Unmasking Ahle'Quran

April 2, 2018 | Author: Yusuf241953 | Category: Prophets And Messengers In Islam, Quran, Muhammad, Hadith, Surah



UNMASKING AHLE’QURANDefinition: Ahle‟Quran or Quranites or Quranists or Quranioon are the breakaway sector of Islam who believe that ONLY Quran is the sacred text for them and they totally reject the Hadith and Sunnah of the Prophet Mohammed s.a.w. 1 Modus Operands of Alhe’Quran: Ahle‟Quran people are known to abuse Muslims in many different ways and they deploy several tactics to lead the Muslims away from mainstream Islam. They take cover of Muslims and New-Muslim names while in conversation with Muslims, especially in emails, web blogs, and web sites and on many chat forums. They are fully equipped with false, weak and Shi‟te Hadiths; they also keep ready their back-answers to their allegations when refuted from Quran or Hadith or commonsense. They are fully equipped with excerpts from Quran that they may use to support they agenda and tactics which may look like reality to any un-suspecting Muslims. They device their attacks in an organized manner and are very trained to do so by their peers. They attack Hadiths by their main word “Contradiction to Quran”. They always keep at least five Quran translations by different authors ready at hand. Their excerpts from Quran are always with them for ready references, they do their homework meticulously and wickedly. They also make fun of Islamic Jurisprudence and three of its four corner stones, viz, Sunnah, Ijma and Qiyas. (The fourth corner stone is Quran - which the Ahlul-Quran claim to follow but in reality they don't. They claim that Sunnah and Fiqh are human creations, imperfect and are collectively responsible for the dilapidated condition of Muslims today. They address the Prophet Mohammed Sallallahu Alahi wassallam (s.a.w) with their generic term “Mohammed Alayhissalam”. They incessantly claim that Muslims are caught into non-essential things like Beard, Hijaab, Jihaad, Salaat, reciting Quran like a parrot, fasting and Eid's - these are all rituals! They also claim that Islam is "all about balance, honesty and truth" and not ritualistic patterns. Ahle’Quran belief Vs the True Islamic Belief, a comparison: Ahle’Quran Belief Allah ta'ala states, “And We revealed to True Islamic Beleif Indeed The Quran is an explanation of everything but only for the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaih wasallam, not for us fools. This ayah is in first person to the Prophet s.a.w from Allah s.w.t. This is why in this verse Allah subhan wa ta'ala says you which is a singular form, not plural, as Allah Ta'ala is only addressing to Rasoolullah (sallallahu alahi wasallam) here. Quran explains everything to Beloved Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) and Our Beloved Prophet explains everything to us. Quranists may question that Where it is written in the Quran that Beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is the explainer? Reply: ALLAH Al-Mighty clearly says in "Surah Nahl, Verse:44": you the Book to clearly explain everything.” – (Surah Nahl, Verse 89) So, when the Holy Quran has explained everything, what need is there for Hadith “And We have also sent down to you the Dhikr (Qur’an) so that you may explain clearly to men what is sent down to them" Here you can see that ALLAH Al-Mighty has asked our Beloved Prophet to explain us the revelations from ALLAH. And all the explanations are recorded in Hadith books which every Muslim must accept. Now, can those who present this objection figure out the rate of Zakaah UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 1 and teaching them the Book and the Hikmah. On this. 1) It‟s surprising that you Munkir Hadith use this Hadith as proof of your claim. Everything is in the Quran but Only Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) can teach it to us and to make us understand the Holy verses of Quran.” „If Rasoolullah sallallahu alaih wasallam prohibited the transcribing (writing) of Hadith. Quranists may say that Quran has been revealed in a very easy understandable language so there is no need for further teachings. not to deduce laws from. and there was fear of the Quran and the Hadith being mixed together due to the transcribing of both. whereas the Holy Quran is memorized by even children. Pearls are found in the ocean but only a diver can bring them up. “Besides the Holy Quran. He teaches us those verses. they had been before in manifest error" – (Surah Jumu'ah.” – (Surah Anaam. If the Holy Quran was made easy for deducing laws. the Holy Quran). Hadrat Abu Saeed Khudri radi Allahu anhu narrated a Hadith to Hadrat Umar radi Allahu anhu. i. but only the perfect intellect can deduce its content. (Surah Baqarah. Once. Rather. Medicine is found in pharmacies but only doctors can prescribe their usage. purifying them.e. Thousands of narrations of the Companions are found today. Chapter on Recording Knowledge" which show consent to transcribing the Ahadith are as follows: The Prophet sallallahu alaih wasallam said. “We have made the Quran easy for remembering. UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 2 . reciting to them His verses. the requirement to memorize the sayings of the Prophet sallallahu alaih wasallam would‟ve ceased. Only the Quran was permitted by him to be recorded. Allah subhan wa ta'ala states. and so only the Quran is necessary to be followed. what need was there for the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam to teach it? “And he teaches them the Book and wisdom. the Deen would‟ve perished because it cannot exist without it. a Messenger from among themselves. Read this verse of Quran: Allah subhan wa ta'ala states. Verse 59) When everything is in the Holy Quran. If they wrote it.e. How can you use the Hadith to refute the Hadith itself? 2) This narration was intended for people who memorize the Hadith. don‟t transcribe (write) anything from me. Chapter.Baabu Kitaabatil-Ilm. Verse 129) The Companions and the four Caliphs did not stop the narrating of Hadith. they prohibited carelessness in narration so that no incorrect utterance was attributed to the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaih wasallam.” There are a few replies to this. undoubtedly everything is in the Quran. what need is there of the Hadith? The four Caliphs used to stop people from narrating Hadith. If they completely stopped the narrating of Hadith. there should be no reason for the Hadith to exist. After some time (when people began to understand the difference between the two). “Present a witness for this Hadith or I will punish you. Verse:2) Therefore. permission to transcribe the Hadith was given. This is what is meant by „made easy‟. Some narrations found in "Sahih Bukhari. this Hadith was said when the revelation of the Holy Quran had commenced. And verily.