User Manual Isotemp Refrigerated Heated Bath Circulators_S
User Manual Isotemp Refrigerated Heated Bath Circulators_S
May 12, 2018 | Author: eb7dzp | Category:
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Isotemp®Circulators/Baths Manual P/N U01164 Rev. 04/24/2013 User's Manual Heated Immersion Circulators 4100 5150 6200 Refrigerated/Heated Baths R20 R20F R28 R35 Heated Baths H7 H5P H6A H11 H14P H12A H24 H21P H19A Table of Contents Preface ....................................................................................................................... i Compliance...............................................................................................................i Warranty....................................................................................................................i Unpacking.................................................................................................................i Section 1 Safety...................................................................................1-1 Safety Warnings...................................................................................................1-1 Section 2 General Information. ...............................................................2-1 Description..........................................................................................................2-1 Specifications.......................................................................................................2-1 Equipment Ratings.............................................................................................2-9 Wetted Parts.......................................................................................................2-10 Section 3 Installation............................................................................3-1 Immersion Circulator Only...............................................................................3-1 Circulating Bath...................................................................................................3-2 Ventilation............................................................................................................3-2 Electrical Requirements.....................................................................................3-2 Remote Temperature Sensor.............................................................................3-4 External Circulation...........................................................................................3-5 Approved Fluids.................................................................................................3-6 Additional Fluid Precautions............................................................................3-9 Filling Requirements .........................................................................................3-9 Draining................................................................................................................3-9 Section 4 Operation . ............................................................................4-1 Heated Immersion Circulator...........................................................................4-1 Setup.....................................................................................................................4-2 Start Up................................................................................................................4-2 Status Display......................................................................................................4-3 Standby Mode......................................................................................................4-3 Changing the Setpoint........................................................................................4-4 Menu Displays.....................................................................................................4-5 Menu.....................................................................................................................4-5 Menu Tree............................................................................................................4-6 Settings.................................................................................................................4-7 High Temperature Cutout...............................................................................4-15 Stopping the Unit..............................................................................................4-16 Power Down......................................................................................................4-16 Shut Down.........................................................................................................4-16 Restarting...........................................................................................................4-16 Decommissioning/Disposal...........................................................................4-17 Storage................................................................................................................4-17 .................................................................................................................................5-2 Section 6 Troubleshooting............... Contents Section 5 Preventive Maintenance......................................................................................... 6-1 Error Displays................................................................................................6-1 Check List ...................1 Declaration of Conformity RoHS Declaration of Conformity ................5-1 Hoses ......................5-1 Condenser Fins............................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................................................5-1 Testing the Safety Features..............5-1 Cleaning ....................................................................................................................................................................................6-3 Appendix Serial Communications.. An adjustable wrench Appropriate hose or plumbing 5°C to 95°C — Distilled Water or Deionized WaterXSWR0ƙFP.Safety Precautions: What you need to get started: Acceptable Fluids: The unit is designed for indoor use only. SIL 180. SIL 200. SYNTH 200. Appropriate size clamps or connection type -30°C to 80°C — Water with Glycol 1HYHUXVHÀDPPDEOHRUFRUURVLYHÀXLGVZLWKWKLVXQLW -40°C to 200°C — SIL180 Ensure the tubing you select will meet your maximum temperature and pressure requirements. SYNTH 260 %HIRUHXVLQJDQ\ÀXLGRUSHUIRUPLQJPDLQWHQDQFHZKHUHFRQWDFWZLWKWKH SIL 100. Never place unit in a location where excessive heat. SYNTH 60. Ensure none of the tubing comes in contact with the power cord. SIL 300 ÀXLGLVOLNHO\UHIHUWRWKHPDQXIDFWXUHU¶V06'6IRUKDQGOLQJSUHFDXWLRQV Ensure all communication and electrical connections are made prior to starting the unit. moisture. )RUUHIULJHUDWHGEDWKVHQVXUHWKHOLQHFRUGIURPWKHEDWKLVVHFXUHO\FRQQHFWHGWRWKHUHDURI WKHFRQWUROOHU )RUDOOEDWKVHQVXUHWKHFRPPXQLFDWLRQVFDEOHIURPWKHEDWKLVFRQQHFWHGWRWKH5-FRQQHFWRUVVLPLODUWR 7XELQJLVQRUPDOO\XVHGWRFRQQHFWWKHSXPSWRDQH[WHUQDODSSOLFDWLRQ (WKHUQHW. inadequate ventilation. or corrosive materials are present. this is even more Cable connection Protector required for proper critical with metal nozzles. WXEHVPXVWQRWEHIROGHGRUEHQW Line cord from bath VHFXUHDOOWXEHFRQQHFWLRQVXVLQJFODPSV Outlet Flow Return Flow :KHQXVLQJWKHLQWHUQDOEDWKRQO\WKHSOXPELQJFRQQHFWLRQVFDQEHFORVHGZLWKWKHVXSSOLHGSODWHDQGXQLRQQXWV 4100/5150 Immersion Circulator (QVXUHWKHUHVHUYRLUGUDLQSRUWRQWKHIURQWRI WKHXQLWLVclosedDQGWKDWDOOSOXPELQJFRQQHFWLRQVDUHVHFXUH$OVR HQVXUHDQ\UHVLGXHLVWKRURXJKO\UHPRYHGEHIRUHÀOOLQJWKHXQLW 6200 Remote Temperature 7RDYRLGVSLOOLQJSODFH\RXUFRQWDLQHUVLQWRWKHEDWKEHIRUHÀOOLQJ 6200 USB Sensor Connection :LWKDORZOHYHO:$51.1*WKHXQLWFRQWLQXHVWRUXQZLWKD)$8/7WKHXQLWZLOOVKXWWKHUHIULJHUDWLRQSXPSDQG KHDWHUZLOOVKXWGRZQVHHPDQXDO7KHORZOHYHOZDUQLQJLVDWDSSUR[LPDWHO\FPµ.RQWKHUHDURI WKHFRQWUROOHU 7KHPD[LPXPDOORZDEOHOHQJWKRI WXEHGHSHQGVODUJHO\RQWKHVL]HIRUPDQGPDWHULDORI WKHH[WHUQDOYHVVHO7KH &RQQHFWWKHVXSSOLHGOLQHFRUGWRWKHFRQWUROOHUDQGWRDSURSHUO\JURXQGHGRXWOHW OHQJWKRI WXEHDQGLWVGLDPHWHUFRPELQHGZLWKWKHFLUFXODWLQJFDSDFLW\KDYHDODUJHHIIHFWRQWKHWHPSHUDWXUH VWDELOLW\:KHQHYHUSRVVLEOHXVHDZLGHUWXEHGLDPHWHUDQGSODFHWKHDSSOLFDWLRQDVFORVHDVSRVVLEOHWRWKHFLUFXODWRU Communications cable from refrigerated bath I/O Circuit Extreme operating temperatures will lead to extreme temperatures on the tube surface. communication between Line cord connection the refrigerated bath WKHUHTXLUHGWXEHPDWHULDOGHSHQGVRQWKHKHDWWUDQVIHUOLTXLGXVHG and the circulator. EHORZWKHWRSWKHORZ OHYHOIDXOWLVDWDSSUR[LPDWHO\FPµ. $YRLGRYHUÀOOLQJRLOEDVHGÁXLGVH[SDQGZKHQKHDWHG Outlet Flow Return Flow :KHQSXPSLQJWRDQH[WHUQDOV\VWHPNHHSH[WUDÁXLGRQKDQGWRPDLQWDLQWKHSURSHUOHYHOLQWKHFLUFXODWLQJOLQHV DQGWKHH[WHUQDOV\VWHP 6200 Immersion Circulator 0RQLWRUWKHÁXLGOHYHOZKHQHYHUKHDWLQJWKHÁXLG 7KHSOXPELQJFRQQHFWLRQVIRUH[WHUQDOFLUFXODWLRQDUHORFDWHGRQWKHUHDURI WKHFRQWUROOHU is the return ÁRZIURPWKHH[WHUQDODSSOLFDWLRQ LVWKHRXWOHWÁRZWRWKHH[WHUQDODSSOLFDWLRQVXSSO\VLGH. .7KHFRQQHFWLRQV DUHPP2'5HPRYHWKHXQLRQQXWVDQGSODWHVWRLQVWDOOWKHPPRUPPKRVHEDUEVDQGFODPSVVXSSOLHG ZLWKWKHXQLW Ensure the electrical cords do not come in contact with any of the plumbing connections or tubing. Use this button to start/stop the unit. Canceling a change Use this button to place the unit in and can only be made before the change is Heater Running Symbol out of standby. Pump Running Symbol Use this button to cancel any changes and to return the controller to its Water previous display.I GHVLUHGSUHVV WRWRJJOHEHWZHHQWKH6WDUW6WDWXV'LVSOD\V RQRWUXQWKHXQLWXQWLOÁXLGLVDGGHGWRWKHXQLW+DYHH[WUDÁXLGRQKDQG.I WKHXQLWZLOOQRWVWDUWUHIHUWRWKH ' PDQXDO I Press WKHFRQWUROOHUZLOOGLVSOD\System StandbyDQGWKHXQLWZLOOEHLQWKHVWDQGE\PRGH 3ODFHWKHFLUFXLWSURWHFWRUORFDWHGRQWKHUHDURI WKHXQLWWRWKHISRVLWLRQ O 7KHFRQWUROOHUZLOOGLVSOD\System Standby 3UHVV WKH6WDUW'LVSOD\ZLOODSSHDU Shut Dowm (QVXUHWKHVWRSV\PEROKDVDER[DURXQGLWLI QRWXVHWKHDUURZNH\VWRQDYLJDWHWRWKHV\PERO (QVXUHWKHVWDUWV\PEROKDVDKLJKOLJKWER[DURXQGLWLI QRWXVHWKHDUURZNH\VWRQDYLJDWHWRWKHV\PERO Press 7KHXQLWZLOOVWRSDQGWKHVWRSV\PEROZLOOWXUQLQWRDVWDUWV\PERO .Start Up The SP1DQGMenuSRUWLRQVRQWKHWRSRI WKHGLVSOD\DUHXVHGWRYLHZDQGRUFKDQJHWKHFRQWUROOHU VVHWWLQJV Display Screen 7KH\DUHH[SODLQHGLQGHWDLOLQWKHPDQXDO Use these four navigation arrows to move through the controller displays Use the adjacent dial for adjusting the and to adjust values. Before starting the unit. In some cases. electrical and plumbing connections. it is also used to save changes. saved. This button is also used to make Refrigeration Running This label indicates read the instruction and save changes on the controller's Selected Reservoir Fluid display screen.2C Refrigerated units should be left in an upright position at room temperature (~25°C) for 24 hours before Status Display starting. Details are .I GHVLUHGSUHVV WREULQJXSWKH6WDWXV'LVSOD\V explained in the manual. Symbol manual before starting the unit. . Reservoir Fluid Temperature 24. High Temperature Cutout. double check all USB (optional). This will ensure the lubrication oil has drained back into the compressor. 3UHVV 7KHXQLWZLOOVWDUWDQGWKHVWDUWV\PEROZLOOWXUQLQWRDVWRSV\PERO . 0 Press 7KHWKHUPRVWDW VVFUHHQZLOOJREODQNDQGWKHEOXH/('ZLOOLOOXPLQDWH NOTE .2°C Start Display $IWHUVWDUWFKHFNDOOH[WHUQDOSOXPELQJFRQQHFWLRQVIRUOHDNV . 20.WZLOOWDNHVHFRQGVIRUWKHFRPSUHVVRUWRVWDUW Stop Symbol 3ODFHWKHFLUFXLWSURWHFWRURQWKHUHDURI WKHWKHUPRVWDWWRWKHOSRVLWLRQ7KHEOXH/('ZLOOH[WLQJXLVK SP1 Menu Reservoir Highlighted 20.0 Fluid Start Symbol Temperature 24. -30 °C bis 80 °C — Wasser mit Glykol Stellen Sie sicher. unzureichender Belüftung oder korrosiven Stoffen ausgesetzt ist. beachten Sie die im Sicherheitsdatenblatt des Herstellers beschriebenen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen.und Stromverbindungen hergestellt worden sein. Das Netzkabel vom Bad muss sicher an der Reglerrückseite befestigt sein.Sicherheitsvorkehrungen: Sie benötigen: Geeignete Flüssigkeiten: Das Gerät darf nur in geschlossenen Räumen betrieben werden. wo es übermäßiger Hitze. SYNTH 200. Achten Sie darauf. Feuchtigkeit. Bevor Sie Flüssigkeiten einsetzen oder eine Wartung durchführen. Leitungen 5 °C bis 95 °C — destilliertes oder deionisiertes WasserELV]X0ƙ Stellen Sie das Gerät niemals an Orten auf. bei denen Sie SYNTH 60. dass keiner der Schläuche mit dem Stromkabel in Kontakt gerät. passende Klemmen oder Anschlussstücke cm) Verwenden Sie niemals brennbare oder korrosive Flüssigkeiten in diesem Gerät. 