Urban Blues and the Golden Age of Rock (Mus 264)

March 29, 2018 | Author: newtonfogg123 | Category: Rhythm And Blues, The Beach Boys, The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Rock Music



Urban Blues and the Golden Age of Rock (Spring 2004) http://www.princeton.edu/~rwegman/mus264.htm • Professor. Rob C. Wegman <[email protected]> x8-4248 • Assistant Instructors. Oscar O. Bettison <[email protected]> Marisa Biaggi <[email protected]> Scott Smallwood <[email protected]> Emily Snow <[email protected]> • Coursebook. Joe Stuessy and Scott D. Lipscomb, Rock and Roll: Its History and Stylistic Development, 4th edition (Prentice Hall, 2002); ISBN: 0130993700. Copies can be purchased at the Princeton University Store. • Listening Assignments. All listening examples can be heard online (as RealAudio files) by Princeton University students who have enrolled in this course. Go to https://blackboard.princeton.edu/, log in using your Princeton username and password, and follow the links to MUS 264 and then “Assignments.” Weekly Schedule: Lecture L01 Tuesday Thursday 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM McCosh Hall 10 Precept P01 Precept P02 Precept P03 Precept P04 Precept P05 Precept P06 Precept P07 Precept P08 Precept P09 Precept P10 Monday Monday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Monday Tuesday TBA TBA 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM 2:30 PM - 3:20 PM 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM 2:30 PM - 3:20 PM 12:30 PM - 1:20 PM 1:30 PM - 2:20 PM TBA TBA Woolworth 105 Woolworth 102 Woolworth 105 Woolworth 105 Woolworth 102 Woolworth 105 Woolworth 101 Woolworth 104 TBA TBA Course Outline 2 Course Information 3 Syllabus 4 Course Packet Readings 27 List of Audio-Visual Material on Reserve 29 2 Class Packet Readings Coursebook FEB Tue 3 Thu 5 1 2 1 23 6-11, 31-32, 51-53, 71-75 26-30 Tue 10 Thu 12 3 4 45 678 19-26, 48-51, 84 31-34 Tue 17 Thu 19 5 6 9 10 11 12 34-45 46-48, 55-69 Elvis Presley The Late Fifties Tue 24 Thu 26 7 8 13 14 15 53-55, 76-78 83-86, 92-100 Doo Wop Surf MAR Tue 2 Thu 4 9 10 16 17 18 207-21, 231-34 The Wall of Sound Soul Tue 9 Thu 11 11 12 19 - 221-231 - Motown Mid-Term Exam Date Topics covered Pop and Soft Rock Blues, Rhythm & Blues Country & Western, Rockabilly Rock ‘n’ Roll SPRING BREAK Tue 23 Thu 25 13 14 20 21 103-19 86-92, 185-99, 202-6 APR Tue 30 Thu 1 15 16 22 23 24 155-79 235-49 British Blues Rock The West Coast Tue 6 Thu 8 17 18 25 26 27 28 29 30 119-41 Acid Rock in the Studio The Concept Album Tue 13 Thu 15 19 20 31 32 33 249-52, 304-10 200-2, 336-42 Guitar Kings Singer Songwriters Tue 20 Thu 22 21 22 34 35 274-300 257-68, 333-36 Art and Progressive Rock Jazz Rock and Fusion Tue 27 Thu 29 23 24 36 37 317-22, 353-54 301-4, 322-23, 327-29 3 The British Invasion Folk Rock Country and Southern Rock The End of the Sixties For every class except 1. The mid-term exam will cover classes 1-11. please write immediately to your preceptor. the final exam will cover classes 13-24. The final grade will consist of the following components: 20 % responses for classes 2-11 20 % midterm exam 20 % responses classes 14-23 20 % final exam 20 % attendance and participation Responses. You will have to set aside at least 2-3 hours per class to do the reading and listening assignments. 4 . Sign-up sheets for attendance will circulate in the precepts but not in the lectures. The questions can be found in Blackboard (under ”Assignments”) and on http://www. Vacant spots will be assigned to students on the waiting list on a first-come-first-serve basis. On average. please contact him if you wish your name to be entered. please explain why—do not just leave a blank. pp.edu/~rwegman/mus264a. you may wish to reconsider taking the course. there is approximately 20-40 minutes of music per class. Attendance / Participation. If your schedule does not permit this kind of investment. approximate timings of the course packet readings are given below. this limit has been reached. and the ability to read musical notation. Precepts. It is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the music well before writing the responses. Attendance and participation will make up 20% of your grade. There will be no precepts in Week 1. responses in hardcopy are due by 11:00 AM on the day the lecture is taught. Both exams are designed to be finished in 50 minutes. and 24. Knowledge of music theory. Do make sure to ask questions in the precepts about anything that is unclear or confusing. though you may take longer if you wish. There are no prerequisites for this class.edu>. 12. Precepts will be devoted to discussions of the response questions. The reading assignments consist of textbook and course packet readings.Grading. A sign-up sheet for the precepts will be circulated during Class 2. 13. Assignments. Prerequisites. we don’t need to know about it. The listening assignments can be accessed on Blackboard. All technical matters that come up will be explained in the lectures and precepts. You are expected to answer the questions to the best of your ability. The responses will be read and evaluated by your preceptor.princeton. 27-28. As of February 1. Smith <gsmith@princeton. A sample mid-term exam will be distributed in one of the lectures of Week 4. Late responses will be discounted. If you cannot make it to a precept. Exams. If you are unable to answer a question.htm. A waiting list will be kept by Gregory D. will be helpful but are not required for this course. If you cannot make it to a lecture. Enrolment limit. This course has an enrolment limit of 170. unless there are documentable circumstances explaining the delay as being beyond your control (in which case you must write immediately to your preceptor). “Mr. Pop #1 [3:41] Listening Assignment 4. Sandman” (December 1954). pp. R&B #7. “Because Of You” (August 1951). “Chances Are” (November 1957). Pop #1 [2:59] Listening Assignment 2. Pop #1 [3:04] Listening Assignment 8. Pop #1 [2:22] Listening Assignment 9. 31-32. “Secret Love” (March 1954). CD-21101 track 1: Frankie Avalon. Pop #1 [2:19] Listening Assignment 6.Week 1 Class 1 (Tuesday. 71-75 • Richard A. Pop #1 [2:26] Listening Assignment 5. 51-53.15 track 11: Tony Bennett. Pop #1 [2:41] Listening Assignment 7. “Venus” (February 1959).” Popular Music. Peterson. CD-21142 track 5: Patti Page. 1959). “Diana” (August 1957). 9 (1990): 97-116 Listening Assignment 1. February 3) Pop and Soft Rock • Rock and Roll. CD-21099 track 8: Paul Anka. “Why 1955? Explaining the Advent of Rock Music. Pop #2 [2:33] 5 . “April Love” (October 1957). 6-11. Pop #1 [2:23] Listening Assignment 3. CD-21099 track 2: Pat Boone. (a) CD-35315 track 2: The Four Aces. CD-21096 track 6: Doris Day. CD-20582 v. “Mr. CD-21152 track 8: Bobby Darin. CD-21101 track 14: Johnny Mathis. “How Much Is That Doggie In The Window” (April 1953). Sandman” (December 1954) [2:34] (b) CD-21102 track 1: The Chordettes. “Dream Lover” (March. Pop #6 [2:43] Listening Assignment 4. CD-20582q v. R&B #1. R&B #1. 