USSBS Report 65, Employment of Forces Under the Southwest Pacific Command, OCR

March 23, 2018 | Author: JapanAirRaids | Category: Military, Violence, Unrest, Armed Conflict



'fAIlL.E m' CONTENTS oriP',i ..,;.,,, , M"rch 1f.+2 ""' I ._ ro''''''......l III "-,Iy 191';' or """f'll'" Kokoda T'-;L ... , , , •, • , , , , • • • , , • • , • • • " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " T;" 8".11'1..,. Iloodbl,k.K,,,... ,,,. C .. I-.P.I&"' ... h"...blulr.." 0""'1"" .,,,1 /10"l1li""'·01'" , .... It .....'" ...... n". AII ....I ...... Fe."o, .hot drh.. 10 'M J'blhppttoto " I""....'Y pla". Il III n". .\'lm'........ 11..... 11 1l"llMd.. I.... n". ....."'y .11... ' ..... l'oollb ."d C·...'11'lI! "..,011. 1I"llaI"t """"'"', . lltoo , _ ,of -...1 It \ s C.. ,..... 01......' .... I'ILbni"ll'Iw "" '1.'_ ......'..-_ "orolal I...y'.. pIaDo 1.:1..",... """,'i<on 1..., I. 01......\1'.,. 1."_I,laI.. n". dtel'I''''' ,..... 1'"":",1,,. m l'bll,"'''........mIJ&laNo· ,' , I"..."", I'., y. '''II:''''' C'f'I>Il llobol 8ull' A... I,I,...I.....) \ro", c;ulr E<hll>il 0 ,,1,,<&1 ",,,..-In.,,,,,, of 1M r rog.- "r ll.e , 111,10$ 1'...18e. ... '" " " " " " " '" '" " " " " " " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. " " .. .. '" " "' " 5; " '" '" of the campllil,'Tl8 in the ']'b('8k'r is princi_ eoIlf'tted from the lIl'&dqUllrU-l1I, With the objectil'e of il- play of forees alld fllCtOIli t lind outcome of eseh has made of Gtllenlll , Plans; General Instroctions, outlining Ln· or a lleries of ",lUl'l1 opel1l- and Di\-is,ion hislOric-a1 completed opel1ltions; lIa'- commandel'5 reganling the for«s, and hiswM of the compiled by the lIiswncal atudy is esselllilllly on th" lIo\l'e\'er, dllta reponf'd lids ehargffi ...itb the action hll"e IJe(on included, pro,'ides e\,idenee upon the o.-er... U eNtain IUll'!'I of &etion can SouUI"'e81 Pacific ga\'e __ eoncep18 and tl.'chnique8 ","olutioll&l)' of tllI'!le- from pre\'ious mcthod_ .bich opened UII & new DlJ. I t should be noted t.t.ctical i(leas n'glllliing were dYllllmic r'alller than ool\8idcl1Ibly duriug the e&nee emc'l.'CS from an ptligns in the Sout!l\l'e8t afk'r ti,e ('lIrIJ' dt(('[lsiye I On' Ilrime objl'l'li\ll of fOTell!! jll their lI,h'allce yair bases or of Slrll' ill which IWW air for the purpose of of Allicol llirernft. It $ !he ehoiee of ground objllC'til'"l'4 and tilt range of th_ objl'eti\'ell were dietilted by consKlcratlOn of Ihe subsequent value \I'hlch th_ objl'Ctin!1I would &slIum(l &II bue. from ..·hi..h to extend air power. In IIttaining lhe g('neral oIJjl"etivt two important oollllidel1l- tion!l gt)\"enJt(1 th... employment of the Allied air forcelJ: I rustonuory "-lI!I 10 gain lit /e&st locrol &Ir befo", Iauncbing auy 1arKe- _Ie &lIack, &nd it "'&11 continuously Ihr to Upllnd lill' of air supt'riority as rapidly &II MW" b&seI could Iw eapturrd Of' coll!ltmctOO. 2. The &ir t!Cheloos· well' upon to Ncb !M'p&rale enl'my ebjt!Ctivt prior to th... 1i1l&1 -.-ult by the surf&('e forcelJ, all "'ell lI!I to pro\'ide &ir cover and dinet IUPPOrt. for thesfo Iurl&('(! &II they mo\"ed in fOf' the kiD. During t1"" nmp&igm in the P&cific prior to lIollandia th_ ..· follo"'elI, making U!Il' of I&nd-hued an-tion uclusi ..e1... At 1I0llandi&, beealJ'e of di!lWlCell in..oIved, by CYE' &nil ll&nk lIUpport. by the fast nmu tQk fol"Oell W&ll utiliz.ed .ftC'\'" t"'" ...n...m'l" &ir h&d J.wn sufficientJy reduced by air to allow of &('tion by the CYE'a. In the iD\"uion of ...hen inulligenCfl esti- mlltts indiealtd an Japanese air "-e&k- ness, it "'&8 dlleided to' omit the pllnned prein...• sion of ,,· land-buO'ld lighten could been d... ployed. It "'&8 planned to furni!lb .11 air IIUPPOr\. from carrier b&se9, except Ihllt .. hidl could be furnished by the long-r&nge bombers of the Fifth AF, until 5 No\'ember 1944 when the required land bues \I'ould be a\-ailllble for operatioos. Ilindllight showlI that intelJib'l'nce upon this jll.n "'lIS bllM(1 underestimated Ihe capaeity or the JapMIll8(l air lIod IllH-al fOTell8 to rellCt. JApanese UMVIII gunfire Slid Kamikaze air attacks ffiluced, to a dangerous degTN', the ClIpacity of the IIvAilable eVE's to fumiJJh both cover for the Inndings nnd elOI!8 support for the ground opera- lioll. On 27 October 1944 thi. reduction in CIIJllIeit.,Y of the CVfo;'s nece8llitated the IIMl!ptallC8 by 33 1'-3&1 of complete I'llIIponllibility for &ir , Ilrollihitil'e1y cOiltly l·'or " J ' I ' ( t ,Ie IIJIHru;se, 180 al,on o t 1(1 battll'field .... M virtllally lI.11a'l\l'(1 J The dt'l"ndel'll. or 1,IIzon .....rt thllll (ioouJ.ed by naplI.nt'lle ,ulll"riority ill every drpart- I ltllt, Their .urr('llll could be measured by the I'rlgth of lime lhl' tnelnY ,,·u dl'l.yOO in t.king Luzon. The Jallllle&e lir .trength on l.uwn ....·u not to Ita (ulll'llt in IlliU> of illl compltle dornrnat,on of thl' lir_ Fighter support of front- hne troopa "'1lI unwonhnatal .nd inelJeeti\'1' pra-ision bornh!11g f.ill'(l. to IffOrnplish reaulU: COllllllf'.1l!lIrate 'nIh tlJort. OnIy.m bomhing (rom high .ltltudl'lll("hi....1'(1 reaulta btc.wse Allied targl'lI ,,'tre IltC_ril}" coIU'l'ntrated In certain .·I'll-definfd .l1'lII>. ,b hostilt: control of the ••nd air . lOuth 'and I'Ut, Allied .upport of the Philippines b«amt Impolllilbl.. suppliea had to come o\·..r linl'll of rommllni<-ation tbousand5 of miltA III length. From bollIf'A ill ;\landated Islands .nd hy thl! earl}' caplU.... of Guam .mI till' J.11I1W'II' bloxked th" liN lallftl of the CentnJ. "."Ifir. TrooP'> .nd supplil'll lIIupped from the rnitt<1 Statl'll h.d to 1001"1' lbrol¢' the South I'.dfie to Austn"ia, thf.n on thl' isl&llds to tbe north .Ild nortll"·Nt; .\lIstralia thus btume III imporl.nt ,\m..rit'Ion t-. By Ih"l'nd of 1941, lbe defeDdera of IAlwn ...ere ...ithdra,,·ing W B.taan j'eni.ll:IIIula and Conq;idor, To Ihe IOUth the Jllpallt'M ...ere tlItablishcd .t D...o on ) .nd had I.ndtd in IJrit;'h Sorth Borneo &lid Sara"'ak, tncirdinl; tiM' )111111. n.y are.. The British garrison .t IloIl{:kollg h.d .ummderl'd, In )\'l the cnemy ad\·.11« "... ull(:becked and .Ire.dy "itlun 100 mllea of E'ingapoJ't'. AUWl dfJtlt#i£c Ilra/fflll alld orgonizoticR.- Allitd .tratq;y .....'1 diJ'l'Cltd at holtlill{: tl«> )Ialay Barri..r, defined liS ,he line )1.lay Peninllul.- SumBtra.Jl\'a-Xorthern Australi., .nd It re- ClIt.blithing collllllunications ..ith Luzon through tht N"ethtrl.nds East Illdit'S, Bunna .nd Aus- tralia I'tl8Cnlially were aUPllorting positions, aud the retention or the former .... doubl}' inlllOrlant bcCftuilll through it ran lhe SUllilly route to Chinn, In ord!'r 10 ('arry out this slralrgie policy. the AlIs(ralilltl, Hriti!!h, Dutch, awl America]) GO\'· n IIllifi.'t1 control ol·er the nr"ll. Thc milial boundari"" of (he ABl)A Com- Illlllld incillMd lhAjl:elu'rnl rrgioll Burrllll., )Iallt}'s, Netherlnllds Indil'll, ami the I'I,ilippilll'll. {len. Archibllld P, \\'l\I',,1l of thc British Army '('an air sln:ngth loc.ted ini· .Imost. entil't'ly destroyed by ... lIir aLlackJI (rom lIOth and land Illllnrtl bllsed in OSIl., hl'n\'y bombers or Ot'nt'l'lIl "l'f(-" flown 1.0 lJu,'Win ....illo l,(>rt lines or COllllllunicllliOIl, th.. PhilippiUI'-!I, Ilnd COOIII'rlltl' Aliii'll fOl"c<,s ill AlIslrnlin lind t Indies, MntTOI of tll(" nil", t'olnbillcd in 1\1"'111 nrpuij:lh, IUlIdp pply 1.0 our 1,117.011 go.rri!lO ... <,lfort wldeh she could Wlll'l furtll<,r limited by ., j) '1 Ie • 1"1'81( <,.ut lIud Prime ill, llI<'<'Img III WllIlhin,ton ' ..... I d ill Qt"CII <' to eonc<,ntrate fil'llt 0 Y 1'1 I'j " . I<,y (Ie not h.\'1\ Lh bolh the widely llI'llllrat....1 necellsary to ad,i<"·e d.....isil·e O<,nnnny considered to lJ(' DlOrc dangerous eIlNn,)'. llu86i. FOund IOn:<'S iiI the fitld bP and k('pt in tile '.... r. ilion III EuroP't', oprratiol\lI ill . "': ?irI'Cled .t cont.ining tbe t'l/ung prt'tlliure upon tl«>m by oft'ens:h'e actions as "·tre JI'08I!ilk ..'ail.ble, lXImpaig"-l.-At Ptarl II.rbor of tile l:niled Slatea !'Icilk 01' d.m.b-OO. T",o d.ys'r the PriftU oj lI"olu .nd the batt!t _I'"' !!ent. W the bottolll orr the •. There remllined in N"tthtr- IlOme Amrrican, Dutch, , dl'fitro....el'!l, ami .UbUU,rilll''', upremac,)" "'Ill lS6ured Thc o\·(' .......helming superiority ..fUlI ..·.i1.ble .l ....ell den·lolled 'll to Fonnosa .nd the . The [niled Stales .\ir For« ....Imost completely de'otroyed, ks in tlle or. south\1'll1'd Aml'ri('an Bnd fo"ilipino fofC8 of Gen. Douglas ;\r.cArlhur in the British Imperi.1 III COI1)11 , and tllC concentration of lan, Thl'!lC wt're not caplhle of action without .ubatantial &n,1 Ol''''lIliOI1>1 "1I""inst Ilul'IIl', "lIrr' out at ,lilll<' hi "lit I!u' Alli,·,j >1111' mult. t.. (111118. :-i'Jlj..'llp",",'. OO\'l1d",y", Manila wI'n' ..1(1".... If> 1".,'ulll!' mllj"l" 1'11_. In a<t,hti<m (.CI taklllJ: n'J:iorul whid, patu...J n'flOur<"'Il IOU('II II" oil, till' ')"1'"11''',- pl,ltl to and d",·,·loII ""1"18in outWl!ll J>OHiti( &l'I h.mpl'Il aplll"t an .\II..·d "OIlIlI,'rolh'lI I Japanl'8f' fort¥ll partil'il,alNI in offl'II";'-,- ""111pili whith took th...m 8S (ar IIfil'ld liS th \I,·ut,. Mid••y bland, fo'iji, till' RololJlons, :", Iln and SI'W Gum... ("illl Ilrobttbll' inlt'lIlioIL_ on,- Ilmf> of attatokinl' uortlwrn ,\osll"l\lI.). II (Onr, It • likt"lI tllal all of thl'!!(' ...'1'1:' IlOt ,n I orirjc'inal war plall, hut n'llrt'lll'nl lUi <'Xllllll.'KlIl rolM't"pl .hith ('&IIU' about aft"r th.. • eaknNt of .\Dial OllJlO!lition made furlllf'r v.n('(OS profitabl... jlll.. .. tll)ll of Irsd J'plllll"!lC' military .ml nft.--I III, ....n-fd t.o dNT "I) poilll. sinr.· tlll'lr mollY bas ..... id.. lliH",,""1I''' of "1" among l.JwoIt- m(,-Il, .\1 .ny nlA', il .. \ thllt most ,Ill" Ittal.eplU bopMl to fore.. Ill .. Stll... I to PNrl n.rbor, th.. Urill,h bllrk w hMhll. I to China'lI lif(' linl'. This ,,'ould J•...-l'mpll'l' control of ra'" m'lA'rillti ill,ffir to puntUl' WI' .....r for !W\'eral morc y....,.... ,Ill ..hHob tim", • ('ennlln \il'wry in Eul"Of'" (Or OVl'nrhelmmg Japanl"\l' IIft\1l1 \ In PM"ifk might 1'1Ig.:'nd"r su('h ....lIr W('I,rllll"'" I' tJw "'""-'" thallh.. "oul,1 LO lll101-",UI a-'t' Ie-\'ing J.pall in control of tilt' t<llOlls (Of" lor tror. In ... I>. lwr 1941, th.. J"18n"'W struck !'.'ul lIarhor. .tta.tkfd W.kl', GUlllll. Hong )111-. and tJw Pbi.lipplll'"'j. 1'11.· timl' Ildllll'" Wb"11 Ih.. lirlit ,JIlI18IU"Il' blo"s f,·11 f M.lay. on th" IIlninllLud to th,· i,lalld, tJw ('..nlral Pacili(', G,"'1I1l111 8rJ)li,'ll "N't' ,I into RUlllIia Oil II b/'Qf\d (ront. lIlIll, ill tllf' )hl Eut, Grnrra.! Irwin HOlllnwl's 1I1']llor('<1 ('ohull wrl'f' IIoP('kiJIK to d•."tl'O." tht, British 11'001'" , ff'lldiJIK Egypt. TtH"U' ""N' s( • gIN, RUllIli. pn'f,·rr"r1 Ilot to ""glll;r ill h..... I'1I 1 with J')nn .t tlllit', lll'itnin could nol !of .I,r()ng n,infore<'/ll!'lIht til Bur,'guol'll IH'I" Iii lIiulllI in th.. Ori"1ll Th!' hll",I,'1I "f t II ' I I" Japatl<'flt' ......"',,1 IM!!"I\, "IH)Jl (I ... ,\ I'" in till' 1"1;1("; at upon til(' .dditiQlLlLl Lhllt, til!' lill Slaktl couW pron,I('. Tbe L'nikod Stah'll, ho"cvl'r, lIvL 11I"1 • d . Tl«:1Pg crntef!l, &nd the beet pol13 ....ere 1ol.'ated he area "as IU-important to the oounlry's .....; effort,. it.! defense ""as tbe first ool1ilitleration of lhe Illliltary planners. ,Small forces stationed in Tasllllnia Ind "estem Australta and It Dar", POrt )Ioll!l!hy, Island, Ind T01\'1 ville. Because of relati"e oolltion, the retention of these POIPU on. the perimeter depended largely upon their none of which "'IS at.rong to oppose successfully a major lISSlIull. file return of the Sixth and Se\'enth Dil'isioua from the East Ind the expected 1T!'i"a! of .\merkan di ... isiolll\·ouid allow &Omeatl'l"ngtben- mg of th.e forces It Danoin, We.;tem Australia, and Tasmaml; oo1l\"e"er, the .'\lI!'tralians planned to retain t,..o of these units to increase the r ""e in the Brisbane-)lelboume Wile, Allied orgalliWlion, Morch 194£.-Coordinll.' tion of the American IUld Auslralian forces ,,-Ilich manned tbe defenfll'S a'as achieved through eration and a system of joint commiuee6 esab- Ii,;hed eltly in January 1942. .U long III tbe conlintont had uot br!en directly tbis was adequate, hut 001\' the con!lOlidation of the Allied force!l under a single directing aUlhority Willi a mflUer of urgenlncce&;il)'. Early in )Iarch, negotiations begsn between the Australian, ... 7..ealand, Engfu;b. and l:nited :,tatea Go"emments concerning the organiz.ation of a DI'.... I!"I"a com- mand. By IS .\pril the Soulh'cst Pacific Area Command 1\'18 coNtituted with General )fac. Arthur lit its heatl. General bl.'adquarters Wlls f'Slnblished at :\Ie!bourne. The forCl'll lUllligne<1 to General MacArtbur'S control wero organized into fh'e subordinate commands: .'\Ilied Land Forces. Allied Air .'on:es, .\lliOO X.,·al .'on:es, l:niled Stat Forces in Australia, and l:niled States Forces in lbe PbilippiDell. In the meantime, by agret>ment bl't"'een "lIfiolli go\'Crnment.! collcemed, the Pacific Thea_ ler was designated an area of United State!! IItralegic fi1Ipoll5ibility. The British and Amen- Combined Chief, of Staff \\"Quld tJ[er\':is.$ jurisdiction 0'"1'1' grand straU'gw: and the ractors nece8!!lU)' for its implementalion. in- cluding 11IOtatioU of ·fol"C('S and mlterill!!. The Ullitl.'d States Joint of Staff l\'ould ba"e jllrisdictioll o\"{'r all lIlatll.'r!llII'rtll.ininjt to opera- tions] slraU'g,Y and direct control of the Paellc COlfimaluls. .. The Pacific Thl.'atl'r •..-as n<lrganiud and dl- "ide<! into the l'lI('lfie. SoIJlh""e>t , 'WM Murch 194t.--The tb(' of thl.'ir forus Brisbane-- Ic1bourne l\ here • • the prineipal food-pro- . Australian JmperiaJ Foteell Middle East, 2 of which 1\·tre to IlD armored di"igion lIlrtldy in • C; lind approximately 7 dh'i_ , • n )Iilitllry Forces-troops defenlie. The ei,'ilian forces mined and equipped. The Force had approximatelv 16 • fil'$t line. in some of ..'hich of both pllnes and trained • pOO, in general, with inferior 'ell limited ill! cltllRbilities to and reconnaissance. Tbll the Ro}'al Australinn Navy I light cruisers. aanpol\'u and productive ca- . ted e:'(pansion of the Aus- and" made 8uppon from ol'er- ,ize of the lIir and ground United States oould send Wlls ahortages ill shipping-.'hich aeriousncas-and bl' criticaJ ""U fronl3. The War De- to hring to full strength the tll"O 1l8, two medium bomber ber group, lind three '8 and to llrovide additional the exception of field artillery ('Ills, no ground in the theltn, h01\'ever, tbe "". to arrive in April and been promised contingent , pennining one of their in the East. 'can and Australillll force!l ient for the protection of oontinent, almost equal in , with a coast line 12,000 Be road and rail neta'ork of Imited capacity and did not ernenl. of troops. Prillcipnl ..,.ueled the OOll8t and were ioUI attack. Darwin po&- , II ""ith the re&l of lhe 1 and Tasmanil depended of oonununieatioll. These le lhe rnpid concentration aI9" area to OPllOllC JlIlIIUlcse 27 relmw'r __ all Allied Coree of 'h'e e . Mel aiDe commanded by Rea.r A Kanl W. F. M. Doonnan of tho Ro)'al Net 1aDU Navy moTed out to intercept '-llpron" JapaDelll inYUion In the resulting no iD the "'.va SM, the Allied fleet Buffered a ""IS defeaL The .....1 immediately proceeded IudiDp tID "ava major resistance e 011I 'Mardi. Tokyo announced that the eonq of the NMberImds EQt Indies rompl On the preNding-day the Japanese cut the line to China by forcing the British in BurnUI, eneua&e RaDpon. n. ftu-JUI JOfJGrteu Dominion.-To .. the J•...- were l'6tablished at Ra Kan.c. aad GlUD1Ita in the Bismafl:k , peIaco, and in the northern SolomOIl!!. They ateDded \heir oontrol or the Centnr.l Pacific the occupation or the Gilbert Islands. 00. MIU'l'h enemy forcea seized Lae nnd Salnmaua the DOI'theut OOlIlIt of New Guinea. .From t poIilioDl aDd from the Netherlands East 10 . she sm-tened the security of .o\ust aad &be _ w- through the South Pacific. AJIitd utimau of ritlUltion.-The Allied mande.. in AU8traiia oonsiderlld that the 0 eaemy move. ""ould 00 dirlllltlld against Da aDd Port Moresby, both already under air aU The occupation of Darwin might be d . -.11 to dmy it to the Allied forces or as .... ill II pneral offensive against no.rtb... AIIItralia aDd the Gulf of Carpentanl. .ttad: OD Port MOl'l!llby would eliminate the th it poMd to tile flank of lin adl'llnCe f. Rabaul apimt tbe east COllst of Australia CaIedoDia 011 the liea and air routes to thll t.:lll ...... laWrllipDce indicated that there ,,-ere 9 Ja di....ill Dureh Ne1\'" Guinea, Ambon, )11 Timor, and Ja\'a. At least 2 were I able to Ieize and the attack could eupported hy about 4 aireruft carriers MId l ......... plana from Koopang, Ambon, ..... AD aUmlted I dil,3ion "ith 2 S" airaalt eurien and lbout 90 aircraft f-:o rn . BIitaiD _ a.ailable for operations arUl!ll l.toNIby, . I A .Allied dfjtMiN The forces wI UC ;." tn1ia pu riled to ollJXlSC II further &out I . I' lind n' ...... __ weak, particular y III aI, . t .......: &biI weakness haa proved dlsa' . 10 she Allied callie elsewhere in the ·,tll! ...... eommoIlweallb'a first-line troops consa> 7 , .... ........., ••11I . ................. \ 'h, ID _""'_'" Ill'" .... ......... " 'ttl .. ... , ',u.MMBtaa. ...... ' • :,... ! \ ... .DB ... -!o"'!l!!" lila ftIIa:' • of ... --_... -...... ,- 'n )' • . ___ __H._ w,.. • ....., .. __ PI·:I ... _.- ."' ... ...,. ... «• .,W o-.I••611 ".....of Ameriam :va-. ill A....... ....... t.woIeId. WblJe CDIlUDulDg eiroN .. iii ...... tIInlIrIh &be l bIDdrade to .,." • )IIOriW d· k.,... Ar-y "1'." ........ on.- UaiIed. tan. ... .......................... ....". of 1M ..... Air .... wIUeh bad • ... of openlJOlll InIIIl DIrwiD to a.-l lInM left A.......... to ___ ... _.. ....e.-tw o...l .. ; 7 , , ., u o,.u. .:;......... AlIDA Maio Gea ....... nod .&--. .._ID_ .,.. ,- " sf npid ....... ·.S2": .. .. e.w-, ... ............,..... ,,"' Mae- ... _.... _M ..... 10_"",.. _... _.. _W...... ............ 10 'trt,.'a.. ,.d•.&na7 lo_ a- ippine C_tabulary .,bicb had Jnd in'" the of the amloo of l'nitfd sea.... RNilull('(' by ,heee illOlu('I!t IInd"r lAo O..n. JOIlalhsn M. Wain\\'right nMr rolla!*" whl'll thQ Solltlllnlllt I'ocific Wall l'tlt,aWishtd. The lurrcml{'T or Iho fOt O.taan, on 9 April, oondemllctl tho islB.Jld in Manila Bay; 011 6 GenC1ll1 \\ 'fITitrbt 1UlT'fIOlIfft'd at GrUl" JUf"rilla bandt ooo.tinuf'd to light the Jar-n AlIi#d policy in toTlu 1941. atraLfCie pobt'J appnn'eoc! for tho Pacific Th ...u i'f1Ur81 ahhough tho intent' takinjt mO l.fllVCIlIIiV<111elion 11'118 judiCllt",!. JOilit ('bi t. or Staff GCIlCrIll :MBCA to bold the k..y military regions of Aust,.j' '-- for .. ruturll OffC1l1lh'1l lind cbed!. lOutb...rd Ildvance by destroying llbippinlr, a.irn1lft, and '-_ in the ),1...,.-80100100 lsI.nds area. lie ·...u directro to maintain Allird ])OlIitionl in the Ph piRM, OOIlllllunicutiollll /lml ship lupport tho operation. or friendly forcCfI ill Southw",t Pacifk al't."R IlIlU ImlilUl TI,eller, "«t economic IlretMure on the enemy by Uf'Il me v-'a transponing nl ...• Illaterills from territonl'fl of JalHlll. Admiral Simitz .·1lS uirected to hold tile· po-itiona !w-t.('f"n Ihl' lJlliloo Sials and 8outhw",t P8l'ific 1lI'('('tIMry ror tho 8t'CUli lin.... of ClImmlllliclltion 11Ilt! for 8uPflorting fu opl'T1Itioll1 .inst the JnpRllCfle. Olher .. hill ("Ommaml 'APre to conti in the en aid thl' dNftlM of Korlh A.merica, llrotecl _ and air rout.... , anti SUPllOrt. the opera ' (;l.'IIf'NI MItC'Anhur's fon·... Bolh Oellera!· Arthur and Admiral ",'ere 10 Pft lab the oII'_i"e the initial Siepi of ...hicb to be lauru-h«l ;roll) 1100 South and Soulh Pacifie aTl'U. OtJtnTJl MtUArlhur'. oPJllicOlil"}fi oj 8 poIity.--Gl.'IIf't'IIl considcl"C(l n()/l the thnolo f'Itoments of hi, or pound adtqulte 10 cany out tbe III The' nl",1 rororo .'811 too .•,ea k Iackf'd Alfiril'nt air slIllport from e,lhu bufd or rarril'r-ball('d aircrdl. It ",'u, lil , . ,'1 aul"-ble only for Olll'ruioll' of f\ mlllo r . lidiary naillI"(-"". Till; Iloyul AI!Slmlillll Air r ' lo,'do woldd nquirc m.ny months or 118 ( IIDd would bto abeorlx"<lllrgely in the dcfell 9t _tenaiVl.' Auatnlian cout line. The i UICI hainina: of tht Americall air ((JIll ..nt .... 1>,,10., lhl' . Fo.ur mOlll!ls of illll'llIlill' !>trore It .·ould I'('lch .....1... (or COIllMl. The only elrecltve Iho Si;\.lh Ilnd Sevcnth Austral_ (onn/'r minus l\\'O Itriglldl« BIld dil'isions. Oue lIr1r1it'i<llllll l·hing eomlJat condition but in a \'l'ry indifferent of Ind could P/'('pIlretlfO!'" It ami illtcn,i\-e dTorU_ in chief belie,'cd thal the in the J'ueific dClIlllnd{'(1 a ill tho fOrCCflulioulcd to hi!J COllIlPSl\ of Illll.jor rflSist'!l('c ill 1""0 ellclllY dh'ision!J and ......Ill;ch in thOlW iBIlll1ls !H'f.t'IIl' _"1011 Md lW"-l'rel)' UCfl-"'aloo the Allitd allu ....ere Ilushing complete eouiliry. Tho lroollil ill .\llIrl)" " Jndil'!) CQuid he re- 'QIlB else....ll('ro Binre lurgo gllr- ,.,..,uired in tllOlIO territoriCll. er ""ai1 8.'1 yet un('hllll'nj:'l'<1. ous l'nC!II)' thu ."Ould bf ofl'cl18i\·o moH'S "'hidl ..·ould lie Jlullched in the WCillml theast Asia, In their lIOulh· _ hnu C8tabHshed IlllCriCll 01 allow II continlled lldvllrl('6 in Mllndntc<1 Isltliids jll'/)vidcd IeIt flunk. lU' dl'Crned il of lhe ulmost . e seeurily for Pvifie Ocl'8/l lrel, Ihus fronl.8l uerell!l'! Ilnd • f1.nk r hostile nUI'.nce. Thi!J, ho follo....ed Ill. the edrJit'llt b7 Offorlili,'o Bction or Il 811/1i- t of Buell Ilction to IIlfeel &Del disllOllitions_ I[e llgl'l-'('(I bl\Id io W8!lhinj:'lon tbll the pn'<:lominant illll)Orl.1l('f' .nd .......ent its Illllfimum .lllllllOrL Lalu:e COliltI bl' for 1\ lIC('{)nd fronl II"I!J IIClf- MacArthur believed thllt Ihi!J ifl(', bllCIl1l8ll in his o!linion k 00 10 SUCCC!l8flltly 11I1I1l('hod , Oy /'('Ieasing the ,11'8- concentralion of JlpaOelll it .ould permit Ihe So"itt , l'llioll !o utiJi;a:o IlC'r Sib"riln ttmIIn:l.'S in furo.... It "·ould Iso to • • / / ' I tlltetl\'dy Ilroltet Au.. t,.lia .ntI III .a from invasion, In order to develop the re<luired strength both to ItOp further JaJIllnese ofrcrtllive action Ilnd !o del·e,loJI a powerful ofrensh'e, Gcrtel'll! wn...dered it _nti.1 that 1'''0 .inrart camers he ,UOtIted !o 111O"ide • bal'"rM dill. til" Allll.'ri...n air force bl.' doubled from aoci 10 1,000 rront.line pl.nee; Ind lhat In American C<lf'JlIl or thre.e finll..e!1lII dirision!J bl.' sent to l\u!Jtl'llli., This would give rea&Onlble llIIul'lInee of a SUCCftl8ful detellllll Rnd &eeum _o\uul'lIli" as Il helle for colinterolTensil'c Iction. The additional rorell8 te(luNte<1 II em 1I0t rorth- cornillg The derision made by Roose- Hit and l'ri'ue _\Iini ClIurehill to defeat Genailny fil'St IlIo.-ecJ only minimum fortell 1.0 be dh'"rud from operatiol1!l apill3t tbe :\uu to protect ,·ital intereslll in othcr thNtt.... The upaMtd Japa1Ufe Empirt-,-\\l."n tbe Jllpanese, following the eaJlture of Lae lind Sa18- mllUII, teillpornrily ltllited their adl'lInee towllrd Auscl'lllill, the)' controlled the entire chain of island•• hich lie 'cmes illl nonhem!l!l, .·ith lhe sillJ;le ulY,ltion of lOutht18Um Xeor GuinCII. Thl'llC for....rd po;;itiollll fonmd a froot 3,000 miJ(!I!I long uttndiog from Jl\'a to "ill". Inurior Ha and air lims of communication I1ldi.ting south.....rd from Jsplln through inter- rnedilile slIpJlOrting ha_ from Fonn081 find Sillgllporo to Trllk in the "lllndated lJdsuds per- mitted tl.e easy concertt.Notion of forca for further olTensil'e 11lO'·(!I!I. Til" Jspsn_ had t!ae great of bting in che JI(llIition 10 c'- the point of aUlCk. 'Ill dtparllUl poiltt}or II/lWf OifIUiN. -Geo- "ral concept for futull' offen.5ive a('lion in the Southwest Pacific 11"18 bllsed upon the ptogre:ll>;iI'e forll'ard rno,'ernent or air edlelons to prolide fighter dud boml!er co,'er for surfllce e'cruenUi .nd U[IOI) isolation of each ..parate IlOililion prior 10 Ihe fm.1 _ult This concept depended upon gaining loeal air,luperiority .nd expanding the sphere of !Jupenonly III !N'W bueti •.tl't." roM!rUCCed III each clplllred al'N. The ,\Ilie;' IIIOi!t .dI'anced poolllion in th" CIIlIlem SCl'lOr WlllI Port on the south of / ' '" Grnerlll "lllc,\rthur plllnlll'<1 10 N>Irlfon:e "Il ' . . b /' it Ind t1el'clop it Hi II ftlT. llIIC, .orL _\loi'l"lby ....1.1I (!I!Ij!('ntial for I.r operatIOns "'lIIRt K.baul and otb"r enemy baMs to the north Ind b , , "..-erful bul' Ibell' IlOt only .'ouId nort eu· • COlnpUny, plUll r.nginccr lind antiaircraft units oecullicd the site in the latter P/lrt of June snd begaa itl development. Unlike Kanga /Ind "-I/I.roubra Fol'Wl which were controlled bJ New G.umea Foree, the :\rilne forte "'IIS initially placed under Allied Land Fol"(:f'll. For protee- hoa .of the \I"elit flank, in addition to thal afforded b)' air fOrce8 at Da",'in alld on the York I'eninsula eomtruction of an airdrome was begun at :>.h:rIluk; Oil the 5()ulh eoaal of Dutch Sew Guinea. ..