Upakarma Yagnopavit and Its Significance
Upakarma Yagnopavit and Its Significance
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Upakarma, Yagnopavit and its significanceWritten by Vasudeva Rao Tuesday, 05 August 2008 20:08 - Last Updated Tuesday, 05 August 2008 20:10 With grateful acknowledgements. poorushan pashuh| Sarvo vy tatra jeevanthi Gowrascha yathredam Brahma Kriyathe paradijeevana cum|| [Atharva veda 8.2.25] Meaning: Where Vedas are held as Life Ideal, humanity, cattle, Birds, all beings live peacefully with comfort . Yagnopavitha Mantra. Aum Yagnopaveetham Paramam pavithram prajapatheyatsahjam purastat| Ayushya magyam pratimanch Shubram yagnopavitam balamustu Tejah| yagnopavitha maci yagnasya tva yagnopavithenopanhyami || Meaning: God has ordained that Yagnopavitha should be donned along with the great deeds. Person with Yagnopavitha should lead a clean and progressive life. Only then Yagnopavitha becomes strong and radiant. We should remember that there could be no Yagnopavitha without a Yagna, noble thoughts, noble deeds, and noble performance and nobility spreading . The Vedic Dharma is alive today due to its traditions and festivals. The festival of Shravani Upakarma falls on the Poornima i.e. full moon day of the Aryan month of Shravana. Even today the festival has maintained its importance even after the passage of millions of years ago when it was founded in the Vedic age. Upakarma [up+ a+karma] literally means “to draw nearer incessantly”. In other words, it indicates that things that is already learnt and yet to learn to be taken to the heart consciously. The months of August to November [Shrvan, Badrapad, Ashyuj, and Karthik] being mostly rainy months were not suited to travel as the transport facilities were not good in olden days. Hence Sanyasis, Businessmen, politicians were stay put at a particular place during the 1/8 This ritual is even now being observed. The Upakarma was the starting point to this exercise. This insignia is not based on the feeling of one being either low or high. Person wearing Yagnopavitha grasps the rays of knowledge from the Acharya and feels fulfilled by repaying the debts he owes to God. which is sad indeed. Having recognized the importance of Yagnopavitha the Vedas have made wearing of Yagnopavitha as one of the important Vedic Sanskars. performing long drawn Yagnas and preaching. Yagnopavitha is a proud symbol of duties to be performed by everyone who follows AryaDharma.32. All Sanskars play a very important role in the Vedic dharma as these Sanskars are essential for man’s physical.Upakarma. It could be likened to Uniform being worn by an Army man or the saffron robes put on by a Sanyasis. Yagna is described as “Shretatamaya Karmani” i. Parents and Teacher. The concluding festival observed after this four months period is now totally forgotten. The RSS has of late popularized another festival called Rakshabandhan tagged to this day. the first ritual done by his teacher is Yagnopavitha Sanskar. study and Vedic chanting during this period another equally important ritual being observed was to replace the worn out Yagnopavitha with the new one. Besides. Or thread ceremony. This means that the child has obtained the right to education and performing rituals like Yagna. 05 August 2008 20:08 . 2/8 .] Meaning: The three threads are worn to know the true nature of Life. Sa Sooryasya rashmibhih parivrutham tantu tanvanastrivrutham yathavide| Prashisho Naviyasi pathirjaneenmupa yathi Nishkritham|| {Rigveda 9. although there is no reference to this celebration in any of the ancient authentic texts. What is the object of Yagnopavitha? Listen to the following Mantra.86. Rather it is dependent on dutifulness.Last Updated Tuesday. It is a culture and custom in Hindu tradition that when a child goes to School [Gurukulas] to obtain education from his teacher. etc. mental and spiritual development. 05 August 2008 20:10 period engaging themselves in the study of Vedas. the noblest deeds. Yagnopavit and its significance Written by Vasudeva Rao Tuesday.e. There are nine tiny threads [fibers] in the Yagnopavitha that indicate the nine gates of 3/8 . 05 August 2008 20:10 Yagnopavitha is also known as “Janeu”. These five enemies are the main hurdles [knots] that are to be conquered by man in his life. Human body is approximately 98 fingers long. there exist three tiny threads[fibers] – it is 98 fingers long[because an average human body is 98 fingers long] with five knots that make the thread round. When the Sacred thread is worn the wearer takes an oath to get rid of all these enemies by controlling his senses with intellect. There are more secrets to these five knots. woolen etc.e. Whenever the person who has worn the sacred thread. polyester. There are five enemies of man i. 05 August 2008 20:08 . he remembers his oath. White is the symbol of purity and being made of cotton. Sex. 5.Last Updated Tuesday. hence hygienic and also scientifically proved to be the best for human body. just pick up one “Yagnopavitha “and observe the following facts. In this sacred thread which is white in color—there are three threads in it and in each thread. 4. Since the Yagnopavitha extends from left shoulder touching the hearts and ends in waist this indicates all senses which one must have control over. it has no side effects. 