UMTS Optimization



CS & PSAccess Failure OFR KPI RRC Failure + RAB Failure RRC Failure RAB Failure kpi MO BIL IT Y AC C ESS IB ILIT Y CSSR PS HSDPA R99 RECONFIG SR RB CS SR RRC CS SR RRC SR RRC PS SR RRC SIGN SR DCR AMR E2E RETAINABILITYDCR PS E2E ASU CS SR ASU PS SR CCO PS SR HHO IF OUTGOING CS SR HHO IF PS SR HO ITRAF HSD SR IRAT HO AMR MULTIRAB SR IRAT HO AMR RATIO ASU SR AMR ERLANG TRAFFIC PS HSD TRAFFIC RATIO PS HSU TRAFFIC RATIO AVG 99.88 99.53 99.78 99.86 99.87 99.88 99.86 0.35 2.44 99.96 99.89 94.75 99.63 99.28 97.77 98.80 10.57 14815.56 97.39 65.13 Accessibility Check List S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Checklist in the order of Priority RBS & RNC Hardware\Software Alarms VSWR Issues RTWP Issues Missing Neighbors Faulty Antennas Outages Taking unusual traffic due to issues\outages on neighboring cells Over-propagating MP Load issues Admission Control Blocking ( Due to Adm ) Failures after Admission (pmNoFailedAfterAdm) License Issues Node Blocking TN Blocking Congestion on Control Plane (Iub, Iu, Iur) Congestion on Iub User Plane Failures due to RNC Issues Core Transport Network Congestion Failures due to UE Capability Issues Failures due to Radio Reasons Other Parameters to improve Accessibility Lack Of HW_CE CONGESTION ANALYSIS ( UL & DL ) High UL Noises Retainability Analysis Missing Neighbros 1 DropMissingNcell 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 MOBILITY DropMissingNcell Prop Delay & WNCS One way Neighbros IntraFreq Ngbr count=31? Alarms Alarms Ngbr Cell CPICH Power DropULSyncSpch CPICH Delta UL RSSI 2G neighbors if IRAT enabled? Terrain profile electricalUlDelay Alarms Alarms Ngbr Cell UL RSSI CPICH Power DropSoHoSPch CPICH Delta Prop Delay IUB congestion T1 down time T1 error See if Accesibility issue Alarms Alarms Ngbr Cell SC Collision CPICH Power DropOtherSpch CPICH Delta UL RSSI IUB congestion T1 down time T1 error RRC Failure + RAB Failure RRC Access Failure + RRC Setup Failure RAB Access Failure + RAB Setup Failure kpi CSSR_PS_M HSDPA_R99 reconfig_SR_M RB_CS_SR_M RRC_SSR_CS_M RRC_SSR_M RRC_SSR_PS_M RRC_SSR_Signalling_M DCR_AMR_E2E_M DCR_PS_E2E_M ASU CS_SR_M ASU PS_SR_M CCO_PS_SR_M HHOinterfreq_OUT_CS_SR_M HHOinterfreq_PS_SR_M Intrafreq HO HSD SR_M IRATHO_AMR_MultiRab_SR_M IRATHO_AMR_Ratio_M ASU_SR_M AMR_Erlang_M Ratio PS_HSD_Mbyte vs ALL_Mbyte Ratio PS_HSU_Mbyte vs ALL_Mbyte Source of Information OSS, NodeB, RNC (MOSHELL) MOSHELL MOSHELL, PM Counters WNCS FFAX PM Counters PM Counters PM Counters PM Counters PM Counters PM Counters Alarms, PM Counters PM Counters PM Counters PM Counters PM Counters PM Counters PM Counters PM Counters, GPEH, UETR Traces WMRR PM Counters PM Counters PM Counters KPI Formula =100*((([ReqPsSucc])/([ReqPs]= 100*[pmHsToDchSuccess]/[pmHsToDchAttempt] =100*(([pmNoRabEstablishSuccess].[Speech]+[pm =100*([ReqCsSucc]/([ReqCs]#N/A =100*([ReqPsSucc]/([ReqPs]=100*(([ReqSuccess]-[ReqCsSucc]-[ReqPsSucc]=100*([pmNoSystemRabReleaseSpeech])/([pmNoN =100*([Query 1 with TP Ericsson RNC =100*([pmRlAddSuccessBestCellSpeech]/[pmRlAdd =100*(([pmRlAddSuccessBestCellPacketLow]+[pmR =100*[pmNoOutIratCcSuccess]/[pmNoOutIratCcAtt =100*([InterFreqHoCsSpeech12]+[InterFreqHoCsC =100*([InterFreqHoPsInteractiveLess64]+[InterFreq =100*[pmNoHsCcSuccess]/[pmNoHsCcAttempt] =100*([pmNoSuccessOutIratHoSpeech])/([pmNoAt =100*([pmNoSuccessOutIratHoSpeech])/([pmNoN =100*([pmRlAddSuccessBestCellSpeech]+[pmRlAd =([pmSumBestCs12Establish]+[pmSumBestAmr475 = 100*[pmDlTrafficVolumePsIntHs]/ = 100*[pmUlTrafficVolumePsIntEul]/ Link For Details HW Issue MP Load Due to Adm Failures after Admission License Issues Node Blocking TN Blocking Congestion on Control Plane Congestion on Iub User Plane RNC Issues Core Network Cong UE Issue Radio Reasons Other Parameter Lack of UL HW_ CE UL High RSSI_UL Noise Lack of UL HW_ CE DL Missing Neighbros Missing NBR WNCS Prop Delay & WNCS One way Neighbros IntraFreq Ngbr count=31? Alarms Alarms Ngbr Cell CPICH Power CPICH Delta UL RSSI 2G neighbors if IRAT enabled? Terrain profile electricalUlDelay Alarms Alarms Ngbr Cell UL RSSI CPICH Power CPICH Delta Prop Delay IUB congestion T1 