User Manual of Hairf Precision Air Conditioner

March 24, 2018 | Author: drastir_777 | Category: Refrigeration, Air Conditioning, Switch, Mains Electricity, Gas Compressor



  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV $LU&RQGLWLRQLQJXQLWVIRU&ORVH&RQWURO$SSOLFDWLRQ 75()';DQG&:YHUVLRQV  86(50$18$/ SUHOLPLQDU\ *% File :             Valid as of: 26 02 2004 Page a of 30   +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV &217(176     1) GENERAL DESCRIPTION Basic cooling circuit Installation warnings 2) INSPECTION Transport Unpacking Positioning 3) INSTALLATION Electrical connections 4) STARTING UP Preliminary checks Starting up instructions  5) SETTING OPERATING PARAMETERS Generalities Maximum pressure switch Minimum pressure switch 6) ROUTINE MAINTENANCE AND CHECKS Warnings Generalities Repairing the cooling circuit Tightness test Hard vacuum and drying of cooling circuit Charging with R407C refrigerant Environmental protection 7) TROUBLESHOOTING File :  !   .  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page b of 30 .   +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV . '. allows the compatibility with standard electronic devices: furthermore the innovative design and the high tech selected colours make Hairf units complementary to the last generation of IT devices. CAE) stands for highest possible quality level regarding efficiency. fans.2 kW and up to 76.*HQHUDO'HVFULSWLRQ Hairf CCAC self-contained units are specially designed for installation in technological environments such as Computer rooms.p. laboratories and in general where a high precision in climate control and a 24h/day operation are requested. etc. valve. can be maintained from the front and furthermore the door(s) are dismountable in few seconds thanks to an innovative hinge: this is very important when units are installed in small corridors. All DX units are available both in single circuit up to 41. maintenance time. including eheaters. The internal design of the units in firstly made looking to efficiency and reliability but don’t loosing accessibility: DOO components. Large sized Air filter Steinless steel drain pan Electrical Panel Scroll Compressor Humidifier File :  !   . reliability. pre and after sales support. products: thanks to their characteristics. compressors. The depth of 795 mm for all versions. Hairf units represent the state of the art between technology and design as well as all Hairf S.A. Hairf can be installed also in offices where people are working.2 kW in double circuit. The exclusive use of primary brands components and a fully integrated development process (CAD+CAM.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 3 of 30 .   +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV &: Large sized air filter Stainless steel drain pan Electrical Panel 3 way valve                       File :  !   .  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 4 of 30 . The compressor compartment is separated from the air flow and the special internal design allows the simple dismounting of the upper part of it ensuring an insuperable accessibility to all refrigerating components. sandwich panels are available: in this case mineral fibres are closed between the panel and a second sheet of metal giving the maximum in terms of internal cleaning. gives good performances in sound absorption. thanks to the open cells. The shape of the units is characterized with the curved edges with variable radium as for all Hairf products: this feature is obtained using special tools and gives both a good aesthetic and advantages against injuries.YHUVLRQV . All fixing elements are made in stainless steel or in non corroding materials. 3RZHUVXSSO\OLPLWVDQG6WRUDJHFRQGLWLRQVIRU'. but with Hairf units it is possible to solve them.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV 6WUXFWXUH Hairf units are designed with a self supporting frame and all components are produced using sophisticated computer driven machines and special tools. As an option.  All panels are thermally insulated with a polyurethane foam class 1 according UL 94 norms: this material. but the internal reflected sound power will increase the amount in delivery side (+2dB). Anyway it is also possible to have side access in order to reach the steam piping and the drain pan. Double skin panels are classified between non flammable materials class A1 according DIN 4102 norms : the sound insulation is better than the standard solution. Units are completely closed and only frontal access is requested. or simply to substitute a damaged side panel: all this problems are very rare. All sheet metals are galvanized and all external panels are powder coated RAL 7016 giving to the units the image and the quality like last generation of IT devices. The dray pan is made in stainless steel in order to ensure long time operation without damages. h. 3RZHUVXSSO\OLPLWVDQG6WRUDJHFRQGLWLRQVIRU&:YHUVLRQV . ')( (  Nominal Value +/-10% -10 / 90 % r.h.  / 0 %  1 32%-& 0  %.