\J_ though the project "'IIS ttmporllrily IlUspended in August 'Irhen the engineer effort WIIS requin-d else- y.. a garrison of onc infant/)· oompaDy plus auxiliaries "lIS kept It :\1r-rIlukr- to denv it to the JapaDell!. . Hatlk oj JfiJn,.-While the South'est Pacific II'!!S ...·as tbUll engaged, in the Central. Pacific a na"a! bfottlr- -.ras fought that drastically changed the atngetk situation. Soon afkr tbe retire- melll of tbe Japa.nC!ll' from tile Coral Sea, a powr-rful conceotration of enemy nna! in home -.ratf-'1'Il -.ras reported. Thf' t:nitftl States Pacific F1eott. aeting 00 the bl'lil estimate of tbe situation, prepsred to meoet an attack r-astward, On 3 JWIf' the r-Dtmy sigbte<l !IOuth...·est of :\lid\l'8\', and carrier IliJ'cnh from lhr- rori:Wtr:ft, Erdlrprl.", .nd I1Qtrtld I'('pelltedly !MIllered the Japsnese ship!!, .tlnking fotlr ain:nlt carrier!! and ODe hl't"')' crniser. One CTUwr and aevr-raI. de- lltroyr-1'Il wen' damaged. American 1058t'S -.rere tbe rOrklotm and one dl'lltroyer. The deeisi,'e ,"iclory n't!tored to tbr- Allies lIU- in tbe air onr the Pacific. Thel'!!Sfter, exeept for Ihr- Alr-utians -.rere Ihe landed on Attn and Kiska Opl'lrlllIOWl ...·ere eonfined to the South andSoutlrtl'l"It Plcific. The Joint Chll·f, of StafT \I'cre immooiatr-Iy eosbled to /ldopla more actil'c Rlri.w.·IINed StrultgJ/, July George C. :\la"haU. Chief of StalT of tile Army of the Unite<! Stllll'8, and Gellerlll ,\laeArthur 10 exploit tht' changed situatiOll b)' concentrlltrng forCl':l iii the Southwest Pacific to bl "", d,h'e the t')\r.I1\)' back to Truk, In tbe cnse,.v . '"' ' " I """"ak 011 l\cw GUl1lca. A, nllr/l Caro 11\('11 an' .. • . ed J. Killg, t'OllIllIander ill chief or d.le Umt St tl'8 Flcel lIud Chid of NIl"al Operations, pro- pa:erl lWO siruuhll1lI'OUS drives, Olle by cOllunalul to Timor or !lOllIC ot. er '. I Illlce in (he Eaat llllhe5, 8ml"b (I ItI rr iuto Ihe BOuthrrn under nnrlthO,' ""b'" L Ghormk)'. commander of Vit'(' .4. Ill. v ,.. • the South I'acific /lrea. , Fourt.eel\th BriGade. [lll\(ldi_ I' te mid uU' alld Salalllau" pt enemy llreparation of tloO'l(' eaplucc Mid hold them for a delaying further hostile offen_ t forces alld air trallSllOrt for rt' lacking. ble for tire mission "'ere deliig. and of a small fonna_ knowlI as the :'\1'\1' GuiRea • reinforced Australian iu_ Part WeI'C slreadJ III Wau, cellICr ill tile (ho,·en·Stan. Its led to Lac IlIId Salamalla. flown 10 Wau from Port part of ),[ay. Before Kang. to strike, howen'r, intelligellce Japanese at Lae wen' plaruung 10 \'alley. Sillt'e tilt ('Om- Force ..-85 responsible for the airfields, he "-lIS unable to I'm· lor o!felUil'e action. The nids thr end of JUIll', and 1\0 pined although ('Ollsidr-nblr- at SalamallS. Kanp Fol'C1' Wau, under almost prohibiti"r- 'p and suppl_", in order to unds and S('('Un' tile creol of in dun area. 1Iq'1tIUU.-Another unit, dl'S-- Force and cou"istiug of a !MIl- • th Brigade snd tile Pa[luan organized on 21 Junr for koda 00 the northern slopr-ll northeast of Port :>.loreshJ. e,"ideoce thst the Japsllt'8l' th. natil'e trail from BUlla 011 Kokooll. 10 Port :\!on.':lhy, alld direeted to pre"ellt all r-lIl'.l\l)' mollntllins ll.long that routr-. BaUalion, /lboUI 250 lIath'l' omt'ers, WlI.!! alread)' nortl, of pany of the Australian bat.- O\"ll-r1rllld in Jul)·. talion temaine<! ill the PorL . till tl)(' imllrtl\,em(')ll of the Kokoda trail, but. rt"llily to d('\lIchmeut if tile east llnnk of Iho Now \0 pro\'id(l addilionnl forwnrd e air IIction, 1Ir./ld· .tablishl1lent of lin lIirdrolO(l Bay. A reinforced infnntry thE' Allim flllPt, dRpltchl'd an /lllRek grQ cruise" lUId dftluoy"n to int('rl.'('pl HllY h forcrtl that might approach Port. th the lomard PIUNf(f'. tilt'll mo\"('(! Ilorlh IIj evrit-1'lI to doee wi.. tilt' Jap"II'lll' cO\'f'ring On lb. morning of 7 May. amI:" IlI"nl'8 I"f'I aD ('Dt'my carril'f nur !o.lilliml Ai from lb. Lni"flmt and )"orHolNI ilnlllC'o,r and sank lb. SlwAo, A >l('(:onc! llPinst wps in tbf' Dtohoynl'-!o.lis,ima hland ..-.. rNdiPd but 001 onll'rt."d aloft !>l'eall!ll' 0 IN'"'l'OCIt 0' othl'r carnl'1'l! hMl not bfoIon Ioeatftl. while tilt "trUt ..-.. bftntt dtlin·red, to the 8Outht"" main J....f'W NlrifT 'oJ'('(' bit the ,\ment'a" group thp tallkf'r S,(#ho lor a t'a nr S#OiIio and a d"UOyH ,,(' .... ""link. .\d F1etcbf'l' did not ,..uti I.bat Ihi" attack \I U by t"aJ'rilor llirn'aft until t1u"k. too 111.1" 10 countnaeUoo. 'Thlo folknring monling after ..eal'('h W«btOO thP Japallf"lf' n.rrieN, a strikt' Jau apinst thPm Ihe SMkaku and damaged. thr ZlIiha.h. Enl'my Illann hi Lui_".,. whit'h lwnmr 1llll'OlltroUablt' and &0 bot IIUJIk. Tbr }'(If',w01Nl b ma.inPd opHWtional. This eJ[('hange efT('('ud ....trllf1ion to Nt"b fllgll¥il'l! folU' that ho Japaru"!'P ard Allird nanl t'(lInmallde" 0 J8Pl"'tiVl' fon- rlf.(-tO!'d alm08t &f'rminaw- thP pncountt'r and wilhdrftw. wUbdnwai of thr JapalU'!!l" fol'('(' con"tilut ""' in itA purpMl' to seize Port :>.Ion't!by, wdhdra... a1 providftl a strlliegic \'it'tory fo Allied ",OR. ail'('raft from the Sollthwt'St ....., inadditioo to n"('OlUlai,;salice Mid Ilrelim raida apinst _my air inslallatiOrls /Il1d ship IIUppOrted the artion or 110(' rlfl\'al force!! Ii)' IOIDll 45 IIOrtiM .in81 the el\em)' ('OI\\'°Y, tile r-altA wen" ditoappoiuting. SlIlall nunll bich levt'l bombel1l flying in IUlfn\'orable y; eoDdi.$ioDI ft'ClU«d thl' I'lTceti"elll'Sil of thr-atl A emiller, a _plane t..nder, lind lL hltgl' tl'1l 1 ..... e1aimed damag('(1. Ul'[lelLted efTorl.$ to the crippled SMlraku whic1, retirr-d 10 lla f.ned beea_ of tile ':ad weal her FinI AlliMl o.ff,nt1'l't.-Thl' rt'polsl' of tI,1' aateIIe pve Port MOr<.'llhy fl "ow lM.'lll Oil "I and t.b! development of the 110"( ,eutl'rIl I "" GuO- an'll t'ontillul'd. Tho ('O"sl 01. ail'dromea at CainUl, Cookto wn , C(){'u'l 1tiIDd, and Po", MOl'l'llb)' Willi accel.'l1lted I • -).. ..... ...-.. ._ I I' tf.Al*l1ia"''- ,.., _ to tile ..' ... ....,...._ ed --::: =-.".. .... tl: '. r.n MoNIb1 ...A: .. ilidIitD I h7.-y - .... .. i .. ... ......- ..-eNe lor e&eIIP' •• ..... ,...,..t .... ...- .. ........ 700 ... to .. .atb a& TOWJIPiBco ......... ....... ....... ..,=' ..,.n til. "we. O. ai) dam baiIdiDr IIOI1JI ....... P.iDMda witb .... ob;edi'ft' of .............. ,...... for rUd ..,... '---' f1IIatiiw ,. "" lhJI . 'nIiI ......... ....,. . ............. Apri.1IIe..- 01 .... ............ "...... W........ w-ts .. EtI' 't .. ellinnft...... ewBriWP- ., ....'· .., die ...,. _ .................... AlWAirF_ 1 1:=1 .. =-- ... .--bled. ................. -.,. ... .died ..Y1II .. to ... r.ifIr JIM wt.idl __ ... ' •• 80atIa PariIk ............ y..... ..., , -.._dindedal Tw.P ...... 8' ,."..... • ...,..&fo _ ...... TM Y wbieb ............ at B.Dto. .... DC J -. IIIlIIdr. 4 M.,. --_ ....... ...................... \be pbibioUI troop', flhipping, supporting airfields, pIanea, they pointed oUI, \II'ould probnhly pI'(' the pr'OII8Culion of the dril-ClI, U lOutbern Solomotlll alone were tnken Ilud adv_ halted leaving Rabnul in enemy h the I'fJ8\llt would be au elrl)()S('(\ salient al: whKb tbe Japane&e could bring over" hel _tI'8lj[t.b supported by land-based Illnnell, U rolttill coulll be provided to thr'f.p tasks in ORt' coDtiuuOUII movement, the commanders that operfltiona be lirnit inJihraUoIi through the lIebridM nnd Cruz bland!! and ae«lel'1lte<1 ainlrome COllst tion in Sew Guinea The Joint of Staff, howel'er, felt Ih wu to procffd ,,;thout delli,\', A _1 in the Tuillgi nrea IIUpport a further 8Outh"'anl lId'-lince, and 6dd1l on Guadalcanlll would hampe not Jl!'l!"eIU, Allied occupation of Sant..l Cruz Espiritu Santo. Admiral Ghonnle,' made accordiDgIy, and i .",ugmjt ,,"lUI IICl as ampbibioM attack!! on Tulagi and Guadalen The Soutb..-e<t Pacific area prepared to sup 1be operationa by air interdiclion of hostile sir MTal ac:tirilieti ...·.....1 of objectives and by particip-lion of illl na1"81 elemen18. .")owUttr\fM PaciJe MraUgJI.-J>tallil ror oontiouatiou or Ihe offensi,-e under General Arthur hued II pon I he IlrogrCSlih'e fo", IDOve_t of air echelons culminating in the' tioD of RabauJ prior to an assault upon il. driVtlll were to be made \\;Ih one 11lIIk force ceedm, along the north of GuinN !If'CUring in auccession Lne-Salama 0-&&, Ca!l@ alld the olher 1I101l1:" the SoIomooe-S_ lrelnnd to seize Faisi.Kietll.B UMl. Kamng. Botb 11IIIk forces were to COll l lor the Npture of Rllbaul. Since tho Soul h .. Paeifie area Iac:ked Ibe tNlined unlphibious I aDd speeiaIiud ailliplllcnt Ill'Ce8llary for Inll(!i the UIMl 01 tbe Marine forces frol1l lhe ."0 P&cific area wu a prer('{luisitc, The lirat phue or the Il/'Ojeeted n,h'nuN! TOlved ltD amphibiollsnttuck Oil LuI' Ill1<lShhll Jl ll. In orde.r to provide fighter cover for the 1Il0l'ell l 01 tbe convoy aDd the nl!llu\llt n prelilllinM)' s , , lro ... directed ror the conatr"dion of 'Ill ,"rf at Bnna. A Iigbt force of fOUT inf"ntr,\' ptDilIlI wu to mOI'c Ol-erlnnd from PorL ria Kokoda to occupy Bunn prior to tbo arn" 'Wata"bome elt'lDllDtlI including antioire rtlft , around tmila, The operntioll under cover of the Inndiugs by the Jnpfl_ olfellsi\'o ill the llud aWfiY. o./faU/l'ft. for KoJco4o an cnemy COnvoy of SCHill I ips WllS sigiJted on the nonl, l'a and that night la.,tled at GOlla, !lCI'enll md(1lnonh_ ail' lltulcks Suc'('ef'ded in I'l. These Japanese troollS IS of the Xrmhi Detach- undcl' coillmand of Maj. Cen They quickly proceeded "';111 area and sent a small spear- Kokoda. ..\.J.lied ullita Ihat lufantry Battalion and an or the :\Ja/'Oubra Fo/'{"(', air plalUled, but only 30 Wore tbe Japanese, in lighting Kokoda and its landing dclcnders back to Dcniki. ubra FOr«'8tarted for.-.rd Moresh)- to insure the &be Owco-SIlU\lc)"S. In I'iet'.- difficulties impo;ed b)- the Ii .rl$ believed probable that t would be linlilal 10 Ihe air base only, although Ihe d on Port MOl'l!5by for o.ffuuire.-\\Tbile ,\lIied as originally planned was sl(!p'_ preliminary 10 tak- WNe oniered. Ke...· Guinell was e.'I'tended to include all ell' Guinea, in a/Mil ion to directed to place at II'8!lt two koda Trail at the ellrli('lll hCllpture Kokoda airdrome. &0 infiltrate along lim north overland movement from NellIOn. On Iuter orders lind or the olTensil'e, both coDtinuNl to seize till' Bun" with a projcch·/I amphibious f'or,:e W,lS llugllll'nted to t it. mission. 'fll(' SCI-cuth (-' forwflrd frOIll AllSlr"liu Eight{,(,lllh Brigade b'Oing to ty-/irst lind Tw('nl.l'·/ifth Moresby, II air {J!orl TI " I the AU' " .' 'I' 1IlI!lIlion 0 I 'I'd "\'1' dUring thia IlPriod .... as (P8tro" tl '. v . Ie a,r rOl'(:(', 1"8 air field instll!- lllt't" ll , lind 10 pro,·id.. dose support to ocsl, ground fol'l:(' Oll<'rstiona; snd 10 prm-ide of bOlh land and !le. IIreu. .\ir (\1'(:(' mO\'illg into IIII' York Peuiusula XI'''' GUlIIeR,H. rapidly &II the oompletion or .IHI lumtl'fl allillping Te!lOUI'lll'lI per- IlU!tNI. Prior to Augual 1942, tJ,e llCaie or ,\Uied air re8t.rielord. b,' lhe of oper- .lIonal lIr atMps 1l1tl.i1l range or ("1lemy lati?lls. Strill8 had be-en l'(lllStructed 011 tJle of ilt anticip.tion of •.Japa- nese tlnl'e lIOUll1 rrom n.baul. Tllelle aU1Jl!1 "'r/,\, 1I0l ll;tJ.ill f'l:hter ranj.,'"C of tbe wile 01 f'b'1,tillg in Xe.. Guinea. Uomloer<. lIurting rrom ,\ustralia for tl,e task of J.pllll_ fitlds UI the I-saJ.m.u. UN in IIUpport of SoUtJl- "'Nt Pacilic troops .111 tJ,e H.b.ul-Xorthem SoImIIOl arta ill support of P.cilic IClion Oll GUAlI.ICIlla!, found it IIl'('lC8Sl1.ry to stage tlIMUf!:h Port 011 rad, rtlll. To add to Ihe opel'81ing dilflCtlltiea 01 t!lese earl.- lIOrtiea. the nal·ig.lional bazanl of Cl'O:!"illl! the Owe<>- Stanlr," tt.88 illtetJlOS"Cl bettt.·eell the au.!ing field and tJ,r oo]t"Ctin' ..-eas. .h of 19 ,\ulI'!>!!. four airliMJs ha.d been aom- Illel....1 at I'or\. -('Ill#' for htll\"Y bornbe , one foc nlooium .",1 lWO foc lighter'S. -r-.·o mure hr81"\ bnllllxor lirlds .nd OIle malium lH)tllhrr li#'l<l to be ",_.I_I' 1,1' 5 l;eplrUlber.•\1 Ollt firM_ in operation for pursuit pls,l"", tt.... l'JIJN"Ctoo to be reMiy for heal'" bomber.! 2,j .\ugust, .nd t..-o otJ,er helll')" hOluber \IIl'rt" under oonstrtlction. 011 th.. York I'e"illsulll l"O bomber 6ekls IIml one fij:hter lie\,l tt.·ere ooll1plded, with three iUlditiollal 11I"U'I' 1H)lIlber HeMs to be rl,,,,II' in Sel)t':mber, AdequaLe fseilitil'l! ilMi bl>e,; ...... ill the Towllsl"iIIe-Clolleurr:r .rcll. 26. furlh{r /lrlparotiolUl. TI,e Thim--5eCQlld Illld Forh'.linlt Dh ,,-hid, were to lak" pllrl ill liw </frell,il'c 01",rlltioll9, werc ..d tQ .. IIml to und,'rgo Rlld to fonll inlo II fot ,rhieh IRtt,'r p"rl'os<' 1.1. G"iI. ]{Ill)('rt L. bl"):l,r, ('OIlUUR"dill" 1 1119 ' Rff" 'f1' 8l'ut from Ih(' Generlll .' '11,from IllS URI' el'il . to IJrisl.llllll', "I",nt It "ould be ,Ill 'I ,',,""'1' to Ille hcsd'llIHt.. rs of Allll:otl c 08l' Ilro;\: • .. , 8Crvice troops h b fe'tl"er t an t e nonnaJ, there "'811 actUIU,. nan nanna!. order to deal more effeetivcly with logistic pro. ems, Gellt'rlJ lleadquartel'li dll'l'Cted tht' for- mallon of the Combined OperationaJ Senice C u,nder,Brig. F. Johnn, Un::; " \rmy .. TIllS OrgBlllzatlon functioned di- rect) under Ne,,· Guinea fon::e as a "'. . agenc be' . coo mating y the Australmn snd America)) Stpp1r Its major responsibililies were 1111 reCell}t, sud distribution of SUI}I.liCll· !le8 trBlUillOrt ID the New Guinea wllt-era; operatio; the dGl:ks; coustruetion of docb, roads, and and el'acuation and bospitaliution. Inthall)' ,,·t're established at Port )Iores- by.nd :\Iilne Ray. The fiJ'St drivt' to gtl under ,,-ay W83 that bv the Seventh Di-.ision batk ICroS!! the Kokoda Trail The ad"nce btpn on 26 Septembt'T and spearheaded by the ""'enty-fifth Brigade I'l'in- forced. The I)j,'ision was retained in the Port M(lresby area for defensc against scsoorne attack. loribsiwa feU to Ihc Auslrnlialls 011 28 September sfter the lIlsin enem)' body e"M:ull.ted its defenses lind withdl'l'''' rapidly northward. Pursuit was ddayed b)' the bad state of the trail and lI'eather canditiollB lI'hich interfered ,,'ith air dropping of supplies, but. by iO (k-tobt'r. fOM\"ard elem('nts "'en' in ('()IltaCI with the enemy on top of thl:' range in the Templeton's Cre-ek lrea. HeTC fought tenaciously from a lM'ries or well,pl'l'pllred positioM ou high ground dominating the trail. The lut of th....e was Ilot cleared ulltil thc end of the mouth the enellt\' Ilc.d loward Oi\'l. 011 2 NO"ellther the Sel'euth Di,'ision occupied Kokoda without oppo- silion. troops of Ihe Thirt)"-Seeond Divi- ,;siOIl had been lI!lSigned the task of operating onr the mountains east of Port :\loJ'f$by. 1"A'0 routes ,,'ere ronsidered, one from Rigo to Jauro• the otller from .\bau to Jauro. While the One Hundred and Infantry. on its arrival in Xe'" Guioea, "'1lS temporarily aJIocated for defense of Port under tbe Sixth Di"ision the One lIulldred and ""enty-@inh Infltlltry'disPlltched II I'l'inforcro battalioll o"er the trail from lligo. The problem of sup- ph' pro\'ellte<l Ihe movement of .. lnrger force ul;lil the route coulll bl' furlher de,'('lop('<I and dUllll)S I'!Itublislled. The One lIuu.dre<1 and Twent\'_I'enlh !ufantry Wll.$ to be slllVlJerI from A1l5tl'llii. lind lltilWld 1I10ng the !M"COud route. I.panese "'ern l!IItabli!l!lel'! It the Kokoda Trailth<,y rould from tlit' north and, ng strength o,'er tile moun_ coast, endanger PorL .\Ioresby TIlt' S{'curil)' of these bases t'Il!live to regain the C;l'llt of and eventually to .-It'ur aJi of entif'l!l for Kododa.-Sinec a necC9Sllrily would be skl1r be- and difficultil'B of Bupply the , f!d for three a.les of lhe Kokoda Trail. a wide ov('r the Owen-8tan]('\'"li inn tbe enemy lillt' com- lration along the north coast General hcadquarters Bet tbe of the first two as the l!eCuring umusi Hiver from the Oll'ulamn . of the Kokoda·Bulla Trail the third as the occupatioll and tbe Dorth eoastof All v.ere to be COlltinued capture the Bun",..oolla area. ed to Port :\Iol'l':!lb)' during ent the coulllerolfl'DBi.e Brigade and tl\'O regiments Di,'isioll, tbe One Hundred Infantry and a detllchment of and Twent)'-abi:th Illfnntry ernl BIallley nrrind nt Port tho OIJeralions, lind Ll. Gell. repillclng General Itowell. of Iline brigades alld 'regi. taxed the shipiling resources to the utmost. Base ill- s for bandling sllips, roads of supplies to depots, and and the prot<'Ction of stores bl'4t and rain were aJmo;;t Moresby. non- Ba,., nnd entirely 11lCkilig ill fllcilities hlld to he de- with th(lo/rensl"o. Shipping , Jlllrl iculurl,r ill tliD early ; only units nurl storrs the ellelll}' 11"II" GUUINI. Under caudi- a gn'",ter IJrollOrtion of defMt III eamPr lircn.h oombiu('(1 I\;th t...d planN from Guadlllunlli to inDict damage that tbto Hl!!'my tumed bllck. The J 0-. bow!!'vPr, Wl'", able to land 1l(lIIitionll.l on Guadakanal by mesns of thc "Tokvo pnM" ruQby dl"5troyers from the The Marines defending the a- faced incretlllil1jl' prt'll8Ure. The campaign became a contf'!lt to sce 10 tide could build lip the grelltegt weight of fOl'tffilenlll ami supplies, the outcome depe upon oontrol of the S{'1l. and nir. JfJpGrltM (lftrnnn (In K(lkoda Trail. t.aJwOuely ..-jlh tJlt'ir oounter blows in the 1DOOlI, the Japan<'!!e den'loped al\ olfen5i N_ Guines that thrt'$tened Port )[oresbv MilDt' Bay. During th".r reinforoed U'OOprI in the Bune b.r lauding the I'l'ma' of the X"ankai Dt'tachment, almost two Allied lir attacka IJn!venlcd devt'lopment of an Ollerating air baw at but the enemy ijteadil)' built up forces 0 Kokoda Trail lIud continued to pllsh 1\ They held the ad"lIntage in that they were t.o move up m('l1 an,1 supplies consideralliv r than th(' Australians. "'Icrea! the !:Jet1l"t'f'n Port )Ioresby lind Kok madl' up of Ill'('CipitoulI ridges cui ing in lDOWllaillll 8,000 to 9,000 f('(:t high, KoIr.oda 10 Buna the ground slopes gently northHn foothills Ind the COIIlItal plain. AlIjEU81, whPn O" ..r 1,000 JllpllnC!M' llt Of'niki, th(' Au;otraliallll had onh' 1111 underst in position lind werft to wit to l.surava ""bl're IJI<'y llrell/lred 10 mllke n('xt nland. On 18 Augunt, 1,1. Gen. Sydu<'y F. J{ I"l"p'-l. Gen. 881lil .\1. :\Iorris in oomTllll N_ Guu- "'orce, and the Se,'c.tlth D' uno:lfr lollj. Gt'n. Arthur S. Allen wu 1'I'lIpODlIiblf' for the operation on the Kokada 1'bf' troos» It t ura"a, by 26 ,\ultl!st, had rftnforced b,. three- Australilln battalions.. of til...... unilll was effecteo:l in mot.or u-ansport from Port :\IOTC8by to III paek borII' to t:beri, thence forwlIrtl eamef. ThiB "as by the air ping of .suppli..., II IIt'W t<,chni'lue "'hich hsd dt'veloped und"r Ol.rrutionnl conditions. [I many difficuhi... such ns the c.xtrelt1 d y naw", of the l('rrain, the IIl:nrcity of trill. ain:nlt, and the unfa\'orablr "'cather co ndi \ha.& fnoqut'ntly p.... niled o\'cr tho O....·en-S .AIr _ .. .dill ........ -. ito ....11 .......... -. 0.. .... I, ............. 0--1 iD conm md ollJahei s.a.......,.:r iD wIIidI WI nd UaMI &.- Amq s.n- of _ .,.a. ,,-C. ",",,","""" o.eraI Bmt • commander, AIW Air B1. _ AlqfUIt, plana and preparatiooB for the .... had pMClll8dfld t.o MIdI • paiDt that 0.-1 MaeArtbur fIIl..-..J the JoiDt CbieIa of swr be would aWP t.o eeeaw dHo an. JIb-. tile CIII*n (J B W. SeI,mau_ -.I 0_ ...iII....i....,. the ClIDd..-m III OI.ormIf1' op«atioo it' dte marinP _....... Iorft- UId IbtV .........t wiUl eurilIr IJPPOrl- availaWP. .4IIW ..,__ ,a s-t.-u.-n.t' Allif'd .u.ek ilt.o !be _tb_ .soaomon. ... taunebfd OD 7 AJIIIH wheD the FiM Man- Divitlion, NiDforotd. WMt Mbo", on Tulligi and OuadaJ· eaul, Thl'flll aimdt earrimI "1'", among tilp DaYal unit&. whith abo included __ eruiIrn aPd dtlltroy.... temporarily as- to Admiral Ghormiry'l _troI from .... ani P_. Tht' SOUUl.... Pari!k .. SlIppOItaI till' laadinp by d"qt: 1IUb- ___ Ihoat Bahaul. ftying .-.n.i-,"N". ... ..,. -m.c .u Mba ... -,. air- AD pIaD.N t'apabk of til.. ... _ dinded 10 Rabt.ul, Bub. md Kif'ta. ........ hit'" _&1....UI. "fte .-,. prriIom _ takf'R by SIU')H'iBrt, 1Ild.. :he end of the iIelll'Hld da,. tbf' Marines Wl"f'f' m_1Iet.e control 01 Tulagi and tbp airfi!!'1d on hdlbeal, the immedia.... objet'tiv. of tJw. ... ti Ihll theH...-atnIdr. bM:It lItrorldy ., _ .. .u r.-. __ ill .... IJOI1IHona 8' A..:hq:dap. On \ht' -",d .bp-.m' .. ......._ OubhM' UMlI'1orida ....... 1'J' &a.- IIII&f I.......... btopD ................... md adjaceot -:- ' dayIiP' boun. • i Mtm the Ameriean ..;., I "o.&IDD. llDd al DiP' enem,. :=r IIban iIINDaticlDI virt.ually =': $. I!eDiIr ...... COllver 01 ................. cllplI.bilitiMl for IT' '. PlIr'fi I 0 rnBI"e nct'OI) m the &ulhll'ClIt I r I Ie, tie Ilillu thrt'll [Ihllllllll from thr hill) of thl' Owen-Stanley '!iange -DUL lind p..... l'llmtion to with- II 11Ialor eITort to knock \ , ,. Wllr, • liS ra l/I Ollt of tho 1111111,_. oj Su"',, (Tllz.-Qn 18 October Vice ,\<111,1, F, lIal.'ltey Admiral Ghorm_ ley 111 the :;Outh Pacific 'ff". 011 the nigbt of ')3 Octolll'r Ihe JallAllt"lll' bepn a ground offelllli;e aJ.:llmot thl' Guad_leanal airfirld, al\d 2 nighttllater .."IK"II th(', a!\o.llult l'('ael\('(l 'l.!I peak, moved Ill"'al umta south...ol in foln', In the hattie ""hwl! follo,,'t'd on 26 October aircra.ft from the Aml"rt('lli ll/)l'tId and f.'fIU..-pri« PilL LW'O rrK'm," r.rTM'r.I out of achon, and four rnemy .ir l!t'Oulll> lI,rrt rIlL 10 I'l('l'('!I, but the llar1l6 "as lIUnk alld Ihe forcing the American to !'t'll"" AsIMJI'(', fOf' a bf;(>f ",riod that Mmp da,', thl" qu,...lioli of .. llPthrr or nol the .irlicld coukl fttainC<1 ill thl' balance. ,\ OOIIntet- auad:, II01Io'l"\'('r, rl"Itor{'(1 thr situation and infticlf'd cas"alllf"l \\1ulr this COMlituted the last "Crious thrrat by hOlitilO!' ground forces on Guad.II'III.1, the Japan_ slill coouol the adj8l'ffit 11<11/11 oj G,,,lJalnllttll, In an rlfort 10 break the dl'lldlock, ubmarintll.nd motor torpedo boats cut into bostilP communications and reinforce- mrntll "'eft ruolllfd 10 Guad.lranal during 6-12 l\'o,'('mbl'!", !',mtlltallPOu!l1y till' J.paneee COlKell+ tralNI • large ftf'l't of in the Rabaul- Buin area and began mo"ing <lOuth "ith rtinforce- ments. Ina 3-<1.y battle bl!'ginning Ibe night of 12 :-IO\'em],cr, thl' .\menClllS, in spite of heavy 10!lI!!ell, j;lIilll'd a \·ictOf)'. Onr half of the eoem)' transports \l'l're sunk, and the troops I\'hich tho .lapBlIC!'ll au,"""l!'d ill landrng ..·el"l minus lDuch of th!'ir l'(lllIpment Blld oppliCll, Control of lhe ""a Bnd .ir in the !lOuth('m Solomon! IIII;lsed to the ('1Ilt('(1 SUI('!<, and on GnadlllcaoaI Ihll marinCll and 111''''1" "rrin-d anu)' uniu begtln 8 stronger '10 I'hrnillate the I'llI'm)' lC8rrison, The crilic.1 lll'riod \l'as BllfrlJ' Illl8t, and thl' J.panC80 were not ahl6 to S('noll<;lJ' thff'aten agaul. IJutw.-G01lU, III the New Guinl'll area, 1\lIwrirllll Mnd J\II;1lrt1hun Irool'8 ,,"ere llIo"ing into lIoilitioll for Illl MlllIllult 011 lhl' BUlia-Gona area, Ol'1l1'l1l1 dle;jlrillg I.lI l'! "n air ba.'lll 11I,'re [,I'foro lim enelll,\' could land strong l'\'inforfl'IlII'rlh"l'nrly in NOI'('lIIber had tho decision to eXOCIlU' lhe flnnl ph[l.llll of the hm,ted efrensi\'1' and clear )'lIpua of lhe J8pllnese. " tilt< sell hllUie lit the ('ud of qagl'mNlt IHld takpil pll"'1" ill 8hout 6 lI'l'ek.'l, hut bad oC('urred whirh COIlt " II' II' er Mill anti ll(""rl'lll dr. (\ JUllonl'S(' lalHlcd r('i"fo..... r_ mil fllmO!lt nightly, flud I,," put a"hor<' rno/'t' thl'lll a di\'i!tiol;. IlI'l'r(-' llgain AlI8CmlJling to Ihl' .... night of I I Ql'tolll'r .n dcstro)"('r groulJ illt(' .....CIJWlI ('al)(' Espclllllce, sinkiuK or r of \'CSSCS and Cfllbing tIll' Illll', DC!lpi((-' thill .-trt'lIIel)' critica1. I'ntrntions ill the nabolul_ doo lh-(' or six boIttlcships tarri,'rs, while the .\memnll hil);< and two cal'T'it'rs com- ler This IUl\'al supt'riority Olll of surface ll\O\"em('nt 8cti\'itv Illl'nl and resupply to th'e incf('l.Singl" e,-wellt th.t a unminent. Pacific an:ea was doing eWI)"- \"c the pn'SSUTe on Goadal- in Xe,,· Ciuinea was, in thal Tweh-e BUb- ....1 l"on:cs II ere a35ij,'Iletl to fU('8 for temporary conlrol. ploying its long-range equill- urn e81l8citr in sirikes on air and suppl,· installations northern Solomolls, using only in llUpp'Ort of Ih(' XC"" GCII('1'1I.1 Ml'le.\rthur IItl!1 in lions lI'itl! Admil'lll Ghormley, 'Iy WlI.ll gin'll hill rNtueslS attack, diHastt'r 11.1 GUlldll.kllllal and whkh would then faC(' the ,Generfll :-OlacArthur uTg('l1 of lIle Cnitl'(l Stull'S bo kl nWl't the CritiClllsilUlltioll, • Jl: 1)1' lllndl' lI.