UN_DSA for Jan 2016

March 27, 2018 | Author: asdgfhmukytjky | Category: Gratuity, Notes (Finance), Currency, Hotel And Accommodation, Business



International Civil Service CommissionDSA Circular Report 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 Chairman Kingston P. Rhodes # I. Introduction # I. Introduction # II. Description of DSA data format # II. Description des données relatives à l'indemnité journalière de subsistance I. INTRODUCTION A consolidated list of Daily Subsistence Allowance (DSA) rates is promulgated on a monthly basis by the Chairman of the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC). This is an allowance which is intended to account for lodging, meals, gratuities and other expenses of United Nations travellers. The DSA rates are established on the basis of data supplied by designated agencies for duty stations around the world. The rates are intended to relate to good commercial hotels and restaurants. An additional amount of 15 per cent of the average hotel and meal cost is included in the DSA rate to account for incidental expenses (tips, laundry, toiletries, etc.). DSA rates generally relate to specific locations (primarily cities) within a country. An elsewhere rate is also generally provided to encompass all remaining areas of a country. The standard DSA rates are designed for staff in levels P-5 and below. Officials in levels D-1 and above receive either a 15 or 40 per cent supplement (depending on level) to the standard DSA rate as appropriate. The GA resolution A/RES/58/270 resolved to discontinue the practice of paying higher subsistence rates to United Nations staff members at the Director level and above. II. DESCRIPTION OF DSA DATA FORMAT Name of country or area and currency (Column 1) Name of country or area and the currency used appear in this column. DSA rate for the first 60 days in United States dollars (Column 2) The DSA rate per day in United States dollars is listed in this column. DSA rate for the first 60 days in local currency (Column 3) The DSA rate per day in local currency is listed in this column. DSA rate payable after 60 days in local currency (Column 4) The DSA rate per day in this column represents the rate paid for a stay in the city or area beyond 60 days. Room as percentage of DSA (Column 5) The figures in this column represent accommodation (excluding meals and incidentals) as a percentage of the calculated DSA rate. A "0" in this column means that current survey results are not yet available. Please refer to the October 1997 DSA circular (ICSC/CIRC/DSA/269) for the relevant data in this case. Effective Date (Column 6) Effective date of the DSA rate shown in columns 2 to 4. This column indicates the effective date of a DSA rate: Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report. Pg 1 / 55 International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 1/Jan/2016 (a) Based on a survey; where a DSA survey resulted in no change in DSA rate, the effective date will still be indicated as the survey date; (b) Based on a change in exchange rate; column 2 is revised if DSA rates are based on local currency and columns 3 and 4 if DSA rates are based on the US dollar. Survey Date (Column 7) Date on which the last DSA survey was carried out for a country or area is indicated in this column. Notes (Column 8) Relevant notes (1 through 8) are indicated in this column with the description of the notes appearing in the last few pages of the circular. New notes may be added as required. I. INTRODUCTION Le barème des indemnités journalières de subsistance est promulgué mensuellement par le Président de la Commission de la fonction publique internationale (CFPI). Les montants sont établis pour couvrir les frais de logement, les repas, les pourboires et autres dépenses courantes encourues à l'occasion des voyages effectués dans le cadre d'une mission officielle de l'Organisation des Nations Unies. Les montants de l’indemnité journalière de subsistance sont déterminés sur la base des données fournies par des agences désignées pour tous les lieux d’affectation à travers le monde. Ces montants se rapportent à la catégorie des bons hôtels et restaurants. Un montant additionnel équivalent à 15% du coût moyen du logement et de la nourriture est également inclus dans l’indemnité afin de couvrir les faux frais (pourboires, nettoyage, produits de soins personnels, etc.). Le montant de l’indemnité journalière de subsistance est généralement calculé pour des localités spécifiques (principalement les villes) d’un pays. Généralement, un autre montant est aussi calculé pour couvrir les autres localités du pays. L’indemnité journalière de subsistance est versée aux administrateurs de la classe P-5 et des classes inférieures. Pour les fonctionnaires de la classe D-1 et des classes supérieures, une majoration calculée en fonction du rang du fonctionnaire (15 ou 40%) est rajoutée au taux standard selon la situation. L’Assemblée Générale, dans sa résolution A/RES/58/270, a décidé de discontinuer le paiement de la majoration accordée aux administrateurs de la classe D1 et des classes supérieures. II. DESCRIPTION DES DONNÉES RELATIVES À L'INDEMNITÉ JOURNALIÈRE DE SUBSISTANCE Nom du pays ou région et monnaie (Colonne 1) Le nom du pays ou de la région et la monnaie apparaissent dans cette colonne. Montant de l'indemnité journalière de subsistance en dollars des États-Unis pour les 60 premiers jours (Colonne 2) Le montant de l'indemnité journalière en dollars des États-Unis est indiqué dans cette colonne. Montant de l'indemnité journalière de subsistance en monnaie locale (pour les 60 premiers jours) (Colonne 3) Le montant de l'indemnité journalière en monnaie locale est indiqué dans cette colonne. Montant de l'indemnité journalière de subsistance en monnaie locale (après les 60 premiers jours) (Colonne 4) Le montant de l'indemnité journalière indiqué dans cette colonne représente le montant versé pour un séjour dans la ville ou région après les 60 premiers jours. Prix de la chambre d'hôtel en pourcentage de l'indemnité journalière de subsistance (Colonne 5) Le chiffre indiqué dans cette colonne représente le prix de la chambre d'hôtel (non compris les repas et les faux frais) exprimé en pourcentage du montant de l'indemnité. Un "0" dans cette colonne signifie que les résultats de l'enquête en cours ne sont pas encore disponibles. Prière de se reporter à la circulaire sur l'indemnité journalière de subsistance Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report. Pg 2 / 55 International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 1/Jan/2016 d'octobre 1997 (ICSC/CIRC/DSA/267) pour les données applicables dans ce cas. Date d'entrée en vigueur (Colonne 6) La date d'entrée en vigueur des montants de l'indemnité journalière de subsistance figurant aux colonnes 2 à 4 cidessus est indiquée dans cette colonne. La date d'entrée en vigueur d'un nouveau montant de l'indemnité journalière de subsistance est indiquée dans cette colonne: a) Nouveau montant résultant d'une enquête (dans les villes où aucun changement n'est intervenu à la suite d'une enquête, la date d'entrée en vigueur est la même que celle de l'enquête). b) Nouveau montant résultant d'une variation du taux de change. Le chiffre figurant à la colonne (2) est révisé si le montant de l'indemnité est calculé en monnaie locale et les chiffres figurant aux colonnes (3) et (4) sont révisés si le montant de l'indemnité est calculé en dollars des États-Unis. Date de l'enquête (Colonne 7) La date de la dernière enquête sur les indemnités journalières de subsistance conduite pour la ville ou région est indiquée dans cette colonne. Notes (Colonne 8) Des notes pertinentes (1 à 8) sont indiquées dans cette colonne. Le texte de ces notes apparaît aux dernières pages de la circulaire. D'autres notes peuvent être ajoutées en cas de besoin. Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report. Pg 3 / 55 International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country - (Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Afghanistan (Afghani) Kabul 181 12,300 12,300 70 01/01/16 01/08/14 Kabul (Kabul Serena) 263 17,900 17,900 68 01/01/16 01/08/14 98 6,660 6,660 66 01/01/16 01/08/14 Tirana 174 22,200 16,700 66 01/12/15 01/03/15 Tirana (Rogner) 205 26,200 19,700 60 01/12/15 01/03/15 1 Tirana (Sheraton) 315 40,200 30,100 62 01/12/15 01/03/15 1 Durres (Adriatic, Hotel Palace) 127 16,200 12,100 55 01/12/15 01/03/15 1 Korca (Life Gallery Hotel) 117 14,900 11,200 57 01/12/15 01/03/15 1 Saranda (Butrinti, Demi Hotel) 139 17,800 13,300 63 01/12/15 01/03/15 1 Shkodra 118 15,100 11,400 64 01/12/15 01/03/15 Vlore 99 12,600 9,450 59 01/12/15 01/03/15 Elsewhere 78 9,960 7,530 52 01/12/15 01/03/15 Algiers 225 24,100 18,100 53 01/01/16 01/05/15 Algiers (El -Aurassi) 389 41,700 31,300 67 01/01/16 01/05/15 1 Algiers (El Djazair, Mercure) 316 33,800 25,400 63 01/01/16 01/05/15 1 Algiers (Hilton, Sofitel) 416 44,500 33,400 69 01/01/16 01/05/15 1 Algiers (Sheraton) 520 55,900 41,900 72 01/01/16 01/05/15 1 Adrar 188 20,100 15,100 47 01/01/16 01/05/15 Annaba (Golden Tulip Sabri) 188 20,100 15,100 62 01/01/16 01/05/15 1 Annaba (Hotel Seybouse) 143 15,300 11,500 45 01/01/16 01/05/15 1 Constantine (Novotel) 221 23,700 17,800 57 01/01/16 01/05/15 1 Oran 181 19,400 14,600 57 01/01/16 01/05/15 Oran (Hotel Royal) 411 44,000 33,000 72 01/01/16 01/05/15 1 Oran (Le Meridien) 313 33,500 25,100 60 01/01/16 01/04/14 1 Oran (Sheraton) 290 31,100 23,300 66 01/01/16 01/05/15 1 Tamanrasset 181 19,400 14,600 46 01/01/16 01/05/15 Elsewhere 120 12,800 9,600 47 01/01/16 01/05/15 238 238 179 61 01/10/11 01/10/11 Elsewhere 1 Albania (Albania Lek(e)) Algeria (Algerian Dinar) American Samoa (US Dollar) All Areas Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report. Pg 4 / 55 International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country - (Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Angola (Kwanza) 11 Luanda 400 53,900 53,900 64 01/01/16 01/05/12 Luanda (Alvalade, Baia, Tropico) 580 78,100 58,600 72 01/01/16 01/05/12 1 Luanda (Continental, Presidente, Skyna, Suite Maianga, Praia Mar) 483 65,000 48,700 68 01/01/16 01/05/12 1 Benguela 224 30,200 22,600 68 01/01/16 01/01/13 Cabinda 251 33,800 33,800 64 01/01/16 01/01/13 Dundu 314 42,300 31,800 70 01/01/16 01/01/13 Huambo 216 29,100 21,800 62 01/01/16 01/01/13 Kuito 195 26,300 19,700 70 01/01/16 01/01/13 Lobito 272 36,600 27,500 70 01/01/16 01/01/13 Lubango 233 31,400 31,400 64 01/01/16 01/01/13 Luena 178 24,000 18,000 56 01/01/16 01/07/10 Malange 241 32,400 24,400 65 01/01/16 01/01/13 Menongue 324 43,600 32,700 68 01/01/16 01/01/13 Ndalatando 293 39,500 29,600 68 01/01/16 01/07/10 Ondjiva 213 28,700 21,500 61 01/01/16 01/07/10 Saurimo 217 29,200 21,900 63 01/01/16 01/01/13 Sumbe 237 31,900 24,000 72 01/01/16 01/01/13 Uige 223 30,000 22,500 65 01/01/16 01/01/13 Elsewhere 159 21,400 21,400 57 01/01/16 01/01/13 All Areas (15 Dec. - 14 Apr.) 426 1,150 860 64 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (15 Apr. - 14 Dec.) 319 860 650 56 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (1 Apr. - 30 Nov.) 337 910 680 59 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (1 Dec. - 31 Mar.) 352 950 710 60 01/10/14 01/10/14 Buenos Aires 380 4,920 3,690 66 01/01/16 01/08/15 Bariloche 299 3,870 2,900 68 01/01/16 01/08/15 Comodoro Rivadavia, Salta 238 3,080 2,320 66 01/01/16 01/08/15 Cordoba and Mar del Plata 206 2,670 2,010 66 01/01/16 01/08/15 Mendoza and Neuquen 233 3,020 2,270 71 01/01/16 01/08/15 Anguilla (E.C. Dollar) Antigua and Barbuda (E.C. Dollar) Argentina (Argentine Peso) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report. Pg 5 / 55 ) 295 530 396 56 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (16 Dec.A.800 65 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Dhaka (Radisson Water Garden. Westin) 355 27.100 71 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Armenia (Armenian Dram) Aruba (N.800 65 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Dhaka (Royal Park Residence) 155 12.000 61. Pan Pacific Sonargaon. Gulder) Australia (AUL Dollar) Austria (Euro) All Areas Azerbaijan ((new)Azerbaijan Manat) Bahamas (Bahamian Dollar) Bahrain (Bahraini Dinar) 1 Bangladesh (Bangladesh Taka) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.14 Apr.010 1.-19 Dec.980 68 01/01/16 01/01/16 Dhaka (Amari.) 393 393 295 62 01/08/13 01/08/13 All Areas (21 Apr.000 12.500 16. .080 66 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Dhaka (Sarina) 275 21.15 Dec. Pg 6 / 55 .750 2.000 50 01/01/16 01/11/15 All Areas (15 Apr. Six Seasons) 317 24.600 7.) 378 680 510 62 01/10/14 01/10/14 Canberra.600 65 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Dhaka (Longbeach Suites) 217 17. Lake Shore.800 18.800 20.100 9.900 50 01/01/16 01/11/15 Elsewhere 126 61. Hyatt Regency) 345 540 404 65 01/01/16 01/03/15 1 Baku (Marriott) 375 590 438 66 01/01/16 01/03/15 1 Tabriz (Nakhichevan) 265 413 310 58 01/01/16 01/03/15 1 Elsewhere 154 240 240 57 01/01/16 01/03/15 All Areas (20 Dec.900 87.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Ushuaia 212 2.