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN from the Holy Quran? Surely not! as it could only be known from the explanation of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) which is recorded in Hadith books. In reply to this. 3) Also. Verse 22) When the Quran has everything and has been made easy. How then did the Hadith come about? The Holy Quran has been made easy to memorize. He replied.” – (Surah Qamar. what need is there to take from the Hadith “He is it He Who has sent among the unlettered ones. There is a great need of Hadith as we need to take the teachings of Quran from there. “There is nothing wet or dry not mentioned in the manifest book (i. No one ever became a hafiz of the Torah or Bible. let‟s quote the Holy Verse of Quran where ALLAH Al-Mighty has said that our Beloved Prophet delivers us the Verses of Quran and after delivering them. This is why the word for remembering‟ was used. ” Imam Bukhari has dedicated an entire chapter on this in his Sahih Bukhari (called Baabu Kitaabatil-Ilm. Tafseer: The preservation of the Qur‟an was not restricted to protecting its wording from change. Chapter on Recording Knowledge). out of his own desire.” v) Hadrat Umar ibn Abdul-Azeez radi Allahu anhu wrote to Abu Bakr ibn Hazm radi Allahu anhu.” iii) Hadrat Abu Bakr Siddique radi Allahu anhu wrote down Ahadith pertaining to the rules of charity (sadaqah) and sent them to his governors so that they could practice upon them. “Amr ibn A‟s radi Allahu anhu used to write down Ahadith.” The Prophet sallallahu alaih wasallam replied.” ii) On the occasion of Hajjatul-Wada (The Final Hajj). [Quran 53:3-4] Therefore.a. why did the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaih wasallam intend doing this? Hadrat Abu Hurairah radi Allahu anhu states. How then can there be a prohibition to note it down? IMPORTANCE OF HADITH: 1. he himself asked for paper and said.w) reiterated this point in one of his recorded statements. Allah states the following in the Qur‟an regarding its interpretation: UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 3 . All of the above-mentioned narrations may be found within.” If transcribing the Hadith was prohibited.w) - He does not speak on his own.” [Sunan Abu Dawud] 2. while the Hadith is more important and exquisite than wealth. the Hadith represents a personal source of divine guidance which Allah granted His Prophet (S. write down these commands for me. for I fear the loss of knowledge. must be considered a fundamental source of guidance along with Qur‟an. “Indeed. Allah also protected its essential meanings from change by entrusting the explanation of the meanings of Qur‟an to the Prophet (S. Allah in the Qur‟an said concerning the Prophet (S. “Nothing except a journal which has a few Ahadith written in it. while maintaining its wording.A. Important note – It is truly surprising that the Holy Quran has stressed the transactions of loans to be written down for the sake of wealth not being ruined. its meanings could be manipulated according to human desires. The Prophet (S.a.w) which was similar in its nature to the Qur‟an itself. “Which secrets of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaih wasallam do you have with you?” He replied. That is but a Revelation that is revealed to him. “Someone write it down for Abu Shah. “O Rasoolullah sallallahu alaih wasallam.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN i) At the time of Rasoolullah‟s sallallahu alaih wasallam demise. the Prophet sallallahu alaih wasallam delivered a sermon. “Bring it to me so that I may write something for you not to be led astray. Was that the case. as such. I never did. I was given the Qur‟an and something similar to it along with it. However. Revelation: The Prophet‟s sayings and actions were primarily based on revelation from Allah (One True God) and. iv) People asked Hadrat Ali radi Allahu anhu. Abu Shah then submitted. i. “Search for the Ahadith of the Prophet sallallahu alaih wasallam and write them down.a.e.W) himself. he or she must consider what the Prophet (S.w) was to judge between people in their disputes. Attention was drawn to this fact in the following verse of Qur‟an: Surely there is for all of you a good example (of conduct) in the way of Allah’s Messenger [Qur’an 33:21] Consequently.A. Among his many clarifications concerning Salaah and zakaah. Verse 65:- UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 4 .”[ Sahih Al-Bukhari. verse 43. as stated earlier.a. obey the Messenger and those in authority among you.] and he specified that surplus wealth.W) in this regard.a. I‟ll like to remind them that Allah takes vows by Himself very few times in Quran (most of the vows are taken by His creation). in the Qur‟an. indeed. This is alluded to in the Qur‟anic verse: “Indeed. protect it. 5. collection and criticism of Hadith was unknown to the world prior to the era of the Prophet (S. I will.A. In fact. [Quran 4:59] Thus.a. the daily life of the Prophet (S. Since his judgments were all based on revelation. in order to obey these instructions correctly. 604.w). 3. Similarly. 1. should be given as zakaah. that thou mayest explain clearly to men what is sent for them. Laws: One of the primary duties of the Prophet (S.a.a. Allah instructs the believers to offer salaah (formal prayers) and pay zakaah (obligatory charity) in Chapter 2. Arrogance is having knowledge about a Sunnah and then ignoring it. it was due in part to the absence of such a reliable science that the messages of the former prophets became lost or distorted in the generations that followed them. Hadeeths are essential for the smooth running of the law courts in an Islamic State. he instructed his followers saying “Pray as you saw me pray. Allah also addressed this responsibility in the Qur‟an saying: O believers obey Allah. his character and social interactions became prime examples of moral conduct for Muslims until the Last Day. 4. refer it to Allah and the Messenger. it may be said that it is largely due to the science of Hadith that the final message of Islam has been preserved in it is original purity for all times. vol.w)] the Message.w) was guided by revelation in his personal life. However.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN (We sent them) with Clear Signs and Books of dark prophecies. Arrogant usually have the argument that Qur‟an is enough to follow Islam. If you dispute about anything.w) as recorded in hadeeth represents an ideal code of good conduct. Moral Ideal: Since the Prophet (S. one must study the methodology of the Prophet (S. E. and that they may give thought. Therefore.A. I have revealed the Reminder. Preservation of Islam: The science of narration. if one is to understand the meanings of Qur‟an.g. unused for a year.” [Qur’an 15: 90] DIS. ignorance is being unaware of an authentic Sunnah. they must be considered a primary source of principles by which judgments are carried out in an Islamic State. And one such place where He takes vow by Himself is Chapter4. [Qur’an 16:44] Therefore.W) said or did regarding it.WTER OF IGNORING THE SUNNAH Sunnah is ignored mostly out of arrogance and ignorance. and We have sent down unto thee [Muhammad (S. no. a. but accept them with the fullest conviction. until they make thee (Prophet Muhammad [s.