User Manual Screw Chiller Water Cooled

March 22, 2018 | Author: anandtyagi | Category: Gas Compressor, Cylinder (Engine), Valve, Vacuum Tube, Piston



Water Cooled Screw ChillerHigh on Features Low on Operating Costs USER’S MANUAL First published March 2006 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission in writing from the Executive Vice President, Airconditioning Projects Division, Blue Star Limited. While due care has been taken to avoid errors or misinterpretation, Blue Star Limited is neither liable nor responsible for consequence of any action taken, on the basis of this publication. Since ASHRAE standards use the FPS system, FPS nomenclature is used in some places in this publication for convenient reference. Published by Blue Star Limited, Airconditioning Projects Division. For restricted circulation only. Not for sale. Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................ 2 Features .................................................................................................................... 3 Nomenclature ............................................................................................................ 7 Technical Specification ............................................................................................. 8 Electronic Expansion Valve ...................................................................................10 MCS Panel ..............................................................................................................13 MCS Panel Troubleshooting ..................................................................................24 Rigging and Installation .........................................................................................29 Screw Compressor .................................................................................................32 Pre-Start Check up, Operation and Commissioning ..........................................40 Troubleshooting ......................................................................................................48 Maintenance ............................................................................................................51 Spare Parts Lists ....................................................................................................53 Field Feedback Card .............................................................................................65 Commissioning and Handing Over .......................................................................67 Water Quality ..........................................................................................................68 Log Report ..............................................................................................................69 Warranty Claim Form .............................................................................................70 Warranty ..................................................................................................................71 GA Drawing..........................................................provided on last inner wrapper Electrical Wiring Diagrams..................................provided on last inner wrapper User's Manual 1 water-cooled condenser. TR with single and multi compressors in 10 models. The capacities of the Chillers range from 104 TR to 370. electronic expansion valve and Micro Control Panel. high-efficiency cooler. Blue Star uses the BSC Series compressors specially manufactured for Blue Star by Hanbell. 2 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . The units have low input KW/TR and are tested in Blue Star's Test Laboratory to validate performance.Introduction Blue Star has been a pioneer in developing and manufacturing Chillers for various applications. refrigerant liquid injection for motor cooling especially during part load operation. These chillers are developed with state of art technology which includes Hanbell screw compressor. The Chiller is energy-efficient and robust in construction. A new generation of Water Cooled Screw Chiller is being added to the present range of Reciprocating and Scroll Chillers. The wear and tear is thus minimum. Male & Female Screws and Slide Valve. The expansion of the tube is done with controlled process. The shell is manufactured from high-grade steel. User's Manual 3 . the Compressor has extremely low vibrations. This capacity control. a Screw Compressor has the highest volumetric efficiency. usually from 25% to 100%. Water Cooled condenser The copper tubes used are inner grooved type. The Screw Compressor is Semi-Hermetic in construction. also helps in limiting the starting current as the system can be started in unloaded condition (25%). viz. This feature makes it ideally suitable for varying load applications. This is provided as a standard feature. the life of the Compressor is higher. The Compressor has only two moving parts.Features Compressor The Screw Compressor has advantages compared to other compressors. due to its inherent design features. It has stepless capacity control. As an abundant precaution. which makes it serviceable. to increase the internal surface area of heat transfer. and the loading is done stepless. with higher height trapezoidal cross section. and has better efficiency under part load conditions (Condenser and Evaporator are designed for 100% capacity). Refrigerant liquid injection The refrigerant suction gas cools the winding of the semi hermetic screw compressor motor. Due to its inherent characteristics. This is especially required during part load operation where the suction gas quantity reduces. Cooler The shell and tube evaporator has been built using inner grooved copper tubes. The Compressor is tested in accordance with ARI standards. Due to geometrically symmetrical moving parts. liquid refrigerant will be injected to the suction side of the compressor to cool the motor winding. and has been optimised for refrigerant and water velocities. and de-rating at higher temperature is negligible. Liquid injection during this period keeps the motor winding temperature within limits. Electronic expansion valve The Screw Chillier is fitted with an electronic expansion valve with its drivers. resulting into optimising of power. Coupled with the stepless capacity control which is a feature of the Screw Compressor. which has 6386 steps per revolution. Electronic expansion valves thus have advantage over normal Thermostatic expansion valves. resulting in power saving. This inherent feature allows the system to operate in a very narrow band of superheat. as compared to thermostatic expansion valve. as an integral part of the Micro Control Panel. The electronic expansion valve operates on a principle of opening and closing of valve through a Stepper motor. This system adjusts the opening of the valve with shorter response time. The electronic expansion valve adjusts itself based on suction superheat and monitors the flow of refrigerant quickly and accurately. 4 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . which have slower response for the changing conditions. against varying load conditions. The algorithm is built to ensure most appropriate operation of the expansion valve motor. The signal for the Stepper motor is received through the Micro Control Panel. the electronic expansion valve will maximise power savings. Also remote monitoring can be done with a web monitor connected to the panel and further to customer’s LAN. Translator is optional. Micro Control Panel Micro Control Panel has Digital Control and setting of Temperature values. Electronic Micro Control Panel. Built-in time delays for compressors. Modem. Temperature setting and control is in the range of ± 0.C. User's Manual 5 .Control Panel The Control panel has been designed with construction features. so that it is mounted on the same structure.. Password protection at 4 levels and in-built Anti-freeze and Flow switch safety. Micro Control Panel has Remote Monitoring and Access through P. Micro Control Panel has step less capacity control from 25% to 100%.C.5°F. the Power section and the Termination sections are clearly separated for ease of installation and servicing. Micro Control Panel is provided with RS-232 port for direct remote computer connectivity (up to 50 feet). PC connection Program provides both local and remote communication to Micro Control Panel. Automatic power failure reset. Fault Indication and Status facility and RS-485 connection (up to 6000 ft). Gateway for units are Optional and not in the scope). with Modem and dedicated telephone line without BMS as a standard feature through RS232 & RS485 (P. The Micro Control Panel automatically performs history logging and this program will graph the selected items. Single phase/phase reversal protection. Micro Control Panel has BMS Compatibility (J C N2. Non-Volatile Memory backup for all set points. Bacnet and Modbus protocol available). The Protection device is as tabulated below: Primary Single Phasing Reverse Phase Motor winding Temp Discharge Temp SPPR module SPPR module Motor Protector Compressor PTC sensor Current sensing Electronic Expansion Valve Star-Delta method Pressure sensors Pump-down Compressor Discharge Check valve Lubrication Oil Oil Level Switch Secondary Current sensing Suction & Discharge pressures Current sensing Temperature sensor on Discharge Line (Micro Control Panel) —— Superheat measurement by Micro Control Panel Unloaded start by Micro Control Panel —— —— —— Motor Overload Suction Superheat Starting Current HP / LP Refrigerant Migration —— Oil Pressure Difference Oil Pressure Cut-out (Micro Control Panel) Crankcase Heater Anti-freeze Water Flow Sudden Compressor On/Off LWT sensor Flow switch interlock Time delay —— AFT cut-out KP61 —— Anti-cycle cut-out (10 min.) 6 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) .Two Levels of Safety The Chiller is protected with Primary and Secondary Safety Systems. even in the case of failure of any of the protection devices. Care has been taken to ensure that there are no nuisance alarms generated. This has been done to protect the Chiller. Nomenclature Nomenclature: L C W X . OF COMPRESSORS SCREW COMPRESSOR User's Manual 7 . CAP. IN TR NO.1 104 LIQUID CHILLER WATER COOLED NOM. Technical Specification Technical Data for Water Cooled Screw Chiller DX R22 SR DESCRIPTION No. 2# R22 V/PH/HZ KW Kg. 1 2 3 Nominal Capacity Compressor Model Refrigerant Power Supply 4 5 6 Power Consumption Refrigerant/Oil Charge Cooler (DX -Shell & Tube Type) Water Flow Connection Sizes 7 Condenser (Shell & Tube type) Water Flow Min Max Inlet & Outlet connection Slip on Length Width Height 8 OPERATING WEIGHT/UNIT (APPROX) UNIT LCWX1-104 kW (TR) 365.1 112/18 YCH-122A 250 375 6 YCD-131A 375 500 4 (1 each) 2953 900 2102 2700 MODEL LCWX1-145 509. 1 2 3 Nominal Capacity Compressor Model Refrigerant Power Supply 4 5 6 Power Consumption Refrigerant/Oil Charge Cooler (DX -Shell & Tube Type) Water Flow Connection Sizes 7 Condenser (Shell & Tube type) Water Flow Min Max Inlet & Outlet connection Slip on Length Width Height 8 OPERATING WEIGHT/UNIT (APPROX) UNIT LCWX2-208 kW (TR) 731. 400 V(+/. 3 PH.1# R22 50HZ 130 150/23 YCH-177A 320 480 8 YCD-176A 480 640 5 (1 each) 2987 900 2102 3650 LCWX1-210 738. 3 PH.. 3 PH. 3 PH. F Sq.001 Deg.. 3 PH. 400 V(+/.5 (125) Semi-hermatic Screw BSC-125W ./Ltr Model USGPM USGPM INCHES Model USGPM USGPM INCHES mm mm mm Kg 50HZ 170.10%). 3 PH. F Condenser Water with 0. NOTE:1) The Rating given are based on 54 / 44 Deg.10%).10%).8 ( 208) Semi-hermatic Screw BSC-105W. 400 V(+/.10). F Sq.Hr/BTU Fouling Factor and 90 / 97.0005 Deg.10%). Fouling Factor 8 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . 3 PH.10%).3 237/38 YCH-105A + YCH-152A Min Max 500 750 8 YCD-105A + YCD-151A 750 1000 8 (1 each) 3400 1800 2300 5526 MODEL LCWX2-290 1019.6 (104) Semi-hermatic Screw BSC-105W.5(210) Semi-hermatic Screw BSC-210W . 400 V(+/.10%). 400 V(+/. Ft.1 95/16 YCH-103A 208 312 6 YCD-101A 312 416 4 (1 each) 2700 800 2000 2500 LCWX-125 439..12 (320) Semi-hermatic Screw BSC-160W+BSC-160W R22 50HZ 260 304/46 YCH-177A + YCH-177A 640 960 8 YCD-176A + YCD-176A 960 1280 8 (1 each) 3400 1800 2450 6862 LCWX2-370 1300 (370) Semi-hermatic Screw BSC-160W+BSC-210W R22 50HZ 299 351/51 YCH-177A + YCH-222A 740 1110 8 YCD-176A + YCD-222A 1110 1480 8 (1 each) 3400 2000 3000 7541 400 V(+/.../Ltr Model USGPM USGPM INCHES Model USGPM USGPM INCHES mm mm mm Kg 400 V(+/.10%).64 (290) Semi-hermatic Screw BSC-145W . 1# R22 V/PH/HZ KW Kg. 1# R22 50HZ 101.3 195/28 YCH-222A 420 630 8 YCD-221A 630 840 6 (1 each) 3087 900 2269 4600 400 V(+/. Ft HR /BTU. 400 V(+/.10%)..2 136/23 YCH-152A 290 435 6 YCD-151A 435 580 4 (1 each) 2979 900 2102 3365 LCWX1-160 562. 1# R22 50HZ 117. 3 PH.10%).. 50HZ 85..1 180/32 YCH-222A 416 624 8 YCD-222A 624 832 6 (1each) 3100 1200 2300 5000 LCWX2-250 879 (250) Semi-hermatic Screw BSC-105W + BSC-145W R22 50HZ 202.5 (160) Semi-hermatic Screw BSC-160W . 3 PH. 400 V(+/.4 275/46 YCH-152A + YCH-152A 580 870 8 YCD-151A + YCD-151A 870 1160 8 (1 each) 3400 1800 2300 6526 LCWX2-320 1125. Min Max SR DESCRIPTION No.5 Deg. 3 PH. 1# R22 50HZ 169. 