Uniform Labour Data -Kseb- Board Order

March 27, 2018 | Author: Vivek Kakkoth | Category: Transformer, Insulator (Electricity), Fuse (Electrical), Electrical Conductor, Electricity



Kerala State Electricity BoardAbstract KSEB - Introducing Uniform Labour Data – Orders Issued -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Distribution Profit Centre BO (FM) (Genl) No 226/2011 (DPC II/AE/Proposal.07 /2010)Dated Thiruvananthapuram, 18.01.2011 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Read: 1 BO (FM) No. 2899/2008 (CP/R&P/Plg.1/AP/2008-09) dated 27.11.2008 2 Note No CP/R&P/Plg.1/AP/2011-12 dated 28.09.2010of Chief Engineer (Corporate Planning) 3 Minutes of Meeting of representatives of KSEB and Contract Workers’ Association, held on 04.03.2010 4 Ltr No DPC II/General.09/2010-11 dated 16.04.2010 of Member (Distribution) 5 BO (FB) No 2360/2010 (MG/General/2003) dated 09.09.2010 6 Recommendation of Distribution Advisory Committee Order The estimates for various works in Distribution Wing are prepared based on labour data. At present these labour data are prepared at Electrical Circle / Electrical Division level, based on the prevailing PWD Schedule of Rates. Preparation of the labour data in the field level has been a laborious and time-consuming process. Rates differ widely from one office to another, even in the same region. The man-hour requirement anticipated for the same work varies from one Electrical Circle to another and from one Electrical Division to another, which is not logical. Board has authorized a committee for simplification of procedures related with the execution of distribution works. This committee also had recommended to have state wide uniform labour data and suggested that items in the labour data need to be properly loaded so as to rationalize the works. Board vide order 1st cited approved the report of that committee ‘in principle’. Contractor Workers’ Associations, in its various representations to the Board also requested the Board to have uniform labour data across the State for various works under Distribution Wing. Meanwhile Sri Kalid P, Assistant Engineer, Electrical Division Manjeri and Sri ET Murali Mohan, Assistant Engineer, Electrical Division Ponnani conducted a detailed work-study for assessing the man-hour requirement for various works and proposed a uniform labour data and developed a spreadsheet template for simplifying the office works associated with various Distribution Works. The specification and rates were scrutinised and modified by the Distribution Advisory Committee based on the prevailing rates in various regions. Board after considering the issues in detail, approved Uniform Labour Data given in Annexure appended to this Board Order. The rates are inclusive of Contractors’ Profit @ 10%.Rates for works which are not included in the uniform labour data at present shall be approved by the concerned Executive Engineer / Deputy Chief Engineer, as per the prevailing practice. For Hilly areas 15 % increase in the rates may be allowed. Deputy Chief Engineers shall identify the terrains where such higher rates are applicable. These rates will be applicable for works for which quotations / tenders are invited in future only. Orders are issued accordingly By Order of the Board Sd/B Mohanan Secretary Page 1 of 20 To Chief Engineer (Distribution South / Central / North) Copy to: LA&DEO / Chief Vigilance Officer / Financial Advisor All Deputy Chief Engineers of Electrical Circles Director (IT) / Special Officer (Revenue) TA to Chairman / Member (Distribution)/ Member (Trans)/ Member (Gen) All Executive Engineers of Electrical Divisions All Regional Audit Officers Resident Audit Officer, ECA, Vydyuthi Bhavanam All Assistant Executive Engineers, Electrical Sub Divisions / PRO All Assistant Engineers, Electrical Sections PA to Member (Finance)/ CA to Secretary The Fair Copy Superintendent / Library/ Stock File Forwarded / By Order Assistant Engineer Page 2 of 20 00 1106.for an average distance of one km (limited to 1 km). HC 17 digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil.00 No 1815.00 206.07 /2010) dated 18.00 HC 15 No Fitting and erecting one HT PSC/RCC Single Pole in position.3 km) Fitting and erecting one HT TW/RSJ/Rail Single Pole in position.00 103. km km P/km P/km P/km P/km P/km P/km P/km P/km P/km P/km P/km P/km 1650. including fitting cross arm. No 990. drawing sufficient length of GI earthing leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing).00 No 1254. digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil. Transporting one HT PSC/RCC pole by Hand cart . HC 16 digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil. complete. Transporting 'A' type special pole of all sizes by Hand cart .00 1271.00 784. drawing sufficient length of GI earthing leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing). Transporting one HT TW/RSJ/Rail pole by Hand cart .00 45. Transporting one HT TW/RSJ/Rail pole by Head load .3 km) Transporting one HT PSC/RCC pole by Head load .00 421.for an average distance of one km (limited to 1 km).for every additional km (limited to 4 km).for an average distance of one km (limited to 1 km).for an average distance of one km (Normally limited to 0.3 km) Transporting 'A' type special pole of all sizes by Head load .for an average distance of one km (limited to 1 km).2011 Sl No HT LINE WORKS Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP HC 01 Surveying one km 11kV line using Theodilite HC 02 Surveying one km 11kV line using Ranging Rod HC 03 HC 04 HC 05 HC 06 HC 07 HC 08 HC 09 HC 10 HC 11 HC 12 HC 13 HC 14 Transporting one HT TW/RSJ/Rail pole by Hand cart .Based on PWD Schedule of Rates 2010 Appended to BO (FM) (Genl) No 226/2011 (DPC II/AE/Proposal. HC 19 Additional rate for providing one disc set.00 243.for every additional km (limited to 4 km).01.00 No Fitting and erecting one HT Double Pole Structure using TW/RSJ/Rail pole in position including fitting 2 Nos channel cross arm.for every additional km (limited to 4 km). Fitting and erecting one HT Four legged 'A' type Single Pole in position including fitting HC 18 cross arm.00 487.for an average distance of one km (Normally limited to 0. drawing sufficient length of GI earthing leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthinging).00 173. drawing sufficient length of GI earthing leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing).3 km) Transporting Four legged 'A' type special pole of all sizes by Head load .00 916.for an average distance one km (Normally limited to 0. per phase on any type of HT pole for making cut point. including fitting cross arm.00 347. HC 20 drawing sufficient length of GI earthing leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing). No 1762.00 Page 3 of 20 . Transporting 'A' type special pole of all sizes by Hand cart .for an average distance one km (Normally limited to 0.Uniform Labour Data for Distribution Works in KSEB .00 140. including fitting cross arm. Transporting one HT PSC/RCC pole by Hand cart . digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil. Fitting and erecting one HT 'A' type Single Pole in position.00 561.00 281. Transporting Four legged 'A' type special pole of all sizes by Hand cart .for every additional km (limited to 4 km). digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil. Transporting Four legged 'A' type special pole of all sizes by Hand cart . digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil. including digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil.00 No 1035.00 No No No No 408. Fitting and erecting one HT Double Pole Structure using Four legged 'A' type pole in position including fitting 2 Nos channel cross arm. Insertion of one HT Four legged 'A' type pole in existing OH line including in digging & HC 34 backfilling pit in Ordinary Soil. digging and back filling pit in ordinary HC 23 soil. drawing HC 22 sufficient length of GI earthing leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing). fitting cross arm.00 No 1948. drawing sufficient length of GI earth leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing).00 No 1707. Fitting and providing one Strut using 'A' type pole.00 No No No No 132. Insertion of one HT TW/RSJ/Rail pole in existing OH line including in digging & HC 31 backfilling pit in Ordinary Soil. HC 21 drawing sufficient length of GI earthing leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing). including digging and back filling pits in ordinary soil drawing sufficient length of GI earth leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing). insulators.00 924.00 Fitting and erecting one HT Double Pole Structure using PSC/RCC pole in position including fitting 2 Nos channel cross arm. Insertion of one HT PSC/RCC pole in existing OH line including in digging & backfilling HC 32 pit in Ordinary Soil. including digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil.00 No 1299. fitting cross arm.. digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil. drawing sufficient length of GI earth leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing).00 264. fitting cross arm. insulators.Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP 2620.00 Page 4 of 20 .00 792. including digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil. drawing sufficient length of GI earth leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing). HC 35 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/ HT Stay in Laterite HC 36 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/ HT Stay in Hard Laterite HC 37 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/ HT Stay in Soft Rock HC 38 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for HT Pole/ HT Stay in Rock No 1443. binding etc.00 1014.. drawing sufficient length of GI earthing leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing).00 1188. HC 24 HC 25 HC 26 HC 27 Fitting and providing one HT Stay for 11 kV pole..00 495.. No No 3148. Fitting and providing one Strut using HT TW/RSJ/Rail pole. binding etc. Insertion of one HT 'A' type pole in existing OH line including in digging & backfilling pit HC 33 in Ordinary Soil.00 No 4270. Fitting and erecting one HT Double Pole Structure using 'A' type pole in position including fitting 2 Nos channel cross arm. Fitting and providing one HT Fly stay for 11 kV pole using 'A' type pole including digging HC 30 and back filling pits in ordinary soil drawing sufficient length of GI earth leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing). Fitting and providing one Strut using HT PSC/RCC pole including digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil. binding etc. Fitting and providing one HT Fly stay for 11 kV pole using HT TW/RSJ/Rail pole.00 HC 28 No Fitting and providing one HT Fly stay for 11 kV pole using HT PSC/RCC pole including HC 29 digging and back filling pits in ordinary soil drawing sufficient length of GI earth leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing). fitting cross arm. insulators.00 396. binding etc.00 No 606. insulators. drawing sufficient length of GI earth leads to the ground for earthing (excluding provision of earthing). earthing the same using earth pipe. Stringing of one km 11 kV line with ACSR Raccoon (3 conductors) after fitting insulators and giving jumper connections including cutting removing tree branches wherever HC 43 necessary and conveyance of all materials (except poles) to an initial distance of 200 m from stacking place. on existing DP structure.00 No 1460. Erecting one 100/150/160 kVA Transformer from any vehicle/Ground to existing DP and HC 48 giving connections(including expenses for transporting transformer in departmental lorry from SRS/any other stores in District).5 m) at standard distance (1.00 101. HC 41 Additional rate for excavation of Pit for 'A' type pole in Soft Rock. Fitting 3 Nos channel cross arm. LA. digging & back HC 46 filling pit in ordinary soil (5 Nos). HC 42 Additional rate for excavation of Pit for 'A' type pole in Rock.00 No 4368. 2. HC 51 HC 54 Additional rate for excavation of one Earth Pit (2.00 1188.5 m depth) in Soft Rock No No No No km 10362.00 396.00 264.00 413. provision for one set (3 Nos) of LT fuses. excluding mounting of Transformer on plinth. Erecting one CT-PT unit /25/50/63 kVA Transformer from any vehicle/Ground to existing HC 47 DP/ Plinth and giving connections (including expenses for transporting transformer in departmental lorry from SRS/any other stores in District). digging & back HC 45 filling pit in ordinary soil (5 Nos).00 km 8712. etc.00 1106.00 792. HT & LT connections up to OH lines. DO fuse. earthing the same using earth pipe.00 No No No No No No Page 5 of 20 .5 m) away from the pole/structure in Ordinary Soil & backfilling.1mm dia.00 No 2500. after cutting and removing tree branches wherever necessary Fitting 5 Nos channel cross arm.5 m depth) in Hard Laterite HC 56 Additional rate for excavation of one Earth Pit (2. Installing One DTR Meter with box (Normally 40x25x100 size) on existing poles and giving the complete connections including conveyance of materials.00 No 1873. LA. on existing DP structure. Providing one Earth using GI earth pipe of size 38.5 m length including digging HC 53 separate pit (45cm x 45cm x 2. Fitting one additional Fuse unit and giving connection from Transformer to fuse and fuse to HC 52 LT OH line. DO fuse. after cutting and removing tree branches wherever necessary Stringing of one km 11 kV line with ACSR Rabbit (3 conductors) after fitting insulators and giving jumper connections including cutting removing tree branches wherever necessary HC 44 and conveyance of all materials (except poles) to an initial distance of 200 m from stacking place.00 No 2153. provision for one set (3 Nos) of LT fuses.Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP 198. etc. HC 40 Additional rate for excavation of Pit for 'A' type pole in Hard Laterite.00 No 4368.00 594. Erecting one 100/150/160 kVA Transformer from any vehicle/Ground to existing Plinth HC 49 and giving connections(including expenses for transporting transformer in departmental lorry from SRS/any other stores in District). AB switch.5 m depth) in Laterite HC 55 Additional rate for excavation of one Earth Pit (2. HT & LT connections up to OH lines. AB switch. excluding mounting of Transformer on poles.00 528.00 HC 39 Additional rate for excavation of Pit for 'A' type pole in Laterite. Erecting one 250/315/500 kVA Transformer from any vehicle/Ground to existing Plinth and HC 50 giving connections(including expenses for transporting transformer in departmental lorry from SRS/any other stores in District). 00 215.00 68.00 276.5Mtr height for one 11kV pole LT LINE WORKS LC 01 LC 02 LC 03 LC 04 LC 05 LC 06 LC 07 LC 08 Transporting one LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole by Hand cart .5 m) at standard distance away from the pole/structure in Ordinary Soil & backfilling HC 58 Fitting One set (3 Nos) 11 kV LA and giving connections excluding earthing.3 km) Transporting one LT PSC/RCC pole by Head load .00 230.00 1106.00 62.for an average distance of one km (limited to 1 km). giving connection and earthing the same using one earth pipe (2. giving all connections from HT HC 60 line to Transformer bush and drawing earth leads to the ground for earthing excluding provision of earthing.5 m) including digging pit in Ordinary Soil & back filling Conveyance of one Km 11kV line materials from section store/ stacking place to the work site (excluding poles). P/km P/km P/km P/km P/km P/km No No No No No 96. Providing Strut using LT PSC/RCC pole including digging and back filling pit in ordinary LC 11 soil.00 LC 09 Providing Stay for LT poles including digging & back filling pit in ordinary soil. HC 61 HC 62 HC 63 HC 64 HC 65 HC 66 HC 67 Fitting one set AB Switch. LA (3 Nos).00 41.for an average distance of one km (limited to 1 km).00 Providing one Coil Earth using No. Fitting one set AB switch.00 571.00 611. Transporting one LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole by Hand cart .8 GI-earth wire (50 mm dia. Transporting one LT PSC/RCC pole by Hand cart . Providing Bucket type cradling for one span 11kV line using 8 SWG GI wire including excavation of earth pit and earthing at both ends using earth pipe 2.00 1238. Fitting one LT 4 line cross arm on HT or LT existing poles including fitting insulators and binding the same with LT Line.00 115.for an average distance of one km (Normally limited to 0. Erecting one LT PSC/RCC Pole in position including digging & back filling pit in ordinary soil. LC 10 Page 6 of 20 .00 3696. Fitting one Additional V / Angle / Channel cross arm in existing single pole including conveyance of materials Fitting one Additional Angle / Channel cross arm in existing 11 kV DP including conveyance of materials Fitting one LT 2 line cross arm on HT or LT existing poles including fitting insulators and binding the same with LT Line.00 429.00 48.00 172. Transporting one LT PSC/RCC pole by Hand cart .00 528.for every additional km (limited to 4 km).5m No No No No No km/km No No No No No No HC 68 Providing barbed wire anti-climbing protection 2.00 347.for every additional km (limited to 4 km).Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP 264.00 140. 115 turns) including digging HC 57 separate pit (45cm x 45cm x 1. Transporting one LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole by Head load .00 140.3 km) Erecting one LT TW/RSJ/Rail Pole in position including digging & back filling pit in ordinary soil. HC 59 Fitting One set (3 Nos) 11 kV DO Fuse and giving connection.00 307.00 140. Providing Strut using LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole including digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil.for an average distance of one km (Normally limited to 0. DO fuse (3 Nos). crimping sockets.00 70. fitting cross arms. fitting cross arms. LC 12 LC 14 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for LT Pole/ LT Stay in Laterite LC 15 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for LT Pole/ LT Stay in Hard Laterite LC 16 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for LT Pole/ LT Stay in Soft Rock LC 17 Additional rate for excavation of one Pit for LT Pole/ LT Stay in Rock Stringing. giving jumper connection etc. Stringing. connecting with bolt & nut etc. fitting insulators (excluding fitting of cross arm) and binding.00 km 11105. giving jumper connection etc using ACSR Rabbit for Phase & Neutral and ACSR Weasel for street main. Stringing.00 66. for one km LT 3 ph 4 wire line LC 20 including cutting removing tree branches wherever necessary and conveyance of all materials (except poles) from stacking place.00 km 1370. fitting cross arms. fitting cross arms.00 917. Conversion of one km LT single phase line to LT three phase line including dismantling the LC 24 existing 2 conductors. for one km LT S LC 19 ph 3 wire line including cutting removing tree branches wherever necessary and conveyance of all materials (except poles) from stacking place. for one km LT 3 LC 21 ph 5 wire line including cutting removing tree branches wherever necessary and conveyance of all materials (except poles) from stacking place.00 2310.00 Providing Fly stay for LT pole using LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole including digging and back filling pit in ordinary soil.00 km 10478. insulators and binding.00 km 2030. giving jumper connection etc using ACSR Rabbit for Phase and ACSR weasel for Neutral & Street Main. Providing Fly stay for LT pole using LT PSC/RCC pole including digging and back filling LC 13 pit in ordinary soil.5 m earth pipe) both ends. stringing 3 ACSR Rabbit conductor for Phase & One Weasel for Neutral and conveyance of materials Fitting one No Section fuse on LT line with dropping cables. Stringing. shackling. for one km additional conductor (ACSR Rabbit/Weasel) on existing LC 23 LT line including cutting removing tree branches wherever necessary and conveyance of all materials (except poles) from stacking place. fitting cross arms. shackling. giving jumper connection etc using ACSR Rabbit for Phase and Neutral.Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP 653.00 140.00 km 9075. insulators and binding.00 132. Stringing. shackling. insulators and binding. insulators and binding. giving jumper connection etc for one km additional conductor (ACSR Rabbit/Weasel) on existing LT line including LC 22 cutting removing tree branches wherever necessary and conveyance of all materials (except poles) from stacking place. Stringing. shackling. Fitting one set (3Nos) LT lightning arrestors in three phase line and giving connections LC 27 excluding earthing LC 25 No No No No No No km 5016. shackling. giving jumper connection etc using ACSR Rabbit for Phase and ACSR weasel for Neutral. Providing Guarding LT line using No.00 No No No Page 7 of 20 . for one km LT S ph 2 wire line including cutting LC 18 removing tree branches wherever necessary and conveyance of all materials (except poles) from stacking place.00 km 7046. shackling. insulators and binding.00 396.00 198.8 SWG GI wire one span for road crossing including LC 26 earthing (using 2. 00 1056. excluding WP portion and transportation of poles. excluding WP portion and transportation of poles. cutting removing tree branches. fixing meter.00 No 1016. cutting removing tree branches.00 No 1250. CT. excluding WP portion and transportation of poles.00 No No 924. excluding WP portion and transportation of poles. excluding WP portion and transportation of poles.00 No 1382. excluding WP portion and transportation of pole. Giving one three phase WP Service Connection using CT including conveyance of SC 03 materials. Constructing One span Single phase OH line for giving Service Connection using SC 10 TW/RSJ/Rail pole without stay/strut including digging & back filling pit in ordinary soil. drawing WP wire with GI support wire etc. excluding WP portion and transportation of pole. Constructing One span Single phase OH line for giving service connection using PSC/RCC SC 09 pole with PSC/RCC strut (without stay) including digging & back filling 2 pits in ordinary soil. Giving one three phase WP Service connection including conveyance of materials.00 No 986.00 792. Converting single phase WP Service connection to three phase Service Connection by SC 04 replacing existing S Ph meter with 3 Ph meter. Constructing One span Three phase OH line for giving Service Connection using TW/RSJ/Rail pole with TW/RSJ/Rail strut (without stay) including digging & back filling 2 SC 14 pits in ordinary soil. WP wire with GI support wire and other accessories including conveyance of all materials Constructing one span single phase OH line for giving Service Connection using SC 06 TW/RSJ/Rail pole with one stay including digging & back filling 2 pits in ordinary soil.00 1056.Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP SERVICE CONNECTION Giving one single phase WP Service connection including conveyance of materials. cutting removing tree branches. Constructing One span Three phase OH line for giving Service Connection using SC 12 TW/RSJ/Rail pole with one stay including digging & back filling 2 pits in ordinary soil. drawing WP wire. as per standards. as per standards. fixing meter. excluding WP portion and transportation of poles.00 No 824. as per standards. cutting removing tree branches. cutting removing tree branches. excluding WP portion and transportation of pole. excluding WP portion and transportation of pole. No No No 528. fixing SC 02 meter. cutting removing tree branches. WP wire with GI support wire and other accessories including conveyance of all materials SC 01 Converting three phase WP Service connection to single phase Service Connection by SC 05 replacing existing 3 Ph meter with S Ph meter. drawing WP wire etc.00 No 1088. with GI support wire etc. Constructing One span Single phase OH line for giving service connection using PSC/RCC SC 11 pole without stay/strut including digging & back filling pit in ordinary soil.00 No 854. cutting removing tree branches. cutting removing tree branches. cutting removing tree branches. Constructing One span Three phase OH line for giving service connection using PSC/RCC SC 15 pole with PSC/RCC strut (without stay) including digging & back filling 2 pits in ordinary soil. Constructing One span Single phase OH line for giving Service Connection using PSC/RCC SC 07 pole with one stay including digging & back filling 2 pits in ordinary soil.00 Page 8 of 20 .00 No 547. Constructing One span Single phase OH line for giving Service Connection using TW/RSJ/Rail pole with TW/RSJ/Rail strut (without stay) including digging & back filling 2 SC 08 pits in ordinary soil.00 No 1544. Constructing One span Three phase OH line for giving service connection using PSC/RCC SC 13 pole with one stay including digging & back filling 2 pits in ordinary soil.00 No 811. cutting removing tree branches. 