UP Diliman Dorm Terms and Conditions

March 29, 2018 | Author: Sweetverni Aces | Category: Graduate School, University And College Admission, Dormitory, Postgraduate Education, Academic Term



2010 GENERAL GUIDELINES ON ACCOMMODATION IN UP DILIMAN RESIDENCE HALLS1A. Residence hall accommodations are exclusively for bona fide students of the University during the time there are classes in a given semester, trimester and/or summer. B. Accommodation shall be subject to the following: 1. Undergraduate and graduate student residents may be allowed to stay in residence hall/s for not more than the minimum number of years required to finish his/her degree according to the student’s respective program. Full-time faculty of UP Diliman may be allowed to stay in residence halls for a maximum period of five (5) years if enrolled in a master’s degree program and for a maximum period of eight (8) years if enrolled in a doctoral program. However, the faculty student must submit an annual academic progress report certified by the program adviser and the Chair/Director of the College Graduate Office, and the renewal of faculty appointment in the case of untenured faculty. Admission is for only one (1) program. (See attached form.) 2. C. Admission is for one (1) academic year unless otherwise specified by the Office of Student Housing (OSH) and/or the Dormitory Admissions Committee (DAC). Every semester and summer term (if applicable), students are required to submit a certified true copy of their duly paid Form 5 of the current term to confirm their admission in the residence hall. D. The Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, upon recommendation of the Office of Student Housing (OSH), may designate certain residence halls as exclusively for freshmen, for females, for males, for graduate students, or for foreign students as the need arises. E. Requirements of Applicants who may be given accommodation are the following: The first Rules and Regulations Regarding Accommodation in Students’ Residence Halls was approved by the Board of Regents at its 837th meeting on September 27, 1973. It was amended by the Board of Regents at its 998th meeting on April 30, 1987 and by the Office of the President on June 7, 1990 (Memo No. 25). The 2008 Rules and Regulations Governing Residence Halls in UP Diliman was approved by Chancellor Sergio S. Cao on April 2, 2008, superseding the Rules and Regulations Regarding Accommodation in Students’ Residence Halls approved in 1973. The 2010 General Guidelines on Accommodation in UP Diliman Residence Halls was approved by Chancellor Sergio S. Cao on February 7, 2011. 1 2. Every year. 1 (Application Form).000 – less than PhP 1.000 PhP 250.000. As much as possible. the income shall be the basis for breaking the tie. December 2003.000 – less than PhP 250. Acceptance of freshman undergraduate applicants shall be subject to the review of the following: 1) Place of Origin. p.000 – less than PhP 500. the Office of Student Housing (OSH) shall determine the number of slots that will be reserved for freshman undergraduate applicants in each residence hall.000. 4.2 2 Faculty Manual. 291 . (See table 1 for the breakdown of points for freshman undergraduate applicants. and 3) In case of a tie in the ranking of applicants.000 Income Bracket 55% 45 points 40 35 30 35 points 40 45 50 55 2.000 or more PhP 500. b.000 PhP135. Table1. To qualify for residence hall admission. Freshman undergraduate applicants a. all freshman undergraduate applicants will be accommodated. For freshman undergraduate applicants Criteria Place of origin Weight 45% Point Scale Visayas and Mindanao Region 1.1. An applicant for admission must submit the following documents: 1) OSH Form No. 2) STFAP bracket or income bracket. and 3) Income Tax Return (ITR) of parents or Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) certificate of tax exemption. University of the Philippines. 2) UP admission slip. and 5 Rizal and Bulacan Metro Manila PhP 1.000 Less than PhP 135. First-time applicants who are not freshmen a.) c. 3. applicants must meet the following requirements: 1) Good scholastic standing as defined by the University: A student is in good scholastic standing if at the end of the semester s/he obtains a final grade of “3” or higher in at least 75% of the total number of academic units in which s/he is registered. 2) STFAP bracket or income bracket.) c.000 PhP 250.2. d. the income shall be the basis for breaking the tie. b. Income tax return of the student or his/her parents/spouse or BIR certificate of tax exemption for graduate students. Acceptance of applicants shall be subject to the review of the following: 1) Place of Origin.2) Academic load of at least fifteen (15) units for undergraduate students or six (6) units for graduate students. An applicant for admission must submit the following documents: 1) OSH Form No. 4. and 4 Bracket 5 Brackets 6.000 STFAP bracket of undergraduate students with student number 2006 and lower STFAP bracket of undergraduate students with student number 2007 and higher Income bracket of graduate students 55% 45 points 40 35 30 55 points 50 45 40 35 points 40 45 50 55 35 points 40 45 . the General Weighted Average (GWA) of the applicants shall be used as the basis for breaking the tie. 2. 