Unified Contact Center Sizing Solution



Unified Contact Center Sizing SolutionPage 1 of 9 Unified Contact Center Sizing Solution This chapter describes how to use the Collaboration Sizing Tool for calculating the capacity required for components in a Cisco Unified Communications solution that includes Unified Contact Center Enterprise. Note You can also select Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (Unified CCX) as the contact center component of a Unified Communications solution. For instructions on sizing Unified CCX as part of a System Release or Compatible Components sizing scenario, see Size Unified Contact Center Express. z Effect of Sizing Variables on Unified CCE Components z Identify Unified CCE Components z Describe Inbound Unified CCE Traffic z Describe Outbound Unified CCE Traffic z Identify Unified CCE Options z Describe Reporting Options z Describe Unified CVP Options z Describe Unified IP IVR Options z Size Unified Contact Center Express Copyright © 2015, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Effect of Sizing Variables on Unified CCE Components This section describes the major sizing variables and how they affect the capacity of the various Unified Contact Center Enterprise (CCE) components. By design, Unified CCE is highly scalable and can be configured for many different deployment and call routing scenarios. Optimal sizing and component configuration for a given deployment varies based on a number of factors, which are described briefly in this section: z General Sizing Factors z Traffic Flow and Unified CCE Sizing Copyright © 2015, Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. General Sizing Factors Many variables in the Unified CCE configuration and deployment options can affect the hardware requirements and capacities. These factors include the following: z Call rate (BHCA, calls per second) z Call scenario complexity (including outbound, Mobile agents, and so forth) z Number of concurrent agents logged in to the system z Number of objects (Skill Groups, Services, Call Types, Agents, and so forth) z Total number of skills and Skill groups per agent z Amount of attached call data (ECC variables) z Number of sites/peripherals (PGs) z Routing script complexity z Server hardware class Proper sizing of Unified CCE components requires analysis beyond the number of agents and busy hour call attempts. Configurations with multiple skill groups per agent, significant call queuing, and other factors contribute to the total capacity of any individual component. Careful planning and discovery in the pre-sales process should uncover critical sizing variables, and these considerations should be applied to the final design and hardware selection. Correct sizing and design can ensure stable deployments for large systems. For smaller deployments, cost savings can be achieved with careful planning and co-resident Unified ICM components (for example, Progger, Rogger, and Agent PG). Additionally, designers should pay careful attention to the sizing variables that will impact sizing capacities such as skill groups per agent. Although it is often difficult to determine these variables in the pre-sales phase, it is critical to consider them during the initial design. The following table shows specific sizing factors to be considered. Unified CCE Sizing Factors Sizing Factor Explanation file:///C:/Users/Saidul/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh2B5B.htm 9/15/2015 Extended Call Context (ECC) The ECC usage impacts PG. thus. Cisco recommends that you limit the number of skill groups per agent to 5 or fewer. and agents must be staffed accordingly (using different shifts or staffing levels). PSTN Trunks. and to input the expected call load during the busiest 15 minutes to compute required agents and resources. or whether the agents will handle calls immediately and the IVR will queue only unanswered calls when all agents are busy. CTI OS Impacts A CTI OS Monitor Mode application can impact the performance of the CTI OS Server. there is an increase in the load on all Unified CCE components. decrease the total capacity. The capacity impact will vary based on ECC configuration. For sizing purposes. Logger. There are many ways that ECC can be configured and used. IVR Resources. The number of supervisors and team members per supervisor can also be a factor impacting the CTI OS Server performance. it is important to know whether the IVR will handle all calls initially (call treatment) and direct the callers to agents after a short queuing period. Marketing Campaigns and Peak Sporadic Activity Erlang traffic models are not designed for short peaks (bunched-up calls). most notably on Cisco Unified Communications Manager. requiring additional trunks and IVR queuing ports because more calls will be waiting in queue longer and fewer calls will be answered immediately. because a higher service level goal reduces the number of queueing ports that are allocated. Cisco Systems. A separate server is required for an Administrative Workstation (AW) and/or Historical Data Server (HDS) to off-load reporting overhead. The delay time between replaying Run VRU scripts also has an impact. and ICM Resources If the call center receives different incoming call loads on multiple trunk groups. Growth and Confidence Factors Allow for growth. As IVR script complexity increases with features such as database queries. unforeseen events. Inc. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and historical reporting data help to fine-tune your provisioning computations to maintain or improve service levels. additional trunks would be required to carry the same load using one large trunk group. Busy Hour Call Attempts As BHCA increases. the processor and memory overhead on the Unified ICM Router and VRU PG will increase significantly. You can also manage the effects on the CTI OS server by increasing the value for the frequency of statistical updates. Depending on the filter specified. Router. The number of skill groups per agent (which is independent of the total number of skills per system) has significant effects on the CTI OS Server. the impact on the CPU utilization might degrade the performance of the Agent PG. and the Unified ICM Router and Logger.htm 9/15/2015 .Unified Contact Center Sizing Solution Service Level Goal The service level goal should be realistic. IVR. and network bandwidth. Call Types The call type is also an important metric that will impact performance of most Unified CCE server components. Page 2 of 9 Every business has a different call load throughout the day or the week. The skill group statistics refresh rate can also have an effect on the performance of CTI OS Server. Reporting and Third-Party Databases Real-time reporting can have a significant effect on Unified CCE servers. the Agent PG. If the Collaboration Sizing Tool is applied with a realistic service level. and that you periodically remove unused skill groups so that they do not affect system performance. it provides a more accurate number of ports. the load placed upon the IVR server and the Router also increases. Cisco recommends that you distribute your agents and supervisors across multiple teams and have each supervisor monitor only a small number of agents. In deployments where the IVR is also used for self-service applications. All rights reserved. An increase in the number of transfers and conferences will increase the load on the system and. Copyright © 2015. and the Cisco Unified CM PG. Traffic Flow and Unified CCE Sizing file:///C:/Users/Saidul/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh2B5B. Carefully examine connectivity of any Unified CCE solution component to an external device and/or software to determine the overall effect on the solution. and load fluctuations. such as 15 minutes instead of 60 minutes. the self-service applications are in addition to the Unified CCE load and must be factored into the sizing requirements The IVR places calls in a queue and plays announcements until an agent answers the call. Cisco requires that you do not lower the refresh rate below the default value of 10 seconds. Increase trunk and IVR capacity to accommodate the impact of these events (real life) compared to Erlang model assumptions. when possible. but a good approximation is to use a shorter busy interval. This affects the performance of the Unified ICM Router/Logger and Voice Response Unit (VRU) PG. As the complexity and/or number of Unified ICM scripts increase. Agent and Supervisor Staffing Agent absenteeism can cause service levels to go down. CTI OS supports only two such applications per server pair. file:///C:/Users/Saidul/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh2B5B.Wrap-up time z Agent ready The call timeline includes the following factors that affect contact center sizing: z Call talk time z Wrap-up time z Network post dial delays The trunk is not occupied during agent wrap-up time. In a "nailed up scenario" the egress trunk is reserved for the agent's use (not shown).htm 9/15/2015 . Inbound Call Timeline Ring delay time (network ring) should be included if calls are not answered immediately.Network transmission z IVR answers . and it should be added to the trunk average handle time. This occupies the egress trunk from the time the mobile agent answers until he hangs up. With a mobile agent.Agent talk time z Agent hangs-up . and this affects agent sizing.Unified Contact Center Sizing Solution Page 3 of 9 Traffic flow impacts the sizing of Unified Contact Center Enterprise resources. an additional Ring event and network delay is introduced after the Unified IP IVR answers and before the agent answers. The following figure shows the main resources used and the occupancy (hold/handle time) for each of these resources.Treatment/queue delay z Agent answers . It is helpful to understand the anatomy of an inbound call center call as it relates to the various resources used and the holding time for each resource. This delay could be a few seconds on average. The events that occur during an inbound call to a local agent include the following: z Ring . perform the following steps: Procedure Step 1 After you make an initial selection of either Systems Release Sizing or Compatible Components Sizing. the ingress trunk is occupied except during the agent wrap-up time. the agent is occupied for a longer time and egress trunks