6FKOlXFKHGLHQHQQRUPDOHUZHLVHGD]XGLH3XPSHDQHLQHH[WHUQH$QZHQGXQJDQ]XVFKOLHHQ 'DV. einen verstellbaren Schraubenschlüssel passende Schläuche bzw. SYNTH 260 möglicherweise mit Flüssigkeiten in Berührung kommen. dass die von Ihnen ausgewählten Schläuche die -40°C bis 200°C — SIL180 Höchstgrenzen für Temperatur und Druck nicht überschreiten.RPPXQLNDWLRQVNDEHOYRP%DGPXVVDP5-$QVFKOXVVlKQHOWHLQHP(WKHUQHW$QVFKOXVV. Vor der Inbetriebnahme des Geräts müssen alle Kommunikations. VRQDKHZLHP|JOLFKDQGHQ8PZlO]WKHUPRVWDW Kommunikationskabel vom gekühlten Bad E/A-Netzschalter ([WUHPH%HWULHEVWHPSHUDWXUHQIKUHQ]XH[WUHPHQ7HPSHUDWXUHQDQGHU6FKODXFKREHUÁlFKH Zur ordnungsgemäßen Kommuni- kation zwischen dem gekühlten Bad insbesondere bei Metallschläuchen.KOXQJ3XPSHXQG+HL]XQJDEVLHKH*HEUDXFKVDQZHLVXQJ.DQGHU Reglerrückseite angeschlossen sein. JUQGOLFKHQWIHUQWZXUGHQ Schnittstelle 6WHOOHQ6LHGLH%HKlOWHUYRUGHP%HIOOHQLQGDV%DGXPHLQhEHUODXIHQ]XYHUPHLGHQ :HQQHLQH:DUQPHOGXQJDXI HLQHQQLHGULJHQ)OOVWDQGKLQZHLVWOlXIWGDV*HUlWWURW]GHPZHLWHUEHLHLQHP)HKOHU VFKDOWHWHV. und dem Umwälzthermostat ist eine Netzanschlussbuchse Kabelverbindung erforderlich. GDVHUIRUGHUOLFKH6FKODXFKPDWHULDOKlQJWYRQGHUYHUZHQGHWHQ:lUPHWUlJHUÁVVLJNHLWDE GLH6FKOlXFKHGUIHQQLFKWJHNQLFNWRGHUJHERJHQZHUGHQ Buchse für Netzkabel vom Bad sichern Sie alle Schlauchanschlüsse mit Schlauchklemmen $EÀXVV 5FNÀXVV :HQQQXUGDVLQWHUQH%DGYHUZHQGHWZLUGN|QQHQGLH:DVVHUDQVFKOVVHPLWKLOIHGHUPLWJHOLHIHUWHQ3ODWWHXQGGHQ 4100/5150 Eintauchthermostat hEHUZXUIPXWWHUQJHVFKORVVHQZHUGHQ $FKWHQ6LHGDUDXIGDVVGHU$EODXIKDKQGHV%HKlOWHUVDQGHU9RUGHUVHLWHGHV*HUlWVgeschlossen ist und alle 6200 Temperatur- :DVVHUDQVFKOVVHIHVWVLW]HQ$FKWHQ6LHDXHUGHPGDUDXIGDVVYRUGHP%HIOOHQGHV*HUlWVDOOH5FNVWlQGH Fernsteuersensor 6200 USB. 'LHPD[LPDO]XOlVVLJH6FKODXFKOlQJHGHV5RKUHVKlQJWZHLWJHKHQGYRQ*U|H)RUPXQG0DWHULDOGHVlXHUHQ *HIlHVDE6FKODXFKOlQJHXQGGXUFKPHVVHUVRZLHGLH8PZlO]OHLVWXQJKDEHQHLQHQVWDUNHQ(LQÁXVVDXI GLH 6FKOLHHQ6LHGDVPLWJHOLHIHUWH1HW]NDEHODQGHQ5HJOHUDQXQGVWHFNHQ6LHHVLQHLQHRUGQXQJVJHPlJHHUGHWH 7HPSHUDWXUNRQVWDQ]9HUZHQGHQ6LHP|JOLFKVWHLQHQJU|HUHQ6FKODXFKGXUFKPHVVHUXQGVWHOOHQ6LHGLH$QZHQGXQJ Wandsteckdose. 'LH6FKODXFKDQVFKOVVHIUGHQH[WHUQHQ8PODXI EHÀQGHQVLFKDXI GHU5HJOHUUFNVHLWH LVWGHU5FNÁXVV +DOWHQ6LH]XVlW]OLFKH)OVVLJNHLWJULIIEHUHLWZHQQ6LH)OVVLJNHLWLQHLQH[WHUQHV6\VWHPSXPSHQXPGHQ YRQGHUH[WHUQHQ$QZHQGXQJ LVWGHU$EÁXVVLQ5LFKWXQJGHUH[WHUQHQ$QZHQGXQJ=XÁXVVVHLWH.'LH:DUQPHOGXQJ]XPQLHGULJHQ )OOVWDQGHUVFKHLQWZHQQGHU)OVVLJNHLWVVSLHJHOFDFPXQWHUKDOEGHVREHUHQ5DQGHVOLHJWHLQ)HKOHUZLUG JHQHULHUWZHQQHUFDFPXQWHUKDOEGHVREHUHQ5DQGHVOLHJW $EÀXVV 5FNÀXVV 6200 Eintauchthermostat Vermeiden Sie ein Überfüllen. da sich Flüssigkeiten auf Ölbasis unter Erwärmung ausdehnen. 'HU RUGQXQJVJHPlHQ)OOVWDQGLQGHQ8PZlO]OHLWXQJHQXQGLPH[WHUQHQ6\VWHPDXIUHFKW]XHUKDOWHQ $XHQGXUFKPHVVHUGHU$QVFKOVVHEHWUlJWPP(QWIHUQHQ6LHGLHhEHUZXUIPXWWHUQXQG3ODWWHQXPGLHPLW GHP*HUlWPLWJHOLHIHUWHQPPE]ZPP6FKODXFKWOOHQXQGNOHPPHQ]XPRQWLHUHQ hEHUZDFKHQ6LHGHQ)OOVWDQGVRUJIlOWLJEHLP(UKLW]HQGHU)OVVLJNHLW Achten Sie darauf. Ausg. dass die Stromkabel nicht mit einem der Wasseranschlüsse oder Schläuche in Kontakt Kurzanleitung Art. U01120 geraten. 02/21/11 .-Nr. Einschalten hEHUGLH2SWLRQHQSP1 und MenüDPREHUHQ%LOGVFKLUPUDQGN|QQHQGLH5HJOHUHLQVWHOOXQJHQDQJH]HLJWXQG Mit diesen vier Navigationspfeiltasten RGHUJHlQGHUWZHUGHQ6LHZHUGHQDXVIKUOLFKLQGHU*HEUDXFKVDQZHLVXQJHUOlXWHUW Display können Sie durch die Regleranzeigen blättern und Werte einstellen. Mit Hilfe der nebenstehenden Skala können Sie den Übertemperaturschutz einstellen. Ausführ- Drücken Sie bei Bedarf auf XPGLH6WDWXVDQ]HLJHQHLQ]XEOHQGHQ liche Informationen finden Sie Ein- und Ausschalten des Geräts. Diese in der Gebrauchsanweisung. Taste dient darüber hinaus zum Vor- nehmen und Speichern von Änderun- gen an Reglerparametern. Kühllaufsymbol Dieses Schild weist darauf hin, dass vor ,P%HKlOWHUEH¿QGOLFKH)OVVLJNHLW Inbetriebnahme des Geräts die Gebrauchsanweisung gelesen Mit dieser Taste können Sie vorgenom- werden muss. mene Änderungen verwerfen und zum Pumpenlaufsymbol vorherigen Bildschirm zurückkehren. Wasser Eine Änderung kann nur verworfen werden, wenn sie noch nicht gespei- Mit dieser Taste kann das Gerät in und chert wurde. In manchen Fällen wird Heizlaufsymbol aus dem Standby-Modus geschaltet diese Taste auch zum Speichern einer werden. Änderung verwendet. Flüssigkeitstemperatur im Behälter 24.2C Gekühlte Geräte müssen vor dem Einschalten mindestens 24 Stunden lang bei ~25°C in aufrechter Statusanzeige Position gestanden haben. Dadurch wird gewährleistet, dass das Schmieröl zurück in den Kompressor ÁLHW I nspizieren Sie vor dem Einschalten alle elektrischen Anschlüsse, Schlauchverbindungen und (optional) Drücken Sie bei Bedarf auf XP]ZLVFKHQGHU6WDUWDQ]HLJHXQGGHQ6WDWXVDQ]HLJHQXP]XVFKDOWHQ USB-Kabelanschlüsse. DV*HUlWQLHPDOVPLWOHHUHP%HKlOWHUEHWUHLEHQ+DOWHQ6LH]XVlW]OLFKH)OVVLJNHLWJULIIEHUHLW.RQVXOWLHUHQ6LHGLH ' *HEUDXFKVDQZHLVXQJZHQQVLFKGDV*HUlWQLFKWHLQVFKDOWHW I 6FKDOWHQ6LHGHQ1HW]VFKDOWHUDXI GHU*HUlWHUFNVHLWHLQGLH6WHOOXQJI. Ausschalten Der Regler zeigt System Standby an. O $FKWHQ6LHGDUDXIGDVVGDV6WRSS6\PEROLQHLQHP.lVWFKHQHUVFKHLQW1DYLJLHUHQ6LHPLWGHQ3IHLOWDVWHQDXI GDV6\PEROZHQQGLHVQLFKWGHU)DOOLVW 'UFNHQ6LHDXI . Die Startanzeige erscheint. 'DV6WDUWV\PEROPXVVKHUYRUJHKREHQVHLQ*HKHQ6LHPLWGHQ3IHLOWDVWHQ]XGLHVHP6\PEROZHQQGLHV Drücken Sie 'DV*HUlWZLUGJHVWRSSWXQGVWDWWGHP6WRSSV\PEROZLUGMHW]WGDV6WDUWV\PERO ) QLFKWGHU)DOOLVW angezeigt. 'UFNHQ6LH 'DV*HUlWZLUGJHVWDUWHWXQGVWDWWGHP Drücken Sie 'DV'LVSOD\GHV7KHUPRVWDWVVFKDOWHWVLFKDXVXQGGLHEODXH/('OHXFKWHW Stopp-Symbol 20.0 6WDUWV\PEROZLUGMHW]WGDV6WRSSV\PERO ) angezeigt. Schalten Sie den Netzschalter auf der Thermostatrückseite in die Stellung O'LHEODXH/('HUOLVFKW HINWEIS (VGDXHUW6HNXQGHQELVGHU.RPSUHVVRUDQOlXIW SP1 Menü Flüssigkeits- Markiertes 20.0 temperatur Startsymbol im Behälter 24.2°C Startanzeige hEHUSUIHQ6LHQDFKGHP6WDUWDOOHH[WHUQHQ6FKODXFKDQVFKOVVHDXI 'LFKWKHLW Consignes de sécurité : Matériel requis : Liquides autorisés : &HWDSSDUHLOHVWH[FOXVLYHPHQWGHVWLQpjXQHXWLOLVDWLRQLQWpULHXUH clé à molette ÀH[LEOHHWPDWpULHOGHSORPEHULHDSSURSULp 5 à 95 °C — eau distillée ou désionisée0ƙFPPD[1HMDPDLVO¶H[SRVHUjXQHFKDOHXURXXQHKXPLGLWpH[FHVVLYHjXQH YHQWLODWLRQLQDGpTXDWHRXjGHVPDWLqUHVFRUURVLYHV FROOLHUVRXUDFFRUGVGHWDLOOHDSSURSULpH -30 à 80 °C — mélange eau/glycol 1HMDPDLVXWLOLVHUGHOLTXLGHVLQÀDPPDEOHVRXFRUURVLIVDYHFFHWDSSDUHLO -40 à 200 °C — SIL180 6 DVVXUHUTXHODWXEXOXUHTXHYRXVFKRLVLVVH]HVWFRQIRUPHDX[H[LJHQFHV GHWHPSpUDWXUHHWGHSUHVVLRQYDOHXUVPD[LPDOHV SIL 300 ¿FKHWHFKQLTXHVDQWpVpFXULWpGXIDEULFDQW Veiller à établir tous les branchements électriques et branchements de communication avant la mise sous tension de l'appareil. SIL 200. SYNTH 200. SYNTH 60. SYNTH 260 $YDQWG¶XWLOLVHUXQTXHOFRQTXHOLTXLGHRXG¶HIIHFWXHUGHVWUDYDX[ G¶HQWUHWLHQVXVFHSWLEOHVG¶HQWUDvQHUXQFRQWDFWDYHFOHOLTXLGHFRQVXOWHUOD SIL 100. S'assurer qu'aucune partie de la tubulure n'entre en contact avec le cordon d'alimentation. SIL 180. 6 DVVXUHUTXHOHFRUGRQG DOLPHQWDWLRQHVWVROLGHPHQWEUDQFKpHQWUHOHEDLQHWO DUULqUHGXFRQWU{OHXU /DWXEXOXUHVHUWQRUPDOHPHQWjFRQQHFWHUODSRPSHjXQHDSSOLFDWLRQH[WHUQH 6 DVVXUHUTXHOHFkEOHGHFRPPXQLFDWLRQSDUWDQWGXEDLQHVWEUDQFKpVXUOHVFRQQHFWHXUV5-VLPLODLUHVjGHV FRQQHFWHXUV(WKHUQHW. jO DUULqUHGXFRQWU{OHXU /DORQJXHXUGHWXEXOXUHPD[LPXPDXWRULVpHGpSHQGHQJUDQGHSDUWLHGHODWDLOOHGHODIRUPHHWGXPDWpULDXGX UpFLSLHQWH[WpULHXU/DORQJXHXUGHWXEXOXUHHWVRQGLDPqWUHFRPELQpVjODFDSDFLWpGHFLUFXODWLRQGHO DSSDUHLOMRXHQW %UDQFKHUOHFRUGRQG DOLPHQWDWLRQIRXUQLHQWUHOHFRQWU{OHXUHWXQHSULVHGHFRXUDQWDYHFXQHSULVHGHWHUUH XQU{OHLPSRUWDQWVXUODVWDELOLWpGHODWHPSpUDWXUH6LSRVVLEOHXWLOLVHUXQHWXEXOXUHGHGLDPqWUHVXSpULHXUHWSODFHU Câble de communications O DSSOLFDWLRQOHSOXVSUqVSRVVLEOHGXFLUFXODWHXU partant du bain réfrigéré Protection de Connecteur pour câble de circuit I/O Des températures opératoires extrêmes se soldent par des températures extrêmes à la surface de la connexion indispensable pour tubulure. la communication entre le bain Connecteur du câble réfrigéré et le circulateur. d'alimentation OHPDWpULDXGHWXEXOXUHUHTXLVGpSHQGGXOLTXLGHGHWUDQVIHUWGHFKDOHXUXWLOLVpÁXLGHFDORSRUWHXU. ce qui est encore plus critique avec les buses métalliques. Câble d'alimentation OHVWXEXOXUHVQHGRLYHQWSDVrWUHSOLpVRXFRXUEpV partant du bain À[HUWRXVOHVUDFFRUGVGHWXEXOXUHjO DLGHGHFROOLHUV Sortie de débit "vers application" Retour de débit "retour application" Circulateur à immersion 1/2 /RUVTXHVHXOOHEDLQLQWHUQHHVWXWLOLVpOHVUDFFRUGVGHSORPEHULHSHXYHQWrWUHIHUPpVDYHFODSODTXHHWOHVpFURXV XQLRQVIRXUQLV 6 DVVXUHUTXHO RULÀFHGHYLGDQJHGXUpVHUYRLUVXUO DYDQWGHO DSSDUHLOHVWferméHWTXHWRXVOHVUDFFRUGVGHSORPEHULH Capteur de température à VRQWVROLGHPHQWÀ[pV9HLOOHUSDUDLOOHXUVjHQOHYHUWRXVOHVUpVLGXVDYDQWGHUHPSOLUO DSSDUHLO Connecteur distance 3 USB 3 3RXUpYLWHUOHVGpYHUVHPHQWVGHOLTXLGHSODFHUOHVUpFLSLHQWVGDQVOHEDLQDYDQWGHFRPPHQFHUjUHPSOLU (QSUpVHQFHG XQ$9(57.66(0(17SRXUQLYHDXEDVO DSSDUHLOFRQWLQXHjIRQFWLRQQHUHQSUpVHQFHG XQH (55(85LODUUrWHODUpIULJpUDWLRQODSRPSHHWO pOpPHQWFKDXIIDQWYRLUOHPDQXHO/ DYHUWLVVHPHQWSRXUQLYHDXEDV VHGpFOHQFKHjFPHQYLURQGXKDXWXQHHUUHXUSRXUQLYHDXEDVjFPHQYLURQ Éviter de trop remplir les récipients . Sortie de débit Retour de débit "vers application" "retour application" Circulateur à immersion 3 /RUVG XQSRPSDJHGHOLTXLGHYHUVXQV\VWqPHH[WpULHXUDYRLUGXOLTXLGHG DSSRLQWjSRUWpHGHODPDLQSRXU PDLQWHQLUXQQLYHDXFRUUHFWGDQVOHVOLJQHVGHFLUFXODWLRQHWOHV\VWqPHH[WpULHXU /HVUDFFRUGVGHSORPEHULHSRXUODFLUFXODWLRQH[WHUQHVHVLWXHQWjO DUULqUHGXFRQWU{OHXU HVWODFRQQH[LRQ GHUHWRXUGHO DSSOLFDWLRQH[WHUQH HVWODFRQQH[LRQGHVRUWLHYHUVO DSSOLFDWLRQH[WHUQHF{WpDOLPHQWDWLRQ.les liquides à base d'huile se dilatent quand ils chauffent. 6XUYHLOOHUOHQLYHDXGHOLTXLGHSHQGDQWTX LOFKDXIIH /HVFRQQHFWHXUVPHVXUHQWPPGHGLDPqWUHH[WpULHXU(QOHYHUOHVpFURXVXQLRQVHWOHVSODTXHVSRXULQVWDOOHUOHV UDFFRUGVFDQQHOpVGHRXPPHWOHVFROOLHUVIRXUQLVDYHFO DSSDUHLO Veiller à ce que les cordons électriques ne touchent pas les raccords de plomberie ou la tubulure. . se référer au manuel. Symbole Pompe en marche Utiliser ce bouton pour annuler toute mo- dification et rétablir l'écran précédent. contrôleur. Symbole Réfrigération en cours Ce symbole indique à l'utilisateur de lire Liquide (type) dans le réservoir le manuel d'utilisation avant la trer des modifications sur l'écran du mise en route de l'appareil. Dans certains cas. électriques. et les raccords de $ plomberie. 24. trement. Symbole Élément chauffant en marche ver la mise en attente de l'appareil.Mise en route /HVVHFWLRQVSP1HWMenuHQKDXWGHO pFUDQSHUPHWWHQWG DIÀFKHUHWRXGHPRGLÀHUOHVSDUDPqWUHVGX Écran d'affichage FRQWU{OHXU3RXUGHVGpWDLOVVHUpIpUHUDXPDQXHO Utiliser ces quatre flèches de navigation pour parcourir les écrans du contrôleur et ajuster des valeurs.2C Température du liquide Les appareils réfrigérés doivent rester à la verticale à température ambiante (~25 °C) pendant 24 heures dans le réservoir Écran d'état DYDQWOHXUPLVHHQPDUFKH$LQVLO KXLOHOXEULÀDQWHVHUDUHQYR\pHDXFRPSUHVVHXU YDQWGHGpPDUUHUO DSSDUHLOYpULÀHUWRXVOHVconnecteurs USB (option). Ce bouton permet aussi d'apporter et d'enregis. seulement possible avant son enregis. elle permet aussi d'enregistrer les modifications. Utiliser ce bouton pour mettre en marche/arrêter l'appareil. $XEHVRLQDSSX\HUVXU SRXUEDVFXOHUGHO pFUDQGHGpPDUUDJHjO pFUDQG pWDWRXYLFHYHUVD HSDVPHWWUHO DSSDUHLOHQPDUFKHVDQVOLTXLGHjO LQWpULHXU$YRLUGXOLTXLGHG DSSRLQWjSRUWpHGHODPDLQ6LO DSSD 1 UHLOQHGpPDUUHSDVVHUHSRUWHUDXPDQXHO I 3ODFHUODSURWHFWLRQGHFLUFXLWVLWXpHjO DUULqUHGHO DSSDUHLOHQSRVLWLRQI /HFRQWU{OHXUDIÀFKHSystem Standby ("système en attente") O $SSX\HUVXU O pFUDQGHGpPDUUDJHV DIÀFKH Arrêt 6 DVVXUHUTXHOHV\PEROH0DUFKHHVWHQFDGUpG XQHVXUEULOODQFHVLQRQXWLOLVHUOHVWRXFKHVÁpFKpHVSRXUQDYL 6 DVVXUHUTXHOHV\PEROH$UUrWHVWHQFDGUpG XQHVXUEULOODQFHVLQRQXWLOLVHUOHVWRXFKHVÁpFKpHVSRXUQDYLJXHU JXHUMXVTX DXV\PEROH MXVTX DXV\PEROH $SSX\HUVXU / DSSDUHLOGpPDUUHHWOHV\PEROH0DUFKHHVWUHPSODFpSDUOHV\PEROH$UUrW . Utiliser le cadran adjacent pour ajuster la Température Haute limite de chauffe $XEHVRLQDSSX\HUVXU SRXUDIÀFKHUOHVpFUDQVG pWDW (pour coupure de la chauffe) Pour des détails. Eau L'annulation d'une modification est Utiliser ce bouton pour activer/désacti. $SSX\HUVXU / DSSDUHLOGpPDUUHHWOHV\PEROH$UUrWHVWUHPSODFpSDUOHV\PEROH0DUFKH . 