U.S. Navy Diesel Engine Inspector Handbook Part 1

March 23, 2018 | Author: Theron Andersen | Category: Marine Propulsion, Steam, Gas Turbine, United States Navy, Ships



S9233-CJ-HBK-010 0920-LP-118-1600 S9233-CJ-HBK-01FU. S. NAVY DIESEL ENGINE INSPECTOR HANDBOOK PART 1 INSPECTION PROCEDURES DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT B: DISTRIBUTION AUTHORIZED TO U. S. GOVERNMENT AGENCIES ONLY; THIS PUBLICATION IS REQUIRED FOR OFFICIAL USE OF ADMINISTRATIVE OR OPERATIONAL PURPOSES: (DATE OF PUBLICATION, 15 NOV 1996). OTHER REQUESTS MUST BE REFERRED TO THE NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND (SEA-09T). WARNING: THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS TECHNICAL DATA WHOSE EXPORT IS RESTRICTED BY THE ARMS EXPORT CONTROL ACT (TITLE 22, U.S.C. 2751 ET. SEQ) OR EXECUTIVE ORDER 12470. VIOLATIONS OF THESE EXPORT LAWS ARE SUBJECT TO SEVERE CRIMINAL PENALTIES. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: DESTROY BY ANY METHOD THAT WILL PREVENT DISCLOSURE OF CONTENTS OR RECONSTRUCTION OF THIS DOCUMENT. PUBLICATION BY DIRECTION OF COMMANDER, NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND 30 NOV 1988 CHANGE F 30 Oct 2002 RECORD OF CHANGES CHANGE RECORD CHANGE NUMBER A DATE 28 JUN 91 TITLE AND/OR BRIEF DESCRIPTION DELETED THE WORDS “AND CALIBRATED” FROM ITEM 12-A ON PAGE D8-6 ADDED ISOTTA FRASCHINI INSPECTION ADDED INSPECTION CRITERIA FOR FAIRBANKS-MORSE AUXILIARY DRIVE GEARS NUMEROUS CHANGES, ALL EFFECTED PAGES MARKED WITH CHANGE (D). HANDBOOK PRINTED IN ITS ENTIRETY WITH ALL CHANGES. TO ADD PARAGRAPH ON TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA TO CHAPTER 3 ADDED INSPECTION CRITERIA FOR MTU MODEL 396TE94 AND THE CATERPILLAR MODEL 3100 DIESEL ENGINES. UPDATED THE SECURED INSPECTION SHEET FOR THE PC 2.5 MPDE. DELETED ADMINISTRATIVE DISCREPANCY DATA SHEET. VARIOUS OTHER CHANGES WERE MADE, ALL EFFECTED PAGES MARKED WITH CHANGE (E). HANDBOOK PRINTED IN ITS ENTIRETY. NSWCCD-SSES CODE 9325 SIGNATURE B C 17 JUL 91 15 OCT 91 D 15 NOV 96 E F 03 MAR 01 15 JUN 02 NSWCCD-SSES CODE 9441 NSWCCD-SSES CODE 9325 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Total number of pages in this publication is 268 consisting of the following: Page Title/No. Title and A (Blank) List of Effective Pages Certification Sheet Change Record-1/(Change Record-2 Blank) Preface Table of Contents (i – iv) Chapter 1 1-1 and 1-2 1-3/(1-4 Blank) Chapter 2 2-1 through 2-6 Chapter 3 3-1 through 3-4 Appendix “A” A-1 through A-12 Appendix “B” B-1 through B-2 Appendix “C” C-1 C-2 through C3/(C-4 Blank) Appendix “D” Appendix “D1” D1-1 through D1-16 Appendix “D2 D2-1 through D2-16 Appendix “D3” D3-1 through D3-4 D3-5 through D3-12 D3-13/(D-14 Blank) Appendix “D4” D4-1 through D4-10 D4-11 through D4-18 Appendix “D5” D5-1 through D5-9 D5-10 Appendix “D6” D6-1 through D6-11/(D6-12 Blank) Appendix “D7” D7-1 through D7-3/(D7-4 Blank) Change F F F F F F D F F E 0 F F D 0 0 D F B 0 D D 0 0 0 LEOP-1 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (CONTD). Appendix “D8” D8-1 through D8-5 D8-6 D8-7 and D8-8 Appendix “D9” D9-1 through D9-9/(D9-10 Blank) Appendix “D10” D10-1 through D10-9/(D10-10 Blank) Appendix “D11” D11-1 through D11-8 Appendix “D12” D12-1 through D12-9/(D12-10 Blank) Appendix “D13” D13-1 through D13-6 Appendix “D14” D14-1 through D14-4 Appendix “E” E-1/(E-2 Blank) Appendix “F” Appendix “F1” F1-1/(F1-2 Blank) Appendix “G” Appendix “G1” G1-1 G1-2 G1-3/(G1-4 Blank) Appendix “G2” G2-1 and G2-2 Appendix “G3” G3-1 and G3-4 Appendix “G4” G4-1 G4-2 through G4-3/(G4-4 Blank) Appendix “G5” G5-1 and G5-2 Appendix “G6” G6-1/(G6-2 Blank) Appendix “G7” G7-1 and G7-2 Appendix “G8” G8-1/(G8-2 Blank) Appendix “G9” G9-1/(G9-2 Blank) 0 A 0 0 D D D F F 0 F F 0 F 0 F F 0 D 0 0 0 0 LEOP-2 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES (CONTD). D D D F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D D D F F 0 LEOP-3 . Appendix “G10” G10-1/(G10-2 Blank) Appendix “G11” G11-1 and G11-2 Appendix “G12” G12-1/(G12-2 Blank) Appendix “G13” G13-1/(G13-2 Blank) Appendix “H” Appendix “H1” H1-1 and H1-2 Appendix “H2” H2-1 and H2-2 Appendix “H3” H3-1 and H3-2 Appendix “H4” H4-1 and H4-2 Appendix “H5” H5-1 and H5-2 Appendix “H6” H6-1/(H6-2 Blank) Appendix “H7” H7-1 and H7-2 Appendix “H8” H8-1 and H8-2 Appendix “H9” H9-1/(H9-2 Blank) Appendix “H10” H10-1/(H10-2 Blank) Appendix “H11” H11-1 and H11-2 Appendix “H12” H12-1 and H12-2 Appendix “H13” H13-1 and H13-2 Appendix “H14” H14-1/(H14-2 Blank) Appendix “I” I-1 through I-12 * ZERO in Change column indicates original issue. . The Type Commander or the Type Commander representative shall forward the Diesel Engine Inspection Report specified herein for forwarding to the Commanding Officer of the inspected ship/command. It is intended to provide you with a technical resource that enables you to better understand and evaluate Diesel Engines and their related systems. with the requirements and procedures for properly conducting a Diesel Engine Inspection. construction.PREFACE This is the U. The Diesel Inspection Report will be forwarded as an enclosure to a cover letter. NSTM. the Diesel Inspector. DSN: 443-8109 Preface .3 as the Primary procedural and administrative specification when performing Diesel Engine Inspections requires this handbook. S. Part II will give you a background on the design. The cover letter may include an assigned grade and required action as specified by the Type Commander instruction(s). 7278 COMMERCIAL: 215-897-7279. questions. This handbook is divided into two parts: Part I will provide you. 7278 FACSIMILE: 215-897-8109. and maintenance of the various Diesel Engines in naval shipboard use. or operational procedure. Address any comments. or changes regarding this handbook to: DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY COMMANDING OFFICER ATTN: CODE 9325 NSWCCD-SSES 5001 S BROAD ST PHILADELPHIA PA 19112-5083 PHONE: DSN: 443-7279. OPNAVINST 9220. This handbook is to be used as the Definitive Document for all Diesel Engine Inspections. operation. Part II is not intended to replace or duplicate any specific Diesel Engine technical manual. NAVY DIESEL ENGINE INSPECTOR HANDBOOK. The intent of the Diesel Inspection Report is to advise on the Material Condition of the subject Diesel Engine and its support systems and to make corrective recommendations. .....3-1 3-1 GENERAL INFORMATION ..................................2-3 2-4 SPECIAL TOOLS .....1 PHASE 1 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................B-1 ADMINISTRATIVE PHASE REVIEW WORK SHEET ....................................................................................................................Administrative Review ..........................................................................................................D1-1 EMD DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET .................................................................................................................... .....1-1 1-1 GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................2-3 2-5 INSPECTION SEQUENCE ...2-3 2-5................3-2 3-2..................3 Discrepancy Data Sheets .....................................................3-1 3-2.............1-2 DIESEL INSPECTION PROCEDURES .........................................2-5 THE DIESEL INSPECTION REPORT ............................Operational Inspection ...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter/Paragraph 1 Page ROLE OF THE INSPECTOR ................................................................................................2 PHASE 2 ......3 PHASE 3 .........Secured Inspection ..........................................2-2 2-3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ..........................................................................................................................................1-2 1-3 LEADERSHIP..................................................................................................................................D3-1 COLT PIELSTICK DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET ..............................C-1 ALCO DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET ..3-2 OPNAV INSTRUCTION ................................................2-1 2-2 PRE-INSPECTION PREPARATION AND ARRIVAL MEETING.....................................................................................1-2 1-4 TRAINING ...........................2-1 2-1 GENERAL INFORMATION ...A-1 REFERENCE LIST ................................................................................................3-1 3-2..................3-1 3-2 REPORT CONTENTS ………………………………………………….....1-1 1-2 SAFETY ......................................................................D4-1 2 3 A B C D1 D2 D3 D4 Change F i .2-4 2-5............................................2 Diesel Inspection Data Sheet .....................................................2-5 2-5.D2-1 FAIRBANKS MORSE DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET ............................1 Cover Letter ........ ......G1-1 EMD DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMEN DATA SHEET ......................................D10-1 PAXMAN VALENTA DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET ...................G3-1 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 E F1 G1 G2 G3 ii ......D9-1 ISOTTA FRASCHINI DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET ..................................................................D12-1 MTU MODEL 396TE94 DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET .........................................................................................................D8-1 WAUKESHA DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET.................................................................................................................................................................................................................D5-1 SMALL...........F1-1 ALCO DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET ......D7-1 CATERPILLAR DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET .................G2-1 FAIRBANKS MORSE DIESEL ENGINE TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET .................................................................TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) D5 DDA 16V-149 DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET.................................................................................E1-1 DIESEL ENGINE DISCREPANCY DATA SHEET................................................................................................................................................. HIGH SPEED DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET .............................. MEDIUM SPEED DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET ........D13-1 CATERPILLAR MODEL 3100 DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET .....D11-1 CATERPILLAR MODEL 3608 DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET ………………………………………………… ....................................................................................................................D14-1 DIESEL INSPECTION DATA SHEET ....................................................................................................D6-1 GENERIC........................................................................................................................................................................................ .............................G5-1 SMALL..... D399.....................................................................TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) G4 COLT-PIELSTICK DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET .......................................................................................................... HIGH SPEED DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASURMENT DATA SHEET ...........................G13-1 ALCO DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ...G10-1 PAXMAN VALENTA DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET ..................................................................................................................................... HIGH SPEED DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ................................... AND D353 DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET ……………….................G6-1 GENERIC..................................... D398.................G8-1 WAUKESHA DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET ................... MEDIUM SPEED DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET ……………………………………………..........H4-1 DDA 16V 149 DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ...........................................................................................................................G12-1 MTU MODEL 396TE94 DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET .................................................................. D397..................................................................H3-1 COLT-PIELSTICK DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ...................................G9-1 ISOTTA FRASCHINI DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET .........H1-1 EMD DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ............................................................H5-1 SMALL.............................................................................................................G11-1 CATERPILLAR MODEL 3608 DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET ........G4-1 DDA 16 V 149 DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET ...........H6-1 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 G12 G13 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 Change F iii .......... ...............H2-1 FAIRBANKS MORSE DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ............................................G7-1 CATERPILLAR MODELS.... ........................I-1 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12 H13 H14 I iv ..............................................H11-1 CATERPILLAR MODEL 3608 DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ........TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) H7 GENERIC........... MEDIUM SPEED DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET...................................................................................................................H13-1 CATERPILLAR 3100 SERIES DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ..H9-1 ISOTTA FRASCHINI DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ D397 AND D353 DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET .................................H10-1 PAXMAN VALENTA DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ......H14-1 SAMPLE DIESEL ENGINE INSPECTION REPORT ............................................................................................................. H7-1 CATERPILLAR MODELS D399..................................H12-1 MTU MODEL 396TE94 DIESEL ENIGNE OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ............................................. D398...................................................................................H8-1 WAUKESHA DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET ......................................... Your role as an inspector will be diverse. your attitude. use them: You will gain the confidence of the crew and help yourself. your manner. Remember. maintenance. you must also set the standard for: 1-1 • . however. Showing up on the quarterdeck to inspect the diesel engine with no prior planning. for example. take them on board with you. Take Notes when you do your research. but the crew is inspecting you. your uniform. water treatment. you will avoid the unexpected in scheduling. it will be disregarded if your data are incomplete or inaccurate. If you communicate with the ship. You may be a very competent inspector with good understanding of diesel engine theory. you must be aware that although inspecting the engine properly is your highest priority. most important. you’ll be able to identify the problem immediately. the compression or firing pressure of a particular engine you have to inspect. you may be inspecting the engine. always try to portray yourself as “Someone Who Is Here To Help". engine performance tests. If you know the limits of an engine you can do a better job of gathering data. Let your professionalism show – in your bearing. will always start the process badly. It will involve: • • • • • Conducting formal inspections Responding to requests for technical assistance Evaluating engines or systems either by shipboard visits or by phone conferences Assisting other naval activities in diesel engine related quality assurance issues Conducting training sessions for ship’s force on topics like diesel operation. The crew often perceives the inspector as “someone who can place me on report". give the crew a plan of action before your arrive. If you know what the compression is supposed to be and the reading fall outside the specifications. Do your homework before you go on board. but if you are well prepared to inspect a particular engine your knowledge will be apparent to the ship’s engineering department and will instill in them the confidence that you know what you’re doing.CHAPTER 1 ROLE OF THE INSPECTOR 1-1 GENERAL INFORMATION Your duties as a Diesel Inspector dictate that you display the highest diplomacy. No matter how through your inspection is. Show courtesy to the ship by planning your inspection. However varies your role as an inspector might be. To serve the ship. and. but if you don’t know. you had better give yourself a few hours of careful preparation before you begin your inspection. lube oil analysis program and other diesel engine related subjects. No one can master every engine the Navy uses. Always strive to leave the crew with a better understanding of how to operate and maintain the engine than it had when you came aboard. You must do as you say. the Type Commander and the technical community. Don’t leave the impression that “it’s because PMS requires it. 1-2 . Insist that the crew use PMS and the engine technical manual during the inspection. Explain in detail what you are looking for. the inspector. those whom you inspect will do the same after you have completed the inspection and have left the ship. Obtain the appropriate PMS MRC and take measurements exactly according to the procedures. Once you have demonstrated a measurement procedure or a maintenance action. the crewmembers will conclude that if the inspector does it this way and cuts corners. how to look at various components. The Navy’s diesel engine population can be improved materially by the leadership the diesel engine inspector provides to the fleet as the eyes and ears of NAVSEA the LCM. it’s acceptable for them to do the same. They are eager to learn and are interested in what you do and what you know. identify the corrective action needed. This will enable you to lead the ship’s crew and will increase its confidence in your ability to manage the course of the inspection/investigation. Explain why you’re taking a measurement. To accomplish this you need a thorough knowle dge of the engine and its installation. Show by example that the ship’s force need not be embarrassed about using the technical manual. You should be able to evaluate any engine problem. the ship’s force will know how to perform the maintenance action correctly. Failure to question any area of concern permits erroneous data or procedures to affect the fleet’s diesel engines. and how to determine that one part is normal and another part isn’t. 1-3 LEADERSHIP As a diesel inspector you must realize your position of leadership within the diesel engine community. you are in the leadership position and can set an example for the crew in making recommendations and identifying errors in published procedures. Display the right example by being familiar with and following current safety practices. are constantly exposed to the fleet’s diesel engines. Since you. Teaching and training the crew is equally important. Don’t teach short cuts.• • • Safety Leadership Training 1-2 SAFETY It is not enough to set a good example for safety. Because they view you as the expert. and provide the necessary guidance to implement the corrective action. 1-4 TRAINING Inspecting an engine is only half the job.” Show the crew how to take the measurements and then have the crew take them. This means that you do not cut corners on safety. You will often find that the younger sailors don’t know what the inside of their engine looks like. the notebook will become invaluable to you. correct answer. Before leaving the ship try. Be diplomatic when inspecting one of your own past ships. during. intended or not. Offer firm. Be sure to allot enough time in the debriefing for both you and the ship to fully express your viewpoints. As the number of inspections increases. always have on hand small notebook to write down the question(s): It’s easy to forget what was asked after a hectic day. NAVSEA PHILADELPHIA. Procedures. Be sure that those attending the debriefing understand what you’re saying. say so. FTSC’s. or a prior superior. engine performance. When you conduct an inspection. After a while. Debriefing the ship is as important as the inspection itself. PMS. The crew should never have to ask. a type of engine. This extra time will allow you to collect your data and review it for accuracy. and review past inspection report. Saying that “this whole class of ships is screwed up” will alienate the crew. to answer all questions you’ve been asked. If there are. level of knowledge. and cleanliness will vary. Study past inspection reports to see if there are recurring problems. listing them with references and repair recommendations is also required. When you don’t know the full. and NAVSEA are only a few sources of technical data. Remember: Credibility is established before. Also.CHAPTER 2 DIESEL ENGINE INSPECTION PROCEDURES 2-1 GENERAL INFORMATION You must prepare for the inspection. A debriefing with the ship’s Captain and Chief Engineer is neither the time nor the place to say you’ll “look up” a particular reference. and then find the answer before the next day. Shooting from the hip during a debriefing will only embarrass you. You’ll be able to leave the crew with mutual respect. You will become more confident as you complete each inspection. find the cause and offer recommendations. logs. Listing discrepancies is only one part of the inspection process. and after each inspection you perform. “What instruction says I have to do that?” You must have the reference that supports your findings at your fingertips. 2-1 . don’t make up positive Statements just to be nice. Be sincere and professional. ex-shipmates. And tell the Commanding Officer and Engineering Officer all the good things you find the engineering department has done. maintenance records. Other diesel inspectors. Use the worksheets for your debriefing and provide the ship with a copy. Accept it when the procedures are different from the ones you followed. Inadvertent favoritism can be shown to a class of ship. The crew won’t work with you if it feels you have little regard for the ship. not what you think you’re saying. Obtaining information from the Deck Plate Level is often helpful. Avoid stereotyping a ship class. be aware of any favoritism. and oil analysis reports. you will discover that not all ships are exactly the same. Make every effort to hold the debriefing a day or two after the inspection. Use the help available to track down the answer. Don’t feel you have to know the answer to every question asked. Brief the crew on what the inspection entails. corrective criticism in a positive manner. pride. understand that being a good inspector does not comes overnight or with the NEC. provide a preprinted checklist either in letter or message format to the ship. The checklist should itemize but not be limited to the following: • • • • • • Lube oil test or spectrographic oil analysis records (if available). and plan a course of action. Long after the inspection has been completed your report will be reviewed and commented on. 2-2 PRE-INSPECTION PREPARATION AND ARRIVAL MEETING Success in any project requires an individual to prepare. You must communicate with your customer. Ensuring that the ship receives the checklist several days before the inspection will give those on board ample time to assemble those items you need to evaluate. If you’re a new inspector. Performing a diesel engine inspection is no different. remembering that usually it will be mailed to the ship. with attention paid both to spelling and to written procedures. are both wrong and unprofessional. Fill out the report thoroughly. establish appropriate lines of communication. serialized. Take time to be sure that your findings are documented and that each discrepancy noted has a recommendation for repair. You are the written report and the written report is you. To ensure that the inspection starts off smoothly. but 2-2 . and received by the ship. Don’t assume that the crew understands or knows what you’re referring to. you can contribute significantly to the overall improvement of the diesel engine. The arrival meeting on board the ship should establish the plan of action for the diesel inspection. By following the standard diesel inspection procedures and providing a detailed report of diesel engine discrepancies. not “English majors".The inspection process is incomplete until the final report has been written. Make sure the report is technically correct and grammatically correct. It should include the proposed end date and a proposed schedule for debriefing the Commanding Officer. Write it accordingly. Type Commander or the Type Commanders representative should specify the format for the pre-inspection checklist. Using such a form will reduce the time you have to wait while the crew locates the documentation and equipment. Representative engine operating logs (list your minimum number of log sheets per engine) Applicable CASREP file Past diesel inspection report (Required) Current Ship’s Maintenance Project (CSMP) Special tools (list the tools you want to examine). Inspectors that say they’re “snipes". The inspection report is a ready reference for future technical assists and forthcoming diesel inspections. The report must be able to stand-alone. Convey to the crew that the intent of your inspection is not only to inspect the engines. but only through hard work and through continuously striving for Improvement. In addition to normal safety procedures. 2-3 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Crewmembers often try too hard to fill the requests of the inspector and may. the ship’s force. The Engineering Officer and/or Commanding Officer should be notified immediately if any major discrepancy is discovered during the inspection. The results could be catastrophic to the inspector. Once again. If “hot work” is required. and the inspection worksheets provided in appendix D to determine if the special tools are available. in their desire to please. whether it is air. Use the PMS cards. Take the time to ensure that danger tags are properly placed and that the valve/switch is in the position indicated on the respective tag. such as micrometers. Never allow any part of your body to pass under a large. Emphasize the importance of properly deactivating the engine starting system. If heavy parts must be removed. Use shipboard special tools and instruments. Be conscious of barring the engine when personnel are working inside it. use the prescribed tools. Remember. not even for a “quick look". 2-5 INSPECTION SEQUENCE To evaluate the engine in the safest. Observe approved methods for handling and disposing of treated jacket water. NAVSEA technical manual. most consistent manner. do not set just a “good” example. and crankshaft deflection gages. bypass safety procedures. set the right example. dial indicators. should also have a current calibration sticker indicating that they have been certified for use. observe the following precautions: • • • • • • When performing inspections. hydraulic. be sure that the ship has approved and posted a gasfree/hot-work chit. unsupported engine part. strict adherence to safety must remain paramount. and the engine. Those special tools requiring calibration. When inspecting a diesel engine. be sure that chain falls and straps are weight tested and tagged. conduct the diesel inspection in the following sequence. Demand of yourself and the ship’s force that all safety procedures be followed. The Senior EN/MM shall accompany the inspector during the inspection. 2-4 SPECIAL TOOLS All special tools required for an inspection must be on board the ship. or electrical.also to provide the crew with training and any assistance required to improve the maintenance and reliability of the diesel engines. 2-3 . but don’t use special tools that are out of calibration for the sake of completing the inspection. while on the scene you are the Chief Safety Observer. heavy. 1 Phase 1 . KEEP TEARDOWN TO THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM required to accomplish an adequate inspection. particularly the Engine performance data. but you should provide your findings to the ship during the review and again during the ship debriefing. Phase 3 . Use your notebook as you progress through the administrative review.Administrative Review The administrative review will provide you with initial information about the particular engine’s performance and condition.Secured Inspection 3. The secured inspection phase shall determine if it is safe to proceed to the operational inspection phase. or abnormal readings in your notebook so that you can find the answers during the other phases of the inspection. Note all unanswered questions. and Operational Test Data Sheets (Appendix H) to complete during the inspection. The Administrative review discrepancies will be brought to the attention of the ship's crew during the administrative review and again during the debriefing. and EOSS). All data should be technically correct and should be within the limits specified by current technical documentation (PMS. Previous diesel inspection report (Mandatory) Engine APL and engine technical manuals Special tools Engine Performance Data Reviewing these records. additional secured and operational inspection may be required to resolve concerns. Tolerance Measurement Data sheets (Appendix G). Analyze all data entries for correct or out-ofparameter readings. Understanding and technical accuracy are much more important than neatness and format. 2-4 .Operational Inspection . Phase 2 .1. engine technical manual. The administrative review phase shall not be graded. The diesel inspector should remove and copy engine-specific blank Secured Phase Inspection Worksheets (Appendix D). The following items must be reviewed: • • • • • • • Spectrographic oil analysis records (If available) Engine operating logs Current NSTM Chapter 233 Diesel Engines or NSTM on CD. Phase 1 . questionable data. Examine the ship’s force during this phase to ensure that they understand and how to use this information.Administrative Review. 2. will give you insight into what to inspect during the secured and operational phases. 2-5. When the operational inspection phase has been completed. making appropriate entries. Administrative review remarks are not to be included in the Diesel Inspection Report. Operational safety checks shall be completed in accordance with PMS as part of the operational phase. Operate the engine in accordance with Engine Performance Test PMS. Complete a separate Operational Test Data Sheet for each test. If the Engine Performance Test PMS does not require operation at 100 percent load and speed. 2-5 . but should be retained by the you for your records. Be sure parts are available for reassembly before starting teardown. List the discrepancies found during the operational inspection on the Engine Discrepancy Data Sheet.NOTE Any discrepancy noted that was not corrected after a previous diesel inspection shall be identified as a recurring discrepancy. During the operational phase of the inspection. use the appropriate Engine Operational Test Data Sheet.Operational Inspection If the secured phase inspection results indicate that no unsafe condition exists. Appendix F2. Operate the diesel generator in accordance with Engine Performance Test PMS. Appendix G. List discrepancies from the secured inspection on the Engine Discrepancy Data Sheet. and tolerance discrepancies on the Engine Discrepancy Data Sheet. conduct an additional operational test. 2-5. found in Appendix H.2 Phase 2 . Appendix F2. Main Propulsion Engines 1. Conduct the operational phase of the inspection as follows: A. The requirements specified in Appendix D represent the minimum to be accomplished in the secured phase. The diesel engine should be able to achieve operational standards specified by the appropriate NAVSEA technical manual or the appropriate PMS performance card. continue the inspection to the operational phase. Operating data such as compression and firing pressure readings should reinforce the findings of all the inspection phases. Ship Service Diesel Generators 1. Your conclusions are based on what you observed in the secured phase and are supported during the operational phase. Corrected conditions may be indicated under “comments". 2. 2-5. List tolerance measurements on the appropriate Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet. Keep TEARDOWN TO THE ABSOLUTE MINIMUM required. Secured inspection worksheets are not to be included in the Diesel Inspection Report. repaired during the inspection. with a copy provided to the ship during the ship debriefing. B.Secured Inspection Follow guidance and make appropriate entries on the worksheets in Appendix D to accomplish the secured inspection. The operational phase of the inspection is necessary for thoroughly evaluating the engine’s condition and performance and should substantiate the findings of the secured inspection. It is essential that the inspection report indicate the “As found” condition of the engine.3 Phase 3 . Complete a separate Operational Test Data Sheet for each test. If the Engine Performance Test PMS does not require operation at 100 percent or the maximum attainable load. Complete a separate Operational Test Data Sheet for each test. conduct an additional operational test. Emergency Diesel Generators 1. C. Compare the results of the Operational Engine Performance Test PMS to shipboard records and list inconsistencies on the Engine Discrepancy Data Sheet. If the Engine Performance Test PMS does not require operation at 100 percent or the maximum attainable load. Appendix H. Operate the engine in accordance with Engine Performance Test PMS 2. only one operational test is required and only one operational test data sheet per engine must be completed.2. complete separate operational test data sheets for Engine Performance Test PMS and full load tests on each engine. If Engine performance Test PMS requires 100 percent or maximum attainable load. 2-6 . Otherwise. conduct an additional operational test. 3-2. Appendix H (one for each engine inspected and test conducted) A sample Diesel Inspection Report is included in appendix I. Assigned grades f. Required action You may be required to prepare the cover letter for your Type Commander or the Type Commander representative. and serial number d. or OPNAV does not dictate this. Date inspection was conducted e. Inspected diesel engine’s designation. 3-1 . Inspected ship’s name and hull number c. (NAVSEA-PHILADELPHIA) NAVSEA. Diesel Inspection Report Data Sheet. Operational Test Data Sheet. make. model. Appendix G (one for each engine inspected) c. but the LCM.CHAPTER 3 THE DIESEL INSPECTION REPORT 3-1 GENERAL INFORMATION Diesel Inspector Reports shall be submitted to your Type Commander or Type Commander representative for forwarding to the Commanding Officer of the inspected ship/command. Appendix G (one for each engine inspected) d. Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet.1 Cover Letter The cover letter format electronically or manually will be specified by Type Commander or the Type Commander representative but will typically include the following. Diesel inspector name and command b. (one cover letter for each engine inspected) a. Engine Discrepancy Data Sheet. Appendix E b. 3-2 REPORT CONTENTS Your report must contain the following: a. however. and operational phases of the inspection on the Administrative Review Sheets and Engine Discrepancy Sheets. or Minor. Categorize discrepancies (column 1) as Repair Before Operation.2 Diesel Inspection Report Data Sheet The Diesel Inspection Report Data Sheet. serves as the front page of your report and provides the basic data for the inspection and the engines inspected. must be discussed on the Engine Discrepancy Data sheet. Appendix F2 (a separate sheet for each engine inspected). major and minor. appendix E. When you identify a “REPAIR BEFORE OPERATION “ (RBO) discrepancy notify the Commanding Officer and Engineering Officer immediately. NSTM Chapter 233 Diesel Engines provides guidance for lube and fuel oil leaks. Continue the inspection after 3-2 . any measurement. that you are following the Type Commander's instructions. List all engine discrepancies noted on the Secured Phase Worksheet.3-2. Repair Before Operation discrepancies include those for which continued operation could endanger personnel and/or cause serious damage to the engine or associated equipment such as but not limited to: • • • • • • • Low lube oil pressure Malfunctioning overspeed governor or trip Inoperative alarms or safety devices Readings that exceed the limits of PMS or manufacturer specifications judgment of the inspector are unsafe that in the Uncontrollable oil leaks. secured. Fuel leaks Evidence of serious internal failure (bearing. Operational Test Data Sheet.3 Discrepancy Data Sheets List discrepancies found during the administrative review.0025 inch or more. Although the data may be within maximum and minimum specifications. You must inform the Commanding Officer. Appendix F. Use the “category” column in the engine discrepancy data sheets to specify the discrepancy category or severity. Include one sheet of data for each engine inspected. You may only recommend to the Commanding Officer and your Type Commander that the engine not be operated for reasons of safety. Discrepancies shall be Categorized in one of the categories Repair Before Operation (RBO). Tolerance measurement data shall be compared with previous data. 3-2. which has changed 0. Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet. connecting rod. crankshaft. or piston failure) • Fuel dilution of lube oil of 5 percent or greater You may not demand that the engine not be operated. and any other engine discrepancies on the Engine Discrepancy Data Sheet. Major. The final columns. “recommended corrective action” and “repair recommendation".) Engine unable to hold rated load Jacket water treatment out of specification Categorize all other discrepancies as MINOR. Common mistakes on the operational data sheets are: • • • Incorrectly reading of “to” and from” gage readings Entering information that is obviously incorrect because of defective blow-down valves Failing to enter compression/firing pressure readings because of defective blow-down valves 3-3 . bears the ultimate responsibility for any personnel or machinery casualties. should he elect to operate the diesel engine. MAJOR: discrepancies include those that require prompt action but that pose no immediate personnel or equipment hazard: • • • • • Conditions are contrary to good engineering practice Air box or exhaust belt/muffler excessively dirty or oil laden Critical components exceeding prescribed limits (Caution: You must decide if the exceeded limits make the engine unsafe. Fill in all blocks on the Operational Test Data Sheets. and accurate description of the discrepancy.debriefing them on the RBO discrepancy. The Commanding Officer. A certified inspector shall reinspect all areas of the diesel engine that were categorized as “REPAIR BEFORE OPERATION”. Inspect the discrepancy and clear it if it has been properly corrected. should provide concise instructions on how to correct the problem. The “description column in engine data sheets should contain a complete. This description should be as specific and quantitative as possible avoiding adjectives such as “severely: and “excessively”. The Diesel Inspector should make every effort to clear the (RBO) before the completing the inspection. The Engine Discrepancy Data Sheet “component” or “system” column should specify the faulty component or engine system that is deficient. If you cannot clear the (RBO) make recommendations to clear the (RBO) based on current references and offer advice on personnel hazards and/or possible damage to the engine should the engine be operated before the (RBO) is cleared. concise. Include references whenever possible. citing references. Mark those blocks that do not apply to the particular engine as N/A. An inspection is incomplete if you have failed to: • • • • • Obtain all the required data for the operational phase(s). Complete all phases of the inspection. 3-4 . Conduct the operational phase at specified power levels.It is essential to complete all phases and requirements of the inspection. Leave the ship without leaving behind some of your knowledge. Complete the inspection within a reasonable time (Type Commander Policy). conventional steam generating plants. and 9234. Inspection requirements must be carefully prescribed and standardized to achieve consistency and effectiveness of inspections. diesel engine inspectors (DEI) and marine gas turbine inspectors (MGTI).1A a. To establish policy for the inspection requirements of all U. a. To maintain fleet operational capability and preclude serious personnel and material casualties.3 N763 OPNAV INSTRUCTION 9220. Cancellation. Navy Diesel Engine Inspector Handbook (NOTAL) (f) CNET 1500/19 (Series) Catalogue of Navy Training Courses (CANTRAC) (NOTAL) Purpose Ref: 1. certification of inspectors must be closely monitored and standardized. b. Discussion OPNAVINSTs 9221.OPNAVINST 9220. steam catapult accumulators. Naval Ships Technical ManualCatapult Steam Support Systems for CV/CVN Class Ships (NOTAL) (c) NAVSEA S9221-DZ-MMA-010. and marine gas turbine engines. 3. 9233. a stringent inspection program is established for all diesel engines.3 From: Subj: Chief of Naval Operations PROPULSION AND AUXILIARY PLANT INSPECTION AND INSPECTOR CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (a) NAVSEA S9086-GY-STM-010.1A. Emphasis at A-1 .S. and to outline command and incumbent functional area of responsibilities. To establish training and certification guidelines for all steam generating plant inspectors (SGPI). Because of the variety and complexity of propulsion and auxiliary plants and associated support systems. Naval Ships Technical Manual.3 (NOTAL) (e) NAVSEA S9233-CJ-HBK-010. conventional steam generating plants. and marine gas turbine engines. Navy diesel engines. Chapter 221 – Boilers (NOTAL) (b) NAVSEA S9587-B1-MMA-010. Steam Generating Plant Inspector Manual (Non-Nuclear) (NOTAL) (d) JFFM CINCLANTFLT/CINCPACFLT INST 4790. b. 2.1B. steam catapult accumulators. and MGTIs are outlined in this instruction. Inspection requirements for diesel engines on small boat and craft apply only to diesel engines 400 hp and above. steam catapult accumulators. Certification requirements for SGPIs. 4. and marine gas turbine engines shall be given periodic standardized inspections as delineated in this instruction. auxiliary. submarines. SGPIs are to follow inspection guidance provided by reference (a) through (d). Carderock Division – Ship Systems Engineering Station (NSWCCDSSES). Steam generating plants on leased Foreign Military Sales (FMS) ships are required to be inspected under the requirements listed herein for inspection periodicity and inspector certification. Policy. steam catapult accumulators. To execute this policy all inspectors will perform assigned duties in accordance with their responsibilities as outlined in this instruction. Required periodicity for inspections to be accomplished by certified SGPIs. Specific requirements: a. Inspection Requirements. MGTIs are to follow inspection guidance promulgated by the program manager and reference (d). and waste heat boilers). conventional steam generating plants.all levels of command is required to achieve the desired standards and to maintain overall fleet readiness. d. accompanied by TYCOM SGPI. c. conventional steam generating plants (to include main propulsion. craft and engineering school hot plant training sites shall be inspected. b. Navy ships.S. Required periodicity for inspections to be accomplished by NSWCCD-SSES LCEM inspector on boilers and catapults A-2 . 5. small boats. MGTIs or DEIs on applicable equipment is provided in Table 1. DEIs. marine gas turbine engines in U. All diesel engines (to include main propulsion. These inspections involve areas not normally covered by SGPIs. Inspection program managers are as assigned per paragraph 8a. in accordance with reference (a) and (b). Standardized inspection procedures and criteria must be followed. All diesel engines. ship service and emergency diesel generators). DEIs are to follow inspection guidance provided by reference (d) and (e). Life Cycle Engineering Manager (LCEM) inspectors. Steam plant pressure vessels including steam catapult accumulators must receive strength and integrity inspections and industrial inspections by the Naval Surface Warfare Center. Material condition of inspected equipment shall be formally documented in the respective inspection and repair management information systems. A-3 . And SGPI Inspection Scheduling And Responsibilities. The Type Commander (TYCOM) SGPI normally performs routine boiler inspections during a pre-assigned time period. Normal interval 18 months No earlier than 12 months. Boiler/ Catapult Diesel (3) TABLE 1: DEI. Initial within 90 days of ship acceptance. Once during IDTC. TYCOMs may exempt diesel engines on boats and craft from the routine inspection requirement where the engine or boat configuration provides insufficient access to accomplish inspection. SGPI will accompany the NSWCCD-SSES LCEM inspector as delineated in Table 2. Initial within 18 Months of ship acceptance. Gas Turbine § To maintain compliance with Gas Turbine Bulletins. Diesel (2) Gas Turbine Phased Maintenance Availability/ Overhaul Other Gas Turbine (1) (2) (3) Strength & Integrity inspection support as delineated in Table 2. TYPE INSPECTION Routine EQUIPMENT Boiler/ Catapult (1) § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § § SCHEDULE DATE Once during Inter-deployment Training Cycle (IDTC). § When major malfunctions or casualties occur or are suspected. Optional prior to each. Normal interval 18 months Not to exceed 24 Months. the routine boiler inspection can be accomplished in connection with the completion of availability/overhaul inspection (CAI/COI) industrial boiler inspections. Technical assist or casualty inspections are not to be considered a routine inspection. § Inspect prior to any unplanned overhaul. Once during Inter-Deployment Training Cycle (IDTC). However. Not to exceed 24 months. No earlier than 12 months. MGTI. Not to exceed 24 months. Initial within 18 Months of ship acceptance. The pressure vessel portion of the industrial inspection conducted by the NSWCCD-SSES LCEM inspector can be combined with the TYCOM SGPI inspectors Automatic Boiler Controls (ABC) and Boiler Water/Feed Water (BW/FW) portions to account for the routine inspection.is provided in Table 2. Schedule 90 to 120 days prior to deployment. All inspector candidates (military personnel. The pre-requisites for course attendance are as follows: A-4 . TABLE 2: NSWCCCD-SSES LCEM Boiler/Catapult Inspection Scheduling and Responsibility. These ISVs may be deleted by the LCEM with TYCOM concurrence for any short duration availability or any availability with no major repair assignments. initial strength & integrity inspection shall be accomplished 6 months after vessel is placed in service and prior to expiration of the ships guarantee period. civil service personnel. Prior to final action and disposition.TYPE INSPECTION Five Year Strength And Integrity (1) EQUIPMENT Boiler/ Catapult § § § § § SCHEDULE DATE Normal interval 60 months No earlier than 48 months Not to exceed 72 months. (2) The Industrial Support Visit (ISV) is normally provided during major overhaul and/or repair assignments. 6. SCHEDULER TYCOM (Coordinate with LCEM) Start of Availability Overhaul (SAI/SOI) (1) Industrial Support/ Visit (ISV) (2) Completion of Availability/ Overhaul (CAI/COI) (1) Newly constructed ship Acceptance Inspection Boiler/ Catapult At start of availability/ overhaul in conjunction with strength and integrity. Naval Shipyard or SUPSHIP Boiler only Boiler/ Catapult § § Naval Shipyard or SUPSHIP Naval Shipyard or SUPSHIP To be conducted before reassembly of equipment and final hydrostatic test Prior to delivery. During availability/overhaul. Boiler/ Catapult § § NAVSEA Acquisition Manager § Inactivation/ Reactivation Boiler only § INACTSHIPFAC Naval Shipyard or SUPSHIP (1) The cognizant TYCOM SGPI inspector shall accompany the NSWCCD-SSES LCEM Inspector. For catapult accumulators. In conjunction with the openand-inspect phase of the Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) acceptance trials. and civilian contractors) must satisfactorily complete the required and pre-requisite course(s) listed in reference (f). Certification Requirements. maintenance. and boilers). planner. (4) Type Commander (TYCOM) endorsement.e. (2) A minimum of 2 of the 5 years of experience will be in specialized marine propulsion or power generation maintenance. (3) Commanding Officer recommendation. or quality assurance level concentrating on the specific application (i. however they shall not be certified as inspectors as delineated in this instruction. b. Military Enlisted Personnel candidates: (1) E-7 and above with 5 years experience in operation and maintenance of the applicable equipment. technician. Civil service and civilian contractor personnel candidates: (1) A minimum of 5 years experience of general marine propulsion and/or power generation experience in operations. designer. The recommendation will be submitted through the chain of command. (5) SGPI candidates must graduate from one of the “C” schools listed in reference (f) for the applicable course to include graduation from all pre-requisite courses.a. repair. (2) Graduate from one of the “C” schools listed in reference (f) for the applicable course to include graduation from all pre-requisite courses. (5) SGPI candidates must have current certification in the Boiler Water/Feed Water Test and Treatment Supervisor's Course listed in reference (f). gas turbines. A bachelor's or master’s degree in mechanical or marine engineering may be substituted for 3 of the 5 years of experience. Commissioned officers assigned to Board of Inspection and Survey (INSURV) or engineering readiness and training activities may attend the inspector courses. diesels. foreman. including at least 1 year of supervisory experience. repair or inspection experience at the engineer. or inspections. c. All candidates: A-5 . (3) A written recommendation from the candidate’s employer verifying the candidate’s experience level. d. within 1 year prior to the commencement of the certification course. Certification will be maintained for those inspectors who comply with the following: (1) Conduct a minimum of two inspections annually. governor operation and the ability to diagnose/trouble shoot boiler/engine problems as applicable to the specific inspector discipline. and upon recommendation from the appropriate school. Certification a. The school will provide a list of all course graduates to the applicable program manager. the applicable program manager will issue a 36-month certification. b. boiler water chemistry. All certified inspectors must maintain currency in knowledge of approved inspection practices and policies. mechanics. Tests will indicate the individual's level of knowledge in applicable areas of boiler/engine theory. automatic combustion control systems. (2) Attend one seminar every year. Initial Certification. 7. (1) After successful completion of the SGPI school course of instruction. Upon written request the program manager may grant waivers to individual inspectors who A-6 . (2) The program manager will issue final MGTI certification upon receipt of documentation from the appropriate Fleet Technical Support Center (FTSC) that the field portion of the course has been successfully completed. system inter-relationships. administered by a TYCOM designated representative. stacks. (3) Final DEI certification will be issued by the program manager upon satisfactory completion of two inspections under instruction of a certified diesel engine inspector and an endorsement from TYCOM or appropriate FTSC. uptakes. engine enclosures and plenums. grade the returned tests and provide the test results to the TYCOM.(1) Physically capable of entering confined areas such as boiler steam and water drums. A retest may not be administered within 6 months of a prior test failure. Maintaining Certification. (2) Pass a pre-test (as required) developed by the applicable inspector school. (Not required for SGPI civil service or civilian candidates). The instructor school shall provide requested copies of the pre-test to the TYCOM for administration. Currently certified inspectors may request to extend their initial certification or subsequent extended certification in 36-month increments provided the requirements in paragraph 7b are met. the certification expiration date remains as established. For those inspectors in transition. and provide as enclosures a copy of each of the two most recent inspections performed by the inspector. Inspector Transition Between Military /Civilian Status.are unable to attend the seminar due to circumstances beyond their control. If the certification has been expired for more than 6 months. The program manager shall revoke the certification of all inspectors who fail to comply with paragraph 7b. d. specify the date of the latest seminar attended and provide as enclosures a copy of each of the two most recent inspection reports performed by the inspector. The inspector must submit a letter requesting reinstatement to the program manager via the inspector’s chain of command or government activity that contracted the inspector’s services with copy to the appropriate program manager. extending certification. The inspector must submit a letter requesting certification extension to the appropriate program manager via the inspector’s chain of command or government activity that contracted the inspector’s services with copy to the appropriate program manager. through 7e. c. Extending Certification. The letter must include a brief description of the inspector's duties during the certification period. the two inspections submitted with the reinstatement letter shall be completed under the instruction of a certified inspector. In all cases the requirements for maintaining certification. Revoking Certification. e. Reinstatement of an Expired/Revoked Certification. and reinstatement of an expired/revoked certification are as specified in paragraphs 7b. A-7 . All inspectors must maintain knowledge of approved inspection practices and policies. f. The letter must include a brief description of the inspector's duties during and following the certification period. (3) SGPIs must maintain a current certification in Boiler Water/Feedwater Test and Treatment. Inspectors may transition from military to civilian status without losing their certification. (6) Maintain the primary database of all certified inspectors by name. steam catapult accumulator and marine gas turbine engine inspections required by this instruction. (4) Provide technical management of the inspector programs. FTSCs and other activities with inspection responsibilities. b. (3) Conduct periodic technical audits of the inspector training courses to ensure technical accuracy and adequacy. and problems. and expiration date of certification. Seminars allow for technical interface among Fleet units. (2) Provide technical support to the semi-annual seminars. (8) Ensure that the requirements for inspector certification are met prior to final approval. procedures. c. Ensure that the required technical documentation to support the program is maintained current. (7) Revoke inspector certification and initiate action to decertify inspectors who fail to comply with the requirements in paragraph 7b. and are to include discussion of current inspection criteria. Fleet Commanders/TYCOM’s shall: A-8 . duty station or place of employment. and MGTI (Code 933) program managers. Naval Sea System Command (COMNAVSEASYSCOM) has assigned Naval Surface Warfare Center. DEI (Code 932). Commander. steam generating plant. Establish and monitor the requirements and standards for all diesel engines. date of certification. NSWCCD SSES program managers shall: (1) Provide overall management of the DEI. Action a.8. SGPI and MGTI programs. (5) Provide funding and program management of the inspection and associated repair management information database system. rating. COMNAVSEASYSCOM shall provide funding to NSWCCD SSES for responsibilities listed in paragraph 8b. Carderock Division – Ship Systems Engineering Station (NSWCCD SSES) codes as SGPI (Code 922). COMNAVSEASYSCOM and field activities. (2) Final approval of the inspector training course plans. (2) Review the guidelines and inspection requirements for all diesel engines. Commander.(1) Identify and designate those fleet activities that have inspection responsibilities and maintain a base of certified inspectors within those activities. grade the returned tests and provide the test results to the designated representatives. steam generating plant and marine gas turbine engine inspections required by this instruction. (7) Provide and maintain for all inspections to be documented in the applicable inspection and repair management information database system. (3) Schedule and coordinate inspections required by this instruction with the appropriate technical activities. ensure the availability of an appropriate school ship with a “D” type boiler with full automatic boiler controls system to support training. FTSC and program manager. (5) The instructor school shall provide requested copies of the pre-test to the designated representatives for administration. as specified in paragraph 6d(2). (4) For the SGPI program. e. Naval Personnel Command shall: A-9 . course materials. Copies of the appropriate paperwork shall be forwarded to the appropriate TYCOM. (6) Host semi-annual inspector seminars on an alternating coast basis. (5) Ensure administration and control of the TYCOMadministered pretest. and training aids. (4) Issue initial certifications and submit the appropriate documentation to assign the NEC (for military inspectors) to those inspector candidates that successfully complete the requirements in paragraph 6. maintain and control pre-test as required by paragraph 6d(2). (3) Develop. Chief of Naval Education and Training shall: (1) Be responsible for the overall training of inspectors to including designation of activities authorized to conduct training. d. g. (2) Assign sufficient numbers of qualified personnel to the inspector training courses to fulfill billet requirements. Marine Gas Turbine. (4) Ensure that certified inspectors maintain their qualification as listed in paragraph 7b. (3) Ensure inspections are performed in accordance with the guidelines and inspection requirements of this instruction. (4) Document inspections in the applicable inspection management information system. (2) Provide troubleshooting and technical assistance to the fleet. (3) Maintain billet requisitions to current Fleet manning requirements. Fleet Technical Support Centers (FTSC) shall: (1) Screen and endorse candidates for entry into the inspector certification programs. Commanding Officers shall: A-10 . Diesel Engine Inspectors shall: (1) Perform periodic standardized routine inspections as required by the Fleet. (2) Conduct field on-the-job training (OJT) portion of the MGTI and DEI training course. are currently certified. (5) Ensure that the requirements for inspector recertification and certification extensions are met prior to final approval. h. (3) Maintain the database of all local inspectors. ensuring that the appropriate program managers are forwarded this data semiannually. f. Copies of all actions shall be forwarded to the appropriate program manager. Steam Generating Plant. TYCOM.(1) Ensure that all enlisted personnel assigned to inspector certification instruction course billets hold the proper Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC). and COMNAVSEASYSCOM directives. and have at least 3 years prior experience as an inspector. Recommended changes to this instruction shall be submitted to the cognizant program manager. (2) Ensure assigned inspectors are afforded the opportunity to attend applicable seminars.(1) Nominate motivated and qualified technicians for entry into the inspector programs to their respective TYCOM. and Code 933 (MGTI). 9. Carderock Division. Changes. USN) (Ship Systems Engineering Station) (CNET) (Fleet Training Center) A-11 . Naval Surface Warfare Center. 10. Reports. The reporting requirements contained in this directive are exempt from reports controlled by SECNAVINST 5214. Conversion and Repair. Ship Systems Engineering Station.2b.Code 922 (SGPI). Distribution: SNDL A1J1F A1J1L A1J1M A1J1N A1J1P A1J1Q 21A 24 25A 26A 26B3 26E 26H 26J 26Z 28 29 31 32 36 41A 50D FA8 FB8 FJA3 FKA1G FKP4E FKP7 FKP8 FK4P16 FT1 FT24 (PEO SURFACE STRIKE) (PEO THEATER SURFACE COMBATANTS) (PEO MUW) (PEO SUB) (PEO EXW) (PEO CARRIERS) (Fleet Commanders in Chief) (Type Commanders) (COMINEWARCOM) (Amphibious Group) (Naval Surface Reserve Force Commander) (Amphibious Unit) (Naval Coastal Warfare Group) (Afloat Training Group and Detachment) (Shore Intermediate Maintenance Activity) (Squadron Division and Group Commanders – Ships) (Warships) (Amphibious Warfare Ship) (Auxiliary Ships) (Service Craft) (Commander Military Sealift Command) (COMNAVSPECWARCOM CORONADO CA) (Fleet Technical Support Center Lant) (Fleet Technical Support Center Pac) (COMNAVPERSCOM) (COMNAVSEASYSCOM) (Naval Surface Warfare Center Divisions) (Shipyard) (Supervisor. Philadelphia PA 19112-5083 . Code 932 (DEI). N77. N80. N76. N78. N75.FT30 (SERVSCOLCOM) (Add SPECWARCOM) OPNAV (N1. N81. N09B) A-12 . N79. N7. N3/5. Lube Oil Flushing k. Records and Reports m.4 MAINTENANCE AND MATERIAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (3-M) SYSTEMS MANUAL PROPULSION AND AUXILIARY PLANT INSPECTION AND INSPECTOR TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION PROGRAM (NON-NUCLEAR CHAPTER 075 a. Torque Charts d.REFERENCE LIST CINPACFLT/ CINCLANTFLT JOINT FLEET MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4790. Cadmium Plated Fasteners CHAPTER 220 Volume 3 a.3 Series OPNAVINST 4790. Lock Wiring b. Operation in Drydock h. Bearings CHAPTER 254 a.3 NAVAL SHIPS TECHNICAL MANUAL NAVAL SHIPS TECHNICAL MANUAL NAVAL SHIPS TECHNICAL MANUAL NAVAL SHIPS TECHNICAL MANUAL NAVAL SHIPS TECHNICAL MANUAL B-1 . Firing Pressures f. Lube and Fuel Oil Leakage CHAPTER 244 a. Operating Envelope g. Run in Procedures c. Zinc Maintenance OPNAVINST 9220. Crankcase Pressure/Vacuum d. Maintenance i. Manometers e. Self Locking Fasteners c. Pyrometers j. Shimming p. Safety b. Jacket Water Treatment and Logs / (B – ii Blank) CHAPTER 233 a. Safety Precautions n. Crankcase Explosions o. Usage and Handling b. Painting and Preservation CHAPTER 635 a. Usage and Handling b. Spray Shields b. Pipe Hanger Adjustments e. S. Fuel Oil Stowage. Fuel Oil Testing CHAPTER 543 (F-44) a. Fuel Oil Splash Plates c. Fuel Oil Testing CHAPTER 551 a. Lagging General Overhaul Specifications for Deep Diving SSBN/SSN Submarines Fuel Oil and Lube Oil Strainer Safety Shields Flexible Hoses Hydro and Inspection NAVAL SHIPS TECHNICAL MANUAL NAVAL SHIPS TECHNICAL MANUAL NAVAL SHIPS TECHNICAL MANUAL NAVAL SHIPS TECHNICAL MANUAL NAVAL SHIPS TECHNICAL MANUAL NAVSEA 0902-018-2010 NAVSEA 0948-LP-102-2010 NAVSEA S6430-AE-TED-010/VOL 1 NAVSEA S9AA0-AB-GOS-010/GSO General Specifications for Overhaul of Surface Ships NAVSEA S9073-AZ-HBK-010 TYCOM INSTRUCTIONS U. Piping Identification and Markings and Color Coding d.REFERENCE LIST (CONTD). Cooler End Bells CHAPTER 541 (F-76) a. Air Flasks CHAPTER 631 a. NAVAL SHIPS TECHNICAL MANUAL CHAPTER 505 a. Navy Resilient Mount Handbook AS REQUIRED B-2 . Fuel Oil Stowage. Engine Hour Logs Comments: ___________________________________________________ 5.ADMINISTRATIVE PHASE REVIEW WORKSHEET NOTE: DO NOT GRADE THE ADMINISTRATIVE PHASE REVIEW OR INCLUDE THE WORKSHEETS AS PART OF THE DIESEL ENGINE INSPECTION REPORT. EOSS or Start-up Procedures Comments: ___________________________________________________ 8. Planned Maintenance system. Engine APL and APL Date (Check for Configuration) Comments: __________________________________________________ NOTE: THE DIESEL ENGINE REPORT GENERATOR (DERG) WILL DISPLAY CORRECT APL AND TECHNICAL MANUAL 2. Engine Technical Manuals Comments: ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 3. PROVIDE YOUR FINDINGS TO THE SHIP DURING THE REVIEW AND THE DEBRIEFING USS________________________________ Date________________________________ 1. Records and Machinery History (f required) Comments: ___________________________________________________ 6. Engine Performance Data (From PMS). Operating Logs Comments: ___________________________________________________ 4. Comments: ____________________________________________________ 7. NSTM Chapter 233 Comments: ___________________________________________________ C-1 . NOTE: NSTM 'S ON CD IS ACCEPTABLE, PAPER COPY NOT REQUIRED. 9. Last Diesel Inspection Report Comments: ___________________________________________________ NOTE: LIST DISCREPANCIES ONLY DO NOT ASSIGN A GRADE. 10. Training Records Comments: ___________________________________________________ 11. Program Status: Engine No. Engine Performance Test Oil Analysis Records Do not assign grade. List discrepancies only on administrative review sheet. 12. Engine Data: Engine No. Serial No. Model No. Hrs. Since Ovhl. Hrs. Since Comm. C-2 NOTE If total hours since overhaul are unknown, estimate hours based on yearly usage and enter that figure for a five-year period. Also, if total engine hours since commissioning are unknown, estimate hours based on yearly usage and enter that figure times the years the engine has been in commission. NOTE ENSURE ENGINE SERIAL NUMBERS AND MODEL NUMBERS MATCH THE DIESEL ENGINE REPORT GENERATOR (DERG) CORRECT DATA AS REQUIRED C-3 ALCO ENGINES SECURED-PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET USS_______________________________ DATE______________________________ ENGINE NO.________________________ A. SPECIAL TOOLS NOTE Inspect a minimum of 25 percent of the following tools. 1. Appropriate size micrometers inside and outside (0 to 10 inch). Comments: ___________________________________________ 2. Depth micrometer (0 to 3 inch). Comments: ___________________________________________ 3. Torque wrench (1/2-inch drive) (_____ft/lb). Comments: ___________________________________________ 4. Torque wrench (3/4-inch drive) (_____ft/lb). Comments: ___________________________________________ 5. Crankshaft deflection gage. Comments: ___________________________________________ 6. Dial indicator. Comments: ___________________________________________ 7. Magnetic base for dial indicator. Comments: ___________________________________________ 8. Feeler gages (short and long) two sets. Comments: ___________________________________________ 9. Hand or strobe tachometer. Comments: ___________________________________________ 10. Cylinder pressure gage (Keine indicator). Comments: ___________________________________________ 11. Injector nozzle tester. Comments: ___________________________________________ D1-1 12. Holset coupling slugging wrench. Comments: ___________________________________________ 13. Valve spring compressor. Comments: ___________________________________________ 14. Valve seat inserter. Comments: ___________________________________________ 15. Ring compressor. Comments: ___________________________________________ 16. Liner puller. Comments: ___________________________________________ 17. Cylinder head/cylinder liner lapping tool. Comments: ___________________________________________ 18. Cylinder head/cylinder liner lapping check tool. Comments: ___________________________________________ 19. Cylinder head torque converter (Sweeny). Comments: ___________________________________________ 20. Main bearing torque converter (Sweeny). Comments: ___________________________________________ 21. Main bearing removal tool. Comments: ___________________________________________ 22. Main bearing bolt-stretch gage. Comments: ___________________________________________ 23. Connecting rod bolt-stretch gage. Comments: ___________________________________________ 24. Control air pressure test gage (0-100 psig). Comments: ___________________________________________ 25. Governor tail rod jack. Comments: ___________________________________________ 26. Governor power piston spacers. a. 0.280 full fuel Comments: ___________________________________________ b. 0.640 midrange Comments: ___________________________________________ D1-2 Timing trammel. a. Comments: ___________________________________________ D1-3 . Comments: ___________________________________________ 28. Jacket water test kit. that is. Inspect for loose or missing bolts securing block to base. Lube oil test kit. Check for foreign material in crankcase. Crankcase and block. excessive water and chemic al makeup. Comments: ___________________________________________ installation b. Comments: ___________________________________________ 29. Applies to MPDE only. Comments: ___________________________________________ e. 0.860 idle Comments: ___________________________________________ 27. c. Comments: ___________________________________________ d. Comments: ___________________________________________ 30. water streaks. Inspect engine internals for unusual discoloration or signs of overheating. Inspect engine foundation bolts and chock blocks/wedges for correct (wedges must be welded together: no shims are allowed). Inspect for cracks in base. and NOAP results. Hand tools (see PMS). block. obvious external/internal leaks. VISUAL INSPECTION 1. Check forward engine foundation feet shear blocks for proper installation (must have at least 80% contact with engine feet). Comments: ___________________________________________ B. Isolate expansion tank and hydrostatically test jacket water system according to PMS if any of the following conditions exist. Comments: ___________________________________________ g. Comments: ___________________________________________ f. rust. and camshaft bearing supports. Verify correct installation for connecting rod bolts.c. Barring engine over.015-inch stretch only. Comments: ___________________________________________ i. Check for signs of water dripping at liner-to-block sealing surfaces. Comments: ___________________________________________ k. NOTE Honeycombed (dimpled) liner surfaces are normal. Comments: ___________________________________________ D1-4 . Verify that matching “O” marks on each connecting rod and cap face outward for each bank. Comments: ___________________________________________ j.026-inch stretch. inspect liners from beneath for signs of scoring. and dull spots. Comments: ___________________________________________ l. NOTE Cotter pins are required on bolts with 0. Verify that there are no broken or missing cotter pins on main bearing castellated nuts (upper) and that washers have been installed with main bearing nuts (lower). not on bolts with 0. Verify correct installation of internal lube oil lines. Check main bearing and connecting-rod bearing edges for proper installation or looseness of bearing shell.NOTE Bolts must be installed with flat side of each head butted together. Comments: ___________________________________________ n. with pistons near TDC. galling. Comments: ___________________________________________ o. Inspect for damage to and ensure correct installation of sump screens.206-inch stretch. Caps and rods are marked for 0. Verify that there are no broken or missing cotter pins on connecting rod bolts. Comments: ___________________________________________ m. Comments: ___________________________________________ h. Measure crankshaft deflection at crank web closest to the drive end according to PMS. proper lock wiring. (Use timing trammel. Comments: ___________________________________________ d. Comments: ___________________________________________ g.2. Check crankshaft plugs for correct installation.) Comments: ___________________________________________ e. a. Comments: ___________________________________________ i. Record on data sheet. NOTE If there is indication of leaking at the crankshaft oil seal. Comments: ___________________________________________ f. CAUTION Use extreme care. unusual wear pattern. Comments: ___________________________________________ b. and proper lubrication. Comments: ___________________________________________ D1-5 . Check vibration damper for freedom of movement (10 degrees either direction. Record on data sheet. as engine must be barred over several revolutions to inspect all gears. which is approximately 1-1/2 to 2 inches total movement). Comments: ___________________________________________ c. Crankshaft. 