1988). “Ball The Wall” (recorded November 1953) [3:18] Listening Assignment 9. “Lawdy. R&B #1 [2:49] (b) CD-6381 track 4: Bill Haley And The Saddlemen. “Hoochie Coochie (I’m Your Hoochie Coochie Man)” (recorded January 1954) [2:53] Listening Assignment 3. pp. 1920 to 1960.2 track 3: Lloyd Price & His Orchestra. “Rocket 88” (July 1951) [2:18]. CD-20582q v.2 track 1: Elvis Presley. CD-21155 track 6: Robert Johnson. “Not Just the Same Old Show on My Radio: An Analysis of the Role of Radio in the Diffusion of Black Music Among Whites in the South of the United States. Pop #7 [2:47] Listening Assignment 5. CD-35010 track 3: Professor Longhair. CD-6366 track 7: Muddy Waters. February 5) Blues. The Death of Rhythm & Blues (New York: Pantheon. CD-13792 track 4: Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five.” Popular Music. R&B #1 [2:31] (b) CD-20843 v. CD-13792 track 3: Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five.2 track 1: Jackie Brenston With His Delta Cats. “Caldonia” (January 1945). (a) CD-4162q v. 26-30 • Nelson George. “Rocket ‘88’” (April 1951).13 track 6: Wynonie Harris. Miss Clawdy” (August 1956) [2:08] 6 . (a) CD-4162q v. followed by undated radio interview with Bill Haley about “Rocket 88” [1:14] Listening Assignment 8.Class 2 (Thursday. “Choo Choo Ch’Boogie” (January 1946). “The Fat Man” (1949) [2:36] Listening Assignment 7. Kloosterman and Chris Quispel. “Cross Road Blues” (recorded November 1936) [2:40] Listening Assignment 2. “Lawdy Miss Clawdy” (April 1952). “Good Rockin’ Tonight” (December 1947) [2:43] Listening Assignment 6. Rhythm & Blues • Rock and Roll.14 track 2: Fats Domino. 15-58 • Robert C. 9 (1990): 151-64 Listening Assignment 1. CD-4319q v. Rockabilly • Rock and Roll. CD-9163 track 15: Roy Orbison. “‘Pictures from Life’s Other Side’: Hank Williams.1 track 10: Bob Wills (“King of Western Swing”) & His Texas Playboys. “Be-bop-a-lula” (June 1956). CD-6375 v. Go Cat Go! Rockabilly Music and Its Makers (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. Pop #1 [3:04] Listening Assignment 4. Pop #2 [2:21] Listening Assignment 2. C&W #1. Don’t!” (December 1955) [2:49] Listening Assignment 6. “Bye Bye Love” (April 1957). Pop #17 [2:43] Listening Assignment 7. C&W #1. 19-26. (a) CD-21113 track 8: Gene Autry. CD-2867 track 11: The Everly Brothers. “Faded Love” (April 1946) [3:05] Listening Assignment 3. “Blueberry Hill” (September 1956). (a) CD-6375 v. pp. Pop #1 [2:23] Listening Assignment 9. “Blueberry Hill” (recorded August 1940) [2:37] (b) CD-21095 track 8: Fats Domino. “Tennessee Waltz” (February 1948) [2:59] (b) CD-21102 track 15: Patti Page.1 track 24: Gene Vincent & His Blue Caps. “Your Cheatin’ Heart” (September 1952). CD-4319q v. 1-23 Listening Assignment 1. Pop #1 [2:24] 7 . Country Music. CD-18448 v. “Tennessee Waltz” (November 1950).2 track 20: Johnny Cash & The Tennessee Two. February 10) Country and Western. 84 • Kent Blaser. and Popular Culture in America. “Honey.” South Atlantic Quarterly.Week 2 Class 3 (Tuesday. “Only The Lonely” (March 1960). 1996).3 track 11: Hank Williams. CD-16693q v. C&W #1 [2:43] Listening Assignment 5. Pop #7 [2:36] Listening Assignment 8. 48-51.2 track 16: Carl Perkins.3 track 4: Pee Wee King & His Golden West Cowboys. “I Walk The Line” (April 1956). 84 (1985): 12-26 • Craig Morrison. 4 track 3: Bill Haley and His Comets.” The Daily Princetonian. February 12) Rock ‘n’ Roll: Bill Haley • Rock and Roll. p.” The Daily Princetonian.3 track 5: Bill Haley and His Comets.” The Daily Princetonian. 1955. 1955. “Rock The Joint” (April 1952) [2:17] Listening Assignment 2. Pop #1 [2:10] Listening Assignment 5. pp. 21 “Student Riot Floods Nassau Street. 1988). Damage Slight in One-Hour Melee. 1 and 5 “Rioters to Face Faculty Group This Afternoon. 1 and 3 “Press Blames Riot on Spring Fervor. “Rock Around the Clock” (1953. (a) CD-16693q v.” New York Times. “Crazy Man. “Dim.” The Daily Princetonian. “Shake.” Popular Music and Society. p. 1955. Rattle and Roll” (1954) [2:30] Listening Assignment 4. May 19. May 25. Wednesday. 1955. Friday. Monday. May 25.1 track 14: Joe Turner & His Blues Kings. excerpt) [0:31] (b) CD-16693q v. 1 and 6 “Rioters to Face Action For Tuesday Outbreak. Wednesday. 2 James D. Thursday. pp. Wednesday. 18 (1994): 57-75 • Blackboard Jungle and Riots in Princeton—Some Newspaper Clippings: “‘Blackboard Jungle’: Delinquency Shown in Powerful Film.1 track 1: Bill Haley And The Saddlemen. 1955.” The Daily Princetonian. pp. “See You Later. Thursday. Alligator” (January 1956). Conn. “Rock Around the Clock” (May 1954). (a) CD-35010 track 13: Bobby Charles.” The Daily Princetonian.: Archon. p. Dim the Lights” (1955) [2:32] Listening Assignment 6. R&B #3.2 track 20: Bill Haley and His Comets. Clark. “Shake. R&B #7. p. May 18.” The Daily Princetonian. (a) CD-35435 track 1: Jimmy Preston. Merchants Deplore Tuesday’s Outbreak. CD-16693q v. CD-35333 track 1: Bill Haley and His Comets. June 3. “We’re Gonna Rock This Joint” (1949) [2:36] (b) CD-35005 v. Crazy” (April 1953) [2:40] Listening Assignment 3. p.Class 4 (Thursday. 1955. “Later Alligator” (November 1955) [2:50] (b) CD-16693q v. May 23. Pop #6 [2:46] 8 . 1955. “On the Campus. pp. 1 “Fair Discipline. 26 Listening Assignment 1.” Princeton Alumni Weekly. Rattle and Roll” (April 1954). 1 “Dean Hands Out Reprimands To 23 Men in Riot Aftermath. (a) CD-profcopy track 1: Sonny Dae and His Knights. “‘The Kids Really Fit’: Rock Text and Rock Practice in Bill Haley’s ‘Rock Around The Clock’. Pop #22 [2:59] (b) CD-17861 v.2 track 21: Bill Haley and His Comets. March 21. 1955. Lynn ‘55. 1 “Rioters Are Suspended For Tuesday Uprising. Anti-Rock: The Opposition to Rock ‘n’ Roll (Hamden. 1955. 31-34 • Linda Martin and Kerry Segreve. May 19. 3-26 • William J. R&B #1. May 20. 1 track 05: Elvis Presley.1 track 12: Rufus “Hound Dog” Thomas. R&B #1. R&B #4.3 track 23: Carl Perkins.12 track 20: Arthur “Big Boy” Crudup.3 track 19: Elvis Presley. (a) CD-16693q v. CD-20843q v. Jr. R&B #1 [2:49] (b) CD-4319 v.2 track 4: Elvis Presley. Anti-Rock: The Opposition to Rock ‘n’ Roll (Hamden. “Blue Suede Shoes” (December 1955).” B Side of “That’s All Right” (July 1954) [2:02] Listening Assignment 3. “Hound Dog” (March 1953). “That’s All Right” (September 1946) [2:56] (b) CD-4319q. “Blue Moon of Kentucky.: Archon. C&W #3. Pop #1 [2:26] 9 . CD-20843q v. “Jailhouse Rock” (September 1957). C&W #1. 51-97 • Linda Martin and Kerry Segreve. “Don’t Be Cruel. Pop #1 [2:16] Listening Assignment 4.1 track 25: Elvis Presley.2 track 8: Elvis Presley.” B Side of “Hound Dog” (July 1956) [2:02] Listening Assignment 5. R&B #3 [2:51] (c) CD-20843q v. 34-45 • Susan M. R&B #2. “Bear Cat (The Answer to Hound Dog)” (March 1953). Star Image (New York and London: Garland.Week 3 Class 5 (Tuesday.2 track 1: Elvis Presley. “Blue Suede Shoes” (August 1956) [1:58] Listening Assignment 6. 27-58 Listening Assignment 1.2 track 5: Willie Mae “Big Mama” Thornton. Pop #1 [2:41] Listening Assignment 7. 