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN But no. and no one has real faith unless he follows the Sunnah):How many of our decisions might go against messenger if we don‟t know/sideline/reject Sunnah- It is not fitting for a Believer. And once we know the Sunnah there must be no resistance on our part. And fear Allah. he is indeed on a clearly wrong Path.. If they had only. until they make thee [Muhammad (S. and deny yourselves that which he withholds from you.(33:36 Quran) -Ignoring Sunnah may lead to punishment here or in hereafterJust to give one example through a Hadith.w]) judge in all disputes between them. He said: I cannot do that. until they make thee (Prophet Muhammad [S. So take what the Messenger assigns to you. Most Merciful. It was vanity (excessive pride) that prevented him from doing it.w)] judge in all disputes between them…” 2) “…and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions. Akwa‟ reported on the authority of his father that a person ate in the presence of Allah‟s Messenger (S. man or woman. they can have no (real) Faith. but accept them with the fullest conviction. but to be obeyed.a. and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions.a. and he could not raise it (the right hand) up to his mouth. the needy and the wayfarer. come unto thee and asked Allah’s forgiveness. whereupon he said: Eat with your right hand. they would have found Allah indeed Oft-returning. here they are (after all Sunnah is the part of Islamic Faith. and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them. but accept them with the fullest conviction. whereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: May you not be able to do that.w) with his left hand.. and find in their souls no resistance against Thy decisions.w]) judge in all disputes between them.w) or else it leads to DISBELIEF.to His Messenger and to kindred and orphans. by the Lord.” Thus Qur‟an in very clear words state that our lives must be in accordance with the judging of Mohammed (S.(Qur’an 59:7) Hadith: The Integral Part of Islam “But no. However if you need more.a. when they were unjust to themselves.” [Translation of Qur’an 4:65] UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 5 .What Allah has bestowed on His Messenger (and taken away) from the people of the townships.belongs to Allah.a. (Book 023. by the Lord. in accordance with the will of Allah. [Qur’an 4:65] According to me there are two main points to note here:1) “…they can have no (real) Faith. In order that it may not (merely) make a circuit between the wealthy among you. A single ayah of Qur‟an is enough to make people realize the facts about the graveness of sidelining the Sunnah. (Quran 4:64) Take WHAT messenger assigns. for Allah is strict in Punishment. they can have no (real) Faith. Salama b. Hadith 5011)(Bukhari) -The very fact of sending messengers?- We sent not a messenger. when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger to have any option about their decision: if any one disobeys Allah and His Messenger. F.w) facing Jerusalem before that? Verse 143 (of Surah al-Baqarah) shows that Allah Himself had appointed Jerusalem as the initial Qiblah (i. Hadiths and Scholars as mentioned in Qur‟an. “We see the turning of thy face to the heavens: now shall We turn thee to a Qiblah that shall please thee. E. Allah Almighty commanded the Prophet (S.a.e.a.w) is a sin which takes one out of the fold of Islam. wherever ye are. B: Is Qur’an the only form of revelation to Prophet Muhammad (S. direction faced when praying) for the Prophet (S.W) on the issue of Hadith Reply some common arguments of Hadith rejecters I take the liberty to assume the following safely for my readers: Reader understands and believes that Qur‟an is uncorrupted and direct word of Allah revealed to Muhammad (s. Under this section of this document the following topics are covered: A.w) did not decide by himself to take Jerusalem as previous Qiblah as otherwise he would not have turned his face to the heavens with a hope that Allah will appoint Kaaba as the new Qiblah. D.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN Hadiths are inseparable part of Islam.w).w). But there is no verse in the Qur‟an which commands the Prophet (S.a. B. This misconception could be taken care of in many ways.w)? Role of a Messenger (Was it only to deliver Qur‟an?) Importance of Sunnah.a.a. The fact that more than 12% visitors arrive at our site (scanislam. we would base our arguments within this framework.a. “And We appointed the Qiblah to which thou was used. Therefore. only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (from the Faith).w). Referring to Messenger (S. as evident in the above quoted ayah of Qur‟an.a. the Prophet (S. which is inseparable and the most essential element when it comes to practically submitting to the will of Allah. In fact deliberately ignoring hadiths and Sunnah (traditions) of Muhammad (S.w).w) was a prophet of Allah. C. must have received this guidance from Allah in a form other than the Qur‟an. Reader is unbiased towards these issues.w).a.” The appointment of the previous Qiblah is referred to as being in the past. Reader understands and believes that Muhammad (s.a.a.a. However recent developments have increasingly led people in doubts regarding the relevance of this wonderful source of knowledge. is in Qur‟an. It is a misconception that whatever was revealed to Muhammad (S. turn your faces in that direction. This alternative revelation is preserved in the Sunnah and Hadeeth. So let‟s look at just three out of many evidences to clarify this fact from the Qur‟an:Evidence 1: According to verse 144 of Surah al-Baqarah (Chapter 2 of the Qur‟an). Turn then thy face in the direction of the Sacred Mosque.a.” But why was the Prophet (S. What are Hadiths and Sunnah? (As explained above) Is Qur‟an the only form of revelation to Prophet Muhammad (S. Ayah 143 also shows that Allah tested the faith of those who followed Messenger in complete sense (Qur‟an + Hadith).w). to face Jerusalem at the beginning of his mission! And also it is clear that the Prophet (S.A.a.com) with query on this issue and also that about 25% visitors visit our article „Importance of Sunnah and Hadiths‟ gave us enough hint on the graveness of this issue. Evidence 2: UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 6 . However since I have assumed above that the reader believes that Qur‟an is UNCORRUPTED and direct word of Allah.w)? The first misconception one needs to clear is that Qur‟an is the only revelation revealed to Muhammad (S.w). to face the Ka‟bah (inMecca) in his daily prayers instead ofJerusalem. Allâh knew that you were betraying yourselves. (b) The people who had sexual intercourse during the nights of Ramadan before this verse was revealed are admonished by describing their act as “betraying themselves.