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March 26, 2018 | Author: Adriana Iliescu | Category: Old Age, Grammatical Tense, Human Rights, Theft, Judge



BReading- Part 1 Suggestions for working with elderly immigrant patients 1 You are going to read three short extracts which are all linked to one theme. a. Quickly read through the titles of the extracts and say what theme links the three texts. What aspect of this theme does each extract deal with? b. Lookat the statementsbelow.Doyou think they aretrue? Discuss with a partner. '... we wish our elderly to live asfulfilled independenta life as possible.' and '... we are becoming an increasingly elderly society.. .' 2 Readthe extracts. For questions 1-6, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the text. trend towards smaller families means a smaller number As medical science progresses, we are becoming an increasingly elderly society and, although living to a ripe old age can only be a good thing, it brings with it a large number of problems that we have yet to deal with 5 properly. One such problem is that the burden of financing care for the elderly is falling on a reduced percentage of the population. The gradual but steady of people to pay for the requirements of an increasin~' elderly population. The services needed by the elderl; are currently stretched to breaking point. Nursing homes, homecare, meals on wheels and so on all need more investment if we wish our elderly to live as fulfillet. and independent a life as possible. Young people toda. are encouraged to start saving with personal pensic:: schemes as early as possible to ensure an adequate!. financed retirement, since it is predicted that statt' pension levels in the future will not be enough [, guarantee a continuation of the lifestyle they ha'_ become accustomed to. In the interim we will have [, cope with an increasing older population who ar~ discovering too late that the steps they had taken . guarantee an income for their later years were I1;, sufficient. Obviously, the pressure on public funds- . subsidise this shortfall is enormous. Financingcare for the elderly is becoming difficult because A oldpeople require moreservices thantheyuSe. B there are fewer working peopleto pay =J necessary servICes. ( livinga fulfilledandindependent life isCOS' D nursinghomes arenot adequately funded 2 Thosepeoplewho aredueto retireshortly A will receive a largepension frompublicfll": B haveall paidlargeamounts into personal pc", schemes. ( will have a guaranteedincome during retirement. D will find that their pensions are lowerthar expected. - 74 .: :competence in both mainstreamculture andthe native culture of _ ~ ..::invaluable resource in b~ilding trustandbridging culturalgaps. rolesof bicultural individuals through employment asinterpreters ,,," .cs has the potential for long-lastingbenefit to the health care _-~ ~e community. explore the concerns of patients and to confirm mutual -= .:essential. Although ofteninitiallytime-consuming, asensitive and ~Dt builds trust and may help avoid repeatvisits for the same _ 3 Health care professionalscan improvetheir services by seeking supportfrom A otherhealth care organisations. B community groups. ( thosefamiliarwith the patients'own culture. D the patientsthemselves. ~ 4 Elderlyimmigrantpatients A mayhavereceived poor .r. forelderly immigrants, including cancer screening, immunisations, medical treatmentpreviously. B usuallyhave problemswith . e care.Cliniciansneedto remainalert to the presence of medical theirteeth andeyes. :!tierscommon in thepatient's previous environment. ( will not be cured if doctors .=cerelyrespectandtry to understand their patientsfrom another don't respect them. - "'goerbondthat develops helpsmutualgoalsetting anddecreases D do not trust the healthcare _ .des.Sensitivity to family andcommunityrolesandexpectations is system. .re oftenbeeninadequate, providers shouldpayspecial attentionto mpliance, andothermisunderstandings. _' : - ers in court battle Vocabulary Practice 3 4 ~.. __:;:n charges. Many OAPs havebeen ~~ Explainthe highlightedphrases in the text. Matchthe words from the text (1-8)belowwith their synonyms (a-h). _u- - u petrifiedthattheymaybegoingto 'mreatening' solicitor's letterfrom .. " ,rsto recovermoneyon behalf of : !Jthe companysaysthey areowed ~rs' rubbish. .: _ill receiptof 'a full bin waiver' the _~ dIebeingissuedwith summons for = e.;.robill plus costsof around 50 -.= Long. According to Cllr Long, ~ ~ r~7'U 1 2 3 4 5 a~ita:ed apprehensive incapacitated invaluable mutual a shared b~two people b takingup a lot of time c extremely frightened d makingyouworriedor nervous aboutthe future unableto functionnormally extremely upset extremely useful whichwarns youthatsomething unpleasant isgoingto happen ~ - --- ~prehensive overthe upcoming ':::d it difficult to understand the :-;ngletters'. ~ 6 petrified e 7 threatening f 8 time-consumingg h ~- ...:TIan with dementiaalsohadto ---... Text Analysis . -- ...lie alleged'debt' after returning _oedandcompletelydependenton _~ .this is an appalling situation ~--ebeing hounded for cash even ~::-- Df a full waiver'. The recent .. pensionersto pay their money - __I Ii 5 Findthese phrases inthe texts-and,in pairs,explain their meaning. 1 buildtrust vjees thanthey)eopleto pay, ndentlife iscosquatelyfundec retireshortly ,frompublic·~ 5 into persona income dlJ~ -:r :: ~ mentions Friday the thirteenth in para 1 in 'fJich daythe refuse collection took place. -eaders of the dateof the courtcase. ~ 52 thatthepensioners aretoosuperstitious. 2 bridgingculturalgaps 3 shouldpayspecial attentionto 4 stretched to breaking point 5 havebeenreduced to tears ;-: :fJatit maybean unpleasant dayfor the :;'5. -aJOe in Limerick have not paid the company Discussion 'rjSare lower" c:;"s lettersarenot easy to read. ~ e 2dtheydid not haveto pay. --'_-: theyoweishigherthanexpected. '=' a,ready paidthe money. 6 How areelderlypeopletreated in your society?What couldbe doneto improvecareof the elderly?Discuss in pairs. 75 . the wasreleased on . use the words in your own sentences.: partner. I think they J imprisoned forlife. on people who speed inadequate formof punishrre 6 Theactorwasorderedto a.....r=that it restricts your rigrsomething that you norf"'a for granted......... TheUSisoneof the lastcour-'-::... Manysaythat imposing a.... A: I think that if someone guilty of murder they 5' sentenced toa verylongp B: I agree..say what the following people do... ~ 4 after havingserved onlya ~..: the judgesentenced the th'E' 10-year.. 3a be suitable for each of :"'- crimesfrom Ex...... You be the judge. 76 A judgeis a legalprofessional whopresides over a court oflaw.. as ~ -- example. discuss which punishment from Ex.. It isforbidden forthoseon . 5 7 8 ~ Workers in the Legal System 2 Using a dictionaryif necessary..the Western world whid' imposes for Considering hislongcriminal ......... 1 2 3 4 judge prosecutor constable probationofficer 5 6 7 8 solicitor barrister Justice of the Peace juror b.......the young tee'" wasletoff with a..... Dueto goodbehaviour............. · ...' ... Witt. Then...... .1a.- Language FOCU: - - I.... their city or county of reside'"' is e... Because shewasa minorwitr-:: prior record........ hours of aft"" arrestedfor fighting in a place................... Thejudgesentenced him to two monthsin prison. .......... hissentence....... change/turn/switch/swing) :=-:...... honest people like him are a (scarcity/ er'~ ~ :.... and one of the leading envU-OlUnental3) groups in the UK..I ht Problems throughout th e .. on term :ourt warri~: tal punishr~ ~rvice _ a: j'e logos of some British _ -z:.enJoya federation of over 400 m of and a shared 6) . and productive. ....\:J... Then fillin the gaps with the words given.. 8 The board held a meetingto discuss the future (way/ line/plan/direction) of the organisation. ~rved only a - believe wildlifebelongs in the wild and we are 4) to the conservation of rare species in their natural habitat. _ -: Qu.......--- t diverse 1) . tre 1 . .. unavailability/rarity/shortage)nowadays. Can you . 2) in 68 countzies..... related ISSues.... over 'th senous people WI · fine 2 is the largest inte11Jational network of envU-OlUnental groups in the World..:z. .... ~nced the tr-=... "I. difficulties or disadvantages of some kind... e -"1a~personal items such as . challenges ...... Ie young t~ a....& mtences 11:.... ps with w~ Iffibelow. ards borrowingfrombanks. Match each extract to a logo.. We are a . ~ ... saying what words/phrases helped you decide._ . Iryifnecessa .Q abandoned because a ocation could notbefound...... a minor w _. . and the phasing out of traditional zoos.. ... (though/yet/even/still)not as harmful asanimalfats. 