2. The Sacred thread which is worn on the left shoulders to the right of the waist touches the heart indicating that the resolutions that accompany this thread are taken heartily for their action. To understand this tiny sacred thread. It is essential duty of all men and women to adopt this sacred thread. Yagnopavit and its significance Written by Vasudeva Rao Tuesday. 3. Now you have seen that there are all nine threads in Yagnopavitha with five knots and white in color. affection [delusion] and egotism. and man made chemical fibers or made from animals’ hairs. sees it while bathing or any time during the day or night. Many people are allergic to nylon. greed. Five knots also indicate to perform five essential duties that are “worshipping of the five living Gods”. 1.Upakarma. It is an important custom and sign in the Parsi [Zoroastrian Sect] to adopt and wear the sacred thread. this also proves that the sacred thread which is also 98 fingers long has effects on the full body. But cotton is natural. One should have control by Yogic exercises.e. 05 August 2008 20:08 . The Guru is man’s true guide who leads him on to the right path.]. There threads of the Yagnopavitha [main threads] have very important meanings.31] for “eight Chakras” and “Nine Dwaras”. Man should try not to pollute these deities as because of them we receive food. Rishi-Rina and Deva-Rina. The living deities are mother. 6. Mother and father are supposed to be the first teachers of Man They are the creators of our physical body. the Bliss. On every human being there are three kinds of debts Viz. The Second debt is Rishi-Rina i. Lord of all deities [living and 4/8 . Real pleasure of life is not outside. One has to have one to one watchmen on these gates so that there should be no misuse of these openings of the body. mouth and two genitals.Last Updated Tuesday. altruistic teacher of humanity [Athithi] and the husband for the wife and vice-versa. These debts [obligatory] are on every human being.e. Refer Atharvaveda [10. Hence to pay off their [Gurus] debts one should obey his commandments and give educational help to other needy students. teacher [Spiritual master or Guru]. 05 August 2008 20:10 human body.149.150. One should use these them [nine gates of the body] properly to get success in life to reach the goal. shelter and clothing. One can never pay off the debt of this parent. One has to go inside to meet his long time eternal happiness i. Mathru-Pitru-Rina. To pay off their [insensate objects] debt one must perform Yagna daily. air. father. Yagnopavit and its significance Written by Vasudeva Rao Tuesday.e.148. The third debt is Deva-Rina i. Nine gates [Dwaras] are two eyes.Upakarma. debts of living and insensate deities. two ears. two nostrils.e. water. and ether. fire.2. One has to pay off his/her debt by giving his/her children education and by bringing them up as their parents have done for them. One should be grateful to them because of their selfless service towards their children. The insensate deities are earth. I. Yagna is also good for man to live in a pollution free environment. It is the worship of the above that leads one to god. The Guru develops good Sanskars in his pupils’ life by education and religious rituals. Salvation. gratitude towards one’s teachers or Gurus who give meaning and a second life to the students by giving them true knowledge [Manu2. The work of the eyes is to see either good or bad? When one sees well his Sanskars [tendencies] will be good otherwise his tendencies will ruin his present life and life to become in future. However to remain grateful to God for the benefits He has accorded for us is the mark of gratitude and this quality helps us to scale new heights in our spiritual journey. he would show respects. emancipation or salvation. It is not that God gets elated or angry by our prayers or not doing prayers. Further. The three thread goads him to take appropriate advantage of these attributes and establish link to God. Man’s body is also means of salvation hence to be free from the clutches of birth and death. In the other words. be affectionate to the equals. and kind to the juniors. God. One ought to worship Him daily in the morning and evening. 05 August 2008 20:08 . Incidentally the 7 th principle of Aryasamaj is in accordance with this sentiment when it states that” One should perform towards all with love. God is the prime source of all knowledge. equals and the juniors. Yagnopavit and its significance Written by Vasudeva Rao Tuesday. The three threads also reminder to the wearer that he should pursue the Knowledge. One must try to get rid of worldly attachment by renouncing it whilst experiencing it. Rajas. to the elders. in accordance with the injunctions of Dharma and according to their respective positions ” Some FAQS K: What you say that Yagnopavitha consists of three threads is found to be false as it is that seen hundreds of people wearing Six threaded Yagnopavitha.1 ] The three threads are also symbol of three eternal entities i.Last Updated Tuesday. The three threads also indicate that this world is tri-attributed Viz.e. He is called Mahadeva because He is the lord of lords.e. Action and Worship contained Vedas which are the tools for the realization of God. it is possible to remember all the above oaths even without Yagnopavitha. To remain not grateful is the mark of ingratitude and this is inimical to our spiritual welfare. Further. the Prakrithi [the matter] and an infinite number of infinitesimal souls. Without true knowledge of all these three eternal entities. Yagnopavith’s three threads also teach man that he ought to be very cautious about his thoughts [Mana shuddi] words [Vakshuddi] and actions [Kaya shuddi] there should be oneness in thought. “Tena Tyaktena Bhunjitah [yajurveda: 40. he resolves that he would conduct himself appropriately with elders. Satva. And because of them everything is entangled. no one can attain Moksha i.Upakarma. word and deed. Then why bind the man with the threads? 