-20 Apr.) 395 395 296 62 01/10/13 01/10/13 Manama 345 130 98 59 01/11/14 01/11/14 Manama (Movenpick) 371 140 105 65 01/11/14 01/11/14 Dhaka 136 10. .International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .500 65 01/01/16 01/08/15 Yerevan 182 87. Melbourne & Sydney 267 366 275 58 01/01/16 01/12/14 Elsewhere 216 296 222 61 01/01/16 01/12/14 253 231 173 44 01/01/16 01/06/15 Baku 247 385 385 60 01/01/16 01/03/15 Baku (Four Seasons.060 70 01/01/16 01/08/15 Elsewhere 155 2. 300 59 01/01/16 01/01/16 Elsewhere 63 4.000 3.390 7.534.460.240 3.000 1.000 55 01/01/16 01/12/15 98 1.000 1.788.788.000 52 01/01/16 01/12/15 Hrodna 251 4.500 59 01/01/16 01/10/14 Cotonou (Azalai.638. 1 Pg 7 / 55 .000 48 01/01/16 01/12/15 341 312 234 58 01/01/16 01/11/15 Belize City 280 560 420 59 01/04/15 01/04/15 Placencia (Laru Beya Resort) 1 Dec31 Jan 415 830 620 71 01/07/15 01/07/15 1 Placencia (Laru Beya Resort) 1 Jun 30 Nov 300 600 450 63 01/07/15 01/07/15 1 Placencia (Laru Beya Resort) 1-31 May 380 760 570 69 01/07/15 01/07/15 1 Placencia (Roberts Grove) 1 Dec-31 Jan 415 830 620 71 01/07/15 01/07/15 1 Placencia (Roberts Grove) 1 Jun .000 1.000 59 01/01/16 01/12/15 Homel 141 2.930 55 01/01/16 01/01/16 All Areas (16 Apr. .000 53 01/01/16 01/12/15 Mahileu 110 2. Benin Marina.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .368.500 57 01/01/16 01/10/14 Barbados (Barbados Dollar) Belarus (Belarusian Ruble) Minsk Bobruisk Elsewhere Belgium (Euro) All Areas Belize (Belize Dollar) Benin (CFA Franc(XOF)) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.606.606.710 4.400 12.) 365 730 550 51 01/10/14 01/10/14 205 3.000 1.15 Dec.600 66. .30 Nov 300 600 450 63 01/07/15 01/07/15 1 Placencia (Roberts Grove) 1-31 May 380 760 570 69 01/07/15 01/07/15 1 Elsewhere 194 388 291 59 01/07/15 01/07/15 Cotonou 148 88.474.930 4.(Currency) Area Chittagong 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes 67 5.460.300 62 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Cox's Bazaar 73 5.000 49 01/01/16 01/12/15 Vicebsk 102 1.000 1.423. Myosotis Residence) 210 126.040 64 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Chittagong (Radisson Blu) 209 16.000 94.033.959.910 55 01/01/16 01/01/16 Chittagong (Agrabad and Peninsula) 120 9.959.000 1.15 Apr.811.000 57 01/01/16 01/12/15 Brest 141 2.000 3.885.) 350 700 530 50 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (16 Dec.000 55 01/01/16 01/12/15 79 1. 600 35.350 1.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Cotonou (Novotel Orisha) 267 160.270 6.310 3.150 5.060 60 01/01/16 01/01/16 La Paz 196 1.800 62 01/01/16 01/01/15 117 7.300 75 01/01/16 01/01/16 96 6.000 56 01/01/16 01/10/14 Parakou 99 59.980 57 01/01/16 01/06/13 Elsewhere 81 5.900 62 01/01/16 01/10/14 148 88.500 69 01/01/16 01/10/14 Possotome 88 52. .600 66.000 120.900 39.300 63 01/01/16 01/10/14 Porto Novo 98 58. Pg 8 / 55 .830 60 01/01/16 01/01/15 Wangduephodrang 80 5.200 65 01/01/16 01/01/16 Thimphu (Le Meridien) 310 20.200 28.30 Nov.770 5.14 Mar.600 15.700 54 01/01/16 01/10/14 All Areas (1 Dec.000 56 01/01/16 01/10/14 Lokossa 88 52.) 459 459 344 72 01/04/10 01/04/10 All Areas (15 Mar.200 36. .300 48 01/01/16 01/10/14 Kandi 78 46.) 510 510 383 72 01/04/10 01/04/10 Thimphu 125 8.700 37.500 76 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Thimphu (Taj Tashi) 334 22.410 4.060 57 01/01/16 01/01/15 Elsewhere 117 810 610 49 01/01/16 01/01/15 Ouidah (Casa Del Papa) Porto Novo (Les Ambassadeurs) 1 1 1 Bermuda (Bermuda Dollar) Bhutan (Bhutan Ngultrum) Phobjikha Trashigang 1 Bolivia (Boliviano) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.500 60 01/01/16 01/10/14 Elsewhere 64 38.000 65 01/01/16 01/10/14 Grand Popo 112 67.600 39.700 68 01/01/16 01/10/14 Malanville 82 49.700 76 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Paro 108 7.100 14.200 16.020 59 01/01/16 01/01/15 Cochabamba 129 890 670 56 01/01/16 01/01/15 Santa Cruz 204 1.100 44.100 40.410 1.500 43.300 53 01/01/16 01/10/14 180 108.100 50.360 65 01/01/16 01/01/16 Paro (Le Meridien) 288 19.000 81.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .900 65 01/01/16 01/10/14 Natitingou 90 54.400 4.600 57 01/01/16 01/10/14 Ouidah 83 49. 070 70 01/01/16 01/09/15 1 Maun 148 1.640 67 01/01/16 01/09/15 Kasane (Chobe Game Lodge) Nonresident 385 4.010 62 01/01/16 01/09/15 Brasilia 156 600 450 70 01/01/16 01/12/15 Belem 133 510 383 64 01/01/16 01/12/15 Belo Horizonte 115 444 333 64 01/01/16 01/12/15 Campinas 122 468 351 66 01/01/16 01/12/15 Cuiaba 121 465 349 61 01/01/16 01/08/14 Curitiba 114 440 330 61 01/01/16 01/12/15 Fortaleza 130 500 375 67 01/01/16 01/12/15 Manaus 119 458 344 63 01/01/16 01/12/15 Palmas 120 462 347 66 01/01/16 01/12/15 Porto Allegre 106 408 306 63 01/01/16 01/12/15 Recife 121 467 350 68 01/01/16 01/12/15 Rio De Janeiro 198 760 570 71 01/01/16 01/12/15 1 1 Botswana (Botswana Pula) 1 Brazil (Brazilian Real) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report. Chobe Safari Lodge.610 72 01/01/16 01/09/15 Kasane 197 2.530 1. Mowana Lodge) Resident 248 2.140 1.220 87 01/01/16 01/09/15 1.240 62 01/01/16 01/09/15 Palapye 192 2.760 2.860 72 01/01/16 01/09/15 Francistown (Marang.150 56 01/01/16 01/09/15 Elsewhere 121 1. Thapama Lodge) 193 2.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .190 1. Pg 9 / 55 .150 1.650 1.7 Kasane (Chobe Marina Lodge.290 3.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Bosnia and Herzegovina (Convertible Mark) Sarajevo 164 293 293 51 01/01/16 01/01/15 Banja Luka 120 215 161 51 01/01/16 01/01/15 Banja Luka (Bosnia) 151 270 202 68 01/01/16 01/01/15 Mostar 130 232 175 42 01/01/16 01/01/15 Mostar (Hotel Bevanda) 175 313 234 52 01/01/16 01/01/15 Travnik 123 220 164 67 01/01/16 01/01/15 Elsewhere 111 198 198 49 01/01/16 01/01/15 Gaborone 223 2.480 1.350 1.610 71 01/01/16 01/09/15 Selebi-Phikwe 137 1. 000 842.) 352 352 264 61 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (16 Apr. . Radisson. -14 Dec.100 49 01/01/16 01/09/15 Elsewhere 104 62.200 95.000 65 01/12/15 01/09/15 1 Siem Reap 116 463. Stara Zagora.009.200 36 01/01/16 01/02/15 Phnom Penh 125 499.000 78.000 58 01/12/15 01/09/15 Siem Reap (Sokha) 281 1. Hilton.000 92.121. Pg 10 / 55 .000 59 01/01/16 01/04/15 59 95.300 34 01/01/16 01/02/15 166 268. Sofia Hotel Balkan) 204 365 274 67 01/01/16 01/08/15 Burgas.200 58.000 142. Plovdiv.000 499. Sofitel Phnom Penh Phokeethra) 345 1.) 298 298 224 62 01/10/14 01/10/14 175 247 185 66 01/01/16 01/07/15 Sofia 159 284 213 62 01/01/16 01/08/15 Sofia (Grand Hotel Sofia.800 59 01/01/16 01/09/15 Ouagadougou (Laico Ouaga 2000) 315 189.033.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Salvador 118 455 341 63 01/01/16 01/12/15 Sao Luis 119 459 344 58 01/01/16 01/12/15 Sao Paulo 185 710 530 71 01/01/16 01/12/15 Elsewhere 104 402 302 66 01/01/16 01/12/15 All Areas (15 Dec.000 67 01/01/16 01/09/15 Bobo-Dioulasso 130 78.200 46.000 73 01/12/15 01/09/15 1 British Virgin Islands (US Dollar) Brunei (Brunei Dollar) All Areas Bulgaria (New Lev) Elsewhere 1 Burkina Faso (CFA Franc(XOF)) 1 Burundi (Burundi Franc) Bujumbura Gitega and Ngozi Rumonge Elsewhere Cambodia (Cambodian Riel) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 59 01/12/15 01/09/15 Phnom Penh (Himawari) 207 826.000 58 01/12/15 01/09/15 1 Phnom Penh (Raffles Le Royal. Varna 106 190 143 58 01/01/16 01/08/15 83 148 111 55 01/01/16 01/08/15 Ouagadougou 175 105.376.000 463.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 202.344.700 50 01/01/16 01/09/15 Ouahigouya 136 81.000 1.700 50 01/01/16 01/09/15 218 352.000 61 01/01/16 01/02/15 76 123.15 Apr.000 265.000 1.000 618.400 61.000 67 01/12/15 01/09/15 1 Siem Reap (Victoria Angkor) 337 1. 900 47.800 51 01/01/16 01/12/15 Yaounde (Hotel Hilton) 290 174.000 46 01/12/15 01/09/15 Yaounde 188 113.000 77. Dollar) Central African Rep. (CFA Franc(XAF)) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.100 57 01/01/16 01/01/15 Elsewhere 131 13.900 48 01/01/16 01/12/15 Ottawa 300 415 311 60 01/01/16 01/06/15 Calgary 284 394 296 63 01/01/16 01/06/15 Halifax 253 351 263 53 01/01/16 01/06/15 Montreal 265 367 275 57 01/01/16 01/06/15 Toronto 294 407 305 61 01/01/16 01/06/15 Vancouver 310 430 323 63 01/01/16 01/06/15 Elsewhere 221 306 230 54 01/01/16 01/06/15 171 156 117 57 01/01/16 01/09/15 Praia 219 22.30 Apr.400 16.30 Nov.) 307 252 189 74 01/08/12 01/07/12 Bangui 155 92.200 49 01/01/16 01/01/15 Santa Maria (Sal) 212 21.000 134.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Sihanoukville 102 407.000 65 01/12/15 01/09/15 45 180.000 84.) 388 318 239 77 01/08/12 01/07/12 All Areas (1 May .000 180.900 69.200 9.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 598.000 131.700 15.600 66 01/01/16 01/01/15 Mindelo 201 20.800 12.600 54 01/01/16 01/01/15 Boa Vista Island 167 16. 1 Pg 11 / 55 .500 34 01/01/16 01/12/12 Elsewhere Notes 1 Cameroon (CFA Franc(XAF)) 1 Canada (Canadian Dollar) Canary Islands (Euro) All Areas Cape Verde (CV Escudo) Cayman Islands (CaymanI.000 34.100 16.500 43 01/01/16 01/12/12 Elsewhere 35 20.000 307.300 15.000 57 01/01/16 01/12/15 Douala 172 103. .900 36 01/01/16 01/01/15 All Areas (1 Dec.300 56 01/01/16 01/12/15 Elsewhere 107 63.000 53 01/01/16 01/12/15 Boali 77 46. Sokha Beach) 200 798.700 49 01/01/16 01/12/15 Bangui (Ledger Plaza) 299 179.000 59 01/12/15 01/09/15 Sihanoukville (Independence. 120 52 01/01/16 01/01/13 Nanning 221 1. La Residence) 277 166.740 1.000 64 01/01/16 01/09/15 Elsewhere 204 144.680 1.230 56 01/01/16 01/01/13 Shanghai 372 2.890 1.000 125.130 1.910 1.360 48 01/01/16 01/01/13 Changchun 229 1.300 61 01/01/16 01/01/13 Nanjing 229 1.250 50 01/01/16 01/01/13 Fuzhou 259 1.000 108.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Chad (CFA Franc(XAF)) N'djamena 172 103.840 1.000 69 01/01/16 01/08/15 Elsewhere 103 62.120 68 01/01/16 01/01/13 Changsha 202 1.620 1.210 56 01/01/16 01/01/13 Kunming 291 1.660 1.520 1.730 1.430 1.200 53 01/01/16 01/01/13 Tianjin 294 1.490 1.800 1.500 53 01/01/16 01/08/15 Santiago 256 181.000 136.080 65 01/01/16 01/01/13 Quingdao 269 1. Le Meridien.810 60 01/01/16 01/01/13 Shenyang 249 1.750 61 01/01/16 01/01/13 Jinan 248 1.370 1.300 58 01/01/16 01/08/15 N'djamena (Kempinski.200 56 01/01/16 01/01/13 Guiyang 211 1.650 62 01/01/16 01/01/13 Suzhou 284 1.890 65 01/01/16 01/01/13 Hangzhou 360 2.600 1.430 56 01/01/16 01/01/13 1 Chile (Chilean Peso) China (Renminbi) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .250 47 01/01/16 01/01/13 Guilin 246 1.670 1.600 72 01/01/16 01/01/13 Dalian 256 1.410 1.210 53 01/01/16 01/01/13 Shenzhen 339 2.310 55 01/01/16 01/01/13 Sanya 253 1.200 1.410 63 01/01/16 01/01/13 Lhasa 266 1.000 46.640 1.260 58 01/01/16 01/01/13 Guangzhou 257 1.000 68 01/01/16 01/09/15 Beijing 278 1. Novotel.000 77.600 1.380 52 01/01/16 01/01/13 Taiyuan 247 1.610 1.330 1. Pg 12 / 55 .020 64 01/01/16 01/01/13 Haikou 388 2.490 1.310 990 57 01/01/16 01/01/13 Chengdu 328 2. 000 233.000 76 01/01/16 01/07/15 Villavicencio 76 238.460 64 01/09/15 01/01/13 128 404.000 65 01/01/16 01/07/15 Bucaramanga 94 296.000 210.470 1.000 70 01/01/16 01/07/15 Villa de Leyva 99 311.480 1.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Urumuqi 218 1.120 57 01/01/16 01/01/13 Xiamen 316 2.300 57 01/01/16 01/01/13 Elsewhere 184 1.190 900 64 01/01/16 01/01/13 394 3.000 297.000 71 01/01/16 01/07/15 Moroni 199 89.000 68 01/01/16 01/07/15 Medellin 99 313.540 60 01/01/16 01/01/13 Yanji 226 1.940 1.000 163.000 74 01/01/16 01/07/15 Barranquilla 87 273.800 47.000 70 01/01/16 01/07/15 Cali 120 378.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .290 52 01/01/16 01/01/13 243 1.000 173.050 1.490 1.000 61 01/01/16 01/07/15 San Andres 121 382.000 71 01/01/16 01/07/15 Cartagena 126 396.000 303.000 175.110 58 01/01/16 01/01/13 Xi'An 230 1.000 174.000 73 01/01/16 01/07/15 Buenaventura 74 232.100 62 01/01/16 01/01/13 Zhengzhou 268 1.740 1.000 284.060 57 01/01/16 01/01/13 Wu Han 228 1.000 68 01/01/16 01/07/15 Cucuta 77 241.000 53 01/01/16 01/08/14 Elsewhere 142 63.000 67 01/01/16 01/07/15 74 233. Pg 13 / 55 . Hong Kong (HongKong Dollar) Hong Kong (SAR) China.050 2.000 73 01/01/16 01/07/15 Neiva 73 230.000 73 01/01/16 01/07/15 Monteria 89 280. Macau (Pataca) Macau (SAR) Colombia (Colombian Peso) Bogota Riohacha Comoros (Comoros Franc) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 235.000 287.000 222.900 49 01/01/16 01/08/14 Notes China.000 72 01/01/16 01/07/15 Elsewhere 69 217.000 251.000 205.300 67.000 179.000 69 01/01/16 01/07/15 Santa Marta 106 335.410 1.000 244.000 70 01/01/16 01/07/15 Paipa 103 325.000 181. 000 146.000 205.000 61 01/08/15 01/04/15 Kinshasa (Fleueve Congo.000 57 01/08/15 01/04/15 Mbandaka 150 139. Memling) 410 380.300 56 01/01/16 01/12/15 Kinshasa 283 262.000 62 01/08/15 01/07/15 Zongo (Seli Safari Zongo) 253 235.700 52 01/01/16 01/12/15 Pointe-Noire 315 189.000 98.000 176.000 60 01/08/15 01/08/15 Mbuji-Mayi 194 180.000 133.000 63 01/08/15 01/08/14 Bunia 150 139.000 110. Pg 14 / 55 .000 65 01/01/16 01/12/15 Owando 157 94.000 66 01/01/16 01/12/15 Dolisie 198 119.000 55 01/08/15 01/04/15 Boma 171 159.000 105.000 64 01/08/15 01/04/15 Kindu 190 176.000 89.300 57 01/01/16 01/12/15 Ollombo (Alima Palace) 437 262. Dem.000 56 01/08/15 01/07/15 Kolwezi 177 164. (Franc Congolais) 1 1 Cook Islands (NZE Dollar) Costa Rica (COS Colon) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 63 01/08/15 01/08/14 Lubumbashi 237 220.000 165.900 66 01/01/16 01/01/15 1 1 Congo.000 135.000 123.000 286.000 105.000 60 01/08/15 01/09/14 Kananga 204 189.300 70. Grand.000 142.000 119.000 68 01/01/16 01/12/15 Elsewhere 134 80.000 197.000 54 01/08/15 01/09/14 Goma 211 196.000 79.000 59 01/08/15 01/08/14 Matadi 187 173.800 57 01/01/16 01/01/15 Guanacaste 224 120.