60 slg . ..ld a newfactoryin the area -::ec..: '(Y'" E.. e organisations....' ...-ra. Diefey ea. )unty of resire is eF=.-e~er were _ IE: ':..sedJoriginated) a verystrong 6 The witness said that he heard two shots being (thrown/ aimed/pulled/fired)beforeseeingtwo men running down the street. theworld'slargest independent humanitarian organisation.~e" Confused 1E!JuCge dISCUSS ~ .....Q..-. represented · pressure ... whileassisting local8) in dealing withthe aftermath imposinga who speec -m of punisr""= ) 5 orderedto ~ a~-= fighting in = for those or 6 :: ::~h _ Red Cross .. :.---4 ... 7 Ted went to the police and handed in the money he found in the street. ble epmaking later life fulfillIng.. 77 .. Icts your rig"'~ ==. yourbody(practises/serves/ functions/exercises) moreeffectively. Below are extracts from each charitable organisation's mission statement. ihment I. vision · charities · authorities · aim · suffered · committed · ' potential · leading .3.. 9 Vegetablefats. hur:.t each one does? b.. d endent chanues WIt a. Weworkwith localcommunities overseas to help themprepare for7) disasters andemergencies. h shared nam~ the 5) .... 10 Ifyoutake regular exercise. authority on agemg. . one 0 f t he UK's biggest an ' d mos 'll" n ices for over 2 ml 10 d fferent serv We provi . s "1ilar organisations in your country? What do they do? How important is their work? Discussin ~ '\..cannevertheless resultin gainingweight......::=2SSlonalism.. 3 privilege :ence..E:C!uered/packed/kept/held) out -c ~ ... .:or people In crisis We 9) to improve the lives and prospects of young people who have 10) hardships.:er '\on/control/handle) ... .- -- -3 world wh'c forlong crimina.. the last COl.. . . 8 My community isattemptingto'sad' :"" ...or..... 16 evidence ......... beingboth homeless andjobless.............Healways saidthat .12 sbwith a warrant....... 10 Despite his rageat beingassaulted by hisemploye' victimdid not .... In pairs......... against - enoughpoorpeopleto help.. 9 ! a law.... out of prison........ waitedpatientlyfor the outcomeof the trial.Do-youhavesimilaridiomsin your language? - ~) :" J foot the .: on showsat the localretirement home......... 6 My grandad never contributed to internationalaid go .. by havingitsyouthgroupmember...::11 I Language Focus 6 Make collocations by completingthe phrases with verbsfrom the of the three words in bold doe..: "... -......' the estab prevails.........:::: the law 8.... 2 Soonafterthe thief ... ..In pairs.matchthe verbsto the phrase................ Now.........2 ! a standon/against sth.................-.............. win . Knowing that his guilt was obvious......... 1 legalrepresentative / guide/ advisor 2 courtcase/ order/ discussion 3 military/ international/native law 4 policepower / record/ inquiry 5 lifesentence / jail/imprisonment 6 capital/severe/ heavypunishment :) Idioms 7 a...... Identify it.. Now....... Then........8 . andthat England had :) 9 ::........... As usual........... ... pay· serve· lay · commit· plead· give 1 ~... ..... . 3 Whynot and . a crime...the cloc~ ......................... 7 the blame........we the taxpayers-will end up footing thebillfor the newanimalshelterthat the government isso busy boasting about... collocate............... use the correct collocations in sentences........ 3 an arrest.......... live .usingthe idiomsfrom Ex......... 10 downthelaw......... race....... Thepolicehavelittle or no control.... a. 6 one's bit..... " .. 8 a fine/ penalty. my ...~ on the fringes take the law into kill two birds throw oneself on bridge the the law of rob Peter make a charity ~ of society .........5 .... simplya caseof ..... 9 ..4 for one'scrime...11 ! : time in prison.. .. sb's wis~2.............then makesentences usingthe phrases....15 averdict... I J b.... do · pass· break· make· take · reach .....: -..13 ... . 7 Many Third World countriesare borrowingfrom World Bankto payoff their nationaldebts..................guesswhat the idiomsmight mean.... groups......... ... against.14 guilty........... amendsfor.7a in their correctform...r) 1 beginsat home killing on sth with one stone bill for sth the mercyof the court generationgap one'sown hands to pay Paul the jungle ......... 78 '... the )) delinquent .. :) ColIQcations 8 In sth '" 5 Vagrants........ completethe sentences below.... allodds 8..............discuss their meaning haveunemployed peopleplanttreesin areas that have beendevastated byfire? .. one'sp'...hewasarrested Fixed Phrases (phrases with aga~s for robbingthe computer shop.......... hopingfor a lightersentence. .. Match itemsfrom the two columnsto form idioms....' one's bette 4 In manyinner-city areas.. - sellinghisstolengoods..........8.... ..... ..)wing frorr !bts. · Asaresult/consequence. I really '2 :0 court for discrimination after being · Themain reason is..or down away out · ..ho is very highly responsible for.. =. thelaw '.... . .. . It'snotsomuch a result of ... plays a Suggesting Solutions We/The government must/ should. causes ous. -"'"'E"rS decision to cut... If we don'ttry to changethat.. ... ~.or caughtandseverely punished. I feelthere's something to be said for... addmore itemsto eachsection... -~ Communication: Discussing Problems/ Offering Solutions ..eaucation's aim is to cut .. '.then.. )UP membe~ e oueverdoneanythingthat wasagainstyour -:enI waslittle. one's pri":: '... leads to/causes/brings about. retraining schemes job sharing incentives for businesses to hire people incentives for the creation of new businesses :aclc ..... butrather of . . ...... If we/thegovernment (don't/ ~ --... Whatabout a. B: You'reright.. 11a for the following issues. ... would (greatly) alleviate the situation. _ -~le. c= =: -:J donation in the basket and pass it :.=daysthat students play truant. then discuss them in groups. computerisation ..too. A keyfactoris. Discussing theResult of a Problem It'sclearly/mostly downto . lack oftraining . I feelthat.. hetrial.... · A lotcanbeachieved by. . ~ -..... · · homelessness · juvenile crime 79 loneliness amongst the elderly . . a renowned philanthropist.ii: simply giving money to poor farmers :=!::ca'e solution: a --e. -...took her for promotionthreetimes. doesn't) .. the establlS1 _ 5iale-rUn clinics met with widespread A: I think unemployment is largelydue to so many businesses closingdown. I'll do rr> ...... It'spartly/largely/entirely due IOUI'm a poli' to .0 the phrase:.. . .. ..=" for two days...e gaps using a particle from the list....Some friends persuaded me to .. 11 _ J -=e-.. theclock .. results poverty family breakdown lowself-esteem debt loss ofproperty poorquality of life .then... Discussing theCause of a Problem '1t ---Jell..Usinglanguagefrom the box.~ Verbs ~ Appendix 1 . one's bette: ..... to my .. I think.. on ..but anotherkeyfactor is the lack of training amongtheunemployed. discuss the problemof unemployment.. .. . . the ... People don't learn new skills and..allodds . -a" rights group is enraged that the e -as been cut off from his family and has "7 bited from speakingto a lawyer. as a consequence. ....~ain the meanings of the phrasal in bold doe. solutions -......has alotto dowith it.Jdgment? -. I believe .. it becomes verydifficultfor themto findajob. from hunger because b. correct .Inpairs..a~ple.. .. . great/small partaswell... sb's wisres '""2 passed =-... The obvious culprit inthis case is ... businesses closing down ... to blame. ?: . sb's ad... Lookat the following spidergram. tightbudgets for companies UNEMPLOYMENT .. and answer questions.. ..: charity when he passed ~ r meaning. .. · Inmyview..E :. Nith againS..... hisemplo~eo .. left all .....When I was .. . . -2 ".. ... One wayforward would beto . · This (often/inva riabIy/d irectly) : I think I ougt" ....etc .. Draw spidergrams like the one in Ex. . _ = I couldjust cut . as in the :. B or C) which fits bestaccording to what you hear. ~ foundationfor helpline.--'- @] containinginformationabouttheirhelpline. Beforeyou listen. ~ of an interview about bereavementand grieving. Parentline Pluspublishesa [] 1 callcentres situ. What social issues do they might be particularly Discuss in fj)airs. 3 a. What do both speakers agreeon? A that dangerousdriversshould be sentencedto a prisonterm B that accidents areoften caused byspeeding ( that breaking the speed limit always endangers lives 2 What is the man'sopinionabout prisonsentences for drivingoffences? A Everyone who breaksthe speedlimit shouldgo to prison. How useful do you think this helpline is~ . in pairs. (Listening . issues. ( It isoneof manypsychological disorders. 