are occupied longer. also impacts resource sizing Copyright © 2015. Outbound Traffic. click Continue. click the Continue option again. After you are finished identifying the other components for your solution. The next sizing tool page provides fields for describing Inbound Unified CCE traffic. Identify Unified CCE Components To size a system release solution that includes Unified Contact Center Enterprise. The nailed-up line is allocated to the agent when he or she logs into the system and remains dedicated to the agent until log out. click Continue.Unified Contact Center Sizing Solution Page 4 of 9 In an outbound transfer to an agent. The traffic mix. During an outbound transfer to an Unified IP IVR. On the right side of the page. With an inbound mobile agent using a nailed-up line. and VRU PlatformType) for Unified Contact Center Enterprise. The sections of the sizing tool that correspond to these options allow you to describe the Unified CCE components before sizing Unified CM and other components. Cisco Systems. When you continue to the next sizing tool page. and select a version of UCCE along with the other components for the solution. and so forth). or Outbound Traffic. During outbound transfer to an agent. the IVR is occupied between the time the call is transferred and the time the IVR or called party hangs up. outbound. begin as described in Core Component Sizing for a Collaboration Solution. which refers to different calls with different attributes (inbound. specify the appropriate options for your solution: z Inbound Taffic (Yes or No) z Outbound Traffic (Yes or No) z VRU Type (either Unified CVP or Unified IP IVR) Note Step 3 You must choose Yes for at least one of either Inbound Traffic. To see the input fields for any of the other Unified CCE components. Step 4 Begin by describing the inbound Unified CCE traffic using the fields provided. See the following links for more information on how to describe the Unified CCE components for your solution: Related Tasks Describe inbound Unified CCE traffic Describe outbound Unified CCE traffic Identify Unified CCE options Describe reporting options Describe Unified CVP options Describe Unified IP IVR options file:///C:/Users/Saidul/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh2B5B. and the sizing tool will provide a page with input fields (Inbound traffic. Step 2 On the Unified CCE Component Selection page. To size a solution including Unified Contact Center Enterprise. handle times. the time the egress trunk is occupied is greatly increased. The options that appear on the subsequent sizing tool page (inbound traffic or outbound traffic options) will depend on your selection. more Unified Contact Center Enterprise options will be listed near the top of the navigation list on the right side of the page. click the corresponding option in the navigation list at the right side of the sizing tool page. you will see clickable page options that correspond to the other Unified CCE components. Inc. After you select Unified Contact Center Enterprise as part of the solution. All rights reserved.htm 9/15/2015 . click Continue and specify a version of Unified Contact Center Express in the field provided on the Identify Components page. After you specify the preceding options. A Unified CCE Component Selection page will be displayed. an Outbound option will be available (see Describe Outbound Unified CCE Traffic). perform these steps: Procedure Step 1 Enter the information required in each field of each section on the Inbound page.Unified Contact Center Sizing Solution Page 5 of 9 Copyright © 2015. you may be able to use the help tool provided near the top of the Inbound page to estimate total BHCA. For example. Copyright © 2015. Step 2 Enter the information required in each field of each section on the Outbound page. Inc. Example: Step 3 After you finish describing the Inbound traffic. To describe the expected inbound traffic to be handled by the Unified CCE solution. After you are finished describing the outbound traffic. see the Outbound Page section of the field reference chapter. click the Outbound option from the navigation list on the right side of the page. if you chose yes for Outbound traffic. If the sum of the percentages of total calls for the existing call flows is less than 100. Cisco Systems. All rights reserved. Use the call flow table to distribute the percentages of total calls across your various call flows as required for your solution. or to return to a previously completed page. Note Step 3 For detailed descriptions of the fields in the Outbound page. to display the outbound traffic fields. and the time for which an agent is occupied. see the Inbound Page section of the field reference chapter. BHCA Helper Tool Note Step 2 For detailed descriptions of the other fields in the Inbound page. you will see the Inbound Traffic page. perform these steps: Procedure Step 1 To display the Outbound page of the sizing tool. click Outbound from among the list of Unified CCE options on the right side of the sizing tool page . You can use the options on the right side of the sizing tool page to move directly to a component sizing page. Note You can use the options on