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN In verse 3 of Surah al-Tahreem (Chapter 66 of the Qur‟an).” indicate that their sexual act was a sin.w) did not enforce this prohibition by his own will. These are just a few examples out of many others which leave no doubt that the Prophet (S.w).a. Then when he told her of it. “so He relented towards you and pardoned you. and that his injunctions. he confirmed a part of it and repudiated a part. the Prophet (S. now you can have sexual intimacy with them. (We shall see the preservation and compilation of Hadith in later articles Insha‟Allah) UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 7 . So.” The following points with respect to this verse are worth consideration: (a) The verse confirms that sexual intercourse during the nights of Ramadan was not lawful before. “It is made lawful for you. ‘Who told you this?’ He said. ‘He told me Who knows and is well-acquainted (with all things)’. All these points confirm the fact that the earlier prohibition of having sexual intercourse during the nights of Ramadaan was validly made by a competent authority. It was enforced only by the Prophet (S.w). It is due to the fact that the Prophet (S. are binding on the Muslims. the Qur‟an not only confirms it. Therefore. All other communication was embodied either in the Prophet‟s sayings or in his practices which were carefully preserved by the Companions in the Hadeeth as the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (S. so. and seek what Allâh has destined for you. Looked at from this angle. because “relenting” and “pardoning” occur only after a person commits a sin. and on the other hand it reaffirms the status of the Prophet as a law-giver.a. and she then divulged it. in the nights of fasts.” We must consider carefully the phrases “Allah made it known to him” and “He told me Who knows and is wellacquainted”.a.w). used to receive separate revelations from Allah out of which a part was intended by Allah to be preserved word for word under the title of the Qur‟an.w).” (c) The words. and eat and drink until the white thread of the dawn becomes distinct from the black thread. both orders and prohibitions. a certain incident is cited. and the Muslims were bound to abide by it. Still. this verse on the one hand proves that there is a revelation which does not form part of the Qur‟an. to have sex with your women. (d) The words “so now you can have sexual intimacy with them” denote that it is only now that the sexual act during the nights of Ramadaan has been made lawful. it was rather based on a revelation of Allah Almighty which is not contained in the Qur‟an. she said. how did Allah make it known to him and tell him? Certainly not via the Qur‟an.a. He relented towards you and pardoned you. and you are a cover for them. Evidence 3: It is mentioned in Surah 2 ayah 187. since there is no mention of it anywhere else in the Book of Allah. and Allah made it known to him. “When the Prophet disclosed a matter in confidence to one of his wives. must have been told via some communication from Allah which is not part of the Qur‟an. But there is no verse in the Qur‟an to convey this prohibition. They are a cover for you. The question is.a. but also treats it as if it were Allah‟s enforcement. then complete the fasts up to the night. which means to explain just like how it is used in Surah 14 Verse 4: We sent not an apostle except (to teach) in the language of his (own) people.” day: “O men! I am sent unto you all. To proclaim is to „baligh‟. out of his own desire.for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil. However they (usually) purposely try and avoid the ayahs in Qur‟an itself which describe the mentioned ayahs in greater detail. However. Surah 24:54 and Surah 64:12.a. and a mercy for a people who believe. help him.” (Translation of Qur’an 7:157-158) The part of heading for this ayah “Role as Law establisher and commander” is clearly evident from ayah 157 and the part “under guidance of Allah” is evident in ayah 158.w) was under the guidance of Allah. full of Wisdom. Surah 5:92.in the law and the Gospel. and that they may give thought.a.a.w). it definitely does not relate to Commands in Qur‟an. as Qur‟an is in the words of Allah.a. That is but a Revelation that is revealed to him..it is they who will prosper. he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure).. Thus this actually refers to the commands recorded in authentic Hadiths. So it is those who believe in him.w as Teacher UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 8 . whom they find mentioned in their own (scriptures). Also as our assumption is that the reader understands and believes that Qur‟an is uncorrupted and direct word of Allah revealed to Muhammad (S. Role of Prophet Muhammad. we will explore the role of Muhammad (S. the unlettered Prophet. the Unlettered Prophet. It doesn‟t just mean to “proclaim”. as the Apostle of Allah. may peace be upon him The usual claim of those who take Hadiths and Sunnah lightly is that the Messenger‟s role was only to deliver Qur‟an and nothing more than that. and We have sent down unto thee (also) the Message. who believeth in Allah and His words: follow him that (so) ye may be guided.. As their evidence they quote.w). (Translation of Qur’an Surah 16:44) And We have not sent down to thee the Book except that thou mayest explain to them that concerning which they have created differences and as a guidance.w as explainer of Qur’an (We sent them) with Clear Signs and Books of dark prophecies.w as Law establisher and commander under guidance of Allah:- “Those who follow the apostle. Role of Prophet Mohammed s. forbidding etc are attributed to Messenger (S.a. Role of Prophet Mohammed s. and follow the light which is sent down with him. “He does not speak on his own. which implies that every word of Prophet (S. However it must be noted that as the act of commanding.” (Translation of Qur’an 53:3-4) it does not exclusively refer to Qur‟an. Now Allah leaves straying those whom He pleases and guides whom He pleases: and He is exalted in power. In fact the revelations which reach us in the form of verified authentic Hadiths are also included in the same. that thou mayest explain clearly to men what is sent for them.a. honour him. in order to make (things) clear to them. (Translation of Qur’an Surah 16:64) These verses show that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) was sent to explain the Quran. He releases them from their heavy burdens and from the yokes that are upon them. as one can see from the word‟s usage in Surah 5:67. Role of the Prophet Mohammed s.w) from Qur‟an itself.a. to Whom belongeth the dominion of the heavens and the earth: there is no Allah but He: it is He That giveth both life and death. here the word is “litubayyina”. So believe in Allah and His Apostle.