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 55 01/08/15 01/04/15 Bukavu 216 200.000 197.000 150. Radisson Blu) 455 273. Rep.000 59 01/08/15 01/04/15 Elsewhere 141 131.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Congo (CFA Franc(XAF)) Brazzaville 269 161.000 63 01/01/16 01/12/15 Brazzaville (Hotel Ledger.000 127.000 57 01/08/15 01/07/15 Kisangani 183 170.400 60. Olympic Palace.300 58 01/08/15 01/04/15 Rarotonga 357 520 390 61 01/01/16 01/08/15 Elsewhere 224 326 244 46 01/01/16 01/08/15 San Jose 199 107.000 130.000 121.000 89.000 142.000 64 01/08/15 01/04/15 Bandundu 158 146. 000 89.660 2.000 44.540 64 01/01/16 01/06/14 1 Zagreb (Sheraton and Westin) 302 2.000 98.300 56 01/01/16 01/11/15 Abidjan (Novotel and Tiama) 317 190.110 1.800 44 01/01/16 01/11/15 San Pedro (Sophia) 159 95.630 1.600 56 01/01/16 01/11/15 2 Yamoussokro (President) 218 131.300 49 01/01/16 01/11/15 Zagreb 219 1.000 143.540 2.H.000 176.000 66 01/01/16 01/06/14 Opatija 234 1.590 60 01/01/16 01/06/14 1 Brijuni 213 1.600 47.000 200.000 80.000 95.000 108.350 63 01/01/16 01/06/14 Zadar 285 1. Pullman) 392 235.000 65 01/01/16 01/01/15 Elsewhere 117 62.800 1.800 64 01/01/16 01/01/15 Puntarenas 269 144.530 1.150 1.000 55 01/01/16 01/11/15 1 Abidjan (Sofitel Hotel Ivoire) 445 267. 7 7 Pg 15 / 55 .230 60 01/01/16 01/06/14 Split 258 1.490 1.500 71.300 57 01/01/16 01/11/15 Grand Bassam 140 83.490 64 01/01/16 01/06/14 Elsewhere 164 1.300 53 01/01/16 01/11/15 1 98 59.530 51 01/01/16 01/06/14 Zagreb (Esplanade) 363 2.000 73. Republic of (Kuna) Cuba (Cuban Peso) 3 Havana 218 216 216 65 01/02/15 01/02/15 Cayería Norte 178 176 132 87 01/02/15 01/02/15 Cienfuegos 135 134 100 57 01/02/15 01/02/15 Santiago De Cuba 157 155 155 63 01/02/15 01/02/15 Varadero 186 184 184 87 01/02/15 01/02/15 96 95 95 55 01/02/15 01/02/15 Elsewhere Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.120 62 01/01/16 01/06/14 Dubrovnik 381 2.100 55 01/01/16 01/01/15 Abidjan 198 119.A.000 51 01/01/16 01/11/15 1 Assinie 212 127.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Heredia 183 98.990 1.300 59 01/01/16 01/01/15 Limon 201 108.700 62.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 55 01/01/16 01/11/15 1 Abidjan (S.150 57 01/01/16 01/06/14 Cote d Ivoire (CFA Franc(XOF)) Elsewhere Croatia. 300 3.500 48 01/10/14 01/10/14 Elsewhere 100 17.160 87 01/01/16 01/11/15 7 Cyprus (Euro) 1 Czech Republic (Czech Koruna) Elsewhere 1 Denmark (Danish Krone) All Areas Djibouti (Djibouti Francs) Dominica (E.590 75 01/01/16 01/03/15 Cesky Krumlov 288 7.590 6.300 53 01/10/14 01/10/14 281 760 570 54 01/10/14 01/10/14 308 13.C.200 21. Pg 16 / 55 .200 55 01/10/14 01/10/14 Djibouti (Bavaria Les Acacias) 301 53.120 67 01/01/16 01/03/15 331 2.900 10. Dollar) All Areas Dominican Republic (Dominican Peso) Santo Domingo Barahona Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 8.700 48 01/01/16 01/05/15 Djibouti 159 28.500 69 01/01/16 01/11/15 95 4.200 6.900 62 01/11/14 01/11/14 1 Djibouti (Djibouti Palace Kempinski) 450 79.450 74 01/01/16 01/03/15 Olomouc 119 2.15 December) 272 487 365 57 01/12/14 01/12/14 All Areas (16 December .830 79 01/01/16 01/11/15 1 Bavaro 242 11.700 59.240 77 01/01/16 01/03/15 86 2.200 69 01/01/16 01/03/15 Brno 267 6.300 36.450 6.240 87 01/01/16 01/11/15 7 Bayanhibe 181 8.A.110 60 01/01/16 01/03/15 Karlovy Vary 261 6.700 15.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .700 13.200 39.110 7.100 9.800 69 01/10/14 01/10/14 1 Djibouti (Sheraton) 273 48.200 62 01/11/14 01/11/14 1 Tadjourah 117 20.120 2.970 5.14 April) 301 540 404 60 01/12/14 01/12/14 Nicosia 163 149 112 58 01/01/16 01/03/15 Nicosia (Hilton and Holiday Inn) 269 246 185 61 01/01/16 01/03/15 Elsewhere 198 181 136 59 01/01/16 01/03/15 Prague 251 6.940 2.200 69 01/01/16 01/03/15 Ostrava (Mamaison) 282 6.260 1.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Curacao (N. Gulder) All Areas (15 April .200 6.210 87 01/01/16 01/11/15 7 Barahona (Casa Bonita Tropical Lodge) 289 13. 210 65 01/01/16 01/04/15 Elsewhere 150 1.990 71 01/01/16 01/11/15 Puerto Plata 109 4.340 5.520 87 01/01/16 01/11/15 7 Santiago 162 7.430 56 01/01/16 01/04/15 Sahl Hasheesh (Baron Palace) 204 1.000 119. Ismailia. Plaza Grande) 481 481 361 72 01/01/16 01/01/16 Cuenca 187 187 140 56 01/01/16 01/01/16 Galapagos 255 255 191 50 01/01/16 01/01/16 Galapagos (Finch Bay.130 49 01/01/16 01/11/15 Quito 234 234 176 58 01/01/16 01/01/16 Quito (JW Marriott.480 60 01/01/15 01/01/15 Elsewhere 101 880 660 54 01/01/15 01/01/15 Malabo 264 158.7 El Salvador (ELS Colon) Equatorial Guinea (CFA Franc(XAF)) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 209. Luxor 242 1.210 3.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ Boca Chica (formerly East Santo Domingo) >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes 93 4.940 3.300 3.810 2.980 87 01/01/16 01/11/15 88 3.980 3.340 5.170 880 55 01/01/16 01/04/15 San Salvador 225 1.840 3.660 59 01/01/16 01/04/15 Alexandria 218 1.210 1.970 1.980 2.710 87 01/01/16 01/11/15 7 Samana 162 7. Red Mangrove) 510 510 383 69 01/01/16 01/01/16 Guayaquil 248 248 186 61 01/01/16 01/01/16 Manta 215 215 161 60 01/01/16 01/01/16 Santo Domingo 196 196 147 55 01/01/16 01/01/16 Elsewhere 152 152 114 52 01/01/16 01/01/16 Cairo 282 2.000 75 01/01/16 01/12/12 Mao Elsewhere 7 7 Ecuador (US Dollar) 1 1 Egypt (Egyptian Pound) 1. 1 Pg 17 / 55 .200 87 01/01/16 01/04/15 Sharm El Sheikh 207 1.280 68 01/01/16 01/04/15 Aswan.620 1.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .710 1.620 60 01/01/16 01/11/15 Juan Dolio 117 5.170 87 01/01/16 01/11/15 Constanza 110 4.000 65 01/01/16 01/12/12 Malabo (Sofitel) 465 279.600 1.520 71 01/01/16 01/11/15 62 2.890 1.760 67 01/01/16 01/11/15 Jarabacoa 107 4. 300 74 01/01/16 01/12/12 Mongomo 222 133.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .680 3.390 31 01/10/15 01/10/15 Tessenei 224 3.970 73 01/01/16 01/12/14 1 Awassa (Haile Resort) 231 4.590 70 01/01/16 01/12/14 1 Addis Ababa (Radisson Blu) 301 6.450 5. Sofitel.280 58 01/01/16 01/12/14 Addis Ababa (Hilton) 352 7.000 99.520 36 01/10/15 01/10/15 Elsewhere 101 1.250 2.440 35 01/10/15 01/10/15 Assab 169 2.060 800 52 01/01/16 01/02/12 Suva 241 510 383 59 01/01/16 01/01/16 Suva (Grand Pacific Hotel) 481 1.180 2.000 92.510 1.360 2.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Bata 205 123.530 3.890 3.520 78 01/01/16 01/12/14 1 Elsewhere 83 1.600 64 01/01/16 01/12/12 Asmara 217 3.510 39 01/10/15 01/10/15 Tallinn 236 216 162 45 01/01/16 01/10/15 Elsewhere 211 193 145 42 01/01/16 01/10/15 Addis Ababa 207 4. 1 1 Pg 18 / 55 .310 60 01/01/16 01/12/14 Elsewhere (Resident) 50 1.410 74 01/01/16 01/12/14 1 Mekele (Planet) 221 4.370 4.300 6. Sheraton. Westin) 373 790 590 63 01/01/16 01/01/16 Nadi 161 341 256 52 01/01/16 01/01/16 Pacific Harbour 150 317 238 61 01/01/16 01/01/16 Elsewhere 133 282 212 57 01/01/16 01/01/16 Eritrea (Nafka) Estonia (Euro) Ethiopia (Ethiopian Birr) Fiji (Fiji Dollar) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.500 62.850 41 01/10/15 01/10/15 Massawa 212 3.530 1.760 1.020 770 69 01/01/16 01/01/16 Coral Coast 278 590 443 60 01/01/16 01/01/16 Denaru (Radisson.790 67 01/01/16 01/12/14 1 Addis Ababa (Sheraton) 439 9.900 26 01/10/15 01/10/15 Keren 164 2.660 74 01/01/16 01/12/14 1 Bahir Dar & Debrezeit (Kuriftu) 214 4.460 1.800 75 01/01/16 01/12/12 Elsewhere 139 83.380 3. 930 2.380 62 01/08/15 01/03/15 Elsewhere 37 1.900 74. Pg 19 / 55 .7 Gudauri (Gudauri) May-Nov 196 470 353 87 01/01/16 01/03/15 1. Sheraton) September .7 Kobuleti (Georgia Palace) Jun-Sep 230 550 415 87 01/01/16 01/06/15 1.480 1.000 59 01/01/16 01/09/15 1 Libreville (Nomad.200 58 01/01/16 01/08/15 Lambarene 197 118.110 41 01/08/15 01/12/13 Tbilisi 197 472 472 52 01/01/16 01/03/15 Tbilisi (Courtyard Marriott) 213 510 384 63 01/01/16 01/03/15 1 Tbilisi (Radisson) 316 760 570 66 01/01/16 01/03/15 1 Tbilisi (Tbilisi Marriott) 302 720 540 66 01/01/16 01/03/15 1 Bakuriani (Eurika) 184 441 331 87 01/01/16 01/03/15 1 Batumi (Intourist Palace.100 50.320 7.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 88.000 225.200 60 01/08/15 01/03/15 Tendaba 79 3.000 65 01/01/16 01/08/15 Port Gentil 360 216. Le Cristal.000 69. Royal Palm) 500 300. Radisson Blu.000 162. Sheraton) July-August 247 590 444 67 01/01/16 01/03/15 1 Batumi (Intourist Palace.000 64 01/01/16 01/08/15 Elsewhere 112 67.300 47 01/01/16 01/08/15 Banjul 233 9.500 61 01/01/16 01/08/15 Oyem 153 92.000 52 01/01/16 01/09/15 Libreville (Imperial. Radisson Blu. Republic of (Georgian Lari) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Finland (Euro) Helsinki 300 274 206 52 01/01/16 01/07/15 Elsewhere 269 246 185 48 01/01/16 01/07/15 Paris 348 318 239 53 01/01/16 01/07/15 Elsewhere 292 267 200 55 01/01/16 01/10/15 Libreville 345 207.000 63 01/01/16 01/09/15 1 Francesville 165 98.170 2. Park Inn by Radisson) 429 257.7 Elsewhere 139 333 333 58 01/01/16 01/03/15 France (Euro) Gabon (CFA Franc(XAF)) Gambia (Gambian Dalasi) Georgia.000 155.000 64 01/08/15 01/03/15 Kanilai 73 2.000 193.June 203 487 364 64 01/01/16 01/03/15 1 Gudauri (Gudauri) Dec-Apr 299 720 540 87 01/01/16 01/03/15 1. Dollar) Guam (US Dollar) All Areas Guatemala (Quetzal(es)) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.940 1.660 72 01/01/16 01/10/15 1 Akosombo 338 1.) 352 950 710 53 01/10/14 01/10/14 287 287 215 59 01/11/15 01/11/15 Guatemala City 191 1.) 396 1.500 63 01/01/16 01/10/15 Accra (African Regent.500 1.450 1.060 67 01/01/16 01/09/15 Takoradi 204 780 780 63 01/01/16 01/09/15 Takoradi (Planter's Lodge) 438 1.-15 Apr.-14 Dec.110 76 01/01/16 01/09/15 Kumasi 223 850 640 60 01/01/16 01/09/15 Kumasi (Golden Tulip) 371 1. 1 Pg 20 / 55 .210 1.570 56 01/01/16 01/11/15 Antigua 218 1. Golden Tulip) 510 1.290 970 66 01/01/16 01/10/15 Elmina 388 1. Westin Camino Real.070 800 57 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (16 Apr.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .090 1.250 75 01/01/16 01/09/15 Elsewhere 200 760 570 65 01/01/16 01/10/15 428 259 194 61 01/11/15 01/11/15 Athens 267 244 183 56 01/01/16 01/11/15 Thessaloniki 171 156 117 59 01/01/16 01/11/15 Elsewhere 149 136 102 59 01/01/16 01/11/15 All Areas (15 Dec.480 1.090 50 01/01/16 01/11/15 Guatemala City (Real Intercontinental.250 53 01/01/16 01/11/15 Ghana (New Cedi) 1 1 Gibraltar (Gibraltar Pound) All Areas Greece (Euro) Grenada (E.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Germany (Euro) Berlin 301 275 206 53 01/01/16 01/11/15 Bonn 241 220 165 50 01/01/16 01/11/15 Hamburg 303 277 208 51 01/01/16 01/11/15 Munich 333 304 228 63 01/01/16 01/11/15 Elsewhere 218 199 149 52 01/01/16 01/11/15 Accra 393 1.410 1.670 1. Loftell Fontabella) 275 2.460 70 01/01/16 01/10/15 1 Accra (Movenpick Ambassador) 580 2.C.660 1. 600 12.500 65 01/01/16 01/11/14 1 Port-au-Prince (Oasis) 275 15.100 26.820 61 01/01/16 01/11/15 1 Chichicastenango 145 1.300 24.659.500 49 01/10/15 01/02/15 Essequibo 145 30.000 63 01/10/15 01/02/15 Port-Au-Prince 238 13.030 58 01/01/16 01/11/15 Panajachel (Hotel Atitlan) 248 1. Pg 21 / 55 .(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Antigua (Finca Filadelfia) 282 2.600 60 01/10/15 01/02/15 Linden 161 33.800 68.000 48 01/01/16 01/02/15 Bissau 185 111.800 62 01/01/16 01/04/13 Georgetown 235 48.420 62 01/01/16 01/11/15 Elsewhere 133 1.800 66 01/10/15 01/02/15 Cuyuni/Mazaruni 119 24.500 57 01/10/15 01/02/15 Georgetown (Pegasus Hotel) 378 78.300 58.930 2. Marc 191 10.000 111.900 8.860 87 01/01/16 01/05/15 1 Guinea (Guinean Franc) Guinea Bissau (CFA Franc(XOF)) Guyana (Guyana Dollar) 1 Haiti (Gourde) Honduras (Lempira) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.100 830 87 01/01/16 01/11/15 7 Panajachel 180 1.780 4.209.340 66 01/01/16 01/11/14 Tegucigalpa 178 3.370 1.100 22.400 25.700 36.000 1.890 1.600 10.000 40 01/10/15 01/02/15 Elsewhere 116 24.990 5.700 58 01/01/16 01/11/14 1 Cap Haitien and Jacmel 140 7.610 63 01/01/16 01/11/15 1 Antigua (La Reunion) 319 2.010 760 55 01/01/16 01/11/15 Conakry 285 2.990 62 01/01/16 01/11/14 St.950 63 01/01/16 01/05/15 Roatan 171 3.000 61 01/01/16 01/08/14 Elsewhere 115 68.000 18.000 52 01/01/16 01/02/15 Elsewhere 111 860.180 66 01/01/16 01/11/14 Elsewhere 101 5.300 19.100 54 01/10/15 01/02/15 Mabaruma/Moruca 169 35.000 63 01/01/16 01/05/15 La Ceiba 176 3.820 2.980 3.700 11.430 1.150 1.300 43 01/10/15 01/02/15 New Amsterdam 156 32.200 61 01/10/15 01/02/15 Potaro/Siparuni 122 25.600 18.200 58 01/01/16 01/11/14 Port-au-Prince (Karibe) 292 16.000 643.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country . 