Unitrol 1000 User s Manual e3
Unitrol 1000 User s Manual e3
March 17, 2018 | Author: Hoang Tong Ho | Category:
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We reserve all rights in this document and in the information contained therein.Reproduction, use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden. Copyright 2002 ABB. All rights reserved. UNITROL 1000 User’s Manual Automatic Voltage Regulator Compact voltage regulator for synchronous machines up to 15 A exciter current Revision Control: Panel: PCTools: 3.xxx 3.xxx 3.xxx Prep. Appr. Resp. dept. Peter Moor Sami Karttunen ATPE 02-03-20 User’s Manual 02-03-20 UNITROL® 1000 Document number Lang. Rev. ind. No. of p. 77 Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 1 Important Notice Our experience has shown that, if the information and recommendations contained in this Operating Instructions are observed, the best possible reliability of our products is assured. The data contained herein purports solely to describe the product and is not a warranty of performance or characteristics. It is with the best interests of our customers in mind that we constantly strive to improve our products and keep them abreast of advances in technology. This may, however, lead to discrepancies between a product and its "Technical Description" or " Operating Instructions". This document has been carefully prepared and reviewed, however should in spite of this the reader find an error, he is requested to inform us at his earliest convenience. It is scarcely possible for the operating instructions for technical equipment to cover every eventuality which can occur in practice. We would therefore request you to notify us or our agent in the case of all unusual behaviour, which does not appear to be covered by these operating instructions. It is pointed out that all local regulations must be observed when connecting and commissioning this equipment in addition to these operating instructions. We cannot accept any responsibility for damage incurred as a result of mishandling the equipment regardless of whether particular reference is made in these operating instructions or not. We lay particular stress on the fact that only genuine spare parts should be used for replacements. All rights with respect to this document, including applications for patent and registration of other industrial property rights, are reserved. Unauthorized use, in particular reproduction or making available to third parties, is prohibited. Document number Lang. Rev. ind. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 2 Contents 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 GENERAL INFORMATION ......................................................................................5 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5 Marking of sections of text........................................................................................................ 5 Manufacturer’s address ............................................................................................................ 5 Area of use ............................................................................................................................... 6 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 DEVICE DESCRIPTION...........................................................................................7 Hardware .................................................................................................................................. 7 Control elements and interfaces............................................................................................... 8 Overview of the device connections ......................................................................................... 9 Device connections ................................................................................................................ 10 Digital inputs ........................................................................................................................... 13 Digital outputs ......................................................................................................................... 15 Analog inputs .......................................................................................................................... 17 Analog outputs........................................................................................................................ 18 Software.................................................................................................................................. 19 Operating modes .................................................................................................................... 19 Description of the parameters ................................................................................................ 22 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 INSTALLATION AND DISPOSAL..........................................................................29 Mechanical installation ........................................................................................................... 29 Earthing and wiring ................................................................................................................. 29 Disposal .................................................................................................................................. 29 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 OPERATION ..........................................................................................................31 Operation on the unit .............................................................................................................. 31 Keypad.................................................................................................................................... 31 Display .................................................................................................................................... 31 Example of parameter setting................................................................................................. 32 Menu structure of display ....................................................................................................... 33 Fault message on the display................................................................................................. 38 PC-Software ........................................................................................................................... 39 Operation using the software.................................................................................................. 40 Example of parameter setting using PCTools ........................................................................ 41 Menu structure of PCTools..................................................................................................... 42 Save parameter file ................................................................................................................ 53 Evaluation of the waveform .................................................................................................... 54 Error message ........................................................................................................................ 56 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 COMMISSIONING..................................................................................................57 Safety regulations ................................................................................................................... 57 Setting aids ............................................................................................................................. 58 Work carried out while machine is at a standstill.................................................................... 62 Work carried out while machine is running............................................................................. 62 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 MAINTENANCE AND FAULTS .............................................................................65 Maintenance ........................................................................................................................... 65 Trouble shooting ..................................................................................................................... 65 Repair ..................................................................................................................................... 68 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................69 General Data .......................................................................................................................... 69 Settings record for UNITROL 1000 ........................................................................................ 71 Parameter settings, default values ......................................................................................... 72 Document number Lang. Rev. ind. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 3 This page is intentionally blank. ind. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 4 . Document number Lang. Rev. commissioning and operating the UNITROL 1000. It is aimed at trained operating personnel who possesses a good knowledge of electrical engineering and electronics.Hotline for urgent service inquiries: Document number Lang. 1.abb.com http://www.abb. The use of the most advanced microprocessor technology together with IGBT semiconductor technology (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor) allows it to be used in a wide area of applications. The mechanical construction is extremely compact and robust. The unit complies with all relevant international standards.3 Manufacturer’s address ABB Switzerland Ltd Excitation Systems Voltage Regulators and Synchronizing Equipment CH-5300 Turgi / Switzerland Telephone: Fax: Email: Internet: +41 58 589 24 86 +41 58 589 23 33 pes@ch. This user`s manual provides the necessary information on installing. This information must be taken into account in order to avoid malfunctions. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 5 .1 Introduction UNITROL 1000 is an automatic voltage regulator of the latest design for synchronous generators and synchronous motors. Sections of text marked with “Note“ provide additional information. 1.2 Marking of sections of text Dangerous voltages This symbol indicates that dangerous voltages occur during handling which can cause fatal or serious injury. A practical and simple-to-operate panel on the unit is used for all control operations. Caution Note “Caution“ indicates sections of text which contain information in which failure to comply with regulations can lead to material damage or device failure. Rev. ind. In addition.1 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. a user-friendly software facilitates commissioning and allows optimisation of operation.com/unitrol +41 844 845 845 24 h . It is characterised by wide ranges for input voltage and operating frequency. Rev. ind. power factor.4 Area of use This advanced-design automatic voltage regulator is used for the excitation of indirectly excited synchronous machines. Batt. The regulator can also be switched over to function as a reactive power-. PMG SM E Abb UNITROL 1000 R Replacement of voltage regulators for generators or motors with direct-current excitation machines. SM = Document number Lang.optional short circuit support .Synchronization unit .1.or field current regulator. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 6 . Dual Channel SM = Synchronous Machine E = Exciter PMG = Permanent-Magnet-Generator Shunt excitation with : . Abb UNITROL 1000 R Abb UNITROL 1000 R SM E Abb UNITROL 1000 R Generator or motor excitation with PMG or external supply.Change over to a redundant unit. 142 Connection diagram: Digital in.2 DEVICE DESCRIPTION 2.and outputs Analog in. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 7 .1 Hardware Structure: The device is built into an aluminium casing with cooling flanges.and outputs Auxiliary supply UAUX for control electronics L1 L2 L3 (+) (-) UN1000 UNET UM IM2 Measurement and control inputs = ~/= AVR RS-232 RS-485 PWM Supply power electronics UPWR Ie + SM E E (+) L1 (-) L2 L3 Document number Lang. Power electronics: The power part is fitted with an IGBT semiconductor. Mounting: The UNITROL 1000 is designed for rack or wall mounting. The average value of the output voltage is always positive. The connection terminals are integrated into the front of the circuit boards. the display and the sub-D connector for the RS-232 interface are located on the unit cover. Rev. The output is current-limited and thus shortcircuit-proof. Control elements: The operating keys. Dimensions in mm Rack mounting Wall mounting Abb UNITROL 1000 R Installation: The site of installation must be dry and free of dust (IP20). ind. which are arranged on top of one another. All settings can be carried out directly on the unit without additional equipment: • Configuration of inputs and outputs Parameter setting Display of important measuring values. Page - 8 .2. ind. Power chart) Display of important measuring values Parameter File upload or download. sub-D.1. ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - - I M2 DI 8 serial port EIA-485 + + Rev. OK ESC • • Interface with PC Abb UNITROL 1000 R Parameter setting and also optimisation is possible using the user-friendly software PC tool for Microsoft Windows. 9 pol (female) • • • • • Configuration of inputs and outputs Parameter setting Trending function for optimisation of the controller (Oscilloscope.1 Control elements and interfaces MAIN Monitor Mode = Auto Connected: 1 Carrying out settings on the unit The four-line display and the four keys are sufficient to allow complete operation. Terminal block DGND DGND +Vdig +Vdig +Vref +AI 1 +AI 2 -Vref -AI 1 -AI 2 DI 5 DI 6 DI 7 AGND 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 DIO 1 DIO 2 DIO 3 S1 S2 DIO 4 +Vdig +Vdig +Vref +AI 3 AO 1 -Vref AO 2 -AI 3 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 L1 50 51 52 53 54 55 L3 L1(+) UM L2 L3 L1 U NET L3 NC + Ie - L1(+) U PWR L2(-) U AUX L2(-) L3 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 7 8 9 4 10 11 12 13 14 15 4 4 Document number Lang. Connection cable. +Vdig DIO1 DIO2 +Vdig DIO3 DIO4 26 27 28 29 30 31 DIN. inv. norm. Document number Lang. DOUT DIN DGND +Vdig DI5 DI6 +Vdig DI7 DI8 DGND out.52 + 53 54 IM2 17 4 DSP RS232 . norm. inv. ind.55 UNET 5 6 9 pol 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 18 19 20 21 22 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 AIN +AI1 -AI1 +Vref +AI2 -AI2 -Vref ~ # # ~ in. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 9 . inv.1.2. out. AO1 AO2 AGND 23 24 25 AOUT AIN +Vref +AI3 -AI3 -Vref ~ # in. Rev. norm.2 Overview of the device connections UN1000 (+10V) +Vref (-10V) -Vref (+24V) +Vdig AGND DGND L1(+) L2 (-) L3 L1 L2 L3 S1 S2 L1 L3 (NC) L1(+) L2(-) L3 13 14 15 UAUX 7 10 + - 8 UPWR 11 12 Ie 9 1 UM 2 3 16 PID EIA 485 + 50 51 . S2 = 17 External L1 L2 L3 UN1000 UM max.AC input voltage three-phase or .2 VA SM Single-phase: . Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 10 .AC input voltage single-phase or . AC input voltage single-phase and excitation current < 10 A or .AC input voltage three-phase. 150 V / 0.L2 L1(+). 150 V / 0. ind. Rev.L2. 600 V Measurements inputs Three-phase: . L3 = 3 S1 = 16.1 VA External UN1000 UM max.L2. L3 = 5 Single-phase: Line voltage measurement UNET Excitation current output Ie L1 L3 External UN1000 UNET max.1. 150 V / 0.DC input voltage or .2 VA External L1 L2 L3 UN1000 UM L1 L2 L3 External max.2 VA + - =8 =9 UN 1000 0 to 300 V= 15 A = + - E Earth connection = 7 Earth connection Document number Lang.Machine voltage UM External 9 to 250 V~ Circuit UN1000 3~ 1~ 2= L1.3 Device connections Terminal designation L1(+) = 13 L2(-) = 14 L3 = 15 Signal Auxiliary supply UAUX .2 VA L1 = 4.Machine voltage UM or Three-phase with ground (Three ph gnd) . S2 = 17 Single-phase: L1 = 1.Machine voltage UM IM2 S1 S2 L1 L3 1 A / 0. L2 = 2.2. L3 = 3 S1 = 16. 600 V Capacitor: C = 1000 µF.L2(-) 50 to 250 V~ 18 to 300 V= L1(+) = 10 L2(-) = 11 L3 = 12 External 0 to 250 V~ 3~ 2= UN1000 L1.L2(-) UN1000 0 to 300 V= External D 0 to 250 V~ C L1 L2 Three-phase: L1 = 1. 250 V / 0.AC input voltage single-phase and excitation current >10 A Diode D: 20 A.Machine current IM2 or Single-phase: .L3 L1.DC input voltage Power electronics supply UPWR .L3 L1(+). 9 kΩ. Circuit External 24 V DC UN1000 +Vdig 24 mA in DIO1 to 4 1k out Digital outputs DIO1 to DIO4 Caution: Configured as outputs.2 kΩ. Document number Lang. ≥4 W at 48 V R = 3. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 11 . ≥10 W at 110 V R = 8. 47 Digital inputs DI5 to DI8 Controlled from potential-free contacts External 24 V DC UN1000 +Vdig 24 mA DI5 to 8 1k Controlled from potentialdependent contacts R = 1 kΩ. 29 Signal Digital inputs DIO1 to DIO4 DIO1 to DIO4 can be operated either as inputs or outputs. ≥20 W at 220 V External R UN1000 DI5 to 8 1k DGND Caution The internal 24 V supply may be loaded with a maximum of 300 mA by all used digital inputs and outputs. DIO1 to DIO4 must not be connected directly with +Vdig (causes short circuit via internal transistor) UN1000 24 V DC External +Vdig in DIO1 to 4 out DI5 DI6 DI7 DI8 +Vdig DGND = 42 = 43 = 45 = 46 = 41. Rev. ind.Terminal designation DIO1 DIO2 DIO3 DIO4 +Vdig = 27 = 28 = 30 = 31 = 26. 44 = 40. ±10 V + 47k +AI1 to 3 + -AI1 to 3 - + 47k +AI1 = 33. 44 AGND = 25 DGND = 40.39 Analog inputs digitally assigned AI1 to AI3 (DI9 to DI14) UN1000 External 1k +Vdig +Vref +AI1 to 3 -AI1 to 3 24 V DC 10 V DC 4. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 12 .7k 100k 47k 100k 4. 29. -AI3 = 20 +Vref = 18. ±10 V max. -AI3 = 20 +Vref = 18. 47 Earth = 22. -AI2 = 37 +AI3 = 19. 35 -Vref = 21.39 Signal Analog inputs AI1 to AI3 R = 10 kΩ.7k AGND -10 V DC UN1000 100k 47k 100k UN1000 +Vref +AI1 to 3 R -AI1 to 3 AGND -Vref External max. 1 W Circuit External 10 V DC 4. ±20 mA AO1 to 2 AGND Serial port: Sub-D.32. 38 AGND = 25 Earth = 22.Terminal designation +AI1 = 33. 38 +Vdig = 26. 54 Serial interface RS 232 RX =2 TX =3 GND = 5 External UN1000 out in Serial interface RS 485 + - External + - Document number Lang. -AI2 = 37 +AI3 = 19. -AI1 = 34 +AI2 = 36. 9 pol. . 35 -Vref = 21. 41. . Rev.= 52 + = 53.7k 100k 47k 100k 47k + - Ain DGND DGND AO1 = 23 AO2 = 24 AGND = 25 Analog outputs AO1 to AO2 UN1000 + ±12 V 100R External max. Male EIA-485: + = 50. -AI1 = 34 +AI2 = 36. ind.= 55 Earth = 51.32. Field flashing begins if Off Level > 0% .0 0% 100% Excitation ON not active Gen CB Closed Status active Circuit-breaker closed status active: .4 Digital inputs Input function None Excitation ON active Description Input not assigned Excitation ON demand active: . ind. Increase setpoint of active regulator Decrease setpoint of active regulator Status reset setpoint is active: The setpoint of the active regulator goes to the following value at ramp speed.0 0% 100% Increase Decrease Reset Setpoint Remote SP Enable PF Enable Var Enable Manual Enable Open Loop Enable Control signal for remote setpoint setting.Activates current measurement . Rev.1. The setpoints are controlled by analog inputs. Power factor regulation active Reactive power regulation active Manual active.2. . Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 13 .Enables together with Gen CB Closed possibility to change over to PF and Var modes. Mode Manual Open Loop PF Var Auto Final value Ie NoLoad 100% 1/Kceil 1.This message triggers immediately the ramp of the soft start as if still the hold time Circuit-breaker closed status changes from active to not active: All setpoints are immediately set to the following values. Mode Manual Open Loop PF Var Auto Preset value 0A 0% 1.Soft start begins after the Off Level has been reached (Auto mode) Excitation ON demand not active: All setpoints are immediately set to the following values and remain fixed there. Mode Manual Open Loop Auto Final value 90% Ie NoLoad 90% 1/Kceil 100% Gen CB Closed Status no longer active Parallel with Grid Status Parallel with grid status active: .Disables VDC mode. direct control of power transistor active ▼ Document number Lang. field current regulation Open loop. SW Alarm Standby demand active: . Level of the digital input Setting range: 0 to 28 V DC High Level Low Level logical 1 0 1 Polarity of the digital input Software setting 24 V DC 24 V DC inverted DIO1 to 4 DI5 to 8 DI9 to 14 normal DIO1 to 4 DI5 to 8 DI9 to 14 Document number Lang.Field flashing is off .All setpoints are following the corresponding actual value Standby The assignment of the digital inputs to the terminals DIO1 to 4.SystemOK (optional) .The output of the AVR is turned off .Integrator is kept in 1/Kceiling .Mode is standby .Input function Synchronize VDC Enable Secondary Net Reset Alarm Description Synchronize demand active Voltage droop compensation control active Net 2 on island operation Clear the following alarms: . DI5 to 8. Rev. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 14 .There will be no data transmission to the EIA-485 bus .Boost is disabled . (DI9 to 14) can be selected freely.All limits are disabled . ind. . voltage limiter active Limit value for maximum machine voltage is exceeded.2. ind. During field flashing the output of the regulator is blocked in all operation modes. position) V/Hz limiter active Setpoint limit has been reached Minimum setpoint has been reached Maximum setpoint has been reached Ie.5 Digital outputs Output function None Boost Field Flashing *) Description Output not assigned Status signal boost is active Boost supports excitation in the event of line short circuit or heavy load. The boost function is blocked during field flashing and soft start.1. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 15 .or max. In preparation One of the limiters (V/Hz. PQ or UM) is active or setpoint limit has been reached (min. Field flashing (voltage built up) active. Ie.2 Document number Lang. PQ or UM limiter active Ie minimum current limiter active Ie maximum current limiter active PQ limiter active Limit value for minimum machine voltage is fallen below. if Excitation ON The next field flashing can only be started after Excitation ON or after the power has been switched off. ▼ SystemOK (optional) Limit Active V/Hz Limit Active SP Limit Reached SP Minimum Reached SP Maximum Reached Operational Limit Active Min Ie Active Max Ie Active Min PQ Active Min UM Active Max UM Active Voltage Relay *) see also description of parameters in section 2. Rev.2. voltage limiter active active = machine voltage below boost threshold inactive = boost threshold and hysteresis exceeded Not dependent on signal Excitation ON. Angle is between -maximum delta angle and +maximum delta angle The command is released: .Synchronize is enabled .Output function Sync Check Description Sync Check demand active: .Machine voltage is deviating from network voltage maximum Delta U .Generator circuit breaker is open . Rev. .Angle is in a value where it would take the Total CB Closing time for the breaker to close at zero degrees with current speed and acceleration. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 16 .Sync Check demand active .The command is so long active as the command Sync Check is active Software program process is out of order Close CBCommand SW Alarm The assignment of the digital outputs to the 4 terminals DIO1 to 4 can be selected freely. Polarity of the digital output Software setting Document number Lang.Machine voltage is more than 50% .Synchronization is possible (unit with Sync-Option) .Slip is between minimum slip and maximum slip . ind. 6 Analog inputs Input function None Auto Remote Setpoint PF Remote Setpoint Var Remote Setpoint Manual Remote Setpoint Open Loop Remote SP UMaux Reserved2 to 5 Digital Input 9(+) & 10(-) Digital Input 11(+) & 12(-) Digital Input 13(+) & 14(-) Description Input not assigned External setpoint input to Auto regulator External setpoint input to PF regulator External setpoint input to Var regulator External setpoint input to Manual regulator External setpoint input to open loop Auxiliary supply to the summing point of Auto regulator Reserved for later function expansion Assign digital inputs Assign digital inputs Assign digital inputs The assignment of the analog inputs to the 3 terminals AI1 to 3 can be selected freely.2. ∆AI = neg. ∆AI = pos. Setpoint Auto -10 2 Uin0% UMaux 10 max = 6 -6 -10 [%] Analog in 8 10 Uin100% [V] 8 10 Uin100% [V] Input to the summing point Uin0% min= -10 +AI1 to 3 -AI1 to 3 AI + Ain - Ain +Uin100% +Uin0% -Uin0% -Uin100% Din9=0 Din10=0 Din9=1 Din10=0 Din9=0 Din10=0 Din9=0 Din10=1 Two digital signals can be generated from an analog signal. Rev. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 17 . External setpoint input Internal signal value Setpoint max = 110 Setpoint min = 90 [%] Ext.1. -> Ain = ↑ -> Ain = ↓ Document number Lang. ind. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 18 .Network frequency is not between 45 to 66 Hz The assignment of the analog outputs to the 2 terminals AO1 to 2 can be selected freely.7 Analog outputs Output function None Excitation Current PWM Fbias Description Output not assigned Excitation current Pulse width modulation.Synchronization function not enabled (unit without Sync-Option) .2. ind.Not in Sync mode . Document number Lang. Rev. Level of the analog outputs Excitation Current Caution: Ie0% must be less than Ie100% Aout 10 Uout 100% 8 Uout 0% 2 5 -10 Ie 0% Ie100% Aout [V] 10 8 2 -3 Fbias0% Aout 10 Uout 100% 8 Uout 0% 2 100 -10 [V] 3 Fbias100% 15 [V] Ie 30 [A] Fbias Uout 100% Uout 0% Fbias [Hz] -10 PWM Output PWM [%] The full voltage range runs from –10 V to 10 V at a resolution of 10 bits.1. control value Analog continuous signal presenting difference between UNET and UM Fbias = fNET – fNOM – (Slipmax – Slipmin)/2 Output signal Fbias is forced to zero: . SM E PI Regulator UN 1000 PF or Var regulation (PF. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 19 . Rev. Note: No limiters will be active.2.2 Software 2. Note: Current measurement for compensation / droop SM E UN 1000 PID Regulator UN 1000 Manual control Regulates the field current of the excitation machine.1 Operating modes Automatic voltage regulation (Auto) Regulates the terminal voltage of the synchronous machine. SM PI Regulator PF MVar E Open loop Manual control with a fixed output signal. Note: No limiters will be active. SM E UN 1000 Note Bumpless changeover between all modes of operation Document number Lang.2. Var) Regulates the power factor or reactive power of the synchronous machine. ind. Voltage difference (amplitude) . damage to the generators can result. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 20 . and compensates the effect of voltage droop. However. Net = 1 Sec. voltage level on the busbar is always kept at 100% (not adjustable). Net = 2 Synchronization (Sync) Power circuit breaker (CB) may only be closed if both voltages are at least approximately synchronous (coincident). actually. In VDC mode. Units are connected together with RS-485 bus. Monitoring and command generation: The command to close the breaker (CB) is released if all conditions are fulfilled. faults in line operation. all AVRs operate in Auto mode with voltage droop. Net = 1 Din= Secondary Net Prim. Load A Load B RS 485 SM AVR 1 SM AVR 2 SM AVR 3 SM AVR 4 Prim.Voltage droop compensation control and reactive power allocation (VDC) In order to share equally the amount of reactive power between parallel connected generators UNITROL 1000 offers a special feature.Phase-angle difference Matching: The voltage matching function gives the adjusting value to the internal voltage regulator and the frequency matching function send the analog signal Fbias to the turbine regulator. each AVR (with its own ID number) writes the value of its own amount of reactive power to the RS-485 bus. called voltage droop compensation control. UNET Setpoint fSP = fNom CB Speed Controller UN 1000 Command Fbias Sync Setpoint UM Regulator T SM E Document number Lang. Measuring: The values are formed from the two measurement signals UNET and UM . in extreme cases. Rev. Therefore. ind. Otherwise.Slip (frequency difference) . Each unit reads these values and calculates a common average Mvar setpoint. loading of the generators and. Dual channel UN 1000 / 1 UN 1000 / 2 Regulator Regulator SM E Alarm Standby Operating modes are chosen by activating the predefined digital inputs. the redundant channel 2 is activated and the defective channel switched off. See section 5. ind. Change over to channel 1 can be controlled by alarm signal or with an external control signal. Rev.2. Document number Lang. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 21 .Dual channel system (Standby) In case of a failure in channel 1. Starting voltage .No load excitation current . Field Flashing .Line voltage measurement (UNET) UMNominal [kV] PT [Single Ph] [Three Ph] [Three ph gnd] [kV] UMPrimary UMSecondary [V] [A] IM2Nominal [A] IM2Primary IM2Secondary [A] Ie NoLoad [A] Kceil [V/V] Xq [p.Current transformer primary current . transformer. voltage .] No scaling PTNET UNET UMPrimary IM2Primary PTM UMSecondary Regulator IM2Secondary IM2Nominal UMNominal SM Xq E Ie NoLoad Caution The line voltage measurement cannot be scaled.or singlephase .Potent. A phase shift between the both measuring transformers PTNET an PTM is not allowed.Nominal machine current .Potent.Ramp time Start Level Hold Time Ramp Time [%] [s] [s] [%] UMNominal A soft start is done only in the Auto mode Start level [s] Hold time Ramp Gen CB Closed Status = active Trigger immediately the soft start Document number Lang.Delay until ramp .Ceiling factor . current .2 Description of the parameters System Data .Current transformer sec. ind.2.Measuring voltage three. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 22 .Off Level Off Level [%] Machine voltage [%] Signal field flashing By setting Off level to 0% the field flashing is disabled Field flashing off level Soft start level [s] Excitation ON Soft Start Machine voltage .Machine reactance .2. primary voltage . Rev. sec.u.Nominal voltage of the machine . transformer. Q limit at P= 100% . Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 23 .Continuous current .Slope fknee [Hz] Slope [% / fknee] [%] 100 Machine voltage [Hz] fknee IeMinimum current limiter .Depend=True/False Active =True/False P [W] underexcited P=100% P=75% P=50% P=25% Active power overexcited Generator Reactive power Q+ [var] Q- P=0% P=25% P=50% P=75% Motor P=100% Document number Lang.Limiter active Minimum [A] Active = True/False underexcited Limitercharacteristics P [W] Active power overexcited GENERATOR Reactive power Q+ [var] Iemin Q- UM2 Xq MOTOR IeMaximum current limiter [A] Excitation current .Limiters active Q( 0%) [%] Q( 25%) [%] Q( 50%) [%] Q( 75%) [%] Q( 100%) [%] Volt.Voltage dependency active .Limiters V/Hz Limiter . ind.Hold time .Minimum limit . current [s] Hold time Hold time Continuous [A] Active = True/False PQ Limiter The characteristic is determined by 5 points .Hold time .Limiter active Maximum Hold Time Delayed Hold Time [A] [s] [A] [s] 1st limit 2nd limit Contin.V/Hz knee point frequency .2nd limit delay .Q limit at P= 50% .Q limit at P= 25% . Rev.Q limit at P= 0% .Q limit at P= 75% .1st limit . Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 24 . ind.Limiting value of the maximum machine voltage .Limiter active Caution Minimum [%] Maximum [%] MinActive =True/False MaxActive =True/False In PF/Var mode.Hysteresis for the reset of boost output Threshold [%] Hold Time [s] Hysteresis [%] 100% Machine voltage Soft start Excitation ON Excitation ON not active Voltage drop Hysterese Threshold t Hold time Boost = Voltage Relay= 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 [s] 1 Document number Lang.Pick-up volt.Time boost output is active . to generate boost command . Rev. the Auto regulator takes over in the event of extreme line disturbances.UM Limiter .Limiter active . Boost-Output .Limiting value of the minimum machine voltage . reactive power regulator to manual regulator to open loop regulation circuit Auxiliary supply to the summing point of Auto regulator Mode Level of the setpoint if the digital Input Excitation ON is not active. The setpoints of the non-active regulators follow the relevant operating point. Thus allows surge-free switching between operating modes if the new setpoint is within the setpoint limit. For example. Voltage Droop Compensation Control (VDC) . Var . . decrease command.Manual.0 0% 100% The limits and rise time can be set separately for each operating mode. Particulars to the setpoint in Sync mode . Manual Open Loop PF Var Auto Preset value 0A 0% 1.Primary Net ID .Secondary Net ID . Rev. ind. but the setpoint will be changed in such a manner that the reactive power always goes to zero. for reactive power regulation (Var) the setpoint of the auto-regulator follows the current machine voltage.PF. . Reactive current Var SPmin Var SPmax [%] Document number Lang.UMaux Minimum [ ] Maximum [ ] Ramp Rate [ ] Minimum [ ] Maximum [ ] to voltage regulator to power factor. Setpoint follows line voltage and the ramp rate corresponds with the increase.Auto .Gen CB Closed Status active: Works in AUTO mode.No Load: Regulator works in AUTO mode.Ramp Time Net ID Net ID Ramp Time Machine voltage [s] 100 Ramp time to get machine voltage to 100% and Var equal between machines after VDC is activated.Setpoint setting for the regulator .Open Loop .resp. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 25 . ind.40 0 Maximum Minimum -1. 60 Hz) -0.00 Angle = 10 -10 0 -20 -20 Delta Angle Maximum Delta Angle [deg] 20 40 60 -40 -60 Time between closing Total CB Closing Time [ms] command and closed breaker (see data sheet of the breaker) [%] Setpoint AUTO Maximum UNET Ramp = constant UM Minimum • Voltage matcher The machine voltage is raised to the level of the line voltage.Synchronisation . Rev.0 5.4 Document number Lang.2 49 fNET 48 47 fSP + Fbias fM 0.Minimum Slip .0 -10. voltage difference Note: fM > fNET Slip always negative Minimum Slip Maximum Slip Maximum Delta U [Hz] [Hz] [%] (Delta U) UM -UNET [%] 10.0 -0.2 Hz [Hz] 50 fNOM 49. Ramp Rate has to be adjusted in the menu Setpoint AUTO 110 103 100 98 90 [Hz] 3 Fbias • Frequency matcher Example: fNOM = 50 Hz (45 Hz < fNET ≤ 54 Hz.Max. 50 Hz) (54 Hz < fNET < 66 Hz. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 26 .8 Hz Fbias fSP+Fbias= 49.8 -3 [Hz] fSP 50 fNOM 49 fNET 48 47 fSP = 49 Hz fNET = 47 Hz fM = 47 Hz (Setpoint turbine) fSP fSP = 50 Hz (Setpoint turbine for synchronization) Slipmax = -0.4 Hz Slipmin = 0 Hz = fNET -fNOM -(Slipmax-Slipmin)/2 = -0.0 Slip [Hz] -5.Maximum Slip . u.] Vp Ta [p.Proportional gain . droop) Reactive current [%] PF or Var Control and PQ Limiter P [W] underexcited Active power overexcited Var PF Reactive power Q+ [var] Vp Ta [p.Regulator Auto [Voltage control] .00 (no effect) Droop Kq= -20% (max.u.Integral time constant .] [s] PF Generator Q- Motor Manual Field current control and Ie Limiter Gain [p. compensation) Kq= 0.] Vp Ta Tb [p. ind.u.u.Compensation or droop Kq [%] [%] nsation Compe Kq= 20% (max.Derivative time constant Tune Gain [p. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 27 .] [s] [s] 150 Vp 1/Ta 1/Tb 1257 ω [rad/s] Machine voltage .] [s] Vp 1/Ta 1257 ω [rad/s] Communication Write EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory ID unit number: AVR ID Saves the parameters in the device’s EEPROM Document number Lang.u. Rev. This page is intentionally blank. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 28 . ind. Document number Lang. Rev. Environmentally hazardous elements such as capacitors must be separated from the boards.5 mm2 The casing must be earthed at terminal 7 with 4 mm2.3 INSTALLATION AND DISPOSAL Caution The safe operation of the unit depends on appropriate transport and correct storage. The metallic casing does not present any risk to the environment and can be recycled.2 Earthing and wiring The emission limits in accordance with standard EN 50081-2 (1993) will only be complied with if the connections for the power electronics supply and the field output are made using shielded cables earthed at each end. The connection terminals are fitted on the front side of the unit.Electronics section. The earth connection should be kept as short as possible. O7 170 Abb UNITROLR 1000 3. The printed circuit boards are simple to remove. The unit should be packed and unpacked with the usual degree of care. acid fumes or similar (IP20).15: 4 mm2 . 200 Dimensions in mm 3. The printed circuit boards must be removed and should be disposed of by a licensed disposal company. terminals numbers 1 .Power electronics. Additional earth terminals are provided for the shielded cables. 3. The unit should be inspected visually to check for any damage caused during transport. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 29 . See dimensions diagram for fixing holes and spacing. on three levels: Maximum cross sections: . We also recommend that shielded cables be used for the analog and digital connections. without the use of force and using suitable tools.55: 2.1 Mechanical installation The unit is fixed in place by means of four screws. terminals numbers 16 . It is therefore important that the disposal of electronic equipment is carried out by qualified personnel. UNITROL 1000 is of environmentally friendly design. Rev. The unit should only be installed in indoor areas which are dry and dust-free and which do not contain any gases. Document number Lang. installation and mounting.3 Disposal Improper disposal of electrical devices can lead to environmental damage. Complaints regarding defects resulting from inappropriate transport are to be addressed immediately to the receiving station or the last carrier. ind. This page is intentionally blank. Rev. Document number Lang. ind. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 30 . All the sub-menus are called up from the “MAIN” start menu The vertical arrow (↓ ↑ ↕) indicates whether other lines are available using the up (▲) or down (▼) keys.1 Keypad The keypad consists of four keys with the following functions: Keys ▲.Set regulator parameters .1. ▼ Commands Select mode: Parameter setting: OK Select mode: Moves the cursor up or down Horizontal arrow cursor marks the active line Increases or reduces value Selects sub-menu in the line marked with the cursor On parameter level. The horizontal arrow cursor (→) marks the active line.4 OPERATION 4. Rev. "MAIN" start menu The title and three lines are displayed . in this place only a information .2 Display After auxiliary voltage supply UAUX is applied the version numbers of both the unit and the panel are shown on the display for a few seconds. the cursor disappears and the following text is displayed: OK to write value => Accept new value. ind.1.Current operating mode.Set ID number .Set ID number of the unit.Save parameters in UNITROL 1000 ↓∗∗∗ → ▼ key ▼ key ▼ key ▼ key MAIN ↓∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ →Monitor Mode = Auto Connected: 1 Setup Tune Communication Write EEPROM Document number Lang.Online measurement of machine and field values . in this place only a information . Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 31 .1 Operation on the unit 4. not yet saved in EEPROM ESC to cancel => Retain old value Parameter setting: ESC Select mode: Parameter setting: Accept new value Back to next-higher menu Retain saved value 4. Then the start menu MAIN lights up.Set parameters . 1x ▼ OK. OK. Rev. use ▼ key to move down to setup 3x ▼ OK. →Digital I/Os DIGITAL I/Os Hysteresis →I/Os Din from Ain ↕ DIGITAL I/Os DIO4 DI5 →DI6 DI6 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ →Din= None Polarity =Normal DI6 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ Din= None . text OK/ESC appears instead Use ▲ key to select assignment Press OK key to save Press ESC key to return to start menu Caution The above procedure only changes the parameters in the volatile memory.3 Example of parameter setting Example: Assigning Parallel wGrid to input DI6 Operating Display after auxiliary voltage is applied Key Resulting display MAIN ↓∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ →Monitor Mode = Auto Connected: 1 In the start menu. setup.Droop Comp. digital I/Os. and use ▼ key to move down to DI6 Select sub-menu 4.OK to write value . Document number Lang. and use ▼ key to move down to I/Os Select sub-menu 3. and use ▼ key to move down to digital I/Os Select sub-menu 2.ESC to cancel DI6 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ Din=Parallel wGrid . you have to save the entire parameter set: Save parameters: Start menu MAIN.OK to write value .1. digital I/Os. 7x ▼ OK. ind. 5x ▼ OK OK 3x ▲ OK 4x ESC MAIN ↕∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ Mode = Auto Connected: 1 →Setup SETUP ↕∗∗∗ ∗∗ Setpoints Volt. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 32 . To make the modification permanent. OK. DI6 Select parameter DI Cursor disappears. Write EEPROM.ESC to cancel DI6 ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ →Din=Parallel wGrid Polarity =Normal MAIN ↕∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ Mode = Auto Connected: 1 →Setup Select sub-menu 1.4. ind. SETUP ➠ ∗FIELD FLASHING Off Level = % MAIN. SETUP ➠ ∗∗∗ LIMITERS ∗∗∗ V/Hz Limiter IeMin Limiter IeMax Limiter PQ Limiter UM Limiter Boost ∗∗V/Hz LIMITER∗∗ fknee = Hz Slope = % Document number Lang. SETUP ➠ ∗∗SOFT START∗∗ Start Lvl = % Hold Time = s Ramp Time = s MAIN. Digital I/Os Analog Inputs Analog Outputs MAIN ➠ ∗ SYSTEM DATA ∗ UMNom = kV PT = UMPrim = UMSecond = IM2Nom = IM2Prim = IM2Sec = Ie NoLoad = Kceil = Xq = kV V A A A A V/V PT: Three phase Single phase 3 phase gnd MAIN.4. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 33 .4 Menu structure of display Start menu MAIN ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ Monitor Mode = Auto Connected: 1 Setup Tune Communication Write EEPROM Sub-menu 1 Sub-menu 2 Sub-menu 3 ∗∗∗ MONITOR ∗∗∗ UM = kV UM rel = % IM2 = A IM2 rel = % Q = kVar Q rel = % P = kW P rel = % Ie = A freq = Hz ∗∗∗ SETUP ∗∗∗ System Data Field Flashing Soft Start Limiters Synchronization Setpoints Volt. Rev. Droop Comp.1. SETUP ➠ SYNCHRONIZATION Min Slip = Max Slip = Max dU = Max Angl= TotCBCtime = Hz Hz % deg ms Document number Lang. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 34 . LIMITERS ➠ MAIN. SETUP.Depend = Active = ∗∗ % % % % % MAIN. SETUP. LIMITERS ➠ ∗ IeMax LIMITER ∗ Maximum = A Hold Time = s ---------------------Delayed = A Hold Time = s ---------------------Continuous = A Active = ∗∗ PQ LIMITER Q( 0%) = Q( 25%) = Q( 50%) = Q( 75%) = Q(100%) = Volt. LIMITERS ➠ ∗ IeMin LIMITER ∗ Minimum = A Active = MAIN. SETUP. ind. LIMITERS ➠ ∗∗ UM LIMITER ∗∗ Minimum = % Maximum = % MinActive = MaxActive = BOOST ∗∗∗ ∗∗∗ Threshold = % Hold Time = s Hysteresis = % MAIN. SETUP. LIMITERS ➠ MAIN. Rev. SETUP.Sub-menu 2 Sub-menu 3 MAIN. Rev.Sub-menu 2 Sub-menu 3 MAIN.NetID = Sec. ind. SETUP ➠ ∗∗ DIGITAL I/Os∗∗ Hysteresis I/Os Din from Ain ∗∗ HYSTERESIS∗∗ Low Level = V High Level = V Document number Lang.NetID = Ramp Time = s MAIN. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 35 . SETUP ➠ ∗∗∗ VDC ∗∗∗ Prim. SETUP ➠ ∗∗ SETPOINTS ∗∗ Auto PF Var Manual Open Loop ∗∗ AUTO ∗∗ PF SP ∗∗ Var SP ∗∗ MANUAL SP ∗ OPEN LOOP SP∗ Minimum = % Maximum = % Ramp Rate = %/s ∗∗∗ UM AUX ∗∗∗ Minimum = % Maximum = % MAIN. . Max Ie Act.. Oper. Gen CB cl. Close CB Comd. Reach.. Reset Setpoint. st. Min PQ Act. Excitation ON. SP Min. SystemOK Limit Active. Parallel wGrid. Min Ie Act. Rev.. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 36 . Act. Reach. Inverted Document number Lang. Act..... SW Alarm Sub-menu 4 ∗∗ DI09 ∗∗ DI10 ∗∗ DI11 ∗∗ DI12 ∗∗ DI13 ∗∗ DI14 from –AI ∗ Din = Polarity = ∗∗ DIN from AIN ∗ DI9 from +AI DI10 from -AI DI11 from +AI DI12 from -AI DI13 from +AI DI14 from -AI Polarity: Normal. Increase. SP Lim. Open Loop Ena. Lim. ind. Decrease. Reach.... Remote SP Ena. Sync. V/Hz Lim. Min UM Act. Field Flashing... PF Enable.Sub-menu 2 Sub-menu 3 Sub-menu 4 Direction: Input Din None. Sync Check. Manual Enable. Max UM Act. Secondary Net ∗∗∗ DIO1 ∗∗∗ DIO2 ∗∗∗ DIO3 ∗∗∗ DIO4 ∗∗∗ Direction = Din = Dout = Polarity = ∗∗ DIGITAL I/Os∗∗ DIO1 DIO2 DIO3 DIO4 DI5 DI6 DI7 DI8 ∗∗∗ DI5 ∗∗∗ DI6 ∗∗∗ DI7 ∗∗∗ DI8 Din = Polarity = ∗∗∗ Direction: Output Dout None. VDC Enable. Voltage Relay. Var Enable. Boost. SP Max. SETUP ➠ ∗ANALOG INPUTS AI1 AI2 AI3 AI1 ∗∗∗ AI2 ∗∗∗ AI3 ∗∗∗ Ain = Uin0% = Uin100% = ∗∗∗ V V Aout: None. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 37 . Reserved5. Var Remote SP. Reserved2. DI9(+)&10(-). Reserved3. PWM Fbias AIN. UMaux. Manual Rem SP. Auto Remote SP. SETUP. ANALOG OUTPUTS➠ ∗∗ Ie RANGE ∗ Fbias RANGE ∗ Fbias0% = % Fbias100%= % MAIN ➠ ∗∗∗ TUNE ∗∗∗ Auto PF/Var/PQ Limiter Manual/Ie Limiter Open Loop ∗∗∗ AUTO Setpoint = Vp = Ta = Tb = Kq = Step = Do Step Document number ∗∗∗ % s s % % Lang. ind. DI13(+)&14(-) Sub-menu 3 MAIN. DI11(+)&12(-). Current. OpenLoop R SP. Exc. SETUP ➠ ANALOG OUTPUTS AO1 AO2 Ie Range Fbias Range AO1 ∗∗∗ AO2 ∗∗∗ Aout = Uout0% = Uout100% = ∗∗∗ V V MAIN. Reserved4.Sub-menu 1 Ain: Sub-menu 2 None. PF Remote SP. Rev. Rev. But. The display is reseted when the unit is taken out of service and the auxiliary power is disconnected for a short-time.3. SI or SYSTEM HALTED The regulator continues to work faultless and has not to be taken out of service.1. See manufacturer’s details in section 1. TUNE ➠ PF/Var/PQ LIMITER SP PF = SP Var = Vp = Ta = PF-Step = Var-Step = Do PF-Step Do Var-Step MAIN. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 38 . Document number Lang. TUNE ➠ = = = = A s A ∗∗ OPEN LOOP ∗∗ Setpoint = % Step = % Do Step = MAIN ➠ ∗COMMUNICATION AVR ID = MAIN ➠ ∗∗∗ MAIN ∗∗∗ Write EEPROM -OK to write value -ESC to cancel 4. no parameters can be entered or changed. TUNE ➠ % s MANUAL/Ie LIMITER Setpoint Vp Ta Step Do Step MAIN.Sub-menu 1 Sub-menu 2 MAIN. ind. A defective unit should be sent in for repair.5 Fault message on the display In certain circumstances it could appear the following fault messages on the display: − XIRQ. exe from the directory PCTools \ Installer \ Disks Follow the instructions that appear on the screen.exe from the directory PCTools \ Installer \ Disks Double-click Setup. The application program is now installed.at least Pentium II (200MHz) processor .4-speed CD-ROM drive .Microsoft® WindowsTM 95/98. The Setup loads the PCTools program into your hard disk.2 PC-Software The delivered PC software is called PCTools for UNITROL 1000. To start the program: • Open the user interface via Start button.4. “Copyright © [02-03-20] National Instruments Corporation. Distribution rights: PCTools was developed with the LabVIEW software and is distributed free of license charges and costs. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 39 . Rev. System requirements: . NT or 2000 Installing PCTools 3. UNITROL 1000 and Double-click the shortcut icon PCTools.0 software To install the PCTools software please carry out the following steps: • • • • • • Place the PCTools CD in your CD-ROM drive Open the Windows File Manager or Explorer Display the CD root directory Double-click Visa201. The copyright to LabVIEW is owned by the company National Instruments International Distribution (NIID).256 MB RAM . Programs.“ Document number Lang. ind. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 40 .Tune: Tune regulator . To make the communication between PCTools and the unit: + PCTools Setup Communication Tune OFF LINE ON LINE Connected to: Reading Parameters from AVR 100. The other sub-menus are called up from the menu bar: .File: Load/save parameters . start menu Tune Help OFF LINE Connected to: ID-Number AVR1 EEPROM ABB PCTools for UNITROL 1000 Display on the unit: After the connection cable has been connected. if PCTools can not communicate with the unit. • Press the button „Continue“ to accept the reading of the parameters. ind. Rev.0%+Ready AVR1 File Monitor Help • Click the button OFF LINE k clic Button lights up green LED lights up green Caution: This button is shaded. EEPROM Cancel Parameters Read OK Continue 2nd c lic k The button is now with ON LINE labelled and lights up green The parameters have been loaded from the unit to PCTools (EEPROM LED lights up green) Document number Lang.Help: Software information + PCTools File Monitor Setup Communication menu bar.4.2.1 Operation using the software The window PCTools is the graphic user interface of the program. → REMOTE CONTROL Note It is possible to connect or disconnect the cable while the unit is in operation.Com.Monitor: Online measuring .Setup: Set parameters .: Set ID number . the unit display reads REMOTE CONTROL. 4.2.2 Example of parameter setting using PCTools Example: Assigning Parallel with Grid Status to input DI6 Make ON-LINE connection to the unit + PCTools File Monitor Setup Communication Tune Help Menu bar PCTools, start menu - Select setup click - Select digital I/Os click System Data Soft Start Field Flashing Limiters Setpoints Voltage Droop Composition Digital I/Os Analog Input Analog Output Synchronization + Digital I/Os Close Direction DIO1 In Digital Input/Output None Polarity Normal DI5 None None Normal - Open input DI6 with▼menu DI6 k ic cl Normal - Select input click None Excitation ON Gen CB Closed Status Parallel with Grid Status Increase Decrease Reset Setpoint Remote SP Enable PF Enable Var Enable Manual Enable Open Loop Enable Synchronize VDC Enable Secondary Net Reset Alarm Standby DI6 Parallel with Grid Status Return to start menu Caution Normal The above procedure only changes the parameters in the volatile memory. To make the modification permanent, you have to save the entire parameter set. Save parameters in ON LINE status: - Unit: Menu bar PCTools \ File \ Write Parameters to EEPROM - Harddisk: Menu bar PCTools \ File \ Save Parameter File Document number Lang. Rev. ind. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 41 4.2.3 Menu structure of PCTools + PCTools Monitor Setup Communication Tune Help About PCTools… Software information File About PCTools + Control: Panel: Revision: Software revision unit Software revision panel Software revision PCTools ABB Connected AVR Software Revisions Control: X.XXX Panel: X.XXX PCTools for UNITROL 1000 Revision: X.XXX Click window to continue Click window to continue File Monitor Setup Communication *.ini Tune Help Open Parameter File Save Parameter File Write Parameters to EEPROM Close close the application File Monitor Setup Communication Tune Help Measurements Oscilloscope PQ Diagram Sync Diagram Online measurement of the machine and field values Online measurement Online measurement Online measurement • Window measuring instruments Monitor \ Measurements + Measurements Close - Network Voltage (UNET) - Machine Voltage (UM) - Machine Real Power (P) - Field Current (Ie) - Machine Current (IM2) - Machine Reactive Power (Q) - Network Frequency (fNET) - Machine Frequency (fM) - Power Factor (PF) [% and kV] [% and kV] [% and kW] [A] [% and A] [% and kVar [Hz] [Hz] -- Machine Voltage (UM) 50 75 100 125 150 25 0 0.0 0.000 % kV Document number Lang. Rev. ind. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 42 • Oscilloscope Monitor \ Oscilloscope File Edit Ctrl+O Start open the waveform (is saved as ASCII table, *.xls) open settings of oscilloscope (*. cfg) save measurements as ASCII table (*.xls) save oscilloscope settings (*. cfg) Ctrl+B Ctrl+Q Edit Cursors Sweep Buffer File Edit save waveform in a BMP File close application Start Ctrl+C Ctrl+S Start Start Freeze Waveform File Edit Start Open Waveform Recall Setup Save Waveform Save Setup Print Bitmap to File Close File show / hide cursors, Cursor appear on the left side of the screen Run through recording from Cursor A start the record (appears menu point Freeze Waveform) stop the record (appears menu point Start) B A, rs rso Cu Channel 1 UM Relative 0.0 cl ic k k ic cl Zoom 50.0 %/div % Channel 2 f Machine 50.0 Hz/div 0.0 Channel 3 Ie 10.0 0.0 Channel 4 PWM 100.0 %/div 0.0 A Channel 1 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0 50.0 time / s Buffer Length Sampling rate = 20 Samples / Second 50.0 s 0.0 % 0.0 s % A/div A Hz Generator State Mode Combined Limit ------------PWM Ie UM Relative IM2 Relative f Machine P Relative Q Relative cosphi Iq Relative Iq Relative Slow Limit PQ Min Limit Ie Max UM Step PF Step Var Step Ie Step Gain Offset Cursors A, B B Channel 1 dt = 0.0 s 1/dt = Inf Hz Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel 3 Channel 4 Measurement: Define buffer length (max. length = 100 s) Start, stop and save record The assignment of the signal, gain, offset can be chosen afterwards. Note: A reduced buffer length improves considerably the performance of the PC. Document number Lang. Rev. ind. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 43 UNET [%] Frequency/Voltage 10.0 -10. Rev.0 0.0 -6.0 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 6.• Window PQ Diagram Monitor \ PQ Diagram (Power chart) Close 125 100 100 75 x x 50 Limiter characteristics 75 50 25 Operating points x 0 25 0 -300 -275 -250 -225 -200 -175 -150 -125 -100 -75 x -25 0 25 50 75 100 x -50 • Window Synchonization Diagram Monitor \ Sync Diagram Synchronoscope Close command Close Angle 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 -160 0 -20 -20 Differential voltage machine to network UM .0 0.6 -0.0 -4.0 -0.4 Synchronization x Slip fM -fNET [Hz] 0.0 8.0 4.0 -8.2 0.0 2. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 44 .8 -0.4 -0.05 Hz Document number Lang.2 0. ind.0 -2. max. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 45 . ind. Ie und UM limiter Line short circuit support Setpoints Auto PF Var Manual Open Loop UMaux Min. Rev. and ramp Document number Lang.File Monitor Setup Communication Tune Help Setting of the system and unit parameters System Data Soft Start Field Flashing Limiters Setpoints Voltage Droop Compensation Control Digital I/Os Analog Inputs Analog Outputs Synchronization System Data Soft Start Field Flashing Limiters ▶ Setpoints ▶ Voltage Droop Compensation Digital I/Os Analog Inputs Analog Outputs Synchronization Limiters V/Hz Limiter Operational Limits Boost PQ.. 0 2.0 10.0 12.00 V IM2 Nominal @ AVR 1.0 20.000 A • Configure Soft Start Setup \ Soft Start Close 110 100 80 Start Level 0.0 14.0 10.0 12.0 20.0 • Adjust Field Flashing Setup \ Field Flashing Close Field Flashing Off Level 0.• Adjust System Data Setup \ System Data Close Ie No Load 5.0 0.0 18.02.000 kV IM2 Nominal 500 A S Nominal 0.0 6.0 16.0 16.08. ind.000 A Primary Secondary 1.87 MVA Potential Transformer PT Three Phase k ic cl Three Phase Single Phase Three ph gnd Current Transformer Primary Secondary 500 A : 1.0 18.50 UM Nominal 1.08.0 14.0 % Hold Time 0.000 kV : 110.0 s 60 40 20 0 0. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 46 .0 A Kceiling 5.0 s Ramp Time 10. Rev.0 4.04.0 % Document number Lang.06.00 V UM Nominal @ AVR 110.00 V/V Xq 1. ind.0 Min Q3 = Min Q %.0 Document number Lang.0 Max delayed Ie = Min Q A for Min Q s 12.0 UM Limiter Max Min Active Min Ie = Min Q A 0.0 Hz 100. Rev. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 47 .• Adjust V/Hz Limiter Setup \ Limiters \ V/Hz Limiter Close f knee Slope 48.0 Max Ie Min Ie Max UM Min UM Min Q Max Ie Min Ie Max UM Min UM Min Q Active Max UM = PQ Limiter Close Max Ie Min Ie Max UM Min UM Min Q Active Min UM = Min Q % 90.0 60. when P = 75% -25.0 Max continous Ie = Min Q A 10.0 Min Q1 = Min Q %.0 %/fknee • Adjust Ie.0 10. when P = 25% -35. when P = 0% -40. UM and PQ Limiter Setup \ Limiters \ Operational Limits \ Limiter Setup Ie Limiter Close Max Min Close Max Ie Min Ie Max UM Min UM Min Q Max Ie Min Ie Max UM Min UM Min Q Active Max Ie = Min Q A for Min Q s 30. when P = 100% -20.0 Min Q % 110.0 Min Q4 = Min Q %.0 Min Q2 = Min Q %.0 Active Voltage dependency Min Q5 = Min Q %. when P = 50% -30. Open loop and UMaux are entered in identical input fields.0 % 0.0 s 15. Var.30 %/s The setpoints PF. Manual.0 % 3. • Adjust Voltage Droop Compensation Control Range Setup \ Voltage Droop Compensation Close Primary Net ID Secondary Net ID VDC Ramp Time 1 2 10.0 % • Adjust Setpoint Range Setup \ Setpoints \ AUTO Close Minimum Maximum Ramp Rate 90.• Adjust short circuit support Setup \ Limiters \ Boost Close Threshold Hold Time Hysteresis 40.0 % 110. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 48 . ind.0 s Document number Lang. Rev. • Configure Digital I/O Setup \ Digital I/Os Close Direction DIO1 DIO2 DIO3 DIO4 DI5 DI6 DI7 DI8 DI9 from +AI DI10 from -AI DI11 from +AI DI12 from -AI DI13 from +AI DI14 from -AI In In In In Digital Input/Output None None Out None None None None None None None None None None None None Polarity Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Low Level 4.0 V Direction = In None Excitation ON Gen CB Closed Status Parallel with Grid Status Increase Decrease Reset Setpoint Remote SP Enable PF Enable Var Enable Manual Enable Open Loop Enable Synchronize VDC Enable Secondary Net Reset Alarm Standby ABB Switzerland Ltd cl k ic ic cl k Inverted cl k ic Direction = Out None Boost FieldFlashing SystemOK Limit Active V/Hz Limit Active SP Limit Reached SP Minimum Reached SP Maximum Reached Operational Limit Active Min Ie Active Max Ie Active Min PQ Active Min UM Active Max UM Active Voltage Relay CloseCBCommand Sync Check SW Alarm Document number Lang.0 V High Level 10. Rev. Page 3BHS124245 E80 en - 49 . ind. 0 Hz k ic cl 0.0 V 10.0 V 10.0 V 100% 10.0 V • Configure Analog Outputs Setup \ Analog Outputs Close min Ie Range PWM Fbias Range Analog Output AO1 AO2 None Excitation Current PWM Fbias None None 0.0 % 3.