\'ailllblc from 11(\ displ,tdwt! illlllledi- Tailllhl,;, hell"y bornl",rs at once, Cellt'nll Ilead- outline phlll for the ft,(listri· ('y('nL of II. JlIpund(' viotory pl'nd"nt 1I1lou Ihc dl'greo (llid ('lItinull('8 of his and .orteoed othen, The grcBt ditTerCHfll i ability or the JeplUJ('lIl" to n'!fIullply lind rt'i \heir units in the pall'd to that 01 the AIIi('lj is attrihulilble to air inwnlictiOD of tile Dllti\'" rllrri"r Ilnrt)' a w.e.. The Japanese did !lot nir drel UIOIively and the nativl"I did not have tloe 00 oor the inteDllit10f porpol'e to nd"nncc lace 01 Allied 8U'llftml, tIG"'" oj Goodellough Ill/Hid ewrendy wi.&h the .dunet' from Wanig in force of Goodenough I wbieh lay 08' \b@ nortb('Ntem COl'IsL of OuiDe&, ... oooduded to dear iL of In aDd to de\ermioe tbf! suitability of the 101' airiieId _U'UCtion. On the night QI:&ober a unall cuk. lon:e lanl.led at TaMba Baya. 00 tbe i.Jand near Killia :-or .... appnnimawly 300 trool19 \\ho had -.nded there in .\ugust "'hen Allied ai ca.uoyed bugM in ....hich they \\ert m from Buna lor tht' _ult Oil Milne H.)·, Auatn1ian5 sod after indecisi"e fi on 23-24 Oet.ober the Japanese evaeu.t ialaad, the talk for« remaining in occu Altbougb pIam had f'nvlsionf'd the establish 01l1li air ta- there. a gt'neral o( ga WoO.. Ill!JCNSitated polItponclllcnt of fhe proj ....... """'... ..., tlGpab&litiu.-,\.lthough ellem,' \ion to &he OpentioWl .Iong the north COa8 limit.ed to the minor f\':lIistance at Good 1IIaDd, pft rilllul 'A'ert' iJl\'oh f'd ber.u. ClOIIIroUing the 8C8 norlh of Gw.e-, oouJd cut the .\.Hied lille of oomlll boM at wiI.I and bring o,el'Vo'hehnillg fo bear apiDK tbe 8"'''.-1)' II 011 bases, The ad Ud 10 proceed with the idea of I wtthdn.... For this fCll9On, lIirstrips deued inIaod at Sapia and Killjaki lIud ea\ablished at ('ach to aid ill tlie 0\ l'MiftmeD.t of OOlllltal troolJB if the eneUl)' /It in force. The eutire lorward mO\'Clllcllt in Nell" G look adV1Ul1ap of prooccuP/lti dae 8oJomoDa 1ihf.'h' till' grl'"ll"r of . ...., and (p'Ound 8tn:'llgth W'\ll ,'ngl'j.:('(l inWDie o8'eDliVll action nguinst Ouudal The of t.lJat Btruj.:l>lu IUld II diree Tital beuiDg oot only on progrellS townl 11 bu., 1110 OD lobe defen8l> of thll 11'11010 Nel" 0 poeiUOD aDd the lfllCurity of Auslrll!ill. .. adwn: lMlla oj ......_ ... : st ..... k ....... ....... 7 h'" .. sal hi. I'.nd .. _ •.1".' crI k8' dl YlltllQ ---_.............. ..m oflb8 ...._. 1m approsimate datoll filII ....".. IN 1M • ooordinilted attadt by ... 8eNdII1Dd Divilliou. An ..t- ..... ol o-.t -- ......t ?art MCInIIb1. uad 0eDeraI .med _I 0MDb« lo.,aKt" eoordiPattoo allbe f..- eappd in &bt campaign. Aft« CIPlUl'iDl Kokoda, Seventh DiriBion ooa&iDUNI. to puIh forwud alter quiclUy .rMdying thP ImdiDt -np Ill" ... by 1l.-port. .uu.rt to _ ... RIpPy .taatiDD. Tbe"",,- madf' • J'NOhIt.e -.Dd on dw hiP ground .t <>rt. and Corari. WIIiW lIlto Sixtftonth at-.ekrd frontally, !be Twl'llty-fifth Brigadl.' movPd apirMt the eIIem, ftank. and rear. On 10 Novl'IIlbl-r tht' mNDJ'" dri't'PD from hiB poeitiontl in fuB I'l'tr't'Iot, _riarr ..o1Pft'd trtftlDl'ly luF tuU&ltiN. TIN> lIpIjl up. thf' main body m-- iBc die 1Mldf'Cl KIIID_ illY,.,. by boat and ralt _ wi\bcbwiD(C rapid)y to th.. Buna-Gona am Pvt __led dOWD tbe river valli>y to tbl' roa-t IUJd ...eotuUr Gona. Oentral Horn ""lUI ....II thr prKipitolla Bigbt. The A",traliaM ,....,. • .1 Wairope and by 17 Nemsr:berbolh \be riVf!l' in )MIMIi& ., .. 'J'bp TwtoDty-fifth Bripde, lDOViDlf thr trvk lumbora-Gonlo. .... beId lip on 19 NoVt'mbPr by eJ).l'my folWtl __, 1 JIik> mutb of Oona. On till' rollowin« My ... sm-tb Itripd.- OIl liMo b'&l'k SPputa- Be ... _lind poeiu.. III milN _..- ElM.. die Gin. Rinr \be of tbe 0. haahed aDd TweotY-f!'igbth and ()np tum- .... ad Twenty..uth Infantry RegimentAl from PMM..a., _ completed by IIir tnDIpolt to ....__... -...... _. ... de cWea&.t &be ....-.- Il' om ... Canri acre- &lie K__ ............... me. IlDder Maj. 0.. EdwiD J. BanliDa _uaeed .. rapidly .. JIOIBible ....... 3l1li&. a, 20 ovember .... di .. • wi&Il ",.oe. OD the 8_ ......... I .-Iaol -w..o( 0.,. _ • tiDe nIIIUw iDIIIad. to _...... n_ _.taDeo.. driY.ot .. "..a-.woaId gain • 'it 11117 Jautir,,'liDaollhil,lbippiar. ................................. 2201._ , I?S ........-.-......P-. MOrf'llby ready for onward mo\'emenl. DD detennination of the J.panese re'listance an .trenll'th of th('ir deren"ive positions \\'('1'1' u <'lItimau"j. Jo;I('IDenl.ll of the Twenty-fifth II . on 20 pen('trated into Gona onl withdraw of • shortage of food and munition. .\ ",lIewed _ult made no im aion, lUla the initial efforts of the other col were equally UDl!DCCl'>'ilful. A \'irtual stale re'lult<'d on all rronts, During thl' operation 011 Ihe Kokoda Trail .I1.p&Jl.... remaining ill the Buna..(]ona aret, pn'parOO I'Xmmely J;trong alld w('lI-d defe,*",. takilll: fuU ad\'llDtage of the te AlmOllt every AIli('(1 atlllck "'lUI naITOW terrain l'Orridor8 along tracks leadi enemy defen_ frequently Irn:nled on the oilly land in WI' \idnity, Ea('h I'llt'm,' position h(>1d ..... ith r. determmation ulltil d<'Stroyl'<1. (}Q". "'&;1 until 9 Oec('lllbl'r. Buna;'; daY8 8llnanandfl Oil 18 J.nuflry, Rill; the finnl Ja remnants Wl'r(' not 1'11'111'('(1 from the arell until 22d. Tbe f'orty-first United Slates Inf Oi"wion relip\-ed tbe b.ttle-weaf)' Australian Amm('8n wliUl .Ild pusbed alowly up the Guin('8 rout to :\Iorobe Bay, .....hich octU duri"¥ thl' first w('('k in April U143. 'I'M Jinal JapclI1I8e rJifensirt Japalll'lll' "'Cll-' not di!wourllg('(l by thl' (sHu lb. attempt to drh-e lhc AIliCll from Ncw Gu' rould 00 longer mo\'c b)' wu('r from MVIJ)('(' t- at UP and Salam.u. 90 decid<'d to attack Port b)' .nother land route through the mountains and jun the iou-rior or New Guiuca. Willi, II prewar mining ceot('r on the Bulolo Rh'er, wu the to rontrol of inland routes from Lae .nd maua to Pon ),I_b". , '!'be _my his lll.'COnd OffetISI,'e the Papuan f'&lJlpaign "'WI COlllllleted. hundnd and !oJ,('('ond H.,ogiment of tim Ifty Oivi&ion arrivl'd .t lAc from ](ul.lllul rJJl the of 6 7 JIIDuary. Its arri\'al marked the Ibe JapaDfIM .ere able to operate I.rge . eoQ't"oyw, within rlUlF o( Allied land-ba,;ed a" wilhoul prohihitiH loss. During 6, 7, , JIIDUUY 1943 the convoy IUIII becn t.ranllpor1ll WPfl' 8unk and two othl'r slllp€! . d·_·-.I from the convoY of twO light cru . \[ loW' dl'8troyHS, and four trall!lporlB. ai. Ibe troopa bad MeO 114\'(:'(1. One batt ICIn _, to S_Bay to protect the eastern bfgan a 5Q.mile marth through abo, on th(' Bitd Hi\'cr, to Wau. Al1lItralilln opl'mtillg Il, dl'fended II1Is IlOsitirJn LIIL J.uatrlliian Brigade "'8.'1 in the- l'nemy illtelltion beeame hindl'rro IIll' mO"emcnt, one on 20 January. the other t,,-o .ere d('lfI)'('(! until the 28tl" 1 t bcgan. hrokcll 011 30 January and the pushl'<1 back to b)' all ult aJ"anl'e. llead(luarters Division took o\'er tile operation Fifl('('nlh Australian Brigade along f1llothrr trail toward cisco Hiver lIbo,'c Snlamall11. in rront or th('S() IKlSitiolls earl)' wilil other LrOOps could be - led .tta('k upon Lal', and :\Iadang. another enemy fl'gilllcnt or the and sUPPrJrting troops em- to r('illforcll the !,'lIrrisoll at lAC the a.'lS8ult on W/lu. Ill'roll- rating north of SI''''' Ind escorting destroy-Cl"S ill on the afternoon of 1 :\laITh. pted the lI('XI morning by :ruth Air 1"01'00 and hits were continued on its IlllJI and Vitia!. Stillit on the nighl of and medium bombel'!l, es- &at.e8 and fighters, on 3 i\larch disp(,l'lling or COUI'O.\', OnlS olle d/llnaged in 111(1 area on 4 ;..llIrI·h; it bombers. co"ering the monmenl ....ere drh-I'll a,,·a.\- by The rJf the the tlefrat of tllll attllPk 1I1 101l C!lll olrensinl elTott iu tho area, From I 1!U3 to • We l'nClll)' ",main...1 on the y and tactiC1lIl)', rxct'pt reI' kg b)' II('Pllnltl' and i;Iolatcd imml'<litltl' illlllOrtance to the uai\"l' df'IllOnStrutirJll thut thn IDngrr rl'inforrll their advallced of land-based .ircrafl and llinall ('raft lit night. 'tt, -The course of the 11 ".. kgan to change in other theaters u ".-ell U In the Pacific during late 1942 lind Ion Vlte ;\dlll. William F, lIal!l(ly, Jr., u e8tabhshed in the 90uthrrll SoIOIllOtlfJ hIS trooJlS "'ere ell'8tlillg up the pockets of on Guadalcan.l. Gen. o..-ight D. ElSeIlho"·cr·a rombined A.Illmea.t1 and "'u the ,\:cis hold rJn NrJrth Afrlc., and the Itu98ians ....ere drh-ing from Stalin- grad. I'resident i{OO!I(lvelt, Prime Churcllill, and their military met at Casabl.nca in January to pl.n for 1943 operaUons. Tbe British .ckno,,",oogro that the L:"nited St.tes had a major rommiunent in this 11ft lUId prom- i$('(1 full U5.inante Ollce GermMY "'8.'1 defl'8l00. The I'r('jlidellt and the Prime ;"Iinister agreed that lin should be undertaken in the Pacific Thealer, and the Combined Chiefs of Staff ....ere instMlCl('(1 to allot .dditional fOTftlll, The Joint Chipf or Staff on 9 January leqUe!lted General to 8ubmit pl.ns for the capture rJf Rabaul. 1lii1 reply st.ted th.t the Southwl"8t Pacific arell could not undertake further offensil'e rJperatiollS "'ithrJuL a rel.ti'·ely long period or preparations. The 5e\'CIlth Australian and Thirt\'-!ll.'rond Lnited Statel Diri:sion ....('0"1' being ,,;thdr"l11 to Australia for TftGnstitution .fter plotraeted mJplo)'ment in the I'apuan Cam- paign. The Marine Di"isirJll was recuper- ating (rom the elf('(;ts or Guadaleanal, and the Australian Nil\th Division, which .....flS to return rrom the Wt Nri)' in "ould h....e 10 be reorganiud .nd I"e"fl)uipped berore it could be emplo)'e<!. General -'[.cArthur's t.ctical cona'ption had Il.CIt been alterNI by the C\'enlll rJf the pree«ling [I "'lI-i bllSl'd upon the Pnlb'Tl'flIlive for.... rd nlO,'ement of air echelMIl to provide fighter and bomber for surfllC'l' clem.l'nlf upon d,e i!olation of ttlCh !lCparate to the fiual IISIlIIUIt. "It is my fiMn rollncllOn, I ,wrote an olfetlsi"e frJllrJ"'ing other Ill' , . m·' d " rJr attempted "'lth 1II5U IClllllt orce an 1110 h... ." •• bl , d withrJut IlOllod pr('pBratirJn .....1 1/L.C\"lla.)· ra. to di;lll:;U'r." Withoul thlll btill' lactltal . I actual t'OfObat had t.ught tbf I( ca, I •• , "acilit lIijl"h Command that t ,e rap".' ('Olltellll'lall'<1 ill the earl" plaus "'118 unPOlll'lble. , d "ro \'ed to he II. d<'81M"ra.te and npa- The ellelll)' III ffi . ble fighttr, and hlld toll('(·lItratl'd. su ICleut ", to make the pl.nned eamp.JgII • IrJng streng and difficult one_ _. h h A Rabanl ,,'&;1 the headquaMeJ"S of the Elg t ...... I?,, and Ihe highfr prioril)' lI&«igned to tile Thealer, lim't()(! tl,e fol'1'CI! ",hkh could I", 10 thl' I'acilif. Gelleral1illtlrertand thrn /"t·ad till' 1lI'QlJ05l'(I plan and llrt' discu""ioll ("...n- terffllln)lIl1d the of /IIl'allri for Iht ofTl'n- .".... IlgI.IH.t Itabl.lIl. .\ comrnilttr au I.ppoim...-l to rnnull(' f-.11:t0l1 and 10 I...<,("ertaill if il8 I"f'qUlff'- menl could be I'l'(!ll('t'd. but ll'llOrtt'd lllf'ronelu_ '''0Il 1111.1 lilt' forrl'" ....1 lonh .. tl1' th(' mmimum "Ilh ahirh th(' operalioll rould b... sUfl:tWfull,' utltlenalffi. I.fteMlard 11,l' .Joinl Chil';" of ...talf amlOllll('(>(1 til(' mllXlmum rrinforn>mellts for 11)·13. XI. ...1 w II()(...IMI aIM! ... ail.blt' ""oule! b.. pro\-itkd the I'Kllie neet. rf'(11I0'l!1t'i1 2 homlJard,urnl jrroulJtl and Ihl' .i di"i;;ions rould nOI bt and lhe incrrll..<f' in otll<'r'1'raft was limited to 860 fighter<. tnlll,porl_. all,1 light lind m!'<.lium bonrllf'r<, TIll' oUellsi\"C> "S pl"",,("(I. could flot be "",Ier- t"k,'". Ge'lf'flll :-lulhrrlnnd, 'nIh lhe concur- ",,",," of the oll,,,r rollfer,'f'll, l'O'commt'mled lhat the tusk for rc<lueed III tire seizure of the SoIOlllon8, Ihe COilS! of Xell Guines 10 IIladallji:. lind ,\csterll ;"ell Brilftill, 111' al."O BUg- gesled thaI airiields be on Kiri...-ina lind Woodlark 1Il IIII' SoIOlllO,I:;"1 to compclLSal1' for llot- shorlag"l' of 1)f)/llI)('I'll. TheM t...-o ull()("("uJlit-d i.llan'h;. IIi> l.11d 165 milO'l!. ll""JIf'C- lIwh·. north and llorthf'ast 01 IIhllll' Bay. pro"idt-d I(M,I.;ions from mt'diurn bombel$ "ilb f'O,'er ("(Iu1d I.lllKk on ;'\1"'" Britain and support Ihe "QUlh 1'lKilir .-ulll! III the "oklmoru<. The JOlIIt (llif.f. of kCepted both Il't'OOlfl\l"ud.1 ion;,. an<I on 29 IIlareb du-r.,lt'd Gelll ral 10 rollducl tlll"W OrgIJ"i:Uli".. uJ til( ff,,. ...,,NI Thr Orp.lll- "lion of the R!lItlll....1 1·...lf,.. art'll for III ram- r:<ct>rdingly colllplr.\ tht ... nou- l'lltioel.l rompolll'1l1:' ....en' UlUted. for lraif'ilfl! ."d larlirl.l but Il'mamed "l'INlrall' and d",tinrl for.lI Olher llul'pOBt"'. The ,\ustnolran First a"'! Artlllt'>' and lhr I"nil!'<.1 Stall" Si'l'lh .\nll-'· ,,-err under the opera- , of Alli!'<.II"'I,,1 "h,rh l'I!lsh- LOI'a ,.. '1"1 . , ., ",_, forrl'<' for eu.·h "tllllpa'j::u. II' . e" 0 • . " ( •. L'. wh,rh 1111' al'(l1I1I I"am- }lllu"a rOn". .. 'I ,._, . ., " wok 10,..."; ,I IUrlU' ('i .....1 I I''''j::'' su, I . \ .", ""d .\nH'"i"llU In lh.. ",.tm"'· . 1 of.'19.I:I, 100\\1"·1"·, till'. AI",,,o I h' (If ,\Ifleri,·"" \l'LlIS, \I p' "p all 1111 IUdl'-, ,'f' ,,.... -zation din'l'th' ur,drr Gt'nrnl ,wl,deut o'1!"'" . . " r . ·,hollt all rnt"nn"dull<' .... ,e on <) Itrad1lu"rlrr" "' " Ihl'ir ,.lTorbo lite derl'llSC of ltahlluL and MacArlhur's opinion. mij!ht b.hll' of Iht' !'aeilie. ,\ delr- i- G,'n. nidulrd 1\ Suthfr- ('hief of :"llilf. ano! 1):" (' . .I\,.nny. ('Ollllilaruirr , an.1 Ilril('. Gen. ;;1"llhelf .J Soulh"f'S1 l'lwili,' ,lrr,l. ililllry ('ollference III n... for lhe ;,wr""""d Joint of Staff !lnd .llf' Ollu'r l'a.-ili.· "rrdS. IDpt'nrd Oll 12 III"rch h.1 Ad- MI l!ll' mll1l" h.\ of Sialf al ('1.. III' of pull h"al} ba<1 suflil-it,lIt for Ull" Solomons, hUl "'Id, of (i"I1- op..rllliouul eOlllmunds 1I"",I"d "'8>\ uelie\"l'd lloat the Alli",1 1111 ",hlilioll'll :I erlli",'''', l) motOl" patrol hoat ,'d 1,816 combal ion 10 thOSl' alread)' a!'Sij::lll'd r a1l(1 Ihe Bo\"al Au,traliall ... hill' .\Ilied· Lilnd FOI"rf"'< talioll of 5 dj,'ision" Thlfi air, and na\'a\ sll'1'nglh ,,-ould commands 10 strike a major I"nl'lll\" back 10 Tnlk ill IIII' 0;1 XI'''- Guillra dllrlllit hOl"l' nlQ\·I'lllent1l. Fillsll.,' lin n%lIult 10 Ma,luII/{. "118 10 f<)lIo\\ t I""", till' :\l'''- Gfflrgill Grolll' ill 111... _0 "ullllOn..d I" bll.."'l'!I l.eken in thr e siJl1\1ltalloous aimo",,, and upon :\e,,-- Ilritalll in II... in the I'as\. Thr thl"(' tasks \\ou1l1 Ilrepa/"{' Ihr of Ka,if'ng IIn<.l Ih,' isolatlOlI it of 11ll\'al support ami 'ur- The .\1Iil'>' ,,-ould hili, .. l'>' to gain air •. ill ("Quid weaken the .JtllllllI....... ""lIl lind aerial bomhar,hnelll. ary operntions ,,-er.. cOIlIIJleled. would hCJ(in llll' cuhnll'lltiliit ri8M. bayoMle and pnad_ll cO!Illy proc ".. Japan_ ,..fmI trailll'd and el:luip oPE'rationll. Thflr fampaign into th(' ..., Pacific .... I"tInfuUy plalUwd Illllily )' but IlOflI' of lhf' .-\lIi("l had made iDtIuding tholJlo ....hit-h in the P ............. PHCkd additional amphibious t • bMo", IMy rould bE' employed in lYe .,-lion_ '"'" 1Ihortajtl' or Iandm, craft o\her equipnlf'llt, .. hieil lIad impeded traininlt in lhe preYioUll "'11$ allc\'.' by the .-ignmmt of thl' Sennth Amphi Fort"f' or tht Xnv)" aud Ihe Enginrer Spe<-ial Brifradl' or till' [niwd S Army to till' Southwl'OIl Pacific 1I11'1I. Thl'Sl' Wt't'l" dl'OligPl'd for dilfl'll'nt The command Willi dl'OliKIU'i1 for t1LlIjor IIrnplli moYrml"llw. and WI.Il NIlIipl}('.1 with trllllS I'argo v_Is, and Ill.l1dinJ: ("111ft of Illl tYlIl'll, tht' t'J\¥illef'f11 had .mall 100M" "·ilh a !1Illge or mort' than 60 mil.... d('/li"."r<l fOl' to s oprratiollll. ror tl"tlining givpn to Roer Adm. Daniel E 1l11l"bey, COlli df'r of tbl" S'H'hlh Fo....e, 011 8 Fe arv 1943. Earll ....k ro....r ll..'<Si!-"lINI to II IJulir 1rU givf'n Ii l"QlIlplrte Il'hClU'blll, indu duo unkJeding of ltllPIJ!il"'" 1111<.1 ('(Iuil,ment, i d_WIy brfOI'l" till' opt"rlHioli ... as IIndl'rta OrouDd, air, and na....1 11.1$0 utilized bttwfftl l"ampaiJ(lIS to compll'le .aaadard &Nining Wl'akn.- broughl ou -at '"'"' oYrn-omr, and m'''''' Iy alTh'ed .Il' .... _ taught thr t('('hniqut'1 of troplCilI I...... warfare. All th_ ll"llininJ:" mis8iollS =,f,rt.!r- by till' indi,-idual Ge 0 ......... SOUth......t I'aeilie all"a pub!" ... -.w pIaD for thr TJ" "... Thl' I-'t'lLeral scheme 01 01 l!Jifott of 2"J Io·,'hnlll.ry ... ....... plallll, bUl no &it eI&abIiIII. a dfofinitl' date ror IIH' begUllI .... of tMneee-i'e The Clllllllllign diYided imo 6". ",parato iu\.('l1lepefi operatiml.L The initial "'flS the cllplu LIe by a ClODIbintd drivtl of ILll nirbOrHi\ f ....._ overland throulCh Ihu \lnrkhnnJ K VaIIe;r alld.,. fOrl'e moving alonl!t eoM'in...oonft. Salamauu WIIS to be .., 1JotIl. utaeb, but lo'jr\8Cbhafen find other _ ... B_ QuU.\'itiu Slrflit I\rcll ,,'e/\' iI ...... Ii "I' .. __ 11l1o !'!!':!i 0 I .7'" LL 0-. .MMId .-.,.:. .. 0-. ..... 1w._..-_-- ............. 71.- .-. ..... i ,., .... .......................---, ......' ......, - .... wiIIliaMto tI ....... II Tnk· '&ldo' ,t.,' 't " eunen. I ' - ... P'* ' , '11 ..... ...... ?' r.-'"8oIII&heR aDd .... .... W &he equiv"" of 15" ...... wiIb ldteduled to um'tI from tItf. Uai&elI &&a_ etariDI' 1M3. 8n'ftl Mlditioftal A... &nIiu 15 mt-Dk'y IIDd 2 _no ...........lIt.e1y waiIled DOl' equipped, ud wtn ,.... loJ def_ of the majnland and for _ .. prMOD aDd IlI'rice in rear ..... 'I'M I ADiId eommMde bad applOZimatel, I,UO ........... of III tJlM" of tt-e. 3IlO earri«-o ..... .. 100 1aad-I:lued ainnft Wflftl UDdw ....... ...,., lbeother 1,000 ........... o.n. ........1IIar aft! 1IDi1e "'" .....,. ('(NI- t cd .... 8IMdh hcifie aNa. AdaliNI ..........., ghqr, 2 eun.a. t eurifT -'Ii 11 eo 0)11" .. 41 .... ... 0-.1............. 11.01. ............ _' kG). ......... "'.,......121 rl ..., . ....MiIlIO ' " ' ••••' h we 2" ... 1., ......... .,. iai .... .............. p. II ....................... ....... ',' ........ ............. Ad- ..8, .. ,.,- ... .. ; "'2 ' ' ....._o0oi_ ......... _, .1 tliaD 01 ... ........ The New Guinea Fol't't' J't'maint'd ...... AIIW Lad Folt't'lJ, _hirh by thit! aetion ". refitftd of control of American trooPB l"Xrt'pl .. 1hq .... tIIIigned for aJlf'<'ifir operatiorlll. The Utited StatM Filth AF and thf' Royal Air Foret' Command wert" to Allied wbill' thl" Cnitfd Stal.f'fls.-venth neet and unilll of thf' Royal AWltraJian and Royal NetherI&n:D Navies w..,'t' grouped undf'r Aliii'd ani Foreea. n- two rommanrn. rrmaint'd uniMd lh."Ougbout all oPf'ratioWi of lhl" Routh- .eat Paeik area, but lhl" naval UIlits w..rr di.,idt'd into wpalStf' wk forrf"l arrordill,l!: to .-igned. Thf' AWltralian .llil' Royal Autn.lian Air ForrPll, and lllf' t mtro StatM, R-yal AUfltraliall, and Royal S .. Naviea ••,.. l'arb rt'lIpoI\lliblf' ror tho> adminilltra- tion and aupply of illl own nationals. }o"or ad- minilltrati:m tllO>y WI'.... J'l'IlpolUliblo> to MacArthu only in maltt'ra of broad polr('y. Th(' United Slal.l'O> Army Se,.... irps of Supply pro\'idl'd 10Iiatieal &Uppor&. for lhl' Amo>ri('an ground and air ioruB. but tbl'rt' Wall no ..ajor adminislratiw unit for thl' l"llited St.,tn Army. GO>lli'ral Headqu.a1.frR bad ..ulMd tlUB burdl"n durill¥ 196, though its orpni1.ation bad not bf'f'n deaicned for administrali.,l' fun('tion. It waa rt'1if'ved of this administration duty in Februar) 1943 by thl' arti\'alion of tbr t'nitl'd &.at.ea A"Dly Fom'l& in tbl' Far F_t. TJuo Sixth Anny, thf' Fifth AF, and tho> t'niled Statf'fl Anny &rvi,," of Supply wert' plarrd undl'r thl" adminiaCralive OOIltrol of thl' n(ow headquartfra. It ... M ,",norm aliataft' dutice iru-ident to rom- mud, eJft!pt thoee rPlat.iufr to BtJ'aUgi(' or tal"tiral operMioIla. O_raIlrluArthur, u Commandl"r m Q1WBouIh••t area, direrted duo oom- W _,Ioyment and kaining of the combined umieI, UM, and lUI' fol'l't'EI, but, at the ....e tIlDe, II Omeral., UlriWd Stetl'fl An:a.,y a.- m tIJe Par Eut, be .aa the dit't'et eomm·..... of the American ground and air unit!. Other cluplicatiom 01 oommand made the pit'- litre .,... evan mot't' rompliraWd. 01"0. Sir 'l'homM A. Blamey ... the eommander of the ......... MillIal'J 1I'en. and Allied Land Vioa Adm Arthur 8. Carpender of the AIIW ani FOMI!lI aDd 1M 8eTenth Fleet, Lt, ..... c Kemv of the Allied Air 1I'0"*" OeD. Walw Kruepr of the 8iJ:th Army lone. In lplce of dUa appannt wed wan elear IDd 1IIIi,!r 7 had defb:IiU and IIlw,.ifir dllli,"" amI ..s, 'Ill roordin.. t('l:!llnd ,.ont",II('<1 by O"Ill'rnl :\Inc Bnd hiB stalT. T"" filial G,'IL"I"lll ll"lId'l\lllrlt:'1'II pared lh(' final plan for the 1943 offt! Ellt1Qn Ill, and isaut'<1 lIr'·(,ll8nry wlIl'nillg oJWtIllior18 ir18lru.. .. i'l ::\hy. AlIi,od rommantl dl'l'dolWd 0.....11 11lnll fo dl"ligllawd op('ration, lout ..... in constnllt BlIltalion wilh Ih(' otht!I"!!. LiAison om" .. "" mBintainMi !l\' rll..h ('ommuwl III, otht:'r ('ommands; joint 81aff ,·01lf.'r('II(''''' 11'.. 1'1' fr(''lll ..aU..d. TIll' til/'(' l'rohl('ll1 Ilull <'ould '10 tlOh·r,1 in Ih_ ways WliS tnk.. n up hy Ih.. 111I1.[1(1('1'11 in\·olv('t!, or if 1I("'''''8I'l"y, r!'f('rr>tIll for final Thl' gent:'ral plll.n of mkloll Ill, liko its deeellSOl'II. projeocted Iho following Hnes of n the I"llillblishmeot of airfields Oil KiriwiAB Woodlark 1!llullds; ad,'nnct:' along two linf!9 on the weat, 010111(" the 110rlhe;l"t eo New Guinea to lIf'ize thr lluon Peuinsulu A far as lhen lIcross Ihe Vitillro SI lIf'iM tI,e wPtltem N..w Britnin Hen, on the northw·eslwll.rd through the Solomons to 8Outhl'lI.lltem llollgain\'illo. These objectives pre-liminary W lh"" seiwre of nllbllUI lind occupation of the Ilisrnllrrk Arcllipehlgo. Tht! establWlIllenl of Ilirfields on W IMland 1"8.8 ronlli,It!J'('(1 II nt'CCS$lIry prt:']irnillil the Ilf'izure of the soulh"ustern Boug"ill\'il1l' in onler to pro"idc wider emploYlllcnt of nil' and obtain dOllf'r lIul'jlorl for operatiolls " Buin-}o"aiai, The cslubli"hmcllt of Ilirfirld Kiriwina W88 conBitlell'd to b(' complelllClll1l Ole occnpation lind donlopmcnt of W and W/Ill required for control of the "il' 0'· Solomonll Sea to llllSisl the llllvflllN' II10ng" wl'IIwm axiII, Early OI',>llpution nlld eomwli,l of both wandll Willi conBid,'retl 11l'\1"I"tor.\'. scale oonttolidation, howe"el', "'oul<l huvc to the development of ,ltlllqulIW lightrr cover Goodenougb JllIand. Genenll "heArthur ph that in order to mllintuin the initillti\"6 nAIl tain Japa.n_ forrell in the SOllth.I'CSt I' Theater, continuous "ir ueli,'it)' on II jll'c_ o1fe lICllle and early inlihrnlion lIttllcks nlong ax., avoiding. OOlUmilml,lllt of illlportlll11 f abould be lltarted iuuucdintf'ly 1I1ll! p vigorouely. Tbe tuk of advllncing "long t he required the &ul'<'essivo seiwre of the LlIC-' bam Valle, 1!.N'8, the occupution of thr '"' th(' ...irolll'e und orClll'"t" , , '" 10Jl " III Wit I tiC Ohj·(,Cli,·(' 0"" ' .,n·lIrmg furth{'l· Il<lvIIII('('s, Illld 1)11' atlOn .of "],HllIIl/o: to Prol",,·t rh" ()p('rnl,ons !llonA" the CIl"t"'r11 lind eonsolidlltioll, or neulmli. ,,,. G"".lJ'gin lIirlields, the of IlJI"fi{'ldll ill lh.. Bllill-Fill S ; of Kintll, 1II1<1 Ih.. Iwr believNI thllt 11.,' ,"I\.,,,,,.t:' . art'" along the ('llslc'r1l \I"S pend inA" illlplcmrntlltioll of B 011 Woodlllrk to )Iro- 0Ylllelli lind doset support of and th.. imp)"'lICntnlion of lIir_ ami lhr Ilrrll to nel1ll"!,liro., llir bnscs "I Bukll. Ilub"ul further helir'·l'(llhut PY tlie I\'(!st('rll potlioll of Xl''' It cou!/1 nOl prior 10 of llirfidds in thr 1,,1t' 11Il<llor &rell. e of Illnllru,·t'r "'liS 10 impro"r piet! forII'llI'd "ir bl/st.'S; oceup.I· which (·ollid bt:' BCCI,retl Inrgn force,,; .."'ploy "ir fOIT!'s &0 BOrtNI up lind to g"ill illilifll till) inililll nWI{'k ohjective:" j "'itll llpprojlrllllf' "oslill) ,iiI' llud destro." IIl1d "llipping witliin rllllge; forll'llr,l, covered by "ir Ilnd tain first objt:'rli,·rs (.-xisling air hllllf'S) nnd eon$Olid"l(, the a"i'll ion fOf" II ttl 011 to ellplurrd to he rejJclltrd to SIl"(·C;;;;;"," by nil' ,,<:lion. or b.,' lIir. , inl,'rnll"dint .. cnelllY slrong U\o,'clll('nt LO he ro,·('rr;1 l'llll nir lind ""II tHl;;CS ,donI(" I' Bukll, H"huul, l"lI'irllg. obj('rLive of inlerrupling "lid lupl",rt, "lid rrinfotl·('III.'1I1 of k, IK"complisl,,"rlll of III<' objl"'- till" .\Ili"d Ail" FMC,"! I·,'('('i\"(,,! to dl'''U·OV Io"slih' lIl"illlioll. ppinJo; in lill' g.'"rl·1l1 SIII'I'0l"t- Solomons N"II' In')"'1<1, ;"'"" tJi "OMI N,'''' Guill('U; 10 M tl ... Soulhllhll l'"rir.,· ltlsk fore('S· to sUI".' I " " ," " It tiC' I" ensc of "Cllr 01·"'",,1 1>USl."l. ' . . , to )lrO'·I,l, tmllsjJort 1I,-iu for Soulhw'ost Pncific ojlCnl!iolls· IHlli o '1.)F!'p,,!'ed l.o pl"()"ide gcnrm! Ilit SUIlIlO:t for . .of Ih., s.-.ulh I'IIcir.e lIrCI<. d(,.llld('{1 Jllnns ('I·ol\·,,,l, G"IIeml Kl"('ug<>,'"s .