down time T1 error See if Accesibility issue Alarms Alarms Ngbr Cell SC Collision CPICH Power CPICH Delta UL RSSI IUB congestion T1 down time T1 error Missing NBR WNCS Back to Home_1 Admission Control Blocking ( Due to Adm ) Counter Pegged pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdmDlPwr pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdmDlChnlCode pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdmDlHw pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdmUlHw pmNoRejRrcConnMpLoadC pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqHw pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqCsHw pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqPsHw . PmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlPwr pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlCode pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptExceedConnLimit pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlAse pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlAse pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHw . pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHw pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHwBest pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptExceedConnLimit Back to Home_2 Failures after Admission (pmNoFailedAfterAdm ) pmNoFailedAfterAdm Back to Home_3 Iub Congestion Background . Back to Home_3 Back to Home_4 Back to Home_5 > Iub congestion is a common reason for high number of failures after admission events > Depending on the volume of traffic per service or RAB. > All RABs excluding HSDPA are configured to use Class A or Class B being these two mostly impacted by congestion > Most of the time Class B is the first QoS to get congested leading to failures after admission events > Iub congestion could be caused by T1 issues > Missconfigurations of AAL2 profile at the Node B. certain QoS could be congested at the AAL2. RNC or RXI/MSN can lead to Iub congestion Core Transport Network Congestion Background > Accessibility issues are observed on all sites at the RNC without major issues with Iub congestion (especially at peak hour) > Congestion will be observed at Iu-CS (RNC<-->MGW) or Iu-PS (RNC<-->SGSN) links KPIs to monitor TN blocking on the Iub link. when Iub is over ATM Outgoing AAL2 Setup Failure Rate for QoS class X = 100 * (pmUnSuccOutConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSu pmSuccOutConnsRemoteQoSClassX) Incoming AAL2 Setup Failure Rate for QoS class X = 100 * (pmUnSuccInConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSucc pmSuccInConnsRemoteQoSClassX) Total AAL2 Setup Failure Rate for QoS class X = 100 * (pmUnSuccOutConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSuccOu + pmUnSuccOutConnsRemoteQoSClassX + pmUnSuccInConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSuccInConnsRemoteQ Back to Home_6 Failures due to Node Blocking and Transport Network Blocking Counter Pegged Counters 85-93 in Counters sheet Counters 69-84 in Counters sheet . If the number of congestion occu reconfiguration of the signaling link or expansion of the network should be considered. Iur) The purpose of this section is to help predict when network expansion is needed by monitoring congestion All counters should be active continuously to monitor congestion trends. For Iub in general. usually configured as UBR+. Discarded CPS Packet Rate = 100 * pmDiscardedEgressCpsPackets / (pmEgressCpsPackets + pmDiscardedE Back to Home_8 Back to Home_9 Congestion on Iub User Plane Monitor counters from 104 . By monitoring the number of discarded AAL2 CPS packets per AAL2 path due to queue overflow. This would result in Class A and B traffic being considered as hig When QoS separation on AAL2 layer is used it is not possible to monitor the congestion impact per class. expansion of the network could be done by increasing the number of links to an RBS. Not all ET-boards support AAL2 QoS separation. Iu. B and C traffic. then an AAL2 path can be configured to carry traffic of one QoS class If QoS separation on AAL2 layer is used.Counters 69-84 in Counters sheet Back to Home_7 Congestion on