
March 17, 2018 | Author: hardik033 | Category: Bearing (Mechanical), Bronze, Engines, Machines, Mechanical Engineering



UP 082600KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED India: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Baroda, Bhubaneswar, Kolkata, Chennai, Jaipur, Kochi, Lucknow, Mumbai, Nagpur, New Delhi, Pune, Ranchi, Secunderabad. Overseas: Ajman, Cairo, Johannesburg, Nairobi, Phnom Penh, Miami, Vientiane Enquiries may be directed to the nearest Sales Office. KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED CORPORATE OFFICE : Udyog Bhavan, Tilak Road, Pune - 411 002 (India) Phone : (020) 2444 0770 FAX : (020) 2444 0156 Email : [email protected] Web Site : www.kbl.co.in, www.kirloskar.com WORKS : KIRLOSKARVADI 416 308. DIST. SANGLI PHONE : (02346) 222301-5 FAX : (02346) 222311 KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED As we are constantly endeavouring to improve the performance of our products/ equipment, we reserve the right to make alterations from time to time and as such our products/ equipment may differ from that detailed in this publication. For latest information you may get in touch with our Regional Sales Offices. TYPE - UP / UPL / UPH HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS KIRLOSKAR HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH R A N G E F A M I L Y Delivery size up to 1220 mm C U R V E S UP/ UPL/ UPH Pumps at - 50Hz Capacity up to 24,000 m³/hr Head up to 180 meters 160 Speed, N = 1450 rpm A P P L I C A T I O N S Suitable for handling water with slight impurities in Industries, Water Works, Storm Water, 100 90 80 Irrigation, Sprinkler Irrigation Fire-fighting, Air Conditioning, Water Circulation, Waste Water TOTAL HEAD IN METRES Treatment, Processing, Power, Fertilizer, Refinery, Paper, Sugar and Textile Mills, etc. 70 8UPH6M (UPH 200/64) 6UP4FB UP 200/56 6UP4F 60 50 10UPH6 (UPH 250/66) 14UPH6 U U P P 2 5 3 1 1 0/5 4UP 00 /57 4UP H4 7 H6 M UP 150/45 UP 250/46 40 30 UP 250/38 UP 300/39 UP 350/46 1 4 UP H4 M1 UP 8UPH1 20 35 0/5 4 UP 300/34 UP 250/33 UP 400/46 10 9 8 100 200 300 500 800 1000 2000 3000 Capacity in m3/hr UP Pumps at 60 Hz SPEED, N= 1150 rpm 100 90 80 70 60 10UPH6 (UPH 250/66) 8UPH6M (UPH 200/64) 6UP4FB UP 200/56 6UP4F 50 14UPH6 UP 250/57 UP 30 0/5 7 14 U PH 4 14UPH4M1 40 UP 150/40 UP 250/46 30 UP 300/46 UP 35 0/6 U UP 300/39 6 P UP 250/38 20 8UPH1 15 54 0/ 35 TOTAL HEAD IN METRES UP 300/34 UP 250/33 U P 46 0/ 0 4 10 9 8 7 6 5 72 80 90 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1500 2000 2538 3 Volume rate of flow m /hr,Q CYMK Jaipur.50Hz Head up to 180 meters 160 Speed. KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED CORPORATE OFFICE : Udyog Bhavan.in Web Site : www. Processing. Sprinkler Irrigation Fire-fighting. Nairobi. Refinery. Ranchi. Phnom Penh. Secunderabad.kirloskar. Pune .com WORKS : KIRLOSKARVADI 416 308. 10UPH6 (UPH 250/66) 8UPH6M (UPH 200/64) 6UP4FB 70 UP UP 200/56 6UP4F 60 50 14UPH6 UP 25 30 14U 0/5 0/5 14U PH4 7 PH 7 6M UP 150/45 UP 250/46 40 30 UP 350/46 1 4U PH 4M UP 300/39 1 UP 35 0/5 4 UP 250/38 8UPH1 20 UP 300/34 UP 250/33 UP 400/46 10 9 8 100 200 300 500 800 1000 2000 3000 Capacity in m3/hr UP Pumps at 60 Hz SPEED. etc. Cairo. Kochi. Fertilizer.Q CYMK .000 m³/hr TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH F A M I L Y C U R V E S UP/ UPL/ UPH Pumps at . Pune. Bhubaneswar. Bangalore. Tilak Road. DIST. N= 1150 rpm 100 90 80 70 60 10UPH6 (UPH 250/66) 8UPH6M (UPH 200/64) 6UP4FB UP 200/56 6UP4F 50 UP 250/57 14UPH6 14 U UP 30 0/5 7 PH 4 14UPH4M1 40 UP 150/40 UP 250/46 30 UP 300/46 UP 300/39 UP 300/34 54 0/ 35 8UPH1 15 6 P UP 250/38 20 UP 35 0/6 U TOTAL HEAD IN METRES Irrigation. Miami.co.411 002 (India) Phone : (020) 2444 0770 FAX : (020) 2444 0156 Email : kblin@kbl. Paper. www. Power. TOTAL HEAD IN METRES Treatment. N = 1450 rpm A P P L I C A T I O N S Suitable for handling water with slight impurities in Industries.UP 082600 KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED India: Ahmedabad. SANGLI PHONE : (02346) 222301-5 FAX : (02346) 222311 KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED As we are constantly endeavouring to improve the performance of our products/ equipment. Kolkata. Water Works. Vientiane Enquiries may be directed to the nearest Sales Office. we reserve the right to make alterations from time to time and as such our products/ equipment may differ from that detailed in this publication. Waste Water 100 90 80 UP 250/33 U P 46 0/ 40 10 9 8 7 6 5 72 80 90 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1500 2000 2538 3 Volume rate of flow m /hr. Nagpur. Johannesburg. Air Conditioning. Lucknow.co. Overseas: Ajman. New Delhi. Water Circulation. Chennai.kbl. Baroda.UP / UPL / UPH HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS KIRLOSKAR HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS R A N G E Delivery size up to 1220 mm Capacity up to 24. TYPE . Storm Water. Mumbai.in. For latest information you may get in touch with our Regional Sales Offices. Sugar and Textile Mills. Table PN16 plain face depending upon model. St. FLANGES 3 4 Suitable for coupling with electric motors. vibration free performance. DISCHARGE IN m3/ hr 40 30 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1100 IMPELLER 6 7 Horizontal axially spilt volute type. 8M TOTAL HEAD IN METRES UP UP1 UP125/32 2 5/ 30B / 00 P2 UP 65/24A UP 100/29 UP125/30A UP 80/30 UP 100/35 UP 65/38 U 8 10 UP 50/30A 15 UP 50/30B 20 30 UP150/45 40 100 90 80 70 60 50 BEARINGS UP150/53 Can be sealed by gland packing or by mechanical seal and is suitable for liquids having temperature up to 90°C.CC 480K Zinc Free Bronze (ZFB) ASTM . gear boxes etc. FG 260 Cast Iron (CI) 55 16 85 42 12 450 109 55 16 WT KG 740 445 700 678 755 ASTM BSEN 1561-EN-GJL 250 ASTM .CC 491K BS 1504-101A Cast Steel BSEN 1982. I 5 15 20 Double or single suction type accurately balanced. B ASTM .60Hz The shaft is protected by shaft sleeves from wear in stuffing box area. 1040 BS1632 Gr. Module No.5 55 16 WT KG 72 1040 68 20 72.5 80 22 72 1035 85 131 1152 68 20 72.) DEL. . double suction or single suction. UP 150/45 UP 150/26(N) -2900 RPM 70 90 80 Rotating assembly accessible for inspection or maintenance by removing upper half casing without disturbing suction and delivery piping and motor. SG 500/7 SG Iron (SGI) IS 210 (1978) Gr. K J E W SUC DEL ø ø a PUMP MOUNTING DIMENSIONS a1 f f1 400 350 850 650 1010 14UPH4/ 4M1 300 250 650 600 820 10UPH 6 250 200 550 525 700 8UPH6M 250 200 425 325 517 8UPH1 200 150 500 405 512 6UP 4FB* 200 150 500 405 462 6UP 4FB 200 150 445 405 512 6UP 4F/4F(L) f2 h1 446 283.5 445 456 406 467 618 690 875 890 302 490 352 490 372 470 500 595 600 620 730 900 650 800 h2 b m1 m2 370 152 533 457 368 150 400 320 368 150 400 320 375 140 350 290 455 160 480 400 490 200 540 440 640 240 660 560 n1 n2 533 190. 20 0/4 UP 2 25 0/ UP 38 20 0/3 8 UP 150/38A /38 M TOTAL HEAD IN METRES UP 65/24 20 UP UP 50/30 30 40 50 High hydraulic and overall efficiency due to superior design and manufacturing techniques. Vertical pump. LTB2 Bronze ASTM .50 Hz C O N S T R U C T I O N A L C U R V E S F E A T U R E S HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS G E N E R A L D I M E N S I O N S / M O U N T I N G F A M I L Y TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH D E T A I L S G E N E R A L UP/ UPH/ UPL PUMP D I M E N S I O N S / M O U N T I N G D E T A I L S UP (Metric) PUMP R P N M DEL.Stainless Steel CYMK .Q 50 60 80 3 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 2 Optional :DIN /ASA with suitable pressure rating depending upon model. O Module No.5 330 95 160 102 360 95 180 102 PUMP TYPE WT SHAFT END n3 M O U N T I N G u 12 12 12 12 18 w 75 75 75 62 V F G D C. 1 Phosphor Bronze (Ph. SUC. SPEED. 