1988). “That’s All Right” (July 1954) [1:56] Listening Assignment 2. v. (a) CD-4162q v. (a) CD-20582q v. R&B #1. Pop #2 [2:16] (b) CD-20843q v. Doll. 1998). “Hound Dog” (July 1956). “Love Me Tender” (September 1956). Conn. February 17) Elvis Presley • Rock and Roll. (a) CD-11071 track 7: Bill Monroe & his Blue Grass Boys. CD-20843 v. “Blue Moon of Kentucky” (October 1954) [2:09] (b) CD-20843q v. C&W #1.2 track 5: Elvis Presley. Understanding Elvis: Southern Roots vs.. pp. Pop #12 [2:28] (c) CD-20843 v.1 track 29: The Beatles. “That’ll Be The Day” (May 1957). “Ain’t That a Shame” (April 1955).1 track 30: Elvis Presley. “Johnny B. Anti-Rock: The Opposition to Rock ‘n’ Roll (Hamden. Pop #10 [2:34] (b) CD-35150q v. Conn. R&B #17. “Not Fade Away” (October 1957). “Johnny B.1 track 3: The Quarry Men. “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” (March 1957). “Bo Diddley” (March 1955) [2:48] Listening Assignment 2. Bo Diddley • Rock and Roll.Class 6 (Thursday. February 19) The Late Fifties: Little Richard. 46-48.1 track 22: Jerry Lee Lewis. “Ain’t That a Shame” (July 1955). (a) CD-15945 track 15: Buddy Holly.A. Jerry Lee Lewis. (a) CD-9167q v. “Carol” from the album The Rolling Stones (May 1964) [2:35] 10 . “Tutti Frutti” (December 1955). January 7. “That’ll Be The Day” (recorded spring or summer of 1958) [2:07] Listening Assignment 6.1 track 2: Pat Boone. 1988).S. “I’m So Glad I’m Living in the U. “Tutti Frutti” (August 1956) [1:58] Listening Assignment 3. Goode” (BBC live recording. pp. Pop #3 [2:17] (b) CD-5945 v. “Not Fade Away” from the album The Rolling Stones (May 1964) [1:48] Listening Assignment 7. (a) CD-14462 track 4: Fats Domino.1 track 1: Bo Diddley.” Popular Music and Society. CD-16693q v. 13 (1989): 17-34 Listening Assignment 1. Pop #17 [2:24] (b) CD-35150q v. “Carol” (May 1958) [2:48] (b) CD-16471 track 8: The Rolling Stones. CD-10448q v. Pop #1 [2:24] Listening Assignment 4.2 track 2: Pat Boone. Pop #3 [2:53] Listening Assignment 5. Chuck Berry. 59-78 • Yasue Kuwahara.1 track 24: Chuck Berry. Goode” (April 1958). 55-69 • Linda Martin and Kerry Segreve. R&B #8. (a) CD-12557 v. “Tutti Frutti” (January 1956).: Archon. 1964) [2:51] Listening Assignment 8. (a) CD-16693q v. (a) CD-9167q v.1 track 15: Buddy Holly.: Chuck Berry’s America. B Side of “Oh Boy” (Pop #10) [2:21] (b) CD-16471 track 1: The Rolling Stones. Buddy Holly.3 track 2: Little Richard.1 track 19: Chuck Berry. R&B #1. Pop #2 [2:39] (b) CD-7827 v. 1 track 4: The Crows. “It’s Too Soon to Know” (July 1948).2 track 2: The Teenagers. CD-9326 v.3 track 24: The Mystics. CD-9326 v. Pop #20 [2:32] (b) CD-35053 track 15: The Beach Boys. Wisc. CD-21136 track 2: The Four Seasons. Vocal Groups • Rock and Roll. Pop #14 (2:14) Listening Assignment 3. CD-9326 v. Pop #8 (2:56) Listening Assignment 5. CD-9326 v. (a) CD-9326 v. 1992). R&B #1. “Gee” (June 1953). Pop #13 [3:01] Listening Assignment 2. Pop #1 [2:41] Listening Assignment 6.3 track 11: The Elegants. “Hushabye” from the album All Summer Long (July 1964) [2:29] Listening Assignment 9. Schiff. Pop #6 [2:18] Listening Assignment 7. (a) CD-9326 v. R&B #2. “Why Do Fools Fall in Love” (December 1955). “Sh-Boom” (April 1954). R&B #1. 76-78 • Anthony J. 16-22.: Krause.Week 4 Class 7 (Tuesday. R&B #2. CD-9326 v. pp. Doo-Wop: The Forgotten Third of Rock ‘n Roll (Iola. “The Great Pretender” (November 1955). Pop #1 [2:24] 11 .1 track 14: The Penguins. 84-103 Listening Assignment 1. CD-9326 v. Gribin and Matthew M. R&B #1. Pop #5 [2:27] (b) CD-21102 track 12: The Crew-Cuts.1 track 24: The Platters. Pop #1 [2:47] Listening Assignment 4. “Hushabye” (April 1959). Pop #1 [2:44] Listening Assignment 8.1 track 1: The Orioles. featuring Frankie Lymon. “Big Girls Don’t Cry” (October 1962). February 24) Doo Wop. R&B #1.1 track 11: The Chords. “Sh-Boom” (1954). 53-55. “Earth Angel (Will You Be Mine)” (September 1954). “Little Star” (June 1958). R&B #1. Pop #1 [2:16] 12 . 2000). “Fun. Rutsky. Fun” (February 1964). L. CD-35054 track 13: The Beach Boys.” Film Quarterly. February 26) Surf: The Beach Boys • Rock and Roll. CD-6519q v. [2:13] (b) CD-35052 track 15: The Beach Boys. “Surfer Girl” (July 1963). 1963) [2:29] (b) CD-21115 track 23: The Beach Boys.: Tiny Ripple. (a) CD-21135 track 15: The Four Freshmen. “Surfer Girl” vocal track. 83-86. Add Some Music to Your Day: Analyzing and Enjoying the Music of the Beach Boys (Cranberry. 52 (1999): 12-23 • Don Cunningham and Jeff Bleiel. Pa. 85-94 Listening Assignment 1. Pop #2 [3:11] (b) CD-35053 track 13: The Beach Boys. from the album Stack-O-Tracks (August 1968) [2:19] (c) CD-21147 track 1: The Beach Boys. “Miserlou” from the album Surfin’ USA (March 1963) [2:05] Listening Assignment 2. Pop #5 [2:19] Listening Assignment 7. “Graduation Day” from the album The Beach Boys Concert (October 1964) [3:31] Listening Assignment 5.Class 8 (Thursday.2 track 11: Jan & Dean. “Miserlou” (September 1962). (a) CD-6519q v. “Surfin’ USA” (March 1963). pp. (a) CD-9167q v. “Sweet Little Sixteen” (February 1958). Fun. “Surfing the Other: Ideology on the Beach. “I Get Around” (May 1964). 92-100 • R.1 track 18: Chuck Berry. “Surf City” (May 1963) [2:27] Listening Assignment 3. Pop #7 [2:26] Listening Assignment 6. “Surfer Girl” backing track. CD-35057 track 13: The Beach Boys. (a) CD-21114 track 5: The Beach Boys. “Graduation Day” (April 1956) [3:01] (b) CD-35055 track 11: The Beach Boys. from binaural mix (recorded June 12.1 track 12: Dick Dale & the Del-Tones. Pop #3 [2:31] Listening Assignment 4. ” backing track [3:06] (b) CD-21157q v. “The Long and Winding Road. CD-8880q v. CD-8880q v. 1983). (a) CD-21157q v.1 track 17: The Crystals. CD-8880q v.2 track 17: The Beach Boys. 47- 58 Listening Assignment 1. “Then He Kissed Me” (July 1963) [2:37] (b) CD-21118 track 15: The Beach Boys. March 2) Phil Spector and the Wall of Sound • John Tobler and Stuart Grundy.Mountain High” (March 1966) [3:37] Listening Assignment 5.” from the vocal track [2:49] (c) CD-6826 track 8: The Beach Boys.2 track 8: The Beatles. “God Only Knows. (a) CD-8880q v.2 track 1: The Ronettes.3 track 1: The Righteous Brothers.” original track (recorded January 31.3 track 7: The Beach Boys.2 track 2: The Crystals. “Be My Baby” (July 1963) [2:42] Listening Assignment 3. “Then I Kissed Her” from the album Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!) (June 1965) [2:17] Listening Assignment 4. “Da Doo Ron Ron” (March 1963) [2:18] Listening Assignment 2. Martin’s Press. “River Deep . Pop #1 [3:37] 13 .Week 5 Class 9 (Tuesday. “You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling” (August-November 1964) [3:46] Listening Assignment 5. CD-8880q v. 1969) [3:42] (b) CD-21121 track 10: The Beatles.3 track 11: Ike & Tina Turner. “God Only Knows” (July 1966) [2:49] Listening Assignment 6. The Record Producers (New York: St. (a) CD-21119 v. “God Only Knows. “The Long and Winding Road” (May 1970). Maultsby. R&B #1 [2:50] Listening Assignment 3. CD-18610q v. “Say It Loud . R&B #1.3 track 23: Otis Redding.3 track 15: Ray Charles. “Respect” (August 1965). “Land of 1.2 track 1: Ray Charles. “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay” (January 1968). (a) CASS-1157 side 1 band 1: “What a Friend We Have In Jesus. R&B #1. (a) CD-8913q v. March 4) Soul • Rock and Roll.2 track 1: Otis Redding.1 track 4: Aretha Franklin. Parts 1 & 2” (February 1959). R&B #4. 