzN(ish)X+ni umid qilCX deb umid qiladj n umidsizlikka tushv. amaze surprise. astonished. hope that X. be v. astonish. astonish. astonishing amaze.ERMAK n NX+ni ermak qilNX+ni mazax qilkulgiga qol- amusement.s. wish. fun make fun of X.t v.t n adj | NX+ga ~ bo'ladj | NX+ga ~ qolv. funny get ridiculous expect be expected unexpected surprise see through that X. lose hope for X discourage. astonished at X be surprised. surprising. amazed at X surprising. astonished at X be | NX+dan ~ v. astonishment be surprised. wish. amaze surprise. lose hope despair of X. expect X foresee. amaze be surprised. amazed be | NX+dan ~ adj v. be disconcerted hope. dream wish to X. amaze kutilmagan n N(ish)X+ga ko'z+i yetoldindan ko'r- HAYRAT hayratlanHAYRON n hayratda qoldirhayratga solv. amazed at X (be) dizzy. make fun of X be laughed at. ridiculous comic. astonished. astonish. amazement strange. laugh at X poke fun at X. be amazed (be) surprised. dream of Xing hopeful about X. astonished. take offence at X disappoint X kulgili adj kulgili bo'l- KUTkutilkutilmaganlik | CX deb ~ adj n VX+ishni orzu qiladj | N(ish)X+ga ~ NX+dan ko'ngl+i qolko'ngl+i qoldir- hayronlik AJAB ajabo ajablanajablanarli ajablantirTAAJJUB taajjublantaajjublanarli GANGIRAESANKIRAUMID umidsiz umidsizlik umidsizlanumidsizlantirumidlanumidvor ORZU orzumand 163 . astonished surprising. desirous of X be disappointed with X. be at a loss surprise. be at a loss be surprised. astonish. anticipate surprise. making one laugh. be astonished. astonishing be astounded. X wonder at X. astonish surprise. odd. expectation hope that X have hope for X lose hope for X hope to X hope that X hopeless despair despair. wonder surprise. amazement. helplessness get troubled. get confused confusion. make worry be intimidated. untroubled be worried. n g'ulg'ula sol- be afraid of X. confused get troubled. terrifying. alarming be | NX+dan ~ adj n v. fearsome colossal. confused feel uneasy. keep out get frightened jump with fright frighten formidable. trouble be anxious. untroubled free of worries. hurkib ketv. fear be seized with terror. disturb trouble. bother anxiety. troubled by X. v. confuse. v. panic. be anxious worry. fearsome terror. troubled trouble. worry frighten. alarmed by X worry. alarmed by X worrying.t n N(gani)X uchun ~ bo'ladj | NX+dan ~ v. threatening terror terrorize worry.t adj adj n vahimaga bosvahimaga tushNX+ni ~+ga solNX+ni vahima qiladj n n dahshat soldahshat oltida qoladj n terror qiln N(gani)X uchun ~+ga tushtashvishga soladj adj adj v. frightning. fear X frightning. terrify X cause X to panic terrifying. trouble worry. disarray cause confusion. perturbed. get into a panic be seized with terror. trouble.t adj bezovta qiln v. troubled by X. scary fear. get into a panic frighten X. anxiety be worried. alarm anxious. anxious free of worries. sow confusion vahimali vahimachi DAHSHAT dahshatli TERROR TASHVISH tashvishli tashvishsiz betashvish tashvishlantashvishlantirXAVOTIR xavotirli xavotirlanxavotirlantirBEZOVTA bezovtalik bezovtalanSAROSIMA sarosimalik o'ng'aysiz o'ng'aysizlanG'ULG'ULA 164 . confuse. scare X fear fear be | NX+dan ~ v. troubled. terror frighten frighten X. confused get n sarosima bo'lsarosimada qolsarosimaga tushsarosimaga solsarosima qiln adj v. fearful. disturb state of confusion uneasy. be anxious worry. disturbed make anxious.t NX+ni ~+ib yuborn n v. frightening. horrifying alarmist fear. bother worry. terror. trouble.QO'RQqo'rqinchli qo'rqinch qo'rqitqo'rquv HADIK hadiksirahadiksiratYOTSIRAHURKhurkithaybatli bahaybat VAHIMA v. confused trouble. horror terrorize be terrified terrifying. confusion. huge formidable. anxiety be worried.t v. well-being happy. jollity. joy. worried feel nervous. lucky. distraught be worried. trouble. delight rejoice glad. prosperous happy. overcome free of anxiety. pleasure with pleasure joyful. event) | VX+ib ~ n quvonch bilan adj n g'am chekg'am tortNX+ning ~+ini yeadj adj n adj n g'amli beg'am beg'amlik g'amgin g'amginlik 165 . sadness. uneasy. unlucky. jolly. cheerful be glad. jolly. joyful. merriment rejoice. cheerfulness cheerful. jolly. heartening sorrow. sorrow. merry v. melancholic sadness. happy joy. worry about X apprehend X. be | NX+dan ~ v. calm be relieved. joy rejoicing happy. delighted happy. glad.bechora DIQQAT xavflanxavfsiraXUNOB adj N(gani)X uchun ~ bo'lv. be glad. joy. be depressed.t n adj adj adj adj n adj baxt-saodat baxt-saodatli helpless. happiness fortunate. get worried make nervous. anxious about X apprehend X. merry rejoice at X. unhappy unfortunate.t ko'ngl+i to'k v. grief worry. joy. be anxious sad. sorrow. cheerful happiness. ease good fortune. be worried be worry about X. unlucky. anxiety be adj adj n adj v. happiness rejoice at X rejoice on Xing rejoicing. melancholy BOSyengillashyengillashtirBAXT baxtli baxtsiz badbaxt baxtiyor SAODAT saodatli XURSAND xursandlik xursandchilik SHOD shodlik shodlanshodon CHOG' chog'lik XUSHCHAQCHAQ sevinsevintirsevinch QUVNAquvnoq quvnoqlik QUVONquvonch quvonchli G'AM adj | N(gani)X+dan ~ VX+ib ~ bo'lxursand qiln n adj n v. well-being happy. | NX+dan ~ v. delighted that X. delighted with X delight rejoicing. merry adj n v. rejoice that X delight happiness. | NX+dan ~ adj xunob bo'lxunob qilv. worry about X nervous. depressed. happy (person) unfortunate. lucky. sorrowful carefree. uneasy. be eased relieve. happy ( | NX+dan ~ v. feeling easy unconcern sad. unhappy fortunate.t n v. worry oppress. be worried be sad. be glad. prosperous happiness. glad about X. furious. sorrowful (people. upset. irritable get angry with / at / about X make angry.(NX+ga rahm+i kel(di)) qon yutadj n alam tortNX+ga alam qiln NX+ga ~ keltiradj ko'ngl+i parishon n adj | NX+dan ~ NX+dan ~ bo'lxafa qil- be offended by X. rage. grieve sad. suffer great sorrow sad. upset at X. confused perplex. hurt anger. annoyed with X upset. fury get angry. hurt by X offend. sadness sorrow over X. annoy X distress. confusion upset at X. quarrel achchiqlanachchiqlantirachchiqlash- 166 . unhappiness offence (taken) upset. irritable quick-tempered. bitter get angry. event) carefree. | N(gani)X uchun ~ n NX+dan hasrat qiladj v.QAYG'U qayg'uli qayg'usiz qayg'urHASRAT hasratli hasratlanRAHM n N(gani)X uchun ~ tortqayg'uga soladj adj v. sorrow grieve X grieved. furious. sad grieve feel sorry for X nurse a grievance. confused perplexity. look after X grief. trouble to X perplex.t adj n achchiq+i kelNX+ning ~+ini keltirachchiq qilachchig'+i tez achchig'+i yomon v. offended bitterness. unhappiness offence (taken) XOMUSH ALAM KULFAT PARISHON parishonlik XAFA xafalik xafagarchilik / xafachilik RANJIranjitG'AZAB g'azabli g'azablang'azablantirdarg'azab ACHCHIQ n n v. furious get angry.t ranjitib qo'yn g'azab+i kelNX+ning ~+ini keltiradj v. grieve offend | NX+dan ~ v. annoyed with X. grieve over X sadden. distress. indignant angry. grieve over X show solicitude for X. unhappy about X offended by X be(come) offended by X be(come) upset. furious angry. furious. silent pain. anger get angry. trouble cause distress. annoy. bitter get angry at each other. bitterness suffer make X suffer.t v. furious make X angry. free of worries sorrow over NX+ga rahm+i kel. bitter make X angry. suffering. bitter | NX+dan ~ v. hurt offend. indignant make angry. int hiqillab yig' v. irascible angry. lose one's tamper get furious annoy. sobbing weeping and wailing weep. cause trouble turn red. annoy. make X lose one's temper angry. n yig'i-sig'i fe'l+i ayniv. sob cry with / about X make cry whiner sob sob howl cry loudly weep loudly weep loudly groan v. v. sigh moan.t n 167 .JAHL jahlli jahldor badjahl QAHR qahrli qahrlanQIZIQAYNABUZ- n (NX+dan) ~+i chiqNX+ning ~+ini chiqaradj adj adj n adj v. cross anger angry. irritated quick-tempered. lose one's temper get angry boil. ho'ngrab yig'lav. be grieved oh tortoh ur- XO'RSIN- | NX+dan ~ v. get angry get upset upset get angry. sigh sigh kuyinkuydirQIZARBO'ZARKULkuldirkulgi kulimsiraXAXOLATABASSUM ILJAYJILMAYYIG'I YIG'LAyig'latyig'loq HIQILLAO'KIRHO'NGRAINGRA- v.t n | NX+ning yuz+i ~ v. temper get angry (at X).t fe'l+ini buzjon+i chiqjon+ini chiqarNX+ning jon+iga tegNX+ning bosh+ini og'rit- n tabassum v. lose one's temper make X angry.t v. blush grow pale laugh make laugh laughter smile roar with laughter smile smile smile. groan. grin smile weeping. annoy X. get X in trouble bother X suffer. bother nag v. bother X. irritated get angry. trouble. wish X reluctantly aspiration. aspiration. aspiration towards X. get X(y) desire X. wish for X | N(gi)X+i ~ v. desire X reluctantly volunteer will voluntary.t v. be motivated interest. dream of Xing desired. liking. motivate have a leaning towards | N(ish)X+ga ~ N(ish)X+ga ko'z+i | N(ish)X uchun ~ adv N(ish)X+ga bel bog'lao'z-o'zicha o'z-o'zidan JON jon deb CX VX+ish uchun ko'ngl+i bor VX+ishga ko'ngl+i tortmaadj feel like Xing. Ability and Necessity KELISTAistak XOHISH XOHLAxohlovchi IXTIYOR ixtiyoriy ixtiyorsiz beixtiyor HAVAS havasmand NAFS ORZU MUSHTOQ mushtoqlik HAFSALA kamhafsala TILAtilak MAYL RAG'BAT rag'batlanrag'batlantirINTILERINARANG v. desire. lust desire. greed.Action and Modality Will.wish X. desire (X) have desire for Y easily getting carried away desire. wish. covetousness desire. wish inclination. aspiration. endeavour to X be reluctant to X be unwilling to X. want X. desire want X. hope that X. reluctant to X with difficulty reluctantly make up one's mind to X go one's own spontaneously eagerly looking forward to X be willing to X be unwilling to X voluntary ko'ngilli 168 . highly-coveted desire. desire for X satisfy one's wish. passive wish X (for Y) wish inclination. hope.t | N(ish)X+ni ~ istar-istamas n | N(ish)X+ga ~ n | N(ish)X+ga ~ xohish+ini bajo keltirv.t | N(ish)X+ni ~ xohlamasdan n n adj ad adj n NX+da N(ish)Y+ga ~+i bor adj n n VX+ishni orzu qiladj n n adj v. dream wish to X. of one's free will involuntary(ly) compelled involuntary(ly) wish. wish inert.t | NY+ga N(ish)X+ni ~ n n | NX+ga ~+i n v. desire be interested. renounce X. inconstant | VX+ish uchun ~ n NX haqida ~ chiqarVX+ishga qaror qilqarorga keladj v. clumsy clumsy. be undecided hesitation without hesitation hesitant. daring in X dare X decision. dexterity capable. stop daring. ability (X) have the ability for Y capable. capability able. wavering capacity. resolution.t VX+a ~ firm. resolution. ability talented. awkwardness. resolute. undecided get resolute. capable incapable inability ability. incompetent incompetence talent. able talent talented untalented (be) able to X ability v. resolute ikkilanish ikkilanmasdan / ikkilanmay n n NX+da N(ish)Y ~+i bor adj adj n n adj n adj adj adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ n n adj n adj n adj adj adj n v. awkward. give up X refrain from X refrain from X hold back. determination dare X be bold. stop give up. | NX+dan ~ N(ish)X+dan bo'yin tovlav. resolution adopt a decision about X decide to X make up one's mind undecided fickle.QAT'IY qat'iylik qat'iyat qat'iyatli qat'iyatsiz qat'iylashVOZ QAYTTIYtiyilTASHLAJUR'AT adj adv N(ishi)X+dan qat'iy nazar n n adj adj v. capability. resolutely regardless of X. willpower determined. determined thoroughly.t v. faculty.t tashlab ketn N(ish)X+ga jur'at qil-/etNX uchun jur'at qil-/etv. incompetent. able incapable. irrespective of X firmness. competent NX+da qattiq turn | NX+dan ~ kechv. determined persist in X abandon X. inaptitude take can X BOTINQAROR beqaror ikkilanikkilanuvchi QOBILIYAT qobiliyatli qobiliyatsiz qobiliyatsizlik ISTE'DOD iste'dodli TALANT talantli talantsiz QODIR qodirlik LAYOQAT layoqatli layoqatsiz layoqatsizlik SHUD shudli noshud NO'NOQ no'noqlik OL- 169 . inapt clumsiness. determination determination. restrain hold off give up. skill craft. vote for. talent skilful. select pick up choice be chosen. emancipate. emancipation get one's freedom free. selection sort select. exempt X from Y freedom. slow possible (Y) be possible for X to the best of one's ability (X) be possible be in one's power to X be in position to X. liberation. liberated. mastery. profession. handicraft.t saylab olNX+ning o'rniga n adj ad n adj ozod bo'lNX+ni NY+dan ozod qiln ozodlikka chiqozodlikka chiqarv.t 170 . have ability in X possibility.BIL- v. masterfully. liberated. clever skill skilfully. liberty free. cleverly skill. opportunity to X helpless(ly). technical ability highly skilled. | VX+ish ~ NX+ga kuch+i yetNX+ga qo'l+idan kel- BO'L- EP ojizona n | N(ish)X+ning ~+i ad xudo xohlasa TANLAtanlantanlov SARALASAYLAO'RIN (o'rn+i) ERK erksiz erkin erkinlik OZOD ozodlik ozodla- v. liberty without n v. selected competition. art.t VX+ishni ~ VX+a ~ adj | NX+ga ~ n n n adj n adv n adj adj n adj NX+ning ko'z+ini bilbosh+i garang bo'lNX+ning bosh+ini garang qil- know. comprehend know how to X know how to X expert in X.t tanlab oltanlash v. exempted free. choose choose. emancipated be freed. pick up elect. powerless(ly) if God wills choose.t saralab olv. skilled in X mastery. liberate free. trade skill. liberate USTA ustalik TEXNIKA HUNAR MOHIR mohirlik mohirona MAHORAT mahoratli mahoratsiz MALAKA malakali LAPASHANG MUMKIN adj adj adj | NX VY+ishi ~ mumkin qadar v. compelled free(ly) freedom. skills technique. liberate. masterly unskilled qualifications qualified. select instead of X freedom. masterly. skilled know well how to do X do not know what to do bother X sluggish. opposition hinder X. liberate X from Y (be) forced. oppose to X hindrance. be freed from X relieve. trouble hinder X. saviour be released. need VAQT KERAK keraklik kerakli keraksiz LOZIM n adj | NX+ga NY ~ adj | NX VY+ishi ~ keragicha n adj adj n adj | NX+ga NY ~ adj | NX VY+ishi ~ adj n n n ZARUR zarurlik zarurat zaruriyat 171 . be an obstacle to X hindrance.HUR hurlik HURRIYAT ISTIQLOL MUSTAQIL mustaqillik AVTONOM avtonomiya MUXTOR muxtoriyat XALOS xaloskor QUTULqutultirMAJBUR majburiy majburiyat majburan zo'rlaTO'SQIN to'sqinlik XALAQIT BO'SH bo'shlaBAND adj n n n adj n adj n adj n NX+dan ~ bo'lNX+dan xalos qiln v.s. needed unnecessary necessity. oblige compulsory. compel. as required necessity. free o.t | NX+ni N(ish)Y+ga ~ n NX+ga ~ bo'ln NX+ga to'sqinlik qiln N(ish)X+ga ~ beradj v. requirement (X) need Y (X) must Y necessary. hindrance hinder X. need (X) need Y (X) must Y as necessary. engaged. flee X. reserve have time have no time have no time for X it is suitable to X. compelled. requirement necessary. oblige X to Y obstacle. it is necessary to X necessity. vacant (space) become empty. break away. free. people) be busy occupy rent. prevent from X. void free (time. break away from X adj band bo'lband qilvaqt+i bor vaqt+i yo'q N(ish)X+ga qo'l+i tegmaN(ish)X+ga to'g'ri kel- free freedom freedom. get rid of X. liberty independence independent independence autonomous autonomy autonomous autonomy be relieved. obliged to X force. essential necessity necessity. constraint duty by force force. need. interfere in X empty. free from X liberator.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ adj | VX+ishga ~ (bo'l-) majbur qiladj n adv v. need necessity. need. from X escape X. compel. be free busy. people).int | NX+dan ~ NX+dan qochib ~ v. obligatory obligation. taken (space. be in need of X need without any need needs.) adv adj NX+ga ~ (bo'l-) n adj n v. never on no account never definitely needy. need (Y) be | NX+ga ~ n adj | NX+ga NY ~ n NX VY+ishi ~ n NX+ning NY+ga ~+i bor NX+ning NY+ga ~+i yo'q adj adj adv (with neg. demands need to take/spend X for Y duty. necessity. on no account. in need need X. needed to X condition (necessary for sth) (X) have to Y (emphatic) need.ZOR zoriqDARKOR SHART HOJAT hojatli hojatsiz ASLO ZINHOR SIRA qat'iyan MUHTOJ muhtojlik muhtojsiz EHTIYOJ KETBURCH burchli majburiyat navbatchi navbatchilik n v. obligation indebted duty (person) on duty duty 172 .int | NY uchun NX ~ n adj n n n strong need be in great need of X necessity.) adv (with neg. urge X need Y X have no need of Y necessary unnecessary not at all.) adv (with neg. utilize. task have business to do with X carry out X handle affairs. at a loss be in vain. move action act react inactive active active activity active.t adj n n harakat qilqarshi harakat qiladj adj adj n adj adj n amalda NX+ni ~+ga oshiramal qiladj n v. aim intend to X. job. employ hard-working. intend X ishlaishlatishchan YUMUSH HARAKAT harakatsiz harakatchan FAOL faoliyat faoliyatli faoliyatsiz AMAL amaliy amaliyot amallatomonidan tarafidan BEKOR BEHUDA BEJIZ UCHUN DENIYAT 173 . conduct matter. be wasted waste. mean to X aim X mean X. annul in vain. because of X Y with X in mind. put X into effect act practical practice come through all right. job.t v.t post | NX+ning ~ post | NX+ning ~ adj. in vain be in vain cancel. n n bekorga bekorga ketbekor qil-/etZOYE adv zoye bo'lzoye ketzoye qilad ad bejiz emas post | N(ish)X ~ post | N(gani)X ~ NX deb CY n VX+ishga niyat qilNX+ni niyat qilAX niyat n n NX bilan ~+i bor NX+ni ~+ga oshish ko'rish tutv. emptiness nothing for nothing. nonsensical without a reason. task movement. Y for the sake of X intention. resourceful work. rescind. perform be done. squander useless. be made. in order to X for X (reason). be performed action. act work use. empty.Acts and Results QILqilinqilmish ISH v. thing work. deeds in practice bring about. make. affair. business. be wasted be in vain. dynamic. realize X. of action inactive action. aimless(ly) not without reason for X (sake/purpose). handle well by X (action performed thru X) by X (action performed thru X) idle(ness) useless(ness). act handle affairs. design designer plan. ill intent to X intentional(ly). design draft plan planned unplanned plan planning estimate. destination attain one's goal ideal.t v. efforts initiator.t planlashtirish n v. aim achieve one's aim goal. deliberately project. inadvertently (evil) design. draft.t v.t n n n oldini oln kun tartibi purpose.t n n NX+ni ~+ga oladj adj v. instigator. aim. draft plan X planned unplanned plan project.MAQSAD maqsadsiz MUROD MANZIL G'OYA g'oyali g'oyaviy g'oyasiz NISHON nishona JO'RTTAGA G'ARAZ g'arazli g'arazsiz QASD qasdan LOYIHA loyihalaloyihachi REJA rejali rejasiz rejalashtirPROYEKT XOMAKI PLAN planli plansiz planlashtirMO'LJAL mo'ljallaTASHABBUS tashabbuskor tashabbuskorlik PROGRAMMA n maqsad+iga yetmaqsad bilan adj n murod+iga yetn manzil+iga yetn adj adj adj n n adv n VX+ishga g'araz qilad ad n adv n v.t 174 . sign target mark deliberately.t v. pre-empt program agenda wait for expect be waited for keep sb waiting wait for. proposal.t n n n adj adj v. pioneer initiative. plan estimate. design plan. goal. project. object with ideals ideal with no ideal mark. purposeless wish. v. draft. plan initiative. await keep sb waiting KUTkutilkuttirPOYLApoylat- v. plan. intention achieve one's aim with a purpose aimless. undertaking prevent. aim. venture. grudge intentionally. intentionally (evil) design. scheme. deliberate(ly) unintentionally. (ill) intent have evil designs. inactivity ready. n n n adj tayyor bo'ltayyor qiln v. try try hard to | N(ish)X+ga ~ n N(ish)X uchun g'ayrat | N(ish)X+ga ~ n adj | ~ (bo'l-) n NX+ga ~ ko'rv.t n NX+ga ~ solv. get prepared prepare preparations prepare prepare (o. fight. base founder KO'RBOQ- v. fight struggle. | VX+ib ~ harakat qilN(ish)X uchun harakat qilVX+ishga harakat qil- urin- v. diligent.t v. willpower.INTIZOR intizorlik NAVBAT adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ N(ish)X+ga ~ bo'lintizor qiln n navbatda turnavbatdagi | N(ish)X+ga ~ v. in a queue following. impatiently oblige to wait waiting (with impatience) turn queue. zeal strive to X. ground lay the foundations of X argue found.t n TIRISHtirishqoq INTILG'AYRAT g'ayratlang'ayratlantirishchan ishchanlik QUNT KURASHNOMZOD nomzodlik BEKOR bekorchi bekorchilik TAYYOR tayyorlik tayyorlatayyorlantayyorgarlik HOZIR hozirlik hozirlahozirlankirishOCHASOS asoslaasoschi 175 .t v. be ready preparations get ready for X prepare. set up. resourcefulness persistence. take the trouble to try have a leaning towards | VX+ishga ~ VX+ishga ~+ib ko'rurinish v. get ready for X preparations readiness be | VX+ib ~ | NX+ga ~ | VX+ish uchun ~ adj zo'r | N(ish)X uchun ~ n n adj. endeavour to X energy. try to X attempt to X. line stand in a line. cheer sb up hard-working. get ready for X set about X. endeavour to X hardworking. endeavour to X display vigour. try to X endeavour to X. foundation. resourceful dynamism. strive for X candidate application idle(ness) idler. prepared be ready. unoccupied person idleness. get ready. get ready prepare for X. start Xing open. start basis. try to X attempt to X. impatiently awaiting X await X eagerly. bestir oneself raise sb's v. attempt to X act endeavour to X.t adj n n v. concentration wrestle. dynamic. attempt to X try to X. anxiously.s) for X. try to X attempt. next try to X. assiduous make an effort. progressing develop.t v. give rise to. cause arouse. advance progress conduct X fulfill X to Y(=degree of achievement) (be) busy with X task. carry out. fulfill.t v. go in for X change to (an other) X go to (an other) X achieve.QO'ZG'Aqo'zg'atQO'Y- v. implement throw. without results TASHLAYUBORAMAL BAJO BAJARbajarilIJRO ijrochi ijroiya ADO TARAQQIY taraqqiyot v. carrying out fulfill.t VX+ib ~ v. quit. win. obtain X in Y. without results result. complete get carried out. stir up.t | VX+may ~ yo'lga qo'y- arouse. complete carry | VX+ib ~ v. see X through gain. end effective. okay fulfill. with results vain.t n N(gani)X ~+sida natija berNX+da ~+ga erishad ad n adj adj natijali natijasiz OQIBAT oqibatli oqibatsiz 176 . conclusion as a result of X have. advance development.t VX+ib ~ amalga oshNX+ni ~+ga oshiradj bajo keltirv. yield a result achieve results in X effective(ly). carry out developing. give rise to. with results ineffective(ly). stir up. give up do X (and cause a result) stop Xing put into effect. throw away do X quickly and thoroughly send do X suddenly and completely be completed bring about. fulfill executant executive fulfillment. carrying out. give put away. | NY+da NX+ga ~ v. obtain result. cause put forward. advancement push forward. put X into effect not bad. realize | (boshqa) NX+ga ~ | NX bilan ~ v. completed execution.t v. | (boshqa) NX+ga ~ n ijro et-/qiln adj n ado et-/qiladj taraqqiy qil-/etn oldga suroldga surilNX+ni olib borNX+ni NY+ga olib bor- MASHG'UL mashg'ulot SHUG'ULLANO'To'tkazERISHQOZONNATIJA adj | NX bilan ~ (bo'l-) n v. progress. fulfillment execute. operation studies be engaged in X. success succeed in X successful go ahead successfully (affairs) get to X. be effective. finish off be valid. useless without advantage. help advantageous. fruit. useful without advantage. else's benefit. get settled end. have market X for one's own benefit / suffering X for s. interesting without advantage.t v. not | NX+ga ~ v. product fruitful. benefit benefit from X without value. wipe out end. inefficient foydali foydasiz befoyda foydalanMANFAAT manfaatli manfaatsiz manfaatparast manfaatdor NAF nafsiz SAMARA samarali samarasiz 177 . setback VX+ib ~ v. be unsuccessful succeed in X. not beneficial.t bartaraf bo'lbartaraf qilv. | NX+ga ~ v. unprofitable. achieve X achievement. help bring benefit. utilize X interest. use X. reach X in time manage to. efficient fruitless. do successfully be able to manage attain X. profit. eradicate. uninteresting person looking for advantages beneficiary worth. value. catch up with X finish. obtain X.t qo'l+idan kelv. benefit to one's advantage advantageous. beneficial. achievement in X be successful (person) succeed successful(ly) be successful (action) unsuccessful failure. benefit. not beneficial result. get rid of eliminate. useless take advantage of | VX+ib ~ n NX+ning ~+siga bo'lfoyda chiqarfoyda keltirfoyda qiladj adj adj v.MUVAFFAQ muvaffaqiyat muvaffaqiyatli muvaffaqiyatsiz muvaffaqiyatsizlik MUYASSAR yutuq yutuqli ULGUReplayetishtugatBARTARAF tugallaO'TOLBERFOYDA VX+ishga ~ bo'ln | N(ish)X+ida ~ muvaffaqiyatga erishmuvaffaqiyat qozonad muvaffaqiyatli chiqadj n muvaffaqiyatsizlikga uchran | N(ish)X+ga ~ bo'ln NX+da ~ qozonadj o'ngidan | NX+dan ~ n o'z+ining manfaatga adj adj n n n N(ish)X+dan ~ oladj n adj adj succeed in Xing. complete liquidate. assistance advantage. manage to X success in X. profitable.o. profit be to the advantage of X take advantage of bring benefit. ZARAR zararli zararsiz ZIYON n NX+ga ~ yetkazNX+ga ~ berzarar tortzarar keltirzarar qiladj adj n NX+dan ~ ko'rNX+dan ~ tortziyon keltirziyon tortNX+dan ziyon qiladj adj n talafot ko'rn fido qil-/etadj n n qurbon bo'lqurbon qil- harm. harm suffer loss. artificial. make prosperous development develop development ziyonli ziyonsiz TALAFOT FIDO fidokor fidokorlik QURBON BUNYOD bunyodkor bunyodkorlik YARATyaratilyaratuvchi IJOD ijodiy ijodiyot ijodkor ijodkorlik IXTIRO ixtirochi YASAyasama QURqurilqurilish quruvchi rivojlantirOBOD / OBODON obodonlik obodlashtirobodonchilik bunyod bo'lbunyod qiln n v. damage in X cause damage sustain loss (in business) suffer loss.t adj obod qiln v. produce be created. detrimental harmless loss. get damage harmful. invention create. inventive creation creator. abnegation sacrifice. reconstruct be built. be created make appear.t adj v. damage. offerings victime. construction (l/f) builder. damage in X suffer loss. damage in X harmful. v. be produced creator.t v. inventor creativeness. get damage cause damage lose.t qayta qurv. be composed. compose. constructor (l/f) develop prosperous. composer creation. in construction be | NX+dan ~ n n v. false build. damage sacrifice sacrifice oneself devoted self-sacrifice. detrimental harmless loss. construct man-made. be sacrificed sacrifice appear. made up of X n n ijod et-/qiladj n n n n ixtiro qil-/etn v. harm suffer loss. invent creative. flourishing develop.t n 178 . damage. inventiveness invention invent inventor make. loss harm X harm X lose. construct (l/f) rebuild. create creator creation create. damage. martyr sacrifice oneself. maintenance repair. preserved take precautions. mend... make model. protect from X save X's life be saved.t v.t v. support protect from X. fix correct proof(s). rescuer safe. take care of keep. fix repair(s). wipe out saqlanHIMOYA himoyasiz QUTQARqutqaruvchi OMON omonlik omonsiz BOSHPANA TUZAtuzaltuzattuzatish REMONT TA'MIR ta'mirlatiklamukammallashtir- YO'QOTyo'qotil- v. refuge (l/f) arrange. wipe out destroy. restoring repair. deliver save.t qutqarib qoln adj omon bo'ln adj n v. exemplary take X as an example. annihilate.) yo'q qilyo'q qilib tashla- 179 .t v. abolish. be repaired arrange. imitate X imitative imitator in X's place v. observe (rules) save. decorate. be abolished destroy. annihilate. put to an end be eliminated. preserve.. preserve (life. correction(s) repair(s). support against X defenceless. defence. unharmed be safe. defend. adorn recover (from an illness) get better.t | NX+dan ~ NX+ning jon+ini ~ v. guard against X protection. preserve keep. mend. mending. guard. helpless save.t v. rescue.t v.t n. reconstruction.t ishdan chiqishdan chiqar- draw up. restore restore perfect be out of order damage lose eliminate.TUZNAMUNA namunali IBRAT o'xshatTAQLID taqlidiy taqlidchi O'RIN (o'rn+i) TUTSAQLA- v. adj NX+ga ~ bo'lNX+dan ~ oladj n | NX+dan ~ olv. keep (l/f) maintain. reconstruct. tidy repair. preserve. form.t n n remont qiln v.t v. learn from X imitate X copy. unharmed safety with no safety | NX+dan ~ n NX+dan himoya qiladj v. imitation copy | NX+ga ~ n NX+ga taqlid qiladj n NX+ning o'rn+ida v. example be an example to X take X as an example model. mend. be mended. safeguard. an assignment responsible of X guilty responsibility person in charge responsible responsibility of X of responsibility without responsibility irresponsibility responsability.t v.