Control Plane (Iub. ch Monitor counters from 98-101 in counters sheet. can be done detected. Also verify that the uplink RTWP value for these sites is within acceptable range to isolate the problem due Back to Failures due to UE Issues Home_10 . reconfiguration of the signaling link. C observe the impact of AAL2 queue congestion on the different services. then each AAL2 path can be configured to carry traffic of more tha configured to carry Class A. Configuration of an AAL2 Path to traffic of certain QoS class(es) is done using MO class Aal2PathVccTp with Monitor counters 102-103 from the counters sheet. congestio QoS separation on ATM layer is used. For Iub over ATM specifically.118 from counters sheet HSDPA Frame Loss Rate on the path from SRNC to RBS = 100 * pmHsDataFramesLostSpiXX / (pmHsDataFr EUL Frame Loss Rate on the path from RBS to SRNC = 100 * pmEdchDataFramesLost / (pmEdchDataFrame Frame Loss Rate over Iub for DCH Traffic = 100 * pmDchFramesTooLate / (pmDchFramesReceived * 1000) Failures due to Radio Reasons These failures are mostly RF related and can be split between: • Bad Coverage (Low RSCP) • Interference (Good RSCP & Low Ec/No) Route cause analysis will in most cases require WMRR/drive test analysis. If this is an RNC wide problem it needs to be determine if it is a specific Ue type that is ca Also verify that the uplink RTWP value for these sites is within acceptable range to isolate the problem due Back to Failures due to RNC Issues Home_11 If the counter is showing a step change it might be related to a new software load that was loaded on the R particular sites are showing a high count for this counter investigate if there is any common point of failure availability and BER for T1) Back to Failures due to Hardware Issues Issue Home_12 RSSI (UL Interference) VSWR Errors/Crashes T1 Errors Alarms Cell Unavailability Back to Other Parameters to improve Accessibility Parameter Home_13 minPwrRl (dB) minPwrMax (dB) .Back to Home_10 The cause for this counter can be coverage even though L1 synchronization has been achieved it can still b coverage related. maxFach1Power (dB) spreadingFactor pO3 Back to License Issues Home_14 Parameter pmNoFailedRrcConnectReqCsHw (CS RRC denied .Insufficient Licensed Capacity) Back to Lack of UL HW_ CE UL Parameter Home_15 RRC : pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHwBest RAB : pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackUlHW Back to Lack of DL HW_CE DL Parameter Home_16 . Back to Home_16 RRC : pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHwBest RAB : pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlHW Back to HIGH PROCESSOR LOAD ( Mp LOAD ) Home_17 pmSumMeasuredLoad / pmSamplesMeasuredLoad pmprocessorload Back to High UL Noises Home_18 Parameter RSSI : pmAverageRssi [Low RSSI<-105.High RSSI>-95] Back to Home_19 Missing Neighbor Parameter Missing Neighbor Back to Home_19 DropULSyncSpch Parameter . Back to Home_19 IRAT Drop : Parameter Parameter (usedFreqThresh2dRscp )value change (-112 to -109) .Back to Home_19 Uplink Sync Drop :Investigating the UE TxPwr by WMRR. Troubleshooting and Optimization > > > > > > > > > > > > >> OCNS is deactivated on the cell Feeder length attenuation & TMA parameters are set correctly Check for neighboring cell outages/malfunctions Check if the site is over-propagating pwrAdm . pwrOffset parameters are consistent with baseline values maximumTransmissionPower alligned to maxDlPowerCapability ratio between primaryCpichPower and maximumTransmissionPower Explore IFLS with other Carrier Balance traffic between cells using QOffset1sn and QOffset2sn Enable or Increase Directed Retry to GSM Reduce sf16Adm/sf8Adm Consider changing to 60W RU Add another Carrier cell outages/malfunctions Check for neighboring > > > > > Check if the site is over-propagating Check dlCodeAdm values and see if adjustment possible Reduce 384k Users on DL (sf8Adm ) Reduce HS-PDSCH Codes Reduce HS-SCCH Codes . decrease upswitch attempts.