2 a. you ever call a helpline?"Why/Why not?: in pairs.For questions1-6.Part4 6 What happens when a relativediesafter a longillness? A Youexperience traumaandloss. W You hearpart of a discussion about dangerous driving. 1-8 t. Thereare outsideof England's capital. For questions complete the sentences. ~rt theInternet. predict what information is missin. Therearetwo questionsfor eachextract. You will hear five people talking about people in Task 1. Lf Listening & Speaking (Listening -Part 1 (Listening . Helpline operators must spend @] or moreeachweekgivingadvice overthe phone. c. ( by restricting theirchildren's useof the computer.Part2 1 0 Youwill hearthree differentextracts. ( Thegrievingprocess beginspriorto death. You will hear a short talk about a volunteer helpline.. B Youareoften left psychologically vulnerable.look at the lis:. of experienced peopleform . ( Anyonewho drives at 60 mphshouldgo to prison. Parentline Plus isin needof malevolunteers from non-Erg I. concerned a:t 80 . . B Anyonewho endangers livesby speeding shouldgo to prison. -Notesfor ParentlinePlusTalk The telephone helpline is one of that aim to help care-givers..choosethe answer(A. Mostpeople takingadvantage of the service havenever va::'- 0 I before.' mild"n and When should a parent be suspiciousof their child's online activities? A if the childgives personal information overthe Internet B if the childisnot goodat keyboarding or spelling ( if the child refuses to talk about his or her online activities 4 Howcanparentsbestprotecttheir children? A by monitoringtheirchild'sInternetuse. go through the notB and. I I fr I I I2J Thehelplineisavailable at no costandisaccessible ITI their Ihoursa day. 3 of a <ad'oprog'~mmeabo. 5 How doesJennydescribe grief? A It canleadto majordepression. s: . Before you listen. B bytalkingto their Internetservice provider aboutthe dangers. Now listen to the recording. B It isa perfectly naturalreaction. !. look at tl'e )Cialissues :..udents A&B I ii d peoplefo - -ese pictures showing people giving different kinds of help..estions 1-5. choose from the list A-Hwhat topic each speaker is talking about. 6 0 Listento two candidatesdoingthe speaking tasks above and compare their performance to that of your classmates.nen.... Task 2 ~.'t 3: Evaluating --G. Use the language in the box to help you..choose fromthe listA-Hthe person :: . -a-: because .howcouldyou help? Whatpartcanthe elderlyplayin the family/community? '"Ie. A: Johnbroke hislegandnowhehasto cancel hisholiday. First. 1 Who has helped you most in yourlife? 2 Whatcanwe do in our dailylivesto makeour city/town to live? a betterplace 3 4 If therewasadisaster inanothercountry. decide what the other speaker has said and use the expressions below in response... 72 rolebecause.decide which two play the most important role in the community.... from non-En (Speaking-~art4 f ~c!ents . :ion is missiro ~ -6tel1 anddo the two tasks. A unemployment uestions 1-& B healthcare C civilliberties D shoplifting m m IT] IT] E public transport F juvenile delinquency G education H mugging .. esser importance to the community In pairs.~ ~& B 5 phone.5. 1ishelplif\e 'hy/Why ro-=-~s being given in each picture? = 0 ay the most important role in Assess your classmates in terms of: · grammar and vocabulary · discourse management · pronunciation · interactive communication talking abc. B: Whatapity! 81 . e That's awful.::..sspeaking. talk to each other about the type of help being --e. 311 centres si. y concer~ ~uage: Evaluating 7 · Everyday English Commiserating but perhaps X andY :::rtributionto make.sible have never\0 .. A a politician B asecurity officer C anarmyofficer D a student E F G H ajournalist anactor a novelist a doctor For questions 6-10. . Dlunteer Igh the note.. Discussthe following questions together.. a What a pity! b Badluck! c Oh dear! d I'm so sorry. Choose from the paragraphs (A-G)the onewhich fits ea& gap (1-6). Lookat the title of the passage. 6 By 4. My mind is total.but did so onlyto help out a sick friend or an ancient relative or a woman in labour . a tricky case because the items were about her person but she hadn't left the store. charged with the theft of £60 worth of goc.. I'm tempted to stop her so ~_ review the morning's cases together. and the sporty young men have come to plead their guilt or innocence. 'I lost my job. He thinks ir all a bit unfair: 'I'm a train operator.. driving a vehicle with faulty brakes or bald tyres. But the last case before lunch is oddly gripping: a man who went through a red light. . At 7. Especially the last. What is its significance. is failingto paya trafficfine of £250. when the car stalls as he is crossing a dual carriageThis is highly dangerous. But this is Bexley magistrates court. though he says he use. every large town and with the same stock types the drunk.Thereisone extra paragraphyou do not needto use.' . too.and let her buy her sandwiches in peace. woman magistrate.. as the afternoon wears on.Hiscrime. But I decide there's probably a law against it .' He shuffles his feet and sighs. and when he = through them a policeman pulls him up.. signals. 82 ... having conferred..some ancient <: about interfering with a magistrate in the course oi her duty J The lad with 'One Nation' on hisjacket is ushered into the dock. court is the ultimate unedited soap. relieved off the conveyor belt of human weakness and mi. Asked if there is anything he'd like to say in mitigation. sweatshirts. the roadhog coming l' - and again. everything's done. yourself caring about the fate of people you've ~e before and will never see again. by this time. andwhy doesthe writer useit to talk about a day in a magistrates court? Discuss in turnsout.30. I wander out. put out !. Readthe article. He steps down. he shrugs and mumbles. to clear the ice from his windscreen. not a leisure centre.This will probably be one of them. I pa. '.. no one in south London bothers with insurance. there's a squat brick building that looks as though it means business. during the lunch break. the tJ'. Which of the following offencesdo you expectthe court to dealwith? Readquicklyand checkyour answers. The first female defendant of appears. Youwill readan articleabout a dayin a Londonmagistrates court where minoroffencesaredealtwith.. Morrisons. With their trainers. On the evidence of this court. And though they plead guilty as charged. · assault· trafficfine · attemptedmurder · mugging · shoplifting · drivingwhilstuninsured · domestic violence· illegalgambling· manslaughter 2 a. b. order him to payoff the fine at the rate of £10 a week." yet there's something addictive about it. 5 . The English re. not one of them intended to get behind the wheelwhileuninsured. A lit'. '_ the lights ahead have turned red.Reading1 Part 2 a.Sixparagraphs havebeenremoved. driving without a tax disc or MoT certificate or insurance.I wouldn't jump them. 2 But it's all traffic: driving without due care and attention. One-third of fines in Britain are never paid. the brawler. so when he manages to stan engine again he moves off to be safe. tracksuit bottoms and gleaming heads. how.. Back in court one. wanting this to be over. Half a dozen young men are lingering by the door.. 4 In the shopping centre.. a man is charged with brandishing a 'bladed aT' kitchen knife) in the street. they might have turned up for a game of five-a-side. more than traffic. 3 Courtroom drama? I'd find more drama in the multistorey where my car is parked.30on a Sunday morning he's on his way to work . The magistrates. Out past Sainsbury's and up some steps. continuous flow A Tuesday morning in south London. are traffic offences. ages to stu:' is time..~:e a licence. ut.-e phrases in bold mean? Explaintheir use in the .. a mugging wouldn't be too much to ask.._:!':u ary Practice :a~.~. he plays it perfectly.s help. in absentia..'That's.m<. acquitted myself.. 'bladed -~ says he ~ -e ~ighlighted wordsinthe text.. find at least five words/phrases in the article . . and one of them thinks he knows the _ ._'ry three points. No robes or wigs: these are laymen dressed much like the rest of us. right.. Still.t W~'j rs.but the defendant. too.::lgdocuments got to? And when a man gives _ as a pub. I take myseat in the public I settle down for the next case. to judge by their solicitors' mitigatory eulogies. ..