%& *% +"-. + 55 / 90 % r.-.   / 0 %  1 32%-& 0  %. + 60 / 90 % r..7979?ACB ? D < EGFIH TA. RH <= 65 % R KSM K QSM 6-798.< 8>= <@?ACB ? D < EGFIH PQ K L@M File :  !   .-. $SSOLFDWLRQOLPLWV $ J 8>:.R .%& *% +"-.h.h. -45( (  Nominal Value +/-10% -10 / 90 % r.:.Air condensed versions:.  "   #   #   3 11 03  N LSM N O@M Page 5 of 30 . like R22..7979?ACB ? D RH <= 65 % R K@M K Q@M 6-7C8. R134a. Scroll compressor represent for CCAC units the best solution in terms of efficiency and reliability.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV $ HA.. but it is our own decision taking care of the quality and/or in general to the customer satisfaction.W . o Thermostatic valve with external equalization and integrated MOP function.Water condensed versions: J 8>:.Chilled Water versions: J 8>:. “F”. “Q” versions.7W79?A9B ? D  RH <= 65 % R@K@M KS[ M   6X. All DX unit (“A”. R410A are available on request and previous check for local rules. The workers involved in the welding and pipe work process are qualified by a third part according CEE 97/23 PED directive: it is worth to be underlined that this qualification for workers were not request. “D”. “F”.R . o High and low pressure switches o Schrader valves for checks and/or maintenance File :  !   .H PQ K@O@M $ N@L@M N@R@M HC. “D” or with R407C refrigerant for “W”. The internal compression ratio is very close to the typical operating condition of CCAC giving the maximum in terms of COPs and the perfect balanced pressures at start up gives big advantages to the e_motor in terms of reliability.<@8>= <S? U WA V <S? D < EGF. Other refrigerants. Cooling components: o Molecular mesh activated-alumina filter dryer o Flow indicator with humidity indicator. mainly in this filed where frequent start up may be possible.:. All motors are thermally protected with an internal sensors chain: in case of T overload this sensor opens without giving contacts to the connection box. “W”. “Q” versions) are prechargerd with dry nitrogen for “A”.B Y Y <@: U A9V <S? D <@EGFIH K@L   OSM [M P Z@M &RROLQJFLUFXLW The entire refrigerating circuit is assembled in our warehouse including all pipe work and using only primary brand for components. T Compressors: on Hairf units only primary brand scroll compressors are installed. Indications are provided directly on the sight glass.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 6 of 30 .   +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV T T Electric control board: The electric control board is constructed and wired in accordance with Directives 73/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC and related standards. 127(: the mechanical safety devices such as the high pressure switch are of the kind that trigger directly. The board may be accessed through a door after the main switch has been put off. also in relation to particular customer specifications] File :  !   . RS485 serial output management (optional) o Phase sequence error [Not displayed by the mP. o Switching on/off of compressor(s) to maintain the temperature set point T inside the shelter o Alarm management ƒ High / low pressure ƒ Dirty filters alarm ƒ Air flow alarm o Alarm signalling o Display of operating parameters o RS232. but prevents the compressor from starting up] [see microprocessor control manual for further details. their efficiency will not be affected by any faults occurring in the microprocessor control circuit. All the remote controls use 24 V signals powered by an insulating transformer situated on the electric control board. in compliance with 97/23 PED. Control microprocessor: the microprocessor built into the unit allows the different operating parameters to be controlled from a set of pushbuttons situated on the electric control board.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 7 of 30 . 1*&.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV %$6.7IRU'.&&22/.5&8.YHUVLRQV HDFKFLUFXLW.  5HI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 File :  'HVFULSWLRQ 5HI Compressor HP Pressure switch Pressure transmitter Ball valve Refrigerant filter Sight glass Thermostatic valve !   .  "   #   #   8 9 10 11 12 13 14 3 11 03  'HVFULSWLRQ Evaporating coil LP pressure switch Liquid receiver Remote condenser Flooding valve Safety valve Check valve Page 8 of 30 .   +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV %DVLFFRROLQJFLUFXLWIRU&:YHUVLRQV   5HI 'HVFULSWLRQ 1 2 3 4 5 Chilled water inlet Chilled water outlet 3 way valve Plug Fan Coil Heat exchanger   File :  !   .  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 9 of 30 . Failure to comply with the rules provided in this manual or any modification made to the unit without prior authorisation will result in the immediate invalidation of the warranty.QVWDOODWLRQZDUQLQJV *HQHUDOUXOHV  .When installing or servicing the unit.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV .  $OOZRUNRQWKHXQLWPXVWEHFDUULHGRXWE\TXDOLILHGSHUVRQQHORQO\WUDLQHGWRGR WKHLUMRELQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKFXUUHQWODZVDQGUHJXODWLRQV  .The fluids under pressure in the cooling circuit and the presence of electrical components may cause hazardous situations during installation and maintenance work. . :DUQLQJ %HIRUH SHUIRUPLQJ DQ\ NLQG RIZRUN RQWKH XQLW PDNH VXUH LW KDV EHHQ GLVFRQQHFWHGIURPWKHSRZHUVXSSO\  . comply with the directions on the units themselves and take all such precautions as are necessary. you must strictly follow the rules provided in this manual. p.A. or its agent must be promptly notified of the entity of the damage..QDOOOLIWLQJRSHUDWLRQVPDNHVXUHWKDWWKHXQLWLVVHFXUHO\DQFKRUHGLQRUGHUWR SUHYHQWDFFLGHQWDOIDOOLQJRURYHUWXUQLQJ File :  !   .QVSHFWLRQRQUHFHLSW  On receiving the unit. a transpallet or similar conveyance means should be used.QVSHFWLRQ7UDQVSRUW3RVLWLRQLQJ . The unit must be handled carefully and gently. :DUQLQJ. immediately report any signs of damage to the carrier and note them on the Delivery Slip before signing it. The unit should be lifted using the pallet it is packed on. /LIWLQJDQG7UDQVSRUW While the unit is being unloaded and positioned. Hairf S. The Customer must submit a written report describing every significant sign of damage. utmost care must be taken to avoid abrupt or violent manoeuvres. check that it is perfectly intact: the unit left the factory in perfect conditions. avoid using machine components as anchorages or holds and DOZD\VNHHSLWLQDQXSULJKWSRVLWLRQ.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 10 of 30 . positioning and dimensions of the coupling flanges.location of power supply. It is recommended to first prepare holes in the floor/wall for passing through the power cables and for the air outlet (down flow units). nylon etc. It is recommended to keep them separately and deliver them to suitable waste disposal or recycling facilities in order to minimise their environmental impact. cardboard.solidity of the supporting floor. . .  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV 8QSDFNLQJ The packing must be carefully removed to avoid the risk of damaging the unit. The dimensions of the air outlet and the positions of the holes for the screw anchors and power cables are shown below:                   File :  !   . 3RVLWLRQLQJ Bear in mind the following aspects when choosing the best site for installing the unit and the relative connections: . Different packing materials are used: wood.  "   #   #        3 11 03  Page 11 of 30 .   +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV    02'(//2 TCDR0300-TCUR0300 TCDR0400-TCUR0400 TCDR0500-TCUR0500 TCDR0650-TCUR0650 TCDR0900-TCUR0900 TCDR1000-TCUR1000 TADR0201-TAUR0201 TADR0251-TAUR0251 TADR0271-TAUR0271 TADR0301-TAUR0301 TADR0401-TAUR0401 TADR0272-TAUR0272 TADR0302-TAUR0302 TADR0362-TAUR0362 TADR0422-TAUR0422 TADR0452-TAUR0452 TADR0552-TAUR0552 TADR0602-TAUR0602 TADR0692-TAUR0692 TADR0762-TAUR0762 File :  !   .  "   #   #     3 11 03  $ PP. 1000 1750 1750 1750 2500 2500 1000 1000 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 2500 2500 2500 2500 Page 12 of 30  .   +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV . Do not place any obstacles near the units and make sure that the air flow is not impeded by obstacles and/or situations causing back suction.21 The Hairf air-conditioning unit is suitable for all environments except aggressive ones.. 02'(//2 TCDR0300-TCUR0300 TCDR0400-TCUR0400 TCDR0500-TCUR0500 TCDR0650-TCUR0650 TCDR0900-TCUR0900 TCDR1000-TCUR1000 TADR0201-TAUR0201 TADR0251-TAUR0251 TADR0271-TAUR0271 TADR0301-TAUR0301 TADR0401-TAUR0401 TADR0272-TAUR0272 TADR0302-TAUR0302 TADR0362-TAUR0362 TADR0422-TAUR0422 TADR0452-TAUR0452 TADR0552-TAUR0552 TADR0602-TAUR0602 TADR0692-TAUR0692 TADR0762-TAUR0762 File :  $ PP.167$//$7. 1000 1750 1750 1750 2500 2500 1000 1000 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 1750 2500 2500 2500 2500 !   .  "   #   #   % PP. & PP. 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 795 3 11 03  ' PP. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ( PP. 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 1998 Page 13 of 30 . $/.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV The following steps should be carried out to ensure proper installation: − Apply a anti-vibration rubber lining between the unit and the bottom − Position the unit on the floor / floorstand (base frame) − Further info to be added The recommended sizes for the power cables and emergency line are shown in the table below: Hairf CW  8QLWPRGHO 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 5 5$'.   0DLQVSRZHU &DEOHW\SH VXSSO\ 400V/3Ph+N/50Hz 4X10 mmq + T 6mmq 4X10 mmq + T 6mmq 4X10 mmq + T 6mmq 4X10 mmq + T 6mmq 4X10 mmq + T 6mmq 4X10 mmq + T 6mmq Hairf DX  8QLWPRGHO 7$'57$85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 7&'57&85 File :  !   .  "   #   #   5 5$'.$/.   