231-234 • Portia K. “You Send Me” (October 1957). Stephens. CD-6389 track 1: Sam Cooke. 12 (1984): 21-43 Listening Assignment 1. “I Got A Woman” (November 1954). CD-8913q v. R&B #1.” Victrola recording (1900s or 1910s) [3:36] (b) CD-6531 track 6: Aretha Franklin. “I Got You (I Feel Good)” (September 1965) R&B #1. “What I’d Say. Pop #35 [2:11] (b) CD-20730q v.” Journal of Popular Culture.2 track 2: James Brown.” The Black Perspective in Music. Pop #1 [2:48] Listening Assignment 4. pp.I’m Black And I’m Proud” (August 1968). CD-9181 v. Pop #1 [2:41] Listening Assignment 9. “What a Friend We Have In Jesus” from the album Amazing Grace (1972) [6:03] Listening Assignment 2.2 track 14: James Brown. Pop #10 [2:59] 14 . Pop #3 [2:45] Listening Assignment 6.000 Dances” (May 1966). Pop #6 [6:26] Listening Assignment 5. CD-9165q v. R&B #1. CD-18610q v. “Soul Music: Its Sociological and Political Significance in American Popular Culture. R&B #1. 207-221.Class 10 (Thursday.1 track 13: Wilson Pickett. R&B #1. 17 (1983): 51-60 • Robert W. CD-9165q v. Pop #6 [2:26] Listening Assignment 7. Pop #1 [2:25] Listening Assignment 8. “Respect” (February 1967). “Soul: A Historical Reconstruction of Continuity and Change in Black Popular Music. 2 track 21: The Temptations. CD-7423q v. “Stop! In the Name of Love” (August 1965). Pop #1 [2:54] Listening Assignment 5. “Please Mr.1 track 3: The Marvelettes.Week 6 Class 11 (Tuesday. Postman” (August 1961). Pop #1 [2:29] (b) CD-21123 track 7: The Beatles.4 track 13: Smokey Robinson & The Bandits. (a) CD-7423q v. March 9) Motown • Rock and Roll. 139-80 Listening Assignment 1. Dancing in the Street: Motown and the Cultural Politics of Detroit (Cambridge.1 track 23: Martha Reeves & The Vandellas. “Reach Out. “Tears Of A Clown” (October 1970) Pop #1 [3:04] 15 .. “What Becomes of the Brokenhearted” (September 1966) [3:01] Listening Assignment 7. and London: Harvard University Press. CD-7423q v. 221-231 • Suzanne E.2 track 22: Jimmy Ruffin. Smith. CD-7423q v. 1999). CD-7423q v. Mass. CD-7423q v. “Dancing in the Street” (August 1964). pp.3 track 19: Marvin Gaye. CD-16522 track 2: The Supremes. Postman” from the album With the Beatles (November 1963) [2:36] Listening Assignment 2. “Ain’t Too Proud To Beg” (May 1966) [2:32] Listening Assignment 6. CD-7423q v. “I Heard It Through The Grapevine” (November 1968) [3:13] Listening Assignment 9. I’ll Be There” (October 1966) [2:59] Listening Assignment 8.3 track 1: Four Tops. “Please Mr. Pop #2 [2:38] Listening Assignment 3. 103-119 • Charles Gower Price. pp. CD-21120 track 13: The Beatles. CD-35111 track 4: The Beatles. “Love Me Do” (October 1962). UK #1 [1:57] Listening Assignment 4. (a) CD-11583 v.” American Music. #17 [2:30) (b) CD-5949 track 14: The Beatles. CD-35111 track 6: The Beatles. “From Me To You” (April 1963). “She Loves You” (August 1963).Week 7 Class 13 (Tuesday. UK #17 [2:24] Listening Assignment 2. “Please Please Me” (January 1963) from the album Please Please Me (March 1963) UK #1 [2:03] Listening Assignment 3. Pop #1 [2:26] Listening Assignment 6. “Yesterday” from the album Help! (August 1965) [2:07] 16 . 15 (1997): 208-32 Listening Assignment 1. Pop #1 [2:21] Listening Assignment 5. “Twist and Shout” (1962). “Twist and Shout” from the album Please Please Me (March 1963) Pop #1 [2:33] Listening Assignment 7. CD-5949 track 7: The Beatles.5 track 19: The Isley Brothers. CD-35111 track 1: The Beatles. March 23) The British Invasion: The Beatles • Rock and Roll. CD-21120 track 3: The Beatles. “I Want to Hold Your Hand” (November 1963). CD-35111 track 2: The Beatles. “You’ve Got to Hide Your Love Away” from the album Help! (August 1965) [2:11] Listening Assignment 8. “Sources of American Styles in the Music of the Beatles. CD-10454 track 1: Bob Dylan. 202-206 • Richie Unterberger. “Like A Rolling Stone” from the album Highway 61 Revisited (August 1965) [6:13] Listening Assignment 6. 2002). (a) CD-21133 track 1: Bob Dylan.Class 14 (Thursday. (a) CD-10454 track 8: Bob Dylan. (a) CD-10213 track 4: Bob Dylan. 86-92. “Blowin’ in the Wind” from the album The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan (May 1963) [2:48] (b) CD-21143 track 12: Peter. Turn! (1966) [2:20] Listening Assignment 3. “The Sound of Silence” from the album Wednesday Morning 3 A. March 25) Folk Rock: Bob Dylan • Rock and Roll. Tambourine Man” (April 1965).M. CD-21140 track 7: The Mamas and the Papas. (a) CD-20170 track 6: Simon and Garfunkel. “California Dreamin’” from the album If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears (January 1966) [2:42] Listening Assignment 8. “The Times They Are A-Changin’” from the album The Times They Are A-Changin’ (January 1964) [3:15] (b) CD-10449 track 9: The Byrds. “Subterranean Homesick Blues” from the album Bringing It All Back Home (March 1965) [2:24] Listening Assignment 4. “Mr. “All Along the Watchtower” from the album John Wesley Harding (December 1967) [2:31] (b) CD-9990 track 15: The Jimi Hendrix Experience. 1-20 and 101-32 Listening Assignment 1. CD-21132 track 1: Bob Dylan. (October 1964) [3:05] (b) CD-6539 track 5: Simon and Garfunkel. 185-199. (a) CD-21131 track 1: Bob Dylan. Turn. Pop #1 [3:05] Listening Assignment 7. “The Times They Are A-Changin’” from the album Turn. Paul and Mary. “The Sounds of Silence” (December 1965). pp. “All Along the Watchtower” from the album Electric Ladyland (February 1968) [4:00] 17 . Turn! Turn! Turn! The ‘60s Folkrock Revolution (San Francisco: Backbeat. “Blowin’ in the Wind” from the album In The Wind (1963) [2:57] Listening Assignment 2. Pop #1 [2:20] Listening Assignment 5. “Mr. Tambourine Man” from the album Bringing It All Back Home (March 1965) [5:33] (b) CD-21124 track 1: The Byrds. (a) CD-6366 track 1: Muddy Waters. “‘I’m A Monkey’: The Influence of the Black American Blues Argot on the Rolling Stones. Pop #1 [3:46] Listening Assignment 5.” Journal of American Folklore.Week 8 Class 15 (Tuesday. “I’m A Man” (October 1965) [2:39] Listening Assignment 3. “I’m A Man” (March 1955) [2:59] (b) CD-9185 track 10: The Yardbirds. CD-21148 track 13: The Who. 155-179 • John M. pp. “Stormy Monday” from the album Looking Back (March 1966) [4:23] Listening Assignment 4. UK #2.1 track 19: The Rolling Stones. “I Just Want To Make Love To You” from the album The Rolling Stones (May 1964) [2:19] Listening Assignment 2. with sections from Rock Opera Tommy. “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” (May 1965). March 30) British Blues Rock • Rock and Roll. Hellmann. (a) CD-21155 track 19: T-Bone Walker. R&B #5 [3:00] (b) CD-35380 track 3: John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers with Eric Clapton. 86 (1973): 367-73 Listening Assignment 1. live recording. “Stormy Monday” (November 1947). “I Just Want To Make Love To You” (recorded April 1954) [2:52] (b) CD-16471 track 3: The Rolling Stones. CD-9185 track 6: The Yardbirds. “My Generation” (November 1965).1 track 2: Bo Diddley. “Shapes of Things” (February 1966) [2:40] Listening Assignment 6. from the album Live at Leeds (May 1970) [14:45] 18 . CD-21145 track 1: The Rolling Stones. CD-16684q v. “Sympathy for the Devil” from the album Beggars Banquet (November 1968) [6:26] Listening Assignment 7. (a) CD-10448q v. CD-21139 track 11: Jefferson Airplane. the Sixties. CD-21138 track 2: Jefferson Airplane. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (New York: Farrar. (a) CD-10448q v. 229- 48 Listening Assignment 1. Straus and Giroux. “Turn on your love light” from the album Live/Dead (November 1969) [15:30] Listening Assignment 6.Class 16 (Thursday. and Beyond (New York: Grove Press. CD-20218 track 4: Big Brother and the Holding Company with Janis Joplin. “Who Do You Love / When You Love / Where You Love” (section) from the album Happy Trails (March 1969) [10:10] Listening Assignment 7. “Light My Fire” (live recording 1968-70) [9:54] 19 .2 track 3: The Doors. CD-21129 v. Lee and Bruce Shlain. “Who Do You Love” (March 1956) [2:29] (b) CD-21144 tracks 1-3: Quicksilver Messenger Service. CD-1402 track 9: Country Joe and the Fish: “Bass Strings” from the album Electric Music for the Mind and Body (October 1967) [4:58] Listening Assignment 4. 141-69 • Tom Wolfe. The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA. April 1) The West Coast • Rock and Roll. “Piece of My Heart” from the album Cheap Thrills (August 1968) [4:16] Listening Assignment 5. pp.5 track 4: The Grateful Dead. Acid Dreams. 1968). 235-249 • Martin A. 1985). “Won’t You Try / Saturday Afternoon” from the album After Bathing at Baxter’s (December 1967) [5:09] Listening Assignment 3. (a) CD-15945 track 13: Bobby “Blue” Bland. “Somebody to Love” from the album Surrealistic Pillow (February 1967) [2:43] Listening Assignment 2.1 track 10: Bo Diddley. “Turn on your love light” (1961) [2:36] (b) CD-20579q v. Pop #1 [3:38] Listening Assignment 4. “Flaming” from the album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (August 1967) [2:46] Listening Assignment 6. “Good Vibrations” (October 1966). CD-21156q v. 47-77 • Ian MacDonald. charted November 1967). “Strawberry Fields Forever” (demo sequence. Kaleidoscope Eyes: Psychedelic Music from the 1960s to the 1990s (London: Fourth Estate.2 track 1: The Beatles. “Strawberry Fields Forever” (February 1967) [4:10] Listening Assignment 5. November 1966) [4:10] (b) CD-5948 track 8: The Beatles. “Tomorrow Never Knows” from the album Revolver (August 1966) [2:57] Listening Assignment 3. 1994). Summer of Love: The Making of Sgt. Revolution in the Head: The Beatles’ Records & The Sixties (London: Fourth Estate. 148-53. “Absolutely Free” from the album We’re Only In It For The Money (January 1968) [3:24] 20 . Pepper (London: Macmillan. April 6) Acid Rock in the Studio • Jim Derogatis. 13-24 Listening Assignment 1.Week 9 Class 17 (Tuesday. “The Red Telephone” from the album Forever Changes (November 1967) [4:45] Listening Assignment 8. Pop #1 [2:47] Listening Assignment 7. CD-21122 track 14: The Beatles. 1994). “Hung Up On A Dream” from the album Odessey & Oracle (April 1968) [3:01] Listening Assignment 9. CD-21125 track 7: The Byrds.2 track 10: Strawberry Alarm Clock. 170-75 • George Martin with William Pearson. “Incense and Peppermints” (April 1967. 1996). “Eight Miles High” (March 1966) [3:34] Listening Assignment 2. CD-6850 track 4: Pink Floyd. 17-27. CD-19703 track 6: Love. CD-21151 track 6: The Zombies. (a) CD-5946 v. CD-35061q v. CD-1416 track 9: Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention.2 track 17: The Beach Boys. 2 track 9: The Beach Boys. “Wonderful” from the unfinished album Smile (recording finished December 1966) [2:02] Listening Assignment 6. The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds: The Greatest Album of the Twentieth Century (London: Helter Skelter. “The Shadow of a Smile: The Beach Boys Album That Refused to Die” (1967). 39-62. “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” from the album Sgt. Pepper (London: Macmillan. April 8) The Concept Album • Rock and Roll. with William Pearson. “In My Life” from the album Rubber Soul (December 1965) [2:27] Listening Assignment 2. CD-19805 track 3: The Beatles. “I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times. Summer of Love: The Making of Sgt. 100-6 • Larry Starr. version from the album Surf’s Up (August 1971) [4:13] Listening Assignment 7. CD-6826 track 4: The Beach Boys. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band [June 1967] [1:18 + 5:33] 21 . 119-141 • Kingsley Abbott. “Eleanor Rigby” from the album Revolver (August 1966) [2:07] (b) CD-5946 v. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band [June 1967] [3:28] Listening Assignment 8. “Don’t Talk (Put Your Head On My Shoulder)” from the album Pet Sounds (May 1966) [2:58] Listening Assignment 3. 2001).1 track 21: The Beatles. “I Just Wasn’t Made For These Times” from the album Pet Sounds (May 1966) [3:21] (b) CD-21157q v. CD-5950 track 11: The Beatles. Journal of Popular Music Studies.Class 18 (Thursday. CD-35061q v.3 track 28: The Beach Boys. Pepper’s Longely Heart’s Club Band (Reprise)” and “A Day in the Life” from the album Sgt.2 track 21: The Beach Boys.” backing track [3:47] Listening Assignment 4. (a) CD-35102 track 2: The Beatles. 1994). 49-77 • George Martin. CD-19805 tracks 12-13: The Beatles. “Surf’s Up” from the unfinished album Smile (recorded January 1967). CD-35061q v. “Sgt. pp. “Eleanor Rigby” backing track [2:06] Listening Assignment 5. 6 (1994): 38-59 Listening Assignment 1. (a) CD-6826 track 11: The Beach Boys. 2 track 8: Wilson Pickett. . “Hey Joe” from the album Are You Experienced? (May 1967) [3:30] (d) CD-1416 track 10: Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention. “Whole Lotta Love” from the album Led Zeppelin II (October 1969) [5:34] 22 . 189-214 • Michael Hicks. 2002). Sixties Rock: Garage. pp. CD-9990 track 11: The Jimi Hendrix Experience. 304-310 • Lauren Onkey. CD-3271 track 10: The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Eric Clapton • Rock and Roll. “Hey Joe” from the album Fifth Dimension (July 1966) [2:17] (c) CD-3271 track 3: The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Psychedelic. “Foxey Lady” from the album Are You Experienced? (May 1967) [3:18] Listening Assignment 4. Imagine Nation: The American Counterculture of the 1960s and ‘70s (London and New York: Routledge. “Purple Haze” from the album Are You Experienced? (May 1967) [2:50] Listening Assignment 3. and Other Satisfactions (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. CD-18262 track 1: Led Zeppelin. CD-21126 track 2: Cream. “Voodoo Child: Jimi Hendrix and the Politics of Race and Class in the Sixties. Pop #31 [2:51] (b) CD-35225 track 8: The Byrds. CD-6850 track 7: Pink Floyd. eds. .. “Flower Punk” from the album We’re Only In It For The Money (January 1968) [3:03] (e) CD-9181 v.” in Peter Braunstein and Michael William Doyle.Week 10 Class 19 (Tuesday. “1983 . “Sunshine of Your Love” from the album Disraeli Gears (November 1967) [4:10] Listening Assignment 6. (a) CD-35001q v. CD-3271 track 1: The Jimi Hendrix Experience. Pop #59 [3:02] Listening Assignment 2. 