> Check for neighboring cell outages/malfunctions > Check if the site is over-propagating > Check Locked TX Boards > Check hanging CE (restart) > Check HS resource allocation > Check dlHwAdm value and see if adjustment possible > Adjust channel down-switch from DCH to FACH (increase downswitch attempts. results in better usage of resources) > Replace RAX Boards > Increase CE licensing > Add DUW > Check MP load for Main Racks / Extension Sub Racks – High?? > Check for Core Network (Call servers / SGSN ) outages > Re-module Sites > Re-home Sites > Verify/correct individual licensed capacity levels for the node > Check CE usage trends > Verify/correct individual licensed capacity levels for the node > Check CE usage trends > Verify/correct individual licensed capacity levels for the node > Check CE usage trends . results in better usage of resources) > Replace TX Boards > Increase CE licensing > Add DUW > Check for neighboring cell outages/malfunctions > Check if the site is over-propagating > Check Locked RAX Boards > Check hanging CE (restart) > Check EUL resource allocation > Check ulHwAdm value and see if adjustment possible > Adjust channel down-switch from DCH to FACH (increase downswitch attempts. decrease upswitch attempts. decrease upswitch attempts.> > > > > > > > > > > > > OCNS is deactivated on the cell Feeder length attenuation & TMA parameters are set correctly Check for neighboring cell outages/malfunctions Check if the site is over-propagating pwrAdm . pwrOffset parameters are consistent with baseline values maximumTransmissionPower alligned to maxDlPowerCapability ratio between primaryCpichPower and maximumTransmissionPower Explore IFLS with other Carrier Balance traffic between cells using QOffset1sn and QOffset2sn Enable or Increase Directed Retry to GSM Reduce sf16Adm/sf8Adm Consider changing to 60W RU Add another Carrier > > > > > > Check for neighboring cell outages/malfunctions Check if the site is over-propagating Check dlCodeAdm values and see if adjustment possible Reduce 384k Users on DL (sf8Adm ) Reduce HS-PDSCH Codes Reduce HS-SCCH Codes ConnLimit > Verify settings for aseDlAdm > Check for traffic load on the cell > Check if the site is over-propagating > Optimize radio network to reduce interference / pilot pollution > Verify settings for aseUlAdm > Check for traffic load on the cell > Check if the site is over-propagating > Optimize radio network to reduce interference / pilot pollution > Check for neighboring cell outages/malfunctions > Check if the site is over-propagating > Check Locked TX Boards > Check hanging CE (restart) > Check HS resource allocation > Check dlHwAdm value and see if adjustment possible > Adjust channel down-switch from DCH to FACH (increase downswitch attempts. results in better usage of resources) > Replace TX Boards > Increase CE licensing > Add DUW . results in better usage of resources) > Replace RAX Boards > Increase CE licensing > Add DUW > Verify Admission settings / Usage trends for different SF RAB > Fine tune parameter settings to maintain balance between accessibility & throughput oFailedAfterAdm ) The counter pmNoFailedAfterAdm is generally pegged for the reasons stated below : > NBAP RL setup failure (RAX or TXB congestion) > AAL2 setup failure (due to congestion or miss configuration) > Channel Code Allocation Failure (code not available) Action: Check and remove TAX/RAX Board congestion Check and upgrade IUB link in case of congestion Check and clear Hardware issues Check and clear Iub Link outages. results in better usage of resources) > Replace TX Boards > Increase CE licensing > Add DUW > Check for neighboring cell outages/malfunctions > Check if the site is over-propagating > Check Locked RAX Boards > Check hanging CE (restart) > Check EUL resource allocation > Check ulHwAdm value and see if adjustment possible > Adjust channel down-switch from DCH to FACH (increase downswitch attempts. decrease upswitch attempts.> Check if the site is over-propagating > Check Locked TX Boards > Check hanging CE (restart) > Check HS resource allocation > Check dlHwAdm value and see if adjustment possible > Adjust channel down-switch from DCH to FACH (increase downswitch attempts. decrease upswitch attempts. Indicators . > Expand TN bandwidth > Check T1 Errors > Check Locked T1s > Check Iub/TD (Vc/Vp) Mismatches > Share Traffic with Nbr or Escalate for expansion > Reduce CPICH or Tilt to take less traffic .