2°C Écran de démarrage $SUqVGpPDUUDJHYpULÀHUO pWDQFKpLWpGHWRXVOHVUDFFRUGVGHSORPEHULHH[WHUQHV . Symbole Arrêt 20.0 REMARQUE /HGpPDUUDJHGXFRPSUHVVHXUSUHQGVHFRQGHVHQYLURQ $SSX\HUVXU / pFUDQGXWKHUPRVWDWV HIIDFHHWOHYR\DQWEOHXV DOOXPH 3ODFHUODSURWHFWLRQGHFLUFXLWVLWXpHjO DUULqUHGHO DSSDUHLOHQSRVLWLRQO/HYR\DQWEOHXV pWHLQW SP1 Menu Température Symbole Marche 20.0 du liquide dans en surbrillance le réservoir 24. Veiligheidsmaatregelen: Dit heeft u nodig om te kunnen beginnen: Toegestane vloeistoffen: De unit is alleen ontworpen voor gebruik binnenshuis. vocht. onvoldoende ventilatie of corrosieve materialen. (HQYHUVWHOEDUHVWHHNVOHXWHO (HQJHVFKLNWHVODQJRIOHLGLQJ 5°C tot 95°C — Gedestilleerd of gedeïoniseerd water Plaats een unit nooit op een plek met overmatige warmte. .OHPPHQYDQGHMXLVWHJURRWWHRIW\SHDDQVOXLWLQJ WRWPD[LPDDO0ƙFP. Gebruik nooit ontvlambare of corrosieve vloeistoffen met deze unit.b. SIL 180.en elektrische aansluitingen tot stand zijn gebracht voordat u de unit start. Raadpleeg voordat u vloeistoffen gebruikt of onderhoud uitvoert op SYNTH 60. SIL 100. SIL 200. SIL 300 Zorg ervoor dat alle communicatie. Zorg ervoor dat de leidingen niet in contact komen met het netsnoer.t. SYNTH 200. -30°C tot 80°C — Water met glycol Zorg ervoor dat de leidingen die u gebruikt voldoen aan uw maximale -40°C tot 200°C — SIL180 vereisten m. de veiligheidsbladen van de fabrikant voor voorzorgsmaatregelen. =RUJHUYRRUGDWKHWQHWVQRHUYDQKHWEDGFRUUHFWLVDDQJHVORWHQRSGHDFKWHUNDQWYDQGHFRQWUROOHU =RUJHUYRRUGDWGHFRPPXQLFDWLHNDEHOYDQKHWEDGLVDDQJHVORWHQRSGH5-DDQVOXLWLQJYHUJHOLMNEDDUPHW 'HOHLGLQJHQZRUGHQQRUPDDOJHVSURNHQJHEUXLNWRPGHSRPSDDQWHVOXLWHQRSHHQH[WHUQHWRHSDVVLQJ HWKHUQHW. SYNTH 260 plekken waar mogelijk contact is met vloeistof. temperatuur en druk. 1*EOLMIWGHXQLWZHUNHQELMHHQ6725. dit geldt nog tussen het gekoelde bad en meer bij metalen aansluitstukken.RSGHDFKWHUNDQWYDQGHFRQWUROOHU 'HPD[LPDDOWRHJHVWDQHOHQJWHYDQGHOHLGLQJLVJURWHQGHHOVDIKDQNHOLMNYDQGHJURRWWHGHYRUPHQKHWPDWHULDDO 6OXLWKHWELMJHOHYHUGHQHWVQRHUDDQRSGHFRQWUROOHUHQRSHHQGHXJGHOLMNJHDDUGVWRSFRQWDFW YDQKHWH[WHUQHYDW'HOHQJWHYDQGHOHLGLQJHQGHGLDPHWHULQFRPELQDWLHPHWGHFLUFXODWLHFDSDFLWHLW]LMQYDQ JURWHLQYORHGRSGHWHPSHUDWXXUVWDELOLWHLW*HEUXLNZDDUPRJHOLMNHHQOHLGLQJPHWHHQJURWHUHGLDPHWHUHQSODDWVGH Communicatiekabel WRHSDVVLQJ]RGLFKWPRJHOLMNELMGHFLUFXODWRU van gekoeld bad I/O- Kabelaansluiting die vereist stroombeschermer is voor goede communicatie Zeer hoge bedrijfstemperaturen leiden tot zeer hoge temperaturen op het leidingoppervlak. Netsnoeraansluiting de circulator.1*VFKDNHOWGHXQLWGHNRHOLQJGH SRPSHQYHUZDUPHUXLW=LHGHKDQGOHLGLQJ'HODDJQLYHDXZDDUVFKXZLQJWUHHGWRSELMRQJHYHHUFPµ. KHWYHUHLVWHOHLGLQJPDWHULDDOLVDIKDQNHOLMNYDQGHJHEUXLNWHYORHLVWRI Netsnoer van bad OHLGLQJHQPRJHQQLHWZRUGHQJHYRXZHQRI JHERJHQ ]HWDOOHOHLGLQJDDQVOXLWLQJHQYDVWPHWNOHPPHQ Uitstroming Terugstroming 4100/5150 Rondpomp thermostaat :DQQHHUXDOOHHQKHWLQWHUQHEDGJHEUXLNWNXQQHQGHOHLGLQJDDQVOXLWLQJHQZRUGHQDIJHVORWHQPHWGHELMJHOHYHUGH SODDWHQZDUWHOPRHUHQ 6200 Externe &RQWUROHHURI GHDIYRHUSRRUWYDQKHWUHVHUYRLUDDQGHYRRUNDQWYDQGHXQLWgeslotenLVHQGDWDOOHOHLGLQJDDQVOXLWLQJHQ temperatuursensor JRHG]LMQDDQJHVORWHQ=RUJHUWHYHQVYRRUGDWHYHQWXHOHUHVWHQJURQGLJYHUZLMGHUGZRUGHQYRRUGDWXGHXQLWYXOW 6200 USB- aansluiting 3ODDWVXZKRXGHUVLQKHWEDGYRRUGDWXYXOWRPPRUVHQWHYRRUNRPHQ %LMHHQODDJQLYHDX:$$56&+8:. RQGHUGHERYHQNDQWGHODDJQLYHDXVWRULQJWUHHGWRSELMRQJHYHHUFPµ. vloeistoffen op oliebasis zetten uit bij verwarming. 6200 Rondpomp thermostaat +RXGELMSRPSHQQDDUHHQH[WHUQV\VWHHPH[WUDYORHLVWRI ELMGHKDQGRPKHWMXLVWHQLYHDXLQGHFLUFXODWLHOHLGLQJHQ HQKHWH[WHUQHV\VWHHPWHKRXGHQ 'HOHLGLQJDDQVOXLWLQJHQYRRUH[WHUQHFLUFXODWLHEHYLQGHQ]LFKRSGHDFKWHUNDQWYDQGHFRQWUROOHU is de UHWRXUYDQGHH[WHUQHWRHSDVVLQJ LVGHDDQYRHUQDDUGHH[WHUQHWRHSDVVLQJWRHYRHU]LMGH. Uitstroming Terugstroming Vul het reservoir niet te vol. 02/21/11 .'HDDQVOXLWLQJHQ %HZDDNKHWYORHLVWRIQLYHDXDOWLMGZDQQHHUXGHYORHLVWRI YHUZDUPW KHEEHQHHQEXLWHQGLDPHWHUYDQPP9HUZLMGHUGHZDUWHOPRHUHQHQSODWHQRPGHELMGHXQLWJHOHYHUGH DDQVOXLWLQJHQHQNOHPPHQYDQRI PPWHLQVWDOOHUHQ Zorg ervoor dat de elektrische kabels niet in contact komen met de vloeistofaansluitingen of -leidingen. Snel start Onderdeelnummer U01120 Rev. Geselecteerde vloeistof in reservoir ingeschakeld handleiding voordat u de unit start. en deze op te slaan. Deze toets wordt ook gebruik om veranderingen aan te brengen op het weergavescherm van de controller Symbool koeling Dit label geeft aan: lees de instructie. Details worden 'UXNLQGLHQJHZHQVWRS RPGHVWDWXVVFKHUPHQWHRSHQHQ toegelicht in de handleiding. 24. Water Een verandering kan alleen worden geannuleerd als deze nog niet is op- Gebruik deze knop om de unit in de stand.2C Vloeistoftemperatuur reservoir Gekoelde units moeten gedurende 24 uur voordat ze gestart worden rechtop staan bij kamertemperatuur Statusscherm (~25°C). Gebruik deze toets om eventuele veran- deringen te annuleren en de controller Symbool pomp ingeschakeld terug te zetten op het eerdere scherm. Hierdoor wordt gegarandeerd dat de smeerolie teruggelopen is in de compressor. Gebruik deze toets om de unit te starten/ stoppen.Opstarten De gedeeltes SP1 en MenuERYHQDDQKHWVFKHUPZRUGHQJHEUXLNWRPGHLQVWHOOLQJHQYDQGHFRQWUROOHUWH Weergavescherm EHNLMNHQHQRI WHYHUDQGHUHQ'H]HZRUGHQXLWJHEUHLGEHVFKUHYHQLQGHKDQGOHLGLQJ Gebruik deze vier navigatiepijltjes om door de schermen van de controller te lopen en waarden in te stellen. Gebruik de draaiknop om de hoge-temperatuur bescherming in te stellen. In sommige gevallen wordt Symbool verwarmer by te zetten of uit de stand-by te halen. geslagen. dit ook gebruikt om veranderingen op ingeschakeld te slaan.(optioneel) en elektrische aansluitingen en de aansluitingen YDQGHYORHLVWRÁHLGLQJHQ 'UXNLQGLHQJHZHQVWRS RPKHHQHQZHHUWHJDDQWXVVHQGHVWDUWVWDWXVVFKHUPHQ 6 FKDNHOGHXQLWQLHWLQYRRUGDWXYORHLVWRI KHHIWWRHJHYRHJG+RXGH[WUDYORHLVWRI ELMGHKDQG$OVGHXQLWQLHWVWDUW UDDGSOHHJGDQGHKDQGOHLGLQJ =HWGHVWURRPEHVFKHUPHURSGHDFKWHUNDQWYDQGHXQLWLQGHIVWDQG I Uitschakelen 'HFRQWUROOHUJHHIWSystem StandbyZHHU O &RQWUROHHURI KHWVWRSV\PERROJHPDUNHHUGLVDOVGLWQLHWKHWJHYDOLVJHEUXLNGDQGHSLMOWMHVWRHWVHQRPQDDUKHW V\PERROWHQDYLJHUHQ 'UXNRS KHW6WDUWVFKHUPYHUVFKLMQW 'UXNRS 'HXQLWVWRSWHQKHWVWRSV\PERROYHUDQGHUWLQHHQVWDUWV\PERRO . C ontroleer voordat u de unit start alleUSB. &RQWUROHHURI KHWVWDUWV\PERROJHPDUNHHUGLVDOVGLWQLHWKHWJHYDOLVJHEUXLNGDQGHSLMOWMHVWRHWVHQRPQDDU KHWV\PERROWHQDYLJHUHQ 'UXNRS +HWWKHUPRVWDDWVFKHUPZRUGWEODQFRHQKHWEODXZHOHGODPSMHJDDWEUDQGHQ 'UXNRS 'HXQLWVWDUWHQKHWVWDUWV\PERROYHUDQGHUWLQHHQVWRSV\PERRO . 0 startsymbool Vloeistoftemperatuur reservoir 24.0 OPMERKING +HWGXXUWVHFRQGHQYRRUGDWGHFRPSUHVVRUVWDUW SP1 Menu Gemarkeerd 20.2°C Startscherm &RQWUROHHUQDKHWVWDUWHQDOOHH[WHUQHOHLGLQJYHUELQGLQJHQRSOHNNHQ . =HWGHVWURRPEHVFKHUPHURSGHDFKWHUNDQWYDQGHWKHUPRVWDDWLQGHOVWDQG+HWEODXZHODPSMHJDDWXLW Stopsymbool 20. Una llave inglesa ajustable Manguera o tubería adecuada 5°C a 95°C: agua destilada o desionizada KDVWD0ƙFP.Precauciones de seguridad: Qué necesita para empezar: Fluidos aceptables: La unidad está diseñada sólo para uso interior. humedad. Todas las conexiones eléctricas y de comunicación deben realizarse antes de poner en marcha la unidad. &RPSUXHEHTXHHOFDEOHGHDOLPHQWDFLyQGHOEDxRHVWpFRQHFWDGRÀUPHPHQWHDODSDUWHSRVWHULRUGHO FRQWURODGRU /RVWXERVVXHOHQXWLOL]DUVHSDUDFRQHFWDUODERPEDDXQDDSOLFDFLyQH[WHUQD $VHJ~UHVHGHTXHHOFDEOHGHFRPXQLFDFLRQHVGHOEDxRHVWiFRQHFWDGRDORVFRQHFWRUHV5-VLPLODUHVD (WKHUQHW. mala ventilación o materiales corrosivos. SYNTH 200. SIL 300 de manipulación en el documento MSDS del fabricante. Asegúrese de que ningún tubo entre en contacto con el cable de alimentación. SIL 180. Abrazaderas o tipo de conexión adecuada -30°C a 80°C: agua con glicol 1RXWLOLFHQXQFDÀXLGRVLQÀDPDEOHVRFRUURVLYRVFRQHVWDXQLGDG -40°C a 200°C: SIL180 Asegúrese de que los tubos seleccionados cumplen los requisitos de temperatura y presión máximas. SYNTH 260 $QWHVGHXWLOL]DUFXDOTXLHUÀXLGRRUHDOL]DURSHUDFLRQHVGHPDQWHQLPLHQWR TXHHQWUDxHQULHVJRGHFRQWDFWRFRQHOÀXLGRFRQVXOWHODVSUHFDXFLRQHV SIL 100. No coloque nunca la unidad donde quede expuesta a exceso de calor. SYNTH 60. SIL 200. de alimentación (OPDWHULDOGHOWXERGHSHQGHGHOOtTXLGRGHWUDQVIHUHQFLDWpUPLFDHPSOHDGR Cable de alimentación /RVWXERVQRGHEHQSOHJDUVHQLGREODUVH del baño )LMHWRGDVODVFRQH[LRQHVGHORVWXERVFRQDEUD]DGHUDV Flujo de salida Flujo de retorno Circulador de inmersión 4100/5150 &XDQGRVHXVDVyORHOEDxRLQWHUQRODVFRQH[LRQHVGHWXEHUtDVSXHGHQFHUUDUVHFRQODVSODFDV\WXHUFDVGHXQLyQ VXPLQLVWUDGDV $VHJ~UHVHGHTXHHORULÀFLRIURQWDOGHGHVDJHGHOGHSyVLWRGHODXQLGDGHVWicerrado\GHTXHWRGDVODVFRQH[LRQHVGH Sensor de temperatura WXERVHVWiQÀUPHV$VHJ~UHVHWDPELpQGHHOLPLQDUSRUFRPSOHWRFXDOTXLHUUHVLGXRDQWHVGHOOHQDUODXQLGDG remoto 6200 Conexión USB 6200 3DUDHYLWDUGHUUDPHVFRORTXHORVFRQWHQHGRUHVGHQWURGHOEDxRDQWHVGHOOOHQDGR &RQXQD$'9(57(1&.$GHEDMRQLYHOODXQLGDGVLJXHIXQFLRQDQGRSHURFRQXQ)$//2ODXQLGDGGHWLHQHOD UHIULJHUDFLyQ\VHDSDJDQODERPED\HOFDOHQWDGRUFRQVXOWHHOPDQXDO/DDGYHUWHQFLDGHEDMRQLYHODSDUHFHDXQRV FPµ. adecuada entre el baño Conexión del cable refrigerado y el circulador.GHODSDUWHSRVWHULRUGHOFRQWURODGRU /DPi[LPDORQJLWXGDGPLWLGDGHOWXERGHSHQGHVREUHWRGRGHOWDPDxRODIRUPD\HOPDWHULDOGHOUHFLSLHQWHH[WHUQR /DORQJLWXG\HOGLiPHWURGHOWXERFRPELQDGRVFRQODFDSDFLGDGGHFLUFXODFLyQWLHQHQXQHIHFWRLPSRUWDQWHVREUHOD &RQHFWHHOFDEOHGHDOLPHQWDFLyQVXPLQLVWUDGRDOFRQWURODGRU\DXQDWRPDGHDOLPHQWDFLyQFRQSXHVWDDWLHUUD HVWDELOLGDGGHODWHPSHUDWXUD6LHPSUHTXHSXHGDXWLOLFHXQGLiPHWURGHWXERPD\RU\VLW~HODDSOLFDFLyQDODPHQRU Cable de comunicaciones GLVWDQFLDSRVLEOHGHOFLUFXODGRU del baño refrigerado Protector de El cable debe conectarse circuito de E/S /DVWHPSHUDWXUDVGHIXQFLRQDPLHQWRH[WUHPDVSURGXFHQWHPSHUDWXUDVH[WUHPDVHQODVXSHUÀFLHGHOWXER para tener una comunicación lo que se acentúa con las boquillas de metal. GHODSDUWHVXSHULRUPLHQWUDVTXHHOIDOORGHEDMRQLYHOTXHGDDXQRVFPµ. (YLWHHOOOHQDGRH[FHVLYRSRUTXHORVÁXLGRVEDVDGRVHQDFHLWHVHH[SDQGHQDOFDOHQWDUVH Flujo de salida Flujo de retorno Circulador de inmersión 6200 &XDQGRERPEHHDXQVLVWHPDH[WHUQRWHQJDDPDQRÁXLGRDGLFLRQDOSDUDPDQWHQHUHOQLYHODGHFXDGRHQORV FRQGXFWRVGHFLUFXODFLyQ\HOVLVWHPDH[WHUQR /DVFRQH[LRQHVGHODVFRQGXFFLRQHVSDUDFLUFXODFLyQH[WHUQDHVWiQHQODSDUWHWUDVHUDGHOFRQWURODGRU HVHO ÁXMRGHUHWRUQRGHVGHODDSOLFDFLyQH[WHUQD HVHOÁXMRGHVDOLGDKDFLDODDSOLFDFLyQH[WHUQDDOLPHQWDFLyQ. Inicio rápido./DV 6XSHUYLVHHOQLYHOGHÁXLGRVLHPSUHTXHORFDOLHQWH FRQH[LRQHVWLHQHQXQGLiPHWURH[WHULRUGHPP4XLWHODVWXHUFDV\SODFDVGHXQLyQSDUDLQVWDODUODVDEUD]DGHUDV\ ODVFRQH[LRQHVGHQWDGDVGHPPRPPVXPLQLVWUDGDVFRQODXQLGDG Asegúrese de que los cables eléctricos no entran en contacto con las conexiones ni los tubos de fontanería. 02/21/11 . número de pieza U01120 Rev. Símbolo de bomba en funcionamiento Con este botón se cancelan los cambios Agua y se restituye la pantalla anterior del controlador. 3DUDYHUODVSDQWDOODVGHHVWDGRSXOVH En el manual se explican los detalles. También sirve para realizar y guardar cambios en la pantalla del Símbolo de refrigeración Esta etiqueta indica que se debe leer el controlador. 3DUDFDPELDUHQWUHODVSDQWDOODVGHLQLFLRHVWDGRSXOVH RSRQJDHQPDUFKDODXQLGDGVLQKDEHUOHDxDGLGRHOÁXLGR7HQJDDPDQRÁXLGRDGLFLRQDO6LODXQLGDGQRDUUDQFD 1 FRQVXOWHHOPDQXDO I &RORTXHHQODSRVLFLyQIHOSURWHFWRUGHFLUFXLWRTXHKD\HQODSDUWHSRVWHULRUGHODXQLGDG Apagado O (OFRQWURODGRULQGLFDTXHHOVLVWHPDHVWiHQHVSHUDSystem Standby. algunos casos también se usa para guardar los cambios. QWHVGHSRQHUHQPDUFKDODXQLGDGYHULÀTXHWRGDVlas conexiones USB (opcional). Utilice el mando adyacente para ajustar el interruptor de temperatura elevada. Así se asegura que el aceite lubricante ha vuelto al compresor. eléctricas y de $ conducciones. Temperatura del GHSyVLWRGHÀXLGR 24. Los cambios sólo pueden Este botón activa y desactiva el modo de cancelarse antes de guardarlos.Puesta en marcha /DViUHDVSP1\MenuGHODSDUWHVXSHULRUGHODSDQWDOODVLUYHQSDUDYHU\RFDPELDUORVDMXVWHVGHOFRQWURODGRU Pantalla 6HH[SOLFDQHQGHWDOOHHQHOPDQXDO Estas cuatro flechas de navegación sir- ven para desplazarse por las pantallas del controlador y ajustar los valores. 'HSyVLWRGHÀXLGRVHOHFFLRQDGR en funcionamiento manual de instrucciones antes de poner en marcha la unidad. En Símbolo de calentador en funcionamiento espera de la unidad. Con este botón se arranca y se detiene la unidad.2C Las unidades refrigeradas deben mantenerse en posición vertical a temperatura ambiente (~25°C) durante Pantalla de estado 24 horas antes de ponerlas en marcha. &RPSUXHEHVLHOVtPERORGHSDUDGDHVWiURGHDGRSRUXQFXDGURGHORFRQWUDULRXWLOLFHORVERWRQHVGHÁHFKD 3XOVH \DSDUHFHUiODSDQWDOODGHLQLFLR SDUDLUDGLFKRVtPEROR &RPSUXHEHVLHOVtPERORGHLQLFLRHVWiURGHDGRSRUXQFXDGURUHVDOWDGRGHORFRQWUDULRXWLOLFHORVERWRQHVGH 3XOVH /DXQLGDGVHGHWLHQH\HOVtPERORGHSDUDGDFDPELDDOGHLQLFLR . ÁHFKDSDUDLUDGLFKRVtPEROR 3XOVH /DSDQWDOODGHOWHUPRVWDWRTXHGDHQEODQFR\HO/('D]XOVHLOXPLQD 3XOVH /DXQLGDGDUUDQFDUi\HOVtPERORGHLQLFLRFDPELDUiDOGHSDUDGD . 