350 56 01/01/16 01/11/13 New Delhi (September .000 60 01/01/16 01/03/15 Bogor 148 2.750 64 01/01/16 01/11/13 Srinagar 297 19.280 1.400 60 01/01/16 01/11/13 Jaipur 169 11.835.192.41 Pg 22 / 55 .12 New Delhi Special Hotels (September .400 62 01/01/16 01/11/13 1.200 64 01/01/16 01/11/13 Pune 136 9.493.000 51 01/01/16 01/03/15 Bandung 145 1.000 61 01/01/16 01/03/15 Jakarta (Special Hotels) 276 3.657.450 66 01/01/16 01/11/13 Hyderabad 143 9.800 65 01/01/16 01/11/13 1.720 61 01/01/16 01/05/15 295 84.200 11.500 8.000 6.Apr.400 10.100 56 01/01/16 01/04/15 New Delhi (April .900 64 01/01/16 01/11/13 Jakarta 160 2.247. Marriott Convention Center) 229 15.March) 258 17.630 58 01/01/16 01/11/13 New Delhi Special Hotels (April August) 229 15.Sept) 330 42.750 59 01/01/16 01/11/13 Bangalore 136 9.671.260.500 7.August) 148 9.) 258 33.400 25.March) 173 11.700 14.000 1.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes San Pedro Sula 189 4.19 1 1.100 62 01/01/16 01/11/13 Chennai (Madras) 190 12.200 6.000 52 01/01/16 01/03/15 Balik Papan 122 1.000 6.000 6.300 12.12 Agra 136 9.644.000 2.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .100 12. Taj Krishna.000 10.027.781.700 8.000 63 01/01/16 01/04/15 All Areas (Oct.20 Indonesia (Rupiah) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.220 3.500 67 01/01/16 01/11/13 Calcutta 202 13.000 60 01/01/16 01/03/15 Hungary (Forint) All Areas Iceland (Iceland Krona) India (Indian Rupee) 1.700 32.520.750 66 01/01/16 01/11/13 Bangalore (Special Hotels) 211 14.000 1.600 63. 1.000 65 01/01/16 01/03/15 Ambon 121 1..800 7.130 56 01/01/16 01/11/13 Hyderabad (Park Hyatt.400 65 01/01/16 01/06/15 All Areas (May .600 9.200 11.000 1.986.800 74 01/01/16 01/11/13 Elsewhere 139 9.170 73 01/01/16 01/05/15 Elsewhere 102 2.200 8.780 64 01/01/16 01/11/13 Mumbai (Special hotels) 245 16.400 65 01/01/16 01/11/13 Mumbai (Bombay) 176 11.000 1.000 1. 310 990 63 01/12/15 01/11/15 Herzliya 340 1.000 61 01/01/16 01/03/15 Denpasar (Sanur Beach) 381 5.000 2.000 4.890.130 850 66 01/12/15 01/11/15 Haifa 338 1.000 70 01/01/16 01/03/15 Jayapura 128 1. Pg 23 / 55 .315.000 1.767.000 57 01/01/16 01/03/15 Medan 129 1.740.000 2.000 3.000 65 01/01/16 01/03/15 96 1.000 75 01/07/14 01/07/14 Basra (Basra International Hotel) 385 450.466.703.219.000 3.200 66 01/12/15 01/11/15 Eilat 292 1.000 66 01/01/16 01/01/15 Mashad 157 4.000 69 01/01/16 01/03/15 Semarang 122 1.164.000 212.000 1.000 338.000 54 01/01/16 01/03/15 Menado 169 2.000 1.604.000 1.109.000 986.918.000 2.000 75 01/07/14 01/07/14 Elsewhere 135 158.288.000 65 01/01/16 01/01/15 Esfahan 150 4.000 67 01/07/14 01/07/14 Erbil (Divan and Rotana) 315 369.726.000 276.320 990 65 01/12/15 01/11/15 Elsewhere Notes 1 1 Iran (Iranian Rial) Iraq (Iraqi Dinar) 1 1 Ireland (Euro) All Areas Israel (Shekel) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.616.590 1.389.000 65 01/01/16 01/01/15 Elsewhere 120 3.808.315.000 67 01/01/16 01/03/15 Padang 113 1.753.260.000 57 01/01/16 01/03/15 Tehran 194 5.000 3.000 158.000 72 01/07/14 01/07/14 281 257 193 59 01/01/16 01/03/15 Tel Aviv 410 1.465.329.000 2.000 73 01/07/14 01/07/14 Erbil and Kirkuk (UN Compound) 130 152.548.545.000 1.385. Sulaymaniyah 193 226. Erbil.000 55 01/01/16 01/03/15 Nusa Dua (Grand Hyatt) 472 6.000 73 01/07/14 01/07/14 Dohuk.000 114.849.000 2.493.000 67 01/01/16 01/03/15 Yogyakarta 161 2.000 47 01/01/16 01/03/15 Surabaya 255 3.315.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Denpasar 205 2.518.000 114.000 91 01/07/14 01/07/14 Baghdad (UN Compound) 130 152.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .918.000 67 01/01/16 01/03/15 Mataram & Senggigi 240 3.000 60 01/01/16 01/01/15 Baghdad (Control Risk Compound) 242 283.000 169.205.000 63 01/01/16 01/03/15 Nusa Dua 284 3.000 4.671.657.846.000 1. 500 42 01/01/16 01/02/15 Kyoto 210 25.210 900 60 01/12/15 01/11/15 Tiberias 360 1.200 62 01/01/16 01/08/13 Elsewhere (15 Dec. Petra 274 194 146 60 01/10/15 01/10/15 Irbid (Sedrah) 144 102 77 68 01/10/15 01/10/15 Italy (Euro) Jamaica (Jamaican Dollar) Japan (Yen) Jordan (Jordanian Dinar) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.400 1.) 310 37.200 42 01/01/16 01/02/15 Osaka 204 24.900 87 01/01/16 01/08/13 7 Elsewhere (16 Apr.120 840 61 01/12/15 01/11/15 Rome 300 274 206 52 01/01/16 01/11/15 Bologna 263 240 180 53 01/01/16 01/11/15 Florence 239 218 164 58 01/01/16 01/11/15 Milan 278 254 191 50 01/01/16 01/11/15 Naples 268 245 184 60 01/01/16 01/11/15 Palermo 282 258 194 53 01/01/16 01/11/15 Trieste 242 221 166 39 01/01/16 01/11/15 Turin 268 245 184 63 01/01/16 01/11/15 Venice 304 278 209 56 01/01/16 01/11/15 Elsewhere 167 153 115 46 01/01/16 01/11/13 Kingston 313 37.) 231 27.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .300 22.500 40 01/01/16 01/02/15 Elsewhere 167 20.500 28. 1 Pg 24 / 55 .100 46 01/01/16 01/02/15 Amman 239 169 127 60 01/08/15 01/08/15 Amman (Four Seasons) 352 249 187 61 01/08/15 01/08/15 1 Amman (Sheraton) 332 235 176 62 01/08/15 01/08/15 1 Aqaba.900 17.700 20.200 18.200 43 01/01/16 01/02/15 Kobe 205 24.700 18. Dead Sea.600 18.100 15.000 46 01/01/16 01/02/15 Nagoya 201 24.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Jerusalem 311 1.300 19.200 27.050 61 01/12/15 01/11/15 Elsewhere 288 1.700 56 01/01/16 01/02/15 Fukuoka 190 22. -15 Apr.500 45 01/01/16 01/02/15 Yokohama 238 28.700 21.700 87 01/01/16 01/08/13 7 Tokyo 252 30. -14 Dec. 960 42 01/01/16 01/03/15 Marsabit.030 67 01/01/16 01/03/15 137 14.600 56 01/01/16 01/11/15 Qyzylorda 193 65.300 13.990 2.900 41.300 11. Kenya Safari Club) 347 35.300 14.900 64 01/01/16 01/03/15 Nairobi (Nairobi Serena) 400 40.900 54. Dadaab.100 47.7 79 8.900 23.400 51 01/01/16 01/11/15 Nairobi 312 31.000 10. Outspan Hotel) 150 15.700 3.700 46. Treetops.700 87 01/01/16 01/03/15 1.900 18.7 Mombasa 169 17.7 Nyeri (Ark Lodge.290 87 01/01/16 01/03/15 7 Kitui 46 4.500 87 01/01/16 01/03/14 1.7 Nanyuki (Fairmont Mt.500 20.300 50 01/01/16 01/11/15 Almaty (Ritz Carlton) 365 124.700 68 01/01/16 01/03/15 1 Kajiado 56 5.100 55 01/01/16 01/11/15 Aktau 248 84.600 87 01/01/16 01/03/15 1.000 87 01/01/16 01/03/15 7 84 8.720 4.900 30.100 57 01/01/16 01/11/15 Almaty 287 97.900 58 01/01/16 01/11/15 Borovoye 215 72.400 49. Pg 25 / 55 .500 26.500 87 01/01/16 01/03/15 7 Christmas Island 168 230 173 75 01/01/16 01/01/16 7 All Other Areas 136 187 140 57 01/01/16 01/01/16 10 Kazakhstan (Tenge) 1 Kenya (Kenyan Shilling) Mwingi Turkana County and Lodwar Elsewhere Kiribati (AUL Dollar) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.440 55 01/01/16 01/03/15 Naivasha 189 19.100 63.500 52 01/01/16 01/11/15 Elsewhere 162 54.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .580 6.130 65 01/01/16 01/03/15 Masai Mara (Fairmount Mara Safari Club) 269 27.500 87 01/01/16 01/03/15 7 Naivasha (Enashipai.180 6.200 52 01/01/16 01/11/15 Semipalatinsk 182 61.600 87 01/01/16 01/03/15 1.580 86 01/01/16 01/03/15 7 Makueni 39 3. Wajir 80 8. Naivasha Simba Lodge) 244 24.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Jerusalem 311 220 165 60 01/11/15 01/11/15 Elsewhere 82 58 44 52 01/10/15 01/10/15 Astana 335 114. Isiolo. Garissa.000 92.400 52 01/01/16 01/11/15 Ust-Kamenogorsk 186 63.300 97.070 6.000 85. 000 56 01/01/16 01/02/14 Cheju Island (Ramada Plaza) 320 374.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 58 01/01/16 01/02/14 Kuwait City 320 97 73 69 01/01/16 01/12/14 Kuwait City (Crowne Plaza) 416 126 95 73 01/01/16 01/12/14 Bishkek 226 17.690 60 01/01/16 01/10/15 53 4.100 9.000 210.31 Dec) 135 10.000 195.000 342.000 241.600 56 01/01/16 01/02/15 Seoul 390 456.000 242.000 60 01/01/16 01/02/14 Ulsan 207 242. Republic of (S.000 172.100 12.30 Jun) 106 8.000 54 01/01/16 01/02/14 Pyeongchang 289 338.660 70 01/01/16 01/09/14 Osh 100 7.000 182. 1 Pg 26 / 55 .000 67 01/01/16 01/02/14 Incheon 274 321. Korean Won) 1 Kuwait (Kuwaiti Dinar) 1 Kyrgyzstan (Som) Elsewhere Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 239.020 3.000 62 01/01/16 01/08/14 Yeosu 291 340.000 191.020 71 01/01/16 01/09/14 Issyk-kul (16 Sep .400 63 01/01/16 01/02/15 Elsewhere 129 14.040 6.000 254.030 51 01/01/16 01/10/15 Notes Korea.000 56 01/01/16 01/02/14 Gangneung 273 319.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ Outer Islands >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y 89 122 92 64 01/01/16 01/01/16 Pyongyang 188 20. Dem.15 Sep) 159 12.000 57 01/01/16 01/08/14 Pusan 366 428. Korean Won) Korea.000 281.000 59 01/01/16 01/02/14 Taegu 239 280.070 64 01/01/16 01/09/14 Issyk-kul (1 Jul .000 227.000 64 01/01/16 01/02/14 Elsewhere 196 229.580 5.100 22.000 64 01/01/16 01/02/14 Daejon 217 254.000 58 01/01/16 01/02/14 Cheju Island 276 323.000 54 01/01/16 01/02/14 Kyungju 335 392.000 63 01/01/16 01/02/14 Pohang 222 260.000 255.200 7.900 61 01/01/16 01/10/15 Bishkek (Hyatt Regency) 397 30.000 294.000 54 01/01/16 01/02/14 Changwon 259 303.000 321.100 10.500 15. of (N. Peo.600 73 01/01/16 01/10/15 Issyk-kul (1 Jan . 570 7.050 1.377. Thakhek.000 67 01/01/16 01/05/15 92 1.000 1.570 59 01/01/16 01/12/15 Kaysone Phomvihanh.000 186.160 870 54 01/01/16 01/01/16 265 23.450 58 01/01/16 01/01/16 76 1.000 59 01/01/16 01/05/15 Elsewhere 164 248.250 2.000 57 01/01/16 01/04/15 Luang Prabang (Special Hotels) 128 1.270 950 58 01/01/16 01/01/16 213 3.646.7 1 1 Liberia (Liberian Dollar) Monrovia Elsewhere Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.420 2.000 56 01/01/16 01/04/15 Luang Prabang 105 856.130 66 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Leribe 83 1.260 950 59 01/01/16 01/01/16 134 2. Pakse.000 48 01/01/16 01/04/15 Riga 197 180 135 59 01/01/16 01/05/15 Elsewhere 136 124 124 52 01/01/16 01/05/15 Beirut (Movenpick) 1 January .010 58 01/01/16 01/01/16 126 1.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Lao Peo.000 538.350 1.100 62 01/01/16 01/12/15 87 7.440 87 01/01/16 01/01/16 83 1.000 68 01/01/16 01/05/15 Al Metn 247 374.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 218.060 63 01/01/16 01/01/16 224 3.540 73 01/01/16 01/01/16 88 1.000 64 01/01/16 01/04/15 88 717.510 1.14 June 330 499.14 Latvia (Euro) Lebanon (Lebanese Pound) 1 Lesotho (Loti) Maseru Maseru (Lesotho Sun) Leribe (Maliba Mountain Lodge) Mohale's Hoek Mokhotlong (Sani Top Lodge) Teyateyaneng Thaba-Tseka (Orion Katse Lodge) Elsewhere 1.000 61 01/01/16 01/03/14 1 Greater Beirut 272 412. (Kip) Vientiane 169 1.410 1. Dem.035. Vangvieng. Rep. Pg 27 / 55 . Xay Elsewhere 1 1.000 71 01/01/16 01/05/15 Tyr (Tyr Rest House) 192 291.000 309. Pek.000 782.930 1.570 70 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Butha-Buthe (New Oxbow Lodge) 99 1.000 66 01/01/16 01/04/15 72 587.31 December 520 787.000 440.100 23.043.000 61 01/01/16 01/04/15 Vientiane (Green Park.000 590.000 375.000 280. Settha Palace) 202 1.239.000 644.000 50 01/01/16 01/05/15 1 Beirut (Movenpick) 15 June .000 1. 000 451.000 253.000 68 01/01/16 01/11/13 Antananarivo (Colbert) 252 806.000 189.000 59 01/01/16 01/11/13 Sainte Marie 335 1.000 310.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Libya (Libyan Dinar) Tripoli 216 294 220 65 01/06/15 01/06/15 Tripoli (Albustan.000 59 01/01/16 01/04/15 1 Blantyre 175 114.000 131.000 61 01/01/16 01/11/13 Tolagnaro (Fort-Dauphin) 134 429.000 54 01/01/16 01/11/13 Lilongwe 191 125.000 605.500 63 01/01/16 01/04/15 Lilongwe (Kumbali Lodge) 373 244.000 70 01/01/16 01/11/13 Toamasina 173 553.000 50 01/01/16 01/11/13 Antsirabe 79 253.000 285.000 58 01/01/16 01/11/13 Morondava (Palissandre Cote Ouest) 237 758.000 124.000 64 01/01/16 01/11/13 185 592. Corinthia.000 58 01/01/16 01/11/13 Toliara 105 336. Radisson Blu) 335 456 342 71 01/06/15 01/06/15 Elsewhere 177 241 181 61 01/06/15 01/06/15 Vilnius 195 178 134 60 01/01/16 01/04/15 Elsewhere 128 117 88 61 01/01/16 01/04/15 294 269 202 59 01/01/16 01/11/15 1 Lithuania (Euro) Luxembourg (Euro) All Areas Madagascar (Ariary (New Madagascar Franc)) Antananarivo 188 601.000 416.000 93.000 569.000 803.000 141.000 183.000 62 01/01/16 01/04/15 1 Lilongwe (Sunbird Capital) 253 165.000 61 01/01/16 01/04/15 Antsiranana (Diego-Suarez) Fianarantsoa Elsewhere 1 1 Malawi (Malawi Kwacha) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 72 01/01/16 01/11/13 Nosy-Be 291 931.000 445.000 51 01/01/16 01/11/13 58 186.000 54 01/01/16 01/11/13 Mahajanga 120 384.000 85.000 62 01/01/16 01/11/13 82 262.000 198.000 63 01/01/16 01/11/13 Ranomafana 119 381.000 61 01/01/16 01/11/13 Amboassary 81 259. Soche Hotel) 267 175.000 697.072.000 60 01/01/16 01/11/13 Morondava 129 413. 1 Pg 28 / 55 .000 288.000 323.000 195.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .700 65 01/01/16 01/04/15 Blantyre (Mt. 000 121.000 89.760 73 01/09/15 01/08/15 1 62 930 710 53 01/09/15 01/08/15 7 Bamako 198 119.000 114.800 72.400 53.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Blantyre (Ryalls) 306 200.000 121.000 89.000 74 01/01/16 01/04/15 2 Salima (Livingstonia Beach Hotel) 247 162.600 44 01/01/16 01/05/15 Elsewhere 113 67. Pg 29 / 55 .970 76 01/09/15 01/08/15 1 Kaafu (Bandos) May .000 134.950 5.July 422 6.640 3.7 Haa Alifu (J Hotel) August .000 150.600 61 01/01/16 01/04/15 Kuala Lumpur 172 740 560 58 01/01/16 01/02/13 Cyberjaya 126 540 405 63 01/01/16 01/02/13 East Malaysia (Elsewhere) 107 458 344 66 01/01/16 01/02/13 Kota Kinabalu (Sabah) 133 570 428 56 01/01/16 01/02/13 Kuching (Sarawak) 128 550 413 58 01/01/16 01/02/13 Penang 126 540 405 55 01/01/16 01/02/13 Peninsular Malaysia (Elsewhere) 116 498 374 60 01/01/16 01/02/13 Putra Jaya 161 690 520 61 01/01/16 01/02/13 Male 309 4.000 119.000 67 01/01/16 01/04/15 1 Mzuzu (Hotel Mzuzu) 318 208.000 65 01/01/16 01/04/15 1 Mangochi (Makokola Retreat) 246 161.750 7.900 42 01/01/16 01/05/15 276 252 189 50 01/01/16 01/06/15 Malaysia (Ringgit) Maldives (Rufiyaa) Elsewhere (Islands) Mali (CFA Franc(XOF)) 1 Malta (Euro) All Areas Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 156.320 87 01/09/15 01/08/15 1.April 650 9.April 530 7.330 4.600 77 01/01/16 01/04/15 1 Zomba (Ku Chawe Inn) 232 152.480 87 01/09/15 01/08/15 Haa Alifu (J Hotel & Paradise) May July 520 7.