00 No 2680. excluding transportation of poles.00 No 1363. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV PSC/RCC Pole with new 'A' type pole in place HM 06 including excavation. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. excluding WP portion and transportation of pole. Providing WP support with TW pole including digging & back filling pit in ordinary soil. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. No No 974. SC 21 HT MAINTENANCE WORK Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV TW/RSJ/Rail pole with new TW/RSJ/Rail pole in HM 01 place including excavation of pole pit. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV PSC/RCC Pole with new Four legged 'A' type pole HM 07 in place including excavation. Insertion of one LT PSC pole in existing Three phase OH line including digging & back SC 20 filling pit in ordinary soil. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. erection of new pole. cutting removing tree branches.00 No 667. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV Four legged 'A' type pole with new Four legged 'A' HM 09 type pole in place including excavation of pole pit. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV 'A' type pole with new 'A' type pole in place HM 08 including excavation of pole pit.00 No 1907. fitting cross arm. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. fitting cross arm. binding etc. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV TW/RSJ/Rail Pole with new Four legged 'A' type HM 05 pole in place including excavation. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles.00 No 2490. binding etc. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV TW/RSJ/Rail Pole with new 'A' type pole in place HM 04 including excavation.00 No 2861.00 590. Providing WP support with PSC pole including digging & back filling pit in ordinary soil. excluding WP portion and transportation of pole. insulator.00 No 1874. excluding transportation of poles. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. excluding transportation of poles. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV TW/RSJ/Rail Pole with new PSC/RCC pole in HM 02 place including excavation. erection of new pole. Insertion of one LT PSC pole in existing single phase OH line including digging & back SC 19 filling pit in ordinary soil. erection of new pole. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. erection of new pole. cutting removing tree branches.00 Constructing One span Three phase OH line for giving service connection using SC 16 TW/RSJ/Rail pole without stay/strut including digging & back filling pit in ordinary soil.00 326.00 Page 9 of 20 .Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP 710. stringing new conductors (ACSR Rabbit for phase and Weasel for neutral) and conveyance of all materials. Constructing One span Three phase OH line for giving Service Connection using PSC/RCC SC 17 pole without stay/strut including digging & back filling pit in ordinary soil. erection of new pole. erection of new pole. Conversion of one span OH single phase service line to three phase service line including SC 18 dismantling existing conductors. erection of new pole. SC 22 excluding transportation of poles. insulator.00 No 2812.00 No 717.00 No 1577. erection of new pole. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV PSC/RCC Pole with new PSC/RCC pole in place HM 03 including excavation. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV TW/RSJ/Rail DP (2 channel cross arm) with new HM 10 TW/RSJ/Rail DP in place including excavation of pole pit.00 No 1660.00 No 419.00 No No No 934. erection of new pole. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. erection of new pole. erection of new pole. keep it in safe custody and re erecting all accessories including Transformer on the new DP as per standards (excluding renewal of pipe earthing) Renewing one damaged PSC/RCC Transformer DP structure with a new PSC/RCC Transformer DP including excavation. dismantling existing Transformer. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV Stay with new stay in place including excavation & HM 25 backfilling of pit.00 No 4495. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. keep it in safe custody and re erecting all accessories including Transformer on the new DP as per standards (excluding renewal of pipe earthing) Renewing one damaged TW/RSJ/Rail Transformer DP structure with a new PSC/RCC Transformer DP including excavation. dismantling accessories like AB switch. LT and earth connections.00 No No No No No No 84.00 No 6742.00 No 6098. erection of new pole.00 No 6940. LT and earth connections.00 547. dismantling existing Transformer. Renewing one damaged TW/RSJ/Rail Transformer DP structure with a new TW/RSJ/Rail Transformer DP including excavation. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV 'A' type DP with new 'A' type DP in place HM 17 including excavation of pole pit. dismantling existing Transformer.LT fuses. dismantling.Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP 3538. HM 27 Replacing/ inserting HT stay insulator on the existing stay.00 No 9269. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV PSC/RCC DP with new Four legged 'A' type DP in HM 16 place including excavation. LA HM 19 . HM 24 HM 26 Renewal of existing damaged / broken old 11kV Stay to the existing stay rod.00 Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV TW/RSJ/Rail DP (2 channel cross arm) with new HM 11 PSC/RCC DP in place including excavation.00 Page 10 of 20 . backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. No No 3967. keep it in safe custody and re erecting all accessories including Transformer on the new DP as per standards (excluding renewal of pipe earthing) HM 22 Renewal of one damaged HT Pin insulator HM 23 Additional rate for refitting/ redoing one Disc set while renewing any type of 11kV cut pole. Additional rate for reinstalling LT line on the renewed 11kV pole having both HT and LT (HT/LT) lines. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV PSC/RCC DP with new 'A' type DP in place HM 15 including excavation. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV PSC/RCC DP (2 channel cross arm) with new HM 12 PSC/RCC DP in place including excavation. DO fuse. dismantling accessories like AB switch. LT and earth connections. dismantling accessories like AB switch. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. erection of new pole. DO fuse. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV TW/RSJ/Rail DP with new Four legged 'A' type HM 14 DP in place including excavation. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. DO fuse.00 No 4627.LT fuses. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV Four legged 'A' type DP with new Four legged 'A' HM 18 type DP in place including excavation of pole pit. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles.00 172. refitting of all items and conveyance of all materials.00 215.00 No 4066.00 172. erection of new pole.LT fuses. HT. HT.00 215. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV TW/RSJ/Rail DP with new 'A' type DP in place HM 13 including excavation. erection of new pole.00 No 8840. erection of new pole. LA HM 21 . erection of new pole. LA HM 20 .00 No 7982. HT. erection of new pole. backfilling pit and refitting of all items etc and conveyance of all materials except poles. Repairing of one limb of AB switch by replacing male and female contacts. damaged HM 34 insulators.00 3510.00 87. dismantling and refitting of all items and conveyance of all materials except pole (if pole is also renewed). Renewing one V / angle / channel cross arm on the 11 kV Pole including dismantling and HM 41 conveyance. Re-joining one snapped HT conductor after removing damaged portion including ReHM 33 Tensioning and conveyance of all materials complete. HM 32 jumpering. consolidating.Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP 743.00 206. giving connections etc. consolidating.00 338. HM 39 HM 42 Renewing one Channel cross arm on the 11 kV DP including dismantling and conveyance.00 70. reconnecting and dismantling old LA (excluding earthing) Renewal of one No 11 kV DO Fuse including conveyance. Straightening one slanted 11 kV Cut pole after lowering down the existing line and stringing the line after work.00 No No No 213. Dismantling existing CT/PT unit/ 25 /50/63 kVA Transformer. