Updated List of SBFZ Traffic Violations & Penalties

March 27, 2018 | Author: mysubicbay | Category: Pedestrian Crossing, Traffic, Seat Belt, Intersection (Road), Driving



UPDATED LIST OF SBFZ TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS & PENALTIESNo. Violation Definition Fines and Penalties (in PhP) 3rd 4th Offense Offense 1st Offense 2nd Offense 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 1 Abandoned Vehicle / Road Hazard Abandoned vehicle – Any vehicle left unattended for more than twenty-four (24) hours on a public highway 2 Allowing Unlicensed Person to Drive Allowing or permitting a person, without a license duly issued by the Land Transportation Office (LTO), to drive, use, or operate a motor vehicle 1,000 2,000 3,000 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 3 Disobedience to Police / Traffic Officer / Fireman Willful failure or refusal to comply with any lawful order or direction of any law enforcer, fireman, or school crossing guard invested by law with authority to direct, control, or regulate traffic 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 4 Disobedience to Traffic Signals / Failure to observe and comply with the instructions of any traffic control signal applicable to the driver Traffic Lights / Traffic Hand Signals 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 5 Disobedience to Traffic Signs Failure of the driver or operator of a vehicle to comply with the indication given by a traffic sign 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 6 Driving Off-the-Road / Driving on Shoulder Shoulder or “hard shoulder” is a reserved area by the verge of a road or motorway. It is generally kept clear of motor vehicle traffic. Among the uses of shoulders are the following: a. In the event of an emergency or breakdown, a motorist can pull into the hard shoulder to get out of the flow of traffic and obtain an element of safety. b. Shoulders, especially paved or hard shoulders, increase safety. They allow some extra space should a motorist need to take evasive action or speed to recover control of their vehicle before a run-off collision occurs. c. Emergency vehicles such as ambulance and police cars may also use the shoulder to by-pass traffic congestion. d. Shoulders provide bicyclists to ride out of vehicle traffic. e. On curbed roadways, shoulders move the gutter away from travel lanes. This reduces the risk of hydroplaning, and reduces splash and spray of storm water onto pedestrians using an adjacent sidewalk. f. Shoulders provide structural support of the roadway. g. Shoulders move water away from the roadblock before it can infiltrate into the road’s sub-base, increasing the life expectancy of the road surface. h. In some urban areas, shoulders are used as travel lane during peak commuting hours. 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 7 Driving Right-Hand Drive Vehicle The act of driving, operating, or being in physical control of any right-hand drive motor vehicle, except when such consists of transferring such right-hand drive motor vehicle from port or wharf or destination to a SBF enterprise’s warehouse / yard, or vice versa, that is engaged in the business of trading, transshipment and importation thereof or for repair or restoration, as coordinated with the SBMA Law Enforcement Department 50,000 + Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 8 Driving Under Influence of Alcohol (DUI) The act of driving, operating, or being in physical control of any motor vehicle by a person who is under the influence of alcohol 50,000 + Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle¹ 9 Driving Under Influence of Prohibited Substances The act of driving, operating, or being in physical control of any motor vehicle by a person who is under the influence of “prohibited substances”. 50,000 + Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle² 10 Driving While Impaired or a under Influence of Controlled Substance The act of driving, operating, or being in physical control of any motor vehicle by a person who is under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance 1,000 2,000 3,000 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 11 Eluding Apprehension A driver's act that purposely prevents or attempts to prevent a law enforcement officer from effecting an arrest or apprehension in connection with the commission of a traffic violation 2,000 4,000 6,000 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle (a) The act of driving a vehicle: (i) in a built-up area at a speed exceeding 60 kilometers per hour, except in speed zone in which a higher speed is permitted under paragraph ii; (ii) in a speed zone, whether in a built-up area or not, at speed exceeding the speed in kilometers per hour indicated by numerals or the speed limit sign at the beginning of the speed zone; or (iii) elsewhere, other than a limited access freeway, at speed exceeding 100 kilometers per hour. 12 Over-speeding / Excessive Speed '(b) Notwithstanding the foregoing, it may also refer to: (i) driving a vehicle the weight of which together with any trailer attached, including the total load carried exceeds four and one half tons, at a speed exceeding 80 kilometers per hour; (ii) driving at a speed exceeding 80 kilometers per hour any vehicle to which a trailer or other vehicle is attached if he weight of the trailer or other vehicle, including any load exceeds 750 kilograms; or (iii) driving any vehicle with a capacity of nine or more passengers at a speed exceeding 80 kilometers; '(c) The foregoing provisions shall not apply to the driver of an emergency vehicle; '(d) Over-speeding / excessive speed also applies to driving a vehicle exceeding any maximum speed available to the vehicle and fixed by any law, ordinance or regulations. 