2# R22 50HZ 234.. F Chilled Water for Cooler with 0..8 (145) Semi-hermatic Screw BSC-145W . PRESSURE DROP (FT.H20) A A A User's Manual 9 . intended for the precise control of liquid refrigerant flow. Motor Retaining Nut 4-Pin Feed Through O-Ring Motor Housing 42mm stepper Motor Gear Ball Bearing Gear Cup Gear Shaft Bronze Guide Lead Screw Red + < Green Q1 Q2 Q5 White + < Black Q6 Bipolar Drive Sequence Close STEP 1 2 3 4 1 Q1-04 Q2-Q3 ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF Q5-Q8 Q6-Q7 ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF Q3 Q4 Q7 Q8 10 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) Open ON . Valve pistons and ports are uniquely characterised. HCFC. Synchronised signals to the motor provide discrete angular movement.000783 inches (0. The valves are easily interfaced Strain Relief with microprocessor based controllers. as referred in the figure. and HFC refrigerants and oils Self lubricating materials used for longer life High linear force output These are electronically operated step motor flow control valves. The piston is used to modulate flow through a port. providing improved flow resolution and performance. which translates into precise linear positioning of the valve piston. Valve operation The valves modulate by the electronically controlled rotation of a step motor.02mm) per step Tight seating Corrosion resistant materials used throughout Field proven reliability Low power consumption – 4 watts Compatibility tested with most CFC. The step motor drives a gear train and lead screw to position a piston.Electronic Expansion Valve The benefits of using electronic expansion valves are: • • • • • • • • • Step motor operated for precise control High resolution drive assembly – 0. C) but temperature of up to 250 deg. The ability of the EEV to control the amount of refrigerant in the evaporator to allow reaching discharge set point while preventing flood back makes the EEV the ideal expansion device for most air conditioning. the valves provide unsurpassed accuracy in resolution of flow and repeatability of position. C) may be used for dehydration. Chiller. are electronically biased in pairs by the controller as shown in the table. Two discrete sets of motor stator windings are powered in sequence to rotate the rotor 3.02mm) of travel. These signals are calculated by the controller from the sensor inputs. The sequencing is accomplished through the bi-polar drive circuit shown on page 10. Operating ambient temperature range is –50 deg. Environmental chamber and refrigeration applications.000783 inches (0. F to 140 deg. F (120 deg. Q1 through Q8. User's Manual 11 . Total power consumption is 4 watts when operating a rate of 200 steps per second with standard L/R type drive circuitry.The motor is a two-phase type driven in the bi-polar mode. The electronic expansion valve controls the flow of refrigerant entering the direct expansion evaporator in response to signals sent by the controller. A set of sensors. either two temperature sensors or a pressure transducer and a temperature sensor. External parts of the valve are brass and copper and meet or exceed 2000 hours salt spray tests per ASTM B-117. When used with the Micro control panel. Large valves have an operating stroke of 0. The valves have a safe working pressure of 420 psig. Polarity of the drive signal reverses for each step.6 degrees per step. are used to measure superheat.5 inches and 6386 steps of control. Typical control is based on superheat set point. therefore each step translates into 0. The motor housing is equipped with hermetic cable connection to the motor and a 10 feet motor lead is supplied as standard length. The drive transistors. F (-45 deg C to 60 deg. 20 gr/year at 20 bar) 420 psig (29 bar) -50 Deg. -5% + 10%. C) 250 Deg. brass-valve body.50 inches (12. F (120 Deg. HCFC and HFC refrigerants except R-410A.02mm/step) 0. and adaptors: synthetic materials-seating and seals.439 amps with two windings energised. PVC insulation jacketed cable.SPECIFICATIONS Motor type Supply Voltage Connections Phase Resistance Current Range : : : : : 2 phase permanent 2 coil bipolar magnet. motor housing. measured at the valve leads 4 lead. Copper-fittings. all common mineral. Polyolester and Alkylbenzene oils. 0. 75 ohms per winding ± 10% 0.262 to 0. C) All common CFC.000783 inches/step (0. 12 VDC. F to 140 Deg.215 amps/winding.10 oz/year at 300 psig (0.F (-45 Deg. Maximum power Inductance per winding Required step rate Number of steps Resolution Total stroke Maximum allowable internal leakage Maximum allowable external leakage Safe working pressure Operating temperature range Maximum dehydration temperature Compatibility : : : : : : : : : : : : Materials of construction : 12 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . C to 60 Deg.7mm) less than 200 cc/min at 100 psi estimated less than 0.131 to 0. 4 watts 62±20% mH 200 steps per second 6386 0. 18 AWG. The PC connected to the network must be running Windows 3. It is designed to provide primary control. PC Support Software for Micro Control Panel PC-Config: Program provides the configuration file: points list. this program will graph selected items.Config program. Micro Control Panel Network The Micro Control Panel Network can support up to 50 Micro Control Panel and its associated I/O’s.1 or higher with PC-Connect providing the actual interface program. The Micro Control Panel provides flexibility with set points and control options that can be selected prior to commissioning a system or when the unit is live and functioning. This program is user friendly with English questions and drop down menus. communicate both locally and remotely. This address will be the key in establishing communications with the appropriate Micro Control Panel system. The Micro Control Panel is designed to safeguard the system that is being controlled. There will be no degradation in the performance of the network. User's Manual 13 . interface with building management systems.. The MCS-8 automatically performs history logging. for all versions of software.MCS Panel Micro Control Panel The Micro Control Panel is a rugged microprocessor based controller that is designed for the hostile environment of the HVAC/R industry. set points. options. eliminate the need for manual intervention and to provide a simple but meaningful man-machine-interface. PC-Conn: Program provides both local and remote communications to the Micro Control Panel independent of the type of software. This address can be changed from the LCD / keypad of a unit. Through this program the status of the controller can be viewed and with proper authorisation changes can be made to the system. Each Micro Control Panel in the network must be assigned a unique address when the configuration file is build using the PC . Access to this network can be local or remote via a 14. Configuration files can be transmitted to or received from an MCS8 unit.4K Baud modem. no mechanical controls. etc. alarms and other interfaces are accomplished in a clear and simple language that informs the user as to the status of the controller. Displays. MICRO CONTROL PANEL NETWORK LOCAL PC SUPPORT ONLY Micro Control Panel-I/Os Micro Control Panel-I/Os Micro Control Panel-I/Os RS485 RS485 RS485 Micro Control Panel RS 485 Gateway Remote PC with Windows & PC-Connection 14 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . 4k baud modem Remote PC with Windows & PC-Connection 14.MICRO CONTROL PANEL NETWORK REMOTE PC SUPPORT ONLY Micro Control Panel-I/Os Micro Control Panel-I/Os Micro Control Panel-I/Os RS485 RS485 RS485 Micro Control Panel RS 485 Gateway 14.4k baud modem User's Manual 15 . 4k baud modem 16 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) .REQUIREMENTS FOR PC SOFTWARE To install and run the program we suggest the following system requirements: Front End System Requirements n n n n n n n Windows 95 Pentium 166 MHz 2 Gigabyte hard disk with at least 25 Megabytes free 3 ½ “ Floppy Disk Drive Super VGA display capable of displaying 256 colors 16 Megabytes of RAM or more is recommended 33.1 486 66 MHz 500 Megabyte Hard Drive 3½” Floppy Drive VGA Display 8 Megabytes RAM 14.6k baud modem Minimum System Required to Run Program n n n n n n n Windows 3. If the system is being accessed via PC-Connect program. The authorization codes must be protected and remain confidential. the code may consist of any valid alpha/numeric characters. The authorization code and the associated level cannot be displayed or viewed in an Micro Control Panel System. Each system can have up to 15 different authorization codes.Before a set point can be changed the set point must be able to be viewed. From the Keypad/Display the following changes can be made based upon the authorization level: Function Sensor offsets Sensor diagostics Clear alarm history Clear point information Date & time set Day of week set Change no flow lockout or shut down Change rotate yes or no Change manual/auto settings Change setpoint values* Change operating schedules Change holiday dates Lock out reset View No No No No Yes Yes No No No No no no Yes Service Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Supervisory Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Factory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes *Note . The code must be numeric with values between 1 and 8 if it is to be entered from the Keypad/Display. which provide different capabilities with in the system.Micro Control Panel Authorisation function The authorisation code is a special four-character code that enables access in to the Micro Control Panel System. This provides the capability of issuing different codes to different people if desired. if they are compromised unauthorized personnel can gain access to the system. There are four levels of authorization. These are established when building the configuration file in the PC-Configuration program. User's Manual 17 . SP suction pressure. • The ALARM STATUS displays all alarms and lockouts while LOCKOUT STATUS displays only active lockouts. DP discharge pressure. • If one or more Micro Control Expansion units are connected to a Micro Control Center the data will be presented in a continuous sequence.6F DISC TMP + 180.OUT TEMPERATURE EVAPORATOR STATUS ADDITIONAL STATUS INFO Chiller Configuration Example • • • • • • • One screw compressor One each load/unload solenoid per compressor One liquid line solenoid per compressor Suction & discharge pressure per compressor Oil pressure per compressor Leaving liquid temperature sensor Return liquid temperature sensor 18 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) ï 1 JAN 30 09:13:00 REASON FOR ALARM 2 JAN 30 09:12:51 LOCKOUT RESET 3 JAN 30 09:12:19 POWER RETURNED 4 JAN 30 09:12:13 POWER FAILED 5 JAN 30 09:11:45 ALARM LIQ.OUT 6 JAN 30 09:11:44 LOCKOUT RESET 7 JAN 30 09:11:33 COMPUTER RESET 8 JAN 30 09:11:12 FREEZE 9 JAN 30 09:11:01 LOCKOUT RESET 10 JAN 30 09:10:56 ALARM LIQ. AMP or motor fault. ADDITIONAL STATUS information shows names.1 1 DISC SAT S HEAT +180 +120 +60.OUT 11 JAN 30 09:07:30 LOCKOUT RESET 12 JAN 30 09:07:18 ALARM STATUS LOCKOUT STATUS ï ï ï ï 1 SUCT SAT S HEAT +55 +37 +18.The Micro Control Panel Keypad Display Quick Reference .5F LIQ. run hours and starts for all RO’s. the actual value at the time of the lockout of the associated sensor is displayed. etc.STATUS KEYS • No authorization is required in the DISPLAY STATUS section for viewing information. OPD oil pump differential. oil or amps.OUT . discharge. • The “+” and “-” keys may be used with alarm & lockout status to allow scrolling. COMP MAIN/DELTA ON LOAD SOLENOID ON/OFF UNLOAD SOLENOID ON/OFF LIQ. Repressing the same key selects the next two lines.4 ï ï COMP 1 = STARTS = STARTS = LOAD = STARTS = UNLOAD = STARTS = 000016h 000000040 000000029 000002h 000007996 000001h 00000863 LIQ.3F FLOW ON UNIT CTL ON END/SELECT NEXT FANS 1LOT ON/OFF FANS 2LOT ON/OFF CONDENSOR STATUS SYSTEM SENSORS LIQ. total. OUT + 47. LINE SOLENOID ON/OFF 1 SP DP OPD AMP 65 260 195 44 DISPLAY STATUS COMPRESSOR STATUS 1 2 3 4 SYSTEM PRESSURE 5 6 7 8 SUCT TMP + 55. • SYSTEM PRESSURE displays information by circuit.LINE STARTS STARTS STARTS ALARM STARTS = = = = = = 000016h 000000028 000000035 000000034 000000h 000000015 ï 5 JAN 30 09:11:45 ALARM LIQ OUT 5 SP DP OPD AMP 8 JAN 30 09:11:02 FREEZE 10 JAN 30 09:10:56 ALARM LIQ. • Pressing a key selects the 1st two lines of data. LOCKOUT STATUS for lockouts caused by either suction. SETPOINT. SETPOINTS. (SERVICE. • Different items will appear depending on the package configuration and options selected. • Enter authorization code at the authorization function within the SERVICE DIAGNOSTIC key menu. • The clock is factory set at EST or EDST based on time of year. PROGRAM keys) User's Manual 19 . • When making value changes the INCREASE (+) & DECREASE (-) keys may be held for continuous updating. MANUAL and PROGRAM) provide menu items. some of which when selected will present sub menus.The Micro Control Center Keypad Display Quick Reference . CONTROL STATUS ENTR CHG OPTION AUTHORIZATION ENTER CHG OPTION SENSOR OFFSETS ENTR CHG OPTION CLEAR ALRM HSTRY ENTR CHG OPTION CLEAR PT INFO ENTR CHG OPTION UNIT INFORMATION ENTR CHG OPTION ENTRY SERVICE DIAGNOSTIC PROGRAM OPTIONS DATE DISPLAY ENTR CHG OPTION TIME DISPLAY ENTR CHG OPTION DATE & TIME SET ENTR CHG OPTION DAY OF WEEK SET ENTR CHG OPTION OPERATING SCHEDS ENTR CHG OPTION HOLIDAY DATES ENTR CHG OPTION #1 LVG LIQ OUT TARGET TEMP #2 CTRL ZONE ENTR CHG TEMP #5 CNTRL ZONE ENTR CHG TEMP #7 POWER UP DELAY ENTR CHG TIME IN SEC #8 STEP SENSITIVITY ENT CHG #9 STEP DELAY TIME IN SECONDS #10 MAXIMUM ROC #11 ENT CHG TEMPERATURE SETPOINTS (SAFETIES) INCREASE (+) LOCKOUT RESET ENTER NO ACTIVE LOCKETS SEL NEXT OPTION ECT ï RELAY OUTS MANUAL ENTR CHG OPTION ANALG OUTS MANUAL ENTR CHG OPTION SENSOR INS MANUAL ENTR CHG OPTION MANUAL OVERRIDES DECREASE (-) ENTER KEY Selects options or enters changes after adjustments have been made ï ï ï ï ï ï ï INCREASE KEY(+) & DECREASE KEY(-) Used To adjust values or change options selected. • Units may be English or Metric.ENTRY KEYS • The ENTRY keys (SERVICE. (0 to 100 milli volts dc) • SI 5-8 factory set for MCS-T100 temperature inputs. Analog Output & Communications Terminals Shielded cable only. (0 to 5 volts dc) • All analog inputs must have shield tied to GND. • Mircro Control Panel-I/O factory set address to Mircro Control Panel I/O Items refer page 21. • SI 1-4 factory set for 4 wire differential inputs. preferred direction of wire 20 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) .Wiring Guide Notes • Relay Outputs (RO) 230 VAC 10 amps. High Voltage Wireway Relay Ouptus & 220 VAC 50/60 hertz Input Preferred direction of wire 220 VAC Low Voltage Wireway Sensor Input. Detail of Micro Control Panel and I/O Key Items 220 220 VAC User's Manual 21 . 