6 DRIVE UP 80/24 10 0/2 4 UP 12 5 /2 4 UP 15 0 /3 Optional : Clockwise ( CW ) when viewed from driving end.S 4 HOLES OH Dimensions PUMP MODEL 400 350 850 700 950 14UPH 6 G E N E R A L A B C D 350 300 710 500 560 UP 300/34 575 300 250 650 520 500 UP 250/46 514 300 250 540 400 410 UP 250/33 250 200 710 500 560 UP 200/56 KG S E 400 F G 410 150 320 D 350 300 710 500 560 UP 300/46 300 250 650 520 500 UP 250/57 440 400 500 E F 350 120 410 150 590 120 450 130 550 120 G H 418 X J 27 438 27 460 27 428 27 525 27 27 K 25 600 25 630 35 650 25 740 25 760 25 720 M 1025 1065 1120 1230 1300 1260 N P 360 350 365 420 455 420 R S J 27 352 350 120 M 512 320 1000 S T 340 450 652 1197 525 V W 85 59 87 45 85 59 87 45 85 59 Y X 55 16 90 42 12 425 109 593 1102 550 320 U 450 110 936 450 612 1117 525 320 995 R 592 1077 550 275 965 25 600 25 600 P 372 865 25 575 27 27 N 1070 25 510 27 383 452 K 30 600 23 392 410 150 410 150 IS BS IS 1570 Gr. ASTM . suction and discharge nozzles and supporting feet are cast integral with lower half casing. III SHAFTS Module No. UP 150/53 100 Bottom suction branch.A 21674 d Gr. St. F Y D B A SUC DEL 400 350 950 600 750 UP 350/66 500 C A Y X A SUC DEL 350 300 710 500 560 UP 300/39 485 822 94 1170 22 142 1600 Equivalent International Standards 25 128 2800 25 170 2900 D E T A I L S UP (Metric) PUMP R P U Ni 11 Mo 3 N M K W J F G PUMP TYPE 400 400 850 600 700 UP 400/46 T U 550 695 1326 700 575 150 775 1415 725 225 100 678 1298 725 550 135 710 1300 650 475 100 638 1218 575 450 100 638 1218 500 V W X Y 68 20 72. UP200/30 UP UP150/38B 65 /3 UP 10 UP 150 0/38 /38A UP 80/38 DIRECTION OF ROTATION 38 UP250/38 Grease Lubricated deep groove ball / roller bearings are provided.) C 350 300 890 560 750 UP 300/57 500 500 445 H 392 300 100 440 400 400 Material standards Material T SUC. AFG Ni 15 Austenitic Cast IS 1865 (1974) Gr. minimum maintenance required. direct drive or with universal shaft arrangement. St.A 48 CL 35 BS 2789 SNG 500/7 ASTM .304 S 15 AISI 410 (St. single stage. The high tensile steel shaft accurately machined and ground is supported by antifriction bearings. IE Module No.5 80 22 90 72 1404 85 146 1568 59 78 990 * For clockwise Direction of Rotation. CF8M BS 970 316 S16 AISI 304 (St. St. 9 8 UP 80/24 10 UP 100/24 UP PUMP CASING 125 /24 High reliability.12 20 30 40 Volume rate of flow m /hr.A 276 Type 304 BS 970 410 S 21 IS 28 Gr.A 107 Gr. B145 Alloy 4A ASTM . N = 1150 rpm STUFFING BOX UPPumps at . V B 400 350 850 600 700 UP 350/54 450 110 E C A 4 HOLES O ‘H’ DRILL THRO. 200 UP (Metric) Pumps at 1450 rpm . the hydraulic thrust is balanced automatically because of pressure equalization on both sides of the impeller. single volute or double volute type pumps with horizontal shaft. WCB Material of construction Casing Half Upper Casing Half Lower Impeller Wear Ring Shaft Shaft Sleeve CI CI CI CI 40C8/ SS 410 CI CI CI Bronze Bronze 40C8/ SS 410 Bronze CI CI Bronze CI 40C8/ SS 410 CI CI CI Bronze Bronze 40C8/ SS 410 SS 410 H CI CI CI CI 40C8 SS 410 H CI CI CF 8M CI 40C8 SS 410 H St.A 276 Type 316 BS 970 . UP 60 Horizontal execution ( standard ) or vertical execution ( optional ). UP 150/30A(N) . UP250/30 0 Standard : Anticlockwise ( ACW ) when viewed from driving end. UP 250/30 12 P 1 5/ 3 O 50 / 3O B UP 200/30 UP 100/35 UP 80/38 UP 65/38 65 Good suction performance and low NPSH.5 dø 176 42 42 42 213 42 225 l t 85 85 85 67 65 100 275 46 46 46 45 69 80 150 85. ASTM .A 351 Gr.) IS 318 Gr.A 536 60-40-18 & 65 45-12 BS 3468 AUS 101 Gr. Standard :Drilled to BS : 10 Table D/E/F or BS-4504.A 276 Type 410 BSEN 1982. 9 CF8M (St. Br. 40CC 8 Carbon Steel (CS) Cu 6 Cr 3 Iron (ACI) IS 2749 Gr. engines or steam turbines either directly or through belt drives. B ASTM .2900 RPM SPECIAL FEATURES These are horizontal axially split casing.R. In case of double suction impellers.) IS 1570 Gr. Large pumps can be provided with Oil Lubricated/ Oil ring bearings. UP 125/30A UP 100/29 UP 80/30 UP 50/30A UP UP 100 /38 U Stable characteristics. St.B62.A 436 Type 1 BS 970 080 M 40 ASTM .) IS 3444 Gr. 05 Cr 18 AISI 316 (St. II Module No.5 635 635 540 715 850 980 550 200 670 600 1150 D I M E N S I O N S / 195 195 150 265 300 370 400 sø o p 27 360 550 33 330 370 27 275 350 27 225 290 23 213 250 180 25 180 290 180 25 180 290 1” 142 190. 80 80 84 95 ‘W1’ ‘CP1’ 506 276 506 276 ‘Wt’ ‘L1’ Kg.5 306.4 32 180 4500 900 800 1426 960 1600 1350 1000 1429 874 610 610 350 1400 1200 1870 1520 530 990 39 125 220 NOTES : 1) 2) 3) 4) All dimensions are in mm.5 306. Flanges Drilled to BS 4504 PN 16 (FF) For mechanical seal version other dimensions remain the same.5 275 175 696 325 275 175 696 325 240 170 696 320 285 175 696 340 210 170 696 310 230 160 696 310 235 180 734 350 245 175 734 335 245 175 734 335 260 205 753 340 300 210 872 400 355 195 897 380 270 235 872 365 355 195 897 380 310 210 872 410 310 210 872 410 310 210 897 410 355 269 872 430 300 285 936 450 350 225 936 480 360 250 936 430 ‘Wt’ Kg.5 280 164 280 164 265 130 265 158 265 158 265 137 259 180 259 182 259 182 293 177 345 240 330 262 325 253 330 270 325 286 325 286 325 286 325 308 307 372 307 350 307 348 84 95 392 740 592 1077 432 560 592 1077 432 588 592 1077 205 404 732 410 732 410 732 410 732 410 693 378 693 378 668 378 668 378 897 480 668 378 897 480 668 378 753 413 578 316 578 316 578 316 530 292 530 292 530 292 530 292 530 292 530 292 197 150 197 150 182 120 182 146 182 146 182 124 181 170 181 172 181 172 293 177 243 218 330 262 223 236 330 270 223 271 223 271 223 271 223 291 205 356 205 331 205 332 97 25 140 2850 570 490 475 470 25 23 100 850 410 320 90 512 420 265 936 540 307 420 102 25 130 2950 106 28 160 5090 102 25 130 7015 250 200 UP 200/56 250 200 UP 200/42 200 150 UP 150/53 III 750 680 710 400 500 600 400 500 530 500 600 560 25 28 30 27 27 27 150 890 320 200 110 150 840 320 200 110 150 1070 400 200 110 592 592 592 450 320 1077 500 450 270 1077 550 450 372 1077 550 432 588 432 560 392 740 108 28 145 4920 185 45 240 12675 132 32 216 18618 900 1725 1425 825 600 41 115 185 122.5 230 130 565 270 221. Standard direction of rotation anti-clockwise viewed from driving end. SUC DEL Dimensions PUMP PUMP MOUNTING DIMENSIONS SUC DEL TYPE ø ø 16UPH1/2 16 UMCS2 16UPH3 a a1 f f1 f2 575 875 745 850 650 450 400 425 725 665 800 670 450 400 425 725 665 800 670 450 400 UPH550/70(C) 650 550 1000 750 1165 960 20UPH1 20UPH3(M1) 24UPH3/M 28UPL2 30UPH1 36UPH2 h1 h2 O b P m1 SHAFT END m2 n1 900 950 675 490 490 250 760 1150 900 925 580 430 430 250 900 1120 715 1150 700 550 550 220 1000 600 1140 720 860 565 330 330 240 720 770 540 330 330 240 720 770 540 330 330 240 607 850 650 1007 952 600 500 615 995 865 850 700 600 500 600 1100 600 1100 800 1100 n4 sø dø n3 n2 l 870 370 500 27 68 100 870 370 500 27 68 100 900 350 550 27 90 150 900 450 450 27 100 165 900 375 525 30 90 150 850 325 525 33 95 150 683 1100 795 512 512 350 1115 750 750 1100 850 1165 980 792 1220 845 480 480 300 1400 1200 1710 1510 590 920 42 95 150 750 700 1235 890 1392 1310 623 1168 810 546 546 406 1118 760 610 1219 914 1105 871 965 1474 1270 635 635 33 100 165 965 1350 1150 575 575 33 100 165 900 900 1550 1050 1710 1450 1110 1500 975 610 610 350 1400 1200 2000 1650 575 1075 39 175 250 44UPH1A 1200 1100 1750 1350 1825 1600 20UPH3M2DV 600 600 1275 1050 1400 1175 36UPH2M1 825 1800 1230 800 800 400 2200 2000 2400 2000 850 1150 50 125 220 950 1200 800 540 540 300 1005 u WT KG 90 2150 74 20 90 2150 74 20 w t 97 25 142 2810 106 28 160 4500 100 UP 80/24 80 UP 65/24 65 UP 50/30B 65 UP 50/30A 0 80 UP 65/38M 80 UP 65/38 I 50 50 65 80 65 65 150 125 UP 125/30B 150 125 UP 125/30A 150 125 UP 125/24 150 100 UP 100/29 150 100 UP 100/24 100 UP 80/38 125 UP 80/30 80 80 250 250 UP 250/38 250 250 UP 250/30 200 200 UP 200/38 250 200 UP 200/30 200 150 UP 150/45 200 150 UP 150/38BC 200 150 UP 150/38B 200 150 UP 150/38A 200 150 UP 150/30AN 200 150 UP 150/30 200 150 UP 150/26N 150 100 II UP 100/38 IE UP 100-35 150 100 ‘A’ 300 300 300 300 400 400 330 440 260 300 310 370 370 400 440 500 370 500 450 450 450 450 420 520 520 ‘B’ ‘D’ ‘E’ 210 240 230 210 240 230 210 240 230 210 250 230 240 300 300 240 300 300 280 310 230 280 310 340 280 330 160 280 310 200 330 330 210 330 330 270 330 330 270 300 360 300 330 360 340 370 385 400 370 415 270 370 385 400 370 390 350 370 390 350 370 390 350 370 450 350 470 495 320 470 400 420 470 460 420 ‘G’ ‘H’ 15 15 18 18 25 25 25 25 20 25 25 25 25 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 14 14 14 14 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 ‘J’ ‘O’ ‘R’ 70 442 170 70 442 170 70 440 170 70 450 170 ‘S’ 90 90 90 90 100 575 190 100 100 565 190 100 100 550 220 130 100 585 220 130 100 553 220 130 100 540 220 130 100 560 270 180 100 580 270 180 100 580 270 180 100 630 240 140 100 660 270 180 100 635 300 220 100 695 310 220 100 655 300 220 100 680 310 220 100 680 310 220 100 680 310 220 100 780 310 220 100 810 410 320 100 720 410 320 100 775 410 320 ‘V’ 48 48 ‘W’ 304 304 50 306. 