0DLQVSRZHU &DEOHW\SH VXSSO\ 400V/3Ph+N/50Hz 3 11 03  4X10 mmq + T 6mmq 4X10 mmq + T 6mmq 4X10 mmq + T 6mmq 4X10 mmq + T 6mmq 4X10 mmq + T 6mmq 4X16 mmq + T 6mmq 4X16 mmq + T 6mmq 4X16 mmq + T 6mmq 4X16 mmq + T 6mmq 4X16 mmq + T 6mmq - Page 14 of 30 . the original pressure in the tank will be restored after a certain period of time T tank/ambient P ILJ Saturated gas Saturated liquid Enthalpy h File :  !   . In thermal equilibrated conditions.T drop & change of status . Introduction: The contemporaneous presence of liquid and vapour requires for both to be in a state of saturation [Gibb’s law]. as shown in ILJ. further evaporation of remaining liquid. the pressure in the tank corresponds to the ambient temperature. causing a cooling down of the liquid Ö thermal exchange with ambient air.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV Evacuation and charging operations for DX-type units 7KLV W\SH RI ZRUN PXVW EH FDUULHG RXW E\ TXDOLILHG SHUVRQQHO RQO\ WUDLQHG WR GR WKHLUMRELQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKFXUUHQWODZVDQGUHJXODWLRQV  1.withdrawal of refrigerant charge .cooling of liquid Ö pressure drop inside the tank Ö T drop & change of status Ö evaporation of part of the liquid.pressure drop inside the tank . Withdrawal of refrigerant from the tank has following effects: .  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 15 of 30 .   +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV 2. This operation facilitates the removal of remaining and/or frozen humidity during the evacuation process. Generally in bigger refrigeration systems or if there is a suspicion of an extensive quantity of humidity in the refrigeration circuit. T oil T2 Pressure T1 ³2LO´ILJ % of refrigerant in oil File :  !   . thus freezing part of it. Then the steps of evacuation need to be repeated as described before. The "2LO" figure illustrates a specific property [Charles’ Law] of gases. 4. Evacuating a circuit “contaminated” with refrigerant The first step is to remove the refrigerant from the circuit. Refrigerants all tend to dissolve in oil [compressor sump]. the vacuum needs to be “broken” by using anhydrous nitrogen. To do this a specific machine is necessary with a drying compressor in order to recover the refrigerant. Full vacuum and charge of the unit 3. which are more soluble in liquids as the pressure increases but less soluble as the temperature increases. Vacuum cycle In general it is better to apply a “long” rather than a “hard” vacuum: reaching a low pressure too abruptly may in fact cause that any remaining humidity evaporates instantaneously. ILJ P [Pa] 150 6 200 s Time The figure ILJ represents a vacuum cycle and an optimal subsequent pressure rise for the refrigeration devices we manufacture.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 16 of 30 . The problem of inadequate lubrication occurs if the crankcase is not duly heated. avoid the charge of refrigerant into the suction line of the compressor as this may cause excessive dilution of the lubricant. there is an abrupt drop in pressure inside the sump. File :  !   . Take care to avoid the fixing of the thermostat bulb until the operation is completed. (/(&75. If possible. which results in considerable evaporation of the refrigerant previously dissolved in the oil.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV If the oil in the sump is held at a constant pressure. reducing its performance for a long time (hours). number of phases. it may “mislead” this sensitive sensor and misinterpret the value for a certain period of time. In any case verify first the necessary volume of the crankcase and compare it with the required charge volumes. Check that the mains electricity supply is compatible with the specifications (voltage. make sure the power supply is disconnected.&$/&211(&7. frequency) shown on the unit rating plate.216 *(1(5$/. The supply voltage may not undergo fluctuations exceeding ±5% and the unbalance between phases must always be below 2%. an increase in temperature will significantly reduce the amount of refrigerant dissolved in it.(6 Before carrying out any job on electrical parts. If heating elements were not installed.the crankcase heater during the evacuation process. 5. thus ensuring that the lubricating function desired is is nonetheless advisable to switch on the crankcase heater and to avoid full vacuum before the circuit has been adequately purged of refrigerant.7. above all after seasonal interruptions when. due to the suction effect of the compressor. The refrigerant may in fact dissolve in the oil of the vacuum pump. The power connection for single-phase loads is to be made with a three-pole cable and “N” wire at the centre of the star [optional: power supply w/o neutral] The size of the cable and line protections must conform to the specifications provided in the wiring diagram. this phenomenon would cause two problems: The release of refrigerant from the cooling circuit tends to cool down the oil and thus actually creates the opposite effect by keeping more refrigerant dissolved in the oil: for this reason. it is advisable to switch on –if available. Charging positions [single point] The best position to charge the unit is the section between the thermostatic valve and the evaporator. If a high % of refrigerant gets in contact with the Pirani gauge (vacuum sensor). For this reason -if no machine for recovering refrigerant is available. It is important to ensure that the valve orifice remains open in order to allow the passage of refrigerant also towards the condenser / liquid receiver.