> Check for congestion at the Iub link > Check for T1 issues and history of alarms of T1s (for intermittent T1 alarms) Indicators > Signalling bearer rab (SRB) issues for either CS or PS would increment on these cases. > SRB failures for CS: 1-(pmNoIuSigEstablishSuccessCs / pmNoIuSigEstablishAttemptCs).etc) n the Iub link. > SRB failures for PS: 1-(pmNoIuSigEstablishSuccessPs / pmNoIuSigEstablishAttemptPs) > Congestion will be observed at Aal2 access point (Aal2Ap) entity starting with “g” (note: Aal2Ap entities starting with “b” correspond to node b. when Iub is over ATM ass X = 100 * (pmUnSuccOutConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSuccOutConnsRemoteQoSClassX) / (pmUnSuccOutConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmU ass X = 100 * (pmUnSuccInConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSuccInConnsRemoteQoSClassX) / (pmUnSuccInConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSuc X = 100 * (pmUnSuccOutConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSuccOutConnsRemoteQoSClassX + pmUnSuccInConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSuccI mUnSuccInConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSuccInConnsRemoteQoSClassX + pmSuccOutConnsRemoteQoSClassX + pmSuccInConnsRemoteQ and Transport Network Blocking Troubleshooting and Optimization > Check for node configuration error. node limitations or transport network layer service unavailability (T1 related issues which can be checked from T1 error counters) to identify the main cause for these failures > Check for congestion on user plane (AAL2)/ control plane (UniSaal /SCTP) for IuB resources. starting with “r” corresponds for Iur links. . the following counters cannot be used for tuning of different t n on the different services. rtain QoS class(es) is done using MO class Aal2PathVccTp with attribute SupportedQoSClasses. on. can be done by increasing the MCR for the VC carrying NBAP-C. A high CPS packet discard rate for this AAL2 path indicates congestion each AAL2 path can be configured to carry traffic of more than one class but the different classes can be prioritized into two levels. Iur (RNSAP and Q. of the signaling link. Iu.2630) monitor congestion trends.> Check for congestion on user plane (AAL2)/ control plane (UniSaal /SCTP) for IuB resources. Consequently. dedEgressCpsPackets / (pmEgressCpsPackets + pmDiscardedEgressCpsPackets) ers sheet NC to RBS = 100 * pmHsDataFramesLostSpiXX / (pmHsDataFramesLostSpiXX + pmHsDataFramesReceivedSpiXX) o SRNC = 100 * pmEdchDataFramesLost / (pmEdchDataFramesLost + pmEdchDataFramesReceived) 00 * pmDchFramesTooLate / (pmDchFramesReceived * 1000) be split between: e WMRR/drive test analysis.2630). For ex is would result in Class A and B traffic being considered as higher priority and Class C being considered as lower priority. t is not possible to monitor the congestion impact per class. ese sites is within acceptable range to isolate the problem due to uplink issues. Congestion on Iub per AAL2 Path CPS packets per AAL2 path due to queue overflow. eet. > Expand TN bandwidth > Check T1 Errors > Check Locked T1s > Check Iub/TD (Vc/Vp) Mismatches > Share Traffic with Nbr or Escalate for expansion > Reduce CPICH or Tilt to take less traffic > Increase Directed Retry to Offload to GSM > Check IuCs/IuPS ub. congestion per AAL2 Path can be ascertained. Iur) when network expansion is needed by monitoring congestion on the control plane of the Iub (NBAP and Q. usually configured as UBR+. NBAP-D and/or Q. If the discard rate is consistently high it AAL2 path can be configured to carry traffic of one QoS class only. sheet.2630 could be done by increasing the number of links to an RBS. changing the physical links to increase capacity or adding a new RBS. If the number of congestion occurrences and discarded messages tends to be consistently high for the contro sion of the network should be considered. If only one site is showing em it needs to be