20.0 &RORTXHHQODSRVLFLyQOHOSURWHFWRUGHFLUFXLWRTXHKD\HQODSDUWHSRVWHULRUGHOWHUPRVWDWR(O/('D]XOVH Símbolo de parada DSDJD NOTA: (OFRPSUHVRUWDUGDVHJXQGRVHQDUUDQFDU SP1 Menu Temperatura Símbolo de 20.2°C Pantalla de inicio 'HVSXpVGHDUUDQFDUEXVTXHSRVLEOHVIXJDVHQWRGDVODVFRQH[LRQHVGHFRQGXFWRVH[WHUQDV .0 del depósito inicio resaltado GHÀXLGR 24. at Distributor's sole option. The Distributor warrants to Customer that upon prompt notification and compliance with Distributor's instructions. Warranty The Isotemp circulators distributed by Fisher Scientific ("Fisher"). any Product which is defective in material or workmanship. This will ensure the lubrication oil has drained back into the compressor. or exemplary damages. losses or damage of any third party or for lost profits or any special. as described above. If the circulator shows external or internal damage contact the transportation company and file a damage claim. upon prompt notification and compliance with its instructions. implied or statutory. and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Distributor's liability exceed the purchase price paid therefore. . that the Distributor will repair or replace. Distributor expressly disclaims all other warranties. Distributor's sole responsibility and the Customer's exclusive remedy for any claim arising out of the purchase of any Product is repair or replacement. including the warranties of merchantability. this is your responsibility. incidental. Fisher warrants to the direct purchaser that the product will be free from defects in material or workmanship for a period of two years from the date of delivery. even if Distributor has been advised of the possibility of such damages. indirect. whether expressed. consequential. Fisher will repair or replace the product or provide credit. Unpacking Retain all cartons and packing material until the circulator is operated and found to be in good condition. as its sole option. Preface Compliance Refer to the Declaration of Conformity in the back of this manual. howsoever arising. Under ICC regulations. Refrigerated circulators should be left in an upright position at room temperature for 24 hours before starting. nor shall Distributor be liable for any claims. Preface ii . This label indicates the presence of hot surfaces. may result in minor or moderate injury. The circulator's construction provides protection against the risk of electrical shock by grounding appropriate metal parts. The lightning flash with arrow symbol. if not DANGER avoided. within an equilateral triangle. The voltage magnitude is significant enough to constitute a risk of electrical shock. . This will ensure the lubrication oil has drained back into the compressor. Never remove warning labels. if not CAUTION avoided. if not WARNING avoided. WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which. CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous situation which. It is also be used to alert against unsafe practices. This label indicates read the manual. please contact us. The circuit protector located on the rear of the circulator is not intended to act as a disconnecting means. will result in death or serious injury. is intended to alert the user to the presence of non-insulated "dangerous voltage" within the circulator's enclosure. Refrigerated circulators should be left in an upright position for 24 hours before starting. It is the user's responsibility to assure a proper ground connection is provided. DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which. Operate the circulator using only the supplied line cord. it must be easily accessible at all times. If you have any questions concerning the operation or the information in this manual. Observe all warning labels. The protection will not function unless the power cord is connected to a properly grounded outlet. The circulator's power cord is used as the disconnecting device. Section 1 Safety Safety Warnings Make sure you read and understand all instructions and safety precautions listed in this manual before installing or operating your circulator. could result in death or serious injury. Sudden jolts or drops can damage the its components. Never operate damaged or leaking equipment. or when performing maintenance where contact with the fluid is likely. Transport the circulator with care. only use a soft cloth and water. or with any damaged cords. Other than water. near or below freezing temperatures. Never operate the circulator or add fluid to the reservoir with panels removed. Changes in concentration and pH can impact system performance. Many refrigerants which may be undetectable by human senses are heavier than air and will replace the oxygen in an enclosed area causing loss of consciousness. Refer service and repairs to a qualified technician. Ensure. operation. or corrosive materials are present. Performance of installation.Section 1 Safety Never operate the bath without fluid in the reservoir. moisture. Ensure the electrical cords do not come in contact with any of the plumbing connections or tubing. check the fluid concentration and pH on a regular basis. Always turn the circulator off and disconnect the supply voltage from its power source before moving or before performing any service or maintenance procedures. or maintenance procedures other than those described in this manual may result in a hazardous situation and will void the manufacturer's warranty. Do not clean the circulator with solvents. Never place the circulator in a location or atmosphere where excessive heat. that no toxic gases can be generated by the fluid. When using ethylene glycol and water. Ensure the tubing you select will meet your maximum temperature and pressure requirements. 1-2 . Ensure the fluid is at a safe temperature (20°C to 40°C) before handling or draining. refer to the manufacturer’s MSDS and EC Safety Data sheet for handling precautions. Ensure all communication and electrical connections are made prior to starting the circulator. Refer to the circulator's nameplate and the manufacturer's most current MSDS for additional information. Flammable gases can build up over the fluid during usage. before using any fluid. Drain the bath before it is transported and/or stored in. 05°C ±0.4 Inches 12. Specifications 4100 5150 6200 Process Fluid Temperature Ambient +10° to 100°C Ambient +10° to 150°C Ambient +10° to 200°C and Setpoint Range Ambient +18° to 212°F Ambient +18° to 302°F Ambient +18° to 392°F Temperature Stability ±0.9 Overall Dimensions (H x W x D) mm 320.0 x 111. Baths run in factory ambient at nominal line voltage.0 Pump Type Force Force Force/Suction 350 500 4100 6200 300 5150 400 Force 115V Force 300 Pressure (mbar) 250 230V 200 200 100 150 0 100V -100 100 -200 50 Suction -300 -400 lpm 5 10 15 20 lpm 5 10 15 20 • Lower process fluid temperature ranges available with supplemental cooling.7 x 8.6 Net Weight kg/lb 4. 2-1 .4 x 5. Section 2 General Information Description The Fisher Scientific Isotemp® Heated Immersion Circulators are used with refrigerated and heated baths.1 12.6 x 4. five programmable setpoint temperatures.2 2. Refrigerated baths – Fluid (specific heat of 0.0 5.0 x 111.1/9.2 1.0 4.025°C Heater Capacity KWatts 230V 1.7 340. All circulators can pump to an external system.7 320. • Fisher Scientific reserves the right to change specifications without notice.0 115V 1. work area cover is on.9 0.4 x 144. work area cover is on. • Pump testing is done with water at 20°C bath at nominal line voltage on high pump speed. Pump speed set to high with no external pumping. • Stability is measured as follows: Heated baths – Fluid is water at 70°C.8 x 218.0/11. and offer adjustable high temperature protection.1/9. Stability is defined as ½ the total span of measured data over approximately 30 minutes.2 100V 0.4 x 8.0 1.55 Btu/lb-F) at -10°C.0 1.6 x 4. Pump speed set to high with short insulated loop on pump lines. Baths run in factory ambient at nominal line voltage.9 0.1 13.8 x 205. All have a digital display and easy-to-use touch pad. acoustic and optical alarms.05°C ±0.4 x 8.8 x 205. Approximately one meter loop on pump with flow transducer and (2) pressure transducers with a ball valve to adjust the flow rate. 6 Stainless Steel Refrigerated/Heated Bath Circulator with 6200 Circulator R20 R20F R28 R35 Temperature Range -20 to 100°C -20 to 100°C -28 to 200°C -35 to 200°C -4 to 212°F -4 to 212°F -18 to 392°F -31 to 392°F Bath Volume liters 5.0 Stainless Steel Refrigerated/Heated Bath Circulator with 5150 Circulator R28 R35 Temperature Range -28 to 150°C -35 to 150°C -18 to 302°F -31 to 302°F Bath Volume liters 6.2 x 19.4 17.4 16.6.6 x 10.2.8 L Net Weight kg 35.6 650.6 444.7 1.2 x 416.5 5.8 x 528.2.8 x 14.3 x 370.6 6.6.0 79.0 121.9 36.8 .1.3 27.8 .7 x 467.1 x 370.4 x 416.4 25.6.0 123.6 655.2 x 8.2 x 19.3 29.8.0 64.8.2 x 19.8 lb 60.5 x 18.1 x 14.6 x 20.2.6 x 20.2 x 259.0 35.8 .8 Net Weight kg 27.2 688.3 inches 25.7 1.8.8 Net Weight kg 26.4 .3 Cooling Capacity watts @20°C 250 250 500 800 200 (100V/50Hz) 200 (100V/50Hz) 415 (100V/50Hz) 665 (100V/50Hz) Refrigerant R134a R134a R134a R404a Dimensions (H x W x L)* mm 622.3 27.6 gallons 1.8 .4 x 16.8 54.4 . lb 78.9 lb 58.5 6.4 25.4 .6 gallons 1.2 688.6 x 10.8 .Section 2 General Information Refrigerated/Heated Bath Circulator Specifications Stainless Steel Refrigerated/Heated Bath Circulator with 4100 Circulator R20 R20F R28 R35 Temperature Range -20 to 100°C -20 to 100°C -28 to 100°C -35 to 100°C -4 to 212°F -4 to 212°F -18 to 212°F -31 to 212°F Bath Volume liters 5.3 1.3 55.0 121.3 x 370.8 . Add ~15 mm to L for drain fitting .5 x 8.6 x 20.7 1.4 .5 6.0 80.4 .3 27.7 1.0 x 203.4 .8 .8.2 706.1 x 490.8 x 18.3 Cooling Capacity watts @20°C 500 800 415 (100V/50Hz) 665 (100V/50Hz) Refrigerant R134a R404a Dimensions (H x W x L)* mm 650.8 .0 *Overall dimensions.2 x 259.8 x 528.1.1.8 .3 1.1 x 490.1.5 x 467.0 x 16.3 1.0 x 16.8 x 10.2 29.6 426.5 5.8 .2.1 x 14.8 .3 x 259.6 gallons 1.4 54.4 .1 x 490.4 x 16.3 x 203.8 .3 inches 25.8 x 528.6 6.4 x 416.2 x 416.3 inches 24.4 .0 66.3 Cooling Capacity watts @20°C 250 250 500 800 200 (100V/50Hz) 200 (100V/50Hz) 415 (100V/50Hz) 665 (100V/50Hz) Refrigerant R134a R134a R134a R404a Dimensions (H x W x L)* mm 640. Section 2 General Information Performance Curves for Refrigerated/Heating Circulating Baths R20F Cooling Capacity R20 Cooling Capacity 350 300 300 Note 1 A Note 1 A 250 Heat Load (watts) Heat Load (watts) 250 B B 200 200 150 150 Water EG/Water Water EG/Water 100 100 Note 1 50 Note 1 50 Fluid specific heat Fluid specific heat 0.55 BTU/lb-F 0. 230.55 BTU/lb-F 1000 Heat Load (watts) A 800 B 600 400 Water Silicon Oil 200 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Temperature (°C) 2-3 .55 BTU/lb-F -20 0 +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 -20 0 +20 +40 +60 +80 +100 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) R28 Cooling Capacity 600 Conditions: Note 1 Note 1 Fluid specific heat A = 115. 100/60 500 0.55 BTU/lb-F Heat Load (watts) B = 100/50 A 400 Sea Level B 20°C Ambient 300 Nominal Voltage Fluid 200 Water from 5°C to 90°C Water Silicon Oil Ethanol from 5°C to low end 100 Silicon Oil 90°C to high end Pump speed (high) -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90 110 130 150 170 190 4100/5150/6200 Circulator Temperature (°C) R35 Cooling Capacity 1200 Note 1 Note 1 Fluid specific heat 0. 6200 115V 30 B = R28 R35.Water R20 R20F R28 R35 Cool Down .Water (100/50) 100 100 90 A = R20 R20F 90 A = R20 R20F 80 B = R28 80 B = R28 C = R35 C = R35 Temperature °C Temperature °C 70 70 A A 60 High Pump Speed .Water R28 R35 Heat Up . 4100 5150 6200 100/50-60 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 Time (minutes) Time (minutes) . 4100 5150 115V 20 C = R28 R35. 4100 5150 230V. 4100 5150 115V D = R20 R20F 4100 5150 6200 100/50-60 10 D = R28 R35.All circulators 50 50 40 40 C B 30 30 C B 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time (minutes) Time (minutes) R20 R20F Heat Up . 6200 115V 20 C = R20 R20F. 4100 5150 230V. Section 2 General Information R20 R20F R28 R35 Cool Down .Water 100 100 90 90 C 80 80 Temperature °C C Temperature °C A B A B 70 70 D 60 60 D 50 50 40 40 A = R20 R20F. 6200 230V 30 A = R28 R35. 6200 230V B = R20 R20F.All circulators 60 High Pump Speed . 230. Section 2 General Information R20 Time to Temperature R20F Time to Temperature 25 25 20 20 15 15 Temperature °C Temperature °C 10 10 5 5 0 0 A A -5 -5 B B -10 -10 -15 -15 -20 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 Time (minutes) Time (minutes) R28 Time to Temperature R35 Time to Temperature 30 30 20 20 Temperature °C Temperature °C 10 10 0 0 -10 -10 A B A B -20 -20 -30 -30 -40 -40 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time (minutes) Time (minutes) Conditions: A = 115. 100/60 B = 100/50 Sea Level 22°C .55 BTU/lb-F 2-5 .24°C Ambient Fluid specific heat 0. 6200 115V -20 C = 4100 115V -30 C = 4100 5150 115V D = 4100 5150 6200 100V D = 4100 5150 6200 100V -30 -40 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (minutes) Time (minutes) Conditions: Sea Level 22°C .55 BTU/lb-F . 6200 115V B = 4100 5150 230V. Section 2 General Information R20 Time to Temperature R20A Time to Temperature 30 25 25 20 20 C 15 Temperature °C 15 C A B 10 A B Temperature °C 10 D D 5 5 0 0 A = 6200 230V -5 A = 6200 230V -5 B = 4100 5150 230V.24°C Ambient Fluid specific heat 0. 6200 115V B = 4100 5150 230V. 6200 115V -10 -10 C = 4100 5150 115V C = 4100 5150 115V -15 D = 4100 5150 6200 100V -15 D = 4100 5150 6200 100V -20 -20 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Time (minutes) Time (minutes) R28 Time to Temperature R35 Time to Temperature 30 30 20 20 C C Temperature °C Temperature °C 10 10 A B A B D 0 0 D -10 -10 A = 6200 230V -20 A = 6200 230V B = 4100 5150 230V. 0 35.2.3 x 22.4 .5 4.5 7.9.0 Stainless Steel Heated Bath Circulator with 6200 Circulator H7 H11 H24 Temperature Range* Ambient +10 to 200°C Ambient +10 to 200°C Ambient +10 to 200°C (Low pump speed) Ambient +18 to 392°F Ambient +18 to 392°F Ambient +18 to 392°F Temperature Range* Ambient +25 to 200°C Ambient +20 to 200°C Ambient +10 to 200°C (High pump speed) Ambient +45 to 392°F Ambient +36 to 392°F Ambient +18 to 392°F Bath Volume liters 5.5 x 14.2 x 363.5 .5.3 x 14.3 .2 x 561.19.5 .3 16.2 414.9 x 363.6 x 11.1 .1.2 Dimensions** (H x W x L) mm 414.2 Dimensions** (H x W x L) mm 396.2 396.0 .3 15.5 15. L 2-7 .3 inches 15.0 x 302.0 .8 lb 24.1.9 x 363.1 .0 *Without work area cover installed.3 x 22.6 x 8.5 x 14.9 lb 22.2 x 561.0 x 363.1 .0 Stainless Steel Heated Bath Circulator with 5150 Circulator H7 H11 H24 Temperature Range* Ambient +10 to 150°C Ambient +10 to 150°C Ambient +10 to 150°C Ambient +18 to 302°F Ambient +18 to 302°F Ambient +18 to 302°F Bath Volume liters 5. Add ~15 mm to L for drain fitting.3 16.9 lb 22.6 x 8.6 gallons 1.9 x 14.0 37.1 .9 x 14.0 27. **Overall dimensions.4 .3 15.1 Net Weight kg 10.2 396.5 x 14. • Fisher Scientific reserves the right to change specifications without notice.3 x 22.9 x 363.2 x 302.5 4.9 12.1 .2 16.2 x 363.2 x 215. ***See Section 3 for additional information.3 15.0 .5 7.3 x 8.2 x 363.1.1 Net Weight kg 10.5 4.6 gallons 1.1 Net Weight kg 10.5.3 15.0 25.9 x 14.5 15.6 gallons 1.6.3 15.5 15.1 .6 x 14.5 .2 x 561.3 x 11.2 396.7 2. Section 2 General Information Heated Bath Circulator Specifications Stainless Steel Heated Bath Circulator with 4100 Circulator H7 H11 H24 Temperature Range* Ambient +10 to 100°C Ambient +10 to 100°C Ambient +10 to 100°C Ambient +18 to 212°F Ambient +18 to 212°F Ambient +18 to 212°F Bath Volume liters 5.0 35.0 11.0 x 215.7 2.3 .2 396.0 11.2 x 363.9.2. Lower temperature ranges available with supplemental cooling.2 x 302.2 x 215.6 x 11.3 .9.3 inches 16.19.2 414.4 . 