72 191 72 191 565 221.10 1800 2000 3000 4000 Capacity in m3/hr 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 20000 24000 DETAILS AT .5 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 75 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 375 375 375 375 375 375 394 394 394 413 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 512 512 512 ‘X’ For Mechanical Seal ‘Z’ ‘CP’ ‘YY’ 225 140 548 275 225 140 548 275 ‘L’ 219 219 210 130 565 280 221. 132 32 216 9000 UPH1050/110 1050 1050 1675 1135 1925 1745 1275 1650 1050 710 710 380 1500 1300 2160 1780 620 1160 42 175 220 185.4 45 188 14000 UPH1200/160 1400 1200 2200 1684 2105 1800 1150 2200 1248 1100 1100 400 2200 2000 2400 2000 750 1050 42 160 275 168 40 240 18000 CYMK .5 565 221.5 50 306.A 20 20 UPH 1 1170 rpm 28 UPL 2 880 rpm 16 UM Cs2 1170 rpm 3M PH U pm 24 80r 8 TOTAL HEAD IN METRES DEL 30 16 UPH 1 1170 rpm 30 UPH 1 880 rpm UPH 550/70(C) 880 rpm 40 50 44 UPH 1A 585 rpm 30 U P 585 H 2 (M1 rpm ) 16 UPH 2 1170 rpm UPH 1250/160 395 rpm UPH105 0/ 585 rpm 110 20 UPH 3 (M1) 1170 rpm 60 36 UPH 2 705 rpm 24 UPH 3 880 rpm 70 16 1 1 UP 70 H 3 rpm 80 90 100 20 UPH 3M2 DV 880 rpm 110 UP Pumps at 60 Hz Capacity in m3/hr 1300 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 20000 22000 7 8 9 10 ‘A’ 60 10 35 42 87 12 45 III 55 85 16 59 ‘AA’ ‘AB’ ‘AC’ 0 24 44 8 27 I 25 50 8 28 TOTAL HEAD IN METRES 32 II ‘U’ m6 20UPH 1 16UMCS2 980 rpm 980 rpm 20 28UPL 2 740 rpm 44UPH1A 490 rpm 3M H UP pm 24 0 r 74 IE UNIT NO 16UPH 1 980 rpm 30UPH 1 740 rpm UPH 550/70(C) 740 rpm 30 36UPH 2 (M1) 590 rpm UPH 1200/160 330 rpm 16UPH 2 980 rpm 20UPH 3 (M1) 980 rpm 40 36UPH 2 590 rpm 16UPH 3 980 rpm 50 UPH 1 590 050/110 rpm 24UPH 3 740 rpm 60 20UPH 3 M2 DV 740 rpm 70 75 UP Pumps at 50 Hz UP (Metric) PUMP D E T A I L S F A M I L Y C U R V E S HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS M O U N T I N G M O U N T I N G D I M E N S I O N S / D I M E N S I O N S / G E N E R A L G E N E R A L TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH D E T A I L S UP/ UPL/ UPH Pump Dimensions For Soft Packed PUMP TYPE MODULE NO. A 20 20 UPH 1 1170 rpm DEL 28 UPL 2 880 rpm 3M PH m U p 24 80r 8 16 UM Cs2 1170 rpm TOTAL HEAD IN METRES 30 16 UPH 1 1170 rpm 44 UPH 1A 585 rpm 30 UPH 1 880 rpm UPH 550/70(C) 880 rpm 40 30 U P 585 H 2 (M1 rpm ) 16 UPH 2 1170 rpm 50 16 1 1 UP 70 H 3 rpm 90 36 UPH 2 705 rpm 24 UPH 3 880 rpm 70 80 UPH 1250/160 395 rpm UPH105 0/ 585 rpm 110 20 UPH 3 (M1) 1170 rpm 60 20 UPH 3M2 DV 880 rpm 100 110 UP Pumps at 60 Hz Capacity in m3/hr 1300 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 20000 22000 7 8 9 10 ‘A’ 42 II 32 IE 25 I 24 0 ‘U’ m6 UNIT NO 85 87 60 50 44 ‘AA’ 16 59 12 45 10 35 8 28 8 27 ‘AB’ 28UPL 2 740 rpm 20UPH 1 16UMCS2 980 rpm 980 rpm 44UPH1A 490 rpm 3M H UP rpm 4 2 0 74 55 III TOTAL HEAD IN METRES 20 16UPH 1 980 rpm 30UPH 1 740 rpm UPH 550/70(C) 740 rpm 36UPH 2 (M1) 590 rpm 30 UPH 1200/160 330 rpm 16UPH 2 980 rpm ‘AC’ 20UPH 3 (M1) 980 rpm 40 36UPH 2 590 rpm 16UPH 3 980 rpm 50 UPH 1 590 050/110 rpm 24UPH 3 740 rpm 60 20UPH 3 M2 DV 740 rpm 70 75 UP Pumps at 50 Hz UP (Metric) PUMP D E T A I L S F A M I L Y C U R V E S TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS M O U N T I N G M O U N T I N G D I M E N S I O N S / D I M E N S I O N S / G E N E R A L G E N E R A L HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH D E T A I L S UP/ UPL/ UPH Pump Dimensions For Soft Packed PUMP TYPE MODULE NO. 132 32 216 9000 UPH1050/110 1050 1050 1675 1135 1925 1745 1275 1650 1050 710 710 380 1500 1300 2160 1780 620 1160 42 175 220 185.5 565 221. SUC DEL UP 50/30A TYPE PUMP MOUNTING DIMENSIONS ø ø a a1 f f1 f2 h1 h2 O P b m1 m2 SHAFT END n1 n2 n3 n4 sø dø l t u w ‘W’ ‘X’ ‘Z’ ‘CP’ ‘YY’ ‘L’ ‘Wt’ Kg.5 84 306.4 45 188 14000 UPH1200/160 1400 1200 2200 1684 2105 1800 1150 2200 1248 1100 1100 400 2200 2000 2400 2000 750 1050 42 160 275 168 40 240 18000 CYMK . 300 210 240 230 15 14 70 442 170 90 48 304 225 140 548 275 219 80 276 506 191 72 UP 50/30B 65 50 300 210 240 230 15 14 70 442 170 90 48 304 225 140 548 275 219 80 276 506 191 72 UP 65/24 80 65 300 210 240 230 18 14 70 440 170 90 50 306.5 230 130 565 270 221.5 210 130 565 280 221.5 565 221. ‘W1’ ‘CP1’ ‘Wt’ ‘L1’ Kg. Flanges Drilled to BS 4504 PN 16 (FF) For mechanical seal version other dimensions remain the same.4 32 180 4500 900 800 1426 960 1600 1350 1000 1429 874 610 610 350 1400 1200 1870 1520 530 990 39 125 220 ‘V’ 23 770 540 330 330 240 36UPH2M1 ‘S’ 20 425 950 1200 800 540 540 300 1005 ‘R’ 300 360 300 725 665 20UPH3M2DV 600 600 1275 1050 1400 1175 ‘O’ 400 800 670 825 1800 1230 800 800 400 2200 2000 2400 2000 850 1150 50 125 220 ‘J’ 150 100 450 400 1200 1100 1750 1350 1825 1600 ‘G’ ‘H’ IE 16UPH1/2 44UPH1A ‘E’ UP 100-35 Dimensions SUC DEL ‘D’ 50 UP 65/38M PUMP ‘B’ 65 UP 65/38 0 ‘A’ For Mechanical Seal III NOTES : 1) 2) 3) 4) All dimensions are in mm. Standard direction of rotation anti-clockwise viewed from driving end.5 95 306.5 84 UP 80/24 100 80 300 210 250 230 18 14 70 450 170 90 50 306.Capacity in m3/hr 10 1800 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 20000 24000 DETAILS AT .5 95 80 65 400 240 300 300 25 23 100 575 190 100 55 375 275 175 696 325 280 164 292 530 197 150 80 65 400 240 300 300 25 23 100 565 190 100 55 375 275 175 696 325 280 164 292 530 197 150 UP 80/30 125 80 330 280 310 230 25 23 100 550 220 130 56 375 240 170 696 320 265 130 292 530 182 120 UP 80/38 100 80 440 280 310 340 25 23 100 585 220 130 56 375 285 175 696 340 265 158 292 530 182 146 UP 100/24 150 100 260 280 330 160 20 23 100 553 220 130 56 375 210 170 696 310 265 158 292 530 182 146 UP 100/29 150 100 300 280 310 200 25 23 100 540 220 130 56 375 230 160 696 310 265 137 292 530 182 124 UP 125/24 150 125 310 330 330 210 25 23 100 560 270 180 56 394 235 180 734 350 259 180 316 578 181 170 UP 125/30A 150 125 370 330 330 270 25 23 100 580 270 180 56 394 245 175 734 335 259 182 316 578 181 172 UP 125/30B 150 125 370 330 330 270 25 23 100 580 270 180 56 394 245 175 734 335 259 182 316 578 181 172 I 100 630 240 140 75 413 260 205 753 340 293 177 413 753 293 177 UP 100/38 II 150 100 440 330 360 340 25 23 100 660 270 180 90 480 300 210 872 400 345 240 378 668 243 218 UP 150/26N 200 150 500 370 385 400 25 23 100 635 300 220 90 480 355 195 897 380 330 262 480 897 330 262 UP 150/30 200 150 370 370 415 270 25 23 100 695 310 220 90 480 270 235 872 365 325 253 378 668 223 236 UP 150/30AN 200 150 500 370 385 400 25 23 100 655 300 220 90 480 355 195 897 380 330 270 480 897 330 270 WT UP 150/38A 200 150 450 370 390 350 25 23 100 680 310 220 90 480 310 210 872 410 325 286 378 668 223 271 KG UP 150/38B 200 150 450 370 390 350 25 23 100 680 310 220 90 480 310 210 872 410 325 286 378 668 223 271 UP 150/38BC 200 150 450 370 390 350 25 23 100 680 310 220 90 480 310 210 897 410 325 286 378 693 223 271 UP 150/45 200 150 450 370 450 350 25 23 100 780 310 220 90 480 355 269 872 430 325 308 378 693 223 291 UP 200/30 250 200 420 470 495 320 25 23 100 810 410 320 90 512 300 285 936 450 307 372 410 732 205 356 UP 200/38 200 200 520 470 400 420 25 23 100 720 410 320 90 512 350 225 936 480 307 350 410 732 205 331 UP 250/30 250 250 520 470 460 420 25 23 100 775 410 320 90 512 360 250 936 430 307 348 410 732 205 332 UP 250/38 250 250 570 490 475 470 25 23 100 850 410 320 90 512 420 265 936 540 307 420 410 732 205 404 200 150 750 400 500 600 25 27 150 890 320 200 110 592 450 320 1077 500 432 588 592 1077 432 588 UP 200/42 250 200 680 400 500 530 28 27 150 840 320 200 110 592 450 270 1077 550 432 560 592 1077 432 560 UP 200/56 250 200 710 500 600 560 30 27 150 1070 400 200 110 592 450 372 1077 550 392 740 592 1077 392 740 720 600 1100 870 370 500 27 68 100 74 20 90 2150 16 UMCS2 450 400 800 670 725 665 425 770 540 330 330 240 720 600 1100 870 370 500 27 68 100 74 20 90 2150 16UPH3 450 400 850 650 875 745 575 860 565 330 330 240 720 600 1140 900 350 550 27 90 150 97 25 142 2810 UPH550/70(C) 650 550 1000 750 1165 960 715 1150 700 550 550 220 1000 900 1120 900 450 450 27 100 165 106 28 160 4500 20UPH1 600 500 850 700 995 865 615 925 580 430 430 250 900 760 1150 900 375 525 30 90 150 97 25 140 2850 20UPH3(M1) 600 500 850 650 1007 952 607 950 675 490 490 250 900 800 1100 850 325 525 33 95 150 102 25 130 2950 24UPH3/M 760 610 1219 914 1105 871 623 1168 810 546 546 406 1118 965 1474 1270 635 635 33 100 165 106 28 160 5090 28UPL2 750 700 1235 890 1392 1310 792 1220 845 480 480 300 1400 1200 1710 1510 590 920 42 95 150 102 25 130 7015 30UPH1 750 750 1100 850 1165 980 683 1100 795 512 512 350 1115 965 1350 1150 575 575 33 100 165 108 28 145 4920 36UPH2 900 900 1550 1050 1710 1450 1110 1500 975 610 610 350 1400 1200 2000 1650 575 1075 39 175 250 185 45 240 12675 UP 150/53 132 32 216 18618 900 1725 1425 825 600 41 115 185 122. SPEED. 