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ n n komandirovkaga boradj | NX+ga ~ n n adj n | N(ish)X ~+i adj adj n n NX+ni NY+ning ~+siga yuklaN(ish)X+ni NY+ga havola qilv.t v. destroy ruined. ruin ruins destruction. mission mission go on a mission. bother X. destroy damaged. annoy X. smashed. corrupt be yakson bo'lyakson qiladj vayron bo'lvayron qiln n adj xonavayron bo'lxonavayron qiladj xarob bo'lxarob qiln n v. eliminate. destroyed ruin. demolish. ruin destroyed. trust X to Y task. devastate. damage ruins destruction. destroy. mahv (bo'l-) mahv et-/qiladj v. destroyed. corrupted get destroyed destroy. ruin ruined. devastation get ruined. destroyed annihilate. the responsability hand over. devastation. destroyed get ruined. attend X participation participant participant XAROB xaroba xaroblik xaroblashMAHV SHIKAST shikastla- VAZIFA n N(ish)X ~+si ~ topshir~ ber- TOPSHIRtopshiriq KOMANDIROVKA javobgar javobgarlik MAS'UL mas'uliyat mas'uliyatli mas'uliyatsiz mas'uliyatsizlik ZIMMA v. devastated destroy. responsability assignment responsability of X give a task. destroy. destroyed be n v. ruin spoil. the responsability give a task. smash. charge put Y in charge of X charge Y to X. participate in X. devastated get destroyed.YEMIRyemirilyemiruvchi BUZbuzilYAKSON VAYRON vayrona vayronalik XONAVAYRON v. ruined. break. damaged | NX+ga ~ qatnashish n n QATNASHqatnashchi qatnashuvchi 180 . out of order be spoilt. entrust Y with X take part.t NX+ning jon+iga teg- destroy. broken. eroded destroyer break. deliver X to Y entrust Y with X. erode be destroyed. eliminated. hurt damage. get X in trouble task. destroyed. destroyed (get) annihilated. mission. injure nag X. collapsed. devastate. companion be partner with X cooperate partnership good-companionship collaborator cooperation cooperate mobilized mobilize mobilization side (one of two opposite sides) side. assistance help. put aside miss respond to X. render assistance to X first aid give help to X. party on behalf of X neutral. assist X mutual help. auxiliary help. attendance leave. non-participation supporter on behalf on X side with X. assist each other helper assistant help.t NX+ga quloq qoq- attendance attend X participant o'zara ko'maklashn n NX+ga ~ bern dod solint | dod! n NX+ga ~ bo'lv. bother about bother n n n hamkorlik qiladj safarbar qiln n NX+ning ~+idan adj n n NX+ning nom+idan NX+ga yon bos- 181 . stay on the sidelines help. assistance help X in Y give help to X. react to X in answer/response to X get mixed up with X take part in X.ISHTIROK ishtirokchi DAVOMAT qoldir- n NX+ga ishtirok et-/qiln n v. stay on the sidelines keep out of | NX+ga ~ oraga chiqoraga kirNX+ga kun bermachetda qol(o'z+ini) chetga tort- YORDAM yordamsiz yordamlashyordamchi KO'MAK ko'maklashko'makchi MADAD HASHAR DOD SHERIK sheriklashsherikchilik HAMKOR hamkorlik SAFARBAR safarbarlik TARAF betaraf betaraflik tarafdor NOM n N(ish)Y+da NX+ga ~ berNX+ga ~ ko'rsattez yordam NX+ga yordam qiladj v. render assistance to X helpless help X in Y helper assistant. comrade. not leave X in peace keep out of things. abstention.t | NX+ni N(ish)Y+ga ~ n n v. collective work call for help help! partner friend. interfere in X not interfere interfere. support X javoban ARALASH- adv | NX+ga ~ v. abstainer neutrality. assist help. assistance help X. sermon advise. consultant. advice give X advice mislead recommendation recommend to X recommendation recommend X to Y | NX bilan ~ n n NX+ga yo'l o'rgatyo'ldan chiqar- advice advise X to Y advise X to Y ask advice from X consult X consult X consult X. lecture. sermonize TAVSIYA TAQDIM n N(ishi)X+ni tavsiya et-/qiln NX+ni NY+ga taqdim et-/qiln nasihat qil- NASIHAT 182 . counselor council. donate X to Y advice.MASLAHAT maslahatlashmaslahatchi KENGASH n NY+ga VX+ishni ~ berCY deb NX+ga ~ berNX+dan ~ so'raNX bilan maslahat qilNX+ga maslahat qilv. present. ask advice from X adviser. risk daring person possibility. unlucky. evade X let escape.t chetda qol(o'z+ini) chetga tortchetlaGAROV chetlab o'tn garov bog'lashgarov o'ynaNX yuz+i ko'rBAXT n NX+ga ~ kelNX+ga ~ keltirbaxtga qarshi baxt+i qora adj adj n adj adj opportunity. evade. inopportune | NX+dan ~ n n o'z vaqtida adj adj n N(ish)X ~+sida N(ish)X ~ bilan CX deb bahona qiln VX+ishi uchun ~ ko'rsatVX+ishi uchun ~ topad v. miss keep out of things. arbitrari(ly) flee X. wager bet. lucky. happy (moment. opportunity on the occasion of X on the way on the way. ill luck unfortunate. reason make an excuse to find an excuse to for no reason. elude pawn. event) VAJ vajsiz QOCHqochir- baxtli baxtsiz baxtsizlik badbaxt baxtiyor 183 . stay on the sidelines keep out of things. unexpectedly some time lose X(=opportunity. stay on the sidelines flee. lucky. in time untimely untimely. chance seize the opportunity chancing take a chance. guarantee bet bet. unhappy misfortune. run away from X avoid X escape X. unhappy fortunate. wager get access to X good fortune. excuse under the pretext of X under the pretext of X pretend X excuse. ability) (opportune) moment time on time. born unlucky fortunate. happiness X be lucky bring luck to X unfortunately unlucky. luck.Circumstances FURSAT TAVAKKAL tavakkalchi imkoniyat YO'LAKAY n fursatdan foydalanadv tavakkal qiln n N(ish)X munosabat+i bilan adv yo'l-yo'lakay kezi kelganda QOLPAYT VAQT vaqtsiz bemahal BAHONA v. happy | NX+dan ~ NX+dan ~+ib ketv. unlucky. t luck. attack) hardship.t achchiq-chuchuk n adj adj n NX+ga qiyinlik qilv. ups and downs tragedy. success be lucky be lucky be unlucky try one's luck lucky unlucky ill luck one's luck's in luck. difficulties crisis annoyance. trouble X be struck by misfortune experience misfortune ill-fortune. torture. endure (blow. hit upon X experience X(=bad situation). fate fortunately.OMAD omadli omadsiz omadsizlik IQBOL TOLE (tole+i) YAXSHIYAMKI XAYRIYAT QUTLUG' SHO'R BALO n omad+i bor omad+i kelomad+i ketomadni sinab ko'radj adj n qo'l+i kel(di)n n adv | ~. run into X experience X(=bad situation. trouble be in trouble meet with X. disaster. tragic situation tragic difficult. painful catastrophe. disaster experience misfortune. calamity suffer a disaster unfortunate misfortune. CX adj adj peshana+si sho'r n NX+ga ~ tegbaloga uchran falokatga yo'liqadj n musibat chekmusibat tortadj n tabiiy ofat n n n ko'ngilsizliklarga duchor bo'lNX+ga ~ bo'lduchor qilv. fall ill with X(=illness) meet X.t n v. success luck. disaster natural disaster crisis. hard difficulty (degree in) present problems to X get difficult make difficult difficulty harass. | NX+ga ~ v. disaster. CX adv | | NX+ga ~ NX+ga ~(+ib qol-) v. suffer X(=ill fortune) bring (ill fortune) meet X. see X. illness) fall in/on X(=bad situation) suffer. unlucky (fate) unfortunate (sad lot) v. torment FALOKAT falokatli MUSIBAT musibatli OFAT TANGLIK KRIZIS ko'ngilsizlik DUCHOR UCHRAYO'LIQTUSHYEFOJIA fojiali QIYIN qiyinlik qiyinlashqiyinlashtirqiyinchilik QIYNA- 184 . complicated. suffer unfortunate. X propitious sad. suffer experience misfortune. run into X. happiness. X what a good thing. cozy.t adj n v. weighty difficult. easiness unfavourable. uneasy get easier convenient. hard difficulty. burden. hardness n adj adj adv (bir) amallab easy. hard difficulty. comfortable convenience. handy. make lighter (l/f) n n zo'r bilan adv adj n v. strenuously with difficulty. perilous safe safety being safe apprehend adj n adj n v. threat be in danger be in danger escape danger dangerous to X. painful without difficulty with difficulty reluctantly with great difficulty easy. hazardous safe peril danger (be) in danger put in danger JO'N RAVON O'NG'AY o'ng'aylik o'ng'aysiz o'ng'aylashQULAY qulaylik noqulay noqulaylik qulaylaqulaylashSHINAM XAVF adj ad adj n adj v. strength with all one's | NX+dan ~ n xatar ostida (qol-) adj adj xavf-xatar n tahlika ostida (qol-) tahlikaga solib qo'y- xavfli xavfsiz xavfsizlik xavflanXATAR xatarli bexatar TAHLIKA 185 . simple fluent(ly). easy v. disadvantage make easier. smooth(ly) favourable. suffering adj n xavf ostida bo'lxavf ostida qolxavfdan qochadj | NX uchun ~ adj n xavfsizlikda v. easiness easily heavy. barely enough light (l/f) easiness get lighter (l/f) lighten. nice danger. difficult. convenient comfortable. hazard (be) in danger dangerous.OSON osonlik osonlikcha OG'IR og'irlik og'irlashog'irchilik ZO'R zo'rg'a YENGIL yengillik yengillashyengillashtirMUSHKUL mushkulot mushkullashMASHAQQAT mashaqqatli mashaqqatsiz ARANG adj n adv adj n NX+ga og'irlik qilv. handiness inconvenient inconvenience. hardship be a burden for X become heavy get worse (l/f) difficulty. worry about X danger. might. difficulty. facilitate get easier.t v. arduousness get difficult trouble. simple convenience. light. risky. dangerous peril. perilous 186 . danger dangerous.QALTIS qaltislik qo'rqinchli adj n adj perilous. risk. way means. manner (of X). method indirect direct direct(ly) intermediary through the intermediary of X measure. style method. way manner. road path way. can't help it as X as possible think of a way. in connection with X ever since X in principle. all over X. way way. find a solution beyond remedy. possibility of X have no way out. form. steps. way. in consequence of X in accordance with X METOD YO'L n n USLUB RAVISH TARZ YO'SIN n n n n turmush tarzi yashash ravishi VOSITA vositali vositasiz bevosita vositachi vositachilik TADBIR tadbirli SHAKL ILOJ n adj adj ad n n | NX+ning ~+ida n N(ish)X uchun ~ ko'radj n n | N(ish)X+ga ~ iloj+i yo'q iloji boricha AX+roq iloj topadj n | N(ish)X+ga ~ chora+si yo'q chora topchora ko'radj ilojsiz CHORA chorasiz BILAN ORQALI VOSITA YO'L bo'yicha post | NX ~ post | NX ~ NX+ning vositasi bilan NX+ning yo'li bilan post | NX ~ post | N(gani)X ~ asosan BINOAN yuzasidan adv post | NX+ga ~ post | NX+ga ~ post | NX ~ 187 . shape manner. find a solution take measures having no way out beyond remedy. measures can't help it think of a way.Manner USUL n | VX+ish ~+i method (of Xing). according to X in accordance with X. way way of life way of life means. through X. precaution take steps to X methodical form. by means of X. and X by means of X. way manner. via X by means of X by means of X throughout X. all along X in accordance with X. means of X action. without solution with X. procedure form. way of (Xing). without solution having no way out way. measures. method style. basically in accordance with X. manner manner. employed adopt. according to v. notwithstanding X in comparison with X considering X in accordance with X. employ be used.t v. watch X. use. | NX+ga ~ yaramas adj | NX+ga ~ adj v. staunch devotion. at a loss be in vain. implementation | N(ish)X+ga ~ berilgan n adj n | VX+ib ~ v.t v. dedication deepen (l/f) deepen (l/f) diligently. abuse misuse X. squander be useful. useless well-suited. be used. corresponding to X look at X. expenditure. notwithstanding X although X. exit do X thoroughly devote o. squander waster. be wasted be in vain. useful for X unsuitable. squandering waste. of no use. utilize X use. because of X take advantage of X. gaze at X in accordance with X although X. to X devoted. dedication.t n isrof qiln n adv zoye bo'lzoye ketzoye qilv.t | NX+dan ~ v. use X wrongly use. employ be adopted. utilize. squanderer wasting. pity use sparingly. conscientiously. adopt expenses. use wrongly. employ. helpful for X of no n n iste'mol qiln NX+dan suiiste'mol qiln tatbiq et-/qiln sarf qiln v.YARASHA QARAqarab qaramasdan qaramay qaraganda KO'RA foydalanishlatishlatilqo'llaqo'llanqo'llanma ISTE'MOL SUIISTE'MOL TATBIQ SARF sarfiyat sarflaISROF isrofgar isrofgarchilik ZOYE post | NX+ga ~ v. use | NX+ga ~ post | NX+ga ~ post | N(ishi)X+ga ~ post | N(ishi)X+ga ~ post | NX+ga ~ post | N(ishi)X+ga ~ post | N(ish)X+ga ~ v. wastage. squandering in vain. be employed instruction(s). sincerity devoted. be wasted waste. guide use. consumption make use of. wholeheartedly give one's life do wholeheartedly with all one's heart YARAyaroqli yaroqsiz AYAtayan- CHIQberilIXLOS JONKUYAR jonkuyarlik chuqurlashchuqurlashtirASTOYDIL v.t adv jon berjon-tan bilan 188 .int | NX+ga ~ according to X. useless spare. dedicated devotion. utilized. spending spend loss. loyal. consume misuse. expense spend wasting.s. make best use of lean on/against X rely on X go out. tending take care of. anxious about X pay attention adj n adv v. carelessness attention authority pay attention to X take into consideration attentively inattentive pay no attention to X. caution set aside.hayvonlarcha atroflicha yuzaki betayin betayinlik shaxsan YAQIN DIQQAT adj n ad yarim-yorti adj n adv yaqindan n diqqat! diqqat bilan N(gani)X uchun ~ bo'ldiqqat qiladj n n NX+ga ~ bere'tiborga ole'tibor bilan adj NX+ga ~ qaran diqqat-e'tibor n NX+dan ~ bo'lehtiyotdan ehtiyot qilad n v. thick. carelessness attention. deliberate be careful. negligence care. intimately attention. reserve not paying attention. attentively be worried. take notice of X careless. prudently. prudent with X as a precaution treat with care. safeguard. circumspect precaution. of careful. seeing and hearing care. tend strong. guard. treasure pay attention to X guard. durable. muddle-headed imprecision.t v. carelessness guard. imprecise. take care of guard against. anyhow. be careful with inattentive. protect o. firm thorough. thoroughly superficial(ly) (l/f) (only) | NX+dan ~ n NX+ga parvo qiladj n n parvarish qiladj puxta qiln jon kuydir- like beasts of burden in detail. safeguard be careful. efficient. imprudent inattention. be attentive efficiency carefulness be concerned with. cautiously. caution carefully.s. haphazardly unclear. care. prudent. cautious. vague untidy. careless(ly). care for. caution attention! / look out! carefully. cautious. take care of take precautions. sparingly keep. vagueness untidiness personally directly. caution. watch diqqatsiz diqqatsizlik E'TIBOR e'tiborsiz e'tiborsizlik EHTIYOT ehtiyotsiz ehtiyotsizlik ehtiyotlaehtiyotlanehtiyotkor ehtiyotkorlik ehtiyotkorona SAQLAsaqlanPARVO beparvo beparvolik PARVARISH PUXTA puxtalik ZEHN POYLA- NX+ga zehn qo'yv. care.t v. careless inattention. proper(ly) careful.t 189 . prudent. guard against X attention. notice pay attention to X. negligent carelessness. neglect X inattention. cheating cheat lie. crudely and rashly violence violently brute. falsehood lie. careful. receive. inspector. supervise controller. supervisor control. caution. check. tell lies guise. inattention vigilant. attention cautious. disguise.t v. watchful. supervision. inspection inspector. admonish warn. carefulness smooth(ly). auditor in an all-round way quiet(ly). madness madly. trap deceive. take care of X help X. swindle. smoothly crude and rash action. brutality secretly cheat. abandoned herder watcher. gentleness. tender look after X. supervision control. bring up X feed X. vigilant warn.KUTBOQboqim boqimsiz boquvchi QARAqarashTEJAunutuvchan unutuvchanlik HUSHYOR hushyorlik OGOH ogohlantir- v. blindfold control.t | NX+ga ~ v. watchful | NX+ga ~+ib bern adj n g'irromlik qiln yolg'on gapiryolg'on so'zlan n | NX+ning ~+i v. attentive. cover under the guise of X mask. caution. remind. level just right. pasture X care. careful(ly) quietness. remind. deceiver trickery. care n n v. cardsharper dishonest dishonesty. calmness.t ogohlantirib qo'yko'r-ko'rona n nazorat qiln n n atrofli ravishda ad n ad joyida n adv n zo'rlik bilan n n adv v. tell lies lie. entertain (guests) take care of X. admonish blindly. maintenance uncared-for. gentle(ly). calm(ly). lend a hand to X save. conceal NAZORAT nazoratchi KONTROL REVIZOR OSOYISHTA osoyishtalik TEKIS JOY telbalik telbalarcha zo'rlik zo'ravon zo'ravonlik yashirincha ALDAaldanaldamchi aldamchilik FIRG'IRROM g'irromlik YOLG'ON NIQOB niqobla- 190 . look after | NX+ga ~ v. inattentive absent-mindedness. be deceived cheat. violent person violence.t adj n adj n adj v. economize take care of.t wait for look after. deceive be cheated. | NX+ga ~ n adj n v. fool cheat. perfidy cunningly.TUZOQ n NX+ga ~ qo'ytuzoqqa tushn n NX+ga ~ ishlatNX+ga hiyla qiladj adj n NX+ga nayrang qiln hiyla-nayrang hiyla-nayrang o'tmug'ombirlik qil- trap set a trap for X fall into the trap trap cunning. deceitfulness. deceive X cheat cunning. deceive X tricky sly. ruse use cunning use cunning. spite do things maliciously QOPQON HIYLA hiylali hiylagar NAYRANG nayrangboz MAKKOR makkorlik makkorona AYYOR ayyorlik shaytonlik adj n adv adj n ayyorlik qiln shaytonlik qil- 191 . cunning trick. ruse trick. cheat. cunning trick. slyness. trick. perfidious cunning. deceive X trick. cheat. cunning use trickery. trick. guile. deceitfully. deceitful. deceive malice. pretend cunning. cheat. deceitful trickery. perfidiously crafty. correct.t adj ko'ngl+i yumshoq yumshoq ko'ngilli n adj ko'ngl+i oq oq ko'ngilli odamiy odamgarchilik YOMON yomonlik YOVUZ yovuzlik yovuzlashyovuzlarcha YIRTQICH yirtqichlik yirtqichlarcha adj n ad n adj n v. evil deed act ferociously fiercely. honest kind-hearted. good-hearted kind-hearted. good soft. silken gentle. mildness. attitude good. good deed in earnest. benevolent upright. ferocious evil. ferociously predatory. mildness soft-hearted. wicked. conduct relations behave X towards Y treat Y X having a X character. kind gentleness. evil evil deed evil. mild. become mellow soften ease. ferocious adv adj n adv behaviour. pacify soft. well. goodness.Attitudes Behaviour MUOMALA n NY+ga AX ~ bo'lNY+ga AX muomala qiladj | AX ~ xatti-harakat XULQ qiliq POZITSIYA YAXSHI yaxshilik yaxshilikcha EZGU DURUST MULOYIM muloyimlik muloyimlashxushfe'l xushfe'llik YUMSHAyumshatyumshoq yumshoqlik ko'ngilchan n n o'z+ini tutn ad n adv adj adj adj n adj n v. kind kindness. fine. temper behaviour manners behave ko'ngl+i yumshav. honest humane humaneness. ferocity like a predator muomalali 192 . soften. mildness. humanity bad. behaviour disposition. mild. kindness turn soft. gentleness mellow gentle. nice. character. frank. kind. behaviour conduct. willingly good. mild. become mellow turn soft. fond softness. frank. mild soft-hearted soft-hearted softness. mean narrow and limited. spitefulness low. barbarously. cruel savage. worth. low vile action. low conduct wretched. savageness. philantropy generous. mean lowness.VAHSHAT vahshatli VAHSHIY vahshiylik vahshiyona n vahshat qiladj adj n adj ko'ngl+i qora qora yurak ko'ngl+i qattiq qattiq ko'ngilli fe'l+i yaxshi fe'l+i yomon xulq+i yaxshi xulq+i yomon brutality. cruel act savagely. lenient generous generous generous generous noble. brutal. leniency humane. egoism OLIJANOB olijanoblik FAZILAT fazilatli adj n n adj | (yaxshi) ~ ko'ngl+i tor yurag+i tor BAXIL baxillik PAST pastlik pastkash yaramas QABIH RAZIL razillik razilona IFLOS ifloslik ABLAH shaxsiyat shaxsiyatparast shaxsiyatparastlik n. barbarous. liberality generosity. lowly. spiteful (person) meanness. magnanimity virtue. behave barbarously. bastard personality. nobility. mean (people) vile. magnanimous nobleness. with high moral character narrow and limited. adj n adj n adj. liberal towards X generosity. filthy. high. cruelly dishonest. generosity. barbarity act. savagely brutal. spite. muddy mean dirtiness. evil minded evil hard-hearted hard-hearted of of of of good character bad character good character bad character SHO'X sho'xlik SAXIY saxiylik SAXOVAT saxovatli MURUVVAT muruvvatli adj n adj | NX+ga ~ n adj n n adj ko'ngl+i keng yurag+i keng ochiq qo'lli qo'l+i ochiq naughty naughtiness generous. inner-self self-esteem selfish. vileness low. contemptible. charitable humanity. moral character virtuous. brutally. mean mean. philantropic. brutal. disgusting loathsome. dirt mean action scoundrel. egoist selfishness. barbarous. n adj yaramas qiliq adj adj n ad adj n n n n n 193 . savage. mean mean action meanly dirty (l/f). of worth. generous. barbarous savage. grasping person conscience with a conscience conscienceless in all conscience morals. rich man's son dandy just. impartial fairness. morality immoral of high moral standards well-mannered moral immoral. promiscuous daddy's boy. conscience be fair. miserly stinginess. loyalty. loyal. neutrality impartial(ly) honesty. correctness honesty. fidelity. crookedness dishonest. fair. fair dishonest. selfishness mean. dissolute. sincerity. upright (man or words) rightness. out of order unprincipled. true. devoted unfaithful. unfair dishonesty. neutral impartiality. licentious rumors. uprightness faithful. miserly stinginess. righteousness impartial. sincere(ly) honesty.XUDBIN xudbinlik XASIS xasislik ZIQNA ziqnalik dunyoparast pulparast VIJDON vijdonli vijdonsiz vijdonan AXLOQ axloqli axloqiy axloqsiz axloqsizlik buzuq adj n adj n adj n n n n adj adj adv n axloq+i buzuq adj adj adj n adj fisq-fasod egoist. miserliness greedy. grasping person moneygrubbing. selfish egoism. openhearted devoted. be just honest. sincerity honest. stingy. immoral. intrigue. devotion faithful. wicked ill-mannered immoral action broken. justice. sincere faithfulness. stingy. impartiality fair(ly). avarice. loyal. unfair. staunch boyvachcha ODIL odillik odilona ADOLAT XOLIS xolislik xolisona INSOF insofli insofsiz insofsizlik noinsof noinsoflik HALOL halollik SOFDIL sofdillik TO'G'RI to'g'rilik SODIQ sodiqlik SADOQAT sadoqatli sadoqatsiz beril- n adj n ad n adj n ad n insof qiladj adj n adj n adj n ad n adj n adj n n adj adj ko'ngl+ida kir yo'q berilgan 194 . fairness. just(ly) justice. spoilt. sincere. mean. not devoted clean. crookedness honest(ly) honesty honest(ly). avarice. sincerity faithfulness. conscienceless dishonesty. miserliness mean. to X mercenary.IXLOS JONKUYAR jonkuyarlik ochiq n adj n adj adv ko'ngl+i ochiq ochiq ko'ngilli ochiq ko'ngillik ochiq yuzli ro'yi-rost adv adj chindan chin dildan chin ko'ngildan n adj adj n adj n ad n n adv adj n adj adj n n adj. bad faith warm (l/f). dedication. openly true. good faith. wholeheartedness insincere insincerity. betrayal treachery. true (words) | NX+ga ~ adj NX+dan yuz+ini o'giradj n g'irromlik qil- devotion. forged sham. hearty(ly) hypocrite. hypocrite hypocrisy. treacherous traitor. clearly. cordial sincerity. tepid warm(ly). goodness friendly frankly frankly. sincere (words) in all sincerity. cheating cheat DANGAL CHIN CHINAKAM SAMIMIY samimiylik samimiyatsiz samimiyatsizlik iliq RIYOKOR riyokorlik riyokorona SOXTA soxtalik QALBAKI IKKIYUZLAMA ikkiyuzlamachi ikkiyuzlamachilik MUNOFIQ munofiqlik XIYONAT xiyonatchi xiyonatkorlik xiyonatkorona XOIN xoinlik xoinlarcha SOTsotilsotqin G'IRROM g'irromlik 195 . hypocritical sham. perfidious.s. deceitfully false. bribable turn one's face away from X dishonest dishonesty. double character hypocritical. good-natured frankness. dissembler hypocrisy. betray sell o. straightforward. straightforward. earnestness sincere.t v. indeed sincerity. betrayal betray X. dedicated devotion. good-natured frank. hypocritical double-dealer. dissembling. offer for sale sell out. deceive X traitor (action of) treachery. hearty. n n n NX+ga xiyonat qil-/etn n ad n adj n xoinlik qiladv v. dedication open openly. hypocrisy false. renegade treacherous betrayal betray treacherously sell. betrayal breaking faith. indeed with all one's heart in all sincerity. treacherous. forged hypocritical two-faced. hypocrite hypocrisy. deceit hypocritically. sincerity devoted. frankly frank. unfaithful. tenderness refined. suspicion mistrust X (positive) belief. suspicion doubt. make a promise to Y. promise X keep one's word keep one's word words. unfaithful. doubt X suspicious. language. disloyal breaking one's word. pledge promise Y to X. be suspicious about X doubt. unreliable distrust.t v. dubious about X be suspicious. suspicion be | N(ish)X+ga~ v. reliable not trustworthy. be suspicious about X (Y) have doubts about X suspicion. promise give one's word to X. swear to X take an oath to X. disloyalty a man of his word oath take an oath to X. word.t | NX NY+ni ~ n NY+dan NX+ning ~+i bor NX+dan gumon qiladj | NX+dan ~ v. be doubtful about X sociable refinement. tender unrefined va'dalashSO'Z LAFZ VAFO vafosiz bevafo bevafolik vafodor QASAM n n NX+ga vafo qiladj adj n adj n NX uchun ~ ichVX+ay deb ~ ichqasam+idan qaytqasam+ini buzNX+ga ~ bern N(gani)X uchun ~ ichNX+ga ~ berNX+ga ~ ichirv. promise promise be true to X(=promise). confidence in X trustworthy.VA'DA n NY+ga VX+ishga ~ berCX deb ~ berva'da+si ustidan chiqva'da+si ustida turva'dani buzv. statement | VX+ishga ~ n NX+ga ~ berso'z+i ustidan chiqso'z+ida tur- | NX+dan ~ n n adj adj ONT ISHONishonmaslik ishonch ishonchli ishonchsiz ishonmovchilik SHUBHA shubhalashubhalanshubhalantirGUMON gumondor gumonsiraODAMSHAVANDA NAZOKAT nazokatlik nazokatsiz 196 .int | NX+ga ~ n NX+ga ~ bilan qaran | NX+ga ~ adj adj n n NX+ga ~ bilan qarav. disloyal unfaithfulness. keep one's word breaking one's word. speech. guarantee X promise to X keep one's promise keep one's promise break one's promise promise (each other) to X | NX+dan ~ v. mistrust. mistrust. swear to X go back on one's word go back on one's word swear X in oath take an oath to X swear X in swear X in believe in X trust X distrust. suspect be doubtful. doubt (about people) (X) be suspicious of Y suspect X. manners. offending insult. discourtesy ill-mannered. courtesy. polite impolite. scold abuse. discourteous. solicitous politeness. upbringing teach X a lesson polite. mockery humiliate.ADAB / ODOB adabli / odobli adablilik boadab adabsiz adabsizlik beadab beadablik xushmuomala xushmuomalalik MARHAMAT n NX+ning ~+i beradj n adj adj n adj n adj n xushmuomalalikdan n NX+ga marhamat qil- politeness. ill-mannered impoliteness.t v.t n tahqir qilv. courteous. insult humiliate. propriety well-bred. insult be abused. offend insulting. favour. get scolded swear abusive. obscenity polite. grace please be considerate to X swear at.t n haqorat qiladj og'z+i buzuq 197 . offend abuse. well-mannered decency. impolite. courteous.t n v. foul-mouthed QARG'ATAHQIR tahqirlaHAQORAT haqoratli haqoratlaSO'Kso'kish