>redefence solicitors usually young and Celtic in -11ere did all those young female clerks of the :: 10 be so bossy? Why are so many surnames . of course....three rows of wooden benches at the rear.. the :endant oi 'Qfth of ga items we-'.:.. a mugging wouldn't be too much to ask. (after gap 6) . disappointingly.aere the incident happened . . This is what people's justice is all about.. the men I'm seeing this morning are all pillars of the community./t of the article..discusswhat a typical 83 . lie you've ~English ::' put out for ock types .. The magistrates come in....oDd birthdates wrongly recorded? Where have all . Surely. exceeding speed limits .e.etter'of apology to the court: a relative urgently _ . anything serious or complex is referred upward. to climboff the conveyor belt of human weakness and misery. (paragraph F) Surely..nicking those traffic cones as a teenager. he plays it perfectly. when he He thinks lind is tota. (paragraphG) . 6 day in Bexley magistrates court is like.. the offences to which.. . the traffic is.'1alysis - _ .. beyond oodabout near McDonald's.=.:"a--g:hat looks as though it means business. he has . as the afternoon wears on.rul f(\l- -- . b~t the three magistrates _ -onderful performance and let him go with a ~. my faith in British justice ~Iy restored.c associated with courts and trials. -: not guilty. Which ~ .houtd be.' They dock him the lichfitseac - . :e""e the parts of the article which helped you decide -E "1issing paragraphs. I feel intrusive because the court is :. but he now -~ets it.. is it sensible to remand him there? G break..finally! the courthouse I head for court three.and I feel like a hardened criminal in comparison. In fact.. can drop in.. Along with his guilty plea.. relieve\. (after gap 6) .for :Drive. but give him an absolute : ~.udge is sitting.:a. he's .:. for trial by judge and jury. the men I'm seeing this morning are all pillars of the community. I feel like cheering and follow him out as . -::. lal carriag. _ Discussion Inpairs. isn't ~.()l~<:~t()t<. where a [ a day in a 'ith. ~le and polite....(paragraph B) A case-hardened professionaljudge would see him off in 30 seconds . I look back on my own record . hO" . on. so he got behind the wheel.ner. It <. Magistrates don't deal with rape and murder. I :' p her so lut I de~~ Ie ancient - Iecourse ". ess and c It it. The magistrates -~pathetic.L: :c c. two flush-faced chaps in their 50s and a stern-looking Asian woman of 35 or so. A case-hardened professional judge a: him off in 30 seconds. store. He drove a car without insurance and :. ~ tt\~l <. Even public gallery i~ a ~itIgle raw at drairg aehiad ~ '-"'() <. __ . s in peace -..:mage is of a barber from south London in his -emies.Q!3li. hoping for more action. 96% to 98% of criminal cases in Britain are heard in courts like this one.. . gallery . F An early guilty plea is taken as a sign of 'good character' and usually rewarded with a lighter penalty.Discuss in pairs. 2 3 4 5 6 7 . -.. (paragraph C) .. few things are baffling to a fly on the wall like ..xr of courts like these is that anybody. then compare with a partner. more than traffic. .. A ~ . ....... . .................... . Unless we .... Seeif you ..... ........ ... but .................... two policemen..... 4 Look at the newspaper headlines/signs below ar-: expand them into full sentences using the passi ~ 2 Fillin the correctpreposition............. ................................ Don't let yourself bediscouraged byhernegative attitude......................................... 1 Thestadium waspacked excitedfans... 9 Theymadehimshowthem hisIDcard..... ............ ............... ................... S I normally havea partyon mybirthday.... 6 Bloodpressure is measured sphygmomanometer.................. ~............ ........................... _ _ _ _ _............. 3 Usecausative structures (along with your own words where necessary)to complete the sentence:... 10 Someone hasthrown"thereportaway.................~'" thrownby a hooligan.......... 2 Most peoplebelievethat the light bulb was invented Thomas Edison...... ................I Use of English ThePassive Grammar Reference _ ~ TheCausative Grammar Reference ~ 1 Turnthe following from activeinto passive or vice versa.......... . ..... ....... ................................. .... 12 Themanisthoughtto have escaped throughthewindow.............. ...... .......... ... 9 otherwise we won't be ableto cut the grass.. 8 Wemust ............. .............we won't be ableto watchthe malC Whatbadluck!That'sthe third timeJoe............... 2 They'llchange the arrangement again.-= - ORGANISIDCRIME BOSS APPREHENDED ---........... Whichpaintingdid theyeventually choose? ........................... Smoking isprohibitedin thecorridor...... . .................... ................... The window was broken a brick means a Government To Slash ~_ umUL IULtI BillET ~ =r -....... . ....... .. . .. .... 8 As he wasclimbingthe cliff he was hit on the head a fallingrock...................... .................. so nowhe hasto takethe busto work.......................... .... Once you gethim talkingabout computers.......... 4 brokenglass...... .. ........ andlookslikea punk-rocker... ................................. to lendusthe money........ .......... 10 11 Will theyappointhimasthe newchairman? .... mud..............- L-'" _ - == ==-- lolesl Homeless SII1ItlS locol Council n........................=- =--=.................. .. ............................. .................. ...... ......he rE'i' stops............ .... .... . 3 4 Shemustpaythisbillon time......................................................... 4 bythe electrician.... 6 Willtheybemadeto leave? ................. .. ........... ........ this ........ .........= ....:: .................... 7 Thethiefwaseventually cornered ............. 7 I don't think there'sanychance of ....................... ............................................................. .. .......... ........ ....... 9 The papers were stuck together glue 10 The boy's face was covered ...... 3 Everyone knowsthat smoking isdangerous.................... ................ .... There is an example........................ .. .......... -~ 84 ........ pair-:! 6 I didn't recognise Jane.......... ........... S Themachine canbeoperated of a console.................. ........ ... He'sverystubborn. \ FC"......... S Hewasn'tallowedto buyit............. 3 The victim was probablystabbed...... ..... ... .. 7 8 I don't likepeoplelaughing at me............... ................ 2 Weare ........................ ......... thisafternoon............ ...................... ..................... ................ .. computerisation4) . read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap..... . it can 5) ~a~".... reach her by phone... you may think you enjoy relative anonymity and privacy... ..Part2 lurown 1esentenc~ uters. . .... using the . complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence....~ent's acquired abilities to track its citizens 3) they move about the Internet through Regulationof Investigatory PowersAct. this person then has to decide 11) determines if the match is valid.. pair'~ ..Jestions 1-15.. chosen 9) a Metropolitan Ie grass... ~ - ~ q'. . this -~ is booming. you are being watched and followed as never before.. The software shows ..... Not so.. Harry's illnessresulted in him having to give up his job....... ==mention this to anyone. ...... round We -....... understood He what you told him.... ... .m has 7) crime rates relative to other boroughs.. ~.emtries to match faces on Newham's cameras 8) a 'watch list' of between 100 and Police committee.. Do not change the word given..... 7 -: reach her by phone several times. Jane said that she wouldn't speak to anybody but the manager... Other local -r-ojes are 14) considering the system... 8 It's possible that he misunderstood what you told him.:r ~'1glish .:" .. In the event or not to contact the I opened the door."€' splashing coldwateron herface... . :.. ~..:ng area. . which costs from £15.115) standard surveillance cameras. altouncll IJad I opened the door than the dog ran out into the 6 ..e matches to a Newham employee.. with increasing accuracy and almost but . that we can alsobe tracked ..... give up his :E sweet and sour flavours...Part5 ~.. done cheaply... Use only one word in each gap. Along 2) the . .. .... ..: X" ~ mention this to anyone......... .. 85 .. With face recognition software. the dog ran out into the - 5 She revived when we splashed cold water on her face..... In ... 5igns below a sing the pass _ :... and this year 6) extend the system to its fifth. \Natchthe maJoe . 10) "Sitiveidentification.... resuIt Harrybecame seriouslyilland job. ::>2combines sweet and sour flavours... You must use between three and six words.'2('.. -.... ~I to win the marathon.... ......ons 1-8...000 to scan a single camera ~.. ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: less liuUle - _c... Moreover.. achieving a dramatic drop in street oC"'leS and burglaries. VisioniGshas tried 12) the system with a watch list of known football ~ ...ri-e a West Ham match 13) Manchester United in January last year..