


M.Tech. Communication Engineering Curriculum (2009-10 onwards) University Core Sl. No.Course Code Course Title L T P C 1 ENG 601 Professional and Communication Skills (or) Foreign Language 0 2 0 0 4 0 2 2 2 EEE 619 Probability Theory and Random Process 3 0 4 3 EEE 698 Seminar 1 Total credits 7 University Elective SL. No. Course Code 1 Total credits Programme Core SL. No. Course Code 1. EEE 0 2 4 2. EEE 2 4 3. EEE 2 4 4. EEE 0 3 5. EEE 3 0 0 6. EEE 3 7. EEE 2 4 8. EEE 0 3 9. EEE Total credits Programme Elective Sl. No. Course Code EEE 534 EEE 537 EEE 536 0 3 EEE 540 EEE 539 2 3 EEE 555 0 0 3 3 Modeling of Wireless Communication Systems 0 4 4 Multimedia Networking 3 0 0 3 2 Course Title L University Elective T 3 P 0 C 0 1 3 3 Course Title L T P C 531 Modern Digital Signal Processing 620 621 622 623 3 532 624 533 699 Wireless Mobile Networks Modern Digital Communication High Performance Networks 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 Image Processing and Compression Techniques Network Security 3 0 0 0 0 20 48 RF and Microwave Circuit Design 3 Advanced Radiation Systems Project Work 3 Course Title L T P Network Management 3 0 RF Mems 3 0 0 3 Fiber Optic Communication Networks Embedded System Design 3 1 Electronic Hardware System Design C 0 3 0 2 3 0 4 0 3 3 0 Communication ICs and Design Applications Mobile Ad hock Networks 3 Microwave Integrated Circuits 0 3 0 0 Processors and Architectures 3 3 Multirate Signal Processing 3 Mobile Computing 3 Software Radio Architecture 3 Adaptive Signal Processing 3 Hardware Software Co-Design 3 Total 15 credits to be taken 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 Modern Satellite Communication 3 3 0 3 3 3 Credit Summary Minimum Qualifying credits 73 Total credits Offered (UC+UE+PC+PE) UC 7 UE 3 PC Offered 48 PE Needed 15 UC UE PC PE – – – – University Core University Elective Programme Core Programme Elective 73 CORE SUBJECTS L T P C 3 1 0 4 PROBABILITY THEORY AND RANDOM PROCESS Version No: 2.00 Aims and Objectives: This course will help the students to understand the basic statistical methods and processes required to work with both analog and digital communication systems in future. It will also build them to model the complicate d communication systems and to simulate them. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of statistics and mathematics Course Outcome: Will get detail knowledge about basic probability, discrete and continuous random variables, stochastic processes and systems which will enable students to work on communications systems in future. Basic probability Sample spaces, events, and probability functions. Independence and conditioning on events using Bayes rule. Discrete random variables Uniform, Bernoulli, Geometric, probability mass functions, conditioning on rando m variables. Counting arguments. Summary statistics: Expectations, variances, mo ment generating functions Continuous random variables Uniform, Exponential, Gaussian, probability density functions, jointly continuou s random variables, conditioning on continuous or discrete random variables. Law s of large numbers and bounding: Markov Inequality, Chebychev Inequality, Cherno ff Bounding, Weak law of large numbers, Central Limit Theorem Estimation Very basic MMSE and LLSE estimation Stochastic Processes Martingale convergence theorem, stopping times, sequential analysis. Ergodic The ory: Measure preserving transformations, stationary processes, mixing conditions , ergodic theorem, Shannon-Millan-Breiman theorem. Markov chains-asymptotic stat ionarity, indecomposability, ergodicity. Continuous time processes: Separability , continuity, measurability, stochastic integral. Stochastic systems Response of linear dynamic systems (e.g. state space or ARMA systems) to stochastic inputs; Lyapunov equations; correlation function; power spectral density function. Text Books: 1. Papoulis, Probability, Random Variables and stochastic processes, 4th, McGra w Hill, 2002 2. Grimmett, G. R., and D. R. Stirzaker. Probability and Random Processes. 3rd e d. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2001 Reference Books: 1. H Stark and J W Woods “Probability and Random Processes with Applications to Si gnal Processing”, Prentice, Hall, 2002. 2. Larson and B.O. Schubert, Stochastic Processes, Vol.I and II, Holden-Day, 19 79 3. Gardener, Stochastic Processes, McGraw Hill, 1986. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19.11.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21.11.08 L T P C 3 0 2 4 EEE513 MODERN DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Version No: 1.00 Aims and Objectives: This course examines the fundamentals of detection and esti mation for signal processing, communications, and control. It will help the stud ents to implement new algorithms for signal processing applications in frequency , time and mixed domains and also it will expose students to the adaptive system s. Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge in signals and systems, Digital Signal processin g Course Outcome: Will learn Multirate signal processing, signal processing applic ation in frequency and time domain. Introduction to Modern Digital Signal Processing: Signals, systems and signal pr ocessing (continuous & discrete an overview), time domain and frequency domain a nalysis of signals. Sampling and reconstruction of signals, Concepts of Two dime nsional, Multi-rate and adaptive signal processing. Design of digital filters, moving average filters, adaptive filters and Filter b anks Discrete and fast fourier transform algorithms,Power spectrum estimation, Introduction to Digital signal Processors: Fixed and Floating Point Processors, Complex numbers – fixed and floating point representation Applications: Applicatio ns of Digital Signal Processing to Speech & Audio coding and processing Design and implementation example: An IIR and FIR audio filters - Modeling in MATLAB / LabVIEW and implementation o n a DSP Circuit element Board • Analog measurement on DSP Systems • Fixed and floating Point Realization impacts Text Book: 1. Steven W. Smith, “Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Guide for Engineers an d Scientists”, Elsevier, 2003. Reference Books: 1. John G. Proakis, “Digital Signal Processing Principles, Algorithms and Applicat ions” , 4th edition , PHI 2007. 2. Lawrence R. Rabiner, Bernard Gold, “Theory and Application of Digital Signal Pr ocessing”, PHI 2001. 3. Roberto Cristi “Modern Digital Signal Processing”, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2004. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19.11.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21.11.08 Modern Digital Signal Processing Lab to initiate into the world of Mobile Communication System and to k eep abreast of the future of mobile communication. Prerequisites: Modulation Theory . Experiments using TMS6713 Processor and CC-Studio 1) Implementation 2) Implementation 3) Implementation 4) Implementation 5) Implementation ing multiple sinusoids 6) Implementation multiple sinusoids as 7) Implementation linear convolution. of LPC analysis using Levinson Durbin’s algorithm. of IIR band pass filter and verification of result using input. of N point FFT using DIT/DIF algorithm.00 Aim and Objective: To know about the various spectrum allocation standards and B W allocation. of circular convolution of Autocorrelation and Cross Correlation. 4) IIR-filtering(low/high/bandpass) of an audio input obtained through mic rophone interface and output the result in the loud speaker. II. 2) Interfacing a function generator with TMS 6713 Processor through codec with sampling rate of 96 KHz and display of the magnitude spectrum of signal as a graph in CC-Studio for a time window of 256 samples by applying FFT for the sa mples. Real time experiments using TMS6713 Processor 1) Interfacing a function generator with TMS 6713 Processor through codec w ith sampling rate of 96 KHz and display of the signal as a graph in CC-Studio in a time window of 256 samples. of FIR low pass filter and verification of the result us as input. L 3 T 0 P C 2 4 EEE620 WIRELESS MOBILE NETWORKS Version No: 1. Matlab can be used to verify the correctness of result and obtaining required f ilter coefficients. 3) FIR-filtering(low/high/bandpass) of an audio input obtained through mic rophone interface and output the result in the loud speaker.List of experiments I. Wireless Communications principles and practice. Transaction-oriented TCP 384. TCP over 2. entities and terminology.08 . Theodore S. Wireless transmission: Introduction to Wireless mobile networks and its applications. Mobile Communication. Classical TCP improvements-Indirect TCP 375. New data services. Prentice Hall of India.200 3 Reference Books: 1. Mobile ad-h oc networks.Rappaport.John Wiley and So ns. Registration. Mobile TCP 380. Mobile Network layer: Mobile IP-Goals and requirements. Text Book: 1. selective retransmission 383.UMTS and IMT-2000 (3G).Congestion control. 2005 Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. Pahlavan and A. IP packet delivery.K. Levesque . Slow start. Frequencies for radio transmission-Signals-Antennas-Signal propagation-multiplex ing-Modulation-Spread spectrum-Cellular systems Medium access control: Motivation for a specialized MAC-SDMA-FDMA-TDMA-CDMA-Comparison of S/T/F/CDMA IS -95. Fast retransmit/fast recovery. Performance enhancing proxies. Agent discovery. localizatio n and calling. CDMA2000 1X/3X-WCDMA (3G) Telecommunications systems: GSM-Mobile services-system architecture.11. Security. IP micro-mobility support. 