UNIEC-User Guide for Students

March 26, 2018 | Author: Ing Hong | Category: Internet Forum, Login, User (Computing), Digital & Social Media, Digital Technology



UNIEC Virtual USER GUIDE FOR STUDENTSVersion 1.0 unitar.1: UNIEC VIRTUAL Login area (i-on the left side) or Figure 1.my 2 . Figure 1.0 Logging Into UNIEC VIRTUAL (http://uniec. or ii) click the Login link at the top right area 2) Type in your username and password (the same username and password as your UNITAR’s network ID).2: UNIEC VIRTUAL Login area (ii-after click the Login link) UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec.unitar.1.my [email protected]) There are two steps to log into UNIEC VIRTUAL: 1) Locate the Login area either i) on your left side of computer screen. my 3 . Figure 2.2).my uniecteam@unitar. This will lead to the edit profile page (Figure 2.3) when you are done to save your changes.1: Edit Profile 2) This will lead to the edit profile page. located on the bottom left side of the screen under ‘Settings’ block.2: Edit profile page 3) Click the ‘update profile’ button at the bottom of the screen (Figure 2.0 Updating your profile 1) To edit your profile click the ‘Edit profile’ link. Figure 2. email settings and upload a picture in this area. UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec. You can change your personal details.unitar.2. unitar.my 4 .my [email protected]: Update Profile button UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec.Figure 2. 3.unitar.1: Page Layout and Block in UNIEC courses 3.my [email protected] Navigation The Navigation block provides easy access to view various sections of the UNIEC site and includes: i) My home A personalized homepage displaying links to the courses that you are associated with and activity information (such as unread forum posts and upcoming assignments).my 5 . forum posts. v) My courses UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec. The two side columns are made up of small boxes called blocks. There are two ways to access your course resources and activities: 1) The first is through the main content area (the middle of the page). Blocks contain extra information of the content contained in the centre of the page. 2) The second is to use the Navigation block.0 Page Layout and Blocks Course pages in UNIEC are arranged in a three‐column format. ii) Site Home A view of all UNIEC courses. iii) Site Pages Links to site pages and resources from the UNIEC front page. iv) My profile Quick links allowing you to view your profile. blogs and messages. Navigation block Main content area Figure 3. Some blocks help you to navigate more easily. 2: Navigation UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec.my [email protected] 6 . Click the course name to view the front page of the course or use the arrows to navigate quickly to a specific section. Figure 3. resource or activity.List units and links in courses that you are associated with.unitar. 0 Enrolling yourself to registered courses To gain access to course learning materials.1: Finding the course UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec.4. follow these steps to gain access to the courses: 1) Click ‘All courses’ located in the ‘Course categories’ block.my uniecteam@unitar. you must get the enrolment key (password) for each course that you registered to from your lecturer. your lecturer will give you the key on the first day of class.unitar. To enroll yourself to the courses in UNIEC.my 7 . Figure 4. Once you get the enrolment key. Usually. you must first be enrolled to the course. Make sure you click on the correct course by double checking the course code and course name.2).2) Scroll to the bottom of the screen and type your course code or course name in the ‘search courses’ bar (Figure 4.3: Search results UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec. Figure 4.my 8 .2: Search courses bar 3) Click your course in the search result page.unitar.my uniecteam@unitar. Figure 4. unitar.my uniecteam@unitar. If the enrolment key is correct.4: Keying in enrolment key UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec. you will be able to enter the course page and access all the learning materials prepared by your lecturers. Figure 4.my 9 .4) Key in the enrolment key in the designated area and click the ‘Enrol me’ button. You can enter forums to discuss topics selected by the lecturers.5. Figure 5. Figure 5. All courses should have at least one academic forum apart from the default news forum.0 Forums Discussion boards in UNIEC are called Forums.3: Adding a new topic UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec. Available forum Figure 5. post messages and to respond to other students or others tutors’ posts.2: Click the available forum link 2) Create a new thread by clicking at the ‘Add a new topic’.1: Forum Icon There are two ways you can join the discussion: 1) Create a new thread/discussion 2) Join the available thread/discussion a) FORUM: Creating a New Thread/Discussion 1) Click the available forum link.unitar.my uniecteam@unitar. This forum is set by your lecturer.my 10 . Forums are used to generate educational discussions that triggers construction of knowledge via social interactions. my 11 .unitar.4: Adding a new topic 4) Add an attachment to the discussion if needed.5: Adding attachment 5) Click ‘Post to forum’ button to post your message. Figure 5. Insert topic title here Compose your message here Figure 5.3) Fill out the topic title and compose your message in the text boxes. Figure 5.my [email protected]: Post to Forum button UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec. Available forum Figure 5. Reply button Figure 5. Available forum Figure 5.b) FORUM: Joining Available Thread 1) Click the available forum link.my [email protected] 12 .9: Available discussion Forum UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec.7: Click the available forum link 2) Click on the Forum you wish to view.unitar.8: Available discussion Forum 3) Participate in the forum by clicking ‘Reply’ and type your response in the text box. 0 Help Desk Please contact us for any enquiry: • • Email: [email protected] 13 .6.my Phone no: – 03 7627 7321 (Marsyitah) – 03 7627 7381 (Radziah) – 03 7627 8139 (Haysriq) – 03 7627 7387 (Reem) Discussion forum: – UNIEC Lounge Walk-in Consultation – Please contact us to set an appointment Scan this QR Code to start accessing UNIEC • • • UNIEC Virtual Learning Environment uniec.my [email protected].
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