9 8 UP 80/24 10 UP 100/24 UP PUMP CASING 125 /24 UP 65/24 20 UP 50/30A UP UP 50/30 30 40 High reliability. DISCHARGE IN m3/ hr 40 30 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 400 300 500 600 800 1100 IMPELLER 6 7 Horizontal axially spilt volute type. /3 8 Vertical pump.5 72 1040 UP 300/46 350 300 710 500 560 400 410 150 438 27 25 630 1065 350 638 1218 575 475 100 68 20 72. X P R S ASTM IS 210 (1978) Gr.A 351 Gr.5 445 370 152 533 457 533 190. 05 Cr 18 BS 970 316 S16 ASTM .Q 12 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 200 300 400 500 600 Standard :Drilled to BS : 10 Table D/E/F or BS-4504. UP250/30 38 UP 50/30B 20 UP 65 /3 / 00 P2 UP 80/30 UP 50/30A 15 UP 15 0 /3 0 UP150/45 40 100 90 80 70 60 50 BEARINGS UP150/53 Can be sealed by gland packing or by mechanical seal and is suitable for liquids having temperature up to 90°C.5 72 1035 UP 300/57 350 300 890 560 750 500 590 120 460 27 35 650 1120 365 710 1300 650 550 135 80 22 85 131 1152 UP 350/54 400 350 850 600 700 500 450 130 428 27 25 740 1230 420 678 1298 725 225 100 68 20 72. Large pumps can be provided with Oil Lubricated/ Oil ring bearings.) BS 970 . St. 1040 CF8M (St. gear boxes etc. B ASTM .60Hz The shaft is protected by shaft sleeves from wear in stuffing box area. vibration free performance.) IS 1570 Gr. B ASTM .A 536 60-40-18 & 65 45-12 Austenitic Cast IS 2749 Gr. double suction or single suction. F BS Cast Iron (CI) N T U V W X Y WT KG UP 250/57 300 250 650 520 500 440 350 120 418 27 25 600 1025 360 638 1218 500 450 100 68 20 72. K J E W F G D C. CF8M AISI 316 (St.A 276 Type 304 AISI 410 (St. WCB Material of construction Casing Half Upper Casing Half Lower Impeller Wear Ring Shaft Shaft Sleeve CI CI CI CI 40C8/ SS 410 CI CI CI Bronze Bronze 40C8/ SS 410 Bronze CI CI Bronze CI 40C8/ SS 410 CI CI CI Bronze Bronze 40C8/ SS 410 SS 410 H CI CI CI CI 40C8 SS 410 H CI CI CF 8M CI 40C8 SS 410 H St. The high tensile steel shaft accurately machined and ground is supported by antifriction bearings. 936 450 350 120 46 N WT KG 410 150 45 M Y 440 85 K X 400 67 J W 300 250 650 520 500 42 H V 350 300 710 500 560 42 G U UP 250/46 180 F T UP 300/34 213 E S 514 25 180 D R 575 23 213 C P 75 290 B N 75 250 A M 12 195 SUC DEL K 12 150 PUMP TYPE J 46 635 Y H 46 540 D B G 85 368 150 400 320 F G F 85 375 140 350 290 J E 42 352 490 D I M E N S I O N S / D 42 372 470 G E N E R A L C 176 406 400 B 180 467 550 200 670 600 1150 A 1” 142 200 150 500 405 512 650 800 SUC DEL 25 180 250 200 425 325 517 890 A 290 6UP 4FB* 400 350 850 700 950 C A Y X 190. P2 00 /38 UP 60 20 0/4 UP 2 25 0 High hydraulic and overall efficiency due to superior design and manufacturing techniques.304 S 15 ASTM . II Module No. Volume rate of flow m3/hr. AFG Ni 15 BS 3468 AUS 101 Gr.Stainless Steel CYMK . SUC.50 Hz C O N S T R U C T I O N A L C U R V E S F E A T U R E S TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH D I M E N S I O N S / M O U N T I N G HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS G E N E R A L F A M I L Y HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH D E T A I L S G E N E R A L UP/ UPH/ UPL PUMP D I M E N S I O N S / M O U N T I N G D E T A I L S UP (Metric) PUMP R P N M DEL.5 6UP 4FB 200 150 500 405 462 456 368 150 400 320 635 302 490 WT SHAFT END 195 n3 sø o p dø l t u w KG UP 200/56 250 200 710 500 560 400 410 150 392 27 30 600 1070 372 592 1077 550 450 110 55 16 59 85 740 UP 250/33 300 250 540 400 410 320 300 100 352 23 25 510 865 275 512 340 42 12 45 87 445 90 392 27 25 575 965 320 612 1117 525 425 109 55 16 59 85 700 383 27 25 600 1000 320 593 1102 550 450 85 42 12 45 87 678 UP 300/39 350 300 710 500 560 400 410 150 452 27 25 600 995 320 652 1197 525 450 109 55 16 59 85 755 12 75 485 12 62 822 8UPH6M 250 200 550 525 700 618 500 595 455 160 480 400 715 265 290 27 225 225 65 100 69 18 94 1170 10UPH 6 300 250 650 600 820 690 600 620 490 200 540 440 850 300 350 27 275 275 80 150 85. K V W E C A 4 HOLES O ‘H’ DRILL THRO. I 5 15 20 Double or single suction type accurately balanced. IE Module No. 40CC 8 BS 970 080 M 40 ASTM .2900 RPM SPECIAL FEATURES These are horizontal axially split casing. St. St. the hydraulic thrust is balanced automatically because of pressure equalization on both sides of the impeller.5 UP 350/66 400 350 950 600 750 500 550 120 525 27 25 760 1300 455 775 1415 725 575 150 80 22 85 146 1568 UP 400/46 400 400 850 600 700 500 450 110 445 27 25 720 1260 420 695 1326 700 550 55 16 59 * For clockwise Direction of Rotation.A 276 Type 316 Ni 11 Mo 3 SUC. UP 150/53 100 Bottom suction branch.A 276 Type 410 BSEN 1982. UP 250/30 UP 200/30 UP 100/35 65 TOTAL HEAD IN METRES UP 90 80 Rotating assembly accessible for inspection or maintenance by removing upper half casing without disturbing suction and delivery piping and motor. III SHAFTS Module No.A 21674 d Gr.) IS 3444 Gr.B62. minimum maintenance required. 1 Zinc Free Bronze (ZFB) BSEN 1982.) BS 970 410 S 21 ASTM .Optional :DIN /ASA with suitable pressure rating depending upon model. In case of double suction impellers.) IS 28 Gr.R. UP250/38 Grease Lubricated deep groove ball / roller bearings are provided. . Table PN16 plain face depending upon model. N = 1150 rpm STUFFING BOX UPPumps at . 200 UP (Metric) Pumps at 1450 rpm . single stage. Module No.5 22 142 1600 14UPH4/ 4M1 400 350 850 650 1010 875 730 900 640 240 660 560 980 370 370 33 330 330 95 160 102 25 128 2800 550 M O U N T I N G 27 360 360 95 180 102 25 170 2900 D E T A I L S UP (Metric) PUMP S T R P U Material standards Equivalent International Standards Material IS M DEL. FG 260 BSEN 1561-EN-GJL 250 ASTM .5 8UPH1 14UPH 6 PUMP TYPE V 90 72 1404 78 990 AISI 304 (St. 6 DRIVE UP 80/24 8 TOTAL HEAD IN METRES UP 65/24A UP 10 0/2 4 UP 12 5 /2 4 10 UP 100/29 UP125/30A UP200/30 UP 10 UP 150 0/38 /38A UP 80/38 DIRECTION OF ROTATION UP150/38B U UP 65/38 Standard : Anticlockwise ( ACW ) when viewed from driving end. Horizontal execution ( standard ) or vertical execution ( optional ). UP 150/30A(N) . SG 500/7 BS 2789 SNG 500/7 ASTM . St.A 48 CL 35 SG Iron (SGI) IS 1865 (1974) Gr. B145 Alloy 4A Bronze IS 318 Gr. 800 2 FLANGES 3 4 Suitable for coupling with electric motors. suction and discharge nozzles and supporting feet are cast integral with lower half casing. direct drive or with universal shaft arrangement.CC 491K ASTM .A 107 Gr. 8M 30 UP1 UP125/32 2 5/ 30B UP 100/35 Optional : Clockwise ( CW ) when viewed from driving end.CC 480K Cast Steel BS 1504-101A ASTM .A 436 Type 1 Iron (ACI) Cu 6 Cr 3 Carbon Steel (CS) IS 1570 Gr. Br. engines or steam turbines either directly or through belt drives. O Module No. UP 150/45 UP 150/26(N) -2900 RPM 70 Stable characteristics. St. UP 125/30A UP 100/29 UP 80/30 12 P 1 5/ 3 O 50 / 3O B U UP 80/38 UP 65/38 UP 100 /38 UP 150/38A U /38 M 50 Good suction performance and low NPSH. single volute or double volute type pumps with horizontal shaft.S 4 HOLES OH Dimensions PUMP SUC DEL ø MODEL PUMP MOUNTING DIMENSIONS ø a a1 f f1 f2 h1 h2 b m1 m2 