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV Fly Stay with new Fly stay using HT PSC/RCC HM 31 pole in place including excavation & backfilling of pit.00 235. Renewal of existing damaged /old 11 kV Fly Stay with new Fly stay using HT TW/RSJ/Rail HM 30 pole in place including excavation & backfilling of pit. dismantling and refitting of all items and conveyance of all materials except pole. Dismantling existing 100/160 kVA Transformer. consolidating.00 No 1521. erecting new CT/PT unit / 25 /50/63 kVA Transformer in place giving connections etc including loading / unloading of old and new CT/PT unit/ 25 /50/63 kVA Transformer at site. cutting tree branches etc wherever necessary including conveyance of all materials complete. Renewal of any type of existing damaged /old 11 kV Strut with new PSC/RCC strut in place HM 29 including excavation & backfilling of pit. dismantling and refitting of all items and conveyance of all materials except pole (if pole is also renewed). HM 35 Replacing one set AB switch including dismantling existing AB.00 215. applying petroleum jelly. reconnecting and dismantling old HM 37 DO Fuse (excluding earthing) Renewing 11 kV Jumper connection for one phase from OH line to Transformer through AB HM 38 switch.00 487. lubricants etc and reconnecting the same including reconditioning of the operating mechanism. consolidating. tightening stay. HM 43 HM 44 HM 45 Providing stay (temporary nature) by piling Cut Ends in kole land providing insulator. including fabrication of cut ends conveyance of materials. DO Fuse and connection to LA using copper / ACSR conductor as per standard specification including dismantling old jumpers. replacing insulators cross arms disc. pin binding.00 1238..00 561.00 429.00 215. erecting new transformer in place giving connections etc including loading / unloading of old and new transformer at site. No No 1386.00 70. Renewal of one No 11 kV LA including conveyance. dismantling and refitting of all items and conveyance of all materials except pole. HM 36 Renewing one 11 kV Jumper connection using copper / ACSR conductor as per standard specification (in loop formation for tapping from line) Renewing one 11 kV Jumper connection using copper / ACSR conductor as per standard HM 40 specification.00 No 2164. Re-Tensioning one span 11 kV line including replacing pin insulators.00 Renewal of any type of existing damaged /old 11 kV Strut with new TW/RSJ/Rail strut in HM 28 place including excavation & backfilling of pit.00 2322.00 No No No No No No No No No No No HM 46 HM 47 No No Page 11 of 20 . Straightening one slanted 11 kV pole after unbinding the line and binding the line after work.00 126. LM 04 backfilling pit and refitting of all items except street light fitting etc. erection of new pole. and conveyance of all materials except poles.00 11.00 Page 12 of 20 .Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP 4030.00 No 1167.00 No No No No 112. conveyance of materials to and from the stacking place. LM 09 Renewal of existing damaged / broken old LT stay in existing stay rod. erection of new pole. Renewal of existing damaged /old LT TW/RSJ/Rail (S Ph line) pole with new PSC/RCC pole in place including excavation of pole pit. and conveyance of all materials except poles. erecting new transformer in place giving connections etc including loading / unloading of old and new transformer at site.00 No 920. LM 07 Additional rate for refitting/ redoing one Shackle Set while renewing any type of LT pole. LT MAINTENANCE WORK Renewal of existing damaged /old LT TW/RSJ/Rail (S Ph line) pole with new TW/RSJ/Rail pole in place including excavation of pole pit.00 5. Renewal of existing damaged /old LT TW/RSJ/Rail ( 3 phase line) pole with new TW/RSJ/Rail pole in place including excavation of pole pit. Renewal of existing damaged /old LT PSC/RCC ( 3 phase line) pole with new PSC/RCC pole in place including excavation of pole pit. and conveyance of all materials except poles.00 No 1035. LM 10 Replacing/ inserting LT stay insulator on the existing stay. backfilling pit and refitting of all items and conveyance of all materials.00 3032. Reconductoring one km 11 kV copper/ old AAC/ACSR line of 3 conductors with New HM 51 ACSR Raccoon including cutting of tree branches wherever necessary. and conveyance of all materials except poles. backfilling pit and LM 06 refitting of all items except street light fitting etc. Enhancing Transformer by dismantling existing 50/63 kVA Transformer. erection of new stay. HM 54 Cutting Channel / Cross Arm/ Angle Iron in to two pieces. Renewal of existing damaged /old LT stay with new stay in place including excavation of LM 08 stay pit. and conveyance of all materials except poles. erection of new pole. erecting new HM 50 250/315/500kVA transformer in place giving connections etc including loading / unloading of old and new transformer at site. HM 52 Drilling hole of various sizes on existing Channel / Cross Arm. HM 53 Drilling oval shaped hole of various sizes on existing Channel / Cross Arm/ GI/MS cleat etc. backfilling pit and refitting of all items except street light fitting etc.00 132.00 No 771.00 21. HM 48 Enhancing Transformer by dismantling existing 100/160 kVA Transformer. erection of new pole.00 349. Renewal of existing damaged /old LT PSC/RCC (S Ph line) pole with new PSC/RCC pole in LM 03 place including excavation of pole pit. No No No 3725. backfilling pit and LM 02 refitting of all items except street light fitting etc. backfilling pit and LM 01 refitting of all items except street light fitting etc.00 No 656. erection of new pole.00 No 1052. and conveyance of all materials except poles. erecting new HM 49 100kVA transformer in place giving connections etc including loading / unloading of old and new transformer at site. backfilling pit and LM 05 refitting of all items except street light fitting etc. erection of new pole.00 km No No No 12796. Renewal of existing damaged /old LT TW/RSJ/Rail ( 3 phase line) pole with new PSC/RCC pole in place including excavation of pole pit.00 Dismantling existing 250/315/500 kVA Transformer.00 132. Reshackling one Span LT OH Additional conductor including pin binding. LM 13 backfilling and dismantling and refitting of all items and conveyance of all materials except pole (if pole is also renewed). replacing LM 15 insulators/ cross arms/ shackle. complete. binding etc. Straightening one slanted LT Cut Pole after lowering down the existing line and stringing the line after work. tightening stay. erection of new Fly stay.00 29. refitting the same on the new pole. cutting tree branches etc wherever necessary including conveyance of all materials. complete.00 42. tightening stay. tightening stay. dismantling and refitting of all items and conveyance of all materials except pole. Reshackling one Span LT 3 Ph 4 wire OH line including pin binding.00 No 77.00 25. consolidating.Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP 394. LM 21 Providing/ Inserting 2 line spacer on the existing LT OH line LM 22 Providing/ Inserting 3 line spacer on the existing LT OH line LM 23 Transferring LT S Ph 2/3 wire OH line to newly erected HT/LT pole including dismantling existing cross arm and insulators. Transferring LT 3 Ph 4/5 wire OH line to newly erected HT/LT pole including dismantling existing cross arm and insulators. backfilling.00 LM 25 Straightening one slanted LT pole after unbinding the line and binding the line after work. LM 17 replacing insulators/ cross arms/ shackle. jumpering.00 309. binding etc.00 Renewal of existing damaged /old LT Strut of any type with new TW/RSJ/Rail strut in place LM 11 including excavation of pit.00 km 2658. backfilling LM 14 and dismantling and refitting of all items and conveyance of all materials except pole (if pole is also renewed). erection of new strut. jumpering.00 No 145. dismantling and refitting of all items and conveyance of all materials except pole. backfilling. Reshackling one Span LT S Ph 2 wire OH line including pin binding.00 Page 13 of 20 .00 No 913. erection of new strut.00 421.00 4987.00 LM 24 No No No km 505.00 261.00 No No No No No No No 34. replacing LM 16 insulators/ cross arms/ shackle.00 201. Renewing one LT Jumper connection using copper / ACSR conductor as per standard LM 19 specification (in loop formation for taping from line) Renewing one LT Jumper connection using copper / ACSR conductor as per standard LM 20 specification. Renewal of existing damaged /old LT Fly Stay of any type of pole with new Fly stay using LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole in place including excavation of pit.. cutting tree branches etc wherever necessary including conveyance of all materials complete. consolidating. Renewal of existing damaged /old LT Fly Stay of any type of pole with new Fly stay using LT PSC/RCC pole in place including excavation of pit.00 No 1309. Reconductoring (Changing) one km LT S Ph 2 wire OH copper/ old AAC/ACSR conductor LM 27 line with equivalent/ higher size new ACSR conductor including conveyance of materials to and from the stacking place LM 26 Reconductoring (Changing) one km LT 3 Ph 4 wire OH copper/ old AAC/ACSR conductor LM 28 line with equivalent/ higher size new ACSR conductor including conveyance of materials to and from the stacking place Reconductoring (Changing) one Km LT OH copper/ old AAC/ACSR one conductor with LM 29 equivalent/ higher size New ACSR conductor including conveyance of materials to and from the stacking place km 10302. erection of new Fly stay. Renewal of existing damaged /old LT Strut of any type with new PSC/RCC strut in place LM 12 including excavation of pit. cutting tree branches etc wherever necessary including conveyance of all materials.00 31. Re-joining one snapped LT conductors after removing damage portion including LM 18 Reshackling and conveyance of all materials complete. jumpering. refitting the same on the new pole. No No 790. 00 540.00 No 33. Dismantling (with out damage) one No. Shifting One No.GI wire . Changing Energy Meter SM 04 cutout . Redoing Single Phase WP Service connection complete including lowering down the guy wire portion. Dismantling (with out damage) one No. SM 01 Redoing 3 Phase WP Service connection complete including lowering down the guy wire portion .00 No 330.00 1416. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same. 11 kV Four legged 'A' type pole after disconnecting stays. connecting SM 08 of new meter/ giving electric connection including transporting of new meter to the site and returning old meters to section store.00 No 264.00 Page 14 of 20 .00 No 60. Dismantling (with out damage) one No.00 248.00 No No No No No No No No No 325. replacing SM 09 CTs. Changing Faulty three phase CT energy meter including Dismantling of old meter.neutral link etc. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same. 11 kV PSC/RCC pole after disconnecting stays.00 942.00 No 495. Unit Amount including 10% CP Disconnecting and lowering down the Single phase WP service connection with guy wire from the pole and reconnecting the same after completing the line work. Changing Energy Meter SM 03 cutout .Fuse unit etc. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same. 11 kV 'A' type pole after disconnecting stays. Three phase Service Connection Metering equipment with all fittings including lowering down the WP service wire. Dismantling (with out damage) one No. 11 kV TW/RSJ/Rail pole after disconnecting stays. if necessary and reconnecting the same including conveyance of material to site from Section office at various location. Single phase Service Connection Metering equipment with all fittings including lowering down the WP service wire.repairing or changing WP wire .00 944. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same. No No 28.GI wire .00 1007. Changing Faulty three phase energy meter including Dismantling of old meter. connecting SM 07 of new meter/ giving electric connection including transporting of new meter to the site and returning old meters to section store. dismantling Meter Board without making SM 05 damage and refitting the same at new location and redoing the WP service wire with all fittings Shifting One No. renewing PT connection. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same. Dismantling one damage HT TW/RSJ/Rail Strut pole including removal of clamps and stacking.00 No 267.neutral link etc.00 672. Dismantling one damaged 11 kV 'A' type pole after disconnecting stays.Fuse unit etc.00 43. repairing or changing WP wire . Disconnecting and lowering down the Three phase WP service connection with guy wire SM 02 from the pole and reconnecting the same after completing the line work. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same.00 No 347. Dismantling one damaged 11 kV PSC/RCC pole after disconnecting stays. connecting new meter/ giving electric connection including transporting of new meter to the site and returning old meters to section store. DISMANTLING – HT HD 01 HD 02 HD 03 HD 04 HD 05 HD 06 HD 07 HD 08 HD 09 Dismantling one damaged 11 kV TW/RSJ/Rail pole after disconnecting stays. Dismantling one damaged 11 kV Four legged 'A' type pole after disconnecting stays. if necessary and reconnecting the same including conveyance of material to site from Section office at various location. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same.00 538.Sl No Detailed description of work MAINTENANCE OF SERVICE CONNECTION. dismantling Meter Board without making SM 06 damage and refitting the same at new location and redoing the WP service wire with all fittings METER CHANGING Changing Faulty single phase energy meter including Dismantling of old meter. LD 11 Dismantling one LT 4 line cross arm with clamp from existing pole and stacking. Dismantling (with out damage) one LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole after disconnecting stays.00 LD 08 Dismantling one damage LT PSC/RCC Strut pole including removal of clamps and stacking. Dismantling (with out damage) one LT PSC/RCC pole after disconnecting stays.00 264.00 138.00 86. LD 09 Dismantling (with out damage) one LT PSC/RCC Strut pole including removal of clamps and stacking. Dismantling (with out damage) one km LT S Ph 2 wire OH line conductor by dismantling cross arms insulators and stacking the conductors in rolls properly Dismantling (with out damage) one km LT 3 Ph 4 wire OH line conductor by dismantling cross arms insulators and stacking the conductors in rolls properly Dismantling (with out damage) one km LT Additional conductor line by dismantling cross arms insulators and stacking the conductors in rolls properly Page 15 of 20 . disc. insulators.00 284.00 586. DISMANTLING – LT Unit Amount including 10% CP 462. disconnecting jumper connection. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same.00 285.00 56. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same.00 4142. Dismantling (with out damage) One HT stay including digging pit in all classes of soil and backfilling.00 396. Dismantling (with out damage) one AB switch from existing structure and bring back to section store.00 31. Dismantling (with out damage) LT stay including digging pit in all classes of soil and backfilling Dismantling one damaged LT TW/RSJ/Rail Strut pole including removal of clamps and stacking. Dismantling one damage HT PSC/RCC Strut pole including removal of clamps and stacking. Dismantling (with out damage) One km 11 kV line (Three conductors) including dismantling cross arm. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same.00 462. and bringing back to section store Dismantling (with out damage) one V cross arm / Channel cross arm from existing Pole and bringing back to section store. Dismantling (with out damage) one HT PSC/RCC Strut pole including removal of clamps and stacking.00 21.00 875.00 HD 10 HD 11 HD 12 HD 13 HD 14 HD 15 HD 16 HD 17 No No No km No No No No LD 01 LD 02 LD 03 LD 04 LD 05 LD 06 LD 07 Dismantling one damaged LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole after disconnecting stays.00 270.00 861.00 495.00 153.00 677. LD 10 Dismantling one LT 2 line cross arm with clamp from existing pole and stacking.00 305.Sl No Detailed description of work Dismantling (with out damage) one HT TW/RSJ/Rail Strut pole including removal of clamps and stacking. Dismantling (with out damage) one Channel cross arm from existing DP structure and bringing back to section store. LD 12 LD 13 LD 14 LD 15 LD 16 LD 17 Dismantling Single phase WP Service connection with meter & all accessories and bring back to section store Dismantling Three phase WP Service connection with meter & all accessories and bring back to section store Dismantling (with out damage) one span of HT or LT cradling and stacking the same neatly and in good condition for re-use. No No No No No No No No No No No No No No km km km 173.00 1898.00 482. rolling the conductor and stacking the materials. Dismantling (with out damage) one LT TW/RSJ/Rail Strut pole including removal of clamps and stacking.00 314. strut etc attached thereon and stacking the same. Dismantling one damaged LT PSC/RCC pole after disconnecting stays.00 3440. 