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN Thus this also shows that when Allah says. 4. be coolness and peace for Ibrahim. Ahle’Quran criticism Any hadith that go against nature or natural sciences is fabricated Muslim Responses “O fire. The next stage after this purification is the “teaching of the Book.a. 2. the trees. the stars.w).. and Allah‟s guidance to man will be fulfilled and completed by all and not by one only.the sun.” (Surah Anbiya [21]: Ayah 69). These four main functions of the Prophet have been instituted and carried out by the command under the guidance of Allah Himself. and to apply it to the circumstances of human life in the most excellent way.w). Teaching the book. the hills.a. to explain and demonstrate the implications of the Book. To state that only the first function is of permanent significance is simply to flout the Word of Allah. has not been achieved. The purpose of sending the Messenger is. some even go to the extent of making jokes against many Hadiths. the “teaching of wisdom” refers to the development into a science of certain subjects treated in general in the Qur‟an. the centre of the will and intentions. “To Allah prostrate all things that are in the skies and on earth. What are we to say about fires that are meant to bring coolness? If we are to reject Hadiths on this principle then the same can be said for this ayah as well. why this prejudice against ahadith only? An explanation has never been given Ahadith suggest that Allah has a throne and the sun prostrates Allah. moral science. regarding all of which we can find valuable guidance both theoretical and practical from the Prophet (S. Criticism of Sunnah from Ahle’Quran and Muslim responses: Ahle‟Quran bitterly criticize many Hadiths .” (Surah UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 9 . the moon. and his continual exhortations to the believers by word and example in the light of the Qur‟an to purify their thoughts and deeds.w)‟s role into four parts: 1. although before they were in flagrant error.a. (Translation of Qur’an 3:164) Thus we can see that the above ayah classifies Messenger (S. the science of the Shari‟ah. Reciting the signs. for the proper understanding of the Book and “wisdom.a. Allah has verily shown grace to the believers by sending unto them a messenger from among them who recites unto them His signs and sanctifies them and teaches them the book and wisdom. Finally. but the Ahle‟Quran would never raise this point when discussing Ayahs.. Teaching the wisdom.” firstly to “purify” them.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN Even as We have sent unto you a messenger from among you who recites unto you Our signs and who sanctifies you and teaches you the book and wisdom and teaches you what you did not know (Translation of Qur’an 2:151). Purifying or sanctifying people. apart from “reciting His revelations. This purification consists of the influence of the Prophet‟s (S. of government etc. and constitute an integral part of Allah‟s message to mankind. All these functions are therefore part of Allah‟s guidance through the person of the Prophet (S. Below is a table of Ahle‟Quran criticism and befitting responses with references to many Quranic Ayaths. is unattainable unless a purification of the heart.” that is.w) personality. such as spiritual science.” and the ability to put them into practice. These four functions have been described as the purpose for which Allah has sent the Messenger. 3. not only that some rocks fear Allah. “Those who say: Our Lord is Allah. ayah 44) We can‟t understand their worship but we have to acknowledge their worship whether it is mentioned in Quran or Hadiths. “We made the mountains. then why not believe in Hadith which carry a similar meaning and are also revealed by Allah? Hadith grants paradise to people if they say the kalima only. but it also means „mistake.” (Surah Ha Meem Sajda [41]. which usually means „lie‟.” (Surah Al Isra. an arrow not hitting the target. Forgiving. The word used in Hadith is „Kazib‟.” (Surah Anbiya [21]. this was done by this biggest one! Ask him. and those who are in them. the angels descend upon them. “They said: Have you done this to our gods. O Ibrahim?He said: No. or something said which has dual meaning etc‟. and the birds to celebrate Our praise. ayah 7) Any such hadith will be considered fabricated which suggests that the tree cried. ayah 62-63) Now what are we to call this? Whatever the reason it would be termed a lie. but hear good tidings of the paradise which ye are promised. ayah 58) Why do Hadiths have conflicting reports regarding one matter? This alone proves their fabrication. and afterward are upright.” (Surah Hud [11].” (Surah Baqarah [2]. and say: ‘Repentance’ We will forgive you your sins and will increase (reward) for the right-doers. surely He is Forbearing. but you do not understand their glorification. where after saying „Our lord Allah‟ they have to remain firm in their belief. ayah 74) So first reject these ayahs then criticize Hadith. why reject one and acknowledge the other? Now does Allah have a throne? “And His Throne was upon the water.” (Surah Baqarah [2]. it is done for salaat but the Quran grants forgiveness just by saying a word and prostrating. First of all it should be clear we disagree with the translation in this regard but for arguments sake I are presenting this ayah. so criticize Quran first. “The seven skies declare His glory and the earth (too). “And indeed there are rocks which fall down for the fear of Allah. “Enter the gate prostrate. This is one of the three events the Hadith refers to. ayah 18) Not only the sun but other things as well prostrate Allah. if he can speak. Ablution is a very commendable act. ayah 79) What are we to say about mountains which praise Allah. and there is not a single thing but glorifies Him with His praise. This allegation is Void in absence of any daleel.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN Hajj [22].” (Surah Anbiya [21]. The appropriate meaning UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 10 .. saying: Fear not nor grieve. Hadith forgives people‟s sins if they perform small acts such as ablution. Hadith insults Ibraheem (Alaihi Salaam) by stating he lied three times. if not and certainly not. ayah 30) The Hadith is just like the above ayah. “This Quran is not such as can be produced by other than Allah. “Surely We have revealed the Reminder and We will most surely be its Guardian. we find that there are certain things that are not fully UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 11 . “So the heaven and the earth did not weep for them. the word „mubasharat‟ in the Arabic text has confused the people. there is no such ayah that suggests that Allah will protect the Quran only.” (Surah Ad Dukhan [44]. So the Hadith only means that you can touch your wife or kiss her. such Hadith is definitely fabricated. Who do you think collected and protected the Quran? Angels? About the promise to protect the Quran. There is no such Hadith that suggests that.” (Surah Aale Imran [3]. then why the different usage of words? Furthermore. it is proven from Hadiths but here is an ayah to prove it. If a breath of a Prophet can bring things to life then the saliva of another prophet can be cure? “That I have come to you with a sign from your Lord. ayah 49) Allah shows miracles through His prophets.