7.000 – less than PhP 1. and 8 Bracket 9 Bracket A Bracket B Bracket C Bracket D Brackets E1 and E2 PhP 1. and 3) STFAP bracket certification issued by the Office of Scholarships and Student Services in the case of undergraduate students. For first-time applicants who are not freshmen Criteria Place of origin Weight 45% Point Scale Visayas and Mindanao Region 1. 3. 2.000 – less than PhP 500. and 5 Rizal and Bulacan Metro Manila Brackets 1. and 3) In case of a tie in the ranking of applicants. 1 (Application Form). 3. In case of a further tie. A student from another campus of the University of the Philippines System who is duly cross-registered as a full-time student at UP Diliman shall be subject to the admission priorities listed in E. (See table 2 for the breakdown of points for first time applicants who are not freshmen.000.000.000 or more PhP 500. Table 2. 2) True Copy of Grades of the previous two (2) semesters or certified CRS print-out with GWA. University of the Philippines. and 4) Clearance (both financial and disciplinary cases) from residence hall manager. 2) STFAP bracket or income bracket. and 5 Rizal and Bulacan Metro Manila Brackets 1. the GWA of the applicants shall be used as the basis for breaking the tie.) c. 3. and 3) Good behavior in the residence hall. the income shall be the basis for breaking the tie. 2. Applicants For Readmission 50 55 a. and 4 STFAP bracket of 3Faculty 55% 45 points 40 35 30 55 points Manual. (See table 3 for breakdown of points for readmission. b. 2) True Copy of Grades of the previous two (2) semesters or certified CRS print-out with GWA. For students applying for readmission Criteria Place of origin Weight 45% Point Scale Visayas and Mindanao Region 1. defined as having no violation of the norms of conduct prescribed in residence halls. and 3) In case of a tie in the ranking of applicants.3 2) Academic load of at least fifteen (15) units for undergraduate students or six (6) units for graduate students. Income tax return of the student or his/her parents/spouse or BIR certificate of tax exemption and other supporting financial documents for graduate students. To qualify for readmission. Readmission of students shall be subject to the following: 1) Place of Origin. In case of a further tie.000 3. Table 3. applicants must meet the following requirements: 1) Good scholastic standing as defined by the University: A student is in good scholastic standing if at the end of the semester s/he obtains a final grade of “3” or higher in at least 75% of the total number of academic units in which s/he is registered.PhP135.000 Less than PhP 135.000 – less than PhP 250. 3) STFAP bracket certification issued by the OSSS in the case of undergraduate students. 3. December 2003. An applicant for readmission must submit the following documents: 1) OSH Form No. p. 2. 291 . 1 (Application Form). 4. P.000. Admission slip Admission of students shall be based on academic load.000 PhP135. 7. December 2003.000 – less than PhP 500. 291 . University of the Philippines. a Filipino citizen whose permanent residence is outside the Philippines shall be considered a foreign applicant.000 – less than PhP 1. First-time foreign applicants A first time foreign applicant for admission must submit the following documents: 1) OSH Form No.000 PhP 250.000 – less than PhP 250.undergraduate students with student number 2006 and lower STFAP bracket of undergraduate students with student number 2007 and higher Income bracket of graduate students Bracket 5 Brackets 6. p.000 Less than PhP 135. For purposes of these rules. Graduate students should be enrolled in at least 6 units to qualify for admission.000. The number of residents of the same nationality should not exceed 20% of the total capacity of the International Center. 1 (Application Form).4 4Faculty Manual. b. Applicants to the International Center (IC) Foreign students shall be given priority in the International Center. a. and 2) U. Foreign applicants seeking readmission Readmission of foreign students shall be subject to the following: 1) Good scholastic standing as defined by the University: A student is in good scholastic standing if at the end of the semester s/he obtains a final grade of “3” or higher in at least 75% of the total number of academic units in which s/he is registered. and 8 Bracket 9 Bracket A Bracket B Bracket C Bracket D Brackets E1 and E2 PhP 1.000 or more PhP 500. Undergraduate students should be enrolled in at least 15 units to qualify for admission.000 50 45 40 35 points 40 45 50 55 35 points 40 45 50 55 4. and 3) Clearance from residence hall manager. and 3) Good behavior in the residence hall.2. defined as having no violation of the norms of conduct prescribed in residence halls (See table 4 for the criteria in evaluating applicants to the International Center. Exchange students An exchange student shall be admitted at the International Center subject to availability of space.) Table 4.) f. 1 (Application Form). Applicants to the Centennial Residence Halls. First-time Filipino applicants – The rules stated in E. (See Table 3. 