n1 n2 6UP 4F/4F(L) 200 150 445 405 512 446 283. LTB2 Phosphor Bronze (Ph. 9 BS1632 Gr. . UP250/30 38 UP 50/30B 20 UP 65 /3 / 00 P2 UP 80/30 UP 50/30A 15 UP 15 0 /3 0 UP150/45 40 100 90 80 70 60 50 BEARINGS UP150/53 Can be sealed by gland packing or by mechanical seal and is suitable for liquids having temperature up to 90°C.Q 12 20 30 40 50 60 80 100 200 300 400 500 600 Standard :Drilled to BS : 10 Table D/E/F or BS-4504. /3 8 Vertical pump. AFG Ni 15 BS 3468 AUS 101 Gr. 8M 30 UP1 UP125/32 2 5/ 30B UP 100/35 Optional : Clockwise ( CW ) when viewed from driving end. single stage.) BS 970 . F BS Cast Iron (CI) N T U V W X Y WT KG UP 250/57 300 250 650 520 500 440 350 120 418 27 25 600 1025 360 638 1218 500 450 100 68 20 72. K V W E C A 4 HOLES O ‘H’ DRILL THRO. minimum maintenance required.B62.A 351 Gr. UP 150/53 100 Bottom suction branch. gear boxes etc. The high tensile steel shaft accurately machined and ground is supported by antifriction bearings.A 276 Type 410 BSEN 1982. III SHAFTS Module No.Optional :DIN /ASA with suitable pressure rating depending upon model.Stainless Steel CYMK . UP 150/45 UP 150/26(N) -2900 RPM 70 Stable characteristics.5 72 1040 UP 300/46 350 300 710 500 560 400 410 150 438 27 25 630 1065 350 638 1218 575 475 100 68 20 72. 200 UP (Metric) Pumps at 1450 rpm . IE Module No.5 445 370 152 533 457 533 190.CC 480K Cast Steel BS 1504-101A ASTM .) IS 3444 Gr. 1 Zinc Free Bronze (ZFB) BSEN 1982. 9 BS1632 Gr. UP 150/30A(N) . I 5 15 20 Double or single suction type accurately balanced. St. DISCHARGE IN m3/ hr 40 30 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 400 300 500 600 800 1100 IMPELLER 6 7 Horizontal axially spilt volute type. 05 Cr 18 BS 970 316 S16 ASTM . II Module No. Horizontal execution ( standard ) or vertical execution ( optional ).S 4 HOLES OH Dimensions PUMP SUC DEL ø MODEL PUMP MOUNTING DIMENSIONS ø a a1 f f1 f2 h1 h2 b m1 m2 n1 n2 6UP 4F/4F(L) 200 150 445 405 512 446 283.5 8UPH1 14UPH 6 PUMP TYPE V 90 72 1404 78 990 AISI 304 (St. vibration free performance. UP 250/30 UP 200/30 UP 100/35 65 TOTAL HEAD IN METRES UP 90 80 Rotating assembly accessible for inspection or maintenance by removing upper half casing without disturbing suction and delivery piping and motor. K J E W F G D C.2900 RPM SPECIAL FEATURES These are horizontal axially split casing. 6 DRIVE UP 80/24 8 TOTAL HEAD IN METRES UP 65/24A UP 10 0/2 4 UP 12 5 /2 4 10 UP 100/29 UP125/30A UP200/30 UP 10 UP 150 0/38 /38A UP 80/38 DIRECTION OF ROTATION UP150/38B U UP 65/38 Standard : Anticlockwise ( ACW ) when viewed from driving end. B145 Alloy 4A Bronze IS 318 Gr.5 UP 350/66 400 350 950 600 750 500 550 120 525 27 25 760 1300 455 775 1415 725 575 150 80 22 85 146 1568 UP 400/46 400 400 850 600 700 500 450 110 445 27 25 720 1260 420 695 1326 700 550 55 16 59 * For clockwise Direction of Rotation. 40CC 8 BS 970 080 M 40 ASTM . 9 8 UP 80/24 10 UP 100/24 UP PUMP CASING 125 /24 UP 65/24 20 UP 50/30A UP UP 50/30 30 40 High reliability.) IS 28 Gr. X P R S ASTM IS 210 (1978) Gr. 936 450 350 120 46 N WT KG 410 150 45 M Y 440 85 K X 400 67 J W 300 250 650 520 500 42 H V 350 300 710 500 560 42 G U UP 250/46 180 F T UP 300/34 213 E S 514 25 180 D R 575 23 213 C P 75 290 B N 75 250 A M 12 195 SUC DEL K 12 150 PUMP TYPE J 46 635 Y H 46 540 D B G 85 368 150 400 320 F G F 85 375 140 350 290 J E 42 352 490 D I M E N S I O N S / D 42 372 470 G E N E R A L C 176 406 400 B 180 467 550 200 670 600 1150 A 1” 142 200 150 500 405 512 650 800 SUC DEL 25 180 250 200 425 325 517 890 A 290 6UP 4FB* 400 350 850 700 950 C A Y X 190.A 436 Type 1 Iron (ACI) Cu 6 Cr 3 Carbon Steel (CS) IS 1570 Gr. UP 125/30A UP 100/29 UP 80/30 12 P 1 5/ 3 O 50 / 3O B U UP 80/38 UP 65/38 UP 100 /38 UP 150/38A U /38 M 50 Good suction performance and low NPSH.A 536 60-40-18 & 65 45-12 Austenitic Cast IS 2749 Gr.60Hz The shaft is protected by shaft sleeves from wear in stuffing box area. SUC. direct drive or with universal shaft arrangement. the hydraulic thrust is balanced automatically because of pressure equalization on both sides of the impeller. Br.5 72 1035 UP 300/57 350 300 890 560 750 500 590 120 460 27 35 650 1120 365 710 1300 650 550 135 80 22 85 131 1152 UP 350/54 400 350 850 600 700 500 450 130 428 27 25 740 1230 420 678 1298 725 225 100 68 20 72. P2 00 /38 UP 60 20 0/4 UP 2 25 0 High hydraulic and overall efficiency due to superior design and manufacturing techniques. St.A 276 Type 304 AISI 410 (St.5 22 142 1600 14UPH4/ 4M1 400 350 850 650 1010 875 730 900 640 240 660 560 980 370 370 33 330 330 95 160 102 25 128 2800 550 M O U N T I N G 27 360 360 95 180 102 25 170 2900 D E T A I L S UP (Metric) PUMP S T R P U Material standards Equivalent International Standards Material IS M DEL. Module No. N = 1150 rpm STUFFING BOX UPPumps at . SPEED. 1040 CF8M (St. St. B ASTM . O Module No. Large pumps can be provided with Oil Lubricated/ Oil ring bearings. SG 500/7 BS 2789 SNG 500/7 ASTM . In case of double suction impellers. single volute or double volute type pumps with horizontal shaft. Table PN16 plain face depending upon model.) BS 970 410 S 21 ASTM .5 6UP 4FB 200 150 500 405 462 456 368 150 400 320 635 302 490 WT SHAFT END 195 n3 sø o p dø l t u w KG UP 200/56 250 200 710 500 560 400 410 150 392 27 30 600 1070 372 592 1077 550 450 110 55 16 59 85 740 UP 250/33 300 250 540 400 410 320 300 100 352 23 25 510 865 275 512 340 42 12 45 87 445 90 392 27 25 575 965 320 612 1117 525 425 109 55 16 59 85 700 383 27 25 600 1000 320 593 1102 550 450 85 42 12 45 87 678 UP 300/39 350 300 710 500 560 400 410 150 452 27 25 600 995 320 652 1197 525 450 109 55 16 59 85 755 12 75 485 12 62 822 8UPH6M 250 200 550 525 700 618 500 595 455 160 480 400 715 265 290 27 225 225 65 100 69 18 94 1170 10UPH 6 300 250 650 600 820 690 600 620 490 200 540 440 850 300 350 27 275 275 80 150 85. 800 2 FLANGES 3 4 Suitable for coupling with electric motors. CF8M AISI 316 (St.A 276 Type 316 Ni 11 Mo 3 SUC. FG 260 BSEN 1561-EN-GJL 250 ASTM . UP250/38 Grease Lubricated deep groove ball / roller bearings are provided. St.A 48 CL 35 SG Iron (SGI) IS 1865 (1974) Gr.50 Hz C O N S T R U C T I O N A L C U R V E S F E A T U R E S TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH D I M E N S I O N S / M O U N T I N G HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS G E N E R A L F A M I L Y HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH D E T A I L S G E N E R A L UP/ UPH/ UPL PUMP D I M E N S I O N S / M O U N T I N G D E T A I L S UP (Metric) PUMP R P N M DEL. St. WCB Material of construction Casing Half Upper Casing Half Lower Impeller Wear Ring Shaft Shaft Sleeve CI CI CI CI 40C8/ SS 410 CI CI CI Bronze Bronze 40C8/ SS 410 Bronze CI CI Bronze CI 40C8/ SS 410 CI CI CI Bronze Bronze 40C8/ SS 410 SS 410 H CI CI CI CI 40C8 SS 410 H CI CI CF 8M CI 40C8 SS 410 H St. B ASTM .304 S 15 ASTM .) IS 1570 Gr. LTB2 Phosphor Bronze (Ph.A 21674 d Gr.R.CC 491K ASTM .A 107 Gr. Volume rate of flow m3/hr. engines or steam turbines either directly or through belt drives. double suction or single suction. suction and discharge nozzles and supporting feet are cast integral with lower half casing. 