determine if it is a specific Ue type that is causing the problem. To trouble shoot these problem it will require in-d his counter investigate if there is any common point of failure for these cells ( Same RNC. Parameter minPwrRl (dB) sets this value per cell and it is relative to primary CPICH power in a cell.8 Kbps) Conversational Circuit Switch Speech AMR 12. this will require advance analysis with the help of GPEH.ven though L1 synchronization has been achieved it can still be that a sudden loss in coverage was experienced.7 Kbps) Standalone Signaling Radio Bearers (14. it is very sensitive to various interference. minPwrMax is a utrancell parameter that defines the maximum power per Radio Link relative to CPICH power where Radio Link bit rates are equal to or below minimumRate. ht be related to a new software load that was loaded on the RNC or core network side. same Transmission path/ hardware) Also invest Troubleshooting and Optimization > Check Attenuation/Losses > TMA Check > Verify RFDS > External Interference > Restart Board > Cold Restart Node Escalate Accessibility Description If the power of a radio link is very low. ese sites is within acceptable range to isolate the problem due to uplink issues. To avoid the Power Control function (more information can be found in Power Control) decreasing the power too much due to temporary good radio conditions.2 Kbps (15. . a minimum DL transmitted code power value is configured. Connections that fall into this range are: Signaling Radio Bearers (3.9 Kbps) Maximum DL transmitted code power must not be set to a lower value than the minPwrRl . 00 dB 1: 0.25 dB Description # CS calls denied by admission control due to insufficient licensed capacity in the RBS. Power offset for the pilot bits.. Reduce the values for sf4AdmUl. sf16AdmUl. The first FACH is used for logical channels BCCH. relative to the primaryCpichPower value. and DCCH control signaling. Value mapping: 0: 0.25 dB . Minimum spreading factor to use for PRACH. 24: 6. Switch off the 2ms TTI for EUL eulServingCellUsersAdmTti2 Send more traffic to GSM if GSM is not congested Change Directed Retry to GSM loadSharingGsmThreshold Increase UlHwAdm Troubleshooting and Optimization . CCCH.Tune the ulLicFractBbPool2 Recommend for CE addtion.. Troubleshooting and Optimization ADMISSION REJECTION : CE Usage > Available CEs in DUW Action: Check availableRbsChannelElementsUplink & licenseCapacityRbsChannelElementsUplink Rejection in only one DUW (out of available two DUWs) . Value mapping: 32: TTI = 10 ms.defines the maximum power used for transmitting the first FACH channel. 64: TTI = 20 ms.00 dB Unit: 0. sf8AdmUl. Analyze existing neighbors with 3G-3G cell relation report. Troubleshooting and Optimization . Send more traffic to GSM if GSM is not congested Change Directed Retry to GSM loadSharingGsmThreshold Increase DlHwAdm Action Terminate MRR Recording Turn off unnecessary traces change reportingRange1a from 6 to 4. Check Propagation Delay to detect & down tilt the overshooting cells. sf8Adm. and timeToTrigger1c from 11 to 12 Incase of IUB congestion.Tune the dlLicFractBbPool2 Recommend for CE addtion. Analyze cell coverage by RF Planning tool /Drive Test data Plots. Reduce the values for sf4Adm. Check and upgrade IUB Troubleshooting and Optimization Defective TMA and antenna Faulty Hardware Increase in traffic mainly EUL traffic Troubleshooting and Optimization Check neighbor cell availability. reportingRange1b from 10 to 8. sf16Adm.ADMISSION REJECTION : CE Usage > Available CEs in DUW Action: Check availableRbsChannelElementsDownlink & licenseCapacityRbsChannelElementsDownlink Rejection in only one DUW (out of available two DUWs) . Add suggested Neighbors cell with WNCS/GPEH/Drive Test data. usedFreqThresh2dRscp . qRxLevMin. Parameter tuning like rlFailureT & nOutSyncInd as mentioned in the Slide No: 15. BCCH. LAC. Analyze cell coverage by Propagation delay counter. GSM coverage area verification for IRAT neighbors.Uplink Sync Drop :Investigating the UE TxPwr by WMRR. CI…) Selection Priority the neighbor list based on distance and attempt. Troubleshooting and Optimization Neighbor list optimization. Check UL-RSSI issues. Consistency check for external GSM cell (BSIC. usedFreqThresh2dEcno. Check parameter setting : hoType. Parameters that can be tuned > Increase pwrAdm (75. 