Usefull Civil Engineering Calculation.pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: Anghel Castillo | Category: Sand, Concrete, Brick, Engineering, Nature



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Investment Trends on Singapore CFD & FX report 2016 CONCRETE GRADE: M5 = 1:4:8 M10= 1:3:6 M15= 1:2:4 M20= 1:1.5:3 M25= 1:1:2 CATEGORIES­civil­engineering­calculation/ 1/7 WATER RETAINING STRUCTURES : 20/30 mm Seminar Reports WEIGHT OF ROD PER METER LENGTH: Site Engineer DIA WEIGHT PER METER Social https://www.B report.php/2016/09/03/usefull­civil­engineering­calculation/ 2/7 .Petrol – 690 Kg / M3 Design Spreadsheets CLEAR COVER Entrance Exams TO MAIN Singapore’s REINFORCEMEN Estimation best value* T: Estimation and Costing CFD provider 1.Cement – 1440 Kg / M3 Checklist 3.RAFT Finishing Work *Investment Trends Singapore CFD & FX FOUNDATION.Bitumen – 1340 Kg / M3 Bridge Engineering 2.FLAT SLAB : 20 mm Reinforcement 11.COLUMN : 40 mm Laboratory Tests 7.Pig Iron – 7200 Kg / M3 Civil PC Application 7.Gold – 19224 Kg / M3 Civil Engineer 4. 2016 Gendral Civil Engineering OTTOM/SIDES : 75 mm Instruments 4.SLABS : 15 mm Quotation 10.RET.SHEAR WALL : 25 mm Quantity Surveyor 8. A.STRAP BEAM : 50 mm IS Codes 5.RAFT Field Testing Losses can exceed FOUNDATION.onlinecivilforum.STAIRCASE : 15 mm 12.GRADE SLAB : 20 mm 6.C Sheets – 17 kg / M2 Construction Tips 10.Cast Iron – 7650 Kg / M3 Concrete Technology 8.530 Construction Material 9.10/1/2017 Usefull Civil Engineering Calculation Weight of Engineering Materials Architecture Autocad Projects 1.FOOTINGS : 50 Famous Project mm Open an account 2. WALL : 20/ 25 mm on earth Safety Protection 13.Wrought Iron – 7700 Kg / M3 Civil Engineering Jobs – 11374 Kg / M3 Construction Company 2.Ice – 913 Kg / M3 Civil Engineering App Civil Engineering Ebooks 5.T deposits Field Tests OP : 50 mm 3.BEAMS : 25 mm 9. 7% Fresh concrete density: 2430 Kg/ M 3 M25 ( 1 : 2.ft 1unit-100cu.76sq.php/2016/09/03/usefull­civil­engineering­calculation/ 3/7 .14/4)x D x D X 1×7850 (if D is in mm ) So = ((3.14/4)x D x D X 1 (for 1m length) Density of Steel=7850 kg/ cub meter Weight = Volume x Density=(3.14/4)x D x D X 1×7850)/(1000×1000) = Dodd/162.83cu.ft 1hectare-2.6sq.ft 1acre-43560sq.5 mm Jelly : 455 Kg/ M 3 River sand : 794 Kg/ M 3 Total water : 176 Kg/ M 3 Admixture : 0.888 Kg Uncategorized 16mm = 1.28cu.27) https://www.onlinecivilforum.ft 1 M LENGTH STEEL ROD I ITS VOLUME V=(Pi/4)*Dia x DiaX L=(3.853 Kg 32mm = 6.ft 1cu.27 DESIGN MIX: M10 ( 1 : 3.2.m 1ground-2400sq.616 Kg Surveying 12mm = 0.55) Cement : 320 Kg/ M 3 20 mm Jelly : 683 Kg/ M 3 12.48 : 3.3048m 1m-3.395 Kg 10mm = 0.724sq.10/1/2017 Usefull Civil Engineering Calculation 6mm = 0.62) Cement : 210 Kg/ M 3 20 mm Jelly : 708 Kg/ M 3 Structural 8mm = 0.530 1cent-435.ft 2.ft.92 : 5.466 Kg Vastu 25mm = 3.865 Kg 1bag cement-50kg 1feet-0.5 mm Jelly : 472 Kg/ M 3 River sand : 823 Kg/ M 3 Total water : 185 Kg/ M 3 Fresh concrete density: 2398 Kg/M 3 M20 ( 1 : 2.m-35.m 1square-100sq.28ft 1sq.313 Kg 40mm = 9.m-10.28 : 3.578 Kg 20mm = 2.47acre 1acre-100cent-4046. 5 mm Jelly : 421 Kg/ M 3 River sand : 735 Kg/ M 3 Total water : 200 Kg/ M 3 Admixture : 0.87) Cement : 380 Kg/ M 3 20 mm Jelly : 654 Kg/ M 3 12.23) Cement : 450 Kg/ M 3 https://www.80+15.6% Fresh concrete density: 2414 Kg/ M 3 Note: sand 775 + 2% moisture.5 = 164 Liters.26) Cement : 450 Kg/ M 3 20 mm Jelly : 626 Kg/ M 3 12.php/2016/09/03/usefull­civil­engineering­calculation/ 4/7 .5 mm Jelly : 445 Kg/ M 3 River sand : 775 Kg/ M 3 Total water : 185 Kg/ M 3 Admixture : 0.7% M40 ( 1 : 1.onlinecivilforum.14. Water185 -20.39) Cement : 430 Kg/ M 3 20 mm Jelly : 618 Kg/ M 3 12.58 : 2.5 mm Jelly : 412 