15.5 7.6 x 14.5.2 x 363.7 2.3 inches 15.2 Dimensions** (H x W x L) mm 396.0 25.6. Heating 6200 (230V) 100 100 90 90 80 80 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) 70 70 H7 H11 60 60 H11 H24 H7 50 50 H24 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Time (minutes) Time (minutes) Time to Temperature .Heating 4100/5150/6200 (100V) 100 90 Conditions: Factory ambient 80 Fluid water 5°C .90°C H7 Temperature (°C) 70 Nominal voltage H11 Pump condition 60 High speed 50 H24 Work area cover on 40 30 20 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Time (minutes) . Section 2 General Information Time to Temperature .Heating 4100/5150 (115V) Time to Temperature .Heating 4100/5150 (230V) Time to Temperature .Heating 6200 (115V) 100 100 90 90 80 80 Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C) 70 H11 70 H7 H7 60 60 H24 H11 H24 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time (minutes) Time (minutes) Time to Temperature . 4 x 347.4 *Lower temperature ranges available with supplemental cooling.4x 20.7 .9 Overall Dimensions (H x W x L) mm 348.1 x 642.7 lb 12. Section 2 General Information Open Heating Circulating Baths Specifications Polyphenylene oxide (PPO) Bath Circulators with 4100 Circulator H5P H14P H21P Temperature Range* Ambient +10 to 100°C Ambient +10 to 100°C Ambient +10 to 100°C Ambient +18 to 212°F Ambient +18 to 212°F Ambient +18 to 212°F Bath Volume liters 4.3 .8 15.1 x 25.0 .2 x 340.8 13.2 x 176.4 x 13.0 x 358.5 .4 x 13.7*** 341.4 6.8 .3 Overall Dimensions (H x W x L) mm 341.0 15.5 gallons 1.5 .1.5 x 15.0 17.19.7 Net Weight kg 6.22.1 .7 4.6 inches 13.7 8.3 Net Weight kg 5.2 9.4 341.0 10.8 7.3 13.5*** inches 13.7 x 7.0 x 16.7 x 14.3.4 3.5.1 x 17.4 mm to L for drain • Fisher Scientific reserves the right to change specifications without notice.4 4.9 gallons 1. **Add ~2.5 x 388.5.5.0 .7 13.6 x 406.1.4 x 13.7 lb 14.2 x 340.12.8 18.4 x 525.1 348.3.3 .0 x 358.14.1.1 21.6 . Equipment Ratings Ambient Temperature Range 10°C to 40°C (50°F to 104°F) Maximum Relative Humidity 80% at 31°C (88°F) Operating Altitude Sea Level to 2000 meters (6560 feet) Overvoltage Category II Pollution Degree 2 Degree of Protection IP 20 2-9 .8 2.7.1 .3 11.1 18.4 x 7.7 x 14.0 Transparent Acrylic Bath Circulators with 4100 Circulator H6A H12A H19A Temperature Range* Ambient +10 to 80°C Ambient +10 to 80°C Ambient +10 to 80°C Ambient +18 to 176°F Ambient +18 to 176°F Ambient +18 to 176°F Bath Volume liters 5.70 13.0 x 190.1 x 452.6 348. Section 2 General Information Wetted Materials Isotemp Circulators Stainless Steel Baths/Circulators Viton Stainless Steel 316 EPDM Stainless Steel 304 Ryton EPDM (drain fitting) Ultem Ryton Vectra Zotek-N (cover seal) Stainless Steel Transparent Acrylic Baths/Circulators Poly-acryl Polyphenylene oxide (PPO) Baths/ Circulators Polyphenylenoxid . • The immersion depth is 75 to 145 mm (~3 to 5 3/4"). Section 3 Installation Immersion Circulator The immersion circulator is designed for continuous operation and for indoor use.8 kilograms (8. Carefully install the immersion circulator to ensure it does not fall CAUTION into the bath or that its line cord does not make contact with the bath contents. Immersion Circulators come with either an adjustable clamp or are mounted on an adjustable bridge. • Your bath container must be sturdy enough to support the weight of the assembly. moisture. secure the bridge to your bath using the two supplied thumb- screws. approximately 3. • The immersion depth is 75 to 145 mm (~3 to 5 3/4"). or corrosive materials are present. approximately 3. .5 pounds). inadequate ventilation. • Slide the bridge support rods to the desired length and secure them in place with the supplied eight 3 mm Phillips Head screws. • The maximum wall thickness is 25 mm (~1"). For immersion circulators equipped with a clamp: • Attach and secure the clamp to your bath container. Only CAUTION Never place the immersion circulator in a location where excessive heat.5 pounds). For immersion circulators equipped with a bridge: • The bridge is designed to fit baths that are 400mm to 800 mm wide. • If possible. • Your bath container must be sturdy enough to support the weight of the assembly.8 kilograms (8. see below. eventually lead to premature compressor failure. moisture. Blocked ventilation will increase the bath's temperature. Ventilation Options Electrical The circulator construction provides protection against the risk of Requirements electrical shock by grounding appropriate metal parts. The circulator is intended for use on a dedicated outlet. Note If the circuit protector activates allow the temperature to cool before resetting. Ensure the electrical cords do not come in contact with any of the CAUTION plumbing connections or tubing. on refrigerated bath. . and is not intended as a substitute for branch circuit protection. Refrigerated baths should be left in an upright position for 24 hours at CAUTION room temperature before starting. The protection will not function unless the power cord is connected to a properly DANGER grounded outlet. CAUTION inadequate ventilation.Section 3 Installation Circulating Baths The circulator is designed for continuous operation and for indoor use. This will ensure the lubrication oil has drained back into the compressor. Contact us if it activates again. It is the user's responsibility to assure a proper ground connection is provided. or corrosive materials are present. Voltage deviations of ± 10% are permissible. The circulator's power cord is used as the disconnecting device. Never place the bath in a location where excessive heat. The outlet must be rated as suitable for the total power consumption of the bath. Refer to the nameplate on the rear of the circulator for specific electrical requirements. it CAUTION must be easily accessible at all times. The circuit protection is designed to protect the circulator. Position the bath so it is not difficult to operate the disconnecting device. Restart the circulator. Ventilation The bath can operate with 0 clearance on two exhaust sides as long as the third exhaust side has unrestricted air flow. reduce its cooling capacity and. • For all. connect the supplied line cord to the circulator and to a properly grounded outlet.3 2373 Country Specific R28 115/60/1 11.4 2396 Country Specific R35 115/60/1 14.8 1573 Country Specific R20/R20F 115/60/1 11.4 1662 N5-20 6200 100/50-60 15.1 1135 N5-15 230/50/1 5. • For all. ensure the communications cable from the bath is connected to the RJ45 connectors (similar to Ethernet) on the rear of the circulator. • For refrigerated baths.4 1135 N5-15 230/50/1 10.3 2138 Country Specific 1.5 1150 N5-15 230/50/1 6. The following power options are available: Unit Volts1/Hertz/Phase Amps2 Total Wattage Plug Type R20/R20F 115/60/1 11.7 1345 N5-15 4100/5150 100/50-60 11.3 2598 Country Specific All Heated Units 115/60/1 9. Section 3 Installation Ensure all communication and electrical connections are made CAUTION prior to starting the circulator and that the cords do not come in contact with any of the plumbing connections or tubing.3 1525 N5-20 230/50/1 7. Maximum amp draw 3-3 . ensure the line cord from the bath is securely connected to the rear of the circulator.9 1596 Country Specific R28 115/60/1 11.5 1150 N5-15 230/50/1 10.3 1304 N5-15 6200 100/50-60 10.8 1798 Country Specific R35 115/60/1 14. Volts ± 10% 2.3 11525 N5-20 230/50/1 11.6 1007 N5-15 4100/5150 100/50-60 10.4 1662 N5-20 4100/5150 100/50-60 15.5 1328 N5-15 6200 100/50-60 11.7 1345 N5-15 6200 100/50-60 11.1 1007 N5-15 230/50/1 9.5 1328 N5-15 4100 100/50-60 11.4 1135 N5-15 230/50/1 6.8 1338 Country Specific All Heated Units 115/60/1 11. 3 NA 8 NA 4 White 9 Red (4th wire not connected to the control board) 5.Section 3 Installation Ensure all communication and electrical connections are made CAUTION prior to starting the unit and that the cords do not come in contact with any of the plumbing connections or tubing. Line cord from bath (refrigerated baths only) Outlet Flow Return Flow 4100/5150 Immersion Circulator 6200 Remote 6200 USB Temperature Sensor Connection 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Remote Temperature Outlet Flow Return Flow 6200 Immersion Circulator Sensor (6200 Only) WARNING Never apply line voltage to the connection. • For all units. connect the supplied line cord to the controller and to a properly grounded outlet. Communications cable from bath I/O Circuit Protector Cable connection required for proper communication between the bath and the Line cord connection circulator. 6 NA . Pin Pin 1 White 7 Red 2. ensure the communications cable from the bath is connected to the RJ45 connectors (similar to Ethernet) on the rear of the controller. The optional remote temperature sensor is enabled using the controller. ensure the line cord from the bath is securely connected to the rear of the controller. • For all units. • For refrigerated units. see Section 4. do not remove this cap or reservoir fluid will overflow the tank. Ensure the electrical cords do not come in contact with any of the CAUTION plumbing connections or tubing. Ensure the electrical cords do not come in contact with any of the CAUTION plumbing connections or tubing. the plumbing connections can be closed with the supplied plate and union nuts. When using the internal bath only. Section 3 Installation External The plumbing connections for external circulation are located on the rear of the thermostat. 3-5 .D. it may be necessary to remove the circulator from the bath to access the nozzle. Note On 4100 and 5150 circulators. use a 19 mm backing CAUTION wrench when removing/installing the external connections. Remove the union nuts and plates to install the 8 mm or 12 mm hose barbs and clamps supplied with the unit. The connections are 16 mm O. is the return flow from the external application. Pump Nozzle (Typical) Note There is a second opening on the pump that is capped. is Circulation the outlet flow to the external application (supply side). cap the pump nozzle with the supplied fitting for maximum pressure to the external application. Ensure the supplied o-ring is installed on the nut. To prevent damage to the circulator's plumbing. Handling and disposal of liquids other than water should be done DANGER in accordance with the fluid manufacturers specification and/or the MSDS for the fluid used.Section 3 Installation Approved Fluids The user is always responsible for the fluid used. . DANGER Always adjust the unit's software to the fluid used. Fisher Scientific takes no responsibility for damages caused by the selection of an unsuitable bath fluid. frequent top-offs will be required. It will also create steam. safety concerns. CAUTION Never use 100% glycol. see Section 4. and environmental issues. Unsuitable bath fluids are fluids which: • are very highly viscous (much higher than 30 mPas at the respective working temperature) • have corrosive characteristics or • tend to break down at high temperatures For fluid selection consider application requirements. otherwise the CAUTION percentage of glycol will increase resulting in high viscosity and poor performance. material compatibility. Never use corrosive fluids with this unit. operating temperature range. The fluid information is only a guide since specifications may change. Water/glycol mixtures require top-offs with pure water. CAUTION When using water above 80°C closely monitor the fluid level. when selecting the heat transfer fluid. SIL 300 (6200 only): Silicone oil with a long life span (over 1 year) and negligible smell. Calcium tends to deposit itself on the heating element. Ensure. The amount of glycol added should cover a temperature range 5°C lower than the operating temperature of the particular application. Ensure the over temperature cut-off point is set lower than the fire CAUTION point for the heat transfer fluid selected. Heat transfer fluids are supplied with an EC Safety Data Sheet. Section 3 Installation 5°C to 95°C — Distilled Water or Deionized Water (up to 3 MΩ-cm) Normal tap water leads to calcareous deposits necessitating frequent unit decalcification. that no toxic gases DANGER can be generated. The heating capacity is reduced and service life shortened. The highest working temperature as defined by the EN 61010 (IEC CAUTION 1010) must be limited to 25°C below the fire point of the bath fluid. see table on next page. Excess glycol deteriorates the temperature accuracy due to its high viscosity. SYNTH 260 (6200 only): Synthetic thermal liquid with a medium life span (several months) and little smell annoyance. 