1999). R&B #29. “Hey Joe” (Spring 1969).” in Michael Hicks. “The Not-So-Average ‘Joe’. “Interstellar Overdrive” from the album The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (August 1967) [9:41] Listening Assignment 5. April 13) Guitar Kings: Jimi Hendrix. “Hey Joe” (April 1966). 249-252. (A Merman I Should Turn To Be)” from the album Electric Ladyland (February 1968) [13:39] Listening Assignment 7. 3957 Listening Assignment 1.1 track 16: The Leaves. “Chillin’ Of The Evening” from the album Alice’s Restaurant (1967) [3:01] Listening Assignment 4. “Carey” from the album Blue (June 1971) [3:03] 23 . “If You Were A Carpenter” from the album Joan (1967) [2:07] Listening Assignment 2. All American Music: Composition in the Late Twentieth Century (New York: Knopf. CD-21181 track 6: Van Morrison. “Déjà Vu” from the album Déjà Vu (March 1970) [4:10] Listening Assignment 7. CD-16208q v. August 15-18. CD-20080 track 2: Arlo Guthrie. Pop #1 [4:35] Listening Assignment 3. CD-20079 track 4: Joni Mitchell. (a) CD-35990q v. pp. “Madame George” from the album Astral Weeks (November 1968) [9:25] Listening Assignment 5. 200-202. 1969 (originally released in 1967 on the album Tim Hardin 2) [2:52] (b) CD-35045 track 2: Joan Baez. Stills. 1969 [9:02] Listening Assignment 6. “Sunshine Superman” (1966).Class 20 (Thursday. 336-342 • John Rockwell.1 track 6: Tim Hardin. CD-35344 track 6: Crosby.” live recording from the Woodstock Music and Art Fair. April 15) Singer Songwriters • Rock and Roll. August 15-18. Nash & Young. CD-4337 track 2: Neil Young.4 track 1: Crosby. 1983). CD-20120 track 4: Donovan. Stills & Nash: “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes.” live recording from the Woodstock Music and Art Fair. “After The Goldrush” from the album After The Goldrush (August 1970) [3:45] Listening Assignment 8. “If I Were A Carpenter. 221-33 Listening Assignment 1. CD-21128 track 2: Deep Purple. “Karn Evil 9” from the album Brain Salad Surgery (November 1973) [29:39] 24 . 274-300 • Edward Macan. CD-21141 track 7: The Moody Blues. Second Movement from The Gemini Suite (live recording. CD-4622 track 1: Procul Harum. “Nights in White Satin” from the album Days of Future Passed (March 1968) [7:24] Listening Assignment 5. CD-3955 track 5: Emerson. I’m a Rock / It Can’t Happen Here” from the album Freak Out (July 1966) [4:43 + 3:55] Listening Assignment 2. “Grocer Jack (Excerpt From A Teenage Opera)” (July 1967) UK Pop #2 [4:40] Listening Assignment 4. CD-35980 track 1: The Who. CD-2961 tracks 13 and 14: Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention: “Help. April 20) Art and Progressive Rock • Rock and Roll. CD-35985 track 3: Mark Wirtz. “Overture” from the Rock Opera Tommy (May 1969) [5:21] Listening Assignment 6. September 1970) [10:18] Listening Assignment 7. Lake and Palmer. “A Whiter Shade of Pale” (May 1967). CD-21159 track 3: Yes. Rocking the Classics: English Progressive Rock and the Counterculture (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. “Siberian Khatru” from the album Close To The Edge (September 1972) [8:57] Listening Assignment 8. 1997). Pop #5 [4:00] Listening Assignment 3.Week 11 Class 21 (Tuesday. 15-56 Listening Assignment 1. “Prolegomena to Any Aesthetics of Rock Music. 333-336 • Bruce Baugh. CD-1417 track 1: Frank Zappa. Sweat And Tears (January 1969) [4:08] Listening Assignment 2. “Questions 67 and 68” (Pop #71) from the album Chicago Transit Authority (September 1969) [5:02] Listening Assignment 5. “Peaches En Regalia” from the album Hot Rats (October 1969) [3:37] Listening Assignment 6.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism.Part II” from the album Blood. CD-35230 track 1: Chicago Transit Authority. “Samba Pa Ti” from the album Santana Abraxas (October 1970) [4:45] 25 . Sweat & Tears. “Incident At Neshabur” from the album Santana Abraxas (October 1970) [4:57] Listening Assignment 8. “Spinning Wheel” (Pop #2) from the album Blood. “Little Umbrellas” from the album Hot Rats (October 1969) [3:04] Listening Assignment 7. CD-10458 track 4: Santana. CD-35230 track 4: Chicago Transit Authority. CD-35125 track 7: Blood. “Introduction” from the album Chicago Transit Authority (September 1969) [6:35] Listening Assignment 4. CD-35125 track 9: Blood. CD-10458 track 7: Santana. Sweat And Tears (January 1969) [11:44] Listening Assignment 3.Class 22 (Thursday. “Blues . Sweat & Tears. CD-1417 track 4: Frank Zappa. April 22) Jazz Rock and Fusion • Rock and Roll. 257-268. 51 (1993): 23-29 Listening Assignment 1. pp. 353-354 • Sven Erik Klinkmann. “Christine’s Tune (aka Devil In Disguise)” from the album The Gilded Palace Of Sin (February 1969) [3:00] Listening Assignment 7. April 27) Country and Southern Rock • Rock and Roll.8 track 1: The Grateful Dead. pp.Week 12 Class 23 (Tuesday. “John Fogerty’s Bayou as an Imaginary Landscape. CD-20579q v. Pop #2 [3:07] Listening Assignment 5. “One Hundred Years From Now” from the album Sweetheart Of The Rodeo (August 1968) [2:40] Listening Assignment 4.” Ethnologia Scandinavica.1 track 1: Flying Burrito Brothers. “Box of Rain” from the album American Beauty (November 1970 [5:17] Listening Assignment 9. CD-20577q v. CD-21001 track 4: Creedence Clearwater Revival. “Uncle John’s Band” from the album Workingman’s Dead (May 1970) [4:42] Listening Assignment 8. “A Child’s Claim To Fame” from the album Buffalo Springfield Again (November 1967) [2:10] Listening Assignment 2. 317-322.7 track 1: The Grateful Dead. “Bad Moon Rising” (April 1969) [2:18] Listening Assignment 6. CD-20053 v. “Caledonia Mission” from the album Music From Big Pink (July 1968) [2:59] Listening Assignment 3. CD-21170 track 7: The Allman Brothers Band. “Proud Mary” (January 1969). CD-20579q v.2 track 20: Buffalo Springfield. CD-35227 track 8: The Byrds. 32 (2002): 35-48 Listening Assignment 1. CD-35047 track 4: The Band. CD-21001 track 3: Creedence Clearwater Revival. “Whipping Post” from the album Live At Fillmore East (March 1971) [23:03] 26 . pp. Pop #2 [3:30] Listening Assignment 6. Pop #74 [2:44] Listening Assignment 4. CD-6854q v. Heavy Metal. “I’m Waiting For The Man” from the album The Velvet Underground and Nico (January 1967) [4:38] Listening Assignment 8. “Venus In Furs” from the album The Velvet Underground and Nico (January 1967) [5:10] Listening Assignment 9. Proto-Punk • Rock and Roll.Class 24 (Thursday. CD-6371 track 14: The Monkees. “In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida” from the album In-A-Gadda-da-Vida (June 1968) [17:10] Listening Assignment 5. A Generation in Motion: Popular Music and Culture in the Sixties (New York: Schirmer. “Heroin” from the album The Velvet Underground and Nico (January 1967) [7:10] 27 . April 29) The End of the Sixties: Bubblegum.2 track 8: The Velvet Underground. 322-323. CD-21154 track 21: The Rock & Roll Dubble Bubble Trading Card Co. “Paranoid” (September 1970) from the album Paranoid (January 1971) [2:50] Listening Assignment 7. CD-21146 track 1: Steppenwolf.2 track 5: The Velvet Underground. 1979). CD-21137 track 6: Iron Butterfly. CD-21154 track 8: The Banana Splits. “Bubble Gum Music” (1969). “Wait Till Tomorrow” (1968) [2:34] Listening Assignment 3. 