1. The 24 volts must be supplied by a transformer not used for any other purpose. Wiring Instructions and Cautions Use the chart given next page No. The impedence for this input is 40 k ohms. the board will shut the valve immediately and overdrive by 250 steps to reset valve position. IB 6 boards are used on valves with 6386 steps. When given a pumpdown signal. By placing the jumper on both pins. depending on configuration. the secondary winding of the transformer must not be connected to chassis ground. Connect a second MOV between the other leg of the input voltage of the 24 VAV transformer and earth ground. supplied with the IB.24 as a guide for wire connections. The primary input of the transformer should be protected by Metal Oxide Varister (MOV) surge suppressors. To force the valve shut during operation for test purpose. The IB can power one or two valves. 16 seconds for the IB3 and 32 seconds for the IB6. Valve wires must be connected exactly the same for both valves.015 volts depending on the configuration. valve is closed at 0 volts or 4 milliamps and fully open at 10 volts or 20 milliamp input. Other pins on CN2 have been clipped at the factory and are not used for operation of the valve. Certain precautions must be taken in wiring and operation of the IB Series. Solenoid valves may be desired before the step motor valve on critical applications. the operation is reversed so that the valve will be fully open at 0 volts or 4 milliamps. a jumper should be placed on the pins labelled CN3 as shown in the above Figure 1. The valve will not respond to input signals during this time. If power is lost to the IB or wire to the valve severed. 3. 2. simply remove the jumper from CN4 or CN3. The valves will operate simultaneously and will open and close by the same number of steps.IB Series interface boards (IB 6) These interface boards are used to accept 0 to 10 V DC analog input signals and are designed to allow externally supplied control signals to control one or two Sporlon step motor valves including electronic expansion valves. On power-up the board will initialize by giving the valve a large number of steps to assure that the valve is fully shut. CN4 CN2 +4-20 -4-20 Black White Green Red IN GND 24V-1 24V-2 Configure the Board CN3 When used with a 0-10 volt input signal. In addition. To allow for component tolerances. 22 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . OPERATION and TROUBLESHOOTING When properly configured and installed the IB Series requires no maintenance. i. They incorporate a number of operational features to assure trouble free service. The routine will require approximately 8 seconds for the IB1. The jumper is stored on one pin only and will cause the valve to open as input signal rises. the pumpdown terminals should be used. For protection from electrical transients. Choose “Open on Rise” or “Close on Rise” operation using the middle two pins on jumper CN2. This is the default jumper position. replace the jumper. No external power should be applied to these terminals. To resume normal operation. The pumpdown terminals must be supplied with a “dry” contact from a switch or relay.e. the valve will remain in its last position. connect one MOV between one leg of the input voltage of the 24 VAC transformer and earth ground. On removal of the pumpdown signal the valve will resume position as dictated by the external control signal. the IB will shut the valve when the input signal reaches 4.25 milliamps or . If the valve is required to shut during operation. See wiring instructions. 15 VA transformer. 1000 ohms . +4-20 -4-20 B W G R IN GND 24V-1 24V-2 connection for the positive leg of a 4-20 milliamp or 0-10 volt signal connection for negative leg of a 4-20 milliamp or 0-10 volt signal black wire from valve.Wiring Connections From left to right when the board is oriented with the terminal strip across the bottom. to external pumpdown switch or relay.25 typical 4 places + Lead Ground Lead Pump down 24 VAC Power Signal In User's Manual 23 . or both valves when two valves are used green wire from valve. or both valves when two valves are used white wire from valve.125 typical & places Jumper for close on input rise 4-20 mA. from 24 volt. 3. from 24 volt. or both valves when two valves are used from external pumpdown switch or relay. See wiring instructions. 0.0 inches 4-20 mA. See wiring instructions. or both valves when two valves are used red wire from valve. 300 ohms 0-10 VDC 4-20 mA or valve B-in VDC b wg r input digital 24 vac input input 025 typical 4 places 0. See wiring instructions.0 inches Dia. 600 ohms 4-20 mA. 15 VA transformer. 5) Measure the resistance between green and red leads this value should be between +/-5 %of the resistance between black and white leads 6) Measure the resistance from any lead to valve body. that is to say. Resistance should be infinite. The resistance should be 75 Ohms with the valve at room temperature or approximately 65 Ohms if the valve is at -40 deg F. open 24 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) .MCS Panel Troubleshooting TROUBLE SHOOTING FOR SPORLAN IB6 INTERFACE CARD TEST THE VALVE: The resistance of the motor winding may be tested without operating the system as follows: 1) Check voltage (24V) at IB or Transformer 2) Remove power from the external controller and /or IB 3) Remove the valve leads from IB 4) Measure the resistance between the black and white leads of the valve. but required in CN3 IF NO Repair or replace power supply or supply wiring Shut off power to IB and correct wiring Check the step motor.G.TEST THE IB: SR. 1 2 PARAMETER Is there 24VAC at terminal? Is the valve connected to terminal (B.W. If operational replace the IB IF YES Go for 2 Go for 3 3 Go for 4 4 Same as in 4 Go for 5 5 Shut off power to IB and external controller and correct input signal observing polarity Shut off power Test or correct wiring Shut off power.TEST EXTERNAL CONTROLLER User's Manual 25 . If not correct wiring Shut off power. Does the meter read 12 VAC±1? Repeat test using red and green terminal. Interrupt and restore power to IB. Does the meter read 12VAC +/-1? Are wires for external signal connected to terminal +4-20 and -4-20 Is external signal present? Signal should be 0-10VDC? Is polarity of signal correct? Terminal (+) to terminal +4-20 and (-) to terminal -4-20 Pin jumper in not required on CN2 & CN4. NO.R)with wire colors correct ? Connect voltmeter on AC scale to the black and white terminal. And correct jumper position Go for 6 6 Go for 7 7 Go for 8 8 Go for 9 9 IB IS FUNCTIONAL. Check sensor for bad sensor. Check sensor for bad sensor Check + 5 V DC on sensor input to ground.) This indicates an input problem with 1 sensor. Manual Value and / or offset. Verify jumper settings correct for that SI.The Micro Control Panel Troubleshooting Quick Reference Sheet PROBLEM No Sensor + 5 V D C POTENTIAL SOLUTION Indicates a possible shorted input sensor Remove all sensor + 5 V DC wires. Check sensor wiring for +5VDC shorted to signal etc. Possible bad connection or cable between LCD and Micro Control Panel A sensor input reads -99.) You need to have a valid Auth code to change sensor offsets You must use the Windows based software package ‘P Conn’ See P Conn Interactive section for instructions. Check incoming power > 220 VAC Indicates software chip problem possible. (A poly fuse protects the board) Remove all sensor input terminals. ‘MCS CONTROLLER INITIALIZATION’ on LCD display. This indicates an open sensor input signal or 5 VDC problem. the problem is with probably a shorted sensor.9 A pressure sensor is reading more than 1 psi off (The temperature & humidity sensors do not require calibration. If less than 5 VDC is on the sensor 5 VDC terminal block. or until 5 VDC restored at sensor input. Possible U11 software version incorrect or chip bad. Wait about 1 min. Top row of LCD display all bars & 2nd row blank.) Invalid reading on one sensor input. (‘Change SI Status.9 A sensor input reads +999. Connect terminals 1 at time until short reappears & fix bad sensor. This indicates the transducer sensor input needs to be calibrated via the offset capability in the software. replace one sensor wire at a time until the + 5 V DC is lost again. Indicates Micro in constant reset. This will be the shorted sensor. If + 5 V DC returns. Check sensor wiring for missing wire or poor connection. 26 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . Possible U13 GAL chip incorrect or chip bad. (Transducers by design need to be calibrated based on construction and altitude. This indicates a shorted sensor input signal. Wait about 30 to 60 seconds. Verify wiring from Micro Control Panel to each I/O correct. Follow prompts and enter a valid 4-digit authorization number. RED = view only YELLOW = service level BLUE = Supervisor level Green = Factory level This indicates an invalid auth number. Press ENTER This indicates a problem with this SI only. click on the ‘AUTH’ button on the lower right of your LCD display. Not authorized This indicates you are not at a proper authorization level. Incorrect sensor type used. under P Conn. Verify ‘EEP WRITE ENABLE’ jumper W6 is on. Verify Micro Control Panel & I/O address’s set correctly. CFG layout for different version than software chip U11. Indicates communications problem. Verify RS485 LED blinking. The authorization level is displayed at the top of the display and is reflected via the colour of the AUTH button. Connector J2 on Micro Control Panel not on or offset on connector. POTENTIAL SOLUTION Indicates bad connection. Resistor adjustment VR1 out of adjustment. INVALID CONFIG VER 27 . Jumper setting on this SI in wrong position. Follow steps below for proper authorization Press SERVICE DIAGNOSTICS key until the authorization option appears Press the ENTER key From the “Display Status” press keys corresponding to your authorization number. Verify termination jumper J6 only on at Micro Control Panel & last I/O.PROBLEM LCD blank. P Conn – cannot make changes Invalid authorization SI from AMPS board 10 A low. Check fuses/220 VAC on I/O units This indicates inability to write to chip U10. User's Manual Lost I/O Changes to MCS not being made from the unit’s keypad. Follow steps below for proper authorization. From either the SYSTEM INFO or STATUS screen. Indicates layout of CFG wrong. GATEWAY INVALID CONFIG indicates Checksum invalid. check the address of the Micro Control Panel and any other Micro Control Panels that are on the network. Example U10 CFG for home while U11 for chiller. This address can be changed from the Micro Control Panel Proper authorization is required. Verify +12 V DC to Micro Control Panel RS485. Indicates Checksum invalid Reload CFG Verify Berg jumpers using Quick Reference Sheets Check board version number Check wiring of sensor INVALID CONFIG Sensor input believed invalid (Under Sensor Diagnostic Sub Menu) Communications to Micro Control Panel 485-GATEWAY from PCConnect not working. Enter the UNIT INFORMATION screen by depressing the SERVICE DIAGNOSTIC key and scrolling to this item. 28 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . Each must have a unique address.Problem INVALID CONFIG TYPE Potential Solution Indicates U10 CFG incompatible with U11 software. NOTE : All sensosr inputs should be shielded cable with shield tied to ground on Micro Control Panel Sensor Input Groung Terminal. If both of LEDs are blinking. Either set to factory defaults or reset settings. The Verify red LED (located just to the left of the RS-485 connector) on the gate way blinking indicates that the PC-Connect program is talking to the gateway. Verify that the two wire shielded cable is properly wired from the RS-485 connector to the gateway. Depress the ENTER key and scroll to the NETWORK ADDRESS screen. Change address if needed. User's Manual 29 . proper rigging and handling is mandatory during unloading and leading the unit into position. repair the leakages if any and charge the system with Nitrogen. If the pressure is not holding in the system. the system should be pressure tested immediately. Check up the pressure of the unit when received. Storage Check for transportation damages if any and take up with factory for any damages. Proper hoisting straps should be used when rigging (nylon flat rope). proper care should be taken to store the chiller in a covered space. Care must be taken to keep the unit upright during rigging. Never keep the system without pressure. The rigger must be advised that the unit contains internal components that require to be kept in an upright position. Avoid unnecessary jerking or rough handling.Rigging and Installation Rigging When the chiller arrives at Warehouse/Site. Care must be exercised to avoid twisting of the equipment. In case the site is not ready to install the chiller. It is also mandatory that an experienced and reliable rigger be selected to handling unloading and final placement of the equipment. Installation Proper care should be taken to make the foundation for the Chiller. Avoid any sharp bend for the cable at the termination point. Adequate space around the Chiller as recommended in the G A Drawing should be made available for maintenance purpose. The unit should not be located nearer to any heat source or any high tension line running above. 