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 17 of 30 . The power supply to the control circuit is taken from the power line through an insulating transformer situated on the electric control board. The installer must connect the earthing wire using the earthing terminal situated on the electric control board (yellow and green wire).  . The control circuit is protected by suitable fuses or automatic breakers depending on the unit size. The electrical connections must be made in accordance with the information shown in the wiring diagram provided with the unit and with current and local regulations.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV The above operating conditions must always be complied with: failure to ensure said conditions will result in the immediate invalidation of the warranty. An earth connection is PDQGDWRU\. an increase in temperature will significantly reduce the amount of refrigerant dissolved in it. This check should also be included in a periodic six-month inspection. check the lower part of the compressors: it should be warm or in any case at a temperature 10 . - Check the power supply to the crankcase heater. - Make sure there are no refrigerant leakage that may have been caused by accidental impacts during transport and/or installation. The phase sequence relay is positioned on the electric control board. thus ensuring that the desired lubricating function is maintained. They are automatically activated when the main switch is put on. !   .1*83 3UHOLPLQDU\FKHFNV - Check that the electrical connections have been made properly and that all the terminals DUH VHFXUHO\WLJKWHQHG. which are more soluble in liquids as the pressure increases but less soluble as the temperature increases: if the oil in the sump is held at a constant pressure. The heating elements must be turned on at least 12 hours before the unit is started.15 °C higher than the ambient temperature.67$57. it will not enable the machine to start. where present. Pressure Oil T % R407C in oil The diagram above illustrates a specific property of gases [Charles’ Law]. Their function is to raise the T of the oil in the sump and limit the quantity of refrigerant dissolved in it. Check that the voltage at the RST terminals is 400 V ± 5% and PDNHVXUH the yellow indicator light of the phase sequence relay is on. if the sequence is not duly observed. To verify whether the heating elements are working properly.  "   #   #   File :  3 11 03  Page 18 of 30 .   +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV . The settings are shown in Tables II and III.$16 21/< LQFRUUHFW VHWWLQJV PD\ FDXVHVHULRXVGDPDJHWRWKHXQLWDQGLQMXULHVWRSHUVRQV The operating parameters and control system settings configurable by means of the microprocessor control are password protected if they have a potential impact on the integrity of the unit.).1*3$5$0(7(56 *(1(5$/.6(77.. after the unit has been in service for a reasonable period of time you can perform a check on the operating and safety devices. However.(' 7(&+1.(6 All the control devices are set and tested in the factory before the unit is dispatched.1*23(5$7.&(6 CONTROL DEVICE SET POINT 'LIIHUHQWLDO DLU SUHVVXUH VZLWFK DLU Pa IORZ.7.1*2)&21752/'(9.&. $OOVHUYLFLQJRIWKHHTXLSPHQWLVWREHFRQVLGHUHGH[WUDRUGLQDU\PDLQWHQDQFHDQG PD\ EH FDUULHG RXW %< 48$/.6(77. 7$%/(.  'LIIHUHQWLDO DLU SUHVVXUH VZLWFK GLUW\ Pa ILOWHU.  CONTROL DEVICE 0D[LPXPSUHVVXUHVZLWFK 0LQLPXPSUHVVXUHVZLWFK 0RGXODWLQJ FRQGHQVDWLRQ FRQWURO GHYLFHV '.YHUVLRQV.  7LPH ODSVH EHWZHHQ WZR FRPSUHVVRUVWDUWV File :  !   . 5 7 Manual Automatic s 480 - - 3 11 03  Page 19 of 30 .0 2 14 4 1. "   #   #   DIFFERENTIAL 50 30 70 20 ACTIVATION DIFFERENTIAL RESETTING Bar-g Bar-g Bar-g 28. 08035(6685(6:. this is possible only when the pressure falls below the set differential (see Table III).7&+ The high pressure switch stops the compressor when the outlet pressure exceeds the set value.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV 0$. :DUQLQJ GR QRW DWWHPSW WR FKDQJH WKH VHWWLQJ RI WKH PD[LPXP SUHVVXUH VZLWFK 6KRXOGWKHODWWHUIDLOWRWULSLQWKHHYHQWRIDSUHVVXUHLQFUHDVHWKHSUHVVXUHUHOLHI YDOYHZLOORSHQ The high pressure switch must be PDQXDOO\ reset.7&+ The low pressure switch stops the compressor when the inlet pressure falls below the set value for more than 180 seconds. File :  !   .08035(6685(6:.1. The switch is automatically reset when the pressure rises above the set differential (see Table III). 0..  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 20 of 30 .   +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV 0$. :$51. All other operations are to be considered maintenance work and must thus be carried out by qualified personnel trained to do their job in accordance with current laws and regulations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ile :  !   .1*6 $OOWKHRSHUDWLRQVGHVFULEHGLQWKLVFKDSWHU 0867 $/:$<6 %(3(5)250(' %< 48$/.17(1$1&( The only operations to be performed by the user are to switch the unit on and off.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 21 of 30 . Every 6 mos. Every 6 mos. Check the refrigerant level by means of the liquid level indicator Check the efficiency of the differential air pressure switch and dirty filter differential pressure switch Check the condition of the air filter and replace it if necessary Check the humidity indicator (green=dry. replace the filter Once a year Every 6 mos. if the indicator is not green as shown on the indicator sticker. yellow=humid) on the liquid level indicator. • • • • • • 2SHUDWLRQ  Check the efficiency of all the control and safety devices )UHTXHQF\ Once a year Check the terminals on the electric control board and compressor terminal boards to ensure that they are securely tightened.             File :  !   .  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV *HQHUDOLWLHV To guarantee a constantly satisfactory performance over time. The indications below are related to standard tear and wear. The movable and fixed contacts of the circuit breakers must be periodically cleaned and replaced whenever they show signs of deterioration. Every 6 mos. it is advisable to carry out routine maintenance and checks as described below.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 22 of 30 . Pull out the air filter. Check the condition of the filter and replace it if necessary !   .QVSHFWLQJWKHDLUILOWHU − − − File :  Open the front panels to access the air filter compartment.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV .  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 23 of 30 . . the air flow may exceed the limits with possible water dragging out from the coils (down flow units).charging with refrigerant. . . o o o o Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 4 = 30 Pa available @ nominal air volume = 100 Pa available @ nominal air volume = 160 Pa available @ nominal air volume = 220 Pa available @ nominal air volume [ 190 V ] [ 230 V ] [ 260 V ] [ 290 V ]  5HSDLULQJWKH&RROLQJ&LUFXLW  :DUQLQJZKLOHSHUIRUPLQJUHSDLUVRQWKHFRROLQJFLUFXLWRUPDLQWHQDQFHZRUNRQ WKH FRPSUHVVRUV PDNH VXUH WKH FLUFXLW LV OHIW RSHQ IRU DV OHVV WLPH DV SRVVLEOH (YHQLIEULHIO\H[SRVHGWRDLUHVWHURLOVWHQGWRDEVRUEODUJHDPRXQWVRIKXPLGLW\ ZKLFKUHVXOWVLQWKHIRUPDWLRQRIZHDNDFLGV If the cooling circuit has undergone any repairs.tightness test. This kind of fan has very high performances so that it’s speed has to be reduced in order to match to the nominal air flow with the real external pressure drops: in case of wrong selection.IWKHV\VWHPKDVWREHGUDLQHGDOZD\VUHFRYHUWKHUHIULJHUDQWSUHVHQWLQWKHFLUFXLW XVLQJ VXLWDEOH HTXLSPHQW WKH UHIULJHUDQW VKRXOG EH KDQGOHG H[FOXVLYHO\ LQ WKH OLTXLGSKDVH File :  !   . the following operations must be carried out: . External pressure drops \*] *- ^ Unit performance @ full speed Unit performance @ medium speed Unit performance @ low speed  '_ `S % + Nominal Air flow  − Air flow over the limits The fan speed has to be selected according to the enclosed table by using the manual switch installed in the E-Panel and/or by changing the wire connections of the autotransformer for different selection than the four already available on the manual switch.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV 6HWWKHULJKWIDQVSHHG − The adopted fans are of the backward curved blades type in combination with a 4 poles e-motor.evacuation and drying of the cooling circuit.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 24 of 30 . e. If there is no such vacuum pump available. 150 Pa of absolute pressure with a capacity of approximately 10 m /h. . The procedure to be carried out is as follows: .  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV 7LJKWQHVVWHVW Fill the circuit with anhydrous nitrogen supplied from a tank with a pressure-reducing valve until the pressure rises to 22 bars.Repeat the step described above. but in this case attempting to reach the hardest vacuum possible. .Evacuate the circuit until you reach an absolute pressure of at least 350 Pa: at this point inject nitrogen into the circuit until you reach a relative pressure of about 1 bar. This method is also recommended when there is a presence of humidity within the circuit. one evacuation will normally suffice to achieve an absolute pressure of 150 Pa. 'XULQJ WKH SUHVVXULVDWLRQ SKDVH GR QRW H[FHHG D SUHVVXUH RI  EDUV RQ WKH FRPSUHVVRUORZSUHVVXUHVLGH The presence of any leaks must be determined using special leak detectors. 