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN of kazib in this Hadith would be „something said which has dual meaning‟. while one is in Sahih Bukhari. why are we not to believe him? If it is said that they were abrogated after his life. that I determine for you out of dust like the form of a bird. Allah has promised its protection. then I breathe into it and it becomes a bird with Allah’s permission.” (Surah Hijr [15]. While for the Quran. ayah 9) The word used in the Arabic text is „Zikr‟ which refers to both Quran and Hadiths. on the contrary it is a confirmation of (revelations) that went before it. The word to focus in it is „Ayah‟ and „Kitab Allah‟. they could have made mistakes. It is in Hadiths that there were ayahs that were later abrogated. which too is the saying of Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) not a marfoo (elevated) hadith {words of the prophet}. Were the ayahs abrogated in the lifetime of the Prophet (SallAllah-uAlaihi-wa-Sallam)? If so. during the process your body can touch her. ayah 37) Quran explains the book.” (Surah Younus [10]. it is meant to be a cure. It is in a Hadith that the prophet (SallAllahu-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) used to have intercourse with his wife while he was fasting. Chapter taqbeelsaim). The word „Book‟ doesn‟t necessarily mean the „Quran‟ always. ayah 29) What are you to say about the sky and earth not weeping on someone‟s death? So does this mean it does weep on someone‟s death? If you are to say that it is only a figure of speech then the same can be said about the Hadith. Imam Shoukani says mubasharat means „the touching of two bodies‟ (Nail-ul-Autar. and a fuller explanation of the Book wherein there is no doubt – from the Lord of the worlds. so why criticize Hadiths for it? Most of the narrations in this regard are dhaeef. Any Hadith that suggest that the throne of Allah shacked on someone‟s death. Hadiths have been recorded and preserved since the time of the Prophet (SallAllahu alaihi wassallam). why reject one and accept the other? Hadiths were collected and compiled by humans. Is spit of the Prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihiwa-Sallam) meant to be a cure? Yes. then what is wrong with that? The prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-waSallam) told us this is Quran and later if he himself tells us these ayahs are abrogated. which book? Here we would take the meaning of book as Shari‟ah and the correct meaning would be Quran explains the Shari‟ah. If we are to say it means „Quran explains the Quran‟. then they won‟t be Hadiths of the prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam). but there is no mention in Hadiths that she had intercourse with her husband at that age. ayah 20-21) Same is the case for the word ayah. lets address the above Criticism regarding Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) ‟s marriage in the light of modern research. if Allah wishes. (Sahih Bukhari: Volume 7. as the dreams of prophets are from Allah. furthermore if we examine latest research as regards to the age of puberty. I said to myself: If it is from Allah. Allah creates what He pleases. “She said: My Lord! How shall there be a son to me when no man has even touched me? He said: Even so. wrapped in a piece of silken cloth. Can a person attain puberty at such a small age? The age of attaining puberty differs from person to person and place-toplace. Now about the word „ayah‟.‟ I removed the piece of cloth from your face. a barren woman can have a child with an old man. He only says to it. (Newspaper “Daily Dawn” issued from Karachi. and it is. Number 57) It is evident from the above Hadith that Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) was married to the prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) on the command from Allah. like in Africa a nine year old gave birth to a child. it doesn‟t always mean the „ayah of the Quran‟. started living with her husband at the age of nine.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN understandable in the Quran. and in the alternation of night and day. Aisha (RadiAllahu Tala Anha) got married at the age of six. An angel brought you to me. one would find that girls can reach puberty even earlier than UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 12 . Will you not then see. Having said this. similarly we say that if Allah wishes. there is no mention in the hadith about what happened afterwards. Furthermore. ayah 47) “He said: My Lord! How can I have a son when my wife is barren and I have reached infirm old age? He said: So shall it be. ayah 190) “And on the earth are ayaat for those who have faith with certainty and also in your own selves. then it will surely be. Book 62. when He has decreed a matter. your Lord says: It is easy to Me…” (Surah Maryam [19]. be. a nine year old girl can become matured enough to get married. ayah 8-9) The answer to all the above is easy for a Muslim that if Allah wishes it to be then a woman can have a child without a man. and there you were. “Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth.” (Surah Dhariyat [51]. in these ayaat it just means „signs‟. dated 29th March 1966) Which means the girl reached the age of puberty at the age of eight.” (Surah Al-Imran [3].” (Surah Aale Imran [3]. The word used in the Arabic text is „Bana‟ which means „to bring the wife home‟. there are indeed ayaat for men of understanding. for example how to offer Salaat or which are the forbidden months. „This is your wife. how do you accept that a woman can have a child without a man? How do you accept a barren woman having a child with an old man? It is stated in Hadiths that our prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) married a nine year old child. as can be seen in the above ayaat. If you have a hard time accepting this. Narrated „Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her): Allah‟s prophet (SallAllah-u-Alaihi-wa-Sallam) said : You were shown to me in a dream. and said to me. Those who believe know that it is the truth from their Lord. this is not something new for us as we were warned about this a long time ago. Conclusion: The Criticism made on Hadiths are baseless. Number 537) : Narrated by Abu Huraira (more or less): The Prophet (sallahu alayhi wa sallam) said "If a house fly falls in the drink of anyone of you. salad. verse 26 the following challenge is presented: Lo! Allah disdaineth not to coin the similitude even of a gnat or anything above that. All their claims. They have never offered any solutions to date that one can consider as practical. Quran against the "Ahle-Quran" In Surah Baqarah. In addition. UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 13 . which they claim is their litmus paper. statements and internet wars are purely theoretical and academic in nature. However. So. they have no answers. he should dip it (in the drink). Here is a question for AhlulQuran and people like Syed Akbar Ali and his brand of Muslims: "You have invited 30+ guests to your house and your wive spends all day preparing the meals. When the time comes for serving food Mr.W). Allah Almighty gives guidance to people who are able to decipher the truth even if it is an example drawn from a gnat (or fly). Book 54." The accusation made against this Hadith is that this is a very "unhygienic" practice being advocated by the messenger of Allah (sallahu alayhi wa sallam).Akbar Ali's wife discoves that a fly has fallen in the soup.