so'kilso'kin- v. curse insult. solicitude out of politeness consideration. insult insult insult. use bad v. obscene impoliteness. lover be. dearest cute. beloved very dear. caress. mistress womanizer stroke. affection for X fall in love with X full of tenderness. darling (of a woman) n adj adj n | NX+ga ~ NX+ga ~+i tushadj n adj n adj adj adj n NX+da ~ bor adj n yaxshi ko'radigan yigit yaxshi ko'radigan qiz OSHIQ n NX+ga ~ bo'loshiq-ma'shuq XUSHTOR xushtorlik SHAYDO JAZMAN DILBAR DILDOR YOR o'ynash xotinparast SILAerkalaO'Po'pich BO'SA QUCHOQ quchoqlaquchoqlashadj | NX+ga ~ NX+ga ~ bo'ln adj | shaydo (bo'l-) n n n n n n | NX+dan ~ v. cherished love.t n n bo'sa oln v.Feelings SEVsevilsevinsevishsevgi sevikli sevimli MUHABBAT muhabbatli ISHQ ishqiy ISHQIBOZ JON JONAJON JAJJI MEHR MEHRIBON mehribonlik v. pamper kiss kiss kiss kiss embrace embrace embrace (each other) 198 . darling (of a woman) loved one. small and sweet (of a child) love love X affectionate. mistress sweetheart.t o'z-o'zini sevNX+ni ~+ib qolv. admirer dear. darling beloved. friend lover. caress.t v. delighted with X love each other love beloved. kind affection. pat pet. cherished. fall in love with X (pair of) lovers in love with X fall in love with X passion (be) madly in love lover.t v. stroke. affection love love fan. be glad.t v. kindness boyfriend girlfriend person in love love each other fall in love with X be loved rejoice at X. appeal to X pleasant. loathe X. loathe X. despise X hatred hate X. close dear. disgust hate ad adv NX+ni o'z+iga ulfat qiln n v. close harmony. brother adv adj | NX bilan ~ n v. well-wishing for X sympathy show sympathy understand one another harmonious. esteemed. intimate with X closeness. hostility. nostalgic hatred. pleasing pleasantness.DO'ST do'stlik do'stlashdo'stona o'rtoqlarcha BIRODAR birodarlik birodarlashbirodarlarcha INOQ inoqlik inoqlashRAFIQ rafiqa QADR qadrli qadrdon AZIZ YOQyoqimli yoqimlilik yoqimsiz yoqimtoy yoqimtoylik ISHVA ishvali XAYRIXOH xayrixohlik n do'st bo'ln v. despise X hatred. in a friendly way be friendly with X friend. intimacy become friends (male) friend wife (female) friend worth. esteemed and beloved. unpleasing pleasant (person) | NX+dan ~ n NX+ga xusumat qiladj n NX ust+ida adovat qiladj adj friend make friends friendship make friends friendly friendly. hostility. enmity be hostile to X. fraternity fraternize fraternally close. charm unpleasant. enmity show hatred. charm interest in one's appearance appearance-conscious (try and) win X's sympathy sympathetic to X.t n adj n NX+ga ~ bilan qaraadj v. n n n adj adj n. nurse hatred hostile without hatred AHIL ahillik SOG'INsog'inch sog'inchli NAFRAT nafratli nafratlanXUSUMAT xusumatli ADOVAT adovatli adovatsiz 199 . | NX+ga ~ adj n adj adj n n adj NX+ning ko'ngl+ini oladj | NX uchun ~ n xayrixohlik qilbir-birini tushunadj n v. long for longing. nostalgia longing. hostile hostility. enmity to X full of hatred. held in esteem dear. value dear. esteemed (one) be pleasing to X. closeness miss. adj v. regret repent. be jealous of X envious. grabbing self-esteem.t | NX+ni NY bilan ~ adj int afsus(ki). vexation regrettable. jealous people envy X envious. vanity wish X (for Y) wish congratulate greet. express good wishes for congratulate X on the occasion of Y propitious what a pity! what a pity that X regret regret for/that X regret what a pity!. greed. jealousy envy X. (ill) intent resentful intentional(ly). envy. grudge jealousy. lust dissatisfied.G'ARAZ g'arazli beg'araz GINA KEK QASD ko'rolmaslik KUNCHI kunchilik RASHK rashkli rashkchi HASAD hasadli hasadchi SUQ suqlanNAFS NAFSONIYAT TILAtilak QUTLAQUTLUG' AFSUS afsuslanATTANG O'KINo'kinch o'kinchli PUSHAYMON TAVBA qayg'urG'AM g'amxo'r g'amxo'rlik n ad adj n NX+dan gina qiln n n adj n n NX+ni rashk qiladj n n NX+ga hasad qiladj n NX+ni ko'ra olman v.t v. CX afsus qilv. look after X worry about X showing solicitude.t | NY+ga N(ish)X+ni ~ n | N(gani)X+ga ~ n adj vijdon azobi n N(gan)X+i uchun pushaymon qiln tavba qilv. ill-will (evil) | N(gani)X+ga ~ afsuslanish int attang qilv. be sorry about X regret. greedy look enviously at desire. darn it! regret regret for X. jealous | N(gani)X uchun ~ NX+ning ust+ida ~ yeadj n g'amxo'rlik qil- grudge. care show solicitude for. resentment (evil) design. regret show solicitude for X. unfortunate remorse regret. caring solicitude. what a shame!. repentance regret (that) X remorse. care for 200 .int | suqlanib qaran nafs+i buzuq nafs+i yomon n v. discontented greedy. deliberate(ly) disinterested. hatred jealous jealousy jealousy be jealous of X jealous jealous people envy. be envious. impartial resentment be offended with X grudge. t NX+ga mehr qilqattiq qo'l qattiq qo'llik sovuqlik n keep an eye on X(=person) solicitude. kind unkind. do X a kindness considerate. watchful. ruthless mercy. support X be consoled. piteous pity. ruthless merciful. grace merciful. support be a comfort to X. quieten. without consideration indifferent. compassionate. kind merciless. favour. cruel. v. kindhearted merciless. have pity on X merciless. mercy show mercy to X. console consolation calm down consolation. cruel. relieve X comfort X. calm. grace. pity.t n v. cruel coldness. kindness show mercy. cruel. chilliness OVUNovuntirovunch YUPANyupanch YUPAThamdard hamdardlik ACHINachinarli RAHM rahmsiz rahmsizlik berahm RAHMDIL rahmdillik MARHAMAT marhamatli marhamatsiz SHAFQAT shafqatli shafqatsiz shafqatsizlik 201 .int | NX+ga ~ n n v. attentive. consideration show X n v. comfort comfort. neglected lean on/against X (l/f) support (of action) support (person) lean on/against X support (of action) support (person) cheer X up comfort. compassion to X show mercy. kindness solicitous. soothe sympathetic towards X sympathy towards X sympathize pitiful. soothe. compassion to X merciful. ruthless cruelty. cruel. cold-blooded.NX+ga ko'z-quloq bo'lHIMMAT himmatli himmatsiz ILTIFOT iltifotli iltifotsiz behafsala tashlandi suyansuyanch suyanchiq tayantayanch tayanchiq DALDA n adj adj n NX+ga iltifot qiladj adj adj adj v. ruthless cruelty. pity show mercy to X unfeeling. ruthlessness mercy. negligent abandoned. quieten comfort. ruthlessness merciless. cruelty | NX+ga ~ n n NX+ning ko'ngl+ini ko'tarn NX+ga ~ bo'lNX+ga ~ berv. consideration. compassion spare.t adj | NX+ga ~ n | NX+ga ~ n adj n NX+ga rahm qiladj n adj adj n n adj adj n NX+ga ~ ko'rsatNX+ga shafqat qiladj adj n rahm-shafqat AYAv. kindhearted benevolence consideration. kind without solicitude favour. be grateful for X thank thank for X thank for X thank you (very much) RAHMAT 202 . indebted to X thanks gratitude.MINNATDOR minnatdorlik minnatdorchilik SHUKUR noshukur TASHAKKUR adj | NX+dan ~ n n NX uchun ~ bildirn NX+ga shukur qiladj n NX uchun ~ aytNX uchun ~ bildirn NX uchun ~ aytNX uchun ~ bildir(sizga) (katta) rahmat! grateful. be grateful for X thank. gratefulness express one's gratitude for X thanks thank X ungrateful thanks. obliged. gratitude thank. Self-Image KIBR kibrli kibrlanKEKKAYGERDAYTAKABBUR takabburlik takabburlantakabburona DIMOG' dimog'dor G'URUR g'ururli MAG'RUR mag'rurlik mag'rurlanmag'rurona FAXR faxriy faxrlanIFTIXOR iftixorli MANMAN manmanlik maqtanmaqtanchoq maqtanchoqlik n adj kekkaygan adj n adv n adj adj n adj adj n adv n VX+gani uchun faxr qiladj | VX+gani bilan ~ n NX bilan iftixor etadj adj n n n katta gapirog'z+i katta burn+i ko'tarilBILshaxsiyat NAFSONIYAT shuhratparast shuhratparastlik SODDA soddalik SODDADIL KAMTAR kamtarlik kamtarona MO'MIN v.t | NX biln n adj n adj n adj adj n adv adj haughtiness, arrogance, airs haughty, arrogant put on airs put on airs stuck up put on airs arrogant, conceited, proud arrogance, conceit, pride be/get arrogant, conceited arrogantly, conceitedly mood, humour arrogant, proud arrogant, proud pride, arrogance proud, arrogant proud, arrogant pride, arrogance be/get arrogant proudly, arrogantly pride be proud of X honorary be proud of X pride be proud of X proud self-important, boastful self-important, boasting, self-praise pride o.s., boast, brag braggart, boaster boastfulness boast boastful be conceited regard oneself as a X personality, inner-self self-esteem self-esteem, vanity avid of glory, ambitious ambition (for glory) simple, plain, naive simplicity, plainness, naivety simple, ingenuous, naive modest, unassuming modesty modestly, unassumingly modest, unassuming 203 TORTINtortinchoq tortinchoqlik UYAT uyatli uyatsiz uyatchang uyatchanglik UYALuyaltirUYATIRSHARM HAYO hayoli hayosiz SIPO kamgap MALOL bemalol IZZA | N(ish)X+ga ~ | NX+dan ~ adj n n uyatga qoladj adj adj n | N(ish)X+ga ~ adj v.t n n N(ish)X+dan hayo qiladj adj sharm-hayo adj n n NX+ga ~ keladj n izza bo'lizza tortizza qiln or+i yo'q or+i keladj n N(ish)X+ga nomus qiladj adj adj or-nomus izzati nafs o'z+ini tuta bil- be shy of X, be hesitant for X be ill at ease with X shy, bashful timidity, shyness shame, sense of shame be ashamed, humiliated shameful (behaviour, feeling) shameless, impudent bashful, shy timidity, shyness, sense of modesty be / feel shy of X embarrass, make feel uncomfortable make ashamed bashfulness, modesty bashfulness, shyness, sense of modesty be bashful about X, be / feel shy of X bashful, shy shameless, impudent bashfulness, modesty reserved, discreet, shy reserved, taciturne embarrassment, inconvenience be inconvenient, difficult for X easily, freely, without trouble shame, embarrassment, confusion feel ashamed, be ill-at-ease feel ashamed, be ill-at-ease embarrass, abash sense of shame, shame (have) no shame feel ashamed shameless, impudent honour sense of modesty, shame be shy of X, bashful Xing with honour without honour without honour dishonest sense of shame and honour self-respect be reserved, sober, unassuming chastity, virginity chaste, virgin disgrace, shame bring disgrace, shame to X disgrace(ful), shame(ful) bring disgrace, shame to X bring shame upon o.s. disgracefully offence, insult ill-use X, offend X be offended be offended inoffensive, harmless OR orsiz NOMUS nomusli nomussiz benomus IFFAT iffatli ISNOD SHARMANDA sharmandalarcha OZOR n adj n NX+ga ~ keltirn, adj NX+ning ~+sini chiqarsharmanda bo'ladv n NX+ga ~ berozor yeozor topadj beozor 204 XAFA xafalik xafagarchilik / xafachilik haqoratlahaqoratlano'pkalaSURBET surbetlik surbetlarcha yuzsiz yuzsizlik adj | NX+dan ~ NX+dan ~ bo'lxafa qiln n v.t | NX+dan ~ NX+ni aybga oladj n adv adj n offended by X be(come) offended by X offend offence (taken) offence (taken) insult, offend take offence take offence at X take offence at X impudent, insolent, impertinent impudence, insolence, impertinence impudently, insolently, impertinently insolent, impudent insolence, impudence 205 Authority E'TIBOR e'tiborli e'tiborsiz OBRO' / OBRO'Y obro'li obro'siz obro'sizlanobro'sizlantirqaram qaramlik MUSTAQIL mustaqillik BUYURbuyruq n NX+ning ~+i bor e'tibor topadj adj n adj adj v.t adj NX+ga ~ bo'lqaram qiln ad n bosh ko'tarv.t | NY+ga N(ish)X+ni ~ n buyruq berbuyruq olbuyruq qiln n n n n v.t | NX+ni NY+dan ~ ad v.t | NY+ga CX ~ n da'vo n | NX+dan ~ N(ish)X+ni NY+dan talab qiladj n n n | NX+dan ~ N(ish)X+ini NY+dan iltimos qiln v.t | N(ish)X+ini NY+dan ~ n n | N(ish)Y uchun NX+ga ~ | NX+ga ~ authority have authority obtain authority with authority without authority authority, influence; reputation, prestige influential; reputable, prestigious without authority, prestige get discredited discredit dependent get dependent on X make dependent, bring to subjection dependence independent independence lift / keep one's head up order Y to X, command Y to X order, command give an order receive an order give an order authoritarian authoritarianism order, command, decree order, decree, measures order, instruct, request ask X from Y, inquire after X from Y ask for X from Y, request X from Y without permission say X to Y, tell Y X, ask Y to X (X in direct speech, esp. imperative) claim, claiming claim, demand claim, demand demand on X, request to X demand X from Y, require X from Y demanding, strict strictness request, petition request to X beg Y to X, ask X from Y petition, request implore Y to X, beg Y to X request, plea complaint, plea beg, implore, beseech beg X to Y, plead X with Y beg X, plead X buyruqboz buyruqbozlik FARMON FARMOYISH AMR SO'RAso'roqsiz DEDA'VO da'volashTALAB talabchan talabchanlik talabnoma ILTIMOS iltimosnoma O'TINo'tinch ZOR zorlanYALINYOLVOR- 206 NX+ga murojaat qil-/etko'rsatma n yo'l-yo'riq yo'l-yo'riq ko'rsatqaratqaratilrioyali rioyasiz rioyagarchilik INTIZOM intizomli intizomsiz intizomsizlik TARTIB tartibli tartibsiz bebosh BO'YSUNbo'ysundirITOAT itoatsiz itoatsizlik itoatkor v.t | NX+ga ~ | NX+ga ~ NX+ga rioya qiladj adj n n adj adj n n adj adj adj | NX+ga ~ v.t n NX+ga itoat et-/qiladj n itoatsizlik qiln NX+ga quloq osNX+ga quloq solNX+ga bo'yin egbosh egNX+ga yon berNX+ning gap+iga kirTAKLIF n NX+ni N(ish)Y+ga taklif qil-/etRUXSAT n | N(ish)X+ga ~ n | N(ish)X uchun ~ NX+ga ~ berN(ish)X+ga ~ olN(ish)X uchun ~ olN(ish)X+ga ~ so'raNX+ga ruxsat qilruxsat bor ruxsat yo'q ruxsatingiz bilan adj n | N(ish)X uchun ~ N(ish)X+ga ~ berijozat olijozat bor ijozat yo'q ijozat so'raNY+ning VX+ishi uchun yo'l qo'y- address oneself to X, make a request to X, call upon X instruction(s) directions, instructions show directions, give instructions direct to X be directed to X observe, respect X, comply with X(=rules) disciplined undisciplined leniency discipline disciplined undisciplined indiscipline discipline well-disciplined ill-disciplined, undisciplined ill-disciplined, undisciplined uncontrolled obey X, submit to X, be obedient to X submit obedience, submission obey X, submit to X disobedient disobedience disobey obedient person listen to X, obey X, take heed of X listen to X, obey X, take heed of X obey X submit to X give in to X listen to X, obey X agree with X suggestion, proposal, offer invitation invite X to Y, offer X to (do) Y permission for/to X, leave permission for/to X, leave give permission to X, permit, grant leave get, receive permission for/to X get, receive permission for/to X ask permission for X give permission to X, permit, grant leave have permission not have permission with your permission without permission permission for/to X give permission for/to X get, receive permission for/to X have permission not have permission ask permission allow Y to X ruxsatsiz IJOZAT 207 JAVOB TAQIQ taqiqlataqiqlan- N(ish)X+ga ~ beradj | VX+ishga ~ taqiq qilVX+ish taqiq qilinv.t | VX+ishni ~ taqiqlab qo' N(ish)X+ni man et-/qilman etil-/qilin- give permission for X forbidden to X, taboo ban, forbid X be forbidden forbid X forbid, ban be forbidden, be banned forbid X be forbidden forbidden (by religion) forbid (by religion) be forbidden (by religion) do not X (imperative) agreeable, reasonable, suitable agreed!, very fine! agree with X approval agree with, approve of all right!, OK! it does not matter if X remain, stay OK with X, let X reception acceptance be received, accepted receive, accept agree to X refusal consent, permission, blessing, leave give leave/permission to X receive blessing from X mutual agreement approval, ratification approve, ratify, sanction approve, ratify, sanction be approved, ratified agree to X refusal come to an agreement persuade to X agreement, treaty, pledge agree to X, pledge to X, decide to X rejection refusal reject X, turn down X refuse X refuse X from capriciousness admit, acknowledge admit, acknowledge X admit, acknowledge acknowledge, admit, recognize HAROM adj harom et-/qilharom etil-/qilinVX+a ko'rmaadj NX+ga ~ bo'ln v.t int CX+sa, ~ | VX+a ~ n qabul bo'lqabul qil-/et- KO'RMA'QUL ma'qullik ma'qullaMAYLI QOLQABUL ROZI rozilik rozichilik TASDIQ tasdiqlatasdiqlanUNAunamaslik unashunatAHD RAD adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ (bo'l-) rozi bo'lmaslik n N(ish)X+ga ~ berNX+dan ~ oln n tasdiq qilv.t | N(ish)X+ga ~ n v.t | N(ish)X+ga ~ n N(ish)X+ga ahd qiln rad javobi N(ish)X+ni rad qil-/etN(ish)X+dan bosh tortCX deb tarang qilbo'yn+iga ol- IQROR n | NX+ga ~ bo' | tan ole'tirof et-/qil- 208 KECHkechir- kechirim AVF v.t kechirish kechirasiz! kechiring! n kechirim so'ran avf so'raNX uchun avf etn N(gani)X uchun NY+dan ~ so'rauzr ayt- forgive X forgive forgiveness. pardon excuse me! excuse me! pardon beg one's pardon. apologize apology apologize forgive. excuse apology apologize to Y for X apologize UZR 209 .int | NX+dan ~ v. lecture. take under one's wing absolve. acclamation applause. intercede. remonstrance warn adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ (bo'l-) n adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ (bo'l-) adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ (bo'l-) v. defend. acclamations applaud..t n n homiylik qilv. boast. express good wishes for congratulate X on the occasion of Y compliment.t v. be proved innocent warning.t v.Appraisal MAQTAmaqtanmaqtov taqdirlaMADH OLQISH olqishlaQARSAK v. clear n taqdir et-/qilv. commend praise. intercessor protection. clear justify o. defense. commend appraise. sermon advise.. defender. clapping applaud. glorify. complimented congratulate. commend pride o.t | N(gani)X bilan ~ v. compliment one another greet. applause clap.t v. deserving X support.t n qarsak chalqarsak urn chapak chaln v. flatter X flattering praise to the skies well-done! reward. clap clapping.s. remonstrate be warned by X warn. fit X.t n n olqishlar v. remonstrate advice. recompense be rewarded deserving X merit suitable for X. evaluate v. argue in favour n NX+ga ~ berNX+ning ~+ini yev. sermonize CHAPAK TABRIK tabriklatabriklantabriklashQUTLAXUSHOMAD XUSHOMADGO'Y 210 .int v. apology applause. back. stand up for defend. intercession protect.t maqtab yuborv. deserving X worthy of X. brag praise. award give X a reward of Y receive a reward reward. compliment. commend. compliment on X be congratulated. acclaim applause. greetings congratulate on X. compliment highly praise. praise. flattery pay a compliment to X.t | NX+ni NY bilan ~ n NX+ga xushomad qiladj ko'klarga ko'taryashang! MUKOFOT mukofotlamukofotlanMUNOSIB munosiblik LOYIQ SAZOVOR qo'llaYOQLAHOMIY homiylik oqlaoqlanTANBEH tanbehlaNASIHAT n NX+ga NY ~ bermukofot olv.s.t o'z+ini oqlav.s. clap applaud. protect protector.t n nasihat qilpraise. applaud congratulation. scoffing. gibe with sarcastic language irony ironic irony. slanderer mockery.t v.t n n masxara bo'lNX+ni masxara qiladj v. ridiculous get ridiculous irony be ironic ironic be ironic. be scoffed at mock X.t | NX+ning ust+idan ~ kulgiga qoladj kulgili bo'ln kinoya qiladj v. make fun of mocker NX+dan gap yen n n NX+ni mazax qilNX+ni mazax qilib kulv. slander n n mayna bo'lNX+ni mayna qiln kalaka bo'lkalaka qilv. wail blame X accuse be accused be told off by X denouncement. scoffing be mocked. scoff at X.t v. be scoffed at mock. make a fool of o. jesting be ridiculed. scoff at. plea. sneer at X mocking. put the blame on.TA'NA ta'nali TANQID tanqidiy tanqidlatanqidchi ayblaayblanSHIKOYAT n NY+ning N(ish)X+ini ta'na qilta'na eshitadj n tanqid qil-/etadj v. request complain complaint. scoff at X n NX+dan shikoyat qilNX+ning haq+ida shikoyat qiln arz qil-/etn n adj n reproach reproach Y for X . clown foolery. reprove for X suffer reproach reproachful criticism criticize critical criticize critic accuse. sneer be mocked. making one laugh. be scoffed at entertainer. wailing v. find fault with get blamed complaint complain of X(=misfortune) complain about X(=person) NX+ni yuz+iga solv. sneering mock. hint ARZ DOD dodlaqoralaqoralanCHAQIM chaqimchi MAZAX mazaxlamazaxchi MASXARA masxarali masxaralamasxaralanmasxaraboz masxarabozlik MAYNA KALAKA KULkulgili KINOYA kinoyali kesatISTEHZO istehzoli SHAMA 211 . scoff laugh have a laugh at X's expense be laughed at. make fun of X have a laugh at X's expense poke fun at. scoffing. informing. fun poke fun at X.t n v. sneer at be mocked. be scoffed at ridicule X.s. telltale. glory famous. honorific honour and glory noteworthy. bow to X show respect to X. glory glorify. held in esteem honour and dignity self-respect. personality fame. held in esteem respect. wonderfully glory. have respect for X. honour X respected. have respect for. esteem.KAMSITXO'R v.t n izzat qiladj v. honourable fame and glory honour in X's honour in X's honour honourable. belittle humiliated be humiliated humiliate respect for X. hold in esteem respected. esteemed. honour glorious. have respect for. regard show respect to X. (good) reputation famous. well-known glorify fame. bow to X respect. famous people in X(=realm) figure. have respect for X. honour X respect X. ambitious fame. dignity.t n adj n NX+ga ~ berNX+ga ~ ko'rsatNX+ga ta'zim qilv. prestige famous. prestigious fame. honour admire X admire X do X admirably. respectable. respected. pay homage to honour. venerate HURMAT hurmatli hurmatsiz hurmatlaIZZAT izzatli izzatlaEHTIROM MUHTARAM TA'ZIM SIYLAQADR qadrli SHA'N QOYIL SHON shonli SHARAF sharafli ARBOB SIYMO OVOZA MASHHUR mashhurlik SHUHRAT shuhratli shuhratparast DONG dongdor DOVRUQ ulug'la- 212 . have respect for. bow to X show respect to X. honour dear. esteem respect.t humiliate. glory fame. honourable disrespectful respect. honour respect X. glorious avid of glory. value honour.t n qadr qiladj qadr-qimmat n NX+ga ~ bo'lNX+ga ~ qolNX+ni qoyil qiln adj shon-shuhrat n NX+ning ~+i uchun NX+ning ~+iga adj shon-sharaf n | NX/AX ~+i n n adj mashhur qiln n adj adj n adj n v. hold in esteem respect. regard dear. honour respect.t adj xo'r bo'lxo'r qiln | NX+ga NX+ga ~ bilan qarahurmat qiladj adj v. honoured respect. ancestors older generations. last name forefathers. household members of the family having a family family marital status marital status having no family home. relation seed clan. tribe young generation. kin. forefathers grandfather grandfather grandmother grandmother.Community Family tug'ishgan URUG' urug'dosh urug'doshlik AYMOQ NASL nasldosh nasldor xonadon SULOLA SHAJARA QARINDOSH qarindoshlik JIGAR OILA oilali oilaviy oilasiz UY RO'ZG'OR n n n n n urug'-aymoq n n n n n n n qarindoshlar n qarindosh-urug' n n oila a'zolari adj adj oilaviy ahvol oilaviy holat adj n uy bekasi n uy-ro'zg'or uy-ro'zg'or ishlari uy-ro'zg'orli uylarni yig'ishtirxonaki AYOLMAND FAMILIYA AJDOD BOBO BUVA BIBI BUVI adj adj n n ota-bobolar n n n n relative. relative the relatives sibling relation relatives. kith and kin nearest and dearest family. granny 213 . family housewife household household housework. the household hand-made. household duties household do the housework. relations. home-made domestic (animal) (of the) family surname. family of the same clan clanic system relative. descendants of the same lineage of high birth family dynasty dynasty genealogy sibling. clan relatives. kith and kin blood lineage. papa daddy mother motherhood. maternity mummy mummy father and mother. paternity daddy. descendants child children large and small having children childless child state of being a child adopt (as one's children) having children childless boy son state of being a son having X sons 214 . descendants young generation. parents wet nurse uncle (father's brother) uncle (mother's brother) aunt (father's sister) aunt (mother's sister) (elder) brother (younger) brother brothers (elder) sister (younger) sister sisters brother and sister twin(s) cousin (child of father's brother) cousin (child of mother's brother) cousin (child of father's sister) cousin (child of mother's sister) later generations.bobo va buvi OTA otalik DADA ADA ONA onalik OYI AYA ENAGA AMAKI TOG'A AMMA XOLA AKA UKA OPA SINGIL (singl+i) n n n n n n n n ota-ona n n n n n n n aka-uka n n opa-singil aka-singil EGIZAK amakivachcha tog'avachcha ammavachcha xolavachcha AVLOD NASL BOLA bolali bolasiz FARZAND farzandlik farzandli farzandsiz O'G'IL (o'g'l+i) o'g'illik o'g'illi n n n n n n n n bola-chaqa adj adj n n farzandlikka oladj adj n n adj | numX ~ grand parents father fatherhood. adj n qiz jiyan n n o'g'il nabira qiz nabira n n n n n v. elder huge. large grand.t xotin olxotin qo'y- EVARA CHEVARA ABIRA SOVCHI sovchilik uylanuylantir- TURMUSH n turmush qurturmushga berNX+ga turmushga chiqerga qilerga teg- UZATNIKOH nikohli nikohsiz CHIMILDIQ QALIN SEP KELIN kelinlik KUYOV v. immense elder small. maiden daughter state of being a daughter having X daughters big. single nuptial curtain dowry (paid by the bridegroom's family) dowry bride daughter-in-law (son's husband) bride's witness life as a daughter-in-law bridegroom son-in-law (daughter's husband) brother-in-law (younger sister's husband) bridegroom's witness KENJA JIYAN NEVARA NABIRA | NX+ga ~ v. little younger young and old youngest (child). eldest. last born nephew niece grandchild grandchild grandson granddaughter great-grandchild great-great-grandchild great-grandchild matchmaker matchmaking get married to X (for a man) marry (one's son) take a wife divorce (for a man) marital life (for women) get married (for a man or a woman) marry (one's daughter) get married to X (for a woman) get married (for a woman) get married (for a woman) marry (one's daughter) marriage wedding married unmarried.t n nikoh to'yi adj adj n n n n kelin dugona n n kuyov jo'ra 215 .QIZ qizlik qizli KATTA kattakon KICHIK n n adj | numX ~ adj adj adj katta-kichik girl. divorce X separation. widower widower widow widowhood. married couple coupledom wife husband's second or former wife -in-law father-in-law mother-in-law brother-in-law (wife's or husband's elder brother) brother-in-law (wife's or husband's younger brother) sister-in-law (wife's or husband's elder sister) sister-in-law (wife's or husband's younger sister) sister-in-law (wives of brothers in relation to each other) brother-in-law (elder sister's husband or husband's elder brother) BO'YDOQ bo'ydoqlik adj n turmush qurmagan turmushga chiqmagan TUL tullik BEVA bevalik YETIM yetimlik YESIR ER erli ersiz XO'JAYIN XOTIN xotinli xotinsiz adj tul erkak tul xotin n n beva kishi beva xotin n beva-bechora n n n yetim-yesir n. of women) single. divorce. unmarried (of women) widow(ed) widower widow widowhood. adj adj adj n n adj adj er-xotin er-xotinlik RAFIQA KUNDOSH QAYIN QAYNATA QAYNANA QAYNAG'A QAYNI / QAYNINI QAYN'EGACHI QAYNSINGIL OVSIN POCHCHA n n adj n n n n n n n n 216 . widowerhood widow. divorce X repudiate X. unmarried (esp. man married (of a woman) unmarried (of a woman) husband woman wife married (of a man) unmarried (of a man) man and wife. parting divorced inseparable separate from X. divorce X repudiate X. male husband. divorce X repudiation repudiate X.ajral- ajrashTALOQ | NX bilan ~ ajralish ajralgan ajralmas v. widowerhood widows and orphans orphan(ed) state of being an orphan widow widows and orphans man. divorce X get divorced (of women) get divorced (of women) single. the life of a single man single. unmarried (of men) state of being | NX bilan ~ n NX+ni ~ qo'yNX+ga ~ berNX+ni taloq qilerdan ajralerdan chiq- separate from X. BOJA YANGA KELINOYI QUDA QUDAG'AY O'GAY n n n n quda taraf n adj o'gay bola o'gay o'g'il o'gay ona o'gay ota o'gay qiz brother-in-law (wife's sister's husband) sister-in-law (elder brother's wife) sister-in-law (elder brother's wife) father/mother of son/daughter-in-law relations by marriage mother of son/daughter-in-law stepstepchild stepson stepmother stepfather stepdaughter 217 . livelihood livelihood day time. in a friendly way MUNOSABAT 218 .Social Life HAYOT hayotsiz TURMUSH tirikchilik KUN n adj n n n kun kechirTANItanish notanish tanishtanishtirtanishuv BEGONA begonalik begonalashO'ZGA ALOQA v. friend friendly. comrade. communication with X link to X. connect with X set up relations with X break off. be acquainted with acquaintance acquaintances familiar with X unknown. get along | NX bilan ~ NX bilan ~+ib olv.t n tanishlar adj | NX+ga ~ adj v. unknown person strangeness become estranged from. colleague.t n n n n n oshna-og'ayni n n ad life (lived). lose contact with X be/keep in touch with X relations. life live. stranger contact. companion partnership good-companionship friend. unknown person stranger. pal friends and relations friend. livelihood life (existence) lifeless. unfamiliar get acquainted with X get acquainted with X introduce X to Y (process of) getting acquainted acquaintance unknown stranger. dull life (lived).int | NX+dan ~ adj n | NX bilan ~ NX bilan ~ bog'laNX bilan ~ ornatNX bilan ~ uzNX bilan aloqa qiln | NX bilan ~ NX bilan ~ uzbordi-keldi JUDO SENSIRASHERIK sherikchilik OSHNA oshnalik OG'AYNI JO'RA O'RTOQ o'rtoqlarcha adj | NX+dan ~ bo'lNX+ni NY+dan judo qilv. comrade. grow away from X strange. days. acquaintance relationship. relationship be separated from X separate X from Y use (familiar) 'sen' when speaking to partner friend. connections with X break off relations with X contact.t | NX+ni NY bilan ~ n tanish-bilish adj begona kishi begona odam n v. pal companion. acquaintance friend. int | (NX bilan) ~ n NX+ga ~ | NX bilan ~ NX+dan yuz+ini o'giryaqinlar n n ad yop-yolg'iz n pro o'z+i bir o'z+i yolg'iz o'z+i ad n adj yakka-yakka yakkama-yakka n v. call X | NX+ga ~ v. visit X pay X a visit. close relatives neighbour neighbourhood alone. hit upon X experience X(=bad situation).t NX+ni borib ~ NX+ni kelib ~ NX+ni ~+ishga borNX+ni ~+ishga kelv. meet one another (with X) TANHO tanholik YAKKA yakkalik yakkalaUCHRAuchrashuchrashuv uchratDUCH YO'LIQYUZ yuzlashKO'R- ko'rish- 219 . friendly relations keep company. run into X. own alone alone alone alone. run into X experience X(=bad situation. special friend get acquainted. rendez-vous. hit upon encounter. solitude | (NX bilan) ~ companion. illness) face face to face meet with X face to face see.t v. run into X meet X. run | NX bilan ~ betma-bet v. meeting meet X. individual alone. see X. solitude self. single quite alone loneliness. call X on. have contact with (male) friend travelling companion. visit X | NX+ga ~ n yuzma-yuz v. by oneself in private isolation. ad n n v. solitude isolate meet X. make friends with X turn one's face away from X near ones. colleague wife (female) friend friend make friends friendship make friends friendly (female) friend close friend. solitary loneliness. fall ill with X(=illness) meet one another (with X) appointment. friend be friendly with X company.t n NX+ga ~ kelv. meet visit X (social) visit X (social) pay X a visit. meeting make an appointment with X meet.ULFAT ulfatchilik RAFIQ rafiqa DO'ST do'stlik do'stlashdo'stona DUGONA SIRDOSH topishYAQIN QO'SHNI qo'shnichilik YOLG'IZ yolg'izlik O'Z n NX+ni o'z+iga ulfat qiln ulfatchilik qiln n n do'st bo'ln v. ask for (a person) call. regard show respect to X. offer invitation invite X to Y.t n qabul bo'lqabul qil-/etqabul soatlari MEHMONDO'ST mehmondo'stlik keluvchi 220 .int | (NX bilan) ~ n salomlashso'rashTA'ZIM XAYR xayrlashALVIDO VIDOLASHFIROQ TAKLIF n NX+ni N(ish)Y+ga taklif qil-/etN(ish)X+ga taklif qilin-/etiln taklifnoma DA'VAT MEZBON MEHMON n da'vat qil-/etn n mehmon bo'lmehmonda bo'lmehmonga bormehmonga kelNX+ni ~+ga chiqarmehmon qiladj n n xush kelibsiz! NX+ni qarshi olQUTLAQABUL | NX bilan ~ n NX+ga ~ berNX+ga ~ ko'rsatNX+ga ta'zim qilint NX bilan xayr v. rendez-vous. salute X extend greetings to X hello! exchange greetings greet X.MULOQOT ZIYORAT n n ziyorat qil- | NX bilan ~ n v. visitor welcome! greet. (pay a) visit (to) remember. welcoming hospitality guest. salute X respect. accept reception hours YO'QLAyo'qlama SALOM v. pay homage to X separation nostalgia suggestion. offer X to (do) Y be invited to X invitation card invitation invite host guest be invited be on a visite pay a visite pay a visite invite X as a guest entertain a guest hospitable. welcome congratulate greet. bow to X show respect to X.t n yo'qlama qiln NX+ga ~ berNX+ga ~ bildirsalom! v. proposal. salutation greet v. meeting pilgrimage visit visit call on. express good wishes for reception acceptance be received. take leave from X farewell take leave one another. bow to X show respect to X. register call the register (of X) greetings. bow to X goodbye! take leave of X part. take leave one another part from X. accepted receive. pass. circumcision. banquet enjoy oneself at a party.t NX+ga ~ bo'lv. gathering party.KUT- n n n o'tirish qiltug'ilgan kun(+i) n muchal to'yi n NX+ga ~ berNX+ni ziyofat qiln bazm qiln beshik to'yi nikoh to'yi o'g'il to'yi qiz to'yi sunnat to'yi to'y qilxatna to'yi n n to'y-tomosha n n n yillik ZIYOFAT BAZM TO'Y to'yona TO'YBOSHI sharbatnoma CHILLA MAROSIM 221 . assembly convene a meeting open a meeting close a meeting collect.t v. gather gather. attend X attendance attend X (regularly) attend X meeting. show the way. entertain (guests) go and meet.t v. social entertainment entertain X. banquet celebration. meeting meeting. see off see off. pick up (sb somewhere) be entertained. rite o'tkazo'tkazilQATNASHISHTIROK BORMAJLIS v. give hospitality to X entertain X. meeting have a party birthday anniversary birthday (every 12 years on Nowruz) banquet. conference.. send off accompany X direct. give hospitality to X party. meet.) cradle feast wedding circumcision feast wedding circumcision feast hold a feast circumcision feast wedding present (or for other feasts) master of ceremonies feasting and merry-making account book for noting gifts received a period of 40 days (esp. directions. send off guidebook. wedding) ceremony. be received accompany. ceremony) be held (meeting. after birth. receive. send off. instructions permit.t kutib ol- kutilUZATKUZATHAMROH yo'llayo'llanma v. participate in X. accompany. assemble gathering. social gathering. ceremony) take | NX+ga ~ n NX+ga ishtirok et-/qilNX+ga borib turn majlis chaqirmajlis ochmajlis yop- YIG'yig'ilyig'ilish yig'in o'tirish v. authorization hold (meeting.t v.t n wait for look after. assembly parliament. entertain (guests) receive. feast (wedding. t ko'mish v. celebrated congratulation. solemn commemorate.t n v. inspection be reviewed review celebration. compliment. March 21st feast of the Sacrifice feast of the Sacrifice end of the Ramadan the harvest festival parade prayer for the dead burial bury bury (corpse) burial be buried (corpse) mourning mourn X mourning mourner mourning be in mourning mourner condolence. celebrate be commemorated. greetings congratulate on X. cheer ceremonious. sympathy gave one's condolence to X TANTANA tantanali nishonlanishonlanTABRIK tabriklaHAYIT BAYRAM SAYIL NAVRO'Z PARAD JANOZA DAFN KO'Mko'milMOTAM motamli motamdor AZA azador TA'ZIYA n n n dafn et-/qilv. festival holidays celebrate a festival religious holiday (traditional) festival Nowruz. festival celebrate a festival holiday. the day of new year. n NX uchun ~ tutadj n n aza tutn n NX+ga ~ bildir- 222 .t | N(gani)X bilan ~ n hayit qiln bayram kuni bayram qildiniy bayram n n qurbon bayram qurbon hayit ro'za hayit hosil bayrami review.ko'rik n ko'rikdan o'tko'rikdan o'tkazn tantana qiladj v. triumph solemnity celebrate. compliment on X feast. (the) people. race country. common community social participation community social social condition social population. homeland compatriot patriot patriotism country. homeland people. citizen common people. population inhabitant fellow villager. group (the) public. tribe young generation. adj n n adj ijtimoiy ahvol n n numX aholisi n adj n n n n n n n n el-yurt n adj adj adj n mayda millat n adj n adj n n n n n n ad n n n n society association. tribe native place. society. masses. ethnic national characteristics fatherland. nation folk. inhabitants population of X (inhabitants) tribe tribal tribe. populations people. descendants tribe. townsman. inhabitant national. land people. nation international(ly) citizen citizenship people. provincial peoples. ordinary people nationality 223 . population race. popular international national (of property) nation minority (ethnic) group nationalist compatriot person taking care of the nation national. clan blood lineage. union community.Society jamiyat JAMOA JAMOAT jamoatchilik hamjamiyatlik IJTIMOIY SOTSIAL AHOLI QABILA qabilaviy QAVM NASL TOIFA EL ELAT YURT yurtlik yurtdosh XALQ xalqchil xalqaro UMUMXALQ MILLAT millatchi millatdosh millatparvar MILLIY milliylik VATAN vatandosh vatanparvar vatanparvarlik MAMLAKAT mamlakatlararo GRAJDAN grajdanlik FUQARO fuqarolik n n n. Mister Excellency His Excellency X lady. peasant. deportation exile. adj n n shahar kishisi n 224 . school. aristocrat gentleman Sir. woman Madam bourgeois bourgeoisie bourgeois proletarian proletariat slave slavery slavish(ly) slave owner female slave nomad.CHET adj chet el chet el(lar)da chet elli chet ellik adj n n adj adj n hijrat qiln n surgun qiln adj adj n n n n n NX olijanoblari n n n n X janoblari foreign foreign country abroad foreign foreigner foreign foreigner abroad. exilee.g books) foreign emigration emigrate migrant. nobleman. master economy master. prince noblewoman nobleman. nomadic nomadism farmer. farm-worker city dweller city dweller AJNABIY XORIJ xorijiy TASHQI HIJRAT MUHOJIR SURGUN SINF sinfiy sinfsiz XO'JA xo'jalik XO'JAYIN SAYID OLIJANOB BEK beka OQSUYAK JANOB XONIM BURJUA burjuaziya BURJUY PROLETAR proletariat QUL qullik qullarcha quldor CHO'RI ko'chmanchi ko'chmanchilik DEHQON shaharlik n n n adj n n n n ad n n n. refugee exile. owner boss descendant of Muhammad sir. majesty His Majesty the X nobleman. transport) class (social) classless descendant of the first four caliphs lord. deport class (social. foreign countries foreign (e. the masses crowded. make up organization organizer organized organize establish. wandering vagrant. vast. people's. everybody the n n | NX+lar ~+si n. crew team. flock. found GAP JO'RABOSHI TO'P to'plashGURUH TO'DA GRUPPA tuzum KOMANDA BRIGADA n n bibi seshanba n. n n n qarindosh-urug'chilik tanish-bilishchilik everybody. establish form. the public general. common. common popularize popular. spacious extensive.t n adj n n adj v. many people minority broad. public. private public personal. inner-self stray. collectivize crowd(s). brigade organize. common popularity people people majority everybody. wide-spread personel. gang of Xs group system.UMUM umumiy umumiylik umumlashtirOLOMON GAVJUM XALOYIQ OMMA ommaviy ommalashtirommabop ommaboplik KISHI ODAM ko'pchilik ozchilik KENG XOS XUSUSIY shaxsiy shaxsiyat DAYDI SAYOQ DOIRA qarindoshchilik n adj n v. meas v. heap gather. wide. private individual. universal universality generalize. group group group of Xs. found. sphere. private personality. meas n n n tashkil qil-/et- tashkilot tashkilotchi tashkiliy tashkillanO'RNAT- n n adj v. tramp circle. limits nepotism family network (and its use) acquaintance's network (and its use) regular gathering held by a group of friends leader in a gap women's gathering v. full of people the public. structure team.t adj n kishilar odamlar n n adj adj hammaga xos adj adj n adj adj.t 225 . people mass. found unite. head head.t adj n adj n | N(ish)X ~+i adj n n. joint. not responsible senior. combine alliance. ally organize. adj n n boshchilik qiln n rahbarlik qiln n n n v.t n n v. union v. participate to X enter X(=organization) member Party member membership club centre (location and organization) central centralize. chief. be included to X join X. leader n adj n n tanlov ko'rigi n n n v. concentrate high. united solidarity.t n adj n | NX+ga ~ v. alliance disunity unite. selection competition. federation. chief.t n num n v. responsible responsibility of X not in charge. supreme person in charge in charge. standing together unanimity. rule leader leadership leader leadership 226 . (competitive) examination candidate application candidate be added to v. ally unite. main chief.TA'SIS UYUSHuyushtiruyushma BIR birlik birlashbirlashtirbirlashma BIRDAM birdamlik BIRIKbiriktirITTIFOQ ittifoqsizlik ittifoqlashittifoqdosh hamjihat hamjihatlik tanlov NOMZOD nomzodlik KANDIDAT qo'shilKIRA'ZO a'zolik KLUB MARKAZ markaziy markazlashtirOLIY MAS'UL mas'ulli mas'uliyat mas'ulsiz KATTA BOSH boshliq boshchilik RAHBAR rahbarlik DOHIY dohiylik YO'LBOSHCHI yo'lboshchilik n ta'sis et-/qilv. | NX+ga ~ n partiya a'zosi n n n adj v. union unanimous. association one unity unite unite. highest. lead leader leadership lead. leadership chair. become allied ally (being) together. foundation establish. solidarity unite unite union. form union. voice unanimously vote for X elect. rule. subordinate become subject to X (Y) make X subject. leadership reign over in power.SARKARDA RAIS raislik HUKM hukmdor HOKIM hokimlik hokimiyat HUKMRON TOBE (tobe+i) tobelik SEKRETAR sekretariat SAYLAsaylansaylov saylovchi OVOZ n n n hukm surn n NX+ning ust+idan ~ bo'ln hokimlik qiln adj oq soqol n NX+ga ~ bo'lNX+ni NY+ga tobe qiln n n v. usually ordinary. vote for.t n leader. judge ruler rule over X. domination. dominant position rule over. customarily. director. commander-in-chief president. choose be elected to X(=office) election ballot box voter. chairman. tradition. elector vote. usual. chief. promote swear X in swear X in swear X in fall into disgrace campaign habit custom.t NX+ga ~ berNX+ga ~ berNX+ga ~ ichiraybga qoln n odatda adj n urf-odat n n adj adj n n n v. submit | NX+ga ~ n saylov qutisi n n bir ovozdan NX+ga ovoz berv. dependence secretary secretariat elect. ruling white-beard. leader (traditional) subject. dominate X ruling. regular custom(s) custom(s) custom. habit tradition traditional traditional tradition folklore rule. regime in power. dominate power. conquer X subordination. ruling local ruler. leader presidency. statute KO'TARQASAM ONT AYB KAMPANIYA ODAT ODDIY URF RASM AN'ANA an'anaviy TRADITSION TRADITSIYA FOLKLOR QOIDA qoidalashtirNIZOM 227 . usage habitually. regulation regularize regulations.t v. formalities formalist formalism get officialized officialize v. red tape document. papers burocrat burocracy. sanction be approved. certificate driving licence driving licence passport visa form form list.t v. make an agreement (written) contract.t adj ZAGS bo'limi n qog'ozlar n n n hujjatlar law legal. pact sign a treaty. ratified signature sign X hujjatli DOKUMENT guvohnoma PRAVO PASPORT VIZA BLANK / BLANKA VARAQA RO'YXAT adj n n haydovchi guvohnomasi n n n n n n NX+ni ro'yxatga olro'yxatdan o'tro'yxatdan o'tkazn n bitim tuzn shartnoma tuzn ahd tuzv. pact approval. pledge make an agreement. sanction approve. treaty. v. lawfulness lawless illegal lawlessness illegality be legalized legalize official procedures. ratify. lawful n. adj NX+ga qo'l qo'y- REGISTRATSIYA BITIM shartnoma AHD ahdlashahdnoma TASDIQ tasdiqlatasdiqlanQO'L 228 .int n n tasdiq qilv. a pact agreement. sign a treaty come to an agreement treaty. agreement. check in get registered registration contract.QONUN qonuniy qonuniylik qonunsiz qonunsizlik qonunlashqonunlashtirRASMIY rasmiyat rasmiyatchi rasmiyatchilik rasmiylashrasmiylashtirMUNTAZAM QOG'OZ qog'ozboz qog'ozbozlik HUJJAT n adj n adj n v. paper (attesting) document documents.t adj n n n v. treaty sign a contract. official registry office paper documents. papers (attesting) documents with document attached documentary document attestation. register register X register. ratification approve. ratify. decoration commemorate. seal. place a seal on X stamp. pass. celebrate prize brand. seal. reference give a testimonial. trade-mark. testimony.t v. authorization (special) privilege having privilege without special privilege model. seal flag. guarantor guarantee five X a guarantee guarantee guarantee five X a guarantee be guaranteed permit permit permit. stamp. testimonial evidence. stamped brand. testimonial witness. example n n shahodat bershahodat qiln n n NX+ga ~ bern n NX+ga ~ ruxsat qog'ozi n n n adj adj n.t n n n signature sign X anonymous sign be signed certificate. standard standard-bearer (l/f) hymn. coat-of-arms stamp.t n NX+ga ~ bosv. stamp seal. reference certificate. anthem 229 . adj n v. stamp stamp.t n n NX+ga ~ bosadj v. reference give a testimonial.IMZO imzosiz imzolaimzolanATTESTAT SHAHODAT shahodatnoma KAFIL kafillik KAFOLAT GARANTIYA garantiyalanruxsatnoma yo'llanma IMTIYOZ imtiyozli imtiyozsiz NAMUNA NISHON nishonlaSOVRIN TAMG'A tamg'ali tamg'alaMUHR muhrlaBAYROQ bayroqdor GIMN n NX+ga ~ chekadj v. place a seal on X branded. region province. leader presidency. region district. region. land province. state. rule. director. national between states republic republic padishah. reign. rule shah (crown) prince sultan reign. country. empire khan khanat khan. monarchical emir emirate king kingdom queen (reigning queen or king's wife) princess empire emperor president. king kingdom. leadership presidential residence president presidency minister prime minister ministry minister ministry statesman mayor frontier (of a territory) territorial territory. region capital (city) colony colonialism 230 . district.State and Politics DAVLAT davlatlararo JUMHURIYAT RESPUBLIKA PODSHOH / PODSHO podshohlik / podsholik SHOH SHAHZODA SULTON SALTANAT XON xonlik xonli AMIR amirlik QIROL qirollik qirolicha MALIKA IMPERIYA IMPERATOR RAIS raislik raisxona PREZIDENT prezidentlik VAZIR vazirlik MINISTR ministrlik n adj n n n n podsho(h)lik qiln n n n n n adj n n n n n n n n n n n n n n bosh vazir n n n davlat arbobi shahar boshlig'i HUDUD hududiy O'LKA VILOYAT OBLAST RAYON TUMAN POYTAXT MUSTAMLAKA mustamlakachilik n adj n n n n n n n n state. royal reign. government. chairman. region. area district. post. rule. civil servant senior official. seat. conference conference conference. delegate. regime municipality council.KONSTITUTSIYA HUKUMAT KABINET O'RDA MAJLIS n n hukumat boshlig'i n n n Oliy Majlis constitution government prime minister cabinet horde (turk. society forum committee presidium. court meeting. chancellery house of council official. representative place to sit. domination. rank diplomat diplomatic diplomacy PARLAMENT parlamentar ASSAMBLEYA QURULTOY KONGRESS SESSIYA SHO'RO KENGASH KONFERENSIYA ANJUMAN FORUM KOMITET HAY'AT KOMISSIYA VAKIL vakillik VAKOLAT DELEGATSIYA DEPUTAT O'RIN (o'rn+i) hokimiyat DEVON devonxona amaldor CHINOVNIK MA'MUR ma'murlik ma'muriy ma'muriyat MANSAB mansabparast mansabdor UNVON DIPLOMAT diplomatik diplomatiya n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n vakil bo'ln n n n n n shahar hokimiyati n n n n n n adj n n n n n n adj n 231 . rank careerist official title. assembly parliament. apparatchik official. mandate delegation deputy. conference. board commission representative. place to sleep power. association. mongol) palace. deputy represent delegation plenary powers. administrator administrative position administrative administration (public services) official position. assembly the National Parliament parliament member of Parliament assembly congress congress session council council. inner-party outside the party. imperialist imperialism imperialist imperialist imperialism monarchist republican democrat democratize democratic democracy dictator dictatorship liberal liberalism capitalist capitalist capitalism socialist socialist socialism communist communist communism Soviet anarchist anarchy anarchism 232 .ELCHI elchixona KONSUL konsulxona MAFKURA mafkuraviy IDEOLOGIK IDEOLOGIYA SIYOSAT siyosatchi siyosatboz SIYOSIY PARTIYA partiyaviy partiyasiz oqim millatchi millatchilik milliylashtirirqchi JAHONGIR jahongirlik IMPERIALIST imperialistik IMPERIALIZM podshohparast / podshoparast respublikachi DEMOKRAT demokratlashdemokratik demokratiya DIKTATOR DIKTATURA LIBERAL liberalizm kapitalist kapitalistik kapitalizm sotsialist sotsialistik sotsializm KOMMUNIST kommunistik KOMMUNIZM SOVET ANARXIST ANARXIYA ANARXIZM n n n n n adj adj n n n n adj n adj adj n n n v. politics statesman politician political party adj n n n n n n adj n n adj n n adj n n n n n ambassador embassy consul consulate ideology ideological ideological ideology policy.t milliy ma'naviyat n n n n adj n n n n v. independent current. trend (l/f) nationalist nationalism nationalize national spirituality racist conqueror. protester agitation. overthrow coup d'etat. reform jadidism revolution. putsch demonstration.t n n n davlat to'ntarilishi n namoyish qiln n NX+ni tashviqot qiln n n n propaganda qiln n n n n left-wing leftism right-wing rightism rank. march demonstrate. march demonstrator.SO'L so'llik / so'lchilik O'NG o'nglik / o'ngchilik SAF safdosh O'RTOQ insonparvar insonparvarlik ISLOH islohot islohotchi islohotchilik REFORMA reformator REFORMIST REFORMIZM JADID jadidchilik INQILOB inqilobiy inqilobiylashtirinqilobchi REVOLUTSION revolutsionlashtirrevolutsioner REVOLUTSIYA to'ntarilish NAMOYISH namoyishchi TASHVIQOT tashviqotchi TARG'IBOT targ'ibotchi PROPAGANDA PROPAGANDIST VARAQA SHIOR SENZOR SENZURA adj n adj n n n n | ~ NX n n n isloh qiln n n n n n n n n n inqilob qiladj v. propagandist propaganda propagandist propaganda spread propaganda propagandist leaflet slogan censor censorship 233 .int n adj v. propaganda campaigning for X agitator. uprising revolt. carry the revolution revolutionary revolutionize revolutionary revolutionary revolutionize revolutionary revolution revolution. front companion-in-arms comrade X humanist humanism reform reform reform reformist reformism reform reformer reformist reformism jadid. competitor. hostility. strife sow | NX bilan ~ n NX+ning ustida ~ yuritig'vo qilig'vo qiluvchi n n ad n n n NX+ga til tegizyomonlatortishJERKVOVILLAARAZ arazlaarazlashIXTILOF v. quarrel brawl. enmity be hostile to n n NX ust+ida adovat qiladj adj n NX+ga xusumat qiladj n | NX+ga ~ n v. contend have a v. breach take offence. nurse hatred hostile without hatred hatred. bark at yell at. brawl. quarrel quarrelsome noise. quarrel brawl. n n n n raqobat qiln v. evil n v. discord sow discord. intrigue swear at X. intrigue intrigue. reply defiantly discuss. intrigue provocative(ly) v. opponent adj n conflict. foe rival. instigator scheme. strife uproar. hostility. row.t gap qaytarv. clash conflict. hostile enemy (of X) enmity be enemies enemy. intrigue intriguer. enmity to X full of hatred. brawl ig'vogar ig'vogarlik ig'vogarona FITNA fitnachi FASOD JANJAL janjallashjanjalkash TO'PALON 234 . pull each other yell at. plot against X provoke provocateur provocateur provocation.Conflict and Justice Conflict TO'QNASHto'qnashuv ADOVAT adovatli adovatsiz XUSUMAT xusumatli DUSHMAN dushmanlik dushmanlashYOV RAQIB raqiblik RAQOBAT raqobatchi BELLASHIG'VO v. clash hostility. competition. debate. have a sulk quarrel. denigrate answer back. opposition competition compete competitor rival. fall out (each other) n ixtilof solixtilof chiqarn janjal qilv. enmity show hatred. bark at | bir-birlari bilan tortishv. compete with X provocation. abuse X find fault with. make a scene quarrel. row. terror. squeeze oppress. make a scene noisy. horror threaten X | NX bilan ~ adj | NX+ga ~ n NX qarshi ~ bildirNX qarshi e'tiroz qiladj noise. opposition.G'AVG'O g'avg'oli g'avg'osiz G'ALVA TALASH TALASHaytishDO'Q do'qlaPO'PISA n g'avg'o qiladj adj n g'alva qiln v. make a row. scandalous quiet. threatening terror terrorize terrorist terrorism oppression. wrangle be at odds with X threat threaten X threaten X threaten threat threaten all kinds of threats threat threaten fear. torture X oppress oppression. resist against X opponent. row. argument. protest against X without objection TAHDID DAHSHAT dahshatli TERROR terrorchi terrorchilik JABR jabrlaZULM EZezilQARSHI qarshilik MUXOLIF muxolifat muxolifatchi ZID zidlik zidlashTESKARI E'TIROZ e'tirozsiz 235 . | NX bilan ~ n NX+ga ~ urNX+ga do'q qilv. resistance protest.t n NX+ga ~ berzulm ko'rNX+ga zulm qiljabr-zulm v. scene quarrel.t v. make a row. argue quarrel with X. repressed opposing. peaceful adj post | NX+ga ~ qarshi turn NX+ga ~ ko'rsatNX+ga qarshilik qiln n n adj | NX+ga ~ n v. dispute quarrel. resist against X protest. against against X. repress be oppressed. yoke oppress X be oppressed oppress X oppression crush. scene be noisy. suffering oppress X. against X v. rival opposition opponent opposed to X contradiction. objection object.t n po'pisa qildo'q-po'pisalar n tahdid qiln NX+ga dahshat qiladj n terror qiln n n NX+ga jabr et-/qilv. conflict oppose X opposed to X. contrary to X resist opposition. protest against X object. t n NX+ga ~ berzarba ye- unrest. n ta'qib qil-/etyorib o't- 236 .int ur-sur v. pursued pursuit. rise in bir-birisi bilan ~ v. fight. revolt rebel struggle. agitation. persecute break through QO'ZG'OLON qo'zg'olonchi ISYON isyonchi KURASH kurashchi KURASHkurashchan kurashchanlik yoqalashURurishurishishDO'PPOSLAZARB / ZARBA MUSHT / MUSHTUM mushtlamushtlashHUJUM hujumkor TAJOVUZ tajovuzkor bosqinchi bosqinchilik AGRESSIV quvlaquvlanTA'QIB YOR- n NX+ga ~ solmusht ko'rsatv. persecution pursue. uprising v. knock fight fight each other fight each other fight beat unmercifully blow. strike hit. rebellion. encroach | N(ish)X uchun ~ adj n v. rise up rebel rebellion. anger grow angry grow angry revolt revolt revolt. rebel. strike strike a blow at X be struck (a blow) fist struck X with one's fist shake one's fist punch exchange blows attack.t v. fight. pursue be chased. encroachment. rise up revolt. battle fighter n hujum et-/qiln n tajovuz qiln n n adj v. rise in rebellion. revolt rebel. crime aggressive chase. fight struggle.G'ALAYON n g'alayonga kelg'alayonga tushg'alayon ko'tarbosh ko'tarn qo'zg'olon ko'tarqo'zg'olon qiln n isyon ko'tarisyon qiln n n v. attacker aggressor. strive for X combat-worth fighting spirit fight (each other) beat. rebel. assault attack. assault attacker aggression. bandit aggression.t v. revolt rebel.t v. attack aggressor. attack aggress. displaced person fugitive. safeguard guard guard.t n.t v. conquered adj n ustun bo'lustun chiqtor-mor qil-/etn zabt et-/qiln istilo qiln n bosib olNX+ga ~ bo'ln n NX+dan ~ olo'ch oluvchi n