2006 2. radio interface. Snooping TCP 378. IPV6 343.5/3G wireless networks. Fast retransmit/fast recovery 382.5G).EDGE (2. optimizations. Jochen Schiller . Transmission/time-ou t freezing 383.11.GPRS. Wireless Information Networks . Tunneling and encapsulation. Second Edition. second edition.Course Outcome: Will train the students on various generation of Wireless netwo rks. second edition. Mobile Transport layer: Traditional TCP. Dynamic host configuration protocol. Handover. PEARSON Education. Implications of mobility. protocols.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. a. This . system as the packet arrival rates. Use the Wireless Deployment Wizard to deploy a wireless network 4.11e. 2. and service capacities change. implement and test an idea of to enhance the efficiency of WL AN medium access algorithm. Two classes of statistics will be measured.. es in b. To construct an M/M/1 queue model and observe the performance of the que uing 9. 3. 10. Design of Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) for (3G) 7. ork. Study ways to alleviate the degradation in performance caused by 11b nod an 11g WLAN network. a. packet sizes. b. c. wireless protocol . Improve the performance of the network further by adjusting 802. To design the impact of the RTS/CTS mechanism on Throughput and Delay wi th respect to varying packet size in a WLAN network.11e parameters based on application load and topology conditions in the netw 5. Simulation and analysis of TDMA. 6.CDMA Analysis of handover in mobile communication Simulation using opnet: 1. Determine impact of legacy 11b nodes on an 11g WLAN network. Assess the network ability of heavily loaded high-quality voice applicat ion together with HTTP application on an 11g infrastructure Wireless LAN BSS operating at 6 Mbps with deployment of QoS functionalities of 802.FDMA. Queue Delay and Queue Size. 8. To design.SDMA.Wireless Mobile N\etworks List of Experiments 1. 2. To design and analysis WLAN based on Throughput and Delay for various p acket size. Fourth Edition. Course Outcome: It will train students on basic digital communication technique s. Coding for Analog Sources – Optimum Quantization Coding Techniques for Analog Sources. EEE621 MODERN DIGITAL COMMUNICATION L T P C 3 0 2 4 Version No: 1. Spread Spectrum Techniques: Model of Spread Spectrum Digital Communication Syste m.Self-Recovering (Blind) Equalization .DSR 13. laboratory also introduces the use of: • Node Model • Probe Model Simulation using NS2: 11. performance analysis of non-coherent detection of M-ary orthogonal signals. Advanced Modulation Techniques: M-ary Modulation. Performance analysis of Various protocols – AODV. Prerequisites: Communication systems. modulation techniques and design issues Introduction: Elements of a Digital Communication System. Performance comparison of FTP over TCP based on Throughput. Frequency-Hopped Spread Spectrum Sig nals. Probability of error. Other Types of Spread Spectrum Signals.Adaptive Equalization of Trellis-Coded Signals Recursive Least-Square s Algorithms for Adaptive Equalization . Text Books: 1. Orthogonal Pulse-Amplitude Modulation. Communication Channel s and Their Characteristics. They will also get a clear concept on basic digital communication techniques through this course. Modulation with memory. A Logarithmic Measur e of Information Coding for Discrete Sources. Ba ndwidth and Signal Dimensionality. Source Coding: Mathematical Models for Information Sources.DSDV. Optimum Receivers for the Additive White Gaussian Noise Channel : Optimum Receiv er for Signals Corrupted by Additive White Gaussian Noise. Capacity and Modulation Non coherent Demodulation of carrier modulated signals: structure of optimal non -coherent demodulator. Orthogon al Modulation. McGraw Hill.00 Aims and Objectives: This course will help the students mainly to understand the basic theory behind the design part of digital communication systems. Channel Capacity and Coding: Channel Models and Channel Capacity Random Selectio n of Codes.“Digital communication”. Simulation of Simple network topology using NS2 12. signal processing and modulation theory. Mathematical Methods for Communication Channels. Communication System Design Based on the Cutoff Rate.2000. Power spectra of digitally modulated signals. .Adaptive Decision-Feedback Equalizer . Adaptive Equalization :Adaptive Linear Equalization . John Proakis . Performance of the O ptimum Receiver for Memoryless Modulation Optimum Receiver for CPM Signals Opti mum Receiver for Signals with Random Phase in AWGN Channel Performance Analysis for Wireline and Radio Communication Systems . Synchronization of Spread Spectrum Systems. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Signals. performance analysis for non-coherent demodulation of bin ary orthogonal signals.a. 11. Performance comparisons of various M-QAM (4. Compress the given image using Sub band Coding technique 8. Design of FHSS system with pseudo random sequence of length 120. John Wiley and Sons. Fourth Edition. 10. 2nd edition Prentice Hall. Encode the given input audio signal and Improve the coding efficiency us ing DPCM temporal waveform coding technique 7. Ltd. Encode and compress the input text using Huffman algorithm 5.8. Design of LMS based equalizer with channel system order as 5 and stabili ty factor of 0. “Digital communication”. 6.11. June 20. Encode the given input audio signal using temporal waveform coding tech nique. Dr. Reference Books: 1. Compression and Reconstruction of the given image using Sub band Coding technique 9. 11. Simon Haykin.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21.Kemilo Feher.( Consider Rayleigh fading) 4. PHI Pvt.. 2001. “ Digital Communications – Fundamentals and Applications”. Bernard Sklar. Simulation of Various digital modulation techniques 2..Modulation and coding for wireless communication by Alister Burr Prentice Hall . 2. . 3.08 Modern Digital Communication List of Experiments 1. New Delhi-1999.2. Design of DS-CDMA system with pseudo random sequence of length 120. 1st edition.16) modulation techniques for the faded signal based on BER.8-PSK) 3.32. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19.2000. 12. “Wireless Digital Communication Modulation and Spread spectrum communication”. Generation of PN Sequence and its property verification with 4 flip flop shift register.QPSK. BER computation for various PSK modulation techniques (BPSK. 2001. Behrouz. Internet working with SMDS. New Delhi. “Communication networks”. ATM and Wireless Networks: Main features addressing. New Delhi. display.3).DQDB. 2000.Packet swit ching. BISDN. link level design channel access Network design and w ireless networks Optical Networks and Switching: Optical links – WDM systems. “High Performance Communication Networks”. “ATM Networks”. FDDI . Cable television and Wireless network. SMDS. management and control.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21.11. internet protocol.11. Internet and TCP/IP Networks: Overview.2000 3. “Data Communication and Networking”.5).2nd edition. Harcourt and Morgan Kanffman. Inter working w ith ATM. TCP and UDP. process and comp are digital images and image sequences. traffic characterization and QOS. Outcome: Know the different type of wireless network existing and the use of hig h speed networks and use those networks in real time applications. signaling and routing ATM h eader structure-adaptation layer.08 L T P C 3 0 0 3 EEE623 IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPRESSION TECHNIQUES Version No: 1. manipulation and processing of digital images. Tata Mc Graw Hill. token ring (IEEE 802. 2003 2. New Delhi. Performa nce of TCP/IP networks circuits switched networks SONET DWDM. To analyze technique in image compressio . London.00 Aims and Objectives: To develop theoretical and algorithmic principles behind the acquisition. 2000 Reference Books: 1. input and output buffers Text Books: 1.Pankaj Sethi. networks services network elements and network mechani sms Packet Switched Networks: OSI and IP models Ethernet (IEEE 802.a. Jean walrand and Pravin Varaiya. cross-connects optica l LAN’s optical paths and networks TDS and SDS modular switch designs. various type of switching network and wireless Network. Lumit Kasera. 2nd edition. display. computer. Tata Mc Graw Hill. Digitalization Service and layered architecture. shared. Leon Garcia. Forouzan. To exp lore the methods used to digitize. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. VoI P and TVoIP. Wireless channel.EEE622 HIGH PERFORMANCE NETWORKS L T P C 3 0 0 3 Version No: 1.00 Aims and Objectives: This course teaches the networking principles. networking principles. frame relay. transfer. Widjaja. organize. Basics of Networks: Telephone. Tata McGraw Hill. VPN and MPLS . LZW Compression. Woods. Reference Books: 2. Applications and Techniques of Image processing in Remote Sensing. Warping. 2002.C. morphological image processing. color image processing and image compression. “Digital Image Processing”. R. Bio medical.Gonzalez and R. Elsevier. Fourier Transforms Course Outcome: Will get knowledge on Image Transform.08 L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3 EEE 532 NETWORK SECURITY Version No: 1. “ Digital Signal Processing: A Practical Guide for Engin eers and Scientists” . Image Formation and Display: Digital Image Structure. PHI. MPEG.