5/8 . 05 August 2008 20:10 insensate] is the lord of the Universe- God. and Tamas. women have got back their rights with the result many Arya men and women have again started wearing Yagnopavitha.2] Meaning: When the children of God pray for Knowledge and the man who denies the same will get destroyed with his children and grand children. the fourth or the last quarter of one’s life. Next. No Arya male ever wears six threaded Yagnopavitha.Hence the ritual to accept the thread from childhood to Sanyas Ashram i. Firstly when it becomes worn our or dirty and secondly when one takes renunciation[Sanyas]. The Yagnopavitha thus worn should be put on till the date of death or one can remove it under two conditions. 05 August 2008 20:08 . A true Sanyasi always preaches Dharma which he follows in his own pious life.e. 05 August 2008 20:10 V: That you have seen people wearing six threaded Yagnopavitha is of course true. What would happen if Vedas whose study is to be commenced with Yagnopavitham is hidden? Prajaya s vikrinithe pashubhischo padasyathi| ya Arsheybhyo yachadhbyo devaanaam gaam na distathi|| [ Atharva 12. It is important to remember the duties and wear the Yagnopavitha also which is a hall mark of twice-born (enlightened Arya).Last Updated Tuesday. In ancient times women were also wearing Yagnopavitha.4. Yes. But thanks to Maharshi Dayananda Saraswathi. 6/8 . However it ought to have been with three threads only. This point may be likened to a case of policeman being instructed of his duties but the uniform not given.Upakarma. The same analogy is applicable to Yagnopavitha as well. What good of uniform and badge? If policeman were not to wear Uniform and badge then what makes him different from the ordinary public? How to recognize a policeman then? How would the people submit to his authority? Hence it is important that he remembers his duties and equally important is that he wears his Uniform and Badge. about the question as to why need the thread to be worn unnecessarily when the associated oaths could be remembered as well. He would loose the cattle and other kinds of wealth. it is only those men who are opposed to enlightenment and welfare of women that wear the six threads. They started to wear that part of Yagnopavitha that belonged to women [their spouses]. Yagnopavit and its significance Written by Vasudeva Rao Tuesday. But with the passage of time the selfish male dominated society snatched away the rights of women associated in this regard and also study of Vedas. what will happen if one does not wear the sacred thread? One who knows the importance of Yagnopavitha [the Sacred thread]. and still he/ she does not want to wear it. Yagnopavit and its significance Written by Vasudeva Rao Tuesday.e. Sudhakar chaturvedi Principles of Vedic Dharma.2commands “it is a desire of common people to adopt [to wear] the Sacred thread that is popular in the learned Society. who refuses to wear the sacred thread. What can be worse fate for him than this? One who knows the importance. With grateful acknowledgements: 1. it shows that he/ she is ashamed of wearing it. by Late Siddagopal “Kavirathna” Know your religion by Late Swami Satyam. still makes some excuses not to wear Yagnopavitha. 3.Last Updated Tuesday. The curse of Vedas is visiting those people who are still indulging in this sinful practice. What will you say to such people? The Rig-Veda 10. Yagnopavitha is the symbol of Aryan pride and human custom. A tract by pt. The Raksha Bandhan is an outshoot of a practice when people are denied of Vedas and they instead found out an ingenious method of tying thread with their right wrist and the practice later became Raksha Bandhan or Rakhi. 7/8 . 05 August 2008 20:08 . 2. and then who will be a bigger Shudra than that person? Who can be that Asura? Being a learned person and to behave like an illiterate person. 4. is unauthorized [i.Upakarma. he has no right] to perform religious rituals and remains away from the true knowledge of the Vedas. We should obtain the Yagnopavitha in proper way i. Now. 05 August 2008 20:10 Precisely this is what has happened to those Brahmins who considered Vedas as their ancestral property and denied the same for others when sought for. By Sri Madan Raheja Upakarma da Bhavya sandesha. This could be the possible origin for this festival as there is no indication to this effect either in Veda or any authentic texts.57. Back to Vedas. it is the readers’s court to decide. by Vedic Yagna. who knows the commandments of the Holy Vedas. it is really a trait of an illiterate and ignorant person. It is clear that one.e. 05 August 2008 20:10 8/8 . 05 August 2008 20:08 .Last Updated Tuesday.Upakarma. Yagnopavit and its significance Written by Vasudeva Rao Tuesday. Documents Similar To Upakarma Yagnopavit and Its SignificanceSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextCow1. IJHR -Education System in Ancient Indiagreek and indian cosmologyGuru PrarthanaThe Laws of Manu VI.pdf02 Well-Wishers of the FallenGreek and Indian Cosmology - Review of Early Historysacredscriptures1-091224065322-phpapp02.pptGuru High I High, One Love. 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