Kg/ M 3 River sand : 718 Kg/ M 3 Water Cement ratio : 0.7% Fresh concrete density: 2400 Kg/ M 3 Note: sand = 735 + 2%.7% Fresh concrete density: 2420 Kg/ M 3 Note: Sand = 760 Kg with 2% moisture(170.5 mm Jelly : 417 Kg/ M 3 River sand : 727 Kg/ M 3 + Bulk age 1% Water Cement ratio : 0.67 : 2.57) Cement : 410 Kg/ M 3 20 mm Jelly : 632 Kg/ M 3 12.44 : 2.5 mm Jelly : 436 Kg/ M 3 River sand : 760 Kg/ M 3 Total water : 187 Kg/ M 3 2. Admixture = 0.30. Water = 200.7% M50 ( 1 : 1. Admixture = 0.7% Note: Sand = 718 + Bulk age 1% M45 ( 1 : 1.530 Admixture : 0.43 Admixture : 0.7 = 185.5% is 100ml M30 ( 1 : 2 : M35 ( 1 : 1.10/1/2017 Usefull Civil Engineering Calculation Cement : 340 Kg/ M 3 20 mm Jelly : 667 Kg/ M 3 12.79 : 2.43 Admixture : 0. 36 (188 Kg) Admixture : 1.1 x0.942 kg So 20 N/ mm2 = 203.01 cm2 1 cm2 = 100 mm2 1 mm2 = 20 N 100 mm2 = 2000N 1 cm2 = 2000N 2000 N = 203.101971 kg 1 mm2 = 0.09 X 0. etc. Rectangle.20%3 Micro silica : 30 Kg Super ៯�ow 6..2 x 0.5 and the total volume for using mix=1.10/1/2017 Usefull Civil Engineering Calculation 20 mm Jelly : 590 Kg/ M 3 12.09 =0.002 cu. Volume of 1st class brick = 0.5:3 then volume is 1+1.0936YARD A rope having length 100cm.1=0.5+3=5.6093 KILOMETER ACRE = 0.m= 1/volume of1st class brick with motor =1/0.530 STANDARD CONVERSION FACTORS INCH = 25.942 kg / cm2 RATIO IS 1:1.onlinecivilforum.m Volume of 1st class brick with motor =0.002 = 500 no’s of bricks 2.m No.3048 METRE YARD = METRE MILE = 1.You can form any shape using this rope (Example: Triangle.57 m3 then cement required Related Post https://www.19 x 0.4 MILLIMETRE FOOT = 0.7% of cement 1 cubic meter contains 500 bricks The Standard size of the 1st class brick is 190mmx 90mm x90mm and motor joint should be 10mm thick So brick with motor=200 x 100 x 100.4047 HECTARE POUND = 0.4536 KILOGRAM DEGREE FARENHEIT X 5/9 – 32 = DEGREE CELSIUS MILLIMETRE= 0.).5 mm Jelly : 483 Kg/ M 3 River sand : 689 Kg/ M 3 + Bulk age 12% Water Cement ratio : 0.0394 INCH METRE = 3. on bricks per 1cu.001539 cu. Which shape will covers maximum area 1 Newton = o.2808FOOT METRE = 1.php/2016/09/03/usefull­civil­engineering­calculation/ 5/7 . 5K 2.530  CIVIL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING CALCULATION  PREVIOUS NEXT  Salary in Dubai For Quantity Civil Engineer Estimation & Project Planning Software RECENT POSTS TOP POSTS PAGES CONTACT US Recruitment of Site Recruitment of Site Collection Of Civil J Thomas Britto Engineer (Civil) in NPCC Engineer (Civil) in NPCC Engineering Design Civil Engineer.10/1/2017 Usefull Civil Engineering Calculation Types of Reservoirs Mivan shuttering Checklist For Column Water-Cement Ratio Concreting 2. India Recruitment for the post Spreadsheet [email protected]/site/index.530 Development length and CHECK LIST FOR QUALITY Lap length CONTROL OF RCC WORKS Tweet Like 2.onlinecivilforum.php/2016/09/03/usefull­civil­engineering­calculation/ 6/7 .co Recruitment for the post of Site Engineer in NHAI m of Site Engineer in NHAI Disclaimer List of Civil Engineering Working Hours 9am to Architectural Blueprint Softwares Privacy Policy 6pm Symbols Usefull Civil Engineering Terms and Conditions Calculation https://www. 10/1/2017 Usefull Civil Engineering Calculation Civil Engineering Basic FIELD TIPS FOR Knowledge INSPECTION OF REINFORCEMENT Determination of Speci៯�c Points to be Observed in Gravity of Soil Supervising Brick Masonry Constructions Calculation of Cement and Sand Quantity for Plastering Water-Cement Ratio Copyright © 2017 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes https://www.php/2016/09/03/usefull­civil­engineering­calculation/ 7/7 .
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