3-7 . -30°C to 80°C — Water with Glycol Below 5°C water has to be mixed with a glycol. Flammable gases can build up over the fluid during usage. SIL 200 (5150 and 6200 only). This will prevent the water/ glycol from gelling (freezing) near the evaporating coil. . As an example.5 7-8 Resistivity 0. This will reduce the electrolytic potential of the water and prevent or reduce the galvanic corrosion observed.5-8. Eventually. fungi) 0 0 Inorganic Chemicals Calcium <25 <0. Recommendation: Initially fill the tank with distilled or deionized water.015 0 Magnesium <12 <0.Section 3 Installation Water Quality and Standards Process Fluid Permissible (PPM) Desirable (PPM) Microbiologicals (algae.01* 0.0 Sodium <20 <0. Do not use untreated tap water as the total ionized solids level may be too high.0 0.5 to 5.6 Chloride <25 <10 Copper <1.3 <0. The recommended level for use in a water system is between 0.05 Total Dissolved Solids <50 <10 Other Parameters pH 6. raw water in the United States averages 171 ppm (of NaCl).1 Manganese <0.1 Lead <0.3 Silicate <25 <1.0 ppm (of NaCl). These contaminants can function as electrolytes which increase the potential for galvanic cell corrosion and lead to localized corrosion such as pitting.020 ppm if fluid in contact with aluminum Iron <0. bacteria.03 Nitrates\Nitrites <10 as N 0 Potassium <20 <0.05 <0.1* * MΩ-cm (compensated to 25°C) Unfavorably high total ionized solids (TIS) can accelerate the rate of galvanic corrosion.05-0.3 <1. the pitting will become so extensive that refrigerant will leak into the water reservoir.3 Sulfate <25 <1 Hardness <17 <0. The low level warning is at approximately 4 cm (1 5/8”) below the top. especially a face shield and gloves. NOTE Monitor the fluid level whenever heating the fluid. Section 3 Installation Additional Fluid When working with fluids other than water: • Do not use any fluid until you have read and understood the label and Precautions the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). Also ensure any residue is thoroughly removed before filling the unit. 3-9 . Wear protective clothing and gloves. • Do not allow any ignition sources in the vicinity. • Avoid spattering on any of the unit's components. the low level fault is at approximately 5. • Ensure any fluid residue or any other material is thoroughly removed before filling the unit with a different fluid. attach an 8 mm id tube on the drain. place your containers into the bath before filling. When pumping to an external system. • slowly turn the drain plug until flow is observed. • Use fume hoods. see Section 7. keep extra fluid on hand to maintain the proper level in the circulating lines and the external system.5 cm (2 1/8”). When adding. Draining Before draining any fluid refer to the manufacturer’s MSDS and EC CAUTION safety data sheets for handling precautions. CAUTION Before using any fluid refer to the manufacturer’s MSDS and EC safety data sheets for handling precautions. ~40°C. oil-based fluids expand when heated. To avoid spilling. Ensure the fluid is at a safe handling temperature. With a low level WARNING the unit continues to run. pump and heater will shut down. with a FAULT the unit will shut the refrigeration. point the opening of a container away from yourself. If desired. • place a suitable vessel underneath the drain. always slowly add fluid. Avoid overfilling. • Always wear protective clothing. Filling Requirements Ensure the reservoir drain port on the front of the unit is closed and that all plumbing connections are secure. Section 3 Installation . Section 4 Operation Heated The Fisher Scientific Isotemp series of circulators have a digital display and easy-to-use touch pad. Circulator 60 80 40 100 20 120 °C ! esc Isotemp® This label indicates read the instruction manual before starting the circulator. Use this button to cancel any changes and to return the circulator to its previ- ous display. In some cases. acoustic and Immersion optical alarms and adjustable high temperature protection. Use this button to start/stop the circulator. it is also used to save changes. 4-1 . Use the adjacent dial for adjusting the High Temperature Cutout. Use these navigation arrows to move through the circulator displays and to adjust values. Details are explained later in this Section. to the displayed language. five programmable setpoint temperatures. Canceling a change can only be made before the change is saved. Use this button to place the circulator in and out of standby mode. if needed. This button is also used to make and save changes on the circulator's display screen. Note Holding for five seconds resets the display contrast to the default level and also brings up the language menu to make change. They are explained in detail later in this Section. SP1 Menu Reservoir Highlighted 20. CAUTION electrical and plumbing connections. Note After start.0°C In Fluid Start Symbol Temperature 24.2°C Start Display • Press . The circulator starts and the start symbol turns into a stop symbol ( ).0°C Note It will take 30 seconds for the compressor to start. The SP1 and Menu portions on the top of the display are used to view and/or change the circulator's settings. O The circulator will display System Standby. check external plumbing connections for leaks. • Press . double check all USB (optional). • Place the circuit protector located on the back of I the circulator to the I position. the Start Display appears. Stop Symbol 20. Before starting the circulator. Have D Start Up extra fluid on hand. . o not run the circulator until fluid is added to the bath. This will en- sure the lubrication oil has drained back into the compressor. If the circulator will not start refer to Section 6 Troubleshooting. if not use the arrow keys to navigate to the symbol. • Ensure the start symbol has a highlight box around it.Section 4 Operation Setup Refrigerated baths should be left in an upright position at room CAUTION temperature (~25°C) for 24 hours before starting. the circulator will display System Standby and it will be in the standby mode. press to toggle between the Start/Status Displays. Section 4 Operation Status Display If desired.2C Status Display Standby Mode Press . . Refrigeration Running Symbol Selected Reservoir Fluid Pump Running Symbol In Water Heater Running Symbol Reservoir Fluid Temperature 24. 2°C Use the up and down navigation arrows to bring up the desired setpoint and then press . press to save the change. SP1 MENU 20. 50°C. Once all the desired changes are made.0°C In 24.Section 4 Operation Changing the Note You cannot adjust the setpoint closer than 0. you can change the displayed setpoint value by using the navigation arrows to highlight the Setpoint Value Window and then pressing . . or beyond the Setpoint bath's temperature range. The procedure for changing the stored setpoint values is discussed later in this Section. SP2 MENU 35. Use the navigation arrows and move to the SP1 window and then press to highlight it as shown below. 70°C and 100°C.0°C Setpoint Value Window In 24. Note Using this procedure also changes the setpoint's stored value. see Fluids Type in this Section. The setpoint is the desired fluid temperature. The display on the Setpoint Value Window indicates the corresponding setpoint's stored value. Note The setpoint can be changed with the circulator running or not. Their factory default settings are 20°C.0°C Use the left and right arrows to move the cursor to the desired digit and then use the up and down arrows to change the value.1°C to either of the fluid's system limits.2°C If desired. Setpoint Value Window 35. SP1 through SP5. The right-most digit will have a cursor beneath it. 37°C. The circulator can store up to five setpoints. SP1 Menu Messages Settings Run Time System Configuration Password/Reset Menu See page 4-12. desired setting and then press to bring up additional submenus. use the down 2. SP1 Menu Application Settings Settings Display Options System Menu See page 4-7. Application Settings SP2 MENU Display Options 35. .0°C In Menu 24. Use the arrow buttons to highlight Menu 2. Press to return to the Start Display. is another way to return the display back to the Main Menu. Section 4 Operation Menu Displays The circulator uses menus to view/change the its settings. arrow button to highlight Menu. From any submenu display. Menu The Menu line. 1. Note The circulator does not need to be running to view/change these settings. you can press to return to the previous screen. Use the up and down arrow to highlight the and bring up the Main Menu Display. For all Menu displays. once is pressed to change a display.2°C Note Pressing from the Menu line returns you to the previous screen. 1. at the bottom of all the submenu displays. Menu Tree Menu Since the circulator can only display Settings System Section 4 Operation five lines of text at a time.01 Unit SP1 Glycol-Water ON 0. keep pressing the down arrow to view Messages any additional options. Application Settings Warnings Display Options Faults Temp.1 Pump SP2 Water OFF SP3 SP4 Pump Adjustment Temp.00C Francais High Warning 83. Units Configuration SP5 Energy Savings LOW C Level Setpoint HIGH ON F Password RTA int OFF K RTA ext Reset Set Clock Remote Sensor Language Calibration Alarms PID Settings Time ON English Temperature Alarms Deutch Date OFF High Fault 83.00C On/Off Timer Interfaces Low Warning 2.00C Low Fault 2.00C ON Time Serial Comm Display Contrast OFF Time Baud Low Level Warning Enabled Parity Contrast 32 Data Bits Stop Bits Display Delay Audible Alarms Optional Faults Delay 60 Warnings . Resolution Run Time Setpoints Fluids Type Auto Restart 0. 0°C The right-most digit will have a cursor beneath it. Use the left and right arrows to move the cursor to the desired digit and then use the up and down arrows to change the value. 4. The RTA can be set ±10°C (±18°F).Application Settings is used to view/adjust the circulator's five Setpoints and Real Temperature Adjustments (RTA) enable/disable the alarms. Note If display accuracy is required. the RTA should be set to -0.x SP2 RTA int xx.5°C. set the clock. Section 4 Operation Settings . After you enter a RTA value allow temperature to stabilize before verifying the temperature in the bath. As an example. Note Use the down arrow to display SP5. Note You cannot adjust the setpoint closer than 0. display the list. . and turn auto restart and energy savings on or off.x SP4 Menu Menu If this temperature on the Start/Status Displays does not accurately reflect the actual temperature in the reservoir. With Setpoints highlighted. set the pump speed. press to save the change or to cancel it.x SP3 RTA ext xx. turn the timer on or off. With the desired line highlighted press .1°C to either of the fluid's system limits. see Fluids Type in this Section. configure the interfaces (optional). SP1 SP1 xx. Press . 35. an RTA can be applied. we recom- mend repeating this procedure at various setpoint temperatures and on a regular basis. press to 3. Once all the desired changes are made. if the temperature is stabilized and displaying 20°C but a calibrated reference thermom- eter reads 20.5°C. 1. Use the up/down arrows to high- light the desired SP. With Application Settings highlighted Scroll down for additional options: press to view: Setpoints Set Clock Alarms On/Off Timer Fluid Type Auto Restart Pump Adjustment Energy Savings Menu Menu 2. change the fluid type. In both cases a message is displayed. or highlight Menu and press . With Alarms highlighted.0°C Menu Menu 3. Press .0°C Low Level Warning Low Warn 2. toggle the low level warning alarm on/off: Highlight the desired alarm and press to Temperature Alarms toggle between enable and disable mode. to save and return to the previous display. the audible alarm sounds. 1. High Warn cannot be set below Low Warn. .Section 4 Operation Alarms is used to view/adjust the high and low temperature alarm limits.0°C Audible Alarms High Warn 83. to save and return to the previous display. the audible alarm sounds. If the Fault temperature is exceeded the circulator shuts down and. or highlight Menu and press . press 1. Follow the same procedure used to change a setpoint. Low Fault cannot be set above High Warn.0°C Low Fault 2. 