30 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . Install the Chiller on the Foundation/Pedestal and grout by using foundation bolts. ensure that the same is located in such a way that the load of the same is transferred to the columns and not to the slab directly. The foundation should be properly levelled. The piping shall be supported external to the unit as per the recommended practice. Use 3 ½ core Aluminium cable along with double earthing and terminate through proper lugs. The chilled water and condenser water piping connections to the cooler and condenser should be terminated preferably with flexible connections to avoid transmission of vibration if any. The cable shall be adequately supported. The Chiller should be levelled on the foundation. In case the Chiller is located on rooftop. Use recommended size of power cable to be terminated to the MCCB of the Panel of the unit. 5M G S1 C NO Acronym Description Circuit breaker Emergency Off Mushroom Type Motor protector module Oil cooler thermostat Contactors Ground terminal Sensor input terminal Common connection for relay output Normally open connection for relay output 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 NC L N TB SP/PR OL MCCB CT RLY SI8 MCS LCD OCF MP HTR SV TR EEV Card EEV Normally closed connection for relay output Phase Line Neutral Terminal Block Single phasing preventer / Phase reversal protector Overload relay Molded Case Circuit Breaker Current transformer Relay output Sensor Input card Micro Control Main Board Touch key pad for MCS Oil Cooler Fan Compressor Motor Protector Oil Heater Solenoid Valve Transformer Interface Board for EEV Electronic Expansion Valve User's Manual 31 . 2M. 4M. no 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 CB EMG INT-69 OCTH 1M.Legend for Control & Power Wiring Diagram for Water Cooled Screw Chiller Sr. 3M. Screw Compressor 32 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . Discharge bearings 18. Slide valve key 17. 8. 5. Power bolt 35. Suction flange 32. Discharge fixed ring User's Manual 33 . α-Balance piston 21.Construction of Compressor Fig. Cable box 34. 6. Piston 11. 1 1. 4. 9. 3. Modulation solenoid valve 15. Oil filler cartridge 28. Disc spring 20. Oil level sight glass 27. Thermostat terminals 36. Motor cable cover plate 10. Male rotor 23. Piston rod 13. Suction bearings inner/outer spacer ring 25. Piston spring 12. 7. Suction bearings 24. Bearing slot nut 22. Compressor casing Motor casing Oil separator Motor rotor assembly Motor stator assembly Motor rotor washer Motor rotor spacer ring Oil Separator Baffle Oil separator cartridge 19. Oil heater 30. Bearing set’s cover plate 14. Oil guiding ring 26. Discharge flange 33. 2. Refrigeration Lubricant 31. Suction filter 29. Modulation slide valve 16. capillary. will result in a larger starting current that could damage the compressor motor seriously. The piston spring is to force the piston back to its original position. 34 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . The compressor started at full load. The capillary is provided to maintain and restrain a stable amount of oil flow to cylinder. will result in the abnormality and ineffectiveness of the capacity control system. which consist of a slide valve. or modulation solenoid valves are not working very well in the capacity control system. it is available to control the capacity output stably by modulating the inlet of SV2 and outlet of SV1 alternatively. piston and its rings. 25% position to reduce the starting current during the next startup. The slide valve and the piston are connected by the piston rod. a normally open solenoid valve (SV2) and a normally close solenoid valve (SV1) are equipped to the inlet and outlet of piston cylinder respectively. See figure on next page. Therefore. These two solenoid valves are controlled by the Chiller temperature controller or micro controller. cylinder. If the oil filter cartridge. The positive pressure differential causes the piston to move towards the right side in the cylinder.e. i. The lubrication oil flows from the oil tank through the oil filter cartridge and capillary then fills into the piston cylinder due to the positive oil pressure higher than the right side of spring force plus the high pressure gas. The modulation (step less) solenoid valves (SV1 & SV2) that are controlled by micro controller with the temperature sensor to modulate the piston position smoothly with stable output of capacity. piston rod. When the slide valve moves towards the right side. In continuous (step less) capacity control system.Capacity control system The BSC series screw compressors are equipped with continuous (step less) capacity control system. the effective compression volume in the compression chamber is increasing thereby increasing the displacement of refrigerant gas and hence increase in the refrigeration capacity. The principle of operation is by using the oil pressure to drive the piston in the cylinder. refrigeration capacity control and hence can be modulated at anywhere within 25% .100%. The continuous (step less) capacity control system needs to be associated by a micro controller such as the Micro Control Panel as well as PLC with LCD displayer etc. It is very important for any controller to control the load and unload stably. For a smooth modulation, it is suggested to install an additional orifice valve in the oil line while a fast speed of loading and unloading is happening. Continuous capacity control system No. Component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Suction filter Gas in (low pressure) Motor Oil filter cartridge Suction bearings Male rotor Discharge bearings Discharge silencer Gas out (high pressure with oil) SV1 (Unload) Start Loading Unloading Stable On Off On Off SV2 (Load) On/Off Off On On No. Component 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Slide valve Lubricant Oil separator cartridge Gas out(high pressure without oil) Capillary Solenoid valve (normally open), SV2 (Loading) Solenoid valve (normally closed), SV1 (Un Loading) User's Manual 35 Lubricant The main functions of the lubrication oil in screw compressor are lubrication, internal sealing, cooling and capacity control. The positive oil pressure in the cylinder pushes the piston and the slide valve, which is connected by a piston rod to move forward and backward in the compression chamber. The design with positive pressure differential lubrication system in the BSC series is available to eleminate an extra oil pump in the compressor. The bearings used in BSC compressor require a small but steady quantity of oil for lubrication; the oil injection into the compression chamber creates an oil sealing film in the compression housing for increasing the efficiency and absorbing a portion of heat of compression. In order to separate the oil from the mixed refrigerant gas, an oil separator is required to ensure the least amount of oil carried into the system. Pay more attention to the oil temperature, which is a very significant factor for the compressor bearings’ life. High oil temperature will reduce the oil viscosity and cause poor lubrication and heat absorption in the compressor as well. It is recommended to keep the oil viscosity above 15mm2/s at any temperature. If the compressor is operated under the critical conditions, (high discharge pressure) then extra oil cooler is required. Some high viscosity oil is recommended for applications with high working condition. It happens often that the return oil from the evaporator is insufficient due to the high viscosity of oil, which is difficult to be carried back, that causes the loss of oil in compressor. If the system encounters the oil return problem then it is recommended to install extra 2nd oil separator between the compressor discharge connection and condenser. Each of BSC series of compressors are equipped with two oil sight glasses as a standard; one is the oil high level sight glass and the other is the oil low level sight glass. The normal oil level in the compressor oil tank should be maintained above the top of the low oil sight glass and in the middle level of high oil sight glass when compressor is running. It is recommended strongly to install the optional accessory of oil level switch to prevent from low oil level in compressor. Warnings: a. Use the qualified oil and do not mix with different brand of oil. Different kinds of refrigerant should match with different kinds of oil. Note that some synthetic oil is incompatible with mineral oil. Prior to the oil is filled into the compressor, the system should be totally cleaned up during the initial startup and ensure that it is clean completely. 36 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) b. For the chiller system using synthetic oil, avoid the exposure of oil to the atmosphere too long, it is also necessary to vacuum the system completely when installing the compressor. c. The table below shows the oil replacement standard. Each compressor at HANBELL charges standard quantity of oil. d. In order to take out the moisture from the system, it is suggested to clean the system by hot air or Nitrogen, thereafter vacuum the system as long as possible. It is essential to change new oil into the system especially after the motor burn out, the acidity debris will still remain inside the system, hence follow the above mentioned procedures to overhaul the system. Check the oil acidity after 72 hours operating and then change it again and again if the limit is still over the oil acidity standard until been qualified. Oil Replacement Standards Item Color, ASTM Value Above 6.0 Item Total acid number mg KOH/g Value Above0.5 Particle Matters mg/100ml Viscosity 40 Deg. C Above 5.0 Variation ±10% of 15mm2 / Sec or more Copper Strip Above 2.0 100 Deg C /3hrs Moisture ppm Above 100 Changing oil Lubrication oil is the most important factor to maintain the operating, lubricating, cooling, sealing and driving the capacity piston of the compressor. Following is the probable problems existing in the system that should be faced: 1. Contamination of oil by debris causes the oil filter clogged. 2. Acidified system due to the moisture causes the motor corroded. 3. Spoiled oil due to the compressor running at long duration of high discharge temperature causes the bearings’ life shortened. Refer to the following oil change timing to ensure the compressor runs normally: 1. Change the oil periodically: Check the oil for every 10,000 hours of running periodically for the first operation, to change oil and clean oil filter after running 20,000 hours is recommended. Due to the piping debris could be accumulated inside the system after operation, check the oil after 2,500 hours or after one year of running. Check the system whether clean or not and then change the oil after every 20,000 hours or after 4 years running while the system is operated under good condition. User's Manual 37 4. The Compressors are charged with Blue Star ACS oil for the Water Cooled application and for R22. 3. it is necessary to take care of the oil quality and system cleanness and dryness in the system periodically. an optional oil pressure differential switch is recommended to be installed. then change the oil after 4 years’ of installation or after 20. will shut down to prevent the bearings damage due to lack of oil. hence check the oil characterestic every 2 months if possible. then the oil will be spoiled gradually in short time. Acidity in lubrication oil causes the reduction of bearing’s life and motor’s life. Refer to the oil changing procedures especially after the system overhaul owing to the motor burn out. 38 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . Check the oil quality monthly or periodically and change the oil if the oil is not qualified. In case oil characterestic could not be checked periodically. 