5 565 221.5 84 UP 80/24 100 80 300 210 250 230 18 14 70 450 170 90 50 306. ‘W1’ ‘CP1’ ‘Wt’ ‘L1’ Kg.5 95 80 65 400 240 300 300 25 23 100 575 190 100 55 375 275 175 696 325 280 164 292 530 197 150 80 65 400 240 300 300 25 23 100 565 190 100 55 375 275 175 696 325 280 164 292 530 197 150 UP 80/30 125 80 330 280 310 230 25 23 100 550 220 130 56 375 240 170 696 320 265 130 292 530 182 120 UP 80/38 100 80 440 280 310 340 25 23 100 585 220 130 56 375 285 175 696 340 265 158 292 530 182 146 UP 100/24 150 100 260 280 330 160 20 23 100 553 220 130 56 375 210 170 696 310 265 158 292 530 182 146 UP 100/29 150 100 300 280 310 200 25 23 100 540 220 130 56 375 230 160 696 310 265 137 292 530 182 124 UP 125/24 150 125 310 330 330 210 25 23 100 560 270 180 56 394 235 180 734 350 259 180 316 578 181 170 UP 125/30A 150 125 370 330 330 270 25 23 100 580 270 180 56 394 245 175 734 335 259 182 316 578 181 172 UP 125/30B 150 125 370 330 330 270 25 23 100 580 270 180 56 394 245 175 734 335 259 182 316 578 181 172 I 100 630 240 140 75 413 260 205 753 340 293 177 413 753 293 177 UP 100/38 II 150 100 440 330 360 340 25 23 100 660 270 180 90 480 300 210 872 400 345 240 378 668 243 218 UP 150/26N 200 150 500 370 385 400 25 23 100 635 300 220 90 480 355 195 897 380 330 262 480 897 330 262 UP 150/30 200 150 370 370 415 270 25 23 100 695 310 220 90 480 270 235 872 365 325 253 378 668 223 236 UP 150/30AN 200 150 500 370 385 400 25 23 100 655 300 220 90 480 355 195 897 380 330 270 480 897 330 270 WT UP 150/38A 200 150 450 370 390 350 25 23 100 680 310 220 90 480 310 210 872 410 325 286 378 668 223 271 KG UP 150/38B 200 150 450 370 390 350 25 23 100 680 310 220 90 480 310 210 872 410 325 286 378 668 223 271 UP 150/38BC 200 150 450 370 390 350 25 23 100 680 310 220 90 480 310 210 897 410 325 286 378 693 223 271 UP 150/45 200 150 450 370 450 350 25 23 100 780 310 220 90 480 355 269 872 430 325 308 378 693 223 291 UP 200/30 250 200 420 470 495 320 25 23 100 810 410 320 90 512 300 285 936 450 307 372 410 732 205 356 UP 200/38 200 200 520 470 400 420 25 23 100 720 410 320 90 512 350 225 936 480 307 350 410 732 205 331 UP 250/30 250 250 520 470 460 420 25 23 100 775 410 320 90 512 360 250 936 430 307 348 410 732 205 332 UP 250/38 250 250 570 490 475 470 25 23 100 850 410 320 90 512 420 265 936 540 307 420 410 732 205 404 200 150 750 400 500 600 25 27 150 890 320 200 110 592 450 320 1077 500 432 588 592 1077 432 588 UP 200/42 250 200 680 400 500 530 28 27 150 840 320 200 110 592 450 270 1077 550 432 560 592 1077 432 560 UP 200/56 250 200 710 500 600 560 30 27 150 1070 400 200 110 592 450 372 1077 550 392 740 592 1077 392 740 720 600 1100 870 370 500 27 68 100 74 20 90 2150 16 UMCS2 450 400 800 670 725 665 425 770 540 330 330 240 720 600 1100 870 370 500 27 68 100 74 20 90 2150 16UPH3 450 400 850 650 875 745 575 860 565 330 330 240 720 600 1140 900 350 550 27 90 150 97 25 142 2810 UPH550/70(C) 650 550 1000 750 1165 960 715 1150 700 550 550 220 1000 900 1120 900 450 450 27 100 165 106 28 160 4500 20UPH1 600 500 850 700 995 865 615 925 580 430 430 250 900 760 1150 900 375 525 30 90 150 97 25 140 2850 20UPH3(M1) 600 500 850 650 1007 952 607 950 675 490 490 250 900 800 1100 850 325 525 33 95 150 102 25 130 2950 24UPH3/M 760 610 1219 914 1105 871 623 1168 810 546 546 406 1118 965 1474 1270 635 635 33 100 165 106 28 160 5090 28UPL2 750 700 1235 890 1392 1310 792 1220 845 480 480 300 1400 1200 1710 1510 590 920 42 95 150 102 25 130 7015 30UPH1 750 750 1100 850 1165 980 683 1100 795 512 512 350 1115 965 1350 1150 575 575 33 100 165 108 28 145 4920 36UPH2 900 900 1550 1050 1710 1450 1110 1500 975 610 610 350 1400 1200 2000 1650 575 1075 39 175 250 185 45 240 12675 UP 150/53 132 32 216 18618 900 1725 1425 825 600 41 115 185 122. Standard direction of rotation anti-clockwise viewed from driving end.5 84 306.5 565 221. 132 32 216 9000 UPH1050/110 1050 1050 1675 1135 1925 1745 1275 1650 1050 710 710 380 1500 1300 2160 1780 620 1160 42 175 220 185. 300 210 240 230 15 14 70 442 170 90 48 304 225 140 548 275 219 80 276 506 191 72 UP 50/30B 65 50 300 210 240 230 15 14 70 442 170 90 48 304 225 140 548 275 219 80 276 506 191 72 UP 65/24 80 65 300 210 240 230 18 14 70 440 170 90 50 306.4 45 188 14000 UPH1200/160 1400 1200 2200 1684 2105 1800 1150 2200 1248 1100 1100 400 2200 2000 2400 2000 750 1050 42 160 275 168 40 240 18000 CYMK . SUC DEL UP 50/30A TYPE PUMP MOUNTING DIMENSIONS ø ø a a1 f f1 f2 h1 h2 O P b m1 m2 SHAFT END n1 n2 n3 n4 sø dø l t u w ‘W’ ‘X’ ‘Z’ ‘CP’ ‘YY’ ‘L’ ‘Wt’ Kg.5 230 130 565 270 221.Capacity in m3/hr 10 1800 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 20000 24000 DETAILS AT . Flanges Drilled to BS 4504 PN 16 (FF) For mechanical seal version other dimensions remain the same.5 210 130 565 280 221.A 20 20 UPH 1 1170 rpm DEL 28 UPL 2 880 rpm 3M PH m U p 24 80r 8 16 UM Cs2 1170 rpm TOTAL HEAD IN METRES 30 16 UPH 1 1170 rpm 44 UPH 1A 585 rpm 30 UPH 1 880 rpm UPH 550/70(C) 880 rpm 40 30 U P 585 H 2 (M1 rpm ) 16 UPH 2 1170 rpm 50 16 1 1 UP 70 H 3 rpm 90 36 UPH 2 705 rpm 24 UPH 3 880 rpm 70 80 UPH 1250/160 395 rpm UPH105 0/ 585 rpm 110 20 UPH 3 (M1) 1170 rpm 60 20 UPH 3M2 DV 880 rpm 100 110 UP Pumps at 60 Hz Capacity in m3/hr 1300 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 20000 22000 7 8 9 10 ‘A’ 42 II 32 IE 25 I 24 0 ‘U’ m6 UNIT NO 85 87 60 50 44 ‘AA’ 16 59 12 45 10 35 8 28 8 27 ‘AB’ 28UPL 2 740 rpm 20UPH 1 16UMCS2 980 rpm 980 rpm 44UPH1A 490 rpm 3M H UP rpm 4 2 0 74 55 III TOTAL HEAD IN METRES 20 16UPH 1 980 rpm 30UPH 1 740 rpm UPH 550/70(C) 740 rpm 36UPH 2 (M1) 590 rpm 30 UPH 1200/160 330 rpm 16UPH 2 980 rpm ‘AC’ 20UPH 3 (M1) 980 rpm 40 36UPH 2 590 rpm 16UPH 3 980 rpm 50 UPH 1 590 050/110 rpm 24UPH 3 740 rpm 60 20UPH 3 M2 DV 740 rpm 70 75 UP Pumps at 50 Hz UP (Metric) PUMP D E T A I L S F A M I L Y C U R V E S TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS M O U N T I N G M O U N T I N G D I M E N S I O N S / D I M E N S I O N S / G E N E R A L G E N E R A L HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH D E T A I L S UP/ UPL/ UPH Pump Dimensions For Soft Packed PUMP TYPE MODULE NO.4 32 180 4500 900 800 1426 960 1600 1350 1000 1429 874 610 610 350 1400 1200 1870 1520 530 990 39 125 220 ‘V’ 23 770 540 330 330 240 36UPH2M1 ‘S’ 20 425 950 1200 800 540 540 300 1005 ‘R’ 300 360 300 725 665 20UPH3M2DV 600 600 1275 1050 1400 1175 ‘O’ 400 800 670 825 1800 1230 800 800 400 2200 2000 2400 2000 850 1150 50 125 220 ‘J’ 150 100 450 400 1200 1100 1750 1350 1825 1600 ‘G’ ‘H’ IE 16UPH1/2 44UPH1A ‘E’ UP 100-35 Dimensions SUC DEL ‘D’ 50 UP 65/38M PUMP ‘B’ 65 UP 65/38 0 ‘A’ For Mechanical Seal III NOTES : 1) 2) 3) 4) All dimensions are in mm.5 95 306. 5 306.4 45 188 14000 UPH1200/160 1400 1200 2200 1684 2105 1800 1150 2200 1248 1100 1100 400 2200 2000 2400 2000 750 1050 42 160 275 168 40 240 18000 CYMK .A 20 20 UPH 1 1170 rpm 28 UPL 2 880 rpm 16 UM Cs2 1170 rpm 3M PH U pm 24 80r 8 TOTAL HEAD IN METRES DEL 30 16 UPH 1 1170 rpm 30 UPH 1 880 rpm UPH 550/70(C) 880 rpm 40 50 44 UPH 1A 585 rpm 30 U P 585 H 2 (M1 rpm ) 16 UPH 2 1170 rpm UPH 1250/160 395 rpm UPH105 0/ 585 rpm 110 20 UPH 3 (M1) 1170 rpm 60 36 UPH 2 705 rpm 24 UPH 3 880 rpm 70 16 1 1 UP 70 H 3 rpm 80 90 100 20 UPH 3M2 DV 880 rpm 110 UP Pumps at 60 Hz Capacity in m3/hr 1300 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 20000 22000 7 8 9 10 ‘A’ 60 10 35 42 87 12 45 III 55 85 16 59 ‘AA’ ‘AB’ ‘AC’ 0 24 44 8 27 I 25 50 8 28 TOTAL HEAD IN METRES 32 II ‘U’ m6 20UPH 1 16UMCS2 980 rpm 980 rpm 20 28UPL 2 740 rpm 44UPH1A 490 rpm 3M H UP pm 24 0 r 74 IE UNIT NO 16UPH 1 980 rpm 30UPH 1 740 rpm UPH 550/70(C) 740 rpm 30 36UPH 2 (M1) 590 rpm UPH 1200/160 330 rpm 16UPH 2 980 rpm 20UPH 3 (M1) 980 rpm 40 36UPH 2 590 rpm 16UPH 3 980 rpm 50 UPH 1 590 050/110 rpm 24UPH 3 740 rpm 60 20UPH 3 M2 DV 740 rpm 70 75 UP Pumps at 50 Hz UP (Metric) PUMP D E T A I L S F A M I L Y C U R V E S HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS M O U N T I N G M O U N T I N G D I M E N S I O N S / D I M E N S I O N S / G E N E R A L G E N E R A L TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH D E T A I L S UP/ UPL/ UPH Pump Dimensions For Soft Packed PUMP TYPE MODULE NO. Standard direction of rotation anti-clockwise viewed from driving end.5 306. 