'RQRWXVHR[\JHQLQWKHSODFHRIQLWURJHQDVDWHVWDJHQWVLQFHWKLVZRXOGFDXVH DULVNRIH[SORVLRQ +DUG9DFXXPDQG'U\LQJRI&RROLQJ&LUFXLW To achieve a hard vacuum in the cooling circuit it is necessary to use a pump capable of generating a 3 high degree of vacuum. The vacuum pump should be connected to the inlets.Carry out the step described above for the third time. or whenever the circuit has remained open for long periods of time. empty out the circuit before repairing the leaks with suitable alloys. you are strongly recommended to adopt the triple evacuation method. If such a pump is available. Should any leaks be detected during the test.  File :  !   . Using this procedure you can easily remove up to 99% of pollutants. i.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 25 of 30 . )LOOZLWKUHIULJHUDQWLQOLTXLGIRUP until you reach 75% of the total charge.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV 5HFKDUJLQJZLWKUHIULJHUDQW5& . . The refrigerant HFC R407C is not harmful to the ozone layer but is included among the substances responsible for the greenhouse effect and thus falls within the scope of the aforesaid regulations. 6LQFH5&LVDWHUQDU\PL[WXUHFKDUJLQJPXVWWDNHSODFHH[FOXVLYHO\ZLWKOLTXLG UHIULJHUDQWWRHQVXUHWKHFRUUHFWSHUFHQWDJHVRIWKHWKUHHFRQVWLWXHQWV .QWURGXFHUHIULJHUDQWWKURXJKWKHLQOHWLQWKHOLTXLGOLQH $XQLWWKDWZDVRULJLQDOO\FKDUJHGZLWK5&LQWKHIDFWRU\PXVWQRWEHFKDUJHG ZLWK5RURWKHUUHIULJHUDQWVZLWKRXWWKHZULWWHQDXWKRULVDWLRQRI+L5HI6S$ (QYLURQPHQWDOSURWHFWLRQ The law implementing the regulations [reg. at the end of their useful life.Connect the tank of refrigerant gas to the male 1/4 SAE inlet situated on the liquid line after discharging a little gas to eliminate air in the connection pipe. 7KHUHIRUH VSHFLDO FDUH VKRXOG EH WDNHQ ZKHQ FDUU\LQJ RXW PDLQWHQDQFH ZRUN WR PLQLPLVHUHIULJHUDQWOHDNV  File :  !   .Then connect to the inlet on the pipe between the thermostatic valve and evaporator and complete the charging process with the refrigerant LQ OLTXLG IRUP until no more bubbles can be seen on the liquid level indicator and the operating parameters specified in section 4.4 have been reached. either to return them to the dealer or take them to a suitable waste disposal facility. EEC 2037/00] which govern the use of ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases bans the dispersal of refrigerant gases in the environment and requires whoever is in their possession to recover them and. .  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 26 of 30 . 1*83)257+().0( .  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV 67$57.5677. 21 .1*83. &+(&.216)2575()$.1*23(5$7.9HUVLRQV.67$57. check if the service thermostat has been set according to the nominal values provided You should not disconnect the unit from the power supply during periods when it is inoperative but only when it is to be taken out of service for a prolonged period (e.7. turn the main switch on.5&21'.76 67$57.1*7+(5()5. select the operating mode desired from the control panel and press the "ON" button on the control panel.*(5$17/(9(/ '.21. disconnect the unit from power supply and invert two phases of the incoming three-pole cable.16758&7. 1HYHU attempt to modify internal electrical connections: any undue modifications will immediately invalidate the warranty.6'85. If the unit fails to start up.Check the phase sequence relay on the control board to verify whether the phases occur in the correct sequence: if they do not..21 Before starting the unit.1*23(5$7. at the end of the season).g.1*81. &+(&. 2) read the temperature indicated on the scale of a pressure gauge likewise connected to the intake side.P. . The degree of Sub-cooling is given by the difference between the temperatures thus determined. refer to the pressure gauge scale for the refrigerant R407C. 2) read the temperature indicated on the scale of a pressure gauge connected to the liquid inlet at the condenser outlet. In such a case the circuit must be dehumidified by qualified personnel. (Dew Point). marked with the initials B. refer to the pressure gauge scale for the refrigerant R407C. File :  !   .P. A constant passage of numerous bubbles may indicate that the refrigerant level is low and needs to be topped up.Make sure the overheating of the cooling fluid is limited to between 5 and 8 °C: to this end: 1) read the temperature indicated by a contact thermometer placed on the compressor intake pipe.Make sure that the Sub-cooling of the cooling fluid is limited to between 3 and 5°C: to this end: 1) read the temperature indicated by a contact thermometer placed on the condenser outlet pipe. especially in the case of high-glide ternary mixtures such as HFC R407C  . marked with the initials D. The presence of a few bubbles is however allowed. -Large quantities of bubbles should not appear through the liquid level indicator. (Bubble Point). . check whether the liquid level indicator has a green ring: a yellow colour indicates the presence of humidity in the circuit.After a few hours of operation. The degree of overheating is given by the difference between the temperatures thus determined.