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .850 86 01/09/15 01/08/15 1.000 71 01/01/16 01/04/15 1 Elsewhere 148 96.900 50.000 76 01/01/16 01/05/15 Mopti 119 71.300 45 01/01/16 01/05/15 Bamako (Radisson Bamako) 264 158.000 65 01/01/16 01/04/15 1 Mangochi (Sunbird Nkopola Lodge) 273 179.800 5.000 63 01/01/16 01/04/15 2 Salima (Safari Beach Lodge) 182 119.7 Kaafu (Bandos) August . 740 60 01/01/16 01/12/15 Puebla.000 59 01/11/15 01/09/15 Nouakchott (Mauricenter.030 3. Monotel. Aguascalientes 235 4. Quintana Roo 351 6.160 3.510 50 01/01/16 01/12/15 Tijuana.440 49 01/01/16 01/12/15 Tuxtla Gutierrez.630 87 01/01/16 01/01/15 Mauritania (Ouguiya) Elsewhere 1 Mauritius (Mauritius Rupee) 7 Mexico (Mexican Peso) 6 Mexico City 320 5. Nuevo Leon 290 4.380 59 01/01/16 01/12/15 Toluca.620 2.710 56 01/01/16 01/12/15 San Cristobal de las Casas 160 2.900 26.840 52 01/01/16 01/12/15 Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report. Jalisco 211 3.660 60 01/01/16 01/12/15 Monterrey.250 2.940 3. Edo.120 58 01/01/16 01/12/15 Guadalajara.030 4.970 2.550 2.490 52 01/01/16 01/12/15 Mérida.200 52.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Marshall Islands (US Dollar) Majuro 210 210 158 58 01/01/16 01/01/16 Ebeye 247 247 185 49 01/01/16 01/01/16 Elsewhere 115 115 86 43 01/01/16 01/01/16 Nouakchott 165 54.900 46 01/11/15 01/09/15 73 24.020 56 01/01/16 01/12/15 Cancun.200 52 01/11/15 01/09/15 Port Louis/Mauritius 219 7. Pg 30 / 55 .670 2.120 65 01/01/16 01/12/15 Acapulco. Coahuila 189 3. Tfeila) 212 70.440 1.520 67 01/01/16 01/12/15 Cuernavaca. Zacatecas 173 2.350 2. Yucatán 207 3. Puebla 214 3.920 2.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .310 2.760 56 01/01/16 01/12/15 Puerto Vallarta.500 3.980 3. Baja California Norte 262 4.Rodrigues Is & Outer Islands 135 4.840 3. Chiapas 170 2. de México 185 3.200 52 01/01/16 01/12/15 Zacatecas.710 61 01/01/16 01/12/15 Aguascalientes. Morelos 242 4.910 64 01/01/16 01/01/15 Elsewhere . Guerrero 288 4.390 56 01/01/16 01/12/15 Torreón.230 56 01/01/16 01/12/15 Elsewhere 142 2.880 5.180 2.060 57 01/01/16 01/12/15 San Luis Potosí.700 58 01/11/15 01/09/15 Nouadhibou 109 35.700 41.200 18. Jalisco 193 3. San Luis Potosi 195 3.750 2.490 4. 700 2.110 2. Tivat.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country . Milocer.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Micronesia. Villa Mandarine) 255 2.640 57 01/01/16 01/05/14 Elsewhere 7 Moldova (Moldovan Leu) Monaco (Euro) All Areas Mongolia (Mongo.530 58 01/01/16 01/05/14 Casablanca (Hyatt Regency. Ulcinj (The Coast) 147 134 101 67 01/01/16 01/10/15 Budva (Hotel Splendid) 276 252 189 87 01/01/16 01/10/15 1.7 Kolasin (Hotel Bianca) 130 119 89 62 01/01/16 01/10/15 1 82 75 56 67 01/01/16 01/10/15 256 690 520 58 01/07/13 01/07/13 Rabat 207 2.040 1.520 2. Tugrik) Montenegro (Euro) Elsewhere Montserrat (E. Fed States Of (US Dollar) Kosrae 212 212 159 52 01/01/16 01/01/16 Ponape 221 221 166 54 01/01/16 01/01/16 Truk 219 219 164 66 01/01/16 01/01/16 Yap 251 251 188 61 01/01/16 01/01/16 25 25 25 86 01/01/16 01/01/16 Chisinau 194 3.000 393.890 58 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Rabat (Sofitel Jardin des Roses.810 2.870 60 01/01/16 01/12/14 Elsewhere 118 2.320 2.560 58 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Agadir 170 1. Kenzi Tower.260 57 01/01/16 01/05/14 Agadir (Sofitel Royal Bay Resort) 273 2.C. Tour Hassan) 345 3.030 54 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Agadir (Sofitel Royal Thalassa) 315 3.000 41 01/01/16 01/06/15 Podgorica 143 131 98 64 01/01/16 01/10/15 Bar. Dollar) All Areas Morocco (Morocco Dirham) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report. Herceg Novi.330 58 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Casablanca 207 2. Kotor.680 1. Budva.000 144.000 63 01/01/16 01/06/15 Elsewhere 72 144.520 1.410 2. Petrovac.320 57 01/01/16 01/12/14 319 292 219 63 01/01/16 01/11/14 Ulan Bator 197 393. Sofitel Casablanca Tour Blanche) 356 3.530 60 01/01/16 01/05/14 Rabat (Amphitrite.040 1. 1 Pg 31 / 55 . 570 63 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Ell Jadida (Mazagan) 262 2.520 68 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Mohammedia (Amphitrite) 176 1.400 12. Pullman) 212 2.240 60 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Fes (Sofitel Palais Jamai) 19 Sep-23 Dec 329 3.230 1.1 Jul 358 3.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .660 62 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Marrakech (Sofitel Palais Imperial) 2 Jul .000 55 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Elsewhere 142 1.850 50 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Essaouira (Sofitel) 26 Dec .310 68 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Tanger (Movenpick) 203 2.740 1.200 3.590 1.990 2.010 1.460 1.270 56 01/01/16 01/08/15 Tete 212 9.150 60 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Essaouira (Sofitel) 4 Jan .200 11.500 10.510 59 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Tangier (Le Mirage) 270 2.250 2.920 72 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Marrakech 169 1.080 2.140 8.600 48 01/01/16 01/08/15 Pemba 218 9.910 52 01/01/16 01/08/15 Pemba (Avani Pemba Beach) 360 16.270 8.140 48 01/01/16 01/02/14 Mozambique (Metical (New)) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.250 55 01/01/16 01/05/14 Marrakech (Palmeraie Golf Palace) 226 2.310 58 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Ouarzazate (Le Berbere Palace) 312 3.910 9.900 61 01/01/16 01/08/15 Beira 246 11.3 Jan 425 4.040 57 01/01/16 01/08/15 Nampula 233 10.110 2.460 1.230 3.730 56 01/01/16 01/08/15 Elsewhere 179 8.440 62 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Fes (Sofitel Palais Jamai) 24-31 Dec 530 5.520 1. 1 1 Pg 32 / 55 .24 Dec 428 4.400 1.690 3.230 49 01/01/16 01/08/15 Vilanculos (Casa Rex) 285 13.850 50 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 El Jadida (L'Iglesia.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Casablanca (Sheraton) 249 2.25 Dec 315 3.000 9.670 1.670 58 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Marrakech (Sofitel Palais Imperial) 1 Jan .140 59 01/01/16 01/05/14 Fes (Sofitel Palais Jamai) 1 Jan-18 Sep 303 2.300 64 01/01/16 01/08/15 Quelimane 182 8.600 10.410 7.670 2.200 59 01/01/16 01/08/15 Chimoio 207 9.170 66 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Marrakech (Sofitel Palais Imperial) 25-31 Dec 475 4.940 52 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Essaouira (Le Medina Thalasa) 249 2.230 3.050 55 01/01/16 01/05/14 Maputo 319 14.090 1.640 7.330 51 01/01/16 01/05/14 1 Fes 154 1.540 2. 000 59 01/01/16 01/01/15 1 Monywa (Win Unity) 101 131.800 74 01/01/16 01/01/15 1 Myeik 86 112.38 1 1 40 Namibia (Namibia Dollar) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 118.000 97.000 127.000 61 01/01/16 01/01/15 Kalay 96 125.000 69 01/01/16 01/01/15 Yangon (Special Hotels) 302 393.000 55 01/01/16 01/01/15 Nyaungoo-Bagan (Aureum Palace) 416 541.7 Pg 33 / 55 .200 62 01/01/16 01/01/15 Loikaw 116 151.500 62 01/01/16 01/01/15 Myitkyina 87 113.000 295.100 53 01/01/16 01/01/15 Windhoek 115 1.000 96.000 62 01/01/16 01/01/15 Pyinoolwin 123 160.700 60 01/01/16 01/01/15 192 250.000 186.000 137.000 225.000 45 01/01/16 01/01/15 Ngwe Saung Beach 230 299.000 71 01/01/16 01/01/15 Pathein 121 157.000 74 01/01/16 01/01/15 76 98.000 151.000 373.000 93.210 3.000 116.000 98.000 113.000 84.000 200.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 65 01/01/16 01/01/15 1 Mawlamyine (Strand) 140 182.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Myanmar (Myanmar Kyat) Yangon 193 251.000 60 01/01/16 01/01/15 Mandalay 155 202.000 406.000 67 01/01/16 01/01/15 Taungoo 100 130.500 61 01/01/16 01/01/15 Thandwe (Ngapali Beach Only) October .310 64 01/01/16 01/06/15 Windhoek (Hilton) 276 4.160 77 01/01/16 01/06/15 Gobabis 65 990 740 60 01/01/16 01/06/15 Henties Bay 62 940 710 48 01/01/16 01/06/15 Karibib (Etusis Lodge) 83 1.270 950 87 01/01/16 01/06/15 Hpa An Inle Elsewhere 1.800 74.000 65 01/01/16 01/01/15 Taunggyi (International Staff Only) 149 194.000 84.000 225.000 55 01/01/16 01/01/15 Mandalay (Mandalay Hill & Sedona) 230 299.000 120.000 70 01/01/16 01/01/15 Sittwe (Royal Sittwe) 130 169.000 65 01/01/16 01/01/15 Nyaungoo-Bagan 205 267. 1 1.600 45 01/01/16 01/01/15 Laukai 98 127.000 71 01/01/16 01/01/15 92 120.500 59 01/01/16 01/01/15 Naypyitaw 119 155.000 146.000 187.000 189.000 70 01/01/16 01/01/15 Chaung Tha Beach 190 247.April 383 498.000 89.750 1. 180 1.690 4.250 940 62 01/01/16 01/06/15 Otjiwarongo (Okondjima Lodge) 191 2.180 57 01/01/16 01/06/15 1 Mariental (Camelthorn.600 24. 2 2.300 13.800 2.300 18. Birgunj Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.860 87 01/01/16 01/06/15 1.7 Okahandja 58 890 670 59 01/01/16 01/06/15 Omaruru 65 1.250 940 52 01/01/16 01/06/15 Otavi 71 1.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Katima Mulilo 83 1.670 60 01/01/16 01/08/14 Lumbini (Hokke) 136 14.270 87 01/01/16 01/06/15 Rundu (Hakusembe River Lodge) 136 2.500 87 01/01/16 01/06/15 1.170 880 48 01/01/16 01/06/15 117 1.570 1.7 Pg 34 / 55 .910 2.180 87 01/01/16 01/06/15 Rundu 111 1.690 1.800 87 01/01/16 01/08/14 Opuwo Walvis Bay Elsewhere 7 1.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .780 1.340 67 01/01/16 01/06/15 51 780 590 57 01/01/16 01/06/15 174 238 238 62 01/01/16 01/01/16 Kathmandu 172 18.050 59 01/01/16 01/06/15 Tsumkwe 77 1.000 750 55 01/01/16 01/06/15 Ondangwa 73 1.480 1. Bharatpur.180 78 01/01/16 01/06/15 Dhulikhel and Nagarkot 121 12.330 2.120 840 47 01/01/16 01/06/15 152 2.7 Swakopmund 143 2.700 64 01/01/16 01/08/14 Kathmandu (Dwarika's) 307 32.400 1.300 68 01/01/16 01/08/14 1 63 6.640 64 01/01/16 01/06/15 Swakopmund (Swakopmund Entertainment Centre) 183 2.560 70 01/01/16 01/06/15 1 Sossesvlei (Sossesvlei Lodge) 218 3.400 10.7 1 Nauru (AUL Dollar) All Areas Nepal (Nepalese Rupee) Bhairahawa. Zebra Lodges) 162 2. Suricate.090 820 63 01/01/16 01/06/15 Otjiwarongo 82 1.400 61 01/01/16 01/08/14 1 Kathmandu (Hyatt Regency) 229 24.900 9.080 1.320 1.270 950 59 01/01/16 01/06/15 Keetmanshoop 52 800 600 57 01/01/16 01/06/15 Luderitz (Nest and Sea View Zum Sperrgebiet) 103 1.900 8. Biratnagar.990 55 01/01/16 01/08/14 Damak (IOM Guest House) 103 10.100 69 01/01/16 01/06/15 Tsumeb 92 1.740 66 01/01/16 01/06/15 Oshakati 82 1. 900 12.600 52 01/01/16 01/07/15 Niamey (Hotel Gaweye) 232 139.500 55.460 64 01/01/16 01/08/14 41 4.640 62 01/01/16 01/01/16 Niamey 166 99.700 64.000 123.900 69 01/01/16 01/02/13 Elsewhere Netherlands (Euro) All Areas New Zealand (NZE Dollar) Nicaragua (Cordoba Oro) Niger (CFA Franc(XOF)) Nigeria (Naira) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 17.400 74.300 63 01/01/16 01/02/13 Kaduna (State Capital City) 137 27.000 66 01/01/16 01/02/13 1 Abuja (Nicon Luxury.500 56 01/01/16 01/02/13 Abuja (Hilton) 342 68.300 19.500 50 01/01/16 01/07/15 Abuja 231 46. Protea Apo.200 61 01/01/16 01/02/13 Enugu (State Capital City) 127 25.000 61 01/01/16 01/07/15 1 Agadez 143 85. Hetauda.340 5.500 4.500 61 01/01/16 01/02/13 Kano (State Capital City) 116 23.400 31. Sheraton) 299 59.100 54 01/01/16 01/02/13 Lagos (Eko.600 59 01/01/16 01/08/14 1 Pokhara and Lumbini 118 12.000 57 01/01/16 01/02/13 Ibadan City 136 27. Dhanagadhi 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes 52 5.300 59 01/01/16 01/07/15 Elsewhere 121 72. Christchurch.360 3.400 14.300 20.340 59 01/01/16 01/01/16 Corn Island 162 4.290 59 01/01/16 01/08/14 301 275 206 54 01/01/16 01/06/15 Auckland. 1 Pg 35 / 55 . Hardley. Sofitel) 374 74.000 34.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country . Radisson Blu.140 55 01/01/16 01/08/14 Pokhara (Fulbari) 183 19. Wellington 311 452 339 53 01/01/16 01/04/14 Elsewhere 228 331 248 50 01/01/16 01/04/14 Managua 192 5.520 4.000 104.700 63 01/01/16 01/02/13 1 Calabar City 169 33.600 25.300 59 01/01/16 01/02/13 Lagos 208 41. Protea Maitama.500 73 01/01/16 01/01/16 Elsewhere 126 3.000 20.600 44.500 9.(Currency) Area Nepalgunj.500 2.700 54.000 54 01/01/16 01/07/15 1 Niamey (Soluxe) 274 164. Four Points.000 51.600 61 01/01/16 01/08/14 1 Pokhara (Pokhara Grande and Shangrila) 159 16. 800 27.000 58 01/01/16 01/02/13 Port Harcourt (Golden Tulip.600 68 01/01/16 01/02/13 Yenagoa City 162 32.160 63 01/01/16 01/09/15 Elsewhere 1 Niue (NZE Dollar) All areas Norway (Norwegian Krone) All Areas Oman (Rial Omani) Pakistan (Pakistani Rupee) Elsewhere Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.200 18.400 63 01/01/16 01/09/15 1 Peshawar (Pearl Continental) 175 18.400 25.800 13.200 65 01/01/16 01/09/15 Gilgit 134 14.600 12.000 49.300 13.600 14.000 10.300 24.000 72. Faisalabad and Quetta (Serena) 231 24.100 60 01/01/16 01/02/13 251 365 274 57 01/01/16 01/08/15 280 2.800 71 01/01/16 01/09/15 1 Islamabad (Serena) 319 33.700 65 01/01/16 01/09/15 1 Rawalpindi (Pearl Continental) 187 19.300 13.400 13.500 60 01/01/16 01/09/15 1 91 9. Sheraton.500 67 01/01/16 01/02/13 Uyo City 185 36.