5. Change the deteriorated drier periodically if possible to keep the system dry. Check the acidity of oil after 72 hours of initial of operation. The switch will trip when the oil pressure differential reaches the set point between the primary and secondary sides and the compressor. Check the oil acidity periodically and change the oil if the oil acidity value measured is lower than PH 6.000 hours’ of running which reaches first.2. If the compressor discharge temperature often keeps high approaching to the set point. Avoid the debris clogged in the oil filter causing the bearings failure. It is necessary to change the oil if the character of the oil is out of the standard. Application of liquid injection The compressor motor temperature and its compression chamber temperature will be very high almost approaching the setting of motor thermister and discharge temperature thermister. Hence the use of liquid injection system is essential. an expansion valve is installed in the system with tube piped between the liquid line and compressor for cooling down the compression chamber and motor to ensure that the compressor can be run continuously and safely. During the initial start up. which often result in the trip of the sensors under the above working conditions causing the chillers to shut down. The suction superheat should be controlled between 5 to 10 deg. (Low-temp type expansion valve) The flow of liquid refrigerant is controlled through the expansion valve by the suction superheat directly.T =< -10 deg.Liquid injection The liquid injection to the suction side of the compressor. hence the liquid injection devices of adequate capacity should be selected to reduce the overheat of the compressor. the compression ratio will be high at this condition and also the discharge temperature. User's Manual 39 . The purpose of installing a liquid injection system is to prevent the compressor motor from overheat. C). the loading of the chillers will be heavy due to the higher temperature of return chilled water. When the compressor is operated for low temperature system (E. is carried out by providing a separate thermostatic expansion valve in the system. C for the application of water cooled screw chillers by means of the expansion valve devices. Power terminals are firmly phase to phase and phase fixed on terminal block and to ground. 3. Motor winding sensor Discharge temp. 4. No distortion or damage 3. Settings of switches. External piping 2. Insulation Resistance value should be above 5 M ohms of the motor between 4. Voltage of the control Maximum voltage is 230 V. sensor 1. 2. Electricity voltage should be kept within +_15% to the rated voltage. Higher than the middle line of oil level sight glass. As per local Electricity 6. Properly set. Keep wire 4. Safety devices 1.Pre-Start up. circuit. Opened 4. Oil level 2. Leakage test 3. Electrical System 1. Accessories Things To be checked 1. Fixed properly 2. Earthling 5. Insulation resistance value 3. Standard voltage is 220 V. Turn on the oil heater at least 8 hrs. No leakage 3. 1. before starting. Instant maximum voltage drop while starting should be less than 10% to the rated voltage. metal. well insulated. Power terminals and wire cables away from heat cables terminal source and sharpened connections. Connected properly 40 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . both are required. 5. Check up the tightness 3. Voltage of the main power. Connected properly 2. Time for heating the oil Standard Values 1. sensors and controllers. Piping system 4. Compressor fixed tightly Leakage test 1. 6. Terminal screw and block. 2. 1. check up the procedure detailed herein Items 1. Testing. Commissioning & Operation Prior to starting of the unit. Capillary 2. System valve status. regulations. 2. 3. 5) Check if all the stop valves in the system are already opened 6) Check if the setting on each timer relay is correct. to keep the oil temperature over the minimum required value.Operation 1) In addition to above pre start-up check up. the longer the time of heating of oil should be. Keep the oil heater energised after the compressor is shutdown for preparation of next start-up. The lower the ambient temperature is. 3) Recheck the settings on each controls 4) Establish the chilled water flow through the cooler. C before starting the compressor. The oil temperature should be over 50 Deg. 7) Check up the idle pressure of the system 8) Recheck the wiring to the compressor motor is as per the wiring diagram with Star – Delta connection given below. Adjust the water flow rate to the designed rated flow. 2) In order to keep the capacity control smoothly under the low ambient temperature with the normal viscosity of oil. it is required to heat the oil by heater at least 8 hours before next starting. MCS MCD User's Manual 41 . it is also necessary to pay attention to the auxiliary facilities while the chiller is commissioned at the job site and the periodic maintenance after the initial start up. which is essential especially under low ambient condition. Connect the Chilled water flow switch with Micro Control Panel. . External Anti-freeze interlock. Single Phase/ Phase Reversal fault. and digital sensor inputs such as flow switch. Chilled Water Temperatures etc. etc. liquid line solenoid valve. Maximum Discharge Pressure: 18 kg/cm2 g Minimum Suction Pressure: 6~8 kg/cm2 g Maximum designed discharge pressure: 28 kg/cm2 g Maximum designed discharge temperature: 110 Deg. the condition of the outputs is as follows: System 1 Relay output Main1 Delta1 Loadsol1 Unloadsol1 LLS1 LIQinjct 1 Condition OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF System 2 Relay output Main2 Delta 2 Loadsol2 Unloadsol2 LLS2 LIQinjct 2 Condition OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF 42 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . In the OFF state. The crankcase heater should be ON for a period of 8 hours before starting the compressor. liquid injection control etc. System Temperatures. C Starting Procedure: Operation of Micro-Controller for Single / Twin System The MCS control circuit for Blue Star Water Cooled (DX) Screw Chiller comprises of analog sensor inputs such as System Pressures. ensure that the flow switch is connected between points 7 and 8 in the wiring diagram and there is sufficient water flow.Following are the start up limitations 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Lowest Starting Voltage: The power voltage cannot be lower than 10% of rated voltage during start-up period of compressor. Before switching ON the chiller. Analog outputs (0-10V DC) are used to drive the Electronic Expansion Valves. It consists of various relay outputs that drive the compressor. After the power up delay. the LLS will be opened after 5 seconds. the system-1 goes in ON state. the MCS Controller will monitor cooling demand as per Leaving water temperature (set point 1). all relay outputs are turned OFF. During pump down the liquid line solenoid is kept de-energized (closed). Anti Freeze and other Compressor Safeties and start compressor of the first system with fast unloading control logic for initial 30 seconds. When this happens. the condition of the relay outputs is as follows: Condition ON OFF. The unit goes in power up mode. Controller will initialise & monitor Power Supply stability for 90 seconds. System stays in this mode for a time period as specified in MCS set point 23(factory set=90s). The operation of the load or unload solenoid valves is as under: (2) Relay output Main1 Delta1 Loadsol1 Unloadsol1 LLS1 LIQinjct 1 (3) (4) (5) (6) User's Manual 43 . In this state.ON after time corresponding to set point factory set=3s OFF ON OFF OFF Controller will check for any anti-cycle (fault) timers leftovers During start-up.§ Starting Specifications: (1) Switch on power supply. condition of Flow Switch. Depending on set point and actual leaving water temperature. Compressor will pump down till the suction pressure reaches 60 psig. the system shall load or unload. Even though the suction pressure does not reach the set value. Once suction pressure drops to 60 psig Liquid Line Solenoid (LLS) valve is opened. MCS has ‘minimum run time equalization’ logic option (set point 103 should be 0 and set point 104 should be 1). which runs for minimum time. No. The compressor. Compressor-2 shall be ON when compressor-1 is at 100% load or even if compressor1 is unable to load further due to any of the safeties. Compressor-1 will get unloaded and then both the compressors will load/ unload simultaneously approximately at the same percentage (unless any of the compressors goes in safety hold). following safety parameters are monitored: Sr. Initially system-2 & then system –1 will go into shutdown mode. Compressor-2 is started as per the sequence given in steps 4 to 7. will be stat first during next operation. (8) (9) (10) (11) During normal running of compressors. To shut down chiller switch off rotary switch provided in panel. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Set Point Description Hi amps Low amps Low suction Low gas / LSV FLT High discharge Low discharge Low oil differential Unsafe Oil Anti freeze * Trip Delay (Seconds) 2 5 90 10 1 40 180 4 5 Default Setting 110 % 15 % 48 psig 20 psig 275 psig 100 psig 50 psig 25 psig 39oF 44 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) .SV1 (Unload) Start Loading Unloading Stable ON OFF ON OFF SV2 (Load) ON/OFF OFF ON ON (7) When compressor-1 is at 100 % load. then demand for the second system will be activated based on load requirement. Liquid injection system switches on at Discharge Temperature of 165 °F The delay between the Star and Delta connection is set at 3 seconds. the controller will trip the unit and would go in lock out. Operating Specifications: § The following are the Operating Specifications and default set points: NOTE: Lock out delay: If any critical fault reoccurs within 2 hours of running. First 5 seconds 25 psig for next 30 seconds. after which manual intervention is required to diagnose and rectify the fault. • All the above parameters for time delay adjustment are as per default set points. —4 seconds. both Circuits of the Chiller will be locked out. To avoid nuisance tripping during compressor start up. Leaving water temperature is set at 45°F with a control of ±0. Low-pressure setting is at 48 psig and High-pressure setting is at 275 psig. for first 5 inutes of compressor. following Initial Bypass/ Time Delay adjustment procedure is observed: Set Point Description Hi amps Low amps Low suction Bypass For first 3 seconds For first 3 seconds During pump down Time Delay Adjustment * —- Low gas / LSV FLT Low oil differential —2 minutes 45 seconds for first 5 minutes of Compressor running.5 °F. User's Manual 45 . Anti Freeze Thermostat setting is at 39 °F.* In case of Anti Freeze. This will be approximately 3. The starting for the Y start is usually set at 4 ± 1 second. COMPRESSOR IS UNLOADING For screw compressors. Starting Current of the compressor The starting current of different model compressor is as given below (LRA). A 685 735 965 1100 1480 1760 Starting current. Compressor model BSC-075A BSC-105A/ BSC-105W BSC-125W BSC-145A/ BSC-145W BSC-160A/ BSC-160W BSC-210A/ BSC-210W Locked Rotor Current (LRA).5 times the rated current. this state is entered when the compressor is turned on. and 46 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . A 230 245 325 370 495 590 A. this state is when the load solenoid is being pulsed to increase the cooling capacity of the circuit. COMPRESSOR IS LOADING For screw compressors. The system will remain in this state for 45 seconds while the “fast unloader” and unload points are on. This is to ensure that the screw is unloaded.FAST UNLOADING For screw compressors.0 to 3. this state is when the unload solenoid is being pulsed to reduce the cooling capacity of the circuit by moving the slide valve. Cut out 110 Deg.cmg Phase failure when compressor starting or running Set by a related application value.the maximum allowable shift time from Y to D is 40 milliseconds. Rated Voltage + 15 % Oil level lower than the floating ball Cut out 2.145W. It is advisable to change the Y starting time prior to different working condition in the job site in accordance with the current variation of Y starting.cmg User's Manual 47 .210W are recommended below 2 times in one hour The starting for the Y start is usually set at 3 seconds and the maximum allowable shift time from Star to Delta is 40 Sec. any setting should be tripped in 15 sec. Supply power Long term running => +5% Instant Running => +10% Frequency: +2 % 2) 3) Phase current unbalance: The difference in phase current between the biggest phase current differential and smallest phase current differential is required to be less than 3 % 4) Phase voltage unbalance: +2.160W and BSC .5 Kg/Sq. The running restraint of compressor 1) Compressor restart frequency The restart counts for the models BSC . However it is recommended that the duration of the Y starting is not over 15 seconds at the step of 25% capacity. BSC . BSC .125W. C Phase reversal when power on Highest pressure 25 Kg/Sq.105W.25 % 5) Range of ambient temperature: -10 Deg. C Cut in 60 Deg. which are essential to protect the compressor and operate safely Protection Switch Motor winding temperature protector High discharge temperature protector Phase reversal protector Hi – Low pressure protector Phase failure protector Motor overload relay Hi-Low Voltage protector Oil level switch Oil pressure differential switch Set Point Cut out 120 Deg. It is recommended that the duration of Y starting is not over 15 seconds at the step of 25% capacity. C Cut in 75 Deg. BSC . C to 55 Deg. C 6) The control voltage is normally 220 V 7) Protection switch The table below shows the list of protection switches. In case of long term shutdown required because of the retrofit of the system or overhauling of the compressor follow the above instructions after reinstallation of the system before starting up again to ensure the safety and good running condition of the compressor Troubleshooting SR. 2 Compressor unable to load 1) Low ambient temperature or High oil viscosity. 