the right side of the page to move directly to a the page for another component. depending on your prior selections). fields for additional call flows will be available (the sum of the percentages of total calls over all call flows must equal 100). You can also click the Inbound option from among the list of options on the right side of the sizing tool page to display the Inbound Traffic fields. Note If you do not have information on the number of incoming calls per hour (Busy Hour Call Attempts). (or possibly the Outbound Traffic page. you can enter this information into the tool to estimate the total BHCA. Inc. see Identify Unified CCE Options.htm 9/15/2015 . Cisco Systems. or to return to a previously completed page. The Unified CCE options that appear on the right of the sizing tool page depend on the Unified CCE components identified initially on the Components page. Describe Outbound Unified CCE Traffic To describe the expected outbound traffic to be handled by the Unified CCE solution. file:///C:/Users/Saidul/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh2B5B. All rights reserved. Describe Inbound Unified CCE Traffic After you identify Unified CCE components and click Continue. click UCCE Options from among the list of options on the right side of the page. For more information about the UCCE Options page. If you know the number of concurrent agents. Enter new values in the User Profile: Analyst fields. Step 2 Enter the information as required in the input fields of the Reporting page. to provide a model to start from.Unified Contact Center Sizing Solution Page 6 of 9 Copyright © 2015. Copyright © 2015. run a user profile to estimate how many users in your network fall into each profile type. perform these steps: Procedure Step 1 To display the Unified CCE Options page. Managers. see the Reporting section of the field reference chapter. Analysts generate the largest number of reports and are the heaviest users of the system. fields are provided to describe the following Unified CCE options as required: z Desktop options z Skill groups/Precision queue options z Extended call context options z Central controller platform z PG platform z Finesse platform To describe the Unified CCE Options used in the Unified CCE solution. or to return to a previously completed page. click the Hide/Show Profiles button (located just above the Output section of the page) to display the User Profile fields. You can also use the list of navigation options provided on the right side of the sizing tool page to move directly to the sizing page for another component. click the Reporting option from among the list of navigation options provided on the right side of the page. Analysts are followed by Managers. and View Only fields. Identify Unified CCE Options On the Unified CCE options page. you can define multiple reporting profiles for four different user types: Analysts. The UCCE Options page is displayed. The Hide/Show Profiles Option file:///C:/Users/Saidul/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh2B5B. With Cisco Unified Intelligence center. click UCCE Options from among the list of navigation options on the right side of the sizing tool page. To describe the reporting options used in the Unified CCE solution. For existing deployments. Inc. allowing you to describe the Cisco Unified Intelligence Center reporting setup. Note Step 3 For detailed descriptions of the Input fields in the Reporting page. For more information about using the Reporting page see Describe Reporting Options. Cisco Systems. The Collaboration Sizing Tool provides default values for typical usage for several profiles. by using the Analyst.htm 9/15/2015 . click Reporting from among the list of navigation options provided on the right side of the sizing tool page. Describe the number of users of each type that will view reporting data. Supervisors. Manager. After you are finished specifying information in the the UCCE Options page. Cisco Systems. You can modify these default numbers based on your experience with your existing system. see the Unified CCE Options Page section of the Field Reference chapter. Based on the amount of usage. If you want to override the default Analyst user profile settings. Step 2 Enter the information required in each field of each section on the UCCE Options page. A Reporting page will appear. and then View Only users. Note Step 3 For detailed descriptions of the fields in the UCCE Options page. Supervisor. perform these steps: Procedure Step 1 To display the Reporting page. All rights reserved. Describe Reporting Options Cisco Unified Intelligence Center is used to generate reports in a contact center environment. and View Only users. Inc. All rights reserved. Supervisors. choose another component from the navigation list on the right side of the sizing tool page. These users may have a dashboard that models the wallboard data using gauges and charts. Managers need a broad view of real-time data and tend to be more focused on the half-hour and daily summary historical reports. click the Hide/Show Profiles button (located just above the Output section of the page) to display the User Profile fields if they are not already