13 Exhibition of Speed / Speed Contest An illegal exhibition of speed conducted on public streets or highways using a motor vehicle. It includes a motor vehicle race against another motor vehicle using a clock or timing device. Speed contests are also commonly known as “street race” or “speed race” or “drag race” 14 Expired Motor Vehicle Registration (MVRO) Decal Operating a vehicle with expired Motor Vehicle Registration Office (MVRO) decal/sticker 1,000 2,000 3,000 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 15 Expired Registration Operating a vehicle with expired Certificate of Registration (CR) and Official Receipt (OR) issued by the Land Transportation Office (LTO) 1,000 2,000 3,000 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 16 Failure to Yield to an Emergency vehicle that is operating in the course of: (i) its official business; (ii) the driver’s profession; (iii) an emergency Vehicle response; or (iv) the pursuit of an actual or suspected violator of the law 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 17 Failure to Yield to Pedestrians on Crosswalk / Sidewalk 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle Failure on the part of a driver of a vehicle, while on a highway, to yield the right of way to an authorized emergency Failure of the driver of a vehicle to yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian crossing the roadway within any unmarked or unmanned crosswalk at an intersection, except at crosswalks when the movement of traffic is being regulated by police officers or traffic control signals, or where otherwise regulated by municipal, city, or country regulation, and except where a pedestrian tunnel or overhead pedestrian crossing has been provided. UPDATED LIST OF SBFZ TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS & PENALTIES No. Violation Definition 1st Offense 2nd Offense Fines and Penalties (in PhP) 3rd 4th Offense Offense 18 Failure to Yield at Open / Yield / Failure of the driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection to yield the right-of-way to any vehicle that has entered the intersection from a different highway. This is intended to prohibit deliberate crowding or interfering with other Stop Intersections or other vehicles already in the intersection. Intersections 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 19 Following Emergency Vehicle Any of the following acts: 1) When a driver follows an authorized emergency vehicle that is travelling in response to an emergency closer than 300 feet; and/or 2) When a driver of any vehicle drives nearer to or parks within 200 feet of any fire department vehicle that has stopped in response to a fire alarm. 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 20 The act of following too closely behind another motorist, or “tailgating” where the recommended minimum safe following distance of three (3) seconds between a traveling vehicle behind another vehicle which applies in all roads is not followed. This applies to passenger cars and light trucks travelling in ideal conditions. When conditions are less Following Too Close / Tailgating ideal, the driver of a vehicle must increase the distance between his vehicle and the vehicle ahead of him. Way to determine the following distance of three (3) seconds: When the back-end of the vehicle ahead passes a stationary object such as a sign along the road, count how long it takes you to pass the same object. This is intended to prevent collisions 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 21 Illegal Left / Right Turn The act of causing a vehicle to turn at any intersection contrary to the instruction at any intersection, or contrary to the instruction on any “No Left / Right Turn” sign erected to face an approaching driver at or near the intersection 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 22 Illegal Parking (Unauthorized/Improper/Overtim The act of parking a motor vehicle in a restricted place or parking in unauthorized manner e Parking, Parking on Red, Yellow Curb 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 23 Illegal Towing / Pushing The use of unsafe substandard towing / pushing equipment 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 24 Illegal U-Turn The act of causing a vehicle to turn at any intersection contrary to the