5) Oil filter cartridge clogged. 3) Insufficient lubricant.. Liquid injection system failure. 5) Bad motor coil winding causing the motor temperature to rise rapidly. 48 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . 2) Motor overload. Stop the chilled water supply to the Cooler. – Add Lubricant 4) Leakage at discharge cover plate end Solenoid valve. 6) Piston stuck up 3 Compressor unable to unload 1) Modulation solenoid valve clogged or burnt. 4) Unstable electrical system or failure. or Cylinder damaged resulting leakage. 6) Capacity control logic unsuitable piston stuck-up. 3) Motor winding thermister failure.Clean Oil filter cartridge. . 4) Internal built in oil lines clogged. 2) Capillary clogged 3) Modulation solenoid valve clogged or burnt. 5) Solenoid valve voltage incorrect.Clean the oil line.Troubleshooting Shut Down of Compressor 1) 2) Shut down the Chiller by switching off the required switch provided in the Panel. NO. 2) Piston rings worm off or broken. 1 PROBLEMS Sudden trip of motor thermister / Sensor PROBLEM CAUSE 1) Low suction pressure or high suction temperature (lack of refrigerant or clogged suction filter) or high suction superheat. 9) Discharge stop valve closed. 11) In anti recycling period. 8) Star delta starter timer failure. 7) Incorrect power supply connection.SR.Remove the excess refrigerant. User's Manual 49 . 6) Motor thermistor sensor trip.Supply the rated temperature cooling water at cooler inlet. 6 High Suction Pressure 1) Cooler water flow rate is higher than the rated flow rate . 2) Voltage incorrect 3) Voltage drop too high when starting the compressor or Magnetic contactor failure. 4) Motor broken down 5) Phase failure or phase reversal. 2) Cooler water inlet temperature is higher than rated . 10) Improper connection between the terminal of star delta wiring.Maintain the rated flow rate. NO 4 PROBLEMS Poor insulation value of motor PROBLEM CAUSE 1) Bad compressor motor coil 2) Motor power terminal or bolt wet of frosty 3) Motor power terminal or bolt bad or dusty 4) Bad insulation of magnetic contactors 5) Acidified internal refrigeration system 6) Motor coil running for a long time continuously under High Temperature 7) Compressor restart counts too many times 5 Compressor starting failure or star-delta starter shifting failure 1) Slide valve piston unable to back to its 25 % original position. 3) System is overcharged . 6) High compression ratio.Air should be vented during start-up and periodically.Check cooling water temperature or Condenser Tubes clogged. mutual friction of rotors. 3) System is undercharged. No system extra cooling devices.SR. Charge the refrigerant 9 High suction temperature 1) High suction Pressure.-6 10 Abnormal vibration 1) Damaged bearings and noise of compressor 2) Phenomenon of liquid compression 3) Friction between rotors or between rotor and compression chamber 4) Insufficient lubrication oil 5) Loosen internal parts 6) Electromagnetic sound of the solenoid valve 7) External debris fallen into the compressor. 2) Refrigerant overcharged . (Liquid Injection or oil cooler) 8 Low suction pressure 1) Cooler water flow rate is lower than the rated flow 2) Cooler water inlet temperature is lower than the rated temperature. 4) Insufficient lubrication oil..Refer Sr. 5) Damaged bearing.-Add the lubrication Oil. 7) Improper expansion valve. No. 7 PROBLEMS High discharge temperture PROBLEM CAUSE 1) Condenser problem..Remove excess refrigerant. NO. 8) Improper Vi value. 3) Air in refrigeration syste . 50 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . Maintenance Maintain the Chiller periodically in accordance with the schedule shown in table below Water Cooled Screw Chiller Maintenance Schedule Check Points General Log parameters Check Water Level in expansion tank Check Water Level in the Cooling Tower Sump Check for any refrigerant leaks through flare joints. valve glands etc Check and clean refrigerant strainer Check condition of refrigerant drier Clean Cooling tower sump Clean water line strainers Check quality of water Check healthy operation of safety devices Check tightness of all electrical terminations Top up grease for all motors Apply thermal paste on the temperature sensors Check for any abnormal noise and vibration Check liquid line sight glass/moisture indicator Check water pressure drop in Cooler Check water pressure drop in Condenser Analyse Oil sample Check suction superheat Check crank case heater MCS Panel Check program settings Check fault history Check load/unload furnction Check pump down function Check Clock X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually User's Manual 51 . Maintenance schedule : Compressor Check Points Compressor Electrical insulation Oil filter cartridge Suction filter Capacity control piston rings Oil level Oil Motor thermal protector Bearings X X X X X X X X X X X X X R X X X X R X 1000 hrs 2500 hrs 5000 hrs Time period 10000 hrs X X 15000 hrs 20000 hrs X X 25000 hrs 30000 hrs X X X R X X R Check or Clean Replacement Note : If acidity of oil measured is lower than PH 6. replace the oil 52 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . 110A. 220 VAC Coil for Siemens Contactor. 150 VA MCS Board Panel Mount Type. 1. Sensor with 20' Cable -MCS. 2 Pole. Specification User's Manual 53 .T100-20 Current Sensor (CT) 0 to 250 amps.Salzer 61198 MCB .CT-250 INT 69 module E PROM chip Control Panel Fuse 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 ON/OFF 220 VAC 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 15 Litres φ56*200L 220V. 150W TEFLON 1. for controller Micro Control Panel spares Constant Voltage Transformer. 415V. .MCS 8 (230v.220 V SPPR.TI 200-20 Pressure Transducer with 20' Cable (0-500psig). GIC SM-101 4 Positionn Selector Switch .Spare Parts Lists SPARES FOR LCWX1-104 Item BAAN CODE Compressor Spares CDHAI0140 3105-1143A 3101-1051B 3105-1146A 3101-1148A-3 4401-30 4401-30 3101-1003A 4804-01 3105-1004A-3 3105-1024C 3105-1004A-3 4405-56 CDSPI0710 EAECI0010 EAGAI0040 EASBI0140 EASBI0145 FEDBI0140 SAMAI0010 VAAAZ2106 EAMAZ0470 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 EAMAZ0510 EAMAZ0520 EASHZ0060 EAMAZ0205 EATFZ0010 EBMBI0040 EBMBI0140 SATAI0075 SATAI0070 SATAI0080 EATDI0060 EAMAZ0550 EAMAZ0560 EAGAI0050 BSC-105W (RC16) Screw Compressor for R 22 Oil Filter Oil Heater (220V) Inner Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Outer Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring Included) 4" Gasket Suction Filter Gasket for 4" Flange Oil Level Switch Blue Star ACS Oil Controls & Accessories spares Sporlan SEH-100 Electronic Expansion Valve Sporlan Interface Board IB6 Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve for Liquid Injection Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve Coil for Liquid Injection CTG Dehydrator (Core) Indicator Moisture Sporlan Expansion Valve BBIVE-4 for Liquid Injection Electrical spares MCCB Siemens . Nos. 1.5t REINZ-AFM 34.110A Siemens Contactor. 3TF47. 1200mm Description QTY.) SI-16 Extension Board.TI 500-20 Temp. 1. 3TF47. 200A Siemens Contactor. Pressure Transducer with 20' Cable (0-200psig). 70A . 3TF50.4A.1515SPS ALCO REINZ-AFM 34. 230V. 3TF50. 3KA.70A.5t RFS-8-2.5t φ110*103L REINZ-AFM 34.5t 220V 2743K0R30-4344 SDH12223DS NOK.3VL3720. Coil for Contactor. 3VL3720.220 V SPPR.70A. 1200mm Description Qty. 220 VAC Coil for Siemens Contactor.110A Siemens Contactor. 1.110A.CT-250 INT 69 module E PROM chip Control Panel Fuse 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 ON/OFF 220 VAC 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 18 Litres φ56*200L 220V. 2 Pole. 415V. Specification 54 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . 3TF47.TI 200-20 Pressure Transducer with 20' Cable (0-500psig).1515SPS ALCO REINZ-AFM 34. GIC SM-101 4 Positionn Selector Switch .MCS 8 (230v. 150 VA MCS Board Panel Mount Type.5t RFS-8-2. Coil for Contactor.SPARES FOR LCWX1-125 Item BAAN CODE Compressor Spares CDSAI0145 3105-1143A 3101-1051B 3105-1146A 3101-1148A-3 4401-30 4401-30 3101-1003A 4804-01 3105-1004A-3 3105-1024C 3105-1004A-3 4405-56 CDSPI0710 EAECI0010 EAGAI0040 EASBI0140 EASBI0145 FEDBI0140 SAMAI0010 VAAAZ2106 EAMAZ0470 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 EAMAZ0510 EAMAZ0520 EASHZ0060 EAMAZ0205 EATFZ0010 EBMBI0040 EBMBI0140 SATAI0075 SATAI0070 SATAI0080 EATDI0060 EAMAZ0550 EAMAZ0560 EAGAI0050 BSC-125W (RC17) Screw Compressor for R 22 Oil Filter Oil Heater (220V) Inner Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Outer Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring Included) 4" Gasket Suction Filter Gasket for 4" Flange Oil Level Switch Blue Star ACS Oil Controls & Accessories spares Sporlan SEH-100 Electronic Expansion Valve Sporlan Interface Board IB6 Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve for Liquid Injection Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve Coil for Liquid Injection CTG Dehydrator (Core) Indicator Moisture Sporlan Expansion Valve BBIVE-4 for Liquid Injection Electrical spares MCCB Siemens .5t REINZ-AFM 34. 3TF47. 70A . Nos. 230V. . 3TF50. for controller Micro Control Panel spares Constant Voltage Transformer. 3KA. 200A Siemens Contactor.) SI-16 Extension Board. 3TF50.5t 220V 2743K0R30-4344 SDH12223DS NOK.4A.Salzer 61198 MCB . 150W TEFLON 1. Sensor with 20' Cable -MCS. 1.T100-20 Current Sensor (CT) 0 to 250 amps. Pressure Transducer with 20' Cable (0-200psig). 1.TI 500-20 Temp.5t φ110*103L REINZ-AFM 34. TI 200-20 Pressure Sensor with 20' Cable (0-500psig).MCS 8 (230V. 3TF51. 1200 mm Description Qty. for controller Micro Control Panel Spares Constant Voltage Transformer. 3KA. 220 VAC Coil for Contactor. 150 VA MCS Board Panel Mount Type. 1. 2 Pole.Salzer 61198 MCB . Nos. 140A .CT-250 INT 69 module E PROM chip Control Panel Fuse 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 ON/OFF 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 23 Litres 220V. GIC SM-101 4 Positionn Selector Switch .) SI-16Extension Board.5t 220V 2743K0R30-4344 SDH12223DS NOK. 1.5t RFS-8-2.SPARES FOR LCWX1-145 Item BAAN CODE Compressor spares CDSAI0150 3105-1143A 3101-1051B 3105-1146A 3101-1006A-3 4401-30 4401-30 3101-1003A 4804-01 3105-1024C 3105-1004A-3 4404-056 CDSPI0710 EAECI0010 EAGAI0040 EASBI0140 EASBI0145 FEDBI0140 VAAAZ2106 EAMAZ0470 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 EAMAZ0510 EAMAZ0520 EASHZ0060 EAMAZ0205 EATFZ0010 EBMBI0040 EBMBI0140 SATAI0075 SATAI0070 SATAI0080 EATDI0060 EAMAZ0550 EAMAZ0560 EAGAI0050 BSC-145W (RC18) Screw Compressor for R22 Oil Filter Oil Heater (220V) Inner Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Gasket (For Motor Cable Cover Plate) Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring included) Suction Filter Gasket for 4" Flange Oil Level switch Blue Star ACS Oil Controls & Accessories Spares Sporlan SEH-100 Electronic Expansion Valve Sporlan Interface Board IB6 Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve for Liquid Injection Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve Coil CTG Dehydrator (Core) Sporlan Expansion Valve BBIVE-4 for Liquid Injection Electrical Spares MCCB 3VL3725.3TF49/85A .5t REINZ-AFM 34. 415V.. Specification User's Manual 55 .140A .4A. 230V.220 V Siemens Contactor.1515SPS ALCO φ110*103L REINZ-AFM 34.3TF51. Pressure Transducer with 20' Cable (0-200psig). 250A Siemens Contactor 3TF49 / 85A .220 V SPPR. .150W TEFLON 1. 220 VAC Coil for Contactor.T100-20 Current Sensor (CT) 0 to 250 amps.TI 500-20 Temperature Sensor with 20' Cable -MCS. Nos.TI 200-20 Pressure Sensor with 20' Cable (0-500psig).1515SPS ALCO φ110*103L REINZ-AFM 34. 415V.MCS 8 (230V. 230V.3TF50.220 V SPPR. 250A Siemens Contactor 3TF52 / 170A . 3KA. Pressure Transducer with 20' Cable (0-200psig). 2 Pole.220 V Siemens Contactor.4A.SPARES FOR LCWX1-160 Item BAAN CODE CDSAI0170 3105-1143A 3101-1051B 3105-1146A 3101-1006A-3 4401-30 4401-30 3101-1003A 4804-01 3105-1024C 3105-1004A-3 4404-056 CDSPI0710 EAECI0030 EAGAI0040 EASBI0140 EASBI0145 FEDBI0140 VAAAZ2106 EAMAZ0470 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 EAMAZ0510 EAMAZ0520 EASHZ0060 EAMAZ0205 EATFZ0010 EBMBI0040 EBMBI0140 SATAI0075 SATAI0070 SATAI0080 EATDI0060 EAMAZ0550 EAMAZ0560 EAGAI0050 Description Compressor spares BSC-160W (RC19) Screw Compressor for R22 Oil Filter Oil Heater (220V) Inner Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Gasket (For Motor Cable Cover Plate) Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring included) Suction Filter Gasket for 4" Flange Oil Level switch Blue Star ACS Oil Controls & Accessories Spares Sporlan SEH-175 Electronic Expansion Valve Sporlan Interface Board IB6 Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve for Liquid Injection Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve Coil CTG Dehydrator (Core) Sporlan Expansion Valve BBIVE-4 for Liquid Injection Electrical Spares MCCB 3VL3725. 