1. High Fault cannot be set below High Warn. With Low Level highlighted. to enable/disable the audible alarms and to configure the low level warning reaction. Highlight the desired limit and press . or highlight Menu and press . Press . If Warnings is enabled the alarm sounds when a warning occurs. press to to display the alarms. if enabled. press to 2. If Faults is enabled the alarm sounds when a fault occurs. Audible Alarms Faults Low Level Warning Warnings Menu Menu Press . if enabled. With Temperature Alarms highlighted. to save and return to the previous display. With Audible Alarms highlighted. If the Warn temperature is exceeded the circulator continues to run and. display: press to display: Temperature Alarms High Fault 83. Fluid temperature alarm limits 1. All circulators: Highlight the desired fluid and press to Distilled Water +98 +2 select it. press to High °C Low °C display the list of acceptable fluids. SIL 300 +203 +77 SYNTH 260 +203 +42 Pump Adjustment is used to review/set the Note The range is also limited by the bath tem- desired pump speed. press to display the speeds. Low High Menu . or SIL 200 +203 +17 highlight Menu and press . With the desired fluid selected press . With Pump Adjustment highlighted. see Section 2. to save and re- turn to the previous display. With Fluid Type highlighted. Highlight the desired speed and press to select it. 1. Section 4 Operation Fluids Type is used to identify the type of fluid used. perature range. DI Water (up to 3 Ω) +98 +2 Water EG-Water +103 -35 EG-Water PG-Water +103 -23 PG-Water SIL 200 5150 circulators: Menu SIL 200 +153 +17 6200 circulators: 2. The circulator uses the fluid type to automati- cally set certain operating parameters. press to Available options: display the list of parameters.XX I: 2013-01-14 08:00:00 Menu O: 2013-01-14 13:45:00 Enable Menu After setting the on and off times select Enable to activate the timer. the circulator will automati- cally restart after a power failure or power interruption condition. 600. 1. NOTE Consider any possible risks before enabling this mode of operation. 1. Odd. With Interfaces highlighted. With Auto Restart highlighted. This can result in substantial energy savings over the life of the circulator. Enabling the mode saves energy by reducing the heater power and cooling requirements. 1. Interfaces is used to enable/configure the optional serial communications feature. 2 Data Bits Menu See the Appendix for additional information. 4800. to view the available options. RS485. 1.month . press to toggle between enable and disable.day). 2400. With optional Remote Sensor highlighted. With Energy Saving highlighted. When enabled. circulator's timer. 9600. Serial Comm RS232. Off Highlight the desired parameter and press Baud 19200. With On/Off Timer highlighted. 1200.Section 4 Operation Set Clock is used to set the circulator's time On/Off Timer is used to enable and set the (hr : min : sec) and date (year . The Energy Saving mode is primarily designed for applications running under a stable load.XX . Energy Saving is used to enable the energy savings mode. press XX : XX : XX to display the on ( I ) and off (O) time as well as the enable box. 300 Serial Comm Parity None. Even Baud Data Bits 8 Parity Stop Bits 1. . The default setting is ON. . press to toggle between enable and disable. The default is disable except for R35 baths which have an enable default. Auto Restart is used to enable the auto restart feature. press to toggle between enable and disable. XXXX . 1. With Temp. With Language highlighted press . temperature scale. Press again and use the up/down arrows Press . Unit highlighted press . the Temperature Resolution. resolution. 1. if needed. Section 4 Operation Settings . Use the up/down arrows to highlight the desired Press . press again. to the displayed language. With the desired con- trast showing. English Contrast 32 Deutsch Francais Menu Menu Note Holding for five seconds resets the display contrast to the default level and also brings up the language menu to make a change. C 0. 2. . language.01 F 0. Resolution highlighted Use the up/down arrows to highlight the desired press . With Display Contrast highlighted press Use the up/down arrows to highlight the desired . With Temp. the displayed Language. keys to change the contrast.Display Options is used to view/adjust the circulator's the Temperature Units. the Display Contrast and the Display Delay.1 K Menu Menu 3. 4. Press . Once the desired delay is displayed press again to save. . press to toggle between the Start/Status Displays. Use the up/down arrows to change the delay time Menu to the desired value. use the up/down arrows to highlight the time and press again. in this example after 60 seconds.0°C Water 24.Section 4 Operation 5.2°C 24. With Delay highlighted press to en. SP1 Menu 20. 60 sec Next. if no arrows keys on the circulator are pressed the Start Display will change to the Status Display after the delay expires. Delay able/disable it.2C Start Display Status Display If desired. With Delay enabled and the Start Display showing. 1. With Configuration highlighted. Unit xxx hours Pump xxx hours Menu System Configuration is used to view the circulator's configuration. Warnings Faults Menu System Run Time is used to view the circulator (Unit) and pump operating hours. With Messages highlighted. Section 4 Operation System Messages is used to view any Warning or Fault messages. FW XXXXXXX.A Checksum XXXX Bath R20. press to display the settings. 1. press to display the times. 115V FW XXXXXXX. 1. press to display the options.A Menu . Head 4100 Note Non refrigerated baths display Bath Unknown. With Run Time highlighted. Section 4 Operation System . . The circulator enters the stand by mode. A confirmation message will appear. the temperature sensor calibration procedure and displays PID values. If desired. 1. see page 4-15. Press and change the number to 1. press again. Changing the password enables the reset options. highlight Reset and press to display: Reset user settings Reset PID settings Reset both Menu Highlight the desired reset option and press .Password/Reset is used only by a qualified technician. Calibration Menu Scroll down to display PID Tuning. 1. With Password/Reset highlighted. press 2. to display: Level User Level User Password 0 Password 1 Menu Menu 3. It also resets to the Password 1 User mode whenever the Start/Status Display is Reset displayed continuously for 10 minutes. Press to display: Note The circulator resets to the User mode Level Operator whenever the it is turned off. enter the temperature read off a reference thermometer. To calibrate the temperature sensor highlight 2.x Low xx.x Internal RTD xx. press to 4. Once stable.x High xx. bilize. .x Menu Menu 5. press Calibration and press to display: to display: Internal RTD Calibrate External RTD Restore User Cal Save User Cal Restore Factory Cal Menu Menu 3. Highlight the SP temperature box and enter display: either the desired high or low setpoint value.x Internal RTD xx.x High xx.x Calibrate SP xx.x Calibrate SP xx. Highlight Calibrate and the press to temperature. 7. 1.x Calibrate SP xx. Internal RTD xx. Internal RTD xx.x Low xx.x Calibrate SP xx. complete the procedure. Section 4 Operation Note Ensure the RTA is set to 0 before doing a calibration.x High xx.x Low xx. Another option is to restore the factory calibration values by highlighting Restore Factory Cal and pressing . Repeat for the other calibration point.x High xx. You can later restore the same calibration by highlighting Restore User Cal and pressing . With Calibrate highlighted. Press and enter the desired calibration 6. With the desired sensor highlighted.x Low xx. Allow the RTD temperature to sta.x Menu Menu Once the calibration is complete you can store it into memory by selecting Save User Cal and pressing . P xx. With PID Tuning highlighted.xx D = 0. press to change the value.and then press again. the adjustable High Temperature Cutout (HTC) ensures the heater does not exceed temperatures that can cause Cutout serious damage. The cutout is not preset and must be adjusted. Start the circulator. A temperature sensor is located in the bath fluid. Highlight the desired PID and press to display: display: Cool PID P xx. see Section 6. Adjust the setpoint for a few degrees higher than the highest desired fluid temperature and allow the bath to stabilize at the temperature setpoint.0 I = 0.xx Menu Menu 3 . if disabled use the Start Up procedure. . Note We recommend periodically rechecking operation or if the circulator is moved. 40 215 °C In the event of a fault the circulator will shut down and displays a fault HTC (Temperature range varies message.Section 4 Operation 1. The cause of the fault must be identified and with type of circulator. Then slowly turn the red dial counterclockwise until the circulator shuts down and the message appears.xx D x.x Heat PID I x. An 110 145 HTC fault occurs when the temperature of the sensor exceeds the set 75 180 temperature limit.x Factory values are: I x.10 D x. with the circulator off use a flat head screwdriver to turn the red dial fully clockwise. Press to clear the message. press to 2. To restart the circulator press the black ring surrounding the red dial .) corrected before it can be restarted. Before you can restart the bath it has to cool down a few degrees. If Auto Restart is enabled the circulator will restart. If required.xx P = 05. To set the cutout.00 Menu High Temperature To protect your application. Using any other means to shut the circulator down can O CAUTION reduce the life of the compressor. the compressor may take up to 10 min- Restarting utes before it starts to operate. SP1 Menu Stop Symbol 20. the circulator will display System Standby and enters the standby mode. Circulator Press .0°C In 24. Note When quickly restarting. The circulator will stop and the stop symbol will turn into a start symbol ( ). if not use the arrow keys to navi- gate to the symbol. I Shut Down Place the circuit protector to the O position. The circuit protector is not intended to act as a disconnecting CAUTION means. . Section 4 Operation Stopping the Ensure the stop symbol is highlighted.2°C Power Down Press . Always turn the circulator off and disconnect it from its supply CAUTION voltage before moving it. Section 4 Operation Decommissioning/ Disposal Decommissioning prepares equipment for safe and secure transportation. Laboratory Grade Ethylene glycol (EG) is poisonous and flam- WARNING mable. If necessary. Note Keep in mind any impact your application may have had on the circulator. Decommissioning must be performed only by qualified dealer using CAUTION certified equipment. Consider decommissioning the circulator when: • It fails to maintain desired specifications • It no longer meets safety standards • It is beyond repair for its age and worth Refrigerant (R134A) and oil (POE or Ester) must be recovered from equipment before disposal. Service and Customer Support. when removing the circulator from storage allow it time to warm up and dry out in order to prevent any condensation issues. All prevailing regulations must be followed. Direct questions about chiller decommissioning or disposal to our Sales. . Handling and disposal should be done in accordance with the manu- CAUTION facturers specification and/or the MSDS for the material used. CAUTION The circulator can be stored for up to 90 days inside the temperature range of -25°C to +60°C (-13°F to +140°F). Before disposing refer to the manufacturer’s most current MSDS for handling precautions. Storage If the circulator is to be transported and/or stored in cold temperatures it needs to be drained and then flushed with a 50/50 laboratory grade glycol/water mixture. Normal stainless steel cleaners can be used. WARNING Before performing any preventive maintenance refer to the manufacturer’s most current MSDS for handling precautions.. The inside of the bath must be kept clean in order to ensure a long service life. Disconnect the power cord prior to performing any maintenance. There are no user serviceable components within the equipment panels. Apply these substances according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Switch off the circulator and unplug the power cord. Hoses Inspect and tighten the external hoses and clamps daily. Use water and a soft cloth. the bath's stainless steel surfaces may show spots and become Cleaning tarnished. Clean the fins with compressed air. Section 5 Preventive Maintenance Laboratory Grade Ethylene glycol (EG) is poisonous and flammable. in order to maintain the cooling capacity clean the fins Condenser Fins two to four times per year. depending on the operating environment.g. For extreme soiling a qualified technician will need to remove the cooling compressor casing. After time. CAUTION Do not use scouring powder. CAUTION Handle the circulator with care. If corrosion (e. sudden jolts or drops can damage its components. Clean the bath vessel and built-in components at least every time the bath liquid is changed. 