-2"lpt to win the marathon did not succeed.. the London borough of Newham connected the US firm Visionics' software to cameras covering one '""C'.. on Jane to the mana9er... . u 0) go about your business today..:~ material world. ................ he neo" .>.... Special Assignments There are often 11) term assignments that volunteers can help us with. for the animals on sjte and help screen potential adopters to 9) that our pets are placed in caring and lovinghomes. ~ . Pets For People Volunteers assist 10) citizens with choosing and adopting new companion pets.. animals that are abandoned. moral and ethical consideration and protection.Use of English . graphic design work. legal. 8) .Part 1 8. decide which answer (A. 0' . injured. ~ . such as research 12) . or D) best fits each gap. ( 7 For questions 1-12. "'~ ~X ~. or otherwise .. volunteers help take animals to public sites throughout the community... 4) to unfair or cruel treatment. Volunteers work with the Fund Development Department on programmes and special evenb 7) money to support our efforts for animals. Through our Mobile Adoption Programme. .. Our mission is to act as an advocate c2) of animals and as a 3) of their rights.. and are 1) ' ~ 'III ' .. to cultivate in the people of our community consideration for the animals whose world" respect for all living things. ""~.A.:need. to provide for the well-being of t!. and to 5) How YOU can help Manyof our programmesandservices are 6) needyou! Funds Mobile Adoption byour volunteers. r=1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 A beyond A permitted A side A A A A A A A A A A fighter subjected infuse done gather look assure old short obs B B B B B B B B B B B B B far from allowed aid defender suffered introduce run build treat insure pensioner instant projects C C C 'C C outside entitled part keeper placed C promote C made C collect C guard C ensure C senior C limited C tasks D D D D D D D D D D D D D aheadof deserved behalf rescuer endured campaign given raise care indicate major immediate duties .Ifyouloveanimalsand enjoyworking withthem. etc. i' ..~ Mission Statement We believe that animals have value 0) ...' share. 1 .' or -.. economic measurement. clerical assistance... ....... "lost 1) ....... -ent ... ....... Add suffixes to the words to form adjectives. . ~-accept .... ::=~ganisation and has been in ::~nearly a century.::-sh'pS which are 4) =:yboth adults and children. and freedom from 5) ....."......... -able...promote all human rights... -ial.. enjoys all of the human rights enshrined DECLARE in the Universal2) of Human Rights and other international human rights standards. suspicious .......... vhose worlu --- .... -ual. il-.. dis-. Now choose any six words from Exs. use the words in bold to form wordsthat fit inthe numberedspacesinthe text..e"".8a.. read · president · persist · persuade · attract · vision · residence · station d...................-02 correct form.... m advocate ll-being of >r otherwi. advice 1 . DISCRIMINATE within the context of our work to . late 87 . 1) of nationality.:. ... focused on the prevention and also on ELIMINATE the 4) of abuses of the rights to physical and mental integrity. 3rothers Big Sisters is the -:..ive....... PERSUADE SUBSCRIBE MEMBER or religious creed....Part 3 10 =... ......c the text using the words next to each ... -ary.. im- · common · flexible · movable · emotional · pleased · probable · agreeable · patient · legal · approachable c.............. Amnesty International has more than a million SUPPORT 6) inover 140countries and territories...........~ of speech... Use of English .... ire 1) ........ The SUPPORT ?""Ef't for our 'Bigs' is a ~:::J make and share in some WILL 'r< recognised human rights. political 8) ....... pecial eve:"' EFFECT Amnesty International OPERATE VALUABLE Amnesty International is a worldwide 0) movement -a e a proventrackrecordfor ...... grow befriend volunteer 1 .... un-....... in-. Our service :~r many 3) ............ BENEFIT that works to promote MOVE "' ~ '(Yen need additional caring ~ 'e work closelywith parents -:: d with a compatible and B9 Brother or Big Sister... Amnesty International is PARTIAL 7) and independent of any government..rci formation I :':~plete the table by fillinginthe missing :c......... Add prefixes to the words to form opposites...... g with thee. b... freedom of conscience and expression. Our mission is to undertake SPECIFY research and action 3) ............ Our work is financed largelyby 9) and donations from our worldwide10) .. ~ Forquestions 1-10.............. band c and make up sentences to show tbeir meaning....... Amnesty International's vision is a world in which REGARD everyperson.......~.... . classparticipation.DebatingSocietySecretary Subject: Issues covered in the Summer Term 18 June 20. Reports and proposals canappearin both Part1 andPart2 of the Writingpaper..I Writing: Reports and Proposals Reportsand proposalsare usuallywritten to present informationin formalsituations... : : ... .5 focused.. -To: From: Mr Simkins. 8 unanimously. . Poverty The approach which the society took to this matter wa.. individuals could doinorder to reduce theirchances of becoming victims ofcrime... 1. For the . In the three separate deba.... After the facts were presen:_ Jane Howell and Doreen Rose.Principal Tom Wheeler... 2 wide 4 members of.. ~ 2 Analysinga Report a.. Then.g...It was6) that financialcom: ' should be made more freely available to 7) . You shouldmentionany subiects which are scheduled for futuremeetings of the was suggestedthat banks should cancel. Proposals usually outlinea course of actionfor the future.... .. Write a report outlining theactivities heldbytheclub inthelasttwelve months)... ... 3) stricter policingbut more lee.we had almo\>t maxim.7the issues. discussed by the society in the last term. urban anonymityand the surveillance cameras. in which the majority ". fold..answer the questionsthat follow.. Homelessness In the first of two debates. and includinganyother relevantinformation. this was a successful teT::: over eighty per cent attendance on average. - ~ 1 £- Understanding the Rui}ric Re~d the rubricsbelow... Then.... Youwill be givena role (e. 4) a lively exchange with SC".clearly statingthe subiects youhavecovered. the >underlined words and phrases. there was tremendous St.suggest appropriate sectionheadings.. In pairs..payingcarefulattention to .A Crime By far the most controversialissuethat we have coveret.suggestrelevantinformationthat you could includein eachsection..... the public. Conclusion 8) .. punishment. · A main body with headedsections.2a. Theconclusion mayincludea reference to futureaction. A reportor proposal shouldcontain: · An introductioninwhichthe reason for writing isstated. Theyareusually-divided into sections. ... B .'.fill in the missingword. James Lawton put forwarc suggestion that homelessness was a matter of choice... Reportstendto beaboutpastevents or present situations.- ..... : · You are the secreta(yof your collegedebating society andyourinstructorhasasked youto compile a reportfor the collegeprincipal on the mainsocial issues that you havecoveredthis term..-" for the motion and our members voted overwhelmic. In the phrases below.' term we hope to sustain these figures when we diSC".~. members voicing their strong disagreement. you havebeenasked to submita proposal to the local police outlining what you feel attendance. mark -the statements which follow Trueor False.Eachsectionis written as a paragraph. etc.. owed by developing countries... it was suggested that the problem needed to be addressed on a local level. A final vote on the question of whether the situ.) andspecific instructions asto what youshould includ~(e... all. You arethesecretary ofyourlocal music club.. Writeyourreport in 220-260 words. subjects of animal rights.. 1 2 3 4 5 What isyourrole? Whoisthe target reader? What isthe purpose of yourreport/proposal? Inpairs..... as in the example. i · A conclusion in which the main points are summarised..but the sections aregivenheadings. The second dcr 5) the government's responsibilitie this area. - .It is essentialto choose appropriate sectionheadings.~ favour. chaired by Jonathan Deacon.. the crime rate in modern times. M 88 . As a memberof your localNeighbourhood Watch scheme. 6all b.. · to · agreed · in · range · on · favour · of · mal~ 1 led to.A 2) opinionswasexpres and a final vote was taken..such asconclusions reached. . Write your report.. . would improve in the near future revealed that over sin: cent of our members were undecided.g..... with more focus ~ individual.. Date: Purpose The purpose of this report is to present 1) .. 