00 42.00 442. changing wires.00 No 708.8 mfrom the outer conductor as specified by dept. bulb. bamboo clusters. bamboo clusters. from above the lines for a distance of 1. Urban/Town Clearing touchings on 11 kV HT lines. and refitting the same in position and giving connection (without using aerial lift). igniter.8 m from the outer conductor as specified by dept. igniter. Dismantling one Sodium Vapour/ Mercury Vapour/ Metal Halide lamp fitting from the SL 15 existing pole and refitting the same on newly erected pole including disconnecting and reconnecting wires (using aerial lift). Rural/ Remote Clearing touchings on HT/LT lines.00 SL 07 Replacing bulb / CFL on existing street light. rewiring. coconut TC 01 cudjans etc.00 104. No No No No No No No No No No 69. bulb. rewiring. capacitor etc. tube.00 19. from above the lines for a distance of 1. of street light SL 16 including conveyance of all materials. from above the lines for a distance of 1. Wiring and installing new set Sodium Vapour/ Mercury Vapour/ Metal Halide lamp fitting SL 11 on existing poles including giving connection (using aerial lift).00 km 677. giving connection etc. Dismantling one ordinary street light / CFL / LED fitting from existing pole and refitting the same on newly erected pole including disconnecting and reconnecting wires. Dismantling one ordinary street light/ CFL / LED fitting from existing pole cleaning. Dismantling one Sodium Vapour/ Mercury Vapour/ Metal Halide lamp fitting from existing SL 13 pole cleaning. Dismantling one Sodium Vapour/ Mercury Vapour/ Metal Halide lamp fitting from the SL 14 existing pole and refitting the same on newly erected pole including disconnecting and reconnecting wires (without using aerial lift).00 km 624. changing bulbs and refitting the same in position and giving connection. bamboo clusters.80 111.00 124.00 km 541.00 40. repairing/replacing holder. repairing/replacing holder. repairing/replacing holder. Dismantling one set 2 x 40 W fluorescent tube fitting from existing pole cleaning.00 No 276. choke. and refitting the same in position and giving connection (using aerial lift). coconut TC 02 cudjans etc. fused bulb / CFL. changing tubes and refitting the same in position and giving connection. Wiring and installing new set Sodium Vapour/ Mercury Vapour/ Metal Halide lamp fitting SL 10 on existing poles including giving connection (without using aerial lift). cutting branches of tree. choke.00 221.00 Page 16 of 20 .Sl No STREET LIGHT SL 01 SL 02 SL 03 SL 04 SL 06 Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP Wiring and installing one new Ordinary street light/ CFL / LED fitting on existing pole and giving connections Dismantling (with out damage) one Ordinary street light / CFL / LED fitting from the pole and stacking. tube. capacitor etc. rewiring. Dismantling one 2 x 40 W fluorescent tube fitting from the existing pole and refitting the SL 09 same on newly erected pole including disconnecting and reconnecting wires.8 m from the outer conductor as specified by dept. SL 08 Dismantling one Sodium Vapour/ Mercury Vapour/ Metal Halide lamp fitting from existing SL 12 pole cleaning.00 186.00 198. cutting branches of tree. coconut TC 03 cudjans etc.00 No No 354. repairing/ replacing the holder. CLEARING TOUCHINGS (HT) Clearing touchings on 11 kV HT lines. Urban/Town No 708. rewiring. Wiring and installing new set 2 x 40 W fluorescent tube fitting on existing poles including giving connection. Replacing holder. cutting branches of tree. coconut cudjans TC 08 etc from above the lines for a distance of 1. 1 No. bamboo clusters.8 m from the outer conductor as specified by dept.00 No 540. coconut TC 06 cudjans etc.00 78.8 mtr from the outer conductor as specified.0 m from the outer conductor as specified by dept. Labour charges for loading HT 'A' type pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transportation by any vehicle). cutting branches of tree. cutting branches of tree. Cutting Trees having girth beyond 60 cm but up to and including 120 cm.00 km 594. Rural/ Remote CLEARING TOUCHINGS (LT) Clearing touchings on LT lines.Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP 792. from above the lines for a distance of 2. Cutting Trees having girth beyond 30 cm but up to and including 60cm. in between the line and Buildings where space for falling trees is not available/enough (felling trees TC 13 including cutting of trunks and branches) and removing the root completely and stacking etc. Rural/Remote Tree Cutting Cutting trees having girth beyond 30 cm but up to and including 60cm (felling trees TC 09 including cutting of trunks and branches) and removing the root completely and stacking etc.00 km 508. in between the line TC 12 and Buildings where space for falling trees is not available/enough (felling trees including cutting of trunks and branches) and removing the root completely and stacking etc. km km 812. Labour charges for loading LT TW/RSJ/Rail pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transportation by any vehicle). coconut cudjans TC 07 etc from above the lines for a distance of 1. coconut TC 04 cudjans etc. LOADING AND UNLOADING LU 01 LU 02 LU 03 LU 04 LU 05 Labour charges for loading HT TW/RSJ/Rail pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transportation by any vehicle). Cutting trees having girth beyond 60 cm but up to and including 120 cm (felling trees TC 10 including cutting of trunks and branches) and removing the root completely and stacking etc. 1 No. 1 No. from above the lines for a distance of 2. 1 No. bamboo clusters.00 No 385. bamboo clusters.0 m from the outer conductor as specified by dept.8 mtr from the outer conductor as specified.00 Page 17 of 20 .00 No No No No No 107. bamboo clusters.00 277. cutting branches of tree.00 No 138. cutting branches of tree. Labour charges for loading HT Four legged 'A' type pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transportation by any vehicle). Cutting Trees having girth beyond 120 cm but up to and including 180 cm in between the line and Buildings where space for falling trees is not available/enough (felling trees TC 14 including cutting of trunks and branches) and removing the root completely and stacking etc. bamboo clusters. Urban/Town Clearing touchings on 33 kV lines.00 Clearing touchings on HT/LT lines. Rural/ Remote Clearing touchings on 33 kV lines. coconut TC 05 cudjans etc.00 389. Urban/Town Clearing touchings on LT lines.00 233. 1 No. Cutting trees having girth beyond 120 cm but up to and including 180 cm (felling trees TC 11 including cutting of trunks and branches) and removing the root completely and stacking etc.00 No 237.00 km 1015. from above the lines for a distance of 1.00 No 212. cutting branches of tree.00 No 362. 