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN eight years.com Generic Attacks on Hadiths from Ahle’Quran Cultists There is a well known Hadith in Sahih Al-Bukhari (Volume 4. for one of its wings has a disease and the other has the cure for the disease. but those who disbelieve say: What doth Allah wish (to teach) by such a similitude? He misleadeth many thereby. Now. when you question any Christian today about the age of Mary when she got pregnant with Jesus. I want the Ahlul-Quran to please show mankind from the Quran whether "Buffalo" is "Halal or Haraam?" What about eating the meat of a Monkey? To such simple questions. she calls upon her husband to offer a practical solution". yogurt. The Arabic word for "Buffalo" is "Jamoos". Let us now see where such a challenge is presented. (verse26). and He misleadeth thereby only miscreants.newsvine. Hadith against the "Ahle-Quran" To teach this Ummah the reality of this verse I have already quoted the Hadith from Imam Bukhari's Sahih (an oral tradition) which actually presents an example pertaining to a fly! I know for a fact that there is nothing in the Quran that opposes this hadith. none of them will be able to tell you her age. the Quran questions the mindset of people who fail to understand simple facts. This verse challenges the Ahlul-Quran and puts them in the category of "Faasiqeen" (miscreants). in the “Papiaries of Methodious” or the early church father‟s writings. these medical researchers are easily available online.fareedsiddique. However. an ant has fallen into the Biryani rice and the jug of cold drink has a little mosquito floating on the top. I do have a full length paper on this named “The Good News” at my www. and let us evaluate their accusations. it states that she was 7 years old when she conceived and borne Jesus (S. Jurisprudence against the "Ahle-Quran" The Ahlul-Quran can scream all they want and accuse the four illustrious Mujtahid Imaams of creating confusion. and He guideth many thereby. Let us now go to the Quran. Faced with this problem. On the menu she has Briyani rice.A. let us see how Imaam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullahi alayhi) empowers the Muslims. To the contrary. This particular Hadith is highlighted by Ahlul-Quran as "human corruption" and "illogical backward thinking". the readers are about to discover that in reality it is the Ahlul-Quran who are narrow minded and are unable to solve any human problem. lentil soup and a jug of cold drink. (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves. That is better and more suitable for final determination. OR does Mr. The subject animal will undergo an immune response to the venom. by dipping it again on the other wing will create an antigen. In order to answer these questions in a practical manner. The Quran only provides a corroborative hint but not an exact example. 1300yrs ago the great Jurists looked carefully into each and every piece of evidence (Quran. [Translation of Qur’an 4:59] This ayah not only makes it compulsory for Muslims to refer to Allah (through Qur‟an) and His messenger (S. The venom is then diluted and injected into a horse. but also makes it compulsory to obey the authority as long as they don‟t go against any ruling of Qur‟an and Hadiths (as explained in many Authentic Hadiths and also by literature expert Sheikh Navid Aziz. producing antibodies against the venom's active molecule which can then be harvested from the animal's blood and used to treat envenomation. Akbar Ali and these Ahle‟Quran will never be able to answer these questions. as the word „atiul‟ has not been used for Authorities). Antivenom is created by milking venom from the desired snake.. here are my questions to the "AhleQuran": Do you throw away the Biryani Rice because an ant has fallen into the whole pot? Please show ONLY from the Quran why you choose a "yes" or a "no".A. if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day. Hence. Islam was already mature and had stepped into an "age of enlightenment". This scientific discovery is used to treat a snake bite. I would like to say that the hadith of fly goes to show the scientific fact that if one wing has germs.500 types of "six-legged" flies and insects (similar to flies) that can fall in our food and drinks. an ant has six legs and a mosquito has six legs. Imaam Abu Hanifa (and the other jurists) has opened the door of "analogical reasoning" based on the "primary textual evidence". spider or insect. Do you throw away the entire pot of Lentil Soup because of a small fly? Please show ONLY from the Quran why you choose a "yes" or a "no". Sunnah. whereas. This in Arabic is called "Ijtihaad fil Masaail". The „Authority‟ mentioned in this ayah refers to people having excellent knowledge or those having political power or those with both of them. Today there are 8." IMPORTANCE OF SCHOLARS O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger.W) (through Authentic Hadiths) in case we defer. Ijma) and they applied a scientific approach called "analogical reasoning" . The hadith gives a specific example and the jurists have provided a wide practical solution. By rejecting the Sunnah as a primary textual evidence the Ahle-Quran have introduced a problem of unprecedented magnitude for themselves. refer it to Allah and His Messenger.widely known in the scientific communities as "The Empirical Method". the jurists determined that there are many categories of insects that are similar to a fly. and what if a fly falls into the Biryani Rice again? Till the day of Judgment Mr. goat or cat. There is no answer in the Quran for this universal problem that happens in over a billion homes every day. sheep. the jurists solved a massive problem by expanding the application of the Hadith. Similarly it is mentioned in Qur‟an: UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 14 . The following article from wikipedia corroborates this fact: "Antivenom (or antivenin or antivenene) is a biological product used in the treatment of venomous bites or stings. Syed's wife need to start all over again. It is at this juncture that one realizes the importance of Sunnah and Fiqh (Jurisprudence). A fly has six legs. So. Europe was still in its "dark ages".UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN Based on the above scenario (which happens in every kitchen of the world). and those of you who are in authority. “His eyes are sleeping but his heart is awake. Such knowledge is recorded in Hadiths and was made known and preserved only through Usool-ul-Hadith. [Translation of Qur’an 9:100] Here Allah. so that they may beware (of evil).A. Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah‟s Apostle said. and I refer to the messenger of Allah (S. Allah is well-pleased with them as they are well-pleased with Him. if you believe in Allah and in the Last Day.A.A. (Translation of Qur‟an 4:59) We have been referring to Allah from the Quran so far here. Allah mentions in Qur‟an:.O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger.” And then they said.W)‟ and „Importance of Sunnah.” Others said.” (Translation of Hadith from Saheeh Bukhari. “Then set forth an example for him.A. did not enter the house. [Translation of Qur’an 9:122] This ayah allows people to take knowledge from the trusted people. This article is not for those who have not reflected and pondered upon the ayaat in Qur‟an quoted in previous articles wherein we were “Referring to Allah”.” One of them said.