\lulllO "'S" .. I ' "" nlltmh' LII' ell.mplIlgn on 15 JUlIC liy II1I'oc<'upsllonof k II'··· I . , U<J<t t<r IIlH 'l..lrl\\''''u. . I \I II, 10 h., Ihe hl'llt IImjnt umphibiol1$ 11l0"C1l1ent m Iii ... Southw,", " 'r. ' ' . . .. ,1('1'1' nreu and rC'lull"t;d tl", «IOIWl1tllOll of lis Illnd, lIanll. /lnd IIiI' forCe! "'ith of ,\dmirul Hnlse,' garri""" lind cOI;s;ruclion troops for \\'ovd- Wfn' b,r tIll' SoI1Lh I'llcifie urell. Bild "rtl\r;! Sl Towlls,-ille in 1I0J'Ihw('St"rn .\((strnlill Iwt"('{·" 21 :\1>1.1' and 4 Junc. The UJlils for Kiri_ Wlllll. srll Llen,1 fronJ.l'ort "I ol'l"!hy 10 '·lIr;Ol1s 1000nl1111'8 011 1111' maililulid (If .\ustrulill.. Their eOlleenlr,ltion III :\Iilll" Bn.I' "'liS Ilctullllv 1101 coml,lrlC<!lIl1lil 2" Jun,'. nlld Ihe 111'1-":t <lilt" wus pOBlpon,,,1 until .IUIl<'. L·ndl'r Ihe originul pilln lht:' Xl'W GUilH'll Force w,'s 10 1I11lkP" di'·"l'lliolllll"r ,,'tllck Lowurd SlIln- 1l1l'11I( ill .)une 10 1I11rlllioil from 1111' 1Il0'·(>('wnl to \roodlnrk nnd Kiri"'illll, but WS8 to dclll.\' iLi SSl!llllh upon 1..ol6 unlil I .\ugust. l",rg., IIIo'·rn,ellls in this region w.'r,· impl"M'licnhle h',(,Il.115t' of "'Illrl'llllllcl thc l'onsr'lUrlit dnng,'r of mlljor 10SSt.'S from nir "uuck, Short'-Io-shore lId"lIncrs ,,"rn' limit('(1 b.\" till" "gf of smull 11Inding crufl; o\"rrlllnd nlUicks through the IIIolllllains w<'re hin<!('rl,,1 br th., dim_ cliity of sIIppl.\', hnildiellils '\"frc to hi' sur- mount,,,1 by" eombil1('(llllllphibiolls. IlirborllC, and o"crlllild t1rin' upon IJIe from the rll;;t lind ,,"lOSt. .\n inlllu<l lillt' ()f cOIIHllunicntions from thl' l",krkllllll! ,i,·"r 011 tI", P"pllllll COIlSt Ilrross Ih,· Owell-SIMI!"", 10 Will' WIIS to 1)(0 eonstruet,'<l.l\nl! Lh,' mil in III"i,· of the g.,vcnlh .\IISlnlliun Di"isioll \l'ith IIII' bulk'of it.;: sll)lplie" lind "'IIIlpllh'lIt \l'IlS tv mon' O'·I·'·!>""! to II", .\lllrkhlllll \"allr.\'..I.B thr"," fort','s 1l('llrc"lthe objedin.", one l",uulioll of Unit('(1 SIUH"! plltllrhlltl' infulllr)' wa" to capLure Ihe IIiI'· fi"ld III j'I,'"'ld?"l> Oil thr .\lurkhnm Ri"cr, 81111 Ih... r"lIl1linillg troops of the ad,",llle,.. to be flown in. \rII,·" thl''''-> grolll);:! JOI"':1. Ihe IIlth \ s\nlli"n Dinsion w"s 10 t:'mllllrk !II till' slllllll , . II ,_" of I!II' &'rolld Eligilll"'r I3rigll.r,· llJld .oil,"" " , hUld 011 llt.,,,dll'S (If LuI'. Thr lno IIHSIOII" would Ih,'11 [,.ogin sHUCks .1lJl(JIl th.' 1'1I"'1ll)', dri,·illg him from Lac nnd r.<JIlLIIlUlllg 011 " o"",nnlln F,"srllhaf,'n, lind )T.ludsli ,nil' 111111 "'" , pletion of the Kiriwina and Wuodlnrk 0lll' by tht' Sfoventh Amphibious Fol"C(', In ElJ:tma III Admiralllabt-Y'Q BS6Rult u N_ o.orgia Group ..... to han" b<'fll II unUi atw $he "' Guinea Fol"Cc enptu HUOD Gulf-Vitia &rait Ul'a. The South CommaDder bad objected to this II08\Jlon of hill initial .tlaek from tht' tilllll of thc ElifoA pIanI, Ymally, he came to BrishBnl' -r_with duo ('Ommantll'r in chicr lind bia permj8aioD to launch tbe fulI-!lC8le off instead of the dP'ftot.fd infilll"liion, (or duo N_ Om- Forno to romplc!e iu c 01 w, Sdamaua, and FinwhbBfen, In Iobt> SoudIwNt Pacific, IllI the tailk ror pleted their pima and --.-mblN! thl'ir troo and othK uniu of Ihf" VnilN Army of Supply and the AUlil Milituy FomN Mveloped .nd improH'od .i at )fh Bay, BUD&, and GootIl'liough to p do8e ligbt« to1'l'r and .upport for the .mph IIlOTl'IDI'Pl8 and _ult". Reconnaissan woIs, ainnft, aad gathered inf tioo landing beach('S, teTTllin. and MriaI COIK'ftItntaons, shiplling, and def ••lhtioDl 'Ibe s.,'·enlh '\lOphibioUli ita tnrnlporu .nd landing e TownmDe and )lilnI' ,\IIiOO Xa,'al -uee and subsurface ,-_Is gUllrded Ii eommunic:aUob and IlUpply rom'oys, lind al _ylIbippm,. DuriDc thia ptriod or prel)ll.l'ation, I'lcme &he Allied Air Forcea "'ere hastily movin po.i\iobl;.t. tilt' M1riy dl','dopOO strips on) by, Milne Bay, and the Buna are•. March and April many of the fighler grou obWned Jonc-raoge fi¢tlers. The I' 38 h rind in the tIl.-ter .nd hlld demoulItr'lll __power and range. Tho range all power of &he B-2S mooiwn bomber and bad incnuNt by the addition of extra taDb aod. 8 (orwud .50 Cl\liber milchinc W"rth theooopention or tJlC South Pndfie air &lteAllied Air Force dl'*troyl"d IHIII dllmagcd thID 3OO/apIII_ planee in Rerilll comhat the IfOtIDd during JUlie; totnl IOlllluge of dropped.outugetain thia area rose 10 nlOre th lor the mouth. TIle enemy Wllil inl DLUD direction or the olffusive h.y hca"y 011 Koepanc, Ambon, Timor, 1I11<l 'flulim baf ...........mtheN"thl'rl.nd EllIlt Judii'8. D. ....... tn1Be mDUkh rode throllgh l1Id DInriD, Perth, and Merlukll hdJH,<1 to co at leust II dinrsionary llltlll'k (rom northwesti'm Austl'llliR OOllrusl'{1 by Ihe simultanl'01I9 liolls aad wel'tl unl\hl e 10 roll_ undo or 118.'al (orc("l a!-'lIinst TIll' initial 1lI0"l"1l1"1lt uf m.d(' plaru,,'tl lIud oonslrul"tion perli.", k lind Kiri";1l1 on 23 aud ror the arri"al or tl,l' IIIlin I Jul,)". Gtound ant! aUli_ mslllllOO on both isJ.ands ant! . kly rompleteod. The Si.",., ron from the South Pacific misolions from Woodl.ri.: 011 nl.\·-nintb .\uslralulIl uadron rrom Kiri,,·in. 011 18 &hroughout the enlire period reoonnaissant:l' and t ..-o Jig\lt, raids on 26 July and 2,\ugu;;;1. tions to proteet the I.ndings but. they h.d bft.n baseod on of tJle capabilities of the 't.y of resistanee .lIribut, ful Allied allaeks upon aDd also to tbe fact tb.t thf • large percenlage of his of the Solomons. ronn.lions of IUI"y Halsey's fOl'Ce'llliithey lalld- . Group, but. 101 ,,'ere de-- • loss of 17 Allied aircraft. daih' bUI ,,;th diminislliuj!" mllde Ulltenabl(' b..' as eltemy IOS!II'S IllOUlllro. lighters and bombers &l"lion b)' 15 July. were al;;o Ihrown illto tile 'l'll and reiltrore..,.nentll, but. G'\Ijij(>J1I oul of 20 were sUlik Kula Gulf on the nights of Two others were prohabl.'- and Allied 10SS('s were stl'ongl." ximlltdy 10,000 ,,'croJ ('Ou' da all Nc'" G('Orgiu alld hangllrll, lind .500 otlirl"il from VllgUlili to ,'ellll landing was mlldo nL Segt coast of Nt'" Georgia " .JllII", but Ilw oJ.erll.Lion lImper began on 30 '1lllle Io,v th.· SCi1.ure of Wickha.m ,\ on :t tip or and Rent!o'-a f,!Pltu'nlj of the Forty.third Infantry J I l·"ptured lwacht"ll ea.,;t of )Iunda on 2 ,ul), amI Ihe I._ult 011 thill port hq......n six da\"s 1«('lnfoI't'eIllCnla rrom the Twenty.fifth a;ld J)1\"i.;ions "'I'f(, brought in, and )llIncJII feHaftl'r 'IHen" lighting on;; August. In lhl' ml'anii/lll' l'mtcd Siaies llnded lit U'N". Anl'llOrage on" July and cleared the northern portIOn or Ihe isl.nd b.l' the "'fCk of "\Ugui!L of Ih(' CllCBped 10 Kolombangva, ,,11I('h ... .lreatl..· garmoned, but .\d. ",'Iral decidl'O;l to bypa:.iI it and .ttaek \ ..lIa LanUa 10 dIP IIOrth. .\ force ...-as pUI ...hol'l' at \'1'11. LlnU. OIl 13 Augu;;l "'hich cleal'l!fl IIII' b..adll'll ror th.. landing 2 daY" latC'l', ::im.U""t'aI(' ac:lion rontinul'd for 8 ..-ceks unlil Ihe Japollll"'l' _ere ('\'acuatl'd on thl' mgh. or 6-. Ck-loM. .\fle( Xe... Grorgia .IM! \·ell. tAnHa "ere ",-i>M,'II .·as or little ...Ioe to lbe Japallf'!ll'. 11I('y began b..'1!"f, and dcsU'Ol'er on 2S Stpll'mbcr .nd by Oetobcr the souLhem portion of the island, including the principal base .nd .irdrome .t \·il.,'>I.n/DOl'f', ..·.01 occupiM by l"nilt"ll !>a fOl'C'f'" TIle fe.' l'l'IIl.ining hoslile troops 1m'" quickly dealro,,'ed and the Xl'''' Gl'Orgi. ClIIIlJ)llif.'1l .....s declan'<1 oIIiciall)' elided Oil 15 Oclober Lar'&{QIltQIlQ.-·Xt"lIi' GuinN Force rompll'loo the OCt'upatioll of the Huon Gulf_"itiu Strait ar('ll Illis ;;111111" period. The initial ..... I.d to"-artl as directed bl' the Thirtl 1)1\ I,ion Wau. The Fift...entb BrigaM ad'·."Cl'<1 to,,·.rd Bobdubi on 30 June "5 1 ll'iufol'('('(l l>lIttalion rombat team of the CUlled i)latCli One Hundred and Si:<IJ..;;cooud Infanl ...' made an ulloPllQ:;et! landing at Xa;;;;au Bar. wti and lbe .\meri- eal;s rorwanl Ihreatj>Il('(1 II rear wlull' t!l., &\cntl'<"Il1h Brigade d:"C down thc Bitei ni.'er. Allied air /lttaeks on ),1111>0 wcrt' de"aaling /lild Ihe Jatl8nc;l(l "'cre drinn out 011 13 Jul..', Tln'y 10 defen- , ','",0 ,,-II]I;! \Jounl Talllbli "'hcre the 81"0 I , ,,, • . . ,\l1i"d dri"e ll'lJIJlIlmrllr halted. Two bal- • " r ",_ Que llllmlr('(1 and • ' IlIfllntr,\' lhclI b('I:0n II mOl'enleut up the roast , .. ""n to Tambu Bar, bnt were slopP'-,<1 roll) l'u._ ,',,' ,( , , rth of Ihl' Illtter Ii)' the. I ,cuI ermlll 0 Hidb'C' The 8ippollcse lUIC8 of <:OllI' _' '. were eut by patroll and tlIelr front- ..... ud rear m....nationB -..e barust'd by ainft& ud artiIkry, They triNi. to brKk die IIowb ck<n:lopmg encJn'lHnl'l1t by countt:... MIacb fnm Mount Tambu on 1&-17 AlljtUlIt, _ wert' T1wy '"'"' dnvm 10 rMirt' to ttl' FraDriM'o nTH, Tbe Firat Battalion, ODe BWW'fd aDd SiJl;tY«'('(lnd InfantTy joinM tJNo otbllr two on tbe roMt aDd the AJIi«! fof('('t\ brcua a MDbined drive on Salamaua, The final -mt IItart.OO early in Septt:mblor. Tbl' Fran- ciIoo BiTe' line "Ill bn:adJed on the lOth and 2 dap; IaIM the airliPld, port, IUId w"n wt'!'l' l1lp- tUffd by 1I:Ip AttlIlralima. Salama,a unimportant ill illlPlf. Th.· prinpipal lbjppt of the PampaiJcn Willi to div"rl troop froR lAW and to mislt:ad thp "Ilemy lUI to thp main Allitd objpptivp. Tbl' trak1O' lluM"t"l"ded. Over 4,010 JaplUll'llP 1IOiditfll WI''''' killl'd and valuablt: llJDalI praft. and material 110' ...... Jo.t. in vlin allt>mplll 10 hold a UlK'leaa potition. The Fltll AIo' aid"1 Ihl' dp<'l'ption Il('hpm" by mllkiw: h...vy air raids upon ?oalamaua, hut coneflltnll'd upon IIw nl'ulraliution of I'nl'my air MrE1lgtIa $I pn"parationll for thl' I.... _ults, Baida Uplll till' 4 major ainlroml'll al Wrwak "'P...• mlUlltJl'M>d on 17 and Ifl AUgtillt by major strikf'll. whkia dfttroyl'd Ol'l'r 200 airaaft in addition to IarF qWllti""- of supplil'8 and t'quipmoot and wbirb inlirll'd lwavy euuahit'll to )lo'l'llOnnpl. 8bulllIJ"nidsupon thiabul', Hansa Bay. and olbl'r peaitiona in N_ OUIIU'& 1I"l'.... I,'Onlinuf'd dailv, JI:Demy iltl'11leptioD .... Iighl and thtoir pilob .... aad altt:r tb.. hHavy 1_suf- lend m bill lIl'ctor and m thl SoI0m0", AmPri. _ IIDd 1.......uan ... atWkf'd aImoat wlKon ........ ...,-. DuriIla dlia period.. a&rong !.Uk 1_witll Par- rilI'I aIritd from Bapiritu Santo and El'alt: in tile 80aIb Paei&c area, and Admiral BaIat-y'l aIrmIft. tepn raida on aouthem 1oapin'tiDl' u if Ul _ult ",sa oontftnplatt:d ...... ID ..., September Allied Air lI'om:. att.eb .... lW'CJ'OIDa& at Wetrak BIIlII& Bay. AJmeha. ... MadaIw. and IN' Briam ainIromea WE'N -_.m 1RIIIIber Ibd atreIllrth, aDd the Nmt.b -_.......................... til .. iIYeIith Ampbibioua P_ It MilDl' ",or' ....".--, tn:lopa laded on • 8l'ptembl!J" ... u.1he mout.b of Boau - "" Ii 1M, W.... OPJl<"ll'iliou from quickly nall'd 1111,1 til<' units mO"NI illlllllli. P'lrfll "aplm... ' i\1I<V.ah sirlil'ld On ;:; Sellll'lllbl' airhonll' for",... from I'orl :\Ior/'sh.y llnivl'tl s aftt>rward. TIl" t"Omhillpd opl'l"lIlion WlUI dUl'l,,,,1 Ill< plaulw,l ami l.ilt' '1"18 in ,\l1i"d 011 16 &'pl<'mhl'r. hut G,l til<' .'...·np...l 0\'/'1' IIIl' mou to Saidor. 'I'll{' al)8('I1<'" of e" ai,' inll'rvenlion i ...·riI'S of opc,raliolls is I'vicll'lll'" of l!l" dr'·tliv of AlIil'tI impo!W(!llI'utrali1.1I1ion of .llIpM" air I<trips in W""ak and ill IIIl' Bisma!'"k , pplago. n"'<l""Jaj",. IJ1Jm/1U. alia Si<J.-i\c·w G Io'ort,.., a"l'Orcling 10 ".:lit""" ""IS 10 ..xploitlh· toJ'?" by illuu..tlialr asMullS upon Finschlmfl' upon Kaial'it in till' .\Iu.rkluun \'"Il ..,I' wC'st I....·roll Ril'pr. Airdrollws "'el"l' to hI' dc"'p fJukkly to sUPIKlrI furlh.. r ol'erntions ditl'{' .\Iadanl(: north or lIuOII I'I'ninsulfi lUld GlollrMlt ..r, Gl18IIlIIIIl. an" "rawl' in II'cost.. rll Brilaill. Till' ,hilI' fol' theS{' sul:>sl'<l \O'lI$ \ i\o\'('lnl,,'I', llu. same to Ilw Muth I'adfi,· UI''''I fo,' tlH' S<' of Bougaillvill<·. Wh,'11 Cll'lll'ral .\[uCf\rlhur IUlll till' r...lll<ibility of tl,t'S(> simultfln...ous amphi ll8II8l1lta Parly ill ,\ul,:ust. th.. utluc·k 1l1101l W Xl'\\" Uritain \O'as poslpolIl'lJ unlil 20 i\OI'.. m Ihat lb.· ,\mphibions Fo,'c" would pipIt> ita qllpporl of Ihe N,·w O\lin..o 0Pl' belol"<' thp olbpr W88 und,'rtllkcu. On 3 S...!)te a hi¢t eommancl ronrc'reur,' WllS (·olled to COli Ibl' advill&bihty of ('olltinuillg wilh til<' l' outJinp, It wlI$ tondudl'd that 111l' pot"n !t"'al 1I1J't'ngth of th,· .\Illdnng gn,.risolls. could bl' quickly ....illron·{'ll to 27.000 inlllnd lim's of "Oll,llIU tiona. madl' that oppmtion lellll'o,·nril.v prohihi TlKolinai pl&Dll (ormnlalt·,1 nt this confc"ellt'" _ul'<! all opt'ratiolls iMlruClions. Tb.. Npw Guin,'a Wll;; 10 8<·i1.(· llird siwe at Kaiapit. Dum!lu. 1111,1 Fin8d,hnfell. "'lI$ to 1IN'u...... by infiltralion, th.. uorlh l"O tbe Huon Pl"ninsula. indllllillg Sio lIml SlIi,l additional protoP<-tion for O.. nl·ral I\ru"j;rr' Mult upon Capt' Glouc"st,·r. The lIUtllck Madang "118 polItpon...1 indefillitl'l.y. Th.. p....lill'linary OperlLliollS w,'re nn,le: imm..diatt:ly, EllOnWIlIS of tl ... Sl'\'<'nth j)lV paptured Kaiapit on 20 SeplNnl",r; flud, ('n teriltg 't"fl111ttJe op()O$itiotl, occupied Dtu n Ie of the Ninlh Di,'isio ll hhllfen on 22 Sl'lltemh.'r lI"d from this port on 2 Octol"'r. treflt"d to SlIldberg, ,}f llIill'S Ii l'stllblish..d strOllg d.. f..,,_ d"\'l'loIWd o"d lIlailllllined tion from 1111<1 tantllli "l'infore"lllpnlS we,." h('r. The n,I\'· of lho thus I\'IIS hallcd notil 2,; .'\0- , adc !lIt.lIck, snppor("d hI' l'limin!lwd enem" r.. f<'ollowing defeat, tlop slowly lUll! pninfully 'llong oc"upicd h}' thl' Auslrnlinn Ih Pllci,ic Al'en lIud Alnmo , ... , completed lheir pl'epllrn_ tlu·i .. sepamte lIsslluhs. The iral II nls(lY's eomlllllnd afle,' O..orgillS lI'e!"e Ihe call(ure of airfields nelll" Fnisi in the and lIellr Buill on soutllNn the objectivl' of estublishing to support a fU!"lher ndvanee Aircraft. from these trali1.e l3uku 10 the north uld dose the S<'f\. lUute to Gffirge Chflnnel. wus sll'ougl.\' fOI'Lified nt tmnissllncc' disclosed there lind for lIir(Io'ol1le conslrue- ds, Admirul Ihls..l' rrCOIll- plan which would obviate pr /ls;;flulL. Treasury Isllnul il of lho Shorlillruls, lind to llOuthcll$l, ""spccti\'el}', of lightly held by tloe ellelll)". uft'll Oil 1 Novelll!.>"r nfter Georg-in lind V"ll, Ln\"..lI" . From tloese nd""ncrd rom/'s on 130ugnin\'ill(' and i1.e,1 lll\(1 IIII' Wlll' c1..M..d Kavi,'ng 'Uld H,li.lOul in 19H. invill •. ",,,re consid"I'",J uelll ,Ill licks, ll"()oPS could l.w Ill\ll.nd to Empl'l'SS Allgusl11 or from Chois"ul to [';il'\l1 er lI,h'lInc'" would e1imin"tu king till' pl'incipal .. Bui,l. . agreed with the concep110 n ing stl'englh whurovel' pmctiea!.>!e, bUL he obj"cle<! 10 the postponement o{. H.le lI8Slllllt UllOn BOllb'llirl\'i!le. .Airfields on t us 1S1uud, ho belie,'ed, were neel'8SlIl'}' to l'nable l.he Pnei/ieair forces to os;;ist in the neull'n. of IhbauJ nnd thl' SllPI)OJ'l of SouLhwc'St IlIc,fic upon W/'Slern Nl'w Brilllin. Rep- of l1w two collf..rr('(1 at !lr'ishl\ue on 10 September. The Comlllnnder_ mild.. II 111'(11100II1 whicb not onl}' utilized A.drmrnl re{'Ommendntions but also pro- '·tded thc South Pacific nil' support required for Sollth"'c'SL P"cific o]lf'rnliOIlS. General :\Iae_ airernft, prolected bJ' fighters from J...'TlWIllO. would ullnck nirdromes and shippillg "I Ihbllul and Buka from 15 October to (i NonIll- her. ,\dmiml IInlS<'y. supported bJ" th('$(' raids would occuI''' Treasur... Islund "nd northern ahout 20 October for the purpo;lC of eslablishing rndar and motor lorpedo bont buS<.os. Thi.3 prelifninnr}' mO"e would be followed II mnjor attllck upon th.. Empress Augusla Ba.\' region on I Ko\"embl'r. Thc pl"n WlIS nccept/'<l. South Pacific air forel'S increased the weight of their regulnr lItlncks upon BOllgnil\\·in.. lind olher positions in the northern Solomons, lind th.. SouthwC$t PlIcific nref\. initiat ..d 'its 11551\1111$ upon RlIbnnl on 12 October ufter photogrnphs disc1ose<! a sudden in- erense in fighters Thrc<! hundred nnd thirLl'-cight Allit'd lIirplanes struck the sinlromcs IIlul harbor the fil'st One hundred lIircraft W/'rE' destl"Q,'ed Oil the ground, 26 in com- bn!. .\ferchullt lind nn,'ol units in the hnrhor wel'e 5('I'erelJ' crippled. Similar raids followed Oil sUl"Cfi",ling dll.n nnd the continuous ../Torts upon Robllul ncbiev....l the $11m.. results liS I'llrlier 01ll'S nt \\"ewak. At first thp enem)' n..w in rep!nCelllellts, but grachllllly, n.s his lOS81'S 1Il01l1lted, be kl'pt only the bllre minimulH 5llr}' 10 harass hombers mill {"rnish some protect,on fol' his shipping. airdromns. lind 11'00\1 lious. lie \\'115 confronted wilh II ,liflicHIt "'her 10 sub,·....·t his fighter slrength to cl'rtu,.n " , . t """rnllt 1<WlPS on the gl'oulld lind i'l t ,e '"l', or 0 ':- lh"c Allies to bomh selected ISJl.'Cls \\'Ithout int..r1.. rene.... . I Jllpanesc nil' lIud n",',,1 fore,'s III the III ' nnd ClIrolinrs wpre lIttnckc'ti lit th, tllnc bJ , " ,N'mit ..' nirplllllell nlld SUblllllrlll('S. 1\1- Acnllra I I .' rt of the I I theS<' I'llids were III dll'eel puppo t 'illig" " "' assaults in the Cilbert 1$llInds, Centrn aCIIC ., J • " "'""'A in pre\"entlllg tIe npanN! lhr" wel'e I' " ., . . "d ,round rcin/orccmrnV SOli I from 1lI0"lng IIlr a \Upt daf,(l buk from I to 20 Novcmllt'r, plan w.. blSf'd upon the lI&'ulllptioll th'lt tl, droJnel in Ihe Lae, FinlIchhafen, ,lIId "hr Valley area would he fuDy rl('\'c1opcd nlld ell of providing clO8f' .upport and co\,('r, Novemoor, one regimental comlmt tcnm w aeiZl' an airliPld liw at Lindcnhafcn Plnntnlill the &Outh eoaat of Nl'w Hrilnin. It would Idvanee'•.horc 1II0"l'I1ll'nt lind GlUIIIJata if Gaamata could not be 1H'\Ilrnlh,( otbt'r m_, Tht main elrort WIlS to Ill' I"un 6 day. lawr by a combined lllllphibious nlld borne attack upon Clipe G1011Ce>;ll'l". The l'Dginl'l'nJ I'1'porll"! ill IntI' October lhat supporting airdrom('ll in the :\lllI'kluun \' art'll would not bf' oompletl'd on Si'hel!lllc, C qUl'otly thl' atwk 011 Lind('nlulfl'n wns posq until 2 DeeNnber and that UpOll C"pc Glonc until 26 Dt'l'l'mbPr, The pUqlOSl' of the cup of thl' position on south eOllst WIlS to pI' airfif'lda ror thl' protection or Allied sUl'fncl' III ment throuab the \'itu.z Genenll ](el bt'lWved that hi3 Allil"! Air Forces eOllld l"Omplieh this taIIk from fi ou Ouinl'a. His n>rolllm"ndntion thnt Illl' opera bP eliminatl'd WIUl overruled, for nt this Ultl'Uigenco I'1'ports imlientl..J. thnt (bCl gl1l' in the Otlllmat8 an'a had hecn rclnforel'(l, wu expt!C.'Ung an attack. Concurrently, A Naval Fol'Ct'e augg,'!l!<,,1 Ihc enllt111'1' of Ar kJ tbl' weet of Gllalilata, llS n motor tor boat hue for prowetion of movemenl$ to Gloucester, On21 NOW'lllbn pillus wcre ehun '.&raw. '11'''' ,ul:llltitul('(1 for LiwJenhuf('1l wit t.up& date of t.'i Dl'Cl·mhl'r. The trollJl' and amphibious eruft lx'gUIl ceD&ration at Milne Bay, Oro 13ny, nnd G eDOIlIb Ia18nd N tb" air fon'('a bl'gnn their pre alol7 bombllldment. During December \blIb 1,6001Ortiea wel'1' flown o,"cr Cnpe Gloue alone 8Dd 3,700 WIllI of homLs weI"/' dro!, and otbl'r on O'l) south 1f'VII raided fl'equl'Iltly, but to llvoid ulerting --.,., Arawo WN not attllckco:l llHlil the PJ'llOlldiDc die landing. The iai&i8I ...ult of the olll'-hundl'('(1 t,.. c.....". on Alawe Wll8 r<'pulse.!, II wns M DiIb& without. p....liminary Ijll>"nl bOlllll a '1! .., 110 IDllIl UI robber boal$, not one of II ...... tM beach. Tbe main landing, w toot pkce on the Illorning of 15 .... • 1'allUpport, Wll8 9ucct'SSful, "811 aM....1aQoe W1\8 and tbe IlioilitNI. 'rhe ,\lIi,'d ,Jllllllne,>e to strikl' 1,1I{"k \I ill, nil' 9t'''''glh. 1I1l1'l'nft "p[ll"lr..l will, in , nnol Illmut :150 sorti,'s IlPn' 15 nnd 17 IJN'ellllll'1" but 1'1'(' inl,'recpted heror," Ih e \. 'VI'. TIll' rnids slnekNwd oir hecllllS<' it bl.'('llme nppllrl'nt t AJ'nwc wns not tl", muiu nt l'nil[S upon Cup..- G!olle.';!_ its strntegic location on th,- of NCl\\" Britain Ill1lrk<:<1 it objecti'·t,. Little cOllld t..:, vitlll position which gllal'(led d the' lille of comllllluicutiol\ d Ne\\" Guinen. The .\lIi('(1 l' blockndc 1'('strict,,01 I'lWIll\, to smnll Cl'uft under conI" ted t1w cOne('Il!l11Iion of 'IiI' n'ilist Attnck. e<ti· l"Il' b'l\rrison At CApe Glouct'S- imnt('ly only 5,000 n1l'll. evidellce of enemr w,'nkrlt'ss Force to eancel ihl' pin lined e operlll;on 011 15 Oecembc,·. of the First MArillCl Di\'ision, I Ily wH·,,1 "lid I1il' hom- bo'scl"... south\\"l'S1 IIl1d ;,olllh. IN on the morning of 21; apancSt.> eoncl'lltmte.! their trips. These nirstrips ,,"ere bel' when eff..'(:ti\'e rI'!IistllncCl r WlIS Ul<lnded 2,500 yards steadily deepened in spite, ni7.ed count.crnttneks. MaeArthur, on Ii Decem- o forel' to JlfCpllrc plnns for lUl ,1Il 1I0"llncc<l Air nud 'New Guine,t Force ".ill! 10 to Sio nml di,'ert nll(!ntion and Mndnng Ramu "nll,\y. landed on 2 19401, k "'liS direct"d lIn.! I wco:'k ult Ullon CliPI' Olo"ccstl'l". I awl unprell'"'f',I. SlIidor ptufl,<!tlw The. ....nnin'ltl'd on 10 FA'Tllllr)' Alamo ami Kel\" Guine" Sio and SlIidor. he eampnign \l'lIS finished won, The JapnnCSll, who 21" Ihe bl'gilUlill\; of !!).l3 hlld hdd nil lId,'""{",,u fronl I,ll", )'[ubo, nnd Ilun" 11('NOM the SoIOlnOl1 &,,( to Nl'w were dri\"l'lI h"Ck to ),],,,Inng, 11'11",,,1, lIJIlI hll\'lellg. '1'111' 1ll0:<1 de(:isino t!l'\','[_ 01'1lH'IIt of Ih" .'·1'111' had hl'Cn Ihl' dl'lnOnstmliou of Allied ,loll\i"ntion of tin' air. The Jnpnul'SC 11Iu! losl fmt'f!Olll of Ino'·emt'llt bemuS(' the AIlil'S were able lO oont"Culrnte greater nil' strenglh in are"s, Ihus o'·erwhdlllillg IIII' .."Onr for Jnpl1nesc lllOnml'nl.s. COIl1'cnfCly lhe gained frl'f.-dom of 1ll0nlllcnt engendered h.,' (:onlrol of the nir. On lhc ground, enemy Illlnl fOI·Cl'S "·er(' slowl\' forced hnek into bitter 'jullgIl' fighting bOlh in- till' Solomons nlld in Ne"· Guillen, On the SCII Allied na\'nl "nits demon. sll'nted the to defeat the Japlllles.. ,,·herm'cr till'.\' ehose to gi\'e b'lUle, 'Ind the ClIl'acil)' to [elld Ih,' fC(llIired slIpporl 10 such amphibious 0l\(-'I'lltions liS were tludertnk"". Onrwhehn<:<! 011 the 91-''' nnd ill thl' nir, uml with his forces rohlw,l of the inililltive. lhc cuem.\' had little olfensi,'e potent;',] I'Cmaining. Thl' Jap'lllpse suffered scV('re 10SSl'$ in these opprutiolls. Onr :l5,000 enemy de"d wcre eounll'd. An udditiOllnl 40,000 were cut off Ilnd isolnted 011 Boug"irl\-i1Ic, Buk". Choisclll, "Ild ill lhe Shol'tlllnds. I{emr'lanl$ of 2 divisions, ,,·hich had hCl'n budl," shllltered nt I.ll", Salomnull, Finsd,l",fell nnd ol[,,'r Imt1les on till' fluon I'('ninsuln withdrawing from Sio lind Saidor IO\\",1I"([ "indllllg. \rcwllk, "nd l-Innsa Boy. '1'114 Brignde nnd of the t('{'nth Di\'lsion werCl cut to plC<:l'S Ilnd drl\'Cll bAck into the illngle al Cape GIOllct'Ster; 50,000 soldiers remoining on Ne.... BritAin Ilnd Kew [n,land were Ihrl'atClled 1.>)' encirclement. . E,'cn more importllut wem Ihe upproxnnMc!r '000 hnem,· aircrllft destroycd or dlllUllj,'l'd . - . during Ihis yrllr, The Jallllnesc IIlr MIn nl','('r The JapnHl'SC lost more tlmn 150 IIIcrehant nssels, 10 cruisers, 50 ,"ul 15 submarines. Their na"Ill forC<'S wert' dm'eu , 'I' k' • direction and to Wewllk lIud 10 ru· m Oil" .. ][oll;IIHlin in tho otlwr. As nil BntaIH ] ',rd IIn'll tht, h'rmlllU5 of the I)l'CIIHl(' Il 01'11 . . ]] ] .. ". till' norlh was slllfu'( rom s uppmg rou '" I I ltah",,1 And Klwieng. Th(' elwlllY was onl ']']" I I "t"llrgo nIH lCl risk trAnSjlOrts !llH II fl . , , 'llld more upon lJarge;;, .smll e.fn , I'(,la'd more ]' s His loglsticnl SIU"'- lind S\l )II,a.rmc . lion w,,": rolling inlO full pro- d ::::; lIllllerials lind Army manpowcr. ueOOI\ .. BIiIiIb ud Americaa armies WllI'& finn'" -.b'Wwd III. Italy. the RUIllianA bad pUBboo the 0...... ..... the lJkn.niao plaW. HI'8VY nre llriking dl.'fltrueuvll blowR on Oermuo' :'rem iMir burs in Great Britain. In ... PaciBc, Amencao loJ'l.'('3 bad cll'lll'f'd tbe Japu.e from the AlPutians in the north, and A.lImiDl imi&a hw at.ruek hie fil'llt blows at Mum.... Tarawa. Tbl' Axill po.PI'll 11'('1"1" hard JW, aDd OD the nm, but they were 001 bt-.,wD. ..... ,., driIt 10 tk PAiJippillt". DUrUlg the eam.-,n. of lfH3. the Allied 1_had not beeD proP'J'tioDai to tboee of tbl" ('Demy. ),101'£'- OftI', AIIHd cround unita gainPd valuabJl' P:lI:JK'- rilmce aad traiDiDg. and tbl' air and naval fol'('('6 emerpd from the struggle strong and oonfidl'nl. with 'rirtuJ1y eomple\e control of thE' lII'& and air. The plan of opl'J'ationa for the ell:p!oitatioll of theM iUtiaI viet0rie8 Willi set forth by thl' ComhinedChil"fs of St.atJ ill DI'C't'mbt>r 1943. Thl' .,..,.te lnes of advlnct" in' Pacific and ill Asia 1I'ere ClOIllbint'd inw • ooordioat«1 dn\"(' "to maint&iD and e.J:U'Dd UIlft'mitting pn'8&ure J'PM with thl! pllI'JlOIII' of oootinuaUy reduciDr br military POWl't and attaining poRi- tiol:Il froD:. 