NX+dan ~ oln ZABT ISTILO istilochi JAHONGIR BOSTASLIM taslimchi O'CH QASOS qasoschi 237 .int | NX+dan ~ NX+dan ~+ib ketn n n qo'lga tush- flee X.s. defend. support protect from X.t adj n v. capture. protect. vengeance revenge o. deserter fugitive. defend defence. be the victor be victorious.QOCHqochoq qochqoq qochqin v. adj ad n NX ust+idan ~ qozong'alaba qiladj mag'lub (bo'l-) mag'lub qiln mag'lubiyatga uchran adj v. overcome conquest conquer conqueror conqueror. defence. run away from X escape X. be victorious (against) defeat be defeated. success be victorious over X win. seize. imperialist grab. runaway refugee get caught siege defence defend against X defender protection. evade X fugitive. crush conquest conquer. defend winner victorious(ly) victory. on X avenger QAMAL MUDOFAA mudofaachi HIMOYA himoyasiz himoyachi QO'RIqo'riq qo'riqchi qo'riqlaG'OLIB g'olibona G'ALABA g'alabali MAG'LUB mag'lubiyat ZAFAR zafarli YENGyengilyengilmas yengilmaslik USTUN n n NX+dan mudofaa qiln n NX+dan himoya qiladj n v. conquer surrender to X. protection. be the victor defeat. helpless defender guard. deserter refugee. conquered invincible invincibility be victorious. capitulate advocate of surrender revenge take revenge on X avenger revenge. conquer defeat be defeated victory victorious win. support against X defenceless. be victorious victorious (be) defeated. sentry. commander-in-chief guard. be sacrificed sacrifice fight cause to fight. fearless. warmongering war. troops army. front fighting warlike. front fight. bellicose bellicosity. activity) guardroom guard. warrior battlefield. sentinel protector reconnaissance intelligence. offerings adj n n adj n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n JANG jangchi janggoh JANGOVAR jangovarlik HARB harbiy harbiylashtirharbiycha ASKAR askarlik askariy SOLDAT OFITSER GENERAL SARKARDA QOROVUL qorovullik qorovulxona SOQCHI soqchilik qo'riqchi navbatchi navbatchilik POSBON RAZVEDKA JOSUS SHPION ARMIYA QO'SHIN OTRAD LASHKAR lashkargoh LASHKARBOSHI 238 . forces military camp headquarters commander urishurishtirurishqoq urishqoqlik URUSH v. watchman guard (duty. forces detachment. martyr sacrifice v. warfare civil war world war battle battlefield. troops. fierce fighting spirit war. activity) guard (person) on duty guard. watchman duty guardian. do battle soldier. set at odds warlike. military soldier officer general leader. watchman guard (duty. military soldier military service army. battle military regular soldier militarize army. forces army.t adj n n fuqaro urushi jahon urushi n jang maydoni jang qiln n adj n n adj n v. intelligence service spy spy army.QURBON n qurbon bo'lqurbon qil- sacrifice. rifleman. lance sword.t n n n n n n n n n n n n portlovchi moddalar n arms.t n n kaltak yev. shell shoot. arm arms. huntsman cannon gunner cannon cannon rocket missile artillery explosive shell o'qlao'qchi MILTIQ TO'PPONCHA PULEMYOT AVTOMAT MERGAN TO'P to'pchi ZAMBARAK PUSHKA RAKETA ARTILLERIYA SNARYAD 239 . guns equipment armed unarmed. weapons stick get a beating beat (with a stick) stick beat (with a stick) whip whip whip spear. gunner gun.t n o't ochn NX+ni ~+ga oln n o'qqa tutNX+ga ~ tegv. shell aim take aim at X bow arrow bullet.t n n n n n v.t v.s. disarmed disarm arm o. bombard X be struck.t n v. shoot fire (each other) firing. sniper hunter.t n qamchi bosv. pistol machine-gun machine-gun gunman. sabre fencer sabre dagger fire (weapon). skirmish fire on/at. rifle revolver.QUROL qurolli qurolsiz qurolsizlantirqurollanqurollantirYAROG' KALTAK kaltaklaTAYOQ tayoqlaQAMCHI qamchilaNAYZA QILICH qilichboz SHAMSHIR XANJAR OTotishotishma MO'LJAL KAMON O'Q n adj adj v. armaments. fire. weapons. be hit load (weapon) bowman. rifleman. quiet down calm down. negotiation conduct negociations negociator come together. peaceful friendship. reconciliation make peace make peace MUROSA murosasiz murosachi tinch tinchlik TINCHLIKSEVAR totuv totuvlik BOSbosilSULH n murosa qiladj n ad n adj adj n tinch-totuv v.t v. compromise reconcile. calm(ly) quietness. debate.BOMBA BOMBARDMON MINA DORI QALQON DUBULG'A KASKA TANK MUZOKARA n n bombardmon qiln n o'q-dori n n n n n muzokara olib bormuzokara olib boruvchi bir-biriga yon bero'zaro kelish- bomb bombardment bombard mine (gun)powder ammunitions shield (traditional) helmet helmet tank discussion. draw closer together n sulh tuzsulh qil- 240 . quiet down peace. draw closer together come together. peaceful(ly). peace peaceful(ly) calm down. armistice. make concessions uncompromising mediator quiet(ly). calmness peace pacific friendly. righteous unjust injustice righteous man right(s) have a right to X pay.Justice ADOLAT adolatli adolatsiz adolatsizlik adolatparvar HAQ haqlik haqli nohaq nohaqli HUQUQ huquqiy huquqsiz huquqshunos huquqshunoslik HAQQONIY haqqoniylik haqqoniyat GUNOH gunohsiz begunoh begunohlik gunohkor AYB aybsiz ayblaayblanayblanuvchi aybdor himoyachi javobgar SHIKOYAT shikoyatchi ARZ ARIZA n adj adj n n n N(ish)X+ga ~+i bor ish haq+i n adj | N(ish)X+ga ~ adj adj n inson huquqlari adj adj n n adj n n n adj adj n n n adj v. appropriateness sin. appropriate justice.t n adj n adj | NX+ga ~ n NX+ning haq+ida shikoyat qiln n arz qil-/etn NX+ga ~ berNX+ning ust+ida ariza qiln v. plea. the accused guilt. guilty person criminal. request complain appeal. petition appeal to X complain about X complaint. jurist law (as a discipline) just. juridical having no right lawyer. legitimacy. wailing complain. wail DOD dodla- 241 . appropriateness justice. crime innocent innocent innocence sinner. put the blame on. fault disgrace innocent accuse. defendant guilty the accused. righteousness just. wages right (on one's side) having a right to X unjust against the law without the right rights law human rights legal. find fault with get blamed the justice. defendant defender lawyer responsible of X guilty complaint complain about X(=person) litigant complaint. application. forged forge. swindler. abuse misuse X. use wrongly. rob stealing. murder murder murderer. break into X plunder.t n o'g'irlik qiln n n NX+ga ~ v. killer murder murder attempt on sb's life attempt on X's life murderer cannibal. secretly. burgle plunderer. falsify forger cheat. banditry burst in X. burglar be robbed of X stealthily. rob pickpocket robber. prostitute rape get raped rape kill.t o'ldirish n n qotillik qiln NX+ga suiqasd qiln n n n criminal crime commit a crime criminal criminal(ly) bribe bribe take bribes corrupt person bribery. corruption corruption false.t n n n n NX+dan suiiste'mol qiln v.t | NX+ini ~ adv v. use X wrongly thief. robbery. robber hooligan hooliganism prostitute prostitution brothel immoral woman. robbery plunder. bandit robbery.t n talon qiln n n n n n buzuq xotin v. trap nomus+iga tegv. burgle plunder. theft steal. murderer cannibalism slaughter 242 . deceiver trickery.t v. covertly steal. swindle.JINOIY JINOYAT jinoyatchi jinoyatkorona PORA poraxo'r poraxo'rlik KORRUPSIYA SOXTA soxtalashtirsoxtagar aldamchi aldamchilik SUIISTE'MOL O'G'RI o'g'rilato'g'rincha O'G'IRLAO'G'IRLIK KISSAVUR QAROQCHI qaroqchilik BOSTALATALON talonchi BEZORI bezorilik FOHISHA fohishalik fohishaxona zo'rlazo'rlasho'ldirQOTIL qotillik SUIQASD suiqasdchi odamxo'r odamxo'rlik qirg'in adj n jinoyat qiln ad n pora berpora oln n n adj v. judge judgement.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ n shtraf solshtraf qiln jarima to'lan n qonunlar qonunlar to'plami adj n n adj n adj v. referee law court qazi (muslim judge) court mufti (arbiter in islamic law) local ruler.t adj n n adj n n sud qiln v.t n NX ust+idan ~ chiqarNX+ga hukm qiln n n n n n n n militsiya bo'limi militsiya idorasi militsiya uchastkasi n JARIMA AMNISTIYA QONUN qonuniy qonuniylik qonuniyat qonunsiz qonunsizlik noqonuniy qonunlashqonunlashtirSHAR'IY SHARIAT YURIST YURIDIK ADLIYA SUD sudya sudlaHUKM hukmnoma HAKAM MAHKAMA QOZI qozixona MUFTI HOKIM MILITSIYA militsiyaxona 243 . judge judge try. lawful legality. penalize get punished. judge police. penalized punish X (X) be punished sentence to X sentence X to Y fine. lawfulness law (regular pattern) lawless illegal lawlessness illegality illegal be legalized legalize lawful (according to the Shariat) Shariat (religious law of Islam) jurist juridical (administration of) justice court trial try.t v. sentence. verdict sentence X sentence to X judgement judge. penalty fine fine NX+ga chora ko'rNX+ga chora ko'rilNX+ga hukm qil- punishment punish X for Y (X) be punished for Y death penalty punish.JAZO jazolajazolan- n NX+ga NY uchun ~ berNX+ga NY uchun ~ berilo'lim jazosi v. militia police station police station police station police station KESSHTRAF v. penalty pay a fine amnesty law code code v. certificate witness.t v. give evidence testify. jail prison jailer dungeon prisoner. bonds handcuff. attorney lawyer prosecutor prosecutor arrest arrest arrest be arrested arrest. chains.POLITSIYA politsiyachi tergovchi GUVOH guvohlik guvohnoma SHOHID shohidlik DALOLAT ADVOKAT oqlovchi PROKUROR qoralovchi HIBS QAMAqamalqamoq n n Milliy Xavfsizlik Xizmati (SNB) n n guvoh bo'lib chiqn guvohlik berguvohlik qiln n n shohidlik qiln dalolat bern n n n n hibsga olv. prisoner-of-war capture. fetters. arrest captivity captive. evidence n qamoqqa olqamoqda yotqamoqda o'tirn n n n n n n asirga oln n tutqun bo'ltutqun qiltutqun qilib oln n kishan sol- police policeman National Security Service detective. be imprisoned be in jail. captive. examining judge witness testify testimony testify. detention be arrested. be imprisoned prison. be put in jail be in jail. prisoner get captive capture. give evidence lawyer. eyewitness testimony testify. take (sb) prisoner captivity handcuffs. give evidence testimony. convict detention prisoner. give evidence attestation. fetter qamoqxona TURMA turmachi ZINDON MAHBUS mahbuslik ASIR asirlik TUTQUN tutqunlik KISHAN 244 . take (sb) prisoner capture. beside X on X. with X property. (Y) get X share. squire the very rich wealth. allotment near X. take over take over belonging to X belongings (Y) receive X. | NY+ga NX ~ n adj | NX+ga ~ n n NX+ning ~+ida/dan/ga n n xusisiy mulk adj n n mol-mulk yer-mulk xususiylashtirxususiylashtirish XAZINA xazinachi XO'JAYIN v. absent (Y) have not X (possession) (Y) have not X (with it) owner. riches. belongings commodity.t egallab oladj | NX+ga ~ n v.t n n n n n n 245 . grasping person borliq YO'Q EGA egalik egallaqarashli qarashlilik TEGtegish tegishli tegishlilik ULUSH YON MOL MULK mulkiy mulkchilik mulkdor BOY boylik boyiDUNYO dunyoparast adj | NX+ga ~ n o'ta boylar n tabiiy boyliklar v. recipient (of X) own X. present (Y) have X (possession) (Y) have X (with it) there is X for Y possession(s) non-existent. resources natural resources grow rich wealth greedy. produce property private property (of) property system of ownership owner (of an enterprise. have X get. owner boss husband rich (in X). possess occupy. acquire X ownership.Work and Possession Possession and Exchange BOR adj adj | NY+ning NX+i ~ adj | NY+da NX ~ adj | NY+ga NX ~ n adj NY+ning NX+i ~ NY+da NX ~ n | NX+ning ~+si n | NX+ga ~ NX+ga ~ bo'ln egalik qilv. goods. articles. relevant to X belonging to X belongings share. portion appropriate to X. possess X. estate) property property privatize privatization treasure treasurer master. possession own. wealthy (l/f) wealthy person. possessions. short of X (l/f) poverty. adj n adj xor-zor xor-zorlik 246 . splendid. well-being happy.DAVLAT davlatli badavlat davlatmand puldor MO'L mo'llik / mo'lchilik SEROB serobgarchilik TO'Q to'qlik FAROVON farovonlik farovonlashSAODAT saodatli n adj adj adj adj adj mo'l bo'ln adj serob bo'ln adj n adj n v. flourishing pomp. ruine BARAKA barakali barakasiz gullaOBOD / OBODON DABDABA dabdabali HASHAMAT hashamatli n NX+ga ~ berNX+ga baraka qiladj adj v. prosperous happiness. wretechedness fall on bad times. become impoverished poor poverty poor. neediness poor. prosperous abundance. well-being happy. splendour. needy. misery destitute. in need poverty. prosperous wealthy. splendour. well-being get prosperous. develop happiness. rich wealthy. pitiful. replete prosperous satiety prosperity prosperous. ruined humble. good fortune adj n adj n qashshoqlikka tushadj n adj n n adj baxt-saodat baxt-saodatli wealth. plentiful be abundant abundance. rich rich abundant. plentiful. become impoverished needy. wretched. riches. lavish the middle class the well-to-do poor person poor in X. profusion full. abundant prosperity. poor. lavishness magnificent. rich. magnificence splendid. miserable poverty. rich be abundant abundance. sumptuous. miserable poverty. poverty-striken adj n adj n adj o'rta yashaydiganlar yaxshi yashaydiganlar KAMBAG'AL kambag'allik kambag'allashFAQIR faqirlik QASHSHOQ qashshoqlik MUHTOJ muhtojlik bechora bechoralik NOCHOR yo'qchilik XOR n adj | NX+ga ~ n v. magnificent magnificence. destitution humble. poor. ruined poverty. flourishing declining blossom. prosperity bless X bless X prosperous. flourish (l/f) prosperous. neediness get poorer. profusion abundant. successor inherit v. gain lose loss. poor man beggar begging famine take obtain. stop abandon. throw away abandon. earned win. split dispatch be reserved for X | NX+dan ~ v.t qo'lga kiritbosib olv. lose X leave X. inheritance. neglected | NX uchun ~ v. be taken over | NX+dan ~ v. get. obtain. abolish. win. refuse topish topilYUTyutqizyutqiziq MEROS merosxo'r VORIS VASIYAT vasiyatnoma YO'QOT- ayrilAJRAajralajratajratilTASHLA- v. get grab. separate from X get separated from X. capture. put aside. waste X leave X get separated from X. purchase be taken. acquire buy. cast aside give up. leave abandoned. seize.t tashlab qo'yadj n tashlandi tashlandiq 247 .t yo'qotib qo'yyo'qotish NX+ni boy ber- beggar. legacy inherit heir v. take over take over be occupied.t yutib olv. v. cast aside. get (search and) find (search and) find earnings. gains earn (X Y(=currency)) money be found.t v. obtain seize.t n n meros oln n voris bo'ln NX+ni NY+ga vasiyat qiln v. detect gain. will bequeath X to Y testament lose eliminate. be obtained cause Y to take / get X lose gain.t | NY+ga NX+ni ~ oldirib qo'yv.t egallab olv. failure heritage. lose X divide. earn.t qidirib topizlab topn (numX NY) pul ishlab | NX+dan ~ v. put to an end lose loss(es) lose X.DEVONA GADO / GADOY gadoylik ocharchilik OLolinoldirQOZONBOSegallaegallanTOP- n n n n v. gain win.t v. lose X get separated from X. conquer occupy. discover. gift give a present.t yetkazib berv.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ almashtirALISHTIR- 248 . disperse. exchange X(= money. divide X by Y distribute X to Y.t | NX+ni NY bilan ~ NX+ni NY+ga taqdim et-/qiln sovg'a qilsovg'alar do'koni n NX+ni NY+ga hadya qiln n n v.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ berib turv. renter.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. gift present.t qaytarib berqaytarib olv. donate X to Y present. v. exchange X for Y UZATyetkazTOPSHIR- ta'minot ta'minlaSOVG'A HADYA TORTIQ TUHFA IN'OM BAG'ISHLAIJARA ijarachi ijarador KIRA / YO'LKIRA BO'LTAQSIM taqsimlataqsimlantaratqaytar- v. share X among Y distribution distribute X to Y. pass on.t v. deliver X to Y from hand to hand supply X with Y supplies guarantee supply X with Y offer.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. renter out hirer. give pass transmit.t uzatib yuborv. present. spread out distribute X to Y send back. hire rent (a house) rent (money) hirer out. a gift gift shop present. rent out let. gift make Y a present. etc. gift present. gift dedicate humanitarian aid rent | NX+ga ~ v. tenant charge. deliver hand over.KECHBERberil- v. divide X by Y be distributed among X scatter.s.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v.t NX+ni NY+ga bo'lib bern NX+ni NY+ga taqsim qilv.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ qo'lma-qo'l n | NX+ni NY bilan ta'min et-/qiln v. abandon X give X to Y.t beg'araz yordam n ijaraga berijaraga qo'yijaraga olijaraga o'tirijara haqi n n n kiraga berkiraga ol- give up X. fare (vehicle) hire out (vehicle) hire (vehicle) separate distribute X to Y. renter. return get back change X for | NX+dan ~ v. to X pass Y to X pass. return send back. rent out rent. grant X to Y lend be given. a gift of X present. granted devote o.) for Y change X for | N(ish)X+ga ~ NX+ni NY+ga olib berv. tenant hirer. deliver pass on. hand over. t ayirboshlash exchange exchange X for Y exchange exchange.AYIRBOSH ayirboshla- n NX+ni NY+ga ayirbosh qilv. barter 249 . thing n n n n mehnat qiladj n n xizmatga borxizmatdan tushxizmatga olxizmatdan chiqarxizmat qilqora xizmat n n n n n n n n n n n n n qo'l mehnati QO'LBOLA USTA SHOGIRD shogirdlik adj n n n matter. labour. talent craftsman. task go to work go off work working day do work seek job dismiss. workman office workshop work. job. fellow-worker collaborator mutual help. having a job unemployed unemployment work worker. labour work without working labourer. worker service work. job go to work go off work appoint. handicraft. collective work agent agency craft. trade skill. artisan handicrafts craft industry handicrafts handicrafts (handmade) handmade home-made foreman. master worker apprentice apprenticeship ishli ishsiz ishsizlik ishlaishchi ishxona YUMUSH MEHNAT mehnatsiz mehnatkash XIZMAT xizmatchi xizmatdosh xizmatkor MARDIKOR HAMKOR HASHAR AGENT agentlik HUNAR hunarmand hunarmandlik hunarmandchilik QO'LHUNAR 250 . business. service worker servant colleague. work dirty work employee. task work. profession. affair. lay off employed. job. hire dismiss serve. casual labourer colleague.Work and Production ISH n ishga borishdan chiqish kuni ish qilish axtarishdan bo'shatadj adj n v. fellow worker servant day labourer. division master. department. raised (animals) resource resources stock. product productive productivity harvest. supply unripe raw raw materials raw materials materials. trade trade union trade union work (material) produce production be produced producer bring up (children). artisan craft industry profession. speciality professional.t v. barren (land). productive infertile. unit. output fertile (land). result n resurslar n n adj xom ashyo xom mollar profession. yield. owner boss manage (household) affairs. be bred.t ishlab chiqarishlab chiqarish ishlab chiqarilishlab chiqaruvchi v. business the X industry entrepreneur subsidiary company section. product. reserve stock. yield. productive productivity company. production. occupation of the same trade. harvest productive produce. goods materials harvest. occupation craftsman. breed. raise (animals) be brought up (children). occupation. create. reserve. firm. be the boss ishla- yetishtiryetishtirilRESURS ZAXIRA ZAPAS XOM ASHYO (ashyo+i) MATERIAL HOSIL hosilot hosildor MAHSUL mahsulot mahsuldor mahsuldorlik unum unumli unumsiz unumdor unumdorlik SHIRKAT KOMPANIYA FIRMA KORXONA korxonachi FILIAL bo'lim XO'JAYIN n n n hosil qiln adj n n adj n n adj adj adj n n n n n n | NX ~+lari n n n n n | xo'jayinlik qil- 251 .KASB kasbiy hamkasb kasbdosh KOSIB kosibchilik KASABA n adj n n n n n kasaba birlashmasi kasaba uyushmasi v. unproductive fertile (land). crop produce. cooperative society company firm enterprise. build production. occupational of the same trade. associate post. direct. recruited. head direction.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ v. position. post | NX+dan ~ v. be in charge of management manager. head director manage. management manage. employed hired.t | NX+dan ~ n iste'fo beriste'foga chiqish tashlaish tashlash ish tashlovchi director. civil servant official | NX+ga ~ v. unit. farm-worker agriculture. expel from X resign from X(=work. office office bureau.t | NX+dan ~ v. farming agriculture farmer kolkhoz worker. remove. self-seeker adj n NX+ni NY+ga tayin qil-/etNX+ga tayin qilin-/etilv.MUDIR mudirlik DIREKTOR BOSHQARboshqaruv boshqaruvchi boshqarma MENEJER MENEJMENT IDORA idoraviy idorachilik MUASSASA OFIS BYURO XODIM AMAL amalparast amaldor MANSAB LAVOZIM KADR YOLLAyollanyollanma yollanuvchi n n mudirlik qiln v. supervise administrative administration institute. department manage. office personnel member. employed employer appoint X to Y be appointed to X appoint X to Y be appointed to X dismiss. farmer field cultivation of fields tayinlatayinlanchiqarbo'shbo'shatISTE'FO ZABASTOVKA zabastovkachi DEHQON dehqonchilik FERMER kolxozchi DALA n n n n qishloq xo'jaligi n n n dala ishlari 252 . position. post. post. office) resignation hand in one's resignation hand in one's resignation go on strike strike striker strike striker farmer. recruited. cultivation. rank (high) function. employ be hired. peasant.t v. office) remove from X(=work. agency. director department manager management office. job careerist. administer. recruit.t n n n n n n idora qiladj n n n n n n n n n n n v. run. cadre hire. manager. post. office worker. institution. plot wheatfield paddy field cotton field cotton growing cotton grower cotton field cotton picker cotton melon field orchard fruit garden. output fertile (land). plantation plant be planted furrow plough harvest.t n ekinlar n v. crop harvest good harvest production. barren (land). silkworm breeding mulberry orchard clear land sow sow. range qovunlik mevazor olmazor shaftolizor uzumzor tokzor ipakchi ipakchilik tutzor SOCHEKekilekin ekinzor TIKtikilJO'YAK HOSIL hosilot hosildor unum unumli unumsiz unumdor unumdorlik o'rmonchi CHORVA chorvachi chorvachilik chorvador YAYLOV o'tloq n n mevali bog' n n n n n n n yer ochv. unproductive fertile (land).POLIZ TOMORQA bug'doylik sholipoya g'o'zapoya paxtachilik paxtakor paxtazor n n n n n n n n paxta terimchi oq oltin field. herder animal breeding.t v.t v. productive productivity harvest forester livestock animal breeder. be planted sowing crop crops plant. plant be sown. orchard apple orchard peach orchard vineyard vineyard silkworm breeder sericulture. husbandry herd owner summer pasture pasture. n yer haydan NX+dan ~ olmo'l hosil n adj n adj adj adj n yig'im-teg'im n n n n n n n 253 . yield. harvest productive harvest. productive infertile. vegetable garden small garden. sovkhoz water.t sug'orish v. harvest shepherd shepherd horse herder cowherd camel driver n n n n n n n o'g'it berv. huntsman fishing fish fish fisherman fishing gathering farm farm.t n n n n n n n mol boqar n mol boquvchi n n n n v. food (for animals) milk hunt go hunting hunt hunt (animals) hunt hunter hunter.t ovlash n n baliq ovi baliq ovlabaliq tutn n n n n n n v. barn stable. cut (grass) sickle mowing. plow tractor baliqchi baliqchilik termachilik FERMA xo'jalik KOLXOZ SOVXOZ SUG'ORsug'orilIRRIGATSIYA QUDUQ ARIQ ANHOR KANAL TO'G'ON O'G'IT o'g'itlaOMOCH PLUG TRAKTOR 254 . household (collective) farm. plow plough. irrigate irrigation be irrigated irrigation well (irrigation) canal. barn fodder. ditch small river irrigation canal canal dam. reaping. cattle-drover herder cowherd.t n ovga chiqov qilv. dyke fertilizer.O'Ro'roq o'rim CHO'PON qo'ychivon YILQIBOQAR podachi tuyakash boquvchi OG'IL molxona otxona yem SOG'OV ovlaovchi MERGAN v. cowshed. kolkhoz state farm.t n n n mow. manure fertilize fertilize plough. cattle-drover barn sheepfold. pit miner gas field oilfield oil worker worker. artisan craftsman. reservoir warehouseman power station / plant nuclear power station X mine miner miner mining industry mine. restorer watchmaker locksmith jeweler. storehouse. artisan shoemaker repairer. worker technician. unskilled worker labourer. mechanic programmer engineer engineering engineer craftsman. goldsmith blacksmith carpenter cobbler mechanic sanoatlashsanoatchi INDUSTRIAL INDUSTRIYA ZAVOD FABRIKA ustaxona remontxona OMBOR omborchi KON konchi konchilik SHAXTA SHAXTYOR n | NX ~+i kon ishchi n n n n gaz maydoni neft maydoni neftchi ishchi n n kon ishchi qora ishchi n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n mehnatkash TEXNIK dasturlovchi INJENER injenerlik MUHANDIS hunarmand KOSIB remontchi soatsoz qulfchi ZARGAR temirchi yog'ochchi yamoqchi MEXANIK 255 .KOMBAYN TEGIRMON SANOAT n n n og'ir sanoat oziq-ovqat sanoati yengil sanoat v. industrialist industrial industry factory factory workshop repair shop warehouse. farm-produce industry light industry become industrialized n adj n n n n n n n elektr stansiyasi yadro stansiyasi combine harvester mill industry heavy industry food industry. workman miner labourer. businessman stockbroker salesperson. trader. builder carpenter gardener weaver carpet. grocer 256 . rug weaver dressmaker. messenger wireless operator communications worker architect architect businessman businessman merchant. bricklayer. chauffeur driver pilot (plane) stewardess sailor. dressmaker shoemaker hatter maker of skullcaps draper.ELEKTROMEXANIK binokor quruvchi bo'yoqchi DURADGOR bog'bon to'qimachi gilamchi tikuvchi CHEVAR etikdo'z qalpoqdo'z do'ppido'z gazlamafurush bo'yoqchi SHOFYOR haydovchi uchuvchi STYUARDESSA dengizchi KAPITAN POCHTALYON pochtachi YUGURDAK radiochi aloqachi ARXITEKTOR ME'MOR ISHBILARMON BIZNESMEN savdogar birjachi sotuvchi bozorchi magazinchi do'konchi do'kondor BAQQOL n n n n g'isht teruvchi n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n temir yo'lchi n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n electrician builder builder. seaman captain railway worker postman post office worker. taylor seamstress. salesclerk shopkeeper shopkeeper small trader. constructor (l/f) (house) painter mason. mailman courier. clothier dyer driver. seller stallholder shop assistant. bookkeeper secretary secretary (female) secretarial work typist (female) assistant. civil servant oshpaz SARTAROSH MANIKURCHI DALLOL maslahatchi xizmatchi xizmatkor choyxonachi samovarchi CHOPAR n n n n n n n xizmatkor ayol n n n sayohat agent yo'l boshlovchi GID OFITSIANT ofitsiantka HAMMOL saroyvon FARROSH KASSIR hisobchi BUXGALTER KOTIB kotiba kotiblik MASHINISTKA yordamchi ko'makchi BANKIR amaldor n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 257 . counselor employee. barber manicurist broker. consultant. accountant accountant.yoymachi NOVVOY QASSOB ko'kchi shakarpaz qandolatchi kabobpaz o'tinfurush gulchi ATTOR n n n n n n n n n n kitob sotuvchi ko'zoynak mutaxassis street pedlar baker butcher vegetable seller confectioner confectioner kebab seller seller of firewood florist perfumer bookseller optician cook hairdresser. middleman adviser. service worker servant servant maid tea house worker tea house worker courier travel agent tour guide tourist guide waiter waitress porter hotel-keeper janitor. streetsweeper cashier bookkeeper. auxiliary assistant banker official. interpreter (TV. lecturer teacher professor. research worker translator. healer doctor doctor (traditional medicine) surgeon surgeon nurse medical orderly pharmacist. attorney lawyer policeman regular soldier customs officer doctor occulist veterinarian dentist doctor. journalist journalist newspaper seller journalist journalist intelligence personnel librarian teacher. actress.MA'MUR INSPEKTOR sudya ADVOKAT oqlovchi politsiyachi harbiy bojgir DOKTOR n n n n n n n n n ko'z doktori mol doktori tish doktori n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n ilmiy xodim n n n n n n official. author. chemist publisher correspondent. master professor researcher. research worker scientific worker. actor. teacher. movie star shifokor VRACH TABIB JARROH XIRURG HAMSHIRA SANITAR dorigar aptekachi nashriyotchi MUXBIR gazetachi jurnalist axborotchi kutubxonachi o'qituvchi MUALLIM DOMLA PROFESSOR izlanuvchi TARJIMON boshlovchi yozuvchi FOTOGRAF san'atchi ARTIST 258 . administrator inspector judge lawyer. radio) host writer. chemist pharmacist. letter writer photographer artist artist. photographer sculpter. photographer painter. artist artisan-painter. carver musician musician musician musician (playing.AKTYOR AKTRISA rasmchi RASSOM suratchi haykaltarosh musiqachi muzikachi sozchi SOZANDA ashulachi HOFIZ XONANDA qo'shiqchi RAQQOS raqqosa qiziqchi n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n actor actress artisan-painter. traditional) singer (modern songs) singer (traditional songs) singer (traditional songs) singer dancer dancer (female) clown 259 . advertisement money pay Y Z for X pay for X not free. sum of money finance financial property. penniless free gratis. grasping person rich dough. mismanagement carelessly. which one must pay for without money. goods. free not having money moneygrubbing. articles. frugal. produce commodity. articles (for use). save economic economist economical. goods trade mark X trade mark advertisement.Economy IQTISOD iqtisodiy iqtisodchi EKONOMIK ekonomika EKONOMIST EKONOMIYA XO'JA xo'jalik xo'jasizlik xo'jasizlarcha KAPITAL kapitalist kapitalistik kapitalizm MABLAG' MOLIYA moliyaviy MOL TOVAR BUYUM MARKA markali REKLAMA E'LON PUL pullik pulsiz bepul pulparast puldor LOY NAQD n iqtisod fani iqtisod qiladj n adj n n n n n n xalq xo'jaligi n ad n n adj n n n adj n n n n adj | NX ~ n reklama qiln n NX uchun numY NZ ~ NX+ning ~+ini to'laadj adj adj n adj n adj naqd bernaqd to'lanaqd olnaqd pul n mayda pul economy economics economize. ad advertise announcement. belongings commodity. thrifty economic economics economist economy lord. master economy national economy carelessness. declaration. mismanaged capital capitalist capitalist capitalism capital. cash cash pay in cash pay in cash receive in cash cash change (small) change QAYTIM 260 . goods thing(s). possessions. SO'M so'mlik / so'mli TIYIN tiyinlik / tiyinli TANGA CHAQA BANKNOT VALUTA DOLLAR YURO RUBL FUNT MARKA KURS almashtir- n numX ~ (pul) adj | numX ~ n adj | numX ~ n n n n n n n n n n | (ayirbosh) kurs(+i) v. mark evaluate X (as Y) price X. evaluation. etc.) for Y foreign exchange office. cost lower the price charge. money) value. precious cheap. kopeck worth X tiyin coin(s). expensive priceless. invaluable fix the price evaluate bargain | NX ~ n adj | (bahosi) qimmat adj adj v. exchange X(= money. rebate discount discount give a discount free (of charge). invaluable priceless. gratis the state of being free BAHO n NX+ga (AY) ~ berNX+ga ~ qo'ybaho ko'tarbaho pasaytirbaho tushirqat'iy baho adj adj adj v. go down in price lower. haggle price. value X raise the price lower the price lower the price set price costly.t n chegirma beradj n 261 . worth v. change price. value. price cost X(=price. reduce the price of. worth expensive.