5-1 . For cleaning the baths do not use any substances which contain CAUTION solvents. cleaning with stainless steel caustic agents has proved to be suitable. For refrigerated baths. Quickly remove substances containing acidic or alkaline substances and metal shavings as they could harm the surfaces causing corrosion. small rust marks) should occur in spite of this. CAUTION Limit acrylic baths maximum high temperature setting to 80°C. We recommend checking Features at least twice a year or if the circulator is moved. Switch on the circulator and ensure it shuts down at the set cut-off temperature. If the circulator does not shut down have it checked by a qualified technician. See Section 6 for details on error messages. Low liquid level protection With the circulator on. Reset the safety to the desired temperature. 5-2 . use a screwdriver and slowly push down on the float switch sensor until the Low Level Cutout error message appears. High temperature protection Set a cut-off temperature that is lower than the desired setpoint temperature. If the message does not appear have the circulator checked by a qualified technician.Section 5 Preventive Maintenance Testing the Safety The safety features for high temperature protection and low liquid level protection must be checked at regular intervals. 5 cm below the tank top it is a low level fault. • if not. high temperature protection limit exceeded • check limit setting • allow circulator to cool down to at least 10°C cooler than the HTC setting • reset HTC by pressing black ring • set HTC to desired setting 6-1 . If Auto start is enabled the circulator will restart. refrigeration shut down with a fault. Once the cause of the error message is identified and corrected. pump and. if enabled. A fault also sounds the alarm.on circulators with an HTC error press the black ring surrounding the red dial - and then for all circulators press the enter key again. if applicable. to restart the circulator . Section 6 Troubleshooting Error Displays Error messages are cleared by pressing the enter key ( ). Fill fluid to proper level. FAULT: HTC/Low Level Fault PRESS ENTER Error Message (Typical) Fault Displays The heating element. Cutout • the refrigeration may need servicing HTC/Low Level • if the fluid level is greater than approximately Fault 5. • circulator's nonadjustable high temperature protection limit exceeded • check fluid selection • check environmental conditions High Temperature • adjustable high temperature protection limit exceeded • check limit setting • check fluid selection • ensure circulator has adequate ventilation High Temperature • check voltage supply Refrigeration • the refrigeration may need servicing HPC • check for obstructions to air flow High Press. if disabled use the Start Up procedure. Message Action High Fixed Temp. • circulator's nonadjustable low temperature protection limit exceeded • check fluid selection Low Temperature • adjustable low temperature protection limit exceeded • check limit setting • check fluid selection Motor Fault • it can take over 10 minutes for the motor temperature to get low enough before the circulator can be restarted MOL • allow circulator to cool down Motor Overload Open RTD1 • open internal temperature sensor Internal Open RTD2 • open external temperature sensor External Shorted RTD1 • shorted internal temperature sensor Internal Shorted RTD2 • shorted external temperature sensor External Warning Displays The circulator will continue to run with a warning.Section 6 Troubleshooting LLC • reservoir fluid level too low for safe operation Low Level Cutout • check fluid level • check for leaks Low Fixed Temp. A warning also sounds the alarm. Bad Calibration • redo calibration High Temperature • adjustable high temperature protection limit exceeded • check limit setting • check fluid selection Low Level • reservoir fluid level too low for safe operation • check fluid level Low Temperature • adjustable low temperature protection limit exceeded • check limit setting • check fluid selection 6-2 . if enabled. Make sure supply voltage is connected and matches the circulator's nameplate rating ±10%. 6-3 . Section 6 Troubleshooting Checklist Circulator will not start Check for error displays. Inadequate temperature control Verify the setpoint. Ensure the circuit protector is in the on ( I ) position. On refrigerated baths. This can be caused by low fluid. make sure the condenser is free of dust and debris. Restart the circulator. Circulator shuts down Ensure button wasn't accidently pressed. Check for error codes. make sure your application's heat load does not exceed the rated specifications.g. the application load is being turned on and off or rapidly changing). Check the fluid concentration. operating circulator in a high ambient temperature condition or excessively confined space. see Error Displays in this section. if necessary. Check for high thermal gradients (e. Make sure supply voltage matches the circulator's nameplate rating ±10%.. The pump motor overloaded. Ensure the circuit protector is in the on ( I ) position. Make sure supply voltage matches nameplate rating ±10%. Ensure installation complies with the site requirements in Section 3. Fill. Circulator will not circulate process fluid Check the reservoir level. Make sure supply voltage is connected and matches the circulator's nameplate rating ±10%. If the temperature continues to rise. No display Recycle the circulator's circuit protector. Allow time for the motor to cool down. Check the application for restrictions in the cooling lines. debris in system. The pump's internal overtemperature overcurrent device will shut off the pump causing the flow to stop. ftdichip.htm for instructions. 6-4 .Section 6 Troubleshooting USB Driver Not Recognized If your operating system does not automatically recognize the optional driver log on to: http://www.com/FTDrivers. Commands are listed in the Commands Table. Information on the NC. the chiller responds with an error command. The chiller response must be received before the host sends the next command. the chiller responds with the requested data.com/FTDrivers. Commands are not case sensitive. insert. Exceeding the timeout will clear the receiver buffer and require the message to re retransmitted. Set command messages missing the space character between the command and the setting will be rejected. [V] A value that can be requested in a read command or sent as part of a set command. and symbols are shown in the Key Table. Note Keypad operation is still available with serial communications enabled. [VMIN] Minimum allowed value. The tables show all commands available. etc. Part of error message when set value is too low. If the command is not understood. The host sends a command embedded in a single communications packet. [U] Text representing the units associated with a value. will include the units [U] associated with that value or setting. Termination character: A carriage return [CR] is used to terminate command and response messages. If your operating system does not automatically recognize the optional driver log on to: http://www. 1 = On. [CR] Carriage return – used as the termination character.ftdichip. A set command sending an analog value will not include the units. as the user’s intent is unclear. error responses are given in the Errors Table. TRUE or Enable(d)). Note Special characters (backspace.htm for instructions. FALSE or Disable(d). while set commands send analog or bit settings. [VMAX] Maximum allowed value. Key Symbol Meaming [B] A binary value 0 or 1 (0 = Off.) Note The inter-character timeout (time between transmitted characters) is set to 30 seconds. STANDARD and NAMUR protocols is available upon request.) are not recognized by the protocol and generate error responses. Otherwise. All commands must be entered in the exact format shown in the tables on the following pages. Chiller responses are either the requested data or an error message. 1 . (Typically the “Enter” key on the keyboard. Note This appendix assumes you have a basic understanding of communications protocols.Appendix AC Serial Communications Protocol Serial communication is accomplished through the USB port on the chiller. their format and responses. Upper or lower case letters may be used. delete. The units returned by the complementary read command are assumed. then waits for the chiller’s response. Part of error message when set value is too high. Units: A read command returning an analog [V] value or setting. Read commands return values with the same displayed precision. Value: Read commands return analog [V] or bit [B] values or settings. Paused 2 . Running.K Read Unit On RO [B] Read External Probe Enabled RE [B] Read Auto Restart Enabled RAR [B] Read Energy Saving Mode REN [B] Read Time RCK hh:mm:ss Read Date RDT mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy Read Date Format RDF mm/dd/yyyy or dd/mm/yyyy / / Read Ramp Status RRS Stopped. Commands Table: Commands All messages from master and slave are terminated with a carriage return [CR] Command Description Notes Master Sends Sample Slave Response (echo off) Alternate units Read Temperature Internal RT [V]C FK Read Temperature 2 External RT2 [V]C FK Read Displayed Setpoint RS [V]C FK Read Internal RTA1 – Internal RTA5 RIRTA1 – 5 [V]C FK Read External RTA1 – External RTA5 RERTA1 .5 [V]C FK Read Setpoint X (X = 1 to 5) RSX [V]C FK Read High Temperature Fault RHTF [V]C FK Read High Temperature Warn RHTW [V]C FK Read Low Temperature Fault RLTF [V]C FK Read Low Temperature Warn RLTW [V]C FK Read Proportional Heat Band Setting RPH [V]% Read Proportional Cool Band Setting RPC [V]% Read Integral Heat Band Setting RIH [V]Repeats per minute Read Integral Cool Band Setting RIC [V]Repeats per minute Read Derivative Heat Band Setting RDH [V]Minutes Read Derivative Cool Band Setting RDC [V]Minutes Read Temperature Precision RTP [V] Read Temperature Units RTU [V] C.F. V3.F.Commands All messages from master and slave are terminated with a carriage return [CR] Command Description Notes Master Sends Sample Slave Response (echo off) Alternate units Read Firmware Version RVER [V] Read Firmware Checksum RSUM [V] Read Unit Fault Status RUFS [V1. V5] See page 5 Set Displayed Setpoint SS [V] OK Set Internal RTA1 – Internal RTA5 SIRTA1 – SIRTA5 [V] OK Set External RTA1 – External RTA5 SERTA1 – SERTA5 [V] OK Set Setpoint X (X = 1 to 5) SSX [V] OK Set High Temperature Fault SHTF [V] OK Set High Temperature Warning SHTW [V] OK Set Low Temperature Fault SLTF [V] OK Set Low Temperature Warning SLTW [V] OK Set Proportional Heat Band Setting SPH [V] OK Set Proportional Cool Band Setting SPC [V] OK Set Integral Heat Band Setting SIH [V] OK Set Integral Cool Band Setting SIC [V] OK Set Derivative Heat Band Setting SDH [V] OK Set Derivative Cool Band Setting SDC [V] OK Set Temperature Resolution STR [V] OK Set Temperature Units STU [V] C.M.K OK Set Unit On Status SO [B] OK Set External Probe On Status SE [B] OK Set Auto Restart Enabled SAR [B] OK Set Energy Saving Mode SEN [V] OK Set Pump Speed SPS [V] L. V2 .H OK Set Ramp Number SRN [V] OK 3 . V4. Errors Table: Errors Error Description Notes Slave Responds Not defined. SO 1 with low level) ? Failed 4 .g. not implemented or incorrectly formatted ? Unsupported command Extra characters… ? Format error Set value too high ? Maximum allowed is [VMAX] Set value too low ? Minimum allowed is [VMIN] Argument to binary set command not 0 or 1 ? Value must be 0 or 1 Set command attempted while in read only mode ? Mode is read only Set command failed (e. decimal hex B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 16 10 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 32 20 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 64 40 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 128 80 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Value Description of bits B0 – b5 unused V1 B6 rtd1 shorted B7 rtd1 open B0 HTC fault V2 B1 high RA temperature fault B2 – b7 unused B0 low level warn B1 lo temperature warn B2 high temperature warn B3 low level fault V3 B4 lo temperature fault B5 high temperature fault B6 low temperature fixed fault B7 high temperature fixed fault B0 PWM heat duty cycle > 0 B1 compressor On/Off B2 Pump On status B3 Unit On status V4 B4 Unit Stopping B5 Unit fault status B6 unused B7 Beeper On status B0 Pump speed fault B1 MOL fault B2 HPC fault B3 Cool Icon On steady (unit is cooling at max capacity) V5 B4 Cool Icon flashing (unit is B5 Heat Icon On steady B6 Heat Icon flashing B7 External sensor controlling 5 . Each individual bit of the value represents a different warning.RUFS Read Unit Fault Status This command returns 5 values. These are decimal representations of hexadecimal values. fault or status. 0 C CR Command [CR] [V] [U] [CR] Accepted Read Temperature 2: Host: R T 2 CR Controller: 2 0 . Examples: Set Setpoint: Read Temperature: Host Host S S 2 0 CR R T CR Command [V] [CR] Command [CR] Controller: Controller: O K CR 2 0 .Refer to Key table on page 1 for explanation of symbols and their meanings. 0 C [CR] Set Setpoint to -22°C when minimum allowed is -20°C: Minimum allowed is [VMIN] Host: S S .2 2 CR Controller: ? M i n i m u m a l l o w e d i s .2 0 CR 6 . 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