• Configure Analog Inputs Setup \ Analog Inputs Close Analog Input AI1 AI2 AI3 None None None 0% 0.0 A 100.0 V 10. Rev.0 V 0.0 V 10.0 Hz max 30.0 V Document number Lang. ind.0 V None Auto Remote Setpoint PF Remote Setpoint Var Remote Setpoint Manual Remote Setpoint Open Loop Remote Setpoint UMaux Reserved2 Reserved3 Reserved4 Reserved5 Digital Input 9(+) & 10(-) Digital Input 11(+) & 12(-) Digital Input 13(+) & 14(-) k ic cl 0.0 A 0. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 50 .0 % -3.0 V 0. 00 % 10 deg 90 ms File Monitor Setup Communication ID Definition Tune Help Set ID number • Set ID Number Communication \ ID Definition Note: Required in VDC mode to be set unique Close ID 1 Document number Lang. Rev. ind.• Adjust Synchronization Setup \ Synchronization Close Minimum Slip Maximum Slip Maximum Delta U Maximum Delta Angle Total CB Closing Time 0.40 Hz 5. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 51 .00 Hz -0. 0 % 0.00 .00 15. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 52 .00 20.00 3.00 Tb (Derivation Time) 2.01 20.0 1.00 15.0 V/Hz DOWN UP 100. Status Displays Tune \ Setpoint Adjust Close Generator State Active Mode Limiter State Setpoint 100.0 95.00 Ta (Integration Time) 10.00 5.0 % UP Set step height Trigger setpoint jump • Parameter Setting Range Tune \ Auto Close Vp (Proportional Gain) 75 50 25 0 100 125 150 175 200 Ta (Integration Time) 10.0 Kq (Droop) -5 -10 -15 -20 20 0 5 10 15 0.01 1. Net Prim. Var regulation and PQ Limiter Manual control and Ie Limiter Setpoint Adjust Auto PF/Var/PQ Limiter Manual/Ie Limiter • Adjust Setpoint.Tune \ Manual/Ie Limiter Close Vp (Proportional Gain) 0.Tune \ PF/Var/PQ Limiter . Trigger Setpoint.0 % Adjust setpoint Ie Low UM Step UM Low Iq Low DOWN 0.File Monitor Setup Communication Tune Help Automatic voltage regulation PF. Rev.0 105.0 Standby Sync Grid Sec. Net NoLoad Manual Open Loop Pf Var VDC AUTO Ie High UM High IM High 90. ind.01 20.0 A setpoint jump can also be triggered in this window.35 s Document number Lang. 110.00 1.00 s 50 75 100 125 150 175 5.00 25 0 200 0.00 20.00 s 5.00 0.00 4. If the parameters in *. PCTools loads the old data from the RAM again! • Editing the Parameter file: The INI file can be opened using an editor (Word. Now. ind. The parameters are saved onto the hard disk as an INI file. Note. The parameters are saved onto the hard disk as an INI file. Rev.or Wordpad) or by double-clicking on the filename and the parameters can be edited directly and printed out.Write Parameters to EEPROM: .ini file are not correct. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 53 .4 Save parameter file PC PCTools UN 1000 RAM Parameters Write Parameters to EEPROM EEPROM Parameters Harddisk Open Parameter File Save Parameter File OFF LINE ON LINE EEPROM LED lights up.Save Parameter File: . if data RAM = EEPROM (ON LINE) • Status ON-LINE After switching from OFF LINE to ON LINE. serious damage can be caused on the plant! Document number Lang. The INI file is only loaded into PCTools. Caution: If you now switch to ON-LINE. . Caution: The old parameter file is immediately overwritten in the RAM! • Status OFF-LINE Any parameter changes carried out in PCTools are not transferred into the device.Write Parameters to EEPROM: .2. . The INI file is loaded into PCTools and the RAM is overwritten again. since there is no communication between PCTools and the device.4.Open Parameter File: The parameters in the RAM are stored in the device. PCTools reads the parameters from the device‘s RAM. all parameter changes carried out using PCTools are written directly into the device‘s RAM. it should be ensured that the permissible ranges of values are not exceeded and that the specified syntax is observed. Caution When entering the parameters.Open Parameter File: No effect.Save Parameter File: . 4.0 50. The measured values can be measured on the oscilloscope. B B Channel 3 0.0 /div A B 3 3 4 Channel 4 Gen.0 25. The buffer length can be adjusted from 1 s.0 % 24.0 0.0 20. 2 s. Status ON LINE Start: Freeze Waveform: File \ Save Waveform: File \ Save Setup: The recording of the waveform is started. use left mouse button to drag cursor A to the desired point on the signal curve.0 5.097Hz • Status OFF LINE File \ Open Waveform: Open stored waveform file.0 40. The time scale can be adjusted in the bar above the waveform (Zoom).3 s 1/dt = 0. State 2.0 35. PQ diagram and the instruments.0 %/div 0. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 54 . • − − − − The window in "Tune“ can also be opened to set the regulators. (Monitor toolbar) + Close Measurements Close 125 Machine Voltage [UM] 100 100 25 0 50 75 100 125 150 75 x x 50 limiter characteristics 75 50 x 25 106.0 Hz 4 Channel 3 Combined Limit 1.0 15. 50 s to 100 s.7 1. Save oscilloscope settings.0 10. 5 s.3 s 0. The setpoint step is simulated in "Tune Setpoint Adjust“.0 % 34. Edit \ Sweep Buffer: The curves are run through from cursor point A using the scanning bar. ind. Save waveform.0 s 0.0 45. Rev.0 s dt = 10.0 time / s Sweep Buffer Buffer Length 50.5 Evaluation of the waveform The curves for the current and stored data can be viewed using the oscilloscope. Document number Lang. 20 s.0 0.0 A Channel 3 /div Cursors A. The recording is stopped. instruments or PQ diagram.067 [%] [kV] 0 PQ Limiter is active 25 0 x -25 0 25 50 75 100 x -75 -50 Zoom File Edit Start -300 -275 -250 -225 -200 -175 -150 -125 -100 Freeze Waveform Channel 1 UM Relative 1 50.0 %/div 0. Edit \ Cursors: Assign channel with buttons A and B.0 30.0 % 1 2 2 Channel 2 Iq Relative 100.2. 0 +8 s Document number Lang. Rev. Mode and Combined Limit.0 8. status display There are 3 quasi analogue signals which can be used to represent status changes on the oscilloscope.0 10.Monitor \ oscilloscope. All other collective signals only allow one display . Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 55 . Generator State Mode Combined Limit ------------PWM Ie UM Relative IM2 Relative f Machine P Relative Q Relative cosphi Iq Relative Angle UNetRelative Slip UM Step PF Step Var Step Ie Step signal value Generator State: 0 = 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 8= Mode: 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= 6= 7= 0= 1= 2= 3= 4= 5= +8 = state Idle (NoLoad) Change NoLoad -> Net1 Net 1 Change Net1 <-> Net2 Net 2 Change Net2 -> NoLoad Net1 or Net2 -> Grid ON Grid ON => see channel 4.0 3.0 4. Decoding of the signals Generator State.0 2. ind.0 11. Summary of the limiter status: Combined Limit 1. the V/Hz-Limiter can also occur and be displayed in the status signal of the limiters.0 12.0 9. picture previous page Ie Max UM Max V/Hz *) Combined Limit: *) Each time a limiter is tripped. picture previous page Grid ON -> Net1 or Net2 Auto Var PF Manual Open Loop VDC Sync Standby None Ie Min UM Min PQ Min => see channel 3.0 1.0 +8 5.0/div UM Max +V/Hz Ie Max +V/Hz PQ Min +V/Hz UM Min +V/Hz Ie Min +V/Hz V/Hz UM Max Ie Max PQ Min UM Min Ie Min None 13. when the relevant unit does not include the option Synchronization. Document number Lang.3. • Error message at assigning of the digital input with the signal Synchronize + The Error message appears.0% Ready Continue Cancel ON LINE − Acknowledge by clicking on the Continue button. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 56 .6 Error message • Error message during the reading of the parameters The following message appears if the connection is interrupted during the reading of the parameters. See manufacturer’s details in section 1. ind. in case the option „Synchronization“ is required to this unit. or + PCTools Reading Parameters from AVR NI-488: Error connecting to driver or device. Possible reasons: FieldPoint: IAK operation was successful. or IA Servers: IAK operation was successful. Synchronization is not possible with this unit OK Note You can ask for information directly from the manufacturer. − Check connection between PC and device and click OFF LINE button again.4.2. Rev. Help File Monitor Setup Communication Tune 100. + Error 0 occurred at Time Out. ind. Caution Before switching on. Rev. Possible risks are largely excluded if the unit is handled properly in accordance with these instructions.1 Safety regulations UNITROL 1000 units operate with dangerous voltages of up to 250 V AC. it must be ensured by measurement that no measuring voltages or control voltages >50 V are present at the terminals. All relevant regulations must be complied with during commissioning. After the unit has been switched off. It is essential that these safety regulations are read before starting any work on the UNITROL 1000 equipment. Document number Lang. always check whether the connection terminals are wired up according to the plant schematic. by means of a warning sign). Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 57 . all voltages greater than 50 V leading to the system must be switched off. Manipulation of live parts can lead to death or injury to the persons involved or damage to the surroundings.5 COMMISSIONING 5.g. In order to prevent unintentional closing of open voltage circuits by third parties. At an interrupted field circuit the input capacitor is slowly discharged through internal circuits. If work is being carried out in the vicinity of the UNITROL 1000. the circuits in question should be identified at the point of interruption (e. Digital I/O .Field Flashing .2 and settings recorded in section 7.25 * 240 V – 8 V = 292 V Kceil = 292 V/150 V = 1.2 Setting aids At the first commissioning all parameters have to be controlled. The ceiling factor is dependent on the available supply voltage UPWR. Ceiling Factor Kceil U PWR K ceil Ue max = Ueo Regulator U emax U eo Uemax: maximum output voltage Ueo: output voltage at nominal voltage of the machine (machine in no-load operation) SM E Definition: The ceiling factor Kceil determines the relationship between the maximum output voltage of the regulator and the exciter voltage which is required for no-load excitation and is thus a measure for the possible overexcitation of the machine. ind. Power electronics supply: three.Soft Start .2.25 * UPWR – 8 V DC: Uemax = 0.3.40 * UPWR – 8 V single-phase: Uemax = 1.Voltage Droop Compensation Control . Overview of parameter blocks • Setup: . Rev. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 58 . the faster the regulator can react load off. Document number Lang. the faster the regulator can react drops in the machine voltage and/or reactive power. The greater the ceiling factor.95 p. For this see description of the parameters in section 2.Setpoints .98 * UPWR – 8 V Example: Specifications: Calculation: Power electronics supply UPWR = 240 V.phase: Uemax = 1. Setting aids • Setup \ System Data.u.System Data .Analog I/O • • Tune: Controller Communication: ID unit number. single-phase No-load exciter voltage Ueo = 150 V Uemax = 1.5.Limiters .Synchronization . On the other hand the smaller the ceiling factor. • Setup \ System Data. UM Limiter The limiting values of the UM limiter are. Rev. set equally. Machine Reactance Xq .Salient pole machine: Xq ≈ 0. like the setpoint range of the voltage regulator (Auto mode). Manual und Open Loop There are no limiters active in the mode Manual and Open loop. Setup \ Limiter. ind.5 Xd . Setpoint Auto Minimum Maximum UM Limiter = Minimum = Maximum Example 90% 110% • • • Setup \ Synchronization Caution The machine frequency has to be always greater than network frequency. as a rule. Document number Lang. It can not be synchronized by a positive slip.Cylindrical-rotor machine (Turbo): Xq ≈ Xd Setup \ Limiter. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 59 .7 to 0. Rev. configuration Software configuration of the digital I/Os: − Check switching threshold of the inputs. ON OFF Standby Sync Manual Open Loop VDC PF Var Auto 0V 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V 24 V Stand by X 24 V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V Digital inputs which are to be assigned SYN Gen CB Closed Status X X X X X 24 V 24 V 24 V 0V 24 V Parallel with Grid Status X X X X X 0V 24 V 24 V X X Manual Enable X X X 24 V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V Open Loop Enable X X X X 24 V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V VDC Enable X X X X X 24 V 0V 0V X 0V PF Enable X X X X X X 24 V 0V X 0V Var Enable X X X X X X X 24 V X 0V X X 24 V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 0V 24 V 0V 24 V 0V with *) 24 V 0V *) with droop or compensation X 0V = not relevant = 0 V or open Note: If an input is to be continuously active (24 V). then it should only be inverted by software means. selection of operating mode The operating mode is selected via the digital inputs. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 60 . configuration Software configuration of the analog inputs: − Assign terminal to desired signal − Define signal level of the input signal [Uin0% … Uin100%] − If the input is used as a digital input. ind. the desired signal name is to be assigned in the menu Digital I/Os. The inputs DI9 to DI14 can be used as virtual digital inputs even if they are not defined in Analog Inputs as Digital Inputs.• Setup \ Digital I/Os. The input then naturally counts as being occupied. Document number Lang. Software configuration of the analog outputs: − Assign terminal to desired signal − Define signal level of the output signal [Uin0% to Uin100%] − Define signal level of the field current [Ie0% to Ie100%] • • Setup \ Digital I/Os. a maximum of 10 inputs have to be occupied by the following signals: Mode Exc. − Define terminal as input or output − Assign terminal to desired signal − Select polarity Setup \ Analog inputs / outputs. Default values apply to internal 24 V supply. For this purpose. 6. Step Mode Maximum adjustable setpoint jump during 10 s Manual ±5 A Open Loop ±20% PF ±0. Setting: Tb = 0. Reactive power influence Kq In the case of machines which. Setting: Ta = Td‘ Derivative time constant Tb This approximately compensates the load time constant TE of the exciter machine. without step-up transformers. the reactive power output or consumption stabilises. with other synchronous machines.2 Var ±50% Auto ±20% Tune. Integral time constant Ta This lies within the range of Td‘ of the main machine.• Tune \ Setpoint Adjust. Order of priorities If several operating modes are selected simultaneously by the digital inputs. values between 10 and 40 should result in stable regulation of the machine. 7. This is also shown in the tables Selection of operating mode on the preceding page. 4. if no other operation mode is active • Tune. 3. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 61 . Auto The following settings can be pre-set on the basis of the machine data. In the case of machines with step-up transformers. are connected with the fixed grid or. If the ceiling factor Kceil has been set correctly. Example: Step-up transformer Reactance = 12% Compensation Kq = +6% Document number Lang. the voltage drop of the transformer can be partly compensated with positive values of Kq. resp. 5. if Gen CB Closed status is there and Parallel with Grid status is there Only active. if Parallel with Grid status is there active. if Parallel with Grid status is there Only active. then the following order of priority applies. top 2. ind.0 * TE Proportional gain Vp This most important setting value depends primarily on the controlled system.7 to 1. A higher negative value makes the machine more independent of voltage fluctuations in the grid. 9. it is essential that the droop Kq is set to a negative value of –5 to –20%. lowest Mode OFF Standby Sync Manual Open Loop VDC PF Var Auto Remark • Only active. via a busbar. 8. the machine will support the grid or busbar voltage. resp. Rev. At low negative values. A default value of 20 is set for the first excitation. (Fields with X = not relevant) Priority 1. 4 Work carried out while machine is running No-load tests: (nominal speed. Rev. ind. The unit could be damaged. optimise voltage regulator V/Hz limiter: The actuation point fknee is set to 48 Hz by default Caution For 60 Hz machines this value must be set to approximately 58 Hz. synchronization: First synchronization with voltage regulator. • • • • • Switch on auxiliary voltage UAUX Adjust parameters Check measuring voltage and current transformer circuits Measure field resistance Low-load test: external supply of power electronics (3x <250 V AC) . discharge and in Auto and Manual mode Soft start in Auto mode Adapt setpoint range. Disconnect cables before the meggers (with the insulation tester) on the unit. generator: short circuit and no-load tests. not synchronized) • • • • Field flashing. Document number Lang. Reminder. polarity . compare connections with schematic Caution Caution Unit connection terminal 7 has to be earthed. 5.Optimise Ie regulator • Adjust limiter settings on the basis of customer’s power chart Reminder.Open loop mode.5.3 Work carried out while machine is at a standstill Preliminary checks: • Wiring check. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 62 . even if these modes are not used. it is essential that the droop Kq is set to a value of approx. Document number Lang. ind. • • • Load rejection overexcited and underexcited Optimise Iemin / Iemax Llimiter Optimise PQ Limiter Caution The setting of the PQ limiter must be co-ordinated with the settings of the generator protection. droop/compensation Caution The droop/compensation is set to 0% by default. Rev. stability. –10% before the first synchronization. via a busbar. The reactive current must be monitored carefully during the first paralleling. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 63 . setpoint range. • PF and Var regulator. the limiter should be set at least 5% lower. with other synchronous machines. then the current direction of the IM2 measurement is incorrect or the CT phase position is wrong. internal P. If the machine is paralleled directly with the rigid grid or. If it increases uncontrollably following the first synchronization.and Q-measurement.Tests under load: • Stator current measurement. the PF / Var regulator must be tuned. Note: To enable correct operation of PQ Limiter. As a rule. Rev. the phase-angle difference must be 0 deg. „Live“ synchronization: Record the event with synchronoscope SM • • • About the measurement: Caution In this status.or Wordpad) and printed out. either measuring is being carried out on incorrect phases or a phase shift caused by the connection group of a step-up transformer has not been compensated. Document number Lang. If the synchronoscope stands at „six o’clock“. close the circuit breaker (CB) For reasons of safety has to be measured not only in the menu Monitor\Oscilloscope or Monitor\Sync Diagram but also with an oscilloscope.3 or printing out the INI file. one voltage is incorrectly connected. Paralleling with incorrect polarity can lead to serious damage. There must not occur a phase shift caused by one of the both measuring transformer or by the connection group of a step-up transformer.Synchronization: It is a prerequisite for the correct functioning of the synchronization that the measured machine and network voltages are in phase. display the correct values and are tuned with the circuit breaker closed. Note: The synchronoscope must stand at „twelve o’clock “. Concluding work: • Saving the parameter and write the parameter settings section 7. The INI file can be opened using an editor (Word. Note. „Blind“ synchronization: Watch the event with synchronoscope (Monitor\Sync Diagram) by disconnected trigger of the circuit breaker. • UN 1000 UNET CB UM Isolator AVR Measurement of the phase angle of the voltages UNET and UM: Open the isolator. Incorrect polarity cannot be detected by the UNITROL 1000. In other positions. ind. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 64 . Otherwise the measuring cable are incorrectly connected. Monitor) -> positive rising Document number Lang. action Field circuit interrupted Field circuit-breaker doesn’t close − Check wiring for break − Check field circuit-breaker − Check field flashing circuit − Measure auxiliary supply UAUX − Check for tripped protective circuit-breaker − Measure power electronics supply UPWR − Check for tripped protective circuit-breaker − Measure auxiliary supply UAUX. then the reserve unit should first be installed and commissioned in accordance with section 5.) -> positive − Measure voltage UPWM (PCTools. List of possible faults Possible causes Machine is not excited • • Checks.9 (Osc. the screwed terminals which can loosen due to vibrations should be checked for tightness. ind. Measure power electronics supply UPWR − Check field flashing Off level − Check operating mode. For field flashing normally Auto is used − Check setpoint − Measure output voltage at terminals 8.1 Maintenance When the system is at a standstill. it is not possible to deal with all eventualities in full. If a fault occurs in the unit. Page Shunt: • Field flashing does not work • • No electronics supply UAUX No control element supply UPWR Shunt: • Machine is only excited to the value supplied by the field flashing • Machine is first excited then discharges again • Setpoint error • Regulator error ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 65 . 6. Rev.2 Trouble shooting The following instructions are intended to assist in localising a fault within the excitation system as a whole. However.6 MAINTENANCE AND FAULTS 6. For field flashing normally Auto is used − Check field flashing Off level − Check setpoint − Measure power electronics supply UPWR − If all supplies and setpoints are correct change unit − Check operating mode. Dusty cooling flanges should also be cleaned. installed? − Yes: re-set regulator − No: check parameters of Auto and PF. Rev.Possible causes Overvoltage during build-up • Checks. loads etc. Var regulator Document number Lang. ind. Periodic oscillation of reactive and possibly active power • Regulator settings incorrect Were changes made to the grid configuration? Additional outputs. For field flashing normally Auto is used − Check setpoint − Check thresholds of UM Limiter − Check regulator settings − Check design of the field flashing circuit. Ie • • Setpoint error Control element fault Parallel operation with grid unstable. Field flashing should deliver 10 to 15% of the no load excitation current • Field flashing current too high Machine voltage not stable in no-load operation • Regulator error − Check operating mode. For field flashing normally Auto is used − Check setpoints − Check parameters of Auto regulator − Higher. action Overvoltage caused by voltage regulator − Machine voltage UM present − Check system data − Check operating mode. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 66 . loose contact UM. lower inputs unstable − Externally input setpoint unstable − Check wiring. − Check setting of limiters • Limiter active Excitation with compounding and boost circuit: Excitation is only supplied by the series compounding • • No control element voltage Regulator fault − Measure power electronics supply UPWR − Check for tripped protective circuit-breaker − Check operating mode.or underexcitation which is not caused by grid • • Droop influence of the voltage regulator ineffective or Iq measurement defective Machine within inadmissible operating range (normally protected by limiters) − Check droop/compensation setting − Check external current transformer circuit − Bring machine into normal operating range by adjusting the setpoint. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 67 . For field flashing normally Auto is used − Check setpoint − Bring machine into normal operating range by adjusting the setpoint. Monitor) − Signals in phase opposition: unit defective − Signals in phase: disturbance possibly caused by the driving side of the machine or by disturbances from the grid Operating point cannot be adjusted • Setpoint error − Check operating mode.Possible causes Checks.9 (oscilloscope) Measure voltage UPWM (PCTools. action Irregular instability. sporadic over. For field flashing normally Auto is used − Check setpoint − Check parameters of Auto regulator Document number Lang. ind. i.e. Rev. − Check setting of limiters • Regulator fault Measure output voltage at terminals 8. action No external control voltage − Measure control voltage − check wiring − Measure internal control voltages − Check configuration No internal control voltages Vdig. Document number Lang.3. ind. A defective unit should be sent in for repair.Possible causes External controls faulty • • • Checks.3 Repair The unit may not be opened. Vref Configuration of the digital or analog inputs or outputs is not correct 6. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 68 . Rev. See manufacturer’s details in section 1. 40 to 600 Hz Power electronics supply UPWR: Frequency Excitation output IM2: .7 g f>15 Hz 5 g. UNET against case 10 to 100 Hz <0.Overload (maximum 10 s) 30 A DC .Maximum continuous current 15 A 1 A /degree . 1 min 500 V. Rev. 0.7 APPENDIX 7. 1 min Relevant standards.Overload (maximum 4 min) 20 A DC Frequency range of measuring values UM and IM2 Accuracy: Test voltage: Voltage regulation Power electronics supply and auxiliary supply against case Voltage measurement inputs UM. ind.Current reduction for ambient temperatures >50 °C .1% 2 kV. 11 ms pulse Electrical data Auxiliary supply UAUX: Maximum power consumption 25 W DC. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 69 .1 General Data Ordering information Device designation Order number with Synchronization without Synchronization Mechanical data Weight Protection class Dimensions (LxWxH) Climatic stability Temperature range for operation Temperature range for storage Vibration Shock UNITROL 1000 3BHE005774 R0004 3BHE005774 R0003 5 kg IP20 245x190x142 mm 0 to 60 °C -20 to +75 °C 2 mm f<15 Hz. CE conformity EMC directive: Generic emission standard Generic immunity standard Ordering information connection cable PC to UNITROL 1000 Series standard cable (terminals 2 and 3 crossed) 89/336/EEC EN 50081-2 (IEC 61000-6-4) IEC/EN 61000-6-2 DB9 f/f/ 3 m Document number Lang. ind. Document number Lang.This page is intentionally blank. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 70 . Rev. Panel: .: Device identification: Type plate: Delivery date: Software revision: . Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 71 .PCTools: Remarks: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Place and date of commissioning: Name: Company: Document number Lang.7. ind.Control: . Rev.2 Settings record for UNITROL 1000 Name and address of customer: ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Plant: Order no.: Plant schematic no. Limiter active P at 0% P at 25% P at 50% P at 75% P at 100% Volt.0 to 0 -400.Q Limiter at P = 100% .0 Hz %/fknee IeMin Limiter: .0 0 to 20.00 to 100.Q Limiter at P = 50% .reached voltage off level Off Level 0.Pot.0 to 0 -400.0 FALSE 0 to 15.00 60.0 0 to 327. ind.0 -30.Limiter active st Maximum Hold Time Delayed Hold Time Continuous Active 30.Ramp time Start Lvl Hold Time Ramp Time 0.0 1.0 TRUE TRUE -400.0 10.000 1-/3-Phase/3-Ph gnd 0.Machine reactance UMNominal PT UMPrimary UMSecondary IM2Nominal IM2Primary IM2Secondary Ie NoLoad Kceiling Xq 1.or single-phase .u.Starting voltage .No-load current .00 to 250.0 to 200.0 0.Measuring voltage.0 to 0 FALSE / TRUE FALSE / TRUE % % % % % --- Document number Lang.0 100.500 0 to 10.0 0 to 327.Limiter active Minimum Active 0.Current transformer primary current .0 -35. p.3 Parameter settings.0 TRUE 0 to 30.00 60.Delay until ramp .500 to 1. three.0 0 to 327.0 to -0.Nominal voltage of the machine .Potential transformer.0 FALSE / TRUE A -- IeMax Limiter: .00 to 150.Voltage dependency active .0 FALSE / TRUE A s A s A -- PQ Limiter: .5 -400. Rev.Q Limiter at P = 0% .2 limit .0 -25.00 500 500 1.0 60.0 0 to 327.Delay time .Minimum limit . primary voltage .5 0.000 110.Current transformer secondary current .0 to 0 -400.0 10.Q Limiter at P = 75% . Abbreviation Standard value Setting range Set Unit Field Flashing .Delay time nd .Continuous current .20 to 4.0 10.Ceiling factor .010 to 32.0 0 to 15.Slope fknee Slope 48.Nominal machine current .00 1 to 32000 1 to 32000 0.010 to 32.u. default values Parameter System Data .Cut-off frequency . transformer.0 0 to 100.1 limit .Q Limiter at P = 25% .0 0 to 100.0 12.0 % Soft Start .00 kV -kV V V V A A A A p. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 72 .00 1.000 three-Phase 1.000 5.000 60.0 0 to 327.0 % s s Limiters V/Hz Limiter: .7.00 0.0 5.0 10. secondary voltage 3-Ph 1-Ph 3-Ph gnd .00 to 150.Depend Active -40.0 -20. Time boost output is active .Minimum value . Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 73 .Maximum delta angle .Minimum value .8500 0.2500 0.0 0 to 100.Maximum value .0 -200.Minimum value .Maximum value .0 0.2500 to +0.0 15.Maximum value .CB Cl.0 0.0 1 to 31 1 to 31 0.01 to 100.0 1.7 0 to 100.Limiting value maximum machine voltage .00 -0.Ramp Rate .0 0.0 s Document number Lang.0 % s % Synchronization .Minimum value .Maximum value Var: Manual: Open Loop: UMaux: Voltage Droop Compensation Control .00 -10.0050 0.Ramp Rate .00 -10 to +10 -10 to +10 ---- % % %/s --/s % % %/s A A A/s % % %/s % % PF: . Delta U Max.0 0 to 150.00 to 0.00 -10 +10 0 to 150.0 15.0 to +200.0 0.0 110.0 0.Hysteresis Threshold Hold Time Hysteresis 40.Limiting value minimum machine voltage .0 100.Maximum value .1000 -200.0 to +200.0 to 15.01 to 10.Minimum value .Maximum value .0 110.Limiter low level . Secondary Net .0 0.02 to 100. Time 0.40 5.2500 to +0.00 0 to 100.25 0.Delta Angle Tot. Primary Net .Maximum slip .0 1.Ramp Rate .Minimum slip .0 0 to 150.00 to 0.00 -1.0 FALSE / TRUE FALSE / TRUE Set Unit % % --- Boost: .0 3.0 100.Minimum value .00 0.30 -0.Total CB closing time Minimum Slip Maximum Slip Max.2500 -0.00 0 to 72 0 to 630 Hz Hz % deg ms Range of Setpoints Auto: . Rev.Minimum machine voltage .Parameter UM Limiter: .Ramp Rate Minimum Maximum Ramp Rate Minimum Maximum Ramp Rate Minimum Maximum Ramp Rate Minimum Maximum Ramp Rate Minimum Maximum Ramp Rate Minimum Maximum 90.00 0 to 5.Ramp Rate .Maximum voltage difference .00 to +10.8500 +0.Limiter high level Abbreviation Minimum Maximum MinActive MaxActive Standard value 90.ID-Nr.00 -0.0001 to 0.0 TRUE TRUE Setting range 0 to 150.0 0 to 32.00 10 90 -1.0 0 to 100. NetID Ramp Time 1 2 10.ID-Nr.Ramp Time Primary NetID Second.0 1.1 to 60.01 to 80. ind. Input or Output .Signal name .Polarity .Signal name .Input or Output .Signal name .Signal name .Input or Output .Polarity .Polarity .Signal name .Polarity .Polarity .Polarity .Polarity .Polarity .Signal name .Signal name .Polarity . ind.0 1.Signal name .High Level .Polarity Abbreviation Low Level High Level Direction Din / Dout Polarity Direction Din / Dout Polarity Direction Din / Dout Polarity Direction Din / Dout Polarity Din Polarity Din Polarity Din Polarity Din Polarity Standard value 4.Polarity .Low Level . Rev.0 10.Polarity .Signal name .Polarity .Signal name .Parameter Digital I/Os Hysteresis: DIO1: .Signal name .Signal name .Signal name . Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 74 .Input or Output .0 Input / Output Signal name Normal / Inverted Input / Output Signal name Normal / Inverted Input / Output Signal name Normal / Inverted Input / Output Signal name Normal / Inverted Signal name Normal / Inverted Signal name Normal / Inverted Signal name Normal / Inverted Signal name Normal / Inverted Set Unit V V --------------------- DIO2: DIO3: DIO4: DI5: DI6: DI7: DI8: Assign analog input to digital signal DI9 from +AI1: .0 Input None Normal Input None Normal Input None Normal Input None Normal None Normal None Normal None Normal None Normal Setting range 0 to 28.Signal name .Polarity Din Polarity Din Polarity Din Polarity Din Polarity Din Polarity Din Polarity None Normal None Normal None Normal None Normal None Normal None Normal Signal name Normal / Inverted Signal name Normal / Inverted Signal name Normal / Inverted Signal name Normal / Inverted Signal name Normal / Inverted Signal name Normal / Inverted ------------- DI10 from -AI1: DI11 from +AI2: DI12 from –AI2: DI13 from +AI3: DI14 from –AI3: Document number Lang.0 to 28. 0 -10.0 Signal name -10.Parameter Analog Inputs AI1: .0 0.0 to 30.Input voltage range Low level High Level Abbreviation Standard value None 0.0 +10.Output voltage range Ie / PWM Low level High Level Aout Uout0% Uout100% None 0.00 to +3.00 -10.0 -V V Ie Range: . Rev.0 to +10. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 75 .Output voltage range Ie / PWM Low level High Level Aout Uout0% Uout100% None 0.00 -10.00 to +10.00 -3.00 to +10.00 to +3.Signal name .00 Setting range Signal name -10.Input voltage range Low level High Level Ain Uin0% Uin100% None 0.0 to +10.0 to +10.00 Set Unit Ain Uin0% Uin100% V V AI2: .Offset signal Low level High Level Fbias 0% Fbias 100% -3.00 -3.0 to 30.0 +10.00 V V AI3: .0 A A Fbias Range: .00 -10.0 -10.0 0.00 to +10.0 -V V AO2: .0 to +10.00 Hz Hz Document number Lang.Signal name .Signal name .00 3.00 to +10.0 15.Signal name .00 to +10.00 +10.00 V V Analog Outputs AO1: . ind.0 Signal name -10.Signal name .00 to +10.Output voltage range Low level High Level Ie 0% Ie 100% 0.Input voltage range Low level High Level Ain Uin0% Uin100% None 0.00 +10.00 Signal name -10.00 Signal name -10.00 +10. Integral time constant . Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 76 . Rev. Write EEPROM.Proportional gain .00 Min to Max Min to Max 0.00 Setting range Min to Max 1 to 200 0. OK.00 -20.00 Min to Max 1 to 200 0.00 0.00 0.Unit: Menu bar PCTools \ File \ Write Parameters to EEPROM .Harddisk: Menu bar PCTools \ File \ Save Parameter File • The saved INI file can be opened using an editor (Word.35 0.Setpoint .Integral time constant Setpoint PF Setpoint Var Vp Ta --10 3.01 to 20.Proportional gain .Parameter Controller Auto: .u. S Manual / Ie Limiter: . s Open Loop: Only for commissioning AVR ID 1 1 to 31 - -- Communication ID unit number Caution Values have to be saved in the unit. s s % PF / Var / PQ Limiter: .00 to +20.Proportional gain .or Wordpad) or by double-clicking on the filename and the parameters can be directly printed out.00 % % p.01 to 20.Reactive current influence Abbreviation Standard value -20 1.Setpoint Var .Derivative time constant . Note.01 to 5. OK • PCTools: .00 0.01 to 200.01 to 20.Integral time constant Setpoint Vp Ta -20 1.u.00 Set Unit Setpoint Vp Ta Tb Kq % p. ind. • Display: Start menu MAIN.Setpoint PF . Document number Lang.00 A p.u.Setpoint . REVISION Rev. Chapt. (C) Description (or number of revision) Date Dept. Rev. Document number Lang. Page ABB Switzerland Ltd 3BHS124245 E80 en - 77 . ind./Init. Page (P) ind.
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