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ pul almashtirish do'koni som. rouble (amount of) X som worth X som cent. fare (vehicle) fare fare cost.t arzonlashtirish v. low (price) get cheaper. silver coin small change. give a discount on discount. value. copper coins bank note (foreign) currency dollar euro rouble pound mark (exchange) rate change X for Y. costly valuable.t n narx+i tushirn kira haqi yo'l haqi baholi bahosiz bebaho baholabaholashNARX KIRA / YO'LKIRA QIYMAT TURQIMMAT QIMMATBAHO ARZON arzonlasharzonlashtirCHEGIRchegirma TEKIN tekinlik n v. business business businessman sell. decrease. go shopping customer.t n ish haq+i xizmat haq+i lower. retired (person) inflation trade. grantee pensioner. for sale salesperson. consume consumer oylik NAFAQA nafaqachi nafaqaxo'r PENSIYA PENSIONER INFLATSIYA SAVDO savdolashsavdogar savdogarlik / savdogarchilik TIJORAT BIZNES BIZNESMEN SOT- n n n n n pensiyaga chiqn n n savdo qilv. businessman business. haggle merchant. trade wholesale wholesale retail retail business import export import purchase shop. come down down in price lower. n n n n n v. sale. trade trade. consumption make use of. trader. offer for sale sell out.t sotish sotib olsotib oluvchi arzon sotqimmat sotv. purchaser sell for cheap sell at a high price be sold selling. trade sale on n n sotuvda bor n savdo-sotiq n ko'tara savdo n chakana savdo chetdan mol kiritchetga mol chiqar- sotilsotiq sotuv sotuvchi KO'TARA CHAKANA IMPORT XARID XARIDOR ISTE'MOL iste'molchi n. betray sales buy.PASAYpasaytirMAOSH v. commerce. pasayish v. be in business bargain over. pay. adj n xarid qiln n iste'mol qiln 262 . allowance. earnings pay. buyer use. business. buy. grant. alimony beneficiary. decrease salary. seller buying and selling. business engage in trade. wages salary monthly salary benefit. retired (person) pension retire pensioner. shop buyer. purchaser. account bill. economize take care of. expense spend wasting. ticket office token expenses. compensation unpaid payer pay-desk. compensate pay X(=money) for Y be payed for payment. check tip pocket money tip pocket money subscription.t n isrof qiln adj v. booking office cashier receipt receipt ticket cheque receipt bill. wastage. care for. spending be spent on X spend loss. squandering waste. check (at a restaurant) bill. expenditure. be economized use sparingly. make best use of economical.t n xarajat qilv. cashier's desk. seat ticket cheque receipt (subscription) ticket window. squander expenses thrifty spend (money) expense spend (money) save. n choy puli BADAL n n | NX+ning ~+iga BILET CHIPTA PATTA n bilet kassasi n n ABONEMENT DARCHA JETON SARF sarfiyat sarflaISROF XARJ kamxarj xarjlaXARAJAT TEJAtejalAYAiqtisodchi omonat n n n n NX+ga ~ bo'lsarf qiln v. thrifty savings savings bank SCHYOT HISOB hisoblashCHOYCHAQA n n ovqat hisobi taom hisobi v. check (at a restaurant) (make out) bill. check bill. fee refund in exchange for X ticket ticket office n adj n n n n n n pay (money) pay back.t adj n omonat kassa 263 .t NY+ga NX ~ v. look after save (a capital amount of X Y) be saved.TO'LAto'lanto'lov to'lovsiz to'lovchi KASSA KASSIR TILXAT KVITANSIYA PATTA v.t numX NY+lik mablag' tejav. t | NY+ga N(ish)X+ni ~ buyurib qo'yv. object) get into debt settle a debt repay a debt debtor right(s) (X) owe Y Z credit on credit loan interest cheque traveller's check ticket cheque receipt order Y to X. guarantee bet pawn pawnshop speculative business speculator speculation exchange.t n jamg'arilgan pul v. reserve subscription subscribe to X subscriber broker. order order reserve.t n rezervlar NX+ga pul qo'yn NX+dan NY ~ bo'lqarz(ga) berqarz(ga) olqarzga botqarzdan qutulqarz to'lan n NX+da NY+ning NZ haq+i bor n nasiyaga n n n sayohat chek+i n save (money). order (person) having placed an order occupy rent. middleman broking share shareholder pawn.JAMG'ARjamg'arma G'AMLAREZERV(LAR) v. labour) stockbroker QARZ qarzdor HAQ NASIYA ZAYOM o'sim CHEK PATTA BUYURbuyurt/ buyurtirbuyurtma buyrutmachi v. accumulate reserve(s) reserves put money into X. command Y to X order order have (something) made. market (stock. money put aside savings store in reserve. object) borrow (money. put money aside savings. invest in X debt owe X Y lend (money.t n buyurtma bern band qil- OBUNA obunachi DALLOL dallollik AKSIYA aksiyador GAROV garovxona CHAYQOV chayqovchi chayqovchilik BIRJA birjachi n NX+ga ~ bo'ln n n n n n garovga qo'yn n n n n n 264 . t n market. be ochilish v. be shut be open (shop. store) small trader. (market) stall butcher's shop florist bookshop clothing store car dealer baker's shop shoeshop. shoe store greengrocer gift shop furniture store souvenir shop jeweller's shop shopkeeper small shop. open out.BOZOR bozorlik bozoriy bozorchi SUPERMARKET MAGAZIN n n adj n n n kitob magazini kiyim(-kechak) magazini oziq-ovqat magazini xo'jalik mollari magazini n n n go'sht do'koni gul do'koni kitob do'koni kiyim(-kechak) do'koni mashina do'koni non do'koni poyafzal do'koni sabzavot do'koni sovg'alar do'koni uy jihozlari do'koni yodgorliklar do'koni zargarlik do'koni n n n n n v. store. (market) stall shopkeeper baker's shop. be open opening. commercial district item sold/bought at the market on n n n n n n n n n n sug'urta qilsug'urta qilinv. salesclerk department store v. inauguration close. bakery butcher's shop open. shop bookshop clothing store grocery hardware store shop assistant. grocer grocery trade street market stall street pedlar (shop) window trade fair bank banker insurance insure be insured insure insurance magazinchi UNIVERMAG DO'KON do'konchi do'koncha do'kondor novvoyxona qassobxona ochilyopilishlaBAQQOL baqqollik RASTA yoyma yoymachi VITRINA YARMARKA BANK bankir SUG'URTA sug'urtalaSTRAXOVANIYE 265 . for sale at the market stallholder supermarket store. tally out (make out) bill. accountant accounts. losing without losses be bankrupted (l/f) BOJ bojxona bojgir USHR FOYDA foydali foydasiz ZIYON ziyonli ziyonsiz SIN- 266 . beneficial. spending spend money costly. score bill. sustaining heavy losses income and expenditure budget taxes tax income tax tax collector's office (customs) duty. profit make a profit advantageous. receipts. computation account. check credit X deposit figure. benefit. profit expenditure. not beneficial. calculation. useful without advantage. account book profit. useless hisoblashhisobchi DAROMAD daromadli daromadsiz kirim chiqim chiqimdor BUDJET SOLIQ arithmetic. count. expenses. tithe advantage. deficit harm X in deficit. tax customs customs officer taxes. income make a profit (of X Y(=currency)) profitable unprofitable n hisob-kitob n numX NY ~ oladj adj n n chiqim qiladj kirim-chiqim n n soliq soldaromad solig'i soliq boshqarmasi n n n n n foyda qiladj adj n NX+ga ~ yetkazadj adj v. damage. check bookkeeper. harm loss.HISOB n NX+ga ~ olbank hisobi hisob qilv. seat. migrate move (house) move in occupy rent. lie down settle v. establish oneself bed.Daily Life (I) Housing UCHASTKA JOY O'RIN (o'rn+i) n n (turar) joy n o'rin olo'rin tutadj | numX ~ v. stay (for some nights) move. apartment. position | NX+ga ~ o'rin-ko'rpa YASHAyashovchi TURv. live (swh). family house builder living quarters. minaret dome. cupola hut o'rinli O'RNASH- ISTIQOMAT YOTKO'CH- BINO binokor binokorlik IMORAT imoratbop OSMONO'PAR UY uysoz 267 . lodgings tower. stay (at) dwelling dwelling quarters residence. house flat. home. hire rent (a house) building builder building industry. reside. stay resident lie. habitation live. n v. room take place. dwelling place to sit. civil engineering (big) building (for) construction high (of building) skyscraper house. cupola dome. dweller dwell. live (swh) inhabitant. place to sleep live. reserve (boshqa uyga) ko'ch(yangi uyga) ko'chib kelband qilIJARA ijaraga olijaraga o'tirn n n n adj adj osmono'par bino n n uy-joy KVARTIRA MINORA GUMBAZ QUBBA CHAYLA n n n n n plot of land place (l/f). turar turar joy n istiqomat qilistiqomat qiluvchi v. take a seat occupy a seat with X seats settle down in X. settle down. place to sleep place. apartment room home. restroom toilets toilet paper laundry lecture room waiting room. convenience. cell. area waiting room. bedroom place. column (in a table) single/double room for X people X room(ed) flat flat. lodging bedroom bedroom dormitory. room living room reception room study. run storey. lavatory. terrace verandah courtyard. area cellar balcony verandah. den kitchen canteen. yard from door to door sunshade. umbrella awning garage cage. (nomad's) tent room section. office small room. bedroom bathroom toilets. part. partition inner part of the house room. dining room dining room dormitory.CHODIR KAPA O'TOV bo'lma ICHKARI XONA xonali xonadon ZAL mehmonxona qabulxona KABINET HUJRA oshxona ovqatxona YOTOQ yotoqxona vannaxona hojatxona TUALET n chodir tikiladigan joy n n n n n numX kishilik ~ adj | numX ~ kvartira n n n n n n n n ovqatlanish xonasi n yotoq joy yotoq uy n n n n tualet qog'ozi kir yuvish xonasi o'qish xonasi kutish xonasi kutish zali tent campsite tent yurt. floor YERTO'LA BALKON AYVON PESHAYVON HOVLI SOYAVON GARAJ KATAK QAVAT qavatli QAT n n n adj n hovlima-hovli n n n n pastki qavat yuqori qavat adj | numX ~ uy n 268 . floor downstairs upstairs X-storey house storey. apartment hall. hallway corridor. city old city suburbs. door-keeper threshold threshold entrance n adj n roof roof (of an open market) wall with walls wall.TOM TIM DEVOR devorli devoriy USTUN POL SHIP ZINA zinapoya NARVON SHOTI LIFT ESKALATOR ESHIK eshikcha DARVOZA darvozabon OSTONA BO'SAG'A DAHLIZ KORIDOR YO'LAK kirish chiqish DERAZA derazali PANJARA MO'RI TUYNUK O'CHOQ SHAHAR (shahr+i) n n n adj adj n n taxta pol n n zinadan tushzinadan chiqn n n n n n n n n n n n qabul stoli n n n n n deraza oynasi adj n n n n n eski shahar shahar atrofi shahar markazi yangi shahar n v. stove town. passage entrance. gate flap. lobby reception desk corridor. fence chimney. residence interurban town district shaharlik shaharlashshaharcha shaharlararo DAHA 269 . column floor wooden floor ceiling step. door gate gatekeeper. way out window (window) pane with window lattice window. funnel chimney hearth. stairs (as a location) go downstairs go upstairs stairs (as an object) ladder ladder lift. entry exit. mural pillar. elevator escalator door. outskirts downtown new town city dweller become urbanized small town estate. trellis. town quarter. neighbourhood from the same district local small market place in a mahalla block. site. main street streets avenue. promenade crossroads (pedestrian) walkway underground crossing parking traffic lights street lamp address address Y. stronghold fortress. palace citadel. side street avenue boulevard square (in town) place. field walk. main street alley. redoubt palace. rural small village fellow villager village countryside street dead end avenue.MAHALLA mahalladosh MAHALLIY GUZAR KVARTAL POSYOLKA MAVZE (mavze+i) QISHLOQ qishloqlik qishloqi qishloqcha hamqishloq OVUL YOVON KO'CHA n n adj n n n n n qishloq (joy) n adj n n n n n berk ko'cha katta ko'cha ko'cha-ko'y shoh ko'cha tor ko'cha n n n n n n (piyodalar) o'tish joyi yerosti o'tish joyi to'xtash joyi town quarter. X street (address) monument ancien monument ruins fortress. palace (turk. field. inn (for caravans) hotel-keeper castle. housing estate outlying township outskirts village countryside village dweller country. district. castle hostel. area. mongol) palace. court XIYOBON BULVAR MAYDON maydoncha sayrgoh CHORRAHA SVETOFOR ADRES manzilgoh KO'CHA yodgorlik OBIDA XAROBA QAL'A QO'RG'ON SAROY saroyvon QASR ARK O'RDA n ko'cha fonari n n NX ko'chasi numY uy n n n n n n n n n n 270 . territory small square. movie theater theater museum zoo zoo mosque madrasah (islamic college) pochtaxona BOZOR SUPERMARKET MAGAZIN UNIVERMAG DO'KON do'koncha novvoyxona qassobxona choyxona choyxonachi RESTORAN KAFE pivoxona sartaroshxona HAMMOM KIOSKA BUDKA BANK KUTUBXONA STADION KINOTEATR / KINO TEATR MUZEY ZOOPARK MASJID MADRASA 271 . store. shoe store greengrocer gift shop furniture store souvenir shop jeweller's shop small shop. bar hairdressing salon. (market) stall baker's shop. shop bookshop clothing store grocery hardware store department store shop. bathhouse kiosk booth bank library stadium cinema. (market) stall butcher's shop florist bookshop clothing store car dealer baker's shop shoeshop. commercial district supermarket store.elchixona konsulxona ishxona n n n pochta bo'limi n n n n kitob magazini kiyim(-kechak) magazini oziq-ovqat magazini xo'jalik mollari magazini n n go'sht do'koni gul do'koni kitob do'koni kiyim(-kechak) do'koni mashina do'koni non do'koni poyafzal do'koni sabzavot do'koni sovg'alar do'koni uy jihozlari do'koni yodgorliklar do'koni zargarlik do'koni n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n hayvonot bog'i n n n embassy consulate office workshop post office post office market. bakery butcher's shop tea house tea house worker restaurant cafe. barbershop (public) baths. cafetaria pub. XONAQOH CHERKOV mehmonxona KARVONSAROY MAKTAB UNIVERSITET tajribaxona LABORATORIYA RASADXONA OBSERVATORIYA kasalxona POLIKLINIKA / KLINIKA shifoxona TUG'RUQXONA dorixona ZAVOD FABRIKA remontxona OMBOR KANALIZATSIYA BENZOKOLONKA STANSIYA n n n mehmonlar uyi n n n n n n n n n n meditsina punkti n n n n n n n n n metro stansiyasi monastery church hotel. guesthouse guesthouse caravanserai school. inn. park small park gardener gardening VOKZAL OSTANOVKA BEKAT n n n avtobus bekati metro bekati n n n n lager joyi n n adj n n n n n AEROPORT tayyoragoh PORT LAGER FERMA BOSHPANA PANOH BAZA BOG' bog'cha bog'bon bog'bonlik 272 . refuge (l/f) sheltered. covered base garden. clinic maternity home/clinic chemist's. harbor camp campsite farm shelter. reservoir sewerage gas station station railway station subway station railway station bus station. elementary school university laboratory laboratory observatory observatory hospital (poly)clinic dispensary. bus stop stop bus stop subway station airport airport port. clinic first-aide post. storehouse. pharmacy factory factory repair shop warehouse. constructor (l/f) be built. layer of clay cement concrete gravel IMORAT TIKARXITEKTOR ARXITEKTURA ME'MOR me'morlik me'moriy me'morchilik DURADGOR duradgorlik G'ISHT LOY PAXSA SEMENT BETON SHAG'AL imorat solv. stitch camp architect architecture architect architecture (prof. erect erect a building pitch (tent). construct (l/f) be built. graveyard mausoleum mausoleum cemetery.t n barpo bo'lbarpo qil-/et- park square (with garden) flower terrace floral garden floral garden flowerbed. in construction building. bricklayer. grave cemetery. cemetery tomb. builder mud clay (used for building) clay (mixed with straw).int n v.t v. basin grave. flower terrace mound fountain fountain (man-made) pool. construction (l/f) have built. erected build. graveyard build. tomb gravedigger graveyard.t chodir tikn n n n adj n n n n g'isht teruvchi n n n n n 273 .) architectural architecture carpenter carpentry brick mason.PARK SKVER gulzor guliston BO'STON CHAMAN SUPA FAVVORA FONTAN BASSEYN GO'R go'rkor go'riston QABR qabriston MAQBARA MAVZOLEY MOZOR QURqurilqurilish qurdirquruvchi n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n v. have constructed builder. loom v.t n v. strainer sieve.s. sift sieve 274 . tube (oil.t | NX+ni NY bilan ~ asbob-uskuna ehtiyot qism xo'jalik mollari MOTOR motorli motorsiz motorlashtirG'ILDIRAK g'ildirakli SHINA BALLON TORMOZ PEDAL RUL PRUJINA NASOS TRUBA / TRUBKA QUVUR SHLANG FILTR filtrlaSUZsuzgich ELAelak n adj adj v. strain filter.t adj adj n n v. motor motorized without motor motorize wheel wheeled tire tire brake brake pedal steering spring pump pipe. guns equipment equip o. armaments. tube pipe. irrigation) oil pipeline hose filter filter filter. instrument tool maker machine car mechanize mechanize apparatus automat automate automatic automatic machine tool. weapons.t n adj n n n tormoz qiln n n n n n neft quvuri n n v. gas.Objects and Tools BUYUM ASBOB asbobsoz MASHINA mashinalashmashinalashtirAPPARAT AVTOMAT avtomatlashtiravtomatik O'ZIYURAR DASTGOH QUROL qurollanqurollantirJIHOZ jihozlan n n n v.t v. articles (for use). (l/f) equip equipment supply X with Y equipment spare part hardware engine. goods tool. workbench.t n v.t n thing(s).t n n v. tweezers scissors cut (with scissors) saw saw (carpenter's) plane plane (down) file file 275 . block plug in plug. animals yoked for the plough harness plough.JO'MRAK KRAN TIQtiqin PROBKA RAKOVINA UMIVALNIK TAYOQ tayoqcha KALTAK HASSA QAMCHI BOLTA boltalaTESHA o'roq KETMON ketmonchi KURAK BELKURAK BEL belcha PANSHAXA XASKASH ZAMBILG'ALTAK QO'SH QO'SHOMOCH PLUG EGAR JILOV YUGAN BOLG'A bolg'alaOMBUR qisqich QAYCHI qaychilaARRA arralaRANDA randalaEGOV egovla- n n v.t n v. spout tap. spade. plow saddle rein(s) bridle hammer hammer pincers tongs. stopper plug. pickaxe pitchfork rake wheelbarrow harness.t n n n v.t n v.t n n n n n n v.t n n n ketmon chopn n n n n n n n n v. faucet stick. plow plough. cane whip axe cut down (with an axe) chopper sickle ketman. chopsticks stick stick. pickaxe (small) shovel. pincers. shovel (iron) spade.t n v. stopper sink sink stick small stick. mattock dig with a mattock hoer (wooden) spade.t tap.t tiqib bekitn n n n n n n n n n v. shovel shovel. spade. hanger hook. safety-pin hook. dye REZINKA BOG' bog'ich G'ALTAK O'RAM TUGUN KOPTOK IGNA NINA TO'G'NAG'ICH ILGAK ilgich QOZIQ TO'R QARMOQ TAROZI TERMOMETR BAROMETR MIL RANG n n. wrench drawing pin rope. pointer. meas n n meas n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 276 . needle pin. skein needle needle. string rope tightrope gallows (thin) string thread lace cord (music instrument) string rubber band bundle. bunch string.DASTA SOP sopli VINT PARMA / PARMADASTA MIX mixlaOTVERTKA GAYKA KNOPKA ARG'AMCHI ARQON DOR CHILVIR IP n n adj n n n burama mix v. peg stake. gimlet nail screw nail (down) screwdriver nut spanner.t n n gayka kaliti n n n n n n handle handle with handle screw drill. needle paint. ribbon (shoe)lace reel bunch knot hank. peg net fishing rod scales thermometer barometer pointer. adorn slab. timber blackboard. dye get painted.t v. chalk board wood. chair armchair throne cupboad. cabinet cupboard. linen pillow yog'och-taxta MEBEL n uy jihozi uy jihozlari do'koni STOL PARTA XONTAXTA SANDAL STUL DIVAN SKAMEYKA o'rindiq KURSI KRESLO TAXT SHKAF JAVON n yozuv stoli n n n n n n n n n n n n kitob javoni kitob shkafi TOKCHA OYOQ tortma KARAVOT O'RIN (o'rn+i) KO'RPA ko'rpacha ADYOL TO'SHAK MATRAS CHOYSHAB YOSTIQ n n n n n o'rin soln n n n n n n 277 . get dyed paint. dye (house) painter dyer painting varnish decorate. closet. plank (to sit on) wood.t v. bookshelf shelf leg (of a piece of furniture) drawer bed bedding make the bed quilt n n n n v. decorate. timber furniture furniture furniture store table desk desk (low) table small table (over a pit containing charcoal) chair sofa.t n n paint. seat stool. wardrobe bookcase. bookshelf bookcase. plaque board. deck out arrange. rug used for sitting or for bedding blanket mattress mattress sheet(s).BO'YAbo'yalbo'yoq bo'yoqchi bo'yov LAK YASATTUZALAVHA TAXTA v. divan bench chair. adorn. BOLISH JILD n n yostiq jildi o'rin-ko'rpa ko'rpa-to'shak uyqu qopi pillow pillow-case pillow-case. rug carpet. place to sleep bed and bedding sleeping bag cradle beer. handful (of flowers) bunch of flowers. freight (l/f) luggage. be overloaded with X loader luggage storage office baggage. palos (without pile) felt carpet. rug small carpet.t | NY+ni NX+ga ~ v. run cage curtain mosquito net carpet. pillow cover bed. rug weavering kilim. meas n n n n n ramkaga oln n tosh oyna n n v. valise. bedding. trunk BESHIK TOBUT KATAK QAFAS PARDA pashshaxona GILAM gilamcha gilamdo'z gilamdo'zlik PALOS KIGIZ BO'YRA TUVAK guldon VAZA DASTA GULDASTA GULCHAMBAR DASTURXON SALFYETKA RAMKA kuldon OYNA KO'ZGU YUK yuklayuklanyukchi yukxona BAGAJ BO'XCHA TUGUN CHAMADON n n n n n n n n n n n n n n gul tuvak n n n. rug weaver carpet. spray of flowers wreath tablecloth napkin frame (for pictures) frame ashtray mirror plate-glass mirror load. baggage load Y on to X. luggage bundle bundle suitcase. burden. bowl vase | NX+ga ~ n n n n n n 278 . coffin cage. overload X with Y be loaded on to X. felt (reed) mat pot flowerpot vase. briefcase purse. tumbler KOSA PIYOLA TAQSIMCHA QADAH STAKAN n n n n n 279 . packets. hutch small chest basket basin. container. dishes. shopping bag sack. pail tank pottery vessel. mailbox small box box chest. chest. drawer letter-box. handbag. saucer plate dish crockery. wallet bag. meas v. dishes crockery. tumbler glass. small sack. pack put in bags.QOP qoplaqoplaqopqoq qopchiq RUKZAK XALTA TO'RVA SUMKA sumkacha PORTFEL HAMYON PACHKA pachkalaPAKET QUTI quticha YASHIK SANDIQ sandiqcha SAVAT TOG'ORA CHELAK GULCHELAK PAQIR BAK IDISH QULOQ quloqli PATNIS LAGAN lagancha TOVOQ LIKOP / LIKOPCHA TARELKA / TARYELKA n. bag bag. pots and pans bowl. plate dishes. bag put in sacks cover lid. (wine)glass. large cup cup saucer goblet. packet. schoolbag. (shallow) bowl (esp. sack handbag portfolio. crockery handle (of pots) with handle(s) tray large dish.t n n pochta qutisi n n n n n n n n n n sopol buyumlar n idish(lar) n adj n n n n n n idish-tovoq idish-tovoqlar tovoq-qoshiq sack.t n n n n n n n n n n v. bag rucksack.t v. back-pack bag. dish. trunk. pail watering can bucket. for pilau) plate. tray dish plate. bowl bucket. cover small sack. packs packet box. bottle) opener key pot. strainer hookah. saucepan put the saucepan on the fire saucepan (frying) pan. tin. ewer thermos water jug (used for washing hands) filter. mugful knife spoon scoop fork fork small stick. nargileh chopping board (leather) pastry board rolling-pin match(es) lighter heating heating system gas canister radiator air conditioning ventilator RADIATOR KONDITSIONER VENTILATOR 280 . can can opener (can. chopsticks water-jug.KRUJKA PICHOQ QOSHIQ CHO'MICH VILKA sanchqi tayoqcha KO'ZA QOVOQ SHISHA BUTILKA bo'g'iz (bo'g'z+i) BANKA ochqich QOZON qozoncha TOVA QASQON CHOYNAK CHOYDISH SAMOVAR QUMG'ON TERMOS OBDASTA suzgich CHILIM OSHTAXTA SUPRA JO'VA GUGURT ZAJIGALKA isitish n n n n n n n n n n n shisha ochadigan n pint. cauldron. skillet steamer teapot kettle samovar metal jug. jar. pitcher hollow gourd (dish) bottle bottle bottle-opener throat neck (of a bottle) n banka ochadigan n n qozon osn n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n isitish sistemasi gaz balloni n n n jar. mug. report book notebook. furnace (fixed horizontally) oven hearth. pen point pen container (fountain) pen felt pen. case (for books) binding. cooker gaz stove plate electric plate refrigerator refrigerator. cover page page X page page X envelope envelope pencil. meas | (qog'oz) varag'i v. copy book notebook notebook. cover bind. writing-pad cover. eraser rubber. eraser rubber band penknife penknife ruler ruler 281 . cover covered bind. pen. ball-point. fountain pen nib. meas n. marker ink ink container rubber. stove stove stove.t n n | numX+inchi ~ n n | numX+inchi ~ n n n qalam uchi n n n n n n n n n n n oven. icebox refrigerator refrigerator stationery sheet (of paper) sheet (of paper) leaf through book booklet notebook.TANDIR DUXOVKA O'CHOQ PECHKA PLITA PLITKA