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. Delta Encoding.Jain.K. Data compression: Data Compression Strategies. JPEG (Transform Compression). Huffman Encodi ng. Anil. cameras and eyes. other image acquisition and display. Run length Coding. Televisi on video signals. Special Imaging Techniques Techniques: Spatial Resolution.00 Aims and Objectives: This course will help to know about the techniques for secu rity of networks. . computed tomography.11. 1995.11. Matrix Algebra. brightness and contrast a djustments. Steven W. Smith . They will know about data encryption and decryption. Linear Image processing: Convolution. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing” PHI. Text Books: 1. sample spacing and sa mpling aperture. Forensic and Security. signal to noise ratio. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of coding and information theory Course Outcome:Will train the students on how to secure the networks Introduction: Attacks – Services – Mechanisms – Conventional Encryption – Classical and Modern Techniques – Encryption Algorithms – Confidentiality. grayscale transforms.n Prerequisites: Design and Analysis of Algorithms. 2003 3.E. Image Enhancement and Ima ge segmentation techniques. C or C++ programming languages and object oriented design. 3x3 edge modification Analysis. FFT Convol ution. 2003. security payload and key management–Web Security: secure socket layer. Network Security Practice: -IP Security overview. 3rd Edition. Radia Perlman and Mike Speciner.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21.dual signature. Wave Propagation in Networks: Introduction to RF/Microwave Concepts and applica tions. Hash and Mac algorithms– Digest Functions – Digital Signatures – Authentication Protocols. viruses. 2nd Edition. Pearson Education. Network Security: Private Communication in a public world. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Standa rds.11. Man Young Rhee. worms. Fundamental Concepts in Wave Propagation.S.authentication h eader. architecture. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19.William Stallings. Application of the Smith Chart in Distr ibuted and lumped element circuit applications. Pre-requisite: Microwave engineering Course Outcome: Able to design RF and Microwave circuit. secure electronic transaction. 3. Circui t Representations of two port RF/MW networks.Public Key Encryption: RSA – Elliptic Curve cryptography – Number Theory Concepts. Pfleeger & Pfleeger. Charlie Kaufman. JohnWiley & Sons. RF Electronics Concepts.00 Aims and Objectives: This course aims to provide students with the essential tec hniques for designing analog electronic circuits at intermediate frequency and r adio frequency stages. 3rd Edition. Trusted systems: antiviru s techniques and digital immune systems. Microwave Passive components: Isolators. System Security: Intruders. 2002 2.P .08 EEE624 RF AND MICROWAVE CIRCUIT DESIGN L T P C 3 0 2 4 Version No: 1. “Internet Security”. 2003 Reference Books: 1. PrenticeHall India. Message Authentication: Hash Functions. tran sport layer security.11.Fire Walls. Prentice Hall India. Text Book: 1. Directional couplers. “Security in Computing”. circulators. Dupl exers’ Matching circuits for Antenna elements Passive Circuit Design: The Smith Chart. 200 3. Design of Matching networks. Double balan ced mixers . Ltd.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21.” Pearson Education (Asia) Pte. Reinhold Ludwig and Pavel Bretchko.11. “Radio Frequency and Microwave Electronics Illustrated. Text Book 1.single side band modulator performance .FET mixer theory . 3. RF/MW Control Circu it Design.Microwave FET-DC biasing. Non-linear oscillator model Mixer Design Diode mixer theory . Microwave and RF measurements: Power. Radmanesh.One stage and multistage design . Matthew M. W & G. Anritsu Electric. RF/MW Integrated circuit design. “RF Circuit Design: Theory and Application s. Ltd.. frequency. Vector Network Analyzer.08 . Standing wave ratio.Low-noise amplifiers .Balanced amplifiers . Mixer Design.Single diode mixers . Large Signal Design.High-power amplifiers .Noise analysis in linear two port networks ..arameters and Microwave Transistor Definitions and use of S Parameters with pass ive and active devices . 2004.Modeling o f microwave bipolar transistor .. RF/MW Oscillator Design.Balanced FET Mixers . Oscillator Design Resonators – Dielectric resonators – YIG resonators – Varactor resonators – Resonator me asurements – Two-port oscillator design – Noise Lesson’s oscillator model – Low-noise de sign. Spectrum A nalyzer.Design examples . RF/MW Frequ ency Conversion Rectifier and Detector Design." Pearson Education (Asia) Pte.Impedance matching S-parameter matrix and properties of S-parameters. RF/MW Amplifier s Small Signal Design.F eedback .Small-signal distributed amplifiers.Simple sub harm onically pumped mixer circuit configuration.Single-balanced mixers .11. Reference 2. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. Websites of AGILENT. 2004. Amplifier Design:Unilateral and non-unilateral design .Spectral mixer circuits Image rejection mixer . know the synthesis of array antennas. coupler L T P C 3 0 0 3 EEE533 ADVANCED RADIATION SYSTEMS Version No: 1. Aperture fields of Horn antenna-Babinets prin ciple. know measurements. Radiation mechanism-Current distribution of Antennas. Geometrical theory of diffgraction. Design of oscillator 8. Basics Concepts of Radiation: Radiation from surface current and current line current distribution. and Design consid erations . Design of Low noise amplifier 10.H and Magic Tee 3. Design of mixer 9. Uniform distrib ution on an infinite ground plane. Measurement of S parameters of E. Rectangular and circular apertures. Measurement of dielectric constant 5. current distribution in linear arrrays. Design of filter 12. Characteristics of crystal detector 4. Prerequisite: Antenna theory Course Outcome: synthesis of array antennas and able to take EMI measurements. able to use various types of antennas for different applications. O .00 Aims and Objectives: To know the basic concepts. Design of single stage Amplifier 6. Design of power divider. Design of multistage amplifier 7. Design of rectangular microstrip antenna 11. and how radiation occurs throug h various apertures. Basic ante nna parameters. Impedance concept-Balanced to Unbalanced transformer Radiation from Apertures: Field equivalence principle.RF & Microwave Circuit Design List of experiments 1. Reflector antennas. Characteristics of circulator & directional coupler 2. Phased arrays.Slot antennas Synthesis of Array Antennas: Types of linear arrays. Contention Based MAC Protocols with Scheduling Mechanisms. 4. Microstrip dipole. "Antenna Theory Analysis and Design".08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21.R.Travelling Wave a ntenna. routing and transport protocols for wireless ad-hoc/sensor networks.E.C."Antenna Theory"Part I. “Phased Array Antennas”. and Zucker. Balanis.Directivity.A. to expose to the fundamental issues in designing and analyzing Wireles s and ad-hoc network and to discuss the challenges in designing MAC. Feeding structure. Hierarchical and power-aware routing protocols. Routing Protocols for Ad hoc Wireless Networks Design issues and classification.11.08 PROGRAMME ELECTIVES L T P C 3 0 0 3 MOBILE AD HOC NETWORKS Version No: 1. applications of ad hoc ne tworks. Design and Evaluation Text Books: 1. Retangular patch. Antenna synthesis te chniques Micro Strip Antennas: Radiation mechanisms.New York. Classification of MAC Protocols.Amplitude and Phase Measuremen t. 2005 . Reference Books: 3. Other MAC protocol s. scalability. deployment considerations. quality of service provision ing. Ad hoc wireless Networks Introduction to cellular and ad hoc wireless networks.. Continuous aperture sources. Prerequisites: Communication Networks and Object oriented programming Course Outcome: Student will knowing about the basics of Ad Hoc networks.. security. John Wiley and Sons. issues in ad hoc wireless networks – medium access scheme.Multi turn loop. Antenna range.Impedance and polarization measurement.Hansen.. Ring antenna. MAC Protocols for Ad hoc Wireless Networks Issues in Designing a MAC Protocol for ad hoc wireless networks. 2002. John Wiley and Sons. Kraus. ad hoc wireless Internet. " Antennas" 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons. Input impedance of patch antenna. multic asting. design goals of a MAC Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. Antenna measurement and instrumentation . Table-driven. .Log spiral ridge Guide.1996. Microstrip arrays EMI S/EMC/Antenna Measurements: Log periodic. energy managem ent. Routin g algorithm etc. pricing scheme . Contention based Protocols with Reservation mechanism .11.00 Aims and Objectives: To introduce the diverse literature on wireless and ad-hoc networks.ptimization of Array patterns. Circular patch.Bi-conical.J. On-demand and Hybrid routi ng protocols. New York. 2. R. address and security discovery.Gain. self organization. routing. Collin.F. transport layer protocols. Routing protocols with efficient flooding mechanisms. 