1R is at TDC to check accuracy of the flywheel pointer. Inspect flywheel ring gear teeth and air starter motor pinion for cracking and excessive wear. Measure crankshaft thrust according to PMS. Run prelube pump and check for oil leaks and adequate lubrication of running gear assemblies and power pack assemblies. Verify that No. Inspect rear crankshaft oil seal for indication of leaking. Inspect accessory drive and crankshaft gears for broken teeth. inspect the oil seal drain line for leakage and obstructions. excessive wear. Comments: ___________________________________________ h. Comments:___________________________________________ 5. Comments:___________________________________________ D1-6 . Inspect pushrod lifters. (From crankcase. and galling. Comments:___________________________________________ 4. use inspection mirror or feel surfaces with hand). For further details see ALCO MI 11249A. Comments:___________________________________________ c. remove the fuel pump crosshead assembly and check for excessive looseness and wear. Comments:___________________________________________ f. unusual wear pattern. Inspect bushings for signs of spinning or movement in or out of the bushing bore. Comments:___________________________________________ a. a. Inspect camshaft-coupling bolt locking devices.3. Inspect camshaft drive gears for broken teeth and excessive wear. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Check pushrod lifter roller pins for correct retaining clips (round vice flat). Comments:___________________________________________ b. Balance shafts (LST 1182 Class 8-251E). and excessive wear. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Inspect fuel cam roller for excessive wear or flat spots. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Inspect drive gears for broken teeth.) Flame hardening on camshafts is normal. Camshafts. either use inspection mirror or feel surfaces with hand. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Inspect camshaft lobes for excessive pitting. Fuel injection pump crosshead assembly (from crankcase. Comments:___________________________________________ d. If any problem are evident during inspections 5a through 5e. Inspect fulcrum-to-support locking-plate bolts and ensure that the lock wire is in place. Comments:___________________________________________ e. a. Verify that the camshaft gear nut locking screw has been lock wired. Check valve pushrod cam rollers for excessive wear or flat spots. flat spots. Comments:___________________________________________ c. a. Comments:___________________________________________ D1-7 . Inspect the nozzle strong back for correct installation and the retaining nuts for proper torque. NOTE With both nuts hand tightened. Running gear assemblies.6. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Comments:___________________________________________ 7. NOTE Valve bridge springs are not to be installed on cylinder heads with valve rotator cups. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Inspect valve levers and pushrods. Cylinder heads. Comments:___________________________________________ c. (Intake and exhaust should be according to PMS). Check for excessive wear in the rocker arm assemblies. Comments:___________________________________________ b. NOTE The two inside nuts require seal caps. Inspect for evidence of water or fuel leakage around cylinder heads. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Inspect for broken springs on valves and valve bridges. a. Spot-check valve clearances (at least two on each bank). Inspect fuel oil lines and connections for leakage. torque only inboard nut to 50 ft-lb. Inspect for broken or damaged cylinder head nuts and for correct installation. Work each spring lever and ensure that it returns to its original position with no evidence of binding. Fuel control linkage and governor assembly. Comments:___________________________________________ h. and control shafts. Check all linkage for lost motion with clevis pin nuts securely tightened against shoulders and all cotter keys in place.) Comments:___________________________________________ c. Check uniformity of rack settings. Check freedom of movement on all racks. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Comments:___________________________________________ e. satisfactory/unsatisfactory (SAT/UNSAT) (at least two pumps on each bank). Comments:___________________________________________ f. Check governor drive gear for excessive wear. Check governor oil level and for oil leakage around base of governor.) Comments:___________________________________________ b. a. Comments:___________________________________________ j. (Disconnect governor linkage. Comments:___________________________________________ D1-8 . linkage. Spot-check fuel injection pump timing and record.e. Comments:___________________________________________ Ensure that fuel injection pump control rack latches and retainers have been installed. Comments:___________________________________________ 8. Ensure that fuel rack limiter stop bolt is adjusted correctly and lock wired and that the governor top (lid) is lock wired. run prelube pump and check for oil leaks and adequate lubrication of running gear assemblies and power pack assemblies. k. Comments:___________________________________________ i. Check fuel injection pump pointer setscrew tightness and be sure that the pointer reading meets current PMS requirements. (Use governor tail rod jack to position rack to full load gap. Comments:___________________________________________ g. Check lock wire or governor hold-down bolts. Comments: ___________________________________________ D1-9 j. Check all vent valves for proper operation Comments: ___________________________________________ 10. Remove and open one lube oil filter element per engine (lower one if installed) and inspect for types of contamination. Comments: ___________________________________________ f. Comments: ___________________________________________ b. Check for any leakage observed out of the telltale hole and miscellaneous piping (leakage from telltale holes indicates defective mechanical seals). Shift lube oil strainer to check shifting chain for freedom of movement and material condition. Check for any leakage of oil out of pipe connections and flanges (to be observed from operational test). Comments: ___________________________________________ g. Inspect filter elements for correct type and installation. Check for signs of overheating of lube oil pump housing. Comments: ___________________________________________ b. and caps. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Check lube oil strainer basket for damage. Lube oil system. Check telltale holes for blockage. a. Comments: ___________________________________________ d. Inspect lube oil strainer packing nut for excessive leakage. a. Ensure that filter spring retainers have been installed.9. NOTE No sock-type filters. Comments: ___________________________________________ i. hand wheels. . Comments: ___________________________________________ h. Comments: ___________________________________________ c. Comments: ___________________________________________ Check lube oil filter and strainer vent valves for proper operation. Check lube oil sampling valves for proper location. Jacket and raw water pumps. Turbocharger. a. Measure bearing and thrust collar clearance. Inspect turbocharger compressor rotating assembly for damage and/or oil seal leakage. Comments:___________________________________________ f. Record on data sheet. Ensure that coupling PMS is being accomplished. Check for completed PMS on testing of lube oil system relief. Comments: ___________________________________________ b. Comments: ___________________________________________ D1-10 . a. Record on data sheet. Ensure that all sump drain valves are locked closed and capped. Comments: ___________________________________________ 11. Measure inducer and blower casing clearance. Comments: ___________________________________________ b. Comments: ___________________________________________ c. Remove cover and inspect turbocharger after cooler for dirt. and jacket water leaks. Verify that the 1/16-inch shims have been installed for proper adjustment of turbocharger to exhaust manifold height. Inspect fuel oil booster pump drive shaft oil seal for evidence of leakage. oil contamination. Inspect flexible coupling for uneven or excessive wear. Comments: ___________________________________________ c. Comments: ___________________________________________ d.k. Comments: ___________________________________________ l. Ensure that turbocharger rotor is not binding. Ensure that valves in the lube oil system that could obstruct the flow of oil to the engine have been locked fully open with proper locking devices. Comments: ___________________________________________ g. Comments: ___________________________________________ 12. Comments: ___________________________________________ e. and pressureregulating valves. Comments: ___________________________________________ m. fin damage. bypass. Inspect external surface of the turbocharger for evidence of exhaust gas and jacket water leaks. Fuel oil system. Comments: ___________________________________________ b. Inspect air filter cover gasket for proper fit or deterioration. Safety devices. rubbing. swelling. Ensure that label plates for remotely operated safety devices identify correct engine and function. Inspect air ducting from filter-to-turbocharger air inlet for cracks. and deterioration. Comments: ___________________________________________ D1-11 . bolts. a. Flexible hoses. piping. Comments: ___________________________________________ f. fraying. Comments: ___________________________________________ 13. 14. Comments: ___________________________________________ h. and fittings. and rivets. Check internal condition of strainers. Ensure that strainer T-handle turns freely. Comments: ___________________________________________ g. missing sections. a. Comments: ___________________________________________ b. Comments: ___________________________________________ e. Comments: ___________________________________________ 15. Air intake system. Inspect filter and strainer drain valves for proper operation. loose or missing nuts. Inspect pipe hanger and flexible hose supports. Check fuel oil filter vent valves for proper operation.d. Inspect filter element for cleanliness and completeness. a. Comments: ___________________________________________ NOTE Fuel and lube oil systems are not permitted to have galvanized fittings. ensure that filter element is firmly seated in housing. Comments: ___________________________________________ c. Inspect flexible hoses for cracks. Ensure that fuel filter-shifting device operates properly. Check low lube oil pressure and high jacket water temperature alarms for audibility by using test button. Comments:___________________________________________ f. Remotely operate the emergency trip (inspect for frayed wire and improper connection. Comments:___________________________________________ 16. Ensure that grease fittings have been removed and plugs installed on modified clutch and brake assemblies. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Comments:___________________________________________ D1-12 . Comments:___________________________________________ e. Check ferobestos bushing bolts for proper installation and correct type. a. Check axial locking device for freedom of movement and ensure that it is lubricated and welded according to current PMS requirements. Comments: ___________________________________________ c. Ensure that Sier-bath coupling has been greased according to current PMS requirements. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Check manual trip stop lever cap screw for tightness and retainers for wear. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Check Sier-bath coupling for air leaks according to current PMS requirements. Comments:___________________________________________ h. Holset coupling and shafting power train.b. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Randomly check condition of flange spray shields. Inspect pedestal bearings for oil leaks and ensure that foundation bolts have been torqued to required specifications. Comments:___________________________________________ g. Visually inspect outer ferobestos bushing.) Comments:___________________________________________ d. Check clearance between Holset coupling spider and flywheel according to current PMS requirements. Comments:___________________________________________ Inspect clutch and brake shoe torque bars and side plate holes for wear and elongation. Check Holset coupling rubber blocks for cracks. Comments:___________________________________________ g. Inspect exhaust stacks for cleanliness. Check exhaust pipe/silencer drain valves for freedom of movement and clogging. NOTE The upper hand hole cover should be welded shut. proper tension. and indications of movement. Exhaust system. Comments:___________________________________________ D1-13 . Inspect clutch and brake shoes and drums for excessive wear and for cleanliness. i. Comments:___________________________________________ f. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Inspect spring hangers for material condition. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Comments:___________________________________________ j. Inspect the generator exhaust silencer hand hole covers for leaks. c and d.NOTE Depending on the results of the visual inspection. fire and safety hazards. Visually inspect engine exhaust system in space for leaks during operational test. Comments:___________________________________________ b. chafing. Comments:___________________________________________ 17. This applies to items 17b. and melting (overheating). Check engine exhaust muffler for baffle separation and deterioration (if applicable). elongation. a more thorough inspection of the entire exhaust system may be required. k. a. Inspect generator exhaust silencer mounting pads for wear and deterioration. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Check baffle plates for correct installation and cleanliness. a. Check heat shields for proper installation. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Heat exchangers and temperature regulation valves. Check condition of Fulton Sylphon valve. installation. Check all fittings for tightness. Comments:___________________________________________ D1-14 . Comments:___________________________________________ b.18. Inspect air and exhaust elbows for proper securing devices. Comments:___________________________________________ 19. Comments:___________________________________________ 21. Inspect jacket water Amot valve manual/automatic levers for proper operation. Inspect heat exchangers for external leaks. a. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Comments:___________________________________________ f. Gages and instruments. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Comments:___________________________________________ 20. a. and leaks. and calibration during operational test. Intake and exhaust manifolds. Inspect lube oil Amot valve manual/automatic levers for proper operation (applies only to SSDG). Crankcase exhaust system. a. Check for correct level of water in the expansion tank. Comments:___________________________________________ c. installation. Check for proper operation. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Ensure that zinc maintenance is being performed on the jacket water cooler and generator air cooler according to current PMS requirements. Crankshaft deflection gage. Comments:___________________________________________ 6. 1. Dial indicator. Comments:___________________________________________ 7. Torque wrench (1/2-inch drive). Comments:___________________________________________ 8. Comments:___________________________________________ 9. Comments:___________________________________________ 10. SPECIAL TOOLS NOTE Inspect a minimum of 25 percent of the following tools.________________ A. Lower liner insert application and removal jack (hydraulic). Inside and outside micrometers (0 to 10 inches). Torque wrench (3/4-inch drive). Comments:___________________________________________ 4. Liner insert press and puller assembly. Comments:___________________________________________ 11.EMD ENGINES SECURED-PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET USS________________________ DATE______________________ ENGINE NO. Depth micrometer (0 to 3 inches). Hand or strobe tachometer. Comments:___________________________________________ 2. Magnetic base for dial indicator. Comments:___________________________________________ 5. Feeler gage set. Comments:___________________________________________ 3. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-1 . Comments:___________________________________________ 16. Valve bridge spring compressor. Test valve wrench. Valve bridge lock ring guide. Comments:___________________________________________ 26. Comments:___________________________________________ 19. Comments:___________________________________________ 20. Adapter for valve spring compressor. Comments:___________________________________________ 13. Comments:___________________________________________ 27. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-2 . Valve seat seal tester.12. Valve guide cleaner. Comments:___________________________________________ 22. Comments:___________________________________________ 17. Tapered pilot checking fixture. Valve checking tram. Lock ring remover/lash adjuster. Vacuum cup-spare for valve seat seal tester. Comments:___________________________________________ 14. Valve seat reconditioning tool set (115 volt). Valve guide installer/remover. Cylinder head stud hole cleaner. Comments:___________________________________________ 23. Comments:___________________________________________ 15. Cylinder test valve seat reamer. Valve spring compressor. Crab stud protector tubes. Comments:___________________________________________ 24. Comments:___________________________________________ 25. Comments:___________________________________________ 21. Comments:___________________________________________ 18. Lash adjuster test stand (110 volt). Comments:___________________________________________ 32. Comments:___________________________________________ 38. Piston ring groove gage. Wire. Comments:___________________________________________ 40. Piston holding tool. Wire holder. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-3 . Comments:___________________________________________ 42. Piston ring expander. Comments:___________________________________________ 41. Comments:___________________________________________ 34. Gage locator. Comments:___________________________________________ 30. Comments:___________________________________________ 35. Fork connecting-rod basket thread gage. Comments:___________________________________________ 37. lead 1/8-inch diameter. Comments:___________________________________________ 36. Comments:___________________________________________ 33. Comments:___________________________________________ 43. Injector timing gage. Comments:___________________________________________ 39. Piston cooling pipe cleaning tool. Comments:___________________________________________ 31. Comments:___________________________________________ 29. Snap ring remover. piston-to-head clearance. Master gage.28. Connecting-rod checking fixture. Cylinder liner lifter. Torque wrench extension for ¾-inch drive wrench. Liner bore gage. Comments:___________________________________________ 47. Injector linkage setting rack (PGA governor). Lash adjuster minimum clearance gage. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-4 . Cylinder head removing fixture. Comments:___________________________________________ 52. Comments:___________________________________________ 51. Cylinder head carrying basket. Comments:___________________________________________ 57. Comments:___________________________________________ 59. Blade rod protector boot. Comments:___________________________________________ 55. Comments:___________________________________________ 49. Piston cooling pipe alignment gage. Comments:___________________________________________ 53. Injector linkage setting rack (UG-8 governor).44. Comments:___________________________________________ 54. Upper main bearing shell remover. Comments:___________________________________________ 56. Comments:___________________________________________ 46. Water pump impeller/gear puller. Fork rod support. Injector rack gage. Ford rod protector boot. Comments:___________________________________________ 45. Comments:___________________________________________ 58. Injector tester. Impeller installer. Comments:___________________________________________ 48. Injector pry bar. Piston pulling eyebolt. Comments:___________________________________________ 50. Check foundation bolts and chocks for proper installation.) Comments:___________________________________________ d. Comments:___________________________________________ f. a. water streaks. Isolate expansion tank and hydrostatically test the jacket water system according to PMS if any of the following conditions exist. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-5 . Lube oil test kit. obvious external/internal leaks. rust. Comments:___________________________________________ e. (Flame-hardening on connecting rods is normal. Visually inspect crankcase (block) and oil pan (sub base). Remove oil pan inspection hand-hole covers and air box hand-hole covers.60. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Comments:___________________________________________ 61. Comments:___________________________________________ 62. Engage barring device. that is. and NOAP results. Main bearing cap-lifting tool. Comments:___________________________________________ 63. Firing pressure adapter tool. Check for broken parts or other contamination. Check for missing or loose bolts between crankcase and oil pan. 3. Check flywheel pointer gage accuracy in order to proceed with the inspection. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Check cleanliness of air box. 1 at top dead center. 2. Check cleanliness of lube oil sump. then align cylinder No. Comments:___________________________________________ B. Check internals for signs of overheating. Open cylinder test valves (indicator cocks) and prelubricate engine before attempting to bar over. VISUAL INSPECTION 1. Jacket water test kit. and open top deck covers. 11 9.7 3. and an inspection of the liner for any one cylinder. FIRING ORDER 1 5 3 7 4 8 2 6 COMPRESSION RING INSPECTION CHECK UP DOWN 7 2 4 6 8 1 2 5 6 3 1 7 5 4 3 8 PISTON COOLING OIL PIPE ALIGNMENT 4.5 PISTON SKIRT CHECK 8 4 3.10 9 6 1.4.8 PISTON SKIRT CHECK 1.4 8.7 3.8 5.4 1.12 8.6 9. the piston skirt inspection for two cylinders at once.1 11.6 2.9 4. Follow the one-revolution-inspection sequence given below for each applicable EMD engine: Starting with cylinder No. a single revolution of the crankshaft from 0 to 360 degrees will align the following areas for inspection: Compression rings will be visible through the liner ports for one cylinder moving upward and another cylinder moving downward.5 7.3 12.5 1. 8-Cylinder CCW rotation engine. FIRING ORDER 1 12 7 4 3 10 9 5 2 11 8 6 COMPRESSION RING INSPECTION CHECK UP DOWN 3 2 10 11 9 8 5 6 2 1 11 12 8 7 6 4 1 3 12 10 7 9 4 5 PISTON COOLING OIL PIPE ALIGNMENT 3.12 7 5 2. 1.10 7.11 LINER inspection 5 2 11 8 6 1 12 7 4 3 10 9 D2-6 .5 LINE INSPECTION 4 8 2 6 1 5 3 7 12-Cylinder CCW rotation.8 4.6 2. the piston cooling oil pipe alignment check for two cylinders at once.7 6.2 10.6 2. 10 7.16 4.15 3.15 1.9 7.12 5.16 4.16 LINER INSPECTION 4 5 12 13 2 7 10 15 1 8 9 16 3 6 11 14 4.10 5.9 16-Cylinder CW rotation.14 2.16 3. FIRING ORDER 1 8 9 16 3 6 11 14 4 5 12 13 2 7 10 15 COMPRESSION RING INSPECTION CHECK UP DOWN 6 13 11 2 14 7 4 10 5 15 12 1 13 8 2 9 7 16 10 3 15 6 1 11 8 14 9 4 16 5 3 12 PISTON COOLING OIL PIPE ALIGNMENT 6.13 1.9 8.15 3.14 2.13 1.10 5.11 8.15 3.11 8. FIRING ORDER 1 15 10 7 2 13 12 5 4 14 11 6 3 16 9 8 COMPRESSION RING INSPECTION CHECK UP DOWN 13 6 12 3 5 16 4 9 14 8 11 1 6 15 3 10 16 7 9 2 8 13 1 12 15 5 10 4 7 14 2 11 PISTON COOLING OIL PIPE ALIGNMENT PISTON SKIRT CHECK LINER INSPECTION 4 14 11 6 3 16 9 8 1 15 10 7 2 13 12 6 5.10 D2-7 .11 6.13 PISTON SKIRT CHECK 7.9 7.16-Cylinder CCW rotation.13 1.11 8.14 4.12 6.12 6.12 2.14 2. dull spots. Vertical brown streaks will indicate blow-by. Record on data sheet. Comments:___________________________________________ g. Comments: ___________________________________________________ b. Check condition of piston skirt for signs of scoring or scuffing. Check condition of compression rings that are visible through liner ports. Comments:___________________________________________ c. NOTE Accomplish if visual inspection warrants it. or port framing. Comments:___________________________________________ h. Comments:___________________________________________ Check main bearing caps for correct installation. Comments:___________________________________________ f.a. galling. Check visible areas of liners through ports for signs of scoring. if broken. Check engine block A-frame bearing supports for cracks. Comments:___________________________________________ j. Record on a data sheet. Comments:___________________________________________ d. A ring in good condition will have a bright surface. but a broken ring will usually turn black. Comments:___________________________________________ i. Record on data sheet. Measure side clearance (ring-to-land clearance) of compression rings. Measure crankshaft thrust according to PMS. Measure crankshaft deflection at crank web closest to the drive end according to PMS. the ring will not push back. Check visible areas of crankshaft for cracks or galling. using a feeler gage. Use wooden stick to push ring for resiliency check. D2-8 . Comments:___________________________________________ e. Check lower liner insert for correct installation. NOTE NOAP results should confirm presence of silver. Check for presence of incorrect silver-alloy piston pin bearings by shaking connecting rod or by feeling the surface finish of the bearing edge (a smooth surface finish is acceptable). Inspect lube oil manifold piping for leakage. Check camshaft lobes for excessive wear. Inspect jacket water manifold piping for leakage. CAUTION Engine must be barred over for this check. Comments:___________________________________________ n. Comments:___________________________________________ p. Inspect rear crankshaft gear for broken teeth or excessive wear. a. Visually inspect top deck. Comments:___________________________________________ l. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Comments:___________________________________________ 5.k. Check connecting-rod bolts and nuts for proper installation. Comments:___________________________________________ m. Inspect flywheel ring gear teeth and air starter motor pinion. or discoloration. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-9 . Comments:___________________________________________ o. Inspect drive gears for broken teeth or excessive wear. Check airbox drains for blockage. Comments:___________________________________________ q. galling. Check match marks on rod caps and rods for correct installation. Check camshaft drive gears for excessive wear. Check cylinder head crab nut and plate positioning. Comments:___________________________________________ h. Comments:___________________________________________ g. Inspect valve springs and valve bridge spring. Spot check valve clearances with go and no-go gage. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-10 . of Head 4 Model 645F3 No. Check identification number on cylinder head. Check torque if suspect.c. of Head or 9556059 5 645 3 4 5 645E3C 4 5 645E3 3 4 5 645F3B 5 or 556059 4 5 645E3B Comments:___________________________________________ f. Check cylinder head or fuel. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Inspect camshaft coupling bolts and nuts and ensure that securing lock wire is in place (if applicable). NOTE The following is a guide to head interchangeability with EMD model engines: Model 567 No. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Comments:___________________________________________ i. or lube oil leakage. Check oil drain hole in heads for blockage. water. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-11 . Inspect turbocharger compressor for damaged vanes. Exhaust system. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Comments:___________________________________________ f. Comments:___________________________________________ d. a. Inspect external surfaces of turbocharger for evidence of exhaust leaks. 7. Comments:___________________________________________ g. Measure turbocharger thrust clearance in accordance with PMS. Inspect blower rotor and casing for dirt or overheating through air box. Visually inspect turbocharger/blower. Record on data sheet. Comments:___________________________________________ NOTE Blower clearances are to be measured only in accordance with the PMS periodicity requirements and not during every engine inspection. Inspect blower rotors for signs of contact with casing through air box. Record on data sheet. NOTE Record blower readings if taken during the diesel inspection. Comments:___________________________________________ b. a.6. Visually inspect exhaust pipes and expansion joints in engine room and exhaust stacks for leaks during operational test. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Measure clearance between impeller and casing in accordance with PMS. Rotate turbocharger rotor by hand to ensure that the rotor is not binding. leaking oil seal or corrosion due to ingestion of seawater. NOTE The results of the visual inspection may indicate that a more thorough inspection of the entire exhaust system is required. fire or safety hazards. Check freedom of movement of all racks. Inspect flexible hoses for cracks. Comments:___________________________________________ 9. With clevis pin nuts securely tightened and cotter keys in place. and deterioration. Comments:___________________________________________ 10. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-12 . Check governor oil level and ensure that no oil leakage around base of governor exists. Check engine exhaust muffler for baffle separation and deterioration (if applicable). Inspect exhaust stacks for cleanliness. Visually inspect fuel control linkage and governor assembly. a. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Use applicable power piston jack to check uniformity of rack settings from idle to full speed. check all linkages for lost motion. NOTE Fuel and lube oil systems are not permitted to have galvanized fittings. piping. Comments:___________________________________________ d. rubbing. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Inspect air intake filter elements for cleanliness and proper assembly. Inspect pipe hangers and flexible hose supports. Comments:___________________________________________ f. fraying. Check exhaust pipe/silencer drain valves for freedom of movement and clogging.b. a. Inspect exhaust muffler hand hole covers for leaks if applicable. Comments:___________________________________________ 8. Inspect spring hangers for material condition. proper tension. Comments:___________________________________________ c. and indications of movement. and fittings. linkages. swelling. Flexible hoses. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Inspect air intake system. and control shafts. Check for completed PMS on testing of lube oil system relief. Comments:___________________________________________ d. and inspect it for contamination. drain. NOTE If turbocharger inlet oil filter is dirty the main lube oil pressure will drop. Comments:___________________________________________ f. cut it apart. Comments:___________________________________________ 12. Comments:___________________________________________ b. and installed vent valves operate correctly. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Ensure that filter and strainer shift handles.11. and pressureregulating valves. Comments:___________________________________________ g. Check lube oil system and engine attached piping for leakage. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-13 . Check operation of turbocharger prelubrication system. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Randomly check condition of flange shields. Check drive shaft oil seal for leakage. Check fuel pump flexible coupling spider insert for uneven wear. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Inspect fuel system. Operate prelube pump and ensure that all rocker arm assemblies have an adequate flow of lube oil. a. Pull the lower filter element out. a. Comments:___________________________________________ b. if installed. Inspect cleanliness of lube oil filter. bypass. Inspect cleanliness of turbocharger lube oil filter (if applicable). Randomly check condition of flange shields. Inspect lube oil system. Inspect clutch.13. and drum for cleanliness and for excessive wear. and calibration during operational test. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-14 . Comments:___________________________________________ 17. Check clutch shoe torque bars and side plate holes for wear and elongation. a. Check pedestal bearings for oil leakage and ensure that foundation bolts are tight. shoe. Inspect condition of generator on SSDG and EDG applications. Inspect jacket water cooler and temperature-regulating valve. Inspect seawater system. a. b. Comments:___________________________________________ 18. Visually check generator windings to ensure that they are not oil soaked. Check telltale hole for blockage. Check for correct level in jacket water expansion tank. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Inspect lube oil separator screen for correct installation and check for excessive oil accumulation. Inspect clutches and coupling on LST 1179 class MPDE. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Comments:___________________________________________ 16. installation. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Inspect crankcase exhauster system. Comments:___________________________________________ 15. Check for leakage from the telltale hole indicating defective seal on engine attached jacket water pump. Check all jacket water system piping for leakage. Check for leakage from the telltale hole indicating defective seal on engine attached seawater pump. Ensure that the orifice has been installed. Comments:___________________________________________ 14. Check for proper operation. Inspect jacket water system. Gages and instruments. and fasteners. Check manual trip lever for wear. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Remotely operate the emergency trip (inspect for frayed wire and improper connections). Activate and test all alarms for audibility by using test button. a.19. Comments:___________________________________________ D2-15 . pins. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Safety devices. Test air inlet flapper operation (if applicable). that is. for proper tightness. Ensure that label plates for remotely operated safety devices identify the correct engine and function. bushings. 8-1/8 (3/4-inch drive up to 1000 ft/lb). Protractor/crankshaft lead gage. Comments:____________________________________________ 3.___________________ A. a. NOTE Inspect a minimum of 25 percent of the following tools.FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES SECURED-PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET USS__________________________ DATE_________________________ ENGINE NO. 8-1/8 (1/2-inch drive) up to 350 ft/lb). Comments:____________________________________________ b. Crankshaft deflection gage. Comments:____________________________________________ D3-1 . 