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .500 72 01/01/16 01/02/13 Sokoto (State Capital City) 111 22.100 70 01/01/16 01/09/15 1 Islamabad/Rawalpindi 175 18.700 61 01/01/16 01/09/15 Lahore 187 19.400 28.600 14.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Lagos (Federal Palace.000 12.000 73 01/01/16 01/02/13 1 Obudu (Obudu Mountain Resort) 188 37.700 26.000 16.700 66 01/01/16 01/09/15 1 Swat (Serena) 158 16.000 78 01/01/16 01/09/15 Karachi 175 18.700 71 01/01/16 01/09/15 Muzaffarabad (Pearl Continental) 170 17.700 63 01/01/16 01/09/15 Bhurban (PC). 1 1 Pg 36 / 55 .430 1.600 20.550 7.600 14.300 13.200 65 01/01/16 01/02/13 87 17.700 63 01/01/16 01/09/15 Lahore (Avari) 254 26.500 61 01/01/16 01/09/15 Gwadar 153 16. Le Meridien) 332 66.820 47 01/01/16 01/08/15 Muscat 332 128 96 61 01/01/15 01/01/15 Salalah 317 122 92 73 01/01/15 01/01/15 Elsewhere 247 95 71 58 01/01/15 01/01/15 Islamabad (Marriott) 239 25. Southern Sun) 482 96.100 18.100 63 01/01/16 01/02/13 2 Port Harcourt 174 34.000 67 01/01/16 01/09/15 Multan 187 19. Hagen 261 750 560 65 01/11/15 01/02/15 Popondetta 223 640 480 61 01/11/15 01/02/15 Rabaul 216 620 465 62 01/11/15 01/02/15 Tabubil 234 670 500 62 01/11/15 01/02/15 Vanimo 213 610 458 70 01/11/15 01/02/15 Panama (Balboa) 7 Papua New Guinea (Kina) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Palau (US Dollar) All Areas 279 279 209 65 01/01/16 01/01/16 Panama City 234 234 176 60 01/12/14 01/12/14 Anton 258 258 194 61 01/12/14 01/12/14 Boquete 220 220 165 65 01/12/14 01/12/14 Colon 173 173 130 60 01/12/14 01/12/14 Comarca Kuna Yala/San Blas 218 218 164 87 01/12/14 01/12/14 Contadora Island 208 208 156 62 01/12/14 01/12/14 Davíd 164 164 123 62 01/12/14 01/12/14 El Valle de Anton 291 291 218 66 01/12/14 01/12/14 Isla Colon 185 185 139 64 01/12/14 01/12/14 Volcán 170 170 128 57 01/12/14 01/12/14 Elsewhere 150 150 113 59 01/12/14 01/12/14 Port Moresby 380 1.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .090 820 69 01/11/15 01/02/15 Alotau 265 760 570 70 01/11/15 01/02/15 Buka 206 590 443 63 01/11/15 01/02/15 Daru 220 630 473 69 01/11/15 01/02/15 Gaire 272 780 590 72 01/11/15 01/02/15 Goroka 321 920 690 73 01/11/15 01/02/15 Kavieng 275 790 590 69 01/11/15 01/02/15 Kimbe 220 630 473 70 01/11/15 01/02/15 Kiunga 241 690 520 71 01/11/15 01/02/15 Kokopo 286 820 620 69 01/11/15 01/02/15 Lae 314 900 680 68 01/11/15 01/02/15 Loloata 321 920 690 61 01/11/15 01/02/15 Madang 237 680 510 65 01/11/15 01/02/15 Mt. 7 Pg 37 / 55 . 390 67 01/01/16 01/10/15 Bataan 187 8.000 1.110 61 01/01/16 01/01/13 Elsewhere 189 730 730 61 01/01/16 01/03/13 Lisbon 293 268 201 54 01/01/16 01/12/14 Elsewhere 143 131 98 35 01/01/16 01/12/14 Notes Paraguay (Guarani) 1 Peru (Nuevo Sol) Philippines (Philippine Peso) Legaspi City Olongapo City Elsewhere 1 Poland (Poland Zloty) Portugal (Euro) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.460 74 01/01/16 01/10/15 Davao City 161 7. Pg 38 / 55 .150 68 01/01/16 01/10/15 Tagaytay 197 9.010 70 01/01/16 01/10/15 Tacloban 89 4.950 4.930 65 01/01/16 01/10/15 113 5.800 6.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .600 74 01/01/16 01/10/15 Batangas 136 6.900 8.000 60 01/01/16 01/01/16 Ciudad del Este (Casino Aracay) 224 1.000 976.900 61 01/01/16 01/09/15 Baguio City 153 7.340 4.420 4.200 3.086.446.790 65 01/01/16 01/10/15 Clark.000 482.900 56 01/01/16 01/09/15 Metro Manila (Fairmont Hotel Makati.820 79 01/01/16 01/10/15 Cebu City 192 9.110 1. Pampanga 126 5.050 6.970 70 01/01/16 01/10/15 75 3.520 2.910 2.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Wewak 254 730 550 72 01/11/15 01/02/15 Elsewhere 181 520 390 61 01/11/15 01/02/15 Asuncion 249 1.000 50 01/01/16 01/01/16 Lima 227 770 580 68 01/01/16 01/07/13 Arequipa 178 610 457 60 01/01/16 01/07/13 Cuzco 183 620 467 61 01/01/16 01/07/13 Trujillo 173 590 443 64 01/01/16 01/07/13 Elsewhere 122 416 314 53 01/01/16 01/07/13 Metro Manila 252 11.190 5.200 12.680 66 01/01/16 01/10/15 83 3.640 66 01/01/16 01/10/15 Warsaw 287 1. Marriott Hotel Manila) 366 17.301.290 6.570 5.000 60 01/01/16 01/01/16 Elsewhere 111 645. . Mamaia.600 60 01/01/16 01/06/14 Kazan 249 18.100 11.600 66 01/01/16 01/06/14 Kemorovo.100 69 01/01/16 01/06/14 St. .) 421 421 316 68 01/06/13 01/06/13 All Areas (1 May . Perm and Saratov 185 13.100 17.20 Dec.800 13. .400 10.600 73 01/01/16 01/06/14 Sakha 236 17. Petersburg 307 22.300 72 01/01/16 01/06/14 Sochi (16 Oct.200 22.900 12. Timisoara 144 600 448 58 01/01/16 01/05/15 Cluj and Sibiu 150 620 469 59 01/01/16 01/05/15 Elsewhere 116 481 361 57 01/01/16 01/05/15 Moscow 464 33.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Puerto Rico (US Dollar) All Areas (20 Dec.000 13.400 1.800 62 01/01/16 01/06/14 Irkutsk 249 18.900 68 01/01/16 01/06/14 Novosibirsk 178 12.15 Oct.200 61 01/01/16 01/06/14 Syktyvkar 264 19.000 64 01/01/16 01/06/14 Murmansk 212 15.300 65 01/01/16 01/06/14 Voronezh 177 12.700 62 01/01/16 01/06/14 Rostov (Aurora Park) 287 20.300 22.900 9.000 13.400 65 01/01/16 01/06/14 Norilsk 219 15.700 10.100 14.800 9.) 304 304 228 59 01/06/13 01/06/13 385 1.100 71 01/01/16 01/06/14 Sochi (1 Jun.) 308 22.31 May) 236 17.100 17.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .200 60 01/01/16 01/06/14 Bashkortostan 191 13.600 13.400 11.30 Apr.640 71 01/01/16 01/06/14 Elsewhere 140 10.600 62 01/01/16 01/06/14 Kamchatka 187 13.710 67 01/01/16 01/06/14 Rostov 147 10.300 67 01/01/16 01/06/14 Vladivostok 208 15.900 11.800 15.100 10. Constanta. 1 Pg 39 / 55 .100 65 01/01/16 01/06/14 Qatar (Qatari Rial) Doha Romania (Leu (New)) Russian Federation (Russian Rouble) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.900 10.500 65 01/01/16 01/06/14 Nizhny Novgorod 192 13.600 25.050 58 01/06/15 01/06/15 Bucharest 213 880 660 62 01/01/16 01/05/15 Brasov.100 62 01/01/16 01/06/14 Krasnodar 220 15. 020 1.000 56 01/01/16 01/10/15 Riyadh 448 1.547.700 60 01/01/16 01/11/12 All Areas (15 April .000 79.260 58 01/01/16 01/11/14 Al-Khobar 437 1. Upolu (Aggie Grey Resort) 428 1.100 61 01/01/16 01/11/14 Jeddah (Hilton and Intercontinental) 540 2.900 56 01/01/16 01/11/12 1 Musanze 118 88.277.110 830 75 01/12/15 01/11/14 1 Apia. Pestana Equador) 236 5.000 257.700 56.100 68.000 72 01/01/16 01/11/12 76 56.520 61 01/01/16 01/11/14 Elsewhere 376 1. Upolu (Aga Reef Resort & Spa) 285 740 560 70 01/12/15 01/11/14 1 Savaii 186 483 362 64 01/12/15 01/11/14 Savaii (Le Legato) 293 760 570 72 01/12/15 01/11/14 1 Siumu.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Rwanda (Rwanda Franc) Kigali 213 159. Pestana Ocean.100 830 75 01/12/15 01/11/14 1 Elsewhere 142 368 276 57 01/12/15 01/11/14 Sao Tome 134 3.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .230 61 01/01/16 01/11/14 Jeddah 389 1. Upolu (Le Vasa Resort) 335 870 650 72 01/12/15 01/11/14 1 Lalomanu.14 April) 323 580 434 59 01/12/14 01/12/14 Apia.000 79 01/01/16 01/11/12 1 Kibungo (Akagera Lodge) 143 107.916.990.000 2.100 66. Upolu (Sinalei Resort.000 159.A.680 1.15 December) 272 487 365 53 01/12/14 01/12/14 All Areas (16 December . Gulder) Samoa (Tala) Sao Tome and Principe (Dobra) 1 Saudi Arabia (Saudi Riyal) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report. Upolu (Tanoa Tusitala & Hotel Elisa) 197 510 383 62 01/12/15 01/11/14 1 Cape Fatuosofia.000 136.020. Upolu 168 436 327 60 01/12/15 01/11/14 Apia.410 1.000 3.000 58 01/01/16 01/10/15 Principe 113 2.700 64 01/01/16 01/11/12 Rubavu (Serena Lake Kivu) 242 181.000 1.000 51 01/01/16 01/10/15 Sao Tome (Omali Sao Tome.060 59 01/01/16 01/11/14 Elsewhere 1 Saint Maarten (N.319.640 1.460 1. Coconuts Beach Resort/Spa) 424 1.400 68 01/01/16 01/11/12 Rubavu 122 91. 1 Pg 40 / 55 .000 65 01/01/16 01/11/12 Kigali (Kigali Serena) 459 343. 000 20.570 57 01/01/16 01/01/16 Honiara (Heritage Park) 464 3.000 105.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Senegal (CFA Franc(XOF)) Dakar 233 140.000 60 01/01/16 01/01/16 M'Bour (Hotel Lamantin Beach) 208 125.404.404.770 2.000 1.000 60 01/01/16 01/09/15 95 10.700 66 01/01/16 01/02/15 Freetown 270 1.880 54 01/01/16 01/07/15 Mahe Victoria 333 4.000 47 01/01/16 01/10/13 382 540 405 62 01/01/16 01/07/15 Bratislava 210 192 192 56 01/01/16 01/11/14 Elsewhere 131 120 120 55 01/01/16 01/11/14 Ljubljana 259 237 237 58 01/01/16 01/09/15 Bled 259 237 237 58 01/01/16 01/09/15 Portoroz 258 236 236 57 01/01/16 01/09/15 Elsewhere 207 189 189 62 01/01/16 01/09/15 Honiara 257 2.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 64 01/01/16 01/06/15 Pristina 144 16.000 593.139.000 45 01/01/16 01/11/15 Makeni 219 1.000 44 01/01/16 01/11/15 Elsewhere 102 530. Republic of (Euro) Solomon Islands (SOI Dollar) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.940 3.800 62 01/01/16 01/01/16 Elsewhere 117 70.280 3.000 1.000 1.000 530.830 67 01/01/16 01/01/16 Auki 145 1.500 61 01/01/16 01/01/16 Belgrade 180 20.180 890 61 01/01/16 01/01/16 1 Serbia (Dinar) Elsewhere Seychelles (SEY Rupee) Sierra Leone (Leone) 1 Singapore (SIN Dollar) All Areas Slovak Republic (Euro) Slovenia.090 1.000 60 01/01/16 01/01/15 Freetown (Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko House) 396 2.000 12.000 56 01/01/16 01/01/15 Kenema 114 593.139.000 52.500 7.000 93.059.000 51 01/01/16 01/01/16 M'Bour 167 100.000 75.544. 1 Pg 41 / 55 .210 68 01/01/16 01/02/15 La Digue and Praslin 384 4. 580 2.080 2.082.701.620 71 01/01/16 01/10/12 Mthatha 132 2.322. UNCCC Guest House) 201 4.604.000 63 01/08/14 01/08/14 Garowe (FAO Guest House) 224 5.000 2.443.204.720 2.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Gizo 191 1.000 2.892.884.000 63 01/08/14 01/08/14 1 Mogadishu (UN Camp. MIA) 141 3.900 73 01/01/16 01/10/12 East London 141 2.000 4.839.730 70 01/01/16 01/10/12 Capetown (Special Hotels) 253 3.000 4.211.000 2.000 3.160 1.000 5.510 70 01/01/16 01/10/12 Musina 125 1. 1.430 64 01/01/16 01/10/12 Somalia (Somali Shilling) Mogadishu Berbera (Mansoor).000 1.480 66 01/01/16 01/10/12 Capetown 151 2.040 72 01/01/16 01/10/12 Johannesburg-Sandton 151 2.000 73 01/02/15 01/02/15 1 Hargeisa (Ambassador) 119 2.000 4.426.150 1.000 75 01/07/15 01/07/15 91 2.570.000 2.707.892.884.322.7 Mogadishu (Jazeera Palace) 276 6.270 1.870 2.140 1.701.000 72 01/08/14 01/08/14 1 Mogadishu (Safari) 158 3.000 4.000 64 01/08/14 01/08/14 Pretoria 149 2.010 1.610 69 01/01/16 01/10/12 Johannesburg 178 2. Hargeisa (Mansoor) 1 South Africa (Rand) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .690 71 01/01/16 01/10/12 Magaliesburg/Muldersdrift 202 3.707.211.000 66 01/06/15 01/06/15 Elsewhere 70 1.310 1.000 59 01/08/14 01/08/14 Mogadishu (Almukaramah) 173 4.000 70 01/12/14 01/12/14 Mogadishu (WFP Guest House) 201 4.870 2.000 71 01/06/15 01/06/15 Garowe (UNCC Villas/GIH) 219 5.550 1.970 1.300 1.204.310 73 01/01/16 01/10/12 Mmabatho 141 2.000 2.604.000 87 01/08/14 01/08/14 1.884.867.900 76 01/01/16 01/10/12 Durban 140 2.220 920 40 01/01/16 01/01/16 94 2.884.700 69 01/01/16 01/10/12 Bloemfontein 129 1 Pg 42 / 55 .839. Sandton Sun) 234 3.000 1.160 58 01/01/16 01/01/16 Elsewhere 150 1.32 1.000 6.000 66 01/09/14 01/09/14 1 Hargeisa (FAO Guest House) 118 2.610 66 01/01/16 01/10/12 Durban (Special Hotels) 253 3.000 54 01/08/14 01/08/14 Elsewhere (UN Guest Houses) 66 1.730 64 01/01/16 01/10/12 Johannesburg-Sandton (Radisson Blu.000 58 01/08/14 01/08/14 1 Mogadishu (Bancroft Facility.910 1.867. International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .310 980 48 01/01/16 01/10/14 Madrid 252 230 173 60 01/01/16 01/09/15 Barcelona 240 219 164 60 01/01/16 01/09/15 San Sebastian 221 202 152 53 01/01/16 01/09/15 Valencia 201 184 138 56 01/01/16 01/09/15 Elsewhere 183 167 125 54 01/01/16 01/09/15 Juba (UN Guest Houses) Spain (Euro) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.430 61 01/01/16 01/10/12 Port Elizabeth 147 2.960 77 01/01/16 01/10/12 Tzaneen 118 1.930 1.290 1.090 3.160 1.260 57 01/01/16 01/10/14 Elsewhere (UN Guest Houses) 71 1. Universal Gab.870 2.090 61 01/01/16 01/10/14 1 Wau (Amarula Lodge.310 74 01/01/16 01/10/14 1 80 1.400 3.940 1. Pg 43 / 55 .690 67 01/01/16 01/10/12 Rustenburg 150 2.800 1.520 68 01/01/16 01/10/14 1 Yambio (Sunset.630 67 01/01/16 01/10/14 Torit (Torit Hotel) 223 4.740 2.000 1.450 70 01/01/16 01/10/12 Polokwane 125 1. Tourist) 181 3.660 60 01/01/16 01/10/14 1 Rumbek (Palm Tree.520 69 01/01/16 01/10/14 1 Elsewhere 91 1. Republic of (Southern Sudanese Pound) Juba 221 4.150 71 01/01/16 01/10/12 Sun City (Special Hotels) 258 3.770 3.070 61 01/01/16 01/10/14 Juba (Juba Grand) 258 4.400 71 01/01/16 01/10/12 Elsewhere 95 1. Safari Style) 202 3.480 1.550 2.350 2.130 3.350 67 01/01/16 01/10/12 Ulundi 131 2.980 3. Wau River Lodge) 181 3.860 1.34 South Sudan.680 1.910 1.460 66 01/01/16 01/10/12 Pietermaritzburg 126 1.250 1.090 61 01/01/16 01/10/12 Notes 1.500 73 01/01/16 01/10/12 Uppington 122 1.450 1.940 2.720 66 01/01/16 01/10/12 Sun City 188 2.810 68 01/01/16 01/10/14 1 Torit 117 2.