instruction at any intersection, or contrary to the instruction on any “No U-Turn” sign erected to face an approaching driver at or near the intersection 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 25 Improper Display of License Plate / Dirty License Plates The display and maintenance of the license plates, which is not in accordance with the applicable law and traffic rules and regulations, or the keeping or possession of dirty license plates, which is not in accordance with the standards of displaying and maintaining license plates to be readable 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 26 Improper Left / Right Turn from A situation wherein the driver of vehicle suddenly and unsafely takes a left or a right turn and falls on a wrong lane on a road Wrong Lane to Wrong Lane 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 27 Improper Turning A situation wherein the driver of a vehicle disregards any traffic directional sign 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 28 Improper / Unsafe Passing (Overtaking on Double Solid Yellow Line / Shoulder / Hill / Curve / Bridge / Intersection) A situation wherein the driver of a vehicle interferes, in any manner, with the safe operation of any vehicle that he passes and any vehicle coming from the opposite direction on a two-lane highway, or passing in the oncoming traffic lane when approaching the top of a hill or a curve so as to create a hazard to vehicles that might approach from the other side 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 29 Display of Expired or Unauthorized Commemorative / Specialty Plates or Improper Display of Commemorative / Specialty Plates Refers to the following: 1) Using bogus commemorative / specialty plates; 2) Using genuine commemorative / special plates intended for another vehicle or without supporting documents; 3) Concealing license plate with a commemorative / specialty plate; 4) Displaying commemorative / specialty plates on the side / rear of the vehicle; and 5) Using expired commemorative / specialty plates. 30 Lane Straddling / Improper Lane direction, instead of confining the vehicle, as nearly as practical, entirely within a single lane and not moving it from Usage the lane until such movement can be made safely 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle [3] 31 Littering The act of a driver, operator ,or passenger of a vehicle of throwing or leaving litter, trash or garbage 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 32 No Official Receipt / Certificate of Registration (OR/CR) The act of driving or operating a motor vehicle without the proper Certificate of Registration (CR) or Official Receipt (OR) issued by the Land Transportation Office (LTO). 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 33 Unauthorized Driving of Vehicle The act of driving a motor vehicle without proof of ownership or authorization from the owner of the vehicle 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 34 No Flags or Red Light or Improper Use of Flags or Red Light 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 35 Operating Colorum Vehicle / Out The act of driving or operating a motor vehicle for transportation of goods or people for a fee without authorization, permit or accreditation from the Subic Bay Metropolitan Authority of Line 1,000 2,000 3,000 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 36 Operating Unsafe Vehicle (No Headlight, No Taillights, No Brake light, No Turn Signal Lights, etc.) The act of operating a motor vehicle or a combination of a motor vehicle and trailer that is not equipped with appropriate functioning lamps/lights and reflectors that are prescribed as mandatory by the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to be carried by the vehicle or combination 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 37 Operating Vehicle while under Suspension or Revocation of Driving Privileges The act of driving or operating a motor vehicle with a driver’s license that has been temporarily suspended or a driver’s license that has been permanently revoked 5,000 + Suspension of Driving Privileges The act of driving a vehicle in such a manner that it occupies two (2) or more clearly marked lanes for traffic in one The act of driving or operating a motor vehicle with extended, wide, or protruding load without a warning flag during daytime, or a warning red light during nighttime 5,000 + Renewed Suspension of Driving Privileges[4] and Impoundment of Vehicle UPDATED LIST OF SBFZ TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS & PENALTIES No. 38 Opposing Traffic / Opposing One-Way Traffic (Counterflow) Fines and Penalties (in PhP) 3rd 4th Offense Offense Definition 1st Offense 2nd Offense A situation wherein the driver or operator of a motor vehicle on a roadway of sufficient width fails to drive on the right half of the roadway, unless: (1) the operator is passing another vehicle; or (2) an obstruction necessitates moving the vehicle left of the center of the roadway and the operator yields the right-of-way