5-1/4 (1/2-inch drive up to 200 ft/lb). Comments:____________________________________________ c. Comments:____________________________________________ 2. Comments:____________________________________________ 4. Torque wrenches. SPECIAL TOOLS NOTE *Items not applicable to SSBN-726 Class. NOTE # Can be manufactured as required per applicable technical manual 1. Appropriate size micrometers inside and outside (0 to 11 inch). Fuel pump stroke and plunger timing gage (8-1/8 only). Comments:____________________________________________ D3-2 . Kiene indicator offset extension (if required). Comments:____________________________________________ 11. Comments:____________________________________________ 19. Cylinder liner adapter tools. Comments:____________________________________________ 9. Dial indicator. Feeler gages (long). Injector test stand (pop tester). Comments:____________________________________________ 14. Vertical drive bearing nut wrench. Comments:____________________________________________ 15. Vertical drive thrust bearing removal tool. Comments:____________________________________________ * 18. Comments:____________________________________________ 6. Magnetic base for dial indicator. Comments:____________________________________________ 7. Comments:____________________________________________ 12. Cylinder pressure gage (Kiene indicator).5. Comments:____________________________________________ 10. Comments:____________________________________________ 16. Comments:____________________________________________ 17. Vertical drive wedges (8-1/8 only). Hand or strobe tachometer. Feeler gages (short). Hand tools (PMS-related tools). Journal protector (leather strap). Injection pump discharge valve seat puller (8-1/8 only). Comments:____________________________________________ 8. Comments:____________________________________________ 13. Comments:____________________________________________ 20. Comments:____________________________________________ 23. Comments:____________________________________________ 24.* 21. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Two sliding bars. Comments:____________________________________________ 31. Two pivot bars. Lube oil test kit. Main bearing wrench adapter. Main bearing cap puller. Comments:____________________________________________ 27. Comments:____________________________________________ #* 25. Main bearing journal-lapping tool. Comments:____________________________________________ 32. Piston installation tools for model 5-1/4. Comments:____________________________________________ d. Ring compressor. Piston ring expander. Main bearing light and heavy wrenches. Crankpin cover. Two I-bolts. a. a. Two straps (rope). Comments:____________________________________________ #* D3-3 . Comments:____________________________________________ b. Comments:____________________________________________ 28. Rod bearing journal-lapping tool. Main bearing rollout tools (main and thrust). Comments:____________________________________________ 29. Piston installation tools for model 8-1/8. Comments:____________________________________________ 30. Comments:____________________________________________ 22. Comments:____________________________________________ 26. Jacket water test kit. Comments:____________________________________________ 42. that is.b. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Air box and exhaust belt areas. Upper crankshaft sprocket puller. Blower pinion. Comments:____________________________________________ 37. Water pump installation sleeve. Comments:____________________________________________ 41. Lube oil pump shaft coupling puller. VISUAL INSPECTION (USE PMS cards as reference. Tensional damper and blower drive gear puller. and hydrostatically test the jacket water system according to PMS if any of the following conditions exist. Comments:____________________________________________ B. Blower thrust tool. Comments:____________________________________________ 34. Comments:____________________________________________ * 36. Two I-bolts. Air start control valve seating tool. D3-4 . Comments:____________________________________________ * 33. Comments:____________________________________________ * 39. timing gear and flange puller. Comments:____________________________________________ 43. Thrust bearing lapping tool. Comments:____________________________________________ 38. Fuel pump stroke gage (for engines equipped with gasket less fuel pumps only). Comments:____________________________________________ 35. Blower and pump flexible drive hub puller.blower oil seal (5-1/4 only). Comments:____________________________________________ * * * 44. Air start check valve seating tool. Isolate the expansion tank.) 1. Installation sleeve . Two piston winches. Comments:____________________________________________ 40. broken parts). Inspect for cleanliness in general (foreign material. water streaks. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Comments:____________________________________________ e. broken. Inspect for broken rings. Indicate percent reduction. if any. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Check for indication of water. obvious external/internal leaks. Check for missing. or improperly installed cotter pins and lock wire. excessive water and chemical makeup. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Check connecting rod and main bearing edges for evidence of bearing failure. Comments:____________________________________________ g. Comments:____________________________________________ D3-5 . Comments:____________________________________________ d. and NOAP results. Check for missing. Check internals for discoloration or signs of overheating. Check condition of rings. Inspect covers/strong backs for cracks or distortion damage. Inspect visual condition of thermocouples. etc. Check all upper and lower main bearing lube oil jumper lines for leakage and lock wire. Comments:____________________________________________ 2. Inspect for accumulation of oil. Crankcase: a. Indicate thickness of carbon buildup. pistons. if any. or improperly installed lock wire on blower bolts. and liners. Inspect condition of ports. Comments:____________________________________________ h. b. Comments:____________________________________________ f. foreign material. Describe findings. such as rust. broken.. or broken parts. blow-by.rust. Comments:____________________________________________ d. Check for mismatched parts/and cracked welds. Comments:____________________________________________ e. on both sides of the engine. a. Comments:____________________________________________ NOTE A visual check of the rod bearing is usually sufficient. Comments:____________________________________________ D3-6 . Any sign that the bearing shell has turned in the rod indicates the rod bearing has failed and must be removed. Comments:____________________________________________ NOTE Inserting a 0. inspect the associated bearing journal bearing cap and saddle further to determine their damage. The visual check includes inspecting the bearing shell position. relief machined at the parting line of the thrust flanges. The parting line between the two shells of a flashed bearing will also open so that the 0.NOTE Aluminum main bearings that have flashed or failed can be detected by using a 0. NOTE If the initial inspection reveals that a bearing has failed. plus or minus 0.002-inch feeler gage can be inserted.002-inch feeler gage between the bearing back and the bearing cap at the parting line.002-inch feeler gage may slip into the parting line of a perfectly normal 5-1/4 thrust bearing because of a 0.002-inch feeler gage in the parting line parallel to the thrust face can check the thrust bearing. Refer to NAVSHIPS 0941-012-7010 supplement to Maintenance and Repair Manual for Fairbanks Morse diesel engines for amplifying instructions. Also. as these indicate a flashed bearing. Comments:____________________________________________ CAUTION The 0. If the feeler gage can be inserted more then 7/8 inch at the large thrust flange and 5/8 inch at the small thrust flange it indicates the bearing has failed and must be removed for evaluation.020-inch.010-inch. If the feeler gage can be inserted it is proof that the bearing has flashed and must be removed. the side of the bearing shell should be free of pimples or beads of aluminum. Check coupling for broken springs (8-1/8 only). Check foundations for cracking. Check vertical drive thrust and backlash. Comments:____________________________________________ Visually inspect all drive gears for signs of overheating. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Check lower crankshaft deflection in accordance with PMS. Check vertical drive riser flange bolts. Record on data sheet. j. CAUTION Do not over-prelube engine.f. Comments:____________________________________________ k. Comments:____________________________________________ d. a. Comments:____________________________________________ f. Comments:____________________________________________ 3. Comments:____________________________________________ h. Verify pointer (zero degrees). Check the drive hub clamp ringbolt torque. Take backlash readings if necessary. Check load pattern and tooth contact. Check foundation bolts. pitting. Vertical drive. Comments:____________________________________________ i. Check for missing or loose bolts and broken Falk coupling grids (5-1/4 only). Measure upper and lower crankshaft thrust in accordance with PMS. Comments:____________________________________________ g. Comments:____________________________________________ e. Check crankshaft lead. Comments:____________________________________________ c. galling. and unusual wear patterns. Record on data sheet. Prelube engine and ensure that lube oil flows to all moving parts. Comments:____________________________________________ D3-7 . 250 inches long. and excessive wear. Timing chain. Using a magnet check to ensure fuel oil crossover lines are steel. Check fuel pump timing and stoker on No. a. a. guide rods. Comments:_____________________________________________ D3-8 . Comments:____________________________________________ b. and governor shafts (disconnect governor linkage). Comments:____________________________________________ NOTE A new timing chain is 96. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Check governor oil level and check for external oil leaks. roller support. 1 cylinder (both pumps on double pumpers) and run a random check on one additional pump(s). Inspect timing chain master link Comments:____________________________________________ c. Inspect timing chain sprockets. Ensure that fuel control rod stop bolt has been lock wired and/or locknut installed. If crossover piping must be changed use. Check uniformity of fuel oil pump rack setting (trip fuel control rack). Comments:____________________________________________ e. Fuel and governor system. copper (no Bundyweld piping is allowed) and rubber hoses are not authorized. linkage. Inspect timing chain for proper installation. Check freedom of movement of all racks. NOTE All fuel pumps should now be on zero or less. Comments:____________________________________________ d. pipe assembly Fairbanks-Morse Part Numbers 16 608 646 or crossover assembly Part Number 16 205 456. tension. The maximum length of an in-service chain is 97. 500 inches long 5. Comments:____________________________________________ f.4. 060”. With the front cover removed. adjust the clearance between the stop nuts on the shutdown stem and the reset lever to 0. the following shall be accomplished: 1. If there is any evidence of the insert pull-out (0. 2. adjust the adjusting screw to a clearance of 0. Remove and discard any 3/8” thick washers behind the shutdown spring.The following is a Safety Item (Mandatory Inspection) Note: The following inspection is applicable only to those engines with two (2) injection pumps per cylinder. 3.010” to 0.050” or more the fuel control rod with the insert shall be replaced. Refer to Figure 1. CAUTION If the washers are removed. Refer to Figure 1.030” between the screw and shutdown lever button. With the shutdown released. Remove the front cover’s center inspection plate. D3-9 . f. With the shutdown cocked and the control arm against the rack stop. visual inspect the right-hand fuel control rod insert (viewed from the drive end of engine) for sufficient interference fit. the rack must be inspected at shutdown to assure injection pumps on both sides are at “ 0 “or less. piping and fittings. swelling. rubbing. Flexible hoses. Inspect all pipe hangers and flexible hose supports for correct installation. Comments:___________________________________________ D3-10 . Inspect flexible hoses for cracks. a. NOTE Galvanized fittings are not permitted in the lube oil or fuel oil systems. fraying.Figure 1 Comments:_____________________________________________________ 6. and deterioration. Comments:___________________________________________ b. galling. Check oil separator and vacuum breaker for contamination and deterioration. and excessive wear. Inspect camshaft for pitting. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Comments:___________________________________________ D3-11 . Inspect lube oil pumps. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Inspect blower for metal-to-metal contact and oil in blower cavity. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Check air start distributor timing for No.7. Check camshaft-bearing edges for evidence of bearing failure. a. NOTE Take and record blower reading if visual inspection warrants it. Comments:___________________________________________ 10. Check condition of gears and bearings. Comments:___________________________________________ 8. a. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Comments:___________________________________________ b. and spacers. Comments:___________________________________________ e. During operational test. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Comments:___________________________________________ 9. a. Camshaft. Check locating dowels in end plates. Check condition of blower rotors and housing. discoloration. Inspect fuel oil pump. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Jacket and raw water pumps and piping. a. Engine fuel oil and generator bearing scavenging lube oil pumps during operational test. 1 cylinder. Scavenging air blower. inspect pumps and piping for leakage. Take blower reading required by data sheet paragraphs 4a through d. Comments:___________________________________________ D3-12 . Inspect spring hangers for material condition. Comments:___________________________________________ 12. Inspect exhaust stacks for cleanliness. a. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Exhaust system. fire or safety hazards. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Check for signs of overheating of lube oil pump housing. proper tension. and indications of movement. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Check engine exhaust muffler for baffle separation and deterioration (if applicable). Inspect filter elements/screens for cleanliness. a. NOTE The results of the visual inspection may indicate a more thorough inspection of the entire exhaust system is required. Check for any leakage of oil from pipe connections and flanges (to be observed during operational test.) Comments:___________________________________________ b. Inspect exhaust muffler hand hole covers for leaks if applicable. proper installation. Visually inspect exhaust pipes and expansion joints in engine room and exhaust stacks for leaks during operational test. Comments:___________________________________________ f. Comments:___________________________________________ 13. Air intake system.11. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Lube oil system. and missing installation clips. Remove and open one lube oil filter element per engine (lower one if installed) and inspect for types of contamination. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Check exhaust pipe/silencer drain valves for freedom of movement and clogging. Check for proper operation. Fuel oil filters and strainers. and pressureregulating valves. Inspect heat exchangers for external leaks. Inspect temperature-regulating valves for proper operation and external leaks. Gages and instruments. bypass. and calibration during operational test. Check for completed PMS on testing of lube oil system relief. Comments:___________________________________________ g. Heat exchangers and temperature-regulating valves. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Ensure that all sump drain valves are locked closed and capped. installation. Comments:___________________________________________ D3-13 . NOTE No sock-type filters. Check level in jacket water expansion tank. Ensure that valves in the lube oil system that could obstruct the flow of oil to the engine have been locked fully open with proper locking devices. a. Comments:___________________________________________ 15.d. Check for completed PMS on testing of fuel oil system relief. Ensure that shifting lever operated properly. and pressureregulating valves. Comments:___________________________________________ f. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Inspect filter elements for correct type and installation. Comments:___________________________________________ 16. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Comments:___________________________________________ 14. a. bypass. Comments:___________________________________________ c. and fasteners. for proper tightness. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Comments:___________________________________________ D3-14 . Check pedestal bearing for grounding in accordance with current PMS. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Check manual trip lever for wear. Activate and test all alarms for audibility by using test button. Check generator internals for signs of lube oil contamination. Ensure that all label plates for remotely operated safety devices identify the correct engine and function. 900-RPM generator sets only. Generator (if applicable ). Test air inlet flapper operation (if applicable). bushings. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Comments:___________________________________________ 18. Measure rotor shaft drop reading at pedestal bearing against stamped reading in accordance with PMS. Safety devices. a.) Comments:___________________________________________ e. a. that is. Comments:___________________________________________ d.17. pins. Inspect for lube oil and seawater leaks. Remotely operate the emergency trip (inspect for frayed wire and improper connections. Comments:___________________________________________ 6. Comments:___________________________________________ 7. Comments:___________________________________________ 3. Swing rod (main bearing saddle stud nut). Comments:___________________________________________ 5. Comments:___________________________________________ 11. Tool to check connecting rod stud elongation. Connecting rod cap loader assembly. Comments:___________________________________________ 8._________________ A. Tool for hydraulic tightening of main bearing. Support tool for connecting rod and piston assembly. SPECIAL TOOLS: NOTE Inspect a minimum of 25 percent of the following tools. Lower main bearing shell removal tools. Tools for tightening main bearing side screws.COLT-PIELSTICK SECURED-PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET USS ________________________ DATE_______________________ ENGINE NO. Comments:___________________________________________ 2. 1. Comments:___________________________________________ 9. Comments:___________________________________________ 10. Tool to dismantle main bearing cap. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-1 . Comments:___________________________________________ 4. Special socket (oil plug main bearing cap). Hydraulic jack for tightening main bearing saddle studs. Tool for tightening and dismantling connecting rod stud. Piston ring compressor. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-2 . Tool for disassembling cylinder liner from water jacket. Comments:___________________________________________ 25. Comments:___________________________________________ 15. Comments:___________________________________________ 27. Comments:___________________________________________ 26. Lifter for cylinder liner and water jacket. Comments:___________________________________________ 22.12. Tools for removing connecting rod. Cylinder head hydraulic pressure test tool. Comments:___________________________________________ 14. Spacer assembly (liner removal). Comments:___________________________________________ 19. Exhaust valve seat decarboning tool. Fitting and dismantling valve springs tool. Lifter for cylinder head assembly. Piston and connecting rod lifter. Piston skirt protection collar. Comments:___________________________________________ 21. Comments:___________________________________________ 20. Piston pin extractor. Comments:___________________________________________ 16. Comments:___________________________________________ 23. Comments:___________________________________________ 18. Comments:___________________________________________ 13. Comments:___________________________________________ 24. Comments:___________________________________________ 17. Piston ring gap measuring tool. Piston ring expander. Cylinder liner stud thread protector. Cylinder head and liner lapping too. Fixture assembly for testing cylinder head safety valve. Comments:___________________________________________ 39. lapping the injector-seating surface. Nozzle tip gasket installation tool. Comments:___________________________________________ 33. Comments:___________________________________________ 31. Comments:___________________________________________ 41. Split cam screw drive extension.28. Comments:___________________________________________ 38. Tool for cleaning injection nozzle tip. Inlet valve seat cutter assembly. Comments:___________________________________________ 34. Air-start distributor rotor puller.5 injection nozzle and cylinder head safety valve (pop tester). Injection nozzle gasket removal tool. Jackscrew for exhaust valve removal. Support assembly tool for dismantling exhaust valves. Tooling for manual control of fuel pump assembly. Comments:___________________________________________ 36. Test stand assembly for PC2. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-3 . Comments:___________________________________________ 29. Comments:___________________________________________ 35. Comments:___________________________________________ 40. Comments:___________________________________________ 32. Comments:___________________________________________ 43. Injection nozzle puller tool. Air start and safety valve extractor assembly. Comments:___________________________________________ 37. Support for dial indicator assembly for setting valve lash. Comments:___________________________________________ 42. Holder for nozzle tip removal and assembly tool. Comments:___________________________________________ 30. Tooling. Dial indicator assembly for crankshaft clearance. Comments:___________________________________________ 55. with sliding T-handle. heavy duty. Comments:___________________________________________ 53. 1-inch drive. Roll pin removal and installation tool. Nut for unclamping tapered sleeve or camshaft drive gear. Bellow handling tool (exhaust manifold). single end flare nut. Comments:___________________________________________ 51. Gear-lifting tool. Comments:___________________________________________ 47. Wrench. Comments:___________________________________________ 49. Comments:___________________________________________ 46. Tools for measuring clearance at crankshaft journal. 2-inch 8-point. Impact socket. Thrust bearing removal tool Comments:___________________________________________ 48. 12-point. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-4 . Crankshaft distortion gage. Grease gun. Counterweight stud tool assembly. Comments:___________________________________________ 54. Comments:___________________________________________ 56. Allen 10 mm. Counterweight lifting tools. Comments:___________________________________________ 57. with hose and two couplers. 7/8-inch across flats. Comments:___________________________________________ 45. 14 oz. Comments:___________________________________________ 58. Striking wrench 55 mm. Comments:___________________________________________ 59. Comments:___________________________________________ 52. Long flat chisel 15-1/2 to 18 inches long.44. Comments:___________________________________________ 50. Special wrench. 7/8-inch. Comments:___________________________________________ 64. 12. 8. 3/4-inch drive with 35-inch handle. Wrench-open-end single 3.2-5/8 inch. Comments:___________________________________________ 75. Wrench-open-end double 1-1/2 inch (38 mm) . Comments:___________________________________________ 71. 42. 30-32 mm Comments:___________________________________________ 68. Kiene pressure indicator. 4-1/8 inch. Hydraulic hand pump. Comments:___________________________________________ 61.046 inch. Ratchet. 12-13. 10-11. 8-9. 1-inch drive. Extension. 3-3/4. 7-1/8 inch-7-1/2 inch. Comments:___________________________________________ 69. Wrench 60 mm. Comments:___________________________________________ 70. single end flare nut. 3-3/8. 12-point. Turbocharger tools. 17. Comments:___________________________________________ 66. 19-22. 12-point. Comments:___________________________________________ 65. super heavy duty slugging. Eyebolt. 14-15. 24 mm. 10. 82 mm.1-5/8 inch. 24-27. Wrench-Allen 6. 14. Screwdriver (small) standard blade 0. Comments:___________________________________________ 62. Comments:___________________________________________ 74. 58 60 (2-3/8 inch). Comments:___________________________________________ 67. Wrench 9/16-inch. Comments:___________________________________________ 73. Warren water pump impeller puller. Comments:___________________________________________ 72. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-5 . Comments:___________________________________________ 63.60. Wrench-open-end double 2-3/16 inch (71 mm) . Wrench-open-end double – 6-7. Wrench-open-end double 5/16-inch 1-inch (25 mm). 16-17. 3/4-inch drive. Dr 1/2-inch male to 3/4-inch female. 1-inch sq male drive.075 inch. Punch. pin 1/4-inch dia. snap-ring (int/ext) 2-1/16 x 3-11/32 inch. Exhaust valve bushing removal tool. Comments:___________________________________________ 87. Torque wrench. pin 1/8-inch dia. Comments:___________________________________________ 80. 6 pt. Socket.76. 26 mm 1/2-inch drive. Punch. 6 pt. Comments:___________________________________________ 79. impact 30 mm 1-inch drive. snap-ring (int/ext) 3/16-inch-dia. Screwdriver (large) standard blade 0. Adapter. Comments:___________________________________________ 81. 29 mm 1/2-inch drive. Socket. Socket. Tool for tightening cylinder head nuts (socket impact 2-1/2 inch with 1-1/2 drive. Comments:___________________________________________ 86. 12 pt. Comments:___________________________________________ 85. Socket. 1/2-inch drive. Comments:___________________________________________ 77. 1-inch drive. and 600-lb/ft capacity. impact 28 mm. 36 mm 3/4-inch drive with modified OD. Comments:___________________________________________ 91. Comments:___________________________________________ 89. Comments:___________________________________________ 88. Socket. Plier. Comments:___________________________________________ 83. Comments:___________________________________________ 84. Wrench-torque multiplier (4:1) 3/4-inch sq female dr. Torque wrench. Plier. Comments:___________________________________________ 82. Comments:___________________________________________ 90. rings. Comments:___________________________________________ 78. 12 pt. to 1-3/8-inch-dia. and 175-lb/ft capacity. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-6 . Torque adapter. 26 mm 1/2-inch drive. open end. Comments:___________________________________________ 106. Combination open-end wrench set. Comments:___________________________________________ 94. Comments:___________________________________________ 107. Comments:___________________________________________ 105. Borescope. Comments:___________________________________________ 102. Comments:___________________________________________ 100. Metric Allen wrench. Comments:___________________________________________ 103. Comments:___________________________________________ 96. Tool. 2-1/2-inch x 1-inch drive. 2-5/8 inch. open end. 26 mm. 46 mm. Rocker-arm spacer. Combination wrench . Metric socket set. 21. Roller lock block. thrust bearing spacer. Comments:___________________________________________ 97. Wrench. Comments:___________________________________________ 98. Large snap ring pliers. bypass/waste gate valve spring compressor. sizes 2 mm-19 mm. Comments:___________________________________________ 93.20. Comments:___________________________________________ 99. Socket. sizes 6 mm-19 mm. 23. Tool. Comments:___________________________________________ 95. Too.92. Roller lock assembly. Wrench. Comments:___________________________________________ 101. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-7 . Comments:___________________________________________ 104. overspeed trip. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Check for indications of jacket water leakage. securing cap screws. Comments:_ __________________________________________ f. Inspect lock washer. Spot check for mismatched connecting rod and connecting rod caps. Inspect chocks for shifting and cracked welds. and improper lubrication. Check crankcase for foreign particles and indications of jacket water leakage. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-8 . Inspect all connecting-rod bolts for proper installation and lock wire (PMS). Remove inspection plates on both sides of engine and inspect crankshaft gear for broken teeth. Comments:___________________________________________ c. and abrasion. Comments:___________________________________________ g. Remove crankcase inspection covers and check internals for discoloration or signs of overheating. unusual wear pattern. and block. crankcase. Check connecting rod and main bearing edges for evidence of bearing failure (PMS). Comments:___________________________________________ i. a. Check for missing or lose bolts. excessive wear. Comments:___________________________________________ h. Some polishing will exist and is considered normal for this engine (PMS). Check all internal lube oil jumpers for looseness (PMS). Sub base. Check for serial number and orientation. scuffing. as engine must be barred over. VISUAL INSPECTION 1.B. block to base. CAUTION Use extreme care. Check visible areas of all liners for scoring. Inspect crankcase inspection covers and cover relief valves for loose or missing gaskets and fasteners. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Comments:___________________________________________ e. and lock plates on all main bearing caps for proper installation (PMS). Moderate shallow pitting of single areas not exceeding 1/4 inch in diameter are acceptable for continued use. as engine must be barred over. galling.CAUTION Use extreme care. Comments:___________________________________________ n. or excessive wear. See paragraph 2g. Check for adequate oil flow. Inspect Gieslinger coupling for signs of oil leakage (PMS). (If readings taken within three months before engine inspection are within specification. the data may be used to satisfy the requirements of this step. Inspect all auxiliary drive gears. top deck and valve gear. Measure crankshaft thrust according to PMS. Inspect fuel cams for excessive pitting and sliding contact surface damage. Camshaft. Comments:___________________________________________ j. a. Relatively small pits. Questionable cam surface damage shall be referred to NSWCCD-SSES for replacement criteria. for broken teeth. Comments:___________________________________________ k. Comments:___________________________________________ l. Comments:___________________________________________ m. Cams with severely spalled surfaces or deep pits shall be replaced. CAUTION Use extreme care. or discoloration (PMS). Take a complete set of crankshaft deflection readings and bearing presses. unusual wear pattern. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-9 . flat spots. Comments:___________________________________________ 2. as engine must be barred over. including camshaft drive.) Document measurements on record sheet. Remove all camshaft covers and inspect camshaft lobes for excessive wear. widely dispersed over the fuel cam and roller contact surface are acceptable for continued use. Pitted cams shall be re-inspected at six moth intervals to determine if pitting has progressed or if surface damage has increased. Comments:___________________________________________ 3. Operate main lube oil standby/prelube pump. Check for adequate oil circulation from all main. Check for any excessive looseness in the rocker arm assemblies (PMS). and gears. Ensure that turbocharger surge control system operates properly. This inspection is mandatory every 500 hours of engine operation for all Engines that have not been repaired. e. Inspect external surface of the turbocharger for evidence of exhaust leaks. connecting. and camshaft bearings. If a loose assembly is found. Measure camshaft thrust at 16. remove cover and inspect camshaft castle nut and cotter pin for looseness. Inspect camshaft thrust bearing cover and thrust bearing housing for looseness. Check and record valve clearances on at least two cylinders on each bank (PMS). Comments:___________________________________________ c. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Inspect for broken springs on valves (PMS). Ensure that sump tank is filled with oil to normal non-operating level and heated to 100°F minimum/140°F maximum. Comments:___________________________________________ g. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-10 . Comments:___________________________________________ d. Comments:___________________________________________ f. Turbocharger. Inspect camshaft supplemental support bearing cap screw IAW NAVSEA Technical Manual S9233-A8-MMO-010 Change G 28 July 1995 and NAVSURFWARCEN SHIPSYSENGSTA PHILADELPHIA PA MESSAGE DTG 172020Z JUN 02. Comments:___________________________________________ h. Visually inspect oil level and condition of oil through sight glasses.000 engine hours or as situation requires.rod. pistons. injection pump rollers. Check for any evidence of fuel or water leakage around the outside of the cylinder head area and inside the valve cover. a.b. Statically test bypass and waste gate valves (PMS). Comments:___________________________________________ c. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Ensure that blow-in door operates properly and closes completely when reset. Inspect exhaust stacks for cleanliness. proper tension. fire or safety hazards. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Inspect elements for cleanliness and deterioration. Remove free end cover of each intake manifold and inspect for lube oil and debris. Comments:___________________________________________ 5. Comments:___________________________________________ b. and indications of movement. Check exhaust pipe/silencer drain valves for freedom of movement and clogging. a. Comments:___________________________________________ e. a. Check engine exhaust muffler for baffle separation and deterioration (if applicable). Comments:___________________________________________ The following is a Safety Item (Mandatory Inspection) e. Inspect air ducting within the machinery space for cracks. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Comments:___________________________________________ d. D4-11 . Ensure that all intake filter elements are installed and firmly seated in the housing. Intake System. Visually inspect exhaust pipes and expansion joints in engine room and exhaust stacks for leaks during operational test. Ship's air supply pressure regulator to the Valve shall be set at 100 PSI IAW MPDE T/M NAVSEA S9233-A8-MMO-010. Exhaust system. and loose or missing fasteners. Inspect spring hangers for material condition. missing sections. Inspect exhaust muffler hand hole covers for leaks if applicable. Comments:___________________________________________ c. 3-3.4. Inspect MPDE Combustion Air Shutoff Valve Time Delay: 1. Fig. Comments:___________________________________________ f. NOTE The results of the visual inspection may indicate that a more thorough inspection of the entire exhaust system is required. and deterioration. Check freedom of movement of all racks. Corrective action for Valve closure not IAW 25 +10 / -5 seconds time delay requires Kidde Time Delay Cylinder modification by OEM/FMED to comply with new FMED Drawing P12619832. Fuel control linkage and governor assembly. Comments:___________________________________________ b. rubbing. Check the forward and aft space bars supporting the intercoolers. Comments:________________________________________________ 6. and control shafts (use the manual stop lever to move racks through full range of travel). Refer to figure F7-52 in the NAVSEA Technical Manual S9233-A8-MMO-010. Comments:___________________________________________ 7. Visually inspect oil condition through sight glass. linkages. Check uniformity of rack settings (use manual stop lever to move rack to full load position). Inspect flexible hose for cracks. Flexible hoses. contact NAVSEA-Philadelphia.2. Code 9325 for direction. and control shafts for loose or missing fasteners. Comments:______________________________________________ f. 3-3 and (revised) MRC 6WMJ N. Comments:___________________________________________ The following is a Safety Item (Mandatory Inspection) D4-12 . If the bar is not tight or turns freely or if locknuts are loose. Check all racks. Check and record injector fuel pump timing on at least two cylinders on each bank. swelling. Ensure that the space bars and locknuts at each end cannot be rotated by hand. Check governor oil level and oil leakage around base of governor. 3. Valve shall close within 25 +10 / -5 seconds IAW MPDE T/M Fig. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Ensure that rack stop has been set at 39 mm. (TFBR LSD 48 Ser 0056-02). Ensure that fuel rack boost is 15 mm plus or minus 3 mm (PMS). Comments:___________________________________________ c. linkages. Ensure that lead seal on rack stop adjusting screw is intact. a. Comments:___________________________________________ f. a. Comments:___________________________________________ e. fraying. Roll pins that have incorrect orientation is incorrect or are worn shall be replaced.) Comments:___________________________________________ d. Inspect fuel oil pump telltale drain for signs of leakage. (Ensure that standby pump is off. Check flange shields for fuel soaking. 8. which are held together by roll pins. Fuel system. The fuel control rod linkage consists of the regulating bar and the connecting tube. Ensure that fuel filter shift handle operates correctly. Check operation of hand priming pump. Operate fuel oil standby pump and inspect fuel oil jumper liner and connections for leakage. indicating flange connection leakage (perform this inspection after injector fuel pump timing checks). Comments:___________________________________________ D4-13 . Comments:___________________________________________ b. Inspect the roll pins for proper orientation and wear IAW figure 1.g. Comments:___________________________________________ c. a. Inspect main lube oil strainer interlock and shift mechanism for loose and missing fasteners and correct operation. Inspect main lube oil strainer vent and drain valves for correct operation. Using a feeler gauges. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-14 . Inspect filter vent and drain valves for correct operation. Inspect lube oil cooler for external leaks. Comments:___________________________________________ f. or interlock will be damaged. a. Main and rocker lube oil systems. Check piping system for leakage. the nominal clearance is 0. Comments:___________________________________________ d. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Ensure that reservoir sight glass indicates that reservoir refills when main lube oil standby pump is operated. Check flange shields for oil soaking. 9.065 to 0. Inspect one rocker lube oil strainer basket for excessive contaminants and correct installation (PMS).e. Inspect one filter element for excessive contaminants and correct installation (PMS). Operate main lube oil standby/prelube pump and inspect lube oil manifold for leakage. Drain rocker lube oil reservoir. f. check the clearances between the upper flange and the fuel injection pump body in five places. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Comments:___________________________________________ e. CAUTION Lube oil strainer interlock must be pressurized on both sides before shifting.003 of the nominal clearance. Check operation of hand priming pump (ensure that standby pump is off). Operate the rocker lube oil standby pump and ensure that all rocker arm assemblies are getting lube oil.075. All pumps must be checked. Inspect one main lube oil strainer basket for excessive contamination and correct installation. Comments:___________________________________________ g. The clearance shall be within 0. indicating leakage of oil from flange connections. Comments:___________________________________________ g. Jacket water system. Visually inspect the condition of the upper and lower pump shaft drive end roller bearings visible through the forward relief valve port in the pump body. a. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Isolate and tag-out the affected portion of the lube oil system. The inner races of the roller bearings should be even with the outer races and be in contact with the shaft shoulder on both the upper and lower shafts. and ensure that one lock tab is completely and properly secured in a locknut slot.). If a gap exists between the shaft shoulder and the aft end of the inner roller bearing race. Remove pump relief valve. Check for correct level of jacket water in expansion tank. Use of any other gasket material will affect the pump thrust bearing clearance.007-inch thick material. Ensure cap screw lock wire is in place. Inspect main lube oil filter vent and drain valves for correct operation. Check for evidence that locktite has been applied to the locknut. Ensure that the constant vent has been installed on the attached pump case. k. Record specific location of sampling valve in system (examples: upstream of filter.h. 10. Check lube oil sampling valves for hand wheels and caps. Operate the jacket water standby pump. Inspect each MPDE attached lube oil pump for loose thrust bearing assembly lock washers and locknuts. 43 and thrust bearing spacer sleeve. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-15 . CAUTION Replacement gasket for rear head must be made from . Remove nuts from studs and remove only the rear head cover. The outer races of the roller bearings should be flushed with the face of the front head housing and should be secured in the housing by the socket heat capscrews. etc. Check that locknut is tight against lock washer No. Check for leakage from the attached pump telltale hole (leakage indicates defective mechanical seal). the bearing is migrating off the pump shaft and shall be repaired/replaced. Comments:___________________________________________ i. washers and lock wire. Clean gasket from rear head. Inspect one main lube oil filter element for excessive contaminants and correct installation (PMS). and loose or damaged roller bearings. at standby pump casing vent. Comments:___________________________________________ j. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Visually inspect the toothed lock washer for damage to locking tabs. Ensure that attached pump suction and discharge local gages have been installed and calibrated. Jacket water keepwarm system. and heater relief valve for leaks. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Manually cycle the Leslie three-way control valve (shut off the air supply and bleed pressure from diaphragm). Check for free movement through full valve stroke. piping. Comments:___________________________________________ 12. Inspect temperature-regulating valve manual overrides for freedom of movement (jacket water and injector cooler). Check for free movement through full valve stroke. Check for leakage form the attached pump telltale hole (leakage indicates defective mechanical seal). a. Open both sea chest strainer baskets. Comments:___________________________________________ f. Reconnect air supply. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Comments:___________________________________________ 11. Comments:___________________________________________ f. Reconnect air supply and ensure that air pressure regulators to Leslie temperature pilot and volume booster have been set to correct pressure. Ensure that attached pump has a vent valve on the pump case and that it operated correctly. Check pump. Seawater system. Manually cycle the emergency cooling water valves (shut off the air supply and bleed pressure from diaphragm). Comments:___________________________________________ d.d. a. Ensure that seawater system has been pressurized. Ensure that attached pump suction and discharge local gages have been installed and calibrated. heater. Ensure that regulating valves have been reset in automatic mode. Check for excessive blockage and marine growth. Comments:___________________________________________ D4-16 . etc. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Operate the jacket water keep warm pump. stem packing. Inspect jacket water cooler and injector cooler for external leaks. Check material condition of valve. installation and calibration during operational test. Randomly check condition of flange shields. Inspect for loose or missing fasteners on operating mechanisms. Check for proper operation. Safety checks. a. Inspect vacuum fans for oil leaks. Open and inspect air start filter for excessive contaminants. Comments:___________________________________________ e. Perform static check of overspeed trip mechanism. Comments:___________________________________________ 15. intake air emergency shutdown valve (PMS). Comments:___________________________________________ D4-17 . Comments:___________________________________________ 16. Replace filter.g. Operate all remote emergency trips. a. Comments:___________________________________________ b. Comments:___________________________________________ 14. Check oil level in air start oilier. Ensure that lube oil separator and piping loop seals have been filled to the correct level with engine lube oil. Comments:___________________________________________ 13. Ensure proper operation of pneumatic/hydraulic fuel rack shutdown. clutch disengage valve. Ensure that emergency fuel shutoff valves operate properly (local and remote). Ensure that rack returns to nofuel position (PMS). Comments:___________________________________________ d. Comments:___________________________________________ c. Measure seawater pump drive thrust and wear ring diametric clearance (PMS). Comments:___________________________________________ b. Air start system. Gages and instruments. a. Test barring device interlock (PMS). Comments:___________________________________________ b. Crankcase vacuum system. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 3. Appropriate size micrometers inside and outside (1 to 7 inches). SPECIAL TOOLS NOTE Inspect a minimum of 25 percent of the following tools. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 4. 1. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 6. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 5.DDA 16V 149 DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET USS:__________________________________________ DATE_________________________________________ ENGINE NO. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 7. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 9. Torque wrenches (inch and ft-lb) (up to 3/4 inch drive). Piston ring expander. Magnetic base for dial indicator. Comments:___________________________________________________________ D5-1 . Comments:___________________________________________________________ 8. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 11.___________________________________ A. Hand tools. Feeler gages (short). Hand or strobe tachometer. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 2. Feeler gages (long). Comments:___________________________________________________________ 10. Piston ring compressor. Piston profile gage (J-25397). Dial indicator. Cylinder head removal tool. Jacket water test kit. Cylinder liner installing tool. Lube oil test kit. Governor linkage setting gage. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 19. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 18. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 17. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 22. Turbocharger radial reading adapters for dial indicator. Cylinder liner removing tool. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 16. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 26. Fuel injector torque wrench. Injector timing tool (2. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 24. Hand-held pyrometer. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 20.12. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 25. Comments:___________________________________________________________ D5-2 . Hand-held gage 0-100 psi. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 21. Comparator (Detroit switches).205). Comments:___________________________________________________________ 15. Engine barring tool. F10 priming pump. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 23. Manometer (crankcase pressure). Comments:___________________________________________________________ 13. Comments:___________________________________________________________ 14. Check readings (see tolerance measurements). and water leaks (also check performance). Check condition of flappers. Check blower lobes for presence of wear and oil. Air inlet shutdown devices. Inspect for evidence of exhaust leaks. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Comments:____________________________________________ 3. Comments:____________________________________________ 2. Measure turbocharger axial movement. Comments:____________________________________________ d. Check condition and operation of latch devices and flapper linkages. Inspect turbo adapters. Comments:____________________________________________ D5-3 . Appendix G5). Visually inspect filters for cleanliness (also check performance). Inspect turbocharger compressors for damaged vanes or leaking oil seal. Comments:____________________________________________ d. Comments:____________________________________________ e. intercoolers. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Visually check flapper resilient mount for through-bolt configuration and condition. Check condition and operation of safety switches. (Refer to Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Blowers.B. a. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Comments:____________________________________________ e. Turbochargers and air filters. a. Check condition and operation of remote cables. VISUAL INSPECTION 1. and flange connections for evidence of oil. Ensure that all remotely operated safety device label plates have been properly installed. contamination. a. Check that pop up gages air filters are of the correct one. Comments:____________________________________________ c. and function. hangers set improperly) can cause turbocharger distress. Comments:____________________________________________ NOTE Overloading the turbochargers can damage them. NOTE Note the current pop-up indicators have marks for recording readings. Comments:____________________________________________ D5-4 . Check turbocharger-rotating assembly for freedom of movement without binding. missing fasteners. Thrust camshafts in order to check camshafts and thrust assemblies for excessive wear and proper lubrication. a. Refer to tolerance Measurement Data Sheet. Comments:____________________________________________ NOTE Some spalling of cam follower rollers may be normal. If spalled rollers are not gouged or chipped they need not be replaced. Appendix G5. Inspect air ducting from filters to blowers for cracks.e. Comments:____________________________________________ h. installed. Exhaust system deficiencies (i. Comments:____________________________________________ 4. g. Check exhaust valves and springs for proper installation.f. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Inspect injectors and racks (state rack and injector number). Check spring retainers and valve locks for proper seating. and air leaks (also check operation). Upper running assemblies. excessive wear. NOTE Be aware of class advisory concerning defective piston pin bushings (ISE Advisory 018-88). Check fuel jumper line support clips for proper installation/torque. a. a. Cylinder liners. Comments:____________________________________________ f. If slipper bushing distress has occurred. Check air box for accumulation of oil and contaminants. Use special torque wrench only.) Comments:____________________________________________ 5. Comments:____________________________________________ D5-5 . galling. Comments:____________________________________________ 6. the piston skirt will show severe scuffing. (Refer to previous operational logs to determine past performance and that variations of exhaust temperatures from cylinder to cylinder and bank-to-bank are/are not within specification. Check jumper lines for proper installation and for leaks and torque. cross hatching. The control rack must not contact the body screw plug. Check injector control tubes for proper installation and freedom of movement Comments:____________________________________________ g. and tin melt (mottling of the surface texture) will be apparent. Inspect cylinders for scoring. Do not use bushings marked with the date 9-87 or 1-88 for any reason. Check to ensure that fuel injector screw plugs are fully seated and engaged into the body of the injector.d. Fuel injector control racks must not be machined to attain specified fuel output. NOTE Fuel injector control rack must have 100 percent unrestricted travel. Comments:____________________________________________ h. Comments:____________________________________________ e. Air box. discoloration from its normal silver-gray to black or dark blue. Spot check (2 per side) valve clearances and fuel injector timing. Inspect bearing connecting rod bolts and nuts for correct installation. Measure crankshaft thrust (refer to Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet. D5-6 . Appendix G5). Comments:____________________________________________ 10. or evidence of fluid leakage. Comments:____________________________________________ 8. Inspect exhaust manifold internally for contaminants. Comments:____________________________________________ b. thrust collars. Inspect rings for scuffing. fracture. a. nicks. Exhaust manifolds.7. a. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Comments:____________________________________________ b. and scoring. Inspect pistons for excessive wear. Appendix G5). Inspect whole gear train if there is evidence of further damage. galling. Main and connecting rod bearings. bulges. Check backlash of oil pump drive gear/crankshaft gear (refer to Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet. Inspect the outer casing for dents. and abnormal sticking and carbon deposits. Comments:____________________________________________ 11. a. Comments:____________________________________________ 9. Forward and after gear trains. Inspect oil pump drive gear and crankshaft gear for unusual wear patterns or discoloration. Vibration damper. Comments:____________________________________________ NOTE Do not accomplish except on overhauled engines or ship’s force provide container to drain jacket water. Inspect main bearings and connecting rod bearings for proper installation. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Pistons and piston rings. Generator rotor T-ring. Check foundation bolts for proper installation. a. a. Comments:____________________________________________ 13.c. engine jacket water cooler and the fuel oil cooler for proper installation (refer to MRC).. deterioration. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Inspect the jacket water pump mechanical seal for leakage. Comments:____________________________________________ 12. Inspect the lube oil strainer for contaminants and the strainer elements for integrity (proper assembly).e. and the proper installation of the reinforcing ring (i. Check backlash or jacket water pump gear and idler gear (refer to Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet. Inspect he zincs in the generator air cooler. and check for tightness and torque. and date of installation. Comments:____________________________________________ 15. Inspect the jacket water temperature-regulating valve for proper operation and for evidence of leakage. a. Inspect the generator housing and windings for oil accumulation and the inner generator bearing seals for leakage. Jacket water and raw water systems. a. Comments:____________________________________________ D5-7 . a. Barring device fail-start safety switch.). Comments:____________________________________________ 14. Inspect the generator T-ring for cracks. Appendix G5). Comments:____________________________________________ 16. Inspect the barring device safety switch for proper installation and adjustment. Inspect the vibration mounts and vibration isolators for proper installation. distortions. Lubricating oil system. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Comments:____________________________________________ b. an excessive number of holes drilled in the aluminum T-ring. Foundation bolts. D5-8 . Visually check condition of all hoses. Proper installation. tube and pipe assemblies. Check for: a.b. Ensure that the fuel valve handle turns freely. Inspect the complete fuel system on the engine for oil leaks. and mounting shields. b. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Comments:____________________________________________ c. swelling. missing spiral wrap. Inspect one filter element for excessive contaminants and correct installation. and hose/tube deterioration. cracks. missing brackets. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Inspect the lube oil filter for contaminants (break one filter element open). Inspect for fuel leaks inside the filter housing assembly. c. fraying. Comments:____________________________________________ 18. Inspect to ensure proper strainer support mounting. Ensure that the strainer T-handle turns freely. Check for lines chafing or disconnects. Inspect strainer basket top oil seal (square) integrity and condition. Chafing (tube to tube) (tube to sub base). a. General. and elbow joints. Inspect the fuel strainer for fuel leaks. Inspect fuel oil system. and deterioration. Comments:____________________________________________ 17. Inspect filter assembly housing for missing fasteners. Comments:____________________________________________ d. brackets. Inspect the strainer shield assembly and cover. spiral wraps. NOTE Trace and inspect condition of all transducer lines. Leakage. standoffs. standoff brackets fittings. DIAGRAM 1R 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R REAR 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L FRONT RIGHT-HAND ROTATION (Rotation as viewed from the front of the engine). Inspect spring hangers for material condition.016 inch cold and 0. Comments:____________________________________________ d. Inspect exhaust stacks for cleanliness. fire or safety hazards. 3. Comments:____________________________________________ b.19. NOTE The results of the visual inspection may indicate that a more thorough inspection of the entire exhaust system is required. Visually inspect exhaust pipes and expansion joints in engine room and exhaust stacks for leakage during operation test. Injector logo plates should all be Stewart-Stevenson or Detroit Diesel.012 inch hot. 1. a. Check exhaust pipe/silencer drain valves for freedom of movement and clogging. Comments:____________________________________________ e. 2. and indications of movement. D5-9 . Comments:____________________________________________ c. Inspect exhaust muffler hand hole covers for leaks if applicable. Exhaust system. Valve lash: 0. proper tension. Comments:____________________________________________ f. Left bank 1-8 on EPCC pyrometer readings and right bank 9-16 on EPCC pyrometer readings. Check engine exhaust muffler for baffle separation and deterioration (if applicable). Comments:____________________________________________ C. HELPFUL INFORMATION. Comments:____________________________________________ 3. Comments:____________________________________________ 9. Comments:____________________________________________ 5. SPECIAL TOOLS NOTE Inspect a minimum of 25 percent of the following tools. Valve spring compressor. Feeler gages (long & short). Comments:____________________________________________ D6-1 . Depth micrometer (0 to 3 inches). Crankshaft deflection gage. Wrench. Comments:____________________________________________ 7. Dial indicator. Comments:____________________________________________ 8._________________ A. Comments:____________________________________________ 2. Comments:____________________________________________ 4. Appropriate size micrometers inside and outside (0 to 8 inches). Comments:____________________________________________ 11. Puller group. Ring compressor. HIGH-SPEED DIESEL ENGINE SECURED-PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET USS_________________________ DATE_______________________ ENGINE NO. main bearing cap. Comments:____________________________________________ 10. Comments:____________________________________________ 6. 1. liner.SMALL. Hand or strobe tachometer. Magnetic base for dial indicator. Puller group. Comments:____________________________________________ 21. Comments:____________________________________________ 17. Comments:____________________________________________ 19. Hand-held pyrometer. Comments:____________________________________________ 22. Comments:____________________________________________ 14. J-tools: Tool Number J 23410 J 1264-01 J 23775 J 24407 J 8398 J 25310 J 8051-01 J 9708-01 Description Torque multiplier Torque wrench 0-200 ft-lb Torque wrench 100-600 ft-lb Torque wrench 10-250 ft lb Torque wrench 0-500 ft-lb Tube bender Tubing flare kit Valve lash feeler gage set Comments:____________________________________________ D6-2 . Main bearing removal tool. camshaft. Comments:____________________________________________ 13. Jacket water test kit. Fuel jumper line wrenches. Comments:____________________________________________ 15. Lube oil test kit. Jacking gear. standard tool set. Ring expander.12. Comments:____________________________________________ 18. Comments:____________________________________________ 20. Comments:____________________________________________ 16. Applicable tune-up kits (J-tools). Wrench. Check for missing or loose bolts. VISUAL INSPECTION NOTE Some of the procedures includes in these requirements assume access to the crankcase. Comments:____________________________________________ h. Check visible areas of liners for scoring. a. galling. (Bar engine over for this operation. Inspect main bearing and connecting-rod bolts and nuts for broken or missing cotter pins. but some small engines have no such access. block to base. Comments:____________________________________________ f. and improper lubrication. Check for water dripping at liner to block sealing. CAUTION Use extreme care. Comments:____________________________________________ D6-3 .) Comments:____________________________________________ g. Comments:____________________________________________ d. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Mark comment not appropriate (NA) as applicable. as engine must be barred over several revolutions to inspect all gears. unusual wear pattern. Comments:____________________________________________ c. and dull spots. Check internals for discoloration of signs of overheating. Additional generic requirements may also not apply to a specific application of the small high-speed diesel engine. Check all lube oil piping for looseness. Crankcase and block.B. Inspect rings for excess carbon and/or broken rings. excessive wear. Comments:____________________________________________ e. 1. Validate that with twin units (tandem) both engines trip at the same time. Inspect accessory drive and crankshaft gear for broken teeth. 2. Upper running assemblies. Inspect camshaft lobes for excessive pitting. Comments:____________________________________________ 3. a. Check flywheel ring gear teeth and air start motor pinion for cracking or pitting. Inspect attached pulleys if installed. a. if required (i. Check vibration damper for dents or bulges in the damper case. or wear. a. Camshaft. diluted). Check lube oil sample and. Inspect drive gears for broken teeth. pins. Spot check valve clearances and injector timing. unusual wear pattern. flat spots. Comments:____________________________________________ D6-4 .e. Vibration damper/ring gear/pulleys. check mounting bolt torque after removing cover. pressurize engine fuel system to determine source of leakage. Check to ensure that control racks and settings are properly adjusted and that linkage arm. Comments:____________________________________________ 5.i. Comments:____________________________________________ NOTE Inspection may dictate backlash requirements. and clips are properly set. NOTE Refer to operational logs to determine past performance and variations in exhaust temperatures.. Comments:____________________________________________ b. or excessive wear. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Inspect fuel supply pump for fuel leaks. Fuel supply pump and fuel system. a. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Comments:____________________________________________ 4. Ensure that all vent valves and gages have been installed. Inspect external surface of the turbocharger for evidence of exhaust leaks. Comments:____________________________________________ 9. Check for any leakage of oil at pipe connections and flanges. Comments:____________________________________________ 6. Comments:____________________________________________ b. a. Check all linkages for lost motion with clevis pin nuts securely tightened against shoulders and all cotter keys in place. Comments:____________________________________________ d. Fuel control linkage and governor assembly. Ensure that turbocharger rotor does not bind when rotated by hand. Inspect turbocharger after cooler for dirt. Inspect turbocharger compressor for damaged vanes or leaking oil seals. a. Check freedom of movement of all linkages and control shafts. Check for any evidence of fuel or water leakage near the cylinder head. b. and jacket water leaks. Inspect for signs of paint peeling from pump housing. Remove the end plate on JABSCO pump and inspect impeller for wear and cracks. Comments:____________________________________________ D6-5 . Comments:____________________________________________ c.c. a. Salt. Engine-driven lube oil pump (when accessible). a. Comments:____________________________________________ 8. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Check for any leakage from the telltale hole and miscellaneous piping (leakage from telltale holes indicates defective seals).and freshwater pumps. oil. Check governor for oil leakage around base or governor. Turbocharger(s) (when installed). contamination. Comments:____________________________________________ 7. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Remotely operate the emergency trip (inspect for frayed wire and improper connectors). Comments:____________________________________________ b. completeness. Check the manual trip stop lever cap screw for tightness. Comments:____________________________________________ c.. bolts. Safety devices. Flexible hoses. and deterioration. Inspect filter elements for cleanliness. crimping. Check for improper bend radii. missing sections. and rivets. Inspect flexible hose for cracks. a. Prime mover. a. Comments:____________________________________________ 12. and fittings. Inspect pipe hangers for tightness and correct settings. Air intake system.10. vibration problems) may dictate this requirement. Inspect air ducting from filter to turbocharger air inlet for cracks. flexible pipe. ensure that filter element is firmly seated in housing and that differential gage has been installed and calibrated. Check flange shields and spray shields for proper installation and condition. NOTE Administration inspection or previous performance (i. Comments:____________________________________________ b.e. Inspect pipe sections for cracks or for leakage at flanges. a. Comments:____________________________________________ 13. a. rubbing. loose or missing nuts. Validate alignment of prime mover if warranted. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Comments:____________________________________________ c. fraying. and inspect flexible pipes for freedom of movement. D6-6 . swelling. Comments:____________________________________________ 11. a. Ensure that strainer T-handle turns freely.14. Intake and exhaust manifolds. Lube oil filters. fire or safety hazards. Comments:____________________________________________ 17. Inspect one filter element for excessive contaminants and correct installation. Exhaust system. Fuel oil filters and strainers. Check exhaust pipe/silencer drain valves for freedom of movement and clogging. Comments:____________________________________________ D6-7 . Check engine exhaust muffler for baffle separation and deterioration (if applic able). Visually inspect exhaust pipes and expansion joints in engine room and exhaust stacks for leaks during operational test. Inspect exhaust muffler hand hole covers for leaks if applicable. Inspect spring hangers for material condition. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Inspect exhaust stacks for cleanliness. Check lube oil sampling valves for hand wheels and caps. Comments:____________________________________________ d. Inspect air and exhaust manifolds for evidence of blown-out gaskets. NOTE The results of the visual inspection may indicate that a more thorough inspection of the entire exhaust system is required. proper tension. Comments:____________________________________________ f. and indications of movement. Comments:____________________________________________ 15. Comments:____________________________________________ c. a. a. Comments:____________________________________________ e. a. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Comments:____________________________________________ b. Comments:____________________________________________ 16. Inspect filter and strainer drain valves for freedom of movement. b. Inspect heat exchangers for external leaks. Comments:____________________________________________ 18. Comments:____________________________________________ D6-8 . Check heat shields for proper installation. Inspect temperature regulators for freedom of movement. a. Heat exchangers and temperature-regulating valves. Comments:____________________________________________ b. ALL ABOVE VIEWS FROM REAR OF ENGINE D6-9 . 7 to 1 426 6.cubic inches Total Displacement .25 108 5 127 17 to 1 18. Rotation.25 108 5 127 17 to 1 18.32 5 12V 2 Cycle 12 4.liters Number of Main Bearings D6-10 . and Accessory Arrangement General Specifications 6V 2 Cycle 6 4.97 7 16V 2 Cycle 16 4.7 to 1 852 13.7 to 1 568 9.99 4 8V 2 Cycle 8 4.63 10 Type Number of Cylinders Bore (inches) Bore (mm) Stroke (inches) Stroke (mm) Compression Ratio (Nominal) (Standard Engines) Compression Ratio (Nominal) (“N” Engines) Total Displacement .Model Description.25 108 5 127 17 to 1 18.7 to 1 1136 18.25 108 5 127 17 to 1 18. 7 to 1 1136 18.32 5 12V 2 Cycle 12 4.63 10 D6-11 .25 108 5 127 17 to 1 18.99 4 8V 2 Cycle 8 4.TABLE D6-1. General Specifications Type Number of Cylinders Bore (inches) Bore (mm) Stroke (inches) Stroke (mm) Compression Ratio (Nominal) (Standard Engines) Compression Ratio (Nominal) (“N” Engines) Total Displacement .97 7 16V 2 Cycle 16 4.25 108 5 127 17 to 1 18.25 108 5 127 17 to 1 18.cubic inches Total Displacement .25 108 5 127 17 to 1 18.7 to 1 852 13.7 to 1 568 9.7 to 1 426 6.liters Number of Main Bearings 6V 2 Cycle 6 4. Comments: c./lb. Comments: 5. 