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 27 of 30 . the phase change occurs at a constant T and thus the glide is equal to zero. Warning: the refrigerant R407C requires “POE” polyolester oil of the type and viscosity indicated on the compressor rating plate. If pure fluids are used. This operation is to be considered extraordinary maintenance work and must be performed by qualified personnel only. Real P compressor outlet Average T (T1+T2)/2 P T1 (start of condensation) DEW POINT 5&        Heat content h - File :  T2 (end of condensation) BUBBLE POINT The difference between the Dew Point and Bubble Point is known as “GLIDE” and this is a characteristic property of refrigerant mixtures.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV Warning: all Hairf units are charged with dry nitrogen. !   . For no reason should oil of a different type be introduced into the oil circuit. Any top-ups must be made using the same type of refrigerant.  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 28 of 30 .   +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV . )$8/7  7KHXQLWGRHVQRWVWDUW 3RVVLEOHFDXVHV &RUUHFWLYHDFWLRQV No power supply Check if power is being supplied both to the primary and auxiliary circuits. as revealed by the presence of bubbles in the flow indicator also with sub-cooling values exceeding 5 °C File :  !   .1* On the next pages you will find a list of the most common reasons that may cause the package unit to fail or any malfunction. <RX VKRXOG EH H[WUHPHO\ FDUHIXO ZKHQ DWWHPSWLQJ WR LPSOHPHQW DQ\ RI WKH SRVVLEOHUHPHGLHVVXJJHVWHGRYHUFRQILGHQFHFDQUHVXOWLQLQMXULHVHYHQVHULRXV RQHV WR LQH[SHUW LQGLYLGXDOV 7KHUHIRUH RQFH WKH FDXVH KDV EHHQ LGHQWLILHG \RX DUHDGYLVHGWRFRQWDFWWKHPDQXIDFWXUHURUDTXDOLILHGWHFKQLFLDQIRUKHOS. The phase sequence is wrong Invert two phases in the primary power line after disconnecting them upstream from the unit 7KHFRPSUHVVRULVQRLV\ The compressor is rotating in the Check the phase sequence relay. Invert the phases on the terminal wrong direction board after disconnecting the unit and contact the manufacturer. The electronic card is cut off from Check the fuses the power supply Alarms have been released Check whether any alarms are signalled on the microprocessor control panel.7528%/(6+227. This causes are broken down according to easily identifiable symptoms. eliminate the causes and restart the unit. 3UHVHQFH RI DEQRUPDOO\ KLJK Insufficient SUHVVXUH condenser airflow through the Check for the presence of obstructions in the condenser section ventilation circuit Check whether the condenser coil surface is obstructed Check the condensation control device [optional] Presence of air in the refrigerant circuit. Evacuate slowly [for more than 3 hours] until reaching a pressure of 0.1 Pa and then recharge in the liquid phase Page 29 of 30 . "   #   #   3 11 03  Drain and pressurise the circuit and check for leaks. Transducer fault Malfunctioning valve of thermostatic Filter dryer clogged Low condensation T Low level of refrigerant The internal thermal protection device has tripped 7KHFRPSUHVVRUGRHVQRWVWDUW The circuit breakers or line fuses have been tripped by a short circuit One of the high or low pressure switches has tripped The phases have been inverted in the distribution compartment &RUUHFWLYHDFWLRQV Drain the circuit Check the temperatures upstream and downstream from the valve and filter and replace them if necessary. if it is below 2°C replenish the charge In the case of compressors equipped with a protection module. as revealed by a Sub-cooling of more than 8 °C Thermostatic valve and/or filter obstructed. eliminate the causes. replace it. :DWHURXWIURPWKHXQLW The drain pan hole is closed Open the front panels. replace the filter. remove the sheet metal just below the e-panel (Down Flow units) and clean it :DWHURXWIURPWKHXQLW The siphon is missing Check for the presence provide for a new one. Check on the microprocessor. If it does not respond.  +LJK7HFKQRORJ\LQ5HIULJHUDWLRQ'HYLFHV )$8/7  3UHVHQFHRIDEQRUPDOO\KLJK SUHVVXUH /RZFRQGHQVDWLRQSUHVVXUH /RZHYDSRUDWLRQSUHVVXUH 3RVVLEOHFDXVHV Unit overcharged. check whether the valve opens and adjust it if necessary. These symptoms may also occur in the presence of an abnormally low pressure. Pressure drops upstream and downstream from the filter should not exceed 2°C. check the thermal contact. Pinpoint the cause by measuring the resistance of the individual windings and the insulation from the casing before restoring power. Check the phase sequence relay. If they do. Check the efficiency of the condensation control device [where present] Check the refrigerant level by measuring the degree of Subcooling. Check the efficiency of the condensation control device [optional] Warming the bulb with your hand. :DWHURXWIURPWKHXQLW The Air flow is too high Reduce the fan speed up to reaching the nominal air flow. Identify the causes after restarting. File :  !   .  "   #   #   3 11 03  Page 30 of 30 and .
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