to a vehicle; or (3) the operator is on a roadway divided into three marked lanes for traffic; or (4) the operator is on a roadway restricted to one-way traffic 2,000 4,000 6,000 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 500 1,000 1,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 1,500 3,000 4,500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle 1,000 1,500 1,000 1,500 Violation The commission of any of the act(s) constituting “overloading” as defined under Section 6 of R.A. 8794 otherwise known as “An Act Imposing a Motor Vehicle User’s Charge on Owners of All Types of Motor Vehicles and for other Purposes” 39 Overloading / Unsafe Loading of Passengers / Materials “Section 6. Penalty for Overloading- An amount equivalent to twenty five percent (25%) of the MVUC shall be imposed on trucks and trailers for loading beyond their prescribed gross vehicle weight: provided, That no axle load shall exceed thirteen thousand five hundred kilograms (13,5000kgs).” (Section 6 of R.A. 8794) 40 Failure of the Driver / Passenger to Wear Prescribed Helmet (For Motorcycles and Scooters) Violation of R.A. 10054 otherwise known as the “Motorcycle Helmet Act of 2009” Violation of the provisions of R.A. 10054, particularly Section 3* thereof and the pertinent provisions of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the said Act *“Section 3. Mandatory Use of Motorcycle Helmets. - All motorcycle riders, including drivers and back riders, shall at all times wear standard protective motorcycle helmets while driving, whether long or short drives, in any type of road and highway. Standard protective motorcycle helmets are appropriate types of helmets for motorcycle riders that comply with the specifications issued by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The DTI shall issue guidelines, which should include the specifications regarding standard protective motorcycle helmets.” Violation of the the provisions of R.A. 8750 particularly Section 4* thereof and the pertinent provisions of the Implementing Rules and Regulations of the said Act. 41 Passenger / Driver not Wearing Seatbelt / Improper Wearing of Seatbelt (Violation of R.A. 8750 otherwise known as the "Seat Belts Use Act of 1999") *“Section 4. Mandatory Use of Seat Belts. — For their own safety, the driver and front seat passengers of a public or private motor vehicle are required to wear or use their seat belt devices while inside a vehicle of running engine on any road or thoroughfare: Provided, That for private vehicles, except for jeeps, jeepneys, vans, buses and such other private vehicles as may be determined in the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR), front and back seat passengers are likewise required to use their seat belt devices at all times. Passenger [5] 500 In the case of public motor vehicles, the driver shall be required to immediately inform and require the front seat passengers upon boarding a vehicle of running engine to wear the prescribed seat belts. Any passenger who refuses to wear seat belts shall not be allowed to continue his trip. For special public service vehicles such as school services and other similar vehicles as may be determined by the IRR, seat belt devices should be provided and used by both drivers and front seat passengers as defined herein and the first row passengers immediately behind the driver at all times while inside a vehicle of running engine. Driver Operational motor vehicles, both public and private, which are not equipped with the required seat belt devices, are given one (1) year from the issuance of the IRR by the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to retrofit appropriate seat belt devices in their vehicles.” 500 Suspension of Driving Privileges and Impoundment of Vehicle [1] Regardless of payment of administrative fines for the traffic violation, the person apprehended shall be endorsed outright to the appropriate authorities for prosecution under Republic Act No. 10586 otherwise known as the “Anti-Drunk and Drug Driving Act of 2013”. [2] Regardless of payment of administrative fines for the traffic violation, the person apprehended shall be endorsed outright to the appropriate authorities for prosecution under Republic Act No. 10586 otherwise known as the “Anti-Drunk and Drug Driving Act of 2013”. [3] Whenever any roadway has been divided into two (2) or more clearly marked lanes for traffic in one direction, a vehicle shall be driven as nearly as practical entirely within a single lane and shall not be moved from the lane until such movement can be made with reasonable safety. [4] Renewed suspension of driving privileges shall mean that another sixty (60) – day period shall automatically be added to current suspension without prejudice to LTO’s subsequent action to suspend, definitely or indefinitely, or to cancel the driving privileges of the person apprehended in the Philippines. [5] The Fine/Penalty is still imposable upon the driver apprehended for violation.
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