179-227 Listening Assignment 1. Pop #3 [2:21] Listening Assignment 2. CD-4328 track 2: Black Sabbath. CD-6854q v. “Valleri” (March 1968). 327-329 • David Pichaske. 301-304. “Born to be Wild” (1968).2 track 3: The Velvet Underground. of Philadelphia 19141. CD-6854q v. 52 (1999): 12-23 [40m] 15.” Popular Music and Society. Blackboard Jungle and Riots in Princeton—Some Newspaper Clippings [30m] 9. Understanding Elvis: Southern Roots vs. L.” Popular Music. 12 (1984): 21-43 [40m] 19. 1988). Turn! Turn! Turn! The ‘60s Folkrock Revolution (San Francisco: Backbeat. 15-58 [1h 15m] 3. Doo-Wop: The Forgotten Third of Rock ‘n Roll (Iola. Yasue Kuwahara.. Anti-Rock: The Opposition to Rock ‘n’ Roll (Hamden.” Journal of Popular Culture. Don Cunningham and Jeff Bleiel. Conn. Doll. 1983). William J. Suzanne E.” Popular Music. 84-103 [1h 5m] 14. 1988). John M. “Not Just the Same Old Show on My Radio: An Analysis of the Role of Radio in the Diffusion of Black Music Among Whites in the South of the United States. 9 (1990): 151-64 [30m] 4. Mass. Charles Gower Price. 2002). “‘Pictures from Life’s Other Side’: Hank Williams. 18 (1994): 57-75 [35m] 8. “I’m So Glad I’m Living in the U. 13 (1989): 17-34 [25m] 13. Schiff. Linda Martin and Kerry Segreve.A. 47-58 [45m] 17. “Why 1955? Explaining the Advent of Rock Music. Pa. Linda Martin and Kerry Segreve. The Death of Rhythm & Blues (New York: Pantheon.” Popular Music and Society. Richard A. 85-94 [20m] 16.S. 1920 to 1960. Anti-Rock: The Opposition to Rock ‘n’ Roll (Hamden. Kloosterman and Chris Quispel. “‘I’m A Monkey’: The Influence of the Black American Blues Argot on the Rolling Stones. 1998). Country Music. 3-26 [55m] 7. John Tobler and Stuart Grundy. Kent Blaser. 17 (1983): 51-60 [25m] 18. 1988).” South Atlantic Quarterly. 1-20 and 101-32 [2h 10m] 22. The Record Producers (New York: St. 1996). 51-97 [1h 25m] 10.” American Music. 27-58 [1h 10m] 11. 86 (1973): 367-73 [20m] 28 . Susan M.” Journal of American Folklore. “Sources of American Styles in the Music of the Beatles. Conn. “Soul Music: Its Sociological and Political Significance in American Popular Culture. Maultsby. 9 (1990): 97-116 [50m] 2. Anthony J. Rutsky. Stephens. Smith. Linda Martin and Kerry Segreve. 139-80 [1h 20m] 20. 1992). Robert W. Clark.1.: Krause. 2000).” The Black Perspective in Music. 84 (1985): 12-26 [30m] 5. Wisc. 15 (1997): 208-32 [40m] 21. 1988).” Film Quarterly. Peterson. “Surfing the Other: Ideology on the Beach. Robert C. Star Image (New York and London: Garland.: Archon. “‘The Kids Really Fit’: Rock Text and Rock Practice in Bill Haley’s ‘Rock Around The Clock’. Hellmann. Martin’s Press. 1999). Add Some Music to Your Day: Analyzing and Enjoying the Music of the Beach Boys (Cranberry. 16-22. R.: Archon.: Tiny Ripple. Portia K. “Soul: A Historical Reconstruction of Continuity and Change in Black Popular Music. and London: Harvard University Press. Conn. and Popular Culture in America. Craig Morrison. 59-78 [35m] 12. Richie Unterberger. Go Cat Go! Rockabilly Music and Its Makers (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. Nelson George. Gribin and Matthew M.: Chuck Berry’s America.: Archon. 1-23 [50m] 6. Anti-Rock: The Opposition to Rock ‘n’ Roll (Hamden. Dancing in the Street: Motown and the Cultural Politics of Detroit (Cambridge. 51 (1993): 23-29 [40m] 36. 189-214 [45m] 32. “John Fogerty’s Bayou as an Imaginary Landscape.” in Peter Braunstein and Michael William Doyle. 141-69 [55m] 24. 32 (2002): 35-48 [45m] 37. 1996). 1994). The Complete Social History of LSD: The CIA. Imagine Nation: The American Counterculture of the 1960s and ‘70s (London and New York: Routledge.23. George Martin with William Pearson. Summer of Love: The Making of Sgt. and Other Satisfactions (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. Rocking the Classics: English Progressive Rock and the Counterculture (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. “The Not-So-Average ‘Joe’.” in Michael Hicks. 170-75 [25m] 27. “The Shadow of a Smile: The Beach Boys Album That Refused to Die” (1967). Kaleidoscope Eyes: Psychedelic Music from the 1960s to the 1990s (London: Fourth Estate. Revolution in the Head: The Beatles’ Records & The Sixties (London: Fourth Estate. Sixties Rock: Garage. George Martin. Kingsley Abbott. 1979). Bruce Baugh.” Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 1994). 221-33 [30m] 34. “Voodoo Child: Jimi Hendrix and the Politics of Race and Class in the Sixties. 148-53. 1983). 17-27. with William Pearson. Tom Wolfe. Larry Starr. A Generation in Motion: Popular Music and Culture in the Sixties (New York: Schirmer.. Edward Macan. 100-6 [35m] 30. Pepper (London: Macmillan. 15-56 [1h 40m] 35. Acid Dreams. The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds: The Greatest Album of the Twentieth Century (London: Helter Skelter.” Ethnologia Scandinavica. and Beyond (New York: Grove Press. Pepper (London: Macmillan. 13-24 [20m] 28. Martin A. Lauren Onkey. Psychedelic. Sven Erik Klinkmann. 1999). All American Music: Composition in the Late Twentieth Century (New York: Knopf. Lee and Bruce Shlain. eds. 39-57 [35m] 33. Journal of Popular Music Studies. Michael Hicks. Jim Derogatis. the Sixties. 1985). 49-77 [35m] 29. Summer of Love: The Making of Sgt. 39-62. John Rockwell. David Pichaske. Ian MacDonald. 2001). 47-77 [1h 40m] 26. “Prolegomena to Any Aesthetics of Rock Music. 1997). 6 (1994): 38-59 [35m] 31. Straus and Giroux. The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (New York: Farrar. 229-48 [25m] 25. 2002). 179-227 [1h 35m] 29 . 1968). 1994). Magical Mystery Tour CD-5949 The Beatles. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn CD-6854q The Velvet Underground. Live at the BBC CD-8880q Phil Spector. The Best of Muddy Waters CD-6371 Nuggets CD-6375 Heroes of Country Music CD-6381 Nace el Rock CD-6389 Soul CD-6519q Cowabunga! The Surf Box CD-6531 Aretha Franklin. 1967 CD-5945 The Beatles. Greatest Hits. We’re Only In It For The Money CD-1417 Frank Zappa. Peel Slowly And See CD-7423q Hitsville U. Are You Experienced? CD-3607 Jefferson Airplane. Back to Mono (1958-1969) CD-8913q Otis! The Definitive Otis Redding CD-9163 Mastersound Sampler CD-9165q Ray Charles. Amazing Grace CD-6539 Simon and Garfunkel. Freak Out CD-3271 The Jimi Hendrix Experience. The Birth of Soul: The Complete Atlantic Rhythm & BLues Recordings. Pet Sounds CD-6850 Pink Floyd. Hot Rats CD-2867 The Explosion of American Music 1940-1990: BMI 50th Anniversary Collection CD-2961 Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention. Greatest Hits CD-6826 The Beach Boys. Brain Salad Surgery CD-4162q The R&B Box: 30 Years of Rhythm & Blues CD-4319q The Sun Records Collection CD-4328 Black Sabbath (Paranoid) CD-4337 Neil Young.A. The Beatles [White Album] 30 . The Beatles Anthology 1 CD-5946 The Beatles. Volunteers CD-3955 Emerson. Lake. Rubber Soul CD-6366 Muddy Waters. The Beatles Anthology 2 CD-5948 The Beatles. Volume One: 1964-1966 CD-9326 The Doo Wop Box: 101 Vocal Group Gems From the Golden Age of Rock ‘N’ Roll CD-9976 The Beatles. 