1998 Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19.Mc Graw Hill. C ontention based Protocols.D. Mohammad Ilyas. The Handbook of AdHoc Wireless Networks. Siva Ram Murthy and B. Data dissemination. Netwo rk security issues.Toh.C. classification of battery management schemes. AdHoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and protocols.08 . Architecture Reference Model. Quality of Service: Issues and challenges in providing QoS. Wiley – IEEE press. Wireless Sensor Networks: Architecture. Silvia Giordano and Ivan Stojmenovic. Application Dependent Multicast Routing. Perkins. System power management schemes. classification. Manoj.Stefano Basagni. Classification of Qo S solutions. 2004. MAC protocols. Date gathering. Quality of a sensor network. Marco Conti. AdHoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Protocols and Systems. Prentice Hall. Energy-Efficient Multicasting. Prentice Hall PTR. 2004 Reference Books: 1.C. 2000 4. Energy Management Need.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. Network layer solutions.Multicast Routing Protocols and Network security Design issues and operation. Multicasting wit h Quality of Service Guarantee.11.11. Text Book: 1. Tree -based and Mesh-Based Protocols. QoS frameworks.S. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. CRC press. Mobile AdHoc Networking.-K. location discovery. 200 2 3. Addison – Wesley. 2001 2. MAC layer solutions. Transmission power managemen t schemes. Charles E. AdHoc Networking. Boston. 1975.Low power circu its. Hoffman R. "Microwave Intergrated circuits" John Wiley.11.High power circuits.Hybrid mode analysis. Koul “Stripline-Like Transmission Lines for Microwave Integrated Circuits”. Reference Books: 1. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. Impedance transformers.branch line couplers.Configuration.11.Design and Fabrication of Lumped elements for MICs.Microw ave Transistors.Phase shifters. Design Analysis Introduction.Testing methods. Bharathi Bhat.Hybrid MICs.MICs in satelite and Radar .Filters. Blackie Academic & Professional.L T P C 3 0 0 3 MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Version No: 1. 2. Shiban K. 1987. Text Book: 1.types of MICs and their technology. Avalanche diodes. Microstrip Lines.0 . Directional Couplers and Lumped Elements for MICS Introduction to coupled Microstrip.losses i n Microstrip.08 MODELING OF WIRELESS COMMUNICATION L T P C 2 0 4 4 SYSTEMS Version : 1.IMPATT." Hand Book of Microwave Integrated Circuits ". BARITT. 1989.C and Amarjit Singh. Gupta .Directional couple rs.Transferred electron devices. Artech House. MMIC Technology Fabrication process of MMIC.K. Coupled Microstrip.thic k and thinfilm technology.Encapsulation and mounting of Devices. Ne w York.Parametric diodes and Amplifiers.Introduction to slot line and coplanar wave guide .Numerical analysis.Propagating models.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21.PIN diodes. Prerequisites: Field theory and antennas Course Outcome: To know the application and design of microwave integrated circu its and do analysis.Microstrip circulators.00 Aims and Objectives: To enable the student familiar with active and passive micr owave components used in microwave communication systems.Even and odd mode analysis.Compa rison with distributd circuits Non-Reciprocal Components and Active Devices for MICS Ferromagneticsubstrates and inserts.Dielectric substances.K.Analysis of MIC by conformal transformation.Microwave transistors circuits Microstrip Circuit Design and Applications Introduction. Jeruchim. properties. random process models. Introduction to Simulation Approach Methods of performance evaluation-simulation approach. Jackson networks. Text Books: 1. Markovian models and finite population models.Sam shanmugam. RF and optical modulation. Role of simulation in communication system and random process. source coding. K. System model steps and its types involved in simulation study. estimating average power probabil ity density function. channel modeling. Communication Channel Models Statistical characterization of multipath channels and time-varying channels wit h Doppler effects. delay a nd phase.Kosbar ”Principles o f Communication system simulation with wireless applications” 2000. flow control. 2. time averaging and erg odicity.C. generation a nd techniques for generating random numbers and processes.Information sources. steady state behavior of infinite popu lation. Finite state channel mo dels – channels with and without memory. 2000. MAC protocols. M/G/1).carrier and timing recovery for BPSK a nd QPSK. M. In troduction to random variables . multiplexing. network s of queues. SNR estimation and importance sampling. Monte Carlo simulation. computer networks. “Simulation of communication systems”. Course Outcome: Able to model and simulate communication systems and computer ne tworks. . base band modulation. performance parameters. filteri ng. channel coding. William H. Modeling considerations for PLL. Prerequisites: Queuing Theory. TCP.Aim and Objectives: The course aims to provide simulation approaches for communi cation system modeling.Tranter. model construction. properties – stationarity. Modeling of Communication Systems Introduction to modeling of communication systems . New York. detection/demodulation. Parameter estimation: Quality of an estimator.Advantages and limitation s. modeling of computer networks. Review of Stochastic Process and Parameter Estimation Stochastic process: Definitions. Plemum press. data link laye r. S Rappaport and kurt L. simu lation of queuing systems (M/M/1. Philip Balaban & K. estimation of power spectral density of a process. models for multipath fading channels. Methodology for simulating communication systems operating over fading channels Communication over Wired and wireless medium between Mobile and stationery sys tems Simulation of Queues and Computer Networks Queuing models: Characteristics of queuing systems. Error sources in simulation.Sam shanmugam. Information and coding and mod ulation theory.univariate models (discrete and continuous) and multi-variate models. Simulation of computer networks: Traffic modeling. Prentice Hall of India. 0. Modeling of Wireless Communication Laboratory List of Experiments 1. channel and de-modulator. Plot and compare it with the theoretical Gaussian function. Z. Gerhard Bauch . 1999. Generate a real Gaussian noise sequence with zero mean and variance a) Verify the sequence has a Gaussian distribution. 3. Nelson Engineering . Mathworks . 5.Law & W. “Discrete –Event system simulation”.M. Free-space attenuation and propagation loss exponent 8. 4th Edition. 0. Proakis.David Kelton . Given the binary sequence b = {1.Reference Books: 1. ”Probability. Banks.S.”Contemporary Communication Systems using MATLAB “. Nelson and D. 1. 2. Plenum press. John G. K. Tata McGraw Hill. New York. 4.””Communication Tool Box for MATLAB & Simulink” 2. Masoud Salehi. New York. 4. 1984. HATA propagation loss model 6. J. 6.Peebles .” Simulation Modelling and analysis” .Carson. 4th edition 2002.Sketch the waveforms representing the sequence b using the following line codes: . Random Variable and Random Signal Principles”.Nicol. Process a binary data stream using communication system that consists of base.2005.McGraw Hill. What is the average symbol power of the sequence? 5. “Modelling and Analysis of computer communication networks”.Hayes. Co-channel Interference in a Cellular Communication System 7. 1}. 1. M. Mobile Radio Channels Modeling. 2005. Simulation of Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) System 3. Compute the systems BER (Assume 16 QAM).band modulator. W and the chann L 3 MULTIMEDIA NETWORKING T P C 0 0 3 Version : 1. Introduction: Constituent of an Internetwork. 5) Manchester Assume unit pulse amplitude and use binary data rate Rb=1Kbps. 9. the TCP/IP architectur e. Simulation of Flat Fading 11. 14 Simulation of discrete multipath fading channel 15. To design and analysis the performance of M/M/1 Queuing Discipline. defining multimedia internetwork . 2) Polar NRZ. classi fication of networks. estimating bandwidth requirements for multimedia internetworks. Introduction to the multimedia Internetworking Technology Basics: elements of mu ltimedia communication. Simulate a simple Communication system and estimate Bit Error Rate. 16. 10. Prerequisite: computer networks. networks.0 Aims and Objectives: Know the various topology. The TCP/IPv6 Internetworking architecture: Introduction. b) Multiplex two user information and pass it through AWGN channel and demultiplex the same.principles of redesign and upgrading of Data-Intranets to Multimedia intranets. the hierarchical Internetworking.1) Unipolar NRZ. multimedia internetwor k integration. 4) Bipolar RZ. Routing protocols used for internetworks and application of graph theory. Simulation of Monte Carlo 12. steps involved in Internetwork Design. 3) Unipolar RZ. design models: archi tectural view. the TCP/IP6 Architectur . classification of multimedia internetworks. the bandwidth factors. Display the Channel input and output waveforms. Course Outcome: Able to classify the multimedia networks. BER performance analysis for the following Communication System a) Multiplex two user information and pass it through Rician channel and demultiplex the same . estimate the bandwidth requirements for multimedia applications use various routing protocols for real time applications. Consider a base band data transmission channel with unity gain and additive White Gaussian noise (AWGN) where the noise power is 10-2 el Bandwidth is 4. multimedia bro adcast standards. Generate power spectrum and measure bandwidth efficiency for the M-ary PSK and FSK signals 17.9 kHz: Transmit waveform x over this channel. 