'It'lrith her ultimat€' IUlTNldf'r tan b<- ...... . Within the Pacific the rnovcml'nt.8 along tbl' ew Ouile&-NptberiallM East lndil'e-Philippilll' .. _ to be- eontinued by thp fol't'8 or till' Soutb Ul4. SOUth....t &l't'8 coocum'otly with .., '*PW1e of tile M8lllhal1B, t1ll' CaroInu., aad the NariaDnas by the Centnll. Pacilk vea. 'l'b-e Ceatnl Pdc area moves WI'I'e desiKnPd to MIaWiab very lour range bombers on Guam, s.ipul, lad TiniaD ror "'wl.'it upon Japan. All .... .-tiMe were to be mutualJ,y -UPportilllC; .... ron. were to be deployed from ODS open.- Uiaa to tIIllther to COY. and. .upport each Il'M. .... fcIr Ihe NOl1b Pacific involved prepM'at.lon fw -117 rDto Ihe KIIrileI and Soviet t.emtol')' in .. ehDt at B1IIMIl eoDaboratiob. They c:alled ... IIIdaae aDd. lIUbnwinll action, nidi on tht, .....". WiDe fleet. uuI inItalIation tor very long .... bGmbiug aplhIt the Kuriles and aart.bem Hpaa. The efon in China bad .. ita objecCin .... 1D\eaIi&cat.ion or land and. lUI' opera- *- 1D _ Ina tha& COWl"" and included the .........., at • ver.J long lUlP bornbinc rol'('<, " a..t:J to I&rih 91l0li IarpWwi.&hin the inner ..... l)'p.r BanDa ,... to be captlu8d. in Older ................. _In<tio uu110 ................·tir- -.J.tib, Chiaa. Thl' llbj,...ti\(' of fur Ihl1lg to .ll'1llroy llw .·n...ny n,'N III 'III ('Arl,\' IIl1 1l('('UI'(' tlu' ma'l;imulll allri1iull "f JlIp""I'''l' I' and to air, Muhmurilll', lind llIining li{'ll 8JtBinst hOl'liI,' Chillu kl'lll ill Ih,' \\8/'. J'rrlimiNory pi",,,,,. Tlu' Ii,,>,t ,Inl[( pltlll for II.., of th(> Philipl'i1w ,'ulil!''<! /lnw, 1"'1'111"'('(1 in "lId,l' altbollf[h thl' ('&llllillign "liS not "" imllll possihilily. Genera! lJ.elil','('d lhut tlie Alii...! effort in 111(' Padfir ShOIlII! b" tOlltent in iiII' Soulh""st I'u..ili<.: 111'1'11 fOl" n dri,'1' Ih ..w Guiu"a to Mind"lUlO, 111l' sollthl'n i"land of lilt· I'hilippilH''', 11('('lIWle it IlllS the- {'Ill aUl! Ilroll,,·t.,d l"Oute- llud tlol' oilly alOll1: ... 1Ii..h lilt' full strt'llgth of II", 11;1', 1:1"0 lIIU'altt'lUli 1'01l1<l h., utili1.l;'d. III his "11;nion IItlal·k in II,,' Ccntrall'll<'ifk through t hl')'1 >lr!:l lind tile- would IH' 1l'l>lll'fnl ond I·xpel ill naval power IIwl shiplliug, silWf' il must h(' without laml-hase air Fllrtlo(,l", qtead of c1ir(,l·tl,Y impO,.IAut vital ....hilld tilt' strouJtl.\· held .]ll.pU'WSO OUII'I' t1l'fl' it would f1u"b th,_ romlidflb[" 1i,",,1 aJlo'll' de-fl·tlle-d .Jallll!Il'S<' uA"1l1 om[ Oi" for.·. l'I'll'l'al to IWW dl'f"IISi\",· posil;ons "f[('I' "11('h gag<'melll. /low wa" h"sl'll on Ihis ,'(JIIl,,'ptlO AlliN! stratl'K)'. It l'lIl1ed for Ihl, lillCll of "omllllJlliClltion from 1I0,.lhw..ste-,... traJia am! from the- ,\"ell Britain-X.,w 1,.1'1 lIuon Pl'tlillaula arNI tll I III' Vog"lkoll Pl'nil at tbe 1l0rt!lw''lIIe-rlIlip of K.,w Ouinl'll in )ll'<' tion for au _ult ullon )'lilldllllllO. Airdr wel'f' t.o be alollA" th,' llortlll'rn llnd so 'II·etlll.'m COlUlIll by lIirhoruc lIll<!urllphiIJiolls 01 HoWl. while the f1allks "'ere pr011'cl",1 by n atriketl tl(tainst the 1',,111.115 Oil lhe northNlO!t, l.y air raids ba.'M'tl ill the Nelhl'rl"mls Indiee on the lIOuthw."St. Th.. Joint Cbi..f.. "f StuJr indu<kl1 lhis tllC pllUl. fOf th.. tllI.ptufl'(lf \.ogdkoll ill 11",1,' W>lshin Conferenoo reporllo till' COlllbi .. e-<! of, on propoaed ill 194:\ H. but mention or the Plailillllin,,,,. The- stl'Ill.'gle ?b tiY('l.lUIaet rorth 011 2:\ 'Ill" Ihe- the line of IhrouL:h the I'"eif,r tbe Ilalmahera-north.... '·l'giOll. It to be .e:oomplieb....l IIlong tllO of ,ul l '" General :\1.cArthur to move thl"Q"gh Ouinaa while Admiral :-limitr. c"ptu reJ Manh.u. and Tbe objcctives of to control of tloe Cl'lItrnl UHI lUlU of to . e ll,'cn, to gAin II IIl"jnr [b,t to poi;«, 1I dilwt 1h"1'1I1 10 11". pan, infornll'd Gtuenll ),!AeArlhur 'k,- through th.. Centrull"lcific quirt'll if 1hc And Serond uld be spArcd frorH the &>lllh_ t 15 Novcmber for the lIttlick II Isllln,k The Solllhwl'5Ot rcplic,1 thllt bCCIlIlSl' tl,l' Fil'St was $c'hedilled 10 mukl' Ihe wn i1bout I No"e-mhcr it eoul.1 aillO f('iti'rntt'<l his lJl'lid1hA1 the be dil'cctetl tloroug:h Ne.... and lhat the Cl'l\trnl I'II{'ilic shoulcj be- rl'gl}rdl'd ns pointe-d out tloe- Im?,nnJ'l of protectetl hy c'lITil'lll Alo1le-, cx:pl'rieIlCl' 'Il Di"ision ,,"liS I}('rrnitted to We-.'lt Pu{'il;c nrc", 'lUd Adrnirnl IlosqlOlle,1 u'ltil I Fl'hnllll)' of Stnff \\"e-I"(' to of lId"AIIN' "long both il.X''S. on 21 ,Jul.r. .. 1 th"lthl' ar,'n isolAte I{"hll"l h.1' till' and :'lnnus, 1hl'I) 1110",· dir('tll." Iwrnl1<l'lcArthur ",'plll'<l tlilit contemplntt' A,} nmphibious but rn11H'r its isolutioll h.l' If,,' rUin-I,Y [i!\"htly Iwld "I'I'''S at Itlt Ihy to til(' II<,St. lie- 11hat sinet' his mo,'rs 10 thr "t'S1 opposed h.,' Sllrf"ee- !Il1d .... nil" units, thl' l'"pllll1' of blisllnwnt of " Illl,jor nllvlll · Iw could Ill' slippor1e-d the fil'Sl logit-nl st,'p in Illl' ific i\rell publish,..! !l I·c\·is,..! IJ, on :\ AI!gus, "loich II'ns, tion of Ihl' Iill,tl p!lIlSe- of • ,wei Ihe- <lmft or Rnbtlulllll Oll(' obj,..::ti,'". Thr to till' Joint Chirfs of :"1f,tf at the- QII,'bl'I' cOllfl'l','nCI' ill hf'lltnllizlIlioll m11",!' ,hilll 1100 ... Urit"ill sp,.,.i,,1 Chi"fg llin'ett,,1 Gl'lwrlll .\ftw- and fOl"\v,"'d oulliue- pl.II1S for lIml Lbo AeI",irlllti['.', "lit! " for ulh'lInct'S as r, . .. N' . k I' "Cll" 1lI cw GlIIllea AS Vog,1 '(,P, f' rom the nsturl' of the ml'8llllgl'll Gcncl"lll hnd r,;cdvcd, he feared that the Joint ( Iuds of Staff intendc<:! to pineh his opernlions orr nt \'ogclkop. GCllernl .\[lIrshuH lIS8ured him 1,0,\'",,1'1', thnl the most stell for thc In:!!t I'neilic areA was the Capture of Mindanao Slid (hrrct('<l IllIll plllns were to be ballCd on t"·o nilSlIlllp1ions: one, thnt strength would be increllSC<"1 I,t thp current· mte, and two, thut the main clfort wOllld be tlu"Ough the PhiJippinl)S. Tht, disposition taken br the JnplllIC8ll, Gencral 1<Ialllhall coutil\uoo, wOlild hal'e collsiderflble influence 01\ the ultima\.(! dl'Cision liS to the- mllin e-trort ill the- Pllcilic, but the rapid clCpllnsion "f ;\Illericoll surface forct'S, including earnl'l'S, gave Ihe AHiI'S a frecdom of choice-. If the IIAI'ul o/Tl'lIsi"e made its 1I1iticipated progrcsa, it might be lIlore vnlu"ble to continue tho adVllllce of till' Centrnll'acif,e from tbe- ),lnl1lh>llls, Carolines, nlld to the Philippines, OT to uml it Ilorth through the- llonins. Ne'lQ {fJ. Admirlll liaIse)', Ge-neral Ilarmon, llild othl'T oflicers lIrnl"[>(1 in Briilblllle on 9 Oetober 10 C\"OI\·I· 1101' plllllS for roonlinalion lind timing for 1],1' olfe-usi,·,,!! in 1944. SubshlntiAI ;lgn't'lIIl'nt w"s 011 dllr, IIl1d the outline plnn, {(flIP HI II·US. complctl-'<! 011 20 ONebel'. Tht< b,<'nernl schell'e of llIaneu,'cr .. 1l1·isio11e-d Ihe lId"ullce or Ihe lllnd·htlsed lIomber line- weslward XI'"' Guin6tl to [he J'hilillpinesb)' SllCCt.'S!l;,·e occup"lion of the minimum bll&'!! requil"t'il. HOSlile stl'(·'Jgth would be 1I."I'MSCtI wherel'e-r proctie"blc 10 AI'oid cost I.,' nnd lime-«l1lslIlIling operlltions. The AHiClI flunks 1I0uld be prol('Ctt'd t'SSl'nli"Hy by sir OI'I'I>llioIlS, Anti .th? nec('S!lllry t1d"lIncl'<l nn",d 1)!l8t'8 would be ('Stllblo;;bl'<[ nllder the- prolC...::lioll of land_bllsed.a,·iation III t.o t'_xtl'lld Ihe rollge- of lUl"plllc\lon, Destrlldl\c s.,r t1tlnckS \\"e-l'(' to I", rmplo.,'(>(l to sofle-n up and air SUII('lloril.'· o"e-r hostit.,. air bllSt'8 endallgPMlIg thp IIe-Xt "dVtlIlCC. Hosolc Ha"111 alld I · . 10 he dcstro)'ed along the- of ,upping, I' f , of SUIlp J 0 1I( "lince, " , . f ,. . "",' "'11'<11 forces \\"ltlnn 1'II'lgOtl o"JC("- ellrml' lIor be 'under llttllrk. Ground forces to sent forllll111 b.,' wllter and air, IIr I . fol"Ct'S ltJ Sl'lZI' lI!Hf estabhsh alf bllSt'8 "",'II or ,Ill' ','. Air AlIll nu,·al . 'h SIW.·""""e- OJ' ' III I'n, ,"_ and Ihe r I"l't's 1'''1'(' 0 "'. I" b' o " '"''cess;,''' objl.'ttil·es, llOutMl ,zmg J N'llt'lIll" 0 airstrip Oil "9 Feb ·r, . tl I 1'l1ll.1')'. III Inndmg ...ns modI" IroUg, ll. nann,,· hnroor entrance undl'l' adverse colldilions bUL met little oppoaitiolL rhe was quickl)' lICluld and a periml'ter Six hoU/lI dtu the initiAl IlInding General :\Iae- Arthur ClIme ashore and ordl'red the task forCt' commander to hold \lhot \I'as Determined Japanelle infiltnluon effor\,;] and coulllel'lttaeks Wl'l'll repul5t<:1 dUring the ne.u 2 dan and on " :\Iareh the !UI'pot'llng rorcl' arril'ed: 'Additional were brought in a"d by 30 the fight,. mg on Los Negf'Ol\ 11'118 o.-er. In lhe meantime the attack upon roUtrnell\'ed on If; :\rareh when an Allied combat II'lIIll embarked at. Hayne lIaroor "'ith the missIOn of WilWlg the l.orengau arN Thl' to.1' ,,·u I'&ptUled Oil 17 :\Ian:h and enem}' Ro!;;;um ....l1li o{'et"OOJJ\e on 2'; :\Iuth, all 0ll."niu.ll rell;;taDOe. F"or II1IIny .... prior to the operation. heary bomlH:'r /'IIKls had made the .\lomote suip in- operabll' for the Japanew'. When Ihe airstrip "'U ubsfql«'nll)' taken. Ihe eJl'1'C1 of these bomber rail!! clearl)' 'II'as ludiflllOO the OOIlIpiete destruction of the 6eld inSlallations and the strip lttelf. TI,e of enl"llty air illlff"l'eIltion thi;< period III(';Iu'(l to Ibe dtgreeof neutral- ization of t'IIemy air acltie.·oo throughout tbisatN. The of th€' oJX'f'&tion rompletaf the ring of air _urroundinj: Rabaul and Tirtually _led off all of Xr...- Uritain. TIle enemy 1I'a.;; colllpclled to n"ly lIJM1Il and dl"Slro\l'1' runs to bring in bare esseutu In to Hollan(li.l 'II-as JlUShPd farther •·....l and all of the ,,·atel'll lK-t'll'('oen Tntk and tit€' '\r...· Guinea mainland w,./'t' ...·ithin air /'Ill"". :\ lorl' illll'orilont, it IIrfi;C1ltOO. all lunit)' ror 0 rapid mO\'('llll'lltalollg the I'll'll' Gutnea COIl!!t. _., r /lrno /I·.-on Z :\Iol'\'h, a tel' Grnerlll Suthel'lond's reI urn from \\ash.llIg!?n. the JOint Clrirfll of Slaff 15111100 0 lle'" dln'Clr,e , ., ,,-.• JlOth Grnertll :\llIcArthur and WW" 111 . II-- Adllllral to dno.. 1111 I'ro aloh' oW'l'llliOllS "itliiu Ihrlr ;M:'IllI'I:W'l'llrcas , , •. ,.in the 1.uzoIl.}ormo>lu-ChuUl com mnl " ... . G' b . ·,·"A tH'" ,lI11l1 publJ,lred h)' enrrtl o Il·c!I,'r. J II' \IOI'\I.llillr III to this !'l'Il'U'tit, (trw , . , 'f' "r tIll' ,IIIIIJ tlo'll Gellerol SUllierlnml WlIHnrNNI.v • """ , ('''Iwra. liN I. hud U . I , "., " rni,lit hi' IlQ;ISlhl,' tll IIcutrll- I 1 , . .U" , ,'," ""ture .Japll.IH,;jo"!ol,ld I", .." III It<: I'M ,eI' II 'I The next tin)' an unntl'l:lilllil te on Los Nl'gro9, ...ith e ere" if thtl uren to witllllrll"' if henl'S 01 1 1 108 '- .vall')' il<1ll1ulron, n·inlo rt · NI , 01 a IIl1\'1I1 lind nil' bornl",rtl· adjlleent (0 tho :\10"'016 pressed for combination lines of ad"anee in the I'a<:ific up the Xe...· Guinea Cout to Be .dnH:ated utiliu.tion or • majol' fleet base, and lI'ansferriug tbe South SOuth.....est I'adfic Command Be claimed O,at this dl'Cision in the Pacific by placing o 6 months hefon" lhe 8II{'ing 3 mOllths in n"Iching' 've, the Philippinell, and tlrat "ed b)' the PI,ihp- the drs seaSOIl. ...,;1 that all n,I')' long ralljtC to the SouIJ''''e;;1 I'odfic would be ll\'ailabll', 1Ila.-:- targets diHrsifi('(1 and Ill- \ion at a /lIinimwn, Soon "'ere concludl'd ill Washing- toe dllCision aerilll reoonrrnis- and Los N'f'gros IsIIlIUls, on to l'licit an)' re8llOlIse lind .em)' 1,000rriSOll hod OOen Ie- he (letllched aftcr tlrig Atrike 10 AlIPJlOI'L the SI'i1.lIl'1' UJI wlueh "'liS JlOStponed frOll1 Tile oth('1' 1I11\'1I1 ullil8l1"ould II cO"ering force until Ih('96 led and tl,rrr the ooHlbilll-d for Ule IIltacks upon Eniwrlok Ibl' Join.l Chids of Shlr, in q)l]: Rrall'glc oonltuct of optrltiOllA • /'C(llIcsted th,. comment of upon thr allocation of South 0 .... capture of KI,ifng, lilt for thl' Pllcific Joll'('t in tht Aftoa, lind the range bombt'rs against the IeI' in chil'f took tlrj;j 011- Lieutt'lllll11 Gt'nl'ral Rid,al'l! (laid of Staff. to Washington .\Iac.\nhur's "il''II1I to the .... from whieh the JapalU"ll' homcl81ld ro hom..... Tbia pen] coocPP" dil't'Ctl'<l ('om'um'lll of the Japan-..nmdalA..1 lw (' Paeific FOftN sod eoo.tinllO'd lld""n{',· BIOI New Oume..Netherlandll Indil..... l'l,ili the South1RiM Pacifil.' Ol)('r in ....e Cenb'al Pacific receiYed higlll'r priorit c:a_ they _ell to promiaoe a Krt.olller l>08>'i of rapid IMlvaooe knranl Japao aud her IlIaI of c:ommumc.dou. to thl' lIOutll IIIHI of M:quilitioo 01 IIir buM from .... hid, tll ('0 II&nkWic of Lt.e Japalu'lIO' Ardli IDd of Jfttlipiw.dDg a dt'cisivl' l'nl'lIgl'lllrnt ... .....,. ..... b. of thn... G('I\('N!I1 fouDd &hal &he pU.aDftI allotm('1It of allll'hi IIIIaippDg &0 hit eommU1d \liould not Iwnni tiJIUDc 1ft fonh in 1lnttJ J{{ ...·nidl h",1 lJ('('n eattd on Ill" _ptaon lhat aU lllobil pound. IDd lIayu (oml"'I of th(' South I' -W be tnDIfffTlld to the SOIlO, ....e!l1 u coadUllioD 01 &be BiNulU't'k aud SolomorL" (I -- of llnw III .'11» 1m of aIJoc.ation of I' opentiooa., IDd of Pacific F1l'l't wli Soudr._.. I"aatk .alen had 10 1)(' first di;;c "1"IIe P.o&e CIOIIIJDandeR and thl'ir I Peulliubor. in I>.oPmtx-r 1943 alld in ,Jan U"". to aL&eaIp\ \0 am"€' at a tenllltill' 'lOlu A\ dMt Ia1Ier confl'"",<'<' ••\tlmirlll Ximiu o.-aI MacArthur agno«l IIjl'Un thl" ...,.igu clthe Paci&e FIfopt durinlf llr(' l'('riotl (If dl IIIU'Ck oprn.cioo but po..tpolli'C1 fawn opl'I'atiooa until II 11I"'r dllt€'. .\,1 IIIlitll pIMMlWd hi>! "Ian fur UIH'N!lti"lI d 1,," wtaidl proj«Wd a" """/\Illt ul'"rr ""aj AtallIIl the M....alill OIl 1 }OelorulIl'Y 10 lowed by..,. eaplufto of F:"i .... dok O],<)llt 15 l PoIIowiDc tlaat, the", '11,'1'" tw" lilll"! (>1 0 .. lid. ODeeaviBiolll'd tllC lI('i1.ul'I· 01 Tn, 161-. tIlelOUtbem on 1 Sl'ptN ..... tile P..... on 16 NOHmlwl'. while tlor oIDed for tile b1P-i1lf!' lIf Tnlk to tli<' IW!tlr -.It. apoa tile tarianall on 15 ./UII<,) ""I 11M CuoHbM on 15 .Iul}', IIl1d Ij,(' (I Octo.. TOfMIat'l' tI,l'y 1'I,,"lIIl1n<'1I'II,1 \(l 1oin'"CbIsfI of St.tJJ' a !II'llll"IH'(' of "pl,rA wbicb besua wi&h all IItlltl'k UPUlI ,1"pAII and nan! fClI'Clll8 at Truk, un 21f 111 nrdl, A .... _ .. of all II\"lIi],lhh' f"'1 ""1'1''''1'1 .... t .. witIa at.tMh('<1 liKht ']'.. n """••_"U¥- ka...dll ftI ....... .................. 01 ... -... - ....... ..........., ..., ...... ..-_.._ ..... ..... \.n'". OW ........ Ahd' ...... .......W .....,.. 18... . n1 K&riIBI ...M.a . .......... .... , :! _...... h • .m- BoIIaa- ...1It ' "\Bq AJoe. Kai. ... - i Anr-s.. ....... .. 9IiIlI& _ 1..... 11M ..... p f h ... 'h......... ............... .... 1 PI • I , 1 ntV. witIa a";,,,,,,, of .... pnb for....,on ............. ..,.. hh md ,I ..... __ PUitI ,...,..111. ................. ..iI... _ ...,..nIei. _II ........ 10 IIl(IIirM : .2 ........... ...,-. ... leiIIlaufl _driYe ................. D __ ..... -." II. ..n .... I'QI to ....... ... "'-'-s"_ 1Uai INIOUIIt woUI =;;:-.:- "'lip,! I 11&" WI ... ilia"'" W __ ..;... .. ;.. ;'1........ n hnd··.. •• bT .......'.thl ... - --"-'" I ,AJldP'" aM aow. ... Iw .... ....... 10 .. .ja"'-" ........ -.. ....... ... 8M whiIl!I ... ..... the fIfI 0.-. ....... m bI!' plan (8 .... Ptdk l&II' , ...... dIe..-;reoald nNlbnUl' Rim to "'- b.- 'rum UNo ill she flhIr. ........ Nptuno ...... MtrilllblP. ......... sJwo "'oulld .-aIt'" ........ 90UId DOC IUpporl. ('IIJDMIIftCIt IIC'lioP III ...... .... IbP fGtir'f' __ 01 ......, ... 'a eel .. WIW wqD!'PCf . .... ... IT ...... 1IpOa &M -.:11,..- ... ('.In! hrifir -.dd inndll Palau not .... &MIt 10 ptftD_ I"" h oadiDed • II Rabud'" .. of Man.. aad Ita...... ....... et.&.fol for open in ... _ ow.- s.. : 16 J_ a....boIdt .y; I A.... Tarumbu: I b"ISs.,.-bfr. .lroP 'I1woutaft' lOuaphi'*-: tbedak' ... '-I 15 11M- objM'tift ..... ... e:dftld<od fttrtIw by 1M inrtuIioP of ,..... .._.-rooof '-oD UI. Sordl Bonwo. ...... tit \ _,.- mr .. .I...., INS. )II1rArdnlr in fII"r'It.q' - plan. .... did tIw IiDe of Ilrt.- JWOPC*d would __ ........ nMOI'1 tItP._ of .......... .-mbft' 1944. Tbit, at larD, prorided (or thr ........ 01 Luzoo Iwfoft ... -' ol .. ba". ..- .. .lui, INS. IbP _**- 01 "'" lone .......... 01 .Iap11l \han would ..-blf. aad _patiaa ol >or • ..1..- IDIO thco F--eh_ c.-t _ 10 .. euly tk&e. B' Iittr".... .... 1/1 W proQW for -.It. ca II.- Bq but R- n .......weed &-bolt, 0., HoIIlIItd.. TbiI d_ .. ..t.- the .-' _ ol_1 koopI ia ... _ IUOUDll ".ftlIIr. .... ................,. .... ...... .t from ftIfIIII1' Mltinv ..... tr- • .....- DOt. ........ BaIIudia Wl$ID raap of .......DiouI ................ ad' _"", Tbe a\u&ioD )IIV9icW an oppor&IIIIi&f '01' the idaIioa of __ _,100 ...., \be ..., fIOrle- to .. 'rital _ tSIer IDd \he MSUN of Ul 1&11'- ........... VopIIcgp PeninnIa could ............ ..-fIllbe _ rib wbieb Ibe operaUonl .... ... PftlII'IiiiiIiaa 0IDIIlII p-e..... to NIUl ... ........... tolaialar t.hiJI to cover and fln .t.....k upon lIollanriia. TIll" Joint ('hipr. of Stall', on 12 on lb., buill. of or Alii aPd naval 8Upovionly, dt"l'"INI III " Iil'hPdull' for op"... lioo8 in 1944. Tl,.,y fo MtahliAbPd FontJ(IlIII-Lul'.OIl-CI,inli COf\.llt ...1JMo DMIC. 8tratI'gH- objC<'livc and 81111....] th IDOIIt .ill8 WilY of lh... &IWI aPd :\hndlW.c). They dil"('('l<.'(\ G )I..-Anhur to <'tUlrd th... a._ult UI)()n K. uad to ("C)lllpI.. tbl.' i!lOlation or \'astern BntaiD aPd Sf'W In'land w-ilh the linn; I"(lIDIIIjlmll'Dt of fon.'t"" Ill' »"alI 10 rompll't OC'l"upalioD of )I&.IIU8 as early 88 IlOlII>ibll' dfot"HoP • _jor ftl"f't .nd .ir bIIllc lhere. _uh upon lloUandia ,,'lllI f April willi the Sf)l"["ifi(" objec:t;'·.. of eslabl" '-ry air __ for pn'liminarJ bombard of thfo Palaus and thl' neut lization of "i S_ GuO- and 1I.lm.h . Thf' tab usigned to tbe Pa("ilie <:kftn Wf'n' tltf' ilIoIalion of Truk, thl' !leil'.urf' of aoud.,.m )Iarianu Of! Ii> JUlII'. and of the I' on IS The pUrpo!!I' of Ih_ 0 t.ions .... to €'Stabl...... _ .ntl air for Iontt nuJ(I;'l" bomber .Ilal'b upon .J.. pan IIUpport 1M 5oulh.'/"01 lin'••.-".,.ul MiDdanao in 15 .\o'·embl'r. ,\Ir fof"C('ll ... thro nod_ and ronlain the J/lllIIl\f";(-' in PhiliPfJi- in pn'.....I;on for. furlhl.'r Id on IS t"..bmary to t'onnOSlL either dLl1.-'('11 via Luzon. ..,.,. dirf'C'tift' .flllI a romllronll"" 1"'1" l.-'('n d !.ISC'Arthu'" 'llratrgic .'(>11(-'('111 ion II.nd an whirb bf'Id that th,' main I'ffurl I", dl throutcb thf' ('..nI ...1 "."ili,·. Tit" Joint (' 01 &aJJ. bloIi..ving th.t Alm,rirllll IllrCllj:th Ift'&l eoough to mouI11 SiUlllluult'(>lls tin> both tbNkon. dl.'Cldt"l1 to hYllll!l!l /111<1 lIeul Truk UJd tIM> "'Plailling Cllroliu'1J frolll nonh aDd lOUth, Alltl rollduet Im,lillllnll.rY I wfUda would thl'('&l.t·1l Ihl' NIt'my ill 1111 lire' Pacifk Thf' ,.,'ry 101"'-1'1""'''' hm"l", . . nllW' .....pon, would IIlrik,' .J,1111I11 fmln Ihr, -. Tile I'fI('8pturp of til,' '" eat the line or rmnmuniNlliun home iBlandI and Ih,· h Utd provide & ma¢llg !HI'" for' 8111J!l"'1IIl'II1 nil. upon CbiDA, FomlOllfl, or JUIl"n. II IlIFlil importanl tor.rN*Jllij of fllr t'lI8l<'I'1I JINMiF. If thf' ("n"IIl\' 1I"l't ""IS l'I'iIJP1.· d d UI)' et tlml if 1I1rllll'gi,. Iltl lll • till' phlll f uirklr dUlllj:I"1. Alli'11 Ill1' 111,,1 .. lIod II ... 1101111' ·011. Afh'r [wo Y"lll'll "f thl' of I h,· .J"IIII n'.... its IlId,; of 1J"I"n,·,'. Th,' '>l wl'r.. r("lllli\'dy Irlliul'tl 1Ul\'lIllandinl:" trool!!! had 1,.'-'('1(10,.1 whil.. formidable, 110 Ibp prOl<-'('I;OIl of hi>! f'(] pr('jjUlOllhly fOf'vroll-'('lion His lI;r arm no "-L' e8'ecl;\'e support 10 I"s !tTOunti his long HnM of ('(lrnmulli,.._ forc('!l lind ,\]]jet! !!ubmll.nnt"l Illl'rellanl shipping 10 .u..11 ",I'my fore",1 10 .. \ ..... ....rg...., .ntl "".11 aDd Soulh "lIcific .ir ."d ut"ll on Ihl' l'IlNm· Ft"I>nlar'\" 1944, wllil .. fUlu':" _Jed. The ...i<h UJlOII .Ir- lin<'fi or II &dang, WI''''-aJ,., illl('nsifil'<.i. fl w.. re d('5lro)'",] .ntl Ih,' no 10!i&'S al Ih.. ad\"8nero 'ng IIII' ".&;> con' al Ilollllndia ..... Alii",] I rangt', and he witbdrew' from Ih('Solllhwl'Sl I'.cifie. which mll.intain",1 In 1111110"1 rontrol orr Ne...· Bnta,,' nol '>hllU..lljj:.....1 by Burial'(' f'()II\·OY of JII.I,,,nl'!le mt'r- broughl into lhr 111'<'11. during il WIiS d''SlroS'''1. PfU'ijic.- Th" .Jul'''III....· ,·,llwr pfl'l... til'l' nosisllll"·... or 11Illi ilijC II IIS1 hillj: "xl"l'pl ((0 bllul. Ouin"'l rrom W"wllk 10 IIII' 'll 8,';1.111'" or Grl'I'1I Illl"lId, ("'A In'lu",l, on Hi Fl'lmlllry \("(1 liS " lIl11ttrr of I·Olll'Sl'. lijl:ht '''111 til(" smllll j:"rl'i!'(>11 .or r,·infon·t,.I. II", ptUt,'c! T"I",«,,, 011 1Ill' lIorlh and mOI'ed 011 10 ('''II(' IItOlIl of thl' 1'1I1'1ll.\" hlld I\ith- Peninsula to Ihe east. ,\lthOUl(h for, I I r, . " , 0 \11... ""11ll' lluon II nlld il I' . " I· •. . J) I " Illlm ,,111'\' III \oH'mlwr , 1111.1 .1"1lI1,, ....·, AllIrd'lroop.. in •.w' (. 111111"11 "I·t' I . . I ' .' II Irlfl!-t III ,·11rI11IT\' a lid .lllrt'l1 1111'\' , '" . . 1110 "'/!,,, JIIII 011 ;1 '\I'til .\1",[111'" 011 II "',' '" ' ,.. II'. I, all' , I..!l'r. 1111' 0!·'·Up..1I011 or Emi"," 1.llIlId on .\1.1'1"1, ',? 1I1 1111't",t Ihl' 1"ollillOll all.1 '·I",i,...J,'llll.'nl of Ka\'wlll!" 11.1,,1 It.b.,,1 Ihl' ....u.m'· ....-illulr"w l,,·fol'!' Ihl' landin/i:, _nd Ihl' .11,,'$ jl1Iiu",i • ,Irat<'gi,. obl....II\1' w,ll,out l'OI>l. III Ihl' Ill ... ntmll' Gf'T)I'...1 \1.,·Arllmr ... for Iii...1Iuk upon lIolland,.. Thill rontl'lllpl.I<.'(1 ., -/lull b" 1.0 .\11,,,,] d"L·lOn , till' IUJ:'-I Opt"... ll(In .;W tilt' 101l1.,,-t IllllVluIIlOU mo,,, JI'I Ill.IU,....1 b_t" 1I>e .... 1 P.rlfir .A'll Thl' objf'<"l1\ " ".... ...; 11111.... from ('0011"'10'4-'" lh(' pn"",,,,,1 U.... , ."d 4!oil milt':< (roo; ('.p" ('r<'lUl. 'o()ulh of Fin""hhdt-n. th.· adU1l<'1' ,1.l!lnl: IWilnl In Ih.. ('I'III...II·...ili....\llu,i forr,,,, "i'l'!' m....·ling ill"lfl-'('!l\'1' during tlwit ..I.-.n('(' throlJl...-h th.. \I .... K••j.lrm ,\1011 w..........un..d on;; ..I,rualJ' .tt"r.; of fij!hllll/l: _\11' oppo;;ilion ".&;> btn,,* of IbP ur,;rupllOD of air- drolllH .nd r(lfIlllllIlllCllioru- b)- pJ'l>limillary 1&",1 Ind ...rrit"f buoMl hornblllj! .,wl .trali'l/I: ... itls 8IMI 11• .-.1 bomh.nlru"nl 'I'll.. .,.""n.....· .,r l·lfon in li,ilI Mn'a ....a"j ill .hall' ' ...·1 to Ihl' a,·tio" 10 th" Nluth 8lWl "outh",·.1 J'.eifir ."'" aUae,,". UPOII It.bllul If Ihl' no," of .ir Il'ill- fOrn'lU"nl 10 Xea Bnt.i" .mlromr;: I.kl'll /iii • 1'1'11<'00", 11,,·n' .ould I", rt'L>OlI to belie"f" lloat Ihe to n'l'lare ••!'I&gt-' all,l mainl.1II .ir imporlant b_ W'Il;; .hllo>l Ilu·xh.u,ubl,'. Thl' "'Vtlll"f' or K.·.ja- lelll, hoa·Hrr. Ihll Uabaul pn......IlIe<1 • dio,c,'pll\"l'pIClllrr of Ill" 0\"('1'-11.11 .In·n!!lh, .ntl dIal the «Il,'mr·s de1l'I1I1IIMII"" 10 11(11<1 VOO;ltlOlI hi••hilll,\· 10 d"rpml ,·I...·"lu·n,. Th,' IIHI ill \il·IO.... \OM. rapidl)' r'J,lulll"'1. Ortll'r$ w"n' 011 F,·IJfllur.\' 10 1m' pan' JIIII.IlS for thl.-' ol'i,un' of 10 Thl' 1I1I11I,110Ildllll.'" "I'rf' lII.d" 011 II lInd Ihl' "nllrl' ilIOn h.l. IIw '1'111"" 1l""'"llt'" "'I'n' .... hy Il_ carrIer I ikl' a,&.:alll$1 Trllk 011 III alltl I. hbrllllr.'· III ',' , _, ","I'r"ft IIIld 10 "llIp" 1I",'n' ....1 . ,,_ ., , f ,. SI"lI"; ,,"'I,luIH"'...,,·'t'll "'llllIO"llO' ,. I , " • " . ,""'r,,'I' forI''' 1,,1 S"'1mll 1I11t , II I'. " I f I Ti;IIIIII "11IIIII,,,IIIIj: IIlIollwr tOO ",r.'"rll:.1 1111. IIrl It'r I.rulltnl,&.: J"lIal """ ( IUolianJio (lpt'ralion•.-lIo11sutha was the priu- .... Cn-tin, and lIIIIlfIult TI'II '"'"' bl'ld on 8 April. SW)l!' IHrt' luk"11 10 t."tea tbt' tPl'PlY tb.t Ih" attlU'k upon I [Illl 01' Wtwak .M projel"tl'd" Th" mOIl north from Vitiu S.nit to lilt' A,hnimlt " I tlMon.-..t, ....d fin-.Dy .,lItl. 10 th" h" While tbiB roaw. ... 200 mi\(", 101lj!l'r 111 diftd. m. it gayt' '- thll1('1' of rllrly d('t .... Pft""l"Dwd ttwl'ntmy from drfinitcly drt inc thl' ob)ediYt. Tbl' COII\O.\"M w('re p by the Btovl'fllh )o'Il't't lind by euritn from *'"' Cl'ntral Pacific. On 21 ... f. Itrutk the Wakdr and • airtiHds whw thto Ydlh IIltI'fhirlemlh Air •• OIl W_ak. Hallsa Ha)'. Ailapl' HoIlaDdia. 1'ht nnt dlY Allied fort'l'f! land TaMIunrnb and Humboldl while Anw.d toIIIbat tHm ('I.plun-d Aitall(', ". _aim...,.. mati.. umll'r l'Ol,'r of aDd air boUIhU'dPH'llt and compl('ll' Il.('li,..1 eul"pl'iw was I.('hi"Hd, Xo mort' klkl!'ll was I1K"I al all." IMJint. a, ...... u\"al or air Itla('D ill fOlTr ('Irnr I.IIJ" dln!ol:1il:Jo, At Aitapl" Ulr 'fadji ain:lrome Oft the liI'Ilt da,.. .\ periml'ler d"fen. ...w--d and Ihl' po5ition awdiateb'. 'J'bp troop!! at 1I0llandia III 'I"irt..o,- malTh 10 Ih" lIin:lromr __ or liar ro-tl." ,'alllllllil!lI hamaad CycloP'l 81riJl'l ,,(>1'(' ""1/..'<.1 by . Iarcet from Humboklt Ind Ih" lIol1l1ndill by ... from Tuahm('rah. ,\('\ion lhl'rt' .. Iimi&ed to buntinlt do,o-II 'lCau('1'('(1 Ja _lL 1IJ 17 Ma,.. ftKbt fighter onr at ...droP. and onl' !Mlu. ........1iIIg from til" 1I01l.ndill, C)'c!Ollll. TuIi IIIripL y..mtAon and Iltllld: bomhrl"$ .....,. .aart.ed thI' lIOfwning of lho dd"l W"Biak mprrparation for II\(' Iwxt s.r,..i_OII ef romll'llul,i,- Durinlt 111l' . ......... tile I."" ..... devl'lopillj.: II mlljor I ....... ....:1 IUppI,. hue at :\lllllU8, Ill'l'llllll{' ... JIeM, ... to 01"'1111.' oul of ........ iDu. rocommNldt'<.t Ihut it hi' I .... bJ' the South Paeifk G"lwrlll .\hl"A tIIiIllJIIf'lItion and R+t'llll [)I'QW...... I ...... fII. Soulh I'm'ilil'. 1"'yOlid I lor Ioe&I dl'fl'nlOl' Ilwl fOl' Ih" up.'rut;' III ., "-. hi' ....1l1[00:1I1".[ to Ill,' :Wll lh -- .......... .loint Cbi"f& of Stl,lf ........ :hciIe Couunaud would be broke t (01"(:1'8 <Ii,'idN! lH'lwrr" " tn.l P "f Il' un 'c. Th(' lIlUill UU"ll[ to WIiS to 1)0(' Itud il8 .art! to th" AdmirBlti"s aud Irt,,('uth Air Forel', Ih" [V tl\l' Twenty-fifth. Thirll_ FOrl)'-third. Nin"I\"-lhi-' -, , . ",_JIl ", Il us the Finn Iln<l &-.:ond tell'"! !ll'r\'i,·(' und SUppo.-llIllt conlrol of G('I\{'ra[ .\la..Arllulr, ... sollie major unils ,,-1.;'-11 tJu. Southwesl Pacifie to fill &On'lIth Fleel, th... I '\[.rillt &hi' tlll\'alair forces of the80lllh to the C('nll1lll'.cilic, l"nil<,<l Stlltl'S .ir and gn:nll\d t I'adfk al'{'a lind III(' n.tutt' cau:;ed GNI('rIll .\1.eArthur to d.. The Far .\ir und..r General KI'III\('" liS of til", Firth .lId Tlli;. 1'b(' XI\- Corps, comlllalldal "'. Griswold. ''-'S !Iet up • Ihe control of G"ueral theairlllld na'·111 i"slal1&1101 Nt... Britain-Emirau a'\:ls. f'orce WllS gi\'ell Ib(' sall\" Guinea "'llSt of Ihe Ramu "-"heloll of the Eighlh AmT.'· on 21 June 10 lilke o'"er part and taclical duties of thl' was not fomlalls l'Slablished er ditl not assume com' ,- plia"t'" "·ilh th" ,/Oilll ·v.. of .\Iareh 19-14, G...Tll'ntl """is;oll of his n... no I'lall, in June af",r 1I011andia wbile !llallS well' beinp: CO!l\- ua1 operations n('('C!lSIIry for S,,"' Gll;l\"1l ('06sL The 1'('\.iSl'd limelllb[c for 111 ... llh(,rlI OIM'ralions. IIl'ltinp: UlVllII;On dnlr for .\lo!"lllai, mrlud" the general 1,[lIllS for Philipllintl [sllIuds. It WM t llnll reoccllplltion of an ll.Ullck on ForrnOSll "till of dLtl I'ndlk would • IlCh"me of HlUlH'll\"... r fur from initilll IItlftck on &be iIllalld and subsequcnt I , Oll Sa· I " '0" 10 OM 11Il'J:"'-tICIlI" Illtaek , ' l"}lUJ(1 Bft.\· for 25 Ol"lobrr Th· 'lie of .('\lOIl off I ,,' 'II rad,' !"'Iltbl 'I rrN of th(' ,, ' I!lwnt of 1I1r 1.";11'; for tht· 8ull""'rt of Lr nell OI"'r&I'O I - ,_ I I n. "'.I'll' (,u[f. ;;('hedulNI I', l' ,\Ol'rm I('r S I ' ... I l' .• u "'Nluent 0ll('ratiOlls llIriuded· • , Illlt at Al}ll.rn h... ('r<ltra[ PIl"ifi,' rOITt'S' ,alluar\" LII I . ", O<'('ullat'OIl of tltr Blro[ I'ro,'illa' thr month, ....iwl1" of air bases on . olllioro In hbnuu)", and a major .mphihiolls a_ull at [.. ul1ayrn Gu[1 on I .\prjl ;;upport"1 b,' ;;('('OIldllr.'· OlJ('lllllOlbI 1.1 B.Il'r Bill" / .. nal.r'l!U, IIl1d TIlI".INL;;. " ., TA, .\'or optrul;/JII" Thl" ad. '.11("(' 1[0111[ III.. XI'''' Gum... f'OIbl rolltinuE'd "'Inle l't'O'¥I.nlUllon of III.. romm.lld "a.; !:wIng romp"'t"!. ......l d.ys af\l'r the 1.1lt1i1Jl:'l at lIoiland.., G"l\..ral .\lae.\rlllllr mform!'<.1 Ih.. War D"plrtlllr!Lt thll hI" l!lOuld aHad. Wakdl" .nd Sarmi, 0' .... 100 mLirs "r-t of Hollandi., .boul 15 \Ia.'·, objrrtiH " ... to ...plUI1" .irfiPld, from "I,,('h to ron-r ht. fUrlllf'r mo"eml'lll mto lbe G("('I\"ink Ha.' "'1-'1011 in JUIII' and sub;;eqUl'.llt oprrallOOllt lI\ Ihl" Yot;t'lkop 1'1"l11lL...u1a region. \\-.kdf', Illak, XOf'mfoor l.Jands, and Cape Sa.n- !iIlpor 01 tll(' llOl'th,,""tf'm lip or 'lC" _ult....1 L!l rapid ,u lIT.. liNt on Ii .\I.J· and Ihl' Ia:,I 011 30 Io:acb "'1$ .n in. drvrnd""111 Olll'nttion; no alll-lUpl ""n,, m.4(' to romillele one bl'fOfl' Ihl' nell. J.ll.n....... lIir .ud lIa\ a1 l't"'>i_tan<'t' "a., ,irtually nOlle,li_llllll, lind J::toUnd "as Wakelr" ('aplu""" in" dalli . .\<Ol'mfoor in 5. and SaIl!ll1IIW on Illr da." of uw auvk, bUI major bllll[,'" I1,,'"r["I,"1 in Bi.k 1.J.nd and brt,,"("('n 1'0('111 alld Slnni (N' Ih" lII.uIland, Thrsr ill' ,"oh'ed [1Il'J:'" nUIIlIH'l'> of jtroulkl lroop- b." Illam"', tank_, 11 ....1 jtllufirt', and arlille!)'" Tl,,' rTwlll,. isol.I''<.[ am[ rut olf as Ihl'." wrre, fOllgHt III1I! "r1l TIU' initial [alldull1 on Billk ,,"S matle on 27 .\Ia". EIf,'I:li", ro....; ..I.nrt' ('J"IN[ ,m 21 JWle Il,r .hplln" ....' 'illllllllllld"r bunLt the coloI'>!, hllml gr.-'ll ..l"" for Un' "f Iltl' WOU((([,'<.1. (\nll'l','<.l 01>0' fillal Il\lark. lI\\d lhell harll-kari, SBnni l\{'\' ... r ".a ()('(:upicd. The pOSiliuli [OSI its im!'(,rllln('C as the line mo.,·cd f"ntaN[, hut W.kdl· Rlld 'TOI'llI wen: ro'WI'Il.lcut pUiUI" !Il.d ('H('h of t"rSt' pro"ldeJ u",'fullrlLininJ,: ("r suh>ll."llll,,,t lljll"rlltWlI". The Slmtlt""SI I'lldli,' fvrt"":, .ad"ute..[ Ihan uOO Ulilt"ll all'[ reHdl.'<.1 lITe Ilalmahcras and the I'lTibppUle;l. A majOr during major _ault.s. 11<' ft'lt IhRI Innd_ air llhould 1>1' II!WlI 10 till' 1l11l'imlllll "'I"[I'nl bl.. , and tllal th.. uow of ,'-.ri",·s 10 sllilpurt Ira,'lNI fi¢ttillll' a"hnTt' I", "voidN!. riN'," ,'(mid I,.. u'II'(1 to bdl,'r ".hlllli ..Iralf'l[ic IlliooMion IIU' Admirlll ".. id Thr inw ..·"nllt h"I",intl'(l "ut. ,,"<lul,1 d upon thr l\tulra!izali,," of h""til,· "ir !'tn'n l.uzun hv l.nd_h.'\l"(I,.llIn,... \1lK'_\Mhl!r 0111",..,'(1 I" pro Ilf the Joint <'bief" of Staff II., it , .. impraclkabll' 10 ll,l.-.u(·r thr l'l:lu dal.... for o)X'ration" bt-t·II11...• 11m allt'aolv ....It' flldlitil"! in tIll' Plri thE' Ill' obj,...I\·d to byp Iho> Pbilippim''\ "n th.. P'QllIltllt th.l Much .. "ould "",.tl' lUI ad""...... rt,artion IImolll; aI propl.... of !hI' ..·.r portio th.. Philippin..... "·ould .....ull in n"ltI. thUli c.ultil\l(' .. major ra'llim·. Grlll'ral _\rthur addoo. In July 19«. (,ol1f,·I'('1I<...... "I'rt' It"''' h" lb.. ('mira! P.rifi.. comlnl.lll]rr ill )'..arl II and the !YJuth...-..t P••·ili.. romma/l,h'r UI Hri_ _\1 Brisbane, .\e1mira! :'\ilJlitz I.lul hi" "iliff "I 0tI1 dl" dl'Ulil"" for till' ._ull'l upon I' Yap. and llitbi: a.. Ii\·itiN 1'1I1al! \H Ilf' aimulIUl","" .itll till' o;(·i1.Urt' or (.iH)tra! \1lK'.\rthur'.. fol'(."("; _\t Uri_I..Il.. ('f'JIlrai Pa.rific n'I'I1"'t'ntlltiws mad., Irut plUl for pm"iding f1....1 ItUPllOri ror South Parific opI'ralion.. out I",...] ill Ihl' laltrr ph 01&'101. It oriftinaIly had 1,,'t'1l N'llll'nlpl11\l'(1 dlllt N .... Pa.ci6e fOrN... ,,'uuld IllOH Morotai to Sarangani "1l111",r\l'(1 ra bo:inIl' aircn.fl of tl... Pa,·ifk 10'1,','1. 'flU''' OIl 1'IIpt"(11l11J' ill n·f....'I"'... to I'l'R daf' l'Df'my b•.Jd aim,·ld... ",,"1d in,oh,' \101' II na'raJ crall in ,....trir!<'(1 .. ""'N! 1111<1 ... ,mlol 1 .tt&clr..,.mat Ul art'll "llI'T<' pJ'NllBlably .pU PTt·lllll.. Thl'rl'fon' il \I R" psUd that th.. :-;arflllj,(ll.lli ol"'r8Iioll 1)(' dn' and that tb.. Talall,l 1.1",uIK, mi,l\\ "." Iwl Morotu utd Mirnlanau hI' Iilk.·n I ",pr, it.u nol ol""'''!;OU'' ill :or nao 00 caDCl'lfid ahol. "i""l' "il" ti"I,Il! """iIRhl Morotai wel'l' inaullkit'lll I" I>IUI1· 1 a.ircn.ft needed 10 ""v"r II", .'ulnlnl·l· ill[(o aoutbl'm Pbilippin"8, 11ll' 'I'"llllloi OIH'rlll;On lMlbedulfid to ta.kf' pIa,'" 01> If> 0<,1,,1)('1' Ill·H. to daf. landi", at 1oIIlrlll'Jo(IIIli. III u.. I,·r I'l lor \be indlllioo. of the Talllll\1 upcr"lioll RI &,ull"I'I,;;t ('Iltrnl Pncific, 1111' to Ii) N'o\'{'1nh"r 19.11 WIIS [0 Ill' ,lela.,,,! !llltil :!() lb., fnCI [hu UW nl(flni woul,l aklo l"l\'l' In lOI' """Il.IIIt. Il.n,l Ihr turn_ ut " w('l·ks. 'lk Il.grc('(1 ttl "uIII)tJrl ("'nl ral Paillu. Yall. II/ld Ulill,i witl, ""hill' rASt Cllrrirr tuk f"m for tile Soull)\"cst )'adlic in- i IIlld cltJ"if'r )" air l)Ower bl\S('(1 in 1101' '1"('1"(' 10 he Jnar!1' in onll'r 1<. SUpj:M)M to in ... au. and Tlllallli Ind 10 ml\J("l' Ur pot('lHial in tilt' PIoilippinH. fol'f'SR"" that Ull' "",izurt' Ilkl ar till' eAStE'nl !Il'll apllmarl"., It ""Olll.! aoo pro\-Mll' tI,1' lral Padfic fom'S ,,-ilil !la_ :'I.lindan.o and th.. \·i... rt alld Luzon wit!1 urri..r- proposed UI.t Cl'lltral l'ldfi.· nga"i Il.lld .. llSt't1 bomb"r atucl<! OIl Il,,, ]", slrat<"gi1' I tltc Luzon IIml Fonno;;a IIlrikcs tIll' objl'Cli\'" illusioll'!l. not constitutc finu with Soulhwesl P.dlic stiff ani OIlt'rRlion" of O..ncllll :OlncAM1,ur Ind thl' ill\'uion of thr tions w<,n' to h., ,,;0('(1 Finnl oI""isiou- awailNI dit'l'eli,..' rr<un Ihr Joint allp('1lrt.J Oil 9 S<,pt"mlier nil :'I.1,.,cArlhul" 10 ()o('ellll." wit nrr,l on 20 l)('(·"1ll1...· r to !ll'i1.c nnd (]nl'lojl PbiliIIP;Ilf'.'l !l1'("11!Sllr.,' ro,' llll' n of FOlltlO!lll II.\' ('I'ulml ....1. 1!J45 or, f,Il ....,l!lli,,·ly by S"lltll\"I'st Pllcilito lrOlll's 194.'). In ",hlitioll, (lNl- lnlllrtlcll'd to submil ...du<'lion of Ito"lil,' "ir ... aUllport of tho; Formosa thl' IRlti" lOI' undl'rlnk..n prior o I II' tn'"SlOU of LU1.oll 11"III!1O ,,-ItS rr'qut'8u'(l 1,lani for tlw of till' northern II '1IIlUll'!l. tll'l!N 111111' 194;;. .\1 thl' !-ll1II1' liml', thO' ,10llll Chi... of 511lfT uIlllnll·I''1I.\llullrnl:\imil/,lo for Soulltwl'l\t 1'''''11", op.. Ilrl'lullinan- to alltl (]unul1 Ihl' of thl' ('...lInl l>hilip- IllIll'!!. iiI' "''''1 ,lor('('I('(1 II,... 10 mllkr lI....t unil$ to ••_M III thl' 4't:lu""lidation of th \ hI' lOU Il'qul'<llt'<i 10 lor tht .ntl dl'\"l'lopml'llt of IlItI for thp "uPllOrl of I fK""'lbll' im aslOn on Luzon by G..m·nl :Ol.e.\nhur'll fOl'1'f"< Ilrior to thr Foml():,& oprntion :'\0 finn d('('\..,ion lOU 01• .1.. Il thi:. lim.. b\' Ihe JOlllI C11K-r, of "'I.ff n'gllnlillit thr IlrtOrtt}' IIII' l.uwll .nd Fonno.a .. ...ults. 1I0"''''l'r. G.........I \I.e.\nhur Ilmuly h.d .;Q/Ilr of Ih.. pial)- Illug Ih..y 1111'('('1....1 Dt·ri",..l from itER/) \' "'llll I lit...• ,.-.n..--. of plan, d....llffllllNI .lIouhltu, tilt' 1i"'1 of "hioo:'b ...... IllIbli"ht'<i .t G""l('nl lIf'lld- 'lu.M('N of Ih.. South" ... t I'.tlli••rt'll on 10 July 1944 TIll' of mall"Ufl'r outlined in I/M.u-dur / "II._ bal;('(I on TIlt' ........mptlOll Ihat .lr I....... 011 l.uwll "Otlkl br for Ihe of Fonll&;ll n.., t"Ollfi'pt of oprnlioll3 pro,id...1 for .n IdullC'(' from .outh 10 110Mb .Ionl; Ih trnl "borf'$ or thl' io ord"r to l.- for II fill.1 Itt."k on 1.ul.On It "a< plann('(l thai "ir fo.......... "hich br from Europt ,,'ouk! bP 10 augmrlll lftlltl-h.9I'd lir supporl of !M:hl'(lull'd ground Ind to ho.tllr Ubl.l- lllilOIlS ft,,,1 a111l'lliuj!: III Ihl' a..... from :\orlb 1J,0ntro throul1h th.. South (1"nl Sl'a. . . :Oll1jor "','rt' lJIIlh..nlll1l1nd OrJ1lll11ZlItg from thl' lIellll,.....1 Ind ....mi_l!IOl"INI Jll"('Il;i tlf Ih.., Solllh"f"Il l'i1rilic and addi.tiollal forr,'>! from tlol' l'uill'(l SlalM for 110... m"fl,;IO" of 1110 I'loililll,i,,""" Oril1l1lall.l' II mtl'ndl'd to llllO II" ,\ustnllu,ll for II,,· l... ..· IlSSll.olt Rnd on 1"'1.Qll. pubh.. " ,'". 'loiul of ho"or for CO"'ll , . . . I lIS 10 I.... ill lh.. I'lolllpplnr;;. 1Il 1I('l;no.. l- ' nf lin' Il('ln 'I"'" Ihllt lite gllll'lh v ... ". ',', • \ U ' c"", II''l:IlU'" G('ll. "or tom"., mh'( ... ,ll '. . ' I Blowll"', COIll,,"u,d('r uf Lo/,ud. IU)( , ,,'" I'hid or ,\>lhnll :Old,IJlr_,' ...onlll1Jll1l (' . I 0[,'1'('11,,1 1o l>t'1l1J( t<11. P .. J , 'f '10(' ('nl"IO"lln'nl of IIH'I .\u"lr"hllll \\1'1'(' (Ill l)r, . . \' C " ",ill' of twO dlll<lnU8 u , parrl, 'Ol"pll, Ctll '" air strip 0llened 0, ' ), ) ')" C )('.... tlOllll )' or fighter aireraft Ie entral I'a 'r, . lhe ,Jal CI 'Ic alw. succl"lBful. NIUetil' 'et thelle po8l11ons ";111 more strcll)",h and Lhe ground continued for a InIH'1 Olll:"cr Period tl f-tr,t p/all.. Tl;c captuN' of )Iorotai was Ie mal Iuk of Ihe Alamo FOlTe ,,'hieb had 0ll(',..tions of Ameril'"l111 Combat un'ts Ihl' sllri'lg of 1943. General "'laeAtthur -" .. onlel'f'{l. the Sixth Ann.\" to the nullal PhibppuU'li fllmpaign ,,-hich had usigltffi 10 the task foree, Irtual cha'lgc .'as in,'okl'd si,- ,) .. F ' te ".,amo 01TC'!l MIL_, tl'd of units or attached to tlte and headquarters Si.rth ,\nn.. al"O funcllont'(1 ., headquarters Alamo .-\1 tht ;,arne timf' the Eighlh "-as oniel'Nl to conlrol of .\nlt'rinn com'-I units in Duteh Gumea, the Admiraltiro<, and on )lol'Ot"', ,,-lllif tilt' Firsl .\Lt:;I... li.lI .o\rmr .,.,umed the romLo.t j1lIrri.Ion re<pot"ibilitr on Gfl'l'fl and and in the nonhem Solomon" on Bntalll, and ill the Xtl" Guinea FOlTe east of We"ak_ September, joint ,,·tre held by the :;outl,"'C"t and Cf'ntral radfie ·repl'l'til'ntat"· to "oOh-e Ihe problfms Cll'llted b.. tile grMll 1IC«'1"ration in plan.. t-or air of the landn'I.'S, Ihe rnitl'd Sial" Third nl'(-"t famcrs ,,'ould 0ll('ralf' as rar north as Qkin...-a, lutting there, OIl FomloNl, and in llorthern Luron prior 10 the a_ult 011 Lt\'le, For a fl""- imml'dialeh' pl'l'(',.ding Ihe- Ihf' III'(-"t' ramer.! ..'ould condul'"1 .gail",1 I,uzoll. the Bicols, LertC'. ('I'bu, anti Xf'gJQII. ,,'ould aoo pro'-Wl" n('('('>o.. .... I"\. direct support to thl' amphibious It- lark. ,\fter Ihl' IrDOllS wl're tile f1t'('1 ..ould a" ol';'rate in stl'llll'j:'ir support of Gen- C'ral fOrceol. In addition, Celliral ['al'"me shore-blget1 aircrafl from the Palau;; ..-ould thr Ui('01!!, lI'hil(' air fof'('l'" of the Southwest l'aritie "ould ('Onlilllle their 1L-.sijl:nC'd Ulsks. By 21 Septemlwr, enollgh drillils had arranged that gt'f\('rnl ht8!1tluarle!\l of til(' 8,,'n "n. IIblt, to ik> Oll('rat'olll' UlslructrO'1!I Ill(' iuitlnllnudillg in Ihe Philippinetl. ,\ir hn"''S 011 l'nhlU IIlld '[orotni "'PrE' .n,slred 10 rOIllI/letion to "i\'e sirong l/\Iul·bIlSl'lI arr SlIl>-- port to the forthcoming Olll'rations. Tire an- ('hon11(' nt, 1,0iIS01 r(llId_, uorth of Ihe Paillu .. silllulhlnl'OlIsl)' with the lnnd group, ,n. ? inj,. ... Oil I'['lilill. Vlitlu "ll!I tllptu"..d on .3 St' p\(' mill.' r. 39 b1o\·jng tire urigiuulh' bn) )) • ... 'N II - t.wo llIontl,s. ns Wl're made ill th" I"'XI ?4 Chiefg of StnfT to) launch lhe I.eJte ft$8ault e ) alau, )Iorotai, alld L'Iil"i scheduled, but other, ) . tIe sclzure or Talaud Y , ap. , allli Serangllui, "'I're l'fIlI- di\'isions in Irnnsit for Ya " , were made nailahle rOf" Morolai and Palau ope...tior planned, TILl' garriion on too at 300 men. but Iht of reinforcing th... island ";Ih lIalmchera "ithin 48 houl'l!. from lhe PhiJippineli ,,-ithiu a \hese considl'llItioflll the task of the Infa.lllrY One Hundred T,,-eul\'-s:Hil l T('Ilffi of tile rting combal and· the Xl COrp!!. Alli('(\ air power ,,'U 1"1'0."11 in support of the t" 0 01'(''''- Pacifit Fon:-e oontaineo:ll'tlern.. b... harassing missions in Arm.r Air Forces in Chin. 011 till" south or FOl'- hea',:," bombels of Ule South- k airdrollll'S on )Iindanao. riherlands East Indies, and fighlers strafed and bombe<1 , shiPlling, and trool' ("(ltl- carriers hit Chichi Jima and . ,nnd )Iindanao aud the 'ppincs "ith repeated raids and 14 Sellt.ernber, Hostile II)' eliminnled from the "'cre confined 10 Ihll north- the 80utlwnJ Celebt'S. 1s were protccted esoort, fig-hlcrs lIS 111('." 1Il0wd , but wer<' 1I0t, nI- p Oil 15 8<'lltNlIl)('r ,\f'r(' aod nunll bolllbardn]('lIt of Morotlli and ,\'('rl' U1l0PPoseo:1. rtI rcl\ched on t6 Scl/tom her thl'fl'nftcr consislrd of IllOp- lapanC$(l and r:\lrudinj: tlu' Tbfl Ollernlion "ns her on the day that \\'a"lI 10 .cure • foo&bold on t!ll' eOllst 0 Philippine Archipelago, but oJ>\O to >lid in iDftIion of the eeol:nl Luwn 'Hell . The p1aDs ou&fuled in Ml#lafur lind thr t &ive IJ'ftIIPmentc made at the July confer ... lien IUpport for lhe finnl il1\'lI8ion of Pbilippinelr. Wen! never no_liZI'd. On 9 lIll !"IeptembR. Admiral Willialll F ll'llS('y's P1ee& earrin-bome airuaft hit p IUpport. to UoJlftlding IllOllinlt" on &IIi IUld Palau. sebiering the ,l<-<irffi dl'Slnlt ud dieeII."C enemy wellkneM in ...... The of damage to air by Iaad-baed bomber' altadt.!l of Soutllwf!,ol )' Air F.... opfftWtr boom ba!;l'S in Xl'1I' 01 ... fouDd 10 he p-eoaWl" than had been I'lltim 1_ J•.-n- Illan"", were p1'f"o,('n •... ,........ Prompt1J. elfone Wen' made to c&llitali die ..-y'.1Ui'JlIiaing unprepaN'<.lne&l'_ I'a COIl._ Rriba were c. ... c:urier &MIl. loKea of the Thin] .11't"t I 10 hil '-_yu Island!! on 12 an 8epUn1wr. Apia hostile I'e8ction "'aiI foun be 1'berefOff'. aD immediate a<'«' ....... a ..,... in the 8('hf'du r.i6e ap.-rod feasible. On Sept-n...... AdminJ Halsey radi()('(1 to Oe MacArthur, Admiral Simitz. and Admiral E I Kiac. a.iel 01 Naval Operation!!. hi!! Jx.lief .. p ri. oldie W",tem Carolineli. indu PaIaa, .. DOl __tiaI to the occupation of N6ppin- lie that LeJte i_iNti WIJ .... if ,II projecteo:l ..... &he with thl:' e:cet'ption UiIIIi" __ caaceled and thl:' I..evle land ..... .,. carriI!lr-bornl!l aircrnft uniillnlld-l· IIir eoaI4 he .uhliebed uiloTe. ....... NiIIlita COIl.idered thl' 1ll'OI)()SIII 10 ,.. Tapfeuillle bul dired('(llhnt Ihe Palau tJIidU be carriC'd out lI!1l1{'heduleo:l, ....hIiIlc..-led all an air bM(' lwd lh(' la ••leA.......... Hf' th('1L illforllll>f:l Gel MuAdbar .... di\'isioll,!1 alill ......... Jt.ded and "'ould c!('I",rt, ................ ,01' Yap, but if thnl ol wrlll nuId be aVlilal,ll' to "xpl'jit fn ID thll Philippilll.1l. ...... Genna! MarArthllr, 011 Ihl' I 11(,.... ...... from carri('r nltnck!l. illfo of Staff, Allmirul BaIIv tbal be "'88 I'rellllrell 10 eX ........ willi a tllrget dute of .......... Ill."' .... LIIer , ... .... -. 01 III "f .,.11, • Mb+.... fI ...w......... ....................... ... ..... dfll ..,. ........ _ _ ' .-...,.- "11 , 0 I ta.. .- a... ;'" p" c.._ ..._ .. 1..- ..-., .. .., " ...... _ol..;....-I.a-.... ......,. "- 11M o-.l ., 0 ' dhWua __&tohii -. W.D.' ...9 ;' ..... ...... 'fe fll MtI - ..... ......, 110& to o•••lil ...- - as .o-.l Ilk ..... ............ .".., 10 .. _ $ I III .. ft5,,' n ,.-l ............ an w. ""'rAm t ........-.1 ....... ..........,iI .._ .. ............. _ 0--1 ....... 'DiI_.. tid o..l Y.Io- ...... -; E • dn fte ...... II"*P 4 ur III:" 1'0'" ........, 8 dIII& ..., ,... ,. ... .'3 ,"'7.. _ ...... :::":"01 , 01 .".,... ..... _, ted ... _..--- 1st! ..... 'pl. Ian It ...... ....'=";7::... ...... ........ .... - ...... "'01.. _... ..._- .. • ... • ..... .....t.a.hpeDfW' ...... Mray CIII. aad .-.u Ne... BrhaiD ill u.. Solo- -. \1M "',-11I Ma:/ ..... U- aM AiIapP ...- _ .. OWDN _ 10 ... Jilsnre beta_ ,...... d ID01'eIlMGl bJ-- .... air MIl bfton ..... n .... __kid .tNIII* .. 100,lJOO: \bill ..... to dw 100,000 kiIW. dunlll 'I"ioua I ,.... 0 liPWII Idl • pp ""' M&uJl'f*lK'WrlW- ....... J........ W pt _7,-1oirpIa.- aad maR1 pspmrarrd piIo.. ... ""'" S.nI __ bad ....fftIll 8fIriou,. ............ __t elUPP'IlJ w.,. ......11'01....· 1'bPir main .......U1' WI lIDlourlwd but It •• ..... 10 -.e thrill al will IJarUl,: thit period thro to&aI -.J.lW -ul'fft'd by dw AID. 1D dMd. ..-ltd. and m app"ui.-a.Iy 30.000. u,..ptNI1oJI adqftl."f'd dati' for lhfo Lt7W oplhtion ..-:-.... brft_ tfM. ,'""'" ..........' .-ipfd kl -u tM Yap _<ilt __,nIabI. 10'" Pui&r For thl!' LeyIe ......, nanl""'" ",10protWd WIth a"'"1Ni__:oiI&Il "-and DaI.con tiM' Lr7W_ 011 10 Ch1otNor NGrdMm At.... •• ...-aitulftl _ftI f_ noibforftld b,. .. bonowM ......C.-In.I PariIKo bad tbe- __oIlaad· .... dwlllOQlMl fOr-OIl '-"we __Palo and SID RiaaIdo on u,v '"-' CftIIIIld Ior'tIfII ..... ...... of bfo Anay tolJlll1ahlW bJ 0.-.1 I".... no W &aM. far Irrd I'" Uliflll Growtd t.upt.i: IUpport for IIw stWa Arm, ... to I.wo .......... bJ dw -lJ f"rNa..! ArmJ twn'i", o pi. MlIxrntiamo f'rbf'lon 01 • l"nic.d BIas. 8enifts 01 Suppl, l'OIWII&DlifId by ..... ...... c..., OplHftl MKArthur' ..... cWef....... To GtohenJ c..., aim ,. the rJIIll*IDillt, of ll&abb-binr and dnftop- ... _ '-OIl t.e,lelad in tJw Pbilippm•. ID ..w.t.ioIl to Tuk F0ft8 78 and 79, Admiral KiDIWd, m....t.. 01 thlI Allied ''7 lad thP 8cweD&Ia P'I orpailed Tuk Fon'e 77 whiclt Itt> hialIIII OlDlIMnded rot the Lelle oJM'ratton. Thp ........ ItrikiDr fO/'(lP containing II'll'" with INMINpoww IIld IUpport ea,.biliUM. Admiral I1bUid raanl fOftlll, by the proVlII01llJ of 0 70, wen dlJ'e('\ed to: ......... aod &UliIh the laadma: 10rt'f8 tilt opINtisn '" proyidiq air prol«,tion fot .-olwoy!! IIlul Illl""] fon' t1it('('1 ait for IIIt1 I'liitlillj,t ffit'lItAI by lIuppotl of till' Thi]'tl FIe,,!. (d Deny ,Jdpllllcse fl'infQn't'Jn{'1I1 of th\' art·. from &mdr, W,'!II('rn lind I l"alllf'm :\Iindllnllo IIt,·ll. (to ('lear Ih{' ll,ljll"{,llt Surij.("IIO Stillit or hooslill." 11.....1for{'{';l . {tl Trallsf{'r 10 th{' .\lhl't.1 Ait Fore<'ll tl'e In' of dirO'{'t air sUj,porl will''' 1011l1-hllS<'t1 fight(. liKbI bombers ....t·...· ..1 in tilt' Thl." Thinl F1<'t't, 0l'f..'lllli7. 1 t,lt'lit"RIl.I· f Lrvl .. in\"-,,ioll;; ll!I TIl!!k For, ;II) mul"r .\d M;whl."r. \\a" l!irecloo 10 Ifi\'" "lrlllo1--1(' '11 priot 10 hlndin¥" and dOS<.' OUPI)()rl ,llIrinjo: , inp _\dmiral :\!it:;eh('t 1"..1 four I)()\\{'rful ing fol"t'f'>; .....{'h rolU;ISling of f&$1 nrr1('I'l!. (,Il, and the 1l{'....l""t An1l'rl"llll hllill Th_ rangro from till." R)'uku!! to :\lindan tlU'8.ltgir support of Ih{' l.l')'I{' hlnding. !ll Jap-nl.'Sl." illl...... Ualioll. 1,llIn<'8. am! "Urfll("(' and rrippling Ih\' .Jal)llIIt'Sl." ..aINll.Jihl}· 10 and lIUpport hi. j.'llmSOlls. And I lilt- .. beat"hl'll ,,'l."rt' oul2;i<!" Ih\' ranf...· of . land and ba.."'l'd plal\" support. TIl!!k Fo notuntrod 1(1 Ih\' art'a prior to 20 lklolJ('r to In thr dm.r-I air supporl of lI__ulting lroop!' .u Ibt- primary ...... of s<'>\·l."nlh f CIflM"l"8l K\,nnl."\·'s Fllr ,\ir Fo t'ludiD(t: Ihfo fo'ifth' and 1'hirt.-omth ,\ir FolTt't IJH. Rovlll All>ilralian ,\it FOI'<;'.... r('(·(·; ....d of prol....tillJ:" thl." r\,lit and !IOII11wMl .m.ionA indudt'd: (01 Xt'Ulralizing, in ('Qt)nlination \\ itll Fl"". bOlIlill." naul llll'! Illr fon'<'l! witl"u mn IIaP Pbilippill<'l! Al'<;'hllll'htj.'O. tl", \\ •.,.Il."nl " • and Mindanao an'as. IIml from 1)-Iln)' nUll t'OVPring !h\' mo.-.'ltwul of nll\'al fOrl'('" lind landing and <Iullll('<IU(,,,t olll'nilioll!!. fb) ,lin'!'1 IiUIIJ)()rt of OIH-l"lIt I atl'lI at 11", "lIl"1i"n prll('lil,"blt. aftt-r tbP t'llLal,lifl.llltll'nl of lighh"" aud bomber. in tJu. an'l(, ContinuinK th•. 11('!!tI'urlion or I and air fo('('... alltl shippiug- ill tlH' ,\rurUtlI C..J\'bN Sea ar.... IIn,1 d•. n),iug WI(' or thr I I...ilitiea m Ib" Sulu Ar('hip(,lnw-o 10 Jill''' (II) Deatroying IIOfl.till' illlitnll>,lion ,"ld!HI of raw mllt.l"rial.. in Eu!!Il'I'1l lodlel. During tJuo. Pl'rio,1 frolll 16 .'i"IlI"I"llI'l" t Oc&obP.. thl' Allied Air .1''i!Il'Uy",1 Jill m.ta1lationa in Ih.· C(·tl\m "rN' "1Il1 ceI('!>"" th I)lllrol" 0\'1'1" IhO!l<'llr('IIS; Ih(, t" Air Fon'('8 l'omph·t{'l\ d t ,- ion fll<'ilili,'>l 111 Illlhkp;IPUIl Itnl'Z-l'(I; lIirdrolUl"S. {"Qnuuuni, hlltoor lind l)()rl fll r iliti,'8 ill \\"('n' Th.. AlJi\'<1 Air For{'e drort UIX'II r(>(II'I'l'd llll' Xil'llOU('i/' Ul"'- bul 111'-'0 mislf'<1 th.. (·u..nw 10 II in Ihllt rt'giOIl, - po"I'r WlIS 1IIlI{'MI",,! ,,1'''11 thO' • from hur";,'('I1.I' .. • .. k in Bu:ol and Ill."\\' S('lIr.. h..,. in a WillI' al'(' 1101' I'lIlaus. Chilla_ha.....l air- nih .\ir Fotcl." 111'1\' damaging &-in(>(1 S4-'areh o\·..r Forlll051 and _. rgit"ll of .1Ith<"S(' air and na"al al onl." objl'Ctiv('-t'Slahlishing lIr's lroops a"horl." al l.(')·tl' _iglll't.1 Ihl." landing fot{'ftil "'''s th" I .... ::-ttlil air, ll/Inll, and base- for Soulh\\-(';<t ParilicOIl<'ralions Phililll,ill(,;;. Thl." 1in;1 l,haS<' of , l."lIlsil\'<.1 dl."arillg Ih" Isla'Kb 1(1 111l." IlIllili aliSlIuh 1IJ ordl."r 10 n" for shillping. Thl." ",11Il 10 sei7.l." (Iinlromes aud ba'll' plain of 1."'.I·t" lind 10 ol",n SlNlit8 at th\' norlh..m and of th" island. ""'Il'-"-'"Ii,d,l·. Illy 1l11l11IlAl to lak" 30 days. o\'"rliUld and hoslilc for("1"" from !IOuth n"llIlIilld.·r of 1...I'\,t." IIIHI hOlh stNlit, bl'tW('{'I; l....ytl." IIIHI Ut\' lll'hctlll." of 1I10ueu"er IJI.gtlll of l7 Ocloll{'r 19H wht'll out their ll.PI'l'Ol\ch "IIIno lwltring thl." Sixth HOllb'l'r Dinf.'ilt, SUllilln, alill ill 1...,,,1(' Gulf. t blllHdq miglot ("01lt1l1l1 tiIIit\'l'uft gUllq, >HILI rlHIf,r '<1 Ilinding" Inllll<' Oil on till' 17th 111111 on Ilorn'Jllhol1l Wands 'H're 'l"ickl.,· dall¥l't Ilullifi"d. ba..d .. ll·llt of lllildilig lWlld,,'" tanL rNlr '11't'US on I",}'I(' Isiolltl 011 18 Octoll{'r lind contillu\'<l IlIUlbllt('(1 throul(l, Illth. On 2{l Oelober th{' 1':tl.""SL IIlllllllillg of u""ol llSooIIult ahip!,iug lind \\arsh'llil '·' .. r up 10 thal dall." in Ihl." Paeifie War !lIllII'd boldl)' into l....}'tl." Gulf. I t'oet<I",1 I,}' ullenaified 11111"11 allll carrier_based oltCtllft I>ornbllnlml'lll of Ih.. lll."8ch'-"'l, thi!! forc.. liClIl ashon' in ll,c Ihe Sinh l:nitell Sial"" .\nn}·, 1\\"0 coql:l Or four dinsioll abrf>&SI, final slrl' on Ihl." long road back had be..n takrn, promISe "I "hall h'l'lnl," prollouneoo b}' :\la...