3 in of. Don'tforgetthat the numberof words youneedto write in eachsectionisdifferent. In addition. Firstly. Write yourproposal in220-260 words.. The model below is the answer to the first rubric in Ex. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrases from Ex...... :estion =s:>een 8'J : --="- poverty...... Majority/these cases/teenagers... which have been done by kids who are only thilteen. The only way/prevent such crimes/severely punishing offenders..~5 :) 4 FormalStyle a........ n 89 .. banks shO\Uthe factsw............: oaragraphs whichstartwith atopicsentence.. most seriousissueis -..2S :l1ereasonfor writing at the very beginning... Ne intend to ... b isto increasethe number c d of part-time jobs... ment.... .. --e -=!:....:: on:..... ad almost ~ Avart from very rare instances.........c........ ...... - ..... ment's resp) of whethe~ vealed that ?:::7"rnend that ...... a ~. _.................~the phrases given...... The .:y of a to be addressedurgently..licing but Ie" ................ e are against the suggestion.... ma~ lie or False "-~ -:=:"'S .. -='":ScGnguage which is suitable for the Principalof a [0 the first ith the I..... ~ --. " larsentences of your own :.............. andendslikea letter.... t::'......5of sections with headings. Easily the most serious of these include knife attacks......... In the twelve to fifteen age group.... unless we do something quickly..CJevices..... at wehaveIlreesepara...G Lawtonput matter of ~xchange ..... ..... SS-... ..../three cars/stolen each day/people under 20.. there has been a shocking rise in the number of crimes committed. ~ our · of · "" of...we have ...........with mthat fin-bleto 7) .:E""":c year.....ecretary rm ..:'" re wastrew-s voted 0'...-e -c=s two halvesto makecomplete It 1) ..... c..... ~ -enses havebeenused?Why? · a sharp increasein these figures --::e Construction pairs. . the information in short sentences without ~>. we are likely to see these numbers rise a lot very soon............... - Dpinions w~ ch the m. ::Z"~ · an alarmingincrease · offendersasyoung as · inthenearfuture · byfar · carried out · promptactionistaken · intermsof statistics · themostfrequently committed crimes · withtheexception of · a relatively smallnumber of -zr "a chatty style.......... [fwe're iust looking at numbers.......~dthat the level.......:en in formalstyle........ · Whatkindof reportmightthe sections abovehave beentakenfrom? Whatothersections mightit contain? Whomightit befor? What would a similar report sayabout your country? was a suc~on average figures w~ n anonym... -.... singword............. :>ok to this ::- .. In addition..Then........ ~--oort ... Our organisation believes that.... matters could be helped if there wasgreaterpolice presence on the streets............ -i:~ 'I")impersonalstyle.... Ised.... Discuss the following: · .................... the things that happen most often are shoplifting and petty theft................S lie The crimes/committed/most/this age group/vehicle theft/driving offences........ On average..............therewereveryfew crimes committed by children under the age of twelve...... Readthe extractbelow and.. oassive structures.. . mimous1y ... The effect/this/deter others.nderline examples of formal style......discuss how the underlinedwords and phrases couldbe replacedwith the moreformal expressions given./magistrates courts/deal with/up to 200 cases/reckless driving/drivingwithout a license. however... theproposed work. now e.g.. e. The present simple The present - to describe the present situation e. 4 Wepredict/hopeto be in a positionto repay:-... Over halfof - suggestion.g. Atleast £3000 willbeneeded. Hypotheticalconstructions thisshould. 5 Less thantwentypercentof thoseinvitedhavecr..etc. 6 Cross out the word or phrase in bold which is correct.~_ Writing: Reports and Proposals ~ Beginnings and Endings Reportsand proposalsusually beginwith the following: ~ Tenses The most commonly used verb tenses in reports and proposa are as follows: To: From: Subject: Date: } (Theexactinformationyouinclude depends on the rubric).Wedo not anticipate any' problemsand we hope to meet the deadlineas discussed. Ii believedthat most of the students regularly read the describe things that are happenr. Readthe following beginnings and try to predict what will beincluded in the mainbody. MrJ. a proposal. The workwillhave been camp. B Thisexperience would/shouldundoubtedly er" furtherdevelop myskills. ChiefAdministrator NiallConnolly. continuous .Fauld~. Thefirstparagraph isusually a shortsection entitledPurpose or Introductionwhichgives the reason for writing.. hope.3 b. 2 Conclusion It was felt by all of the members of the project that if students were to take the above precautions. Writing about the future When writingaboutthefuture. Purpose Thisisa reportcompiled to assess the success of the seminar held to discuss global issues~ The opinionsbelow reflect the views expressed on the weekend of the 14th and 15thof March. etc. Principal Sam report on past actions.g.. Ther whether the sentences could have been taker a report.g. Expenses willbeclosely monitoring/monitored tr ~ . potential. or either. 6 I recommend that these suggestions be '3 ' consideration in anyfuture/potential events 7 All forthcoming/likely costs havebeencarefu.o full bynextyear. therefore. Thefuturecontinuous tensee. Oxley. Although we are dealing with the situation. forecaSt Ina proposal. e. forward to.Third Year Subject: Crime Prevention 23 May 20. e. the number of crimes committed could be drastically reduced. emphasise past actions that are releva'" those questioned have responded favourably to . To: From: Date: Mrs P. that plans should go ahead to organise further weekends.g.publication everymonth. etc. expected. Inthe conclusion you can: summarise the pointsin the mainbody makea recommendation for futureaction now e. We willbeclosely monitoring situation. probable.. d ~ . The present perfect . 90 . . youcanalsoendby mentioning the benefitsof the proposal beingaccepted.. B To: From: Adjectives These include imminent.g. fex:! forthcoming. intend.. MOS' · offera personal opinion · reassure the targetreader those who took part expressed an interest in similar projects. the first year. Accordingto the majorityof people I spoke to.. " Introduction Theaimof this proposal isto presentour suggestions regarding the waysinwhichstudents canprotectthemselves against crime. etc .Finally.anticipate.g. future. . complaints = being received on a daily basis. 5 A a.futurediscussion. Verbs These include propose...-" of the conversion bythe firstof nextmonth. _.'" before the beginning ofthe next academic year. the seminar can be considereda great success.. 2 Wewill havecompleted/becompletingthe .Ihave no doubt. events.g. The past simple . Conclusion The overall response to the event was encouraging. thepotentialprofit. thiswouldmeanthat. thefollowing canbeused: Thefuturesimple tensee.ifwecould. Seminar Organiser Seminar Subject: GlobalIssues Date: 2 April 20. attendedthe introductory meeting in March. for. Now readthe following endingsandsaywhat information hasbeenincluded.g. expect.match the beginningsto the endings.predict. giving reasons for your choices. possible. etc e. Thefuture perfecttense e. wemight.g. proposed. 3 Most membersof the societyread/are read. ....... Year One Suggestions for 'Topical Issues' 5 November 20.... Althoughwe are all few of us veryawareof the povertygap..... 5) .... it is vital that we are aware of the ~monitored ..the list of suggestions andthe the questions that follow. possible.... ~ ~ ....... 4) . wsletter.... -~ ~hememo.... This is an issuewhichI feel is relevantto the majorityof students.. ~ discussion.. _ ~ _ ~ ~~.g.. One subject that would be a useful addition to the curriculum is a study of worlddebt.Er -/1 a 2) ............... 3) ..... The information below is in support of three subjects that...ggestions to choose from..... Jsely monitor--: aye been COI1"...... saying whichsubjects you shouldbeincluded in the newcourse andwhy..Ther Ie been taker I..... you think students would benefit from a deeper ".. Jjects.. Ie...........~rcollegeis planning to introducea newcourse and ~'. -2 jour proposalin 180-220 words. read!are rea./ok.......-nalysing a Proposal 5and proposa -.. . Principal Hugh Jones....... etc.e issues.. e. Jredict.