(And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves.W).” Then they said. Allah loveth not those who reject Faith. Of every troop of them. This refers to the fact that their biography is very important along with those of Muhajirun and Ansar. Following are just few Hadiths concerning this issue. and those of you who are in authority.A. But if they turn back. also justified in below ayah: Say: “If ye do love Allah. obeys Allah. and that they may warn their people when they return to them. That is better and more suitable for final determination. That is the supreme success. entered the house and ate of the banquet. “O Allah‟s Apostle! Who will refuse?” He said. Book: Holding fast to Qur‟an and Sunnah) 2.” Say: “Obey Allah and His Messenger. “His example is that of a man who has built a house and then offered therein a banquet and sent an inviter (messenger) to invite the people. Some of them said. refer it to Allah and His Messenger. He has prepared for them Gardens under which rivers flow (Paradise). UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 15 . “His eyes are sleeping but his heart is awake. Narrated Jabir bin „Abdullah: Some Angels came to the Prophet (S. “He is sleeping. “All my followers will enter Paradise except those who refuse.” The others said. So whoever accepted the invitation of the inviter. to dwell therein forever. Here insha‟Allah I will increase the faith of believer in “obeying the messenger”. “Interpret this example to him so that he may understand it. and whoever disobeys me is the one who refuses (to enter it). Thus in conclusion we could say that if you love Allah there is no option but to follow the authentic tradition of Muhammad (S. without any ambiguity refers to those who followed Muhajirun and Ansar exactly in faith and adds that He is well pleased with them too.W) while he was sleeping. disobeys Allah.” They said.” Then the angels said. I have Alhamdulillah covered some important topics like „Is Qur‟an the only form of revelation to Muhammad (S.” Some of them said. a party only should go forth.W)?‟.” The others said.” Then they said. The next ayah is: And the foremost to embrace Islam of the Muhajirun (those who migrated from Makkah to Al-Madinah) and the Ansar (the citizens of Al-Madinah who helped and gave aid to the Muhajirun)and also those who followed them in righteousness. “He is sleeping. and whoever obeys Muhammad. “He is sleeping.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN And it is not (proper) for the believers to go out to fight (Jihad ) all together. Follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft- Forgiving.” Some of them said. Hadith and Scholars‟. „Role of Messenger (S. and whoever did not accept the invitation of the inviter. “Whoever obeys me will enter Paradise.W) and look at some of the Hadiths and what they say regarding this issue. 1. that they (who are left behind) may get instructions in religion. “His eyes are sleeping but his heart is awake. nor did he eat of the banquet. [Translation of Qur’an 3:31-32] Till now. and whoever disobeys Muhammad. “The houses stands for Paradise and the call maker is Muhammad. Most Merciful. “There is an example for this companion of yours. They will not separate from each other till they meet on the Hawdh (the pool of paradise river water that flows outside the gates of paradise on the hereafter). Abu Hurairah that the messenger of Allah (S. that if an order of mine is mentioned in front of him. Allah (Subhana Wa Ta'ala) Knows Best. At-Tirmithi. (Translation of Hadith from Abu Dawood.A. and saying: Hold fast to this Qur‟an. Abu Rafi‟ said that the Messenger of Allah (S. but if they do not. then they must be generous to him.UNMASKING AHLE’QURAN Muhammad separated the people(i. Book: Holding fast to Qur‟an and Sunnah) 3. Darul Ifta. but also hints the class of people who will come up with this fitnah.” (Translation of Hadith from Saheeh Bukhari. beasts of prey with fangs. 4. then he can take from them what he needs (of sustainance).A.e. the above Hadiths must suffice the intended objective. At-Tahawi. & others) SubhanAllah. it is unlawful to take him as partner in one's qurbani.jsp?ID=3554 Reference 1 UNMASKING AHLE‟QURAN |Compiled: Fareed Siddique 16 . However whatever Messenger of Allah renders impermissible is equal to what Allah renders impermissible. However. unless its owner does not want it.W) said. Can we take ahle-quran as a partner in Qurbani? Plz give some daleel?(Fatwa: 421/376=D) The sect which is called 'Ahl-e-Quran' denies the Hadith. they reject the five obligatory prayers. http://darulifta-deoband. There may be a man.A.A. Al-Hakim & Ahmad) 5. Verily. And whoever stays with a people (guest). Abu Dawood.. his stomach is full and he is (laying) on his couch.W)” in both ways we come to the same conclusion that: “Hadiths are integral part of Islam” and that the Ahle‟Quran are out of the folds of Islam by their own works and words. that (if you hold fast to them) you will never be misled after them (as long as you hold fast to them): The Book of Allah and my Sunnah. Ibn Majah. (Translation of Hadith from Malik & Al-Hakim) Messenger (S. if he himself claims to be an Ahl-e-Quran or he holds the above beliefs then he is out of Islam. Thus by “Referring to Allah” and by “Referring to Messenger (S. Narrated Al-Miqdam ibn Ma‟dikarib: The Prophet (S. are not permissible to you. There are many Hadiths with regard to the issue of Hadiths and Sunnah and prophesies regarding the present times. At-Tirmithi.W) said. these Hadith not only warn us against this Ahle‟Quran fitnah. either a command of mine or a prohibition. (the meat of) domestic donkeys. he says: I do not know! Whatever we find in the book of Allah (Al-Qur‟an) we follow (otherwise we do not!)” (Translation of Hadith from Ahmad. and what you find in it to be prohibited treat as prohibited. its followers make fun of the traditions of the Prophet. “Let me not find any of you. Assalamualaikum Question. Below are a few Hadiths where he mentioned of the coming times. “I have left with you two things. a find belonging to Mu‟aahid (people of scripture who live in Muslim rule). what you find in it to be permissible treat as permissible. The person about whom you are questioning.A.W) said: “Verily! I was given the Qur‟an and its equal with it (Sunnah). between those who believe and obey him and those who disbelieve and disobey him)..org/viewfatwa. therefore this sect is out of Islamic fold due to its heinous beliefs.W) not only made it very clear as to the issue of Sunnah and Hadiths but also warned us of the coming times and the characteristics of those who will reject/sideline authentic Sunnah. and while resting on his couch.
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