\rthur ;;0 many monlhs l'ariier \\Illi f.. lfillN! - TIll." mlm a...... lt locgan at 1000 on an 18 mile froul bet,,·....n I>ulag anti San ·Jose, t,,'o small 011 til.. t:astl."m of U>\·tf . •\boUL aD hour rarlil."r a coml>.llt'llm landl'ti'on bolh shotl!S of l'allOAn Slran, to Ih.. OPI_iuon al thl' landing '-che;; 'tI"as llttili- gihl... f iNI ca"uahil.";< tl'SUltt\l1 primarily from a fl.""· ,,·('Il.plarl'ti mortar and artll1l."ry pil't"eli that ",lllain",1 un:lil""O'('(\ h)' tht prehminary air and na\"81 bomban!mMll, B)' umlaflemoon Tt.t::loban alrfil'ld. till." unportanl ...riy had .......n o;('CUtf'll. and t1ll'tt hId !>ten an ad\"8nn' inland aboul I "Wl) againn mlllOr opposilion. In Olhl."r s«IOr.l, til{' l"nil<'t1 StaUS forces ad"alleN! again,,1 or no resistann'. On 2J lktob<'r, Dulalf a",lro<ul' ,,'as takmafl"t tepl'lIing a millOr'l1I'· n'lUlllrrattaek. In M't"ldr of the 1i""1 landing!!. unloading \\as !IOlI1l'lIhal d.. t<>rrlun 10 the rear of one b<'ach. StlOratlic l."nl."Ill)·1ll0rtar and arliU('I')' iiI'(' harn,"'l'I'lt the fast disrlultg<' o. LST ..argo and arliUl'r\'. H"wcnr. llSilllull l'C11I'10tls romplrtM Ihl." UI;IOlldiug fifth da}' afl{'r the Iandmg. ..n- \\Ctf' "am,d, but lark of UlllOlldlll1( l"'n>onnd, snipt"r.l. ami rllclll.'· fin- "N'!' the major to ,Its- eml>arkntioll of lll('11 o."ll11ot\'rlol. ;':one of these lin. 'l"irk (o;;l.iIbhslun"llt of b<'aehlo('llds Blid oll\lIlIr,>;o inland. .' Th,' IIUlICk oftl'r coll;;ohdot,on of the f ' , I "'8 Bf'hll'\'I'nll'llts. local Ir'>:l 'II. ." ',0 ('oUIlI,.mttll,'h 'II'r(' otr III a "n'!ls Oil -- , 2' Stst,'>l f"J'CCll III t·I'e,)· ,"1l v<v' . !J'tJ 1.0111' 1"ll'llly J of till' thi,,1 dny 1,lrllO:lt 2,000 ;':IPI,ont'S'-' hSt " " I Tho rW"t dny a dr"'e begllil up t.he . ,'1 I ,IS , ""te or 8uII J'UIIIICO SUlIit, 11"" (I ?t,',1't Ull , " II e)' un< mto t . , , ,orlll wllnt IUld "I',tward. llea"y dm,'!'tc" uttac s II ,",n 11''' not enoounl«t'<l althoul('ll ill 1::('1\ enemy apppal't'd mort' f1ewnnin('d. For thl' first f_ f1aye of tho ilw"sion, from ('IIIl'Ort earril.'l"lI of the g.,\·llnth fu air IIUpport of llniwd State!l groun,j On 24 OetobN', hOWf'ver, all oo.:-ame absorbOO in th.. def('llllC of thl) 11 area and in the attl.(kll that turned buek thl' naval fol'QN. Hl"avy aircraft 10S8CB and damage to the e.oort earriN"ll ill lhis eng dictatM tbat the carrier.bll.llCd plones th lIhoukl be employed only to the 0 llI't'8 and not to furn.illh direct 1mpport to Llw troops. A.Ilh.lanrl.bas....llighter uircrd meDcOO op&l.tiona from Tat·lohan Field October, Navy cani"r aircraft eontillllf·d to the area WNI of Leyte until 29 Oetolwr. the period 20-29 Oetob..r, llwse carrier aircraft in aerial combat tlcstroYf'd 200 ain:lraft while lOlling only 10. ClotJe 8QPporl dQring thl' first d operation W8lI exceUl'nt. Soon, hO"'e\' tbre.t of KamikllU' dtllltruetion to Hftval pmlPDt demanded IlO great n proportional mitmNlt of aircraft that 1I0ne wos uvuila clOt!E' ground support. Jo'urtlwr, becaullt' dc menl, logiBtic 8\Ipport, and airstrips for bUfld avialion we", 810wer ev<.'n tha.ll pla.l vUtQally no close supporl to fOl'Cftl w. avaiiablP lI11tilaftcr lIm dedsi"e 01 tbl" operation had plIllllCcl. The Commander, Allied Air Forces, l\SSUlll mlMion of dirl.'ct 8upport on 27 Octohcr. I alter the COIDDll"nCemt"lt of tlw It()tion. thiB time heavy raina bl'gan and the Jcn,jo ot airfie1dlI wllllII.'vl'rt'ly by Iloor d and unaalilfaetory soil bllllCs. Only 34 had ooeupWd Taeloball airstr;11 by thc cud month. With thiA trnall force the object;'- ... 110 _0 dNeDded tkaL the .Japullesc forced 10 eon&oe the majority of their nir tioDl 10 night alt.aclut. 1I0"'I'"er. the fore DO&lup enough to d..reu,] tlw ohjreti,'(' II to Itt'"., e1oIo IUpport to the lightillg troO]lS as B7 the eodofOt-tober Unite,1 RtlMS fore __a JOUgb lIqQIIl1l bounded hy TUllua Du1II Oll tho OOUt and ODj!;allli 1LIid Bura till edp of lA!ylfl Valley. In the ..., W.mned "Nt Iii miles inlnnd ..... bolla me. of till' Rnn Juanico Strll1 W loIUMdofld atenBive pitroling ill sout.It\!. ..... AD IAIvaDce to Crigarll WlIlI bel;(lIH' 'llrllflwlobold, lind in an effort to "tuVI' fltr thero forces, tho Jllpancso 11'11.1 westwllrd totheOrmoc- ThClr determined reinforcc_ ed ono high point on I (' convoy IIrrivcd at Orrnoe th('ir Le.vlo had m 1>lintlllllno lind from llll} tbr"w in II vlltcrlln division I.uroon to I.eytc, whkh hll(; the Pllilipllin('S from .\llln- r the enelllY ha.d mo\'('{l aL into Leyte lIS rcinforcements. t him enormously in men ping. On]O NO'·ellll.>cr the bulk of II. division from ay an l'lltire Jnllll.n,'$C (:OIlVO)" with an cstimll.ted lOS!:! air intervenlion of I'nCllly Japolll'Sll to Sl't up a burgo n Cebu Islawl slul OrlllOO hlollds in n IllSt dCS]lerute d reinforco his Lryte gurri_ efforts of Philippine guerrilla. aI units dissipstrd his IIl..'lL COffil1lunit;lItion. tbo dnily struling p"trols nnd emeny nirdrorlles on Xcgros, Visnyll.s, southern Luwn, dillrllilted Il.irdromc fll.cililies, nel !!O tllat tho numerically force nover obtuined nir object nren for Sllllicient daJl1n.ging results. ThllY to develop their Ksmiknze ing to l\ dut1b'Crously 8Ue- shipping wss then tho t. • Qed Ilelay in the l.e},to nren, Get1eral ed to reqlH'l!t thE' retentiolJ 'ers in Philipllille ",uters. almost an entire moulh planllcd. 'l'hc fle('t cnrricrs air rllids on enellly-hcld 25 November; it shared of 1"lelJl.V eOIWO}'S inlended tor thllnuack on the 25th, Jl'Wet sll'ul1led out or the u.... onll' method Gellcrnl ter the' cnemv'8 reinforce- er harMS the Jnpnnese " COnvoys nnd . t . I I 111 er-l,S and shipping destroy•• eJitroy'er c " 8IJ . _BCOrts, and motor tOrjlCdo boatll of the f \ enth Fleet wcre sent into Cnmotes Sea west o 13'1"· , . esh es lllterecptmg and eliminating shipping, the American naval craft shelled rm.ot: and enemy eOlleelltrnliolls lI)stu!latlons along thc "·cstCOIl..'lt. .\lellnwhi!e: t"t)ntinUOlls raillS were hampering g ro l1l1d acll\"lty Il.nd enem}" opposition stiffened e\'er}"where lIS further a.dditiolls to JapallClle ground forecs were made. The Japanese strength_ clled the defense of the Onnoe Corridor thus ohluining time to rCj,'TOu]1 Iheir foreel and to pre]larlln counterattock against American troops. The enemy's reinforcement program continued dcspite heavy 10SI;eS ooth en routc and while unloading. ric Wll..'l delermilled 10 hold Leyte aud the I'hilippiucs nt aU costs. Ilis intent on Le.vte "'lIS to rNain the OrmO(: Corridor lind the approllches thereto. In thll face of this determined enemy effort, Gener..l MacArthur also found it neccssa!}' to hring rcillforcemeuts into r"'yte. Ullited Stales ground forees read,ed Pinllt11o- pecan, at the northern end of the Orrnoe Corridor, carl.,' in No,'cmber, seizing CarigaTB. town and CUjlUOCltll on the wa.,'. .\fler cOllsolidatinl;( their positions, these forces hcgan 10 attack !IOuth towurd Limon, \·1l.1cucia, und Onnoo. A rrin- foreed United Statcs division I>cgal1 a eoneerLed I\(taek southwest from Ihe Jaro-Cari. gum road toward the Ormoo Corridor. Jumping oIT into mountainous terrain equal in dillleult}" 10 an}" in the Southwest I'll.cific, the ea,·alr.\, had to reckon with bOlh tOlTCntial and a "'ell planned enemy defense. another United States C$\-alry lomed the arduous dri"e through the wild, mountainous country which eontilllled well into Unite:l Statcs infant!}' reaehCll Oil the Call101Cll Sea, in .. ell'- l1lenl.s continued to probe enell1.v ]lOSltLons ill the mountains wcst of Dagami nnd Burll.uen. B}' the 251h of the samol month the at!ltCk III the central . mO"in, westwnrd in a serlC9 ofstrollg ]llltrol nreu, . I .., , . 1",1 run inlo deepl}' I1ltrenC H:u curl1l. ""lIOUS, . I Id' I r 'fhe Japallestl were tryl1lg to LO In on er a counterll.Haek. 'fhe.v gatherc<1 infantry !"Cmllants nurl placed them In it V '. • .ell to guard southwestern the Ormoc Corridor. One Ameri: nppro. I o"ed llOrthwestwltrd from Dal;(al11l ClIll reg-uncI! m 'tions and to secure moun- to outflank IIOSI fill. Pablo ud Buri IlI'nr .., bomhiDg /lwlll 8JuQk''srrf'{'l) attack by "IWIllY ground tl'!W)l'" .....,.. toward Burllu"Il. /11'0 1lI,,1; • 18 J)eoembEor ano(ju'r ,JlIp,Ult."!<" i"'."lrr .. &Il.e.mll .U....k<'l[ to aid ellem.\ IrJ.op, ...... Bmi Both of 11,,"1/' J;!rJ,ulld ,.ewed to bEo of 110 import, hut tl,. 1"1 of .. lIIftRy at Hun _... ;;P;"P"! lIP _til 12 Dl'Cember, ...... my major ohjedi\'{' arlll , • JIIIIl'&eCl&inr the _ o..oe on i OI'Cember. TI, .. __ danlllg'e arid it 111 ....... lIIBooth rum:tioning A-iean forces were furth A .... iDfaol,.,. lan<!<'l[lM Lryr. !io... ftl(t'aged ill sollie mm"c A.otIler major .... .-'tr&0 force • ra"id rolldusi. ..& the newly arrin'd iii ..... in Ule rear of tL, .... in omer to s"lit th, _ ••1& their derellSt'S,. aTH[ o.-oe poc-kel. For t pUll .... I ... illl lilfhl n"'ll1"" . On ; Dl't"!'mber, th...1\ of Ipil nil Ihe II"f'Ool ,","-" iDla.nd owr h,'.ehl"' 110.1 to use ror lauding hi, tit :- 'l'hf' ron"OV eart',iug till' I'IttI" by Allie'.-I Illll. ''!JP'!'''" amphibious ,," °eetive waa Valencia, and tbo advance Ant instanoo or free maneuver in tho t Paeific area. Valencia, about 10 IMWth of Ormoc, ,,"811 taken on 18 December Lbority .....8& request«! to continue Ihe furt.lK'r in order to gain contaN lI"ith '-in the nonb before lhe could _tt6l'd and broken roree!!. J>ermi9l!ion IP'&Dlfod, the advance "'8lI again taken up aDd on both sides of Ihe high"'ay, On 21 , physieaJ oontaet Will made "'itll SWk's eava1ry elements mo,-ing llOuth on So. 2. This bigh..-ay ""1lI deared Palo to Ormoc and organiud enemy ll'fIist- • kyle's mon fier{"('l.r contftll«! strong_ Ormoc Corridor-wu at an end. JIicb..y So. 2 Will deanod the had . but to l"('treat imo tbe moulltains ""eel -'b_"1 or tbe oorridor, lo!ling contael of his fom'S still holding OUI in wn-ain betWf'elI the Ormoc and <mteral )'Iac.-\rtuur declared Ley\(' ClIa 2.5 December 19-1,1 and for Ihe Ameri_ "'udOOIUl tuk of mopping-up brgan again. GeDeraJ's attack .t Leyte bad befoo un- The enemy had been ..-.iting, ready, ......, fOT the Allied troops 00 )'lind.nao. YaiP to redl't'ffi tbe situ.tion the attMIpttd • major ofrel1!!ino. ,,'ilh the f1I. losing his ua...1 Ill' tried to U,le but su<.'O:'ffd«! onl.r in prolonging Ie dtfeat. From the Alli«! point or although tbe 5,500 lins lo!It light, the J.panese attempt to hold at ... DlOllt profitable, The losl Jy .\5,000 troops, the majoritr of bad been members or finlt line oombat Be oould ne"er recover hill 10!IIIl"lI in , Still mol"(' important, tbe reiuroroo- program .t LrJ'le had drained the fIOuthenl , of combal strenglh and had COIII- the enemY's LUllOn defense pl.n. the of ....mainder or the a J_ impoeing talIk for GeoeMlI ur'. foroos. • .. perhaps fOl:tunate that Il,e enemy's I"'Y- dietated that during the Leyt.. l"&mpaign not ..mploy hirl air foret"lfl in a conccrtt.... tained ..frort to pl"('vent the denlopmeut or air at.rength on Ibe island, lie already had \en O"erywholre he had commitk.... bia . It ia ll8IIumed IlIlL t.hia filet prompt«! commit hill airplanl!B in weak, .mall Beale .. att.aen that did little damage, DuriI:Jc''''' ween that the AlIii'd Air Force ... iU! .irdrom... on JA"yte the JapanfeE' bad OYer 100 fielda within striking dilltanet1' of the objeetiylt art'a, BNause or their dispel"lion it virtually ,,'1.1I UnpoSllibll' eilhpr 10 neutra!iu Ih_ or 10 keep them nl'utraliud. II is that during this period tbe bold and emp1oymf'nt of .ir "'ould have prolongt!d !.erte tampaign. As it ""IlI, the "utly numericalJy inferior air strength of thl' Allies pre"ented l'f'infom1'ment of Ih!'9\" .irfields exoept during periods ""htn \lil'8thN" pre\'l'nted Dying, &Dd ""teSled superioril)' in the .ir from the f'nemy ovpr his o"-n .irfieldi Ili"h..n,"'er they chose to coneentra\(' ('frort. Tbf' unpl_nt job of dearing rt!maining enemy I'f'UlIl&nl!l from Le)"te ff'U 10 lhe t:ighth Anny, rommwded by LI. Gen. Roberl L. Eiehelloerger, • vttl"tan or oouth,,'est Pacific ,,-..rfare since tbf' Buna daYf of the Xf'W Guinea campaign. Hi>; mis6ions \Ii'ere 10 Ulume control of comb.t units in the Leyte-.Samar area, to romplete destnlctioo of.U remaining hostile rOref";. and to prepare other trooplJ 10 assist future operatiom of thf' SU::1h Anny. In spite of inten;;e from 20 October through 25 Dfoet'mber, the ioJ.nds of Leyte and Sttmar Ili"en' far rrom cleared or "'hen the Eighlh took o,·er. E;;timales of hostile I'f'moanu; in tI,e.rea I"llIlgt!d all the ....y rrom 3,500 to 25,000, One thing II"IS certain, th.t the remAining JApanese, ,,'hAtf"-U their strength, ,,'ere dillposed in the rougbe;;I, lrildesl territory thev could find. Tho IIrgt'ilt oonet1'nlrlltion of enemy fol'CE$ II)' in the mouniaillll "'est of the Ormoe Corridor. MOIlt of this bad bet>n originaUy in the zone of the United :<tatee forees .. hid, mo,'ed o\·erI.nd from lIigh.... Xo, 2 10"'arel the coast late in December, and ,,1-'10 undertook .mphibious opera- tions around the north...estern penil\>l.u1A or ThClNl combined atUlckJI b.d Sl'{'ured ll1I principal objf'('th'lJlI by 30 Derember. .:'hortly thereafter the forcl!ll in,'oln!':! "'en' reliend of combat miillliona on Leyte, aod bet,'lUI to move into !'PIt Are811 10 atage future openatioDll. EnelllJ' concentrations in mounlaillA near Onnoc ,,'ere broken Up, forcing the J.pan_ to mOVtl WlJlIt ..."reI. The ClIlDOtea Wands were deared, 1.1I well III the road from J>a1ompon l'lIlIt to Highway No.2. Whf'n thilI wu rompleted .1 the end or Dec8JDber, ha.tiJe reaietanCl!!, _tbeu, of \'iIIab. _ult on LE-yte 11'88 WIned. III tho first operationll following tho ,lD.tI'y inw the PhilippinCll WWi /Au III, Mindoro, IICht'duled for [; Deccmber Mwe 1 tho main lllIlIBult on l.uzon at Gulf, 11'88 sche,luled for 20 December. was made alllO w lIupport tho Liuga)'an it DOOelllI&J'y, by all D.88ault in Dingalen the east central coaat of Luzo!). Thill operation was dellignated Mike Il lIud woo to tako place during the period January 1945. It would bo undertaken hoetile strength in the Centrll1 Plains- ... 11'88 lIuch that Ihe Japanese left flank _ve to be tumed, Mort'Q\'er, Mike /I me 8 certainty oul)' if reconnaissance J&; feaaihlo for a large body of troops to the Sierra )[adrc )Iountainll between Bay and the Celliral Plaioll. COILCUr- tb"8ll operatiOllll, all other available to uodertako the COllllOlidatiou of tht' Mindanao, Pala-wan, and the Sulu .'\rehi- In lIftukcuU' 1// tho oonaolidation OIOI'e- gi\'en no name, nor were targi'\ ted for any of them. It \I'llS phUlIle<1 Eighth Anny wonld conduct the opern, the llOuth",m l'hilippiuell \\ith help be obtain..d from guerrilla forcf'll. The y would be r<,spOlll'ible for tho action ,--on 13 October, General MlIC- _eel Opt'ratiollll !l'lltructionll !I'D. 74 . ed to Sixth Army tho J't'£lponsibility an _ult on on 5 Oeeerll- pl1l'Jl'OlNJ' of Iii" millllion \\'ll!I to cstablish for direct IInpport of OJ><'rations in tbe traI Plains aru of !.u7.0n aud for of ... routee through Ihe \'iSll)'l\1I To carry out ground Op<'rations General otHIIlIItituted tbp WClltem \'illll)'lllJ Task ........eel by Brig. Gen. William C. 0I'iIinal aeheme of maneuver a amphibious a.irbome lI.88llwt. 1I0we\'"r, of the dehly in lhe dev"lopmenl of air Leyr. tmd the r{'Sultanl of au' eraft of aU kinds, the fiual plan... &he airbome phase, ..nd Ib'o rcginwlIlll.l of paraehutillt8 I,rppal'f'd 1O join III attack. in airdrome ("Ollstrutlion on Lt-)"to reacbioa" l'fi'eet tJllIdl cbanging the aaDe1Ivcr. FaeUitie8 were 110 lilnited tblt tbe Fiftb Air F0f('8 on Leyte wu ....... oover the transport &ltd landing pbMe of projecW °l>erslioo in addition to maintainillK air support. 01 ptOgl'e8ling Lc)'te bll.ttJe. The NIVY eouId not t"Ommit its earriplll on 5 Decembel' 10 support. tile operation becaUll<' they had been retaulPd in support of the Leyte operstion fol' a month beyond the estimated J'l.,<!uirl'ml'nt. They needed repair and resupply. General MacArthur \\lllI oom- pelll',1 to delay the Mindoro attack until thp 151h in onler 10 gi"l' the n8\'al units time to rl'fu..t and to pennit the further pxpansion of airdrom/'!l on l " . The Illnding at Mindoro (0110"'00 thl' "'cll- I'lItablished SoutlJ\\<'lIl I'acific paltpfII. Thl' alii, phibious attack shipping of th.. aMlIult forte was ool'ere<1 by element.s of ti,e Air Force alld accoml,anie<1 by c!!Cort carriers, destrO)'ers, cruill- ers, and old battlCllbips of tim Seventh Flfft. In strat'ogic lIupport, the Third Fleet roruhiued whh tho Allied Air }<'orce to neutrnlize enemy air installaliol\ in the Philipl,iJle Islands and the Sulu Seas "rea within hostile lIupporting range and to ellem,. communications to pre"ent rein- forccment and rCllupply. Taetical surprise was 8llcured nnd immediate conlrol of the air ol'er Luton was b'llined and held until of the 16th. ScIJll1luled Third Fleet IItrik/'ll had to be C8llcclt'd after that datc because of typhoon weather, but tht' ,\lIie<1 ,\ir FOrt:cs cOlltinut'd tl,cir neutra!i· zation of Luzon on a reslricted scale. }<'ollowing 11 prelimilHuy bombardmcnt, troops of the W<'Stern \'isayall Task Force poured ashore, unopposed, IWar San JOSt' in lIOuthwest"m Mindoro. Work \IllS comnwllced imrlle<!iately on air strips, two of "hicli were complctt"tl b)' 23 O<,<:emher, 1'0 gnanl thl' "irdroml'!', a perimeter defense wu CIltnblisht'd after tho !!Ct at Torokina, Bougain"i11e, in 1943. During the Sixth Army of control, whkh lasted ull'Ough 31 December, grolllLd operation.'! only of patrolling. Contact \lith Ihe eONIlY \I-as pnlllllnly a blIttJl' ,*twCt'n nal'aJ lIuffaee "('S8{'ls, aupportt'd by air co""r and the Japanl'SO Buieidl' 1,lanCll. Eoemy suidd'() bombcl'll interfered \\-ilh I'{'!\upply t"Oll"OyS, produdng, at leMl temponvily, gra.·l' 6itualion in a"iation g&lK>lino and other air foree material. Troopa lllIhore were subject",-I w 6p6" radic night attacu from hostile airel'llft and on the night of 26-27 D_mbcr a amaJ1 JapanlllM> Ilaul force inl'fft>ctively bombarded liIl'> .,.".. Duriug tbi$ Japanea lOrtie, the lalld-buro bomben and of the Jo'iftb Air }'lH'Oe from Mindoro .. operations, but on 6 January tbe Third was ready, 11.8 to hit boatile 'Ollll on l,u7.on. and air aLrt>ngth ill thc Philippines WlUl eomvlet;-ly destro)'l'd. The Filth Air fo'otct!S combincd Lo dcalro)' or a1mOllt 1,500 encmy airorart; thn Third 2,000. Only by concentrating hia re- foreo eould tim enemy bid drecti\'clv for local 8UprCIllll<::y in lho air. By Jal;- .AlIitod ,\it Force load accomplished the 'ble feat of virlually neutralizing IZO Clll'llly in the Luzon-nsuyll.8 area from a or IlO npel'1ltinllnlairdroml.'!! extcnding from \0 Morotai. the jump otT time apllrollcllcd, it I"ld be- evident that the wus going tn lhro,,' Bvailabln air power against the Allied of LU7.on. It was plain nlso that suicide " air<:rart wonld eOllstilulc tho major of the JaJlanese effor\. MOI'ing Ilorth- ,mough the Sulu &>a and I'lISSagn yen Gulf, thc bombardmcut lind fire of sbil)!! or the Sewnth Fleet, together escort e/lrriet8, were sub. to numeroua suicide /llblcks. e January Allied wot8hips nrrin'd at Gulf only to surh II detcr- air fotc(' that no of th", lU'{'a W88 Ilossihle. Thl' Third Flect on Luzon that day "'em therdorc ex- \0 include NINny installations as far 80uth . Bav. Northern L'Il7.on had bCl'n the Bn'a but G\'neral :\llIcArthur Wd th" a,lditiollal ro\'crRge bccall!l(' ncutrlll_ by land-bued aircrllfl had not becn lIS u expected and it appearcd at thllt time the majority of the ,JlIpllne!l(' Illiln('s attack- Seventh .'Icet ,nre from L\l1.ou fidds. attempt wu made to maintain n continuous 1 OVl"r all l"ll('my strips during the 6tll, IIOlid overcut prevenWd lJlankeling tho DOrtherly are8ll. Jo;acort carrict8 of the .'Iel't did their best to prok'Ct the Sennth warshipll, but their cover ..-119 not ade1lualo .od air lllllJl'riority did 1I0t exist in thl' en .,...a eithl'r on thn 6lh or tho litevious It. is doubtful howllnr, that the shil>9 have befon RaJar , .. ulI(lful 11& it would hnvll 001'11 in open of \be OCl:'an beeaullC it was blocked by a abort distance away. In addition, tbf inclement weatber together mt!l the N1au..l;r luge &rea W be covered prevllnW Third J'See$ Md Air FOtell plaDl'll from completeq alllllll Jap8D('ll(' ain1rom... OD LuIOD, All a result of continuing Japan_ air()ppoeition, Admiral Kinkaid t'flquellt....1 tbat tbe Third FLeet Plt.Ul'>l rlllJe*l strikes agaill8t Luzon 011 7 January. This action ne<:e8llitat....1c&ll«lt.tion or a plannlld wrti!) agaitlBt fo"ormOll&, but Illll nea- mi88iOIl ",as COIUIII!)tcd aatisfactorily, bad wealher. During the day So\'l"nth neet oombardment ant! firt> support miil8iOllB Wl"rc Unhatllilert'tl. On the 8tll as 1ho Third l'leet retirl'd to refucl. re" elLemy airomft IIttll.ckcd the Lingayen Gulf are", 'fho bulk of the remaining enelll)" lJ[liddo ,urcraft no'" appeart'tl to be eomillg from ForlllO!llI To countcr this continlle·d threat, two stl'l)!! wcre tllken. Gellernl J\lucArthur f()(I\J('sted thnt Lhe China_ bll!l('(l T"'cut;cth Bomber COlllmund thirt its cffort from KeelulIg HlIrlJor to It \las de- eid()(l Illso thllt II cllrricr-borne lIi['{"raft IIHack against Lho 8l\l1le island would be prcfe['ll.ble to tlie continued ptellellW of thc Third Flwt in the Lingnyoll region. Admi['ll.l HIIIS<'y't command thereupon moved to tile norlh lind "'est while Soventh Fleet escort carriers look Ull the burden of diroct support of the landings, aided bl' 1I\'lIil_ IIble 11lud-hll3Cd air fOfcl'll. Tho hl'lIvy Kamil'u:t attacks etllplo)'cd hy the JlIllal\{'86 lit Lingaycn scem()(t to hll\'c more fllr- t('lIching IlIlrpOSelI thnn dl.'!!Lruetioll of Allied. shipping. Heretofore, tho ellemy hlld Sllut lllnny suicide Iltlllll'-8 IIglliust trllllllllOrta, bul /lL Luzon he singled out \\ nn;hips for speeilll lIUcntiotl. H the auieid6 ptllllCll had bel'1I IlIOI'(! lIu\'cesaful, 11'0 CIICIll)' might. hlllll found IIttCjJlllbl6 l!l6 COSily <:onSOljUellceR of lInolher Illlvlli engngemnnt. No hl'M'y JlIpllnese SUrlBW Jlnit-8 \\ere in the \'kinity of the Gulf, out a llOtentiall)' dangcrous IIUmber \lcre lOCllted, ooth to the north &lId Lo the lIouth, so lhllt they could threaten the 8CCurity or AliiI'd rorees et Ling-ayall ,,-ithin 24 hOIlt8 ulling much the $Rille pinccr tactica they hell tried. at LtJyt6, No immedillte naval auaek "lIS MI)()('ted, 110"'- evcr, IIl'Cauge or the ovcr"helming strength of the combined Third and Sm'cnth neet .mila. Tho I\'al threllt would como after Aliii'll rOr<:('l) were asbol\', tho Thinl fleet had deplll'led for gt(''r 6elds, 8lld the Se"l'nth Joleot ....aa Cllt dO"-1I tn itll usual smallsi&6 by the witbdnwal of the l'I'infordng elemelLUl borrowed rrom lhe Pacific Float for the operation. .. were eeattered, or of movement throughout Luzon \ime of the landing. Contact ootln'i'll headquanerll and 80me llIUU "'llll poor, elements WI!'J'e completely cut off 800n 'tan fones 1rent uhore. In addition, to be llOIJIe confusion in command ibilities IUJIOII(t Io"'i'r echelons. Yamaebita', 81elf said that the Jap- lK'1 01 the Luzon campaign "all b&lll'd ..umptioM that tile Ameri....Ul! ,,-ou[d IUpeJioI'ity, that Allied .rtitlel)· and would ouk'" the Japane;;e bolh in aDd quality, and th.t Ihe.... "ould be • W aDd lubri...ants ror Japanese" heeled L In addiliou, the>toe l'!!lim.ted Npinoa "en' i'1lIiTl"I.!o' hoslile .nd coultl &0 bear .nn;; again"t the .'.pantse ."...wnily. )o'urlbennore, General r.m.- BDt belie"e il "'813 plWIible for him to .. A.meric1uI occupalion of Luzon. He ... mia&ion as one or del.ying action frool lhi' oUUlet Ih.t hi' "'ould ml!t'l .....1. yam.....i'-.iet up • paUem of defen!!e mabie him to take m.ximum .d- eI terrain U • coUllter 10 _\menc.n The followin,: Ihree ...entral defl'll i,-I' -orpniud, __ conlail'ed .bout 140.000 .... covned the IIOCIOrll of ioclooing Baguio. B.lete ra , JUI V1IIley. _tnIJ Klmh: lM'etor, held by 30,000 air defending the .rea ",'est PiIIld ud Fort Stot8eoburg. 6l'lu.h -.:toP in the 80ulh loc.le<! in the mountainoUl! counlry .round Mon&.lbu, •. and Antipolo, -.000 were supposedly disposed Iau. .... IrOOpa would eJ.r tbel..-n- from positiolls defllllllin an.. before Luzon could be M the oulHirta of tho 8M" IIl.'(lor th.t tI'ooJ- lint mi't oppollition. .Fi.·o te&m8 of the 1 CorpsJ, rein- taD'" mond into mountainous lerrain euI. of the beachhead in order 10 den}' obaerratioD of opel1ltiona .Iong tlie UDaa7.. Oulf. A long arc of prepared ../P.... to block the approaches to ... c.pyao Valley, was enooun- " terN! a10!11t the line Damortia-Ro.ario.Bm.-...- ltrdlUtf't....('arbaruan lIillio, In thi' latter ... a l'nited S'ak'<! inf.nlry division was brld. up by 10 d.ys or biUl"r ligbtinK ..-hill" tM rt'hlainder of the eorp8 mO'-NI !lOuthl'llllt aJOOlt' a good ..... net in more oJlf'n country. Anothi'l inflUttI'J di"it!ioll, ashore on II, rno"ed into the- are. north .nd l"....t of l·rd.nel. to institute • tin ...' up Iligll..