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Nelspruit 127 1.590 70 01/01/16 01/10/14 1 Juba (Logali House) 238 4. Regency.740 74 01/01/16 01/10/14 1 Aweil (South Sudan) 192 3.350 2.480 60 01/01/16 01/10/14 Aweil (Aweil Grand) 269 4. 410 1.210 74 01/01/16 01/12/15 Manzini 113 1. Trincomalee 71 10. Dollar) Sudan (Sudanese Pound) Elsewhere 1 Suriname (Surinamese Dollar) Swaziland (Lilangeni) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.290 67 01/01/16 01/12/15 Elsewhere 84 1.000 67 01/01/16 01/02/15 Colombo (Hilton Residences) 240 34.C.650 59 01/01/16 01/02/15 Jaffna.) 259 700 530 57 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (15 Dec.-14 Dec. Vavunia 71 10.100 11.100 64 01/01/16 01/02/15 Elsewhere 105 15.900 71 01/01/16 01/02/15 Ampara. Dollar) St. Mannar. .400 16.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country . Batticaloa. Killinochchi.) 274 740 560 50 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (15 Dec. Kitts and Nevis (E.) 289 780 590 59 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (15 Dec .650 59 01/01/16 01/02/15 Kandy 149 21.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Sri Lanka (Sri Lanka Rupee) Colombo 213 30.660 68 01/01/16 01/12/15 Ezulwini 193 2.120 51 01/09/15 01/06/15 77 496 374 62 01/09/15 01/07/15 Paramaribo 184 770 580 67 01/01/16 01/05/15 Elsewhere 112 469 352 74 01/01/16 01/05/15 Mbabane 145 2.200 7.200 7. .14 Dec. Pg 44 / 55 .070 63 01/01/16 01/12/15 Piggs Peak 113 1.290 970 61 01/01/16 01/12/15 1 St.14 Dec.) 293 790 590 52 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (15 Apr.C. Mullaitivu.-14 Apr.720 1.730 1.420 1.480 1.700 23.950 2. Dollar) St.) 352 950 710 64 01/10/14 01/10/14 All Areas (15 Apr.C.600 25.Vincent-Grenadines (E.060 48 01/09/15 01/05/15 North Sudan (UN/NGO Guesthouses) 102 660 496 43 01/09/15 01/07/15 Port Sudan 151 970 730 50 01/09/15 01/06/15 Port Sudan (Coral) 230 1. Lucia (E.14 Apr.300 62 01/01/16 01/12/15 Nhlangano 93 1.) 278 750 560 58 01/10/14 01/10/14 Khartoum 219 1.300 65 01/01/16 01/02/15 All Areas (15 Apr. .14 Apr.210 1. 1.200 49.000 59 01/01/16 01/08/15 Moshi 134 288.600 69.000 63 01/01/16 01/08/15 Mwanza 133 286.000 57 01/01/16 01/08/15 Zanzibar 150 322.24 1 Pg 45 / 55 .000 63 01/01/16 01/08/15 Dar es Salaam (Special hotels) 312 671.000 204.750 77 01/01/16 01/02/15 1 Regional Centers 88 610 458 64 01/01/16 01/02/15 21 Elsewhere 51 354 354 53 01/01/16 01/02/15 Dar es Salaam 223 479.000 66 01/01/16 01/08/15 Dodoma 136 292.340 1.000 63 01/01/16 01/07/15 89 30.000 503.800 27.000 217.000 322.000 219.490 1.700 66 01/01/16 01/07/15 Damascus (Four Seasons) 274 92.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .480 2.100 42.000 236.000 62 01/01/16 01/08/15 Zanzibar (Serena) 311 668.870 62 01/01/16 01/06/15 373 370 278 60 01/01/16 01/12/15 Damascus 196 66.000 59 01/01/16 01/08/15 Switzerland (Swiss Franc) All Areas Syrian Arab Republic (Syrian Pound) Elsewhere 1 Tajikistan (Tajik Somoni) Tanzania.400 40.900 72 01/01/16 01/07/15 Tartous 106 35.100 22.000 56 01/01/16 01/08/15 Mbeya 105 226.100 67 01/01/16 01/07/15 Lattakia 169 57.000 60 01/01/16 01/08/15 Kigoma 147 316.610 62 01/01/16 01/06/15 Elsewhere 298 2.900 59 01/01/16 01/07/15 Homs 118 39.600 57 01/01/16 01/07/15 Dushanbe 190 1.000 501.000 68 01/01/16 01/08/15 95 204.000 64 01/01/16 01/08/15 Mtwara 127 273.000 286.000 62 01/01/16 01/08/15 Tanga 140 301.000 479.000 67 01/01/16 01/08/15 Arusha 188 404. of (Shilling) Elsewhere Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.320 990 65 01/01/16 01/02/15 Dushanbe (Hyatt Regency) 337 2.000 64 01/01/16 01/08/15 Bagamoyo 162 348.000 262. United Rep.000 404.000 170.000 226.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Sweden (Swedish Krona) Stockholm 416 3.600 65 01/01/16 01/07/15 Aleppo 161 54.900 30.000 204. 440 2.050 62 01/01/16 01/01/16 Songkla.190 5.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 138.500 59 01/01/16 01/01/15 Lome (Mercure Sarakawa) 307 184.220 44 01/01/16 01/11/15 Ohrid 97 5.000 66 01/01/16 01/01/15 1 Lome (Palm Beach. HatYai 95 3.440 2.110 48 01/01/16 01/11/15 Elsewhere 61 3.780 59 01/01/16 01/01/16 Cha Am 186 6. 7 Pg 46 / 55 .000 79.580 40 01/01/16 01/01/16 Elsewhere 66 2.750 59 01/01/16 01/01/16 Rayong 150 5. Timor) 227 227 170 68 01/08/13 01/08/13 1 Baucau (Hotel Pousada) 132 132 99 57 01/08/13 01/08/13 1 Com -Lautem (Com Beach Resort) 89 89 67 56 01/08/13 01/08/13 1 Oecussi (RAO Hotel) 69 69 52 58 01/09/13 01/09/13 1 Elsewhere 62 62 47 53 01/08/13 01/08/13 Lome 177 106. Sancta Maria) 257 154.390 52 01/01/16 01/01/16 Phuket 212 7.400 4.720 5.000 116.140 63 01/01/16 01/01/16 Kanchanaburi 139 5.660 5.020 3.710 5.460 4.770 57 01/01/16 01/01/16 Pattaya 199 7.520 7.040 3.030 65 01/01/16 01/01/16 Chiang Rai 83 3.250 57 01/01/16 01/01/16 Hua Hin 264 9.100 35.390 1.040 57 01/01/16 01/11/15 Mavrovo 100 5. Ramallahu.590 56 01/01/16 01/11/15 Dili 156 156 117 59 01/08/13 01/08/13 Dili (Discovery Inn.410 7.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Thailand (Thai Baht) Bangkok 214 7.630 4.790 55 01/01/16 01/01/16 The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (Denar) Skopje 167 9.300 60 01/01/16 01/01/15 47 69 52 87 01/01/16 01/07/15 Timor-Leste (US Dollar) Togo (CFA Franc(XOF)) Elsewhere Tokelau (NZE Dollar) All Areas Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 60 01/01/16 01/01/15 1 79 47.000 2.040 50 01/01/16 01/01/16 Chiang Mai 112 4. 630 57 01/01/16 01/10/14 Tobago (15 Apr.400 57 01/01/16 01/10/14 Tobago (16 Dec.-15 Dec.-14 Apr.280 1.710 62 01/01/16 01/10/14 Tunis 155 313 235 57 01/01/16 01/11/14 Elsewhere 132 267 200 60 01/01/16 01/11/14 Ankara 198 580 433 59 01/01/16 01/02/15 Adana 197 570 430 63 01/01/16 01/02/15 Afyon (Ikbal Thermal) 196 570 427 61 01/01/16 01/02/15 Antalya 215 630 468 59 01/01/16 01/02/15 Bolu (Taksim International) 184 530 401 60 01/01/16 01/02/15 Bursa.160 1.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Tonga (Pa'anga) Nuku'Alofa 193 424 318 67 01/01/16 01/01/16 Vava'u 112 247 185 69 01/01/16 01/01/16 63 138 104 50 01/01/16 01/01/16 Trinidad .International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .) 359 2. Pg 47 / 55 .All Areas 341 2.) 295 1. Erzurum. Trabzon 173 500 378 61 01/01/16 01/02/15 Diyarbakir 152 442 331 54 01/01/16 01/02/15 Gaziantep 147 427 320 54 01/01/16 01/02/15 Hatay 132 384 288 57 01/01/16 01/02/15 Istanbul 268 780 580 65 01/01/16 01/02/15 Izmir 232 670 510 59 01/01/16 01/02/15 Kars (Kars Hotel) 230 670 500 65 01/01/16 01/02/15 Konya 161 468 352 50 01/01/16 01/02/15 Mardin 150 436 329 60 01/01/16 01/02/15 Urfa 138 401 302 51 01/01/16 01/02/15 Elsewhere 119 346 259 52 01/01/16 01/02/15 245 860 640 62 01/07/15 01/07/15 85 298 223 38 01/07/15 01/07/15 126 441 331 56 01/07/15 01/07/15 1 79 277 207 36 01/07/15 01/07/15 1 Elsewhere Trinidad and Tobago (TT Dollar) Tunisia (Tunisian Dinar) Turkey (New Turkish Lira) 1 1 1 Turkmenistan (new Manat) Ashgabat Ashgabat (Resident) Balkanabat (Nebitchi) Balkanabat (Nebitchi) Resident Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.870 1. 290 2.000 414.000 817.000 74 01/01/16 01/10/15 1 Mbarara (Mweya Safari Lodge) 293 993.710 47 01/11/15 01/03/15 Lviv 156 3.080 3.000 525.710 3.000 702.410 5.260 65 01/11/15 01/03/15 1 Dnipropetrovsk 148 3. .820 53 01/11/15 01/03/15 Donetsk 212 4.460 2.460 51 01/11/15 01/03/15 Dnipropetrovsk (Grand) 229 5.600 2.000 70 01/01/16 01/10/15 1 70 237.000 62 01/01/16 01/10/15 Kiev 263 5.000 71 01/01/16 01/10/15 Entebbe (Protea) 321 1.530 40 01/11/15 01/03/15 Kharkiv 162 3.(Currency) Area Turkmenbashi 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes 120 420 315 66 01/07/15 01/07/15 Turkmenbashy (Resident) 78 273 205 55 01/07/15 01/07/15 Elsewhere (Foreigners) 97 340 255 66 01/07/15 01/07/15 Elsewhere (Turkmen Citizens) 61 214 160 55 01/07/15 01/07/15 Grand Turk 306 306 230 58 01/09/14 01/09/14 Providenciales (14 Apr.000 71 01/01/16 01/10/15 1 Mbarara (Lake View Resort) 162 549.088.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .600 47 01/11/15 01/03/15 Turks & Caicos Islands (US Dollar) Tuvalu (AUL Dollar) All Areas Uganda (Uganda Shilling) Elsewhere Ukraine (Hryvnia) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report. .000 180.260 1.000 675.000 1.710 44 01/11/15 01/03/15 Kharkiv (Kharkiv Palats) 237 5.] 469 469 352 68 01/09/14 01/09/14 206 282 212 74 01/01/16 01/01/16 Kampala 216 732.000 69 01/01/16 01/10/15 Kampala (Kampala Serena) 510 1.) 394 394 296 64 01/09/14 01/09/14 Providenciales (22 Dec.840 5.298.840 55 01/11/15 01/03/15 Kiev (Premier Palace) 334 7.950 53 01/11/15 01/03/15 Kramatorsk 102 2.000 66 01/01/16 01/10/15 1 Entebbe 207 702. Paraa Safari Lodge. Silverback Lodge) 276 936.112.350 6.000 549.13 Apr.570 62 01/11/15 01/03/15 1 Kiev (Radisson Blu) 376 8.000 834.000 73 01/01/16 01/10/15 1 Jinja (Jinja Nile Resort) 265 898.000 72 01/01/16 01/10/15 1 Kabale (Chobe Safari Lodge. 1 1 Pg 48 / 55 .21 Dec.000 746.000 74 01/01/16 01/10/15 1 Kampala (Sheraton) 328 1.729.260 3. Pg 49 / 55 .930 5.190 56 01/01/16 01/06/15 Punta Del Este (Awa) DecemberMarch 495 14.350 4.330 56 01/01/16 01/06/15 Elsewhere 163 4.020 63 01/12/14 01/12/14 Elsewhere 169 620 465 49 01/12/14 01/12/14 London 424 286 215 66 01/01/16 01/03/15 Elsewhere 332 224 168 63 01/01/16 01/03/15 Montevideo 239 7. Dirham) United Kingdom (U.690 45 01/11/15 01/03/15 Simferopol 200 4.250 60 01/01/16 01/06/15 Punta Del Este (April-Nov) 232 6.840 1.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .190 6.370 2.E.100 72 01/01/16 01/06/15 1 Punta Del Este (Conrad) DecemberMarch 570 17.770 61 01/11/15 01/03/15 Mariupol 152 3.760 4.930 55 01/11/15 01/03/15 1 Severodonetsk 101 2.340 54 01/01/16 01/06/15 Colonia 235 7.800 75 01/01/16 01/06/15 1 Punta Del Este (Dec-March) 308 9.220 61 01/11/15 01/03/15 1 Odessa (Otrada) 236 5.380 39 01/11/15 01/03/15 Abu Dhabi 370 1.360 1.640 54 01/01/16 01/06/15 Washington D.060 65 01/11/15 01/04/13 83 1.530 46 01/11/15 01/03/15 Odessa 152 3.020 63 01/12/14 01/12/14 Dubai 370 1.360 1. Pound) Uruguay (Peso Uruguayo) USA (US Dollar) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.240 3.800 11.330 50 01/11/15 01/04/13 Yalta 244 5.420 4.C.440 3.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Lviv (Leopolis) 286 6.900 63 01/01/16 01/06/15 Salto 193 5.530 46 01/11/15 01/03/15 Odessa (Londonskaya) 313 6.000 12.010 5.K. 363 363 272 61 01/12/15 01/12/15 Boston 389 389 292 71 01/12/15 01/12/15 Chicago 369 369 277 73 01/12/15 01/12/15 Honolulu 373 373 280 74 01/12/15 01/12/15 Los Angeles 362 362 272 72 01/12/15 01/12/15 Miami 343 343 257 73 01/12/15 01/12/15 Elsewhere 1 United Arab Emirates (U.A.870 3.370 2.240 1.950 5.130 5. 400 58 01/01/16 01/01/16 Santos 219 23.23 New York Special Hotels (Sep-Dec) Next 30 days 442 442 347 72 01/08/15 01/08/15 1.600 8.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes New York (First 30 Days) 385 385 257 66 01/08/15 01/08/15 New York (Next 30 Days) 327 327 257 66 01/08/15 01/08/15 New York Special Hotels (Jan-Aug) First 30 days 418 418 279 68 01/08/15 01/08/15 1.000 58 01/01/16 01/06/15 80 222.000 272.500 21.000 306.23 Philadelphia 339 339 254 70 01/12/15 01/12/15 San Francisco 381 381 286 71 01/12/15 01/12/15 Elsewhere 278 278 209 69 01/12/15 01/12/15 Tashkent 192 534.22 New York Special Hotels (Jan-Aug) Next 30 days 355 355 279 68 01/08/15 01/08/15 1.000 59 01/01/16 01/06/15 90 250.000 211.300 68 01/01/16 01/01/16 Elsewhere 107 11.22 New York Special Hotels (Sep-Dec) First 30 days 520 520 347 72 01/08/15 01/08/15 1.000 61 01/01/16 01/06/15 Samarkhand 147 409. Puerto La Cruz 109 680 510 58 01/09/15 01/09/15 56 352 264 71 01/09/15 01/09/15 100 630 471 71 01/09/15 01/09/15 78 490 368 74 01/09/15 01/09/15 Isla de Margarita 108 680 510 77 01/09/15 01/09/15 La Guaira 146 920 690 77 01/09/15 01/09/15 Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan Sum) Nukus and Urgench Elsewhere 1 Vanuatu (Vatu) Venezuela (Bolivar Fuerte) Barinas Barquisimieto Cumana Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 63 01/01/16 01/06/15 Nukus (Hotel Rahnamo) 101 281. Pg 50 / 55 .000 62 01/01/16 01/06/15 Port Vila 262 28.000 222.000 189.000 534.700 84 01/01/16 01/01/16 Caracas 146 920 690 71 01/09/15 01/09/15 Barcelona.700 22.000 225.900 17.000 60 01/01/16 01/06/15 Termez 108 300.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 57 01/01/16 01/06/15 Bukhara 130 361.000 278.900 54 01/01/16 01/01/16 Tanna Island 273 29.000 62 01/01/16 01/06/15 Fergana 133 370. .000 48 01/01/16 01/10/14 All Areas (1 May -14 Dec. Nha Trang 143 3.080 1.000 2.215.800 46 01/11/15 01/04/15 Puerto Ordaz Notes Vietnam (VietNam Dong) Elsewhere Virgin Islands (U.000 58 01/01/16 01/10/14 Hoi An City 128 2.000 57 01/01/16 01/10/14 89 2.560 59 01/01/16 01/08/14 Sana'a 150 54 01/01/16 01/10/14 Da Nang City.30 Apr.000 2.300 16.000 59 01/01/16 01/10/14 Ho Chi Minh City 164 3.687.000 58 01/01/16 01/10/14 Ha Long City 107 2.) 475 475 356 69 01/11/15 01/11/15 Jericho Area 174 680 510 59 01/12/15 01/04/14 The Gaza Strip 180 700 520 57 01/12/15 01/04/14 Elsewhere in the West Bank 160 620 466 56 01/12/15 01/04/14 211 2.687.000 2.889.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Maracaibo 90 570 424 70 01/09/15 01/09/15 Maracay and Valencia 98 620 462 65 01/09/15 01/09/15 Maturin 68 427 320 74 01/09/15 01/09/15 Merida 67 421 316 69 01/09/15 01/09/15 112 700 530 67 01/09/15 01/09/15 Punto Fijo 73 459 344 66 01/09/15 01/09/15 San Cristobal 52 327 245 55 01/09/15 01/09/15 Elsewhere 47 295 222 59 01/09/15 01/09/15 Hanoi 173 3.000 3. Sheba) 220 47.