80.10.5 & 3) considering the Total Non HS Power Utilization and SHO factor > Fine tune QOffset1sn and QOffset2sn to balance traffic > Reduce sf16Adm (16) /sf8 (8) Adm > Allign maximumTransmissionPower with maxDlPowerCapability > loadSharingGsmFraction (100) ----> specifies the percentage of Directed Retry candidates to be diverted to GSM while the cell load is above the specified load threshold > loadSharingGsmThreshold (75) ---> specifies the minimum load at which offloading to GSM begins: ex 80% of pwrAdm > > > > > > > > > > > dlCodeAdm----> (80. 90 & 95) sf8Adm----sf16Adm sf32Adm sf16gAdm sf4AdmUl sf8AdmUl sf16AdmUl sf8gAdmUl hsdpaUsersAdm eulServingCellUsersAdm . 85. 90 & 95) and reduce pwrOffset (15. > dlHwAdm ----> (95) > dlLicFractBbPool2 > ulHwAdm -----> (95) > ulLicFractBbPool2 . > > > > > > Increase pwrAdm and reduce pwrOffset considering the Total Non HS Power Utilization and SHO factor Fine tune QOffset1sn and QOffset2n to balance traffic Reduce sf16Adm/sf8Adm Allign maximumTransmissionPower with maxDlPowerCapability loadSharingGsmFraction loadSharingGsmThreshold > > > > > > > > > > > dlCodeAdm sf8Adm sf16Adm sf32Adm sf16gAdm sf4AdmUl sf8AdmUl sf16AdmUl sf8gAdmUl hsdpaUsersAdm eulServingCellUsersAdm > aseDlAdm > aseUlAdm > dlHwAdm > dlLicFractBbPool2 . RNC or RBS invalid parameter settings Solutions .> dlLicFractBbPool2 > ulHwAdm > ulLicFractBbPool2 Description : Number of Radio Resource Control (RRC) or Radio Access Bearer (RAB) establishment requests failed after being admitted by admission control. REASONS:Failures due to RAXB congestion Failures due to TXB congestion DL Channel code alloc Failure RRC and RAB establishment failures which occur after admission control can be due to Iub transport Network blocking Node blocking NBAP RL setup failure (RAX or TXB congestion) Channel Code Allocation Failure (code not available) Core transport network congestion or failures timeout in the UE. R99 data. etc) Solutions > This issue will require support from the client in order to determine high utilisation over Iu-CS and Iu-PS links QoSClassX) / (pmUnSuccOutConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSuccOutConnsRemoteQoSClassX + ClassX) / (pmUnSuccInConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSuccInConnsRemoteQoSClassX + lassX + pmUnSuccInConnsLocalQoSClassX + pmUnSuccInConnsRemoteQoSClassX) / (pmUnSuccOutConnsLocalQoSClassX OutConnsRemoteQoSClassX + pmSuccInConnsRemoteQoSClassX) Parameters that can be tuned . RNC and RXI or MSN (AAL2 profile must match in all three entities) > Order new T1s (long term solution) > Change AAL2 QoS configuration depending on services request volume (CS voice.> Enable Directed retry (short term solution) > Correct possible AAL2 miss configuration at Node B. HSDPA. HsDataFramesReceivedSpiXX) FramesReceived) . not just high during short peak periods. If the discard rate is consistently high it indicates an under dimensioning problem with the AAL2 path. one configurable option is to have an AAL2 Path s C being considered as lower priority.of the Iub (NBAP and Q.2630) or Iu (RANAP and Q.2630) link. NBAP-D and/or Q.2630). then either CR for the VC carrying NBAP-C. owing counters cannot be used for tuning of different traffic types and additional counters should be monitored to QoSClasses. depending on which UniSaalTp the congestions are nks to increase capacity or adding a new RBS. ifferent classes can be prioritized into two levels. Iur (RNSAP and Q. For example. If ket discard rate for this AAL2 path indicates congestion for that traffic class. d messages tends to be consistently high for the control plane.2630 traffic. per AAL2 Path be ascertained. UETR & CTR side.n coverage was experienced.g 30) . Rule of Thumb minPwrRl = max DL Tx Power – primaryCpichPower – 25 Increase minPwrMax from the default value in case DL power is not limiting (e. If only one site is showing a high count for