·• .!o· Xo .j, 8tronldY defended by the J.panl'llt' ror u.... u an ('!\('aJl!' routi' to thi' Capy.n \'all(')- 1111' mati from Damonis to Rosario ,,'U not rl('8rt'd unlil luI' J.nuary eau8l-' l'nit...d inf.ntr)· "d 'orl'ed l,t) fight t,,·o fOl"", lilt' Jap8lleR .nd the lemill. Tluoughout Ihl' """"tor thl" J.pan.....· defen'>l! dE'- H'[Opl'd into li<'au...e<! loeal <tron!! poip"". not mutu.lly bUI f'(llltrollilll; hilm"·.ys and ·eOlillu.ndinl:: temul r('((ture,; II' ltlalIy pl."lll Ihe enemy tUnled II;" .nnored equipmelll illto lI.rd as inslall.tioll5 ,,'ere to de6troy, $trangi' laeLi....:I U8I-' or tank;; Ictu.Uy bello·litl'd t!li' .\meMl'tIn forre;, for the J.pan('8(' p"1' up ex('('Uenl opportunilies for logieal a:nd t'lfeeti .... employment of armor. To the "'l"!;t good and IDOl'i' open terrain .1Io1l"oo rrtf! mlnl"U'"'" .nd rht aetioo. 10 lIlt' lIOulh ....,. impeded for thl' mo,;t part only b)-I...k of bridftes ....1'Q6IO Ihe ,\gllO Rin". .nd othi'r streall1f< on the hild'''.)'lI to )lanib. Till' eoUIII!)' !Quth or thi' .\gno Wll!I·ely undefended beeallSt' the Japanese hid Y.iUldrul'D • full ;n- fllnU.... di'i!liOll from the rentral pbillll lod hid lk'lll it to I.e'·l", thtreb,' CN'\lltulft an unfilW gap in thl' LU%On (-nit<-d Stat", infantry drovi' lIOuth unLiI it .pptOflehtd the Cluk Fil'ld-t'orl StolSt'nhurlt'lIrt'll Ill'rt Iht' I'lli'my occupie<! eom... ma'tding ground in 8ueh <tre,>gth lIS to endllllfter furth('r 'tollard )I.nila TIle Japanese K(mh defc,tse JM'('tor h.d n"....lied. Dunn}: the rt"m.illder or Janua!)'. alll'ntion was tllmed to de.rin}: the Clark Ficld... FoM Sto!Senburg area and probillg the enemy positions in the hills ..-....t therrof. Durnili' J.nuary. thi' Fifth Air. Force, &:'!er neutralizill!l' tI.1' elleru)' sir polenu.IUl Plllhp. pinca, roncl'llualed its elTort on bombmg straliug land lind inter-w.nd "'aler tions, railrolld rolling stOt'k, ammuulllOU traUlS. in Soulh('MI IUlll Central By tlie middll' of·,JoullIllry o"er 500 locoUloU1t8 .ud rail" ay cars MIld 500 motortrucks had been rleeuoved and the mO"l'mellt oll"nemy troops lI'" to night blackout IDOvemenla. By the '10 ml1el. Along this front the enemy, ,up- by roeke, artillery, dug himllClr deeply into hilJaid-. improving natura] dden_ .nd . new positioDll. The drh'e continued , the remaioder of February and by lij aU had bei-n fletured. to the north of the Shimbu area the battle ouloatirU of the SIlobu sector !Itill raged an eDemy dett"nnined to hold all to &MCapy.n \·alley. t'nited States fOI'ft!8 1IlO1'ed nortb along the tOlI.iIl to JUHrilla romes.t San Fernando, by hfld all the ....·eIlt OO&IIt of northern Luzon ... eaemy poclceL!l jU$1 north of Vigao. ...... was eIltabiished on 20 and t....o ...... Baguio 'Kere lH-gun frorn -r':". Baguio, lIumm('r capital PlliliPP'-.•-&;1 at this time the hraJ- 01 both the Japanf'fie .\nn,Y .nd the eolI.abontioniu go"ernmellt, The 'unted the mOWitain city into. citadel atme.l. but .ir .nd util. m1. 6nalIy crumbled the dl'fellSell. . , .Unuieaa infantry enterOO the city 1mOppoeerl. P.troIs north and eeu soon &hat aD otganized resiIIt.nce in the an'll. • a1tbou,;b moppiog up rolltlrlUed ...."11 no. mopping up was ('Ouductl'd b,Y Sta&M infanlry di"ision anti filipino 'WIaiIe lI.DOthff .\meri('ll.Jl dil"illion mOI'l'd jIiD the attack in the Balett" PaM 11.1'('•• tlUataua.ek had bl'gun lI.!I a 2-pronged IWetfo P_ from Sao Jose and Riul. .... of February both 'Kings of this drive a *oDg enemy po$itioo at Dibdig 10 hft.Iougbt milefl north of San Jose o. 5. Me.nwhile, • "el('ran 8&a&a iDfutry aivision had anived on the la&e in January and, .ttacking north, ....... I!'IIBD1V'S Balett" PlI.lI.!I defen!lCl! ••Villa ':errl.e Trail. Tim enemy 10 ..... tWa p.- because it .'11.II the gate- tbe important • d1t1llCled the Villa Verde Trail "'ith ... diIpouJ became ilwlI.II his main ............n betwt'l'n the "arious lII'ctOI'8 , .All dllJ'ing Mareh and April the diriRon to l"!imillatl) &1011I' the and in the SaJacsac 1NIl of the junction of the Villa Vl'rde '1 0.6. Other elements ot the north_I toward Baguio, bul ..too be • tnoel difficult route to " that city. TbeftfOf'll tha main llfI'ort coaliDuecl to he .imed .t Imugan, a banio .t tbe _tern ll'nninUl! or Saill.Cllll.C P_. Soutb 01 Balete J>6IllI, United StatN foreN Itrugaled on throughout Mareh and .-\pril along both lidl.'$ or lIighwaJ' Xo. a. Even late in the laltt"r month the ('nemy II'&S able to repla.ce hill 10!lBefl rapidly and rould caU on almost 15,000 troopa to defend the triangle fonned by Dalete P- on the !IOuth. Imugan to the nortbell.lll, and S.nt. Fe, just north of th(' pI!.;<; on thl' mllin road. Balete Pus finallv WII.II taken on 13 lIlId bortl.l· there.ftl'r· IrnllJ!.'an and :,iant. reU. ,\ftt"r ioUI!'. weary ... """b 01 lhe Japanelll' from thl'ir undel'p'Ound burro.... St"aling shut l'Dl'Wy caVl'll, huilding nue roam. improving old trails. and roping .ith tbe roughl'S1 terrain unagin.bk·, .\nll'ricaD IOI'Cl'S bad opellf"<lthe gate- .. ay to the Cagay.n \'alll'Y_ During Ihis dri,'e iuto \'aIley, other Amflic.n fol'Nll drove into the Sotilltb. 5E'ctor el$t of to l'lItablbb • line from .\ntipolo on the .auth to W....·• Dam on tbl' nonb. southeast, l"nitffl'S inf.ntry outflauked tbl' southern I!'nd of tbl' dam .nd .ttacked lI.l'OlIIld tbl' easlern MOI'('fI of Laguna de Bay to mUl! rontact ...ith f..wlldlv on 6.\pril_ Tbe .ttack l'lI.5t- ...·.nI it!! objecti,·"". and Mount J'ac....·apu, till' end of April 'fix' fall of Pac....·agan op£'ued till' entil'(' W....a Dam lI.l'{'a to dll'f'<'t lI.S<ilI.u1t. an .nack undertaken 011 30 April. W...·• Dam "'&11 undamaged, on Z9 tbe ,\nter1cau foret'll thell gave their alt('ntion to lpo Dam. northem allchor of thl' Shimlnt. defeIlSl'S and souru of 30 percent of the II'&tl'r supply. The lOll-art! Ipo begin Oil 4] ..\jded by a gnerrilla .ttack from the north. the dri,'(' rontinued day and night with unremitting l,rl'SSllre until the dam was captured inta('t on 17 Thl' JlI.pall<'5e had I,la("('d deillolition ehlll'gl'8 lit the dllm but .the swiftness of the attack, abetted by llearclilight illumin.tion of the battle areas during Ihe boul'fl of dltJ'kul'illJ, prel'cllted the l'nenlJ' from acrorn· 1)lishing the plaunl'd df'lltMletion hllItead, this criticalll' 1l{'('(INI ,,'at(Or 8upplJ' W&ll restored to ,Manila 'and the l&llt important !tronghold of the Shimbu 8l'(ltor \,'M By the beginnilllt of JUIl(' nil Wl'l'I' reduced to mopping III th(' otrCllsin against enemy remllallt8 III lIOuthern Luzon. latl' ill the front line 8lretehed from l..agull& de Bay south....l'8t to Lake TaaJ, alld th('nee to Bat-.ngaa city. A United tllC Japaneea from the lIOuthem Philipo inatituted drives continued uuabated. States forees puahe,d on against aluboom l'e8iatance along Highway No.4 aud reached on 12 July. To the northwest IIOmo pine IInny units wer!! tied down, until the of July, in reducing Japal.lCl>e fortified in the Mankayan area. However, other o forces moved east from Cervant{'ll 1.(} on'lO July, both Sabangan and BOllloc. Bonwe theea forces pressed south along way No, • toward Banaue, which loI\Tl was hy the Sixth Di,·ision on 20 July, Three Illtel' contacl wss ClItablished bet\\'et!n the 'can and Jo'ilipino IIllilS, thus s!llitting the pockel inlO two Silctora. Isolated poin.. maintained a determined defense moWttain positions "'ell into but half of tho Japanese defenses itself WAS into two parts when Philippine gllerrilllls, in from the norlheast, &Cized Ma}'oyao IIlet. elemente of tho Sixth Dh'isioll mo\'ing from Banaue, West of Highway No. 4 continued against the other half of tile pocket, a Silmiotganized defcnSil in dellth. !Tently, United Stales forces dro\'c north Highway No. II and Philip!linc Army unil.8 80uth along the road from Sabllngan. advancl.'ll met on 29 Jill}', cutting the " l88t north'80uth linc of communication KilUlgan leCtor. The same foreca thl'll _t"'ard from tho highway to se<:'ure the Agno River \'aIlI'Y. A United States departed from Kablan, which had been late in JWle, and prl'SSCd north"'Jlru in valley, At Baguias, on 8 August, con- was eBtabliahrd with Jo'ilipinio troops, who eel. down the vallev fr()m Ihe north. With ..ue,. 10 eecufEd a fin'"n foothold ,,'as obtained 'lFEIItem ll!opl'll of tho mountains defentled e llnllDlY. It muld only bo JI mJltter of time the dri\'c from tho east, lbellOuth and _t, Ilnd from the north and d08troyed the last remnRnta of General 'til's fol'Cell. the north tmd _t of the Kiang'lln pocket, the CapYIlTl Valley, combat Rtlivily dur- and AugtI3t consiat-eo:l IJirgely of I'lIlrols Sierra Madro eJist of thc The e:nllJDy was concerned mOlltl)' ,,'itb of pllytlical survival lI.nd his criticJlI ... mu('h in ovidence as troops of the .. Thirty-tlllventb found mUlY of the JR))UleM from starvation. By 15 August, l!X('ept for $be JJipaneee in the Kiangan Jltell, Clll'my defllll8ll on LU1.on was di80tganiJo:ed and ineR'N"tiva. The Silllllered Japllnese hsd no choice oth('r than vation or 8urrender. Howo\'er, the Jlnnouncement of Japan's acceptance of lhc unconditional sur- render !.ermR did not bring the Luzon campaign to an end. No dramJltic parade of surrendel"t-'(l trooP8 plJlce. On Luzon the enem}' ga\'e no indication of knowlf'(lge of the capiluiatio'l for $Orne tlJlys, and it ""JlS lIot until almO/il thc elld of August lhat GeneNI YaIDashitJl's surrender JlppcJlre<:1 immincnt. On 20 August, the Jo:ighth Army turned over command of the Philippines to the C'ommslltling Gcneral Army .Forces W('Stern Pscific, This headquJlrtera, prc\'ious!y r('l)potlsible for tho logis- tic support of United States Forces io the South- "'('l)t Pacific, under look to bring about the prompt surrender of 1111 Japanese. Tho LU7.011 esmpaign was typical of Illost of the ground fighting in Lho Pacific Theater, There wcre engagements on le"e! ground, in mountains, in jungil'S, against armor, and agninst fortificd to"'II9, and against the Inrge modern city of :\180illi. The tasks RssignM to air power through_ out tho entire ealrlilaign were nUlllerous Jlnd nrietl. In this campaign alone, the .Fifth Air Force tlcw 57,663 sUllllOrt sortil'll, droPlIed 38,844 tons of bombs plus 6,555 tons or Kapalm. h a\'Cragc<f 2,240 sorties with II bomb and Napalm tonnllge of 1,764 a week. Throughout the cumpllign, infantry units down to regiments lind battlilions requested maximum a\'ailahle lIir !IO\\'er to support impending strikes. Bombing and strafing by the air srlll W/IS repeatedly used together ",ith s.rtillery to soften up enemy Rtrong- !lOints in to"'us and fortified posiLions ill the hills lind mountainous country. In jungle nnd wooded area.s, as difJicult and illlpenettJIhlu as ally ill the Southw('st Plleific area, Nap8lm was dropped not only to destroy dug in J/lpalleS<!, but also to burn off \"egNJltioll and jungle. 'fhu boost lo 1l10tJlle in ground (orces supporting planes "'lIS cnonnous because it pr().\'idcd a COlJ- stant reminder o( the size and varIed pol\'er of tho team behind t.ho The demotJlliz- ing effect on t.he JJlpllIll'90 o.t Uuitl'(1 States air SUPI)()rt and rCpe8ted air atlJlcks ou their instJlIlJltiolls W88 borue out in thl' enemy diary and document translation mJlde by \'ariou& 0-2 eoetiollR, l!lltmy group W&8 t(lnt&cted until . From that time on eeatt.!red enemy on ::;;;.,",,';;"' bunted d()1l'n with !he aid of organ_ II . . In mid-April t!nited Slak's p4trob Buuanga IAland, to the noM.heast, and and Palldanan bl.utds at lhe southern Palawan. air and oa,-.1 buM npidly eetablishtd. Allied aireraft weI'(' eoadueting over \he South Chiq bombing inst&llatioll!! from Bor- IDdo-ChiDa. ),10kif' torpedo boatli of the tb f1Ht pat.rolW the east and ...-est rouu; wan, fll[teDded their uti,ities to adja«nt ilIIands. IUld rNCbed IIlI far south u British """"" ,- at 01 the "isayan 10 faU ... lut--moviog Of\!;llIught of tbe Eigblh .. Pamoy, in,-aded on 18 _ or ground 0pp05itmn "'as encountered • landing operatioos: 2 <WJlI "I(Of Iloilo. city on Panay, Willi captured. Linle W been at Panay beeRI1M' • organizatKm bad long cdntrol of of tbe iI1and. With th(' gul'rrillas orga.niud resi..ltance ,,_ by :!'.! :Marth. )Iiuor patrol acti ...itil'S for remaining i>loIatoo pockelS on the and w"""'m .--st.!. .\fter lhat dlte, for a mo.e acl'O$$ Gui- 8tnit to Xt'gTOS bland. .-8oml! ....... felt in about operation lively strong enemy gvriIIon, , that 1fU eetabhshed on the island, 1andior force for the operation •.-as t _1haa3 full romNt k'ams, sU"ehgth for. quiC'k l"UJI- HoweYer, the fffiiDg was that it "'ould !J(' to t.te & Ioovr time to eooquer Xegros dmn VOops from more pn'lll>.illg lISNIults. • &be IandiDg took plaN' on I'ulo- , .... Initial· opposition "'u cia,. .,.., the invasion Baoolod to..-n and , firH diYiliooal objt'Ctin'l'l, "'ere taken. , it IMlOll beeuDe evident lb.t ti,e enemy &0 make & .kong Buiddal Btand in the • ground. in the OOrtJl eentrll Nl'grQ!l, 01 tho BuoJod &rea. On 8 .\pril a hliment, alter an OVNWa!<'r mOH- over Ktivity on th" left flank ami a .Mack againat thl' ('nemy strongholds pound in tht' northoma island al'l!a mo-n and developed by Oat" Japa- " Dille and it ... not IlDtil mid..Ma,. daat in lJK. hiJ.. puaed into the moppiDg-ap ... MNJ1wbill'. eU-llU'nt&swungarouDd the north I'OUt of Xegroa and down tile eut eout alm08t to Damaguf'te, 1ll'U _hicoh t"ity. of (hll .\mft'ical Di"iI!ion Iandf'd on 26 .\pril. In thilllKlutM..tfom Ul'fI no orpniud enemy reaiBt.- .n/"(' could be found and by I June it becoam.e ""ident tbat onI.v were to be enroun- ter.:'d aU ovtr Wand. Cfh. On 28 :'Ilan:oh the .\meri".1 Division, .fter b.ring 8t Leyte, laoded jU!:lt llOuth of Cebu Cily, Cebu IsI.nd. .-\gain, the eoemy made DO attempt to meet the l"nited Olates forees 8t tbe beachhead and the d.... tbe .-\merical Cebu City. 1I0"·evl'r. north and "'est of lbe cily, the lllOlit e1.borate ...e positi0n3 found in the J>1,ilippines to' that date \Vtre encoun- tered, AU were spriokled liberally wilb mint!l and booby traps. "'bole lops of bills ...-ere bIo'Kll off, demolitioll!l were craftil.... p1.ced and l'!«trieaJly dl'too.ted, and mutually supporting pill boxes denied routes to the northwe;;t. Cebu City il>ll'if was reduced 10 a Iiliambll':S by tbe eDl'my as he evacu.led to institute strong de- fl'nsh'e action oorth of the to'Kll. Xe...ertbell':Si!. b..· Z :'I1.y. tbe major l"nemy positions on ridge;; in the Cehu Cit)' .rea had been OVl'mJn. 'IDe re- maining .'.pa.ntSt ..ere dri ...en 10 the northern extll"miul':S of thl' i,Jand and wen! subsequeotly hunted dO""n hy OOlDbat patrols. &IIoJ,- -:\Il'an....hile. tM Amerkal DhisiOll dh'erU'd IlOme or its strength to another \lgayan I I.nd, 00 11 .\pril. e1eml'ots landed on Bobol. S..· the end of tbe month ooly _tiered, th'e reai!lt.DNO ,,·u to be found .nd OpenlUOM 00 tbf' island "'ere turned o...u to gt>enill. fOn-eil. This operation l'xteoded AlDeric.n cootrol over all of the m.jor \'isay.n and the;;e still remaining in the eenual Philippines could lace ODe futu", hOllClel!l, last-ditch standJI from isol.too pocket«, Only :\lindanao no,,· remained 10 be !lOCured. Minda,lOo.-I'rior to IS September :\Iilldaoao had been the initi.1 U1rg'el area of the Allied loreN mo,-ing Dorth,,-NII....rd up tbe New Guinea COlillt to'Ulrd lbe PhilippioN. HO"'ever, the audden change in p1aD$ that preceded the iovasioo of Le}·(e in O<'tobf'r 19011" atUlck on MindllolW for almost 6 months. Dunng lhis time the Japaoeee delM8l' plans and troop di.poait.iollt had changed mlUlJ' ti.mea. Some unit. bad been lent forward to the Leyte he.«Ie- m'lIlly Ilo'ilh Ih,' tlri,"r' Oll DOl'Rn, Iht' nUrlt, 010111:' til<' :-n,\'rt' Iiil:h"r.y from f' oonlillu...1 Thl' r"ui!ht II ,J,"'j}(.r_ 'Df[ artion. JX'rnlit 1ll0",'mNII inll' ..omlool units into 1101' .\1810\'bnlo\ Ilowf'v"r, th(· tln,'p rt'Rched li;_ 1 M.y Ind C'(llllinu('(1 on thp Ilorlh On 01 tJu. month adt'lennined bcm:llJi COuntH_ took pW-f' ill thc neini:y of til<' lirslrip h'puboM .. ilh Ilro\l'd ... lui mnjor JapanCSt' action alon!! Ihl' 1liBh••y· From thl'll 011, IOrrtlltial dH' main dptl'rrent to Ihl' 1,I\'anc('. \'.1. on 16 ),101 and )Ialaybalay, capital of Prol'illff. a'as Sl'iU"d on the 21-.1. ,\t • OIl 23 coman ,,'as e-;;tabll$hed ialantry rl'll'lnll:mtal comb.1 tt'am "hieh DPU .\gusan on ).!ae.j.l.r on ..& 1I••dl' .n .d'·.IIC(' do"n thl' "ll"ll' .0 Impulntao. This coot... t m.rkMI of .11 J.pal1e';l' .Ioll!: til<' 0."110 ...... th(' .hll.llf':;(' dun!! poaltiona ot'ar th(' "'{'sll'rn t('rminus of Trad TIl.. b.ul,· for th""" j>o><ilioll'< or thl' ruutf' 1<) DII"lIo don itJ'W .JUIit'. Xot until till' middlr did lbf' "npmy'a n's;stoflCI' aloll!! til(' begin to dininlt'gral('. From tJr"n thl'Tt' n·"d only IIll' tN/iou_ Tht- advauc(' lIorth";''''''1 ilion!, lhp " Tlllolll u TrailrontinuN! on Iu Ki"-np" on 21; ,Iullr. n",'ond thin IlOint Iii.. ruad '-'ame imll".....lIhl" and .. hm.,'d nQ of "ll<'ml' II.... 'I'll(' .'.pKlIl....' nJ(.ill f1,.r! 10" tol' th,· ,'ntl of .Iullr no orgalliU'<! 10 I';' fouud from Kiban!!ay to IJano, Op.>ratioua on h.d bet'lI ,mdt.>r til(' rolltrol or till' ":i!!hllr .\nn.... .;hi..h abo had dil"f'('tM! 1111' 10 Iibf.ratl' thl-' (,,(,Iltral Oil 1 19-4:; Ihr .t'f>fI of Eighth .\nll," rf"<llOnoi!Ji!iI)' I'xpandl'd 10 iocludl' I'ntill' Philipllinp On -5 ,lui'\" GI-'n..ral d......I.....'C! Ih" I"hilippin..... 10 iw "libf.r- Ilt,..I. '. 110""\'('1'. ,b thr rommantll'r in chi..r 1/O;llt('(1 out. L-ollt...1 of • gu..rrilla natu/'t' a,·r,. to IJof' in th.· mountain,; throughoul th.. ;"lar"l. Thu,. ror thl-' f-4:hth fom.=o, 11, .. ".r ".•' lIot y,'t 0""1'. On \lir"lanao, Illllf'h of thj,. un,l\'oidabl.. fight_ in!! look th.. fonn of • , combat patrol .('tio.. 8,ll'ailht tilt' .'Ipan""" lr. pra('ticall'\" unu'_ ,,1,,1't;'(] roUlIt." ... ,t or ou s..YIl' !lip."ay In .c1.lition to' Ihi" conlinulrlg moUIl- I.ill .etiou, • batt.lion rombat tl"&m a"u landed at till' h"ld or tm- Bay on 12 .July In tlll.. _Iln... "Iwr.. it " .. Ollt't' plam!<"d tht .\mmntll fort''''' lIould fi.... t .,.,1 foot on Philippin" ,.(lil Ill" I'Il"'oy a'a_ >(/Of) dnn'n bR('k inlO thl' hilb. .., ..rrill .._. 1lI')\"lng o"('rlall(l rrom DR"a<) Gulf. "",hPd rontll('1 aith Ih.. Ta('ut)'-fourth D"'i- _iou·,. h.ltalion, rmm bolh ".Id; of th(' Trail "1'1l' .00 an i>otlllNI, IlUt ,llpan'-"'f' pock", or ""'btluel'. Aeli.itll'& in III 3 .rea,,; conlim",d until I:; AUl!'u,;t, dal<:' of thl' J.pall...... a.C'Cl'ptln("(' of llit.> I'ot-':!Im tf'rm" The combinl'd of Ij('IUt.>rM! group" on .\lirnbn.o "'&6 rMlu('",1 to .. 9.500 lroop" Furtlipr north. in thp till' ollir llI11jor l'PIIO,;lIion wa' fOlind on Xl'g1'O" and "liN'" tlH' .r'IF'lIru..".lm,1 to IJof' f1u,;I"..1out of mOull- t/Ull 1'/,\'1" On rt'¢llIl'lltlll ",'moot tl'tlt1l of pUrolehuti_I•. "itll dOl'{> from Thirll'plltlr ,\ir Fore,· llOrnkrs nud I'{'mforc",1 J(lIt'rrillll lrooFI'l. l'n. in th,' md-"l "('<t of Fnbriru Thi_ l'OllIllllllll" upUon pl"t.'- \"('lIlr.d t hI' I'UNn.'· from ('tfort_ to se<::lIrr bndh' 1l<".h"lllIlIllll'r fl'orn till' t'1'j.."I'O" tunb.. IHld,\., II; AUI:'II_t. 1111 but /Ihout t.(iOO of onpr' ,jupllfft·"" !!I,rri"Oll hne! 11''1'11 nnrUhl!'ltl"l. .\t 111<' tim". onr OIL Cpbu, l'OIll?Il.I.plltrQl IIl'lioli Oil tl", pllrl of thl' .\nu·ricnl ar- "Ol/uINI {lOr A fc" scat· ,-.....- -- " .... 0·" (rWO::,:'o.::. .-I•• "'. '-. ". ". ..'" T' --- .0 .- r M, •• - " '-'- MAR APR <aT.... --. o .... 'u• - --- "'" JAN FEB .... ........ .T', NOV DEC .. ."". o o , ", o. OAC[ - JAI' N on _ , - .., - '" ., .' ." on n ,. to", AlA ...... 10'1'" -, • 1M BIIhth AnaY ... not delJuoed to IIUIDJ eeremonie.· On ... of the tJJD&ed &a\e8 and ill .. w ,0m iIIIDds p.-d \0 .. C ,.... QeDeral Sou 0- eM"..SQbontinac.e to iDe I'oroee Wes KiP'" Asr W conducted .. ................ ligbt iD ... II SSS· .... IioiMbN ..... F.lld lor .. DeW ...... ef"Jtpueee home .... s:r-.. , .... "lOS- of the eli"'" -' fir ... W OD she .. ..P ·toeofll "QI. ... eIj.. .. the uk • the IIOdhern ponioa of the ,: .. ..\ely 1200 JIaJ*D•• I'fIIDJIDtII eI ...... prNoD. \0 AaI'Te or .......... ". gpth ArftJIY'I .... UMl MiltlaMo _ lWIhed- .d*' L d ... 1.0 -=apt the tad« of I i _ ..... Sueh eatiWlatioD due to .... ...., ud -- "=" = --f _. I .. • _._ ..... ; .. ... -- L-.. ;,--- .Ji II .1_.. _." ..... - . ... - -- _.- -,' .,.". ,..- - . • _.. "7" •• ::: :-- Documents Similar To USSBS Report 65, Employment of Forces Under the Southwest Pacific Command, OCRSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextUSSBS Report 10, Summary Report Covering Air Raid Protection and Allied Subjects in JapanUSSBS Report 64, The Effect of Air Action on Japanese Ground Army LogisticsUSSBS Report 67, Air Operations in China, Burma, India - World War IIUSSBS Report 8, Field Report Covering Air Raid Protection and Allied Subjects, Osaka, Japan, OCRUSSBS Report 98, Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in the Japanese Homeland, Part1, Comprehensive Report, OCRUSSBS Report 7, Field Report Covering Air Raid Protection and Allied Subjects, Kobe, Japan, OCRUSSBS Report 15, The Japanese Aircraft IndustyUSSBS Report 70, The Seventh and Eleventh Air Forces in the War Against JapanUSSBS Report 69, The Thirteenth Air Force in the War Against JapanUSSBS Report 5, Field Report Covering Air Raid Protection and Allied Subjects, Nagaaski, Japan, OCRUSSBS Report 62, Japanese Air Power, OCRUSSBS Report 66, The Strategic Air Operations of Very Heavy BombardmentUSSBS Report 38, Japanese Electrical EquipmentUSSBS Report 97, Japanese Military and Naval Intelligence Division, OCRUSSBS Report 107, Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in the Japanese Homeland, Part10, Roads and RailroadsUSSBS Report 23, Japanese International Air IndustriesUSSBS Report 37, The Japanese Construction IndustryUSSBS Report 108, Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in the Japanese Homeland, Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence, Industrial Analysis, Pt2USSBS Report 49, Chemicals in Japan's WarUSSBS Report 39, The Japanese Machine Building Industry Electric Power DivisionUSSBS Report 71, The Fifth Air Force in the War Against JapanUSSBS Report 46, Japanese Naval ShipbuildingUSSBS Report 4, Field Report Covering Air Raid Protection and Allied Subjects, Tokyo, Japan, OCRUSSBS Report 52, Oil in Japan's War, AppendixUSSBS Report 21, Sumitomo Metals Industries, Propeller DivisionUSSBS Report 13, The Effects of the Atomic Bombs on Health Services in Hiroshima and NagasakiHansell, Strategic Air War Against JapanUSSBS Report 102, Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in the Japanese Homeland, Part5, CamaflougeUSSBS Report 63, Japanese Air Weapons and TacticsUSSBS Report 104, Evaluation of Photographic Intelligence in the Japanese Homeland, Part7, Electronics, OCRMore From JapanAirRaidsSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextStudy of Incendiary Bombings for Employment by the United States Army Air Forces, 1 October 1944, NARA M1655,Roll40,1o.43USSBS Report 18, Kawanishi Aircraft CompanyUSSBS Report 71a, Air Campaigns of the Pacific WarWar Journal, Ninth Bombardment Group, U.S. Army Air Forces, 1945Mapping Armageddon - The Cartography of Ruin in Occupied Japan PDFGeneral Henry H. Arnold World War II DiariesThe Optics of Urban Ruination - Toward an Archaeological Approach to the Photography of the Japan Air RaidsYearbook, 949 Engineer Aviation Topographic Company, 1945Joint Target Group, Urban Information Sheet, Nagoya Urban Area, RG243-Series59-Box15USSBS Report 71, The Fifth Air Force in the War Against JapanUSSBS Report 26, Fuji Airplane CompanyThe Optics of Ruination - Towards an Archaeological Approach to the Photography of the Japan Air RaidsFire WarfareIncendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45帝都防空講習所教育資料, November 1943XXI Bomber Command, Tactical Mission Report 4Kreis, Piercing the FogUSSBS Report 16, Mitsubishi Heavy IndustriesXXI Bomber Command, Tactical Mission Report 2Resume, 20th Air Force MissionsXXI Bomber Command, Tactical Mission Report 1USSBS Report 17, Nakajima Aircraft Company「東京大空襲」 丹信義 The Great Tokyo Air Raid, Nobuyoshi TanUSSBS Report 35, Underground Production of Japanese AircraftXXI Bomber Command, Tactical Mission Report 3XXI Bomber Command, Tactical Mission Report 0USSBS Report 32, Mitaka Aircraft Industries空襲通信目次東京大空襲・戦災資料センター、政治経済研究所出版物USSBS Report 54, The War Against Japanese Transportation, 1941-45Best Books About ViolenceBullies: How the Left's Culture of Fear and Intimidation Silences Americansby Ben ShapiroThe Verbally Abusive Relationship, Expanded Third Edition: How to recognize it and how to respondby Patricia EvansBehind Closed Doors: A Novelby Natalie R. 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