available. The Unified CVP field sections appear. For more information on the Solution Sizing Summary. Note Step 6 For detailed descriptions of the fields for Supervisor user profiles. see User Profile: View Only. If you want to override the default Supervisor user profile settings. This completes the description of the Unified CCE components. Step 2 Enter the information required in each field of each section on the Unified CVP page. click the Hide/Show Profiles button (located just above the Output section of the page) to display the User Profile fields if they are not already available. Cisco Systems. will depend on the initial Unified CCE components that you originally specified. Up to three separate supervisor user profiles can be defined for both real-time (RT) and historical reports. Inc. Up to three separate "view only" user profiles can be defined for both real-time (RT) and historical reports. see User Profile: Manager. Note Step 5 For detailed descriptions of the fields for the Manager user profiles. click Unified CVP from among the list of navigation options on the right side of the current sizing tool page. real-time report showing all of their agents. file:///C:/Users/Saidul/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh2B5B. You can use these fields to describe the Unified CVP options implemented in the solution. To describe the Unified CVP options used in the Unified CCE solution. a Unified CVP option will appear among the other Unified CCE options in the navigation menu. Enter new values in the User Profile: Manager fields. If you want to override the default view-only user profile settings.htm 9/15/2015 . Note Step 3 For detailed descriptions of the fields in the Unified CVP page. perform these steps: Procedure Step 1 To display the Unified CVP page. you can view a list of the suggested equipment and related quantities for the solution on the Solution Sizing Summary page. Enter new values in the User Profile: View Only fields. Up to three separate manager user profiles can be defined for both real-time (RT) and historical reports.Unified Contact Center Sizing Solution Page 7 of 9 Up to three separate analyst user profiles can be defined for both real-time (RT) and historical reports. Copyright © 2015. If you want to override the default Manager user profile settings. After you describe all the of the selected components for your solution. Note Step 4 For detailed descriptions of the fields for Analyst user profiles in the Reporting page. as well as a full grid. see Unified CVP. The other options that appear in the sizing tool navigation list depend on the other system components that you selected. After you are finished specifying the information on the Reporting page. Enter new values in the User Profile: Supervisor fields. Supervisors require realtime views of their teams and historical comparisons for trending. see User Profile: Supervisor. After you are finished describing the Unified CVP information for your solution. All rights reserved. click the Hide/Show Profiles button (located just above the Output section of the page) to display the User Profile fields if they are not already available. see Solution Sizing Summary. click either Unified CVP or IP-IVR from among the navigation options on the right side of the page. Note Step 7 For detailed descriptions of the fields available for View Only user profiles. and researching exception cases on an ad hoc basis. see User Profile: Analyst. View-only users represent casual users of contact center information and display board usage. either Unified CVP or IP-IVR. Note The option that appears in the navigation list. An option for this page appears at the bottom of the navigation list. Describe Unified CVP Options If you chose Unified CVP when specifying the Unified CCE components. An analyst is typically responsible for overall contact center activity. keep in mind the following: z Consult the CCX data sheet for a list of maximum capacities supported by CCX: http://www. For more information about identifying components for your solution.cisco. Refer to the Cisco WFO Configuration Guide for details.Unified Contact Center Sizing Solution Page 8 of 9 Copyright © 2015.html z LIMITS TO AVERAGE CALL DURATION: If this configuration is for 151 agents or more. Copyright © 2015. Partial View of the Unified CCX Page file:///C:/Users/Saidul/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh2B5B. An option for this page appears at the bottom of the navigation. z For a complete list of Cisco IP Phones compatible for use as agent desktop phones and for phones able to run Cisco IP Phone Agent. While sizing Unified Contact Center Express. choose another component from the navigation list on the right side of the sizing tool page to continue. z CUCST guarantees a correct Cisco supported configuration. Step 2 After you finish identifying the components for the solution. z High Availability configurations support higher capacities for simultaneous historical reporting sessions than do non-High Availability deployments.com/community/partner/collaboration/contactcenter To size a solution that uses Unified Contact Center Express as the contact center component. After you describe