13. Simulation of Diffused Multipath Fading Channels. primary design goal s of Internetwork design. hierarchy in Internetworks. NewYork. types of video-o n-demand technologies. Spanning trees. issues in Hierarchical routing arc hitectures. Rahul Banerjee.Depth-First and Breadth-Fir st Search Applications of Depth-First Search. Internetwork Routing Architectures: Introduction. Internetworking aspects of VoD Technology.08 .11. 4ed.Tata McGrawHill. Mobile IPv6. Jon Crowcroft.An Intuitive Tree-Growing Scheme . link state routing a lgorithm. IPv 6 versus IPv4 comparison. IPv6 address notations. Text Book: 1.Matroids and the Greedy Algorithm. hierarchical routing architectures. McGraw Hill.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. The Address Resolution Protocol. addres s autoconfiguration/plug-and-play support in IPv6. PHI. Time sensitive IPv6 MM Traffi c Over the Ethernet. Multimedia making it to work. Internetworking aspects of Vo D System. shortest path routing. Internetworking Multimedia. distance vector routing algorithm. constituents of a VoD system. 2002. Ian Wakeman. concept o f subnetting and supernetting.e.Cycles. Szuprowicz. Graph Theory: Introduction to graph models. M ore on the Generic Transport Layer Concepts.O. Mobile IP. address issues in IPv6. Multimedia Networking. the VoD Architecture. The Internet Protocol: IPv4 options. cla ssification of routing architectures. flooding based rout ing. Internetwork-Based Video-on-Demand Architectures: Introduction. Harcourt Asia Pvt. Tay Vaughan. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. 1998. Edge-Cuts. The Reve rse Address Resolution Protocol. flow based routing. On the Congestion Control in Internetworks . IPv4 and the world of classes. B. on the Internet Control Message Protocol .On t he Internet Group Management Protocol.Counting Spanning Trees: Prüfer Enco dingMinimum Spanning Trees and Shortest Paths.2000 . About Routing terminology. structure and representation. tree s. Mark Handley. and Spanning Tre esGraphs and Vector Spaces. NewDelhi. basic i ssues in VoD design.Ltd. Internetworking Technologies-An Engineering Perspective. The Internet Protocol Version 6. 1995 3.Singapore. the video-on-demand system. Reference Books: 1.11. 2. D/AConversion E rrors. PID Controller. A CODEC-DSP interface example. Program Control. External bus interfacing signals. Interrupts of TMS320C54 XX processors. Adaptive Filters. Bus Architecture and Memory. Compensating filter. Computational Accuracy in DSP Implementations: Number formats for signals and co efficients in DSP systems. 2-D Signal Processing. Relative Branch support. A Mult ichannel buffered serial port (McBSP).L 3 T 0 P C 0 3 PROCESSORS AND ARCHITECTURES Aims and Objectives: To explore the current trends and future directions of proc essor architectures. Data Addressing Capabi lities. TMS320 C54XX instructions and Programming. Data Addressing modes of TMS320C54XX DSPs. Interlocking. Bit-Reversed index generation. Pipeline Programming models. a CODEC interface circ uit. Execution Control and Pipelining: Hardware looping. Stacks. FIR Filters. Sources of error in DSP implementations. Dynamic Range and Precision. Speed Is sues. . Pipelining and Performance. Memory space of TMS320C54XX Processors. IIR Filter s. Implementation of FFT Algorithms: An FFT Algorithm for DFT Computation. Pipeline Depth. A Butter fly Computation. Interrupts. Programmed I/O. Parallel I/O i nterface. Memory interface. CODEC programming. Programmability and Program Execution. Pipeline Operation of TMS320C54XXProcessors. On-Chip Peripherals. Decimation Filters. Interpolation Filters. Interrupts and I/O. Data Addressing modes of TMS320C 54XX Processors. Computation of the signal spectrum. Address Generation Unit. Programmable Digital Signal Processors: Commercial Digital signal-processingDevi ces. An 8-Point FFT implementation on the TMS320C54XX. A/D Conversion errors. McBSP Programming. DSP Co mputational Building Blocks. Features for External interfacing. Interfacing Memory and I/O Peripherals to Programmable DSP Devices:Memory space organization. DSP Computational errors. Implementations of Basic DSP Algorithms: The Q-notation. Overflow and scaling. Architectures for Programmable DSP Devices: Basic Architectural features. Prerequisite: Microprocessors and it’s applications Course Outcome: Identify the architectures for dsp devices and use programmable digital signal processors for the specific applications. Direct memory access (DMA). Branc hing effects. Interrupt effects. Architecture. Architectures & Features – Lapsley et al. 2004. TMH. 2005 Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21.11. John Wiley. Programming and Applications – B.00 . Srinivasan. 2004. S. 2000. DSP Processor Fundamentals. 2. Digital Signal Processing – Avtar Singh and S.08 L T P C 3 0 0 3 MODERN SATELLITE COMMUNICATION Version No: 1. Thomson Publications . Digital Signal Processing – Jonatham Stein. Chand & Co.Text Books: 1. Bhaskar. Reference Books: 1.11. 2. Digital Signal Processors. Venk ata Ramani and M. and voice coding Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of communication systems Course Outcome: Will train the students on satellite communication systems. McGraw-Hill International edi tions. Wilbur Pritchard. satellite systems. Richharia “ Mobile satellite Communications Principles and Trends” . Reference Books: 2. Prentice Hall India. Robert. multiple access. modulation. .. Medium altitude constellations. orbital overcrowding and its p roposed solutions. . 1993. geostar’s geosynchronous messaging services. 6.M. Radio Link in Satellite communication: spectrum issues.Gagliardi. error correction.T. environmental issues. Text Books: 1. Dire ct satellite sound Broadcast. Evolution of satellite based Mobile telecommunications: Terre strial systems. Mono Racharia. 1990. CBS Publishers . “Satell ite Communication Systems Engineering”. . in M ultiple access and error correction techniques. Space borne Land Mobile communication Systems: The critical importance of digita l data relay.2006 3. “Satellite Communication”. link design. Tom Logsdon. “Digital Satellite Communication Systems Engineering”. s tation keeping techniques. Navigation systems. 2003. Tri. Related Satellite systems: Distress and safety systems. “Satellite Communication Systems design and anal ysis”. Direct Television Broadcast systems. Low altitude voice messaging systems. Satellite Mobile communic ation Networks Beyond UMTS. satellite based paging services. Omni TRAC’s Mobile commun ication services. McMillan Publishers. characteris tics. ground station design.Ha. M.Henri Suyderhoud and Robert A. Nelson. Very small ap erture Terminal systems.”Mobile Communication Satellites”. 1996. operat ion and to understand digital communication technologies used in satellite commu nications such as modulation techniques. 1995. Emerging Trends in communication Satellites: Geosynchronous spacecraft design. coding and Multi Access and communicators : Gateways. Terrestrial cellular systems. McGraw Hill. 5. propagation. to obtain appropriate background in satellite technology.Aims and Objectives: To get in depth knowledge of communication through satellit e. Mobile c ommunication satellites at Geosynchronous. 4. Pear son Education. Satellite constellations: Selecting proper constellation architectures. radio link analysis. mobile terminals. next generation technology. 08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. poly-phase representation. special filters and filter banks. Multirate Filter Banks: Maximally decimated filter banks: Errors created in the QMF bank.7. Para-unitary Perfect Reconstruction Filter Banks: Lossless transfer matrices. fi lter bank properties induced by paraunitariness.08 MULTIRATE SIGNAL PROCESSING L T P C 3 0 0 3 Version No: 1. Mchannel filter banks. trans-multiplexers. 2nd Edition. two channel Para-unitary lattic es. multirate filter banks. Dennis Roddy. tree structured f ilter banks. alias-free QMF system. power symmetric QMF banks. perfect reconstruction systems.11. M-channel FIR Para-unitary QMF banks. McGraw Hill . alias-free filter banks. interconnection of building blocks. multistage implementation.11. Prerequisite: DSP Course Outcome: Able to identify and use different types of multirate systems fo r various applications. “Satellite Communications”. Fundamentals of Multi-rate Systems: Basic multi-rate operations. l994 Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. lattice str .00 Aims and Objectives: To study the fundamentals of multi rate systems. appli cations of multi-rate systems. Linear Phase Perfect Reconstruction QMF Banks: Necessary conditions. reconstruction of filter banks. poly-phase representa tion. transform coding. additional types of attacks. Gilbert Strang and Truong Nguyen. J.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. N. Travel and Business services. adaptability. formal synthesis of linear phase FIR PR QMF lattice.P.” John Wiley & Sons. Mobile Application development Hurdles. “Mobile Computing Principles and Designing and Developing Mobile Applications with UML and XML”.11. 