3/4-inch drive up to 100 ft. Feeler gages (short). Comments: b. Dial indicator. Comments: D7-1 . Torque wrenches. Comments: 8. Also review tools listed in PMS and the applicable technical manual. Comments: 4. Appropriate size micrometers inside and outside (0 to 11 inch). Hand or strobe tachometer. Comments: 3. 1.GENERIC MEDIUM-SPEED DIESEL ENGINE SECURED-PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET USS DATE ENGINE NO. 1/2-inch drive up to 350 ft./lb. A. SPECIAL TOOLS NOTE Inspect a minimum of 25 percent of the following tools. 1/2-inch drive up to 200 ft. Comments: 6. Feeler gages (long). Comments: 2. Comments: 7. a. Magnetic base for dial indicator. Crankshaft deflection gage./lb. Comments: D7-2 . Cylinder pressure gage (Kie ne indicator). Comments: 13. Hand tools (PMS-related tools). Crankcase and block: a. and NOAP results. Comments: 11. Kiene indicator offset extension (if required). excessive water and chemical makeup. Comments: 16. Main bearing wrench adapter. Main bearing cap puller. water streaks. Comments: 20. Piston ring expander. Journal protector (leather strap). Comments: 17. VISUAL INSPECTION. Jacket water test kit. Main bearing wrenches. 1. Comments: 12. Lube oil test kit. Comments: 10. Comments: 14. Comments: 18. Comments: 15. Comments: B. Ring compressor. Injector test stand (pop tested). Main bearing rollout tools (main and thrust). Isolate expansion tank and hydrostatically test jacket water system according to PMS if any of the following conditions exist: rust. Comments: 19.9. Comments: 21. obvious external/internal leaks. b. Inspect for loose or missing bolts securing block to base. Comments: D7-3 . Check condition of rings. pistons. blow-by etc. Inspect engine foundation bolts for correct installation. Comments: d. Comments: c. Comments: e. Inspect for broken rings. on both sides of engine. Inspect for cracks in base and block. and liners. Comments: D8-1 . Comments: 4. 1. Appropriate size micrometers inside and outside (0 to 8 inches). Torque wrench (1/2-inch drive). Hand or strobe tachometer. Comments: 2. Comments: 5. Comments: 3. Comments: 8. Crankshaft deflection gage. Comments: 7. Feeler gages (long & short). Comments: 9. SPECIAL TOOLS NOTE Inspect a minimum of 25 percent of the following tools. Dial indicator. Valve spring compressor. Torque wrench (3/4-inch drive). Comments: 6. Magnetic base for dial indicator. Comments: 10. A. Depth micrometer (0 to 3 inch).CATERPILLAR DIESEL ENGINES SECURED-PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET USS DATE ENGINE NO. Jacket water test kit. Wrench. 1. VISUAL INSPECTION. Comments: 14. Comments: 19. Comments: 21. main bearing cap. Comments: 12. Crankcase and block: a. Puller group. Ring expander. Comments: 16. Comments: 13. Comments: B. Wrench. Wrench. Puller group liner. precombustion chamber. Comments: 18. Comments: 15. fuel pump lifters. NOTE Some of the procedures included in these requirements do not apply to a specific model caterpillar engine. Comments: 20. Check internals for discoloration or signs of overheating. Comments: 17. Applicable tune-up kit. Check for missing or loose bolts. Lube oil test kit. Ring compressor. camshaft. Comments: D8-2 . Comments: b. block to base.11. Main bearing removal tool. Check connecting rod and main bearing edges for evidence of bearing failure. Comments: d. Comments: f.) Comments: g. as engine must be barred over several revolutions to inspect all gears. Comments: e. Inspect accessory drive and crankshaft gear for broken teeth. Inspect drive gears for broken teeth. and improper lubrication. Check flywheel ring gear teeth and air start motor pinion for cracking or pitting. Comments: b. CAUTION Use extreme care. or excessive wear. Camshaft. and dull spots. Check all lube oil piping for looseness. Comments: 3. Comments: j. Comments: i. Inspect main bearing and connecting rod bolts and nuts. Run prelube pump and check to ensure that oil lines to the engine are tight. Check visible areas of liners from beneath for scoring.c. Check to ensure that oil is reaching all rocker arm assemblies. Inspect camshaft lobes for excessive pitting. unusual wear pattern. Comments: D8-3 . Crankshaft vibration damper/ring gear. (Bar engine over for this operation. a. excessive wear. flat spots. or wear. galling. Comments: h. Comments: 2. Check condition of the vibration damper for dents or bulges in the damper case. a. Check for water dripping at liner-to-block sealing surfaces. unusual wear pattern. a.4. appendix G8). linkages. a. Comments: c. Comments: 6. Cylinder head. Check all linkage for lost motion with clevis pin nuts securely tightened against shoulders and all cotter keys in place. a. and rotators. Record crankshaft deflection readings in accordance with technical manual. Comments: d. Comments: e. Check fuel pump timing on at least two cylinders on each bank. Fuel pump timing. Comments: c. Check freedom of movement of all racks. Inspect injection pump and fuel lines for leaks. Comments:_____________________________________________ c. a. Comments: b. Check governor oil level and oil leakage around base of governor. Inspect cam roller for excessive wear or flat spots. Check for any evidence of fuel or water leakage around the cylinder head area. Fuel injection pump and fuel lines. Check for any excessive looseness in the rocker arm assemblies. Thrust crankshaft and record (refer to the Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet. valve locks. Inspect valve springs. Comments:_____________________________________________ 7. and control shafts. Comments: b. Comments: 5. Comments:_________________________________________________ D8-4 . Comments: f. Validate engine timing. Fuel control linkage and governor assembly. Comments:_____________________________________________ b. Spot-check valve clearances. Inspect filter elements for cleanliness. Inspect external surface of the turbocharger for evidence of exhaust leaks. Check for any leakage of oil out of pipe connections and flanges. Inspect flexible hose for cracks. Flexible hose. Comments:______________________________________________ 9. flexible pipe. a. Sea (raw) and jacket water pumps. completeness. Inspect pipe sections for cracks or for leakage at flanges. Comments:______________________________________________ b. rubbing. Comments:______________________________________________ D8-5 . fraying. Comments:______________________________________________ c. and deterioration. a. Ensure that all vent valves and gages have been installed. Check for signs of overheating on pump housing. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Inspect turbocharger after cooler for dirt. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Ensure that turbocharger rotor does not bind when rotated by hand. and jacket water leaks. Comments:______________________________________________ 11. crimping. and fittings: a. swelling. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Inspect pipe hangers for tightness and flexible pipes for freedom of movement. Air intake system. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Comments:______________________________________________ 12. Engine-driven lube oil pump. Comments:______________________________________________ 10. a. Check for any leakage from the telltale hole and associated piping (leakage from telltale holes indicates defective seals). Turbocharger(s). a. oil. Inspect turbocharger compressor for damaged vanes or leaking oil seal. contamination.8. Comments:______________________________________________ d. ensure that filter element is firmly seated in housing and that the pop-up indicators have been installed. Check high-temperature and low-lube-oil alarms. a. missing sections. Check engine exhaust muffler for baffle separation and deterioration (if applicable). Comments:______________________________________________ D8-6 . loose or missing nuts. a. Safety devices. proper tension.. Inspect exhaust stacks for cleanliness. Check the manual trip stop lever cap screw for tightness. Prime mover. Inspect spring hangers for material condition.e. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Comments:______________________________________________ 14. Exhaust system.b. Remotely operate the emergency trip (inspect for frayed wire and improper connectors). Visually inspect exhaust pipes and expansion joints in engine room and exhaust stacks for leaks during operational test. Comments:______________________________________________ 13. NOTE The results of the visual inspection may indicate that a more thorough inspection of the entire exhaust system is required. Inspect air ducting from filter to turbocharger air inlet for cracks. fire or safety hazards. and indications of movement. Comments:____________________________________________ c. Validate alignment of prime mover if indications warrant (i. vibration problems). a. and rivets. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Comments:______________________________________________ d. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Comments:______________________________________________ 15. bolts. Check flange shields and spray shields for proper installation and condition. Comments:______________________________________________ d. Comments:______________________________________________ f. Comments:______________________________________________ 19. Inspect heat exchangers for external leaks. Inspect air and exhaust manifolds for evidence of blown-out gaskets. a. a. Comments:______________________________________________ 17. Comments:_________________________________________ 18. Heat exchangers. Inspect one filter element for excessive contaminants and correct installation. Check exhaust pipe/silencer drain valves for freedom of movement and clogging. a. Check heat shields for proper installation. Comments:______________________________________________ D8-7 .e. Inspect exhaust muffler hand hole covers for leaks if applicable. Comments:______________________________________________ 16. Lube oil filters. Ensure that strainer T-handle turns freely. Fuel oil filters and strainers. Check lube oil sampling valves for hand wheels and caps. Operate filter and strainer drain valves for freedom of movement. Inspect intake and exhaust manifolds. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Comments: ___________________________________________ b. a. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Cylinder liner removal tool. SPECIAL TOOLS NOTE Inspect a minimum of 25 percent of the following tools. Lube oil test kit. Comments: 5. Piston ring compressor. Hand or strobe tachometer. Piston ring expander. Comments: 7. Comments: 10. Comments: D9-1 . Comments: 6. Comments: 2.WAUKESHA DIESEL ENGINES SECURED-PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET USS DATE ENGINE NO. Feeler gage (long and short lengths). A. Hand tools. 1. Torque wrenches (inch and ft-lb). Engine barring tool. Comments: 4. Comments: 8. Comments: 3. Dial indicator and clamping device. Comments: 9. Appropriate size micrometers (inside and outside). Comments:______________________________________________ b. Inspect engine foundation for cracks and separations from the engine. Comments: 16. Compression tester. 1. Inspect for cracked or missing chock fast and other bearing materials used between engine and foundation. Comments: 17. Injector setting tool. Fuel injection line wrench. Comments: B.11. a. Water inhibitor test kit. Measure clearance at each location and record results. Ship configuration differences (i. Mark the procedure "N/A" where it does not apply. Accessory drive gear puller and adapters (standard Navy puller tool). Determine standoff distance. Flywheel lifting tool. Block and engine foundation. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Comments:______________________________________________ D9-2 . NOTE Some of the procedures included in these requirements do not apply to all Waukesha diesel engines. Inspect for installation of collision chocks or other restraining devices. Sound the engine hold down bolts.e.. Hand-held pyrometer. Comments: 12. Comments: 15. VISUAL INSPECTION. Comments: 13. Comments: 14. Comments:______________________________________________ d. Inspect for loose or missing bolts. MSO/MCM) also change inspection requirements. Inspect for oil. oil. Viscous damper. 2. and fuel leaks. water. Check the turbocharger for oil. Comments:______________________________________________ f. Inspect all water. and bolt tightness. leaking oil seal. Remove air filter and inlet silencer and inspect the inlet of the turbocharger for dirt. and hydraulic lines for leakage and chafing. Inspect engine block for indications of oil leaks and cracks. fuel. Inspect rubber and flexible lines for wear and deterioration.e. damage. Look for cracks in corners and hand hole covers. and cite water leaks that are minor to the responsible engineering personnel. air. air. Comments:______________________________________________ g. a. Inspect for chafed lines and integrity of hold-down retaining devices. elongated boltholes. Inspect viscous damper for indications of bulges. Turbocharger. freedom of movement. Comments:______________________________________________ NOTE Correct fuel and lube oil leaks immediately. Comments:______________________________________________ D9-3 . cracks. Comments:______________________________________________ h. Correct leaks before operation. Comments:______________________________________________ 3. Inspect under valve covers for fuel and water leakage. and exhaust leaks. NOTE Dents in the viscous damper or oil leaks are cause for rejection. Check turbochargers for damaged vanes. NOTE Inspect high-stress areas of casing. Damper end of engine and power take-off end—Inspect all accessory hold-down bolts for tightness. and abnormal conditions. a. 4. Air inlet shutdown device. a. Check condition and operation, reset. Comments:______________________________________________ 5. Air intake system. a. Check to be sure that all air cleaners have been securely mounted and all connections are tight. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Open drain petcocks in air cleaners (MCM) and air intake manifolds (L1616DSIN) to check for presence of water. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Inspect air ducting (inlet to turbocharger) for cracks, missing sections, loose or missing fasteners. Comments:______________________________________________ 6. Engine Instrumentation. a. Verify the calibration of engine instrumentation and condition of instruments. Comments:______________________________________________ 7. Lower Crankcase. Lower crankcase inspection (engines with hand-hole covers). Remove hand-hole covers from each side of engine. Conduct the following inspection procedures: a. Thrust crankshaft and record total thrust (end play). (Refer to Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet, appendix G9.) Comments:______________________________________________ b. Inspect for evidence of bearing wear, flashing, abnormal conditions such as disassembly, improper parts match of components, loose bolts and/or loose studs. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Inspect lower portion of cylinder liners for abnormal wear. Record results. Comments:______________________________________________ d. Inspect sump for foreign materials. Comments:______________________________________________ e. if warranted (i.e., oil analysis) inspect main bearings. If only one main bearing is inspected, it should be no. 4. Comments:______________________________________________ D9-4 f. Measure and record L.O. pump backlash (refer to Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet, appendix G9). Comments:______________________________________________ 8. Upper running gear. a. Check timing. NOTE Four-stroke cycle requires two complete revolutions of the crankshaft for timing. The power assembly must be on the compression stroke (intake/exhaust valves closed) during timing checks. Only one cylinder per 60 degrees of crankshaft rotation can be timed at one time. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Conduct intake and exhaust valve clearance check. Measure clearances and record. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Inspect for fuel line leakage. Comments:______________________________________________ d. Inspect the control shaft flexible coupling and rack return springs for proper installation or settings. Comments:______________________________________________ e. Check installation of all rack stops and rack movement. All rack stops must be the same width. Comments:______________________________________________ f. Check the actuator arm linkage (MSO) and that the cross-rod adjustment is correct according to the technical manual. (Refer to the Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet, appendix G9.) Comments:______________________________________________ 9. Fuel system. a. Check for obvious leaks at the pump and filter. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Check fuel filter handle for freedom of movement. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Open the drain petcock on the fuel oil strainer to check for water from the separator. Check the window screen for cleanliness. Comments:______________________________________________ D9-5 d. Check and record fuel oil pump backlash. (Refer to the Tolerance Measurement Data Sheets, appendix G9). Comments:______________________________________________ 10. Lube oil system. a. Manually start the prelube system from local and remote control to check operation. Check lights (prelube is on). Comments:______________________________________________ b. Check for any oil leaks at the pipe connections and flanges. Comments:______________________________________________ 11. Safety device. a. Activate the manual shutoff lever locally (MSO), locally/remote (MCM). NOTE Reset the lever at the engine. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Check the operation of the temperature control manual override on the surge tank. NOTE Be sure that control is returned to the normal position. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Check the flange shields and spray shields for proper installation and condition. Comments:______________________________________________ 12. General. a. Validate the alignment of the prime mover if warranted (last PMS readings, vibration problems, etc. may dictate this requirement). Comments:______________________________________________ b. Check the backlash of the generator oil scavenging pump gear. (Refer to the Tolerance Measurement Data Sheet, appendix G9.) Comments:______________________________________________ c. Check the condition of the epoxy chocks below the engine rails for damage and cracking. Comments:______________________________________________ D9-6 d. Check the engine foundation bolts for tightness, missing bolts, or improper installation. Comments:______________________________________________ 13. Exhaust system. NOTE The results of the visual inspection may indicate that a more thorough inspection of the entire exhaust system is required. a. Visually inspect exhaust pipes and expansion joints in engine room and exhaust stacks for leaks during operational test. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Check engine exhaust muffler for baffle separation and deterioration (if applicable). Comments:______________________________________________ c. Inspect spring hangers for material condition, proper tension, and indications of movement. Comments:______________________________________________ d. Inspect exhaust stacks for cleanliness, fire or safety hazards. Comments:______________________________________________ e. Check exhaust pipe/silencer drain valves for freedom of movement and clogging. Comments:______________________________________________ f. Inspect exhaust muffler hand hole covers for leaks if applicable. Comments:______________________________________________ 14. Heat exchangers. a. Inspect heat exchangers for external leaks. Comments:______________________________________________ C. IDENTIFICATION/NUMBERING 1. Establish the right and left sides of the engines by standing at the rear or flywheel end and facing the engine. 2. Cylinders are numbered one to six in each bank, starting from the front gear cover, so any reference should designate either right or left bank (for example: 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 5R, and 6R for the right bank, and 1L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 5L, and 6L for the left bank). D9-7 CAUTION All engines on MSO class vessels and generator set engines on MCM class vessels are CW rotation. 6L. 1L. 6L. 5. CCW rotation is counterclockwise rotation as viewed facing the flywheel end of the engine. 5R. 1R. 6R. 3R. 3R. 4. 3L. 3L D9-8 . are CCW rotation. propulsion engines on MCM I and II vessels. 2L. 5R. Front and rear are designated as antiflywheel (front) and flywheel (rear) ends. 4L. however. 2R (CCW rotation engines): 1R. 2R. 5L. Firing order (CW rotation engines): 1L. 5L.3. CW rotation is clockwise rotation as viewed facing the flywheel end of the engine. 6R. 4L. 4R. 4R. 2L. Holder. cylinder inspection Comments: __________________________________________ 5. Con-rod cap alignment tool 185000024A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 12. Extractor main bearing cap 185000096A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 11. Gage for nozzle protrusion 140000008A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 7. Pin for cylinder head and gasket alignment 72937F01 Comments: __________________________________________ 6. Socket wrench EFEP 346 Comments: __________________________________________ 9. Puller for planetary gear 185000035A01 Comments: __________________________________________ D10-1 . Graduated timing sequence disc 185000051A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 10. SPECIAL TOOLS 1. Diametric wrench kit 185000039A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 8.ISOTTA FRASCHINI (IF) SPECIAL TOOLS CHECK SHEET USS HULL NO. ________________________________ DATE A. Cylinder lapper 185000001A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 3. Pliers to remove piston rings 185000054A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 13. Borescope. comparator liner projection 185000095A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 4. Liner extractor 186000001A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 2. Depth micrometer Comments: __________________________________________ 25. Micrometer 125-150 mm 185000069A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 22. Micrometer 100-125 mm 185000068A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 21. Micrometer 25-50 mm 185000066A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 19. Micrometer 175-200 mm 185000094A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 24. Micrometer 50-75 mm 185000067A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 20. Jacket water testing equipment Comments: __________________________________________ 28. Dial indicator Comments: __________________________________________ 26. Micrometer 0-25 mm 185000065A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 18. Adaptor for compression test 185000059A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 16. Micrometer 150-175 mm 185000093A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 23. Extractor drive shaft coupling half inj pump 185000057A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 15. Lube oil-testing equipment Comments: __________________________________________ 27. Motor meter recording cyl comp tester 1854000060A01 Comments: __________________________________________ 17. Flow tube for flow checking inj pmp Comments: __________________________________________ 29.14. Valve recession tool (VRT) Comments: __________________________________________ D10-2 . Check for visible areas of liners for scoring. signs of nitriding. galling. Check all lube oil piping and brackets for looseness and cracks. and evidence of improper lubrication. a. Comments: __________________________________________ f. Comments: __________________________________________ Inspect condition of oil pump idler gear assembly bolt. Check internals for discoloration or signs of overheating. Check for missing or loose bolts. . unusual wear pattern. Check for oil leaks at gasket area between block and oil pan. block to rails. Check for cracks on sub base in the area between engine and generator. Feeler gages (short) Comments: __________________________________________ 31. spalling. All tools required to complete PMS Comments: __________________________________________ B. Comments: __________________________________________ h. Inspect lube oil pump drive gears for broken teeth. Comments: __________________________________________ D10-3 j. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Comments: __________________________________________ g. and rails to sub base.30. excessive wear. VISUAL INSPECTION OF ENGINE 1. Comments: __________________________________________ NOTE If oil pan is removed. Comments: __________________________________________ e. Comments: __________________________________________ NOTE If lube oil duplex pump is removed. dull spots. Crankcase and block. and glazing. inspector should continue with the following: i. Check for water dripping at liner to block sealing. Check the condition of piston cooling tubes for possible contact with connecting rods. Comments: __________________________________________ b. inspector should continue with the following: d. Check vibration damper for dents or bulges in the dampener case. Comments: __________________________________________ 3. if required (i. Inspect crankshaft gear for broken teeth. Comments: __________________________________________ D10-4 . If warranted. spalling. a. Comments: __________________________________________ l. a. diluted). Vibration damper/flywheel ring gear. 2. Check lube oil sample and. Check flywheel ring gear teeth and air start motor pinion for excessive wear. as engine must be barred over to fully inspect gear. Check for evidence of fuel. Record results. (Also check for oil leaks at seams of case.e. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Fuel supply pump and fuel system. Check tell-tale line for signs of fluid. and lube oil or combustion gas leakage around area of cylinder heads. by either hours IAW class advisory for checking valve recession or PMS not being completed within periodicity for checking valve lash.. Comments: __________________________________________ b. a.k. and evidence of improper lubrication. Inspect fuel supply pump for leaks. Comments: __________________________________________ CAUTION Use extreme care. cracking or pitting. Check valve lash clearances. Check seal area of engine mounted primary fuel oil pump along with having fuel nozzle tested. Cylinder heads. determine source of leakage. unusual wear pattern. water. Record clearances as found prior to making adjustments.) Comments: __________________________________________ b. conduct a set of valve recession readings and check guide post height readings. Comments: __________________________________________ 4. excessive wear. Ensure pump turns freely without binding. signs of nitriding. Comments: __________________________________________ b. NOTE Refer to operational logs to determine any excessive degradation of operating pressure in jacket water and salt water systems. as engine must be barred over in order to inspect all cylinders. check the condition of cylinder liners. a. (Leakage from tell-tale hole indicates defective mechanical seals. Comments: __________________________________________ 6. Fuel control linkage and governor assembly. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Check freedom of movement of all linkages and control shafts. Inspect salt water pump drive and belt in accordance with current PMS. Check all linkages for ease of motion with clevis pin nuts securely tightened against shoulders. Ensure all gages and gage cut out valves have been installed. Comments: __________________________________________ b. If evidence of water intrusion is suspect. Remove fuel injection nozzles and perform borescope inspection of all cylinders. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Comments: __________________________________________ D10-5 . Check for any leakage on the jacket water pump from the tell-tale hole. Comments: __________________________________________ CAUTION Use extreme care. conduct a jacket water system hydro and re-borescope. a.d. Check for oil leakage around governor or base. NOTE Evidence of water residue may indicate a failed cylinder head or cylinder head gasket.) Comments: __________________________________________ b. 5. piston crowns and heads. Salt and jacket water pumps. Comments: __________________________________________ 9. bolts. a. Inspect air ducting from filter to turbocharger air inlet for cracks. Comments: __________________________________________ b. D10-7 . Ensure that filter element is firmly seated in housing and that manometer gage has been installed. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Comments: __________________________________________ 10. Inspect turbocharger compressor for damaged vanes or leaking oil seal. and clamps. hydro jacket water system and borescope intercooler. Comments: __________________________________________ c. c. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Inspect filter elements for cleanliness and completeness. Inspect air and exhaust manifolds for evidence of blown out gaskets. a. Intake and Exhaust Manifolds. Check turbocharger heat shields and exhaust system lagging for proper installation. Ensure that turbocharger rotor does not bind when rotated by hand. oil leaks or housing cracks. Exhaust System.7. Check for signs of excessive oil tell-tale plugs. Air intake system. Comments: __________________________________________ 8. a. NOTE The results of the visual inspection may indicate that a more thorough inspection of the entire exhaust system is required. Comments: __________________________________________ NOTE If water is leaking from tell-tale plug. Inspect external surface of the turbocharger for evidence of exhaust leaks. Turbochargers. Ensure that air manifold/intercooler tell-tale drilled plugs are unobstructed. missing sections. loose or missing nuts. Ensure new filter elements are installed correctly. Lube oil filters. Inspect pipe sections for cracks or leakage at flanges.a. Comments: __________________________________________ 11. a. Check inspection tags ensuring hoses are within current guidance for periodicity. fire or safety hazards. Comments: __________________________________________ 14. Comments: __________________________________________ D10-8 . and deterioration. Comments: __________________________________________ c. crimping. flexible pipe and fittings. Remotely operate the emergency trip (inspect for frayed wire and improper connections). Comments: __________________________________________ 12. Cut open filter elements and inspect for excessive contaminants. Ensure that duplex filter T-handle turns freely. a. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Inspect flexible hoses for cracks. Safety devices. Validate that by moving AMOT valve manual operation lever through both detents proper shutdown operation of the injection pump control rack and air flaps is achieved. swelling. a. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Check exhaust pipe/silencer drain valves for freedom of movement and clogging. Inspect duplex filter and Salamini fuel/water separator filter drain valves for freedom of movement. fraying. Inspect exhaust stacks for cleanliness. Check flange shields and spray shields for proper installation and condition. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Flexible hoses. Comments: __________________________________________ 13. rubbing. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Fuel oil filters. Comments: __________________________________________ b. a. Visually inspect exhaust pipes and expansion joints in the engine room and exhaust stacks for leaks during operational test. 16.c. b. Comments: __________________________________________ 15. a. excessive wear and signs of nitriding spalling. Inspect temperature regulator indicators for freedom of movement. cracked sub base) may dictate this requirement. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Comments: __________________________________________ 17. Prime mover. vibration problems. excessive heat from coupling.. Additional (when accessible or if warranted). which will indicate between 3rd and 9th mark during normal operation. Inspect filter elements for excessive contaminants and correct installation. Check backla sh between gears. a. Failed valves will probably remain on first mark. Validate alignment of prime mover ONLY IF WARRANTED. Heat exchanger housing and temperature-regulating valves. a. Inspect drive gears for broken teeth. failure of spring pack. Inspect heat exchanger housing for external leaks. NOTE Administration inspection or previous performance (i. Comments: __________________________________________ d. Comments: __________________________________________ NOTE Jacket water/seawater heat exchanger thermostatic valves have indicators with graduated pins. Comments: __________________________________________ D10-9 . Ensure Salamini filter water indicator ball is in bottom of sight glass (ball only floats in water).e. Comments: __________________________________________ NOTE Inspection may dictate backlash requirement. Measure crankshaft thrust. unusual wear pattern. Inspect tappets for excessive wear. flat spots or wear.c. Comments: __________________________________________ D10-10 . Conduct a complete set of cold and hot checks. Comments: __________________________________________ d. a. Inspect camshaft lobes for excessive pitting. Comments: __________________________________________ 18. Cold/Hot checks. Measure camshaft endplay. 020 for exhaust tappet clearance. Comments: __________________________________________ 5. Dummy nozzle for top dead center check of piston. Comments: __________________________________________ 9. Special feeler gauge 0. 1.005 for intake tappet clearance. Comments: __________________________________________ 4. Comments: __________________________________________ 8. Comments: __________________________________________ D11-1 . Fuel rack calibration setting pins. Fuel pump camshaft timing adjuster. Fuel injector nozzle cleaning kit. Fuel injection pump gap gauge. Comments: __________________________________________ 7. Torque wrench 10 to 50 lb/ft. Heel type pinch bar for injector removal. Special feeler gauge 0. SPECIAL TOOLS NOTE Inspect a minimum of 25 percent of the following tools. Comments: __________________________________________ 3. Comments: __________________________________________ 6. ______________________________ A. Comments: __________________________________________ 2.PAXMAN VALENTA (16RP200M) SECURE PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET USS DATE _____ ENGINE NO. Comments: __________________________________________ 10. Torque wrench 50 to 250 lb/ft. a. Comments: __________________________________________ d. Comments: __________________________________________ 12. Inspect raw water pump and engine pulleys for dents or cracks. Check crankcase deflections (drive end). box end and sockets for routine maintenance. Inspect crankcase relief valves cover springs for distortion and collapse. Record on data sheet. a. pitting. Check the balance weights for security. Crankcase and block. Metric tool set open end. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Comments: __________________________________________ Inspect for crankcase block cracks. Inspect for foreign material in crankcase. Ring gear and pulleys. and excess wear. Inspect connecting rod and main bearing edges for signs of bearing failure. Inspect flywheel gear teeth and both starter pinion gear teeth for cracking. Comments: __________________________________________ D11-2 . Internal and external circlip pliers. Comments: __________________________________________ f.11. Comments: __________________________________________ i. Comments: __________________________________________ B. loose fasteners. Comments: __________________________________________ g. Comments: __________________________________________ j. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Comments: __________________________________________ b. VISUAL INSPECTION 1. Inspect internals for discoloration and signs of overheating. Comments: __________________________________________ h. or missing gaskets. Comments: __________________________________________ e. Inspect forked connecting rod bolts for proper stretch. Inspect crankcase covers for missing bolts. Inspect block for missing or loose bolts. 