muzlatg'ich muzxona XOLODILNIK sovutgich KANTSELYARIYA YAPROQ VARAQ varaqlaKITOB kitobcha DAFTAR daftarcha BLOKNOT JILD MUQOVA muqovali muqovalaBET SAHIFA KONVERT XATJILD QALAM qalamdon RUCHKA / AVTORUCHKA FLOMASTER SIYOH siyohdon o'chirgich REZINKA QALAMTAROSH PAKKI chizg'ich LINEYKA n n n n n gaz plita n elektr plitka n n n n n n.t n n n xotira daftari n n n n muqova qiladj v. bottle) opener key lock. chalk board typewriter. iron. small machine hour clock. cable antenna. centre light torch projector head-light wire (electric.t n n n n cho'ntak fonari ko'cha fonari qo'l fonari n n n n n n n n n tikanli sim adj n n n n n compasses board.t v. blackboard blackboard.SIRKUL DOSKA TAXTA MASHINKA SOAT n n n n n devor soati qo'l soati n n n soat millari n qo'ng'iroq chaladj n n n v. watch wall-clock wristwatch watchmaker watch-making alarm clock (clock) hand bell ring with a bell key (can. light lampstand lamp bulb n n n n v. aerial screen battery soatsoz soatsozlik BUDILNIK QO'NG'IROQ qo'ng'iroqli KALIT ochqich QULF qulflaqulflanqulfchi TAMBA ZULFIN ZANJIR zanjirlazanjircha SHAM shamdon FONAR CHIROQ chiroqpoya LAMPA LAMPOCHKA QANDIL MASH'AL PROJEKTOR FARA SIM simsiz KABEL SHNUR ANTENNA EKRAN BATAREYA 282 . prop door chain chain lock (small) chain candle candlestick lantern flashlight street lamp flashlight lamp. padlock lock get locked locksmith lock.) barbed wire wireless cable flex.. radio set television. compact disk tape recorder tape video (player) compass binocular(s) telescope microscope photo. video) videotape CD. household duties do the housework. put on turn off. put off radio.t v. receiver mobile. handset ear-phone(s) microphone record. television set fax machine (tele)phone handset. cell phone receiver. snap camera film (for camera) ribbon tape.ROZETKA VIKLUCHATEL QO'Yo'chirRADIOAPPARAT TELEVIZOR TELEFON n n elektron buyumlar v. film frame (cine-)camera video camera photocopier computer calculator abacus printer card credit card housework. switch off.t n n faks apparati n telefon apparati uyali telefon n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n nusxa apparati n n n n n kredit kartochkasi uy-ro'zg'or ishlari uylarni yig'ishtir- plug switch electrical goods turn on. disk. the household TRUBKA QULOQCHIN MIKROFON PLASTINKA KASSETA VIDEOKASSETA CD-DISK / CD MAGNITOFON MAGNITOPLYONKA VIDEOMAGNITOFON KOMPAS DURBIN TELESKOP MIKROSKOP FOTO FOTOAPPARAT PLYONKA / FOTOPLYONKA LENTA KADR KINOKAMERA VIDEOKAMERA KOMPUTER KALKULATOR CHO'T PRINTER KARTOCHKA 283 . switch on. plate cassette (audio. int v. trash (piece of) cloth. paint brush brush LATTA TOZA tozalik tozalaOZODA ozodalik POK nopok POKIZA yig'ishtirSARANJOM SARISHTA n adj n v. clean (person. mark dirty. tidiness.t n v. tidy (up) wash.t yuvib tozalaadj n adj adj adj v. clean n n dog' qilv. filth soiled clothes. place) tidy.t n v. soil hang out washing wash clothes. clear pure cleanness. wipe away wash be washed wash.t v. filthy. place) cleanness. clean wipe. garbage. muddy make dirty.t v. clean up tidy. tidy up. dry cleaner dirty (l/f). rag clean. put in order. soil dirtiness.KIR n adj kir qilkir yoykir yuvn adj iflos qiln v. muddy dirt stain. clear. washing dirty make dirty.t adj saranjom qiladj sarishta qilsaranjom-sarishta v. clarity.t ARTYUVyuvilyuvinyuvintirCHAYSOVUN sovunlaCHO'TKA cho'tkala- 284 . trash throw out the garbage old and shabby. tidy. filthy. cleanliness clean pure (l/f) dirty impure (l/f) clean pure (l/f) gather up. do one's washing laundry. have a wash make have a wash rinse out soap toilet soap household soap liquid soap soap brush. soil get dirty. clean. dirt mean action make dirty. patch stain. clarity.t n axlatni tashlaeski-tuski kirxona IFLOS ifloslik ifloslaifloslashGARD DOG' BULG'AAXLAT dirt.t n atir sovun kir sovun suyuq sovun v. put in order tidy tidy v. soil rubbish. worn-out junk. net (person. cleanliness purity clean. t n n n kir mashinasi idish yuvadigan mashina sponge sweep sweepings.t 285 .GUBKA SUPURsupurindi supurgi PILESOS n v. refuse floor-brush. broom vacuum cleaner washing machine dishwasher iron iron iron iron DAZMOL dazmolla- n dazmol bosdazmol qilv. v.s.t | NY+ga NX+ni ~ v. get dressed be worn dress o. dress wear (clothes..s. underwear footwear. overcoat fur coat lambskin raincoat.Clothing KIYv. shoes) wear (clothes. garment. clothing hat (and the like) undergarment. suit (material) used for a suit underpants. undress change one's clothes undress bare naked bare-headed bare-legged naked. undressed bare wear out (clothes) clothes. (boxer) shorts underpants trousers. dress swimsuit coat. shoes clothing store clothing store clothes.t | yeng+ini ~ v. shoes) try on dress o. for women) costume. clothing material for clothing topless clothes roll up one's sleeves take off (clothes) take off (clothes) take off (clothes) be taken off take off one's clothes. cloak jacket jacket (upper outer garment.t n bosh kiyimi ichki kiyim oyoq kiyimi kiyim(-kechak) do'koni kiyim(-kechak) magazini n cho'milish libosi n n n n n n n n n kalta ishton n kalta shim wear.t | NY+ga NX+ni ~ n n adj kiyim-kechak SHIMARYECHyechilyechinyechintirYALANG v.t yechib qo'yyechib tashlav.t | NY+ga NX+ni ~ yechinib kiyinv. shoes).int v. put on (clothes.t adj yalang bosh yalang oyoq adj v. get dressed have Y put on X(=clothes) have Y put on X(=clothes) have Y put on X(=clothes) clothes. pants shorts kiyilkiyinkiyintirkiydirkiygizkiyim kiyimlik kiyimsiz YALANG'OCH eskirtkiyim LIBOS PALTO PO'STIN BARRA PLASH / PLASHCH KURTKA KAMZUL KOSTUM kostumlik ISHTON SHIM 286 v. garment.t kiyib yurkiyib turkiyib ko'rkiyim kiyv. dress. blouse dress dress(material) used for a shirt wearing a shirt underwear T-shirt. coat (traditional) robe. boots shoeshop. shoelace(s) slipper(s). shoes put one's shoes on footwear. jumper bra dressing gown pyjamas. pullover sweater.SHORT TO'N CHOPON KO'YLAK ko'ylaklik ko'ylakli MAYKA YUBKA KOFTA BLUZA BLUZKA FARTUK YAKTAK SVITER FUFAYKA JEMPER SIYNABAND XALAT PIJAMA PAYPOQ NOSKI PAYTAVA n jinsi shim n n n ayollar ko'ylagi n adj ko'ylak-ishton n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n oyog'+iga kiydiroyoq kiyimi oyoqqa kiy- shorts jeans (traditional) long robe. sandal(s) sandal(s) (light summer) shoe(s) slipper(s) (soleless boots) flat shoe(s) (not above the anklebone) heel(s) (of shoes) with high heels high heels heel(s) (of shoes) string. blouse (for women) blouse blouse (for women) apron open-necked traditional shirt sweater. pajamas sock(s). shoe(s) boot. sports shirt skirt jacket. shoes. dress. sweat shirt sweater. ribbon (shoe)lace glove(s) hat (and the like) POYAFZAL ETIK etikdo'z BOTINKA SHIPPAK SANDAL KAVUSH MAHSI TUFLI POSHNA poshnali O'KCHA bog'ich QO'LQOP n poyafzal do'koni n n n botinka ipi n n n n n n adj baland poshnali tufli n n n bosh kiyimi 287 . coat shirt. shoe store (leather) boot(s) shoemaker boot(s). stocking(s) sock(s) foot-cloth(s) put shoes on footwear. hat) (embroidered) skullcap maker of skullcaps tie scarf tie a tie scarf headscarf.SHLYAPA SHAPKA QALPOQ qalpoqli qalpoqdo'z TELPAK SALLA QULOQCHIN DO'PPI do'ppido'z BO'YINBOG' n n n adj n n n n n n n bo'yinbog' bog'la- hat n n ko'zoynak taqko'zoynak tutadj n erkaklar ayollar bolalar n n n n 288 . fan glasses. (round) hat wearing a hat hatter fur cap turban earflap(s) (on cap. clothier SHARF RO'MOL ro'molcha DASTRO'MOL CHIMMAT CHACHVON PARANJI KASKA SHLYEM LENTA GALSTUK KAMAR QAYISH BELBOG' TASMA ZONTIK SOYAVON YELPIyelpinyelpig'ich KO'ZOYNAK ko'zoynakli LINZA ERKAK AYOL BOLA FORMA GAZMOL GAZLAMA gazlamafurush n n ro'mol o'ran n n n n n n n n n kamar bog'lan n n n n v. textiles draper. hard hat ribbon tie belt put on a belt belt cloth belt belt. fabric. material. fabric.t v. textiles cloth. bracelet umbrella sunshade. neckerchief put on a headscarf handkerchief handkerchief veil veil yashmak. shapka felt hat.s. spectacles put on glasses put on glasses wearing glasses lens for men for women for children uniform cloth. (round) cap. burka helmet helmet. umbrella fan fan o. material. adj n n v. silkworm breeding silk satin (piece of) cloth. felt velvet brocade fine cloth. item) weaver textile weaver textile (industry. calico hemp jute. chintz.t n v.MATO (mato+i) PAXTA BO'Z CHIT KANOP CHIPTA SURP KIGIZ DUXOBA KIMXOB DOKA TERI n n n n n n n n n n n n adj qo'y terisi teri mahsuloti n n adj n adj n n ipak qurti adj n n n n n n n n adj n n n v. activity) cut out cut cut CHARM MO'YNA mo'ynali JUN junli YUNG IPAK ipakli ipakchi ipakchilik SHOYI ATLAS LATTA YENG yengli YOQA yoqali CHO'NTAK KISSA TUGMA tugmalaRAZMER YIGIRyigiruv TO'QIto'quvchi to'qima to'qimachi to'qimachilik BICHbichiq bichim 289 . rag sleeve(s) with sleeves collar with collar pocket pocket button button up size (cloths) X size spin spinning weave (cloth.t n n. leather leather sheepskin leather products leather fur fur wool woolly wool silk silkworm silk silkworm breeder sericulture. material cotton coarse cotton cloth cotton. musli skin. print.t n numX+inchi ~ v.t n n cloth. hemp linen felt carpet. dye get n n n n dazmol bosdazmol qildazmol urish v. stitch handmade (clothes) sewing dressmaker. get dyed paint.t | NX+ni NY+ga ~ n v. dye (house) painter dyer dyeing iron iron iron steam-pressing iron dry cleaner's dry cleaning wash. joint patch. barber hairdressing salon.t n dushda cho'mildush qabul qiladj n vanna qabul qilvannada cho'miln n n n atir sovun v.t n gul n soch cho'tkasi 290 .t v. barbershop comb comb one's hair comb one's hair comb hairbrush dazmollaXIMCHISTKA yuvinCHO'MILcho'miltirDUSH dushli VANNA vannaxona HAMMOM SOCHIQ SOVUN sovunlaSHAMPUN SARTAROSH sartaroshxona TARAtarantaroq v.t n v. mend. mend.t soch+ini tarav.t n n n v. shoes) patch repair. bathhouse towel soap toilet soap soap shampoo hairdresser.t n kimyoviy tozalash sew (clothes) pitch (tent).t qo'lda tikilgan n n n v. dressmaker sew X(=button) on Y seam. taylor seamstress. have a bath bath shower have a shower have a shower with shower bath have a bath have a bath bathroom (public) baths. fix embroidery embroider paint. repair (clothes. stitch.TIKtikuv tikuvchi CHEVAR QADACHOK YAMAyamoq tuzatKASHTA BO'YAbo'yalbo'yoq bo'yoqchi bo'yoqchilik DAZMOL v. have a wash bathe. int n n soqol sovuni tish cho'tkasi tish pastasi MASSAJ UQALAYASANyasantirPARDOZ pardozlapardozbop KOSMETIKA ATIR ATTOR attorlik UPA n massaj qilv. mascara jeweler. smarten up make-up make up make up cosmetic cosmetics perfume.s razor razor blade shaving cream toothbrush tooth paste massage massage massage dress up.t n pardoz qilv.OL- v. put on one's make-up perfumery. smarten up dress up. pigtail tint hair hair dye shave shave o.t v.t n soch bo'yasoch bo'yash trim cut hair shave cut one's nails have a haircut get shaved part plait v. scent put perfume on X perfumer perfumery (face) powder powder powder make up.t v. perfumes cosmetics lipstick eye and eyebrow make-up.t soch olsoqol oltirnoq olsoch+ini oldirsoqol+ini oldirn v. fragrance. goldsmith jewelry (industry) jeweller's shop precious stone pearl(s) pearl(s) pearl(s) pearl ring FARQ O'RKOKIL QIRqirinUSTARA LEZVIE v.t adj n n NX+ga ~ sepn n n yuz+iga ~ surtyuz+iga ~ qo'yupa suratir-upa upa-elik lab pomadasi SURMA ZARGAR zargarlik JAVHAR DUR DURDONA MARVARID INJU UZUK n n n zargarlik do'koni n n n n n n 291 . cover put on a mask. beads (coral) necklace wear. be disguised fashion n modadagi modadan chiqqan bracelet ring earrings earrings earrings chain necklace. fasten. old-fashioned 292 . tie) jewels mask guise.t n n v.BILAGUZUK BOLDOQ ZIRAK ISIRG'A / SIRG'A ZANJIR MUNCHOQ MARJON TAQtaqinchoq NIQOB niqoblanMODA n n n n n n n v. put on (jewels. in fashion out-of-date. adj n.t yeb ko'ryeb qo'yv. adj n adj n n n n kayf+i bor osh bo'lsin! OVQAT ovqatlanovqatlantirOZIQ oziqli oziqlann ovqat pishirovqat tayyorlav. drink drinkable fast fast avoidance of food. meal. diet diet diet (people) on a diet vegetarian mouthful sip. food.t n adj n ro'za tutn parhez tutparhez qiln n meas n v.s.t v. region) food first course second course food TOMOQ 293 . feed o. dish X(=country.t n adj v. region) food X(=country. gulp eat with the fingers handful (food eaten with the fingers) sweet (l/f) gourmand.t n yem-xashak v.t n. feed o. farm-produce industry food. food (for animals) hay drink. meal. meas adj n.Daily Life (II) Food YEyegizyem ICHichirichimlik ichimli RO'ZA PARHEZ parhezdor VEGITARIAN OG'IZ (og'z+i) QULTUM OSHAosham SHIRIN shirinxo'r SHIRINTOMOQ nonxo'r MAST mastlik araqxo'r araqxo'rlik KAYF v. lunch do the cooking do the cooking eat. feed food. provisions food industry. feeding. greedy big eater drunk drunkenness v. ingest make drink beverage. fodder nourishing. drunkard alcoholism drunkenness. nutritious oziq-ovqat oziq-ovqat sanoati TAOM n NX taomlar+i NX+cha taom+i birinchi taom ikkinchi taom n eat taste eat up force to / make eat fodder. greedy gourmand. enjoyment be drunk good appetite! food.s. TAMADDI GAZAK NONUSHTA n tamaddi qiln n (ikkinchi) nonushta nonushta qilertalabki choy n tushlik qiltushki ovqat kechki ovqat snack. bite have a snack snack. restaurant grocery baker bakery trade baker's adj 294 . social entertainment entertain X. have lunch breakfast lunch have lunch lunch dinner picnic menu menu menu second course first course banquet. snack bar food stall restaurant v. cafetaria tea house tea house worker bar buffet. bakery baker's shop butcher butchery butcher's shop butcher's shop get cooked cook do the cooking be cooked ripe tushlik PIKNIK MENU taomnoma n n n ovqatlar ro'yxati quyuq ovqat suyuq ovqat ZIYOFAT n NX+ga ~ berNX+ni ziyofat qiln n n n n n oziq-ovqat rastasi n n ovqatlanish xonasi n oziq-ovqat magazini KAFE qahvaxona choyxona choyxonachi BAR BUFET RESTORAN ovqatxona oshxona NOVVOY novvoylik novvoyxona QASSOB qassoblik qassobxona n n n non do'koni n n n go'sht do'koni PISHpishirpishirilpishiq v. dining room dining room kitchen canteen. cafetaria cafe. light meal breakfast lunch have breakfast. give hospitality to X entertain X. give hospitality to X cafe.t ovqat pishirv. t v. pastry sweetness.t v. .. uncooked unripe under-cooked overdone steam. tasteless taste nice to X (l/f) taste. deliciousness (l/f) bitter.) preserve conserves.t v.t v. taste flavourful. joint grill cook (on a spit) smoke bake (bread). tasty flavourless. dessert. palatable flavourless.. spicy. sour bitterness. flavour pleasure enjoy X delicious.XOM adj xom-xata tag+iga olibdi raw.t v. stew steam boil roast. tasteless. flavourless taste. flavour delicious. brew. tasty. flavour delight. delicious sweet dish.t | NX+ga ~ n adj v. spiciness spice DAMLAdimlabug'laqaynatQOVURqovurilqovurdoq qizartirtoblaDUDLAYOPKONSERVA v. infuse. bland.t totib ko'radj n adj n n 295 . hot. tasty tasteless. preserves can cook cooking master chief art of cooking recipe set the table n v. strong.t n konservalar konserva qiln n n n n dasturxon tayyorla- oshpaz oshpazlik PAZANDA pazandalik RETSEPT LAZZAT lazzatli lazzatsiz MAZA mazali mazasiz TA'M ta'mli ta'msiz TATITOT totli toti/ totSHIRIN shirinlik ACHCHIQ achchiqlik ZIRAVOR n VX+ib lazzat qiladj adj n maza+sini ko'radj adj n adj adj v.t v. flavourful. prepare (somsa. simmer.t v. fry get roasted roast (meat). flavourful sweet taste taste sweet (l/f) tasty. unpalatable flavour. make (tea) steam. interest taste delicious. dorivor TAXIR NORDON SIRKA TUZ tuzliq tuzli tuzsiz tuzlatuzlanSHO'R sho'rlik n adj adj n n tuz soln adj adj v. mince fish containing fish egg white of egg yolk of egg caviar OSH oshpaz oshxona OSHABUG'DOY ARPA MAKKAJO'XORI / MAKKA GURUCH / GURUNCH UN n n n v. minced meat chop. put salt salt-cellar salted. corn rice (husked) flour X flour meat meat of X(=animal) veal pork butcher's shop turkey beef minced meat mutton chicken containing meat meat dish meatless. vegetarian sliced meat. salty without salt salt be salted salty.t n n n tuxum oqi tuxum sarig'i n GO'SHT go'shtli go'shtsiz qiyma qiymalaBALIQ baliqli TUXUM IKRA 296 . sharp sour. pilau cook kitchen canteen. bittersweet vinegar salt salt. restaurant eat with the fingers wheat barley maize.t n n n n n NX un+i n NX go'shti buzoq go'shti cho'chqa go'shti go'sht do'koni kurka go'shti mol go'shti qiyma go'shti qo'y go'shti tovuq go'shti adj go'shtli ovqat adj n v. salt salinity stale hot meal.t adj n suvi qochgan medecine ingredient spice bitter. sour. vegetables greens. green vegetables vegetables. greens greengrocer carrot turnip radish horse-radish. squash egg-plant tomatoe cucumber cabbage potatoe beetroot beetroot peas. beans.KO'K KO'KAT SABZA sabzavot SABZI SHOLG'OM REDISKA TURP BAQLAJON POMIDOR BODRING KARAM KARTOSHKA LAVLAGI QIZILCHA MOSH NO'XAT YASMIQ BURCHOQ LOVIYA ISMALOQ SELDEREY SALAT PETRUSHKA PIYOZ SARIMSOQ MURCH GARMDORI QALAMPIR XANTAL GORCHITSA ZAYTUN BEDA ZIRA SHIVIT RAYHON YALPIZ QO'ZIQORIN (qo'ziqorn+i) n ko'katlar n n n sabzavot do'koni n n n n osh qovoq n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n murch-qalampir n n n n n n n n n greens. greenery greens. radish pumpkin (edible). lentil peas lentil garden peas haricot beans spinach celery lettuce salad (meal) parsley onion garlic (black) pepper (cayenne) pepper (red) pepper pepper mustard mustard olive clover caraway dill basil mint mushroom (edible) 297 . greenery greens. meat) dried fruit fresh fruit melon small or unripe melon small. grease edible oil. grease oily.MEVA mevali QOQI n meva-cheva adj n | NX ~ quruq meva ho'l meva fruit all kinds of fruit fruit.t KASHTAN BODOM PISTA MOY moyli moyla- 298 . walnut hazelnut peanut chestnut almond pistachio nut non-edible oil. date plum cherry sweet cherry grapes raisin(s) (seedless. greasy oil. grease QOVUN XAMAK HANDALAK TARVUZ SHAFTOLI O'RIK TURSHAK OLMA NOK ANOR ANJIR BEHI JIYDA XURMO OLXO'RI OLCHA GILOS UZUM MAYIZ KISHMISH QULUPNAY TUT SHOTUT APELSIN PO'RTAHOL LIMON BANAN YONG'OQ n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n o'rmon yong'og'i yer yong'oq n n n n adj v. currants) dried grapes strawberry mulberry black mulberry orange orange lemon banana nut. fat. early ripening melon water-melon peach apricot dried apricot apple pear pomegranate fig quince date date-palm. with fruit dried X(=fruit. oil. bread pudding (made from cereals) soups. macaroni meat dumplings dolma (vegetable stuffed with meat and spices) steamed big meat dumplings sinker. dough bread bake bread baker's shop all kinds of bread maize bread kind of bread. oil milk with milk. brouths (and the like) rice soup rice and lentil soup soup.t n adj sutli mahsulotlar adj n n n n n n n n n n non yopnon do'koni non-pon zog'ora non gijda non buxanka non fat. sour milk dried sour milk cheese cheese cream (dairy) butter margarin pastry. light in texture bread (loaf). pie thin flat cake flat cake. brouth rice soup with meat mung beans and rice pilaf rice cooked with milk and butter kebab kebab seller kebab stall KULCHA YUPQA UGRA LAG'MON MAKARON CHUCHVARA DO'LMA MANTI SOMSA PATIR GO'JA XO'RDA MOSHXO'RDA SHO'RVA MASTAVA MOSHKICHIRI PALOV SHIRGURUCH KABOB kabobpaz kabobxona n n n n n n n n n n patir non n suyuq osh n n n n n n n n n n 299 . grease fat. greasy grease. milk. oily. bread and buns small round flat bread thin sheet of dough used in cooking noodles noodles (with meat and vegetable soup) pasta. dairy dairy goods without milk curd(s) yoghurt.YOG' yog'li yog'laSUT sutli sutsiz suzma QATIQ QURTAVA PISHLOQ SIR QAYMOQ SARIYOG' MARGARIN XAMIR NON n adj v. all kinds of sweetmeats sweet(s). kind of sweetmeat made of fruit pastry containing yoghurt and butter porridge of wheat. sugar and butter. sweetmeats confectioner sweets. granulated sugar with sugar without sugar confectioner (lump) sugar. candy chewing-gum honey honey fruit syrup thick syrup jam jam. cake (round flat) cake sugar.SHASHLIK qovurma JARKOP dimlama HASIP QAZI KOLBASA SOSISKA BUTERBROD SANDVICH GAMBURGER PITSA SHAKAROB QUYMOQ QAYLA shirinlik PECHENYE CHALPAK QATLAMA SUMALAK BISKVIT PIROJNOYE TORT SHAKAR shakarli shakarsiz shakarpaz QAND QANDOLAT qandolatchi KONFET SAQICH / CHAYNAG'ICH-SAQICH ASAL BOL SHINNI QIYOM MURABBO HOLVA n n n n n n n n n n n n n achchiq-chuchuk n n n n n n n n n n obi-non n adj adj n n chaqmoq qand n n qand-qurs n n n n n n n n barbecued meat (or liver) roast meat fried meat and potatoes a kind of stew sheep intestines stuffed with meat and rice (horse) sausage(s) (dry) sausage (pork) sausage sandwich sandwich hamburger pizza salad with tomato and onions salad with tomato and onions omelette (made with flour) sauce sweet dish. dessert. candy. preserve halva 300 . candy lamp sugar sweets. cookie pancake. flour. pastry pie. pastry pastries. especially for Nowruz biscuit cake. bar koumiss (fermented mare's milk) boza (grain alcohol) CHOY choyxona CHOYNAK SHIRCHOY KOFE QAHVA qahvaxona KAKAO SHARBAT SHIRA shirali SUV LIMONAD SPIRT spirtli spirtsiz SHAROB ARAQ / AROQ KONYAK LIKYOR SHAMPAN MUSALLAS VINO MAY PIVO pivoxona QIMIZ BO'ZA 301 . butter. salt and pepper coffee coffee cafe. cafetaria cacao cocoa sweet drink. brandy cognac. sherbet X(=fruit) juice fruit juice fruit juice juicy X(=fruit) juice lemonad alcohol. spirits beer pub. brandy liquor champagne (home-made grape) wine wine wine. vodka. spirits white wine red wine liquor.SHOKOLAD MUZQAYMOQ MOROJNIY ichimlik SUV n n n n n ichimli suv mineral suv muzli suv qaynoq suv n famil choy ko'k choy qora choy n n n n n n n n NX sharbati meva sharbati n adj NX suvi n n adj spirtli ichimliklar adj spirtsiz ichimliklar n oq sharob qizil sharob n n n n n n n n n n n chocolate ice cream ice cream beverage. drink water drinking water mineral water iced water boiled water tea black tea green tea black tea tea house teapot tea boiled with milk. spirits alcoholic (alcoholic) drinks non-alcoholic soft drinks wine. int tamaki chekilmasin n n tobacco tobacco manufacturer nas (chewing tobacco) cigarette cigarette filter filtered filterless pipe smoke be smoked no smoking opium drugs.TAMAKI tamakichi NOS PAPIROS SIGARETA FILTR filtrli filtrsiz TRUBKA CHEKchekilQORADORI NARKOTIK n n n n n n adj adj n v. narcotics 302 .t v. (coach) driver car truck. line path lose one's way. traveller travelling companion (foot)path corridor. side street avenue boulevard crossroads (pedestrian) walkway underground crossing parking traffic lights bridge tunnel canal cart. waggon cart-load. load small cart carter. lorry car industry machine car car dealer truck. lorry truck. main street streets avenue. main street alley.Transport YO'L n yo'l+idan adashNX+dan ~ so'rakatta yo'l keng yo'l tosh yo'l yo'lovchi yo'ldosh SO'QMOQ YO'LAK YO'LKA KO'CHA yo'lga tushn n n n n n katta ko'cha ko'cha-ko'y shoh ko'cha tor ko'cha n n n (piyodalar) o'tish joyi yerosti o'tish joyi (mashina) to'xtash joyi SVETOFOR KO'PRIK TUNNEL KANAL ARAVA aravacha aravakash AVTOMOBIL avtomobilsozlik MASHINA n n n n n n n n yuk avtomobili n n mashina do'koni yuk mashinasi n n n n n way. get lost ask X the way highway highway road pavement set off pedestrian passenger. road route. lorry car van bus tram trolleybus XIYOBON BULVAR CHORRAHA AVTOMASHINA FURGON AVTOBUS TRAMVAY TROLLEYBUS 303 . sidewalk street avenue. passage pavement. METRO POYEZD PAROVOZ VAGON n n n n vagon restoran yotoq vagon n adj n pastki qavat yuqori qavat temir yo'l temir yo'l bekati temir yo'lchi underground. scull screw screw-propeller with screw-propeller sail with sails (aero)plane (aero)plane aeronautics (aero)plane (aero)plane wing(s) helicopter rocket bicycle. subway train locomotive wagon. berth lower berth upper berth railway. carriage dining car sleeping car sleeping compartment sleeping (car) shelf. track ship submarine sailboat navigation shipbuilding industry (small) boat steamship. bike motorbike wheel wheeled tire sled(ge) toboggan parachute transport by public transport public transport on foot KUPE kupeli POLKA RELS KEMA kemachilik kemasozlik QAYIQ PAROXOD ESHKAK VINT vintli YELKAN yelkanli TAYYORA SAMOLYOT samolyotsozlik uchqich AEROPLAN QANOT VERTOLYOT RAKETA VELOSIPED MOTOTSIKL G'ILDIRAK g'ildirakli SHINA CHANA PARASHUT TRANSPORT n n suv osti kemasi yelkanli kema n n n n n n adj n adj n n n n n n n n n n n adj n n n n transportda shahar transporti adv PIYODA 304 . steamer oar. railroad railway station railway worker rail. get on X(=vehicle) BEKAT n avtobus bekati metro bekati oxirgi bekat so'nggi bekat n numX+chi avtobus avtobus yo'li n marshrutli taksi n n metro stansiyasi oxirgi stansiya n temir yo'l bekati n n n adj adj havo yo'li n n n n n OSTANOVKA AVTOBUS TAKSI BENZOKOLONKA STANSIYA VOKZAL PERRON PLATFORMA EKSPRESS tezkor TEZYURAR REYS AEROPORT tayyoragoh PORT BANDARGOH HAYDAhaydovchi BOSHQARSUZSHOFYOR dengizchi uchuvchi STYUARDESSA KAPITAN G'AVVOS CHIQ- v. rise.YAYOV adv ko'cha harakati yo'l harakati on foot traffic traffic stop bus stop subway station terminus terminus bus station. fast (train) express. harbor port junction drive (vehicle) driver pilot (car. bus stop space between two bus stations number X bus bus route taxi minibus gas station railway station subway station terminus railway station railway station platform platform express train express. chauffeur railway worker sailor. navigate driver. plane) sail. fast (train) airline flight airport airport | NX+ga ~ 305 . navigate kemada suzn temir yo'lchi n n n n n v. seaman pilot (plane) stewardess captain diver go up. ascend X get into X.t n v.t v. climb up. int | NX+ga ~ v. ride X ride a horse dismount get on a horse get on a horse park a car park a car accident.. round trip one-way ticket round-trip ticket n v. board X(=vehicle). school. stage stop off. transport) Xrd class business class Xrd class (first. fare (vehicle) fare fare class (social. tour.) class economy class MIN- AVARIYA n avariyaga uchran safarda safarga chiqsafarga jo'naNX+ga safar qiln adj n sayohatda sayohatga chiqsayohatga jo'nasayohat agentligi sayohat qiln oq yo'l! v. route with a specified itinerary stop. tourist have a good / pleasant journey! frequent (X=place) travel (regularly). descend get off X(=vehicle) get off get in X.O'TIRTUSH- v. board X(=vehicle) go down. ply (vehicle. running schedule come and v. wreck have an accident. board X(=vehicle) mount X(=horse).int | NX+ga ~ otda borotdan tushotga minotga o'tirmashina qo'ymashina to'xta- sit. hiker v. sit down take | NX+ga ~ v. travelling travel. crash.. journey be travelling set off on a journey set off on a journey travel agency travel | (boshqa) NX+ga ~ n kira haqi yo'l haqi SINF KLASS darajali TOIFA n n | numX+chi ~ biznes klass adj | numX+chi ~ numX+inchi toifa iqtisodiy toifa 306 .int | NX+ga ~ n qatnov jadvali borish-kelish bir tomonga bilet ikki tomonga bilet SAFAR SAYYOH SAYYOR SAYOHAT sayohatchi QATNAqatnov MARSHRUT marshrutli MANZIL QO'Nqo'noq O'TKIRA / YO'LKIRA n adj n | NX+dan ~ tushib qolv. break the journey (traveller) guest change X(=transportation) charge. travelling. crash journey. trip be travelling set off on a journey set off on a journey (travel and) visit X tourist. ship) traffic. second. traveller travelling companion accompany X travelling companion caravan 307 .PASSAJIR yo'lovchi HAMROH yo'ldosh KARVON n n n NX+ga ~ bo'ln n passenger pedestrian passenger. stroll. for a stroll go for a walk. leave holiday. vacation. holiday holiday. journey traveller. enjoy X(=spectacle. loitering watch. shrine scenic spot. stroll. for a stroll tourist. day off holidays. take a stroll at X enjoy oneself. amuse oneself. leave on holiday rest. vacation.Leasure TOMOSHA n NX+ni tomosha qilko'ngl+i ochko'ngil ochish bo'sh vaqt OTPUSKA n otpuskada otpuskaga chiqhordiq kuni TA'TIL n ta'tilda ta'tilga ketdam olish dam olish kuni KANIKUL ISTIROHAT BAYRAM n kanikulda n n bayram kuni n sayr qilaylanib yuraylanib keln n n n n NX+ni borib ~ NX+ni kelib ~ n ziyorat qiln n n yo'l boshlovchi yo'l ko'rsatuvchi GID esdalik n n esdalik sovg'a yodgorliklar do'koni fun. entertainment) have fun. historical site excursion. promenade go for a walk. vacation. enjoyment. distraction spare time leave. festival holidays walk. leave on holiday go away on holiday holiday. have fun recreation. tourist tourist tourism visit X (social) visit X (social) pilgrimage visit visit visitor saint's tomb. leave holiday. travelling. sightseeing pathfinder tour guide guide(book) tourist guide souvenir souvenir souvenir shop SAYR AYLANSAYYOH SAYOHAT sayohatchi TURIST TURIZM KO'RZIYORAT ziyoratchi ziyoratgoh EKSKURSIYA 308 . vacation. for a stroll go for a walk. hiker travel. vacation on leave go on leave rest. dally with X playful. gain win X(=match. adj n n n v. draughts a type of word game doll. game. gambler sports ground dance play.t | NX ~ o'ynoqi ovunchoq TO'P KOPTOK PUFAK ARG'IMCHOQ KARTA SHAHMAT SHASHKA ASKIYA QO'G'IRCHOQ QIMOR qimorboz SPORT sportchi TRENER STADION HOVUZ YAXMALAK MUSOBAQA musobaqalashmusobaqadosh KONKURS MATCH CHEMPION YUTyutqazHISOB DURANG KOMANDA ATLETIKA adj n n n n n n n n n n n qimor o'ynan n sport klubi sport maydoni n n n suv havzasi n cho'milish basseyni n n musobaqa qilv.) play with X. sportswoman trainer. match playground player toy keen player. coach stadium swimming-pool swimming-pool swimming-pool skating rink competition...t n | numX+ga numY ~ n n n dance n n n n v. race compete compete competitor competition match champion win.t NX+da ~ yutib chiqv.O'YIN o'yinchi o'yinchoq o'yinboz o'yingoh O'YNA- n o'yin maydonchasi n. crew athletics 309 . mischievous toy (used to quieten. have fun play X (ball. competition) lose score of X to Y draw team. puppet gambling gamble keen gambler sport sports club sports ground sportsman.t v. . play. console) ball ball balloon swing (playing) cards chess checkers. race race. soccer football player goal score goal basketball volleyball hockey tennis racket golf boxing boxer wrestling wrestler strong man. wrestler ulak (on horseback to get an ox carcass) horseman cycling ski(s) ski skate(s) skate 310 .YUGURPOYGA KROSS GIMNASTIKA FUTBOL futbolchi GOL DARVOZA BASKETBOL VOLEYBOL XOKKEY TENNIS RAKETKA GOLF BOKS bokschi KURASH kurashchi PAHLAVON / POLVON ULOQ CHAVANDOZ CHANG'I KONKI yugurish n n suvda suzish n n n n gol urn n n n n n n n n n n n n n velosiped poygasi n chang'i uchn konki uch- running. racing cross swimming gymnastics football. Locutions Forms of Address dada(jon) ada oyi(jon) aya NX aka NX+jon NX opa NX+hon NX o'g'lim qizim NX NX buva buvi ota / otajon ona / onajon amaki aka xola opa do'stim yaxshi qiz ovsin mulla aka dugona yaxshi yigit ukam singlim yigit (hoy). X(=proper name) professor! 