80 80 84 95 ‘W1’ ‘CP1’ 506 276 506 276 ‘Wt’ ‘L1’ Kg.5 565 221.4 32 180 4500 900 800 1426 960 1600 1350 1000 1429 874 610 610 350 1400 1200 1870 1520 530 990 39 125 220 NOTES : 1) 2) 3) 4) All dimensions are in mm.5 280 164 280 164 265 130 265 158 265 158 265 137 259 180 259 182 259 182 293 177 345 240 330 262 325 253 330 270 325 286 325 286 325 286 325 308 307 372 307 350 307 348 84 95 392 740 592 1077 432 560 592 1077 432 588 592 1077 205 404 732 410 732 410 732 410 732 410 693 378 693 378 668 378 668 378 897 480 668 378 897 480 668 378 753 413 578 316 578 316 578 316 530 292 530 292 530 292 530 292 530 292 530 292 197 150 197 150 182 120 182 146 182 146 182 124 181 170 181 172 181 172 293 177 243 218 330 262 223 236 330 270 223 271 223 271 223 271 223 291 205 356 205 331 205 332 97 25 140 2850 570 490 475 470 25 23 100 850 410 320 90 512 420 265 936 540 307 420 102 25 130 2950 106 28 160 5090 102 25 130 7015 250 200 UP 200/56 250 200 UP 200/42 200 150 UP 150/53 III 750 680 710 400 500 600 400 500 530 500 600 560 25 28 30 27 27 27 150 890 320 200 110 150 840 320 200 110 150 1070 400 200 110 592 592 592 450 320 1077 500 450 270 1077 550 450 372 1077 550 432 588 432 560 392 740 108 28 145 4920 185 45 240 12675 132 32 216 18618 900 1725 1425 825 600 41 115 185 122.5 230 130 565 270 221. SUC DEL Dimensions PUMP PUMP MOUNTING DIMENSIONS SUC DEL TYPE ø ø 16UPH1/2 16 UMCS2 16UPH3 a a1 f f1 f2 575 875 745 850 650 450 400 425 725 665 800 670 450 400 425 725 665 800 670 450 400 UPH550/70(C) 650 550 1000 750 1165 960 20UPH1 20UPH3(M1) 24UPH3/M 28UPL2 30UPH1 36UPH2 h1 h2 O b P m1 SHAFT END m2 n1 900 950 675 490 490 250 760 1150 900 925 580 430 430 250 900 1120 715 1150 700 550 550 220 1000 600 1140 720 860 565 330 330 240 720 770 540 330 330 240 720 770 540 330 330 240 607 850 650 1007 952 600 500 615 995 865 850 700 600 500 600 1100 600 1100 800 1100 n4 sø dø n3 n2 l 870 370 500 27 68 100 870 370 500 27 68 100 900 350 550 27 90 150 900 450 450 27 100 165 900 375 525 30 90 150 850 325 525 33 95 150 683 1100 795 512 512 350 1115 750 750 1100 850 1165 980 792 1220 845 480 480 300 1400 1200 1710 1510 590 920 42 95 150 750 700 1235 890 1392 1310 623 1168 810 546 546 406 1118 760 610 1219 914 1105 871 965 1474 1270 635 635 33 100 165 965 1350 1150 575 575 33 100 165 900 900 1550 1050 1710 1450 1110 1500 975 610 610 350 1400 1200 2000 1650 575 1075 39 175 250 44UPH1A 1200 1100 1750 1350 1825 1600 20UPH3M2DV 600 600 1275 1050 1400 1175 36UPH2M1 825 1800 1230 800 800 400 2200 2000 2400 2000 850 1150 50 125 220 950 1200 800 540 540 300 1005 u WT KG 90 2150 74 20 90 2150 74 20 w t 97 25 142 2810 106 28 160 4500 100 UP 80/24 80 UP 65/24 65 UP 50/30B 65 UP 50/30A 0 80 UP 65/38M 80 UP 65/38 I 50 50 65 80 65 65 150 125 UP 125/30B 150 125 UP 125/30A 150 125 UP 125/24 150 100 UP 100/29 150 100 UP 100/24 100 UP 80/38 125 UP 80/30 80 80 250 250 UP 250/38 250 250 UP 250/30 200 200 UP 200/38 250 200 UP 200/30 200 150 UP 150/45 200 150 UP 150/38BC 200 150 UP 150/38B 200 150 UP 150/38A 200 150 UP 150/30AN 200 150 UP 150/30 200 150 UP 150/26N 150 100 II UP 100/38 IE UP 100-35 150 100 ‘A’ 300 300 300 300 400 400 330 440 260 300 310 370 370 400 440 500 370 500 450 450 450 450 420 520 520 ‘B’ ‘D’ ‘E’ 210 240 230 210 240 230 210 240 230 210 250 230 240 300 300 240 300 300 280 310 230 280 310 340 280 330 160 280 310 200 330 330 210 330 330 270 330 330 270 300 360 300 330 360 340 370 385 400 370 415 270 370 385 400 370 390 350 370 390 350 370 390 350 370 450 350 470 495 320 470 400 420 470 460 420 ‘G’ ‘H’ 15 15 18 18 25 25 25 25 20 25 25 25 25 20 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 14 14 14 14 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 ‘J’ ‘O’ ‘R’ 70 442 170 70 442 170 70 440 170 70 450 170 ‘S’ 90 90 90 90 100 575 190 100 100 565 190 100 100 550 220 130 100 585 220 130 100 553 220 130 100 540 220 130 100 560 270 180 100 580 270 180 100 580 270 180 100 630 240 140 100 660 270 180 100 635 300 220 100 695 310 220 100 655 300 220 100 680 310 220 100 680 310 220 100 680 310 220 100 780 310 220 100 810 410 320 100 720 410 320 100 775 410 320 ‘V’ 48 48 ‘W’ 304 304 50 306. 132 32 216 9000 UPH1050/110 1050 1050 1675 1135 1925 1745 1275 1650 1050 710 710 380 1500 1300 2160 1780 620 1160 42 175 220 185. 72 191 72 191 565 221.5 50 306.5 55 55 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 75 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 375 375 375 375 375 375 394 394 394 413 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 480 512 512 512 ‘X’ For Mechanical Seal ‘Z’ ‘CP’ ‘YY’ 225 140 548 275 225 140 548 275 ‘L’ 219 219 210 130 565 280 221. Flanges Drilled to BS 4504 PN 16 (FF) For mechanical seal version other dimensions remain the same.10 1800 2000 3000 4000 Capacity in m3/hr 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000 20000 24000 DETAILS AT .5 275 175 696 325 275 175 696 325 240 170 696 320 285 175 696 340 210 170 696 310 230 160 696 310 235 180 734 350 245 175 734 335 245 175 734 335 260 205 753 340 300 210 872 400 355 195 897 380 270 235 872 365 355 195 897 380 310 210 872 410 310 210 872 410 310 210 897 410 355 269 872 430 300 285 936 450 350 225 936 480 360 250 936 430 ‘Wt’ Kg. ) IS 1570 Gr. FLANGES 3 4 Suitable for coupling with electric motors.CC 480K Zinc Free Bronze (ZFB) ASTM . O Module No. IE Module No. Standard :Drilled to BS : 10 Table D/E/F or BS-4504.5 80 22 90 72 1404 85 146 1568 59 78 990 * For clockwise Direction of Rotation. double suction or single suction.S 4 HOLES OH Dimensions PUMP MODEL 400 350 850 700 950 14UPH 6 G E N E R A L A B C D 350 300 710 500 560 UP 300/34 575 300 250 650 520 500 UP 250/46 514 300 250 540 400 410 UP 250/33 250 200 710 500 560 UP 200/56 KG S E 400 F G 410 150 320 D 350 300 710 500 560 UP 300/46 300 250 650 520 500 UP 250/57 440 400 500 E F 350 120 410 150 590 120 450 130 550 120 G H 418 X J 27 438 27 460 27 428 27 525 27 27 K 25 600 25 630 35 650 25 740 25 760 25 720 M 1025 1065 1120 1230 1300 1260 N P 360 350 365 420 455 420 R S J 27 352 350 120 M 512 320 1000 S T 340 450 652 1197 525 V W 85 59 87 45 85 59 87 45 85 59 Y X 55 16 90 42 12 425 109 593 1102 550 320 U 450 110 936 450 612 1117 525 320 995 R 592 1077 550 275 965 25 600 25 600 P 372 865 25 575 27 27 N 1070 25 510 27 383 452 K 30 600 23 392 410 150 410 150 IS BS IS 1570 Gr.5 330 95 160 102 360 95 180 102 PUMP TYPE WT SHAFT END n3 M O U N T I N G u 12 12 12 12 18 w 75 75 75 62 V F G D C. SPEED. the hydraulic thrust is balanced automatically because of pressure equalization on both sides of the impeller.5 dø 176 42 42 42 213 42 225 l t 85 85 85 67 65 100 275 46 46 46 45 69 80 150 85. single stage. Module No.) C 350 300 890 560 750 UP 300/57 500 500 445 H 392 300 100 440 400 400 Material standards Material T SUC.) IS 318 Gr.5 55 16 WT KG 72 1040 68 20 72. engines or steam turbines either directly or through belt drives. gear boxes etc. St. SG 500/7 SG Iron (SGI) IS 210 (1978) Gr. II Module No. FG 260 Cast Iron (CI) 55 16 85 42 12 450 109 55 16 WT KG 740 445 700 678 755 ASTM BSEN 1561-EN-GJL 250 ASTM .5 445 456 406 467 618 690 875 890 302 490 352 490 372 470 500 595 600 620 730 900 650 800 h2 b m1 m2 370 152 533 457 368 150 400 320 368 150 400 320 375 140 350 290 455 160 480 400 490 200 540 440 640 240 660 560 n1 n2 533 190. UP 150/45 UP 150/26(N) -2900 RPM 70 90 80 Rotating assembly accessible for inspection or maintenance by removing upper half casing without disturbing suction and delivery piping and motor.A 536 60-40-18 & 65 45-12 BS 3468 AUS 101 Gr. minimum maintenance required. 9 8 UP 80/24 10 UP 100/24 UP PUMP CASING 125 /24 High reliability. UP250/30 0 Standard : Anticlockwise ( ACW ) when viewed from driving end. AFG Ni 15 Austenitic Cast IS 1865 (1974) Gr. St. WCB Material of construction Casing Half Upper Casing Half Lower Impeller Wear Ring Shaft Shaft Sleeve CI CI CI CI 40C8/ SS 410 CI CI CI Bronze Bronze 40C8/ SS 410 Bronze CI CI Bronze CI 40C8/ SS 410 CI CI CI Bronze Bronze 40C8/ SS 410 SS 410 H CI CI CI CI 40C8 SS 410 H CI CI CF 8M CI 40C8 SS 410 H St.A 21674 d Gr. Table PN16 plain face depending upon model.A 276 Type 304 BS 970 410 S 21 IS 28 Gr. 05 Cr 18 AISI 316 (St. UP 60 Horizontal execution ( standard ) or vertical execution ( optional ).A 436 Type 1 BS 970 080 M 40 ASTM .B62. 