~ .. Ipletingthe = lext month.. Another area which is worthy of further investigation is that of the imminent dangers to the environment. but I anticipate that they will also provide us with a better understanding of the society we live in.e rubricand the readinginput below and s::..... forecos 1ticipatean~ :ussed.......... in my opinion.../ latest developments..... :.. ~r""'fr" 91 ---- ... ts....... Concerns 3nbeused: !needed.g.. -- No too .. Readthe modeland fillinthe gapswith the section headings given (some of the headings are not appropriate).::.... hoices.... :entialevents e beencarefu! mdoubtedly er- list of suggestions -. suggest subjects which could be covered in the '!.. tare happer n.. 1) ..... ...............complaints thatarerelel d favourably te - -e ::OJrse.. .~ ~ave beenasked to writea proposal for the Principal Jour suggestions for what shouldbe includedin 1 Whatisthe purpose of yourproposal? 2 Whoisthe targetreader? Howformaldoesyourwriting needto be? 3 Whichsubjects will yousuggestfor inclusion in the new course? 4 Do you needto mentionall the subjects on the list of suggestions? 5 Whichcomments fromstudents couldyouinclude in your proposal? Howcouldyouputthemintoyourownwords? ituatione. · Drug Abuse · WorldDebt · Benefits · What the Students Say · Gambling · Introduction · Crime · Environmental To: From: Subject: Date: Mr S.. A greater understanding of the situation and the reasons behind it could go some way towards helping to find solutions... et: )old which ::.... should be covered in the proposed Topical Issues classes.......... et: I...... gestionsbe .:r gathering opinions from the student body.. .. Finch.. Drugabuse Gambling ~ ...... we submit up to three suggestions for consideration... Only by examining the motivation behind offences can we fully understand the problem and concentrate on the important matters of protection and prevention. Many of us intend to take up positions in commerce or industryand since environmentallyfriendly policies are being increasingly adopted by companies.... tionto repay" e invited have3ngin March.. Worlddebt Crime Environmentalconcerns Not only willthese subjects be helpful in our future careers.. ~ " 8 a. ... ---er Mite yourproposal.... Subject: New Course _""<=' course is to be called 'Topical Issues' and the udy social issues of national and international _-..........I believethat very fully comprehend this complex issue.3: j.wemight.. on which you havemadesomenotes. Anonymity . . discuss the questionsthat follow. ba£. Please send us a report on the current conditions in your country and we promise to try to include as many different viewpoints as we can._-~-- - . 7 8 9 10 11 Poverty - ( remember to comparewithothercountries Whatpointsdo youhaveto cover~ Whichtenses will youuse? Whatsectionheadings will you useWhichformalwordsandphrases <n:i unit wouldbesuitable? Whatcouldyouincludein yourer:J .a modem disease? Everyone welcome. for each one.9. . ~ : · youattended onmajor social probie'o inyourcountry. Nowtheorganisers r. . Tell us about: 1 2 3 4 Doyouhave to writeareportor aproo What isyourrole? Who isgoingto readit? What is the purposeof each p:=writing? 5 Whatdoesthe reader want to knO' 6 What informationwill you include firstsection? .La -- Show& Tell PRODUCTIONS invites you to contribute to its forthcoming seriesentitled 'living in the RealWorld'.- . SummerSeminar July30th. : . - - -- - . ._~ . YourEnglish class hasbeentaking partin a projecton socialissues andyourteacherhasasked youto write a reportbased on yourcountry. Read advertisement for the seminarand your proposal in 220-260words.-.:: werecovered in a recent seminar wt. A A televisioncompanyis planningto make a serieson social conditions in differentcountries.31st Among the subjects that will be discussed a:'~ .-..a asked youto prepare a proposal. .- Writing: Reports and Proposals b. write tt'e report and the proposalin Ex. Equalopportunlties . 92 . on what you learnedat the selT"'" suggesting waysinwhichsome of ~ problems couldbe addressed. 9 waysof protecting the environment 10 heardabout Alvel'stoke College ~ Discuss\]J1jlB 9 Read the two rubrics below and. Thenwrite yourreport in \80-220 words.- . Homelessness the sad facts. Come and express your opinion. . Crime and its prevention.( mentionjobopportunities ) . Attitudestowards animals - ( bepositive! ) Usingthe informationyo_ 10 Portfolio: havelearnedin this unit. Lookat the list of words and phrases below and match them to the phrases in italics in the model. 1 affectsnearlyallof us 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 we really don't knowenoughabout be usefulwhenwe get ajob do something aboutit giveus what causes it planto work shouldbeincluded in the course B Belowisa listof the mainpointswI'. Readthe advertisement. . suddenly. the achievement award.. MrsJones passed at the ageof eighty-two.. 14 Incourt. :0 bringhim . You've the lawandyouwill bearrested..myfather on fishingtripsevery weekend. Recc ! seminarand -260words. j at the ser'"' 1ichsomeof Jdressed.. Johnhasreally herheart. ~ader wantto n will you inc~ C beans D feelings yoUhaveto co .a :hose people. I bedroom when.:ai:ed : .. I'msorry. ~ad it? pose of eacr ~ C self-indulgent D self-conscious 2: ~n feeling rather down in the ... but. B fix C throw D bridge . =:abulary & Grammar ::"'OOsethe most suitable word to complete 3G1. Willyouput thosecups in the cupboard.2'1d why she'sso angry. Willyou I'll 2 somemilkon yourwayhome? youbackfor whatyou'vedoneto me! David isemigrating to Italy? Ijustcan't overit. oersonal phone calls during office hours IS Joon where I work..'1e had '" :=:he road.. Wr-oE proposalin ~ Hegavemesome advice .. sentence. B pressure C power D force :~der wasobliged to reportto hisprobation = .there'snot a C grain of truth in D slip B touch -':c ed out in the fight andthey hadto throw . 3 The policewarnedthat a criminalhad out of prison..otten '- the puppiesin an old box by the C deserted D abandoned b... canwecheer ~ ~ Useof English 2 Think of one word which can be used appropriately in all three sentences... Sueissomiserable.. Don'tforgetyour ..... C advisor D leader [heinformaticr I this unit. 3 Thankyou for the invitation.. ~ :00 to dare to stand up and speak in . I hada diamondbraceletstolenwhileIwason holiday. ill youuse? eadings will yo~ ~ords andphr~ suitable? u include in yo.. (4 marks) 'c condemned D criticised :ea report or a :::...eekly basis. there wasa scream fromdownstairs.. Complete each of the sentences with a short phrase using the most appropriate past or passive form.."a penknifewith you.j.I'd love to cometo the celebration tonightandseeHelen. D get C back .the accused A was B pleaded guiltyto allthe charges. s. it still bythen.~e match against all . I won't wasteanymoreof your.... Hehada of heartanddecided to stay.. C claimed D admitted on funding D away (15marks) 15 Thegovernment hasdecided to cut for education.- i: e E John .. herup? -::-. :ome.. B hopes C facts Dodds 5 ~-a?.....: time.. .. B round C in Dover -~ental groupGreenpeace hasdone "'-~e government policies... 4 Scientists areworriedaboutclimatic . o Hehunghisnewjacketon the backof a!..= '1g -... I wassofuriousthat I hungupon him! Hehunghisheadin shame asheconfessed to the crimes. ern disease? -2:... ' might ollege nar lSt De discussed ~ sad facts. Hewasasked to complete the projectandhandit in to the lecturerbythe followingFriday.seventy-five pence.. 4 WhenI wasyoung.neverlendmoneyto anyone! Unfortunately... I reallycan't C unconditional D invasive 2 -'::-~g . evention.ain points 1t seminar I/'F' If{:' r socialpro~ Ieorganisers j proposal.. please? (10marks) . ~~~ f)er attitude quite :=:.. Mr Williams is fromthe officetoday...'S to assistold people can help to 2"'.:'ationgap. unfortunately. A off Bout :isa s-J'ong -:::"'1e squabble andthey didn't makeup for B sharp B be C bitter C fall D sour in handy. That was. so 1 decided to join the army. He says his main aim is to try and motivate people. 'Lots of disaG-people are much better at what th€1 than able-bodied people.0that the farmer's lifewas not for ~ took a year off to work as a volur-= centre for the homeless. You don't need to speak to him for long before you realise that this is a particularly appropriate title.II Reading 3 Read the text. He was invited to speak at a large number 0conferences. 1wanted to make a difference. 3 experience which. while walking in a supposed. There is one extra 'paragraph you do not need to use. Six paragraphs have been removed.wanted an army officer wagricultural and command experience. set up a business and help get the best out of people. 