1 No. Labour charges for loading HT PSC/RCC pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transportation by any vehicle). including disconnecting HT/LT/Earth connections. including disconnecting HT/LT/Earth connections.00 40.00 26.00 858.00 600.00 578.Sl No Detailed description of work Labour charges for loading LT PSC/RCC pole from the stacking place and unloading the same at work site (transportation by any vehicle). including disconnecting HT/LT/Earth connections. Dismantling one Transformer (above 160 kVA) from existing plinth to ground.00 TR 07 Transporting HT TW/RSJ/Rail Poles by Country boat/ Vallam beyond 6 Km TR 08 Transporting HT PSC/RCC Poles by Country boat/ Vallam up to 6 Kms including loading and unloading charges and hire charge of Country boat/ Vallam TR 09 Transporting HT PSC/RCC Poles by Country boat/ Vallam beyond 6 Km TR 10 Transporting 'A' type Poles by Country boat/ Vallam up to 6 Kms including loading and unloading charges and hire charge of Country boat/ Vallam TR 11 Transporting 'A' type Poles by Country boat/ Vallam beyond 6 Km TR 12 Transporting Four legged 'A' type Poles by Country boat/ Vallam up to 6 Kms including loading and unloading charges and hire charge of Country boat/ Vallam TR 13 Transporting Four legged 'A' type Poles by Country boat/ Vallam beyond 6 Km TR 14 Transporting LT TW/RSJ/Rail Poles by Country boat/ Vallam up to 6 Kms including loading and unloading charges and hire charge of Country boat/ Vallam Page 18 of 20 .00 25. Dismantling one Transformer (above 160 kVA) from existing plinth and loading to any vehicle directly. Transportation of Transformer/pole by Country boat/ Vallam Trip km Trip km 600. Transporting poles by hired vehicle to a distance beyond 5 Kms and carrying up to 4 TR 02 numbers of poles.00 545. Transporting Transformers by hired vehicle to a distance beyond 5 Kms and carrying up to 2 TR 04 numbers of 63/100/160/250kVA Transformers (Running Km).00 59.00 TR 05 Engaging one boat man with Boat / Country Boat/ Vallam TR 06 Transporting HT TW/RSJ/Rail Poles by Country boat/ Vallam up to 6 Kms including loading and unloading charges and hire charge of Country boat/ Vallam day No km No km No km No km No 275. (Running Km) Transporting Transformers by hired vehicle to a distance up to 5 Kms and carrying up to 2 TR 03 numbers of 63/100/160/250kVA Transformers excluding loading& unloading charges. Transportation of Transformer/pole by lorry Unit Amount including 10% CP 147.00 825.00 25.00 718. Unloading one Transformer (up to and including 160 kVA) from any vehicle to ground including conveyance up to 25m at site Unloading one Transformer (above 160 kVA) from any vehicle to ground including conveyance up to 25m at site Loading one Transformer (up to and including 160 kVA) from ground to any vehicle including conveyance up to 25m at site Loading one Transformer (above 160 kVA) from ground to any vehicle including conveyance up to 25m at site Dismantling one Transformer (up to and including 160 kVA) from existing structure and loading to any vehicle directly.00 413.00 148.00 718.20 348.00 693.00 410. including disconnecting HT/LT/Earth connections.00 LU 06 LU 07 LU 08 LU 09 LU 10 LU 11 LU 12 LU 13 LU 14 No No No No No No No No No TR 01 Transporting poles by hired vehicle to a distance up to 5 Kms and carrying up to 4 numbers of poles excluding loading& unloading charges. Dismantling one Transformer (up to and including 160 kVA) from existing structure to ground.00 13.00 615.00 120. 5 cm thick.60 292. No 115. The size of the number should be at least 2 cm in height x 1.5cm width & 0. Pole numbers shall be painted in circular background. (Con. with a dimension of 20 cm diameter using approved quality anti algal yellow paint in two coat after scrapping and cleaning the surface at a PG 01 height of 2.00 TR 15 Transporting LT TW/RSJ/Rail Poles by Country boat/ Vallam beyond 6 Km TR 16 Transporting LT PSC/RCC Poles by Country boat/ Vallam up to 6 Kms including loading and unloading charges and hire charge of Country boat/ Vallam km No km No km No km TR 17 Transporting LT PSC/RCC Poles by Country boat/ Vallam beyond 6 Km TR 18 Transporting 63/100/160 kVA Transformer by Country boat/ Vallam up to 6 Kms including loading and unloading charges and hire charge of Country boat/ Vallam TR 19 Transporting 63/100/160 kVA Transformer Poles by Country boat/ Vallam beyond 6 Km TR 20 Transporting 250/315/500 kVA Transformer by Country boat/ Vallam up to 6 Kms including loading and unloading charges and hire charge of Country boat/ Vallam TR 21 Transporting 250/315/500 kVA Transformer Poles by Country boat/ Vallam beyond 6 Km Painting Painting the surface of line supports where numbers are to be inscribed.40 PG 05 No 846. PG 02 Preparing index register (book & soft copy) showing name of Transformer.00 6.5 cm in width. consumer numbers (in separate column of excel sheet) etc. No 27. including cost of paint.00 No 1.00 580.00 66.Sl No Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP 10.00 PG 06 No Page 19 of 20 . post numbers.5M PG 03 from ground level using approved quality primer one coat and two coats anti algal black and fluorescent white paint in alternate rings of 25 cm width including cost of paints Supplying and fixing permanently. HT. Screen printed consumer premises identification Number PG 04 Card of size 10x7 cm using screw/adhesives.No of digit 2 cm height 1.00 690.00 24. Numbering of Tree (marking for cutting the tree) using yellow enamel paint as specified including cost of paint. Name of section of character 1cm height 1cm width & 0.00 53.25 cm thick) Painting 'A' pole structure with one coat Synchromate primer and two coat grey enamel paint/ aluminium paint including cost of paint.80 Object Marking (traffic signal painting) in one LT. The number and letters should be in black synthetic enamel paint. HT/LT pole for a height of 1.5 meter above ground level.00 No 11. 8m x1. filling the space between the bricks with UG 01 soil riddled at site.45m x 0.5m x 4 sides. refilling and consolidating thetrench as per standard specification (excluding joining) Excavation of cable trench (tarred/concreted surface) and digging out the faulty portion of UG 06 the cable from the trench for redoing straight through joint. wherever necessary including charges for cable jointer and other sundries etc.00 No 9872. Excavation of cable trench (Soil surface) and digging out the faulty portion of the cable from UG 05 the trench for redoing straight through joint. Random CW 01 Rubble in CM(1:6) 1. as per the direction of departmental officials Doing straight joint on 3 x 300 sqmm HT XLPE UG cable using the cable jointing kit supplied departmentally as per specification after providing proper traffic signalling and UG 02 caution board fencing etc. 20mm) 1. completed as per the direction of the departmental officers.45m x 0.75m basement inclusive of cost of all material.00 m 100.8m x 1. Plastering (1:3) 12mm 0.45m x 0.5m x10cm.5m.00 No 480.pipes at road crossing/culverts/bridges etc.2m deep and 0.5m x 1. bolts. UG 04 nuts etc. placing bricks on either side of the cable. labour.75m + 1. inclusive of cost of all materials. refilling and consolidating thetrench as per standard specification (excluding joining) Dismantling the faulty cable end from the structure/pole after disconnecting 11 kV jumper UG 07 connections and mounting the same after redoing End termination and giving jumper connections Civil works Constructing Transformer plinth of size 1.5m (0. concrete(1:2:4.00 Secretary Page 20 of 20 .8m x 1. CW 02 Excavation 0. conveying 3 x 300 sqmm HT XLPE UG cable from Sub Regional Store/stacking place to work site and laying it carefully using cable rollers.I. relaying the cable after jointing. Mounting 3 x 300 sqmm HT XLPE UG cable ends with special type cable clamps.5m on 1. providing identification tags at 5m intervals. Concrete (1:3:6.] Providing concrete muffing of size 45cm x 45cm 1.5m x 1.8m x 0. where ever necessary. Doing one cable end termination on 3 x 300 sqmm HT XLPE UG cable using the cable jointing kit supplied departmentally after making fencing.5m x 1. [Excavation 1.8m x 0.00 No 288. Pointing CM(1:3) 1.45m x0.35m wide.00 No 1183..45m x1m. m 297. relaying the cable after jointing.45m. hiring and transportation charges.00 No 2400.00 No 850.5m.8m x 0. as per the direction of departmental officers at site. 1.45m x1.5m above GL and 1m below GL). but excluding cost of UG cable and pipe which will be supplied departmentally at store.75m. 20mm) 0.caution board and all other safety UG 03 measures including charges for cable jointer etc.including cost of extra materials if needed and giving necessary jumper connections.5m x 1.5m.5m x 1.5m x 1.Sl No UG Cable Detailed description of work Unit Amount including 10% CP Excavation of cable trench in all classes of soil. plaster CM(1:3) 12mm. providing Cable route markers at 100M intervals.5m x1.45m x4+0. covering the same with bricks and refilling and consolidating the trenchin layers of 75 cms. taking through HDPE / stone ware/G.00 m 199. 1.
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