2. Comments: __________________________________________ d. Comments: __________________________________________ 4. Comments: __________________________________________ 3. Inspect cylinder heads for cracking. Inspect for broken valve springs and valve bridges. Check all fuel injection pump return springs for security and distortion. Note: Tappet adjustment indicating should be used to indicate Piston TDC compression stroke. Record on data sheet. damaged and loose valve spring circlip. Inspect for loose or damaged cylinder head bolts. Inspect coalescer and duple x filters for signs of leakage. Inspect pulley vee belts for cracks and deterioration. a. Inspect for missing. Comments: __________________________________________ f. Comments: __________________________________________ e. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Inspect for evidence of water and fuel leakage around cylinder heads. a dummy injector and timing tool must be used. a. Comments: __________________________________________ e. Comments: __________________________________________ g. NOTE To inspect fuel pump camshafts for proper timing. Comments: __________________________________________ c.c. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Check tappet clearance using a feeler gauge. Inspect lube oil drain ferrules (no paint and properly greased). Inspect uniformity of fuel rack setting. Fuel System. Inspect fuel pump camshafts for proper timing. Comments: __________________________________________ D11-3 . Comments: __________________________________________ d. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Cylinder Head. Ensure that the Duplex fuel filter-shifting device operates properly. Comments: __________________________________________ 7. Inspect air intake clamp bands for proper fit or deterioration. Comments: __________________________________________ g. welding failure. or cracking. Inspect expansion bellows for pinholes. ensure that the valve slides smoothly in the carrier bore and the relief spring is not collapsed or distorted. Ensure Turbocharger inducer blades are not binding. Comments: __________________________________________ 6. and water leaks. Turbocharger. Comments: __________________________________________ b.f. Inspect heat shields for proper installation and deterioration. and burning. Inspect charge air cooler for dirt. Inspect air filter element for cracks. Examine the fuel reservoir stages for deposit or foreign matter and the air bleed slot between compartments for obstruction. Comments: __________________________________________ j. Comments: __________________________________________ e. a. Comments: __________________________________________ Inspection fuel oil reservoir relief valve. Inspect ends of air pipes for wear. a. ensure that filter is firmly seated in housing. corrosion and deterioration. Comments: __________________________________________ i. cracks. Inspect condensate drain valves and spring for dirt. Air Intake System. Comments: __________________________________________ h. Check internal of coalescer and duplex filter for contamination. Comments: __________________________________________ f. cleanliness. Comments: __________________________________________ D11-4 . a. Inspect under fuel injection pump bellows for leakage from the control rod oil seals. 5. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Comments: __________________________________________ d. Exhaust System. Inspect freedom of movement of all rack linkages and control shafts. Inspect for proper operation of air shutdown valve. fretting. and completeness. fin damage. Comments: __________________________________________ b. oil contamination. b. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Check turbocharger inducer to blower inlet casing clearance. Comments: __________________________________________ b. a dummy injector and timing tool must be used. a. exhaust gas and jacket water leaks. a. Record on data sheet. Comments: __________________________________________ e. Check lube oil level in sump after engine has been shutdown for at least 20 minutes. Inspect external surface of turbocharger for evidence of lube oil. Run prelube pump and ensure that the lube oil reaches the turbocharger oil supply inlet. (Leakage from telltale lines indicate defective mechanical seals. Inspect turbocharger compressor rotating assembly for oil seal leakage. Comments: __________________________________________ 9. Inspect jacket water pump telltale line for leakage or blockage. NOTE To inspect fuel pump camshafts for proper timing. Ensure hand operated lube oil priming pump is operational. Inspect turbocharger blade for deterioration. Remove and inspect lube oil filter for contaminants such as metal particles. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Comments: __________________________________________ 8. Comments: __________________________________________ e. Comments: __________________________________________ d.) Comments: __________________________________________ D11-5 . Lube Oil System. Cooling System. Inspect raw water pump drive belts for proper tension. Comments: __________________________________________ d. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Maintain at "max static" mark on dipstick. Inspect duplex filter shifting handle for freedom of movement. Inspect the gauge for proper installation and calibration. Comments: __________________________________________ e. Comments: __________________________________________ d. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Inspect foundation bolts for proper installation. Inspect rubber element for cracking. Record on data sheet. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Check rebound clearance of mounts. a. Inspect heat exchanger zinc anodes for deterioration. Comments: __________________________________________ D11-6 . Ensure that all electrical cables are supported (electrical cables should not be laying on the engine). Refer to Paxman Valenta 16RP200M Technical Manuals S9233-E1-MMC-010 and S9233-E1-MMC-020 for inspection criteria. Check heat exchanger and lube oil cooler for coolant leakage. Vulkan Coupling. a. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Comments: __________________________________________ b.c. Comments: __________________________________________ 11. Comments: __________________________________________ d. Refer to Paxman Valenta 16RP200M Technical Manuals S9233-E1-MMC-010 and S9233-E1-MMC-020. a. Comments: __________________________________________ 12. Inspect all external coolant lines and flanges for leaks. Comments: __________________________________________ c. Inspect rubber element for plastic deformation. Record on data sheet. Gauges and Instruments. Comments: __________________________________________ 10. Inspect the vibration mounts and isolators for proper installation and deterioration. Check distance from alignment arm to sole plate (Should match distance on mount foot). rippling and peeling. Inspect coupling for signs of wear. Engine Mounts. Check static readings of all gauges. Inspect pipe sections for cracks or leakage at flanges. Comments: __________________________________________ 14. Inspect jacking gear start limit switch for proper operation. and inspect flexible pipes for freedom of movement. Flexible hoses. Comments: __________________________________________ e. Check for improper bend. Comments: __________________________________________ c. a. flexible pipe. rubbing. Comments: __________________________________________ D11-7 . Inspect all remotely operated cables for frayed wire and proper connections. Comments: __________________________________________ d. Check low lube oil pressure and high jacket water temperature alarm. Inspect pipe hangers for tightness and correct settings. crimping. swelling. Comments: __________________________________________ c. fraying. and deterioration. a. Comments: __________________________________________ b.13. Ensure that all label plates for remotely operated safety devices identify the correct engine and function. Safety Devices. Inspect all remotely operated trips for proper operation. Comments: __________________________________________ b. Inspect flexible hoses for cracks. and fittings. Comments: __________________________________________ f. Inspect condition of spray shields. Ring compressor. Comments: 7. Comments: 9. Hand or strobe tachometer. Comments: 10. Comments: 11. Comments: 2. Comments: 5. Comments: 6. Appropriate size micrometers inside and outside (0 to 8 inches). SPECIAL TOOLS 1. Wrench. Comments: 12. main bearing cap. Dial indicator. Comments: 3. Comments: (______________) D12-1 . Depth micrometer (0 to 3 inch). Torque wrench (1/2-inch drive). Comments: 13.CATERPILLAR TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST USS DATE A. Comments: 8. Feele r gauges (long & short). Comments: 4. Torque wrench (3/4-inch drive). Valve spring compressor. Crankshaft deflection gage. Magnetic base for dial indicator. Puller group liner. Jacket water test kit. turbocharger. 9U5100 cylinder head repair tool group. Comments: 26. 8T3250 turbocharger tool group. SPECIAL TOOL 22. Comments: D12-2 . Comments: 19. Comments: 3608 SERIES. Comments: 24. Comments: 16. Ring expander. 4P3138 strainer assembly. Applicable tune-up kit. Comments: 28. Main bearing removal tool. 4C9528 gang plate. Lube oil test kit.14. Comments: 25. Wrench. 1U6428 basic service group. Comments: 15. Comments: 20. camshaft. precombustion chamber. Wrench. Comments: 21. 4C6585 cylinder pressure measuring indicator group. fuel pump lifters. Comments: 18. Comments: 17. 4C4706 valve seat grinder. cylinder head. Comments: 27. Comments: 23. Puller group. Comments: 37. (2 EA) Comments: 38. HAND TOOLS. Comments: 34. Comments: 39. Comments: 40. 8T3033 piston ring compressor group. 9U5335 cylinder liner press (2EA). HAND TOOLS. 1U8795 governor torque arm. Comments: 30. 6 to 24 MM sockets. Comments: 36. Comments: 33. Comments: D12-3 . 4C9791 piston assembly support group. Comments: 35. 6V7073 cylinder liner puller group. 8T3368 bolt. fuel injector. Comments: 32. Comments: 31. 6 to 24 MM combination wrenches. 4C6594 timing and fuel setting group. 4C3654 ring groove gage. FT2398 oil pump holding par.29. set of allen wrenches MM. HAND TOOLS. Check to ensure that oil is reaching all rocker arm assemblies. Run prelube pump and check to ensure that oil lines to the engine are tight. block to base.CATERPILLAR DIESEL ENGINES SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORK SHEET USS DATE ENGINE NO. Comments: h. Comments: D12-4 . Crankcase and block: a. (Bar engine over this operation. Check for water dripping at liner-to-block sealing surfaces. VISUAL INSPECTION. Check connecting rod and main bearing edges for evidence of bearing failure. Comments: f. Check internals for discoloration or signs of overheating. B. ______________________________ (______________) NOTE Some of the procedures included in these requirements do not apply to a specific model caterpillar engine. Comments: e.) Comments: g. and dull spots. Inspect main bearing and connecting rod bolts and nuts. Comments: c. Check all lube oil piping for looseness. Check visible areas of liners from beneath for scoring. 1. galling. Check for missing or loose bolts. Comments: d. Comments: b. mandatory 3600 series. Inspect camshaft lobes for excessive pitting. unusual wear pattern. as accessible on 3600 series.i. Comments: b. Fuel injection pump and fuel lines. excessive wear. Validate engine timing. Comments: D12-5 . Check condition of the vibration damper for dents or bulges in the damper case. unusual wear pattern. Cylinder head a. Comments: f. Comments: j. or wear. flat spots. Check for any excessive looseness in the rocker arm assemblies. 2. as accessible on 3600 series. Inspect injection pump and fuel lines for leaks. a. Comments: d. Comments: c. Check flywheel ring gear teeth and air start motor pinion for cracking or pitting. Check for any evidence of fuel or water leakage around the cylinder head area. a. Comments: 4. Comments: e. Comments: b. Comments: Inspect drive gears for broken teeth. and improper lubrication. Spot-check valve clearances. Inspect accessory drive and crankshaft gear for broken teeth. or excessive wear. Crankshaft vibration damper/ring gear. Comments: 3. Camshaft. valve locks. Comments: 5. and rotators. Inspect valve spring. Fuel cam roller for excessive wear or flat spots. Ensure that all vent valves and gages have been installed. contamination. Fuel pump timing. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Check fuel pump timing on at least two cylinders on each bank. Inspect turbocharger after cooler for dirt.6. Comments:_____________________________________________ c. Ensure that turbocharger rotor does not bind when rotated by hand. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Check for any leakage from the telltale hole and associated piping (leakage from telltale holes indicates defective seals. linkages. Engine-driven lube oil pump. Comments:______________________________________________ 10. Comments:_____________________________________________ b. a. Turbocharger(s). a. and control shafts. Comments:______________________________________________ d. Sea (raw) and jacket water pumps. a. Check freedom of movement of all racks. Check all linkage for lost motion with clevis pin nuts securely tightened against shoulders and all cotter keys in place. Comments:_________________________________________________ 8. Inspect turbocharger compressor for damaged vanes or leaking oil seal. Check for any leakage of oil out of pipe connections and flanges. Inspect external surface of the turbocharger for evidence of exhaust leaks.) Comments:______________________________________________ b. Comments:_____________________________________________ 7. Check governor oil level and oil leakage around base of governor. and jacket water leaks. Comments:______________________________________________ D12-6 . oil. a. Comments:______________________________________________ 9. Fuel control linkage and governor assembly. a. Check for signs of overheating on pump housing. Comments:______________________________________________ b. 3600 series. rubbing. Inspect filter elements for cleanliness. Inspect air ducting from filter to turbocharger air inlet for cracks. Air intake system. Comments:______________________________________________ c. bolts. Remotely operate the emergency trip (inspect for frayed wire and improper connectors). a. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Comments:______________________________________________ 12. completeness. and deterioration. vibration problems). loose or missing nuts. missing sections. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Check flange shields and spray shields for proper installation and condition. Manifold will be wet with approximately 1 inch of oil at low point due to intake manifold lubricators.. Inspect flexible hose for cracks.e. Inspect shutdown gate orifice hole. Safety devices. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Comments: 13. Comments:______________________________________________ 14. swelling. Inspect pipe hangers for tightness and flexible pipes for freedom of movement. Comments: 11.e. Comments:______________________________________________ D12-7 . Prime mover. crimping. ensure that filter element is firmly seated in housing and that the pop-up indicators have been installed. a. Validate alignment of prime mover if indications warrant (i. and rivets. flexible pipe. Inspect pipe sections for cracks or for leakage at flanges. a. Comments:______________________________________________ d. fraying. Check high-temperature and low-lube-oil alarms. Comments:______________________________________________ b. and fittings: a. Inspect air intake manifold on 3600 series engines. Check the manual trip stop lever cap screw for tightness. Flexible hose. located cooler side. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Comments:______________________________________________ e. Comments:______________________________________________ c. Fuel oil filters and strainers. Comments:______________________________________________ b. a. Check engine exhaust muffler for baffle separation and deterioration (if applicable). Operate filter and strainer drain valves for freedom of movement.15. NOTE The results of the visual inspection may indicate that a more thorough inspection of the entire exhaust system is required. Comments:______________________________________________ d. Exhaust system. Comments:______________________________________________ 17. and indications of movement. Comments:______________________________________________ f. a. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Check lube oil sampling valves for hand wheels and caps. Inspect exhaust stacks for cleanliness. Check exhaust pipe/silencer drain valves for freedom of movement and clogging. Inspect spring hangers for material condition. Ensure that strainer T-handle turns freely. fire or safety hazards. Lube oil filters. Inspect one filter element for excessive contaminants and correct installation. Comments:______________________________________________ 16. Comments: D12-8 . a. proper tension. Inspect exhaust muffler hand hole covers for leaks if applicable. Visually inspect exhaust pipes and expansion joints in engine room and exhaust stacks for leaks during operational test. a. Comments:______________________________________________ D12-9 . Comments:_____________________________________________ 19. Inspect heat exchangers for external leaks. a. Inspect air and exhaust manifolds for evidence of blown-out gaskets.18. Comments:______________________________________________ b. Check heat shields for proper installation. Inspect intake and exhaust manifolds. Heat exchangers. Comments: 10. NOTE: Inspect a minimum of 25 percent of the following tools. P/N YA 272995.: A. Torque wrench. SPECIAL TOOLS. Ratchet. Comments: 3. P/N 550 589 00 09/00. 1/2-inch dr. Comments: 5.) with extension. lbs.MTU MODEL 396TE94 SECURED PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET Craft Hull No. Comments: 11. 820. Valve clearance feeler gauge set. Engine barring device P/N 550 589 03 99/01. 589 11 59/00 and 550 589 03 99/00. MTU kit for water treatment. 210 mm (150 ft. P/N 560 589 14 99/00 and lube oil analysis kit NSN. Comments: 7. Timing disc with pointer. Emergency fuel line. Comments: 6. P/N 558 070 5273 or 558 070 6678. 6630-01-096-4792 (see Notes 1 and 2). Comments: D13-1 . P/N 550 589 05 21/00. Comments: 9. Valve clearance adjustment spanner. YA 0002727. P/Ns. MTU general hand tool kits. 1. Comments: 4. 1/2 inch drive. Water treatment to be conducted as per latest class advisory. Dial gauge and measuring jig for TDC. P/N F3 0373492.: Engine No. Nozzle holder extraction tool. Comments: 2. Comments: 8. (MTU G6-161. (MTU G86-291) Comments: C. MRC) Comments: 6. Comments: 2. Comments: 5. Check compression pressure. (MTU G3-1). 1. Inspect flywheel gear teeth for damage or excess wear. Comments: 4. (As required for troubleshooting only) (MTU G5-19) Comments: D13-2 . CYLINDER HEADS 1. Comments: 3. Inspect for broken valve springs and rocker arm assemblies. Comments: 7. Inspect cylinder head for cracks. Spot check valve clearances. Inspect crankcase breather for blockage. Inspect for crankcase block cracks. A. Inspect for lose or damaged cylinder head bolts. oil and fuel leakage around cylinder heads. Comments: 2. Inspect cylinder head cover gasket. (MTU B01 410 01) Comments: 4. Inspect generator belts for deterioration and tension. Inspect for evidence of water. Inspect crankshaft seal for leakage. Inspect block for missing or loose bolts. Inspect for missing. damaged and loose valve spring circlips.) (MTU G11-311. Comments: 2. RING GEAR AND PULLEYS 1. Comments: 3. (Record on data sheet. (MTU G88-102) Comments: B. VISUAL INSPECTION CRANKCASE AND BLOCK. MRC) Comments: 8.B. Inspect expansion flex hoses for deterioration. Inspect exhaust system installation. Comments: 3. Comments: 2. AIR INTAKE SYSTEM. Comments: 5. (MTU G10-401). corrosion. Inspect air filter housing for cracks. FUEL SYSTEM. Comments: 4.D. EXHAUST SYSTEM. cleanliness. 1. and deterioration. Ensure fuel strainer cleaning device operates properly. Comments: 3. Comments: 2. Inspect fuel filters for contamination. Inspect freedom of movement of all turbocharger control linkages and control shafts for ease of movement. Inspect coalescer and duplex filters for signs of leakage. 1. (MTU G10211). Comments: 4. Inspect air filter restriction indicator for dirt. and completeness. Inspect air intake clamp bands for proper fit or deterioration. Comments: F. ensure the filter is firmly seated in the housing. (MRC) Comments: 3. 1. Comments: 2. Inspect external fuel piping system and high-pressure engine attached fuel lines for leaks. Comments: E. Comments: D13-3 . seam welding failure. Inspect exhaust manifolds and piping for evidence of leakage. 5. Check internal components of coalescer and duplex filter for contamination. Check air system intake side for leakage/deterioration. Check coolant level. Check edge-type oil filter lever operation. Comments: 4. Comments: D13-4 . Comments: 2.G. Comments: 5. 1. (MTU G10-181). Check heat exchanger coolant plates for coolant leakage. Inspect jacket water and raw water pumps telltale hole for leakage or blockage. the intercooler is leaking. 1. TURBOCHARGER. Inspect turbocharger rotor for ease of movement. Drain oil filter. (MTU G16-121. Comments: H. 1. MRC). (MTU G16-121). transfer lines and lube oil pump out system for evidence of leakage. Remove and inspect lube oil filter. check for metallic residue. Comments: 2. COOLING SYSTEM. Comments: I. Measure thrust only if turbo binds during spin test. Comments: 3. Inspect all external coolant lines and flanges for leaks. If a large quantity of water is discharged. (MTU G9-101). Comments: 3. (MTU G13-112. Check intercooler drain line for obstruction. NOTE: A small quantity of water is only condensate. Comments: 2. Inspect turbocharger compressor for signs of oil seal leakage. A slight discharge of oil is also normal. Coolant level must be between the min and max marks on the expansion tank sight glass. MRC). Inspect external lube oil system piping. LUBE OIL SYSTEM. Comments: J.6). 1. (MTU E531 403/00 E Section 3. 1. Inspect the engine attached PT-1000 sensors. pressure sensors and canon plugs for frayed or broken wiring. (MRC) Comments: 3. GAUGES AND INSTRUMENTS. Inspect the engine mounts and foundation for proper installation.6. Inspect foundation bolts for proper installation. Comments: 2. NOTE: Perform only if deemed necessary. ENGINE MOUNTS AND STARTERS. Check low lube oil pressure and high jacket water temperature alarms. (MTU G86 321 01) Comments: L. NOTE: Refer to latest advisory. if installed (MTU G86-242) (MRC) Comments: K. Inspect the LOCOP for proper installation and operation. (MTU G14-019). Comments: 2. Comments: 2. Inspect jacket water return strainer. 1. Check for cracking or deterioration of chock fast. Comments: D13-5 . (Lamp test). Ensure all label plates for remotely operated safety devices identify the correct engine and function. locking devices and condition. Ensure that all electrical cables are supported in cableways and have chaffing protection. Inspect the engine-attached generator coupling. Comments: 3. SAFETY DEVICES. Comments: 5. Comments: D13-6 . Inspect pipe hangers for tightness and correct settings. (MTU G10 151 01) Comments: 7. Conduct emergency stop and governor tests at LCOOP. AND FITTINGS. FLEXIBLE PIPE. (MTU E531 399/00E Chapter 7. fraying. and deterioration. and inspect flexible pipes for freedom of movement. Inspect flexible hoses for cracks. crimping.4). FLEXIBLE HOSES. rubbing. swelling. 1. 7.3. Comments: 3. Inspect the engine manual throttle control device bolt is tight and has safety seal is in place. (Refer to latest MK V advisory). Comments: 4. Check for improper bending and hydrostatic test data. Comments: M. Inspect engine attached pipe sections and isolation boots for cracks or leakage. Comments: 6.3. Check operation of the air shutdown flaps. Inspect all remotely operated trips for proper operation. Comments: 2. Inspect all remotely operated cables for frayed wire and proper connections. NOTE Some of the procedures included in these requirements do not apply to a specific model caterpillar engine.3100 CATERPILLAR ENGINE SECURED-PHASE INSPECTION WORKSHEET HULL NUMBER _________________________ DATE __________________________________ ENGINE PORT:_________ STBD:________ A. NOTE: All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions. Comments: ______________________________________________ 9U7305 OR 1U6680 Governor And Fuel System Adjusting Tool Group. B. SPECIAL TOOLS NOTE: NOT ALL SPECIAL TOOLS ARE HELD BY THE BOAT DETACHMENTS (DETS). 4. Torque wrench (1/2 inch drive). 3. D14-1 . 2. ONLY THE TOOLS REQUIRED FOR PMS ARE LISTED. Comments: ______________________________________________ Hand or strobe tachometer. ENGINE REPAIR WORK IS ACCOMPLISHED BY THE SPECIAL BOAT UNIT (SBU) ENGINE SHOP PERSONNEL OR BY A OUTSIDE CONTRACTORS. Comments: ______________________________________________ VISUAL INSPECTION. 1. Comments: ______________________________________________ Feeler gages. Check freedom of movement of throttle cables and transmission shift cables. 6. synchronization. Ensure the procedures being used are the correct ones for the Tool Group available. Check for any evidence of fuel or water leakage around the cylinder head area. Crankshaft vibration damper. Check the condition of the vibration damper for dents or bulges in the damper case. 1 injector rack bar). Comments: ___________________________________________ b. the injectors must be correctly synchronized. Comments: ___________________________________________ 2. Comments: ___________________________________________ Fuel timing. a.1. Fuel control linkage and governor assembly. a. Comments: ___________________________________________ 4. a. Comments: ___________________________________________ 7. NOTE: Before the fuel setting is checked. Fuel injection pumps and fuel lines. Validate engine timing. Comments: ___________________________________________ 5. D14-2 . and fuel setting (check fuel setting on No. Check fuel timing. Check for missing or loose bolts. Crankcase and block. a. Cylinder head: a. Either 9U7305 or 1U6680 Governor And Fuel Adjusting Tool Groups can be used for testing and adjusting. Check for leaks around governor. block to base. Comments: ___________________________________________ Sea water and jacket water pumps. Comments: ___________________________________________ 3. Inspect emergency shutdown device from control console. Flexible hose. a. a. and fittings: a. Comments: ___________________________________________ D14-3 . Comments: ___________________________________________ 12. Safety devices. Comments: ___________________________________________ 13. Exhaust system. Check for any leakage from piping and seal areas. Inspect turbocharger compressor for damaged vanes or leaking oil seal. Ensure all bolts are installed and tight on coupling. Comments: ___________________________________________ c. Comments: ___________________________________________ b. rubbing. Visually inspect exhaust piping and expansion joints for leaks during operation. swelling. ensure air filter clamp is in place. Inspect air intake filters for cleanliness. a.a. a. Comments: ___________________________________________ 10. Comments: ___________________________________________ 9. a. Turbocharger. Air intake system. crimping. flexible pipe. Comments: ___________________________________________ 11. Comments: ___________________________________________ 8. ensure filter is not crushed and that it seats firmly into housing. Inspect external surface of turbocharger for evidence of exhaust leaks. Prime mover. fraying. Inspect condition of fiberglass piping from engine to overboard where visible. Ensure that turbocharger rotor does not bind when rotated by hand. and deterioration. completeness. Inspect flexible hose for cracks. Inspect coolers/heat exchangers for evidence of external leakage. a. (During operational phase. Comments: ___________________________________________ 17.) Comments: ______________________________________________ D14-4 . a. Comments: ___________________________________________ b. Coolers. a. Comments: ___________________________________________ 16. Inspect fuel filter for evidence of leakage. Inspect lube oil filter element for excessive contaminants and correct installation. Ensure all gauges on panel are operable and within normal parameters.14. Gauges. Fuel oil filters and strainers. Lube oil filter. Comments: ___________________________________________ 15. Inspect filter element for contaminants. DIESEL INSPECTION REPORT DATA SHEET (ONE FOR EACH ENGINE INSPECTED) Ship Name and Hull Number: _______________________ Group Commander: _______________________________ Appropriate Technical Manual: ______________________ Inspector's Name and Rate: _________________________ Inspector's Duty Station: ___________________________ Type of Water Treatment: __________________________ Home Port: _____________________________ APL: __________________________________ Inspection Date: _________________________ Reason for Inspection: ____________________ Inspection Grade(s): ______________________ ENGINE APPLICATION ENGINE DESIGNATION MAKE AND MODEL SERIAL NUMBER HP/KW RATING ENGINE HOURS SINCE OVHL TOTAL ENGINE HOURS SNORKEL HOURS SINCE OVHL DATE LAST INSP PREVIOUS ENGINE HOURS SINCE LAST INSP S9233-CJ-HBK-010 E-1 CHANGE E ENGINE DISCREPANCY DATA SHEET (Separate sheets required for each engine inspected) Engine Designation: _________________________________________ DISCREP CAT COMPONENT OR SYSTEM DESCRIPTION REPAIR RECOMMENDATION S9233-CJ-HBK-010 F-2 S9233-CJ-HBK-010 ALCO ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET USS _________________________ DATE _______________________ ENGINE NO. _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions. SPEC 1. Crankshaft measurements a. Crankshaft thrust readings b. Crankshaft deflection readings (TIR) _____ _____ ________ ________ ACTUAL ______________ _______________ q______________ ______________ Show direction of rotation. 2. Turbocharger measurements a. Crankshaft thrust readings b. Crankshaft deflection readings (TIR) _____ _____ ________ ________ G1-1 3. Pump timing measurements CYLINDER _________R _________R _________L _________L SAT ____ ____ ____ ____ UNSAT _______ _______ _______ _______ 4. Valve clearances CYLINDER _________R _________R _________L _________L NOTE If there are any unusual wear patterns in the gear train, take the following measurements: MIN MAX AVG SPEC ACTUAL ____ ____ ____ ____ _______ _______ _______ _______ 5. Water pump backlash measurement a. Jacket water b. Raw water _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 6. 7. Lube oil pump backlash measurement Governor backlash measurement a. Bevel and pinion gears b. Governor drive and camshaft gear _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ G1-2 Camshaft measurements. a. Camshaft thrust Right bank Left bank b. Camshaft backlash Right bank Left bank _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ MAX _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ AVG _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ G1-3 .S9233-CJ-HBK-010 MIN 8. _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions . Clearance Cylinder No. 1 9 2 10 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 16 Crankshaft deflection readings at crank web closest to drive end. Piston side clearances (ring to land clearance) for each piston.EMD ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET USS _________________________ DATE _______________________ ENGINE NO. Clearance 2. 3 position (bottom) must be minus. 1. Spec: _________________________ ______________ _______________ q______________ ______________ Show direction of rotation NOTE The sign on the No. Spec: _________________________ Cylinder No. G2-1 . Sat. 12. Spec: ______________________________ Actual clearance:___________________ Blower thrust. _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 5. Actual clearance:___________________ G2-2 ./Unsat 6. Spec: ______________________________ Actual thrust: ____________________ 7. Sat. Cylinder head identification.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 3. Crankshaft thrust reading. Spec: ______________________________ Actual clearance: __________________ Blower rotor-to-front-end-plate clearance (if applicable). Spec: ______________________________ 8. Spec: ______________________________ Actual clearance: __________________ Blower rotor-to-casing clearance (if applicable). Exhaust valve clearances: 1 9 2 10 ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ Sat. Spec: ___________________________ Actual Thrust: ____________________ 4. Actual clearance:___________________ 13. Turbocharger thrust clearance (if applicable). Spec: ______________________________ Timing gear backlash. 11. 9. 10. Spec: ______________________________ Actual clearance: __________________ Blower rotor-to-rear-end-plate clearance (if applicable). Turbocharger impeller-to-casing clearance (if applicable). Spec: ______________________________ Actual clearance: __________________ Blower rotor-to-rotor clearance (if applicable)./Unsat Cylinder No./Unsat ______________________________________ 3 11 4 12 5 13 6 14 7 15 8 16 Cylinder No. S9233-CJ-HBK-010 FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET USS _________________________ DATE _______________________ ENGINE NO. SPEC 1. 3 position (bottom) must be minus. Crankshaft measurements. _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions. a. G3-1 . Thrust bearings 1) 2) Upper Lower ______________ ______________ ACTUAL b. Deflections readings (TIR) ______________ _______________ q______________ ______________ Show direction of rotation NOTE The sign on the no. Lower vertical drive Upper vertical drive ______ ______ _______ ______ Auxiliary drive gear assembly (if taken) FM 5 1/4 a. Crankshaft gear to auxiliary drive shaft gear. b. Vertical drive measurements (if taken) a. Gear backlash 1) 2) Lower ring gear to pinion Upper ring gear to pinion _______ _______ ACTUAL _______ _______ b. Governor drive pinion to gear e. Auxiliary drive shaft-driven gear to beveldriven gear c. Engine timing. Governor drive bevel gear to pinion gear d. Crankshaft flexible drive gear to raw water pump gear b. Crankshaft drive gear to lubricating oil pump gear ______ _______ ______ ______ _______ _______ ______ _______ 4. Auxiliary drive gear assembly (if taken) FM 8 1/8 a. 1) 2) 3. Bevel-driven gear to fuel pump drive gear d. a.SPEC 2. Vertical drive shaft thrust (with coupling unbolted and spring pack removed). Crankshaft flexible drive gear to jacket water pump gear c. Crankshaft lead (lower leading upper) ______ _______ G3-2 . Freshwater pump bevel gear to vertical drive gear _____ _ _______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______ _______ ______ ______ _______ _______ 3A. * b. Rotor thrust* Gate rotor Main rotor *Mandatory reading _______ ACTUAL ________ _______ _______ ________ ________ _______ _______ ________ ________ G3-3 . SPEC a. Gate rotor tip to main rotor through discharge port axial type.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 SPEC b. Rotor-to-housing (suction 5 1/4)*. STAMPED READING 5. Fuel rack reading in stop position. Pedestal bearing resistance NOTE Applicable to 900 RPM engine only. * d. c. Rotor shaft drop reading (bearing wear) _________ _____ _____ PORT ______ ______ _______ STBD ______ ______ _____ CURRENT DROP READING (DIFFERENCE) _________ _________ MIN 6. Fuel pump timing 1) Single pump 2) Double pump c. Rotor-to-rotor (leading edge) roots*. 7. Blower readings. NOTE ____________ ACTUAL _________ USE CURRENT PMS MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENT CARD (MRC) TO CONDUCT BLOWER CLEARANCE READINGS NOTE If any mandatory readings are out of specification a complete set of blower readings must be taken. Timing gear backlash average. Thrust (end movement of rotor) GATE ROTOR TIP READING PRESENT READINGS GATE ROTOR TIP READING PREVIOUS READINGS A B C D DATE ___________________________ A B C D DATE __________________________ GATE ROTOR TIP TO MAIN ROTOR BODY.NOTE If any unusual conditions were found during the course of the inspection on the above items. Rotor to rotor leading b. Blower roots type a. Rotor to housing discharge e. Rotor to housing suction d. Rotor to rotor trailing c. Rotor to outer end plate f. SPEC 8. take and record the following measurements. Rotor to inner end plate ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ DRIVE DRIVEN g. PRESENT AND PREVIOUS READINGS TABLE 1 G3-4 . the data may be used to satisfy the requirements of this step. _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions. a. Deflection readings. Camshaft Thrust (PMS) a. Left bank 3. Right bank b.) Document measurements on record sheet (PMS). Seawater Pump. Thrust (PMS) b. 2.