200 UP (Metric) Pumps at 1450 rpm .50 Hz C O N S T R U C T I O N A L C U R V E S F E A T U R E S HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS G E N E R A L D I M E N S I O N S / M O U N T I N G F A M I L Y TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH D E T A I L S G E N E R A L UP/ UPH/ UPL PUMP D I M E N S I O N S / M O U N T I N G D E T A I L S UP (Metric) PUMP R P N M DEL. vibration free performance. St. suction and discharge nozzles and supporting feet are cast integral with lower half casing.Q 50 60 80 3 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 2 Optional :DIN /ASA with suitable pressure rating depending upon model.304 S 15 AISI 410 (St.60Hz The shaft is protected by shaft sleeves from wear in stuffing box area. K J E W SUC DEL ø ø a PUMP MOUNTING DIMENSIONS a1 f f1 400 350 850 650 1010 14UPH4/ 4M1 300 250 650 600 820 10UPH 6 250 200 550 525 700 8UPH6M 250 200 425 325 517 8UPH1 200 150 500 405 512 6UP 4FB* 200 150 500 405 462 6UP 4FB 200 150 445 405 512 6UP 4F/4F(L) f2 h1 446 283.A 107 Gr. 8M TOTAL HEAD IN METRES UP UP1 UP125/32 2 5/ 30B / 00 P2 UP 65/24A UP 100/29 UP125/30A UP 80/30 UP 100/35 UP 65/38 U 8 10 UP 50/30A 15 UP 50/30B 20 30 UP150/45 40 100 90 80 70 60 50 BEARINGS UP150/53 Can be sealed by gland packing or by mechanical seal and is suitable for liquids having temperature up to 90°C. Br.) IS 3444 Gr. CF8M BS 970 316 S16 AISI 304 (St. In case of double suction impellers. UP 150/53 100 Bottom suction branch. B145 Alloy 4A ASTM .) DEL.A 351 Gr. B ASTM .CC 491K BS 1504-101A Cast Steel BSEN 1982.R. 1040 BS1632 Gr. LTB2 Bronze ASTM . ASTM . 40CC 8 Carbon Steel (CS) Cu 6 Cr 3 Iron (ACI) IS 2749 Gr.Stainless Steel CYMK . B ASTM . UP 150/30A(N) . F Y D B A SUC DEL 400 350 950 600 750 UP 350/66 500 C A Y X A SUC DEL 350 300 710 500 560 UP 300/39 485 822 94 1170 22 142 1600 Equivalent International Standards 25 128 2800 25 170 2900 D E T A I L S UP (Metric) PUMP R P U Ni 11 Mo 3 N M K W J F G PUMP TYPE 400 400 850 600 700 UP 400/46 T U 550 695 1326 700 575 150 775 1415 725 225 100 678 1298 725 550 135 710 1300 650 475 100 638 1218 575 450 100 638 1218 500 V W X Y 68 20 72. 9 CF8M (St.5 80 22 72 1035 85 131 1152 68 20 72. St. single volute or double volute type pumps with horizontal shaft. III SHAFTS Module No. UP 250/30 12 P 1 5/ 3 O 50 / 3O B UP 200/30 UP 100/35 UP 80/38 UP 65/38 65 Good suction performance and low NPSH. N = 1150 rpm STUFFING BOX UPPumps at . St. UP 125/30A UP 100/29 UP 80/30 UP 50/30A UP UP 100 /38 U Stable characteristics. direct drive or with universal shaft arrangement. The high tensile steel shaft accurately machined and ground is supported by antifriction bearings. V B 400 350 850 600 700 UP 350/54 450 110 E C A 4 HOLES O ‘H’ DRILL THRO. . I 5 15 20 Double or single suction type accurately balanced. 20 0/4 UP 2 25 0/ UP 38 20 0/3 8 UP 150/38A /38 M TOTAL HEAD IN METRES UP 65/24 20 UP UP 50/30 30 40 50 High hydraulic and overall efficiency due to superior design and manufacturing techniques. ASTM . Large pumps can be provided with Oil Lubricated/ Oil ring bearings.12 20 30 40 Volume rate of flow m /hr. DISCHARGE IN m3/ hr 40 30 50 60 70 80 90 100 200 300 400 500 600 800 1100 IMPELLER 6 7 Horizontal axially spilt volute type. SUC. 1 Phosphor Bronze (Ph. 6 DRIVE UP 80/24 10 0/2 4 UP 12 5 /2 4 UP 15 0 /3 Optional : Clockwise ( CW ) when viewed from driving end. UP200/30 UP UP150/38B 65 /3 UP 10 UP 150 0/38 /38A UP 80/38 DIRECTION OF ROTATION 38 UP250/38 Grease Lubricated deep groove ball / roller bearings are provided. Vertical pump.2900 RPM SPECIAL FEATURES These are horizontal axially split casing.5 635 635 540 715 850 980 550 200 670 600 1150 D I M E N S I O N S / 195 195 150 265 300 370 400 sø o p 27 360 550 33 330 370 27 275 350 27 225 290 23 213 250 180 25 180 290 180 25 180 290 1” 142 190.A 48 CL 35 BS 2789 SNG 500/7 ASTM .A 276 Type 410 BSEN 1982.A 276 Type 316 BS 970 . Mumbai. Water Circulation. Lucknow. Bangalore.UP 082600 KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED India: Ahmedabad. Water Works. www.kirloskar.UP / UPL / UPH HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS KIRLOSKAR HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS R A N G E Delivery size up to 1220 mm Capacity up to 24. DIST. 10UPH6 (UPH 250/66) 8UPH6M (UPH 200/64) 6UP4FB 70 UP UP 200/56 6UP4F 60 50 14UPH6 UP 25 30 14U 0/5 0/5 14U PH4 7 PH 7 6M UP 150/45 UP 250/46 40 30 UP 350/46 1 4U PH 4M UP 300/39 1 UP 35 0/5 4 UP 250/38 8UPH1 20 UP 300/34 UP 250/33 UP 400/46 10 9 8 100 200 300 500 800 1000 2000 3000 Capacity in m3/hr UP Pumps at 60 Hz SPEED. Processing.50Hz Head up to 180 meters 160 Speed.000 m³/hr TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH F A M I L Y C U R V E S UP/ UPL/ UPH Pumps at . Miami. Ranchi. Refinery. Nairobi. N= 1150 rpm 100 90 80 70 60 10UPH6 (UPH 250/66) 8UPH6M (UPH 200/64) 6UP4FB UP 200/56 6UP4F 50 UP 250/57 14UPH6 14 U UP 30 0/5 7 PH 4 14UPH4M1 40 UP 150/40 UP 250/46 30 UP 300/46 UP 300/39 UP 300/34 54 0/ 35 8UPH1 15 6 P UP 250/38 20 UP 35 0/6 U TOTAL HEAD IN METRES Irrigation. Waste Water 100 90 80 UP 250/33 U P 46 0/ 40 10 9 8 7 6 5 72 80 90 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1500 2000 2538 3 Volume rate of flow m /hr. Overseas: Ajman. Secunderabad. N = 1450 rpm A P P L I C A T I O N S Suitable for handling water with slight impurities in Industries. Nagpur.com WORKS : KIRLOSKARVADI 416 308.kbl. Sprinkler Irrigation Fire-fighting. Fertilizer. TOTAL HEAD IN METRES Treatment. Chennai. TYPE .in. Vientiane Enquiries may be directed to the nearest Sales Office. Sugar and Textile Mills. Storm Water. Kochi.co. Power. etc. New Delhi. Kolkata. Cairo. Air Conditioning. Tilak Road. KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED CORPORATE OFFICE : Udyog Bhavan.411 002 (India) Phone : (020) 2444 0770 FAX : (020) 2444 0156 Email : kblin@kbl. SANGLI PHONE : (02346) 222301-5 FAX : (02346) 222311 KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED As we are constantly endeavouring to improve the performance of our products/ equipment. Jaipur. Paper. Bhubaneswar.Q CYMK .co.in Web Site : www. we reserve the right to make alterations from time to time and as such our products/ equipment may differ from that detailed in this publication. Pune . For latest information you may get in touch with our Regional Sales Offices. Baroda. Phnom Penh. Pune. Johannesburg. Kochi. etc.411 002 (India) Phone : (020) 2444 0770 FAX : (020) 2444 0156 Email : kblin@kbl. Paper.kirloskar. Nagpur. Kolkata. Refinery. Bangalore. 70 8UPH6M (UPH 200/64) 6UP4FB UP 200/56 6UP4F 60 50 10UPH6 (UPH 250/66) 14UPH6 U U P P 2 5 3 1 1 0/5 4UP 00 /57 4UP H4 7 H6 M UP 150/45 UP 250/46 40 30 UP 250/38 UP 300/39 UP 350/46 1 4 UP H4 M1 UP 8UPH1 20 35 0/5 4 UP 300/34 UP 250/33 UP 400/46 10 9 8 100 200 300 500 800 1000 2000 3000 Capacity in m3/hr UP Pumps at 60 Hz SPEED.50Hz Capacity up to 24. For latest information you may get in touch with our Regional Sales Offices. Jaipur. Power.Q CYMK . Pune . Sprinkler Irrigation Fire-fighting. Nairobi. Processing. 100 90 80 Irrigation. N= 1150 rpm 100 90 80 70 60 10UPH6 (UPH 250/66) 8UPH6M (UPH 200/64) 6UP4FB UP 200/56 6UP4F 50 14UPH6 UP 250/57 UP 30 0/5 7 14 U PH 4 14UPH4M1 40 UP 150/40 UP 250/46 30 UP 300/46 UP 35 0/6 U UP 300/39 6 P UP 250/38 20 8UPH1 15 54 0/ 35 TOTAL HEAD IN METRES UP 300/34 UP 250/33 U P 46 0/ 0 4 10 9 8 7 6 5 72 80 90 100 150 200 300 400 500 600 800 1000 1500 2000 2538 3 Volume rate of flow m /hr. Cairo. Mumbai. New Delhi.in Web Site : www.com WORKS : KIRLOSKARVADI 416 308. Pune. Ranchi. KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED CORPORATE OFFICE : Udyog Bhavan. Air Conditioning. Chennai.UP 082600 KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED India: Ahmedabad.000 m³/hr Head up to 180 meters 160 Speed. Waste Water TOTAL HEAD IN METRES Treatment.co. Lucknow. N = 1450 rpm A P P L I C A T I O N S Suitable for handling water with slight impurities in Industries. SANGLI PHONE : (02346) 222301-5 FAX : (02346) 222311 KIRLOSKAR BROTHERS LIMITED As we are constantly endeavouring to improve the performance of our products/ equipment. Secunderabad.in. Johannesburg. Phnom Penh. Miami. Vientiane Enquiries may be directed to the nearest Sales Office. Fertilizer. Water Works. Sugar and Textile Mills. Storm Water. Baroda. Water Circulation.UP / UPL / UPH HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS KIRLOSKAR HORIZONTAL AXIALLY SPLIT CASING PUMPS TYPE UP/ UPL/ UPH R A N G E F A M I L Y Delivery size up to 1220 mm C U R V E S UP/ UPL/ UPH Pumps at . TYPE . www. Tilak Road.co.kbl. Overseas: Ajman. DIST. we reserve the right to make alterations from time to time and as such our products/ equipment may differ from that detailed in this publication. Bhubaneswar.
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