39. He accepts respo-' because he chose to work in minec G After studying agriculture. is refreshingly down to earth. Now. B After leavingthe army. although he prefers to be called a performance enhancer rather than a motivational speaker. ar i ' when he heard that the Britishcharity. what is about?' - [TI ] He began to do risk management surveys for different companies.L i 1 ! It would be easyto feel intimidated by someone who has survivedabduction by the Khmer Rouge. We need to IJ at what people can do rather than they can't and have a fully integ'3. proving that even superheroes can't be in two places at once. . Not only does he talk with an almost evangelical zeal about his desire to empower others to get the best out of themselves and their businesses. He lost r\s right arm and leg. E Not that he's totally downhearted statistically proven that those pe who leave money to charity liveyears longer than those who 0:: Sounds good to me.. he decided to do a masters degree in security management at the University of Leicester. him to talk to their employees abo dealing with change. but his own philosophy is all about making the best of any situation. C He isalso keen to challenge the conc~the disabled scrapheap. but does not cc himself a victim. During . he was commissioned into the Royal Military Police and also served with several infantry units. J He has called it Ma The Best (MTB). is he surprised to find himself running his own business? 'My mum's cousin had an extremely successful dairy business and when 1 was very young he said to me: 'When you've done all the other things you want to do. area in Mozambique. I 'I decided it was about doing the best we can.where 0 will? F The things he learned fror" experience helped him to survive he was blown up by a mine twc later. Chris runs a compar set up to help clients solve proble~ human resources and see management.' he says. while giving talks on leadership. 'There is no greater privilege than empowering someone to do something they thought they couldn't. my driving force. m I to do some sort of charity work.1 abducted by the Khmer Rouge.' D At present. even to the point of finding it difficult to keep the initial appointments for this interview.ha: profound effect on him. But my one thought was never to assume the role of victim.' He obviously had it right.' o I His big break could be said to have come shortly after he left hospital. It would have been so easy to give up. m I 'When we were first kidnapped. reaching our full potential and making use of our talents. Recognising the value of education and feeling that he hadn't been able to do his best at school. he ::.~ HALOTrust . he felt he wanta. but 1 quickly realised that fear is a state of inactivity.. Yet Chris Moon. [II . not surprisingly. and also found that frien~ with their own companieswere askir-. ~ was keen to get involved. It's also about involvement with other people. do something 1 could be trained in but also grow as a person.' . society.' clearing mines in Cambodia that he :. 1 thought 1 had no control as 1 kept thinking 1 can't do anything about this. A After completing the degree he hac plentyof job offersbut felt he wanted tc keep the focuson charitywork. It was wn j . when he was talking to an old friend from primary school who suggested he looked on the accident as an opportunity to do something that would help him grow as a person. You have to be positive and pursue logic and reason.' On graduating from Sandhurst.which specialises in IT''''' clearance . . run the London marathon shortly after losing their lower right arm and leg in an accident and appeared on the BBC's Parkinson show.~ he decided to change directior myself the question. @] I So after all the experiences he has been through. and still is. dealing with change and the process of achievement. however grimit mayseem.Choosefrom paragraphs A-G the one which fits each gap (1-6). . decide the _ Lr'1k pose -:. . to eachother :c emsshownin _::.~ =. f' to society _-:Quid bedealt 'ose to we 19 agricu..::~ 6-10.rimes when they have been 1m' I .<.~as. (?tudents A &B Iking in a s.31 he wanted work.:r. aritish char- -e places where the incidents -ace.. .. >pIe.artedhisown ~ [IT] .._'" Jed ':Y' I 2:SSed an exam Which two of these social problems pose the most serious threat to society? How should they be dealt with? (10marks) up by a . choose from the e OJtcomeof each I ve a fully ~ l I _ ''>. . What do you think the main causeof crime is in modern society? Do you think parents should be held responsible for their children's crimes? How do you think environmental problems affect our mood? Doyou believethat society willever be free from poverty? Why do you think the younger generation have less community spirit than previous generations? Do you think the needs of older people are adequately catered for? (17 marks) .n armyoffice md experier> "'ed. but ace "1. := ~ IT] s-.. He leg. Jen that ti ey to chapt' Ian those ) me.choose from the list e felt he wir larity wor\<. n. estions1-5.:. He ge numbei 1d that me es were as! nployees at! .)ree he 1"-. . Nov 1e learnec :>eelhim tc :: JO:ained ~ ... ~ hearfivepeopletalking __ . lenge the cOX 3p. "€r's life .Iable unhurt asreunited ~ . )ff to wrY' ao Ie '1of'1eless :: :0 change QuestlC" ... Discussthe following questions together..-:5 "11en.. We needo rather ::- . b. runs a co~ntssolveP :es and ~has called Lallydowr"':. It W<J> - 1ationroom bodia that ~hmer RO'v ~ : surprising.. .Gt a job ~ somemoney ::s:::aped G. 'Lots of :: iter at wha.. He accec-" .: ctures showing ~ Ne now haveto -::. :>eeialises .. II . 97 .. useful-like (. .: Ip creative tale"' ~ed to learn actica1 skills .~.Units5-6 Authori~ funding Our Changing World - -I UNIT 6 A Job Well Done '<TRA FU to have physic. .. . . · · the future conditionals and wishes key word transformations . .. . . . . . .... .. . science and technology artificial intelligence advances and inventions technology and everyday life communication technology space travel . . gapped sentences word formation multiplechoicecloze cloze contributions to longer pieces Write . about the set texts 98 . . . . . .. . requests evaluate and select congratulate Phrasa1 verbs . . send take work get Practise .. what is the twentieth century's most important technological/scientific achievement? What is your dream job? Why? Listen. .. . share and justify your make/respond to polite opinions compare and assess ask for clarification . .. . read and talk about . job satisfaction working at night jobs and the workplace attitudes to work employer-employee relationships unemployment Learn how to .Units 5-6 Before you start · . · In your opinion. . peopledidn'tuseto go out a lot. Which ones do you think will occur in the next 50 years? Are there any which you ! to polite select . What changes to our world do these pictures represent? Think about: 3 · transport · natural disasters · technology· environment Lookat the followingpossible technological advances. :Jhat changes are they talking about? .5(OS. our servant may prove to be our executioner: OmarBradley (U.)st 1t orkplace )rk oyee Lead-in .S. agree... giving reasons for your opinions. Think about: · · entertainment · work · education · communication · clothes 'If we continue to develop our technology without wisdom or prudence. don't they? 99 . a:.ow will these changes affect our lives in the future? Which -Nill have the greatest impact on our lives? Which are changes =orthe better and which for the worse? Discuss in pairs. :3. · Jsten to some people talking about changes in lifestyle. Lookat the title of the unit.What doeseachone mean?What attitude doeseach speakerhavetowardstechnofogy? Whichquotation iscloserto your own ideas? Discuss..tingwithfriends or watchingTv. discuss your answers. use some of the expressions to discuss other business manges to our lives. WWI1 ArmyGeneral) 'Change is not made without inconvenience...that'strue. even from worse to better: Richard Hooker (Britishtheologian) " rfJe past. Theyhadevenings at home.'Jhat do they say about: the past? the present? the future? .in pairs. butI'mnot sureit will befor thebetter. more . think will never happen? In groups.'hich of these expressions do the speakers use? -= · · · · a computerthat canholda proper conversation a mannedmission to Mars a vaccine againstAIDS an electric car which is as fast as a petrol-powered one a device which predicts earthquakes · 4 accurately a hurricane-proof home :GSt · today <= :d days ~ 'lces )n :e doze -. zhink computers will affectourlivesthemost.Nowadays peopleseem to enjoylongnightsin clubsand . of the past ~randparents' · · · · · whereas these days at the moment inrecentyears recently becoming more and · · · · ina fewyears'time inthe not too distant future bythe year 2050 i:immII Paraphrase the following quotations. inyearsto come yearsfromnow A/OW.
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