3. how to develop or incorporate adaptations in applications. Synchronization and replication of Mobile Data. P.00 Aim and Objective: To give the students knowledge of wireless systems and networ ks. Testing mobile applic ations Case Study: Home Services. mechanism for adaptability.11. Mobility and Location based services: Context aware computing: Ubiquitous or per vasive computing.08 L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3 MOBILE COMPUTING Version No: 1. Course Outcome: On completion of this course the students should be familiar wit h the specifics of mobile computing and its applications. 20 00. 2004. Introduction to mobile computing. efficient poly-ph ase structures. Fliege. Wireless connectivity and Mobile applications. . Cambridge University Press." Pearson Education (As ia) Pte. basic servicesa and security aspects. continuous-time Ortho-normal wavelets. definition and types of contexts. Wavelet Transform: Short-time Fourier transform. properties of cosine matrices. Text Books:: 1. Wavelet transform.uctures for linear phase FIR PR QMF banks. Mobile applications: Speech. Text Books: 1. consumer services. Approaches to security:Limit the signal. 2004. cosine modulated perfect reconstr uction systems. USA. Mobile security:Traditional security issues. 1996. context aware applications. integrity codes.mobility. "Wavelets and Filter Banks. support for building adap tive mobile applications. IPSec. Ltd. Vaidyanathan. encryption. Mobile computing Frameworks and tools. “Multirate Systems and Filter Banks. Mobile agent s and peer to peer architectures for mobile applications. mobile and wireless security issues . Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. "Multirate Digital Signal Processing. Design and Technology selection for Mo bile Applications." Wellesley-Camb ridge Press. Mobile development Process: Architecture. discrete-tim e Ortho-normal wavelets. Cosine Modulated Filter Banks: Pseudo-QMF bank and its design. Other security related mechanisms.Reza B’Far. Pre-requisite: High performance networks. Reference Books: 2. al.”Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing” Tata McGraw-Hill. “Wireless and Mobile Networks Architecture”.08 SOFTWARE RADIO ARCHITECTURE L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3 Version No: 1. Nicklous. Technology and Architecture of Mo bile Internet Applications”. Course Outcome: Able to design and use software radio platform for various gener ation Of mobile.Superconductor SDR for Commercial Applications & Military Applications – The Digital Front End: Bridge Between RF and Baseband Pr ocessing: The digital front end-Digital up and down conversions-Channel Filterin g-Sample Rate Conversion.“Principles of Mobi le Computing. John Wiley and Sons. 2002 Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. Thomas Stober. The Mobile World”.Uwe Hansmann. Addison Wesley.”Springer International . IEE publication 2002 6. Kluwer Academic Press 1996 5. the technology used in software radios and its applications.” Pervasive Computing.Receiver Design Considerations.00 Aims and Objectives: The course aims to know the basic concept of software radio .Reference Books: 1. 2.Uwe Hansmann. Prerequisites: Analog modulation theory and wireless communication.The AS 2/6 Product Family – Dual Band. et.Tomasz Imielinski et.Frank Adelstein. Data Conversion in Software Defined Radios: The Importance of Data Converters in Software Defined Radios-Converter Architect ures – Converter Performance Impact on SDR-Superconductor Microelectronics: A Dig ital RF Technology for Software Radios: Introduction-Rapid Single Flux Quantum D igital Logic – Cryogenic Aspects. Software Based Radio Software defined radio and Software Radio Concepts – Realization of Software Base d Radio . Six Mode – Alternative RF Front End Architectures.Yi Bing Lin.al. S.2000 .Front end Technology: Radio Frequency Translation and Software Defined Radio: Requirements and Specifications. 3. “Pervasive Computing Handbook. “Mobile Computing”.2005. Sandeep K. Baseband Technology: Baseband Processing for SDR-The Role of Baseband Architectures – Base Band Compon ent Technologies-Design Tools and Methodologies-System design and maintenance – Pa rameterization-A Technique for SDR Implementation – Definitions-Adaptability – Param .11.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. Gupta. Lothar Merk.11. 4.Candidate Architectures for SDR – Radio frequency fron t end Implementations for Multimode SDRS: Evolution of RF Front Ends – Superhetero dyne Architecture. Martin S.Jochen Burkhardt. Loren Schewiebert .2007. Golden G. Richard III.Transmi tter Design Considerations. Software Radio Design: Architectural characteristics intrinsic to Software radio-Architectural characte ristics important to Software radio-Architectural characteristics of Practical S oftware radio.A modern approach to Radio Engineering by Jeffrey Reed 2002 Pearson Education ISBN 81-7808-826-6 Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. Artech Book House 2002 ISBN 1-58053-0 44-5.Future Applications of SDR Downloading.11. Wiley Pub lications. Walter Tuttlebee.08 L 3 T 0 P C 0 3 ADAPTIVE SIGNAL PROCESSING . 2002. Artech House. 2002 3. “Software Defined Radio: Enabling Technologies”. Systems and Functio ns”.11. Software radio . Software Technology: Software Engineering for Software Radios-Overview of Vanu Systems – The Importance of software in software Radio – Software Portability-Commodity PC hardware-Signal Processing software-Control – Software-Performance-Future Directions – Software Dow nload for Mobile Terminals – Downloading Technologies for SDR – Standards for downlo ading-Seamless Upgrading ‘on the FLY’ security of download –software Architectures for Download. 2. Application Case Studies: Wireless Information Transfer System-Software radio communication Systems Reference Books: 1. Markus Dillinger. Paul Burns. 4. Simulation and software radio For Mobile communications by Hiroshi Harada and Ramjee Prasad. Protocols and Network aspects of SDR-Protocol Stacks: SAPS vs.SDR Baseband processing – Hardware with Software Programmability – The Computational Power Efficiency Requir ed by 3 G Algorithms – Example Case Studies.eterization of Standards – Signal Processing Issues – Adaptive Computing IC Technolo gy for 3G Software – Software defined Radio – A Solution for Mobile Devices – The Mobi le Application Space and the need for Processing Power. Reconfigurability-Approaches to protocol stack reconfiguration – Reconfi guration Management and control – Network support for software radios Conclusions – The Waveform Description Language: The specification problem – WDL overview – FM3TR example – Refinement to an implication – WDL details – A practical WDL support enviro nment. “Software Defined Radio: Architectures. “ Software Defined Radio for 3G”. Wiley series 2003.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. Robust estimation and failure detection. Method of Steepest Descent LMS algorithm Normalised LMS Method of least squares . Boroujeny . Wiener Filtering.0 Aims and Objectives: To study and investigate the latest advances in digital sig nal processing theory and applications. Jhonson and Larimore .Prentice Hall. Huber . introduction of pro totyping and emulation techniques. 1985. Levinson-Durbin Algorithm. 3. Wiley. Lectures on wiener and Kalman Filtering . 1985. Treichler. 4. compilation techniques and tools used for emb edded processors and computational models for co-design. Springer. Recursive Least squares.Version 1. 6. Stochastic Processes and models. Mangoubi. Prerequisite: Embedded system design. .Springer Verlag. Adaptive filter.08 L 3 T 0 P C 0 3 HARDWARE SOFTWARE CO-DESIGN Aims and Objectives: Teach the essential issues in codesign. Course Outcome: Able to know the application and use hardware software codesign for computational models. 2. Prerequisite: DSP Course Outcome: Able to know the various stochastic processes and models and use of different types of filters for various applications. Prentice Hall. 1987 Orfanidis . AR modelling of WSS proceses) .11. Adaptive signal processing . 1998 Widrow and Steams . Kalman filteri ng.Macmillan. Mendel . Adaptive filters . Optimal signal processing . Hinf filtering and comparison with Kalman filtering. Lessons in Digital Estimation Theory. 5. Linear Prediction (Forward a nd Backward prediction.Robust Statistics.11. 1985.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. robust adaptive estimat ion in non-Gaussian measurement models Reference Books: 1.Prentice Hall EEE. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. 8. 1981. 1999. 7. 2001. Kailath . 2002 . Text Book: 1. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19.compilation technologies-practical consid eration in a compiler development environment.2002.11. Reference Books 1. Co-synthesis of Hardware and Software for Embedded Systems. K. ” Embedded System Design:A Unified Hardwa re/Software Approach”. 4. Kluwer. ISBN 0-7923-8013-4. Ayler “The Co-design of Embedded Systems: A Unifie d Hardware Software Representation” . ISBN: 0-7923-9936-6 2. Feli ce Balarin. Hardware/Software Co-design principles and Practice edited by Jorgen Sta unstrup and Wayne Wolf. Design specification and verification: Introduction to Co-design computational models-concurrency-coordinating concurre nt computations-Interfacing components-Verification. 