1952-1959 CD-9167q Chuck Berry: The Chess Box CD-9181 Wilson Pickett: A Man and a Half CD-9185 The Yardbirds.Audio Cassettes CASS-1157 Early 1900’s Religious Songs On Edison Discs CDs CD-1402 Country Joe and the Fish. Please Please Me CD-5950 The Beatles.S. After The Goldrush CD-4622 Billboard Top Top Hits. and Palmer.: The Motown Singles Collection 1959-1971 CD-7827 The Beatles. Electric Music for the Mind and Body CD-1416 Frank Zappa and The Mothers of Invention. Bringing It All Back Home CD-10458 Santana. Hot Burritos! Anthology 1969-1972 CD-20080 Arlo Guthrie. The Doors In Concert (Elektra 9 61082-2) 31 . The Essential Gene Autry. Donovan CD-20170 Simon and Garfunkel. Forever Changes CD-19805 The Beatles. Cheap Thrills CD-20577q Buffalo Springfield Box Set CD-20579q The Grateful Dead. Electric Ladyland CD-10213 Bob Dylan. The Golden Years CD-20582q The History of Pop Radio CD-20730q Aretha Franklin. Turn. Vol. The 25th Anniversary Collection (Atlantic 826362) CD-16461 The Rolling Stones. With The Beatles (Capitol CDP 7 46436 2) CD-21124 The Byrds. Singles Collections: The London Years CD-16693q Loud. The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll: The Complete 50’s Masters CD-21095 The Fabulous Fifties: Back to the Fifties CD-21096 The Fabulous Fifties: Classic Songs CD-21099 The Fabulous Fifties: Great Memories CD-21101 The Fabulous Fifties: Those Wonderful Years CD-21102 The Fabulous Fifties: Unforgettable Fifties CD-21113 Gene Autry. Alice’s Restaurant CD-20120 Donovan. Wednesday Morning.: 36 All-Tiime Favorites! CD-18610q James Brown. Santana Abraxas CD-11071 Appalachian Stomp: Bluegrass Classics CD-11583 Hotdogs. 1933-1946 (Columbia Legacy CK 48957) CD-21114 The Beach Boys. The Gemini Suite (Cleopatra/Purple Pyramid CLP 0234-2) CD-21129 The Doors. Hot Rocks CD-16471 The Rolling Stones. 3 A. Fast & Out of Control: The Wild Sounds of ‘50s Rock CD-18262 Led Zeppelin. Help! (EMI CDP 7 46439 2) CD-21121 The Beatles. Wheels of Fire (Polygram Polydor) CD-21127 Cream. Bob Dylan CD-10454 Bob Dylan. 1 (1965-1967) (Columbia CK 37335) CD-21125 The Byrds. Turn. Little Deuce Coupe & All Summer Long (Capitol CDP 7 93693 2) CD-21118 The Beach Boys. The Beatles Anthology 3 (Capitol/Apple CDP 7243 8 34451 2 7) CD-21120 The Beatles. Star Time CD-19703 Love. Fifth Dimension (Columbia CK 64847) CD-21126 Cream. Endless Harmony Soundtrack (Capitol 7243 4 96391 2 6) CD-21115 The Beach Boys. Turn! CD-10452 Bob Dylan. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band CD-20053 The Flying Burrito Bros. Disraeli Gears (Polygram Polydor 31453 1811-2) CD-21128 Deep Purple. CD-20218 Big Brother and the Holding Company with Janis Joplin. John Wesley Harding CD-10448q Bo Diddley. The Rolling Stones CD-16522 Girl Groups: The Story of a Sound CD-16684q The Rolling Stones. Hits & Happy Days CD-13792 Louis Jordan and His Tympany Five CD-14462 Billboard Top Rock ‘n’ Roll Hits: 1955 CD-15945 The Music Never Stopped: Roots of the Grateful Dead CD-16208q Woodstock: Three Days of Peace and Music.M. Sgt. Revolver (EMI CDP 7 46441 2) CD-21123 The Beatles. Party & Stack-O-Tracks (Capitol CDP 7 93698 2) CD-21116 The Beach Boys.CD-9990 The Jimi Hendrix Experience. The Beach Boys Today! & Summer Days (And Summer Nights!!) (Capitol CDP 7 93694 2) CD-21119 The Beatles. Original Singles. Let It Be (EMI 0777 7 46447 2 3) CD-21122 The Beatles. Led Zeppelin II CD-18448 Hank Williams Sr. Queen of Soul CD-20843q Elvis. Bo Diddley: The Chess Box CD-10449 The Byrds. Live at Leeds (Polydor 527 169-2) CD-21149 The Who. If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears (MCA Records MCAD11739) CD-21141 The Moody Blues. Dim the Lights CD-21181 Van Morrison. Looking Back (Deram 820 331-2 CD) 32 . and Mary. The Beach Boys Concert (Capitol C2 93695) CD-35061q Beach Boys. His Greatest Hits (Laserlight 55 559) CD-35230 Chicago Transit Authority. Live at Fillmore East (Capricorn 314 531 260-2) CD-21171 Joan Baez. Splish Splash: The Best of Bobby Darin. Days of Future Passed (Decca Deram 42284 4767-2) CD-21142 Patti Page: Greatest Songs (Curb D2-77749) CD-21143 Peter. After Bathing at Baxter’s (RCA 66798-2) CD-21140 The Mamas and the Papas. Under the Influence: Volume 1 (Catfish Records KATCD159) CD-21156q Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era. 1965-1968 (Rhino R2 75466) CD-21157q The Beach Boys. Sweat And Tears (Columbia Legacy CK 63986) CD-21177 The Byrds. Surfer Girl & Shut Down (Capitol ) CD-21148 The Who. A Teenage Opera: The Original Soundtrack Recording (RPM 165) CD-21159 Yes. The Four Aces (Timeless Treasures CD 113) CD-35380 John Mayall and the Bluesbreakers. Please consult the Library Catalogue or the course website for information on final call numbers. Surrealistic Pillow (RCA PCD13766) CD-21139 Jefferson Airplane. Capitol Collectors Series (Capitol CDP 7 93197 2) CD-21136 Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. 30th Anniversary Edition (Big Beat Records CDWIKD 181) CD-21152 Bobby Darin. Past Masters Volume 1 (EMI CDP 7 90043 2) CD-35150q Pat Boone. Odessey & Oracle. pending acquisition and cataloguing by Princeton University Library. Close To The Edge (Atlantic CD 82666) CD-21170 The Allman Brothers Band. The First Ten Years (Vanguard VCD 6560-2) CD-21172 The Band. Surfin’ Safari & Surfin’ USA (Capitol CDP 7 93691 2) CD-21183 Rock the Joint: The Roots & Branches of Rock ‘n’ Roll (Sanctuary Records PBX CD 345) CD-35010 Blues Masters: Volume 14. Astral Weeks (Warner Bros. Chicago Transit Authority (Rhino R2 76171) CD-35315 The Four Aces. Music From Big Pink (Capitol 72435-25390-2-4) CD-21173 Blood. Beggars Banquet (ABCKO 75392) CD-21146 20th Century Masters. More Jump Blues (Rhino R2 7133) CD-35055 The Beach Boys. Paul. 2 (Collectables VCL 5327) The following call numbers are provisional. Déjà Vu (Atlantic 82649-2) CD-21179 Bill Haley. 1768-2) CD-21182 Jimmy Preston: Rock the Joint Vol. Tommy (MCA MCAD-11417) CD-21151 The Zombies. Sweat & Tears. Highway 61 Revisited (Columbia CK 9189) CD-21133 Bob Dylan. The Millennium Collection: The Best of Steppenwolf (MCA MCAD11954) CD-21147 The Beach Boys. Volume One (Atco 7 91794-2) CD-21154 25 All-Time Greatest Bubblegum Hits (Varèse Sarabande 302 066 132 2) CD-21155 The Country Blues Roots of Eric Clapton. Sweetheart of the Rodeo (Columbia Legacy CK 65150) CD-21178 Crosby. In The Wind (Warner Bros. The Times They Are A-Changin’ (Columbia CK 8905) CD-21135 The Four Freshmen. In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida (Rhino R2 72196) CD-21138 Jefferson Airplane.CD-21131 Bob Dylan. Nash & Young. Greatest Hits Volume 1 (Rhino R2 70594 OPCD-1617) CD-21137 Iron Butterfly. The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan (Columbia CD 32390) CD-21132 Bob Dylan. Stills. Happy Trails (EMI Repertoire REP 4868) CD-21145 The Rolling Stones. Blood. The Pet Sounds Sessions (Capitol CDP 7243 8 37662 2 2) CD-21158 Mark Wirtz. CD-35052 The Beach Boys. 9 26224-2) CD-21144 Quicksilver Messenger Service. Dim. Good Vibrations: Thirty Years of the Beach Boys (Capitol C2 0777 7 81294 2 4) CD-35111 The Beatles.
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