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 1.A) (US Dollar) West Bank (Shekel) Western Sahara (Morocco Dirham) Laayoune Yemen.765.068.000 3. Republic of (Yemeni Rial) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.293.889.200 24.798.) 381 381 286 64 01/11/15 01/11/15 All Areas (15 Dec.500 54 01/11/15 01/04/15 Aden 134 28.300 50 01/11/15 01/04/15 Sana'a (DTF-Former Sheraton) 291 62.158.700 52 01/11/15 01/04/15 Hodeidah 104 22.000 2.000 1.800 64 01/11/15 01/09/15 Sana'a (Movenpick.001.000 57 01/01/16 01/10/14 Can Tho 102 2.405. 1 Pg 51 / 55 .S.731.300 35.000 57 01/01/16 01/10/14 Hai Phong City .877.405. Do Son 128 2.000 59 01/01/16 01/10/14 Hue City 123 2.800 21.500 46.877.000 2. 410 1.000 21.400.030 63 01/01/16 01/12/15 1 Livingstone (Royal Livingstone) 401 4.213.500.400 3.000 53 01/05/15 01/05/15 Mutare 164 24.710 1.050.000 57 01/05/15 01/05/15 1 1 Zambia (Zambian Kwacha (New)) Elsewhere 1 1 Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe Dollar) Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.630 87 01/01/16 01/12/15 1.850.400 59 01/11/15 01/04/15 Taiz (Al-Saeed) 184 39.650.650.000 58 01/05/15 01/05/15 Kariba 171 25.738.900 23.710 67 01/01/16 01/12/15 Livingstone 175 1. David Livingstone.170 1. Lake Kariba. Protea Cairo.950.000 56 01/05/15 01/05/15 Masvingo 159 23.000 22.590 3.700 54 01/11/15 01/04/15 Elsewhere 100 21.050 65 01/01/16 01/12/15 Kitwe 156 1.200 49 01/11/15 01/04/15 Socotra 127 27.225.280 64 01/01/16 01/12/15 Lusaka (Intercontinental Hotel) 418 4.000 17.600 1.520 74 01/01/16 01/12/15 1 Chingola 146 1.000 52 01/05/15 01/05/15 Bulawayo 196 29.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Notes Mukalla (Ramada) 144 30.000 59 01/05/15 01/05/15 Chegutu (Pamuzunda Hotel) 242 36.100 51 01/11/15 01/04/15 Lusaka 208 2.000 19.000 23.888.360 2.740 1.500 29.7 Ndola 159 1.000 27.375. Freshview) 220 2.920 1.670 73 01/01/16 01/12/15 85 930 930 63 01/01/16 01/12/15 Harare 211 31.000 55 01/05/15 01/05/15 Victoria Falls 209 31.220 1.000 18.350.740 70 01/01/16 01/12/15 Siavonga (Lake Safari.463.238.400 1.950.000 17. 1 Pg 52 / 55 .210 65 01/01/16 01/12/15 Chipata 128 1. Taj Pamodzi) 306 3.000 66 01/05/15 01/05/15 Kadoma 173 25.300.700 2.300 65 01/01/16 01/12/15 1 Mpika (Kasanka National Trust) 198 2.600.450.000 23.280 2.440 57 01/01/16 01/12/15 Livingstone (Protea. Southern Sun Ridgeway.450 76 01/01/16 01/12/15 1 Lusaka (Protea Arcade.500 16.140 860 70 01/01/16 01/12/15 Solwezi (Kasanshi.300 20. Royal Solwezi) 202 2.000 53 01/05/15 01/05/15 Nyanga 190 28.810 66 01/01/16 01/12/15 Solwezi 104 1.513.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .000 19.000 59 01/05/15 01/05/15 Beitbridge 153 22. Zambezi Sun) 246 2. Notes 1 Pg 53 / 55 .000 58 01/05/15 01/05/15 Elsewhere 127 19.000 23.000 35.(Currency) Area 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 First 60 First 60 Days Days Local US$ >60 Days Local Room Effective as % Date of d/mm/y DSA Survey Date d/mm/y Victoria Falls (Victoria Falls Hotel) 316 47.050.000 59 01/05/15 01/05/15 Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.000 68 01/05/15 01/05/15 Vumba 207 31.288.400.550.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report Country .288.000 14.050. 11 Angola introduced a new currency. The Park. otherwise the rate indicated for other hotels should apply. 7 Room rate includes all meals.The DSA rates for Mexico are listed by city and state. c'est le taux "ailleurs" qui est applicable. The Park. Taj Ambassador. Hyatt Regency. Le taux résident s'applique aux fonctionnaires internationaux dotés du statut du résident. The HIlton Double Tree. Pg 54 / 55 . Mexique . (Le montant de l'indemnité journalière de subsistance en monnaie locale est indiqué pour raison de cohérence). Oberoi-Gurgaon. Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report.Les taux de l'indemnité journalière de subsistance pour le Mexique sont indiqués par ville et par Etat. Therefore the room as a percentage of DSA figure is not applicable. Taj Palace. These rates apply to the capitals. dollar) applicable to UN travellers. aux grandes villes et aux principales stations touristiques. Trident-Gurgaon.S. Shangri-la. 9 Only the US dollar rate is applicable for the first 60 days. This special rate should be paid upon presentation of hotel receipts and for the actual number of days the official remains in one of the specified hotels. Ce taux spécial ne sera appliqué que sur présentation du reçu de l'hôtel et pour le nombre effectif de jours durant lesquels le officiel séjournera dans l'un des hôtels ainsi désignés.S. dollar rate of DSA is based on a special rate of exchange (1 Peso = 1 U. Ces taux s'appliquent aux capitales. depuis le 1er Janvier 2000. Eros Hotel. le Kwanza. Courtyard by Marriott-Gurgaon. Jaypee Vasant Continental. Le taux applicable après les 60 premiers jours est 75 pour cent du taux des 60 premiers jours. Shangri-la. Ce taux spécial prévu pour certains hôtels n'est pas sujet à la majoration de 15 ou 40 p. 100 pour les officielles des Nations Unies de la classe D-1 et des classes supérieures et ne peut être accordé que si un responsable désigné atteste que l'intéressé ne partage pas une chambre d'hôtel. ITC Maurya Sheraton. The Leela Palace Chanakya Puri. Le Meridien. 100 pour les officielles des Nations Unies de la classe D-1 et des classes supérieures et ne peut être accordé que si un responsable désigné atteste que l'intéressé ne partage pas une chambre d'hôtel et qu'il n'y a pas de place dans les hôtels de la catégorie "bon confort". L'Angola a introduit sa nouvelle monnaie. The smaller cities and rural areas fall under the "elsewhere" rate. This special rate should be paid only upon presentation of hotel receipts and for the actual number of days the official remains in one of the specified hotels. ITC Maurya Sheraton. Trident-Gurgaon. qui diffère du taux de change pratiqué pour les opérations de 1'ONU. The Lalit. The Lalit. Oberoi-Gurgaon. Le Meridien. 2 This special rate for specified hotels is not subject to the 15 or 40 percent addition for United Nations officials in levels D-1 and above and should be approved only after the designated official has certified that the official did not share accommodations. Israel. Cuba . Jaypee Vasant Continental. Taj Palace. Hilton Mayur Vihar. The Leela Palace Chanakya Puri. Dans le cas des villes plus petites et des zones rurales. Metropolitan. Israel. 4 The resident rate applies to International staff with resident status. 3 Cuba . c'est le taux applicable aux autres hôtels qui sera en vigueur. JW Mariott. Ainsi. The Oberoi. Hilton Mayur Vihar. Le prix de chambre d'hôtel inclut tous les repas. Courtyard by Marriott-Gurgaon. dans tous les autres cas. Maidens Hotel. which differs from the UN operational rate of exchange. as of 1 January 2000. and Dustin Devarana Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Claridges.Le montant en dollars de l'indemnité journalière de subsistance est calculé sur la base d'un taux de change spécial (1 peso = 1 dollar des Etats-Unis) applicable aux personnes en voyage autorisé. The HIlton Double Tree. Vivanta by Taj-Gurgaon. Ce taux spécial prévu pour certains hôtels n'est pas sujet à la majoration de 15 ou 40 p. JW Mariott. Metropolitan. otherwise the rate indicated for other hotels should apply. (The local currency rate is shown only for consistency). Seul le taux en dollar des Etats-Unis est applicable pour les 60 premiers jours. c'est le taux applicable aux autres hôtels qui sera en vigueur. the Kwanza. Vivanta by Taj-Gurgaon. Eros Hotel. Radisson Blue. dans tous les autres cas. Hyatt Regency. Radisson Blue. 10 The DSA rate is adjusted in accordance with that of Jerusalem. Ce taux spécial ne sera appliqué que sur présentation du reçu de l'hôtel et pour le nombre effectif de jours durant lesquels le officiel séjournera dans l'un des hôtels ainsi désignés. Le montant de l'indemnité journalière de subsistance est ajusté selon celle de la ville de Jerusalem. Imperial. le prix de chambre d'hôtel en pourcentage de l'indemnité journalière de subsistance ne s'applique pas. Taj Ambassador.International Civil Service Commission DSA Circular Report 1/Jan/2016 Reference:ICSC/CIRC/DSA/488 Seq No Note 1 This special rate for specified hotels is not subject to the 15 or 40 per cent addition for United Nations officials in levels D-1 and above and should be approved only after the designated official has certified that the official did not share accommodations and that good commercial hotels were not available. The "after 60 days" rate is 75 per cent of the "first 60 days" rate. Taj Mahal. 12 The hotels included in this category are the Claridges. 6 Mexico .The U. Imperial. Taj Mahal. The Oberoi. et Dustin Devarana. Maidens Hotel. major cities and large resort areas. 41 The hotels included in this category are the Four Seasons. The Park Plaza. Sea Cliff. Grand Hyatt.Powal et Leela. 40 This rate applies only to the Ngapali Beach area of Thandwe. The Lalit. Sedona and Sule Shangrila. 22 The hotels included in this category are the Affinia Shelburne Murray Hill. Movenpick Hotel and Resort. Hyatt Regency. Khorog. 23 The hotels included in this category are the Affinia Shelburne Murray Hill. 38 The hotels included in this category are the Chattrium. Roger Smith. Hotel 35 et One UN NY Millenium.Veshwantpur. Grand Hyatt. The Westin Mumbai Garden City. Vivanta by Taj Whitefield. 34 The hotels included in this category are the Cascades. Roger Smith. The Elsewhere rate applies for visits to other cities Ce taux s'applique aux villes de Gharm. San Carlos. JW Marriott. Kimberly. Renaissance . The Lalit Ashok. Westin Grand Central (Helmsley). 32 The hotels included in this category are the Cape Grace. Hotel 35 and One UN NY Millenium. Protea Umhlanga Ridge et The Square Boutique Hotel. Westin Grand Central (Helmsley). 20 The hotels included in this category are the Grand Hyatt. Renaissance . Cullinan Southern Sun and Mushroom. Kimberly. Westin Grand Central (Helmsley). San Carlos. Vivanta by Taj MG Road. Vivanta by Taj . Kandawgyi Palace. Pg 55 / 55 . La taux s'applique uniquement pour l'area Ngapali Feach de Thandwe. Hotel Royal Orchid. Bakubung Bush Lodge et Sun City. JW Marriott. San Carlos. Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Gateway Hotel on Residency Road.14 The hotels included in this category are the Apsara. Bakubung Bush Lodge and Sun City. Vivanta by Taj Whitefield.Powal and Leela. Khujand. Kimberly. 21 This rate applies to Gharm. Westin Grand Central (Helmsley). Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Apsara. Le Meridien et Shangri-la. Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Affinia Shelburne Murray Hill. The Lalit Ashok. Serena et Southern Sun. The Park Plaza. Four Seasons Hotel Mumbai.Veshwantpur. Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Affinia Shelburne Murray Hill. Kulyab et Khyjand. Kimberly. Hyatt Regency Dar. The Oberoi. JW Marriott. The Westin Mumbai Garden City. Parkroyal. Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Cape Grace. Leela Palace. Roger Smith. et Vivanta by Taj . Hotel 35 and One UN NY Millenium. Le taux fixé sous la rubrique Tajakistan (ailleurs) s'applique dans toutes les autres villes. Taj Westend. Four Seasons Hotel Mumbai. Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Beverly Hills Umhlanga Rocks. Taj Lands End. Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Chattrium. San Carlos. Trident Nariman Point. Courtyard by Marriott NYC Midtown East. Serena and Southern Sun. Parkroyal. The Oberoi. JW Marriott. Kulyab. Hyatt Regency Dar. Note: Country and Dutystation notes are present at the end of the report. Kandawgyi Palace. Taj Lands End. 24 The hotels included in this category are the Doubletree by Hilton. 33 The hotels included in this category are the Beverly Hills Umhlanga Rocks. Hotel 35 et One UN NY Millenium. Taj Westend. J W Marriott. Courtyard by Marriott NYC Midtown East. Sea Cliff. Trident Nariman Point. Vivanta by Taj MG Road. Taj Mahal Palace & Towers. Kurgan Tube. Sala Prabang et Villa Santi. Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Doubletree by Hilton. Sedona et Sule Shangrila. Grand Hyatt. Taj Mahal Palace & Towers. Khorog. J W Marriott. Hyatt Regency. Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Grand Hyatt. Leela Palace. Kurgan Tube. Hyatt Bangalore MG Road. Grand Hyatt. The Lalit. Grand Luang Prabang. Hyatt Bangalore MG Road. Grand Luang Prabang. Courtyard by Marriott NYC Midtown East. Movenpick Hotel and Resort. Protea Umhlanga Ridge and The Square Boutique Hotel. 19 The hotels included in this category are the Gateway Hotel on Residency Road. Sala Prabang and Villa Santi. Le Meridien and Shangri-la. Roger Smith. Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Cascades. Hotel Royal Orchid. Cullinan Southern Sun et Mushroom. Les hotels inclus dans cette categorie sont Four Seasons. Courtyard by Marriott NYC Midtown East.
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