110A .TI 500-20 Temperature Sensor with 20' Cable -MCS.5t RFS-8-2.5t REINZ-AFM 34.T100-20 Current Sensor (CT) 0 to 250 amps.CT-250 INT 69 module E PROM chip Control Panel Fuse 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 ON/OFF 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 23 Litres 220V. GIC SM-101 4 Positionn Selector Switch .3TF52/170A . 1. 150 VA MCS Board Panel Mount Type.) SI-16Extension Board. 3TF50. 1.150W TEFLON 1. 1200 mm Qty. 220 VAC Coil for Contactor.5t 220V 2743K0R30-4344 SDH12223DS NOK..110A .Salzer 61198 MCB . . 220 VAC Coil for Contactor. for controller Micro Control Panel Spares Constant Voltage Transformer. Specification 56 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . 3TF52. 3KA.4A.CT-250 INT 69 module E PROM chip Control Panel Fuse 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 28 Litres 220V. 1. Pressure Transducer with 20' Cable (0-200psig).SPARES FOR LCWX1-210 Item BAAN CODE Compressor spares CDSAI0180 3105-1004a-3 3107-1143a 3101-1051B 3107-1146a 3101-1006a-3 4401-30 4401-30 3101-1003a 4804-01 3107-1054a 3107-1024c CDSPI0710 EAECI0030 EAGAI0040 EASBI0140 EASBI0145 FEDBI0140 VAAAZ2106 BSC-210W (RC-20) Screw Compressor for R22 4"Gasket For Discharge Flange Oil Filter Oil Heater (220V) Inner Gasket Of Oil Filter Flange Gasket (For Motor Cable Cover Plate) Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring included) Gasket For Suction Filter Suction Filter Blue Star ACS Oil Controls & Accessories Spares Sporlan SEH-175 Electronic Expansion Valve Sporlan Interface Board IB6 Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve for Liquid Injection Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve Coil CTG Dehydrator (Core) Sporlan Expansion Valve BBIVE-4 for Liquid Injection Electrical Spares MCCB 3VL 4731. .T100-20 Current Sensor (CT) 0 to 250 amps. 220 V Micro Control Panel Spares Constant Voltage Transformer.170A.TI 500-20 Temperature Sensor with 20' Cable -MCS.1515sps ALCO φ161. for controller Siemens Contactor 3TF53. 3TF53. GIC SM-101 4 Position Selector Switch .MCS 8 (230V. 230V. 150 VA MCS Board Panel Mount Type.Salzer 61198 ON/OFF MCB .5t 220v 2743k0r30-4344 Sdh12223ds Nok.220 V Siemens Contactor. 205A .TI 200-20 Pressure Sensor with 20' Cable (0-500psig). 2 Pole.5t φ159*210l Reinz-Afm 34. 415V. 315 A EAMAZ0520 EASHZ0060 EAMAZ0205 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 EAMAZ0510 EATFZ0010 EBMBI0040 EBMBI0140 SATAI0075 SATAI0070 SATAI0080 EATDI0060 EAMAZ0550 EAMAZ0560 EAGAI00500 SPPR.5*1.) SI-16Extension Board. SPECIFICATION User's Manual 57 . 3TF52. 220 VAC Coil for Siemens Contactor. 220 VAC Coil for Siemens Contactor.5t Description Qty. 170 A .150W Teflon 1. Nos. 205A ..5t Reinz-Afm 34. 1. 3KA.5t 220V 2743K0R30-4344 SDH12223DS NOK. GIC SM-101 4 Positionn Selector Switch .5t RFS-8-2.5t REINZ-AFM 34.1515SPS ALCO REINZ-AFM 34. 150W TEFLON 1. 230V.TI 500-20 Temp. Specification 58 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) .SPARES FOR LCWX2-208 Item BAAN CODE Compressor Spares CDSAI0140 3105-1143A 3101-1051B 3105-1146A 3101-1148A-3 4401-30 4401-30 3101-1003A 4804-01 3105-1004A-3 3105-1024C 3105-1004A-3 4405-56 CDSPI0710 EAECI0010 EAGAI0040 EASBI0140 EASBI0145 FEDBI0140 VAAAZ2106 EAMAZ0470 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 EAMAZ0510 EAMAZ0520 EASHZ0060 EAMAZ0205 EATFZ0020 EBMBI0040 EBMBI0140 SATAI0075 SATAI0070 SATAI0080 EATDI0060 EAGAI0040 EAMAZ0550 EAMAZ0560 EAGAI0050 EBMBI0050 BSC-105W (RC16) Screw Compressor for R 22 Oil Filter Oil Heater (220V) Inner Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Outer Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring Included) 4" Gasket Suction Filter Gasket for 4" Flange Oil Level Switch Blue Star ACS Oil Controls & Accessories Spares Sporlan SEH-100 Electronic Expansion Valve Sporlan Interface Board IB6 Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve for Liquid Injection Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve for Liquid Injection Coil CTG Dehydrator (Core) ( L Type Strainer) Sporlan Expansion Valve BBIVE-4 for Liquid Injection Electrical spares MCCB Siemens .TI 200-20 Pr. 1. 200A Siemens Contactor. 3TF50. 415V. Coil for Contactor. 1.CT-250 Interface board IB6Q Sporlan INT 69 module E PROM chip Control Panel Fuse MCS I/O Expansion Board (230 V) 1 1 1 2 4 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 ON/OFF 220 VAC 2 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 30 Litres φ56*200L 220V. 1200mm Description Qty. 3TF50.T100-20 Current Sensor (CT) 0 to 250 amps. 1. 70A . Pr.70A.Salzer 61198 MCB .110A. 3TF47.3VL3720. 220 VAC Coil for Siemens Contactor. 2 Pole. .4A.5t φ110*103L REINZ-AFM 34.220 V SPPR.MCS 8 (230V) SI-16 Extension Board. 500 VA MCS Board Panel Mount Type.110A Siemens Contactor. Transducer with 20' Cable (0-500psig). for controller Micro Control Panel spares Constant Voltage Transformer. Sensor with 20' Cable -MCS. Nos. Transducer with 20' Cable (0-200psig). 3TF47. 3TF50.5t 220V 2743K0R30-4344 SDH12223DS NOK.70A.220 V SPPR.3VL3720.5t 220V 2743K0R30-4344 SDH12223DS NOK. 1.5t RFS-8-2.110A Siemens Contactor. 3TF47. 1. GIC SM-101 220 VAC 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 15 Litres 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 23 Litres TEFLON 1. Coil for Contactor.5t RFS-8-2.5t φ110*103L REINZ-AFM 34. 200A Siemens Contactor. 3TF47.110A. Nos.150W REINZ-AFM 34. 1200mm Description Qty. 1.SPARES FOR LCWX2-250 Item BAAN CODE Compressor Spares CDHAI0140 3105-1143A 3101-1051B 3105-1146A 3101-1148A-3 4401-30 4401-30 3101-1003A 4804-01 3105-1004A-3 3105-1024C 3105-1004A-3 4405-56 CDSPI0710 CDSAI0150 3105-1143A 3105-1146A 3101-1051B 3101-1006A-3 4401-30 4401-30 3101-1003A 4804-01 3105-1024C 3105-1004A-3 4404-056 CDSPI0710 EAECI0010 EAGAI0040 EASBI0140 EASBI0145 FEDBI0140 VAAAZ2106 EAMAZ0470 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 EAMAZ0510 EAMAZ0520 BSC-105W (RC16) Screw Compressor for R 22 Oil Filter Oil Heater (220V) Inner Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Outer Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring Included) 4" Gasket Suction Filter Gasket for 4" Flange Oil Level Switch Blue Star ACS Oil BSC-145W (RC18) Screw Compressor for R22 Oil Filter Inner Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Oil Heater (220V) Gasket (For Motor Cable Cover Plate) Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring included) Suction Filter Gasket for 4" Flange Oil Level switch Blue Star ACS Oil Controls & Accessories spares Sporlan SEH-100 Electronic Expansion Valve Sporlan Interface Board IB6 Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve for Liquid Injection Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve Coil for Liquid Injection CTG Dehydrator (Core) Sporlan Expansion Valve BBIVE-4 for Liquid Injection Electrical spares MCCB Siemens .5t 220V.1515SPS ALCO φ110*103L REINZ-AFM 34. 150W TEFLON 1. 1. 220 VAC Coil for Siemens Contactor.5t REINZ-AFM 34. 3TF50. Specification User's Manual 59 . 1200 mm φ56*200L 220V.1515SPS ALCO REINZ-AFM 34. 70A . 1. Salzer 61198 MCB . Sensor with 20' Cable -MCS. 415V. Pr.TI 200-20 Pressure Transducer with 20' Cable (0-500psig).MCS 8 (230v.220 V Siemens Contactor.T100-20 Current Sensor (CT) 0 to 250 amps. 220 VAC Coil for Contactor.3TF51.. 230V. Nos. . Transducer with 20' Cable (0-200psig). 3KA. 140A .140A .3TF49/85A . ON/OFF 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 4 6 2 2 1 1 Specification 4 Positionn Selector Switch .Item BAAN CODE Compressor Spares EASHZ0060 EAMAZ0205 EAMAZ0470 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 EAMAZ0510 EATFZ0020 EBMBI0040 EBMBI0140 SATAI0075 SATAI0070 SATAI0080 EATDI0060 EAMAZ0550 EAGAI0050 EBMBI0050 Description Qty.TI 500-20 Temp.CT-250 INT 69 module Control Panel Fuse MCS I/O Expansion Board (230 V) 60 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . 3TF51.) SI-16 Extension Board. 220 VAC Coil for Contactor.220 V Micro Control Panel spares Constant Voltage Transformer. 2 Pole. 500 VA MCS Board Panel Mount Type. 250A Siemens Contactor 3TF49 / 85A .4A. for controller MCCB 3VL3725. 220 V SPPR. 1.Salzer 61198 MCB ..150W TEFLON 1. 220 VAC Coil for Contactor.220 V Siemens Contactor.5t REINZ-AFM 34.3TF51.140A . Specification User's Manual 61 .SPARES FOR LCWX2-290 Item BAAN CODE Compressor spares CDSAI0150 3105-1143A 3101-1051B 3105-1146A 3101-1006A-3 4401-30 4401-30 3101-1003A 4804-01 3105-1024C 3105-1004A-3 4405-56 CDSPI0710 EAECI0010 EAGAI0040 EASBI0140 EASBI0145 FEDBI0140 VAAAZ2106 EAMAZ0470 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 EAMAZ0510 EAMAZ0520 EASHZ0060 EAMAZ0205 EATFZ0020 EBMBI0040 EBMBI0140 SATAI0075 SATAI0070 SATAI0080 EATDI0060 EAMAZ0550 EAGAI0050 EBMBI0050 BSC-145W (RC18) Screw Compressor for R22 Oil Filter Oil Heater (220V) Inner Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Gasket (For Motor Cable Cover Plate) Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring included) Suction Filter Gasket for 4" Flange Oil Level Switch Blue Star ACS Oil Control & Accessories Spares Sporlan SEH-100 Electronic Expansion Valve Sporlan Interface Board IB6 Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve for Liquid Injection Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve Coil CTG Dehydrator (Core) Sporlan Expansion Valve BBIVE-4 for Liquid Injection Electrical Spares MCCB 3VL3725.5t RFS-8-2.MCS 8 (230v. Pr. 3TF51. 415V.) SI-16 Extension Board. Sensor with 20' Cable -MCS.TI 200-20 Pressure Transducer with 20' Cable (0-500psig).1515SPS ALCO φ110*103L REINZ-AFM 34. .CT-250 INT 69 module Control Panel Fuse MCS I/O Expansion Board (230 V) 1 1 1 2 4 6 2 2 1 1 ON/OFF 2 2 2 4 4 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 6 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 46 Litres 220V. GIC SM-101 4 Positionn Selector Switch . 500 VA MCS Board Panel Mount Type.TI 500-20 Temp.3TF49/85A . 1. for controller Micro Control Panel Spares Constant Voltage Transformer.4A. 230V.T100-20 Current Sensor (CT) 0 to 250 amps. 3KA. Nos. 1200mm Description Qty. Transducer with 20' Cable (0-200psig). 140A .5t 220V 2743K0R30-4344 SDH12223DS NOK. 250A Siemens Contactor 3TF49 / 85A . 2 Pole. 220 VAC Coil for Contactor. 220 V SPPR.1515SPS ALCO 60mesh REINZ-AFM 34.110A .TI 200-20 Pressure Transducer with 20' Cable (0-500psig).5t 220V 2743K0R30-4344 NOK. 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 46 Litres 220V. 3KA. 2 Pole. 415V.220V*300w RFS-8-2.) SI-16 Extension Board. 250A Siemens Contactor 3TF52 / 170A .5t φ12. 500 VA MCS Board Panel Mount Type. 3TF50. 220 VAC Coil for Contactor.220 V Siemens Contactor.Salzer 61198 MCB . Transducer with 20' Cable (0-200psig).7. Nos.3TF52/170A . GIC SM-101 4 Positionn Selector Switch .MCS 8 (230v.3TF50. 1. 1200mm Specification 62 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) .SPARES FOR LCWX2-320 Item Baan CODE CDSAI0170 3107-1143A 3101-1051B 3107-1005A-3 4401-30 4401-30 SDH12223DS 3101-1003A 4804-01 3107-1024C 3107-1004A-3 3101-1052C 4405-56 CDSPI0710 EAECI0030 EAGAI0040 EASBI0140 EASBI0145 FEDBI0140 VAAAZ2106 EAMAZ0470 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 EAMAZ0510 EAMAZ0520 EASHZ0060 EAMAZ0205 EATFZ0020 EBMBI0040 EBMBI0140 SATAI0075 SATAI0070 SATAI0080 EATDI0060 EAMAZ0550 EAGAI0050 EBMBI0050 Oil Filter Oil Heater (220V) 3'’ Gasket For Discharge Flange Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring Included) Suction Filter Gasket for Suction Filter Flange Oil Heater Oil Level Switch Blue Star ACS Oil Controls & Accessories Spares Sporlan SEH-175 Electronic Expansion Valve Sporlan Interface Board IB6 Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve for Liquid Injection Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve Coil CTG Dehydrator (Core) Sporlan Expansion Valve BBIVE-4 for Liquid Injection Electrical Spares MCCB 3VL3725..150W REINZ-AFM 34. for controller Micro Control Panel Spares Constant Voltage Transformer.4A. 110A . 230V.TI 500-20 Temp. 220 VAC Coil for Contactor.CT-250 INT 69 module Control Panel Fuse MCS I/O Expansion Board (230 V) 1 1 1 2 4 6 2 2 1 1 ON/OFF 2 4 4 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 12 2 Description BSC-160W (RC-19) Screw Compressor for R22 Qty.T100-20 Current Sensor (CT) 0 to 250 amps. . Sensor with 20' Cable -MCS. 1. Pr. 220 VAC 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 12 2 Description BSC-160W (RC19) Screw Compressor for R22 Qty.. 220 VAC Coil for Contactor. 1. 1200 mm Specification User's Manual 63 .110A .5t REINZ-AFM 34.150W TEFLON 1.1515SPS ALCO φ110*103L REINZ-AFM 34.5t 220V 2743K0R30-4344 SDH12223DS NOK.3TF52/170A . 1.5t Reinz-Afm 34. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 23 Litres 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 28 Litres Teflon 1. 250A Siemens Contactor 3TF52 / 170A .3TF50. 1. 