2) True Copy of Grades of the previous two (2) semesters or certified CRS print-out with GWA. He/She must present a certification of status as exchange student from the Office of Institutional Linkages (OIL) and/or the Office of Extension Coordination (OEC). (See Table 2. A foreign applicant for readmission must submit the following documents: 1) OSH Form No.3 shall apply.2) Academic load of at least fifteen (15) units for undergraduate students or six (6) units for graduate students. and . 1 (application form). Filipino applicants seeking readmission .b shall apply. OSH Form No.The rules stated in E. For applicants to the International Center Criteria Number of units enrolled Point Scale Graduate student Enrolled in 12 or more units Graduate student enrolled in 9 – 11 units Graduate student enrolled in 6 – 8 units Undergraduate student enrolled in 21 or more units Undergraduate student enrolled in 20 units Undergraduate student enrolled in 19 units Undergraduate student enrolled in 18 units Undergraduate student enrolled in 17 units Undergraduate student enrolled in 16 units Undergraduate student enrolled in 15 units 100 points 92 84 76 68 60 52 44 36 28 c. Acacia Residence Halls and other residence halls managed by outsourced service providers Any student officially enrolled may be admitted to said residence halls provided they submit the following requirements: a. 5.) e. d. and b. they may stay not later than the last day of the First Semester. e. Graduate students of other UP Diliman academic units.3 shall apply. and who are attending UP Diliman College of Law Bar examinations review classes. graduates of the UP Diliman College of Law who completed their requirements for graduation in the immediately preceding Academic Year. Students of the UP Diliman College of Law who are currently enrolled. OSH Form No. If admitted. c. Current Form 5 6. If admitted. U. Other UPD personnel who are enrolled in graduate programs in UP Diliman may enjoy the same discounts if admitted to Kamagong Residence Hall. . they may stay not later than the last day of the First Semester. Applicants must submit the following documents: a. Personnel applicants In general. they shall enjoy the following discounts: 50% for PhD students and 30% for MA/MS students. and who are attending UP Diliman College of Law Bar examinations review classes. Applicants to the Acacia-Law Centennial Residence Hall Admission to the Acacia-Law Centennial Residence Hall shall follow the order of priority listed below: a.b. b. graduates of the UP Diliman College of Law who completed their requirements for graduation earlier than the immediately preceding Academic Year. 7.2 and E. In the First Semester.2 above. 1 (application form).P. d. Should they choose to apply in Kamagong Residence Hall. Senior and junior undergraduate students of other UP Diliman academic units. In the First Semester. Current Form 5 of student applicants or proof of enrolment in the UP College of Law Bar Review for Bar reviewers. UP Diliman full-time faculty are subject to the rule stated in B. the rule for graduate students in E. provided that the transient period shall not exceed five (5) days. conferences. and 3) Student delegates to seminars. b. . Transients Other applicants who do not fall under the above-stated categories may be admitted as transients. Varsity athletes Seventy (70) slots are awarded to Varsity athletes every year with a waiver of dorm fee. Special admissions a. sponsored by the University of the Philippines or any of its academic units. They must be endorsed in writing by the Varsity Athletic Director and the Dean of the College of Human Kinetics. Confirmation of their admission is subject to the submission of the following requirements: 1) OSH Form No.8. and 3) Clearance from residence hall manager if for readmission. subject to the availability of space and approval of the OSH. 1 (application form). except incoming freshmen. for the duration of the seminar or conference attended. The following are allowed as transient residents: 1) Residents staying in the residence hall after the last date of check-out. 2) True copy of grades of the previous two (2) semesters or certified CRS printout with GWA. 2) Parents or guardians of residents. meetings or activities of like nature.
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