all the of the selected components for your solution.com/en/US/products/ps8293/products_implementation_design_guides_list. This means that Cisco IP Phones Agents that are remote from the CCX cluster cannot be silent monitored or recorded and cannot initiate a recording session.com/en/US/partner/products/sw/custcosw/ps1846/products_device_support_tables_list. Click Unified Contact Center Express from among the list of navigation options to display the Unified Contact Center Express page of the sizing tool. perform these steps: Procedure Step 1 To display the Unified IP-IVR page. see Solution Sizing Summary. Cisco Systems.0 does not support remote monitoring and recording servers.html z If you have any questions on how to size CCX with CUCST. Cisco Agent Desktops can be deployed on any VLAN as long as endpoint monitoring and recording best practices are followed. Inc. on failure of the active server. All rights reserved. A Unified Contact Center Express option will appear in the list of navigation options on the right side of the sizing tool page. The Unified IP-IVR field sections appear. z Depending on your QM/AQM configuration. the average call duration for this deployment must be greater than or equal to two minutes. However.cisco. it does not guarantee adherence to best practices. click IP-IVR from among the options that appear in the navigation list on the right side of the sizing tool page. Describe Unified IP IVR Options If you chose Unified IP IVR option when specifying the Unified CCE components. As a result. After you are finished describing the IP-IVR information for your solution. Size Unified Contact Center Express As an alternative to Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise. consult the Cisco Unified CCX Compatibility Information at: http://www. specify the appropriate version of Unified CCX from the options provided in the dropdown list for the Unified Contact Center field. you can also select Cisco Unified Contact Center Express (Unified CCX) as the contact center component of a Unified Communications solution.com/go/designzone. supported capacities will revert to those supported for a non-High Availability deployment until the failed server is restored. Inc. To describe the Unified IP IVR options used in the Unified CCE solution. Note Step 3 For detailed descriptions of the fields in the IP IVR page.cisco. For complete information regarding best practices for Unified Contact Center Express 8.html. a Unified IP IVR option will appear among the other Unified CCE options in the navigation menu. Step 2 Enter the information required in each field of each section on the IP IVR page. For more information on the Solution Sizing Summary. see the IP IVR.myciscocommunity. you may need additional internal or external NAS/SAN storage. see Identify Components for Solution Based on System Release or Identify Compatible Components for Solution. Cisco Systems. z CCX 8. http://cisco. you can view a list of the suggested equipment and related quantities for the solution on the Solution Sizing Summary page. All rights reserved. This completes the description of the Unified CCE components.com/en/US/partner/prod/collateral/voicesw/custcosw/ps5693/ps1846/data_sheet_c78-588933. Recording and monitoring are supported only in the Enhanced and Premium packages. see http://www. click the Continue option. please consult and post your question on the CCX partner community: https://www. The other options that appear in the sizing tool navigation list depend on the other system components that you originally selected. perform these steps: Procedure Step 1 When you identify the components for your solution.0.htm 9/15/2015 . Copyright © 2015. Inc. or Premium) from the Package Type drop-down list. the fields in the Output section are dynamically updated. the user can override the information is some fields presented in the Output section. see Output in the Unified CCX section of the Field Reference Chapter. while still allowing for the amount of growth projected for the solution.htm 9/15/2015 . the remaining fields in this page will change. Note Step 6 For detailed descriptions of the Input fields in the Unified Contact Center Express page. Note Step 5 Review the information provided in the Output section to make sure the solution requirements are being met in a reasonable way and that the solution is utilized efficiently. file:///C:/Users/Saidul/AppData/Local/Temp/~hh2B5B. click the name of the next component to be sized from among the options available in the navigation list on the right side of the page. As input values change. After you are finished specifying the information for Unified CCX. All rights reserved. Based on the package selected. Step 4 Enter the information required in each remaining field of the Input section in the Unified Contact Center Express page. If required. For detailed descriptions of the Output fields in the Unified Contact Center Express page. Cisco Systems. Enhanced.Unified Contact Center Sizing Solution Page 9 of 9 Step 3 Select the level of Unified CCX package (Standard. see Options in the Unified CCX section of the Field Reference Chapter.
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