1.220 V Siemens Contactor.5t 220V.5t 220v 2743k0r30-4344 Sdh12223ds Nok.5t RFS-8-2.5*1.1515sps ALCO φ161. Nos.SPARES FOR LCWX2-370 Item Baan CODE CDSAI0170 3105-1143A 3101-1051B 3105-1146A 3101-1006A-3 4401-30 4401-30 3101-1003A 4804-01 3105-1024C 3105-1004A-3 4404-056 CDSPI0710 CDSAI0180 3105-1004a-3 3107-1143a 3107-1146a 3101-1006a-3 4401-30 4401-30 3101-1003a 4804-01 3107-1054a 3107-1024c CDSPI0710 EAECI0030 EAGAI0040 EASBI0140 EASBI0145 FEDBI0140 VAAAZ2106 EAMAZ0470 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 Oil Filter Oil Heater (220V) Inner Gasket of Oil Filter Flange Gasket (For Motor Cable Cover Plate) Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring included) Suction Filter Gasket for 4" Flange Oil Level switch Blue Star ACS Oil BSC-210W (RC-20) Screw Compressor for R22 4"Gasket For Discharge Flange Oil Filter Inner Gasket Of Oil Filter Flange Gasket (For Motor Cable Cover Plate) Solenoid Coil Solenoid Valve (Stepless Control) Solenoid Valve Gasket Oil Sight Glass (O-Ring included) Gasket For Suction Filter Suction Filter Blue Star ACS Oil Controls & Accessories Spares Sporlan SEH-175 Electronic Expansion Valve Sporlan Interface Board IB6 Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve for Liquid Injection Sporlan SV B10 S2 Solenoid Valve Coil CTG Dehydrator (Core) Sporlan Expansion Valve BBIVE-4 for Liquid Injection Electrical Spares MCCB 3VL3725.5t φ159*210l Reinz-Afm 34. 205A .. 3KA. . 3TF52. 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 6 2 2 1 1 Specification 64 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) .MCS 8 (230v.220 V Siemens Contactor. Pr. 170 A . 500 VA MCS Board Panel Mount Type. 110A .Salzer 61198 MCB .TI 200-20 Pressure Transducer with 20' Cable (0-500psig).T100-20 Current Sensor (CT) 0 to 250 amps.) SI-16 Extension Board. 3TF50. Transducer with 20' Cable (0-200psig).CT-250 INT 69 module Control Panel Fuse MCS I/O Expansion Board (230 V) ON/OFF Qty.220 V MCCB 3VL 4731. 3TF53. 205A .TI 500-20 Temp. 220 V SPPR. 315 A Siemens Contactor 3TF53.170A. 2 Pole. 220 VAC Coil for Siemens Contactor. 230V. 220 VAC Coil for Siemens Contactor.3TF52.4A. 415V. GIC SM-101 4 Positionn Selector Switch .Item Baan CODE EAMAZ0510 EAMAZ0480 EAMAZ0490 EAMAZ0500 EAMAZ0510 EAMAZ0520 EASHZ0060 EAMAZ0205 EATFZ0020 EBMBI0040 EBMBI0140 SATAI0075 SATAI0070 SATAI0080 EATDI0060 EAMAZ0550 EAGAI0050 EBMBI0050 Description Coil for Contactor. Sensor with 20' Cable -MCS. for controller Micro Control Panel Spares Constant Voltage Transformer. Packing List .Condenser .Thane Water cooled Screw Chiller Product : Chiller Model : Sr.The field feed back card as per the format below shall be send to factory on receipt of the Chiller Field Feed Back Card . : Customer Name : Date : Observation Quality Of Packing Receipt of Documents .Truck No.Comments : .Compressor .Idle Pressure Remarks : Ok / Ok / Ok / Ok / Ok / Ok / Ok / Ok / Yes / No Yes / No Comments OK / Damaged Location : Details Of Defects Checked By For Factory Use : .Action By : User's Manual 65 .Refrigerant Piping .Electrical Panel .Frame Work .Test Report . No.Cooler . Condition Of Parts : .Controls .Date Of Receipt : .Receipt of Chiller at Site Return To : Manufacturing Unit . Chilled water connection terminated properly with isolation required .Date Of Receipt : .Commissioning By Remarks : Ok / Ok / Ok / Comments Remarks Water cooled Screw Chiller Location : Ok / Ok / Ok / Ok / Ok / Ok / Ok / Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok Ok / / / / / / / / Starting 400 ± 10% Running 400 ± 10% Long term running 400 ± 5% Note : Warranty will be valid only after receipt of this card at the factory For Factory Use : .Water Quality checked .The field feed back card as per the format below shall be send to factory after Commisioning of the Chiller Field Feed Back Card .Meggering of Cabling done .Comments : 66 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) .Condenser water and Chilled water system properly flushed .Action By : .Condenser water connection terminated properly with isolation required . : Customer Name : Engineer’s Name : Observation Installation/Precommissioning Checks : .Commissioning of Chiller at Site Product : Chiller Model : Sr. No.Condenser water and Chilled water Pump commissioned Water flow adjusted to the design flow by checking pressure drop Water flow switches connected with electrical panel Check up Voltage Commissoned the Chiller Noise Level Vibration Check Current Testing done at site Performance data as per format .Commissioning Date .Electrical connection with Earthing terminated properly .Unit Installed and levelled .Installation . Jamshedji Tata Road. Service rendered Supplied. Equipment warranty expires on : For office use: Attended by: Blue Star Ltd.Hand over the Chiller to the Customer as per the format and establish Warranty COMMISSIONING & HANDING OVER REPORT Our Ref: Date: Date: Date: Equipment : Blue Star make Cooled Screw Chillers BLUE STAR LIMITED Cust. Mumbai 400 020 User's Manual 67 . Customer Name & Address Programme Departure Arrival Work started Work completed Departure Place Date Time Equipment location : Call made by Nature of service COMMISSIONING Arrival Received by: Date Materials used Time Qty.Installed. OF MACHINE NO. The Model No. & Serial Nos. o To bill 5091-10C o Not to bill Date : Customer’s Stamp & Signature Registered Office : Kasthuri Buildings.2 : : The chillers are handed over to the customer for the beneficial use. OF MACHINE NO.1 SERIAL NO. Signature: The above equpiment has been installed & commissioned to our satisfaction.No. Ref. PURCHASE ORDER Model: Sl. Other comments (if any). of the units are given below : CHILLER MODEL : SERIAL NO.Tested and commissioned Blue Star make Water Cooled Screw Chillers and they are put into regular operation. 5 Make up water quality 6.Recommended water quality standards: Test items Chilled water quality pH Total hardness (CACO3) ppm Total Alkalinity (CACO3) ppm Chloride Ion (ppm) Total Ion (Fe) ppm Silica (SiO2) ppm Ammonium Ion ppm Less than 100 Less than 50 Less than 0.8.0 68 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . 50 7.2 .0 Less than 50 Less than 1.3 Less than 30 Less than 0.2 .3 Less than 30 Less than 0.8.0 .5 Cooling Tower water quality 7.2 Max.2 Less than 100 Less than 200 Less than 1.0 Less than 80 Less than 50 Less than 0.8. 80 Less than 200 Max. System temp. 0 0 10.B 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Supply Frequency Suction Pressure comp. Refri.00 18.00 16. Condenser Pressure drop Condenser water Flow rate Refri. .00 14. Amps. System temp. System temp. Cooler Entering Water temp.-Discharge. Cooler Leaving Water temp. .No 1 Description Voltage R-Y Voltage Y-B Voltage R-B Units Volts Volts Volts Amps.Liquid F F PSIG US GPM 0 0 F F PSIG US GPM 0 0 0 F F F User's Manual 69 .00 12.00 2 Current . Compressor Current.Suction Refri. Hz PSIG PSIG Amps. Condenser Leaving water temp. Amps.Y Current .Log report Customer's Name Date: Time S. Discharge Pressure comp.R Current . Cooler Pressure drop Cooler water Flow rate Condenser Entering water temp. ...... Ohms Motor o o No o Jammed Bearing noise o o o o o o o o o o o Burnt out No No No No No No No No No No o Any leakage in the condenser coil Any vibration in piping Less cooling in cooler Checked Water flow rate Checked Compressor working in full Load High Ambient Temperature Operating pressure checked Shortage of refrigerant Air cooled condenser coils clogged All the fans working o o o o o o o o o o Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Signature & Seal of Customer Date ……………... Claim settled Signature & Seal of BSL Engineer Date ……………………........……............WARRANTY CLAIM FORM For Blue Star Water Cooled Screw Chillers A copy of this form is to be filled in case of the Chiller failure...... (For factory use only) Claim rejected o Credit advice No.. Chiller Model No: Date of despatch Warranty commencing date Application in which equipment is used Customer’s Name and Address Dealer’s Name and Address Starting Problem Noise at Starting Noise while running Compressor: o High Noise o o Yes Yes o o o o o o No No o Yes o Vibration o Vibration o Yes o Yes o No Condenser/Oil cooler Shaft bend No o Unbalanced o High Noise Fan: Any mounting bolts loose: Electrical problem Voltage Yes No Insulation resistance (Megger test)……………............. Date of commissioning Warranty expiry date Date ……….....…… o Reasons for rejection ……………………....... Date …………………………….......................…………….. …............... Settlement authorised by: ……………………............. 70 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) . Chiller Serial No..... by BSL Engineer) Location(City) ……...............…….. The warranty extended herein is in lieu of all implied conditions/ warranties under the law and is confined to the repairs or replacements of defective parts and does not cover any consequential or resulting liability damage or loss arising from such defect.1 Any leakage of Refrigerant due to improper operations 4. User's Manual 71 . The equipment is operated as per the Company’s operating instructions. through whom the machine has been purchased. which entitles the customer to the following 1. This warranty may be read in conjunction with any other warranty on the installation as a whole. 5. 2. 2. The cost of transportation of material and of persons beyond Municipal jurisdiction shall be borne by the customer. by BSL / BSL Dealer. of any part of the equipment found defective within 12 months from the date of commissioning or 15 months from the date of despatch whichever is earlier. 6. the warranty in no case. Terms of Warranty Blue Star extends a comprehensive warranty on its systems.2. unless stated otherwise in the contract of sales. The warranty is valid only if: 2. if the Screw Chiller is supplied as part of a Project. Repair / reconditioning. 7. Furthermore. 3. The above said warranty does not cover the following: 3. shall extend to the payment or any monetary consideration whatever of the replacement or return of the Screw Chiller as a whole Any repair/ replacement shall not extend the overall warranty period as specified above.1. Installation and commissioning is taken care of by BSL/their authorised persons. whichever is earlier. 8. This warranty is not valid if any repair and/or modifications are carried out by the customer himself or his representative without written concurrence from Blue Star Limited.Warranty Blue Star Screw Chillers carry a warranty for a period of 12 months from the data of commissioning or 15 months from the date of delivery. ............................................. Blue Star Dealer: Ph: ..............For any assistance................. Cell: ................................................... 72 Screw Chiller (Water Cooled) ......................... Fax: .................. Blue Star’s/Dealer’s engineer to fill above details before handing over this Manual to customer.................................................................................... CALL: Blue Star Service: Ph: .................... Blue Star Regional Manager: Ph: ...... Cell: ............................................................................. Sasthamangalam Trivandrum . Tel: (0674) 2508270 / 2508239 GUWAHATI New Star Freeze Building 2nd Floor. Flat No. Goa 403 001. Tel: (044) 52444200 28116707. 247/A Bund Garden Road Pune 411 011. Kiran Path Suraj Nagar West. Tel: (0172) 2790482 / 5004000 JAIPUR 33. S. Nityanand Complex 1st Floor.8 KOCHI 39/5766. Bajaj Nagar. Tel: (0832) 2461671 / 2462087 MUMBAI Blue Star House 9A. 1st Floor. Tel: (0522) 2787274 / 2786172s NEW DELHI E-44/12 Okhla Ind. Panjim.C. Vadodara 390 005. Mumbai 400 072. User's Manual 73 . 67 Koramangala Industrial Layout Koramangala Bangalore 560 095.110 020. Tharakandam Estate Kurisipally Road Kochi 682 015. ‘Garuda Building’. Tel: (080) 51854200 / 51854000 CHENNAI 104. Ohkla New Delhi . Tel: (0471) 2720025 / 2720065 VISAKHAPATNAM 47-12-6/7 2nd Floor Amaravathi Complex Dwarakanagar Visakhapatnam 530 016. Tel: (0141) 5179359 / 2225326 LUCKNOW B-140. Zone-I Maharana Pratap Nagar Bhopal . Cathedral Road. Kunjalata Bibah Bhawan. Chennai 600 086. Bhubaneswar . Tel: (022) 56684200 / 56684000 NAGPUR 219. Road. Ward No. South Ambazari Road. IX/1490 ‘Chandrika’.751 007. Madhya Marg. Tel: (0484) 2356139 / 2357933 / 2357934 SECUNDERABAD 207. Tel: (020) 26113031 / 26127230 / 26122307 VADODARA Ramakrishna Chambers 7th Floor. Ghatkopar Link Road Saki Naka. Hare Street Kolkata 700 001. 13. 2nd Floor.165A & 166. G. Productivity Road Alkapuri. Area Phase II. Tel: (0755) 2553378 / 5273378 / 79 GOA 1st Floor. Sikh Road Bantia Estates Secunderabad 500 003. Tel: (011) 41494200 / 000 * 4 - ) 6 0 -   - ) 5 .781 005. Opp. Civil Lines Jaipur 302 006. 2nd Floor Plot No. Guwahati . Tel: (0891) 2748405 / 2748433 WEST BHOPAL “Star Arcade”. Sector 26 Chandigarh 160 019.Service Centres EAST BHUBANESHWAR 3A.1 Vaibhav Apartment Vidya Nagar Colony Miramar.695 010. Nagpur 440 010. Tel: (0361) 2340619 / 2340620 KOLKATA 7. Tel: (033) 22134200 / 22106609 SOUTH BANGALORE Salarpuria Centre II No. Tel: (0712) 2229244 / 2249000 PUNE 201/A.462 011. Tel: (040) 27847553 / 27842057-58 / 27815469 TRIVANDRUM T. Nirala Nagar Lucknow 226 007. Satya Nagar. Tel: (0265) 2338561 / 2332021 / 2332022 NORTH CHANDIGARH SCO 1. .* 4 - ) 6 0 -   - ) 5 .
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