3.11. M. G. Springer-Verlag. 7. 5. Peter Marwedel. 2 Frank Vahid and Tony Givargis. John Wiley . Allworth. Compilation techniques and tools for embedded processors architecture: Continued integration leading to embedded processors-modern embedded architectur e-embedded software development needs. 8. S.08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. H. Hardware-Software co-design of embedded systems-The POLIS Approach. Kluwer Academic Press. Mc-Graw Hill. Real-time Systems. Gupta. Goosens. Kopetz. 1997. Kl uwer 1995.Architecture specillization techniques-system communication infrast ructure-target architecute and application system classes-mixed system and less specialized systems-selected codesign problems. Introduction to Real-time Software Design. Klu wer Academic Publishers. 1997. 6. Kluwer Academic Publisher. Krishna. Real-time Systems. 1984.Essential issues in Codesign Models-Architectures-Languages-A Generic Co-Design Methodology Prototyping and Emulation: Introduction-prototying and Emulation Techniques-Prototyping and Emulation Envir onments-Fut ure developments in Emulation and Prototyping Target Architecture: Introductin. 1995.08 . James H. Sanjaya Kumar. R. C. Shin. Kluwer Academic press. Code Generation for Embedded Processors. LAN. Bridges. V2. Switches. Fundamentals of Computer Network Technology Network Topology. Gateway s. Net work Management & Applications.00 Aim and Objectives: To know how to maintain. V3. Communications protocols and st andards Network Management Applications (FCAPS) Configuration management. Macros Functional mode l CMIP/CMIS Internet Management (SNMP V1. and manage a Local Area Network.Encoding structure.Hubs. communication . to get knowledge about network management applications. Routers. Accounting management. I SDN Transmission Technology. Prerequisites: Computer Communication Course Outcome: Students will be aware of Fundamentals of Computer Networks. Fault management. Network node components. Report Management.L 3 EEE534 T 0 P 0 C 3 NETWORK MANAGEMENT Version No: 1.) SNMP-Organizational model-System Overview. WAN. Event Correl ation Techniques security Management. Performance management. Policy Based Management Service Level Management OSI Network Management OSI Network management model -Organizational Model-Information model. The information model. communicat ion model. Abstract Syntax Notation . 1999. Raman. 2000. " Telecommunication Network Management Technologies and Implementations ". Thomas Plevayk. Telecommunication Management Network. SNMP proxy server. “Network Management Principles and practice ". " Fundamentals of Telecommunication Network Management ". Salah Aiidarous. Eastern Economy Edition IEEE press. Management information base (MIB). Mani Subramanian. Text Books: 1.11.08 .08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21.model-Functional model. Reference Books: 1. Web based Manag ement . Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. 2. pr otocol remote monitoring Competing Networking Management protocols: Remote Network Monitoring. New Delhi. Lakshmi G.comparative studies. Addison Wesly New York. 1998. New Delhi. E astern Economy Edition IEEE Press.11. SAW devices. reconfigurable antennas – tunable dipole antennas. Hector J. concept of micro machines/ micro systems. resistive. cavity resonators. Text Book: 1. Film bulk acoustic wave filters – FBAR filter fundamentals. thermal sensing principles: electrostatic.0 P 0 C 3 Aims and Objectives: To know the various sensors. varactors. A High-Q 8 MHz MEM Resonators filter. A 2. Surface Bulk Micro Machining: Overview of silicon processes techniques. Artech House.4 GHz MEMS based voltage controlled oscillator. film bulk acous tics wave resonators. MEM switch – s hunt MEM switch. electromagnetic modelin g. folded – beam – springs suspension series switch. piezoelectric. actuators and RF MEM and it’s ap plications. filters. A 14GHz MEM Oscillator. capacitors. Evolution of Microsystems: Benefits of micro systems. micro machining techniques and special processes for MEMS. “RF MEMS Circuit Design for Wireless Communications”. RF MEMS – enabled circuit elements and models – RF/Microwave substrate properties. RF MEMS filters – A Ka-Band millimeter-wave Micro machined tunable filter. massively parallel switchable RF front ends. Micro machined – enhanced elements – capacitors. RF MEMS Oscillato rs – fundamentals. tunable microstrip patch-a rray antenna. Nth-stub tuner.EEE537 REMEMS L T 3 0 Version 1. De Los Santos. . X-Band RF MEMS phase s hifter for phased array applications. Actuators and Mathematical Models: Various domains and classification of transducers: electrostatic. MEMS modeling – mechanical modeling. resonator tuning sys tem. polymer MEMS. nano machines. chemical etc. Novel RF MEMS – Enabled circuits – reconfigurable circuits – the resonant MEMS switch. inductors. micromechanical resonators. Ka-Band RF MEMS phase shifter for radar sy stems applications. Introduction to Sensors. tunable CPW resonator. inductors. MEMS microswitch arrays. Scaling law s. A Ka-Band Micro machined cavity oscilla tor. low voltage hinged MEM switch approaches. 2002. Reconfig urable circuits – double – stud tuner. RF MEMS Based Circuit Design – Phase shifters – fundamentals. Recent advances in MEMS fabrication. Resonators – transmission line p lanar resonators. push-pull series swit ch. true delay digital phase shift ers. FB AR filter for PCS applications. Prerequisite: Physics Course Outcome: Will train the students on designing MEMS based circuit . 2002. Rebeiz. Course Outcome: The students will have a strong understanding of the enabling te chnology and the devices that builds a light wave network. Optical Components and Devices.A. “RF MEMS and their Applications”. Gabriel M..08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. 2002.11. 2. Varadan. Prerequisites: Knowledge on Optical Fiber Communication. Network Elements .00 Aim & Objectives: Provides a deep insight on enabling technology at a lever nece ssary to understand the devices on which light wave networks are built. K. control and management focusi ng on four classes of optical networks. J ohn Wiley and sons. design.11. K.08 EEE536 L T P C 3 0 0 3 FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKS Version No: 1. Ltd. They will be able to analyze and design a light wave network of various classes. Design & Technology”. Vijay K. Jose.Reference Books: 1.J. Vinoy. Wiley Interscience. It empha sizes on methodology for network analysis. Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. “RF MEMS Theory. Reference Books: 1. Wavelength Converters. Senior “Optical Fiber Communications principles and practice“ 3rd edition. Routing Protocols. Two-photon absorption. CDMA. 3rd Ed. Morgan Kaufmann. Routing Algorithms. BUS. Self -focusing and self-phase-modulation. Capacity Allocation for Dedicated Connections. Dispersion Com pensating Network Designs. Eye Pattern. Detection and receiver design: Receiver Sensitivity – Bit-Error Rate. FDDI.N. Demand Assigned Connections. 3rd Edition. Quantu m limit of photo detection. Thermal no ise. Optica l switching. Addison Wesley. AWG and Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) devices. Static Multipoint Networks: The Broadcast Star. Chirp. R. Agrawal. Dispe rsion Management. “Fiber-Optic Communication Systems” . Decision circuit. John M. John Wile y & Sons. Business Drivers for Next Generation-Optical Networks . saturated abs orption and nonlinear refraction. Sivarajan. SRA. mixing and parametric effects. Isolators. “Multiwavelength Optical Networks A Laye red Approach”. ED FA. Govind P. Circulators. Gerd Keiser. Multiplexers and Filters. .Optical and Photonic Device Technology: Attenuation and dispersion. Intelligent Optical Network (ION). SOA. Wavelength Routed Optical Network. Network Architectures and Topologies The End To End Transmission Path. Harmonic generation. SONET/SDH Optical Network. Integrated Receivers.Optical Spectrum Analysers (OSA). PHI. 2nd Edition. Minimum received power. Linear channel. Receiver Design – Front End. Brillouin and Raman scattering. WDM Optical Networks. Optics of anisotropic media. 3. FTTH. Concept of Carrier to Noise Analysis.2009. Electro-Optic Effect and Acousto-Optic effects. Solitons. Wavelength Selective Cross Connects. Noise in detection Circuit – Shot Noise. Text Books: 1. Nonlinear optical fib ers.2002 2. Loss And Dispersion Budgets in Network Designi ng. “Optical Fiber Communications” McGraw-Hill. Stern and Krishna Bala. 1996. Design of STAR.” Optical Networks A pract ical perspective”. Couplers. Fault and Security Management.WDM and Filte rs: dielectric. Pearson Education. Coherent Optical Communication Systems and Design Requirements. 2000 . Optical Signal Flow And Constraints. Raman Amplifier. Multiplexing and Multipl e Access Schemes: TWDM/MA. Sub carriers. Ramaswami & K. MESH and RING Topo logies. Network Monitoring and Ma nagement. Active and Passive Optical Switches. 2000. Self-induced transparency.. Thomas E. Optical Cro ss Connects. Optical Modulators: Phenomenological theory of nonlinearities. EO and AO modulator s. 2. Rayleigh. Optical Networks Optical Networks Architecture. Optical Heterodyne Systems. Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR). Devices and Buses for Device Networks: I/O devices. Abstr action Layers. Emb edded Design life cycle. serial communication using F C. s oft ware embedded into a system. Introduction to Embedded System: An embedded system. PCI deadline and interrupt latency and advanced buse s. build download debug process of firmware. processor. parallel port device driver in a system. Application Layer. device drivers. Example of an embedded system. Direct memory accesses. .08 Date & Approval by the Academic Council : 21. device driver for internal programmable timing d evices. V context and periods for switching netwo rked I/O devices using ISA. Start up code or Boot loader. memory selection for an embedde d system. Memory devices. CAN devices.Recommended by the Board of Studies on : 19. interrupt servicing mechanism. Programming Concepts and embedded programming in C: Languages. Modeling embedded systems Processor and Memory Organization: Structural unit in as processor. Digital system design and mathematical fou ndations like graph theory and set theory Course Outcome: Will prepare the students to learn Embedded systems which will p repare them for industry jobs.11. Firmware development environment. serial port device driver in a system. allocation of memory to program statements and blocks and memory map o f a system. OS services. hardware unit. processor se lection for an embedded systems.11.08 EEE540 L 3 T 1 EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN P C 0 4 Aim and Objectives: To provide the detailed understanding of the embedded system design methodology and the applications in communication systems Prerequisites: Computer architecture. 2. RTOS task scheduling models interru pt literacy and response times. 2008. John Wiley . Board of Studies : 21. problems of sharing data by multiple tasks and routines. Text Book: 1. 2008 3. list of basic functions. Tony Givargis. performance metric in scheduling models. “Real time systems”. multiple process in an application.2003. synchronization. “Embedded systems Architecture. EDN Series .11. inter process communications. Reference Books: 1. 2002.Frank Vahid.08 . Steve Heath .08 Academic council : 25.11. 1st edition.Program Modeling Concepts in Single and Multiprocessor Systems: software develop ment process. 2000. Liu.. Second Editio n. Inter-Process Communication and Synchronization of Processors Tasks: and threads .Wayne Wolf “Computers as components: Principles of Embedded Computing System Design “. Programming and design”. standar dization of RTOS. Addison Wesley 1999. modeling process for software analysis before software implementat ion.” An Embedded Software Primer”. 2. 4. “Embedded Systems Design”. programming model for the event controlled or response time constrained rea l time programs. modeling of multiprocessor system.Jane W. The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design.Raj Kamal. David E simon. Pearson Education.. S.”Embedded System Design: A Unified Harware/Software A pproach. Fundamentals of Digital Logic with Veril og Design. Pearson Educat ion 3.08 Electronic Hardware System Design Lab List of Experiments 1. Stephen Brown. Johnson & Martin Graham.Hall International. Gajski. Stephen H. John Wiley and S ons. McCall. Philip R Moorby. 2004. . Principles of Digital Design. Principles of Verifiable RTL Design. A Verilog Premier. Hall&James A. Computers . 2. and PCB). 2002 4. 2001 6.EEE539 ELECTRONIC HARDWARE SYSTEM DESIGN L T P C 2 2 3 Prerequisites: Digital and Analog Electronics Aims: • To teach the fundamental possibilities and limitations of different technology p latforms (FPGA.08 Date of Approval by Academic council : 25. Zvonko Vranesic.11. Donald B Thomas. High speed Digital Design. 1997 . Introduction to FPGAs –FPGA technologies –FPGA Architectures –FPGA Design Flow Prototy ping with Xilinx FPGAs –FPGA based Testing Applications on FPGA DSP Algorithms on FPGAs –Wireless applications -FPGAs for automotive applications -Use of Lab view for real time simulations PCB design Signal integrity -High speed PCB design -EMI/EMC analysis -System level design of electronic hardware for automotive applications -System level testing and val idation of automotive electronics systems for reliability Case studies References 1. 9. Inc. Howard. Programmable Logic devices & FPGAs.11. Prentice. and specifically describe some FPGA families. and how these steps ar e related to each other. Thomson Books. Charles Roth. W. The Verilog Hardware Description Langu age. • Ablity to describe the steps required for the design. J Bhasker. verificati on and test of a complex new electronic product of today. Design a Half & Full Adder using Verilog codes for a general purpose Spartan kit and verify the outputs by simulation using ISE / ModelSim Simulator. Samir Palnitker. Hall. • To provide knowledge in some current and relevant DSP applications for FPGAs Learning Outcomes: • Ability to demonstrate proficiency in implementing designs using hardware descri ption languages and EDA tools such as HDL simulators and synthesizers.2002 7.Garrett W. 5. TATA Mcgraw Hill. architec tures and capabilities. Prentice Hall. High-Speed Digital Syst em Design—A Handbook of Interconnect Theory and Design Practices. Harry Foster.. Lionel Bening. 2000 Recommended by the Board of studies : 21. Digital Systems Design using VHDL. implementation. A guide to Digital design and Synthesis. Comput ers – 2001 8. 4. Using Schematic level abstraction. Using Schematic level abstraction. 11. Design a 4 binary to gray code encoder using verilog code for a general purpo se Spartan kit and verify the RTL level abstraction using synthesis tools. 6. Using a general purpose Spartan kit.2. 5. transceiver a rchitectures and to deal with telecommunication ICs. L 3 T 0 EEE555 COMMUNICATION ICs AND DESIGN APPLICATIONS P C 0 3 Version No: 1. impedance. Prerequisites: Circuits. Design a Verilog codes for different logic gates. Nonlinearities and harmonic distortions. Design a Finite state machine using verilog for Video player machine and imp lement the same for a general purpose Spartan kit. Digital integrated circuits. Back annotate the above design to reduce the time delay. develop a design for 4-bit Johnson Counter to implement for general purpose Spartan Kit and verify the simulated output of the counter. 8. 9. Back annotate th e above design to reduce the time delay. develop a design for 4-bit Asynchronous Up Counter to implement for general purpose Spartan Kit and verify the simulated ou tput of the counter. dynamic range. Design a 8 : 1 Multiplexer using Verilog codes for a general purpose Spartan kit and verify the outputs by simulation using ISE / ModelSim Simulator.00 Aim and Objectives: To learn integrated circuit design techniques. decibels. Design a Verilog codes for 4:2 decoder and translate and place the netlist in a general purpose Spartan Kit to verify the time delay. levels. Introducti . Design a 8 bit parity encoder using verilog code for a general purpose Sparta n kit and verify the RTL level abstraction using synthesis tools. Noise models and circuit noise calculations. 7. Inte rmodulation. 3. Ana log integrated circuits Course Outcome: Students will be knowing about design issues of communication IC s and their applications Introduction to RF IC design Gain. RF circuits & systems. Design a Finite state machine using verilog for coin vending machine and impl ement the same for a general purpose Spartan kit 10. Introduction to random processes and noises Review of thermal noise. verify the input and outputs using on-b oard Switches and led’s using any of the above example. translate and place the net list in a general purpose Spartan Kit to verify the time delay. Nonlinear Elements Nonlinear elements.. Transceivers Transceivers architectures. New Jersey. Resonant oscillators. Pr entice Hall PTR. 20 05. Leon W. Phase-locked loops: Phase-locked loops and frequency synthesis. Transceivers functions and characteristics. their characteristics and approximation methods. John Wiley & Sons. ISDN Codecs. B.on to low-noise amplifiers.08 Date of Approval by the Academic council: 25. line interface. CVSD codec. Feedback oscillator topologies. High speed DSP Chips. 2001. Digital Communications. Inc. Relationship betw een power consumption. Recommended by the Board of studies on: 21. High speed decision c ircuits. RF mixers: Up and down conversion mixers. PLL synthesizers for radio applications. MIC and MMIC. Sklar. Microwave Engineering. Telecommunication ICs PCM. single and double balanced mixers. gain. Couch.Y. N. Cry stal oscillators. Telephone subsrcibe r circuits.. Low-noise RF amplifiers structure. Oscillators Types of oscillators. Basic building blocks of the PLL. LAN chip sets. Fibre optic chips. 3rd Ed. linearity and noise figure.11.. Pozar. Small signal analysis of an oscillator.M. 2001. DSP chips. switched capacitor. D. 6th Ed.11. filters MODEMS..08 . Nonlinear resonant amplifiers and frequency multipliers. Fundamentals and Applications. Prentice Ha ll PTR. New Jersey. Harmonics a nalysis of the current in the nonlinear elements. Digital and Analog Communication Systems . Direct c onversion and super heterodyne receivers. 2nd Ed. 2. 3. Reference Books 1. Short introduction to Voltage Controlled Oscillators(VCOs).
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