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 COLT-PIELSTICK ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET USS _________________________ DATE _______________________ ENGINE NO. SPEC 1. (If readings taken within three months before engine inspection are within specification. Pump Drive Thrust b. Crankshaft. a. Suction Side Wear Ring Diametrical Clearance _______ ______ _______ ________ _______ _______ ACTUAL _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ G4-1 . 4. 1 Stbd Engines CW Rotation View from Drive End View from Drive End WEB MOTION (mm)/ BEARING PRESSES BRG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 FREE END DRIVE END ______ ______ G4-2 . Web Deflections and Bearing Presses MMR No. 2 Port Engines CCW Rotation MMR No. S9233-CJ-HBK-010 WEB DEFLECTIONS G4-3 CHART FOR CRANKSHAFT WEB DEFLECTION CALCULATIONS AND RECORDS ENGINE I.D. ______________ SER NO. ________ BY ____________________________ MAIN BEARING NO. WEB MOTION (mm) = bc: BEARING CLEARANCE = C: LARGER VALUE of bc = THROW POSITION CYL. NO. ml mm m5 mm (m1+m5)/2 mm m3 mm dv=m3-(m1+m5)/2 mm d – DIFFERENCE CORRECTED DEFLECTION dc = dv + c/2 d – DIFFERENCE m4 m2 dh = m2 – m4 d – DIFFERENCE 1 2 3 4 DATE ________________ 5 6 7 8 9 1 1&9 2 2&10 3 3&11 4 4&12 5 5&13 6 6&14 7 7&15 8 8&16 MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ADJACENT CRANKWEBS: VERTICAL #1 & 2 DEFLECTION #2 THRU #8 LO SUMP TEMP _____°F NEW 0.06mm/IN SERVICE 0.06 mm NEW 0.03mm/IN SERVICE 0.06 mm JACKET WATER TEMP _____°F HORIZONTAL ALL WEBS NEW LESS THAN 0.03 mm DEFLECTION ALL WEBS IN SERVICE LESS THAN 0.06 mm AMBIENT TEMP ____° F G4-4 S9233-CJ-HBK-010 DDA 16V 149 DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEETS USS _________________________ DATE _______________________ ENGINE NO. _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions. 1. Crankshaft measurements. Crankshaft thrust readings Lubricating oil pump drive gear backlash. Turbocharger measurements. a. Port fwd – Axial b. Port aft – Axial SPEC _______ _______ _______ ACTUAL _______ _______ _______ 2. 3. _______ _______ _______ _______ c. Stbd fwd – Axial b. Stbd aft – Axial 4. Camshaft thrust. a. Right bank b. Left bank 5. Backlash. a. Lube oil pump/drive gear b. JW pump gear _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ G5-1 6. Blowers. a. Measure blower(s) clearance. NOTE Refer to current PMS MRC for specifications. Forward blower LOCATION Rotor to end plate (gear end) Rotor to end plate Leading edge of R.H. rotor to trailing edge of L.H. rotor Trailing edge of R.H. rotor to leading edge of L.H. rotor Rotors to case, inlet side Aft blower LOCATION Rotor to end plate (gear end) Rotor to end plate Leading edge of R.H. rotor to trailing edge of L.H. rotor Trailing edge of R.H. rotor to leading edge of L.H. rotor Rotors to case, inlet side SYMBOL SYMBOL MIN SPEC MAX ACTUAL A B ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ________ C ____ ____ ________ CC D ____ ____ SPEC MIN ____ ____ ________ ________ MAX ACTUAL A B ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ________ C ____ ____ ________ CC D ____ ____ ____ ____ ________ ________ G5-2 _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions. G6-1 . 2.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 SMALL HIGH-SPEED ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEETS USS _________________________ DATE _______________________ ENGINE NO. Blower readings (in accordance with applicable PMS) Turbocharger measurements (if applicable) Port-Axial Stbd-Axial _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ ______ MIN _____ _____ MAX _____ _____ ACT ______ ______ 3. Crankshaft thrust. SPEC 1. Crankshaft thrust readings b. SPEC 1. Crankshaft deflection readings (TIR) NOTE: The sign on the No. 3 position (bottom) must be a minus. Crankshaft measurements. ______ ______ ______ ACT _____ _____ _____ ______________ _______________ q______________ ______________ Show direction of rotation G8-2 G7-1 . a.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 GENERIC MEDIUM-SPEED DIESEL ENGINE TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET USS _________________________ DATE _______________________ ENGINE NO. _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions. S9233-CJ-HBK-010 CYLINDER 2. G7-2 . Fuel injection timing ________R ________R ________L ________L 3. Valve clearances/intake/exhaust ________R ________R ________L ________L SAT ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ UNSAT _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ NOTE The space below is provided for additional readings taken during inspection. Crankshaft thrust. 2. D398) _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ ______ MIN _____ MAX _____ ACT ______ ______________ _______________ q______________ ______________ Show direction of rotation. D353 ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET USS _________________________ DATE _______________________ ENGINE NO. D398. D379. Deflection readings (D399. G8-1 . Turbocharger measurements (if applicable) Port-Axial Stbd-Axial 3.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 CATERPILLAR D399. _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions. SPEC 1. Port-Axial Stbd-Axial 3. Crankshaft thrust. _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions. 4. Collision chock settings. Turbocharger measurements (if applicable). SPEC 1. Lube oil pump backlash. 6. . _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ MIN _____ MAX _____ ACT ______ G9-1 . Generator oil scavenging pump backlash.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 WAUKESHA ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET USS _________________________ DATE _______________________ ENGINE NO. Fuel oil pump backlash. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 5. 2. _____" 0.____"/0._____" 0. Port-Axial Stbd-Axial 3. 1.____" 4. 2._____" ACTUAL 0.____"/0.____" 0.____" 0._____" 0. (if applicable) Valve lash settings.____" 0.____"/0. 0. Lube oil pump backlash.____" 0.____" 0.____" 0.____" 0.____"/0.____"/0._____" 0.____"/0.____"/0._____" 0. Crankshaft thrust.____" 0.____" 0._____" 0.____"/0.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 ISOTTA FRASCHINI (IF) DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEETS USS _________________________ DATE _______________________ ENGINE NO._____" 0.____"/0.____"/0.____"/0._____" 0._____" 0. Turbocharger measurements (if applicable).____"/0._____" G10-1 CHANGE D .____" 0.____" 5. Camshaft endplay. _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions.____"/0._____" 0.____" 0. (if applicable) 0.____" SPEC 0._____" 0.____"/0. 0._____" 0. 1. _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 PAXMAN 16RP200M ENGINE MEASUREMENT TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEETS USS _________________________ DATE _______________________ ENGINE NO. G11-1 CHANGE D . Deflection readings. SPEC ACT ______________ _______________ q______________ ______________ DRIVE END NOTE Show direction of engine rotation. 3. SPEC ACT NOTE Take measurement in 90 interval as shown above. Engine Mount Rebound. ______ ______ ______ ______ ACTUAL _______ _______ _______ _______ Engine distance from alignment arm to sole plate.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 2. Inducer to blower inlet casing clearance. Valve Clearances. SPEC DEA FEA FEB DEB 5. NOTE Refer to Paxman Technical Manuals S9233-E1-MMC-010 and S9233-E1-MMC-020 4. SPEC DEA FEA FEB DEB ______ ______ ______ ______ ACTUAL _______ _______ _______ _______ CHANGE D G11-2 . ____" 0. ______ Sat.____"/0. D399 and 3608) 0.____"/0. 1._____" 0./Unsat.____" 0.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 CATERPILLAR 3600 SERIES DIESEL ENGINES TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEETS USS _______________________________________(____________) ENGINE NO.____"/0. _________________ NOTE All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) and current printed instructions./Unsat. Governor fuel rack setting. Governor linkage adjustment. Crankshaft deflection readings (D398.____" 0.____" 0. Turbocharger measurements (if applicable). Port-Axial Port-Thrust Stbd-Axial Stbd-Thrust 3.____" 0. ______ Sat.____" CCW 0.____" 0.____" MIN/MAX 0.____" 0. Crankshaft/camshaft timing. 0. 2._____" 0.____" 4.____"/0._____" 0. 5. Crankshaft thrust._____" 0._____" 0./Unsat._____" ACTUAL 0.____"/0. 6.____" Sat. ______ G12-1 CHANGE D .____"/0. NOTE: Engine is viewed from the Power Take Off (PTO) end.: NOTE: All tolerance measurements are to be obtained in accordance with current PMS Maintenance Requirement Cards (MRCs) requirements and current printed instructions. Valve Clearances.: Engine No.5 MM G13-1 . (** As required). Measure shut down flap proximity switch clearance. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Measure turbocharger thrust.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 TOLERANCE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET MTU MODEL 396TE94 DIESEL ENGINE MEASUREMENT DATA SHEET Craft Hull No. Turbo A__________** (As required) Turbo B__________** (As required) 3. (MTU B84 620) __________ 5. A BANK Intake Exhaust 1 2 3 4 5 6 B BANK Intake Exhaust 2. 1.5 to 4. pump disch: ____________________ S. Press* Rack Pos* 1R 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R * Record at the same time. to engine: _________________ L. Ex. Temp* Fi. filter DP: _______________________ Air box press/turbo: __________________ Temperatures J. overboard:________________ Generator brg—fwd: ____________ Generator brg—aft: _____________ Overspeed Trip Setting: __________ H1-1 .S9233-CJ-HBK-010 ALCO ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET Ship name: __________________________ Engine No. Press* Com.O.W. in: ______________________ S. pump disch: ____________________ Generator brg—fwd: __________________ Generator brg—aft: ___________________ L. Press* Com.O.W.W. Press* Rack Pos* 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L Engine rpm: ________________________ KW: ______________________________ Amps: _____________________________ Volts: _____________________________ Governor power reading: ______________ Control air psi: ______________________ Shaft rpm (MPE only): ________________ Cylinder No. since overhaul: ___________________ Hrs. to engine: _________________ J.W. pump disch: ____________________ J. from engine: _______________ S.: _________________________ Date: _______________________________ Hrs.W. Ex. Temp* Fi. from engine: _______________ L. strainer DP: _____________________ L.O.W.O. since last trend: ___________________ Sea state (MPE only): __________________ Ships draft (MPE only): ________________ Ft/% of pitch (MPE only): _______________ Exhaust Temperature Cylinder No. Pressures: Crankcase vacuum: ___________________ Fuel header press: ____________________ L.O. S9233-CJ-HBK-010 HIGH Cylinder firing pressures Cylinder compression pressures Cylinder exhaust temperatures Left bank temp. average: Right bank exhaust temp average: Right and left bank difference: _ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ LOW ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ AVERAGE __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ H1-2 . Temp Fi. Ex. H2-1 . Temp Fi. Ex. Press 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 HIGH Cylinder exhaust temp: Cylinder firing press: ______ ______ LOW ______ ______ AVERAGE __________ __________ NOTE Record cylinder exhaust temperatures at the same time you take the firing pressures. since overhaul: ___________________ Main propulsion diesel: Engine/shaft RPM: __________________ Pitch: _____________________________ Ship draft: _________________________ Sea state: __________________________ Governor power piston position _________ Date: ______________________________ Hrs.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 EMD ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET Ship name: __________________________ Engine No: __________________________ Hrs. since last trend: __________________ SSD/EDG: Engine RPM: _____________________ KW load: _________________________ Amperage: ________________________ Voltage: __________________________ Control air pressure: __________________ Exhaust Temperature Cylinder No. Press 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Cylinder No. strainer DP: _________________ L. from engine: __________________ L. pump disch: ____________________ Scavenging air press: _________________ Generator brg—fwd: __________________ Generator brg—aft: ___________________ L.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 Pressures: Crankcase vacuum: ___________________ Fuel pump disch: ____________________ L.O.W.O. to engine: ____________________ L. from engine: __________________ S.W.W. filter DP: ___________________ Fuel filter DP: ___________________ Overspeed setting: ______________________ Temperatures: J. overboard: ___________________ Generator bearing—fwd: ____________ Generator bearing—aft: _____________ Combined exhaust (stack): ___________ H2-2 .O. header press: ___________________ L. pump disch: ____________________ J.W.O.O.W.O. to engine: ____________________ J. pump disch: Right / Left S. Press* Rack Pos* Inbd Outbd * Record at the same time. since last trend: ___________________ Sea state (MPE only): __________________ Ships draft (MPE only): ________________ Ft/% of pitch (MPE only): ______________ Shaft RPM (MPE only): ________________ Engine RPM: ________________________ KW: ______________________________ Amps: _____________________________ Volts: _____________________________ Governor power indicator reading: _______ Control air PSI: ______________________ Shaft torque (MPE only): ______________ Cylinder No. Press* Com. Temp* Fi. since overhaul: ___________________ Hrs. Press* Rack Pos* Inbd Outbd Cylinder No. Ex. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 HIGH Cylinder exhaust temperature _ Cylinder compression pressure Cylinder firing pressure _____ ______ ______ LOW ______ ______ ______ AVERAGE __________ __________ __________ H3-1 .: _________________________ Hrs.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 FAIRBANKS MORSE ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET Ship name: __________________________ Date: _______________________________ Engine No. Press* Com. Ex. Temp* Fi. S9233-CJ-HBK-010 Pressures: Fuel oil header press: __________________ Fuel oil pump disch press: ______________ Lube oil header press: _________________ S. press: ________________ Exh.W.W.W.W. press: ______________ J. pump disch/diff press: _____________ Crankcase vacuum (H2O): ______________ Lube oil filter DP: ____________________ Lube oil strainer DP: __________________ Scavenging air press: __________________ Turbocharger disch. injection temp: _______________ S. pump disch. temp from engine: _____________ Lube oil temp to engine: ____________ Lube oil temp from engine: __________ S. overboard temp:_______________ H3-2 .W. back press: ______________________ Blower delta T: _______________________ Overspeed trip setting: ____________________ Temperatures J.W. temp to engine:________________ J. : __________________________ Start air pressure to eng: _______________ Hrs. Cylinder No. Readings should be taken at EOSC. Ex. Temp* Fir. Ex. CHANGE F H4-1 .000 lb-ft and 520 rpm. since ovhl: ______________________ Alarms and Safety Checks: Overspeed setting: ____________________rpm Low Lube Oil Pressure Low Speed=175-290 rpm Med Speed=291-370 rpm High Speed=371-520 rpm Standby Pump Start Alarm Engine Shutdown NOTE Operate propulsion engines at 100 percent rated load and speed: 525. Temp* Fir.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 COLT-PIELSTICK ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET Ship name: __________________________ Date: ______________________________ Hrs since last trend: ___________________ Control air pressure: __________________ Engine No. Fuel rack position readings must be taken at each injection pump. Press Rack Pos* Cylinder No. the maximum leak off is 5 drops per minute. Press Rack Pos* *Note: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Take temperature readings simultaneously with firing pressures. Note: Check the fuel leak off sight glasses. press to engine: _______________ S. outlet temp from intercooler: Left bank/right bank: _____/_______ Intake air manifold temp: Left bank/right bank: _____/_______ H4-2 .W.W. water temp to engine: __________ J. pump suct press: ______________ S. injection temp: _______________ S.W. inlet temp to intercooler: Left bank/right bank:______/_______ S. pump disch press: _____________ Lube oil filter DP: ______/___________ Lube oil strainer DP: _______________ Rocker lube oil press: ______________ Turbo disch press: _________________ Left bank/right bank: _____________ Rocker lube oil strainer DP: __________ Fuel pump suct press: ______________ Fuel pump disch press: ______________ Fuel filter DP: _____________________ Fuel press to engine: ________________ Crankcase vacuum (H2O) ____________ Temperatures: Lube oil temp to engine: ____________ Lube oil temp to cooler: ____________ J. ________ ________ ________ Pre-turbo exh temp LB/RB ______/_______ Post-turbo exh temp LB/RB _______/_____ Governor output lever quadrant position: ___________________________________________ Engine rpm: ________________________ Shaft rpm: _________________________ Pitch %: ___________________________ Shaft torque lb/ft: ___________________ Ship draft: _________________________ Sea state: __________________________ Pressures: Lube oil disch press: _______________ Lube oil press to engine: ____________ J. pump suct press: ______________ J. pump disch press: _____________ J.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 HIGH Cylinder firing pressures Cylinder exhaust temperatures Fuel rack position ______ ______ ______ LOW ______ ______ ______ AVERAGE __________ __________ __________ MAX. DIFF.W.W.W.W.W. water temp from engine: ________ Injector clg wtr outlet temp: __________ Rocker lube oil temp: _______________ S.W.W. 1 ________ No. (H2O): __________________ ENGAGED SPEC _____ _____ FWD ACTUAL ________ ________ AFT ACTUAL ________ ________ Generator bearing oil temp: Combined cylinder exhaust temp: _____ _____ _______________________________________ H5-1 . press: _____________ Overspeed trip setting: ________________ DISENGAGED SPEC SAC oil press: SAC oil temp: _____ _____ Jacket water press to engine: ____________ Jacket water temp.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 DETROIT DIESEL MODEL 16V 149TI ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET Ship name: __________________________ Date: ______________________________ Hrs. since overhaul: ___________________ Hrs since last trend: ___________________ KW: _______________________________ Volts: ______________________________ Cylinder Exhaust Temperature Cylinder No. 3 ________ No. 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L Engine No. 4 _______ Fuel supply press: ____________________ Fuel oil manifold press: ________________ Lube oil supply press: _________________ Lube oil temp to engine: _______________ Lube oil temp from engine: _____________ Lube oil filter ∆P: ____________________ Turbocharger disch. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Cylinder No. to engine: ____________ Jacket water temp. Air filter ∆P: AVG No. from engine: _________ Raw water press. 2 ________ No. to cooler: _____________ Raw water system temp: _______________ Crankcase vac/press (H2O): ____________ Airbox press.:__________________________ Engine RPM: ________________________ Amps: ______________________________ Governor power indicator reading: _______ Cylinder No. S9233-CJ-HBK-010 Operation of electrostatic precipitators: SMOKE/OIL SAT Operation of air flapper shutdown: At CCS Local ____ ____ _______ _______ FOG/MIST UNSAT H5-2 . since overhaul: ___________________ Hrs since last trend: ___________________ Engine rpm:_________________________ KW: _______________________________ Amps: ______________________________ Volts: ______________________________ Governor power indicator reading: _______ Start air PSI:_________________________ Cylinder Exhaust Temperature Cylinder No. Exhaust Temp 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L Cylinder No. press: _____________ Lube oil press at engine: _______________ Lube oil temp to engine: _______________ Lube oil temp from engine: _____________ Lube oil filter DP: ____________________ Lube oil strainer DP: __________________ Gen lube oil alarm: ___________________ Overspeed RPM: _____________________ Lube oil alarm: _______________________ Generator bearing oil press: Generator bearing oil temp: ____________ ____________ AVG Jacket water press to engine: ____________ Jacket water temp. Exhaust Temp Fuel oil press to filter: _________________ Fuel oil press to engine: _______________ Lube oil pump disch.: _________________________ Hrs. to engine: ____________ Jacket water temp. difference: _________________________ Overspeed trip setting: __________________________ Low lube oil alarm: ____________________________ H6-1 . from engine: _________ Raw water press to cooler: _____________ Raw water injection temp: ______________ Raw water overboard temp: _____________ Crankcase pressure (H2O): ______________ Crankcase vacuum (H2O): ______________ Air box press:________________________ ______________ ______________ Right bank exhaust temp. Exhaust Temp 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Cylinder No. average: ___________________________ Left and right bank exhaust temp. average: __________________________ Left bank exhaust temp.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 SMALL HIGH-SPEED ENGINE OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET Ship name: __________________________ Date: ______________________________ Engine No. since overhaul: ___________________ Hrs since last trend: ___________________ Sea State (MPE only): _________________ Ships draft (MPE only): ________________ Ft. Temp* Fi./% of pitch (MPE only): ______________ Shaft rpm (MPE only): _________________ Cylinder No.: _________________________ Engine Model: _______________________ Hrs. Press* Com press Rack Pos* Inbd Outbd Cylinder No. Ex.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 GENERIC MEDIUM-SPEED DIESEL ENGINE OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET Ship name: __________________________ Date: ______________________________ Engine No. Ex. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 Engine rpm:_________________________ KW: _______________________________ Amps: ______________________________ Volts: ______________________________ Governor power indicator reading: _______ Control air PSI:_______________________ Shaft torque (MPE only): _______________ 4 5 6 7 8 H7-1 . Press* Rack Pos* Inbd Outbd * Record at the same time. Temp* Fi. temp from engine: ________________ Lube oil temp to engine:________________ Lube oil temp from engine: _____________ S.W. injection temp: __________________ S.W. pump disch press: Right ______ Left ________ Exh back press: _______________________ Blower ∆T: __________________________ Overspeed trip setting: __________________ HIGH Cylinder exhaust temp: Cylinder compression press: Cylinder firing press: _____ _____ _____ Temperatures J.W. overboard temp: _________________ LOW _____ _____ _____ AVERAGE __________ __________ __________ H7-2 . temp to engine: __________________ J.W.W. press: ______________ Engine lube oil press: ___________________ S.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 Pressures Fuel oil header press: ___________________ Lube oil pump disch. pump disch/diff press: ______________ Crankcase vacuum (H2O): _______________ Lube oil filter ∆P: ______________________ Lube oil strainer ∆P: ____________________ Scavenging air press: ___________________ Turbocharger disch press: _______________ J.W. to cooler: _____________ Raw water injection temp: ______________ Raw water overboard temp: _____________ Crankcase pressure (H2O): ______________ Crankcase vacuum (H2O): ______________ Turbocharger disch. 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L Engine rpm:_________________________ kW: _______________________________ Amps: ______________________________ Volts _______________________________ Cylinder No.: _________________________ Hrs. D379. D353 ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET Ship name: __________________________ Date: ______________________________ Engine No. D398. press:______________ FWD ____________ ____________ AFT ______________ ______________ Generator bearing oil press: Generator bearing oil temp: H8-1 . since overhaul: ___________________ Hrs since last trend: ___________________ Sea State (MPE only): _________________ Ships draft (MPE only): ________________ Ft. from engine __________ Raw water press. 1R 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R Cylinder No.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 CATERPILLAR D399. AVG Fuel oil press to filter: _________________ Fuel oil press to engine: _______________ Lube oil pump disch press: _____________ Lube oil press at engine: _______________ Lube oil temp to engine: _______________ Lube oil temp from engine: _____________ Lube oil filter DP: ____________________ Lube oil strainer DP: __________________ Low lube oil alarm: ___________________ Jacket water press to engine: ____________ Jacket water temp. to engine: ____________ Jacket water temp./% of pitch (MPE only): ______________ Shaft rpm (MPE only): ________________ Shaft torque (MPE only): _______________ Cylinder Exhaust Temperature Cylinder No. difference: _________________________ Overspeed trip setting: _____________________ Low lube oil alarm: ________________________ LOW _____ _____ AVERAGE __________ __________ H8-2 . average: _____ Left and right bank exhaust temp.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 HIGH Cylinder exhaust temp: _____ Left bank exhaust temp. press (LB): _________________ Air manif.O.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 WAUKESHA DIESEL ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET Ship name: __________________________ Date: ______________________________ Engine No./% of pitch (MPE only): ______________ Shaft rpm (MPE only): ________________ Shaft torque (MPE only): _______________ Cylinder Exhaust Temperature Cylinder No. 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L Engine rpm:_________________________ KW: _______________________________ Amps: ______________________________ Volts: ______________________________ Governor power indicator reading: _______ Control air PSI:_______________________ Cylinder No. press (RB): _________________ Lube oil gallery press: _________________ Lube oil sump temp: __________________ Fuel oil supply press: __________________ Preturbo exh temp (RB): _______________ Preturbo exh temp (LB): _______________ Fuel Rack Position: ___________________ Stack temp: __________________________ Seawater temp: _______________________ Pitch (% ft): _________________________ Engine rotation: ______________________ Output power (kW): ___________________ Output voltage: _______________________ Output freq: _________________________ Forward bearing temp: _________________ Aft bearing temp: _____________________ Overspeed trip setting: _________________ Low lube oil alarm: ____________________ H9-1 .: _________________________ Hrs. 1R 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R Engine rpm: ________________________ Freshwater Temp: ____________________ L. since overhaul: ___________________ Hrs since last trend: ___________________ Date of last trend: ____________________ Sea State (MPE only): _________________ Ships draft (MPE only): ________________ Ft. pump press: _____________________ L.O. Filter DP: _______________________ Seawater pump press: _________________ Freshwater pump press: ________________ Air manif. to engine: _______________ Thermometers ___________________ Actual ______ RPM’s ______ Overspeed Device: Lube Oil Alarms: Actual Remote shutdown Device: ______ PSI H10-1 CHANGE D .: _____________________ Air filter DP: ____________________________ Condition of: Pyrometers Gauges Meters _______ Specification _____-_____ RPM’s Specification _____ PSI Operative ________ Jacket water temp to engine: ____________ Jacket water temp.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 ISOTTA FRASCHINI (IF) OPERATIONAL TREND DATA SHEET USS ______________________________________ (____ ____) ENGINE RPM: ________________________________ DATE: _______________________________ Cycles: _________________ Engine Nr. press.: ____________________________ Kilowatts: _____________________________ Hrs.: _______________ Lube oil filter DP: _______________________ Lube oil strainer DP: _____________________ Jacket water press. to engine: __________________ Fuel oil filter DP: _______________________ Lube oil pump disch. to filter: ___________________ Fuel oil press. since overhaul: _____________________Amperes: _____________________ Hrs. since last trend: ____________________ Volts: ________________________ Sea state (MPE only): ___________________ Governor power indicator reading: _______ Ships draft (MPE only): _________________ Control air psi: _______________________ FT% of pitch (MPE only): _______________ Shaft RPM (MPE only): _______________ Cylinder Exhaust Temperatures 1L 2L 3L 4L 1R 2R 3R 4R Fuel oil press. to engine: ______________ Salt water press. to cooler: _________________ Crankcase vacuum (H2O): _________________ Scavenging air press.: _______________ Lube oil press. from engine: _____________ Lube oil temp. to engine: _________________ Turbocharger lube oil press. from engine: _________ Salt water injection temp: ______________ Salt water overboard temp: _____________ Lube oil temp. : ___________ TOTAL ENGINE HRS. _______ HRS SINCE LAST TREND: __________ SEA STATE: __________ DATE _____________ HRS SINCE OVERHAUL: __________ DATE SINCE LAST OVERHAUL: ______________ SHIP DRAFT: ______________ PARAMETERS Time Engine Speed (RPM) Engine Load (%) Shaft Speed (RPM) Lube Oil Pressure (PSI) Lube Oil Temperature (F) Jacket Water Temp (F) Raw Water Temp (F) Fuel Oil Pressure (psi) Jacket Water Pressure (psi) Crankcase Pressure (in H2O) Exhaust Back Pressure (in H2O) Air Manifold Press (psi) (Boost) Bylinder exhaust Temp B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 Exhaust Temp After turbo (F) Lube oil filter DP (in H2O) Governor Lever Fuel rack position A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 FULL LOAD MIN/MAX ALARM SETPOINT DATA RECORDED Overspeed trip setting: ____________________________ Low lube oil alarm: ______________________________ CHANGE D H11-1 .S9233-CJ-HBK-010 PAXMAN VALENTA ENGINES OPERATING DATA SHEET SHIP NAME: _____________ ENGINE No. Comments: _____________________________________________ Inspect all external coolant lines and flanges for leaks. unions. Comments: _____________________________________________ Inspect complete external lube oil piping for leaks. 4. expansion bellows and turbocharger exhaust inlet. 7. 3. exhaust manifold gaskets. 6. Comments: _____________________________________________ Inspect all external fuel lines. Check high-pressure duoline sheathed fuel injection pipe for leakage. (Leakage from telltale lines indicates defective mechanical seals). Comments: _____________________________________________ 2. and coupling fuel leaks. Comments: _____________________________________________ Inspect for air leaks at intake manifold to heads and joints at air delivery casing to manifolds.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 PAXMAN VALENTA OPERATING CHECKS WORKSHEET 1. 5. 8. Comments: _____________________________________________ Inspect jacket water and raw water pump telltale orifice for leakage or blockage. H11-2 CHANGE D . Comments: _____________________________________________ Check for leaks at exhaust stack. Comments: _____________________________________________ During ship operation check if Exhaust Flapper operates properly. : Lube oil filter DP: Lube oil strainer DP: Jacket water press to engine: Raw water press.: Lube oil press.: ______Raw water overboard temp. 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L HIGH LOW AVE. Date: ______________________________ Serial Nr. to engine: Fuel oil filter DP: Lube oil pump disch press. from engine: ______Raw water injection temp.: ______Lube oil temp to engine: ______Lube oil temp from engine: ______Engine RPM: ______Cycles: ______Kilowatts: ______Amperes: ______Volts: ______Governor power indicator reading: ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Turbocharger ______ ______ 60 ______ ______ 450 ______ 1L 2L 3L 4L 5L 6L 7L 8L HIGH LOW AVE. 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R HIGH LOW AVE. to engine: lube oil press.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 CATERPILLAR DIESEL ENGINE PERFORMANCE DATA SHEET Ship name : __________________________ ( Engine Nr. to cooler: Crankcase vacuum (H2O): Turbocharger air pressures: ______Jacket water temp. to filter: Fuel oil press. _________________________ Type of fuel: F-76 (DFM)/F-44 (JP 5) Cylinder exhaust temperatures Right 1R Bank Temp Left Bank Temp Cylinder firing pressure Right 1R Bank Temp Left Bank Temp Exhaust temperature between banks:______ Fuel oil press. 2R 3R 4R 5R 6R 7R 8R HIGH LOW AVE. ___________________________ Type of lube oil: 9250 ) CHANGE D H12-1 . to engine: ______Jacket water temp. fwd: ______Generator oil temp.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 Generator brg oil press. aft: Sea state (MPE only): Ft./% of pitch (MPE only): Shaft torque (MPE only): ______Generator oil temp. aft: ______Ships draft (MPE only): ______Shaft RPM (MPE only): ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ Condition of: Gauges Calibrated Thermometers Calibrated Specification _______RPM _______RPM Specification _______PSI _______PSI Pyrometer Calibrated Meters Calibrated Actual _______RPM _______RPM Actual _______PSI _______PSI Overspeed device: Electrical Hydraulic Lube oil alarm: High speed Low speed Generator Lube oil shutdown: Specification _______PSI Operative Yes/No Actual _______PSI Remote shutdown device: H12-2 CHANGE D . fwd: Generator brg oil press. H. Temp. Turbo Speed A F. I. Charge air Press. K. Engine RPM B. Jacket Water Temp. B E. Lube Oil Press. Temp. Start engine in accordance with craft operation procedures. L. Jacket water Press. Engine Performance is conducted automatically by down loading the ODR data to the NSWC data analysis program for review. A D. record results. (MTU E531 399/00 E Chapter 7. Turbo Exh. Turbo Speed B G. Lube Oil Temp. Turbo Exh. Conduct underway operation of engines at full engine rpm and record engine data at LOCOP. checks. OPERATING DATA: A. 1. Conduct pre-underway Overspeed trip test.5)____________ 2. Air Intake Temp.S9233-CJ-HBK-010 MTU MODEL 396TE94 ENGINES OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET DATA SHEET CRAFT NUMBER_____ ENGINE NUMBER______ ENGINE HOURS______ DATE _________ NOTE: MTU operating data is recorded by the on-board ODR system. J. Fuel Rack Position C. H13-1 CHANGE E . S9233-CJ-HBK-010 M. Gearbox Oil Press. Gearbox Oil Temp. O. Sea Water Press. N. H13-2 CHANGE F . S9233-CJ-HBK-010 CATERPILLAR 3100 SERIES ENGINE OPERATIONAL TEST DATA SHEET DATE: CRAFT NUMBER: ENGINE NUMBER: SERIAL NUMBER: ENGINE HOURS: _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ _______________________ DATA: Engine speed: Engine oil pressure: _______________________ ______________________ Engine oil temperature: _____________________ Jacket water pressure: ______________________ Jacket water temperature: ___________________ Crankcase pressure: ______________________ *Exhaust temperature: ______________________ (if equipped) **Crankcase blow-by: ______________________ **CONDUCT ONLY IF ENGINE PROBLEM IS SUSPECTED H14-1 CHANGE F . I-1 . I-2 . I-3 . I-4 . I-5 I-3 . I-6 . I-7 . I-8 . I-9 . I-10 .
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