this counter the most likely cause is that it is his will require advance analysis with the help of GPEH.g -150) can tune it to -100. same Transmission path/ hardware) Also investigate if the T1 for these sites are error free (Look at the cell Recommendation Increase minPwrRl from the default value in case DL power is not limiting (e. If only e RNC. To trouble shoot these problem it will require in-depth analysis on the RNC which should be done by Tier 2. g 38) Change spreadingFactor for RACH from 64 to 32 Note that setting spreadingFactor = 32 may reduce RACH coverage. Change pO3 to 0 (0 dB) Recommendation Incremented by one when an RRC connection request with cause Originating Conversational Call. i. or emergency call is denied by admission control due to insufficient licensed capacity in the RBS. which sets the power level for the RACH message based on the received preamble power The parameter pO3 sets the power offset between pilot bits and data bits in the downlink. The A-DCH power can be substantial in cells with many HSDPA users . Terminating Conversational call. downlink interference is lowered. Previous field trials have shown very positive effects on used A-DCH power in the downlink.Increase maxFach1Power from the default value in case DL power is not limiting (e. If this is seen it is recommended to tune parameter powerOffsetPpm .e. Parameters that can be tuned Parameters that can be tuned . The reduced power consumption also has a positive effect on downlink interference. The change improves HSDPA performance since less non-HS power is used in the downlink. Mapinfo.Mcom Parameters that can be tuned .SPECIAL CHECK (for Hybrid & IP Nodes) DlCreditUsage != AvgDLCEUsage RECOMMENDATION: IUB Reset Parameters that can be tuned Action: Reduce OwnUuload and RotCoverage (if EUL throughput is currently good. set sf8AdmUl to 0 (if (not already done) reduce compModeAdm in outdoor cells Consider increasing CPICH of indoor sites Parameters that can be tuned WNCS Analysis. otherewise we will be reducing EUL thp to an unacceptable level) to 80 and 100 respectively Reduce aseUlAdm Set Sf4AdminUl to 0. PARAMETERS FOR TUNING To Reduce Drops due to UlSynch. . After the implementation of the CR_81 on 31st on Oct the drop rate is reduced. can tune the parameters " rlFailureT " and “nOutSyncInd " For eg: A Cell is tuned with rlFailureT ( from 10 to 50) and nOutSyncInd (from 10 to 50) has shown a 20% improvement in Speech Drop Rate Parameters that can be tuned PARAMETERS FOR TUNING – (UsedFreqThresh2dRscp) GPEH analysis shown IRAT Drops were happening in Weaker Coverage Area. In site VIEUX_LILLE_NORD_TEMP_U11 having high number of drop. Increase the value for pwrAdm + pwrOffset and could be less than 100% Optimize the parametrs minPwrRl.ACTion plan Check and align the Power parameters & DL attenuation parameters. sf8Adm. minPwrMax. maximumTransmissionPower. interPwrMax. maxPwrMax. then check neighbor cells and try to off load traffic by reducing cpich (-1 db) and adjust Qoffset values Do physical optimization incase of overshooting FAILURE Counters: RRC : pmNoRrcReqDeniedAdmDlChnlCode RAB : pmNoFailedRabEstAttemptLackDlChnlCode CRITERIA ADMISSION REJECTION : code > dlcodeadm Action: Increase dlCodeAdm from 90 to as high as 95 Decrease pwrLoadThresholdDlSpeech.amr12200 from 50 to possibly as low as 0 Reduce NumHsScchCode (3 -----> 1) Reduce NumHsPdschCode (1 reduce it if value is more than 1) Reduce the values for sf4Adm. sf16Adm to free some codes for other uses Carrier addition SPECIAL CHECK (for Hybrid & IP Nodes) UlCreditUsage != AvgULCEUsage ACTION: IUB Reset . If 2nd carrier cell is not congested then share traffic by Qoffset (Idle mode) If 2nd carrier is congestion also. . . . . . . . . . umTransmissionPower. by reducing cpich (-1 db) and Carrier addition . . . . . . . . . . . .• pathlossThresholdEulTti2 & threshEulTti2Ecno parameters can be Accessibility where inter-site distance is high and the main reason conditions. o parameters can be tuned to improve EUL and HS and the main reason for rejections is poor radio .
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