311 . qizcha (hoy). X(=proper name) Mrs. bola bolalar NX aka NX opa janob NX NX xonim domla! daddy daddy mummy mummy X(=first name) to one's elder brother X(=first name) to one's younger brother X(=first name) to one's elder sister X(=first name) to one's younger brother X(=first name) to one's son X(=first name) to one's daughter X(=first name) to one's child (respectful) to an elderly man (respectful) to an elderly woman (respectful) to an unknown older man (respectful) to an unknown older woman (respectful) to an unknown older/elderly man (respectful) to an unknown elderly man (respectful) to an unknown older/elderly woman (respectful) to an unknown elderly woman male to an unknown male (same age) male to an unknown female (same age) elderly (rural areas) female to elderly female elderly (rural areas) female to elderly male young female to an unknown young female young female to an unknown young male to a an unknown younger male to a an unknown younger female to an unknown young man to an unknown girl to an unknown boy to unknown children X(=proper name) (to an older male friend) X(=proper name) (to an older female friend) Mr. janob! xonim! xonimlar va janoblar! o'rtoq // o'rtoqlar! kasbdosh // kasbdoshlar! do'stim // do'stlarim! qadrli / aziz do'stim // do'stlar! kechirasiz. what it is? 312 . X!. CX! ha. CX. X. come on X! (exhorting to X) yes? yes. hay! ey! to'xtang! menga qarang! qani. nima? ha. listen! well. (attracting attention on request X) hey! hey! look here!. nima demoqchisiz? (Mister!) (Madam!) ladies and gentleman! comrade // comrades! colleague // colleagues! my friend // my friends! my dear friend // dear friends! excuse me. assalomu alaykum! .yaxshi // juda yaxshi.all right. well. not bad.sog'lig'ingiz qanday/qalay? . rahmat).yomon emas // yaxshi // o'rtacha // joyida. yaxshi (.ishlar(ingiz) qanday/qalay? . rahmat). thank you! // and how about you? how's things? how are you? . 313 . rahmat). joyida (. quite well. very well (.how are you? .are you well? // yes. . so-so.Greetings . o'rtacha.ahvolingiz qanday/qalay? . . juda yaxshi (. how are you? (is everything well?) .not bad // fine. rahmat! // o'zingiz yaxshimisiz? ahvollar qalay? ahvollar yaxshimi? .how is your health? .hello! . .vaalaykum assalom! xayrli erta / tong // kun // kech! allo! . yomon emas. very well (. thanks).hammasi / hamma narsa joyidami? .not bad // well // fair // all right.hammasi eskicha.fine // very well. rahmat. as usual.hello! .thank you). how is your family? .what's new? . and you? how are you? (are you safe?) (used by women) how are you? (are you in good health?) (used by women) how are you? (are you in good health?) .yaxshimisiz? // yaxshiman.qanday/nima yangiliklar bor? . fine (.vaalaykum assalom! . hamma yaxshi.qalaysiz? kayfingiz qalay? .yaxshimisiz? .how are you? .yomon emas // zo'r.(ishlar) joyida. sekin-sekin.nothing everything OK? .quite well.salomu alaykum! . thank you). . bir nav.and peace be with you! .peace be with you! (formal) . . is everything well at home?. all right (. thank you. everyone is well.salom! . o'rtacha.are you well? . tinchmisiz? . rahmat).how are you? .how are you? how are you? (are you in a good mood?) .and peace be with you! good morning // afternoon // evening! hello! (on the phone) . a'lo darajada(.thank you).qandaysiz? .salom! .qalaysiz? . uy ichingiz / uydagilar / oilangiz tinchmi? . o'zingizchi? omonmisiz? esonmisiz? sog'-salomatmisiz? . so-so so-so.(hamma narsa) are things going? .peace be with you! (formal) . o'zingizchi? could be better.yaxshiroq bo'lishi ham mumkin edi. mazam yo'q. and you? 314 . not too good. yaxshi emas. not too good. have a safe / good journey/trip! write letters to me // us. hozircha! tez (orada / kunlarda) uchrashguncha! .xayr. don't forget me // us. good journey! have a good / pleasant journey.OK. ko'rishguncha ertagacha (xayr)! kechqurungacha (xayr)! . give everyone my best regards. see you! goodbye now! good night! good night. see you soon! see you soon! .see you soon! . mening nomimdan barchaga salom ayting. bye-bye! OK.xo'p. yo'lingiz / safaringiz bexatar bo'lsin! (menga // bizga xat) yozib turing. meni // bizni esdan chiqarmang. (menga // bizga) telefon/qo'ng'iroq qilib turing.good bye.xayr. give everyone my best regards. yaxshi qoling! . goodbye!. have a pleasant evening! . 315 . xayr! xayr endi! xayrli tun! tuningiz xayrli bo'lsin! . xabarlashib turaylik.) salomat bo'ling! alvido! (NX+ga mendan) salom ayting.ko'rishguncha (xayr)! .xo'p. hammaga mendan salom ayting/deb qo'ying. stay well! (when parting) .good bye. go in peace! (when staying) (good bye.Leave-taking xayr! xo'p.OK. keep in touch.hozircha! . phone me // us. see you soon! see you tomorrow! see you tonight! .) may you be well! (when parting) farewell! give (X) my best regards.see you!. oq yo'l! yo'lingiz oq bo'lsin. yaxshi boring! (xayr. see you again! . . this is Y(=name. avval ko'rishmaganmidik? mening ismim NX. we have met before. X(=name. sizni uchratganimdan xursandman. meet X. title). I have heard a lot about you. meni NX bilan tanishtiring. men siz haqingizga ko'p eshitgandim. NX. here is my X. glad to meet you. may I introduce my X? may I introduce you to X? please introduce me to X. may I introduce myself? may I introduce myself ? I am X. mening ismim NX. (siz bilan) tanishganimdan xursandman. siz kimsiz? let's get acquainted.Introductions kelinglar name is X. my last name is X. .ismingiz nima? . bu NY. very pleased to meet you. have not we met before? my name is X. mening ismim NX. NX+imni tanishtirsam maylimi? sizni NX+ga tanishtirib qo'ysam maylimi? iltimos.ismim NX. o'zimni tanishtirsam maylimi? sizga o'zimni tanishtirsam. mana NX. avval ko'rishgan edik. title).. mening familiyam NX.what is your name? . who are you? 316 . NX bilan tanishing. my name is X. I'm pleased to meet you. mehmon bo'ling. . bon appetit! no more // nothing else. yana keling! kelib turing. our door is always open for you! I'd like to invite you to X. choy iching! osh bo'lsin! ishtahangiz yaxshi bo'lsin! yoqimli ishtaha! oshga qarang / oshdan oling! olinglar! boshqa // hech narsa kerak emas. bo'shmisiz? (NX)bo'sh vaqtingiz bormi? please. come in. qani. (guest to his host.welcome! . are you free? have you got some spare time (on X)? 317 . o'tiring. endi ketishim kerak. . come in! (please) come in. come and eat! have a cup of tea! good appetite! good appetite! good appetite! help yourself! help yourself!. turadigan vaqtim keldi. keling! (marhamat) kiring. sizni biznikiga // NX+ga taklif qilsam maylimi? bugun oqshom siz biz bilan birga bo'la olmaysizmi? men bilan ketishni istaysizmi? bir aylanib kelmaymizmi? balki birga ovqatlanamiz? kinoga borishga qalaysiz? yuring raqsga tushamiz. to'ylarga kelaylik. eshigimiz doimo ochiq! men sizni NX+ga taklif qilmoqchiman. come again and again! you are always welcome. tez-tez kelib turinglar! sizga/siz uchun hamma vaqt eshigim(iz) ochiq. dasturxonga marhamat. CX(+ing. afsuski. be our guest. keling. / kiravering. taklifingizni qabul qila olmayman.xushvaqt bo'ling! marhamat. (if sitting) let us go to the feasts. polite imperative) marhamat keling // o'tiring // oling. menikiga // biznikiga keling. thank you. taklifingizni jonim bilan qabul qilaman.Invitations marhamat.(answer to welcome) please take a seat. I can' accept your invitation. on parting) please come again! (to guest parting) come again. come and see me // us. I must go now. may I invite you to visit us // to X? couldn't you spend this evening with us? would you like to go with me? shall we go for a walk? maybe we can get something to eat together? how about going to the movies? shall we dance? I accept your invitation with great pleasure.xush kelibsiz! . I must go now. rahmat. unfortunately. X (offering X) please come // sit down // take some. (nima) xizmat? what can I do for you? 318 . polite imperative) marhamat qilib.. will it bother you if X?. sizga malol kelmasa. can I X? may I (X)? give me permission (to X).. do you mind if X? 319 . CX please (asking for X) I have a request to make. (asking for X) please tell me.Requests iltimos. marhamat qilib. ijozat bering.. NX+ni uzating // ko'rsating. may I ask you for something? please X. ruxsatmi? ruxsatingiz bilan. CX(+ing. may I X?. CX+sam maylimi? (VX+ishim) mumkinmi? (VX+ishga) ruxsat eting. do you mind? with your permission. please pass me // show me X.. with your permission. may I?. polite imperative) sizga/sizdan (bir) iltimosim bor. aytingchi. bir narsani iltimos qilsam bo'ladimi? marhamat qilib CX(+ing/sangiz. kechirasiz! . ahamiyat bermang. it's nothing. forgive me. excuse me. never mind. 320 .xafa qilmoqchi emas edim. meni kechiring. It is my fault. xafa bo'lmang! jahlingiz chiqmasin.. never mind. excuse me for Xing. don't be angry. . I beg your pardon.VX+ganim uchun uzr (so'rayman). that's all right. (iltimos. (VX+ganim uchun) avf etasiz / eting! afsus qilaman. .. uzr! uzr.I did not mean to upset xafa bo'lganim yo'q. bu mening aybim / xatom. excuse me! do not need to apologize. don't take offence. it's important. I apologize (for Xing). it's of no importance. hechqisi yo'q. nothing much. please. no problem. I am sorry! sorry!. no harm done. . men sizdan kechirim so' offence taken. bu muhim narsa. . zarari yo'q. buning ahamiyati yo'q. hech gap yo'q. I apologize! I am sorry! . .uzr so'rashning hojati yo'q.I apologize for Xing. never mind.) VX+ganim uchun kechiring. hech nima qilmaydi. . it doesn't matter.Apologies kechirasiz / (meni) kechiring! iltimos. I apologize for Xing. o'ylab ko'raman.) certainly. I can not promise. sure. labbay! ko'ramiz. I don't think so. ha. you are wrong. . yes! no! (yes. ha. // there. albatta. ehtimol. xo'p! xo'p bo'ladi! bo'pti! mayli! xayr! ma'qul! kelishdik. here you are. men ham shunday deb o'ylayman. here please (giving an object asked for) yes. shubhasiz. bunday emas. well! all right!.CX? . gap yo'q. albatta. right! all right!.) albatta. / yo'q. OK! agreed!. certainly. certainly! OK! OK!. 321 .Agreement and Disagreement ha! yo'q! (ha.. mana. I do agree. men roziman. no doubt. yes!. here you are. so'z berolmayman.please! (offering) with pleasure!. well! agreed!. yes.marhamat! jonim bilan! bajonidil! arzimaydi. I will think about it.) shunday. men ham shuning tarafdoriman. very fine! agreed. (men // biz) qarshi emasman//miz. at your service! (when called by someone) we will see. maybe.. I think so. yes. // ana. this is the case. (ha. (I // we have) no objections. willingly! with pleasure! you're welcome. agreed!. deal. mana. certainly not. sure not.X(=request)? . siz nohaqsiz.. marhamat.. you are right. I am all for it. too. / siz haq emassiz. siz haqsiz. marhamat. albatta yo'q. . undoubtedly. I've got things to do. I can't agree with you.. I don't agree with you. lekin. ilojim yo'q. I am very sorry. menga ishonmangiz.. (men) bandman. qo'limdan kelmaydi.. I'd like to. I'm busy. avf etasiz. yordam qila olmayman deb qo'rqaman. by no means. hech qachon! bu to'g'risida gap ham bo'lishi mumkin emas.. I simply can't. it is not allowed. hech-da. never! it's out of question. men istamayman. afsuski. hech-da meniki to'g'ri. ming bor uzr. I've no time (for it). I am afraid. but . I am right. ishim ko'p. lekin. it is not even close. I must refuse. I am afraid I can't. no thank you. kechirasiz. I don't want that. mumkin emas. men buni rad etishga majburman. mayli-ya. qila olmayman. sorry. I refuse. (sizning) fikringizga qo'shilmayman. no way. iloji bo'lmasa kerak. mumkin emas. rad etishim kerak.sizga qo'shila olmayman. hech ham shunday emas. yo'q // afsuski. yanglishasiz. not at all. I can not help. vaqtim yo'q. rad etaman. not allowed.. rahmat. but . iloji yo'q.. there is no way. 322 .. you are mistaken. I can't do it. yo'q. no // unfortunately.. but I must decline to do it. I am awfully sorry. do not count on me. I am sorry. I'm extremely grateful to you.Thanks (sizga) (katta) rahmat! NX+ingiz uchun sizga rahmat. arzimaydi. sizdan cheksiz minnatdorman. I'm very grateful (for your X). that's enough! 323 . (NX uchun) (sizga) tashakkur (aytaman). bo'ldi! thank you (very much) (to you)! thank you for your X. I'm very grateful (for X). you're welcome. NX+ingiz uchun (chin ko'nglidan) minnatdorman. that's fine!. bo'ldi. (don't mention it) I'm grateful (for X). N(gan)X+ingizdan minnatdorman. what a shame!. wonderful!. . darn it! damn it!. please accept all my condolences. biz juda ham achindik. cool! great!. CX. good fortune. happiness) hurrah! what a pity! / that's a pity what a pity that X. sizga hamdardlik bildiraman. . sizga omad! omad yor bo'lsin! omadingizni bersin! (sizga men) muvaffaqiyat tilayman. be in good health! (here's to your) good health! I wish you happiness. .(I wish you) good luck.Congratulations and Wishes yaxshi! juda soz! a'lo! ajoyib! bu juda ajoyib! zo'r! juda ham zo'r ekan! barakalla! (sizga) balli! yashang! juda xursandman! xudoga shukur! eh!.(sizga men) omad tilayman. I am very sorry. excellent! that's wonderful! super!. sizga ham. . we wish to express our condolences.I also wish you good luck. hayhot! attang! shayton ursin! qurg'ur! juda yomon bo'libdi! e xudo! qanday ko'ngilsizlik! qanday ko'ngilsiz voqea! juda xafaman. darn it! damn it!. we are most distressed. super! bravo! bravo! well done!. darn it! (light) too bad! my God! what a nuisance! how unpleasant. very well!. great! very well!. the same to you. 324 .men ham sizga omad tilayman. bravo! I'm very happy! thanks to God! (satisfaction. biz hamdarlik izhor etmoqchimiz. good! very well!. we are deeply grieved. great! great!. CX! ura! afsus! afsus(ki). alas! what a pity!. sizga juda achinaman. biz juda ham qayg'urdik. good luck! good luck! good luck! I wish you every success. sog' bo'ling! sog'ligingiz uchun! / sizning sog'ligingizga! (sizga men) baxt tilayman. I sympathize with you. right!. God help us. yordam bersin. yashasin NX! yo'qolsin NX! men//biz sizni tabriklayman//miz. yangi yilingiz qutlug' bolsin. I//we greet you on the occasion of the festival. NX muborak bo'lsin. long live X! down with X! I//we congratulate you. if God wills bless you! God bless you! best wishes for a speedy recovery. thank you! (in response to congratulations) 325 . my best wishes. yutuq bilan (tabriklayman//miz). bayram bilan (tabriklayman//miz). best wishes for X. tug'ilgan kun(ingiz) bilan (tabriklayman//miz). qulluq! happy new year.yangi yil(ingiz) bilan. happy birthday. xudo xohlasa xudo saqlasin! xudo sizga baraka bersin! xudo shifosini bersin. God bless X. congratulations (on your lucky win). mening eng yaxshi tilaklarim. a happy new year. wrong number. no one by that name here. I've been cut off. kechirasiz. NX eshitadi. you've got a phone call. sizni so'rashyapti. NX gapiryapti. X (=oneself's name) is speaking. sorry. is that X (=(title and) name of person looked for)? yes. qaysi nomerga qo'ng'iroq qilyapsiz? siz qaysi raqamni chaqiryapsiz? trubkani qo'ymay turing.Phone Conversation allo. it's for you. NX. hello. please. 326 . I'll call back. allo. X (=(title and) name of person looked for). bizni uzib qo'yishdi. we've got disconnected. nima deb qo'yay? (liniya) band. what number were you calling? what number are you calling? hold on. men qaytadan qo'ng'iroq qilaman. telefonda sizni so'rashyapti. uzildi. nomerni noto'g'ri teribsiz. X (=oneself's name) is listening. yes? listening. ha? eshitaman. hello. sorry. it's me. may I take a message? it's busy. labbay. bu NXmi? ha. bu menman. bizda bunday odam yo'q. really? honest? for Heaven's sake! (pleading) oh!. stop that! that's enough!. feel free! don't worry! no problem! attention! / look out! attention! / danger! / be careful! 327 .really? .rost! rostdanmi? chinmi ? / chin so'zmi? xudo haqi! iye!. how dare you say such things! what does that mean? what's up with you? no interest at all. nonsense! nonsense! have a good sleep! . worthless. well then. behuda gap! safsata! yaxshi uxlab turing! . what's the matter? what do you want? I didn't do it. whew! serves him/you right! come on!. it is impossible! / that is not possible. CX! uf! / uh! ajab bo'pti! qo'ysangiz-chi! bas (qiling)! bo'ldi yetar! siz bunday demang! bu qanday gap? seni nima jin urdi? mazasi yo'q. hech nimani payqamadim.really! is that so?.rostmi? .Miscellaneous nima bo'ldi? sizga nima bo'ldi? xo'sh.hormang! .(in response) don't mind. X!. CX! oho!. CX! taajjub! bu qiziq! ana yangilik! axir. I didn't realize anything was wrong. what is the matter? what happened to you?. is that so? (astonishment) very surprising! that's odd!.bor bo'ling! uyalmang! g'am yemang! muammo yo'q! diqqat! ehtiyot bo'ling! what happened?. X!. bo'lishi mumkin emas! . that's funny! that's something new! at not tire! (to those working) . what's the matter with you? what's up?. . X! phew!. X! (astonishment). nima gap? sizga nima kerak? men qilmadim. stop! that's enough! you don't say so!. so.. tez (bo'ling)! hali vaqtli. bir minut! iltimos ozgina sabr qiling. just a moment. wait a moment please. tamaki chekilmasin danger! ouch! (pain). menga yordam bering! menga yordam bermaysizmi? dod! o't tushdi! o'g'ri! o'sha odamni to'xtating! to'xtab turing. no smoking 328 . shoshmang! shoshilmang.xavf-xatar! / xavfli! voy! yordamga! menga yordam kerak. help me! would you please help me? help! fire! stop thief! stop that man! just a moment. there's no urgency. oh dear! (surprise. kech bo'ldi. hurry up! it is early it is (too) late. oh!. don't forget! listen! stop! don't move! come with me! stand back! go away! bugger off! where are you going? I am lost. no admittance! no trespassing. take your time. kirish mumkin emas! o'tish man etiladi. unutma! quloq soling! to'xtang! qimirlamang! men bilan yuring! uzoq turing! keting! yo'qoling! / yo'qol ko'zimdan! yo'l bo'lsin? men adashib qoldim. fear) help! I have a problem. jim! iltimos. no talking! quiet. silence!. just a minute! please wait a while. please! shut up! shut up! don't bother me! stupid fool! bastard! it is forbidden no entrance!. biroz kutib turing. tinchlik saqlang! ovozingni o'chir! o'ch! meni bezovta qilmang! ahmoq! pastkash! bu mumkin emas. shoshmang. . qaytara olmaysizmi? bu so'z // CX degani nima degani? buning ma'nosi nima? bu NX+chada qanday ataladi / aytiladi? don't touch! how much is (your) NX // for a kilo? is it that expensive? it is too expensive! how much do I owe you? how much do I owe you? the bill please.qo'l tegizmang! NX(+ingiz) // kilosi // necha pul (turadi)? muncha qimmat? qimmat-qu! men sizga necha pul qarzman? men sizdan qancha qarzman? iltimos. mening NX+cham uncha yaxshi you understand me? .siz meni tushunyapsizmi? . may I have the bill? is it correct? settled!.men sizni tushunmayapman. please? what does this word // CX mean? what does it mean? what is this called in NX? 329 . well done! (when bargaining) do you speak NX? I speak a little NX. can you repeat that.I do not understand you. hisob qilasizmi? adashmadingizmi? baraka toping! NX+cha bilasizmi / gapirasizmi? ozgina NX bilaman. my NX is poor. . hisobni bering / qiling. iltimos. adj n n. adj adj n n n n n. adj n n n adj n n n adj n n n n adj Uzbek Uzbek (language) Uzbekity. adj n n n n n.Proper Names Places and Peoples O'ZBEK o'zbekchilik o'zbekcha O'zbekiston o'zbekistonlik QORAQALPOQ Qoraqalpoqiston TOJIK Tojikiston QOZOQ Qozog'iston QIRG'IZ Qirg'iziston TURKMAN Turkmaniston UYG'UR Turkiston SART QIPCHOQ LO'LI AFG'ON afg'oni Afg'oniston ERON eronlik eroniy FORS forsiy forscha POKISTON pokistonlik HIND hindi hindcha Hindiston TURK turkiy turkcha Turkiya ARAB arabiy arabcha Arabiston MISR misrlik misriy n. n n n n n n. adj n n. adj n n. adj o'zbek tili n adv. the Uzbek way Uzbek (language) Uzbekistan Uzbekistanese Karakalpak Karakalpakistan Tajik Tajikistan Kazakh Kazakhstan Kirghiz Kirghizstan Turkmen Turkmenistan Uighur Turkistan Sart Kipchak Gipsy Afghan Afghan Afghanistan Iran Iranian Iranian Persian Persian Persian (language) Pakistan Pakistanese India Indian Hindi India Turk Turkish Turkish (language) Turkey Arab Arabic Arabic (language) Arabia Egypt Egyptian Egyptian 330 . adj adj n n n adj n. adj n n. adj n n n. n n n. n n n. adj n n n.RUS ruscha ROSSIYA O'RUS o'ruscha TATAR Tatariston BOSHQIRD Boshqirdston OZARBAYJON ozarbayjonlik ARMAN Armaniston GRUZIN GRUZIYA DOG'ISTON UKRANI UKRAINA n. adj n Sovet Ittifoqi Mustaqil Davlatlar Hamdo'stligi (MDH) Russian Russian (language) Russian (language) Russia Russian Russian (language) Tatar Tataristan Bashkir Bashkirstan Azerbaidjan Azerbaidjanese Armenian Armenia Georgian Georgia Daghestan Ukrainian Ukraine Soviet Union Commonwealth of Independent States German German (language) Germany Dutch Holland. adj n n. adj rus tili adv. adj n n. adj adv. adj n n. adj n. adj adv. n n n. n n n. adj Amerika Qo'shma Shtatlari (AQSh) n n. n n n n. adj Buyuk Britaniya n n. adj n n n n. the Netherlands Dutch French French (language) France English Englishman English (language) England Bristish Great Britain Italy Italian Spanish Spanish (language) Spain America American United States of America (USA) Canada Canadian Australia Australian Mongol Mongolia Mongol NEMIS nemischa GERMANIYA GOLLAND Gollanda gollandalik FRANSUZ fransuzcha FRANSIYA INGLIZ inglizcha ANGLIYA BRITANIYALIK ITALIYA ITALYAN ISPAN ispancha ISPANIYA AMERIKA amerikalik n. adj n n. adj KANADA kanadalik AVSTRALIYA avstraliyalik MONGOL Mongoliya MO'G'UL 331 . adj n. adj n n. adj adv. adj adv. adj n n adj n n.DUNGON XITOY xitoylik xitoyi xitoycha YAPON yaponcha Yaponiya KOREYA koreyalik KOREYS OSIYO osiyolik n. adj n n n n adj n n Markaziy Osiyo O'rta Osiyo n n n n n n Birlashgan Millatlar Tashkiloti (BMT) Qizil Oy Qizil Xoch Dungan China Chinese Chinese Chinese (language) Japanese Japanese (language) Japan Korea Korean Korean Asia Asian Central Asia Central Asia Europe European Europe European Africa African United Nations (UNO) Red Crescent Red Cross Khorezm Ferghana Pamir Siberia Tashkent Samarkand Bukhara Andijan Margilan Kokand Jizzakh Navvoy Namangan Gulistan Termiz Urgench Khiva Karshi Nukus OVRUPA ovrupalik YEVROPA yevropalik AFRIKA afrikalik XORAZM FARG'ONA POMIR SIBIR TOSHKENT SAMARQAND BUXORO ANDIJON MARG'ILON QO'QON JIZZAX NAVVOY NAMANGAN GULISTON TERMIZ URGANCH XIVA QARSHI NUKUS n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 332 . DUSHANBE XO'JAND OLMAOTA BISHKEK O'SH QASHQAR ASHXOBOD QOBIL HIROT BOKU QOZON MAKKA MADINA QUDDUS TEHRON ISFAHON BAG'DOD DAMASHQ ISTANBUL QOHIRA MOSKVA LONDON PARIJ RIM VASHINGTON NYU-YORK TOKIO PEKIN AMUDARYO SIRDARYO JAYJUN ZARAFSHON SURXONDARYO MURG'OB QASHQADARYO n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n qora dengiz orol dengizi Dushanbe Khojand Alma Ata Bishkek Osh Kashgar Ashkhabad Kabul Herat Baku Kazan Mecca Medina Jerusalem Teheran Ispahan Baghdad Damascus Istanbul Cairo Moscow London Paris Roma Washington New-York Tokyo Beijing Amu Darya (river) Sir Darya (river) Amu Darya river (former noun) Zarafshan (river) Surkhan Darya (river) Murgab (river) Kashkha Darya (river) Black Sea Aral Sea Issyq kol (lake) ISSIQKO'L n 333 . Atlantika Okeani Hind Okeani Tinch Okean ust-yurt QIZILQUM QORAQUM n n Tyanshan tog'(lar)i HISOR Hisor tog'(lar)i Oloy tog'(lar)i the Atlantic Ocean the Indian Ocean the Pacific Ocean Ust-Yurt desert Kyzylkum Karakum Tian-Shan mountain(s) Hisar mountain(s) Alay mountain(s) 334 .
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